shithub: soundpipe

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ref: a901d5647d30cf20fc0a096a612c58b2f99b8551
author: Paul Batchelor <>
date: Sat Sep 5 12:30:21 EDT 2020


--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+# Generated files
--- /dev/null
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Batchelor
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,93 @@
+.PHONY: all clean install docs bootstrap util
+default: all
+VERSION = 2.0.0
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+LIBSOUNDPIPE = libsoundpipe.a
+ifndef CONFIG
+HPATHS += $(addprefix h/, $(addsuffix .h, $(MODULES)))
+MPATHS += $(addprefix modules/, $(addsuffix .o, $(MODULES)))
+include $(CONFIG)
+ifeq ($(USE_DOUBLE), 1)
+CFLAGS += -Ih -I/usr/local/include -fPIC
+CFLAGS += -I.
+CFLAGS += -Wall -pedantic
+UTIL += util/wav2smp
+C89=$(CC) -std=c89
+C99=$(CC) -std=c99
+libsoundpipe.a: $(MPATHS) $(LPATHS) $(TANGLED)
+	@echo "Creating $@"
+	@$(AR) rcs $@ $(MPATHS) $(LPATHS) $(TANGLED)
+h/soundpipe.h: $(HPATHS)
+	echo "#ifndef SOUNDPIPE_H" > $@
+	echo "#define USE_DOUBLE" >> $@
+	echo "#define SOUNDPIPE_H" >> $@
+	cat $(HPATHS) >> $@
+	echo "#endif" >> $@
+h/sp_base.h: h/base.h
+	>$@
+	echo "#ifndef SOUNDPIPE_H" >> $@
+	echo "#define USE_DOUBLE" >> $@
+	echo "#define SOUNDPIPE_H" >> $@
+	cat $< >> $@
+	echo "#endif" >> $@
+modules/%.o: modules/%.c h/soundpipe.h
+	$(C89) $(CFLAGS) -c -static $< -o $@
+tangled/%.o: %.c h/soundpipe.h
+	$(C89) $(CFLAGS) -c -static $< -o $@
+	cp $< $@
+	cat modules/data/*.lua > $@
+	util/
+all: libsoundpipe.a sp_dict.lua h/sp_base.h
+install: \
+	h/soundpipe.h \
+	h/sp_base.h \
+	libsoundpipe.a
+	install h/soundpipe.h /usr/local/include/
+	install h/sp_base.h /usr/local/include/
+	install libsoundpipe.a /usr/local/lib/
+	$(RM) h/soundpipe.h
+	$(RM) -r docs
+	$(RM) libsoundpipe.a
+	$(RM) soundpipe.c
+	$(RM) sp_dict.lua
+	$(RM) $(LPATHS)
+	$(RM) $(MPATHS)
+	$(RM) $(TANGLED)
+	$(RM) h/sp_base.h
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+Soundpipe is a lightweight music DSP library written in C. It aims to provide
+a set of high-quality DSP modules for composers, sound designers,
+and creative coders.
+To compile:
+sudo make install
+Tests in Soundpipe are used to determine whether or not modules behave as 
+expected. Tests write the output of a module to memory, and check the MD5 hash 
+value of the output against the MD5 value of a reference signal.
+To build a test file, go into the test folder, and run "make". Then, run 
+"./run.bin", which runs the tests. As the tests are run, an "ok" will appear in 
+the log if a test passes, and a "not ok" will appear if a test fails. 
+It is possible to hear the output of a particular test if you know the test 
+number. You will need to have sox installed. For example, 
+to hear what test 11 sounds like, run the following
+./run.bin render 11
+./ 0011.raw
+This will generate a file called out.wav.
+The testing utility has a few optional arguments. To see all possible arguments,
+run "./run.bin help".
+The Soundpipe Model
+Soundpipe is callback driven. Every time Soundpipe needs a frame, it will
+call upon a single function specified by the user. Soundpipe modules are
+designed to process a signal one sample at a time.  Every module follows the
+same life cycle:
+1. Create: Memory is allocated for the data struct.
+2. Initialize: Buffers are allocated, and initial variables and constants
+are set.
+3. Compute: the module takes in inputs (if applicable), and generates a
+single sample of output.
+4. Destroy: All memory allocated is freed.
+If you have lua installed on your computer, you can generate the current html
+documentation for soundpipe by running "make docs". A folder called "docs"
+will be created. The top page for the documentation is docs/index.html.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,130 @@
+base \
+ftbl \
+adsr \
+autowah \
+biscale \
+blsaw \
+blsquare \
+bltriangle \
+butlp \
+butbp \
+buthp \
+butbr \
+brown \
+clamp \
+clock \
+compressor \
+count \
+crossfade \
+delay \
+diode \
+dmetro \
+dtrig \
+expon \
+in \
+incr \
+jcrev \
+line \
+loadwav \
+lpc \
+maygate \
+metro \
+noise \
+nsmp \
+osc \
+paulstretch \
+peaklim \
+phaser \
+phasor \
+pinknoise \
+prop \
+pshift \
+randmt \
+random \
+randh \
+reverse \
+rpt \
+saturator \
+samphold \
+scale \
+scrambler \
+sdelay \
+slice \
+smoothdelay \
+smoother \
+spa \
+sparec \
+switch \
+tadsr \
+talkbox \
+tblrec \
+tdiv \
+tenv \
+tenv2 \
+tenvx \
+tgate \
+thresh \
+timer \
+tin \
+trand \
+tseg \
+tseq \
+voc \
+wavin \
+wavout \
+wpkorg35 \
+zitarev \
+bitcrush \
+bigverb \
+dcblocker \
+fmpair \
+rline \
+vardelay \
+peakeq \
+modalres \
+phasewarp \
+tangled/osc.o \
+tangled/bigverb.o \
+tangled/dcblocker.o \
+tangled/fmpair.o \
+tangled/rline.o \
+tangled/vardelay.o \
+tangled/peakeq.o \
+tangled/modalres.o \
+tangled/phasewarp.o \
+# ini parser needed for nsmp module
+include lib/inih/Makefile
+# Header files needed for modules generated with FAUST
+CFLAGS += -Ilib/faust
+# fft library
+include lib/fft/Makefile
+include lib/kissfft/Makefile
+MODULES += fftwrapper
+MODULES += padsynth
+# Uncomment to use FFTW3 instead of kissfft.
+# Soundpipe audio
+include lib/spa/Makefile
+# openlpc
+include lib/openlpc/Makefile
+# drwav
+include lib/dr_wav/Makefile
+CFLAGS += -fPIC -g
+# Uncomment this to use double precision
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/adsr.h
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT atk;
+    SPFLOAT dec;
+    SPFLOAT sus;
+    SPFLOAT rel;
+    uint32_t timer;
+    uint32_t atk_time;
+    SPFLOAT a;
+    SPFLOAT b;
+    SPFLOAT y;
+    SPFLOAT x;
+    SPFLOAT prev;
+    int mode;
+} sp_adsr;
+int sp_adsr_create(sp_adsr **p);
+int sp_adsr_destroy(sp_adsr **p);
+int sp_adsr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_adsr *p);
+int sp_adsr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_adsr *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/autowah.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *faust;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[3];
+    SPFLOAT *level;
+    SPFLOAT *wah;
+    SPFLOAT *mix;
+} sp_autowah;
+int sp_autowah_create(sp_autowah **p);
+int sp_autowah_destroy(sp_autowah **p);
+int sp_autowah_init(sp_data *sp, sp_autowah *p);
+int sp_autowah_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_autowah *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/base.h
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define SP_BUFSIZE 4096
+#ifndef SPFLOAT
+#define SPFLOAT float
+#define SP_OK 1
+#define SP_NOT_OK 0
+#define SP_RANDMAX 2147483648
+typedef unsigned long sp_frame;
+typedef struct sp_auxdata {
+    size_t size;
+    void *ptr;
+} sp_auxdata;
+typedef struct sp_data {
+    SPFLOAT *out;
+    int sr;
+    int nchan;
+    unsigned long len;
+    unsigned long pos;
+    char filename[200];
+    uint32_t rand;
+} sp_data;
+typedef struct {
+    char state;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+} sp_param;
+int sp_auxdata_alloc(sp_auxdata *aux, size_t size);
+int sp_auxdata_free(sp_auxdata *aux);
+int sp_create(sp_data **spp);
+int sp_createn(sp_data **spp, int nchan);
+int sp_destroy(sp_data **spp);
+int sp_process(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *));
+int sp_process_raw(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *));
+int sp_process_plot(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *));
+int sp_process_spa(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *));
+SPFLOAT sp_midi2cps(SPFLOAT nn);
+int sp_set(sp_param *p, SPFLOAT val);
+int sp_out(sp_data *sp, uint32_t chan, SPFLOAT val);
+uint32_t sp_rand(sp_data *sp);
+void sp_srand(sp_data *sp, uint32_t val);
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT *utbl;
+    int16_t *BRLow;
+    int16_t *BRLowCpx;
+} sp_fft;
+void sp_fft_create(sp_fft **fft);
+void sp_fft_init(sp_fft *fft, int M);
+void sp_fftr(sp_fft *fft, SPFLOAT *buf, int FFTsize);
+void sp_fft_cpx(sp_fft *fft, SPFLOAT *buf, int FFTsize);
+void sp_ifftr(sp_fft *fft, SPFLOAT *buf, int FFTsize);
+void sp_fft_destroy(sp_fft *fft);
+#ifndef kiss_fft_scalar
+#define kiss_fft_scalar SPFLOAT
+typedef struct {
+    kiss_fft_scalar r;
+    kiss_fft_scalar i;
+typedef struct kiss_fft_state* kiss_fft_cfg;
+typedef struct kiss_fftr_state* kiss_fftr_cfg;
+/* SPA: Soundpipe Audio */
+typedef struct {
+    char magic;
+    char nchan;
+    uint16_t sr;
+    uint32_t len;
+} spa_header;
+typedef struct {
+    spa_header header;
+    size_t offset;
+    int mode;
+    FILE *fp;
+    uint32_t pos;
+} sp_audio;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/bigverb.h
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifndef SK_BIGVERB_H
+typedef struct sk_bigverb sk_bigverb;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT feedback, lpfreq;
+    sk_bigverb *bv;
+} sp_bigverb;
+int sp_bigverb_create(sp_bigverb **p);
+int sp_bigverb_destroy(sp_bigverb **p);
+int sp_bigverb_init(sp_data *sp, sp_bigverb *p);
+int sp_bigverb_compute(sp_data *sp,
+                       sp_bigverb *p,
+                       SPFLOAT *in1,
+                       SPFLOAT *in2,
+                       SPFLOAT *out1,
+                       SPFLOAT *out2);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/biscale.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT min, max;
+} sp_biscale;
+int sp_biscale_create(sp_biscale **p);
+int sp_biscale_destroy(sp_biscale **p);
+int sp_biscale_init(sp_data *sp, sp_biscale *p);
+int sp_biscale_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_biscale *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/bitcrush.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT bitdepth;
+    SPFLOAT srate;
+    SPFLOAT incr;
+    SPFLOAT index;
+    int32_t sample_index;
+    SPFLOAT value;
+} sp_bitcrush;
+int sp_bitcrush_create(sp_bitcrush **p);
+int sp_bitcrush_destroy(sp_bitcrush **p);
+int sp_bitcrush_init(sp_data *sp, sp_bitcrush *p);
+int sp_bitcrush_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_bitcrush *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/blsaw.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *ud;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[2];
+    SPFLOAT *freq;
+    SPFLOAT *amp;
+} sp_blsaw;
+int sp_blsaw_create(sp_blsaw **p);
+int sp_blsaw_destroy(sp_blsaw **p);
+int sp_blsaw_init(sp_data *sp, sp_blsaw *p);
+int sp_blsaw_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_blsaw *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/blsquare.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *ud;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[3];
+    SPFLOAT *freq;
+    SPFLOAT *amp;
+    SPFLOAT *width;
+} sp_blsquare;
+int sp_blsquare_create(sp_blsquare **p);
+int sp_blsquare_destroy(sp_blsquare **p);
+int sp_blsquare_init(sp_data *sp, sp_blsquare *p);
+int sp_blsquare_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_blsquare *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/bltriangle.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *ud;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[2];
+    SPFLOAT *freq;
+    SPFLOAT *amp;
+} sp_bltriangle;
+int sp_bltriangle_create(sp_bltriangle **p);
+int sp_bltriangle_destroy(sp_bltriangle **p);
+int sp_bltriangle_init(sp_data *sp, sp_bltriangle *p);
+int sp_bltriangle_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_bltriangle *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/brown.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT brown;
+} sp_brown;
+int sp_brown_create(sp_brown **p);
+int sp_brown_destroy(sp_brown **p);
+int sp_brown_init(sp_data *sp, sp_brown *p);
+int sp_brown_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_brown *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/butbp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq, bw;
+    SPFLOAT lfreq, lbw;
+    SPFLOAT a[7];
+    SPFLOAT pidsr, tpidsr;
+} sp_butbp;
+int sp_butbp_create(sp_butbp **p);
+int sp_butbp_destroy(sp_butbp **p);
+int sp_butbp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_butbp *p);
+int sp_butbp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_butbp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/butbr.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq, bw;
+    SPFLOAT lfreq, lbw;
+    SPFLOAT a[7];
+    SPFLOAT pidsr, tpidsr;
+} sp_butbr;
+int sp_butbr_create(sp_butbr **p);
+int sp_butbr_destroy(sp_butbr **p);
+int sp_butbr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_butbr *p);
+int sp_butbr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_butbr *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/buthp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct  {
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    SPFLOAT lfreq;
+    SPFLOAT a[7];
+    SPFLOAT pidsr;
+} sp_buthp;
+int sp_buthp_create(sp_buthp **p);
+int sp_buthp_destroy(sp_buthp **p);
+int sp_buthp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_buthp *p);
+int sp_buthp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_buthp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/butlp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct  {
+    SPFLOAT sr, freq;
+    SPFLOAT lfreq;
+    SPFLOAT a[7];
+    SPFLOAT pidsr;
+} sp_butlp;
+int sp_butlp_create(sp_butlp **p);
+int sp_butlp_destroy(sp_butlp **p);
+int sp_butlp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_butlp *p);
+int sp_butlp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_butlp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/clamp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT min;
+    SPFLOAT max;
+} sp_clamp;
+int sp_clamp_create(sp_clamp **p);
+int sp_clamp_destroy(sp_clamp **p);
+int sp_clamp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_clamp *p);
+int sp_clamp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_clamp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/clock.h
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT bpm;
+    SPFLOAT subdiv;
+    uint32_t counter;
+} sp_clock;
+int sp_clock_create(sp_clock **p);
+int sp_clock_destroy(sp_clock **p);
+int sp_clock_init(sp_data *sp, sp_clock *p);
+int sp_clock_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_clock *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/compressor.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *faust;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[4];
+    SPFLOAT *ratio;
+    SPFLOAT *thresh;
+    SPFLOAT *atk;
+    SPFLOAT *rel;
+} sp_compressor;
+int sp_compressor_create(sp_compressor **p);
+int sp_compressor_destroy(sp_compressor **p);
+int sp_compressor_init(sp_data *sp, sp_compressor *p);
+int sp_compressor_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_compressor *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/count.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct sp_count{
+    int32_t count, curcount;
+    int mode;
+} sp_count;
+int sp_count_create(sp_count **p);
+int sp_count_destroy(sp_count **p);
+int sp_count_init(sp_data *sp, sp_count *p);
+int sp_count_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_count *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/crossfade.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT pos;
+} sp_crossfade;
+int sp_crossfade_create(sp_crossfade **p);
+int sp_crossfade_destroy(sp_crossfade **p);
+int sp_crossfade_init(sp_data *sp, sp_crossfade *p);
+int sp_crossfade_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_crossfade *p, SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/dcblocker.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct sk_dcblocker sk_dcblocker;
+typedef struct {
+    sk_dcblocker *dcblocker;
+} sp_dcblocker;
+int sp_dcblocker_create(sp_dcblocker **p);
+int sp_dcblocker_destroy(sp_dcblocker **p);
+int sp_dcblocker_init(sp_data *sp, sp_dcblocker *p);
+int sp_dcblocker_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_dcblocker *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/delay.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT time;
+    SPFLOAT feedback;
+    SPFLOAT last;
+    sp_auxdata buf;
+    uint32_t bufsize;
+    uint32_t bufpos;
+} sp_delay;
+int sp_delay_create(sp_delay **p);
+int sp_delay_destroy(sp_delay **p);
+int sp_delay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_delay *p, SPFLOAT time);
+int sp_delay_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_delay *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/diode.h
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+typedef struct {
+    /* 4 one-pole filters */
+    SPFLOAT opva_alpha[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_beta[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_gamma[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_delta[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_eps[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_a0[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_fdbk[4];
+    SPFLOAT opva_z1[4];
+    /* end one-pole filters */
+    SPFLOAT SG[4];
+    SPFLOAT gamma;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    SPFLOAT res;
+} sp_diode;
+int sp_diode_create(sp_diode **p);
+int sp_diode_destroy(sp_diode **p);
+int sp_diode_init(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p);
+int sp_diode_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/dmetro.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT time;
+    uint32_t counter;
+} sp_dmetro;
+int sp_dmetro_create(sp_dmetro **p);
+int sp_dmetro_destroy(sp_dmetro **p);
+int sp_dmetro_init(sp_data *sp, sp_dmetro *p);
+int sp_dmetro_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_dmetro *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/dtrig.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef struct sp_dtrig{
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    uint32_t counter;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    int running;
+    int loop;
+    SPFLOAT delay;
+    SPFLOAT scale;
+} sp_dtrig;
+int sp_dtrig_create(sp_dtrig **p);
+int sp_dtrig_destroy(sp_dtrig **p);
+int sp_dtrig_init(sp_data *sp, sp_dtrig *p, sp_ftbl *ft);
+int sp_dtrig_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_dtrig *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/expon.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT a, dur, b;
+    SPFLOAT val, incr;
+    uint32_t sdur, stime;
+    int init;
+} sp_expon;
+int sp_expon_create(sp_expon **p);
+int sp_expon_destroy(sp_expon **p);
+int sp_expon_init(sp_data *sp, sp_expon *p);
+int sp_expon_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_expon *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/fftwrapper.h
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifdef USE_FFTW3
+#include <fftw3.h>
+#define fftw_real double
+#define rfftw_plan fftw_plan
+typedef struct FFTFREQS {
+    int size;
+    SPFLOAT *s,*c;
+typedef struct {
+    int fftsize;
+#ifdef USE_FFTW3
+    fftw_real *tmpfftdata1, *tmpfftdata2;
+    rfftw_plan planfftw,planfftw_inv;
+    kiss_fftr_cfg fft, ifft;
+    kiss_fft_cpx *tmp1, *tmp2;
+} FFTwrapper;
+void FFTwrapper_create(FFTwrapper **fw, int fftsize);
+void FFTwrapper_destroy(FFTwrapper **fw);
+void newFFTFREQS(FFTFREQS *f, int size);
+void deleteFFTFREQS(FFTFREQS *f);
+void smps2freqs(FFTwrapper *ft, SPFLOAT *smps, FFTFREQS *freqs);
+void freqs2smps(FFTwrapper *ft, FFTFREQS *freqs, SPFLOAT *smps);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/fmpair.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef SK_FMPAIR_H
+typedef struct sk_fmpair sk_fmpair;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT amp, freq, car, mod, indx;
+    sk_fmpair *fmpair;
+} sp_fmpair;
+int sp_fmpair_create(sp_fmpair **p);
+int sp_fmpair_destroy(sp_fmpair **p);
+int sp_fmpair_init(sp_data *sp, sp_fmpair *p, sp_ftbl *ft);
+int sp_fmpair_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_fmpair *p,
+                      SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/foo.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT bar;
+} sp_foo;
+int sp_foo_create(sp_foo **p);
+int sp_foo_destroy(sp_foo **p);
+int sp_foo_init(sp_data *sp, sp_foo *p);
+int sp_foo_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_foo *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/ftbl.h
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+#define SP_FT_MAXLEN 0x1000000L
+typedef struct sp_ftbl{
+    size_t size;
+    SPFLOAT *tbl;
+    /* uint32_t lobits; */
+    /* uint32_t lomask; */
+    /* SPFLOAT lodiv; */
+    /* SPFLOAT sicvt; */
+    /* char del; */
+} sp_ftbl;
+int sp_ftbl_create(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, size_t size);
+int sp_ftbl_init(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft, size_t size);
+int sp_ftbl_bind(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, SPFLOAT *tbl, size_t size);
+int sp_ftbl_destroy(sp_ftbl **ft);
+int sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, const char *filename);
+int sp_ftbl_loadspa(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, const char *filename);
+int sp_gen_vals(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft, const char *string);
+int sp_gen_sine(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/in.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    FILE *fp;
+} sp_in;
+int sp_in_create(sp_in **p);
+int sp_in_destroy(sp_in **p);
+int sp_in_init(sp_data *sp, sp_in *p);
+int sp_in_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_in *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/incr.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT step;
+    SPFLOAT min;
+    SPFLOAT max;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+} sp_incr;
+int sp_incr_create(sp_incr **p);
+int sp_incr_destroy(sp_incr **p);
+int sp_incr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_incr *p, SPFLOAT val);
+int sp_incr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_incr *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/jack.h
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+int sp_jack_process(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/jcrev.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *ud;
+} sp_jcrev;
+int sp_jcrev_create(sp_jcrev **p);
+int sp_jcrev_destroy(sp_jcrev **p);
+int sp_jcrev_init(sp_data *sp, sp_jcrev *p);
+int sp_jcrev_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_jcrev *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/line.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT a, dur, b;
+    SPFLOAT val, incr;
+    uint32_t sdur, stime;
+    int init;
+} sp_line;
+int sp_line_create(sp_line **p);
+int sp_line_destroy(sp_line **p);
+int sp_line_init(sp_data *sp, sp_line *p);
+int sp_line_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_line *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/loadwav.h
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+int sp_ftbl_loadwav(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, const char *filename);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/lpc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+typedef struct {
+    struct openlpc_e_state *e;
+    struct openlpc_d_state *d;
+    int counter;
+    short *in;
+    short *out;
+    unsigned char data[7];
+    SPFLOAT y[7];
+    SPFLOAT smooth;
+    SPFLOAT samp;
+    unsigned int clock;
+    unsigned int block;
+    int framesize;
+    sp_auxdata m_in;
+    sp_auxdata m_out;
+    sp_auxdata m_e;
+    sp_auxdata m_d;
+    int mode;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} sp_lpc;
+int sp_lpc_create(sp_lpc **lpc);
+int sp_lpc_destroy(sp_lpc **lpc);
+int sp_lpc_init(sp_data *sp, sp_lpc *lpc, int framesize);
+int sp_lpc_synth(sp_data *sp, sp_lpc *lpc, sp_ftbl *ft);
+int sp_lpc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_lpc *lpc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/maygate.h
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+typedef struct sp_maygate{
+    SPFLOAT prob;
+    SPFLOAT gate;
+    int mode;
+} sp_maygate;
+int sp_maygate_create(sp_maygate **p);
+int sp_maygate_destroy(sp_maygate **p);
+int sp_maygate_init(sp_data *sp, sp_maygate *p);
+int sp_maygate_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_maygate *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/metro.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct sp_metro{
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    SPFLOAT phs;
+    int init;
+    SPFLOAT onedsr;
+} sp_metro;
+int sp_metro_create(sp_metro **p);
+int sp_metro_destroy(sp_metro **p);
+int sp_metro_init(sp_data *sp, sp_metro *p);
+int sp_metro_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_metro *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/modalres.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef SK_MODALRES_H
+typedef struct sk_modalres sk_modalres;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq, q;
+    sk_modalres *modalres;
+} sp_modalres;
+int sp_modalres_create(sp_modalres **p);
+int sp_modalres_destroy(sp_modalres **p);
+int sp_modalres_init(sp_data *sp, sp_modalres *p);
+int sp_modalres_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_modalres *p,
+                      SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/noise.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct{
+    SPFLOAT amp;
+int sp_noise_create(sp_noise **ns);
+int sp_noise_init(sp_data *sp, sp_noise *ns);
+int sp_noise_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_noise *ns, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+int sp_noise_destroy(sp_noise **ns);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/nsmp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+typedef struct nano_entry {
+    char name[50];
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint32_t size;
+    SPFLOAT speed;
+    struct nano_entry *next;
+} nano_entry;
+typedef struct {
+    int nval;
+    int init;
+    nano_entry root;
+    nano_entry *last;
+} nano_dict;
+typedef struct {
+    char ini[100];
+    SPFLOAT curpos;
+    nano_dict dict;
+    int selected;
+    nano_entry *sample;
+    nano_entry **index;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    int sr;
+} nanosamp;
+typedef struct {
+    nanosamp *smp;
+    uint32_t index;
+    int triggered;
+} sp_nsmp;
+int sp_nsmp_create(sp_nsmp **p);
+int sp_nsmp_destroy(sp_nsmp **p);
+int sp_nsmp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_nsmp *p, sp_ftbl *ft, int sr, const char *ini);
+int sp_nsmp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_nsmp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+int sp_nsmp_print_index(sp_data *sp, sp_nsmp *p);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/osc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef SK_OSC_H
+typedef struct sk_osc sk_osc;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq, amp, iphs;
+    sk_osc *osc;
+} sp_osc;
+int sp_osc_create(sp_osc **osc);
+int sp_osc_destroy(sp_osc **osc);
+int sp_osc_init(sp_data *sp, sp_osc *osc, sp_ftbl *ft, SPFLOAT iphs);
+int sp_osc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_osc *osc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/oscmorph.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq, amp, iphs;
+    int32_t lphs;
+    sp_ftbl **tbl;
+    int inc;
+    SPFLOAT wtpos;
+    int nft;
+} sp_oscmorph;
+int sp_oscmorph_create(sp_oscmorph **p);
+int sp_oscmorph_destroy(sp_oscmorph **p);
+int sp_oscmorph_init(sp_data *sp, sp_oscmorph *osc, sp_ftbl **ft, int nft, SPFLOAT iphs);
+int sp_oscmorph_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_oscmorph *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/padsynth.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef struct sp_padsynth {
+    SPFLOAT cps;
+    SPFLOAT bw;
+    sp_ftbl *amps;
+} sp_padsynth;
+int sp_gen_padsynth(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ps, sp_ftbl *amps, SPFLOAT f, SPFLOAT bw);
+SPFLOAT sp_padsynth_profile(SPFLOAT fi, SPFLOAT bwi);
+int sp_padsynth_ifft(int N, SPFLOAT *freq_amp,
+        SPFLOAT *freq_phase, SPFLOAT *smp);
+int sp_padsynth_normalize(int N, SPFLOAT *smp);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/paulstretch.h
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t windowsize;
+    uint32_t half_windowsize;
+    SPFLOAT stretch;
+    SPFLOAT start_pos;
+    SPFLOAT displace_pos;
+    SPFLOAT *window;
+    SPFLOAT *old_windowed_buf;
+    SPFLOAT *hinv_buf;
+    SPFLOAT *buf;
+    SPFLOAT *output;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    kiss_fftr_cfg fft, ifft;
+    kiss_fft_cpx *tmp1, *tmp2;
+    uint32_t counter;
+    sp_auxdata m_window;
+    sp_auxdata m_old_windowed_buf;
+    sp_auxdata m_hinv_buf;
+    sp_auxdata m_buf;
+    sp_auxdata m_output;
+    unsigned char wrap;
+} sp_paulstretch;
+int sp_paulstretch_create(sp_paulstretch **p);
+int sp_paulstretch_destroy(sp_paulstretch **p);
+int sp_paulstretch_init(sp_data *sp, sp_paulstretch *p, sp_ftbl *ft, SPFLOAT windowsize, SPFLOAT stretch);
+int sp_paulstretch_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_paulstretch *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/peakeq.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef SK_PEAKEQ_H
+typedef struct sk_peakeq sk_peakeq;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq, bw, gain;
+    sk_peakeq *peakeq;
+} sp_peakeq;
+int sp_peakeq_create(sp_peakeq **p);
+int sp_peakeq_destroy(sp_peakeq **p);
+int sp_peakeq_init(sp_data *sp, sp_peakeq *p);
+int sp_peakeq_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_peakeq *p,
+                      SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/peaklim.h
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT atk, rel, thresh;
+    SPFLOAT patk, prel;
+	SPFLOAT b0_r, a1_r, b0_a, a1_a, level;
+} sp_peaklim;
+int sp_peaklim_create(sp_peaklim **p);
+int sp_peaklim_destroy(sp_peaklim **p);
+int sp_peaklim_init(sp_data *sp, sp_peaklim *p);
+int sp_peaklim_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_peaklim *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/phaser.h
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *faust;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[10];
+    SPFLOAT *MaxNotch1Freq;
+    SPFLOAT *MinNotch1Freq;
+    SPFLOAT *Notch_width;
+    SPFLOAT *NotchFreq;
+    SPFLOAT *VibratoMode;
+    SPFLOAT *depth;
+    SPFLOAT *feedback_gain;
+    SPFLOAT *invert;
+    SPFLOAT *level;
+    SPFLOAT *lfobpm;
+} sp_phaser;
+int sp_phaser_create(sp_phaser **p);
+int sp_phaser_destroy(sp_phaser **p);
+int sp_phaser_init(sp_data *sp, sp_phaser *p);
+int sp_phaser_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_phaser *p,
+	SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out1, SPFLOAT *out2);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/phasewarp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct sk_phasewarp sk_phasewarp;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT amount;
+} sp_phasewarp;
+int sp_phasewarp_create(sp_phasewarp **p);
+int sp_phasewarp_destroy(sp_phasewarp **p);
+int sp_phasewarp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_phasewarp *p);
+int sp_phasewarp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_phasewarp *p,
+                      SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/phasor.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct sp_phasor{
+    SPFLOAT freq, phs;
+    SPFLOAT onedsr;
+} sp_phasor;
+int sp_phasor_create(sp_phasor **p);
+int sp_phasor_destroy(sp_phasor **p);
+int sp_phasor_init(sp_data *sp, sp_phasor *p, SPFLOAT iphs);
+int sp_phasor_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_phasor *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/pinknoise.h
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT amp;
+    unsigned int newrand;
+    unsigned int prevrand;
+    unsigned int k;
+    unsigned int seed;
+    unsigned int total;
+    uint32_t counter;
+    unsigned int dice[7];
+} sp_pinknoise;
+int sp_pinknoise_create(sp_pinknoise **p);
+int sp_pinknoise_destroy(sp_pinknoise **p);
+int sp_pinknoise_init(sp_data *sp, sp_pinknoise *p);
+int sp_pinknoise_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_pinknoise *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/prop.h
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+typedef struct {
+    char type;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint32_t val;
+    uint32_t cons;
+} prop_event;
+typedef struct {
+    char type;
+    void *ud;
+} prop_val;
+typedef struct prop_entry {
+    prop_val val;
+    struct prop_entry *next;
+} prop_entry;
+typedef struct prop_list {
+    prop_entry root;
+    prop_entry *last;
+    uint32_t size;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    struct prop_list *top;
+    uint32_t lvl;
+} prop_list;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t stack[16];
+    int pos;
+} prop_stack;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t mul;
+    uint32_t div;
+    uint32_t tmp;
+    uint32_t cons_mul;
+    uint32_t cons_div;
+    SPFLOAT scale;
+    int mode;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    prop_list top;
+    prop_list *main;
+    prop_stack mstack;
+    prop_stack cstack;
+} prop_data;
+typedef struct {
+   prop_data *prp;
+   prop_event evt;
+   uint32_t count;
+   SPFLOAT bpm;
+   SPFLOAT lbpm;
+} sp_prop;
+int sp_prop_create(sp_prop **p);
+int sp_prop_destroy(sp_prop **p);
+int sp_prop_reset(sp_data *sp, sp_prop *p);
+int sp_prop_init(sp_data *sp, sp_prop *p, const char *str);
+int sp_prop_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_prop *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/pshift.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *faust;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[3];
+    SPFLOAT *shift;
+    SPFLOAT *window;
+    SPFLOAT *xfade;
+} sp_pshift;
+int sp_pshift_create(sp_pshift **p);
+int sp_pshift_destroy(sp_pshift **p);
+int sp_pshift_init(sp_data *sp, sp_pshift *p);
+int sp_pshift_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_pshift *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/randh.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    SPFLOAT min, max;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+    uint32_t counter, dur;
+} sp_randh;
+int sp_randh_create(sp_randh **p);
+int sp_randh_destroy(sp_randh **p);
+int sp_randh_init(sp_data *sp, sp_randh *p);
+int sp_randh_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_randh *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/randmt.h
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+typedef struct {
+    int mti;
+    /* do not change value 624 */
+    uint32_t mt[624];
+} sp_randmt;
+void sp_randmt_seed(sp_randmt *p,
+    const uint32_t *initKey, uint32_t keyLength);
+uint32_t sp_randmt_compute(sp_randmt *p);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/random.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT min;
+    SPFLOAT max;
+} sp_random;
+int sp_random_create(sp_random **p);
+int sp_random_destroy(sp_random **p);
+int sp_random_init(sp_data *sp, sp_random *p);
+int sp_random_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_random *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/reverse.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct  {
+    SPFLOAT delay;
+    uint32_t bufpos;
+    uint32_t bufsize;
+    sp_auxdata buf;
+} sp_reverse;
+int sp_reverse_create(sp_reverse **p);
+int sp_reverse_destroy(sp_reverse **p);
+int sp_reverse_init(sp_data *sp, sp_reverse *p, SPFLOAT delay);
+int sp_reverse_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_reverse *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/rline.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef SK_RLINE_H
+typedef struct sk_rline sk_rline;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT min, max, cps;
+    sk_rline *rline;
+} sp_rline;
+int sp_rline_create(sp_rline **p);
+int sp_rline_destroy(sp_rline **p);
+int sp_rline_init(sp_data *sp, sp_rline *p);
+int sp_rline_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_rline *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/rpi.h
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+typedef struct sp_rpi{
+    sp_data *sp;
+    void *ud;
+    void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *);
+int sp_rpi_process(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/rpt.h
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+typedef struct sp_rpt{
+    uint32_t playpos;
+    uint32_t bufpos;
+    int running;
+    int count, reps;
+    SPFLOAT sr;
+    uint32_t size;
+    SPFLOAT bpm;
+    int div, rep;
+    sp_auxdata aux;
+    int rc;
+} sp_rpt;
+int sp_rpt_create(sp_rpt **p);
+int sp_rpt_destroy(sp_rpt **p);
+int sp_rpt_init(sp_data *sp, sp_rpt *p, SPFLOAT maxdur);
+int sp_rpt_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_rpt *p, SPFLOAT *trig,
+        SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/samphold.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT val;
+} sp_samphold;
+int sp_samphold_create(sp_samphold **p);
+int sp_samphold_destroy(sp_samphold **p);
+int sp_samphold_init(sp_data *sp, sp_samphold *p);
+int sp_samphold_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_samphold *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/saturator.h
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+typedef struct
+    SPFLOAT drive;
+    SPFLOAT dcoffset;
+    SPFLOAT dcblocker[2][7];
+    SPFLOAT ai[6][7];
+    SPFLOAT aa[6][7];
+} sp_saturator;
+int sp_saturator_create(sp_saturator **p);
+int sp_saturator_destroy(sp_saturator **p);
+int sp_saturator_init(sp_data *sp, sp_saturator *p);
+int sp_saturator_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_saturator *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/scale.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT min, max;
+} sp_scale;
+int sp_scale_create(sp_scale **p);
+int sp_scale_destroy(sp_scale **p);
+int sp_scale_init(sp_data *sp, sp_scale *p);
+int sp_scale_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_scale *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/scrambler.h
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+int sp_gen_scrambler(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *src, sp_ftbl **dest);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/sdelay.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    int size, pos;
+    SPFLOAT *buf;
+} sp_sdelay;
+int sp_sdelay_create(sp_sdelay **p);
+int sp_sdelay_destroy(sp_sdelay **p);
+int sp_sdelay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_sdelay *p, int size);
+int sp_sdelay_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_sdelay *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/slice.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+typedef struct {
+    sp_ftbl *vals;
+    sp_ftbl *buf;
+    uint32_t id;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint32_t nextpos;
+} sp_slice;
+int sp_slice_create(sp_slice **p);
+int sp_slice_destroy(sp_slice **p);
+int sp_slice_init(sp_data *sp, sp_slice *p, sp_ftbl *vals, sp_ftbl *buf);
+int sp_slice_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_slice *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/smoothdelay.h
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT del, maxdel, pdel;
+    SPFLOAT sr;
+    SPFLOAT feedback;
+    int counter;
+    int maxcount;
+    uint32_t maxbuf;
+    sp_auxdata buf1;
+    uint32_t bufpos1;
+    uint32_t deltime1;
+    sp_auxdata buf2;
+    uint32_t bufpos2;
+    uint32_t deltime2;
+    int curbuf;
+} sp_smoothdelay;
+int sp_smoothdelay_create(sp_smoothdelay **p);
+int sp_smoothdelay_destroy(sp_smoothdelay **p);
+int sp_smoothdelay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_smoothdelay *p,
+        SPFLOAT maxdel, uint32_t interp);
+int sp_smoothdelay_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_smoothdelay *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/smoother.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct{
+    SPFLOAT smooth;
+    SPFLOAT a1, b0, y0, psmooth;
+    SPFLOAT onedsr;
+int sp_smoother_create(sp_smoother **p);
+int sp_smoother_destroy(sp_smoother **p);
+int sp_smoother_init(sp_data *sp, sp_smoother *p);
+int sp_smoother_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_smoother *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+int sp_smoother_reset(sp_data *sp, sp_smoother *p, SPFLOAT *in);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/spa.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT *buf;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint32_t bufsize;
+    sp_audio spa;
+    sp_auxdata aux;
+} sp_spa;
+int sp_spa_create(sp_spa **p);
+int sp_spa_destroy(sp_spa **p);
+int sp_spa_init(sp_data *sp, sp_spa *p, const char *filename);
+int sp_spa_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_spa *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/sparec.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT *buf;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint32_t bufsize;
+    sp_audio spa;
+    sp_auxdata aux;
+} sp_sparec;
+int sp_sparec_create(sp_sparec **p);
+int sp_sparec_destroy(sp_sparec **p);
+int sp_sparec_init(sp_data *sp, sp_sparec *p, const char *filename);
+int sp_sparec_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_sparec *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+int sp_sparec_close(sp_data *sp, sp_sparec *p);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/switch.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT mode;
+} sp_switch;
+int sp_switch_create(sp_switch **p);
+int sp_switch_destroy(sp_switch **p);
+int sp_switch_init(sp_data *sp, sp_switch *p);
+int sp_switch_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_switch *p, SPFLOAT *trig,
+    SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tadsr.h
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT value;
+    SPFLOAT target;
+    SPFLOAT rate;
+    int state;
+    SPFLOAT attackRate;
+    SPFLOAT decayRate;
+    SPFLOAT sustainLevel;
+    SPFLOAT releaseRate;
+    SPFLOAT atk;
+    SPFLOAT rel;
+    SPFLOAT sus;
+    SPFLOAT dec;
+    int mode;
+} sp_tadsr;
+int sp_tadsr_create(sp_tadsr **p);
+int sp_tadsr_destroy(sp_tadsr **p);
+int sp_tadsr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *p);
+int sp_tadsr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/talkbox.h
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+#define SP_TALKBOX_BUFMAX 1600
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT quality;
+    SPFLOAT d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
+    SPFLOAT u0, u1, u2, u3, u4;
+    SPFLOAT emphasis;
+    uint32_t K, N, O, pos;
+} sp_talkbox;
+int sp_talkbox_create(sp_talkbox **p);
+int sp_talkbox_destroy(sp_talkbox **p);
+int sp_talkbox_init(sp_data *sp, sp_talkbox *p);
+int sp_talkbox_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_talkbox *p, SPFLOAT *src, SPFLOAT *exc, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tblrec.h
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+typedef struct {
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    uint32_t index;
+    int record;
+} sp_tblrec;
+int sp_tblrec_create(sp_tblrec **p);
+int sp_tblrec_destroy(sp_tblrec **p);
+int sp_tblrec_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tblrec *p, sp_ftbl *ft);
+int sp_tblrec_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tblrec *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tdiv.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t num, counter, offset;
+} sp_tdiv;
+int sp_tdiv_create(sp_tdiv **p);
+int sp_tdiv_destroy(sp_tdiv **p);
+int sp_tdiv_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tdiv *p);
+int sp_tdiv_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tdiv *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tenv.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef struct sp_tenv{
+    uint32_t pos, atk_end, rel_start, sr, totaldur;
+    SPFLOAT atk, rel, hold;
+    SPFLOAT atk_slp, rel_slp;
+    SPFLOAT last;
+    int sigmode;
+    SPFLOAT input;
+    int started;
+} sp_tenv;
+int sp_tenv_create(sp_tenv **p);
+int sp_tenv_destroy(sp_tenv **p);
+int sp_tenv_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv *p);
+int sp_tenv_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tenv2.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct {
+    int state;
+    SPFLOAT atk, rel;
+    uint32_t totaltime;
+    uint32_t timer;
+    SPFLOAT slope;
+    SPFLOAT last;
+} sp_tenv2;
+int sp_tenv2_create(sp_tenv2 **p);
+int sp_tenv2_destroy(sp_tenv2 **p);
+int sp_tenv2_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv2 *p);
+int sp_tenv2_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv2 *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tenvx.h
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef struct sp_tenvx{
+    SPFLOAT atk, rel, hold;
+    SPFLOAT patk, prel;
+    uint32_t count;
+    SPFLOAT a_a, b_a;
+    SPFLOAT a_r, b_r;
+    SPFLOAT y;
+} sp_tenvx;
+int sp_tenvx_create(sp_tenvx **p);
+int sp_tenvx_destroy(sp_tenvx **p);
+int sp_tenvx_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenvx *p);
+int sp_tenvx_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenvx *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tgate.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT time;
+    uint32_t timer;
+} sp_tgate;
+int sp_tgate_create(sp_tgate **p);
+int sp_tgate_destroy(sp_tgate **p);
+int sp_tgate_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tgate *p);
+int sp_tgate_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tgate *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/thresh.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    int init;
+    SPFLOAT prev, thresh, mode;
+} sp_thresh;
+int sp_thresh_create(sp_thresh **p);
+int sp_thresh_destroy(sp_thresh **p);
+int sp_thresh_init(sp_data *sp, sp_thresh *p);
+int sp_thresh_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_thresh *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/timer.h
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+typedef struct {
+    int mode;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    SPFLOAT time;
+} sp_timer;
+int sp_timer_create(sp_timer **p);
+int sp_timer_destroy(sp_timer **p);
+int sp_timer_init(sp_data *sp, sp_timer *p);
+int sp_timer_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_timer *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tin.h
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+typedef struct {
+    FILE *fp;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+} sp_tin;
+int sp_tin_create(sp_tin **p);
+int sp_tin_destroy(sp_tin **p);
+int sp_tin_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tin *p);
+int sp_tin_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tin *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/trand.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT min, max, val;
+} sp_trand;
+int sp_trand_create(sp_trand **p);
+int sp_trand_destroy(sp_trand **p);
+int sp_trand_init(sp_data *sp, sp_trand *p);
+int sp_trand_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_trand *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tseg.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT beg,dur,end;
+    uint32_t steps;
+    uint32_t count;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+    SPFLOAT type;
+    SPFLOAT slope;
+    SPFLOAT tdivnsteps;
+} sp_tseg;
+int sp_tseg_create(sp_tseg **p);
+int sp_tseg_destroy(sp_tseg **p);
+int sp_tseg_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tseg *p, SPFLOAT ibeg);
+int sp_tseg_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tseg *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/tseq.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+typedef struct sp_tseq {
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+    int32_t pos;
+    int shuf;
+} sp_tseq;
+int sp_tseq_create(sp_tseq **p);
+int sp_tseq_destroy(sp_tseq **p);
+int sp_tseq_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tseq *p, sp_ftbl *ft);
+int sp_tseq_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tseq *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *val);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/vardelay.h
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifndef SK_VARDELAY_H
+typedef struct sk_vardelay sk_vardelay;
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT del, maxdel;
+    SPFLOAT feedback;
+    sk_vardelay *v;
+    SPFLOAT *buf;
+} sp_vardelay;
+int sp_vardelay_create(sp_vardelay **p);
+int sp_vardelay_destroy(sp_vardelay **p);
+int sp_vardelay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_vardelay *p, SPFLOAT maxdel);
+int sp_vardelay_compute(sp_data *sp,
+                       sp_vardelay *p,
+                       SPFLOAT *in,
+                       SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/voc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef SP_VOC
+#define SP_VOC
+typedef struct sp_voc sp_voc;
+int sp_voc_create(sp_voc **voc);
+int sp_voc_destroy(sp_voc **voc);
+int sp_voc_init(sp_data *sp, sp_voc *voc);
+int sp_voc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT *out);
+int sp_voc_tract_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+void sp_voc_set_frequency(sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT freq);
+SPFLOAT * sp_voc_get_frequency_ptr(sp_voc *voc);
+SPFLOAT* sp_voc_get_tract_diameters(sp_voc *voc);
+SPFLOAT* sp_voc_get_current_tract_diameters(sp_voc *voc);
+int sp_voc_get_tract_size(sp_voc *voc);
+SPFLOAT* sp_voc_get_nose_diameters(sp_voc *voc);
+int sp_voc_get_nose_size(sp_voc *voc);
+void sp_voc_set_tongue_shape(sp_voc *voc,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_index,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_diameter);
+void sp_voc_set_tenseness(sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT breathiness);
+SPFLOAT * sp_voc_get_tenseness_ptr(sp_voc *voc);
+void sp_voc_set_velum(sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT velum);
+SPFLOAT * sp_voc_get_velum_ptr(sp_voc *voc);
+void sp_voc_set_diameters(sp_voc *voc,
+    int blade_start,
+    int lip_start,
+    int tip_start,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_index,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_diameter,
+    SPFLOAT *diameters);
+int sp_voc_get_counter(sp_voc *voc);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/wavin.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+typedef struct sp_wavin sp_wavin;
+int sp_wavin_create(sp_wavin **p);
+int sp_wavin_destroy(sp_wavin **p);
+int sp_wavin_init(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, const char *filename);
+int sp_wavin_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+int sp_wavin_get_sample(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, SPFLOAT *out, SPFLOAT pos);
+int sp_wavin_reset_to_start(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p);
+int sp_wavin_seek(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, unsigned long sample);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/wavout.h
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+typedef struct sp_wavout sp_wavout;
+int sp_wavout_create(sp_wavout **p);
+int sp_wavout_destroy(sp_wavout **p);
+int sp_wavout_init(sp_data *sp, sp_wavout *p, const char *filename);
+int sp_wavout_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_wavout *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/wpkorg35.h
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+typedef struct {
+    /* LPF1 */
+    SPFLOAT lpf1_a;
+    SPFLOAT lpf1_z;
+    /* LPF2 */
+    SPFLOAT lpf2_a;
+    SPFLOAT lpf2_b;
+    SPFLOAT lpf2_z;
+    /* HPF */
+    SPFLOAT hpf_a;
+    SPFLOAT hpf_b;
+    SPFLOAT hpf_z;
+    SPFLOAT alpha;
+    SPFLOAT cutoff;
+    SPFLOAT res;
+    SPFLOAT saturation;
+    SPFLOAT pcutoff;
+    SPFLOAT pres;
+    uint32_t nonlinear;
+} sp_wpkorg35;
+int sp_wpkorg35_create(sp_wpkorg35 **p);
+int sp_wpkorg35_destroy(sp_wpkorg35 **p);
+int sp_wpkorg35_init(sp_data *sp, sp_wpkorg35 *p);
+int sp_wpkorg35_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_wpkorg35 *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h/zitarev.h
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *faust;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[11];
+    SPFLOAT *in_delay;
+    SPFLOAT *lf_x;
+    SPFLOAT *rt60_low;
+    SPFLOAT *rt60_mid;
+    SPFLOAT *hf_damping;
+    SPFLOAT *eq1_freq;
+    SPFLOAT *eq1_level;
+    SPFLOAT *eq2_freq;
+    SPFLOAT *eq2_level;
+    SPFLOAT *mix;
+    SPFLOAT *level;
+} sp_zitarev;
+int sp_zitarev_create(sp_zitarev **p);
+int sp_zitarev_destroy(sp_zitarev **p);
+int sp_zitarev_init(sp_data *sp, sp_zitarev *p);
+int sp_zitarev_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_zitarev *p, SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out1, SPFLOAT *out2);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dr_wav/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+CFLAGS += -Ilib/dr_wav/
+LPATHS += lib/dr_wav/dr_wav.o
+lib/dr_wav/dr_wav.o: lib/dr_wav/dr_wav.c
+	$(C99) $(CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dr_wav/dr_wav.c
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "dr_wav.h"
+size_t sp_drwav_size(void)
+    return sizeof(drwav);
+int sp_drwav_init_file(drwav* pWav, const char* filename)
+    return drwav_init_file(pWav, filename);
+size_t sp_drwav_read_f32(drwav* pWav,
+                         size_t samplesToRead,
+                         float* pBufferOut)
+    return drwav_read_f32(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+size_t sp_drwav_sampcount(drwav *wav)
+    return wav->totalSampleCount;
+void sp_drwav_uninit(drwav *wav)
+    drwav_uninit(wav);
+int sp_drwav_seek_to_sample(drwav* pWav, size_t sample)
+    return drwav_seek_to_sample(pWav, sample);
+drwav * sp_drwav_open_mono_write(const char *filename, int sr)
+    drwav_data_format format;
+    format.container = drwav_container_riff;
+    format.format = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT;
+    format.channels = 1;
+    format.sampleRate = sr;
+    format.bitsPerSample = 32;
+    return drwav_open_file_write(filename, &format);
+size_t sp_drwav_write(drwav* pWav, size_t samplesToWrite, const void* pData)
+    return drwav_write(pWav, samplesToWrite, pData);
+void sp_drwav_close(drwav* pWav)
+    drwav_close(pWav);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dr_wav/dr_wav.h
@@ -1,0 +1,3490 @@
+// WAV audio loader and writer. Public domain. See "unlicense" statement at the end of this file.
+// dr_wav - v0.7 - 2017-11-04
+// David Reid -
+// This is a single-file library. To use it, do something like the following in one .c file.
+//     #include "dr_wav.h"
+// You can then #include this file in other parts of the program as you would with any other header file. Do something
+// like the following to read audio data:
+//     drwav wav;
+//     if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, "my_song.wav")) {
+//         // Error opening WAV file.
+//     }
+//     drwav_int32* pDecodedInterleavedSamples = malloc(wav.totalSampleCount * sizeof(drwav_int32));
+//     size_t numberOfSamplesActuallyDecoded = drwav_read_s32(&wav, wav.totalSampleCount, pDecodedInterleavedSamples);
+//     ...
+//     drwav_uninit(&wav);
+// You can also use drwav_open() to allocate and initialize the loader for you:
+//     drwav* pWav = drwav_open_file("my_song.wav");
+//     if (pWav == NULL) {
+//         // Error opening WAV file.
+//     }
+//     ...
+//     drwav_close(pWav);
+// If you just want to quickly open and read the audio data in a single operation you can do something like this:
+//     unsigned int channels;
+//     unsigned int sampleRate;
+//     drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount;
+//     float* pSampleData = drwav_open_and_read_file_s32("my_song.wav", &channels, &sampleRate, &totalSampleCount);
+//     if (pSampleData == NULL) {
+//         // Error opening and reading WAV file.
+//     }
+//     ...
+//     drwav_free(pSampleData);
+// The examples above use versions of the API that convert the audio data to a consistent format (32-bit signed PCM, in
+// this case), but you can still output the audio data in it's internal format (see notes below for supported formats):
+//     size_t samplesRead = drwav_read(&wav, wav.totalSampleCount, pDecodedInterleavedSamples);
+// You can also read the raw bytes of audio data, which could be useful if dr_wav does not have native support for
+// a particular data format:
+//     size_t bytesRead = drwav_read_raw(&wav, bytesToRead, pRawDataBuffer);
+// dr_wav has seamless support the Sony Wave64 format. The decoder will automatically detect it and it should Just Work
+// without any manual intervention.
+// dr_wav can also be used to output WAV files. This does not currently support compressed formats. To use this, look at
+// drwav_open_write(), drwav_open_file_write(), etc. Use drwav_write() to write samples, or drwav_write_raw() to write
+// raw data in the "data" chunk.
+//     drwav_data_format format;
+//     format.container = drwav_container_riff;     // <-- drwav_container_riff = normal WAV files, drwav_container_w64 = Sony Wave64.
+//     format.format = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;          // <-- Any of the DR_WAVE_FORMAT_* codes.
+//     format.channels = 2;
+//     format.sampleRate = 44100;
+//     format.bitsPerSample = 16;
+//     drwav* pWav = drwav_open_file_write("data/recording.wav", &format);
+//     ...
+//     drwav_uint64 samplesWritten = drwav_write(pWav, sampleCount, pSamples);
+// #define these options before including this file.
+//   Disables conversion APIs such as drwav_read_f32() and drwav_s16_to_f32().
+// #define DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+//   Disables drwav_open_file(), drwav_open_file_write(), etc.
+// - Samples are always interleaved.
+// - The default read function does not do any data conversion. Use drwav_read_f32() to read and convert audio data
+//   to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples, drwav_read_s32() to read samples as signed 32-bit PCM and drwav_read_s16()
+//   to read samples as signed 16-bit PCM. Tested and supported internal formats include the following:
+//   - Unsigned 8-bit PCM
+//   - Signed 12-bit PCM
+//   - Signed 16-bit PCM
+//   - Signed 24-bit PCM
+//   - Signed 32-bit PCM
+//   - IEEE 32-bit floating point.
+//   - IEEE 64-bit floating point.
+//   - A-law and u-law
+//   - Microsoft ADPCM
+//   - IMA ADPCM (DVI, format code 0x11)
+// - dr_wav will try to read the WAV file as best it can, even if it's not strictly conformant to the WAV format.
+#ifndef dr_wav_h
+#define dr_wav_h
+#include <stddef.h>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1600
+typedef   signed char    drwav_int8;
+typedef unsigned char    drwav_uint8;
+typedef   signed short   drwav_int16;
+typedef unsigned short   drwav_uint16;
+typedef   signed int     drwav_int32;
+typedef unsigned int     drwav_uint32;
+typedef   signed __int64 drwav_int64;
+typedef unsigned __int64 drwav_uint64;
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef int8_t           drwav_int8;
+typedef uint8_t          drwav_uint8;
+typedef int16_t          drwav_int16;
+typedef uint16_t         drwav_uint16;
+typedef int32_t          drwav_int32;
+typedef uint32_t         drwav_uint32;
+typedef int64_t          drwav_int64;
+typedef uint64_t         drwav_uint64;
+typedef drwav_uint8      drwav_bool8;
+typedef drwav_uint32     drwav_bool32;
+#define DRWAV_TRUE       1
+#define DRWAV_FALSE      0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Common data formats.
+#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM          0x1
+#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM        0x2
+#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW         0x6
+#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW        0x7
+#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM    0x11
+typedef enum
+    drwav_seek_origin_start,
+    drwav_seek_origin_current
+} drwav_seek_origin;
+typedef enum
+    drwav_container_riff,
+    drwav_container_w64
+} drwav_container;
+// Callback for when data is read. Return value is the number of bytes actually read.
+// pUserData   [in]  The user data that was passed to drwav_init(), drwav_open() and family.
+// pBufferOut  [out] The output buffer.
+// bytesToRead [in]  The number of bytes to read.
+// Returns the number of bytes actually read.
+// A return value of less than bytesToRead indicates the end of the stream. Do _not_ return from this callback until
+// either the entire bytesToRead is filled or you have reached the end of the stream.
+typedef size_t (* drwav_read_proc)(void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead);
+// Callback for when data is written. Returns value is the number of bytes actually written.
+// pUserData    [in]  The user data that was passed to drwav_init_write(), drwav_open_write() and family.
+// pData        [out] A pointer to the data to write.
+// bytesToWrite [in]  The number of bytes to write.
+// Returns the number of bytes actually written.
+// If the return value differs from bytesToWrite, it indicates an error.
+typedef size_t (* drwav_write_proc)(void* pUserData, const void* pData, size_t bytesToWrite);
+// Callback for when data needs to be seeked.
+// pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init(), drwav_open() and family.
+// offset    [in] The number of bytes to move, relative to the origin. Will never be negative.
+// origin    [in] The origin of the seek - the current position or the start of the stream.
+// Returns whether or not the seek was successful.
+// Whether or not it is relative to the beginning or current position is determined by the "origin" parameter which
+// will be either drwav_seek_origin_start or drwav_seek_origin_current.
+typedef drwav_bool32 (* drwav_seek_proc)(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin);
+// Structure for internal use. Only used for loaders opened with drwav_open_memory().
+typedef struct
+    const drwav_uint8* data;
+    size_t dataSize;
+    size_t currentReadPos;
+} drwav__memory_stream;
+// Structure for internal use. Only used for writers opened with drwav_open_memory_write().
+typedef struct
+    void** ppData;
+    size_t* pDataSize;
+    size_t dataSize;
+    size_t dataCapacity;
+    size_t currentWritePos;
+} drwav__memory_stream_write;
+typedef struct
+    drwav_container container;  // RIFF, W64.
+    drwav_uint32 format;        // DR_WAVE_FORMAT_*
+    drwav_uint32 channels;
+    drwav_uint32 sampleRate;
+    drwav_uint32 bitsPerSample;
+} drwav_data_format;
+typedef struct
+    // The format tag exactly as specified in the wave file's "fmt" chunk. This can be used by applications
+    // that require support for data formats not natively supported by dr_wav.
+    drwav_uint16 formatTag;
+    // The number of channels making up the audio data. When this is set to 1 it is mono, 2 is stereo, etc.
+    drwav_uint16 channels;
+    // The sample rate. Usually set to something like 44100.
+    drwav_uint32 sampleRate;
+    // Average bytes per second. You probably don't need this, but it's left here for informational purposes.
+    drwav_uint32 avgBytesPerSec;
+    // Block align. This is equal to the number of channels * bytes per sample.
+    drwav_uint16 blockAlign;
+    // Bit's per sample.
+    drwav_uint16 bitsPerSample;
+    // The size of the extended data. Only used internally for validation, but left here for informational purposes.
+    drwav_uint16 extendedSize;
+    // The number of valid bits per sample. When <formatTag> is equal to WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, <bitsPerSample>
+    // is always rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8. This variable contains information about exactly how
+    // many bits a valid per sample. Mainly used for informational purposes.
+    drwav_uint16 validBitsPerSample;
+    // The channel mask. Not used at the moment.
+    drwav_uint32 channelMask;
+    // The sub-format, exactly as specified by the wave file.
+    drwav_uint8 subFormat[16];
+} drwav_fmt;
+typedef struct drwav
+    // A pointer to the function to call when more data is needed.
+    drwav_read_proc onRead;
+    // A pointer to the function to call when data needs to be written. Only used when the drwav object is opened in write mode.
+    drwav_write_proc onWrite;
+    // A pointer to the function to call when the wav file needs to be seeked.
+    drwav_seek_proc onSeek;
+    // The user data to pass to callbacks.
+    void* pUserData;
+    // Whether or not the WAV file is formatted as a standard RIFF file or W64.
+    drwav_container container;
+    // Structure containing format information exactly as specified by the wav file.
+    drwav_fmt fmt;
+    // The sample rate. Will be set to something like 44100.
+    drwav_uint32 sampleRate;
+    // The number of channels. This will be set to 1 for monaural streams, 2 for stereo, etc.
+    drwav_uint16 channels;
+    // The bits per sample. Will be set to somthing like 16, 24, etc.
+    drwav_uint16 bitsPerSample;
+    // The number of bytes per sample.
+    drwav_uint16 bytesPerSample;
+    // Equal to fmt.formatTag, or the value specified by fmt.subFormat if fmt.formatTag is equal to 65534 (WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE).
+    drwav_uint16 translatedFormatTag;
+    // The total number of samples making up the audio data. Use <totalSampleCount> * <bytesPerSample> to calculate
+    // the required size of a buffer to hold the entire audio data.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount;
+    // The size in bytes of the data chunk.
+    drwav_uint64 dataChunkDataSize;
+    // The position in the stream of the first byte of the data chunk. This is used for seeking.
+    drwav_uint64 dataChunkDataPos;
+    // The number of bytes remaining in the data chunk.
+    drwav_uint64 bytesRemaining;
+    // A hack to avoid a DRWAV_MALLOC() when opening a decoder with drwav_open_memory().
+    drwav__memory_stream memoryStream;
+    drwav__memory_stream_write memoryStreamWrite;
+    // Generic data for compressed formats. This data is shared across all block-compressed formats.
+    struct
+    {
+        drwav_uint64 iCurrentSample;    // The index of the next sample that will be read by drwav_read_*(). This is used with "totalSampleCount" to ensure we don't read excess samples at the end of the last block.
+    } compressed;
+    // Microsoft ADPCM specific data.
+    struct
+    {
+        drwav_uint32 bytesRemainingInBlock;
+        drwav_uint16 predictor[2];
+        drwav_int32  delta[2];
+        drwav_int32  cachedSamples[4];  // Samples are stored in this cache during decoding.
+        drwav_uint32 cachedSampleCount;
+        drwav_int32  prevSamples[2][2]; // The previous 2 samples for each channel (2 channels at most).
+    } msadpcm;
+    // IMA ADPCM specific data.
+    struct
+    {
+        drwav_uint32 bytesRemainingInBlock;
+        drwav_int32  predictor[2];
+        drwav_int32  stepIndex[2];
+        drwav_int32  cachedSamples[16]; // Samples are stored in this cache during decoding.
+        drwav_uint32 cachedSampleCount;
+    } ima;
+} drwav;
+// Initializes a pre-allocated drwav object.
+// onRead    [in]           The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+// onSeek    [in]           The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+// pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek.
+// Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+// Close the loader with drwav_uninit().
+// This is the lowest level function for initializing a WAV file. You can also use drwav_init_file() and drwav_init_memory()
+// to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively.
+// If you want dr_wav to manage the memory allocation for you, consider using drwav_open() instead. This will allocate
+// a drwav object on the heap and return a pointer to it.
+// See also: drwav_init_file(), drwav_init_memory(), drwav_uninit()
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData);
+// Initializes a pre-allocated drwav object for writing.
+// onWrite   [in]           The function to call when data needs to be written.
+// onSeek    [in]           The function to call when the write position needs to move.
+// pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onWrite and onSeek.
+// Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+// Close the writer with drwav_uninit().
+// This is the lowest level function for initializing a WAV file. You can also use drwav_init_file() and drwav_init_memory()
+// to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively.
+// If you want dr_wav to manage the memory allocation for you, consider using drwav_open() instead. This will allocate
+// a drwav object on the heap and return a pointer to it.
+// See also: drwav_init_file_write(), drwav_init_memory_write(), drwav_uninit()
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData);
+// Uninitializes the given drwav object.
+// Use this only for objects initialized with drwav_init().
+void drwav_uninit(drwav* pWav);
+// Opens a wav file using the given callbacks.
+// onRead    [in]           The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+// onSeek    [in]           The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+// pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek.
+// Returns null on error.
+// Close the loader with drwav_close().
+// This is the lowest level function for opening a WAV file. You can also use drwav_open_file() and drwav_open_memory()
+// to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively.
+// This is different from drwav_init() in that it will allocate the drwav object for you via DRWAV_MALLOC() before
+// initializing it.
+// See also: drwav_open_file(), drwav_open_memory(), drwav_close()
+drwav* drwav_open(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData);
+// Opens a wav file for writing using the given callbacks.
+// onWrite   [in]           The function to call when data needs to be written.
+// onSeek    [in]           The function to call when the write position needs to move.
+// pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onWrite and onSeek.
+// Returns null on error.
+// Close the loader with drwav_close().
+// This is the lowest level function for opening a WAV file. You can also use drwav_open_file_write() and drwav_open_memory_write()
+// to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively.
+// This is different from drwav_init_write() in that it will allocate the drwav object for you via DRWAV_MALLOC() before
+// initializing it.
+// See also: drwav_open_file_write(), drwav_open_memory_write(), drwav_close()
+drwav* drwav_open_write(const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData);
+// Uninitializes and deletes the the given drwav object.
+// Use this only for objects created with drwav_open().
+void drwav_close(drwav* pWav);
+// Reads raw audio data.
+// This is the lowest level function for reading audio data. It simply reads the given number of
+// bytes of the raw internal sample data.
+// Consider using drwav_read_s16(), drwav_read_s32() or drwav_read_f32() for reading sample data in
+// a consistent format.
+// Returns the number of bytes actually read.
+size_t drwav_read_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToRead, void* pBufferOut);
+// Reads a chunk of audio data in the native internal format.
+// This is typically the most efficient way to retrieve audio data, but it does not do any format
+// conversions which means you'll need to convert the data manually if required.
+// If the return value is less than <samplesToRead> it means the end of the file has been reached or
+// you have requested more samples than can possibly fit in the output buffer.
+// This function will only work when sample data is of a fixed size and uncompressed. If you are
+// using a compressed format consider using drwav_read_raw() or drwav_read_s16/s32/f32/etc().
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, void* pBufferOut);
+// Seeks to the given sample.
+// Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+drwav_bool32 drwav_seek_to_sample(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 sample);
+// Writes raw audio data.
+// Returns the number of bytes actually written. If this differs from bytesToWrite, it indicates an error.
+size_t drwav_write_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToWrite, const void* pData);
+// Writes audio data based on sample counts.
+// Returns the number of samples written.
+drwav_uint64 drwav_write(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToWrite, const void* pData);
+//// Convertion Utilities ////
+// Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+// Returns the number of samples actually read.
+// If the return value is less than <samplesToRead> it means the end of the file has been reached.
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut);
+// Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_u8_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_s24_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 32-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_s32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting IEEE 32-bit floating point samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_f32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_f64_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting A-law samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_alaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting u-law samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_mulaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+// Returns the number of samples actually read.
+// If the return value is less than <samplesToRead> it means the end of the file has been reached.
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut);
+// Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_u8_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 16-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_s16_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_s24_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 32-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_s32_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_f64_to_f32(float* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting A-law samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_alaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting u-law samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+void drwav_mulaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+// Returns the number of samples actually read.
+// If the return value is less than <samplesToRead> it means the end of the file has been reached.
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut);
+// Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_u8_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 16-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_s16_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_s24_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting IEEE 32-bit floating point samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_f32_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_f64_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting A-law samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_alaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+// Low-level function for converting u-law samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+void drwav_mulaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount);
+//// High-Level Convenience Helpers ////
+#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+// Helper for initializing a wave file using stdio.
+// This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav
+// objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+// any given time.
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file(drwav* pWav, const char* filename);
+// Helper for initializing a wave file for writing using stdio.
+// This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav
+// objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+// any given time.
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat);
+// Helper for opening a wave file using stdio.
+// This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_close() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav
+// objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+// any given time.
+drwav* drwav_open_file(const char* filename);
+// Helper for opening a wave file for writing using stdio.
+// This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_close() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav
+// objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+// any given time.
+drwav* drwav_open_file_write(const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat);
+#endif  //DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+// Helper for initializing a loader from a pre-allocated memory buffer.
+// This does not create a copy of the data. It is up to the application to ensure the buffer remains valid for
+// the lifetime of the drwav object.
+// The buffer should contain the contents of the entire wave file, not just the sample data.
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize);
+// Helper for initializing a writer which outputs data to a memory buffer.
+// dr_wav will manage the memory allocations, however it is up to the caller to free the data with drwav_free().
+// The buffer will remain allocated even after drwav_uninit() is called. Indeed, the buffer should not be
+// considered valid until after drwav_uninit() has been called anyway.
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat);
+// Helper for opening a loader from a pre-allocated memory buffer.
+// This does not create a copy of the data. It is up to the application to ensure the buffer remains valid for
+// the lifetime of the drwav object.
+// The buffer should contain the contents of the entire wave file, not just the sample data.
+drwav* drwav_open_memory(const void* data, size_t dataSize);
+// Helper for opening a writer which outputs data to a memory buffer.
+// dr_wav will manage the memory allocations, however it is up to the caller to free the data with drwav_free().
+// The buffer will remain allocated even after drwav_close() is called. Indeed, the buffer should not be
+// considered valid until after drwav_close() has been called anyway.
+drwav* drwav_open_memory_write(void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat);
+// Opens and reads a wav file in a single operation.
+drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_s16(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+float* drwav_open_and_read_f32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_s32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+// Opens an decodes a wav file in a single operation.
+drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_file_s16(const char* filename, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+float* drwav_open_and_read_file_f32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_file_s32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+// Opens an decodes a wav file from a block of memory in a single operation.
+drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_memory_s16(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+float* drwav_open_and_read_memory_f32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_memory_s32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount);
+// Frees data that was allocated internally by dr_wav.
+void drwav_free(void* pDataReturnedByOpenAndRead);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif  // dr_wav_h
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h> // For memcpy(), memset()
+#include <limits.h> // For INT_MAX
+#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Standard library stuff.
+#include <assert.h>
+#define DRWAV_ASSERT(expression)           assert(expression)
+#define DRWAV_MALLOC(sz)                   malloc((sz))
+#define DRWAV_REALLOC(p, sz)               realloc((p), (sz))
+#ifndef DRWAV_FREE
+#define DRWAV_FREE(p)                      free((p))
+#define DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(dst, src, sz)    memcpy((dst), (src), (sz))
+#define DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(p, sz)           memset((p), 0, (sz))
+#define drwav_countof(x)                   (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
+#define drwav_align(x, a)                  ((((x) + (a) - 1) / (a)) * (a))
+#define drwav_min(a, b)                    (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define drwav_max(a, b)                    (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define drwav_clamp(x, lo, hi)             (drwav_max((lo), drwav_min((hi), (x))))
+#define drwav_assert                       DRWAV_ASSERT
+#define drwav_copy_memory                  DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY
+#define drwav_zero_memory                  DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY
+#define DRWAV_MAX_SIMD_VECTOR_SIZE         64  // 64 for AVX-512 in the future.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define DRWAV_INLINE __forceinline
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define DRWAV_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+#define DRWAV_INLINE inline
+// I couldn't figure out where SIZE_MAX was defined for VC6. If anybody knows, let me know.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
+    #if defined(_WIN64)
+        #define SIZE_MAX    ((drwav_uint64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
+    #else
+        #define SIZE_MAX    0xFFFFFFFF
+    #endif
+static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_RIFF[16] = {0x72,0x69,0x66,0x66, 0x2E,0x91, 0xCF,0x11, 0xA5,0xD6, 0x28,0xDB,0x04,0xC1,0x00,0x00};    // 66666972-912E-11CF-A5D6-28DB04C10000
+static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_WAVE[16] = {0x77,0x61,0x76,0x65, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};    // 65766177-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A
+static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_JUNK[16] = {0x6A,0x75,0x6E,0x6B, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};    // 6B6E756A-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A
+static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_FMT [16] = {0x66,0x6D,0x74,0x20, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};    // 20746D66-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A
+static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_FACT[16] = {0x66,0x61,0x63,0x74, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};    // 74636166-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A
+static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_DATA[16] = {0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};    // 61746164-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A
+static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_bool32 drwav__guid_equal(const drwav_uint8 a[16], const drwav_uint8 b[16])
+    const drwav_uint32* a32 = (const drwav_uint32*)a;
+    const drwav_uint32* b32 = (const drwav_uint32*)b;
+    return
+        a32[0] == b32[0] &&
+        a32[1] == b32[1] &&
+        a32[2] == b32[2] &&
+        a32[3] == b32[3];
+static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_bool32 drwav__fourcc_equal(const unsigned char* a, const char* b)
+    return
+        a[0] == b[0] &&
+        a[1] == b[1] &&
+        a[2] == b[2] &&
+        a[3] == b[3];
+static DRWAV_INLINE int drwav__is_little_endian()
+    int n = 1;
+    return (*(char*)&n) == 1;
+static DRWAV_INLINE unsigned short drwav__bytes_to_u16(const unsigned char* data)
+    if (drwav__is_little_endian()) {
+        return (data[0] << 0) | (data[1] << 8);
+    } else {
+        return (data[1] << 0) | (data[0] << 8);
+    }
+static DRWAV_INLINE short drwav__bytes_to_s16(const unsigned char* data)
+    return (short)drwav__bytes_to_u16(data);
+static DRWAV_INLINE unsigned int drwav__bytes_to_u32(const unsigned char* data)
+    if (drwav__is_little_endian()) {
+        return (data[0] << 0) | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24);
+    } else {
+        return (data[3] << 0) | (data[2] << 8) | (data[1] << 16) | (data[0] << 24);
+    }
+static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint64 drwav__bytes_to_u64(const unsigned char* data)
+    if (drwav__is_little_endian()) {
+        return
+            ((drwav_uint64)data[0] <<  0) | ((drwav_uint64)data[1] <<  8) | ((drwav_uint64)data[2] << 16) | ((drwav_uint64)data[3] << 24) |
+            ((drwav_uint64)data[4] << 32) | ((drwav_uint64)data[5] << 40) | ((drwav_uint64)data[6] << 48) | ((drwav_uint64)data[7] << 56);
+    } else {
+        return
+            ((drwav_uint64)data[7] <<  0) | ((drwav_uint64)data[6] <<  8) | ((drwav_uint64)data[5] << 16) | ((drwav_uint64)data[4] << 24) |
+            ((drwav_uint64)data[3] << 32) | ((drwav_uint64)data[2] << 40) | ((drwav_uint64)data[1] << 48) | ((drwav_uint64)data[0] << 56);
+    }
+static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bytes_to_guid(const unsigned char* data, drwav_uint8* guid)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+        guid[i] = data[i];
+    }
+static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_bool32 drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(drwav_uint16 formatTag)
+    return
+        formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM ||
+        formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM;
+typedef struct
+    union
+    {
+        drwav_uint8 fourcc[4];
+        drwav_uint8 guid[16];
+    } id;
+    // The size in bytes of the chunk.
+    drwav_uint64 sizeInBytes;
+    // RIFF = 2 byte alignment.
+    // W64  = 8 byte alignment.
+    unsigned int paddingSize;
+} drwav__chunk_header;
+static drwav_bool32 drwav__read_chunk_header(drwav_read_proc onRead, void* pUserData, drwav_container container, drwav_uint64* pRunningBytesReadOut, drwav__chunk_header* pHeaderOut)
+    if (container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        if (onRead(pUserData, pHeaderOut->id.fourcc, 4) != 4) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        unsigned char sizeInBytes[4];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, sizeInBytes, 4) != 4) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes = drwav__bytes_to_u32(sizeInBytes);
+        pHeaderOut->paddingSize = (unsigned int)(pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes % 2);
+        *pRunningBytesReadOut += 8;
+    } else {
+        if (onRead(pUserData, pHeaderOut->id.guid, 16) != 16) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        unsigned char sizeInBytes[8];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, sizeInBytes, 8) != 8) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes = drwav__bytes_to_u64(sizeInBytes) - 24;    // <-- Subtract 24 because w64 includes the size of the header.
+        pHeaderOut->paddingSize = (unsigned int)(pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes % 8);
+        pRunningBytesReadOut += 24;
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+static drwav_bool32 drwav__seek_forward(drwav_seek_proc onSeek, drwav_uint64 offset, void* pUserData)
+    drwav_uint64 bytesRemainingToSeek = offset;
+    while (bytesRemainingToSeek > 0) {
+        if (bytesRemainingToSeek > 0x7FFFFFFF) {
+            if (!onSeek(pUserData, 0x7FFFFFFF, drwav_seek_origin_current)) {
+                return DRWAV_FALSE;
+            }
+            bytesRemainingToSeek -= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+        } else {
+            if (!onSeek(pUserData, (int)bytesRemainingToSeek, drwav_seek_origin_current)) {
+                return DRWAV_FALSE;
+            }
+            bytesRemainingToSeek = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+static drwav_bool32 drwav__read_fmt(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, drwav_container container, drwav_uint64* pRunningBytesReadOut, drwav_fmt* fmtOut)
+    drwav__chunk_header header;
+    if (!drwav__read_chunk_header(onRead, pUserData, container, pRunningBytesReadOut, &header)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    // Skip junk chunks.
+    if ((container == drwav_container_riff && drwav__fourcc_equal(, "JUNK")) || (container == drwav_container_w64 && drwav__guid_equal(, drwavGUID_W64_JUNK))) {
+        if (!drwav__seek_forward(onSeek, header.sizeInBytes + header.paddingSize, pUserData)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        *pRunningBytesReadOut += header.sizeInBytes + header.paddingSize;
+        return drwav__read_fmt(onRead, onSeek, pUserData, container, pRunningBytesReadOut, fmtOut);
+    }
+    // Validation.
+    if (container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        if (!drwav__fourcc_equal(, "fmt ")) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (!drwav__guid_equal(, drwavGUID_W64_FMT)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    unsigned char fmt[16];
+    if (onRead(pUserData, fmt, sizeof(fmt)) != sizeof(fmt)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    *pRunningBytesReadOut += sizeof(fmt);
+    fmtOut->formatTag      = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmt + 0);
+    fmtOut->channels       = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmt + 2);
+    fmtOut->sampleRate     = drwav__bytes_to_u32(fmt + 4);
+    fmtOut->avgBytesPerSec = drwav__bytes_to_u32(fmt + 8);
+    fmtOut->blockAlign     = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmt + 12);
+    fmtOut->bitsPerSample  = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmt + 14);
+    fmtOut->extendedSize       = 0;
+    fmtOut->validBitsPerSample = 0;
+    fmtOut->channelMask        = 0;
+    memset(fmtOut->subFormat, 0, sizeof(fmtOut->subFormat));
+    if (header.sizeInBytes > 16) {
+        unsigned char fmt_cbSize[2];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, fmt_cbSize, sizeof(fmt_cbSize)) != sizeof(fmt_cbSize)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;    // Expecting more data.
+        }
+        *pRunningBytesReadOut += sizeof(fmt_cbSize);
+        int bytesReadSoFar = 18;
+        fmtOut->extendedSize = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmt_cbSize);
+        if (fmtOut->extendedSize > 0) {
+            // Simple validation.
+            if (fmtOut->formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) {
+                if (fmtOut->extendedSize != 22) {
+                    return DRWAV_FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+            if (fmtOut->formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) {
+                unsigned char fmtext[22];
+                if (onRead(pUserData, fmtext, fmtOut->extendedSize) != fmtOut->extendedSize) {
+                    return DRWAV_FALSE;    // Expecting more data.
+                }
+                fmtOut->validBitsPerSample = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmtext + 0);
+                fmtOut->channelMask        = drwav__bytes_to_u32(fmtext + 2);
+                drwav__bytes_to_guid(fmtext + 6, fmtOut->subFormat);
+            } else {
+                if (!onSeek(pUserData, fmtOut->extendedSize, drwav_seek_origin_current)) {
+                    return DRWAV_FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+            *pRunningBytesReadOut += fmtOut->extendedSize;
+            bytesReadSoFar += fmtOut->extendedSize;
+        }
+        // Seek past any leftover bytes. For w64 the leftover will be defined based on the chunk size.
+        if (!onSeek(pUserData, (int)(header.sizeInBytes - bytesReadSoFar), drwav_seek_origin_current)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        *pRunningBytesReadOut += (header.sizeInBytes - bytesReadSoFar);
+    }
+    if (header.paddingSize > 0) {
+        if (!onSeek(pUserData, header.paddingSize, drwav_seek_origin_current)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        *pRunningBytesReadOut += header.paddingSize;
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+static size_t drwav__on_read_stdio(void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead)
+    return fread(pBufferOut, 1, bytesToRead, (FILE*)pUserData);
+static size_t drwav__on_write_stdio(void* pUserData, const void* pData, size_t bytesToWrite)
+    return fwrite(pData, 1, bytesToWrite, (FILE*)pUserData);
+static drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek_stdio(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin)
+    return fseek((FILE*)pUserData, offset, (origin == drwav_seek_origin_current) ? SEEK_CUR : SEEK_SET) == 0;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file(drwav* pWav, const char* filename)
+    FILE* pFile;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+    if (fopen_s(&pFile, filename, "rb") != 0) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    pFile = fopen(filename, "rb");
+    if (pFile == NULL) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    return drwav_init(pWav, drwav__on_read_stdio, drwav__on_seek_stdio, (void*)pFile);
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat)
+    FILE* pFile;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+    if (fopen_s(&pFile, filename, "wb") != 0) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    pFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
+    if (pFile == NULL) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    return drwav_init_write(pWav, pFormat, drwav__on_write_stdio, drwav__on_seek_stdio, (void*)pFile);
+drwav* drwav_open_file(const char* filename)
+    FILE* pFile;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+    if (fopen_s(&pFile, filename, "rb") != 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pFile = fopen(filename, "rb");
+    if (pFile == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    drwav* pWav = drwav_open(drwav__on_read_stdio, drwav__on_seek_stdio, (void*)pFile);
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        fclose(pFile);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return pWav;
+drwav* drwav_open_file_write(const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat)
+    FILE* pFile;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
+    if (fopen_s(&pFile, filename, "wb") != 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
+    if (pFile == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    drwav* pWav = drwav_open_write(pFormat, drwav__on_write_stdio, drwav__on_seek_stdio, (void*)pFile);
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        fclose(pFile);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return pWav;
+#endif  //DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+static size_t drwav__on_read_memory(void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead)
+    drwav__memory_stream* memory = (drwav__memory_stream*)pUserData;
+    drwav_assert(memory != NULL);
+    drwav_assert(memory->dataSize >= memory->currentReadPos);
+    size_t bytesRemaining = memory->dataSize - memory->currentReadPos;
+    if (bytesToRead > bytesRemaining) {
+        bytesToRead = bytesRemaining;
+    }
+    if (bytesToRead > 0) {
+        DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(pBufferOut, memory->data + memory->currentReadPos, bytesToRead);
+        memory->currentReadPos += bytesToRead;
+    }
+    return bytesToRead;
+static drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek_memory(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin)
+    drwav__memory_stream* memory = (drwav__memory_stream*)pUserData;
+    drwav_assert(memory != NULL);
+    if (origin == drwav_seek_origin_current) {
+        if (offset > 0) {
+            if (memory->currentReadPos + offset > memory->dataSize) {
+                offset = (int)(memory->dataSize - memory->currentReadPos);  // Trying to seek too far forward.
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (memory->currentReadPos < (size_t)-offset) {
+                offset = -(int)memory->currentReadPos;  // Trying to seek too far backwards.
+            }
+        }
+        // This will never underflow thanks to the clamps above.
+        memory->currentReadPos += offset;
+    } else {
+        if ((drwav_uint32)offset <= memory->dataSize) {
+            memory->currentReadPos = offset;
+        } else {
+            memory->currentReadPos = memory->dataSize;  // Trying to seek too far forward.
+        }
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+static size_t drwav__on_write_memory(void* pUserData, const void* pDataIn, size_t bytesToWrite)
+    drwav__memory_stream_write* memory = (drwav__memory_stream_write*)pUserData;
+    drwav_assert(memory != NULL);
+    drwav_assert(memory->dataCapacity >= memory->currentWritePos);
+    size_t bytesRemaining = memory->dataCapacity - memory->currentWritePos;
+    if (bytesRemaining < bytesToWrite) {
+        // Need to reallocate.
+        size_t newDataCapacity = (memory->dataCapacity == 0) ? 256 : memory->dataCapacity * 2;
+        // If doubling wasn't enough, just make it the minimum required size to write the data.
+        if ((newDataCapacity - memory->currentWritePos) < bytesToWrite) {
+            newDataCapacity = memory->currentWritePos + bytesToWrite;
+        }
+        void* pNewData = DRWAV_REALLOC(*memory->ppData, newDataCapacity);
+        if (pNewData == NULL) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        *memory->ppData = pNewData;
+        memory->dataCapacity = newDataCapacity;
+    }
+    drwav_uint8* pDataOut = (drwav_uint8*)(*memory->ppData);
+    DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(pDataOut + memory->currentWritePos, pDataIn, bytesToWrite);
+    memory->currentWritePos += bytesToWrite;
+    if (memory->dataSize < memory->currentWritePos) {
+        memory->dataSize = memory->currentWritePos;
+    }
+    *memory->pDataSize = memory->dataSize;
+    return bytesToWrite;
+static drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek_memory_write(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin)
+    drwav__memory_stream_write* memory = (drwav__memory_stream_write*)pUserData;
+    drwav_assert(memory != NULL);
+    if (origin == drwav_seek_origin_current) {
+        if (offset > 0) {
+            if (memory->currentWritePos + offset > memory->dataSize) {
+                offset = (int)(memory->dataSize - memory->currentWritePos);  // Trying to seek too far forward.
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (memory->currentWritePos < (size_t)-offset) {
+                offset = -(int)memory->currentWritePos;  // Trying to seek too far backwards.
+            }
+        }
+        // This will never underflow thanks to the clamps above.
+        memory->currentWritePos += offset;
+    } else {
+        if ((drwav_uint32)offset <= memory->dataSize) {
+            memory->currentWritePos = offset;
+        } else {
+            memory->currentWritePos = memory->dataSize;  // Trying to seek too far forward.
+        }
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize)
+    if (data == NULL || dataSize == 0) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    drwav__memory_stream memoryStream;
+    drwav_zero_memory(&memoryStream, sizeof(memoryStream));
+ = (const unsigned char*)data;
+    memoryStream.dataSize = dataSize;
+    memoryStream.currentReadPos = 0;
+    if (!drwav_init(pWav, drwav__on_read_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory, (void*)&memoryStream)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    pWav->memoryStream = memoryStream;
+    pWav->pUserData = &pWav->memoryStream;
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat)
+    if (ppData == NULL) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    *ppData = NULL; // Important because we're using realloc()!
+    *pDataSize = 0;
+    drwav__memory_stream_write memoryStreamWrite;
+    drwav_zero_memory(&memoryStreamWrite, sizeof(memoryStreamWrite));
+    memoryStreamWrite.ppData = ppData;
+    memoryStreamWrite.pDataSize = pDataSize;
+    memoryStreamWrite.dataSize = 0;
+    memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity = 0;
+    memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos = 0;
+    if (!drwav_init_write(pWav, pFormat, drwav__on_write_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory_write, (void*)&memoryStreamWrite)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    pWav->memoryStreamWrite = memoryStreamWrite;
+    pWav->pUserData = &pWav->memoryStreamWrite;
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+drwav* drwav_open_memory(const void* data, size_t dataSize)
+    if (data == NULL || dataSize == 0) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    drwav__memory_stream memoryStream;
+    drwav_zero_memory(&memoryStream, sizeof(memoryStream));
+ = (const unsigned char*)data;
+    memoryStream.dataSize = dataSize;
+    memoryStream.currentReadPos = 0;
+    drwav* pWav = drwav_open(drwav__on_read_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory, (void*)&memoryStream);
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pWav->memoryStream = memoryStream;
+    pWav->pUserData = &pWav->memoryStream;
+    return pWav;
+drwav* drwav_open_memory_write(void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat)
+    if (ppData == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    *ppData = NULL; // Important because we're using realloc()!
+    *pDataSize = 0;
+    drwav__memory_stream_write memoryStreamWrite;
+    drwav_zero_memory(&memoryStreamWrite, sizeof(memoryStreamWrite));
+    memoryStreamWrite.ppData = ppData;
+    memoryStreamWrite.pDataSize = pDataSize;
+    memoryStreamWrite.dataSize = 0;
+    memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity = 0;
+    memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos = 0;
+    drwav* pWav = drwav_open_write(pFormat, drwav__on_write_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory_write, (void*)&memoryStreamWrite);
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pWav->memoryStreamWrite = memoryStreamWrite;
+    pWav->pUserData = &pWav->memoryStreamWrite;
+    return pWav;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData)
+    int i;
+    if (onRead == NULL || onSeek == NULL) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    drwav_zero_memory(pWav, sizeof(*pWav));
+    // The first 4 bytes should be the RIFF identifier.
+    unsigned char riff[4];
+    if (onRead(pUserData, riff, sizeof(riff)) != sizeof(riff)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;    // Failed to read data.
+    }
+    // The first 4 bytes can be used to identify the container. For RIFF files it will start with "RIFF" and for
+    // w64 it will start with "riff".
+    if (drwav__fourcc_equal(riff, "RIFF")) {
+        pWav->container = drwav_container_riff;
+    } else if (drwav__fourcc_equal(riff, "riff")) {
+        pWav->container = drwav_container_w64;
+        // Check the rest of the GUID for validity.
+        drwav_uint8 riff2[12];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, riff2, sizeof(riff2)) != sizeof(riff2)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+            if (riff2[i] != drwavGUID_W64_RIFF[i+4]) {
+                return DRWAV_FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;   // Unknown or unsupported container.
+    }
+    if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        // RIFF/WAVE
+        unsigned char chunkSizeBytes[4];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, chunkSizeBytes, sizeof(chunkSizeBytes)) != sizeof(chunkSizeBytes)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        unsigned int chunkSize = drwav__bytes_to_u32(chunkSizeBytes);
+        if (chunkSize < 36) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;    // Chunk size should always be at least 36 bytes.
+        }
+        unsigned char wave[4];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, wave, sizeof(wave)) != sizeof(wave)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        if (!drwav__fourcc_equal(wave, "WAVE")) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;    // Expecting "WAVE".
+        }
+        pWav->dataChunkDataPos = 4 + sizeof(chunkSizeBytes) + sizeof(wave);
+    } else {
+        // W64
+        unsigned char chunkSize[8];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, chunkSize, sizeof(chunkSize)) != sizeof(chunkSize)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        if (drwav__bytes_to_u64(chunkSize) < 80) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        drwav_uint8 wave[16];
+        if (onRead(pUserData, wave, sizeof(wave)) != sizeof(wave)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        if (!drwav__guid_equal(wave, drwavGUID_W64_WAVE)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        pWav->dataChunkDataPos = 16 + sizeof(chunkSize) + sizeof(wave);
+    }
+    // The next 24 bytes should be the "fmt " chunk.
+    drwav_fmt fmt;
+    if (!drwav__read_fmt(onRead, onSeek, pUserData, pWav->container, &pWav->dataChunkDataPos, &fmt)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;    // Failed to read the "fmt " chunk.
+    }
+    // Translate the internal format.
+    unsigned short translatedFormatTag = fmt.formatTag;
+    if (translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) {
+        translatedFormatTag = drwav__bytes_to_u16(fmt.subFormat + 0);
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 sampleCountFromFactChunk = 0;
+    // The next chunk we care about is the "data" chunk. This is not necessarily the next chunk so we'll need to loop.
+    drwav_uint64 dataSize;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+        drwav__chunk_header header;
+        if (!drwav__read_chunk_header(onRead, pUserData, pWav->container, &pWav->dataChunkDataPos, &header)) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        dataSize = header.sizeInBytes;
+        if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+            if (drwav__fourcc_equal(, "data")) {
+                break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (drwav__guid_equal(, drwavGUID_W64_DATA)) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // Optional. Get the total sample count from the FACT chunk. This is useful for compressed formats.
+        if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+            if (drwav__fourcc_equal(, "fact")) {
+                drwav_uint32 sampleCount;
+                if (onRead(pUserData, &sampleCount, 4) != 4) {
+                    return DRWAV_FALSE;
+                }
+                pWav->dataChunkDataPos += 4;
+                dataSize -= 4;
+                // The sample count in the "fact" chunk is either unreliable, or I'm not understanding it properly. For now I am only enabling this
+                // for Microsoft ADPCM formats.
+                if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+                    sampleCountFromFactChunk = sampleCount;
+                } else {
+                    sampleCountFromFactChunk = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (drwav__guid_equal(, drwavGUID_W64_FACT)) {
+                if (onRead(pUserData, &sampleCountFromFactChunk, 8) != 8) {
+                    return DRWAV_FALSE;
+                }
+                pWav->dataChunkDataPos += 4;
+                dataSize -= 8;
+            }
+        }
+        // If we get here it means we didn't find the "data" chunk. Seek past it.
+        // Make sure we seek past the padding.
+        dataSize += header.paddingSize;
+        drwav__seek_forward(onSeek, dataSize, pUserData);
+        pWav->dataChunkDataPos += dataSize;
+    }
+    // At this point we should be sitting on the first byte of the raw audio data.
+    pWav->onRead              = onRead;
+    pWav->onSeek              = onSeek;
+    pWav->pUserData           = pUserData;
+    pWav->fmt                 = fmt;
+    pWav->sampleRate          = fmt.sampleRate;
+    pWav->channels            = fmt.channels;
+    pWav->bitsPerSample       = fmt.bitsPerSample;
+    pWav->bytesPerSample      = (unsigned int)(fmt.blockAlign / fmt.channels);
+    pWav->bytesRemaining      = dataSize;
+    pWav->translatedFormatTag = translatedFormatTag;
+    pWav->dataChunkDataSize   = dataSize;
+    if (sampleCountFromFactChunk != 0) {
+        pWav->totalSampleCount = sampleCountFromFactChunk * fmt.channels;
+    } else {
+        pWav->totalSampleCount = dataSize / pWav->bytesPerSample;
+        if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+            drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataSize / fmt.blockAlign;
+            pWav->totalSampleCount = (blockCount * (fmt.blockAlign - (6*pWav->channels))) * 2;  // x2 because two samples per byte.
+        }
+        if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) {
+            drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataSize / fmt.blockAlign;
+            pWav->totalSampleCount = ((blockCount * (fmt.blockAlign - (4*pWav->channels))) * 2) + (blockCount * pWav->channels);
+        }
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+        pWav->bytesPerSample = 0;
+    }
+    // I use libsndfile as a benchmark for testing, however in the version I'm using (from the Windows installer on the libsndfile website),
+    // it appears the total sample count libsndfile uses for MS-ADPCM is incorrect. It would seem they are computing the total sample count
+    // from the number of blocks, however this results in the inclusion of the extra silent samples at the end of the last block. The correct
+    // way to know the total sample count is to inspect the "fact" chunk which should always be present for compressed formats, and should
+    // always include the sample count. This little block of code below is only used to emulate the libsndfile logic so I can properly run my
+    // correctness tests against libsndfile and is disabled by default.
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+        drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataSize / fmt.blockAlign;
+        pWav->totalSampleCount = (blockCount * (fmt.blockAlign - (6*pWav->channels))) * 2;  // x2 because two samples per byte.
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) {
+        drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataSize / fmt.blockAlign;
+        pWav->totalSampleCount = ((blockCount * (fmt.blockAlign - (4*pWav->channels))) * 2) + (blockCount * pWav->channels);
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData)
+    if (onWrite == NULL || onSeek == NULL) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    // Not currently supporting compressed formats. Will need to add support for the "fact" chunk before we enable this.
+    if (pFormat->format == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (pFormat->format == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM || pFormat->format == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    drwav_zero_memory(pWav, sizeof(*pWav));
+    pWav->onWrite = onWrite;
+    pWav->onSeek = onSeek;
+    pWav->pUserData = pUserData;
+    pWav->fmt.formatTag = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->format;
+    pWav->fmt.channels = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->channels;
+    pWav->fmt.sampleRate = pFormat->sampleRate;
+    pWav->fmt.avgBytesPerSec = (drwav_uint32)((pFormat->bitsPerSample * pFormat->sampleRate * pFormat->channels) >> 3);
+    pWav->fmt.blockAlign = (drwav_uint16)((pFormat->channels * pFormat->bitsPerSample) >> 3);
+    pWav->fmt.bitsPerSample = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->bitsPerSample;
+    pWav->fmt.extendedSize = 0;
+    size_t runningPos = 0;
+    // "RIFF" chunk.
+    drwav_uint64 chunkSizeRIFF = 0;
+    if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, "RIFF", 4);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &chunkSizeRIFF, 4);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, "WAVE", 4);
+    } else {
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, drwavGUID_W64_RIFF, 16);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &chunkSizeRIFF, 8);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, drwavGUID_W64_WAVE, 16);
+    }
+    // "fmt " chunk.
+    drwav_uint64 chunkSizeFMT;
+    if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        chunkSizeFMT = 16;
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, "fmt ", 4);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &chunkSizeFMT, 4);
+    } else {
+        chunkSizeFMT = 40;
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, drwavGUID_W64_FMT, 16);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &chunkSizeFMT, 8);
+    }
+    runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &pWav->fmt.formatTag,      2);
+    runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &pWav->fmt.channels,       2);
+    runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &pWav->fmt.sampleRate,     4);
+    runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &pWav->fmt.avgBytesPerSec, 4);
+    runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &pWav->fmt.blockAlign,     2);
+    runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &pWav->fmt.bitsPerSample,  2);
+    pWav->dataChunkDataPos = runningPos;
+    pWav->dataChunkDataSize = 0;
+    // "data" chunk.
+    drwav_uint64 chunkSizeDATA = 0;
+    if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, "data", 4);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &chunkSizeDATA, 4);
+    } else {
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, drwavGUID_W64_DATA, 16);
+        runningPos += pWav->onWrite(pUserData, &chunkSizeDATA, 8);
+    }
+    // Simple validation.
+    if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+        if (runningPos != 20 + chunkSizeFMT + 8) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (runningPos != 40 + chunkSizeFMT + 24) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    // Set some properties for the client's convenience.
+    pWav->container = pFormat->container;
+    pWav->channels = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->channels;
+    pWav->sampleRate = pFormat->sampleRate;
+    pWav->bitsPerSample = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->bitsPerSample;
+    pWav->bytesPerSample = (drwav_uint16)(pFormat->bitsPerSample >> 3);
+    pWav->translatedFormatTag = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->format;
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+void drwav_uninit(drwav* pWav)
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // If the drwav object was opened in write mode we'll need to finialize a few things:
+    //   - Make sure the "data" chunk is aligned to 16-bits
+    //   - Set the size of the "data" chunk.
+    if (pWav->onWrite != NULL) {
+        // Padding. Do not adjust pWav->dataChunkDataSize - this should not include the padding.
+        drwav_uint32 paddingSize = 0;
+        if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+            paddingSize = (drwav_uint32)(pWav->dataChunkDataSize % 2);
+        } else {
+            paddingSize = (drwav_uint32)(pWav->dataChunkDataSize % 8);
+        }
+        if (paddingSize > 0) {
+            drwav_uint64 paddingData = 0;
+            pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, &paddingData, paddingSize);
+        }
+        // Chunk sizes.
+        if (pWav->onSeek) {
+            if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff) {
+                // The "RIFF" chunk size.
+                if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, 4, drwav_seek_origin_start)) {
+                    drwav_uint32 riffChunkSize = 36;
+                    if (pWav->dataChunkDataSize <= (0xFFFFFFFF - 36)) {
+                        riffChunkSize = 36 + (drwav_uint32)pWav->dataChunkDataSize;
+                    } else {
+                        riffChunkSize = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+                    }
+                    pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, &riffChunkSize, 4);
+                }
+                // the "data" chunk size.
+                if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)pWav->dataChunkDataPos + 4, drwav_seek_origin_start)) {
+                    drwav_uint32 dataChunkSize = 0;
+                    if (pWav->dataChunkDataSize <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
+                        dataChunkSize = (drwav_uint32)pWav->dataChunkDataSize;
+                    } else {
+                        dataChunkSize = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+                    }
+                    pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, &dataChunkSize, 4);
+                }
+            } else {
+                // The "RIFF" chunk size.
+                if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, 16, drwav_seek_origin_start)) {
+                    drwav_uint64 riffChunkSize = 80 + 24 + pWav->dataChunkDataSize;
+                    pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, &riffChunkSize, 8);
+                }
+                // The "data" chunk size.
+                if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)pWav->dataChunkDataPos + 16, drwav_seek_origin_start)) {
+                    drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize = 24 + pWav->dataChunkDataSize;  // +24 because W64 includes the size of the GUID and size fields.
+                    pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, &dataChunkSize, 8);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+    // If we opened the file with drwav_open_file() we will want to close the file handle. We can know whether or not drwav_open_file()
+    // was used by looking at the onRead and onSeek callbacks.
+    if (pWav->onRead == drwav__on_read_stdio || pWav->onWrite == drwav__on_write_stdio) {
+        fclose((FILE*)pWav->pUserData);
+    }
+drwav* drwav_open(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData)
+    drwav* pWav = (drwav*)DRWAV_MALLOC(sizeof(*pWav));
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!drwav_init(pWav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData)) {
+        DRWAV_FREE(pWav);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return pWav;
+drwav* drwav_open_write(const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData)
+    drwav* pWav = (drwav*)DRWAV_MALLOC(sizeof(*pWav));
+    if (pWav == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!drwav_init_write(pWav, pFormat, onWrite, onSeek, pUserData)) {
+        DRWAV_FREE(pWav);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return pWav;
+void drwav_close(drwav* pWav)
+    drwav_uninit(pWav);
+    DRWAV_FREE(pWav);
+size_t drwav_read_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToRead, void* pBufferOut)
+    if (pWav == NULL || bytesToRead == 0 || pBufferOut == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (bytesToRead > pWav->bytesRemaining) {
+        bytesToRead = (size_t)pWav->bytesRemaining;
+    }
+    size_t bytesRead = pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, pBufferOut, bytesToRead);
+    pWav->bytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
+    return bytesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, void* pBufferOut)
+    if (pWav == NULL || samplesToRead == 0 || pBufferOut == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Cannot use this function for compressed formats.
+    if (drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(pWav->translatedFormatTag)) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer.
+    if (samplesToRead * pWav->bytesPerSample > SIZE_MAX) {
+        samplesToRead = SIZE_MAX / pWav->bytesPerSample;
+    }
+    size_t bytesRead = drwav_read_raw(pWav, (size_t)(samplesToRead * pWav->bytesPerSample), pBufferOut);
+    return bytesRead / pWav->bytesPerSample;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_seek_to_first_sample(drwav* pWav)
+    if (!pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)pWav->dataChunkDataPos, drwav_seek_origin_start)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(pWav->translatedFormatTag)) {
+        pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample = 0;
+    }
+    pWav->bytesRemaining = pWav->dataChunkDataSize;
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+drwav_bool32 drwav_seek_to_sample(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 sample)
+    // Seeking should be compatible with wave files > 2GB.
+    if (pWav == NULL || pWav->onSeek == NULL) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    // If there are no samples, just return DRWAV_TRUE without doing anything.
+    if (pWav->totalSampleCount == 0) {
+        return DRWAV_TRUE;
+    }
+    // Make sure the sample is clamped.
+    if (sample >= pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+        sample  = pWav->totalSampleCount - 1;
+    }
+    // For compressed formats we just use a slow generic seek. If we are seeking forward we just seek forward. If we are going backwards we need
+    // to seek back to the start.
+    if (drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(pWav->translatedFormatTag)) {
+        // TODO: This can be optimized.
+        if (sample > pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample) {
+            // Seeking forward - just move from the current position.
+            drwav_uint64 offset = sample - pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample;
+            drwav_int16 devnull[2048];
+            while (offset > 0) {
+                drwav_uint64 samplesToRead = sample;
+                if (samplesToRead > 2048) {
+                    samplesToRead = 2048;
+                }
+                drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, samplesToRead, devnull);
+                if (samplesRead != samplesToRead) {
+                    return DRWAV_FALSE;
+                }
+                offset -= samplesRead;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Seeking backwards. Just use the fallback.
+            goto fallback;
+        }
+    } else {
+        drwav_uint64 totalSizeInBytes = pWav->totalSampleCount * pWav->bytesPerSample;
+        drwav_assert(totalSizeInBytes >= pWav->bytesRemaining);
+        drwav_uint64 currentBytePos = totalSizeInBytes - pWav->bytesRemaining;
+        drwav_uint64 targetBytePos  = sample * pWav->bytesPerSample;
+        drwav_uint64 offset;
+        if (currentBytePos < targetBytePos) {
+            // Offset forwards.
+            offset = (targetBytePos - currentBytePos);
+        } else {
+            // Offset backwards.
+            if (!drwav_seek_to_first_sample(pWav)) {
+                return DRWAV_FALSE;
+            }
+            offset = targetBytePos;
+        }
+        while (offset > 0) {
+            int offset32 = ((offset > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : (int)offset);
+            if (!pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, offset32, drwav_seek_origin_current)) {
+                return DRWAV_FALSE;
+            }
+            pWav->bytesRemaining -= offset32;
+            offset -= offset32;
+        }
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+    // This is a generic seek implementation that just continuously reads samples into a temporary buffer. This should work for all supported
+    // formats, but it is not efficient. This should be used as a fall back.
+    if (!drwav_seek_to_first_sample(pWav)) {
+        return DRWAV_FALSE;
+    }
+    drwav_int16 devnull[2048];
+    while (sample > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesToRead = sample;
+        if (samplesToRead > 2048) {
+            samplesToRead = 2048;
+        }
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, samplesToRead, devnull);
+        if (samplesRead != samplesToRead) {
+            return DRWAV_FALSE;
+        }
+        sample -= samplesRead;
+    }
+    return DRWAV_TRUE;
+size_t drwav_write_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToWrite, const void* pData)
+    if (pWav == NULL || bytesToWrite == 0 || pData == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    size_t bytesWritten = pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, pData, bytesToWrite);
+    pWav->dataChunkDataSize += bytesWritten;
+    return bytesWritten;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_write(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToWrite, const void* pData)
+    if (pWav == NULL || samplesToWrite == 0 || pData == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 bytesToWrite = ((samplesToWrite * pWav->bitsPerSample) / 8);
+    if (bytesToWrite > SIZE_MAX) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    size_t bytesWritten = drwav_write_raw(pWav, (size_t)bytesToWrite, pData);
+    return ((drwav_uint64)bytesWritten * 8) / pWav->bitsPerSample;
+static unsigned short g_drwavAlawTable[256] = {
+    0xEA80, 0xEB80, 0xE880, 0xE980, 0xEE80, 0xEF80, 0xEC80, 0xED80, 0xE280, 0xE380, 0xE080, 0xE180, 0xE680, 0xE780, 0xE480, 0xE580,
+    0xF540, 0xF5C0, 0xF440, 0xF4C0, 0xF740, 0xF7C0, 0xF640, 0xF6C0, 0xF140, 0xF1C0, 0xF040, 0xF0C0, 0xF340, 0xF3C0, 0xF240, 0xF2C0,
+    0xAA00, 0xAE00, 0xA200, 0xA600, 0xBA00, 0xBE00, 0xB200, 0xB600, 0x8A00, 0x8E00, 0x8200, 0x8600, 0x9A00, 0x9E00, 0x9200, 0x9600,
+    0xD500, 0xD700, 0xD100, 0xD300, 0xDD00, 0xDF00, 0xD900, 0xDB00, 0xC500, 0xC700, 0xC100, 0xC300, 0xCD00, 0xCF00, 0xC900, 0xCB00,
+    0xFEA8, 0xFEB8, 0xFE88, 0xFE98, 0xFEE8, 0xFEF8, 0xFEC8, 0xFED8, 0xFE28, 0xFE38, 0xFE08, 0xFE18, 0xFE68, 0xFE78, 0xFE48, 0xFE58,
+    0xFFA8, 0xFFB8, 0xFF88, 0xFF98, 0xFFE8, 0xFFF8, 0xFFC8, 0xFFD8, 0xFF28, 0xFF38, 0xFF08, 0xFF18, 0xFF68, 0xFF78, 0xFF48, 0xFF58,
+    0xFAA0, 0xFAE0, 0xFA20, 0xFA60, 0xFBA0, 0xFBE0, 0xFB20, 0xFB60, 0xF8A0, 0xF8E0, 0xF820, 0xF860, 0xF9A0, 0xF9E0, 0xF920, 0xF960,
+    0xFD50, 0xFD70, 0xFD10, 0xFD30, 0xFDD0, 0xFDF0, 0xFD90, 0xFDB0, 0xFC50, 0xFC70, 0xFC10, 0xFC30, 0xFCD0, 0xFCF0, 0xFC90, 0xFCB0,
+    0x1580, 0x1480, 0x1780, 0x1680, 0x1180, 0x1080, 0x1380, 0x1280, 0x1D80, 0x1C80, 0x1F80, 0x1E80, 0x1980, 0x1880, 0x1B80, 0x1A80,
+    0x0AC0, 0x0A40, 0x0BC0, 0x0B40, 0x08C0, 0x0840, 0x09C0, 0x0940, 0x0EC0, 0x0E40, 0x0FC0, 0x0F40, 0x0CC0, 0x0C40, 0x0DC0, 0x0D40,
+    0x5600, 0x5200, 0x5E00, 0x5A00, 0x4600, 0x4200, 0x4E00, 0x4A00, 0x7600, 0x7200, 0x7E00, 0x7A00, 0x6600, 0x6200, 0x6E00, 0x6A00,
+    0x2B00, 0x2900, 0x2F00, 0x2D00, 0x2300, 0x2100, 0x2700, 0x2500, 0x3B00, 0x3900, 0x3F00, 0x3D00, 0x3300, 0x3100, 0x3700, 0x3500,
+    0x0158, 0x0148, 0x0178, 0x0168, 0x0118, 0x0108, 0x0138, 0x0128, 0x01D8, 0x01C8, 0x01F8, 0x01E8, 0x0198, 0x0188, 0x01B8, 0x01A8,
+    0x0058, 0x0048, 0x0078, 0x0068, 0x0018, 0x0008, 0x0038, 0x0028, 0x00D8, 0x00C8, 0x00F8, 0x00E8, 0x0098, 0x0088, 0x00B8, 0x00A8,
+    0x0560, 0x0520, 0x05E0, 0x05A0, 0x0460, 0x0420, 0x04E0, 0x04A0, 0x0760, 0x0720, 0x07E0, 0x07A0, 0x0660, 0x0620, 0x06E0, 0x06A0,
+    0x02B0, 0x0290, 0x02F0, 0x02D0, 0x0230, 0x0210, 0x0270, 0x0250, 0x03B0, 0x0390, 0x03F0, 0x03D0, 0x0330, 0x0310, 0x0370, 0x0350
+static unsigned short g_drwavMulawTable[256] = {
+    0x8284, 0x8684, 0x8A84, 0x8E84, 0x9284, 0x9684, 0x9A84, 0x9E84, 0xA284, 0xA684, 0xAA84, 0xAE84, 0xB284, 0xB684, 0xBA84, 0xBE84,
+    0xC184, 0xC384, 0xC584, 0xC784, 0xC984, 0xCB84, 0xCD84, 0xCF84, 0xD184, 0xD384, 0xD584, 0xD784, 0xD984, 0xDB84, 0xDD84, 0xDF84,
+    0xE104, 0xE204, 0xE304, 0xE404, 0xE504, 0xE604, 0xE704, 0xE804, 0xE904, 0xEA04, 0xEB04, 0xEC04, 0xED04, 0xEE04, 0xEF04, 0xF004,
+    0xF0C4, 0xF144, 0xF1C4, 0xF244, 0xF2C4, 0xF344, 0xF3C4, 0xF444, 0xF4C4, 0xF544, 0xF5C4, 0xF644, 0xF6C4, 0xF744, 0xF7C4, 0xF844,
+    0xF8A4, 0xF8E4, 0xF924, 0xF964, 0xF9A4, 0xF9E4, 0xFA24, 0xFA64, 0xFAA4, 0xFAE4, 0xFB24, 0xFB64, 0xFBA4, 0xFBE4, 0xFC24, 0xFC64,
+    0xFC94, 0xFCB4, 0xFCD4, 0xFCF4, 0xFD14, 0xFD34, 0xFD54, 0xFD74, 0xFD94, 0xFDB4, 0xFDD4, 0xFDF4, 0xFE14, 0xFE34, 0xFE54, 0xFE74,
+    0xFE8C, 0xFE9C, 0xFEAC, 0xFEBC, 0xFECC, 0xFEDC, 0xFEEC, 0xFEFC, 0xFF0C, 0xFF1C, 0xFF2C, 0xFF3C, 0xFF4C, 0xFF5C, 0xFF6C, 0xFF7C,
+    0xFF88, 0xFF90, 0xFF98, 0xFFA0, 0xFFA8, 0xFFB0, 0xFFB8, 0xFFC0, 0xFFC8, 0xFFD0, 0xFFD8, 0xFFE0, 0xFFE8, 0xFFF0, 0xFFF8, 0x0000,
+    0x7D7C, 0x797C, 0x757C, 0x717C, 0x6D7C, 0x697C, 0x657C, 0x617C, 0x5D7C, 0x597C, 0x557C, 0x517C, 0x4D7C, 0x497C, 0x457C, 0x417C,
+    0x3E7C, 0x3C7C, 0x3A7C, 0x387C, 0x367C, 0x347C, 0x327C, 0x307C, 0x2E7C, 0x2C7C, 0x2A7C, 0x287C, 0x267C, 0x247C, 0x227C, 0x207C,
+    0x1EFC, 0x1DFC, 0x1CFC, 0x1BFC, 0x1AFC, 0x19FC, 0x18FC, 0x17FC, 0x16FC, 0x15FC, 0x14FC, 0x13FC, 0x12FC, 0x11FC, 0x10FC, 0x0FFC,
+    0x0F3C, 0x0EBC, 0x0E3C, 0x0DBC, 0x0D3C, 0x0CBC, 0x0C3C, 0x0BBC, 0x0B3C, 0x0ABC, 0x0A3C, 0x09BC, 0x093C, 0x08BC, 0x083C, 0x07BC,
+    0x075C, 0x071C, 0x06DC, 0x069C, 0x065C, 0x061C, 0x05DC, 0x059C, 0x055C, 0x051C, 0x04DC, 0x049C, 0x045C, 0x041C, 0x03DC, 0x039C,
+    0x036C, 0x034C, 0x032C, 0x030C, 0x02EC, 0x02CC, 0x02AC, 0x028C, 0x026C, 0x024C, 0x022C, 0x020C, 0x01EC, 0x01CC, 0x01AC, 0x018C,
+    0x0174, 0x0164, 0x0154, 0x0144, 0x0134, 0x0124, 0x0114, 0x0104, 0x00F4, 0x00E4, 0x00D4, 0x00C4, 0x00B4, 0x00A4, 0x0094, 0x0084,
+    0x0078, 0x0070, 0x0068, 0x0060, 0x0058, 0x0050, 0x0048, 0x0040, 0x0038, 0x0030, 0x0028, 0x0020, 0x0018, 0x0010, 0x0008, 0x0000
+static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int16 drwav__alaw_to_s16(drwav_uint8 sampleIn)
+    return (short)g_drwavAlawTable[sampleIn];
+static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int16 drwav__mulaw_to_s16(drwav_uint8 sampleIn)
+    return (short)g_drwavMulawTable[sampleIn];
+static void drwav__pcm_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const unsigned char* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned short bytesPerSample)
+    unsigned int i;
+    unsigned short j;
+    // Special case for 8-bit sample data because it's treated as unsigned.
+    if (bytesPerSample == 1) {
+        drwav_u8_to_s16(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Slightly more optimal implementation for common formats.
+    if (bytesPerSample == 2) {
+        for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) {
+           *pOut++ = ((drwav_int16*)pIn)[i];
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (bytesPerSample == 3) {
+        drwav_s24_to_s16(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        drwav_s32_to_s16(pOut, (const drwav_int32*)pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Generic, slow converter.
+    for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) {
+        unsigned short sample = 0;
+        unsigned short shift  = (8 - bytesPerSample) * 8;
+        for (j = 0; j < bytesPerSample && j < 2; ++j) {
+            sample |= (unsigned short)(pIn[j]) << shift;
+            shift  += 8;
+        }
+        pIn += bytesPerSample;
+        *pOut++ = sample;
+    }
+static void drwav__ieee_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const unsigned char* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned short bytesPerSample)
+    if (bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        drwav_f32_to_s16(pOut, (float*)pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    } else {
+        drwav_f64_to_s16(pOut, (double*)pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16__pcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    // Fast path.
+    if (pWav->bytesPerSample == 2) {
+        return drwav_read(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav__pcm_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, pWav->bytesPerSample);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16__msadpcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_assert(pWav != NULL);
+    drwav_assert(samplesToRead > 0);
+    drwav_assert(pBufferOut != NULL);
+    // TODO: Lots of room for optimization here.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    while (samplesToRead > 0 && pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample < pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+        // If there are no cached samples we need to load a new block.
+        if (pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount == 0 && pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) {
+            if (pWav->channels == 1) {
+                // Mono.
+                drwav_uint8 header[7];
+                if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+                    return totalSamplesRead;
+                }
+                pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header);
+                pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0] = header[0];
+                pWav->[0] = drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 1);
+                pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] = (drwav_int32)drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 3);
+                pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] = (drwav_int32)drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 5);
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[2] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0];
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[3] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1];
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount = 2;
+            } else {
+                // Stereo.
+                drwav_uint8 header[14];
+                if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+                    return totalSamplesRead;
+                }
+                pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header);
+                pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0] = header[0];
+                pWav->msadpcm.predictor[1] = header[1];
+                pWav->[0] = drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 2);
+                pWav->[1] = drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 4);
+                pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] = (drwav_int32)drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 6);
+                pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][1] = (drwav_int32)drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 8);
+                pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] = (drwav_int32)drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 10);
+                pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][0] = (drwav_int32)drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 12);
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0];
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[1] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][0];
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[2] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1];
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[3] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][1];
+                pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount = 4;
+            }
+        }
+        // Output anything that's cached.
+        while (samplesToRead > 0 && pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount > 0 && pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample < pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+            pBufferOut[0] = (drwav_int16)pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[drwav_countof(pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples) - pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount];
+            pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount -= 1;
+            pBufferOut += 1;
+            samplesToRead -= 1;
+            totalSamplesRead += 1;
+            pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample += 1;
+        }
+        if (samplesToRead == 0) {
+            return totalSamplesRead;
+        }
+        // If there's nothing left in the cache, just go ahead and load more. If there's nothing left to load in the current block we just continue to the next
+        // loop iteration which will trigger the loading of a new block.
+        if (pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount == 0) {
+            if (pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) {
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                drwav_uint8 nibbles;
+                if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, &nibbles, 1) != 1) {
+                    return totalSamplesRead;
+                }
+                pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock -= 1;
+                // TODO: Optimize away these if statements.
+                drwav_int32 nibble0 = ((nibbles & 0xF0) >> 4); if ((nibbles & 0x80)) { nibble0 |= 0xFFFFFFF0UL; }
+                drwav_int32 nibble1 = ((nibbles & 0x0F) >> 0); if ((nibbles & 0x08)) { nibble1 |= 0xFFFFFFF0UL; }
+                static drwav_int32 adaptationTable[] = {
+                    230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614,
+                    768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230
+                };
+                static drwav_int32 coeff1Table[] = { 256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460,  392 };
+                static drwav_int32 coeff2Table[] = { 0,  -256, 0, 64,  0,  -208, -232 };
+                if (pWav->channels == 1) {
+                    // Mono.
+                    drwav_int32 newSample0;
+                    newSample0  = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]])) >> 8;
+                    newSample0 += nibble0 * pWav->[0];
+                    newSample0  = drwav_clamp(newSample0, -32768, 32767);
+                    pWav->[0] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0xF0) >> 4)] * pWav->[0]) >> 8;
+                    if (pWav->[0] < 16) {
+                        pWav->[0] = 16;
+                    }
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1];
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] = newSample0;
+                    drwav_int32 newSample1;
+                    newSample1  = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]])) >> 8;
+                    newSample1 += nibble1 * pWav->[0];
+                    newSample1  = drwav_clamp(newSample1, -32768, 32767);
+                    pWav->[0] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0x0F) >> 0)] * pWav->[0]) >> 8;
+                    if (pWav->[0] < 16) {
+                        pWav->[0] = 16;
+                    }
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1];
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] = newSample1;
+                    pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[2] = newSample0;
+                    pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[3] = newSample1;
+                    pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount = 2;
+                } else {
+                    // Stereo.
+                    // Left.
+                    drwav_int32 newSample0;
+                    newSample0  = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]])) >> 8;
+                    newSample0 += nibble0 * pWav->[0];
+                    newSample0  = drwav_clamp(newSample0, -32768, 32767);
+                    pWav->[0] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0xF0) >> 4)] * pWav->[0]) >> 8;
+                    if (pWav->[0] < 16) {
+                        pWav->[0] = 16;
+                    }
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1];
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[0][1] = newSample0;
+                    // Right.
+                    drwav_int32 newSample1;
+                    newSample1  = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[1]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[1]])) >> 8;
+                    newSample1 += nibble1 * pWav->[1];
+                    newSample1  = drwav_clamp(newSample1, -32768, 32767);
+                    pWav->[1] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0x0F) >> 0)] * pWav->[1]) >> 8;
+                    if (pWav->[1] < 16) {
+                        pWav->[1] = 16;
+                    }
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][1];
+                    pWav->msadpcm.prevSamples[1][1] = newSample1;
+                    pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[2] = newSample0;
+                    pWav->msadpcm.cachedSamples[3] = newSample1;
+                    pWav->msadpcm.cachedSampleCount = 2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16__ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint32 iChannel;
+    drwav_uint32 iByte;
+    drwav_assert(pWav != NULL);
+    drwav_assert(samplesToRead > 0);
+    drwav_assert(pBufferOut != NULL);
+    // TODO: Lots of room for optimization here.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    while (samplesToRead > 0 && pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample < pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+        // If there are no cached samples we need to load a new block.
+        if (pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount == 0 && pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) {
+            if (pWav->channels == 1) {
+                // Mono.
+                drwav_uint8 header[4];
+                if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+                    return totalSamplesRead;
+                }
+                pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header);
+                pWav->ima.predictor[0] = drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 0);
+                pWav->ima.stepIndex[0] = header[2];
+                pWav->ima.cachedSamples[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedSamples) - 1] = pWav->ima.predictor[0];
+                pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount = 1;
+            } else {
+                // Stereo.
+                drwav_uint8 header[8];
+                if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) {
+                    return totalSamplesRead;
+                }
+                pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header);
+                pWav->ima.predictor[0] = drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 0);
+                pWav->ima.stepIndex[0] = header[2];
+                pWav->ima.predictor[1] = drwav__bytes_to_s16(header + 4);
+                pWav->ima.stepIndex[1] = header[6];
+                pWav->ima.cachedSamples[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedSamples) - 2] = pWav->ima.predictor[0];
+                pWav->ima.cachedSamples[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedSamples) - 1] = pWav->ima.predictor[1];
+                pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount = 2;
+            }
+        }
+        // Output anything that's cached.
+        while (samplesToRead > 0 && pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount > 0 && pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample < pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+            pBufferOut[0] = (drwav_int16)pWav->ima.cachedSamples[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedSamples) - pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount];
+            pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount -= 1;
+            pBufferOut += 1;
+            samplesToRead -= 1;
+            totalSamplesRead += 1;
+            pWav->compressed.iCurrentSample += 1;
+        }
+        if (samplesToRead == 0) {
+            return totalSamplesRead;
+        }
+        // If there's nothing left in the cache, just go ahead and load more. If there's nothing left to load in the current block we just continue to the next
+        // loop iteration which will trigger the loading of a new block.
+        if (pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount == 0) {
+            if (pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) {
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                static drwav_int32 indexTable[16] = {
+                    -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8,
+                    -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8
+                };
+                static drwav_int32 stepTable[89] = {
+                    7,     8,     9,     10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    16,    17,
+                    19,    21,    23,    25,    28,    31,    34,    37,    41,    45,
+                    50,    55,    60,    66,    73,    80,    88,    97,    107,   118,
+                    130,   143,   157,   173,   190,   209,   230,   253,   279,   307,
+                    337,   371,   408,   449,   494,   544,   598,   658,   724,   796,
+                    876,   963,   1060,  1166,  1282,  1411,  1552,  1707,  1878,  2066,
+                    2272,  2499,  2749,  3024,  3327,  3660,  4026,  4428,  4871,  5358,
+                    5894,  6484,  7132,  7845,  8630,  9493,  10442, 11487, 12635, 13899,
+                    15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, 32767
+                };
+                // From what I can tell with stereo streams, it looks like every 4 bytes (8 samples) is for one channel. So it goes 4 bytes for the
+                // left channel, 4 bytes for the right channel.
+                pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount = 8 * pWav->channels;
+                for (iChannel = 0; iChannel < pWav->channels; ++iChannel) {
+                    drwav_uint8 nibbles[4];
+                    if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, &nibbles, 4) != 4) {
+                        return totalSamplesRead;
+                    }
+                    pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock -= 4;
+                    for (iByte = 0; iByte < 4; ++iByte) {
+                        drwav_uint8 nibble0 = ((nibbles[iByte] & 0x0F) >> 0);
+                        drwav_uint8 nibble1 = ((nibbles[iByte] & 0xF0) >> 4);
+                        drwav_int32 step      = stepTable[pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel]];
+                        drwav_int32 predictor = pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel];
+                        drwav_int32      diff  = step >> 3;
+                        if (nibble0 & 1) diff += step >> 2;
+                        if (nibble0 & 2) diff += step >> 1;
+                        if (nibble0 & 4) diff += step;
+                        if (nibble0 & 8) diff  = -diff;
+                        predictor = drwav_clamp(predictor + diff, -32768, 32767);
+                        pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel] = predictor;
+                        pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] = drwav_clamp(pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] + indexTable[nibble0], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1);
+                        pWav->ima.cachedSamples[(drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedSamples) - pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount) + (iByte*2+0)*pWav->channels + iChannel] = predictor;
+                        step      = stepTable[pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel]];
+                        predictor = pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel];
+                                         diff  = step >> 3;
+                        if (nibble1 & 1) diff += step >> 2;
+                        if (nibble1 & 2) diff += step >> 1;
+                        if (nibble1 & 4) diff += step;
+                        if (nibble1 & 8) diff  = -diff;
+                        predictor = drwav_clamp(predictor + diff, -32768, 32767);
+                        pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel] = predictor;
+                        pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] = drwav_clamp(pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] + indexTable[nibble1], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1);
+                        pWav->ima.cachedSamples[(drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedSamples) - pWav->ima.cachedSampleCount) + (iByte*2+1)*pWav->channels + iChannel] = predictor;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16__ieee(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav__ieee_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, pWav->bytesPerSample);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16__alaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_alaw_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16__mulaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_mulaw_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s16(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut)
+    if (pWav == NULL || samplesToRead == 0 || pBufferOut == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer.
+    if (samplesToRead * sizeof(drwav_int16) > SIZE_MAX) {
+        samplesToRead = SIZE_MAX / sizeof(drwav_int16);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {
+        return drwav_read_s16__pcm(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+        return drwav_read_s16__msadpcm(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
+        return drwav_read_s16__ieee(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) {
+        return drwav_read_s16__alaw(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) {
+        return drwav_read_s16__mulaw(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) {
+        return drwav_read_s16__ima(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    return 0;
+void drwav_u8_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    int r;
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        int x = pIn[i];
+        r = x - 128;
+        r = r << 8;
+        pOut[i] = (short)r;
+    }
+void drwav_s24_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    int r;
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        int x = ((int)(((unsigned int)(((unsigned char*)pIn)[i*3+0]) << 8) | ((unsigned int)(((unsigned char*)pIn)[i*3+1]) << 16) | ((unsigned int)(((unsigned char*)pIn)[i*3+2])) << 24)) >> 8;
+        r = x >> 8;
+        pOut[i] = (short)r;
+    }
+void drwav_s32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    int r;
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        int x = pIn[i];
+        r = x >> 16;
+        pOut[i] = (short)r;
+    }
+void drwav_f32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    int r;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        float x = pIn[i];
+        float c;
+        int s;
+        c = ((x < -1) ? -1 : ((x > 1) ? 1 : x));
+        s = ((*((int*)&x)) & 0x80000000) >> 31;
+        s = s + 32767;
+        r = (int)(c * s);
+        pOut[i] = (short)r;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: drwav_f32_to_s16 has been deactivated!\n");
+void drwav_f64_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    int r;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        double x = pIn[i];
+        double c;
+        int s;
+        c = ((x < -1) ? -1 : ((x > 1) ? 1 : x));
+        s = (int)(((*((drwav_uint64*)&x)) & (drwav_uint64)0x8000000000000000) >> 63);
+        s = s + 32767;
+        r = (int)(c * s);
+        pOut[i] = (short)r;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: drwav_f64_to_s16 has been deactivated!\n");
+void drwav_alaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        pOut[i] = drwav__alaw_to_s16(pIn[i]);
+    }
+void drwav_mulaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        pOut[i] = drwav__mulaw_to_s16(pIn[i]);
+    }
+static void drwav__pcm_to_f32(float* pOut, const unsigned char* pIn, size_t sampleCount, unsigned short bytesPerSample)
+    unsigned int i;
+    unsigned short j;
+    // Special case for 8-bit sample data because it's treated as unsigned.
+    if (bytesPerSample == 1) {
+        drwav_u8_to_f32(pOut, pIn, sampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Slightly more optimal implementation for common formats.
+    if (bytesPerSample == 2) {
+        drwav_s16_to_f32(pOut, (const drwav_int16*)pIn, sampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (bytesPerSample == 3) {
+        drwav_s24_to_f32(pOut, pIn, sampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        drwav_s32_to_f32(pOut, (const drwav_int32*)pIn, sampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Generic, slow converter.
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        unsigned int sample = 0;
+        unsigned int shift  = (8 - bytesPerSample) * 8;
+        for (j = 0; j < bytesPerSample && j < 4; ++j) {
+            sample |= (unsigned int)(pIn[j]) << shift;
+            shift  += 8;
+        }
+        pIn += bytesPerSample;
+        *pOut++ = (float)((int)sample / 2147483648.0);
+    }
+static void drwav__ieee_to_f32(float* pOut, const unsigned char* pIn, size_t sampleCount, unsigned short bytesPerSample)
+    unsigned int i;
+    if (bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+            *pOut++ = ((float*)pIn)[i];
+        }
+        return;
+    } else {
+        drwav_f64_to_f32(pOut, (double*)pIn, sampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32__pcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav__pcm_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, pWav->bytesPerSample);
+        pBufferOut += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32__msadpcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    // We're just going to borrow the implementation from the drwav_read_s16() since ADPCM is a little bit more complicated than other formats and I don't
+    // want to duplicate that code.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    drwav_int16 samples16[2048];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, 2048), samples16);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_s16_to_f32(pBufferOut, samples16, (size_t)samplesRead);   // <-- Safe cast because we're clamping to 2048.
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32__ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    // We're just going to borrow the implementation from the drwav_read_s16() since IMA-ADPCM is a little bit more complicated than other formats and I don't
+    // want to duplicate that code.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    drwav_int16 samples16[2048];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, 2048), samples16);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_s16_to_f32(pBufferOut, samples16, (size_t)samplesRead);   // <-- Safe cast because we're clamping to 2048.
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32__ieee(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    // Fast path.
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT && pWav->bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        return drwav_read(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav__ieee_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, pWav->bytesPerSample);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32__alaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_alaw_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32__mulaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_mulaw_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_f32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, float* pBufferOut)
+    if (pWav == NULL || samplesToRead == 0 || pBufferOut == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer.
+    if (samplesToRead * sizeof(float) > SIZE_MAX) {
+        samplesToRead = SIZE_MAX / sizeof(float);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {
+        return drwav_read_f32__pcm(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+        return drwav_read_f32__msadpcm(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
+        return drwav_read_f32__ieee(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) {
+        return drwav_read_f32__alaw(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) {
+        return drwav_read_f32__mulaw(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) {
+        return drwav_read_f32__ima(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    return 0;
+void drwav_u8_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // It appears libsndfile uses slightly different logic for the u8 -> f32 conversion to dr_wav, which in my opinion is incorrect. It appears
+    // libsndfile performs the conversion something like "f32 = (u8 / 256) * 2 - 1", however I think it should be "f32 = (u8 / 255) * 2 - 1" (note
+    // the divisor of 256 vs 255). I use libsndfile as a benchmark for testing, so I'm therefore leaving this block here just for my automated
+    // correctness testing. This is disabled by default.
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = (pIn[i] / 256.0f) * 2 - 1;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = (pIn[i] / 255.0f) * 2 - 1;
+    }
+void drwav_s16_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = pIn[i] / 32768.0f;
+    }
+void drwav_s24_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        unsigned int s0 = pIn[i*3 + 0];
+        unsigned int s1 = pIn[i*3 + 1];
+        unsigned int s2 = pIn[i*3 + 2];
+        int sample32 = (int)((s0 << 8) | (s1 << 16) | (s2 << 24));
+        *pOut++ = (float)(sample32 / 2147483648.0);
+    }
+void drwav_s32_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = (float)(pIn[i] / 2147483648.0);
+    }
+void drwav_f64_to_f32(float* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = (float)pIn[i];
+    }
+void drwav_alaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = drwav__alaw_to_s16(pIn[i]) / 32768.0f;
+    }
+void drwav_mulaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = drwav__mulaw_to_s16(pIn[i]) / 32768.0f;
+    }
+static void drwav__pcm_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const unsigned char* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned short bytesPerSample)
+    unsigned int i;
+    unsigned short j;
+    // Special case for 8-bit sample data because it's treated as unsigned.
+    if (bytesPerSample == 1) {
+        drwav_u8_to_s32(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Slightly more optimal implementation for common formats.
+    if (bytesPerSample == 2) {
+        drwav_s16_to_s32(pOut, (const drwav_int16*)pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (bytesPerSample == 3) {
+        drwav_s24_to_s32(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) {
+           *pOut++ = ((drwav_int32*)pIn)[i];
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    // Generic, slow converter.
+    for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) {
+        unsigned int sample = 0;
+        unsigned int shift  = (8 - bytesPerSample) * 8;
+        for (j = 0; j < bytesPerSample && j < 4; ++j) {
+            sample |= (unsigned int)(pIn[j]) << shift;
+            shift  += 8;
+        }
+        pIn += bytesPerSample;
+        *pOut++ = sample;
+    }
+static void drwav__ieee_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const unsigned char* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned short bytesPerSample)
+    if (bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        drwav_f32_to_s32(pOut, (float*)pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    } else {
+        drwav_f64_to_s32(pOut, (double*)pIn, totalSampleCount);
+        return;
+    }
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32__pcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    // Fast path.
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM && pWav->bytesPerSample == 4) {
+        return drwav_read(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav__pcm_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, pWav->bytesPerSample);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32__msadpcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    // We're just going to borrow the implementation from the drwav_read_s16() since ADPCM is a little bit more complicated than other formats and I don't
+    // want to duplicate that code.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    drwav_int16 samples16[2048];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, 2048), samples16);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_s16_to_s32(pBufferOut, samples16, (size_t)samplesRead);   // <-- Safe cast because we're clamping to 2048.
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32__ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    // We're just going to borrow the implementation from the drwav_read_s16() since IMA-ADPCM is a little bit more complicated than other formats and I don't
+    // want to duplicate that code.
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    drwav_int16 samples16[2048];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, 2048), samples16);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_s16_to_s32(pBufferOut, samples16, (size_t)samplesRead);   // <-- Safe cast because we're clamping to 2048.
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32__ieee(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav__ieee_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, pWav->bytesPerSample);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32__alaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_alaw_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32__mulaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    drwav_uint64 totalSamplesRead = 0;
+    unsigned char sampleData[4096];
+    while (samplesToRead > 0) {
+        drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read(pWav, drwav_min(samplesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/pWav->bytesPerSample), sampleData);
+        if (samplesRead == 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        drwav_mulaw_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead);
+        pBufferOut       += samplesRead;
+        samplesToRead    -= samplesRead;
+        totalSamplesRead += samplesRead;
+    }
+    return totalSamplesRead;
+drwav_uint64 drwav_read_s32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut)
+    if (pWav == NULL || samplesToRead == 0 || pBufferOut == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer.
+    if (samplesToRead * sizeof(drwav_int32) > SIZE_MAX) {
+        samplesToRead = SIZE_MAX / sizeof(drwav_int32);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {
+        return drwav_read_s32__pcm(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) {
+        return drwav_read_s32__msadpcm(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
+        return drwav_read_s32__ieee(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) {
+        return drwav_read_s32__alaw(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) {
+        return drwav_read_s32__mulaw(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) {
+        return drwav_read_s32__ima(pWav, samplesToRead, pBufferOut);
+    }
+    return 0;
+void drwav_u8_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = ((int)pIn[i] - 128) << 24;
+    }
+void drwav_s16_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = pIn[i] << 16;
+    }
+void drwav_s24_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        unsigned int s0 = pIn[i*3 + 0];
+        unsigned int s1 = pIn[i*3 + 1];
+        unsigned int s2 = pIn[i*3 + 2];
+        drwav_int32 sample32 = (drwav_int32)((s0 << 8) | (s1 << 16) | (s2 << 24));
+        *pOut++ = sample32;
+    }
+void drwav_f32_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = (drwav_int32)(2147483648.0 * pIn[i]);
+    }
+void drwav_f64_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = (drwav_int32)(2147483648.0 * pIn[i]);
+    }
+void drwav_alaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = ((drwav_int32)drwav__alaw_to_s16(pIn[i])) << 16;
+    }
+void drwav_mulaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount)
+    size_t i;
+    if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (i= 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
+        *pOut++ = ((drwav_int32)drwav__mulaw_to_s16(pIn[i])) << 16;
+    }
+drwav_int16* drwav__read_and_close_s16(drwav* pWav, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    drwav_assert(pWav != NULL);
+    drwav_uint64 sampleDataSize = pWav->totalSampleCount * sizeof(drwav_int16);
+    if (sampleDataSize > SIZE_MAX) {
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // File's too big.
+    }
+    drwav_int16* pSampleData = (drwav_int16*)DRWAV_MALLOC((size_t)sampleDataSize);    // <-- Safe cast due to the check above.
+    if (pSampleData == NULL) {
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // Failed to allocate memory.
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s16(pWav, (size_t)pWav->totalSampleCount, pSampleData);
+    if (samplesRead != pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+        DRWAV_FREE(pSampleData);
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // There was an error reading the samples.
+    }
+    drwav_uninit(pWav);
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = pWav->sampleRate;
+    if (channels) *channels = pWav->channels;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = pWav->totalSampleCount;
+    return pSampleData;
+float* drwav__read_and_close_f32(drwav* pWav, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    drwav_assert(pWav != NULL);
+    drwav_uint64 sampleDataSize = pWav->totalSampleCount * sizeof(float);
+    if (sampleDataSize > SIZE_MAX) {
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // File's too big.
+    }
+    float* pSampleData = (float*)DRWAV_MALLOC((size_t)sampleDataSize);    // <-- Safe cast due to the check above.
+    if (pSampleData == NULL) {
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // Failed to allocate memory.
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_f32(pWav, (size_t)pWav->totalSampleCount, pSampleData);
+    if (samplesRead != pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+        DRWAV_FREE(pSampleData);
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // There was an error reading the samples.
+    }
+    drwav_uninit(pWav);
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = pWav->sampleRate;
+    if (channels) *channels = pWav->channels;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = pWav->totalSampleCount;
+    return pSampleData;
+drwav_int32* drwav__read_and_close_s32(drwav* pWav, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    drwav_assert(pWav != NULL);
+    drwav_uint64 sampleDataSize = pWav->totalSampleCount * sizeof(drwav_int32);
+    if (sampleDataSize > SIZE_MAX) {
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // File's too big.
+    }
+    drwav_int32* pSampleData = (drwav_int32*)DRWAV_MALLOC((size_t)sampleDataSize);    // <-- Safe cast due to the check above.
+    if (pSampleData == NULL) {
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // Failed to allocate memory.
+    }
+    drwav_uint64 samplesRead = drwav_read_s32(pWav, (size_t)pWav->totalSampleCount, pSampleData);
+    if (samplesRead != pWav->totalSampleCount) {
+        DRWAV_FREE(pSampleData);
+        drwav_uninit(pWav);
+        return NULL;    // There was an error reading the samples.
+    }
+    drwav_uninit(pWav);
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = pWav->sampleRate;
+    if (channels) *channels = pWav->channels;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = pWav->totalSampleCount;
+    return pSampleData;
+drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_s16(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init(&wav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_s16(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+float* drwav_open_and_read_f32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init(&wav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_f32(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_s32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init(&wav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_s32(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO
+drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_file_s16(const char* filename, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, filename)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_s16(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+float* drwav_open_and_read_file_f32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, filename)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_f32(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_file_s32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, filename)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_s32(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_memory_s16(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, data, dataSize)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_s16(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+float* drwav_open_and_read_memory_f32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, data, dataSize)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_f32(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_memory_s32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalSampleCount)
+    if (sampleRate) *sampleRate = 0;
+    if (channels) *channels = 0;
+    if (totalSampleCount) *totalSampleCount = 0;
+    drwav wav;
+    if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, data, dataSize)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return drwav__read_and_close_s32(&wav, channels, sampleRate, totalSampleCount);
+void drwav_free(void* pDataReturnedByOpenAndRead)
+    DRWAV_FREE(pDataReturnedByOpenAndRead);
+// v0.7 - 2017-11-04
+//   - Add writing APIs.
+// v0.6 - 2017-08-16
+//   - API CHANGE: Rename dr_* types to drwav_*.
+//   - Add support for custom implementations of malloc(), realloc(), etc.
+//   - Add support for Microsoft ADPCM.
+//   - Add support for IMA ADPCM (DVI, format code 0x11).
+//   - Optimizations to drwav_read_s16().
+//   - Bug fixes.
+// v0.5g - 2017-07-16
+//   - Change underlying type for booleans to unsigned.
+// v0.5f - 2017-04-04
+//   - Fix a minor bug with drwav_open_and_read_s16() and family.
+// v0.5e - 2016-12-29
+//   - Added support for reading samples as signed 16-bit integers. Use the _s16() family of APIs for this.
+//   - Minor fixes to documentation.
+// v0.5d - 2016-12-28
+//   - Use drwav_int*/drwav_uint* sized types to improve compiler support.
+// v0.5c - 2016-11-11
+//   - Properly handle JUNK chunks that come before the FMT chunk.
+// v0.5b - 2016-10-23
+//   - A minor change to drwav_bool8 and drwav_bool32 types.
+// v0.5a - 2016-10-11
+//   - Fixed a bug with drwav_open_and_read() and family due to incorrect argument ordering.
+//   - Improve A-law and mu-law efficiency.
+// v0.5 - 2016-09-29
+//   - API CHANGE. Swap the order of "channels" and "sampleRate" parameters in drwav_open_and_read*(). Rationale for this is to
+//     keep it consistent with dr_audio and drwav_flac.
+// v0.4b - 2016-09-18
+//   - Fixed a typo in documentation.
+// v0.4a - 2016-09-18
+//   - Fixed a typo.
+//   - Change date format to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
+// v0.4 - 2016-07-13
+//   - API CHANGE. Make onSeek consistent with drwav_flac.
+//   - API CHANGE. Rename drwav_seek() to drwav_seek_to_sample() for clarity and consistency with drwav_flac.
+//   - Added support for Sony Wave64.
+// v0.3a - 2016-05-28
+//   - API CHANGE. Return drwav_bool32 instead of int in onSeek callback.
+//   - Fixed a memory leak.
+// v0.3 - 2016-05-22
+//   - Lots of API changes for consistency.
+// v0.2a - 2016-05-16
+//   - Fixed Linux/GCC build.
+// v0.2 - 2016-05-11
+//   - Added support for reading data as signed 32-bit PCM for consistency with drwav_flac.
+// v0.1a - 2016-05-07
+//   - Fixed a bug in drwav_open_file() where the file handle would not be closed if the loader failed to initialize.
+// v0.1 - 2016-05-04
+//   - Initial versioned release.
+This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
+distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
+binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
+In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
+of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
+software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
+of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
+successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
+relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
+software under copyright law.
+For more information, please refer to <>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dr_wav/sp_dr_wav.h
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+#ifndef SP_DRWAV_H
+#define SP_DRWAV_H
+#ifndef dr_wav_h
+typedef struct drwav drwav;
+size_t sp_drwav_size(void);
+int sp_drwav_init_file(drwav* pWav, const char* filename);
+size_t sp_drwav_read_f32(drwav* pWav,
+                         size_t samplesToRead,
+                         float* pBufferOut);
+size_t sp_drwav_sampcount(drwav *wav);
+void sp_drwav_uninit(drwav *wav);
+int sp_drwav_seek_to_sample(drwav* pWav, size_t sample);
+drwav * sp_drwav_open_mono_write(const char *filename, int sr);
+size_t sp_drwav_write(drwav* pWav, size_t samplesToWrite, const void* pData);
+void sp_drwav_close(drwav* pWav);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/faust/CUI.h
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+typedef void (* addHorizontalSliderFun) (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step);
+typedef void (* addVerticalSliderFun) (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step);
+typedef void (* addCheckButtonFun) (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone);
+typedef struct {
+    void* uiInterface;
+    addHorizontalSliderFun addHorizontalSlider;
+    addVerticalSliderFun addVerticalSlider;
+    addCheckButtonFun addCheckButton;
+} UIGlue;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fft/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+LPATHS += lib/fft/fft.o
+UTIL += lib/fft/fft.c
+lib/fft/fft.c: lib/fft/fftlib.c lib/fft/sp_fft.c
+	cat $^ >> $@
+lib/fft/fft.o: lib/fft/fft.c
+	$(C89) $< -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fft/fftlib.c
@@ -1,0 +1,3080 @@
+/* Public domain FFT implementation in C by John Green */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "base.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#define POW2(m) ((uint32_t) 1 << (m))       /* integer power of 2 for m<32 */
+/* fft's with M bigger than this bust primary cache */
+#define MCACHE  (11 - (sizeof(SPFLOAT) / 8))
+/* some math constants to 40 decimal places */
+#define MYPI      3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197   /* pi         */
+#define MYROOT2   1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569   /* sqrt(2)    */
+#define MYCOSPID8 0.9238795325112867561281831893967882868224  /* cos(pi/8)  */
+#define MYSINPID8 0.3826834323650897717284599840303988667613  /* sin(pi/8)  */
+* routines to initialize tables used by fft routines *
+static void fftCosInit(int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl)
+    /* Compute Utbl, the cosine table for ffts  */
+    /* of size (pow(2,M)/4 +1)                  */
+    /* INPUTS                                   */
+    /*   M = log2 of fft size                   */
+    /* OUTPUTS                                  */
+    /*   *Utbl = cosine table                   */
+    unsigned int fftN = POW2(M);
+    unsigned int i1;
+    Utbl[0] = 1.0;
+    for (i1 = 1; i1 < fftN/4; i1++)
+      Utbl[i1] = cos((2.0 * M_PI * (SPFLOAT)i1) / (SPFLOAT)fftN);
+    Utbl[fftN/4] = 0.0;
+void fftBRInit(int M, int16_t *BRLow)
+    /* Compute BRLow, the bit reversed table for ffts */
+    /* of size pow(2,M/2 -1)                          */
+    /* INPUTS                                         */
+    /*   M = log2 of fft size                         */
+    /* OUTPUTS                                        */
+    /*   *BRLow = bit reversed counter table          */
+    int Mroot_1 = M / 2 - 1;
+    int Nroot_1 = POW2(Mroot_1);
+    int i1;
+    int bitsum;
+    int bitmask;
+    int bit;
+    for (i1 = 0; i1 < Nroot_1; i1++) {
+      bitsum = 0;
+      bitmask = 1;
+      for (bit = 1; bit <= Mroot_1; bitmask <<= 1, bit++)
+        if (i1 & bitmask)
+          bitsum = bitsum + (Nroot_1 >> bit);
+      BRLow[i1] = bitsum;
+    }
+* parts of ffts1 *
+static void bitrevR2(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, int16_t *BRLow)
+    /*** bit reverse and first radix 2 stage of forward or inverse fft ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r;
+    SPFLOAT f0i;
+    SPFLOAT f1r;
+    SPFLOAT f1i;
+    SPFLOAT f2r;
+    SPFLOAT f2i;
+    SPFLOAT f3r;
+    SPFLOAT f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r;
+    SPFLOAT f4i;
+    SPFLOAT f5r;
+    SPFLOAT f5i;
+    SPFLOAT f6r;
+    SPFLOAT f6i;
+    SPFLOAT f7r;
+    SPFLOAT f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r;
+    SPFLOAT t0i;
+    SPFLOAT t1r;
+    SPFLOAT t1i;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r;
+    SPFLOAT *p1r;
+    SPFLOAT *iolimit;
+    int Colstart;
+    int iCol;
+    unsigned int posA;
+    unsigned int posAi;
+    unsigned int posB;
+    unsigned int posBi;
+    const unsigned int Nrems2 = POW2((M + 3) / 2);
+    const unsigned int Nroot_1_ColInc = POW2(M) - Nrems2;
+    const unsigned int Nroot_1 = POW2(M / 2 - 1) - 1;
+    const unsigned int ColstartShift = (M + 1) / 2 + 1;
+    posA = POW2(M);               /* 1/2 of POW2(M) complexes */
+    posAi = posA + 1;
+    posB = posA + 2;
+    posBi = posB + 1;
+    iolimit = ioptr + Nrems2;
+    for (; ioptr < iolimit; ioptr += POW2(M / 2 + 1)) {
+      for (Colstart = Nroot_1; Colstart >= 0; Colstart--) {
+        iCol = Nroot_1;
+        p0r = ioptr + Nroot_1_ColInc + BRLow[Colstart] * 4;
+        IOP = ioptr + (Colstart << ColstartShift);
+        p1r = IOP + BRLow[iCol] * 4;
+        f0r = *(p0r);
+        f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+        f1r = *(p0r + posA);
+        f1i = *(p0r + posAi);
+        for (; iCol > Colstart;) {
+          f2r = *(p0r + 2);
+          f2i = *(p0r + (2 + 1));
+          f3r = *(p0r + posB);
+          f3i = *(p0r + posBi);
+          f4r = *(p1r);
+          f4i = *(p1r + 1);
+          f5r = *(p1r + posA);
+          f5i = *(p1r + posAi);
+          f6r = *(p1r + 2);
+          f6i = *(p1r + (2 + 1));
+          f7r = *(p1r + posB);
+          f7i = *(p1r + posBi);
+          t0r = f0r + f1r;
+          t0i = f0i + f1i;
+          f1r = f0r - f1r;
+          f1i = f0i - f1i;
+          t1r = f2r + f3r;
+          t1i = f2i + f3i;
+          f3r = f2r - f3r;
+          f3i = f2i - f3i;
+          f0r = f4r + f5r;
+          f0i = f4i + f5i;
+          f5r = f4r - f5r;
+          f5i = f4i - f5i;
+          f2r = f6r + f7r;
+          f2i = f6i + f7i;
+          f7r = f6r - f7r;
+          f7i = f6i - f7i;
+          *(p1r) = t0r;
+          *(p1r + 1) = t0i;
+          *(p1r + 2) = f1r;
+          *(p1r + (2 + 1)) = f1i;
+          *(p1r + posA) = t1r;
+          *(p1r + posAi) = t1i;
+          *(p1r + posB) = f3r;
+          *(p1r + posBi) = f3i;
+          *(p0r) = f0r;
+          *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+          *(p0r + 2) = f5r;
+          *(p0r + (2 + 1)) = f5i;
+          *(p0r + posA) = f2r;
+          *(p0r + posAi) = f2i;
+          *(p0r + posB) = f7r;
+          *(p0r + posBi) = f7i;
+          p0r -= Nrems2;
+          f0r = *(p0r);
+          f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+          f1r = *(p0r + posA);
+          f1i = *(p0r + posAi);
+          iCol -= 1;
+          p1r = IOP + BRLow[iCol] * 4;
+        }
+        f2r = *(p0r + 2);
+        f2i = *(p0r + (2 + 1));
+        f3r = *(p0r + posB);
+        f3i = *(p0r + posBi);
+        t0r = f0r + f1r;
+        t0i = f0i + f1i;
+        f1r = f0r - f1r;
+        f1i = f0i - f1i;
+        t1r = f2r + f3r;
+        t1i = f2i + f3i;
+        f3r = f2r - f3r;
+        f3i = f2i - f3i;
+        *(p0r) = t0r;
+        *(p0r + 1) = t0i;
+        *(p0r + 2) = f1r;
+        *(p0r + (2 + 1)) = f1i;
+        *(p0r + posA) = t1r;
+        *(p0r + posAi) = t1i;
+        *(p0r + posB) = f3r;
+        *(p0r + posBi) = f3i;
+      }
+    }
+static void fft2pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 2 fft      ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = ioptr[2];
+    f1i = ioptr[3];
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i - f1i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = t0r;
+    ioptr[1] = t0i;
+    ioptr[2] = f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = f1i;
+static void fft4pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 4 fft      ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = ioptr[4];
+    f1i = ioptr[5];
+    f2r = ioptr[2];
+    f2i = ioptr[3];
+    f3r = ioptr[6];
+    f3i = ioptr[7];
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1
+       f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2
+       f3   -  1 -  t1      - -i -  f3
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i - f1i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    f2r = f2r + f3r;
+    f2i = f2i + f3i;
+    f0r = t0r + f2r;
+    f0i = t0i + f2i;
+    f2r = t0r - f2r;
+    f2i = t0i - f2i;
+    f3r = f1r - t1i;
+    f3i = f1i + t1r;
+    f1r = f1r + t1i;
+    f1i = f1i - t1r;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = f0r;
+    ioptr[1] = f0i;
+    ioptr[2] = f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = f1i;
+    ioptr[4] = f2r;
+    ioptr[5] = f2i;
+    ioptr[6] = f3r;
+    ioptr[7] = f3i;
+static void fft8pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 8 fft      ***/
+    SPFLOAT w0r = (SPFLOAT)(1.0 / MYROOT2);    /* cos(pi/4)   */
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = ioptr[8];
+    f1i = ioptr[9];
+    f2r = ioptr[4];
+    f2i = ioptr[5];
+    f3r = ioptr[12];
+    f3i = ioptr[13];
+    f4r = ioptr[2];
+    f4i = ioptr[3];
+    f5r = ioptr[10];
+    f5i = ioptr[11];
+    f6r = ioptr[6];
+    f6i = ioptr[7];
+    f7r = ioptr[14];
+    f7i = ioptr[15];
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0      -       -       f0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1      -       -       f1
+       f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2      -       -       f2
+       f3   -  1 -  t1      - -i -  f3      -       -       f3
+       f4   -       -       t0      -       -       f4      -  1 -  t0
+       f5   -  1 -  f5      -       -       f5      - w3 -  f4
+       f6   -       -       f6      -  1 -  f6      - -i -  t1
+       f7   -  1 -  t1      - -i -  f7      - iw3-  f6
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i - f1i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    f2r = f2r + f3r;
+    f2i = f2i + f3i;
+    f0r = t0r + f2r;
+    f0i = t0i + f2i;
+    f2r = t0r - f2r;
+    f2i = t0i - f2i;
+    f3r = f1r - t1i;
+    f3i = f1i + t1r;
+    f1r = f1r + t1i;
+    f1i = f1i - t1r;
+    t0r = f4r + f5r;
+    t0i = f4i + f5i;
+    f5r = f4r - f5r;
+    f5i = f4i - f5i;
+    t1r = f6r - f7r;
+    t1i = f6i - f7i;
+    f6r = f6r + f7r;
+    f6i = f6i + f7i;
+    f4r = t0r + f6r;
+    f4i = t0i + f6i;
+    f6r = t0r - f6r;
+    f6i = t0i - f6i;
+    f7r = f5r - t1i;
+    f7i = f5i + t1r;
+    f5r = f5r + t1i;
+    f5i = f5i - t1r;
+    t0r = f0r - f4r;
+    t0i = f0i - f4i;
+    f0r = f0r + f4r;
+    f0i = f0i + f4i;
+    t1r = f2r - f6i;
+    t1i = f2i + f6r;
+    f2r = f2r + f6i;
+    f2i = f2i - f6r;
+    f4r = f1r - f5r * w0r - f5i * w0r;
+    f4i = f1i + f5r * w0r - f5i * w0r;
+    f1r = f1r * Two - f4r;
+    f1i = f1i * Two - f4i;
+    f6r = f3r + f7r * w0r - f7i * w0r;
+    f6i = f3i + f7r * w0r + f7i * w0r;
+    f3r = f3r * Two - f6r;
+    f3i = f3i * Two - f6i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = f0r;
+    ioptr[1] = f0i;
+    ioptr[2] = f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = f1i;
+    ioptr[4] = f2r;
+    ioptr[5] = f2i;
+    ioptr[6] = f3r;
+    ioptr[7] = f3i;
+    ioptr[8] = t0r;
+    ioptr[9] = t0i;
+    ioptr[10] = f4r;
+    ioptr[11] = f4i;
+    ioptr[12] = t1r;
+    ioptr[13] = t1i;
+    ioptr[14] = f6r;
+    ioptr[15] = f6i;
+static void bfR2(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, int NDiffU)
+    /*** 2nd radix 2 stage ***/
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int pinc;
+    unsigned int pnext;
+    unsigned int NSameU;
+    unsigned int SameUCnt;
+    SPFLOAT *pstrt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r, *p2r, *p3r;
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    pinc = NDiffU * 2;            /* 2 floats per complex */
+    pnext = pinc * 4;
+    pos = 2;
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    NSameU = POW2(M) / 4 / NDiffU;        /* 4 Us at a time */
+    pstrt = ioptr;
+    p0r = pstrt;
+    p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+    p2r = p1r + pinc;
+    p3r = p2r + pinc;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f4
+       f1   -  1 -  f5
+       f2   -       -       f6
+       f3   -  1 -  f7
+     */
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f4
+       f1   -  1 -  f5
+       f2   -       -       f6
+       f3   -  1 -  f7
+     */
+    for (SameUCnt = NSameU; SameUCnt > 0; SameUCnt--) {
+      f0r = *p0r;
+      f1r = *p1r;
+      f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+      f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+      f2r = *p2r;
+      f3r = *p3r;
+      f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+      f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+      f4r = f0r + f1r;
+      f4i = f0i + f1i;
+      f5r = f0r - f1r;
+      f5i = f0i - f1i;
+      f6r = f2r + f3r;
+      f6i = f2i + f3i;
+      f7r = f2r - f3r;
+      f7i = f2i - f3i;
+      *p0r = f4r;
+      *(p0r + 1) = f4i;
+      *p1r = f5r;
+      *(p1r + 1) = f5i;
+      *p2r = f6r;
+      *(p2r + 1) = f6i;
+      *p3r = f7r;
+      *(p3r + 1) = f7i;
+      f0r = *(p0r + pos);
+      f1i = *(p1r + posi);
+      f0i = *(p0r + posi);
+      f1r = *(p1r + pos);
+      f2r = *(p2r + pos);
+      f3i = *(p3r + posi);
+      f2i = *(p2r + posi);
+      f3r = *(p3r + pos);
+      f4r = f0r + f1i;
+      f4i = f0i - f1r;
+      f5r = f0r - f1i;
+      f5i = f0i + f1r;
+      f6r = f2r + f3i;
+      f6i = f2i - f3r;
+      f7r = f2r - f3i;
+      f7i = f2i + f3r;
+      *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+      *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+      *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+      *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+      *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+      *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+      *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+      *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+      p0r += pnext;
+      p1r += pnext;
+      p2r += pnext;
+      p3r += pnext;
+    }
+static void bfR4(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, int NDiffU)
+    /*** 1 radix 4 stage ***/
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int pinc;
+    unsigned int pnext;
+    unsigned int pnexti;
+    unsigned int NSameU;
+    unsigned int SameUCnt;
+    SPFLOAT *pstrt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r, *p2r, *p3r;
+    SPFLOAT w1r = 1.0 / MYROOT2;    /* cos(pi/4)   */
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    pinc = NDiffU * 2;            /* 2 floats per complex */
+    pnext = pinc * 4;
+    pnexti = pnext + 1;
+    pos = 2;
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    NSameU = POW2(M) / 4 / NDiffU;        /* 4 pts per butterfly */
+    pstrt = ioptr;
+    p0r = pstrt;
+    p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+    p2r = p1r + pinc;
+    p3r = p2r + pinc;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f0      -       -       f4
+       f1   -  1 -  f5      -       -       f5
+       f2   -       -       f6      -  1 -  f6
+       f3   -  1 -  f3      - -i -  f7
+     */
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f4      -       -       f4
+       f1   - -i -  t1      -       -       f5
+       f2   -       -       f2      - w1 -  f6
+       f3   - -i -  f7      - iw1-  f7
+     */
+    f0r = *p0r;
+    f1r = *p1r;
+    f2r = *p2r;
+    f3r = *p3r;
+    f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+    f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+    f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+    f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+    f5r = f0r - f1r;
+    f5i = f0i - f1i;
+    f0r = f0r + f1r;
+    f0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f6r = f2r + f3r;
+    f6i = f2i + f3i;
+    f3r = f2r - f3r;
+    f3i = f2i - f3i;
+    for (SameUCnt = NSameU - 1; SameUCnt > 0; SameUCnt--) {
+      f7r = f5r - f3i;
+      f7i = f5i + f3r;
+      f5r = f5r + f3i;
+      f5i = f5i - f3r;
+      f4r = f0r + f6r;
+      f4i = f0i + f6i;
+      f6r = f0r - f6r;
+      f6i = f0i - f6i;
+      f2r = *(p2r + pos);
+      f2i = *(p2r + posi);
+      f1r = *(p1r + pos);
+      f1i = *(p1r + posi);
+      f3i = *(p3r + posi);
+      f0r = *(p0r + pos);
+      f3r = *(p3r + pos);
+      f0i = *(p0r + posi);
+      *p3r = f7r;
+      *p0r = f4r;
+      *(p3r + 1) = f7i;
+      *(p0r + 1) = f4i;
+      *p1r = f5r;
+      *p2r = f6r;
+      *(p1r + 1) = f5i;
+      *(p2r + 1) = f6i;
+      f7r = f2r - f3i;
+      f7i = f2i + f3r;
+      f2r = f2r + f3i;
+      f2i = f2i - f3r;
+      f4r = f0r + f1i;
+      f4i = f0i - f1r;
+      t1r = f0r - f1i;
+      t1i = f0i + f1r;
+      f5r = t1r - f7r * w1r + f7i * w1r;
+      f5i = t1i - f7r * w1r - f7i * w1r;
+      f7r = t1r * Two - f5r;
+      f7i = t1i * Two - f5i;
+      f6r = f4r - f2r * w1r - f2i * w1r;
+      f6i = f4i + f2r * w1r - f2i * w1r;
+      f4r = f4r * Two - f6r;
+      f4i = f4i * Two - f6i;
+      f3r = *(p3r + pnext);
+      f0r = *(p0r + pnext);
+      f3i = *(p3r + pnexti);
+      f0i = *(p0r + pnexti);
+      f2r = *(p2r + pnext);
+      f2i = *(p2r + pnexti);
+      f1r = *(p1r + pnext);
+      f1i = *(p1r + pnexti);
+      *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+      *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+      *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+      *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+      *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+      *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+      *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+      *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+      f6r = f2r + f3r;
+      f6i = f2i + f3i;
+      f3r = f2r - f3r;
+      f3i = f2i - f3i;
+      f5r = f0r - f1r;
+      f5i = f0i - f1i;
+      f0r = f0r + f1r;
+      f0i = f0i + f1i;
+      p3r += pnext;
+      p0r += pnext;
+      p1r += pnext;
+      p2r += pnext;
+    }
+    f7r = f5r - f3i;
+    f7i = f5i + f3r;
+    f5r = f5r + f3i;
+    f5i = f5i - f3r;
+    f4r = f0r + f6r;
+    f4i = f0i + f6i;
+    f6r = f0r - f6r;
+    f6i = f0i - f6i;
+    f2r = *(p2r + pos);
+    f2i = *(p2r + posi);
+    f1r = *(p1r + pos);
+    f1i = *(p1r + posi);
+    f3i = *(p3r + posi);
+    f0r = *(p0r + pos);
+    f3r = *(p3r + pos);
+    f0i = *(p0r + posi);
+    *p3r = f7r;
+    *p0r = f4r;
+    *(p3r + 1) = f7i;
+    *(p0r + 1) = f4i;
+    *p1r = f5r;
+    *p2r = f6r;
+    *(p1r + 1) = f5i;
+    *(p2r + 1) = f6i;
+    f7r = f2r - f3i;
+    f7i = f2i + f3r;
+    f2r = f2r + f3i;
+    f2i = f2i - f3r;
+    f4r = f0r + f1i;
+    f4i = f0i - f1r;
+    t1r = f0r - f1i;
+    t1i = f0i + f1r;
+    f5r = t1r - f7r * w1r + f7i * w1r;
+    f5i = t1i - f7r * w1r - f7i * w1r;
+    f7r = t1r * Two - f5r;
+    f7i = t1i * Two - f5i;
+    f6r = f4r - f2r * w1r - f2i * w1r;
+    f6i = f4i + f2r * w1r - f2i * w1r;
+    f4r = f4r * Two - f6r;
+    f4i = f4i * Two - f6i;
+    *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+    *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+    *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+    *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+    *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+    *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+    *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+    *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+static void bfstages(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int Ustride,
+                     int NDiffU, int StageCnt)
+    /***   RADIX 8 Stages   ***/
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int pinc;
+    unsigned int pnext;
+    unsigned int NSameU;
+    int          Uinc;
+    int          Uinc2;
+    int          Uinc4;
+    unsigned int DiffUCnt;
+    unsigned int SameUCnt;
+    unsigned int U2toU3;
+    SPFLOAT *pstrt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r, *p2r, *p3r;
+    SPFLOAT *u0r, *u0i, *u1r, *u1i, *u2r, *u2i;
+    SPFLOAT w0r, w0i, w1r, w1i, w2r, w2i, w3r, w3i;
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    pinc = NDiffU * 2;            /* 2 floats per complex */
+    pnext = pinc * 8;
+    pos = pinc * 4;
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    NSameU = POW2(M) / 8 / NDiffU;        /* 8 pts per butterfly */
+    Uinc = (int) NSameU * Ustride;
+    Uinc2 = Uinc * 2;
+    Uinc4 = Uinc * 4;
+    U2toU3 = (POW2(M) / 8) * Ustride;
+    for (; StageCnt > 0; StageCnt--) {
+      u0r = &Utbl[0];
+      u0i = &Utbl[POW2(M - 2) * Ustride];
+      u1r = u0r;
+      u1i = u0i;
+      u2r = u0r;
+      u2i = u0i;
+      w0r = *u0r;
+      w0i = *u0i;
+      w1r = *u1r;
+      w1i = *u1i;
+      w2r = *u2r;
+      w2i = *u2i;
+      w3r = *(u2r + U2toU3);
+      w3i = *(u2i - U2toU3);
+      pstrt = ioptr;
+      p0r = pstrt;
+      p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+      p2r = p1r + pinc;
+      p3r = p2r + pinc;
+      /* Butterflys           */
+      /*
+         f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0      -       -       f0
+         f1   - w0-   f1      -       -       f1      -       -       f1
+         f2   -       -       f2      - w1-   f2      -       -       f4
+         f3   - w0-   t1      - iw1-  f3      -       -       f5
+         f4   -       -       t0      -       -       f4      - w2-   t0
+         f5   - w0-   f5      -       -       f5      - w3-   t1
+         f6   -       -       f6      - w1-   f6      - iw2-  f6
+         f7   - w0-   t1      - iw1-  f7      - iw3-  f7
+       */
+      for (DiffUCnt = NDiffU; DiffUCnt > 0; DiffUCnt--) {
+        f0r = *p0r;
+        f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+        f1r = *p1r;
+        f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+        for (SameUCnt = NSameU - 1; SameUCnt > 0; SameUCnt--) {
+          f2r = *p2r;
+          f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+          f3r = *p3r;
+          f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+          t0r = f0r + f1r * w0r + f1i * w0i;
+          t0i = f0i - f1r * w0i + f1i * w0r;
+          f1r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+          f1i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+          f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+          f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+          f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+          f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+          f6r = *(p2r + pos);
+          f6i = *(p2r + posi);
+          f7r = *(p3r + pos);
+          f7i = *(p3r + posi);
+          t1r = f2r - f3r * w0r - f3i * w0i;
+          t1i = f2i + f3r * w0i - f3i * w0r;
+          f2r = f2r * Two - t1r;
+          f2i = f2i * Two - t1i;
+          f0r = t0r + f2r * w1r + f2i * w1i;
+          f0i = t0i - f2r * w1i + f2i * w1r;
+          f2r = t0r * Two - f0r;
+          f2i = t0i * Two - f0i;
+          f3r = f1r + t1r * w1i - t1i * w1r;
+          f3i = f1i + t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+          f1r = f1r * Two - f3r;
+          f1i = f1i * Two - f3i;
+          t0r = f4r + f5r * w0r + f5i * w0i;
+          t0i = f4i - f5r * w0i + f5i * w0r;
+          f5r = f4r * Two - t0r;
+          f5i = f4i * Two - t0i;
+          t1r = f6r - f7r * w0r - f7i * w0i;
+          t1i = f6i + f7r * w0i - f7i * w0r;
+          f6r = f6r * Two - t1r;
+          f6i = f6i * Two - t1i;
+          f4r = t0r + f6r * w1r + f6i * w1i;
+          f4i = t0i - f6r * w1i + f6i * w1r;
+          f6r = t0r * Two - f4r;
+          f6i = t0i * Two - f4i;
+          f7r = f5r + t1r * w1i - t1i * w1r;
+          f7i = f5i + t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+          f5r = f5r * Two - f7r;
+          f5i = f5i * Two - f7i;
+          t0r = f0r - f4r * w2r - f4i * w2i;
+          t0i = f0i + f4r * w2i - f4i * w2r;
+          f0r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+          f0i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+          t1r = f1r - f5r * w3r - f5i * w3i;
+          t1i = f1i + f5r * w3i - f5i * w3r;
+          f1r = f1r * Two - t1r;
+          f1i = f1i * Two - t1i;
+          *(p0r + pos) = t0r;
+          *(p1r + pos) = t1r;
+          *(p0r + posi) = t0i;
+          *(p1r + posi) = t1i;
+          *p0r = f0r;
+          *p1r = f1r;
+          *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+          *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+          p0r += pnext;
+          f0r = *p0r;
+          f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+          p1r += pnext;
+          f1r = *p1r;
+          f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+          f4r = f2r - f6r * w2i + f6i * w2r;
+          f4i = f2i - f6r * w2r - f6i * w2i;
+          f6r = f2r * Two - f4r;
+          f6i = f2i * Two - f4i;
+          f5r = f3r - f7r * w3i + f7i * w3r;
+          f5i = f3i - f7r * w3r - f7i * w3i;
+          f7r = f3r * Two - f5r;
+          f7i = f3i * Two - f5i;
+          *p2r = f4r;
+          *p3r = f5r;
+          *(p2r + 1) = f4i;
+          *(p3r + 1) = f5i;
+          *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+          *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+          *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+          *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+          p2r += pnext;
+          p3r += pnext;
+        }
+        f2r = *p2r;
+        f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+        f3r = *p3r;
+        f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+        t0r = f0r + f1r * w0r + f1i * w0i;
+        t0i = f0i - f1r * w0i + f1i * w0r;
+        f1r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+        f1i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+        f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+        f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+        f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+        f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+        f6r = *(p2r + pos);
+        f6i = *(p2r + posi);
+        f7r = *(p3r + pos);
+        f7i = *(p3r + posi);
+        t1r = f2r - f3r * w0r - f3i * w0i;
+        t1i = f2i + f3r * w0i - f3i * w0r;
+        f2r = f2r * Two - t1r;
+        f2i = f2i * Two - t1i;
+        f0r = t0r + f2r * w1r + f2i * w1i;
+        f0i = t0i - f2r * w1i + f2i * w1r;
+        f2r = t0r * Two - f0r;
+        f2i = t0i * Two - f0i;
+        f3r = f1r + t1r * w1i - t1i * w1r;
+        f3i = f1i + t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+        f1r = f1r * Two - f3r;
+        f1i = f1i * Two - f3i;
+        if ((int) DiffUCnt == NDiffU / 2)
+          Uinc4 = -Uinc4;
+        u0r += Uinc4;
+        u0i -= Uinc4;
+        u1r += Uinc2;
+        u1i -= Uinc2;
+        u2r += Uinc;
+        u2i -= Uinc;
+        pstrt += 2;
+        t0r = f4r + f5r * w0r + f5i * w0i;
+        t0i = f4i - f5r * w0i + f5i * w0r;
+        f5r = f4r * Two - t0r;
+        f5i = f4i * Two - t0i;
+        t1r = f6r - f7r * w0r - f7i * w0i;
+        t1i = f6i + f7r * w0i - f7i * w0r;
+        f6r = f6r * Two - t1r;
+        f6i = f6i * Two - t1i;
+        f4r = t0r + f6r * w1r + f6i * w1i;
+        f4i = t0i - f6r * w1i + f6i * w1r;
+        f6r = t0r * Two - f4r;
+        f6i = t0i * Two - f4i;
+        f7r = f5r + t1r * w1i - t1i * w1r;
+        f7i = f5i + t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+        f5r = f5r * Two - f7r;
+        f5i = f5i * Two - f7i;
+        w0r = *u0r;
+        w0i = *u0i;
+        w1r = *u1r;
+        w1i = *u1i;
+        if ((int) DiffUCnt <= NDiffU / 2)
+          w0r = -w0r;
+        t0r = f0r - f4r * w2r - f4i * w2i;
+        t0i = f0i + f4r * w2i - f4i * w2r;
+        f0r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+        f0i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+        f4r = f2r - f6r * w2i + f6i * w2r;
+        f4i = f2i - f6r * w2r - f6i * w2i;
+        f6r = f2r * Two - f4r;
+        f6i = f2i * Two - f4i;
+        *(p0r + pos) = t0r;
+        *p2r = f4r;
+        *(p0r + posi) = t0i;
+        *(p2r + 1) = f4i;
+        w2r = *u2r;
+        w2i = *u2i;
+        *p0r = f0r;
+        *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+        *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+        *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+        p0r = pstrt;
+        p2r = pstrt + pinc + pinc;
+        t1r = f1r - f5r * w3r - f5i * w3i;
+        t1i = f1i + f5r * w3i - f5i * w3r;
+        f1r = f1r * Two - t1r;
+        f1i = f1i * Two - t1i;
+        f5r = f3r - f7r * w3i + f7i * w3r;
+        f5i = f3i - f7r * w3r - f7i * w3i;
+        f7r = f3r * Two - f5r;
+        f7i = f3i * Two - f5i;
+        *(p1r + pos) = t1r;
+        *p3r = f5r;
+        *(p1r + posi) = t1i;
+        *(p3r + 1) = f5i;
+        w3r = *(u2r + U2toU3);
+        w3i = *(u2i - U2toU3);
+        *p1r = f1r;
+        *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+        *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+        *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+        p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+        p3r = p2r + pinc;
+      }
+      NSameU /= 8;
+      Uinc /= 8;
+      Uinc2 /= 8;
+      Uinc4 = Uinc * 4;
+      NDiffU *= 8;
+      pinc *= 8;
+      pnext *= 8;
+      pos *= 8;
+      posi = pos + 1;
+    }
+static void fftrecurs(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int Ustride, int NDiffU,
+                      int StageCnt)
+    /* recursive bfstages calls to maximize on chip cache efficiency */
+    int i1;
+    if (M <= (int) MCACHE)              /* fits on chip ? */
+      bfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, Ustride, NDiffU, StageCnt); /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+    else {
+      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 8; i1++) {
+        fftrecurs(&ioptr[i1 * POW2(M - 3) * 2], M - 3, Utbl, 8 * Ustride,
+                  NDiffU, StageCnt - 1);  /*  RADIX 8 Stages      */
+      }
+      bfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, Ustride, POW2(M - 3), 1);  /*  RADIX 8 Stage */
+    }
+static void ffts1(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int16_t *BRLow)
+    /* Compute in-place complex fft on the rows of the input array  */
+    /* INPUTS                                                       */
+    /*   *ioptr = input data array                                  */
+    /*   M = log2 of fft size (ex M=10 for 1024 point fft)          */
+    /*   *Utbl = cosine table                                       */
+    /*   *BRLow = bit reversed counter table                        */
+    /* OUTPUTS                                                      */
+    /*   *ioptr = output data array                                 */
+    int StageCnt;
+    int NDiffU;
+    switch (M) {
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      fft2pt(ioptr);            /* a 2 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      fft4pt(ioptr);            /* a 4 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      fft8pt(ioptr);            /* an 8 pt fft */
+      break;
+    default:
+      bitrevR2(ioptr, M, BRLow);  /* bit reverse and first radix 2 stage */
+      StageCnt = (M - 1) / 3;     /* number of radix 8 stages           */
+      NDiffU = 2;                 /* one radix 2 stage already complete */
+      if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 1) {
+        bfR2(ioptr, M, NDiffU); /* 1 radix 2 stage */
+        NDiffU *= 2;
+      }
+      if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 2) {
+        bfR4(ioptr, M, NDiffU); /* 1 radix 4 stage */
+        NDiffU *= 4;
+      }
+      if (M <= (int) MCACHE)
+        bfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, 1, NDiffU, StageCnt);  /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+      else
+        fftrecurs(ioptr, M, Utbl, 1, NDiffU, StageCnt); /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+    }
+* parts of iffts1 *
+static void scbitrevR2(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, int16_t *BRLow, SPFLOAT scale)
+    /*** scaled bit reverse and first radix 2 stage forward or inverse fft ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r;
+    SPFLOAT f0i;
+    SPFLOAT f1r;
+    SPFLOAT f1i;
+    SPFLOAT f2r;
+    SPFLOAT f2i;
+    SPFLOAT f3r;
+    SPFLOAT f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r;
+    SPFLOAT f4i;
+    SPFLOAT f5r;
+    SPFLOAT f5i;
+    SPFLOAT f6r;
+    SPFLOAT f6i;
+    SPFLOAT f7r;
+    SPFLOAT f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r;
+    SPFLOAT t0i;
+    SPFLOAT t1r;
+    SPFLOAT t1i;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r;
+    SPFLOAT *p1r;
+    SPFLOAT *iolimit;
+    int Colstart;
+    int iCol;
+    unsigned int posA;
+    unsigned int posAi;
+    unsigned int posB;
+    unsigned int posBi;
+    const unsigned int Nrems2 = POW2((M + 3) / 2);
+    const unsigned int Nroot_1_ColInc = POW2(M) - Nrems2;
+    const unsigned int Nroot_1 = POW2(M / 2 - 1) - 1;
+    const unsigned int ColstartShift = (M + 1) / 2 + 1;
+    posA = POW2(M);               /* 1/2 of POW2(M) complexes */
+    posAi = posA + 1;
+    posB = posA + 2;
+    posBi = posB + 1;
+    iolimit = ioptr + Nrems2;
+    for (; ioptr < iolimit; ioptr += POW2(M / 2 + 1)) {
+      for (Colstart = Nroot_1; Colstart >= 0; Colstart--) {
+        iCol = Nroot_1;
+        p0r = ioptr + Nroot_1_ColInc + BRLow[Colstart] * 4;
+        IOP = ioptr + (Colstart << ColstartShift);
+        p1r = IOP + BRLow[iCol] * 4;
+        f0r = *(p0r);
+        f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+        f1r = *(p0r + posA);
+        f1i = *(p0r + posAi);
+        for (; iCol > Colstart;) {
+          f2r = *(p0r + 2);
+          f2i = *(p0r + (2 + 1));
+          f3r = *(p0r + posB);
+          f3i = *(p0r + posBi);
+          f4r = *(p1r);
+          f4i = *(p1r + 1);
+          f5r = *(p1r + posA);
+          f5i = *(p1r + posAi);
+          f6r = *(p1r + 2);
+          f6i = *(p1r + (2 + 1));
+          f7r = *(p1r + posB);
+          f7i = *(p1r + posBi);
+          t0r = f0r + f1r;
+          t0i = f0i + f1i;
+          f1r = f0r - f1r;
+          f1i = f0i - f1i;
+          t1r = f2r + f3r;
+          t1i = f2i + f3i;
+          f3r = f2r - f3r;
+          f3i = f2i - f3i;
+          f0r = f4r + f5r;
+          f0i = f4i + f5i;
+          f5r = f4r - f5r;
+          f5i = f4i - f5i;
+          f2r = f6r + f7r;
+          f2i = f6i + f7i;
+          f7r = f6r - f7r;
+          f7i = f6i - f7i;
+          *(p1r) = scale * t0r;
+          *(p1r + 1) = scale * t0i;
+          *(p1r + 2) = scale * f1r;
+          *(p1r + (2 + 1)) = scale * f1i;
+          *(p1r + posA) = scale * t1r;
+          *(p1r + posAi) = scale * t1i;
+          *(p1r + posB) = scale * f3r;
+          *(p1r + posBi) = scale * f3i;
+          *(p0r) = scale * f0r;
+          *(p0r + 1) = scale * f0i;
+          *(p0r + 2) = scale * f5r;
+          *(p0r + (2 + 1)) = scale * f5i;
+          *(p0r + posA) = scale * f2r;
+          *(p0r + posAi) = scale * f2i;
+          *(p0r + posB) = scale * f7r;
+          *(p0r + posBi) = scale * f7i;
+          p0r -= Nrems2;
+          f0r = *(p0r);
+          f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+          f1r = *(p0r + posA);
+          f1i = *(p0r + posAi);
+          iCol -= 1;
+          p1r = IOP + BRLow[iCol] * 4;
+        }
+        f2r = *(p0r + 2);
+        f2i = *(p0r + (2 + 1));
+        f3r = *(p0r + posB);
+        f3i = *(p0r + posBi);
+        t0r = f0r + f1r;
+        t0i = f0i + f1i;
+        f1r = f0r - f1r;
+        f1i = f0i - f1i;
+        t1r = f2r + f3r;
+        t1i = f2i + f3i;
+        f3r = f2r - f3r;
+        f3i = f2i - f3i;
+        *(p0r) = scale * t0r;
+        *(p0r + 1) = scale * t0i;
+        *(p0r + 2) = scale * f1r;
+        *(p0r + (2 + 1)) = scale * f1i;
+        *(p0r + posA) = scale * t1r;
+        *(p0r + posAi) = scale * t1i;
+        *(p0r + posB) = scale * f3r;
+        *(p0r + posBi) = scale * f3i;
+      }
+    }
+/* static void ifft2pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale) */
+/* { */
+/*     /\***   RADIX 2 ifft     ***\/ */
+/*     SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i; */
+/*     SPFLOAT t0r, t0i; */
+/*     /\* bit reversed load *\/ */
+/*     f0r = ioptr[0]; */
+/*     f0i = ioptr[1]; */
+/*     f1r = ioptr[2]; */
+/*     f1i = ioptr[3]; */
+/*     /\* Butterflys           *\/ */
+/*     /\* */
+/*        f0   -       -       t0 */
+/*        f1   -  1 -  f1 */
+/*      *\/ */
+/*     t0r = f0r + f1r; */
+/*     t0i = f0i + f1i; */
+/*     f1r = f0r - f1r; */
+/*     f1i = f0i - f1i; */
+/*     /\* store result *\/ */
+/*     ioptr[0] = scale * t0r; */
+/*     ioptr[1] = scale * t0i; */
+/*     ioptr[2] = scale * f1r; */
+/*     ioptr[3] = scale * f1i; */
+/* } */
+/* static void ifft4pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale) */
+/* { */
+/*     /\***   RADIX 4 ifft     ***\/ */
+/*     SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i; */
+/*     SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i; */
+/*     /\* bit reversed load *\/ */
+/*     f0r = ioptr[0]; */
+/*     f0i = ioptr[1]; */
+/*     f1r = ioptr[4]; */
+/*     f1i = ioptr[5]; */
+/*     f2r = ioptr[2]; */
+/*     f2i = ioptr[3]; */
+/*     f3r = ioptr[6]; */
+/*     f3i = ioptr[7]; */
+/*     /\* Butterflys           *\/ */
+/*     /\* */
+/*        f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0 */
+/*        f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1 */
+/*        f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2 */
+/*        f3   -  1 -  t1      -  i -  f3 */
+/*      *\/ */
+/*     t0r = f0r + f1r; */
+/*     t0i = f0i + f1i; */
+/*     f1r = f0r - f1r; */
+/*     f1i = f0i - f1i; */
+/*     t1r = f2r - f3r; */
+/*     t1i = f2i - f3i; */
+/*     f2r = f2r + f3r; */
+/*     f2i = f2i + f3i; */
+/*     f0r = t0r + f2r; */
+/*     f0i = t0i + f2i; */
+/*     f2r = t0r - f2r; */
+/*     f2i = t0i - f2i; */
+/*     f3r = f1r + t1i; */
+/*     f3i = f1i - t1r; */
+/*     f1r = f1r - t1i; */
+/*     f1i = f1i + t1r; */
+/*     /\* store result *\/ */
+/*     ioptr[0] = scale * f0r; */
+/*     ioptr[1] = scale * f0i; */
+/*     ioptr[2] = scale * f1r; */
+/*     ioptr[3] = scale * f1i; */
+/*     ioptr[4] = scale * f2r; */
+/*     ioptr[5] = scale * f2i; */
+/*     ioptr[6] = scale * f3r; */
+/*     ioptr[7] = scale * f3i; */
+/* } */
+/* static void ifft8pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale) */
+/* { */
+/*     /\***   RADIX 8 ifft     ***\/ */
+/*     SPFLOAT w0r = 1.0 / MYROOT2;    /\* cos(pi/4)   *\/ */
+/*     SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i; */
+/*     SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i; */
+/*     SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i; */
+/*     const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0; */
+/*     /\* bit reversed load *\/ */
+/*     f0r = ioptr[0]; */
+/*     f0i = ioptr[1]; */
+/*     f1r = ioptr[8]; */
+/*     f1i = ioptr[9]; */
+/*     f2r = ioptr[4]; */
+/*     f2i = ioptr[5]; */
+/*     f3r = ioptr[12]; */
+/*     f3i = ioptr[13]; */
+/*     f4r = ioptr[2]; */
+/*     f4i = ioptr[3]; */
+/*     f5r = ioptr[10]; */
+/*     f5i = ioptr[11]; */
+/*     f6r = ioptr[6]; */
+/*     f6i = ioptr[7]; */
+/*     f7r = ioptr[14]; */
+/*     f7i = ioptr[15]; */
+/*     /\* Butterflys           *\/ */
+/*     /\* */
+/*        f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0      -       -       f0 */
+/*        f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1      -       -       f1 */
+/*        f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2      -       -       f2 */
+/*        f3   -  1 -  t1      -  i -  f3      -       -       f3 */
+/*        f4   -       -       t0      -       -       f4      -  1 -  t0 */
+/*        f5   -  1 -  f5      -       -       f5      - w3 -  f4 */
+/*        f6   -       -       f6      -  1 -  f6      -  i -  t1 */
+/*        f7   -  1 -  t1      -  i -  f7      - iw3-  f6 */
+/*      *\/ */
+/*     t0r = f0r + f1r; */
+/*     t0i = f0i + f1i; */
+/*     f1r = f0r - f1r; */
+/*     f1i = f0i - f1i; */
+/*     t1r = f2r - f3r; */
+/*     t1i = f2i - f3i; */
+/*     f2r = f2r + f3r; */
+/*     f2i = f2i + f3i; */
+/*     f0r = t0r + f2r; */
+/*     f0i = t0i + f2i; */
+/*     f2r = t0r - f2r; */
+/*     f2i = t0i - f2i; */
+/*     f3r = f1r + t1i; */
+/*     f3i = f1i - t1r; */
+/*     f1r = f1r - t1i; */
+/*     f1i = f1i + t1r; */
+/*     t0r = f4r + f5r; */
+/*     t0i = f4i + f5i; */
+/*     f5r = f4r - f5r; */
+/*     f5i = f4i - f5i; */
+/*     t1r = f6r - f7r; */
+/*     t1i = f6i - f7i; */
+/*     f6r = f6r + f7r; */
+/*     f6i = f6i + f7i; */
+/*     f4r = t0r + f6r; */
+/*     f4i = t0i + f6i; */
+/*     f6r = t0r - f6r; */
+/*     f6i = t0i - f6i; */
+/*     f7r = f5r + t1i; */
+/*     f7i = f5i - t1r; */
+/*     f5r = f5r - t1i; */
+/*     f5i = f5i + t1r; */
+/*     t0r = f0r - f4r; */
+/*     t0i = f0i - f4i; */
+/*     f0r = f0r + f4r; */
+/*     f0i = f0i + f4i; */
+/*     t1r = f2r + f6i; */
+/*     t1i = f2i - f6r; */
+/*     f2r = f2r - f6i; */
+/*     f2i = f2i + f6r; */
+/*     f4r = f1r - f5r * w0r + f5i * w0r; */
+/*     f4i = f1i - f5r * w0r - f5i * w0r; */
+/*     f1r = f1r * Two - f4r; */
+/*     f1i = f1i * Two - f4i; */
+/*     f6r = f3r + f7r * w0r + f7i * w0r; */
+/*     f6i = f3i - f7r * w0r + f7i * w0r; */
+/*     f3r = f3r * Two - f6r; */
+/*     f3i = f3i * Two - f6i; */
+/*     /\* store result *\/ */
+/*     ioptr[0] = scale * f0r; */
+/*     ioptr[1] = scale * f0i; */
+/*     ioptr[2] = scale * f1r; */
+/*     ioptr[3] = scale * f1i; */
+/*     ioptr[4] = scale * f2r; */
+/*     ioptr[5] = scale * f2i; */
+/*     ioptr[6] = scale * f3r; */
+/*     ioptr[7] = scale * f3i; */
+/*     ioptr[8] = scale * t0r; */
+/*     ioptr[9] = scale * t0i; */
+/*     ioptr[10] = scale * f4r; */
+/*     ioptr[11] = scale * f4i; */
+/*     ioptr[12] = scale * t1r; */
+/*     ioptr[13] = scale * t1i; */
+/*     ioptr[14] = scale * f6r; */
+/*     ioptr[15] = scale * f6i; */
+/* } */
+static void ibfR2(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, int NDiffU)
+    /*** 2nd radix 2 stage ***/
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int pinc;
+    unsigned int pnext;
+    unsigned int NSameU;
+    unsigned int SameUCnt;
+    SPFLOAT *pstrt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r, *p2r, *p3r;
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    pinc = NDiffU * 2;            /* 2 floats per complex */
+    pnext = pinc * 4;
+    pos = 2;
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    NSameU = POW2(M) / 4 / NDiffU;        /* 4 Us at a time */
+    pstrt = ioptr;
+    p0r = pstrt;
+    p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+    p2r = p1r + pinc;
+    p3r = p2r + pinc;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f4
+       f1   -  1 -  f5
+       f2   -       -       f6
+       f3   -  1 -  f7
+     */
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f4
+       f1   -  1 -  f5
+       f2   -       -       f6
+       f3   -  1 -  f7
+     */
+    for (SameUCnt = NSameU; SameUCnt > 0; SameUCnt--) {
+      f0r = *p0r;
+      f1r = *p1r;
+      f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+      f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+      f2r = *p2r;
+      f3r = *p3r;
+      f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+      f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+      f4r = f0r + f1r;
+      f4i = f0i + f1i;
+      f5r = f0r - f1r;
+      f5i = f0i - f1i;
+      f6r = f2r + f3r;
+      f6i = f2i + f3i;
+      f7r = f2r - f3r;
+      f7i = f2i - f3i;
+      *p0r = f4r;
+      *(p0r + 1) = f4i;
+      *p1r = f5r;
+      *(p1r + 1) = f5i;
+      *p2r = f6r;
+      *(p2r + 1) = f6i;
+      *p3r = f7r;
+      *(p3r + 1) = f7i;
+      f0r = *(p0r + pos);
+      f1i = *(p1r + posi);
+      f0i = *(p0r + posi);
+      f1r = *(p1r + pos);
+      f2r = *(p2r + pos);
+      f3i = *(p3r + posi);
+      f2i = *(p2r + posi);
+      f3r = *(p3r + pos);
+      f4r = f0r - f1i;
+      f4i = f0i + f1r;
+      f5r = f0r + f1i;
+      f5i = f0i - f1r;
+      f6r = f2r - f3i;
+      f6i = f2i + f3r;
+      f7r = f2r + f3i;
+      f7i = f2i - f3r;
+      *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+      *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+      *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+      *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+      *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+      *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+      *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+      *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+      p0r += pnext;
+      p1r += pnext;
+      p2r += pnext;
+      p3r += pnext;
+    }
+static void ibfR4(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, int NDiffU)
+    /*** 1 radix 4 stage ***/
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int pinc;
+    unsigned int pnext;
+    unsigned int pnexti;
+    unsigned int NSameU;
+    unsigned int SameUCnt;
+    SPFLOAT *pstrt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r, *p2r, *p3r;
+    SPFLOAT w1r = 1.0 / MYROOT2;    /* cos(pi/4)   */
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    pinc = NDiffU * 2;            /* 2 floats per complex */
+    pnext = pinc * 4;
+    pnexti = pnext + 1;
+    pos = 2;
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    NSameU = POW2(M) / 4 / NDiffU;        /* 4 pts per butterfly */
+    pstrt = ioptr;
+    p0r = pstrt;
+    p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+    p2r = p1r + pinc;
+    p3r = p2r + pinc;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f0      -       -       f4
+       f1   -  1 -  f5      -       -       f5
+       f2   -       -       f6      -  1 -  f6
+       f3   -  1 -  f3      - -i -  f7
+     */
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       f4      -       -       f4
+       f1   - -i -  t1      -       -       f5
+       f2   -       -       f2      - w1 -  f6
+       f3   - -i -  f7      - iw1-  f7
+     */
+    f0r = *p0r;
+    f1r = *p1r;
+    f2r = *p2r;
+    f3r = *p3r;
+    f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+    f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+    f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+    f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+    f5r = f0r - f1r;
+    f5i = f0i - f1i;
+    f0r = f0r + f1r;
+    f0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f6r = f2r + f3r;
+    f6i = f2i + f3i;
+    f3r = f2r - f3r;
+    f3i = f2i - f3i;
+    for (SameUCnt = NSameU - 1; SameUCnt > 0; SameUCnt--) {
+      f7r = f5r + f3i;
+      f7i = f5i - f3r;
+      f5r = f5r - f3i;
+      f5i = f5i + f3r;
+      f4r = f0r + f6r;
+      f4i = f0i + f6i;
+      f6r = f0r - f6r;
+      f6i = f0i - f6i;
+      f2r = *(p2r + pos);
+      f2i = *(p2r + posi);
+      f1r = *(p1r + pos);
+      f1i = *(p1r + posi);
+      f3i = *(p3r + posi);
+      f0r = *(p0r + pos);
+      f3r = *(p3r + pos);
+      f0i = *(p0r + posi);
+      *p3r = f7r;
+      *p0r = f4r;
+      *(p3r + 1) = f7i;
+      *(p0r + 1) = f4i;
+      *p1r = f5r;
+      *p2r = f6r;
+      *(p1r + 1) = f5i;
+      *(p2r + 1) = f6i;
+      f7r = f2r + f3i;
+      f7i = f2i - f3r;
+      f2r = f2r - f3i;
+      f2i = f2i + f3r;
+      f4r = f0r - f1i;
+      f4i = f0i + f1r;
+      t1r = f0r + f1i;
+      t1i = f0i - f1r;
+      f5r = t1r - f7r * w1r - f7i * w1r;
+      f5i = t1i + f7r * w1r - f7i * w1r;
+      f7r = t1r * Two - f5r;
+      f7i = t1i * Two - f5i;
+      f6r = f4r - f2r * w1r + f2i * w1r;
+      f6i = f4i - f2r * w1r - f2i * w1r;
+      f4r = f4r * Two - f6r;
+      f4i = f4i * Two - f6i;
+      f3r = *(p3r + pnext);
+      f0r = *(p0r + pnext);
+      f3i = *(p3r + pnexti);
+      f0i = *(p0r + pnexti);
+      f2r = *(p2r + pnext);
+      f2i = *(p2r + pnexti);
+      f1r = *(p1r + pnext);
+      f1i = *(p1r + pnexti);
+      *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+      *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+      *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+      *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+      *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+      *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+      *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+      *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+      f6r = f2r + f3r;
+      f6i = f2i + f3i;
+      f3r = f2r - f3r;
+      f3i = f2i - f3i;
+      f5r = f0r - f1r;
+      f5i = f0i - f1i;
+      f0r = f0r + f1r;
+      f0i = f0i + f1i;
+      p3r += pnext;
+      p0r += pnext;
+      p1r += pnext;
+      p2r += pnext;
+    }
+    f7r = f5r + f3i;
+    f7i = f5i - f3r;
+    f5r = f5r - f3i;
+    f5i = f5i + f3r;
+    f4r = f0r + f6r;
+    f4i = f0i + f6i;
+    f6r = f0r - f6r;
+    f6i = f0i - f6i;
+    f2r = *(p2r + pos);
+    f2i = *(p2r + posi);
+    f1r = *(p1r + pos);
+    f1i = *(p1r + posi);
+    f3i = *(p3r + posi);
+    f0r = *(p0r + pos);
+    f3r = *(p3r + pos);
+    f0i = *(p0r + posi);
+    *p3r = f7r;
+    *p0r = f4r;
+    *(p3r + 1) = f7i;
+    *(p0r + 1) = f4i;
+    *p1r = f5r;
+    *p2r = f6r;
+    *(p1r + 1) = f5i;
+    *(p2r + 1) = f6i;
+    f7r = f2r + f3i;
+    f7i = f2i - f3r;
+    f2r = f2r - f3i;
+    f2i = f2i + f3r;
+    f4r = f0r - f1i;
+    f4i = f0i + f1r;
+    t1r = f0r + f1i;
+    t1i = f0i - f1r;
+    f5r = t1r - f7r * w1r - f7i * w1r;
+    f5i = t1i + f7r * w1r - f7i * w1r;
+    f7r = t1r * Two - f5r;
+    f7i = t1i * Two - f5i;
+    f6r = f4r - f2r * w1r + f2i * w1r;
+    f6i = f4i - f2r * w1r - f2i * w1r;
+    f4r = f4r * Two - f6r;
+    f4i = f4i * Two - f6i;
+    *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+    *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+    *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+    *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+    *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+    *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+    *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+    *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+static void ibfstages(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int Ustride,
+                      int NDiffU, int StageCnt)
+    /***   RADIX 8 Stages   ***/
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int pinc;
+    unsigned int pnext;
+    unsigned int NSameU;
+    int          Uinc;
+    int          Uinc2;
+    int          Uinc4;
+    unsigned int DiffUCnt;
+    unsigned int SameUCnt;
+    unsigned int U2toU3;
+    SPFLOAT *pstrt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r, *p2r, *p3r;
+    SPFLOAT *u0r, *u0i, *u1r, *u1i, *u2r, *u2i;
+    SPFLOAT w0r, w0i, w1r, w1i, w2r, w2i, w3r, w3i;
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    pinc = NDiffU * 2;            /* 2 floats per complex */
+    pnext = pinc * 8;
+    pos = pinc * 4;
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    NSameU = POW2(M) / 8 / NDiffU;        /* 8 pts per butterfly */
+    Uinc = (int) NSameU * Ustride;
+    Uinc2 = Uinc * 2;
+    Uinc4 = Uinc * 4;
+    U2toU3 = (POW2(M) / 8) * Ustride;
+    for (; StageCnt > 0; StageCnt--) {
+      u0r = &Utbl[0];
+      u0i = &Utbl[POW2(M - 2) * Ustride];
+      u1r = u0r;
+      u1i = u0i;
+      u2r = u0r;
+      u2i = u0i;
+      w0r = *u0r;
+      w0i = *u0i;
+      w1r = *u1r;
+      w1i = *u1i;
+      w2r = *u2r;
+      w2i = *u2i;
+      w3r = *(u2r + U2toU3);
+      w3i = *(u2i - U2toU3);
+      pstrt = ioptr;
+      p0r = pstrt;
+      p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+      p2r = p1r + pinc;
+      p3r = p2r + pinc;
+      /* Butterflys           */
+      /*
+         f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0      -       -       f0
+         f1   - w0-   f1      -       -       f1      -       -       f1
+         f2   -       -       f2      - w1-   f2      -       -       f4
+         f3   - w0-   t1      - iw1-  f3      -       -       f5
+         f4   -       -       t0      -       -       f4      - w2-   t0
+         f5   - w0-   f5      -       -       f5      - w3-   t1
+         f6   -       -       f6      - w1-   f6      - iw2-  f6
+         f7   - w0-   t1      - iw1-  f7      - iw3-  f7
+       */
+      for (DiffUCnt = NDiffU; DiffUCnt > 0; DiffUCnt--) {
+        f0r = *p0r;
+        f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+        f1r = *p1r;
+        f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+        for (SameUCnt = NSameU - 1; SameUCnt > 0; SameUCnt--) {
+          f2r = *p2r;
+          f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+          f3r = *p3r;
+          f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+          t0r = f0r + f1r * w0r - f1i * w0i;
+          t0i = f0i + f1r * w0i + f1i * w0r;
+          f1r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+          f1i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+          f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+          f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+          f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+          f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+          f6r = *(p2r + pos);
+          f6i = *(p2r + posi);
+          f7r = *(p3r + pos);
+          f7i = *(p3r + posi);
+          t1r = f2r - f3r * w0r + f3i * w0i;
+          t1i = f2i - f3r * w0i - f3i * w0r;
+          f2r = f2r * Two - t1r;
+          f2i = f2i * Two - t1i;
+          f0r = t0r + f2r * w1r - f2i * w1i;
+          f0i = t0i + f2r * w1i + f2i * w1r;
+          f2r = t0r * Two - f0r;
+          f2i = t0i * Two - f0i;
+          f3r = f1r + t1r * w1i + t1i * w1r;
+          f3i = f1i - t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+          f1r = f1r * Two - f3r;
+          f1i = f1i * Two - f3i;
+          t0r = f4r + f5r * w0r - f5i * w0i;
+          t0i = f4i + f5r * w0i + f5i * w0r;
+          f5r = f4r * Two - t0r;
+          f5i = f4i * Two - t0i;
+          t1r = f6r - f7r * w0r + f7i * w0i;
+          t1i = f6i - f7r * w0i - f7i * w0r;
+          f6r = f6r * Two - t1r;
+          f6i = f6i * Two - t1i;
+          f4r = t0r + f6r * w1r - f6i * w1i;
+          f4i = t0i + f6r * w1i + f6i * w1r;
+          f6r = t0r * Two - f4r;
+          f6i = t0i * Two - f4i;
+          f7r = f5r + t1r * w1i + t1i * w1r;
+          f7i = f5i - t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+          f5r = f5r * Two - f7r;
+          f5i = f5i * Two - f7i;
+          t0r = f0r - f4r * w2r + f4i * w2i;
+          t0i = f0i - f4r * w2i - f4i * w2r;
+          f0r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+          f0i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+          t1r = f1r - f5r * w3r + f5i * w3i;
+          t1i = f1i - f5r * w3i - f5i * w3r;
+          f1r = f1r * Two - t1r;
+          f1i = f1i * Two - t1i;
+          *(p0r + pos) = t0r;
+          *(p0r + posi) = t0i;
+          *p0r = f0r;
+          *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+          p0r += pnext;
+          f0r = *p0r;
+          f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+          *(p1r + pos) = t1r;
+          *(p1r + posi) = t1i;
+          *p1r = f1r;
+          *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+          p1r += pnext;
+          f1r = *p1r;
+          f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+          f4r = f2r - f6r * w2i - f6i * w2r;
+          f4i = f2i + f6r * w2r - f6i * w2i;
+          f6r = f2r * Two - f4r;
+          f6i = f2i * Two - f4i;
+          f5r = f3r - f7r * w3i - f7i * w3r;
+          f5i = f3i + f7r * w3r - f7i * w3i;
+          f7r = f3r * Two - f5r;
+          f7i = f3i * Two - f5i;
+          *p2r = f4r;
+          *(p2r + 1) = f4i;
+          *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+          *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+          p2r += pnext;
+          *p3r = f5r;
+          *(p3r + 1) = f5i;
+          *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+          *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+          p3r += pnext;
+        }
+        f2r = *p2r;
+        f2i = *(p2r + 1);
+        f3r = *p3r;
+        f3i = *(p3r + 1);
+        t0r = f0r + f1r * w0r - f1i * w0i;
+        t0i = f0i + f1r * w0i + f1i * w0r;
+        f1r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+        f1i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+        f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+        f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+        f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+        f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+        f6r = *(p2r + pos);
+        f6i = *(p2r + posi);
+        f7r = *(p3r + pos);
+        f7i = *(p3r + posi);
+        t1r = f2r - f3r * w0r + f3i * w0i;
+        t1i = f2i - f3r * w0i - f3i * w0r;
+        f2r = f2r * Two - t1r;
+        f2i = f2i * Two - t1i;
+        f0r = t0r + f2r * w1r - f2i * w1i;
+        f0i = t0i + f2r * w1i + f2i * w1r;
+        f2r = t0r * Two - f0r;
+        f2i = t0i * Two - f0i;
+        f3r = f1r + t1r * w1i + t1i * w1r;
+        f3i = f1i - t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+        f1r = f1r * Two - f3r;
+        f1i = f1i * Two - f3i;
+        if ((int) DiffUCnt == NDiffU / 2)
+          Uinc4 = -Uinc4;
+        u0r += Uinc4;
+        u0i -= Uinc4;
+        u1r += Uinc2;
+        u1i -= Uinc2;
+        u2r += Uinc;
+        u2i -= Uinc;
+        pstrt += 2;
+        t0r = f4r + f5r * w0r - f5i * w0i;
+        t0i = f4i + f5r * w0i + f5i * w0r;
+        f5r = f4r * Two - t0r;
+        f5i = f4i * Two - t0i;
+        t1r = f6r - f7r * w0r + f7i * w0i;
+        t1i = f6i - f7r * w0i - f7i * w0r;
+        f6r = f6r * Two - t1r;
+        f6i = f6i * Two - t1i;
+        f4r = t0r + f6r * w1r - f6i * w1i;
+        f4i = t0i + f6r * w1i + f6i * w1r;
+        f6r = t0r * Two - f4r;
+        f6i = t0i * Two - f4i;
+        f7r = f5r + t1r * w1i + t1i * w1r;
+        f7i = f5i - t1r * w1r + t1i * w1i;
+        f5r = f5r * Two - f7r;
+        f5i = f5i * Two - f7i;
+        w0r = *u0r;
+        w0i = *u0i;
+        w1r = *u1r;
+        w1i = *u1i;
+        if ((int) DiffUCnt <= NDiffU / 2)
+          w0r = -w0r;
+        t0r = f0r - f4r * w2r + f4i * w2i;
+        t0i = f0i - f4r * w2i - f4i * w2r;
+        f0r = f0r * Two - t0r;
+        f0i = f0i * Two - t0i;
+        f4r = f2r - f6r * w2i - f6i * w2r;
+        f4i = f2i + f6r * w2r - f6i * w2i;
+        f6r = f2r * Two - f4r;
+        f6i = f2i * Two - f4i;
+        *(p0r + pos) = t0r;
+        *p2r = f4r;
+        *(p0r + posi) = t0i;
+        *(p2r + 1) = f4i;
+        w2r = *u2r;
+        w2i = *u2i;
+        *p0r = f0r;
+        *(p2r + pos) = f6r;
+        *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+        *(p2r + posi) = f6i;
+        p0r = pstrt;
+        p2r = pstrt + pinc + pinc;
+        t1r = f1r - f5r * w3r + f5i * w3i;
+        t1i = f1i - f5r * w3i - f5i * w3r;
+        f1r = f1r * Two - t1r;
+        f1i = f1i * Two - t1i;
+        f5r = f3r - f7r * w3i - f7i * w3r;
+        f5i = f3i + f7r * w3r - f7i * w3i;
+        f7r = f3r * Two - f5r;
+        f7i = f3i * Two - f5i;
+        *(p1r + pos) = t1r;
+        *p3r = f5r;
+        *(p1r + posi) = t1i;
+        *(p3r + 1) = f5i;
+        w3r = *(u2r + U2toU3);
+        w3i = *(u2i - U2toU3);
+        *p1r = f1r;
+        *(p3r + pos) = f7r;
+        *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+        *(p3r + posi) = f7i;
+        p1r = pstrt + pinc;
+        p3r = p2r + pinc;
+      }
+      NSameU /= 8;
+      Uinc /= 8;
+      Uinc2 /= 8;
+      Uinc4 = Uinc * 4;
+      NDiffU *= 8;
+      pinc *= 8;
+      pnext *= 8;
+      pos *= 8;
+      posi = pos + 1;
+    }
+static void ifftrecurs(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int Ustride,
+                       int NDiffU, int StageCnt)
+    /* recursive bfstages calls to maximize on chip cache efficiency */
+    int i1;
+    if (M <= (int) MCACHE)
+      ibfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, Ustride, NDiffU, StageCnt); /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+    else {
+      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 8; i1++) {
+        ifftrecurs(&ioptr[i1 * POW2(M - 3) * 2], M - 3, Utbl, 8 * Ustride,
+                   NDiffU, StageCnt - 1);           /*  RADIX 8 Stages       */
+      }
+      ibfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, Ustride, POW2(M - 3), 1);   /* RADIX 8 Stage */
+    }
+/* Paul: not currently used, so commented out */
+/* static void iffts1(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int16_t *BRLow) */
+/* { */
+/*     /\* Compute in-place inverse complex fft on the rows of the input array  *\/ */
+/*     /\* INPUTS                                                               *\/ */
+/*     /\*   *ioptr = input data array                                          *\/ */
+/*     /\*   M = log2 of fft size                                               *\/ */
+/*     /\*   *Utbl = cosine table                                               *\/ */
+/*     /\*   *BRLow = bit reversed counter table                                *\/ */
+/*     /\* OUTPUTS                                                              *\/ */
+/*     /\*   *ioptr = output data array                                         *\/ */
+/*     int StageCnt; */
+/*     int NDiffU; */
+/*     const SPFLOAT scale = 1.0 / POW2(M); */
+/*     switch (M) { */
+/*     case 0: */
+/*       break; */
+/*     case 1: */
+/*       ifft2pt(ioptr, scale);    /\* a 2 pt fft *\/ */
+/*       break; */
+/*     case 2: */
+/*       ifft4pt(ioptr, scale);    /\* a 4 pt fft *\/ */
+/*       break; */
+/*     case 3: */
+/*       ifft8pt(ioptr, scale);    /\* an 8 pt fft *\/ */
+/*       break; */
+/*     default: */
+/*       /\* bit reverse and first radix 2 stage *\/ */
+/*       scbitrevR2(ioptr, M, BRLow, scale); */
+/*       StageCnt = (M - 1) / 3;   /\* number of radix 8 stages *\/ */
+/*       NDiffU = 2;               /\* one radix 2 stage already complete *\/ */
+/*       if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 1) { */
+/*         ibfR2(ioptr, M, NDiffU);        /\* 1 radix 2 stage *\/ */
+/*         NDiffU *= 2; */
+/*       } */
+/*       if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 2) { */
+/*         ibfR4(ioptr, M, NDiffU);        /\* 1 radix 4 stage *\/ */
+/*         NDiffU *= 4; */
+/*       } */
+/*       if (M <= (int) MCACHE) */
+/*         ibfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, 1, NDiffU, StageCnt);  /\* RADIX 8 Stages *\/ */
+/*       else */
+/*         ifftrecurs(ioptr, M, Utbl, 1, NDiffU, StageCnt); /\* RADIX 8 Stages *\/ */
+/*     } */
+/* } */
+* parts of rffts1 *
+static void rfft1pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 2 rfft     ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    /* finish rfft */
+    t0r = f0r + f0i;
+    t0i = f0r - f0i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = t0r;
+    ioptr[1] = t0i;
+static void rfft2pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 4 rfft     ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = ioptr[2];
+    f1i = ioptr[3];
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f1i - f0i;
+    /* finish rfft */
+    f0r = t0r + t0i;
+    f0i = t0r - t0i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = f0r;
+    ioptr[1] = f0i;
+    ioptr[2] = f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = f1i;
+static void rfft4pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 8 rfft     ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    SPFLOAT w0r = 1.0 / MYROOT2;    /* cos(pi/4)   */
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    const SPFLOAT scale = 0.5;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = ioptr[4];
+    f1i = ioptr[5];
+    f2r = ioptr[2];
+    f2i = ioptr[3];
+    f3r = ioptr[6];
+    f3i = ioptr[7];
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1
+       f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2
+       f3   -  1 -  t1      - -i -  f3
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i - f1i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    f2r = f2r + f3r;
+    f2i = f2i + f3i;
+    f0r = t0r + f2r;
+    f0i = t0i + f2i;
+    f2r = t0r - f2r;
+    f2i = f2i - t0i;              /* neg for rfft */
+    f3r = f1r - t1i;
+    f3i = f1i + t1r;
+    f1r = f1r + t1i;
+    f1i = f1i - t1r;
+    /* finish rfft */
+    t0r = f0r + f0i;              /* compute Re(x[0]) */
+    t0i = f0r - f0i;              /* compute Re(x[N/2]) */
+    t1r = f1r + f3r;
+    t1i = f1i - f3i;
+    f0r = f1i + f3i;
+    f0i = f3r - f1r;
+    f1r = t1r + w0r * f0r + w0r * f0i;
+    f1i = t1i - w0r * f0r + w0r * f0i;
+    f3r = Two * t1r - f1r;
+    f3i = f1i - Two * t1i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[4] = f2r;
+    ioptr[5] = f2i;
+    ioptr[0] = t0r;
+    ioptr[1] = t0i;
+    ioptr[2] = scale * f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = scale * f1i;
+    ioptr[6] = scale * f3r;
+    ioptr[7] = scale * f3i;
+static void rfft8pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr)
+    /***   RADIX 16 rfft    ***/
+    SPFLOAT w0r = 1.0 / MYROOT2;    /* cos(pi/4)   */
+    SPFLOAT w1r = MYCOSPID8;        /* cos(pi/8)     */
+    SPFLOAT w1i = MYSINPID8;        /* sin(pi/8)     */
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    const SPFLOAT scale = 0.5;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = ioptr[8];
+    f1i = ioptr[9];
+    f2r = ioptr[4];
+    f2i = ioptr[5];
+    f3r = ioptr[12];
+    f3i = ioptr[13];
+    f4r = ioptr[2];
+    f4i = ioptr[3];
+    f5r = ioptr[10];
+    f5i = ioptr[11];
+    f6r = ioptr[6];
+    f6i = ioptr[7];
+    f7r = ioptr[14];
+    f7i = ioptr[15];
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0      -       -       f0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1      -       -       f1
+       f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2      -       -       f2
+       f3   -  1 -  t1      - -i -  f3      -       -       f3
+       f4   -       -       t0      -       -       f4      -  1 -  t0
+       f5   -  1 -  f5      -       -       f5      - w3 -  f4
+       f6   -       -       f6      -  1 -  f6      - -i -  t1
+       f7   -  1 -  t1      - -i -  f7      - iw3-  f6
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i + f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i - f1i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    f2r = f2r + f3r;
+    f2i = f2i + f3i;
+    f0r = t0r + f2r;
+    f0i = t0i + f2i;
+    f2r = t0r - f2r;
+    f2i = t0i - f2i;
+    f3r = f1r - t1i;
+    f3i = f1i + t1r;
+    f1r = f1r + t1i;
+    f1i = f1i - t1r;
+    t0r = f4r + f5r;
+    t0i = f4i + f5i;
+    f5r = f4r - f5r;
+    f5i = f4i - f5i;
+    t1r = f6r - f7r;
+    t1i = f6i - f7i;
+    f6r = f6r + f7r;
+    f6i = f6i + f7i;
+    f4r = t0r + f6r;
+    f4i = t0i + f6i;
+    f6r = t0r - f6r;
+    f6i = t0i - f6i;
+    f7r = f5r - t1i;
+    f7i = f5i + t1r;
+    f5r = f5r + t1i;
+    f5i = f5i - t1r;
+    t0r = f0r - f4r;
+    t0i = f4i - f0i;              /* neg for rfft */
+    f0r = f0r + f4r;
+    f0i = f0i + f4i;
+    t1r = f2r - f6i;
+    t1i = f2i + f6r;
+    f2r = f2r + f6i;
+    f2i = f2i - f6r;
+    f4r = f1r - f5r * w0r - f5i * w0r;
+    f4i = f1i + f5r * w0r - f5i * w0r;
+    f1r = f1r * Two - f4r;
+    f1i = f1i * Two - f4i;
+    f6r = f3r + f7r * w0r - f7i * w0r;
+    f6i = f3i + f7r * w0r + f7i * w0r;
+    f3r = f3r * Two - f6r;
+    f3i = f3i * Two - f6i;
+    /* finish rfft */
+    f5r = f0r + f0i;              /* compute Re(x[0]) */
+    f5i = f0r - f0i;              /* compute Re(x[N/2]) */
+    f0r = f2r + t1r;
+    f0i = f2i - t1i;
+    f7r = f2i + t1i;
+    f7i = t1r - f2r;
+    f2r = f0r + w0r * f7r + w0r * f7i;
+    f2i = f0i - w0r * f7r + w0r * f7i;
+    t1r = Two * f0r - f2r;
+    t1i = f2i - Two * f0i;
+    f0r = f1r + f6r;
+    f0i = f1i - f6i;
+    f7r = f1i + f6i;
+    f7i = f6r - f1r;
+    f1r = f0r + w1r * f7r + w1i * f7i;
+    f1i = f0i - w1i * f7r + w1r * f7i;
+    f6r = Two * f0r - f1r;
+    f6i = f1i - Two * f0i;
+    f0r = f3r + f4r;
+    f0i = f3i - f4i;
+    f7r = f3i + f4i;
+    f7i = f4r - f3r;
+    f3r = f0r + w1i * f7r + w1r * f7i;
+    f3i = f0i - w1r * f7r + w1i * f7i;
+    f4r = Two * f0r - f3r;
+    f4i = f3i - Two * f0i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[8] = t0r;
+    ioptr[9] = t0i;
+    ioptr[0] = f5r;
+    ioptr[1] = f5i;
+    ioptr[4] = scale * f2r;
+    ioptr[5] = scale * f2i;
+    ioptr[12] = scale * t1r;
+    ioptr[13] = scale * t1i;
+    ioptr[2] = scale * f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = scale * f1i;
+    ioptr[6] = scale * f3r;
+    ioptr[7] = scale * f3i;
+    ioptr[10] = scale * f4r;
+    ioptr[11] = scale * f4i;
+    ioptr[14] = scale * f6r;
+    ioptr[15] = scale * f6i;
+static void frstage(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl)
+    /*      Finish RFFT             */
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int diffUcnt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r;
+    SPFLOAT *u0r, *u0i;
+    SPFLOAT w0r, w0i;
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    pos = POW2(M - 1);
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    p0r = ioptr;
+    p1r = ioptr + pos / 2;
+    u0r = Utbl + POW2(M - 3);
+    w0r = *u0r; f0r = *(p0r);
+    f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+    f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+    f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+    f1r = *(p1r);
+    f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+    f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+    f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+    t0r = Two * f0r + Two * f0i;  /* compute Re(x[0]) */
+    t0i = Two * f0r - Two * f0i;  /* compute Re(x[N/2]) */
+    t1r = f4r + f4r;
+    t1i = -f4i - f4i;
+    f0r = f1r + f5r;
+    f0i = f1i - f5i;
+    f4r = f1i + f5i;
+    f4i = f5r - f1r;
+    f1r = f0r + w0r * f4r + w0r * f4i;
+    f1i = f0i - w0r * f4r + w0r * f4i;
+    f5r = Two * f0r - f1r;
+    f5i = f1i - Two * f0i;
+    *(p0r) = t0r;
+    *(p0r + 1) = t0i;
+    *(p0r + pos) = t1r;
+    *(p0r + posi) = t1i;
+    *(p1r) = f1r;
+    *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+    *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+    *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+    u0r = Utbl + 1;
+    u0i = Utbl + (POW2(M - 2) - 1);
+    w0r = *u0r; w0i = *u0i;
+    p0r = (ioptr + 2);
+    p1r = (ioptr + (POW2(M - 2) - 1) * 2);
+    /* Butterflys */
+    /*
+       f0   -       t0      -       -       f0
+       f5   -       t1      - w0    -       f5
+       f1   -       t0      -       -       f1
+       f4   -       t1      -iw0 -  f4
+     */
+    for (diffUcnt = POW2(M - 3) - 1; diffUcnt > 0; diffUcnt--) {
+      f0r = *(p0r);
+      f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+      f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+      f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+      f1r = *(p1r);
+      f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+      f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+      f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+      t0r = f0r + f5r;
+      t0i = f0i - f5i;
+      t1r = f0i + f5i;
+      t1i = f5r - f0r;
+      f0r = t0r + w0r * t1r + w0i * t1i;
+      f0i = t0i - w0i * t1r + w0r * t1i;
+      f5r = Two * t0r - f0r;
+      f5i = f0i - Two * t0i;
+      t0r = f1r + f4r;
+      t0i = f1i - f4i;
+      t1r = f1i + f4i;
+      t1i = f4r - f1r;
+      f1r = t0r + w0i * t1r + w0r * t1i;
+      f1i = t0i - w0r * t1r + w0i * t1i;
+      f4r = Two * t0r - f1r;
+      f4i = f1i - Two * t0i;
+      *(p0r) = f0r;
+      *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+      *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+      *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+      w0r = *++u0r;
+      w0i = *--u0i;
+      *(p1r) = f1r;
+      *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+      *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+      *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+      p0r += 2;
+      p1r -= 2;
+    }
+static void rffts1(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int16_t *BRLow)
+    /* Compute in-place real fft on the rows of the input array           */
+    /* The result is the complex spectra of the positive frequencies      */
+    /* except the location for the first complex number contains the real */
+    /* values for DC and Nyquest                                          */
+    /* INPUTS                                                             */
+    /*   *ioptr = real input data array                                   */
+    /*   M = log2 of fft size                                             */
+    /*   *Utbl = cosine table                                             */
+    /*   *BRLow = bit reversed counter table                              */
+    /* OUTPUTS                                                            */
+    /*   *ioptr = output data array   in the following order              */
+    /*     Re(x[0]), Re(x[N/2]), Re(x[1]), Im(x[1]), Re(x[2]), Im(x[2]),  */
+    /*     ... Re(x[N/2-1]), Im(x[N/2-1]).                                */
+    SPFLOAT scale;
+    int StageCnt;
+    int NDiffU;
+    M = M - 1;
+    switch (M) {
+    case -1:
+      break;
+    case 0:
+      rfft1pt(ioptr);           /* a 2 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      rfft2pt(ioptr);           /* a 4 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      rfft4pt(ioptr);           /* an 8 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      rfft8pt(ioptr);           /* a 16 pt fft */
+      break;
+    default:
+      scale = 0.5;
+      /* bit reverse and first radix 2 stage */
+      scbitrevR2(ioptr, M, BRLow, scale);
+      StageCnt = (M - 1) / 3;   /* number of radix 8 stages           */
+      NDiffU = 2;               /* one radix 2 stage already complete */
+      if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 1) {
+        bfR2(ioptr, M, NDiffU); /* 1 radix 2 stage */
+        NDiffU *= 2;
+      }
+      if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 2) {
+        bfR4(ioptr, M, NDiffU); /* 1 radix 4 stage */
+        NDiffU *= 4;
+      }
+      if (M <= (int) MCACHE)
+        bfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, 2, NDiffU, StageCnt);  /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+      else
+        fftrecurs(ioptr, M, Utbl, 2, NDiffU, StageCnt); /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+      frstage(ioptr, M + 1, Utbl);
+    }
+* parts of riffts1 *
+static void rifft1pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale)
+    /***   RADIX 2 rifft    ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    f0r = ioptr[0];
+    f0i = ioptr[1];
+    /* finish rfft */
+    t0r = f0r + f0i;
+    t0i = f0r - f0i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = scale * t0r;
+    ioptr[1] = scale * t0i;
+static void rifft2pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale)
+    /***   RADIX 4 rifft    ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    t0r = ioptr[0];
+    t0i = ioptr[1];
+    f1r = Two * ioptr[2];
+    f1i = Two * ioptr[3];
+    /* start rifft */
+    f0r = t0r + t0i;
+    f0i = t0r - t0i;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i - f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i + f1i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = scale * t0r;
+    ioptr[1] = scale * t0i;
+    ioptr[2] = scale * f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = scale * f1i;
+static void rifft4pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale)
+    /***   RADIX 8 rifft    ***/
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    SPFLOAT w0r = 1.0 / MYROOT2;    /* cos(pi/4)   */
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    t0r = ioptr[0];
+    t0i = ioptr[1];
+    f2r = ioptr[2];
+    f2i = ioptr[3];
+    f1r = Two * ioptr[4];
+    f1i = Two * ioptr[5];
+    f3r = ioptr[6];
+    f3i = ioptr[7];
+    /* start rfft */
+    f0r = t0r + t0i;              /* compute Re(x[0]) */
+    f0i = t0r - t0i;              /* compute Re(x[N/2]) */
+    t1r = f2r + f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    t0r = f2r - f3r;
+    t0i = f2i + f3i;
+    f2r = t1r - w0r * t0r - w0r * t0i;
+    f2i = t1i + w0r * t0r - w0r * t0i;
+    f3r = Two * t1r - f2r;
+    f3i = f2i - Two * t1i;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0
+       f1   -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1
+       f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2
+       f3   -  1 -  t1      -  i -  f3
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i - f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i + f1i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    f2r = f2r + f3r;
+    f2i = f2i + f3i;
+    f0r = t0r + f2r;
+    f0i = t0i + f2i;
+    f2r = t0r - f2r;
+    f2i = t0i - f2i;
+    f3r = f1r + t1i;
+    f3i = f1i - t1r;
+    f1r = f1r - t1i;
+    f1i = f1i + t1r;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = scale * f0r;
+    ioptr[1] = scale * f0i;
+    ioptr[2] = scale * f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = scale * f1i;
+    ioptr[4] = scale * f2r;
+    ioptr[5] = scale * f2i;
+    ioptr[6] = scale * f3r;
+    ioptr[7] = scale * f3i;
+static void rifft8pt(SPFLOAT *ioptr, SPFLOAT scale)
+    /***   RADIX 16 rifft   ***/
+    SPFLOAT w0r = (SPFLOAT) (1.0 / MYROOT2);    /* cos(pi/4)    */
+    SPFLOAT w1r = MYCOSPID8;                  /* cos(pi/8)    */
+    SPFLOAT w1i = MYSINPID8;                  /* sin(pi/8)    */
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f2r, f2i, f3r, f3i;
+    SPFLOAT f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i, f6r, f6i, f7r, f7i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    /* bit reversed load */
+    t0r = ioptr[0];
+    t0i = ioptr[1];
+    f4r = ioptr[2];
+    f4i = ioptr[3];
+    f2r = ioptr[4];
+    f2i = ioptr[5];
+    f6r = ioptr[6];
+    f6i = ioptr[7];
+    f1r = Two * ioptr[8];
+    f1i = Two * ioptr[9];
+    f5r = ioptr[10];
+    f5i = ioptr[11];
+    f3r = ioptr[12];
+    f3i = ioptr[13];
+    f7r = ioptr[14];
+    f7i = ioptr[15];
+    /* start rfft */
+    f0r = t0r + t0i;              /* compute Re(x[0]) */
+    f0i = t0r - t0i;              /* compute Re(x[N/2]) */
+    t0r = f2r + f3r;
+    t0i = f2i - f3i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i + f3i;
+    f2r = t0r - w0r * t1r - w0r * t1i;
+    f2i = t0i + w0r * t1r - w0r * t1i;
+    f3r = Two * t0r - f2r;
+    f3i = f2i - Two * t0i;
+    t0r = f4r + f7r;
+    t0i = f4i - f7i;
+    t1r = f4r - f7r;
+    t1i = f4i + f7i;
+    f4r = t0r - w1i * t1r - w1r * t1i;
+    f4i = t0i + w1r * t1r - w1i * t1i;
+    f7r = Two * t0r - f4r;
+    f7i = f4i - Two * t0i;
+    t0r = f6r + f5r;
+    t0i = f6i - f5i;
+    t1r = f6r - f5r;
+    t1i = f6i + f5i;
+    f6r = t0r - w1r * t1r - w1i * t1i;
+    f6i = t0i + w1i * t1r - w1r * t1i;
+    f5r = Two * t0r - f6r;
+    f5i = f6i - Two * t0i;
+    /* Butterflys           */
+    /*
+       f0   -       -       t0      -       -       f0      -       -       f0
+       f1*  -  1 -  f1      -       -       f1      -       -       f1
+       f2   -       -       f2      -  1 -  f2      -       -       f2
+       f3   -  1 -  t1      -  i -  f3      -       -       f3
+       f4   -       -       t0      -       -       f4      -  1 -  t0
+       f5   -  1 -  f5      -       -       f5      - w3 -  f4
+       f6   -       -       f6      -  1 -  f6      -  i -  t1
+       f7   -  1 -  t1      -  i -  f7      - iw3-  f6
+     */
+    t0r = f0r + f1r;
+    t0i = f0i - f1i;
+    f1r = f0r - f1r;
+    f1i = f0i + f1i;
+    t1r = f2r - f3r;
+    t1i = f2i - f3i;
+    f2r = f2r + f3r;
+    f2i = f2i + f3i;
+    f0r = t0r + f2r;
+    f0i = t0i + f2i;
+    f2r = t0r - f2r;
+    f2i = t0i - f2i;
+    f3r = f1r + t1i;
+    f3i = f1i - t1r;
+    f1r = f1r - t1i;
+    f1i = f1i + t1r;
+    t0r = f4r + f5r;
+    t0i = f4i + f5i;
+    f5r = f4r - f5r;
+    f5i = f4i - f5i;
+    t1r = f6r - f7r;
+    t1i = f6i - f7i;
+    f6r = f6r + f7r;
+    f6i = f6i + f7i;
+    f4r = t0r + f6r;
+    f4i = t0i + f6i;
+    f6r = t0r - f6r;
+    f6i = t0i - f6i;
+    f7r = f5r + t1i;
+    f7i = f5i - t1r;
+    f5r = f5r - t1i;
+    f5i = f5i + t1r;
+    t0r = f0r - f4r;
+    t0i = f0i - f4i;
+    f0r = f0r + f4r;
+    f0i = f0i + f4i;
+    t1r = f2r + f6i;
+    t1i = f2i - f6r;
+    f2r = f2r - f6i;
+    f2i = f2i + f6r;
+    f4r = f1r - f5r * w0r + f5i * w0r;
+    f4i = f1i - f5r * w0r - f5i * w0r;
+    f1r = f1r * Two - f4r;
+    f1i = f1i * Two - f4i;
+    f6r = f3r + f7r * w0r + f7i * w0r;
+    f6i = f3i - f7r * w0r + f7i * w0r;
+    f3r = f3r * Two - f6r;
+    f3i = f3i * Two - f6i;
+    /* store result */
+    ioptr[0] = scale * f0r;
+    ioptr[1] = scale * f0i;
+    ioptr[2] = scale * f1r;
+    ioptr[3] = scale * f1i;
+    ioptr[4] = scale * f2r;
+    ioptr[5] = scale * f2i;
+    ioptr[6] = scale * f3r;
+    ioptr[7] = scale * f3i;
+    ioptr[8] = scale * t0r;
+    ioptr[9] = scale * t0i;
+    ioptr[10] = scale * f4r;
+    ioptr[11] = scale * f4i;
+    ioptr[12] = scale * t1r;
+    ioptr[13] = scale * t1i;
+    ioptr[14] = scale * f6r;
+    ioptr[15] = scale * f6i;
+static void ifrstage(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl)
+    /*      Start RIFFT             */
+    unsigned int pos;
+    unsigned int posi;
+    unsigned int diffUcnt;
+    SPFLOAT *p0r, *p1r;
+    SPFLOAT *u0r, *u0i;
+    SPFLOAT w0r, w0i;
+    SPFLOAT f0r, f0i, f1r, f1i, f4r, f4i, f5r, f5i;
+    SPFLOAT t0r, t0i, t1r, t1i;
+    const SPFLOAT Two = 2.0;
+    pos = POW2(M - 1);
+    posi = pos + 1;
+    p0r = ioptr;
+    p1r = ioptr + pos / 2;
+    u0r = Utbl + POW2(M - 3);
+    w0r = *u0r; f0r = *(p0r);
+    f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+    f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+    f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+    f1r = *(p1r);
+    f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+    f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+    f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+    t0r = f0r + f0i;
+    t0i = f0r - f0i;
+    t1r = f4r + f4r;
+    t1i = -f4i - f4i;
+    f0r = f1r + f5r;
+    f0i = f1i - f5i;
+    f4r = f1r - f5r;
+    f4i = f1i + f5i;
+    f1r = f0r - w0r * f4r - w0r * f4i;
+    f1i = f0i + w0r * f4r - w0r * f4i;
+    f5r = Two * f0r - f1r;
+    f5i = f1i - Two * f0i;
+    *(p0r) = t0r;
+    *(p0r + 1) = t0i;
+    *(p0r + pos) = t1r;
+    *(p0r + posi) = t1i;
+    *(p1r) = f1r;
+    *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+    *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+    *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+    u0r = Utbl + 1;
+    u0i = Utbl + (POW2(M - 2) - 1);
+    w0r = *u0r; w0i = *u0i;
+    p0r = (ioptr + 2);
+    p1r = (ioptr + (POW2(M - 2) - 1) * 2);
+    /* Butterflys */
+    /*
+       f0   -        t0             -       f0
+       f1   -     t1     -w0-   f1
+       f2   -        t0             -       f2
+       f3   -     t1           -iw0-  f3
+     */
+    for (diffUcnt = POW2(M - 3) - 1; diffUcnt > 0; diffUcnt--) {
+      f0r = *(p0r);
+      f0i = *(p0r + 1);
+      f5r = *(p1r + pos);
+      f5i = *(p1r + posi);
+      f1r = *(p1r);
+      f1i = *(p1r + 1);
+      f4r = *(p0r + pos);
+      f4i = *(p0r + posi);
+      t0r = f0r + f5r;
+      t0i = f0i - f5i;
+      t1r = f0r - f5r;
+      t1i = f0i + f5i;
+      f0r = t0r - w0i * t1r - w0r * t1i;
+      f0i = t0i + w0r * t1r - w0i * t1i;
+      f5r = Two * t0r - f0r;
+      f5i = f0i - Two * t0i;
+      t0r = f1r + f4r;
+      t0i = f1i - f4i;
+      t1r = f1r - f4r;
+      t1i = f1i + f4i;
+      f1r = t0r - w0r * t1r - w0i * t1i;
+      f1i = t0i + w0i * t1r - w0r * t1i;
+      f4r = Two * t0r - f1r;
+      f4i = f1i - Two * t0i;
+      *(p0r) = f0r;
+      *(p0r + 1) = f0i;
+      *(p1r + pos) = f5r;
+      *(p1r + posi) = f5i;
+      w0r = *++u0r;
+      w0i = *--u0i;
+      *(p1r) = f1r;
+      *(p1r + 1) = f1i;
+      *(p0r + pos) = f4r;
+      *(p0r + posi) = f4i;
+      p0r += 2;
+      p1r -= 2;
+    }
+static void riffts1(SPFLOAT *ioptr, int M, SPFLOAT *Utbl, int16_t *BRLow)
+    /* Compute in-place real ifft on the rows of the input array    */
+    /* data order as from rffts1                                    */
+    /* INPUTS                                                       */
+    /*   *ioptr = input data array in the following order           */
+    /*   M = log2 of fft size                                       */
+    /*   Re(x[0]), Re(x[N/2]), Re(x[1]), Im(x[1]),                  */
+    /*   Re(x[2]), Im(x[2]), ... Re(x[N/2-1]), Im(x[N/2-1]).        */
+    /*   *Utbl = cosine table                                       */
+    /*   *BRLow = bit reversed counter table                        */
+    /* OUTPUTS                                                      */
+    /*   *ioptr = real output data array                            */
+    SPFLOAT scale;
+    int StageCnt;
+    int NDiffU;
+    scale = (SPFLOAT)(1.0 / (double)((int)POW2(M)));
+    M = M - 1;
+    switch (M) {
+    case -1:
+      break;
+    case 0:
+      rifft1pt(ioptr, scale);   /* a 2 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      rifft2pt(ioptr, scale);   /* a 4 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      rifft4pt(ioptr, scale);   /* an 8 pt fft */
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      rifft8pt(ioptr, scale);   /* a 16 pt fft */
+      break;
+    default:
+      ifrstage(ioptr, M + 1, Utbl);
+      /* bit reverse and first radix 2 stage */
+      scbitrevR2(ioptr, M, BRLow, scale);
+      StageCnt = (M - 1) / 3;   /* number of radix 8 stages           */
+      NDiffU = 2;               /* one radix 2 stage already complete */
+      if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 1) {
+        ibfR2(ioptr, M, NDiffU);        /* 1 radix 2 stage */
+        NDiffU *= 2;
+      }
+      if ((M - 1 - (StageCnt * 3)) == 2) {
+        ibfR4(ioptr, M, NDiffU);        /* 1 radix 4 stage */
+        NDiffU *= 4;
+      }
+      if (M <= (int) MCACHE)
+        ibfstages(ioptr, M, Utbl, 2, NDiffU, StageCnt); /*  RADIX 8 Stages */
+      else
+        ifftrecurs(ioptr, M, Utbl, 2, NDiffU, StageCnt); /* RADIX 8 Stages */
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fft/sp_fft.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+void sp_fft_init(sp_fft *fft, int M)
+    SPFLOAT *utbl;
+    int16_t *BRLow;
+    int16_t *BRLowCpx;
+    /* init cos table */
+    utbl = (SPFLOAT*) malloc((POW2(M) / 4 + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    fftCosInit(M, utbl);
+    BRLowCpx =
+      (int16_t*) malloc(POW2(M / 2 - 1) * sizeof(int16_t));
+    fftBRInit(M, BRLowCpx);
+    /* init bit reversed table for real FFT */
+     BRLow =
+      (int16_t*) malloc(POW2((M - 1) / 2 - 1) * sizeof(int16_t));
+    fftBRInit(M - 1, BRLow);
+    fft->BRLow = BRLow;
+    fft->BRLowCpx = BRLowCpx;
+    fft->utbl = utbl;
+void sp_fftr(sp_fft *fft, SPFLOAT *buf, int FFTsize)
+    int M = log2(FFTsize);
+    rffts1(buf, M, fft->utbl, fft->BRLow);
+void sp_fft_cpx(sp_fft *fft, SPFLOAT *buf, int FFTsize)
+    int M = log2(FFTsize);
+    ffts1(buf, M, fft->utbl, fft->BRLowCpx);
+void sp_ifftr(sp_fft *fft, SPFLOAT *buf, int FFTsize)
+    int M = log2(FFTsize);
+    riffts1(buf, M, fft->utbl, fft->BRLow);
+void sp_fft_destroy(sp_fft *fft)
+    free(fft->utbl);
+    free(fft->BRLow);
+    free(fft->BRLowCpx);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inih/LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+The "inih" library is distributed under the New BSD license:
+Copyright (c) 2009, Ben Hoyt
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of Ben Hoyt nor the names of its contributors
+      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+      without specific prior written permission.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inih/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+LPATHS += lib/inih/ini.o
+CFLAGS += -Ilib/inih/
+inih/ini.o: lib/inih/ini.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inih/ini.c
@@ -1,0 +1,185 @@
+/* inih -- simple .INI file parser
+inih is released under the New BSD license (see LICENSE.txt). Go to the project
+home page for more info:
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "ini.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define MAX_SECTION 50
+#define MAX_NAME 50
+/* Strip whitespace chars off end of given string, in place. Return s. */
+static char* rstrip(char* s)
+    char* p = s + strlen(s);
+    while (p > s && isspace((unsigned char)(*--p)))
+        *p = '\0';
+    return s;
+/* Return pointer to first non-whitespace char in given string. */
+static char* lskip(const char* s)
+    while (*s && isspace((unsigned char)(*s)))
+        s++;
+    return (char*)s;
+/* Return pointer to first char c or ';' comment in given string, or pointer to
+   null at end of string if neither found. ';' must be prefixed by a whitespace
+   character to register as a comment. */
+static char* find_char_or_comment(const char* s, char c)
+    int was_whitespace = 0;
+    while (*s && *s != c && !(was_whitespace && *s == ';')) {
+        was_whitespace = isspace((unsigned char)(*s));
+        s++;
+    }
+    return (char*)s;
+/* Version of strncpy that ensures dest (size bytes) is null-terminated. */
+static char* strncpy0(char* dest, const char* src, size_t size)
+    strncpy(dest, src, size);
+    dest[size - 1] = '\0';
+    return dest;
+/* See documentation in header file. */
+int ini_parse_file(FILE* file,
+                   int (*handler)(void*, const char*, const char*,
+                                  const char*),
+                   void* user)
+    /* Uses a fair bit of stack (use heap instead if you need to) */
+    char line[INI_MAX_LINE];
+    char* line;
+    char section[MAX_SECTION] = "";
+    char prev_name[MAX_NAME] = "";
+    char* start;
+    char* end;
+    char* name;
+    char* value;
+    int lineno = 0;
+    int error = 0;
+    line = (char*)malloc(INI_MAX_LINE);
+    if (!line) {
+        return -2;
+    }
+    /* Scan through file line by line */
+    while (fgets(line, INI_MAX_LINE, file) != NULL) {
+        lineno++;
+        start = line;
+        if (lineno == 1 && (unsigned char)start[0] == 0xEF &&
+                           (unsigned char)start[1] == 0xBB &&
+                           (unsigned char)start[2] == 0xBF) {
+            start += 3;
+        }
+        start = lskip(rstrip(start));
+        if (*start == ';' || *start == '#') {
+            /* Per Python ConfigParser, allow '#' comments at start of line */
+        }
+        else if (*prev_name && *start && start > line) {
+            /* Non-black line with leading whitespace, treat as continuation
+               of previous name's value (as per Python ConfigParser). */
+            if (!handler(user, section, prev_name, start) && !error)
+                error = lineno;
+        }
+        else if (*start == '[') {
+            /* A "[section]" line */
+            end = find_char_or_comment(start + 1, ']');
+            if (*end == ']') {
+                *end = '\0';
+                strncpy0(section, start + 1, sizeof(section));
+                *prev_name = '\0';
+            }
+            else if (!error) {
+                /* No ']' found on section line */
+                error = lineno;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (*start && *start != ';') {
+            /* Not a comment, must be a name[=:]value pair */
+            end = find_char_or_comment(start, '=');
+            if (*end != '=') {
+                end = find_char_or_comment(start, ':');
+            }
+            if (*end == '=' || *end == ':') {
+                *end = '\0';
+                name = rstrip(start);
+                value = lskip(end + 1);
+                end = find_char_or_comment(value, '\0');
+                if (*end == ';')
+                    *end = '\0';
+                rstrip(value);
+                /* Valid name[=:]value pair found, call handler */
+                strncpy0(prev_name, name, sizeof(prev_name));
+                if (!handler(user, section, name, value) && !error)
+                    error = lineno;
+            }
+            else if (!error) {
+                /* No '=' or ':' found on name[=:]value line */
+                error = lineno;
+            }
+        }
+        if (error)
+            break;
+    }
+    free(line);
+    return error;
+/* See documentation in header file. */
+int ini_parse(const char* filename,
+              int (*handler)(void*, const char*, const char*, const char*),
+              void* user)
+    FILE* file;
+    int error;
+    file = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if (!file)
+        return -1;
+    error = ini_parse_file(file, handler, user);
+    fclose(file);
+    return error;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inih/ini.h
@@ -1,0 +1,77 @@
+/* inih -- simple .INI file parser
+inih is released under the New BSD license (see LICENSE.txt). Go to the project
+home page for more info:
+#ifndef __INI_H__
+#define __INI_H__
+/* Make this header file easier to include in C++ code */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Parse given INI-style file. May have [section]s, name=value pairs
+   (whitespace stripped), and comments starting with ';' (semicolon). Section
+   is "" if name=value pair parsed before any section heading. name:value
+   pairs are also supported as a concession to Python's ConfigParser.
+   For each name=value pair parsed, call handler function with given user
+   pointer as well as section, name, and value (data only valid for duration
+   of handler call). Handler should return nonzero on success, zero on error.
+   Returns 0 on success, line number of first error on parse error (doesn't
+   stop on first error), -1 on file open error, or -2 on memory allocation
+   error (only when INI_USE_STACK is zero).
+int ini_parse(const char* filename,
+              int (*handler)(void* user, const char* section,
+                             const char* name, const char* value),
+              void* user);
+/* Same as ini_parse(), but takes a FILE* instead of filename. This doesn't
+   close the file when it's finished -- the caller must do that. */
+int ini_parse_file(FILE* file,
+                   int (*handler)(void* user, const char* section,
+                                  const char* name, const char* value),
+                   void* user);
+/* Nonzero to allow multi-line value parsing, in the style of Python's
+   ConfigParser. If allowed, ini_parse() will call the handler with the same
+   name for each subsequent line parsed. */
+/* Nonzero to allow a UTF-8 BOM sequence (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF) at the start of
+   the file. See */
+#ifndef INI_ALLOW_BOM
+#define INI_ALLOW_BOM 1
+/* Nonzero to use stack, zero to use heap (malloc/free). */
+#ifndef INI_USE_STACK
+#define INI_USE_STACK 1
+/* Stop parsing on first error (default is to keep parsing). */
+/* Maximum line length for any line in INI file. */
+#ifndef INI_MAX_LINE
+#define INI_MAX_LINE 200
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __INI_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/COPYING
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Mark Borgerding
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the author nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+LPATHS += lib/kissfft/kiss_fft.o lib/kissfft/kiss_fftr.o
+CFLAGS += -Ilib/kissfft/ -Dkiss_fft_scalar=$(SPFLOAT)
+lib/kissfft/kiss_fft.o: lib/kissfft/kiss_fft.c
+	$(C89) $< -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@
+lib/kissfft/kiss_fftr.o: lib/kissfft/kiss_fftr.c
+	$(C89) $< -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/README
@@ -1,0 +1,134 @@
+KISS FFT - A mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform based up on the principle, 
+"Keep It Simple, Stupid."
+    There are many great fft libraries already around.  Kiss FFT is not trying
+to be better than any of them.  It only attempts to be a reasonably efficient, 
+moderately useful FFT that can use fixed or floating data types and can be 
+incorporated into someone's C program in a few minutes with trivial licensing.
+    The basic usage for 1-d complex FFT is:
+        #include "kiss_fft.h"
+        kiss_fft_cfg cfg = kiss_fft_alloc( nfft ,is_inverse_fft ,0,0 );
+        while ...
+            ... // put kth sample in cx_in[k].r and cx_in[k].i
+            kiss_fft( cfg , cx_in , cx_out );
+            ... // transformed. DC is in cx_out[0].r and cx_out[0].i 
+        free(cfg);
+    Note: frequency-domain data is stored from dc up to 2pi.
+    so cx_out[0] is the dc bin of the FFT
+    and cx_out[nfft/2] is the Nyquist bin (if exists)
+    Declarations are in "kiss_fft.h", along with a brief description of the 
+functions you'll need to use. 
+Code definitions for 1d complex FFTs are in kiss_fft.c.
+You can do other cool stuff with the extras you'll find in tools/
+    * multi-dimensional FFTs 
+    * real-optimized FFTs  (returns the positive half-spectrum: (nfft/2+1) complex frequency bins)
+    * fast convolution FIR filtering (not available for fixed point)
+    * spectrum image creation
+The core fft and most tools/ code can be compiled to use float, double 
+or Q15 short samples. The default is float.
+    I started coding this because I couldn't find a fixed point FFT that didn't 
+use assembly code.  I started with floating point numbers so I could get the 
+theory straight before working on fixed point issues.  In the end, I had a 
+little bit of code that could be recompiled easily to do ffts with short, float
+or double (other types should be easy too).  
+    Once I got my FFT working, I was curious about the speed compared to
+a well respected and highly optimized fft library.  I don't want to criticize 
+this great library, so let's call it FFT_BRANDX.
+During this process, I learned:
+    1. FFT_BRANDX has more than 100K lines of code. The core of kiss_fft is about 500 lines (cpx 1-d).
+    2. It took me an embarrassingly long time to get FFT_BRANDX working.
+    3. A simple program using FFT_BRANDX is 522KB. A similar program using kiss_fft is 18KB (without optimizing for size).
+    4. FFT_BRANDX is roughly twice as fast as KISS FFT in default mode.
+    It is wonderful that free, highly optimized libraries like FFT_BRANDX exist.
+But such libraries carry a huge burden of complexity necessary to extract every 
+last bit of performance.
+    Sometimes simpler is better, even if it's not better.
+	Q: Can I use kissfft in a project with a ___ license?
+	A: Yes.  See LICENSE below.
+	Q: Why don't I get the output I expect?
+	A: The two most common causes of this are 
+		1) scaling : is there a constant multiplier between what you got and what you want?
+		2) mixed build environment -- all code must be compiled with same preprocessor 
+		definitions for FIXED_POINT and kiss_fft_scalar
+	Q: Will you write/debug my code for me?
+	A: Probably not unless you pay me.  I am happy to answer pointed and topical questions, but 
+	I may refer you to a book, a forum, or some other resource.
+    (on Athlon XP 2100+, with gcc 2.96, float data type)
+    Kiss performed 10000 1024-pt cpx ffts in .63 s of cpu time.
+    For comparison, it took md5sum twice as long to process the same amount of data.
+    Transforming 5 minutes of CD quality audio takes less than a second (nfft=1024). 
+    ... use Kiss if you need the Fastest Fourier Transform in the World
+    ... ask me to add features that will bloat the code
+    Kiss FFT uses a time decimation, mixed-radix, out-of-place FFT. If you give it an input buffer  
+    and output buffer that are the same, a temporary buffer will be created to hold the data.
+    No static data is used.  The core routines of kiss_fft are thread-safe (but not all of the tools directory).
+    No scaling is done for the floating point version (for speed).  
+    Scaling is done both ways for the fixed-point version (for overflow prevention).
+    Optimized butterflies are used for factors 2,3,4, and 5. 
+    The real (i.e. not complex) optimization code only works for even length ffts.  It does two half-length
+    FFTs in parallel (packed into real&imag), and then combines them via twiddling.  The result is 
+    nfft/2+1 complex frequency bins from DC to Nyquist.  If you don't know what this means, search the web.
+    The fast convolution filtering uses the overlap-scrap method, slightly 
+    modified to put the scrap at the tail.
+    Revised BSD License, see COPYING for verbiage. 
+    Basically, "free to use&change, give credit where due, no guarantees"
+    Note this license is compatible with GPL at one end of the spectrum and closed, commercial software at 
+    the other end.  See
+    A commercial license is available which removes the requirement for attribution.  Contact me for details.
+    *) Add real optimization for odd length FFTs 
+    *) Document/revisit the input/output fft scaling
+    *) Make doc describing the overlap (tail) scrap fast convolution filtering in kiss_fastfir.c
+    *) Test all the ./tools/ code with fixed point (kiss_fastfir.c doesn't work, maybe others)
+    Mark Borgerding
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/_kiss_fft_guts.h
@@ -1,0 +1,168 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Mark Borgerding
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the author nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+/* kiss_fft.h
+   defines kiss_fft_scalar as either short or a float type
+   and defines
+   typedef struct { kiss_fft_scalar r; kiss_fft_scalar i; }kiss_fft_cpx; */
+#include "kiss_fft.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+#define MAXFACTORS 32
+/* e.g. an fft of length 128 has 4 factors
+ as far as kissfft is concerned
+ 4*4*4*2
+ */
+#ifndef SOUNDPIPE_H
+struct kiss_fft_state{
+    int nfft;
+    int inverse;
+    int factors[2*MAXFACTORS];
+    kiss_fft_cpx twiddles[1];
+  Explanation of macros dealing with complex math:
+   C_MUL(m,a,b)         : m = a*b
+   C_FIXDIV( c , div )  : if a fixed point impl., c /= div. noop otherwise
+   C_SUB( res, a,b)     : res = a - b
+   C_SUBFROM( res , a)  : res -= a
+   C_ADDTO( res , a)    : res += a
+ * */
+#if (FIXED_POINT==32)
+# define FRACBITS 31
+# define SAMPPROD int64_t
+#define SAMP_MAX 2147483647
+# define FRACBITS 15
+# define SAMPPROD int32_t
+#define SAMP_MAX 32767
+#if defined(CHECK_OVERFLOW)
+#  define CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP(a,op,b)  \
+	if ( (SAMPPROD)(a) op (SAMPPROD)(b) > SAMP_MAX || (SAMPPROD)(a) op (SAMPPROD)(b) < SAMP_MIN ) { \
+		fprintf(stderr,"WARNING:overflow @ " __FILE__ "(%d): (%d " #op" %d) = %ld\n",__LINE__,(a),(b),(SAMPPROD)(a) op (SAMPPROD)(b) );  }
+#   define smul(a,b) ( (SAMPPROD)(a)*(b) )
+#   define sround( x )  (kiss_fft_scalar)( ( (x) + (1<<(FRACBITS-1)) ) >> FRACBITS )
+#   define S_MUL(a,b) sround( smul(a,b) )
+#   define C_MUL(m,a,b) \
+      do{ (m).r = sround( smul((a).r,(b).r) - smul((a).i,(b).i) ); \
+          (m).i = sround( smul((a).r,(b).i) + smul((a).i,(b).r) ); }while(0)
+#   define DIVSCALAR(x,k) \
+	(x) = sround( smul(  x, SAMP_MAX/k ) )
+#   define C_FIXDIV(c,div) \
+	do {    DIVSCALAR( (c).r , div);  \
+		DIVSCALAR( (c).i  , div); }while (0)
+#   define C_MULBYSCALAR( c, s ) \
+    do{ (c).r =  sround( smul( (c).r , s ) ) ;\
+        (c).i =  sround( smul( (c).i , s ) ) ; }while(0)
+#else  /* not FIXED_POINT*/
+#   define S_MUL(a,b) ( (a)*(b) )
+#define C_MUL(m,a,b) \
+    do{ (m).r = (a).r*(b).r - (a).i*(b).i;\
+        (m).i = (a).r*(b).i + (a).i*(b).r; }while(0)
+#   define C_FIXDIV(c,div) /* NOOP */
+#   define C_MULBYSCALAR( c, s ) \
+    do{ (c).r *= (s);\
+        (c).i *= (s); }while(0)
+#  define CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP(a,op,b) /* noop */
+#define  C_ADD( res, a,b)\
+    do { \
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).r,+,(b).r)\
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).i,+,(b).i)\
+	    (res).r=(a).r+(b).r;  (res).i=(a).i+(b).i; \
+    }while(0)
+#define  C_SUB( res, a,b)\
+    do { \
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).r,-,(b).r)\
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((a).i,-,(b).i)\
+	    (res).r=(a).r-(b).r;  (res).i=(a).i-(b).i; \
+    }while(0)
+#define C_ADDTO( res , a)\
+    do { \
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).r,+,(a).r)\
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).i,+,(a).i)\
+	    (res).r += (a).r;  (res).i += (a).i;\
+    }while(0)
+#define C_SUBFROM( res , a)\
+    do {\
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).r,-,(a).r)\
+	    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP((res).i,-,(a).i)\
+	    (res).r -= (a).r;  (res).i -= (a).i; \
+    }while(0)
+#  define KISS_FFT_COS(phase)  floor(.5+SAMP_MAX * cos (phase))
+#  define KISS_FFT_SIN(phase)  floor(.5+SAMP_MAX * sin (phase))
+#  define HALF_OF(x) ((x)>>1)
+#elif defined(USE_SIMD)
+#  define KISS_FFT_COS(phase) _mm_set1_ps( cos(phase) )
+#  define KISS_FFT_SIN(phase) _mm_set1_ps( sin(phase) )
+#  define HALF_OF(x) ((x)*_mm_set1_ps(.5))
+#  define KISS_FFT_COS(phase) (kiss_fft_scalar) cos(phase)
+#  define KISS_FFT_SIN(phase) (kiss_fft_scalar) sin(phase)
+#  define HALF_OF(x) ((x)*.5)
+#define  kf_cexp(x,phase) \
+	do{ \
+		(x)->r = KISS_FFT_COS(phase);\
+		(x)->i = KISS_FFT_SIN(phase);\
+	}while(0)
+/* a debugging function */
+#define pcpx(c)\
+    fprintf(stderr,"%g + %gi\n",(double)((c)->r),(double)((c)->i) )
+// define this to allow use of alloca instead of malloc for temporary buffers
+// Temporary buffers are used in two case:
+// 1. FFT sizes that have "bad" factors. i.e. not 2,3 and 5
+// 2. "in-place" FFTs.  Notice the quotes, since kissfft does not really do an in-place transform.
+#include <alloca.h>
+#define  KISS_FFT_TMP_ALLOC(nbytes) alloca(nbytes)
+#define  KISS_FFT_TMP_FREE(ptr)
+#define  KISS_FFT_TMP_ALLOC(nbytes) KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nbytes)
+#define  KISS_FFT_TMP_FREE(ptr) KISS_FFT_FREE(ptr)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/kiss_fft.c
@@ -1,0 +1,409 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Mark Borgerding
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the author nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "_kiss_fft_guts.h"
+/* The guts header contains all the multiplication and addition macros that are defined for
+ fixed or floating point complex numbers.  It also delares the kf_ internal functions.
+ */
+static void kf_bfly2(
+        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
+        const size_t fstride,
+        const kiss_fft_cfg st,
+        int m
+        )
+    kiss_fft_cpx * Fout2;
+    kiss_fft_cpx * tw1 = st->twiddles;
+    kiss_fft_cpx t;
+    Fout2 = Fout + m;
+    do{
+        C_FIXDIV(*Fout,2); C_FIXDIV(*Fout2,2);
+        C_MUL (t,  *Fout2 , *tw1);
+        tw1 += fstride;
+        C_SUB( *Fout2 ,  *Fout , t );
+        C_ADDTO( *Fout ,  t );
+        ++Fout2;
+        ++Fout;
+    }while (--m);
+static void kf_bfly4(
+        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
+        const size_t fstride,
+        const kiss_fft_cfg st,
+        const size_t m
+        )
+    kiss_fft_cpx *tw1,*tw2,*tw3;
+    kiss_fft_cpx scratch[6];
+    size_t k=m;
+    const size_t m2=2*m;
+    const size_t m3=3*m;
+    tw3 = tw2 = tw1 = st->twiddles;
+    do {
+        C_FIXDIV(*Fout,4); C_FIXDIV(Fout[m],4); C_FIXDIV(Fout[m2],4); C_FIXDIV(Fout[m3],4);
+        C_MUL(scratch[0],Fout[m] , *tw1 );
+        C_MUL(scratch[1],Fout[m2] , *tw2 );
+        C_MUL(scratch[2],Fout[m3] , *tw3 );
+        C_SUB( scratch[5] , *Fout, scratch[1] );
+        C_ADDTO(*Fout, scratch[1]);
+        C_ADD( scratch[3] , scratch[0] , scratch[2] );
+        C_SUB( scratch[4] , scratch[0] , scratch[2] );
+        C_SUB( Fout[m2], *Fout, scratch[3] );
+        tw1 += fstride;
+        tw2 += fstride*2;
+        tw3 += fstride*3;
+        C_ADDTO( *Fout , scratch[3] );
+        if(st->inverse) {
+            Fout[m].r = scratch[5].r - scratch[4].i;
+            Fout[m].i = scratch[5].i + scratch[4].r;
+            Fout[m3].r = scratch[5].r + scratch[4].i;
+            Fout[m3].i = scratch[5].i - scratch[4].r;
+        }else{
+            Fout[m].r = scratch[5].r + scratch[4].i;
+            Fout[m].i = scratch[5].i - scratch[4].r;
+            Fout[m3].r = scratch[5].r - scratch[4].i;
+            Fout[m3].i = scratch[5].i + scratch[4].r;
+        }
+        ++Fout;
+    }while(--k);
+static void kf_bfly3(
+         kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
+         const size_t fstride,
+         const kiss_fft_cfg st,
+         size_t m
+         )
+     size_t k=m;
+     const size_t m2 = 2*m;
+     kiss_fft_cpx *tw1,*tw2;
+     kiss_fft_cpx scratch[5];
+     kiss_fft_cpx epi3;
+     epi3 = st->twiddles[fstride*m];
+     tw1=tw2=st->twiddles;
+     do{
+         C_FIXDIV(*Fout,3); C_FIXDIV(Fout[m],3); C_FIXDIV(Fout[m2],3);
+         C_MUL(scratch[1],Fout[m] , *tw1);
+         C_MUL(scratch[2],Fout[m2] , *tw2);
+         C_ADD(scratch[3],scratch[1],scratch[2]);
+         C_SUB(scratch[0],scratch[1],scratch[2]);
+         tw1 += fstride;
+         tw2 += fstride*2;
+         Fout[m].r = Fout->r - HALF_OF(scratch[3].r);
+         Fout[m].i = Fout->i - HALF_OF(scratch[3].i);
+         C_MULBYSCALAR( scratch[0] , epi3.i );
+         C_ADDTO(*Fout,scratch[3]);
+         Fout[m2].r = Fout[m].r + scratch[0].i;
+         Fout[m2].i = Fout[m].i - scratch[0].r;
+         Fout[m].r -= scratch[0].i;
+         Fout[m].i += scratch[0].r;
+         ++Fout;
+     }while(--k);
+static void kf_bfly5(
+        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
+        const size_t fstride,
+        const kiss_fft_cfg st,
+        int m
+        )
+    kiss_fft_cpx *Fout0,*Fout1,*Fout2,*Fout3,*Fout4;
+    int u;
+    kiss_fft_cpx scratch[13];
+    kiss_fft_cpx * twiddles = st->twiddles;
+    kiss_fft_cpx *tw;
+    kiss_fft_cpx ya,yb;
+    ya = twiddles[fstride*m];
+    yb = twiddles[fstride*2*m];
+    Fout0=Fout;
+    Fout1=Fout0+m;
+    Fout2=Fout0+2*m;
+    Fout3=Fout0+3*m;
+    Fout4=Fout0+4*m;
+    tw=st->twiddles;
+    for ( u=0; u<m; ++u ) {
+        C_FIXDIV( *Fout0,5); C_FIXDIV( *Fout1,5); C_FIXDIV( *Fout2,5); C_FIXDIV( *Fout3,5); C_FIXDIV( *Fout4,5);
+        scratch[0] = *Fout0;
+        C_MUL(scratch[1] ,*Fout1, tw[u*fstride]);
+        C_MUL(scratch[2] ,*Fout2, tw[2*u*fstride]);
+        C_MUL(scratch[3] ,*Fout3, tw[3*u*fstride]);
+        C_MUL(scratch[4] ,*Fout4, tw[4*u*fstride]);
+        C_ADD( scratch[7],scratch[1],scratch[4]);
+        C_SUB( scratch[10],scratch[1],scratch[4]);
+        C_ADD( scratch[8],scratch[2],scratch[3]);
+        C_SUB( scratch[9],scratch[2],scratch[3]);
+        Fout0->r += scratch[7].r + scratch[8].r;
+        Fout0->i += scratch[7].i + scratch[8].i;
+        scratch[5].r = scratch[0].r + S_MUL(scratch[7].r,ya.r) + S_MUL(scratch[8].r,yb.r);
+        scratch[5].i = scratch[0].i + S_MUL(scratch[7].i,ya.r) + S_MUL(scratch[8].i,yb.r);
+        scratch[6].r =  S_MUL(scratch[10].i,ya.i) + S_MUL(scratch[9].i,yb.i);
+        scratch[6].i = -S_MUL(scratch[10].r,ya.i) - S_MUL(scratch[9].r,yb.i);
+        C_SUB(*Fout1,scratch[5],scratch[6]);
+        C_ADD(*Fout4,scratch[5],scratch[6]);
+        scratch[11].r = scratch[0].r + S_MUL(scratch[7].r,yb.r) + S_MUL(scratch[8].r,ya.r);
+        scratch[11].i = scratch[0].i + S_MUL(scratch[7].i,yb.r) + S_MUL(scratch[8].i,ya.r);
+        scratch[12].r = - S_MUL(scratch[10].i,yb.i) + S_MUL(scratch[9].i,ya.i);
+        scratch[12].i = S_MUL(scratch[10].r,yb.i) - S_MUL(scratch[9].r,ya.i);
+        C_ADD(*Fout2,scratch[11],scratch[12]);
+        C_SUB(*Fout3,scratch[11],scratch[12]);
+        ++Fout0;++Fout1;++Fout2;++Fout3;++Fout4;
+    }
+/* perform the butterfly for one stage of a mixed radix FFT */
+static void kf_bfly_generic(
+        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
+        const size_t fstride,
+        const kiss_fft_cfg st,
+        int m,
+        int p
+        )
+    int u,k,q1,q;
+    kiss_fft_cpx * twiddles = st->twiddles;
+    kiss_fft_cpx t;
+    int Norig = st->nfft;
+    kiss_fft_cpx * scratch = (kiss_fft_cpx*)KISS_FFT_TMP_ALLOC(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx)*p);
+    for ( u=0; u<m; ++u ) {
+        k=u;
+        for ( q1=0 ; q1<p ; ++q1 ) {
+            scratch[q1] = Fout[ k  ];
+            C_FIXDIV(scratch[q1],p);
+            k += m;
+        }
+        k=u;
+        for ( q1=0 ; q1<p ; ++q1 ) {
+            int twidx=0;
+            Fout[ k ] = scratch[0];
+            for (q=1;q<p;++q ) {
+                twidx += fstride * k;
+                if (twidx>=Norig) twidx-=Norig;
+                C_MUL(t,scratch[q] , twiddles[twidx] );
+                C_ADDTO( Fout[ k ] ,t);
+            }
+            k += m;
+        }
+    }
+    KISS_FFT_TMP_FREE(scratch);
+void kf_work(
+        kiss_fft_cpx * Fout,
+        const kiss_fft_cpx * f,
+        const size_t fstride,
+        int in_stride,
+        int * factors,
+        const kiss_fft_cfg st
+        )
+    kiss_fft_cpx * Fout_beg=Fout;
+    const int p=*factors++; /* the radix  */
+    const int m=*factors++; /* stage's fft length/p */
+    const kiss_fft_cpx * Fout_end = Fout + p*m;
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+    /* use openmp extensions at the */
+    /* top-level (not recursive) */
+    if (fstride==1 && p<=5)
+    {
+        int k;
+        /* execute the p different work units in different threads */
+#       pragma omp parallel for
+        for (k=0;k<p;++k)
+            kf_work( Fout +k*m, f+ fstride*in_stride*k,fstride*p,in_stride,factors,st);
+        // all threads have joined by this point
+        switch (p) {
+            case 2: kf_bfly2(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+            case 3: kf_bfly3(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+            case 4: kf_bfly4(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+            case 5: kf_bfly5(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+            default: kf_bfly_generic(Fout,fstride,st,m,p); break;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (m==1) {
+        do{
+            *Fout = *f;
+            f += fstride*in_stride;
+        }while(++Fout != Fout_end );
+    }else{
+        do{
+            /* recursive call:
+             * DFT of size m*p performed by doing
+             * p instances of smaller DFTs of size m,
+             * each one takes a decimated version of the input
+             */
+            kf_work( Fout , f, fstride*p, in_stride, factors,st);
+            f += fstride*in_stride;
+        }while( (Fout += m) != Fout_end );
+    }
+    Fout=Fout_beg;
+    /* recombine the p smaller DFTs  */
+    switch (p) {
+        case 2: kf_bfly2(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+        case 3: kf_bfly3(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+        case 4: kf_bfly4(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+        case 5: kf_bfly5(Fout,fstride,st,m); break;
+        default: kf_bfly_generic(Fout,fstride,st,m,p); break;
+    }
+/*  facbuf is populated by p1,m1,p2,m2, ...
+    where
+    p[i] * m[i] = m[i-1]
+    m0 = n                  */
+void kf_factor(int n,int * facbuf)
+    int p=4;
+    double floor_sqrt;
+    floor_sqrt = floor( sqrt((double)n) );
+    /*factor out powers of 4, powers of 2, then any remaining primes */
+    do {
+        while (n % p) {
+            switch (p) {
+                case 4: p = 2; break;
+                case 2: p = 3; break;
+                default: p += 2; break;
+            }
+            if (p > floor_sqrt)
+                p = n;          /* no more factors, skip to end */
+        }
+        n /= p;
+        *facbuf++ = p;
+        *facbuf++ = n;
+    } while (n > 1);
+ *
+ * User-callable function to allocate all necessary storage space for the fft.
+ *
+ * The return value is a contiguous block of memory, allocated with malloc.  As such,
+ * It can be freed with free(), rather than a kiss_fft-specific function.
+ * */
+kiss_fft_cfg kiss_fft_alloc(int nfft,int inverse_fft,void * mem,size_t * lenmem )
+    kiss_fft_cfg st=NULL;
+    size_t memneeded = sizeof(struct kiss_fft_state)
+        + sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx)*(nfft-1); /* twiddle factors*/
+    if ( lenmem==NULL ) {
+        st = ( kiss_fft_cfg)KISS_FFT_MALLOC( memneeded );
+    }else{
+        if (mem != NULL && *lenmem >= memneeded)
+            st = (kiss_fft_cfg)mem;
+        *lenmem = memneeded;
+    }
+    if (st) {
+        int i;
+        st->nfft=nfft;
+        st->inverse = inverse_fft;
+        for (i=0;i<nfft;++i) {
+            const double pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944;
+            double phase = -2*pi*i / nfft;
+            if (st->inverse)
+                phase *= -1;
+            kf_cexp(st->twiddles+i, phase );
+        }
+        kf_factor(nfft,st->factors);
+    }
+    return st;
+void kiss_fft_stride(kiss_fft_cfg st,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout,int in_stride)
+    if (fin == fout) {
+        /* NOTE: this is not really an in-place FFT algorithm. */
+        /* It just performs an out-of-place FFT into a temp buffer */
+        kiss_fft_cpx * tmpbuf = (kiss_fft_cpx*)KISS_FFT_TMP_ALLOC( sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx)*st->nfft);
+        kf_work(tmpbuf,fin,1,in_stride, st->factors,st);
+        memcpy(fout,tmpbuf,sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx)*st->nfft);
+        KISS_FFT_TMP_FREE(tmpbuf);
+    }else{
+        kf_work( fout, fin, 1,in_stride, st->factors,st );
+    }
+void kiss_fft(kiss_fft_cfg cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout)
+    kiss_fft_stride(cfg,fin,fout,1);
+void kiss_fft_cleanup(void)
+    /* nothing needed any more */
+int kiss_fft_next_fast_size(int n)
+    while(1) {
+        int m=n;
+        while ( (m%2) == 0 ) m/=2;
+        while ( (m%3) == 0 ) m/=3;
+        while ( (m%5) == 0 ) m/=5;
+        if (m<=1)
+            break; /* n is completely factorable by twos, threes, and fives */
+        n++;
+    }
+    return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/kiss_fft.h
@@ -1,0 +1,128 @@
+#ifndef KISS_FFT_H
+#define KISS_FFT_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ If you would like a :
+ -- a utility that will handle the caching of fft objects
+ -- real-only (no imaginary time component ) FFT
+ -- a multi-dimensional FFT
+ -- a command-line utility to perform ffts
+ -- a command-line utility to perform fast-convolution filtering
+ Then see kfc.h kiss_fftr.h kiss_fftnd.h fftutil.c kiss_fastfir.c
+  in the tools/ directory.
+#ifdef USE_SIMD
+# include <xmmintrin.h>
+# define kiss_fft_scalar __m128
+#define KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nbytes) _mm_malloc(nbytes,16)
+#define KISS_FFT_FREE _mm_free
+#define KISS_FFT_MALLOC malloc
+#define KISS_FFT_FREE free
+#include <sys/types.h>
+# if (FIXED_POINT == 32)
+#  define kiss_fft_scalar int32_t
+# else
+#  define kiss_fft_scalar int16_t
+# endif
+# ifndef kiss_fft_scalar
+/*  default is float */
+#   define kiss_fft_scalar float
+# endif
+#ifndef SOUNDPIPE_H
+typedef struct {
+    kiss_fft_scalar r;
+    kiss_fft_scalar i;
+typedef struct kiss_fft_state* kiss_fft_cfg;
+ *  kiss_fft_alloc
+ *
+ *  Initialize a FFT (or IFFT) algorithm's cfg/state buffer.
+ *
+ *  typical usage:      kiss_fft_cfg mycfg=kiss_fft_alloc(1024,0,NULL,NULL);
+ *
+ *  The return value from fft_alloc is a cfg buffer used internally
+ *  by the fft routine or NULL.
+ *
+ *  If lenmem is NULL, then kiss_fft_alloc will allocate a cfg buffer using malloc.
+ *  The returned value should be free()d when done to avoid memory leaks.
+ *
+ *  The state can be placed in a user supplied buffer 'mem':
+ *  If lenmem is not NULL and mem is not NULL and *lenmem is large enough,
+ *      then the function places the cfg in mem and the size used in *lenmem
+ *      and returns mem.
+ *
+ *  If lenmem is not NULL and ( mem is NULL or *lenmem is not large enough),
+ *      then the function returns NULL and places the minimum cfg
+ *      buffer size in *lenmem.
+ * */
+kiss_fft_cfg kiss_fft_alloc(int nfft,int inverse_fft,void * mem,size_t * lenmem);
+ * kiss_fft(cfg,in_out_buf)
+ *
+ * Perform an FFT on a complex input buffer.
+ * for a forward FFT,
+ * fin should be  f[0] , f[1] , ... ,f[nfft-1]
+ * fout will be   F[0] , F[1] , ... ,F[nfft-1]
+ * Note that each element is complex and can be accessed like
+    f[k].r and f[k].i
+ * */
+void kiss_fft(kiss_fft_cfg cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout);
+ A more generic version of the above function. It reads its input from every Nth sample.
+ * */
+void kiss_fft_stride(kiss_fft_cfg cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *fin,kiss_fft_cpx *fout,int fin_stride);
+/* If kiss_fft_alloc allocated a buffer, it is one contiguous
+   buffer and can be simply free()d when no longer needed*/
+#define kiss_fft_free free
+ Cleans up some memory that gets managed internally. Not necessary to call, but it might clean up
+ your compiler output to call this before you exit.
+void kiss_fft_cleanup(void);
+ * Returns the smallest integer k, such that k>=n and k has only "fast" factors (2,3,5)
+ */
+int kiss_fft_next_fast_size(int n);
+/* for real ffts, we need an even size */
+#define kiss_fftr_next_fast_size_real(n) \
+        (kiss_fft_next_fast_size( ((n)+1)>>1)<<1)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/kiss_fftr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,159 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Mark Borgerding
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the author nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "kiss_fftr.h"
+#include "_kiss_fft_guts.h"
+struct kiss_fftr_state{
+    kiss_fft_cfg substate;
+    kiss_fft_cpx * tmpbuf;
+    kiss_fft_cpx * super_twiddles;
+#ifdef USE_SIMD
+    void * pad;
+kiss_fftr_cfg kiss_fftr_alloc(int nfft,int inverse_fft,void * mem,size_t * lenmem)
+    int i;
+    kiss_fftr_cfg st = NULL;
+    size_t subsize, memneeded;
+    if (nfft & 1) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Real FFT optimization must be even.\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    nfft >>= 1;
+    kiss_fft_alloc (nfft, inverse_fft, NULL, &subsize);
+    memneeded = sizeof(struct kiss_fftr_state) + subsize + sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * ( nfft * 3 / 2);
+    if (lenmem == NULL) {
+        st = (kiss_fftr_cfg) KISS_FFT_MALLOC (memneeded);
+    } else {
+        if (*lenmem >= memneeded)
+            st = (kiss_fftr_cfg) mem;
+        *lenmem = memneeded;
+    }
+    if (!st)
+        return NULL;
+    st->substate = (kiss_fft_cfg) (st + 1); /*just beyond kiss_fftr_state struct */
+    st->tmpbuf = (kiss_fft_cpx *) (((char *) st->substate) + subsize);
+    st->super_twiddles = st->tmpbuf + nfft;
+    kiss_fft_alloc(nfft, inverse_fft, st->substate, &subsize);
+    for (i = 0; i < nfft/2; ++i) {
+        double phase =
+            -3.14159265358979323846264338327 * ((double) (i+1) / nfft + .5);
+        if (inverse_fft)
+            phase *= -1;
+        kf_cexp (st->super_twiddles+i,phase);
+    }
+    return st;
+void kiss_fftr(kiss_fftr_cfg st,const kiss_fft_scalar *timedata,kiss_fft_cpx *freqdata)
+    /* input buffer timedata is stored row-wise */
+    int k,ncfft;
+    kiss_fft_cpx fpnk,fpk,f1k,f2k,tw,tdc;
+    if ( st->substate->inverse) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"kiss fft usage error: improper alloc\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    ncfft = st->substate->nfft;
+    /*perform the parallel fft of two real signals packed in real,imag*/
+    kiss_fft( st->substate , (const kiss_fft_cpx*)timedata, st->tmpbuf );
+    /* The real part of the DC element of the frequency spectrum in st->tmpbuf
+     * contains the sum of the even-numbered elements of the input time sequence
+     * The imag part is the sum of the odd-numbered elements
+     *
+     * The sum of tdc.r and tdc.i is the sum of the input time sequence.
+     *      yielding DC of input time sequence
+     * The difference of tdc.r - tdc.i is the sum of the input (dot product) [1,-1,1,-1...
+     *      yielding Nyquist bin of input time sequence
+     */
+    tdc.r = st->tmpbuf[0].r;
+    tdc.i = st->tmpbuf[0].i;
+    C_FIXDIV(tdc,2);
+    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP(tdc.r ,+, tdc.i);
+    CHECK_OVERFLOW_OP(tdc.r ,-, tdc.i);
+    freqdata[0].r = tdc.r + tdc.i;
+    freqdata[ncfft].r = tdc.r - tdc.i;
+#ifdef USE_SIMD
+    freqdata[ncfft].i = freqdata[0].i = _mm_set1_ps(0);
+    freqdata[ncfft].i = freqdata[0].i = 0;
+    for ( k=1;k <= ncfft/2 ; ++k ) {
+        fpk    = st->tmpbuf[k];
+        fpnk.r =   st->tmpbuf[ncfft-k].r;
+        fpnk.i = - st->tmpbuf[ncfft-k].i;
+        C_FIXDIV(fpk,2);
+        C_FIXDIV(fpnk,2);
+        C_ADD( f1k, fpk , fpnk );
+        C_SUB( f2k, fpk , fpnk );
+        C_MUL( tw , f2k , st->super_twiddles[k-1]);
+        freqdata[k].r = HALF_OF(f1k.r + tw.r);
+        freqdata[k].i = HALF_OF(f1k.i + tw.i);
+        freqdata[ncfft-k].r = HALF_OF(f1k.r - tw.r);
+        freqdata[ncfft-k].i = HALF_OF(tw.i - f1k.i);
+    }
+void kiss_fftri(kiss_fftr_cfg st,const kiss_fft_cpx *freqdata,kiss_fft_scalar *timedata)
+    /* input buffer timedata is stored row-wise */
+    int k, ncfft;
+    if (st->substate->inverse == 0) {
+        fprintf (stderr, "kiss fft usage error: improper alloc\n");
+        exit (1);
+    }
+    ncfft = st->substate->nfft;
+    st->tmpbuf[0].r = freqdata[0].r + freqdata[ncfft].r;
+    st->tmpbuf[0].i = freqdata[0].r - freqdata[ncfft].r;
+    C_FIXDIV(st->tmpbuf[0],2);
+    for (k = 1; k <= ncfft / 2; ++k) {
+        kiss_fft_cpx fk, fnkc, fek, fok, tmp;
+        fk = freqdata[k];
+        fnkc.r = freqdata[ncfft - k].r;
+        fnkc.i = -freqdata[ncfft - k].i;
+        C_FIXDIV( fk , 2 );
+        C_FIXDIV( fnkc , 2 );
+        C_ADD (fek, fk, fnkc);
+        C_SUB (tmp, fk, fnkc);
+        C_MUL (fok, tmp, st->super_twiddles[k-1]);
+        C_ADD (st->tmpbuf[k],     fek, fok);
+        C_SUB (st->tmpbuf[ncfft - k], fek, fok);
+#ifdef USE_SIMD
+        st->tmpbuf[ncfft - k].i *= _mm_set1_ps(-1.0);
+        st->tmpbuf[ncfft - k].i *= -1;
+    }
+    kiss_fft (st->substate, st->tmpbuf, (kiss_fft_cpx *) timedata);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kissfft/kiss_fftr.h
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+#ifndef KISS_FTR_H
+#define KISS_FTR_H
+#include "kiss_fft.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ Real optimized version can save about 45% cpu time vs. complex fft of a real seq.
+ */
+#ifndef SOUNDPIPE_H
+typedef struct kiss_fftr_state *kiss_fftr_cfg;
+kiss_fftr_cfg kiss_fftr_alloc(int nfft,int inverse_fft,void * mem, size_t * lenmem);
+ nfft must be even
+ If you don't care to allocate space, use mem = lenmem = NULL
+void kiss_fftr(kiss_fftr_cfg cfg,const kiss_fft_scalar *timedata,kiss_fft_cpx *freqdata);
+ input timedata has nfft scalar points
+ output freqdata has nfft/2+1 complex points
+void kiss_fftri(kiss_fftr_cfg cfg,const kiss_fft_cpx *freqdata,kiss_fft_scalar *timedata);
+ input freqdata has  nfft/2+1 complex points
+ output timedata has nfft scalar points
+#define kiss_fftr_free free
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/openlpc/COPYRIGHT.txt
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+                                                               Copyright NOTICE
+                                    NOTICE
+COPYRIGHT 1998 BY: Enzo Michelangeli and Future Dynamics
+   This software is being provided by the copyright holders under the
+   following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this software, you
+   agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following
+   terms and conditions:
+   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+   documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted,
+   provided that the full text of this NOTICE appears on ALL copies of the
+   software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications,
+   that you make. Any application making use of this code shall prominently
+   display the notice: "Portions of this software are based in part on code
+   developed by Future Dynamics".
+   The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising
+   or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior
+   permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated
+   documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/openlpc/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+LPATHS += lib/openlpc/openlpc.o
+CFLAGS += -Ilib/openlpc/
+lib/openlpc/openlpc.o: lib/openlpc/openlpc.c
+	$(C99) $< -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/openlpc/ftol.h
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+__inline int lrintf(float flt)
+    int intgr;
+    _asm
+    {
+        fld flt
+        fistp intgr
+    };
+    return intgr ;
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+/* must define _GNU_SOURCE here or in the makefile */
+#include <math.h>
+#define FP_BITS(fp) (*(int *)&(fp))
+#define FIST_FLOAT_MAGIC_S (float)(7.0f * 2097152.0f)
+static int lrintf(float inval)
+    float tmp = FIST_FLOAT_MAGIC_S + inval;
+    int res = ((FP_BITS(tmp)<<10)-0x80000000);
+    return res>>10;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/openlpc/openlpc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,766 @@
+  Low bitrate LPC CODEC derived from the public domain implementation
+  of Ron Frederick.
+  The basic design is preserved, except for several bug fixes and
+  the following modifications:
+  1. The pitch detector operates on the (downsampled) signal, not on
+  the residue. This appears to yield better performances, and it
+  lowers the processing load.
+  2. Each frame is elongated by 50% prefixing it with the last half
+  of the previous frame. This design, inherited from the original
+  code for windowing purposes, is exploited in order to provide
+  two independent pitch analyses: on the first 2/3, and on the
+  second 2/3 of the elongated frame (of course, they overlap by
+  half):
+  last half old frame	            new frame
+  --------------------========================================
+  <--------- first pitch region --------->
+                      <--------- second pitch region  ------->
+  Two voiced/unvoiced flags define the voicing status of each
+  region; only one value for the period is retained (if both
+  halves are voiced, the average is used).
+  The two flags are used by the synthesizer for the halves of
+  each frame to play back. Of course, this is non optimal but
+  is good enough (a half-frame would be too short for measuring
+  low pitches)
+  3. The parameters (one float for the period (pitch), one for the
+  gain, and ten for the LPC-10 filter) are quantized according
+  this procedure:
+  - the period is logarithmically compressed, then quantized
+  as 8-bit unsigned int (6 would actually suffice)
+  - the gain is logarithmically compressed (using a different
+  formula), then quantized at 6-bit unsigned int. The two
+  remaining bits are used for the voicing flags.
+  - the first two LPC parameters (k[1] and k[2]) are multiplied
+  by PI/2, and the arcsine of the result is quantized as
+  6 and 5 bit signed integers. This has proved more effective
+  than the log-area compression used by LPC-10.
+  - the remaining eight LPC parameters (k[3]...k[10]) are
+  quantized as, respectively, 5,4,4,3,3,3,3 and 2 bit signed
+  integers.
+  Finally, period and gain plus voicing flags are stored in the
+  first two bytes of the 7-byte parameters block, and the quantized
+  LPC parameters are packed into the remaining 5 bytes. Two bits
+  remain unassigned, and can be used for error detection or other
+  purposes.
+  The frame lenght is actually variable, and is simply passed as
+  initialization parameter to lpc_init(): this allows to experiment
+  with various frame lengths. Long frames reduce the bitrate, but
+  exceeding 320 samples (i.e. 40 ms, at 8000 samples/s) tend to
+  deteriorate the speech, that sounds like spoken by a person
+  affected by a stroke: the LPC parameters (modeling the vocal
+  tract) can't change fast enough for a natural-sounding synthesis.
+  25 ms per frame already yields a quite tight compression, corresponding
+  to 1000/40 * 7 * 8 = 1400 bps. The quality improves little with
+  frames shorter than 250 samples (32 frames/s), so this is a recommended
+  compromise. The bitrate is 32 * 7 * 8 = 1792 bps.
+  The synthesizer has been modified as well. For voiced subframes it
+  now uses a sawtooth excitation, instead of the original pulse train.
+  This idea, copied from MELP, reduces the buzzing-noise artifacts.
+  In order to compensate the non-white spectrum of the sawtooth, a
+  pre-emphasis is applied to the signal before the Durbin calculation.
+  The filter has (in s-space) two zeroes at (640, 0) Hz and two poles
+  at (3200, 0) Hz. These filters have been handoded, and may not be
+  optimal. Two other filters (anti-hum high-pass with corner at 100 Hz,
+  and pre-downsampling lowpass with corner at 300 Hz) are Butterworth
+  designs produced by the MkFilter package by A.J. Fisher
+  (
+  The C style has been ANSI-fied.
+  Complexity: As any LPC CODEC, also this one is not very demanding:
+  for real-time use analysis and synthesis takes each about 6 - 8%
+  of the CPU cycles on a Cy686/166, when the code is compiled with
+  MSVC++ 4.2 with /Ox or gcc with -O3.
+  However, a floating point unit is absolutely required.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "openlpc.h"
+#include "ftol.h"
+#define PREEMPH
+#define bcopy(a, b, n)	  memmove(b, a, n)
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
+static float my_fs = 11025.0;
+#define LPC_FILTORDER		10
+#define FS		my_fs /* Sampling rate */
+#define MAXWINDOW	1000	/* Max analysis window length */
+typedef struct openlpc_e_state{
+    int     framelen, buflen;
+    float   xv1[3], yv1[3],
+            xv2[2], yv2[2],
+			xv3[1], yv3[3],
+			xv4[2], yv4[2];
+    float   w[MAXWINDOW], r[LPC_FILTORDER+1];
+} openlpc_e_state_t;
+typedef struct openlpc_d_state{
+		float Oldper, OldG, Oldk[LPC_FILTORDER + 1];
+        float bp[LPC_FILTORDER+1];
+        float exc;
+		int pitchctr, framelen, buflen;
+} openlpc_d_state_t;
+#define FC		200.0	/* Pitch analyzer filter cutoff */
+#define DOWN		5	/* Decimation for pitch analyzer */
+#define MINPIT		40.0	/* Minimum pitch (observed: 74) */
+#define MAXPIT		320.0	/* Maximum pitch (observed: 250) */
+#define MINPER		(int)(FS/(DOWN*MAXPIT)+.5)	/* Minimum period  */
+#define MAXPER		(int)(FS/(DOWN*MINPIT)+.5)	/* Maximum period  */
+#define REAL_MINPER	 (DOWN*MINPER) /* converted to samples units */
+#define WSCALE		1.5863	/* Energy loss due to windowing */
+#define BITS_FOR_LPC 38
+#define ARCSIN_Q /* provides better quantization of first two k[] at low bitrates */
+#if BITS_FOR_LPC == 38
+/* (38 bit LPC-10, 2.7 Kbit/s @ 20ms, 2.4 Kbit/s @ 22.5 ms */
+static int parambits[LPC_FILTORDER] = {6,5,5,4,4,3,3,3,3,2};
+#elif BITS_FOR_LPC == 32
+/* (32 bit LPC-10, 2.4 Kbit/s, not so good */
+static int parambits[LPC_FILTORDER] = {5,5,5,4,3,3,2,2,2,1};
+#else /* BITS_FOR_LPC == 80	*/
+/* 80-bit LPC10, 4.8 Kbit/s */
+static int parambits[LPC_FILTORDER] = {8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8};
+static float logmaxminper;
+static int sizeofparm;	/* computed by lpc_init */
+static void auto_correl1(float *w, int n, float *r)
+    int i, k;
+    for (k=0; k <= MAXPER; k++, n--) {
+        r[k] = 0.0;
+        for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
+            r[k] += (w[i] *  w[i+k]);
+        }
+    }
+static void auto_correl2(float *w, int n, float *r)
+    int i, k;
+    for (k=0; k <= LPC_FILTORDER; k++, n--) {
+        r[k] = 0.0;
+        for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
+            r[k] += (w[i] *  w[i+k]);
+        }
+    }
+static void durbin(float r[], int p, float k[], float *g)
+    int i, j;
+    float a[LPC_FILTORDER+1], at[LPC_FILTORDER+1], e;
+    for (i=0; i <= p; i++) a[i] = at[i] = 0.0;
+    e = r[0];
+    for (i=1; i <= p; i++) {
+        k[i] = -r[i];
+        for (j=1; j < i; j++) {
+            at[j] = a[j];
+            k[i] -= a[j] * r[i-j];
+        }
+        if (e == 0) {  /* fix by John Walker */
+            *g = 0;
+            return;
+        }
+        k[i] /= e;
+        a[i] = k[i];
+        for (j=1; j < i; j++) a[j] = at[j] + k[i] * at[i-j];
+        e *= 1.0f - k[i]*k[i];
+    }
+    if (e < 0) {
+        e = 0; /* fix by John Walker */
+    }
+    *g = (float)sqrt(e);
+/* Enzo's streamlined pitch extractor - on the signal, not the residue */
+static void calc_pitch(float *w, int len, float *per)
+    int i, j, rpos;
+    float d[MAXWINDOW/DOWN], r[MAXPER+1], rmax;
+    float rval, rm, rp;
+    float x, y;
+    float vthresh;
+    /* decimation */
+    for (i=0, j=0; i < len; i+=DOWN)
+        d[j++] = w[i];
+    auto_correl1(d, len/DOWN, r);
+    /* find peak between MINPER and MAXPER */
+    x = 1;
+    rpos = 0;
+    rmax = 0.0;
+    y = 0;
+    rm = 0;
+    rp = 0;
+    vthresh = 0.;
+    for (i = 1; i < MAXPER; i++) {
+        rm = r[i-1];
+        rp = r[i+1];
+        y = rm+r[i]+rp; /* find max of integral from i-1 to i+1 */
+        if ((y > rmax) && (r[i] > rm) && (r[i] > rp) && (i > MINPER)) {
+            rmax = y;
+            rpos = i;
+        }
+    }
+    /* consider adjacent values */
+    rm = r[rpos-1];
+    rp = r[rpos+1];
+#if 0
+    {
+        float a, b, c, x, y;
+        /* parabolic interpolation */
+        a = 0.5f * rm - rmax + 0.5f * rp;
+        b = -0.5f*rm*(2.0f*rpos+1.0f) + 2.0f*rpos*rmax + 0.5f*rp*(1.0f-2.0f*rpos);
+        c = 0.5f*rm*(rpos*rpos+rpos) + rmax*(1.0f-rpos*rpos) + 0.5f*rp*(rpos*rpos-rpos);
+        /* find max of interpolating parabole */
+        x = -b / (2.0f * a);
+        y = a*x*x + b*x + c;
+        rmax = y;
+        /* normalize, so that 0. < rval < 1. */
+        rval = (r[0] == 0 ? 1.0f : rmax / r[0]);
+    }
+    if(rpos > 0) {
+        x = ((rpos-1)*rm + rpos*r[rpos] + (rpos+1)*rp)/(rm+r[rpos]+rp);
+    }
+    /* normalize, so that 0. < rval < 1. */
+    rval = (r[0] == 0 ? 0 : r[rpos] / r[0]);
+    /* periods near the low boundary and at low volumes
+    are usually spurious and
+    manifest themselves as annoying mosquito buzzes */
+    *per = 0;	/* default: unvoiced */
+    if ( x > MINPER &&  /* x could be < MINPER or even < 0 if pos == MINPER */
+        x < (MAXPER+1) /* same story */
+        ) {
+        vthresh = 0.6f;
+        if(r[0] > 0.002)	   /* at low volumes (< 0.002), prefer unvoiced */
+            vthresh = 0.25;       /* drop threshold at high volumes */
+        if(rval > vthresh)
+            *per = x * DOWN;
+    }
+/* Initialization of various parameters */
+openlpc_encoder_state *create_openlpc_encoder_state(void)
+    openlpc_encoder_state *state;
+    state = (openlpc_encoder_state *)calloc(1, sizeof(openlpc_encoder_state));
+    return state;
+void init_openlpc_encoder_state(openlpc_encoder_state *st, int framelen)
+    int i, j;
+    st->framelen = framelen;
+    st->buflen = framelen*3/2;
+    /*  (st->buflen > MAXWINDOW) return -1;*/
+    for(i=0, j=0; i<sizeof(parambits)/sizeof(parambits[0]); i++) {
+        j += parambits[i];
+    }
+    sizeofparm = (j+7)/8 + 2;
+    for (i = 0; i < st->buflen; i++) {
+        st->s[i] = 0.0;
+        st->h[i] = (float)(WSCALE*(0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (st->buflen-1.0))));
+    }
+    /* init the filters */
+    st->xv1[0] = st->xv1[1] = st->xv1[2] = st->yv1[0] = st->yv1[1] = st->yv1[2] = 0.0f;
+    st->xv2[0] = st->xv2[1] = st->yv2[0] = st->yv2[1] = 0.0f;
+    st->xv3[0] = st->yv3[0] = st->yv3[1] = st->yv3[2] = 0.0f;
+    st->xv4[0] = st->xv4[1] = st->yv4[0] = st->yv4[1] = 0.0f;
+    logmaxminper = (float)log((float)MAXPER/MINPER);
+void destroy_openlpc_encoder_state(openlpc_encoder_state *st)
+    if(st != NULL)
+    {
+        free(st);
+        st = NULL;
+    }
+/* LPC Analysis (compression) */
+int openlpc_encode(const short *buf, unsigned char *parm, openlpc_encoder_state *st)
+    int i, j;
+    float per, gain, k[LPC_FILTORDER+1];
+    float per1, per2;
+    float xv10, xv11, xv12, yv10, yv11, yv12,
+        xv20, xv21, yv20, yv21,
+        xv30, yv30, yv31, yv32,
+        xv40, xv41, yv40, yv41;
+    xv10 = st->xv1[0];
+    xv11 = st->xv1[1];
+    xv12 = st->xv1[2];
+    yv10 = st->yv1[0];
+    yv11 = st->yv1[1];
+    yv12 = st->yv1[2];
+    xv30 = st->xv3[0];
+    yv30 = st->yv3[0];
+    yv31 = st->yv3[1];
+    yv32 = st->yv3[2];
+    for(i = 0; i < LPC_FILTORDER + 1; i++) k[i] = 0;
+    /* convert short data in buf[] to signed lin. data in s[] and prefilter */
+    for (i=0, j=st->buflen - st->framelen; i < st->framelen; i++, j++) {
+        float u = (float)(buf[i]/32768.0f);
+        /* Anti-hum 2nd order Butterworth high-pass, 100 Hz corner frequency */
+        /* Digital filter designed by mkfilter/mkshape/gencode   A.J. Fisher
+        mkfilter -Bu -Hp -o 2 -a 0.0125 -l -z */
+        xv10 = xv11;
+        xv11 = xv12;
+        xv12 = (float)(u * 0.94597831f); /* /GAIN */
+        yv10 = yv11;
+        yv11 = yv12;
+        yv12 = (float)((xv10 + xv12) - 2 * xv11
+            + ( -0.8948742499f * yv10) + ( 1.8890389823f * yv11));
+        u = st->s[j] = yv12;	/* also affects input of next stage, to the LPC filter synth */
+        /* low-pass filter s[] -> y[] before computing pitch */
+        /* second-order Butterworth low-pass filter, corner at 300 Hz */
+        /* Digital filter designed by mkfilter/mkshape/gencode   A.J. Fisher
+        MKFILTER.EXE -Bu -Lp -o 2 -a 0.0375 -l -z */
+        /*st->xv3[0] = (float)(u / 2.127814584e+001);*/ /* GAIN */
+        xv30 = (float)(u * 0.04699658f); /* GAIN */
+        yv30 = yv31;
+        yv31 = yv32;
+        yv32 = xv30 + (float)(( -0.7166152306f * yv30) + (1.6696186545f * yv31));
+        st->y[j] = yv32;
+    }
+    st->xv1[0] = xv10;
+    st->xv1[1] = xv11;
+    st->xv1[2] = xv12;
+    st->yv1[0] = yv10;
+    st->yv1[1] = yv11;
+    st->yv1[2] = yv12;
+    st->xv3[0] = xv30;
+    st->yv3[0] = yv30;
+    st->yv3[1] = yv31;
+    st->yv3[2] = yv32;
+#ifdef PREEMPH
+    /* operate optional preemphasis s[] -> s[] on the newly arrived frame */
+    xv20 = st->xv2[0];
+    xv21 = st->xv2[1];
+    yv20 = st->yv2[0];
+    yv21 = st->yv2[1];
+    xv40 = st->xv4[0];
+    xv41 = st->xv4[1];
+    yv40 = st->yv4[0];
+    yv41 = st->yv4[1];
+    for (j=st->buflen - st->framelen; j < st->buflen; j++) {
+        float u = st->s[j];
+        /* handcoded filter: 1 zero at 640 Hz, 1 pole at 3200 */
+#define TAU (FS/3200.f)
+#define RHO (0.1f)
+        xv20 = xv21; 	/* e(n-1) */
+        xv21 = (float)(u * 1.584f);		/* e(n)	, add 4 dB to compensate attenuation */
+        yv20 = yv21;
+        yv21 = (float)(TAU/(1.f+RHO+TAU) * yv20 	 /* u(n) */
+            + (RHO+TAU)/(1.f+RHO+TAU) * xv21
+            - TAU/(1.f+RHO+TAU) * xv20);
+        u = yv21;
+        /* cascaded copy of handcoded filter: 1 zero at 640 Hz, 1 pole at 3200 */
+        xv40 = xv41;
+        xv41 = (float)(u * 1.584f);
+        yv40 = yv41;
+        yv41 = (float)(TAU/(1.f+RHO+TAU) * yv40
+            + (RHO+TAU)/(1.f+RHO+TAU) * xv41
+            - TAU/(1.f+RHO+TAU) * xv40);
+        u = yv41;
+        st->s[j] = u;
+    }
+    st->xv2[0] = xv20;
+    st->xv2[1] = xv21;
+    st->yv2[0] = yv20;
+    st->yv2[1] = yv21;
+    st->xv4[0] = xv40;
+    st->xv4[1] = xv41;
+    st->yv4[0] = yv40;
+    st->yv4[1] = yv41;
+    /* operate windowing s[] -> w[] */
+    for (i=0; i < st->buflen; i++)
+        st->w[i] = st->s[i] * st->h[i];
+    /* compute LPC coeff. from autocorrelation (first 11 values) of windowed data */
+    auto_correl2(st->w, st->buflen, st->r);
+    durbin(st->r, LPC_FILTORDER, k, &gain);
+    /* calculate pitch */
+    calc_pitch(st->y, st->framelen, &per1);                 /* first 2/3 of buffer */
+    calc_pitch(st->y + st->buflen - st->framelen, st->framelen, &per2); /* last 2/3 of buffer */
+    if(per1 > 0 && per2 >0)
+        per = (per1+per2)/2;
+    else if(per1 > 0)
+        per = per1;
+    else if(per2 > 0)
+        per = per2;
+    else
+        per = 0;
+    /* logarithmic q.: 0 = MINPER, 256 = MAXPER */
+    parm[0] = (unsigned char)(per == 0? 0 : (unsigned char)(log(per/(REAL_MINPER)) / logmaxminper * (1<<8)));
+#ifdef LINEAR_G_Q
+    i = gain * (1<<7);
+    if(i > 255) 	/* bug fix by EM */
+        i = 255;
+    i = (int)(float)(256.0f * log(1 + (2.718-1.f)/10.f*gain)); /* deriv = 5.82 allowing to reserve 2 bits */
+    if(i > 255) i = 255;	 /* reached when gain = 10 */
+    i = (i+2) & 0xfc;
+    parm[1] = (unsigned char)i;
+    if(per1 > 0)
+        parm[1] |= 1;
+    if(per2 > 0)
+        parm[1] |= 2;
+    for(j=2; j < sizeofparm; j++)
+        parm[j] = 0;
+    for (i=0; i < LPC_FILTORDER; i++) {
+        int bitamount = parambits[i];
+        int bitc8 = 8-bitamount;
+        int q = (1 << bitc8);  /* quantum: 1, 2, 4... */
+        float u = k[i+1];
+        int iu;
+#ifdef ARCSIN_Q
+        if(i < 2) u = (float)(asin(u)*2.f/M_PI);
+        u *= 127;
+        if(u < 0)
+            u += (0.6f * q);
+        else
+            u += (0.4f * q); /* highly empirical! */
+        iu = lrintf(u);
+        iu = iu & 0xff; /* keep only 8 bits */
+        /* make room at the left of parm array shifting left */
+        for(j=sizeofparm-1; j >= 3; j--) {
+            parm[j] = (unsigned char)((parm[j] << bitamount) | (parm[j-1] >> bitc8));
+        }
+        parm[2] = (unsigned char)((parm[2] << bitamount) | (iu >> bitc8)); /* parm[2] */
+    }
+    bcopy(st->s + st->framelen, st->s, (st->buflen - st->framelen)*sizeof(st->s[0]));
+    bcopy(st->y + st->framelen, st->y, (st->buflen - st->framelen)*sizeof(st->y[0]));
+    return sizeofparm;
+openlpc_decoder_state *create_openlpc_decoder_state(void)
+    openlpc_decoder_state *state;
+    state = (openlpc_decoder_state *)calloc(1, sizeof(openlpc_decoder_state));
+    return state;
+void init_openlpc_decoder_state(openlpc_decoder_state *st, int framelen)
+    int i, j;
+    st->Oldper = 0.0f;
+    st->OldG = 0.0f;
+    for (i = 0; i <= LPC_FILTORDER; i++) {
+        st->Oldk[i] = 0.0f;
+        st->bp[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->pitchctr = 0;
+    st->exc = 0.0f;
+    logmaxminper = (float)log((float)MAXPER/MINPER);
+    for(i=0, j=0; i<sizeof(parambits)/sizeof(parambits[0]); i++) {
+        j += parambits[i];
+    }
+    sizeofparm = (j+7)/8 + 2;
+    /* test for a valid frame len? */
+    st->framelen = framelen;
+    st->buflen = framelen*3/2;
+/* LPC Synthesis (decoding) */
+int openlpc_decode(sp_data *sp, unsigned char *parm, short *buf, openlpc_decoder_state *st)
+    int i, j, flen=st->framelen;
+    float per, gain, k[LPC_FILTORDER+1];
+    float f, u, newgain, Ginc, Newper, perinc;
+    float Newk[LPC_FILTORDER+1], kinc[LPC_FILTORDER+1];
+    float gainadj;
+    int hframe;
+    float hper[2];
+    int ii;
+    float bp0, bp1, bp2, bp3, bp4, bp5, bp6, bp7, bp8, bp9, bp10;
+            float kj;
+    bp0 = st->bp[0];
+    bp1 = st->bp[1];
+    bp2 = st->bp[2];
+    bp3 = st->bp[3];
+    bp4 = st->bp[4];
+    bp5 = st->bp[5];
+    bp6 = st->bp[6];
+    bp7 = st->bp[7];
+    bp8 = st->bp[8];
+    bp9 = st->bp[9];
+    bp10 = st->bp[10];
+    per = (float)(parm[0]);
+    per = (float)(per == 0? 0: REAL_MINPER * exp(per/(1<<8) * logmaxminper));
+    hper[0] = hper[1] = per;
+    if((parm[1] & 0x1) == 0) hper[0] = 0;
+    if((parm[1] & 0x2) == 0) hper[1] = 0;
+#ifdef LINEAR_G_Q
+    gain = (float)parm[1] / (1<<7);
+    gain = (float)parm[1] / 256.f;
+    gain = (float)((exp(gain) - 1)/((2.718-1.f)/10));
+    k[0] = 0.0;
+    for (i=LPC_FILTORDER-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        int bitamount = parambits[i];
+        int bitc8 = 8-bitamount;
+        /* casting to char should set the sign properly */
+        char c = (char)(parm[2] << bitc8);
+        for(j=2; j<sizeofparm; j++)
+            parm[j] = (unsigned char)((parm[j] >> bitamount) | (parm[j+1] << bitc8));
+        k[i+1] = ((float)c / (1<<7));
+#ifdef ARCSIN_Q
+        if(i<2) k[i+1] = (float)sin(M_PI/2*k[i+1]);
+    }
+    /* k[] are the same in the two subframes */
+    for (i=1; i <= LPC_FILTORDER; i++) {
+        Newk[i] = st->Oldk[i];
+        kinc[i] = (k[i] - st->Oldk[i]) / flen;
+    }
+    /* Loop on two half frames */
+    for(hframe=0, ii=0; hframe<2; hframe++) {
+        Newper = st->Oldper;
+        newgain = st->OldG;
+        Ginc = (gain - st->OldG) / (flen/2);
+        per = hper[hframe];
+        if (per == 0.0) {			 /* if unvoiced */
+            gainadj = /* 1.5874 * */ (float)sqrt(3.0f/st->buflen);
+        } else {
+            gainadj = (float)sqrt(per/st->buflen);
+        }
+        /* Interpolate period ONLY if both old and new subframes are voiced, gain and K always */
+        if (st->Oldper != 0 && per != 0) {
+            perinc = (per - st->Oldper) / (flen/2);
+        } else {
+            perinc = 0.0f;
+            Newper = per;
+        }
+        if (Newper == 0.f) st->pitchctr = 0;
+        for (i=0; i < flen/2; i++, ii++) {
+            if (Newper == 0.f) {
+                u = (float)(((sp_rand(sp)*(1/(1.0f+RAND_MAX))) - 0.5f ) * newgain * gainadj);
+            } else {			/* voiced: send a delta every per samples */
+                /* triangular excitation */
+                if (st->pitchctr == 0) {
+                    st->exc = newgain * 0.25f * gainadj;
+                    st->pitchctr = (int) Newper;
+                } else {
+                    st->exc -= newgain/Newper * 0.5f * gainadj;
+                    st->pitchctr--;
+                }
+                u = st->exc;
+            }
+            f = u;
+	        /* excitation */
+            kj = Newk[10];
+            f -= kj * bp9;
+            bp10 = bp9 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[9];
+            f -= kj * bp8;
+            bp9 = bp8 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[8];
+            f -= kj * bp7;
+            bp8 = bp7 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[7];
+            f -= kj * bp6;
+            bp7 = bp6 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[6];
+            f -= kj * bp5;
+            bp6 = bp5 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[5];
+            f -= kj * bp4;
+            bp5 = bp4 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[4];
+            f -= kj * bp3;
+            bp4 = bp3 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[3];
+            f -= kj * bp2;
+            bp3 = bp2 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[2];
+            f -= kj * bp1;
+            bp2 = bp1 + kj * f;
+            kj = Newk[1];
+            f -= kj * bp0;
+            bp1 = bp0 + kj * f;
+            bp0 = f;
+            u = f;
+            if (u  < -0.9999f) {
+                u = -0.9999f;
+            } else if (u > 0.9999f) {
+                u = 0.9999f;
+            }
+            buf[ii] = (short)lrintf(u * 32767.0f);
+            Newper += perinc;
+            newgain += Ginc;
+            for (j=1; j <= LPC_FILTORDER; j++) Newk[j] += kinc[j];
+        }
+        st->Oldper = per;
+        st->OldG = gain;
+    }
+    st->bp[0] = bp0;
+    st->bp[1] = bp1;
+    st->bp[2] = bp2;
+    st->bp[3] = bp3;
+    st->bp[4] = bp4;
+    st->bp[5] = bp5;
+    st->bp[6] = bp6;
+    st->bp[7] = bp7;
+    st->bp[8] = bp8;
+    st->bp[9] = bp9;
+    st->bp[10] = bp10;
+    for (j=1; j <= LPC_FILTORDER; j++) st->Oldk[j] = k[j];
+    return flen;
+void destroy_openlpc_decoder_state(openlpc_decoder_state *st)
+    if(st != NULL)
+    {
+        free(st);
+        st = NULL;
+    }
+void openlpc_sr(float sr)
+    my_fs = sr;
+size_t openlpc_get_encoder_state_size(void)
+    return sizeof(openlpc_encoder_state);
+size_t openlpc_get_decoder_state_size(void)
+    return sizeof(openlpc_decoder_state);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/openlpc/openlpc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+ * LPC subroutine declarations
+ */
+#ifndef OPENLPC_H
+#define OPENLPC_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define OPENLPC_FRAMESIZE_1_8	    250
+#define OPENLPC_FRAMESIZE_1_4	    320
+typedef struct openlpc_e_state openlpc_encoder_state;
+typedef struct openlpc_d_state openlpc_decoder_state;
+openlpc_encoder_state *create_openlpc_encoder_state(void);
+void init_openlpc_encoder_state(openlpc_encoder_state *st, int framelen);
+int  openlpc_encode(const short *in, unsigned char *out, openlpc_encoder_state *st);
+void destroy_openlpc_encoder_state(openlpc_encoder_state *st);
+openlpc_decoder_state *create_openlpc_decoder_state(void);
+void init_openlpc_decoder_state(openlpc_decoder_state *st, int framelen);
+int  openlpc_decode(sp_data *sp, unsigned char *in, short *out, openlpc_decoder_state *st);
+void destroy_openlpc_decoder_state(openlpc_decoder_state *st);
+void openlpc_sr(float sr);
+size_t openlpc_get_encoder_state_size(void);
+size_t openlpc_get_decoder_state_size(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+}  /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* OPENLPC_H */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spa/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+LPATHS += lib/spa/spa.o
+CFLAGS += -Ilib/spa/
+HPATHS += lib/spa/spa.h
+lib/spa/spa.o: lib/spa/spa.c
+	$(C89) $(CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spa/spa.c
@@ -1,0 +1,92 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#define CHECK_NULL_FILE(fp) if(fp == NULL) return SP_NOT_OK
+int spa_open(sp_data *sp, sp_audio *spa, const char *name, int mode)
+    spa_header *header;
+    header = &spa->header;
+    spa->mode = SPA_NULL;
+    spa->offset = sizeof(spa_header);
+    if(mode == SPA_READ) {
+        spa->fp = fopen(name, "rb");
+        CHECK_NULL_FILE(spa->fp);
+        fread(header, spa->offset, 1, spa->fp);
+    } else if(mode == SPA_WRITE) {
+        spa->fp = fopen(name, "wb");
+        CHECK_NULL_FILE(spa->fp);
+        header->magic = 100;
+        header->nchan = sp->nchan;
+        header->len = sp->len;
+        header->sr = sp->sr;
+        fwrite(header, spa->offset, 1, spa->fp);
+    } else {
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    spa->mode = mode;
+    return SP_OK;
+size_t spa_write_buf(sp_data *sp, sp_audio *spa, SPFLOAT *buf, uint32_t size)
+    if(spa->mode != SPA_WRITE) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return fwrite(buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT), size, spa->fp);
+size_t spa_read_buf(sp_data *sp, sp_audio *spa, SPFLOAT *buf, uint32_t size)
+    if(spa->mode != SPA_READ) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return fread(buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT), size, spa->fp);
+int spa_close(sp_audio *spa)
+    if(spa->fp != NULL) fclose(spa->fp);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_process_spa(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *))
+    sp_audio spa;
+    if(spa_open(sp, &spa, sp->filename, SPA_WRITE) == SP_NOT_OK) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not open file %s.\n", sp->filename);
+    }
+    while(sp->len > 0) {
+        callback(sp, ud);
+        spa_write_buf(sp, &spa, sp->out, sp->nchan);
+        sp->len--;
+        sp->pos++;
+    }
+    spa_close(&spa);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_ftbl_loadspa(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, const char *filename)
+    sp_ftbl *ftp;
+    sp_audio spa;
+    size_t size;
+    *ft = malloc(sizeof(sp_ftbl));
+    ftp = *ft;
+    spa_open(sp, &spa, filename, SPA_READ);
+    size = spa.header.len;
+    ftp->tbl = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT) * (size + 1));
+    sp_ftbl_init(sp, ftp, size);
+    spa_read_buf(sp, &spa, ftp->tbl, ftp->size);
+    spa_close(&spa);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spa/spa.h
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+int spa_open(sp_data *sp, sp_audio *spa, const char *name, int mode);
+size_t spa_write_buf(sp_data *sp, sp_audio *spa, SPFLOAT *buf, uint32_t size);
+size_t spa_read_buf(sp_data *sp, sp_audio *spa, SPFLOAT *buf, uint32_t size);
+int spa_close(sp_audio *spa);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/adsr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_adsr_create(sp_adsr **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_adsr));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_adsr_destroy(sp_adsr **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_adsr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_adsr *p)
+    p->atk = 0.1;
+    p->dec = 0.1;
+    p->sus = 0.5;
+    p->rel = 0.3;
+    p->timer = 0;
+    p->a = 0;
+    p->b = 0;
+    p->y = 0;
+    p->x = 0;
+    p->prev = 0;
+    p->atk_time = p->atk * sp->sr;
+    p->mode = CLEAR;
+    return SP_OK;
+static SPFLOAT tau2pole(sp_data *sp, sp_adsr *p, SPFLOAT tau)
+    return exp(-1.0 / (tau * sp->sr));
+static SPFLOAT adsr_filter(sp_data *sp, sp_adsr *p)
+    p->y = p->b * p->x  + p->a * p->y;
+    return p->y;
+int sp_adsr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_adsr *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT pole;
+    if (p->prev < *in && p->mode != DECAY) {
+        p->mode = ATTACK;
+        p->timer = 0;
+        /* quick fix: uncomment if broken */
+        /* pole = tau2pole(sp, p, p->atk * 0.75); */
+        /* p->atk_time = p->atk * sp->sr * 1.5; */
+        pole = tau2pole(sp, p, p->atk * 0.6);
+        p->atk_time = p->atk * sp->sr;
+        p->a = pole;
+        p->b = 1 - pole;
+    } else if (p->prev > *in) {
+        p->mode = RELEASE;
+        pole = tau2pole(sp, p, p->rel);
+        p->a = pole;
+        p->b = 1 - pole;
+    }
+    p->x = *in;
+    p->prev = *in;
+    switch (p->mode) {
+        case CLEAR:
+            *out = 0;
+            break;
+        case ATTACK:
+            p->timer++;
+            *out = adsr_filter(sp, p);
+            /* quick fix: uncomment if broken */
+            /* if(p->timer > p->atk_time) { */
+            if (*out > 0.99) {
+                p->mode = DECAY;
+                pole = tau2pole(sp, p, p->dec);
+                p->a = pole;
+                p->b = 1 - pole;
+            }
+            break;
+        case DECAY:
+        case RELEASE:
+            p->x *= p->sus;
+            *out = adsr_filter(sp, p);
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/autowah.c
@@ -1,0 +1,211 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+#define FAUSTFLOAT float
+static float faustpower2_f(float value) {
+	return (value * value);
+typedef struct {
+	float fRec0[3];
+	float fRec3[2];
+	float fRec2[2];
+	float fRec1[2];
+	float fRec4[2];
+	float fRec5[2];
+	FAUSTFLOAT fVslider0;
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	int iConst0;
+	float fConst1;
+	float fConst2;
+	float fConst3;
+	float fConst4;
+	float fConst5;
+	float fConst6;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fVslider1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fVslider2;
+} autowah;
+autowah* newautowah() {
+	autowah* dsp = (autowah*)malloc(sizeof(autowah));
+	return dsp;
+void deleteautowah(autowah* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+void instanceInitautowah(autowah* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->fVslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	dsp->iConst0 = min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fConst1 = (1413.72f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fConst2 = exp((0.f - (100.f / (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst3 = (1.f - dsp->fConst2);
+	dsp->fConst4 = exp((0.f - (10.f / (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst5 = (1.f - dsp->fConst4);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec3[i0] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec2[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst6 = (2827.43f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 2); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec1[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i3;
+		for (i3 = 0; (i3 < 2); i3 = (i3 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec4[i3] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fVslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)100.;
+	dsp->fVslider2 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.1;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i4;
+		for (i4 = 0; (i4 < 2); i4 = (i4 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec5[i4] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i5;
+		for (i5 = 0; (i5 < 3); i5 = (i5 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i5] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+void initautowah(autowah* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitautowah(dsp, samplingFreq);
+void buildUserInterfaceautowah(autowah* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addVerticalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "level", &dsp->fVslider2, 0.1f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.01f);
+	interface->addVerticalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "wah", &dsp->fVslider0, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.01f);
+	interface->addVerticalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "wet_dry", &dsp->fVslider1, 100.f, 0.f, 100.f, 1.f);
+void computeautowah(autowah* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input0 = inputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	float fSlow0 = (float)dsp->fVslider0;
+	float fSlow1 = (float)dsp->fVslider1;
+	float fSlow2 = (0.01f * (fSlow1 * (float)dsp->fVslider2));
+	float fSlow3 = ((1.f - (0.01f * fSlow1)) + (1.f - fSlow0));
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			float fTemp0 = (float)input0[i];
+			float fTemp1 = fabs(fTemp0);
+			dsp->fRec3[0] = max(fTemp1, ((dsp->fConst4 * dsp->fRec3[1]) + (dsp->fConst5 * fTemp1)));
+			dsp->fRec2[0] = ((dsp->fConst2 * dsp->fRec2[1]) + (dsp->fConst3 * dsp->fRec3[0]));
+			float fTemp2 = min(1.f, dsp->fRec2[0]);
+			float fTemp3 = pow(2.f, (2.3f * fTemp2));
+			float fTemp4 = (1.f - (dsp->fConst1 * (fTemp3 / pow(2.f, (1.f + (2.f * (1.f - fTemp2)))))));
+			dsp->fRec1[0] = ((0.999f * dsp->fRec1[1]) + (0.001f * (0.f - (2.f * (fTemp4 * cos((dsp->fConst6 * fTemp3)))))));
+			dsp->fRec4[0] = ((0.999f * dsp->fRec4[1]) + (0.001f * faustpower2_f(fTemp4)));
+			dsp->fRec5[0] = ((0.999f * dsp->fRec5[1]) + (0.0001f * pow(4.f, fTemp2)));
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = (0.f - (((dsp->fRec1[0] * dsp->fRec0[1]) + (dsp->fRec4[0] * dsp->fRec0[2])) - (fSlow2 * (dsp->fRec5[0] * fTemp0))));
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)((fSlow0 * (dsp->fRec0[0] - dsp->fRec0[1])) + (fSlow3 * fTemp0));
+			dsp->fRec3[1] = dsp->fRec3[0];
+			dsp->fRec2[1] = dsp->fRec2[0];
+			dsp->fRec1[1] = dsp->fRec1[0];
+			dsp->fRec4[1] = dsp->fRec4[0];
+			dsp->fRec5[1] = dsp->fRec5[0];
+			dsp->fRec0[2] = dsp->fRec0[1];
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addVerticalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_autowah *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_autowah_create(sp_autowah **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_autowah));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_autowah_destroy(sp_autowah **p)
+    sp_autowah *pp = *p;
+    autowah *dsp = pp->faust;
+    deleteautowah (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_autowah_init(sp_data *sp, sp_autowah *p)
+    autowah *dsp = newautowah();
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addVerticalSlider= addVerticalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfaceautowah(dsp, &UI);
+    initautowah(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->level = p->args[0];
+    p->wah = p->args[1];
+    p->mix = p->args[2];
+    p->faust = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_autowah_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_autowah *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    autowah *dsp = p->faust;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {out};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    computeautowah(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/base.c
@@ -1,0 +1,204 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sndfile.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_create(sp_data **spp)
+    sp_data *sp;
+    SPFLOAT *out;
+    *spp = (sp_data *) malloc(sizeof(sp_data));
+    sp = *spp;
+    sprintf(sp->filename, "test.wav");
+    sp->nchan = 1;
+    out = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT) * sp->nchan);
+    *out = 0;
+    sp->out = out;
+    sp->sr = 44100;
+    sp->len = 5 * sp->sr;
+    sp->pos = 0;
+    sp->rand = 0;
+    return 0;
+int sp_createn(sp_data **spp, int nchan)
+    sp_data *sp;
+    SPFLOAT *out;
+    *spp = (sp_data *) malloc(sizeof(sp_data));
+    sp = *spp;
+    sprintf(sp->filename, "test.wav");
+    sp->nchan = nchan;
+    out = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT) * sp->nchan);
+    *out = 0;
+    sp->out = out;
+    sp->sr = 44100;
+    sp->len = 5 * sp->sr;
+    sp->pos = 0;
+    sp->rand = 0;
+    return 0;
+int sp_destroy(sp_data **spp)
+    sp_data *sp = *spp;
+    free(sp->out);
+    free(*spp);
+    return 0;
+int sp_process(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *))
+    SNDFILE *sf[sp->nchan];
+    char tmp[140];
+    SF_INFO info;
+    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
+    SPFLOAT buf[sp->nchan][SP_BUFSIZE];
+    info.samplerate = sp->sr;
+    info.channels = 1;
+    info.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24;
+    int numsamps, i, chan;
+    if (sp->nchan == 1) {
+        sf[0] = sf_open(sp->filename, SFM_WRITE, &info);
+    } else {
+        for (chan = 0; chan < sp->nchan; chan++) {
+            sprintf(tmp, "%02d_%s", chan, sp->filename);
+            sf[chan] = sf_open(tmp, SFM_WRITE, &info);
+        }
+    }
+    while (sp->len > 0) {
+        if (sp->len < SP_BUFSIZE) {
+            numsamps = sp->len;
+        } else {
+            numsamps = SP_BUFSIZE;
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < numsamps; i++) {
+            callback(sp, ud);
+            for (chan = 0; chan < sp->nchan; chan++) {
+                buf[chan][i] = sp->out[chan];
+            }
+            sp->pos++;
+        }
+        for (chan = 0; chan < sp->nchan; chan++) {
+#ifdef USE_DOUBLE
+            sf_write_double(sf[chan], buf[chan], numsamps);
+            sf_write_float(sf[chan], buf[chan], numsamps);
+        }
+        sp->len -= numsamps;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sp->nchan; i++) {
+        sf_close(sf[i]);
+    }
+    return 0;
+int sp_process_raw(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *))
+    int chan;
+    if (sp->len == 0) {
+        while(1) {
+            callback(sp, ud);
+            for (chan = 0; chan < sp->nchan; chan++) {
+                fwrite(&sp->out[chan], sizeof(SPFLOAT), 1, stdout);
+            }
+            sp->len--;
+        }
+    } else {
+        while (sp->len > 0) {
+            callback(sp, ud);
+            for (chan = 0; chan < sp->nchan; chan++) {
+                fwrite(&sp->out[chan], sizeof(SPFLOAT), 1, stdout);
+            }
+            sp->len--;
+            sp->pos++;
+        }
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_process_plot(sp_data *sp, void *ud, void (*callback)(sp_data *, void *))
+    int chan;
+    fprintf(stdout, "sp_out =  [ ... \n");
+    while (sp->len > 0) {
+        callback(sp, ud);
+        for (chan = 0; chan < sp->nchan; chan++) {
+            /* fwrite(&sp->out[chan], sizeof(SPFLOAT), 1, stdout); */
+            fprintf(stdout, "%g ", sp->out[chan]);
+        }
+        fprintf(stdout, "; ...\n");
+        sp->len--;
+        sp->pos++;
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, "];\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "plot(sp_out);\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "title('Plot generated by Soundpipe');\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "xlabel('Time (samples)');\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, "ylabel('Amplitude');\n");
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_auxdata_alloc(sp_auxdata *aux, size_t size)
+    aux->ptr = malloc(size);
+    aux->size = size;
+    memset(aux->ptr, 0, size);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_auxdata_free(sp_auxdata *aux)
+    free(aux->ptr);
+    return SP_OK;
+SPFLOAT sp_midi2cps(SPFLOAT nn)
+    return pow(2, (nn - 69.0) / 12.0) * 440.0;
+int sp_set(sp_param *p, SPFLOAT val) {
+    p->state = 1;
+    p->val = val;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_out(sp_data *sp, uint32_t chan, SPFLOAT val)
+    if (chan > sp->nchan - 1) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "sp_out: Invalid channel\n");
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    sp->out[chan] = val;
+    return SP_OK;
+uint32_t sp_rand(sp_data *sp)
+    uint32_t val = (1103515245 * sp->rand + 12345) % SP_RANDMAX;
+    sp->rand = val;
+    return val;
+void sp_srand(sp_data *sp, uint32_t val)
+    sp->rand = val;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/bigverb.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "tangled/bigverb.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_bigverb_create(sp_bigverb **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_bigverb));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bigverb_destroy(sp_bigverb **p)
+    sp_bigverb *bv;
+    bv = *p;
+    sk_bigverb_del(bv->bv);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bigverb_init(sp_data *sp, sp_bigverb *p)
+    p->feedback = 0.97;
+    p->lpfreq = 10000;
+    p->bv = sk_bigverb_new(sp->sr);
+    sk_bigverb_size(p->bv, p->feedback);
+    sk_bigverb_cutoff(p->bv, p->lpfreq);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bigverb_compute(sp_data *sp,
+                       sp_bigverb *p,
+                       SPFLOAT *in1,
+                       SPFLOAT *in2,
+                       SPFLOAT *out1,
+                       SPFLOAT *out2)
+    sk_bigverb_size(p->bv, p->feedback);
+    sk_bigverb_cutoff(p->bv, p->lpfreq);
+    sk_bigverb_tick(p->bv, *in1, *in2, out1, out2);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/biscale.c
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_biscale_create(sp_biscale **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_biscale));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_biscale_destroy(sp_biscale **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_biscale_init(sp_data *sp, sp_biscale *p)
+    p->min = 0;
+    p->max = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_biscale_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_biscale *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = p->min + (*in + 1.0) / 2.0 * (p->max - p->min);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/bitcrush.c
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_bitcrush_create(sp_bitcrush **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_bitcrush));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bitcrush_destroy(sp_bitcrush **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bitcrush_init(sp_data *sp, sp_bitcrush *p)
+    p->bitdepth = 8;
+    p->srate = 10000;
+    p->incr = 1000;
+    p->sample_index = 0;
+    p->index = 0.0;
+    p->value = 0.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bitcrush_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_bitcrush *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT bits = pow(2, floor(p->bitdepth));
+    SPFLOAT foldamt = sp->sr / p->srate;
+    SPFLOAT sig;
+    *out = *in * 65536.0;
+    *out += 32768;
+    *out *= (bits / 65536.0);
+    *out = floor(*out);
+    *out = *out * (65536.0 / bits) - 32768;
+    sig = *out;
+    p->incr = foldamt;
+    /* apply downsampling */
+    if (p->index < (SPFLOAT)p->sample_index) {
+        p->index += p->incr;
+        p->value = sig;
+    }
+    *out = p->value;
+    p->sample_index++;
+    *out /= 65536.0;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/blsaw.c
@@ -1,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Saw
+ *
+ * This code was generated by Faust. It utilizes the saw2 Faust
+ * module coded by Julius Smith. See oscillator.lib for more details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+#define FAUSTFLOAT float
+static float faustpower2_f(float value) {
+	return (value * value);
+typedef struct {
+	float fRec0[2];
+	float fVec0[2];
+	float fVec1[2];
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	int iConst0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	float fConst1;
+	float fConst2;
+} blsaw;
+blsaw* newblsaw() {
+	blsaw* dsp = (blsaw*)malloc(sizeof(blsaw));
+	return dsp;
+void deleteblsaw(blsaw* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+void instanceInitblsaw(blsaw* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->iConst0 = min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.;
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)440.;
+	dsp->fConst1 = (float)dsp->iConst0;
+	dsp->fConst2 = (2.f / dsp->fConst1);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i0] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec0[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 2); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec1[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+void initblsaw(blsaw* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitblsaw(dsp, samplingFreq);
+void buildUserInterfaceblsaw(blsaw* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "freq", &dsp->fHslider1, 440.f, 0.f, 20000.f, 0.0001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "amp", &dsp->fHslider0, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.0001f);
+void computeblsaw(blsaw* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	float fSlow0 = (float)dsp->fHslider1;
+	float fSlow1 = ((float)dsp->iConst0 * ((float)dsp->fHslider0 / fSlow0));
+	float fSlow2 = (dsp->fConst2 * fSlow0);
+	float fSlow3 = (dsp->fConst1 / fSlow0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = fmod((1.f + dsp->fRec0[1]), fSlow3);
+			float fTemp0 = faustpower2_f(((fSlow2 * dsp->fRec0[0]) - 1.f));
+			dsp->fVec0[0] = fTemp0;
+			dsp->fVec1[0] = 0.25f;
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(fSlow1 * ((fTemp0 - dsp->fVec0[1]) * dsp->fVec1[1]));
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+			dsp->fVec0[1] = dsp->fVec0[0];
+			dsp->fVec1[1] = dsp->fVec1[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_blsaw *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_blsaw_create(sp_blsaw **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_blsaw));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_blsaw_destroy(sp_blsaw **p)
+    sp_blsaw *pp = *p;
+    blsaw *dsp = pp->ud;
+    deleteblsaw (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_blsaw_init(sp_data *sp, sp_blsaw *p)
+    blsaw *dsp = newblsaw();
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfaceblsaw(dsp, &UI);
+    initblsaw(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->freq = p->args[0];
+    p->amp = p->args[1];
+    p->ud = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_blsaw_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_blsaw *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    blsaw *dsp = p->ud;
+    SPFLOAT out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {&out1};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    computeblsaw(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    *out = out1;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/blsquare.c
@@ -1,0 +1,185 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+#define FAUSTFLOAT float
+float fmodf(float dummy0, float dummy1);
+static float faustpower2_f(float value) {
+	return (value * value);
+typedef struct {
+	float fVec2[4096];
+	int iVec0[2];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	float fVec1[2];
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	float fConst0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider2;
+	float fConst1;
+	float fConst2;
+	int IOTA;
+} blsquare;
+blsquare* newblsquare() {
+	blsquare* dsp = (blsquare*)malloc(sizeof(blsquare));
+	return dsp;
+void deleteblsquare(blsquare* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+void instanceInitblsquare(blsquare* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->iVec0[i0] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst0 = (float)min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.5;
+	dsp->fHslider2 = (FAUSTFLOAT)440.;
+	dsp->fConst1 = (0.25f * dsp->fConst0);
+	dsp->fConst2 = (1.f / dsp->fConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 2); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec1[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->IOTA = 0;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i3;
+		for (i3 = 0; (i3 < 4096); i3 = (i3 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec2[i3] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+void initblsquare(blsquare* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitblsquare(dsp, samplingFreq);
+void buildUserInterfaceblsquare(blsquare* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "frequency", &dsp->fHslider2, 440.f, 0.f, 20000.f, 0.0001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "amp", &dsp->fHslider0, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1e-05f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "width", &dsp->fHslider1, 0.5f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
+void computeblsquare(blsquare* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	float fSlow0 = (float)dsp->fHslider0;
+	float fSlow1 = max((float)dsp->fHslider2, 23.4489f);
+	float fSlow2 = max(0.f, min(2047.f, (dsp->fConst0 * ((float)dsp->fHslider1 / fSlow1))));
+	int iSlow3 = (int)fSlow2;
+	int iSlow4 = (1 + iSlow3);
+	float fSlow5 = ((float)iSlow4 - fSlow2);
+	float fSlow6 = (dsp->fConst1 / fSlow1);
+	float fSlow7 = (dsp->fConst2 * fSlow1);
+	float fSlow8 = (fSlow2 - (float)iSlow3);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			dsp->iVec0[0] = 1;
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = fmodf((dsp->fRec0[1] + fSlow7), 1.f);
+			float fTemp0 = faustpower2_f(((2.f * dsp->fRec0[0]) - 1.f));
+			dsp->fVec1[0] = fTemp0;
+			float fTemp1 = (fSlow6 * ((fTemp0 - dsp->fVec1[1]) * (float)dsp->iVec0[1]));
+			dsp->fVec2[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp1;
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(fSlow0 * (0.f - (((fSlow5 * dsp->fVec2[((dsp->IOTA - iSlow3) & 4095)]) + (fSlow8 * dsp->fVec2[((dsp->IOTA - iSlow4) & 4095)])) - fTemp1)));
+			dsp->iVec0[1] = dsp->iVec0[0];
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+			dsp->fVec1[1] = dsp->fVec1[0];
+			dsp->IOTA = (dsp->IOTA + 1);
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_blsquare *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_blsquare_create(sp_blsquare **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_blsquare));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_blsquare_destroy(sp_blsquare **p)
+    sp_blsquare *pp = *p;
+    blsquare *dsp = pp->ud;
+    deleteblsquare (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_blsquare_init(sp_data *sp, sp_blsquare *p)
+    blsquare *dsp = newblsquare(); UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfaceblsquare(dsp, &UI);
+    initblsquare(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->freq = p->args[0];
+    p->amp = p->args[1];
+    p->width = p->args[2];
+    p->ud = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_blsquare_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_blsquare *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    blsquare *dsp = p->ud;
+    SPFLOAT out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {&out1};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    computeblsquare(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    *out = out1;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/bltriangle.c
@@ -1,0 +1,202 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+#define FAUSTFLOAT float
+float fmodf(float dummy0, float dummy1);
+static float faustpower2_f(float value) {
+	return (value * value);
+typedef struct {
+	float fVec2[4096];
+	int iVec0[2];
+	float fRec1[2];
+	float fVec1[2];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	int iConst0;
+	float fConst1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	float fConst2;
+	float fConst3;
+	float fConst4;
+	float fConst5;
+	int IOTA;
+} bltriangle;
+bltriangle* newbltriangle() {
+	bltriangle* dsp = (bltriangle*)malloc(sizeof(bltriangle));
+	return dsp;
+void deletebltriangle(bltriangle* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+void instanceInitbltriangle(bltriangle* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->iVec0[i0] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst0 = min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fConst1 = (4.f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)440.;
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.;
+	dsp->fConst2 = (float)dsp->iConst0;
+	dsp->fConst3 = (0.5f * dsp->fConst2);
+	dsp->fConst4 = (0.25f * dsp->fConst2);
+	dsp->fConst5 = (1.f / dsp->fConst2);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec1[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 2); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec1[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->IOTA = 0;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i3;
+		for (i3 = 0; (i3 < 4096); i3 = (i3 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec2[i3] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i4;
+		for (i4 = 0; (i4 < 2); i4 = (i4 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i4] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+void initbltriangle(bltriangle* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitbltriangle(dsp, samplingFreq);
+void buildUserInterfacebltriangle(bltriangle* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "freq", &dsp->fHslider0, 440.f, 0.f, 20000.f, 0.0001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "amp", &dsp->fHslider1, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1e-05f);
+void computebltriangle(bltriangle* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	float fSlow0 = (float)dsp->fHslider0;
+	float fSlow1 = (dsp->fConst1 * (fSlow0 * (float)dsp->fHslider1));
+	float fSlow2 = max(fSlow0, 23.4489f);
+	float fSlow3 = max(0.f, min(2047.f, (dsp->fConst3 / fSlow2)));
+	int iSlow4 = (int)fSlow3;
+	int iSlow5 = (1 + iSlow4);
+	float fSlow6 = ((float)iSlow5 - fSlow3);
+	float fSlow7 = (dsp->fConst4 / fSlow2);
+	float fSlow8 = (dsp->fConst5 * fSlow2);
+	float fSlow9 = (fSlow3 - (float)iSlow4);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			dsp->iVec0[0] = 1;
+			dsp->fRec1[0] = fmodf((dsp->fRec1[1] + fSlow8), 1.f);
+			float fTemp0 = faustpower2_f(((2.f * dsp->fRec1[0]) - 1.f));
+			dsp->fVec1[0] = fTemp0;
+			float fTemp1 = (fSlow7 * ((fTemp0 - dsp->fVec1[1]) * (float)dsp->iVec0[1]));
+			dsp->fVec2[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp1;
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = (0.f - (((fSlow6 * dsp->fVec2[((dsp->IOTA - iSlow4) & 4095)]) + (fSlow9 * dsp->fVec2[((dsp->IOTA - iSlow5) & 4095)])) - ((0.999f * dsp->fRec0[1]) + fTemp1)));
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(fSlow1 * dsp->fRec0[0]);
+			dsp->iVec0[1] = dsp->iVec0[0];
+			dsp->fRec1[1] = dsp->fRec1[0];
+			dsp->fVec1[1] = dsp->fVec1[0];
+			dsp->IOTA = (dsp->IOTA + 1);
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_bltriangle *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_bltriangle_create(sp_bltriangle **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_bltriangle));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bltriangle_destroy(sp_bltriangle **p)
+    sp_bltriangle *pp = *p;
+    bltriangle *dsp = pp->ud;
+    deletebltriangle (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bltriangle_init(sp_data *sp, sp_bltriangle *p)
+    bltriangle *dsp = newbltriangle(); UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfacebltriangle(dsp, &UI);
+    initbltriangle(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->freq = p->args[0];
+    p->amp = p->args[1];
+    p->ud = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_bltriangle_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_bltriangle *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    bltriangle *dsp = p->ud;
+    SPFLOAT out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {&out1};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    computebltriangle(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    *out = out1;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/brown.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Brown
+ *
+ * Brownian noise algorithm based on implementation found here:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_brown_create(sp_brown **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_brown));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_brown_destroy(sp_brown **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_brown_init(sp_data *sp, sp_brown *p)
+    p->brown = 0.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_brown_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_brown *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT r;
+    while (1) {
+        r = (sp_rand(sp) % SP_RANDMAX) / (SPFLOAT)(SP_RANDMAX);
+        r = ((r * 2) - 1) * 0.5;
+        p->brown += r;
+        if (p->brown < -8.0f || p->brown > 8.0f) {
+            p->brown -= r;
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    *out = p->brown * 0.0625;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/butbp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,86 @@
+ * Butbp
+ *
+ * This is an implementation of a 2nd-order butterworth
+ * bandpass filter, discretized using the bilinear transform.
+ *
+ * For more information on using the BLT on 2nd-order
+ * butterworth filters, see:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define ROOT2 (1.4142135623730950488)
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI		3.14159265358979323846	/* pi */
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_butbp_create(sp_butbp **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_butbp));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butbp_destroy(sp_butbp **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butbp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_butbp *p)
+    p->freq = 1000;
+    p->bw = 10;
+    p->pidsr = M_PI / sp->sr * 1.0;
+    p->tpidsr = 2 * M_PI / sp->sr * 1.0;
+    p->a[5] = p->a[6] = 0.0;
+    p->lfreq = 0.0;
+    p->lbw = 0.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butbp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_butbp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT *a;
+    SPFLOAT t, y;
+    SPFLOAT bw, fr;
+    a = p->a;
+    if (p->bw <= 0.0) {
+       *out = 0;
+       return SP_OK;
+    }
+    bw = p->bw;
+    fr = p->freq;
+    if (bw != p->lbw || fr != p->lfreq) {
+        SPFLOAT c, d;
+        p->lfreq = fr;
+        p->lbw = bw;
+        /* Perform BLT and store components */
+        c = 1.0 / tan((SPFLOAT)(p->pidsr * bw));
+        d = 2.0 * cos((SPFLOAT)(p->tpidsr * fr));
+        a[0] = 1.0 / (1.0 + c);
+        a[1] = 0.0;
+        a[2] = -a[0];
+        a[3] = - c * d * a[0];
+        a[4] = (c - 1.0) * a[0];
+    }
+    /* a5 = t(n - 1); a6 = t(n - 2) */
+    t = *in - a[3]*a[5] - a[4]*a[6];
+    y = t*a[0] + a[1]*a[5] + a[2]*a[6];
+    a[6] = a[5];
+    a[5] = t;
+    *out = y;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/butbr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Butbr
+ *
+ * This is an implementation of a 2nd-order butterworth
+ * band-reject filter, discretized using the bilinear transform.
+ *
+ * For more information on using the BLT on 2nd-order
+ * butterworth filters, see:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+int sp_butbr_create(sp_butbr **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_butbr));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butbr_destroy(sp_butbr **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butbr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_butbr *p)
+    p->freq = 1000;
+    p->bw = 1000;
+    p->pidsr = M_PI / sp->sr * 1.0;
+    p->tpidsr = 2 * M_PI / sp->sr * 1.0;
+    p->a[5] = p->a[6] = 0.0;
+    p->lfreq = 0.0;
+    p->lbw = 0.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butbr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_butbr *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT *a;
+    SPFLOAT t, y;
+    SPFLOAT bw, freq;
+    if (p->bw <= 0.0) {
+      *out = 0;
+      return SP_OK;
+    }
+    a = p->a;
+    bw = p->bw;
+    freq = p->freq;
+    if (bw != p->lbw || freq != p->lfreq) {
+        SPFLOAT c, d;
+        p->lfreq = freq;
+        p->lbw = bw;
+        c = tan((SPFLOAT)(p->pidsr * bw));
+        d = 2.0 * cos((SPFLOAT)(p->tpidsr * freq));
+        a[0] = 1.0 / (1.0 + c);
+        a[1] = -d * a[0];
+        a[2] = a[0];
+        a[3] = a[1];
+        a[4] = (1.0 - c) * a[0];
+    }
+    t = *in - a[3]*a[5] - a[4]*a[6];
+    y = t*a[0] + a[1]*a[5] + a[2]*a[6];
+    a[6] = a[5];
+    a[5] = t;
+    *out = y;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/buthp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Buthp
+ *
+ * This is an implementation of a 2nd-order butterworth
+ * highpass filter, discretized using the bilinear transform.
+ *
+ * For more information on using the BLT on 2nd-order
+ * butterworth filters, see:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define ROOT2 (1.4142135623730950488)
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+static int filter(SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out, SPFLOAT *a)
+    SPFLOAT t, y;
+    /* a5 = t(n - 1); a6 = t(n - 2) */
+    t = *in - a[3]*a[5] - a[4]*a[6];
+    y = t*a[0] + a[1]*a[5] + a[2]*a[6];
+    a[6] = a[5];
+    a[5] = t;
+    *out = y;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_buthp_create(sp_buthp **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_buthp));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_buthp_destroy(sp_buthp **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_buthp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_buthp *p)
+    p->freq = 1000;
+    p->pidsr = M_PI / sp->sr * 1.0;
+    p->a[5] = p->a[6] = 0.0;
+    p->lfreq = 0.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_buthp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_buthp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->freq <= 0.0) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    if (p->freq != p->lfreq) {
+        SPFLOAT *a, c;
+        a = p->a;
+        p->lfreq = p->freq;
+        /* derive C constant used in BLT */
+        c = tan((SPFLOAT)(p->pidsr * p->freq));
+        /* perform BLT, store components */
+        a[0] = 1.0 / (1.0 + c*ROOT2 + c*c);
+        a[1] = -2*a[0];
+        a[2] = a[0];
+        a[3] = 2.0 * (c*c - 1.0) * a[0];
+        a[4] = (1.0 - c*ROOT2 + c*c) * a[0];
+    }
+    filter(in, out, p->a);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/butlp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Butlp
+ *
+ * This is an implementation of a 2nd-order butterworth
+ * lowpass filter, discretized using the bilinear transform.
+ *
+ * For more information on using the BLT on 2nd-order
+ * butterworth filters, see:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define ROOT2 (1.4142135623730950488)
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+static int filter(SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out, SPFLOAT *a)
+    SPFLOAT t, y;
+    /* a5 = t(n - 1); a6 = t(n - 2) */
+    t = *in - a[3]*a[5] - a[4]*a[6];
+    y = t*a[0] + a[1]*a[5] + a[2]*a[6];
+    a[6] = a[5];
+    a[5] = t;
+    *out = y;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butlp_create(sp_butlp **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_butlp));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butlp_destroy(sp_butlp **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butlp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_butlp *p)
+    p->freq = 1000;
+    p->pidsr = M_PI / sp->sr * 1.0;
+    p->a[5] = p->a[6] = 0.0;
+    p->lfreq = 0.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_butlp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_butlp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->freq <= 0.0) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    if (p->freq != p->lfreq) {
+        SPFLOAT *a, c;
+        a = p->a;
+        p->lfreq = p->freq;
+        /* derive C constant used in BLT */
+        c = 1.0 / tan((SPFLOAT)(p->pidsr * p->lfreq));
+        /* perform BLT, store components */
+        a[0] = 1.0 / (1.0 + c*ROOT2 + c*c);
+        a[1] = 2*a[0];
+        a[2] = a[0];
+        a[3] = 2.0 * (1.0 - c*c) * a[0];
+        a[4] = (1.0 - c*ROOT2 + c*c) * a[0];
+    }
+    filter(in, out, p->a);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/clamp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_clamp_create(sp_clamp **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_clamp));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_clamp_destroy(sp_clamp **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_clamp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_clamp *p)
+    p->min = 0;
+    p->max = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_clamp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_clamp *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in < p->min) *out = p->min;
+    else if (*in > p->max) *out = p->max;
+    else *out = *in;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/clock.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_clock_create(sp_clock **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_clock));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_clock_destroy(sp_clock **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_clock_init(sp_data *sp, sp_clock *p)
+    p->subdiv = 1.0;
+    p->bpm = 120;
+    p->counter = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_clock_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_clock *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0.0;
+    if (p->counter == 0 || *in != 0) {
+        *out = 1.0;
+        p->counter = (int)(sp->sr * (60.0 / (p->bpm * p->subdiv))) + 1;
+    }
+    p->counter--;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/compressor.c
@@ -1,0 +1,167 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+typedef struct {
+	float fRec2[2];
+	float fRec1[2];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	int iConst0;
+	float fConst1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	float fConst2;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider2;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider3;
+} compressor;
+static compressor* newcompressor() {
+	compressor* dsp = (compressor*)malloc(sizeof(compressor));
+	return dsp;
+static void deletecompressor(compressor* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+static void instanceInitcompressor(compressor* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->iConst0 = min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fConst1 = (2.f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.1;
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.;
+	dsp->fConst2 = (1.f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider2 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.1;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec2[i0] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec1[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fHslider3 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 2); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+static void initcompressor(compressor* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitcompressor(dsp, samplingFreq);
+static void buildUserInterfacecompressor(compressor* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "ratio", &dsp->fHslider1, 1.f, 1.f, 40.f, 0.001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "thresh", &dsp->fHslider3, 0.f, -80.f, 0.f, 0.001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "atk", &dsp->fHslider0, 0.1f, 0.f, 10.f, 0.001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "rel", &dsp->fHslider2, 0.1f, 0.f, 10.f, 0.001f);
+static void computecompressor(compressor* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input0 = inputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	float fSlow0 = (float)dsp->fHslider0;
+	float fSlow1 = exp((0.f - (dsp->fConst1 / fSlow0)));
+	float fSlow2 = ((1.f - fSlow1) * ((1.f / (float)dsp->fHslider1) - 1.f));
+	float fSlow3 = exp((0.f - (dsp->fConst2 / fSlow0)));
+	float fSlow4 = exp((0.f - (dsp->fConst2 / (float)dsp->fHslider2)));
+	float fSlow5 = (float)dsp->fHslider3;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			float fTemp0 = (float)input0[i];
+			float fTemp1 = fabs(fTemp0);
+			float fTemp2 = ((dsp->fRec1[1] > fTemp1)?fSlow4:fSlow3);
+			dsp->fRec2[0] = ((dsp->fRec2[1] * fTemp2) + ((1.f - fTemp2) * fTemp1));
+			dsp->fRec1[0] = dsp->fRec2[0];
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = ((fSlow1 * dsp->fRec0[1]) + (fSlow2 * max(((20.f * log10(dsp->fRec1[0])) - fSlow5), 0.f)));
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(pow(10.f, (0.05f * dsp->fRec0[0])) * fTemp0);
+			dsp->fRec2[1] = dsp->fRec2[0];
+			dsp->fRec1[1] = dsp->fRec1[0];
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_compressor *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_compressor_create(sp_compressor **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_compressor));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_compressor_destroy(sp_compressor **p)
+    sp_compressor *pp = *p;
+    compressor *dsp = pp->faust;
+    deletecompressor (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_compressor_init(sp_data *sp, sp_compressor *p)
+    compressor *dsp = newcompressor();
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfacecompressor(dsp, &UI);
+    initcompressor(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->ratio = p->args[0];
+    p->thresh = p->args[1];
+    p->atk = p->args[2];
+    p->rel = p->args[3];
+    p->faust = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_compressor_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_compressor *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    compressor *dsp = p->faust;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {out};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    computecompressor(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/count.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_count_create(sp_count **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_count));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_count_destroy(sp_count **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_count_init(sp_data *sp, sp_count *p)
+    p->count = 4;
+    p->curcount = -1;
+    p->mode = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_count_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_count *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in){
+        if (p->mode == 0) {
+            p->curcount = (p->curcount + 1) % p->count;
+        } else {
+            if (p->curcount == -2) {
+                *out = -2;
+                return SP_OK;
+            }
+            if (p->curcount >= p->count - 1) {
+                p->curcount = -2;
+            } else {
+                if (p->curcount == -1) p->curcount = 0;
+                else p->curcount++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *out = p->curcount;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/crossfade.c
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_crossfade_create(sp_crossfade **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_crossfade));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_crossfade_destroy(sp_crossfade **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_crossfade_init(sp_data *sp, sp_crossfade *p)
+    p->pos = 0.5;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_crossfade_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_crossfade *p, SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = *in2 * p->pos + *in1 * (1 - p->pos);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/adsr.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+sptbl["adsr"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "adsr.c",
+        header = "adsr.h",
+        example = "ex_adsr.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_adsr_create",
+        destroy = "sp_adsr_destroy",
+        init = "sp_adsr_init",
+        compute = "sp_adsr_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Attack",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "dec",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Decay",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "sus",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Sustain (in range 0-1)",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Release",
+                default = 0.3
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[ADSR generator
+This is an ADSR generator whose curves are created using a one-pole low pass filter.
+NOTE: The attack, decay, and release parameters are "fuzzy" values that don't
+exactly correspond to duration in seconds. More accurately, they are special
+tau constant units that feed into the filter used to generate the envelope. The
+attack value specificly undergoes some "creative" modificiations in order to
+create snappier attack times. It is highly recommend to tune parameters by
+ear rather than to read the values literally.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "gate",
+            description = "Gate signal. This should be a steady state signal that jumps from 0 to 1."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "ADSR envelope."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/autowah.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+sptbl["autowah"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "autowah.c",
+        header = "autowah.h",
+        example = "ex_autowah.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_autowah_create",
+        destroy = "sp_autowah_destroy",
+        init = "sp_autowah_init",
+        compute = "sp_autowah_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "level",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Overall level (between 0 and 1)",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "wah",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="wah amount",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "mix",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Wet/dry amount (100 = wet, 0 = dry)",
+                default = 100
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Automatic wah pedal
+	An automatic wah effect, ported from Guitarix via Faust. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Audio input"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "output",
+            description = "Audio output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/biscale.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["biscale"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "biscale.c",
+        header = "biscale.h",
+        example = "ex_biscale.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_biscale_create",
+        destroy = "sp_biscale_destroy",
+        init = "sp_biscale_init",
+        compute = "sp_biscale_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Minimum value to scale to.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Maximum value to scale to.",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Bipolar Scale
+    This module scales from bipolar [-1, 1] to another range defined by min and max.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "Signal to be scaled."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Scaled signal out"
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/bitcrush.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+sptbl["bitcrush"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "bitcrush.c",
+        header = "bitcrush.h",
+        example = "ex_bitcrush.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_bitcrush_create",
+        destroy = "sp_bitcrush_destroy",
+        init = "sp_bitcrush_init",
+        compute = "sp_bitcrush_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "bitdepth",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Bit depth. Expects an integer in the range of 1-16. Fractional values will be truncated.",
+                default = 8
+            },
+            {
+                name = "srate",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Sampling rate.",
+                default = 10000
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Digital signal degradation
+    Bitcrusher will digitally degrade a signal by altering the bitdepth and sampling-rate. ]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output"
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/blsaw.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["blsaw"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "blsaw.c",
+        header = "blsaw.h",
+        example = "ex_blsaw.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_blsaw_create",
+        destroy = "sp_blsaw_destroy",
+        init = "sp_blsaw_init",
+        compute = "sp_blsaw_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Frequency, (range 0-20000)",
+                default = 440
+            },
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Amplitude (range 0-1).",
+		default = 1.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Bandlimited sawtooth oscillator
+This is a bandlimited sawtooth oscillator ported from the "sawtooth" function from the Faust
+programming language.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This doesn't do anything."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/blsquare.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+sptbl["blsquare"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "blsquare.c",
+        header = "blsquare.h",
+        example = "ex_blsquare.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_blsquare_create",
+        destroy = "sp_blsquare_destroy",
+        init = "sp_blsquare_init",
+        compute = "sp_blsquare_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Frequency, (range 0-20000)",
+                default = 440
+            },
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Amplitude (range 0-1).",
+		default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "width",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Duty cycle width (range 0-1).",
+		default = 0.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Bandlimited square oscillator
+This is a bandlimited square oscillator ported from the "squaretooth" function from the Faust
+programming language.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This doesn't do anything."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/bltriangle.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["bltriangle"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "bltriangle.c",
+        header = "bltriangle.h",
+        example = "ex_bltriangle.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_bltriangle_create",
+        destroy = "sp_bltriangle_destroy",
+        init = "sp_bltriangle_init",
+        compute = "sp_bltriangle_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Frequency, (range 0-20000)",
+                default = 440
+            },
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Amplitude (range 0-1).",
+		default = 1.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Bandlimited triangle oscillator
+This is a bandlimited triangle oscillator ported from the "triangletooth" function from the Faust
+programming language.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This doesn't do anything."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/brown.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+sptbl["brown"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "brown.c",
+        header = "brown.h",
+        example = "ex_brown.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_brown_create",
+        destroy = "sp_brown_destroy",
+        init = "sp_brown_init",
+        compute = "sp_brown_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Brownian noise generator.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Brownian noise output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/butbp.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+sptbl["butbp"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "butbp.c",
+        header = "butbp.h",
+        example = "ex_butbp.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_butbp_create",
+        destroy = "sp_butbp_destroy",
+        init = "sp_butbp_init",
+        compute = "sp_butbp_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Center Frequency. (in Hertz)",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "bw",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Bandwidth. (in Hertz)",
+                default = 10
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Bandpass Butterworth filter]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input signal that the filter should be applied to."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "output",
+            description = "Output signal (input modified by the filter)."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/butbr.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+sptbl["butbr"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "butbr.c",
+        header = "butbr.h",
+        example = "ex_butbr.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_butbr_create",
+        destroy = "sp_butbr_destroy",
+        init = "sp_butbr_init",
+        compute = "sp_butbr_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Center Frequency. (in Hertz)",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "bw",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Bandwidth. (in Hertz)",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Band-reject Butterworth filter]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "output",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/buthp.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+sptbl["buthp"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "buthp.c",
+        header = "buthp.h",
+        example = "ex_buthp.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_buthp_create",
+        destroy = "sp_buthp_destroy",
+        init = "sp_buthp_init",
+        compute = "sp_buthp_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Cutoff Frequency.",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Highpass Butterworth filter]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "output",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/butlp.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+sptbl["butlp"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "butlp.c",
+        header = "butlp.h",
+        example = "ex_butlp.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_butlp_create",
+        destroy = "sp_butlp_destroy",
+        init = "sp_butlp_init",
+        compute = "sp_butlp_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Cutoff Frequency.",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Lowpass Butterworth filter]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "output",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/clamp.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+sptbl["clamp"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "clamp.c",
+        header = "clamp.h",
+        example = "ex_clamp.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_clamp_create",
+        destroy = "sp_clamp_destroy",
+        init = "sp_clamp_init",
+        compute = "sp_clamp_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Minimum value.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Maximum value.",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Performs a clamp operation on an input signal.
+This module performs what is known as a "clamp" operation, which sets the
+bounds of a signal in between a minimum and a maximum value. Anything exceeding
+the bounds in either direction will be set to the closest valid value. In
+other words: if x is less than minimum, set x to the minimum;
+if x is greater than the maximum, set x to be the maximum.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input audio signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Output audio signal."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/clock.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+sptbl["clock"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "clock.c",
+        header = "clock.h",
+        example = "ex_clock.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_clock_create",
+        destroy = "sp_clock_destroy",
+        init = "sp_clock_init",
+        compute = "sp_clock_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "bpm",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Clock tempo, in beats per minute.",
+                default = 120
+            },
+            {
+                name = "subdiv",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Clock subdivision. 2 = eighths, 4 = 16ths, etc.",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Resettable clock with subdivisions
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, will reset clock"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Clock output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/compressor.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+sptbl["compressor"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "compressor.c",
+        header = "compressor.h",
+        example = "ex_compressor.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_compressor_create",
+        destroy = "sp_compressor_destroy",
+        init = "sp_compressor_init",
+        compute = "sp_compressor_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "ratio",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Ratio to compress with, a value > 1 will compress",
+                default = 1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "thresh",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Threshold (in dB) 0 = max",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Compressor attack",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Compressor release",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Compressor]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/count.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["count"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "count.c",
+        header = "count.h",
+        example = "ex_count.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_count_create",
+        destroy = "sp_count_destroy",
+        init = "sp_count_init",
+        compute = "sp_count_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "count",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Number to count up to (count - 1). Decimal points will be truncated.",
+                default = 4
+            },
+            {
+                name = "mode",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Counting mode. 0 = wrap-around, 1 = count up to N -1, then stop and spit out -1",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger-based fixed counter
+    The signal output will count from 0 to [N-1], and then
+repeat itself. Count will start when it has been triggered, otherwise it will be -1.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, this value will increment."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/crossfade.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["crossfade"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "crossfade.c",
+        header = "crossfade.h",
+        example = "ex_crossfade.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_crossfade_create",
+        destroy = "sp_crossfade_destroy",
+        init = "sp_crossfade_init",
+        compute = "sp_crossfade_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "pos",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Crossfade position. 0 = all signal 1, 1 = all signal 2",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Crossfade two signals. 
+This module will perform a linear crossfade between two input signals.
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in1",
+            description = "Input signal 1."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "in2",
+            description = "Input signal 2."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/delay.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+sptbl["delay"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "delay.c",
+        header = "delay.h",
+        example = "ex_delay.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_delay_create",
+        destroy = "sp_delay_destroy",
+        init = "sp_delay_init",
+        compute = "sp_delay_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "time",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Delay time, in seconds.",
+                default = 1.0
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "feedback",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Feedback amount. Should be a value between 0-1.",
+                default = 0.0
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Adds a delay to an incoming signal with optional feedback.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/diode.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+sptbl["diode"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "diode.c",
+        header = "diode.h",
+        example = "ex_diode.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_diode_create",
+        destroy = "sp_diode_destroy",
+        init = "sp_diode_init",
+        compute = "sp_diode_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "res",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Diode-ladder virtual analogue low-pass filter
+This is a diode-ladder filter designed by Will Pirkle. 
+More information can be found in this paper here: 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out_left",
+            description = "Stereo left output for diode."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "out_right",
+            description = "Stereo right output for diode."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/dmetro.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+sptbl["dmetro"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "dmetro.c",
+        header = "dmetro.h",
+        example = "ex_dmetro.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_dmetro_create",
+        destroy = "sp_dmetro_destroy",
+        init = "sp_dmetro_init",
+        compute = "sp_dmetro_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "time",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Time between triggers (in seconds). This will update at the start of each trigger.",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Delta Metro
+    Produce a set of triggers spaced apart by time.
+An implementation note: while dmetro does indeed use sample
+precision, it will intentionally add 1 sample to the
+duration time as a way to avoid divide-by-zero errors. A
+dmetro of one second will really be one second and 1 sample.
+For most musical purposes, this is negligible. For more
+scientific purposes, this could cause problems, and it is
+recommended to find or build another module.]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Trigger output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/dtrig.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+sptbl["dtrig"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "dtrig.c",
+        header = "dtrig.h",
+        example = "ex_dtrig.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_dtrig_create",
+        destroy = "sp_dtrig_destroy",
+        init = "sp_dtrig_init",
+        compute = "sp_dtrig_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "ft",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "An ftable containing times in seconds.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "loop",
+                type = "int",
+                description = "When set to 1, dtrig will wrap around and loop again.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "delay",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "This sets a delay (in seconds) on the triggered output when it is initially triggered. This is useful for rhythmic sequences with rests in the beginnings.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "scale",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Scales the timing signal. A scale of 1 is normal, a scale of 2 will double the duration, and a scale of 0.5 will halve it.",
+                default = 0
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[ Delta trigger
+    This is able to create spaced out triggers. It is set off by a single trigger.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "trigger input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "These are the triggered outputs."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/expon.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+sptbl["expon"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "expon.c",
+        header = "expon.h",
+        example = "ex_expon.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_expon_create",
+        destroy = "sp_expon_destroy",
+        init = "sp_expon_init",
+        compute = "sp_expon_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "a",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Inital point.",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "dur",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Duration (in seconds)",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "b",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "End point",
+                default = 1.0
+            }
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Produce a line segment with exponential slope
+This will generate a line from value A to value B in given amount of time. 
+When it reaches it's target, it will stay at that value. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When nonzero, will retrigger line segment"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/foo.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,103 @@
+sptbl["foo"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "foo.c",
+        header = "foo.h",
+        example = "ex_foo.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_foo_create",
+        destroy = "sp_foo_destroy",
+        init = "sp_foo_init",
+        compute = "sp_foo_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_foo_set = {
+                description = "foo_set description goes here.",
+                args = {
+                    {
+                        name = "var1",
+                        type = "SPFLOAT",
+                        description = "This is the first parameter",
+                        default = 1.5
+                    },
+                    {
+                        name = "var2",
+                        type = "SPFLOAT",
+                        description = "This is the second parameter",
+                        default = 1.5
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "bar",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "This is a mandatory table value. It does not have a default value, so we set it to 'N/A'. Any that does not or cannot have a default value should set this default value to 'N/A'.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "bar2",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "This is a mandatory parameter. In soundpipe, users will always need to specify this value, but a default value has been giving in case it is needed to write more complicated engines in the future.",
+                default = 123
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "blah_1",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "This is an optional parameter. These values are always set to a value by default, and can be set after the init function has been called.",
+                default = 1.5
+            },
+            {
+                name = "blah_2",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="This is yet another optional parameter...",
+                default = 456.7
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A short title describing the module
+    This is a description of the entire module.  This is not a real module. This description should be a comprehensive sumary of what this function does.
+Inside the Lua table, this is expressed as a multiline string, however it does not adhere to the tradtional 80 column rule found in programming.
+Write as much text as needed here...
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 2,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "clock",
+            description = "this is the clock source for a made up plugin."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "this is the audio input for a made up plugin."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out_left",
+            description = "Stereo left output for foo."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "out_right",
+            description = "Stereo right output for foo."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/gen_padsynth.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+sptbl["gen_padsynth"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "ftbl.c",
+        header = "ftbl.h",
+        example = "extra/ex_padsynth.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        name = "sp_gen_padsynth",
+    },
+    params = {
+        {
+            name = "amps",
+            type = "sp_ftbl *",
+            description = [[ftable of amplitudes to use]],
+            default = "N/A"
+        },
+        {
+            name = "f",
+            type = "SPFLOAT",
+            description = [[Base frequency.]],
+            default = 440.0
+        },
+        {
+            name = "bw",
+            type = "SPFLOAT",
+            description = [[Bandwidth.]],
+            default = 40.0
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "gen",
+    description = [[An implementation of the Padsynth Algorithm by Paul Nasca. 
+This is a basic implemenation of the padsynth algorithm. More information can be found here:
+This gen routine requires libfftw, and is not compiled by default. See for more info.
+    ]],
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/gen_rand.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+sptbl["gen_rand"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "ftbl.c",
+        header = "ftbl.h",
+        example = "ex_gen_rand.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        name = "sp_gen_rand",
+    },
+    params = {
+        {
+            name = "argstring",
+            type = "char *",
+            description = [[A string of value pairs. The first value is the value, then the probability.]],
+            default = "1 0.5 2 0.5"
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "gen",
+    description = [[Generates a user defined random number distribution.]],
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/gen_scrambler.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+sptbl["gen_scrambler"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "ftbl.c",
+        header = "ftbl.h",
+        example = "ex_scrambler.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        name = "sp_gen_scrambler",
+    },
+    params = {
+        {
+            name = "dest",
+            type = "&sp_ftbl *",
+            description = [[destination ftable]],
+            default = 123456
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "gen",
+    description = [[Scrambles phase of ftable.
+This gen routine will copy the ftable, apply an FFT, apply
+a random phase, and then do an inverse FFT. This effect 
+is ideal for creating pad-like sounds. 
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/gen_sine.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+sptbl["gen_sine"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "ftbl.c",
+        header = "ftbl.h",
+        example = "ex_gen_sine.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        name = "sp_gen_sine",
+    },
+    modtype = "gen",
+    description = [[generates a sampled sinusoid]],
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/gen_triangle.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+sptbl["gen_triangle"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "ftbl.c",
+        header = "ftbl.h",
+        example = "ex_gen_triangle.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        name = "sp_gen_triangle",
+    },
+    modtype = "gen",
+    description = [[generates a sampled triangle wave]],
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/in.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+sptbl["in"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "in.c",
+        header = "in.h",
+        example = "ex_in.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_in_create",
+        destroy = "sp_in_destroy",
+        init = "sp_in_init",
+        compute = "sp_in_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Reads from standard input.
+    Expects type of SPFLOAT, which by default is a float. If the input data is larger than the number of samples, you will get a complaint about a broken pipe (but it will still work). If there is no input data from STDIN, it will hang.
+The expected use case of sp_in is to utilize pipes from the commandline, like so:
+cat /dev/urandom | ./my_program
+Assuming my_program is using sp_in, this will write /dev/urandom (essentially white noise) to an audio file.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This doesn't do anything."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/incr.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,72 @@
+sptbl["incr"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "incr.c",
+        header = "incr.h",
+        example = "ex_incr.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_incr_create",
+        destroy = "sp_incr_destroy",
+        init = "sp_incr_init",
+        compute = "sp_incr_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "val",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Initial value",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "step",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Step value to increment by.",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Minimum value",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Maximum value",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger-based Incrementor
+When triggered, this module will increment and decrement a value bounded between a min
+and max. Initially, this was designed for the specific use case of interfacing with the
+griffin knob. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Trigger signal. When positive, the value will increase. When negative, the value will decrease."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "incr output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/jcrev.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+sptbl["jcrev"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "jcrev.c",
+        header = "jcrev.h",
+        example = "ex_jcrev.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_jcrev_create",
+        destroy = "sp_jcrev_destroy",
+        init = "sp_jcrev_init",
+        compute = "sp_jcrev_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[John Chowning reverberator
+    This is was built using the JC reverb implentation found in FAUST. According to the source code, the specifications for
+this implementation were found on an old SAIL DART backup tape.
+  This class is derived from the CLM JCRev function, which is based on the use of
+  networks of simple allpass and comb delay filters.  This class implements three series
+  allpass units, followed by four parallel comb filters, and two decorrelation delay lines in
+  parallel at the output.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal Output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/line.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+sptbl["line"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "line.c",
+        header = "line.h",
+        example = "ex_line.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_line_create",
+        destroy = "sp_line_destroy",
+        init = "sp_line_init",
+        compute = "sp_line_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "a",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Inital point.",
+                default = 0.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "dur",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Duration (in seconds)",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+            {
+                name = "b",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "End point",
+                default = 1.0
+            }
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Produce a line segment with linear slope
+This will generate a line from value A to value B in given amount of time. 
+When it reaches it's target, it will stay at that value. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, will retrigger the line slope."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/lpc.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,82 @@
+sptbl["lpc"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "lpc.c",
+        header = "lpc.h",
+        example = "ex_lpc.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_lpc_create",
+        destroy = "sp_lpc_destroy",
+        init = "sp_lpc_init",
+        compute = "sp_lpc_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_lpc_synth = {
+                description = [[Toggle synth mode. 
+                Instead of reading an input, manipulate the parameters in  
+                a scaled ftable.]],
+                args = { 
+                    {
+                        name = "ft",
+                        type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                        description = "ftable of size 7",
+                        default = "N/A"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "framesize",
+                type = "int",
+                description = "Sets the frame size for the encoder.",
+                default = 512
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A linear predictive coding filter.
+This module is a wrapper for the open source library openlpc, which implements
+the LPC10 audio codec optimized for speech signals. This module takes in an
+input signal, downsamples it, and produces a decoded LPC10 audio signal, which
+has a similar sound to that of a speak and spell. In this context, the LPC
+signal is meant to be more of a audio effect rather than a utility for
+Because the LPC10 encoder
+relies on frames for encoding, the output signal has a few milliseconds of
+delay. The delay can be calculated in seconds as (framesize * 4) / samplerate.
+In addition to using the LPC as a decoder/encoder, this module can also be 
+set to synth mode. Instead of reading from an input signal, the LPC can
+instead read from parameters set directly in a scaled ftable. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input signal to be processed with LPC."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "output",
+            description = "LPC encoded signal."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/maygate.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["maygate"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "maygate.c",
+        header = "maygate.h",
+        example = "ex_maygate.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_maygate_create",
+        destroy = "sp_maygate_destroy",
+        init = "sp_maygate_init",
+        compute = "sp_maygate_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "prob",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Probability of maygate. This is a value between 0-1. The closer to 1, the more likely the maygate will let a signal through.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "mode",
+                type = "int",
+                description = "If mode is nonzero, maygate will output one sample triggers instead of a gate signal.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A randomly open or closed "maybe gate"
+    It takes in a trigger, and then it will randomly decide to turn the gate on or not. One particular application for maygate is to arbitrarily turn on/off sends to effects. One specific example of this could be a randomized reverb throw on a snare.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "This expects a trigger signal."
+        }
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal out."
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/metro.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+sptbl["metro"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "metro.c",
+        header = "metro.h",
+        --example = "ex_tone.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_metro_create",
+        destroy = "sp_metro_destroy",
+        init = "sp_metro_init",
+        compute = "sp_metro_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+             {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "The frequency to repeat.",
+                default = 2.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Metronome
+    Metro produces a series of 1-sample ticks at a regular rate. Typically, this is used alongside trigger-driven modules.]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This input doesn't do anything"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal out."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/noise.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+sptbl["noise"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "noise.c",
+        header = "noise.h",
+        example = "ex_noise.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_noise_create",
+        destroy = "sp_noise_destroy",
+        init = "sp_noise_init",
+        compute = "sp_noise_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Amplitude. (Value between 0-1).",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[White noise generator]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This doesn't do anything"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/nsmp.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,100 @@
+sptbl["nsmp"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "nsmp.c",
+        header = "nsmp.h",
+        example = "ex_nsmp.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_nsmp_create",
+        destroy = "sp_nsmp_destroy",
+        init = "sp_nsmp_init",
+        compute = "sp_nsmp_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_nsmp_print_index = {
+                description = "Prints the index and their corresponding keyword",
+                args = {
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "ft",
+                type = "sp_ftbl*",
+                description = "ftbl of the audio file. It should be mono.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "sr",
+                type = "int",
+                description = "samplerate.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "init",
+                type = "const char*",
+                description = "ini file.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "index",
+                type = "uint32_t",
+                description = "This is an optional parameter. These values are always set to a value by default, and can be set after the init function has been called.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Nanosamp: a tiny sampler built for Soundpipe
+    A nanosamp file is comprised of a mono audio file and an ini file. Nanosamp is geared towards percussive and found sound sample players, and is intended to be combined with soundpipe modules.
+The ini file contains mappings that correspond to the audio file. Such an entry would look like this:
+pos = 2.3
+size = 3
+In this instance, an entry called "keyword" has been made, starting at 2.3 seconds in the
+audio file, with a length of 3 seconds. An example file oneart.ini has been created in the
+examples folder.
+The SoundPipe implementation of nanosamp will automatically index the entries
+in the order they appear in the INI file and must be selected this way by changing the index
+parameter. Soundpipe will only select the new entry when the trigger input is a non-zero value.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trigger",
+            description = "Trigger input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "signal out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/osc.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+sptbl["osc"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "osc.c",
+        header = "osc.h",
+        example = "ex_osc.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_osc_create",
+        destroy = "sp_osc_destroy",
+        init = "sp_osc_init",
+        compute = "sp_osc_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "tbl",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "Wavetable to read from. Note: the size of this table must be a power of 2.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "phase",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Initial phase of waveform, expects a value 0-1",
+                default = 0
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Frequency (in Hz)",
+                default = 440
+            },
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Amplitude (typically a value between 0 and 1).",
+                default = 0.2
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[ Table-lookup oscilator with linear interpolation]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This does nothing."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/oscmorph.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,84 @@
+sptbl["oscmorph"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "oscmorph.c",
+        header = "oscmorph.h",
+        example = "ex_oscmorph.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_oscmorph_create",
+        destroy = "sp_oscmorph_destroy",
+        init = "sp_oscmorph_init",
+        compute = "sp_oscmorph_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "tbl",
+                type = "sp_ftbl **",
+                description = "An array of ftables to read from. Note: the size of these tables must be a power of 2 (and the same size as well).",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "nft",
+                type = "int",
+                description ="Number of ftbls",
+                default = 2
+            },
+            {
+                name = "phase",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Initial phase of waveform, expects a value 0-1",
+                default = 0
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Frequency (in Hz)",
+                default = 440
+            },
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Amplitude (typically a value between 0 and 1).",
+                default = 0.2
+            },
+            {
+                name = "wtpos",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Wavetable position. (scaled 0-1)",
+                default = 0.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Wavetable morphing oscillator
+This is an oscillator with linear interpolation that is capable of morphing 
+between an arbitrary number of wavetables. 
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "This does nothing."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/paulstretch.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+sptbl["paulstretch"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "paulstretch.c",
+        header = "paulstretch.h",
+        example = "ex_paulstretch.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_paulstretch_create",
+        destroy = "sp_paulstretch_destroy",
+        init = "sp_paulstretch_init",
+        compute = "sp_paulstretch_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "ft",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "ftable containing audio data",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "windowsize",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Window size, in seconds.",
+                default = 10
+            },
+            {
+                name = "stretch",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Stretch factor, 1.0 is no stretch.",
+                default = 10
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[An extreme time-stretching algorithm by Paul Nasca Octavian
+This is an implementation of the popular paulstretch algorithm used for time
+stretching an audio signal to create ambient textures. Ideally, this algorithm 
+is best used for stretching signals by very very long amounts. 
+This version of paulstretch will take an ftable and loop through it, make
+it an ideal means for creating sustained pads. 
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/peaklim.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+sptbl["peaklim"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "peaklim.c",
+        header = "peaklim.h",
+        example = "ex_peaklim.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_peaklim_create",
+        destroy = "sp_peaklim_destroy",
+        init = "sp_peaklim_init",
+        compute = "sp_peaklim_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Attack time, in seconds",
+                default = 0.01
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Release time, in seconds",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "thresh",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Threshold, in dB",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Peak limiter 
+This is a simple peak limiting algorithm, based off code from the Stanford
+Music-424 class.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Output signal."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/phaser.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,114 @@
+sptbl["phaser"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "phaser.c",
+        header = "phaser.h",
+        example = "ex_phaser.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_phaser_create",
+        destroy = "sp_phaser_destroy",
+        init = "sp_phaser_init",
+        compute = "sp_phaser_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "MaxNotch1Freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Between 20 and 10000",
+                default = 800 
+            },
+            {
+                name = "MinNotch1Freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Between 20 and 5000",
+                default = 100
+            },
+            {
+                name = "Notch_width",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Between 10 and 5000",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "NotchFreq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Between 1.1 and 4",
+                default = 1.5 
+            },
+            {
+                name = "VibratoMode",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="1 or 0",
+                default = 1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "depth",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Between 0 and 1",
+                default = 1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "feedback_gain",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Between 0 and 1",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "invert",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="1 or 0",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "level",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="-60 to 10 dB",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "lfobpm",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Between 24 and 360",
+                default = 30
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A stereo phaser
+	This is a stereo phaser, generated from Faust code taken from the 
+Guitarix project.
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 2,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input1",
+            description = "Left audio input signal."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input2",
+            description = "Right audio input signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out_left",
+            description = "Stereo left output for phaser."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "out_right",
+            description = "Stereo right output for phaser."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/phasor.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+sptbl["phasor"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "phasor.c",
+        header = "phasor.h",
+        example = "ex_phasor.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_phasor_create",
+        destroy = "sp_phasor_destroy",
+        init = "sp_phasor_init",
+        compute = "sp_phasor_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "iphs",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "initial phase",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Frequency.",
+                default = 1.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Normalized sawtooth wave from 0 to 1
+    Phasors are often used when building table-lookup oscillators.]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "this doesn't do anything."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/pinknoise.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+sptbl["pinknoise"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "pinknoise.c",
+        header = "pinknoise.h",
+        example = "ex_pinknoise.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_pinknoise_create",
+        destroy = "sp_pinknoise_destroy",
+        init = "sp_pinknoise_init",
+        compute = "sp_pinknoise_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "amp",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Amplitude. (Value between 0-1).",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Pink pinknoise generator]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This doesn't do anything"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/prop.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+sptbl["prop"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "prop.c",
+        header = "prop.h",
+        example = "ex_prop.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_prop_create",
+        destroy = "sp_prop_destroy",
+        init = "sp_prop_init",
+        compute = "sp_prop_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_prop_reset = {
+                description = "Resets prop back to starting position.",
+                args = {
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "str",
+                type = "const char *",
+                description = "Prop string to be parsed.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "bpm",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Beats per minute of the prop string.",
+                default = 60
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Simple rhythmic notation gate generator
+    Creates a gate using a simple rhythmic notation system called prop. When it reaches the end of the prop string, it will loop back to the beginning.
+Prop has a few basic rules:
+1. A '+' denotes a on. A '-' denotes an off (rest). They each have an equal duration of a quarter note.
+2. On and off values can be strung together to create equally spaced gates: +-+--
+3. When notes are enclosed in parantheses '()' following a positive integer N, their duration is reduced N times: ++2(+-)
+4. When notes are enclosed in brackets '[]' following a positive integer N, their duration is scaled by a factor of N: ++2[++]
+5. Parenthesis and brackets can be nested: +- 2[3(+2(++)+)]2(++)
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummy",
+            description = "This is doesn't do anything."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Gate output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/pshift.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+sptbl["pshift"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "pshift.c",
+        header = "pshift.h",
+        example = "ex_pshift.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_pshift_create",
+        destroy = "sp_pshift_destroy",
+        init = "sp_pshift_init",
+        compute = "sp_pshift_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "shift",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Pitch shift (in semitones), range -24/24.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "window",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Window size (in samples), max 10000",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "xfade",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Crossfade (in samples), max 10000",
+                default = 10
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Time-domain pitch shifter.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/randh.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["randh"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "randh.c",
+        header = "randh.h",
+        example = "ex_randh.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_randh_create",
+        destroy = "sp_randh_destroy",
+        init = "sp_randh_init",
+        compute = "sp_randh_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Minimum value to use.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Maximum value to use.",
+                default = 1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Frequency of randomization (in Hz)",
+                default = 10
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Random number generator with hold time.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/random.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+sptbl["random"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "random.c",
+        header = "random.h",
+        example = "ex_random.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_random_create",
+        destroy = "sp_random_destroy",
+        init = "sp_random_init",
+        compute = "sp_random_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Minimum value.",
+                default = -0.2
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Maximum value.",
+                default = 0.2
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Random values within a range]],
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "dummmy",
+            description = "This does nothing."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/reverse.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+sptbl["reverse"] = {
+	files = {
+	    module = "reverse.c",
+	    header = "reverse.h",
+	    example = "ex_reverse.c",
+	},
+	func = {
+	    create = "sp_reverse_create",
+	    destroy = "sp_reverse_destroy",
+	    init = "sp_reverse_init",
+	    compute = "sp_reverse_compute",
+	},
+	params = {
+	    mandatory = {
+	        {
+	            name = "delay",
+	            type = "SPFLOAT",
+	            description = "Delay time in seconds.",
+	            default = "1.0"
+	        }
+	    }
+	},
+	modtype = "module",
+	description = [[Signal reverser
+	Reverse will store a signal inside a buffer and play it back reversed.]],
+	ninputs = 1,
+	noutputs = 1,
+	inputs = {
+	    {
+	        name = "input",
+	        description = "Signal input."
+	    }
+	},
+	outputs = {
+	    {
+	        name = "out",
+	        description = "Signal output."
+	    }
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/rpt.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+sptbl["rpt"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "rpt.c",
+        header = "rpt.h",
+        example = "ex_rpt.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_rpt_create",
+        destroy = "sp_rpt_destroy",
+        init = "sp_rpt_init",
+        compute = "sp_rpt_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "maxdur",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Maximum delay duration in seconds. This will set the buffer size.",
+                default = "0.7"
+            }
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger based beat-repeat stuttering effect
+    When the input is a non-zero value, rpt will load up the buffer and loop a certain number of times. Speed and repeat amounts can be set with the sp_rpt_set function.]],
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When this value is non-zero, it will start the repeater."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "The signal to be repeated."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal out. This is passive unless explicity triggered in the input."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/samphold.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+sptbl["samphold"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "samphold.c",
+        header = "samphold.h",
+        example = "ex_samphold.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_samphold_create",
+        destroy = "sp_samphold_destroy",
+        init = "sp_samphold_init",
+        compute = "sp_samphold_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Classic sample and hold]],
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Will hold the current input value when non-zero."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Audio input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/saturator.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+sptbl["saturator"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "saturator.c",
+        header = "saturator.h",
+        example = "ex_saturator.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_saturator_create",
+        destroy = "sp_saturator_destroy",
+        init = "sp_saturator_init",
+        compute = "sp_saturator_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "drive",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Input gain into the distortion section, in decibels. Controls overall amount of distortion.",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "dcoffset",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Constant linear offset applied to the signal. A small offset will introduce odd harmonics into the distoration spectrum, whereas a zero offset will have only even harmonics.",
+                default = 0.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Soft clip saturating distortion, based on examples from Abel/Berners' Music 424 course at Stanford.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/scale.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+sptbl["scale"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "scale.c",
+        header = "scale.h",
+        example = "ex_scale.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_scale_create",
+        destroy = "sp_scale_destroy",
+        init = "sp_scale_init",
+        compute = "sp_scale_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Minimum value to scale to.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Maximum value to scale to.",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Bipolar Scale
+    This module scales from unipolar [0, 1] to another range defined by min and max.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "Signal to be scaled."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Scaled signal out"
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/sdelay.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+sptbl["sdelay"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "sdelay.c",
+        header = "sdelay.h",
+        example = "ex_sdelay.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_sdelay_create",
+        destroy = "sp_sdelay_destroy",
+        init = "sp_sdelay_init",
+        compute = "sp_sdelay_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "size",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Size of delay (in samples)",
+                default = "128"
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Delays a signal by a number of samples.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input signal to be delayed."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output for sdelay."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/slice.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+sptbl["slice"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "slice.c",
+        header = "slice.h",
+        example = "ex_slice.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_slice_create",
+        destroy = "sp_slice_destroy",
+        init = "sp_slice_init",
+        compute = "sp_slice_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "vals",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "A table containing slice points, in samples",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+            {
+                name = "buf",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "The buffer containing the audio samples.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "id",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Value position.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Yet another slice-based sample player.
+This module takes in an audio buffer and a table with slice points. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, (re)triggers samples"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "out_right",
+            description = "Stereo right output for slice."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/smoothdelay.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,74 @@
+sptbl["smoothdelay"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "smoothdelay.c",
+        header = "smoothdelay.h",
+        example = "ex_smoothdelay.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_smoothdelay_create",
+        destroy = "sp_smoothdelay_destroy",
+        init = "sp_smoothdelay_init",
+        compute = "sp_smoothdelay_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "maxdel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Maximum delay time (in seconds)",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "interp",
+                type = "uint32_t",
+                description = "interpolation time (in samples)",
+                default = 1024
+            }
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "feedback",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "del",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Smooth variable delay line without varispeed pitch.
+Smooth delay is based off the sdelay module in Faust. The smooth delay 
+algorithm involves a double delay line. Any time the delay time changes, 
+the delay time of buffer not heard changes, then is crossfaded to 
+that buffer.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/smoother.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+sptbl["smoother"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "smoother.c",
+        header = "smoother.h",
+        example = "ex_smoother.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_smoother_create",
+        destroy = "sp_smoother_destroy",
+        init = "sp_smoother_init",
+        compute = "sp_smoother_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_smoother_reset = {
+                description = "Resets internal buffers, snapping to input value instead of ramping to it.",
+                args = {
+                    {
+                        name = "input",
+                        type = "SPFLOAT *",
+                        description = "input value to snap to.",
+                        default = 0.0
+                    },
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "smooth",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Smooth time amount.",
+                default = 0.01
+            },
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[ Smootheramento-style control signal smoothing
+    Useful for smoothing out low-resolution signals and applying glissando to filters.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "Signal input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/spa.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+sptbl["spa"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "spa.c",
+        header = "spa.h",
+        example = "ex_spa.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_spa_create",
+        destroy = "sp_spa_destroy",
+        init = "sp_spa_init",
+        compute = "sp_spa_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "filename",
+                type = "const char *",
+                description = "Filename of SPA file",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Stream a Soundpipe Audio File
+Similar to sp_diskin, sp_spa will stream a file in the internal soundpipe
+audio format. Such a format is useful for instances where you need to read
+audio files, but can't use libsndfile. 
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Output to spa."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/sparec.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+sptbl["sparec"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "sparec.c",
+        header = "sparec.h",
+        example = "ex_sparec.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_sparec_create",
+        destroy = "sp_sparec_destroy",
+        init = "sp_sparec_init",
+        compute = "sp_sparec_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_sparec_close = {
+                description = "Close spa file and writes the rest of the data in the buffer.",
+                args = {
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "filename",
+                type = "const char *",
+                description = "Filename to write to",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Writes signal to spa file.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Copy of input signal."
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/switch.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+sptbl["switch"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "switch.c",
+        header = "switch.h",
+        example = "ex_switch.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_switch_create",
+        destroy = "sp_switch_destroy",
+        init = "sp_switch_init",
+        compute = "sp_switch_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Switch between two signals
+    By default, the incoming first signal is selected. When triggered, the output signal will switch to the other signal.]],
+    ninputs = 3,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, will switch to the other signal."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input_1",
+            description = "Signal input 1. This is the default signal."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input_2",
+            description = "Signal input 2."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tadsr.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+sptbl["tadsr"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tadsr.c",
+        header = "tadsr.h",
+        example = "ex_tadsr.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tadsr_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tadsr_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tadsr_init",
+        compute = "sp_tadsr_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Attack time",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "dec",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Decay time",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "sus",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Sustain Level",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="release",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Triggerable classic ADSR envelope]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Expects trigger signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Envelope signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/talkbox.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+sptbl["talkbox"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "talkbox.c",
+        header = "talkbox.h",
+        example = "ex_talkbox.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_talkbox_create",
+        destroy = "sp_talkbox_destroy",
+        init = "sp_talkbox_init",
+        compute = "sp_talkbox_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "quality",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Quality of the talkbox sound. 0=lowest fidelity. 1=highest fidelity",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A high talkbox emulation, simular to a vocoder.
+This is the talkbox plugin ported from the MDA plugin suite. In many ways,
+this Talkbox functions like a vocoder: it takes in a source signal (usually
+speech), which then excites an excitation signal 
+(usually a harmonically rich signal like a saw wave). This particular algorithm
+uses linear-predictive coding (LPC), making speech intelligibility better 
+than most vocoder implementations.
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "source",
+            description = "Input signal that shapes the excitation. Also known as the modulator."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "excitation",
+            description = "The signal to be excited. Also known as the carrier."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Talkbox signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tblrec.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+sptbl["tblrec"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tblrec.c",
+        header = "tblrec.h",
+        example = "ex_tblrec.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tblrec_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tblrec_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tblrec_init",
+        compute = "sp_tblrec_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "bar",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Record a signal to an ftable.
+This module will write audio-rate signals to a preallocated soundpipe ftable. 
+Every time record is enabled, it will got back to index 0 overwrite any
+previous information that was on it. 
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "in",
+            description = "Input signal."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, will toggle recording on/off. Recording will set the playhead back to zero"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Copy of the input signal."
+        }
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tdiv.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+sptbl["tdiv"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tdiv.c",
+        header = "tdiv.h",
+        example = "ex_tdiv.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tdiv_create",
+        compute = "sp_tdiv_compute",
+        destroy = "sp_tdiv_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tdiv_init",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "num",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Triggers every N times.",
+                default = 2
+            },
+            {
+                name = "offset",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Offset amoutn.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger divider.
+This module will take in a trigger signal, and output a trigger signal
+every N times.
+For instance, when N = 3:
+in: * * * * * * * * *
+out *     *     *   
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trigger",
+            description = "Trigger. Should be a non-zero value"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tenv.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+sptbl["tenv"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tenv.c",
+        header = "tenv.h",
+        example = "ex_tenv.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tenv_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tenv_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tenv_init",
+        compute = "sp_tenv_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Attack time, in seconds.",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "hold",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Hold time, in seconds.",
+                default = 0.3
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Release time, in seconds.",
+                default = 0.2
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger based linear AHD envelope generator]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Trigger input. When non-zero, the envelope will (re)trigger."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output"
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tenv2.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+sptbl["tenv2"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tenv2.c",
+        header = "tenv2.h",
+        example = "ex_tenv2.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tenv2_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tenv2_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tenv2_init",
+        compute = "sp_tenv2_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Attack time (in seconds).",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Release time (in seconds).",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Linear 2-stage Attack/Release envelope generator
+    This envelope takes 2 triggers. When triggered once,
+the envelope will rise to 1 according to the attack time. When triggered again, it will decay to 0 according to
+the decay time.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Expects a trigger signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal out (a unipolar envelope)."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tenvx.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+sptbl["tenvx"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tenvx.c",
+        header = "tenvx.h",
+        example = "ex_tenvx.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tenvx_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tenvx_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tenvx_init",
+        compute = "sp_tenvx_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Tau attack time, in seconds. Must be non-zero.",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "hold",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Hold time, in seconds. The duration of the gate signal.",
+                default = 0.3
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Tau release time, in seconds. Must be non-zero.",
+                default = 0.2
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger based exponential AHD envelope generator.
+    This envelope generator emulates the exponential behavior of analogue 
+envelope generators by passing a gate signal (whose duration is specified via
+the hold parameter) through a one-pole filter, whose filter coefficeints are
+calculated in terms of tau.  
+    ]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Trigger input. When non-zero, the envelope will (re)trigger."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output"
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tgate.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+sptbl["tgate"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tgate.c",
+        header = "tgate.h",
+        example = "ex_tgate.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tgate_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tgate_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tgate_init",
+        compute = "sp_tgate_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "time",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Duration of the gate (in seconds)",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A triggerable gate.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trigger",
+            description = "When non-zero, will (re)trigger gate."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "gate",
+            description = "Gate output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/thresh.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+sptbl["thresh"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "thresh.c",
+        header = "thresh.h",
+        example = "ex_thresh.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_thresh_create",
+        destroy = "sp_thresh_destroy",
+        init = "sp_thresh_init",
+        compute = "sp_thresh_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "thresh",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Threshold level",
+                default = 1.5
+            },
+            {
+                name = "mode",
+                type = "int",
+                description ="Sets when to detect theshold crossings. 0 = from below. 1 = from above. 2 = from above/below",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Trigger generator for signals that cross a given threshold. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Input signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Produces a trigger when the input signal crosses the set threshold."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/timer.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+sptbl["timer"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "timer.c",
+        header = "timer.h",
+        example = "ex_timer.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_timer_create",
+        destroy = "sp_timer_destroy",
+        init = "sp_timer_init",
+        compute = "sp_timer_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Tap-tempo like timer
+When triggered, timer will begin an internal stopwatch until it is triggered again.
+The output of the timer will be the time elapsed in seconds.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "clock",
+            description = "When non-zero, will start/stop the timer."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Outputs the time of the last timer (in seconds)."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tin.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+sptbl["tin"] = {
+    files = { 
+        module = "tin.c",
+        header = "tin.h",
+        example = "ex_tin.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tin_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tin_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tin_init",
+        compute = "sp_tin_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Similar to in, tin reads SPFLOATs (by default, this is a 4 byte binary float) from standard input every time it is triggered. behaves like a sample and hold, retaining the previous value (initial set to 0) until triggered. ]], 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = { 
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, reads a single SPFLOAT from standard input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/trand.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+sptbl["trand"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "trand.c",
+        header = "trand.h",
+        example = "ex_trand.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_trand_create",
+        destroy = "sp_trand_destroy",
+        init = "sp_trand_init",
+        compute = "sp_trand_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "min",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Minimum value to use.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "max",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Maximum value to use.",
+                default = 1
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Triggered random number generator.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "When non-zero, will create a new random value."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tseg.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+sptbl["tseg"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tseg.c",
+        header = "tseg.h",
+        example = "ex_tseg.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tseg_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tseg_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tseg_init",
+        compute = "sp_tseg_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "ibeg",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Beginning value.",
+                default = 0.001; 
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "end",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "End parameter to go to.",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "dur",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "duration to rise to (in seconds).",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "type",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="The type of line, which determines slope of line",
+                default = -1.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[This module creates a series of line segments. 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "trigger."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "tseg output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/tseq.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+sptbl["tseq"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "tseq.c",
+        header = "tseq.h",
+        example = "ex_tseq.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_tseq_create",
+        destroy = "sp_tseq_destroy",
+        init = "sp_tseq_init",
+        compute = "sp_tseq_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "ft",
+                type = "sp_ftbl *",
+                description = "An ftable of values",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "shuf",
+                type = "int",
+                description = "When shuf is non-zero, randomly pick a value rather than cycle through sequentially.",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Function table looper
+    TSeq runs through values in an ftable. It will change values when the trigger input is a non-zero value, and wrap around when it reaches the end.]],
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "trig",
+            description = "Trigger."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "val",
+            description = "Value from current position in the ftable."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/voc.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+sptbl["voc"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "voc.c",
+        header = "voc.h",
+        example = "ex_voc.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_voc_create",
+        destroy = "sp_voc_destroy",
+        init = "sp_voc_init",
+        compute = "sp_voc_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[A vocal tract physical model.
+Based on the Pink Trombone algorithm by Neil Thapen, Voc implements a physical 
+model of the vocal tract glottal pulse wave. The tract model is based on the 
+classic Kelly-Lochbaum
+segmented cylindrical 1d waveguide model, and the glottal pulse wave is a
+LF glottal pulse model. 
+The soundpipe source code for Voc is generated via ctangle, one half of the
+literate documentation system known CWEB. The CWEB are maintained in a 
+separate repository. They are hosted on github here: 
+This documentation is a stub. For a full overview on proper usage, consult
+the "Top-level functions" section of the documented code, a copy of which
+can be found at the Voc project page, or generate the PDF
+from the github page described above.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Voc output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/vocoder.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+sptbl["vocoder"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "vocoder.c",
+        header = "vocoder.h",
+        example = "ex_vocoder.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_vocoder_create",
+        destroy = "sp_vocoder_destroy",
+        init = "sp_vocoder_init",
+        compute = "sp_vocoder_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+        },
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "atk",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Attack time . (Range 0.001 and 0.5 seconds)",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rel",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Release time",
+                default = 0.1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "bwratio",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Coeffecient to adjust the bandwidth of each band (0.1 - 2)",
+                default = 0.5
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[16-band channel vocoder]],
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "source",
+            description = "Source signal (also known as carrier)."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "excite",
+            description = "Excitation signal (also known as modulator)"
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/wavin.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,73 @@
+sptbl["wavin"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "wavin.c",
+        header = "wavin.h",
+        example = "ex_wavin.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_wavin_create",
+        destroy = "sp_wavin_destroy",
+        init = "sp_wavin_init",
+        compute = "sp_wavin_compute",
+        other = {
+            sp_wavin_seek = {
+                description = "Seeks to position in file.",
+                args = {
+                    {
+                        name = "sample",
+                        type = "unsigned long",
+                        description = "Sample position",
+                        default = 0
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            sp_wavin_get_sample = {
+                description = "Get a particular sample from the file.",
+                args = {
+                    {
+                        name = "pos",
+                        type = "SPFLOAT",
+                        description = "Sample position",
+                        default = 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "filename",
+                type = "const char *",
+                description = "Filename",
+                default = "N/A"
+            },
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Reads a mono WAV file.
+This module reads a mono WAV file from disk. It uses the public-domain 
+dr_wav library for decoding, so it can be a good substitute for libsndfile.
+    ninputs = 0,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "output signal."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/wavout.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+sptbl["wavout"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "wavout.c",
+        header = "wavout.h",
+        example = "ex_wavout.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_wavout_create",
+        destroy = "sp_wavout_destroy",
+        init = "sp_wavout_init",
+        compute = "sp_wavout_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        mandatory = {
+            {
+                name = "filename",
+                type = "const char*",
+                description = "The filename of the output file.",
+                default = "N/A"
+            }
+        },
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Writes a mono signal to a WAV file.
+This module uses the public-domain dr_wav library to write WAV files
+to disk. This module is ideal for instances where GPL-licensed libsndfile 
+cannot be used for legal reasons.
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Mono input signal."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "A passthrough signal: a copy of the input signal."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/wpkorg35.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+sptbl["wpkorg35"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "wpkorg35.c",
+        header = "wpkorg35.h",
+        example = "ex_wpkorg35.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_wpkorg35_create",
+        destroy = "sp_wpkorg35_destroy",
+        init = "sp_wpkorg35_init",
+        compute = "sp_wpkorg35_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "cutoff",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Filter cutoff",
+                default = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "res",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Filter resonance (should be between 0-2)",
+                default = 1.0
+            },
+            {
+                name = "saturation",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description ="Filter saturation.",
+                default = 0.0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[ Analogue model of the Korg 35 Lowpass Filter
+Original port done by Will Pirkle:
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "Audio input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/data/zitarev.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,139 @@
+sptbl["zitarev"] = {
+    files = {
+        module = "zitarev.c",
+        header = "zitarev.h",
+        example = "ex_zitarev.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_zitarev_create",
+        destroy = "sp_zitarev_destroy",
+        init = "sp_zitarev_init",
+        compute = "sp_zitarev_compute",
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "in_delay",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description = "Delay in ms before reverberation begins.",
+                default = 60,
+                min = 10,
+                max = 100 
+            },
+            {
+                name = "lf_x",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Crossover frequency separating low and middle frequencies (Hz).",
+                default = 200,
+                min = 200,
+                max = 1000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rt60_low",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Time (in seconds) to decay 60db in low-frequency band.",
+                default = 3.0,
+                min = 1,
+                max = 8 
+            },
+            {
+                name = "rt60_mid",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Time (in seconds) to decay 60db in mid-frequency band.",
+                default = 2.0,
+                min = 1,
+                max = 8
+            },
+            {
+                name = "hf_damping",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Frequency (Hz) at which the high-frequency T60 is half the middle-band's T60.",
+                default = 6000.0,
+                min = 1500,
+                max = 0.5 * 48000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "eq1_freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Center frequency of second-order Regalia Mitra peaking equalizer section 1.",
+                default = 315.0,
+                min = 40,
+                max = 2500
+            },
+            {
+                name = "eq1_level",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Peak level in dB of second-order Regalia-Mitra peaking equalizer section 1",
+                default = 0,
+                min = -15,
+                max = 15
+            },
+            {
+                name = "eq2_freq",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Center frequency of second-order Regalia Mitra peaking equalizer section 2.",
+                default = 1500.0,
+                min = 160,
+                max = 10000
+            },
+            {
+                name = "eq2_level",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Peak level in dB of second-order Regalia-Mitra peaking equalizer section 2",
+                default = 0 ,
+                min = -15,
+                max = 15
+            },
+            {
+                name = "mix",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="0 = all dry, 1 = all wet",
+                default = 1,
+                min = 0,
+                max = 1
+            },
+            {
+                name = "level",
+                type = "SPFLOAT*",
+                description ="Output scale factor (in dB).",
+                default = -20,
+                min = -70,
+                max = 40
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[8 FDN stereo zitareverb algorithm, imported from Faust.]],
+    ninputs = 2,
+    noutputs = 2,
+    inputs = {
+        {
+            name = "input_1",
+            description = "First input."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "input_2",
+            description = "Second input."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out_1",
+            description = "Channel 1 output. Most likely for the left channel."
+        },
+        {
+            name = "out_2",
+            description = "Channel 2 output. Mose likely for the right channel."
+        },
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/dcblocker.c
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "tangled/dcblocker.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_dcblocker_create(sp_dcblocker **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_dcblocker));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dcblocker_destroy(sp_dcblocker **p)
+    sp_dcblocker *pp;
+    pp = *p;
+    free(pp->dcblocker);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dcblocker_init(sp_data *sp, sp_dcblocker *p)
+    p->dcblocker = malloc(sizeof(sk_dcblocker));
+    sk_dcblocker_init(p->dcblocker);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dcblocker_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_dcblocker *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = sk_dcblocker_tick(p->dcblocker, *in);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/delay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_delay_create(sp_delay **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_delay));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_delay_destroy(sp_delay **p)
+    sp_delay *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->buf);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_delay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_delay *p, SPFLOAT time)
+    p->time = time;
+    p->bufsize = round(time * sp->sr);
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->buf, p->bufsize * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    p->bufpos = 0;
+    p->feedback = 0;
+    p->last = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_delay_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_delay *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT delay = 0, sig = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *buf = (SPFLOAT *)p->buf.ptr;
+    delay = buf[p->bufpos];
+    sig = (delay * p->feedback) + *in;
+    buf[p->bufpos] = sig;
+    p->bufpos = (p->bufpos + 1) % p->bufsize;
+    *out = delay;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/diode.c
@@ -1,0 +1,177 @@
+ * Diode
+ *
+ * Based on Will Pirkle's Diode Ladder filter design.
+ * Code adapted from the CCRMA Chugin WPDiodeLadder
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+int sp_diode_create(sp_diode **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_diode));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_diode_destroy(sp_diode **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+static SPFLOAT sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p, int filt)
+    return p->opva_beta[filt] *
+        (p->opva_z1[filt] + p->opva_fdbk[filt] * p->opva_delta[filt]);
+static SPFLOAT sp_diode_opva_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p, SPFLOAT in, int filt)
+    /*
+	double x_in = (xn*m_dGamma + m_dFeedback + m_dEpsilon*getFeedbackOutput());
+	double vn = (m_da0*x_in - m_dZ1)*m_dAlpha;
+	double out = vn + m_dZ1;
+	m_dZ1 = vn + out;
+    */
+	/* m_dBeta*(m_dZ1 + m_dFeedback*m_dDelta); */
+	SPFLOAT x_in = (in*p->opva_gamma[filt]
+        + p->opva_fdbk[filt]
+        + p->opva_eps[filt] * sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, filt));
+	SPFLOAT vn = (p->opva_a0[filt]*x_in -
+        p->opva_z1[filt])*p->opva_alpha[filt];
+	SPFLOAT out = vn + p->opva_z1[filt];
+	p->opva_z1[filt] = vn + out;
+    return out;
+static void sp_diode_update(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p)
+	/* calculate alphas */
+	SPFLOAT G1, G2, G3, G4;
+	SPFLOAT wd = 2*M_PI*p->freq;
+	SPFLOAT T  = 1/(SPFLOAT)sp->sr;
+	SPFLOAT wa = (2/T)*tan(wd*T/2);
+	SPFLOAT g = wa*T/2;
+    int i;
+    /* Big G's */
+	G4 = 0.5*g/(1.0 + g);
+	G3 = 0.5*g/(1.0 + g - 0.5*g*G4);
+	G2 = 0.5*g/(1.0 + g - 0.5*g*G3);
+	G1 = g/(1.0 + g - g*G2);
+    /* big G value gamma */
+    p->gamma  = G4*G3*G2*G1;
+    p->SG[0] =  G4*G3*G2;
+	p->SG[1] =  G4*G3;
+	p->SG[2] =  G4;
+	p->SG[3] =  1.0;
+	/* set alphas */
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) p->opva_alpha[i] = g/(1.0 + g);
+    /* set betas */
+    p->opva_beta[0] = 1.0/(1.0 + g - g*G2);
+	p->opva_beta[1] = 1.0/(1.0 + g - 0.5*g*G3);
+	p->opva_beta[2] = 1.0/(1.0 + g - 0.5*g*G4);
+	p->opva_beta[3] = 1.0/(1.0 + g);
+	/* set gammas */
+	p->opva_gamma[0] = 1.0 + G1*G2;
+	p->opva_gamma[1] = 1.0 + G2*G3;
+	p->opva_gamma[2] = 1.0 + G3*G4;
+    /* set deltas */
+	p->opva_delta[0] = g;
+	p->opva_delta[1] = 0.5*g;
+	p->opva_delta[2] = 0.5*g;
+    /* set epsilons */
+	p->opva_eps[0] = G2;
+	p->opva_eps[1] = G3;
+	p->opva_eps[2] = G4;
+int sp_diode_init(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p)
+    int i;
+    /* initialize the 4 one-pole VA filters */
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        p->opva_alpha[i] = 1.0;
+        p->opva_beta[i] = -1.0;
+        p->opva_gamma[i] = 1.0;
+        p->opva_delta[i] = 0.0;
+        p->opva_eps[i] = 1.0;
+        p->opva_fdbk[i] = 0.0;
+        p->opva_a0[i] = 1.0;
+        p->opva_z1[i] = 0.0;
+        p->SG[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+	p->gamma = 0.0;
+	p->K = 0.0;
+	/* Filter coeffs that are constant */
+	/* set a0s */
+    p->opva_a0[0] = 1.0;
+    p->opva_a0[1] = 0.5;
+    p->opva_a0[2] = 0.5;
+    p->opva_a0[3] = 0.5;
+	/* last LPF has no feedback path */
+    p->opva_gamma[3] = 1.0;
+    p->opva_delta[3] = 0.0;
+    p->opva_eps[3] = 0.0;
+    p->opva_fdbk[3] = 0.0;
+    /* default cutoff to 1000hz */
+    p->freq = 1000;
+    p->res = 0;
+    /* update filter coefs */
+    sp_diode_update(sp, p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_diode_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_diode *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT sigma;
+    SPFLOAT un;
+    SPFLOAT tmp = 0.0;
+    /* update filter coefficients */
+    p->K = p->res * 17;
+    sp_diode_update(sp, p);
+    p->opva_fdbk[2] = sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 3);
+    p->opva_fdbk[1] = sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 2);
+    p->opva_fdbk[0] = sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 1);
+    sigma =
+        p->SG[0] * sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 0) +
+        p->SG[1] * sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 1) +
+        p->SG[2] * sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 2) +
+        p->SG[3] * sp_diode_opva_fdbk_out(sp, p, 3);
+    un = (*in - p->K * sigma) / (1 + p->K * p->gamma);
+    tmp = un;
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        tmp = sp_diode_opva_compute(sp, p, tmp, i);
+    }
+    *out = tmp;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/dmetro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_dmetro_create(sp_dmetro **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_dmetro));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dmetro_destroy(sp_dmetro **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dmetro_init(sp_data *sp, sp_dmetro *p)
+    p->counter = 0;
+    p->time = 1.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dmetro_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_dmetro *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0;
+    if (p->counter == 0) {
+        *out = 1.0;
+        p->counter = (int)(sp->sr * p->time) + 1;
+    }
+    p->counter--;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/dtrig.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_dtrig_create(sp_dtrig **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_dtrig));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dtrig_destroy(sp_dtrig **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dtrig_init(sp_data *sp, sp_dtrig *p, sp_ftbl *ft)
+    p->ft = ft;
+    p->counter = 0;
+    p->pos = 0;
+    p->running = 0;
+    p->loop = 0;
+    p->delay = 0;
+    p->scale = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_dtrig_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_dtrig *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in == 1.0) {
+        p->running = 1.0;
+        p->pos = 0;
+        p->counter = p->delay * sp->sr;
+    }
+    if ((p->pos < p->ft->size) && p->running) {
+        if (p->counter == 0) {
+            p->counter = (uint32_t)(p->scale * p->ft->tbl[p->pos] * sp->sr - 1);
+            *out = 1.0;
+            p->pos++;
+            if (p->loop) {
+                p->pos %= p->ft->size;
+            }
+            return SP_OK;
+        } else {
+            *out = 0;
+            p->counter--;
+            return SP_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    *out = 0;
+    return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/expon.c
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_expon_create(sp_expon **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_expon));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_expon_destroy(sp_expon **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+static void expon_reinit(sp_data *sp, sp_expon *p)
+    SPFLOAT onedsr;
+    p->stime = 0;
+    p->sdur = p->dur * sp->sr;
+    onedsr = 1.0 / sp->sr;
+    if ((p->a * p->b) > 0.0) {
+        p->incr = pow((SPFLOAT)(p->b / p->a), onedsr / p->dur);
+    } else {
+        p->incr = 1;
+        p->val = p->a;
+    }
+    p->val = p->a;
+int sp_expon_init(sp_data *sp, sp_expon *p)
+    p->a = 0.000001;
+    p->b = 1;
+    p->dur = 1;
+    expon_reinit(sp, p);
+    p->init = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_expon_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_expon *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in) {
+        expon_reinit(sp, p);
+        p->init = 0;
+    }
+    if (p->init) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    if (p->stime < p->sdur) {
+        SPFLOAT val = p->val;
+        p->val *= p->incr;
+        p->stime++;
+        *out = val;
+    } else {
+        *out = p->b;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fftwrapper.c
@@ -1,0 +1,130 @@
+  FFTwrapper.c  -  A wrapper for Fast Fourier Transforms
+  Author: Nasca O. Paul, Tg. Mures, Romania
+  De-classified and ported to C code by Paul Batchelor 2015
+  License: Public Domain
+  This requires FFTW library ( to compile and run.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "kiss_fftr.h"
+void FFTwrapper_create(FFTwrapper **fw, int fftsize)
+    FFTwrapper *fwp;
+    *fw = malloc(sizeof(FFTwrapper));
+    fwp = *fw;
+    fwp->fftsize = fftsize;
+#ifdef USE_FFTW3
+    fftw_real *tf1 = malloc(fftsize * sizeof(fftw_real));
+    fftw_real *tf2 = malloc(fftsize * sizeof(fftw_real));
+    fwp->tmpfftdata1 = tf1;
+    fwp->tmpfftdata2 = tf2;
+    fwp->planfftw = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(fftsize, fwp->tmpfftdata1,
+            fwp->tmpfftdata1, FFTW_R2HC, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
+    fwp->planfftw_inv = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(fftsize, fwp->tmpfftdata2,
+            fwp->tmpfftdata2, FFTW_HC2R, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
+    fwp->fft = kiss_fftr_alloc(fftsize, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    fwp->ifft = kiss_fftr_alloc(fftsize, 1, NULL, NULL);
+    fwp->tmp1 = KISS_FFT_MALLOC(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * fftsize);
+    fwp->tmp2 = KISS_FFT_MALLOC(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * fftsize);
+    memset(fwp->tmp1, 0, sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * fftsize);
+    memset(fwp->tmp2, 0, sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * fftsize);
+void FFTwrapper_destroy(FFTwrapper **fw)
+    FFTwrapper *fwp = *fw;
+#ifdef USE_FFTW3
+    fftw_destroy_plan(fwp->planfftw);
+    fftw_destroy_plan(fwp->planfftw_inv);
+    free(fwp->tmpfftdata1);
+    free(fwp->tmpfftdata2);
+    kiss_fftr_free(fwp->fft);
+    kiss_fftr_free(fwp->ifft);
+    KISS_FFT_FREE(fwp->tmp1);
+    KISS_FFT_FREE(fwp->tmp2);
+    free(*fw);
+/* do the Fast Fourier Transform */
+void smps2freqs(FFTwrapper *ft, SPFLOAT *smps, FFTFREQS *freqs)
+    int i;
+#ifdef USE_FFTW3
+    for (i = 0; i < ft->fftsize; i++) ft->tmpfftdata1[i]=smps[i];
+    fftw_execute(ft->planfftw);
+    for (i = 0; i < ft->fftsize/2; i++) {
+        freqs.c[i] = ft->tmpfftdata1[i];
+        if (i != 0) freqs.s[i] = ft->tmpfftdata1[ft->fftsize-i];
+    }
+    ft->tmpfftdata2[ft->fftsize/2] = 0.0;
+    kiss_fftr(ft->fft, smps, ft->tmp1);
+    for (i = 0; i < ft->fftsize/2; i++) {
+        freqs->c[i] = ft->tmp1[i].r;
+        freqs->s[i] = ft->tmp1[i].i;
+    }
+ * do the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
+ */
+void freqs2smps(FFTwrapper *ft, FFTFREQS *freqs, SPFLOAT *smps)
+    int i;
+#ifdef USE_FFTW3
+    ft->tmpfftdata2[ft->fftsize/2]=0.0;
+    for (i=0; i<ft->fftsize/2 ;i++) {
+        ft->tmpfftdata2[i]=freqs.c[i];
+        if (i != 0) ft->tmpfftdata2[ft->fftsize-i]=freqs.s[i];
+    }
+    fftw_execute(ft->planfftw_inv);
+    for (i = 0; i < ft->fftsize; i++) smps[i]=ft->tmpfftdata2[i];
+    for (i = 0; i < ft->fftsize / 2; i++) {
+        ft->tmp2[i].r = freqs->c[i];
+        ft->tmp2[i].i = freqs->s[i];
+    }
+    kiss_fftri(ft->ifft, ft->tmp2, smps);
+void newFFTFREQS(FFTFREQS *f,int size)
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT *c = malloc(size * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    SPFLOAT *s = malloc(size * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    f->c = c;
+    f->s = s;
+    for (i = 0; i<size ;i++) {
+        f->c[i]=0.0;
+        f->s[i]=0.0;
+    };
+void deleteFFTFREQS(FFTFREQS *f)
+    free(f->c);
+    free(f->s);
+    f->c= f->s = NULL;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/fmpair.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "tangled/fmpair.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_fmpair_create(sp_fmpair **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_fmpair));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_fmpair_destroy(sp_fmpair **p)
+    sp_fmpair *pp;
+    pp = *p;
+    free(pp->fmpair);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_fmpair_init(sp_data *sp, sp_fmpair *p, sp_ftbl *ft)
+    p->fmpair = malloc(sizeof(sk_fmpair));
+    sk_fmpair_init(p->fmpair, sp->sr,
+                   ft->tbl, ft->size, 0,
+                   ft->tbl, ft->size, 0);
+    p->mod = 1.0;
+    p->car = 1.0;
+    p->indx = 1.0;
+    p->amp = 0.4;
+    p->freq = 440;
+    sk_fmpair_freq(p->fmpair, p->freq);
+    sk_fmpair_modulator(p->fmpair, p->mod);
+    sk_fmpair_carrier(p->fmpair, p->car);
+    sk_fmpair_modindex(p->fmpair, p->indx);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_fmpair_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_fmpair *p,
+                      SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sk_fmpair_freq(p->fmpair, p->freq);
+    sk_fmpair_modulator(p->fmpair, p->mod);
+    sk_fmpair_carrier(p->fmpair, p->car);
+    sk_fmpair_modindex(p->fmpair, p->indx);
+    *out = sk_fmpair_tick(p->fmpair) * p->amp;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/foo.c
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Foo
+ *
+ * This is a dummy module. It doesn't do much.
+ * Feel free to use this as a boilerplate template.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_foo_create(sp_foo **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_foo));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_foo_destroy(sp_foo **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_foo_init(sp_data *sp, sp_foo *p)
+    /* Initalize variables here. */
+    p->bar = 123;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_foo_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_foo *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    /* Send the signal's input to the output */
+    *out = *in;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ftbl.c
@@ -1,0 +1,106 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sndfile.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#define tpd360 0.0174532925199433
+int sp_ftbl_init(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft, size_t size)
+    ft->size = size;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_ftbl_create(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, size_t size)
+    sp_ftbl *ftp;
+    *ft = malloc(sizeof(sp_ftbl));
+    ftp = *ft;
+    ftp->tbl = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT) * (size + 1));
+    memset(ftp->tbl, 0, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * (size + 1));
+    sp_ftbl_init(sp, ftp, size);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_ftbl_destroy(sp_ftbl **ft)
+    sp_ftbl *ftp = *ft;
+    free(ftp->tbl);
+    free(*ft);
+    return SP_OK;
+static char * tokenize(char **next, int *size)
+    char *token;
+    char *str;
+    char *peak;
+    if (*size <= 0) return NULL;
+    token = *next;
+    str = *next;
+    peak = str + 1;
+    while ((*size)--) {
+        if (*str == ' ') {
+            *str = 0;
+            if (*peak != ' ') break;
+        }
+        str = str + 1;
+        peak = str + 1;
+    }
+    *next = peak;
+    return token;
+int sp_gen_vals(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft, const char *string)
+    int size;
+    char *str;
+    char *out;
+    char *ptr;
+    int j;
+    size = strlen(string);
+    str = malloc(sizeof(char) * size + 1);
+    strcpy(str, string);
+    ptr = str;
+    j = 0;
+    while (size > 0) {
+        out = tokenize(&str, &size);
+        if (ft->size < j + 1) {
+            ft->tbl = realloc(ft->tbl, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * (ft->size + 2));
+            /* zero out new tables */
+            ft->tbl[ft->size] = 0;
+            ft->tbl[ft->size + 1] = 0;
+            ft->size++;
+        }
+        ft->tbl[j] = atof(out);
+        j++;
+    }
+    sp_ftbl_init(sp, ft, ft->size);
+    free(ptr);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_gen_sine(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft)
+    unsigned long i;
+    SPFLOAT step = 2 * M_PI / ft->size;
+    for (i = 0; i < ft->size; i++) {
+        ft->tbl[i] = sin(i * step);
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/in.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_in_create(sp_in **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_in));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_in_destroy(sp_in **p)
+    sp_in *pp = *p;
+    fclose(pp->fp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_in_init(sp_data *sp, sp_in *p)
+    p->fp = stdin;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_in_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_in *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0;
+    fread(out, sizeof(SPFLOAT), 1, p->fp);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/incr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a, b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+int sp_incr_create(sp_incr **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_incr));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_incr_destroy(sp_incr **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_incr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_incr *p, SPFLOAT val)
+    p->min = 0;
+    p->max = 1;
+    p->step = 0.1;
+    p->val = val;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_incr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_incr *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in > 0 ) {
+        p->val += p->step;
+        p->val = max(min(p->val, p->max), p->min);
+    } else if (*in < 0) {
+        p->val -= p->step;
+        p->val = max(min(p->val, p->max), p->min);
+    }
+    *out = p->val;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/jcrev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,327 @@
+ * JCrev
+ *
+ * This code has been partially generated using Faust.
+ * See the file "jcrev.dsp" to see the original faust code utilized.
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+typedef struct {
+	float fVec5[4096];
+	float fVec6[4096];
+	float fVec3[2048];
+	float fVec4[2048];
+	float fVec0[512];
+	float fVec1[128];
+	float fVec2[64];
+	float fRec6[2];
+	float fRec4[2];
+	float fRec2[2];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	float fRec1[2];
+	float fRec8[2];
+	float fRec9[2];
+	float fRec10[2];
+	float fRec11[2];
+	float fRec12[2];
+	float fRec13[2];
+	int IOTA;
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+} jcrev;
+jcrev* newjcrev() {
+	jcrev* dsp = (jcrev*)malloc(sizeof(jcrev));
+	return dsp;
+void deletejcrev(jcrev* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+void instanceInitjcrev(jcrev* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->IOTA = 0;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 512); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec0[i0] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec6[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 128); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec1[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i3;
+		for (i3 = 0; (i3 < 2); i3 = (i3 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec4[i3] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i4;
+		for (i4 = 0; (i4 < 64); i4 = (i4 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec2[i4] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i5;
+		for (i5 = 0; (i5 < 2); i5 = (i5 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec2[i5] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i6;
+		for (i6 = 0; (i6 < 2048); i6 = (i6 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec3[i6] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i7;
+		for (i7 = 0; (i7 < 2); i7 = (i7 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i7] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i8;
+		for (i8 = 0; (i8 < 2); i8 = (i8 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec1[i8] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i9;
+		for (i9 = 0; (i9 < 2048); i9 = (i9 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec4[i9] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i10;
+		for (i10 = 0; (i10 < 2); i10 = (i10 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec8[i10] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i11;
+		for (i11 = 0; (i11 < 2); i11 = (i11 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec9[i11] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i12;
+		for (i12 = 0; (i12 < 4096); i12 = (i12 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec5[i12] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i13;
+		for (i13 = 0; (i13 < 2); i13 = (i13 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec10[i13] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i14;
+		for (i14 = 0; (i14 < 2); i14 = (i14 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec11[i14] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i15;
+		for (i15 = 0; (i15 < 4096); i15 = (i15 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec6[i15] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i16;
+		for (i16 = 0; (i16 < 2); i16 = (i16 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec12[i16] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i17;
+		for (i17 = 0; (i17 < 2); i17 = (i17 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec13[i17] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+void initjcrev(jcrev* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitjcrev(dsp, samplingFreq);
+void computejcrev(jcrev* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input0 = inputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output1 = outputs[1];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output2 = outputs[2];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output3 = outputs[3];
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			float fTemp0 = ((0.7f * dsp->fRec6[1]) + (0.06f * (float)input0[i]));
+			dsp->fVec0[(dsp->IOTA & 511)] = fTemp0;
+			dsp->fRec6[0] = dsp->fVec0[((dsp->IOTA - 346) & 511)];
+			float fRec7 = (0.f - (0.7f * fTemp0));
+			float fTemp1 = (dsp->fRec6[1] + (fRec7 + (0.7f * dsp->fRec4[1])));
+			dsp->fVec1[(dsp->IOTA & 127)] = fTemp1;
+			dsp->fRec4[0] = dsp->fVec1[((dsp->IOTA - 112) & 127)];
+			float fRec5 = (0.f - (0.7f * fTemp1));
+			float fTemp2 = (dsp->fRec4[1] + (fRec5 + (0.7f * dsp->fRec2[1])));
+			dsp->fVec2[(dsp->IOTA & 63)] = fTemp2;
+			dsp->fRec2[0] = dsp->fVec2[((dsp->IOTA - 36) & 63)];
+			float fRec3 = (0.f - (0.7f * fTemp2));
+			float fTemp3 = (dsp->fRec2[1] + (fRec3 + (0.802f * dsp->fRec0[1])));
+			dsp->fVec3[(dsp->IOTA & 2047)] = fTemp3;
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = dsp->fVec3[((dsp->IOTA - 1600) & 2047)];
+			dsp->fRec1[0] = fTemp3;
+			float fTemp4 = (fRec3 + dsp->fRec2[1]);
+			float fTemp5 = (fTemp4 + (0.773f * dsp->fRec8[1]));
+			dsp->fVec4[(dsp->IOTA & 2047)] = fTemp5;
+			dsp->fRec8[0] = dsp->fVec4[((dsp->IOTA - 1866) & 2047)];
+			dsp->fRec9[0] = fTemp5;
+			float fTemp6 = (fTemp4 + (0.753f * dsp->fRec10[1]));
+			dsp->fVec5[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp6;
+			dsp->fRec10[0] = dsp->fVec5[((dsp->IOTA - 2052) & 4095)];
+			dsp->fRec11[0] = fTemp6;
+			float fTemp7 = (fTemp4 + (0.733f * dsp->fRec12[1]));
+			dsp->fVec6[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp7;
+			dsp->fRec12[0] = dsp->fVec6[((dsp->IOTA - 2250) & 4095)];
+			dsp->fRec13[0] = fTemp7;
+			float fTemp8 = (((dsp->fRec1[1] + dsp->fRec9[1]) + dsp->fRec11[1]) + dsp->fRec13[1]);
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)fTemp8;
+			output1[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(0.f - fTemp8);
+			float fTemp9 = (dsp->fRec1[1] + dsp->fRec11[1]);
+			float fTemp10 = (dsp->fRec9[1] + dsp->fRec13[1]);
+			output2[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(0.f - (fTemp9 - fTemp10));
+			output3[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(0.f - (fTemp10 - fTemp9));
+			dsp->IOTA = (dsp->IOTA + 1);
+			dsp->fRec6[1] = dsp->fRec6[0];
+			dsp->fRec4[1] = dsp->fRec4[0];
+			dsp->fRec2[1] = dsp->fRec2[0];
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+			dsp->fRec1[1] = dsp->fRec1[0];
+			dsp->fRec8[1] = dsp->fRec8[0];
+			dsp->fRec9[1] = dsp->fRec9[0];
+			dsp->fRec10[1] = dsp->fRec10[0];
+			dsp->fRec11[1] = dsp->fRec11[0];
+			dsp->fRec12[1] = dsp->fRec12[0];
+			dsp->fRec13[1] = dsp->fRec13[0];
+		}
+	}
+int sp_jcrev_create(sp_jcrev **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_jcrev));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_jcrev_destroy(sp_jcrev **p)
+    sp_jcrev *pp = *p;
+    jcrev *dsp = pp->ud;
+    deletejcrev(dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_jcrev_init(sp_data *sp, sp_jcrev *p)
+    jcrev *dsp = newjcrev();
+    initjcrev(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->ud = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_jcrev_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_jcrev *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    jcrev *dsp = p->ud;
+    SPFLOAT out1 = 0, out2 = 0, out3 = 0, out4 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {&out1, &out2, &out3, &out4};
+    computejcrev(dsp, 1, &in, faust_out);
+    /* As you can see, only 1 out of the 4 channels are being used */
+    *out = out1;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/line.c
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_line_create(sp_line **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_line));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_line_destroy(sp_line **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+static void line_reinit(sp_data *sp, sp_line *p)
+    SPFLOAT onedsr = 1.0 / sp->sr;
+    p->incr = (SPFLOAT)((p->b - p->a) / (p->dur)) * onedsr;
+    p->val = p->a;
+    p->stime = 0;
+    p->sdur = sp->sr * p->dur;
+int sp_line_init(sp_data *sp, sp_line *p)
+    p->a = 0;
+    p->dur = 0.5;
+    p->b = 1;
+    line_reinit(sp, p);
+    p->init = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_line_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_line *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in != 0 ) {
+        line_reinit(sp, p);
+        p->init = 0;
+    }
+    if (p->init) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    if (p->stime < p->sdur) {
+        SPFLOAT val = p->val;
+        p->val += p->incr;
+        p->stime++;
+        *out = val;
+    } else {
+        *out = p->b;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/loadwav.c
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "lib/dr_wav/sp_dr_wav.h"
+int sp_ftbl_loadwav(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl **ft, const char *filename)
+    drwav *wav;
+    size_t size;
+    SPFLOAT *tbl;
+    sp_ftbl *ftp;
+    wav = calloc(1, sp_drwav_size());
+    if (!sp_drwav_init_file(wav, filename)) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    size = sp_drwav_sampcount(wav);
+    *ft = malloc(sizeof(sp_ftbl));
+    ftp = *ft;
+    ftp->tbl = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT) * (size + 1));
+    tbl = ftp->tbl;
+    sp_ftbl_init(sp, ftp, size);
+    sp_drwav_read_f32(wav, size, tbl);
+    sp_drwav_uninit(wav);
+    free(wav);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/lpc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,104 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "openlpc.h"
+int sp_lpc_create(sp_lpc **lpc)
+    *lpc = malloc(sizeof(sp_lpc));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_lpc_destroy(sp_lpc **lpc)
+    sp_lpc *plpc;
+    plpc = *lpc;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&plpc->m_e);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&plpc->m_d);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&plpc->m_out);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&plpc->m_in);
+    free(*lpc);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_lpc_init(sp_data *sp, sp_lpc *lpc, int framesize)
+    int i;
+    lpc->counter = 0;
+    lpc->clock = 0;
+    lpc->block = 4;
+    lpc->samp = 0;
+    lpc->mode = 0;
+    lpc->framesize = framesize;
+    openlpc_sr(sp->sr / lpc->block);
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&lpc->m_d, openlpc_get_decoder_state_size());
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&lpc->m_e, openlpc_get_encoder_state_size());
+    lpc->d = lpc->m_d.ptr;
+    lpc->e = lpc->m_e.ptr;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&lpc->m_in, sizeof(short) * framesize);
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&lpc->m_out, sizeof(short) * framesize);
+    lpc->out = lpc->m_out.ptr;
+    lpc->in = lpc->m_in.ptr;
+    init_openlpc_decoder_state(lpc->d, framesize);
+    init_openlpc_encoder_state(lpc->e, framesize);
+    for (i = 0; i < framesize; i++) {
+        lpc->in[i] = 0;
+        lpc->out[i] = 0;
+        if(i < 7) lpc->data[i] = 0;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_lpc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_lpc *lpc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    int i;
+    if (lpc->clock == 0) {
+        if (lpc->counter == 0) {
+            if (lpc->mode == 0) {
+                openlpc_encode(lpc->in, lpc->data, lpc->e);
+            } else {
+                for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+                    lpc->y[i] =
+                        lpc->smooth*lpc->y[i] +
+                        (1-lpc->smooth)*lpc->ft->tbl[i];
+                    lpc->data[i] = 255 * lpc->y[i];
+                }
+            }
+            openlpc_decode(sp, lpc->data, lpc->out, lpc->d);
+        }
+        if (lpc->mode == 0) lpc->in[lpc->counter] = *in * 32767;
+        lpc->samp = lpc->out[lpc->counter] / 32767.0;
+        lpc->counter = (lpc->counter + 1) % lpc->framesize;
+    }
+    lpc->clock = (lpc->clock + 1) % lpc->block;
+    *out = lpc->samp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_lpc_synth(sp_data *sp, sp_lpc *lpc, sp_ftbl *ft)
+    int i;
+    int sr;
+    sr = sp->sr;
+    sr = sr / 4;
+    sr = sr / lpc->framesize;
+    lpc->ft = ft;
+    lpc->mode = 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) lpc->y[i] = 0;
+    lpc->smooth = exp(-1.0 / (0.01 * sr));
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/maygate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_maygate_create(sp_maygate **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_maygate));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_maygate_destroy(sp_maygate **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_maygate_init(sp_data *sp, sp_maygate *p)
+    p->prob = 0.0;
+    p->gate = 0;
+    p->mode = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_maygate_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_maygate *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in == 0) {
+        if (p->mode) {
+            *out = 0;
+        } else {
+            *out = p->gate;
+        }
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    if ((1.0 * sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) <= p->prob) {
+        *out = 1;
+        p->gate = 1;
+    } else {
+        *out = 0;
+        p->gate = 0;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/metro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Metro
+ *
+ * Metro produces a signal steady sequence of impulses,
+ * which is typically used as a clock signal to for other
+ * modules.
+ *
+ * Metro is very similar to the "metro" object in puredata,
+ * except that the rate parameter unit is supplied in Hz,
+ * not ms.
+ *
+ * This code has been placed in the public domain.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_metro_create(sp_metro **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_metro));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_metro_destroy(sp_metro **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_metro_init(sp_data *sp, sp_metro *p)
+    p->freq = 2.0;
+    p->phs = 0;
+    p->init = 1;
+    p->onedsr = 1.0 / sp->sr;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_metro_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_metro *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT phs;
+    phs = p->phs;
+    *out = 0;
+    if (p->init) {
+        *out = 1.0;
+        p->init = 0;
+    } else {
+        phs += p->freq * p->onedsr;
+        if (phs >= 1) {
+            *out = 1.0;
+            phs -= 1.0;
+        }
+    }
+    p->phs = phs;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/modalres.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "tangled/modalres.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_modalres_create(sp_modalres **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_modalres));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_modalres_destroy(sp_modalres **p)
+    sp_modalres *pp;
+    pp = *p;
+    free(pp->modalres);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_modalres_init(sp_data *sp, sp_modalres *p)
+    p->modalres = malloc(sizeof(sk_modalres));
+    sk_modalres_init(p->modalres, sp->sr);
+    p->freq = 500;
+    p->q = 50;
+    sk_modalres_freq(p->modalres, p->freq);
+    sk_modalres_q(p->modalres, p->q);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_modalres_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_modalres *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sk_modalres_freq(p->modalres, p->freq);
+    sk_modalres_q(p->modalres, p->q);
+    *out = sk_modalres_tick(p->modalres, *in);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/noise.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_noise_create(sp_noise **ns)
+    *ns = malloc(sizeof(sp_noise));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_noise_init(sp_data *sp, sp_noise *ns)
+    ns->amp = 1.0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_noise_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_noise *ns, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = ((sp_rand(sp) % SP_RANDMAX) / (SP_RANDMAX * 1.0));
+    *out = (*out * 2) - 1;
+    *out *= ns->amp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_noise_destroy(sp_noise **ns)
+    free(*ns);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nsmp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,244 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "ini.h"
+int nano_dict_add(nano_dict *dict, const char *name)
+    nano_entry *entry = malloc(sizeof(nano_entry));
+    entry->size = 0;
+    entry->speed = 1;
+    entry->pos = 0;
+    strcpy(entry->name, name);
+    dict->last->next = entry;
+    dict->last = entry;
+    dict->nval++;
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_ini_handler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name,
+        const char *value)
+    nanosamp *ss = user;
+    nano_dict *dict = &ss->dict;
+    const char *entry_name = dict->last->name;
+    if (dict->init) {
+        nano_dict_add(dict, section);
+        dict->init = 0;
+    } else if(strncmp(entry_name, section, 50) != 0) {
+        nano_dict_add(dict, section);
+    }
+    dict->last->speed = 1.0;
+    if (strcmp(name, "pos") == 0) {
+        dict->last->pos = (uint32_t)(atof(value) * ss->sr);
+    } else if (strcmp(name, "size") == 0) {
+        dict->last->size = (uint32_t)(atof(value) * ss->sr);
+    } else if (strcmp(name, "speed") == 0) {
+        dict->last->speed = atof(value);
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_create(nanosamp **smp, const char *ini, int sr)
+    nanosamp *psmp;
+    *smp = malloc(sizeof(nanosamp));
+    psmp = *smp;
+    strcpy(psmp->ini, ini);
+    psmp->dict.last = &psmp->dict.root;
+    psmp->dict.nval = 0;
+    psmp->dict.init = 1;
+    psmp->selected = 0;
+    psmp->curpos = 0;
+    psmp->sr = sr;
+    if (ini_parse(psmp->ini, nano_ini_handler, psmp) < 0) {
+        printf("Can't load file %s\n", psmp->ini);
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_select_from_index(nanosamp *smp, uint32_t pos)
+    pos %= smp->dict.nval;
+    smp->selected = 1;
+    smp->sample = smp->index[pos];
+    smp->curpos = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+uint32_t nano_keyword_to_index(nanosamp *smp, const char *keyword)
+    uint32_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < smp->dict.nval; i++) {
+        if (strcmp(keyword, smp->index[i]->name)) {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+int nano_select(nanosamp *smp, const char *keyword)
+    uint32_t i;
+    nano_dict *dict = &smp->dict;
+    nano_entry *entry = dict->;
+    smp->curpos = 0;
+    smp->selected = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < dict->nval; i++) {
+        if (strncmp(keyword, entry->name, 50) == 0) {
+            smp->selected = 1;
+            smp->sample = entry;
+            smp->curpos = 0;
+            break;
+        } else {
+            entry = entry->next;
+        }
+    }
+    if (smp->selected == 1) return SP_OK;
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
+int nano_compute(sp_data *sp, nanosamp *smp, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (!smp->selected) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    if (smp->curpos < (SPFLOAT)smp->sample->size) {
+        SPFLOAT x1 = 0 , x2 = 0, frac = 0, tmp = 0;
+        uint32_t index = 0;
+        SPFLOAT *tbl = smp->ft->tbl;
+        tmp = (smp->curpos + smp->sample->pos);
+        index = floorf(tmp);
+        frac = fabs(tmp - index);
+        if (index >= smp->ft->size) {
+            index = smp->ft->size - 1;
+        }
+        x1 = tbl[index];
+        x2 = tbl[index + 1];
+        *out = x1 + (x2 - x1) * frac;
+        smp->curpos += smp->sample->speed;
+    } else {
+        smp->selected = 0;
+        *out = 0;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_dict_destroy(nano_dict *dict)
+    int i;
+    nano_entry *entry, *next;
+    entry = dict->;
+    for (i = 0; i < dict->nval; i++) {
+        next = entry->next;
+        free(entry);
+        entry = next;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_destroy(nanosamp **smp)
+    nanosamp *psmp = *smp;
+    nano_dict_destroy(&psmp->dict);
+    free(*smp);
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_create_index(nanosamp *smp)
+    int i;
+    nano_entry *entry, *next;
+    nano_dict *dict = &smp->dict;
+    smp->index = malloc(dict->nval * sizeof(nano_entry *));
+    entry = dict->;
+    for (i = 0; i < dict->nval; i++) {
+        next = entry->next;
+        smp->index[i] = entry;
+        entry = next;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int nano_destroy_index(nanosamp *smp)
+    free(smp->index);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_nsmp_create(sp_nsmp **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_nsmp));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_nsmp_destroy(sp_nsmp **p)
+    sp_nsmp *pp = *p;
+    nano_destroy_index(pp->smp);
+    nano_destroy(&pp->smp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_nsmp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_nsmp *p, sp_ftbl *ft, int sr, const char *ini)
+    if (nano_create(&p->smp, ini, sr) == SP_NOT_OK) {
+        nano_destroy(&p->smp);
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    nano_create_index(p->smp);
+    p->smp->sr = sr;
+    p->index= 0;
+    p->triggered = 0;
+    p->smp->ft = ft;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_nsmp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_nsmp *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*trig != 0) {
+       p->triggered = 1;
+       nano_select_from_index(p->smp, p->index);
+    }
+    if (p->triggered == 1) {
+        nano_compute(sp, p->smp, out);
+    } else {
+        *out = 0;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_nsmp_print_index(sp_data *sp, sp_nsmp *p)
+    uint32_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < p->smp->dict.nval; i++) {
+        printf("%d: key = %s\n", i, p->smp->index[i]->name);
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/osc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define SK_OSC_PRIV
+#include "tangled/osc.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_osc_create(sp_osc **osc)
+    *osc = malloc(sizeof(sp_osc));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_osc_destroy(sp_osc **osc)
+    sp_osc *o;
+    o = *osc;
+    free(o->osc);
+    free(*osc);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_osc_init(sp_data *sp, sp_osc *osc, sp_ftbl *ft, SPFLOAT iphs)
+    osc->freq = 440.0;
+    osc->amp = 0.2;
+    osc->osc = malloc(sizeof(sk_osc));
+    sk_osc_init(osc->osc, sp->sr, ft->tbl, ft->size, iphs);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_osc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_osc *osc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sk_osc_freq(osc->osc, osc->freq);
+    sk_osc_amp(osc->osc, osc->amp);
+    *out = sk_osc_tick(osc->osc);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/oscmorph.c
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_oscmorph_create(sp_oscmorph **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_oscmorph));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_oscmorph_destroy(sp_oscmorph **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_oscmorph_init(sp_data *sp, sp_oscmorph *osc, sp_ftbl **ft, int nft, SPFLOAT iphs)
+    int i;
+    osc->freq = 440.0;
+    osc->amp = 0.2;
+    osc->tbl = ft;
+    osc->iphs = fabs(iphs);
+    osc->inc = 0;
+    osc->lphs = ((int32_t)(osc->iphs * SP_FT_MAXLEN)) & SP_FT_PHMASK;
+    osc->wtpos = 0.0;
+    osc->nft = nft;
+    uint32_t prev = (uint32_t)ft[0]->size;
+    for (i = 0; i < nft; i++) {
+        if (prev != ft[i]->size) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "sp_oscmorph: size mismatch\n");
+            return SP_NOT_OK;
+        }
+        prev = (uint32_t)ft[i]->size;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_oscmorph_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_oscmorph *osc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sp_ftbl *ftp1;
+    SPFLOAT amp, cps, fract, v1, v2;
+    SPFLOAT *ft1, *ft2;
+    int32_t phs, lobits, pos;
+    SPFLOAT sicvt = osc->tbl[0]->sicvt;
+    /* Use only the fractional part of the position or 1 */
+    if (osc->wtpos > 1.0) {
+        osc->wtpos -= (int)osc->wtpos;
+    }
+    SPFLOAT findex = osc->wtpos * (osc->nft - 1);
+    int index = floor(findex);
+    SPFLOAT wtfrac = findex - index;
+    lobits = osc->tbl[0]->lobits;
+    amp = osc->amp;
+    cps = osc->freq;
+    phs = osc->lphs;
+    ftp1 = osc->tbl[index];
+    ft1 = osc->tbl[index]->tbl;
+    if (index >= osc->nft - 1) {
+        ft2 = ft1;
+    } else {
+        ft2 = osc->tbl[index + 1]->tbl;
+    }
+    osc->inc = (int32_t)lrintf(cps * sicvt);
+    fract = ((phs) & ftp1->lomask) * ftp1->lodiv;
+    pos = phs >> lobits;
+    v1 = (1 - wtfrac) *
+        *(ft1 + pos) +
+        wtfrac *
+        *(ft2 + pos);
+    v2 = (1 - wtfrac) *
+        *(ft1 + ((pos + 1) % ftp1->size))+
+        wtfrac *
+        *(ft2 + ((pos + 1) % ftp1->size));
+    *out = (v1 + (v2 - v1) * fract) * amp;
+    phs += osc->inc;
+    phs &= SP_FT_PHMASK;
+    osc->lphs = phs;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/padsynth.c
@@ -1,0 +1,127 @@
+    Example implementation of the PADsynth basic algorithm
+    By: Nasca O. Paul, Tg. Mures, Romania
+    Ported to pure C by Paul Batchelor
+    This implementation and the algorithm are released under Public Domain
+    Feel free to use it into your projects or your products ;-)
+    This implementation is tested under GCC/Linux, but it's
+    very easy to port to other compiler/OS.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI		3.14159265358979323846
+int sp_gen_padsynth(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ps, sp_ftbl *amps,
+        SPFLOAT f, SPFLOAT bw)
+    int i, nh;
+    int N = (int) ps->size;
+    int number_harmonics = (int) amps->size;
+    SPFLOAT *A = amps->tbl;
+    SPFLOAT *smp = ps->tbl;
+    SPFLOAT *freq_amp = malloc((N / 2) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    SPFLOAT *freq_phase = malloc((N / 2) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    N = (int) ps->size;
+    number_harmonics = (int) amps->size;
+    A = amps->tbl;
+    smp = ps->tbl;
+    freq_amp = malloc((N / 2) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    freq_phase = malloc((N / 2) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    for (i = 0; i < N/2; i++) freq_amp[i]=0.0;
+    for (nh=1; nh < number_harmonics; nh++) {
+        SPFLOAT bw_Hz;
+        SPFLOAT bwi;
+        SPFLOAT fi;
+        bw_Hz = (pow(2.0, bw/1200.0) - 1.0) * f * nh;
+        bwi = bw_Hz/(2.0*ps->size);
+        fi = f*nh/ps->size;
+        for (i = 0; i < N/2 ; i++) {
+            SPFLOAT hprofile;
+            hprofile = sp_padsynth_profile((i / (SPFLOAT) N) - fi, bwi);
+            freq_amp[i] += hprofile*A[nh];
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < N/2; i++) {
+        freq_phase[i] = (sp_rand(sp) / (SP_RANDMAX + 1.0)) * 2.0 * M_PI;
+    };
+    sp_padsynth_ifft(N,freq_amp,freq_phase,smp);
+    sp_padsynth_normalize(N,smp);
+    free(freq_amp);
+    free(freq_phase);
+    return SP_OK;
+/* This is the profile of one harmonic
+   In this case is a Gaussian distribution (e^(-x^2))
+   The amplitude is divided by the bandwidth to ensure that the harmonic
+   keeps the same amplitude regardless of the bandwidth */
+SPFLOAT sp_padsynth_profile(SPFLOAT fi, SPFLOAT bwi)
+    SPFLOAT x =fi/bwi;
+    x *= x;
+    /*
+     * this avoids computing the e^(-x^2) where
+     * it's results are very close to zero
+     */
+    if (x>14.71280603) return 0.0;
+    return exp(-x)/bwi;
+int sp_padsynth_ifft(int N, SPFLOAT *freq_amp,
+        SPFLOAT *freq_phase, SPFLOAT *smp)
+    int i;
+    FFTwrapper *fft;
+    FFTFREQS fftfreqs;
+    FFTwrapper_create(&fft, N);
+    newFFTFREQS(&fftfreqs,N/2);
+    for (i = 0; i < N/2; i++) {
+        fftfreqs.c[i] = freq_amp[i]*cos(freq_phase[i]);
+        fftfreqs.s[i] = freq_amp[i]*sin(freq_phase[i]);
+    };
+    freqs2smps(fft, &fftfreqs,smp);
+    deleteFFTFREQS(&fftfreqs);
+    FFTwrapper_destroy(&fft);
+    return SP_OK;
+    Simple normalization function. It normalizes the sound to 1/sqrt(2)
+int sp_padsynth_normalize(int N, SPFLOAT *smp)
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT max=0.0;
+    for (i = 0; i < N;i++) {
+        if (fabs(smp[i]) > max) max = fabs(smp[i]);
+    }
+    if (max < 1e-5) max = 1e-5;
+    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) smp[i] /= max*1.4142;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/paulstretch.c
@@ -1,0 +1,156 @@
+ * PaulStretch
+ *
+ * An implementation of the PaulStretch algorithm by Paul Nasca Octavian.
+ * This code is based off the Python Numpy/Scipy implementation of
+ * PaulStretch, found here:
+ *
+ * This implementation has been placed in the public domain.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "kiss_fftr.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI		3.14159265358979323846
+static void compute_block(sp_data *sp, sp_paulstretch *p) {
+    uint32_t istart_pos = floor(p->start_pos);
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint32_t i;
+    uint32_t windowsize = p->windowsize;
+    uint32_t half_windowsize = p->half_windowsize;
+    SPFLOAT *buf = p->buf;
+    SPFLOAT *hinv_buf = p->hinv_buf;
+    SPFLOAT *old_windowed_buf= p->old_windowed_buf;
+    SPFLOAT *tbl = p->ft->tbl;
+    SPFLOAT *window = p->window;
+    SPFLOAT *output= p->output;
+    for (i = 0; i < windowsize; i++) {
+        /* Loop through buffer */
+        pos = (istart_pos + i);
+        if (p->wrap) {
+            pos %= p->ft->size;
+        }
+        if (pos < p->ft->size) {
+            buf[i] = tbl[pos] * window[i];
+        } else {
+            buf[i] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    kiss_fftr(p->fft, buf, p->tmp1);
+    for (i = 0; i < windowsize / 2; i++) {
+        SPFLOAT mag = sqrt(p->tmp1[i].r*p->tmp1[i].r + p->tmp1[i].i*p->tmp1[i].i);
+        SPFLOAT ph = ((SPFLOAT)sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) * 2 * M_PI;
+        p->tmp1[i].r = mag * cos(ph);
+        p->tmp1[i].i = mag * sin(ph);
+    }
+    kiss_fftri(p->ifft, p->tmp1, buf);
+    for (i = 0; i < windowsize; i++) {
+        buf[i] *= window[i];
+        if (i < half_windowsize) {
+            output[i] = (SPFLOAT)(buf[i] + old_windowed_buf[half_windowsize + i]) / windowsize;
+            output[i] *= hinv_buf[i];
+        }
+        old_windowed_buf[i] = buf[i];
+    }
+    p->start_pos += p->displace_pos;
+int sp_paulstretch_create(sp_paulstretch **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_paulstretch));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_paulstretch_destroy(sp_paulstretch **p)
+    sp_paulstretch *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->m_window);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->m_old_windowed_buf);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->m_hinv_buf);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->m_buf);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->m_output);
+    kiss_fftr_free(pp->fft);
+    kiss_fftr_free(pp->ifft);
+    KISS_FFT_FREE(pp->tmp1);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_paulstretch_init(sp_data *sp, sp_paulstretch *p, sp_ftbl *ft, SPFLOAT windowsize, SPFLOAT stretch)
+    uint32_t i;
+    SPFLOAT hinv_sqrt2;
+    kiss_fft_cpx *tmp1;
+    p->ft = ft;
+    p->windowsize = (uint32_t)(sp->sr * windowsize);
+    p->stretch = stretch;
+    if (p->windowsize < 16) p->windowsize = 16;
+    p->half_windowsize = p->windowsize / 2;
+    p->displace_pos = (p->windowsize * 0.5) / p->stretch;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->m_window, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->windowsize);
+    p->window = p->m_window.ptr;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->m_old_windowed_buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->windowsize);
+    p->old_windowed_buf = p->m_old_windowed_buf.ptr;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->m_hinv_buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->half_windowsize);
+    p->hinv_buf = p->m_hinv_buf.ptr;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->m_buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->windowsize);
+    p->buf = p->m_buf.ptr;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->m_output, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->half_windowsize);
+    p->output = p->m_output.ptr;
+    /* Create Hann window */
+    for (i = 0; i < p->windowsize; i++) {
+        p->window[i] = 0.5 - cos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / (p->windowsize - 1)) * 0.5;
+    }
+    /* creatve inverse hann window */
+    hinv_sqrt2 = (1 + sqrt(0.5)) * 0.5;
+    for (i = 0; i < p->half_windowsize; i++) {
+        p->hinv_buf[i] = hinv_sqrt2 - (1.0 - hinv_sqrt2) * cos(i * 2.0 * M_PI / p->half_windowsize);
+    }
+    p->start_pos = 0.0;
+    p->counter = 0;
+    /* set up kissfft */
+    p->fft = kiss_fftr_alloc(p->windowsize, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    p->ifft = kiss_fftr_alloc(p->windowsize, 1, NULL, NULL);
+    tmp1 = malloc(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * p->windowsize);
+    memset(tmp1, 0, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->windowsize);
+    p->tmp1 = tmp1;
+    /* turn on wrap mode by default */
+    p->wrap = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_paulstretch_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_paulstretch *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->counter == 0) compute_block(sp, p);
+    *out = p->output[p->counter];
+    p->counter = (p->counter + 1) % p->half_windowsize;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/peakeq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "tangled/peakeq.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_peakeq_create(sp_peakeq **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_peakeq));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_peakeq_destroy(sp_peakeq **p)
+    sp_peakeq *pp;
+    pp = *p;
+    free(pp->peakeq);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_peakeq_init(sp_data *sp, sp_peakeq *p)
+    p->peakeq = malloc(sizeof(sk_peakeq));
+    sk_peakeq_init(p->peakeq, sp->sr);
+    p->freq = 1000;
+    p->bw = 125;
+    p->gain  = 2;
+    sk_peakeq_freq(p->peakeq, p->freq);
+    sk_peakeq_bandwidth(p->peakeq, p->bw);
+    sk_peakeq_gain(p->peakeq, p->gain);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_peakeq_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_peakeq *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sk_peakeq_freq(p->peakeq, p->freq);
+    sk_peakeq_bandwidth(p->peakeq, p->bw);
+    sk_peakeq_gain(p->peakeq, p->gain);
+    *out = sk_peakeq_tick(p->peakeq, *in);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/peaklim.c
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef dB
+/* if below -100dB, set to -100dB to prevent taking log of zero */
+#define dB(x) 20.0 * ((x) > 0.00001 ? log10(x) : log10(0.00001))
+#ifndef dB2lin
+#define dB2lin(x)           pow( 10.0, (x) / 20.0 )
+int sp_peaklim_create(sp_peaklim **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_peaklim));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_peaklim_destroy(sp_peaklim **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_peaklim_init(sp_data *sp, sp_peaklim *p)
+    p->a1_r = 0;
+    p->b0_r = 1;
+    p->a1_a = 0;
+    p->b0_a = 1;
+    p->atk = 0.1;
+    p->rel = 0.1;
+    p->patk = -100;
+    p->prel = -100;
+    p->level = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_peaklim_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_peaklim *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT db_gain = 0;
+    SPFLOAT gain = 0;
+    /* change coefficients, if needed */
+    if (p->patk != p->atk) {
+        p->patk = p->atk;
+		p->a1_a = exp( -1.0 / ( p->rel * sp->sr ) );
+		p->b0_a = 1 - p->a1_a;
+    }
+    if (p->prel != p->rel) {
+        p->prel = p->rel;
+		p->a1_r = exp( -1.0 / ( p->rel * sp->sr ) );
+		p->b0_r = 1 - p->a1_r;
+    }
+    if ( fabs(*in) > p->level)
+        p->level += p->b0_a * ( fabs(*in) - p->level);
+    else
+        p->level += p->b0_r * ( fabs(*in) - p->level);
+    db_gain = min(0.0, dB(dB2lin(p->thresh)/p->level));
+    gain = dB2lin(db_gain);
+    *out = *in * gain;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/phaser.c
@@ -1,0 +1,367 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define FAUSTFLOAT float
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+static float faustpower2_f(float value) {
+	return (value * value);
+static float faustpower3_f(float value) {
+	return ((value * value) * value);
+static float faustpower4_f(float value) {
+	return (((value * value) * value) * value);
+typedef struct {
+	float fRec4[3];
+	float fRec3[3];
+	float fRec2[3];
+	float fRec1[3];
+	float fRec11[3];
+	float fRec10[3];
+	float fRec9[3];
+	float fRec8[3];
+	int iVec0[2];
+	float fRec5[2];
+	float fRec6[2];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	float fRec7[2];
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fCheckbox0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	int iConst0;
+	float fConst1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider2;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider3;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider4;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider5;
+	float fConst2;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider6;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider7;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fCheckbox1;
+} phaser;
+phaser* newphaser() {
+	phaser* dsp = (phaser*)malloc(sizeof(phaser));
+	return dsp;
+void deletephaser(phaser* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+void instanceInitphaser(phaser* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->iVec0[i0] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fCheckbox0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.;
+	dsp->iConst0 = min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fConst1 = (1.f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider2 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1000.;
+	dsp->fHslider3 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.5;
+	dsp->fHslider4 = (FAUSTFLOAT)100.;
+	dsp->fHslider5 = (FAUSTFLOAT)800.;
+	dsp->fConst2 = (0.10472f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider6 = (FAUSTFLOAT)30.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec5[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 2); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec6[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fHslider7 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i3;
+		for (i3 = 0; (i3 < 3); i3 = (i3 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec4[i3] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i4;
+		for (i4 = 0; (i4 < 3); i4 = (i4 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec3[i4] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i5;
+		for (i5 = 0; (i5 < 3); i5 = (i5 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec2[i5] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i6;
+		for (i6 = 0; (i6 < 3); i6 = (i6 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec1[i6] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i7;
+		for (i7 = 0; (i7 < 2); i7 = (i7 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i7] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fCheckbox1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i8;
+		for (i8 = 0; (i8 < 3); i8 = (i8 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec11[i8] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i9;
+		for (i9 = 0; (i9 < 3); i9 = (i9 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec10[i9] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i10;
+		for (i10 = 0; (i10 < 3); i10 = (i10 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec9[i10] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i11;
+		for (i11 = 0; (i11 < 3); i11 = (i11 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec8[i11] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i12;
+		for (i12 = 0; (i12 < 2); i12 = (i12 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec7[i12] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+void initphaser(phaser* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitphaser(dsp, samplingFreq);
+void buildUserInterfacephaser(phaser* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "MaxNotch1Freq", &dsp->fHslider5, 800.f, 20.f, 10000.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "MinNotch1Freq", &dsp->fHslider4, 100.f, 20.f, 5000.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "Notch width", &dsp->fHslider2, 1000.f, 10.f, 5000.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "NotchFreq", &dsp->fHslider3, 1.5f, 1.1f, 4.f, 0.01f);
+	interface->addCheckButton(interface->uiInterface, "VibratoMode", &dsp->fCheckbox0);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "depth", &dsp->fHslider1, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.01f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "feedback gain", &dsp->fHslider7, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.01f);
+	interface->addCheckButton(interface->uiInterface, "invert", &dsp->fCheckbox1);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "level", &dsp->fHslider0, 0.f, -60.f, 10.f, 0.1f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "lfobpm", &dsp->fHslider6, 30.f, 24.f, 360.f, 1.f);
+void computephaser(phaser* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input0 = inputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input1 = inputs[1];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output1 = outputs[1];
+	float fSlow0 = pow(10.f, (0.05f * (float)dsp->fHslider0));
+	float fSlow1 = (0.5f * ((int)(float)dsp->fCheckbox0?2.f:(float)dsp->fHslider1));
+	float fSlow2 = (1.f - fSlow1);
+	float fSlow3 = exp((dsp->fConst1 * (0.f - (3.14159f * (float)dsp->fHslider2))));
+	float fSlow4 = faustpower2_f(fSlow3);
+	float fSlow5 = (0.f - (2.f * fSlow3));
+	float fSlow6 = (float)dsp->fHslider3;
+	float fSlow7 = (dsp->fConst1 * fSlow6);
+	float fSlow8 = (float)dsp->fHslider4;
+	float fSlow9 = (6.28319f * fSlow8);
+	float fSlow10 = (0.5f * ((6.28319f * max(fSlow8, (float)dsp->fHslider5)) - fSlow9));
+	float fSlow11 = (dsp->fConst2 * (float)dsp->fHslider6);
+	float fSlow12 = sin(fSlow11);
+	float fSlow13 = cos(fSlow11);
+	float fSlow14 = (0.f - fSlow12);
+	float fSlow15 = (float)dsp->fHslider7;
+	float fSlow16 = (dsp->fConst1 * faustpower2_f(fSlow6));
+	float fSlow17 = (dsp->fConst1 * faustpower3_f(fSlow6));
+	float fSlow18 = (dsp->fConst1 * faustpower4_f(fSlow6));
+	float fSlow19 = ((int)(float)dsp->fCheckbox1?(0.f - fSlow1):fSlow1);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			dsp->iVec0[0] = 1;
+			float fTemp0 = (float)input0[i];
+			dsp->fRec5[0] = ((fSlow12 * dsp->fRec6[1]) + (fSlow13 * dsp->fRec5[1]));
+			dsp->fRec6[0] = ((1.f + ((fSlow13 * dsp->fRec6[1]) + (fSlow14 * dsp->fRec5[1]))) - (float)dsp->iVec0[1]);
+			float fTemp1 = ((fSlow10 * (1.f - dsp->fRec5[0])) + fSlow9);
+			float fTemp2 = (dsp->fRec4[1] * cos((fSlow7 * fTemp1)));
+			dsp->fRec4[0] = (0.f - (((fSlow5 * fTemp2) + (fSlow4 * dsp->fRec4[2])) - ((fSlow0 * fTemp0) + (fSlow15 * dsp->fRec0[1]))));
+			float fTemp3 = (dsp->fRec3[1] * cos((fSlow16 * fTemp1)));
+			dsp->fRec3[0] = ((fSlow5 * (fTemp2 - fTemp3)) + (dsp->fRec4[2] + (fSlow4 * (dsp->fRec4[0] - dsp->fRec3[2]))));
+			float fTemp4 = (dsp->fRec2[1] * cos((fSlow17 * fTemp1)));
+			dsp->fRec2[0] = ((fSlow5 * (fTemp3 - fTemp4)) + (dsp->fRec3[2] + (fSlow4 * (dsp->fRec3[0] - dsp->fRec2[2]))));
+			float fTemp5 = (dsp->fRec1[1] * cos((fSlow18 * fTemp1)));
+			dsp->fRec1[0] = ((fSlow5 * (fTemp4 - fTemp5)) + (dsp->fRec2[2] + (fSlow4 * (dsp->fRec2[0] - dsp->fRec1[2]))));
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = ((fSlow4 * dsp->fRec1[0]) + ((fSlow5 * fTemp5) + dsp->fRec1[2]));
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)((fSlow0 * (fSlow2 * fTemp0)) + (dsp->fRec0[0] * fSlow19));
+			float fTemp6 = (float)input1[i];
+			float fTemp7 = ((fSlow10 * (1.f - dsp->fRec6[0])) + fSlow9);
+			float fTemp8 = (dsp->fRec11[1] * cos((fSlow7 * fTemp7)));
+			dsp->fRec11[0] = (0.f - (((fSlow5 * fTemp8) + (fSlow4 * dsp->fRec11[2])) - ((fSlow0 * fTemp6) + (fSlow15 * dsp->fRec7[1]))));
+			float fTemp9 = (dsp->fRec10[1] * cos((fSlow16 * fTemp7)));
+			dsp->fRec10[0] = ((fSlow5 * (fTemp8 - fTemp9)) + (dsp->fRec11[2] + (fSlow4 * (dsp->fRec11[0] - dsp->fRec10[2]))));
+			float fTemp10 = (dsp->fRec9[1] * cos((fSlow17 * fTemp7)));
+			dsp->fRec9[0] = ((fSlow5 * (fTemp9 - fTemp10)) + (dsp->fRec10[2] + (fSlow4 * (dsp->fRec10[0] - dsp->fRec9[2]))));
+			float fTemp11 = (dsp->fRec8[1] * cos((fSlow18 * fTemp7)));
+			dsp->fRec8[0] = ((fSlow5 * (fTemp10 - fTemp11)) + (dsp->fRec9[2] + (fSlow4 * (dsp->fRec9[0] - dsp->fRec8[2]))));
+			dsp->fRec7[0] = ((fSlow4 * dsp->fRec8[0]) + ((fSlow5 * fTemp11) + dsp->fRec8[2]));
+			output1[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)((fSlow0 * (fSlow2 * fTemp6)) + (dsp->fRec7[0] * fSlow19));
+			dsp->iVec0[1] = dsp->iVec0[0];
+			dsp->fRec5[1] = dsp->fRec5[0];
+			dsp->fRec6[1] = dsp->fRec6[0];
+			dsp->fRec4[2] = dsp->fRec4[1];
+			dsp->fRec4[1] = dsp->fRec4[0];
+			dsp->fRec3[2] = dsp->fRec3[1];
+			dsp->fRec3[1] = dsp->fRec3[0];
+			dsp->fRec2[2] = dsp->fRec2[1];
+			dsp->fRec2[1] = dsp->fRec2[0];
+			dsp->fRec1[2] = dsp->fRec1[1];
+			dsp->fRec1[1] = dsp->fRec1[0];
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+			dsp->fRec11[2] = dsp->fRec11[1];
+			dsp->fRec11[1] = dsp->fRec11[0];
+			dsp->fRec10[2] = dsp->fRec10[1];
+			dsp->fRec10[1] = dsp->fRec10[0];
+			dsp->fRec9[2] = dsp->fRec9[1];
+			dsp->fRec9[1] = dsp->fRec9[0];
+			dsp->fRec8[2] = dsp->fRec8[1];
+			dsp->fRec8[1] = dsp->fRec8[0];
+			dsp->fRec7[1] = dsp->fRec7[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_phaser *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+static void addCheckButton (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone)
+    sp_phaser *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_phaser_create(sp_phaser **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_phaser));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phaser_destroy(sp_phaser **p)
+    sp_phaser *pp = *p;
+    phaser *dsp = pp->faust;
+    deletephaser (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phaser_init(sp_data *sp, sp_phaser *p)
+    phaser *dsp = newphaser();
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.addCheckButton = addCheckButton;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfacephaser(dsp, &UI);
+    initphaser(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->MaxNotch1Freq = p->args[0];
+    p->MinNotch1Freq = p->args[1];
+    p->Notch_width = p->args[2];
+    p->NotchFreq = p->args[3];
+    p->VibratoMode = p->args[4];
+    p->depth = p->args[5];
+    p->feedback_gain = p->args[6];
+    p->invert = p->args[7];
+    p->level = p->args[8];
+    p->lfobpm = p->args[9];
+    p->faust = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phaser_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_phaser *p,
+	SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out1, SPFLOAT *out2)
+    phaser *dsp = p->faust;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {out1, out2};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in1, in2};
+    computephaser(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/phasewarp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "tangled/phasewarp.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_phasewarp_create(sp_phasewarp **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_phasewarp));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phasewarp_destroy(sp_phasewarp **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phasewarp_init(sp_data *sp, sp_phasewarp *p)
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phasewarp_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_phasewarp *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = sk_phasewarp_tick(*in, p->amount);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/phasor.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Phasor
+ *
+ * A phasor produces a non-bandlimited sawtooth wave,
+ * normalized to be in range 0-1. Phasors are most
+ * frequently used to create table-lookup oscillators.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_phasor_create(sp_phasor **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_phasor));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phasor_destroy(sp_phasor **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phasor_init(sp_data *sp, sp_phasor *p, SPFLOAT iphs)
+    p->freq = 440;
+    p->phs = iphs;
+    p->onedsr = 1.0 / sp->sr;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_phasor_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_phasor *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT phs;
+    SPFLOAT incr;
+    phs = p->phs;
+    incr = p->freq * p->onedsr;
+    *out = phs;
+    phs += incr;
+    if (phs >= 1.0) {
+        phs -= 1.0;
+    } else if (phs < 0.0) {
+        phs += 1.0;
+    }
+    p->phs = phs;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pinknoise.c
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Pinknoise
+ *
+ * This code has been extracted the pink noise synthesizer from Protrekkr
+ * It has been modified to work as a Soundpipe module.
+ *
+ * Original Author(s): McCartney, Juan Antonio Arguelles
+ * Location: release/distrib/replay/lib/replay.cpp
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+static uint32_t ctz[64] =
+    6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+    3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
+int sp_pinknoise_create(sp_pinknoise **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_pinknoise));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_pinknoise_destroy(sp_pinknoise **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_pinknoise_init(sp_data *sp, sp_pinknoise *p)
+    int i;
+    p->amp = 1.0;
+    p->seed = sp_rand(sp);
+    p->total = 0;
+    p->counter = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) p->dice[i] = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_pinknoise_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_pinknoise *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    short tmp;
+    uint32_t k;
+    k = ctz[p->counter & 63];
+    p->prevrand = p->dice[k];
+    p->seed = 1664525 * p->seed + 1013904223;
+    p->newrand = p->seed >> 3;
+    p->dice[k] = p->newrand;
+    p->total += (p->newrand - p->prevrand);
+    p->seed = 1103515245 * p->seed + 12345;
+    p->newrand = p->seed >> 3;
+    tmp = (short) ((((p->total + p->newrand) * (1.0f / (3 << 29)) - 1) - .25f) * 16384.0f);
+    *out = ((SPFLOAT) tmp / 32767) * p->amp;
+    p->counter = (p->counter + 1) % 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/prop.c
@@ -1,0 +1,573 @@
+ * Tinyprop
+ * By Paul Batchelor
+ *
+ * A tiny C implementation of prop, a proportional rhythmic notation system
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t size;
+    prop_list **ar;
+} prop_slice;
+static int prop_create(prop_data **pd);
+static int prop_parse(prop_data *pd, const char *str);
+static prop_event prop_next(sp_data *sp, prop_data *pd);
+static float prop_time(prop_data *pd, prop_event evt);
+static int prop_destroy(prop_data **pd);
+static int prop_val_free(prop_val val);
+static int prop_list_init(prop_list *lst);
+static int prop_list_destroy(prop_list *lst);
+static int prop_list_append(prop_list *lst, prop_val val);
+static void prop_list_reset(prop_list *lst);
+static int prop_list_copy(prop_list *src, prop_list **dst);
+static void mode_insert_event(prop_data *pd, char type);
+static void mode_insert_slice(prop_data *pd);
+static void mode_list_start(prop_data *pd);
+static void mode_list_end(prop_data *pd);
+static void prop_slice_encap(prop_data *pd);
+static void prop_slice_append(prop_data *pd);
+static void reset(prop_data *pd);
+static void back_to_top(prop_data *pd);
+enum {
+int sp_prop_create(sp_prop **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_prop));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_prop_destroy(sp_prop **p)
+    sp_prop *pp = *p;
+    prop_destroy(&pp->prp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_prop_init(sp_data *sp, sp_prop *p, const char *str)
+    p->count = 0;
+    prop_create(&p->prp);
+    if (prop_parse(p->prp, str) == PSTATUS_NOTOK) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"There was an error parsing the string.\n");
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    p->bpm = 60;
+    p->lbpm = 60;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_prop_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_prop *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->count == 0) {
+        if (p->bpm != p->lbpm) {
+            p->prp->scale = (SPFLOAT) 60.0 / p->bpm;
+            p->lbpm = p->bpm;
+        }
+        p->evt = prop_next(sp, p->prp);
+        p->count = prop_time(p->prp, p->evt) * sp->sr;
+        switch (p->evt.type) {
+            case PTYPE_ON:
+                *out = 1.0;
+                break;
+            case PTYPE_MAYBE:
+                if (((SPFLOAT) sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) > 0.5) *out = 1.0;
+                else *out = 0.0;
+                break;
+            default:
+                *out = 0.0;
+                break;
+        }
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    *out = 0;
+    p->count--;
+    return SP_OK;
+static int stack_push(prop_stack *ps, uint32_t val)
+    if (ps->pos++ < 16) {
+        ps->stack[ps->pos] = val;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+static void stack_init(prop_stack *ps)
+    int n;
+    ps->pos = -1;
+    for (n = 0; n < 16; n++) ps->stack[n] = 1;
+static uint32_t stack_pop(prop_stack *ps)
+    if (ps->pos >= 0) {
+        return ps->stack[ps->pos--];
+    }
+    return 1;
+static void mode_insert_event(prop_data *pd, char type)
+    prop_val val;
+    prop_event *evt;
+#ifdef DEBUG_PROP
+    if (type == PTYPE_ON) {
+        printf("mode_insert: PTYPE_ON\n");
+    } else {
+        printf("mode_insert: PTYPE_OFF\n");
+    }
+    printf("\tval/mul = %d, pos = %d, cons = %d, div = %d\n",
+            pd->mul, pd->num, pd->cons_mul, pd->div);
+    val.type = PTYPE_EVENT;
+    evt = malloc(sizeof(prop_event));
+    evt->type = type;
+    evt->val = pd->mul;
+    evt->cons = pd->cons_mul;
+    val.ud = evt;
+    prop_list_append(pd->main, val);
+static void mode_setdiv(prop_data *pd, char n)
+    if (pd->tmp == 0 && n == 0) n = 1;
+    pd->tmp *= 10;
+    pd->tmp += n;
+static void mode_setmul(prop_data *pd)
+    pd->mul *= pd->tmp;
+    pd->div = pd->tmp;
+    stack_push(&pd->mstack, pd->tmp);
+    pd->tmp = 0;
+static void mode_unsetmul(prop_data *pd)
+    uint32_t div = stack_pop(&pd->mstack);
+#ifdef DEBUG_PROP
+    printf("mul / div = %d / %d\n", pd->mul, div);
+    pd->mul /= div;
+static void mode_setcons(prop_data *pd)
+    pd->cons_mul *= pd->tmp;
+    pd->cons_div = pd->tmp;
+    stack_push(&pd->cstack, pd->tmp);
+    pd->tmp = 0;
+static void mode_unsetcons(prop_data *pd)
+    uint32_t div = stack_pop(&pd->cstack);
+#ifdef DEBUG_PROP
+    printf("mul / div = %d / %d\n", pd->cons_mul, div);
+    pd->cons_mul /= div;
+static int prop_create(prop_data **pd)
+    prop_data *pdp;
+    *pd = malloc(sizeof(prop_data));
+    pdp = *pd;
+    pdp->mul = 1;
+    pdp->div = 0;
+    pdp->scale = 1;
+    pdp->cons_mul = 1;
+    pdp->cons_div = 0;
+    pdp->mode = PMODE_INIT;
+    pdp->pos = 1;
+    pdp->main = &pdp->top;
+    pdp->main->lvl = 0;
+    pdp->tmp = 0;
+    stack_init(&pdp->mstack);
+    stack_init(&pdp->cstack);
+    prop_list_init(pdp->main);
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static int prop_parse(prop_data *pd, const char *str)
+    char c;
+    while (*str != 0) {
+        c = str[0];
+        switch(c) {
+            case '+':
+                mode_insert_event(pd, PTYPE_ON);
+                break;
+            case '?':
+                mode_insert_event(pd, PTYPE_MAYBE);
+                break;
+            case '-':
+                mode_insert_event(pd, PTYPE_OFF);
+                break;
+            case '0':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 0);
+                break;
+            case '1':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 1);
+                break;
+            case '2':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 2);
+                break;
+            case '3':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 3);
+                break;
+            case '4':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 4);
+                break;
+            case '5':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 5);
+                break;
+            case '6':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 6);
+                break;
+            case '7':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 7);
+                break;
+            case '8':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 8);
+                break;
+            case '9':
+                mode_setdiv(pd, 9);
+                break;
+            case '(':
+                mode_setmul(pd);
+                break;
+            case ')':
+                mode_unsetmul(pd);
+                break;
+            case '[':
+                mode_setcons(pd);
+                break;
+            case ']':
+                mode_unsetcons(pd);
+                break;
+            case '|':
+                mode_insert_slice(pd);
+                break;
+            case '{':
+                mode_list_start(pd);
+                break;
+            case '}':
+                mode_list_end(pd);
+                break;
+            case ' ': break;
+            case '\n': break;
+            case '\t': break;
+            default:
+                return PSTATUS_NOTOK;
+        }
+        pd->pos++;
+        str++;
+    }
+    prop_list_reset(&pd->top);
+    pd->main = &pd->top;
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+prop_val prop_list_iterate(prop_list *lst)
+    prop_val val;
+    if (lst->pos >= lst->size) {
+        prop_list_reset(lst);
+    }
+    val = lst->last->val;
+    lst->last = lst->last->next;
+    lst->pos++;
+    return val;
+static void back_to_top(prop_data *pd)
+    prop_list *lst = pd->main;
+    prop_list_reset(lst);
+    pd->main = lst->top;
+    reset(pd);
+static void reset(prop_data *pd)
+    prop_list *lst = pd->main;
+    if (lst->pos >= lst->size) {
+        back_to_top(pd);
+    }
+prop_event prop_next(sp_data *sp, prop_data *pd)
+    prop_list *lst = pd->main;
+    if(lst->pos >= lst->size) {
+        //prop_list_reset(lst);
+        pd->main = lst->top;
+    }
+    prop_list *lst;
+    prop_event *p;
+    prop_val val;
+    reset(pd);
+    lst = pd->main;
+    val = lst->last->val;
+    lst->last = lst->last->next;
+    lst->pos++;
+    switch (val.type) {
+        case PTYPE_SLICE: {
+            prop_slice *slice = (prop_slice *)val.ud;
+            uint32_t pos = floor(
+                ((SPFLOAT)sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX)
+                * slice->size);
+            pd->main = slice->ar[pos];
+            prop_list_reset(pd->main);
+            return prop_next(sp, pd);
+            break;
+        }
+        case PTYPE_LIST: {
+            prop_list *lst = (prop_list *)val.ud;
+            pd->main = lst;
+            prop_list_reset(pd->main);
+            return prop_next(sp, pd);
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    p = (prop_event *)val.ud;
+    return *p;
+static float prop_time(prop_data *pd, prop_event evt)
+    float val = evt.cons * (pd->scale / evt.val);
+    return val;
+static int prop_destroy(prop_data **pd)
+    prop_data *pdp = *pd;
+    prop_list_destroy(&pdp->top);
+    free(*pd);
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static int prop_list_init(prop_list *lst)
+    lst->last = &lst->root;
+    lst->size = 0;
+    lst->pos = 0;
+    lst->root.val.type = PTYPE_NULL;
+    lst->top = lst;
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static int prop_list_append(prop_list *lst, prop_val val)
+    prop_entry *new;
+    new = malloc(sizeof(prop_entry));
+    new->val = val;
+    lst->last->next = new;
+    lst->last = new;
+    lst->size++;
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static int prop_slice_free(prop_slice *slice)
+    uint32_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < slice->size; i++) {
+        prop_list_destroy(slice->ar[i]);
+        free(slice->ar[i]);
+    }
+    free(slice->ar);
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static int prop_val_free(prop_val val)
+    switch (val.type) {
+        case PTYPE_SLICE:
+            prop_slice_free((prop_slice *)val.ud);
+            free(val.ud);
+            break;
+        case PTYPE_LIST:
+            prop_list_destroy((prop_list *)val.ud);
+            free(val.ud);
+            break;
+        default:
+            free(val.ud);
+            break;
+    }
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static int prop_list_destroy(prop_list *lst)
+    prop_entry *entry = lst->;
+    prop_entry *next;
+    uint32_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < lst->size; i++) {
+        next = entry->next;
+        prop_val_free(entry->val);
+        free(entry);
+        entry = next;
+    }
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static void prop_list_reset(prop_list *lst)
+    lst->last = lst->;
+    lst->pos = 0;
+static void mode_insert_slice(prop_data *pd)
+    prop_entry *entry;
+    entry = pd->main->top->last;
+    if (entry->val.type != PTYPE_SLICE) {
+        prop_slice_encap(pd);
+    } else {
+        prop_slice_append(pd);
+    }
+static void prop_slice_encap(prop_data *pd)
+    prop_val val;
+    prop_list *lst, *new;
+    prop_list *top;
+    prop_slice *slice;
+    top = pd->main->top;
+    val.type = PTYPE_SLICE;
+    slice = malloc(sizeof(prop_slice));
+    val.ud = slice;
+    prop_list_copy(pd->main, &lst);
+    new = malloc(sizeof(prop_list));
+    new->lvl = pd->main->lvl;
+    slice->size = 2;
+    slice->ar =
+        (prop_list **)malloc(sizeof(prop_list *) * slice->size);
+    slice->ar[0] = lst;
+    /* reinit main list */
+    prop_list_init(pd->main);
+    prop_list_append(pd->main, val);
+    slice->ar[1] = new;
+    prop_list_init(slice->ar[1]);
+    pd->main = slice->ar[1];
+    slice->ar[0]->top = top;
+    slice->ar[1]->top = top;
+static void prop_slice_append(prop_data *pd)
+    prop_entry *entry;
+    prop_slice *slice;
+    prop_list *new;
+    entry = pd->main->top->last;
+    slice = (prop_slice *)entry->val.ud;
+    new = malloc(sizeof(prop_list));
+    prop_list_init(new);
+    slice->size++;
+    slice->ar = (prop_list **)
+        realloc(slice->ar, sizeof(prop_list *) * slice->size);
+    slice->ar[slice->size - 1] = new;
+    new->top = pd->main->top;
+    pd->main = new;
+static int prop_list_copy(prop_list *src, prop_list **dst)
+    prop_list *pdst;
+    *dst = malloc(sizeof(prop_list));
+    pdst = *dst;
+    pdst->root = src->root;
+    pdst->last = src->last;
+    pdst->size = src->size;
+    pdst->pos = src->pos;
+    pdst->lvl = src->lvl;
+    return PSTATUS_OK;
+static void mode_list_start(prop_data *pd)
+    prop_val val;
+    prop_list *new;
+    val.type = PTYPE_LIST;
+    new = malloc(sizeof(prop_list));
+    prop_list_init(new);
+    new->lvl = pd->main->lvl + 1;
+    val.ud = new;
+    prop_list_append(pd->main, val);
+    new->top = pd->main;
+    pd->main = new;
+static void mode_list_end(prop_data *pd)
+    pd->main = pd->main->top;
+int sp_prop_reset(sp_data *sp, sp_prop *p)
+    back_to_top(p->prp);
+    p->count = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pshift.c
@@ -1,0 +1,153 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+float powf(float dummy0, float dummy1);
+float fmodf(float dummy0, float dummy1);
+typedef struct {
+	float fVec0[65536];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	int IOTA;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider2;
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+} pshift;
+static pshift* newpshift() {
+	pshift* dsp = (pshift*)malloc(sizeof(pshift));
+	return dsp;
+static void deletepshift(pshift* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+static void instanceInitpshift(pshift* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->IOTA = 0;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 65536); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec0[i0] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1000.;
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fHslider2 = (FAUSTFLOAT)10.;
+static void initpshift(pshift* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitpshift(dsp, samplingFreq);
+static void buildUserInterfacepshift(pshift* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "shift", &dsp->fHslider1, 0.f, -24.f, 24.f, 0.1f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "window", &dsp->fHslider0, 1000.f, 50.f, 10000.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "xfade", &dsp->fHslider2, 10.f, 1.f, 10000.f, 1.f);
+static void computepshift(pshift* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input0 = inputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	float fSlow0 = (float)dsp->fHslider0;
+	float fSlow1 = ((1.f + fSlow0) - powf(2.f, (0.0833333f * (float)dsp->fHslider1)));
+	float fSlow2 = (1.f / (float)dsp->fHslider2);
+	float fSlow3 = (fSlow0 - 1.f);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			float fTemp0 = (float)input0[i];
+			dsp->fVec0[(dsp->IOTA & 65535)] = fTemp0;
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = fmodf((dsp->fRec0[1] + fSlow1), fSlow0);
+			int iTemp1 = (int)dsp->fRec0[0];
+			int iTemp2 = (1 + iTemp1);
+			float fTemp3 = min((fSlow2 * dsp->fRec0[0]), 1.f);
+			float fTemp4 = (dsp->fRec0[0] + fSlow0);
+			int iTemp5 = (int)fTemp4;
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)((((dsp->fVec0[((dsp->IOTA - (iTemp1 & 65535)) & 65535)] * ((float)iTemp2 - dsp->fRec0[0])) + ((dsp->fRec0[0] - (float)iTemp1) * dsp->fVec0[((dsp->IOTA - (iTemp2 & 65535)) & 65535)])) * fTemp3) + (((dsp->fVec0[((dsp->IOTA - (iTemp5 & 65535)) & 65535)] * (0.f - ((dsp->fRec0[0] + fSlow3) - (float)iTemp5))) + ((fTemp4 - (float)iTemp5) * dsp->fVec0[((dsp->IOTA - ((1 + iTemp5) & 65535)) & 65535)])) * (1.f - fTemp3)));
+			dsp->IOTA = (dsp->IOTA + 1);
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_pshift *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_pshift_create(sp_pshift **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_pshift));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_pshift_destroy(sp_pshift **p)
+    sp_pshift *pp = *p;
+    pshift *dsp = pp->faust;
+    deletepshift (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_pshift_init(sp_data *sp, sp_pshift *p)
+    pshift *dsp = newpshift();
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfacepshift(dsp, &UI);
+    initpshift(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->shift = p->args[0];
+    p->window = p->args[1];
+    p->xfade = p->args[2];
+    p->faust = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_pshift_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_pshift *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    pshift *dsp = p->faust;
+    SPFLOAT out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {&out1};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    computepshift(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    *out = out1;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/randh.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_randh_create(sp_randh **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_randh));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_randh_destroy(sp_randh **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_randh_init(sp_data *sp, sp_randh *p)
+    p->counter = 0;
+    p->freq = 10;
+    p->dur = (sp->sr / p->freq);
+    p->min = 0;
+    p->max = 1;
+    p->val = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_randh_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_randh *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->counter == 0) {
+        p->val = p->min + ((SPFLOAT) sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) * (p->max - p->min);
+        if (p->freq == 0) {
+            p->dur = 1;
+        } else {
+            p->dur = (sp->sr / p->freq) + 1;
+        }
+        *out = p->val;
+    } else {
+        *out = p->val;
+    }
+    p->counter = (p->counter + 1) % p->dur;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/randmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,133 @@
+   A C-program for MT19937, with initialisation improved 2002/1/26.
+   Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.
+   Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+   are met:
+     1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+     2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+        documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+     3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
+        products derived from this software without specific prior written
+        permission.
+   Any feedback is very welcome.
+   email: m-mat @ (remove space)
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#define N           (624)
+#define M           (397)
+#define MATRIX_A    0x9908B0DFU     /* constant vector a */
+#define UPPER_MASK  0x80000000U     /* most significant w-r bits */
+#define LOWER_MASK  0x7FFFFFFFU     /* least significant r bits */
+static void MT_update_state(uint32_t *mt)
+    /* mag01[x] = x * MATRIX_A  for x=0,1 */
+    const uint32_t  mag01[2] = { (uint32_t) 0, (uint32_t) MATRIX_A };
+    int       i;
+    uint32_t  y;
+    for (i = 0; i < (N - M); i++) {
+      y = (mt[i] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[i + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
+      mt[i] = mt[i + M] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & (uint32_t) 1];
+    }
+    for ( ; i < (N - 1); i++) {
+      y = (mt[i] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[i + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
+      mt[i] = mt[i + (M - N)] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & (uint32_t) 1];
+    }
+    y = (mt[N - 1] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[0] & LOWER_MASK);
+    mt[N - 1] = mt[M - 1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & (uint32_t) 1];
+/* generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval */
+uint32_t sp_randmt_compute(sp_randmt *p)
+    int       i = p->mti;
+    uint32_t  y;
+    if (i >= N) {                   /* generate N words at one time */
+      MT_update_state(&(p->mt[0]));
+      i = 0;
+    }
+    y = p->mt[i];
+    p->mti = i + 1;
+    /* Tempering */
+    y ^= (y >> 11);
+    y ^= (y << 7) & (uint32_t) 0x9D2C5680U;
+    y ^= (y << 15) & (uint32_t) 0xEFC60000U;
+    y ^= (y >> 18);
+    return y;
+void sp_randmt_seed(sp_randmt *p,
+    const uint32_t *initKey, uint32_t keyLength)
+    int       i, j, k;
+    uint32_t  x;
+    /* if array is NULL, use length parameter as simple 32 bit seed */
+    x = (initKey == NULL ? keyLength : (uint32_t) 19650218);
+    p->mt[0] = x;
+    for (i = 1; i < N; i++) {
+      /* See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. */
+      /* In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect   */
+      /* only MSBs of the array mt[].                        */
+      /* 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto             */
+      x = ((uint32_t) 1812433253 * (x ^ (x >> 30)) + (uint32_t) i);
+      p->mt[i] = x;
+    }
+    p->mti = N;
+    if (initKey == NULL)
+      return;
+    i = 0; j = 0;
+    k = (N > (int) keyLength ? N : (int) keyLength);
+    for ( ; k; k--) {
+      x = p->mt[i++];
+      p->mt[i] = (p->mt[i] ^ ((x ^ (x >> 30)) * (uint32_t) 1664525))
+                 + initKey[j] + (uint32_t) j;   /* non linear */
+      if (i == (N - 1)) {
+        p->mt[0] = p->mt[N - 1];
+        i = 0;
+      }
+      if (++j >= (int) keyLength)
+        j = 0;
+    }
+    for (k = (N - 1); k; k--) {
+      x = p->mt[i++];
+      p->mt[i] = (p->mt[i] ^ ((x ^ (x >> 30)) * (uint32_t) 1566083941))
+                 - (uint32_t) i;                /* non linear */
+      if (i == (N - 1)) {
+        p->mt[0] = p->mt[N - 1];
+        i = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    /* MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array */
+    p->mt[0] = (uint32_t) 0x80000000U;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/random.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_random_create(sp_random **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_random));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_random_destroy(sp_random **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_random_init(sp_data *sp, sp_random *p)
+    p->min = -1;
+    p->max = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_random_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_random *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    /* Send the signal's input to the output */
+    SPFLOAT rnd = ((sp_rand(sp) % RAND_MAX) / (RAND_MAX * 1.0));
+    rnd *= (p->max - p->min);
+    rnd += p->min;
+    *out = rnd;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/reverse.c
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_reverse_create(sp_reverse **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_reverse));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_reverse_destroy(sp_reverse **p)
+    sp_reverse *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->buf);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_reverse_init(sp_data *sp, sp_reverse *p, SPFLOAT delay)
+    size_t size = delay * sp->sr * sizeof(SPFLOAT) * 2;
+    p->bufpos = 0;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->buf, size);
+    p->bufsize = (uint32_t)p->buf.size / sizeof(SPFLOAT);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_reverse_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_reverse *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT *buf = (SPFLOAT *)p->buf.ptr;
+    *out = buf[p->bufpos];
+    buf[(p->bufsize - 1) - p->bufpos] = *in;
+    p->bufpos = (p->bufpos + 1) % p->bufsize;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/rline.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define SK_RLINE_PRIV
+#include "tangled/rline.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_rline_create(sp_rline **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_rline));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_rline_destroy(sp_rline **p)
+    sp_rline *pp;
+    pp = *p;
+    free(pp->rline);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_rline_init(sp_data *sp, sp_rline *p)
+    p->rline = malloc(sizeof(sk_rline));
+    sk_rline_init(p->rline, sp->sr, sp_rand(sp));
+    p->min = 0;
+    p->max = 1;
+    p->cps = 3;
+    sk_rline_min(p->rline, p->min);
+    sk_rline_max(p->rline, p->max);
+    sk_rline_rate(p->rline, p->cps);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_rline_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_rline *p,
+                         SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sk_rline_min(p->rline, p->min);
+    sk_rline_max(p->rline, p->max);
+    sk_rline_rate(p->rline, p->cps);
+    *out = sk_rline_tick(p->rline);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/rpt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,92 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+static int sp_rpt_set(sp_rpt *p, SPFLOAT bpm, int div, int rep);
+int sp_rpt_create(sp_rpt **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_rpt));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_rpt_destroy(sp_rpt **p)
+    sp_rpt *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->aux);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_rpt_init(sp_data *sp, sp_rpt *p, SPFLOAT maxdur)
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->aux, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * (uint32_t)maxdur * sp->sr);
+    p->playpos = 0;
+    p->bufpos = 0;
+    p->running = 0;
+    p->reps = 4;
+    p->count = p->reps;
+    p->size = (int)p->aux.size;
+    p->sr = sp->sr;
+    p->bpm = 130;
+    p->div = 4;
+    p->rep = 4;
+    p->rc = SP_OK;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_rpt_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_rpt *p, SPFLOAT *trig,
+        SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT *buf = (SPFLOAT *)p->aux.ptr;
+    if (p->rc == SP_NOT_OK) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    if (*trig > 0) {
+        p->rc = sp_rpt_set(p, p->bpm, p->div, p->rep);
+        p->running = 1;
+        p->playpos = 0;
+        p->bufpos = 0;
+        p->count = p->reps + 1;
+    }
+    if (p->bufpos * sizeof(SPFLOAT) < p->aux.size) {
+        p->rc = sp_rpt_set(p, p->bpm, p->div, p->rep);
+        buf[p->bufpos] = *in;
+        p->bufpos++;
+    } else {
+        p->running = 0;
+    }
+    if(p->running && p->count > 0) {
+        if (p->playpos == 0) {
+            p->count--;
+        }
+        *out = buf[p->playpos];
+        p->playpos = (p->playpos + 1) % p->size;
+    } else {
+        *out = *in;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+static int sp_rpt_set(sp_rpt *p, SPFLOAT bpm, int div, int rep)
+    uint32_t size = (p->sr * (60.0 / bpm)) / (SPFLOAT) div;
+    p->reps = rep;
+    if (size * sizeof(SPFLOAT) > p->aux.size) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Error: not enough memory allocated for buffer.\n");
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    } else if(size <= 0) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Size cannot be zero.\n");
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    } else {
+        p->size = size;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/samphold.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_samphold_create(sp_samphold **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_samphold));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_samphold_destroy(sp_samphold **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_samphold_init(sp_data *sp, sp_samphold *p)
+    p->val = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_samphold_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_samphold *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*trig != 0) {
+        p->val = *in;
+    }
+    *out = p->val;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/saturator.c
@@ -1,0 +1,109 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI    3.14159265358979323846
+static void bilinear_transform(SPFLOAT acoefs[], SPFLOAT dcoefs[], SPFLOAT fs)
+    SPFLOAT b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2;
+    SPFLOAT bz0, bz1, bz2, az0, az1, az2;
+    b0 = acoefs[0]; b1 = acoefs[1]; b2 = acoefs[2];
+    a0 = acoefs[3]; a1 = acoefs[4]; a2 = acoefs[5];
+    bz0 = 1.0; bz1 = 0.0; bz2 = 0.0;
+    az0 = 1.0; az1 = 0.0; az2 = 0.0;
+    az0 = a2*4*fs*fs + a1*2*fs + a0;
+    bz2 = (b2*4*fs*fs - b1*2*fs + b0) / az0;
+    bz1 = (-b2*8*fs*fs + 2*b0) / az0;
+    bz0 = (b2*4*fs*fs+ b1*2*fs + b0) / az0;
+    az2 = (a2*4*fs*fs - a1*2*fs + a0) / az0;
+    az1 = (-a2*8*fs*fs + 2*a0) / az0;
+    dcoefs[0] = bz0; dcoefs[1] = bz1; dcoefs[2] = bz2;
+    dcoefs[3] = az1; dcoefs[4] = az2;
+int sp_saturator_create(sp_saturator **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_saturator));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_saturator_destroy(sp_saturator **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_saturator_init(sp_data *sp, sp_saturator *p)
+    int i, j;
+    const SPFLOAT aacoefs[6][7] =
+    {
+        {2.60687e-05, 2.98697e-05, 2.60687e-05, -1.31885, 0.437162, 0.0, 0.0},
+        {1, -0.800256, 1, -1.38301, 0.496576, 0.0, 0.0},
+        {1, -1.42083, 1, -1.48787, 0.594413, 0.0, 0.0},
+        {1, -1.6374, 1, -1.60688, 0.707142, 0.0, 0.0},
+        {1, -1.7261, 1, -1.7253, 0.822156, 0.0, 0.0},
+        {1, -1.75999, 1, -1.84111, 0.938811, 0.0, 0.0}
+    };
+    SPFLOAT wc_dc = 5*2*M_PI;
+    SPFLOAT scoeffs[6] = {  0, 1, 0, wc_dc, 1, 0 };
+    SPFLOAT zcoeffs[5];
+    p->drive = 1;
+    p->dcoffset = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
+        for(j = 0; j < 7; j++){
+            p->aa[i][j] =  aacoefs[i][j];
+            p->ai[i][j] =  aacoefs[i][j];
+        }
+    }
+    bilinear_transform(scoeffs, zcoeffs, sp->sr*8);
+    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
+        for(j = 0; j < 5; j++)
+            p->dcblocker[i][j] = zcoeffs[j];
+        p->dcblocker[i][5] = 0.0;
+        p->dcblocker[i][6] = 0.0;
+    }
+        return SP_OK;
+static int quad_compute(SPFLOAT p[7],  SPFLOAT *input, SPFLOAT* output)
+    SPFLOAT in = *input;
+    *output = p[5] + in * p[0];
+    p[5] = p[6] + in * p[1] - *output*p[3];
+    p[6] = in * p[2] - *output*p[4];
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_saturator_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_saturator *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    int i, j;
+    SPFLOAT fsignal, usignal, dsignal;
+    fsignal = p->drive * *in;
+    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){
+        usignal = (i == 0) ? 8 *fsignal : 0.0;
+        for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+            quad_compute(p->ai[j], &usignal, &usignal);
+        dsignal = (usignal + p->dcoffset) / (1.0 + fabs(usignal + p->dcoffset));
+        quad_compute(p->dcblocker[0], &dsignal, &dsignal);
+        quad_compute(p->dcblocker[1], &dsignal, &dsignal);
+        for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+            quad_compute(p->aa[j], &dsignal, out);
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/scale.c
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_scale_create(sp_scale **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_scale));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_scale_destroy(sp_scale **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_scale_init(sp_data *sp, sp_scale *p)
+    p->min = -1;
+    p->max = 1;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_scale_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_scale *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out =  *in * (p->max - p->min) + p->min;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/scrambler.c
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "kiss_fftr.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI		3.14159265358979323846
+int sp_gen_scrambler(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *src, sp_ftbl **dest)
+    uint32_t size;
+    sp_ftbl *dst;
+    kiss_fftr_cfg fft, ifft;
+    kiss_fft_cpx *tmp;
+    uint32_t i;
+    SPFLOAT mag, phs;
+    SPFLOAT max;
+    SPFLOAT val;
+    size = (src->size % 2 == 0) ? src->size : src->size - 1;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &dst, size);
+    /* set up kissfft */
+    fft = kiss_fftr_alloc(size, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    ifft = kiss_fftr_alloc(size, 1, NULL, NULL);
+    tmp = malloc(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * size);
+    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * size);
+    kiss_fftr(fft, src->tbl, tmp);
+    for(i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) {
+        mag = sqrt(tmp[i].r * tmp[i].r + tmp[i].i * tmp[i].i) / size;
+        phs = ((SPFLOAT)sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) * 2 * M_PI;
+        tmp[i].r = mag * cos(phs);
+        tmp[i].i = mag * sin(phs);
+    }
+    tmp[0].r = 0;
+    tmp[0].i = 0;
+    tmp[size / 2 - 1].r = 0;
+    tmp[size / 2 - 1].i = 0;
+    kiss_fftri(ifft, tmp, dst->tbl);
+    max = -1;
+    val = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+        val = fabs(dst->tbl[i]);
+        if(val > max) {
+            max = val;
+        }
+    }
+    for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+       dst->tbl[i] /= max;
+    }
+    kiss_fftr_free(fft);
+    kiss_fftr_free(ifft);
+    KISS_FFT_FREE(tmp);
+    *dest = dst;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_sdelay_create(sp_sdelay **p)
+    sp_sdelay *pp;
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_sdelay));
+    pp = *p;
+    pp->size = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_sdelay_destroy(sp_sdelay **p)
+    sp_sdelay *pp = *p;
+    if(pp->size > 0) {
+        free(pp->buf);
+    }
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_sdelay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_sdelay *p, int size)
+    int n;
+    p->size = size;
+    p->buf = malloc(size * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    for(n = 0; n < p->size; n++) p->buf[n] = 0;
+    p->pos = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_sdelay_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_sdelay *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = p->buf[p->pos];
+    p->buf[p->pos] = *in;
+    p->pos = (p->pos + 1) % p->size;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/slice.c
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_slice_create(sp_slice **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_slice));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_slice_destroy(sp_slice **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_slice_init(sp_data *sp, sp_slice *p, sp_ftbl *vals, sp_ftbl *buf)
+    p->vals = vals;
+    p->buf = buf;
+    p->pos = 0;
+    p->nextpos = 0;
+    p->id = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_slice_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_slice *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0;
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        if(p->id < p->vals->size) {
+            p->pos = p->vals->tbl[p->id];
+            if(p->id == p->vals->size - 1) {
+                p->nextpos = p->buf->size;
+            } else {
+                p->nextpos = p->vals->tbl[p->id + 1];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(p->pos < p->nextpos) {
+        *out = p->buf->tbl[p->pos];
+        p->pos++;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/smoothdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,122 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a, b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+int sp_smoothdelay_create(sp_smoothdelay **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_smoothdelay));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_smoothdelay_destroy(sp_smoothdelay **p)
+    sp_smoothdelay *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->buf1);
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->buf2);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_smoothdelay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_smoothdelay *p,
+        SPFLOAT maxdel, uint32_t interp)
+    uint32_t n = (int32_t)(maxdel * sp->sr)+1;
+    p->sr = sp->sr;
+    p->del = maxdel * 0.5;
+    p->pdel = -1;
+    p->maxdel = maxdel;
+    p->feedback = 0;
+    p->maxbuf = n - 1;
+    p->maxcount = interp;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->buf1, n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    p->bufpos1 = 0;
+    p->deltime1 = (uint32_t) (p->del * sp->sr);
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->buf2, n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    p->bufpos2 = 0;
+    p->deltime2 = p->deltime1;
+    p->counter = 0;
+    p->curbuf = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+static SPFLOAT delay_sig(SPFLOAT *buf,
+        uint32_t *bufpos,
+        uint32_t deltime,
+        SPFLOAT fdbk,
+        SPFLOAT in)
+    SPFLOAT delay = buf[*bufpos];
+    SPFLOAT sig = (delay * fdbk) + in;
+    buf[*bufpos] = sig;
+    *bufpos = (*bufpos + 1) % deltime;
+    return delay;
+int sp_smoothdelay_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_smoothdelay *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT *buf1;
+    SPFLOAT *buf2;
+    SPFLOAT it;
+    SPFLOAT del1;
+    SPFLOAT del2;
+    *out = 0;
+    if (p->del != p->pdel && p->counter == 0) {
+        uint32_t dels = min((uint32_t)(p->del * sp->sr), p->maxbuf);
+        /* initial delay time sets time for both buffers */
+        if(p->pdel < 0) {
+            p->deltime1 = dels;
+            p->deltime2 = dels;
+        }
+        p->pdel = p->del;
+        if(dels == 0) dels = 1;
+        if(p->curbuf == 0) {
+            p->curbuf = 1;
+            p->deltime2 = dels;
+        } else {
+            p->curbuf = 0;
+            p->deltime1 = dels;
+        }
+        p->counter = p->maxcount;
+    }
+    buf1 = (SPFLOAT *)p->buf1.ptr;
+    buf2 = (SPFLOAT *)p->buf2.ptr;
+    it = (SPFLOAT)p->counter / p->maxcount;
+    if (p->counter != 0) p->counter--;
+    del1 = delay_sig(buf1, &p->bufpos1,
+            p->deltime1, p->feedback, *in);
+    del2 = delay_sig(buf2, &p->bufpos2,
+            p->deltime2, p->feedback, *in);
+    if (p->curbuf == 0) {
+        /* 1 to 2 */
+        *out = (del1 * it) + (del2 * (1 - it));
+    } else {
+        /* 2 to 1 */
+        *out = (del2 * it) + (del1 * (1 - it));
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/smoother.c
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Smoother
+ *
+ * Smoother is a one-pole smoothing filter, typically used on
+ * control signals to create a "smootheramenteau" effect.
+ *
+ * This filter design uses the difference equation:
+ *
+ * y(n) = b0*x(n) - a1*y(n - 1)
+ *
+ * Where a1 is (0.5^(1/(t * sr))), and b0 is (1 - a1).
+ *
+ * More information on one-pole smoothers can be found here:
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_smoother_create(sp_smoother **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_smoother));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_smoother_destroy(sp_smoother **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_smoother_init(sp_data *sp, sp_smoother *p)
+    p->y0 = 0;
+    p->b0 = 0;
+    p->a1 = 0;
+    p->psmooth = -100.0;
+    p->smooth = 0.01;
+    /* using this constant shaves off a multiply operation */
+    p->onedsr = 1.0/sp->sr;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_smoother_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_smoother *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->psmooth != p->smooth) {
+        p->a1 = pow(0.5, p->onedsr/p->smooth);
+        p->b0 = 1.0 - p->a1;
+        p->psmooth = p->smooth;
+    }
+    p->y0 = p->b0 * (*in) + p->a1 * p->y0;
+    *out = p->y0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_smoother_reset(sp_data *sp, sp_smoother *p, SPFLOAT *in)
+    p->y0 = *in;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/spa.c
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#define SPA_BUFSIZE 4096
+int sp_spa_create(sp_spa **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_spa));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_spa_destroy(sp_spa **p)
+    sp_spa *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->aux);
+    spa_close(&pp->spa);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_spa_init(sp_data *sp, sp_spa *p, const char *filename)
+    if(spa_open(sp, &p->spa, filename, SPA_READ) != SP_OK) {
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    p->pos = 0;
+    p->bufsize = SPA_BUFSIZE;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->aux, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->bufsize);
+    p->buf = p->aux.ptr;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_spa_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_spa *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(p->bufsize == 0) {
+        *out = 0.0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    if(p->pos == 0) {
+        p->bufsize = spa_read_buf(sp, &p->spa, p->buf, SPA_BUFSIZE);
+        if(p->bufsize == 0) {
+            *out = 0.0;
+            return SP_OK;
+        }
+    }
+    *out = p->buf[p->pos];
+    p->pos = (p->pos + 1) % p->bufsize;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sparec.c
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#define SPA_BUFSIZE 4096
+int sp_sparec_create(sp_sparec **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_sparec));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_sparec_destroy(sp_sparec **p)
+    sp_sparec *pp = *p;
+    sp_auxdata_free(&pp->aux);
+    spa_close(&pp->spa);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_sparec_init(sp_data *sp, sp_sparec *p, const char *filename)
+    if(spa_open(sp, &p->spa, filename, SPA_WRITE) != SP_OK) {
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    p->pos = SPA_BUFSIZE;
+    p->bufsize = SPA_BUFSIZE;
+    sp_auxdata_alloc(&p->aux, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->bufsize);
+    p->buf = p->aux.ptr;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_sparec_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_sparec *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(p->pos == 0) {
+        p->pos = p->bufsize;
+        spa_write_buf(sp, &p->spa, p->buf, p->bufsize);
+    }
+    p->buf[p->bufsize - p->pos] = *in;
+    p->pos--;
+    *out = *in;
+    return SP_OK;
+/* call this to close sparec. will write the rest of the buffer */
+int sp_sparec_close(sp_data *sp, sp_sparec *p)
+    if(p->pos < p->bufsize - 1) {
+        spa_write_buf(sp, &p->spa, p->buf, p->bufsize - p->pos);
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/switch.c
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_switch_create(sp_switch **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_switch));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_switch_destroy(sp_switch **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_switch_init(sp_data *sp, sp_switch *p)
+    p->mode = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_switch_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_switch *p, SPFLOAT *trig,
+    SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*trig) {
+        p->mode = p->mode == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    if(p->mode == 0) {
+        *out = *in1;
+    } else {
+        *out = *in2;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tadsr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,152 @@
+ *
+ * This module uses modified code from Perry Cook's ADSR STK module.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+static void make_Envelope(sp_tadsr *e)
+    e->target = 0.0;
+    e->value = 0.0;
+    e->rate = 0.001;
+    e->state = 1;
+static void make_ADSR(sp_tadsr *a)
+    make_Envelope(a);
+    a->target = 0.0;
+    a->value = 0.0;
+    a->attackRate = 0.001;
+    a->decayRate = 0.001;
+    a->sustainLevel = 0.0;
+    a->releaseRate = 0.01;
+    a->state = CLEAR;
+static void ADSR_keyOn(sp_tadsr *a)
+    a->target = 1.0;
+    a->rate = a->attackRate;
+    a->state = ATTACK;
+static void ADSR_keyOff(sp_tadsr *a)
+    a->target = 0.0;
+    a->rate = a->releaseRate;
+    a->state = RELEASE;
+static void ADSR_setSustainLevel(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *a, SPFLOAT aLevel)
+   a->sustainLevel = aLevel;
+static void ADSR_setAttackTime(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *a, SPFLOAT aTime)
+    a->attackRate = 1.0 / (aTime * sp->sr);
+static void ADSR_setDecayTime(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *a, SPFLOAT aTime)
+    a->decayRate = 1.0 / (aTime * sp->sr);
+static void ADSR_setReleaseTime(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *a, SPFLOAT aTime)
+    a->releaseRate = 1.0 / (aTime * sp->sr);
+static void ADSR_setAllTimes(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *a, SPFLOAT attTime, SPFLOAT decTime,
+                      SPFLOAT susLevel, SPFLOAT relTime)
+    ADSR_setAttackTime(sp, a, attTime);
+    ADSR_setDecayTime(sp, a, decTime);
+    ADSR_setSustainLevel(sp, a, susLevel);
+    ADSR_setReleaseTime(sp, a, relTime);
+static SPFLOAT ADSR_tick(sp_tadsr *a)
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    if (a->state == ATTACK) {
+        a->value += a->rate;
+        if (a->value >= a->target) {
+            a->value = a->target;
+            a->rate = a->decayRate;
+            a->target = a->sustainLevel;
+            a->state = DECAY;
+        }
+        out = a->value;
+    } else if (a->state == DECAY) {
+        a->value -= a->decayRate;
+        out = a->value;
+        if (a->value <= a->sustainLevel) {
+            a->value = a->sustainLevel;
+            out = a->sustainLevel;
+            a->rate = 0.0;
+            a->state = SUSTAIN;
+        }
+    } else if (a->state == RELEASE)  {
+        a->value -= a->releaseRate;
+        if (a->value <= 0.0) {
+            a->value = 0.0;
+            a->state = CLEAR;
+        }
+        out = a->value;
+    } else if (a->state == SUSTAIN)  {
+        out = a->sustainLevel;
+    }
+    return out;
+int sp_tadsr_create(sp_tadsr **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tadsr));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tadsr_destroy(sp_tadsr **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tadsr_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *p)
+    make_ADSR(p);
+    p->atk = 0.5;
+    p->dec = 0.5;
+    p->sus = 0.0;
+    p->rel = 0.5;
+    p->mode = KEY_OFF;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tadsr_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tadsr *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*trig != 0) {
+        if(*trig == 2) {
+            ADSR_keyOff(p);
+            p->mode = KEY_OFF;
+        }else if(p->mode == KEY_OFF) {
+            ADSR_setAllTimes(sp, p, p->atk, p->dec, p->sus, p->rel);
+            ADSR_keyOn(p);
+            p->mode = KEY_ON;
+        } else {
+            ADSR_keyOff(p);
+            p->mode = KEY_OFF;
+        }
+    }
+    *out = ADSR_tick(p);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/talkbox.c
@@ -1,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Talkbox
+ *
+ * This module is ported from the mdaTalkbox plugin by Paul Kellet
+ * (maxim digital audio).
+ *
+ * More information on his plugins and the original code can be found here:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef TWO_PI
+#define TWO_PI 6.28318530717958647692528676655901
+#define ORD_MAX 50
+static void lpc_durbin(SPFLOAT *r, int p, float *k, float *g)
+  int i, j;
+  SPFLOAT a[ORD_MAX], at[ORD_MAX], e=r[0];
+  for(i=0; i<=p; i++) a[i] = at[i] = 0.0f;
+  for(i=1; i<=p; i++)
+  {
+    k[i] = -r[i];
+    for(j=1; j<i; j++)
+    {
+      at[j] = a[j];
+      k[i] -= a[j] * r[i-j];
+    }
+    if(fabs(e) < 1.0e-20f) { e = 0.0f;  break; }
+    k[i] /= e;
+    a[i] = k[i];
+    for(j=1; j<i; j++) a[j] = at[j] + k[i] * at[i-j];
+    e *= 1.0f - k[i] * k[i];
+  }
+  if(e < 1.0e-20f) e = 0.0f;
+  *g = (float)sqrt(e);
+static void lpc(float *buf, float *car, uint32_t n, uint32_t o)
+    SPFLOAT z[ORD_MAX], r[ORD_MAX], k[ORD_MAX], G, x;
+    uint32_t i, j, nn=n;
+    SPFLOAT min;
+    /* buf[] is already emphasized and windowed */
+    for(j=0; j<=o; j++, nn--) {
+        z[j] = r[j] = 0.0f;
+        for(i=0; i<nn; i++) r[j] += buf[i] * buf[i+j]; /* autocorrelation */
+    }
+    r[0] *= 1.001f;  /* stability fix */
+    min = 0.00001f;
+    if(r[0] < min) { for(i=0; i<n; i++) buf[i] = 0.0f; return; }
+    lpc_durbin(r, o, k, &G);  /* calc reflection coeffs */
+    for(i=1; i<=o; i++) {
+        if(k[i] > 0.995f) k[i] = 0.995f; else if(k[i] < -0.995f) k[i] = -.995f;
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
+        x = G * car[i];
+        /* lattice filter */
+        for(j=o; j>0; j--) {
+            x -= k[j] * z[j-1];
+            z[j] = z[j-1] + k[j] * x;
+        }
+        buf[i] = z[0] = x;  /* output buf[] will be windowed elsewhere */
+    }
+int sp_talkbox_create(sp_talkbox **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_talkbox));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_talkbox_destroy(sp_talkbox **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_talkbox_init(sp_data *sp, sp_talkbox *p)
+    uint32_t n;
+    p->quality = 1.f;
+    p->N = 1;
+    p->K = 0;
+    n = (uint32_t)(0.01633f * sp->sr);
+    /* calculate hanning window */
+    if(n != p->N) {
+        SPFLOAT dp;
+        SPFLOAT pos;
+        p->N = n;
+        dp = TWO_PI / (SPFLOAT)p->N;
+        pos = 0.0f;
+        for(n=0; n < p->N; n++) {
+            p->window[n] = 0.5f - 0.5f * (SPFLOAT)cos(pos);
+            pos += dp;
+        }
+    }
+    /* zero out variables and buffers */
+    p->pos = p->K = 0;
+    p->emphasis = 0.0f;
+    p->FX = 0;
+    p->u0 = p->u1 = p->u2 = p->u3 = p->u4 = 0.0f;
+    p->d0 = p->d1 = p->d2 = p->d3 = p->d4 = 0.0f;
+    memset(p->buf0, 0, SP_TALKBOX_BUFMAX * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(p->buf1, 0, SP_TALKBOX_BUFMAX * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(p->car0, 0, SP_TALKBOX_BUFMAX * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(p->car1, 0, SP_TALKBOX_BUFMAX * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_talkbox_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_talkbox *t, SPFLOAT *src, SPFLOAT *exc, SPFLOAT *out)
+    int32_t p0=t->pos, p1 = (t->pos + t->N/2) % t->N;
+    SPFLOAT e=t->emphasis, w, o, x, fx=t->FX;
+    SPFLOAT p, q, h0=0.3f, h1=0.77f;
+    SPFLOAT den;
+    t->O = (uint32_t)((0.0001f + 0.0004f * t->quality) * sp->sr);
+    o = *src;
+    x = *exc;
+    p = t->d0 + h0 * x;
+    t->d0 = t->d1;
+    t->d1 = x - h0 * p;
+    q = t->d2 + h1 * t->d4;
+    t->d2 = t->d3;
+    t->d3 = t->d4 - h1 * q;
+    t->d4 = x;
+    x = p + q;
+    if(t->K++) {
+        t->K = 0;
+        /* carrier input */
+        t->car0[p0] = t->car1[p1] = x;
+        /* 6dB/oct pre-emphasis */
+        x = o - e;  e = o;
+        /* 50% overlapping hanning windows */
+        w = t->window[p0]; fx = t->buf0[p0] * w;  t->buf0[p0] = x * w;
+        if(++p0 >= t->N) { lpc(t->buf0, t->car0, t->N, t->O);  p0 = 0; }
+        w = 1.0f - w;  fx += t->buf1[p1] * w;  t->buf1[p1] = x * w;
+        if(++p1 >= t->N) { lpc(t->buf1, t->car1, t->N, t->O);  p1 = 0; }
+    }
+    p = t->u0 + h0 * fx;
+    t->u0 = t->u1;
+    t->u1 = fx - h0 * p;
+    q = t->u2 + h1 * t->u4;
+    t->u2 = t->u3;
+    t->u3 = t->u4 - h1 * q;
+    t->u4 = fx;
+    x = p + q;
+    o = x * 0.5;
+    *out = o;
+    t->emphasis = e;
+    t->pos = p0;
+    t->FX = fx;
+    den = 1.0e-10f;
+    /* anti-denormal */
+    if(fabs(t->d0) < den) t->d0 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->d1) < den) t->d1 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->d2) < den) t->d2 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->d3) < den) t->d3 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->u0) < den) t->u0 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->u1) < den) t->u1 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->u2) < den) t->u2 = 0.0f;
+    if(fabs(t->u3) < den) t->u3 = 0.0f;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tblrec.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tblrec_create(sp_tblrec **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tblrec));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tblrec_destroy(sp_tblrec **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tblrec_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tblrec *p, sp_ftbl *ft)
+    p->index = 0;
+    p->record = 0;
+    p->ft = ft;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tblrec_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tblrec *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*trig != 0) {
+        if(p->record == 1) {
+            p->record = 0;
+        } else {
+            p->record = 1;
+            p->index = 0;
+            memset(p->ft->tbl, 0, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * p->ft->size);
+        }
+    }
+    if(p->record) {
+        p->ft->tbl[p->index] = *in;
+        p->index = (p->index + 1) % p->ft->size;
+    }
+    *out = *in;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tdiv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tdiv_create(sp_tdiv **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tdiv));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tdiv_destroy(sp_tdiv **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tdiv_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tdiv *p)
+    p->num = 2;
+    p->counter = 0;
+    p->offset = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tdiv_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tdiv *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0.0;
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        if(p->counter == p->offset) *out = 1.0;
+        else *out = 0.0;
+        p->counter = (p->counter + 1) % p->num;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tenv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,92 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tenv_create(sp_tenv **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tenv));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenv_destroy(sp_tenv **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+static void sp_tenv_reinit(void *ud)
+    sp_tenv *env = ud;
+    env->pos = 0;
+    env->atk_end = env->sr * env->atk;
+    env->rel_start = env->sr * (env->atk + env->hold);
+    env->atk_slp = 1.0 / env->atk_end;
+    env->rel_slp = -1.0 / (env->sr * env->rel);
+    env->totaldur = env->sr * (env->atk + env->hold + env->rel);
+static void sp_tenv_comp(void *ud, SPFLOAT *out)
+    sp_tenv *env = ud;
+    SPFLOAT sig = 0;
+    uint32_t pos = env->pos;
+    *out = 0.0;
+    if (pos < env->atk_end) {
+        sig = env->last + env->atk_slp;
+    } else if (pos < env->rel_start) {
+        sig = 1.0;
+    } else if (pos < env->totaldur) {
+        sig = env->last + env->rel_slp;
+    } else{
+        sig = 0.0;
+    }
+    sig = (sig > 1.0) ? 1.0 : sig;
+    sig = (sig < 0.0) ? 0.0 : sig;
+    /* Internal input signal mode */
+    if (env->sigmode) {
+        *out = env->input * sig;
+    } else {
+        *out = sig;
+    }
+    env->pos++;
+    env->last = sig;
+int sp_tenv_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv *p)
+    p->pos = 0;
+    p->last = 0;
+    p->atk = 0.1;
+    p->hold = 0.3;
+    p->rel = 0.2;
+    p->sigmode = 0;
+    p->input = 0;
+    p->sr = sp->sr;
+    p->atk_end = p->sr * p->atk;
+    p->rel_start = p->sr * (p->atk + p->hold);
+    p->atk_slp = 1.0 / p->atk_end;
+    p->rel_slp = -1.0 / (p->sr * p->rel);
+    p->totaldur = p->sr * (p->atk + p->hold + p->rel);
+    p->started = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenv_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (*in) {
+        sp_tenv_reinit(p);
+        p->started = 1;
+    }
+    if (p->started) sp_tenv_comp(p, out);
+    else *out = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tenv2.c
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+enum {
+    T_ON,
+    T_OFF,
+    T_INIT
+int sp_tenv2_create(sp_tenv2 **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tenv2));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenv2_destroy(sp_tenv2 **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenv2_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv2 *p)
+    p->state = T_INIT;
+    p->atk = 0.1;
+    p->rel = 0.1;
+    p->slope = 0;
+    p->last = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenv2_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenv2 *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        if(p->state == T_INIT || p->state == T_OFF) {
+            p->state = T_ON;
+            p->timer = (uint32_t)(sp->sr * p->atk);
+            p->totaltime = p->timer;
+            p->slope = 1.0 / p->totaltime;
+        } else if (p->state == T_ON) {
+            p->state = T_OFF;
+            p->timer = (uint32_t)(sp->sr * p->rel);
+            p->totaltime = p->timer;
+            p->slope = 1.0 / p->totaltime;
+        }
+    }
+    if(p->timer == 0) {
+        if(p->state == T_ON) *out = 1;
+        else *out = 0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    } else {
+        p->timer--;
+        if(p->state == T_ON)  {
+            *out = p->last + p->slope;
+        } else if (p->state == T_OFF) {
+            *out = p->last - p->slope;
+        }
+        if(*out > 1) *out = 1;
+        if(*out < 0) *out = 0;
+        p->last = *out;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tenvx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tenvx_create(sp_tenvx **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tenvx));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenvx_destroy(sp_tenvx **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenvx_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tenvx *p)
+    p->hold = 0.5;
+    p->atk = 0.5;
+    p->rel = 0.5;
+    p->a_a = p->b_a = 0;
+    p->a_r = p->b_r = 0;
+    p->y = 0;
+    p->count = (uint32_t) (p->hold * sp->sr);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tenvx_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tenvx *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0;
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        p->a_a = exp(-1.0/(p->atk * sp->sr));
+        p->b_a = 1.0 - p->a_a;
+        p->a_r = exp(-1.0/(p->rel * sp->sr));
+        p->b_r = 1.0 - p->a_r;
+        p->count = (uint32_t) (p->hold * sp->sr);
+    }
+    if(p->count > 0) {
+        *out = p->b_a + p->a_a * p->y;
+        p->y = *out;
+        p->count--;
+    } else {
+        *out = p->a_r * p->y;
+        p->y = *out;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tgate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tgate_create(sp_tgate **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tgate));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tgate_destroy(sp_tgate **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tgate_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tgate *p)
+    p->time = 0;
+    p->timer = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tgate_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tgate *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = 0;
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        p->timer = p->time * sp->sr;
+    }
+    if(p->timer != 0) {
+        *out = 1;
+        p->timer--;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/thresh.c
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_thresh_create(sp_thresh **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_thresh));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_thresh_destroy(sp_thresh **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_thresh_init(sp_data *sp, sp_thresh *p)
+    /* Initalize variables here. */
+    p->init = 1;
+    p->mode = 0;
+    p->prev = 0;
+    p->thresh = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_thresh_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_thresh *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(p->init) {
+        *out = 0;
+        p->prev = *in;
+        p->init = 0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    switch((int)p->mode) {
+        /* input signal goes above threshold */
+        case 0:
+            *out = (*in > p->thresh && p->prev <= p->thresh);
+            break;
+        /* input signal goes below threshold */
+        case 1:
+            *out = (*in < p->thresh && p->prev >= p->thresh);
+            break;
+        /* input signal goes below or above threshold */
+        case 2:
+            *out = (*in < p->thresh && p->prev >= p->thresh) ||
+                (*in > p->thresh && p->prev <= p->thresh);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return SP_NOT_OK;
+    }
+    p->prev = *in;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/timer.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_timer_create(sp_timer **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_timer));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_timer_destroy(sp_timer **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_timer_init(sp_data *sp, sp_timer *p)
+    p->mode = 0;
+    p->pos = 0;
+    p->time = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_timer_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_timer *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        if(p->mode == 0) {
+            p->pos = 0;
+            p->mode = 1;
+        } else if(p->mode == 1) {
+            p->time = (SPFLOAT) p->pos / sp->sr;
+            p->mode = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if(p->mode == 1) {
+        p->pos++;
+    }
+    *out = p->time;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tin_create(sp_tin **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tin));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tin_destroy(sp_tin **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tin_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tin *p)
+    p->fp = stdin;
+    p->val = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tin_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tin *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*in) {
+        fread(&p->val, sizeof(SPFLOAT), 1, p->fp);
+    }
+    *out = p->val;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/trand.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_trand_create(sp_trand **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_trand));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_trand_destroy(sp_trand **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_trand_init(sp_data *sp, sp_trand *p)
+    p->min = 0;
+    p->max = 1;
+    p->val = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_trand_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_trand *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        p->val = p->min + ((SPFLOAT) sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) * (p->max - p->min);
+        *out = p->val;
+    } else {
+        *out = p->val;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tseg.c
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tseg_create(sp_tseg **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tseg));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tseg_destroy(sp_tseg **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tseg_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tseg *p, SPFLOAT ibeg)
+    p->beg = ibeg;
+    p->end = 1.0;
+    p->val = ibeg;
+    p->type = -3;
+    p->slope = 1.0;
+    p->dur = 1.0;
+    p->tdivnsteps = 0.0;
+    p->count = 0;
+    p->steps = p->dur * sp->sr;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tseg_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tseg *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = p->val;
+    if(*in != 0) {
+        p->slope = 1.0 / (1.0 - exp(p->type));
+        p->beg = p->val;
+        p->count = 0;
+        p->steps = p->dur * sp->sr;
+        p->tdivnsteps = (SPFLOAT)p->type / (p->steps - 1);
+    }
+    if(p->count < p->steps) {
+        *out = p->beg + (p->end - p->beg) *
+            ((1 - exp(p->count * p->tdivnsteps)) * p->slope);
+        p->val = *out;
+        p->count++;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/tseq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_tseq_create(sp_tseq **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_tseq));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tseq_destroy(sp_tseq **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tseq_init(sp_data *sp, sp_tseq *p, sp_ftbl *ft)
+    p->ft = ft;
+    p->pos = -1;
+    p->val = 0;
+    p->shuf = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_tseq_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_tseq *p, SPFLOAT *trig, SPFLOAT *val)
+    if(*trig != 0){
+        if(p->shuf) {
+            p->pos = sp_rand(sp) % p->ft->size;
+        } else {
+            p->pos = (p->pos + 1) % p->ft->size;
+        }
+        p->val = p->ft->tbl[p->pos];
+    }
+    *val = p->val;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/vardelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+/* this file is placed in the public domain */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "tangled/vardelay.h"
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+int sp_vardelay_create(sp_vardelay **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_vardelay));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_vardelay_destroy(sp_vardelay **p)
+    sp_vardelay *pp;
+    pp = *p;
+    free(pp->v);
+    free(pp->buf);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_vardelay_init(sp_data *sp, sp_vardelay *p, SPFLOAT maxdel)
+    unsigned long sz;
+    sz = floor(maxdel * sp->sr) + 1;
+    p->v = malloc(sizeof(sk_vardelay));
+    p->buf = calloc(1, sz * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    sk_vardelay_init(p->v, sp->sr, p->buf, sz);
+    p->feedback = 0;
+    p->del = maxdel * 0.5;
+    sk_vardelay_delay(p->v, p->del);
+    sk_vardelay_feedback(p->v, p->feedback);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_vardelay_compute(sp_data *sp,
+                       sp_vardelay *p,
+                       SPFLOAT *in,
+                       SPFLOAT *out)
+    sk_vardelay_delay(p->v, p->del);
+    sk_vardelay_feedback(p->v, p->feedback);
+    *out = sk_vardelay_tick(p->v, *in);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/voc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,789 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#include "voc.h"
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
+#define EPSILON 1.0e-38
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT  freq;
+    SPFLOAT  tenseness;
+    SPFLOAT  Rd;
+    SPFLOAT  waveform_length;
+    SPFLOAT  time_in_waveform;
+    SPFLOAT  alpha;
+    SPFLOAT  E0;
+    SPFLOAT  epsilon;
+    SPFLOAT  shift;
+    SPFLOAT  delta;
+    SPFLOAT  Te;
+    SPFLOAT  omega;
+    SPFLOAT  T;
+} glottis;
+typedef struct transient {
+    int  position;
+    SPFLOAT  time_alive;
+    SPFLOAT  lifetime;
+    SPFLOAT  strength;
+    SPFLOAT  exponent;
+    char is_free;
+    unsigned int id;
+    struct transient *next;
+} transient;
+typedef struct {
+    transient pool[MAX_TRANSIENTS];
+    transient *root;
+    int size;
+    int next_free;
+} transient_pool;
+typedef struct {
+    int n;
+    SPFLOAT  diameter[44];
+    SPFLOAT  rest_diameter[44];
+    SPFLOAT  target_diameter[44];
+    SPFLOAT  new_diameter[44];
+    SPFLOAT  R[44];
+    SPFLOAT  L[44];
+    SPFLOAT  reflection[45];
+    SPFLOAT  new_reflection[45];
+    SPFLOAT  junction_outL[45];
+    SPFLOAT  junction_outR[45];
+    SPFLOAT  A[44];
+    int nose_length;
+    int nose_start;
+    int tip_start;
+    SPFLOAT  noseL[28];
+    SPFLOAT  noseR[28];
+    SPFLOAT  nose_junc_outL[29];
+    SPFLOAT  nose_junc_outR[29];
+    SPFLOAT  nose_reflection[29];
+    SPFLOAT  nose_diameter[28];
+    SPFLOAT  noseA[28];
+    SPFLOAT  reflection_left;
+    SPFLOAT  reflection_right;
+    SPFLOAT  reflection_nose;
+    SPFLOAT  new_reflection_left;
+    SPFLOAT  new_reflection_right;
+    SPFLOAT  new_reflection_nose;
+    SPFLOAT  velum_target;
+    SPFLOAT  glottal_reflection;
+    SPFLOAT  lip_reflection;
+    int  last_obstruction;
+    SPFLOAT  fade;
+    SPFLOAT  movement_speed;
+    SPFLOAT  lip_output;
+    SPFLOAT  nose_output;
+    SPFLOAT  block_time;
+    transient_pool tpool;
+    SPFLOAT  T;
+} tract;
+struct sp_voc {
+    glottis  glot; /*The Glottis*/
+    tract  tr; /*The Vocal Tract */
+    SPFLOAT  buf[512];
+    int counter;
+static void glottis_setup_waveform(glottis *glot, SPFLOAT lambda)
+    SPFLOAT Rd;
+    SPFLOAT Ra;
+    SPFLOAT Rk;
+    SPFLOAT Rg;
+    SPFLOAT Ta;
+    SPFLOAT Tp;
+    SPFLOAT Te;
+    SPFLOAT epsilon;
+    SPFLOAT shift;
+    SPFLOAT delta;
+    SPFLOAT rhs_integral;
+    SPFLOAT lower_integral;
+    SPFLOAT upper_integral;
+    SPFLOAT omega;
+    SPFLOAT s;
+    SPFLOAT y;
+    SPFLOAT z;
+    SPFLOAT alpha;
+    SPFLOAT E0;
+    glot->Rd = 3 * (1 - glot->tenseness);
+    glot->waveform_length = 1.0 / glot->freq;
+    Rd = glot->Rd;
+    if(Rd < 0.5) Rd = 0.5;
+    if(Rd > 2.7) Rd = 2.7;
+    Ra = -0.01 + 0.048*Rd;
+    Rk = 0.224 + 0.118*Rd;
+    Rg = (Rk/4)*(0.5 + 1.2*Rk)/(0.11*Rd-Ra*(0.5+1.2*Rk));
+    Ta = Ra;
+    Tp = (SPFLOAT)1.0 / (2*Rg);
+    Te = Tp + Tp*Rk;
+    epsilon = (SPFLOAT)1.0 / Ta;
+    shift = exp(-epsilon * (1 - Te));
+    delta = 1 - shift;
+    rhs_integral = (SPFLOAT)(1.0/epsilon) * (shift-1) + (1-Te)*shift;
+    rhs_integral = rhs_integral / delta;
+    lower_integral = - (Te - Tp) / 2 + rhs_integral;
+    upper_integral = -lower_integral;
+    omega = M_PI / Tp;
+    s = sin(omega * Te);
+    y = -M_PI * s * upper_integral / (Tp*2);
+    z = log(y);
+    alpha = z / (Tp/2 - Te);
+    E0 = -1 / (s * exp(alpha*Te));
+    glot->alpha = alpha;
+    glot->E0 = E0;
+    glot->epsilon = epsilon;
+    glot->shift = shift;
+    glot->delta = delta;
+    glot->Te = Te;
+    glot->omega = omega;
+static void glottis_init(glottis *glot, SPFLOAT sr)
+    glot->freq = 140; /* 140Hz frequency by default */
+    glot->tenseness = 0.6; /* value between 0 and 1 */
+    glot->T = 1.0/sr; /* big T */
+    glot->time_in_waveform = 0;
+    glottis_setup_waveform(glot, 0);
+static SPFLOAT glottis_compute(sp_data *sp, glottis *glot, SPFLOAT lambda)
+    SPFLOAT out;
+    SPFLOAT aspiration;
+    SPFLOAT noise;
+    SPFLOAT t;
+    SPFLOAT intensity;
+    out = 0;
+    intensity = 1.0;
+    glot->time_in_waveform += glot->T;
+    if(glot->time_in_waveform > glot->waveform_length) {
+        glot->time_in_waveform -= glot->waveform_length;
+        glottis_setup_waveform(glot, lambda);
+    }
+    t = (glot->time_in_waveform / glot->waveform_length);
+    if(t > glot->Te) {
+        out = (-exp(-glot->epsilon * (t-glot->Te)) + glot->shift) / glot->delta;
+    } else {
+        out = glot->E0 * exp(glot->alpha * t) * sin(glot->omega * t);
+    }
+    noise = 2.0 * ((SPFLOAT) sp_rand(sp) / SP_RANDMAX) - 1;
+    aspiration = intensity * (1 - sqrt(glot->tenseness)) * 0.3 * noise;
+    aspiration *= 0.2;
+    out += aspiration;
+    return out;
+static void tract_calculate_reflections(tract *tr)
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT  sum;
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->n; i++) {
+        tr->A[i] = tr->diameter[i] * tr->diameter[i];
+        /* Calculate area from diameter squared*/
+    }
+    for(i = 1; i < tr->n; i++) {
+        tr->reflection[i] = tr->new_reflection[i];
+        if(tr->A[i] == 0) {
+            tr->new_reflection[i] = 0.999; /* to prevent bad behavior if 0 */
+        } else {
+            tr->new_reflection[i] =
+                (tr->A[i - 1] - tr->A[i]) / (tr->A[i - 1] + tr->A[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    tr->reflection_left = tr->new_reflection_left;
+    tr->reflection_right = tr->new_reflection_right;
+    tr->reflection_nose = tr->new_reflection_nose;
+    sum = tr->A[tr->nose_start] + tr->A[tr->nose_start + 1] + tr->noseA[0];
+    tr->new_reflection_left = (SPFLOAT)(2 * tr->A[tr->nose_start] - sum) / sum;
+    tr->new_reflection_right = (SPFLOAT)(2 * tr->A[tr->nose_start + 1] - sum) / sum;
+    tr->new_reflection_nose = (SPFLOAT)(2 * tr->noseA[0] - sum) / sum;
+static void tract_calculate_nose_reflections(tract *tr)
+    int i;
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->nose_length; i++) {
+        tr->noseA[i] = tr->nose_diameter[i] * tr->nose_diameter[i];
+    }
+    for(i = 1; i < tr->nose_length; i++) {
+        tr->nose_reflection[i] = (tr->noseA[i - 1] - tr->noseA[i]) /
+            (tr->noseA[i-1] + tr->noseA[i]);
+    }
+static int append_transient(transient_pool *pool, int position)
+    int i;
+    int free_id;
+    transient *t;
+    free_id = pool->next_free;
+    if(pool->size == MAX_TRANSIENTS) return 0;
+    if(free_id == -1) {
+        for(i = 0; i < MAX_TRANSIENTS; i++) {
+            if(pool->pool[i].is_free) {
+                free_id = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(free_id == -1) return 0;
+    t = &pool->pool[free_id];
+    t->next = pool->root;
+    pool->root = t;
+    pool->size++;
+    t->is_free = 0;
+    t->time_alive = 0;
+    t->lifetime = 0.2;
+    t->strength = 0.3;
+    t->exponent = 200;
+    t->position = position;
+    pool->next_free = -1;
+    return 0;
+static void remove_transient(transient_pool *pool, unsigned int id)
+    int i;
+    transient *n;
+    pool->next_free = id;
+    n = pool->root;
+    if(id == n->id) {
+        pool->root = n->next;
+        pool->size--;
+        return;
+    }
+    for(i = 0; i < pool->size; i++) {
+        if(n->next->id == id) {
+            pool->size--;
+            n->next->is_free = 1;
+            n->next = n->next->next;
+            break;
+        }
+        n = n->next;
+    }
+static SPFLOAT move_towards(SPFLOAT current, SPFLOAT target,
+        SPFLOAT amt_up, SPFLOAT amt_down)
+    SPFLOAT tmp;
+    if(current < target) {
+        tmp = current + amt_up;
+        return MIN(tmp, target);
+    } else {
+        tmp = current - amt_down;
+        return MAX(tmp, target);
+    }
+    return 0.0;
+static void tract_reshape(tract *tr)
+    SPFLOAT amount;
+    SPFLOAT slow_return;
+    SPFLOAT diameter;
+    SPFLOAT target_diameter;
+    int i;
+    int current_obstruction;
+    current_obstruction = -1;
+    amount = tr->block_time * tr->movement_speed;
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->n; i++) {
+        slow_return = 0;
+        diameter = tr->diameter[i];
+        target_diameter = tr->target_diameter[i];
+        if(diameter < 0.001) current_obstruction = i;
+        if(i < tr->nose_start) slow_return = 0.6;
+        else if(i >= tr->tip_start) slow_return = 1.0;
+        else {
+            slow_return =
+                0.6+0.4*(i - tr->nose_start)/(tr->tip_start - tr->nose_start);
+        }
+        tr->diameter[i] = move_towards(diameter, target_diameter,
+                slow_return * amount, 2 * amount);
+    }
+    if(tr->last_obstruction > -1 && current_obstruction == -1 &&
+            tr->noseA[0] < 0.05) {
+        append_transient(&tr->tpool, tr->last_obstruction);
+    }
+    tr->last_obstruction = current_obstruction;
+    tr->nose_diameter[0] = move_towards(tr->nose_diameter[0], tr->velum_target,
+            amount * 0.25, amount * 0.1);
+    tr->noseA[0] = tr->nose_diameter[0] * tr->nose_diameter[0];
+static void tract_init(sp_data *sp, tract *tr)
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT diameter, d; /* needed to set up diameter arrays */
+    tr->n = 44;
+    tr->nose_length = 28;
+    tr->nose_start = 17;
+    tr->reflection_left = 0.0;
+    tr->reflection_right = 0.0;
+    tr->reflection_nose = 0.0;
+    tr->new_reflection_left = 0.0;
+    tr->new_reflection_right= 0.0;
+    tr->new_reflection_nose = 0.0;
+    tr->velum_target = 0.01;
+    tr->glottal_reflection = 0.75;
+    tr->lip_reflection = -0.85;
+    tr->last_obstruction = -1;
+    tr->movement_speed = 15;
+    tr->lip_output = 0;
+    tr->nose_output = 0;
+    tr->tip_start = 32;
+    memset(tr->diameter, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->rest_diameter, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->target_diameter, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->new_diameter, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->L, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->R, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->reflection, 0, (tr->n + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->new_reflection, 0, (tr->n + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->junction_outL, 0, (tr->n + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->junction_outR, 0, (tr->n + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->A, 0, tr->n * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->noseL, 0, tr->nose_length * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->noseR, 0, tr->nose_length * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->nose_junc_outL, 0, (tr->nose_length + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->nose_junc_outR, 0, (tr->nose_length + 1) * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->nose_diameter, 0, tr->nose_length * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    memset(tr->noseA, 0, tr->nose_length * sizeof(SPFLOAT));
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->n; i++) {
+        diameter = 0;
+        if(i < 7 * (SPFLOAT)tr->n / 44 - 0.5) {
+            diameter = 0.6;
+        } else if( i < 12 * (SPFLOAT)tr->n / 44) {
+            diameter = 1.1;
+        } else {
+            diameter = 1.5;
+        }
+        tr->diameter[i] =
+            tr->rest_diameter[i] =
+            tr->target_diameter[i] =
+            tr->new_diameter[i] = diameter;
+    }
+        for(i = 0; i < tr->nose_length; i++) {
+            d = 2 * ((SPFLOAT)i / tr->nose_length);
+            if(d < 1) {
+                diameter = 0.4 + 1.6 * d;
+            } else {
+                diameter = 0.5 + 1.5*(2-d);
+            }
+            diameter = MIN(diameter, 1.9);
+            tr->nose_diameter[i] = diameter;
+        }
+    tract_calculate_reflections(tr);
+    tract_calculate_nose_reflections(tr);
+    tr->nose_diameter[0] = tr->velum_target;
+    tr->block_time = 512.0 / (SPFLOAT)sp->sr;
+    tr->T = 1.0 / (SPFLOAT)sp->sr;
+    tr->tpool.size = 0;
+    tr->tpool.next_free = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < MAX_TRANSIENTS; i++) {
+        tr->tpool.pool[i].is_free = 1;
+        tr->tpool.pool[i].id = i;
+        tr->tpool.pool[i].position = 0;
+        tr->tpool.pool[i].time_alive = 0;
+        tr->tpool.pool[i].strength = 0;
+        tr->tpool.pool[i].exponent = 0;
+    }
+static void tract_compute(sp_data *sp, tract *tr,
+    SPFLOAT  in,
+    SPFLOAT  lambda)
+     SPFLOAT  r, w;
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT  amp;
+    int current_size;
+    transient_pool *pool;
+    transient *n;
+        pool = &tr->tpool;
+        current_size = pool->size;
+        n = pool->root;
+        for(i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
+            amp = n->strength * pow(2, -1.0 * n->exponent * n->time_alive);
+            tr->L[n->position] += amp * 0.5;
+            tr->R[n->position] += amp * 0.5;
+            n->time_alive += tr->T * 0.5;
+            if(n->time_alive > n->lifetime) {
+                 remove_transient(pool, n->id);
+            }
+            n = n->next;
+        }
+    tr->junction_outR[0] = tr->L[0] * tr->glottal_reflection + in;
+    tr->junction_outL[tr->n] = tr->R[tr->n - 1] * tr->lip_reflection;
+    for(i = 1; i < tr->n; i++) {
+        r = tr->reflection[i] * (1 - lambda) + tr->new_reflection[i] * lambda;
+        w = r * (tr->R[i - 1] + tr->L[i]);
+        tr->junction_outR[i] = tr->R[i - 1] - w;
+        tr->junction_outL[i] = tr->L[i] + w;
+    }
+    i = tr->nose_start;
+    r = tr->new_reflection_left * (1-lambda) + tr->reflection_left*lambda;
+    tr->junction_outL[i] = r*tr->R[i-1] + (1+r)*(tr->noseL[0]+tr->L[i]);
+    r = tr->new_reflection_right * (1 - lambda) + tr->reflection_right * lambda;
+    tr->junction_outR[i] = r*tr->L[i] + (1+r)*(tr->R[i-1]+tr->noseL[0]);
+    r = tr->new_reflection_nose * (1 - lambda) + tr->reflection_nose * lambda;
+    tr->nose_junc_outR[0] = r * tr->noseL[0]+(1+r)*(tr->L[i]+tr->R[i-1]);
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->n; i++) {
+        tr->R[i] = tr->junction_outR[i]*0.999;
+        tr->L[i] = tr->junction_outL[i + 1]*0.999;
+    }
+    tr->lip_output = tr->R[tr->n - 1];
+    tr->nose_junc_outL[tr->nose_length] =
+        tr->noseR[tr->nose_length-1] * tr->lip_reflection;
+    for(i = 1; i < tr->nose_length; i++) {
+        w = tr->nose_reflection[i] * (tr->noseR[i-1] + tr->noseL[i]);
+        tr->nose_junc_outR[i] = tr->noseR[i - 1] - w;
+        tr->nose_junc_outL[i] = tr->noseL[i] + w;
+    }
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->nose_length; i++) {
+        tr->noseR[i] = tr->nose_junc_outR[i];
+        tr->noseL[i] = tr->nose_junc_outL[i + 1];
+    }
+    tr->nose_output = tr->noseR[tr->nose_length - 1];
+int sp_voc_create(sp_voc **voc)
+    *voc = malloc(sizeof(sp_voc));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_voc_destroy(sp_voc **voc)
+    free(*voc);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_voc_init(sp_data *sp, sp_voc *voc)
+    glottis_init(&voc->glot, sp->sr); /* initialize glottis */
+    tract_init(sp, &voc->tr); /* initialize vocal tract */
+    voc->counter = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_voc_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT vocal_output, glot;
+    SPFLOAT lambda1, lambda2;
+    int i;
+    if(voc->counter == 0) {
+        tract_reshape(&voc->tr);
+        tract_calculate_reflections(&voc->tr);
+        for(i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
+            vocal_output = 0;
+            lambda1 = (SPFLOAT) i / 512;
+            lambda2 = (SPFLOAT) (i + 0.5) / 512;
+            glot = glottis_compute(sp, &voc->glot, lambda1);
+            tract_compute(sp, &voc->tr, glot, lambda1);
+            vocal_output += voc->tr.lip_output + voc->tr.nose_output;
+            tract_compute(sp, &voc->tr, glot, lambda2);
+            vocal_output += voc->tr.lip_output + voc->tr.nose_output;
+            voc->buf[i] = vocal_output * 0.125;
+        }
+    }
+    *out = voc->buf[voc->counter];
+    voc->counter = (voc->counter + 1) % 512;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_voc_tract_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT vocal_output;
+    SPFLOAT lambda1, lambda2;
+    if(voc->counter == 0) {
+        tract_reshape(&voc->tr);
+        tract_calculate_reflections(&voc->tr);
+    }
+    vocal_output = 0;
+    lambda1 = (SPFLOAT) voc->counter / 512;
+    lambda2 = (SPFLOAT) (voc->counter + 0.5) / 512;
+    tract_compute(sp, &voc->tr, *in, lambda1);
+    vocal_output += voc->tr.lip_output + voc->tr.nose_output;
+    tract_compute(sp, &voc->tr, *in, lambda2);
+    vocal_output += voc->tr.lip_output + voc->tr.nose_output;
+    *out = vocal_output * 0.125;
+    voc->counter = (voc->counter + 1) % 512;
+    return SP_OK;
+void sp_voc_set_frequency(sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT freq)
+    voc->glot.freq = freq;
+SPFLOAT * sp_voc_get_frequency_ptr(sp_voc *voc)
+    return &voc->glot.freq;
+SPFLOAT* sp_voc_get_tract_diameters(sp_voc *voc)
+    return voc->tr.target_diameter;
+SPFLOAT* sp_voc_get_current_tract_diameters(sp_voc *voc)
+    return voc->tr.diameter;
+int sp_voc_get_tract_size(sp_voc *voc)
+    return voc->tr.n;
+SPFLOAT* sp_voc_get_nose_diameters(sp_voc *voc)
+    return voc->tr.nose_diameter;
+int sp_voc_get_nose_size(sp_voc *voc)
+    return voc->tr.nose_length;
+void sp_voc_set_diameters(sp_voc *voc,
+    int blade_start,
+    int lip_start,
+    int tip_start,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_index,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_diameter,
+    SPFLOAT *diameters) {
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT t;
+    SPFLOAT fixed_tongue_diameter;
+    SPFLOAT curve;
+    int grid_offset = 0;
+    for(i = blade_start; i < lip_start; i++) {
+        t = 1.1 * M_PI *
+            (SPFLOAT)(tongue_index - i)/(tip_start - blade_start);
+        fixed_tongue_diameter = 2+(tongue_diameter-2)/1.5;
+        curve = (1.5 - fixed_tongue_diameter + grid_offset) * cos(t);
+        if(i == blade_start - 2 || i == lip_start - 1) curve *= 0.8;
+        if(i == blade_start || i == lip_start - 2) curve *= 0.94;
+        diameters[i] = 1.5 - curve;
+    }
+void sp_voc_set_tongue_shape(sp_voc *voc,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_index,
+    SPFLOAT tongue_diameter) {
+    SPFLOAT *diameters;
+    diameters = sp_voc_get_tract_diameters(voc);
+    sp_voc_set_diameters(voc, 10, 39, 32,
+            tongue_index, tongue_diameter, diameters);
+int sp_voc_get_counter(sp_voc *voc)
+    return voc->counter;
+void sp_voc_set_tenseness(sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT tenseness)
+    voc->glot.tenseness = tenseness;
+SPFLOAT * sp_voc_get_tenseness_ptr(sp_voc *voc)
+    return &voc->glot.tenseness;
+void sp_voc_set_velum(sp_voc *voc, SPFLOAT velum)
+    voc->tr.velum_target = velum;
+SPFLOAT *sp_voc_get_velum_ptr(sp_voc *voc)
+    return &voc->tr.velum_target;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wavin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "lib/dr_wav/sp_dr_wav.h"
+#define WAVIN_BUFSIZE 1024
+struct sp_wavin {
+    int count;
+    drwav *wav;
+    unsigned long pos;
+    unsigned long buf_start;
+    unsigned long buf_end;
+int sp_wavin_create(sp_wavin **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_wavin));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavin_destroy(sp_wavin **p)
+    sp_drwav_uninit((*p)->wav);
+    free((*p)->wav);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavin_init(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, const char *filename)
+    p->count = 0;
+    p->pos = 0;
+    p->buf_start = 0;
+    p->buf_end = 0;
+    p->wav = calloc(1, sp_drwav_size());
+    sp_drwav_init_file(p->wav, filename);
+    return SP_OK;
+static void read_block(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, unsigned long position)
+    unsigned long samps_read;
+    sp_wavin_seek(sp, p, position);
+    samps_read = sp_drwav_read_f32(p->wav, WAVIN_BUFSIZE, p->buf);
+    p->buf_start = position;
+    p->buf_end = position + samps_read - 1;
+int sp_wavin_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    if (p->pos > sp_drwav_sampcount(p->wav)) {
+        *out = 0;
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+    if (p->count == 0) {
+        read_block(sp, p, p->pos);
+    }
+    *out = p->buf[p->count];
+    p->count = (p->count + 1) % WAVIN_BUFSIZE;
+    p->pos++;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavin_get_sample(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, SPFLOAT *out, SPFLOAT pos)
+    unsigned long ipos;
+    float samp1, samp2;
+    float frac;
+    int buf_pos;
+    ipos = floor(pos);
+    if(!(ipos >= p->buf_start && ipos < (p->buf_end - 1))
+       || (p->buf_start == p->buf_end)) {
+        read_block(sp, p, ipos);
+    }
+    frac = pos - ipos;
+    buf_pos = (int)(ipos - p->buf_start);
+    samp1 = p->buf[buf_pos];
+    samp2 = p->buf[buf_pos + 1];
+    *out = samp1 + (samp2 - samp1) * frac;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavin_reset_to_start(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p)
+    sp_wavin_seek(sp, p, 0);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavin_seek(sp_data *sp, sp_wavin *p, unsigned long sample)
+    sp_drwav_seek_to_sample(p->wav, sample);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wavout.c
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+/* This code is placed in the public domain. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "lib/dr_wav/sp_dr_wav.h"
+#define WAVOUT_BUFSIZE 1024
+struct sp_wavout {
+    drwav *wav;
+    int count;
+int sp_wavout_create(sp_wavout **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_wavout));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavout_destroy(sp_wavout **p)
+    /* write any remaining samples */
+    if ((*p)->count != 0) {
+        sp_drwav_write((*p)->wav, (*p)->count, (*p)->buf);
+    }
+    sp_drwav_close((*p)->wav);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavout_init(sp_data *sp, sp_wavout *p, const char *filename)
+    p->count = 0;
+    p->wav = sp_drwav_open_mono_write(filename, sp->sr);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wavout_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_wavout *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = *in;
+    if(p->count == WAVOUT_BUFSIZE) {
+        sp_drwav_write(p->wav, WAVOUT_BUFSIZE, p->buf);
+        p->count = 0;
+    }
+    p->buf[p->count] = *in;
+    p->count++;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wpkorg35.c
@@ -1,0 +1,145 @@
+ * WPKorg35
+ *
+ * This is a filter based off of an implemenation the Korg35 filter by Will
+ * Pirke. It has been ported from the CCRMA chugin by the same name.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI		3.14159265358979323846
+static void update(sp_data *sp, sp_wpkorg35 *wpk)
+	/* prewarp for BZT */
+	SPFLOAT wd = 2*M_PI*wpk->cutoff;
+	SPFLOAT T  = 1.0/(SPFLOAT)sp->sr;
+	SPFLOAT wa = (2/T)*tan(wd*T/2);
+	SPFLOAT g  = wa*T/2.0;
+	/* the feedforward coeff in the VA One Pole */
+	SPFLOAT G = g/(1.0 + g);
+    /* set alphas */
+    wpk->lpf1_a = G;
+    wpk->lpf2_a = G;
+    wpk->hpf_a = G;
+    /* set betas */
+	wpk->lpf2_b = (wpk->res - wpk->res*G)/(1.0 + g);
+	wpk->hpf_b = -1.0/(1.0 + g);
+	wpk->alpha = 1.0/(1.0 - wpk->res*G + wpk->res*G*G); ;
+SPFLOAT wpk_doFilter(sp_wpkorg35 *wpk)
+    return 0.0;
+int sp_wpkorg35_create(sp_wpkorg35 **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_wpkorg35));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wpkorg35_destroy(sp_wpkorg35 **p)
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wpkorg35_init(sp_data *sp, sp_wpkorg35 *p)
+    p->alpha = 0.0;
+    p->pcutoff = p->cutoff = 1000;
+    p->pres = p->res = 1.0;
+    /* reset memory for filters */
+    p->lpf1_z = 0;
+    p->lpf2_z = 0;
+    p->hpf_z = 0;
+    /* initialize LPF1 */
+    p->lpf1_a = 1.0;
+    p->lpf1_z = 0.0;
+    /* initialize LPF2 */
+    p->lpf2_a = 1.0;
+    p->lpf2_b = 1.0;
+    p->lpf2_z = 0.0;
+    p->nonlinear = 0;
+    p->saturation = 0;
+    /* update filters */
+    update(sp, p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_wpkorg35_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_wpkorg35 *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    /* initialize variables */
+    SPFLOAT y1;
+    SPFLOAT S35;
+    SPFLOAT u;
+    SPFLOAT y;
+    SPFLOAT vn;
+    if(p->pcutoff != p->cutoff || p->pres != p->res) update(sp, p);
+    y1 = 0.0;
+    S35 = 0.0;
+    u = 0.0;
+    y = 0.0;
+    vn = 0.0;
+    /* process input through LPF1 */
+    vn = (*in - p->lpf1_z) * p->lpf1_a;
+    y1 = vn + p->lpf1_z;
+    p->lpf1_z = y1 + vn;
+    /* form feedback value */
+    S35 = (p->hpf_z * p->hpf_b) + (p->lpf2_z * p->lpf2_b);
+    /* Calculate u */
+    u = p->alpha * (y1 + S35);
+    /* Naive NLP */
+    if(p->saturation > 0) {
+        u = tanh(p->saturation * u);
+    }
+    /* Feed it to LPF2 */
+    vn = (u - p->lpf2_z) * p->lpf2_a;
+    y = (vn + p->lpf2_z);
+    p->lpf2_z = y + vn;
+    y *= p->res;
+    /* Feed y to HPF2 */
+    vn = (y - p->hpf_z) * p->hpf_a;
+    p->hpf_z = vn + (vn + p->hpf_z);
+    /* Auto-normalize */
+    if(p->res > 0) {
+        y *= 1.0 / p->res;
+    }
+    *out = y;
+    p->pcutoff = p->cutoff;
+    p->pres = p->res;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/zitarev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1062 @@
+ * Zitarev
+ *
+ * This code has been generated FAUST.
+ * It uses the zitarev module included in the FAUST
+ * standard library (FAUST port by Julius Smith).
+ * It has been modified to work as a Soundpipe module.
+ *
+ * Original Author: Fons Adriaensen
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+#define FAUSTFLOAT float
+float powf(float dummy0, float dummy1);
+float sqrtf(float dummy0);
+float cosf(float dummy0);
+float floorf(float dummy0);
+float expf(float dummy0);
+static float faustpower2_f(float value) {
+	return (value * value);
+float tanf(float dummy0);
+typedef struct {
+	float fVec1[32768];
+	float fVec4[32768];
+	float fVec8[32768];
+	float fVec6[16384];
+	float fVec10[16384];
+	float fVec12[16384];
+	float fVec14[16384];
+	float fVec16[16384];
+	float fVec0[8192];
+	float fVec2[8192];
+	float fVec5[4096];
+	float fVec7[4096];
+	float fVec9[4096];
+	float fVec13[4096];
+	float fVec15[4096];
+	float fVec3[2048];
+	float fVec11[2048];
+	float fVec17[2048];
+	float fRec4[3];
+	float fRec5[3];
+	float fRec6[3];
+	float fRec7[3];
+	float fRec8[3];
+	float fRec9[3];
+	float fRec10[3];
+	float fRec11[3];
+	float fRec3[3];
+	float fRec2[3];
+	float fRec45[3];
+	float fRec44[3];
+	float fRec0[2];
+	float fRec1[2];
+	float fRec15[2];
+	float fRec14[2];
+	float fRec12[2];
+	float fRec19[2];
+	float fRec18[2];
+	float fRec16[2];
+	float fRec23[2];
+	float fRec22[2];
+	float fRec20[2];
+	float fRec27[2];
+	float fRec26[2];
+	float fRec24[2];
+	float fRec31[2];
+	float fRec30[2];
+	float fRec28[2];
+	float fRec35[2];
+	float fRec34[2];
+	float fRec32[2];
+	float fRec39[2];
+	float fRec38[2];
+	float fRec36[2];
+	float fRec43[2];
+	float fRec42[2];
+	float fRec40[2];
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider0;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider1;
+	int IOTA;
+	int fSamplingFreq;
+	int iConst0;
+	float fConst1;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider2;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider3;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider4;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider5;
+	float fConst2;
+	float fConst3;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider6;
+	float fConst4;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider7;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider8;
+	float fConst5;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider9;
+	float fConst6;
+	int iConst7;
+	float fConst8;
+	FAUSTFLOAT fHslider10;
+	int iConst9;
+	float fConst10;
+	float fConst11;
+	float fConst12;
+	int iConst13;
+	int iConst14;
+	float fConst15;
+	float fConst16;
+	float fConst17;
+	int iConst18;
+	int iConst19;
+	float fConst20;
+	float fConst21;
+	float fConst22;
+	int iConst23;
+	int iConst24;
+	float fConst25;
+	float fConst26;
+	float fConst27;
+	int iConst28;
+	int iConst29;
+	float fConst30;
+	float fConst31;
+	float fConst32;
+	int iConst33;
+	int iConst34;
+	float fConst35;
+	float fConst36;
+	float fConst37;
+	int iConst38;
+	int iConst39;
+	float fConst40;
+	float fConst41;
+	float fConst42;
+	int iConst43;
+	int iConst44;
+} zitarev;
+static zitarev* newzitarev() {
+	zitarev* dsp = (zitarev*)malloc(sizeof(zitarev));
+	return dsp;
+static void deletezitarev(zitarev* dsp) {
+	free(dsp);
+static void instanceInitzitarev(zitarev* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	dsp->fSamplingFreq = samplingFreq;
+	dsp->fHslider0 = (FAUSTFLOAT)-20.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i0;
+		for (i0 = 0; (i0 < 2); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[i0] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fHslider1 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i1;
+		for (i1 = 0; (i1 < 2); i1 = (i1 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec1[i1] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->IOTA = 0;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i2;
+		for (i2 = 0; (i2 < 8192); i2 = (i2 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec0[i2] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst0 = min(192000, max(1, dsp->fSamplingFreq));
+	dsp->fConst1 = (6.28319f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider2 = (FAUSTFLOAT)1500.;
+	dsp->fHslider3 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	dsp->fHslider4 = (FAUSTFLOAT)315.;
+	dsp->fHslider5 = (FAUSTFLOAT)0.;
+	dsp->fConst2 = floorf((0.5f + (0.219991f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst3 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst2)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider6 = (FAUSTFLOAT)2.;
+	dsp->fConst4 = (6.28319f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider7 = (FAUSTFLOAT)6000.;
+	dsp->fHslider8 = (FAUSTFLOAT)3.;
+	dsp->fConst5 = (3.14159f / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider9 = (FAUSTFLOAT)200.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i3;
+		for (i3 = 0; (i3 < 2); i3 = (i3 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec15[i3] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i4;
+		for (i4 = 0; (i4 < 2); i4 = (i4 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec14[i4] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i5;
+		for (i5 = 0; (i5 < 32768); i5 = (i5 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec1[i5] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst6 = floorf((0.5f + (0.019123f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst7 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst2 - dsp->fConst6) & 32767);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i6;
+		for (i6 = 0; (i6 < 8192); i6 = (i6 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec2[i6] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst8 = (0.001f * (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	dsp->fHslider10 = (FAUSTFLOAT)60.;
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i7;
+		for (i7 = 0; (i7 < 2048); i7 = (i7 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec3[i7] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst9 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst6 - 1.f) & 2047);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i8;
+		for (i8 = 0; (i8 < 2); i8 = (i8 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec12[i8] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst10 = floorf((0.5f + (0.256891f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst11 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst10)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i9;
+		for (i9 = 0; (i9 < 2); i9 = (i9 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec19[i9] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i10;
+		for (i10 = 0; (i10 < 2); i10 = (i10 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec18[i10] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i11;
+		for (i11 = 0; (i11 < 32768); i11 = (i11 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec4[i11] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst12 = floorf((0.5f + (0.027333f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst13 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst10 - dsp->fConst12) & 32767);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i12;
+		for (i12 = 0; (i12 < 4096); i12 = (i12 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec5[i12] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst14 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst12 - 1.f) & 4095);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i13;
+		for (i13 = 0; (i13 < 2); i13 = (i13 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec16[i13] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst15 = floorf((0.5f + (0.192303f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst16 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst15)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i14;
+		for (i14 = 0; (i14 < 2); i14 = (i14 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec23[i14] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i15;
+		for (i15 = 0; (i15 < 2); i15 = (i15 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec22[i15] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i16;
+		for (i16 = 0; (i16 < 16384); i16 = (i16 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec6[i16] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst17 = floorf((0.5f + (0.029291f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst18 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst15 - dsp->fConst17) & 16383);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i17;
+		for (i17 = 0; (i17 < 4096); i17 = (i17 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec7[i17] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst19 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst17 - 1.f) & 4095);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i18;
+		for (i18 = 0; (i18 < 2); i18 = (i18 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec20[i18] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst20 = floorf((0.5f + (0.210389f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst21 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst20)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i19;
+		for (i19 = 0; (i19 < 2); i19 = (i19 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec27[i19] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i20;
+		for (i20 = 0; (i20 < 2); i20 = (i20 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec26[i20] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i21;
+		for (i21 = 0; (i21 < 32768); i21 = (i21 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec8[i21] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst22 = floorf((0.5f + (0.024421f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst23 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst20 - dsp->fConst22) & 32767);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i22;
+		for (i22 = 0; (i22 < 4096); i22 = (i22 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec9[i22] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst24 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst22 - 1.f) & 4095);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i23;
+		for (i23 = 0; (i23 < 2); i23 = (i23 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec24[i23] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst25 = floorf((0.5f + (0.125f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst26 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst25)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i24;
+		for (i24 = 0; (i24 < 2); i24 = (i24 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec31[i24] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i25;
+		for (i25 = 0; (i25 < 2); i25 = (i25 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec30[i25] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i26;
+		for (i26 = 0; (i26 < 16384); i26 = (i26 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec10[i26] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst27 = floorf((0.5f + (0.013458f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst28 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst25 - dsp->fConst27) & 16383);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i27;
+		for (i27 = 0; (i27 < 2048); i27 = (i27 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec11[i27] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst29 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst27 - 1.f) & 2047);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i28;
+		for (i28 = 0; (i28 < 2); i28 = (i28 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec28[i28] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst30 = floorf((0.5f + (0.127837f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst31 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst30)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i29;
+		for (i29 = 0; (i29 < 2); i29 = (i29 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec35[i29] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i30;
+		for (i30 = 0; (i30 < 2); i30 = (i30 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec34[i30] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i31;
+		for (i31 = 0; (i31 < 16384); i31 = (i31 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec12[i31] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst32 = floorf((0.5f + (0.031604f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst33 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst30 - dsp->fConst32) & 16383);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i32;
+		for (i32 = 0; (i32 < 4096); i32 = (i32 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec13[i32] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst34 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst32 - 1.f) & 4095);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i33;
+		for (i33 = 0; (i33 < 2); i33 = (i33 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec32[i33] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst35 = floorf((0.5f + (0.174713f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst36 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst35)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i34;
+		for (i34 = 0; (i34 < 2); i34 = (i34 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec39[i34] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i35;
+		for (i35 = 0; (i35 < 2); i35 = (i35 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec38[i35] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i36;
+		for (i36 = 0; (i36 < 16384); i36 = (i36 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec14[i36] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst37 = floorf((0.5f + (0.022904f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst38 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst35 - dsp->fConst37) & 16383);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i37;
+		for (i37 = 0; (i37 < 4096); i37 = (i37 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec15[i37] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst39 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst37 - 1.f) & 4095);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i38;
+		for (i38 = 0; (i38 < 2); i38 = (i38 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec36[i38] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst40 = floorf((0.5f + (0.153129f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->fConst41 = ((0.f - (6.90776f * dsp->fConst40)) / (float)dsp->iConst0);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i39;
+		for (i39 = 0; (i39 < 2); i39 = (i39 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec43[i39] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i40;
+		for (i40 = 0; (i40 < 2); i40 = (i40 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec42[i40] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i41;
+		for (i41 = 0; (i41 < 16384); i41 = (i41 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec16[i41] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->fConst42 = floorf((0.5f + (0.020346f * (float)dsp->iConst0)));
+	dsp->iConst43 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst40 - dsp->fConst42) & 16383);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i42;
+		for (i42 = 0; (i42 < 2048); i42 = (i42 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fVec17[i42] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	dsp->iConst44 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst42 - 1.f) & 2047);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i43;
+		for (i43 = 0; (i43 < 2); i43 = (i43 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec40[i43] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i44;
+		for (i44 = 0; (i44 < 3); i44 = (i44 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec4[i44] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i45;
+		for (i45 = 0; (i45 < 3); i45 = (i45 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec5[i45] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i46;
+		for (i46 = 0; (i46 < 3); i46 = (i46 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec6[i46] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i47;
+		for (i47 = 0; (i47 < 3); i47 = (i47 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec7[i47] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i48;
+		for (i48 = 0; (i48 < 3); i48 = (i48 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec8[i48] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i49;
+		for (i49 = 0; (i49 < 3); i49 = (i49 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec9[i49] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i50;
+		for (i50 = 0; (i50 < 3); i50 = (i50 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec10[i50] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i51;
+		for (i51 = 0; (i51 < 3); i51 = (i51 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec11[i51] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i52;
+		for (i52 = 0; (i52 < 3); i52 = (i52 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec3[i52] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i53;
+		for (i53 = 0; (i53 < 3); i53 = (i53 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec2[i53] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i54;
+		for (i54 = 0; (i54 < 3); i54 = (i54 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec45[i54] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i55;
+		for (i55 = 0; (i55 < 3); i55 = (i55 + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec44[i55] = 0.f;
+		}
+	}
+static void initzitarev(zitarev* dsp, int samplingFreq) {
+	instanceInitzitarev(dsp, samplingFreq);
+static void buildUserInterfacezitarev(zitarev* dsp, UIGlue* interface) {
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "in_delay", &dsp->fHslider10, 60.f, 10.f, 100.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "lf_x", &dsp->fHslider9, 200.f, 50.f, 1000.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "rt60_low", &dsp->fHslider8, 3.f, 1.f, 8.f, 0.1f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "rt60_mid", &dsp->fHslider6, 2.f, 1.f, 8.f, 0.1f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "hf_damping", &dsp->fHslider7, 6000.f, 1500.f, 47040.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "eq1_freq", &dsp->fHslider4, 315.f, 40.f, 2500.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "eq1_level", &dsp->fHslider5, 0.f, -15.f, 15.f, 0.1f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "eq2_freq", &dsp->fHslider2, 1500.f, 160.f, 10000.f, 1.f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "eq2_level", &dsp->fHslider3, 0.f, -15.f, 15.f, 0.1f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "mix", &dsp->fHslider1, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.001f);
+	interface->addHorizontalSlider(interface->uiInterface, "level", &dsp->fHslider0, -20.f, -70.f, 40.f, 0.1f);
+static void computezitarev(zitarev* dsp, int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs) {
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input0 = inputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* input1 = inputs[1];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output0 = outputs[0];
+	FAUSTFLOAT* output1 = outputs[1];
+	float fSlow0 = (0.001f * powf(10.f, (0.05f * (float)dsp->fHslider0)));
+	float fSlow1 = (0.001f * (float)dsp->fHslider1);
+	float fSlow2 = (float)dsp->fHslider2;
+	float fSlow3 = powf(10.f, (0.05f * (float)dsp->fHslider3));
+	float fSlow4 = (dsp->fConst1 * (fSlow2 / sqrtf(max(0.f, fSlow3))));
+	float fSlow5 = ((1.f - fSlow4) / (1.f + fSlow4));
+	float fSlow6 = ((0.f - cosf((dsp->fConst1 * fSlow2))) * (1.f + fSlow5));
+	float fSlow7 = (float)dsp->fHslider4;
+	float fSlow8 = powf(10.f, (0.05f * (float)dsp->fHslider5));
+	float fSlow9 = (dsp->fConst1 * (fSlow7 / sqrtf(max(0.f, fSlow8))));
+	float fSlow10 = ((1.f - fSlow9) / (1.f + fSlow9));
+	float fSlow11 = ((0.f - cosf((dsp->fConst1 * fSlow7))) * (1.f + fSlow10));
+	float fSlow12 = (float)dsp->fHslider6;
+	float fSlow13 = expf((dsp->fConst3 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow14 = faustpower2_f(fSlow13);
+	float fSlow15 = cosf((dsp->fConst4 * (float)dsp->fHslider7));
+	float fSlow16 = (1.f - (fSlow14 * fSlow15));
+	float fSlow17 = (1.f - fSlow14);
+	float fSlow18 = (fSlow16 / fSlow17);
+	float fSlow19 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow16) / faustpower2_f(fSlow17)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow20 = (fSlow18 - fSlow19);
+	float fSlow21 = (((1.f + fSlow19) - fSlow18) * fSlow13);
+	float fSlow22 = (float)dsp->fHslider8;
+	float fSlow23 = ((expf((dsp->fConst3 / fSlow22)) / fSlow13) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow24 = (1.f / tanf((dsp->fConst5 * (float)dsp->fHslider9)));
+	float fSlow25 = (1.f + fSlow24);
+	float fSlow26 = (0.f - ((1.f - fSlow24) / fSlow25));
+	float fSlow27 = (1.f / fSlow25);
+	int iSlow28 = (int)((int)(dsp->fConst8 * (float)dsp->fHslider10) & 8191);
+	float fSlow29 = expf((dsp->fConst11 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow30 = faustpower2_f(fSlow29);
+	float fSlow31 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow30));
+	float fSlow32 = (1.f - fSlow30);
+	float fSlow33 = (fSlow31 / fSlow32);
+	float fSlow34 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow31) / faustpower2_f(fSlow32)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow35 = (fSlow33 - fSlow34);
+	float fSlow36 = (((1.f + fSlow34) - fSlow33) * fSlow29);
+	float fSlow37 = ((expf((dsp->fConst11 / fSlow22)) / fSlow29) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow38 = expf((dsp->fConst16 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow39 = faustpower2_f(fSlow38);
+	float fSlow40 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow39));
+	float fSlow41 = (1.f - fSlow39);
+	float fSlow42 = (fSlow40 / fSlow41);
+	float fSlow43 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow40) / faustpower2_f(fSlow41)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow44 = (fSlow42 - fSlow43);
+	float fSlow45 = (((1.f + fSlow43) - fSlow42) * fSlow38);
+	float fSlow46 = ((expf((dsp->fConst16 / fSlow22)) / fSlow38) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow47 = expf((dsp->fConst21 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow48 = faustpower2_f(fSlow47);
+	float fSlow49 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow48));
+	float fSlow50 = (1.f - fSlow48);
+	float fSlow51 = (fSlow49 / fSlow50);
+	float fSlow52 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow49) / faustpower2_f(fSlow50)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow53 = (fSlow51 - fSlow52);
+	float fSlow54 = (((1.f + fSlow52) - fSlow51) * fSlow47);
+	float fSlow55 = ((expf((dsp->fConst21 / fSlow22)) / fSlow47) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow56 = expf((dsp->fConst26 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow57 = faustpower2_f(fSlow56);
+	float fSlow58 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow57));
+	float fSlow59 = (1.f - fSlow57);
+	float fSlow60 = (fSlow58 / fSlow59);
+	float fSlow61 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow58) / faustpower2_f(fSlow59)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow62 = (fSlow60 - fSlow61);
+	float fSlow63 = (((1.f + fSlow61) - fSlow60) * fSlow56);
+	float fSlow64 = ((expf((dsp->fConst26 / fSlow22)) / fSlow56) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow65 = expf((dsp->fConst31 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow66 = faustpower2_f(fSlow65);
+	float fSlow67 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow66));
+	float fSlow68 = (1.f - fSlow66);
+	float fSlow69 = (fSlow67 / fSlow68);
+	float fSlow70 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow67) / faustpower2_f(fSlow68)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow71 = (fSlow69 - fSlow70);
+	float fSlow72 = (((1.f + fSlow70) - fSlow69) * fSlow65);
+	float fSlow73 = ((expf((dsp->fConst31 / fSlow22)) / fSlow65) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow74 = expf((dsp->fConst36 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow75 = faustpower2_f(fSlow74);
+	float fSlow76 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow75));
+	float fSlow77 = (1.f - fSlow75);
+	float fSlow78 = (fSlow76 / fSlow77);
+	float fSlow79 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow76) / faustpower2_f(fSlow77)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow80 = (fSlow78 - fSlow79);
+	float fSlow81 = (((1.f + fSlow79) - fSlow78) * fSlow74);
+	float fSlow82 = ((expf((dsp->fConst36 / fSlow22)) / fSlow74) - 1.f);
+	float fSlow83 = expf((dsp->fConst41 / fSlow12));
+	float fSlow84 = faustpower2_f(fSlow83);
+	float fSlow85 = (1.f - (fSlow15 * fSlow84));
+	float fSlow86 = (1.f - fSlow84);
+	float fSlow87 = (fSlow85 / fSlow86);
+	float fSlow88 = sqrtf(max(0.f, ((faustpower2_f(fSlow85) / faustpower2_f(fSlow86)) - 1.f)));
+	float fSlow89 = (fSlow87 - fSlow88);
+	float fSlow90 = (((1.f + fSlow88) - fSlow87) * fSlow83);
+	float fSlow91 = ((expf((dsp->fConst41 / fSlow22)) / fSlow83) - 1.f);
+	/* C99 loop */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; (i < count); i = (i + 1)) {
+			dsp->fRec0[0] = ((0.999f * dsp->fRec0[1]) + fSlow0);
+			dsp->fRec1[0] = ((0.999f * dsp->fRec1[1]) + fSlow1);
+			float fTemp0 = (1.f - dsp->fRec1[0]);
+			float fTemp1 = (float)input0[i];
+			dsp->fVec0[(dsp->IOTA & 8191)] = fTemp1;
+			float fTemp2 = (fSlow6 * dsp->fRec2[1]);
+			float fTemp3 = (fSlow11 * dsp->fRec3[1]);
+			dsp->fRec15[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec15[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec11[1] + dsp->fRec11[2])));
+			dsp->fRec14[0] = ((fSlow20 * dsp->fRec14[1]) + (fSlow21 * (dsp->fRec11[1] + (fSlow23 * dsp->fRec15[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec1[(dsp->IOTA & 32767)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec14[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp4 = (float)input1[i];
+			dsp->fVec2[(dsp->IOTA & 8191)] = fTemp4;
+			float fTemp5 = (0.3f * dsp->fVec2[((dsp->IOTA - iSlow28) & 8191)]);
+			float fTemp6 = (((0.6f * dsp->fRec12[1]) + dsp->fVec1[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst7) & 32767)]) - fTemp5);
+			dsp->fVec3[(dsp->IOTA & 2047)] = fTemp6;
+			dsp->fRec12[0] = dsp->fVec3[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst9) & 2047)];
+			float fRec13 = (0.f - (0.6f * fTemp6));
+			dsp->fRec19[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec19[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec7[1] + dsp->fRec7[2])));
+			dsp->fRec18[0] = ((fSlow35 * dsp->fRec18[1]) + (fSlow36 * (dsp->fRec7[1] + (fSlow37 * dsp->fRec19[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec4[(dsp->IOTA & 32767)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec18[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp7 = (((0.6f * dsp->fRec16[1]) + dsp->fVec4[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst13) & 32767)]) - fTemp5);
+			dsp->fVec5[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp7;
+			dsp->fRec16[0] = dsp->fVec5[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst14) & 4095)];
+			float fRec17 = (0.f - (0.6f * fTemp7));
+			dsp->fRec23[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec23[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec9[1] + dsp->fRec9[2])));
+			dsp->fRec22[0] = ((fSlow44 * dsp->fRec22[1]) + (fSlow45 * (dsp->fRec9[1] + (fSlow46 * dsp->fRec23[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec6[(dsp->IOTA & 16383)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec22[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp8 = (dsp->fVec6[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst18) & 16383)] + (fTemp5 + (0.6f * dsp->fRec20[1])));
+			dsp->fVec7[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp8;
+			dsp->fRec20[0] = dsp->fVec7[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst19) & 4095)];
+			float fRec21 = (0.f - (0.6f * fTemp8));
+			dsp->fRec27[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec27[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec5[1] + dsp->fRec5[2])));
+			dsp->fRec26[0] = ((fSlow53 * dsp->fRec26[1]) + (fSlow54 * (dsp->fRec5[1] + (fSlow55 * dsp->fRec27[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec8[(dsp->IOTA & 32767)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec26[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp9 = (fTemp5 + ((0.6f * dsp->fRec24[1]) + dsp->fVec8[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst23) & 32767)]));
+			dsp->fVec9[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp9;
+			dsp->fRec24[0] = dsp->fVec9[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst24) & 4095)];
+			float fRec25 = (0.f - (0.6f * fTemp9));
+			dsp->fRec31[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec31[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec10[1] + dsp->fRec10[2])));
+			dsp->fRec30[0] = ((fSlow62 * dsp->fRec30[1]) + (fSlow63 * (dsp->fRec10[1] + (fSlow64 * dsp->fRec31[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec10[(dsp->IOTA & 16383)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec30[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp10 = (0.3f * dsp->fVec0[((dsp->IOTA - iSlow28) & 8191)]);
+			float fTemp11 = (dsp->fVec10[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst28) & 16383)] - (fTemp10 + (0.6f * dsp->fRec28[1])));
+			dsp->fVec11[(dsp->IOTA & 2047)] = fTemp11;
+			dsp->fRec28[0] = dsp->fVec11[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst29) & 2047)];
+			float fRec29 = (0.6f * fTemp11);
+			dsp->fRec35[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec35[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec6[1] + dsp->fRec6[2])));
+			dsp->fRec34[0] = ((fSlow71 * dsp->fRec34[1]) + (fSlow72 * (dsp->fRec6[1] + (fSlow73 * dsp->fRec35[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec12[(dsp->IOTA & 16383)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec34[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp12 = (dsp->fVec12[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst33) & 16383)] - (fTemp10 + (0.6f * dsp->fRec32[1])));
+			dsp->fVec13[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp12;
+			dsp->fRec32[0] = dsp->fVec13[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst34) & 4095)];
+			float fRec33 = (0.6f * fTemp12);
+			dsp->fRec39[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec39[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec8[1] + dsp->fRec8[2])));
+			dsp->fRec38[0] = ((fSlow80 * dsp->fRec38[1]) + (fSlow81 * (dsp->fRec8[1] + (fSlow82 * dsp->fRec39[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec14[(dsp->IOTA & 16383)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec38[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp13 = ((fTemp10 + dsp->fVec14[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst38) & 16383)]) - (0.6f * dsp->fRec36[1]));
+			dsp->fVec15[(dsp->IOTA & 4095)] = fTemp13;
+			dsp->fRec36[0] = dsp->fVec15[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst39) & 4095)];
+			float fRec37 = (0.6f * fTemp13);
+			dsp->fRec43[0] = ((fSlow26 * dsp->fRec43[1]) + (fSlow27 * (dsp->fRec4[1] + dsp->fRec4[2])));
+			dsp->fRec42[0] = ((fSlow89 * dsp->fRec42[1]) + (fSlow90 * (dsp->fRec4[1] + (fSlow91 * dsp->fRec43[0]))));
+			dsp->fVec16[(dsp->IOTA & 16383)] = ((0.353553f * dsp->fRec42[0]) + 1e-20f);
+			float fTemp14 = ((dsp->fVec16[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst43) & 16383)] + fTemp10) - (0.6f * dsp->fRec40[1]));
+			dsp->fVec17[(dsp->IOTA & 2047)] = fTemp14;
+			dsp->fRec40[0] = dsp->fVec17[((dsp->IOTA - dsp->iConst44) & 2047)];
+			float fRec41 = (0.6f * fTemp14);
+			float fTemp15 = (fRec41 + fRec37);
+			float fTemp16 = (fRec29 + (fRec33 + fTemp15));
+			dsp->fRec4[0] = (dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec17 + (fRec21 + (fRec25 + fTemp16))))))))))));
+			dsp->fRec5[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec17 + (fRec25 + fRec21))))))) - (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + fTemp16))))));
+			float fTemp17 = (fRec33 + fRec29);
+			dsp->fRec6[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec17 + fTemp17)))))) - (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec21 + (fRec25 + fTemp15))))))));
+			dsp->fRec7[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (fRec21 + (fRec25 + fTemp17)))))) - (dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec17 + fTemp15))))))));
+			float fTemp18 = (fRec37 + fRec29);
+			float fTemp19 = (fRec41 + fRec33);
+			dsp->fRec8[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec21 + fTemp18)))))) - (dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec17 + (fRec25 + fTemp19))))))));
+			dsp->fRec9[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (fRec17 + (fRec25 + fTemp18)))))) - (dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec21 + fTemp19))))))));
+			float fTemp20 = (fRec37 + fRec33);
+			float fTemp21 = (fRec41 + fRec29);
+			dsp->fRec10[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (fRec17 + (fRec21 + fTemp20)))))) - (dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec25 + fTemp21))))))));
+			dsp->fRec11[0] = (0.f - ((dsp->fRec12[1] + (dsp->fRec24[1] + (dsp->fRec32[1] + (dsp->fRec36[1] + (fRec13 + (fRec25 + fTemp20)))))) - (dsp->fRec16[1] + (dsp->fRec20[1] + (dsp->fRec28[1] + (dsp->fRec40[1] + (fRec17 + (fRec21 + fTemp21))))))));
+			float fTemp22 = (0.37f * (dsp->fRec5[0] + dsp->fRec6[0]));
+			dsp->fRec3[0] = (0.f - ((fTemp3 + (fSlow10 * dsp->fRec3[2])) - fTemp22));
+			float fTemp23 = (fSlow10 * dsp->fRec3[0]);
+			float fTemp24 = (0.5f * ((fTemp23 + (dsp->fRec3[2] + (fTemp22 + fTemp3))) + (fSlow8 * ((fTemp23 + (fTemp3 + dsp->fRec3[2])) - fTemp22))));
+			dsp->fRec2[0] = (0.f - ((fTemp2 + (fSlow5 * dsp->fRec2[2])) - fTemp24));
+			float fTemp25 = (fSlow5 * dsp->fRec2[0]);
+			output0[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(dsp->fRec0[0] * ((fTemp0 * fTemp1) + (0.5f * (dsp->fRec1[0] * ((fTemp25 + (dsp->fRec2[2] + (fTemp24 + fTemp2))) + (fSlow3 * ((fTemp25 + (fTemp2 + dsp->fRec2[2])) - fTemp24)))))));
+			float fTemp26 = (fSlow6 * dsp->fRec44[1]);
+			float fTemp27 = (fSlow11 * dsp->fRec45[1]);
+			float fTemp28 = (0.37f * (dsp->fRec5[0] - dsp->fRec6[0]));
+			dsp->fRec45[0] = (0.f - ((fTemp27 + (fSlow10 * dsp->fRec45[2])) - fTemp28));
+			float fTemp29 = (fSlow10 * dsp->fRec45[0]);
+			float fTemp30 = (0.5f * ((fTemp29 + (dsp->fRec45[2] + (fTemp28 + fTemp27))) + (fSlow8 * ((fTemp29 + (fTemp27 + dsp->fRec45[2])) - fTemp28))));
+			dsp->fRec44[0] = (0.f - ((fTemp26 + (fSlow5 * dsp->fRec44[2])) - fTemp30));
+			float fTemp31 = (fSlow5 * dsp->fRec44[0]);
+			output1[i] = (FAUSTFLOAT)(dsp->fRec0[0] * ((fTemp0 * fTemp4) + (0.5f * (dsp->fRec1[0] * ((fTemp31 + (dsp->fRec44[2] + (fTemp30 + fTemp26))) + (fSlow3 * ((fTemp31 + (fTemp26 + dsp->fRec44[2])) - fTemp30)))))));
+			dsp->fRec0[1] = dsp->fRec0[0];
+			dsp->fRec1[1] = dsp->fRec1[0];
+			dsp->IOTA = (dsp->IOTA + 1);
+			dsp->fRec15[1] = dsp->fRec15[0];
+			dsp->fRec14[1] = dsp->fRec14[0];
+			dsp->fRec12[1] = dsp->fRec12[0];
+			dsp->fRec19[1] = dsp->fRec19[0];
+			dsp->fRec18[1] = dsp->fRec18[0];
+			dsp->fRec16[1] = dsp->fRec16[0];
+			dsp->fRec23[1] = dsp->fRec23[0];
+			dsp->fRec22[1] = dsp->fRec22[0];
+			dsp->fRec20[1] = dsp->fRec20[0];
+			dsp->fRec27[1] = dsp->fRec27[0];
+			dsp->fRec26[1] = dsp->fRec26[0];
+			dsp->fRec24[1] = dsp->fRec24[0];
+			dsp->fRec31[1] = dsp->fRec31[0];
+			dsp->fRec30[1] = dsp->fRec30[0];
+			dsp->fRec28[1] = dsp->fRec28[0];
+			dsp->fRec35[1] = dsp->fRec35[0];
+			dsp->fRec34[1] = dsp->fRec34[0];
+			dsp->fRec32[1] = dsp->fRec32[0];
+			dsp->fRec39[1] = dsp->fRec39[0];
+			dsp->fRec38[1] = dsp->fRec38[0];
+			dsp->fRec36[1] = dsp->fRec36[0];
+			dsp->fRec43[1] = dsp->fRec43[0];
+			dsp->fRec42[1] = dsp->fRec42[0];
+			dsp->fRec40[1] = dsp->fRec40[0];
+			dsp->fRec4[2] = dsp->fRec4[1];
+			dsp->fRec4[1] = dsp->fRec4[0];
+			dsp->fRec5[2] = dsp->fRec5[1];
+			dsp->fRec5[1] = dsp->fRec5[0];
+			dsp->fRec6[2] = dsp->fRec6[1];
+			dsp->fRec6[1] = dsp->fRec6[0];
+			dsp->fRec7[2] = dsp->fRec7[1];
+			dsp->fRec7[1] = dsp->fRec7[0];
+			dsp->fRec8[2] = dsp->fRec8[1];
+			dsp->fRec8[1] = dsp->fRec8[0];
+			dsp->fRec9[2] = dsp->fRec9[1];
+			dsp->fRec9[1] = dsp->fRec9[0];
+			dsp->fRec10[2] = dsp->fRec10[1];
+			dsp->fRec10[1] = dsp->fRec10[0];
+			dsp->fRec11[2] = dsp->fRec11[1];
+			dsp->fRec11[1] = dsp->fRec11[0];
+			dsp->fRec3[2] = dsp->fRec3[1];
+			dsp->fRec3[1] = dsp->fRec3[0];
+			dsp->fRec2[2] = dsp->fRec2[1];
+			dsp->fRec2[1] = dsp->fRec2[0];
+			dsp->fRec45[2] = dsp->fRec45[1];
+			dsp->fRec45[1] = dsp->fRec45[0];
+			dsp->fRec44[2] = dsp->fRec44[1];
+			dsp->fRec44[1] = dsp->fRec44[0];
+		}
+	}
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_zitarev *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_zitarev_create(sp_zitarev **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_zitarev));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_zitarev_destroy(sp_zitarev **p)
+    sp_zitarev *pp = *p;
+    zitarev *dsp = pp->faust;
+    deletezitarev (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_zitarev_init(sp_data *sp, sp_zitarev *p)
+    zitarev *dsp = newzitarev();
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterfacezitarev(dsp, &UI);
+    initzitarev(dsp, sp->sr);
+    p->in_delay = p->args[0];
+    p->lf_x = p->args[1];
+    p->rt60_low = p->args[2];
+    p->rt60_mid = p->args[3];
+    p->hf_damping = p->args[4];
+    p->eq1_freq = p->args[5];
+    p->eq1_level = p->args[6];
+    p->eq2_freq = p->args[7];
+    p->eq2_level = p->args[8];
+    p->mix = p->args[9];
+    p->level = p->args[10];
+    p->faust = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_zitarev_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_zitarev *p, SPFLOAT *in1, SPFLOAT *in2, SPFLOAT *out1, SPFLOAT *out2)
+    zitarev *dsp = p->faust;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {out1, out2};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in1, in2};
+    computezitarev(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/bigverb.c
@@ -1,0 +1,348 @@
+#line 93 ""
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "bigverb.h"
+#line 56 ""
+struct bigverb_paramset {
+    int delay; /* in samples, 44.1 kHz */
+    int drift; /* 1/10 milliseconds */
+    int randfreq; /* Hertz * 1000 */
+    int seed;
+static const struct bigverb_paramset params[8] = {
+    {0x09a9, 0x0a, 0xc1c, 0x07ae},
+    {0x0acf, 0x0b, 0xdac, 0x7333},
+    {0x0c91, 0x11, 0x456, 0x5999},
+    {0x0de5, 0x06, 0xf85, 0x2666},
+    {0x0f43, 0x0a, 0x925, 0x50a3},
+    {0x101f, 0x0b, 0x769, 0x5999},
+    {0x085f, 0x11, 0x37b, 0x7333},
+    {0x078d, 0x06, 0xc95, 0x3851}
+#line 93 ""
+#line 851 ""
+#define FRACSCALE 0x10000000
+#line 861 ""
+#line 869 ""
+#define FRACNBITS 28
+#line 93 ""
+#line 434 ""
+static int get_delay_size(const struct bigverb_paramset *p, int sr);
+#line 511 ""
+static void delay_init(sk_bigverb_delay *d,
+                       const struct bigverb_paramset *p,
+                       SKFLT *buf,
+                       size_t sz,
+                       int sr);
+#line 619 ""
+static SKFLT delay_compute(sk_bigverb_delay *d,
+                           SKFLT in,
+                           SKFLT fdbk,
+                           SKFLT filt,
+                           int sr);
+#line 896 ""
+static void generate_next_line(sk_bigverb_delay *d, int sr);
+#line 93 ""
+#line 148 ""
+sk_bigverb * sk_bigverb_new(int sr)
+    sk_bigverb *bv;
+    bv = calloc(1, sizeof(sk_bigverb));
+    bv->sr = sr;
+#line 207 ""
+sk_bigverb_size(bv, 0.93);
+#line 233 ""
+sk_bigverb_cutoff(bv, 10000.0);
+#line 252 ""
+bv->pcutoff = -1;
+#line 272 ""
+bv->filt = 1.0;
+#line 402 ""
+bv->buf = NULL;
+#line 148 ""
+#line 407 ""
+unsigned long total_size;
+int i;
+SKFLT *buf;
+total_size = 0;
+buf = NULL;
+#line 449 ""
+for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    total_size += get_delay_size(&params[i], sr);
+#line 407 ""
+#line 460 ""
+buf = calloc(1, sizeof(SKFLT) * total_size);
+bv->buf = buf;
+#line 407 ""
+#line 476 ""
+    unsigned long bufpos;
+    bufpos = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        unsigned int sz;
+        sz = get_delay_size(&params[i], sr);
+        delay_init(&bv->delay[i], &params[i],
+                   &buf[bufpos], sz, sr);
+        bufpos += sz;
+    }
+#line 417 ""
+#line 157 ""
+    return bv;
+#line 172 ""
+void sk_bigverb_del(sk_bigverb *bv)
+#line 466 ""
+#line 175 ""
+    free(bv);
+    bv = NULL;
+#line 212 ""
+void sk_bigverb_size(sk_bigverb *bv, SKFLT size)
+    bv->size = size;
+#line 257 ""
+void sk_bigverb_cutoff(sk_bigverb *bv, SKFLT cutoff)
+    bv->cutoff = cutoff;
+#line 296 ""
+void sk_bigverb_tick(sk_bigverb *bv,
+                     SKFLT inL, SKFLT inR,
+                     SKFLT *outL, SKFLT *outR)
+    /* TODO: implement */
+    SKFLT lsum, rsum;
+    lsum = 0;
+    rsum = 0;
+#line 329 ""
+if (bv->pcutoff != bv->cutoff) {
+    bv->pcutoff = bv->cutoff;
+    bv->filt = 2.0 - cos(bv->pcutoff * 2 * M_PI / bv->sr);
+    bv->filt = bv->filt - sqrt(bv->filt * bv->filt - 1.0);
+#line 296 ""
+#line 344 ""
+    int i;
+    SKFLT jp;
+    jp = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        jp += bv->delay[i].y;
+    }
+    jp *= 0.25;
+    inL = jp + inL;
+    inR = jp + inR;
+#line 296 ""
+#line 370 ""
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+        if (i & 1) {
+            rsum += delay_compute(&bv->delay[i],
+                                  inR,
+                                  bv->size,
+                                  bv->filt,
+                                  bv->sr);
+        } else {
+            lsum += delay_compute(&bv->delay[i],
+                                  inL,
+                                  bv->size,
+                                  bv->filt,
+                                  bv->sr);
+        }
+    }
+rsum *= 0.35f;
+lsum *= 0.35f;
+#line 309 ""
+    *outL = lsum;
+    *outR = rsum;
+#line 439 ""
+static int get_delay_size(const struct bigverb_paramset *p, int sr)
+    SKFLT sz;
+    sz = (SKFLT)p->delay/44100 + (p->drift * 0.0001) * 1.125;
+    return floor(16 + sz*sr);
+#line 520 ""
+static void delay_init(sk_bigverb_delay *d,
+                       const struct bigverb_paramset *p,
+                       SKFLT *buf,
+                       size_t sz,
+                       int sr)
+    SKFLT readpos;
+#line 541 ""
+d->buf = buf;
+d->sz = sz;
+#line 554 ""
+d->wpos = 0;
+#line 578 ""
+d->rng = p->seed;
+#line 592 ""
+readpos = ((SKFLT)p->delay / 44100);
+readpos += d->rng * (p->drift * 0.0001) / 32768.0;
+readpos = sz - (readpos * sr);
+d->irpos = floor(readpos);
+d->frpos = floor((readpos - d->irpos) * FRACSCALE);
+#line 578 ""
+#line 592 ""
+#line 886 ""
+d->inc = 0;
+d->counter = 0;
+#line 935 ""
+d->maxcount = round((sr / ((SKFLT)p->randfreq * 0.001)));
+#line 973 ""
+d->dels = p->delay / 44100.0;
+#line 983 ""
+d->drift = p->drift;
+#line 604 ""
+generate_next_line(d, sr);
+#line 1034 ""
+d->y = 0.0;
+#line 528 ""
+#line 628 ""
+static SKFLT delay_compute(sk_bigverb_delay *del,
+                           SKFLT in,
+                           SKFLT fdbk,
+                           SKFLT filt,
+                           int sr)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT frac_norm;
+    SKFLT a, b, c, d;
+    SKFLT s[4];
+    out = 0;
+#line 666 ""
+del->buf[del->wpos] = in - del->y;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 674 ""
+if (del->wpos >= del->sz) del->wpos -= del->sz;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 686 ""
+if (del->frpos >= FRACSCALE) {
+    del->irpos += del->frpos >> FRACNBITS;
+    del->frpos &= FRACMASK;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 696 ""
+if (del->irpos >= del->sz) del->irpos -= del->sz;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 705 ""
+frac_norm = del->frpos / (SKFLT)FRACSCALE;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 718 ""
+    SKFLT tmp[2];
+    d = ((frac_norm * frac_norm) - 1) / 6.0;
+    tmp[0] = ((frac_norm + 1.0) * 0.5);
+    tmp[1] = 3.0 * d;
+    a = tmp[0] - 1.0 - d;
+    c = tmp[0] - tmp[1];
+    b = tmp[1] - frac_norm;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 737 ""
+    int n;
+    SKFLT *x;
+    n = del->irpos;
+    x = del->buf;
+    if (n > 0 && n < (del->sz - 2)) {
+        s[0] = x[n - 1];
+        s[1] = x[n];
+        s[2] = x[n + 1];
+        s[3] = x[n + 2];
+    } else {
+        int k;
+        n--;
+        if (n < 0) n += del->sz;
+        s[0] = x[n];
+        for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+            n++;
+            if (n >= del->sz) n -= del->sz;
+            s[k + 1] = x[n];
+        }
+    }
+#line 628 ""
+#line 772 ""
+out = (a*s[0] + b*s[1] + c*s[2] + d*s[3]) * frac_norm + s[1];
+#line 628 ""
+#line 780 ""
+del->frpos += del->inc;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 790 ""
+out *= fdbk;
+out += (del->y - out) * filt;
+del->y = out;
+#line 628 ""
+#line 817 ""
+if (del->counter <= 0) {
+    generate_next_line(del, sr);
+#line 650 ""
+    return out;
+#line 1008 ""
+static void generate_next_line(sk_bigverb_delay *d, int sr)
+    SKFLT curdel;
+    SKFLT nxtdel;
+    SKFLT inc;
+#line 915 ""
+if (d->rng < 0) d->rng += 0x10000;
+/* 5^6 = 15625 */
+d->rng = (1 + d->rng * 0x3d09);
+d->rng &= 0xFFFF;
+if (d->rng >= 0x8000) d->rng -= 0x10000;
+#line 1008 ""
+#line 940 ""
+d->counter = d->maxcount;
+#line 1008 ""
+#line 950 ""
+curdel = d->wpos -
+    (d->irpos + (d->frpos/(SKFLT)FRACSCALE));
+while (curdel < 0) curdel += d->sz;
+curdel /= sr;
+#line 961 ""
+nxtdel = (d->rng * (d->drift * 0.0001) / 32768.0) + d->dels;
+#line 1008 ""
+#line 994 ""
+inc = ((curdel - nxtdel) / (SKFLT)d->counter)*sr;
+inc += 1;
+#line 1008 ""
+#line 1003 ""
+d->inc = floor(inc * FRACSCALE);
+#line 1018 ""
+#line 93 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/bigverb.h
@@ -1,0 +1,72 @@
+#line 106 ""
+#ifndef SK_BIGVERB_H
+#define SK_BIGVERB_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 125 ""
+typedef struct sk_bigverb sk_bigverb;
+#line 499 ""
+typedef struct sk_bigverb_delay sk_bigverb_delay;
+#line 106 ""
+#line 143 ""
+sk_bigverb * sk_bigverb_new(int sr);
+#line 167 ""
+void sk_bigverb_del(sk_bigverb *bv);
+#line 190 ""
+void sk_bigverb_size(sk_bigverb *bv, SKFLT size);
+#line 222 ""
+void sk_bigverb_cutoff(sk_bigverb *bv, SKFLT cutoff);
+#line 289 ""
+void sk_bigverb_tick(sk_bigverb *bv,
+                     SKFLT inL, SKFLT inR,
+                     SKFLT *outL, SKFLT *outR);
+#line 114 ""
+#line 125 ""
+#line 504 ""
+struct sk_bigverb_delay {
+#line 535 ""
+SKFLT *buf;
+size_t sz;
+#line 549 ""
+int wpos;
+#line 564 ""
+int irpos;
+int frpos;
+#line 573 ""
+int rng;
+#line 880 ""
+int inc;
+int counter;
+#line 930 ""
+int maxcount;
+#line 968 ""
+SKFLT dels;
+#line 978 ""
+SKFLT drift;
+#line 1029 ""
+#line 506 ""
+#line 131 ""
+struct sk_bigverb {
+    int sr;
+#line 202 ""
+SKFLT size;
+#line 246 ""
+SKFLT cutoff;
+SKFLT pcutoff;
+#line 267 ""
+SKFLT filt;
+#line 397 ""
+SKFLT *buf;
+#line 471 ""
+sk_bigverb_delay delay[8];
+#line 134 ""
+#line 117 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/dcblocker.c
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+#line 43 ""
+#include "dcblocker.h"
+#line 92 ""
+void sk_dcblocker_init(sk_dcblocker *dcblk)
+    dcblk->x = 0;
+    dcblk->y = 0;
+    dcblk->R = 0.99; /* quite reasonable, indeed! */
+#line 112 ""
+SKFLT sk_dcblocker_tick(sk_dcblocker *dcblk, SKFLT in)
+    dcblk->y = in - dcblk->x + dcblk->R*dcblk->y;
+    dcblk->x = in;
+    return dcblk->y;
+#line 43 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/dcblocker.h
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+#line 50 ""
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 71 ""
+typedef struct sk_dcblocker sk_dcblocker;
+#line 56 ""
+#line 75 ""
+struct sk_dcblocker {
+    SKFLT x, y, R;
+#line 58 ""
+#line 87 ""
+void sk_dcblocker_init(sk_dcblocker *dcblk);
+#line 107 ""
+SKFLT sk_dcblocker_tick(sk_dcblocker *dcblk, SKFLT in);
+#line 60 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/fmpair.c
@@ -1,0 +1,215 @@
+#line 130 ""
+#include <math.h>
+#include "fmpair.h"
+#line 178 ""
+#define SK_FMPAIR_MAXLEN 0x1000000L
+#line 130 ""
+#line 303 ""
+void sk_fmpair_init(sk_fmpair *fmp, int sr,
+                    SKFLT *ctab, int csz, SKFLT ciphs,
+                    SKFLT *mtab, int msz, SKFLT miphs)
+#line 198 ""
+fmp->ctab = ctab;
+fmp->csz = msz;
+#line 214 ""
+fmp->mtab = mtab;
+fmp->msz = msz;
+#line 226 ""
+fmp->clphs = floor(ciphs * SK_FMPAIR_MAXLEN);
+fmp->mlphs = floor(miphs * SK_FMPAIR_MAXLEN);
+#line 253 ""
+    int tmp;
+    /* carrier */
+    tmp = SK_FMPAIR_MAXLEN / csz;
+    fmp->cnlb = 0;
+    while (tmp >>= 1) fmp->cnlb++;
+    /* modulator */
+    tmp = SK_FMPAIR_MAXLEN / msz;
+    fmp->mnlb = 0;
+    while (tmp >>= 1) fmp->mnlb++;
+/* phase mask for dividing lower/upper bits */
+fmp->cmask = (1<<fmp->cnlb) - 1;
+fmp->mmask = (1<<fmp->mnlb) - 1;
+/* constant used to convert to floating point */
+fmp->cinlb = 1.0 / (1<<fmp->cnlb);
+fmp->minlb = 1.0 / (1<<fmp->mnlb);
+/* max table length in seconds */
+/* used to convert cycles-per-second units to cycles */
+fmp->maxlens = 1.0 * SK_FMPAIR_MAXLEN / sr;
+#line 336 ""
+sk_fmpair_freq(fmp, 440);
+#line 370 ""
+sk_fmpair_carrier(fmp, 1);
+sk_fmpair_modulator(fmp, 1);
+#line 399 ""
+sk_fmpair_modindex(fmp, 1);
+#line 308 ""
+#line 321 ""
+void sk_fmpair_freq(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT freq)
+    fmp->freq = freq;
+#line 349 ""
+void sk_fmpair_modulator(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT mod)
+    fmp->mod = mod;
+void sk_fmpair_carrier(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT car)
+    fmp->car = car;
+#line 383 ""
+void sk_fmpair_modindex(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT index)
+    fmp->index = index;
+#line 411 ""
+SKFLT sk_fmpair_tick(sk_fmpair *fmp)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT cfreq, mfreq;
+    SKFLT modout;
+    int ipos;
+    SKFLT frac;
+    SKFLT x[2];
+    out = 0;
+#line 436 ""
+cfreq = fmp->freq * fmp->car;
+mfreq = fmp->freq * fmp->mod;
+#line 411 ""
+#line 446 ""
+fmp->mlphs &= SK_FMPAIR_PHASEMASK;
+ipos = fmp->mlphs >> fmp->mnlb;
+x[0] = fmp->mtab[ipos];
+if (ipos == fmp->msz - 1) {
+    x[1] = fmp->mtab[0];
+} else {
+    x[1] = fmp->mtab[ipos + 1];
+frac = (fmp->mlphs & fmp->mmask) * fmp->minlb;
+modout = (x[0] + (x[1] - x[0]) * frac);
+#line 411 ""
+#line 467 ""
+modout *= mfreq * fmp->index;
+#line 411 ""
+#line 476 ""
+cfreq += modout;
+#line 411 ""
+#line 485 ""
+fmp->clphs &= SK_FMPAIR_PHASEMASK;
+ipos = (fmp->clphs) >> fmp->cnlb;
+x[0] = fmp->ctab[ipos];
+if (ipos == fmp->csz - 1) {
+    x[1] = fmp->ctab[0];
+} else {
+    x[1] = fmp->ctab[ipos + 1];
+frac = (fmp->clphs & fmp->cmask) * fmp->cinlb;
+out = (x[0] + (x[1] - x[0]) * frac);
+#line 411 ""
+#line 512 ""
+fmp->clphs += floor(cfreq * fmp->maxlens);
+fmp->mlphs += floor(mfreq * fmp->maxlens);
+#line 426 ""
+    return out;
+#line 555 ""
+void sk_fmpair_fdbk_init(sk_fmpair_fdbk *fmp, int sr,
+                         SKFLT *ctab, int csz, SKFLT ciphs,
+                         SKFLT *mtab, int msz, SKFLT miphs)
+    sk_fmpair_init(&fmp->fmpair, sr,
+                   ctab, csz, ciphs,
+                   mtab, msz, miphs);
+    fmp->prev = 0;
+    fmp->feedback = 0;
+#line 576 ""
+void sk_fmpair_fdbk_amt(sk_fmpair_fdbk *f, SKFLT amt)
+    f->feedback = amt;
+#line 599 ""
+SKFLT sk_fmpair_fdbk_tick(sk_fmpair_fdbk *f)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT cfreq, mfreq;
+    SKFLT modout;
+    int ipos;
+    SKFLT frac;
+    SKFLT x[2];
+    sk_fmpair *fmp;
+    out = 0;
+    fmp = &f->fmpair;
+#line 436 ""
+cfreq = fmp->freq * fmp->car;
+mfreq = fmp->freq * fmp->mod;
+#line 599 ""
+#line 446 ""
+fmp->mlphs &= SK_FMPAIR_PHASEMASK;
+ipos = fmp->mlphs >> fmp->mnlb;
+x[0] = fmp->mtab[ipos];
+if (ipos == fmp->msz - 1) {
+    x[1] = fmp->mtab[0];
+} else {
+    x[1] = fmp->mtab[ipos + 1];
+frac = (fmp->mlphs & fmp->mmask) * fmp->minlb;
+modout = (x[0] + (x[1] - x[0]) * frac);
+#line 599 ""
+#line 467 ""
+modout *= mfreq * fmp->index;
+#line 614 ""
+    /* feedback-oscillator specific */
+#line 632 ""
+modout += f->prev * f->feedback;
+f->prev = modout;
+#line 617 ""
+#line 476 ""
+cfreq += modout;
+#line 617 ""
+#line 485 ""
+fmp->clphs &= SK_FMPAIR_PHASEMASK;
+ipos = (fmp->clphs) >> fmp->cnlb;
+x[0] = fmp->ctab[ipos];
+if (ipos == fmp->csz - 1) {
+    x[1] = fmp->ctab[0];
+} else {
+    x[1] = fmp->ctab[ipos + 1];
+frac = (fmp->clphs & fmp->cmask) * fmp->cinlb;
+out = (x[0] + (x[1] - x[0]) * frac);
+#line 617 ""
+#line 512 ""
+fmp->clphs += floor(cfreq * fmp->maxlens);
+fmp->mlphs += floor(mfreq * fmp->maxlens);
+#line 621 ""
+    return out;
+#line 130 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/fmpair.h
@@ -1,0 +1,74 @@
+#line 143 ""
+#ifndef SK_FMPAIR_H
+#define SK_FMPAIR_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 160 ""
+typedef struct sk_fmpair sk_fmpair;
+#line 526 ""
+typedef struct sk_fmpair_fdbk sk_fmpair_fdbk;
+#line 143 ""
+#line 296 ""
+void sk_fmpair_init(sk_fmpair *fmp, int sr,
+                    SKFLT *ctab, int csz, SKFLT ciphs,
+                    SKFLT *mtab, int msz, SKFLT miphs);
+#line 316 ""
+void sk_fmpair_freq(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT freq);
+#line 343 ""
+void sk_fmpair_modulator(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT mod);
+void sk_fmpair_carrier(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT car);
+#line 378 ""
+void sk_fmpair_modindex(sk_fmpair *fmp, SKFLT index);
+#line 406 ""
+SKFLT sk_fmpair_tick(sk_fmpair *fmp);
+#line 548 ""
+void sk_fmpair_fdbk_init(sk_fmpair_fdbk *fmp, int sr,
+                         SKFLT *ctab, int csz, SKFLT ciphs,
+                         SKFLT *mtab, int msz, SKFLT miphs);
+#line 571 ""
+void sk_fmpair_fdbk_amt(sk_fmpair_fdbk *f, SKFLT amt);
+#line 587 ""
+SKFLT sk_fmpair_fdbk_tick(sk_fmpair_fdbk *fmp);
+#line 150 ""
+#line 165 ""
+struct sk_fmpair {
+#line 191 ""
+SKFLT *ctab;
+int csz;
+int clphs;
+#line 207 ""
+SKFLT *mtab;
+int msz;
+int mlphs;
+#line 238 ""
+/* carrier constants */
+int cnlb;
+SKFLT cinlb;
+unsigned long cmask;
+/* modulator constants */
+int mnlb;
+SKFLT minlb;
+unsigned long mmask;
+SKFLT maxlens;
+#line 329 ""
+SKFLT freq;
+#line 362 ""
+SKFLT car;
+SKFLT mod;
+#line 391 ""
+SKFLT index;
+#line 167 ""
+#line 536 ""
+struct sk_fmpair_fdbk {
+    sk_fmpair fmpair;
+    SKFLT prev;
+    SKFLT feedback;
+#line 152 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/modalres.c
@@ -1,0 +1,82 @@
+#line 19 ""
+#include <math.h>
+#include "modalres.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#line 58 ""
+void sk_modalres_init(sk_modalres *mr, int sr)
+#line 92 ""
+mr->x = 0;
+mr->y[0] = 0;
+mr->y[1] = 0;
+#line 110 ""
+mr->b1 = 0;
+mr->a1 = 0;
+mr->a2 = 0;
+#line 125 ""
+mr->sr = sr;
+#line 140 ""
+mr->s = 0;
+#line 172 ""
+sk_modalres_freq(mr, 1000);
+mr->pfreq = -1;
+#line 204 ""
+sk_modalres_q(mr, 1);
+mr->pq = -1;
+#line 61 ""
+#line 153 ""
+void sk_modalres_freq(sk_modalres *mr, SKFLT freq)
+    mr->freq = freq;
+#line 185 ""
+void sk_modalres_q(sk_modalres *mr, SKFLT q)
+    mr->q = q;
+#line 217 ""
+SKFLT sk_modalres_tick(sk_modalres *mr, SKFLT in)
+    SKFLT out;
+    out = 0;
+#line 246 ""
+if (mr->freq != mr->pfreq || mr->q != mr->pq) {
+    SKFLT w;
+    SKFLT a, b, d;
+    w = mr->freq * 2.0 * M_PI;
+    a = mr->sr / w;
+    b = a*a;
+    d = 0.5*a;
+    mr->pfreq = mr->freq;
+    mr->pq = mr->q;
+    mr->b1 = 1.0 / (b + d/mr->q);
+    mr->a1 = (1.0 - 2.0*b) * mr->b1;
+    mr->a2 = (b - d/mr->q) * mr->b1;
+    mr->s = d;
+#line 217 ""
+#line 285 ""
+out = mr->b1*mr->x - mr->a1*mr->y[0] - mr->a2*mr->y[1];
+#line 217 ""
+#line 295 ""
+mr->y[1] = mr->y[0];
+mr->y[0] = out;
+mr->x = in;
+#line 217 ""
+#line 305 ""
+out *= mr->s;
+#line 226 ""
+    return out;
+#line 19 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/modalres.h
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#line 32 ""
+#ifndef SK_MODALRES_H
+#define SK_MODALRES_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 68 ""
+typedef struct sk_modalres sk_modalres;
+#line 32 ""
+#line 53 ""
+void sk_modalres_init(sk_modalres *mr, int sr);
+#line 148 ""
+void sk_modalres_freq(sk_modalres *mr, SKFLT freq);
+#line 180 ""
+void sk_modalres_q(sk_modalres *mr, SKFLT q);
+#line 212 ""
+SKFLT sk_modalres_tick(sk_modalres *mr, SKFLT in);
+#line 41 ""
+#line 73 ""
+struct sk_modalres {
+#line 86 ""
+SKFLT y[2];
+#line 103 ""
+SKFLT b1;
+SKFLT a1;
+SKFLT a2;
+#line 120 ""
+int sr;
+#line 135 ""
+#line 161 ""
+SKFLT freq;
+SKFLT pfreq;
+#line 198 ""
+SKFLT pq;
+#line 75 ""
+#line 44 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/osc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,84 @@
+#line 44 ""
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#define SK_OSC_PRIV
+#include "osc.h"
+#line 105 ""
+#define SK_OSC_MAXLEN 0x1000000L
+#line 44 ""
+#line 92 ""
+void sk_osc_freq(sk_osc *osc, SKFLT freq)
+    osc->freq = freq;
+void sk_osc_amp(sk_osc *osc, SKFLT amp)
+    osc->amp = amp;
+#line 254 ""
+void sk_osc_init(sk_osc *osc, int sr, SKFLT *wt, int sz, SKFLT iphs)
+#line 140 ""
+osc->freq = 440;
+osc->amp = 0.2;
+#line 149 ""
+osc->tab = wt;
+osc->sz = sz;
+#line 160 ""
+osc->inc = 0;
+#line 170 ""
+osc->lphs = ((int32_t)(iphs * SK_OSC_MAXLEN)) & SK_OSC_PHASEMASK;
+#line 205 ""
+    uint32_t tmp;
+    tmp = SK_OSC_MAXLEN / sz;
+    osc->nlb = 0;
+    while (tmp >>= 1) osc->nlb++;
+#line 228 ""
+osc->mask = (1<<osc->nlb) - 1;
+#line 205 ""
+#line 238 ""
+osc->inlb = 1.0 / (1<<osc->nlb);
+#line 205 ""
+#line 247 ""
+osc->maxlens = 1.0 * SK_OSC_MAXLEN / sr;
+#line 205 ""
+#line 257 ""
+#line 266 ""
+SKFLT sk_osc_tick(sk_osc *osc)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT fract;
+    SKFLT x1, x2;
+    int32_t phs;
+    int pos;
+    out = 0;
+#line 331 ""
+osc->inc = floor(lrintf(osc->freq * osc->maxlens));
+#line 266 ""
+#line 342 ""
+phs = osc->lphs;
+pos = phs >> osc->nlb;
+x1 = osc->tab[pos];
+x2 = osc->tab[(pos + 1) % osc->sz];
+#line 266 ""
+#line 372 ""
+fract = (phs & osc->mask) * osc->inlb;
+#line 266 ""
+#line 397 ""
+out = (x1 + (x2 - x1) * fract) * osc->amp;
+#line 266 ""
+#line 406 ""
+phs += osc->inc;
+osc->lphs = phs;
+#line 280 ""
+    return out;
+#line 44 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/osc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#line 27 ""
+#ifndef SK_OSC_H
+#define SK_OSC_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 112 ""
+typedef struct sk_osc sk_osc;
+#line 33 ""
+#ifdef SK_OSC_PRIV
+#line 116 ""
+struct sk_osc {
+#line 123 ""
+SKFLT freq, amp;
+SKFLT *tab;
+int inc;
+size_t sz;
+uint32_t nlb;
+SKFLT inlb;
+uint32_t mask;
+SKFLT maxlens;
+int32_t lphs;
+#line 118 ""
+#line 35 ""
+#line 70 ""
+void sk_osc_init(sk_osc *osc, int sr, SKFLT *wt, int sz, SKFLT iphs);
+#line 77 ""
+SKFLT sk_osc_tick(sk_osc *osc);
+#line 86 ""
+void sk_osc_freq(sk_osc *osc, SKFLT freq);
+void sk_osc_amp(sk_osc *osc, SKFLT amp);
+#line 37 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/peakeq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,79 @@
+#line 64 ""
+#include <math.h>
+#include "peakeq.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#line 120 ""
+void sk_peakeq_init(sk_peakeq *eq, int sr)
+#line 139 ""
+eq->v[0] = 0;
+eq->v[1] = 0;
+#line 154 ""
+eq->a = 0;
+eq->b = 0;
+#line 168 ""
+eq->sr = sr;
+#line 202 ""
+sk_peakeq_freq(eq, 1000);
+eq->pfreq = -1;
+#line 236 ""
+sk_peakeq_bandwidth(eq, 1000);
+eq->pbw = -1;
+#line 263 ""
+sk_peakeq_gain(eq, 1.0);
+#line 123 ""
+#line 182 ""
+void sk_peakeq_freq(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT freq)
+    eq->freq = freq;
+#line 216 ""
+void sk_peakeq_bandwidth(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT bw)
+    eq->bw = bw;
+#line 250 ""
+void sk_peakeq_gain(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT gain)
+    eq->gain = gain;
+#line 275 ""
+SKFLT sk_peakeq_tick(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT in)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT v;
+    SKFLT y;
+    out = 0;
+#line 304 ""
+if (eq->bw != eq->pbw || eq->freq != eq->pfreq) {
+    SKFLT c;
+    eq->b = -cos(2 * M_PI * eq->freq / eq->sr);
+    c = tan(M_PI * eq->bw / eq->sr);
+    eq->a = (1.0 - c) / (1.0 + c);
+    eq->pbw = eq->bw;
+    eq->pfreq = eq->freq;
+#line 275 ""
+#line 322 ""
+v = in - eq->b*(1.0 + eq->a)*eq->v[0] - eq->a*eq->v[1];
+y = eq->a*v + eq->b*(1.0 + eq->a)*eq->v[0] + eq->v[1];
+#line 275 ""
+#line 334 ""
+out = ((in + y) + eq->gain*(in - y)) * 0.5;
+#line 275 ""
+#line 346 ""
+eq->v[1] = eq->v[0];
+eq->v[0] = v;
+#line 286 ""
+    return out;
+#line 64 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/peakeq.h
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#line 80 ""
+#ifndef SK_PEAKEQ_H
+#define SK_PEAKEQ_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 100 ""
+typedef struct sk_peakeq sk_peakeq;
+#line 80 ""
+#line 115 ""
+void sk_peakeq_init(sk_peakeq *eq, int sr);
+#line 177 ""
+void sk_peakeq_freq(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT freq);
+#line 211 ""
+void sk_peakeq_bandwidth(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT bw);
+#line 245 ""
+void sk_peakeq_gain(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT gain);
+#line 270 ""
+SKFLT sk_peakeq_tick(sk_peakeq *eq, SKFLT in);
+#line 89 ""
+#line 105 ""
+struct sk_peakeq {
+#line 134 ""
+SKFLT v[2];
+#line 148 ""
+#line 163 ""
+int sr;
+#line 193 ""
+SKFLT freq;
+SKFLT pfreq;
+#line 227 ""
+SKFLT bw;
+SKFLT pbw;
+#line 258 ""
+SKFLT gain;
+#line 107 ""
+#line 92 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/phasewarp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+#line 26 ""
+#include "phasewarp.h"
+#line 54 ""
+SKFLT sk_phasewarp_tick(SKFLT in, SKFLT warp)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT wmp;
+    out = 0;
+#line 71 ""
+wmp = (warp + 1.0) * 0.5;
+#line 54 ""
+#line 80 ""
+if (in < wmp) {
+#line 92 ""
+if (wmp != 0) out = ((SKFLT)0.5 / wmp) * in;
+#line 82 ""
+} else {
+#line 101 ""
+if (wmp != 1.0) {
+    out = ((SKFLT)0.5 / (SKFLT)(1.0 - wmp)) * (in - wmp) + 0.5;
+#line 84 ""
+#line 63 ""
+    return out;
+#line 26 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/phasewarp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+#line 32 ""
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 49 ""
+SKFLT sk_phasewarp_tick(SKFLT in, SKFLT warp);
+#line 40 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/rline.c
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+#line 35 ""
+#include <math.h>
+#define SK_RLINE_PRIV
+#include "rline.h"
+#line 114 ""
+#define SK_RLINE_PHSLEN 0x1000000L
+#line 202 ""
+#define LCG(y) (y * 0x343fd + 0x269ec3)
+#line 215 ""
+#define RNG(y) ((y >> 1) & 0x7fffffff)
+#line 35 ""
+#line 231 ""
+void sk_rline_init(sk_rline *rl, int sr, int seed)
+#line 103 ""
+rl->rng = seed;
+#line 90 ""
+rl->rngscale = 1.0 / ((1L<<31) - 1);
+#line 103 ""
+#line 172 ""
+rl->rng = LCG(rl->rng);
+rl->start = RNG(rl->rng) * rl->rngscale;
+rl->rng = LCG(rl->rng);
+rl->end = RNG(rl->rng) * rl->rngscale;
+#line 156 ""
+rl->scale = (rl->end - rl->start) / SK_RLINE_PHSLEN;
+#line 172 ""
+#line 103 ""
+#line 131 ""
+rl->maxlens = (SKFLT)SK_RLINE_PHSLEN / sr;
+#line 146 ""
+rl->phasepos = 0;
+#line 262 ""
+sk_rline_min(rl, 0);
+#line 289 ""
+sk_rline_max(rl, 1);
+#line 316 ""
+sk_rline_rate(rl, 1);
+#line 234 ""
+#line 247 ""
+void sk_rline_min(sk_rline *rl, SKFLT min)
+    rl->min = min;
+#line 274 ""
+void sk_rline_max(sk_rline *rl, SKFLT max)
+    rl->max= max;
+#line 301 ""
+void sk_rline_rate(sk_rline *rl, SKFLT rate)
+    rl->rate= rate;
+#line 328 ""
+SKFLT sk_rline_tick(sk_rline *rl)
+    SKFLT out;
+    out = 0;
+#line 361 ""
+out = rl->start + rl->phasepos*rl->scale;
+out = out * (rl->max - rl->min) + rl->min;
+#line 328 ""
+#line 374 ""
+rl->phasepos += floor(rl->rate * rl->maxlens);
+#line 328 ""
+#line 396 ""
+if (rl->phasepos >= SK_RLINE_PHSLEN) {
+    rl->phasepos &= SK_RLINE_PHSMSK;
+    rl->start = rl->end;
+    rl->rng = LCG(rl->rng);
+    rl->end = RNG(rl->rng) * rl->rngscale;
+    rl->scale = (rl->end - rl->start) / SK_RLINE_PHSLEN;
+#line 337 ""
+    return out;
+#line 35 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/rline.h
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+#line 48 ""
+#ifndef SK_RLINE_H
+#define SK_RLINE_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 68 ""
+typedef struct sk_rline sk_rline;
+#line 48 ""
+#line 226 ""
+void sk_rline_init(sk_rline *rl, int sr, int seed);
+#line 242 ""
+void sk_rline_min(sk_rline *rl, SKFLT min);
+#line 269 ""
+void sk_rline_max(sk_rline *rl, SKFLT max);
+#line 296 ""
+void sk_rline_rate(sk_rline *rl, SKFLT rate);
+#line 323 ""
+SKFLT sk_rline_tick(sk_rline *rl);
+#line 57 ""
+#line 73 ""
+struct sk_rline {
+#line 85 ""
+SKFLT rngscale;
+#line 98 ""
+int rng;
+#line 126 ""
+SKFLT maxlens;
+#line 140 ""
+unsigned long phasepos;
+SKFLT scale;
+#line 166 ""
+SKFLT start;
+SKFLT end;
+#line 255 ""
+SKFLT min;
+#line 282 ""
+SKFLT max;
+#line 309 ""
+SKFLT rate;
+#line 75 ""
+#line 60 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/vardelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,118 @@
+#line 18 ""
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "vardelay.h"
+#line 57 ""
+void sk_vardelay_init(sk_vardelay *vd, int sr,
+                      SKFLT *buf, unsigned long sz)
+#line 92 ""
+vd->sr = sr;
+#line 112 ""
+if (sz < 4) {
+    vd->buf = NULL;
+    vd->buf = 0;
+} else {
+    vd->buf = buf;
+    vd->sz = sz;
+#line 135 ""
+vd->prev = 0;
+#line 156 ""
+vd->writepos = 0;
+#line 185 ""
+sk_vardelay_delay(vd, ((SKFLT)sz / sr) * 0.5);
+#line 213 ""
+sk_vardelay_feedback(vd, 0);
+#line 61 ""
+#line 169 ""
+void sk_vardelay_delay(sk_vardelay *vd, SKFLT delay)
+    vd->delay = delay;
+#line 198 ""
+void sk_vardelay_feedback(sk_vardelay *vd, SKFLT feedback)
+    vd->feedback = feedback;
+#line 225 ""
+SKFLT sk_vardelay_tick(sk_vardelay *vd, SKFLT in)
+    SKFLT out;
+    SKFLT dels;
+    SKFLT f;
+    long i;
+    SKFLT s[4];
+    unsigned long n[4];
+    SKFLT a, b, c, d;
+    out = 0;
+#line 254 ""
+if (vd->buf == NULL || vd->sz == 0) return 0;
+#line 225 ""
+#line 261 ""
+vd->buf[vd->writepos] = in + vd->prev * vd->feedback;
+#line 225 ""
+#line 274 ""
+dels = vd->delay * vd->sr;
+i = floor(dels);
+f = i - dels;
+i = vd->writepos - i;
+#line 225 ""
+#line 299 ""
+if ((f < 0.0) || (i < 0)) {
+    /* flip fractional component */
+    f = f + 1.0;
+    /* go backwards one sample */
+    i = i - 1;
+    while (i < 0) i += vd->sz;
+} else while(i >= vd->sz) i -= vd->sz;
+#line 225 ""
+#line 313 ""
+/* x(n) */
+n[1] = i;
+/* x(n + 1) */
+if (i == (vd->sz - 1)) n[2] = 0;
+else n[2] = n[1] + 1;
+/* x(n - 1) */
+if (i == 0) n[0] = vd->sz - 1;
+else n[0] = i - 1;
+if (n[2] == vd->sz - 1) n[3] = 0;
+else n[3] = n[2] + 1;
+    int j;
+    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) s[j] = vd->buf[n[j]];
+#line 225 ""
+#line 338 ""
+    SKFLT tmp[2];
+    d = ((f * f) - 1) * 0.1666666667;
+    tmp[0] = (f + 1.0) * 0.5;
+    tmp[1] = 3.0 * d;
+    a = tmp[0] - 1.0 - d;
+    c = tmp[0] - tmp[1];
+    b = tmp[1] - f;
+#line 225 ""
+#line 358 ""
+out = (a*s[0] + b*s[1] + c*s[2] + d*s[3]) * f + s[1];
+#line 225 ""
+#line 366 ""
+if (vd->writepos == vd->sz) vd->writepos = 0;
+#line 225 ""
+#line 375 ""
+vd->prev = out;
+#line 245 ""
+    return out;
+#line 18 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tangled/vardelay.h
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+#line 30 ""
+#ifndef SK_VARDELAY_H
+#define SK_VARDELAY_H
+#ifndef SKFLT
+#define SKFLT float
+#line 71 ""
+typedef struct sk_vardelay sk_vardelay;
+#line 30 ""
+#line 51 ""
+void sk_vardelay_init(sk_vardelay *vd, int sr,
+                      SKFLT *buf, unsigned long sz);
+#line 164 ""
+void sk_vardelay_delay(sk_vardelay *vd, SKFLT delay);
+#line 193 ""
+void sk_vardelay_feedback(sk_vardelay *vd, SKFLT feedback);
+#line 220 ""
+SKFLT sk_vardelay_tick(sk_vardelay *vd, SKFLT in);
+#line 39 ""
+#line 76 ""
+struct sk_vardelay {
+#line 87 ""
+int sr;
+#line 106 ""
+SKFLT *buf;
+unsigned long sz;
+#line 130 ""
+SKFLT prev;
+#line 151 ""
+long writepos;
+#line 177 ""
+SKFLT delay;
+#line 206 ""
+SKFLT feedback;
+#line 78 ""
+#line 41 ""
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+.PHONY: clean perf
+all: libsptest.a run.bin #perf
+	cp
+OBJ = $(addprefix t/, $(addsuffix .o, $(TESTS)))
+PERF_OBJ = $(addprefix p/, $(PERF))
+LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib -lsndfile -lm
+CFLAGS += -g -I../h -I /usr/local/include -I. -O3 -Wall -pedantic
+CFLAGS += -DSAMPDIR="\"../examples/\""
+ifdef WRITE_RAW
+libsptest.a: md5.o test.o libtap.o
+	ld -o $@ -r md5.o libtap.o test.o
+t/%.o: t/%.c all_tests.h
+	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+perf: $(PERF_OBJ)
+p/p_%: p/p_%.c
+	$(CC) $< $(CFLAGS) ../libsoundpipe.a -lsndfile -lm -o $@
+	./perf_test $(PERF_OBJ)
+	gnuplot plot.plt
+	convert -rotate 90 demo.png perftest.png
+	rm demo.png
+test.o: test.c
+	$(CC) -g -I../h -I /usr/local/include -c -o $@ $<
+run.bin: run.c test.c md5.c libsptest.a $(OBJ) all_tests.h
+	$(CC) run.c -Wall $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o$@ $(OBJ) ../libsoundpipe.a libsptest.a -lm -lsndfile
+	rm -rf run.bin libsptest.a *.o $(OBJ) *.raw $(PERF_OBJ) *.png *.log
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+# Testing in Soundpipe
+(More to be written here.)
+To run the performance tests, run:
+    make perftest
+To plot:
+    make plot
+This will write a file called perftest.png
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/all_tests.h
@@ -1,0 +1,114 @@
+TEST(t_foo, "foo", "9b1be87c6b579fde2341515f4d82c008")
+TEST(t_osc, "osc", "c6b5a877a5e4b282262e6b96cb5d37fd")
+/* TEST(t_atone, "atone", "bae03ea296123e33a29211503c30ffc1") */
+/* TEST(t_allpass, "allpass", "aef5f3f109cc70ddf6087ac602f20a9a") */
+/* TEST(t_bal, "bal", "b69e113862b22a053c74ed8334ca2546") */
+/* TEST(t_biquad, "biquad", "0a3d247fe852ceb9ab27955780f510f3") */
+TEST(t_biscale, "biscale", "ca7d61430e28ffd58d0b4370660ab34a")
+TEST(t_blsaw, "blsaw", "a554132bb59acd699fe2c4e6180dbc6d")
+TEST(t_blsquare, "blsquare", "2e2466ed808465df5de309822cab6498")
+TEST(t_bltriangle, "bltriangle", "5c5b2d1bb737eef593932bcaba5d700b")
+/* TEST(t_butbp, "butbp", "8e3d95e3fde358612ef0471162eb08b1") */
+/* TEST(t_butbr, "butbr", "e950a6d5a123a250ae29cdb43a928d23") */
+/* TEST(t_buthp, "buthp", "f437e08168a4b6f9eb57be3c466178f1") */
+/* TEST(t_butlp, "butlp", "db93b2c0c3ec074fd811809496b2bab7") */
+/* TEST(t_clip, "clip", "8560d30573c759e0c7874666b641a059") */
+/* TEST(t_comb, "comb", "dfcb2bbb1fcf157485218d6c6bde770f") */
+TEST(t_bitcrush, "bitcrush", "0c93a78b75123299f6caac428ef3339e")
+TEST(t_delay, "delay", "bb61353652e27f1bc38e2f15d17f6174")
+/* TEST(t_dist, "dist", "5dd6a64b8885193f3f483df64bafc0e5") */
+TEST(t_dmetro, "dmetro", "977818bf3207fe5bb358ec5253b20bb9")
+/* TEST(t_drip, "drip", "1d2b4ada2d286235cb7bf76678e1e964") */
+TEST(t_dtrig, "dtrig", "4e4b520cc8b58363d2453cdf4c420871")
+TEST(t_peakeq, "peakeq", "e0983dd81eba15d20fbe0e8a51a07cf2")
+/* TEST(t_dust, "dust", "83d86a1f874a327ff33e5730fd6c3f56") */
+/* TEST(t_fofilt, "fofilt", "6f38f2fa90f6f1bbd153732b771fe2c0") */
+/* TEST(t_gbuzz, "gbuzz", "e402285a35e9367b975520e8526d3b1f") */
+/* TEST(t_moogladder, "moogladder", "5c2650c0c0374e1faa3c853dae2ac431") */
+/* TEST(t_phasor, "phasor", "e0e96fbadf9736d6e7734028f6557555") */
+/* TEST(t_tone, "tone", "5571f4488385f0f221f4ad0a58665b2b") */
+TEST(t_noise, "noise", "05d1b638e85626876e2b1e3c2cd01a7c")
+/* TEST(t_pareq, "pareq", "5a9df59248a8fc15d543a81a8032019c") */
+/* TEST(t_jitter, "jitter", "7b234521c41ce6ac9fe6586590a9ed1c") */
+/* TEST(t_pluck, "pluck", "cb9f40de0f65a34aac283755cf6cc92b") */
+/* TEST(t_lpf18, "lpf18", "e9f83d8e6332bae5454c1c1a820f81ee") */
+/* TEST(t_tbvcf, "tbvcf", "bbeee0e8e747a006acab06a269e7f896") */
+/* TEST(t_port, "port", "a13637765f6fa947c28d8afdc4dd058b") */
+/* TEST(t_posc3, "posc3", "6977896a8d6157262f39f4e0fbf2b826") */
+TEST(t_prop, "prop", "422c77885af9f96dc04a4e6df68af826")
+TEST(t_rline, "rline", "9b47e0320480b4a1b74b0e1672665051")
+TEST(t_random, "random", "a3e857e8c2cccb8773fe6d4902d6e21f")
+TEST(t_reverse, "reverse", "3296a3444115849585e7cb7a25899c7a")
+TEST(t_bigverb, "bigverb", "e5fcee0007e06587d04d5d6c8bcddbc2")
+TEST(t_rpt, "rpt", "ddcf0fb72209dde0581e5d37e8513c62")
+/* TEST(t_maygate, "maygate", "7147aa5764871be6ec380ebd2d7cd8a1") */
+TEST(t_samphold, "samphold", "cafe3a8f9576b62eb57d9e849d4c8901")
+TEST(t_saturator, "saturator", "141c604b99d3db2cebf47c704197f736")
+TEST(t_scale, "scale", "ca7d61430e28ffd58d0b4370660ab34a")
+/* TEST(t_streson, "streson", "d5d1f75df0262d480722648a77db2087") */
+TEST(t_tenv, "tenv", "3ddfd9bb88d6e12b96dafc291f539da4")
+TEST(t_tenv2, "tenv2", "d4a9ab8ed8f48f4da7714848fb76721a")
+TEST(t_tseq, "tseq", "be3d56a2d11b6f2e86457596285a5374")
+TEST(t_vardelay, "vardelay", "ed020f48993872084ff9502343fa58b9")
+TEST(t_modalres, "modalres", "c7d72851a98e642e6f6881d867fdff14")
+/* TEST(t_jcrev, "jcrev", "1e7125e4563d588fc8d1b417720087ad") */
+/* TEST(t_fold, "fold", "d08344b5dc59f220227818278fe43c26") */
+/* TEST(t_gen_sinesum, "gen_sinesum", "bf0e5de04ab713052433fb31a66aba8d") */
+TEST(t_gen_sine, "gen_sine", "26564cbc0556ae9586c7480d4dec2f83")
+/* TEST(t_gen_gauss, "gen_gauss", "2f60f7c00e6682a14b149f671990d788") */
+/* TEST(t_gen_line, "gen_line", "9eb3fdbed1598e756ed3b2ce7df03889") */
+TEST(t_gen_vals, "gen_vals", "f567965c66dface0b5f5aba18948b3c0")
+/* TEST(t_gen_xline, "gen_xline", "5c6050443a98326723e1809b67b73a9f") */
+/* TEST(t_expon, "expon", "4e7c83be557f938e282c854ba04d4427") */
+TEST(t_randh, "randh", "cfd39121b73a3621e36a9bef09df1a46")
+TEST(t_trand, "trand", "f1a3ff83bffea276428d2f78a61f2e9c")
+TEST(t_adsr, "adsr", "da408e8528aec4e13f3ec648baf18387")
+TEST(t_tdiv, "tdiv", "9b1be87c6b579fde2341515f4d82c008")
+/* TEST(t_paulstretch, "paulstretch", "783135a8f7fbbffb37259a59794ce95d") */
+TEST(t_crossfade, "crossfade", "bbea7ec7d1d54f628351a8e2ba75b909")
+/* TEST(t_fof, "fof", "6fbe6de36f0a9b5591ada0e7026e1797") */
+TEST(t_fosc, "fosc", "38b9082bbd866f1246a5735c40f60f8e")
+/* TEST(t_oscmorph, "oscmorph", "d0d7f65716d846eb1fab90d4fa07f8bf") */
+/* TEST(t_pshift, "pshift", "166ddd604d7b411e6d53be271b5be973") */
+/* TEST(t_sdelay, "sdelay", "3e8e284a51bf96e7dd6fa4b6a1d34f34") */
+TEST(t_line, "line", "dec3380002a2e70c9f854f8069525633")
+/* TEST(t_tblrec, "tblrec", "9cedd52785459aed553fa3faf6f3da0c") */
+/* TEST(t_wpkorg35, "wpkorg35", "2a25ec94d510ac59b430ef858f89fb97") */
+TEST(t_tseg, "tseg", "a7bd2bda3b4db43476684c7dd8e81495")
+/* TEST(t_vocoder, "vocoder", "d988fcf1e28b165bc64e77d53df20f08") */
+/* TEST(t_fog, "fog", "ab8cf3704db8198845d1726563462156") */
+/* TEST(t_compressor, "compressor", "8b717b24d86669564aaf9ef859fbf62c") */
+/* TEST(t_hilbert, "hilbert", "7c85330d2360d6c7e02f5a41efb6ee3f") */
+TEST(t_timer, "timer", "addcd2e6c740921c0829e1db4afdf462")
+/* TEST(t_autowah, "autowah", "4e4a78480cd24e8bae68672a86d1a58d") */
+/* TEST(t_tabread, "tabread", "9b1be87c6b579fde2341515f4d82c008") */
+/* TEST(t_nsmp, "nsmp", "39212b911808a8059e90d07996342b41") */
+/* TEST(t_zitarev, "zitarev", "1ccae5b4673ab4012d946686323ec484") */
+TEST(t_thresh, "thresh", "8d72ab360c9198fb4e469b092349e26d")
+TEST(t_padsynth, "padsynth", "67e7468fc3b13b0e6a29e581efab26b2")
+/* TEST(t_phaser, "phaser", "66b4969e5eacdb27debce0751e34ef6d") */
+/* TEST(t_bar, "bar", "567a8d8b46bcd3c00307b8f714f51c78") */
+/* TEST(t_conv, "conv", "9b1be87c6b579fde2341515f4d82c008") */
+/* TEST(t_diskin, "diskin", "cb72152d73ccaa3bdce298d0587d255c") */
+/* TEST(t_metro, "metro", "f7faa518c3f50acf2b59b562f8f6b0bb") */
+/* TEST(t_mincer, "mincer", "1f3d839081fa7ef5b2850858e4789300") */
+/* TEST(t_pan2, "pan2", "1b9b502d81e337c91bfbd036db5fde4d") */
+/* TEST(t_gen_composite, "gen_composite", "e33caafd160df29d7f6cbfe4178ce1c2") */
+/* TEST(t_gen_file, "gen_file", "e9e8051f4075a559c0d93b47d74f585f") */
+TEST(t_tenvx, "tenvx", "1269a3b4e08abfc4eed548e020b4595c")
+TEST(t_tadsr, "tadsr", "9b1be87c6b579fde2341515f4d82c008")
+/* TEST(t_switch, "switch", "49d42701c018204b9029b236d5f3857a") */
+/* TEST(t_waveset, "waveset", "a6508d38f8e8a5b40b1fcd16f2c6cbe8") */
+/* TEST(t_ptrack, "ptrack", "997c0c9f1cc2760529fd3e86a3106509") */
+TEST(t_phasewarp, "phasewarp", "22aa1a49bb5e3f297e13e8e8baaf4bb1")
+TEST(t_pinknoise, "pinknoise", "2d1e37e1611287d6f3505b0bccd26eeb")
+/* TEST(t_pitchamdf, "pitchamdf", "4d4777f817d5ffb52b299d7dd9197b4a") */
+/* TEST(t_panst, "panst", "e43ae01af73f128255d2bceedbd12eb7") */
+/* TEST(t_peaklim, "peaklim", "63f1990a207cd7f31ebdcb3f6de7f8e3") */
+TEST(t_brown, "brown", "f939d983fe1fe01cb3fc0bed0bca79dc")
+/* TEST(t_spa, "spa", "311150fe437a3d06f24057b090298a90") */
+/* TEST(t_rspline, "rspline", "d3b3c672faeac7f4824c6863946a737e") */
+TEST(t_voc, "voc", "b9e530bfd444fc272498b38da70c12da")
+/* TEST(t_lpc, "lpc", "61eaf9f2f888942ee40b511cdf4fb4bc") */
+TEST(t_smoothdelay, "smoothdelay", "fc1a46df39c40e37aacc019152164717")
+/* TEST(t_talkbox, "talkbox", "67e3e081d8879ac20f51deb4de69f349") */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,151 @@
+TESTS = \
+t_adsr \
+t_bitcrush \
+t_gen_sine \
+t_biscale \
+t_blsaw \
+t_blsquare \
+t_bltriangle \
+t_brown \
+t_crossfade \
+t_delay \
+t_dmetro \
+t_dtrig \
+t_expon \
+t_foo \
+t_gen_vals \
+t_line \
+t_lpc \
+t_noise \
+t_osc \
+t_padsynth \
+t_pinknoise \
+t_prop \
+t_randh \
+t_random \
+t_reverse \
+t_rpt \
+t_saturator \
+t_samphold \
+t_scale \
+t_smoothdelay \
+t_spa \
+t_tadsr \
+t_tdiv \
+t_tenv \
+t_tenvx \
+t_tenv2 \
+t_thresh \
+t_timer \
+t_trand \
+t_tseq \
+t_tseg \
+t_voc \
+t_bigverb \
+t_fmpair \
+t_rline \
+t_vardelay \
+t_peakeq \
+t_modalres \
+t_phasewarp \
+p_adsr \
+p_allpass \
+p_atone \
+p_autowah \
+p_bal \
+p_bar \
+p_biquad \
+p_biscale \
+p_bitcrush \
+p_blsaw \
+p_blsquare \
+p_bltriangle \
+p_butbp \
+p_butbr \
+p_buthp \
+p_butlp \
+p_clip \
+p_comb \
+p_compressor \
+p_conv \
+p_count \
+p_crossfade \
+p_dcblock \
+p_delay \
+p_diskin \
+p_dist \
+p_dmetro \
+p_drip \
+p_dust \
+p_eqfil \
+p_expon \
+p_fofilt \
+p_fof \
+p_fog \
+p_fold \
+p_fosc \
+p_hilbert \
+p_incr \
+p_jcrev \
+p_jitter \
+p_line \
+p_lpf18 \
+p_maygate \
+p_metro \
+p_mincer \
+p_mode \
+p_moogladder \
+p_osc \
+p_oscmorph \
+p_paulstretch \
+p_noise \
+p_pan2 \
+p_panst \
+p_pareq \
+p_pdhalf \
+p_peaklim \
+p_phaser \
+p_phasor \
+p_pinknoise \
+p_pitchamdf \
+p_pluck \
+p_port \
+p_posc3 \
+p_prop \
+p_pshift \
+p_ptrack \
+p_randh \
+p_randi \
+p_random \
+p_reson \
+p_reverse \
+p_revsc \
+p_rms \
+p_rpt \
+p_saturator \
+p_samphold \
+p_scale \
+p_sdelay \
+p_smoothdelay \
+p_streson \
+p_switch \
+p_tadsr \
+p_tbvcf \
+p_tdiv \
+p_tenv \
+p_tenv2 \
+p_tenvx \
+p_tgate \
+p_thresh \
+p_timer \
+p_tin \
+p_tone \
+p_trand \
+p_tseg \
+p_vdelay \
+p_voc \
+p_waveset \
+p_wpkorg35 \
+p_zitarev \
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/config.h
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#define LEN 10
+#define SR 44100
+#define NUM 4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+# this program figures out which tests haven't been implemented yet.
+ls t/*.c > files
+cat all_tests.h | sed "s/TEST(\(.*\),.*,.*)/t\/\1.c/" >> files
+cat files | sort | uniq -u
+rm files
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libtap.c
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Louis P. Santillan <>
+All rights reserved.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "tap.h"
+void plan( unsigned int num )
+   printf( "1..%d\n",
+           num );
+unsigned int ok( unsigned int ok, const char* msg )
+   static int testnum = 0;
+   printf( "%s %d - %s\n",
+           ( ok ? "ok" : "not ok" ),
+           ++testnum,
+           msg );
+   return ok;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/md5.c
@@ -1,0 +1,392 @@
+  Copyright (C) 1999 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+  arising from the use of this software.
+  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+     appreciated but is not required.
+  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+     misrepresented as being the original software.
+  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+  L. Peter Deutsch
+ */
+  Independent implementation of MD5 (RFC 1321).
+  This code implements the MD5 Algorithm defined in RFC 1321.
+  It is derived directly from the text of the RFC and not from the
+  reference implementation.
+  The original and principal author of md5.c is L. Peter Deutsch
+  <>.  Other authors are noted in the change history
+  that follows (in reverse chronological order):
+  1999-11-04 lpd Edited comments slightly for automatic TOC extraction.
+  1999-10-18 lpd Fixed typo in header comment (ansi2knr rather than md5).
+  1999-05-03 lpd Original version.
+ */
+#include "md5.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef TEST
+ * Compile with -DTEST to create a self-contained executable test program.
+ * The test program should print out the same values as given in section
+ * A.5 of RFC 1321, reproduced below.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+    static const char *const test[7] = {
+	"", /*d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e*/
+	"945399884.61923487334tuvga", /*0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661*/
+	"abc", /*900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72*/
+	"message digest", /*f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0*/
+	"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", /*c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b*/
+	"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
+				/*d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f*/
+	"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" /*57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a*/
+    };
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
+	md5_state_t state;
+	md5_byte_t digest[16];
+	int di;
+	md5_init(&state);
+	md5_append(&state, (const md5_byte_t *)test[i], strlen(test[i]));
+	md5_finish(&state, digest);
+	printf("MD5 (\"%s\") = ", test[i]);
+	for (di = 0; di < 16; ++di)
+	    printf("%02x", digest[di]);
+	printf("\n");
+    }
+    return 0;
+#endif /* TEST */
+ * For reference, here is the program that computed the T values.
+ */
+#if 0
+#include <math.h>
+    int i;
+    for (i = 1; i <= 64; ++i) {
+	unsigned long v = (unsigned long)(4294967296.0 * fabs(sin((double)i)));
+	printf("#define T%d 0x%08lx\n", i, v);
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * End of T computation program.
+ */
+#define T1 0xd76aa478
+#define T2 0xe8c7b756
+#define T3 0x242070db
+#define T4 0xc1bdceee
+#define T5 0xf57c0faf
+#define T6 0x4787c62a
+#define T7 0xa8304613
+#define T8 0xfd469501
+#define T9 0x698098d8
+#define T10 0x8b44f7af
+#define T11 0xffff5bb1
+#define T12 0x895cd7be
+#define T13 0x6b901122
+#define T14 0xfd987193
+#define T15 0xa679438e
+#define T16 0x49b40821
+#define T17 0xf61e2562
+#define T18 0xc040b340
+#define T19 0x265e5a51
+#define T20 0xe9b6c7aa
+#define T21 0xd62f105d
+#define T22 0x02441453
+#define T23 0xd8a1e681
+#define T24 0xe7d3fbc8
+#define T25 0x21e1cde6
+#define T26 0xc33707d6
+#define T27 0xf4d50d87
+#define T28 0x455a14ed
+#define T29 0xa9e3e905
+#define T30 0xfcefa3f8
+#define T31 0x676f02d9
+#define T32 0x8d2a4c8a
+#define T33 0xfffa3942
+#define T34 0x8771f681
+#define T35 0x6d9d6122
+#define T36 0xfde5380c
+#define T37 0xa4beea44
+#define T38 0x4bdecfa9
+#define T39 0xf6bb4b60
+#define T40 0xbebfbc70
+#define T41 0x289b7ec6
+#define T42 0xeaa127fa
+#define T43 0xd4ef3085
+#define T44 0x04881d05
+#define T45 0xd9d4d039
+#define T46 0xe6db99e5
+#define T47 0x1fa27cf8
+#define T48 0xc4ac5665
+#define T49 0xf4292244
+#define T50 0x432aff97
+#define T51 0xab9423a7
+#define T52 0xfc93a039
+#define T53 0x655b59c3
+#define T54 0x8f0ccc92
+#define T55 0xffeff47d
+#define T56 0x85845dd1
+#define T57 0x6fa87e4f
+#define T58 0xfe2ce6e0
+#define T59 0xa3014314
+#define T60 0x4e0811a1
+#define T61 0xf7537e82
+#define T62 0xbd3af235
+#define T63 0x2ad7d2bb
+#define T64 0xeb86d391
+static void
+md5_process(md5_state_t *pms, const md5_byte_t *data /*[64]*/)
+    md5_word_t
+	a = pms->abcd[0], b = pms->abcd[1],
+	c = pms->abcd[2], d = pms->abcd[3];
+    md5_word_t t;
+# define ARCH_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1	/* slower, default implementation */
+    /*
+     * On big-endian machines, we must arrange the bytes in the right
+     * order.  (This also works on machines of unknown byte order.)
+     */
+    md5_word_t X[16];
+    const md5_byte_t *xp = data;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i, xp += 4)
+	X[i] = xp[0] + (xp[1] << 8) + (xp[2] << 16) + (xp[3] << 24);
+#else  /* !ARCH_IS_BIG_ENDIAN */
+    /*
+     * On little-endian machines, we can process properly aligned data
+     * without copying it.
+     */
+    md5_word_t xbuf[16];
+    const md5_word_t *X;
+    if (!((data - (const md5_byte_t *)0) & 3)) {
+	/* data are properly aligned */
+	X = (const md5_word_t *)data;
+    } else {
+	/* not aligned */
+	memcpy(xbuf, data, 64);
+	X = xbuf;
+    }
+#define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32 - (n))))
+    /* Round 1. */
+    /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
+       a = b + ((a + F(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define F(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | (~(x) & (z)))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+  t = a + F(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+  a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+    /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  0,  7,  T1);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  1, 12,  T2);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  2, 17,  T3);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  3, 22,  T4);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  4,  7,  T5);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  5, 12,  T6);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  6, 17,  T7);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  7, 22,  T8);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  8,  7,  T9);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  9, 12, T10);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 10, 17, T11);
+    SET(b, c, d, a, 11, 22, T12);
+    SET(a, b, c, d, 12,  7, T13);
+    SET(d, a, b, c, 13, 12, T14);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 14, 17, T15);
+    SET(b, c, d, a, 15, 22, T16);
+#undef SET
+     /* Round 2. */
+     /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
+          a = b + ((a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & ~(z)))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+  t = a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+  a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  1,  5, T17);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  6,  9, T18);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 11, 14, T19);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  0, 20, T20);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  5,  5, T21);
+    SET(d, a, b, c, 10,  9, T22);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 15, 14, T23);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  4, 20, T24);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  9,  5, T25);
+    SET(d, a, b, c, 14,  9, T26);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  3, 14, T27);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  8, 20, T28);
+    SET(a, b, c, d, 13,  5, T29);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  2,  9, T30);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  7, 14, T31);
+    SET(b, c, d, a, 12, 20, T32);
+#undef SET
+     /* Round 3. */
+     /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
+          a = b + ((a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+  t = a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+  a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  5,  4, T33);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  8, 11, T34);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 11, 16, T35);
+    SET(b, c, d, a, 14, 23, T36);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  1,  4, T37);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  4, 11, T38);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  7, 16, T39);
+    SET(b, c, d, a, 10, 23, T40);
+    SET(a, b, c, d, 13,  4, T41);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  0, 11, T42);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  3, 16, T43);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  6, 23, T44);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  9,  4, T45);
+    SET(d, a, b, c, 12, 11, T46);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 15, 16, T47);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  2, 23, T48);
+#undef SET
+     /* Round 4. */
+     /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
+          a = b + ((a + I(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
+#define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | ~(z)))
+#define SET(a, b, c, d, k, s, Ti)\
+  t = a + I(b,c,d) + X[k] + Ti;\
+  a = ROTATE_LEFT(t, s) + b
+     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  0,  6, T49);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  7, 10, T50);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 14, 15, T51);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  5, 21, T52);
+    SET(a, b, c, d, 12,  6, T53);
+    SET(d, a, b, c,  3, 10, T54);
+    SET(c, d, a, b, 10, 15, T55);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  1, 21, T56);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  8,  6, T57);
+    SET(d, a, b, c, 15, 10, T58);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  6, 15, T59);
+    SET(b, c, d, a, 13, 21, T60);
+    SET(a, b, c, d,  4,  6, T61);
+    SET(d, a, b, c, 11, 10, T62);
+    SET(c, d, a, b,  2, 15, T63);
+    SET(b, c, d, a,  9, 21, T64);
+#undef SET
+     /* Then perform the following additions. (That is increment each
+        of the four registers by the value it had before this block
+        was started.) */
+    pms->abcd[0] += a;
+    pms->abcd[1] += b;
+    pms->abcd[2] += c;
+    pms->abcd[3] += d;
+md5_init(md5_state_t *pms)
+    pms->count[0] = pms->count[1] = 0;
+    pms->abcd[0] = 0x67452301;
+    pms->abcd[1] = 0xefcdab89;
+    pms->abcd[2] = 0x98badcfe;
+    pms->abcd[3] = 0x10325476;
+md5_append(md5_state_t *pms, const md5_byte_t *data, int nbytes)
+    const md5_byte_t *p = data;
+    int left = nbytes;
+    int offset = (pms->count[0] >> 3) & 63;
+    md5_word_t nbits = (md5_word_t)(nbytes << 3);
+    if (nbytes <= 0)
+	return;
+    /* Update the message length. */
+    pms->count[1] += nbytes >> 29;
+    pms->count[0] += nbits;
+    if (pms->count[0] < nbits)
+	pms->count[1]++;
+    /* Process an initial partial block. */
+    if (offset) {
+	int copy = (offset + nbytes > 64 ? 64 - offset : nbytes);
+	memcpy(pms->buf + offset, p, copy);
+	if (offset + copy < 64)
+	    return;
+	p += copy;
+	left -= copy;
+	md5_process(pms, pms->buf);
+    }
+    /* Process full blocks. */
+    for (; left >= 64; p += 64, left -= 64)
+	md5_process(pms, p);
+    /* Process a final partial block. */
+    if (left)
+	memcpy(pms->buf, p, left);
+md5_finish(md5_state_t *pms, md5_byte_t digest[16])
+    static const md5_byte_t pad[64] = {
+	0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+    };
+    md5_byte_t data[8];
+    int i;
+    /* Save the length before padding. */
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+	data[i] = (md5_byte_t)(pms->count[i >> 2] >> ((i & 3) << 3));
+    /* Pad to 56 bytes mod 64. */
+    md5_append(pms, pad, ((55 - (pms->count[0] >> 3)) & 63) + 1);
+    /* Append the length. */
+    md5_append(pms, data, 8);
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+	digest[i] = (md5_byte_t)(pms->abcd[i >> 2] >> ((i & 3) << 3));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/md5.h
@@ -1,0 +1,93 @@
+  Copyright (C) 1999 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+  arising from the use of this software.
+  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+     appreciated but is not required.
+  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+     misrepresented as being the original software.
+  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+  L. Peter Deutsch
+ */
+  Independent implementation of MD5 (RFC 1321).
+  This code implements the MD5 Algorithm defined in RFC 1321.
+  It is derived directly from the text of the RFC and not from the
+  reference implementation.
+  The original and principal author of md5.h is L. Peter Deutsch
+  <>.  Other authors are noted in the change history
+  that follows (in reverse chronological order):
+  1999-11-04 lpd Edited comments slightly for automatic TOC extraction.
+  1999-10-18 lpd Fixed typo in header comment (ansi2knr rather than md5);
+	added conditionalization for C++ compilation from Martin
+	Purschke <>.
+  1999-05-03 lpd Original version.
+ */
+#ifndef md5_INCLUDED
+#  define md5_INCLUDED
+ * This code has some adaptations for the Ghostscript environment, but it
+ * will compile and run correctly in any environment with 8-bit chars and
+ * 32-bit ints.  Specifically, it assumes that if the following are
+ * defined, they have the same meaning as in Ghostscript: P1, P2, P3,
+ */
+typedef unsigned char md5_byte_t; /* 8-bit byte */
+typedef unsigned int md5_word_t; /* 32-bit word */
+/* Define the state of the MD5 Algorithm. */
+typedef struct md5_state_s {
+    md5_word_t count[2];	/* message length in bits, lsw first */
+    md5_word_t abcd[4];		/* digest buffer */
+    md5_byte_t buf[64];		/* accumulate block */
+} md5_state_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+/* Initialize the algorithm. */
+#ifdef P1
+void md5_init(P1(md5_state_t *pms));
+void md5_init(md5_state_t *pms);
+/* Append a string to the message. */
+#ifdef P3
+void md5_append(P3(md5_state_t *pms, const md5_byte_t *data, int nbytes));
+void md5_append(md5_state_t *pms, const md5_byte_t *data, int nbytes);
+/* Finish the message and return the digest. */
+#ifdef P2
+void md5_finish(P2(md5_state_t *pms, md5_byte_t digest[16]));
+void md5_finish(md5_state_t *pms, md5_byte_t digest[16]);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+}  /* end extern "C" */
+#endif /* md5_INCLUDED */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/gen.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+name = arg[1]
+sptbl = {}
+dofile ("../../sp_dict.lua")
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_FOO *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) { 
+        sp_FOO_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_FOO_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_FOO_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_FOO_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
+compute = string.gsub(compute, "FOO", name)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_adsr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_adsr *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_adsr_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_adsr_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_adsr_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_adsr_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_allpass.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_allpass *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_allpass_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_allpass_init(sp, unit[u], 1.5);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_allpass_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_allpass_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_atone.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_atone *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_atone_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_atone_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_atone_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_atone_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_autowah.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_autowah *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_autowah_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_autowah_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_autowah_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_autowah_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_bal.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0, comp = 0;
+    sp_bal *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_bal_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_bal_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bal_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &comp, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bal_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_bar.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_bar *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_bar_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_bar_init(sp, unit[u], 3, 0.0001);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bar_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bar_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_biquad.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_biquad *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_biquad_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_biquad_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_biquad_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_biquad_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_biscale.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_biscale *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_biscale_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_biscale_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_biscale_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_biscale_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_bitcrush.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_bitcrush *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_bitcrush_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_bitcrush_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bitcrush_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bitcrush_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_blsaw.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_blsaw *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_blsaw_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_blsaw_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_blsaw_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_blsaw_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_blsquare.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_blsquare *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_blsquare_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_blsquare_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_blsquare_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_blsquare_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_bltriangle.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_bltriangle *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_bltriangle_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_bltriangle_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bltriangle_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_bltriangle_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_butbp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_butbp *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_butbp_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_butbp_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_butbp_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_butbp_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_butbr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_butbr *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_butbr_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_butbr_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_butbr_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_butbr_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_buthp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_buthp *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_buthp_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_buthp_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_buthp_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_buthp_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_butlp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_butlp *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_butlp_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_butlp_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_butlp_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_butlp_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_clip.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_clip *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_clip_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_clip_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_clip_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_clip_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_comb.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_comb *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_comb_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_comb_init(sp, unit[u], 1.1);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_comb_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_comb_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_compressor.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_compressor *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_compressor_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_compressor_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_compressor_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_compressor_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_conv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_conv *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ft, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_conv_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_conv_init(sp, unit[u], ft, 2048);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_conv_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_conv_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_count.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_count *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_count_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_count_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_count_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_count_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_crossfade.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in1 = 0, out = 0, in2 = 0;
+    sp_crossfade *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_crossfade_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_crossfade_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_crossfade_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &in1, &in2, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_crossfade_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_dcblock.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_dcblock *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_dcblock_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_dcblock_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dcblock_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dcblock_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_delay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_delay *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_delay_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_delay_init(sp, unit[u], 1.0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_delay_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_delay_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_diskin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_diskin *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_diskin_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_diskin_init(sp, unit[u], SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_diskin_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_diskin_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_dist.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_dist *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_dist_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_dist_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dist_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dist_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_dmetro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_dmetro *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_dmetro_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_dmetro_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dmetro_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dmetro_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_drip.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_drip *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_drip_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_drip_init(sp, unit[u], 0.09);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_drip_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_drip_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_dtrig.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_dtrig *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_dtrig_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_dtrig_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dtrig_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dtrig_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_dust.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_dust *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_dust_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_dust_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dust_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_dust_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_eqfil.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_eqfil *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_eqfil_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_eqfil_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_eqfil_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_eqfil_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_expon.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_expon *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_expon_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_expon_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_expon_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_expon_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_fof.c
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_fof *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl *sine;
+    sp_ftbl *win;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &sine, 2048);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &win, 1024);
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_fof_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_fof_init(sp, unit[u], sine, win, 100, 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fof_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fof_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&sine);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&win);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_fofilt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_fofilt *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_fofilt_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_fofilt_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fofilt_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fofilt_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_fog.c
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *wav;
+    sp_ftbl *win;
+    sp_fog *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &wav, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &win, 1024);
+    sp_gen_composite(sp, win, "0.5 0.5 270 0.5");
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_fog_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_fog_init(sp, unit[u], win, wav, 100, 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fog_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fog_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&wav);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&win);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_fold.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_fold *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_fold_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_fold_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fold_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fold_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_fosc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_fosc *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 8192);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft);
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_fosc_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_fosc_init(sp, unit[u], ft);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fosc_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_fosc_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_gbuzz.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_gbuzz *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 8192);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft);
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_gbuzz_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_gbuzz_init(sp, unit[u], ft, 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_gbuzz_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_gbuzz_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_hilbert.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out1 = 0, out2 = 0;
+    sp_hilbert *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_hilbert_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_hilbert_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_hilbert_compute(sp, unit[u], &in,
+                &out1, &out2);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_hilbert_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_in.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_in *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_in_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_in_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_in_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_in_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_incr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_incr *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_incr_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_incr_init(sp, unit[u], 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_incr_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_incr_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_jcrev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_jcrev *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_jcrev_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_jcrev_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_jcrev_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_jcrev_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_jitter.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_jitter *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_jitter_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_jitter_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_jitter_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_jitter_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_line.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_line *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_line_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_line_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_line_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_line_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_lpf18.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_lpf18 *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_lpf18_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_lpf18_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_lpf18_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_lpf18_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_maygate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_maygate *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_maygate_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_maygate_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_maygate_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_maygate_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_metro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_metro *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_metro_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_metro_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_metro_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_metro_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_mincer.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_mincer *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl *wav;
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &wav, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_mincer_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_mincer_init(sp, unit[u], wav, 2048);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_mincer_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_mincer_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&wav);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_mode.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_mode *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_mode_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_mode_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_mode_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_mode_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_moogladder.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_moogladder *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_moogladder_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_moogladder_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_moogladder_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_moogladder_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_noise.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_noise *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_noise_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_noise_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_noise_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_noise_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_nsmp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_nsmp *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_nsmp_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_nsmp_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_nsmp_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_nsmp_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_osc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_osc *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 8192);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft);
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_osc_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_osc_init(sp, unit[u], ft, 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_osc_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_osc_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_oscmorph.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft[2];
+    sp_ftbl *ft1;
+    sp_ftbl *ft2;
+    sp_oscmorph *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft1, 4096);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft1);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft2, 4096);
+    sp_gen_sinesum(sp, ft2, "1 1 1");
+    ft[0] = ft1;
+    ft[1] = ft2;
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_oscmorph_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_oscmorph_init(sp, unit[u], ft, 2, 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_oscmorph_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_oscmorph_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft1);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft2);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_padsynth.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_padsynth *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_padsynth_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_padsynth_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_padsynth_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_padsynth_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pan2.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out1 = 0, out2 = 0;
+    sp_pan2 *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pan2_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pan2_init(sp, unit[u]);
+        unit[u]->type  = 1;
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pan2_compute(sp, unit[u], &in,
+                &out1, &out2);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pan2_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_panst.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in1 = 0, out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in2 = 0, out2 = 0;
+    sp_panst *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_panst_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_panst_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_panst_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &in1, &in2, &out1, &out2);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_panst_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pareq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_pareq *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pareq_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pareq_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pareq_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pareq_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_paulstretch.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *wav;
+    sp_paulstretch *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &wav, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_paulstretch_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_paulstretch_init(sp, unit[u], wav, 1.0, 10);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_paulstretch_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_paulstretch_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&wav);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pdhalf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_pdhalf *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pdhalf_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pdhalf_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pdhalf_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pdhalf_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_peaklim.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_peaklim *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_peaklim_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_peaklim_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_peaklim_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_peaklim_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_phaser.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in1 = 0, out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in2 = 0, out2 = 0;
+    sp_phaser *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_phaser_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_phaser_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_phaser_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &in1, &in2, &out1, &out2);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_phaser_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_phasor.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_phasor *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_phasor_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_phasor_init(sp, unit[u], 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_phasor_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_phasor_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pinknoise.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_pinknoise *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pinknoise_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pinknoise_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pinknoise_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pinknoise_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pitchamdf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, rms = 0, cps = 0;
+    sp_pitchamdf *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pitchamdf_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pitchamdf_init(sp, unit[u], 100, 400);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pitchamdf_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &cps, &rms);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pitchamdf_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pluck.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_pluck *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pluck_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pluck_init(sp, unit[u], 400);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pluck_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pluck_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_port.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_port *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_port_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_port_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_port_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_port_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_posc3.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_posc3 *unit[NUM];
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 8192);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft);
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_posc3_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_posc3_init(sp, unit[u], ft);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_posc3_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_posc3_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_prop.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_prop *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_prop_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_prop_init(sp, unit[u], "+");
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_prop_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_prop_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_pshift.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_pshift *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_pshift_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_pshift_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pshift_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_pshift_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_ptrack.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, freq = 0, amp = 0;
+    sp_ptrack *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_ptrack_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_ptrack_init(sp, unit[u], 512, 20);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_ptrack_compute(sp, unit[u], &in,
+                &freq, &amp);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_ptrack_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_randh.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_randh *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_randh_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_randh_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_randh_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_randh_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_randi.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_randi *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_randi_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_randi_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_randi_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_randi_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_random.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_random *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_random_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_random_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_random_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_random_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_reson.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_reson *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_reson_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_reson_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_reson_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_reson_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_reverse.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_reverse *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_reverse_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_reverse_init(sp, unit[u], 1.0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_reverse_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_reverse_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_revsc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in1 = 0, out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in2 = 0, out2 = 0;
+    sp_revsc *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_revsc_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_revsc_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_revsc_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &in1, &in2, &out1, &out2);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_revsc_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_rms.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_rms *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_rms_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_rms_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_rms_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_rms_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_rpt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0, trig = 0;
+    sp_rpt *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_rpt_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_rpt_init(sp, unit[u], 2.0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_rpt_compute(sp, unit[u], &trig, &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_rpt_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_samphold.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0, trig = 0;
+    sp_samphold *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_samphold_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_samphold_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_samphold_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &trig, &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_samphold_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_saturator.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_saturator *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_saturator_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_saturator_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_saturator_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_saturator_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_scale.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_scale *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_scale_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_scale_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_scale_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_scale_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_sdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_sdelay *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_sdelay_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_sdelay_init(sp, unit[u], 1024);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_sdelay_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_sdelay_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_slice.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_slice *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_slice_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_slice_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_slice_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_slice_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_smoothdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_smoothdelay *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_smoothdelay_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_smoothdelay_init(sp, unit[u], 1.0, 1024);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_smoothdelay_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_smoothdelay_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_streson.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_streson *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_streson_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_streson_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_streson_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_streson_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_switch.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT trig = 0, in1 = 0, in2 = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_switch *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_switch_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_switch_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_switch_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &trig, &in1, &in2, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_switch_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tabread.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tabread *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tabread_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tabread_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tabread_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tabread_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tadsr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tadsr *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tadsr_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tadsr_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tadsr_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tadsr_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tblrec.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tblrec *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tblrec_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tblrec_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tblrec_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tblrec_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tbvcf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tbvcf *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tbvcf_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tbvcf_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tbvcf_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tbvcf_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tdiv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tdiv *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tdiv_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tdiv_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tdiv_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tdiv_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tenv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tenv *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tenv_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tenv_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tenv_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tenv_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tenv2.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tenv2 *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tenv2_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tenv2_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tenv2_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tenv2_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tenvx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tenvx *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tenvx_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tenvx_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tenvx_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tenvx_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tgate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tgate *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tgate_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tgate_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tgate_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tgate_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_thresh.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_thresh *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_thresh_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_thresh_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_thresh_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_thresh_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_timer.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_timer *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_timer_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_timer_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_timer_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_timer_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tin *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tin_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tin_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tin_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tin_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tone.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tone *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tone_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tone_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tone_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tone_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_trand.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_trand *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_trand_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_trand_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_trand_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_trand_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tseg.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tseg *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tseg_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tseg_init(sp, unit[u], 0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tseg_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tseg_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_tseq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_tseq *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_tseq_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_tseq_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tseq_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_tseq_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_vdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_vdelay *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_vdelay_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_vdelay_init(sp, unit[u], 1.0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_vdelay_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_vdelay_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_voc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_voc *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_voc_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_voc_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_voc_compute(sp, unit[u], &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_voc_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_vocoder.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_vocoder *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_vocoder_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_vocoder_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_vocoder_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_vocoder_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_waveset.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_waveset *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_waveset_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_waveset_init(sp, unit[u], 5.0);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_waveset_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_waveset_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_wpkorg35.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_wpkorg35 *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_wpkorg35_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_wpkorg35_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_wpkorg35_compute(sp, unit[u], &in, &out);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_wpkorg35_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/p/p_zitarev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "config.h"
+int main() {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp->sr = SR;
+    sp->len = sp->sr * LEN;
+    uint32_t t, u;
+    SPFLOAT in1 = 0, out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in2 = 0, out2 = 0;
+    sp_zitarev *unit[NUM];
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) {
+        sp_zitarev_create(&unit[u]);
+        sp_zitarev_init(sp, unit[u]);
+    }
+    for(t = 0; t < sp->len; t++) {
+        for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_zitarev_compute(sp, unit[u],
+                &in1, &in2, &out1, &out2);
+    }
+    for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++) sp_zitarev_destroy(&unit[u]);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/perf_test
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+> time.log
+for p in $*
+    echo "testing $p"
+    printf "$p " | sed "s/^p\/p_//" >> time.log
+    /usr/bin/time -p ./$p 2>&1 | grep real | sed -E 's/[[:space:]]+/ /' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 >> time.log
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/plot.plt
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+set terminal png size 900,400 font ',10'
+set bmargin 10 
+set output "demo.png"
+set nokey
+set style data histogram
+unset border
+set xtics rotate 
+set xtics axis
+plot 'time.log' using 2:xtic(1) with boxes
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/run.c
@@ -1,0 +1,118 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+#define TEST(str, desc, md5hash) int str(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash);
+#include "all_tests.h"
+#undef TEST
+#define SIZE(x) sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x)
+typedef struct {
+    sp_data *sp;
+    uint32_t size;
+} test_data;
+static void print_help()
+    printf("Commands:\n");
+    printf("\tgen_header: print header.\n");
+    printf("\tregen_header: regenerate header\n");
+    printf("\trender NUM: render output at position NUM\n");
+    printf("\ttest NUM: test position NUM\n");
+/* TODO: refactor */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    uint32_t n;
+    sp_test_entry tests [] = {
+#define TEST(str, desc, md5hash) {str, desc, md5hash},
+#include "all_tests.h"
+#undef TEST
+    };
+    int err = 0;
+    unsigned int rc;
+    unsigned int errcnt;
+    sp_test *tst;
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    uint32_t size = 44100 * 5;
+    errcnt = 0;
+    if(argc == 1) {
+        plan(SIZE(tests));
+        for(n = 0; n < SIZE(tests); n++) {
+            sp_test_create(&tst, size);
+            rc = ok(tests[n].func(tst, sp, tests[n].hash)  == SP_OK, tests[n].desc);
+#ifdef WRITE_RAW
+            if(n != 0) sp_test_write_raw(tst, n);
+            if(n != 0 && !rc) {
+                errcnt++;
+            }
+            sp_test_destroy(&tst);
+        }
+        if(errcnt > 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "Testing resulted in %d error(s).\n", errcnt);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (!strcmp(argv[1], "gen_header")) {
+            for(n = 0; n < SIZE(tests); n++) {
+                printf("TEST(t_%s, \"%s\", \"%s\")\n",
+                        tests[n].desc, tests[n].desc, tests[n].hash);
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test")) {
+            if(argc < 3) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Not enough options for test!\n");
+                err = 1;
+            } else {
+                unsigned int pos = atoi(argv[2]) - 1;
+                if(pos > SIZE(tests)) {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "Test number %d exceeds size\n", pos);
+                } else {
+                    plan(SIZE(tests));
+                    sp_test_create(&tst, size);
+                    ok(tests[pos].func(tst, sp, tests[pos].hash)  == SP_OK, tests[pos].desc);
+                    sp_test_destroy(&tst);
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "regen_header")) {
+            for(n = 0; n < SIZE(tests); n++) {
+                sp_test_create(&tst, size);
+                tst->mode = HEADER;
+                tst->cur_entry = &tests[n];
+                tests[n].func(tst, sp, tests[n].hash);
+                sp_test_destroy(&tst);
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "render")) {
+            if(argc < 3) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Not enough options for render!\n");
+                err = 1;
+            } else {
+                unsigned int pos = atoi(argv[2]) - 1;
+                if(pos > SIZE(tests)) {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "Test number %d exceeds size\n", pos);
+                } else {
+                    sp_test_create(&tst, size);
+                    tests[pos].func(tst, sp, tests[pos].hash);
+                    sp_test_write_raw(tst, pos + 1);
+                    sp_test_destroy(&tst);
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "help")) {
+            print_help();
+        } else {
+            fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command %s\n", argv[1]);
+            err = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return err;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_adsr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_adsr *adsr;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_adsr(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_adsr_create(&ud.adsr);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 8192);
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, adsr = 0, gate = 0;
+    sp_adsr_init(sp, ud.adsr);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < tst->size * 0.5) {
+            gate = 1;
+        } else {
+            gate = 0;
+        }
+        sp_adsr_compute(sp, ud.adsr, &gate, &adsr);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, adsr * osc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    sp_adsr_destroy(&ud.adsr);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_allpass.c
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_allpass(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_allpass *ap_d;
+    sp_tenv *env_d;
+    sp_noise *nz_d;
+    SPFLOAT tick = 0, env = 0, noise = 0, allpass = 0;
+    sp_allpass_create(&ap_d);
+    sp_tenv_create(&env_d);
+    sp_noise_create(&nz_d);
+    sp_allpass_init(sp, ap_d, 0.1);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, env_d);
+    env_d->atk = 0.001;
+    env_d->hold = 0.00;
+    env_d->rel =  0.1;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, nz_d);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        tick = 0, env = 0, noise = 0, allpass = 0;
+        tick = (n == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, env_d, &tick, &env);
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, nz_d, NULL, &noise);
+        noise *= env * 0.5;
+        sp_allpass_compute(sp, ap_d, &noise, &allpass);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, allpass);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst,hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&nz_d);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&env_d);
+    sp_allpass_destroy(&ap_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_atone.c
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_atone(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT noise = 0, atone = 0;
+    sp_atone *atone_d;
+    sp_noise *noise_d;
+    sp_atone_create(&atone_d);
+    sp_noise_create(&noise_d);
+    sp_atone_init(sp, atone_d);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, noise_d);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        noise = 0, atone = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, noise_d, NULL, &noise);
+        sp_atone_compute(sp, atone_d, &noise, &atone);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, atone);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_atone_destroy(&atone_d);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&noise_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_autowah.c
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_autowah *autowah;
+    sp_spa *disk;
+} UserData;
+int t_autowah(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT disk = 0, autowah = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_autowah_create(&ud.autowah);
+    sp_spa_create(&ud.disk);
+    sp_spa_init(sp, ud.disk, SAMPDIR "");
+    sp_autowah_init(sp, ud.autowah);
+    *ud.autowah->wah = 1.0;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        disk = 0;
+        autowah = 0;
+        sp_spa_compute(sp, ud.disk, NULL, &disk);
+        sp_autowah_compute(sp, ud.autowah, &disk, &autowah);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, autowah);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_autowah_destroy(&ud.autowah);
+    sp_spa_destroy(&ud.disk);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_bal.c
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_bal(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n, i;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0, osc = 0, filt = 0, bal = 0, env = 0, tick;
+    sp_osc *osc_d[3];
+    sp_ftbl *ft_d;
+    sp_moogladder *filt_d;
+    sp_bal *bal_d;
+    sp_tenv *env_d;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft_d, 4096);
+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        sp_osc_create(&osc_d[i]);
+        osc_d[i]->amp = 0.5;
+    }
+    sp_bal_create(&bal_d);
+    sp_moogladder_create(&filt_d);
+    filt_d->res = 0.8;
+    sp_tenv_create(&env_d);
+    sp_gen_line(sp, ft_d, "0 1 4096 -1");
+    sp_osc_init(sp, osc_d[0], ft_d, 0);
+    osc_d[0]->freq = sp_midi2cps(41 - 0.05);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, osc_d[1], ft_d, 0);
+    osc_d[1]->freq = sp_midi2cps(41 - 12);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, osc_d[2], ft_d, 0);
+    osc_d[2]->freq = sp_midi2cps(41 + 0.05);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    sp_bal_init(sp, bal_d);
+    sp_moogladder_init(sp, filt_d);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, env_d);
+    env_d->atk = 2.25;
+    env_d->hold = 0.5;
+    env_d->rel =  2.25;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        out = 0, osc = 0, filt = 0, bal = 0, env = 0;
+        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+           sp_osc_compute(sp, osc_d[i], NULL, &osc);
+           out += osc * 0.5;
+        }
+        tick = (sp->pos == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, env_d, &tick, &env);
+        filt_d->freq = 300 + 3000 * env;
+        sp_moogladder_compute(sp, filt_d, &out, &filt);
+        sp_bal_compute(sp, bal_d, &filt, &osc, &bal);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, bal * env);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft_d);
+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) sp_osc_destroy(&osc_d[i]);
+    sp_bal_destroy(&bal_d);
+    sp_moogladder_destroy(&filt_d);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&env_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_bar.c
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_bar *bar;
+    sp_metro *met;
+} UserData;
+int t_bar(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT bar = 0, met = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_bar_create(&;
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_bar_init(sp,, 3, 0.0001);
+>T30 = 1;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        bar = 0;
+        met = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_bar_compute(sp,, &met, &bar);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, bar);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_bar_destroy(&;
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_bigverb.c
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_bigverb *rev;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_bigverb(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT foo = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_bigverb_create(&ud.rev);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_bigverb_init(sp, ud.rev);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        foo = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        if(ud.counter < 2000) {
+            ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 5000;
+        }else{
+            in = 0;
+        }
+        sp_bigverb_compute(sp, ud.rev, &in, &in, &sp->out[0], &foo);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_bigverb_destroy(&ud.rev);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_biquad.c
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct udata {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_biquad *tn;
+} UserData;
+int t_biquad(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_biquad_create(&;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_biquad_init(sp,;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        out = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_biquad_compute(sp,, &in, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_biquad_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_biscale.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_biscale *biscale;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_biscale(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT val = 1;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, biscale = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_biscale_create(&ud.biscale);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_biscale_init(sp, ud.biscale);
+    ud.biscale->min = 0;
+    ud.biscale->max = 880;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, biscale = 0;
+        /* constant set to 1, when biscaled, it becomes 440 */
+        val = 1;
+        sp_biscale_compute(sp, ud.biscale, &val, &biscale);
+        ud.osc->freq = biscale;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_biscale_destroy(&ud.biscale);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_bitcrush.c
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_bitcrush *bitcrush;
+    sp_noise *nz;
+} UserData;
+int t_bitcrush(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT noise = 0, bitcrush = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    sp_bitcrush_create(&ud.bitcrush);
+    sp_noise_create(&;
+    sp_noise_init(sp,;
+    sp_bitcrush_init(sp, ud.bitcrush);
+    ud.bitcrush->bitdepth = 8;
+    ud.bitcrush->srate = 10000;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        noise = 0, bitcrush = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp,, NULL, &noise);
+        sp_bitcrush_compute(sp, ud.bitcrush, &noise, &bitcrush);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, bitcrush);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_bitcrush_destroy(&ud.bitcrush);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_blsaw.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_blsaw(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash) {
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT blsaw;
+    sp_blsaw *blsaw_d;
+    sp_blsaw_create(&blsaw_d);
+    sp_blsaw_init(sp, blsaw_d);
+    *blsaw_d->freq = 500;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        blsaw = 0;
+        sp_blsaw_compute(sp, blsaw_d, NULL, &blsaw);
+        sp_out(sp, 0, blsaw);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_blsaw_destroy(&blsaw_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_blsquare.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_blsquare(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash) {
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT blsquare;
+    sp_blsquare *blsquare_d;
+    sp_blsquare_create(&blsquare_d);
+    sp_blsquare_init(sp, blsquare_d);
+    *blsquare_d->freq = 500;
+    *blsquare_d->width = 0.4;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        blsquare = 0;
+        sp_blsquare_compute(sp, blsquare_d, NULL, &blsquare);
+        sp_out(sp, 0, blsquare);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_blsquare_destroy(&blsquare_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_bltriangle.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_bltriangle(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash) {
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT bltriangle;
+    sp_bltriangle *bltriangle_d;
+    sp_bltriangle_create(&bltriangle_d);
+    sp_bltriangle_init(sp, bltriangle_d);
+    *bltriangle_d->freq = 500;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        bltriangle = 0;
+        sp_bltriangle_compute(sp, bltriangle_d, NULL, &bltriangle);
+        sp_out(sp, 0, bltriangle);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_bltriangle_destroy(&bltriangle_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_brown.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_brown *brown;
+} UserData;
+int t_brown(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT brown = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_brown_create(&ud.brown);
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    sp_brown_init(sp, ud.brown);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_brown_compute(sp, ud.brown, NULL, &brown);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, brown);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_brown_destroy(&ud.brown);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_butbp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_butbp *butbp;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_butbp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_butbp_create(&ud.butbp);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_butbp_init(sp, ud.butbp);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        out = 0;
+        if(ud.counter == 0) {
+            ud.butbp->freq= 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 4000;
+        }
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_butbp_compute(sp, ud.butbp, &in, &out);
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 5000;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_butbp_destroy(&ud.butbp);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_butbr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_butbr *butbr;
+    sp_noise *ns;
+} UserData;
+int t_butbr(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT noise = 0, butbr = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_butbr_create(&ud.butbr);
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_butbr_init(sp, ud.butbr);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        noise = 0, butbr = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &noise);
+        sp_butbr_compute(sp, ud.butbr, &noise, &butbr);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, butbr);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_butbr_destroy(&ud.butbr);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_buthp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_buthp *buthp;
+} UserData;
+int t_buthp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_buthp_create(&ud.buthp);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_buthp_init(sp, ud.buthp);
+    ud.buthp->freq = 5000;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        out = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_buthp_compute(sp, ud.buthp, &in, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_buthp_destroy(&ud.buthp);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_butlp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_butlp *butlp;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_butlp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_butlp_create(&ud.butlp);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_butlp_init(sp, ud.butlp);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        out = 0;
+        if(ud.counter == 0) {
+            ud.butlp->freq= 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 4000;
+        }
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_butlp_compute(sp, ud.butlp, &in, &out);
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 5000;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_butlp_destroy(&ud.butlp);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_clamp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_clamp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_clip.c
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+   sp_ftbl *ft;
+   sp_osc *osc;
+   sp_clip *clp;
+   sp_moogladder *filt;
+} UserData;
+int t_clip(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out, osc, filt;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_clip_create(&ud.clp);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 4096);
+    sp_moogladder_create(&ud.filt);
+    sp_gen_line(sp, ud.ft, "0 1 4096 -1");
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = sp_midi2cps(48);
+    sp_clip_init(sp, ud.clp);
+    sp_moogladder_init(sp, ud.filt);
+    ud.filt->freq = 1000;
+    ud.filt->res = 0.8;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        out = 0 , osc = 0 , filt = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_moogladder_compute(sp, ud.filt, &osc, &filt);
+        sp_clip_compute(sp, ud.clp, &filt, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_clip_destroy(&ud.clp);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_moogladder_destroy(&ud.filt);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_clock.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_clock(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_comb.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_comb *comb;
+    sp_tenv *env;
+    sp_noise *nz;
+} UserData;
+int t_comb(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT tick = 0, env = 0, noise = 0, comb = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_comb_create(&ud.comb);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.env);
+    sp_noise_create(&;
+    sp_comb_init(sp, ud.comb, 0.01);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.env);
+    ud.env->atk = 0.001;
+    ud.env->hold = 0.00;
+    ud.env->rel =  0.1;
+    sp_noise_init(sp,;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        tick = 0, env = 0, noise = 0, comb = 0;
+        tick = (sp->pos == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.env, &tick, &env);
+        sp_noise_compute(sp,, NULL, &noise);
+        noise *= env * 0.5;
+        sp_comb_compute(sp, ud.comb, &noise, &comb);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, comb);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&;
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.env);
+    sp_comb_destroy(&ud.comb);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_compressor.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_compressor *compressor;
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+} UserData;
+int t_compressor(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT diskin = 0, compressor = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_compressor_create(&ud.compressor);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_compressor_init(sp, ud.compressor);
+    *ud.compressor->ratio = 4;
+    *ud.compressor->thresh = -30;
+    *ud.compressor->atk = 0.2;
+    *ud.compressor->rel = 0.2;
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        diskin = 0; compressor = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_compressor_compute(sp, ud.compressor, &diskin, &compressor);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, compressor);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_compressor_destroy(&ud.compressor);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_conv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+    sp_conv *conv;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_conv(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT conv = 0, diskin = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_conv_create(&ud.conv);
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ud.ft, SAMPDIR "imp.wav");
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_conv_init(sp, ud.conv, ud.ft, 8192);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        conv = 0; diskin = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_conv_compute(sp, ud.conv, &diskin, &conv);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_conv_destroy(&ud.conv);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_count.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_count(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_crossfade.c
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_crossfade *crossfade;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+    sp_noise *ns;
+} UserData;
+int t_crossfade(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, crossfade = 0, ns = 0, lfo = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp_crossfade_create(&ud.crossfade);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_crossfade_init(sp, ud.crossfade);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->amp = 1;
+    ud.lfo->freq = 1;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    ud.ns->amp = 0.1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, crossfade = 0, ns = 0, lfo = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &ns);
+        ud.crossfade->pos = (lfo + 1) * 0.5;
+        sp_crossfade_compute(sp, ud.crossfade, &osc, &ns, &crossfade);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, crossfade);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_crossfade_destroy(&ud.crossfade);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_dcblock.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_dcblock(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_delay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_delay *delay;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_delay(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, delay = 0, met = 0, tenv = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_delay_create(&ud.delay);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_delay_init(sp, ud.delay, 0.75 * 0.5);
+    ud.delay->feedback = 0.5;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 1;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.005;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.1;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, delay = 0, met = 0, tenv = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &met, &tenv);
+        if(met) {
+            ud.osc->freq = 100 + sp_rand(sp) % 500;
+        }
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        osc *= tenv;
+        sp_delay_compute(sp, ud.delay, &osc, &delay);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc + delay);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_delay_destroy(&ud.delay);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_diode.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_diode(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_diskin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_diskin(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT diskin = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        diskin = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, diskin);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_dist.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fosc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_dist *ds;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+} UserData;
+int t_dist(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, lfo = 0, out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_fosc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_dist_create(&ud.ds);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_fosc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft);
+    ud.osc->freq = 60;
+    sp_dist_init(sp, ud.ds);
+    ud.ds->pregain = 10;
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->freq = 0.5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, lfo = 0, out = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        lfo = 7 * (0.5 * (lfo + 1));
+        ud.osc->indx = lfo;
+        sp_fosc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_dist_compute(sp, ud.ds, &osc, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_fosc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_dist_destroy(&ud.ds);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_dmetro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_dmetro *dmetro;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+} UserData;
+int t_dmetro(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, dmetro = 0, tenv = 0, lfo = 0;
+    sp_dmetro_create(&ud.dmetro);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_dmetro_init(sp, ud.dmetro);
+    ud.dmetro->time = 0.05;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->freq = 0.3;
+    ud.lfo->amp = 0.5;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.001;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.03;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.001;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, dmetro = 0, tenv = 0, lfo = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        lfo += 0.5;
+        ud.dmetro->time = 0.05 + 0.3 * lfo;
+        sp_dmetro_compute(sp, ud.dmetro, NULL, &dmetro);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &dmetro, &tenv);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, tenv * osc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_dmetro_destroy(&ud.dmetro);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_drip.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_drip *drip;
+    sp_dust *trig;
+    sp_revsc *rev;
+} UserData;
+int t_drip(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig, rev1, rev2, drip;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_revsc_create(&ud.rev);
+    sp_drip_create(&ud.drip);
+    sp_dust_create(&ud.trig);
+    sp_dust_init(sp, ud.trig);
+    sp_drip_init(sp, ud.drip, 0.09);
+    ud.drip->amp = 0.3;
+    sp_revsc_init(sp, ud.rev);
+    ud.rev->feedback = 0.9;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_dust_compute(sp, ud.trig, NULL, &trig);
+        sp_drip_compute(sp, ud.drip, &trig, &drip);
+        sp_revsc_compute(sp, ud.rev, &drip, &drip, &rev1, &rev2);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, drip + rev1 * 0.05);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_drip_destroy(&ud.drip);
+    sp_dust_destroy(&ud.trig);
+    sp_revsc_destroy(&ud.rev);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_dtrig.c
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft, *delta;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_dtrig *dt;
+} UserData;
+int t_dtrig(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT env = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig;
+    SPFLOAT dtrig = 0;
+    sp_dtrig_create(&ud.dt);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &, 4);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+>tbl[0] = 1.0;
+>tbl[1] = 1.0;
+>tbl[2] = 0.5;
+>tbl[3] = 0.5;
+    sp_dtrig_init(sp, ud.dt,;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.03;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.3;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = 1000;
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        env = 0;
+        osc = 0;
+        trig = 0;
+        dtrig = 0;
+        if(sp->pos == 0){
+            trig = 1.0;
+        }else{
+            trig = 0.0;
+        }
+        sp_dtrig_compute(sp, ud.dt, &trig, &dtrig);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &dtrig, &env);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc * env);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_dtrig_destroy(&ud.dt);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&;
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_dust.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_dust *dst;
+} UserData;
+int t_dust(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_dust_create(&ud.dst);
+    sp_dust_init(sp, ud.dst);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    ud.dst->bipolar = 1.0;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        out = 0;
+        sp_dust_compute(sp, ud.dst, NULL, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_dust_destroy(&ud.dst);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_expon.c
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_expon *line;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_expon(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, line = 0;
+    SPFLOAT tick = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_expon_create(&ud.line);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_expon_init(sp, ud.line);
+    ud.line->a = 100;
+    ud.line->dur = 3;
+    ud.line->b = 400;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n == 0) tick = 1; else tick = 0;
+        sp_expon_compute(sp, ud.line, &tick, &line);
+        ud.osc->freq = line;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_expon_destroy(&ud.line);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_fmpair.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fmpair *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_fosc(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_fmpair_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_fmpair_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft);
+    ud.osc->freq = 500;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(ud.counter == 0){
+            ud.osc->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 2000;
+        }
+        sp_fmpair_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 4410;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_fmpair_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_fof.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fof *fof;
+    sp_ftbl *sine;
+    sp_ftbl *win;
+} UserData;
+int t_fof(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, fof = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.sine, 2048);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &, 1024);
+    sp_fof_create(&ud.fof);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.sine);
+    sp_gen_composite(sp,, "0.5 0.5 270 0.5");
+    sp_fof_init(sp, ud.fof, ud.sine,, 100, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0;
+        fof = 0;
+        sp_fof_compute(sp, ud.fof, &osc, &fof);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, fof);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_fof_destroy(&ud.fof);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.sine);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_fofilt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_fofilt *ff;
+} UserData;
+int t_fofilt(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_fofilt_create(&ud.ff);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_fofilt_init(sp, ud.ff);
+    ud.ff->freq = 500;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_fofilt_compute(sp, ud.ff, &in, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_fofilt_destroy(&ud.ff);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_fog.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fog *fog;
+    sp_ftbl *wav;
+    sp_ftbl *win;
+    sp_phasor *phs;
+} UserData;
+int t_fog(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT phs = 0, fog = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ud.wav, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &, 1024);
+    sp_fog_create(&ud.fog);
+    sp_phasor_create(&ud.phs);
+    sp_gen_composite(sp,, "0.5 0.5 270 0.5");
+    sp_fog_init(sp, ud.fog, ud.wav,, 100, 0);
+    ud.fog->trans = 0.9;
+    sp_phasor_init(sp, ud.phs, 0);
+    ud.phs->freq = 0.3 / ((SPFLOAT)ud.wav->size / sp->sr);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        phs = 0;
+        fog = 0;
+        sp_phasor_compute(sp, ud.phs, NULL, &phs);
+        ud.fog->spd = phs;
+        sp_fog_compute(sp, ud.fog, NULL, &fog);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, fog);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_fog_destroy(&ud.fog);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.wav);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&;
+    sp_phasor_destroy(&ud.phs);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_fold.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fold *fold;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_fold(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_fold_create(&ud.fold);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_fold_init(sp, ud.fold);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        SPFLOAT osc = 0, fold = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_fold_compute(sp, ud.fold, &osc, &fold);
+        sp->out[0] = fold;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_fold_destroy(&ud.fold);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_foo.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_foo(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gbuzz.c
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_gbuzz *buzz;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_gbuzz(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_gbuzz_create(&;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_gbuzz_init(sp,, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_gbuzz_compute(sp,, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_gbuzz_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_composite.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_composite(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_composite(sp, ft, "0.5 0.5 270 0.5");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_file.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_file(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_file(sp, ft, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_gauss.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_gauss(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_gauss(sp, ft, 1, 123456);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_line.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_line(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_line(sp, ft, "0 -1 2048 1 4096 -1");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_sine.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_sine(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_sinesum.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_sinesum(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_sinesum(sp, ft, "1 0.5 0.25");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_vals.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_vals(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 1);
+    sp_gen_vals(sp, ft, "1 1.5 -3 5");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_gen_xline.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_gen_xline(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_xline(sp, ft, "0 0.0001 4096 1.0");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n < ft->size) {
+            out = ft->tbl[n];
+        } else {
+            out = 0;
+        }
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_granule.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_granule(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_hilbert.c
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_hilbert *hilbert;
+    sp_osc *cos, *sin;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+} UserData;
+int t_hilbert(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT real = 0, imag = 0;
+    SPFLOAT diskin = 0;
+    SPFLOAT sin = 0, cos = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_hilbert_create(&ud.hilbert);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.sin);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.cos);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 8192);
+    sp_hilbert_init(sp, ud.hilbert);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.sin, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.cos, ud.ft, 0.25);
+    ud.sin->freq = 1000;
+    ud.cos->freq = 1000;
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        real = 0;
+        imag = 0;
+        diskin = 0;
+        sin = 0;
+        cos = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.sin, NULL, &sin);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.cos, NULL, &cos);
+        sp_hilbert_compute(sp, ud.hilbert, &diskin, &real, &imag);
+        sp->out[0] = ((cos * real) + (sin * real)) * 0.7;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_hilbert_destroy(&ud.hilbert);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.sin);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.cos);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_incr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_incr(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_jcrev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fosc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_jcrev *dsp;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_jcrev(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0, out = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    sp_jcrev_create(&ud.dsp);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_fosc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_jcrev_init(sp, ud.dsp);
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_fosc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft);
+    ud.osc->freq = 500;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0, out = 0;
+        if(ud.counter == 0){
+            ud.osc->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 2000;
+        }
+        sp_fosc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &in);
+        sp_jcrev_compute(sp, ud.dsp, &in, &out);
+        sp->out[0] = out;
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 4410;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_jcrev_destroy(&ud.dsp);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_fosc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_jitter.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_fosc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_jitter *jit;
+} UserData;
+int t_jitter(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_fosc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_jitter_create(&ud.jit);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_fosc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft);
+    sp_jitter_init(sp, ud.jit);
+    ud.jit->cpsMin = 0.5;
+    ud.jit->cpsMax = 4;
+    ud.jit->amp = 3;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        SPFLOAT jit = 0;
+        sp_jitter_compute(sp, ud.jit, NULL, &jit);
+        ud.osc->freq = sp_midi2cps(60 + jit);
+        sp_fosc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_fosc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_jitter_destroy(&ud.jit);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_line.c
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_line *line;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_line(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, line = 0;
+    SPFLOAT tick = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_line_create(&ud.line);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_line_init(sp, ud.line);
+    ud.line->a = 100;
+    ud.line->dur = 3;
+    ud.line->b = 400;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(n == 0) tick = 1; else tick = 0;
+        sp_line_compute(sp, ud.line, &tick, &line);
+        ud.osc->freq = line;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_line_destroy(&ud.line);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_lpc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_spa *wav;
+    sp_lpc *lpc;
+} user_data;
+int t_lpc(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    user_data dt;
+    SPFLOAT diskin;
+    SPFLOAT out;
+    diskin = 0;
+    out = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    sp_lpc_create(&dt.lpc);
+    sp_lpc_init(sp, dt.lpc, 512);
+    sp_spa_create(&dt.wav);
+    sp_spa_init(sp, dt.wav, SAMPDIR "");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_spa_compute(sp, dt.wav, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_lpc_compute(sp, dt.lpc, &diskin, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_spa_destroy(&dt.wav);
+    sp_lpc_destroy(&dt.lpc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_lpf18.c
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc[3];
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_lpf18 *lpf;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+    sp_ftbl *sine_ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_lpf18(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    int i;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 4096);
+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) sp_osc_create(&ud.osc[i]);
+    sp_lpf18_create(&ud.lpf);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.sine_ft, 4096);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.sine_ft);
+    sp_gen_line(sp, ud.ft, "0 1 4096 -1");
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc[0], ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc[0]->freq = sp_midi2cps(40 - 0.05);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc[1], ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc[1]->freq = sp_midi2cps(40 - 12);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc[2], ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc[2]->freq = sp_midi2cps(40 + 0.05);
+    sp_lpf18_init(sp, ud.lpf);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.sine_ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->freq = 0.4;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0, osc = 0, filt = 0, lfo = 0;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        int i;
+        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+            sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc[i], NULL, &osc);
+            out += osc * 0.3;
+        }
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        ud.lpf->cutoff = 100 + 3000 * (0.5 * (lfo + 1));
+        sp_lpf18_compute(sp, ud.lpf, &out, &filt);
+        out = filt;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc[i]);
+    sp_lpf18_destroy(&ud.lpf);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.sine_ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_maygate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,86 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tevent *te;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_maygate *mg;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    sp_data *sp;
+} UserData;
+static void freq_reinit(void *ud){
+    UserData *udata = ud;
+    udata->osc->freq = 500 + sp_rand(udata->sp) % 2000;
+static void freq_compute(void *ud, SPFLOAT *out){
+    UserData *udata = ud;
+    *out = udata->osc->freq;
+int t_maygate(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig = 0;
+    SPFLOAT env = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0;
+    SPFLOAT mgate = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.freq = 400;
+    ud.sp = sp;
+    sp_maygate_create(&;
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_tevent_create(&ud.te);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_maygate_init(sp,;
+>prob = 0.2;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.2;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 12;
+    sp_tevent_init(sp, ud.te, freq_reinit, freq_compute, &ud);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        trig = 0;
+        env = 0;
+        osc = 0;
+        mgate = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &trig);
+        sp_maygate_compute(sp,, &trig, &mgate);
+        sp_tevent_compute(sp, ud.te, &trig, &ud.osc->freq);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &trig, &env);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc * env * mgate;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_maygate_destroy(&;
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_tevent_destroy(&ud.te);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_metro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_randi *rand;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+} UserData;
+int t_metro(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, trig = 0, tenv = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT *freqp = &ud.freq;
+    ud.freq = 400;
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp_randi_create(&ud.rand);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_randi_init(sp, ud.rand);
+    ud.rand->min = 2.0;
+    ud.rand->max= 15.0;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.005;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel = 0.003;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = *freqp;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0; trig = 0; tenv = 0;
+        sp_randi_compute(sp, ud.rand, NULL, &ud.met->freq);
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &trig);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &trig, &tenv);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc * tenv);
+    }
+    sp_randi_destroy(&ud.rand);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_mincer.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_mincer *mincer;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_randi *randi;
+} UserData;
+int t_mincer(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT mincer = 0, randi = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_mincer_create(&ud.mincer);
+    /* allocates loads an audio file into a ftable */
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ud.ft, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_randi_create(&ud.randi);
+    sp_mincer_init(sp, ud.mincer, ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_randi_init(sp, ud.randi);
+    ud.randi->min = 0;
+    ud.randi->max = 5;
+    ud.randi->cps = 1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        mincer = 0; randi = 0;
+        sp_randi_compute(sp, ud.randi, NULL, &randi);
+        ud.mincer->time = randi;
+        ud.mincer->amp = 1;
+        ud.mincer->pitch = 1;
+        sp_mincer_compute(sp, ud.mincer, NULL, &mincer);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, mincer);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_mincer_destroy(&ud.mincer);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_randi_destroy(&ud.randi);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_modalres.c
@@ -1,0 +1,140 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_modalres *mode[4];
+    SPFLOAT *mfreq[4];
+    SPFLOAT *Q[4];
+    SPFLOAT amp;
+    SPFLOAT *freq;
+    SPFLOAT lfreq;
+} modal;
+typedef struct {
+    modal *mod;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_ftbl *notes;
+    sp_tseq *seq;
+} UserData;
+static int modal_create(modal **md)
+    *md = malloc(sizeof(modal));
+    return SP_OK;
+static int modal_init(sp_data *sp, modal *md)
+    int i;
+    md->amp = 0.5;
+    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        sp_modalres_create(&md->mode[i]);
+        sp_modalres_init(sp, md->mode[i]);
+        md->mfreq[i] = &md->mode[i]->freq;
+        md->Q[i] = &md->mode[i]->q;
+    }
+    *md->mfreq[0] = 1000;
+    *md->mfreq[1] = 3000;
+    *md->Q[0] = 12;
+    *md->Q[1] = 8;
+    *md->mfreq[2] = 440;
+    *md->mfreq[3] = *md->mfreq[2] * 2.01081;
+    *md->Q[2] = 500;
+    *md->Q[3] = 420;
+    md->freq = md->mfreq[2];
+    md->lfreq = *md->freq;
+    return SP_OK;
+static int modal_compute(sp_data *sp, modal *md, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    SPFLOAT exc1, exc2, exc;
+    SPFLOAT res1, res2, res;
+    if(*md->freq != md->lfreq) {
+        *md->mfreq[3] = *md->freq * 2.01081;
+        md->lfreq = *md->freq;
+    }
+    sp_modalres_compute(sp, md->mode[0], in, &exc1);
+    sp_modalres_compute(sp, md->mode[1], in, &exc2);
+    exc = (exc1 + exc2) * 0.5;
+    if(exc > md->amp) {
+        exc = md->amp;
+    } else if (exc < 0 ) {
+        exc = 0;
+    }
+    sp_modalres_compute(sp, md->mode[2], &exc, &res1);
+    sp_modalres_compute(sp, md->mode[3], &exc, &res2);
+    res = (res1 + res2) * 0.5;
+    *out = (exc + res) * md->amp;
+    return SP_OK;
+static int modal_destroy(modal **md)
+    int i;
+    modal *mdp = *md;
+    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        sp_modalres_destroy(&mdp->mode[i]);
+    }
+    free(*md);
+    return SP_OK;
+int t_modalres(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT met = 0, mod = 0, nn;
+    modal_create(&ud.mod);
+    modal_init(sp, ud.mod);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 3.0;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.notes, 1);
+    sp_gen_vals(sp, ud.notes, "60 67 62 69 76");
+    sp_tseq_create(&ud.seq);
+    sp_tseq_init(sp, ud.seq, ud.notes);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        met = 0;
+        mod = 0;
+        nn = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_tseq_compute(sp, ud.seq, &met, &nn);
+        *ud.mod->freq = sp_midi2cps(nn);
+        modal_compute(sp, ud.mod, &met, &mod);
+        sp->out[0] = mod;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    modal_destroy(&ud.mod);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.notes);
+    sp_tseq_destroy(&ud.seq);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_moogladder.c
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_moogladder *moog;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_moogladder(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_moogladder_create(&ud.moog);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_moogladder_init(sp, ud.moog);
+    SPFLOAT in;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        if(ud.counter == 0) {
+            ud.moog->res = 0.8;
+            ud.moog->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 4000;
+        }
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_moogladder_compute(sp, ud.moog, &in, &sp->out[0]);
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 5000;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_moogladder_destroy(&ud.moog);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_noise.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+} UserData;
+int t_noise(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    SPFLOAT in;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, &in, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_nsmp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_nsmp *nsmp;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_nsmp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT met = 0, nsmp = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ud.ft, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_nsmp_create(&ud.nsmp);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 2;
+    sp_nsmp_init(sp, ud.nsmp, ud.ft, 44100, SAMPDIR "oneart.ini");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        met = 0; nsmp = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        if(met) {
+            ud.nsmp->index = sp_rand(sp) % 3;
+        }
+        sp_nsmp_compute(sp, ud.nsmp, &met, &nsmp);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, nsmp);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_nsmp_destroy(&ud.nsmp);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_osc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_osc(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash) {
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc;
+    sp_osc *osc_d;
+    sp_ftbl *ft_d;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ft_d, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&osc_d);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ft_d);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, osc_d, ft_d, 0);
+    osc_d->freq = 500;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, osc_d, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_out(sp, 0, osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft_d);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&osc_d);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_oscmorph.c
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_oscmorph *oscmorph;
+    sp_ftbl *wt1;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_oscmorph(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, oscmorph = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_oscmorph_create(&ud.oscmorph);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.wt1, 2048);
+    sp_gen_line(sp, ud.wt1, "0 1 2048 -1");
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_ftbl *ft_array[] = {ud.wt1, ud.ft};
+    sp_oscmorph_init(sp, ud.oscmorph, ft_array, 2, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = 1;
+    ud.osc->amp = 1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, oscmorph = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        osc = (1 + osc) * 0.5;
+        ud.oscmorph->wtpos = osc;
+        sp_oscmorph_compute(sp, ud.oscmorph, NULL, &oscmorph);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, oscmorph);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_oscmorph_destroy(&ud.oscmorph);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.wt1);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_padsynth.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct user_data {
+    sp_ftbl *ft, *amps;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    SPFLOAT fc;
+} UserData;
+int t_padsynth(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    int i;
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.amps, 64);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 262144);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    ud.amps->tbl[0] = 0.0;
+    for(i = 1; i < ud.amps->size; i++){
+        ud.amps->tbl[i] = 1.0 / i;
+        if((i % 2) == 0) ud.amps->tbl[i] *= 2.0;
+    }
+    /* Discovered empirically. multiply frequency by this constant. */
+    ud.fc = 1 / (6.0 * 440);
+    sp_gen_padsynth(sp, ud.ft, ud.amps, sp_midi2cps(60), 40.0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = sp_midi2cps(70) * ud.fc;
+    ud.osc->amp = 1.0;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.amps);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_pan2.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_pan2 *pan2;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_pan2(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, outL = 0, outR = 0, lfo = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_pan2_create(&ud.pan2);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_pan2_init(sp, ud.pan2);
+    ud.pan2->type = 2;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->amp = 1;
+    ud.lfo->freq = 1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0; outL = 0; outR = 0; lfo = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        ud.pan2->pan = lfo;
+        sp_pan2_compute(sp, ud.pan2, &osc, &outL, &outR);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, outL);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_pan2_destroy(&ud.pan2);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_panst.c
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_panst *panst;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_panst(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, outL = 0, outR = 0, lfo = 0;
+    sp_panst_create(&ud.panst);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_panst_init(sp, ud.panst);
+    ud.panst->type = 0;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->amp = 1;
+    ud.lfo->freq = 0.5;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n += 2) {
+        osc = 0; outL = 0; outR = 0; lfo = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        ud.panst->pan = lfo;
+        sp_panst_compute(sp, ud.panst, &osc, &osc, &outL, &outR);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, outL);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, outR);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_panst_destroy(&ud.panst);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_pareq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_pareq *pareq;
+    sp_noise *noise;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_pareq(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_pareq_create(&ud.pareq);
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.noise);
+    sp_pareq_init(sp, ud.pareq);
+    ud.pareq->fc = 500;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.noise);
+    ud.noise->amp = 0.4;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        SPFLOAT noise = 0, pareq = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.noise, NULL, &noise);
+        sp_pareq_compute(sp, ud.pareq, &noise, &pareq);
+        sp->out[0] = pareq;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_pareq_destroy(&ud.pareq);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.noise);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_paulstretch.c
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_paulstretch *paulstretch;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_paulstretch(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT paulstretch = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_paulstretch_create(&ud.paulstretch);
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ud.ft, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_paulstretch_init(sp, ud.paulstretch, ud.ft, 1.0, 10);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        paulstretch = 0;
+        sp_paulstretch_compute(sp, ud.paulstretch, NULL, &paulstretch);
+        sp->out[0] = paulstretch;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_paulstretch_destroy(&ud.paulstretch);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_peakeq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_peakeq *peakeq;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_peakeq(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_peakeq_create(&ud.peakeq);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_peakeq_init(sp, ud.peakeq);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        out = 0;
+        if(ud.counter == 0) {
+            ud.peakeq->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 4000;
+            ud.peakeq->bw = fabs(ud.peakeq->freq * 0.5);
+        }
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_peakeq_compute(sp, ud.peakeq, &in, &out);
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 5000;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_peakeq_destroy(&ud.peakeq);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_peaklim.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_peaklim *peaklim;
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+} UserData;
+int t_peaklim(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT diskin = 0, peaklim = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_peaklim_create(&ud.peaklim);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_peaklim_init(sp, ud.peaklim);
+    ud.peaklim->atk = 0.1;
+    ud.peaklim->rel = 0.1;
+    ud.peaklim->thresh = -30;
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        diskin = 0; peaklim = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_peaklim_compute(sp, ud.peaklim, &diskin, &peaklim);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, peaklim);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_peaklim_destroy(&ud.peaklim);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_phaser.c
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_phaser *phaser;
+    sp_diskin *disk;
+} UserData;
+int t_phaser(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT disk1 = 0, disk2 = 0, phaser = 0, foo = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_phaser_create(&ud.phaser);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.disk);
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.disk, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_phaser_init(sp, ud.phaser);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        disk1 = 0; disk2 = 0; phaser = 0; foo = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.disk, NULL, &disk1);
+        disk2 = disk1;
+        sp_phaser_compute(sp, ud.phaser, &disk1, &disk2, &phaser, &foo);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, phaser);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_phaser_destroy(&ud.phaser);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.disk);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_phasewarp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_phasor *phs;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_phasewarp *phasewarp;
+    sp_scale *scl;
+    sp_tseq *ts;
+    sp_ftbl *seq;
+} UserData;
+int t_phasewarp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT met = 0;
+    SPFLOAT tenv = 0;
+    SPFLOAT phs = 0;
+    SPFLOAT pd = 0;
+    SPFLOAT amt = 0;
+    SPFLOAT rev = 0;
+    SPFLOAT frq = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_phasewarp_create(&ud.phasewarp);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_phasor_create(&ud.phs);
+    sp_scale_create(&ud.scl);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.seq, 1);
+    sp_gen_vals(sp, ud.seq, "62 67 69 72");
+    sp_tseq_create(&ud.ts);
+    sp_phasewarp_init(sp, ud.phasewarp);
+    sp_phasor_init(sp, ud.phs, 0);
+    ud.phs->freq = 440;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.001;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel = 0.2;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 8;
+    sp_scale_init(sp, ud.scl);
+    ud.scl->min = -0.8;
+    ud.scl->max = 0;
+    sp_tseq_init(sp, ud.ts, ud.seq);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        met = 0;
+        tenv = 0;
+        phs = 0;
+        pd = 0;
+        amt = 0;
+        rev = 0;
+        frq = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &met, &tenv);
+        sp_tseq_compute(sp, ud.ts, &met, &frq);
+        frq = sp_midi2cps(frq);
+        ud.phs->freq = frq;
+        sp_phasor_compute(sp, ud.phs, NULL, &phs);
+        rev = 1 - tenv;
+        sp_scale_compute(sp, ud.scl, &rev, &amt);
+        ud.phasewarp->amount = amt;
+        sp_phasewarp_compute(sp, ud.phasewarp, &phs, &pd);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, pd);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_phasewarp_destroy(&ud.phasewarp);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_phasor_destroy(&ud.phs);
+    sp_scale_destroy(&ud.scl);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.seq);
+    sp_tseq_destroy(&ud.ts);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_phasor.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_phasor *phs;
+} UserData;
+int t_phasor(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_phasor_create(&ud.phs);
+    sp_phasor_init(sp, ud.phs, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_phasor_compute(sp, ud.phs, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_phasor_destroy(&ud.phs);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_pinknoise.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_pinknoise *ns;
+} UserData;
+int t_pinknoise(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp_pinknoise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_pinknoise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        out = 0;
+        sp_pinknoise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &out);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_pinknoise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_pitchamdf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_pitchamdf *pitchamdf;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_blsaw *blsaw;
+    sp_randh *randh;
+} UserData;
+int t_pitchamdf(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT freq = 0, amp = 0, blsaw = 0, randh = 0, osc = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_pitchamdf_create(&ud.pitchamdf);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_blsaw_create(&ud.blsaw);
+    sp_randh_create(&ud.randh);
+    sp_pitchamdf_init(sp, ud.pitchamdf, 200, 500);
+    sp_randh_init(sp, ud.randh);
+    ud.randh->max = 500;
+    ud.randh->min = 200;
+    ud.randh->freq = 6;
+    sp_blsaw_init(sp, ud.blsaw);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        freq = 0, amp = 0, blsaw = 0, randh = 0, osc = 0;
+        sp_randh_compute(sp, ud.randh, NULL, &randh);
+        *ud.blsaw->freq = randh;
+        sp_blsaw_compute(sp, ud.blsaw, NULL, &blsaw);
+        sp_pitchamdf_compute(sp, ud.pitchamdf, &blsaw, &freq, &amp);
+        ud.osc->freq = freq;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_blsaw_destroy(&ud.blsaw);
+    sp_randh_destroy(&ud.randh);
+    sp_pitchamdf_destroy(&ud.pitchamdf);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_pluck.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_pluck *pluck;
+    sp_metro *met;
+} UserData;
+int t_pluck(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1337);
+    SPFLOAT pluck = 0, met = 0;
+    SPFLOAT notes[] = {60, 63, 67, 70, 74};
+    sp_pluck_create(&ud.pluck);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_pluck_init(sp, ud.pluck, 400);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 4;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        pluck = 0, met = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        if(met) {
+            ud.pluck->freq = sp_midi2cps(notes[sp_rand(sp) % 5]);
+        }
+        sp_pluck_compute(sp, ud.pluck, &met, &pluck);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, pluck);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_pluck_destroy(&ud.pluck);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_port.c
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_metro *mt;
+    sp_ftbl *sine, *nn;
+    sp_tseq *seq;
+    sp_port *prt;
+} UserData;
+int t_port(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp,123456);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc, mt, nn, freq, pfreq;
+    sp_metro_create(&;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.sine, 2048);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.nn, 1);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_port_create(&ud.prt);
+    sp_gen_vals(sp, ud.nn, "60 63 65 60 63 67");
+    sp_tseq_create(&ud.seq);
+    sp_tseq_init(sp, ud.seq, ud.nn);
+    sp_port_init(sp, ud.prt);
+    ud.prt->smooth = 0.02;
+    sp_metro_init(sp,;
+>freq = 4.0;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.sine);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.sine, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_metro_compute(sp,, NULL, &mt);
+        sp_tseq_compute(sp, ud.seq, &mt, &nn);
+        freq = sp_midi2cps(nn);
+        sp_port_compute(sp, ud.prt, &freq, &pfreq);
+        ud.osc->freq = pfreq;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_port_destroy(&ud.prt);
+    sp_tseq_destroy(&ud.seq);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&;
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.sine);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.nn);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_posc3.c
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_posc3 *posc3;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_posc3(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 1024);
+    sp_posc3_create(&ud.posc3);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_posc3_init(sp, ud.posc3, ud.ft);
+    ud.posc3->freq = 500;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        if(ud.counter == 0){
+            ud.posc3->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 2000;
+        }
+        sp_posc3_compute(sp, ud.posc3, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        ud.counter = (ud.counter + 1) % 4410;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_posc3_destroy(&ud.posc3);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_prop.c
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_prop *prop;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+} UserData;
+int t_prop(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, prop = 0, tenv = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_prop_create(&ud.prop);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_prop_init(sp, ud.prop, "2(++)3(+++)-2(-2(++))+5(+++++)");
+    ud.prop->bpm = 80;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.2;
+    ud.osc->freq = 500;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, prop = 0, tenv = 0;
+        ud.prop->bpm = 80;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_prop_compute(sp, ud.prop, NULL, &prop);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &prop, &tenv);
+        sp->out[0] = osc * tenv;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_prop_destroy(&ud.prop);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_pshift.c
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_pshift *pshift;
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+} UserData;
+int t_pshift(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT diskin = 0, pshift = 0;
+    sp_pshift_create(&ud.pshift);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_pshift_init(sp, ud.pshift);
+    *ud.pshift->shift = 7;
+    *ud.pshift->window = 500;
+    /* half window size is smoothest sounding */
+    *ud.pshift->xfade = 250;
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        diskin = 0;
+        pshift = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        sp_pshift_compute(sp, ud.pshift, &diskin, &pshift);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, pshift);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_pshift_destroy(&ud.pshift);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_ptrack.c
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_ptrack *ptrack;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_blsaw *blsaw;
+    sp_randh *randh;
+} UserData;
+int t_ptrack(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT freq = 0, amp = 0, blsaw = 0, randh = 0, osc = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_ptrack_create(&ud.ptrack);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_blsaw_create(&ud.blsaw);
+    sp_randh_create(&ud.randh);
+    sp_ptrack_init(sp, ud.ptrack, 512, 20);
+    sp_randh_init(sp, ud.randh);
+    ud.randh->max = 500;
+    ud.randh->min = 200;
+    ud.randh->freq = 6;
+    sp_blsaw_init(sp, ud.blsaw);
+    *ud.blsaw->amp = 1.0;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        freq = 0; amp = 0; blsaw = 0; randh = 0; osc = 0;
+        sp_randh_compute(sp, ud.randh, NULL, &randh);
+        *ud.blsaw->freq = randh;
+        sp_blsaw_compute(sp, ud.blsaw, NULL, &blsaw);
+        sp_ptrack_compute(sp, ud.ptrack, &blsaw, &freq, &amp);
+        ud.osc->freq = freq;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_blsaw_destroy(&ud.blsaw);
+    sp_randh_destroy(&ud.randh);
+    sp_ptrack_destroy(&ud.ptrack);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_randh.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_randh *randh;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_randh(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 1024);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_randh_create(&ud.randh);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_randh_init(sp, ud.randh);
+    ud.randh->min = 300;
+    ud.randh->max = 3000;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_randh_compute(sp, ud.randh, NULL, &freq);
+        ud.osc->freq = freq;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_randh_destroy(&ud.randh);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_random.c
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_random *random;
+} UserData;
+int t_random(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT random = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp,1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_random_create(&ud.random);
+    sp_random_init(sp, ud.random);
+    ud.random->min = -0.2;
+    ud.random->max = 0.2;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        random = 0;
+        sp_random_compute(sp, ud.random, NULL, &random);
+        sp->out[0] = random;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    sp_random_destroy(&ud.random);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_reverse.c
@@ -1,0 +1,74 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_reverse *rv;
+} UserData;
+int t_reverse(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT env = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0;
+    SPFLOAT rv = 0;
+    SPFLOAT dry = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig;
+    sp_reverse_create(&ud.rv);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_reverse_init(sp, ud.rv, 1.0);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.03;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.3;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = 1000;
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        env = 0;
+        osc = 0;
+        rv = 0;
+        dry = 0;
+        trig = 0;
+        if(n == 0){
+            trig = 1.0;
+        }else{
+            trig = 0.0;
+        }
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &trig, &env);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        dry = osc * env;
+        sp_reverse_compute(sp, ud.rv, &dry, &rv);
+        sp->out[0] = dry + rv;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    sp_reverse_destroy(&ud.rv);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_rline.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_rline *rnd;
+} UserData;
+int t_rline(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 1024);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_rline_create(&ud.rnd);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_rline_init(sp, ud.rnd);
+    ud.rnd->min = 300;
+    ud.rnd->max = 3000;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_rline_compute(sp, ud.rnd, NULL, &freq);
+        ud.osc->freq = freq;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_rline_destroy(&ud.rnd);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_rpt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct{
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *mt;
+    sp_tenv *te;
+    sp_rpt *rpt;
+    sp_maygate *mg;
+} UserData;
+int t_rpt(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    int tempo = 120;
+    SPFLOAT met, osc, env, rpt, maygate, trig, dry;
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    sp_rpt_create(&ud.rpt);
+    sp_maygate_create(&;
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 4096);
+    sp_metro_create(&;
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.te);
+    sp_maygate_init(sp,;
+>prob = 0.5;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_metro_init(sp,;
+>freq = tempo / 60.0;
+    sp_rpt_init(sp, ud.rpt, 1.0);
+    ud.rpt->bpm = tempo;
+    ud.rpt->div = 8;
+    ud.rpt->rep = 4;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.te);
+    ud.te->atk = 0.001;
+    ud.te->hold = 0.1;
+    ud.te->rel =  0.1;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_metro_compute(sp,, NULL, &met);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.te, &met, &env);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        dry = osc * env;
+        sp_maygate_compute(sp,, &met, &maygate);
+        trig = met * maygate;
+        sp_rpt_compute(sp, ud.rpt, &trig, &dry, &rpt);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, rpt);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    sp_maygate_destroy(&;
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.te);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&;
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_rpt_destroy(&ud.rpt);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_rspline.c
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_rspline *rspline;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_rspline(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc, rspline;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_rspline_create(&ud.rspline);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_rspline_init(sp, ud.rspline);
+    ud.rspline->min = 300;
+    ud.rspline->max = 900;
+    ud.rspline->cps_min = 0.1;
+    ud.rspline->cps_max = 3;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        osc = 0;
+        rspline = 0;
+        sp_rspline_compute(sp, ud.rspline, NULL, &rspline);
+        ud.osc->freq = rspline;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_rspline_destroy(&ud.rspline);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_samphold.c
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_samphold *samphold;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_noise *noise;
+} UserData;
+int t_samphold(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, samphold = 0, met = 0, noise = 0;
+    sp_samphold_create(&ud.samphold);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.noise);
+    sp_samphold_init(sp, ud.samphold);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 5;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.noise);
+    ud.noise->amp = 1;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, samphold = 0, met = 0, noise = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.noise, NULL, &noise);
+        sp_samphold_compute(sp, ud.samphold, &met, &noise, &samphold);
+        ud.osc->freq = 200 + (samphold + 1) * 300;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_samphold_destroy(&ud.samphold);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.noise);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_saturator.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_saturator *saturator;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_saturator(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 12345);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+        SPFLOAT osc = 0, saturator = 0;
+    sp_saturator_create(&ud.saturator);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_saturator_init(sp, ud.saturator);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    ud.saturator->dcoffset = 4;
+    ud.saturator->drive = 20;
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_saturator_compute(sp, ud.saturator, &osc, &saturator);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, saturator);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_saturator_destroy(&ud.saturator);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_scale.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_scale *scale;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_scale(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT val = 1;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, scale = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_scale_create(&ud.scale);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_scale_init(sp, ud.scale);
+    ud.scale->min = 0;
+    ud.scale->max = 880;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, scale = 0;
+        /* constant set to 1, when scaled, it becomes 440 */
+        val = 1;
+        sp_scale_compute(sp, ud.scale, &val, &scale);
+        ud.osc->freq = scale;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_scale_destroy(&ud.scale);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_sdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_sdelay *sdelay;
+    sp_lpf18 *filt1;
+    sp_lpf18 *filt2;
+    sp_metro *met;
+} UserData;
+int t_sdelay(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT met = 0, sdelay = 0;
+    SPFLOAT filt1 = 0, filt2 = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_sdelay_create(&ud.sdelay);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_lpf18_create(&ud.filt1);
+    sp_lpf18_create(&ud.filt2);
+    sp_sdelay_init(sp, ud.sdelay, 2000);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 2;
+    sp_lpf18_init(sp, ud.filt1);
+    ud.filt1->cutoff = 4000;
+    ud.filt1->res = 0.8;
+    sp_lpf18_init(sp, ud.filt2);
+    ud.filt2->cutoff = 500;
+    ud.filt2->res = 0.8;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        met = 0;
+        sdelay = 0;
+        filt1 = 0;
+        filt2 = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_sdelay_compute(sp, ud.sdelay, &met, &sdelay);
+        sp_lpf18_compute(sp, ud.filt1, &met, &filt1);
+        sp_lpf18_compute(sp, ud.filt2, &sdelay, &filt2);
+        sp->out[0] = filt1 + filt2;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_sdelay_destroy(&ud.sdelay);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_lpf18_destroy(&ud.filt1);
+    sp_lpf18_destroy(&ud.filt2);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_slice.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_slice(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_smoothdelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_smoothdelay *smoothdelay;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_smoothdelay(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, smoothdelay = 0, met = 0, tenv = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_smoothdelay_create(&ud.smoothdelay);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_smoothdelay_init(sp, ud.smoothdelay, 0.75 * 0.5, 256);
+    ud.smoothdelay->del = 0.11;
+    ud.smoothdelay->feedback = 0.66;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 1;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.005;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.1;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, smoothdelay = 0, met = 0, tenv = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &met, &tenv);
+        if(met) {
+            ud.osc->freq = 100 + sp_rand(sp) % 500;
+        }
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        osc *= tenv;
+        sp_smoothdelay_compute(sp, ud.smoothdelay, &osc, &smoothdelay);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc + smoothdelay);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_smoothdelay_destroy(&ud.smoothdelay);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_sndwarp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_sndwarp(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_spa.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_spa *spa;
+} UserData;
+int t_spa(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    UserData ud;
+    uint32_t n;
+    SPFLOAT spa;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_spa_create(&;
+    sp_spa_init(sp,, SAMPDIR "");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        spa = 0;
+        sp_spa_compute(sp,, NULL, &spa);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, spa);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_spa_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_streson.c
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_streson *stres;
+} UserData;
+int t_streson(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT noise = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_streson_create(&ud.stres);
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_streson_init(sp, ud.stres);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        noise = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &noise);
+        sp_streson_compute(sp, ud.stres, &noise, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_streson_destroy(&ud.stres);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_switch.c
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_switch *sw;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_osc *lfo;
+    sp_fosc *fosc;
+} UserData;
+int t_switch(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, sw = 0, met = 0, fosc = 0, lfo = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_switch_create(&ud.sw);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_fosc_create(&ud.fosc);
+    sp_switch_init(sp, ud.sw);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->amp = 100;
+    ud.lfo->freq = 6;
+    sp_fosc_init(sp, ud.fosc, ud.ft);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 2.5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0; sw = 0; met = 0; fosc = 0; lfo = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        ud.osc->freq = 550 + lfo;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_fosc_compute(sp, ud.fosc, NULL, &fosc);
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_switch_compute(sp, ud.sw, &met, &osc, &fosc, &sw);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sw);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_switch_destroy(&ud.sw);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_fosc_destroy(&ud.fosc);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tabread.c
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_tabread *tr;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_phasor *phasor;
+} UserData;
+int t_tabread(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT tab = 0.0, phasor = 0.0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_tabread_create(&;
+    sp_phasor_create(&ud.phasor);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 395393);
+    sp_gen_file(sp, ud.ft, "oneart.wav");
+    sp_tabread_init(sp,, ud.ft, 1);
+    /* since mode = 1, offset 5% into file */
+>offset = 0.05;
+    /* no wraparound */
+>wrap = 0;
+    sp_phasor_init(sp, ud.phasor, 0);
+    /* set playback rate to half speed, or 1/(t * 2) */
+    ud.phasor->freq = 1 / (8.97 * 2);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        tab = 0.0; phasor = 0.0;
+        sp_phasor_compute(sp, ud.phasor, NULL, &phasor);
+>index = phasor;
+        sp_tabread_compute(sp,, NULL, &tab);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_phasor_destroy(&ud.phasor);
+    sp_tabread_destroy(&;
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tadsr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_tadsr *tadsr;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_tadsr(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, tadsr = 0, trig = 0;
+    sp_tadsr_create(&ud.tadsr);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_tadsr_init(sp, ud.tadsr);
+    ud.tadsr->atk = 0.1;
+    ud.tadsr->dec = 0.2;
+    ud.tadsr->sus = 0.3;
+    ud.tadsr->rel = 0.1;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0; tadsr = 0; trig = 0;
+        if(n == 0 || n == sp->sr * 2) trig = 1;
+        sp_tadsr_compute(sp, ud.tadsr, &trig, &tadsr);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tadsr_destroy(&ud.tadsr);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_talkbox.c
@@ -1,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+#define NOSC 5
+typedef struct {
+    sp_talkbox *talkbox;
+    sp_blsaw *saw[NOSC];
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+} UserData;
+static int chord[] = {48, 51, 55, 60, 70};
+static SPFLOAT process(sp_data *sp, void *udata) {
+    UserData *ud = udata;
+    SPFLOAT tmp;
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT src = 0;
+    SPFLOAT exc = 0;
+    SPFLOAT talkbox = 0;
+    exc = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < NOSC; i++) {
+		sp_blsaw_compute(sp, ud->saw[i], NULL, &tmp);
+		exc += tmp;
+    }
+    sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud->diskin, NULL, &src);
+    src *= 0.5;
+    sp_talkbox_compute(sp, ud->talkbox, &src, &exc, &talkbox);
+    return talkbox;
+int t_talkbox(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    UserData ud;
+    int fail = 0;
+    int i;
+    SPFLOAT tmp;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+	sp_talkbox_create(&ud.talkbox);
+	sp_talkbox_init(sp, ud.talkbox);
+	ud.talkbox->quality = 0.2;
+	for(i = 0; i < NOSC; i++) {
+		sp_blsaw_create(&ud.saw[i]);
+		sp_blsaw_init(sp, ud.saw[i]);
+		*ud.saw[i]->freq = sp_midi2cps(chord[i]);
+		*ud.saw[i]->amp = 0.1;
+    }
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+    	tmp = process(sp, &ud);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, tmp);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_talkbox_destroy(&ud.talkbox);
+    for(i = 0; i < NOSC; i ++) {
+		sp_blsaw_destroy(&ud.saw[i]);
+    }
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tblrec.c
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_tblrec *tblrec;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_pluck *plk;
+    sp_randi *randi;
+    sp_tabread *tr;
+} UserData;
+int t_tblrec(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig, pluck, rand, tr, tblrec;
+    SPFLOAT tick = (sp->pos == 0 ? 1 : 0);
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_tblrec_create(&ud.tblrec);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, sp->sr * 0.5);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_pluck_create(&ud.plk);
+    sp_randi_create(&ud.randi);
+    sp_tabread_create(&;
+    sp_tblrec_init(sp, ud.tblrec, ud.ft);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 2.5;
+    sp_pluck_init(sp, ud.plk, 110);
+    ud.plk->freq = 440;
+    sp_randi_init(sp, ud.randi);
+    sp_tabread_init(sp,, ud.ft, 1);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        trig = 0;
+        pluck = 0;
+        rand = 0;
+        tr = 0;
+        tick = (n == 0 ? 1 : 0);
+        tblrec = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &trig);
+        sp_pluck_compute(sp, ud.plk, &trig, &pluck);
+        sp_tblrec_compute(sp, ud.tblrec, &pluck, &tick, &tblrec);
+        sp_randi_compute(sp, ud.randi, NULL, &rand);
+>index = rand;
+        sp_tabread_compute(sp,, NULL, &tr);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, tr);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tblrec_destroy(&ud.tblrec);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_pluck_destroy(&ud.plk);
+    sp_randi_destroy(&ud.randi);
+    sp_tabread_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tbvcf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_tbvcf *tn;
+} UserData;
+int t_tbvcf(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_tbvcf_create(&;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_tbvcf_init(sp,;
+>dist = 1.0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_tbvcf_compute(sp,, &in, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    sp_tbvcf_destroy(&;
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tdiv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,91 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc1;
+    sp_osc *osc2;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_tenv *tenv1;
+    sp_tenv *tenv2;
+    sp_tdiv *tdiv;
+} UserData;
+int t_tdiv(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig = 0;
+    SPFLOAT div  = 0;
+    SPFLOAT env1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT env2 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc2 = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv1);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv2);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc1);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc2);
+    sp_tdiv_create(&ud.tdiv);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv1);
+    ud.tenv1->atk = 0.03;
+    ud.tenv1->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv1->rel = 0.1;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv2);
+    ud.tenv2->atk = 0.03;
+    ud.tenv2->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv2->rel = 0.1;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 3;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc1, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc1->freq = 400;
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc2, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc2->freq = 800;
+    sp_tdiv_init(sp, ud.tdiv);
+    ud.tdiv->num = 3;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        trig = 0;
+        div  = 0;
+        env1 = 0;
+        env2 = 0;
+        osc1 = 0;
+        osc2 = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &trig);
+        sp_tdiv_compute(sp, ud.tdiv, &trig, &div);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc1, NULL, &osc1);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc2, NULL, &osc2);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv1, &trig, &env1);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv2, &div, &env2);
+        sp->out[0] = (osc1 * env1) + (osc2 * env2);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv1);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv2);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc1);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc2);
+    sp_tdiv_destroy(&ud.tdiv);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tenv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+} UserData;
+int t_tenv(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.03;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel = 0.1;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 3;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        SPFLOAT trig = 0;
+        SPFLOAT env = 0;
+        SPFLOAT osc = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &trig);
+        if(trig) ud.osc->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 2000;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &trig, &env);
+        sp->out[0] = osc * env;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tenv2.c
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_tenv2 *tenv2;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_tenv2(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, tenv2 = 0, tick = 0;
+    sp_tenv2_create(&ud.tenv2);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_tenv2_init(sp, ud.tenv2);
+    ud.tenv2->atk = 3;
+    ud.tenv2->rel = 1;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.6;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0, tenv2 = 0, tick = 0;
+        if(sp->pos == 0 || sp->pos == sp->sr * 1) tick = 1;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_tenv2_compute(sp, ud.tenv2, &tick, &tenv2);
+        sp->out[0] = osc * tenv2;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tenv2_destroy(&ud.tenv2);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tenvx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_tenvx *tenvx;
+    SPFLOAT freq;
+} UserData;
+int t_tenvx(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT *freqp = &ud.freq;
+    ud.freq = 400;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    sp_tenvx_create(&ud.tenvx);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_tenvx_init(sp, ud.tenvx);
+    ud.tenvx->atk = 0.03;
+    ud.tenvx->hold = 0.1;
+    ud.tenvx->rel = 0.1;
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 3;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    ud.osc->freq = *freqp;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        SPFLOAT trig = 0;
+        SPFLOAT env = 0;
+        SPFLOAT osc = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &trig);
+        if(trig) ud.osc->freq = 500 + sp_rand(sp) % 2000;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_tenvx_compute(sp, ud.tenvx, &trig, &env);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc * env);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tenvx_destroy(&ud.tenvx);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tgate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_tgate(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_thresh.c
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_thresh *thresh;
+    sp_osc *osc, *lfo;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+} UserData;
+int t_thresh(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, thresh = 0, lfo = 0, tenv = 0;
+    sp_thresh_create(&ud.thresh);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_thresh_init(sp, ud.thresh);
+    ud.thresh->mode = 1;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.lfo->freq = 3;
+    ud.lfo->amp = 1;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel = 0.01;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0; thresh = 0; lfo = 0; tenv = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &lfo);
+        sp_thresh_compute(sp, ud.thresh, &lfo, &thresh);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &thresh, &tenv);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc * tenv);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_thresh_destroy(&ud.thresh);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_timer.c
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_timer *timer;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_dmetro *dmetro;
+} UserData;
+int t_timer(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, timer = 0, clock = 0, tenv = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_timer_create(&ud.timer);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_dmetro_create(&ud.dmetro);
+    sp_timer_init(sp, ud.timer);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.1;
+    ud.tenv->hold= 0.1;
+    ud.tenv->rel = 0.1;
+    sp_dmetro_init(sp, ud.dmetro);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0; timer = 0; clock = 0; tenv = 0;
+        if(sp->pos % 20000 == 0) {
+            clock = 1;
+        }
+        sp_timer_compute(sp, ud.timer, &clock, &timer);
+        ud.dmetro->time = timer;
+        sp_dmetro_compute(sp, ud.dmetro, NULL, &timer);
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &timer, &tenv);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc * tenv;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_timer_destroy(&ud.timer);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_dmetro_destroy(&ud.dmetro);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tone.c
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_noise *ns;
+    sp_tone *tn;
+} UserData;
+int t_tone(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.ns);
+    sp_tone_create(&;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.ns);
+    sp_tone_init(sp,;
+    SPFLOAT in;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.ns, NULL, &in);
+        sp_tone_compute(sp,, &in, &sp->out[0]);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tone_destroy(&;
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.ns);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_trand.c
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_trand *trand;
+    sp_metro *met;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_trand(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_metro_create(&ud.met);
+    sp_trand_create(&ud.trand);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_metro_init(sp, ud.met);
+    ud.met->freq = 20;
+    sp_trand_init(sp, ud.trand);
+    ud.trand->min = 40;
+    ud.trand->max = 1000;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        SPFLOAT osc = 0, trand = 0, met = 0;
+        sp_metro_compute(sp, ud.met, NULL, &met);
+        sp_trand_compute(sp, ud.trand, &met, &trand);
+        ud.osc->freq = trand;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_trand_destroy(&ud.trand);
+    sp_metro_destroy(&ud.met);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tseg.c
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_tseg *tseg;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_tseg(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, tseg = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig = (sp->pos == 0);
+    sp_tseg_create(&ud.tseg);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_tseg_init(sp, ud.tseg, 0.0001);
+    ud.tseg->end = 1.0;
+    ud.tseg->type = 3.0;
+    ud.tseg->dur = 4.0;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        osc = 0;
+        tseg = 0;
+        trig = (sp->pos == 0);
+        sp_tseg_compute(sp, ud.tseg, &trig, &tseg);
+        ud.osc->freq = 100 + (tseg * 1000);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, osc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_tseg_destroy(&ud.tseg);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_tseq.c
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft, *delta, *nn;
+    sp_tenv *tenv;
+    sp_dtrig *dt;
+    sp_tseq *seq;
+} UserData;
+int t_tseq(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT env = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0;
+    SPFLOAT trig;
+    SPFLOAT dtrig = 0;
+    SPFLOAT note = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 123456);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_dtrig_create(&ud.dt);
+    sp_tenv_create(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &, 4);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.nn, 1);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_gen_vals(sp,, "0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1");
+    sp_gen_vals(sp, ud.nn, "60 62 64 67");
+    sp_tseq_create(&ud.seq);
+    sp_tseq_init(sp, ud.seq, ud.nn);
+    sp_dtrig_init(sp, ud.dt,;
+    ud.dt->loop = 1.0;
+    sp_tenv_init(sp, ud.tenv);
+    ud.tenv->atk = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->hold = 0.01;
+    ud.tenv->rel =  0.05;
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = 1000;
+    ud.osc->amp = 0.5;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        env = 0;
+        osc = 0;
+        dtrig = 0;
+        note = 0;
+        if(sp->pos == 0){
+            trig = 1.0;
+        }else{
+            trig = 0.0;
+        }
+        sp_dtrig_compute(sp, ud.dt, &trig, &dtrig);
+        sp_tseq_compute(sp, ud.seq, &dtrig, &note);
+        ud.osc->freq = sp_midi2cps(note + 24);
+        env = 1.0;
+        sp_tenv_compute(sp, ud.tenv, &dtrig, &env);
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp->out[0] = osc * env;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_dtrig_destroy(&ud.dt);
+    sp_tseq_destroy(&ud.seq);
+    sp_tenv_destroy(&ud.tenv);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.nn);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&;
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_vardelay.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_osc *osc, *lfo;
+    sp_ftbl *sine;
+    sp_vardelay *del;
+} UserData;
+int t_vardelay(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    SPFLOAT freq = 0.0, del = 0.0, osc = 0.0;
+    sp_vardelay_create(&ud.del);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.sine, 4096);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.lfo);
+    sp_vardelay_init(sp, ud.del, 0.5);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.sine);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.sine, 0);
+    ud.osc->freq = sp_midi2cps(50);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.lfo, ud.sine, 0);
+    ud.lfo->freq = 0.2;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        freq = 0.0, del = 0.0, osc = 0.0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.lfo, NULL, &freq);
+        freq = 1.0 + (freq * 0.5);
+        freq = 0.02 + (freq * 0.02);
+        ud.del->del = freq;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        sp_vardelay_compute(sp, ud.del, &osc, &del);
+        sp->out[0] = del * 0.5 + osc * 0.5;
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, sp->out[0]);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_vardelay_destroy(&ud.del);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.sine);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.lfo);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_voc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_voc *voc;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft;
+} UserData;
+int t_voc(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    UserData ud;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT osc, voc;
+    sp_srand(sp, 0);
+    sp_voc_create(&ud.voc);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    sp_voc_init(sp, ud.voc);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft, 0);
+    ud.osc->amp = 1;
+    ud.osc->freq = 0.1;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        osc = 0;
+        voc = 0;
+        sp_osc_compute(sp, ud.osc, NULL, &osc);
+        if(sp_voc_get_counter(ud.voc) == 0) {
+            osc = 12 + 16 * (0.5 * (osc + 1));
+            sp_voc_set_tongue_shape(ud.voc, osc, 2.9);
+        }
+        sp_voc_compute(sp, ud.voc, &voc);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, voc);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_voc_destroy(&ud.voc);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_vocoder.c
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_vocoder *vocoder;
+    sp_blsaw *saw[3];
+    sp_spa *diskin;
+} UserData;
+int t_vocoder(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT diskin = 0, vocoder = 0, saw = 0, tmp = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    int i;
+    int scale[] = {58, 65, 72};
+    sp_vocoder_create(&ud.vocoder);
+    sp_vocoder_init(sp, ud.vocoder);
+    sp_spa_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_spa_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "");
+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        sp_blsaw_create(&ud.saw[i]);
+        sp_blsaw_init(sp, ud.saw[i]);
+        *ud.saw[i]->freq = sp_midi2cps(scale[i]);
+    }
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        diskin = 0;
+        vocoder = 0;
+        saw = 0;
+        tmp = 0;
+        sp_spa_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &diskin);
+        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+            sp_blsaw_compute(sp, ud.saw[i], NULL, &tmp);
+            saw += tmp;
+        }
+        saw *= 0.2;
+        sp_vocoder_compute(sp, ud.vocoder, &diskin, &saw, &vocoder);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, vocoder);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_vocoder_destroy(&ud.vocoder);
+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        sp_blsaw_destroy(&ud.saw[i]);
+    }
+    sp_spa_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_waveset.c
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_waveset *waveset;
+    sp_diskin *diskin;
+} UserData;
+int t_waveset(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT wav = 0, waveset = 0;
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    sp_waveset_create(&ud.waveset);
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.diskin);
+    sp_waveset_init(sp, ud.waveset, 1.0);
+    ud.waveset->rep = 3.0;
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.diskin, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        wav = 0; waveset = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.diskin, NULL, &wav);
+        sp_waveset_compute(sp, ud.waveset, &wav, &waveset);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, waveset);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_waveset_destroy(&ud.waveset);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.diskin);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_wavin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_wavin(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_wavout.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int t_wavout(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    /* allocate / initialize modules here */
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        /* compute samples and add to test buffer */
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, 0);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    /* destroy functions here */
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    /* fail by default */
+    else return SP_NOT_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_wpkorg35.c
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_wpkorg35 *wpkorg35;
+    sp_noise *noise;
+    sp_randi *randi;
+} UserData;
+int t_wpkorg35(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT noise = 0, wpkorg35 = 0, randi = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp, 1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_wpkorg35_create(&ud.wpkorg35);
+    sp_noise_create(&ud.noise);
+    sp_randi_create(&ud.randi);
+    sp_wpkorg35_init(sp, ud.wpkorg35);
+    ud.wpkorg35->res = 1.99;
+    sp_noise_init(sp, ud.noise);
+    ud.noise->amp = 0.01;
+    sp_randi_init(sp, ud.randi);
+    ud.randi->min = 100;
+    ud.randi->max = 3000;
+    ud.randi->cps = 10;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        noise = 0;
+        wpkorg35 = 0;
+        randi = 0;
+        sp_randi_compute(sp, ud.randi, NULL, &randi);
+        sp_noise_compute(sp, ud.noise, NULL, &noise);
+        ud.wpkorg35->cutoff = randi;
+        sp_wpkorg35_compute(sp, ud.wpkorg35, &noise, &wpkorg35);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, wpkorg35);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_wpkorg35_destroy(&ud.wpkorg35);
+    sp_noise_destroy(&ud.noise);
+    sp_randi_destroy(&ud.randi);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/t/t_zitarev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "tap.h"
+#include "test.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_diskin *disk;
+    sp_zitarev *rev;
+    int counter;
+} UserData;
+int t_zitarev(sp_test *tst, sp_data *sp, const char *hash)
+    uint32_t n;
+    int fail = 0;
+    SPFLOAT in = 0;
+    SPFLOAT out = 0;
+    SPFLOAT foo = 0;
+    sp_srand(sp,12345);
+    UserData ud;
+    ud.counter = 0;
+    sp_diskin_create(&ud.disk);
+    sp_zitarev_create(&ud.rev);
+    sp_diskin_init(sp, ud.disk, SAMPDIR "oneart.wav");
+    sp_zitarev_init(sp, ud.rev);
+    *ud.rev->level = 0;
+    *ud.rev->in_delay = 20;
+    for(n = 0; n < tst->size; n++) {
+        in = 0;
+        out = 0;
+        foo = 0;
+        sp_diskin_compute(sp, ud.disk, NULL, &in);
+        sp_zitarev_compute(sp, ud.rev, &in, &in, &out, &foo);
+        sp_test_add_sample(tst, out);
+    }
+    fail = sp_test_verify(tst, hash);
+    sp_diskin_destroy(&ud.disk);
+    sp_zitarev_destroy(&ud.rev);
+    if(fail) return SP_NOT_OK;
+    else return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tap.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, Louis P. Santillan <>
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef TAP_H
+#define TAP_H
+void plan( unsigned int num );
+unsigned int ok( unsigned int ok, const char* msg );
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test.c
@@ -1,0 +1,98 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "test.h"
+int sp_test_create(sp_test **t, uint32_t bufsize)
+    uint32_t i;
+    *t = malloc(sizeof(sp_test));
+    sp_test *tp = *t;
+    SPFLOAT *buf = malloc(sizeof(SPFLOAT) * bufsize);
+    for(i = 0; i < bufsize; i++) tp->buf = 0;
+    tp->buf = buf;
+    tp->size = bufsize;
+    tp->pos = 0;
+    md5_init(&tp->state);
+    tp->md5string[32] = '\0';
+    tp->md5 = tp->md5string;
+    tp->mode = NORMAL;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_test_destroy(sp_test **t)
+    sp_test *tp = *t;
+    free(tp->buf);
+    free(*t);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_test_add_sample(sp_test *t, SPFLOAT sample)
+    if(t->pos < t->size) {
+        t->buf[t->pos] = sample;
+        t->pos++;
+    }
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_test_compare(sp_test *t, const char *md5hash)
+    md5_append(&t->state, (const md5_byte_t *)t->buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT) * t->size);
+    md5_finish(&t->state, t->digest);
+    int i;
+    char in[3], out[3];
+    int fail = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+        in[0] = md5hash[2 * i];
+        in[1] = md5hash[2 * i + 1];
+        in[2] = '\0';
+        sprintf(out, "%02x", t->digest[i]);
+        t->md5string[2 * i] = out[0];
+        t->md5string[2 * i + 1] = out[1];
+        if(strcmp(in, out)) {
+            fail = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if(fail) {
+        return SP_NOT_OK;
+    } else {
+        return SP_OK;
+    }
+int sp_test_write_raw(sp_test *t, uint32_t index)
+    char fname[20];
+    sprintf(fname, "%04d.raw", index);
+    FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb");
+    fwrite(t->buf, sizeof(SPFLOAT), t->size, fp);
+    fclose(fp);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_test_verify(sp_test *t, const char *refhash)
+    if(t->mode == NORMAL) {
+        int fail = 0;
+        if(sp_test_compare(t, refhash) == SP_NOT_OK) {
+            printf("Generated hash %s does not match reference hash %s\n",
+                    t->md5string, refhash);
+            fail = 1;
+        }
+        return fail;
+    } else {
+        sp_test_entry *tst = t->cur_entry;
+        sp_test_compare(t, refhash);
+        printf("TEST(t_%s, \"%s\", \"%s\")\n",
+                tst->desc, tst->desc, t->md5string);
+        return 0;
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test.h
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#ifndef SAMPDIR
+#define SAMPDIR "../examples/"
+enum {
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT *buf;
+    uint32_t size;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    md5_state_t state;
+    md5_byte_t digest[16];
+    char md5string[33];
+    char *md5;
+    int mode;
+    struct sp_test_entry *cur_entry;
+} sp_test;
+typedef struct sp_test_entry {
+    int (* func)(sp_test *, sp_data *, const char*);
+    const char *desc;
+    const char *hash;
+} sp_test_entry;
+int sp_test_create(sp_test **t, uint32_t bufsize);
+int sp_test_destroy(sp_test **t);
+int sp_test_add_sample(sp_test *t, SPFLOAT sample);
+/* Compares buffer with reference hash */
+int sp_test_compare(sp_test *t, const char *md5hash);
+/* verify wraps compare and error message up together */
+int sp_test_verify(sp_test *t, const char *refhash);
+int sp_test_write_raw(sp_test *t, uint32_t index);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+# This utility is a wrapper around sox which converts 32-bit LE raw data into a 
+# mono 44.1 kHz wav.
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]
+    echo "./ filename.raw"
+    exit
+sox -t raw -c 1 -r 44100 -e floating-point -b 32 $1 out.wav
+echo "converted $1 to out.wav"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/css/normalize.css
@@ -1,0 +1,427 @@
+/*! normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | */
+ * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
+ * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling
+ *    user zoom.
+ */
+html {
+  font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
+  -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+  -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+ * Remove default margin.
+ */
+body {
+  margin: 0;
+/* HTML5 display definitions
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11
+ * and Firefox.
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
+ */
+summary {
+  display: block;
+ * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
+ * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
+ */
+video {
+  display: inline-block; /* 1 */
+  vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
+ * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
+ * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
+ */
+audio:not([controls]) {
+  display: none;
+  height: 0;
+ * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.
+ * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.
+ */
+template {
+  display: none;
+/* Links
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.
+ */
+a {
+  background-color: transparent;
+ * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.
+ */
+a:hover {
+  outline: 0;
+/* Text-level semantics
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+  border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+strong {
+  font-weight: bold;
+ * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
+ */
+dfn {
+  font-style: italic;
+ * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
+ * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+h1 {
+  font-size: 2em;
+  margin: 0.67em 0;
+ * Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
+ */
+mark {
+  background: #ff0;
+  color: #000;
+ * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
+ */
+small {
+  font-size: 80%;
+ * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
+ */
+sup {
+  font-size: 75%;
+  line-height: 0;
+  position: relative;
+  vertical-align: baseline;
+sup {
+  top: -0.5em;
+sub {
+  bottom: -0.25em;
+/* Embedded content
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.
+ */
+img {
+  border: 0;
+ * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.
+ */
+svg:not(:root) {
+  overflow: hidden;
+/* Grouping content
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.
+ */
+figure {
+  margin: 1em 40px;
+ * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
+ */
+hr {
+  -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+  box-sizing: content-box;
+  height: 0;
+ * Contain overflow in all browsers.
+ */
+pre {
+  overflow: auto;
+ * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
+ */
+samp {
+  font-family: monospace, monospace;
+  font-size: 1em;
+/* Forms
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited
+ * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.
+ */
+ * 1. Correct color not being inherited.
+ *    Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.
+ * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.
+ * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+textarea {
+  color: inherit; /* 1 */
+  font: inherit; /* 2 */
+  margin: 0; /* 3 */
+ * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ */
+button {
+  overflow: visible;
+ * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.
+ * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.
+ * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.
+ * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.
+ */
+select {
+  text-transform: none;
+ * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`
+ *    and `video` controls.
+ * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
+ * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
+ *    `input` and others.
+ */
+html input[type="button"], /* 1 */
+input[type="submit"] {
+  -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
+  cursor: pointer; /* 3 */
+ * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
+ */
+html input[disabled] {
+  cursor: default;
+ * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
+ */
+input::-moz-focus-inner {
+  border: 0;
+  padding: 0;
+ * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
+ * the UA stylesheet.
+ */
+input {
+  line-height: normal;
+ * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.
+ * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.
+ *
+ * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.
+ * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.
+ */
+input[type="radio"] {
+  box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
+  padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain
+ * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the
+ * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.
+ */
+input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+  height: auto;
+ * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.
+ * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome
+ *    (include `-moz` to future-proof).
+ */
+input[type="search"] {
+  -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
+  -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+  -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */
+  box-sizing: content-box;
+ * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.
+ * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has
+ * padding (and `textfield` appearance).
+ */
+input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+ * Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
+ */
+fieldset {
+  border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
+  margin: 0 2px;
+  padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
+ * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.
+ */
+legend {
+  border: 0; /* 1 */
+  padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ */
+textarea {
+  overflow: auto;
+ * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).
+ * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.
+ */
+optgroup {
+  font-weight: bold;
+/* Tables
+   ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove most spacing between table cells.
+ */
+table {
+  border-collapse: collapse;
+  border-spacing: 0;
+th {
+  padding: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/css/skeleton.css
@@ -1,0 +1,418 @@
+* Skeleton V2.0.4
+* Copyright 2014, Dave Gamache
+* Free to use under the MIT license.
+* 12/29/2014
+/* Table of contents
+- Grid
+- Base Styles
+- Typography
+- Links
+- Buttons
+- Forms
+- Lists
+- Code
+- Tables
+- Spacing
+- Utilities
+- Clearing
+- Media Queries
+/* Grid
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+.container {
+  position: relative;
+  width: 100%;
+  max-width: 960px;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  padding: 0 20px;
+  box-sizing: border-box; }
+.columns {
+  width: 100%;
+  float: left;
+  box-sizing: border-box; }
+/* For devices larger than 400px */
+@media (min-width: 400px) {
+  .container {
+    width: 85%;
+    padding: 0; }
+/* For devices larger than 550px */
+@media (min-width: 550px) {
+  .container {
+    width: 80%; }
+  .column,
+  .columns {
+    margin-left: 4%; }
+  .column:first-child,
+  .columns:first-child {
+    margin-left: 0; }
+  .one.column,
+  .one.columns                    { width: 4.66666666667%; }
+  .two.columns                    { width: 13.3333333333%; }
+  .three.columns                  { width: 22%;            }
+  .four.columns                   { width: 30.6666666667%; }
+  .five.columns                   { width: 39.3333333333%; }
+  .six.columns                    { width: 48%;            }
+  .seven.columns                  { width: 56.6666666667%; }
+  .eight.columns                  { width: 65.3333333333%; }
+  .nine.columns                   { width: 74.0%;          }
+  .ten.columns                    { width: 82.6666666667%; }
+  .eleven.columns                 { width: 91.3333333333%; }
+  .twelve.columns                 { width: 100%; margin-left: 0; }
+  .one-third.column               { width: 30.6666666667%; }
+  .two-thirds.column              { width: 65.3333333333%; }
+  .one-half.column                { width: 48%; }
+  /* Offsets */
+  .offset-by-one.column,
+  .offset-by-one.columns          { margin-left: 8.66666666667%; }
+  .offset-by-two.column,
+  .offset-by-two.columns          { margin-left: 17.3333333333%; }
+  .offset-by-three.column,
+  .offset-by-three.columns        { margin-left: 26%;            }
+  .offset-by-four.column,
+  .offset-by-four.columns         { margin-left: 34.6666666667%; }
+  .offset-by-five.column,
+  .offset-by-five.columns         { margin-left: 43.3333333333%; }
+  .offset-by-six.column,
+  .offset-by-six.columns          { margin-left: 52%;            }
+  .offset-by-seven.column,
+  .offset-by-seven.columns        { margin-left: 60.6666666667%; }
+  .offset-by-eight.column,
+  .offset-by-eight.columns        { margin-left: 69.3333333333%; }
+  .offset-by-nine.column,
+  .offset-by-nine.columns         { margin-left: 78.0%;          }
+  .offset-by-ten.column,
+  .offset-by-ten.columns          { margin-left: 86.6666666667%; }
+  .offset-by-eleven.column,
+  .offset-by-eleven.columns       { margin-left: 95.3333333333%; }
+  .offset-by-one-third.column,
+  .offset-by-one-third.columns    { margin-left: 34.6666666667%; }
+  .offset-by-two-thirds.column,
+  .offset-by-two-thirds.columns   { margin-left: 69.3333333333%; }
+  .offset-by-one-half.column,
+  .offset-by-one-half.columns     { margin-left: 52%; }
+/* Base Styles
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+/* NOTE
+html is set to 62.5% so that all the REM measurements throughout Skeleton
+are based on 10px sizing. So basically 1.5rem = 15px :) */
+html {
+  font-size: 62.5%; }
+body {
+  font-size: 1.5em; /* currently ems cause chrome bug misinterpreting rems on body element */
+  line-height: 1.6;
+  font-weight: 400;
+  font-family: "Raleway", "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+  color: #222; }
+/* Typography
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 2rem;
+  font-weight: 300; }
+h1 { font-size: 4.0rem; line-height: 1.2;  letter-spacing: -.1rem;}
+h2 { font-size: 2.6rem; line-height: 1.25; letter-spacing: -.1rem; }
+h3 { font-size: 3.0rem; line-height: 1.3;  letter-spacing: -.1rem; }
+h4 { font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 1.35; letter-spacing: -.08rem; }
+h5 { font-size: 1.8rem; line-height: 1.5;  letter-spacing: -.05rem; }
+h6 { font-size: 1.5rem; line-height: 1.6;  letter-spacing: 0; }
+/* Larger than phablet */
+@media (min-width: 550px) {
+  h1 { font-size: 3.0rem; }
+  h2 { font-size: 2.6rem; }
+  h3 { font-size: 2.5rem; }
+  h4 { font-size: 1.5rem; }
+  h5 { font-size: 1.2rem; }
+  h6 { font-size: 0.5rem; }
+p {
+  margin-top: 0; }
+/* Links
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+a {
+  color: #1EAEDB; }
+a:hover {
+  color: #0FA0CE; }
+/* Buttons
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+input[type="button"] {
+  display: inline-block;
+  height: 38px;
+  padding: 0 30px;
+  color: #555;
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 11px;
+  font-weight: 600;
+  line-height: 38px;
+  letter-spacing: .1rem;
+  text-transform: uppercase;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  background-color: transparent;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  border: 1px solid #bbb;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  box-sizing: border-box; }
+input[type="button"]:focus {
+  color: #333;
+  border-color: #888;
+  outline: 0; }
+input[type="button"].button-primary {
+  color: #FFF;
+  background-color: #33C3F0;
+  border-color: #33C3F0; }
+input[type="button"].button-primary:focus {
+  color: #FFF;
+  background-color: #1EAEDB;
+  border-color: #1EAEDB; }
+/* Forms
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+select {
+  height: 38px;
+  padding: 6px 10px; /* The 6px vertically centers text on FF, ignored by Webkit */
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: 1px solid #D1D1D1;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  box-shadow: none;
+  box-sizing: border-box; }
+/* Removes awkward default styles on some inputs for iOS */
+textarea {
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+     -moz-appearance: none;
+          appearance: none; }
+textarea {
+  min-height: 65px;
+  padding-top: 6px;
+  padding-bottom: 6px; }
+select:focus {
+  border: 1px solid #33C3F0;
+  outline: 0; }
+legend {
+  display: block;
+  margin-bottom: .5rem;
+  font-weight: 600; }
+fieldset {
+  padding: 0;
+  border-width: 0; }
+input[type="radio"] {
+  display: inline; }
+label > .label-body {
+  display: inline-block;
+  margin-left: .5rem;
+  font-weight: normal; }
+/* Lists
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+ul {
+  list-style: circle inside; }
+ol {
+  list-style: decimal inside; }
+ol, ul {
+  padding-left: 0;
+  margin-top: 0; }
+ul ul,
+ul ol,
+ol ol,
+ol ul {
+  margin: 1.5rem 0 1.5rem 3rem;
+  font-size: 90%; }
+li {
+  margin-bottom: 1rem; }
+/* Code
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+code {
+  padding: .2rem .5rem;
+  margin: 0 .2rem;
+  font-size: 90%;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  background: #F1F1F1;
+  border: 1px solid #E1E1E1;
+  border-radius: 4px; }
+pre > code {
+  display: block;
+  padding: 1rem 1.5rem;
+  white-space: pre; }
+/* Tables
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+td {
+  padding: 12px 15px 12px 15px;
+  text-align: left;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #E1E1E1; }
+td:first-child {
+  padding-left: 0; }
+td:last-child {
+  padding-right: 0; }
+/* Spacing
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+.button {
+  margin-bottom: 1rem; }
+fieldset {
+  margin-bottom: 1.5rem; }
+form {
+  margin-bottom: 2.5rem; }
+/* Utilities
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+.u-full-width {
+  width: 100%;
+  box-sizing: border-box; }
+.u-max-full-width {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  box-sizing: border-box; }
+.u-pull-right {
+  float: right; }
+.u-pull-left {
+  float: left; }
+/* Misc
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+hr {
+  margin-top: 3rem;
+  margin-bottom: 3.5rem;
+  border-width: 0;
+  border-top: 1px solid #E1E1E1; }
+/* Clearing
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+/* Self Clearing Goodness */
+.u-cf {
+  content: "";
+  display: table;
+  clear: both; }
+/* Media Queries
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+Note: The best way to structure the use of media queries is to create the queries
+near the relevant code. For example, if you wanted to change the styles for buttons
+on small devices, paste the mobile query code up in the buttons section and style it
+/* Larger than mobile */
+@media (min-width: 400px) {}
+/* Larger than phablet (also point when grid becomes active) */
+@media (min-width: 550px) {}
+/* Larger than tablet */
+@media (min-width: 750px) {}
+/* Larger than desktop */
+@media (min-width: 1000px) {}
+/* Larger than Desktop HD */
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/data2html.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,310 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+-- Parse a lua table in modules/data and write text
+-- to run: lua sp.lua "foo"
+sptbl = {}
+module = arg[1]
+dofile(string.format("modules/data/%s.lua", module))
+PG = { name = module }
+function PG.printheader(self, str)
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    io.write("<h2>" .. str .. "</h2>")
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+function PG.printoption(self, str)
+    io.write("<i>" .. str .. ":</i> ")
+function PG.title(self, sp)
+    io.write("<i><h1>" .. .. "</h1></i>\n")
+function PG.desc(self, sp)
+    str,_ =  string.gsub(sp[].description, "\n\n","<br>")
+    print(str)
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.createf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    print(string.format("%s(sp_%s **%s)",
+        tbl.func.create,,, tbl.func.init))
+function PG.destroyf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    print(string.format("%s(sp_%s **%s)",
+        tbl.func.destroy,,, tbl.func.init))
+function PG.initf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    io.write(string.format("%s(sp_data *sp, sp_%s *%s",
+    tbl.func.init,,
+    if(tbl.params.mandatory ~= nil) then
+        for _, v in pairs(tbl.params.mandatory) do
+            if(string.byte(v.type, string.len(v.type)) == 42) then
+    	        arg = string.format(", %s%s", v.type,
+            else
+    	        arg = string.format(", %s %s", v.type,
+            end
+            io.write(arg)
+        end
+    end
+    io.write(")\n")
+function PG.genf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    io.write(string.format("%s(sp_data *sp, sp_ftbl *ft ",
+    if(tbl.params ~= nil) then
+        for _, v in pairs(tbl.params) do
+            if(string.byte(v.type, string.len(v.type)) == 42) then
+    	        arg = string.format(", %s%s", v.type,
+            else
+    	        arg = string.format(", %s %s", v.type,
+            end
+            io.write(arg)
+        end
+    end
+    io.write(")\n")
+function PG.computef(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    io.write(string.format("%s(sp_data *sp, sp_%s *%s",
+        tbl.func.compute,,, tbl.func.init))
+    if tbl.inputs ~= nil then
+        for _, input in pairs(tbl.inputs) do
+            io.write(string.format(", SPFLOAT *%s",
+        end
+    end
+    if tbl.outputs ~= nil then
+        for _, output in pairs(tbl.outputs) do
+            io.write(string.format(", SPFLOAT *%s",
+        end
+    end
+    io.write(")\n")
+function PG.funcs(self, sp)
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:printheader("Functions")
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:createf(sp)
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:initf(sp)
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:computef(sp)
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:destroyf(sp)
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.genfuncs(self, sp)
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:printheader("Functions")
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    self:genf(sp)
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.man_params(self,sp)
+    local tbl = sp[].params.mandatory
+	if (tbl == nil) then return end
+    self:printheader("Mandatory Parameters")
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        self:printoption(
+        io.write(v.description)
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        io.write(string.format("\n(Recommended value: %s)\n",
+            v.default))
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+    end
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.genparams(self,sp)
+    local tbl = sp[].params
+	if (tbl == nil) then return end
+    self:printheader("Parameters")
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        self:printoption(
+        io.write(v.description)
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        io.write(string.format("\n(Recommended value: %s)\n",
+            v.default))
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+    end
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+ end
+function PG.opt_params(self,sp)
+    local tbl = sp[].params.optional
+    if (tbl == nil) then return end
+    self:printheader("Optional Parameters")
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        self:printoption(
+        io.write(v.description)
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        io.write(string.format("\n(Default value: %s)\n",
+            v.default))
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+    end
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.inputs(self, sp)
+    if sp[].ninputs == 0 then return end;
+    self:printheader("Inputs")
+    local tbl = sp[].inputs
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        self:printoption(
+        io.write(v.description .. "\n")
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+    end
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.outputs(self, sp)
+    self:printheader("Outputs")
+    local tbl = sp[].outputs
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        self:printoption(
+        io.write(v.description .. "\n")
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    end
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.other(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[].func.other
+    if(tbl == nil) then return end
+    self:printheader("Other Functions:")
+    for func,params in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        io.write(string.format("%s(sp_data *sp, sp_%s *%s", func,,
+        for _,p in pairs(params.args) do
+            io.write(string.format(", %s %s", p.type,
+        end
+        io.write(")\n")
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+        io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+        io.write(params.description)
+        io.write("</div>\n")
+        for _,p in pairs(params.args) do
+            io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+            io.write("<div class=\"one column\"></div>\n")
+            io.write("<div class=\"elevent columns\">\n")
+            self:printoption(
+            io.write(p.description.. "\n")
+            io.write("</div></div>\n")
+            io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+            io.write("<div class=\"one column\"></div>\n")
+            io.write("<div class=\"elevent columns\">\n")
+            io.write("(Suggested default: " .. p.default .. ")\n\n")
+            io.write("</div></div>\n")
+        end
+    end
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+function PG.params(self, sp)
+    PG:man_params(sp)
+    PG:opt_params(sp)
+    io.write("\n")
+function PG.files(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[].files
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\">\n")
+    io.write(string.format("Files: <i>%s, %s</i>", tbl.header, tbl.module))
+    io.write("</div>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"row\"><br></div>\n")
+-- Examples have been removed now
+-- function PG.example(self, sp)
+--     local example = sp[].files.example
+--     if (example == nil) then return end
+--     self:printheader("Example Code")
+--     file ="examples/" .. example)
+--     io.write("<pre><code>")
+--     for line in file:lines() do
+--         io.write(string.gsub(line:gsub("<", "&lt;"), ">", "&gt;") .. "\n")
+--     end
+--     io.write("</code></pre>")
+--     file:close()
+-- end
+function PG.makepage(self, sp)
+    io.write("<html>\n")
+    io.write("<title>" .. .. "</title>\n")
+    io.write("<head>\n")
+    io.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/skeleton.css\">\n")
+    io.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/normalize.css\">\n")
+    io.write("</head>\n")
+    io.write("<body>\n")
+    io.write("<div class=\"container\">\n")
+    if(string.match(sptbl[].modtype, "^module$")) then
+        PG:title(sptbl)
+        PG:files(sptbl)
+        PG:desc(sptbl)
+        PG:funcs(sptbl)
+        PG:params(sptbl)
+        PG:inputs(sptbl)
+        PG:outputs(sptbl)
+        PG:other(sptbl)
+        -- Examples have been removed for now
+        -- PG:example(sptbl)
+    end
+    if(string.match(sptbl[].modtype, "^gen$")) then
+        PG:title(sptbl)
+        PG:files(sptbl)
+        PG:desc(sptbl)
+        PG:genfuncs(sptbl)
+        PG:genparams(sptbl)
+        -- Examples have been removed for now
+        -- PG:example(sptbl)
+    end
+    io.write("</div>")
+    io.write("</body>")
+    io.write("</html>\n")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/data2txt.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,160 @@
+-- Parse a lua table in modules/data and write text
+-- to run: lua sp.lua "foo"
+sptbl = {}
+module = arg[1]
+dofile(string.format("modules/data/%s.lua", module))
+PG = { name = module }
+function PG.printheader(self, str)
+    io.write(str .. "\n")
+    for i = 1, string.len(str) do
+        io.write("-")
+    end
+    io.write("\n\n")
+function PG.title(self, sp)
+    io.write( .. "\n")
+    for i = 1, string.len( do
+        io.write("=")
+    end
+    io.write("\n\n")
+function PG.desc(self, sp)
+    print(sp[].description)
+    io.write("\n")
+function PG.createf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    print(string.format("%s(sp_%s **%s)", 
+        tbl.func.create,,, tbl.func.init))
+function PG.destroyf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    print(string.format("%s(sp_%s **%s)", 
+        tbl.func.destroy,,, tbl.func.init))
+function PG.initf(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    io.write(string.format("%s(sp_data *sp, sp_%s *%s", 
+        tbl.func.init,,
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl.params.mandatory) do
+        if(string.byte(v.type, string.len(v.type)) == 42) then
+        arg = string.format(", %s%s", v.type,
+        else
+        arg = string.format(", %s %s", v.type,
+        end
+        io.write(arg)
+    end
+    io.write(")\n")
+function PG.computef(self, sp)
+    local tbl = sp[]
+    io.write(string.format("%s(sp_data *sp, sp_%s *%s", 
+        tbl.func.compute,,, tbl.func.init))
+    for _, input in pairs(tbl.inputs) do
+        io.write(string.format(", SPFLOAT *%s",
+    end
+    io.write(")\n")
+function PG.funcs(self, sp)
+    self:printheader("Functions")    
+	self:createf(sp)   
+	self:initf(sp)   
+	self:computef(sp)
+	self:destroyf(sp)   
+	io.write("\n")
+function PG.man_params(self,sp)
+    self:printheader("Mandatory Parameters")
+    local tbl = sp[].params.mandatory
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write(string.format("%s: ",
+        io.write(v.description)
+        io.write(string.format("\n(Recommended value: %s)\n\n", v.default))
+    end
+ end
+function PG.opt_params(self,sp)
+    self:printheader("Optional Parameters:")
+    local tbl = sp[].params.optional
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write(string.format("*%s*: ",
+        io.write(v.description)
+        io.write(string.format("\n(Default value: %s)\n\n", v.default))
+    end
+function PG.inputs(self, sp)
+    self:printheader("Inputs:")
+    local tbl = sp[].inputs
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write(string.format("*%s*: ",
+        io.write(v.description .. "\n\n")
+    end
+	io.write("\n")
+function PG.outputs(self, sp)
+    self:printheader("Outputs:")
+    local tbl = sp[].outputs
+    for _, v in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write(string.format("*%s*: ",
+        io.write(v.description .. "\n\n")
+    end
+	io.write("\n")
+function PG.other(self, sp)
+    self:printheader("Other Functions:")
+    local tbl = sp[].func.other
+    for func,params in pairs(tbl) do
+        io.write(string.format("%s(sp_%s %s", func,,
+        for _,p in pairs(params) do
+            io.write(string.format(", %s %s", p.type,
+        end
+        io.write(")\n\n")
+        for _,p in pairs(params) do
+            io.write("*" .. .. ":* ")
+            io.write(p.description.. "\n")
+            io.write("(Suggested default: " .. p.default .. ")\n\n")
+        end
+    end
+    io.write("\n")
+function PG.params(self, sp)
+    PG:man_params(sp)
+    PG:opt_params(sp)
+    io.write("\n")
+function PG.makepage(self, sp)
+	PG:title(sptbl)
+	PG:desc(sptbl)
+	PG:funcs(sptbl)
+	PG:params(sptbl)
+	PG:inputs(sptbl)
+	PG:outputs(sptbl)
+	PG:other(sptbl)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/autowah.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+declare id "auto"; // selector crybaby / autowah
+declare name "auto";
+//     Auto-Wah
+import("effect.lib"); //for crybaby definition
+l = crybaby_ctrl.level;
+a = crybaby_ctrl.wah;
+w = crybaby_ctrl.wet_dry;
+d = 1-w;
+Sum(n,x) = +(x - (x @ n)) ~_ ;
+Average(n,x) = x * (1<<22) : int : abs : Sum(n) : float : /(1<<22)
+                 : /(n);
+Map(x) = x * a : max(0) : min(1) ;
+process(x) = x : _<:*(d),(*(w):*(l) :a * crybaby(x : amp_follower_ud(0.01,0.1) : min(1)) + (1.0-a) * x):>_ ;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]
+echo "Please specify the name of the DSP module"
+exit 1
+faust -cn $NAME -json -lang c -a sp.c $NAME.dsp -o $NAME.c 
+go run parse.go $NAME $NAME.dsp.json >> $NAME.c 
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/compressor.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+ratio = hslider("[0] ratio", 1, 1, 40, 0.001);
+thresh = hslider("[1] thresh", 0, -80, 0, 0.001);
+atk = hslider("[2] atk", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.001);
+rel = hslider("[3] rel", 0.1, 0, 10, 0.001);
+process = compressor_mono(ratio, thresh, atk, rel);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/parse.go
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+package main
+import "encoding/json"
+import "io/ioutil"
+import "fmt"
+import "os"
+import "text/template"
+type Blah struct {
+	Count int
+	Name string
+	Params []string
+func main() {
+	if len(os.Args) < 1 {
+		fmt.Println("Please specify the name, then a filename")
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+	var cnt Blah	
+	tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles("sp_faust.c.template")
+	if err != nil { panic(err) }	
+	byt, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[2])
+	var dat map[string]interface{}
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(byt, &dat); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	items := dat["ui"].([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})["items"].([]interface{})
+	cnt.Count = len(items)
+	cnt.Name = os.Args[1]
+	for _, val := range items {
+		mymap := val.(map[string]interface{})
+		cnt.Params = append(cnt.Params, mymap["label"].(string))
+	}
+	tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "sp_faust.c.template", cnt)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/pinknoise.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+amp = hslider("amp", 1, 0, 1, 0.0001);
+process = pink_noise * amp;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/saw.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+freq = hslider("[0]freq", 440, 0, 20000, 0.0001);
+amp = hslider("[1]amp", 1, 0, 1, 0.0001);
+process = sawtooth(freq) * amp;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/sp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,74 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "CUI.h"
+#define max(a,b) ((a < b) ? b : a)
+#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
+/* -- layout groups */
+static void openTabBox (void* ui_interface, const char* label)
+static void openHorizontalBox (void* ui_interface, const char* label)
+static void openVerticalBox (void* ui_interface, const char* label)
+static void closeBox (void* ui_interface)
+/* -- active widgets */
+static void addButton (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone)
+static void addCheckButton (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone)
+static void addVerticalSlider (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+static void addHorizontalSlider (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+static void addNumEntry (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+/* -- passive display widgets */
+static void addHorizontalBargraph (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max)
+static void addVerticalBargraph (void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max)
+static void declare (void* ui_interface, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, const char* key, const char* value)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/sp_faust.c.template
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+typedef struct {
+    void *faust;
+    int argpos;
+    SPFLOAT *args[{{.Count}}];
+    {{range $index, $element := .Params}}SPFLOAT *{{$element}};
+    {{end}}
+} sp_{{.Name}};
+int sp_{{.Name}}_create(sp_{{.Name}} **p);
+int sp_{{.Name}}_destroy(sp_{{.Name}} **p);
+int sp_{{.Name}}_init(sp_data *sp, sp_{{.Name}} *p);
+int sp_{{.Name}}_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_{{.Name}} *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out);
+static void addHorizontalSlider(void* ui_interface, const char* label, FAUSTFLOAT* zone, FAUSTFLOAT init, FAUSTFLOAT min, FAUSTFLOAT max, FAUSTFLOAT step)
+    sp_{{.Name}} *p = ui_interface;
+    p->args[p->argpos] = zone;
+    p->argpos++;
+int sp_{{.Name}}_create(sp_{{.Name}} **p)
+    *p = malloc(sizeof(sp_{{.Name}}));
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_{{.Name}}_destroy(sp_{{.Name}} **p)
+    sp_{{.Name}} *pp = *p;
+    {{.Name}} *dsp = pp->faust;
+    delete{{.Name}} (dsp);
+    free(*p);
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_{{.Name}}_init(sp_data *sp, sp_{{.Name}} *p)
+    {{.Name}} *dsp = new{{.Name}}(); 
+    UIGlue UI;
+    p->argpos = 0;
+    UI.addHorizontalSlider= addHorizontalSlider;
+    UI.uiInterface = p;
+    buildUserInterface{{.Name}}(dsp, &UI);
+    init{{.Name}}(dsp, sp->sr);
+    {{range $index, $element := .Params}} 
+    p->{{$element}} = p->args[{{$index}}];{{end}}
+    p->faust = dsp;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_{{.Name}}_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_{{.Name}} *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out) 
+    {{.Name}} *dsp = p->faust;
+    SPFLOAT out1 = 0;
+    SPFLOAT *faust_out[] = {&out1};
+    SPFLOAT *faust_in[] = {in};
+    compute{{.Name}}(dsp, 1, faust_in, faust_out);
+    *out = out1;
+    return SP_OK;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/square.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+freq = hslider("[1]frequency", 440, 0, 20000, 0.0001);
+amp = hslider("[2]amp", 1, 0, 1, 0.00001);
+width = hslider("[3]width", 0.5, 0, 1, 0.0000);
+process = pulsetrainN(2, freq, width) * amp;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/triangle.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+freq = hslider("[0]freq", 440, 0, 20000, 0.0001);
+amp = hslider("[1]amp", 1, 0, 1, 0.00001);
+process = triangle(freq) * amp;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/vocoder.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+atk = hslider("[0] atk", 0.01, 0.0001, 0.5, 0.00001);
+rel = hslider("[1] rel", 0.01, 0.0001, 0.5, 0.00001);
+bwratio = hslider("[2] bwratio", 0.5, 0.1, 2, 0.001);
+process = vocoder(16, atk, rel, bwratio);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/faust/zitarev.dsp
@@ -1,0 +1,89 @@
+my_zita(x,y) = zita_rev1_stereo(rdel,f1,f2,t60dc,t60m,fsmax,x,y)
+	  : out_eq : dry_wet(x,y) : out_level
+with {
+  fsmax = 96000.0;  // highest sampling rate that will be used
+  rdel = hslider("[00] in_delay [unit:ms] [style:knob]
+                  [tooltip: Delay in ms before reverberation begins]",
+                  60,10,100,1);
+  f1 = hslider("[01] lf_x [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log]
+       [tooltip: Crossover frequency (Hz) separating low and middle frequencies]",
+       200, 50, 1000, 1);
+  t60dc = hslider("[02] rt60_low [unit:s] [style:knob] [scale:log]
+          [style:knob] [tooltip: T60 = time (in seconds) to decay 60dB in low-frequency band]",
+	  3, 1, 8, 0.1);
+  t60m = hslider("[03] rt60_mid [unit:s] [style:knob] [scale:log]
+          [tooltip: T60 = time (in seconds) to decay 60dB in middle band]",
+	  2, 1, 8, 0.1);
+  f2 = hslider("[04] hf_damping [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log]
+       [tooltip: Frequency (Hz) at which the high-frequency T60 is half the middle-band's T60]",
+       6000, 1500, 0.49*fsmax, 1);
+  out_eq = pareq_stereo(eq1f,eq1l,eq1q) : pareq_stereo(eq2f,eq2l,eq2q);
+// Zolzer style peaking eq (not used in zita-rev1) (filter.lib):
+// pareq_stereo(eqf,eql,Q) = peak_eq(eql,eqf,eqf/Q), peak_eq(eql,eqf,eqf/Q);
+// Regalia-Mitra peaking eq with "Q" hard-wired near sqrt(g)/2 (filter.lib):
+  pareq_stereo(eqf,eql,Q) = peak_eq_rm(eql,eqf,tpbt), peak_eq_rm(eql,eqf,tpbt)
+  with {
+    tpbt = wcT/sqrt(max(0,g)); // tan(PI*B/SR), B bw in Hz (Q^2 ~ g/4)
+    wcT = 2*PI*eqf/SR;  // peak frequency in rad/sample
+    g = db2linear(eql); // peak gain
+  };
+  eq1f = hslider("[05] eq1_freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log]
+       [tooltip: Center-frequency of second-order Regalia-Mitra peaking equalizer section 1]",
+       315, 40, 2500, 1);
+  eq1l = hslider("[06] eq1_level [unit:dB] [style:knob]
+       [tooltip: Peak level in dB of second-order Regalia-Mitra peaking equalizer section 1]",
+       0, -15, 15, 0.1);
+  eq1q = hslider("[07] eq1_q [style:knob]
+       [tooltip: Q = centerFrequency/bandwidth of second-order peaking equalizer section 1]",
+       3, 0.1, 10, 0.1);
+  //eq2_group(x) = hgroup("[08] RM Peaking Equalizer 2", x);
+  eq2f = hslider("[09] eq2_freq [unit:Hz] [style:knob] [scale:log]
+       [tooltip: Center-frequency of second-order Regalia-Mitra peaking equalizer section 2]",
+       1500, 160, 10000, 1);
+  eq2l = hslider("[10] eq2_level [unit:dB] [style:knob]
+       [tooltip: Peak level in dB of second-order Regalia-Mitra peaking equalizer section 2]",
+       0, -15, 15, 0.1);
+  eq2q = hslider("[11] Eq2_Q [style:knob]
+       [tooltip: Q = centerFrequency/bandwidth of second-order peaking equalizer section 2]",
+       3, 0.1, 10, 0.1);
+  //dry_wet(x,y) = *(wet) + dry*x, *(wet) + dry*y with {
+  //  wet = 0.5*(drywet+1.0);
+  //  dry = 1.0-wet;
+  //};
+  dry_wet(x,y) = *(wet) + dry*x, *(wet) + dry*y with {
+    wet = drywet;
+    dry = 1.0-wet;
+  };
+  drywet = hslider("[12] mix [style:knob]
+       [tooltip: 0 = dry, 1 = wet]",
+       1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001) : smooth(0.999);
+  out_level = *(gain),*(gain);
+  gain = hslider("[13] level [unit:dB] [style:knob]
+    [tooltip: Output scale factor]", -20, -70, 40, 0.1)
+    : db2linear : smooth(0.999);
+process = my_zita;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/gen_index.lua
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+file =[1])
+io.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/skeleton.css\">\n")
+io.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/normalize.css\">\n")
+io.write("<body>\n<div class=\"container\">\n")
+io.write("<h1>Soundpipe Modules</h1><table>\n")
+for line in file:lines() do
+    sptbl = {}
+    dofile(string.format("modules/data/%s.lua", line))
+	io.write("<tr><td>\n")
+	io.write(string.format("<a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a></td><td><nobr>\n", line, line))
+  firstline = string.gsub(sptbl[line].description, "\n.+", "")
+  -- newstring = string.gsub(string,"Tutorial","Language")
+	io.write(string.format("%s\n", string.sub(firstline, 0, 80)))
+  if string.len(firstline) > 80 then
+    io.write("...")
+  end
+	io.write("</nobr></td></tr>\n")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+mkdir -p docs
+cp -r util/css docs
+> docs/modules.txt
+for d in modules/data/*.lua
+    module=$(basename ${d%.*})
+    echo "writing $module"
+    util/data2html.lua $module > docs/$module.html
+    echo $module >> docs/modules.txt
+util/gen_index.lua docs/modules.txt > docs/index.html
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+makefile () {
+    local NAME=$1
+    local FILEPATH=$2
+    local EXT=$3
+    local FOO="$FILEPATH"foo."$EXT"
+    if [ ! -f "$FILEPATH$NAME.$EXT" ]
+    then
+        echo "creating $FILEPATH$NAME.$EXT"
+        cp $FOO $FILEPATH$NAME.$EXT
+        sed -i -e s/foo/$NAME/g $FILEPATH$NAME.$EXT 
+    else
+        echo "Error: file $FILEPATH$NAME.$EXT already exists."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]
+    echo "Usage: make bootstrap MODULE_NAME=name"
+    exit 1
+# Source
+makefile $MODNAME modules/ c
+# Header
+makefile $MODNAME h/ h
+# Documentation
+makefile $MODNAME modules/data/ lua
+# Example
+makefile $MODNAME examples/ex_ c
+# Test file
+makefile $MODNAME test/t/t_ c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+How to Create a Soundpipe Module
+Creating new modules in Soundpipe is a relatively straightforward process.
+For this tutorial, we are going to create a gain module called "gain". 
+## Bootstrapping
+Soundpipe has a script that automatically creates the necessary template files
+needed to create a module. 
+This can be invoked with "make" with the following command:
+make bootstrap MODULE_NAME="gain"
+Make sure the module name you choose is unique.
+If successful, this script will create 4 boiler plate files:
+- modules/gain.c: the main c code. 
+- h/gain.h: the header file
+- examples/ex_gain.c: an example file utilizing gain
+- modules/data/gain.lua: metadata for gain, used to create a doc page
+A fully implemented module file will have these components:
+## The Header File
+Typically, the only thing here you would need to implement is the data struct 
+(empty by default). However, it is okay to tack on variables to the end of the
+init function if you need to do things like create delay lines. 
+typedef struct {
+    SPFLOAT gain;
+} sp_gain;
+## The Module File
+int sp_gain_init(sp_data *sp, sp_gain *p)
+    p->gain = 0;
+    return SP_OK;
+int sp_gain_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_gain *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out)
+    *out = *in * p->gain;
+    return SP_OK;
+## The example
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+typedef struct {
+    sp_gain *gain;
+    sp_osc *osc;
+    sp_ftbl *ft; 
+} UserData;
+void process(sp_data *sp, void *udata) {
+    UserData *ud = udata;
+    SPFLOAT osc = 0, gain = 0;
+    sp_osc_compute(sp, ud->osc, NULL, &osc);
+    sp_gain_compute(sp, ud->gain, &osc, &gain);
+    sp->out[0] = gain;
+int main() {
+    srand(1234567);
+    UserData ud;
+    sp_data *sp;
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    sp_gain_create(&ud.gain);
+    sp_osc_create(&ud.osc);
+    sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048);
+    ud.gain->gain = 0.3;
+    sp_gain_init(sp, ud.gain);
+    sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft);
+    sp->len = 44100 * 5;
+    sp_process(sp, &ud, process);
+    sp_gain_destroy(&ud.gain);
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft);
+    sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
+## Metadata / Documentation
+sptbl["gain"] = {
+    files = { 
+        module = "gain.c",
+        header = "gain.h",
+        example = "ex_gain.c",
+    },
+    func = {
+        create = "sp_gain_create",
+        destroy = "sp_gain_destroy",
+        init = "sp_gain_init",
+        compute = "sp_gain_compute"
+    },
+    params = {
+        optional = {
+            {
+                name = "gain",
+                type = "SPFLOAT",
+                description = "Sets the gain",
+                default = 0
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    modtype = "module",
+    description = [[Scale an incoming signal.]], 
+    ninputs = 1,
+    noutputs = 1,
+    inputs = { 
+        {
+            name = "input",
+            description = "this is the audio input for a made up plugin."
+        },
+    },
+    outputs = {
+        {
+            name = "out",
+            description = "Signal output",
+        },
+    }
+## Adding to Soundpipe
+To add your module to Soundpipe, run the following command:
+add to
+## Buffers in Soundpipe
+Coming soon!
+## Using ftables in Soundpipe
+Coming soon!
+## Creating GEN routines in Soundpipe
+Coming soon! 
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stretcher.c
@@ -1,0 +1,95 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sndfile.h>
+#include "soundpipe.h"
+sp_data *sp;
+sp_ftbl *ft;
+sp_paulstretch *ps;
+static void process(sp_data *sp, void *ud)
+    SPFLOAT out;
+    sp_paulstretch_compute(sp, ps, NULL, &out);
+    sp_out(sp, 0, out);
+/* a little kluge to get file info */
+static int get_info(const char *fname,
+                    int *sr,
+                    unsigned long *len)
+    SF_INFO info;
+    SNDFILE *snd;
+    snd = sf_open(fname, SFM_READ, &info);
+    if (snd == NULL) return 0;
+    *sr = info.samplerate;
+    *len = info.frames;
+    sf_close(snd);
+    return 1;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    SPFLOAT stretch;
+    SPFLOAT window;
+    uint32_t out_dur;
+    const char *fin;
+    const char *fout;
+    unsigned long len;
+    int rc;
+    if(argc < 5) {
+        fprintf(stderr,
+            "Usage: %s window_size stretch in.wav out.wav\n",
+            argv[0]
+        );
+        return 1;
+    }
+    sp_create(&sp);
+    printf("samplerate = %d\n", atoi(argv[1]));
+    sp_paulstretch_create(&ps);
+    fin = argv[3];
+    fout = argv[4];
+    rc = get_info(fin, &sp->sr, &sp->len);
+    if (!rc) {
+        printf("There was a problem with the file '%s'\n",
+               fin);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
+    printf("window = %g\n", atof(argv[1]));
+    window = atof(argv[1]);
+    printf("stretch = %g\n", atof(argv[2]));
+    stretch = atof(argv[2]);
+    sp->len *= stretch;
+    printf("total dur = %gs\n", (SPFLOAT)sp->len / sp->sr);
+    printf("input = %s\n", fin);
+    sp_ftbl_loadfile(sp, &ft, fin);
+    printf("output = %s\n", fout);
+    strncpy(sp->filename, fout, 60);
+    sp_paulstretch_init(sp, ps, ft, window, stretch);
+    ps->wrap = 0;
+    sp_process(sp, NULL, process);
+    cleanup:
+    sp_ftbl_destroy(&ft);
+    sp_paulstretch_destroy(&ps);
+    sp_destroy(&sp);
+    return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/wav2smp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,93 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sndfile.h>
+void write_sample(SNDFILE *snd, FILE *fp, char *wav, char *name,
+        float *buf, int bufsize, uint32_t *pos, int sr)
+    SF_INFO info;
+    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
+    info.format = 0;
+    int count;
+    SNDFILE *in = sf_open(wav, SFM_READ, &info);
+    fprintf(fp, "[%s]\npos = %g\n", name, 1.0 * (*pos) / sr);
+    uint32_t start = *pos;
+    while((count = sf_read_float(in, buf, bufsize))) {
+        sf_write_float(snd, buf, count);
+        *pos += count;
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "size = %g\n\n", (1.0 * (*pos) - start) / sr);
+    sf_close(in);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    if(argc <= 1) {
+        printf("Usage: [options] wav2smp in1.wav in1_name in2.wav in2_name...\n\n");
+        printf("Flags:\n");
+        printf("\t-w\tWAV file to write to (default: out.wav)\n");
+        printf("\t-o\tINI file to write to (default: out.ini)\n");
+        printf("\t-r\tSet samplerate. (default: 96000)\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int argpos = 1;
+    int i;
+    int sr = 96000;
+    char wavfile[30] = "out.wav";
+    char inifile[30] = "out.ini";
+    float buf[4096];
+    argv++;
+    while(argv[0][0] == '-') {
+        switch(argv[0][1]) {
+            case 'w':
+                strncpy(wavfile, argv[1], 30);
+                argv++;
+                argpos++;
+                break;
+            case 'o':
+                strncpy(inifile, argv[1], 30);
+                argv++;
+                argpos++;
+                break;
+            case 'r':
+                sr = atoi(argv[1]);
+                argv++;
+                argpos++;
+                break;
+            default:
+                fprintf(stderr, "Uknown option '%c'\n", argv[0][1]);
+                break;
+        }
+        argv++;
+        argpos++;
+    }
+    SF_INFO info;
+    info.samplerate = sr;
+    info.channels = 1;
+    info.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT;
+    SNDFILE *snd = sf_open(wavfile, SFM_WRITE, &info);
+    FILE *fp = fopen(inifile, "w");
+    uint32_t pos = 0;
+    for(i = argpos; i < argc; ) {
+        write_sample(snd, fp, argv[0], argv[1], buf, 4096, &pos, sr);
+        argv += 2;
+        i += 2;
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    sf_close(snd);
+    return 0;