ref: 42bdc44ec9bbdd4054fb242a9f3c204652cadc73
dir: /p9.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> static void lerror(lua_State *L, char *call) { char err[ERRMAX]; rerrstr(err, sizeof err); lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %s", call, err); lua_error(L); } /* Memory allocator associated with Lua state */ static void* lalloc(lua_State *L, void *ptr, usize sz) { void *ud; if((ptr = (lua_getallocf(L, &ud))(ud, ptr, LUA_TUSERDATA, sz)) == nil){ lua_pushliteral(L, "out of memory"); lua_error(L); } memset(ptr, 0, sz); setmalloctag(ptr, getcallerpc(&L)); return ptr; } /* * Various functions in this library require a * variably sized buffer for their operation. * Rather than allocating one for each call * we preallocate a shared buffer of reasonable * size and grow it as needed. * The buffer gets associated with a Lua state * at library load time. * getbuffer(L, sz) returns a pointer to the * memory area of at least sz bytes. * * To avoid stepping on each other's toes the * buffer use must be constrained to a single * call. */ typedef struct Buf { usize sz; char *b; } Buf; static Buf* resizebuffer(lua_State *L, Buf *buf, usize sz) { if(buf == nil){ buf = lalloc(L, nil, sizeof(Buf)); buf->b = nil; buf->sz = 0; } if(buf->sz < sz){ buf->b = lalloc(L, buf->b, sz); buf->sz = sz; } return buf; } static char* getbuffer(lua_State *L, usize sz) { Buf *buf; lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "p9-buffer"); buf = lua_touserdata(L, -1); return resizebuffer(L, buf, sz)->b; } #include "fs.c" #include "ns.c" #include "proc.c" typedef struct Data { char *key; lua_Integer val; } Data; static Data p9data[] = { {"OREAD", OREAD}, {"OWRITE", OWRITE}, {"ORDWR", ORDWR}, {"OEXEC", OEXEC}, {"OTRUNC", OTRUNC}, {"OCEXEC", OCEXEC}, {"ORCLOSE", ORCLOSE}, {"OEXCL", OEXCL}, {"DMDIR", DMDIR}, {"DMAPPEND", DMAPPEND}, {"DMEXCL", DMEXCL}, {"DMMOUNT", DMMOUNT}, {"DMAUTH", DMAUTH}, {"DMTMP", DMTMP}, {"DMREAD", DMREAD}, {"DMWRITE", DMWRITE}, {"DMEXEC", DMEXEC}, {"MREPL", MREPL}, {"MBEFORE", MBEFORE}, {"MAFTER", MAFTER}, {"MCREATE", MCREATE}, {"MCACHE", MCACHE}, {"RFPROC", RFPROC}, {"RFNOWAIT", RFNOWAIT}, {"RFNAMEG", RFNAMEG}, {"RFCNAMEG", RFCNAMEG}, {"RFNOMNT", RFNOMNT}, {"RFENVG", RFENVG}, {"RFCENVG", RFCENVG}, {"RFNOTEG", RFNOTEG}, {"RFFDG", RFFDG}, {"RFCFDG", RFCFDG}, {"RFREND", RFREND}, {"RFMEM", RFMEM}, {nil, 0} }; static luaL_Reg p9func[] = { {"open", p9_open}, {"create", p9_create}, {"close", p9_close}, {"read", p9_read}, {"write", p9_write}, {"seek", p9_seek}, {"remove", p9_remove}, {"fd2path", p9_fd2path}, {"bind", p9_bind}, {"mount", p9_mount}, {"unmount", p9_unmount}, {"rfork", p9_rfork}, {nil, nil} }; int luaopen_p9(lua_State *L) { Buf *buf; Data *d; buf = resizebuffer(L, nil, 8192); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, buf); lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "p9-buffer"); luaL_newlib(L, p9func); for(d = p9data; d->key != nil; d++){ lua_pushinteger(L, d->val); lua_setfield(L, -2, d->key); } return 1; }