ref: c3fe209191b7286af98597151ee8fdf2144bc1ee
dir: /src/pt2_sampling.c/
/* Experimental audio sampling support. ** There may be several bad practices here, as I don't really ** have the proper knowledge on this stuff. ** ** Some functions like sin() may be different depending on ** math library implementation, but we don't use pt2_math.c ** replacements for speed reasons. */ // for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_sampler.h" #include "pt2_visuals.h" #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_bmp.h" #include "pt2_audio.h" #include "pt2_tables.h" #include "pt2_config.h" #include "pt2_sampling.h" #include "pt2_math.h" // PT2_PI #include "pt2_replayer.h" enum { SAMPLE_LEFT = 0, SAMPLE_RIGHT = 1, SAMPLE_MIX = 2 }; // this may change after opening the audio input device #define SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 // after several tests, these values yields a good trade-off between quality and compute time #define SINC_TAPS 64 #define SINC_TAPS_BITS 6 /* log2(SINC_TAPS) */ #define SINC_PHASES 4096 #define MID_TAP ((SINC_TAPS/2)*SINC_PHASES) #define SAMPLE_PREVIEW_WITDH 194 #define SAMPLE_PREVIEW_HEIGHT 38 #define MAX_INPUT_DEVICES 99 #define VISIBLE_LIST_ENTRIES 4 static volatile bool callbackBusy, displayingBuffer, samplingEnded; static bool audioDevOpen; static char *audioInputDevs[MAX_INPUT_DEVICES]; static uint8_t samplingNote = 33, samplingFinetune = 4; // period 124, max safe period for PAL Paula static int16_t displayBuffer[SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE]; static int32_t samplingMode = SAMPLE_MIX, inputFrequency, roundedOutputFrequency; static int32_t numAudioInputDevs, audioInputDevListOffset, selectedDev; static int32_t bytesSampled, maxSamplingLength, inputBufferSize; static double dOutputFrequency, *dSincTable, *dKaiserTable, *dSamplingBuffer, *dSamplingBufferOrig; static SDL_AudioDeviceID recordDev; /* ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Sinc code taken from the OpenMPT project (has a similar BSD license), and modified ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static double Izero(double y) // Compute Bessel function Izero(y) using a series approximation { double s = 1.0, ds = 1.0, d = 0.0; const double epsilon = 1E-9; // 8bb: 1E-7 -> 1E-9 for added precision (still fast to calculate) do { d = d + 2.0; ds = ds * (y * y) / (d * d); s = s + ds; } while (ds > epsilon * s); return s; } bool initKaiserTable(void) // called once on tracker init { dKaiserTable = (double *)malloc(SINC_TAPS * SINC_PHASES * sizeof (double)); if (dKaiserTable == NULL) { showErrorMsgBox("Out of memory!"); return false; } const double beta = 9.6377; const double izeroBeta = Izero(beta); for (int32_t i = 0; i < SINC_TAPS*SINC_PHASES; i++) { double fkaiser; int32_t ix = (SINC_TAPS-1) - (i & (SINC_TAPS-1)); ix = (ix * SINC_PHASES) + (i >> SINC_TAPS_BITS); if (ix == MID_TAP) { fkaiser = 1.0; } else { const double x = (ix - MID_TAP) * (1.0 / SINC_PHASES); const double xMul = 1.0 / ((SINC_TAPS/2) * (SINC_TAPS/2)); fkaiser = Izero(beta * sqrt(1.0 - x * x * xMul)) / izeroBeta; } dKaiserTable[i] = fkaiser; } return true; } void freeKaiserTable(void) { if (dKaiserTable != NULL) { free(dKaiserTable); dKaiserTable = NULL; } } // calculated after completion of sampling (before downsampling) static bool initSincTable(double cutoff) { dSincTable = (double *)malloc(SINC_TAPS * SINC_PHASES * sizeof (double)); if (dSincTable == NULL) return false; if (cutoff > 1.0) cutoff = 1.0; const double kPi = PT2_PI * cutoff; for (int32_t i = 0; i < SINC_TAPS*SINC_PHASES; i++) { double fsinc; int32_t ix = (SINC_TAPS-1) - (i & (SINC_TAPS-1)); ix = (ix * SINC_PHASES) + (i >> SINC_TAPS_BITS); if (ix == MID_TAP) { fsinc = 1.0; } else { const double x = (ix - MID_TAP) * (1.0 / SINC_PHASES); const double xPi = x * kPi; fsinc = (sin(xPi) / xPi) * dKaiserTable[i]; } dSincTable[i] = fsinc * cutoff; } return true; } static void freeSincTable(void) { if (dSincTable != NULL) { free(dSincTable); dSincTable = NULL; } } static double sinc(const double *dSmpData, const double dPhase) { const int32_t phase = (int32_t)(dPhase * SINC_PHASES); const double *dSincLUT = &dSincTable[phase << SINC_TAPS_BITS]; double dSmp = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < SINC_TAPS; i++) dSmp += dSmpData[i] * dSincLUT[i]; return dSmp; } /* ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void listAudioDevices(void); static void updateOutputFrequency(void) { if (samplingNote > 35) samplingNote = 35; int32_t period = periodTable[((samplingFinetune & 0xF) * 37) + samplingNote]; if (period < 113) // also happens in our "set period" Paula function period = 113; dOutputFrequency = (double)PAULA_PAL_CLK / period; roundedOutputFrequency = (int32_t)(dOutputFrequency + 0.5); } static void SDLCALL samplingCallback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { callbackBusy = true; if (!displayingBuffer) { if (len > SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE) len = SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE; const int16_t *L = (int16_t *)stream; const int16_t *R = ((int16_t *)stream) + 1; int16_t *dst16 = displayBuffer; if (samplingMode == SAMPLE_LEFT) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dst16[i] = L[i << 1]; } else if (samplingMode == SAMPLE_RIGHT) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dst16[i] = R[i << 1]; } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dst16[i] = (L[i << 1] + R[i << 1]) >> 1; } } if (audio.isSampling) { if (bytesSampled+len > maxSamplingLength) len = maxSamplingLength - bytesSampled; if (len > inputBufferSize) len = inputBufferSize; const int16_t *L = (int16_t *)stream; const int16_t *R = ((int16_t *)stream) + 1; double *dSmp = &dSamplingBuffer[bytesSampled]; if (samplingMode == SAMPLE_LEFT) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dSmp[i] = L[i << 1] * (1.0 / 32768.0); } else if (samplingMode == SAMPLE_RIGHT) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dSmp[i] = R[i << 1] * (1.0 / 32768.0); } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) dSmp[i] = (L[i << 1] + R[i << 1]) * (1.0 / (32768.0 * 2.0)); } bytesSampled += len; if (bytesSampled >= maxSamplingLength) { audio.isSampling = true; samplingEnded = true; } } callbackBusy = false; (void)userdata; } static void stopInputAudio(void) { if (recordDev > 0) { SDL_CloseAudioDevice(recordDev); recordDev = 0; } callbackBusy = false; } static void startInputAudio(void) { SDL_AudioSpec want, have; if (recordDev > 0) stopInputAudio(); if (numAudioInputDevs == 0 || selectedDev >= numAudioInputDevs) { audioDevOpen = false; return; } assert(roundedOutputFrequency > 0); memset(&want, 0, sizeof (SDL_AudioSpec)); want.freq = config.audioInputFrequency; want.format = AUDIO_S16; want.channels = 2; want.callback = samplingCallback; want.userdata = NULL; want.samples = SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE; recordDev = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(audioInputDevs[selectedDev], true, &want, &have, 0); audioDevOpen = (recordDev != 0); inputFrequency = have.freq; inputBufferSize = have.samples; SDL_PauseAudioDevice(recordDev, false); } static void selectAudioDevice(int32_t dev) { if (dev < 0) return; if (numAudioInputDevs == 0) { listAudioDevices(); return; } if (dev >= numAudioInputDevs) return; listAudioDevices(); stopInputAudio(); selectedDev = dev; listAudioDevices(); startInputAudio(); changeStatusText(ui.statusMessage); } void renderSampleMonitor(void) { blit32(120, 44, 200, 55, sampleMonitorBMP); memset(displayBuffer, 0, sizeof (displayBuffer)); } void freeAudioDeviceList(void) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < numAudioInputDevs; i++) { if (audioInputDevs[i] != NULL) { free(audioInputDevs[i]); audioInputDevs[i] = NULL; } } } static void scanAudioDevices(void) { freeAudioDeviceList(); numAudioInputDevs = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices(true); if (numAudioInputDevs > MAX_INPUT_DEVICES) numAudioInputDevs = MAX_INPUT_DEVICES; for (int32_t i = 0; i < numAudioInputDevs; i++) { const char *deviceName = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, true); if (deviceName == NULL) { numAudioInputDevs--; // hide device continue; } const uint32_t stringLen = (uint32_t)strlen(deviceName); audioInputDevs[i] = (char *)malloc(stringLen + 2); if (audioInputDevs[i] == NULL) break; if (stringLen > 0) strcpy(audioInputDevs[i], deviceName); audioInputDevs[i][stringLen+1] = '\0'; // UTF-8 needs double null termination (XXX: citation needed) } audioInputDevListOffset = 0; // reset scroll position if (selectedDev >= numAudioInputDevs) selectedDev = 0; } static void listAudioDevices(void) { fillRect(3, 219, 163, 33, PAL_BACKGRD); if (numAudioInputDevs == 0) { textOut(16, 219+13, "NO DEVICES FOUND!", video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); return; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < VISIBLE_LIST_ENTRIES; i++) { const int32_t dev = audioInputDevListOffset+i; if (audioInputDevListOffset+i >= numAudioInputDevs) break; if (dev == selectedDev) fillRect(4, 219+1+(i*(FONT_CHAR_H+3)), 161, 8, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG2]); if (audioInputDevs[dev] != NULL) textOutTightN(2+2, 219+2+(i*(FONT_CHAR_H+3)), audioInputDevs[dev], 23, video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } } static void drawSamplingNote(void) { assert(samplingNote < 36); const char *str = config.accidental ? noteNames2[2+samplingNote]: noteNames1[2+samplingNote]; textOutBg(262, 230, str, video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); } static void drawSamplingFinetune(void) { textOutBg(254, 219, ftuneStrTab[samplingFinetune & 0xF], video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); } static void drawSamplingFrequency(void) { char str[16]; sprintf(str, "%05dHZ", roundedOutputFrequency); const int32_t maxSafeFrequency = (int32_t)(PAL_PAULA_MAX_SAFE_HZ + 0.5); // rounded textOutBg(262, 208, str, roundedOutputFrequency <= maxSafeFrequency ? video.palette[PAL_GENTXT] : 0x8C0F0F, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); } static void drawSamplingModeCross(void) { // clear old crosses fillRect(4, 208, 6, 5, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); fillRect(51, 208, 6, 5, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); fillRect(105, 208, 6, 5, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); int16_t x; if (samplingMode == SAMPLE_LEFT) x = 3; else if (samplingMode == SAMPLE_RIGHT) x = 50; else x = 104; charOut(x, 208, 'X', video.palette[PAL_GENTXT]); } static void showCurrSample(void) { updateCurrSample(); // reset sampler screen attributes sampler.loopStartPos = 0; sampler.loopEndPos = 0; editor.markStartOfs = -1; editor.markEndOfs = -1; editor.samplePos = 0; hideSprite(SPRITE_LOOP_PIN_LEFT); hideSprite(SPRITE_LOOP_PIN_RIGHT); renderSampleData(); } void renderSamplingBox(void) { changeStatusText("PLEASE WAIT ..."); flipFrame(); hpc_ResetCounters(&video.vblankHpc); editor.sampleZero = false; editor.blockMarkFlag = false; // remove all open screens (except sampler) if (ui.diskOpScreenShown || ui.posEdScreenShown || ui.editOpScreenShown) { ui.diskOpScreenShown = false; ui.posEdScreenShown = false; ui.editOpScreenShown = false; displayMainScreen(); } setStatusMessage("ALL RIGHT", DO_CARRY); blit32(0, 203, 320, 52, samplingBoxBMP); updateOutputFrequency(); drawSamplingNote(); drawSamplingFinetune(); drawSamplingFrequency(); drawSamplingModeCross(); renderSampleMonitor(); scanAudioDevices(); selectAudioDevice(selectedDev); showCurrSample(); modStop(); editor.songPlaying = false; editor.playMode = PLAY_MODE_NORMAL; editor.currMode = MODE_IDLE; pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_IDLE, DO_CARRY); } static int32_t scrPos2SmpBufPos(int32_t x) // x = 0..SAMPLE_PREVIEW_WITDH { return (x * ((SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE << 16) / SAMPLE_PREVIEW_WITDH)) >> 16; } static uint8_t getDispBuffPeak(const int16_t *smpData, int32_t smpNum) { int32_t smpAbs, max = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < smpNum; i++) { const int32_t smp = smpData[i]; smpAbs = ABS(smp); if (smpAbs > max) max = smpAbs; } max = ((max * SAMPLE_PREVIEW_HEIGHT) + 32768) >> 16; if (max > (SAMPLE_PREVIEW_HEIGHT/2)-1) max = (SAMPLE_PREVIEW_HEIGHT/2)-1; return (uint8_t)max; } void writeSampleMonitorWaveform(void) // called every frame { if (!ui.samplingBoxShown || ui.askBoxShown) return; if (samplingEnded) { samplingEnded = false; stopSampling(); } // clear waveform background fillRect(123, 58, SAMPLE_PREVIEW_WITDH, SAMPLE_PREVIEW_HEIGHT, video.palette[PAL_BACKGRD]); if (!audioDevOpen) { textOutTight(136, 74, "CAN'T OPEN AUDIO DEVICE!", video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); return; } uint32_t *centerPtr = &video.frameBuffer[(76 * SCREEN_W) + 123]; // hardcoded for a buffer size of 512 displayingBuffer = true; for (int32_t x = 0; x < SAMPLE_PREVIEW_WITDH; x++) { int32_t smpIdx = scrPos2SmpBufPos(x); int32_t smpNum = scrPos2SmpBufPos(x+1) - smpIdx; if (smpIdx+smpNum >= SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE) smpNum = SAMPLING_BUFFER_SIZE - smpIdx; const int32_t smpAbs = getDispBuffPeak(&displayBuffer[smpIdx], smpNum); if (smpAbs == 0) centerPtr[x] = video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]; else vLine(x + 123, 76 - smpAbs, (smpAbs << 1) + 1, video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } displayingBuffer = false; } void removeSamplingBox(void) { stopInputAudio(); freeAudioDeviceList(); ui.aboutScreenShown = false; editor.blockMarkFlag = false; displayMainScreen(); updateVisualizer(); // kludge // re-render sampler screen exitFromSam(); samplerScreen(); } static void startSampling(void) { if (!audioDevOpen) { displayErrorMsg("DEVICE ERROR !"); return; } assert(roundedOutputFrequency > 0); maxSamplingLength = (int32_t)(ceil(((double)config.maxSampleLength*inputFrequency) / dOutputFrequency)) + 1; const int32_t allocLen = (SINC_TAPS/2) + maxSamplingLength + (SINC_TAPS/2); dSamplingBufferOrig = (double *)malloc(allocLen * sizeof (double)); if (dSamplingBufferOrig == NULL) { statusOutOfMemory(); return; } dSamplingBuffer = dSamplingBufferOrig + (SINC_TAPS/2); // allow negative look-up for sinc taps // clear tap area before sample memset(dSamplingBufferOrig, 0, (SINC_TAPS/2) * sizeof (double)); bytesSampled = 0; audio.isSampling = true; samplingEnded = false; turnOffVoices(); pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_RECORD, NO_CARRY); setStatusMessage("SAMPLING ...", NO_CARRY); } static int32_t downsampleSamplingBuffer(void) { // clear tap area after sample memset(&dSamplingBuffer[bytesSampled], 0, (SINC_TAPS/2) * sizeof (double)); const int32_t readLength = bytesSampled; const double dRatio = dOutputFrequency / inputFrequency; int32_t writeLength = (int32_t)(readLength * dRatio); if (writeLength > config.maxSampleLength) writeLength = config.maxSampleLength; double *dBuffer = (double *)malloc(writeLength * sizeof (double)); if (dBuffer == NULL) { statusOutOfMemory(); return -1; } if (!initSincTable(dRatio)) { statusOutOfMemory(); return -1; } // downsample int8_t *output = &song->sampleData[song->samples[editor.currSample].offset]; const double dDelta = inputFrequency / dOutputFrequency; // pre-centered (this is safe, look at how dSamplingBufferOrig is alloc'd) const double *dSmpPtr = &dSamplingBuffer[-((SINC_TAPS/2)-1)]; double dPhase = 0.0; double dPeakAmp = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < writeLength; i++) { double dSmp = sinc(dSmpPtr, dPhase); dBuffer[i] = dSmp; // dSmp = fabs(dSmp) if (dSmp < 0.0) dSmp = -dSmp; if (dSmp > dPeakAmp) dPeakAmp = dSmp; dPhase += dDelta; const int32_t wholeSamples = (int32_t)dPhase; dPhase -= wholeSamples; dSmpPtr += wholeSamples; } freeSincTable(); // normalize double dAmp = INT8_MAX / dPeakAmp; /* If we have to amplify THIS much, it would mean that the gain was extremely low. ** We don't want the result to be 99% noise, so keep it quantized to zero (silence). */ const double dAmp_dB = 20.0 * log10(dAmp / 128.0); if (dAmp_dB > 50.0) dAmp = 0.0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < writeLength; i++) { double dSmp = dBuffer[i] * dAmp; // faster than calling round() if (dSmp < 0.0) dSmp -= 0.5; else if (dSmp > 0.0) dSmp += 0.5; const int32_t smp32 = (int32_t)dSmp; // rounded output[i] = (int8_t)smp32; } free(dBuffer); return writeLength; } void stopSampling(void) { while (callbackBusy); audio.isSampling = false; int32_t newLength = downsampleSamplingBuffer(); if (newLength == -1) return; // out of memory if (dSamplingBufferOrig != NULL) { free(dSamplingBufferOrig); dSamplingBufferOrig = NULL; } moduleSample_t *s = &song->samples[editor.currSample]; s->length = newLength; s->fineTune = samplingFinetune; s->loopStart = 0; s->loopLength = 2; s->volume = 64; fixSampleBeep(s); pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_IDLE, DO_CARRY); statusAllRight(); showCurrSample(); } static void scrollListUp(void) { if (numAudioInputDevs <= VISIBLE_LIST_ENTRIES) { audioInputDevListOffset = 0; return; } if (audioInputDevListOffset > 0) { audioInputDevListOffset--; listAudioDevices(); mouse.lastSamplingButton = 0; } } static void scrollListDown(void) { if (numAudioInputDevs <= VISIBLE_LIST_ENTRIES) { audioInputDevListOffset = 0; return; } if (audioInputDevListOffset < numAudioInputDevs-VISIBLE_LIST_ENTRIES) { audioInputDevListOffset++; listAudioDevices(); mouse.lastSamplingButton = 1; } } static void finetuneUp(void) { if ((int8_t)samplingFinetune < 7) { samplingFinetune++; updateOutputFrequency(); drawSamplingFinetune(); drawSamplingFrequency(); mouse.lastSamplingButton = 2; } } static void finetuneDown(void) { if ((int8_t)samplingFinetune > -8) { samplingFinetune--; updateOutputFrequency(); drawSamplingFinetune(); drawSamplingFrequency(); mouse.lastSamplingButton = 3; } } void samplingSampleNumUp(void) { if (editor.currSample < 30) { editor.currSample++; showCurrSample(); } } void samplingSampleNumDown(void) { if (editor.currSample > 0) { editor.currSample--; showCurrSample(); } } void handleSamplingBox(void) { if (ui.changingSamplingNote) { ui.changingSamplingNote = false; setPrevStatusMessage(); pointerSetPreviousMode(); drawSamplingNote(); return; } if (mouse.rightButtonPressed) { if (audio.isSampling) stopSampling(); else startSampling(); return; } if (!mouse.leftButtonPressed) return; mouse.lastSamplingButton = -1; mouse.repeatCounter = 0; if (audio.isSampling) { stopSampling(); return; } // check buttons const int32_t mx = mouse.x; const int32_t my = mouse.y; if (mx >= 182 && mx <= 243 && my >= 0 && my <= 10) // STOP (main UI) { turnOffVoices(); } if (mx >= 6 && mx <= 25 && my >= 124 && my <= 133) // EXIT (main UI) { ui.samplingBoxShown = false; removeSamplingBox(); exitFromSam(); } if (mx >= 98 && mx <= 108 && my >= 44 && my <= 54) // SAMPLE UP (main UI) { samplingSampleNumUp(); } else if (mx >= 109 && mx <= 119 && my >= 44 && my <= 54) // SAMPLE DOWN (main UI) { samplingSampleNumDown(); } else if (mx >= 143 && mx <= 176 && my >= 205 && my <= 215) // SCAN { if (audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported) { scanAudioDevices(); listAudioDevices(); } else { displayErrorMsg("UNSUPPORTED !"); } } else if (mx >= 4 && mx <= 165 && my >= 220 && my <= 250) // DEVICE LIST { selectAudioDevice(audioInputDevListOffset + ((my - 220) >> 3)); } else if (mx >= 2 && mx <= 41 && my >= 206 && my <= 216) // LEFT { if (samplingMode != SAMPLE_LEFT) { samplingMode = SAMPLE_LEFT; drawSamplingModeCross(); } } else if (mx >= 49 && mx <= 95 && my >= 206 && my <= 216) // RIGHT { if (samplingMode != SAMPLE_RIGHT) { samplingMode = SAMPLE_RIGHT; drawSamplingModeCross(); } } else if (mx >= 103 && mx <= 135 && my >= 206 && my <= 216) // MIX { if (samplingMode != SAMPLE_MIX) { samplingMode = SAMPLE_MIX; drawSamplingModeCross(); } } else if (mx >= 188 && mx <= 237 && my >= 242 && my <= 252) // SAMPLE { startSampling(); } else if (mx >= 242 && mx <= 277 && my >= 242 && my <= 252) // NOTE { ui.changingSamplingNote = true; textOutBg(262, 230, "---", video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); setStatusMessage("SELECT NOTE", NO_CARRY); pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_MSG1, NO_CARRY); } else if (mx >= 282 && mx <= 317 && my >= 242 && my <= 252) // EXIT { ui.samplingBoxShown = false; removeSamplingBox(); } else if (mx >= 166 && mx <= 177 && my >= 218 && my <= 228) // SCROLL LIST UP { scrollListUp(); } else if (mx >= 166 && mx <= 177 && my >= 242 && my <= 252) // SCROLL LIST DOWN { scrollListDown(); } else if (mx >= 296 && mx <= 306 && my >= 217 && my <= 227) // FINETUNE UP { finetuneUp(); } else if (mx >= 307 && mx <= 317 && my >= 217 && my <= 227) // FINETUNE DOWN { finetuneDown(); } } void setSamplingNote(uint8_t note) // must be called from video thread! { if (note > 35) note = 35; samplingNote = note; samplingFinetune = 0; updateOutputFrequency(); drawSamplingNote(); drawSamplingFinetune(); drawSamplingFrequency(); } void handleRepeatedSamplingButtons(void) { if (!mouse.leftButtonPressed || mouse.lastSamplingButton == -1) return; switch (mouse.lastSamplingButton) { case 0: { if (mouse.repeatCounter++ >= 3) { mouse.repeatCounter = 0; scrollListUp(); } } break; case 1: { if (mouse.repeatCounter++ >= 3) { mouse.repeatCounter = 0; scrollListDown(); } } break; case 2: { if (mouse.repeatCounter++ >= 5) { mouse.repeatCounter = 0; finetuneUp(); } } break; case 3: { if (mouse.repeatCounter++ >= 5) { mouse.repeatCounter = 0; finetuneDown(); } } break; default: break; } }