shithub: libvpx

ref: 47dee375db30e803a9ff8c0694040b1eb819add7
dir: /test/

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 *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "third_party/googletest/src/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "./vpx_config.h"
#include "test/codec_factory.h"
#include "test/decode_test_driver.h"
#include "test/ivf_video_source.h"
#include "test/util.h"
#include "test/webm_video_source.h"
#include "vpx_mem/vpx_mem.h"

namespace {

struct DecodeParam {
  int threads;
  const char *filename;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DecodeParam &dp) {
  return os << "threads: " << dp.threads << " file: " << dp.filename;

class InvalidFileTest
    : public ::libvpx_test::DecoderTest,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWithParam<DecodeParam> {
  InvalidFileTest() : DecoderTest(GET_PARAM(0)), res_file_(NULL) {}

  virtual ~InvalidFileTest() {
    if (res_file_ != NULL)

  void OpenResFile(const std::string &res_file_name_) {
    res_file_ = libvpx_test::OpenTestDataFile(res_file_name_);
    ASSERT_TRUE(res_file_ != NULL) << "Result file open failed. Filename: "
        << res_file_name_;

  virtual bool HandleDecodeResult(
      const vpx_codec_err_t res_dec,
      const libvpx_test::CompressedVideoSource &video,
      libvpx_test::Decoder *decoder) {
    EXPECT_TRUE(res_file_ != NULL);
    int expected_res_dec;

    // Read integer result.
    const int res = fscanf(res_file_, "%d", &expected_res_dec);
    EXPECT_NE(res, EOF) << "Read result data failed";

    // Check results match.
    const DecodeParam input = GET_PARAM(1);
    if (input.threads > 1) {
      // The serial decode check is too strict for tile-threaded decoding as
      // there is no guarantee on the decode order nor which specific error
      // will take precedence. Currently a tile-level error is not forwarded so
      // the frame will simply be marked corrupt.
      EXPECT_TRUE(res_dec == expected_res_dec ||
                  res_dec == VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME)
          << "Results don't match: frame number = " << video.frame_number()
          << ". (" << decoder->DecodeError() << "). Expected: "
          << expected_res_dec << " or " << VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME;
    } else {
      EXPECT_EQ(expected_res_dec, res_dec)
          << "Results don't match: frame number = " << video.frame_number()
          << ". (" << decoder->DecodeError() << ")";

    return !HasFailure();

  void RunTest() {
    const DecodeParam input = GET_PARAM(1);
    libvpx_test::CompressedVideoSource *video = NULL;
    vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg = vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t();
    cfg.threads = input.threads;
    const std::string filename = input.filename;

    // Open compressed video file.
    if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 3, 3) == "ivf") {
      video = new libvpx_test::IVFVideoSource(filename);
    } else if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 4, 4) == "webm") {
      video = new libvpx_test::WebMVideoSource(filename);
      fprintf(stderr, "WebM IO is disabled, skipping test vector %s\n",

    // Construct result file name. The file holds a list of expected integer
    // results, one for each decoded frame.  Any result that doesn't match
    // the files list will cause a test failure.
    const std::string res_filename = filename + ".res";

    // Decode frame, and check the md5 matching.
    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(video, cfg));
    delete video;

  FILE *res_file_;

TEST_P(InvalidFileTest, ReturnCode) {

const DecodeParam kVP9InvalidFileTests[] = {
  {1, "invalid-vp90-02-v2.webm"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-00-quantizer-00.webm.ivf.s5861_r01-05_b6-.v2.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-03-v3.webm"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-00-quantizer-11.webm.ivf.s52984_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-00-quantizer-11.webm.ivf.s52984_r01-05_b6-z.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-12-droppable_1.ivf.s3676_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-05-resize.ivf.s59293_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-09-subpixel-00.ivf.s20492_r01-05_b6-.v2.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp91-2-mixedrefcsp-444to420.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-12-droppable_1.ivf.s73804_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-03-size-224x196.webm.ivf.s44156_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},
  {1, "invalid-vp90-2-03-size-202x210.webm.ivf.s113306_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},


// This class will include test vectors that are expected to fail
// peek. However they are still expected to have no fatal failures.
class InvalidFileInvalidPeekTest : public InvalidFileTest {
  InvalidFileInvalidPeekTest() : InvalidFileTest() {}
  virtual void HandlePeekResult(libvpx_test::Decoder *const /*decoder*/,
                                libvpx_test::CompressedVideoSource* /*video*/,
                                const vpx_codec_err_t /*res_peek*/) {}

TEST_P(InvalidFileInvalidPeekTest, ReturnCode) {

const DecodeParam kVP9InvalidFileInvalidPeekTests[] = {
  {1, "invalid-vp90-01-v3.webm"},


const DecodeParam kMultiThreadedVP9InvalidFileTests[] = {
  {4, "invalid-vp90-2-08-tile_1x4_frame_parallel_all_key.webm"},
  {4, "invalid-"
  {4, "invalid-vp90-2-08-tile_1x8_frame_parallel.webm.ivf.s288_r01-05_b6-.ivf"},
  {2, "invalid-vp90-2-09-aq2.webm.ivf.s3984_r01-05_b6-.v2.ivf"},
  {4, "invalid-vp90-2-09-subpixel-00.ivf.s19552_r01-05_b6-.v2.ivf"},

    VP9MultiThreaded, InvalidFileTest,
            static_cast<const libvpx_test::CodecFactory*>(&libvpx_test::kVP9)),
}  // namespace