ref: 9e1e20f6b9552189fef5111638f84d944fd6451b
dir: /draw.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include <draw.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" QLock lsync; int debugdraw = 1; enum{ Cbg, Csamp, Cline, Cins, Cloop, Cchunk, Ctext, Ncol, }; static Image *col[Ncol]; static Image *view; static Rectangle statr; static usize views, viewe, viewmax, linepos; static int bgscalyl, bgscalyr; static double bgscalf; static Channel *drawc; static usize T; static int sampwidth = 1; /* pixels per sample */ static double zoom = 1.0; static int stalerender, tworking; // FIXME static int nbuf = 1; static Channel *trkc[1]; static Rectangle tr; static int working; static vlong slen; static s16int *graph[2]; static Image * eallocimage(Rectangle r, int repl, ulong col) { Image *i; if((i = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, repl, col)) == nil) sysfatal("allocimage: %r"); return i; } vlong ss2view(int x) { return (x - views) / (T * sampwidth); } vlong view2ss(int x) { return views + x * T * sampwidth & ~3; } static void b2t(usize off, int *th, int *tm, int *ts, int *tμ) { usize nsamp; nsamp = off / Sampsz; *ts = nsamp / Rate; *tm = *ts / 60; *th = *tm / 60; *tμ = 100 * (nsamp - *ts * Rate) / Rate; *ts %= 60; *tm %= 60; } int τfmt(Fmt *fmt) { int th, tm, ts, tμ; usize p; p = va_arg(fmt->args, usize); if(p > current->totalsz) return fmtstrcpy(fmt, "-∞"); b2t(p, &th, &tm, &ts, &tμ); return fmtprint(fmt, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d (%zd)", th, tm, ts, tμ, p / Sampsz); } static int renderpos(usize ss, Image *c, int justdraw) { Rectangle r; if(ss <= views || ss >= viewe) return 0; r = view->r; r.min.x = ss2view(ss); r.max.x = r.min.x + 1; if(justdraw){ r = rectaddpt(r, screen->r.min); draw(screen, r, c, nil, ZP); }else draw(view, r, c, nil, ZP); return 1; } static void renderchunks(void) { usize p, off; Chunk *c; c = p2c(views, &off, current); for(p=views-off; p<viewe; p+=c->len, c=c->right){ if(p == 0) continue; renderpos(p, col[Cchunk], 0); } } static void rendermarks(void) { if(debugdraw) renderchunks(); renderpos(current->from, col[Cloop], 0); renderpos(current->to, col[Cloop], 0); if(current->off != current->from) renderpos(current->off, col[Cins], 0); } static void rendersamples(void) { s16int *l, *e, *r; Rectangle rx, rr; if(slen == 0) return; rr = tr; draw(view, rr, col[Cbg], nil, ZP); if(Dx(rr) > slen / 2) rr.max.x = rr.min.x + slen / 2; rx = rr; for(l=graph[0]+2*rx.min.x, e=l+2*Dx(rr); l<e; l+=2, rx.min.x++){ rx.min.y = rr.min.y + bgscalyl - l[1] / bgscalf; rx.max.x = rx.min.x + sampwidth; rx.max.y = rr.min.y + bgscalyl - l[0] / bgscalf; draw(view, rx, col[Csamp], nil, ZP); } if(!stereo) return; /* FIXME: wrong midpoint. rendersamples 0x410450 [0 0] [1365 187] view [0 0] [1365 375]→ [187 0] [1552 187] */ rx = rectaddpt(rr, Pt(Dy(view->r)/2,0)); //fprint(2, "→ %R\n", rx); for(r=graph[1]+2*rx.min.x, e=r+2*Dx(rr); r<e; r+=2, rx.min.x++){ rx.min.y = rr.min.y + bgscalyr - r[1] / bgscalf; rx.max.x = rx.min.x + sampwidth; rx.max.y = rr.min.y + bgscalyr - r[0] / bgscalf; draw(view, rx, col[Csamp], nil, ZP); } } static void render(void) { rendersamples(); rendermarks(); } static void erasemark(usize ss) { Rectangle r; ss = ss2view(ss); r = view->r; r.min.x = ss; r.max.x = r.min.x + 1; r = rectaddpt(r, screen->r.min); draw(screen, r, view, nil, subpt(r.min, screen->r.min)); } static void drawstat(void) { char s[256]; Point p; draw(screen, statr, col[Cbg], nil, ZP); seprint(s, s+sizeof s, "T %zd @ %τ", T / Sampsz, current->cur); p = string(screen, statr.min, col[Ctext], ZP, font, s); if(current->from > 0 || current->to < current->totalsz){ seprint(s, s+sizeof s, " ↺ %τ - %τ", current->from, current->to); p = string(screen, p, col[Cloop], ZP, font, s); } if(current->off != current->from){ seprint(s, s+sizeof s, " ‡ %τ", current->off); p = string(screen, p, col[Cins], ZP, font, s); } statr.max.x = p.x; } static void drawproc(void*) { int what; threadsetname("drawer"); for(;;){ what = Drawrender; // FIXME if(recv(drawc, &what) < 0){ // if(nbrecv(drawc, &what) < 0){ fprint(2, "drawproc: %r\n"); break; } lockdisplay(display); if(what == Drawrender || stalerender || working){ if(!working) stalerender = 0; render(); draw(screen, rectaddpt(view->r, screen->r.min), view, nil, ZP); }else erasemark(linepos); renderpos(current->cur, col[Cline], 1); linepos = current->cur; drawstat(); flushimage(display, 1); unlockdisplay(display); sleep(100); } } void refresh(int what) { nbsend(drawc, &what); } static void sampler(void *cp) { int n, lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax; usize k; uchar *p, *e; s16int s, *l, *r, *le; vlong N; Dot d; Channel *c; c = cp; again: if(recv(c, &d) < 0) threadexits("recv: %r"); tworking = ++working; stalerender++; N = ( - d.from) / (T * sampwidth); if(slen < 2*N){ /* min, max */ graph[0] = erealloc(graph[0], 2*N * sizeof *graph[0], slen * sizeof *graph[0]); graph[1] = erealloc(graph[1], 2*N * sizeof *graph[1], slen * sizeof *graph[1]); } slen = 2*N; l = graph[0]; r = graph[1]; le = l + slen; while(l < le){ if(c->n > 0) break; n = T * sampwidth; lmin = lmax = rmin = rmax = 0; while(n > 0){ if((p = getslice(&d, n, &k)) == nil){ if(k > 0) fprint(2, "getslice: %r\n"); l = le; break; } d.cur += k; for(e=p+k; p<e; p+=Sampsz*sampwidth){ s = (s16int)(p[1] << 8 | p[0]); if(s < lmin) lmin = s; else if(s > lmax) lmax = s; if(stereo){ s = (s16int)(p[3] << 8 | p[2]); if(s < rmin) rmin = s; else if(s > rmax) rmax = s; } } n -= k; } *l++ = lmin; *l++ = lmax; if(stereo){ *r++ = rmin; *r++ = rmax; } } working--; refresh(Drawrender); goto again; } void setcurrent(Point o) { int dy; Rectangle r; dy = screen->r.max.y / 1; r = Rpt(screen->r.min, Pt(screen->r.max.x, dy)); if(ptinrect(o, r)){ current = ˙ return; } sysfatal("setcurrent: phase error"); } static void resetdraw(void) { Rectangle viewr; viewr = rectsubpt(screen->r, screen->r.min); statr = screen->r; if(stereo){ statr.min.y += (Dy(screen->r) - font->height) / 2 + 1; statr.max.y = statr.min.y + font->height; }else statr.min.y = screen->r.max.y - font->height; freeimage(view); view = eallocimage(viewr, 0, DNofill); bgscalyl = (viewr.max.y - font->height) / (1 * (stereo ? 4 : 2)); bgscalyr = viewr.max.y - bgscalyl; bgscalf = 32767. / bgscalyl; if(trkc[0] == nil){ if((trkc[0] = chancreate(sizeof(Dot), 2)) == nil) sysfatal("chancreate: %r"); if(proccreate(sampler, trkc[0], mainstacksize) < 0) sysfatal("00reate: %r"); } tr = Rpt(view->r.min, Pt(view->r.max.x, Dy(view->r))); } void redraw(int all) { usize span; Dot d; lockdisplay(display); T = (vlong)(current->totalsz / zoom / Dx(screen->r)) & ~3; if(T < Sampsz) T = Sampsz; span = Dx(screen->r) * T; viewmax = current->totalsz - span; if(views > viewmax) views = viewmax; viewe = views + span; if(all) resetdraw(); unlockdisplay(display); if(paused) refresh(Drawall); d = dot; d.from = d.cur = views; = viewe; nbsend(trkc[0], &d); } void setzoom(int Δz, int mul) { double z; if(!mul) z = zoom + Δz; else if(Δz < 0) z = zoom / pow(2, -Δz); else z = zoom * pow(2, Δz); if(z < 1.0 || z > (current->totalsz / Sampsz) / Dx(screen->r)) return; zoom = z; redraw(0); } int zoominto(vlong from, vlong to) { if(from < 0) from = 0; from &= ~3; if(to >= current->totalsz) to = current->totalsz; to &= ~3; if((to - from) / Sampsz < Dx(screen->r)){ werrstr("range too small"); return -1; } views = from; viewe = to; zoom = (double)current->totalsz / (to - from); redraw(0); return 0; } void setpan(int Δx) { usize new; Δx *= T; if(zoom == 1) return; if(Δx < 0 && -Δx > views) new = 0; else if(views + Δx >= viewmax) new = viewmax; else new = views + Δx; if(new == views) return; views = new; redraw(0); } void setpage(int d) { setpan(d * (Dx(view->r) + 1)); } void setrange(usize from, usize to) { from &= ~3; to &= ~3; current->from = from; current->to = to; if(current->cur < from || current->cur >= to) current->cur = from; current->off = -1; stalerender = 1; refresh(Drawrender); } int setjump(vlong off) { off &= ~3; if(off < current->from || off > current->to - Sampsz){ werrstr("cannot jump outside of loop bounds"); return -1; } current->off = current->cur = off; stalerender = 1; refresh(Drawrender); return 0; } int setloop(vlong off) { off &= ~3; if(off < 0 || off > current->totalsz){ werrstr("invalid range"); return -1; } if(off < current->cur) setrange(off, current->to); else setrange(current->from, off); return 0; } void initdrw(int fuckit) { if(initdraw(nil, nil, "pplay") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); display->locking = 1; unlockdisplay(display); if(!fuckit){ col[Cbg] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0xFFFFC0FF); col[Csamp] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0x3F3F20FF); col[Ctext] = display->black; col[Cline] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, DBlue); col[Cins] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, DPaleblue); col[Cloop] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, DBluegreen); col[Cchunk] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, DRed); }else{ col[Cbg] = display->black; col[Csamp] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0x2A2A2AFF); col[Ctext] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0xBBBBBBFF); col[Cline] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0xEEA000FF); col[Cins] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0x509A9AFF); col[Cloop] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0x8888CCFF); col[Cchunk] = eallocimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), 1, 0xEE0000FF); } if((drawc = chancreate(sizeof(int), 1)) == nil) sysfatal("chancreate: %r"); redraw(1); if(proccreate(drawproc, nil, mainstacksize) < 0) sysfatal("proccreate: %r"); }