shithub: pitch

ref: a4863786d27a554fdd1929d6b1ca4516c541b05f
dir: pitch/kiss_fft.h

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#ifndef KISS_FFT_H
#define KISS_FFT_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define KISS_FFT_MALLOC malloc
#define KISS_FFT_FREE free

# if (FIXED_POINT == 32)
#  define kiss_fft_scalar s32int
# else	
#  define kiss_fft_scalar s16int
# endif
# ifndef kiss_fft_scalar
/*  default is double */
#   define kiss_fft_scalar double
# endif

typedef struct {
    kiss_fft_scalar r;
    kiss_fft_scalar i;

typedef struct kiss_fft_state kiss_fft_cfg;
#pragma incomplete kiss_fft_cfg

 *  kiss_fft_alloc
 *  Initialize a FFT (or IFFT) algorithm's cfg/state buffer.
 *  typical usage:      kiss_fft_cfg *mycfg=kiss_fft_alloc(1024,0,NULL,NULL); for FFT
 *                      kiss_fft_cfg *mycfg=kiss_fft_alloc(1024,1,NULL,NULL); for IFFT
 *  The return value from fft_alloc is a cfg buffer used internally
 *  by the fft routine or NULL.
 *  The inverse FFT is calculated if inverse_fft is non-zero.
 *  If lenmem is NULL, then kiss_fft_alloc will allocate a cfg buffer using malloc.
 *  The returned value should be free()d when done to avoid memory leaks.
 *  The state can be placed in a user supplied buffer 'mem':
 *  If lenmem is not NULL and mem is not NULL and *lenmem is large enough,
 *      then the function places the cfg in mem and the size used in *lenmem
 *      and returns mem.
 *  If lenmem is not NULL and ( mem is NULL or *lenmem is not large enough),
 *      then the function returns NULL and places the minimum cfg 
 *      buffer size in *lenmem.
 * */

kiss_fft_cfg *kiss_fft_alloc(int nfft,int inverse_fft,void * mem, usize * lenmem); 

 * kiss_fft(cfg,in_out_buf)
 * Perform an FFT on a complex input buffer.
 * for a forward FFT,
 * fin should be  f[0] , f[1] , ... ,f[nfft-1]
 * fout will be   F[0] , F[1] , ... ,F[nfft-1]
 * Note that each element is complex and can be accessed like
    f[k].r and f[k].i
 * */
void kiss_fft(kiss_fft_cfg *cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout);

 A more generic version of the above function. It reads its input from every Nth sample.
 * */
void kiss_fft_stride(kiss_fft_cfg *cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout,int fin_stride);

/* If kiss_fft_alloc allocated a buffer, it is one contiguous 
   buffer and can be simply free()d when no longer needed*/
#define kiss_fft_free free

 * Returns the smallest integer k, such that k>=n and k has only "fast" factors (2,3,5)
int kiss_fft_next_fast_size(int n);

/* for real ffts, we need an even size */
#define kiss_fftr_next_fast_size_real(n) \
        (kiss_fft_next_fast_size( ((n)+1)>>1)<<1)

#ifdef __cplusplus
