ref: e7c1ece8a7b2c7b7a37c3654861cef1da9876e6f
dir: /src/SDLU.c/
/// /// SDLU.c /// /// SDL utilities. /// /// John Stiles, 2002/10/12 /// #include "SDLU.h" #include "gameticks.h" #include "music.h" #include "main.h" // for Error // for acquiresurface #define k_acquireMax 10 static int s_acquireHead = -1; static SDL_Surface* s_acquireList[k_acquireMax]; // for initsurface static SDL_Palette* s_grayscalePalette; // for button and getmouse static int s_mouseButton; static MPoint s_mousePosition; // system mouse cursors static SDL_Cursor* s_standardCursor = NULL; static SDL_Cursor* s_handCursor = NULL; // for event loop static MBoolean s_isForeground = true; // for fade out / fade in static float s_fadeGamma = 1; // for checktyping typedef struct BufferedKey { bool isASCII; union { char ascii; SDL_Keycode keycode; } value; } BufferedKey; #define k_maxBufferedKeys 256 static MBoolean s_interestedInTyping = false; static BufferedKey s_keyBuffer[k_maxBufferedKeys]; static int s_keyBufferSize = 0; int SDLUi_EventFilter(void* junk, SDL_Event *event) { (void) junk; switch (event->type) { case SDL_TEXTINPUT: { // Put text input into a buffer. if (s_interestedInTyping) { for (char* asciiPtr = event->text.text; *asciiPtr; ++asciiPtr) { BufferedKey key; key.isASCII = true; key.value.ascii = *asciiPtr; s_keyBuffer[s_keyBufferSize] = key; s_keyBufferSize = MinInt(k_maxBufferedKeys, s_keyBufferSize + 1); } } break; } case SDL_KEYDOWN: { // Put keydowns in a buffer if (s_interestedInTyping) { BufferedKey key; key.isASCII = false; key.value.keycode = event->key.keysym.sym; s_keyBuffer[s_keyBufferSize] = key; s_keyBufferSize = MinInt(k_maxBufferedKeys, s_keyBufferSize + 1); } break; } // Get mouse state case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { if( event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ) s_mouseButton = true; s_mousePosition.v = event->button.y; s_mousePosition.h = event->button.x; break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { if( event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT ) s_mouseButton = false; s_mousePosition.v = event->button.y; s_mousePosition.h = event->button.x; break; } case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { s_mousePosition.v = event->motion.y; s_mousePosition.h = event->motion.x; s_mouseButton = event->motion.state & SDL_BUTTON(1); break; } case SDL_QUIT: { finished = true; break; } case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { if (event->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST && s_isForeground) { FreezeGameTickCount(); //EnableMusic(false); s_isForeground = false; } else if (event->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED && !s_isForeground) { UnfreezeGameTickCount(); //EnableMusic(musicOn); s_isForeground = true; DoFullRepaint(); } else if (event->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { SDLU_CreateRendererTexture(); } break; } } return 1; } void SDLU_CreateRendererTexture() { if (!g_renderer) return; if (!crispUpscaling) { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "best"); SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale(g_renderer, SDL_FALSE); } else { int minWidth = 640; int minHeight = widescreen ? 360 : 480; int currentWidth = 0; int currentHeight = 0; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,26,0) SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels(g_window, ¤tWidth, ¤tHeight); #else SDL_GetWindowSize(g_window, ¤tWidth, ¤tHeight); #endif if (currentWidth < minWidth || currentHeight < minHeight) { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "best"); SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale(g_renderer, SDL_FALSE); } else { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale(g_renderer, SDL_TRUE); } } if (g_windowTexture) SDL_DestroyTexture(g_windowTexture); g_windowTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(g_renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, 640, 480); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(g_renderer, 640, widescreen ? 360: 480); } void SDLU_Init() { SDL_SetEventFilter(SDLUi_EventFilter, NULL); // Initialize eight bit grayscale ramp palette. SDL_Color grayscaleColors[256]; for (int index=0; index<256; index++) { grayscaleColors[index].r = grayscaleColors[index].g = grayscaleColors[index].b = 255 - index; grayscaleColors[index].a = 255; } s_grayscalePalette = SDL_AllocPalette(256); SDL_SetPaletteColors(s_grayscalePalette, grayscaleColors, 0, arrsize(grayscaleColors)); s_standardCursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW); s_handCursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); } SDL_Rect* SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( const MRect* in, SDL_Rect* out ) { int t = in->top, l = in->left, b = in->bottom, r = in->right; out->x = l; out->y = t; out->w = r - l; out->h = b - t; return out; } MRect* SDLU_SDLRectToMRect( const SDL_Rect* in, MRect* out ) { int x = in->x, y = in->y, w = in->w, h = in->h; out->top = y; out->left = x; out->bottom = y + h; out->right = x + w; return out; } int SDLU_BlitSurface( SDL_Surface* src, SDL_Rect* srcrect, SDL_Surface* dst, SDL_Rect* dstrect ) { // Let SDL handle this. return SDL_BlitSurface( src, srcrect, dst, dstrect ); } void SDLU_GetPixel( SDL_Surface* surface, int x, int y, SDL_Color* pixel ) { unsigned int px; unsigned char* ptr; switch( surface->format->BytesPerPixel ) { case 1: ptr = (unsigned char*)surface->pixels + (y * surface->pitch) + (x); px = *(unsigned char*) ptr; break; case 2: ptr = (unsigned char*)surface->pixels + (y * surface->pitch) + (x * 2); px = *(unsigned short*) ptr; break; case 4: ptr = (unsigned char*)surface->pixels + (y * surface->pitch) + (x * 4); px = *(unsigned int *) ptr; break; default: Error("SDLU_GetPixel: unrecognized surface format"); return; } return SDL_GetRGB( px, surface->format, &pixel->r, &pixel->g, &pixel->b ); } void SDLU_ChangeSurfaceDepth( SDL_Surface** surface, int depth ) { SDL_Surface* newSurface; newSurface = SDLU_InitSurface( &surface[0]->clip_rect, depth ); SDLU_BlitSurface( *surface, &surface[0]->clip_rect, newSurface, &newSurface->clip_rect ); SDL_FreeSurface( *surface ); *surface = newSurface; } SDL_Surface* SDLU_InitSurface( SDL_Rect* rect, int depth ) { SDL_Surface* surface = NULL; switch( depth ) { case 32: surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, rect->w, rect->h, 32, RED_MASK, GREEN_MASK, BLUE_MASK, 0); break; case 8: surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, rect->w, rect->h, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); SDL_SetSurfacePalette(surface, s_grayscalePalette); break; default: Error("SDLU_InitSurface: invalid depth"); return NULL; } if( surface == NULL ) { Error( "SDLU_InitSurface: SDL_CreateRGBSurface" ); return NULL; } // SDL_FillRect only works on 8-bit or higher surfaces. if( depth >= 8 ) SDL_FillRect( surface, rect, SDL_MapRGB( surface->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) ); return surface; } void SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( SDL_Surface* source, SDL_Rect* sourceSDLRect, SDL_Rect* destSDLRect ) { SDLU_BlitSurface( source, sourceSDLRect, g_frontSurface, destSDLRect ); } void SDLU_SetBrightness( float b ) { s_fadeGamma = b; } void SDLU_Yield() { SDL_Delay( 2 ); SDL_PumpEvents(); } void SDLU_PumpEvents() { static unsigned int lastPump = 0; unsigned int time = MTickCount(); if( lastPump != time ) { SDL_Event evt; while( SDL_PollEvent( &evt ) ) { } lastPump = time; } } MBoolean SDLU_IsForeground() { return s_isForeground; } void SDLU_StartWatchingTyping() { s_interestedInTyping = true; s_keyBufferSize = 0; // clear keybuffer } void SDLU_StopWatchingTyping() { s_interestedInTyping = false; } MBoolean SDLU_CheckASCIITyping(char* ascii) { if (s_keyBufferSize > 0 && s_keyBuffer[0].isASCII) { *ascii = s_keyBuffer[0].value.ascii; s_keyBufferSize--; SDL_memcpy(&s_keyBuffer[0], &s_keyBuffer[1], (s_keyBufferSize) * sizeof(BufferedKey)); return true; } *ascii = '\0'; return false; } MBoolean SDLU_CheckSDLTyping(SDL_Keycode* sdlKey) { if (s_keyBufferSize > 0 && !s_keyBuffer[0].isASCII) { *sdlKey = s_keyBuffer[0].value.keycode; s_keyBufferSize--; SDL_memcpy(&s_keyBuffer[0], &s_keyBuffer[1], (s_keyBufferSize) * sizeof(BufferedKey)); return true; } *sdlKey = SDLK_UNKNOWN; return false; } static MPoint SDLUi_TranslatePointFromWindowToFrontSurface(MPoint pt) { // On macOS, the mouse position is relative to the window's "point size" on Retina screens. int windowPointW = 1; int windowPointH = 1; int windowPixelW = 1; int windowPixelH = 1; SDL_GetWindowSize(g_window, &windowPointW, &windowPointH); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,26,0) SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels(g_window, &windowPixelW, &windowPixelH); #else // Backwards compat with old versions of SDL windowPixelW = windowPointW; windowPixelH = windowPointH; #endif if (windowPointW != windowPixelW || windowPointH != windowPixelH) { float dpiScaleX = (float) windowPixelW / (float) windowPointW; // gGameWindowWidth is in actual pixels float dpiScaleY = (float) windowPixelH / (float) windowPointH; // gGameWindowHeight is in actual pixels pt.h *= dpiScaleX; pt.v *= dpiScaleY; } SDL_Rect viewport; float scaleX, scaleY; SDL_RenderGetViewport(g_renderer, &viewport); SDL_RenderGetScale(g_renderer, &scaleX, &scaleY); pt.h = pt.h / scaleX - viewport.x; pt.v = pt.v / scaleY - viewport.y; if (widescreen) { pt.h += g_widescreenCrop.x; pt.v += g_widescreenCrop.y; } return pt; } void SDLU_GetMouse( MPoint* pt ) { SDLU_PumpEvents(); *pt = SDLUi_TranslatePointFromWindowToFrontSurface(s_mousePosition); } int SDLU_Button() { SDLU_PumpEvents(); return s_mouseButton; } void SDLU_AcquireSurface( SDL_Surface* surface ) { if (s_acquireHead >= arrsize(s_acquireList) - 1) Error("SDLU_AcquireSurface: overflow"); s_acquireList[++s_acquireHead] = surface; } SDL_Surface* SDLU_GetCurrentSurface() { return s_acquireList[s_acquireHead]; } void SDLU_ReleaseSurface( SDL_Surface* surface ) { if (s_acquireHead < 0) Error( "SDLU_ReleaseSurface: underflow" ); if( s_acquireList[s_acquireHead] != surface ) Error( "SDLU_ReleaseSurface: out of order" ); s_acquireHead--; } void SDLU_Present() { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(g_renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_UpdateTexture(g_windowTexture, NULL, g_frontSurface->pixels, g_frontSurface->pitch); SDL_RenderClear(g_renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(g_renderer, g_windowTexture, widescreen ? &g_widescreenCrop : NULL, NULL); if (s_fadeGamma < 1.0) { SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(g_renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(g_renderer, 0, 0, 0, (Uint8)((1.0f - s_fadeGamma) * 255.0f)); SDL_RenderFillRect(g_renderer, NULL); } SDL_RenderPresent(g_renderer); #if 0 static int s_fpsAccumulator = 0; static int s_fpsSampleStart = 0; const int k_fpsSampleInterval = 500; s_fpsAccumulator++; int now = SDL_GetTicks(); int elapsed = now - s_fpsSampleStart; if (elapsed > k_fpsSampleInterval) { float fps = s_fpsAccumulator / (elapsed / 1000.0f); #if _DEBUG printf("FPS: %.1f\n", fps); #endif s_fpsAccumulator = 0; s_fpsSampleStart = now; } #endif } void SDLU_SetSystemCursor(int which) { #if USE_CURSOR_SPRITE SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); #else switch (which) { case SYSTEM_CURSOR_OFF: SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); SDL_SetCursor(s_standardCursor); break; case SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW: SDL_SetCursor(s_standardCursor); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); break; case SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND: SDL_SetCursor(s_handCursor); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); break; } #endif }