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ref: 9ca9c12dbdea516f46e1e08203d7cc1378eb171b
parent: a2127236ae4742f329e5571d76b84de08cd3b8ea
author: Marco <>
date: Thu Dec 14 11:35:33 EST 2017

vp9-svc: Add layer bitrate targeting to SVC datarate tests.

Modify and update the SVC datarate unittests to verify the
rate targeting for each spatial-temporal layer.
The current tests were only verifying the rate targeting
of the full SVC stream, not individual layers.
Also re-enabled a test that was disabled.

This is a stronger verification of the layered rate control
for SVC for 1 pass CBR encoding.

Added PostEncodeFrameHook, needed to get the layer_id and
update the layer buffer level.

Change-Id: I9fd54ad474686b20a6de3250d587e2cec194a56f

--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1216,10 +1216,6 @@
   virtual void ResetModel() {
     last_pts_ = 0;
-    bits_in_buffer_model_ = cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz;
-    frame_number_ = 0;
-    first_drop_ = 0;
-    bits_total_ = 0;
     duration_ = 0.0;
     mismatch_psnr_ = 0.0;
     mismatch_nframes_ = 0;
@@ -1226,6 +1222,11 @@
     denoiser_on_ = 0;
     tune_content_ = 0;
     base_speed_setting_ = 5;
+    spatial_layer_id_ = 0;
+    temporal_layer_id_ = 0;
+    memset(bits_in_buffer_model_, 0, sizeof(bits_in_buffer_model_));
+    memset(bits_total_, 0, sizeof(bits_total_));
+    memset(layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, 0, sizeof(layer_target_avg_bandwidth_));
   virtual void BeginPassHook(unsigned int /*pass*/) {}
   virtual void PreEncodeFrameHook(::libvpx_test::VideoSource *video,
@@ -1256,30 +1257,94 @@
     timebase_ = static_cast<double>(tb.num) / tb.den;
     duration_ = 0;
-  virtual void FramePktHook(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) {
-    vpx_codec_pts_t duration = pkt->data.frame.pts - last_pts_;
-    if (last_pts_ == 0) duration = 1;
-    bits_in_buffer_model_ += static_cast<int64_t>(
-        duration * timebase_ * cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1000);
+  virtual void PostEncodeFrameHook(::libvpx_test::Encoder *encoder) {
+    vpx_svc_layer_id_t layer_id;
+    encoder->Control(VP9E_GET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
+    spatial_layer_id_ = layer_id.spatial_layer_id;
+    temporal_layer_id_ = layer_id.temporal_layer_id;
+    // Update buffer with per-layer target frame bandwidth, this is done
+    // for every frame passed to the encoder (encoded or dropped).
+    // For temporal layers, update the cumulative buffer level.
+    for (int sl = 0; sl < number_spatial_layers_; ++sl) {
+      for (int tl = temporal_layer_id_; tl < number_temporal_layers_; ++tl) {
+        const int layer = sl * number_temporal_layers_ + tl;
+        bits_in_buffer_model_[layer] +=
+            static_cast<int64_t>(layer_target_avg_bandwidth_[layer]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  vpx_codec_err_t parse_superframe_index(const uint8_t *data, size_t data_sz,
+                                         uint32_t sizes[8], int *count) {
+    uint8_t marker;
+    marker = *(data + data_sz - 1);
+    *count = 0;
+    if ((marker & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
+      const uint32_t frames = (marker & 0x7) + 1;
+      const uint32_t mag = ((marker >> 3) & 0x3) + 1;
+      const size_t index_sz = 2 + mag * frames;
+      // This chunk is marked as having a superframe index but doesn't have
+      // enough data for it, thus it's an invalid superframe index.
+      if (data_sz < index_sz) return VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME;
+      {
+        const uint8_t marker2 = *(data + data_sz - index_sz);
+        // This chunk is marked as having a superframe index but doesn't have
+        // the matching marker byte at the front of the index therefore it's an
+        // invalid chunk.
+        if (marker != marker2) return VPX_CODEC_CORRUPT_FRAME;
+      }
+      {
+        uint32_t i, j;
+        const uint8_t *x = &data[data_sz - index_sz + 1];
+        for (i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
+          uint32_t this_sz = 0;
+          for (j = 0; j < mag; ++j) this_sz |= (*x++) << (j * 8);
+          sizes[i] = this_sz;
+        }
+        *count = frames;
+      }
+    }
+    return VPX_CODEC_OK;
+  }
+  virtual void FramePktHook(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) {
+    uint32_t sizes[8] = { 0 };
+    int count = 0;
+    last_pts_ = pkt->data.frame.pts;
     const bool key_frame =
         (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) ? true : false;
-    if (!key_frame) {
-      ASSERT_GE(bits_in_buffer_model_, 0)
-          << "Buffer Underrun at frame " << pkt->data.frame.pts;
+    parse_superframe_index(static_cast<const uint8_t *>(pkt->data.frame.buf),
+                           pkt->, sizes, &count);
+    ASSERT_EQ(count, number_spatial_layers_);
+    for (int sl = 0; sl < number_spatial_layers_; ++sl) {
+      sizes[sl] = sizes[sl] << 3;
+      // Update the total encoded bits per layer.
+      // For temporal layers, update the cumulative encoded bits per layer.
+      for (int tl = temporal_layer_id_; tl < number_temporal_layers_; ++tl) {
+        const int layer = sl * number_temporal_layers_ + tl;
+        bits_total_[layer] += static_cast<int64_t>(sizes[sl]);
+        // Update the per-layer buffer level with the encoded frame size.
+        bits_in_buffer_model_[layer] -= static_cast<int64_t>(sizes[sl]);
+        // There should be no buffer underrun, except on the base
+        // temporal layer, since there may be key frames there.
+        if (!key_frame && tl > 0) {
+          ASSERT_GE(bits_in_buffer_model_[layer], 0)
+              << "Buffer Underrun at frame " << pkt->data.frame.pts;
+        }
+      }
-    const size_t frame_size_in_bits = pkt-> * 8;
-    bits_in_buffer_model_ -= static_cast<int64_t>(frame_size_in_bits);
-    bits_total_ += frame_size_in_bits;
-    if (!first_drop_ && duration > 1) first_drop_ = last_pts_ + 1;
-    last_pts_ = pkt->data.frame.pts;
-    bits_in_last_frame_ = frame_size_in_bits;
-    ++frame_number_;
   virtual void EndPassHook(void) {
-    if (bits_total_) {
-      const double file_size_in_kb = bits_total_ / 1000.;  // bits per kilobit
-      duration_ = (last_pts_ + 1) * timebase_;
-      file_datarate_ = file_size_in_kb / duration_;
+    for (int sl = 0; sl < number_spatial_layers_; ++sl) {
+      for (int tl = 0; tl < number_temporal_layers_; ++tl) {
+        const int layer = sl * number_temporal_layers_ + tl;
+        const double file_size_in_kb = bits_total_[layer] / 1000.;
+        duration_ = (last_pts_ + 1) * timebase_;
+        file_datarate_[layer] = file_size_in_kb / duration_;
+      }
@@ -1292,13 +1357,11 @@
   unsigned int GetMismatchFrames() { return mismatch_nframes_; }
   vpx_codec_pts_t last_pts_;
-  int64_t bits_in_buffer_model_;
+  int64_t bits_in_buffer_model_[VPX_MAX_LAYERS];
   double timebase_;
-  int frame_number_;
-  vpx_codec_pts_t first_drop_;
-  int64_t bits_total_;
+  int64_t bits_total_[VPX_MAX_LAYERS];
   double duration_;
-  double file_datarate_;
+  double file_datarate_[VPX_MAX_LAYERS];
   size_t bits_in_last_frame_;
   vpx_svc_extra_cfg_t svc_params_;
   int speed_setting_;
@@ -1307,14 +1370,22 @@
   int denoiser_on_;
   int tune_content_;
   int base_speed_setting_;
+  int spatial_layer_id_;
+  int temporal_layer_id_;
+  int number_spatial_layers_;
+  int number_temporal_layers_;
+  int layer_target_avg_bandwidth_[VPX_MAX_LAYERS];
 static void assign_layer_bitrates(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *const enc_cfg,
                                   const vpx_svc_extra_cfg_t *svc_params,
                                   int spatial_layers, int temporal_layers,
-                                  int temporal_layering_mode) {
+                                  int temporal_layering_mode,
+                                  int *layer_target_avg_bandwidth,
+                                  int64_t *bits_in_buffer_model) {
   int sl, spatial_layer_target;
   float total = 0;
   float alloc_ratio[VPX_MAX_LAYERS] = { 0 };
+  float framerate = 30.0;
   for (sl = 0; sl < spatial_layers; ++sl) {
     if (svc_params->scaling_factor_den[sl] > 0) {
       alloc_ratio[sl] = (float)(svc_params->scaling_factor_num[sl] * 1.0 /
@@ -1334,10 +1405,43 @@
     } else if (temporal_layering_mode == 2) {
       enc_cfg->layer_target_bitrate[index] = spatial_layer_target * 2 / 3;
       enc_cfg->layer_target_bitrate[index + 1] = spatial_layer_target;
+    } else if (temporal_layering_mode <= 1) {
+      enc_cfg->layer_target_bitrate[index] = spatial_layer_target;
+  for (sl = 0; sl < spatial_layers; ++sl) {
+    for (int tl = 0; tl < temporal_layers; ++tl) {
+      const int layer = sl * temporal_layers + tl;
+      float layer_framerate = framerate;
+      if (temporal_layers == 2 && tl == 0) layer_framerate = framerate / 2;
+      if (temporal_layers == 3 && tl == 0) layer_framerate = framerate / 4;
+      if (temporal_layers == 3 && tl == 1) layer_framerate = framerate / 2;
+      layer_target_avg_bandwidth[layer] = static_cast<int>(
+          enc_cfg->layer_target_bitrate[layer] * 1000.0 / layer_framerate);
+      bits_in_buffer_model[layer] =
+          enc_cfg->layer_target_bitrate[layer] * enc_cfg->rc_buf_initial_sz;
+    }
+  }
+static void CheckLayerRateTargeting(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *const cfg,
+                                    int number_spatial_layers,
+                                    int number_temporal_layers,
+                                    double *file_datarate,
+                                    double thresh_overshoot,
+                                    double thresh_undershoot) {
+  for (int sl = 0; sl < number_spatial_layers; ++sl)
+    for (int tl = 0; tl < number_temporal_layers; ++tl) {
+      const int layer = sl * number_temporal_layers + tl;
+      ASSERT_GE(cfg->layer_target_bitrate[layer],
+                file_datarate[layer] * thresh_overshoot)
+          << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
+      ASSERT_LE(cfg->layer_target_bitrate[layer],
+                file_datarate[layer] * thresh_undershoot)
+          << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+    }
 // Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and 1
 // temporal layer, with screen content mode on and same speed setting for all
 // layers.
@@ -1361,6 +1465,8 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 10;
   cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::Y4mVideoSource video("niklas_1280_720_30.y4m", 0, 60);
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 500;
@@ -1367,8 +1473,11 @@
   tune_content_ = 1;
   base_speed_setting_ = speed_setting_;
   assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                        layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
+  CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                          number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78, 1.15);
   EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned int>(0), GetMismatchFrames());
@@ -1396,6 +1505,8 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
   cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("niklas_640_480_30.yuv", 640, 480, 30, 1,
                                        0, 400);
   // TODO(marpan): Check that effective_datarate for each layer hits the
@@ -1404,12 +1515,12 @@
     cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = i;
     assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                          cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                          cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                          layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-    ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.78)
-        << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-    ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.15)
-        << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+    CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                            number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78,
+                            1.15);
     // Number of temporal layers > 1, so half of the frames in this SVC pattern
     // will be non-reference frame and hence encoder will avoid loopfilter.
@@ -1444,6 +1555,8 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
   cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("niklas_640_480_30.yuv", 640, 480, 30, 1,
                                        0, 400);
   // TODO(marpan): Check that effective_datarate for each layer hits the
@@ -1456,12 +1569,12 @@
       denoiser_on_ = noise_sen;
       assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                            cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                            cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                            layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-      ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.78)
-          << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-      ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.15)
-          << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+      CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                              number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78,
+                              1.15);
       // Number of temporal layers > 1, so half of the frames in this SVC
       // pattern
@@ -1476,7 +1589,7 @@
 // Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and 3
 // temporal layers. Run CIF clip with 1 thread, and few short key frame periods.
-TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvc, DISABLED_OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TLSmallKf) {
+TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvc, OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TLSmallKf) {
   cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
   cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 500;
   cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000;
@@ -1498,6 +1611,8 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 10;
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 400;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("niklas_640_480_30.yuv", 640, 480, 30, 1,
                                        0, 400);
   // For this 3 temporal layer case, pattern repeats every 4 frames, so choose
@@ -1506,12 +1621,12 @@
     cfg_.kf_max_dist = j;
     assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                          cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                          cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                          layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-    ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.80)
-        << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-    ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.15)
-        << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+    CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                            number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78,
+                            1.15);
@@ -1539,16 +1654,17 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[1] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
   cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::Y4mVideoSource video("niklas_1280_720_30.y4m", 0, 60);
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 800;
   assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                        layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-  ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.78)
-      << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-  ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.15)
-      << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+  CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                          number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78, 1.15);
   // Number of temporal layers > 1, so half of the frames in this SVC pattern
   // will be non-reference frame and hence encoder will avoid loopfilter.
@@ -1584,17 +1700,18 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[2] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
   cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("niklas_640_480_30.yuv", 640, 480, 30, 1,
                                        0, 400);
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 800;
   assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                        layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-  ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.78)
-      << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-  ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.22)
-      << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+  CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                          number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78, 1.15);
   // Number of temporal layers > 1, so half of the frames in this SVC pattern
   // will be non-reference frame and hence encoder will avoid loopfilter.
@@ -1630,6 +1747,8 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[2] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 10;
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 800;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("niklas_640_480_30.yuv", 640, 480, 30, 1,
                                        0, 400);
   // For this 3 temporal layer case, pattern repeats every 4 frames, so choose
@@ -1638,12 +1757,12 @@
     cfg_.kf_max_dist = j;
     assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                          cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                          cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                          layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-    ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.80)
-        << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-    ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.30)
-        << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+    CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                            number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78,
+                            1.15);
@@ -1673,16 +1792,17 @@
   svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[2] = 288;
   cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
   cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999;
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
   ::libvpx_test::Y4mVideoSource video("niklas_1280_720_30.y4m", 0, 60);
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 800;
   assign_layer_bitrates(&cfg_, &svc_params_, cfg_.ss_number_layers,
-                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode);
+                        cfg_.ts_number_layers, cfg_.temporal_layering_mode,
+                        layer_target_avg_bandwidth_, bits_in_buffer_model_);
-  ASSERT_GE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 0.78)
-      << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!";
-  ASSERT_LE(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate, file_datarate_ * 1.22)
-      << " The datarate for the file is lower than the target by too much!";
+  CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                          number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78, 1.15);
   // Number of temporal layers > 1, so half of the frames in this SVC pattern
   // will be non-reference frame and hence encoder will avoid loopfilter.
@@ -1720,9 +1840,19 @@
   cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[0] = 300;
   cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[1] = 1400;
   cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 1700;
-  ::libvpx_test::Y4mVideoSource video("niklas_1280_720_30.y4m", 0, 60);
+  number_spatial_layers_ = cfg_.ss_number_layers;
+  number_temporal_layers_ = cfg_.ts_number_layers;
+  layer_target_avg_bandwidth_[0] = cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[0] * 1000 / 30;
+  bits_in_buffer_model_[0] =
+      cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[0] * cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz;
+  layer_target_avg_bandwidth_[1] = cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[1] * 1000 / 30;
+  bits_in_buffer_model_[1] =
+      cfg_.layer_target_bitrate[1] * cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz;
+  ::libvpx_test::Y4mVideoSource video("niklas_1280_720_30.y4m", 0, 60);
+  CheckLayerRateTargeting(&cfg_, number_spatial_layers_,
+                          number_temporal_layers_, file_datarate_, 0.78, 1.15);
   EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned int>(0), GetMismatchFrames());
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -201,6 +201,8 @@
       PreEncodeFrameHook(video, encoder.get());
       encoder->EncodeFrame(video, frame_flags_);
+      PostEncodeFrameHook(encoder.get());
       CxDataIterator iter = encoder->GetCxData();
       bool has_cxdata = false;
--- a/test/encode_test_driver.h
+++ b/test/encode_test_driver.h
@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@
   virtual void PreEncodeFrameHook(VideoSource * /*video*/,
                                   Encoder * /*encoder*/) {}
+  virtual void PostEncodeFrameHook(Encoder * /*encoder*/) {}
   // Hook to be called on every compressed data packet.
   virtual void FramePktHook(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t * /*pkt*/) {}