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ref: 0ff10bb1f7ece4300350243c5d01da2eb1d198b6
parent: 353246bd6054a6ff4cceff8560d72607e2d7f32b
parent: bb6bcbccda296e97bccad8a871dd60653ee68194
author: Johann <>
date: Mon Feb 14 00:10:16 EST 2011

Merge "remove assembly detokenizer"

--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
   ${toggle_runtime_cpu_detect}    runtime cpu detection
   ${toggle_shared}                shared library support
   ${toggle_small}                 favor smaller size over speed
-  ${toggle_arm_asm_detok}         assembly version of the detokenizer (ARM platforms only)
   ${toggle_postproc_visualizer}   macro block / block level visualizers
@@ -255,7 +254,6 @@
-    arm_asm_detok
@@ -296,7 +294,6 @@
-    arm_asm_detok
--- a/vp8/decoder/arm/detokenize.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +1,0 @@
-;  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-;  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-;  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-;  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-;  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
-;  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-    EXPORT  |vp8_decode_mb_tokens_v6|
-    AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY  ; name this block of code
-    INCLUDE asm_dec_offsets.asm
-l_qcoeff    EQU     0
-l_i         EQU     4
-l_type      EQU     8
-l_stop      EQU     12
-l_c         EQU     16
-l_l_ptr     EQU     20
-l_a_ptr     EQU     24
-l_bc        EQU     28
-l_coef_ptr  EQU     32
-l_stacksize EQU     64
-;; constant offsets -- these should be created at build time
-c_block2above_offset         EQU 25
-c_entropy_nodes              EQU 11
-c_dct_eob_token              EQU 11
-|vp8_decode_mb_tokens_v6| PROC
-    stmdb       sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
-    sub         sp, sp, #l_stacksize
-    mov         r7, r1                      ; type
-    mov         r9, r0                      ; detoken
-    ldr         r1, [r9, #detok_current_bc]
-    ldr         r0, [r9, #detok_qcoeff_start_ptr]
-    mov         r11, #0                     ; i
-    mov         r3, #16                     ; stop
-    cmp         r7, #1                      ; type ?= 1
-    addeq       r11, r11, #24               ; i = 24
-    addeq       r3, r3, #8                  ; stop = 24
-    addeq       r0, r0, #3, 24              ; qcoefptr += 24*16
-    str         r0, [sp, #l_qcoeff]
-    str         r11, [sp, #l_i]
-    str         r7, [sp, #l_type]
-    str         r3, [sp, #l_stop]
-    str         r1, [sp, #l_bc]
-    add         lr, r9, r7, lsl #2          ; detoken + type*4
-    ldr         r8, [r1, #bool_decoder_user_buffer]
-    ldr         r10, [lr, #detok_coef_probs]
-    ldr         r5, [r1, #bool_decoder_count]
-    ldr         r6, [r1, #bool_decoder_range]
-    ldr         r4, [r1, #bool_decoder_value]
-    str         r10, [sp, #l_coef_ptr]
-    ldr         r3, [r9, #detok_ptr_block2leftabove]
-    ldr         r1, [r9, #detok_L]
-    ldr         r2, [r9, #detok_A]
-    ldrb        r12, [r3, r11]!             ; block2left[i]
-    ldrb        r3, [r3, #c_block2above_offset]; block2above[i]
-    cmp         r7, #0                      ; c = !type
-    moveq       r7, #1
-    movne       r7, #0
-    ldrb        r0, [r1, r12]!              ; *(L += block2left[i])
-    ldrb        r3, [r2, r3]!               ; *(A += block2above[i])
-    mov         lr, #c_entropy_nodes        ; ENTROPY_NODES = 11
-; VP8_COMBINEENTROPYCONTETEXTS(t, *a, *l) => t = ((*a) != 0) + ((*l) !=0)
-    cmp         r0, #0                      ; *l ?= 0
-    movne       r0, #1
-    cmp         r3, #0                      ; *a ?= 0
-    addne       r0, r0, #1                  ; t
-    str         r1, [sp, #l_l_ptr]          ; save &l
-    str         r2, [sp, #l_a_ptr]          ; save &a
-    smlabb      r0, r0, lr, r10             ; Prob = coef_probs + (t * ENTROPY_NODES)
-    mov         r1, #0                      ; t = 0
-    str         r7, [sp, #l_c]
-    ;align 4
-    ldr         r3, [r9, #detok_ptr_coef_bands_x]
-    ldr         lr, [r9, #detok_coef_tree_ptr]
-    ;STALL
-    ldrb        r3, [r3, r7]                ; coef_bands_x[c]
-    ;STALL
-    ;STALL
-    add         r0, r0, r3                  ; Prob += coef_bands_x[c]
-    ldrb        r2, [r0, +r1, asr #1]       ; Prob[t >> 1]
-    mov         r3, r6, lsl #8              ; range << 8
-    sub         r3, r3, #256                ; (range << 8) - (1 << 8)
-    mov         r10, #1                     ; 1
-    smlawb      r2, r3, r2, r10             ; split = 1 + (((range-1) * probability) >> 8)
-    ldrb        r12, [r8]                   ; load cx data byte in stall slot : r8 = bufptr
-    ;++
-    subs        r3, r4, r2, lsl #24         ; value-(split<<24): used later to calculate shift for NORMALIZE
-    addhs       r1, r1, #1                  ; t += 1
-    movhs       r4, r3                      ; value -= bigsplit (split << 24)
-    subhs       r2, r6, r2                  ; range -= split
- ;   movlo       r6, r2                      ; range = split
-    ldrsb     r1, [lr, r1]                  ; t = onyx_coef_tree_ptr[t]
-    clz         r3, r2                      ; vp8dx_bitreader_norm[range] + 24
-    sub         r3, r3, #24                 ; vp8dx_bitreader_norm[range]
-    subs        r5, r5, r3                  ; count -= shift
-    mov         r6, r2, lsl r3              ; range <<= shift
-    mov         r4, r4, lsl r3              ; value <<= shift
-; if count <= 0, += BR_COUNT; value |= *bufptr++ << (BR_COUNT-count); BR_COUNT = 8, but need to upshift values by +16
-    addle         r5, r5, #8                ; count += 8
-    rsble         r3, r5, #24               ; 24 - count
-    addle         r8, r8, #1                ; bufptr++
-    orrle         r4, r4, r12, lsl r3       ; value |= *bufptr << shift + 16
-    cmp         r1, #0                      ; t ?= 0
-    bgt         get_token_loop              ; while (t > 0)
-    cmn         r1, #c_dct_eob_token        ; if(t == -DCT_EOB_TOKEN)
-    beq         END_OF_BLOCK                ; break
-    rsb         lr, r1, #0                  ; v = -t;
-    cmp         lr, #4                      ; if(v > FOUR_TOKEN)
-    ble         SKIP_EXTRABITS
-    ldr         r3, [r9, #detok_teb_base_ptr]
-    mov         r11, #1                     ; 1 in split = 1 + ... nope, v+= 1 << bits_count
-    add         r7, r3, lr, lsl #4          ; detok_teb_base_ptr + (v << 4)
-    ldrsh       lr, [r7, #tokenextrabits_min_val] ; v = teb_ptr->min_val
-    ldrsh       r0, [r7, #tokenextrabits_length] ; bits_count = teb_ptr->Length
-    add         r3, r0, r7                  ; &teb_ptr->Probs[bits_count]
-    ldrb        r2, [r3, #4]                ; probability. why +4?
-    mov         r3, r6, lsl #8              ; range << 8
-    sub         r3, r3, #256                ; range << 8 + 1 << 8
-    smlawb      r2, r3, r2, r11             ; split = 1 +  (((range-1) * probability) >> 8)
-    ldrb        r12, [r8]                   ; *bufptr
-    ;++
-    subs        r10, r4, r2, lsl #24        ; value - (split<<24)
-    movhs       r4, r10                     ; value = value - (split << 24)
-    subhs       r2, r6, r2                  ; range = range - split
-    addhs       lr, lr, r11, lsl r0         ; v += ((UINT16)1<<bits_count)
-    clz         r3, r2                      ; shift - leading zeros in split
-    sub         r3, r3, #24                 ; don't count first 3 bytes
-    subs        r5, r5, r3                  ; count -= shift
-    mov         r6, r2, lsl r3              ; range = range << shift
-    mov         r4, r4, lsl r3              ; value <<= shift
-    addle       r5, r5, #8                  ; count += BR_COUNT
-    addle       r8, r8, #1                  ; bufptr++
-    rsble       r3, r5, #24                 ; BR_COUNT - count
-    orrle       r4, r4, r12, lsl r3         ; value |= *bufptr << (BR_COUNT - count)
-    subs        r0, r0, #1                  ; bits_count --
-    bpl         extrabits_loop
-    ldr         r11, [sp, #l_qcoeff]
-    ldr         r0, [sp, #l_coef_ptr]       ; Prob = coef_probs
-    cmp         r1, #0                      ; check for nonzero token - if (t)
-    beq         SKIP_EOB_CHECK              ; if t is zero, we will skip the eob table chec
-    add         r3, r6, #1                  ; range + 1
-    mov         r2, r3, lsr #1              ; split = (range + 1) >> 1
-    subs        r3, r4, r2, lsl #24         ; value - (split<<24)
-    movhs       r4, r3                      ; value -= (split << 24)
-    subhs       r2, r6, r2                  ; range -= split
-    mvnhs       r3, lr                      ; -v
-    addhs       lr, r3, #1                  ; v = (v ^ -1) + 1
-    clz         r3, r2                      ; leading 0s in split
-    sub         r3, r3, #24                 ; shift
-    subs        r5, r5, r3                  ; count -= shift
-    mov         r6, r2, lsl r3              ; range <<= shift
-    mov         r4, r4, lsl r3              ; value <<= shift
-    ldrleb      r2, [r8], #1                ; *(bufptr++)
-    addle       r5, r5, #8                  ; count += 8
-    rsble       r3, r5, #24                 ; BR_COUNT - count
-    orrle       r4, r4, r2, lsl r3          ; value |= *bufptr << (BR_COUNT - count)
-    add         r0, r0, #11                 ; Prob += ENTROPY_NODES (11)
-    cmn         r1, #1                      ; t < -ONE_TOKEN
-    addlt       r0, r0, #11                 ; Prob += ENTROPY_NODES (11)
-    mvn         r1, #1                      ; t = -1 ???? C is -2
-    ldr         r7, [sp, #l_c]              ; c
-    ldr         r3, [r9, #detok_scan]
-    add         r1, r1, #2                  ; t+= 2
-    cmp         r7, #15                     ; c should will be one higher
-    ldr         r3, [r3, +r7, lsl #2]       ; scan[c] this needs pre-inc c value
-    add         r7, r7, #1                  ; c++
-    add         r3, r11, r3, lsl #1         ; qcoeff + scan[c]
-    str         r7, [sp, #l_c]              ; store c
-    strh        lr, [r3]                    ; qcoef_ptr[scan[c]] = v
-    blt         COEFF_LOOP
-    sub         r7, r7, #1                  ; if(t != -DCT_EOB_TOKEN) --c
-    ldr         r3, [sp, #l_type]           ; type
-    ldr         r10, [sp, #l_coef_ptr]      ; coef_ptr
-    ldr         r0, [sp, #l_qcoeff]         ; qcoeff
-    ldr         r11, [sp, #l_i]             ; i
-    ldr         r12, [sp, #l_stop]          ; stop
-    cmp         r3, #0                      ; type ?= 0
-    moveq       r1, #1
-    movne       r1, #0
-    add         r3, r11, r9                 ; detok + i
-    cmp         r7, r1                      ; c ?= !type
-    strb        r7, [r3, #detok_eob]        ; eob[i] = c
-    ldr         r7, [sp, #l_l_ptr]          ; l
-    ldr         r2, [sp, #l_a_ptr]          ; a
-    movne       r3, #1                      ; t
-    moveq       r3, #0
-    add         r0, r0, #32                 ; qcoeff += 32 (16 * 2?)
-    add         r11, r11, #1                ; i++
-    strb        r3, [r7]                    ; *l = t
-    strb        r3, [r2]                    ; *a = t
-    str         r0, [sp, #l_qcoeff]         ; qcoeff
-    str         r11, [sp, #l_i]             ; i
-    cmp         r11, r12                    ; i < stop
-    ldr         r7, [sp, #l_type]           ; type
-    blt         BLOCK_LOOP
-    cmp         r11, #25                    ; i ?= 25
-    bne         ln2_decode_mb_to
-    ldr         r12, [r9, #detok_qcoeff_start_ptr]
-    ldr         r10, [r9, #detok_coef_probs]
-    mov         r7, #0                      ; type/i = 0
-    mov         r3, #16                     ; stop = 16
-    str         r12, [sp, #l_qcoeff]        ; qcoeff_ptr = qcoeff_start_ptr
-    str         r7, [sp, #l_i]
-    str         r7, [sp, #l_type]
-    str         r3, [sp, #l_stop]
-    str         r10, [sp, #l_coef_ptr]      ; coef_probs = coef_probs[type=0]
-    b           BLOCK_LOOP
-    cmp         r11, #16                    ; i ?= 16
-    bne         ln1_decode_mb_to
-    mov         r10, #detok_coef_probs
-    add         r10, r10, #2*4              ; coef_probs[type]
-    ldr         r10, [r9, r10]              ; detok + detok_coef_probs[type]
-    mov         r7, #2                      ; type = 2
-    mov         r3, #24                     ; stop = 24
-    str         r7, [sp, #l_type]
-    str         r3, [sp, #l_stop]
-    str         r10, [sp, #l_coef_ptr]      ; coef_probs = coef_probs[type]
-    b           BLOCK_LOOP
-    ldr         r2, [sp, #l_bc]
-    mov         r0, #0
-    nop
-    str         r8, [r2, #bool_decoder_user_buffer]
-    str         r5, [r2, #bool_decoder_count]
-    str         r4, [r2, #bool_decoder_value]
-    str         r6, [r2, #bool_decoder_range]
-    add         sp, sp, #l_stacksize
-    ldmia       sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
-    ENDP  ; |vp8_decode_mb_tokens_v6|
-    END
--- a/vp8/decoder/arm/detokenize_arm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
- *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
- *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
-void vp8_init_detokenizer(VP8D_COMP *dx);
-void vp8_decode_mb_tokens_v6(DETOK *detoken, int type);
--- a/vp8/decoder/detokenize.c
+++ b/vp8/decoder/detokenize.c
@@ -74,37 +74,6 @@
-/* mashup of vp8_block2left and vp8_block2above so we only need one pointer
- * for the assembly version.
- */
-DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, const UINT8, vp8_block2leftabove[25*2]) =
-    /* vp8_block2left */
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8,
-    /* vp8_block2above */
-    0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8
-void vp8_init_detokenizer(VP8D_COMP *dx)
-    const VP8_COMMON *const oc = & dx->common;
-    MACROBLOCKD *x = & dx->mb;
-    dx->detoken.vp8_coef_tree_ptr = vp8_coef_tree;
-    dx->detoken.ptr_block2leftabove = vp8_block2leftabove;
-    dx->detoken.ptr_coef_bands_x = vp8_coef_bands_x;
-    dx->detoken.scan = vp8_default_zig_zag1d;
-    dx->detoken.teb_base_ptr = vp8d_token_extra_bits2;
-    dx->detoken.qcoeff_start_ptr = &x->qcoeff[0];
-    dx->detoken.coef_probs[0] = (oc->fc.coef_probs [0] [ 0 ] [0]);
-    dx->detoken.coef_probs[1] = (oc->fc.coef_probs [1] [ 0 ] [0]);
-    dx->detoken.coef_probs[2] = (oc->fc.coef_probs [2] [ 0 ] [0]);
-    dx->detoken.coef_probs[3] = (oc->fc.coef_probs [3] [ 0 ] [0]);
 DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, extern const unsigned char, vp8dx_bitreader_norm[256]);
 #define FILL \
     if(count < 0) \
@@ -202,37 +171,8 @@
 int vp8_decode_mb_tokens(VP8D_COMP *dx, MACROBLOCKD *x)
-    int eobtotal = 0;
-    int i, type;
-    dx->detoken.current_bc = x->current_bc;
-    dx->detoken.A = x->above_context;
-    dx->detoken.L = x->left_context;
-    type = 3;
-    if (x->mode_info_context->mbmi.mode != B_PRED && x->mode_info_context->mbmi.mode != SPLITMV)
-    {
-        type = 1;
-        eobtotal -= 16;
-    }
-    vp8_decode_mb_tokens_v6(&dx->detoken, type);
-    for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
-    {
-        x->eobs[i] = dx->detoken.eob[i];
-        eobtotal += dx->detoken.eob[i];
-    }
-    return eobtotal;
-int vp8_decode_mb_tokens(VP8D_COMP *dx, MACROBLOCKD *x)
     ENTROPY_CONTEXT *A = (ENTROPY_CONTEXT *)x->above_context;
     ENTROPY_CONTEXT *L = (ENTROPY_CONTEXT *)x->left_context;
     const VP8_COMMON *const oc = & dx->common;
@@ -423,4 +363,3 @@
     return eobtotal;
-#endif /*!CONFIG_ASM_DETOK*/
--- a/vp8/decoder/detokenize.h
+++ b/vp8/decoder/detokenize.h
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
 #include "onyxd_int.h"
-#include "arm/detokenize_arm.h"
 void vp8_reset_mb_tokens_context(MACROBLOCKD *x);
 int vp8_decode_mb_tokens(VP8D_COMP *, MACROBLOCKD *);
--- a/vp8/decoder/onyxd_if.c
+++ b/vp8/decoder/onyxd_if.c
@@ -133,9 +133,6 @@
         cm->last_sharpness_level = cm->sharpness_level;
-    vp8_init_detokenizer(pbi);
     pbi->common.error.setjmp = 0;
     return (VP8D_PTR) pbi;
--- a/vp8/
+++ b/vp8/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 VP8_CX_SRCS-$(ARCH_ARM)  += decoder/asm_dec_offsets.c
 VP8_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_ARMV6)  += decoder/arm/dequantize_arm.c
-VP8_DX_SRCS-$(CONFIG_ARM_ASM_DETOK)  += decoder/arm/detokenize$(ASM)
 #File list for armv6
 VP8_DX_SRCS-$(HAVE_ARMV6)  += decoder/arm/armv6/dequant_dc_idct_v6$(ASM)