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ref: edbca72a53d6657258f5f2db4306bc70b504a0ad
parent: 0a9f56f14669442a164d445cef01c2a637e2c36c
parent: 4779f5308d89df913b66f751dae1fd67ec8f18ec
author: Linfeng Zhang <>
date: Fri Sep 30 20:07:30 EDT 2016

Merge "Refactor vpx lpf NEON files (step 1/2)"

--- a/vpx_dsp/arm/loopfilter_16_neon.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +1,0 @@
-;  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-;  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-;  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-;  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-;  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
-;  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-    EXPORT  |vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon|
-    ARM
-    AREA ||.text||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
-;void vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon(uint8_t *s, int p,
-;                                    const uint8_t *blimit0,
-;                                    const uint8_t *limit0,
-;                                    const uint8_t *thresh0,
-;                                    const uint8_t *blimit1,
-;                                    const uint8_t *limit1,
-;                                    const uint8_t *thresh1)
-; r0    uint8_t *s,
-; r1    int p,
-; r2    const uint8_t *blimit0,
-; r3    const uint8_t *limit0,
-; sp    const uint8_t *thresh0,
-; sp+4  const uint8_t *blimit1,
-; sp+8  const uint8_t *limit1,
-; sp+12 const uint8_t *thresh1,
-|vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon| PROC
-    push        {lr}
-    ldr         r12, [sp, #4]              ; load thresh0
-    vld1.8      {d0}, [r2]                 ; load blimit0 to first half q
-    vld1.8      {d2}, [r3]                 ; load limit0 to first half q
-    add         r1, r1, r1                 ; double pitch
-    ldr         r2, [sp, #8]               ; load blimit1
-    vld1.8      {d4}, [r12]                ; load thresh0 to first half q
-    ldr         r3, [sp, #12]              ; load limit1
-    ldr         r12, [sp, #16]             ; load thresh1
-    vld1.8      {d1}, [r2]                 ; load blimit1 to 2nd half q
-    sub         r2, r0, r1, lsl #1         ; s[-4 * p]
-    vld1.8      {d3}, [r3]                 ; load limit1 to 2nd half q
-    vld1.8      {d5}, [r12]                ; load thresh1 to 2nd half q
-    vpush       {d8-d15}                   ; save neon registers
-    add         r3, r2, r1, lsr #1         ; s[-3 * p]
-    vld1.u8     {q3}, [r2@64], r1          ; p3
-    vld1.u8     {q4}, [r3@64], r1          ; p2
-    vld1.u8     {q5}, [r2@64], r1          ; p1
-    vld1.u8     {q6}, [r3@64], r1          ; p0
-    vld1.u8     {q7}, [r2@64], r1          ; q0
-    vld1.u8     {q8}, [r3@64], r1          ; q1
-    vld1.u8     {q9}, [r2@64]              ; q2
-    vld1.u8     {q10}, [r3@64]             ; q3
-    sub         r2, r2, r1, lsl #1
-    sub         r3, r3, r1, lsl #1
-    bl          vpx_loop_filter_neon_16
-    vst1.u8     {q5}, [r2@64], r1          ; store op1
-    vst1.u8     {q6}, [r3@64], r1          ; store op0
-    vst1.u8     {q7}, [r2@64], r1          ; store oq0
-    vst1.u8     {q8}, [r3@64], r1          ; store oq1
-    vpop        {d8-d15}                   ; restore neon registers
-    pop         {pc}
-    ENDP        ; |vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon|
-; void vpx_loop_filter_neon_16();
-; This is a helper function for the loopfilters. The invidual functions do the
-; necessary load, transpose (if necessary) and store. This function uses
-; registers d8-d15, so the calling function must save those registers.
-; r0-r3, r12 PRESERVE
-; q0    blimit
-; q1    limit
-; q2    thresh
-; q3    p3
-; q4    p2
-; q5    p1
-; q6    p0
-; q7    q0
-; q8    q1
-; q9    q2
-; q10   q3
-; Outputs:
-; q5    op1
-; q6    op0
-; q7    oq0
-; q8    oq1
-|vpx_loop_filter_neon_16| PROC
-    ; filter_mask
-    vabd.u8     q11, q3, q4                 ; m1 = abs(p3 - p2)
-    vabd.u8     q12, q4, q5                 ; m2 = abs(p2 - p1)
-    vabd.u8     q13, q5, q6                 ; m3 = abs(p1 - p0)
-    vabd.u8     q14, q8, q7                 ; m4 = abs(q1 - q0)
-    vabd.u8     q3, q9, q8                  ; m5 = abs(q2 - q1)
-    vabd.u8     q4, q10, q9                 ; m6 = abs(q3 - q2)
-    ; only compare the largest value to limit
-    vmax.u8     q11, q11, q12               ; m7 = max(m1, m2)
-    vmax.u8     q12, q13, q14               ; m8 = max(m3, m4)
-    vabd.u8     q9, q6, q7                  ; abs(p0 - q0)
-    vmax.u8     q3, q3, q4                  ; m9 = max(m5, m6)
-    vmov.u8     q10, #0x80
-    vmax.u8     q15, q11, q12               ; m10 = max(m7, m8)
-    vcgt.u8     q13, q13, q2                ; (abs(p1 - p0) > thresh)*-1
-    vcgt.u8     q14, q14, q2                ; (abs(q1 - q0) > thresh)*-1
-    vmax.u8     q15, q15, q3                ; m11 = max(m10, m9)
-    vabd.u8     q2, q5, q8                  ; a = abs(p1 - q1)
-    vqadd.u8    q9, q9, q9                  ; b = abs(p0 - q0) * 2
-    veor        q7, q7, q10                 ; qs0
-    vcge.u8     q15, q1, q15                ; abs(m11) > limit
-    vshr.u8     q2, q2, #1                  ; a = a / 2
-    veor        q6, q6, q10                 ; ps0
-    veor        q5, q5, q10                 ; ps1
-    vqadd.u8    q9, q9, q2                  ; a = b + a
-    veor        q8, q8, q10                 ; qs1
-    vmov.u16    q4, #3
-    vsubl.s8    q2, d14, d12                ; ( qs0 - ps0)
-    vsubl.s8    q11, d15, d13
-    vcge.u8     q9, q0, q9                  ; a > blimit
-    vqsub.s8    q1, q5, q8                  ; filter = clamp(ps1-qs1)
-    vorr        q14, q13, q14               ; hev
-    vmul.i16    q2, q2, q4                  ; 3 * ( qs0 - ps0)
-    vmul.i16    q11, q11, q4
-    vand        q1, q1, q14                 ; filter &= hev
-    vand        q15, q15, q9                ; mask
-    vmov.u8     q4, #3
-    vaddw.s8    q2, q2, d2                  ; filter + 3 * (qs0 - ps0)
-    vaddw.s8    q11, q11, d3
-    vmov.u8     q9, #4
-    ; filter = clamp(filter + 3 * ( qs0 - ps0))
-    vqmovn.s16  d2, q2
-    vqmovn.s16  d3, q11
-    vand        q1, q1, q15                 ; filter &= mask
-    vqadd.s8    q2, q1, q4                  ; filter2 = clamp(filter+3)
-    vqadd.s8    q1, q1, q9                  ; filter1 = clamp(filter+4)
-    vshr.s8     q2, q2, #3                  ; filter2 >>= 3
-    vshr.s8     q1, q1, #3                  ; filter1 >>= 3
-    vqadd.s8    q11, q6, q2                 ; u = clamp(ps0 + filter2)
-    vqsub.s8    q0, q7, q1                  ; u = clamp(qs0 - filter1)
-    ; outer tap adjustments
-    vrshr.s8    q1, q1, #1                  ; filter = ++filter1 >> 1
-    veor        q7, q0,  q10                ; *oq0 = u^0x80
-    vbic        q1, q1, q14                 ; filter &= ~hev
-    vqadd.s8    q13, q5, q1                 ; u = clamp(ps1 + filter)
-    vqsub.s8    q12, q8, q1                 ; u = clamp(qs1 - filter)
-    veor        q6, q11, q10                ; *op0 = u^0x80
-    veor        q5, q13, q10                ; *op1 = u^0x80
-    veor        q8, q12, q10                ; *oq1 = u^0x80
-    bx          lr
-    ENDP        ; |vpx_loop_filter_neon_16|
-    END
--- a/vpx_dsp/arm/loopfilter_4_neon.asm
+++ b/vpx_dsp/arm/loopfilter_4_neon.asm
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
     EXPORT  |vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_neon|
     EXPORT  |vpx_lpf_vertical_4_neon|
+    EXPORT  |vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon|
     AREA ||.text||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
@@ -245,5 +246,190 @@
     bx          lr
     ENDP        ; |vpx_loop_filter_neon|
+    END
+;void vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon(uint8_t *s, int p,
+;                                    const uint8_t *blimit0,
+;                                    const uint8_t *limit0,
+;                                    const uint8_t *thresh0,
+;                                    const uint8_t *blimit1,
+;                                    const uint8_t *limit1,
+;                                    const uint8_t *thresh1)
+; r0    uint8_t *s,
+; r1    int p,
+; r2    const uint8_t *blimit0,
+; r3    const uint8_t *limit0,
+; sp    const uint8_t *thresh0,
+; sp+4  const uint8_t *blimit1,
+; sp+8  const uint8_t *limit1,
+; sp+12 const uint8_t *thresh1,
+|vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon| PROC
+    push        {lr}
+    ldr         r12, [sp, #4]              ; load thresh0
+    vld1.8      {d0}, [r2]                 ; load blimit0 to first half q
+    vld1.8      {d2}, [r3]                 ; load limit0 to first half q
+    add         r1, r1, r1                 ; double pitch
+    ldr         r2, [sp, #8]               ; load blimit1
+    vld1.8      {d4}, [r12]                ; load thresh0 to first half q
+    ldr         r3, [sp, #12]              ; load limit1
+    ldr         r12, [sp, #16]             ; load thresh1
+    vld1.8      {d1}, [r2]                 ; load blimit1 to 2nd half q
+    sub         r2, r0, r1, lsl #1         ; s[-4 * p]
+    vld1.8      {d3}, [r3]                 ; load limit1 to 2nd half q
+    vld1.8      {d5}, [r12]                ; load thresh1 to 2nd half q
+    vpush       {d8-d15}                   ; save neon registers
+    add         r3, r2, r1, lsr #1         ; s[-3 * p]
+    vld1.u8     {q3}, [r2@64], r1          ; p3
+    vld1.u8     {q4}, [r3@64], r1          ; p2
+    vld1.u8     {q5}, [r2@64], r1          ; p1
+    vld1.u8     {q6}, [r3@64], r1          ; p0
+    vld1.u8     {q7}, [r2@64], r1          ; q0
+    vld1.u8     {q8}, [r3@64], r1          ; q1
+    vld1.u8     {q9}, [r2@64]              ; q2
+    vld1.u8     {q10}, [r3@64]             ; q3
+    sub         r2, r2, r1, lsl #1
+    sub         r3, r3, r1, lsl #1
+    bl          vpx_loop_filter_neon_16
+    vst1.u8     {q5}, [r2@64], r1          ; store op1
+    vst1.u8     {q6}, [r3@64], r1          ; store op0
+    vst1.u8     {q7}, [r2@64], r1          ; store oq0
+    vst1.u8     {q8}, [r3@64], r1          ; store oq1
+    vpop        {d8-d15}                   ; restore neon registers
+    pop         {pc}
+    ENDP        ; |vpx_lpf_horizontal_4_dual_neon|
+; void vpx_loop_filter_neon_16();
+; This is a helper function for the loopfilters. The invidual functions do the
+; necessary load, transpose (if necessary) and store. This function uses
+; registers d8-d15, so the calling function must save those registers.
+; r0-r3, r12 PRESERVE
+; q0    blimit
+; q1    limit
+; q2    thresh
+; q3    p3
+; q4    p2
+; q5    p1
+; q6    p0
+; q7    q0
+; q8    q1
+; q9    q2
+; q10   q3
+; Outputs:
+; q5    op1
+; q6    op0
+; q7    oq0
+; q8    oq1
+|vpx_loop_filter_neon_16| PROC
+    ; filter_mask
+    vabd.u8     q11, q3, q4                 ; m1 = abs(p3 - p2)
+    vabd.u8     q12, q4, q5                 ; m2 = abs(p2 - p1)
+    vabd.u8     q13, q5, q6                 ; m3 = abs(p1 - p0)
+    vabd.u8     q14, q8, q7                 ; m4 = abs(q1 - q0)
+    vabd.u8     q3, q9, q8                  ; m5 = abs(q2 - q1)
+    vabd.u8     q4, q10, q9                 ; m6 = abs(q3 - q2)
+    ; only compare the largest value to limit
+    vmax.u8     q11, q11, q12               ; m7 = max(m1, m2)
+    vmax.u8     q12, q13, q14               ; m8 = max(m3, m4)
+    vabd.u8     q9, q6, q7                  ; abs(p0 - q0)
+    vmax.u8     q3, q3, q4                  ; m9 = max(m5, m6)
+    vmov.u8     q10, #0x80
+    vmax.u8     q15, q11, q12               ; m10 = max(m7, m8)
+    vcgt.u8     q13, q13, q2                ; (abs(p1 - p0) > thresh)*-1
+    vcgt.u8     q14, q14, q2                ; (abs(q1 - q0) > thresh)*-1
+    vmax.u8     q15, q15, q3                ; m11 = max(m10, m9)
+    vabd.u8     q2, q5, q8                  ; a = abs(p1 - q1)
+    vqadd.u8    q9, q9, q9                  ; b = abs(p0 - q0) * 2
+    veor        q7, q7, q10                 ; qs0
+    vcge.u8     q15, q1, q15                ; abs(m11) > limit
+    vshr.u8     q2, q2, #1                  ; a = a / 2
+    veor        q6, q6, q10                 ; ps0
+    veor        q5, q5, q10                 ; ps1
+    vqadd.u8    q9, q9, q2                  ; a = b + a
+    veor        q8, q8, q10                 ; qs1
+    vmov.u16    q4, #3
+    vsubl.s8    q2, d14, d12                ; ( qs0 - ps0)
+    vsubl.s8    q11, d15, d13
+    vcge.u8     q9, q0, q9                  ; a > blimit
+    vqsub.s8    q1, q5, q8                  ; filter = clamp(ps1-qs1)
+    vorr        q14, q13, q14               ; hev
+    vmul.i16    q2, q2, q4                  ; 3 * ( qs0 - ps0)
+    vmul.i16    q11, q11, q4
+    vand        q1, q1, q14                 ; filter &= hev
+    vand        q15, q15, q9                ; mask
+    vmov.u8     q4, #3
+    vaddw.s8    q2, q2, d2                  ; filter + 3 * (qs0 - ps0)
+    vaddw.s8    q11, q11, d3
+    vmov.u8     q9, #4
+    ; filter = clamp(filter + 3 * ( qs0 - ps0))
+    vqmovn.s16  d2, q2
+    vqmovn.s16  d3, q11
+    vand        q1, q1, q15                 ; filter &= mask
+    vqadd.s8    q2, q1, q4                  ; filter2 = clamp(filter+3)
+    vqadd.s8    q1, q1, q9                  ; filter1 = clamp(filter+4)
+    vshr.s8     q2, q2, #3                  ; filter2 >>= 3
+    vshr.s8     q1, q1, #3                  ; filter1 >>= 3
+    vqadd.s8    q11, q6, q2                 ; u = clamp(ps0 + filter2)
+    vqsub.s8    q0, q7, q1                  ; u = clamp(qs0 - filter1)
+    ; outer tap adjustments
+    vrshr.s8    q1, q1, #1                  ; filter = ++filter1 >> 1
+    veor        q7, q0,  q10                ; *oq0 = u^0x80
+    vbic        q1, q1, q14                 ; filter &= ~hev
+    vqadd.s8    q13, q5, q1                 ; u = clamp(ps1 + filter)
+    vqsub.s8    q12, q8, q1                 ; u = clamp(qs1 - filter)
+    veor        q6, q11, q10                ; *op0 = u^0x80
+    veor        q5, q13, q10                ; *op1 = u^0x80
+    veor        q8, q12, q10                ; *oq1 = u^0x80
+    bx          lr
+    ENDP        ; |vpx_loop_filter_neon_16|
--- a/vpx_dsp/arm/loopfilter_neon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +1,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-#include <arm_neon.h>
-#include "./vpx_dsp_rtcd.h"
-#include "./vpx_config.h"
-#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
-void vpx_lpf_vertical_4_dual_neon(uint8_t *s, int p, const uint8_t *blimit0,
-                                  const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0,
-                                  const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1,
-                                  const uint8_t *thresh1) {
-  vpx_lpf_vertical_4_neon(s, p, blimit0, limit0, thresh0);
-  vpx_lpf_vertical_4_neon(s + 8 * p, p, blimit1, limit1, thresh1);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpx_dsp/arm/loopfilter_vertical_4_dual_neon.c
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <arm_neon.h>
+#include "./vpx_dsp_rtcd.h"
+#include "./vpx_config.h"
+#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
+void vpx_lpf_vertical_4_dual_neon(uint8_t *s, int p, const uint8_t *blimit0,
+                                  const uint8_t *limit0, const uint8_t *thresh0,
+                                  const uint8_t *blimit1, const uint8_t *limit1,
+                                  const uint8_t *thresh1) {
+  vpx_lpf_vertical_4_neon(s, p, blimit0, limit0, thresh0);
+  vpx_lpf_vertical_4_neon(s + 8 * p, p, blimit1, limit1, thresh1);
--- a/vpx_dsp/
+++ b/vpx_dsp/
@@ -136,9 +136,8 @@
 DSP_SRCS-$(HAVE_AVX2)                += x86/loopfilter_avx2.c
 ifeq ($(HAVE_NEON_ASM),yes)
-DSP_SRCS-yes  += arm/loopfilter_neon.c
+DSP_SRCS-yes  += arm/loopfilter_vertical_4_dual_neon.c
 DSP_SRCS-yes  += arm/loopfilter_mb_neon$(ASM)
-DSP_SRCS-yes  += arm/loopfilter_16_neon$(ASM)
 DSP_SRCS-yes  += arm/loopfilter_8_neon$(ASM)
 DSP_SRCS-yes  += arm/loopfilter_4_neon$(ASM)