shithub: mycel

ref: 1ed39a3b5cabe073caf56302a1cfc21b11767653
dir: /domino-lib/Element.js/

View raw version
"use strict";
module.exports = Element;

var xml = require('./xmlnames');
var utils = require('./utils');
var attributes = require('./attributes');
var Node = require('./Node');
var NodeList = require('./NodeList');
var NodeUtils = require('./NodeUtils');
var FilteredElementList = require('./FilteredElementList');
var DOMException = require('./DOMException');
var DOMTokenList = require('./DOMTokenList');
var select = require('./select');
var ContainerNode = require('./ContainerNode');
var ChildNode = require('./ChildNode');
var NonDocumentTypeChildNode = require('./NonDocumentTypeChildNode');
var NamedNodeMap = require('./NamedNodeMap');

var uppercaseCache = Object.create(null);

function Element(doc, localName, namespaceURI, prefix) {;
  this.nodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
  this.ownerDocument = doc;
  this.localName = localName;
  this.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
  this.prefix = prefix;
  this._tagName = undefined;

  // These properties maintain the set of attributes
  this._attrsByQName = Object.create(null); // The qname->Attr map
  this._attrsByLName = Object.create(null); // The ns|lname->Attr map
  this._attrKeys = [];     // attr index -> ns|lname

function recursiveGetText(node, a) {
  if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
  else {
    for(var i = 0, n = node.childNodes.length;  i < n; i++)
      recursiveGetText(node.childNodes[i], a);

Element.prototype = Object.create(ContainerNode.prototype, {
  isHTML: { get: function isHTML() {
    return this.namespaceURI === NAMESPACE.HTML && this.ownerDocument.isHTML;
  tagName: { get: function tagName() {
    if (this._tagName === undefined) {
      var tn;
      if (this.prefix === null) {
        tn = this.localName;
      } else {
        tn = this.prefix + ':' + this.localName;
      if (this.isHTML) {
        var up = uppercaseCache[tn];
        if (!up) {
          // Converting to uppercase can be slow, so cache the conversion.
          uppercaseCache[tn] = up = utils.toASCIIUpperCase(tn);
        tn = up;
      this._tagName = tn;
    return this._tagName;
  nodeName: { get: function() { return this.tagName; }},
  nodeValue: {
    get: function() {
      return null;
    set: function() {}
  textContent: {
    get: function() {
      var strings = [];
      recursiveGetText(this, strings);
      return strings.join('');
    set: function(newtext) {
      if (newtext !== null && newtext !== undefined && newtext !== '') {
  innerHTML: {
    get: function() {
      return this.serialize();
    set: utils.nyi
  outerHTML: {
    get: function() {
      // "the attribute must return the result of running the HTML fragment
      // serialization algorithm on a fictional node whose only child is
      // the context object"
      // The serialization logic is intentionally implemented in a separate
      // `NodeUtils` helper instead of the more obvious choice of a private
      // `_serializeOne()` method on the `Node.prototype` in order to avoid
      // the megamorphic `this._serializeOne` property access, which reduces
      // performance unnecessarily. If you need specialized behavior for a
      // certain subclass, you'll need to implement that in `NodeUtils`.
      // See for more information.
      return NodeUtils.serializeOne(this, { nodeType: 0 });
    set: function(v) {
      var document = this.ownerDocument;
      var parent = this.parentNode;
      if (parent === null) { return; }
      if (parent.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
      if (parent.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
        parent = parent.ownerDocument.createElement("body");
      var parser = document.implementation.mozHTMLParser(
      parser.parse(v===null?'':String(v), true);

  _insertAdjacent: { value: function _insertAdjacent(position, node) {
    var first = false;
    switch(position) {
    case 'beforebegin':
      first = true;
      /* falls through */
    case 'afterend':
      var parent = this.parentNode;
      if (parent === null) { return null; }
      return parent.insertBefore(node, first ? this : this.nextSibling);
    case 'afterbegin':
      first = true;
      /* falls through */
    case 'beforeend':
      return this.insertBefore(node, first ? this.firstChild : null);
      return utils.SyntaxError();

  insertAdjacentElement: { value: function insertAdjacentElement(position, element) {
    if (element.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
      throw new TypeError('not an element');
    position = utils.toASCIILowerCase(String(position));
    return this._insertAdjacent(position, element);

  insertAdjacentText: { value: function insertAdjacentText(position, data) {
    var textNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(data);
    position = utils.toASCIILowerCase(String(position));
    this._insertAdjacent(position, textNode);
    // "This method returns nothing because it existed before we had a chance
    // to design it."

  insertAdjacentHTML: { value: function insertAdjacentHTML(position, text) {
    position = utils.toASCIILowerCase(String(position));
    text = String(text);
    var context;
    switch(position) {
    case 'beforebegin':
    case 'afterend':
      context = this.parentNode;
      if (context === null || context.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
    case 'afterbegin':
    case 'beforeend':
      context = this;
    if ( (!(context instanceof Element)) || (
      context.ownerDocument.isHTML &&
      context.localName === 'html' &&
      context.namespaceURI === NAMESPACE.HTML
    ) ) {
      context = context.ownerDocument.createElementNS(NAMESPACE.HTML, 'body');
    var parser = this.ownerDocument.implementation.mozHTMLParser(
      this.ownerDocument._address, context
    parser.parse(text, true);
    this._insertAdjacent(position, parser._asDocumentFragment());

  children: { get: function() {
    if (!this._children) {
      this._children = new ChildrenCollection(this);
    return this._children;

  attributes: { get: function() {
    if (!this._attributes) {
      this._attributes = new AttributesArray(this);
    return this._attributes;

  firstElementChild: { get: function() {
    for (var kid = this.firstChild; kid !== null; kid = kid.nextSibling) {
      if (kid.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return kid;
    return null;

  lastElementChild: { get: function() {
    for (var kid = this.lastChild; kid !== null; kid = kid.previousSibling) {
      if (kid.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return kid;
    return null;

  childElementCount: { get: function() {
    return this.children.length;

  // Return the next element, in source order, after this one or
  // null if there are no more.  If root element is specified,
  // then don't traverse beyond its subtree.
  // This is not a DOM method, but is convenient for
  // lazy traversals of the tree.
  nextElement: { value: function(root) {
    if (!root) root = this.ownerDocument.documentElement;
    var next = this.firstElementChild;
    if (!next) {
      // don't use sibling if we're at root
      if (this===root) return null;
      next = this.nextElementSibling;
    if (next) return next;

    // If we can't go down or across, then we have to go up
    // and across to the parent sibling or another ancestor's
    // sibling.  Be careful, though: if we reach the root
    // element, or if we reach the documentElement, then
    // the traversal ends.
    for(var parent = this.parentElement;
      parent && parent !== root;
      parent = parent.parentElement) {

      next = parent.nextElementSibling;
      if (next) return next;

    return null;

  // XXX:
  // Tests are currently failing for this function.
  // Awaiting resolution of:
  getElementsByTagName: { value: function getElementsByTagName(lname) {
    var filter;
    if (!lname) return new NodeList();
    if (lname === '*')
      filter = function() { return true; };
    else if (this.isHTML)
      filter = htmlLocalNameElementFilter(lname);
      filter = localNameElementFilter(lname);

    return new FilteredElementList(this, filter);

  getElementsByTagNameNS: { value: function getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, lname){
    var filter;
    if (ns === '*' && lname === '*')
      filter = function() { return true; };
    else if (ns === '*')
      filter = localNameElementFilter(lname);
    else if (lname === '*')
      filter = namespaceElementFilter(ns);
      filter = namespaceLocalNameElementFilter(ns, lname);

    return new FilteredElementList(this, filter);

  getElementsByClassName: { value: function getElementsByClassName(names){
    names = String(names).trim();
    if (names === '') {
      var result = new NodeList(); // Empty node list
      return result;
    names = names.split(/[ \t\r\n\f]+/);  // Split on ASCII whitespace
    return new FilteredElementList(this, classNamesElementFilter(names));

  getElementsByName: { value: function getElementsByName(name) {
    return new FilteredElementList(this, elementNameFilter(String(name)));

  // Utility methods used by the public API methods above
  clone: { value: function clone() {
    var e;

    // XXX:
    // Modify this to use the constructor directly or
    // avoid error checking in some other way. In case we try
    // to clone an invalid node that the parser inserted.
    if (this.namespaceURI !== NAMESPACE.HTML || this.prefix || !this.ownerDocument.isHTML) {
      e = this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(
        this.namespaceURI, (this.prefix !== null) ?
          (this.prefix + ':' + this.localName) : this.localName
    } else {
      e = this.ownerDocument.createElement(this.localName);

    for(var i = 0, n = this._attrKeys.length; i < n; i++) {
      var lname = this._attrKeys[i];
      var a = this._attrsByLName[lname];
      var b = a.cloneNode();
      e._attrsByLName[lname] = b;
    e._attrKeys = this._attrKeys.concat();

    return e;

  isEqual: { value: function isEqual(that) {
    if (this.localName !== that.localName ||
      this.namespaceURI !== that.namespaceURI ||
      this.prefix !== that.prefix ||
      this._numattrs !== that._numattrs)
      return false;

    // Compare the sets of attributes, ignoring order
    // and ignoring attribute prefixes.
    for(var i = 0, n = this._numattrs; i < n; i++) {
      var a = this._attr(i);
      if (!that.hasAttributeNS(a.namespaceURI, a.localName))
        return false;
      if (that.getAttributeNS(a.namespaceURI,a.localName) !== a.value)
        return false;

    return true;

  // This is the 'locate a namespace prefix' algorithm from the
  // DOM specification.  It is used by Node.lookupPrefix()
  // (Be sure to compare DOM3 and DOM4 versions of spec.)
  _lookupNamespacePrefix: { value: function _lookupNamespacePrefix(ns, originalElement) {
    if (
      this.namespaceURI &&
      this.namespaceURI === ns &&
      this.prefix !== null &&
      originalElement.lookupNamespaceURI(this.prefix) === ns
    ) {
      return this.prefix;

    for(var i = 0, n = this._numattrs; i < n; i++) {
      var a = this._attr(i);
      if (
        a.prefix === 'xmlns' &&
        a.value === ns &&
        originalElement.lookupNamespaceURI(a.localName) === ns
      ) {
        return a.localName;

    var parent = this.parentElement;
    return parent ? parent._lookupNamespacePrefix(ns, originalElement) : null;

  // This is the 'locate a namespace' algorithm for Element nodes
  // from the DOM Core spec.  It is used by Node#lookupNamespaceURI()
  lookupNamespaceURI: { value: function lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) {
    if (prefix === '' || prefix === undefined) { prefix = null; }
    if (this.namespaceURI !== null && this.prefix === prefix)
      return this.namespaceURI;

    for(var i = 0, n = this._numattrs; i < n; i++) {
      var a = this._attr(i);
      if (a.namespaceURI === NAMESPACE.XMLNS) {
        if (
          (a.prefix === 'xmlns' && a.localName === prefix) ||
          (prefix === null && a.prefix === null && a.localName === 'xmlns')
        ) {
          return a.value || null;

    var parent = this.parentElement;
    return parent ? parent.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) : null;

  // Attribute handling methods and utilities

   * Attributes in the DOM are tricky:
   * - there are the 8 basic get/set/has/removeAttribute{NS} methods
   * - but many HTML attributes are also 'reflected' through IDL
   *   attributes which means that they can be queried and set through
   *   regular properties of the element.  There is just one attribute
   *   value, but two ways to get and set it.
   * - Different HTML element types have different sets of reflected
   * - attributes can also be queried and set through the .attributes
   *   property of an element.  This property behaves like an array of
   *   Attr objects.  The value property of each Attr is writeable, so
   *   this is a third way to read and write attributes.
   * - for efficiency, we really want to store attributes in some kind
   *   of name->attr map.  But the attributes[] array is an array, not a
   *   map, which is kind of unnatural.
   * - When using namespaces and prefixes, and mixing the NS methods
   *   with the non-NS methods, it is apparently actually possible for
   *   an attributes[] array to have more than one attribute with the
   *   same qualified name.  And certain methods must operate on only
   *   the first attribute with such a name.  So for these methods, an
   *   inefficient array-like data structure would be easier to
   *   implement.
   * - The attributes[] array is live, not a snapshot, so changes to the
   *   attributes must be immediately visible through existing arrays.
   * - When attributes are queried and set through IDL properties
   *   (instead of the get/setAttributes() method or the attributes[]
   *   array) they may be subject to type conversions, URL
   *   normalization, etc., so some extra processing is required in that
   *   case.
   * - But access through IDL properties is probably the most common
   *   case, so we'd like that to be as fast as possible.
   * - We can't just store attribute values in their parsed idl form,
   *   because setAttribute() has to return whatever string is passed to
   *   getAttribute even if it is not a legal, parseable value. So
   *   attribute values must be stored in unparsed string form.
   * - We need to be able to send change notifications or mutation
   *   events of some sort to the renderer whenever an attribute value
   *   changes, regardless of the way in which it changes.
   * - Some attributes, such as id and class affect other parts of the
   *   DOM API, like getElementById and getElementsByClassName and so
   *   for efficiency, we need to specially track changes to these
   *   special attributes.
   * - Some attributes like class have different names (className) when
   *   reflected.
   * - Attributes whose names begin with the string 'data-' are treated
   * - Reflected attributes that have a boolean type in IDL have special
   *   behavior: setting them to false (in IDL) is the same as removing
   *   them with removeAttribute()
   * - numeric attributes (like HTMLElement.tabIndex) can have default
   *   values that must be returned by the idl getter even if the
   *   content attribute does not exist. (The default tabIndex value
   *   actually varies based on the type of the element, so that is a
   *   tricky one).
   * See
   * for rules on how attributes are reflected.

  getAttribute: { value: function getAttribute(qname) {
    var attr = this.getAttributeNode(qname);
    return attr ? attr.value : null;

  getAttributeNS: { value: function getAttributeNS(ns, lname) {
    var attr = this.getAttributeNodeNS(ns, lname);
    return attr ? attr.value : null;

  getAttributeNode: { value: function getAttributeNode(qname) {
    qname = String(qname);
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(qname) && this.isHTML)
      qname = utils.toASCIILowerCase(qname);
    var attr = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    if (!attr) return null;

    if (Array.isArray(attr))  // If there is more than one
      attr = attr[0];         // use the first

    return attr;

  getAttributeNodeNS: { value: function getAttributeNodeNS(ns, lname) {
    ns = (ns === undefined || ns === null) ? '' : String(ns);
    lname = String(lname);
    var attr = this._attrsByLName[ns + '|' + lname];
    return attr ? attr : null;

  hasAttribute: { value: function hasAttribute(qname) {
    qname = String(qname);
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(qname) && this.isHTML)
      qname = utils.toASCIILowerCase(qname);
    return this._attrsByQName[qname] !== undefined;

  hasAttributeNS: { value: function hasAttributeNS(ns, lname) {
    ns = (ns === undefined || ns === null) ? '' : String(ns);
    lname = String(lname);
    var key = ns + '|' + lname;
    return this._attrsByLName[key] !== undefined;

  hasAttributes: { value: function hasAttributes() {
    return this._numattrs > 0;

  toggleAttribute: { value: function toggleAttribute(qname, force) {
    qname = String(qname);
    if (!xml.isValidName(qname)) utils.InvalidCharacterError();
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(qname) && this.isHTML)
      qname = utils.toASCIILowerCase(qname);
    var a = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    if (a === undefined) {
      if (force === undefined || force === true) {
        this._setAttribute(qname, '');
        return true;
      return false;
    } else {
      if (force === undefined || force === false) {
        return false;
      return true;

  // Set the attribute without error checking. The parser uses this.
  _setAttribute: { value: function _setAttribute(qname, value) {
    // XXX: the spec says that this next search should be done
    // on the local name, but I think that is an error.
    // email pending on www-dom about it.
    var attr = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    var isnew;
    if (!attr) {
      attr = this._newattr(qname);
      isnew = true;
    else {
      if (Array.isArray(attr)) attr = attr[0];

    // Now set the attribute value on the new or existing Attr object.
    // The Attr.value setter method handles mutation events, etc.
    attr.value = value;
    if (this._attributes) this._attributes[qname] = attr;
    if (isnew && this._newattrhook) this._newattrhook(qname, value);

  // Check for errors, and then set the attribute
  setAttribute: { value: function setAttribute(qname, value) {
    qname = String(qname);
    if (!xml.isValidName(qname)) utils.InvalidCharacterError();
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(qname) && this.isHTML)
      qname = utils.toASCIILowerCase(qname);
    this._setAttribute(qname, String(value));

  // The version with no error checking used by the parser
  _setAttributeNS: { value: function _setAttributeNS(ns, qname, value) {
    var pos = qname.indexOf(':'), prefix, lname;
    if (pos < 0) {
      prefix = null;
      lname = qname;
    else {
      prefix = qname.substring(0, pos);
      lname = qname.substring(pos+1);

    if (ns === '' || ns === undefined) ns = null;
    var key = (ns === null ? '' : ns) + '|' + lname;

    var attr = this._attrsByLName[key];
    var isnew;
    if (!attr) {
      attr = new Attr(this, lname, prefix, ns);
      isnew = true;
      this._attrsByLName[key] = attr;
      if (this._attributes) {
        this._attributes[this._attrKeys.length] = attr;

      // We also have to make the attr searchable by qname.
      // But we have to be careful because there may already
      // be an attr with this qname.
    else if (false /* changed in DOM 4 */) {
      // Calling setAttributeNS() can change the prefix of an
      // existing attribute in DOM 2/3.
      if (attr.prefix !== prefix) {
        // Unbind the old qname
        // Update the prefix
        attr.prefix = prefix;
        // Bind the new qname

    attr.value = value; // Automatically sends mutation event
    if (isnew && this._newattrhook) this._newattrhook(qname, value);

  // Do error checking then call _setAttributeNS
  setAttributeNS: { value: function setAttributeNS(ns, qname, value) {
    // Convert parameter types according to WebIDL
    ns = (ns === null || ns === undefined || ns === '') ? null : String(ns);
    qname = String(qname);
    if (!xml.isValidQName(qname)) utils.InvalidCharacterError();

    var pos = qname.indexOf(':');
    var prefix = (pos < 0) ? null : qname.substring(0, pos);

    if ((prefix !== null && ns === null) ||
      (prefix === 'xml' && ns !== NAMESPACE.XML) ||
      ((qname === 'xmlns' || prefix === 'xmlns') &&
       (ns !== NAMESPACE.XMLNS)) ||
      (ns === NAMESPACE.XMLNS &&
       !(qname === 'xmlns' || prefix === 'xmlns')))

    this._setAttributeNS(ns, qname, String(value));

  setAttributeNode: { value: function setAttributeNode(attr) {
    if (attr.ownerElement !== null && attr.ownerElement !== this) {
      throw new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
    var result = null;
    var oldAttrs = this._attrsByQName[];
    if (oldAttrs) {
      if (!Array.isArray(oldAttrs)) { oldAttrs = [ oldAttrs ]; }
      if (oldAttrs.some(function(a) { return a===attr; })) {
        return attr;
      } else if (attr.ownerElement !== null) {
        throw new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
      oldAttrs.forEach(function(a) { this.removeAttributeNode(a); }, this);
      result = oldAttrs[0];
    return result;

  setAttributeNodeNS: { value: function setAttributeNodeNS(attr) {
    if (attr.ownerElement !== null) {
      throw new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
    var ns = attr.namespaceURI;
    var key = (ns === null ? '' : ns) + '|' + attr.localName;
    var oldAttr = this._attrsByLName[key];
    if (oldAttr) { this.removeAttributeNode(oldAttr); }
    this._attrsByLName[key] = attr;
    if (this._attributes) {
      this._attributes[this._attrKeys.length] = attr;
    if (this._newattrhook) this._newattrhook(, attr.value);
    return oldAttr || null;

  removeAttribute: { value: function removeAttribute(qname) {
    qname = String(qname);
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(qname) && this.isHTML)
      qname = utils.toASCIILowerCase(qname);

    var attr = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    if (!attr) return;

    // If there is more than one match for this qname
    // so don't delete the qname mapping, just remove the first
    // element from it.
    if (Array.isArray(attr)) {
      if (attr.length > 2) {
        attr = attr.shift();  // remove it from the array
      else {
        this._attrsByQName[qname] = attr[1];
        attr = attr[0];
    else {
      // only a single match, so remove the qname mapping
      this._attrsByQName[qname] = undefined;

    var ns = attr.namespaceURI;
    // Now attr is the removed attribute.  Figure out its
    // ns+lname key and remove it from the other mapping as well.
    var key = (ns === null ? '' : ns) + '|' + attr.localName;
    this._attrsByLName[key] = undefined;

    var i = this._attrKeys.indexOf(key);
    if (this._attributes) {, i, 1);
      this._attributes[qname] = undefined;
    this._attrKeys.splice(i, 1);

    // Onchange handler for the attribute
    var onchange = attr.onchange;
    if (onchange) {, this, attr.localName, attr.value, null);
    // Mutation event
    if (this.rooted) this.ownerDocument.mutateRemoveAttr(attr);

  removeAttributeNS: { value: function removeAttributeNS(ns, lname) {
    ns = (ns === undefined || ns === null) ? '' : String(ns);
    lname = String(lname);
    var key = ns + '|' + lname;
    var attr = this._attrsByLName[key];
    if (!attr) return;

    this._attrsByLName[key] = undefined;

    var i = this._attrKeys.indexOf(key);
    if (this._attributes) {, i, 1);
    this._attrKeys.splice(i, 1);

    // Now find the same Attr object in the qname mapping and remove it
    // But be careful because there may be more than one match.

    // Onchange handler for the attribute
    var onchange = attr.onchange;
    if (onchange) {, this, attr.localName, attr.value, null);
    // Mutation event
    if (this.rooted) this.ownerDocument.mutateRemoveAttr(attr);

  removeAttributeNode: { value: function removeAttributeNode(attr) {
    var ns = attr.namespaceURI;
    var key = (ns === null ? '' : ns) + '|' + attr.localName;
    if (this._attrsByLName[key] !== attr) {
    this.removeAttributeNS(ns, attr.localName);
    return attr;

  getAttributeNames: { value: function getAttributeNames() {
    var elt = this;
    return {
      return elt._attrsByLName[key].name;

  // This 'raw' version of getAttribute is used by the getter functions
  // of reflected attributes. It skips some error checking and
  // namespace steps
  _getattr: { value: function _getattr(qname) {
    // Assume that qname is already lowercased, so don't do it here.
    // Also don't check whether attr is an array: a qname with no
    // prefix will never have two matching Attr objects (because
    // setAttributeNS doesn't allow a non-null namespace with a
    // null prefix.
    var attr = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    return attr ? attr.value : null;

  // The raw version of setAttribute for reflected idl attributes.
  _setattr: { value: function _setattr(qname, value) {
    var attr = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    var isnew;
    if (!attr) {
      attr = this._newattr(qname);
      isnew = true;
    attr.value = String(value);
    if (this._attributes) this._attributes[qname] = attr;
    if (isnew && this._newattrhook) this._newattrhook(qname, value);

  // Create a new Attr object, insert it, and return it.
  // Used by setAttribute() and by set()
  _newattr: { value: function _newattr(qname) {
    var attr = new Attr(this, qname, null, null);
    var key = '|' + qname;
    this._attrsByQName[qname] = attr;
    this._attrsByLName[key] = attr;
    if (this._attributes) {
      this._attributes[this._attrKeys.length] = attr;
    return attr;

  // Add a qname->Attr mapping to the _attrsByQName object, taking into
  // account that there may be more than one attr object with the
  // same qname
  _addQName: { value: function(attr) {
    var qname =;
    var existing = this._attrsByQName[qname];
    if (!existing) {
      this._attrsByQName[qname] = attr;
    else if (Array.isArray(existing)) {
    else {
      this._attrsByQName[qname] = [existing, attr];
    if (this._attributes) this._attributes[qname] = attr;

  // Remove a qname->Attr mapping to the _attrsByQName object, taking into
  // account that there may be more than one attr object with the
  // same qname
  _removeQName: { value: function(attr) {
    var qname =;
    var target = this._attrsByQName[qname];

    if (Array.isArray(target)) {
      var idx = target.indexOf(attr);
      utils.assert(idx !== -1); // It must be here somewhere
      if (target.length === 2) {
        this._attrsByQName[qname] = target[1-idx];
        if (this._attributes) {
          this._attributes[qname] = this._attrsByQName[qname];
      } else {
        target.splice(idx, 1);
        if (this._attributes && this._attributes[qname] === attr) {
          this._attributes[qname] = target[0];
    else {
      utils.assert(target === attr);  // If only one, it must match
      this._attrsByQName[qname] = undefined;
      if (this._attributes) {
        this._attributes[qname] = undefined;

  // Return the number of attributes
  _numattrs: { get: function() { return this._attrKeys.length; }},
  // Return the nth Attr object
  _attr: { value: function(n) {
    return this._attrsByLName[this._attrKeys[n]];

  // Define getters and setters for an 'id' property that reflects
  // the content attribute 'id'.
  id:{name: 'id'}),

  // Define getters and setters for a 'className' property that reflects
  // the content attribute 'class'.
  className:{name: 'class'}),

  classList: { get: function() {
    var self = this;
    if (this._classList) {
      return this._classList;
    var dtlist = new DOMTokenList(
      function() {
        return self.className || "";
      function(v) {
        self.className = v;
    this._classList = dtlist;
    return dtlist;
  }, set: function(v) { this.className = v; }},

  matches: { value: function(selector) {
    return select.matches(this, selector);

  closest: { value: function(selector) {
    var el = this;
	do {
	  if (el.matches && el.matches(selector)) { return el; }
	  el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
	} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE);
	return null;

  querySelector: { value: function(selector) {
    return select(selector, this)[0];

  querySelectorAll: { value: function(selector) {
    var nodes = select(selector, this);
    return nodes.item ? nodes : new NodeList(nodes);


Object.defineProperties(Element.prototype, ChildNode);
Object.defineProperties(Element.prototype, NonDocumentTypeChildNode);

// Register special handling for the id attribute
attributes.registerChangeHandler(Element, 'id',
 function(element, lname, oldval, newval) {
   if (element.rooted) {
     if (oldval) {
       element.ownerDocument.delId(oldval, element);
     if (newval) {
       element.ownerDocument.addId(newval, element);
attributes.registerChangeHandler(Element, 'class',
 function(element, lname, oldval, newval) {
   if (element._classList) { element._classList._update(); }

// The Attr class represents a single attribute.  The values in
// _attrsByQName and _attrsByLName are instances of this class.
function Attr(elt, lname, prefix, namespace, value) {
  // localName and namespace are constant for any attr object.
  // But value may change.  And so can prefix, and so, therefore can name.
  this.localName = lname;
  this.prefix = (prefix===null || prefix==='') ? null : ('' + prefix);
  this.namespaceURI = (namespace===null || namespace==='') ? null : ('' + namespace); = value;
  // Set ownerElement last to ensure it is hooked up to onchange handler

// In DOM 3 Attr was supposed to extend Node; in DOM 4 that was abandoned.
Attr.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
  ownerElement: {
    get: function() { return this._ownerElement; },
  _setOwnerElement: { value: function _setOwnerElement(elt) {
    this._ownerElement = elt;
    if (this.prefix === null && this.namespaceURI === null && elt) {
      this.onchange = elt._attributeChangeHandlers[this.localName];
    } else {
      this.onchange = null;

  name: { get: function() {
    return this.prefix ? this.prefix + ':' + this.localName : this.localName;

  specified: { get: function() {
    // Deprecated
    return true;

  value: {
    get: function() {
    set: function(value) {
      var oldval =;
      value = (value === undefined) ? '' : value + '';
      if (value === oldval) return; = value;

      // Run the onchange hook for the attribute
      // if there is one.
      if (this.ownerElement) {
        if (this.onchange)
          this.onchange(this.ownerElement,this.localName, oldval, value);

        // Generate a mutation event if the element is rooted
        if (this.ownerElement.rooted)
          this.ownerElement.ownerDocument.mutateAttr(this, oldval);

  cloneNode: { value: function cloneNode(deep) {
    // Both this method and Document#createAttribute*() create unowned Attrs
    return new Attr(
      null, this.localName, this.prefix, this.namespaceURI,

  // Legacy aliases (see gh#70 and
  nodeType: { get: function() { return Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE; } },
  nodeName: { get: function() { return; } },
  nodeValue: {
    get: function() { return this.value; },
    set: function(v) { this.value = v; },
  textContent: {
    get: function() { return this.value; },
    set: function(v) {
      if (v === null || v === undefined) { v = ''; }
      this.value = v;
// Sneakily export this class for use by Document.createAttribute()
Element._Attr = Attr;

// The attributes property of an Element will be an instance of this class.
// This class is really just a dummy, though. It only defines a length
// property and an item() method. The AttrArrayProxy that
// defines the public API just uses the Element object itself.
function AttributesArray(elt) {, elt);
  for (var name in elt._attrsByQName) {
    this[name] = elt._attrsByQName[name];
  for (var i = 0; i < elt._attrKeys.length; i++) {
    this[i] = elt._attrsByLName[elt._attrKeys[i]];
AttributesArray.prototype = Object.create(NamedNodeMap.prototype, {
  length: { get: function() {
    return this.element._attrKeys.length;
  }, set: function() { /* ignore */ } },
  item: { value: function(n) {
    /* jshint bitwise: false */
    n = n >>> 0;
    if (n >= this.length) { return null; }
    return this.element._attrsByLName[this.element._attrKeys[n]];
    /* jshint bitwise: true */
  } },

// We can't make direct array access work (without Proxies, node >=6)
// but we can make `Array.from(node.attributes)` and for-of loops work.
if (global.Symbol && global.Symbol.iterator) {
    AttributesArray.prototype[global.Symbol.iterator] = function() {
        var i=0, n=this.length, self=this;
        return {
            next: function() {
                if (i<n) return { value: self.item(i++) };
                return { done: true };

// The children property of an Element will be an instance of this class.
// It defines length, item() and namedItem() and will be wrapped by an
// HTMLCollection when exposed through the DOM.
function ChildrenCollection(e) {
  this.element = e;

ChildrenCollection.prototype = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
  length: { get: function() {
    return this.childrenByNumber.length;
  } },
  item: { value: function item(n) {
    return this.childrenByNumber[n] || null;
  } },

  namedItem: { value: function namedItem(name) {
    return this.childrenByName[name] || null;
  } },

  // This attribute returns the entire name->element map.
  // It is not part of the HTMLCollection API, but we need it in
  // src/HTMLCollectionProxy
  namedItems: { get: function() {
    return this.childrenByName;
  } },

  updateCache: { value: function updateCache() {
    var namedElts = /^(a|applet|area|embed|form|frame|frameset|iframe|img|object)$/;
    if (this.lastModTime !== this.element.lastModTime) {
      this.lastModTime = this.element.lastModTime;

      var n = this.childrenByNumber && this.childrenByNumber.length || 0;
      for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        this[i] = undefined;

      this.childrenByNumber = [];
      this.childrenByName = Object.create(null);

      for (var c = this.element.firstChild; c !== null; c = c.nextSibling) {
        if (c.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

          this[this.childrenByNumber.length] = c;

          // XXX Are there any requirements about the namespace
          // of the id property?
          var id = c.getAttribute('id');

          // If there is an id that is not already in use...
          if (id && !this.childrenByName[id])
            this.childrenByName[id] = c;

          // For certain HTML elements we check the name attribute
          var name = c.getAttribute('name');
          if (name &&
            this.element.namespaceURI === NAMESPACE.HTML &&
            namedElts.test(this.element.localName) &&
            this.childrenByName[id] = c;
  } },

// These functions return predicates for filtering elements.
// They're used by the Document and Element classes for methods like
// getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName

function localNameElementFilter(lname) {
  return function(e) { return e.localName === lname; };

function htmlLocalNameElementFilter(lname) {
  var lclname = utils.toASCIILowerCase(lname);
  if (lclname === lname)
    return localNameElementFilter(lname);

  return function(e) {
    return e.isHTML ? e.localName === lclname : e.localName === lname;

function namespaceElementFilter(ns) {
  return function(e) { return e.namespaceURI === ns; };

function namespaceLocalNameElementFilter(ns, lname) {
  return function(e) {
    return e.namespaceURI === ns && e.localName === lname;

function classNamesElementFilter(names) {
  return function(e) {
    return names.every(function(n) { return e.classList.contains(n); });

function elementNameFilter(name) {
  return function(e) {
    // All the *HTML elements* in the document with the given name attribute
    if (e.namespaceURI !== NAMESPACE.HTML) { return false; }
    return e.getAttribute('name') === name;