shithub: libvpx

ref: 36ee0a2d0b632fe6feb27e6e8758d82c76fc6517
dir: /vpx_scale/arm/neon/vp8_vpxyv12_copy_y_neon.asm/

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;  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
;  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
;  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
;  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
;  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
;  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

    EXPORT  |vpx_yv12_copy_y_neon|


    INCLUDE vpx_scale_asm_offsets.asm

    AREA ||.text||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2

;void vpx_yv12_copy_y_neon(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *src_ybc,
;                          YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *dst_ybc)
|vpx_yv12_copy_y_neon| PROC
    push            {r4 - r11, lr}
    vpush           {d8-d15}

    ldr             r4, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_height]
    ldr             r5, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_width]
    ldr             r6, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_stride]
    ldr             r7, [r1, #yv12_buffer_config_y_stride]
    ldr             r2, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_buffer]       ;srcptr1
    ldr             r3, [r1, #yv12_buffer_config_y_buffer]       ;dstptr1

    ; copy two rows at one time
    mov             lr, r4, lsr #1

    mov             r8, r2
    mov             r9, r3
    add             r10, r2, r6
    add             r11, r3, r7
    movs            r12, r5, lsr #7
    ble             extra_copy_needed   ; y_width < 128

    vld1.8          {q0, q1}, [r8]!
    vld1.8          {q8, q9}, [r10]!
    vld1.8          {q2, q3}, [r8]!
    vld1.8          {q10, q11}, [r10]!
    vld1.8          {q4, q5}, [r8]!
    vld1.8          {q12, q13}, [r10]!
    vld1.8          {q6, q7}, [r8]!
    vld1.8          {q14, q15}, [r10]!

    subs            r12, r12, #1

    vst1.8          {q0, q1}, [r9]!
    vst1.8          {q8, q9}, [r11]!
    vst1.8          {q2, q3}, [r9]!
    vst1.8          {q10, q11}, [r11]!
    vst1.8          {q4, q5}, [r9]!
    vst1.8          {q12, q13}, [r11]!
    vst1.8          {q6, q7}, [r9]!
    vst1.8          {q14, q15}, [r11]!

    bne             cp_src_to_dst_width_loop1

    subs            lr, lr, #1
    add             r2, r2, r6, lsl #1
    add             r3, r3, r7, lsl #1

    bne             cp_src_to_dst_height_loop1

    ands            r10, r5, #0x7f                  ;check to see if extra copy is needed
    sub             r11, r5, r10
    ldr             r2, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_buffer]       ;srcptr1
    ldr             r3, [r1, #yv12_buffer_config_y_buffer]       ;dstptr1
    bne             extra_cp_src_to_dst_width1

    vpop            {d8 - d15}
    pop             {r4-r11, pc}

    add             r2, r2, r11
    add             r3, r3, r11
    add             r0, r8, r6
    add             r11, r9, r7

    mov             lr, r4, lsr #1
    mov             r8, r2
    mov             r9, r3
    add             r0, r8, r6
    add             r11, r9, r7

    mov             r12, r10

    vld1.8          {q0}, [r8]!
    vld1.8          {q1}, [r0]!

    subs            r12, r12, #16

    vst1.8          {q0}, [r9]!
    vst1.8          {q1}, [r11]!
    bne             extra_cp_src_to_dst_width_loop1

    subs            lr, lr, #1

    add             r2, r2, r6, lsl #1
    add             r3, r3, r7, lsl #1

    bne             extra_cp_src_to_dst_height_loop1

    b               end_of_cp_src_to_dst1

