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Rio tips and tricks

Filename completion is available with CTRL+F. To go from anywhere back to the command prompt, use CTRL+B.

Command `"` prints the last used command.
`""` _executes_ the last command.
Both accept an optional argument to match a command string, ie:

	term% touch /tmp/1
	term% lc /tmp
	term% "
		term% lc /tmp
	term% ""
		term% lc /tmp
	term% "" to
		term% touch /tmp/1
	term% "" l
		term% lc /tmp

If there is a command you want to run repeatedly, it's easy to define a rc function and use it instead:

	fn t { mk && ./6.out some arguments here >log && grep something log }

To change the function without having to search it in the window, run `whatis t`, then redefined it.
`ls /env/fn*` will show which functions are defined.

To clear the window from any text run `echo >/dev/text`.

If you need to snarf an output of some command, instead of outputting into the window and then using mouse,
consider doing it directly instead: `command arg arg >/dev/snarf`.

Want to do advanced searching on window's text? Run your favorite text editor on it: `sam /dev/text`.