shithub: purgatorio

ref: f8935b5778397074d41a48205e5c7f87d7b531fe
dir: purgatorio/module/smtp.m

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# smtp protocol independent access to an email server.
Smtp : module
	PATH : con "/dis/lib/smtp.dis";
	# all functions return status (-ve when error)

         # open a connection with the email server
         # requires the email server's name or address or nil if a default server is to be used
	# returns (status, errror string)
         open: fn(server : string) : (int, string);

	# send mail - returns (status, error string)
	sendmail: fn(fromwho: string, 
		             towho: list of string, 
		             cc : list of string,
		             msg: list of string) : (int, string);

         # close the connection - returns (status, error string)
         close: fn() : (int, string);