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ref: 3bfb9b108ea7276c5f0986aa82787cd8f098d6eb
parent: cf224a65563de65e9a97a9237dcc4cbb9df182a5
author: Simon Tatham <>
date: Sat Aug 20 11:48:55 EDT 2005

Native Windows printing support, using the infrastructure I put in
place in r6190. I'm quite pleased that I didn't have to modify the
printing infrastructure _at all_ to make this work; the only source
change required outside windows.c was the addition of a trivial
utility function midend_get_params(), and that was for the benefit
of bulk puzzle generation rather than anything to do with actual

As far as I can tell, all printable puzzles now print almost
indistinguishably from the way they print under Unix. If you look
closely the font is slightly different, and the Windows standard
hatching doesn't seem to be quite as nice as the kind I did by hand
in ps.c (and, particularly annoyingly, hatched areas don't show up
at all for me when I print to a file and use gv, though they come
out fine on the printer itself); but it's all there, and it all

[originally from svn r6193]
[r6190 == af59dcf6858264103bbc621761feee3aed5aaf2a]

--- a/Recipe
+++ b/Recipe
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
 !makefile cygwin Makefile.cyg
 !makefile osx Makefile.osx
-WINDOWS  = windows user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib
+WINDOWS  = windows printing
+         + user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
 COMMON   = midend drawing misc malloc random version
 NET      = net tree234 dsf
 NETSLIDE = netslide tree234
--- a/devel.but
+++ b/devel.but
@@ -2455,6 +2455,16 @@
 (\k{midend-fetch-preset}). Thus, this function is usually called in
 response to the user making a selection from the presets menu.
+\H{midend-get-params} \cw{midend_get_params()}
+\c game_params *midend_get_params(midend *me);
+Returns the current game parameters stored in this mid-end.
+The returned value is dynamically allocated, and should be freed
+when finished with by passing it to the game's own
+\cw{free_params()} function (see \k{backend-free-params}).
 \H{midend-size} \cw{midend_size()}
 \c void midend_size(midend *me, int *x, int *y, int expand);
--- a/midend.c
+++ b/midend.c
@@ -244,6 +244,11 @@
     me->params = me->ourgame->dup_params(params);
+game_params *midend_get_params(midend *me)
+    return me->ourgame->dup_params(me->params);
 static void midend_set_timer(midend *me)
     me->timing = (me->ourgame->is_timed &&
--- a/puzzles.h
+++ b/puzzles.h
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
 		   const drawing_api *drapi, void *drhandle);
 void midend_free(midend *me);
 void midend_set_params(midend *me, game_params *params);
+game_params *midend_get_params(midend *me);
 void midend_size(midend *me, int *x, int *y, int expand);
 void midend_new_game(midend *me);
 void midend_restart_game(midend *me);
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@
 void midend_fetch_preset(midend *me, int n,
                          char **name, game_params **params);
 int midend_wants_statusbar(midend *me);
 config_item *midend_get_config(midend *me, int which, char **wintitle);
 char *midend_set_config(midend *me, int which, config_item *cfg);
 char *midend_game_id(midend *me, char *id);
--- a/windows.c
+++ b/windows.c
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 #define IDM_ABOUT     0x00D0
 #define IDM_SAVE      0x00E0
 #define IDM_LOAD      0x00F0
-#define IDM_PRESETS   0x0100
+#define IDM_PRINT     0x0100
+#define IDM_PRESETS   0x0110
 #define HELP_FILE_NAME  "puzzles.hlp"
 #define HELP_CNT_NAME   "puzzles.cnt"
@@ -89,12 +90,14 @@
     int x, y, w, h;
 struct frontend {
     midend *me;
     HWND hwnd, statusbar, cfgbox;
     HINSTANCE inst;
     HBITMAP bitmap, prevbm;
-    HDC hdc_bm;
+    HDC hdc;
     COLORREF *colours;
     HBRUSH *brushes;
     HPEN *pens;
@@ -109,9 +112,20 @@
     struct cfg_aux *cfgaux;
     int cfg_which, dlg_done;
     HFONT cfgfont;
+    HBRUSH oldbr;
+    HPEN oldpen;
     char *help_path;
     int help_has_contents;
     char *laststatus;
+    enum { DRAWING, PRINTING, NOTHING } drawstatus;
+    DOCINFO di;
+    int printcount, printw, printh, printsolns, printcurr, printcolour;
+    float printscale;
+    int printoffsetx, printoffsety;
+    float printpixelscale;
+    int fontstart;
+    int linewidth;
+    drawing *dr;
 void fatal(char *fmt, ...)
@@ -128,6 +142,28 @@
+char *geterrstr(void)
+    LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
+    DWORD dw = GetLastError();
+    char *ret;
+    FormatMessage(
+        NULL,
+        dw,
+        (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
+        0, NULL );
+    ret = dupstr(lpMsgBuf);
+    LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
+    return ret;
 void get_random_seed(void **randseed, int *randseedsize)
     time_t *tp = snew(time_t);
@@ -139,7 +175,11 @@
 static void win_status_bar(void *handle, char *text)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    char *rewritten = midend_rewrite_statusbar(fe->me, text);
+    char *rewritten;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
+    rewritten = midend_rewrite_statusbar(fe->me, text);
     if (!fe->laststatus || strcmp(rewritten, fe->laststatus)) {
 	SetWindowText(fe->statusbar, rewritten);
@@ -182,6 +222,8 @@
     HDC hdc_win, hdc_blit;
     HBITMAP prev_blit;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
     if (!bl->bitmap) blitter_mkbitmap(fe, bl);
     bl->x = x; bl->y = y;
@@ -195,7 +237,7 @@
         fatal("SelectObject for hdc_main failed: 0x%x", GetLastError());
     if (!BitBlt(hdc_blit, 0, 0, bl->w, bl->h,
-                fe->hdc_bm, x, y, SRCCOPY))
+                fe->hdc, x, y, SRCCOPY))
         fatal("BitBlt failed: 0x%x", GetLastError());
     SelectObject(hdc_blit, prev_blit);
@@ -209,6 +251,8 @@
     HDC hdc_win, hdc_blit;
     HBITMAP prev_blit;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
     assert(bl->bitmap); /* we should always have saved before loading */
     if (x == BLITTER_FROMSAVED) x = bl->x;
@@ -219,7 +263,7 @@
     prev_blit = SelectObject(hdc_blit, bl->bitmap);
-    BitBlt(fe->hdc_bm, x, y, bl->w, bl->h,
+    BitBlt(fe->hdc, x, y, bl->w, bl->h,
            hdc_blit, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
     SelectObject(hdc_blit, prev_blit);
@@ -236,16 +280,143 @@
     output[2] = (float)(GetBValue(c) / 255.0);
+static POINT win_transform_point(frontend *fe, int x, int y)
+    POINT ret;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
+	ret.x = (int)(fe->printoffsetx + fe->printpixelscale * x);
+	ret.y = (int)(fe->printoffsety + fe->printpixelscale * y);
+    } else {
+	ret.x = x;
+	ret.y = y;
+    }
+    return ret;
+static void win_text_colour(frontend *fe, int colour)
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
+	int hatch;
+	float r, g, b;
+	print_get_colour(fe->dr, colour, &hatch, &r, &g, &b);
+	if (fe->printcolour)
+	    SetTextColor(fe->hdc, RGB(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255));
+	else
+	    SetTextColor(fe->hdc,
+			 hatch == HATCH_CLEAR ? RGB(255,255,255) : RGB(0,0,0));
+    } else {
+	SetTextColor(fe->hdc, fe->colours[colour]);
+    }
+static void win_set_brush(frontend *fe, int colour)
+    HBRUSH br;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
+	int hatch;
+	float r, g, b;
+	print_get_colour(fe->dr, colour, &hatch, &r, &g, &b);
+	if (fe->printcolour)
+	    br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255));
+	else if (hatch == HATCH_SOLID)
+	    br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,0,0));
+	else if (hatch == HATCH_CLEAR)
+	    br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,255));
+	else
+	    br = CreateHatchBrush(hatch == HATCH_BACKSLASH ? HS_FDIAGONAL :
+				  hatch == HATCH_SLASH ? HS_BDIAGONAL :
+				  hatch == HATCH_HORIZ ? HS_HORIZONTAL :
+				  hatch == HATCH_VERT ? HS_VERTICAL :
+				  hatch == HATCH_PLUS ? HS_CROSS :
+				  /* hatch == HATCH_X ? */ HS_DIAGCROSS,
+				  RGB(0,0,0));
+    } else {
+	br = fe->brushes[colour];
+    }
+    fe->oldbr = SelectObject(fe->hdc, br);
+static void win_reset_brush(frontend *fe)
+    HBRUSH br;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
+    br = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->oldbr);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING)
+	DeleteObject(br);
+static void win_set_pen(frontend *fe, int colour, int thin)
+    HPEN pen;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING) {
+	int hatch;
+	float r, g, b;
+	int width = thin ? 0 : fe->linewidth;
+	print_get_colour(fe->dr, colour, &hatch, &r, &g, &b);
+	/* FIXME: line thickness here */
+	if (fe->printcolour)
+	    pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, width,
+			    RGB(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255));
+	else if (hatch == HATCH_SOLID)
+	    pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, width, RGB(0, 0, 0));
+	else if (hatch == HATCH_CLEAR)
+	    pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, width, RGB(255,255,255));
+	else {
+	    assert(!"This shouldn't happen");
+	    pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));
+	}
+    } else {
+	pen = fe->pens[colour];
+    }
+    fe->oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc, pen);
+static void win_reset_pen(frontend *fe)
+    HPEN pen;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != NOTHING);
+    pen = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->oldpen);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING)
+	DeleteObject(pen);
 static void win_clip(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    IntersectClipRect(fe->hdc_bm, x, y, x+w, y+h);
+    POINT p, q;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    p = win_transform_point(fe, x, y);
+    q = win_transform_point(fe, x+w, y+h);
+    IntersectClipRect(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y);
 static void win_unclip(void *handle)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    SelectClipRgn(fe->hdc_bm, NULL);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    SelectClipRgn(fe->hdc, NULL);
 static void win_draw_text(void *handle, int x, int y, int fonttype,
@@ -252,12 +423,21 @@
 			  int fontsize, int align, int colour, char *text)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    POINT xy;
     int i;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == PRINTING)
+	fontsize = (int)(fontsize * fe->printpixelscale);
+    xy = win_transform_point(fe, x, y);
      * Find or create the font.
-    for (i = 0; i < fe->nfonts; i++)
+    for (i = fe->fontstart; i < fe->nfonts; i++)
         if (fe->fonts[i].type == fonttype && fe->fonts[i].size == fontsize)
@@ -272,7 +452,8 @@
         fe->fonts[i].type = fonttype;
         fe->fonts[i].size = fontsize;
-        fe->fonts[i].font = CreateFont(-fontsize, 0, 0, 0, FW_BOLD,
+        fe->fonts[i].font = CreateFont(-fontsize, 0, 0, 0,
+				       fe->drawstatus == PRINTING ? 0 : FW_BOLD,
@@ -290,23 +471,23 @@
 	SIZE size;
-	oldfont = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->fonts[i].font);
-	if (GetTextMetrics(fe->hdc_bm, &tm)) {
+	oldfont = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->fonts[i].font);
+	if (GetTextMetrics(fe->hdc, &tm)) {
 	    if (align & ALIGN_VCENTRE)
-		y -= (tm.tmAscent+tm.tmDescent)/2;
+		xy.y -= (tm.tmAscent+tm.tmDescent)/2;
-		y -= tm.tmAscent;
+		xy.y -= tm.tmAscent;
-	if (GetTextExtentPoint32(fe->hdc_bm, text, strlen(text), &size)) {
+	if (GetTextExtentPoint32(fe->hdc, text, strlen(text), &size)) {
 	    if (align & ALIGN_HCENTRE)
-		x -= / 2;
+		xy.x -= / 2;
 	    else if (align & ALIGN_HRIGHT)
-		x -=;
+		xy.x -=;
-	SetBkMode(fe->hdc_bm, TRANSPARENT);
-	SetTextColor(fe->hdc_bm, fe->colours[colour]);
-	TextOut(fe->hdc_bm, x, y, text, strlen(text));
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldfont);
+	SetBkMode(fe->hdc, TRANSPARENT);
+	win_text_colour(fe, colour);
+	TextOut(fe->hdc, xy.x, xy.y, text, strlen(text));
+	SelectObject(fe->hdc, oldfont);
@@ -313,7 +494,12 @@
 static void win_draw_rect(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int colour)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    if (w == 1 && h == 1) {
+    POINT p, q;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == DRAWING && w == 1 && h == 1) {
 	 * Rectangle() appears to get uppity if asked to draw a 1x1
 	 * rectangle, presumably on the grounds that that's beneath
@@ -320,13 +506,15 @@
 	 * its dignity and you ought to be using SetPixel instead.
 	 * So I will.
-	SetPixel(fe->hdc_bm, x, y, fe->colours[colour]);
+	SetPixel(fe->hdc, x, y, fe->colours[colour]);
     } else {
-	HBRUSH oldbrush = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->brushes[colour]);
-	HPEN oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->pens[colour]);
-	Rectangle(fe->hdc_bm, x, y, x+w, y+h);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldbrush);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldpen);
+	win_set_brush(fe, colour);
+	win_set_pen(fe, colour, TRUE);
+	p = win_transform_point(fe, x, y);
+	q = win_transform_point(fe, x+w, y+h);
+	Rectangle(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y);
+	win_reset_brush(fe);
+	win_reset_pen(fe);
@@ -333,11 +521,19 @@
 static void win_draw_line(void *handle, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int colour)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    HPEN oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->pens[colour]);
-    MoveToEx(fe->hdc_bm, x1, y1, NULL);
-    LineTo(fe->hdc_bm, x2, y2);
-    SetPixel(fe->hdc_bm, x2, y2, fe->colours[colour]);
-    SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldpen);
+    POINT p, q;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    win_set_pen(fe, colour, FALSE);
+    p = win_transform_point(fe, x1, y1);
+    q = win_transform_point(fe, x2, y2);
+    MoveToEx(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, NULL);
+    LineTo(fe->hdc, q.x, q.y);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == DRAWING)
+	SetPixel(fe->hdc, q.x, q.y, fe->colours[colour]);
+    win_reset_pen(fe);
 static void win_draw_circle(void *handle, int cx, int cy, int radius,
@@ -344,21 +540,28 @@
 			    int fillcolour, int outlinecolour)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    POINT p, q, r;
     assert(outlinecolour >= 0);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
     if (fillcolour >= 0) {
-	HBRUSH oldbrush = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->brushes[fillcolour]);
-	HPEN oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->pens[outlinecolour]);
-	Ellipse(fe->hdc_bm, cx - radius, cy - radius,
-		cx + radius + 1, cy + radius + 1);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldbrush);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldpen);
+	win_set_brush(fe, fillcolour);
+	win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
+	p = win_transform_point(fe, cx - radius, cy - radius);
+	q = win_transform_point(fe, cx + radius, cy + radius);
+	Ellipse(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x+1, q.y+1);
+	win_reset_brush(fe);
+	win_reset_pen(fe);
     } else {
-	HPEN oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->pens[outlinecolour]);
-	Arc(fe->hdc_bm, cx - radius, cy - radius,
-	    cx + radius + 1, cy + radius + 1,
-	    cx - radius, cy, cx - radius, cy);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldpen);
+	win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
+	p = win_transform_point(fe, cx - radius, cy - radius);
+	q = win_transform_point(fe, cx + radius, cy + radius);
+	r = win_transform_point(fe, cx - radius, cy);
+	Arc(fe->hdc, p.x, p.y, q.x+1, q.y+1, r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y);
+	win_reset_pen(fe);
@@ -366,27 +569,31 @@
 			     int fillcolour, int outlinecolour)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    POINT *pts = snewn(npoints+1, POINT);
+    POINT *pts;
     int i;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    pts = snewn(npoints+1, POINT);
     for (i = 0; i <= npoints; i++) {
 	int j = (i < npoints ? i : 0);
-	pts[i].x = coords[j*2];
-	pts[i].y = coords[j*2+1];
+	pts[i] = win_transform_point(fe, coords[j*2], coords[j*2+1]);
     assert(outlinecolour >= 0);
     if (fillcolour >= 0) {
-	HBRUSH oldbrush = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->brushes[fillcolour]);
-	HPEN oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->pens[outlinecolour]);
-	Polygon(fe->hdc_bm, pts, npoints);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldbrush);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldpen);
+	win_set_brush(fe, fillcolour);
+	win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
+	Polygon(fe->hdc, pts, npoints);
+	win_reset_brush(fe);
+	win_reset_pen(fe);
     } else {
-	HPEN oldpen = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->pens[outlinecolour]);
-	Polyline(fe->hdc_bm, pts, npoints+1);
-	SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, oldpen);
+	win_set_pen(fe, outlinecolour, FALSE);
+	Polyline(fe->hdc, pts, npoints+1);
+	win_reset_pen(fe);
@@ -396,12 +603,16 @@
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
     HDC hdc_win;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus == NOTHING);
     hdc_win = GetDC(fe->hwnd);
-    fe->hdc_bm = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_win);
-    fe->prevbm = SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->bitmap);
+    fe->hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_win);
+    fe->prevbm = SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->bitmap);
     ReleaseDC(fe->hwnd, hdc_win);
     fe->clip = NULL;
-    SetMapMode(fe->hdc_bm, MM_TEXT);
+    SetMapMode(fe->hdc, MM_TEXT);
+    fe->drawstatus = DRAWING;
 static void win_draw_update(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h)
@@ -409,6 +620,9 @@
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
     RECT r;
+    if (fe->drawstatus != DRAWING)
+	return;
     r.left = x; = y;
     r.right = x + w;
@@ -420,14 +634,174 @@
 static void win_end_draw(void *handle)
     frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
-    SelectObject(fe->hdc_bm, fe->prevbm);
-    DeleteDC(fe->hdc_bm);
+    assert(fe->drawstatus == DRAWING);
+    SelectObject(fe->hdc, fe->prevbm);
+    DeleteDC(fe->hdc);
     if (fe->clip) {
 	fe->clip = NULL;
+    fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+static void win_line_width(void *handle, float width)
+    frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    fe->linewidth = (int)(width * fe->printpixelscale);
+static void win_begin_doc(void *handle, int pages)
+    frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    if (StartDoc(fe->hdc, &fe->di) <= 0) {
+	char *e = geterrstr();
+	MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error starting to print",
+	sfree(e);
+	fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Push a marker on the font stack so that we won't use the
+     * same fonts for printing and drawing. (This is because
+     * drawing seems to look generally better in bold, but printing
+     * is better not in bold.)
+     */
+    fe->fontstart = fe->nfonts;
+static void win_begin_page(void *handle, int number)
+    frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    if (StartPage(fe->hdc) <= 0) {
+	char *e = geterrstr();
+	MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error starting a page",
+	sfree(e);
+	fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+    }
+static void win_begin_puzzle(void *handle, float xm, float xc,
+			     float ym, float yc, int pw, int ph, float wmm)
+    frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    int ppw, pph, pox, poy;
+    float mmpw, mmph, mmox, mmoy;
+    float scale;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    ppw = GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, HORZRES);
+    pph = GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, VERTRES);
+    mmpw = (float)GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, HORZSIZE);
+    mmph = (float)GetDeviceCaps(fe->hdc, VERTSIZE);
+    /*
+     * Compute the puzzle's position on the logical page.
+     */
+    mmox = xm * mmpw + xc;
+    mmoy = ym * mmph + yc;
+    /*
+     * Work out what that comes to in pixels.
+     */
+    pox = (int)(mmox * (float)ppw / mmpw);
+    poy = (int)(mmoy * (float)ppw / mmpw);
+    /*
+     * And determine the scale.
+     * 
+     * I need a scale such that the maximum puzzle-coordinate
+     * extent of the rectangle (pw * scale) is equal to the pixel
+     * equivalent of the puzzle's millimetre width (wmm * ppw /
+     * mmpw).
+     */
+    scale = (wmm * ppw) / (mmpw * pw);
+    /*
+     * Now store pox, poy and scale for use in the main drawing
+     * functions.
+     */
+    fe->printoffsetx = pox;
+    fe->printoffsety = poy;
+    fe->printpixelscale = scale;
+    fe->linewidth = 1;
+static void win_end_puzzle(void *handle)
+    /* Nothing needs to be done here. */
+static void win_end_page(void *handle, int number)
+    frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
+    /*
+     * The MSDN web site sample code doesn't bother to call EndDoc
+     * if an error occurs half way through printing. I expect doing
+     * so would cause the erroneous document to actually be
+     * printed, or something equally undesirable.
+     */
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    if (EndPage(fe->hdc) <= 0) {
+	char *e = geterrstr();
+	MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error finishing a page",
+	sfree(e);
+	fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+    }
+static void win_end_doc(void *handle)
+    frontend *fe = (frontend *)handle;
+    assert(fe->drawstatus != DRAWING);
+    /*
+     * Free all the fonts created since we began printing.
+     */
+    while (fe->nfonts > fe->fontstart) {
+	fe->nfonts--;
+	DeleteObject(fe->fonts[fe->nfonts].font);
+    }
+    fe->fontstart = 0;
+    if (fe->drawstatus == NOTHING)
+	return;
+    if (EndDoc(fe->hdc) <= 0) {
+	char *e = geterrstr();
+	MessageBox(fe->hwnd, e, "Error finishing printing",
+	sfree(e);
+	fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+    }
 const struct drawing_api win_drawing = {
@@ -444,12 +818,110 @@
-    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* {begin,end}_{doc,page,puzzle} */
-    NULL,			       /* line_width */
+    win_begin_doc,
+    win_begin_page,
+    win_begin_puzzle,
+    win_end_puzzle,
+    win_end_page,
+    win_end_doc,
+    win_line_width,
+void print(frontend *fe)
+    PRINTDLG pd;
+    char doctitle[256];
+    document *doc;
+    midend *nme = NULL;  /* non-interactive midend for bulk puzzle generation */
+    int i;
+    char *err = NULL;
+    /*
+     * Create our document structure and fill it up with puzzles.
+     */
+    doc = document_new(fe->printw, fe->printh, fe->printscale / 100.0F);
+    for (i = 0; i < fe->printcount; i++) {
+	if (i == 0 && fe->printcurr) {
+	    err = midend_print_puzzle(fe->me, doc, fe->printsolns);
+	} else {
+	    if (!nme) {
+		game_params *params;
+		nme = midend_new(NULL, &thegame, NULL, NULL);
+		/*
+		 * Set the non-interactive mid-end to have the same
+		 * parameters as the standard one.
+		 */
+		params = midend_get_params(fe->me);
+		midend_set_params(nme, params);
+		thegame.free_params(params);
+	    }
+	    midend_new_game(nme);
+	    err = midend_print_puzzle(nme, doc, fe->printsolns);
+	}
+	if (err)
+	    break;
+    }
+    if (nme)
+	midend_free(nme);
+    if (err) {
+	MessageBox(fe->hwnd, err, "Error preparing puzzles for printing",
+	document_free(doc);
+	return;
+    }
+    memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
+    pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd);
+    pd.hwndOwner = fe->hwnd;
+    pd.hDevMode = NULL;
+    pd.hDevNames = NULL;
+    pd.nCopies = 1;
+    pd.nFromPage = pd.nToPage = 0xFFFF;
+    pd.nMinPage = pd.nMaxPage = 1;
+    if (!PrintDlg(&pd))
+	return;
+    /*
+     * Now pd.hDC is a device context for the printer.
+     */
+    /*
+     * FIXME: IWBNI we put up an Abort box here.
+     */
+    memset(&fe->di, 0, sizeof(fe->di));
+    fe->di.cbSize = sizeof(fe->di);
+    sprintf(doctitle, "Printed puzzles from %s (from Simon Tatham's"
+	    " Portable Puzzle Collection)",;
+    fe->di.lpszDocName = doctitle;
+    fe->di.lpszOutput = NULL;
+    fe->di.lpszDatatype = NULL;
+    fe->di.fwType = 0;
+    fe->drawstatus = PRINTING;
+    fe->hdc = pd.hDC;
+    fe->dr = drawing_init(&win_drawing, fe);
+    document_print(doc, fe->dr);
+    drawing_free(fe->dr);
+    fe->dr = NULL;
+    fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+    DeleteDC(pd.hDC);
 void deactivate_timer(frontend *fe)
+    if (!fe)
+	return;			       /* for non-interactive midend */
     if (fe->hwnd) KillTimer(fe->hwnd, fe->timer);
     fe->timer = 0;
@@ -456,6 +928,8 @@
 void activate_timer(frontend *fe)
+    if (!fe)
+	return;			       /* for non-interactive midend */
     if (!fe->timer) {
 	fe->timer = SetTimer(fe->hwnd, fe->timer, 20, NULL);
 	fe->timer_last_tickcount = GetTickCount();
@@ -462,15 +936,6 @@
- * Since this front end does not support printing (yet), we need
- * this stub to satisfy the reference in midend_print_puzzle().
- */
-void document_add_puzzle(document *doc, const game *game, game_params *par,
-			 game_state *st, game_state *st2)
 void write_clip(HWND hwnd, char *data)
     HGLOBAL clipdata;
@@ -621,6 +1086,10 @@
     fe->timer = 0;
     fe->hwnd = NULL;
+    fe->drawstatus = NOTHING;
+    fe->dr = NULL;
+    fe->fontstart = 0;
     fe->fonts = NULL;
@@ -723,6 +1192,10 @@
 	AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_LOAD, "Load");
 	AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_SAVE, "Save");
 	AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
+	if (thegame.can_print) {
+	    AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_PRINT, "Print");
+	    AppendMenu(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
+	}
 	AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_UNDO, "Undo");
 	AppendMenu(menu, MF_ENABLED, IDM_REDO, "Redo");
 	if (thegame.can_format_as_text) {
@@ -793,6 +1266,106 @@
     return 0;
+ * Wrappers on midend_{get,set}_config, which extend the CFG_*
+ * enumeration to add CFG_PRINT.
+ */
+static config_item *frontend_get_config(frontend *fe, int which,
+					char **wintitle)
+    if (which < CFG_FRONTEND_SPECIFIC) {
+	return midend_get_config(fe->me, which, wintitle);
+    } else if (which == CFG_PRINT) {
+	config_item *ret;
+	int i;
+	*wintitle = snewn(40 + strlen(, char);
+	sprintf(*wintitle, "%s print setup",;
+	ret = snewn(8, config_item);
+	i = 0;
+	ret[i].name = "Number of puzzles to print";
+	ret[i].type = C_STRING;
+	ret[i].sval = dupstr("1");
+	ret[i].ival = 0;
+	i++;
+	ret[i].name = "Number of puzzles across the page";
+	ret[i].type = C_STRING;
+	ret[i].sval = dupstr("1");
+	ret[i].ival = 0;
+	i++;
+	ret[i].name = "Number of puzzles down the page";
+	ret[i].type = C_STRING;
+	ret[i].sval = dupstr("1");
+	ret[i].ival = 0;
+	i++;
+	ret[i].name = "Percentage of standard size";
+	ret[i].type = C_STRING;
+	ret[i].sval = dupstr("100.0");
+	ret[i].ival = 0;
+	i++;
+	ret[i].name = "Include currently shown puzzle";
+	ret[i].type = C_BOOLEAN;
+	ret[i].sval = NULL;
+	ret[i].ival = TRUE;
+	i++;
+	ret[i].name = "Print solutions";
+	ret[i].type = C_BOOLEAN;
+	ret[i].sval = NULL;
+	ret[i].ival = FALSE;
+	i++;
+	if (thegame.can_print_in_colour) {
+	    ret[i].name = "Print in colour";
+	    ret[i].type = C_BOOLEAN;
+	    ret[i].sval = NULL;
+	    ret[i].ival = FALSE;
+	    i++;
+	}
+	ret[i].name = NULL;
+	ret[i].type = C_END;
+	ret[i].sval = NULL;
+	ret[i].ival = 0;
+	i++;
+	return ret;
+    } else {
+	assert(!"We should never get here");
+	return NULL;
+    }
+static char *frontend_set_config(frontend *fe, int which, config_item *cfg)
+    if (which < CFG_FRONTEND_SPECIFIC) {
+	return midend_set_config(fe->me, which, cfg);
+    } else if (which == CFG_PRINT) {
+	if ((fe->printcount = atoi(cfg[0].sval)) <= 0)
+	    return "Number of puzzles to print should be at least one";
+	if ((fe->printw = atoi(cfg[1].sval)) <= 0)
+	    return "Number of puzzles across the page should be at least one";
+	if ((fe->printh = atoi(cfg[2].sval)) <= 0)
+	    return "Number of puzzles down the page should be at least one";
+	if ((fe->printscale = (float)atof(cfg[3].sval)) <= 0)
+	    return "Print size should be positive";
+	fe->printcurr = cfg[4].ival;
+	fe->printsolns = cfg[5].ival;
+	fe->printcolour = thegame.can_print_in_colour && cfg[6].ival;
+	return NULL;
+    } else {
+	assert(!"We should never get here");
+	return "Internal error";
+    }
 static int CALLBACK ConfigDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
 				  WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
@@ -812,7 +1385,7 @@
 	     HIWORD(wParam) == BN_DOUBLECLICKED) &&
 	    (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL)) {
 	    if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) {
-		char *err = midend_set_config(fe->me, fe->cfg_which, fe->cfg);
+		char *err = frontend_set_config(fe, fe->cfg_which, fe->cfg);
 		if (err) {
 		    MessageBox(hwnd, err, "Validation error",
@@ -1075,7 +1648,7 @@
 	height = width = 30;
-    fe->cfg = midend_get_config(fe->me, which, &title);
+    fe->cfg = frontend_get_config(fe, which, &title);
     fe->cfg_which = which;
@@ -1404,6 +1977,10 @@
 	  case IDM_DESC:
 	    if (get_config(fe, CFG_DESC))
+	    break;
+	  case IDM_PRINT:
+	    if (get_config(fe, CFG_PRINT))
+		print(fe);
           case IDM_ABOUT: