ref: 8eda8d536064325a57d57efae613deb9ba015bf4
dir: /textscreen/txt_fileselect.c/
// // Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // Routines for selecting files. // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "doomkeys.h" #include "txt_fileselect.h" #include "txt_inputbox.h" #include "txt_gui.h" #include "txt_io.h" #include "txt_main.h" #include "txt_widget.h" struct txt_fileselect_s { txt_widget_t widget; txt_inputbox_t *inputbox; int size; const char *prompt; const char **extensions; }; // Dummy value to select a directory. const char *TXT_DIRECTORY[] = { "__directory__", NULL }; #ifndef _WIN32 #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/wait.h> static char *ExecReadOutput(char **argv) { char *result; int completed; int pid, status, result_len; int pipefd[2]; if (pipe(pipefd) != 0) { return NULL; } pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { dup2(pipefd[1], fileno(stdout)); execv(argv[0], argv); exit(-1); } fcntl(pipefd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); // Read program output into 'result' string. // Wait until the program has completed and (if it was successful) // a full line has been read. result = NULL; result_len = 0; completed = 0; while (!completed || (status == 0 && (result == NULL || strchr(result, '\n') == NULL))) { char buf[64]; int bytes; if (!completed && waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) != 0) { completed = 1; } bytes = read(pipefd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytes < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { status = -1; break; } } else { char *new_result = realloc(result, result_len + bytes + 1); if (new_result == NULL) { break; } result = new_result; memcpy(result + result_len, buf, bytes); result_len += bytes; result[result_len] = '\0'; } usleep(100 * 1000); TXT_Sleep(1); TXT_UpdateScreen(); } close(pipefd[0]); close(pipefd[1]); // Must have a success exit code. if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { free(result); result = NULL; } // Strip off newline from the end. if (result != NULL && result[result_len - 1] == '\n') { result[result_len - 1] = '\0'; } return result; } #endif // This is currently disabled on Windows because it doesn't work. // Current issues: // * On Windows Vista+ the mouse cursor freezes when the dialog is // opened. This is probably some conflict with SDL (might be // resolved by opening the dialog in a separate thread so that // TXT_UpdateScreen can be run in the background). // * On Windows XP the program exits/crashes when the dialog is // closed. #if defined(_WIN32) int TXT_CanSelectFiles(void) { return 0; } char *TXT_SelectFile(const char *window_title, const char **extensions) { return NULL; } #elif defined(xxxdisabled_WIN32) // Windows code. Use comdlg32 to pop up a dialog box. #include <windows.h> #include <shlobj.h> static BOOL (*MyGetOpenFileName)(LPOPENFILENAME) = NULL; static LPITEMIDLIST (*MySHBrowseForFolder)(LPBROWSEINFO) = NULL; static BOOL (*MySHGetPathFromIDList)(LPITEMIDLIST, LPTSTR) = NULL; // Load library functions from DLL files. static int LoadDLLs(void) { HMODULE comdlg32, shell32 comdlg32 = LoadLibraryW(L"comdlg32.dll"); if (comdlg32 == NULL) { return 0; } shell32 = LoadLibraryW(L"shell32.dll"); if (shell32 == NULL) { FreeLibrary(comdlg32); return 0; } MyGetOpenFileName = (void *) GetProcAddress(comdlg32, "GetOpenFileNameA"); MySHBrowseForFolder = (void *) GetProcAddress(shell32, "SHBrowseForFolder"); MySHGetPathFromIDList = (void *) GetProcAddress(shell32, "SHGetPathFromIDList"); return MyGetOpenFileName != NULL && MySHBrowseForFolder != NULL && MySHGetPathFromIDList != NULL; } static int InitLibraries(void) { static int initted = 0, success = 0; if (!initted) { success = LoadDLLs(); initted = 1; } return success; } // Generate the "filter" string from the list of extensions. static char *GenerateFilterString(const char **extensions) { unsigned int result_len = 1; unsigned int i; char *result, *out; size_t out_len, offset; if (extensions == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; ++i) { result_len += 16 + strlen(extensions[i]) * 3; } result = malloc(result_len); out = result; out_len = result_len; for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; ++i) { // .wad files (*.wad)\0 offset = TXT_snprintf(out, out_len, "%s files (*.%s)", extensions[i], extensions[i]); out += offset + 1; out_len -= offset + 1; // *.wad\0 offset = TXT_snprintf(out, out_len, "*.%s", extensions[i]); out_len += offset + 1; out_len -= offset + 1; } *out = '\0'; return result; } int TXT_CanSelectFiles(void) { return InitLibraries(); } static char *SelectDirectory(char *window_title) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; BROWSEINFO bi; char selected[MAX_PATH] = ""; char *result; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(bi)); bi.hwndOwner = NULL; bi.lpszTitle = window_title; bi.pszDisplayName = selected; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; pidl = MySHBrowseForFolder(&bi); result = NULL; if (pidl != NULL) { if (MySHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, selected)) { result = strdup(selected); } // TODO: Free pidl } return result; } char *TXT_SelectFile(const char *window_title, const char **extensions) { OPENFILENAME fm; char selected[MAX_PATH] = ""; char *filter_string, *result; if (!InitLibraries()) { return NULL; } if (extensions == TXT_DIRECTORY) { return SelectDirectory(window_title); } filter_string = GenerateFilterString(extensions); ZeroMemory(&fm, sizeof(fm)); fm.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); fm.hwndOwner = NULL; fm.lpstrTitle = window_title; fm.lpstrFilter = filter_string; fm.lpstrFile = selected; fm.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; fm.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; fm.lpstrDefExt = ""; if (!MyGetOpenFileName(&fm)) { result = NULL; } else { result = strdup(selected); } free(filter_string); return result; } #elif defined(__MACOSX__) // Mac OS X code. Popping up a dialog requires Objective C/Cocoa // but we can get away with using AppleScript which avoids adding // an Objective C dependency. This is rather silly. // Printf format string for the "wrapper" portion of the AppleScript: #define APPLESCRIPT_WRAPPER "copy POSIX path of (%s) to stdout" static char *CreateEscapedString(const char *original) { char *result; const char *in; char *out; // We need to take care not to overflow the buffer, so count exactly. #define ESCAPED_CHARS "\"\\" size_t count_extras = 2; // start counting the two quotes for (in = original; *in; ++in) { if (strchr(ESCAPED_CHARS, *in)) { ++count_extras; } } result = malloc(strlen(original) + count_extras + 1); if (!result) { return NULL; } out = result; *out++ = '"'; for (in = original; *in; ++in) { if (strchr(ESCAPED_CHARS, *in)) { *out++ = '\\'; } *out++ = *in; } *out++ = '"'; *out = 0; return result; #undef ESCAPED_CHARS } // Build list of extensions, like: {"wad","lmp","txt"} static char *CreateExtensionsList(const char **extensions) { char *result, *escaped; unsigned int result_len; unsigned int i; if (extensions == NULL) { return NULL; } result_len = 3; for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; ++i) { result_len += 5 + strlen(extensions[i]) * 2; } result = malloc(result_len); if (!result) { return NULL; } TXT_StringCopy(result, "{", result_len); for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; ++i) { escaped = CreateEscapedString(extensions[i]); if (!escaped) { free(result); return NULL; } TXT_StringConcat(result, escaped, result_len); free(escaped); if (extensions[i + 1] != NULL) { TXT_StringConcat(result, ",", result_len); } } TXT_StringConcat(result, "}", result_len); return result; } static char *GenerateSelector(const char *const window_title, const char **extensions) { const char *chooser; char *ext_list = NULL; char *window_title_escaped = NULL; char *result = NULL; unsigned int result_len = 64; if (extensions == TXT_DIRECTORY) { chooser = "choose folder"; } else { chooser = "choose file"; ext_list = CreateExtensionsList(extensions); if (!ext_list) { return NULL; } } // Calculate size. if (window_title != NULL) { window_title_escaped = CreateEscapedString(window_title); if (!window_title_escaped) { free(ext_list); return NULL; } result_len += strlen(window_title_escaped); } if (ext_list != NULL) { result_len += strlen(ext_list); } result = malloc(result_len); if (!result) { free(window_title_escaped); free(ext_list); return NULL; } TXT_StringCopy(result, chooser, result_len); if (window_title_escaped != NULL) { TXT_StringConcat(result, " with prompt ", result_len); TXT_StringConcat(result, window_title_escaped, result_len); } if (ext_list != NULL) { TXT_StringConcat(result, " of type ", result_len); TXT_StringConcat(result, ext_list, result_len); } free(window_title_escaped); free(ext_list); return result; } static char *GenerateAppleScript(const char *window_title, const char **extensions) { char *selector, *result; size_t result_len; selector = GenerateSelector(window_title, extensions); if (!selector) { return NULL; } result_len = strlen(APPLESCRIPT_WRAPPER) + strlen(selector); result = malloc(result_len); if (!result) { free(selector); return NULL; } TXT_snprintf(result, result_len, APPLESCRIPT_WRAPPER, selector); free(selector); return result; } int TXT_CanSelectFiles(void) { return 1; } char *TXT_SelectFile(const char *window_title, const char **extensions) { char *argv[4]; char *result, *applescript; applescript = GenerateAppleScript(window_title, extensions); if (!applescript) { return NULL; } argv[0] = "/usr/bin/osascript"; argv[1] = "-e"; argv[2] = applescript; argv[3] = NULL; result = ExecReadOutput(argv); free(applescript); return result; } #else // Linux version: invoke the Zenity command line program to pop up a // dialog box. This avoids adding Gtk+ as a compile dependency. #define ZENITY_BINARY "/usr/bin/zenity" static unsigned int NumExtensions(const char **extensions) { unsigned int result = 0; if (extensions != NULL) { for (result = 0; extensions[result] != NULL; ++result); } return result; } static int ZenityAvailable(void) { return system(ZENITY_BINARY " --help >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0; } int TXT_CanSelectFiles(void) { return ZenityAvailable(); } // // ExpandExtension // given an extension (like wad) // return a pointer to a string that is a case-insensitive // pattern representation (like [Ww][Aa][Dd]) // static char *ExpandExtension(const char *orig) { int oldlen, newlen, i; char *c, *newext = NULL; oldlen = strlen(orig); newlen = oldlen * 4; // pathological case: 'w' => '[Ww]' newext = malloc(newlen+1); if (newext == NULL) { return NULL; } c = newext; for (i = 0; i < oldlen; ++i) { if (isalpha(orig[i])) { *c++ = '['; *c++ = tolower(orig[i]); *c++ = toupper(orig[i]); *c++ = ']'; } else { *c++ = orig[i]; } } *c = '\0'; return newext; } char *TXT_SelectFile(const char *window_title, const char **extensions) { unsigned int i; size_t len; char *result; char **argv; int argc; if (!ZenityAvailable()) { return NULL; } argv = calloc(5 + NumExtensions(extensions), sizeof(char *)); argv[0] = strdup(ZENITY_BINARY); argv[1] = strdup("--file-selection"); argc = 2; if (window_title != NULL) { len = 10 + strlen(window_title); argv[argc] = malloc(len); TXT_snprintf(argv[argc], len, "--title=%s", window_title); ++argc; } if (extensions == TXT_DIRECTORY) { argv[argc] = strdup("--directory"); ++argc; } else if (extensions != NULL) { for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; ++i) { char * newext = ExpandExtension(extensions[i]); if (newext) { len = 30 + strlen(extensions[i]) + strlen(newext); argv[argc] = malloc(len); TXT_snprintf(argv[argc], len, "--file-filter=.%s | *.%s", extensions[i], newext); ++argc; free(newext); } } argv[argc] = strdup("--file-filter=*.* | *.*"); ++argc; } argv[argc] = NULL; result = ExecReadOutput(argv); for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); return result; } #endif static void TXT_FileSelectSizeCalc(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); // Calculate widget size, but override the width to always // be the configured size. TXT_CalcWidgetSize(fileselect->inputbox); fileselect->widget.w = fileselect->size; fileselect->widget.h = fileselect->inputbox->widget.h; } static void TXT_FileSelectDrawer(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); // Input box widget inherits all the properties of the // file selector. fileselect->inputbox->widget.x = fileselect->widget.x + 2; fileselect->inputbox->widget.y = fileselect->widget.y; fileselect->inputbox->widget.w = fileselect->widget.w - 2; fileselect->inputbox->widget.h = fileselect->widget.h; // Triple bar symbol gives a distinguishing look to the file selector. TXT_DrawCodePageString("\xf0 "); TXT_BGColor(TXT_COLOR_BLACK, 0); TXT_DrawWidget(fileselect->inputbox); } static void TXT_FileSelectDestructor(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); TXT_DestroyWidget(fileselect->inputbox); } static int DoSelectFile(txt_fileselect_t *fileselect) { char *path; char **var; if (TXT_CanSelectFiles()) { path = TXT_SelectFile(fileselect->prompt, fileselect->extensions); // Update inputbox variable. // If cancel was pressed (ie. NULL was returned by TXT_SelectFile) // then reset to empty string, not NULL). if (path == NULL) { path = strdup(""); } var = fileselect->inputbox->value; free(*var); *var = path; return 1; } return 0; } static int TXT_FileSelectKeyPress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect), int key) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); // When the enter key is pressed, pop up a file selection dialog, // if file selectors work. Allow holding down 'alt' to override // use of the native file selector, so the user can just type a path. if (!fileselect->inputbox->editing && !TXT_GetModifierState(TXT_MOD_ALT) && key == KEY_ENTER) { if (DoSelectFile(fileselect)) { return 1; } } return TXT_WidgetKeyPress(fileselect->inputbox, key); } static void TXT_FileSelectMousePress(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect), int x, int y, int b) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); if (!fileselect->inputbox->editing && !TXT_GetModifierState(TXT_MOD_ALT) && b == TXT_MOUSE_LEFT) { if (DoSelectFile(fileselect)) { return; } } TXT_WidgetMousePress(fileselect->inputbox, x, y, b); } static void TXT_FileSelectFocused(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect), int focused) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); TXT_SetWidgetFocus(fileselect->inputbox, focused); } txt_widget_class_t txt_fileselect_class = { TXT_AlwaysSelectable, TXT_FileSelectSizeCalc, TXT_FileSelectDrawer, TXT_FileSelectKeyPress, TXT_FileSelectDestructor, TXT_FileSelectMousePress, NULL, TXT_FileSelectFocused, }; // If the (inner) inputbox widget is changed, emit a change to the // outer (fileselect) widget. static void InputBoxChanged(TXT_UNCAST_ARG(widget), TXT_UNCAST_ARG(fileselect)) { TXT_CAST_ARG(txt_fileselect_t, fileselect); TXT_EmitSignal(&fileselect->widget, "changed"); } txt_fileselect_t *TXT_NewFileSelector(char **variable, int size, const char *prompt, const char **extensions) { txt_fileselect_t *fileselect; fileselect = malloc(sizeof(txt_fileselect_t)); TXT_InitWidget(fileselect, &txt_fileselect_class); fileselect->inputbox = TXT_NewInputBox(variable, 1024); fileselect->inputbox->widget.parent = &fileselect->widget; fileselect->size = size; fileselect->prompt = prompt; fileselect->extensions = extensions; TXT_SignalConnect(fileselect->inputbox, "changed", InputBoxChanged, fileselect); return fileselect; }