ref: 9e1a7d87cd30e1f3fde7eedf1439b48ce1610009
parent: 051ab1701ee8671e7754951c1f170c609c9b67a8
author: Jonas Kölker <>
date: Mon Sep 21 13:14:55 EDT 2015
Add game_text_format to Tents. Replaces an inactive stub implementation.
--- a/tents.c
+++ b/tents.c
@@ -1367,42 +1367,57 @@
static int game_can_format_as_text_now(const game_params *params)
- return TRUE;
+ return params->w <= 1998 && params->h <= 1998; /* 999 tents */
static char *game_text_format(const game_state *state)
- int w = state->p.w, h = state->p.h;
- char *ret, *p;
- int x, y;
+ int w = state->p.w, h = state->p.h, r, c;
+ int cw = 4, ch = 2, gw = (w+1)*cw + 2, gh = (h+1)*ch + 1, len = gw * gh;
+ char *board = snewn(len + 1, char);
- /*
- * FIXME: We currently do not print the numbers round the edges
- * of the grid. I need to work out a sensible way of doing this
- * even when the column numbers exceed 9.
- *
- * In the absence of those numbers, the result size is h lines
- * of w+1 characters each, plus a NUL.
- *
- * This function is currently only used by the standalone
- * solver; until I make it look more sensible, I won't enable
- * it in the main game structure.
- */
- ret = snewn(h*(w+1) + 1, char);
- p = ret;
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- *p = (state->grid[y*w+x] == BLANK ? '.' :
- state->grid[y*w+x] == TREE ? 'T' :
- state->grid[y*w+x] == TENT ? '*' :
- state->grid[y*w+x] == NONTENT ? '-' : '?');
- p++;
+ sprintf(board, "%*s\n", len - 2, "");
+ for (r = 0; r <= h; ++r) {
+ for (c = 0; c <= w; ++c) {
+ int cell = r*ch*gw + cw*c, center = cell + gw*ch/2 + cw/2;
+ int i = r*w + c, n = 1000;
+ if (r == h && c == w) /* NOP */;
+ else if (c == w) n = state->numbers->numbers[w + r];
+ else if (r == h) n = state->numbers->numbers[c];
+ else switch (state->grid[i]) {
+ case BLANK: board[center] = '.'; break;
+ case TREE: board[center] = 'T'; break;
+ case TENT: memcpy(board + center - 1, "//\\", 3); break;
+ case NONTENT: break;
+ default: memcpy(board + center - 1, "wtf", 3);
+ }
+ if (n < 100) {
+ board[center] = '0' + n % 10;
+ if (n >= 10) board[center - 1] = '0' + n / 10;
+ } else if (n < 1000) {
+ board[center + 1] = '0' + n % 10;
+ board[center] = '0' + n / 10 % 10;
+ board[center - 1] = '0' + n / 100;
+ }
+ board[cell] = '+';
+ memset(board + cell + 1, '-', cw - 1);
+ for (i = 1; i < ch; ++i) board[cell + i*gw] = '|';
- *p++ = '\n';
+ for (c = 0; c < ch; ++c) {
+ board[(r*ch+c)*gw + gw - 2] =
+ c == 0 ? '+' : r < h ? '|' : ' ';
+ board[(r*ch+c)*gw + gw - 1] = '\n';
+ }
- *p++ = '\0';
- return ret;
+ memset(board + len - gw, '-', gw - 2 - cw);
+ for (c = 0; c <= w; ++c) board[len - gw + cw*c] = '+';
+ return board;
struct game_ui {
@@ -2588,7 +2603,7 @@
TRUE, solve_game,
- FALSE, game_can_format_as_text_now, game_text_format,
+ TRUE, game_can_format_as_text_now, game_text_format,