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ref: 6ea61aa98e9b4a39504f0cd2eb768ecb4d508f7a
parent: 753339737ea98fd9caf26a5913f8f210897ef04a
author: Simon Tatham <>
date: Wed Jul 6 14:36:20 EDT 2005

Unify the two solvers in Solo. nsolve has now had recursion
capability added to it, to be used only when all else fails, and is
simply called `solver'. This means that:

 - solving of 5x5 Trivial grids using the `Solve' function, which
   previously hung for ages because rsolve happened to take a wrong
   turning at the start, is now zippy
 - solosolver doesn't require the confusing -r and -n options
 - solosolver can show its working even for Unreasonable grids.

Unfortunately, the new unified solver still isn't suitable for grid
generation. After it proved to be so much faster at solving 5x5s, I
hoped to be able to substitute it for rsolve during generation and
gain additional speed in 5x5 generation too; but no luck, because
it's slower _per recursion level_, and although during solving it
makes up for this by needing very few levels, there is a lot of
_unavoidable_ recursion during generation, especially at 5x5. A
hybrid strategy which starts off with rsolve and switches to the
unified solver at a critical point proved unsatisfactory as well,
because the critical point changes depending on the vagaries of the
recursion and can't be pinpointed easily. So rsolve is still in
there, only renamed `gridgen' because that's now all it's good for.

[originally from svn r6077]

--- a/solo.c
+++ b/solo.c
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 #include <stdarg.h>
-int solver_show_working;
+int solver_show_working, solver_recurse_depth;
 #include "puzzles.h"
@@ -331,276 +331,16 @@
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Full recursive Solo solver.
- *
- * The algorithm for this solver is shamelessly copied from a
- * Python solver written by Andrew Wilkinson (which is GPLed, but
- * I've reused only ideas and no code). It mostly just does the
- * obvious recursive thing: pick an empty square, put one of the
- * possible digits in it, recurse until all squares are filled,
- * backtrack and change some choices if necessary.
- *
- * The clever bit is that every time it chooses which square to
- * fill in next, it does so by counting the number of _possible_
- * numbers that can go in each square, and it prioritises so that
- * it picks a square with the _lowest_ number of possibilities. The
- * idea is that filling in lots of the obvious bits (particularly
- * any squares with only one possibility) will cut down on the list
- * of possibilities for other squares and hence reduce the enormous
- * search space as much as possible as early as possible.
- *
- * In practice the algorithm appeared to work very well; run on
- * sample problems from the Times it completed in well under a
- * second on my G5 even when written in Python, and given an empty
- * grid (so that in principle it would enumerate _all_ solved
- * grids!) it found the first valid solution just as quickly. So
- * with a bit more randomisation I see no reason not to use this as
- * my grid generator.
- */
- * Internal data structure used in solver to keep track of
- * progress.
- */
-struct rsolve_coord { int x, y, r; };
-struct rsolve_usage {
-    int c, r, cr;		       /* cr == c*r */
-    /* grid is a copy of the input grid, modified as we go along */
-    digit *grid;
-    /* row[y*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in row y */
-    unsigned char *row;
-    /* col[x*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in row x */
-    unsigned char *col;
-    /* blk[(y*c+x)*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in block (x,y) */
-    unsigned char *blk;
-    /* This lists all the empty spaces remaining in the grid. */
-    struct rsolve_coord *spaces;
-    int nspaces;
-    /* If we need randomisation in the solve, this is our random state. */
-    random_state *rs;
-    /* Number of solutions so far found, and maximum number we care about. */
-    int solns, maxsolns;
- * The real recursive step in the solving function.
- */
-static void rsolve_real(struct rsolve_usage *usage, digit *grid)
-    int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = usage->cr;
-    int i, j, n, sx, sy, bestm, bestr;
-    int *digits;
-    /*
-     * Firstly, check for completion! If there are no spaces left
-     * in the grid, we have a solution.
-     */
-    if (usage->nspaces == 0) {
-	if (!usage->solns) {
-	    /*
-	     * This is our first solution, so fill in the output grid.
-	     */
-	    memcpy(grid, usage->grid, cr * cr);
-	}
-	usage->solns++;
-	return;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Otherwise, there must be at least one space. Find the most
-     * constrained space, using the `r' field as a tie-breaker.
-     */
-    bestm = cr+1;		       /* so that any space will beat it */
-    bestr = 0;
-    i = sx = sy = -1;
-    for (j = 0; j < usage->nspaces; j++) {
-	int x = usage->spaces[j].x, y = usage->spaces[j].y;
-	int m;
-	/*
-	 * Find the number of digits that could go in this space.
-	 */
-	m = 0;
-	for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
-	    if (!usage->row[y*cr+n] && !usage->col[x*cr+n] &&
-		!usage->blk[((y/c)*c+(x/r))*cr+n])
-		m++;
-	if (m < bestm || (m == bestm && usage->spaces[j].r < bestr)) {
-	    bestm = m;
-	    bestr = usage->spaces[j].r;
-	    sx = x;
-	    sy = y;
-	    i = j;
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Swap that square into the final place in the spaces array,
-     * so that decrementing nspaces will remove it from the list.
-     */
-    if (i != usage->nspaces-1) {
-	struct rsolve_coord t;
-	t = usage->spaces[usage->nspaces-1];
-	usage->spaces[usage->nspaces-1] = usage->spaces[i];
-	usage->spaces[i] = t;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now we've decided which square to start our recursion at,
-     * simply go through all possible values, shuffling them
-     * randomly first if necessary.
-     */
-    digits = snewn(bestm, int);
-    j = 0;
-    for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
-	if (!usage->row[sy*cr+n] && !usage->col[sx*cr+n] &&
-	    !usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n]) {
-	    digits[j++] = n+1;
-	}
-    if (usage->rs) {
-	/* shuffle */
-	for (i = j; i > 1; i--) {
-	    int p = random_upto(usage->rs, i);
-	    if (p != i-1) {
-		int t = digits[p];
-		digits[p] = digits[i-1];
-		digits[i-1] = t;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* And finally, go through the digit list and actually recurse. */
-    for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
-	n = digits[i];
-	/* Update the usage structure to reflect the placing of this digit. */
-	usage->row[sy*cr+n-1] = usage->col[sx*cr+n-1] =
-	    usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
-	usage->grid[sy*cr+sx] = n;
-	usage->nspaces--;
-	/* Call the solver recursively. */
-	rsolve_real(usage, grid);
-	/*
-	 * If we have seen as many solutions as we need, terminate
-	 * all processing immediately.
-	 */
-	if (usage->solns >= usage->maxsolns)
-	    break;
-	/* Revert the usage structure. */
-	usage->row[sy*cr+n-1] = usage->col[sx*cr+n-1] =
-	    usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n-1] = FALSE;
-	usage->grid[sy*cr+sx] = 0;
-	usage->nspaces++;
-    }
-    sfree(digits);
- * Entry point to solver. You give it dimensions and a starting
- * grid, which is simply an array of N^4 digits. In that array, 0
- * means an empty square, and 1..N mean a clue square.
- *
- * Return value is the number of solutions found; searching will
- * stop after the provided `max'. (Thus, you can pass max==1 to
- * indicate that you only care about finding _one_ solution, or
- * max==2 to indicate that you want to know the difference between
- * a unique and non-unique solution.) The input parameter `grid' is
- * also filled in with the _first_ (or only) solution found by the
- * solver.
- */
-static int rsolve(int c, int r, digit *grid, random_state *rs, int max)
-    struct rsolve_usage *usage;
-    int x, y, cr = c*r;
-    int ret;
-    /*
-     * Create an rsolve_usage structure.
-     */
-    usage = snew(struct rsolve_usage);
-    usage->c = c;
-    usage->r = r;
-    usage->cr = cr;
-    usage->grid = snewn(cr * cr, digit);
-    memcpy(usage->grid, grid, cr * cr);
-    usage->row = snewn(cr * cr, unsigned char);
-    usage->col = snewn(cr * cr, unsigned char);
-    usage->blk = snewn(cr * cr, unsigned char);
-    memset(usage->row, FALSE, cr * cr);
-    memset(usage->col, FALSE, cr * cr);
-    memset(usage->blk, FALSE, cr * cr);
-    usage->spaces = snewn(cr * cr, struct rsolve_coord);
-    usage->nspaces = 0;
-    usage->solns = 0;
-    usage->maxsolns = max;
-    usage->rs = rs;
-    /*
-     * Now fill it in with data from the input grid.
-     */
-    for (y = 0; y < cr; y++) {
-	for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
-	    int v = grid[y*cr+x];
-	    if (v == 0) {
-		usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].x = x;
-		usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].y = y;
-		if (rs)
-		    usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].r = random_bits(rs, 31);
-		else
-		    usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].r = usage->nspaces;
-		usage->nspaces++;
-	    } else {
-		usage->row[y*cr+v-1] = TRUE;
-		usage->col[x*cr+v-1] = TRUE;
-		usage->blk[((y/c)*c+(x/r))*cr+v-1] = TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * Run the real recursive solving function.
-     */
-    rsolve_real(usage, grid);
-    ret = usage->solns;
-    /*
-     * Clean up the usage structure now we have our answer.
-     */
-    sfree(usage->spaces);
-    sfree(usage->blk);
-    sfree(usage->col);
-    sfree(usage->row);
-    sfree(usage->grid);
-    sfree(usage);
-    /*
-     * And return.
-     */
-    return ret;
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * End of recursive solver code.
- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Less capable non-recursive solver. This one is used to check
- * solubility of a grid as we gradually remove numbers from it: by
- * verifying a grid using this solver we can ensure it isn't _too_
- * hard (e.g. does not actually require guessing and backtracking).
- *
+ * Solver.
+ * 
+ * This solver is used for several purposes:
+ *  + to generate filled grids as the basis for new puzzles (by
+ *    supplying no clue squares at all)
+ *  + to check solubility of a grid as we gradually remove numbers
+ *    from it
+ *  + to solve an externally generated puzzle when the user selects
+ *    `Solve'.
+ * 
  * It supports a variety of specific modes of reasoning. By
  * enabling or disabling subsets of these modes we can arrange a
  * range of difficulty levels.
@@ -646,6 +386,11 @@
  *       places, found by taking the _complement_ of the union of
  *       the numbers' possible positions (or the spaces' possible
  *       contents).
+ * 
+ *  - Recursion. If all else fails, we pick one of the currently
+ *    most constrained empty squares and take a random guess at its
+ *    contents, then continue solving on that basis and see if we
+ *    get any further.
@@ -664,7 +409,7 @@
 #define YTRANS(y) (((y)%c)*r+(y)/c)
 #define YUNTRANS(y) (((y)%r)*c+(y)/r)
-struct nsolve_usage {
+struct solver_usage {
     int c, r, cr;
      * We set up a cubic array, indexed by x, y and digit; each
@@ -700,7 +445,7 @@
  * a particular number in it. The y-coordinate passed in here is
  * transformed.
-static void nsolve_place(struct nsolve_usage *usage, int x, int y, int n)
+static void solver_place(struct solver_usage *usage, int x, int y, int n)
     int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = usage->cr;
     int i, j, bx, by;
@@ -751,7 +496,7 @@
 	usage->blk[((y%r)*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
-static int nsolve_elim(struct nsolve_usage *usage, int start, int step
+static int solver_elim(struct solver_usage *usage, int start, int step
                        , char *fmt, ...
@@ -784,23 +529,37 @@
         if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x]) {
             if (solver_show_working) {
+		printf("%*s", solver_recurse_depth*4, "");
                 va_list ap;
                 va_start(ap, fmt);
                 vprintf(fmt, ap);
-                printf(":\n  placing %d at (%d,%d)\n",
-                       n, 1+x, 1+YUNTRANS(y));
+                printf(":\n%*s  placing %d at (%d,%d)\n",
+                       solver_recurse_depth*4, "", n, 1+x, 1+YUNTRANS(y));
-            nsolve_place(usage, x, y, n);
-            return TRUE;
+            solver_place(usage, x, y, n);
+            return +1;
+    } else if (m == 0) {
+	if (solver_show_working) {
+	    printf("%*s", solver_recurse_depth*4, "");
+	    va_list ap;
+	    va_start(ap, fmt);
+	    vprintf(fmt, ap);
+	    va_end(ap);
+	    printf(":\n%*s  no possibilities available\n",
+		   solver_recurse_depth*4, "");
+	}
+        return -1;
-    return FALSE;
+    return 0;
-static int nsolve_intersect(struct nsolve_usage *usage,
+static int solver_intersect(struct solver_usage *usage,
                             int start1, int step1, int start2, int step2
                             , char *fmt, ...
@@ -819,7 +578,7 @@
         if (usage->cube[p] &&
             !(p >= start2 && p < start2+cr*step2 &&
               (p - start2) % step2 == 0))
-            return FALSE;              /* there is, so we can't deduce */
+            return 0;		       /* there is, so we can't deduce */
@@ -826,9 +585,9 @@
      * We have determined that all set bits in the first domain are
      * within its overlap with the second. So loop over the second
      * domain and remove all set bits that aren't also in that
-     * overlap; return TRUE iff we actually _did_ anything.
+     * overlap; return +1 iff we actually _did_ anything.
-    ret = FALSE;
+    ret = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
         int p = start2+i*step2;
         if (usage->cube[p] &&
@@ -839,6 +598,7 @@
                 int px, py, pn;
                 if (!ret) {
+		    printf("%*s", solver_recurse_depth*4, "");
                     va_list ap;
                     va_start(ap, fmt);
                     vprintf(fmt, ap);
@@ -851,11 +611,11 @@
                 px = py / cr;
                 py %= cr;
-                printf("  ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
-                       pn, 1+px, 1+YUNTRANS(py));
+                printf("%*s  ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
+                       solver_recurse_depth*4, "", pn, 1+px, 1+YUNTRANS(py));
-            ret = TRUE;                /* we did something */
+            ret = +1;		       /* we did something */
             usage->cube[p] = 0;
@@ -863,12 +623,12 @@
     return ret;
-struct nsolve_scratch {
+struct solver_scratch {
     unsigned char *grid, *rowidx, *colidx, *set;
-static int nsolve_set(struct nsolve_usage *usage,
-                      struct nsolve_scratch *scratch,
+static int solver_set(struct solver_usage *usage,
+                      struct solver_scratch *scratch,
                       int start, int step1, int step2
                       , char *fmt, ...
@@ -895,14 +655,15 @@
         for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
             if (usage->cube[start+i*step1+j*step2])
                 first = j, count++;
-        if (count == 0) {
-            /*
-             * This condition actually marks a completely insoluble
-             * (i.e. internally inconsistent) puzzle. We return and
-             * report no progress made.
-             */
-            return FALSE;
-        }
+	/*
+	 * If count == 0, then there's a row with no 1s at all and
+	 * the puzzle is internally inconsistent. However, we ought
+	 * to have caught this already during the simpler reasoning
+	 * methods, so we can safely fail an assertion if we reach
+	 * this point here.
+	 */
+	assert(count > 0);
         if (count == 1)
             rowidx[i] = colidx[first] = FALSE;
@@ -968,7 +729,22 @@
              * indicates a faulty deduction before this point or
              * even a bogus clue.
-            assert(rows <= n - count);
+            if (rows > n - count) {
+		if (solver_show_working) {
+		    printf("%*s", solver_recurse_depth*4,
+			   "");
+		    va_list ap;
+		    va_start(ap, fmt);
+		    vprintf(fmt, ap);
+		    va_end(ap);
+		    printf(":\n%*s  contradiction reached\n",
+			   solver_recurse_depth*4, "");
+		}
+		return -1;
+	    }
             if (rows >= n - count) {
                 int progress = FALSE;
@@ -976,8 +752,8 @@
                  * We've got one! Now, for each row which _doesn't_
                  * satisfy the criterion, eliminate all its set
                  * bits in the positions _not_ listed in `set'.
-                 * Return TRUE (meaning progress has been made) if
-                 * we successfully eliminated anything at all.
+                 * Return +1 (meaning progress has been made) if we
+                 * successfully eliminated anything at all.
                  * This involves referring back through
                  * rowidx/colidx in order to work out which actual
@@ -998,8 +774,10 @@
                                 if (solver_show_working) {
                                     int px, py, pn;
                                     if (!progress) {
+					printf("%*s", solver_recurse_depth*4,
+					       "");
                                         va_list ap;
                                         va_start(ap, fmt);
                                         vprintf(fmt, ap);
@@ -1012,7 +790,8 @@
                                     px = py / cr;
                                     py %= cr;
-                                    printf("  ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
+                                    printf("%*s  ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
+					   solver_recurse_depth*4, "",
                                            pn, 1+px, 1+YUNTRANS(py));
@@ -1023,7 +802,7 @@
                 if (progress) {
-                    return TRUE;
+                    return +1;
@@ -1041,12 +820,12 @@
             break;                     /* done */
-    return FALSE;
+    return 0;
-static struct nsolve_scratch *nsolve_new_scratch(struct nsolve_usage *usage)
+static struct solver_scratch *solver_new_scratch(struct solver_usage *usage)
-    struct nsolve_scratch *scratch = snew(struct nsolve_scratch);
+    struct solver_scratch *scratch = snew(struct solver_scratch);
     int cr = usage->cr;
     scratch->grid = snewn(cr*cr, unsigned char);
     scratch->rowidx = snewn(cr, unsigned char);
@@ -1055,7 +834,7 @@
     return scratch;
-static void nsolve_free_scratch(struct nsolve_scratch *scratch)
+static void solver_free_scratch(struct solver_scratch *scratch)
@@ -1064,12 +843,12 @@
-static int nsolve(int c, int r, digit *grid)
+static int solver(int c, int r, digit *grid, random_state *rs, int maxdiff)
-    struct nsolve_usage *usage;
-    struct nsolve_scratch *scratch;
+    struct solver_usage *usage;
+    struct solver_scratch *scratch;
     int cr = c*r;
-    int x, y, n;
+    int x, y, n, ret;
     int diff = DIFF_BLOCK;
@@ -1076,7 +855,7 @@
      * Set up a usage structure as a clean slate (everything
      * possible).
-    usage = snew(struct nsolve_usage);
+    usage = snew(struct solver_usage);
     usage->c = c;
     usage->r = r;
     usage->cr = cr;
@@ -1091,7 +870,7 @@
     memset(usage->col, FALSE, cr * cr);
     memset(usage->blk, FALSE, cr * cr);
-    scratch = nsolve_new_scratch(usage);
+    scratch = solver_new_scratch(usage);
      * Place all the clue numbers we are given.
@@ -1099,7 +878,7 @@
     for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
 	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
 	    if (grid[y*cr+x])
-		nsolve_place(usage, x, YTRANS(y), grid[y*cr+x]);
+		solver_place(usage, x, YTRANS(y), grid[y*cr+x]);
      * Now loop over the grid repeatedly trying all permitted modes
@@ -1124,31 +903,44 @@
 	for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r)
 	    for (y = 0; y < r; y++)
 		for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
-		    if (!usage->blk[(y*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] &&
-			nsolve_elim(usage, cubepos(x,y,n), r*cr
+		    if (!usage->blk[(y*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1]) {
+			ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(x,y,n), r*cr
-                                    , "positional elimination,"
-                                    " block (%d,%d)", 1+x/r, 1+y
+					  , "positional elimination,"
+					  " %d in block (%d,%d)", n, 1+x/r, 1+y
-                                    )) {
-                        diff = max(diff, DIFF_BLOCK);
-                        goto cont;
+					  );
+			if (ret < 0) {
+			    diff = DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE;
+			    goto got_result;
+			} else if (ret > 0) {
+			    diff = max(diff, DIFF_BLOCK);
+			    goto cont;
+			}
+	if (maxdiff <= DIFF_BLOCK)
+	    break;
 	 * Row-wise positional elimination.
 	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
 	    for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
-		if (!usage->row[y*cr+n-1] &&
-		    nsolve_elim(usage, cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr
+		if (!usage->row[y*cr+n-1]) {
+		    ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr
-                                , "positional elimination,"
-                                " row %d", 1+YUNTRANS(y)
+				      , "positional elimination,"
+				      " %d in row %d", n, 1+YUNTRANS(y)
-                                )) {
-                    diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
-                    goto cont;
+				      );
+		    if (ret < 0) {
+			goto got_result;
+		    } else if (ret > 0) {
+			diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
+			goto cont;
+		    }
 	 * Column-wise positional elimination.
@@ -1155,14 +947,20 @@
 	for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
 	    for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
-		if (!usage->col[x*cr+n-1] &&
-		    nsolve_elim(usage, cubepos(x,0,n), cr
+		if (!usage->col[x*cr+n-1]) {
+		    ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(x,0,n), cr
-                                , "positional elimination," " column %d", 1+x
+				      , "positional elimination,"
+				      " %d in column %d", n, 1+x
-                                )) {
-                    diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
-                    goto cont;
+				      );
+		    if (ret < 0) {
+			goto got_result;
+		    } else if (ret > 0) {
+			diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
+			goto cont;
+		    }
@@ -1170,17 +968,25 @@
 	for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
 	    for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
-		if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x] &&
-		    nsolve_elim(usage, cubepos(x,y,1), 1
+		if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x]) {
+		    ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(x,y,1), 1
-                                , "numeric elimination at (%d,%d)", 1+x,
-                                1+YUNTRANS(y)
+				      , "numeric elimination at (%d,%d)", 1+x,
+				      1+YUNTRANS(y)
-                                )) {
-                    diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
-                    goto cont;
+				      );
+		    if (ret < 0) {
+			goto got_result;
+		    } else if (ret > 0) {
+			diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
+			goto cont;
+		    }
+	if (maxdiff <= DIFF_SIMPLE)
+	    break;
          * Intersectional analysis, rows vs blocks.
@@ -1187,22 +993,25 @@
         for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
             for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r)
                 for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+		    /*
+		     * solver_intersect() never returns -1.
+		     */
                     if (!usage->row[y*cr+n-1] &&
                         !usage->blk[((y%r)*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] &&
-                        (nsolve_intersect(usage, cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr,
+                        (solver_intersect(usage, cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr,
                                           cubepos(x,y%r,n), r*cr
                                           , "intersectional analysis,"
-                                          " row %d vs block (%d,%d)",
-                                          1+YUNTRANS(y), 1+x/r, 1+y%r
+                                          " %d in row %d vs block (%d,%d)",
+                                          n, 1+YUNTRANS(y), 1+x/r, 1+y%r
                                           ) ||
-                         nsolve_intersect(usage, cubepos(x,y%r,n), r*cr,
+                         solver_intersect(usage, cubepos(x,y%r,n), r*cr,
                                           cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr
                                           , "intersectional analysis,"
-                                          " block (%d,%d) vs row %d",
-                                          1+x/r, 1+y%r, 1+YUNTRANS(y)
+                                          " %d in block (%d,%d) vs row %d",
+                                          n, 1+x/r, 1+y%r, 1+YUNTRANS(y)
                                           ))) {
                         diff = max(diff, DIFF_INTERSECT);
@@ -1217,20 +1026,20 @@
                 for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
                     if (!usage->col[x*cr+n-1] &&
                         !usage->blk[(y*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] &&
-                        (nsolve_intersect(usage, cubepos(x,0,n), cr,
+                        (solver_intersect(usage, cubepos(x,0,n), cr,
                                           cubepos((x/r)*r,y,n), r*cr
                                           , "intersectional analysis,"
-                                          " column %d vs block (%d,%d)",
-                                          1+x, 1+x/r, 1+y
+                                          " %d in column %d vs block (%d,%d)",
+                                          n, 1+x, 1+x/r, 1+y
                                           ) ||
-                         nsolve_intersect(usage, cubepos((x/r)*r,y,n), r*cr,
+                         solver_intersect(usage, cubepos((x/r)*r,y,n), r*cr,
                                           cubepos(x,0,n), cr
                                           , "intersectional analysis,"
-                                          " block (%d,%d) vs column %d",
-                                          1+x/r, 1+y, 1+x
+                                          " %d in block (%d,%d) vs column %d",
+                                          n, 1+x/r, 1+y, 1+x
                                           ))) {
                         diff = max(diff, DIFF_INTERSECT);
@@ -1237,45 +1046,63 @@
                         goto cont;
+	if (maxdiff <= DIFF_INTERSECT)
+	    break;
 	 * Blockwise set elimination.
 	for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r)
-	    for (y = 0; y < r; y++)
-                if (nsolve_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(x,y,1), r*cr, 1
+	    for (y = 0; y < r; y++) {
+		ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(x,y,1), r*cr, 1
-                               , "set elimination, block (%d,%d)", 1+x/r, 1+y
+				 , "set elimination, block (%d,%d)", 1+x/r, 1+y
-                               )) {
-                    diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
-                    goto cont;
-                }
+				 );
+		if (ret < 0) {
+		    diff = DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE;
+		    goto got_result;
+		} else if (ret > 0) {
+		    diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
+		    goto cont;
+		}
+	    }
 	 * Row-wise set elimination.
-	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
-            if (nsolve_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(0,y,1), cr*cr, 1
+	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++) {
+            ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(0,y,1), cr*cr, 1
-                           , "set elimination, row %d", 1+YUNTRANS(y)
+			     , "set elimination, row %d", 1+YUNTRANS(y)
-                           )) {
-                diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
-                goto cont;
-            }
+			     );
+	    if (ret < 0) {
+		goto got_result;
+	    } else if (ret > 0) {
+		diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
+		goto cont;
+	    }
+	}
 	 * Column-wise set elimination.
-	for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
-            if (nsolve_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(x,0,1), cr, 1
+	for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
+            ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(x,0,1), cr, 1
-                           , "set elimination, column %d", 1+x
+			     , "set elimination, column %d", 1+x
-                           )) {
-                diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
-                goto cont;
-            }
+			     );
+	    if (ret < 0) {
+		goto got_result;
+	    } else if (ret > 0) {
+		diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
+		goto cont;
+	    }
+	}
 	 * If we reach here, we have made no deductions in this
@@ -1284,8 +1111,182 @@
-    nsolve_free_scratch(scratch);
+    /*
+     * Last chance: if we haven't fully solved the puzzle yet, try
+     * recursing based on guesses for a particular square. We pick
+     * one of the most constrained empty squares we can find, which
+     * has the effect of pruning the search tree as much as
+     * possible.
+     */
+    if (maxdiff >= DIFF_RECURSIVE) {
+	int best, bestcount, bestnumber;
+	best = -1;
+	bestcount = cr+1;
+	bestnumber = 0;
+	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+	    for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+		if (!grid[y*cr+x]) {
+		    int count;
+		    /*
+		     * An unfilled square. Count the number of
+		     * possible digits in it.
+		     */
+		    count = 0;
+		    for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+			if (cube(x,YTRANS(y),n))
+			    count++;
+		    /*
+		     * We should have found any impossibilities
+		     * already, so this can safely be an assert.
+		     */
+		    assert(count > 1);
+		    if (count < bestcount) {
+			bestcount = count;
+			bestnumber = 0;
+		    }
+		    if (count == bestcount) {
+			bestnumber++;
+			if (bestnumber == 1 ||
+			    (rs && random_upto(rs, bestnumber) == 0))
+			    best = y*cr+x;
+		    }
+		}
+	if (best != -1) {
+	    int i, j;
+	    digit *list, *ingrid, *outgrid;
+	    diff = DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE;    /* no solution found yet */
+	    /*
+	     * Attempt recursion.
+	     */
+	    y = best / cr;
+	    x = best % cr;
+	    list = snewn(cr, digit);
+	    ingrid = snewn(cr * cr, digit);
+	    outgrid = snewn(cr * cr, digit);
+	    memcpy(ingrid, grid, cr * cr);
+	    /* Make a list of the possible digits. */
+	    for (j = 0, n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+		if (cube(x,YTRANS(y),n))
+		    list[j++] = n;
+	    if (solver_show_working) {
+		char *sep = "";
+		printf("%*srecursing on (%d,%d) [",
+		       solver_recurse_depth*4, "", x, y);
+		for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
+		    printf("%s%d", sep, list[i]);
+		    sep = " or ";
+		}
+		printf("]\n");
+	    }
+	    /* Now shuffle the list. */
+	    if (rs) {
+		for (i = j; i > 1; i--) {
+		    int p = random_upto(rs, i);
+		    if (p != i-1) {
+			int t = list[p];
+			list[p] = list[i-1];
+			list[i-1] = t;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * And step along the list, recursing back into the
+	     * main solver at every stage.
+	     */
+	    for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
+		int ret;
+		memcpy(outgrid, ingrid, cr * cr);
+		outgrid[y*cr+x] = list[i];
+		if (solver_show_working)
+		    printf("%*sguessing %d at (%d,%d)\n",
+			   solver_recurse_depth*4, "", list[i], x, y);
+		solver_recurse_depth++;
+		ret = solver(c, r, outgrid, rs, maxdiff);
+		solver_recurse_depth--;
+		if (solver_show_working) {
+		    printf("%*sretracting %d at (%d,%d)\n",
+			   solver_recurse_depth*4, "", list[i], x, y);
+		}
+		/*
+		 * If we have our first solution, copy it into the
+		 * grid we will return.
+		 */
+		if (diff == DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE && ret != DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE)
+		    memcpy(grid, outgrid, cr*cr);
+		if (ret == DIFF_AMBIGUOUS)
+		    diff = DIFF_AMBIGUOUS;
+		else if (ret == DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE)
+		    /* do not change our return value */;
+		else {
+		    /* the recursion turned up exactly one solution */
+		    if (diff == DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE)
+			diff = DIFF_RECURSIVE;
+		    else
+			diff = DIFF_AMBIGUOUS;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * As soon as we've found more than one solution,
+		 * give up immediately.
+		 */
+		if (diff == DIFF_AMBIGUOUS)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    sfree(outgrid);
+	    sfree(ingrid);
+	    sfree(list);
+	}
+    } else {
+        /*
+         * We're forbidden to use recursion, so we just see whether
+         * our grid is fully solved, and return DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE
+         * otherwise.
+         */
+	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+	    for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+		if (!grid[y*cr+x])
+                    diff = DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE;
+    }
+    got_result:;
+    if (solver_show_working)
+	printf("%*s%s found\n",
+	       solver_recurse_depth*4, "",
+	       diff == DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE ? "no solution" :
+	       diff == DIFF_AMBIGUOUS ? "multiple solutions" :
+	       "one solution");
@@ -1292,18 +1293,246 @@
-    for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
-	for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
-	    if (!grid[y*cr+x])
+    solver_free_scratch(scratch);
     return diff;
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * End of non-recursive solver code.
+ * End of solver code.
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Solo filled-grid generator.
+ *
+ * This grid generator works by essentially trying to solve a grid
+ * starting from no clues, and not worrying that there's more than
+ * one possible solution. Unfortunately, it isn't computationally
+ * feasible to do this by calling the above solver with an empty
+ * grid, because that one needs to allocate a lot of scratch space
+ * at every recursion level. Instead, I have a much simpler
+ * algorithm which I shamelessly copied from a Python solver
+ * written by Andrew Wilkinson (which is GPLed, but I've reused
+ * only ideas and no code). It mostly just does the obvious
+ * recursive thing: pick an empty square, put one of the possible
+ * digits in it, recurse until all squares are filled, backtrack
+ * and change some choices if necessary.
+ *
+ * The clever bit is that every time it chooses which square to
+ * fill in next, it does so by counting the number of _possible_
+ * numbers that can go in each square, and it prioritises so that
+ * it picks a square with the _lowest_ number of possibilities. The
+ * idea is that filling in lots of the obvious bits (particularly
+ * any squares with only one possibility) will cut down on the list
+ * of possibilities for other squares and hence reduce the enormous
+ * search space as much as possible as early as possible.
+ */
+ * Internal data structure used in gridgen to keep track of
+ * progress.
+ */
+struct gridgen_coord { int x, y, r; };
+struct gridgen_usage {
+    int c, r, cr;		       /* cr == c*r */
+    /* grid is a copy of the input grid, modified as we go along */
+    digit *grid;
+    /* row[y*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in row y */
+    unsigned char *row;
+    /* col[x*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in row x */
+    unsigned char *col;
+    /* blk[(y*c+x)*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in block (x,y) */
+    unsigned char *blk;
+    /* This lists all the empty spaces remaining in the grid. */
+    struct gridgen_coord *spaces;
+    int nspaces;
+    /* If we need randomisation in the solve, this is our random state. */
+    random_state *rs;
+ * The real recursive step in the generating function.
+ */
+static int gridgen_real(struct gridgen_usage *usage, digit *grid)
+    int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = usage->cr;
+    int i, j, n, sx, sy, bestm, bestr, ret;
+    int *digits;
+    /*
+     * Firstly, check for completion! If there are no spaces left
+     * in the grid, we have a solution.
+     */
+    if (usage->nspaces == 0) {
+        memcpy(grid, usage->grid, cr * cr);
+	return TRUE;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Otherwise, there must be at least one space. Find the most
+     * constrained space, using the `r' field as a tie-breaker.
+     */
+    bestm = cr+1;		       /* so that any space will beat it */
+    bestr = 0;
+    i = sx = sy = -1;
+    for (j = 0; j < usage->nspaces; j++) {
+	int x = usage->spaces[j].x, y = usage->spaces[j].y;
+	int m;
+	/*
+	 * Find the number of digits that could go in this space.
+	 */
+	m = 0;
+	for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
+	    if (!usage->row[y*cr+n] && !usage->col[x*cr+n] &&
+		!usage->blk[((y/c)*c+(x/r))*cr+n])
+		m++;
+	if (m < bestm || (m == bestm && usage->spaces[j].r < bestr)) {
+	    bestm = m;
+	    bestr = usage->spaces[j].r;
+	    sx = x;
+	    sy = y;
+	    i = j;
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+     * Swap that square into the final place in the spaces array,
+     * so that decrementing nspaces will remove it from the list.
+     */
+    if (i != usage->nspaces-1) {
+	struct gridgen_coord t;
+	t = usage->spaces[usage->nspaces-1];
+	usage->spaces[usage->nspaces-1] = usage->spaces[i];
+	usage->spaces[i] = t;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Now we've decided which square to start our recursion at,
+     * simply go through all possible values, shuffling them
+     * randomly first if necessary.
+     */
+    digits = snewn(bestm, int);
+    j = 0;
+    for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
+	if (!usage->row[sy*cr+n] && !usage->col[sx*cr+n] &&
+	    !usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n]) {
+	    digits[j++] = n+1;
+	}
+    if (usage->rs) {
+	/* shuffle */
+	for (i = j; i > 1; i--) {
+	    int p = random_upto(usage->rs, i);
+	    if (p != i-1) {
+		int t = digits[p];
+		digits[p] = digits[i-1];
+		digits[i-1] = t;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* And finally, go through the digit list and actually recurse. */
+    ret = FALSE;
+    for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
+	n = digits[i];
+	/* Update the usage structure to reflect the placing of this digit. */
+	usage->row[sy*cr+n-1] = usage->col[sx*cr+n-1] =
+	    usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+	usage->grid[sy*cr+sx] = n;
+	usage->nspaces--;
+	/* Call the solver recursively. Stop when we find a solution. */
+	if (gridgen_real(usage, grid))
+            ret = TRUE;
+	/* Revert the usage structure. */
+	usage->row[sy*cr+n-1] = usage->col[sx*cr+n-1] =
+	    usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n-1] = FALSE;
+	usage->grid[sy*cr+sx] = 0;
+	usage->nspaces++;
+        if (ret)
+            break;
+    }
+    sfree(digits);
+    return ret;
+ * Entry point to generator. You give it dimensions and a starting
+ * grid, which is simply an array of cr*cr digits.
+ */
+static void gridgen(int c, int r, digit *grid, random_state *rs)
+    struct gridgen_usage *usage;
+    int x, y, cr = c*r;
+    /*
+     * Clear the grid to start with.
+     */
+    memset(grid, 0, cr*cr);
+    /*
+     * Create a gridgen_usage structure.
+     */
+    usage = snew(struct gridgen_usage);
+    usage->c = c;
+    usage->r = r;
+    usage->cr = cr;
+    usage->grid = snewn(cr * cr, digit);
+    memcpy(usage->grid, grid, cr * cr);
+    usage->row = snewn(cr * cr, unsigned char);
+    usage->col = snewn(cr * cr, unsigned char);
+    usage->blk = snewn(cr * cr, unsigned char);
+    memset(usage->row, FALSE, cr * cr);
+    memset(usage->col, FALSE, cr * cr);
+    memset(usage->blk, FALSE, cr * cr);
+    usage->spaces = snewn(cr * cr, struct gridgen_coord);
+    usage->nspaces = 0;
+    usage->rs = rs;
+    /*
+     * Initialise the list of grid spaces.
+     */
+    for (y = 0; y < cr; y++) {
+	for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
+            usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].x = x;
+            usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].y = y;
+            usage->spaces[usage->nspaces].r = random_bits(rs, 31);
+            usage->nspaces++;
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+     * Run the real generator function.
+     */
+    gridgen_real(usage, grid);
+    /*
+     * Clean up the usage structure now we have our answer.
+     */
+    sfree(usage->spaces);
+    sfree(usage->blk);
+    sfree(usage->col);
+    sfree(usage->row);
+    sfree(usage->grid);
+    sfree(usage);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * End of grid generator code.
+ */
  * Check whether a grid contains a valid complete puzzle.
 static int check_valid(int c, int r, digit *grid)
@@ -1470,7 +1699,6 @@
     digit *grid, *grid2;
     struct xy { int x, y; } *locs;
     int nlocs;
-    int ret;
     char *desc;
     int coords[16], ncoords;
     int *symmclasses, nsymmclasses;
@@ -1522,12 +1750,9 @@
     do {
-         * Start the recursive solver with an empty grid to generate a
-         * random solved state.
+         * Generate a random solved state.
-        memset(grid, 0, area);
-        ret = rsolve(c, r, grid, rs, 1);
-        assert(ret == 1);
+        gridgen(c, r, grid, rs);
         assert(check_valid(c, r, grid));
@@ -1586,7 +1811,7 @@
              * Now loop over the shuffled list and, for each element,
              * see whether removing that element (and its reflections)
              * from the grid will still leave the grid soluble by
-             * nsolve.
+             * solver.
             for (i = 0; i < nlocs; i++) {
 		int ret;
@@ -1599,12 +1824,8 @@
                 for (j = 0; j < ncoords; j++)
                     grid2[coords[2*j+1]*cr+coords[2*j]] = 0;
-		if (recursing)
-		    ret = (rsolve(c, r, grid2, NULL, 2) == 1);
-		else
-		    ret = (nsolve(c, r, grid2) <= maxdiff);
-                if (ret) {
+		ret = solver(c, r, grid2, NULL, maxdiff);
+                if (ret != DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE && ret != DIFF_AMBIGUOUS) {
                     for (j = 0; j < ncoords; j++)
                         grid[coords[2*j+1]*cr+coords[2*j]] = 0;
@@ -1614,21 +1835,14 @@
             if (i == nlocs) {
                  * There was nothing we could remove without
-                 * destroying solvability. If we're trying to
-                 * generate a recursion-only grid and haven't
-                 * switched over to rsolve yet, we now do;
-                 * otherwise we give up.
+                 * destroying solvability. Give up.
-		if (maxdiff == DIFF_RECURSIVE && !recursing) {
-		    recursing = TRUE;
-		} else {
-		    break;
-		}
+                break;
         memcpy(grid2, grid, area);
-    } while (nsolve(c, r, grid2) < maxdiff);
+    } while (solver(c, r, grid2, NULL, maxdiff) < maxdiff);
@@ -1791,7 +2005,7 @@
     int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
     char *ret;
     digit *grid;
-    int rsolve_ret;
+    int solve_ret;
      * If we already have the solution in ai, save ourselves some
@@ -1802,14 +2016,17 @@
     grid = snewn(cr*cr, digit);
     memcpy(grid, state->grid, cr*cr);
-    rsolve_ret = rsolve(c, r, grid, NULL, 2);
+    solve_ret = solver(c, r, grid, NULL, DIFF_RECURSIVE);
-    if (rsolve_ret != 1) {
+    *error = NULL;
+    if (solve_ret == DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE)
+	*error = "No solution exists for this puzzle";
+    else if (solve_ret == DIFF_AMBIGUOUS)
+	*error = "Multiple solutions exist for this puzzle";
+    if (*error) {
-        if (rsolve_ret == 0)
-            *error = "No solution exists for this puzzle";
-        else
-            *error = "Multiple solutions exist for this puzzle";
         return NULL;
@@ -2468,22 +2685,16 @@
     game_params *p;
     game_state *s;
-    int recurse = TRUE;
     char *id = NULL, *desc, *err;
     int grade = FALSE;
+    int ret;
     while (--argc > 0) {
         char *p = *++argv;
-        if (!strcmp(p, "-r")) {
-            recurse = TRUE;
-        } else if (!strcmp(p, "-n")) {
-            recurse = FALSE;
-        } else if (!strcmp(p, "-v")) {
+        if (!strcmp(p, "-v")) {
             solver_show_working = TRUE;
-            recurse = FALSE;
         } else if (!strcmp(p, "-g")) {
             grade = TRUE;
-            recurse = FALSE;
         } else if (*p == '-') {
             fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognised option `%s'\n", argv[0], p);
             return 1;
@@ -2493,7 +2704,7 @@
     if (!id) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-n | -r | -g | -v] <game_id>\n", argv[0]);
+        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-g | -v] <game_id>\n", argv[0]);
         return 1;
@@ -2513,41 +2724,20 @@
     s = new_game(NULL, p, desc);
-    if (recurse) {
-        int ret = rsolve(p->c, p->r, s->grid, NULL, 2);
-        if (ret > 1) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "%s: rsolve: multiple solutions detected\n",
-                    argv[0]);
-        }
+    ret = solver(p->c, p->r, s->grid, NULL, DIFF_RECURSIVE);
+    if (grade) {
+	printf("Difficulty rating: %s\n",
+	       ret==DIFF_BLOCK ? "Trivial (blockwise positional elimination only)":
+	       ret==DIFF_SIMPLE ? "Basic (row/column/number elimination required)":
+	       ret==DIFF_INTERSECT ? "Intermediate (intersectional analysis required)":
+	       ret==DIFF_SET ? "Advanced (set elimination required)":
+	       ret==DIFF_RECURSIVE ? "Unreasonable (guesswork and backtracking required)":
+	       ret==DIFF_AMBIGUOUS ? "Ambiguous (multiple solutions exist)":
+	       ret==DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE ? "Impossible (no solution exists)":
+	       "INTERNAL ERROR: unrecognised difficulty code");
     } else {
-        int ret = nsolve(p->c, p->r, s->grid);
-        if (grade) {
-            if (ret == DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE) {
-                /*
-                 * Now resort to rsolve to determine whether it's
-                 * really soluble.
-                 */
-                ret = rsolve(p->c, p->r, s->grid, NULL, 2);
-                if (ret == 0)
-                    ret = DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE;
-                else if (ret == 1)
-                    ret = DIFF_RECURSIVE;
-                else
-                    ret = DIFF_AMBIGUOUS;
-            }
-            printf("Difficulty rating: %s\n",
-                   ret==DIFF_BLOCK ? "Trivial (blockwise positional elimination only)":
-                   ret==DIFF_SIMPLE ? "Basic (row/column/number elimination required)":
-                   ret==DIFF_INTERSECT ? "Intermediate (intersectional analysis required)":
-                   ret==DIFF_SET ? "Advanced (set elimination required)":
-                   ret==DIFF_RECURSIVE ? "Unreasonable (guesswork and backtracking required)":
-                   ret==DIFF_AMBIGUOUS ? "Ambiguous (multiple solutions exist)":
-                   ret==DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE ? "Impossible (no solution exists)":
-                   "INTERNAL ERROR: unrecognised difficulty code");
-        }
+        printf("%s\n", grid_text_format(p->c, p->r, s->grid));
-    printf("%s\n", grid_text_format(p->c, p->r, s->grid));
     return 0;