ref: 6bc6badcb6768cd559431f139d13c7b9e5ef16ed
dir: /eval.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" static ByteCode *codegen(Session *, Module *, Ast *); static void *evalbc(Session *, Module *, ByteCode *); void * eval(Session *s, Ast *a) { /* Evaluate some ast in module m in session s. */ Module *m = s->modules->modules[0]; /* TODO: this isn't nice */ ByteCode *code = codegen(s, m, a); return evalbc(s, m, code); } static void emitbyte(ByteCode *c, u8int i) { c->count += 1; c->instrs = allocextra(c, c->count); c->instrs[c->count-1] = i; } static void emituvlong(ByteCode *c, uvlong v) { for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(v); i++) emitbyte(c, (v>>(8*i)) & 0xFF); } static void emitptr(ByteCode *c, void *p) { emituvlong(c, (uvlong)p); } static void emitlocal(ByteCode *c, Symtab *s, Ast *a, int assign) { if(a == nil) return; uvlong id = sym(s, a->name); emitbyte(c, ILocal); emituvlong(c, id); if(assign){ emitbyte(c, IAssign); emituvlong(c, id); emitbyte(c, IPop); } } static void codegensub(Session *s, Module *m, ByteCode *c, Ast *a) { uvlong i; switch(a->tag){ case AstProg: for(i = 0; i < a->childcount; i++){ codegensub(s, m, c, a->children[i]); emitbyte(c, IPop); emitbyte(c, IDisplay); } break; case AstFunc: /* Emit bytecode for the function body */ { Function *fn = alloc(DataFunction); fn->ast = a; if(fn->ast->funcleftarg){ fn->valence = Dyadic; if(fn->ast->funcleftarg->optional) fn->valence |= Monadic; }else if(fn->ast->funcrightarg) fn->valence = Monadic; else fn->valence = Niladic; if(fn->ast->funcresult) fn->hasresult = 1; fn->symbol = sym(m->symtab, a->funcname->name); fn->code = alloc(DataByteCode); emitbyte(fn->code, IPushConst); emitptr(fn->code, fn); emitlocal(fn->code, m->symtab, fn->ast->funcname, 1); emitlocal(fn->code, m->symtab, fn->ast->funcresult, 0); emitlocal(fn->code, m->symtab, fn->ast->funcleftarg, 1); emitlocal(fn->code, m->symtab, fn->ast->funcrightarg, 1); for(i = 0; i < fn->ast->funclocals->childcount; i++) emitlocal(fn->code, m->symtab, fn->ast->funclocals->children[i], 0); for(i = 0; i < a->childcount; i++){ codegensub(s, m, fn->code, a->children[i]); emitbyte(fn->code, IPop); } if(fn->ast->funcresult) codegensub(s, m, fn->code, fn->ast->funcresult); emitbyte(fn->code, IReturn); emitbyte(c, IPushConst); emitptr(c, fn); emitbyte(c, IAssign); emituvlong(c, fn->symbol); } break; case AstName: emitbyte(c, ILookup); emituvlong(c, sym(m->symtab, a->name)); break; case AstAssign: codegensub(s, m, c, a->right); emitbyte(c, IAssign); emituvlong(c, sym(m->symtab, a->left->name)); break; case AstConst: emitbyte(c, IPushConst); emitptr(c, a->val); /* TODO: better to have consts array and emit index? */ break; case AstStrand: /* right to left */ for(i = a->childcount; i > 0; i--) codegensub(s, m, c, a->children[i-1]); emitbyte(c, IStrand); emituvlong(c, a->childcount); break; case AstNiladic: codegensub(s, m, c, a->func); emitbyte(c, INiladic); break; case AstMonadic: codegensub(s, m, c, a->right); codegensub(s, m, c, a->func); emitbyte(c, IMonadic); break; case AstDyadic: codegensub(s, m, c, a->right); codegensub(s, m, c, a->left); codegensub(s, m, c, a->func); emitbyte(c, IDyadic); break; case AstPrim: emitbyte(c, IPushPrim); emituvlong(c, a->prim); /* TODO: waste of space */ break; case AstLater: emitbyte(c, IParse); emitptr(c, a->tokens); break; default: error(EInternal, "Don't know how to do codegen for ast type %d", a->tag); break; } } static ByteCode * codegen(Session *s, Module *m, Ast *a) { ByteCode *c = alloc(DataByteCode); codegensub(s, m, c, a); return c; } static void pushval(ValueStack *s, void *v) { s->count++; s->values = allocextra(s, s->count * sizeof(v)); s->values[s->count-1] = v; } static void * popval(ValueStack *s) { if(s->count == 0) error(EInternal, "popval on empty value stack"); s->count--; /* no realloc */ return s->values[s->count]; } static void * peekval(ValueStack *s) { if(s->count == 0) error(EInternal, "peekval on empty value stack"); return s->values[s->count-1]; } static void pushcall(CallStack *s, ByteCode *newcode, ByteCode **c, uvlong *o) { s->count++; s->frames = allocextra(s, s->count * sizeof(CallFrame)); s->frames[s->count-1].code = *c; s->frames[s->count-1].offset = *o; s->frames[s->count-1].locals = alloc(DataLocalList); *c = newcode; *o = 0; } static void popcall(CallStack *s, Symtab *t, ByteCode **c, uvlong *o) { if(s->count == 0) error(EInternal, "popcall on empty call stack"); s->count--; /* no realloc */ *c = s->frames[s->count].code; *o = s->frames[s->count].offset; LocalList *locals = s->frames[s->count].locals; for(uvlong i = 0; i < locals->count; i++) symset(t, locals->list[i].id, locals->list[i].value); } static void pushlocal(CallStack *c, Symtab *s, uvlong id) { CallFrame f = c->frames[c->count-1]; f.locals->count++; f.locals->list = allocextra(f.locals, sizeof(Local) * f.locals->count); f.locals->list[f.locals->count-1].id = id; f.locals->list[f.locals->count-1].value = symval(s, id); symset(s, id, nil); } static int nextinstr(CallStack *calls, ByteCode *c, uvlong o) { if(o < c->count && c->instrs[o] != IReturn) return c->instrs[o]; if(calls->count == 0) return -1; else{ CallFrame f = calls->frames[calls->count-1]; return f.code->instrs[f.offset]; } } static void checkarray(void *val) { if(val == nil || getalloctag(val) != DataArray) error(EDomain, "non-array value where an array was expected"); } static void * evalbc(Session *s, Module *m, ByteCode *c) { ValueStack *values; CallStack *calls; ByteCode *newcode; uvlong o, v; Function *func; void *r; Array *x, *y, *z; values = alloc(DataValueStack); calls = alloc(DataCallStack); o = 0; while(o < c->count){ int instr = c->instrs[o]; o++; switch(instr){ case IPushConst: o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); pushval(values, (void*)v); break; case IPushPrim: o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); { Function *f = alloc(DataFunction); f->prim = v; f->valence = primvalence(v); f->hasresult = 1; pushval(values, f); } break; case ILookup: o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); { void *val = symval(m->symtab, v); if(val == nil) error(EValue, "%s is undefined", symname(m->symtab, v)); pushval(values, val); } break; case IStrand: o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); { Array *x = allocarray(TypeArray, 1, v); setshape(x, 0, v); for(uvlong i = 0; i < v; i++){ z = popval(values); checkarray(z); setarray(x, i, z); } x = simplifyarray(x); pushval(values, x); } break; case INiladic: func = popval(values); if(func->valence != Niladic){ int next = nextinstr(calls, c, o); if(next == IAssign || IPop){ pushval(values, func); break; }else error(ESyntax, "Function %s is not niladic", funcname(func)); } if(func->code){ if(!func->hasresult){ if(nextinstr(calls, c, o) == IPop) pushval(values, nil); /* fake result */ else error(ESyntax, "Function %s does not produce a result", funcname(func)); } pushcall(calls, func->code, &c, &o); }else{ z = primnilad(func->prim); pushval(values, z); } break; case IMonadic: /* FIXME: more duplicated code with INiladic and IDyadic than i would like */ func = popval(values); y = popval(values); if(!(func->valence & Monadic)) error(ESyntax, "Function %s is not monadic", funcname(func)); checkarray(y); if(func->code){ if(!func->hasresult){ if(nextinstr(calls, c, o) == IPop) pushval(values, nil); /* fake result */ else error(ESyntax, "Function %s does not produce a result", funcname(func)); } pushval(values, y); if(func->valence & Dyadic) /* ambivalent function */ pushval(values, nil); pushcall(calls, func->code, &c, &o); }else{ z = primmonad(func->prim, y); pushval(values, z); } break; case IDyadic: func = popval(values); x = popval(values); y = popval(values); if(!(func->valence & Dyadic)) error(ESyntax, "Function %s is not dyadic", funcname(func)); checkarray(x); checkarray(y); if(func->code){ if(!func->hasresult){ if(nextinstr(calls, c, o) == IPop) pushval(values, nil); /* fake result */ else error(ESyntax, "Function %s does not produce a result", funcname(func)); } pushval(values, y); pushval(values, x); pushcall(calls, func->code, &c, &o); }else{ z = primdyad(func->prim, x, y); pushval(values, z); } break; case IParse: /* parse at runtime and emit code */ o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); { TokenList *t = (TokenList *)v; Ast *a = parse(t, m->symtab); newcode = alloc(DataByteCode); codegensub(s, m, newcode, a); emitbyte(newcode, IReturn); pushcall(calls, newcode, &c, &o); } break; case IReturn: popcall(calls, m->symtab, &c, &o); break; case IAssign: o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); { void *val = popval(values); symset(m->symtab, v, val); if(nextinstr(calls, c, o) == IPop) val = nil; pushval(values, val); } break; case ILocal: o += getuvlong(c->instrs+o, &v); pushlocal(calls, m->symtab, v); break; case IPop: r = popval(values); if(nextinstr(calls, c, o) == IDisplay && r != nil) appendlog(s, printval(r)); break; case IDisplay: /* nothing to do, IPop checks for it */ break; default: error(EInternal, "unknown instruction in evalbc: %d", instr); } } r = nil; if(values->count > 1) error(EInternal, "Value stack size is %ulld", values->count); if(calls->count > 0) error(EInternal, "Call stack size is %ulld", calls->count); if(values->count == 1) r = popval(values); return r; }