shithub: sirjofri_de

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ref: 9ad24b968c6f9097d73c1efbc6b2059e875091f4
parent: 9a340c9bd37176952057d5cb49cd52cbfdf8d5fb
author: glenda <glenda@9front.local>
date: Fri Jan 10 18:01:32 EST 2020

fixes: link description and blog header

--- a/mkfile
+++ b/mkfile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	<ul>' > $target
 	obs=`{basename `{ls changeblog/*.ht | sed -e 's/\.ht$//g'}}
 	for(OB in $obs){
-		echo '<li><a href="/changeblog/'$OB'/">$OB</a></li>' >> $target
+		echo '<li><a href="/changeblog/'^$OB^'/">'$OB'</a></li>' >> $target
 	echo '</ul>
 	</section>' >> $target
--- a/pub/changeblog/2020-01-10/index.html
+++ b/pub/changeblog/2020-01-10/index.html
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
 <p>I updated my website to Uberspace 7, but not only this: I changed the whole webpage to make it more nine-friendly.</p>
 <p>My whole webpage management system is completely 9 based. I use oridb's git9 implementation and plan9 tools, mk, sed, cat, …</p>
 <p>I also decided to change the main language of the website to English.</p>
--- a/pub/changeblog/index.html
+++ b/pub/changeblog/index.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-<li><a href="/changeblog/2020-01-10/">$OB</a></li>
+<li><a href="/changeblog/2020-01-10/">2020-01-10</a></li>