shithub: purgatorio

ref: f8935b5778397074d41a48205e5c7f87d7b531fe
dir: purgatorio/module/cfgfile.m

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# simple adt that operates on whitespace separated config files
# such as /services/webget/config
CfgFile: module
	PATH: con	"/dis/lib/cfgfile.dis";
	ConfigFile: adt
		getcfg:	fn(me: self ref ConfigFile,field:string):list of string;
		setcfg:	fn(me: self ref ConfigFile,field:string,val:string);
		delete:	fn(me: self ref ConfigFile,field:string);
		flush:	fn(me: self ref ConfigFile): string;

		 # ----- private ------
		lines:	list of string;
		file:	string;
		readonly:	int;

	init:	fn(file:string):ref ConfigFile;
	verify:	fn(defaultpath: string, path: string) :ref Sys->FD;