ref: 1a3b7dc68ec19b9bae701bd251c0f866dffffaf6
dir: /snd_openal.c/
#include "quakedef.h" #include "stb_vorbis.h" #include <AL/al.h> #include <AL/alc.h> #include <AL/alext.h> typedef struct albuf_t albuf_t; typedef struct alchan_t alchan_t; struct albuf_t { ALuint buf; bool loop; bool upsample; }; struct alchan_t { int ent; int ch; ALuint src; alchan_t *prev, *next; }; enum { Srcstatic = -666, Srcamb, }; cvar_t volume = {"volume", "0.7", true}; static struct { stb_vorbis *v; int len; ALuint src, buf; bool stop; stb_vorbis_alloc tmp; }track; static cvar_t s_al_dev = {"s_al_device", "0", true}; static cvar_t s_al_hrtf = {"s_al_hrtf", "0", true}; static cvar_t s_al_doppler_factor = {"s_al_doppler_factor", "2", true}; static cvar_t s_al_resampler_default = {"s_al_resampler_default", "6", true}; // 23rd order Sinc static cvar_t s_al_resampler_up = {"s_al_resampler_up", "1", true}; // Linear static ALCcontext *ctx; static ALCdevice *dev; static Sfx *known_sfx; static int num_sfx; static int map; static alchan_t *chans; static char *curdev = nil; static cvar_t ambient_level = {"ambient_level", "0.3"}; static cvar_t ambient_fade = {"ambient_fade", "100"}; static Sfx *ambsfx[Namb]; static float ambvol[Namb]; static int al_default_resampler, al_num_resamplers; static ALchar *(*qalGetStringiSOFT)(ALenum, ALsizei); static ALCchar *(*qalcGetStringiSOFT)(ALCdevice *, ALenum, ALsizei); static ALCboolean (*qalcResetDeviceSOFT)(ALCdevice *, const ALCint *attr); typedef ALsizei (*qalBufferCallbackTypeSOFT)(ALvoid *, ALvoid *, ALsizei); static void (*qalBufferCallbackSOFT)(ALuint buf, ALenum fmt, ALsizei freq, qalBufferCallbackTypeSOFT cb, ALvoid *aux); #define ALERR() alcheckerr(__FILE__, __LINE__) static char * vorbiserr(int err) { switch(err){ case VORBIS_invalid_api_mixing: return "can't mix api modes"; case VORBIS_outofmem: return "oom"; case VORBIS_feature_not_supported: return "feature not supported"; case VORBIS_too_many_channels: return "too many channels"; case VORBIS_unexpected_eof: return "unexpected EOF"; case VORBIS_seek_invalid: return "invalid seek"; case VORBIS_invalid_setup: return "invalid setup"; case VORBIS_invalid_stream: return "invalid stream"; case VORBIS_missing_capture_pattern: return "missing capture pattern"; case VORBIS_invalid_stream_structure_version: return "invalid stream struct verion"; case VORBIS_continued_packet_flag_invalid: return "continued packet flag invalid"; case VORBIS_incorrect_stream_serial_number: return "incorrect stream serial number"; case VORBIS_invalid_first_page: return "invalid first page"; case VORBIS_bad_packet_type: return "bad packet type"; case VORBIS_cant_find_last_page: return "can't find last page"; case VORBIS_seek_failed: return "seek failed"; case VORBIS_ogg_skeleton_not_supported: return "ogg skeleton not supported"; default: return "???"; } } static ALsizei trackcb(ALvoid *aux, ALvoid *sampledata, ALsizei numbytes) { ssize_t n; byte *b; bool eof; int err; USED(aux); eof = false; for(b = sampledata; numbytes > 0; b += n, numbytes -= n){ n = 2 * sizeof(float) * stb_vorbis_get_samples_float_interleaved(track.v, 2, (float*)b, numbytes/sizeof(float)); if(n <= 0){ if(n < 0 || eof || !cdloop){ if((err = stb_vorbis_get_error(track.v)) != 0) Con_Printf("track%02d: %s\n", cdntrk, vorbiserr(err)); track.stop = true; break; } eof = true; n = 0; stb_vorbis_seek_start(track.v); } } return b - (byte*)sampledata; } static int alcheckerr(const char *file, int line) { int e, ret; char *s, tmp[32]; ret = 0; if(ctx != nil && (e = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR){ switch(e){ case AL_INVALID_NAME: s = "invalid name"; break; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: s = "invalid enum"; break; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: s = "invalid value"; break; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: s = "invalid operation"; break; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: s = "out of memory"; break; default: snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "unknown (0x%x)", e); s = tmp; break; } ret |= e; fprintf(stderr, "AL: %s:%d: %s\n", file, line, s); } if(dev != nil && (e = alcGetError(dev)) != ALC_NO_ERROR){ switch(e){ case ALC_INVALID_DEVICE: s = "invalid device"; break; case ALC_INVALID_ENUM: s = "invalid enum"; break; case ALC_INVALID_VALUE: s = "invalid value"; break; case ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT: s = "invalid context"; break; case ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY: s = "out of memory"; break; default: snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "unknown error (0x%x)", e); s = tmp; break; } ret |= e; fprintf(stderr, "ALC: %s:%d: %s\n", file, line, s); } return ret; } static alchan_t * getchan(int ent, int ch) { alchan_t *c, *stopped; ALint state; ALuint src; stopped = nil; for(c = chans; c != nil; c = c->next){ if(c->ent == ent && c->ch == ch) return c; if(stopped == nil){ alGetSourcei(c->src, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(!ALERR() && state != AL_PLAYING) stopped = c; } } if(stopped != nil){ c = stopped; c->ent = ent; c->ch = ch; return c; } alGenSources(1, &src); if(ALERR()) return nil; c = calloc(1, sizeof(*c)); c->ent = ent; c->ch = ch; c->src = src; c->next = chans; if(chans != nil) chans->prev = c; chans = c; return c; } static void delchan(alchan_t *c) { if(c->prev != nil) c->prev->next = c->next; if(c->next != nil) c->next->prev = c->prev; if(chans == c) chans = c->next; alSourceStop(c->src); ALERR(); alSourcei(c->src, AL_BUFFER, 0); ALERR(); alDeleteSources(1, &c->src); ALERR(); free(c); } static Sfx * findsfx(char *s) { Sfx *sfx, *e; albuf_t *b; if(strlen(s) >= Npath) Host_Error("findsfx: path too long %s", s); sfx = known_sfx; e = known_sfx + num_sfx; while(sfx < e){ if(strcmp(sfx->s, s) == 0){ sfx->map = map; return sfx; } sfx++; } if(num_sfx == MAX_SOUNDS){ sfx = known_sfx; while(sfx < e){ if(sfx->map && sfx->map < map) break; sfx++; } if(sfx == e) Host_Error("findsfx: sfx list overflow: %s", s); if((b = Cache_Check(&sfx->cu)) != nil){ alDeleteBuffers(1, &b->buf); ALERR(); Cache_Free(&sfx->cu); sfx->map = map; } }else num_sfx++; strcpy(sfx->s, s); return sfx; } static albuf_t * loadsfx(Sfx *sfx) { ALint loop[2]; wavinfo_t info; ALuint buf; ALenum fmt; albuf_t *b; byte *in; int len; if((b = Cache_Check(&sfx->cu)) != nil) return b; in = loadstklmp(va("sound/%s", sfx->s), nil, 0, &len); if(in == nil){ Con_DPrintf("loadsfx: %s\n", lerr()); return nil; } if(wavinfo(in, len, &info) != 0){ Con_Printf("loadsfx: %s: %s\n", sfx->s, lerr()); // complain but get some silence in place so it looks like it got loaded memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.width = 8; info.channels = 1; info.rate = 11025; info.loopofs = -1; } if(info.channels < 2) fmt = info.width == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO8 : AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else fmt = info.width == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; alGenBuffers(1, &buf); if(ALERR()) return nil; alBufferData(buf, fmt, in+info.dataofs, info.samples*info.width, info.rate); if(ALERR()){ alDeleteBuffers(1, &buf); ALERR(); return nil; } b = Cache_Alloc(&sfx->cu, sizeof(*b)); b->buf = buf; if(info.loopofs >= 0){ loop[0] = info.loopofs; loop[1] = info.samples; alBufferiv(b->buf, AL_LOOP_POINTS_SOFT, loop); ALERR(); b->loop = true; } b->upsample = info.rate < 22050; return b; } static void alplay(alchan_t *c, albuf_t *b, vec3_t zp, float vol, float att, bool rel, bool loop) { ALint src; int n; src = c->src; if(rel){ alSourcefv(src, AL_POSITION, vec3_origin); ALERR(); alSourcei(src, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); ALERR(); alSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f); ALERR(); alSourcef(src, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 0.0f); ALERR(); }else{ alSourcefv(src, AL_POSITION, zp); ALERR(); alSourcei(src, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE); ALERR(); alSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, att * 8.191); ALERR(); alSourcef(src, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 1.0f); ALERR(); alSourcef(src, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 8192.0f); ALERR(); } alSourcef(src, AL_GAIN, vol); ALERR(); if(al_num_resamplers > 0){ n = b->upsample ? s_al_resampler_up.value : s_al_resampler_default.value; if(n >= 0){ alSourcei(src, AL_SOURCE_RESAMPLER_SOFT, n); ALERR(); } } alSourcei(src, AL_BUFFER, b->buf); ALERR(); alSourcei(src, AL_LOOPING, (b->loop || loop) ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); ALERR(); alSourcePlay(src); ALERR(); } static void ambs(const vec3_t org) { float vol, *av; ALint state; alchan_t *ch; byte *asl; mleaf_t *l; albuf_t *b; Sfx *sfx; int i; if(cl.worldmodel == nil) return; l = Mod_PointInLeaf(org, cl.worldmodel); asl = l->ambient_sound_level; for(i = 0; i < Namb; i++){ if((sfx = ambsfx[i]) == nil || (b = loadsfx(sfx)) == nil) continue; vol = ambient_level.value * asl[i]; av = &ambvol[i]; if(vol < 8) vol = 0; if(*av < vol){ *av += host_frametime * ambient_fade.value; if(*av > vol) *av = vol; }else if(*av > vol){ *av -= host_frametime * ambient_fade.value; if(*av < vol) *av = vol; } if((ch = getchan(Srcamb, i)) != nil){ alSourcef(ch->src, AL_GAIN, *av / 255.0f); ALERR(); alGetSourcei(ch->src, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(!ALERR() && state != AL_PLAYING) alplay(ch, b, vec3_origin, *av, 0.0f, true, true); } } } void stepsnd(const view_t *v) { vec_t fwup[6] = {v->pn[0], v->pn[1], v->pn[2], v->up[0], v->up[1], v->up[2]}; alchan_t *c, *next; static vec3_t oorg; ALint state; vec3_t vel; if(dev == nil) return; if(v->pn[0] == 0 && v->pn[1] == 0 && v->pn[2] == 0){ alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 0); ALERR(); return; } alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, v->org); ALERR(); alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, fwup); ALERR(); VectorSubtract(v->org, oorg, vel); VectorCopy(v->org, oorg); alListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, vel); ALERR(); alListenerf(AL_GAIN, volume.value); ALERR(); ambs(v->org); for(c = chans; c != nil; c = next){ next = c->next; alGetSourcei(c->src, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(!ALERR() && state != AL_PLAYING) delchan(c); } } void stopallsfx(void) { alchan_t *c, *next; if(dev == nil) return; alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 0); ALERR(); for(c = chans; c != nil; c = next){ next = c->next; delchan(c); } chans = nil; memset(ambvol, 0, sizeof(ambvol)); } void stopsfx(int ent, int ch) { alchan_t *c; if(dev == nil) return; for(c = chans; c != nil; c = c->next){ if(c->ent == ent && c->ch == ch) break; } if(c == nil) return; if(c->prev != nil) c->prev->next = c->next; if(c->next != nil) c->next->prev = c->prev; if(chans == c) chans = c->next; delchan(c); if(ent == Srcamb) ambvol[ch] = 0; } void startsfx(int ent, int ch, Sfx *sfx, vec3_t zp, float vol, float att) { alchan_t *c; albuf_t *b; if(dev == nil || (b = loadsfx(sfx)) == nil || (c = getchan(ent, ch)) == nil) return; alSourceStop(c->src); ALERR(); alplay(c, b, zp, vol, att, ent == cl.viewentity, ent == Srcstatic); } void localsfx(char *name) { if(dev == nil) return; startsfx(cl.viewentity, -1, findsfx(name), vec3_origin, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void staticsfx(Sfx *sfx, vec3_t zp, float vol, float att) { static int numst = 0; if(dev == nil) return; startsfx(Srcstatic, numst++, sfx, zp, vol, att/1.5f); } void touchsfx(char *s) { Sfx *sfx; if(dev == nil) return; sfx = findsfx(s); Cache_Check(&sfx->cu); } Sfx * precachesfx(char *s) { Sfx *sfx; if(dev == nil) return nil; sfx = findsfx(s); sfx->map = map; loadsfx(sfx); return sfx; } static ALCint * alcattr(bool hrtf) { static ALCint attr[16] = {0}; int i; attr[i = 0] = 0; if(hrtf){ attr[i++] = s_al_hrtf.value != 0 ? ALC_HRTF_SOFT : 0; attr[i++] = s_al_hrtf.value != 0 ? (s_al_hrtf.value > 0 ? ALC_TRUE : ALC_FALSE) : ALC_DONT_CARE_SOFT; if(attr[i-1] == ALC_TRUE){ attr[i++] = ALC_HRTF_ID_SOFT; attr[i++] = s_al_hrtf.value - 1; } } // get more sources, those get depleated fast with AD attr[i++] = ALC_MONO_SOURCES; attr[i++] = 512; attr[i++] = 0; return attr; } static int alinit(const char *devname) { ALCcontext *c; int e; if(devname == nil){ // ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER would make more sense, // but unfortunately it's not a _full_ name devname = alcGetString(nil, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); ALERR(); } dev = alcOpenDevice(devname); ALERR(); if(dev == nil) return -1; free(curdev); curdev = strdup(devname); c = alcCreateContext(dev, nil); ALERR(); if(c == nil){ closedev: alcCloseDevice(dev); ALERR(); dev = nil; free(curdev); curdev = nil; return -1; } ctx = c; e = alcMakeContextCurrent(c); ALERR(); if(!e){ ctx = nil; alcDestroyContext(c); ALERR(); goto closedev; } alListenerf(AL_GAIN, volume.value); ALERR(); alDistanceModel(AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); ALERR(); // assuming 64 Quake units is ~1.7m alSpeedOfSound(343.3 * 64.0 / 1.7); ALERR(); alDopplerFactor(s_al_doppler_factor.value); ALERR(); if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFT_source_resampler")){ al_default_resampler = alGetInteger(AL_DEFAULT_RESAMPLER_SOFT); if(ALERR()) al_default_resampler = 0; al_num_resamplers = alGetInteger(AL_NUM_RESAMPLERS_SOFT); if(ALERR()) al_num_resamplers = 0; qalGetStringiSOFT = alGetProcAddress("alGetStringiSOFT"); }else{ qalGetStringiSOFT = nil; } qalBufferCallbackSOFT = nil; cdenabled = cdenabled && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_float32") && alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFT_callback_buffer") && (alGenSources(1, &track.src), !ALERR()); if(cdenabled){ alSourcei(track.src, AL_SOURCE_SPATIALIZE_SOFT, AL_FALSE); ALERR(); qalBufferCallbackSOFT = alGetProcAddress("alBufferCallbackSOFT"); ALERR(); alGenBuffers(1, &track.buf); ALERR(); // test run to make sure it works qalBufferCallbackSOFT(track.buf, AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32, 44100, trackcb, nil); if(ALERR()){ fail: alDeleteBuffers(1, &track.buf); ALERR(); track.buf = 0; cdenabled = false; } alSourcei(track.src, AL_BUFFER, track.buf); if(ALERR()) goto fail; } return 0; } static int alreopen(const char *new, ALCint *attr) { ALCboolean *(*qalcReopenDeviceSOFT)( ALCdevice *, const ALCchar *devname, const ALCint *attr ); int r; qalcReopenDeviceSOFT = nil; if(alcIsExtensionPresent(dev, "ALC_SOFT_reopen_device")) qalcReopenDeviceSOFT = alcGetProcAddress(dev, "alcReopenDeviceSOFT"); if(qalcReopenDeviceSOFT == nil){ Con_Printf("AL: can't change device settings on the fly\n"); return -1; } r = qalcReopenDeviceSOFT(dev, new, attr) ? 0 : -1; ALERR(); return r; } static void alreinit(const char *def, const char *all) { const char *newdev; int i, n; bool hrtf; n = s_al_dev.value; for(i = 1, newdev = all; newdev != nil && *newdev; i++){ if((n == 0 && def != nil && strcmp(newdev, def) == 0) || n == i){ if(curdev != nil && strcmp(newdev, curdev) == 0) break; n = dev == nil ? alinit(all) : alreopen(newdev, alcattr(false)); if(n != 0){ Con_Printf("AL: failed to switch to %s\n", newdev); return; } free(curdev); curdev = strdup(newdev); break; } newdev += strlen(newdev)+1; } if(newdev == nil || !*newdev){ Con_Printf("AL: no such device: %d\n", n); return; } if(alcIsExtensionPresent(dev, "ALC_SOFT_HRTF")){ qalcGetStringiSOFT = alcGetProcAddress(dev, "alcGetStringiSOFT"); qalcResetDeviceSOFT = alcGetProcAddress(dev, "alcResetDeviceSOFT"); hrtf = true; }else{ qalcGetStringiSOFT = nil; qalcResetDeviceSOFT = nil; hrtf = false; } if(qalcResetDeviceSOFT != nil){ qalcResetDeviceSOFT(dev, alcattr(hrtf)); ALERR(); } } static void alvarcb(cvar_t *var) { const char *all, *def, *s; int i, n; def = alcGetString(nil, ALC_DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); if(ALERR()) def = nil; all = alcGetString(nil, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); if(ALERR()) all = nil; if(var == &s_al_dev && Cmd_Argc() == 1){ Con_Printf("%-2d: default (%s)\n", 0, def ? def : "<invalid>"); for(i = 1, s = all; s != nil && *s; i++){ Con_Printf("%-2d: %s%s\n", i, s, strcmp(s, def) == 0 ? " (default)" : ""); s += strlen(s)+1; } return; } alreinit(def, all); if(var == &s_al_hrtf && Cmd_Argc() == 1){ Con_Printf("%-2d: disabled\n", -1); Con_Printf("%-2d: don't care (default)\n", 0); if(qalcGetStringiSOFT == nil) return; alcGetIntegerv(dev, ALC_NUM_HRTF_SPECIFIERS_SOFT, 1, &n); ALERR(); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ s = qalcGetStringiSOFT(dev, ALC_HRTF_SPECIFIER_SOFT, i); if(!ALERR() && s != nil) Con_Printf("%-2d: %s\n", i+1, s); } } } static void aldopplercb(cvar_t *var) { alDopplerFactor(var->value); ALERR(); } static void sfxlist(void) { int sz, sum, w, ch; Sfx *sfx, *e; albuf_t *b; sum = 0; for(sfx = known_sfx, e = known_sfx+num_sfx; sfx < e; sfx++){ if((b = Cache_Check(&sfx->cu)) == nil) continue; alGetBufferi(b->buf, AL_SIZE, &sz); ALERR(); alGetBufferi(b->buf, AL_CHANNELS, &ch); ALERR(); alGetBufferi(b->buf, AL_BITS, &w); ALERR(); sum += sz * ch * w/8; Con_Printf("%c(%2db) %6d : %s\n", b->loop ? 'L' : ' ', w, sz, sfx->s); } Con_Printf("Total resident: %d\n", sum); } void sfxbegin(void) { map++; } void sfxend(void) { albuf_t *b; Sfx *sfx; int i; if(dev == nil) return; ambsfx[Ambwater] = precachesfx("ambience/water1.wav"); ambsfx[Ambsky] = precachesfx("ambience/wind2.wav"); for(i = 0, sfx = known_sfx; i < num_sfx; i++, sfx++){ if(sfx->map >= map || sfx == ambsfx[Ambsky] || sfx == ambsfx[Ambwater]) continue; if((b = Cache_Check(&sfx->cu)) != nil){ alDeleteBuffers(1, &b->buf); ALERR(); Cache_Free(&sfx->cu); } } } void stepcd(void) { if(dev == nil || !cdenabled) return; if(track.stop) stopcd(); else if(track.v != nil){ alSourcef(track.src, AL_GAIN, bgmvolume.value); ALERR(); } } void playcd(int nt, bool loop) { stb_vorbis_info info; FILE *f; int err; if(dev == nil || !cdenabled) return; stopcd(); if((f = openlmp(va("music/track%02d.ogg", nt), &track.len)) == nil) return; if(track.tmp.alloc_buffer == nil){ track.tmp.alloc_buffer_length_in_bytes = 512*1024; track.tmp.alloc_buffer = malloc(track.tmp.alloc_buffer_length_in_bytes); } track.v = stb_vorbis_open_file_section(f, true, &err, &track.tmp, track.len); if(track.v == nil){ werrstr("track%02d: %s", nt, vorbiserr(err)); return; } info = stb_vorbis_get_info(track.v); cdloop = loop; cdtrk = nt; track.stop = false; alSourcei(track.src, AL_BUFFER, 0); qalBufferCallbackSOFT(track.buf, AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32, info.sample_rate, trackcb, nil); if(ALERR() || (alSourcei(track.src, AL_BUFFER, track.buf), ALERR()) || (alSourcePlay(track.src), ALERR())){ stb_vorbis_close(track.v); track.v = nil; } } void resumecd(void) { if(track.v != nil){ alSourcePlay(track.src); ALERR(); } } void pausecd(void) { if(track.v != nil){ alSourcePause(track.src); ALERR(); } } int initcd(void) { cdntrk = cdtrk = 0; cdloop = false; return 0; } void stopcd(void) { if(track.v != nil){ alSourceStop(track.src); ALERR(); stb_vorbis_close(track.v); track.v = nil; free(track.tmp.alloc_buffer); track.tmp.alloc_buffer = nil; } track.stop = false; } void shutcd(void) { stopcd(); } int initsnd(void) { Cvar_RegisterVariable(&volume); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&bgmvolume); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&ambient_level); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&ambient_fade); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&s_al_dev); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&s_al_resampler_default); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&s_al_resampler_up); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&s_al_hrtf); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&s_al_doppler_factor); Cmd_AddCommand("stopsound", stopallsfx); Cmd_AddCommand("soundlist", sfxlist); Cmd_AddCommand("cd", cdcmd); if(!isdisabled("snd")){ cdenabled = !isdisabled("cd"); s_al_dev.cb = s_al_hrtf.cb = alvarcb; s_al_doppler_factor.cb = aldopplercb; alinit(nil); known_sfx = Hunk_Alloc(MAX_SOUNDS * sizeof *known_sfx); num_sfx = 0; } return 0; } void sndclose(void) { if(dev == nil) return; alcDestroyContext(ctx); ctx = nil; ALERR(); alcCloseDevice(dev); dev = nil; ALERR(); }