ref: 70a3ec1accb6de1c1c273470af0ddfa2edc1b0a9
dir: /ram/sram.asm/
SECTION "Scratch", SRAM sScratch:: ds $60 tiles SECTION "SRAM Bank 0", SRAM sPartyMail:: ; sPartyMon1Mail - sPartyMon6Mail for n, 1, PARTY_LENGTH + 1 sPartyMon{d:n}Mail:: mailmsg sPartyMon{d:n}Mail endr sPartyMailBackup:: ; sPartyMon1MailBackup - sPartyMon6MailBackup for n, 1, PARTY_LENGTH + 1 sPartyMon{d:n}MailBackup:: mailmsg sPartyMon{d:n}MailBackup endr sMailboxCount:: db sMailboxes:: ; sMailbox1 - sMailbox10 for n, 1, MAILBOX_CAPACITY + 1 sMailbox{d:n}:: mailmsg sMailbox{d:n} endr sMailboxCountBackup:: db sMailboxesBackup:: ; sMailbox1Backup - sMailbox10Backup for n, 1, MAILBOX_CAPACITY + 1 sMailbox{d:n}Backup:: mailmsg sMailbox{d:n}Backup endr sMysteryGiftData:: sMysteryGiftItem:: db sMysteryGiftUnlocked:: db sBackupMysteryGiftItem:: db sNumDailyMysteryGiftPartnerIDs:: db sDailyMysteryGiftPartnerIDs:: ds MAX_MYSTERY_GIFT_PARTNERS * 2 sMysteryGiftDecorationsReceived:: flag_array NUM_NON_TROPHY_DECOS ds 4 sMysteryGiftTimer:: dw ds 1 sMysteryGiftTrainerHouseFlag:: db sMysteryGiftPartnerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH sMysteryGiftUnusedFlag:: db sMysteryGiftTrainer:: ds wMysteryGiftTrainerEnd - wMysteryGiftTrainer sBackupMysteryGiftItemEnd:: ds $30 sRTCStatusFlags:: db ds 7 sLuckyNumberDay:: db sLuckyIDNumber:: dw SECTION "Backup Save", SRAM sBackupOptions:: ds wOptionsEnd - wOptions sBackupCheckValue1:: db ; loaded with SAVE_CHECK_VALUE_1, used to check save corruption sBackupGameData:: sBackupPlayerData:: ds wPlayerDataEnd - wPlayerData sBackupCurMapData:: ds wCurMapDataEnd - wCurMapData sBackupPokemonData:: ds wPokemonDataEnd - wPokemonData sBackupGameDataEnd:: ds $18a sBackupChecksum:: dw sBackupCheckValue2:: db ; loaded with SAVE_CHECK_VALUE_2, used to check save corruption sStackTop:: dw if DEF(_DEBUG) sRTCHaltCheckValue:: dw sSkipBattle:: db sDebugTimeCyclesSinceLastCall:: db sOpenedInvalidSRAM:: db sIsBugMon:: db endc SECTION "Save", SRAM sOptions:: ds wOptionsEnd - wOptions sCheckValue1:: db ; loaded with SAVE_CHECK_VALUE_1, used to check save corruption sGameData:: sPlayerData:: ds wPlayerDataEnd - wPlayerData sCurMapData:: ds wCurMapDataEnd - wCurMapData sPokemonData:: ds wPokemonDataEnd - wPokemonData sGameDataEnd:: ds $18a sChecksum:: dw sCheckValue2:: db ; loaded with SAVE_CHECK_VALUE_2, used to check save corruption SECTION "Active Box", SRAM sBox:: box sBox ds $100 SECTION "Link Battle Data", SRAM sLinkBattleStats:: sLinkBattleWins:: dw sLinkBattleLosses:: dw sLinkBattleDraws:: dw sLinkBattleRecord:: ; sLinkBattleRecord1 - sLinkBattleRecord5 for n, 1, NUM_LINK_BATTLE_RECORDS + 1 sLinkBattleRecord{d:n}:: link_battle_record sLinkBattleRecord{d:n} endr sLinkBattleStatsEnd:: SECTION "SRAM Hall of Fame", SRAM sHallOfFame:: ; sHallOfFame1 - sHallOfFame30 for n, 1, NUM_HOF_TEAMS + 1 sHallOfFame{d:n}:: hall_of_fame sHallOfFame{d:n} endr sHallOfFameEnd:: SECTION "SRAM Crystal Data", SRAM sMobileEventIndex:: db sCrystalData:: ds wCrystalDataEnd - wCrystalData sMobileEventIndexBackup:: db SECTION "SRAM Battle Tower", SRAM ; Battle Tower data must be in SRAM because you can save and leave between battles sBattleTowerChallengeState:: ; 0: normal ; 2: battle tower db sNrOfBeatenBattleTowerTrainers:: db sBTChoiceOfLevelGroup:: db ; Battle Tower trainers are saved here, so nobody appears more than once sBTTrainers:: ds BATTLETOWER_STREAK_LENGTH sBattleTowerSaveFileFlags:: db sBattleTowerReward:: db sBTMonOfTrainers:: ; team of previous trainer ; sBTMonPrevTrainer1 - sBTMonPrevTrainer3 for n, 1, BATTLETOWER_PARTY_LENGTH + 1 sBTMonPrevTrainer{d:n}:: db endr ; team of preprevious trainer ; sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer1 - sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer3 for n, 1, BATTLETOWER_PARTY_LENGTH + 1 sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer{d:n}:: db endr ; The PC boxes will not fit into one SRAM bank, ; so they use multiple SECTIONs DEF box_n = 0 MACRO boxes rept \1 DEF box_n += 1 sBox{d:box_n}:: box sBox{d:box_n} endr ENDM SECTION "Boxes 1-7", SRAM ; sBox1 - sBox7 boxes 7 SECTION "Boxes 8-14", SRAM ; sBox8 - sBox14 boxes 7 ; All 14 boxes fit exactly within 2 SRAM banks assert box_n == NUM_BOXES, \ "boxes: Expected {d:NUM_BOXES} total boxes, got {d:box_n}" SECTION "SRAM Mobile 1", SRAM ds $7 s4_a007:: ; struct size $30 ds $c s4_a013:: ds 36 s4_a037:: ds 4 s4_a03b:: ds 37 * 40 s4_a603:: ds 8 s4_a60b:: db s4_a60c:: db s4_a60d:: db s4_a60e:: dw ds $1f0 sMobileBattleTimer:: ds 3 ds $7fd s4_b000:: db SECTION "SRAM Mobile 2", SRAM ds 1 ; JP: location of sMobileEventIndex sTrainerRankings:: sTrainerRankingGameTimeHOF:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingStepCountHOF:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingHealingsHOF:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingBattlesHOF:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingStepCount:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingBattleTowerWins:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingTMsHMsTaught:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingBattles:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingWildBattles:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingTrainerBattles:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingUnused1:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingHOFEntries:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingWildMonsCaught:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingHookedEncounters:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingEggsHatched:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingMonsEvolved:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingFruitPicked:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingHealings:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingMysteryGift:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingTrades:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingFly:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingSurf:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingWaterfall:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingWhiteOuts:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingLuckyNumberShow:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingPhoneCalls:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingUnused2:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingLinkBattles:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingSplash:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingTreeEncounters:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingUnused3:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingColosseumWins:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingColosseumLosses:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingColosseumDraws:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingSelfdestruct:: ds 3 sTrainerRankingCurrentSlotsStreak:: ds 2 sTrainerRankingLongestSlotsStreak:: ds 2 sTrainerRankingTotalSlotsPayouts:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingTotalBattlePayouts:: ds 4 sTrainerRankingLongestMagikarp:: ds 2 sTrainerRankingShortestMagikarp:: ds 2 sTrainerRankingBugContestScore:: ds 2 sTrainerRankingsChecksum:: ds 2 sTrainerRankingsEnd:: ds 1 ; JP: location of sMobileEventIndexBackup sTrainerRankingsBackup:: ds sTrainerRankingsEnd - sTrainerRankings ds $6fa s5_a800:: db sOfferEmail:: ds MOBILE_EMAIL_LENGTH sOfferTrainerID:: dw sOfferSecretID:: dw sOfferGender:: db sOfferSpecies:: db sOfferReqGender:: db sOfferReqSpecies:: db sOfferMonSender:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE - 1 sOfferMon:: party_struct sOfferMon sOfferMonOT:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE - 1 sOfferMonNick:: ds NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE - 1 sOfferMonMail:: mailmsg_jp sOfferMonMail s5_a890:: db s5_a891:: db s5_a892:: db s5_a893:: db s5_a894:: ds 6 s5_a89a:: dw s5_a89c:: ds 22 s5_a8b2:: ds 150 s5_a948:: ds 246 ds $3 s5_aa41:: ds 4 ds $2 s5_aa47:: db s5_aa48:: db ds $1 s5_aa4a:: db sMobileLoginPassword:: ds MOBILE_LOGIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH ds $1 s5_aa5d:: ds MOBILE_LOGIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH ds $4 s5_aa72:: db s5_aa73:: ds 12 s5_aa7f:: ds 12 s5_aa8b:: db s5_aa8c:: db s5_aa8d:: db s5_aa8e:: ds 7 * $cc ds $1 s5_b023:: ds 105 s5_b08c:: ds 4 s5_b090:: db s5_b091:: db s5_b092:: ds 31 ds $100 s5_b1b1:: db s5_b1b2:: db s5_b1b3:: db s5_b1b4:: db ds $1e s5_b1d3:: ds $120 s5_b2f3:: db s5_b2f4:: ds 4 ds $1 s5_b2f9:: db s5_b2fa:: db s5_b2fb:: db ds $b49 s5_be45:: db s5_be46:: db ds $1b8 s5_bfff:: db SECTION "SRAM Mobile 3", SRAM s6_a000:: db db s6_a002:: db s6_a003:: db s6_a004:: db s6_a005:: db s6_a006:: ds $1000 SECTION "SRAM Mobile 4", SRAM s7_a000:: db s7_a001:: db ds $7fe s7_a800:: db