ref: a80af55313ca99a442b2574dd53ebedfb9e736fc
parent: e586373df54e57b080fb59c06b72ba1f50e975ff
author: spiricom <>
date: Sun Mar 1 10:30:26 EST 2020
not sure - updated things
binary files a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store differ
binary files a/LEAF/.DS_Store b/LEAF/.DS_Store differ
binary files a/LEAF/Inc/.DS_Store /dev/null differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/MIDI_application.h
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+ * MIDI_application.h
+ * Created on: 6 d�c. 2014
+ * Author: Xavier Halgand
+ *
+ * Modified on: 9/12/16 by C.P. to handle the MIDI_IDLE state properly, and
+ * added required code to be compatible with "NucleoSynth"
+ *
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "usbh_core.h"
+#include "usbh_MIDI.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+typedef enum
+#define RX_BUFF_SIZE 64 /* Max Received data 64 bytes */
+extern uint8_t MIDI_RX_Buffer[RX_BUFF_SIZE];// __ATTR_RAM_D2; // MIDI reception buffer
+extern uint8_t CCs[128];
+extern uint8_t MIDIStartOfFrame;
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+void MIDI_Application(void);
+void LocalMidiHandler(uint8_t param, uint8_t data);
+void ProcessReceivedMidiDatas(uint32_t myLength);
+#endif /* MIDI_APPLICATION_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/adc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : ADC.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the ADC instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __adc_H
+#define __adc_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc1;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_ADC1_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ adc_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/audiostream.h
@@ -1,0 +1,93 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file Audio_playback_and_record/inc/waveplayer.h
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V1.1.0
+ * @date 26-June-2014
+ * @brief Header for waveplayer.c module.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ *
+ * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __AUDIOSTREAM_H
+#define __AUDIOSTREAM_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "leaf.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#define AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 128
+#define HALF_BUFFER_SIZE AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 2 //number of samples per half of the "double-buffer" (twice the audio frame size because there are interleaved samples for both left and right channels)
+#define AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 4 //number of samples in the whole data structure (four times the audio frame size because of stereo and also double-buffering/ping-ponging)
+extern int32_t audioOutBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE];
+extern int32_t audioInBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE];
+extern tMempool smallPool;
+extern tMempool largePool;
+extern uint8_t codecReady;
+extern float sample;
+extern float rightOut;
+extern float rightIn;
+extern tRamp adc[6];
+extern float smoothedADC[6];
+extern float audioDisplayBuffer[128];
+extern uint8_t displayBufferIndex;
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef enum
+#define SAMPLE_RATE 96000.f
+#define SAMPLE_RATE 48000.f
+typedef enum BOOL {
+ FALSE = 0,
+} BOOL;
+#define SAMPLE_RATE_MS (SAMPLE_RATE / 1000.f)
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+void audioInit(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c, SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsaiOut, SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsaiIn);
+void initFunctionPointers(void);
+void audioFrame(uint16_t buffer_offset);
+void DMA1_TransferCpltCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+void DMA1_HalfTransferCpltCallback(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+#endif /* __AUDIOSTREAM_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/bdma.h
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : dma.h
+ * Description : This file contains all the function prototypes for
+ * the dma.c file
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __bdma_H
+#define __bdma_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* DMA memory to memory transfer handles -------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_BDMA_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __bdma_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/bsp_driver_sd.h
@@ -1,0 +1,84 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file bsp_driver_sd.h (based on stm32h743i_eval_sd.h)
+ * @brief This file contains the common defines and functions prototypes for
+ * the bsp_driver_sd.c driver.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __STM32H7_SD_H
+#define __STM32H7_SD_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "fatfs_platform.h"
+/* Exported types --------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief SD Card information structure
+ */
+#define BSP_SD_CardInfo HAL_SD_CardInfoTypeDef
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief SD status structure definition
+ */
+#define MSD_OK ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define MSD_ERROR ((uint8_t)0x01)
+#define MSD_ERROR_SD_NOT_PRESENT ((uint8_t)0x02)
+ * @brief SD transfer state definition
+ */
+#define SD_TRANSFER_OK ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define SD_TRANSFER_BUSY ((uint8_t)0x01)
+#define SD_PRESENT ((uint8_t)0x01)
+#define SD_NOT_PRESENT ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define SD_DATATIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100000000)
+#define SD_DetectIRQHandler() HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler(GPIO_PIN_8)
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+uint8_t BSP_SD_Init(void);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_ITConfig(void);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_ReadBlocks(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t ReadAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks, uint32_t Timeout);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_WriteBlocks(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks, uint32_t Timeout);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t ReadAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_Erase(uint32_t StartAddr, uint32_t EndAddr);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_GetCardState(void);
+void BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(BSP_SD_CardInfo *CardInfo);
+uint8_t BSP_SD_IsDetected(void);
+/* These functions can be modified in case the current settings (e.g. DMA stream)
+ need to be changed for specific application needs */
+void BSP_SD_AbortCallback(void);
+void BSP_SD_WriteCpltCallback(void);
+void BSP_SD_ReadCpltCallback(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __STM32H7_SD_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/codec.h
@@ -1,0 +1,162 @@
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#define CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS (0x10 << 1) // 7-bit address goes one bit over to the left to make room for R/W bit
+void AudioCodec_init(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c);
+//Settings for CS4271
+// translated from the datasheet by JS
+// 01h mode control 1
+// M1 M0 ratio1 ratio0 m/s dac_dif2 dac_dif1 dac_dif0 // unsure if setting bit selects master means 1
+// for 48k == 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ( ratio bit chosen as 0 0 based on assumption of 256X master clock)
+// == 0x41
+// for 96k == 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ( ratio bit chosen as 0 0 based on assumption of <= 256X master clock)
+// == 0x81
+// for 192k == 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ( ratio bit chosen as 1 0 based on assumption of 256X master clock, choose 0 0 (full word would be 0xc1 instead of 0xe1) instead if using something like 64X)
+// == 0xe1
+// 02h DAC control
+// 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
+// == 0x0c
+// 03h dac volume and mixing
+// (NA) B=A soft zerocross ATAPI3 ATAPI2 ATAPI1 ATAPI0 (B=A makes channel volumes not independent)
+// 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 (the last four bits set channel L to go to output A and channel R to go to output B, but this is easily changed with mixing or reversal)
+// == 0x79
+// 04h Volume A
+// MUTE vol6 vol5 vol4 vol3 vol2 vol1 vol0
+// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+// == 0x00
+// 05h Volume B
+// MUTE vol6 vol5 vol4 vol3 vol2 vol1 vol0
+// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+// == 0x00
+// 06h ADC control
+// (NA) (NA) Dither16 ADC_DIF MUTEA MUTEB HPFDisableA HPFDisableB
+// 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
+// ==0x10
+// 07h mode control 2
+// for power down version == 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
+// == 0x07
+// to send dry ADC input into DAC == 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
+// == 0x12
+// for normal operation == 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
+// == 0x02
+#ifndef ADCHPD
+ #define ADCHPD 0
+#elif (ADCHPD == 0)||(ADCHPD == 1)
+ #error ADCHPD value not defined
+#ifndef ADCS
+ #define ADCS 2
+#elif (ADCS >=0)&&(ADCS <= 2)
+ #error ADCS value not defined
+#ifndef HYST
+ #define HYST 32
+#elif (HYST >= 0)&&(HYST <= 255)
+ #error HYST value not defined
+#ifndef LINVOL
+ #define LINVOL 0x17
+#elif (LINVOL >= 0) && (LINVOL <= 0x1f)
+ #error LINVOL value not defined
+#ifndef RINVOL
+ #define RINVOL 0x17
+#elif (RINVOL >= 0) && (RINVOL <= 0x1f)
+ #error RINVOL value not defined
+#ifndef LHPVOL
+ #define LHPVOL 127
+#elif (LHPVOL == 0) || ((LHPVOL >= 0x30) && (LHPVOL <= 0x7f))
+ #error LHPVOL value not defined
+#ifndef RHPVOL
+ #define RHPVOL 127
+#elif (RHPVOL == 0) || ((RHPVOL >= 0x30) && (RHPVOL <= 0x7f))
+ #error RHPVOL value not defined
+#ifndef MICBOOST
+ #define MICBOOST 0
+#elif (MICBOOST == 0)||(MICBOOST == 1)
+ #error MICBOOST value not defined
+ // 1 = muted
+#ifndef MUTEMIC
+ #define MUTEMIC 1
+#elif (MUTEMIC == 0)||(MUTEMIC == 1)
+ #error MUTEMIC value not defined
+ // 0 = line inputs, 1 = mic in
+#ifndef INSEL
+ #define INSEL 0
+#elif (INSEL == 0)||(INSEL == 1)
+ #error INSEL value not defined
+#ifndef BYPASS
+ #define BYPASS 0 //setting this to 1 passes the line input straight to the line output
+#elif (BYPASS == 0)||(BYPASS == 1)
+ #error BYPASS value not defined
+#ifndef DACSEL
+ #define DACSEL 1
+#elif (DACSEL == 0)||(DACSEL == 1)
+ #error DACSEL value not defined
+#ifndef SIDETONE
+ #define SIDETONE 0 // setting this to 1 passes the mic input straight to the line output
+#elif (SIDETONE == 0)||(SIDETONE == 1)
+ #error SIDETONE value not defined
+#ifndef SIDEATT
+ #define SIDEATT 0
+#elif (SIDEATT >= 0)&&(SIDEATT <= 3)
+ #error SIDEATT value not defined
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/custom_fonts.h
@@ -1,0 +1,6894 @@
+ * gothic_font.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Jul 8, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+#ifndef CUSTOM_FONTS_H_
+#define CUSTOM_FONTS_H_
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "gfx_font.h"
+#define PROGMEM
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t Monospaced_plain_18Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xC3,0xC0, // '!'
+ 0xCF,0x3C,0xF3,0xCC, // '"'
+ 0x04,0xC1,0x90,0x32,0x04,0xC7,0xFE,0xFF,0xC6,0x40,0x98,0xFF,0xDF,0xF8,0xC8,0x11,0x02,0x60,0xCC,0x00, // '#'
+ 0x08,0x04,0x0F,0x8F,0xEC,0x96,0x43,0x20,0xF0,0x0F,0x04,0xC2,0x71,0x3F,0xF3,0xF0,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x00, // '$'
+ 0x78,0x19,0x83,0x30,0x66,0x0C,0xC0,0xF3,0x83,0x83,0x9E,0x06,0x60,0xCC,0x19,0x83,0x30,0x3C, // '%'
+ 0x1F,0x0F,0xC3,0x00,0xC0,0x18,0x0F,0x06,0xCF,0x3B,0xC7,0xF0,0xEE,0x31,0xF6,0x3D,0xC0, // '&'
+ 0xFF,0xC0, // '''
+ 0x32,0x66,0x4C,0xCC,0xCC,0xC4,0x66,0x23, // '('
+ 0xC4,0x66,0x23,0x33,0x33,0x32,0x66,0x4C, // ')'
+ 0x11,0x25,0x51,0xC3,0x8A,0xA4,0x88, // '*'
+ 0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0xFF,0xFF,0xF0,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00, // '+'
+ 0x6D,0xE8, // ','
+ 0xFF,0xC0, // '-'
+ 0xFC, // '.'
+ 0x01,0x81,0x80,0xC0,0xC0,0x60,0x60,0x30,0x38,0x18,0x0C,0x0C,0x06,0x06,0x03,0x03,0x00, // '/'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0x98,0xD8,0x3C,0x1E,0x6F,0x37,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xD8,0xCF,0xE3,0xE0, // '0'
+ 0x38,0xF8,0xD8,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0xFF,0xFF, // '1'
+ 0x7E,0x7F,0xA0,0xE0,0x30,0x18,0x1C,0x0C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x18,0x1F,0xFF,0xF8, // '2'
+ 0x7E,0x7F,0xA0,0xE0,0x30,0x39,0xF8,0xFC,0x07,0x01,0x80,0xE0,0xFF,0xE7,0xE0, // '3'
+ 0x06,0x07,0x03,0x82,0xC3,0x61,0x31,0x99,0x8C,0xFF,0xFF,0xC1,0x80,0xC0,0x60, // '4'
+ 0x7F,0x3F,0x98,0x0C,0x07,0xE3,0xF9,0x0E,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xE0,0xFF,0xE7,0xE0, // '5'
+ 0x1E,0x3F,0x9C,0x5C,0x0C,0x06,0xF3,0xFD,0xC7,0xC1,0xE0,0xD8,0xEF,0xE3,0xE0, // '6'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xC0,0xC0,0x60,0x70,0x30,0x18,0x18,0x0C,0x0E,0x06,0x03,0x03,0x00, // '7'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0xB0,0x78,0x3C,0x1B,0xF9,0xFD,0xC7,0xC1,0xE0,0xF8,0xEF,0xE3,0xE0, // '8'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0xB8,0xD8,0x3C,0x1F,0x1D,0xFE,0x7B,0x01,0x81,0xD1,0xCF,0xE3,0xC0, // '9'
+ 0xFC,0x0F,0xC0, // ':'
+ 0x6D,0x80,0x1B,0x7A,0x00, // ';'
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x1c, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x7c, 0x0f,
+ 0xc1, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x7c, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x1c, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x04, // '<'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xC0,0x00,0x0F,0xFF,0xFC, // '='
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x60, 0x07, 0x00, 0x78, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x7e,
+ 0x07, 0xf0, 0x7e, 0x07, 0xc0, 0x78, 0x07, 0x00, 0x60, 0x04, 0x00, // '>'
+ 0x7D,0xFE,0x18,0x30,0xE3,0x8E,0x18,0x30,0x60,0x01,0x83,0x00, // '?'
+ 0x1E,0x19,0x98,0x6C,0xFC,0xDE,0x6F,0x37,0x9B,0xCD,0xE6,0xF1,0xEC,0x06,0x01,0x80,0x78, // '@'
+ 0x1C,0x0E,0x07,0x03,0x83,0x61,0xB0,0xD8,0x6C,0x7F,0x3F,0x98,0xD8,0x3C,0x18, // 'A'
+ 0xFE,0x7F,0xB0,0x78,0x3C,0x1F,0xFB,0xFD,0x87,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0xFF,0xEF,0xE0, // 'B'
+ 0x1F,0x1F,0xDC,0x3C,0x0C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x70,0x1C,0x27,0xF1,0xF0, // 'C'
+ 0xFC,0x7F,0x31,0xD8,0x7C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE1,0xF1,0xDF,0xCF,0xC0, // 'D'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xF0,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0xFF,0xFF,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x1F,0xFF,0xF8, // 'E'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xF0,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0xFB,0xFD,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x00, // 'F'
+ 0x1F,0x1F,0xDC,0x3C,0x0C,0x06,0x3F,0x1F,0x83,0xC1,0xF0,0xD8,0x67,0xF1,0xE0, // 'G'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x1F,0xFF,0xFF,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x18, // 'H'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0xFF,0xFF, // 'I'
+ 0x3E,0x7C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0E,0x1F,0xE7,0x80, // 'J'
+ 0xC1,0xB0,0xCC,0x63,0x30,0xD8,0x3E,0x0F,0x83,0x30,0xCE,0x31,0x8C,0x33,0x0E,0xC1,0x80, // 'K'
+ 0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x1F,0xFF,0xF8, // 'L'
+ 0xE3,0xF1,0xF8,0xFE,0xFD,0x5E,0xAF,0x77,0x93,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x18, // 'M'
+ 0xE1,0xF0,0xFC,0x7A,0x3D,0x1E,0xCF,0x27,0x9B,0xC5,0xE2,0xF1,0xF8,0x7C,0x38, // 'N'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0x98,0xD8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xD8,0xCF,0xE3,0xE0, // 'O'
+ 0xFE,0x7F,0xB0,0xF8,0x3C,0x1E,0x1F,0xFD,0xFC,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x00, // 'P'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0x98,0xD8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xD8,0xCF,0xE3,0xE0,0x38,0x0C, // 'Q'
+ 0xFE,0x3F,0xCC,0x3B,0x06,0xC1,0xB0,0xEF,0xF3,0xF8,0xC3,0x30,0xEC,0x1B,0x06,0xC0,0xC0, // 'R'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0xB8,0x58,0x0C,0x03,0xE0,0xFC,0x07,0x01,0x80,0xE0,0xFF,0xE7,0xE0, // 'S'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xF0,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x00, // 'T'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF8,0xEF,0xE3,0xE0, // 'U'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xD8,0xCC,0x66,0x33,0xB8,0xD8,0x6C,0x36,0x0E,0x07,0x03,0x81,0xC0, // 'V'
+ 0xC0,0x78,0x0F,0x01,0xB0,0x66,0xEC,0xDD,0x9A,0xB3,0x56,0x6A,0xCF,0x78,0xC6,0x18,0xC3,0x18, // 'W'
+ 0xE3,0xB1,0x9D,0x86,0xC1,0xC0,0xE0,0x70,0x38,0x3E,0x1B,0x1D,0xCC,0x6E,0x38, // 'X'
+ 0xE1,0xD8,0x67,0x38,0xCC,0x1E,0x07,0x80,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x00, // 'Y'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xC0,0xC0,0xE0,0x60,0x60,0x70,0x30,0x38,0x38,0x18,0x1F,0xFF,0xF8, // 'Z'
+ 0xFF,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xFF, // '['
+ 0xC0,0x30,0x18,0x06,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x60,0x38,0x0C,0x06,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x30,0x18,0x06, // '\'
+ 0xFF,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0xFF, // ']'
+ 0x0C,0x07,0x83,0x31,0x86,0xC0,0xC0, // '^'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFC, // '_'
+ 0xC6,0x30, // '`'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0x90,0xE0,0x33,0xFF,0xFF,0x07,0x87,0xFF,0xBE,0xC0, // 'a'
+ 0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0D,0xE7,0xFB,0x8F,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x7C,0x7F,0xF6,0xF0, // 'b'
+ 0x1E,0x7F,0x61,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0x61,0x7F,0x1E, // 'c'
+ 0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x33,0xDB,0xFF,0x8F,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x7C,0x77,0xF9,0xEC, // 'd'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0x98,0xF8,0x3F,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0xC1,0x7F,0x8F,0x80, // 'e'
+ 0x0F,0x1F,0x18,0x18,0xFF,0xFF,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18, // 'f'
+ 0x3D,0xBF,0xF8,0xF8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0xC7,0x7F,0x9E,0xC0,0x68,0x77,0xF1,0xF0, // 'g'
+ 0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0xE7,0xFB,0x8F,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x1E,0x0C, // 'h'
+ 0x18,0x18,0x00,0x00,0xF8,0xF8,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0xFF,0xFF, // 'i'
+ 0x0C,0x30,0x00,0x7D,0xF0,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0xFB,0xC0, // 'j'
+ 0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x3E,0x3B,0x39,0xB8,0xF8,0x7E,0x33,0x18,0xCC,0x76,0x1C, // 'k'
+ 0xF8,0xF8,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x0F,0x0F, // 'l'
+ 0xDB,0xBF,0xFC,0xCF,0x33,0xCC,0xF3,0x3C,0xCF,0x33,0xCC,0xF3,0x30, // 'm'
+ 0xCE,0x7F,0xB8,0xF8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xC0, // 'n'
+ 0x3E,0x3F,0xB8,0xF8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0xC7,0x7F,0x1F,0x00, // 'o'
+ 0xDE,0x7F,0xB8,0xF8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0xC7,0xFF,0x6F,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x00, // 'p'
+ 0x3D,0xBF,0xF8,0xF8,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0xC7,0x7F,0x9E,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C, // 'q'
+ 0xDD,0xBF,0x8E,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x80, // 'r'
+ 0x3F,0x7F,0xF0,0x3F,0x07,0xF0,0x3C,0x07,0x03,0xFF,0xBF,0x00, // 's'
+ 0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x1F,0xFF,0xF8,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x03,0xF0,0xF8, // 't'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0xC7,0x7F,0x9C,0xC0, // 'u'
+ 0xC1,0xB1,0x98,0xCC,0x63,0x61,0xB0,0xD8,0x38,0x1C,0x0E,0x00, // 'v'
+ 0xC0,0x78,0x0D,0x83,0x32,0x66,0xEC,0xD5,0x8E,0xE1,0xDC,0x31,0x86,0x30, // 'w'
+ 0xE3,0xBB,0x8D,0x83,0x81,0xC0,0xE0,0xF8,0x6C,0x63,0x71,0xC0, // 'x'
+ 0xC1,0xB1,0x98,0xCE,0x63,0x61,0xB0,0x78,0x38,0x0C,0x0E,0x06,0x03,0x07,0x83,0x80, // 'y'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xC1,0xC1,0xC1,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xE0,0xFF,0xFF,0xC0, // 'z'
+ 0x0F,0x1F,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0xF0,0xF0,0x38,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x1F,0x0F, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xF0, // '|'
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0x81, 0x98, 0x19, 0x81, 0x98, 0x7f,
+ 0xe7, 0xfe, 0x7f, 0xe7, 0xfe, 0x7f, 0xe7, 0xfe, 0x7f, 0xe0, 0x00// lock icon
+ //0xF0,0xF8,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x0F,0x0F,0x1C,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0xF8,0xF0 // '}'
+const GFXglyph Monospaced_plain_18Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 2, 13, 12, 5, -13 }, // '!'
+ { 5, 6, 5, 12, 3, -13 }, // '"'
+ { 9, 11, 14, 12, 0, -14 }, // '#'
+ { 29, 9, 17, 12, 1, -14 }, // '$'
+ { 49, 11, 13, 12, 0, -13 }, // '%'
+ { 67, 10, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '&'
+ { 84, 2, 5, 12, 5, -13 }, // '''
+ { 86, 4, 16, 12, 4, -14 }, // '('
+ { 94, 4, 16, 12, 3, -14 }, // ')'
+ { 102, 7, 8, 12, 2, -13 }, // '*'
+ { 109, 10, 10, 12, 1, -11 }, // '+'
+ { 122, 3, 5, 12, 3, -3 }, // ','
+ { 124, 5, 2, 12, 3, -6 }, // '-'
+ { 126, 2, 3, 12, 4, -3 }, // '.'
+ { 127, 9, 15, 12, 1, -13 }, // '/'
+ { 144, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '0'
+ { 159, 8, 13, 12, 2, -13 }, // '1'
+ { 172, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '2'
+ { 187, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '3'
+ { 202, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '4'
+ { 217, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '5'
+ { 232, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '6'
+ { 247, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '7'
+ { 262, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '8'
+ { 277, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '9'
+ { 292, 2, 9, 12, 4, -9 }, // ':'
+ { 295, 3, 11, 12, 3, -9 }, // ';'
+ { 300, 12, 18, 12, 0, -18 }, // '<'
+ { 327, 9, 6, 12, 1, -9 }, // '='
+ { 334, 12, 18, 12, 0, -18 }, // '>'
+ { 361, 7, 13, 12, 2, -13 }, // '?'
+ { 373, 9, 15, 12, 1, -12 }, // '@'
+ { 390, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'A'
+ { 405, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'B'
+ { 420, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'C'
+ { 435, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'D'
+ { 450, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'E'
+ { 465, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'F'
+ { 480, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'G'
+ { 495, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'H'
+ { 510, 8, 13, 12, 2, -13 }, // 'I'
+ { 524, 7, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'J'
+ { 535, 10, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'K'
+ { 552, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'L'
+ { 567, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'M'
+ { 582, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'N'
+ { 597, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'O'
+ { 612, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'P'
+ { 627, 9, 15, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'Q'
+ { 644, 10, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'R'
+ { 661, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'S'
+ { 676, 10, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'T'
+ { 693, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'U'
+ { 708, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'V'
+ { 723, 11, 13, 12, 0, -13 }, // 'W'
+ { 741, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'X'
+ { 756, 10, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'Y'
+ { 773, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 'Z'
+ { 788, 4, 16, 12, 4, -14 }, // '['
+ { 796, 9, 15, 12, 1, -13 }, // '\'
+ { 813, 4, 16, 12, 3, -14 }, // ']'
+ { 821, 10, 5, 12, 1, -13 }, // '^'
+ { 828, 11, 2, 12, 0, 2 }, // '_'
+ { 831, 4, 3, 12, 2, -14 }, // '`'
+ { 833, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'a'
+ { 845, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'b'
+ { 861, 8, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'c'
+ { 871, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'd'
+ { 887, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'e'
+ { 899, 8, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'f'
+ { 913, 9, 14, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'g'
+ { 929, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'h'
+ { 945, 8, 14, 12, 2, -14 }, // 'i'
+ { 959, 6, 18, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'j'
+ { 973, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'k'
+ { 989, 8, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'l'
+ { 1003, 10, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'm'
+ { 1017, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'n'
+ { 1028, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'o'
+ { 1040, 9, 14, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'p'
+ { 1056, 9, 14, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'q'
+ { 1072, 7, 10, 12, 3, -10 }, // 'r'
+ { 1081, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 's'
+ { 1093, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // 't'
+ { 1108, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'u'
+ { 1120, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'v'
+ { 1132, 11, 10, 12, 0, -10 }, // 'w'
+ { 1146, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'x'
+ { 1158, 9, 14, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'y'
+ { 1174, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // 'z'
+ { 1186, 8, 17, 12, 2, -14 }, // '{'
+ { 1203, 2, 18, 12, 5, -14 }, // '|'
+ { 1208, 12, 18, 12, 0, -18 } // lock icon
+ //{ 1176, 8, 17, 12, 2, -14 } // '}'
+const GFXfont Monospaced_plain_18 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)Monospaced_plain_18Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)Monospaced_plain_18Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 16};
+const uint8_t FreeMono9pt7bBitmaps[] = {
+ 0xAA, 0xA8, 0x0C, 0xED, 0x24, 0x92, 0x48, 0x24, 0x48, 0x91, 0x2F, 0xE4,
+ 0x89, 0x7F, 0x28, 0x51, 0x22, 0x40, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x62, 0x40, 0x30, 0x0E,
+ 0x01, 0x81, 0xC3, 0xBE, 0x08, 0x08, 0x71, 0x12, 0x23, 0x80, 0x23, 0xB8,
+ 0x0E, 0x22, 0x44, 0x70, 0x38, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x1A, 0x65, 0x46, 0xC8,
+ 0xEC, 0xE9, 0x24, 0x5A, 0xAA, 0xA9, 0x40, 0xA9, 0x55, 0x5A, 0x80, 0x10,
+ 0x22, 0x4B, 0xE3, 0x05, 0x11, 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x47, 0xF1, 0x02, 0x04,
+ 0x00, 0x6B, 0x48, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x02, 0x08, 0x10, 0x60, 0x81, 0x04,
+ 0x08, 0x20, 0x41, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x38, 0x8A, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60,
+ 0xC1, 0x82, 0x88, 0xE0, 0x27, 0x28, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x3E, 0x38,
+ 0x8A, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x61, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x7C, 0x06, 0x02,
+ 0x02, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x42, 0x3C, 0x18, 0xA2, 0x92, 0x8A,
+ 0x28, 0xBF, 0x08, 0x21, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x81, 0x03, 0xE4, 0x40, 0x40, 0x81,
+ 0x03, 0x88, 0xE0, 0x1E, 0x41, 0x04, 0x0B, 0x98, 0xB0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0x88,
+ 0xE0, 0xFE, 0x04, 0x08, 0x20, 0x40, 0x82, 0x04, 0x08, 0x20, 0x40, 0x38,
+ 0x8A, 0x0C, 0x14, 0x47, 0x11, 0x41, 0x83, 0x8C, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x8A, 0x1C,
+ 0x18, 0x68, 0xCE, 0x81, 0x04, 0x13, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x6C, 0x00, 0xD2,
+ 0xD2, 0x00, 0x03, 0x04, 0x18, 0x60, 0x60, 0x18, 0x04, 0x03, 0xFF, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x40, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x20, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x80,
+ 0x3D, 0x84, 0x08, 0x30, 0xC2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x3C, 0x46, 0x82,
+ 0x8E, 0xB2, 0xA2, 0xA2, 0x9F, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x01, 0x40,
+ 0x28, 0x09, 0x01, 0x10, 0x42, 0x0F, 0xC1, 0x04, 0x40, 0x9E, 0x3C, 0xFE,
+ 0x21, 0x90, 0x48, 0x67, 0xE2, 0x09, 0x02, 0x81, 0x41, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3E,
+ 0xB0, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80, 0x60, 0x8F, 0x80, 0xFE,
+ 0x21, 0x90, 0x68, 0x14, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x02, 0x83, 0x43, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0x20, 0x90, 0x08, 0x87, 0xC2, 0x21, 0x00, 0x81, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFF,
+ 0xA0, 0x50, 0x08, 0x87, 0xC2, 0x21, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x78, 0x00, 0x1E,
+ 0x98, 0x6C, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x80, 0x20, 0xF8, 0x0B, 0x02, 0x60, 0x87, 0xC0,
+ 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x48, 0x27, 0xF2, 0x09, 0x04, 0x82, 0x41, 0x71, 0xC0,
+ 0xF9, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x27, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
+ 0x02, 0x82, 0x82, 0xC6, 0x78, 0xE3, 0xA1, 0x11, 0x09, 0x05, 0x83, 0x21,
+ 0x08, 0x84, 0x41, 0x70, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x41,
+ 0x41, 0x41, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xEC, 0x19, 0x45, 0x28, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x94, 0x91,
+ 0x12, 0x02, 0x40, 0x5C, 0x1C, 0xC3, 0xB0, 0x94, 0x4A, 0x24, 0x92, 0x49,
+ 0x14, 0x8A, 0x43, 0x70, 0x80, 0x1E, 0x31, 0x90, 0x50, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x02, 0x82, 0x63, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x43, 0x41, 0x41, 0x42, 0x7C, 0x40,
+ 0x40, 0x40, 0xF0, 0x1C, 0x31, 0x90, 0x50, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x02, 0x82,
+ 0x63, 0x1F, 0x04, 0x07, 0x92, 0x30, 0xFE, 0x21, 0x90, 0x48, 0x24, 0x23,
+ 0xE1, 0x10, 0x84, 0x41, 0x70, 0xC0, 0x3A, 0xCD, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0xC1, 0xC7, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xC4, 0x62, 0x21, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x48, 0x24, 0x12, 0x09, 0x04, 0x82,
+ 0x22, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xF1, 0xE8, 0x10, 0x82, 0x10, 0x42, 0x10, 0x22, 0x04,
+ 0x80, 0x50, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x80, 0xF1, 0xE8, 0x09, 0x11, 0x25, 0x44, 0xA8,
+ 0x55, 0x0C, 0xA1, 0x8C, 0x31, 0x84, 0x30, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x88, 0x82, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x90, 0x44, 0x41, 0x71, 0xC0, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x88, 0x82, 0x81,
+ 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFD, 0x0A, 0x20, 0x81, 0x04,
+ 0x10, 0x21, 0x83, 0xFC, 0xEA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x81, 0x03, 0x02,
+ 0x04, 0x04, 0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0xD5, 0x55, 0x55, 0xC0,
+ 0x10, 0x51, 0x22, 0x28, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x88, 0x80, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x47, 0xEC, 0x14, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0xFB, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x0B, 0xC6, 0x12,
+ 0x05, 0x02, 0x81, 0x40, 0xB0, 0xB7, 0x80, 0x3A, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x9E, 0x03, 0x00, 0x80, 0x47, 0xA4, 0x34, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x02, 0x81,
+ 0x21, 0x8F, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x43, 0x81, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x61, 0x3E, 0x3D,
+ 0x04, 0x3E, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x0F, 0x80, 0x3D, 0xA1, 0xA0, 0x50,
+ 0x28, 0x14, 0x09, 0x0C, 0x7A, 0x01, 0x01, 0x87, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x10,
+ 0x0B, 0xC6, 0x32, 0x09, 0x04, 0x82, 0x41, 0x20, 0xB8, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x01,
+ 0xC0, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x11, 0xFC, 0x10, 0x3E, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21,
+ 0x08, 0x42, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x40, 0x4F, 0x44, 0x58, 0x70, 0x48,
+ 0x44, 0x42, 0xC7, 0x70, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x23,
+ 0xF8, 0xB7, 0x64, 0x62, 0x31, 0x18, 0x8C, 0x46, 0x23, 0x91, 0x5E, 0x31,
+ 0x90, 0x48, 0x24, 0x12, 0x09, 0x05, 0xC7, 0x3E, 0x31, 0xA0, 0x30, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0x05, 0x8C, 0x7C, 0xDE, 0x30, 0x90, 0x28, 0x14, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x84,
+ 0xBC, 0x40, 0x20, 0x38, 0x00, 0x3D, 0xA1, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x28, 0x14, 0x09,
+ 0x0C, 0x7A, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xCE, 0xA1, 0x82, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10,
+ 0x7C, 0x3A, 0x8D, 0x0B, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x70, 0xDE, 0x40, 0x40, 0xFC, 0x40,
+ 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x41, 0x3E, 0xC3, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
+ 0x43, 0x3D, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x84, 0x42, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x10, 0xE3,
+ 0xC0, 0x92, 0x4B, 0x25, 0x92, 0xA9, 0x98, 0x44, 0xE3, 0x31, 0x05, 0x01,
+ 0x01, 0x41, 0x11, 0x05, 0xC7, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x84, 0x42, 0x40, 0xA0,
+ 0x60, 0x10, 0x10, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x00, 0xFD, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x10,
+ 0xBF, 0x29, 0x24, 0xA2, 0x49, 0x26, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x89, 0x24, 0x8A, 0x49,
+ 0x2C, 0x61, 0x24, 0x30 };
+const GFXglyph FreeMono9pt7bGlyphs[] = {
+ { 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 1 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 0, 2, 11, 11, 4, -10 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 3, 6, 5, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 7, 7, 12, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 18, 8, 12, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 30, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 40, 7, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 49, 3, 5, 11, 4, -10 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 51, 2, 13, 11, 5, -10 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 55, 2, 13, 11, 4, -10 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 59, 7, 7, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 66, 7, 7, 11, 2, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 73, 3, 5, 11, 2, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 75, 9, 1, 11, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 77, 2, 2, 11, 4, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 78, 7, 13, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 90, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 100, 5, 11, 11, 3, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 107, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 117, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 128, 6, 11, 11, 3, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 137, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 147, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 157, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 167, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 177, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 187, 2, 8, 11, 4, -7 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 189, 3, 11, 11, 3, -7 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 194, 8, 8, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 202, 9, 4, 11, 1, -6 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 207, 9, 8, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 216, 7, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 225, 8, 12, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 237, 11, 10, 11, 0, -9 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 251, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 263, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 275, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 287, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 299, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 311, 10, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 324, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 336, 5, 10, 11, 3, -9 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 343, 8, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 353, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 365, 8, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 375, 11, 10, 11, 0, -9 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 389, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 401, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 413, 8, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 423, 9, 13, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 438, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 450, 7, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 459, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 471, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 483, 11, 10, 11, 0, -9 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 497, 11, 10, 11, 0, -9 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 511, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 523, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 535, 7, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 544, 2, 13, 11, 5, -10 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 548, 7, 13, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 560, 2, 13, 11, 4, -10 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 564, 7, 5, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 569, 11, 1, 11, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 571, 3, 3, 11, 3, -11 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 573, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 582, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 595, 7, 8, 11, 2, -7 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 602, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 615, 8, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 623, 6, 11, 11, 3, -10 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 632, 9, 11, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 645, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 658, 7, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 667, 5, 13, 11, 3, -9 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 676, 8, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 687, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 697, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 706, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 715, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 724, 9, 11, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 737, 9, 11, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 750, 7, 8, 11, 3, -7 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 757, 7, 8, 11, 2, -7 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 764, 8, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 774, 8, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 782, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 791, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 800, 9, 8, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 809, 9, 11, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 822, 7, 8, 11, 2, -7 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 829, 3, 13, 11, 4, -10 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 834, 1, 13, 11, 5, -10 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 836, 3, 13, 11, 4, -10 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 841, 7, 3, 11, 2, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont FreeMono9pt7b = {
+ (uint8_t *)FreeMono9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)FreeMono9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 18 };
+const uint8_t FreeSans12pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0x8A, 0x20, 0x06, 0x30,
+ 0x31, 0x03, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xFC, 0x31, 0x03, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0xC7, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xFC, 0x31, 0x01, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x30,
+ 0x04, 0x03, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x72, 0x6C, 0x47, 0x88, 0xF1, 0x07, 0x20, 0x7E,
+ 0x03, 0xF0, 0x17, 0x02, 0x3C, 0x47, 0x88, 0xF1, 0x1B, 0x26, 0x7F, 0xC3,
+ 0xE0, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x7E, 0x0C, 0x0E,
+ 0x70, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x31, 0x00, 0xE7, 0x30, 0x07, 0xE6, 0x00,
+ 0x3C, 0x40, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x19, 0xC7, 0x01, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x31, 0x83, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x70, 0x40, 0xFE, 0x04, 0x07, 0xC0, 0x0F,
+ 0x00, 0x7E, 0x03, 0x9C, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x30, 0xC0, 0xE7, 0x01, 0xF8, 0x03,
+ 0x80, 0x3E, 0x01, 0xCC, 0x6E, 0x19, 0xB0, 0x7C, 0xC0, 0xF3, 0x03, 0xCE,
+ 0x1F, 0x9F, 0xE6, 0x1E, 0x1C, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x08, 0x8C, 0x66, 0x31, 0x98,
+ 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x08, 0x63, 0x08, 0x61, 0x0C, 0x20, 0x82, 0x18,
+ 0xC3, 0x18, 0xC3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x62, 0x31, 0x88, 0xC4, 0x62,
+ 0x00, 0x10, 0x23, 0x5B, 0xE3, 0x8D, 0x91, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0,
+ 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xF5, 0x60,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x20,
+ 0xC1, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x30,
+ 0x6E, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C,
+ 0x0E, 0xC1, 0x9C, 0x71, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x08, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0x63,
+ 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xF9, 0x87, 0x60, 0x7C,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x07, 0x01, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0x30, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xF3, 0x87, 0x60, 0x6C,
+ 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x70, 0x7C, 0x0F, 0x80, 0x18, 0x01, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0xD8, 0x73, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0xD8, 0x1B, 0x06, 0x61, 0x8C, 0x21, 0x8C, 0x33, 0x06, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xCF, 0xF9, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0xDE, 0x1F, 0xE7, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x07,
+ 0x81, 0xF8, 0x73, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xF9, 0xC3, 0x30, 0x74,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x33, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0xDC, 0x1F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x06,
+ 0xC1, 0xDC, 0x71, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0x18, 0x02, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x04, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x30, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x30, 0x66,
+ 0x0C, 0xC1, 0x8C, 0x61, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x8E, 0x3B, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0xD8, 0x31, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x70, 0x6C,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x61, 0xEF, 0xFC, 0x79, 0x80, 0x30, 0x05,
+ 0x81, 0x98, 0x73, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x00,
+ 0x0F, 0x56, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xE0,
+ 0x07, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x78, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x07,
+ 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x70, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x00, 0x1F,
+ 0x1F, 0xEE, 0x1B, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x81, 0xC0,
+ 0xE0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE,
+ 0x00, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x07, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x38, 0x00, 0x30,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x66, 0x0F, 0xD9, 0xD8, 0x61, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1C,
+ 0x1C, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x60, 0xF1, 0x81, 0x83, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x1B, 0x18, 0x38,
+ 0xEE, 0x71, 0xE7, 0x18, 0xFD, 0xF8, 0x71, 0xE7, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x01,
+ 0xE0, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x01, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x06, 0x60, 0x06, 0x60, 0x0E, 0x70, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x30, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0x30, 0x1C,
+ 0x30, 0x0C, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x60, 0x06, 0x60, 0x06, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0x30,
+ 0x19, 0x80, 0x6C, 0x03, 0x60, 0x1B, 0x00, 0xD8, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xFF,
+ 0x30, 0x0D, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x06, 0xFF, 0xF7,
+ 0xFE, 0x00, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0x73, 0x80, 0x66, 0x00, 0x6C,
+ 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xC0,
+ 0xFF, 0x83, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0x07, 0x30, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x00,
+ 0x6C, 0x03, 0xB0, 0x1C, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xC0,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xDF,
+ 0xFB, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x07, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x70, 0x06, 0x60, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03,
+ 0x60, 0x03, 0x60, 0x07, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0xFB, 0x07, 0xE1,
+ 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78,
+ 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00,
+ 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60,
+ 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xC7, 0x7F, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3B, 0x01, 0xCC,
+ 0x0E, 0x30, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x1C, 0x0C, 0xE0, 0x33, 0x80, 0xDE, 0x03,
+ 0xDC, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x8C, 0x06, 0x30, 0x1C,
+ 0xC0, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0xD0,
+ 0x0F, 0xD8, 0x1B, 0xD8, 0x1B, 0xD8, 0x1B, 0xCC, 0x33, 0xCC, 0x33, 0xCC,
+ 0x33, 0xC6, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x63, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC1, 0x83, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x3D, 0x81, 0xEE,
+ 0x0F, 0x30, 0x79, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0x1E, 0x18, 0xF0, 0xE7, 0x83, 0x3C, 0x1D,
+ 0xE0, 0x6F, 0x01, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x0F,
+ 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x86, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00,
+ 0x33, 0x00, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0x8F, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x07,
+ 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x86, 0x00, 0xC6,
+ 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x33, 0x01, 0x98, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0x78,
+ 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xF9, 0x80, 0x00, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xCC,
+ 0x03, 0xB0, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x01, 0xB0, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0xE3,
+ 0xFF, 0xCC, 0x03, 0xB0, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x01, 0xB0, 0x06,
+ 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x9C, 0x07, 0x60,
+ 0x0D, 0x80, 0x06, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x80,
+ 0x07, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x00, 0xDE, 0x0E, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0x80,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01,
+ 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xEE, 0x0E, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0xC0,
+ 0x1D, 0xC0, 0x31, 0x80, 0x63, 0x01, 0xC7, 0x03, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1C,
+ 0x1C, 0x30, 0x18, 0x60, 0x31, 0xC0, 0x73, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x01,
+ 0xF0, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x07, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x1D, 0x80, 0xE0,
+ 0x76, 0x07, 0x81, 0xD8, 0x1E, 0x06, 0x70, 0x7C, 0x18, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xE3,
+ 0x0C, 0xC3, 0x8C, 0x33, 0x0C, 0x38, 0xC6, 0x30, 0x67, 0x18, 0xC1, 0x98,
+ 0x67, 0x06, 0x61, 0xD8, 0x1D, 0x83, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x3E,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x07, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x60,
+ 0x38, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xE1, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0x01, 0xCC, 0x01, 0xF8, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x03, 0x80, 0x07, 0x80, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0xE7, 0x03, 0x86, 0x06,
+ 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x0E, 0x70, 0x0C, 0xC0, 0x1C, 0x60, 0x06, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x30,
+ 0x1C, 0x38, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x0E, 0x70, 0x06, 0x60, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x0E,
+ 0x00, 0xE0, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x60, 0x07, 0x00, 0x70, 0x07, 0x00, 0x30, 0x03,
+ 0x80, 0x38, 0x03, 0x80, 0x18, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x1C, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCF,
+ 0xF0, 0x81, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x08, 0x18, 0x10, 0x20, 0x60, 0x40,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x05, 0x86, 0xC3, 0x21, 0x19,
+ 0x8C, 0x83, 0xC1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xE3, 0x8C, 0x30, 0x3F, 0x07, 0xF8,
+ 0xE1, 0xCC, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x1C, 0x3F, 0xCF, 0x8C, 0xC0, 0xCC, 0x0C,
+ 0xE3, 0xC7, 0xEF, 0x3C, 0x70, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0,
+ 0x0C, 0xF8, 0xDF, 0xCF, 0x0E, 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x3C, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x6F, 0x0E, 0xDF, 0xCC, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xE7, 0x1B,
+ 0x83, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x37, 0x1C, 0xFE, 0x1F,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x3C, 0xCF, 0xFB, 0x8F,
+ 0xE0, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x3B, 0x8F, 0x3F,
+ 0x63, 0xCC, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x70, 0x3C, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFE,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x1C, 0x0D, 0xC3, 0x1F, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0x3B, 0xD8, 0xC6, 0x7F,
+ 0xEC, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x67, 0xFD, 0xC7,
+ 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x1D, 0xC7, 0x9F,
+ 0xB1, 0xE6, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x0E, 0x7F, 0xC7, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x33, 0xCD, 0xFB, 0xC7, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x30, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xF0, 0x33, 0x00, 0x03, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F,
+ 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x83, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x30,
+ 0xCC, 0x1B, 0x83, 0xF0, 0x77, 0x0C, 0x61, 0x8E, 0x30, 0xE6, 0x0C, 0xC1,
+ 0xD8, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xCF, 0x1F, 0x6F, 0xDF, 0xFC,
+ 0x78, 0xFC, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x07, 0x81, 0x83,
+ 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x78, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0xCF,
+ 0x37, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x83, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x70, 0x7C, 0x07, 0x80,
+ 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x1D, 0xC7, 0x1F, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xCF, 0x8D,
+ 0xFC, 0xF0, 0xEE, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3E,
+ 0x07, 0xF0, 0xEF, 0xFC, 0xCF, 0x8C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x00,
+ 0x1E, 0x67, 0xFD, 0xC7, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x7C, 0x1D, 0xC7, 0x9F, 0xF1, 0xE6, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0xCF, 0x7F, 0x38, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x1F,
+ 0xEE, 0x1B, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x1D,
+ 0xFE, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x63, 0x19, 0xFF, 0xB1, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31,
+ 0xE7, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0xF0, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0xFB, 0x3C, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x66, 0x06, 0x60, 0x67, 0x0C,
+ 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x39, 0x81, 0x98, 0x19, 0x81, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xE0,
+ 0x0E, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xE1, 0xD8, 0x70, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0x66, 0x36,
+ 0x31, 0x9B, 0x18, 0xCD, 0x98, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x16, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x1A, 0x07,
+ 0x8F, 0x03, 0x83, 0x80, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0x60, 0xEE, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x0C, 0xC1,
+ 0xF0, 0x1C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x78, 0x1B, 0x03, 0x30, 0xC7, 0x30, 0x66, 0x06,
+ 0xE0, 0x6C, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x38, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x63, 0x0E, 0x60, 0xCC, 0x1B,
+ 0x03, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x78, 0x0E,
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x03, 0x81, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x0E, 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x19, 0xCC, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31,
+ 0x99, 0x86, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x1C, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xC7, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x33, 0x31,
+ 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x73, 0x00, 0x70, 0x3E, 0x09, 0xE4, 0x1F, 0x03,
+ 0x80 };
+const GFXglyph FreeSans12pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 0, 2, 18, 8, 3, -17 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 5, 6, 6, 8, 1, -16 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 10, 13, 16, 13, 0, -15 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 36, 11, 20, 13, 1, -17 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 64, 20, 17, 21, 1, -16 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 107, 14, 17, 16, 1, -16 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 137, 2, 6, 5, 1, -16 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 139, 5, 23, 8, 2, -17 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 154, 5, 23, 8, 1, -17 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 169, 7, 7, 9, 1, -17 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 176, 10, 11, 14, 2, -10 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 190, 2, 6, 7, 2, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 192, 6, 2, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 194, 2, 2, 6, 2, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 195, 7, 18, 7, 0, -17 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 211, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 235, 5, 17, 13, 3, -16 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 246, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 270, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 294, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 318, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 342, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 366, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 390, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 414, 11, 17, 13, 1, -16 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 438, 2, 13, 6, 2, -12 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 442, 2, 16, 6, 2, -11 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 446, 12, 12, 14, 1, -11 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 464, 12, 6, 14, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 473, 12, 12, 14, 1, -11 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 491, 10, 18, 13, 2, -17 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 514, 22, 21, 24, 1, -17 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 572, 16, 18, 16, 0, -17 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 608, 13, 18, 16, 2, -17 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 638, 15, 18, 17, 1, -17 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 672, 14, 18, 17, 2, -17 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 704, 12, 18, 15, 2, -17 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 731, 11, 18, 14, 2, -17 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 756, 16, 18, 18, 1, -17 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 792, 13, 18, 17, 2, -17 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 822, 2, 18, 7, 2, -17 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 827, 9, 18, 13, 1, -17 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 848, 14, 18, 16, 2, -17 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 880, 10, 18, 14, 2, -17 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 903, 16, 18, 20, 2, -17 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 939, 13, 18, 18, 2, -17 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 969, 17, 18, 19, 1, -17 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 1008, 12, 18, 16, 2, -17 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 1035, 17, 19, 19, 1, -17 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 1076, 14, 18, 17, 2, -17 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 1108, 14, 18, 16, 1, -17 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 1140, 12, 18, 15, 1, -17 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 1167, 13, 18, 17, 2, -17 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 1197, 15, 18, 15, 0, -17 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 1231, 22, 18, 22, 0, -17 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 1281, 15, 18, 16, 0, -17 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 1315, 16, 18, 16, 0, -17 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 1351, 13, 18, 15, 1, -17 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 1381, 4, 23, 7, 2, -17 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 1393, 7, 18, 7, 0, -17 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 1409, 4, 23, 7, 1, -17 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 1421, 9, 9, 11, 1, -16 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 1432, 15, 1, 13, -1, 4 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 1434, 5, 4, 6, 1, -17 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 1437, 12, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 1457, 12, 18, 13, 1, -17 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 1484, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 1501, 11, 18, 13, 1, -17 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 1526, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 1544, 5, 18, 7, 1, -17 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 1556, 11, 18, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 1581, 10, 18, 13, 1, -17 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 1604, 2, 18, 5, 2, -17 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 1609, 4, 23, 6, 0, -17 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 1621, 11, 18, 12, 1, -17 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 1646, 2, 18, 5, 1, -17 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 1651, 17, 13, 19, 1, -12 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 1679, 10, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 1696, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1714, 12, 17, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1740, 11, 17, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1764, 6, 13, 8, 1, -12 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1774, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1791, 5, 16, 7, 1, -15 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1801, 10, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1818, 12, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1838, 17, 13, 17, 0, -12 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1866, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1884, 11, 18, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1909, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1926, 5, 23, 8, 1, -17 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1941, 2, 23, 6, 2, -17 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1947, 5, 23, 8, 2, -17 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1962, 10, 5, 12, 1, -10 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont FreeSans12pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)FreeSans12pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)FreeSans12pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 29 };
+// Approx. 2641 bytes
+const uint8_t FreeSans9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0x20, 0x09, 0x86, 0x41, 0x91, 0xFF,
+ 0x13, 0x04, 0xC3, 0x20, 0xC8, 0xFF, 0x89, 0x82, 0x61, 0x90, 0x10, 0x1F,
+ 0x14, 0xDA, 0x3D, 0x1E, 0x83, 0x40, 0x78, 0x17, 0x08, 0xF4, 0x7A, 0x35,
+ 0x33, 0xF0, 0x40, 0x20, 0x38, 0x10, 0xEC, 0x20, 0xC6, 0x20, 0xC6, 0x40,
+ 0xC6, 0x40, 0x6C, 0x80, 0x39, 0x00, 0x01, 0x3C, 0x02, 0x77, 0x02, 0x63,
+ 0x04, 0x63, 0x04, 0x77, 0x08, 0x3C, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x60, 0xCC, 0x19, 0x81,
+ 0xE0, 0x18, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x36, 0xC2, 0xD8, 0x73, 0x06, 0x31, 0xE3, 0xC4,
+ 0xFE, 0x13, 0x26, 0x6C, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC4, 0x66, 0x23, 0x10, 0x8C, 0x46,
+ 0x63, 0x33, 0x33, 0x32, 0x66, 0x4C, 0x80, 0x25, 0x7E, 0xA5, 0x00, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x3F, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0xD6, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0x08, 0x44, 0x21, 0x10,
+ 0x84, 0x42, 0x11, 0x08, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x66, 0x42, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x42, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x11, 0x3F, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
+ 0x30, 0x3E, 0x31, 0xB0, 0x78, 0x30, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x10, 0x08, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x06, 0x1C, 0x07,
+ 0x03, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x71, 0x62, 0xC9, 0xA3, 0x46,
+ 0xFE, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x08, 0x07, 0xF3,
+ 0x8C, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x6C, 0x63, 0xE0, 0x1E, 0x31, 0x98, 0x78,
+ 0x0C, 0x06, 0xF3, 0x8D, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xD0, 0x6C, 0x63, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x10, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x3E, 0x31, 0xB0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1B, 0x18, 0xF8, 0xC6, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0,
+ 0x6C, 0x63, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67, 0x3B, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0xC2, 0x66, 0x3C, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0xA0,
+ 0x00, 0x81, 0xC7, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x80, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0x00, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x38, 0x71,
+ 0xC0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x31, 0xB0, 0x78, 0x30, 0x18, 0x18, 0x38, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x01,
+ 0x86, 0x00, 0x66, 0x1D, 0xBB, 0x31, 0xCF, 0x18, 0xC7, 0x98, 0x63, 0xCC,
+ 0x31, 0xE6, 0x11, 0xB3, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xF7, 0x86, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00,
+ 0x70, 0x40, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x06, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x90, 0x19, 0x81,
+ 0x98, 0x10, 0x83, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xC2, 0x04, 0x60, 0x66, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0xFF, 0x18, 0x33, 0x03, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x3F, 0xC6, 0x06, 0xC0,
+ 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x6F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x86, 0x19, 0x81, 0xA0, 0x3C,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x68, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x18, 0x61, 0xF0,
+ 0xFF, 0x18, 0x33, 0x03, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x78, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x60, 0xCF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x03, 0xFD, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x83,
+ 0x0E, 0x60, 0x66, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x36,
+ 0x03, 0x60, 0x73, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x10, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x06,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x07,
+ 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x27, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x33, 0x0C, 0x63, 0x0C, 0xC1, 0xB8,
+ 0x3F, 0x07, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x63, 0x06, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x0C, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xE0,
+ 0x3F, 0x01, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFD, 0x05, 0xEC, 0x6F, 0x63, 0x79, 0x13,
+ 0xCD, 0x9E, 0x6C, 0xF1, 0x47, 0x8E, 0x3C, 0x71, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x0F,
+ 0xC1, 0xE8, 0x3D, 0x87, 0x98, 0xF1, 0x1E, 0x33, 0xC3, 0x78, 0x6F, 0x07,
+ 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x81, 0x83, 0x18, 0x0C, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x01, 0x98, 0x0C, 0x60, 0xC0, 0xF8,
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0x30, 0x6C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x6F, 0xF3, 0x00, 0xC0,
+ 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x81, 0x83, 0x18, 0x0C, 0xC0,
+ 0x6C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x01, 0x98, 0x6C,
+ 0x60, 0xC0, 0xFB, 0x00, 0x08, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x06, 0xC0,
+ 0x6C, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x06, 0xC0,
+ 0x70, 0x3F, 0x18, 0x6C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x0E, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0x86, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x86, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0,
+ 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F,
+ 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01,
+ 0xB0, 0x61, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x0D, 0x81, 0x10, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x61, 0x04,
+ 0x60, 0xCC, 0x19, 0x01, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x30,
+ 0xE1, 0x98, 0x70, 0xCC, 0x28, 0x66, 0x26, 0x21, 0x13, 0x30, 0xC8, 0x98,
+ 0x6C, 0x4C, 0x14, 0x34, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x07, 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0x80, 0x81,
+ 0x80, 0x60, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x98, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x19, 0x01, 0x98, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x0E, 0x60, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x36, 0x06,
+ 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x19, 0x81, 0xD8, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03,
+ 0x01, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFB, 0x6D,
+ 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xE0, 0x84, 0x10, 0x84, 0x10, 0x84, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x10, 0x80, 0xED, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x60, 0xA2,
+ 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x30, 0x7E, 0x71, 0xB0, 0xC0,
+ 0x60, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0x0D, 0x86, 0xC7, 0x3D, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x1B,
+ 0xCE, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x6D, 0xE0, 0x3C,
+ 0x66, 0xC3, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x3B, 0x67, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x66,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x36, 0x6F, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x66, 0x60, 0x3B, 0x67, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67,
+ 0x3B, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x03,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x4C,
+ 0x46, 0x63, 0x61, 0xF0, 0xEC, 0x62, 0x31, 0x98, 0x6C, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0x1C, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0x86, 0x3C, 0x31, 0xE1, 0x8F,
+ 0x0C, 0x78, 0x63, 0xC3, 0x1E, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0x66, 0x3C, 0xDE, 0x71, 0xB0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xE3, 0x6F, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x67, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67, 0x3B, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0xDF, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18,
+ 0xC6, 0x00, 0x3E, 0xE3, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0x7E,
+ 0x66, 0xF6, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x67, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x7B, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x42, 0x21, 0xB0, 0xD0,
+ 0x28, 0x1C, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x91, 0xC4, 0xCA, 0x66, 0xD3,
+ 0x16, 0xD0, 0xA6, 0x87, 0x1C, 0x38, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x43, 0x62, 0x36,
+ 0x1C, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x3C, 0x26, 0x62, 0x43, 0xC1, 0x21, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x42,
+ 0x61, 0xB0, 0xD0, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFE,
+ 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x86, 0x18, 0x20, 0xC1, 0xFC, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x6E,
+ 0xCE, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x66,
+ 0x66, 0x67, 0x37, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xC0, 0x61, 0x24, 0x38 };
+const GFXglyph FreeSans9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 0, 2, 13, 6, 2, -12 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 5, 4, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 7, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 22, 9, 16, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 40, 16, 13, 16, 1, -12 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 66, 11, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 84, 2, 4, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 85, 4, 17, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 94, 4, 17, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 103, 5, 5, 7, 1, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 107, 6, 8, 11, 3, -7 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 113, 2, 4, 5, 2, 0 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 114, 4, 1, 6, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 115, 2, 1, 5, 1, 0 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 116, 5, 13, 5, 0, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 125, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 138, 4, 13, 10, 3, -12 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 145, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 160, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 173, 7, 13, 10, 2, -12 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 185, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 200, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 215, 8, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 228, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 243, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 256, 2, 10, 5, 1, -9 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 259, 3, 12, 5, 1, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 264, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 275, 9, 4, 11, 1, -5 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 280, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 291, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 306, 17, 16, 18, 1, -12 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 340, 12, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 360, 11, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 378, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 396, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 414, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 429, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 442, 12, 13, 14, 1, -12 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 462, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 480, 2, 13, 5, 2, -12 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 484, 7, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 496, 11, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 514, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 527, 13, 13, 15, 1, -12 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 549, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 567, 13, 13, 14, 1, -12 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 589, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 606, 13, 14, 14, 1, -12 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 629, 12, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 649, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 666, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 681, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 699, 11, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 717, 17, 13, 17, 0, -12 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 745, 12, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 765, 12, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 785, 10, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 802, 3, 17, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 809, 5, 13, 5, 0, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 818, 3, 17, 5, 0, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 825, 7, 7, 8, 1, -12 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 832, 10, 1, 10, 0, 3 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 834, 4, 3, 5, 0, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 836, 9, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 848, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 863, 8, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 873, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 886, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 896, 4, 13, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 903, 8, 14, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 917, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 930, 2, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 934, 4, 17, 4, 0, -12 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 943, 9, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 958, 2, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 962, 13, 10, 15, 1, -9 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 979, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 989, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 999, 9, 13, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1014, 8, 13, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1027, 5, 10, 6, 1, -9 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1034, 8, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1044, 4, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1050, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1060, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1072, 13, 10, 13, 0, -9 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1089, 8, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1099, 9, 14, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1115, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1124, 4, 17, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1133, 2, 17, 4, 2, -12 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1138, 4, 17, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1147, 7, 3, 9, 1, -7 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont FreeSans9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)FreeSans9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)FreeSans9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 22 };
+// Approx. 1822 bytes
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t URW_Gothic_L_Book_16Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0xFF,0xB0, // '!'
+ 0xB6,0xD0, // '"'
+ 0x11,0x08,0x84,0x82,0x4F,0xF9,0x10,0x89,0xFF,0x24,0x22,0x11,0x08,0x80, // '#'
+ 0x21,0xCC,0xA1,0x83,0x07,0x06,0x04,0x18,0x72,0x70,0x80, // '$'
+ 0x78,0x8C,0xD8,0x85,0x08,0x70,0xCE,0x07,0xA0,0x06,0x00,0x5E,0x0F,0x30,0xA1,0x0B,0x31,0x1E, // '%'
+ 0x3C,0x08,0xC1,0x08,0x21,0x03,0xC4,0xF1,0x13,0x64,0x38,0x83,0x10,0x71,0x1B,0x1E,0x30, // '&'
+ 0xF0, // '''
+ 0x13,0x64,0x88,0x88,0x8C,0x46,0x30, // '('
+ 0x8C,0x62,0x11,0x11,0x13,0x26,0xC8, // ')'
+ 0x52,0xBE,0x45,0x00, // '*'
+ 0x10,0x20,0x40,0x8F,0xE2,0x04,0x08, // '+'
+ 0x29,0x00, // ','
+ 0xF0, // '-'
+ 0xC0, // '.'
+ 0x08,0x46,0x21,0x18,0x84,0x62,0x11,0x88,0x40, // '/'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x05,0x11,0xC0, // '0'
+ 0xE4,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x90, // '1'
+ 0x79,0x8A,0x0C,0x10,0x20,0x83,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x07,0xF0, // '2'
+ 0x3C,0x26,0x42,0x02,0x06,0x1C,0x02,0x01,0xC1,0x41,0x62,0x3C, // '3'
+ 0x06,0x06,0x0A,0x0A,0x12,0x32,0x22,0x42,0xC2,0xFF,0x02,0x02, // '4'
+ 0x3E,0x20,0x60,0x40,0x7C,0x62,0x01,0x01,0x81,0xC1,0x62,0x3C, // '5'
+ 0x08,0x18,0x10,0x20,0x7C,0x42,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // '6'
+ 0xFE,0x0C,0x10,0x20,0x81,0x04,0x08,0x30,0x41,0x82,0x00, // '7'
+ 0x38,0x89,0x12,0x26,0x47,0x11,0x41,0x83,0x05,0x11,0xC0, // '8'
+ 0x3C,0x42,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3E,0x04,0x08,0x18,0x10, // '9'
+ 0xC3, // ':'
+ 0x50,0x07,0x80, // ';'
+ 0x01,0x06,0x38,0xE0,0xC0,0x70,0x0C,0x03, // '<'
+ 0xFF,0x00,0x00,0xFF, // '='
+ 0x80,0xE0,0x38,0x06,0x03,0x1C,0x70,0xC0, // '>'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x0C,0x10,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x10,0x00,0x40,0x80, // '?'
+ 0x0F,0x83,0x04,0x67,0xA4,0xC9,0x88,0x99,0x09,0x91,0x19,0x12,0x53,0x64,0xDC,0x30,0x60,0xF8, // '@'
+ 0x06,0x00,0x60,0x0B,0x00,0x90,0x19,0x01,0x08,0x30,0x83,0xFC,0x20,0x46,0x06,0x40,0x2C,0x02, // 'A'
+ 0xFC,0x86,0x82,0x82,0x86,0xFC,0x82,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x82,0xFC, // 'B'
+ 0x0F,0x86,0x19,0x00,0xA0,0x08,0x01,0x00,0x20,0x04,0x00,0x40,0x08,0x04,0xC3,0x07,0xC0, // 'C'
+ 0xFC,0x20,0xC8,0x0A,0x03,0x80,0x60,0x18,0x06,0x01,0x80,0xE0,0x28,0x33,0xF0, // 'D'
+ 0xFE,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x0F,0xE0,0x82,0x08,0x3F, // 'E'
+ 0xFE,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x0F,0xE0,0x82,0x08,0x20, // 'F'
+ 0x0F,0x83,0x0C,0x40,0x24,0x00,0x80,0x08,0x00,0x80,0x08,0xFF,0x40,0x14,0x02,0x30,0x60,0xF8, // 'G'
+ 0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0F,0xFE,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x10, // 'H'
+ 0xFF,0xF0, // 'I'
+ 0x04,0x10,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x06,0x1C,0xDE, // 'J'
+ 0x83,0x86,0x8C,0x88,0x90,0xB0,0xF0,0xD8,0x88,0x84,0x86,0x83, // 'K'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x3F, // 'L'
+ 0xC0,0x3C,0x03,0xE0,0x7A,0x05,0xB0,0xD9,0x09,0x90,0x98,0x91,0x89,0x18,0xF1,0x86,0x18,0x61, // 'M'
+ 0xC0,0x78,0x1A,0x06,0x41,0x98,0x63,0x18,0x46,0x09,0x83,0x60,0x78,0x0E,0x01, // 'N'
+ 0x0F,0x03,0x0C,0x40,0x24,0x02,0x80,0x18,0x01,0x80,0x18,0x01,0x40,0x24,0x02,0x30,0xC0,0xF0, // 'O'
+ 0xFC,0x82,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x82,0xFC,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80, // 'P'
+ 0x0F,0x83,0x0C,0x40,0x24,0x03,0x80,0x18,0x01,0x80,0x1F,0xC1,0x43,0x36,0x0A,0x30,0xC0,0xFB, // 'Q'
+ 0xFC,0x82,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x83,0x9E,0x98,0x88,0x84,0x86,0x82, // 'R'
+ 0x7B,0x38,0x60,0xC1,0xC1,0x81,0x06,0x1C,0xDE, // 'S'
+ 0xFE,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80, // 'T'
+ 0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // 'U'
+ 0xC0,0x28,0x09,0x01,0x10,0x62,0x08,0x61,0x04,0x40,0x88,0x0B,0x01,0x40,0x38,0x02,0x00, // 'V'
+ 0xC1,0x02,0x83,0x05,0x0E,0x12,0x14,0x26,0x28,0x44,0x49,0x89,0x92,0x12,0x24,0x14,0x68,0x28,0x70,0x60,0xC0,0xC1,0x80, // 'W'
+ 0x40,0x98,0x42,0x30,0x48,0x1C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x58,0x32,0x08,0x44,0x1B,0x02, // 'X'
+ 0x80,0xA0,0x90,0x44,0x42,0x20,0xA0,0x50,0x10,0x08,0x04,0x02,0x01,0x00, // 'Y'
+ 0xFE,0x02,0x06,0x04,0x08,0x18,0x10,0x30,0x20,0x40,0x40,0xFF, // 'Z'
+ 0x2E,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x66,0x40, // '['
+ 0x41,0x06,0x08,0x20,0x41,0x06,0x08,0x20,0x41, // '\'
+ 0x99,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x9D,0x00, // ']'
+ 0x0C,0x06,0x05,0x82,0x42,0x21,0x09,0x84,0x81,0xC0,0x80, // '^'
+ 0xFF, // '_'
+ 0xC3, // '`'
+ 0x3E,0xB1,0xF0,0x70,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0x06,0xC7,0x3E,0x80, // 'a'
+ 0x80,0x40,0x20,0x17,0xCE,0x36,0x0E,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xE0,0xF8,0xD7,0xC0, // 'b'
+ 0x3E,0x31,0xB0,0x70,0x08,0x04,0x03,0x06,0xC6,0x3E,0x00, // 'c'
+ 0x00,0x80,0x40,0x27,0xD6,0x3E,0x0E,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xE0,0xD8,0xE3,0xD0, // 'd'
+ 0x3C,0x21,0xA0,0x50,0x3F,0xFC,0x02,0x04,0x86,0x3C,0x00, // 'e'
+ 0x34,0x4F,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44, // 'f'
+ 0x3E,0xB1,0xF0,0x70,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0x06,0xC7,0x3E,0xE0,0x58,0x47,0xC0, // 'g'
+ 0x80,0x80,0x80,0xBC,0xC2,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81, // 'h'
+ 0xDF,0xF0, // 'i'
+ 0x24,0x12,0x49,0x24,0x92,0xF0, // 'j'
+ 0x81,0x02,0x04,0x28,0xD3,0x24,0x50,0xF1,0xB2,0x34,0x20, // 'k'
+ 0xFF,0xF0, // 'l'
+ 0xB8,0xE6,0x28,0xA0,0x83,0x04,0x18,0x20,0xC1,0x06,0x08,0x30,0x41,0x82,0x08, // 'm'
+ 0xBC,0xC2,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81, // 'n'
+ 0x3E,0x31,0xB0,0x70,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0x06,0xC6,0x3E,0x00, // 'o'
+ 0xBE,0x71,0xB0,0x70,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0x07,0xC6,0xBE,0x40,0x20,0x10,0x00, // 'p'
+ 0x3E,0xB1,0xF0,0x70,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0x06,0xC7,0x3E,0x80,0x40,0x20,0x10, // 'q'
+ 0xBA,0x49,0x24,0x80, // 'r'
+ 0x74,0x61,0x87,0x06,0x31,0x70, // 's'
+ 0x21,0x09,0xF2,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x40, // 't'
+ 0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x43,0x3D, // 'u'
+ 0xC1,0xA0,0x90,0xC4,0x42,0x21,0xA0,0x50,0x38,0x08,0x00, // 'v'
+ 0x80,0x0A,0x10,0xD0,0xC4,0xCA,0x22,0x52,0x12,0xD0,0x72,0x83,0x18,0x18,0xC0, // 'w'
+ 0xC2,0x46,0x2C,0x18,0x18,0x38,0x24,0x46,0xC2, // 'x'
+ 0xC1,0x41,0x42,0x22,0x26,0x34,0x1C,0x18,0x18,0x10,0x10,0x30, // 'y'
+ 0xFC,0x08,0x20,0xC1,0x04,0x18,0x20,0xFE, // 'z'
+ 0x69,0x24,0xB6,0x49,0x24,0x40, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xF0, // '|'
+ 0xC9,0x24,0x8B,0x49,0x25,0x00 // '}'
+const GFXglyph URW_Gothic_L_Book_16Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 1, 12, 6, 2, -12 }, // '!'
+ { 3, 3, 4, 6, 1, -12 }, // '"'
+ { 5, 9, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '#'
+ { 19, 6, 14, 10, 2, -13 }, // '$'
+ { 30, 12, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // '%'
+ { 48, 11, 12, 13, 1, -12 }, // '&'
+ { 65, 1, 4, 4, 1, -12 }, // '''
+ { 66, 4, 14, 7, 1, -12 }, // '('
+ { 73, 4, 14, 7, 1, -12 }, // ')'
+ { 80, 5, 5, 8, 1, -12 }, // '*'
+ { 84, 7, 8, 11, 1, -9 }, // '+'
+ { 91, 3, 3, 5, 1, -2 }, // ','
+ { 93, 4, 1, 6, 1, -5 }, // '-'
+ { 94, 1, 2, 5, 2, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 95, 5, 14, 8, 1, -12 }, // '/'
+ { 104, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '0'
+ { 115, 3, 12, 10, 3, -12 }, // '1'
+ { 120, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '2'
+ { 131, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '3'
+ { 143, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '4'
+ { 155, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '5'
+ { 167, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '6'
+ { 179, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '7'
+ { 190, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '8'
+ { 201, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '9'
+ { 213, 1, 8, 5, 2, -8 }, // ':'
+ { 214, 2, 9, 5, 1, -8 }, // ';'
+ { 217, 8, 8, 11, 1, -9 }, // '<'
+ { 225, 8, 4, 11, 1, -7 }, // '='
+ { 229, 8, 8, 11, 1, -9 }, // '>'
+ { 237, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '?'
+ { 248, 12, 12, 15, 1, -12 }, // '@'
+ { 266, 12, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'A'
+ { 284, 8, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'B'
+ { 296, 11, 12, 14, 1, -12 }, // 'C'
+ { 313, 10, 12, 13, 1, -12 }, // 'D'
+ { 328, 6, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'E'
+ { 337, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'F'
+ { 346, 12, 12, 15, 1, -12 }, // 'G'
+ { 364, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'H'
+ { 378, 1, 12, 5, 1, -12 }, // 'I'
+ { 380, 6, 12, 9, 0, -12 }, // 'J'
+ { 389, 8, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'K'
+ { 401, 6, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 'L'
+ { 410, 12, 12, 16, 1, -12 }, // 'M'
+ { 428, 10, 12, 13, 1, -12 }, // 'N'
+ { 443, 12, 12, 15, 1, -12 }, // 'O'
+ { 461, 8, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'P'
+ { 473, 12, 12, 15, 1, -12 }, // 'Q'
+ { 491, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'R'
+ { 503, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'S'
+ { 512, 7, 12, 8, 0, -12 }, // 'T'
+ { 523, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'U'
+ { 535, 11, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'V'
+ { 552, 15, 12, 16, 0, -12 }, // 'W'
+ { 575, 10, 12, 11, 0, -12 }, // 'X'
+ { 590, 9, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // 'Y'
+ { 604, 8, 12, 9, 0, -12 }, // 'Z'
+ { 616, 3, 14, 7, 2, -12 }, // '['
+ { 622, 6, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '\'
+ { 631, 3, 14, 7, 1, -12 }, // ']'
+ { 637, 9, 9, 11, 0, -12 }, // '^'
+ { 648, 8, 1, 9, 0, 1 }, // '_'
+ { 649, 4, 2, 7, 1, -12 }, // '`'
+ { 650, 9, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'a'
+ { 661, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'b'
+ { 675, 9, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'c'
+ { 686, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'd'
+ { 700, 9, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'e'
+ { 711, 4, 12, 6, 1, -12 }, // 'f'
+ { 717, 9, 12, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'g'
+ { 731, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'h'
+ { 743, 1, 12, 4, 1, -12 }, // 'i'
+ { 745, 3, 15, 4, -1, -12 }, // 'j'
+ { 751, 7, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'k'
+ { 762, 1, 12, 4, 1, -12 }, // 'l'
+ { 764, 13, 9, 16, 1, -9 }, // 'm'
+ { 779, 8, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'n'
+ { 788, 9, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'o'
+ { 799, 9, 12, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'p'
+ { 813, 9, 12, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'q'
+ { 827, 3, 9, 6, 1, -9 }, // 'r'
+ { 831, 5, 9, 7, 1, -9 }, // 's'
+ { 837, 5, 12, 6, 0, -12 }, // 't'
+ { 845, 8, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'u'
+ { 854, 9, 9, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'v'
+ { 865, 13, 9, 14, 0, -9 }, // 'w'
+ { 880, 8, 9, 9, 0, -9 }, // 'x'
+ { 889, 8, 12, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'y'
+ { 901, 7, 9, 8, 0, -9 }, // 'z'
+ { 909, 3, 14, 7, 1, -12 }, // '{'
+ { 915, 1, 12, 12, 5, -12 }, // '|'
+ { 917, 3, 14, 7, 1, -12 } // '}'
+const GFXfont URW_Gothic_L_Book_16 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)URW_Gothic_L_Book_16Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)URW_Gothic_L_Book_16Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 20};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_16Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0xAA,0xAA,0x0A, // '!'
+ 0xB6,0xD0, // '"'
+ 0x24,0x48,0x91,0x27,0xE5,0x0A,0x7E,0x48,0x91,0x22,0x40, // '#'
+ 0x22,0x7A,0xAA,0xC3,0x33,0x3E,0x22, // '$'
+ 0xC5,0x52,0xA5,0x4B,0x16,0xF6,0x8D,0x2A,0x54,0xAA,0x30, // '%'
+ 0x62,0x49,0x24,0x61,0x0A,0x29,0x9A,0x29,0xB9, // '&'
+ 0xF0, // '''
+ 0x5A,0xAA,0xAA,0x94, // '('
+ 0xA5,0x55,0x55,0x68, // ')'
+ 0x22,0xF6,0x90, // '*'
+ 0x10,0x41,0x3F,0x10,0x41,0x00, // '+'
+ 0xF0, // ','
+ 0xF0, // '-'
+ 0xC0, // '.'
+ 0x04,0x20,0x84,0x10,0x42,0x08,0x21,0x04,0x20, // '/'
+ 0x69,0x99,0x99,0x99,0x99,0x96, // '0'
+ 0x2E,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x90, // '1'
+ 0xE1,0x11,0x11,0x22,0x48,0x8F, // '2'
+ 0xE1,0x11,0x16,0x11,0x11,0x1E, // '3'
+ 0x08,0x61,0x8A,0x29,0x24,0x92,0x8B,0xF0,0x82, // '4'
+ 0xF8,0x88,0x8E,0x11,0x11,0x1E, // '5'
+ 0x74,0x88,0x8E,0x99,0x99,0x96, // '6'
+ 0xF8,0x42,0x10,0x88,0x42,0x21,0x08,0x80, // '7'
+ 0x64,0xA5,0x29,0x32,0x92,0x8C,0x64,0xC0, // '8'
+ 0x69,0x99,0x99,0xF1,0x11,0x2C, // '9'
+ 0xC1,0x80, // ':'
+ 0xC1,0xE0, // ';'
+ 0x04,0x66,0x20,0x60,0x60,0x40, // '<'
+ 0xFC,0x00,0x3F, // '='
+ 0x81,0x81,0x81,0x19,0x88,0x00, // '>'
+ 0x70,0x82,0x11,0x08,0x84,0x40,0x18,0xC0, // '?'
+ 0x3C,0x62,0x41,0x9D,0xA5,0xA5,0xA5,0xA5,0xAD,0x9E,0x80,0x40,0x38, // '@'
+ 0x20,0xC3,0x0C,0x51,0x24,0x9E,0x4A,0x18,0x61, // 'A'
+ 0xF4,0x63,0x18,0xFA,0x31,0x8C,0x63,0xE0, // 'B'
+ 0x39,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x04,0x0E, // 'C'
+ 0xF2,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0xBC, // 'D'
+ 0xF8,0x88,0x8F,0x88,0x88,0x8F, // 'E'
+ 0xFC,0x21,0x08,0x43,0xF0,0x84,0x21,0x00, // 'F'
+ 0x39,0x18,0x20,0x82,0x08,0xE1,0x86,0x14,0x4F, // 'G'
+ 0x86,0x18,0x61,0x87,0xF8,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61, // 'H'
+ 0xFF,0xF0, // 'I'
+ 0x24,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x70, // 'J'
+ 0x8C,0xA5,0x4A,0x62,0x94,0x94,0xA5,0x10, // 'K'
+ 0x84,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x21,0xF0, // 'L'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x74,0x5A,0x2D,0x16,0x8B,0x29,0x94,0xCA,0x66,0x31,0x10, // 'M'
+ 0xC3,0x86,0x8D,0x1A,0x32,0x64,0xC5,0x8B,0x0E,0x1C,0x30, // 'N'
+ 0x79,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x14,0x9E, // 'O'
+ 0xF4,0x63,0x18,0xC7,0xD0,0x84,0x21,0x00, // 'P'
+ 0x79,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x14,0x9E,0x08,0x20,0x80, // 'Q'
+ 0xF2,0x28,0xA2,0x8A,0x2F,0x24,0x92,0x28,0xA1, // 'R'
+ 0x78,0x88,0x84,0x31,0x11,0x1E, // 'S'
+ 0xFC,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08, // 'T'
+ 0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x14,0x9E, // 'U'
+ 0x86,0x18,0x52,0x49,0x24,0x94,0x30,0xC3,0x0C, // 'V'
+ 0x84,0x30,0x86,0x28,0xA5,0x24,0xA4,0x94,0x92,0x92,0x8C,0x31,0x86,0x30,0xC6,0x18,0xC0, // 'W'
+ 0x45,0x24,0x8A,0x30,0x43,0x0C,0x49,0x24,0xA1, // 'X'
+ 0x8C,0x54,0xA5,0x28,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x40, // 'Y'
+ 0xF8,0x84,0x21,0x10,0x84,0x42,0x11,0xF0, // 'Z'
+ 0xF2,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0x38, // '['
+ 0x81,0x04,0x08,0x20,0x81,0x04,0x10,0x20,0x81, // '\'
+ 0xE4,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x78, // ']'
+ 0x20,0xC4,0x92,0x84, // '^'
+ 0xFE, // '_'
+ 0x48,0x80, // '`'
+ 0x61,0x11,0x79,0x99,0xF0, // 'a'
+ 0x84,0x21,0x0F,0x66,0x31,0x8C,0x63,0x9B,0x00, // 'b'
+ 0x78,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x70, // 'c'
+ 0x08,0x42,0x16,0xCE,0x31,0x8C,0x63,0x36,0x80, // 'd'
+ 0x69,0x99,0xF8,0x88,0x70, // 'e'
+ 0x34,0x44,0xF4,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x40, // 'f'
+ 0x3D,0x24,0x92,0x48,0xC4,0x10,0x39,0x18,0x61,0x78, // 'g'
+ 0x84,0x21,0x0B,0x66,0x31,0x8C,0x63,0x18,0x80, // 'h'
+ 0xDF,0xF0, // 'i'
+ 0x51,0x55,0x55,0x56, // 'j'
+ 0x84,0x21,0x09,0x4A,0x94,0xE4,0xA5,0x28,0x80, // 'k'
+ 0xFF,0xF8, // 'l'
+ 0xF6,0x99,0x89,0x89,0x89,0x89,0x89,0x89,0x89, // 'm'
+ 0xB6,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x31,0x88, // 'n'
+ 0x74,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x31,0x70, // 'o'
+ 0xB6,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x39,0xB4,0x21,0x08,0x00, // 'p'
+ 0x7C,0xE3,0x18,0xC6,0x33,0x68,0x42,0x10,0x80, // 'q'
+ 0xF2,0x49,0x24,0x80, // 'r'
+ 0xF2,0x44,0x49,0xE0, // 's'
+ 0x44,0xF4,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x30, // 't'
+ 0x8C,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x33,0x68, // 'u'
+ 0x8C,0x62,0xA5,0x29,0x44,0x20, // 'v'
+ 0x88,0xC4,0x55,0x4A,0xA5,0x52,0xA9,0x54,0x44,0x22,0x00, // 'w'
+ 0x8A,0x94,0x42,0x11,0x4A,0x88, // 'x'
+ 0x8C,0x54,0xA5,0x29,0x44,0x21,0x08,0x8C,0x00, // 'y'
+ 0x72,0x22,0x44,0x44,0xF0, // 'z'
+ 0x32,0x44,0x44,0x48,0x44,0x44,0x42,0x10, // '{'
+ 0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x40, // '|'
+ 0x84,0x22,0x22,0x21,0x22,0x22,0x24,0x80 // '}'
+const GFXglyph Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_16Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 5, 1, -12 }, // '!'
+ { 4, 3, 4, 6, 1, -12 }, // '"'
+ { 6, 7, 12, 8, 0, -12 }, // '#'
+ { 17, 4, 14, 7, 1, -13 }, // '$'
+ { 24, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '%'
+ { 35, 6, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // '&'
+ { 44, 1, 4, 4, 1, -12 }, // '''
+ { 45, 2, 15, 5, 1, -12 }, // '('
+ { 49, 2, 15, 5, 1, -12 }, // ')'
+ { 53, 4, 5, 7, 1, -13 }, // '*'
+ { 56, 6, 7, 7, 0, -10 }, // '+'
+ { 62, 1, 4, 4, 1, -2 }, // ','
+ { 63, 4, 1, 5, 0, -5 }, // '-'
+ { 64, 1, 2, 4, 1, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 65, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // '/'
+ { 74, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '0'
+ { 80, 3, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '1'
+ { 85, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '2'
+ { 91, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '3'
+ { 97, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // '4'
+ { 106, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '5'
+ { 112, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '6'
+ { 118, 5, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // '7'
+ { 126, 5, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '8'
+ { 134, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // '9'
+ { 140, 1, 9, 4, 1, -9 }, // ':'
+ { 142, 1, 11, 4, 1, -9 }, // ';'
+ { 144, 6, 7, 7, 0, -10 }, // '<'
+ { 150, 6, 4, 7, 0, -8 }, // '='
+ { 153, 6, 7, 7, 0, -10 }, // '>'
+ { 159, 5, 12, 6, 0, -12 }, // '?'
+ { 167, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // '@'
+ { 180, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'A'
+ { 189, 5, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 'B'
+ { 197, 6, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 'C'
+ { 206, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'D'
+ { 215, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'E'
+ { 221, 5, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'F'
+ { 229, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'G'
+ { 238, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'H'
+ { 247, 1, 12, 4, 1, -12 }, // 'I'
+ { 249, 3, 15, 4, -1, -12 }, // 'J'
+ { 255, 5, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'K'
+ { 263, 5, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'L'
+ { 271, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'M'
+ { 285, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'N'
+ { 296, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'O'
+ { 305, 5, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 'P'
+ { 313, 6, 15, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'Q'
+ { 325, 6, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 'R'
+ { 334, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'S'
+ { 340, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'T'
+ { 349, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'U'
+ { 358, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'V'
+ { 367, 11, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'W'
+ { 384, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'X'
+ { 393, 5, 12, 6, 0, -12 }, // 'Y'
+ { 401, 5, 12, 6, 0, -12 }, // 'Z'
+ { 409, 3, 15, 6, 1, -12 }, // '['
+ { 415, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // '\'
+ { 424, 3, 15, 6, 1, -12 }, // ']'
+ { 430, 6, 5, 7, 0, -12 }, // '^'
+ { 434, 7, 1, 8, 0, 1 }, // '_'
+ { 435, 3, 3, 10, 3, -13 }, // '`'
+ { 437, 4, 9, 7, 1, -9 }, // 'a'
+ { 442, 5, 13, 8, 1, -13 }, // 'b'
+ { 451, 4, 9, 6, 1, -9 }, // 'c'
+ { 456, 5, 13, 8, 1, -13 }, // 'd'
+ { 465, 4, 9, 7, 1, -9 }, // 'e'
+ { 470, 4, 13, 5, 0, -13 }, // 'f'
+ { 477, 6, 13, 7, 0, -9 }, // 'g'
+ { 487, 5, 13, 8, 1, -13 }, // 'h'
+ { 496, 1, 12, 4, 1, -12 }, // 'i'
+ { 498, 2, 16, 4, 0, -12 }, // 'j'
+ { 502, 5, 13, 7, 1, -13 }, // 'k'
+ { 511, 1, 13, 4, 1, -13 }, // 'l'
+ { 513, 8, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'm'
+ { 522, 5, 9, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'n'
+ { 528, 5, 9, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'o'
+ { 534, 5, 13, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'p'
+ { 543, 5, 13, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'q'
+ { 552, 3, 9, 5, 1, -9 }, // 'r'
+ { 556, 3, 9, 6, 1, -9 }, // 's'
+ { 560, 4, 11, 5, 0, -11 }, // 't'
+ { 566, 5, 9, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'u'
+ { 572, 5, 9, 6, 0, -9 }, // 'v'
+ { 578, 9, 9, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'w'
+ { 589, 5, 9, 6, 0, -9 }, // 'x'
+ { 595, 5, 13, 6, 0, -9 }, // 'y'
+ { 604, 4, 9, 5, 0, -9 }, // 'z'
+ { 609, 4, 15, 7, 1, -12 }, // '{'
+ { 617, 2, 17, 7, 2, -13 }, // '|'
+ { 622, 4, 15, 7, 1, -12 } // '}'
+const GFXfont Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_16 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_16Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_16Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 23};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_19Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0xF5,0x55,0x50,0xF0, // '!'
+ 0x99,0x99,0x90, // '"'
+ 0x12,0x12,0x14,0x24,0x7F,0x24,0x24,0x24,0x24,0xFE,0x24,0x28,0x48,0x48, // '#'
+ 0x20,0x87,0xF9,0xA2,0x8A,0x18,0x18,0x92,0x49,0x2F,0xE2,0x08, // '$'
+ 0x62,0x51,0x25,0x12,0x89,0x44,0xDA,0x6B,0x59,0x6C,0x8A,0x45,0x22,0x92,0x29,0x18, // '%'
+ 0x70,0xA1,0x42,0x85,0x0A,0x08,0x30,0x95,0x2A,0x34,0x28,0xCE,0x40, // '&'
+ 0xAA,0x80, // '''
+ 0x25,0x29,0x24,0x92,0x48,0x92,0x20, // '('
+ 0x89,0x22,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x92,0x80, // ')'
+ 0x21,0x3E,0xA5,0x00, // '*'
+ 0x20,0x82,0x08,0xFC,0x82,0x08,0x00, // '+'
+ 0x6A, // ','
+ 0xE0, // '-'
+ 0xF0, // '.'
+ 0x08,0x20,0x84,0x10,0x42,0x08,0x21,0x04,0x20,0x82,0x00, // '/'
+ 0x31,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x49,0xC0, // '0'
+ 0x13,0xD1,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11, // '1'
+ 0x7A,0x20,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x82,0x10,0x82,0x10,0x83,0xF0, // '2'
+ 0x7A,0x20,0x41,0x04,0x27,0x02,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x0B,0xC0, // '3'
+ 0x04,0x0C,0x0C,0x14,0x14,0x24,0x24,0x44,0x44,0x44,0xFF,0x04,0x04,0x04, // '4'
+ 0xFA,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x0F,0x83,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x0B,0xC0, // '5'
+ 0x39,0x84,0x20,0x82,0xEC,0xE1,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x48,0xE0, // '6'
+ 0xFC,0x10,0x42,0x08,0x21,0x04,0x10,0x82,0x08,0x41,0x00, // '7'
+ 0x7B,0x38,0x61,0x85,0x23,0x16,0x86,0x18,0x61,0xC5,0xE0, // '8'
+ 0x73,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x73,0x74,0x10,0x82,0x1B,0xC0, // '9'
+ 0xF0,0x00,0xF0, // ':'
+ 0xF0,0x00,0x6A, // ';'
+ 0x04,0x23,0x30,0xC0,0xC0,0x81, // '<'
+ 0xFC,0x00,0x00,0xFC, // '='
+ 0x81,0x03,0x03,0x0C,0xC4,0x20, // '>'
+ 0x70,0x82,0x11,0x08,0x84,0x22,0x00,0x06,0x30, // '?'
+ 0x1E,0x11,0x90,0x48,0x18,0xCC,0xA6,0x53,0x29,0x94,0xCA,0x65,0x33,0x68,0x02,0x01,0x80,0x78, // '@'
+ 0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x24,0x24,0x24,0x24,0x7E,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x81,0x81, // 'A'
+ 0xFA,0x38,0x61,0x86,0x2F,0x23,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x87,0xE0, // 'B'
+ 0x1C,0xC1,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x02,0x06,0x03,0x80, // 'C'
+ 0xF9,0x1A,0x14,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x28,0xDF,0x00, // 'D'
+ 0xFC,0x21,0x08,0x43,0xF0,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x7C, // 'E'
+ 0xFC,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x1E,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x40, // 'F'
+ 0x1E,0x21,0x40,0xC0,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x87,0x81,0x81,0xC1,0x41,0x21,0x1F, // 'G'
+ 0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x1F,0xE1,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x10, // 'H'
+ 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xA0, // 'I'
+ 0x24,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0xE0, // 'J'
+ 0x8A,0x29,0x24,0xA2,0x8C,0x28,0xA2,0x49,0x22,0x8A,0x10, // 'K'
+ 0x84,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x7C, // 'L'
+ 0xC0,0x78,0x0E,0x82,0xD0,0x5A,0x0B,0x42,0x64,0x4C,0x89,0x91,0x31,0x46,0x28,0xC5,0x18,0xA3,0x08,0x40, // 'M'
+ 0xC1,0xC1,0xA1,0xA1,0x91,0x91,0x91,0x89,0x89,0x85,0x85,0x85,0x83,0x83, // 'N'
+ 0x3C,0x66,0x42,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x66,0x3C, // 'O'
+ 0xF4,0xE3,0x18,0xC6,0x7E,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x40, // 'P'
+ 0x3C,0x66,0x42,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x66,0x3C,0x04,0x04,0x02, // 'Q'
+ 0xF9,0x1A,0x14,0x28,0x50,0xA3,0x78,0x91,0x12,0x24,0x28,0x50,0x80, // 'R'
+ 0x3F,0x18,0x20,0x83,0x06,0x06,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x0F,0xC0, // 'S'
+ 0xFE,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x00, // 'T'
+ 0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0A,0x24,0x47,0x00, // 'U'
+ 0x83,0x06,0x12,0x24,0x48,0x91,0x14,0x28,0x50,0xA1,0x41,0x02,0x00, // 'V'
+ 0x82,0x0C,0x10,0x51,0x44,0x8A,0x24,0x51,0x22,0x89,0x14,0x45,0x14,0x28,0xA1,0x45,0x0A,0x28,0x51,0x41,0x0C,0x08,0x20, // 'W'
+ 0x42,0x88,0x91,0x22,0x83,0x04,0x0C,0x28,0x50,0x92,0x24,0x50,0x40, // 'X'
+ 0x86,0x14,0x92,0x48,0xC3,0x0C,0x10,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x40, // 'Y'
+ 0xF8,0x84,0x22,0x10,0x88,0x42,0x21,0x08,0x7C, // 'Z'
+ 0xF2,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0x24,0xE0, // '['
+ 0x82,0x08,0x10,0x41,0x02,0x08,0x10,0x41,0x02,0x08,0x20, // '\'
+ 0xE4,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0xE0, // ']'
+ 0x18,0x18,0x24,0x24,0x42,0x42,0x42, // '^'
+ 0xFF, // '_'
+ 0x88,0x80, // '`'
+ 0x70,0xC2,0x17,0xC6,0x31,0x9B,0x40, // 'a'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0xEC,0xE1,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x87,0x3B,0x80, // 'b'
+ 0x7A,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x43,0xC0, // 'c'
+ 0x04,0x10,0x41,0x05,0xDC,0xE1,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x87,0x37,0x40, // 'd'
+ 0x74,0x63,0x1F,0xC2,0x10,0x43,0xC0, // 'e'
+ 0x39,0x10,0x84,0x79,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x00, // 'f'
+ 0x3E,0x89,0x12,0x24,0x48,0x8E,0x10,0x40,0x79,0x0C,0x18,0x28,0x9E,0x00, // 'g'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0xEC,0xA1,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x40, // 'h'
+ 0xA0,0xAA,0xAA,0xA0, // 'i'
+ 0x48,0x04,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x4B,0x00, // 'j'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x28,0xA4,0xA2,0xCD,0x24,0x8A,0x28,0x40, // 'k'
+ 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xA8, // 'l'
+ 0xBB,0xB3,0x28,0x46,0x11,0x84,0x61,0x18,0x46,0x11,0x84,0x61,0x10, // 'm'
+ 0xBB,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x10, // 'n'
+ 0x79,0x28,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x49,0xE0, // 'o'
+ 0xBB,0x38,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0xCE,0xE8,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x00, // 'p'
+ 0x77,0x38,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0xCD,0xD0,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x40, // 'q'
+ 0xBC,0xC8,0x88,0x88,0x88, // 'r'
+ 0x78,0x88,0x43,0x11,0x1E, // 's'
+ 0x44,0xF4,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x43, // 't'
+ 0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x4D,0xD0, // 'u'
+ 0x86,0x14,0x92,0x49,0x23,0x0C,0x30,0xC0, // 'v'
+ 0x8C,0x63,0x14,0xC9,0x32,0x4C,0x94,0xA5,0x28,0xCC,0x33,0x08,0x40, // 'w'
+ 0x49,0x24,0x8C,0x30,0xC3,0x12,0x4A,0x10, // 'x'
+ 0x86,0x14,0x92,0x49,0x23,0x0C,0x30,0xC2,0x08,0x20,0x8C,0x00, // 'y'
+ 0xE2,0x22,0x44,0x88,0x8F, // 'z'
+ 0x19,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0xC1,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x18, // '{'
+ 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, // '|'
+ 0xC1,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x19,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0xC0 // '}'
+const GFXglyph Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_19Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 2, 14, 5, 1, -14 }, // '!'
+ { 5, 4, 5, 7, 1, -14 }, // '"'
+ { 8, 8, 14, 9, 0, -14 }, // '#'
+ { 22, 6, 16, 9, 1, -15 }, // '$'
+ { 34, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // '%'
+ { 50, 7, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '&'
+ { 63, 2, 5, 5, 1, -14 }, // '''
+ { 65, 3, 17, 6, 1, -14 }, // '('
+ { 72, 3, 17, 6, 1, -14 }, // ')'
+ { 79, 5, 5, 8, 1, -15 }, // '*'
+ { 83, 6, 9, 9, 1, -12 }, // '+'
+ { 90, 2, 4, 5, 1, -2 }, // ','
+ { 91, 3, 1, 6, 1, -6 }, // '-'
+ { 92, 2, 2, 5, 1, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 93, 6, 14, 8, 1, -14 }, // '/'
+ { 104, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '0'
+ { 115, 4, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '1'
+ { 122, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '2'
+ { 133, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '3'
+ { 144, 8, 14, 9, 0, -14 }, // '4'
+ { 158, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '5'
+ { 169, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '6'
+ { 180, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '7'
+ { 191, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '8'
+ { 202, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '9'
+ { 213, 2, 10, 5, 1, -10 }, // ':'
+ { 216, 2, 12, 5, 1, -10 }, // ';'
+ { 219, 6, 8, 9, 1, -11 }, // '<'
+ { 225, 6, 5, 9, 1, -10 }, // '='
+ { 229, 6, 8, 9, 1, -11 }, // '>'
+ { 235, 5, 14, 6, 0, -14 }, // '?'
+ { 244, 9, 16, 12, 1, -14 }, // '@'
+ { 262, 8, 14, 9, 0, -14 }, // 'A'
+ { 276, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // 'B'
+ { 287, 7, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // 'C'
+ { 300, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'D'
+ { 313, 5, 14, 8, 1, -14 }, // 'E'
+ { 322, 5, 14, 8, 2, -14 }, // 'F'
+ { 331, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'G'
+ { 345, 6, 14, 11, 2, -14 }, // 'H'
+ { 356, 2, 14, 5, 1, -14 }, // 'I'
+ { 360, 3, 17, 5, -1, -14 }, // 'J'
+ { 367, 6, 14, 9, 2, -14 }, // 'K'
+ { 378, 5, 14, 8, 2, -14 }, // 'L'
+ { 387, 11, 14, 14, 1, -14 }, // 'M'
+ { 407, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'N'
+ { 421, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'O'
+ { 435, 5, 14, 9, 2, -14 }, // 'P'
+ { 444, 8, 17, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'Q'
+ { 461, 7, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // 'R'
+ { 474, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // 'S'
+ { 485, 7, 14, 8, 0, -14 }, // 'T'
+ { 498, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'U'
+ { 511, 7, 14, 8, 0, -14 }, // 'V'
+ { 524, 13, 14, 14, 0, -14 }, // 'W'
+ { 547, 7, 14, 8, 0, -14 }, // 'X'
+ { 560, 6, 14, 7, 0, -14 }, // 'Y'
+ { 571, 5, 14, 7, 1, -14 }, // 'Z'
+ { 580, 3, 17, 7, 2, -14 }, // '['
+ { 587, 6, 14, 8, 1, -14 }, // '\'
+ { 598, 3, 17, 7, 1, -14 }, // ']'
+ { 605, 8, 7, 9, 0, -14 }, // '^'
+ { 612, 8, 1, 9, 0, 2 }, // '_'
+ { 613, 3, 3, 11, 4, -15 }, // '`'
+ { 615, 5, 10, 8, 1, -10 }, // 'a'
+ { 622, 6, 15, 9, 1, -15 }, // 'b'
+ { 634, 5, 10, 7, 1, -10 }, // 'c'
+ { 641, 6, 15, 9, 1, -15 }, // 'd'
+ { 653, 5, 10, 8, 1, -10 }, // 'e'
+ { 660, 5, 15, 5, 0, -15 }, // 'f'
+ { 670, 7, 15, 8, 0, -10 }, // 'g'
+ { 684, 6, 15, 9, 1, -15 }, // 'h'
+ { 696, 2, 14, 5, 1, -14 }, // 'i'
+ { 700, 3, 19, 5, 0, -14 }, // 'j'
+ { 708, 6, 15, 8, 1, -15 }, // 'k'
+ { 720, 2, 15, 5, 1, -15 }, // 'l'
+ { 724, 10, 10, 13, 1, -10 }, // 'm'
+ { 737, 6, 10, 9, 1, -10 }, // 'n'
+ { 745, 6, 10, 9, 1, -10 }, // 'o'
+ { 753, 6, 15, 9, 1, -10 }, // 'p'
+ { 765, 6, 15, 9, 1, -10 }, // 'q'
+ { 777, 4, 10, 6, 1, -10 }, // 'r'
+ { 782, 4, 10, 7, 1, -10 }, // 's'
+ { 787, 4, 12, 5, 0, -12 }, // 't'
+ { 793, 6, 10, 9, 1, -10 }, // 'u'
+ { 801, 6, 10, 7, 0, -10 }, // 'v'
+ { 809, 10, 10, 11, 0, -10 }, // 'w'
+ { 822, 6, 10, 7, 0, -10 }, // 'x'
+ { 830, 6, 15, 7, 0, -10 }, // 'y'
+ { 842, 4, 10, 6, 1, -10 }, // 'z'
+ { 847, 5, 17, 8, 1, -14 }, // '{'
+ { 858, 2, 20, 9, 3, -15 }, // '|'
+ { 863, 5, 17, 8, 1, -14 } // '}'
+const GFXfont Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_19 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_19Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_19Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 27};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_22Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0xFF,0xF3, // '!'
+ 0xDE,0xD6,0xA4,0xA4, // '"'
+ 0x12,0x09,0x04,0x82,0x41,0x23,0xFC,0x48,0x44,0x22,0x12,0x3F,0xC4,0x82,0x41,0x20,0x90,0x48, // '#'
+ 0x10,0x20,0xF2,0x89,0x12,0x24,0x28,0x70,0x30,0x50,0x91,0x22,0x45,0x7C,0x10,0x20,0x40, // '$'
+ 0x61,0x12,0x22,0x44,0x49,0x09,0x21,0x24,0x25,0x34,0xA9,0x95,0x2C,0xA4,0x24,0x84,0x90,0x92,0x22,0x44,0x48,0x86, // '%'
+ 0x30,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x30,0x20,0x50,0x92,0x8A,0x8A,0x86,0x86,0x8A,0x71, // '&'
+ 0xF5,0x50, // '''
+ 0x12,0x24,0x44,0xC8,0x88,0x88,0x84,0x44,0x22,0x10, // '('
+ 0x84,0x42,0x22,0x31,0x11,0x11,0x12,0x22,0x44,0x80, // ')'
+ 0x30,0x4D,0xCC,0x79,0x20, // '*'
+ 0x10,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x1F,0xC4,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40, // '+'
+ 0x49,0x48, // ','
+ 0xF0, // '-'
+ 0xC0, // '.'
+ 0x04,0x08,0x10,0x40,0x83,0x04,0x08,0x20,0x40,0x82,0x04,0x08,0x20,0x40, // '/'
+ 0x38,0x89,0x14,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x28,0x91,0x1C, // '0'
+ 0x35,0x91,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11, // '1'
+ 0x79,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x20,0x81,0x02,0x08,0x10,0x41,0x02,0x08,0x20,0x7F, // '2'
+ 0x79,0x08,0x18,0x10,0x20,0x83,0x18,0x0C,0x0C,0x08,0x10,0x20,0xC1,0x7C, // '3'
+ 0x06,0x03,0x02,0x81,0x40,0xA0,0x90,0x48,0x44,0x22,0x21,0x10,0x9F,0xF0,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x04, // '4'
+ 0x7C,0x82,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x3E,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0xA3,0x7C, // '5'
+ 0x1C,0x41,0x02,0x04,0x10,0x2E,0x62,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x28,0x51,0x1C, // '6'
+ 0xFE,0x04,0x08,0x20,0x40,0x82,0x04,0x08,0x20,0x40,0x82,0x04,0x08,0x20, // '7'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x0C,0x18,0x28,0x99,0x1C,0x69,0x8A,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x51,0x9C, // '8'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x14,0x38,0x30,0x60,0xC3,0x46,0x74,0x08,0x20,0x40,0x82,0x38, // '9'
+ 0xC0,0x30, // ':'
+ 0x48,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x25,0x20, // ';'
+ 0x02,0x08,0x63,0x08,0x0C,0x06,0x03,0x02, // '<'
+ 0xFE,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1F,0xC0, // '='
+ 0x80,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x21,0x8C,0x60,0x80, // '>'
+ 0x70,0x20,0x83,0x08,0x20,0x84,0x10,0x82,0x08,0x00,0x02,0x08, // '?'
+ 0x0F,0x02,0x30,0x83,0x20,0x24,0x74,0x92,0x62,0x4C,0x99,0x93,0x32,0x46,0x48,0xC9,0x18,0xB4,0x9B,0x90,0x03,0x00,0x31,0x03,0xC0, // '@'
+ 0x08,0x04,0x05,0x02,0x81,0x40,0xA0,0x88,0x44,0x22,0x1F,0x10,0x48,0x24,0x12,0x0A,0x03,0x01, // 'A'
+ 0xF9,0x0A,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0xE1,0x7C,0x85,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x61,0x7C, // 'B'
+ 0x1E,0x41,0x02,0x04,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x0C,0x08,0x0F, // 'C'
+ 0xF8,0x8C,0x86,0x82,0x82,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x82,0x82,0x86,0x8C,0xF8, // 'D'
+ 0xFC,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x1F,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x1F, // 'E'
+ 0xFE,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0xFA,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20, // 'F'
+ 0x0F,0x8C,0x26,0x01,0x00,0x40,0x30,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x83,0xE0,0x1C,0x05,0x01,0x40,0x58,0x13,0x04,0x3E, // 'G'
+ 0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xFF,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1, // 'H'
+ 0xFF,0xFF, // 'I'
+ 0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x32,0x2E, // 'J'
+ 0x85,0x0A,0x24,0x49,0x16,0x28,0x70,0xE1,0x22,0x44,0x48,0x90,0xA1,0x41, // 'K'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x3F, // 'L'
+ 0x80,0x38,0x0F,0x01,0xE0,0x3A,0x0B,0x41,0x68,0x2D,0x05,0x91,0x32,0x26,0x44,0xC5,0x18,0xA3,0x14,0x62,0x8C,0x21, // 'M'
+ 0x81,0xC1,0xC1,0xA1,0xA1,0xA1,0x91,0x91,0x89,0x89,0x85,0x85,0x87,0x83,0x83,0x81, // 'N'
+ 0x1C,0x11,0x10,0x48,0x2C,0x1C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x38,0x34,0x12,0x08,0x88,0x38, // 'O'
+ 0xF2,0x38,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x62,0xF2,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20, // 'P'
+ 0x1C,0x11,0x10,0x48,0x2C,0x1C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x38,0x34,0x12,0x08,0x88,0x38,0x04,0x01,0x00,0x80,0x20, // 'Q'
+ 0xF1,0x12,0x14,0x28,0x50,0xA1,0x44,0xF1,0x22,0x44,0x48,0x91,0xA1,0x42, // 'R'
+ 0x3E,0x82,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x18,0x0C,0x08,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x41,0x7C, // 'S'
+ 0xFF,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10, // 'T'
+ 0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x51,0x9E, // 'U'
+ 0x80,0xC0,0x50,0x48,0x24,0x12,0x08,0x88,0x44,0x22,0x11,0x05,0x02,0x81,0x40,0xA0,0x20,0x10, // 'V'
+ 0x81,0x03,0x82,0x0D,0x0A,0x12,0x14,0x24,0x28,0x48,0x50,0x98,0xA3,0x12,0x24,0x24,0x48,0x48,0x90,0x91,0x20,0xA2,0x81,0x83,0x03,0x06,0x06,0x0C,0x0C,0x18, // 'W'
+ 0x41,0x42,0x22,0x24,0x24,0x14,0x18,0x08,0x18,0x18,0x24,0x24,0x26,0x42,0x42,0x81, // 'X'
+ 0x83,0x8D,0x12,0x24,0x45,0x0A,0x14,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x04,0x08, // 'Y'
+ 0xF8,0x20,0x86,0x10,0x43,0x08,0x21,0x84,0x10,0xC2,0x08,0x3F, // 'Z'
+ 0xF8,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0xF0, // '['
+ 0x81,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x20,0x60,0x40,0x80,0x81,0x02, // '\'
+ 0xF1,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0xF0, // ']'
+ 0x08,0x0A,0x05,0x04,0x82,0x21,0x11,0x04,0x82, // '^'
+ 0xFF,0x80, // '_'
+ 0x99,0x10, // '`'
+ 0x78,0x20,0x81,0x04,0xFC,0x61,0x8E,0x38,0xDD, // 'a'
+ 0x81,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x17,0x31,0x43,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x61,0x62,0xB8, // 'b'
+ 0x3D,0x04,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x81,0x04,0x0E, // 'c'
+ 0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x27,0x51,0xA1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x70,0xA3,0x3A, // 'd'
+ 0x38,0x89,0x1C,0x18,0x3F,0xE0,0x40,0x80,0x81,0x89,0xE0, // 'e'
+ 0x19,0x08,0x42,0x7C,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x20, // 'f'
+ 0x3F,0x24,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x24,0x38,0x20,0x20,0x3E,0x43,0x41,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // 'g'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0xE4,0xA2,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x84, // 'h'
+ 0xF0,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, // 'i'
+ 0x6C,0x06,0xDB,0x6D,0xB6,0xDB,0x6D,0x2C, // 'j'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x28,0xA4,0xA2,0x8E,0x24,0x92,0x48,0xA2,0x84, // 'k'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0x80, // 'l'
+ 0xF3,0xA3,0x18,0xC6,0x11,0x84,0x61,0x18,0x46,0x11,0x84,0x61,0x18,0x46,0x11, // 'm'
+ 0x39,0x28,0xA1,0x86,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0x61, // 'n'
+ 0x38,0x8B,0x1C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x8D,0x11,0xC0, // 'o'
+ 0xB9,0x8A,0x1C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x0B,0x15,0xC8,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80, // 'p'
+ 0x3A,0x8D,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x85,0x19,0xD0,0x20,0x40,0x81,0x02, // 'q'
+ 0xBC,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88, // 'r'
+ 0x7C,0x21,0x08,0x30,0x41,0x08,0x43,0xE0, // 's'
+ 0x21,0x09,0xF2,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x10,0xE0, // 't'
+ 0x85,0x0A,0x14,0x28,0x50,0xA1,0x43,0x86,0x8D,0x29,0x90, // 'u'
+ 0x83,0x05,0x12,0x24,0x48,0x8A,0x14,0x28,0x50,0xC0,0x80, // 'v'
+ 0x86,0x14,0x62,0x46,0x24,0x62,0x4A,0x24,0x92,0x29,0x42,0x94,0x29,0x42,0x94,0x30,0xC1,0x08, // 'w'
+ 0x44,0x88,0xA1,0x42,0x82,0x04,0x14,0x28,0x89,0x12,0x20, // 'x'
+ 0x83,0x05,0x12,0x24,0x48,0x8A,0x14,0x28,0x50,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x08,0x10,0xC0, // 'y'
+ 0xF1,0x12,0x22,0x44,0x48,0x8F, // 'z'
+ 0x0C,0x43,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x23,0x02,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x10,0x40,0xC0, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFC, // '|'
+ 0xC0,0x83,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x31,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x04,0x20,0x8C,0x00 // '}'
+const GFXglyph Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_22Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 1, 16, 6, 2, -16 }, // '!'
+ { 3, 5, 6, 8, 1, -16 }, // '"'
+ { 7, 9, 16, 10, 0, -16 }, // '#'
+ { 25, 7, 19, 10, 1, -17 }, // '$'
+ { 42, 11, 16, 14, 1, -16 }, // '%'
+ { 64, 8, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '&'
+ { 80, 2, 6, 5, 1, -16 }, // '''
+ { 82, 4, 19, 7, 1, -16 }, // '('
+ { 92, 4, 19, 7, 1, -16 }, // ')'
+ { 102, 6, 6, 9, 1, -17 }, // '*'
+ { 107, 7, 11, 10, 1, -14 }, // '+'
+ { 117, 3, 5, 6, 1, -2 }, // ','
+ { 119, 4, 1, 7, 1, -6 }, // '-'
+ { 120, 1, 2, 6, 2, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 121, 7, 16, 9, 1, -16 }, // '/'
+ { 135, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '0'
+ { 149, 4, 16, 10, 2, -16 }, // '1'
+ { 157, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '2'
+ { 171, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '3'
+ { 185, 9, 16, 10, 0, -16 }, // '4'
+ { 203, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '5'
+ { 217, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '6'
+ { 231, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '7'
+ { 245, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '8'
+ { 259, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // '9'
+ { 273, 1, 12, 6, 2, -12 }, // ':'
+ { 275, 3, 15, 6, 1, -12 }, // ';'
+ { 281, 7, 9, 10, 1, -13 }, // '<'
+ { 289, 7, 6, 10, 1, -11 }, // '='
+ { 295, 7, 9, 10, 1, -13 }, // '>'
+ { 303, 6, 16, 7, 0, -16 }, // '?'
+ { 315, 11, 18, 14, 1, -16 }, // '@'
+ { 340, 9, 16, 10, 0, -16 }, // 'A'
+ { 358, 7, 16, 11, 2, -16 }, // 'B'
+ { 372, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // 'C'
+ { 386, 8, 16, 12, 2, -16 }, // 'D'
+ { 402, 5, 16, 9, 2, -16 }, // 'E'
+ { 412, 6, 16, 9, 2, -16 }, // 'F'
+ { 424, 10, 16, 13, 1, -16 }, // 'G'
+ { 444, 7, 16, 12, 2, -16 }, // 'H'
+ { 458, 1, 16, 5, 2, -16 }, // 'I'
+ { 460, 4, 20, 5, -1, -16 }, // 'J'
+ { 470, 7, 16, 10, 2, -16 }, // 'K'
+ { 484, 6, 16, 9, 2, -16 }, // 'L'
+ { 496, 11, 16, 16, 2, -16 }, // 'M'
+ { 518, 8, 16, 13, 2, -16 }, // 'N'
+ { 534, 9, 16, 12, 1, -16 }, // 'O'
+ { 552, 6, 16, 10, 2, -16 }, // 'P'
+ { 564, 9, 20, 12, 1, -16 }, // 'Q'
+ { 587, 7, 16, 10, 2, -16 }, // 'R'
+ { 601, 7, 16, 10, 1, -16 }, // 'S'
+ { 615, 8, 16, 9, 0, -16 }, // 'T'
+ { 631, 7, 16, 12, 2, -16 }, // 'U'
+ { 645, 9, 16, 10, 0, -16 }, // 'V'
+ { 663, 15, 16, 16, 0, -16 }, // 'W'
+ { 693, 8, 16, 9, 0, -16 }, // 'X'
+ { 709, 7, 16, 8, 0, -16 }, // 'Y'
+ { 723, 6, 16, 8, 1, -16 }, // 'Z'
+ { 735, 4, 19, 8, 2, -16 }, // '['
+ { 745, 7, 16, 9, 1, -16 }, // '\'
+ { 759, 4, 19, 8, 1, -16 }, // ']'
+ { 769, 9, 8, 10, 0, -16 }, // '^'
+ { 778, 9, 1, 10, 0, 2 }, // '_'
+ { 780, 3, 4, 13, 5, -17 }, // '`'
+ { 782, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'a'
+ { 791, 7, 17, 11, 2, -17 }, // 'b'
+ { 806, 6, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 'c'
+ { 815, 7, 17, 11, 1, -17 }, // 'd'
+ { 830, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'e'
+ { 841, 5, 17, 6, 0, -17 }, // 'f'
+ { 852, 8, 17, 9, 0, -12 }, // 'g'
+ { 869, 6, 17, 10, 2, -17 }, // 'h'
+ { 882, 2, 16, 5, 1, -16 }, // 'i'
+ { 886, 3, 21, 5, 0, -16 }, // 'j'
+ { 894, 6, 17, 9, 2, -17 }, // 'k'
+ { 907, 1, 17, 5, 2, -17 }, // 'l'
+ { 910, 10, 12, 15, 2, -12 }, // 'm'
+ { 925, 6, 12, 10, 2, -12 }, // 'n'
+ { 934, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'o'
+ { 945, 7, 17, 11, 2, -12 }, // 'p'
+ { 960, 7, 17, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'q'
+ { 975, 4, 12, 7, 2, -12 }, // 'r'
+ { 981, 5, 12, 8, 1, -12 }, // 's'
+ { 989, 5, 15, 6, 0, -15 }, // 't'
+ { 999, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'u'
+ { 1010, 7, 12, 8, 0, -12 }, // 'v'
+ { 1021, 12, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'w'
+ { 1039, 7, 12, 8, 0, -12 }, // 'x'
+ { 1050, 7, 17, 8, 0, -12 }, // 'y'
+ { 1065, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'z'
+ { 1071, 6, 19, 9, 1, -16 }, // '{'
+ { 1086, 1, 22, 10, 4, -17 }, // '|'
+ { 1089, 6, 19, 9, 1, -16 } // '}'
+const GFXfont Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_22 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_22Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)Open_Sans_Condensed_Light_22Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 31};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t Roboto_Condensed_19Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0xFF,0xCC, // '!'
+ 0xDD,0x99, // '"'
+ 0x09,0x0D,0x84,0xCF,0xF1,0x20,0x90,0xC8,0x6C,0xFF,0x12,0x09,0x04,0x82,0x43,0x20, // '#'
+ 0x10,0x20,0xF3,0x2C,0x78,0xF0,0x20,0x70,0x38,0x18,0x38,0x38,0xF1,0xBE,0x10,0x20, // '$'
+ 0x70,0x26,0x08,0x92,0x24,0x9A,0x1D,0x80,0x40,0x30,0x0B,0x86,0x91,0x64,0xD9,0x22,0x40,0xE0, // '%'
+ 0x38,0x32,0x11,0x08,0x86,0xC3,0xC0,0xC0,0xF0,0xD9,0x66,0xA1,0xD8,0xCC,0x71,0xCC, // '&'
+ 0xF0, // '''
+ 0x11,0x26,0x64,0x4C,0xCC,0xCC,0x44,0x66,0x21,0x10, // '('
+ 0x82,0x08,0x43,0x08,0x43,0x18,0xC6,0x31,0x08,0xC6,0x22,0x20, // ')'
+ 0x18,0x18,0x99,0xFF,0x18,0x3C,0x26,0x64, // '*'
+ 0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0xFF,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18, // '+'
+ 0x6D,0xAC, // ','
+ 0xF0, // '-'
+ 0xF0, // '.'
+ 0x04,0x10,0xC2,0x08,0x61,0x04,0x30,0x82,0x18,0x41,0x0C,0x00, // '/'
+ 0x3C,0xCB,0x1E,0x1C,0x38,0x70,0xE1,0xC3,0x87,0x0A,0x36,0x47,0x80, // '0'
+ 0x09,0xF6,0x31,0x8C,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x31,0x8C, // '1'
+ 0x3C,0x46,0xC6,0xC6,0x06,0x06,0x04,0x0C,0x18,0x18,0x30,0x60,0x40,0xFF, // '2'
+ 0x79,0x8B,0x18,0x30,0x61,0x8E,0x02,0x06,0x0C,0x1C,0x3C,0x4F,0x00, // '3'
+ 0x06,0x03,0x03,0x83,0xC1,0x61,0xB0,0x98,0xCC,0x46,0x7F,0xC1,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30, // '4'
+ 0x7E,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x40,0x7C,0x66,0x02,0x03,0x03,0xC3,0x42,0x66,0x3C, // '5'
+ 0x1C,0x61,0x82,0x0C,0x1F,0xB9,0xE3,0xC3,0x87,0x0E,0x36,0x47,0x00, // '6'
+ 0xFF,0x02,0x06,0x06,0x04,0x0C,0x0C,0x18,0x18,0x10,0x30,0x30,0x20,0x60, // '7'
+ 0x38,0x8B,0x1E,0x3C,0x68,0x8E,0x22,0xC7,0x8F,0x1E,0x34,0x47,0x00, // '8'
+ 0x38,0x9B,0x14,0x38,0x70,0xF1,0xE7,0x7E,0x0C,0x10,0x20,0x8E,0x00, // '9'
+ 0xF0,0x00,0xF0, // ':'
+ 0x6C,0x00,0x00,0x6D,0xAC, // ';'
+ 0x04,0x77,0x30,0xC1,0xC1,0xC1, // '<'
+ 0xFE,0x00,0x00,0x0F,0xE0, // '='
+ 0x81,0xC0,0xE0,0x70,0xE7,0x38,0x40, // '>'
+ 0x7B,0x38,0x41,0x0C,0x31,0x8C,0x30,0xC0,0x00,0x30,0xC0, // '?'
+ 0x07,0x80,0xC3,0x0C,0x0C,0x40,0x24,0x39,0x22,0x45,0x32,0x39,0x11,0xC8,0x8E,0x44,0x72,0x27,0x93,0x24,0xEE,0x20,0x00,0x80,0x06,0x10,0x0F,0x80, // '@'
+ 0x04,0x01,0xC0,0x28,0x05,0x01,0xB0,0x36,0x04,0x41,0x8C,0x31,0x87,0xF0,0x83,0x30,0x66,0x0D,0x80,0xC0, // 'A'
+ 0xFE,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC2,0xFC,0xC3,0xC3,0xC1,0xC1,0xC3,0xC3,0xFE, // 'B'
+ 0x1E,0x11,0x98,0x68,0x3C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x10,0x6C,0x32,0x30,0xF0, // 'C'
+ 0xF8,0x84,0x86,0x82,0x83,0x83,0x83,0x83,0x83,0x83,0x82,0x86,0x84,0xF8, // 'D'
+ 0xFF,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xFE,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xFF, // 'E'
+ 0xFF,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x3F,0xE0,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x00, // 'F'
+ 0x3E,0x31,0x90,0x78,0x3C,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x8F,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x68,0x36,0x30,0xF0, // 'G'
+ 0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0xFF,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81, // 'H'
+ 0xFF,0xFC, // 'I'
+ 0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0E,0x1C,0x3C,0xCF,0x00, // 'J'
+ 0xC3,0xE1,0xB1,0x99,0x8C,0xC6,0xC3,0xE1,0xF0,0xEC,0x66,0x31,0x98,0x6C,0x36,0x0C, // 'K'
+ 0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x1F,0xC0, // 'L'
+ 0xE0,0x3E,0x07,0xE0,0x7F,0x07,0xF0,0xFD,0x0F,0xD8,0xBD,0x9B,0xC9,0xBC,0xD3,0xCF,0x3C,0x73,0xC6,0x3C,0x63, // 'M'
+ 0xC1,0xC1,0xE1,0xE1,0xB1,0xB1,0x99,0x99,0x8D,0x8D,0x87,0x87,0x83,0x83, // 'N'
+ 0x3E,0x31,0x90,0x58,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x68,0x26,0x31,0xF0, // 'O'
+ 0xFC,0x86,0x83,0x83,0x83,0x83,0x86,0xFC,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80, // 'P'
+ 0x3E,0x31,0xB0,0x58,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x26,0x31,0xF8,0x0E,0x03, // 'Q'
+ 0xFC,0x61,0xB0,0xD8,0x6C,0x36,0x1B,0x09,0xF8,0xC4,0x63,0x31,0x98,0x6C,0x36,0x0C, // 'R'
+ 0x3C,0x63,0xC3,0xC3,0xC0,0x60,0x38,0x1E,0x07,0x03,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0x3C, // 'S'
+ 0xFF,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18, // 'T'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x78,0x3C,0x1E,0x0F,0x07,0x83,0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x68,0x26,0x31,0xF0, // 'U'
+ 0xC1,0xE0,0xF0,0x68,0x26,0x33,0x18,0x8C,0x44,0x36,0x1B,0x05,0x03,0x81,0xC0,0x40, // 'V'
+ 0x82,0x1E,0x30,0xF1,0xC5,0x8E,0x24,0x51,0x26,0x99,0x34,0xCD,0x36,0x68,0xA3,0x45,0x0E,0x28,0x61,0xC3,0x0E,0x18,0x20, // 'W'
+ 0xC1,0xE1,0x98,0xCC,0xC3,0x60,0xE0,0x60,0x38,0x3C,0x1B,0x19,0x8C,0x6C,0x36,0x0C, // 'X'
+ 0xC0,0xD8,0x66,0x18,0xCC,0x33,0x04,0x81,0xE0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00, // 'Y'
+ 0xFF,0x03,0x06,0x06,0x0C,0x0C,0x18,0x18,0x30,0x30,0x60,0x40,0xC0,0xFF, // 'Z'
+ 0xFB,0x6D,0xB6,0xDB,0x6D,0xB6,0xDC, // '['
+ 0xC0,0x81,0x81,0x02,0x06,0x04,0x08,0x18,0x30,0x20,0x60,0xC0,0x81,0x80, // '\'
+ 0xE4,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0x3C, // ']'
+ 0x23,0x94,0xAD,0xEE,0x20, // '^'
+ 0xFE, // '_'
+ 0xCC,0x80, // '`'
+ 0x3C,0x8B,0x18,0x33,0xF8,0xF1,0xE3,0xCE,0xEC, // 'a'
+ 0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0F,0xD8,0xF1,0xE1,0xC3,0x87,0x0E,0x3C,0x7F,0x80, // 'b'
+ 0x3C,0x8F,0x0E,0x1C,0x18,0x30,0x61,0x46,0x78, // 'c'
+ 0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x37,0xF8,0xF1,0xC3,0x87,0x0E,0x1E,0x3C,0x6F,0xC0, // 'd'
+ 0x3C,0x8F,0x1E,0x1F,0xF8,0x30,0x60,0x66,0x78, // 'e'
+ 0x3B,0x18,0xCF,0x31,0x8C,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x30, // 'f'
+ 0x7F,0x8F,0x1C,0x38,0x70,0xE1,0xE3,0xC6,0xFC,0x1C,0x3C,0x4F,0x00, // 'g'
+ 0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0F,0xD8,0xF1,0xE3,0xC7,0x8F,0x1E,0x3C,0x78,0xC0, // 'h'
+ 0xF0,0xFF,0xFF,0xF0, // 'i'
+ 0x6C,0x06,0xDB,0x6D,0xB6,0xDB,0x78, // 'j'
+ 0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC6,0xCC,0xD8,0xD8,0xF0,0xF8,0xC8,0xCC,0xC6,0xC7, // 'k'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xF0, // 'l'
+ 0xFD,0xEC,0x63,0xC6,0x3C,0x63,0xC6,0x3C,0x63,0xC6,0x3C,0x63,0xC6,0x3C,0x63, // 'm'
+ 0xDD,0xCF,0x1E,0x3C,0x78,0xF1,0xE3,0xC7,0x8C, // 'n'
+ 0x3C,0x66,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0x66,0x3C, // 'o'
+ 0xFD,0x8F,0x1E,0x1C,0x38,0x70,0xE3,0xC7,0xFB,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x00, // 'p'
+ 0x3A,0xCF,0x0E,0x1C,0x38,0x70,0xE1,0x66,0x74,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40, // 'q'
+ 0xFE,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC, // 'r'
+ 0x3C,0x8B,0x1A,0x07,0x03,0x81,0xE3,0x46,0x78, // 's'
+ 0x31,0xBE,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x31,0x8C,0x30, // 't'
+ 0xC7,0x8F,0x1E,0x3C,0x78,0xF1,0xE3,0xC6,0xFC, // 'u'
+ 0xC3,0x42,0x66,0x66,0x24,0x24,0x3C,0x18,0x18,0x18, // 'v'
+ 0xC6,0x34,0x62,0x46,0x26,0xF6,0x6F,0x62,0x94,0x29,0x43,0x9C,0x30,0xC1,0x08, // 'w'
+ 0x63,0x66,0x34,0x3C,0x18,0x18,0x3C,0x34,0x66,0xE3, // 'x'
+ 0xC3,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x24,0x3C,0x3C,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x10,0x30,0x60, // 'y'
+ 0xFC,0x18,0x20,0xC3,0x06,0x18,0x30,0xC1,0xFC, // 'z'
+ 0x11,0xC8,0xC6,0x31,0x8C,0xC3,0x18,0xC6,0x31,0x84,0x30,0xC0, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0x80, // '|'
+ 0x47,0x08,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x19,0x8C,0x63,0x18,0xC4,0x66,0x00 // '}'
+const GFXglyph Roboto_Condensed_19Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 1, 14, 6, 2, -14 }, // '!'
+ { 3, 4, 4, 7, 1, -14 }, // '"'
+ { 5, 9, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // '#'
+ { 21, 7, 18, 10, 1, -16 }, // '$'
+ { 37, 10, 14, 13, 1, -14 }, // '%'
+ { 55, 9, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // '&'
+ { 71, 1, 4, 4, 1, -14 }, // '''
+ { 72, 4, 19, 7, 1, -15 }, // '('
+ { 82, 5, 19, 7, 0, -15 }, // ')'
+ { 94, 8, 8, 9, 0, -14 }, // '*'
+ { 102, 8, 9, 10, 1, -11 }, // '+'
+ { 111, 3, 5, 5, 0, -2 }, // ','
+ { 113, 4, 1, 6, 0, -6 }, // '-'
+ { 114, 2, 2, 6, 1, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 115, 6, 15, 8, 0, -14 }, // '/'
+ { 127, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '0'
+ { 140, 5, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '1'
+ { 149, 8, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '2'
+ { 163, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '3'
+ { 176, 9, 14, 10, 0, -14 }, // '4'
+ { 192, 8, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '5'
+ { 206, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '6'
+ { 219, 8, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '7'
+ { 233, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '8'
+ { 246, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // '9'
+ { 259, 2, 10, 5, 1, -10 }, // ':'
+ { 262, 3, 13, 5, 0, -10 }, // ';'
+ { 267, 6, 8, 9, 1, -10 }, // '<'
+ { 273, 7, 5, 10, 1, -9 }, // '='
+ { 278, 7, 8, 10, 1, -10 }, // '>'
+ { 285, 6, 14, 9, 1, -14 }, // '?'
+ { 296, 13, 17, 16, 1, -13 }, // '@'
+ { 324, 11, 14, 12, 0, -14 }, // 'A'
+ { 344, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'B'
+ { 358, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'C'
+ { 374, 8, 14, 12, 2, -14 }, // 'D'
+ { 388, 8, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'E'
+ { 402, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'F'
+ { 415, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'G'
+ { 431, 8, 14, 13, 2, -14 }, // 'H'
+ { 445, 1, 14, 6, 2, -14 }, // 'I'
+ { 447, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'J'
+ { 460, 9, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'K'
+ { 476, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'L'
+ { 489, 12, 14, 15, 1, -14 }, // 'M'
+ { 510, 8, 14, 13, 2, -14 }, // 'N'
+ { 524, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'O'
+ { 540, 8, 14, 12, 2, -14 }, // 'P'
+ { 554, 9, 16, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'Q'
+ { 572, 9, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'R'
+ { 588, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'S'
+ { 602, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'T'
+ { 616, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'U'
+ { 632, 9, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'V'
+ { 648, 13, 14, 15, 1, -14 }, // 'W'
+ { 671, 9, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'X'
+ { 687, 10, 14, 11, 0, -14 }, // 'Y'
+ { 705, 8, 14, 11, 1, -14 }, // 'Z'
+ { 719, 3, 18, 6, 1, -15 }, // '['
+ { 726, 7, 15, 8, 0, -14 }, // '\'
+ { 740, 3, 18, 6, 0, -15 }, // ']'
+ { 747, 5, 7, 8, 1, -14 }, // '^'
+ { 752, 7, 1, 9, 0, 0 }, // '_'
+ { 753, 3, 3, 7, 1, -15 }, // '`'
+ { 755, 7, 10, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'a'
+ { 764, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'b'
+ { 777, 7, 10, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'c'
+ { 786, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'd'
+ { 799, 7, 10, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'e'
+ { 808, 5, 14, 7, 1, -14 }, // 'f'
+ { 817, 7, 14, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'g'
+ { 830, 7, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'h'
+ { 843, 2, 14, 5, 1, -14 }, // 'i'
+ { 847, 3, 18, 5, 0, -14 }, // 'j'
+ { 854, 8, 14, 10, 1, -14 }, // 'k'
+ { 868, 2, 14, 5, 1, -14 }, // 'l'
+ { 872, 12, 10, 15, 1, -10 }, // 'm'
+ { 887, 7, 10, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'n'
+ { 896, 8, 10, 11, 1, -10 }, // 'o'
+ { 906, 7, 14, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'p'
+ { 919, 7, 14, 11, 1, -10 }, // 'q'
+ { 932, 4, 10, 7, 1, -10 }, // 'r'
+ { 937, 7, 10, 10, 1, -10 }, // 's'
+ { 946, 5, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 't'
+ { 954, 7, 10, 10, 1, -10 }, // 'u'
+ { 963, 8, 10, 9, 0, -10 }, // 'v'
+ { 973, 12, 10, 13, 0, -10 }, // 'w'
+ { 988, 8, 10, 9, 0, -10 }, // 'x'
+ { 998, 8, 14, 9, 0, -10 }, // 'y'
+ { 1012, 7, 10, 9, 1, -10 }, // 'z'
+ { 1021, 5, 18, 7, 1, -15 }, // '{'
+ { 1033, 1, 17, 6, 2, -14 }, // '|'
+ { 1036, 5, 18, 7, 0, -15 } // '}'
+const GFXfont Roboto_Condensed_19 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)Roboto_Condensed_19Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)Roboto_Condensed_19Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 23};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t URW_Palladio_L_Roman_18Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0x7F,0x55,0x0F, // '!'
+ 0x9C,0xA5,0x20, // '"'
+ 0x13,0x09,0x04,0x82,0x47,0xF9,0x10,0x89,0xFE,0x24,0x12,0x09,0x08,0x80, // '#'
+ 0x10,0xFA,0x54,0x89,0x1A,0x1F,0x0F,0x12,0x26,0x4C,0xA7,0x82,0x04,0x00, // '$'
+ 0x70,0x44,0x44,0x22,0x21,0x12,0x08,0x90,0x39,0x00,0x09,0xC0,0x99,0x04,0x88,0x44,0x42,0x22,0x21,0x31,0x07,0x00, // '%'
+ 0x1C,0x02,0x40,0x24,0x02,0x80,0x28,0x03,0x3F,0x50,0x89,0x88,0x8C,0x88,0x70,0xC3,0x07,0xCE, // '&'
+ 0xEA, // '''
+ 0x12,0x44,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x44,0x42,0x10, // '('
+ 0x84,0x22,0x21,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x22,0x44,0x80, // ')'
+ 0x04,0xB8,0x7E,0xD0,0x40, // '*'
+ 0x08,0x04,0x02,0x01,0x0F,0xF8,0x40,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x00, // '+'
+ 0x32,0x64,0x80, // ','
+ 0x78, // '-'
+ 0xF0, // '.'
+ 0x02,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x81,0x04,0x08,0x20,0x40,0x82,0x04,0x10,0x20,0x00, // '/'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x1C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x07,0x12,0x23,0x80, // '0'
+ 0x13,0xC1,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x1F, // '1'
+ 0x3C,0x46,0x82,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x43,0xFF, // '2'
+ 0x3C,0x8D,0x08,0x10,0x43,0x81,0x81,0x03,0x05,0x13,0xC0, // '3'
+ 0x04,0x0C,0x1C,0x14,0x24,0x24,0x44,0x44,0xFF,0x04,0x04,0x1F, // '4'
+ 0x7E,0x81,0x02,0x0B,0xC8,0xC0,0x81,0x03,0x0A,0x13,0xC0, // '5'
+ 0x04,0x30,0x82,0x04,0x17,0xB1,0xC1,0x83,0x05,0x11,0xC0, // '6'
+ 0xFF,0x82,0x86,0x04,0x08,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x20,0x60,0x40,0xC0, // '7'
+ 0x3C,0x8E,0x0C,0x1C,0x4F,0x0F,0x23,0x83,0x06,0x0E,0x27,0x80, // '8'
+ 0x3C,0x42,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x43,0x3D,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x70, // '9'
+ 0xF0,0x0F, // ':'
+ 0x50,0x05,0xA8, // ';'
+ 0x01,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x0C,0x01,0x80,0x30,0x06,0x00,0x80, // '<'
+ 0xFF,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x0F,0xF8, // '='
+ 0xC0,0x18,0x03,0x00,0x60,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC0,0x80,0x00, // '>'
+ 0x7A,0x30,0x41,0x08,0x43,0x08,0x00,0x02,0x08, // '?'
+ 0x0F,0xC1,0x83,0x18,0x04,0x85,0x98,0xDC,0xCC,0x46,0x46,0x32,0x32,0x53,0xB3,0x66,0xCC,0x0C,0x1F,0x80, // '@'
+ 0x02,0x00,0x18,0x01,0x40,0x0B,0x00,0x88,0x04,0x60,0x43,0x03,0xFC,0x10,0x61,0x01,0x88,0x0D,0xE0,0xF0, // 'A'
+ 0xFE,0x11,0x88,0x44,0x22,0x21,0xF0,0x86,0x41,0x20,0x90,0x48,0x4F,0xC0, // 'B'
+ 0x0F,0x86,0x09,0x01,0x20,0x08,0x01,0x00,0x20,0x04,0x00,0xC0,0x08,0x00,0xC1,0x07,0xC0, // 'C'
+ 0xFF,0x82,0x06,0x20,0x22,0x01,0x20,0x12,0x01,0x20,0x12,0x01,0x20,0x22,0x02,0x20,0xC7,0xF0, // 'D'
+ 0xFF,0x90,0x48,0x24,0x02,0x11,0xF8,0x84,0x42,0x20,0x10,0x48,0x3F,0xF0, // 'E'
+ 0xFF,0x90,0x88,0x04,0x02,0x11,0xF8,0x84,0x42,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x1F,0x00, // 'F'
+ 0x0F,0xE1,0x80,0x90,0x00,0x80,0x08,0x00,0x40,0x02,0x00,0x10,0x1F,0xC0,0x13,0x00,0x8E,0x04,0x1F,0xC0, // 'G'
+ 0x70,0x38,0x80,0x42,0x01,0x08,0x04,0x20,0x10,0xFF,0xC2,0x01,0x08,0x04,0x20,0x10,0x80,0x42,0x01,0x3E,0x1F, // 'H'
+ 0xF9,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x09,0xF0, // 'I'
+ 0xF9,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x11,0x10, // 'J'
+ 0xF8,0xE2,0x08,0x21,0x02,0x20,0x24,0x03,0x80,0x2C,0x02,0x60,0x23,0x02,0x18,0x20,0xEF,0x87, // 'K'
+ 0xF8,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x22,0x09,0xFE, // 'L'
+ 0xF0,0x07,0x38,0x0C,0x38,0x0C,0x2C,0x14,0x2C,0x14,0x26,0x24,0x26,0x24,0x23,0x44,0x23,0x44,0x21,0x84,0x21,0x84,0xF9,0x0F, // 'M'
+ 0xF0,0x3E,0x70,0x10,0xF0,0x21,0x70,0x42,0x60,0x84,0x61,0x08,0x62,0x10,0x64,0x20,0x68,0x40,0xF0,0x80,0xE7,0xC0,0xC0, // 'N'
+ 0x0F,0xC1,0x83,0x10,0x05,0x00,0x38,0x00,0xC0,0x06,0x00,0x30,0x01,0xC0,0x13,0x00,0x8C,0x18,0x1F,0x00, // 'O'
+ 0xFF,0x88,0x32,0x04,0x81,0x20,0x8B,0xC2,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x03,0xE0, // 'P'
+ 0x0F,0xC1,0x83,0x10,0x05,0x00,0x38,0x00,0xC0,0x06,0x00,0x30,0x01,0xC0,0x12,0x00,0x8C,0x08,0x3F,0x80,0x70,0x04,0xFC,0x00,0xC0, // 'Q'
+ 0xFF,0x04,0x30,0x82,0x10,0x42,0x10,0x4C,0x0B,0x81,0x30,0x23,0x04,0x30,0x87,0x7C,0x70, // 'R'
+ 0x3E,0x42,0x82,0x80,0x80,0x78,0x06,0x01,0x01,0x81,0x82,0x7C, // 'S'
+ 0xFF,0xC4,0x42,0x01,0x00,0x80,0x40,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x04,0x02,0x07,0xC0, // 'T'
+ 0xF8,0x7C,0x80,0x42,0x01,0x08,0x04,0x20,0x10,0x80,0x42,0x01,0x08,0x04,0x20,0x10,0x80,0x41,0x06,0x03,0xF0, // 'U'
+ 0xF8,0x76,0x02,0x30,0x23,0x04,0x18,0x41,0x84,0x08,0x80,0xC8,0x05,0x00,0x70,0x06,0x00,0x20, // 'V'
+ 0xF8,0x43,0xB0,0x60,0x88,0x30,0x46,0x2C,0x23,0x16,0x21,0x89,0x10,0x48,0xC8,0x34,0x68,0x1C,0x14,0x0E,0x0E,0x02,0x02,0x01,0x01,0x00, // 'W'
+ 0x70,0x66,0x08,0x62,0x0C,0x80,0xD0,0x0C,0x01,0x80,0x58,0x11,0x82,0x30,0x83,0x20,0x30, // 'X'
+ 0xE0,0x44,0x18,0xC2,0x08,0x80,0xA0,0x14,0x01,0x00,0x20,0x04,0x00,0x80,0x10,0x0F,0x80, // 'Y'
+ 0x7F,0xE8,0x19,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0x60,0x18,0x06,0x05,0x80,0xFF,0xF0, // 'Z'
+ 0xF2,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0x27, // '['
+ 0x40,0x40,0x20,0x20,0x10,0x10,0x08,0x08,0x04,0x04,0x02,0x02,0x01, // '\'
+ 0xE4,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x4F, // ']'
+ 0x18,0x0A,0x09,0x04,0x44,0x32,0x0A,0x06, // '^'
+ 0xFF,0x80, // '_'
+ 0x84,0x20, // '`'
+ 0x39,0x98,0x10,0xE6,0x50,0xA3,0x3B, // 'a'
+ 0x00,0xC0,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x5E,0x63,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x42,0x42,0x3C, // 'b'
+ 0x1D,0x98,0x20,0x82,0x04,0x0F, // 'c'
+ 0x00,0x06,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x1E,0x66,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x46,0x3B, // 'd'
+ 0x1C,0x62,0x43,0x43,0xFF,0x40,0x40,0x61,0x3E, // 'e'
+ 0x1B,0x10,0x84,0x79,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x8E,0x00, // 'f'
+ 0x1C,0x33,0xD0,0x88,0x46,0x41,0xC1,0x00,0x80,0x7F,0x20,0x60,0x30,0x1C,0x31,0xE0, // 'g'
+ 0x00,0xC0,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x5C,0x66,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0xE3, // 'h'
+ 0x48,0x2C,0x92,0x49,0x70, // 'i'
+ 0x22,0x03,0x51,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x12,0xC0, // 'j'
+ 0xC0,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x43,0x44,0x48,0x50,0x70,0x58,0x4C,0x46,0xE3, // 'k'
+ 0xC9,0x24,0x92,0x49,0x2E, // 'l'
+ 0xDC,0xE3,0x38,0x90,0x84,0x84,0x24,0x21,0x21,0x09,0x08,0x5D,0xF3, // 'm'
+ 0xDC,0x66,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0xE3, // 'n'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x1C,0x18,0x30,0x70,0xA2,0x38, // 'o'
+ 0xDC,0x62,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x42,0x62,0x7C,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0xE0, // 'p'
+ 0x1C,0x62,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x46,0x3A,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x0F, // 'q'
+ 0x5E,0xD8,0x84,0x21,0x08,0xF0, // 'r'
+ 0x7A,0x28,0x30,0x78,0x10,0x63,0xF0, // 's'
+ 0x44,0x47,0xC4,0x44,0x44,0x70, // 't'
+ 0x42,0xC6,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x46,0x3B, // 'u'
+ 0x71,0x88,0x43,0x20,0xC8,0x12,0x07,0x00,0xC0,0x20, // 'v'
+ 0xF1,0x1D,0x84,0x22,0x38,0x88,0xE4,0x34,0x90,0x53,0x81,0x8E,0x06,0x18,0x18,0x40, // 'w'
+ 0xE1,0x19,0x0D,0x03,0x00,0x80,0xE0,0x98,0xC6,0xC3,0x80, // 'x'
+ 0xF3,0xD8,0x42,0x10,0xC8,0x12,0x07,0x01,0xC0,0x30,0x08,0x02,0x01,0x00,0x40,0x60,0x00, // 'y'
+ 0x7F,0x42,0x04,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x61,0xFF, // 'z'
+ 0x49,0x24,0x92,0x89,0x24,0x92, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xF8, // '|'
+ 0x89,0x24,0x92,0x29,0x24,0x92 // '}'
+const GFXglyph URW_Palladio_L_Roman_18Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 6, 2, -12 }, // '!'
+ { 4, 5, 4, 8, 1, -12 }, // '"'
+ { 7, 9, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '#'
+ { 21, 7, 15, 10, 1, -13 }, // '$'
+ { 35, 13, 13, 16, 1, -13 }, // '%'
+ { 57, 12, 12, 15, 1, -12 }, // '&'
+ { 75, 2, 4, 5, 1, -12 }, // '''
+ { 76, 4, 17, 7, 1, -13 }, // '('
+ { 85, 4, 17, 7, 0, -13 }, // ')'
+ { 94, 5, 7, 8, 1, -13 }, // '*'
+ { 99, 9, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // '+'
+ { 110, 4, 5, 6, 0, -2 }, // ','
+ { 113, 6, 1, 7, 0, -5 }, // '-'
+ { 114, 2, 2, 6, 1, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 115, 7, 15, 12, 2, -13 }, // '/'
+ { 129, 7, 13, 10, 1, -13 }, // '0'
+ { 141, 6, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '1'
+ { 150, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '2'
+ { 162, 7, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '3'
+ { 173, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '4'
+ { 185, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '5'
+ { 196, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '6'
+ { 207, 8, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '7'
+ { 219, 7, 13, 10, 1, -13 }, // '8'
+ { 231, 8, 13, 10, 0, -13 }, // '9'
+ { 244, 2, 8, 6, 1, -8 }, // ':'
+ { 246, 2, 11, 6, 1, -8 }, // ';'
+ { 249, 9, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // '<'
+ { 260, 9, 5, 12, 1, -7 }, // '='
+ { 266, 9, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // '>'
+ { 277, 6, 12, 9, 0, -12 }, // '?'
+ { 286, 13, 12, 14, 0, -12 }, // '@'
+ { 306, 13, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'A'
+ { 326, 9, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'B'
+ { 340, 11, 12, 14, 0, -12 }, // 'C'
+ { 357, 12, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'D'
+ { 375, 9, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'E'
+ { 389, 9, 12, 11, 0, -12 }, // 'F'
+ { 403, 13, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'G'
+ { 423, 14, 12, 16, 0, -12 }, // 'H'
+ { 444, 5, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'I'
+ { 452, 5, 16, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'J'
+ { 462, 12, 12, 14, 0, -12 }, // 'K'
+ { 480, 10, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'L'
+ { 495, 16, 12, 18, 0, -12 }, // 'M'
+ { 519, 15, 12, 16, 0, -12 }, // 'N'
+ { 542, 13, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'O'
+ { 562, 10, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'P'
+ { 577, 13, 15, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'Q'
+ { 602, 11, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'R'
+ { 619, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // 'S'
+ { 631, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'T'
+ { 645, 14, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'U'
+ { 666, 12, 12, 14, 0, -12 }, // 'V'
+ { 684, 17, 12, 19, 0, -12 }, // 'W'
+ { 710, 11, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'X'
+ { 727, 11, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'Y'
+ { 744, 11, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'Z'
+ { 761, 3, 16, 7, 2, -14 }, // '['
+ { 767, 8, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '\'
+ { 780, 3, 16, 7, 1, -14 }, // ']'
+ { 786, 9, 7, 12, 1, -12 }, // '^'
+ { 794, 9, 1, 10, 0, 1 }, // '_'
+ { 796, 4, 3, 7, 1, -12 }, // '`'
+ { 798, 7, 8, 10, 1, -8 }, // 'a'
+ { 805, 8, 13, 11, 0, -13 }, // 'b'
+ { 818, 6, 8, 9, 1, -8 }, // 'c'
+ { 824, 8, 14, 12, 1, -14 }, // 'd'
+ { 838, 8, 9, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'e'
+ { 847, 5, 13, 7, 1, -13 }, // 'f'
+ { 856, 9, 14, 11, 0, -9 }, // 'g'
+ { 872, 8, 13, 11, 1, -13 }, // 'h'
+ { 885, 3, 12, 6, 1, -12 }, // 'i'
+ { 890, 4, 17, 5, -2, -12 }, // 'j'
+ { 899, 8, 13, 11, 1, -13 }, // 'k'
+ { 912, 3, 13, 6, 1, -13 }, // 'l'
+ { 917, 13, 8, 17, 1, -8 }, // 'm'
+ { 930, 8, 8, 11, 1, -8 }, // 'n'
+ { 938, 7, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'o'
+ { 946, 8, 13, 12, 1, -8 }, // 'p'
+ { 959, 8, 14, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'q'
+ { 973, 5, 9, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'r'
+ { 979, 6, 9, 9, 1, -9 }, // 's'
+ { 986, 4, 11, 7, 1, -11 }, // 't'
+ { 992, 8, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'u'
+ { 1001, 10, 8, 11, 0, -8 }, // 'v'
+ { 1011, 14, 9, 16, 0, -9 }, // 'w'
+ { 1027, 9, 9, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'x'
+ { 1038, 10, 13, 11, 0, -8 }, // 'y'
+ { 1055, 8, 8, 10, 0, -8 }, // 'z'
+ { 1063, 3, 16, 7, 1, -13 }, // '{'
+ { 1069, 1, 13, 12, 5, -13 }, // '|'
+ { 1071, 3, 16, 7, 1, -13 } // '}'
+const GFXfont URW_Palladio_L_Roman_18 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)URW_Palladio_L_Roman_18Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)URW_Palladio_L_Roman_18Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 24};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t URW_Palladio_L_Bold_18Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0x7F,0xB4,0x92,0x0F,0xF0, // '!'
+ 0x67,0xDD,0x9A,0x24,0x48,0x80, // '"'
+ 0x13,0x09,0x84,0x82,0x47,0xF9,0x90,0xD9,0xFE,0x24,0x12,0x09,0x0C,0x80, // '#'
+ 0x10,0x7E,0xD2,0xD2,0xD0,0xF0,0xFE,0x3F,0x17,0x93,0x93,0x96,0xFC,0x10,0x10, // '$'
+ 0x78,0x43,0x31,0x0C,0xC8,0x33,0x20,0xCD,0x01,0xE4,0x00,0x27,0x81,0x33,0x04,0xCC,0x23,0x30,0x8C,0xC4,0x1E, // '%'
+ 0x0E,0x00,0x98,0x0C,0xC0,0x64,0x03,0xC0,0x1C,0x7D,0xF1,0x19,0xC8,0xC7,0x47,0x1C,0x1C,0x7E,0x7C,0xE0, // '&'
+ 0xFF,0xC0, // '''
+ 0x12,0x64,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xC4,0x62,0x10, // '('
+ 0x84,0x62,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x32,0x64,0x80, // ')'
+ 0x1B,0x43,0xF4,0x18, // '*'
+ 0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0xFF,0xFF,0xF0,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00, // '+'
+ 0x07,0x66,0xC8, // ','
+ 0x7F,0xE0, // '-'
+ 0xDF,0x00, // '.'
+ 0x08,0xC6,0x23,0x18,0x84,0x63,0x11,0x8C,0x00, // '/'
+ 0x38,0xDB,0x1E,0x3C,0x78,0xF1,0xE3,0xC7,0x8D,0xB1,0xC0, // '0'
+ 0x19,0xF2,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x63,0xF0, // '1'
+ 0x78,0x7E,0xCE,0x86,0x06,0x04,0x0C,0x18,0x10,0x20,0x7F,0xFF, // '2'
+ 0x3C,0x7E,0x46,0x86,0x04,0x3C,0x3F,0x03,0x03,0x83,0xC6,0xF8, // '3'
+ 0x02,0x07,0x03,0x82,0xC3,0x61,0x31,0x18,0x8C,0x7F,0x83,0x01,0x83,0xF0, // '4'
+ 0x7F,0x7F,0x40,0x40,0x5E,0x7F,0x47,0x03,0x03,0x82,0x46,0x78, // '5'
+ 0x04,0x31,0x82,0x0D,0xDF,0xF3,0xE3,0xC7,0x8D,0x91,0xC0, // '6'
+ 0xFF,0xFE,0x82,0x84,0x04,0x08,0x08,0x10,0x30,0x30,0x60,0x60, // '7'
+ 0x3C,0xCF,0x9F,0x3F,0x47,0x8B,0xA3,0xC7,0x8F,0x93,0xC0, // '8'
+ 0x38,0x9B,0x1E,0x3C,0x7C,0xFF,0xBB,0x0C,0x18,0x63,0x80, // '9'
+ 0xDF,0x01,0xBE, // ':'
+ 0x6D,0x80,0x1B,0x5A,0x00, // ';'
+ 0x00,0x81,0xC3,0xC7,0x8E,0x07,0x01,0xE0,0x1C,0x03,0x80,0x40, // '<'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xC0,0x00,0x0F,0xFF,0xFC, // '='
+ 0x00,0x70,0x1E,0x03,0xC0,0x38,0x1C,0x3C,0x70,0xE0,0x40,0x00, // '>'
+ 0x7B,0xF8,0xC3,0x08,0x42,0x08,0x00,0x86,0x18, // '?'
+ 0x0F,0x83,0x04,0x40,0x24,0x69,0x99,0x9B,0x99,0xB1,0x9B,0x32,0x75,0x65,0xDF,0x30,0x60,0xF8, // '@'
+ 0x03,0x00,0x0C,0x00,0x78,0x01,0xE0,0x09,0xC0,0x27,0x01,0x8E,0x07,0xF8,0x10,0x60,0x81,0xC2,0x07,0x3E,0x3F, // 'A'
+ 0xFF,0x0C,0x63,0x18,0xC6,0x33,0x0F,0xE3,0x1C,0xC3,0x30,0xCC,0x33,0x19,0xFC, // 'B'
+ 0x0F,0xC6,0x0D,0x80,0xE0,0x1C,0x01,0x80,0x30,0x06,0x00,0x60,0x0C,0x00,0xE0,0x87,0xE0, // 'C'
+ 0xFF,0xE0,0xC1,0xE3,0x01,0x8C,0x03,0x30,0x0C,0xC0,0x33,0x00,0xCC,0x03,0x30,0x18,0xC0,0x63,0x06,0x1F,0xE0, // 'D'
+ 0xFF,0x8C,0x23,0x00,0xC0,0x31,0x0F,0xC3,0x10,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x13,0x05,0xFE, // 'E'
+ 0xFF,0x98,0x4C,0x26,0x03,0x11,0xF8,0xC4,0x62,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x1F,0x80, // 'F'
+ 0x0F,0xE1,0x81,0x98,0x05,0x80,0x2C,0x00,0x60,0x03,0x00,0x18,0x1F,0x60,0x33,0x01,0x8E,0x0C,0x1F,0x80, // 'G'
+ 0xFC,0xFC,0xC0,0xC3,0x03,0x0C,0x0C,0x30,0x30,0xFF,0xC3,0x03,0x0C,0x0C,0x30,0x30,0xC0,0xC3,0x03,0x3F,0x3F, // 'H'
+ 0xFC,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x3F, // 'I'
+ 0xFC,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0x82,0x30, // 'J'
+ 0xFC,0x79,0x83,0x0C,0x20,0x62,0x03,0x20,0x1F,0x00,0xDC,0x06,0xF0,0x33,0xC1,0x8F,0x0C,0x3D,0xF8,0xF0, // 'K'
+ 0xFC,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x13,0x05,0xFE, // 'L'
+ 0xF8,0x07,0x9C,0x07,0x0F,0x03,0x85,0x82,0xC2,0xE1,0x61,0x31,0x30,0x9C,0x98,0x46,0x8C,0x23,0xC6,0x10,0xC3,0x08,0x61,0x9F,0x33,0xF0, // 'M'
+ 0xF8,0x3C,0xE0,0x23,0xC0,0x8B,0x82,0x27,0x08,0x9E,0x22,0x3C,0x88,0x7A,0x20,0xF8,0x81,0xE2,0x03,0xBE,0x06, // 'N'
+ 0x0F,0xC1,0x83,0x18,0x0D,0x80,0x7C,0x01,0xE0,0x0F,0x00,0x78,0x03,0xE0,0x1B,0x01,0x8C,0x18,0x3F,0x00, // 'O'
+ 0xFF,0x8C,0x73,0x0C,0xC3,0x31,0x8D,0xC3,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x03,0xF0, // 'P'
+ 0x0F,0xC1,0x83,0x18,0x0D,0x80,0x7C,0x01,0xE0,0x0F,0x00,0x78,0x03,0xE0,0x1B,0x01,0x8C,0x18,0x3F,0x00,0xF0,0x1F,0xF4,0x01,0xC0, // 'Q'
+ 0xFF,0x83,0x1C,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0x83,0x30,0x37,0x03,0x38,0x33,0xC3,0x1C,0x30,0xEF,0xCF, // 'R'
+ 0x3F,0x31,0xB0,0x58,0x0F,0x03,0xF0,0x7E,0x07,0x81,0xC0,0xF0,0xCF,0xC0, // 'S'
+ 0xFF,0xE3,0x18,0xC4,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x30,0x0C,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0xFC, // 'T'
+ 0xFC,0x7C,0xC0,0x43,0x01,0x0C,0x04,0x30,0x10,0xC0,0x43,0x01,0x0C,0x04,0x30,0x10,0xC0,0x41,0x82,0x03,0xF0, // 'U'
+ 0xFC,0x3C,0xE0,0x43,0x81,0x07,0x0C,0x1C,0x20,0x30,0x80,0xE4,0x01,0x90,0x07,0x80,0x1E,0x00,0x30,0x00,0xC0, // 'V'
+ 0xFC,0x43,0xDC,0x18,0x63,0x0E,0x10,0xE3,0xC4,0x39,0xF1,0x0E,0x4C,0x81,0x93,0xA0,0x78,0xE8,0x1E,0x1E,0x07,0x07,0x00,0xC0,0xC0,0x30,0x30, // 'W'
+ 0xF0,0x73,0x84,0x1C,0x81,0xD8,0x0F,0x00,0x60,0x07,0x00,0xB8,0x1B,0x81,0x1C,0x21,0xCE,0x0F, // 'X'
+ 0xF0,0x6E,0x08,0xE3,0x0C,0x40,0xD0,0x1A,0x01,0x80,0x30,0x06,0x00,0xC0,0x18,0x0F,0xC0, // 'Y'
+ 0x7F,0xE8,0x39,0x07,0x01,0xC0,0x70,0x0E,0x03,0x80,0xE0,0x1C,0x07,0x05,0xC0,0xFF,0xF0, // 'Z'
+ 0xFC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xF0, // '['
+ 0x40,0x30,0x08,0x06,0x01,0x00,0xC0,0x20,0x18,0x04,0x03,0x00,0x80,0x60,0x10, // '\'
+ 0xF3,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0xF0, // ']'
+ 0x1C,0x0E,0x0D,0x86,0xC6,0x32,0x1B,0x06, // '^'
+ 0xFF,0x80, // '_'
+ 0xC3,0x0C, // '`'
+ 0x78,0x18,0x31,0xEC,0xD9,0xBF,0x37, // 'a'
+ 0xE0,0x30,0x18,0x0D,0xE7,0xF3,0x1D,0x86,0xC3,0x61,0xB0,0x98,0x8F,0x80, // 'b'
+ 0x1C,0xCB,0x16,0x0C,0x18,0x18,0x1E, // 'c'
+ 0x07,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x61,0xF3,0x3B,0x0D,0x86,0xC3,0x71,0x9F,0xC7,0x70, // 'd'
+ 0x3C,0x8F,0x1F,0xFC,0x18,0x38,0x1F, // 'e'
+ 0x0C,0xF6,0x18,0x63,0xE6,0x18,0x61,0x86,0x18,0xF8, // 'f'
+ 0x3C,0x23,0xF1,0x98,0xCC,0x63,0xC1,0x01,0xFE,0xFF,0xA0,0xF0,0x78,0x3E,0x33,0xE0, // 'g'
+ 0xE0,0x30,0x18,0x0D,0xC7,0xF3,0x19,0x8C,0xC6,0x63,0x31,0x98,0xDE,0x70, // 'h'
+ 0x66,0x60,0x2E,0x66,0x66,0x66,0xF0, // 'i'
+ 0x33,0x30,0x17,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x2C, // 'j'
+ 0xE0,0x18,0x06,0x01,0x80,0x63,0x99,0x86,0xC1,0xF0,0x6E,0x1B,0xC6,0x7B,0xCF, // 'k'
+ 0xE6,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x6F, // 'l'
+ 0x6E,0x73,0xFF,0xE6,0x31,0x98,0xC6,0x63,0x19,0x8C,0x66,0x31,0x98,0xC6,0xF7,0x9C, // 'm'
+ 0x2E,0x7F,0x98,0xCC,0x66,0x33,0x19,0x8C,0xC6,0xF3,0x80, // 'n'
+ 0x3C,0x66,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0x66,0x3C, // 'o'
+ 0x2F,0x7F,0x98,0xEC,0x36,0x1B,0x0D,0x84,0xC4,0x7C,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x06,0x07,0x80, // 'p'
+ 0x1F,0x33,0xB0,0xD8,0x6C,0x37,0x19,0xFC,0xF6,0x03,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x78, // 'q'
+ 0x2F,0xF6,0x58,0x61,0x86,0x18,0xF8, // 'r'
+ 0x7B,0x2C,0x3C,0x7C,0x78,0xE3,0xF8, // 's'
+ 0x23,0x18,0xCF,0xB1,0x8C,0x63,0x1E,0x60, // 't'
+ 0x21,0x73,0x98,0xCC,0x66,0x33,0x19,0x8C,0xFE,0x3B,0x80, // 'u'
+ 0x71,0x8C,0x43,0x10,0xEC,0x1A,0x07,0x81,0xC0,0x30, // 'v'
+ 0xF9,0x9E,0x63,0x18,0xC7,0x21,0x96,0x43,0xAD,0x83,0x9E,0x07,0x1C,0x0C,0x38,0x18,0x20, // 'w'
+ 0xE1,0x99,0x0F,0x03,0x81,0xC0,0xF0,0xD8,0x4E,0xC3,0x80, // 'x'
+ 0xF3,0xB0,0x9C,0x46,0x43,0x21,0xE0,0x70,0x30,0x08,0x04,0x04,0x12,0x0E,0x00, // 'y'
+ 0x7F,0x46,0x0E,0x1C,0x18,0x30,0x71,0xFF, // 'z'
+ 0x18,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x10,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC1,0x80, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xC0, // '|'
+ 0x60,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC3,0x02,0x30,0xC3,0x0C,0x30,0xC6,0x00 // '}'
+const GFXglyph URW_Palladio_L_Bold_18Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 3, 12, 6, 1, -12 }, // '!'
+ { 6, 7, 6, 8, 0, -12 }, // '"'
+ { 12, 9, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '#'
+ { 26, 8, 15, 10, 1, -13 }, // '$'
+ { 41, 14, 12, 17, 1, -12 }, // '%'
+ { 62, 13, 12, 16, 1, -12 }, // '&'
+ { 82, 2, 6, 5, 1, -12 }, // '''
+ { 84, 4, 15, 7, 1, -13 }, // '('
+ { 92, 4, 15, 7, 1, -13 }, // ')'
+ { 100, 6, 5, 9, 1, -12 }, // '*'
+ { 104, 10, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // '+'
+ { 117, 4, 6, 6, 0, -3 }, // ','
+ { 120, 6, 2, 7, 0, -6 }, // '-'
+ { 122, 3, 3, 6, 1, -3 }, // '.'
+ { 124, 5, 13, 6, 0, -13 }, // '/'
+ { 133, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '0'
+ { 144, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '1'
+ { 155, 8, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '2'
+ { 167, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '3'
+ { 179, 9, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '4'
+ { 193, 8, 12, 10, 0, -12 }, // '5'
+ { 205, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '6'
+ { 216, 8, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '7'
+ { 228, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '8'
+ { 239, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // '9'
+ { 250, 3, 8, 6, 1, -8 }, // ':'
+ { 253, 3, 11, 6, 0, -8 }, // ';'
+ { 258, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // '<'
+ { 270, 9, 6, 12, 1, -8 }, // '='
+ { 277, 9, 10, 12, 1, -10 }, // '>'
+ { 289, 6, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // '?'
+ { 298, 12, 12, 14, 1, -12 }, // '@'
+ { 316, 14, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'A'
+ { 337, 10, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'B'
+ { 352, 11, 12, 14, 1, -12 }, // 'C'
+ { 369, 14, 12, 16, 0, -12 }, // 'D'
+ { 390, 10, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'E'
+ { 405, 9, 12, 11, 0, -12 }, // 'F'
+ { 419, 13, 12, 16, 1, -12 }, // 'G'
+ { 439, 14, 12, 16, 0, -12 }, // 'H'
+ { 460, 6, 12, 8, 0, -12 }, // 'I'
+ { 469, 6, 16, 8, 0, -12 }, // 'J'
+ { 481, 13, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'K'
+ { 501, 10, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'L'
+ { 516, 17, 12, 19, 0, -12 }, // 'M'
+ { 542, 14, 12, 16, 0, -12 }, // 'N'
+ { 563, 13, 12, 16, 1, -12 }, // 'O'
+ { 583, 10, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'P'
+ { 598, 13, 15, 16, 1, -12 }, // 'Q'
+ { 623, 12, 12, 14, 0, -12 }, // 'R'
+ { 641, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'S'
+ { 655, 10, 12, 13, 1, -12 }, // 'T'
+ { 670, 14, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'U'
+ { 691, 14, 12, 15, 0, -12 }, // 'V'
+ { 712, 18, 12, 19, 0, -12 }, // 'W'
+ { 739, 12, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'X'
+ { 757, 11, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'Y'
+ { 774, 11, 12, 13, 0, -12 }, // 'Z'
+ { 791, 4, 15, 7, 1, -13 }, // '['
+ { 799, 9, 13, 12, 1, -13 }, // '\'
+ { 814, 4, 15, 7, 1, -13 }, // ']'
+ { 822, 9, 7, 12, 1, -12 }, // '^'
+ { 830, 9, 1, 10, 0, 1 }, // '_'
+ { 832, 5, 3, 7, 0, -12 }, // '`'
+ { 834, 7, 8, 10, 1, -8 }, // 'a'
+ { 841, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'b'
+ { 855, 7, 8, 9, 1, -8 }, // 'c'
+ { 862, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'd'
+ { 876, 7, 8, 10, 1, -8 }, // 'e'
+ { 883, 6, 13, 8, 1, -13 }, // 'f'
+ { 893, 9, 14, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'g'
+ { 909, 9, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'h'
+ { 923, 4, 13, 7, 1, -13 }, // 'i'
+ { 930, 4, 18, 7, 0, -13 }, // 'j'
+ { 939, 10, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'k'
+ { 954, 4, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 'l'
+ { 960, 14, 9, 17, 1, -9 }, // 'm'
+ { 976, 9, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'n'
+ { 987, 8, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'o'
+ { 996, 9, 14, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'p'
+ { 1012, 9, 13, 12, 1, -8 }, // 'q'
+ { 1027, 6, 9, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'r'
+ { 1034, 6, 9, 9, 1, -9 }, // 's'
+ { 1041, 5, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 't'
+ { 1049, 9, 9, 12, 1, -9 }, // 'u'
+ { 1060, 10, 8, 11, 0, -8 }, // 'v'
+ { 1070, 15, 9, 16, 0, -9 }, // 'w'
+ { 1087, 9, 9, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'x'
+ { 1098, 9, 13, 11, 0, -8 }, // 'y'
+ { 1113, 8, 8, 10, 0, -8 }, // 'z'
+ { 1121, 6, 15, 7, 0, -14 }, // '{'
+ { 1133, 2, 13, 12, 5, -13 }, // '|'
+ { 1137, 6, 15, 7, 0, -14 } // '}'
+const GFXfont URW_Palladio_L_Bold_18 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)URW_Palladio_L_Bold_18Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)URW_Palladio_L_Bold_18Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 24};
+// Created by Consider a donation
+// In case of problems make sure that you are using the font file with the correct version!
+const uint8_t Lato_Hairline_16Bitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ // Bitmap Data:
+ 0x00, // ' '
+ 0x55,0x55,0x07, // '!'
+ 0xB6,0xDA, // '"'
+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0xFF,0x24,0x24,0x24,0x24,0xFF,0x48,0x48,0x48, // '#'
+ 0x08,0x08,0x1C,0x6A,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x30,0x0E,0x12,0x11,0x12,0xD2,0x3C,0x10,0x10, // '$'
+ 0x60,0x53,0x12,0x22,0x44,0x88,0xA1,0xA8,0x09,0x70,0x51,0x12,0x24,0x44,0x88,0xA0,0xE0, // '%'
+ 0x1C,0x04,0x40,0x88,0x10,0x02,0x00,0x60,0x12,0x24,0x24,0x82,0x90,0x23,0x0A,0x1E,0x30, // '&'
+ 0xF8, // '''
+ 0x25,0x29,0x24,0x92,0x24,0x88, // '('
+ 0x91,0x24,0x49,0x25,0x25,0x20, // ')'
+ 0x27,0x4D,0xD2,0x00, // '*'
+ 0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0xFF,0x10,0x10,0x10, // '+'
+ 0x76, // ','
+ 0xF0, // '-'
+ 0x70, // '.'
+ 0x04,0x20,0x82,0x10,0x42,0x08,0x41,0x04,0x20,0x80, // '/'
+ 0x18,0x66,0x82,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // '0'
+ 0x10,0xC5,0x24,0x10,0x41,0x04,0x10,0x41,0x3F, // '1'
+ 0x18,0x66,0x42,0x81,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0xFF, // '2'
+ 0x18,0x66,0x42,0x82,0x02,0x06,0x1E,0x02,0x01,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // '3'
+ 0x02,0x01,0x01,0x81,0x41,0x21,0x10,0x88,0x84,0xFF,0x81,0x00,0x80,0x40, // '4'
+ 0x3E,0x41,0x02,0x04,0x0F,0x80,0x81,0x02,0x06,0x0B,0xE0, // '5'
+ 0x04,0x08,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x7E,0x42,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // '6'
+ 0xFF,0x01,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x04,0x08,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x20,0x60, // '7'
+ 0x18,0x66,0x42,0x82,0x42,0x66,0x7E,0x82,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // '8'
+ 0x18,0x66,0x82,0x81,0x83,0x66,0x1E,0x04,0x08,0x18,0x10,0x20, // '9'
+ 0x70,0x01,0xC0, // ':'
+ 0x70,0x01,0xD8, // ';'
+ 0x06,0x30,0x86,0x03,0x01,0x80,0x80, // '<'
+ 0xFF,0x00,0xFF, // '='
+ 0xC0,0xC0,0x81,0x19,0x88,0x00, // '>'
+ 0x74,0x42,0x10,0x88,0x84,0x00,0x08,0xC0, // '?'
+ 0x1F,0x82,0x06,0x40,0x24,0x79,0x88,0x99,0x11,0x91,0x19,0x12,0x93,0x24,0xCC,0x20,0x01,0x8E,0x07,0x00, // '@'
+ 0x04,0x00,0x80,0x28,0x05,0x01,0x20,0x22,0x04,0x41,0x04,0x3F,0x88,0x09,0x01,0x40,0x30, // 'A'
+ 0xF9,0x0A,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0xBF,0x41,0x83,0x06,0x0F,0xE0, // 'B'
+ 0x0E,0x0C,0x74,0x01,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x80,0x10,0x02,0x0C,0x7C, // 'C'
+ 0xFC,0x20,0xC8,0x0A,0x02,0x80,0x60,0x18,0x06,0x01,0x80,0xA0,0x28,0x13,0xF8, // 'D'
+ 0xFF,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x3F,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x07,0xF0, // 'E'
+ 0xFF,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x3F,0x40,0x81,0x02,0x04,0x00, // 'F'
+ 0x0F,0x0C,0x34,0x01,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x07,0x80,0x50,0x12,0x04,0x7E, // 'G'
+ 0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x18,0x0C,0x07,0xFF,0x01,0x80,0xC0,0x60,0x30,0x10, // 'H'
+ 0xFF,0xF0, // 'I'
+ 0x08,0x42,0x10,0x84,0x21,0x08,0x43,0xE0, // 'J'
+ 0x81,0x41,0x21,0x11,0x09,0x05,0x03,0x81,0x20,0x88,0x42,0x20,0x90,0x30, // 'K'
+ 0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x3F, // 'L'
+ 0x80,0x30,0x07,0x01,0xD0,0x5A,0x0B,0x22,0x64,0x4C,0x51,0x8A,0x30,0x86,0x00,0xC0,0x10, // 'M'
+ 0x80,0xC0,0x70,0x34,0x19,0x0C,0x86,0x23,0x09,0x84,0xC1,0x60,0x70,0x10, // 'N'
+ 0x0E,0x06,0x31,0x01,0x20,0x18,0x03,0x00,0x60,0x0C,0x01,0x80,0x28,0x08,0x82,0x0F,0x80, // 'O'
+ 0xF1,0x1A,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0xA3,0x78,0x81,0x02,0x04,0x00, // 'P'
+ 0x0E,0x03,0x18,0x40,0x44,0x02,0x80,0x28,0x02,0x80,0x28,0x02,0x80,0x24,0x04,0x20,0xC1,0xF8,0x00,0x40,0x02,0x00,0x30, // 'Q'
+ 0xF8,0x84,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x8C,0xF0,0x90,0x88,0x84,0x82,0x81, // 'R'
+ 0x38,0x8E,0x04,0x04,0x06,0x03,0x01,0x02,0x06,0x1B,0xC0, // 'S'
+ 0xFF,0xC2,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x80,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x80,0x20, // 'T'
+ 0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x81,0x42,0x3C, // 'U'
+ 0x80,0x28,0x09,0x01,0x20,0x42,0x08,0x41,0x04,0x40,0x88,0x0A,0x01,0x40,0x30,0x02,0x00, // 'V'
+ 0x80,0x81,0x40,0x81,0x41,0x81,0x41,0x42,0x22,0x42,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x24,0x14,0x24,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x18,0x08,0x18,0x08,0x08, // 'W'
+ 0x80,0x50,0x22,0x10,0x44,0x12,0x03,0x00,0xC0,0x28,0x11,0x08,0x44,0x0B,0x01, // 'X'
+ 0x80,0x50,0x24,0x10,0x84,0x12,0x05,0x00,0xC0,0x20,0x08,0x02,0x00,0x80,0x20, // 'Y'
+ 0xFF,0x01,0x02,0x06,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80,0xFF, // 'Z'
+ 0xF2,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x49,0x38, // '['
+ 0x82,0x08,0x10,0x40,0x82,0x04,0x10,0x40,0x82,0x04, // '\'
+ 0xE4,0x92,0x49,0x24,0x92,0x78, // ']'
+ 0x10,0x30,0x61,0x24,0x58,0x40, // '^'
+ 0xFE, // '_'
+ 0x89,0x80, // '`'
+ 0x33,0x20,0x41,0x7E,0x18,0x63,0x74, // 'a'
+ 0x81,0x02,0x04,0xCE,0x78,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x07,0x0D,0xE0, // 'b'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x23,0x3C, // 'c'
+ 0x02,0x04,0x09,0xD4,0x70,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x05,0x19,0xD0, // 'd'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x0C,0x1F,0xF0,0x20,0x21,0x3C, // 'e'
+ 0x1C,0x82,0x3F,0x20,0x82,0x08,0x20,0x82,0x08, // 'f'
+ 0x3E,0x8A,0x14,0x24,0xCE,0x20,0x20,0xFF,0x06,0x0B,0xE0, // 'g'
+ 0x81,0x02,0x04,0xCE,0x58,0x60,0xC1,0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x10, // 'h'
+ 0xB2,0xAA,0xAA, // 'i'
+ 0x23,0x02,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x22,0xE0, // 'j'
+ 0x81,0x02,0x04,0x38,0x92,0x28,0x70,0xB1,0x32,0x34,0x30, // 'k'
+ 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, // 'l'
+ 0x91,0x9D,0xCA,0x10,0xC2,0x18,0x43,0x08,0x61,0x0C,0x21,0x84,0x20, // 'm'
+ 0x99,0xCB,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xC1,0x82, // 'n'
+ 0x38,0x8A,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xA1,0x3C, // 'o'
+ 0x99,0xCF,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xE1,0xFD,0x02,0x04,0x00, // 'p'
+ 0x3A,0x8E,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xA3,0x3A,0x04,0x08,0x10, // 'q'
+ 0x9F,0x31,0x08,0x42,0x10,0x80, // 'r'
+ 0x36,0x61,0x07,0x04,0x31,0x70, // 's'
+ 0x42,0x11,0xE4,0x21,0x08,0x42,0x12,0xE0, // 't'
+ 0x83,0x06,0x0C,0x18,0x30,0x60,0xA3,0x3A, // 'u'
+ 0x81,0x41,0x42,0x22,0x24,0x24,0x14,0x18,0x08, // 'v'
+ 0x82,0x14,0x21,0x46,0x14,0x52,0x25,0x22,0x92,0x28,0xC1,0x0C,0x10,0x80, // 'w'
+ 0x82,0x42,0x24,0x28,0x10,0x18,0x24,0x42,0xC3, // 'x'
+ 0x81,0x41,0x42,0x22,0x22,0x24,0x14,0x18,0x08,0x10,0x10,0x30, // 'y'
+ 0xFC,0x10,0x84,0x20,0x84,0x20,0xFC, // 'z'
+ 0x74,0x44,0x44,0x4C,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x30, // '{'
+ 0xFF,0xFF, // '|'
+ 0xC2,0x22,0x44,0x43,0x44,0x22,0x24,0x80 // '}'
+const GFXglyph Lato_Hairline_16Glyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+// bitmapOffset, width, height, xAdvance, xOffset, yOffset
+ { 0, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0 }, // ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 6, 1, -12 }, // '!'
+ { 4, 3, 5, 7, 1, -12 }, // '"'
+ { 6, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '#'
+ { 18, 8, 16, 11, 1, -14 }, // '$'
+ { 34, 11, 12, 14, 1, -12 }, // '%'
+ { 51, 11, 12, 13, 1, -12 }, // '&'
+ { 68, 1, 5, 5, 1, -12 }, // '''
+ { 69, 3, 15, 6, 1, -13 }, // '('
+ { 75, 3, 15, 6, 1, -13 }, // ')'
+ { 81, 5, 5, 9, 1, -12 }, // '*'
+ { 85, 8, 8, 11, 1, -10 }, // '+'
+ { 93, 2, 4, 5, 1, -2 }, // ','
+ { 94, 4, 1, 8, 1, -5 }, // '-'
+ { 95, 2, 2, 6, 1, -2 }, // '.'
+ { 96, 6, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // '/'
+ { 106, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '0'
+ { 118, 6, 12, 11, 2, -12 }, // '1'
+ { 127, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '2'
+ { 139, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '3'
+ { 151, 9, 12, 11, 0, -12 }, // '4'
+ { 165, 7, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '5'
+ { 176, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '6'
+ { 188, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '7'
+ { 200, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '8'
+ { 212, 8, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // '9'
+ { 224, 2, 9, 6, 1, -9 }, // ':'
+ { 227, 2, 11, 6, 1, -9 }, // ';'
+ { 230, 7, 7, 11, 1, -9 }, // '<'
+ { 237, 8, 3, 11, 1, -7 }, // '='
+ { 240, 6, 7, 11, 2, -9 }, // '>'
+ { 246, 5, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // '?'
+ { 254, 12, 13, 15, 1, -11 }, // '@'
+ { 274, 11, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'A'
+ { 291, 7, 12, 12, 2, -12 }, // 'B'
+ { 302, 10, 12, 13, 1, -12 }, // 'C'
+ { 317, 10, 12, 14, 2, -12 }, // 'D'
+ { 332, 7, 12, 11, 2, -12 }, // 'E'
+ { 343, 7, 12, 11, 2, -12 }, // 'F'
+ { 354, 10, 12, 14, 1, -12 }, // 'G'
+ { 369, 9, 12, 14, 2, -12 }, // 'H'
+ { 383, 1, 12, 6, 2, -12 }, // 'I'
+ { 385, 5, 12, 9, 0, -12 }, // 'J'
+ { 393, 9, 12, 12, 2, -12 }, // 'K'
+ { 407, 6, 12, 10, 2, -12 }, // 'L'
+ { 416, 11, 12, 16, 2, -12 }, // 'M'
+ { 433, 9, 12, 14, 2, -12 }, // 'N'
+ { 447, 11, 12, 15, 1, -12 }, // 'O'
+ { 464, 7, 12, 11, 2, -12 }, // 'P'
+ { 475, 12, 15, 15, 1, -12 }, // 'Q'
+ { 498, 8, 12, 11, 2, -12 }, // 'R'
+ { 510, 7, 12, 10, 1, -12 }, // 'S'
+ { 521, 10, 12, 11, 0, -12 }, // 'T'
+ { 536, 8, 12, 14, 2, -12 }, // 'U'
+ { 548, 11, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'V'
+ { 565, 16, 12, 18, 0, -12 }, // 'W'
+ { 589, 10, 12, 12, 0, -12 }, // 'X'
+ { 604, 10, 12, 11, 0, -12 }, // 'Y'
+ { 619, 8, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 'Z'
+ { 631, 3, 15, 7, 2, -13 }, // '['
+ { 637, 6, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // '\'
+ { 647, 3, 15, 7, 1, -13 }, // ']'
+ { 653, 7, 6, 11, 1, -12 }, // '^'
+ { 659, 7, 1, 9, 0, 1 }, // '_'
+ { 660, 3, 3, 8, 2, -12 }, // '`'
+ { 662, 6, 9, 10, 1, -9 }, // 'a'
+ { 669, 7, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'b'
+ { 680, 7, 9, 9, 1, -9 }, // 'c'
+ { 688, 7, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'd'
+ { 699, 7, 9, 10, 1, -9 }, // 'e'
+ { 707, 6, 12, 7, 0, -12 }, // 'f'
+ { 716, 7, 12, 10, 1, -9 }, // 'g'
+ { 727, 7, 12, 11, 1, -12 }, // 'h'
+ { 738, 2, 12, 5, 1, -12 }, // 'i'
+ { 741, 4, 15, 5, -1, -12 }, // 'j'
+ { 749, 7, 12, 9, 1, -12 }, // 'k'
+ { 760, 2, 12, 5, 1, -12 }, // 'l'
+ { 763, 11, 9, 15, 1, -9 }, // 'm'
+ { 776, 7, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'n'
+ { 784, 7, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'o'
+ { 792, 7, 12, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'p'
+ { 803, 7, 12, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'q'
+ { 814, 5, 9, 8, 1, -9 }, // 'r'
+ { 820, 5, 9, 9, 1, -9 }, // 's'
+ { 826, 5, 12, 7, 1, -12 }, // 't'
+ { 834, 7, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 'u'
+ { 842, 8, 9, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'v'
+ { 851, 12, 9, 14, 0, -9 }, // 'w'
+ { 865, 8, 9, 9, 0, -9 }, // 'x'
+ { 874, 8, 12, 10, 0, -9 }, // 'y'
+ { 886, 6, 9, 9, 1, -9 }, // 'z'
+ { 893, 4, 15, 7, 1, -13 }, // '{'
+ { 901, 1, 16, 6, 2, -13 }, // '|'
+ { 903, 4, 15, 7, 1, -13 } // '}'
+const GFXfont Lato_Hairline_16 PROGMEM = {
+(uint8_t *)Lato_Hairline_16Bitmaps,(GFXglyph *)Lato_Hairline_16Glyphs,0x20, 0x7E, 20};
+const uint8_t sourcesans8pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0x60, 0x99, 0x99, 0x12, 0x12, 0x3F, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0xFC,
+ 0x24, 0x48, 0x48, 0x10, 0x47, 0xB1, 0x83, 0x07, 0x06, 0x04, 0x18, 0x5E,
+ 0x10, 0x60, 0x89, 0x10, 0x91, 0x09, 0x20, 0x92, 0xE9, 0x5B, 0x69, 0x10,
+ 0x91, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x20, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x48, 0x48, 0x58, 0x70, 0x61,
+ 0xF3, 0x9A, 0x8E, 0xCE, 0x79, 0xF0, 0x09, 0x29, 0x24, 0x92, 0x24, 0x88,
+ 0x09, 0x22, 0x49, 0x24, 0xA4, 0xA0, 0x25, 0x5C, 0xE5, 0x00, 0x21, 0x09,
+ 0xF2, 0x10, 0x80, 0xD8, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x44, 0x21, 0x08, 0x84, 0x22,
+ 0x10, 0x84, 0x42, 0x00, 0x79, 0x28, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x49, 0xE0,
+ 0xE1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x27, 0xC0, 0x79, 0x98, 0x10, 0x20, 0xC1,
+ 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0xFC, 0x79, 0x10, 0x43, 0x30, 0x30, 0x41, 0x8D, 0xE0,
+ 0x18, 0x62, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0x2F, 0xC2, 0x08, 0x20, 0x7E, 0x08, 0x20, 0xF8,
+ 0x30, 0x41, 0x8D, 0xE0, 0x39, 0x0C, 0x20, 0xBB, 0x18, 0x61, 0x4C, 0xE0,
+ 0xFC, 0x20, 0x84, 0x10, 0x42, 0x08, 0x20, 0x80, 0x39, 0x14, 0x51, 0x39,
+ 0x28, 0x61, 0xC5, 0xE0, 0x73, 0x28, 0x61, 0x8D, 0xD0, 0x43, 0x09, 0xC0,
+ 0xC3, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x37, 0x20, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x40, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFC, 0x03, 0x03, 0x81, 0x1F, 0x88, 0x00, 0x74, 0x42, 0x11, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x01, 0x08, 0x0F, 0x83, 0x06, 0x60, 0x24, 0x71, 0x89, 0x19, 0x11, 0x91,
+ 0x19, 0x32, 0x8D, 0xC4, 0x00, 0x60, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x24,
+ 0x24, 0x24, 0x66, 0x7E, 0x42, 0xC3, 0x81, 0xF9, 0x1A, 0x14, 0x28, 0xDF,
+ 0x21, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0xC7, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40,
+ 0xC0, 0xC4, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x86, 0x82, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x82,
+ 0x86, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xE8, 0x20, 0x82, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0xFE,
+ 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xE8, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x61, 0x40, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x87, 0x81, 0x81, 0x41, 0x61, 0x1E, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0xFF, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x21, 0x0C, 0x5C, 0x87, 0x1A, 0x64, 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x44, 0x85, 0x0E,
+ 0x08, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x3E, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x74,
+ 0x5A, 0x2D, 0x16, 0x53, 0x29, 0x88, 0xC4, 0x60, 0x20, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xE1,
+ 0xA1, 0x91, 0x99, 0x89, 0x85, 0x87, 0x83, 0x81, 0x3C, 0x42, 0x42, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x42, 0x3C, 0xFD, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x7F,
+ 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x42, 0x42, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0xC3, 0x42, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x86, 0x82, 0x82, 0x86,
+ 0xFC, 0x88, 0x8C, 0x84, 0x86, 0x82, 0x3E, 0x63, 0x40, 0x40, 0x30, 0x1E,
+ 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0xFE, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x42, 0x3C, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x38, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x14, 0xD2, 0x4D, 0x24, 0x92, 0x49, 0x25,
+ 0x8A, 0x38, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x43, 0x62, 0x24, 0x34, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x1C, 0x24, 0x26, 0x42, 0x43, 0x82, 0x89, 0x13, 0x62, 0x85, 0x04, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0xFE, 0x08, 0x30, 0x41, 0x82, 0x08, 0x30, 0x41, 0x83,
+ 0xF8, 0xF2, 0x49, 0x24, 0x92, 0x49, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x04, 0x10, 0x20, 0x82,
+ 0x04, 0x10, 0x20, 0x82, 0x04, 0x00, 0xE4, 0x92, 0x49, 0x24, 0x93, 0xC0,
+ 0x30, 0xC3, 0x12, 0x4A, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0x78, 0x10, 0x4F, 0xC6, 0x18,
+ 0xDD, 0x81, 0x02, 0x05, 0xEC, 0x50, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x8A, 0xE0, 0x79,
+ 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x04, 0x1E, 0x04, 0x10, 0x5F, 0x46, 0x18, 0x61, 0x87,
+ 0x37, 0x40, 0x39, 0x38, 0x7F, 0x82, 0x04, 0x0E, 0x34, 0x44, 0xE4, 0x44,
+ 0x44, 0x44, 0x7F, 0x9A, 0x14, 0x2C, 0xCF, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x83, 0x07, 0x13,
+ 0xC0, 0x82, 0x08, 0x2E, 0xC6, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x40, 0xBF, 0xC0,
+ 0x20, 0x92, 0x49, 0x24, 0x9E, 0x82, 0x08, 0x22, 0x9A, 0xCA, 0x34, 0x9A,
+ 0x28, 0xC0, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAC, 0xB9, 0xD8, 0xC6, 0x10, 0xC2, 0x18, 0x43,
+ 0x08, 0x61, 0x0C, 0x21, 0xBB, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x38, 0x8A,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x51, 0x1C, 0xBD, 0x8A, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x71, 0x5C,
+ 0x81, 0x02, 0x00, 0x7D, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x1C, 0xDD, 0x04, 0x10, 0x40,
+ 0xBC, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x74, 0x20, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x3E, 0x44, 0xF4, 0x44,
+ 0x44, 0x43, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0xDD, 0xC2, 0x8D, 0x13, 0x22,
+ 0x45, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x86, 0x30, 0xC5, 0x29, 0x25, 0x24, 0x94, 0x52, 0x8A,
+ 0x61, 0x8C, 0x44, 0xC8, 0xA0, 0xC3, 0x85, 0x11, 0x23, 0xC2, 0x89, 0x11,
+ 0x22, 0x87, 0x06, 0x08, 0x10, 0x61, 0x80, 0x7C, 0x30, 0x84, 0x30, 0x84,
+ 0x3F, 0x69, 0x24, 0x94, 0x49, 0x24, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC9, 0x24, 0x91,
+ 0x49, 0x25, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x70 };
+const GFXglyph sourcesans8pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 1, 11, 5, 1, -10 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 3, 4, 4, 7, 1, -10 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 5, 8, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 15, 6, 13, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 25, 12, 11, 13, 1, -10 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 42, 8, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 53, 1, 4, 4, 1, -10 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 54, 3, 15, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 60, 3, 15, 5, 0, -11 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 66, 5, 5, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 70, 5, 7, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 75, 2, 4, 4, 1, 0 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 76, 3, 1, 5, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 77, 1, 2, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 78, 5, 15, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 88, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 96, 5, 10, 8, 2, -9 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 103, 7, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 112, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 120, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 128, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 136, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 144, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 152, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 160, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 168, 1, 8, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 169, 1, 11, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 171, 6, 7, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 177, 6, 5, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 181, 6, 7, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 187, 5, 11, 7, 1, -10 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 194, 12, 12, 14, 1, -9 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 212, 8, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 223, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 233, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 243, 8, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 254, 6, 11, 8, 1, -10 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 263, 6, 11, 8, 1, -10 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 272, 8, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 283, 8, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 294, 1, 11, 4, 1, -10 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 296, 5, 11, 8, 1, -10 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 303, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 313, 5, 11, 8, 1, -10 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 320, 9, 11, 12, 1, -10 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 333, 8, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 344, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 355, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 365, 8, 14, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 379, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 390, 8, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 401, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 411, 8, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 422, 8, 11, 8, 0, -10 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 433, 12, 11, 13, 0, -10 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 450, 8, 11, 8, 0, -10 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 461, 7, 11, 8, 0, -10 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 471, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 481, 3, 14, 5, 2, -11 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 487, 6, 14, 6, 0, -10 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 498, 3, 14, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 504, 6, 6, 8, 1, -10 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 509, 8, 1, 8, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 510, 3, 2, 9, 3, -10 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 511, 6, 8, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 517, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 527, 6, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 533, 6, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 542, 6, 8, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 548, 4, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 554, 7, 12, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 565, 6, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 574, 1, 10, 4, 1, -9 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 576, 3, 13, 4, -1, -9 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 581, 6, 11, 8, 1, -10 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 590, 2, 11, 4, 1, -10 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 593, 11, 8, 13, 1, -7 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 604, 6, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 610, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 617, 7, 11, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 627, 6, 11, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 636, 4, 8, 6, 1, -7 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 640, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 645, 4, 10, 5, 1, -9 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 650, 6, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 656, 7, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 663, 11, 8, 11, 0, -7 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 674, 7, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 681, 7, 11, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 691, 6, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 697, 3, 14, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 703, 1, 16, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 705, 3, 14, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 711, 6, 2, 8, 1, -5 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont sourcesans8pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)sourcesans8pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)sourcesans8pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 21 };
+const uint8_t sourcesans10pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0x80, 0x22, 0x22, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x22, 0x22, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x30, 0x61, 0xF6,
+ 0x2C, 0x18, 0x38, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x38, 0xFF, 0x9E, 0x18, 0x78,
+ 0x10, 0xFC, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x40, 0xCC, 0x9C, 0xCC, 0xBE, 0xCD,
+ 0x77, 0x7A, 0x63, 0x32, 0x63, 0x04, 0x63, 0x08, 0x63, 0x08, 0x7F, 0x10,
+ 0x3E, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xCC, 0x19, 0x83, 0x60, 0x38, 0x0E, 0x1B, 0x62,
+ 0xC6, 0xD8, 0x73, 0x8F, 0x3F, 0xB3, 0xC2, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x11, 0x22, 0x64,
+ 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC4, 0x62, 0x21, 0x00, 0x88, 0x44, 0x62, 0x33, 0x33,
+ 0x33, 0x32, 0x64, 0x48, 0x00, 0x10, 0x21, 0xF1, 0xC2, 0x88, 0x80, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x33, 0x36, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x03,
+ 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x66, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x71, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x31, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x03, 0x03, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x98,
+ 0xE0, 0x30, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x1E, 0x03, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x31,
+ 0xF0, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x16, 0x16, 0x26, 0x46, 0x86, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x06,
+ 0x06, 0x06, 0x3F, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xC3, 0xF1, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0x80, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x98, 0x18, 0x0C, 0xE6, 0xFB, 0x8F,
+ 0x83, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xD8, 0xEF, 0xE1, 0xE0, 0xFE, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x60, 0x83,
+ 0x06, 0x08, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x80, 0x1C, 0x3E, 0x63, 0x63, 0x63, 0x32,
+ 0x1C, 0x2E, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE6, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0x7F, 0x3B, 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x44, 0x78, 0xFC, 0x03,
+ 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x07, 0x1C, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x1E,
+ 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x0F, 0x03,
+ 0x0E, 0x70, 0xC0, 0x7D, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x04, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xC1, 0x83, 0x00, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x06, 0x70,
+ 0x06, 0x63, 0x83, 0xE7, 0xA3, 0xC6, 0x63, 0xCC, 0x63, 0xCC, 0x63, 0xCC,
+ 0x66, 0xCF, 0xFE, 0xE7, 0x38, 0x70, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x07,
+ 0xC0, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x40, 0x28, 0x0D, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x22, 0x0C, 0x61, 0x8C,
+ 0x3F, 0x8F, 0xF9, 0x83, 0x30, 0x6C, 0x06, 0xFC, 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x6C,
+ 0x37, 0xE3, 0xFD, 0x87, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x0F,
+ 0xE7, 0x09, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x07, 0x0C,
+ 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0xCC, 0x3B, 0x07, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x6C, 0x3B, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x3F, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x3F, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xE7, 0x0B,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x37, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0x1F,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC7, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0xC1,
+ 0xB0, 0xCC, 0x63, 0x18, 0xCC, 0x37, 0x0F, 0xC3, 0x98, 0xC2, 0x30, 0xCC,
+ 0x1B, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1,
+ 0x83, 0x06, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x83, 0xF8, 0x7D, 0x17, 0xA2,
+ 0xF4, 0x5E, 0x53, 0xCA, 0x79, 0x4F, 0x11, 0xE2, 0x3C, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xF8,
+ 0x3F, 0x0F, 0x43, 0xD8, 0xF2, 0x3C, 0xCF, 0x13, 0xC6, 0xF0, 0xBC, 0x3F,
+ 0x07, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x70, 0xE6, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x36, 0x06, 0x70, 0xE3, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x80, 0xFE,
+ 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xF9, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xFC, 0x70, 0xE6, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0x60, 0x67, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x60, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x1F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x1B, 0xF9, 0x98, 0xC6,
+ 0x63, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x6C, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xE7, 0x09, 0x80, 0x60, 0x0E,
+ 0x00, 0xF0, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x36, 0x1D, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC0,
+ 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x36,
+ 0x19, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x68, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x30, 0x62, 0x0C, 0x63,
+ 0x0C, 0x60, 0x8C, 0x19, 0x03, 0x60, 0x2C, 0x07, 0x00, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x03,
+ 0xC1, 0x83, 0x43, 0x86, 0x62, 0x86, 0x62, 0x86, 0x62, 0x46, 0x66, 0x4C,
+ 0x24, 0x4C, 0x34, 0x4C, 0x34, 0x2C, 0x3C, 0x38, 0x38, 0x38, 0x18, 0x38,
+ 0x60, 0x98, 0x63, 0x10, 0x4C, 0x1A, 0x03, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x12, 0x0C,
+ 0xC2, 0x19, 0x86, 0x40, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x26, 0x18, 0x84, 0x33, 0x04,
+ 0x81, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x81,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x30, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0F,
+ 0xF8, 0xFB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40,
+ 0x20, 0x20, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x08, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02,
+ 0x01, 0xED, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0xE0, 0x18, 0x38, 0x24, 0x24,
+ 0x66, 0x42, 0x42, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xC8, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x03, 0x1F,
+ 0x7F, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0x7B, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDC, 0xE6,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE6, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0x60, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x61, 0x1E, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x33, 0xFB,
+ 0x1D, 0x87, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x36, 0x39, 0xEC, 0x3E, 0x3F,
+ 0xB0, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC2, 0x7F, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x3D, 0xF6,
+ 0x18, 0x63, 0xCF, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x9F,
+ 0xEE, 0x63, 0x0C, 0xC3, 0x39, 0xC7, 0xE3, 0x70, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0x0F,
+ 0x07, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x33, 0x00,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC3,
+ 0xC6, 0xCC, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xFC, 0xE4, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6,
+ 0xDB, 0x6C, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0x77, 0x3C, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0x86, 0x3C, 0x31, 0xE1,
+ 0x8F, 0x0C, 0x78, 0x63, 0xC3, 0x1E, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x1C, 0x3F, 0x98, 0xD8, 0x3C, 0x1E,
+ 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0x63, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xDC, 0xE6, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE6, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x3D, 0xB1, 0xD8, 0x78,
+ 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0x63, 0x9E, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C,
+ 0xDF, 0xEE, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x79, 0xFB, 0x16, 0x07,
+ 0x03, 0x81, 0xC3, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x61, 0x8F, 0xBE, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61,
+ 0x87, 0xCF, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x7B,
+ 0xC1, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x4C, 0x62, 0x31, 0x90, 0x58, 0x2C, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0xC7, 0x0F, 0x1C, 0x36, 0x78, 0x99, 0xA6, 0x66, 0x98, 0x9A, 0x43, 0x6D,
+ 0x0F, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x60, 0x71, 0x80, 0x63, 0x31, 0x8D, 0x82, 0x81, 0xC0,
+ 0xE0, 0xD0, 0x4C, 0x63, 0x20, 0x80, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x90, 0xCC, 0x62, 0x21,
+ 0x30, 0xD8, 0x28, 0x1C, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFC,
+ 0x30, 0x41, 0x06, 0x18, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x19, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xDC,
+ 0xE1, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC3,
+ 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x87, 0x3B, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0xC0, 0x60, 0xF1,
+ 0x8F, 0x06 };
+const GFXglyph sourcesans10pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 13, 6, 2, -12 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 5, 5, 5, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 9, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 21, 7, 16, 10, 2, -14 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 35, 16, 13, 16, 1, -12 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 61, 11, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 79, 2, 5, 5, 2, -13 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 81, 4, 19, 6, 2, -14 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 91, 4, 19, 6, 1, -14 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 101, 7, 6, 8, 1, -13 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 107, 6, 8, 10, 2, -10 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 113, 4, 5, 5, 1, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 116, 4, 2, 6, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 117, 2, 3, 5, 1, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 118, 8, 19, 7, 0, -14 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 137, 8, 14, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 151, 6, 13, 10, 3, -12 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 161, 9, 14, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 177, 9, 14, 10, 0, -13 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 193, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 206, 9, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 220, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 235, 7, 12, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 246, 8, 14, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 260, 8, 14, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 274, 2, 10, 5, 1, -9 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 277, 2, 13, 4, 1, -9 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 281, 8, 8, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 289, 8, 6, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 295, 8, 8, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 303, 7, 13, 8, 1, -12 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 315, 16, 17, 17, 1, -13 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 349, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 367, 9, 13, 12, 2, -12 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 382, 10, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 399, 10, 13, 12, 2, -12 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 416, 7, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 428, 7, 13, 10, 2, -12 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 440, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 457, 10, 13, 13, 2, -12 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 474, 2, 13, 5, 2, -12 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 478, 8, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 491, 10, 13, 12, 2, -12 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 508, 7, 13, 10, 2, -12 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 520, 11, 13, 15, 2, -12 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 538, 10, 13, 13, 2, -12 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 555, 12, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 575, 9, 13, 12, 2, -12 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 590, 12, 16, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 614, 9, 13, 12, 2, -12 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 629, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 646, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 659, 10, 13, 13, 2, -12 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 676, 11, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 694, 16, 13, 16, 0, -12 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 720, 10, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 737, 10, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 754, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 769, 3, 17, 6, 2, -13 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 776, 8, 17, 7, 0, -13 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 793, 3, 17, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 800, 8, 7, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 807, 10, 2, 10, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 810, 3, 3, 11, 3, -13 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 812, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 822, 8, 14, 11, 2, -13 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 836, 8, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 846, 9, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 862, 9, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 874, 6, 15, 6, 1, -14 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 886, 10, 14, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 904, 8, 14, 11, 2, -13 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 918, 2, 14, 5, 1, -13 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 922, 4, 18, 5, 0, -13 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 931, 8, 14, 10, 2, -13 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 945, 3, 14, 5, 2, -13 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 951, 13, 10, 17, 2, -9 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 968, 8, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 978, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 990, 8, 14, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1004, 9, 14, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1020, 6, 10, 7, 2, -9 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1028, 7, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1037, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1046, 8, 10, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1056, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1068, 14, 10, 14, 0, -9 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1086, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1098, 9, 14, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1114, 7, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1123, 5, 17, 6, 0, -13 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1134, 2, 20, 5, 2, -14 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1139, 5, 17, 6, 2, -13 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1150, 8, 4, 10, 1, -8 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont sourcesans10pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)sourcesans10pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)sourcesans10pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 26 };
+const uint8_t sourcesans9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0x80, 0x24, 0x48, 0x97, 0xF2,
+ 0x4D, 0xBF, 0xA4, 0x48, 0x91, 0x20, 0x18, 0x31, 0xF7, 0x2C, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x37, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x78, 0x43, 0x21, 0x0C, 0xC8,
+ 0x33, 0x20, 0xCD, 0x03, 0x35, 0xE7, 0xAC, 0xC1, 0x33, 0x04, 0xCC, 0x23,
+ 0x30, 0x84, 0x84, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x06, 0x60, 0xCC, 0x19, 0x81, 0x60, 0x30,
+ 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x22, 0xC2, 0xD8, 0x71, 0x8F, 0x1F, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x12,
+ 0x26, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC4, 0x62, 0x21, 0x84, 0x46, 0x23, 0x33, 0x33,
+ 0x32, 0x64, 0x48, 0x21, 0x3E, 0xED, 0x80, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x3F, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x00, 0x33, 0x64, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x81, 0x02, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x40, 0x81, 0x04, 0x08, 0x20, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x66, 0x42, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x42, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x71, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6,
+ 0x31, 0xBE, 0x78, 0x8C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30,
+ 0x20, 0x7F, 0x3C, 0x66, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0xF1, 0x64, 0xD1, 0xA3, 0x7F, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30,
+ 0x7E, 0x60, 0x60, 0x40, 0xFC, 0x46, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x3E,
+ 0x62, 0x60, 0xC0, 0xDC, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x43, 0x66, 0x3C, 0xFC, 0x21,
+ 0x84, 0x30, 0xC2, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x63, 0x63, 0x63, 0x32,
+ 0x1C, 0x2E, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x63, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0x67, 0x3B, 0x03, 0x06, 0x46, 0x7C, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x03, 0xF8,
+ 0x00, 0x0C, 0xE6, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x03, 0x80, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xE0,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x67, 0x38, 0x00, 0x7B, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x08, 0x41,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0x03, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xC0, 0x60, 0xC3, 0x01, 0x98, 0x07, 0x67,
+ 0x0F, 0x32, 0x3D, 0x88, 0xF6, 0x23, 0xD8, 0x8B, 0x66, 0x6C, 0xEF, 0x18,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x48,
+ 0x12, 0x0C, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xFC, 0x61, 0x98, 0x64, 0x0B, 0x03, 0xFC, 0xC6,
+ 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC4, 0xF8, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x18,
+ 0xD8, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x63, 0xE0,
+ 0xFC, 0x63, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE1, 0xB1,
+ 0x9F, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0xEC, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xFF,
+ 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x1F, 0x8C, 0x26, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x33, 0x0C, 0x7E, 0xC1,
+ 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78,
+ 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x0F, 0x33, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x61, 0x31, 0x99, 0x8D, 0x87, 0xE3, 0xB1, 0xCC,
+ 0xC2, 0x61, 0xB0, 0x58, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x1F, 0x87, 0xD2, 0xF4, 0xBD, 0x2F, 0x33,
+ 0xCC, 0xF3, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x7A, 0x3D, 0x1E, 0x4F,
+ 0x27, 0x8B, 0xC5, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x30, 0x1E, 0x1C, 0xE6, 0x1B, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x63, 0x30, 0x78, 0xFC, 0xC7,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x1C,
+ 0xE6, 0x1B, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x66, 0x18,
+ 0xFC, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x3C, 0xFC, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0xFC,
+ 0xC8, 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0xE2, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x38, 0x0E,
+ 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F,
+ 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xD8, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xD0, 0x36, 0x19, 0x86,
+ 0x21, 0x8C, 0xC3, 0x30, 0x4C, 0x16, 0x07, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0F,
+ 0x0C, 0x34, 0x30, 0x99, 0xC6, 0x64, 0x99, 0x92, 0x66, 0x49, 0x09, 0x24,
+ 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x41, 0x31, 0x88, 0x86, 0xC1,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x70, 0x28, 0x36, 0x11, 0x98, 0xC8, 0x30, 0x40, 0x98, 0x62,
+ 0x10, 0xCC, 0x12, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0xFF, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x10, 0x30, 0x60, 0x60, 0xC0, 0xFF,
+ 0xFB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB7, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, 0x81, 0x01, 0xED, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D,
+ 0xB6, 0xDF, 0x10, 0x50, 0xA3, 0x64, 0x48, 0xB1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xC8,
+ 0x80, 0x7C, 0x8C, 0x18, 0xF6, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE7, 0x76, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x0D, 0xE7, 0x1B, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x6D, 0xE0,
+ 0x1E, 0xC5, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x31, 0x1E, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x3F, 0x63, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x62, 0x3E, 0x39, 0x86, 0x18, 0xF1, 0x86, 0x18,
+ 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x60, 0x7F, 0x62, 0x31, 0x98, 0xCE, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x7F, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x67, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDE,
+ 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x30,
+ 0x03, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3E, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC6,
+ 0xC4, 0xC8, 0xD8, 0xF8, 0xEC, 0xC4, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB,
+ 0x6E, 0xDE, 0x77, 0x1C, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0x86, 0x3C, 0x31, 0xE1, 0x8F, 0x0C,
+ 0x78, 0x63, 0xC3, 0x18, 0xDE, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0x3C, 0x66, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x3C, 0xDE, 0x71,
+ 0xB0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xC6, 0xDE, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C,
+ 0x00, 0x3F, 0x63, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67, 0x3B, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0xDF, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x7D, 0x8B, 0x07, 0x03, 0xC1,
+ 0xC1, 0xC3, 0x7C, 0x61, 0x8F, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x83, 0xC0,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x7B, 0xC1, 0x43, 0x62,
+ 0x62, 0x26, 0x34, 0x34, 0x1C, 0x18, 0xC2, 0x1E, 0x38, 0xD9, 0x4C, 0xCA,
+ 0x66, 0x53, 0x14, 0xD0, 0xE2, 0x87, 0x1C, 0x38, 0xC0, 0x42, 0x66, 0x34,
+ 0x1C, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x66, 0x42, 0x41, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xC4, 0x62, 0x21,
+ 0xB0, 0x58, 0x28, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x02, 0x06, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x31, 0x84,
+ 0x31, 0x84, 0x30, 0xFC, 0x19, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63,
+ 0x18, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xC3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x83,
+ 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x3C };
+const GFXglyph sourcesans9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 5, 2, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 5, 5, 8, 2, -12 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 8, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 18, 7, 14, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 31, 14, 12, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 52, 11, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 69, 2, 5, 4, 2, -12 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 71, 4, 16, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 79, 4, 16, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 87, 5, 5, 8, 1, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 91, 6, 7, 9, 2, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 97, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 99, 4, 1, 6, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 100, 2, 2, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 101, 7, 16, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 115, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 127, 5, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 134, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 146, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 158, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 168, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 179, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 190, 6, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 199, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 211, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 223, 2, 8, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 225, 2, 11, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 228, 7, 8, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 235, 7, 5, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 240, 7, 8, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 247, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 256, 14, 15, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 283, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 298, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 310, 9, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 324, 9, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 338, 6, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 347, 6, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 356, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 371, 9, 12, 12, 2, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 385, 2, 12, 5, 2, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 388, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 399, 9, 12, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 413, 6, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 422, 10, 12, 13, 2, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 437, 9, 12, 12, 2, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 451, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 466, 8, 12, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 478, 10, 15, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 497, 8, 12, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 509, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 521, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 533, 9, 12, 12, 2, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 547, 10, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 562, 14, 12, 14, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 583, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 597, 10, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 612, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 624, 3, 16, 5, 2, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 630, 7, 16, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 644, 3, 16, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 650, 7, 7, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 657, 9, 1, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 659, 3, 3, 10, 3, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 661, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 669, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 684, 7, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 692, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 705, 8, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 714, 6, 13, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 724, 9, 13, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 739, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 752, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 755, 4, 16, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 763, 8, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 776, 3, 13, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 781, 13, 9, 15, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 796, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 805, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 814, 9, 13, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 829, 8, 12, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 841, 5, 9, 6, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 847, 7, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 855, 6, 11, 6, 1, -10 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 864, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 873, 8, 9, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 882, 13, 9, 13, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 897, 8, 9, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 906, 9, 13, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 921, 6, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 928, 5, 16, 5, 0, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 938, 2, 19, 4, 2, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 943, 5, 16, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 953, 7, 2, 9, 1, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont sourcesans9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)sourcesans9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)sourcesans9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 24 };
+// Approx. 1627 bytes
+const uint8_t sourcesans_semi9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xD5, 0x3F, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCC, 0x24, 0x4B, 0xFF, 0xF2,
+ 0x5F, 0xFF, 0xA4, 0x48, 0x91, 0x20, 0x18, 0x31, 0xFE, 0x2C, 0x1C, 0x1E,
+ 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xF7, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x78, 0x43, 0xF1, 0x0C, 0xC8,
+ 0x33, 0x20, 0xCD, 0x7B, 0x35, 0xE7, 0xAC, 0xDE, 0xB3, 0x04, 0xCC, 0x13,
+ 0x30, 0x8F, 0xC2, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0x86, 0x61, 0x98, 0x6C, 0x0E, 0x07,
+ 0x8F, 0x76, 0xCF, 0x31, 0xE7, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x32, 0x66, 0xCC,
+ 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x66, 0x23, 0xC4, 0x66, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x66,
+ 0x4C, 0x10, 0x21, 0xF1, 0xC2, 0x85, 0x00, 0x30, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0x30, 0xC0,
+ 0x33, 0x36, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x10, 0x82, 0x18, 0x41, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0x82, 0x18, 0x41, 0x08, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x66, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x33,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x78, 0xFC, 0xCE, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x70,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x23, 0x03, 0x07, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x03, 0x03, 0x43,
+ 0xFE, 0x3C, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x66, 0x46, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x06,
+ 0x06, 0x3E, 0x3E, 0x30, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x7E, 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0x47, 0x7E,
+ 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x7F, 0x62, 0xC0, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x67, 0x7E,
+ 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x10, 0x60, 0x83, 0x06, 0x08, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x80,
+ 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x3E, 0x6F, 0x9F, 0x63, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0xF1, 0xC0, 0x38,
+ 0xFB, 0x36, 0x3C, 0x79, 0xDF, 0xBB, 0x06, 0x1B, 0xF3, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0x0F,
+ 0xC0, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x3C, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x0F, 0x01,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x7C,
+ 0xE0, 0x80, 0x79, 0xFD, 0x18, 0x30, 0xE3, 0x86, 0x18, 0x30, 0x00, 0xC1,
+ 0x83, 0x00, 0x07, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0xE6, 0xB6, 0x7C, 0xE7, 0x67,
+ 0x33, 0x39, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x9E, 0x7F, 0xB9, 0x98, 0xC0, 0x07, 0x84, 0x1F,
+ 0xE0, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0, 0x48, 0x33, 0x0C, 0xC3, 0x31,
+ 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x98, 0x6C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFC, 0xFE,
+ 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xDC, 0x5C, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x9F, 0xE3, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x1F, 0xBF, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1F,
+ 0xBF, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xDC, 0x4C, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x03, 0x1F, 0x8F, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x8D, 0xF1, 0xE0, 0xC3, 0x63,
+ 0x33, 0x99, 0x8D, 0x87, 0xC3, 0xF1, 0xDC, 0xC6, 0x63, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0x7E,
+ 0x1F, 0xC7, 0xF3, 0xF4, 0xBD, 0x2F, 0x7B, 0xCC, 0xF3, 0x3C, 0xCF, 0x03,
+ 0xC3, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xF3, 0xD3, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xCB, 0xCF, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC3,
+ 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xE6, 0x1B, 0x87, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xE1, 0xD8,
+ 0x67, 0xF0, 0x78, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0xF1, 0x86, 0x70, 0xEC, 0x0D, 0x81, 0xB0,
+ 0x36, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xCC, 0x30, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xF8,
+ 0xFC, 0x7F, 0x31, 0xD8, 0x6C, 0x36, 0x3B, 0xF9, 0xF8, 0xCC, 0x63, 0x31,
+ 0xD8, 0x60, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xD8, 0x4C, 0x07, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x01,
+ 0xB0, 0xDF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07,
+ 0x83, 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xDF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x36, 0x19, 0x86, 0x61,
+ 0x8C, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xCC, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x8F, 0x0E,
+ 0x3E, 0x38, 0xD8, 0xE2, 0x66, 0xD9, 0x9B, 0x66, 0x4D, 0x9D, 0x36, 0x3C,
+ 0xD0, 0xF1, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x61, 0x98, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x1E,
+ 0x07, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x37, 0x0C, 0xC6, 0x39, 0x86, 0x61, 0x98, 0x63,
+ 0x30, 0xCC, 0x1A, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38, 0x30, 0x60, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB7, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x0C,
+ 0x08, 0x10, 0x30, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, 0x81, 0x01, 0xED, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D,
+ 0xB6, 0xDF, 0x18, 0x70, 0xA3, 0x66, 0x48, 0xF1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0xC9, 0x80, 0x3D, 0xFC, 0x18, 0xF7, 0xFC, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x76, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xFF,
+ 0x86, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38, 0x3F, 0x3C, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x3B, 0x7F, 0xE3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0x7F, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x30,
+ 0x3E, 0x3C, 0x3B, 0xD8, 0xCF, 0x79, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x7F,
+ 0xFF, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x7C, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x7C,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x03, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xFE, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0xCC, 0xDC, 0xD8, 0xF8, 0xEC, 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xC7,
+ 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0xB0, 0xDE, 0x77, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xE7, 0x86, 0x3C,
+ 0x31, 0xE1, 0x8F, 0x0C, 0x78, 0x63, 0xC3, 0x18, 0xDE, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE7,
+ 0x7E, 0x3C, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x3B, 0x7F, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0x7F, 0x3B, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0xDF, 0xF9, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x7B, 0xFC, 0x38, 0x78, 0x38,
+ 0xFF, 0x78, 0x61, 0x8F, 0xBE, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0xE3, 0xC0, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0x7B, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x98, 0xCC,
+ 0x63, 0x61, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x00, 0xC3, 0x1E, 0x1C, 0xD9, 0xE4,
+ 0xCB, 0x66, 0x5B, 0x3A, 0xD8, 0xF3, 0x87, 0x1C, 0x38, 0xE0, 0x63, 0x76,
+ 0x36, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x3C, 0x36, 0x66, 0x63, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x2C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0xFD, 0xF8, 0x70, 0xC3,
+ 0x0C, 0x38, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x19, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xDC, 0xE1, 0x8C, 0x63,
+ 0x18, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xC3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x87, 0x3B, 0x18,
+ 0xC6, 0x31, 0x98, 0x60, 0xF2, 0x9E, 0x0C };
+const GFXglyph sourcesans_semi9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 6, 2, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 6, 5, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 8, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 18, 7, 14, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 31, 14, 12, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 52, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 67, 2, 5, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 69, 4, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 77, 4, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 85, 7, 6, 8, 0, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 91, 6, 6, 9, 2, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 96, 4, 5, 5, 1, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 99, 4, 2, 6, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 100, 2, 3, 5, 1, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 101, 6, 16, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 113, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 125, 6, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 134, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 146, 8, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 158, 8, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 169, 8, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 181, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 193, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 204, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 215, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 226, 2, 9, 5, 1, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 229, 2, 12, 4, 1, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 232, 8, 8, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 240, 8, 6, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 246, 8, 8, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 254, 7, 13, 8, 0, -12 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 266, 13, 15, 16, 1, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 291, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 306, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 318, 9, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 332, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 344, 7, 12, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 355, 7, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 366, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 380, 8, 12, 12, 2, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 392, 2, 12, 5, 2, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 395, 7, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 406, 9, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 420, 6, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 429, 10, 12, 13, 2, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 444, 8, 12, 12, 2, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 456, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 471, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 483, 11, 15, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 504, 9, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 518, 9, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 532, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 544, 9, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 558, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 573, 14, 12, 14, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 594, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 609, 10, 12, 9, -1, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 624, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 636, 3, 16, 6, 2, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 642, 7, 16, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 656, 3, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 662, 7, 7, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 669, 9, 2, 9, 0, 1 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 672, 3, 3, 10, 3, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 674, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 682, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 694, 7, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 702, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 714, 7, 9, 9, 2, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 722, 5, 13, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 731, 8, 13, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 744, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 756, 2, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 759, 4, 16, 5, -1, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 767, 8, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 780, 3, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 785, 13, 9, 15, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 800, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 809, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 818, 8, 12, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 830, 8, 11, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 841, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 847, 6, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 854, 6, 11, 6, 1, -10 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 863, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 872, 9, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 883, 13, 9, 13, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 898, 8, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 907, 8, 13, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 920, 7, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 928, 5, 16, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 938, 1, 19, 5, 2, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 941, 5, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 951, 8, 4, 9, 1, -7 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont sourcesans_semi9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)sourcesans_semi9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)sourcesans_semi9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 24 };
+// Approx. 1627 bytes
+const uint8_t sourcesans_bold9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0x42,
+ 0x24, 0x4B, 0xFF, 0xF2, 0x4D, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x48, 0x91, 0x20, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xE2, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7C,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x78, 0x21, 0xF8, 0xC3, 0x31, 0x06, 0x66, 0x0C, 0xC9, 0x99,
+ 0xB7, 0x9E, 0xD9, 0x99, 0x33, 0x06, 0x66, 0x08, 0xCC, 0x31, 0xF8, 0x41,
+ 0xE0, 0x0E, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x3B, 0x03, 0xB0, 0x3E, 0x01, 0xC7, 0x7C, 0x7F,
+ 0x6E, 0xE7, 0xCE, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0xF3, 0xE3, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x80, 0x19, 0x9C,
+ 0xE6, 0x73, 0x9C, 0xE7, 0x38, 0xC7, 0x38, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x1C, 0xE3, 0x1C,
+ 0xE7, 0x39, 0xCE, 0x67, 0x39, 0x98, 0x10, 0x23, 0xFB, 0xE3, 0x8D, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xDF, 0x97, 0xA0,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x86, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x46, 0x31, 0x88, 0x46, 0x31,
+ 0x88, 0x46, 0x31, 0x88, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x66, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7,
+ 0xE7, 0xE7, 0x66, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x79, 0xE3, 0x8E, 0x38, 0xE3, 0x8E, 0x3B,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0x11, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x1C,
+ 0x1C, 0x1F, 0xEF, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0x88, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x78, 0xF0, 0x7C,
+ 0x07, 0x03, 0xA1, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x3E, 0x2E, 0x6E, 0xCE,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x9C, 0x0E, 0x07, 0xE3, 0xF8,
+ 0x0E, 0x07, 0x43, 0xFF, 0x8F, 0x80, 0x1E, 0x7F, 0x72, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xEE,
+ 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x86, 0x18, 0xC3, 0x1C,
+ 0x71, 0xC7, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xF7, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xE7,
+ 0xE7, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0x7F, 0x37, 0x07,
+ 0x0E, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE5, 0xE8,
+ 0x03, 0x0F, 0x7E, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x7E, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x7C, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x3C, 0xFF,
+ 0x47, 0x07, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x38, 0x00, 0x38, 0x38, 0x38, 0x07, 0xE0,
+ 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xC1, 0x9C, 0x02, 0x63, 0xE7, 0x9F, 0x9C, 0xEC, 0x73, 0x31,
+ 0xCC, 0xCF, 0x3D, 0xEE, 0x77, 0x18, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFC,
+ 0x00, 0x0E, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x6C, 0x0D, 0x83, 0xB8, 0x77, 0x0C, 0x63, 0xFE,
+ 0x7F, 0xCE, 0x3B, 0x83, 0xF0, 0x70, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0xEE, 0x3B, 0x8E, 0xE3,
+ 0xBF, 0xCF, 0xFB, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x7F, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xE7,
+ 0x11, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1C, 0x63, 0xFC, 0x7C,
+ 0xFE, 0x3F, 0xCE, 0x3B, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x1F, 0x87, 0xE3, 0xF8,
+ 0xEF, 0xF3, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xBF, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xBF, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87,
+ 0x00, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xF7, 0x13, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x38, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0x87, 0xF1,
+ 0xDC, 0x73, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x1F, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x1F, 0x87, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0,
+ 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x47, 0xFE, 0x3C,
+ 0xE3, 0xB8, 0xCE, 0x73, 0xB8, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xE3, 0xDC, 0xE7, 0x38,
+ 0xEE, 0x3B, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xEF,
+ 0x7E, 0xF7, 0xE6, 0x7E, 0x67, 0xE6, 0x7E, 0x07, 0xE1, 0xFC, 0x7F, 0x1F,
+ 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFB, 0x7E, 0xDF, 0x9F, 0xE7, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0x87, 0x1F,
+ 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x70, 0x7E, 0x0F, 0xC1, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0x07, 0xE0, 0xEE,
+ 0x38, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0xEE, 0x3F, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0xFF,
+ 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x80, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x70,
+ 0x7E, 0x0F, 0xC1, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0x07, 0xE0, 0xEE, 0x38, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x80,
+ 0x70, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x78, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0xEE, 0x3F, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0xFF,
+ 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xE7, 0x38, 0xEE, 0x3B, 0x87, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xDC, 0x0F,
+ 0x83, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xA1, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xE1,
+ 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC0, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x1F,
+ 0x87, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x1F, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xDC, 0xE7, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xE1,
+ 0xF8, 0x77, 0x39, 0xCE, 0x73, 0x8C, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x81,
+ 0xE0, 0x70, 0xE3, 0x8F, 0xC7, 0x1F, 0x8E, 0x33, 0x1C, 0xE7, 0x7D, 0xCE,
+ 0xDB, 0x9D, 0xB7, 0x3B, 0x6C, 0x34, 0xD8, 0x79, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xE1, 0xE3,
+ 0xC0, 0x71, 0xDC, 0xE3, 0x38, 0xEC, 0x1F, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0, 0x7C, 0x3F,
+ 0x0C, 0xE7, 0x3B, 0x87, 0x60, 0xCE, 0x38, 0xC6, 0x1D, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0x3E,
+ 0x07, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x07, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06,
+ 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x30, 0x70, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xCC,
+ 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x8C, 0xCC, 0x44, 0x46, 0x66, 0x62,
+ 0x22, 0x33, 0x31, 0x20, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xFF,
+ 0x38, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x6C, 0x66, 0x66, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x63, 0x3C,
+ 0x7E, 0x47, 0x1F, 0x7F, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C,
+ 0x0E, 0xE7, 0xFB, 0x8F, 0xC7, 0xE3, 0xF1, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xED, 0xE0, 0x1E,
+ 0x7E, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xF2, 0x7E, 0x3E, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07,
+ 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xC7,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x7E, 0x3E, 0x1D, 0xF7, 0x1C, 0xFB, 0xE7, 0x1C,
+ 0x71, 0xC7, 0x1C, 0x70, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xF9, 0xDC, 0xE7, 0xF3, 0xE1, 0x80,
+ 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF1, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x0E,
+ 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x8F, 0xC7, 0xE3, 0xF1, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x38, 0xFC, 0x7F,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x39, 0xC0, 0x73, 0x9C, 0xE7, 0x39, 0xCE, 0x73, 0x9F,
+ 0xFE, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x0E, 0x77, 0x3B, 0xB9, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0x7F,
+ 0x39, 0x9C, 0xEE, 0x38, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEF, 0x70, 0xFE,
+ 0x7B, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x71, 0xF9, 0xC7, 0xE7, 0x1F, 0x9C, 0x7E, 0x71, 0xF9,
+ 0xC7, 0xE7, 0x1C, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x8F, 0xC7,
+ 0xE3, 0x80, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x8E, 0xFE, 0x3E,
+ 0x00, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xB8, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0x70,
+ 0x38, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x7F, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0x7F, 0x3F,
+ 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0x38, 0xE3, 0x8E, 0x38, 0xE0, 0x7D, 0xFF,
+ 0x97, 0x87, 0xC3, 0xD3, 0xFF, 0x7C, 0x71, 0xCF, 0xBE, 0x71, 0xC7, 0x1C,
+ 0x71, 0xF3, 0xC0, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x7F,
+ 0xC3, 0xF1, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0xE6, 0x63, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xE3,
+ 0x1F, 0x8E, 0x77, 0x79, 0x9D, 0xEE, 0x77, 0xB8, 0xD3, 0xC3, 0xCF, 0x0F,
+ 0x3C, 0x3C, 0xF0, 0x73, 0xBB, 0x8F, 0x87, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xD8, 0xEE,
+ 0x63, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xB1, 0xDC, 0xC6, 0x63, 0x71, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x38, 0x0C,
+ 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x71, 0xC3, 0x8E, 0x38, 0x7F, 0xFE,
+ 0x3B, 0xDC, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xDE, 0xF1, 0x8C, 0xE7, 0x39, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xE0, 0xE7, 0x9C, 0xE6, 0x31, 0x8F, 0x7B, 0x18, 0xC7, 0x3B, 0xDC, 0x72,
+ 0xFF, 0x8E };
+const GFXglyph sourcesans_bold9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 3, 12, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 6, 8, 6, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 12, 7, 11, 10, 1, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 22, 8, 16, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 38, 15, 12, 15, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 61, 12, 12, 12, 0, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 79, 3, 6, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 82, 5, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 92, 5, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 102, 7, 7, 8, 0, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 109, 8, 8, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 117, 3, 7, 5, 1, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 120, 4, 2, 6, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 121, 3, 3, 5, 1, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 123, 5, 22, 6, 0, -15 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 137, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 149, 6, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 158, 9, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 172, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 186, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 197, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 210, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 222, 6, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 231, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 243, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 255, 3, 9, 5, 1, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 259, 3, 13, 5, 1, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 264, 8, 8, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 272, 8, 6, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 278, 8, 8, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 286, 8, 12, 8, 0, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 298, 14, 15, 16, 1, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 325, 11, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 342, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 357, 10, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 372, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 387, 7, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 398, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 409, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 424, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 439, 3, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 444, 8, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 456, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 471, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 482, 12, 12, 14, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 500, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 515, 11, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 532, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 547, 11, 15, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 568, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 583, 9, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 597, 7, 12, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 608, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 623, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 638, 15, 12, 15, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 661, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 676, 11, 12, 9, -1, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 693, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 705, 4, 16, 6, 2, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 713, 4, 22, 6, 1, -15 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 724, 4, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 732, 8, 7, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 739, 9, 2, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 742, 4, 2, 10, 2, -11 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 743, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 752, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 767, 8, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 776, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 789, 8, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 798, 6, 13, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 808, 9, 13, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 823, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 838, 3, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 843, 5, 16, 5, -1, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 853, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 868, 4, 13, 5, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 875, 14, 9, 15, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 891, 9, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 902, 9, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 913, 9, 12, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 927, 8, 12, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 939, 6, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 946, 7, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 954, 6, 11, 7, 1, -10 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 963, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 972, 9, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 983, 14, 9, 14, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 999, 9, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1010, 9, 12, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1024, 7, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1032, 5, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1042, 1, 19, 5, 2, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1045, 5, 16, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1055, 8, 3, 9, 1, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont sourcesans_bold9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)sourcesans_bold9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)sourcesans_bold9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 24 };
+const uint8_t DINAlternateBold9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x32, 0x32, 0x36, 0xFF, 0x26, 0x24,
+ 0x64, 0xFF, 0x64, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x08, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x7E, 0x68, 0x68,
+ 0x68, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x4B, 0xFE, 0x3C, 0x08, 0x08, 0xE3, 0x4A,
+ 0x97, 0x40, 0x82, 0x04, 0x17, 0x2A, 0x95, 0x2C, 0x70, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0xC1,
+ 0x98, 0x33, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x13, 0x06, 0x36, 0xC3, 0x9C, 0x71, 0xFF,
+ 0x1E, 0x60, 0xFC, 0x22, 0x64, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x46, 0x22, 0x84, 0x62,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x26, 0x48, 0x27, 0xC9, 0xF2, 0x00, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x03, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xF0,
+ 0x0C, 0x21, 0x86, 0x10, 0xC2, 0x08, 0x61, 0x04, 0x30, 0x39, 0xFF, 0x1E,
+ 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0xF9, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0xB3, 0x33, 0x33,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x30, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x70, 0xC3, 0xFF,
+ 0xF0, 0x79, 0xFF, 0x18, 0x33, 0xC7, 0x83, 0x83, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF3, 0xC0,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x30, 0x66, 0x66, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x06,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xEF, 0xD8, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x07, 0x8F, 0xF1, 0xC0, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0xC1, 0x86, 0x0F, 0x3F, 0x63, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x3F, 0xE3, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x86, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x7D, 0xFF,
+ 0x1E, 0x37, 0xCF, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0xDD, 0xF1, 0xC0, 0x7D, 0xCF, 0x1E,
+ 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xDF, 0x06, 0x18, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x80, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF8,
+ 0x00, 0x81, 0xC7, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x18, 0x38,
+ 0x71, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x7B, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0x0C, 0x63, 0x8C, 0x30, 0x03,
+ 0x0C, 0x0F, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0xDD, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x89, 0xF8, 0x4F, 0xC6,
+ 0x7E, 0x26, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x01, 0xC0,
+ 0x38, 0x0D, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x62, 0x0C, 0x61, 0xFC, 0x7F, 0x8C, 0x19, 0x83,
+ 0x60, 0x30, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0xFB, 0xFD, 0x83, 0xC1,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xDF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E,
+ 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xF8,
+ 0x0C, 0x06, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xDF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xE0,
+ 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x30,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x1F,
+ 0xF3, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xCC, 0x63, 0x30, 0xDC, 0x37, 0x0F, 0xE3, 0x98,
+ 0xC3, 0x30, 0xCC, 0x1B, 0x07, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x1F, 0x83, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x1F,
+ 0xE3, 0xF6, 0xDE, 0xDB, 0xCE, 0x79, 0xCF, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x30, 0xC1, 0xF0,
+ 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x9E, 0xCF, 0x37, 0x9B, 0xC7, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x30,
+ 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xDF,
+ 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0xFB, 0xF9, 0x80, 0xC0,
+ 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x1F, 0xCE, 0x3B, 0x06, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0x6C,
+ 0x1B, 0x16, 0xCF, 0xB8, 0xE7, 0xFC, 0xFB, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0xCC, 0x1B, 0x06,
+ 0xC3, 0xBF, 0xCF, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x30, 0xCC, 0x3B, 0x06, 0x1F, 0x0F,
+ 0xF7, 0x09, 0x80, 0x60, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x03, 0x00, 0xD8, 0x77, 0xF8,
+ 0x7C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xDF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xD0, 0x66, 0x19, 0x86, 0x23, 0x0C,
+ 0xC3, 0x30, 0x58, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0D, 0x8C, 0x36,
+ 0x38, 0xD8, 0xE3, 0x66, 0x98, 0x9B, 0x63, 0x4D, 0x8F, 0x36, 0x3C, 0x70,
+ 0x71, 0xC1, 0x87, 0x06, 0x08, 0xE1, 0x98, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x1E, 0x07,
+ 0x01, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x36, 0x1C, 0xC6, 0x1B, 0x06, 0xE1, 0xD8, 0x63, 0x30,
+ 0xCC, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC,
+ 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCF, 0xC1, 0x04, 0x18, 0x20, 0x83, 0x04,
+ 0x18, 0x60, 0x83, 0xF3, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x08, 0x0C,
+ 0x05, 0x06, 0x82, 0x63, 0x11, 0x0D, 0x82, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xE6, 0x30, 0x3C,
+ 0xFC, 0x1B, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x7E, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0xEF, 0xF8,
+ 0xF1, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0xFE, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38,
+ 0x3F, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1B, 0xBF, 0xF8, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0xFB,
+ 0xB0, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x39, 0x3F, 0x3C, 0x3B, 0xD9, 0xFF,
+ 0xB1, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x77, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xFF,
+ 0x76, 0x0D, 0x3F, 0xE7, 0x80, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0xEF, 0xF8, 0xF1, 0xE3,
+ 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x30, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x03, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0xCC, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xF8, 0xEC,
+ 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0xB0, 0xDD, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xC6,
+ 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x30, 0xDD, 0xFF,
+ 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC6, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1,
+ 0xBE, 0x38, 0xDD, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0xDD, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0x77, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x76, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x60, 0xDF, 0xFC, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x62,
+ 0x60, 0x3E, 0x03, 0x43, 0x7F, 0x3E, 0x66, 0x6F, 0xF6, 0x66, 0x66, 0x73,
+ 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x76, 0xC3, 0xC2, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x24, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC2, 0x1A, 0x31, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xCA, 0x66,
+ 0xD2, 0x16, 0xF0, 0xE7, 0x87, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x63, 0x66, 0x3E, 0x1C,
+ 0x18, 0x3C, 0x36, 0x66, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC2, 0x66, 0x66, 0x24, 0x3C, 0x3C,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x70, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x86, 0x31, 0x84, 0x3F,
+ 0xFC, 0x1C, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xCC, 0x1C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x70,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE1, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0x63, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x70,
+ 0x71, 0xFF, 0x8E };
+const GFXglyph DINAlternateBold9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 4, 3, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 6, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 18, 8, 16, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 34, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 45, 11, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 62, 2, 3, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 63, 4, 14, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 70, 4, 14, 5, 0, -11 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 77, 5, 5, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 81, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 92, 2, 3, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 93, 5, 2, 7, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 95, 2, 2, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 96, 6, 12, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 105, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 116, 4, 12, 8, 2, -11 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 122, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 133, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 144, 8, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 156, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 167, 7, 13, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 179, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 190, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 201, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 212, 2, 6, 4, 1, -5 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 214, 2, 7, 4, 1, -5 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 216, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 227, 9, 5, 11, 1, -6 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 233, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 244, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 253, 13, 12, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 273, 11, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 290, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 304, 9, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 318, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 332, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 344, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 356, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 370, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 384, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 387, 7, 12, 8, 0, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 398, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 413, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 425, 11, 12, 13, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 442, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 456, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 470, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 484, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 499, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 514, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 529, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 543, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 557, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 572, 14, 12, 15, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 593, 10, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 608, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 623, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 635, 4, 14, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 642, 6, 12, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 651, 4, 14, 5, 0, -11 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 658, 9, 8, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 667, 9, 1, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 669, 4, 3, 4, -1, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 671, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 679, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 690, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 698, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 709, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 717, 5, 12, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 725, 7, 13, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 737, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 748, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 751, 4, 16, 4, -1, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 759, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 771, 3, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 776, 12, 9, 14, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 790, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 798, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 806, 7, 13, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 818, 7, 13, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 830, 6, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 837, 8, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 846, 4, 12, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 852, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 860, 8, 9, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 869, 13, 9, 13, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 884, 8, 9, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 893, 8, 13, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 906, 6, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 913, 6, 14, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 924, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 927, 5, 14, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 936, 8, 3, 11, 1, -5 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont DINAlternateBold9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)DINAlternateBold9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)DINAlternateBold9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 21 };
+// Approx. 1611 bytes
+const uint8_t DINCondensedBold9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x25, 0x96, 0xFF, 0x49, 0x24, 0xBF,
+ 0xDB, 0x69, 0x24, 0x10, 0xE7, 0xF7, 0xDF, 0x4F, 0x0F, 0x1C, 0x7D, 0xF7,
+ 0x7C, 0x41, 0x00, 0xEE, 0xAE, 0x86, 0x10, 0x42, 0x08, 0x7D, 0x55, 0x77,
+ 0x78, 0xFC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x78, 0x30, 0x70, 0xDB, 0xCE, 0xCE, 0xFE, 0x73,
+ 0xFC, 0x2D, 0x2D, 0xB6, 0xD9, 0x26, 0x40, 0x99, 0x26, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0x2D,
+ 0x00, 0x25, 0x5C, 0xEA, 0x90, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFC,
+ 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x33, 0x22, 0x26, 0x64,
+ 0x44, 0xCC, 0x77, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7B, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0xE0, 0x7F, 0xB3,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x77, 0xF7, 0xB1, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x66, 0x3F, 0xF0,
+ 0x77, 0xF6, 0x33, 0x98, 0x63, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0xE0, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x18, 0x61,
+ 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xFF, 0xF1, 0x86, 0xFF, 0xF1, 0x8F, 0x7E, 0x63, 0x1E, 0xFE,
+ 0xE0, 0x31, 0x88, 0xC6, 0x7F, 0x7B, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x86,
+ 0x18, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x31, 0x86, 0x18, 0x77, 0xF7, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x7B, 0xDE,
+ 0xFE, 0xE0, 0x77, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0xE6, 0x31, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0xF0,
+ 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x81, 0xC7, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0E, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xE0,
+ 0x18, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x77, 0xF3, 0x90, 0x8C, 0xC6, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x60, 0x0F, 0x81, 0xC3, 0x1B, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0xBD, 0x89, 0xF8, 0x4F,
+ 0xC6, 0xFE, 0x26, 0x7F, 0xF3, 0xE7, 0x8E, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x10, 0x70,
+ 0xE1, 0x42, 0x85, 0x9B, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x30, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xF3,
+ 0xFB, 0xEC, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xFE, 0x7B, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xDE, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xFE,
+ 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30, 0xC3, 0xEF, 0xB0, 0xC3, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0xEF, 0xB0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x7B, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0x7D, 0xF3,
+ 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xDE, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x37, 0xDE,
+ 0xCD, 0x9B, 0x66, 0xCF, 0x1E, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0xCD, 0x9B, 0x36, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0xE7,
+ 0xE7, 0xFF, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xCF, 0x3E, 0xFB, 0xEF,
+ 0xBD, 0xF7, 0xDF, 0x7C, 0xF3, 0x7B, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCF,
+ 0x3F, 0xDE, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xB0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x79,
+ 0xFB, 0x36, 0x6C, 0xD9, 0xB3, 0x66, 0xDD, 0xBB, 0xF3, 0xA0, 0xFB, 0xFC,
+ 0xF3, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0x36, 0xDB, 0x2C, 0xF3, 0x7B, 0xFC, 0xF3, 0xC1, 0xC1,
+ 0xC3, 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xDE, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x0C, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xDE, 0xC6, 0x8D,
+ 0x93, 0x66, 0xCD, 0x8B, 0x14, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE0, 0x80, 0xCC, 0xD3, 0x34,
+ 0xCD, 0xBB, 0x6E, 0x9F, 0xA7, 0xA9, 0xEE, 0x33, 0x8C, 0xE3, 0x38, 0xC4,
+ 0xC6, 0xD9, 0xB1, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x68, 0xD9, 0x36, 0x30, 0xCF,
+ 0x3C, 0xDE, 0x79, 0xE3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x23, 0x19,
+ 0x8C, 0x46, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0xFB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xC0, 0xCC, 0x44,
+ 0x46, 0x62, 0x22, 0x33, 0xED, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB7, 0xC0, 0x08, 0x0C,
+ 0x07, 0x06, 0x82, 0x23, 0x11, 0x05, 0x82, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xC6, 0x20, 0x7B,
+ 0xF0, 0xDF, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0x6C, 0xC6, 0x31, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0x7B, 0xDE,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x73, 0xEC, 0xB0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0xBE, 0x70, 0x18, 0xC7, 0xFF,
+ 0xEF, 0x7B, 0xDE, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x77, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0x7F, 0x70, 0x37,
+ 0x6F, 0xF6, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFF, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0xF8, 0xF7,
+ 0xF7, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x31, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0x7B, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0xB0, 0xF3, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x6C, 0x36, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xFE, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x33, 0xDB, 0x6F,
+ 0x3C, 0xFB, 0x6C, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xDB, 0xB0, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0xDB,
+ 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7B, 0xD8,
+ 0x77, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0x70, 0xFF, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0xFE,
+ 0x31, 0x8C, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0xF8, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x80,
+ 0xDF, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC0, 0x77, 0xF7, 0x87, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x70, 0x66,
+ 0x6F, 0xF6, 0x66, 0x66, 0x73, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0xF8, 0xCF,
+ 0x34, 0xDA, 0x79, 0xE3, 0x8C, 0x30, 0xCD, 0xE6, 0xD3, 0x6F, 0xB7, 0xD3,
+ 0xB8, 0xDC, 0x6E, 0x32, 0x00, 0xCD, 0x67, 0x8C, 0x31, 0xC7, 0x96, 0xCC,
+ 0xC4, 0xD9, 0xB3, 0x62, 0x85, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x20, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x62, 0x33, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x68, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x63, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x66, 0x66, 0x61, 0x66, 0x66,
+ 0x6C, 0x71, 0xFF, 0x8E };
+const GFXglyph DINCondensedBold9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 4, 3, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 6, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 15, 6, 15, 8, 1, -12 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 27, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 36, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 48, 2, 3, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 49, 3, 14, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 55, 3, 14, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 61, 5, 6, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 65, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 76, 2, 3, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 77, 5, 2, 7, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 79, 2, 2, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 80, 4, 12, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 86, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 94, 4, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 100, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 108, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 116, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 125, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 133, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 141, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 150, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 158, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 166, 2, 6, 4, 1, -5 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 168, 2, 7, 4, 1, -5 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 170, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 181, 9, 5, 11, 1, -6 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 187, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 198, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 206, 13, 12, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 226, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 237, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 246, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 255, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 264, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 273, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 282, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 291, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 300, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 303, 6, 12, 6, -1, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 312, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 323, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 332, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 344, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 353, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 362, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 371, 7, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 382, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 391, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 400, 6, 12, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 409, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 418, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 429, 10, 12, 10, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 444, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 455, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 464, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 472, 3, 14, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 478, 4, 12, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 484, 3, 14, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 490, 9, 8, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 499, 9, 1, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 501, 4, 3, 3, -1, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 503, 6, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 510, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 518, 6, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 525, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 533, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 539, 4, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 545, 5, 13, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 554, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 562, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 565, 3, 16, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 571, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 580, 3, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 585, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 594, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 600, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 606, 5, 13, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 615, 5, 13, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 624, 4, 9, 5, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 629, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 635, 4, 12, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 641, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 647, 6, 9, 6, 0, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 654, 9, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 665, 6, 9, 6, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 672, 7, 13, 6, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 684, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 690, 4, 14, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 697, 2, 17, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 702, 4, 14, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 709, 8, 3, 11, 1, -5 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont DINCondensedBold9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)DINCondensedBold9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)DINCondensedBold9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 21 };
+// Approx. 1384 bytes
+const uint8_t EuphemiaCAS9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x40, 0xDE, 0xD2, 0x0C, 0x20, 0x20, 0x80, 0x82,
+ 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x60, 0x21, 0x01, 0x84, 0x06, 0x10, 0x10, 0x40, 0x41,
+ 0x0F, 0xFF, 0x84, 0x30, 0x10, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x03, 0x08, 0x00, 0x08, 0x1E,
+ 0x3B, 0x4A, 0x48, 0x48, 0x68, 0x3C, 0x0E, 0x0B, 0x09, 0x09, 0x49, 0xEA,
+ 0x3E, 0x08, 0x08, 0x70, 0x14, 0x41, 0x22, 0x19, 0x10, 0x88, 0x88, 0x44,
+ 0x82, 0x2C, 0x0E, 0xDE, 0x05, 0x08, 0x48, 0x46, 0x42, 0x62, 0x12, 0x19,
+ 0xA0, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x41, 0x08, 0x21, 0x02, 0x40, 0x70,
+ 0x1E, 0x06, 0x63, 0x84, 0x50, 0x5A, 0x06, 0x21, 0xE3, 0xE6, 0xF4, 0x12,
+ 0x44, 0xC8, 0x88, 0x88, 0x84, 0x44, 0x21, 0x84, 0x22, 0x31, 0x11, 0x11,
+ 0x12, 0x22, 0x48, 0x11, 0xAC, 0xE0, 0x83, 0x9A, 0xC4, 0x00, 0x08, 0x04,
+ 0x02, 0x01, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0xD6, 0xF8, 0xC0,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x60, 0x20, 0x30, 0x10, 0x10, 0x08, 0x08, 0x04,
+ 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x42, 0x42, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x42, 0x3C, 0x33, 0xC9, 0x04,
+ 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x7C, 0x3E, 0x63, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
+ 0x03, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x60, 0x40, 0x80, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0x82, 0x01, 0x02,
+ 0x02, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x82, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x06, 0x0A,
+ 0x0A, 0x12, 0x22, 0x62, 0x42, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0xFD, 0x02,
+ 0x04, 0x0F, 0x90, 0x80, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x2F, 0x80, 0x1F, 0x22,
+ 0x40, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0xC2, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC1, 0x42, 0x3C, 0xFF,
+ 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x08, 0x18, 0x10, 0x30, 0x20,
+ 0x3C, 0xC3, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x42, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42,
+ 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x42, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x43, 0x3F, 0x03, 0x03, 0x02,
+ 0x84, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0x58, 0x04, 0x1C, 0x61, 0x82, 0x08,
+ 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x1F, 0xF0,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x08, 0x00,
+ 0xFA, 0x20, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x8C, 0x21, 0x86, 0x00, 0x40, 0x07, 0xE0,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x04, 0x60, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x87, 0xE1, 0x88, 0x21,
+ 0x90, 0x21, 0x90, 0x21, 0x90, 0x21, 0x90, 0x22, 0x88, 0x62, 0x47, 0xBC,
+ 0x60, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x07, 0xC0, 0x04, 0x01, 0x40, 0x28,
+ 0x05, 0x81, 0x10, 0x22, 0x04, 0x61, 0xFC, 0x20, 0x84, 0x19, 0x03, 0x20,
+ 0x2C, 0x06, 0xFD, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x5F, 0x21, 0x41, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x2F, 0x80, 0x1F, 0x30, 0xD0, 0x18, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x60, 0x10, 0x2C, 0x31, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x20, 0xC8, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x80, 0x60,
+ 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x28, 0x1A, 0x0C, 0xFC, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x02,
+ 0x04, 0x08, 0x1F, 0xA0, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x02,
+ 0x04, 0x08, 0x1F, 0xA0, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x88,
+ 0x34, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x20, 0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80, 0x50, 0x14, 0x04,
+ 0xC1, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x1F, 0xFE,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x02, 0x04,
+ 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x07, 0x0E, 0x37, 0xC0, 0x83, 0x43,
+ 0x23, 0x13, 0x0B, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, 0xC0, 0xB0, 0x4C, 0x23, 0x10, 0xC8,
+ 0x38, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x0F,
+ 0xE0, 0x80, 0x1C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x07, 0xA0, 0x5A, 0x05, 0xB0, 0xD9,
+ 0x09, 0x99, 0x98, 0x91, 0x8F, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x10, 0x80, 0x70, 0x1E,
+ 0x06, 0xC1, 0x90, 0x66, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x19, 0x86, 0x60, 0xD8, 0x1E, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x83, 0x0C, 0x40, 0x24, 0x02, 0x80, 0x18, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x18, 0x01, 0x80, 0x14, 0x02, 0x40, 0x23, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x82,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x86, 0xFC, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x0F,
+ 0x83, 0x0C, 0x40, 0x24, 0x02, 0x80, 0x18, 0x01, 0x80, 0x18, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x14, 0x03, 0x40, 0x23, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x10, 0x01, 0x80, 0x0C, 0x00,
+ 0x60, 0xFC, 0x41, 0x20, 0x50, 0x28, 0x14, 0x33, 0xF1, 0x18, 0x84, 0x43,
+ 0x20, 0x90, 0x68, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x10, 0xD0, 0x08, 0x06, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x38,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x80, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x23, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x84, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x30,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0xB0, 0x63, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0x50, 0x36, 0x0D, 0x82, 0x21, 0x8C, 0x43,
+ 0x10, 0x4C, 0x1A, 0x06, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x06, 0x83,
+ 0x0D, 0x06, 0x13, 0x14, 0x26, 0x28, 0xC4, 0x59, 0x89, 0x92, 0x1A, 0x24,
+ 0x34, 0x68, 0x28, 0xF0, 0x70, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x83, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC4,
+ 0x10, 0xC6, 0x0D, 0x80, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x80, 0x50, 0x1B, 0x02, 0x20,
+ 0x82, 0x30, 0x6C, 0x06, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xC4, 0x41, 0x40, 0xA0, 0x20,
+ 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x40,
+ 0x60, 0x20, 0x20, 0x30, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x08, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xF2, 0x49,
+ 0x24, 0x92, 0x49, 0x24, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x40, 0x10, 0x08, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x40, 0x20, 0x08, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x18, 0x04, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0xE4, 0x92, 0x49, 0x24, 0x92, 0x49, 0xE0, 0x08, 0x05, 0x01, 0x20,
+ 0x88, 0x61, 0x10, 0x68, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x4C, 0x21, 0x3C, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0x47, 0xE6, 0x12, 0x09, 0x0C, 0x7B, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0xBC, 0xC2, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x83, 0x86, 0xFC, 0x3E, 0x43, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x63, 0x3E, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x3F, 0x41,
+ 0xC1, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC1, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x3C, 0x8E, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x10,
+ 0x30, 0x23, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x04, 0x10, 0xF1, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10,
+ 0x40, 0x3F, 0xE3, 0x20, 0x90, 0x4C, 0x63, 0xE2, 0x01, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x43,
+ 0x20, 0x90, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xBE, 0xC3, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC0, 0x55, 0x55, 0x40, 0x30, 0x00, 0x22,
+ 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x26, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x73, 0x2C,
+ 0x70, 0xB1, 0x32, 0x24, 0x68, 0x60, 0x92, 0x49, 0x24, 0x92, 0x4E, 0xB9,
+ 0xD8, 0xC6, 0x10, 0xC2, 0x18, 0x43, 0x08, 0x61, 0x0C, 0x21, 0x84, 0x20,
+ 0xBE, 0xC3, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x3E, 0x30, 0xB0,
+ 0x70, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x3E, 0x00, 0xBC, 0xC2, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x82, 0xFC, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x41, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC1, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0xBE, 0x21,
+ 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x03, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE1, 0x7C,
+ 0x42, 0x11, 0xE4, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x60, 0xC3, 0x7A, 0x81, 0x83, 0x82, 0x46, 0x46, 0x24, 0x2C, 0x2C,
+ 0x18, 0xC4, 0x34, 0x62, 0x46, 0x66, 0xA6, 0x29, 0x42, 0x94, 0x29, 0xC1,
+ 0x18, 0x10, 0x80, 0x43, 0x26, 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x24, 0x66, 0xC3,
+ 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xC4, 0x43, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x38, 0x08, 0x04, 0x06,
+ 0x02, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x08, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x04, 0x10, 0x60, 0xFE, 0x19,
+ 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0xC1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0xC1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x19, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0xC0,
+ 0x70, 0xC7, 0x80 };
+const GFXglyph EuphemiaCAS9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 5, 5, 3, 7, 1, -12 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 7, 14, 15, 16, 1, -13 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 34, 8, 17, 10, 1, -14 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 51, 13, 15, 17, 2, -13 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 76, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 94, 2, 3, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 95, 4, 16, 6, 1, -14 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 103, 4, 16, 6, 1, -14 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 111, 7, 7, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 118, 9, 9, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 129, 2, 4, 4, 1, 0 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 130, 5, 1, 7, 1, -6 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 131, 2, 1, 4, 1, 0 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 132, 9, 17, 11, 1, -14 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 152, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 165, 6, 13, 10, 2, -12 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 175, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 188, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 201, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 214, 7, 13, 10, 2, -12 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 226, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 239, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 252, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 265, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 278, 2, 8, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 280, 2, 11, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 283, 7, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 295, 9, 4, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 300, 7, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 312, 6, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 322, 16, 17, 18, 1, -12 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 356, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 374, 7, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 386, 9, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 401, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 418, 7, 13, 10, 2, -12 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 430, 7, 13, 9, 2, -12 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 442, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 459, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 476, 1, 13, 4, 2, -12 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 478, 7, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 490, 9, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 505, 7, 13, 9, 2, -12 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 517, 12, 13, 14, 1, -12 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 537, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 554, 12, 13, 14, 1, -12 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 574, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 587, 12, 17, 14, 1, -12 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 613, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 628, 9, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 643, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 658, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 676, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 693, 15, 13, 16, 0, -12 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 718, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 736, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 751, 9, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 766, 3, 17, 5, 1, -14 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 773, 9, 17, 11, 1, -14 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 793, 3, 17, 5, 1, -14 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 800, 10, 7, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 809, 9, 1, 9, 0, 3 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 811, 4, 4, 0, -2, -13 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 813, 9, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 824, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 837, 8, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 846, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 859, 7, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 867, 6, 13, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 877, 9, 13, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 892, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 905, 2, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 909, 4, 17, 4, -1, -12 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 918, 7, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 930, 3, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 935, 11, 9, 13, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 948, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 957, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 968, 8, 13, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 981, 8, 13, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 994, 5, 9, 7, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1000, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1008, 5, 12, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1016, 7, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1024, 8, 9, 8, -1, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1033, 12, 9, 12, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1047, 8, 9, 8, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1056, 9, 13, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1071, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1079, 5, 17, 6, 0, -13 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1090, 1, 17, 9, 4, -12 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1093, 5, 17, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1104, 9, 2, 11, 1, -5 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont EuphemiaCAS9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)EuphemiaCAS9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)EuphemiaCAS9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 24 };
+// Approx. 1779 bytes
+const uint8_t Futura9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0x80, 0x11, 0x84, 0x61,
+ 0x18, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0x30, 0xCC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF2, 0x31, 0x8C,
+ 0x62, 0x18, 0x80, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x0F, 0xCE, 0x76, 0x03, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x78,
+ 0x1F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x68, 0x3C, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0xFC, 0x7C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0x38, 0x30, 0xF8, 0x43, 0x19, 0x86, 0x32, 0x0C, 0x6C, 0x0F, 0x90, 0x0E,
+ 0x40, 0x00, 0x9C, 0x02, 0x7C, 0x05, 0x8C, 0x13, 0x18, 0x66, 0x30, 0x87,
+ 0xC3, 0x07, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x33, 0x03, 0x30, 0x3F, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x3C, 0x07, 0xE0, 0xE7, 0x6C, 0x3C, 0xC1, 0x8E, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE3, 0xC6,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x76, 0x66, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xE6, 0x66, 0x20,
+ 0xC6, 0x66, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x76, 0x66, 0x40, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x66, 0x24, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x60,
+ 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x23, 0x26, 0x6C, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x81, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x10, 0x00, 0x1C, 0x1F, 0x18, 0xDC, 0x6C,
+ 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0xCC, 0x63, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x7F,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0x98, 0xEC, 0x30, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x3C, 0x7E,
+ 0xE7, 0x03, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x7E, 0x3C,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x6C, 0x1D,
+ 0x83, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xFE, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x1F, 0x8F, 0xC6,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0xE1, 0xF9, 0x8C, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xD0, 0x7C, 0x67, 0xF1,
+ 0xE0, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0xE3, 0xE0,
+ 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3E, 0x33, 0xF8, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x00,
+ 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE7,
+ 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x8E, 0xFE, 0x3E,
+ 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x81, 0x80, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x33, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x32, 0x66, 0x44, 0x01, 0x83, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0x78,
+ 0x0E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF0, 0xE0, 0x40, 0x00, 0x38, 0xFB,
+ 0x1E, 0x30, 0xE7, 0xBC, 0x60, 0xCD, 0xF9, 0xE0, 0x03, 0x06, 0x00, 0x0F,
+ 0xC0, 0x61, 0xC3, 0x01, 0x99, 0xD6, 0xCF, 0xCF, 0x73, 0x3D, 0x84, 0xF6,
+ 0x33, 0xD8, 0xDB, 0xBD, 0xE7, 0x77, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0x00,
+ 0x02, 0x00, 0x10, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x73, 0x03,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0x66, 0x03, 0x60, 0x0C, 0xF8,
+ 0xFC, 0xCE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE,
+ 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0xE1, 0xB0, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x1C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x9C, 0x31, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0xCC,
+ 0x7B, 0x06, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x1B, 0x1E,
+ 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83,
+ 0x06, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xC1,
+ 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0xC0, 0x4E,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x03, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x01, 0xD8, 0x0C, 0x71,
+ 0xE1, 0xFE, 0x07, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC7, 0xFB,
+ 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xCC, 0x73, 0x38, 0xDC, 0x3E, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xDC,
+ 0x33, 0x0C, 0x63, 0x1C, 0xC3, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C,
+ 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x20, 0xC0, 0x61,
+ 0x80, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x87, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x16, 0x34, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0xCD,
+ 0x99, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x1C, 0x66, 0x38, 0xD8, 0x21, 0xB0, 0x41, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x08, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0x83, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xE3,
+ 0xC7, 0x3C, 0x3B, 0xC1, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x10, 0x00,
+ 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0x87, 0x18, 0x06, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x80, 0x76, 0x01, 0x8E, 0x1C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x3F,
+ 0x00, 0xF9, 0xFB, 0x3E, 0x3C, 0x79, 0xFF, 0x7C, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0x87, 0x18, 0x06, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0x00,
+ 0x3C, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x03, 0xC3, 0x8F, 0x87, 0x76, 0x0F, 0x8E, 0x1C, 0x1F,
+ 0xF8, 0x3E, 0x70, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xCE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0xD0,
+ 0xD8, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x9C, 0xCC, 0x06, 0x01, 0xC0,
+ 0x78, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x6C, 0x77, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC0,
+ 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C,
+ 0x0D, 0x86, 0x7F, 0x87, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x76, 0x06, 0x60, 0x67, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x19, 0x81, 0x98, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x08, 0x19, 0x81, 0x03, 0x30,
+ 0x60, 0xE7, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x63, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x78, 0xC0, 0xCD, 0x98, 0x1B,
+ 0x37, 0x03, 0x63, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x78, 0x07, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC6, 0x38, 0xC6, 0x0D, 0xC1,
+ 0xB0, 0x1C, 0x03, 0x80, 0x70, 0x1F, 0x03, 0x60, 0xC6, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x0D,
+ 0xC1, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0x76, 0x18, 0xCC, 0x33, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x9F, 0xE0, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x18, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x7F,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCF, 0xF0,
+ 0xC0, 0x20, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x30, 0x18, 0x06, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x33,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0,
+ 0xCC, 0x33, 0x18, 0x66, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xCE, 0x62, 0x3D, 0xBF,
+ 0xF8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x8E, 0xFF, 0x3D, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x79, 0xFE, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3E, 0x3F,
+ 0xFB, 0x78, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38, 0xBF, 0x3E, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3E,
+ 0x3B, 0xFC, 0xF6, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xE3, 0x7E, 0x3C,
+ 0x3B, 0xD8, 0xC6, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x80, 0x3D, 0xBF,
+ 0xF8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x8E, 0xFF, 0x3D, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x6C, 0x77,
+ 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x37, 0x7F, 0xE7, 0x8F, 0x1E,
+ 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xCE, 0xDC, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xF0,
+ 0xD8, 0xDC, 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xDD, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xE7,
+ 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x30, 0xDD, 0xFF,
+ 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC6, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E,
+ 0x0F, 0x8E, 0xFE, 0x3E, 0x00, 0xDE, 0x7F, 0xB8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F,
+ 0x8F, 0xFE, 0xDE, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x00, 0x3D, 0xBF, 0xF8,
+ 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x8E, 0xFF, 0x3D, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0xFB, 0xEE, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x73, 0xEC, 0x38, 0x38,
+ 0x3C, 0xFF, 0x78, 0x66, 0x6F, 0xF6, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E,
+ 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0x38, 0xC3, 0xB1, 0x99, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0x60, 0xE0,
+ 0x70, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x08, 0x66, 0x31, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x37,
+ 0xB0, 0xDF, 0x81, 0xCE, 0x07, 0x38, 0x08, 0xC0, 0x21, 0x00, 0x61, 0x8C,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x78, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x83, 0x31, 0xCE, 0xE1, 0x80, 0xE1, 0xB0,
+ 0xDC, 0xC6, 0x63, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x70, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x07,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xBF, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0x3B, 0xD8, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0xE6, 0x38, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63,
+ 0xCE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xE7, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x38,
+ 0xCE, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x37, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0xC0 };
+const GFXglyph Futura9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 14, 6, 2, -13 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 5, 5, 5, 7, 1, -13 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 9, 10, 14, 12, 1, -13 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 27, 9, 18, 11, 1, -15 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 48, 15, 14, 17, 1, -13 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 75, 12, 14, 13, 1, -13 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 96, 2, 5, 4, 1, -13 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 98, 4, 19, 7, 2, -14 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 108, 4, 19, 7, 1, -14 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 118, 8, 7, 12, 2, -14 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 125, 9, 9, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 136, 4, 6, 5, 0, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 139, 4, 2, 4, 0, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 140, 2, 2, 6, 2, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 141, 9, 19, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 163, 9, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 179, 4, 14, 11, 3, -13 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 186, 9, 14, 11, 0, -13 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 202, 8, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 216, 11, 15, 11, 0, -14 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 237, 9, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 253, 9, 15, 11, 1, -14 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 270, 10, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 288, 8, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 302, 9, 15, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 319, 2, 9, 6, 2, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 322, 4, 12, 5, 0, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 328, 9, 10, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 340, 9, 5, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 346, 9, 10, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 358, 7, 14, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 371, 14, 14, 16, 1, -13 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 396, 13, 14, 13, 0, -13 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 419, 8, 14, 11, 2, -13 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 433, 11, 14, 12, 1, -13 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 453, 10, 14, 13, 2, -13 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 471, 7, 14, 10, 2, -13 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 484, 7, 14, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 497, 13, 14, 15, 1, -13 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 520, 10, 14, 14, 2, -13 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 538, 2, 14, 6, 2, -13 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 542, 6, 14, 8, 0, -13 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 553, 10, 14, 12, 2, -13 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 571, 6, 14, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 582, 15, 16, 17, 1, -14 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 612, 12, 16, 16, 2, -14 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 636, 14, 14, 16, 1, -13 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 661, 7, 14, 10, 2, -13 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 674, 14, 14, 16, 1, -13 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 699, 8, 14, 11, 2, -13 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 713, 9, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 729, 8, 14, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 743, 10, 14, 14, 2, -13 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 761, 12, 15, 12, 0, -13 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 784, 19, 16, 19, 0, -14 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 822, 11, 14, 11, 0, -13 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 842, 10, 14, 10, 0, -13 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 860, 10, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 878, 4, 19, 6, 2, -14 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 888, 9, 19, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 910, 4, 19, 6, 0, -14 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 920, 10, 7, 10, 0, -13 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 929, 10, 2, 10, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 932, 4, 4, 10, 2, -13 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 934, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 945, 9, 15, 11, 1, -14 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 962, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 970, 9, 15, 11, 1, -14 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 987, 8, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 996, 5, 15, 6, 1, -14 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 1006, 9, 14, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 1022, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 1036, 2, 14, 4, 1, -13 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 1040, 2, 19, 4, 1, -13 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 1045, 8, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 1060, 2, 15, 4, 1, -14 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 1064, 12, 9, 14, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 1078, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 1086, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1097, 9, 14, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1113, 9, 14, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1129, 6, 9, 6, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1136, 6, 9, 8, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1143, 4, 12, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1149, 7, 9, 9, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1157, 9, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1168, 14, 10, 14, 0, -9 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1186, 10, 9, 10, 0, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1198, 9, 14, 10, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1214, 9, 9, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1225, 5, 19, 6, 1, -14 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1237, 2, 17, 10, 4, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1242, 5, 19, 6, 0, -14 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1254, 9, 3, 13, 2, -14 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont Futura9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)Futura9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)Futura9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 23 };
+// Approx. 1930 bytes
+const uint8_t GillSans9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xDE, 0xF7, 0xBD, 0x80, 0x08, 0x82, 0x10, 0x42,
+ 0x7F, 0xF1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x08, 0x47, 0xFF, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x21, 0x08, 0x21,
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0x3C, 0xFE, 0xDA, 0xD8, 0xF8, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0xFF,
+ 0x7E, 0x18, 0x18, 0x70, 0x5F, 0x13, 0x64, 0x7C, 0x87, 0x20, 0x08, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x4E, 0x13, 0xE2, 0x6C, 0x8F, 0xA0, 0xE0, 0x1E, 0x07, 0xE0, 0xCC,
+ 0x19, 0x83, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x3B, 0x3E, 0xC3, 0x98, 0xF3, 0xF3, 0x3C,
+ 0x70, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x88, 0xC4, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x30, 0x86, 0x10,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x08, 0x61, 0x0C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x23, 0x11, 0x18, 0x10,
+ 0x23, 0x5B, 0xE1, 0x0F, 0xB5, 0x88, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x0F,
+ 0xF8, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x44, 0x21,
+ 0x10, 0x88, 0x42, 0x21, 0x00, 0x38, 0xF9, 0xB6, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3,
+ 0xC6, 0xD9, 0xF1, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x78, 0xFC, 0xCE, 0x86, 0x06,
+ 0x04, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x10, 0x20, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x7B, 0xF8, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0xE3,
+ 0xC3, 0x0E, 0x3F, 0x9C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x26, 0x66, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x7C, 0xF9, 0x83, 0x07, 0x8F, 0x83, 0x83, 0x07,
+ 0x1F, 0xF3, 0xC0, 0x10, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x1F, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8D,
+ 0xF1, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x60, 0x60, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x67, 0x1F, 0x63, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0xF1,
+ 0xC0, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x6F, 0xCF, 0x86, 0x1C, 0x71, 0xC1, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x60, 0x00, 0x83, 0xCF, 0xDF, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xC0,
+ 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x78, 0x1F,
+ 0x81, 0xF0, 0x18, 0x7D, 0xF9, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x33, 0x37, 0x66,
+ 0x20, 0x66, 0x07, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1C, 0x30, 0x06, 0x63, 0x9F,
+ 0x67, 0xF3, 0xC6, 0x73, 0xCC, 0x33, 0xCC, 0x33, 0xCC, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x6E,
+ 0xCF, 0xFC, 0x67, 0x78, 0x70, 0x03, 0x3C, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x07, 0xF0,
+ 0x02, 0x00, 0x38, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x00, 0xD8, 0x0C, 0x60, 0x63, 0x07,
+ 0xFC, 0x3F, 0xE3, 0x01, 0x98, 0x0D, 0x80, 0x30, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6,
+ 0xC6, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xC7, 0xFD, 0xC0,
+ 0xB0, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0E, 0x04, 0xFF, 0x87,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xEC, 0x06, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x0E, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1F,
+ 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xF0,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x0F, 0xC7, 0xFD, 0xC0, 0xB0, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30,
+ 0x7E, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x6E, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01,
+ 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xFE,
+ 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xCC, 0x63, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x30,
+ 0xCC, 0x1B, 0x03, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83,
+ 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xC7, 0xED, 0xBD, 0xF7, 0x9C, 0xF1, 0x1E,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x3D,
+ 0x83, 0xCC, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x33, 0xC1, 0xBC, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x7C,
+ 0x03, 0x0F, 0x81, 0xFF, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00,
+ 0x78, 0x03, 0x60, 0x33, 0x83, 0x8F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x81, 0xFF,
+ 0x1C, 0x1C, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x33,
+ 0x83, 0x8F, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x80, 0x78, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x31, 0x98,
+ 0xCC, 0x67, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x98, 0xC6, 0x63, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x30, 0x7B, 0xFC,
+ 0x70, 0xC1, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x0E, 0x3F, 0xDE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x78,
+ 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x1D,
+ 0xFF, 0x0F, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x19, 0x83, 0x30, 0x63, 0x18, 0x63, 0x06,
+ 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x0E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x02, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x6C, 0x1C,
+ 0x19, 0x86, 0x83, 0x38, 0xD8, 0xE3, 0x1B, 0x18, 0x66, 0x33, 0x06, 0xC6,
+ 0xC0, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x01, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x38, 0x02, 0x02,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x01, 0x8C, 0x18, 0x31, 0x80, 0xD8, 0x03, 0x80, 0x1C,
+ 0x01, 0xB0, 0x18, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x18, 0x0D, 0x80, 0x70, 0xC0, 0x6C, 0x18,
+ 0xC6, 0x0C, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xEF, 0xF8, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC,
+ 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xFF, 0x84, 0x10, 0x84, 0x10, 0x82, 0x10, 0x82, 0x10, 0xFF,
+ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0xFF, 0x38, 0x71, 0xB3, 0x66, 0xD8,
+ 0xF1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xCC, 0x80, 0x79, 0xFA, 0x30, 0xE6, 0xD9, 0xB3,
+ 0x3F, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0D, 0xDF, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x9F, 0xF7, 0xC0,
+ 0x3D, 0xFE, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x87, 0xCF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x33, 0xEF, 0xF9,
+ 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0xF9, 0xF0, 0x38, 0xFB, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x1C, 0x1F, 0x9F,
+ 0x3B, 0xD8, 0xCF, 0x79, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0x9F, 0x36, 0x67,
+ 0x98, 0x3C, 0x3E, 0xCF, 0x0F, 0x3B, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0D, 0xDF,
+ 0xF9, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x30, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x6C, 0x36, 0xDB,
+ 0x6D, 0xB7, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0xCC, 0xD8, 0xF0, 0xD8,
+ 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xDC, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63,
+ 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xDD, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1,
+ 0xE3, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0xF9, 0xFB, 0x3E,
+ 0x3C, 0x79, 0xFF, 0x7C, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x00, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0x9E, 0x3C,
+ 0x7C, 0xDF, 0x9F, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0xDB, 0xFE, 0xB0, 0xC3, 0x0C,
+ 0x30, 0x77, 0xF2, 0xC3, 0x4F, 0xEE, 0x00, 0x87, 0xFF, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18,
+ 0x7C, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xBB, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0xB3,
+ 0x66, 0xC7, 0x8E, 0x1C, 0xC7, 0x1E, 0x38, 0xD9, 0xCC, 0xDB, 0x66, 0xDB,
+ 0x1C, 0x70, 0xE3, 0x86, 0x0C, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x8D, 0x83, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xB1,
+ 0x8D, 0x83, 0xC3, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x30, 0x60,
+ 0x60, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x1C, 0xF3, 0x0C,
+ 0x30, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x83, 0x87, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0F, 0x1C, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xE3, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x06, 0x04, 0x73, 0x8C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x3C,
+ 0xE0, 0xF8, 0xC7, 0xC0 };
+const GFXglyph GillSans9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 5, 5, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 8, 11, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 25, 8, 14, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 39, 11, 12, 12, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 56, 11, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 73, 2, 5, 3, 1, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 75, 5, 16, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 85, 5, 16, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 95, 7, 9, 8, 0, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 103, 9, 9, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 114, 2, 4, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 115, 4, 2, 6, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 116, 2, 2, 4, 1, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 117, 5, 12, 5, 0, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 125, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 136, 2, 12, 9, 3, -11 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 139, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 151, 6, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 160, 8, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 172, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 183, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 194, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 206, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 217, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 228, 2, 8, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 230, 2, 10, 4, 1, -7 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 233, 9, 9, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 244, 9, 4, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 249, 9, 9, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 260, 4, 12, 6, 1, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 266, 16, 17, 18, 1, -12 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 300, 13, 12, 12, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 320, 8, 12, 10, 1, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 332, 11, 12, 13, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 349, 12, 12, 14, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 367, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 378, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 387, 11, 12, 13, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 404, 11, 12, 13, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 421, 2, 12, 5, 1, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 424, 4, 16, 5, -1, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 432, 10, 12, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 447, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 458, 11, 12, 14, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 475, 12, 12, 14, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 493, 13, 12, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 513, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 525, 13, 14, 15, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 548, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 562, 6, 12, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 571, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 586, 11, 12, 13, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 603, 11, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 620, 19, 12, 19, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 649, 13, 12, 13, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 669, 11, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 686, 11, 12, 12, 0, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 703, 4, 16, 6, 2, -11 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 711, 5, 12, 5, 0, -11 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 719, 4, 16, 6, 0, -11 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 727, 7, 7, 8, 0, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 734, 10, 1, 10, 0, 4 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 736, 3, 3, 6, 1, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 738, 7, 8, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 745, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 756, 6, 8, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 762, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 773, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 780, 5, 12, 5, 0, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 788, 7, 12, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 799, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 810, 2, 11, 4, 1, -10 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 813, 3, 15, 4, 0, -10 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 819, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 831, 2, 12, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 834, 12, 8, 14, 1, -7 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 846, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 853, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 861, 7, 12, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 872, 7, 12, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 883, 6, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 889, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 894, 6, 10, 6, 0, -9 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 902, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 909, 7, 8, 8, 0, -7 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 916, 13, 8, 13, 0, -7 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 929, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 938, 8, 12, 8, 0, -7 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 950, 7, 8, 8, 0, -7 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 957, 6, 17, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 970, 1, 16, 5, 2, -11 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 972, 6, 17, 6, 0, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 985, 9, 2, 11, 1, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont GillSans9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)GillSans9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)GillSans9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 20 };
+// Approx. 1660 bytes
+const uint8_t ptmono9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xC0, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCE, 0x20, 0x1D, 0xC6,
+ 0x61, 0x99, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0xCC, 0xC3, 0x33, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0xC6, 0x61,
+ 0x98, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3E, 0x7E, 0xCA, 0xC8, 0xE8, 0x78, 0x7E, 0x1F, 0x17,
+ 0x13, 0x93, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x18, 0x18, 0x70, 0x5F, 0x0F, 0x63, 0x6C, 0xCF,
+ 0xB0, 0xEC, 0x01, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x1B, 0xE6, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xE1, 0xF4, 0x1C,
+ 0x3C, 0x1F, 0x86, 0x61, 0x98, 0x3C, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x8F, 0x33, 0xC6, 0xF0,
+ 0xEE, 0x39, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x06, 0x3C, 0xE3, 0x86, 0x1C,
+ 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x07, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x06, 0xC1, 0xE0,
+ 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x8E, 0x78,
+ 0xC0, 0x22, 0x3B, 0x85, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xA1, 0xD8, 0x46, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x67, 0x71, 0x2C, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x30, 0x70, 0x60, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x98, 0xD8, 0x3C,
+ 0x7E, 0x7F, 0x77, 0xF3, 0xE1, 0xE0, 0xD8, 0xCF, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0x18, 0x38,
+ 0x78, 0xD8, 0x98, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7C,
+ 0xFE, 0x47, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFE, 0xFE, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0x87, 0xFE,
+ 0xFC, 0x03, 0x01, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x3B, 0x0C, 0xC6, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x7C,
+ 0x7E, 0x07, 0x03, 0x03, 0x87, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x06,
+ 0x06, 0xF3, 0xFD, 0xC7, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0xEF, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0x07, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x30, 0x30, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x3E,
+ 0x3F, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0x3E, 0x31, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0xCF, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0xEF,
+ 0xE3, 0xE0, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0xFE, 0x7B, 0x03,
+ 0x01, 0x83, 0x87, 0x83, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x77, 0x70, 0x00,
+ 0x06, 0x77, 0x12, 0xC0, 0x01, 0x01, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x87, 0x07, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFC,
+ 0x40, 0x70, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x1C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x78, 0x70, 0x10,
+ 0x00, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x38, 0x38, 0x38, 0x30, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0x81, 0x80, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xF1, 0xC3, 0x30, 0x6E, 0x0D, 0x9F,
+ 0xB7, 0xF6, 0xC6, 0xD8, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0xBB, 0xB0, 0x07, 0x88, 0x7F, 0x83,
+ 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x78, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xCC, 0x7F,
+ 0x9F, 0xE6, 0x1B, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x37,
+ 0xF3, 0xFD, 0x87, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0xDC,
+ 0x6C, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x70, 0xDC, 0x67, 0xF1, 0xF0,
+ 0xFC, 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE1, 0xF1,
+ 0xDF, 0xCF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0xDC, 0x6C, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x03,
+ 0x1F, 0x8F, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0xDC, 0x67, 0xF1, 0xF0, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78,
+ 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x18, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x87, 0xFE,
+ 0x7C, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xEC, 0x73, 0x1C, 0xCE, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xC3, 0x38, 0xC6,
+ 0x31, 0xCC, 0x3B, 0x0E, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF,
+ 0xFE, 0xEF, 0x27, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x18, 0xC1, 0xF0,
+ 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x3F, 0x9F, 0xCF, 0x77, 0xBF, 0xCF, 0xE3, 0xF1, 0xF8, 0x7C,
+ 0x18, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xE6, 0x1B, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0xF0, 0x36, 0x19, 0xFE, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x1E,
+ 0x0F, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xE6,
+ 0x1B, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x36, 0x19, 0xFE,
+ 0x1E, 0x03, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x0F, 0xFC, 0x7F, 0x31, 0xD8, 0x6C, 0x36, 0x3B,
+ 0xF9, 0xF8, 0xCE, 0x67, 0x31, 0xD8, 0xEC, 0x38, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0xF0, 0x78,
+ 0x3E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xCF, 0x33, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07,
+ 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0xEF, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x76, 0x19, 0xC6,
+ 0x73, 0x8C, 0xC3, 0x30, 0xEC, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0, 0x78, 0x0E, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x66, 0xDD, 0x9B, 0xB3, 0x5E, 0x7B,
+ 0xCF, 0x79, 0xC7, 0x38, 0xE7, 0x1C, 0xE0, 0xEE, 0x38, 0xE6, 0x1D, 0xC1,
+ 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x03, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x1B, 0x07, 0x71, 0xC7, 0x38, 0xEE, 0x0E,
+ 0xE1, 0xD8, 0x67, 0x38, 0xCC, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x81, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x60,
+ 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x38, 0x38, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x40,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0x02, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x81, 0xE0, 0xCC, 0x33,
+ 0x18, 0x6E, 0x1C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0x30, 0x7E, 0x3F, 0x80, 0xC7, 0xEF,
+ 0xF6, 0x1B, 0x0D, 0xFF, 0x7B, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x6F,
+ 0x1F, 0xE7, 0x1D, 0x83, 0x60, 0xD8, 0x36, 0x1D, 0xFE, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x1F,
+ 0x3F, 0xF8, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x84, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x03, 0x80,
+ 0xE0, 0x18, 0x06, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0xEE, 0x1B, 0x06, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0x6E, 0x39,
+ 0xFF, 0x3C, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB0, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x03, 0x84, 0xFF,
+ 0x3F, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x8F, 0xCC, 0x46, 0x0F, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xEF, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0xF8, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F,
+ 0x8E, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x80, 0xC8, 0xEF, 0xE3, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x18, 0x0C,
+ 0x06, 0xF3, 0xFD, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0x61, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x6C, 0x36, 0x18, 0x1C,
+ 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x07, 0xEF, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60,
+ 0xE3, 0xFE, 0x78, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x63, 0x99, 0xC6, 0xE1,
+ 0xB0, 0x7C, 0x1B, 0x86, 0x71, 0x9F, 0x63, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x3F, 0x1E, 0xFB, 0xBF, 0xFC,
+ 0xCF, 0x33, 0xCC, 0xF3, 0x3C, 0xCF, 0x33, 0xCC, 0xC0, 0xEF, 0x7F, 0xDC,
+ 0xEC, 0x36, 0x1B, 0x0D, 0x86, 0xC3, 0x61, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0xEE, 0x1F,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x1D, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xEF, 0x3F, 0xE7, 0x1D,
+ 0x83, 0x60, 0xD8, 0x36, 0x1D, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60,
+ 0x00, 0x1F, 0xBF, 0xF8, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x8E, 0xFF, 0x3D, 0x80,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0xF7, 0x7F, 0xCE, 0x66, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC1,
+ 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xC2, 0xF0, 0x7E, 0x07, 0x43, 0xFF, 0x3E,
+ 0x10, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x03, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0E,
+ 0x21, 0xFC, 0x3C, 0xE3, 0xB8, 0xE6, 0x19, 0x86, 0x61, 0x98, 0x66, 0x39,
+ 0xFF, 0x3C, 0xC0, 0xE1, 0xD8, 0x67, 0x18, 0xCE, 0x3B, 0x0E, 0xC1, 0xE0,
+ 0x78, 0x0E, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x0D, 0x9B, 0x37, 0x66, 0xEC, 0xDF, 0x9E,
+ 0xF1, 0xDC, 0x39, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xB9, 0x8D, 0x87, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xF1, 0xDC,
+ 0xC6, 0xE3, 0x80, 0xE1, 0xD8, 0x76, 0x19, 0xC6, 0x33, 0x8E, 0xC1, 0xB0,
+ 0x7C, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x84, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0x38, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x38, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x38, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x0F, 0x0F,
+ 0x1C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0x72, 0xFF, 0x8F };
+const GFXglyph ptmono9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 13, 11, 4, -12 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 5, 6, 6, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 10, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 25, 8, 17, 11, 1, -14 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 42, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 60, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 77, 2, 6, 11, 4, -12 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 79, 7, 17, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 94, 7, 17, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 109, 9, 8, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 118, 8, 10, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 128, 4, 6, 11, 3, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 131, 5, 2, 11, 3, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 133, 3, 3, 11, 4, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 135, 8, 16, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 151, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 166, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 179, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 192, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 205, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 222, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 235, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 250, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 263, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 278, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 293, 3, 10, 11, 4, -9 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 297, 4, 13, 11, 3, -9 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 304, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 317, 9, 6, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 324, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 337, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 352, 11, 15, 11, 0, -10 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 373, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 390, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 405, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 420, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 435, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 448, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 461, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 476, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 491, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 504, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 517, 10, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 534, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 547, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 562, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 577, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 594, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 609, 10, 16, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 629, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 644, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 659, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 676, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 691, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 708, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 726, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 744, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 761, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 776, 7, 17, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 791, 8, 16, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 807, 7, 17, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 822, 10, 7, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 831, 8, 2, 11, 1, 3 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 833, 4, 3, 11, 3, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 835, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 846, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 863, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 874, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 891, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 902, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 917, 9, 13, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 932, 9, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 947, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 960, 7, 17, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 975, 10, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 992, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 1005, 10, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 1017, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 1028, 10, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1040, 10, 13, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1057, 9, 13, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1072, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1083, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1092, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1107, 10, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1119, 10, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1131, 11, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1144, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1155, 10, 13, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1172, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1181, 8, 17, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1198, 2, 15, 11, 4, -12 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1202, 8, 17, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1219, 8, 3, 11, 1, -7 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont ptmono9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)ptmono9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)ptmono9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 20 };
+// Approx. 1894 bytes
+const uint8_t SourceCodePro_Regular9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0x49, 0x24, 0x90, 0x1B, 0xE0, 0xCF, 0x34, 0x51, 0x45, 0x10, 0x24,
+ 0x48, 0x97, 0xF4, 0x48, 0xBF, 0xA4, 0x48, 0x91, 0x20, 0x10, 0x21, 0xF6,
+ 0x38, 0x18, 0x1E, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x06, 0x1B, 0xE1, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x38,
+ 0x13, 0x14, 0x4D, 0x16, 0x4D, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x38, 0x13, 0x14, 0x49, 0x16,
+ 0x4F, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x32, 0x11, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x81, 0x85, 0xC3, 0xB3, 0x8D,
+ 0x43, 0x31, 0xEF, 0x10, 0xF5, 0x50, 0x11, 0xD8, 0x8C, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x21, 0x84, 0x30, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x08, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x21, 0x08, 0x46, 0x21,
+ 0x11, 0x98, 0x10, 0x22, 0x4B, 0xE3, 0x8D, 0x11, 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40,
+ 0x8F, 0xE2, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x97, 0xA0, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x02,
+ 0x08, 0x10, 0x60, 0x81, 0x06, 0x08, 0x10, 0x60, 0x83, 0x04, 0x08, 0x30,
+ 0x40, 0x3C, 0x31, 0x10, 0x58, 0x2D, 0x96, 0xEF, 0x05, 0x82, 0x41, 0x31,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x38, 0x78, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0xFF, 0x3C, 0xC2, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x06, 0x04, 0x08, 0x30, 0x60, 0xFF,
+ 0x3C, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x03, 0x06, 0x1C, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0xC3, 0x7E, 0x06,
+ 0x05, 0x06, 0x82, 0x42, 0x22, 0x13, 0x09, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x7F, 0x60, 0x60, 0x40, 0x7E, 0x43, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0xC3, 0x7C, 0x1F,
+ 0x10, 0x98, 0x08, 0x0D, 0xE7, 0x1B, 0x06, 0x83, 0x41, 0x31, 0x87, 0x80,
+ 0xFF, 0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0x3E, 0x31, 0x90, 0x4C, 0x23, 0x31, 0xF1, 0x99, 0x82, 0xC1, 0xA1,
+ 0x8F, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x42, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x46,
+ 0xFC, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE5, 0xE8, 0x02, 0x18,
+ 0x63, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x02, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x61, 0x8C, 0x20, 0x80, 0x79, 0x88, 0x18, 0x20, 0x82,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x80, 0x1E, 0x10, 0x90, 0x38, 0x18, 0x7C,
+ 0xC6, 0x43, 0x23, 0x8E, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x08, 0x02, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x18, 0x0A,
+ 0x05, 0x06, 0x82, 0x61, 0x11, 0x88, 0xFE, 0x41, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x70, 0x10,
+ 0xFC, 0x86, 0x82, 0x82, 0x86, 0xF8, 0x86, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x86, 0xFC,
+ 0x1F, 0x18, 0xD8, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x30, 0x0C,
+ 0x63, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0x8C, 0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x86,
+ 0x8C, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x90, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x1F, 0x83, 0xC1,
+ 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x63, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0xC1,
+ 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10,
+ 0x20, 0x47, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x83, 0x42, 0x3C, 0x83, 0x86, 0x8C, 0x98, 0x90, 0xB8, 0xE8, 0xCC, 0x84,
+ 0x86, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE5, 0xD5, 0xD5, 0xD9, 0xC9, 0xC1,
+ 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xD1, 0xD1, 0xD9, 0xC9, 0xCD, 0xC5,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC1, 0x3C, 0x31, 0x90, 0x58, 0x3C, 0x1C, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xC7, 0x80, 0xFC, 0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x86, 0xFC,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x31, 0x90, 0x58, 0x3C, 0x1C, 0x0E,
+ 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xC7, 0x80, 0x80, 0x60, 0x0E, 0xFC, 0x86,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x82, 0x86, 0xFC, 0x88, 0x8C, 0x84, 0x86, 0x83, 0x3E, 0x30,
+ 0x90, 0x08, 0x06, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0xC0,
+ 0xFF, 0x84, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02,
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0x41,
+ 0x63, 0x3E, 0x81, 0xE0, 0xD0, 0x48, 0x26, 0x33, 0x10, 0x88, 0x4C, 0x34,
+ 0x0A, 0x05, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x09, 0x01, 0x20, 0x24, 0x44, 0x98,
+ 0x92, 0xB3, 0x56, 0x6A, 0x86, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x88,
+ 0x86, 0xC1, 0x40, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x28, 0x26, 0x31, 0x10, 0xD8, 0x30, 0xC1,
+ 0xE0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x43, 0x60, 0xA0, 0x70, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x7F, 0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x60, 0x60, 0x20, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x10, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42,
+ 0x1F, 0x81, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x10, 0x30, 0x20, 0x40,
+ 0xC0, 0x81, 0x01, 0xF8, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x3F, 0x10, 0x70, 0xA3, 0x44, 0x48, 0xA1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xC6, 0x30,
+ 0x3E, 0x43, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x71, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x43, 0x3D, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0xBC, 0xC6, 0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x82, 0xC6, 0xBC, 0x1F, 0x10,
+ 0xD8, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xC2, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
+ 0x01, 0x3D, 0x63, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0x63, 0x3D, 0x1E, 0x31,
+ 0x90, 0x58, 0x3F, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x00, 0xC2, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x30,
+ 0x30, 0xFE, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x3F, 0xB1,
+ 0x10, 0xC8, 0x66, 0x21, 0xE1, 0x00, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x20, 0x70, 0x28, 0x33,
+ 0xE0, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x09, 0xDC, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x20, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x80, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0x00, 0x7C, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x43, 0xF8, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x83, 0x84, 0x88, 0x98, 0xB8, 0xCC, 0x84, 0x82, 0x83,
+ 0xF8, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x78, 0xBB, 0x66, 0xF2, 0x39, 0x1C, 0x8E, 0x47, 0x23, 0x91,
+ 0xC8, 0x80, 0x9D, 0xCE, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x82, 0x3C, 0x31,
+ 0xB0, 0x58, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x04, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xBC, 0xC6, 0x82,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x82, 0xC6, 0xBC, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x3D, 0x63,
+ 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0x63, 0x3D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x9F,
+ 0x43, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x3E, 0x61, 0x40, 0x70, 0x1E,
+ 0x03, 0x01, 0x43, 0xBE, 0x10, 0x08, 0x3F, 0xC2, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40,
+ 0x20, 0x10, 0x0C, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC3,
+ 0x45, 0x39, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x90, 0xCC, 0x42, 0x21, 0xB0, 0x50, 0x28, 0x18,
+ 0x00, 0xC4, 0x78, 0x89, 0x29, 0x25, 0x26, 0xAC, 0xD5, 0x8C, 0xA1, 0x8C,
+ 0x31, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x31, 0x0D, 0x82, 0x81, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x98, 0xC6, 0xC1,
+ 0x80, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x4C, 0x62, 0x21, 0xB0, 0x50, 0x38, 0x0C, 0x04,
+ 0x06, 0x02, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x1E, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x60, 0x30, 0x20,
+ 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81,
+ 0x02, 0x04, 0x07, 0x18, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x70, 0x31, 0x49,
+ 0x86 };
+const GFXglyph SourceCodePro_Regular9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 3, 12, 11, 4, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 6, 6, 6, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 11, 7, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 21, 7, 15, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 35, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 50, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 64, 2, 6, 11, 4, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 66, 5, 16, 11, 4, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 76, 5, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 86, 7, 7, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 93, 7, 9, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 101, 3, 7, 11, 4, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 104, 6, 1, 11, 2, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 105, 3, 3, 11, 4, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 107, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 121, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 134, 8, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 145, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 156, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 167, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 180, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 191, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 204, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 217, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 230, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 241, 3, 9, 11, 4, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 245, 3, 13, 11, 4, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 250, 7, 9, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 258, 7, 5, 11, 2, -7 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 263, 7, 9, 11, 2, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 271, 7, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 282, 9, 14, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 298, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 312, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 324, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 338, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 350, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 362, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 374, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 388, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 400, 7, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 411, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 423, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 435, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 447, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 459, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 471, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 485, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 497, 9, 15, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 514, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 526, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 540, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 554, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 566, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 580, 11, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 597, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 611, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 625, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 639, 5, 16, 11, 4, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 649, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 663, 5, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 673, 7, 7, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 680, 9, 1, 11, 1, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 682, 4, 3, 11, 3, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 684, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 693, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 706, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 717, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 730, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 741, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 754, 9, 13, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 769, 7, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 781, 5, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 790, 6, 17, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 803, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 816, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 831, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 842, 7, 9, 11, 2, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 850, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 861, 8, 13, 11, 2, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 874, 8, 13, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 887, 7, 9, 11, 3, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 895, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 904, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 917, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 926, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 937, 11, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 950, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 961, 9, 13, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 976, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 987, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1001, 1, 18, 11, 5, -12 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1004, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1018, 8, 3, 11, 1, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont SourceCodePro_Regular9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)SourceCodePro_Regular9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)SourceCodePro_Regular9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 22 };
+// Approx. 1693 bytes
+const uint8_t SourceCodePro_SemiBold9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xDB, 0x64, 0x92, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0xEF, 0xDF, 0xBE, 0x64, 0x48, 0x80,
+ 0x12, 0x12, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x22, 0x26, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x24, 0x24, 0x64, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x62, 0x70, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x43, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x38, 0x1F, 0x14, 0xCD, 0x36, 0x7F, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x38, 0x1F,
+ 0x14, 0xCD, 0x36, 0x7F, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x3E, 0x1B, 0x0D, 0x87, 0xC1, 0xCF,
+ 0xC7, 0xB3, 0xCF, 0x63, 0xBF, 0xEF, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xE4, 0x80, 0x08, 0x73,
+ 0x08, 0x61, 0x84, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x06, 0x18, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x47, 0x0C,
+ 0x61, 0x8C, 0x61, 0x08, 0xC6, 0x33, 0x19, 0x98, 0x10, 0x23, 0x5F, 0xF3,
+ 0x87, 0x1B, 0x22, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x77,
+ 0x71, 0x36, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x60, 0xC3,
+ 0x06, 0x08, 0x30, 0x60, 0x83, 0x06, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x98,
+ 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xDE, 0xCF, 0x07, 0x86, 0x63, 0x3F, 0x8F, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xF8,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x30,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x3E, 0x7F,
+ 0xC3, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x07,
+ 0x86, 0xC6, 0x66, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x7F, 0x7F,
+ 0x60, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0x63, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x98,
+ 0x6C, 0x0D, 0xE7, 0xFB, 0x8F, 0x83, 0x63, 0xBF, 0x87, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x60, 0x20, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x00, 0x3E,
+ 0x3F, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x63, 0xE1, 0xF1, 0x9D, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xBF, 0x8F, 0x80,
+ 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x30, 0xD8, 0x2C, 0x3B, 0xFC, 0xE4, 0x06, 0x47, 0x7F, 0x0F,
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0x77, 0x77, 0x00, 0x07, 0x77, 0x13, 0x6C,
+ 0x02, 0x0C, 0x31, 0xC7, 0x18, 0x30, 0x38, 0x38, 0x18, 0x18, 0x10, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x81, 0x83, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC3, 0x8E,
+ 0x39, 0xC3, 0x04, 0x00, 0x79, 0xF9, 0x38, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x60, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x98, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x33,
+ 0x99, 0xCF, 0xF3, 0xB8, 0x06, 0x11, 0xF8, 0x78, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x81, 0xA0,
+ 0x6C, 0x1B, 0x0C, 0xC3, 0x18, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x98, 0x76, 0x0F, 0x83, 0xFC,
+ 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x1E,
+ 0x1F, 0xDC, 0x5C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x38, 0xCF, 0xE3,
+ 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x7F, 0x31, 0xD8, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xE3,
+ 0xBF, 0x9F, 0x80, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0x9C, 0x7C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x83,
+ 0xE1, 0xB0, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x7C, 0x3F, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x87, 0xC3, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x70, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x63, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x47, 0xFE, 0x3C, 0xE3, 0xB8, 0xCE, 0x63, 0xB0, 0xFC,
+ 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xE3, 0x98, 0xE7, 0x38, 0xCE, 0x3B, 0x87, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xE3,
+ 0xE7, 0xF5, 0xD5, 0xD5, 0xD9, 0xC9, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xE3, 0xE3, 0xF3,
+ 0xD3, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xCB, 0xCD, 0xC5, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0xB8,
+ 0xD8, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xB1, 0x9F, 0xC7, 0x80, 0xFC,
+ 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x3C,
+ 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xD8, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xF1, 0x9F, 0xC7,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xCC,
+ 0xCC, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x98, 0x4C, 0x07, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x7C,
+ 0x07, 0x01, 0xA1, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC3, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8,
+ 0x7C, 0x3E, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x86, 0xE3, 0x31, 0x9F, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xD8,
+ 0x36, 0x1C, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x30, 0x6C, 0x1B, 0x06, 0x80, 0xE0,
+ 0x38, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x32, 0x66, 0xEC, 0xD5, 0x9A, 0xB3, 0x56,
+ 0x7B, 0xCF, 0x70, 0xC6, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0xB1, 0x99, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0x40,
+ 0xE0, 0x70, 0x7C, 0x36, 0x33, 0xB8, 0xD8, 0x30, 0xE0, 0xD8, 0x73, 0x18,
+ 0xC6, 0x1B, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x38, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x7F,
+ 0xBF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x30, 0x3F, 0xFF,
+ 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xE1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x43, 0xFF, 0xC1,
+ 0x83, 0x03, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x10, 0x30, 0x60, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x81,
+ 0x83, 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8F, 0xFF, 0x30,
+ 0x70, 0xA3, 0x64, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x30, 0x3E,
+ 0x7F, 0x43, 0x1F, 0x7F, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0x7F, 0x79, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C,
+ 0x0F, 0xE7, 0xFB, 0x8F, 0xC3, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xDF, 0xED, 0xE0, 0x1E,
+ 0x3F, 0xDC, 0x5C, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x01, 0xC4, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0x03, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xE3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0x7F, 0x39, 0x1E,
+ 0x3F, 0x98, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x84, 0xFE, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x1F,
+ 0x38, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x3F,
+ 0xBF, 0xD8, 0x8C, 0x67, 0xE3, 0xE1, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xEF,
+ 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x0C, 0xE7, 0xFB, 0xCD, 0xC7, 0xE3, 0xF1,
+ 0xF8, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x38, 0x18, 0x71, 0x80, 0x03, 0xEF, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61,
+ 0x86, 0x18, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x30, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x9F, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x7E, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC7, 0xCE,
+ 0xDC, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xF8, 0x7C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0xFB, 0x7F,
+ 0xF3, 0x79, 0x3C, 0x9E, 0x4F, 0x27, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x80, 0xCE, 0x7F, 0xBC,
+ 0xDC, 0x7E, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x8F, 0xC7, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xB8, 0xD8,
+ 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x8C, 0xFE, 0x3E, 0x00, 0xDE, 0x7F, 0xB8, 0xFC, 0x3E,
+ 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x8D, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x3D, 0x7F, 0xE3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0x7F, 0x3B, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0xCF, 0xDF, 0xF0,
+ 0xE0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x98, 0x4E, 0x03, 0xE0,
+ 0x39, 0x07, 0xFE, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x10, 0x08, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0xC0, 0x70, 0x18, 0x0F, 0xC3, 0xE0, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xE7, 0x7F, 0x79, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x67, 0x61, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x38,
+ 0x1C, 0x00, 0xC4, 0x79, 0xC9, 0xBB, 0x35, 0x66, 0xAC, 0xD5, 0x9E, 0xB1,
+ 0xDC, 0x31, 0x80, 0xE3, 0xB1, 0x8D, 0x83, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xD8, 0xC6,
+ 0xC3, 0x80, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x63, 0x21, 0xB0, 0x50, 0x38, 0x1C,
+ 0x0C, 0x3E, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xBF, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x78, 0xF0, 0x60,
+ 0x40, 0x83, 0x06, 0x07, 0x8F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xF1, 0xE0, 0x40, 0x81,
+ 0x02, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x30, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x3C, 0x78, 0x79, 0xBF,
+ 0xB3, 0x80 };
+const GFXglyph SourceCodePro_SemiBold9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 3, 12, 11, 4, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 6, 7, 6, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 12, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 23, 8, 15, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 38, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 53, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 67, 3, 6, 11, 4, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 70, 6, 16, 11, 3, -12 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 82, 5, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 92, 7, 8, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 99, 8, 8, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 107, 4, 7, 11, 3, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 111, 6, 2, 11, 2, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 113, 3, 4, 11, 4, -3 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 115, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 129, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 142, 8, 11, 11, 2, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 153, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 166, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 177, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 190, 8, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 201, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 214, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 227, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 240, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 253, 3, 10, 11, 4, -9 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 257, 4, 14, 11, 3, -9 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 264, 7, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 275, 8, 6, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 281, 7, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 292, 7, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 303, 9, 15, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 320, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 335, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 347, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 361, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 375, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 387, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 399, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 413, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 427, 7, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 438, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 450, 10, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 465, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 477, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 489, 8, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 501, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 515, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 527, 9, 15, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 544, 8, 12, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 556, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 570, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 584, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 598, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 613, 11, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 630, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 644, 10, 12, 11, 0, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 659, 9, 12, 11, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 673, 5, 16, 11, 4, -12 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 683, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 697, 5, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 707, 7, 7, 11, 2, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 714, 9, 2, 11, 1, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 717, 4, 3, 11, 3, -12 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 719, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 728, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 743, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 754, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 767, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 778, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 791, 9, 12, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 805, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 820, 6, 14, 11, 2, -13 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 831, 7, 17, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 846, 8, 13, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 859, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 874, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 885, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 896, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 907, 9, 12, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 921, 8, 12, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 933, 8, 9, 11, 2, -8 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 942, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 953, 9, 11, 11, 1, -10 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 966, 8, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 975, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 986, 11, 9, 11, 0, -8 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 999, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1010, 9, 12, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1024, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1035, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1049, 1, 18, 11, 5, -12 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1052, 7, 16, 11, 2, -12 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1066, 9, 3, 11, 1, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont SourceCodePro_SemiBold9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)SourceCodePro_SemiBold9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)SourceCodePro_SemiBold9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 22 };
+// Approx. 1742 bytes
+const uint8_t Shree7149pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xEA, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x99, 0x99, 0x04, 0x20, 0x21, 0x01, 0x10,
+ 0x77, 0xE0, 0x84, 0x04, 0x40, 0x42, 0x1F, 0xFE, 0x11, 0x01, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x40, 0x04, 0x07, 0x82, 0x59, 0x13, 0x44, 0x51, 0x06, 0x40, 0xF0, 0x07,
+ 0x01, 0x30, 0x45, 0x11, 0x44, 0x59, 0x21, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x09, 0xE0, 0x44, 0x42, 0x20, 0x90, 0x82, 0x41, 0x12, 0x03, 0x90, 0x00,
+ 0x80, 0x02, 0xF0, 0x12, 0x20, 0x90, 0x44, 0x42, 0x10, 0x88, 0x81, 0xC0,
+ 0x00, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x84, 0x11, 0x01, 0x20, 0x28, 0x06, 0x01, 0x20, 0x42,
+ 0x50, 0x2A, 0x05, 0x20, 0x44, 0x14, 0x7C, 0x40, 0xEA, 0x12, 0x44, 0x44,
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0x84, 0x44, 0x21, 0x04, 0x22, 0x21, 0x11, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22,
+ 0x40, 0x18, 0x18, 0xF3, 0x24, 0x24, 0x53, 0x18, 0x18, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02,
+ 0x01, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x00, 0xD4, 0x7E, 0xC0, 0x01,
+ 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0x40,
+ 0x40, 0x3E, 0x20, 0x90, 0x50, 0x28, 0x14, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x81, 0x40,
+ 0x90, 0x48, 0x43, 0xC0, 0x11, 0xF1, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x10, 0x3E,
+ 0x41, 0x41, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x40, 0x40, 0x80, 0xFF,
+ 0x7E, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x10, 0x78, 0x02, 0x01, 0x40, 0x60,
+ 0x48, 0x23, 0xE0, 0x06, 0x03, 0x02, 0x82, 0x41, 0x21, 0x11, 0x08, 0x84,
+ 0x82, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x7E, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x03,
+ 0xF1, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80, 0x60, 0x48, 0x23, 0xE0, 0x3E, 0x30, 0x90,
+ 0x30, 0x08, 0x05, 0xF3, 0x05, 0x82, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x50, 0x48, 0x23, 0xE0,
+ 0x7F, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x20, 0x3E, 0x20, 0x90, 0x48, 0x24, 0x11, 0xB0, 0xB8, 0x82, 0x81, 0x40,
+ 0x60, 0x48, 0x23, 0xE0, 0x7E, 0x21, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x28, 0x14, 0x0D, 0x0A,
+ 0x79, 0x01, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x48, 0x43, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x30, 0xF0, 0x00,
+ 0x35, 0x00, 0x02, 0x18, 0xC2, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x20, 0x43, 0x18, 0x41, 0x00,
+ 0x18, 0x66, 0x41, 0x81, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x08, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x06, 0x01, 0x82, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x02, 0x40,
+ 0x00, 0xA0, 0xFA, 0x18, 0x41, 0x86, 0x10, 0x21, 0x84, 0x08, 0x61, 0x02,
+ 0x18, 0x40, 0x86, 0x08, 0x62, 0x41, 0x6C, 0x90, 0x20, 0xC2, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x60, 0x08, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x09, 0x00, 0x90, 0x09,
+ 0x01, 0x08, 0x10, 0x82, 0x04, 0x3F, 0xC2, 0x04, 0x40, 0x24, 0x02, 0x80,
+ 0x10, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x28, 0x06, 0x02, 0x80, 0xA0, 0x6F, 0xFA, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x02, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x31, 0x81, 0x20, 0x18,
+ 0x01, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x12, 0x04,
+ 0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x12, 0x01, 0x40, 0x28, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x50, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x40, 0x4F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x04, 0x03, 0xFD, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x03, 0xFD, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x00, 0x06, 0x03, 0x31, 0x81, 0x20, 0x18, 0x01, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04,
+ 0x1F, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x32, 0x06, 0x3F, 0x40, 0x80, 0x60,
+ 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x1F, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81,
+ 0x03, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x13, 0xC0, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x48, 0x22, 0x10, 0x88, 0x26,
+ 0x0A, 0x83, 0x10, 0x82, 0x20, 0x48, 0x1A, 0x02, 0x80, 0x40, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0x1D, 0x00, 0xE8, 0x0B, 0x40, 0x59, 0x02, 0xC8, 0x26, 0x21, 0x31, 0x11,
+ 0x88, 0x8C, 0x24, 0x61, 0x43, 0x06, 0x18, 0x20, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x34, 0x06,
+ 0x80, 0xC8, 0x18, 0x83, 0x10, 0x61, 0x0C, 0x11, 0x82, 0x30, 0x26, 0x02,
+ 0xC0, 0x58, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x18, 0x40, 0x44, 0x02, 0x80, 0x28, 0x02,
+ 0x80, 0x28, 0x01, 0x80, 0x28, 0x02, 0x80, 0x24, 0x04, 0x20, 0xC1, 0xF0,
+ 0xFF, 0x20, 0x28, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x80, 0xA0, 0x2F, 0xF2, 0x00, 0x80, 0x20,
+ 0x08, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x31, 0x81, 0x20, 0x28, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xB2, 0x0C, 0x37,
+ 0xC1, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x2F, 0xF2, 0x02,
+ 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x18, 0x33, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x18,
+ 0x04, 0x01, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0x00, 0x60, 0x30, 0x1C, 0x13, 0xF0, 0xFF,
+ 0xC1, 0x00, 0x40, 0x10, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x40, 0x10, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x40, 0x10, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18,
+ 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x14, 0x05, 0x02, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x48, 0x09,
+ 0x01, 0x10, 0x42, 0x08, 0x41, 0x04, 0x40, 0x88, 0x11, 0x01, 0x40, 0x28,
+ 0x05, 0x00, 0x40, 0x81, 0x81, 0x41, 0x81, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x42, 0x22,
+ 0x42, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x24, 0x24, 0x24, 0x14, 0x24, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x08, 0x18, 0x40, 0xC8, 0x22, 0x10, 0x44, 0x0A, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x28, 0x12, 0x0C, 0x42, 0x09, 0x02, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x6C,
+ 0x08, 0x82, 0x08, 0xC1, 0x90, 0x14, 0x01, 0x80, 0x20, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x40, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x18, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0x88, 0x88,
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x8F, 0x01, 0x04, 0x10, 0x20, 0x81, 0x04, 0x10,
+ 0x20, 0x82, 0x04, 0xF1, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x08,
+ 0x0A, 0x09, 0x04, 0x44, 0x12, 0x08, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x49, 0x00, 0x38, 0xC6,
+ 0x82, 0x02, 0x06, 0x7A, 0x82, 0x82, 0x82, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x13,
+ 0x8A, 0x26, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x58, 0x2B, 0xE0, 0x1C,
+ 0x62, 0xC1, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x81, 0x41, 0x3E, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
+ 0x3D, 0x43, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x43, 0x3D, 0x3C, 0x42,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x81, 0x41, 0x3E, 0x32, 0x22, 0x72, 0x22,
+ 0x22, 0x22, 0x20, 0x3D, 0x43, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x43,
+ 0x3D, 0x81, 0x81, 0x7E, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x9C, 0xA2, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x9F, 0xF8, 0x20, 0x12, 0x49, 0x24, 0x92,
+ 0x49, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x83, 0x84, 0x88, 0x90, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0x84,
+ 0x84, 0x82, 0x81, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x65, 0x3C, 0xF0, 0x83, 0x04, 0x18,
+ 0x20, 0xC1, 0x06, 0x08, 0x30, 0x41, 0x82, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x40, 0x9C, 0xA2,
+ 0xC1, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x3C, 0x21, 0xA0, 0x50,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x02, 0x41, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x9C, 0x51, 0xB0, 0x58,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x82, 0xA1, 0x4B, 0x22, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00,
+ 0x3D, 0x43, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x43, 0x25, 0x19, 0x01,
+ 0x01, 0x01, 0x9D, 0x31, 0x88, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x00, 0x79, 0x0A, 0x0C,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0xF8, 0x44, 0xF4, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x43,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x83, 0x43, 0x7D, 0x81, 0x41,
+ 0x41, 0x42, 0x22, 0x24, 0x24, 0x14, 0x18, 0x08, 0x82, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x51,
+ 0x44, 0x8A, 0x24, 0x51, 0x12, 0x90, 0xA2, 0x85, 0x14, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x82,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x21, 0x08, 0x82, 0x81, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x50, 0x44, 0x42, 0x20,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x41, 0x41, 0x42, 0x22, 0x22, 0x24, 0x14, 0x18, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x30, 0x40, 0x7E, 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0x40,
+ 0xFF, 0x08, 0x42, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0xC0, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82,
+ 0x04, 0x18, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x40, 0x82, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04,
+ 0x0C, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x08, 0x62, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0F };
+const GFXglyph Shree7149pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 5, 4, 4, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 7, 13, 11, 15, 1, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 25, 10, 17, 13, 1, -14 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 47, 14, 14, 16, 1, -13 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 72, 11, 14, 11, 0, -13 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 92, 2, 4, 4, 1, -13 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 93, 4, 16, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 101, 4, 16, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 109, 8, 8, 10, 1, -13 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 117, 9, 9, 11, 1, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 128, 2, 4, 4, 1, 0 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 129, 8, 1, 10, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 130, 2, 1, 4, 1, 0 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 131, 8, 14, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 145, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 160, 4, 13, 11, 3, -12 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 167, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 180, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 195, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 210, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 225, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 240, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 253, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 268, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 283, 2, 10, 4, 1, -9 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 286, 2, 13, 4, 1, -9 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 290, 7, 9, 10, 1, -8 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 298, 8, 5, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 303, 7, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 312, 8, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 326, 18, 17, 20, 1, -13 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 365, 12, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 385, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 402, 11, 14, 12, 1, -13 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 422, 11, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 440, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 455, 9, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 470, 11, 14, 13, 1, -13 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 490, 10, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 507, 1, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 509, 7, 13, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 521, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 538, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 551, 13, 13, 15, 1, -12 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 573, 11, 13, 13, 1, -12 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 591, 12, 14, 13, 1, -13 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 612, 10, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 629, 11, 15, 13, 1, -13 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 650, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 667, 9, 14, 11, 1, -13 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 683, 10, 13, 10, 0, -12 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 700, 10, 13, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 717, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 735, 16, 13, 17, 0, -12 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 761, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 778, 11, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 796, 10, 13, 11, 0, -12 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 813, 4, 16, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 821, 6, 13, 8, 1, -11 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 831, 4, 16, 6, 1, -13 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 839, 9, 6, 11, 1, -7 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 846, 9, 1, 9, 0, 3 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 848, 3, 3, 5, 1, -13 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 850, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 860, 9, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 875, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 885, 8, 13, 11, 1, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 898, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 908, 4, 13, 4, 0, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 915, 8, 13, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 928, 8, 13, 10, 1, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 941, 1, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 943, 3, 17, 4, 0, -12 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 950, 8, 13, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 963, 1, 13, 4, 1, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 965, 13, 10, 15, 1, -9 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 982, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 992, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1004, 9, 14, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1020, 8, 14, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1034, 5, 10, 6, 1, -9 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1041, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1050, 4, 12, 4, 0, -11 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1056, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1066, 8, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1076, 13, 10, 13, 0, -9 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1093, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1105, 8, 14, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1119, 8, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1129, 6, 18, 8, 1, -13 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1143, 1, 17, 4, 1, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1146, 6, 18, 8, 1, -13 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1160, 8, 2, 11, 1, -5 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont Shree7149pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)Shree7149pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)Shree7149pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 26 };
+// Approx. 1834 bytes
+// Approx. 1730 bytes
+// Approx. 1385 bytes
+const uint8_t C649pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83,
+ 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0,
+ 0x78, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E,
+ 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xFF,
+ 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x19, 0xFF,
+ 0xCF, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0x01, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x0F,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0x78, 0x04, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x0F,
+ 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xC1, 0xE7, 0x83,
+ 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x81, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0xC1, 0xFF, 0x83, 0xCF, 0x07, 0x87, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xCF, 0x07, 0x8F, 0x07, 0x80, 0x07, 0x83, 0xCF, 0x07, 0x8F, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0xF0, 0x78,
+ 0x0F, 0x07, 0x80, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xCF, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC7, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x7F, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCF, 0xF3,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x80, 0x07, 0xC0,
+ 0x1E, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x80, 0x06, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00,
+ 0x3C, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F,
+ 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xCF,
+ 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C,
+ 0x3F, 0x81, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x60, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F,
+ 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x0F,
+ 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0x78, 0xF0, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x78, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFC, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE1,
+ 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xF0,
+ 0x67, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00,
+ 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0x87,
+ 0xFC, 0x30, 0x67, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0xFF,
+ 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0,
+ 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F,
+ 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x30, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00,
+ 0x78, 0x01, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0x07, 0xF0, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78,
+ 0x7F, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0x3F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x3F, 0x01, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x7F,
+ 0xCF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x67, 0x83, 0xFC,
+ 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C,
+ 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80,
+ 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFC,
+ 0x3C, 0x79, 0xE3, 0xCF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x7F,
+ 0x83, 0xFC, 0x79, 0xE3, 0xCF, 0x1E, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0xF0,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xF0,
+ 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x00,
+ 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xCF, 0xFE,
+ 0x7F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C,
+ 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0x78,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00,
+ 0x79, 0xE3, 0xCF, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC,
+ 0x79, 0xE3, 0xCF, 0xF8, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x07, 0xFC,
+ 0x3C, 0x79, 0xE3, 0xCF, 0x1E, 0x78, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80,
+ 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x1F,
+ 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x67, 0xF8,
+ 0xCF, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x03,
+ 0xFC, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07,
+ 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07,
+ 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF,
+ 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1E,
+ 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x01, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFC, 0x3C,
+ 0x79, 0xE3, 0xCF, 0x1E, 0x78, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C,
+ 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x60, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80,
+ 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x7F,
+ 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0,
+ 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xF0,
+ 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F,
+ 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xFC,
+ 0x67, 0xF8, 0xCF, 0xF1, 0x9F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xE7,
+ 0xFE, 0x03, 0xFC, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xF3,
+ 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x0C, 0x19, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFC, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x1E,
+ 0x00, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C,
+ 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x1E,
+ 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xFF,
+ 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00,
+ 0x3C, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x1E,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C,
+ 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x46, 0x07, 0x8F, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x7C,
+ 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0,
+ 0xC3, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00,
+ 0xF3, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x79, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFE,
+ 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF3, 0xC1, 0x9E,
+ 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xE7,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0x30, 0x07, 0xFC,
+ 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC,
+ 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0x7F, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0x80,
+ 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x1E,
+ 0x00, 0x30, 0x01, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xE1, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x0F,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x3F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xE7,
+ 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07,
+ 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xF3, 0xC1, 0x9E, 0x0F, 0xF0,
+ 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x0F, 0xC7, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x01,
+ 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C,
+ 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x78, 0xF3, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xE7, 0x8F,
+ 0x3C, 0x79, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x80, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1,
+ 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0x79, 0xE0,
+ 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x67, 0xF8, 0xCF,
+ 0xF1, 0x9F, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1E,
+ 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE,
+ 0x0F, 0x30, 0x61, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01,
+ 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07,
+ 0xF8, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3F, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xFC,
+ 0x01, 0xE0, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF,
+ 0x3F, 0xF8, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x1E, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0x80,
+ 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC1, 0xFE,
+ 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x79, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0,
+ 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8, 0x3C, 0xC1, 0x87, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x01, 0xE0,
+ 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0xC6, 0x7F, 0x8C, 0xFF, 0x19, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xCF,
+ 0xFE, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x3C, 0x78, 0x78, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83,
+ 0xCF, 0xF8, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFC, 0x30, 0x67,
+ 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1E, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x83, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x07, 0xF8,
+ 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xFF, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x79, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0xF8,
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1E,
+ 0x07, 0x80, 0x3C, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x07, 0x83, 0xCF, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC1, 0xE3, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x1E,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x0F,
+ 0x07, 0x83, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x83, 0xC7,
+ 0x83, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0x86, 0x7F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0xE6, 0x1F, 0xC0 };
+const GFXglyph C649pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 18, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 4, 15, 18, 7, -14 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 9, 13, 6, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 19, 18, 15, 18, 0, -14 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 53, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 78, 12, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 101, 15, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 130, 9, 6, 18, 7, -14 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 137, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 154, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 171, 18, 10, 18, 0, -12 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 194, 13, 11, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 212, 6, 6, 18, 4, -3 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 217, 13, 2, 18, 2, -8 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 221, 4, 4, 18, 7, -3 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 223, 17, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 251, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 276, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 301, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 326, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 351, 16, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 381, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 406, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 431, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 456, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 481, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 506, 4, 8, 18, 7, -10 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 510, 6, 13, 18, 4, -10 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 520, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 545, 13, 6, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 555, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 580, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 605, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 630, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 655, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 680, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 705, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 730, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 755, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 780, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 805, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 830, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 847, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 872, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 897, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 922, 15, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 951, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 976, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 1001, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 1026, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 1051, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 1076, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 1101, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 1126, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 1151, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 1176, 15, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 1205, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 1230, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 1255, 13, 15, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 1280, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 1297, 17, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 1325, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 1342, 15, 11, 18, 2, -14 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 1363, 18, 2, 18, 0, 1 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 1368, 6, 7, 18, 4, -15 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 1374, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 1392, 13, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 1414, 11, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 1430, 13, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 1452, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 1470, 11, 13, 18, 4, -12 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 1488, 13, 13, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 1510, 13, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 1532, 9, 13, 18, 4, -12 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 1547, 11, 15, 18, 4, -12 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 1568, 13, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 1590, 9, 13, 18, 4, -12 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 1605, 15, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 1626, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 1644, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1662, 13, 13, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1684, 13, 13, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1706, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1724, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1742, 13, 13, 18, 2, -12 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1764, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1782, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1800, 15, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1821, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1839, 13, 13, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1861, 13, 11, 18, 2, -10 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1879, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1896, 4, 17, 18, 7, -14 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1905, 9, 15, 18, 4, -14 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1922, 15, 4, 18, 2, -7 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont C649pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)C649pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)C649pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 18 };
+// Approx. 2602 bytes
+const uint8_t C645pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x18, 0x63, 0x18, 0xCF, 0xFD, 0x8C, 0xFF,
+ 0xD8, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x18, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xBF, 0x0C, 0xC3,
+ 0x31, 0x86, 0x21, 0x0C, 0xE3, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x78, 0x48, 0xC7, 0xC6,
+ 0x7F, 0x1B, 0x30, 0x1B, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x21, 0x83, 0xC3, 0x06, 0x31, 0x91,
+ 0x98, 0x63, 0x0F, 0x8F, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0x63, 0x00, 0x18, 0x30, 0x67, 0xF1,
+ 0x83, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x01, 0xC1, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x20, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x7F, 0xBC, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0x18, 0x31,
+ 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x7F, 0x7D, 0x8C, 0x18, 0x66, 0x08, 0x30, 0x7F,
+ 0x7D, 0x8C, 0x19, 0xE0, 0x40, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0x06, 0x1E, 0x3E, 0xC6, 0xFF,
+ 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0xFF, 0x83, 0xF0, 0x20, 0x60, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0x7D, 0x8F,
+ 0x07, 0xEC, 0x58, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0xFF, 0x8C, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x1B, 0xE4, 0x58, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x1B, 0xF0, 0x60,
+ 0xF1, 0xBE, 0xC3, 0x60, 0x06, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x18, 0x60, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x20,
+ 0x18, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x41, 0x06, 0x78,
+ 0x7D, 0x8C, 0x18, 0x61, 0x80, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0xBE, 0x18, 0xFB, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xFD, 0x8F, 0x1F,
+ 0xEC, 0x58, 0xF1, 0xFE, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x31, 0xBE, 0xF9,
+ 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xB3, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x07, 0x8C, 0x18, 0x30,
+ 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x07, 0x8C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x06, 0xFC,
+ 0x78, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1F, 0xFC, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xFB, 0x18,
+ 0xC6, 0x31, 0x9F, 0x3E, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0xB3, 0x3C, 0xC7, 0x9B,
+ 0xE7, 0x8F, 0x19, 0x33, 0x63, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x7F,
+ 0xC3, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0xCB, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xFD,
+ 0xF8, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0xFD, 0x8F,
+ 0x1F, 0xEC, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0x7C, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x7C,
+ 0x0F, 0xFD, 0x8F, 0x1F, 0xEF, 0x99, 0x31, 0x63, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x03, 0xE0,
+ 0x40, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0xFE, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0xC7, 0x8F,
+ 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xBE, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xDF, 0x0C,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xCB, 0xCB, 0xF7, 0xF7, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0xF0, 0xC1,
+ 0x8C, 0xB1, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1B, 0xE1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0xFE, 0x0C,
+ 0x30, 0xC6, 0x08, 0x30, 0x7F, 0xFC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCF, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x20, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x1C, 0xF3, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x08, 0x3C,
+ 0x24, 0x42, 0xC3, 0x81, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x10, 0x7C, 0x0D, 0xFA, 0x3C,
+ 0x6F, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0xF6, 0x2C, 0x78, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0x41, 0xF0, 0x06, 0x0D, 0xFA, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xDF, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x8F, 0xFE,
+ 0x04, 0x0F, 0x80, 0x3D, 0x8F, 0xD8, 0x61, 0x86, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x8F, 0x1B,
+ 0xF0, 0x60, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x83, 0xF6, 0x2C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0x80, 0x60,
+ 0x38, 0xC6, 0x33, 0xE0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xFE, 0xC1, 0x83,
+ 0x37, 0xCC, 0x99, 0xB1, 0x80, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x33, 0xE0, 0xC6, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xCB, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFD, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xC0, 0x7D, 0x8F,
+ 0x1E, 0x34, 0x4F, 0x80, 0xFD, 0x8F, 0x1F, 0xEC, 0x18, 0x30, 0x00, 0x7F,
+ 0x8F, 0x1B, 0xF0, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x80, 0xFD, 0x8F, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x7F, 0x81, 0xF0, 0x20, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x18, 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x0F, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x6F, 0xC0, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1A, 0x23, 0x83,
+ 0x00, 0xC3, 0xCB, 0xCB, 0x7E, 0x66, 0x66, 0xC6, 0xF8, 0x60, 0xC6, 0x58,
+ 0xC0, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1B, 0xF0, 0xC1, 0xBE, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x18, 0x60, 0xC6,
+ 0x1F, 0xC0, 0x1B, 0x19, 0x86, 0x31, 0x83, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0x18,
+ 0x36, 0x31, 0x98, 0x79, 0x8F };
+const GFXglyph C645pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 8, 10, 4, -7 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 3, 7, 3, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 6, 10, 8, 10, 0, -7 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 16, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 23, 6, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 29, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 37, 5, 3, 10, 4, -7 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 39, 5, 8, 10, 2, -7 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 44, 5, 8, 10, 2, -7 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 49, 10, 5, 10, 0, -6 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 56, 7, 6, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 62, 3, 3, 10, 2, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 64, 7, 1, 10, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 65, 2, 2, 10, 4, -1 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 66, 10, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 75, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 82, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 89, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 96, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 103, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 111, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 118, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 125, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 132, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 139, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 146, 2, 4, 10, 4, -5 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 147, 3, 7, 10, 2, -5 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 150, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 158, 7, 3, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 161, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 168, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 175, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 182, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 189, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 196, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 203, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 210, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 217, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 224, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 231, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 238, 5, 8, 10, 2, -7 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 243, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 250, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 257, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 264, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 272, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 279, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 286, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 293, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 301, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 308, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 315, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 322, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 329, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 336, 8, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 344, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 351, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 358, 7, 8, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 365, 4, 8, 10, 2, -7 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 369, 10, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 378, 4, 8, 10, 3, -7 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 382, 8, 6, 10, 1, -7 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 388, 10, 1, 10, 0, 1 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 390, 3, 4, 10, 2, -8 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 392, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 398, 7, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 405, 6, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 410, 7, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 417, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 423, 6, 7, 10, 2, -6 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 429, 7, 7, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 436, 7, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 443, 5, 7, 10, 2, -6 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 448, 6, 8, 10, 2, -6 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 454, 7, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 461, 5, 7, 10, 2, -6 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 466, 8, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 472, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 478, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 484, 7, 7, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 491, 7, 7, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 498, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 504, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 510, 8, 7, 10, 1, -6 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 517, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 523, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 529, 8, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 535, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 541, 7, 7, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 548, 7, 6, 10, 1, -5 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 554, 5, 8, 10, 2, -7 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 559, 2, 9, 10, 4, -7 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 562, 5, 8, 10, 2, -7 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 567, 8, 2, 10, 1, -4 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont C645pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)C645pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)C645pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 10 };
+// Approx. 1241 bytes
+const uint8_t FUTRFW8pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xD0, 0x99, 0x99, 0x90, 0x16, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x7F, 0x28,
+ 0x28, 0xFE, 0x28, 0x50, 0x50, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x58, 0x78, 0x1C,
+ 0x1F, 0x19, 0xD9, 0xDB, 0x7E, 0x18, 0x18, 0x70, 0x46, 0xC2, 0x22, 0x21,
+ 0x12, 0x08, 0x90, 0x39, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x9E, 0x09, 0x08, 0x48, 0x44,
+ 0x46, 0x61, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x24, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x83,
+ 0x32, 0x84, 0xA0, 0xC4, 0x78, 0xF2, 0xF8, 0x29, 0x69, 0x24, 0x92, 0x24,
+ 0x88, 0x89, 0x32, 0x49, 0x24, 0xA4, 0xA0, 0x25, 0x5C, 0xEE, 0x90, 0x10,
+ 0x20, 0x47, 0xF1, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x2D, 0x20, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x04, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x40, 0x82, 0x04, 0x18, 0x20, 0x41, 0x02, 0x00, 0x38, 0x89, 0x14,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x89, 0x11, 0xC0, 0x71, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11,
+ 0x11, 0x11, 0x78, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x20, 0x81, 0x04, 0x18, 0x61, 0x87,
+ 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x8A, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x86, 0x03, 0x03, 0x07, 0x1B, 0xE0,
+ 0x04, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x14, 0x24, 0x24, 0x44, 0xC4, 0xFF, 0x04, 0x04,
+ 0x3E, 0x40, 0x82, 0x04, 0x0F, 0x01, 0x81, 0x03, 0x07, 0x13, 0xC0, 0x0C,
+ 0x10, 0x41, 0x82, 0x0F, 0x11, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x05, 0x13, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x04,
+ 0x10, 0x20, 0x81, 0x04, 0x08, 0x20, 0x41, 0x04, 0x00, 0x7D, 0x8E, 0x0C,
+ 0x14, 0x47, 0x11, 0x41, 0x83, 0x05, 0x11, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x8A, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x28, 0x8F, 0x04, 0x18, 0x20, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x20, 0x02, 0x56, 0xC0,
+ 0x03, 0x1C, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x1C, 0x03, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x38,
+ 0x07, 0x07, 0x38, 0xC0, 0x7B, 0x18, 0x43, 0x19, 0xCC, 0x22, 0x89, 0xC0,
+ 0x08, 0x1F, 0x06, 0x11, 0x01, 0x67, 0x59, 0x1B, 0x43, 0x68, 0x4D, 0x09,
+ 0xF3, 0x4B, 0xB0, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x80, 0x28, 0x05, 0x01,
+ 0x90, 0x22, 0x04, 0x21, 0xFC, 0x20, 0x88, 0x09, 0x01, 0x20, 0x10, 0xF9,
+ 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0xBF, 0x43, 0x83, 0x06, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x1F, 0x18,
+ 0x50, 0x08, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x0C, 0x23, 0xF0,
+ 0xFE, 0x20, 0xC8, 0x0A, 0x03, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0xE0,
+ 0x28, 0x13, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xF8, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x3F,
+ 0xFE, 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xF8, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x1F, 0x83, 0x0E,
+ 0x40, 0x2C, 0x00, 0x80, 0x08, 0x00, 0x81, 0xF8, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x14, 0x02,
+ 0x30, 0x40, 0xF8, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21,
+ 0x08, 0x42, 0xE0, 0x83, 0x43, 0x23, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07, 0x02, 0x41, 0x30,
+ 0x8C, 0x42, 0x20, 0x90, 0x20, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21,
+ 0xF0, 0x20, 0x20, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x14, 0x28, 0x50, 0xA1, 0x44,
+ 0x49, 0x91, 0x26, 0x43, 0x09, 0x0C, 0x24, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x02, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0x1C, 0x06, 0x81, 0x90, 0x66, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x19, 0x83, 0x60, 0x78, 0x0E,
+ 0x01, 0x0F, 0x81, 0x83, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x80, 0x28, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0x30, 0x01, 0x40, 0x13, 0x01, 0x8C, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xF9, 0x0E, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0xBE, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x81, 0x83, 0x10,
+ 0x04, 0x80, 0x28, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x06, 0x00, 0x30, 0x01, 0x41, 0x9B, 0x06,
+ 0x8C, 0x08, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFD, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0xFF,
+ 0x70, 0xB1, 0x32, 0x34, 0x30, 0x7D, 0x8E, 0x04, 0x04, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x03, 0x07, 0x13, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10,
+ 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0xD0, 0x47, 0xC0, 0x80, 0xB0, 0x24, 0x19, 0x04, 0x61, 0x08,
+ 0x82, 0x20, 0x48, 0x14, 0x07, 0x00, 0x80, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x02, 0x83, 0x05,
+ 0x06, 0x1B, 0x0C, 0x22, 0x2C, 0x44, 0x49, 0x8C, 0x92, 0x0A, 0x34, 0x1C,
+ 0x38, 0x38, 0x60, 0x20, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x80, 0x41, 0x31, 0x08, 0x82, 0x81,
+ 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x28, 0x22, 0x11, 0x10, 0x58, 0x30, 0x80, 0xA0, 0x98,
+ 0xC4, 0x41, 0x40, 0xA0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x7F,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x60, 0x20, 0x20, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F,
+ 0xF0, 0xF2, 0x49, 0x24, 0x92, 0x49, 0x38, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0xE4, 0x92, 0x49, 0x24, 0x92, 0x78,
+ 0x32, 0x96, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0xC8, 0x80, 0x3D, 0x43, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x43,
+ 0x3D, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x17, 0xB1, 0x41, 0x83, 0x07, 0x15, 0xC0,
+ 0x3D, 0x08, 0x20, 0x81, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x27, 0x51,
+ 0xC1, 0x83, 0x05, 0x19, 0xD0, 0x3C, 0x8E, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x08, 0xCF, 0x00,
+ 0x3A, 0x10, 0x84, 0x7D, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x80, 0x3D, 0x43, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x43, 0x3D, 0x01, 0x83, 0x7C, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xEC, 0xE1,
+ 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x8F, 0xF0, 0x8F, 0xFE, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x11,
+ 0xA6, 0x58, 0xE1, 0x22, 0x24, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF7, 0x46, 0x62, 0x31,
+ 0x18, 0x8C, 0x46, 0x22, 0xBB, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x40, 0x3C, 0x42,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x42, 0x3C, 0xB9, 0x8A, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38, 0xAF, 0x40,
+ 0x81, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x8E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x28, 0xCE, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0xBC,
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0x80, 0x7A, 0x18, 0x1E, 0x04, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x49, 0x2E, 0x92,
+ 0x49, 0x00, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x87, 0x37, 0x80, 0xC2, 0x42, 0x64, 0x24,
+ 0x38, 0x18, 0x10, 0x44, 0x34, 0x62, 0x66, 0x62, 0x94, 0x29, 0x41, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x80, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x42, 0x42, 0x62, 0x24,
+ 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x10, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x08, 0x61, 0x0F,
+ 0xC0, 0x74, 0x44, 0x44, 0x48, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x70, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xE2,
+ 0x22, 0x22, 0x21, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0xE0, 0x71, 0x59, 0x86 };
+const GFXglyph FUTRFW8pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 16, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 1, 12, 16, 7, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 3, 4, 5, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 6, 8, 11, 16, 4, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 17, 8, 14, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 31, 13, 12, 16, 1, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 51, 10, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 66, 1, 5, 16, 7, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 67, 3, 15, 16, 6, -11 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 73, 3, 15, 16, 6, -11 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 79, 5, 6, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 83, 7, 8, 16, 4, -7 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 90, 3, 5, 16, 6, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 92, 4, 1, 16, 6, -3 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 93, 1, 1, 16, 4, 0 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 94, 7, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 105, 7, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 116, 4, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 122, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 133, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 144, 8, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 156, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 167, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 178, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 189, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 200, 7, 11, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 210, 2, 6, 16, 5, -5 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 212, 3, 9, 16, 4, -5 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 216, 8, 6, 16, 3, -6 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 222, 8, 4, 16, 4, -5 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 226, 8, 6, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 232, 6, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 241, 11, 12, 16, 2, -11 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 258, 11, 12, 16, 2, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 275, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 286, 9, 12, 16, 2, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 300, 10, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 315, 6, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 324, 6, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 333, 12, 12, 16, 2, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 351, 9, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 365, 1, 12, 16, 7, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 367, 5, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 375, 9, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 389, 5, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 397, 14, 12, 16, 1, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 418, 10, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 433, 13, 12, 16, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 453, 7, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 464, 13, 13, 16, 2, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 486, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 497, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 508, 7, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 519, 9, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 533, 10, 12, 16, 2, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 548, 15, 12, 16, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 571, 9, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 585, 9, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 599, 9, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 613, 3, 15, 16, 6, -11 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 619, 8, 11, 16, 4, -10 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 630, 3, 15, 16, 6, -11 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 636, 5, 3, 16, 5, -10 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 638, 16, 1, 16, 0, 1 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 640, 3, 3, 16, 5, -10 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 642, 8, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 649, 7, 12, 16, 4, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 660, 6, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 666, 7, 12, 16, 3, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 677, 7, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 684, 5, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 692, 8, 10, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 702, 6, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 711, 1, 12, 16, 7, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 713, 1, 15, 16, 7, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 715, 7, 12, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 726, 1, 12, 16, 7, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 728, 9, 7, 16, 3, -6 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 736, 6, 7, 16, 5, -6 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 742, 8, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 749, 7, 10, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 758, 7, 10, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 767, 4, 7, 16, 6, -6 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 771, 6, 7, 16, 5, -6 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 777, 3, 11, 16, 6, -10 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 782, 6, 7, 16, 5, -6 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 788, 8, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 795, 12, 7, 16, 2, -6 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 806, 8, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 813, 8, 10, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 823, 6, 7, 16, 4, -6 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 829, 4, 15, 16, 5, -11 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 837, 1, 11, 16, 7, -10 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 839, 4, 15, 16, 6, -11 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 847, 8, 3, 16, 4, -4 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont FUTRFW8pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)FUTRFW8pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)FUTRFW8pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 20 };
+const uint8_t nk57_monospace_cd_rg9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xDB, 0x64, 0x92, 0x48, 0x0D, 0xF0, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC4, 0x00,
+ 0x12, 0x09, 0x0C, 0x86, 0x43, 0x23, 0xFC, 0x88, 0x44, 0x26, 0x7F, 0xBF,
+ 0xC4, 0x82, 0x43, 0x21, 0x90, 0x08, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x63, 0x43, 0x40,
+ 0x60, 0x1C, 0x03, 0x01, 0xC1, 0x41, 0x63, 0x7E, 0x18, 0x08, 0x08, 0x20,
+ 0x78, 0x26, 0x11, 0x08, 0x8C, 0xCF, 0xC8, 0x48, 0x18, 0x11, 0x13, 0xD1,
+ 0x30, 0x88, 0x44, 0x26, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x8C, 0x46,
+ 0x21, 0x30, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x79, 0xA4, 0xB1, 0xD8, 0xCC, 0x63, 0xF8, 0xE6,
+ 0xFC, 0x0C, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x61, 0x84, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C,
+ 0x10, 0x61, 0x83, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x82, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x61, 0x82,
+ 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x86, 0x18, 0x43, 0x08, 0x63, 0x00, 0x10,
+ 0x22, 0x5B, 0xE3, 0x0F, 0xA5, 0x88, 0x10, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xDF, 0xA5, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0x60, 0x20, 0x30, 0x18, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03,
+ 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x60, 0x20, 0x10, 0x18, 0x00, 0x38, 0xFB,
+ 0x16, 0x28, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x4F, 0x8E, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x20, 0x47, 0x8F, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x1F,
+ 0xFF, 0x80, 0x79, 0xFA, 0x1C, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x82, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x61,
+ 0x86, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x79, 0xFA, 0x1C, 0x30, 0x60, 0xCF, 0x1E, 0x06,
+ 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0x9E, 0x00, 0x02, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x1A, 0x12,
+ 0x32, 0x22, 0x62, 0x42, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x7E, 0xFD, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xBF, 0x43, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x38, 0x7F, 0x9E, 0x00, 0x3C,
+ 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x17, 0xBF, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x3C, 0x6F, 0x9E,
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x18, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x82, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x83,
+ 0x04, 0x18, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x63, 0x41, 0x41, 0x63, 0x3E, 0x3E, 0x63,
+ 0x41, 0xC1, 0x41, 0x63, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x63, 0x43, 0xC1, 0xC1,
+ 0x41, 0x43, 0x63, 0x3F, 0x1A, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x18, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x37,
+ 0xC0, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x37, 0xE9, 0x40, 0x01, 0x03, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x70, 0xC0,
+ 0xE0, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x1C, 0x07, 0x01, 0x03, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x70, 0xC0,
+ 0x80, 0x7D, 0xFE, 0x1C, 0x10, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x86, 0x18, 0x20, 0x40, 0x03,
+ 0x07, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x41, 0x4D, 0x4F, 0xD9, 0xD9, 0xD9,
+ 0xC9, 0x4F, 0x45, 0x40, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x3E, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x14, 0x14,
+ 0x34, 0x36, 0x26, 0x22, 0x22, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0x43, 0x43, 0xC1, 0xFD, 0xFE,
+ 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xFF, 0x7E, 0x87, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x3C, 0x7F,
+ 0x9F, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C,
+ 0x38, 0x7F, 0xBE, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x81,
+ 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20,
+ 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x00, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x38,
+ 0x10, 0x20, 0x47, 0x8F, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xDC, 0x80, 0x87, 0x0E,
+ 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0x80,
+ 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x1F,
+ 0xFF, 0x80, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x1C,
+ 0x38, 0x7F, 0x9E, 0x00, 0x83, 0x86, 0x84, 0x8C, 0x98, 0x98, 0xB8, 0xAC,
+ 0xEC, 0xC4, 0xC4, 0x86, 0x86, 0x86, 0x83, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xC1, 0xC3, 0xE3,
+ 0xE3, 0xF5, 0xD5, 0xDD, 0xD9, 0xC9, 0xC9, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1, 0xC1,
+ 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x34, 0x6C, 0xC9, 0x9B, 0x16, 0x2C, 0x78, 0x70,
+ 0xE0, 0x80, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x1C,
+ 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xDF, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC3, 0xFF,
+ 0xFA, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x00, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x30, 0x60,
+ 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xDF, 0x04, 0x08, 0x1C, 0x18, 0xFC,
+ 0xFE, 0x86, 0x82, 0x82, 0x82, 0x86, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0x98, 0x88, 0x8C, 0x84,
+ 0x86, 0x83, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x40, 0x60, 0x7C, 0x1E, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x01, 0xC3, 0x43, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38,
+ 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xDF, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x43,
+ 0x63, 0x63, 0x62, 0x62, 0x26, 0x26, 0x36, 0x34, 0x14, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF2, 0x79, 0x2D, 0x96, 0xC9, 0x74, 0xAA, 0x55, 0x2A,
+ 0x99, 0xCC, 0xE6, 0x33, 0x19, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x40,
+ 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x1A, 0x0D, 0x84, 0xC6, 0x32, 0x1B, 0x06, 0xC1,
+ 0xB1, 0x98, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x10, 0x60, 0xC3, 0x06, 0x18, 0x30,
+ 0x41, 0x83, 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xE1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x0F, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x10, 0x0C,
+ 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x20,
+ 0x18, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xF0,
+ 0x18, 0x0E, 0x05, 0x06, 0x82, 0x63, 0x11, 0x8D, 0x83, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0xE2, 0x10, 0x79, 0xFB, 0x18, 0x33, 0xFC, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0xEC, 0xC1,
+ 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1B, 0xBF, 0x63, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xF7,
+ 0x00, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x10, 0x30, 0x63, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0x6E, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x3C, 0x7F, 0xDD, 0x80,
+ 0x78, 0xFB, 0x1C, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x63, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0x21,
+ 0x20, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x01, 0x81, 0xC0, 0x87, 0xC7, 0xF3, 0x19, 0x0C, 0xC6, 0x7F, 0x1F, 0x18,
+ 0x0F, 0xC7, 0xF2, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x1B, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0x80, 0x31, 0xC3,
+ 0x00, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC0,
+ 0x3C, 0xF0, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x18, 0x61, 0xFD, 0xE0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC7, 0xCC, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xEC, 0xEC, 0xC4, 0xC6,
+ 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xF3, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x33,
+ 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xF3, 0x7F, 0xB2, 0x79, 0x3C, 0x9E, 0x4F, 0x27, 0x93, 0xC9,
+ 0xE4, 0xC0, 0xDD, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0x8C, 0x79,
+ 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x70, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0xFD, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x3C,
+ 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xFD, 0xBB, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00, 0x77, 0xFF, 0x1C,
+ 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xE3, 0xFE, 0xEC, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC0, 0xDD, 0xFF,
+ 0x8E, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x80, 0x79, 0xFA, 0x14, 0x07, 0x81,
+ 0xC1, 0xC3, 0xFC, 0xF0, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x20, 0x21, 0x21, 0x37, 0x1E, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1, 0xE3,
+ 0xFE, 0xEC, 0xC1, 0x43, 0x63, 0x62, 0x26, 0x36, 0x34, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x18,
+ 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xF2, 0x49, 0x25, 0x92, 0xA9, 0x5C, 0xCE, 0x67, 0x31, 0x00,
+ 0x63, 0x11, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x81, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xD0, 0x4C, 0x63, 0x60, 0xC0,
+ 0xC1, 0x63, 0x62, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3C, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x10, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x20, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x86, 0x18, 0x20, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x1E,
+ 0x3C, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x33, 0xE7, 0x81, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x20, 0x41, 0x81, 0xE3, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0xF8,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x08, 0x08, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0x71, 0xDF, 0x87 };
+const GFXglyph nk57_monospace_cd_rg9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 3, 15, 9, 3, -14 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 7, 5, 7, 9, 2, -14 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 12, 9, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 29, 8, 18, 9, 0, -15 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 47, 9, 17, 9, 0, -15 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 67, 9, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 84, 1, 6, 9, 4, -14 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 85, 6, 22, 9, 2, -17 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 102, 6, 22, 9, 1, -17 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 119, 7, 9, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 127, 8, 9, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 136, 3, 6, 9, 3, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 139, 6, 2, 9, 1, -6 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 141, 3, 3, 9, 3, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 143, 9, 20, 9, 0, -16 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 166, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 180, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 194, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 208, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 222, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 237, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 251, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 265, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 279, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 294, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 309, 3, 9, 9, 3, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 313, 3, 12, 9, 3, -9 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 318, 8, 12, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 330, 8, 7, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 337, 8, 12, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 349, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 363, 8, 16, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 379, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 394, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 408, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 422, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 436, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 450, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 464, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 478, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 492, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 506, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 520, 8, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 535, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 549, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 564, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 578, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 592, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 606, 7, 19, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 623, 8, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 638, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 653, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 668, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 682, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 697, 9, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 714, 9, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 731, 9, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 748, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 762, 5, 22, 9, 3, -17 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 776, 9, 20, 9, 0, -16 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 799, 6, 22, 9, 0, -17 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 816, 9, 8, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 825, 9, 2, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 828, 4, 3, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 830, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 839, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 853, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 862, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 876, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 885, 8, 15, 9, 0, -14 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 900, 9, 17, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 920, 7, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 934, 6, 14, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 945, 6, 18, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 959, 8, 15, 9, 1, -14 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 974, 6, 15, 9, 2, -14 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 986, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 998, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 1007, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1016, 7, 14, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1029, 7, 14, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1042, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1051, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1060, 8, 13, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1073, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1082, 8, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1092, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1104, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1116, 8, 14, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1130, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1139, 7, 22, 9, 1, -17 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1159, 1, 22, 9, 4, -17 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1162, 8, 22, 9, 0, -17 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1184, 8, 3, 9, 0, -8 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont nk57_monospace_cd_rg9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)nk57_monospace_cd_rg9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)nk57_monospace_cd_rg9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 21 };
+// Approx. 1859 bytes
+const uint8_t nk57_monospace_no_rg9pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xDB, 0x6D, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0x0D, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0x00, 0x08, 0x40, 0x84, 0x08, 0xC1, 0x8C, 0x18, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0x18,
+ 0x81, 0x08, 0x10, 0x8F, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xE3, 0x18, 0x31, 0x83, 0x18, 0x21,
+ 0x00, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xEC, 0x0D, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x07, 0x00,
+ 0x3F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x05, 0x81, 0xBF, 0xF1, 0xF8, 0x0C,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x18, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x62, 0x04, 0x20, 0x42, 0x16, 0x23, 0x7E,
+ 0xC1, 0xB0, 0x06, 0x01, 0x98, 0x67, 0xE8, 0x62, 0x04, 0x20, 0x42, 0x04,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x1F, 0x03, 0xFC, 0x30, 0xC2, 0x0C, 0x20, 0xC3,
+ 0x18, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x36, 0x36, 0x22, 0xC1, 0x6C, 0x1C, 0xE0, 0xC7,
+ 0xFE, 0x3E, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x30, 0x60, 0x60,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x06, 0x07, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x07, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30,
+ 0xE0, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x04, 0xCB, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x07, 0x8F, 0x7D, 0x32, 0x0C,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0x00,
+ 0x60, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xDF, 0xAD, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x10, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0x20, 0x06, 0x00, 0x40, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x30, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0xC6, 0x1B, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x61, 0x8F, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0x04,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0x7C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0xEC, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x81, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x3F, 0xFF,
+ 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0xEC, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x31, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xF0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x70, 0x0E,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x33, 0x0C, 0x61, 0x0C, 0x61, 0x98, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xF0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x7F, 0xDF, 0xF6, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x17,
+ 0xC7, 0xFB, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xF0,
+ 0x1F, 0x8F, 0xF6, 0x0D, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x37, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0,
+ 0x1C, 0x07, 0x03, 0x60, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x06,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x18, 0x06,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0xEC, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x37, 0xF9, 0xFE,
+ 0xE1, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0xEC,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x1C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xE1, 0xDF, 0xF1, 0x98, 0x0C,
+ 0x03, 0x01, 0x81, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x37, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0x00, 0x37, 0xEB,
+ 0x40, 0x00, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x01, 0x80, 0x38, 0x01, 0xC0,
+ 0x0F, 0x00, 0x78, 0x03, 0x80, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x1C, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x01,
+ 0xC0, 0x78, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x03, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0xFC,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x1C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x00,
+ 0x0C, 0x03, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xFB, 0x03, 0x60, 0x28, 0x75, 0x1F,
+ 0xA2, 0x14, 0x42, 0x88, 0x51, 0x8A, 0x3F, 0x43, 0x2C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x5F,
+ 0xF9, 0xFC, 0x06, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x0D, 0x81, 0x98, 0x19,
+ 0x81, 0x88, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x60, 0x66, 0x06, 0xC0,
+ 0x30, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0xFB, 0x03, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x0D, 0x81, 0xBF, 0xE7, 0xFC,
+ 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x1B, 0x01, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xE0, 0x3F, 0x9F,
+ 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0xE0, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0xEC, 0x1F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0,
+ 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xF0,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x9F, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x1F,
+ 0xC7, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xE1, 0xDF, 0xD3, 0xE4, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3C,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC1, 0xDF, 0xE3, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0x1B, 0x06, 0x61, 0x8C,
+ 0x61, 0x9C, 0x33, 0xC6, 0xD8, 0xF3, 0x9C, 0x33, 0x06, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x0D,
+ 0x81, 0xB0, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x78,
+ 0x1F, 0x83, 0xD0, 0xFB, 0x37, 0x26, 0xE7, 0x9C, 0x73, 0x8C, 0x70, 0x8E,
+ 0x01, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x07, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x18, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0x3E, 0x0F, 0xC3,
+ 0xF8, 0xF6, 0x3C, 0xCF, 0x33, 0xC6, 0xF1, 0xBC, 0x3F, 0x07, 0xC1, 0xF0,
+ 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0xF3, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFB,
+ 0x03, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x36, 0x06, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0xF3, 0x00,
+ 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xF3, 0x03, 0x60, 0x6C,
+ 0x0D, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x36, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0x1B, 0x03, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x0C,
+ 0xFF, 0x8F, 0xC0, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x7C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFB,
+ 0x03, 0x60, 0x3C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x37, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x98, 0xC3, 0x0C,
+ 0x61, 0xCC, 0x19, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x38, 0x3F, 0x9F, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0x38, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x7E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xE3,
+ 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0x0C, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xF0,
+ 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0xDF, 0xF3, 0xF8, 0xE0, 0x36, 0x06, 0x60, 0x63, 0x06, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x88, 0x19, 0x81, 0x98, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x0F,
+ 0x00, 0x70, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0x46, 0x34,
+ 0x73, 0x6F, 0x26, 0x92, 0x69, 0x66, 0x9E, 0x79, 0xE7, 0x0E, 0x30, 0xE3,
+ 0x0E, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x70, 0x73, 0x06, 0x38, 0xC1, 0x9C, 0x0D, 0x80, 0xF0,
+ 0x07, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x01, 0xD8, 0x19, 0x83, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xE6, 0x06,
+ 0xE0, 0x70, 0xE0, 0x36, 0x06, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x8C, 0x19, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x07,
+ 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x18, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x30, 0x1C,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0x00,
+ 0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0x30,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x18, 0x01, 0x80, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x40, 0x06, 0x00, 0x20, 0x03,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0xF0, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x98, 0x18, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x60, 0x6E, 0x07, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0xF1, 0x02, 0x00, 0x61, 0xFC, 0xF1,
+ 0xB0, 0x36, 0x0E, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0x9C, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0,
+ 0x33, 0xCF, 0xFB, 0x83, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xEC,
+ 0xF0, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0xF6, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x83, 0x7F,
+ 0x8F, 0xC0, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xCF, 0x37, 0xFF, 0x87,
+ 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xE1, 0xDF, 0xF3, 0xEC, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0xE6,
+ 0x0F, 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x83, 0x7F, 0x8F, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0xC3,
+ 0xFC, 0xC1, 0x98, 0x03, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF9, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00,
+ 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x81,
+ 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x60, 0x66, 0x06, 0x3F, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x30, 0x07,
+ 0xFC, 0x7F, 0xF4, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x33, 0xEF, 0xFB, 0x83, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03,
+ 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x87, 0xC0, 0x60,
+ 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x81, 0xC0, 0x60,
+ 0x01, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0F,
+ 0x07, 0x83, 0x7F, 0x9F, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x03, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01,
+ 0x81, 0xF0, 0x66, 0x38, 0xCF, 0x1B, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x60, 0xCC, 0x0D, 0x81,
+ 0xB0, 0x18, 0xFC, 0x7E, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C,
+ 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xC6, 0x3C,
+ 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x63, 0xCF, 0xBF,
+ 0xEE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x30, 0x3F,
+ 0x1F, 0xE6, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0D, 0x83, 0x7F, 0x8F, 0xC0,
+ 0xCF, 0x3F, 0xEE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x83, 0xDF, 0xB3,
+ 0xEC, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x00, 0x3C, 0xDF, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x03, 0xC0,
+ 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x87, 0x7F, 0xCF, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0xC7, 0xB7, 0xFF, 0x07, 0x81, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0x00, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0xEC, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x73,
+ 0x8F, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x0C, 0xC1, 0x8F, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F,
+ 0x03, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x3C, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x7F, 0xCF, 0x30, 0xE0, 0x36, 0x06,
+ 0x30, 0x63, 0x0C, 0x10, 0xC1, 0x98, 0x19, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x60,
+ 0xC0, 0x3C, 0x63, 0x46, 0x34, 0x62, 0x6F, 0x66, 0x96, 0x69, 0x63, 0x9E,
+ 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x70, 0x73, 0x8C, 0x19, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x07, 0x00, 0xF0,
+ 0x19, 0x83, 0x8C, 0x70, 0xEE, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x76, 0x06, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C,
+ 0x19, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x60, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x30, 0x07, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x38, 0x1C, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x03, 0x81,
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x07, 0xE1, 0xFC, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x18,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xC3, 0xF8, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x60, 0x0C, 0x01,
+ 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80, 0x30, 0x06, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0xFF,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0x0C, 0x03,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x60, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0x18, 0x06, 0x01, 0x80,
+ 0x60, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x30, 0xFC, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x78, 0x3B, 0xFE,
+ 0x1E, 0x00 };
+const GFXglyph nk57_monospace_no_rg9pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 3, 15, 12, 5, -14 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 7, 8, 7, 12, 2, -14 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 14, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 37, 11, 18, 12, 1, -15 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 62, 12, 17, 12, 0, -15 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 88, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 111, 2, 6, 12, 5, -14 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 113, 8, 22, 12, 3, -17 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 135, 8, 22, 12, 1, -17 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 157, 10, 10, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 170, 11, 9, 12, 1, -11 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 183, 3, 6, 12, 5, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 186, 8, 2, 12, 2, -6 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 188, 3, 3, 12, 5, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 190, 12, 20, 12, 0, -16 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 220, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 239, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 258, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 277, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 296, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 317, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 336, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 355, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 374, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 393, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 412, 3, 9, 12, 5, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 416, 3, 12, 12, 5, -9 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 421, 11, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 438, 11, 7, 12, 1, -10 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 448, 11, 12, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 465, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 484, 11, 16, 12, 1, -12 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 506, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 529, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 550, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 569, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 588, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 607, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 626, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 645, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 664, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 683, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 702, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 723, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 742, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 763, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 782, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 801, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 822, 11, 19, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 849, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 870, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 889, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 910, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 929, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 952, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 975, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 998, 12, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 1021, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 1040, 8, 22, 12, 4, -17 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 1062, 12, 20, 12, 0, -16 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 1092, 8, 22, 12, 1, -17 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 1114, 12, 8, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 1126, 12, 2, 12, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 1129, 6, 3, 12, 3, -13 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 1132, 11, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 1146, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 1165, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 1178, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 1197, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 1210, 11, 15, 12, 0, -14 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 1231, 12, 17, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 1257, 10, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 1276, 9, 14, 12, 2, -13 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 1292, 9, 18, 12, 1, -13 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 1313, 11, 15, 12, 1, -14 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 1334, 9, 15, 12, 2, -14 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 1351, 12, 10, 12, 0, -9 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 1366, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 1379, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 1392, 10, 14, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 1410, 10, 14, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 1428, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 1441, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 1454, 11, 13, 12, 0, -12 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 1472, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 1485, 12, 10, 12, 0, -9 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 1500, 12, 10, 12, 0, -9 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 1515, 12, 10, 12, 0, -9 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 1530, 12, 14, 12, 0, -9 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 1551, 10, 10, 12, 1, -9 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 1564, 11, 22, 12, 1, -17 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 1595, 2, 22, 12, 5, -17 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 1601, 10, 22, 12, 1, -17 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 1629, 11, 3, 12, 1, -8 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont nk57_monospace_no_rg9pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)nk57_monospace_no_rg9pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)nk57_monospace_no_rg9pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 21 };
+// Approx. 2306 bytes
+const uint8_t nk57_monospace_no_rg7pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xEA, 0x3F, 0xCE, 0x28, 0xA2, 0x88, 0x00, 0x11, 0x08, 0x84,
+ 0x42, 0x67, 0xF9, 0x90, 0x89, 0xFF, 0x22, 0x11, 0x09, 0x8C, 0xC0, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x7E, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x80, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x03, 0x03, 0x83, 0xC3, 0x7E,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x78, 0x64, 0x22, 0x11, 0x17, 0x88, 0x18, 0x30, 0x20, 0x67,
+ 0x46, 0x42, 0x21, 0x10, 0xC8, 0x3C, 0x3E, 0x31, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x62, 0x60,
+ 0xC0, 0xE2, 0x9B, 0xC7, 0x61, 0x99, 0xC7, 0x90, 0xEA, 0x80, 0x0E, 0x30,
+ 0xC1, 0x06, 0x08, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x0C,
+ 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x06, 0x08, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x04, 0x10, 0xC3, 0x08, 0x61,
+ 0x08, 0xC0, 0x11, 0x27, 0x59, 0xE3, 0x9A, 0xE4, 0x88, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02,
+ 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40,
+ 0x20, 0x20, 0x30, 0x10, 0x18, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x06, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0x38, 0x66, 0xC6, 0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x82, 0xC6,
+ 0x66, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x67, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x67,
+ 0xF0, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x03, 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0xC0,
+ 0xFF, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x03, 0x02, 0x3C, 0x02, 0x03, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC6,
+ 0x7C, 0x03, 0x03, 0x81, 0xC1, 0x61, 0xB1, 0x98, 0x8C, 0x86, 0xFF, 0x81,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x7E, 0x40, 0x40, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0xC6, 0x03, 0x03, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x3E, 0x63, 0xC3, 0x80, 0xBC, 0xE6, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
+ 0xC3, 0x66, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x18, 0x10,
+ 0x30, 0x30, 0x60, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC2, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC3, 0x7E, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x08, 0x30, 0xFC, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x01, 0x83, 0x87,
+ 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x38, 0x07, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x0F, 0xF8, 0xE0, 0x1C, 0x03, 0x80, 0x70, 0x18, 0x38, 0xE1, 0xC0, 0x80,
+ 0x00, 0x7E, 0xC7, 0x83, 0x03, 0x03, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x3F, 0x30, 0x90, 0x29, 0xD4, 0x9A, 0x47, 0x22, 0x93, 0x4F, 0xA0,
+ 0x10, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xF8, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x07, 0x02, 0xC1, 0x61, 0x90, 0xCC,
+ 0x46, 0x63, 0x3F, 0x90, 0x78, 0x30, 0xFE, 0x86, 0x83, 0x83, 0x82, 0xFC,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xFE, 0x7E, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0xFC, 0x86, 0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x82, 0x86, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF,
+ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x7E, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x80, 0x80, 0x8F,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0x79, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xFF,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xFE, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x67, 0xF0, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x03, 0x83, 0x82, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x83, 0x86, 0x84, 0x8C, 0x9C, 0xBC, 0xA4,
+ 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFE, 0x5D, 0x6E, 0xE7,
+ 0x33, 0x91, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x38, 0x10, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE3, 0xA3, 0xB3,
+ 0x93, 0x9B, 0x8B, 0x87, 0x87, 0x83, 0x83, 0x7E, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0x87, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0xFE, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x07, 0xFE, 0x83,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xFE, 0x88, 0x8C, 0x86, 0x82, 0x83, 0x3F, 0x31,
+ 0xD0, 0x68, 0x06, 0x01, 0xF0, 0x1C, 0x03, 0xC1, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0xC7, 0xC0,
+ 0xFF, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0x7E,
+ 0xC1, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x4C, 0x22, 0x31, 0x10, 0xC8, 0x2C, 0x16, 0x0E, 0x03,
+ 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE4, 0x72, 0x39, 0x94, 0xCA, 0xAD, 0x56, 0xA7, 0x53,
+ 0x31, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x20, 0x61, 0x91, 0x8C, 0xC2, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x70,
+ 0x2C, 0x32, 0x11, 0x98, 0x78, 0x30, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0x88, 0xC6, 0xC1, 0xC0,
+ 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0xFE, 0x04, 0x18, 0x60,
+ 0xC3, 0x04, 0x18, 0x60, 0xC3, 0x07, 0xF0, 0xFE, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08,
+ 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0xFC, 0x80, 0x20, 0x10, 0x04,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x80, 0x60, 0x10, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x30, 0x08,
+ 0x06, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x30, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0xFE, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x05, 0x86, 0x42, 0x33, 0x0B,
+ 0x06, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xC3, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC2, 0x1E, 0xE2, 0x82, 0xCE, 0x7B,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xE6, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE6, 0xDE,
+ 0x7D, 0x8F, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x18, 0x71, 0xBE, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x17, 0xB8,
+ 0xF0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x87, 0x1B, 0xD0, 0x7D, 0x8E, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x18, 0x71,
+ 0xBE, 0x1F, 0x18, 0xC8, 0x64, 0x0F, 0xF1, 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x81, 0x0F, 0x8C, 0x24, 0x1B, 0x08, 0xFC, 0x60,
+ 0x40, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x38, 0x17, 0xF8, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0D, 0xFC, 0xF0,
+ 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x30, 0xC0, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x3F, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x03, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18,
+ 0x38, 0x78, 0xDF, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xDC, 0xF4,
+ 0xE6, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC1, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x3F, 0xFB, 0xE6, 0x72, 0x39, 0x1C, 0x8E, 0x47, 0x23, 0x91, 0xDF, 0xCF,
+ 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC2, 0x83, 0x83, 0xC2, 0xC6,
+ 0x7C, 0xFE, 0xE6, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xE6, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0x7B, 0x8F, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x38, 0x71, 0xBD, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0xDE, 0xF3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x7D, 0x8E, 0x03, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x71,
+ 0xBE, 0x20, 0x10, 0x3F, 0xC4, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x43, 0x31, 0x8F,
+ 0x80, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x38, 0x71, 0xBD, 0xC1, 0xB0, 0x98, 0xC4,
+ 0x63, 0x20, 0xB0, 0x70, 0x18, 0x80, 0xE4, 0x53, 0x2B, 0xB5, 0x5A, 0x99,
+ 0x8C, 0x46, 0x61, 0x99, 0x87, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x8D, 0x83, 0xC1,
+ 0xB0, 0x88, 0xC6, 0xC1, 0x40, 0xE0, 0x20, 0x30, 0x30, 0x10, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0xFE, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x7F, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0xF8, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x18, 0x18, 0x10, 0x18, 0x1F,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x08, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0F,
+ 0x18, 0x10, 0x18, 0x08, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0xF8, 0x78, 0xC7, 0xC0 };
+const GFXglyph nk57_monospace_no_rg7pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 9, 4, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 6, 6, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 9, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 23, 8, 15, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 38, 9, 14, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 54, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 68, 2, 5, 9, 4, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 70, 7, 17, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 85, 6, 17, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 98, 7, 8, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 105, 9, 7, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 113, 2, 4, 9, 4, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 114, 6, 1, 9, 2, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 115, 2, 3, 9, 4, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 116, 9, 16, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 134, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 146, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 157, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 169, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 181, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 195, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 207, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 219, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 231, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 243, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 255, 2, 9, 9, 4, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 258, 2, 11, 9, 4, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 261, 9, 9, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 272, 9, 5, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 278, 9, 9, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 289, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 301, 9, 13, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 316, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 330, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 342, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 354, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 366, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 378, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 390, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 402, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 414, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 425, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 437, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 449, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 461, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 475, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 487, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 499, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 511, 8, 15, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 526, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 538, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 552, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 564, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 576, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 590, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 604, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 618, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 632, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 643, 6, 17, 9, 3, -13 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 656, 9, 16, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 674, 7, 17, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 689, 9, 7, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 697, 9, 1, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 699, 4, 2, 9, 3, -11 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 700, 8, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 708, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 720, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 727, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 738, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 745, 9, 12, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 759, 9, 13, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 774, 7, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 785, 6, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 794, 7, 15, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 808, 8, 12, 9, 1, -11 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 820, 6, 12, 9, 2, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 829, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 838, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 845, 8, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 853, 8, 11, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 864, 7, 11, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 874, 8, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 882, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 889, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 901, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 908, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 917, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 926, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 935, 9, 11, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 948, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 955, 8, 17, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 972, 1, 17, 9, 4, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 975, 8, 17, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 992, 9, 2, 9, 0, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont nk57_monospace_no_rg7pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)nk57_monospace_no_rg7pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)nk57_monospace_no_rg7pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 16 };
+// Approx. 1667 bytes
+const uint8_t nk57_monospace_cd_rg7pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0x55, 0x55, 0x1D, 0x4A, 0x52, 0x94, 0x80, 0x24, 0x48, 0x91, 0x2F,
+ 0xE5, 0x12, 0x7E, 0x48, 0x91, 0x22, 0x40, 0x10, 0x47, 0xD1, 0xC7, 0x06,
+ 0x0F, 0x04, 0x1C, 0x51, 0x78, 0x41, 0x00, 0x70, 0xA2, 0x42, 0x97, 0x41,
+ 0x04, 0x10, 0x5D, 0x28, 0x91, 0x21, 0x43, 0x80, 0x38, 0x91, 0x12, 0x47,
+ 0x86, 0x1D, 0xEA, 0x8D, 0x13, 0x33, 0xB0, 0xF8, 0x32, 0x44, 0xC8, 0x88,
+ 0x88, 0x88, 0xC4, 0x42, 0x30, 0x84, 0x62, 0x31, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x32,
+ 0x64, 0x80, 0x11, 0x5F, 0xC4, 0xFD, 0x51, 0x00, 0x10, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x10,
+ 0x41, 0x00, 0xD5, 0xF8, 0x74, 0x02, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x81, 0x06, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x60, 0x81, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x40, 0x39, 0xA4, 0x51, 0x47, 0x1C,
+ 0x51, 0x45, 0x16, 0x8E, 0x21, 0x09, 0xC2, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x09, 0xF0,
+ 0xF4, 0xE2, 0x10, 0x84, 0x62, 0x22, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xF4, 0xE2, 0x10, 0xB8,
+ 0x21, 0x8C, 0x66, 0xE0, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x70, 0xE2, 0xC5, 0x93, 0x26, 0xFE,
+ 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x0F, 0x4C, 0x21, 0x8C, 0x66, 0xE0, 0x7E,
+ 0x63, 0x0F, 0x6E, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x76, 0xE0, 0xF8, 0x42, 0x31, 0x08, 0xC4,
+ 0x23, 0x10, 0x80, 0x39, 0x34, 0x51, 0x44, 0xE4, 0xF1, 0xC7, 0x16, 0xCE,
+ 0x39, 0x3C, 0x71, 0xC7, 0x14, 0x5F, 0x0C, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x74, 0x07, 0x40,
+ 0x74, 0x03, 0x54, 0x04, 0x73, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x83, 0x04, 0xFC, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0xFC, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x83, 0x04, 0x63, 0x30, 0x80, 0xF4, 0xE2, 0x10,
+ 0x88, 0x84, 0x01, 0x18, 0x40, 0x79, 0x14, 0x67, 0x96, 0x59, 0x65, 0x9E,
+ 0x04, 0x11, 0x7C, 0x10, 0x60, 0xE1, 0x42, 0x85, 0x1A, 0x26, 0x4C, 0xF9,
+ 0x16, 0x30, 0xF4, 0x63, 0x18, 0xFA, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0xF0, 0x3D, 0x94,
+ 0x50, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x45, 0x16, 0xCE, 0xF4, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31,
+ 0x8C, 0x67, 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x08, 0x7E, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xFC,
+ 0x21, 0x08, 0x7E, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x00, 0x3D, 0x94, 0x50, 0xC3, 0x3C,
+ 0x71, 0x45, 0x14, 0xDD, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xFE, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x10,
+ 0xF9, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x09, 0xF0, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04,
+ 0x10, 0x41, 0xC5, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x8E, 0x29, 0x24, 0xB2, 0xCD, 0x36, 0x8A,
+ 0x28, 0xA3, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xC7, 0x8F,
+ 0x3D, 0x7A, 0xF6, 0xE5, 0xCB, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x30, 0x8C, 0x73, 0x9E,
+ 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x9C, 0xE3, 0x10, 0x79, 0x34, 0x71, 0xC7, 0x1C, 0x71, 0xC5,
+ 0x14, 0xDE, 0xF4, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x3F, 0x84, 0x21, 0x00, 0x78, 0x99,
+ 0x12, 0x2C, 0x58, 0xB1, 0x62, 0x44, 0x89, 0x33, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x03, 0x80,
+ 0xFA, 0x28, 0xA2, 0x8A, 0x2F, 0xAC, 0x92, 0x68, 0xA3, 0x3D, 0x3C, 0x70,
+ 0x41, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0xC7, 0x14, 0xDE, 0xFC, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41, 0x04,
+ 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x67, 0xE0, 0xC6,
+ 0x89, 0x12, 0x24, 0xCD, 0x0A, 0x14, 0x28, 0x70, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x5C, 0xBD, 0x5E, 0x9B, 0x36, 0x6C, 0xD9, 0x32, 0x20, 0x44, 0xC8, 0xA1,
+ 0x43, 0x82, 0x0C, 0x14, 0x68, 0x99, 0x16, 0x30, 0xC6, 0x89, 0xB1, 0x43,
+ 0x82, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x46, 0x23, 0x11, 0x8C,
+ 0x46, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42,
+ 0x10, 0xF8, 0x81, 0x81, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x40, 0xC0, 0x81, 0x03, 0xF8, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31,
+ 0x8C, 0x63, 0xF8, 0x10, 0x70, 0xA1, 0x44, 0xC8, 0xB1, 0x80, 0xFE, 0xCC,
+ 0x74, 0xE2, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x7D, 0x84, 0x21, 0x0B, 0x6E, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x77,
+ 0x60, 0x76, 0x63, 0x08, 0x47, 0x6E, 0x08, 0x42, 0x1E, 0xCE, 0x31, 0x8C,
+ 0x67, 0xD0, 0x74, 0xE3, 0xF8, 0x47, 0x6E, 0x3D, 0x94, 0x50, 0xFD, 0x04,
+ 0x10, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x06, 0x11, 0xE2, 0x24, 0x48, 0x9F, 0x30, 0x40,
+ 0xFA, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x84, 0x21, 0x0B, 0x6E, 0x31, 0x8C, 0x63, 0x10,
+ 0x21, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x09, 0xF0, 0x18, 0xC0, 0x07, 0x8C,
+ 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x39, 0xCF, 0xC0, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x8E, 0x4B, 0x3C,
+ 0xD2, 0x28, 0xA3, 0xE1, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x09, 0xF0, 0xFD,
+ 0xAE, 0x4C, 0x99, 0x32, 0x64, 0xC9, 0xB6, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x31, 0x76,
+ 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC7, 0x6E, 0xB6, 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC7, 0x76, 0x84, 0x20, 0xEC,
+ 0xE3, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x7D, 0x08, 0x42, 0xBE, 0x63, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0xF4,
+ 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x41, 0x0F, 0xD0, 0x41, 0x04, 0x11, 0x64, 0xF0,
+ 0x8C, 0x63, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x7D, 0xC6, 0x89, 0x13, 0x42, 0x85, 0x0C, 0x08,
+ 0x83, 0x0E, 0x56, 0xA6, 0xCD, 0x9B, 0x26, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA0, 0x83, 0x85,
+ 0x13, 0x63, 0xC6, 0x89, 0x31, 0x43, 0x86, 0x04, 0x10, 0x20, 0xC1, 0x00,
+ 0xF8, 0xC4, 0x46, 0x22, 0x1F, 0x3C, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0xE0,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x41, 0x04,
+ 0x30, 0xC2, 0x08, 0x1C, 0x82, 0x08, 0x30, 0x41, 0x04, 0xF0, 0x76, 0x70 };
+const GFXglyph nk57_monospace_cd_rg7pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 2, 12, 7, 2, -11 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 8, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 19, 6, 15, 7, 0, -13 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 31, 7, 14, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 44, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 55, 1, 5, 7, 3, -11 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 56, 4, 17, 7, 2, -13 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 65, 4, 17, 7, 1, -13 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 74, 6, 7, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 80, 6, 7, 7, 0, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 86, 2, 4, 7, 2, -1 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 87, 5, 1, 7, 1, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 88, 2, 3, 7, 2, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 89, 7, 16, 7, 0, -13 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 103, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 112, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 120, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 128, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 136, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 147, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 155, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 163, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 171, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 180, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 189, 2, 9, 7, 2, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 192, 2, 11, 7, 2, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 195, 6, 9, 7, 0, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 202, 6, 5, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 206, 6, 9, 7, 0, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 213, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 221, 6, 13, 7, 0, -10 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 231, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 242, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 250, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 259, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 267, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 275, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 283, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 292, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 300, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 308, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 317, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 326, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 334, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 345, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 353, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 362, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 370, 7, 15, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 384, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 393, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 402, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 411, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 419, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 430, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 441, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 452, 7, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 463, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 471, 5, 17, 7, 2, -13 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 482, 7, 16, 7, 0, -13 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 496, 5, 17, 7, 0, -13 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 507, 7, 7, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 514, 7, 1, 7, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 515, 3, 2, 7, 2, -11 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 516, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 521, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 529, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 534, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 542, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 547, 6, 12, 7, 0, -11 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 556, 7, 13, 7, 0, -9 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 568, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 576, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 584, 5, 15, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 594, 6, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 603, 5, 12, 7, 1, -11 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 611, 7, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 618, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 623, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 628, 5, 11, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 635, 5, 11, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 642, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 647, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 652, 6, 10, 7, 0, -9 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 660, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 665, 7, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 672, 7, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 679, 7, 8, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 686, 7, 11, 7, 0, -7 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 696, 5, 8, 7, 1, -7 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 701, 6, 17, 7, 1, -13 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 714, 1, 17, 7, 3, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 717, 6, 17, 7, 0, -13 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 730, 6, 2, 7, 0, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont nk57_monospace_cd_rg7pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)nk57_monospace_cd_rg7pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)nk57_monospace_cd_rg7pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 16 };
+// Approx. 1404 bytes
+const uint8_t nk57_monospace_no_bd7pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFD, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xCF, 0x3C, 0xF3, 0xCC, 0x13, 0x09,
+ 0x8C, 0xCF, 0xF7, 0xF9, 0x93, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x26, 0x33, 0x19, 0x80, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x7E, 0xC3, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x1F, 0x07, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x78, 0x64, 0x32, 0x19, 0x17, 0x98, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC7, 0xC6,
+ 0x43, 0x21, 0x90, 0x78, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x98, 0xC6, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xCD, 0xB7,
+ 0x8E, 0xE3, 0x3F, 0x8F, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x0E, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x0C,
+ 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0xE1, 0xC3,
+ 0x06, 0x1C, 0x70, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC7, 0x1C, 0x63, 0x1C, 0xE0, 0x19,
+ 0x27, 0x5B, 0xE3, 0xDE, 0xE4, 0x8C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8,
+ 0x60, 0x30, 0x7F, 0xB6, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0x60, 0x60, 0x30, 0x30, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x3C,
+ 0x18, 0x33, 0xE6, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x19, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x7C, 0xFE,
+ 0xC7, 0x07, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x70, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7C, 0xFE, 0xC7,
+ 0x07, 0x3E, 0x3E, 0x07, 0x03, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0x03, 0x03, 0x83, 0xC3,
+ 0x63, 0x31, 0x99, 0x8D, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x81, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x60,
+ 0xFC, 0xFE, 0x47, 0x03, 0x03, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0x3E, 0x7F, 0xC3, 0xDC,
+ 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x38, 0x30, 0x70, 0x7C, 0xFE, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0xFE,
+ 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0x7C, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFE,
+ 0x36, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x38, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x3F, 0xE0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x1F, 0xED,
+ 0x80, 0x00, 0x83, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x0E, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0x07, 0x00, 0x80,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x78, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xF0,
+ 0x18, 0x7C, 0xF1, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x06, 0x0C,
+ 0x18, 0x00, 0x38, 0x38, 0x38, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0x98, 0x68, 0x34, 0xFA, 0x4F,
+ 0x26, 0x93, 0x4F, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x2F, 0xF3, 0xF0, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x83,
+ 0xC3, 0x61, 0xB8, 0xCC, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0x30, 0xF8, 0x60, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC7,
+ 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC7,
+ 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xC0, 0xCF, 0xCF, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xFF, 0x7B, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7,
+ 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x19, 0xFF, 0xF8,
+ 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0xC7,
+ 0xC6, 0xCC, 0xDC, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xEE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE1, 0xF1, 0xFC,
+ 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xDF, 0x6F, 0xA7, 0xC3, 0xE1, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0x60, 0xC3, 0xE3,
+ 0xE3, 0xF3, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0xDF, 0xCF, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0xC7,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC3, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7E, 0x08, 0x0F, 0x07, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xC3,
+ 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xCC, 0xCE, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0xD8, 0xEC,
+ 0x07, 0xC1, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x63, 0xBF, 0x8F, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7,
+ 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0x7E, 0xE1, 0xB1, 0xD8, 0xCE, 0x63,
+ 0x31, 0xB0, 0xD8, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0E, 0x07, 0x00, 0xC1, 0xE4, 0xF3, 0x79,
+ 0xBD, 0xDB, 0xED, 0xDE, 0xEF, 0x73, 0xB1, 0xD8, 0xC0, 0x73, 0x99, 0x8F,
+ 0xC3, 0xC1, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x78, 0x6C, 0x77, 0x31, 0xF8, 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xB9,
+ 0x8D, 0xC7, 0xC1, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0xFC, 0x38, 0x61, 0xC7, 0x0C, 0x38, 0x61, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30,
+ 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x30,
+ 0x18, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x60,
+ 0x30, 0x0C, 0x06, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0x87, 0x0E, 0x1C,
+ 0x38, 0x70, 0xE1, 0xC3, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x1C, 0x0F, 0x0D, 0x86, 0x66, 0x37,
+ 0x0C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0x7C, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0x3E, 0xF6, 0xC6,
+ 0xFF, 0x7F, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xFE,
+ 0xDE, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x18, 0xFF, 0xBE, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1B, 0xFF,
+ 0xF8, 0xF1, 0xE3, 0xC7, 0xFD, 0xF8, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0x3F,
+ 0xBE, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0xCC, 0x1F, 0xEF, 0xF1, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18,
+ 0x0C, 0x00, 0x03, 0x81, 0xCF, 0x8F, 0xE6, 0x3B, 0x1D, 0xFC, 0x3C, 0x7F,
+ 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x7F, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xF1, 0xE3,
+ 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x18, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x3C, 0xF0, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xC0,
+ 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x19, 0xF3, 0xE0, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x3F, 0xEF,
+ 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC7, 0xCE, 0xDC, 0xFC, 0xE6, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC3,
+ 0xF3, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x0C, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xF3,
+ 0x79, 0xBC, 0xDE, 0x6F, 0x37, 0x9B, 0xDF, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF1,
+ 0xE3, 0x7C, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0x7C, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0xC7,
+ 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xFE, 0xDE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1E, 0x3C,
+ 0x78, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0xDE, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x7D, 0xFF, 0x1B, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xBE, 0x30, 0x18, 0x3F,
+ 0xDF, 0xE3, 0x01, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x63, 0x3F, 0x8F, 0x80, 0xC7, 0x8F, 0x1E,
+ 0x3C, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xE1, 0xB1, 0xDC, 0xC6, 0x63, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x70,
+ 0x38, 0xC1, 0xE4, 0xF3, 0x6F, 0xB7, 0x5B, 0xBD, 0xCC, 0xC6, 0x73, 0x99,
+ 0x87, 0x83, 0x81, 0xE1, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0xC3, 0xE1, 0xB1, 0x8C, 0xC6, 0xC1,
+ 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x30, 0x38, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0x30, 0xC3,
+ 0x0C, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0xF8,
+ 0xF8, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xC0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x0C, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0x78, 0xFF, 0xE1, 0xC0 };
+const GFXglyph nk57_monospace_no_bd7pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 3, 11, 9, 3, -10 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 6, 6, 5, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 10, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 23, 8, 14, 9, 1, -12 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 37, 9, 13, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 52, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 65, 2, 5, 9, 4, -10 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 67, 7, 17, 9, 2, -13 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 82, 6, 17, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 95, 7, 8, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 102, 9, 7, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 110, 3, 5, 9, 3, -2 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 112, 6, 2, 9, 2, -5 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 114, 3, 3, 9, 3, -2 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 116, 9, 15, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 133, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 144, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 154, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 165, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 176, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 189, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 200, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 211, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 222, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 233, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 244, 3, 9, 9, 3, -8 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 248, 3, 11, 9, 3, -8 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 253, 9, 9, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 264, 9, 6, 9, 0, -8 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 271, 9, 9, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 282, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 293, 9, 13, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 308, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 321, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 332, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 343, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 354, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 365, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 376, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 387, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 398, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 408, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 419, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 430, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 441, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 454, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 465, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 476, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 487, 8, 14, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 501, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 512, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 525, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 536, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 547, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 560, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 573, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 586, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 599, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 609, 6, 17, 9, 3, -13 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 622, 9, 15, 9, 0, -12 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 639, 7, 17, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 654, 9, 6, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 661, 9, 2, 9, 0, 2 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 664, 5, 2, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 666, 8, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 674, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 685, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 692, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 702, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 709, 9, 11, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 722, 9, 13, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 737, 7, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 747, 6, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 756, 7, 14, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 769, 8, 11, 9, 1, -10 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 780, 6, 11, 9, 2, -10 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 789, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 798, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 805, 8, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 813, 8, 11, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 824, 7, 11, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 834, 8, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 842, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 849, 9, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 861, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 868, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 877, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 886, 9, 8, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 895, 9, 11, 9, 0, -7 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 908, 7, 8, 9, 1, -7 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 915, 8, 17, 9, 1, -13 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 932, 2, 17, 9, 4, -13 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 937, 8, 17, 9, 0, -13 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 954, 9, 3, 9, 0, -6 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont nk57_monospace_no_bd7pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)nk57_monospace_no_bd7pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)nk57_monospace_no_bd7pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 16 };
+// Approx. 1630 bytes
+const uint8_t EuphemiaCAS7pt7bBitmaps[] PROGMEM = {
+ 0x00, 0xFF, 0x40, 0xB4, 0x11, 0x84, 0x41, 0x13, 0xFF, 0x11, 0x08, 0x42,
+ 0x10, 0x88, 0xFF, 0xC8, 0x82, 0x21, 0x88, 0x10, 0x79, 0x52, 0x85, 0x06,
+ 0x07, 0x0B, 0x12, 0x27, 0x5B, 0xE1, 0x00, 0x70, 0x51, 0x12, 0x24, 0x44,
+ 0x88, 0xA0, 0xEB, 0x82, 0x88, 0x51, 0x12, 0x24, 0x45, 0x87, 0x20, 0x00,
+ 0x30, 0x48, 0x48, 0x50, 0x20, 0xD0, 0x89, 0x8A, 0xC6, 0x7B, 0xC0, 0x29,
+ 0x49, 0x24, 0x89, 0x22, 0x91, 0x12, 0x49, 0x29, 0x48, 0xAB, 0x88, 0xEA,
+ 0x80, 0x10, 0x20, 0x47, 0xF1, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x58, 0xE0, 0x80, 0x01,
+ 0x02, 0x02, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08, 0x08, 0x10, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40,
+ 0x80, 0x79, 0x28, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x49, 0xE0, 0x65, 0x08, 0x42,
+ 0x10, 0x84, 0x27, 0xC0, 0x7A, 0x10, 0x41, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x83, 0xF0,
+ 0x7A, 0x20, 0x42, 0x30, 0x30, 0x41, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x04, 0x18, 0x51, 0x22,
+ 0x48, 0xBF, 0x82, 0x04, 0x08, 0xFA, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x8C, 0x10, 0x41, 0x8B,
+ 0xE0, 0x3D, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x8E, 0x18, 0x61, 0xCD, 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x10, 0x82,
+ 0x08, 0x41, 0x08, 0x21, 0x00, 0x7A, 0x18, 0x73, 0x31, 0x28, 0x61, 0xCD,
+ 0xE0, 0x7B, 0x38, 0x61, 0xC5, 0xF0, 0x43, 0x0B, 0xC0, 0x82, 0x40, 0x05,
+ 0x80, 0x08, 0x88, 0x88, 0x41, 0x04, 0x10, 0x40, 0xFE, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x86,
+ 0x18, 0x61, 0x8C, 0xCC, 0xC4, 0x00, 0xF4, 0xC2, 0x11, 0x91, 0x08, 0x02,
+ 0x00, 0x0F, 0x83, 0x04, 0x40, 0x24, 0x01, 0x8F, 0x99, 0x09, 0x90, 0x99,
+ 0x09, 0x99, 0xA4, 0xFE, 0x60, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x08, 0x18, 0x14,
+ 0x14, 0x24, 0x22, 0x7E, 0x43, 0x41, 0xC1, 0xFA, 0x18, 0x63, 0xF2, 0x38,
+ 0x61, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x3C, 0x42, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x63,
+ 0x3C, 0xF9, 0x1A, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0xC2, 0x8D, 0xF0, 0xFA, 0x08,
+ 0x20, 0xFA, 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xF0, 0xFC, 0x21, 0x0F, 0xC2, 0x10, 0x84,
+ 0x00, 0x3C, 0x8F, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x60, 0xE1, 0x42, 0x7C, 0x83, 0x06,
+ 0x0C, 0x1F, 0xF0, 0x60, 0xC1, 0x83, 0x04, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x04, 0x10, 0x41,
+ 0x04, 0x10, 0x61, 0x45, 0xE0, 0x87, 0x12, 0x45, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x28, 0x48,
+ 0x89, 0x0C, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x82, 0x08, 0x20, 0x83, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xE0,
+ 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3A, 0x2D, 0x16, 0x53, 0x29, 0x94, 0xC4, 0x40, 0x81, 0xC1,
+ 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x91, 0x89, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x83, 0x83, 0x3E, 0x31, 0x90, 0x70,
+ 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x82, 0x63, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFA, 0x38, 0x61, 0x8F,
+ 0xC8, 0x20, 0x82, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x31, 0x90, 0x50, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03,
+ 0x83, 0x63, 0x1F, 0x01, 0x00, 0x40, 0x10, 0xF9, 0x1A, 0x14, 0x28, 0xDE,
+ 0x24, 0x44, 0x8D, 0x0C, 0x3C, 0x8D, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x81, 0xC6,
+ 0xF8, 0xFE, 0x20, 0x40, 0x81, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x81, 0x81,
+ 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0xC3, 0x7C, 0xC1, 0x43, 0x42, 0x62,
+ 0x26, 0x24, 0x34, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0xC6, 0x34, 0x62, 0x46, 0x24, 0x62,
+ 0x69, 0x62, 0x94, 0x29, 0x42, 0x94, 0x30, 0xC1, 0x08, 0x43, 0x22, 0x24,
+ 0x1C, 0x08, 0x18, 0x34, 0x26, 0x42, 0xC1, 0x82, 0x89, 0x11, 0x43, 0x02,
+ 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x7E, 0x08, 0x10, 0x41, 0x02, 0x08, 0x30, 0x41,
+ 0xFC, 0xEA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x20, 0x10, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0xD5, 0x55, 0x55, 0xC0, 0x08,
+ 0x18, 0x14, 0x22, 0x62, 0xC1, 0xFE, 0x5C, 0x80, 0x72, 0x20, 0x9E, 0x8A,
+ 0x2F, 0xC0, 0x82, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x8E, 0x18, 0x61, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x39, 0x18,
+ 0x20, 0x81, 0x17, 0x80, 0x04, 0x10, 0x5F, 0x46, 0x18, 0x61, 0xC5, 0xF0,
+ 0x7A, 0x1F, 0xE0, 0x83, 0x17, 0x80, 0x3A, 0x11, 0xE4, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42,
+ 0x00, 0x7E, 0x28, 0xA2, 0x72, 0x07, 0xA2, 0x8B, 0xC0, 0x82, 0x08, 0x2E,
+ 0xC6, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x10, 0x9F, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x12, 0x49, 0x24, 0x9C,
+ 0x84, 0x21, 0x3B, 0x72, 0x94, 0x94, 0x40, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xB0, 0xF7, 0x44,
+ 0x62, 0x31, 0x18, 0x8C, 0x46, 0x22, 0xBB, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x18, 0x40,
+ 0x7B, 0x38, 0x61, 0x87, 0x37, 0x80, 0xFA, 0x38, 0x61, 0x86, 0x3F, 0xA0,
+ 0x82, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x18, 0x61, 0x87, 0x17, 0xC1, 0x04, 0x10, 0xBC, 0x88,
+ 0x88, 0x80, 0x74, 0x60, 0xE0, 0xC5, 0xC0, 0x44, 0xF4, 0x44, 0x44, 0x70,
+ 0x86, 0x18, 0x61, 0x86, 0x17, 0xC0, 0x82, 0x89, 0x12, 0x22, 0x85, 0x04,
+ 0x00, 0x88, 0xA4, 0xD5, 0x4A, 0xA3, 0x51, 0x90, 0x88, 0xC5, 0x23, 0x04,
+ 0x31, 0x2C, 0x40, 0xC6, 0x89, 0x11, 0x42, 0x83, 0x04, 0x08, 0x21, 0xC0,
+ 0x7C, 0x31, 0x84, 0x21, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x19, 0x08, 0x42, 0x33, 0x0C, 0x21,
+ 0x08, 0x41, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xF8, 0xC2, 0x22, 0x22, 0x12, 0x22, 0x22, 0xC0,
+ 0x71, 0xCE };
+const GFXglyph EuphemiaCAS7pt7bGlyphs[] PROGMEM = {
+ { 0, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0 }, // 0x20 ' '
+ { 1, 1, 10, 3, 1, -9 }, // 0x21 '!'
+ { 3, 3, 2, 5, 1, -9 }, // 0x22 '"'
+ { 4, 10, 12, 12, 1, -10 }, // 0x23 '#'
+ { 19, 7, 13, 8, 0, -11 }, // 0x24 '$'
+ { 31, 11, 12, 13, 1, -10 }, // 0x25 '%'
+ { 48, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x26 '&'
+ { 58, 1, 2, 3, 1, -9 }, // 0x27 '''
+ { 59, 3, 13, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x28 '('
+ { 64, 3, 13, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x29 ')'
+ { 69, 5, 5, 7, 1, -10 }, // 0x2A '*'
+ { 73, 7, 7, 8, 1, -7 }, // 0x2B '+'
+ { 80, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0 }, // 0x2C ','
+ { 81, 3, 1, 5, 1, -4 }, // 0x2D '-'
+ { 82, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0 }, // 0x2E '.'
+ { 83, 8, 14, 8, 0, -11 }, // 0x2F '/'
+ { 97, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x30 '0'
+ { 105, 5, 10, 8, 2, -9 }, // 0x31 '1'
+ { 112, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x32 '2'
+ { 120, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x33 '3'
+ { 128, 7, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x34 '4'
+ { 137, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x35 '5'
+ { 145, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x36 '6'
+ { 153, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x37 '7'
+ { 161, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x38 '8'
+ { 169, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x39 '9'
+ { 177, 1, 7, 3, 1, -6 }, // 0x3A ':'
+ { 178, 2, 9, 3, 0, -6 }, // 0x3B ';'
+ { 181, 5, 10, 7, 1, -9 }, // 0x3C '<'
+ { 188, 7, 3, 9, 1, -6 }, // 0x3D '='
+ { 191, 5, 10, 7, 1, -9 }, // 0x3E '>'
+ { 198, 5, 10, 7, 1, -9 }, // 0x3F '?'
+ { 205, 12, 13, 15, 1, -9 }, // 0x40 '@'
+ { 225, 8, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x41 'A'
+ { 235, 6, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x42 'B'
+ { 243, 8, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x43 'C'
+ { 253, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x44 'D'
+ { 262, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x45 'E'
+ { 270, 5, 10, 7, 1, -9 }, // 0x46 'F'
+ { 277, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x47 'G'
+ { 286, 7, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x48 'H'
+ { 295, 1, 10, 3, 1, -9 }, // 0x49 'I'
+ { 297, 6, 10, 7, 0, -9 }, // 0x4A 'J'
+ { 305, 7, 10, 9, 1, -9 }, // 0x4B 'K'
+ { 314, 6, 10, 7, 1, -9 }, // 0x4C 'L'
+ { 322, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x4D 'M'
+ { 334, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x4E 'N'
+ { 344, 9, 10, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x4F 'O'
+ { 356, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x50 'P'
+ { 364, 9, 13, 11, 1, -9 }, // 0x51 'Q'
+ { 379, 7, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x52 'R'
+ { 388, 7, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x53 'S'
+ { 397, 7, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x54 'T'
+ { 406, 8, 10, 10, 1, -9 }, // 0x55 'U'
+ { 416, 8, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x56 'V'
+ { 426, 12, 10, 12, 0, -9 }, // 0x57 'W'
+ { 441, 8, 10, 9, 0, -9 }, // 0x58 'X'
+ { 451, 7, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x59 'Y'
+ { 460, 7, 10, 8, 0, -9 }, // 0x5A 'Z'
+ { 469, 2, 13, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x5B '['
+ { 473, 8, 14, 9, 0, -11 }, // 0x5C '\'
+ { 487, 2, 13, 4, 1, -11 }, // 0x5D ']'
+ { 491, 8, 6, 9, 0, -10 }, // 0x5E '^'
+ { 497, 7, 1, 7, 0, 3 }, // 0x5F '_'
+ { 498, 3, 3, 0, -2, -10 }, // 0x60 '`'
+ { 500, 6, 7, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x61 'a'
+ { 506, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x62 'b'
+ { 514, 6, 7, 7, 1, -6 }, // 0x63 'c'
+ { 520, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x64 'd'
+ { 528, 6, 7, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x65 'e'
+ { 534, 5, 10, 4, 0, -9 }, // 0x66 'f'
+ { 541, 6, 10, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x67 'g'
+ { 549, 6, 10, 8, 1, -9 }, // 0x68 'h'
+ { 557, 1, 10, 3, 1, -9 }, // 0x69 'i'
+ { 559, 3, 13, 3, -1, -9 }, // 0x6A 'j'
+ { 564, 5, 10, 7, 1, -9 }, // 0x6B 'k'
+ { 571, 2, 10, 3, 1, -9 }, // 0x6C 'l'
+ { 574, 9, 7, 11, 1, -6 }, // 0x6D 'm'
+ { 582, 6, 7, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x6E 'n'
+ { 588, 6, 7, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x6F 'o'
+ { 594, 6, 10, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x70 'p'
+ { 602, 6, 10, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x71 'q'
+ { 610, 4, 7, 5, 1, -6 }, // 0x72 'r'
+ { 614, 5, 7, 7, 1, -6 }, // 0x73 's'
+ { 619, 4, 9, 5, 0, -8 }, // 0x74 't'
+ { 624, 6, 7, 8, 1, -6 }, // 0x75 'u'
+ { 630, 7, 7, 7, 0, -6 }, // 0x76 'v'
+ { 637, 9, 7, 9, 0, -6 }, // 0x77 'w'
+ { 645, 6, 7, 6, 0, -6 }, // 0x78 'x'
+ { 651, 7, 10, 7, 0, -6 }, // 0x79 'y'
+ { 660, 6, 7, 7, 0, -6 }, // 0x7A 'z'
+ { 666, 5, 13, 5, 0, -10 }, // 0x7B '{'
+ { 675, 1, 13, 7, 3, -9 }, // 0x7C '|'
+ { 677, 4, 13, 5, 0, -10 }, // 0x7D '}'
+ { 684, 8, 2, 9, 0, -4 } }; // 0x7E '~'
+const GFXfont EuphemiaCAS7pt7b PROGMEM = {
+ (uint8_t *)EuphemiaCAS7pt7bBitmaps,
+ (GFXglyph *)EuphemiaCAS7pt7bGlyphs,
+ 0x20, 0x7E, 19 };
+// Approx. 1358 bytes
+// Approx. 1522 bytes
+#endif /* CUSTOM_FONTS_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/debug.h
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : DEBUG.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the DEBUG instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __debug_H
+#define __debug_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_DEBUG_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ debug_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/dma.h
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : dma.h
+ * Description : This file contains all the function prototypes for
+ * the dma.c file
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __dma_H
+#define __dma_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* DMA memory to memory transfer handles -------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_DMA_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __dma_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/eeprom.h
@@ -1,0 +1,125 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file EEPROM_Emulation/inc/eeprom.h
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the EEPROM
+ * emulation firmware library.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __EEPROM_H
+#define __EEPROM_H
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "main.h"
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* EEPROM emulation firmware error codes */
+#define EE_OK (uint32_t)HAL_OK
+#define EE_ERROR (uint32_t)HAL_ERROR
+#define EE_BUSY (uint32_t)HAL_BUSY
+#define EE_TIMEOUT (uint32_t)HAL_TIMEOUT
+#define FLASH_BASE_ADDR (uint32_t)(FLASH_BASE)
+#define FLASH_END_ADDR (uint32_t)(0x081FFFFF)
+/* Base address of the Flash sectors Bank 1 */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_0_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x08000000) /* Base @ of Sector 0, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_1_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x08020000) /* Base @ of Sector 1, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_2_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x08040000) /* Base @ of Sector 2, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_3_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x08060000) /* Base @ of Sector 3, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_4_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x08080000) /* Base @ of Sector 4, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_5_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x080A0000) /* Base @ of Sector 5, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_6_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x080C0000) /* Base @ of Sector 6, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_7_BANK1 ((uint32_t)0x080E0000) /* Base @ of Sector 7, 128 Kbytes */
+/* Base address of the Flash sectors Bank 2 */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_0_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x08100000) /* Base @ of Sector 0, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_1_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x08120000) /* Base @ of Sector 1, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_2_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x08140000) /* Base @ of Sector 2, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_3_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x08160000) /* Base @ of Sector 3, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_4_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x08180000) /* Base @ of Sector 4, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_5_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x081A0000) /* Base @ of Sector 5, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_6_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x081C0000) /* Base @ of Sector 6, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_7_BANK2 ((uint32_t)0x081E0000) /* Base @ of Sector 7, 128 Kbytes */
+/* Define the size of the sectors to be used */
+ #define PAGE_SIZE (uint32_t)0x20000 /* Page size = 128KByte */
+/* Device voltage range supposed to be [2.7V to 3.6V], the operation will
+ be done by word */
+/* EEPROM emulation start address in Flash */
+ #define EEPROM_START_ADDRESS ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_6_BANK2 /* sector6 of bank 2 */
+/* Pages 0 and 1 base and end addresses */
+#define PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + 0x0000))
+#define PAGE1_END_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (2 * PAGE_SIZE - 1)))
+/* Used Flash pages for EEPROM emulation */
+#define PAGE0 ((uint16_t)0x0000)
+#define PAGE1 ((uint16_t)0x0001) /* Page nb between PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS & PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS*/
+/* No valid page define */
+#define NO_VALID_PAGE ((uint16_t)0x00AB)
+/* Page status definitions */
+#define ERASED ((uint16_t)0xFFFF) /* Page is empty */
+#define RECEIVE_DATA ((uint16_t)0xEEEE) /* Page is marked to receive data */
+#define VALID_PAGE ((uint16_t)0x0000) /* Page containing valid data */
+/* Valid pages in read and write defines */
+#define READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE ((uint8_t)0x01)
+/* Page full define */
+#define PAGE_FULL ((uint8_t)0x80)
+/* Variables' number */
+#define NB_OF_VAR ((uint8_t)0x03)
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Virtual address defined by the user: 0xFFFF value is prohibited */
+extern uint16_t VirtAddVarTab[NB_OF_VAR];
+uint16_t EE_Init(void);
+uint16_t EE_ReadVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t* Data);
+uint16_t EE_WriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data);
+#endif /* __EEPROM_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/fatfs.h
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file fatfs.h
+ * @brief Header for fatfs applications
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __fatfs_H
+#define __fatfs_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+#include "ff.h"
+#include "ff_gen_drv.h"
+#include "sd_diskio.h" /* defines SD_Driver as external */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern uint8_t retSD; /* Return value for SD */
+extern char SDPath[4]; /* SD logical drive path */
+extern FATFS SDFatFS; /* File system object for SD logical drive */
+extern FIL SDFile; /* File object for SD */
+void MX_FATFS_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__fatfs_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/fatfs_platform.h
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : fatfs_platform.h
+ * @brief : fatfs_platform header file
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+/* Defines ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define SD_PRESENT ((uint8_t)0x01) /* also in bsp_driver_sd.h */
+#define SD_NOT_PRESENT ((uint8_t)0x00) /* also in bsp_driver_sd.h */
+/* Prototypes ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+uint8_t BSP_PlatformIsDetected(void);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/ffconf.h
@@ -1,0 +1,269 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * FatFs - Generic FAT file system module R0.12c (C)ChaN, 2017
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+#ifndef _FFCONF
+#define _FFCONF 68300 /* Revision ID */
+/ Additional user header to be used
+#include "main.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "bsp_driver_sd.h"
+/ Function Configurations
+#define _FS_READONLY 0 /* 0:Read/Write or 1:Read only */
+/* This option switches read-only configuration. (0:Read/Write or 1:Read-only)
+/ Read-only configuration removes writing API functions, f_write(), f_sync(),
+/ f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_chmod(), f_rename(), f_truncate(), f_getfree()
+/ and optional writing functions as well. */
+#define _FS_MINIMIZE 0 /* 0 to 3 */
+/* This option defines minimization level to remove some basic API functions.
+/ 0: All basic functions are enabled.
+/ 1: f_stat(), f_getfree(), f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_truncate() and f_rename()
+/ are removed.
+/ 2: f_opendir(), f_readdir() and f_closedir() are removed in addition to 1.
+/ 3: f_lseek() function is removed in addition to 2. */
+#define _USE_STRFUNC 2 /* 0:Disable or 1-2:Enable */
+/* This option switches string functions, f_gets(), f_putc(), f_puts() and
+/ f_printf().
+/ 0: Disable string functions.
+/ 1: Enable without LF-CRLF conversion.
+/ 2: Enable with LF-CRLF conversion. */
+#define _USE_FIND 0
+/* This option switches filtered directory read functions, f_findfirst() and
+/ f_findnext(). (0:Disable, 1:Enable 2:Enable with matching altname[] too) */
+#define _USE_MKFS 1
+/* This option switches f_mkfs() function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */
+#define _USE_FASTSEEK 1
+/* This option switches fast seek feature. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */
+#define _USE_EXPAND 0
+/* This option switches f_expand function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */
+#define _USE_CHMOD 0
+/* This option switches attribute manipulation functions, f_chmod() and f_utime().
+/ (0:Disable or 1:Enable) Also _FS_READONLY needs to be 0 to enable this option. */
+#define _USE_LABEL 0
+/* This option switches volume label functions, f_getlabel() and f_setlabel().
+/ (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */
+#define _USE_FORWARD 0
+/* This option switches f_forward() function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */
+/ Locale and Namespace Configurations
+#define _CODE_PAGE 850
+/* This option specifies the OEM code page to be used on the target system.
+/ Incorrect setting of the code page can cause a file open failure.
+/ 1 - ASCII (No extended character. Non-LFN cfg. only)
+/ 437 - U.S.
+/ 720 - Arabic
+/ 737 - Greek
+/ 771 - KBL
+/ 775 - Baltic
+/ 850 - Latin 1
+/ 852 - Latin 2
+/ 855 - Cyrillic
+/ 857 - Turkish
+/ 860 - Portuguese
+/ 861 - Icelandic
+/ 862 - Hebrew
+/ 863 - Canadian French
+/ 864 - Arabic
+/ 865 - Nordic
+/ 866 - Russian
+/ 869 - Greek 2
+/ 932 - Japanese (DBCS)
+/ 936 - Simplified Chinese (DBCS)
+/ 949 - Korean (DBCS)
+/ 950 - Traditional Chinese (DBCS)
+#define _USE_LFN 0 /* 0 to 3 */
+#define _MAX_LFN 255 /* Maximum LFN length to handle (12 to 255) */
+/* The _USE_LFN switches the support of long file name (LFN).
+/ 0: Disable support of LFN. _MAX_LFN has no effect.
+/ 1: Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. Always NOT thread-safe.
+/ 2: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the STACK.
+/ 3: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the HEAP.
+/ To enable the LFN, Unicode handling functions (option/unicode.c) must be added
+/ to the project. The working buffer occupies (_MAX_LFN + 1) * 2 bytes and
+/ additional 608 bytes at exFAT enabled. _MAX_LFN can be in range from 12 to 255.
+/ It should be set 255 to support full featured LFN operations.
+/ When use stack for the working buffer, take care on stack overflow. When use heap
+/ memory for the working buffer, memory management functions, ff_memalloc() and
+/ ff_memfree(), must be added to the project. */
+#define _LFN_UNICODE 0 /* 0:ANSI/OEM or 1:Unicode */
+/* This option switches character encoding on the API. (0:ANSI/OEM or 1:UTF-16)
+/ To use Unicode string for the path name, enable LFN and set _LFN_UNICODE = 1.
+/ This option also affects behavior of string I/O functions. */
+#define _STRF_ENCODE 3
+/* When _LFN_UNICODE == 1, this option selects the character encoding ON THE FILE to
+/ be read/written via string I/O functions, f_gets(), f_putc(), f_puts and f_printf().
+/ 0: ANSI/OEM
+/ 1: UTF-16LE
+/ 2: UTF-16BE
+/ 3: UTF-8
+/ This option has no effect when _LFN_UNICODE == 0. */
+#define _FS_RPATH 0 /* 0 to 2 */
+/* This option configures support of relative path.
+/ 0: Disable relative path and remove related functions.
+/ 1: Enable relative path. f_chdir() and f_chdrive() are available.
+/ 2: f_getcwd() function is available in addition to 1.
+/ Drive/Volume Configurations
+#define _VOLUMES 1
+/* Number of volumes (logical drives) to be used. */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Volumes */
+#define _STR_VOLUME_ID 0 /* 0:Use only 0-9 for drive ID, 1:Use strings for drive ID */
+#define _VOLUME_STRS "RAM","NAND","CF","SD1","SD2","USB1","USB2","USB3"
+/* _STR_VOLUME_ID switches string support of volume ID.
+/ When _STR_VOLUME_ID is set to 1, also pre-defined strings can be used as drive
+/ number in the path name. _VOLUME_STRS defines the drive ID strings for each
+/ logical drives. Number of items must be equal to _VOLUMES. Valid characters for
+/ the drive ID strings are: A-Z and 0-9. */
+/* USER CODE END Volumes */
+#define _MULTI_PARTITION 0 /* 0:Single partition, 1:Multiple partition */
+/* This option switches support of multi-partition on a physical drive.
+/ By default (0), each logical drive number is bound to the same physical drive
+/ number and only an FAT volume found on the physical drive will be mounted.
+/ When multi-partition is enabled (1), each logical drive number can be bound to
+/ arbitrary physical drive and partition listed in the VolToPart[]. Also f_fdisk()
+/ funciton will be available. */
+#define _MIN_SS 512 /* 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 */
+#define _MAX_SS 512 /* 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 */
+/* These options configure the range of sector size to be supported. (512, 1024,
+/ 2048 or 4096) Always set both 512 for most systems, all type of memory cards and
+/ harddisk. But a larger value may be required for on-board flash memory and some
+/ type of optical media. When _MAX_SS is larger than _MIN_SS, FatFs is configured
+/ to variable sector size and GET_SECTOR_SIZE command must be implemented to the
+/ disk_ioctl() function. */
+#define _USE_TRIM 0
+/* This option switches support of ATA-TRIM. (0:Disable or 1:Enable)
+/ To enable Trim function, also CTRL_TRIM command should be implemented to the
+/ disk_ioctl() function. */
+#define _FS_NOFSINFO 0 /* 0,1,2 or 3 */
+/* If you need to know correct free space on the FAT32 volume, set bit 0 of this
+/ option, and f_getfree() function at first time after volume mount will force
+/ a full FAT scan. Bit 1 controls the use of last allocated cluster number.
+/ bit0=0: Use free cluster count in the FSINFO if available.
+/ bit0=1: Do not trust free cluster count in the FSINFO.
+/ bit1=0: Use last allocated cluster number in the FSINFO if available.
+/ bit1=1: Do not trust last allocated cluster number in the FSINFO.
+/ System Configurations
+#define _FS_TINY 0 /* 0:Normal or 1:Tiny */
+/* This option switches tiny buffer configuration. (0:Normal or 1:Tiny)
+/ At the tiny configuration, size of file object (FIL) is reduced _MAX_SS bytes.
+/ Instead of private sector buffer eliminated from the file object, common sector
+/ buffer in the file system object (FATFS) is used for the file data transfer. */
+#define _FS_EXFAT 0
+/* This option switches support of exFAT file system. (0:Disable or 1:Enable)
+/ When enable exFAT, also LFN needs to be enabled. (_USE_LFN >= 1)
+/ Note that enabling exFAT discards C89 compatibility. */
+#define _FS_NORTC 0
+#define _NORTC_MON 6
+#define _NORTC_MDAY 4
+#define _NORTC_YEAR 2015
+/* The option _FS_NORTC switches timestamp functiton. If the system does not have
+/ any RTC function or valid timestamp is not needed, set _FS_NORTC = 1 to disable
+/ the timestamp function. All objects modified by FatFs will have a fixed timestamp
+/ defined by _NORTC_MON, _NORTC_MDAY and _NORTC_YEAR in local time.
+/ To enable timestamp function (_FS_NORTC = 0), get_fattime() function need to be
+/ added to the project to get current time form real-time clock. _NORTC_MON,
+/ _NORTC_MDAY and _NORTC_YEAR have no effect.
+/ These options have no effect at read-only configuration (_FS_READONLY = 1). */
+#define _FS_LOCK 2 /* 0:Disable or >=1:Enable */
+/* The option _FS_LOCK switches file lock function to control duplicated file open
+/ and illegal operation to open objects. This option must be 0 when _FS_READONLY
+/ is 1.
+/ 0: Disable file lock function. To avoid volume corruption, application program
+/ should avoid illegal open, remove and rename to the open objects.
+/ >0: Enable file lock function. The value defines how many files/sub-directories
+/ can be opened simultaneously under file lock control. Note that the file
+/ lock control is independent of re-entrancy. */
+#define _FS_REENTRANT 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
+#define _FS_TIMEOUT 1000 /* Timeout period in unit of time ticks */
+#define _SYNC_t NULL
+/* The option _FS_REENTRANT switches the re-entrancy (thread safe) of the FatFs
+/ module itself. Note that regardless of this option, file access to different
+/ volume is always re-entrant and volume control functions, f_mount(), f_mkfs()
+/ and f_fdisk() function, are always not re-entrant. Only file/directory access
+/ to the same volume is under control of this function.
+/ 0: Disable re-entrancy. _FS_TIMEOUT and _SYNC_t have no effect.
+/ 1: Enable re-entrancy. Also user provided synchronization handlers,
+/ ff_req_grant(), ff_rel_grant(), ff_del_syncobj() and ff_cre_syncobj()
+/ function, must be added to the project. Samples are available in
+/ option/syscall.c.
+/ The _FS_TIMEOUT defines timeout period in unit of time tick.
+/ The _SYNC_t defines O/S dependent sync object type. e.g. HANDLE, ID, OS_EVENT*,
+/ SemaphoreHandle_t and etc.. A header file for O/S definitions needs to be
+/ included somewhere in the scope of ff.h. */
+/* define the ff_malloc ff_free macros as standard malloc free */
+#if !defined(ff_malloc) && !defined(ff_free)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define ff_malloc malloc
+#define ff_free free
+#endif /* _FFCONF */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/fmc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : FMC.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the FMC peripheral.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __FMC_H
+#define __FMC_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern SDRAM_HandleTypeDef hsdram1;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_FMC_Init(void);
+void HAL_SDRAM_MspInit(SDRAM_HandleTypeDef* hsdram);
+void HAL_SDRAM_MspDeInit(SDRAM_HandleTypeDef* hsdram);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__FMC_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/gfx.h
@@ -1,0 +1,120 @@
+ * gfx.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Jul 8, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+#ifndef GFX_H_
+#define GFX_H_
+#include "gfx_font.h"
+#include "ssd1306.h"
+typedef struct _GFX
+ int16_t WIDTH;
+ int16_t HEIGHT;
+ uint16_t _width;
+ uint16_t _height;
+ uint16_t rotation;
+ uint16_t cursor_y;
+ uint16_t cursor_x;
+ uint16_t textsize;
+ uint16_t textcolor;
+ uint16_t textbgcolor;
+ uint16_t wrap;
+ uint16_t _cp437;
+ GFXfont *gfxFont;
+} GFX;
+void GFXinit(GFX* myGfx, int16_t w, int16_t h); // Constructor
+ // This MUST be defined by the subclass:
+void GFXdrawPixel(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);
+ // These MAY be overridden by the subclass to provide device-specific
+ // optimized code. Otherwise 'generic' versions are used.
+void GFXstartWrite(GFX* myGfx);
+void GFXwritePixel(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);
+void GFXwriteFillRect(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
+void GFXwriteFastVLine(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
+void GFXwriteFastHLine(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color);
+void GFXwriteLine(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t color);
+void GFXendWrite(GFX* myGfx);
+ // These MAY be overridden by the subclass to provide device-specific
+ // optimized code. Otherwise 'generic' versions are used.
+void GFXsetRotation(GFX* myGfx, uint8_t r);
+void GFXinvertDisplay(GFX* myGfx, uint8_t i);
+ // These MAY be overridden by the subclass to provide device-specific
+ // optimized code. Otherwise 'generic' versions are used.
+ // It's good to implement those, even if using transaction API
+void GFXdrawFastVLine(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
+void GFXdrawFastHLine(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color);
+void GFXfillRect(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
+void GFXfillScreen(GFX* myGfx, uint16_t color);
+ // Optional and probably not necessary to change
+void GFXdrawLine(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t color);
+void GFXdrawRect(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
+ // These exist only with Adafruit_GFX (no subclass overrides)
+void GFXdrawCircle(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color);
+void GFXdrawCircleHelper(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint8_t cornername,
+ uint16_t color);
+void GFXfillCircle(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color);
+void GFXfillCircleHelper(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint8_t cornername,
+ int16_t delta, uint16_t color);
+void GFXdrawTriangle(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
+ int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color);
+void GFXfillTriangle(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
+ int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color);
+void GFXdrawRoundRect(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t w, int16_t h,
+ int16_t radius, uint16_t color);
+void GFXfillRoundRect(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t w, int16_t h,
+ int16_t radius, uint16_t color);
+void GFXdrawBitmap(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t *bitmap,
+ int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color, uint16_t bg);
+void GFXdrawChar(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c, uint16_t color,
+ uint16_t bg, uint8_t size);
+void GFXsetCursor(GFX* myGfx, int16_t x, int16_t y);
+void GFXsetTextColor(GFX* myGfx, uint16_t c, uint16_t bg);
+void GFXsetTextSize(GFX* myGfx, uint8_t s);
+void GFXsetTextWrap(GFX* myGfx, uint8_t w);
+void GFXcp437(GFX* myGfx, uint8_t x);
+void GFXsetFont(GFX* myGfx, const GFXfont *f);
+void GFXgetTextBounds(GFX* myGfx, char *string, int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ int16_t *x1, int16_t *y1, uint16_t *w, uint16_t *h);
+void GFXwrite(GFX* myGfx, uint8_t);
+ int16_t GFXheight(GFX* myGfx );
+ int16_t GFXwidth(GFX* myGfx );
+ uint8_t GFXgetRotation(GFX* myGfx );
+ // get current cursor position (get rotation safe maximum values, using: width() for x, height() for y)
+ int16_t GFXgetCursorX(GFX* myGfx);
+ int16_t GFXgetCursorY(GFX* myGfx );
+ void GFXcharBounds(GFX* myGfx, char c, int16_t *x, int16_t *y,
+ int16_t *minx, int16_t *miny, int16_t *maxx, int16_t *maxy);
+int OLEDparseInt(char* buffer, uint32_t myNumber, uint8_t numDigits);
+int OLEDparsePitch(char* buffer, float midi);
+int OLEDparsePitchClass(char* buffer, float midi);
+int OLEDparseFixedFloat(char* buffer, float input, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t numDecimal);
+#endif /* GFX_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/gfx_font.h
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+// Font structures for newer Adafruit_GFX (1.1 and later).
+// Example fonts are included in 'Fonts' directory.
+// To use a font in your Arduino sketch, #include the corresponding .h
+// file and pass address of GFXfont struct to setFont(). Pass NULL to
+// revert to 'classic' fixed-space bitmap font.
+#ifndef _GFXFONT_H_
+#define _GFXFONT_H_
+typedef struct { // Data stored PER GLYPH
+ uint16_t bitmapOffset; // Pointer into GFXfont->bitmap
+ uint8_t width, height; // Bitmap dimensions in pixels
+ uint8_t xAdvance; // Distance to advance cursor (x axis)
+ int8_t xOffset, yOffset; // Dist from cursor pos to UL corner
+} GFXglyph;
+typedef struct { // Data stored for FONT AS A WHOLE:
+ uint8_t *bitmap; // Glyph bitmaps, concatenated
+ GFXglyph *glyph; // Glyph array
+ uint8_t first, last; // ASCII extents
+ uint8_t yAdvance; // Newline distance (y axis)
+} GFXfont;
+#endif // _GFXFONT_H_
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/gpio.h
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : gpio.h
+ * Description : This file contains all the functions prototypes for
+ * the gpio
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __gpio_H
+#define __gpio_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_GPIO_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ pinoutConfig_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/i2c.h
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : I2C.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the I2C instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __i2c_H
+#define __i2c_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c2;
+extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c4;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_I2C2_Init(void);
+void MX_I2C4_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ i2c_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-analysis.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +1,0 @@
- leaf-analysis.h
- Created: 25 Oct 2019 10:30:52am
- Author: Matthew Wang
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-filters.h"
-#include "leaf-envelopes.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* Envelope Follower */
- typedef struct _tEnvelopeFollower
- {
- float y;
- float a_thresh;
- float d_coeff;
- } _tEnvelopeFollower;
- typedef _tEnvelopeFollower* tEnvelopeFollower;
- void tEnvelopeFollower_init (tEnvelopeFollower* const, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff);
- void tEnvelopeFollower_free (tEnvelopeFollower* const);
- void tEnvelopeFollower_initToPool (tEnvelopeFollower* const, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff, tMempool* const);
- void tEnvelopeFollower_freeFromPool (tEnvelopeFollower* const, tMempool* const);
- float tEnvelopeFollower_tick (tEnvelopeFollower* const, float x);
- int tEnvelopeFollower_decayCoeff (tEnvelopeFollower* const, float decayCoeff);
- int tEnvelopeFollower_attackThresh (tEnvelopeFollower* const, float attackThresh);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* PowerEnvelopeFollower */
- typedef struct _tPowerFollower {
- float factor, oneminusfactor;
- float curr;
- } _tPowerFollower;
- typedef _tPowerFollower* tPowerFollower;
- void tPowerFollower_init (tPowerFollower* const, float factor);
- void tPowerFollower_free (tPowerFollower* const);
- void tPowerFollower_initToPool (tPowerFollower* const, float factor, tMempool* const);
- void tPowerFollower_freeFromPool (tPowerFollower* const, tMempool* const);
- float tPowerFollower_tick (tPowerFollower* const, float input);
- float tPowerFollower_sample (tPowerFollower* const);
- int tPowerFollower_setFactor (tPowerFollower* const, float factor);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- // ENV~ from PD, modified for LEAF
-#define MAXOVERLAP 32
-#define INITVSTAKEN 64
-#define ENV_WINDOW_SIZE 1024
-#define ENV_HOP_SIZE 256
- typedef struct _tEnvPD
- {
- uint16_t x_phase; /* number of points since last output */
- uint16_t x_period; /* requested period of output */
- uint16_t x_realperiod; /* period rounded up to vecsize multiple */
- uint16_t x_npoints; /* analysis window size in samples */
- float x_result; /* result to output */
- float x_sumbuf[MAXOVERLAP]; /* summing buffer */
- float x_f;
- uint16_t windowSize, hopSize, blockSize;
- uint16_t x_allocforvs; /* extra buffer for DSP vector size */
- } _tEnvPD;
- typedef _tEnvPD* tEnvPD;
- void tEnvPD_init (tEnvPD* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize);
- void tEnvPD_free (tEnvPD* const);
- void tEnvPD_initToPool (tEnvPD* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize, tMempool* const);
- void tEnvPD_freeFromPool (tEnvPD* const, tMempool* const);
- float tEnvPD_tick (tEnvPD* const);
- void tEnvPD_processBlock (tEnvPD* const, float* in);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* tAttackDetection */
-#define DEFBLOCKSIZE 1024
-#define DEFATTACK 10
-#define DEFRELEASE 10
- typedef struct _tAttackDetection
- {
- float env;
- //Attack & Release times in msec
- int atk;
- int rel;
- //Attack & Release coefficients based on times
- float atk_coeff;
- float rel_coeff;
- int blocksize;
- int samplerate;
- //RMS amplitude of previous block - used to decide if attack is present
- float prevAmp;
- float threshold;
- } _tAttackDetection;
- typedef _tAttackDetection* tAttackDetection;
- void tAttackDetection_init (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
- void tAttackDetection_free (tAttackDetection* const);
- void tAttackDetection_initToPool (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel, tMempool* const);
- void tAttackDetection_freeFromPool (tAttackDetection* const, tMempool* const);
- // set expected input blocksize
- void tAttackDetection_setBlocksize (tAttackDetection* const, int size);
- // change atkDetector sample rate
- void tAttackDetection_setSamplerate (tAttackDetection* const, int inRate);
- // set attack time and coeff
- void tAttackDetection_setAttack (tAttackDetection* const, int inAtk);
- // set release time and coeff
- void tAttackDetection_setRelease (tAttackDetection* const, int inRel);
- // set level above which values are identified as attacks
- void tAttackDetection_setThreshold (tAttackDetection* const, float thres);
- // find largest transient in input block, return index of attack
- int tAttackDetection_detect (tAttackDetection* const, float *in);
- //==============================================================================
- // tSNAC: period detector
- // from Katja Vetters
-#define SNAC_FRAME_SIZE 1024 // default analysis framesize // should be the same as (or smaller than?) PS_FRAME_SIZE
-#define DEFOVERLAP 1 // default overlap
-#define DEFBIAS 0.2f // default bias
-#define DEFMINRMS 0.003f // default minimum RMS
-#define SEEK 0.85f // seek-length as ratio of framesize
- typedef struct _tSNAC
- {
- float* inputbuf;
- float* processbuf;
- float* spectrumbuf;
- float* biasbuf;
- uint16_t timeindex;
- uint16_t framesize;
- uint16_t overlap;
- uint16_t periodindex;
- float periodlength;
- float fidelity;
- float biasfactor;
- float minrms;
- } _tSNAC;
- typedef _tSNAC* tSNAC;
- void tSNAC_init (tSNAC* const, int overlaparg);
- void tSNAC_free (tSNAC* const);
- void tSNAC_initToPool (tSNAC* const, int overlaparg, tMempool* const);
- void tSNAC_freeFromPool (tSNAC* const, tMempool* const);
- void tSNAC_ioSamples (tSNAC *s, float *in, float *out, int size);
- void tSNAC_setOverlap (tSNAC *s, int lap);
- void tSNAC_setBias (tSNAC *s, float bias);
- void tSNAC_setMinRMS (tSNAC *s, float rms);
- /*To get freq, perform SAMPLE_RATE/snac_getperiod() */
- float tSNAC_getPeriod (tSNAC *s);
- float tSNAC_getFidelity (tSNAC *s);
-#define DEFPITCHRATIO 2.0f
-#define DEFTIMECONSTANT 100.0f
-#define DEFHOPSIZE 64
-#define FBA 20
-#define HPFREQ 40.0f
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- // Period detection
- typedef struct _tPeriodDetection
- {
- tEnvPD env;
- tSNAC snac;
- float* inBuffer;
- float* outBuffer;
- int frameSize;
- int bufSize;
- int framesPerBuffer;
- int curBlock;
- int lastBlock;
- int i;
- int indexstore;
- int iLast;
- int index;
- float period;
- uint16_t hopSize;
- uint16_t windowSize;
- uint8_t fba;
- float timeConstant;
- float radius;
- float max;
- float lastmax;
- float deltamax;
- float fidelityThreshold;
- } _tPeriodDetection;
- typedef _tPeriodDetection* tPeriodDetection;
- void tPeriodDetection_init (tPeriodDetection* const, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize);
- void tPeriodDetection_free (tPeriodDetection* const);
- void tPeriodDetection_initToPool (tPeriodDetection* const, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const);
- void tPeriodDetection_freeFromPool (tPeriodDetection* const, tMempool* const);
- float tPeriodDetection_tick (tPeriodDetection* const, float sample);
- float tPeriodDetection_getPeriod (tPeriodDetection* const);
- void tPeriodDetection_setHopSize (tPeriodDetection* const, int hs);
- void tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize (tPeriodDetection* const, int ws);
- void tPeriodDetection_setFidelityThreshold(tPeriodDetection* const, float threshold);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-delay.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +1,0 @@
- leaf-delay.h
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:24pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* Non-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tDelay
- {
- float gain;
- float* buff;
- float lastOut, lastIn;
- uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
- uint32_t delay, maxDelay;
- } _tDelay;
- typedef _tDelay* tDelay;
- void tDelay_init (tDelay* const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
- void tDelay_free (tDelay* const);
- void tDelay_initToPool (tDelay* const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const);
- void tDelay_freeFromPool (tDelay* const, tMempool* const);
- void tDelay_clear (tDelay* const);
- int tDelay_setDelay (tDelay* const, uint32_t delay);
- uint32_t tDelay_getDelay (tDelay* const);
- void tDelay_tapIn (tDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tDelay_tapOut (tDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tDelay_addTo (tDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tDelay_tick (tDelay* const, float sample);
- float tDelay_getLastOut (tDelay* const);
- float tDelay_getLastIn (tDelay* const);
- //==============================================================================
- /* Linearly-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tLinearDelay
- {
- float gain;
- float* buff;
- float lastOut, lastIn;
- uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
- uint32_t maxDelay;
- float delay;
- float alpha, omAlpha;
- } _tLinearDelay;
- typedef _tLinearDelay* tLinearDelay;
- void tLinearDelay_init (tLinearDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
- void tLinearDelay_free (tLinearDelay* const);
- void tLinearDelay_initToPool (tLinearDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const);
- void tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(tLinearDelay* const, tMempool* const);
- void tLinearDelay_clear (tLinearDelay* const dl);
- int tLinearDelay_setDelay (tLinearDelay* const, float delay);
- float tLinearDelay_getDelay (tLinearDelay* const);
- void tLinearDelay_tapIn (tLinearDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tLinearDelay_tapOut (tLinearDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tLinearDelay_addTo (tLinearDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tLinearDelay_tick (tLinearDelay* const, float sample);
- void tLinearDelay_tickIn (tLinearDelay* const, float input);
- float tLinearDelay_tickOut (tLinearDelay* const);
- float tLinearDelay_getLastOut (tLinearDelay* const);
- float tLinearDelay_getLastIn (tLinearDelay* const);
- //==============================================================================
- /* Hermite-interpolating delay, created by adapting STK linear delay with Hermite interpolation */
- typedef struct _tHermiteDelay
- {
- float gain;
- float* buff;
- float lastOut, lastIn;
- uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
- uint32_t maxDelay;
- float delay;
- float alpha, omAlpha;
- } _tHermiteDelay;
- typedef _tHermiteDelay* tHermiteDelay;
- void tHermiteDelay_init (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
- void tHermiteDelay_free (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- void tHermiteDelay_initToPool (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp);
- void tHermiteDelay_freeFromPool (tHermiteDelay* const dl, tMempool* const mp);
- void tHermiteDelay_clear (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- float tHermiteDelay_tick (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float input);
- void tHermiteDelay_tickIn (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float input);
- float tHermiteDelay_tickOut (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- int tHermiteDelay_setDelay (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay);
- float tHermiteDelay_tapOut (tHermiteDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay);
- void tHermiteDelay_tapIn (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tHermiteDelay_addTo (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tHermiteDelay_getDelay (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- float tHermiteDelay_getLastOut (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- float tHermiteDelay_getLastIn (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- void tHermiteDelay_setGain (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float gain);
- float tHermiteDelay_getGain (tHermiteDelay* const dl);
- //==============================================================================
- /* Allpass-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tAllpassDelay
- {
- float gain;
- float* buff;
- float lastOut, lastIn;
- uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
- uint32_t maxDelay;
- float delay;
- float alpha, omAlpha, coeff;
- float apInput;
- } _tAllpassDelay;
- typedef _tAllpassDelay* tAllpassDelay;
- void tAllpassDelay_init (tAllpassDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
- void tAllpassDelay_free (tAllpassDelay* const);
- void tAllpassDelay_initToPool (tAllpassDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const);
- void tAllpassDelay_freeFromPool(tAllpassDelay* const, tMempool* const);
- void tAllpassDelay_clear (tAllpassDelay* const);
- int tAllpassDelay_setDelay (tAllpassDelay* const, float delay);
- float tAllpassDelay_getDelay (tAllpassDelay* const);
- void tAllpassDelay_tapIn (tAllpassDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tAllpassDelay_tapOut (tAllpassDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tAllpassDelay_addTo (tAllpassDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tAllpassDelay_tick (tAllpassDelay* const, float sample);
- float tAllpassDelay_getLastOut (tAllpassDelay* const);
- float tAllpassDelay_getLastIn (tAllpassDelay* const);
- //==============================================================================
- /* Linear interpolating delay with fixed read and write pointers, variable rate. */
- typedef struct _tTapeDelay
- {
- float gain;
- float* buff;
- float lastOut, lastIn;
- uint32_t inPoint;
- uint32_t maxDelay;
- float delay, inc, idx;
- float apInput;
- } _tTapeDelay;
- typedef _tTapeDelay* tTapeDelay;
- void tTapeDelay_init (tTapeDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
- void tTapeDelay_free (tTapeDelay* const);
- void tTapeDelay_initToPool (tTapeDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const);
- void tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(tTapeDelay* const, tMempool* const);
- void tTapeDelay_clear (tTapeDelay* const);
- void tTapeDelay_setDelay (tTapeDelay* const, float delay);
- float tTapeDelay_getDelay (tTapeDelay* const);
- void tTapeDelay_tapIn (tTapeDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tTapeDelay_tapOut (tTapeDelay* const d, float tapDelay);
- float tTapeDelay_addTo (tTapeDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
- float tTapeDelay_tick (tTapeDelay* const, float sample);
- void tTapeDelay_incrementInPoint(tTapeDelay* const dl);
- float tTapeDelay_getLastOut (tTapeDelay* const);
- float tTapeDelay_getLastIn (tTapeDelay* const);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-distortion.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +1,0 @@
- leaf-distortion.h
- Created: 25 Oct 2019 10:23:28am
- Author: Matthew Wang
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tSampleReducer
- {
- float invRatio;
- float hold;
- uint32_t count;
- } _tSampleReducer;
- typedef _tSampleReducer* tSampleReducer;
- void tSampleReducer_init (tSampleReducer* const);
- void tSampleReducer_free (tSampleReducer* const);
- void tSampleReducer_initToPool (tSampleReducer* const, tMempool* const);
- void tSampleReducer_freeFromPool (tSampleReducer* const, tMempool* const);
- float tSampleReducer_tick (tSampleReducer* const, float input);
- // sampling ratio
- void tSampleReducer_setRatio (tSampleReducer* const, float ratio);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tOversampler
- {
- int ratio;
- float* pCoeffs;
- float* upState;
- float* downState;
- int numTaps;
- int phaseLength;
- } _tOversampler;
- typedef _tOversampler* tOversampler;
- void tOversampler_init (tOversampler* const, int order, oBool extraQuality);
- void tOversampler_free (tOversampler* const);
- void tOversampler_initToPool (tOversampler* const, int order, oBool extraQuality, tMempool* const);
- void tOversampler_freeFromPool (tOversampler* const, tMempool* const);
- void tOversampler_upsample (tOversampler* const, float input, float* output);
- float tOversampler_downsample (tOversampler* const os, float* input);
- float tOversampler_tick (tOversampler* const, float input, float (*effectTick)(float));
- int tOversampler_getLatency (tOversampler* const os);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tLockhartWavefolder */
- typedef struct _tLockhartWavefolder
- {
- double Ln1;
- double Fn1;
- float xn1;
- double RL;
- double R;
- double VT;
- double Is;
- double a;
- double b;
- double d;
- // Antialiasing error threshold
- double thresh;
- double half_a;
- double longthing;
- } _tLockhartWavefolder;
- typedef _tLockhartWavefolder* tLockhartWavefolder;
- void tLockhartWavefolder_init (tLockhartWavefolder* const);
- void tLockhartWavefolder_free (tLockhartWavefolder* const);
- void tLockhartWavefolder_initToPool (tLockhartWavefolder* const, tMempool* const);
- void tLockhartWavefolder_freeFromPool (tLockhartWavefolder* const, tMempool* const);
- float tLockhartWavefolder_tick (tLockhartWavefolder* const, float samp);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tCrusher
- {
- float srr;
- float mult, div;
- float rnd;
- uint32_t op; //which bitwise operation (0-7)
- float gain;
- tSampleReducer sReducer;
- } _tCrusher;
- typedef _tCrusher* tCrusher;
- void tCrusher_init (tCrusher* const);
- void tCrusher_free (tCrusher* const);
- void tCrusher_initToPool (tCrusher* const, tMempool* const);
- void tCrusher_freeFromPool (tCrusher* const, tMempool* const);
- float tCrusher_tick (tCrusher* const, float input);
- // 0.0 - 1.0
- void tCrusher_setOperation (tCrusher* const, float op);
- // 0.0 - 1.0
- void tCrusher_setQuality (tCrusher* const, float val);
- // what division to round to
- void tCrusher_setRound (tCrusher* const, float rnd);
- // sampling ratio
- void tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (tCrusher* const, float ratio);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-dynamics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +1,0 @@
- leaf-dynamics.h
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:57:05am
- Author: airship
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-analysis.h"
- //==============================================================================
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* Compressor */
- typedef struct _tCompressor
- {
- float tauAttack, tauRelease;
- float T, R, W, M; // Threshold, compression Ratio, decibel Width of knee transition, decibel Make-up gain
- float x_G[2], y_G[2], x_T[2], y_T[2];
- oBool isActive;
- } _tCompressor;
- typedef _tCompressor* tCompressor;
- void tCompressor_init (tCompressor* const);
- void tCompressor_free (tCompressor* const);
- void tCompressor_initToPool (tCompressor* const, tMempool* const);
- void tCompressor_freeFromPool(tCompressor* const, tMempool* const);
- float tCompressor_tick (tCompressor* const, float input);
- ///
- /* Feedback leveller */
- // An auto VCA that you put into a feedback circuit to make it stay at the same level.
- // It can enforce level bidirectionally (amplifying and attenuating as needed) or
- // just attenutating. The former option allows for infinite sustain strings, for example, while
- // The latter option allows for decaying strings, which can never exceed
- // a specific level.
- typedef struct _tFeedbackLeveler {
- float targetLevel; // target power level
- float strength; // how strongly level difference affects the VCA
- int mode; // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
- float curr;
- tPowerFollower pwrFlw; // internal power follower needed for level tracking
- } _tFeedbackLeveler;
- typedef _tFeedbackLeveler* tFeedbackLeveler;
- void tFeedbackLeveler_init (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode);
- void tFeedbackLeveler_free (tFeedbackLeveler* const);
- void tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode, tMempool* const);
- void tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const, tMempool* const);
- float tFeedbackLeveler_tick (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float input);
- float tFeedbackLeveler_sample (tFeedbackLeveler* const);
- void tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float TargetLevel);
- void tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float factor);
- void tFeedbackLeveler_setMode (tFeedbackLeveler* const, int mode); // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
- void tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float strength);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-effects.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +1,0 @@
- leaf-effects.h
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:54pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-dynamics.h"
-#include "leaf-analysis.h"
-#include "leaf-envelopes.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* tTalkbox */
- typedef struct _tTalkbox
- {
- float param[NUM_TALKBOX_PARAM];
- int bufsize;
- float* car0;
- float* car1;
- float* window;
- float* buf0;
- float* buf1;
- float emphasis;
- int32_t K, N, O, pos;
- float wet, dry, FX;
- float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
- float u0, u1, u2, u3, u4;
- } _tTalkbox;
- typedef _tTalkbox* tTalkbox;
- void tTalkbox_init (tTalkbox* const, int bufsize);
- void tTalkbox_free (tTalkbox* const);
- void tTalkbox_initToPool (tTalkbox* const, int bufsize, tMempool* const);
- void tTalkbox_freeFromPool (tTalkbox* const, tMempool* const);
- float tTalkbox_tick (tTalkbox* const, float synth, float voice);
- void tTalkbox_update (tTalkbox* const);
- void tTalkbox_suspend (tTalkbox* const);
- void tTalkbox_lpcDurbin (float *r, int p, float *k, float *g);
- void tTalkbox_lpc (float *buf, float *car, int32_t n, int32_t o);
- void tTalkbox_setQuality (tTalkbox* const, float quality);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tVocoder */
-#define NBANDS 16
- typedef struct _tVocoder
- {
- float param[NUM_VOCODER_PARAM];
- float gain; //output level
- float thru, high; //hf thru
- float kout; //downsampled output
- int32_t kval; //downsample counter
- int32_t nbnd; //number of bands
- //filter coeffs and buffers - seems it's faster to leave this global than make local copy
- float f[NBANDS][13]; //[0-8][0 1 2 | 0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3 | val rate]
- } _tVocoder;
- typedef _tVocoder* tVocoder;
- void tVocoder_init (tVocoder* const);
- void tVocoder_free (tVocoder* const);
- void tVocoder_initToPool (tVocoder* const, tMempool* const);
- void tVocoder_freeFromPool (tVocoder* const, tMempool* const);
- float tVocoder_tick (tVocoder* const, float synth, float voice);
- void tVocoder_update (tVocoder* const);
- void tVocoder_suspend (tVocoder* const);
- //==============================================================================
- //==============================================================================
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* tSOLAD : pitch shifting algorithm that underlies tRetune etc */
- // from Katja Vetters
-#define LOOPSIZE (2048*2) // (4096*2) // loop size must be power of two
-#define LOOPMASK (LOOPSIZE - 1)
-#define INITPERIOD 64.0f
-#define MAXPERIOD (float)((LOOPSIZE - w->blocksize) * 0.8f)
-#define MINPERIOD 8.0f
- typedef struct _tSOLAD
- {
- uint16_t timeindex; // current reference time, write index
- uint16_t blocksize; // signal input / output block size
- float pitchfactor; // pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
- float readlag; // read pointer's lag behind write pointer
- float period; // period length in input signal
- float jump; // read pointer jump length and direction
- float xfadelength; // crossfade length expressed at input sample rate
- float xfadevalue; // crossfade phase and value
- float* delaybuf;
- } _tSOLAD;
- typedef _tSOLAD* tSOLAD;
- void tSOLAD_init (tSOLAD* const);
- void tSOLAD_free (tSOLAD* const);
- void tSOLAD_initToPool (tSOLAD* const, tMempool* const);
- void tSOLAD_freeFromPool (tSOLAD* const, tMempool* const);
- // send one block of input samples, receive one block of output samples
- void tSOLAD_ioSamples (tSOLAD *w, float* in, float* out, int blocksize);
- // set periodicity analysis data
- void tSOLAD_setPeriod (tSOLAD *w, float period);
- // set pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
- void tSOLAD_setPitchFactor (tSOLAD *w, float pitchfactor);
- // force readpointer lag
- void tSOLAD_setReadLag (tSOLAD *w, float readlag);
- // reset state variables
- void tSOLAD_resetState (tSOLAD *w);
- // Pitch shift
- typedef struct _tPitchShift
- {
- tSOLAD sola;
- tHighpass hp;
- tPeriodDetection* p;
- float* outBuffer;
- int frameSize;
- int bufSize;
- int framesPerBuffer;
- int curBlock;
- int lastBlock;
- int index;
- float pitchFactor;
- float timeConstant;
- float radius;
- } _tPitchShift;
- typedef _tPitchShift* tPitchShift;
- void tPitchShift_init (tPitchShift* const, tPeriodDetection* const, float* out, int bufSize);
- void tPitchShift_free (tPitchShift* const);
- void tPitchShift_initToPool (tPitchShift* const, tPeriodDetection* const, float* out, int bufSize, tMempool* const);
- void tPitchShift_freeFromPool (tPitchShift* const, tMempool* const);
- float tPitchShift_shift (tPitchShift* const);
- float tPitchShift_shiftToFunc (tPitchShift* const, float (*fun)(float));
- float tPitchShift_shiftToFreq (tPitchShift* const, float freq);
- void tPitchShift_setPitchFactor (tPitchShift* const, float pf);
- // Retune
- typedef struct _tRetune
- {
- tPeriodDetection pd;
- tPitchShift* ps;
- float* inBuffer;
- float** outBuffers;
- float* tickOutput;
- int frameSize;
- int bufSize;
- uint16_t hopSize;
- uint16_t windowSize;
- uint8_t fba;
- float* pitchFactor;
- float timeConstant;
- float radius;
- float inputPeriod;
- int numVoices;
- } _tRetune;
- typedef _tRetune* tRetune;
- void tRetune_init (tRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize);
- void tRetune_free (tRetune* const);
- void tRetune_initToPool (tRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const);
- void tRetune_freeFromPool (tRetune* const, tMempool* const);
- float* tRetune_tick (tRetune* const, float sample);
- void tRetune_setNumVoices (tRetune* const, int numVoices);
- void tRetune_setPitchFactors (tRetune* const, float pf);
- void tRetune_setPitchFactor (tRetune* const, float pf, int voice);
- void tRetune_setTimeConstant (tRetune* const, float tc);
- void tRetune_setHopSize (tRetune* const, int hs);
- void tRetune_setWindowSize (tRetune* const, int ws);
- void tRetune_setFidelityThreshold(tRetune* const, float threshold);
- float tRetune_getInputPeriod (tRetune* const);
- float tRetune_getInputFreq (tRetune* const);
- // Autotune
- typedef struct _tAutotune
- {
- tPeriodDetection pd;
- tPitchShift* ps;
- float* inBuffer;
- float** outBuffers;
- float* tickOutput;
- int frameSize;
- int bufSize;
- uint16_t hopSize;
- uint16_t windowSize;
- uint8_t fba;
- float* freq;
- float timeConstant;
- float radius;
- float inputPeriod;
- int numVoices;
- } _tAutotune;
- typedef _tAutotune* tAutotune;
- void tAutotune_init (tAutotune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize);
- void tAutotune_free (tAutotune* const);
- void tAutotune_initToPool (tAutotune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const);
- void tAutotune_freeFromPool (tAutotune* const, tMempool* const);
- float* tAutotune_tick (tAutotune* const, float sample);
- void tAutotune_setNumVoices (tAutotune* const, int numVoices);
- void tAutotune_setFreqs (tAutotune* const, float f);
- void tAutotune_setFreq (tAutotune* const, float f, int voice);
- void tAutotune_setTimeConstant (tAutotune* const, float tc);
- void tAutotune_setHopSize (tAutotune* const, int hs);
- void tAutotune_setWindowSize (tAutotune* const, int ws);
- void tAutotune_setFidelityThreshold (tAutotune* const, float threshold);
- float tAutotune_getInputPeriod (tAutotune* const);
- float tAutotune_getInputFreq (tAutotune* const);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tFormantShifter
- {
- int ford;
- float falph;
- float flamb;
- float* fk;
- float* fb;
- float* fc;
- float* frb;
- float* frc;
- float* fsig;
- float* fsmooth;
- float fhp;
- float flp;
- float flpa;
- float* fbuff;
- float* ftvec;
- float fmute;
- float fmutealph;
- unsigned int cbi;
- float shiftFactor;
- float intensity, invIntensity;
- tHighpass hp;
- tHighpass hp2;
- tFeedbackLeveler fbl1;
- tFeedbackLeveler fbl2;
- } _tFormantShifter;
- typedef _tFormantShifter* tFormantShifter;
- void tFormantShifter_init (tFormantShifter* const, int order);
- void tFormantShifter_free (tFormantShifter* const);
- void tFormantShifter_initToPool (tFormantShifter* const, int order, tMempool* const);
- void tFormantShifter_freeFromPool (tFormantShifter* const, tMempool* const);
- float tFormantShifter_tick (tFormantShifter* const, float input);
- float tFormantShifter_remove (tFormantShifter* const, float input);
- float tFormantShifter_add (tFormantShifter* const, float input);
- void tFormantShifter_ioSamples (tFormantShifter* const, float* in, float* out, int size, float fwarp);
- void tFormantShifter_setShiftFactor (tFormantShifter* const, float shiftFactor);
- void tFormantShifter_setIntensity (tFormantShifter* const, float intensity);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-electrical.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +1,0 @@
- * leaf-electrical.h
- *
- * Created on: Sep 25, 2019
- * Author: jeffsnyder
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
- //==============================================================================
- typedef enum WDFComponentType
- {
- SeriesAdaptor = 0,
- ParallelAdaptor,
- Resistor,
- Capacitor,
- Inductor,
- Inverter,
- ResistiveSource,
- IdealSource,
- Diode,
- DiodePair,
- RootNil,
- WDFComponentNil
- } WDFComponentType;
- typedef struct _tWDF _tWDF; // needed to allow tWDF pointers in struct
- typedef _tWDF* tWDF;
- struct _tWDF
- {
- WDFComponentType type;
- float port_resistance_up;
- float port_resistance_left;
- float port_resistance_right;
- float port_conductance_up;
- float port_conductance_left;
- float port_conductance_right;
- float incident_wave_up;
- float incident_wave_left;
- float incident_wave_right;
- float reflected_wave_up;
- float reflected_wave_left;
- float reflected_wave_right;
- float gamma_zero;
- float sample_rate;
- float value;
- tWDF* child_left;
- tWDF* child_right;
- float (*get_port_resistance)(tWDF* const);
- float (*get_reflected_wave_up)(tWDF* const, float);
- float (*get_reflected_wave_down)(tWDF* const, float, float);
- void (*set_incident_wave)(tWDF* const, float, float);
- };
- //WDF Linear Components
- void tWDF_init (tWDF* const, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR);
- void tWDF_free (tWDF* const);
- void tWDF_initToPool (tWDF* const, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR, tMempool* const);
- void tWDF_freeFromPool (tWDF* const, tMempool* const);
- float tWDF_tick (tWDF* const, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged);
- void tWDF_setValue (tWDF* const, float value);
- void tWDF_setSampleRate (tWDF* const, float sample_rate);
- uint8_t tWDF_isLeaf (tWDF* const);
- float tWDF_getPortResistance (tWDF* const);
- float tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp (tWDF* const, float input); //for tree, only uses input for resistive source
- float tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown (tWDF* const, float input, float incident_wave); //for roots
- void tWDF_setIncidentWave (tWDF* const, float incident_wave, float input);
- float tWDF_getVoltage (tWDF* const);
- float tWDF_getCurrent (tWDF* const);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-envelopes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +1,0 @@
- ==============================================================================
- leaf-envelopes.h
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:17pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-filters.h"
-#include "leaf-delay.h"
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* Attack-Decay envelope */
- typedef struct _tEnvelope {
- const float *exp_buff;
- const float *inc_buff;
- uint32_t buff_size;
- float next;
- float attackInc, decayInc, rampInc;
- oBool inAttack, inDecay, inRamp;
- oBool loop;
- float gain, rampPeak;
- float attackPhase, decayPhase, rampPhase;
- } _tEnvelope;
- typedef _tEnvelope* tEnvelope;
- void tEnvelope_init (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, oBool loop);
- void tEnvelope_free (tEnvelope* const);
- void tEnvelope_initToPool (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, oBool loop, tMempool* const);
- void tEnvelope_freeFromPool (tEnvelope* const, tMempool* const);
- float tEnvelope_tick (tEnvelope* const);
- void tEnvelope_setAttack (tEnvelope* const, float attack);
- void tEnvelope_setDecay (tEnvelope* const, float decay);
- void tEnvelope_loop (tEnvelope* const, oBool loop);
- void tEnvelope_on (tEnvelope* const, float velocity);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* ADSR */
- typedef struct _tADSR
- {
- const float *exp_buff;
- const float *inc_buff;
- uint32_t buff_size;
- float next;
- float attackInc, decayInc, releaseInc, rampInc;
- oBool inAttack, inDecay, inSustain, inRelease, inRamp;
- float sustain, gain, rampPeak, releasePeak;
- float attackPhase, decayPhase, releasePhase, rampPhase;
- } _tADSR;
- typedef _tADSR* tADSR;
- void tADSR_init (tADSR* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release);
- void tADSR_free (tADSR* const);
- void tADSR_initToPool (tADSR* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, tMempool* const);
- void tADSR_freeFromPool (tADSR* const, tMempool* const);
- float tADSR_tick (tADSR* const);
- void tADSR_setAttack (tADSR* const, float attack);
- void tADSR_setDecay (tADSR* const, float decay);
- void tADSR_setSustain (tADSR* const, float sustain);
- void tADSR_setRelease (tADSR* const, float release);
- void tADSR_on (tADSR* const, float velocity);
- void tADSR_off (tADSR* const);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* Ramp */
- typedef struct _tRamp {
- float inc;
- float inv_sr_ms;
- float minimum_time;
- float curr,dest;
- float time;
- int samples_per_tick;
- } _tRamp;
- typedef _tRamp* tRamp;
- void tRamp_init (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick);
- void tRamp_free (tRamp* const);
- void tRamp_initToPool (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick, tMempool* const);
- void tRamp_freeFromPool (tRamp* const, tMempool* const);
- float tRamp_tick (tRamp* const);
- float tRamp_sample (tRamp* const);
- void tRamp_setTime (tRamp* const, float time);
- void tRamp_setDest (tRamp* const, float dest);
- void tRamp_setVal (tRamp* const, float val);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* Exponential Smoother */
- typedef struct _tExpSmooth {
- float factor, oneminusfactor;
- float curr,dest;
- } _tExpSmooth;
- typedef _tExpSmooth* tExpSmooth;
- void tExpSmooth_init (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor);
- void tExpSmooth_free (tExpSmooth* const);
- void tExpSmooth_initToPool (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor, tMempool* const);
- void tExpSmooth_freeFromPool (tExpSmooth* const, tMempool* const);
- float tExpSmooth_tick (tExpSmooth* const);
- float tExpSmooth_sample (tExpSmooth* const);
- void tExpSmooth_setFactor (tExpSmooth* const, float factor);
- void tExpSmooth_setDest (tExpSmooth* const, float dest);
- void tExpSmooth_setVal (tExpSmooth* const, float val);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-filters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +1,0 @@
- leaf-filters.h
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:10pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-delay.h"
-#include "leaf-tables.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* tAllpass: Schroeder allpass. Comb-filter with feedforward and feedback. */
- typedef struct _tAllpass
- {
- float gain;
- tLinearDelay delay;
- float lastOut;
- } _tAllpass;
- typedef _tAllpass* tAllpass;
- void tAllpass_init (tAllpass* const, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay);
- void tAllpass_free (tAllpass* const);
- void tAllpass_initToPool (tAllpass* const, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const);
- void tAllpass_freeFromPool (tAllpass* const, tMempool* const);
- float tAllpass_tick (tAllpass* const, float input);
- void tAllpass_setGain (tAllpass* const, float gain);
- void tAllpass_setDelay (tAllpass* const, float delay);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tOnePole: OnePole filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tOnePole
- {
- float gain;
- float a0,a1;
- float b0,b1;
- float lastIn, lastOut;
- } _tOnePole;
- typedef _tOnePole* tOnePole;
- void tOnePole_init (tOnePole* const, float thePole);
- void tOnePole_free (tOnePole* const);
- void tOnePole_initToPool (tOnePole* const, float thePole, tMempool* const);
- void tOnePole_freeFromPool (tOnePole* const, tMempool* const);
- float tOnePole_tick (tOnePole* const, float input);
- void tOnePole_setB0 (tOnePole* const, float b0);
- void tOnePole_setA1 (tOnePole* const, float a1);
- void tOnePole_setPole (tOnePole* const, float thePole);
- void tOnePole_setFreq (tOnePole* const, float freq);
- void tOnePole_setCoefficients(tOnePole* const, float b0, float a1);
- void tOnePole_setGain (tOnePole* const, float gain);
- //==============================================================================
- /* TwoPole filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tTwoPole
- {
- float gain;
- float a0, a1, a2;
- float b0;
- float radius, frequency;
- oBool normalize;
- float lastOut[2];
- } _tTwoPole;
- typedef _tTwoPole* tTwoPole;
- void tTwoPole_init (tTwoPole* const);
- void tTwoPole_free (tTwoPole* const);
- void tTwoPole_initToPool (tTwoPole* const, tMempool* const);
- void tTwoPole_freeFromPool (tTwoPole* const, tMempool* const);
- float tTwoPole_tick (tTwoPole* const, float input);
- void tTwoPole_setB0 (tTwoPole* const, float b0);
- void tTwoPole_setA1 (tTwoPole* const, float a1);
- void tTwoPole_setA2 (tTwoPole* const, float a2);
- void tTwoPole_setResonance (tTwoPole* const, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize);
- void tTwoPole_setCoefficients(tTwoPole* const, float b0, float a1, float a2);
- void tTwoPole_setGain (tTwoPole* const, float gain);
- //==============================================================================
- /* OneZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tOneZero
- {
- float gain;
- float b0,b1;
- float lastIn, lastOut, frequency;
- } _tOneZero;
- typedef _tOneZero* tOneZero;
- void tOneZero_init (tOneZero* const, float theZero);
- void tOneZero_free (tOneZero* const);
- void tOneZero_initToPool (tOneZero* const, float theZero, tMempool* const);
- void tOneZero_freeFromPool (tOneZero* const, tMempool* const);
- float tOneZero_tick (tOneZero* const, float input);
- void tOneZero_setB0 (tOneZero* const, float b0);
- void tOneZero_setB1 (tOneZero* const, float b1);
- void tOneZero_setZero (tOneZero* const, float theZero);
- void tOneZero_setCoefficients(tOneZero* const, float b0, float b1);
- void tOneZero_setGain (tOneZero* const, float gain);
- float tOneZero_getPhaseDelay (tOneZero *f, float frequency );
- //==============================================================================
- /* TwoZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tTwoZero
- {
- float gain;
- float b0, b1, b2;
- float frequency, radius;
- float lastIn[2];
- } _tTwoZero;
- typedef _tTwoZero* tTwoZero;
- void tTwoZero_init (tTwoZero* const);
- void tTwoZero_free (tTwoZero* const);
- void tTwoZero_initToPool (tTwoZero* const, tMempool* const);
- void tTwoZero_freeFromPool (tTwoZero* const, tMempool* const);
- float tTwoZero_tick (tTwoZero* const, float input);
- void tTwoZero_setB0 (tTwoZero* const, float b0);
- void tTwoZero_setB1 (tTwoZero* const, float b1);
- void tTwoZero_setB2 (tTwoZero* const, float b2);
- void tTwoZero_setNotch (tTwoZero* const, float frequency, float radius);
- void tTwoZero_setCoefficients(tTwoZero* const, float b0, float b1, float b2);
- void tTwoZero_setGain (tTwoZero* const, float gain);
- //==============================================================================
- /* PoleZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tPoleZero
- {
- float gain;
- float a0,a1;
- float b0,b1;
- float lastIn, lastOut;
- } _tPoleZero;
- typedef _tPoleZero* tPoleZero;
- void tPoleZero_init (tPoleZero* const);
- void tPoleZero_free (tPoleZero* const);
- void tPoleZero_initToPool (tPoleZero* const, tMempool* const);
- void tPoleZero_freeFromPool (tPoleZero* const, tMempool* const);
- float tPoleZero_tick (tPoleZero* const, float input);
- void tPoleZero_setB0 (tPoleZero* const, float b0);
- void tPoleZero_setB1 (tPoleZero* const, float b1);
- void tPoleZero_setA1 (tPoleZero* const, float a1);
- void tPoleZero_setCoefficients (tPoleZero* const, float b0, float b1, float a1);
- void tPoleZero_setAllpass (tPoleZero* const, float coeff);
- void tPoleZero_setBlockZero (tPoleZero* const, float thePole);
- void tPoleZero_setGain (tPoleZero* const, float gain);
- //==============================================================================
- /* BiQuad filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tBiQuad
- {
- float gain;
- float a0, a1, a2;
- float b0, b1, b2;
- float lastIn[2];
- float lastOut[2];
- float frequency, radius;
- oBool normalize;
- } _tBiQuad;
- typedef _tBiQuad* tBiQuad;
- void tBiQuad_init (tBiQuad* const);
- void tBiQuad_free (tBiQuad* const);
- void tBiQuad_initToPool (tBiQuad* const, tMempool* const);
- void tBiQuad_freeFromPool (tBiQuad* const, tMempool* const);
- float tBiQuad_tick (tBiQuad* const, float input);
- void tBiQuad_setB0 (tBiQuad* const, float b0);
- void tBiQuad_setB1 (tBiQuad* const, float b1);
- void tBiQuad_setB2 (tBiQuad* const, float b2);
- void tBiQuad_setA1 (tBiQuad* const, float a1);
- void tBiQuad_setA2 (tBiQuad* const, float a2);
- void tBiQuad_setNotch (tBiQuad* const, float freq, float radius);
- void tBiQuad_setResonance (tBiQuad* const, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize);
- void tBiQuad_setCoefficients(tBiQuad* const, float b0, float b1, float b2, float a1, float a2);
- void tBiQuad_setGain (tBiQuad* const, float gain);
- //==============================================================================
- /* State Variable Filter, algorithm from Andy Simper. */
- typedef enum SVFType
- {
- SVFTypeHighpass = 0,
- SVFTypeLowpass,
- SVFTypeBandpass,
- SVFTypeNotch,
- SVFTypePeak,
- } SVFType;
- typedef struct _tSVF
- {
- SVFType type;
- float cutoff, Q;
- float ic1eq,ic2eq;
- float g,k,a1,a2,a3;
- } _tSVF;
- typedef _tSVF* tSVF;
- void tSVF_init (tSVF* const, SVFType type, float freq, float Q);
- void tSVF_free (tSVF* const);
- void tSVF_initToPool (tSVF* const, SVFType type, float freq, float Q, tMempool* const);
- void tSVF_freeFromPool (tSVF* const, tMempool* const);
- float tSVF_tick (tSVF* const, float v0);
- void tSVF_setFreq (tSVF* const, float freq);
- void tSVF_setQ (tSVF* const, float Q);
- //==============================================================================
- /* Efficient State Variable Filter for 14-bit control input, [0, 4096). */
- typedef struct _tEfficientSVF
- {
- SVFType type;
- float cutoff, Q;
- float ic1eq,ic2eq;
- float g,k,a1,a2,a3;
- } _tEfficientSVF;
- typedef _tEfficientSVF* tEfficientSVF;
- void tEfficientSVF_init (tEfficientSVF* const, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q);
- void tEfficientSVF_free (tEfficientSVF* const);
- void tEfficientSVF_initToPool (tEfficientSVF* const, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q, tMempool* const);
- void tEfficientSVF_freeFromPool (tEfficientSVF* const, tMempool* const);
- float tEfficientSVF_tick (tEfficientSVF* const, float v0);
- void tEfficientSVF_setFreq (tEfficientSVF* const, uint16_t controlFreq);
- void tEfficientSVF_setQ (tEfficientSVF* const, float Q);
- //==============================================================================
- /* Simple Highpass filter. */
- typedef struct _tHighpass
- {
- float xs, ys, R;
- float frequency;
- } _tHighpass;
- typedef _tHighpass* tHighpass;
- void tHighpass_init (tHighpass* const, float freq);
- void tHighpass_free (tHighpass* const);
- void tHighpass_initToPool (tHighpass* const, float freq, tMempool* const);
- void tHighpass_freeFromPool (tHighpass* const, tMempool* const);
- float tHighpass_tick (tHighpass* const, float x);
- void tHighpass_setFreq (tHighpass* const, float freq);
- float tHighpass_getFreq (tHighpass* const);
- //==============================================================================
- // Butterworth Filter
-#define NUM_SVF_BW 16
- typedef struct _tButterworth
- {
- float gain;
- int N;
- tSVF low[NUM_SVF_BW];
- tSVF high[NUM_SVF_BW];
- float f1,f2;
- } _tButterworth;
- typedef _tButterworth* tButterworth;
- void tButterworth_init (tButterworth* const, int N, float f1, float f2);
- void tButterworth_free (tButterworth* const);
- void tButterworth_initToPool (tButterworth* const, int N, float f1, float f2, tMempool* const);
- void tButterworth_freeFromPool (tButterworth* const, tMempool* const);
- float tButterworth_tick (tButterworth* const, float input);
- void tButterworth_setF1 (tButterworth* const, float in);
- void tButterworth_setF2 (tButterworth* const, float in);
- void tButterworth_setFreqs (tButterworth* const, float f1, float f2);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tFIR
- {
- float* past;
- float* coeff;
- int numTaps;
- } _tFIR;
- typedef _tFIR* tFIR;
- void tFIR_init (tFIR* const, float* coeffs, int numTaps);
- void tFIR_free (tFIR* const);
- void tFIR_initToPool (tFIR* const, float* coeffs, int numTaps, tMempool* const);
- void tFIR_freeFromPool (tFIR* const, tMempool* const);
- float tFIR_tick (tFIR* const, float input);
- void tFIR_coeffs (tFIR* const, float in);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-global.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +1,0 @@
- ==============================================================================
- leaf-global.h
- Created: 24 Oct 2019 2:24:38pm
- Author: Matthew Wang
- ==============================================================================
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- typedef struct _LEAF
- {
- float sampleRate;
- float invSampleRate;
- int blockSize;
- float twoPiTimesInvSampleRate;
- float (*random)(void);
- int clearOnAllocation;
- } LEAF;
- extern LEAF leaf; // The global instance of LEAF.
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-instruments.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +1,0 @@
- leaf-instruments.h
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:24:44am
- Author: airship
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-oscillators.h"
-#include "leaf-filters.h"
-#include "leaf-envelopes.h"
- //==============================================================================
- // 808 Cowbell
- typedef struct _t808Cowbell {
- tSquare p[2];
- tNoise stick;
- tSVF bandpassOsc;
- tSVF bandpassStick;
- tEnvelope envGain;
- tEnvelope envStick;
- tEnvelope envFilter;
- tHighpass highpass;
- float oscMix;
- float filterCutoff;
- oBool useStick;
- } _t808Cowbell;
- typedef _t808Cowbell* t808Cowbell;
- void t808Cowbell_init (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick);
- void t808Cowbell_free (t808Cowbell* const);
- void t808Cowbell_initToPool (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick, tMempool* const);
- void t808Cowbell_freeFromPool (t808Cowbell* const, tMempool* const);
- float t808Cowbell_tick (t808Cowbell* const);
- void t808Cowbell_on (t808Cowbell* const, float vel);
- void t808Cowbell_setDecay (t808Cowbell* const, float decay);
- void t808Cowbell_setHighpassFreq (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
- void t808Cowbell_setBandpassFreq (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
- void t808Cowbell_setFreq (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
- void t808Cowbell_setOscMix (t808Cowbell* const, float oscMix);
- void t808Cowbell_setStick (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick);
- //==============================================================================
- // 808 Hihat
- typedef struct _t808Hihat {
- // 6 Square waves
- tSquare p[6];
- tNoise n;
- tSVF bandpassOsc;
- tSVF bandpassStick;
- tEnvelope envGain;
- tEnvelope envStick;
- tEnvelope noiseFMGain;
- tHighpass highpass;
- tNoise stick;
- float freq;
- float stretch;
- float FM_amount;
- float oscNoiseMix;
- } _t808Hihat;
- typedef _t808Hihat* t808Hihat;
- void t808Hihat_init (t808Hihat* const);
- void t808Hihat_free (t808Hihat* const);
- void t808Hihat_initToPool (t808Hihat* const, tMempool* const);
- void t808Hihat_freeFromPool (t808Hihat* const, tMempool* const);
- float t808Hihat_tick (t808Hihat* const);
- void t808Hihat_on (t808Hihat* const, float vel);
- void t808Hihat_setOscNoiseMix (t808Hihat* const, float oscNoiseMix);
- void t808Hihat_setDecay (t808Hihat* const, float decay);
- void t808Hihat_setHighpassFreq (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
- void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassFreq (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
- void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassQ (t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q);
- void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassFreq (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
- void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassQ (t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q);
- void t808Hihat_setOscFreq (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
- void t808Hihat_setStretch (t808Hihat* const hihat, float stretch);
- void t808Hihat_setFM (t808Hihat* const hihat, float FM_amount);
- //==============================================================================
- // 808 Snare
- typedef struct _t808Snare {
- // Tone 1, Tone 2, Noise
- tTriangle tone[2]; // Tri (not yet antialiased or wavetabled)
- tNoise noiseOsc;
- tSVF toneLowpass[2];
- tSVF noiseLowpass; // Lowpass from SVF filter
- tEnvelope toneEnvOsc[2];
- tEnvelope toneEnvGain[2];
- tEnvelope noiseEnvGain;
- tEnvelope toneEnvFilter[2];
- tEnvelope noiseEnvFilter;
- float toneGain[2];
- float noiseGain;
- float toneNoiseMix;
- float tone1Freq, tone2Freq;
- float noiseFilterFreq;
- } _t808Snare;
- typedef _t808Snare* t808Snare;
- void t808Snare_init (t808Snare* const);
- void t808Snare_free (t808Snare* const);
- void t808Snare_initToPool (t808Snare* const, tMempool* const);
- void t808Snare_freeFromPool (t808Snare* const, tMempool* const);
- float t808Snare_tick (t808Snare* const);
- void t808Snare_on (t808Snare* const, float vel);
- void t808Snare_setTone1Freq (t808Snare* const, float freq);
- void t808Snare_setTone2Freq (t808Snare* const, float freq);
- void t808Snare_setTone1Decay (t808Snare* const, float decay);
- void t808Snare_setTone2Decay (t808Snare* const, float decay);
- void t808Snare_setNoiseDecay (t808Snare* const, float decay);
- void t808Snare_setToneNoiseMix (t808Snare* const, float toneNoiseMix);
- void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterFreq (t808Snare* const, float noiseFilterFreq);
- void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterQ (t808Snare* const, float noiseFilterQ);
- //==============================================================================
- // 808 Kick
- typedef struct _t808Kick {
- tCycle tone; // Tri
- tNoise noiseOsc;
- tSVF toneLowpass;
- tEnvelope toneEnvOscChirp;
- tEnvelope toneEnvOscSigh;
- tEnvelope toneEnvGain;
- tEnvelope noiseEnvGain;
- tEnvelope toneEnvFilter;
- float toneGain;
- float noiseGain;
- float toneInitialFreq;
- float sighAmountInHz;
- float chirpRatioMinusOne;
- float noiseFilterFreq;
- } _t808Kick;
- typedef _t808Kick* t808Kick;
- void t808Kick_init (t808Kick* const);
- void t808Kick_free (t808Kick* const);
- void t808Kick_initToPool (t808Kick* const, tMempool* const);
- void t808Kick_freeFromPool (t808Kick* const, tMempool* const);
- float t808Kick_tick (t808Kick* const);
- void t808Kick_on (t808Kick* const, float vel);
- void t808Kick_setToneFreq (t808Kick* const, float freq);
- void t808Kick_setToneDecay (t808Kick* const, float decay);
- void t808Kick_setNoiseDecay (t808Kick* const, float decay);
- void t808Kick_setSighAmount (t808Kick* const, float sigh);
- void t808Kick_setChirpAmount (t808Kick* const, float chirp);
- void t808Kick_setToneNoiseMix (t808Kick* const, float toneNoiseMix);
- void t808Kick_setNoiseFilterFreq (t808Kick* const, float noiseFilterFreq);
- void t808Kick_setNoiseFilterQ (t808Kick* const, float noiseFilterQ);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-math.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +1,0 @@
- leaf-math.h
- Created: 22 Jan 2017 7:02:56pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "math.h"
-#include "stdint.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
- //==============================================================================
- //==============================================================================
- typedef enum oBool
- {
- OTRUE = 1,
- OFALSE = 0
- }oBool;
- // Allows for bitwise operations on floats
- union unholy_t { /* a union between a float and an integer */
- float f;
- int i;
- };
-#define SQRT8 2.82842712475f
-#define WSCALE 1.30612244898f
-#define PI (3.14159265358979f)
-#define TWO_PI (2 * PI)
-#define VSF 1.0e-38f
-#define MAX_DELAY 8192
-#define INV_128 0.0078125f
-#define INV_20 0.05f
-#define INV_40 0.025f
-#define INV_80 0.0125f
-#define INV_160 0.00625f
-#define INV_320 0.003125f
-#define INV_640 0.0015625f
-#define INV_1280 0.00078125f
-#define INV_2560 0.000390625f
-#define INV_5120 0.0001953125f
-#define INV_10240 0.00009765625f
-#define INV_20480 0.000048828125f
-#define INV_TWELVE 0.0833333333f
-#define INV_440 0.0022727273f
-#define LOG2 0.3010299957f
-#define INV_LOG2 3.321928095f
-#define SOS_M 343.0f
-#define TWO_TO_5 32.0f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_5 0.03125f
-#define TWO_TO_7 128.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_7 0.0078125f
-#define TWO_TO_8 256.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_8 0.00390625f
-#define TWO_TO_9 512.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_9 0.001953125f
-#define TWO_TO_10 1024.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_10 0.0009765625f
-#define TWO_TO_11 2048.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_11 0.00048828125f
-#define TWO_TO_12 4096.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_12 0.00024414062f
-#define TWO_TO_15 32768.f
-#define TWO_TO_16 65536.f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_15 0.00003051757f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_16 0.00001525878f
-#define TWO_TO_16_MINUS_ONE 65535.0f
-#define TWO_TO_23 8388608.0f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_23 0.00000011920929f
-#define TWO_TO_31 2147483648.0f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_31 0.000000000465661f
-#define TWO_TO_32 4294967296.0f
-#define INV_TWO_TO_32 0.000000000232831f
-#define LOGTEN 2.302585092994
- // Jones shaper
- float LEAF_shaper (float input, float m_drive);
- float LEAF_reedTable (float input, float offset, float slope);
- float LEAF_reduct (float input, float ratio);
- float LEAF_round (float input, float rnd);
- float LEAF_bitwise_xor(float input, uint32_t op);
- float LEAF_reduct (float input, float ratio);
- float LEAF_round (float input, float rnd);
- float LEAF_bitwise_xor(float input, uint32_t op);
- float LEAF_clip (float min, float val, float max);
- int LEAF_clipInt (int min, int val, int max);
- float LEAF_softClip (float val, float thresh);
- oBool LEAF_isPrime (uint64_t number );
- float LEAF_midiToFrequency (float f);
- float LEAF_frequencyToMidi(float f);
- void LEAF_generate_sine (float* buffer, int size);
- void LEAF_generate_sawtooth (float* buffer, float basefreq, int size);
- void LEAF_generate_triangle (float* buffer, float basefreq, int size);
- void LEAF_generate_square (float* buffer, float basefreq, int size);
- // dope af
- float LEAF_chebyshevT(float in, int n);
- float LEAF_CompoundChebyshevT(float in, int n, float* amps);
- // Hermite interpolation
- float LEAF_interpolate_hermite (float A, float B, float C, float D, float t);
- float LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x(float yy0, float yy1, float yy2, float yy3, float xx);
- float LEAF_interpolation_linear (float A, float B, float t);
- float interpolate3max(float *buf, const int peakindex);
- float interpolate3phase(float *buf, const int peakindex);
- // alternative implementation for abs()
- // REQUIRES: 32 bit integers
- int fastabs_int(int in);
- // alternative implementation for abs()
- // REQUIRES: 32 bit floats
- float fastabsf(float f);
- float fastexp2f(float f);
- void LEAF_crossfade(float fade, float* volumes);
- float fast_mtof(float f);
- float fastexpf(float x);
- float fasterexpf(float x);
- float mtof(float f);
- float fast_mtof(float f);
- float faster_mtof(float f);
- float ftom(float f);
- float powtodb(float f);
- float rmstodb(float f);
- float dbtopow(float f);
- float dbtorms(float f);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-mempool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +1,0 @@
- In short, mpool is distributed under so called "BSD license",
- Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Tatsuhiko Kubo <>
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
- written by C99 style
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
- //==============================================================================
-#define MPOOL_ALIGN_SIZE (8)
- //#define size_t unsigned long
- /**
- * memory pool structure
- */
- // node of free list
- typedef struct mpool_node_t {
- void *pool; // memory pool field
- struct mpool_node_t *next; // next node pointer
- struct mpool_node_t *prev; // prev node pointer
- size_t size;
- } mpool_node_t;
- typedef struct mpool_t {
- void* mpool; // start of the mpool
- size_t usize; // used size of the pool
- size_t msize; // max size of the pool
- mpool_node_t* head; // first node of memory pool free list
- } mpool_t;
- void mpool_create (char* memory, size_t size, mpool_t* pool);
- void* mpool_alloc(size_t size, mpool_t* pool);
- void* mpool_calloc(size_t asize, mpool_t* pool);
- void mpool_free(void* ptr, mpool_t* pool);
- size_t mpool_get_size(mpool_t* pool);
- size_t mpool_get_used(mpool_t* pool);
- void leaf_pool_init(char* memory, size_t size);
- void* leaf_alloc(size_t size);
- void* leaf_calloc(size_t size);
- void leaf_free(void* ptr);
- size_t leaf_pool_get_size(void);
- size_t leaf_pool_get_used(void);
- void* leaf_pool_get_pool(void);
- void leaf_mempool_overrun(void);
- // User object for creating additional mempools
- typedef struct _tMempool
- {
- mpool_t pool;
- } _tMempool;
- typedef _tMempool* tMempool;
- void tMempool_init (tMempool* const, char* memory, size_t size);
- void tMempool_free (tMempool* const);
- void tMempool_initToPool (tMempool* const, char* memory, size_t size, tMempool* const);
- void tMempool_freeFromPool (tMempool* const, tMempool* const);
- //==============================================================================
- extern tMempool leaf_mempool;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // LEAF_MPOOL_H
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-midi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +1,0 @@
- leaf-midi.h
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:29:26am
- Author: airship
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-envelopes.h"
- //==============================================================================
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- // STACK implementation (fixed size)
-#define STACK_SIZE 128
- typedef struct _tStack
- {
- int data[STACK_SIZE];
- uint16_t pos;
- uint16_t size;
- uint16_t capacity;
- oBool ordered;
- } _tStack;
- typedef _tStack* tStack;
- void tStack_init (tStack* const);
- void tStack_free (tStack* const);
- void tStack_initToPool (tStack* const, tMempool* const);
- void tStack_freeFromPool (tStack* const, tMempool* const);
- void tStack_setCapacity (tStack* const, uint16_t cap);
- int tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
- void tStack_add (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
- int tStack_remove (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
- void tStack_clear (tStack* const);
- int tStack_first (tStack* const);
- int tStack_getSize (tStack* const);
- int tStack_contains (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
- int tStack_next (tStack* const);
- int tStack_get (tStack* const, int which);
- /* tPoly */
- typedef struct _tPoly
- {
- tStack stack;
- tStack orderStack;
- tRamp* ramps;
- float* rampVals;
- oBool* firstReceived;
- float glideTime;
- oBool pitchGlideIsActive;
- int numVoices;
- int maxNumVoices;
- //int voices[POLY_NUM_MAX_VOICES][2];
- int** voices;
- int notes[128][2];
- int CCs[128];
- uint8_t CCsRaw[128];
- int lastVoiceToChange;
- float pitchBend;
- tRamp pitchBendRamp;
- int currentNote;
- int currentVoice;
- int currentVelocity;
- int maxLength;
- } _tPoly;
- typedef _tPoly* tPoly;
- /* MPoly*/
- void tPoly_init (tPoly* const, int maxNumVoices);
- void tPoly_free (tPoly* const);
- void tPoly_initToPool (tPoly* const, int maxNumVoices, tMempool* const);
- void tPoly_freeFromPool (tPoly* const, tMempool* const);
- int tPoly_noteOn (tPoly* const, int note, uint8_t vel);
- int tPoly_noteOff (tPoly* const, uint8_t note);
- void tPoly_orderedAddToStack (tPoly* const, uint8_t noteVal);
- void tPoly_setNumVoices (tPoly* const, uint8_t numVoices);
- void tPoly_setPitchBend (tPoly* const, float pitchBend);
- void tPoly_setPitchGlideActive (tPoly* const, oBool isActive);
- void tPoly_setPitchGlideTime (tPoly* const, float t);
- void tPoly_setBendGlideTime (tPoly* const polyh, float t);
- void tPoly_setBendSamplesPerTick (tPoly* const polyh, float t);
- void tPoly_tickPitch (tPoly* const);
- void tPoly_tickPitchGlide (tPoly* const);
- void tPoly_tickPitchBend (tPoly* const);
- int tPoly_getNumVoices (tPoly* const);
- int tPoly_getNumActiveVoices (tPoly* const);
- float tPoly_getPitch (tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
- int tPoly_getKey (tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
- int tPoly_getVelocity (tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
- int tPoly_isOn (tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-oscillators.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +1,0 @@
- leaf-oscillators.h
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:00:58pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-filters.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* tCycle: Cycle/Sine waveform. Wavetable synthesis.*/
- typedef struct _tCycle
- {
- // Underlying phasor
- float phase;
- float inc,freq;
- } _tCycle;
- typedef _tCycle* tCycle;
- void tCycle_init (tCycle* const);
- void tCycle_free (tCycle* const);
- void tCycle_initToPool (tCycle* const, tMempool* const);
- void tCycle_freeFromPool (tCycle* const, tMempool* const);
- float tCycle_tick (tCycle* const);
- int tCycle_setFreq (tCycle* const, float freq);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tTriangle: Anti-aliased Triangle waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
- typedef struct _tTriangle
- {
- // Underlying phasor
- float phase;
- float inc,freq;
- } _tTriangle;
- typedef _tTriangle* tTriangle;
- void tTriangle_init (tTriangle* const);
- void tTriangle_free (tTriangle* const);
- void tTriangle_initToPool (tTriangle* const, tMempool* const);
- void tTriangle_freeFromPool (tTriangle* const, tMempool* const);
- float tTriangle_tick (tTriangle* const);
- int tTriangle_setFreq (tTriangle* const, float freq);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tSquare: Anti-aliased Square waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
- typedef struct _tSquare
- {
- // Underlying phasor
- float phase;
- float inc,freq;
- } _tSquare;
- typedef _tSquare* tSquare;
- void tSquare_init (tSquare* const);
- void tSquare_free (tSquare* const);
- void tSquare_initToPool (tSquare* const, tMempool* const);
- void tSquare_freeFromPool(tSquare* const, tMempool* const);
- float tSquare_tick (tSquare* const);
- int tSquare_setFreq (tSquare* const, float freq);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tSawtooth: Anti-aliased Sawtooth waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
- typedef struct _tSawtooth
- {
- // Underlying phasor
- float phase;
- float inc,freq;
- } _tSawtooth;
- typedef _tSawtooth* tSawtooth;
- void tSawtooth_init (tSawtooth* const);
- void tSawtooth_free (tSawtooth* const);
- void tSawtooth_initToPool (tSawtooth* const, tMempool* const);
- void tSawtooth_freeFromPool (tSawtooth* const, tMempool* const);
- float tSawtooth_tick (tSawtooth* const);
- int tSawtooth_setFreq (tSawtooth* const, float freq);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tPhasor: Aliasing phasor [0.0, 1.0) */
- typedef struct _tPhasor
- {
- float phase;
- float inc,freq;
- } _tPhasor;
- typedef _tPhasor* tPhasor;
- void tPhasor_init (tPhasor* const);
- void tPhasor_free (tPhasor* const);
- void tPhasor_initToPool (tPhasor* const, tMempool* const);
- void tPhasor_freeFromPool(tPhasor* const, tMempool* const);
- float tPhasor_tick (tPhasor* const);
- int tPhasor_setFreq (tPhasor* const, float freq);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tNoise. WhiteNoise, PinkNoise. */
- typedef enum NoiseType
- {
- WhiteNoise=0,
- PinkNoise,
- NoiseTypeNil,
- } NoiseType;
- typedef struct _tNoise
- {
- NoiseType type;
- float pinkb0, pinkb1, pinkb2;
- float(*rand)(void);
- } _tNoise;
- typedef _tNoise* tNoise;
- void tNoise_init (tNoise* const, NoiseType type);
- void tNoise_free (tNoise* const);
- void tNoise_initToPool (tNoise* const, NoiseType type, tMempool* const);
- void tNoise_freeFromPool (tNoise* const, tMempool* const);
- float tNoise_tick (tNoise* const);
- //==============================================================================
- /* tNeuron */
- typedef enum NeuronMode
- {
- NeuronNormal = 0,
- NeuronTanh,
- NeuronAaltoShaper,
- NeuronModeNil
- } NeuronMode;
- typedef struct _tNeuron
- {
- tPoleZero f;
- NeuronMode mode;
- float voltage, current;
- float timeStep;
- float alpha[3];
- float beta[3];
- float rate[3];
- float V[3];
- float P[3];
- float gK, gN, gL, C;
- } _tNeuron;
- typedef _tNeuron* tNeuron;
- void tNeuron_init (tNeuron* const);
- void tNeuron_free (tNeuron* const);
- void tNeuron_initToPool (tNeuron* const, tMempool* const);
- void tNeuron_freeFromPool(tNeuron* const, tMempool* const);
- void tNeuron_reset (tNeuron* const);
- float tNeuron_tick (tNeuron* const);
- void tNeuron_setMode (tNeuron* const, NeuronMode mode);
- void tNeuron_setCurrent (tNeuron* const, float current);
- void tNeuron_setK (tNeuron* const, float K);
- void tNeuron_setL (tNeuron* const, float L);
- void tNeuron_setN (tNeuron* const, float N);
- void tNeuron_setC (tNeuron* const, float C);
- void tNeuron_setV1 (tNeuron* const, float V1);
- void tNeuron_setV2 (tNeuron* const, float V2);
- void tNeuron_setV3 (tNeuron* const, float V3);
- void tNeuron_setTimeStep (tNeuron* const, float timestep);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-physical.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +1,0 @@
- ==============================================================================
- leaf-physical.h
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:41:55am
- Author: airship
- ==============================================================================
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-delay.h"
-#include "leaf-filters.h"
-#include "leaf-oscillators.h"
-#include "leaf-envelopes.h"
-#include "leaf-dynamics.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* Karplus Strong model */
- typedef struct _tPluck
- {
- tAllpassDelay delayLine; // Allpass or Linear?? big difference...
- tOneZero loopFilter;
- tOnePole pickFilter;
- tNoise noise;
- float lastOut;
- float loopGain;
- float lastFreq;
- float sr;
- } _tPluck;
- typedef _tPluck* tPluck;
- void tPluck_init (tPluck* const, float lowestFrequency); //float delayBuff[DELAY_LENGTH]);
- void tPluck_free (tPluck* const);
- void tPluck_initToPool (tPluck* const, float lowestFrequency, tMempool* const);
- void tPluck_freeFromPool (tPluck* const, tMempool* const);
- float tPluck_tick (tPluck* const);
- // Pluck the string.
- void tPluck_pluck (tPluck* const, float amplitude);
- // Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
- void tPluck_noteOn (tPluck* const, float frequency, float amplitude );
- // Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
- void tPluck_noteOff (tPluck* const, float amplitude );
- // Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
- void tPluck_setFrequency (tPluck* const, float frequency );
- // Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
- void tPluck_controlChange (tPluck* const, int number, float value);
- // tPluck Utilities.
- float tPluck_getLastOut (tPluck* const);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef enum SKControlType
- {
- SKPickPosition = 0,
- SKStringDamping,
- SKDetune,
- SKControlTypeNil
- } SKControlType;
- /* Stif Karplus Strong model */
- typedef struct _tKarplusStrong
- {
- tAllpassDelay delayLine;
- tLinearDelay combDelay;
- tOneZero filter;
- tNoise noise;
- tBiQuad biquad[4];
- uint32_t length;
- float loopGain;
- float baseLoopGain;
- float lastFrequency;
- float lastLength;
- float stretching;
- float pluckAmplitude;
- float pickupPosition;
- float lastOut;
- } _tKarplusStrong;
- typedef _tKarplusStrong* tKarplusStrong;
- void tKarplusStrong_init (tKarplusStrong* const, float lowestFrequency); // float delayBuff[2][DELAY_LENGTH]);
- void tKarplusStrong_free (tKarplusStrong* const);
- void tKarplusStrong_initToPool (tKarplusStrong* const, float lowestFrequency, tMempool* const);
- void tKarplusStrong_freeFromPool (tKarplusStrong* const, tMempool* const);
- float tKarplusStrong_tick (tKarplusStrong* const);
- // Pluck the string.
- void tKarplusStrong_pluck (tKarplusStrong* const, float amplitude);
- // Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
- void tKarplusStrong_noteOn (tKarplusStrong* const, float frequency, float amplitude );
- // Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
- void tKarplusStrong_noteOff (tKarplusStrong* const, float amplitude );
- // Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
- void tKarplusStrong_setFrequency (tKarplusStrong* const, float frequency );
- // Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
- // Use SKPickPosition, SKStringDamping, or SKDetune for type.
- void tKarplusStrong_controlChange (tKarplusStrong* const, SKControlType type, float value);
- // Set the stretch "factor" of the string (0.0 - 1.0).
- void tKarplusStrong_setStretch (tKarplusStrong* const, float stretch );
- // Set the pluck or "excitation" position along the string (0.0 - 1.0).
- void tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition (tKarplusStrong* const, float position );
- // Set the base loop gain.
- void tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain (tKarplusStrong* const, float aGain );
- // tKarplusStrong utilities.
- float tKarplusStrong_getLastOut (tKarplusStrong* const);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* Simple Living String */
- typedef struct _tSimpleLivingString {
- float freq, waveLengthInSamples; // the frequency of the string, determining delay length
- float dampFreq; // frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
- float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
- float levMode;
- float curr;
- tLinearDelay delayLine;
- tOnePole bridgeFilter;
- tHighpass DCblocker;
- tFeedbackLeveler fbLev;
- tExpSmooth wlSmooth;
- } _tSimpleLivingString;
- typedef _tSimpleLivingString* tSimpleLivingString;
- void tSimpleLivingString_init (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq,
- float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode);
- void tSimpleLivingString_free (tSimpleLivingString* const);
- void tSimpleLivingString_initToPool (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq,
- float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const);
- void tSimpleLivingString_freeFromPool (tSimpleLivingString* const, tMempool* const);
- float tSimpleLivingString_tick (tSimpleLivingString* const, float input);
- float tSimpleLivingString_sample (tSimpleLivingString* const);
- void tSimpleLivingString_setFreq (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq);
- void tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength (tSimpleLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
- void tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq (tSimpleLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
- void tSimpleLivingString_setDecay (tSimpleLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
- void tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev (tSimpleLivingString* const, float targetLev);
- void tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
- void tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levStrength);
- void tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode (tSimpleLivingString* const, int levMode);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- /* Living String */
- typedef struct _tLivingString {
- float freq, waveLengthInSamples; // the frequency of the whole string, determining delay length
- float pickPos; // the pick position, dividing the string in two, in ratio
- float prepIndex; // the amount of pressure on the pickpoint of the string (near 0=soft obj, near 1=hard obj)
- float dampFreq; // frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
- float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
- float levMode;
- float curr;
- tLinearDelay delLF,delUF,delUB,delLB; // delay for lower/upper/forward/backward part of the waveguide model
- tOnePole bridgeFilter, nutFilter, prepFilterU, prepFilterL;
- tHighpass DCblockerL, DCblockerU;
- tFeedbackLeveler fbLevU, fbLevL;
- tExpSmooth wlSmooth, ppSmooth;
- } _tLivingString;
- typedef _tLivingString* tLivingString;
- void tLivingString_init (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex,
- float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode);
- void tLivingString_free (tLivingString* const);
- void tLivingString_initToPool (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex,
- float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const);
- void tLivingString_freeFromPool (tLivingString* const, tMempool* const);
- float tLivingString_tick (tLivingString* const, float input);
- float tLivingString_sample (tLivingString* const);
- void tLivingString_setFreq (tLivingString* const, float freq);
- void tLivingString_setWaveLength (tLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
- void tLivingString_setPickPos (tLivingString* const, float pickPos);
- void tLivingString_setPrepIndex (tLivingString* const, float prepIndex);
- void tLivingString_setDampFreq (tLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
- void tLivingString_setDecay (tLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
- void tLivingString_setTargetLev (tLivingString* const, float targetLev);
- void tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor (tLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
- void tLivingString_setLevStrength (tLivingString* const, float levStrength);
- void tLivingString_setLevMode (tLivingString* const, int levMode);
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
- //Reed Table - borrowed from STK
- typedef struct _tReedTable {
- float offset, slope;
- } _tReedTable;
- typedef _tReedTable* tReedTable;
- void tReedTable_init (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope);
- void tReedTable_free (tReedTable* const);
- void tReedTable_initToPool (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope, tMempool* const);
- void tReedTable_freeFromPool (tReedTable* const, tMempool* const);
- float tReedTable_tick (tReedTable* const, float input);
- float tReedTable_tanh_tick (tReedTable* const, float input); //tanh softclip version of reed table - replacing the hard clip in original stk code
- void tReedTable_setOffset (tReedTable* const, float offset);
- void tReedTable_setSlope (tReedTable* const, float slope);
- //==============================================================================
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +1,0 @@
- leaf-reverb.h
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:04pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-delay.h"
-#include "leaf-filters.h"
-#include "leaf-oscillators.h"
- //==============================================================================
- /* PRCReverb: Reverb, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tPRCReverb
- {
- float mix, t60;
- float inv_441;
- tDelay allpassDelays[2];
- tDelay combDelay;
- float allpassCoeff;
- float combCoeff;
- float lastIn, lastOut;
- } _tPRCReverb;
- typedef _tPRCReverb* tPRCReverb;
- void tPRCReverb_init (tPRCReverb* const, float t60);
- void tPRCReverb_free (tPRCReverb* const);
- void tPRCReverb_initToPool (tPRCReverb* const, float t60, tMempool* const);
- void tPRCReverb_freeFromPool (tPRCReverb* const, tMempool* const);
- void tPRCReverb_clear (tPRCReverb* const);
- float tPRCReverb_tick (tPRCReverb* const, float input);
- // Set reverb time in seconds.
- void tPRCReverb_setT60 (tPRCReverb* const, float t60);
- // Set mix between dry input and wet output signal.
- void tPRCReverb_setMix (tPRCReverb* const, float mix);
- //==============================================================================
- /* NReverb: Reverb, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
- typedef struct _tNReverb
- {
- float mix, t60;
- float inv_sr, inv_441;
- tLinearDelay allpassDelays[8];
- tLinearDelay combDelays[6];
- float allpassCoeff;
- float combCoeffs[6];
- float lowpassState;
- float lastIn, lastOut;
- } _tNReverb;
- typedef _tNReverb* tNReverb;
- void tNReverb_init (tNReverb* const, float t60);
- void tNReverb_free (tNReverb* const);
- void tNReverb_initToPool (tNReverb* const, float t60, tMempool* const);
- void tNReverb_freeFromPool (tNReverb* const, tMempool* const);
- void tNReverb_clear (tNReverb* const);
- float tNReverb_tick (tNReverb* const, float input);
- void tNReverb_tickStereo (tNReverb* const rev, float input, float* output);
- // Set reverb time in seconds.
- void tNReverb_setT60 (tNReverb* const, float t60);
- // Set mix between dry input and wet output signal.
- void tNReverb_setMix (tNReverb* const, float mix);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tDattorroReverb
- {
- float predelay;
- float input_filter;
- float feedback_filter;
- float feedback_gain;
- float mix;
- uint32_t frozen;
- float size, size_max, t;
- float f1_delay_2_last,
- f2_delay_2_last;
- float f1_last,
- f2_last;
- // INPUT
- tTapeDelay in_delay;
- tOnePole in_filter;
- tAllpass in_allpass[4];
- tAllpass f1_allpass;
- tTapeDelay f1_delay_1;
- tOnePole f1_filter;
- tTapeDelay f1_delay_2;
- tTapeDelay f1_delay_3;
- tHighpass f1_hp;
- tCycle f1_lfo;
- tAllpass f2_allpass;
- tTapeDelay f2_delay_1;
- tOnePole f2_filter;
- tTapeDelay f2_delay_2;
- tTapeDelay f2_delay_3;
- tHighpass f2_hp;
- tCycle f2_lfo;
- } _tDattorroReverb;
- typedef _tDattorroReverb* tDattorroReverb;
- void tDattorroReverb_init (tDattorroReverb* const);
- void tDattorroReverb_free (tDattorroReverb* const);
- void tDattorroReverb_initToPool (tDattorroReverb* const, tMempool* const);
- void tDattorroReverb_freeFromPool (tDattorroReverb* const, tMempool* const);
- void tDattorroReverb_clear (tDattorroReverb* const);
- float tDattorroReverb_tick (tDattorroReverb* const, float input);
- void tDattorroReverb_tickStereo (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float input, float* output);
- void tDattorroReverb_setMix (tDattorroReverb* const, float mix);
- void tDattorroReverb_setFreeze (tDattorroReverb* const rev, uint32_t freeze);
- void tDattorroReverb_setHP (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
- void tDattorroReverb_setSize (tDattorroReverb* const, float size);
- void tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay (tDattorroReverb* const, float preDelay);
- void tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
- void tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
- void tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain (tDattorroReverb* const, float gain);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +1,0 @@
- leaf-sampling.h
- Created: 23 Jan 2019 11:22:09am
- Author: Mike Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- //==============================================================================
-#include "leaf-global.h"
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-envelopes.h"
-#include "leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "leaf-analysis.h"
- //==============================================================================
- typedef enum RecordMode
- {
- RecordOneShot = 0,
- RecordLoop,
- RecordModeNil
- } RecordMode;
- typedef struct _tBuffer
- {
- float* buff;
- uint32_t idx;
- uint32_t bufferLength;
- uint32_t recordedLength;
- RecordMode mode;
- int active;
- } _tBuffer;
- typedef _tBuffer* tBuffer;
- void tBuffer_init (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length);
- void tBuffer_free (tBuffer* const);
- void tBuffer_initToPool (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length, tMempool* const);
- void tBuffer_freeFromPool (tBuffer* const, tMempool* const);
- void tBuffer_tick (tBuffer* const, float sample);
- void tBuffer_read (tBuffer* const, float* buff, uint32_t len);
- float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const, int idx);
- void tBuffer_record (tBuffer* const);
- void tBuffer_stop (tBuffer* const);
- int tBuffer_getRecordPosition (tBuffer* const);
- void tBuffer_setRecordMode (tBuffer* const, RecordMode mode);
- void tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const);
- uint32_t tBuffer_getBufferLength (tBuffer* const);
- uint32_t tBuffer_getRecordedLength (tBuffer* const sb);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef enum PlayMode
- {
- PlayNormal,
- PlayLoop,
- PlayBackAndForth,
- PlayModeNil
- } PlayMode;
- typedef struct _tSampler
- {
- tBuffer samp;
- tRamp gain;
- float idx;
- float inc;
- float last;
- float iinc;
- int8_t dir;
- int8_t flip;
- int8_t bnf;
- int32_t start, targetstart;
- int32_t end, targetend;
- uint32_t len;
- uint32_t cfxlen;
- float numticks;
- PlayMode mode;
- int retrigger;
- int active;
- } _tSampler;
- typedef _tSampler* tSampler;
- void tSampler_init (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const);
- void tSampler_free (tSampler* const);
- void tSampler_initToPool (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const, tMempool* const);
- void tSampler_freeFromPool (tSampler* const, tMempool* const);
- float tSampler_tick (tSampler* const);
- void tSampler_setSample (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const);
- void tSampler_setMode (tSampler* const, PlayMode mode);
- void tSampler_play (tSampler* const);
- void tSampler_stop (tSampler* const);
- void tSampler_setStart (tSampler* const, int32_t start);
- void tSampler_setEnd (tSampler* const, int32_t end);
- static void handleStartEndChange (tSampler* const sp);
- void tSampler_setCrossfadeLength (tSampler* const sp, uint32_t length);
- void tSampler_setRate (tSampler* const, float rate);
- //==============================================================================
- typedef struct _tAutoSampler
- {
- tSampler sampler;
- tEnvelopeFollower ef;
- uint32_t windowSize;
- float threshold;
- float previousPower;
- uint32_t sampleCounter;
- uint32_t powerCounter;
- uint8_t sampleTriggered;
- } _tAutoSampler;
- typedef _tAutoSampler* tAutoSampler;
- void tAutoSampler_init (tAutoSampler* const, tBuffer* const);
- void tAutoSampler_free (tAutoSampler* const);
- void tAutoSampler_initToPool (tAutoSampler* const, tBuffer* const, tMempool* const);
- void tAutoSampler_freeFromPool (tAutoSampler* const, tMempool* const);
- float tAutoSampler_tick (tAutoSampler* const, float input);
- void tAutoSampler_setBuffer (tAutoSampler* const, tBuffer* const);
- void tAutoSampler_setMode (tAutoSampler* const, PlayMode mode);
- void tAutoSampler_play (tAutoSampler* const);
- void tAutoSampler_stop (tAutoSampler* const);
- void tAutoSampler_setThreshold (tAutoSampler* const, float thresh);
- void tAutoSampler_setWindowSize (tAutoSampler* const, uint32_t size);
- void tAutoSampler_setCrossfadeLength (tAutoSampler* const, uint32_t length);
- void tAutoSampler_setRate (tAutoSampler* const, float rate);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-tables.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +1,0 @@
- leaf-tables.h
- Created: 4 Dec 2016 9:42:41pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "leaf-math.h"
-#define SINE_TABLE_SIZE 2048
-#define SAW_TABLE_SIZE 2048
-#define SQR_TABLE_SIZE 2048
-#define TRI_TABLE_SIZE 2048
-#define EXP_DECAY_TABLE_SIZE 65536
-#define TANH1_TABLE_SIZE 65536
-#define MTOF1_TABLE_SIZE 4096
-#define SHAPER1_TABLE_SIZE 65536
-extern const float shaper1[SHAPER1_TABLE_SIZE];
-#define COEFFS_SIZE 32
-extern const float* firCoeffs[COEFFS_SIZE];
-extern const float firNumTaps[COEFFS_SIZE];
-extern const float fir2XLow[32];
-extern const float fir4XLow[64];
-extern const float fir8XLow[64];
-extern const float fir16XLow[128];
-extern const float fir32XLow[256];
-extern const float fir64XLow[256];
-extern const float fir2XHigh[128];
-extern const float fir4XHigh[256];
-extern const float fir8XHigh[256];
-extern const float fir16XHigh[512];
-extern const float fir32XHigh[512];
-extern const float fir64XHigh[1024];
-typedef enum TableName
- T20 = 0,
- T40,
- T80,
- T160,
- T320,
- T640,
- T1280,
- T2560,
- T5120,
- T10240,
- T20480,
- TableNameNil
-} TableName;
-// mtof lookup table based on input range [0.0,1.0) in 4096 increments - midi frequency values scaled between m25 and m134 (from the Snyderphonics DrumBox code)
-extern const float exp_decay[EXP_DECAY_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float attack_decay_inc[ATTACK_DECAY_INC_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float filtertan[FILTERTAN_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float mtof1[MTOF1_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float decayCoeffTable[DECAY_COEFF_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float tanh1[TANH1_TABLE_SIZE];
-/* Sine wave table ripped from */
-extern const float sinewave[SINE_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float sawtooth[11][SAW_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float triangle[11][TRI_TABLE_SIZE];
-extern const float squarewave[11][SQR_TABLE_SIZE];
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/main.h
@@ -1,0 +1,81 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : main.h
+ * @brief : Header for main.c file.
+ * This file contains the common defines of the application.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __MAIN_H
+#define __MAIN_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define __ATTR_RAM_D1 __attribute__ ((section(".RAM_D1"))) __attribute__ ((aligned (32)))
+#define __ATTR_RAM_D2 __attribute__ ((section(".RAM_D2"))) __attribute__ ((aligned (32)))
+#define __ATTR_RAM_D3 __attribute__ ((section(".RAM_D3"))) __attribute__ ((aligned (32)))
+#define __ATTR_SDRAM __attribute__ ((section(".SDRAM"))) __attribute__ ((aligned (32)))
+#define STM32 // define this so that LEAF knows you are building for STM32
+/* Exported functions prototypes ---------------------------------------------*/
+void Error_Handler(void);
+float randomNumber(void);
+static void HardFault_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((naked));
+void prvGetRegistersFromStack( uint32_t *pulFaultStackAddress );
+void writeIntToFlash(uint32_t data, uint32_t location);
+uint32_t readIntFromFlash (uint32_t location);
+/* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __MAIN_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/oled.h
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+ * oled.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Feb 05, 2020
+ * Author: Matthew Wang
+ */
+#ifndef OLED_H_
+#define OLED_H_
+extern char oled_buffer[32];
+typedef enum _OLEDLine
+ FirstLine = 0,
+ SecondLine,
+ BothLines,
+ NilLine
+} OLEDLine;
+void OLED_init(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c);
+void initUIFunctionPointers(void);
+void setLED_Edit(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_USB(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_1(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_2(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_A(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_B(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_C(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_leftout_clip(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_rightout_clip(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_leftin_clip(uint8_t onOff);
+void setLED_rightin_clip(uint8_t onOff);
+int getCursorX(void);
+void OLED_process(void);
+void OLED_writePreset(void);
+void OLED_writeEditScreen(void);
+void OLED_writeKnobParameter(uint8_t whichParam);
+void OLED_writeButtonAction(uint8_t whichButton, uint8_t whichAction);
+void OLED_writeTuning(void);
+void OLED_draw(void);
+void OLEDclear(void);
+void OLEDclearLine(OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteString(char* myCharArray, uint8_t arrayLength, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteLine(char* myCharArray, uint8_t arrayLength, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteInt(uint32_t myNumber, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteIntLine(uint32_t myNumber, uint8_t numDigits, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwritePitch(float midi, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwritePitchClass(float midi, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwritePitchLine(float midi, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteFixedFloat(float input, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t numDecimal, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteFixedFloatLine(float input, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t numDecimal, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDwriteFloat(float input, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+void OLEDdrawFloatArray(float* input, float min, float max, uint8_t size, uint8_t offset, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line);
+#endif /* OLED_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/rng.h
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : RNG.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the RNG instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __rng_H
+#define __rng_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern RNG_HandleTypeDef hrng;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_RNG_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ rng_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/sai.h
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : SAI.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the SAI instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __sai_H
+#define __sai_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern SAI_HandleTypeDef hsai_BlockA1;
+extern SAI_HandleTypeDef hsai_BlockB1;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_SAI1_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ sai_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/sd_diskio.h
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file sd_diskio.h
+ * @brief Header for sd_diskio.c module
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Note: code generation based on sd_diskio_template.h */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __SD_DISKIO_H
+#define __SD_DISKIO_H
+/* USER CODE BEGIN firstSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine following code or add new definitions */
+/* USER CODE END firstSection */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "bsp_driver_sd.h"
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+extern const Diskio_drvTypeDef SD_Driver;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN lastSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine previous code or add new definitions */
+/* USER CODE END lastSection */
+#endif /* __SD_DISKIO_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/sdmmc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : SDMMC.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the SDMMC instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __sdmmc_H
+#define __sdmmc_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern SD_HandleTypeDef hsd1;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_SDMMC1_SD_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ sdmmc_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/sfx.h
@@ -1,0 +1,177 @@
+ * sfx.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Dec 23, 2019
+ * Author: josnyder
+ */
+#ifndef SFX_H_
+#define SFX_H_
+#include "audiostream.h"
+#include "ui.h"
+#define NUM_VOC_VOICES 8
+#define NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE 3
+#define NUM_VOC_OSC 1
+#define INV_NUM_VOC_VOICES 0.125
+#define INV_NUM_VOC_OSC 1
+#define NUM_AUTOTUNE 2
+#define NUM_RETUNE 1
+extern float presetKnobValues[PresetNil][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+extern uint8_t knobActive[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+extern tPoly poly;
+extern tRamp polyRamp[NUM_VOC_VOICES];
+extern tSawtooth osc[NUM_VOC_VOICES * NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE];
+extern PlayMode samplerMode;
+extern float sampleLength;
+extern uint32_t freeze;
+void initGlobalSFXObjects();
+//1 vocoder internal poly
+extern uint8_t numVoices;
+extern uint8_t internalExternal;
+void SFXVocoderAlloc();
+void SFXVocoderFrame();
+void SFXVocoderTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXVocoderFree(void);
+//4 pitch shift
+void SFXPitchShiftAlloc();
+void SFXPitchShiftFrame();
+void SFXPitchShiftTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXPitchShiftFree(void);
+//5 neartune
+extern uint8_t autotuneChromatic;
+void SFXNeartuneAlloc();
+void SFXNeartuneFrame();
+void SFXNeartuneTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXNeartuneFree(void);
+//6 autotune
+void SFXAutotuneAlloc();
+void SFXAutotuneFrame();
+void SFXAutotuneTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXAutotuneFree(void);
+//7 sampler - button press
+extern uint8_t samplePlaying;
+void SFXSamplerBPAlloc();
+void SFXSamplerBPFrame();
+void SFXSamplerBPTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXSamplerBPFree(void);
+//8 sampler - auto ch1
+extern uint8_t triggerChannel;
+void SFXSamplerAutoAlloc();
+void SFXSamplerAutoFrame();
+void SFXSamplerAutoTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXSamplerAutoFree(void);
+//10 distortion tanh
+extern uint8_t distortionMode;
+void SFXDistortionAlloc();
+void SFXDistortionFrame();
+void SFXDistortionTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXDistortionFree(void);
+//12 distortion wave folder
+void SFXWaveFolderAlloc();
+void SFXWaveFolderFrame();
+void SFXWaveFolderTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXWaveFolderFree(void);
+//13 bitcrusher
+void SFXBitcrusherAlloc();
+void SFXBitcrusherFrame();
+void SFXBitcrusherTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXBitcrusherFree(void);
+//14 delay
+extern int delayShaper;
+void SFXDelayAlloc();
+void SFXDelayFrame();
+void SFXDelayTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXDelayFree(void);
+//15 reverb
+void SFXReverbAlloc();
+void SFXReverbFrame();
+void SFXReverbTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXReverbFree(void);
+//16 reverb2
+void SFXReverb2Alloc();
+void SFXReverb2Frame();
+void SFXReverb2Tick(float audioIn);
+void SFXReverb2Free(void);
+//17 living string
+void SFXLivingStringAlloc();
+void SFXLivingStringFrame();
+void SFXLivingStringTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXLivingStringFree(void);
+//17 living string
+void SFXLivingStringSynthAlloc();
+void SFXLivingStringSynthFrame();
+void SFXLivingStringSynthTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXLivingStringSynthFree(void);
+//17 living string
+void SFXClassicSynthAlloc();
+void SFXClassicSynthFrame();
+void SFXClassicSynthTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXClassicSynthFree(void);
+//17 living string
+void SFXRhodesAlloc();
+void SFXRhodesFrame();
+void SFXRhodesTick(float audioIn);
+void SFXRhodesFree(void);
+void noteOn(int key, int velocity);
+void noteOff(int key, int velocity);
+void pitchBend(int data);
+void sustainOn(void);
+void sustainOff(void);
+void toggleBypass(void);
+void toggleSustain(void);
+void calculateFreq(int voice);
+float calculateTunedMidiNote(float tempNote);
+void calculateNoteArray(void);
+//void calculatePeriodArray(void);
+float nearestNote(float period);
+//float nearestPeriod(float period);
+void clearNotes(void);
+void ctrlInput(int ctrl, int value);
+#endif /* SFX_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/ssd1306.h
@@ -1,0 +1,127 @@
+ * ssd1306.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Jul 6, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#ifndef SSD1306_H_
+#define SSD1306_H_
+#define pgm_read_byte(addr) (*(const unsigned char *)(addr))
+#define BLACK 0
+#define WHITE 1
+#define INVERSE 2
+#define SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS (0x3C<<1) // 011110+SA0+RW - 0x3C or 0x3D
+// Address for 128x32 is 0x3C
+// Address for 128x64 is 0x3D (default) or 0x3C (if SA0 is grounded)
+ SSD1306 Displays
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The driver is used in multiple displays (128x64, 128x32, etc.).
+ Select the appropriate display below to create an appropriately
+ sized framebuffer, etc.
+ SSD1306_128_64 128x64 pixel display
+ SSD1306_128_32 128x32 pixel display
+ SSD1306_96_16
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+// #define SSD1306_128_64
+ #define SSD1306_128_32
+// #define SSD1306_96_16
+#if defined SSD1306_128_64 && defined SSD1306_128_32
+ #error "Only one SSD1306 display can be specified at once in SSD1306.h"
+#if !defined SSD1306_128_64 && !defined SSD1306_128_32 && !defined SSD1306_96_16
+ #error "At least one SSD1306 display must be specified in SSD1306.h"
+#if defined SSD1306_128_64
+ #define SSD1306_LCDWIDTH 128
+ #define SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT 64
+#if defined SSD1306_128_32
+ #define SSD1306_LCDWIDTH 128
+ #define SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT 32
+#if defined SSD1306_96_16
+ #define SSD1306_LCDWIDTH 96
+ #define SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT 16
+#define SSD1306_SETCONTRAST 0x81
+#define SSD1306_DISPLAYALLON 0xA5
+#define SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY 0xA6
+#define SSD1306_INVERTDISPLAY 0xA7
+#define SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF 0xAE
+#define SSD1306_DISPLAYON 0xAF
+#define SSD1306_SETCOMPINS 0xDA
+#define SSD1306_SETPRECHARGE 0xD9
+#define SSD1306_SETMULTIPLEX 0xA8
+#define SSD1306_SETLOWCOLUMN 0x00
+#define SSD1306_SETHIGHCOLUMN 0x10
+#define SSD1306_SETSTARTLINE 0x40
+#define SSD1306_MEMORYMODE 0x20
+#define SSD1306_COLUMNADDR 0x21
+#define SSD1306_PAGEADDR 0x22
+#define SSD1306_COMSCANINC 0xC0
+#define SSD1306_COMSCANDEC 0xC8
+#define SSD1306_SEGREMAP 0xA0
+#define SSD1306_CHARGEPUMP 0x8D
+#define SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC 0x1
+#define SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC 0x2
+// Scrolling #defines
+#define SSD1306_ACTIVATE_SCROLL 0x2F
+extern unsigned char buffer [];
+void ssd1306_begin(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c, uint8_t vccstate, uint8_t i2caddr);
+void ssd1306_drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);
+void sdd1306_invertDisplay(uint8_t i);
+void ssd1306_command(uint8_t c);
+void ssd1306_dim(uint8_t dim);
+void ssd1306_display_full_buffer(void);
+void ssd1306_display(void);
+void ssd1306_write(uint8_t* data, uint16_t numBytes);
+void ssd1306_move(uint8_t row, uint8_t column);
+void ssd1306_move_raw(uint8_t row, uint8_t column);
+void ssd1306_home(void);
+#endif /* SSD1306_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h
@@ -1,0 +1,493 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @brief HAL configuration file.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __STM32H7xx_HAL_CONF_H
+#define __STM32H7xx_HAL_CONF_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
+ * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
+ */
+/* #define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */
+/* ########################## Oscillator Values adaptation ####################*/
+ * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
+ * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
+ */
+#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
+#define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)25000000) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz : FPGA case fixed to 60MHZ */
+#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
+#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
+ #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100U) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */
+ * @brief Internal oscillator (CSI) default value.
+ * This value is the default CSI value after Reset.
+ */
+#if !defined (CSI_VALUE)
+ #define CSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)4000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* CSI_VALUE */
+ * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
+ * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
+ */
+#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
+ #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)64000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
+ * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
+ * This value is used by the UART, RTC HAL module to compute the system frequency
+ */
+#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
+ #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
+#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
+ #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000U) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */
+ * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral
+ * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source
+ * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad.
+ */
+#if !defined (EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE)
+ #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE 12288000U /*!< Value of the External clock in Hz*/
+/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE,
+ === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */
+/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
+ * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
+ */
+#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300U) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
+#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0U) /*!< tick interrupt priority */
+#define USE_RTOS 0U
+#define USE_SD_TRANSCEIVER 1U /*!< use uSD Transceiver */
+#define USE_HAL_ADC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ADC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_CEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CEC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_COMP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* COMP register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_CRYP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CRYP register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DAC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_DCMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DCMI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DFSDM register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DMA2D register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_DSI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DSI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_DTS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DTS register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_ETH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ETH register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_FDCAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* FDCAN register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_NAND_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NAND register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_NOR_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NOR register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SDRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SDRAM register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SRAM register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_HASH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HASH register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_HCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HCD register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_GFXMMU_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* GFXMMU register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HRTIM register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2C register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_I2S_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2S register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_IRDA_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* IRDA register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_JPEG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* JPEG register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_LPTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LPTIM register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LTDC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIO register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_MMC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MMC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_OPAMP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIO register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_OSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* OSPI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_OTFDEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* OTFDEC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_PCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* PCD register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_QSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* QSPI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_RTC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RTC register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SAI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SAI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SD register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SMARTCARD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMARTCARD register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SPDIFRX_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPDIFRX register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMBUS register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_SWPMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SWPMI register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* TIM register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* UART register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_USART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* USART register callback disabled */
+#define USE_HAL_WWDG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* WWDG register callback disabled */
+/* ########################### Ethernet Configuration ######################### */
+#define ETH_TX_DESC_CNT 4 /* number of Ethernet Tx DMA descriptors */
+#define ETH_RX_DESC_CNT 4 /* number of Ethernet Rx DMA descriptors */
+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR0 ((uint8_t)0x02)
+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR1 ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR2 ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR3 ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR4 ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define ETH_MAC_ADDR5 ((uint8_t)0x00)
+/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
+ * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
+ * HAL drivers code
+ */
+/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief Include module's header file
+ */
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_rcc.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_gpio.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dma.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_mdma.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_hash.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dcmi.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dma2d.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dsi.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dfsdm.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_eth.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_exti.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_cortex.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_adc.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_fdcan.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_cec.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_comp.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_crc.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_cryp.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dac.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_flash.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_gfxmmu.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_hrtim.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_hsem.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_sram.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_nor.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_nand.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_i2c.h"
+#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_i2s.h"
+#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_iwdg.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_jpeg.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_mdios.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_mmc.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal_lptim.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal_ltdc.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal_opamp.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_ospi.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal_otfdec.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_pwr.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_qspi.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_ramecc.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_rng.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_rtc.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_sai.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_sd.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_sdram.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_spi.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_spdifrx.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_swpmi.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_tim.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_uart.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_usart.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_irda.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_smartcard.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_smbus.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_wwdg.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_pcd.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_hcd.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_pssi.h"
+ #include "stm32h7xx_hal_dts.h"
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
+ * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
+ * which reports the name of the source file and the source
+ * line number of the call that failed.
+ * If expr is true, it returns no value.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+ #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
+/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line);
+ #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U)
+#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __STM32H7xx_HAL_CONF_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/stm32h7xx_it.h
@@ -1,0 +1,81 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32h7xx_it.h
+ * @brief This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __STM32H7xx_IT_H
+#define __STM32H7xx_IT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions prototypes ---------------------------------------------*/
+void NMI_Handler(void);
+void HardFault_Handler(void);
+void MemManage_Handler(void);
+void BusFault_Handler(void);
+void UsageFault_Handler(void);
+void SVC_Handler(void);
+void DebugMon_Handler(void);
+void PendSV_Handler(void);
+void SysTick_Handler(void);
+void DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler(void);
+void DMA1_Stream1_IRQHandler(void);
+void DMA1_Stream2_IRQHandler(void);
+void ADC_IRQHandler(void);
+void I2C4_EV_IRQHandler(void);
+void I2C4_ER_IRQHandler(void);
+void OTG_FS_EP1_OUT_IRQHandler(void);
+void OTG_FS_EP1_IN_IRQHandler(void);
+void OTG_FS_IRQHandler(void);
+void DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQHandler(void);
+void BDMA_Channel0_IRQHandler(void);
+void BDMA_Channel1_IRQHandler(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __STM32H7xx_IT_H */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/sys.h
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : SYS.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the SYS instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __sys_H
+#define __sys_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_SYS_Init(void);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ sys_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/tim.h
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : TIM.h
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the TIM instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __tim_H
+#define __tim_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+extern TIM_HandleTypeDef htim3;
+extern TIM_HandleTypeDef htim4;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */
+/* USER CODE END Private defines */
+void MX_TIM3_Init(void);
+void MX_TIM4_Init(void);
+void HAL_TIM_MspPostInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Prototypes */
+/* USER CODE END Prototypes */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /*__ tim_H */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/tunings.h
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+ * tunings.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Dec 18, 2019
+ * Author: josnyder
+ */
+#ifndef TUNINGS_H_
+#define TUNINGS_H_
+#define NUM_TUNINGS 66
+extern float centsDeviation[12];
+extern float tuningPresets[NUM_TUNINGS][12];
+extern uint32_t currentTuning;
+extern uint8_t keyCenter;
+extern char tuningNames[NUM_TUNINGS][6];
+#endif /* TUNINGS_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/ui.h
@@ -1,0 +1,116 @@
+ * ui.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Aug 30, 2019
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+#ifndef UI_H_
+#define UI_H_
+#define NUM_BUTTONS 10
+//PresetNil is used as a counter for the size of the enum
+typedef enum _VocodecPresetType
+ Vocoder = 0,
+ Pitchshift,
+ AutotuneMono,
+ AutotunePoly,
+ SamplerButtonPress,
+ SamplerAutoGrab,
+ Distortion,
+ Wavefolder,
+ BitCrusher,
+ Delay,
+ Reverb,
+ Reverb2,
+ LivingString,
+ LivingStringSynth,
+ ClassicSynth,
+ Rhodes,
+ PresetNil
+} VocodecPresetType;
+typedef enum _VocodecButton
+ ButtonEdit = 0,
+ ButtonLeft,
+ ButtonRight,
+ ButtonDown,
+ ButtonUp,
+ ButtonA,
+ ButtonB,
+ ButtonC,
+ ButtonD,
+ ButtonE,
+ ButtonNil
+} VocodecButton;
+typedef enum _ButtonAction
+ ActionPress = 0,
+ ActionRelease,
+ ActionHoldInstant,
+ ActionHoldContinuous,
+ ActionNil
+} ButtonAction;
+extern uint16_t ADC_values[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+extern uint8_t buttonValues[NUM_BUTTONS];
+//extern uint8_t buttonPressed[NUM_BUTTONS];
+//extern uint8_t buttonReleased[NUM_BUTTONS];
+extern int8_t writeKnobFlag;
+extern int8_t writeButtonFlag;
+extern int8_t writeActionFlag;
+extern float floatADCUI[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+extern uint8_t currentPreset;
+extern uint8_t previousPreset;
+extern uint8_t loadingPreset;
+// Display values
+extern char* modeNames[PresetNil];
+extern char* modeNamesDetails[PresetNil];
+extern char* shortModeNames[PresetNil];
+extern char* paramNames[PresetNil][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + NUM_BUTTONS];
+extern float knobParams[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+extern int8_t cvAddParam;
+extern uint8_t buttonActionsSFX[NUM_BUTTONS][ActionNil];
+extern char* (*buttonActionFunctions[PresetNil])(VocodecButton, ButtonAction);
+void initModeNames(void);
+void buttonCheck(void);
+void adcCheck(void);
+void clearButtonActions(void);
+void changeTuning(void);
+void writeCurrentPresetToFlash(void);
+char* UIVocoderButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIPitchShiftButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UINeartuneButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIAutotuneButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UISamplerBPButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UISamplerAutoButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIDistortionButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIWaveFolderButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIBitcrusherButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIDelayButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIReverbButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIReverb2Buttons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UILivingStringButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UILivingStringSynthButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIClassicSynthButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+char* UIRhodesButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action);
+#endif /* UI_H_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/usb_host.h
@@ -1,0 +1,94 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : usb_host.h
+ * @version : v1.0_Cube
+ * @brief : Header for usb_host.c file.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USB_HOST__H__
+#define __USB_HOST__H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32h7xx.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+/** @addtogroup USBH_OTG_DRIVER
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_HOST USBH_HOST
+ * @brief Host file for Usb otg low level driver.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_HOST_Exported_Variables USBH_HOST_Exported_Variables
+ * @brief Public variables.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** Status of the application. */
+typedef enum {
+/** @defgroup USBH_HOST_Exported_FunctionsPrototype USBH_HOST_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+ * @brief Declaration of public functions for Usb host.
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Exported functions -------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @brief USB Host initialization function. */
+void MX_USB_HOST_Init(void);
+void MX_USB_HOST_Process(void);
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __USB_HOST__H__ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/usbh_MIDI.h
@@ -1,0 +1,211 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file usbh_MIDI.h
+ * @author Xavier Halgand
+ * @version
+ * @date
+ * @brief This file contains all the prototypes for the usbh_MIDI.c
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+/* Define to prevent recursive ----------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBH_MIDI_CORE_H
+#define __USBH_MIDI_CORE_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbh_core.h"
+//#include "stm32f7xx_nucleo_144.h"
+// buffer size (should be at least >= MIOS32_USB_MIDI_DESC_DATA_*_SIZE/4)
+#define USB_MIDI_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 // packages
+#define USB_MIDI_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 // packages
+// size of IN/OUT pipe
+// endpoint assignments (don't change!)
+#define USB_MIDI_DATA_OUT_EP 0x02
+#define USB_MIDI_DATA_IN_EP 0x81
+/** @defgroup USBH_MIDI_CORE_Exported_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+#define USB_AUDIO_CLASS 0x01
+#define USBH_MIDI_CLASS &MIDI_Class
+extern USBH_ClassTypeDef MIDI_Class;
+/* -------------------- Exported_Types ------------------------------------------*/
+typedef enum {
+ NoteOff = 0x8,
+ NoteOn = 0x9,
+ PolyPressure = 0xa,
+ CC = 0xb,
+ ProgramChange = 0xc,
+ Aftertouch = 0xd,
+ PitchBend = 0xe
+} midi_event_t;
+typedef enum {
+ Chn1,
+ Chn2,
+ Chn3,
+ Chn4,
+ Chn5,
+ Chn6,
+ Chn7,
+ Chn8,
+ Chn9,
+ Chn10,
+ Chn11,
+ Chn12,
+ Chn13,
+ Chn14,
+ Chn15,
+ Chn16
+} midi_chn_t;
+#pragma anon_unions
+typedef union {
+ struct {
+ uint32_t ALL;
+ };
+ struct {
+ uint8_t cin_cable;
+ uint8_t evnt0;
+ uint8_t evnt1;
+ uint8_t evnt2;
+ };
+ struct {
+ uint8_t type:4;
+ uint8_t cable:4;
+ uint8_t chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
+ uint8_t event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
+ uint8_t value1;
+ uint8_t value2;
+ };
+ // C++ doesn't allow to redefine names in anonymous unions
+ // as a simple workaround, we rename these redundant names
+ struct {
+ uint8_t cin:4;
+ uint8_t dummy1_cable:4;
+ uint8_t dummy1_chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
+ uint8_t dummy1_event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
+ uint8_t note:8;
+ uint8_t velocity:8;
+ };
+ struct {
+ uint8_t dummy2_cin:4;
+ uint8_t dummy2_cable:4;
+ uint8_t dummy2_chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
+ uint8_t dummy2_event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
+ uint8_t cc_number:8;
+ uint8_t value:8;
+ };
+ struct {
+ uint8_t dummy3_cin:4;
+ uint8_t dummy3_cable:4;
+ uint8_t dummy3_chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
+ uint8_t dummy3_event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
+ uint8_t program_change:8;
+ uint8_t dummy3:8;
+ };
+} midi_package_t;
+/* States for MIDI State Machine */
+typedef enum
+typedef enum
+/* Structure for MIDI process */
+typedef struct _MIDI_Process
+ MIDI_StateTypeDef state;
+ uint8_t InPipe;
+ uint8_t OutPipe;
+ uint8_t OutEp;
+ uint8_t InEp;
+ uint16_t OutEpSize;
+ uint16_t InEpSize;
+ uint8_t *pTxData;
+ uint8_t *pRxData;
+ uint16_t TxDataLength;
+ uint16_t RxDataLength;
+ MIDI_DataStateTypeDef data_tx_state;
+ MIDI_DataStateTypeDef data_rx_state;
+ uint8_t Rx_Poll;
+ //uint8_t buff[8];
+ //MIDI_DataItfTypedef DataItf;
+ //CDC_InterfaceDesc_Typedef CDC_Desc;
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Transmit(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
+ uint8_t *pbuff,
+ uint16_t length);
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Receive(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
+ uint8_t *pbuff,
+ uint16_t length);
+uint32_t USBH_MIDI_GetLastReceivedDataSize(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Stop(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+void USBH_MIDI_TransmitCallback(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+void USBH_MIDI_ReceiveCallback(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint32_t myLength);
+#endif /* __USBH_MIDI_CORE_H */
+/*****************************END OF FILE*************************************************************/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/usbh_conf.h
@@ -1,0 +1,199 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : usbh_conf.h
+ * @version : v1.0_Cube
+ * @brief : Header for usbh_conf.c file.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBH_CONF__H__
+#define __USBH_CONF__H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32_USB_HOST_LIBRARY
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_CONF
+ * @brief usb host low level driver configuration file
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_CONF_Exported_Variables USBH_CONF_Exported_Variables
+ * @brief Public variables.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_CONF_Exported_Defines USBH_CONF_Exported_Defines
+ * @brief Defines for configuration of the Usb host.
+ * @{
+ */
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+/*---------- -----------*/
+#define USBH_USE_OS 0U
+/* #define for FS and HS identification */
+#define HOST_HS 0
+#define HOST_FS 1
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ #include "cmsis_os.h"
+ #define USBH_PROCESS_PRIO osPriorityNormal
+ #define USBH_PROCESS_STACK_SIZE ((uint16_t)0)
+#endif /* (USBH_USE_OS == 1) */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_CONF_Exported_Macros USBH_CONF_Exported_Macros
+ * @brief Aliases.
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Memory management macros */
+/** Alias for memory allocation. */
+#define USBH_malloc malloc
+/** Alias for memory release. */
+#define USBH_free free
+/** Alias for memory set. */
+#define USBH_memset memset
+/** Alias for memory copy. */
+#define USBH_memcpy memcpy
+/* DEBUG macros */
+#define USBH_UsrLog(...) do { \
+ printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+} while (0)
+#define USBH_UsrLog(...) do {} while (0)
+#define USBH_ErrLog(...) do { \
+ printf("ERROR: ") ; \
+ printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+} while (0)
+#define USBH_ErrLog(...) do {} while (0)
+#define USBH_DbgLog(...) do { \
+ printf("DEBUG : ") ; \
+ printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+} while (0)
+#define USBH_DbgLog(...) do {} while (0)
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_CONF_Exported_Types USBH_CONF_Exported_Types
+ * @brief Types.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup USBH_CONF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype USBH_CONF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
+ * @brief Declaration of public functions for Usb host.
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Exported functions -------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __USBH_CONF__H__ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/usbh_platform.h
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : usbh_platform.h
+ * @brief : Header for usbh_platform.c file.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef __USBH_PLATFORM_H__
+#define __USBH_PLATFORM_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usb_host.h"
+void MX_DriverVbusFS(uint8_t state);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __USBH_PLATFORM_H__ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
binary files a/LEAF/Src/.DS_Store /dev/null differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/MIDI_application.c
@@ -1,0 +1,192 @@
+ * MIDI_application.c
+ *
+ * Created on: 6 d�c. 2014
+ * Author: Xavier Halgand
+ *
+ * Modified on: 9/12/16 by C.P. to handle the MIDI_IDLE state properly, and
+ * added required code to be compatible with "NucleoSynth"
+ *
+ * 11/8/17 by C.P.: Version 0.7.7 - Use for Casio CTK-6200 Keyboard
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "audiostream.h"
+#include "MIDI_application.h"
+#include "usbh_core.h"
+#include "usbh_MIDI.h"
+#include "usb_host.h"
+#include "sfx.h"
+MIDI_ApplicationTypeDef MIDI_Appli_state = MIDI_APPLICATION_READY;
+extern ApplicationTypeDef Appli_state;
+extern USBH_HandleTypeDef hUsbHostFS;
+uint8_t MIDI_RX_Buffer[RX_BUFF_SIZE]__ATTR_RAM_D2; // MIDI reception buffer
+uint8_t key, velocity, ctrl, data, sustainInverted;
+uint8_t CCs[128];
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief Main routine for MIDI application, looped in main.c
+ * @param None
+ * @retval none
+ */
+void MIDI_Application(void)
+ if(Appli_state == APPLICATION_READY)
+ {
+ {
+ USBH_MIDI_Receive(&hUsbHostFS, MIDI_RX_Buffer, RX_BUFF_SIZE); // just once at the beginning, start the first reception
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ USBH_MIDI_Stop(&hUsbHostFS);
+ }
+void ProcessReceivedMidiDatas(uint32_t myLength)
+ uint16_t numberOfPackets;
+ uint8_t *ptr = MIDI_RX_Buffer;
+ midi_package_t pack;
+ numberOfPackets = myLength >> 2; //each USB midi package is 4 bytes long
+ if (numberOfPackets != 0)
+ {
+ while(numberOfPackets--)
+ {
+ pack.cin_cable = *ptr ; ptr++ ;
+ pack.evnt0 = *ptr ; ptr++ ;
+ pack.evnt1 = *ptr ; ptr++ ;
+ pack.evnt2 = *ptr ; ptr++ ;
+ // Handle MIDI messages
+ switch(pack.evnt0)
+ {
+ case (0x80): // Note Off
+ key = pack.evnt1;
+ velocity = pack.evnt2;
+ noteOff(key, velocity);
+ break;
+ case (0x90): // Note On
+ key = pack.evnt1;
+ velocity = pack.evnt2;
+ noteOn(key, velocity);
+ break;
+ case (0xA0):
+ break;
+ case (0xB0):
+ ctrl = pack.evnt1;
+ data = pack.evnt2;
+ CCs[ctrl] = data;
+ switch(ctrl)
+ {
+ case (0x01):
+ break;
+ case (0x02):
+ break;
+ case (0x03):
+ break;
+ case (0x04):
+ break;
+ case (0x0D):
+ break;
+ case (0x4B):
+ break;
+ case (0x4C):
+ break;
+ case (0x5C):
+ break;
+ case (0x5F):
+ break;
+ case (0x49):
+ break;
+ case (0x48):
+ break;
+ case (0x5B):
+ break;
+ case (0x5D):
+ break;
+ case (0x4A):
+ break;
+ case (0x47):
+ break;
+ case (0x05):
+ break;
+ case (0x54):
+ break;
+ case (0x10):
+ break;
+ case (0x11):
+ break;
+ case (0x12):
+ break;
+ case (0x07):
+ break;
+ case (0x13):
+ break;
+ case (0x14):
+ break;
+ case (64): // sustain
+ if (data)
+ {
+ if (sustainInverted) sustainOff();
+ else sustainOn();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (sustainInverted) sustainOn();
+ else sustainOff();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case (0xC0): // Program Change
+ break;
+ case (0xD0): // Mono Aftertouch
+ break;
+ case (0xE0): // Pitch Bend
+ pitchBend((pack.evnt1) + (pack.evnt2 << 7));
+ break;
+ case (0xF0):
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief MIDI data receive callback.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void USBH_MIDI_ReceiveCallback(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint32_t myLength)
+ ProcessReceivedMidiDatas(myLength);
+ USBH_MIDI_Receive(&hUsbHostFS, MIDI_RX_Buffer, RX_BUFF_SIZE); // start a new reception
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/adc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,239 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : ADC.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the ADC instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "adc.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc1;
+DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc1;
+/* ADC1 init function */
+void MX_ADC1_Init(void)
+ ADC_MultiModeTypeDef multimode = {0};
+ ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0};
+ /** Common config
+ */
+ hadc1.Instance = ADC1;
+ hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV4;
+ hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_16B;
+ hadc1.Init.ScanConvMode = ADC_SCAN_ENABLE;
+ hadc1.Init.EOCSelection = ADC_EOC_SEQ_CONV;
+ hadc1.Init.LowPowerAutoWait = DISABLE;
+ hadc1.Init.ContinuousConvMode = ENABLE;
+ hadc1.Init.NbrOfConversion = 6;
+ hadc1.Init.DiscontinuousConvMode = DISABLE;
+ hadc1.Init.ExternalTrigConv = ADC_SOFTWARE_START;
+ hadc1.Init.ExternalTrigConvEdge = ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_NONE;
+ hadc1.Init.ConversionDataManagement = ADC_CONVERSIONDATA_DMA_CIRCULAR;
+ hadc1.Init.Overrun = ADC_OVR_DATA_PRESERVED;
+ hadc1.Init.LeftBitShift = ADC_LEFTBITSHIFT_NONE;
+ hadc1.Init.OversamplingMode = ENABLE;
+ hadc1.Init.Oversampling.Ratio = 64;
+ hadc1.Init.Oversampling.RightBitShift = ADC_RIGHTBITSHIFT_6;
+ hadc1.Init.Oversampling.TriggeredMode = ADC_TRIGGEREDMODE_SINGLE_TRIGGER;
+ hadc1.Init.Oversampling.OversamplingStopReset = ADC_REGOVERSAMPLING_CONTINUED_MODE;
+ if (HAL_ADC_Init(&hadc1) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure the ADC multi-mode
+ */
+ multimode.Mode = ADC_MODE_INDEPENDENT;
+ if (HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel(&hadc1, &multimode) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Regular Channel
+ */
+ sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_7;
+ sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_1;
+ sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLETIME_64CYCLES_5;
+ sConfig.SingleDiff = ADC_SINGLE_ENDED;
+ sConfig.OffsetNumber = ADC_OFFSET_NONE;
+ sConfig.Offset = 0;
+ if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Regular Channel
+ */
+ sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_19;
+ sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_2;
+ if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Regular Channel
+ */
+ sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_14;
+ sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_3;
+ if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Regular Channel
+ */
+ sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_16;
+ sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_4;
+ if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Regular Channel
+ */
+ sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_15;
+ sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_5;
+ if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Regular Channel
+ */
+ sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_8;
+ sConfig.Rank = ADC_REGULAR_RANK_6;
+ if (HAL_ADC_ConfigChannel(&hadc1, &sConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+void HAL_ADC_MspInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef* adcHandle)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ HAL_DMA_MuxSyncConfigTypeDef pSyncConfig= {0};
+ if(adcHandle->Instance==ADC1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END ADC1_MspInit 0 */
+ /* ADC1 clock enable */
+ /**ADC1 GPIO Configuration
+ PC1 ------> ADC1_INP11
+ PA0 ------> ADC1_INP16
+ PA2 ------> ADC1_INP14
+ PA3 ------> ADC1_INP15
+ PA5 ------> ADC1_INP19
+ PA7 ------> ADC1_INP7
+ PC5 ------> ADC1_INP8
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_1|GPIO_PIN_5;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ |GPIO_PIN_7;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* ADC1 DMA Init */
+ /* ADC1 Init */
+ hdma_adc1.Instance = DMA1_Stream0;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.Request = DMA_REQUEST_ADC1;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.Direction = DMA_PERIPH_TO_MEMORY;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_HALFWORD;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_HALFWORD;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.Mode = DMA_CIRCULAR;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.FIFOMode = DMA_FIFOMODE_ENABLE;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.MemBurst = DMA_MBURST_SINGLE;
+ hdma_adc1.Init.PeriphBurst = DMA_PBURST_SINGLE;
+ if (HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_adc1) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ pSyncConfig.SyncSignalID = HAL_DMAMUX1_SYNC_EXTI0;
+ pSyncConfig.SyncPolarity = HAL_DMAMUX_SYNC_RISING;
+ pSyncConfig.SyncEnable = DISABLE;
+ pSyncConfig.EventEnable = ENABLE;
+ pSyncConfig.RequestNumber = 1;
+ if (HAL_DMAEx_ConfigMuxSync(&hdma_adc1, &pSyncConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(adcHandle,DMA_Handle,hdma_adc1);
+ /* ADC1 interrupt Init */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(ADC_IRQn, 0, 0);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END ADC1_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_ADC_MspDeInit(ADC_HandleTypeDef* adcHandle)
+ if(adcHandle->Instance==ADC1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END ADC1_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /**ADC1 GPIO Configuration
+ PC1 ------> ADC1_INP11
+ PA0 ------> ADC1_INP16
+ PA2 ------> ADC1_INP14
+ PA3 ------> ADC1_INP15
+ PA5 ------> ADC1_INP19
+ PA7 ------> ADC1_INP7
+ PC5 ------> ADC1_INP8
+ */
+ |GPIO_PIN_7);
+ /* ADC1 DMA DeInit */
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(adcHandle->DMA_Handle);
+ /* ADC1 interrupt Deinit */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END ADC1_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/audiostream.c
@@ -1,0 +1,518 @@
+ * audiostream.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Aug 30, 2019
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "audiostream.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "leaf.h"
+#include "codec.h"
+#include "ui.h"
+#include "oled.h"
+#include "tunings.h"
+#include "i2c.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "sfx.h"
+#include "tim.h"
+//the audio buffers are put in the D2 RAM area because that is a memory location that the DMA has access to.
+int32_t audioOutBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE] __ATTR_RAM_D2;
+int32_t audioInBuffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE] __ATTR_RAM_D2;
+#define SMALL_MEM_SIZE 8192
+#define MED_MEM_SIZE 500000
+#define LARGE_MEM_SIZE 33554432 //32 MBytes - size of SDRAM IC
+char small_memory[SMALL_MEM_SIZE];
+char medium_memory[MED_MEM_SIZE]__ATTR_RAM_D1;
+char large_memory[LARGE_MEM_SIZE] __ATTR_SDRAM;
+float audioDisplayBuffer[128];
+uint8_t displayBufferIndex = 0;
+float displayBlockVal = 0.0f;
+uint32_t displayBlockCount = 0;
+void audioFrame(uint16_t buffer_offset);
+float audioTickL(float audioIn);
+float audioTickR(float audioIn);
+void buttonCheck(void);
+HAL_StatusTypeDef transmit_status;
+HAL_StatusTypeDef receive_status;
+uint8_t codecReady = 0;
+uint16_t frameCounter = 0;
+tMempool smallPool;
+tMempool largePool;
+tRamp adc[6];
+tNoise myNoise;
+tCycle mySine[2];
+float smoothedADC[6];
+tEnvelopeFollower LED_envelope[4];
+uint32_t clipCounter[4] = {0,0,0,0};
+uint8_t clipped[4] = {0,0,0,0};
+float rightIn = 0.0f;
+float rightOut = 0.0f;
+float sample = 0.0f;
+// Vocoder
+float glideTimeVoc = 5.0f;
+// Formant
+float formantShiftFactor = -1.0f;
+float formantKnob = 0.0f;
+// PitchShift
+float pitchFactor = 2.0f;
+float formantWarp = 1.0f;
+float formantIntensity = 1.0f;
+// Autotune1
+// Autotune2
+float glideTimeAuto = 5.0f;
+// Sampler Button Press
+// Sampler Auto Grab
+BOOL frameCompleted = TRUE;
+BOOL bufferCleared = TRUE;
+int numBuffersToClearOnLoad = 2;
+int numBuffersCleared = 0;
+void (*allocFunctions[PresetNil])(void);
+void (*frameFunctions[PresetNil])(void);
+void (*tickFunctions[PresetNil])(float);
+void (*freeFunctions[PresetNil])(void);
+void audioInit(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c, SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsaiOut, SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsaiIn)
+ // Initialize LEAF.
+ LEAF_init(SAMPLE_RATE, AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE, medium_memory, MED_MEM_SIZE, &randomNumber);
+ tMempool_init (&smallPool, small_memory, SMALL_MEM_SIZE);
+ tMempool_init (&largePool, large_memory, LARGE_MEM_SIZE);
+ initFunctionPointers();
+ //ramps to smooth the knobs
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ tRamp_init(&adc[i],19.0f, 1); //set all ramps for knobs to be 9ms ramp time and let the init function know they will be ticked every sample
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ tEnvelopeFollower_init(&LED_envelope[i], 0.02f, .9995f);
+ }
+ initGlobalSFXObjects();
+// allocFunctions[currentPreset]();
+ loadingPreset = 1;
+ previousPreset = PresetNil;
+ HAL_Delay(10);
+ for (int i = 0; i < AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ audioOutBuffer[i] = 0;
+ }
+ HAL_Delay(1);
+ // set up the I2S driver to send audio data to the codec (and retrieve input as well)
+ transmit_status = HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA(hsaiOut, (uint8_t *)&audioOutBuffer[0], AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ receive_status = HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA(hsaiIn, (uint8_t *)&audioInBuffer[0], AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ // with the CS4271 codec IC, the SAI Transmit and Receive must be happening before the chip will respond to
+ // I2C setup messages (it seems to use the masterclock input as it's own internal clock for i2c data, etc)
+ // so while we used to set up codec before starting SAI, now we need to set up codec afterwards, and set a flag to make sure it's ready
+ //now to send all the necessary messages to the codec
+ AudioCodec_init(hi2c);
+ HAL_Delay(1);
+ //now reconfigue so buttons C and E can be used (they were also connected to I2C for codec setup)
+ HAL_I2C_MspDeInit(hi2c);
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ //PB10, PB11 ------> buttons C and E
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_10|GPIO_PIN_11;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+void audioFrame(uint16_t buffer_offset)
+ frameCompleted = FALSE;
+ int i;
+ int32_t current_sample;
+ buttonCheck();
+ adcCheck();
+ if (!loadingPreset)
+ {
+ frameFunctions[currentPreset]();
+ }
+ //if the codec isn't ready, keep the buffer as all zeros
+ //otherwise, start computing audio!
+ bufferCleared = TRUE;
+ if (codecReady)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < (HALF_BUFFER_SIZE); i++)
+ {
+ if ((i & 1) == 0)
+ {
+ current_sample = (int32_t)(audioTickR((float) (audioInBuffer[buffer_offset + i] << 8) * INV_TWO_TO_31) * TWO_TO_23);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current_sample = (int32_t)(audioTickL((float) (audioInBuffer[buffer_offset + i] << 8) * INV_TWO_TO_31) * TWO_TO_23);
+ }
+ audioOutBuffer[buffer_offset + i] = current_sample;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bufferCleared)
+ {
+ numBuffersCleared++;
+ if (numBuffersCleared >= numBuffersToClearOnLoad)
+ {
+ numBuffersCleared = numBuffersToClearOnLoad;
+ if (loadingPreset)
+ {
+ if (previousPreset != PresetNil)
+ {
+ // do this if you want to save knob values when changing off a preset
+// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ADC_CHANNELS; i++)
+// {
+// presetKnobValues[previousPreset][i] = smoothedADC[i];
+// }
+ freeFunctions[previousPreset]();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 1;
+ }
+ setLED_A(0);
+ setLED_B(0);
+ setLED_1(0);
+ allocFunctions[currentPreset]();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ADC_CHANNELS; i++)
+ {
+ knobActive[i] = 0;
+ floatADCUI[i] = -1.0f;
+ tRamp_setVal(&adc[i], presetKnobValues[currentPreset][i]);
+ tRamp_setDest(&adc[i], presetKnobValues[currentPreset][i]);
+ smoothedADC[i] = presetKnobValues[currentPreset][i];
+ }
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
+ loadingPreset = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else numBuffersCleared = 0;
+ frameCompleted = TRUE;
+ OLED_process(); // process what to write to the screen but don't actually draw
+float audioTickL(float audioIn)
+ sample = 0.0f;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ADC_CHANNELS; i++)
+ {
+ smoothedADC[i] = tRamp_tick(&adc[i]);
+ }
+ if (loadingPreset) return sample;
+ bufferCleared = FALSE;
+ tickFunctions[currentPreset](audioIn);
+ displayBlockVal += fabsf(sample);
+ displayBlockCount++;
+ if (displayBlockCount >= DISPLAY_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ {
+ displayBlockVal *= INV_TWO_TO_9;
+ audioDisplayBuffer[displayBufferIndex] = displayBlockVal;
+ displayBlockVal = 0.0f;
+ displayBlockCount = 0;
+ displayBufferIndex++;
+ if (displayBufferIndex >= 128) displayBufferIndex = 0;
+ }
+ */
+ if ((audioIn >= 0.999999f) || (audioIn <= -0.999999f))
+ {
+ setLED_leftin_clip(1);
+ clipCounter[0] = 10000;
+ clipped[0] = 1;
+ }
+ if ((clipCounter[0] > 0) && (clipped[0] == 1))
+ {
+ clipCounter[0]--;
+ }
+ else if ((clipCounter[0] == 0) && (clipped[0] == 1))
+ {
+ setLED_leftin_clip(0);
+ clipped[0] = 0;
+ }
+ float current_env = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&LED_envelope[0], audioIn);
+ uint16_t audioLEDLevel = LEAF_clip(0, (current_env * 32.0f), 16);
+ __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_2, audioLEDLevel);
+ current_env = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&LED_envelope[1], sample);
+ audioLEDLevel = LEAF_clip(0, (current_env * 32.0f), 15);
+ __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&htim4, TIM_CHANNEL_3, audioLEDLevel);
+ if ((sample >= 0.999999f) || (sample <= -0.999999f))
+ {
+ setLED_leftout_clip(1);
+ clipCounter[2] = 10000;
+ clipped[2] = 1;
+ }
+ if ((clipCounter[2] > 0) && (clipped[2] == 1))
+ {
+ clipCounter[2]--;
+ }
+ else if ((clipCounter[2] == 0) && (clipped[2] == 1))
+ {
+ setLED_leftout_clip(0);
+ clipped[2] = 0;
+ }
+ return sample;
+float audioTickR(float audioIn)
+ rightIn = audioIn;
+ if ((rightIn >= 0.999999f) || (rightIn <= -0.999999f))
+ {
+ setLED_rightin_clip(1);
+ clipCounter[1] = 10000;
+ clipped[1] = 1;
+ }
+ if ((clipCounter[1] > 0) && (clipped[1] == 1))
+ {
+ clipCounter[1]--;
+ }
+ else if ((clipCounter[1] == 0) && (clipped[1] == 1))
+ {
+ setLED_rightin_clip(0);
+ clipped[1] = 0;
+ }
+ if ((rightOut >= 0.999999f) || (rightOut <= -0.999999f))
+ {
+ setLED_rightout_clip(1);
+ clipCounter[3] = 10000;
+ clipped[3] = 1;
+ }
+ if ((clipCounter[3] > 0) && (clipped[3] == 1))
+ {
+ clipCounter[3]--;
+ }
+ else if ((clipCounter[3] == 0) && (clipped[3] == 1))
+ {
+ setLED_rightout_clip(0);
+ clipped[3] = 0;
+ }
+ float current_env = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&LED_envelope[2], rightIn);
+ uint16_t audioLEDLevel = LEAF_clip(0, (current_env * 32.0f), 16);
+ __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&htim4, TIM_CHANNEL_2, audioLEDLevel);
+ current_env = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&LED_envelope[3], rightOut);
+ audioLEDLevel = LEAF_clip(0, (current_env * 32.0f), 16);
+ __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE(&htim4, TIM_CHANNEL_1, audioLEDLevel);
+ return rightOut;
+void initFunctionPointers(void)
+ allocFunctions[Vocoder] = SFXVocoderAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Vocoder] = SFXVocoderFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Vocoder] = SFXVocoderTick;
+ freeFunctions[Vocoder] = SFXVocoderFree;
+ allocFunctions[Pitchshift] = SFXPitchShiftAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Pitchshift] = SFXPitchShiftFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Pitchshift] = SFXPitchShiftTick;
+ freeFunctions[Pitchshift] = SFXPitchShiftFree;
+ allocFunctions[AutotuneMono] = SFXNeartuneAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[AutotuneMono] = SFXNeartuneFrame;
+ tickFunctions[AutotuneMono] = SFXNeartuneTick;
+ freeFunctions[AutotuneMono] = SFXNeartuneFree;
+ allocFunctions[AutotunePoly] = SFXAutotuneAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[AutotunePoly] = SFXAutotuneFrame;
+ tickFunctions[AutotunePoly] = SFXAutotuneTick;
+ freeFunctions[AutotunePoly] = SFXAutotuneFree;
+ allocFunctions[SamplerButtonPress] = SFXSamplerBPAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[SamplerButtonPress] = SFXSamplerBPFrame;
+ tickFunctions[SamplerButtonPress] = SFXSamplerBPTick;
+ freeFunctions[SamplerButtonPress] = SFXSamplerBPFree;
+ allocFunctions[SamplerAutoGrab] = SFXSamplerAutoAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[SamplerAutoGrab] = SFXSamplerAutoFrame;
+ tickFunctions[SamplerAutoGrab] = SFXSamplerAutoTick;
+ freeFunctions[SamplerAutoGrab] = SFXSamplerAutoFree;
+ allocFunctions[Distortion] = SFXDistortionAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Distortion] = SFXDistortionFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Distortion] = SFXDistortionTick;
+ freeFunctions[Distortion] = SFXDistortionFree;
+ allocFunctions[Wavefolder] = SFXWaveFolderAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Wavefolder] = SFXWaveFolderFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Wavefolder] = SFXWaveFolderTick;
+ freeFunctions[Wavefolder] = SFXWaveFolderFree;
+ allocFunctions[BitCrusher] = SFXBitcrusherAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[BitCrusher] = SFXBitcrusherFrame;
+ tickFunctions[BitCrusher] = SFXBitcrusherTick;
+ freeFunctions[BitCrusher] = SFXBitcrusherFree;
+ allocFunctions[Delay] = SFXDelayAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Delay] = SFXDelayFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Delay] = SFXDelayTick;
+ freeFunctions[Delay] = SFXDelayFree;
+ allocFunctions[Reverb] = SFXReverbAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Reverb] = SFXReverbFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Reverb] = SFXReverbTick;
+ freeFunctions[Reverb] = SFXReverbFree;
+ allocFunctions[Reverb2] = SFXReverb2Alloc;
+ frameFunctions[Reverb2] = SFXReverb2Frame;
+ tickFunctions[Reverb2] = SFXReverb2Tick;
+ freeFunctions[Reverb2] = SFXReverb2Free;
+ allocFunctions[LivingString] = SFXLivingStringAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[LivingString] = SFXLivingStringFrame;
+ tickFunctions[LivingString] = SFXLivingStringTick;
+ freeFunctions[LivingString] = SFXLivingStringFree;
+ allocFunctions[LivingStringSynth] = SFXLivingStringSynthAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[LivingStringSynth] = SFXLivingStringSynthFrame;
+ tickFunctions[LivingStringSynth] = SFXLivingStringSynthTick;
+ freeFunctions[LivingStringSynth] = SFXLivingStringSynthFree;
+ allocFunctions[ClassicSynth] = SFXClassicSynthAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[ClassicSynth] = SFXClassicSynthFrame;
+ tickFunctions[ClassicSynth] = SFXClassicSynthTick;
+ freeFunctions[ClassicSynth] = SFXClassicSynthFree;
+ allocFunctions[Rhodes] = SFXRhodesAlloc;
+ frameFunctions[Rhodes] = SFXRhodesFrame;
+ tickFunctions[Rhodes] = SFXRhodesTick;
+ freeFunctions[Rhodes] = SFXRhodesFree;
+void HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+ if (!frameCompleted)
+ {
+ setLED_C(1);
+ }
+void HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+ if (!frameCompleted)
+ {
+ setLED_C(1);
+ }
+void HAL_SAI_TxHalfCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+ if (!frameCompleted)
+ {
+ setLED_C(1);
+ }
+void HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+ if (!frameCompleted)
+ {
+ setLED_C(1);
+ }
+ audioFrame(HALF_BUFFER_SIZE);
+void HAL_SAI_RxHalfCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+ if (!frameCompleted)
+ {
+ setLED_C(1);
+ }
+ audioFrame(0);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/bdma.c
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : dma.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of all the requested memory to memory DMA transfers.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "bdma.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* Configure DMA */
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+ * Enable DMA controller clock
+ */
+void MX_BDMA_Init(void)
+ /* DMA controller clock enable */
+ /* DMA interrupt init */
+ /* BDMA_Channel0_IRQn interrupt configuration */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(BDMA_Channel0_IRQn, 0, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(BDMA_Channel0_IRQn);
+ /* BDMA_Channel1_IRQn interrupt configuration */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(BDMA_Channel1_IRQn, 0, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(BDMA_Channel1_IRQn);
+/* USER CODE END 2 */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/bsp_driver_sd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,307 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file bsp_driver_sd.c for H7 (based on stm32h743i_eval_sd.c)
+ * @brief This file includes a generic uSD card driver.
+ * To be completed by the user according to the board used for the project.
+ * @note Functions generated as weak: they can be overriden by
+ * - code in user files
+ * - or BSP code from the FW pack files
+ * if such files are added to the generated project (by the user).
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN FirstSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine following code or add new definitions */
+/* USER CODE END FirstSection */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "bsp_driver_sd.h"
+/* Extern variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern SD_HandleTypeDef hsd1;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeInitSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine following code or add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeInitSection */
+ * @brief Initializes the SD card device.
+ * @retval SD status
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_Init(void)
+ uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;
+ /* Check if the SD card is plugged in the slot */
+ if (BSP_SD_IsDetected() != SD_PRESENT)
+ {
+ }
+ /* HAL SD initialization */
+ sd_state = HAL_SD_Init(&hsd1);
+ /* Configure SD Bus width (4 bits mode selected) */
+ if (sd_state == MSD_OK)
+ {
+ /* Enable wide operation */
+ if (HAL_SD_ConfigWideBusOperation(&hsd1, SDMMC_BUS_WIDE_4B) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ sd_state = MSD_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ return sd_state;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN AfterInitSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END AfterInitSection */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN InterruptMode */
+ * @brief Configures Interrupt mode for SD detection pin.
+ * @retval Returns 0
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_ITConfig(void)
+ /* Code to be updated by the user or replaced by one from the FW pack (in a stmxxxx_sd.c file) */
+ return (uint8_t)0;
+/* USER CODE END InterruptMode */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeReadBlocksSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeReadBlocksSection */
+ * @brief Reads block(s) from a specified address in an SD card, in polling mode.
+ * @param pData: Pointer to the buffer that will contain the data to transmit
+ * @param ReadAddr: Address from where data is to be read
+ * @param NumOfBlocks: Number of SD blocks to read
+ * @param Timeout: Timeout for read operation
+ * @retval SD status
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_ReadBlocks(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t ReadAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks, uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;
+ if (HAL_SD_ReadBlocks(&hsd1, (uint8_t *)pData, ReadAddr, NumOfBlocks, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ sd_state = MSD_ERROR;
+ }
+ return sd_state;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeWriteBlocksSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeWriteBlocksSection */
+ * @brief Writes block(s) to a specified address in an SD card, in polling mode.
+ * @param pData: Pointer to the buffer that will contain the data to transmit
+ * @param WriteAddr: Address from where data is to be written
+ * @param NumOfBlocks: Number of SD blocks to write
+ * @param Timeout: Timeout for write operation
+ * @retval SD status
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_WriteBlocks(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks, uint32_t Timeout)
+ uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;
+ if (HAL_SD_WriteBlocks(&hsd1, (uint8_t *)pData, WriteAddr, NumOfBlocks, Timeout) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ sd_state = MSD_ERROR;
+ }
+ return sd_state;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeReadDMABlocksSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeReadDMABlocksSection */
+ * @brief Reads block(s) from a specified address in an SD card, in DMA mode.
+ * @param pData: Pointer to the buffer that will contain the data to transmit
+ * @param ReadAddr: Address from where data is to be read
+ * @param NumOfBlocks: Number of SD blocks to read
+ * @retval SD status
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t ReadAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks)
+ uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;
+ /* Read block(s) in DMA transfer mode */
+ if (HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(&hsd1, (uint8_t *)pData, ReadAddr, NumOfBlocks) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ sd_state = MSD_ERROR;
+ }
+ return sd_state;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeWriteDMABlocksSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeWriteDMABlocksSection */
+ * @brief Writes block(s) to a specified address in an SD card, in DMA mode.
+ * @param pData: Pointer to the buffer that will contain the data to transmit
+ * @param WriteAddr: Address from where data is to be written
+ * @param NumOfBlocks: Number of SD blocks to write
+ * @retval SD status
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks)
+ uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;
+ /* Write block(s) in DMA transfer mode */
+ if (HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(&hsd1, (uint8_t *)pData, WriteAddr, NumOfBlocks) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ sd_state = MSD_ERROR;
+ }
+ return sd_state;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeEraseSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeEraseSection */
+ * @brief Erases the specified memory area of the given SD card.
+ * @param StartAddr: Start byte address
+ * @param EndAddr: End byte address
+ * @retval SD status
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_Erase(uint32_t StartAddr, uint32_t EndAddr)
+ uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;
+ if (HAL_SD_Erase(&hsd1, StartAddr, EndAddr) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ sd_state = MSD_ERROR;
+ }
+ return sd_state;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeGetCardStateSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeGetCardStateSection */
+ * @brief Gets the current SD card data status.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Data transfer state.
+ * This value can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SD_TRANSFER_OK: No data transfer is acting
+ * @arg SD_TRANSFER_BUSY: Data transfer is acting
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_GetCardState(void)
+ * @brief Get SD information about specific SD card.
+ * @param CardInfo: Pointer to HAL_SD_CardInfoTypedef structure
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(HAL_SD_CardInfoTypeDef *CardInfo)
+ /* Get SD card Information */
+ HAL_SD_GetCardInfo(&hsd1, CardInfo);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN BeforeCallBacksSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add code */
+/* USER CODE END BeforeCallBacksSection */
+ * @brief SD Abort callbacks
+ * @param hsd: SD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_SD_AbortCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd)
+ BSP_SD_AbortCallback();
+ * @brief Tx Transfer completed callback
+ * @param hsd: SD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_SD_TxCpltCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd)
+ BSP_SD_WriteCpltCallback();
+ * @brief Rx Transfer completed callback
+ * @param hsd: SD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void HAL_SD_RxCpltCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd)
+ BSP_SD_ReadCpltCallback();
+/* USER CODE BEGIN CallBacksSection_C */
+ * @brief BSP SD Abort callback
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void BSP_SD_AbortCallback(void)
+ * @brief BSP Tx Transfer completed callback
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void BSP_SD_WriteCpltCallback(void)
+ * @brief BSP Rx Transfer completed callback
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void BSP_SD_ReadCpltCallback(void)
+/* USER CODE END CallBacksSection_C */
+ * @brief Detects if SD card is correctly plugged in the memory slot or not.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Returns if SD is detected or not
+ */
+__weak uint8_t BSP_SD_IsDetected(void)
+ __IO uint8_t status = SD_PRESENT;
+ if (BSP_PlatformIsDetected() == 0x0)
+ {
+ status = SD_NOT_PRESENT;
+ }
+ return status;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN AdditionalCode */
+/* user code can be inserted here */
+/* USER CODE END AdditionalCode */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/codec.c
@@ -1,0 +1,125 @@
+#include "codec.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "audiostream.h"
+uint16_t i2cDataSize = 2;
+uint8_t myI2cData[2] = {0,0};
+uint32_t I2Ctimeout = 2000;
+//Settings for CS4271
+// translated from the datasheet by JS
+// 01h mode control 1
+// M1 M0 ratio1 ratio0 m/s dac_dif2 dac_dif1 dac_dif0 // unsure if setting bit selects master means 1
+// for 48k == 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ( ratio bit chosen as 0 0 based on assumption of 256X master clock)
+// == 0x41
+// for 96k == 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ( ratio bit chosen as 0 0 based on assumption of <= 256X master clock)
+// == 0x81
+// for 192k == 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ( ratio bit chosen as 1 0 based on assumption of 256X master clock, choose 0 0 (full word would be 0xc1 instead of 0xe1) instead if using something like 64X)
+// == 0xe1
+// 02h DAC control
+// 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
+// == 0x0c if you want a slow ramp up when the part turns on
+// == 0x00 if you want quick start up (which may click)
+// 03h dac volume and mixing
+// (NA) B=A soft zerocross ATAPI3 ATAPI2 ATAPI1 ATAPI0 (B=A makes channel volumes not independent)
+// 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 (the last four bits set channel L to go to output A and channel R to go to output B, but this is easily changed with mixing or reversal)
+// == 0x79
+//or without soft ramp for any programmed volume changes // == 0x39
+// 04h Volume A
+// MUTE vol6 vol5 vol4 vol3 vol2 vol1 vol0
+// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+// == 0x00
+//or 0x14 for -20db
+// 05h Volume B
+// MUTE vol6 vol5 vol4 vol3 vol2 vol1 vol0
+// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+// == 0x00
+//or 0x14 for -20db
+// 06h ADC control
+// (NA) (NA) Dither16 ADC_DIF MUTEA MUTEB HPFDisableA HPFDisableB
+// 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
+// ==0x10
+// 07h mode control 2
+// for power down version == 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
+// == 0x03
+// to send dry ADC input into DAC (it seems this will mute the normal DAC output) == 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
+// == 0x12
+// for normal operation == 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
+// == 0x02
+HAL_StatusTypeDef testVal;
+volatile int blankCount = 0;
+uint16_t addressCounter = 0;
+void AudioCodec_init(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c) {
+ //pull codec reset pin high to start codec working
+ HAL_Delay(2);
+ //enable control port and put part in power-down mode while loading registers
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x07;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x03;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(2);
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x01;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x41;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x02;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x00;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x03;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x79;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x04;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x01;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x05;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x01;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x06;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x10;
+ testVal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ //turn off power down bit to start things cookin'
+ myI2cData[0] = 0x07;
+ myI2cData[1] = 0x02;
+ HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(hi2c, CODEC_I2C_ADDRESS, myI2cData, i2cDataSize, I2Ctimeout);
+ //HAL_Delay(1); // might not be necessary
+ codecReady = 1;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/debug.c
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : DEBUG.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the DEBUG instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "debug.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* DEBUG init function */
+void MX_DEBUG_Init(void)
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/dma.c
@@ -1,0 +1,72 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : dma.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of all the requested memory to memory DMA transfers.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "dma.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* Configure DMA */
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+ * Enable DMA controller clock
+ */
+void MX_DMA_Init(void)
+ /* DMA controller clock enable */
+ /* DMA interrupt init */
+ /* DMA1_Stream0_IRQn interrupt configuration */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA1_Stream0_IRQn, 5, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(DMA1_Stream0_IRQn);
+ /* DMA1_Stream1_IRQn interrupt configuration */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA1_Stream1_IRQn, 2, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(DMA1_Stream1_IRQn);
+ /* DMA1_Stream2_IRQn interrupt configuration */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA1_Stream2_IRQn, 2, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(DMA1_Stream2_IRQn);
+ /* DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQn interrupt configuration */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQn, 0, 0);
+/* USER CODE END 2 */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/eeprom.c
@@ -1,0 +1,718 @@
+/** @addtogroup EEPROM_Emulation
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "eeprom.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Global variable used to store variable value in read sequence */
+uint16_t DataVar = 0;
+/* Virtual address defined by the user: 0xFFFF value is prohibited */
+uint16_t VirtAddVarTab[NB_OF_VAR] = {0x5555, 0x6666, 0x7777};
+uint32_t Address = 0;
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef EE_Format(void);
+static uint16_t EE_FindValidPage(uint8_t Operation);
+static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data);
+static uint16_t EE_PageTransfer(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data);
+static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(uint32_t Address);
+ * @brief Restore the pages to a known good state in case of page's status
+ * corruption after a power loss.
+ * @param None.
+ * @retval - Flash error code: on write Flash error
+ * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
+ */
+uint16_t EE_Init(void)
+ uint16_t PageStatus0 = 6, PageStatus1 = 6;
+ uint16_t VarIdx = 0;
+ uint16_t EepromStatus = 0, ReadStatus = 0;
+ int16_t x = -1;
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus;
+ uint32_t SectorError = 0;
+ FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef pEraseInit;
+ uint32_t valid[8] = {0x0000};
+ /* Get Page0 status */
+ PageStatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS);
+ /* Get Page1 status */
+ PageStatus1 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS);
+ pEraseInit.TypeErase = TYPEERASE_SECTORS;
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2 ;
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE0_ID;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Check for invalid header states and repair if necessary */
+ switch (PageStatus0)
+ {
+ case ERASED:
+ if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Page0 erased, Page1 valid */
+ {
+ /* Erase Page0 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (PageStatus1 == RECEIVE_DATA) /* Page0 erased, Page1 receive */
+ {
+ /* Erase Page0 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark Page1 as valid */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS, ((uint32_t)valid));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* First EEPROM access (Page0&1 are erased) or invalid state -> format EEPROM */
+ {
+ /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
+ FlashStatus = EE_Format();
+ /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Page0 receive, Page1 valid */
+ {
+ /* Transfer data from Page1 to Page0 */
+ for (VarIdx = 0; VarIdx < NB_OF_VAR; VarIdx++)
+ {
+ if (( *(__IO uint16_t*)(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS + 6)) == VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx])
+ {
+ x = VarIdx;
+ }
+ if (VarIdx != x)
+ {
+ /* Read the last variables' updates */
+ ReadStatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], &DataVar);
+ /* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */
+ if (ReadStatus != 0x1)
+ {
+ /* Transfer the variable to the Page0 */
+ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], DataVar);
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return EepromStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark Page0 as valid */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, ((uint32_t)valid));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE1_ID;
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2 ;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Erase Page1 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (PageStatus1 == ERASED) /* Page0 receive, Page1 erased */
+ {
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE1_ID;
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1 ;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Erase Page1 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark Page0 as valid */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS, ((uint32_t)valid));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Invalid state -> format eeprom */
+ {
+ /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
+ FlashStatus = EE_Format();
+ /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case VALID_PAGE:
+ if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE) /* Invalid state -> format eeprom */
+ {
+ /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
+ FlashStatus = EE_Format();
+ /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (PageStatus1 == ERASED) /* Page0 valid, Page1 erased */
+ {
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE1_ID;
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2 ;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Erase Page1 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Page0 valid, Page1 receive */
+ {
+ /* Transfer data from Page0 to Page1 */
+ for (VarIdx = 0; VarIdx < NB_OF_VAR; VarIdx++)
+ {
+ if ((*(__IO uint16_t*)(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS + 6)) == VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx])
+ {
+ x = VarIdx;
+ }
+ if (VarIdx != x)
+ {
+ /* Read the last variables' updates */
+ ReadStatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], &DataVar);
+ /* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */
+ if (ReadStatus != 0x1)
+ {
+ /* Transfer the variable to the Page1 */
+ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], DataVar);
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return EepromStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Mark Page1 as valid */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS, ((uint32_t)valid));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE0_ID;
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2 ;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Erase Page0 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* Any other state -> format eeprom */
+ /* Erase both Page0 and Page1 and set Page0 as valid page */
+ FlashStatus = EE_Format();
+ /* If erase/program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief Verify if specified page is fully erased.
+ * @param Address: page address
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS: Page0 base address
+ * @arg PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS: Page1 base address
+ * @retval page fully erased status:
+ * - 0: if Page not erased
+ * - 1: if Page erased
+ */
+uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(uint32_t Address)
+ uint32_t ReadStatus = 1;
+ uint16_t AddressValue = 0x5555;
+ /* Check each active page address starting from end */
+ while (Address <= PAGE0_END_ADDRESS)
+ {
+ /* Get the current location content to be compared with virtual address */
+ AddressValue = (*(__IO uint16_t*)Address);
+ /* Compare the read address with the virtual address */
+ if (AddressValue != ERASED)
+ {
+ /* In case variable value is read, reset ReadStatus flag */
+ ReadStatus = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Next address location */
+ Address = Address + 4;
+ }
+ /* Return ReadStatus value: (0: Page not erased, 1: Sector erased) */
+ return ReadStatus;
+ * @brief Returns the last stored variable data, if found, which correspond to
+ * the passed virtual address
+ * @param VirtAddress: Variable virtual address
+ * @param Data: Global variable contains the read variable value
+ * @retval Success or error status:
+ * - 0: if variable was found
+ * - 1: if the variable was not found
+ * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found.
+ */
+uint16_t EE_ReadVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t* Data)
+ uint16_t ValidPage = PAGE0;
+ uint16_t AddressValue = 0x5555, ReadStatus = 1;
+ uint32_t Address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS, PageStartAddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS;
+ /* Get active Page for read operation */
+ ValidPage = EE_FindValidPage(READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE);
+ /* Check if there is no valid page */
+ if (ValidPage == NO_VALID_PAGE)
+ {
+ return NO_VALID_PAGE;
+ }
+ /* Get the valid Page start Address */
+ PageStartAddress = (uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (uint32_t)(ValidPage * PAGE_SIZE));
+ /* Get the valid Page end Address */
+ Address = (uint32_t)((EEPROM_START_ADDRESS - 32) + (uint32_t)((1 + ValidPage) * PAGE_SIZE));
+ /* Check each active page address starting from end */
+ while (Address > (PageStartAddress + 32))
+ {
+ /* Get the current location content to be compared with virtual address */
+ AddressValue = (*(__IO uint16_t*)Address);
+ /* Compare the read address with the virtual address */
+ if (AddressValue == VirtAddress)
+ {
+ /* Get content of Address-2 which is variable value */
+ *Data = (*(__IO uint16_t*)(Address - 32));
+ /* In case variable value is read, reset ReadStatus flag */
+ ReadStatus = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Next address location */
+ Address = Address - 32;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return ReadStatus value: (0: variable exist, 1: variable doesn't exist) */
+ return ReadStatus;
+ * @brief Writes/upadtes variable data in EEPROM.
+ * @param VirtAddress: Variable virtual address
+ * @param Data: 16 bit data to be written
+ * @retval Success or error status:
+ * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
+ * - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full
+ * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found
+ * - Flash error code: on write Flash error
+ */
+uint16_t EE_WriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data)
+ uint16_t Status = 0;
+ /* Write the variable virtual address and value in the EEPROM */
+ Status = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddress, Data);
+ /* In case the EEPROM active page is full */
+ if (Status == PAGE_FULL)
+ {
+ /* Perform Page transfer */
+ Status = EE_PageTransfer(VirtAddress, Data);
+ }
+ /* Return last operation status */
+ return Status;
+ * @brief Erases PAGE and PAGE1 and writes VALID_PAGE header to PAGE
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Status of the last operation (Flash write or erase) done during
+ * EEPROM formating
+ */
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef EE_Format(void)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t SectorError = 0;
+ FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef pEraseInit;
+ uint32_t valid[8] = {0x0000};
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2 ;
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE0_ID;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Erase Page0 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set Page0 as valid page: Write VALID_PAGE at Page0 base address */
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ pEraseInit.Sector = PAGE1_ID;
+ /* Erase Page1 */
+ if(!EE_VerifyPageFullyErased(PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ return HAL_OK;
+ * @brief Find valid Page for write or read operation
+ * @param Operation: operation to achieve on the valid page.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE: read operation from valid page
+ * @arg WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE: write operation from valid page
+ * @retval Valid page number (PAGE or PAGE1) or NO_VALID_PAGE in case
+ * of no valid page was found
+ */
+static uint16_t EE_FindValidPage(uint8_t Operation)
+ uint16_t PageStatus0 = 6, PageStatus1 = 6;
+ /* Get Page0 actual status */
+ PageStatus0 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS);
+ /* Get Page1 actual status */
+ PageStatus1 = (*(__IO uint16_t*)PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS);
+ /* Write or read operation */
+ switch (Operation)
+ {
+ case WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE: /* ---- Write operation ---- */
+ if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE)
+ {
+ /* Page0 receiving data */
+ if (PageStatus0 == RECEIVE_DATA)
+ {
+ return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return PAGE1; /* Page1 valid */
+ }
+ }
+ else if (PageStatus0 == VALID_PAGE)
+ {
+ /* Page1 receiving data */
+ if (PageStatus1 == RECEIVE_DATA)
+ {
+ return PAGE1; /* Page1 valid */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NO_VALID_PAGE; /* No valid Page */
+ }
+ case READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE: /* ---- Read operation ---- */
+ if (PageStatus0 == VALID_PAGE)
+ {
+ return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */
+ }
+ else if (PageStatus1 == VALID_PAGE)
+ {
+ return PAGE1; /* Page1 valid */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NO_VALID_PAGE ; /* No valid Page */
+ }
+ default:
+ return PAGE0; /* Page0 valid */
+ }
+ * @brief Verify if active page is full and Writes variable in EEPROM.
+ * @param VirtAddress: 16 bit virtual address of the variable
+ * @param Data: 16 bit data to be written as variable value
+ * @retval Success or error status:
+ * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
+ * - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full
+ * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found
+ * - Flash error code: on write Flash error
+ */
+static uint16_t EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus = HAL_OK;
+ uint16_t ValidPage = PAGE0;
+ uint32_t data32[8] = {Data};
+ uint32_t VirtAddress1[8] = {VirtAddress};
+ /* Get valid Page for write operation */
+ ValidPage = EE_FindValidPage(WRITE_IN_VALID_PAGE);
+ /* Check if there is no valid page */
+ if (ValidPage == NO_VALID_PAGE)
+ {
+ return NO_VALID_PAGE;
+ }
+ /* Get the valid Page start Address */
+ Address = (uint32_t)(EEPROM_START_ADDRESS + (uint32_t)(ValidPage * PAGE_SIZE));
+ /* Get the valid Page end Address */
+ PageEndAddress = (uint32_t)((EEPROM_START_ADDRESS - 1) + (uint32_t)((ValidPage + 1) * PAGE_SIZE));
+ /* Check each active page address starting from begining */
+ while (Address < PageEndAddress)
+ {
+ /* Verify if Address and Address+2 contents are 0xFFFFFFFF */
+ if ((*(__IO uint32_t*)Address) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ /* Set variable data */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, Address, ((uint32_t)data32));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ /* Set variable virtual address */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, Address + 32, ((uint32_t)VirtAddress1));
+ /* Return program operation status */
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Next address location */
+ Address = Address + 64;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return PAGE_FULL in case the valid page is full */
+ return PAGE_FULL;
+ * @brief Transfers last updated variables data from the full Page to
+ * an empty one.
+ * @param VirtAddress: 16 bit virtual address of the variable
+ * @param Data: 16 bit data to be written as variable value
+ * @retval Success or error status:
+ * - FLASH_COMPLETE: on success
+ * - PAGE_FULL: if valid page is full
+ * - NO_VALID_PAGE: if no valid page was found
+ * - Flash error code: on write Flash error
+ */
+static uint16_t EE_PageTransfer(uint16_t VirtAddress, uint16_t Data)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef FlashStatus = HAL_OK;
+ uint32_t NewPageAddress = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS;
+ uint16_t OldPageId=0;
+ uint16_t ValidPage = PAGE0, VarIdx = 0;
+ uint16_t EepromStatus = 0, ReadStatus = 0;
+ uint32_t SectorError = 0;
+ FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef pEraseInit;
+ uint32_t valid[8] = {0x0000};
+ uint32_t receive[8] = {0xEEEE};
+ /* Get active Page for read operation */
+ ValidPage = EE_FindValidPage(READ_FROM_VALID_PAGE);
+ if (ValidPage == PAGE1) /* Page1 valid */
+ {
+ /* New page address where variable will be moved to */
+ NewPageAddress = PAGE0_BASE_ADDRESS;
+ /* Old page ID where variable will be taken from */
+ OldPageId = PAGE1_ID;
+ }
+ else if (ValidPage == PAGE0) /* Page0 valid */
+ {
+ /* New page address where variable will be moved to */
+ NewPageAddress = PAGE1_BASE_ADDRESS;
+ /* Old page ID where variable will be taken from */
+ OldPageId = PAGE0_ID;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NO_VALID_PAGE; /* No valid Page */
+ }
+ /* Set the new Page status to RECEIVE_DATA status */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, NewPageAddress, ((uint32_t)receive));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ /* Write the variable passed as parameter in the new active page */
+ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddress, Data);
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return EepromStatus;
+ }
+ /* Transfer process: transfer variables from old to the new active page */
+ for (VarIdx = 0; VarIdx < NB_OF_VAR; VarIdx++)
+ {
+ if (VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx] != VirtAddress) /* Check each variable except the one passed as parameter */
+ {
+ /* Read the other last variable updates */
+ ReadStatus = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], &DataVar);
+ /* In case variable corresponding to the virtual address was found */
+ if (ReadStatus != 0x1)
+ {
+ /* Transfer the variable to the new active page */
+ EepromStatus = EE_VerifyPageFullWriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[VarIdx], DataVar);
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (EepromStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return EepromStatus;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HAL_FLASH_Unlock();
+ /* Clear pending flags (if any) */
+ pEraseInit.TypeErase = TYPEERASE_SECTORS;
+ pEraseInit.Banks = FLASH_BANK_2 ;
+ pEraseInit.Sector = OldPageId;
+ pEraseInit.NbSectors = 1;
+ pEraseInit.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE;
+ /* Erase the old Page: Set old Page status to ERASED status */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&pEraseInit, &SectorError);
+ /* If erase operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ /* Set new Page status to VALID_PAGE status */
+ FlashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, NewPageAddress, ((uint32_t)valid));
+ /* If program operation was failed, a Flash error code is returned */
+ if (FlashStatus != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ return FlashStatus;
+ }
+ /* Return last operation flash status */
+ return FlashStatus;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/fatfs.c
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file fatfs.c
+ * @brief Code for fatfs applications
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include "fatfs.h"
+uint8_t retSD; /* Return value for SD */
+char SDPath[4]; /* SD logical drive path */
+FATFS SDFatFS; /* File system object for SD logical drive */
+FIL SDFile; /* File object for SD */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Variables */
+/* USER CODE END Variables */
+void MX_FATFS_Init(void)
+ /*## FatFS: Link the SD driver ###########################*/
+ retSD = FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */
+ /* additional user code for init */
+ /* USER CODE END Init */
+ * @brief Gets Time from RTC
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Time in DWORD
+ */
+DWORD get_fattime(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN get_fattime */
+ return 0;
+ /* USER CODE END get_fattime */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Application */
+/* USER CODE END Application */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/fatfs_platform.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : fatfs_platform.c
+ * @brief : fatfs_platform source file
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+#include "fatfs_platform.h"
+uint8_t BSP_PlatformIsDetected(void) {
+ uint8_t status = SD_PRESENT;
+ /* Check SD card detect pin */
+ {
+ status = SD_NOT_PRESENT;
+ }
+ /* user code can be inserted here */
+ /* USER CODE END 1 */
+ return status;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/fmc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,281 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : FMC.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the FMC peripheral.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "fmc.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+SDRAM_HandleTypeDef hsdram1;
+/* FMC initialization function */
+void MX_FMC_Init(void)
+ FMC_SDRAM_TimingTypeDef SdramTiming = {0};
+ /** Perform the SDRAM1 memory initialization sequence
+ */
+ hsdram1.Instance = FMC_SDRAM_DEVICE;
+ /* hsdram1.Init */
+ hsdram1.Init.SDBank = FMC_SDRAM_BANK1;
+ hsdram1.Init.ColumnBitsNumber = FMC_SDRAM_COLUMN_BITS_NUM_9;
+ hsdram1.Init.RowBitsNumber = FMC_SDRAM_ROW_BITS_NUM_13;
+ hsdram1.Init.MemoryDataWidth = FMC_SDRAM_MEM_BUS_WIDTH_16;
+ hsdram1.Init.InternalBankNumber = FMC_SDRAM_INTERN_BANKS_NUM_4;
+ hsdram1.Init.CASLatency = FMC_SDRAM_CAS_LATENCY_2;
+ hsdram1.Init.WriteProtection = FMC_SDRAM_WRITE_PROTECTION_DISABLE;
+ hsdram1.Init.SDClockPeriod = FMC_SDRAM_CLOCK_PERIOD_3;
+ hsdram1.Init.ReadBurst = FMC_SDRAM_RBURST_ENABLE;
+ hsdram1.Init.ReadPipeDelay = FMC_SDRAM_RPIPE_DELAY_0;
+ /* SdramTiming */
+ SdramTiming.LoadToActiveDelay = 2;
+ SdramTiming.ExitSelfRefreshDelay = 6;
+ SdramTiming.SelfRefreshTime = 4;
+ SdramTiming.RowCycleDelay = 6;
+ SdramTiming.WriteRecoveryTime = 2;
+ SdramTiming.RPDelay = 2;
+ SdramTiming.RCDDelay = 2;
+ if (HAL_SDRAM_Init(&hsdram1, &SdramTiming) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler( );
+ }
+static uint32_t FMC_Initialized = 0;
+static void HAL_FMC_MspInit(void){
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN FMC_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END FMC_MspInit 0 */
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ if (FMC_Initialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ FMC_Initialized = 1;
+ /* Peripheral clock enable */
+ /** FMC GPIO Configuration
+ PF0 ------> FMC_A0
+ PF1 ------> FMC_A1
+ PF2 ------> FMC_A2
+ PF3 ------> FMC_A3
+ PF4 ------> FMC_A4
+ PF5 ------> FMC_A5
+ PC0 ------> FMC_SDNWE
+ PC2_C ------> FMC_SDNE0
+ PC3_C ------> FMC_SDCKE0
+ PF11 ------> FMC_SDNRAS
+ PF12 ------> FMC_A6
+ PF13 ------> FMC_A7
+ PF14 ------> FMC_A8
+ PF15 ------> FMC_A9
+ PG0 ------> FMC_A10
+ PG1 ------> FMC_A11
+ PE7 ------> FMC_D4
+ PE8 ------> FMC_D5
+ PE9 ------> FMC_D6
+ PE10 ------> FMC_D7
+ PE11 ------> FMC_D8
+ PE12 ------> FMC_D9
+ PE13 ------> FMC_D10
+ PE14 ------> FMC_D11
+ PE15 ------> FMC_D12
+ PD8 ------> FMC_D13
+ PD9 ------> FMC_D14
+ PD10 ------> FMC_D15
+ PD14 ------> FMC_D0
+ PD15 ------> FMC_D1
+ PG2 ------> FMC_A12
+ PG4 ------> FMC_BA0
+ PG5 ------> FMC_BA1
+ PG8 ------> FMC_SDCLK
+ PD0 ------> FMC_D2
+ PD1 ------> FMC_D3
+ PG15 ------> FMC_SDNCAS
+ PE0 ------> FMC_NBL0
+ PE1 ------> FMC_NBL1
+ */
+ /* GPIO_InitStruct */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_FMC;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOF, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* GPIO_InitStruct */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0|GPIO_PIN_2|GPIO_PIN_3;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_FMC;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* GPIO_InitStruct */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_FMC;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* GPIO_InitStruct */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_FMC;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* GPIO_InitStruct */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_FMC;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN FMC_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END FMC_MspInit 1 */
+void HAL_SDRAM_MspInit(SDRAM_HandleTypeDef* sdramHandle){
+ /* USER CODE END SDRAM_MspInit 0 */
+ HAL_FMC_MspInit();
+ /* USER CODE END SDRAM_MspInit 1 */
+static uint32_t FMC_DeInitialized = 0;
+static void HAL_FMC_MspDeInit(void){
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN FMC_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END FMC_MspDeInit 0 */
+ if (FMC_DeInitialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ FMC_DeInitialized = 1;
+ /* Peripheral clock enable */
+ /** FMC GPIO Configuration
+ PF0 ------> FMC_A0
+ PF1 ------> FMC_A1
+ PF2 ------> FMC_A2
+ PF3 ------> FMC_A3
+ PF4 ------> FMC_A4
+ PF5 ------> FMC_A5
+ PC0 ------> FMC_SDNWE
+ PC2_C ------> FMC_SDNE0
+ PC3_C ------> FMC_SDCKE0
+ PF11 ------> FMC_SDNRAS
+ PF12 ------> FMC_A6
+ PF13 ------> FMC_A7
+ PF14 ------> FMC_A8
+ PF15 ------> FMC_A9
+ PG0 ------> FMC_A10
+ PG1 ------> FMC_A11
+ PE7 ------> FMC_D4
+ PE8 ------> FMC_D5
+ PE9 ------> FMC_D6
+ PE10 ------> FMC_D7
+ PE11 ------> FMC_D8
+ PE12 ------> FMC_D9
+ PE13 ------> FMC_D10
+ PE14 ------> FMC_D11
+ PE15 ------> FMC_D12
+ PD8 ------> FMC_D13
+ PD9 ------> FMC_D14
+ PD10 ------> FMC_D15
+ PD14 ------> FMC_D0
+ PD15 ------> FMC_D1
+ PG2 ------> FMC_A12
+ PG4 ------> FMC_BA0
+ PG5 ------> FMC_BA1
+ PG8 ------> FMC_SDCLK
+ PD0 ------> FMC_D2
+ PD1 ------> FMC_D3
+ PG15 ------> FMC_SDNCAS
+ PE0 ------> FMC_NBL0
+ PE1 ------> FMC_NBL1
+ */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN FMC_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END FMC_MspDeInit 1 */
+void HAL_SDRAM_MspDeInit(SDRAM_HandleTypeDef* sdramHandle){
+ /* USER CODE END SDRAM_MspDeInit 0 */
+ HAL_FMC_MspDeInit();
+ /* USER CODE END SDRAM_MspDeInit 1 */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/gfx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,983 @@
+ * gfx.c
+ * a C port of the Adafruit GFX library
+ * Created on: Jul 8, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+This is the core graphics library for all our displays, providing a common
+set of graphics primitives (points, lines, circles, etc.). It needs to be
+paired with a hardware-specific library for each display device we carry
+(to handle the lower-level functions).
+Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please
+support Adafruit & open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!
+Copyright (c) 2013 Adafruit Industries. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ */
+#include "stm32h7xx_hal.h"
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include "gfx_font.c"
+#include "main.h"
+// Many (but maybe not all) non-AVR board installs define macros
+// for compatibility with existing PROGMEM-reading AVR code.
+// Do our own checks and defines here for good measure...
+#ifndef pgm_read_byte
+ #define pgm_read_byte(addr) (*(const unsigned char *)(addr))
+#ifndef pgm_read_word
+ #define pgm_read_word(addr) (*(const unsigned short *)(addr))
+#ifndef pgm_read_dword
+ #define pgm_read_dword(addr) (*(const unsigned long *)(addr))
+// Pointers are a peculiar case...typically 16-bit on AVR boards,
+// 32 bits elsewhere. Try to accommodate both...
+ #define pgm_read_pointer(addr) ((void *)pgm_read_dword(addr))
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef _swap_int16_t
+#define _swap_int16_t(a, b) { int16_t t = a; a = b; b = t; }
+void GFXinit(GFX* myGfx, int16_t w, int16_t h)
+ myGfx->WIDTH = w;
+ myGfx->HEIGHT = h;
+ myGfx->_width = w;
+ myGfx->_height = h;
+ myGfx->rotation = 0;
+ myGfx->cursor_y = 0;
+ myGfx->cursor_x = 0;
+ myGfx->textsize = 1;
+ myGfx->textcolor = 0xFFFF;
+ myGfx->textbgcolor = 0xFFFF;
+ myGfx->wrap = 1;
+ myGfx->_cp437 = 0;
+ myGfx->gfxFont = NULL;
+// Bresenham's algorithm - thx wikpedia
+void GFXwriteLine(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ int16_t steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
+ if (steep) {
+ _swap_int16_t(x0, y0);
+ _swap_int16_t(x1, y1);
+ }
+ if (x0 > x1) {
+ _swap_int16_t(x0, x1);
+ _swap_int16_t(y0, y1);
+ }
+ int16_t dx, dy;
+ dx = x1 - x0;
+ dy = abs(y1 - y0);
+ int16_t err = dx / 2;
+ int16_t ystep;
+ if (y0 < y1) {
+ ystep = 1;
+ } else {
+ ystep = -1;
+ }
+ for (; x0<=x1; x0++) {
+ if (steep) {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, y0, x0, color);
+ } else {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0, y0, color);
+ }
+ err -= dy;
+ if (err < 0) {
+ y0 += ystep;
+ err += dx;
+ }
+ }
+void GFXstartWrite(GFX* myGFX){
+ // Overwrite in subclasses if desired!
+// the most basic function, set a single pixel
+void GFXdrawPixel(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color) {
+ if ((x < 0) || (x >= myGFX->_width) || (y < 0) || (y >= myGFX->_height))
+ return;
+ // check rotation, move pixel around if necessary
+ switch (GFXgetRotation(myGFX)) {
+ case 1:
+ _swap_int16_t(x, y);
+ x = myGFX->WIDTH - x - 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x = myGFX->WIDTH - x - 1;
+ y = myGFX->HEIGHT - y - 1;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ _swap_int16_t(x, y);
+ y = myGFX->HEIGHT - y - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // x is which column
+ switch (color)
+ {
+ case WHITE: buffer[x+ (y/8)*myGFX->WIDTH] |= (1 << (y&7)); break;
+ case BLACK: buffer[x+ (y/8)*myGFX->WIDTH] &= ~(1 << (y&7)); break;
+ case INVERSE: buffer[x+ (y/8)*myGFX->WIDTH] ^= (1 << (y&7)); break;
+ }
+void GFXwritePixel(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color){
+ // Overwrite in subclasses if startWrite is defined!
+ GFXdrawPixel(myGFX, x, y, color);
+// (x,y) is topmost point; if unsure, calling function
+// should sort endpoints or call writeLine() instead
+void GFXwriteFastVLine(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ int16_t h, uint16_t color) {
+ // Overwrite in subclasses if startWrite is defined!
+ // Can be just writeLine(x, y, x, y+h-1, color);
+ // or writeFillRect(x, y, 1, h, color);
+ GFXdrawFastVLine(myGFX, x, y, h, color);
+// (x,y) is leftmost point; if unsure, calling function
+// should sort endpoints or call writeLine() instead
+void GFXwriteFastHLine(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ int16_t w, uint16_t color) {
+ // Overwrite in subclasses if startWrite is defined!
+ // Example: writeLine(x, y, x+w-1, y, color);
+ // or writeFillRect(x, y, w, 1, color);
+ GFXdrawFastHLine(myGFX,x, y, w, color);
+void GFXwriteFillRect(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ // Overwrite in subclasses if desired!
+ GFXfillRect(myGFX,x,y,w,h,color);
+void GFXendWrite(GFX* myGFX){
+ // Overwrite in subclasses if startWrite is defined!
+// (x,y) is topmost point; if unsure, calling function
+// should sort endpoints or call drawLine() instead
+void GFXdrawFastVLine(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ int16_t h, uint16_t color) {
+ // Update in subclasses if desired!
+ GFXwriteLine(myGFX,x, y, x, y+h-1, color);
+// (x,y) is leftmost point; if unsure, calling function
+// should sort endpoints or call drawLine() instead
+void GFXdrawFastHLine(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ int16_t w, uint16_t color) {
+ // Update in subclasses if desired!
+ GFXwriteLine(myGFX,x, y, x+w-1, y, color);
+void GFXfillRect(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ // Update in subclasses if desired!
+ for (int16_t i=x; i<x+w; i++) {
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX,i, y, h, color);
+ }
+void GFXfillScreen(GFX* myGFX,uint16_t color) {
+ // Update in subclasses if desired!
+ GFXfillRect(myGFX,0, 0, myGFX->_width, myGFX->_height, color);
+void GFXdrawLine(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ // Update in subclasses if desired!
+ if(x0 == x1){
+ if(y0 > y1) _swap_int16_t(y0, y1);
+ GFXdrawFastVLine(myGFX,x0, y0, y1 - y0 + 1, color);
+ } else if(y0 == y1){
+ if(x0 > x1) _swap_int16_t(x0, x1);
+ GFXdrawFastHLine(myGFX,x0, y0, x1 - x0 + 1, color);
+ } else {
+ GFXwriteLine(myGFX,x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
+ }
+// Draw a circle outline
+void GFXdrawCircle(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ int16_t f = 1 - r;
+ int16_t ddF_x = 1;
+ int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
+ int16_t x = 0;
+ int16_t y = r;
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 , y0+r, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 , y0-r, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0+r, y0 , color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0-r, y0 , color);
+ while (x<y) {
+ if (f >= 0) {
+ y--;
+ ddF_y += 2;
+ f += ddF_y;
+ }
+ x++;
+ ddF_x += 2;
+ f += ddF_x;
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 - x, y0 + y, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 + x, y0 - y, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 - x, y0 - y, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 + y, y0 + x, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 + y, y0 - x, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX,x0 - y, y0 - x, color);
+ }
+void GFXdrawCircleHelper(GFX* myGFX,int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
+ int16_t r, uint8_t cornername, uint16_t color) {
+ int16_t f = 1 - r;
+ int16_t ddF_x = 1;
+ int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
+ int16_t x = 0;
+ int16_t y = r;
+ while (x<y) {
+ if (f >= 0) {
+ y--;
+ ddF_y += 2;
+ f += ddF_y;
+ }
+ x++;
+ ddF_x += 2;
+ f += ddF_x;
+ if (cornername & 0x4) {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 + y, y0 + x, color);
+ }
+ if (cornername & 0x2) {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 + x, y0 - y, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 + y, y0 - x, color);
+ }
+ if (cornername & 0x8) {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 - x, y0 + y, color);
+ }
+ if (cornername & 0x1) {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 - y, y0 - x, color);
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x0 - x, y0 - y, color);
+ }
+ }
+void GFXfillCircle(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x0, y0-r, 2*r+1, color);
+ GFXfillCircleHelper(myGFX, x0, y0, r, 3, 0, color);
+// Used to do circles and roundrects
+void GFXfillCircleHelper(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r,
+ uint8_t cornername, int16_t delta, uint16_t color) {
+ int16_t f = 1 - r;
+ int16_t ddF_x = 1;
+ int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
+ int16_t x = 0;
+ int16_t y = r;
+ while (x<y) {
+ if (f >= 0) {
+ y--;
+ ddF_y += 2;
+ f += ddF_y;
+ }
+ x++;
+ ddF_x += 2;
+ f += ddF_x;
+ if (cornername & 0x1) {
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x0+x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x0+y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
+ }
+ if (cornername & 0x2) {
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x0-x, y0-y, 2*y+1+delta, color);
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x0-y, y0-x, 2*x+1+delta, color);
+ }
+ }
+// Draw a rectangle
+void GFXdrawRect(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,
+ uint16_t color) {
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX, x, y, w, color);
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX, x, y+h-1, w, color);
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x, y, h, color);
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x+w-1, y, h, color);
+// Draw a rounded rectangle
+void GFXdrawRoundRect(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w,
+ int16_t h, int16_t r, uint16_t color) {
+ // smarter version
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX, x+r , y , w-2*r, color); // Top
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX, x+r , y+h-1, w-2*r, color); // Bottom
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x , y+r , h-2*r, color); // Left
+ GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x+w-1, y+r , h-2*r, color); // Right
+ // draw four corners
+ GFXdrawCircleHelper(myGFX, x+r , y+r , r, 1, color);
+ GFXdrawCircleHelper(myGFX, x+w-r-1, y+r , r, 2, color);
+ GFXdrawCircleHelper(myGFX, x+w-r-1, y+h-r-1, r, 4, color);
+ GFXdrawCircleHelper(myGFX, x+r , y+h-r-1, r, 8, color);
+// Fill a rounded rectangle
+void GFXfillRoundRect(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w,
+ int16_t h, int16_t r, uint16_t color) {
+ // smarter version
+ GFXwriteFillRect(myGFX, x+r, y, w-2*r, h, color);
+ // draw four corners
+ GFXfillCircleHelper(myGFX, x+w-r-1, y+r, r, 1, h-2*r-1, color);
+ GFXfillCircleHelper(myGFX, x+r , y+r, r, 2, h-2*r-1, color);
+// Draw a triangle
+void GFXdrawTriangle(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
+ int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
+ GFXdrawLine(myGFX, x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
+ GFXdrawLine(myGFX, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
+ GFXdrawLine(myGFX, x2, y2, x0, y0, color);
+// Fill a triangle
+void GFXfillTriangle(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x0, int16_t y0,
+ int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint16_t color) {
+ int16_t a, b, y, last;
+ // Sort coordinates by Y order (y2 >= y1 >= y0)
+ if (y0 > y1) {
+ _swap_int16_t(y0, y1); _swap_int16_t(x0, x1);
+ }
+ if (y1 > y2) {
+ _swap_int16_t(y2, y1); _swap_int16_t(x2, x1);
+ }
+ if (y0 > y1) {
+ _swap_int16_t(y0, y1); _swap_int16_t(x0, x1);
+ }
+ if(y0 == y2) { // Handle awkward all-on-same-line case as its own thing
+ a = b = x0;
+ if(x1 < a) a = x1;
+ else if(x1 > b) b = x1;
+ if(x2 < a) a = x2;
+ else if(x2 > b) b = x2;
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX, a, y0, b-a+1, color);
+ return;
+ }
+ int16_t
+ dx01 = x1 - x0,
+ dy01 = y1 - y0,
+ dx02 = x2 - x0,
+ dy02 = y2 - y0,
+ dx12 = x2 - x1,
+ dy12 = y2 - y1;
+ int32_t
+ sa = 0,
+ sb = 0;
+ // For upper part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
+ // 0-1 and 0-2. If y1=y2 (flat-bottomed triangle), the scanline y1
+ // is included here (and second loop will be skipped, avoiding a /0
+ // error there), otherwise scanline y1 is skipped here and handled
+ // in the second loop...which also avoids a /0 error here if y0=y1
+ // (flat-topped triangle).
+ if(y1 == y2) last = y1; // Include y1 scanline
+ else last = y1-1; // Skip it
+ for(y=y0; y<=last; y++) {
+ a = x0 + sa / dy01;
+ b = x0 + sb / dy02;
+ sa += dx01;
+ sb += dx02;
+ /* longhand:
+ a = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y1 - y0);
+ b = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y2 - y0);
+ */
+ if(a > b) _swap_int16_t(a,b);
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX,a, y, b-a+1, color);
+ }
+ // For lower part of triangle, find scanline crossings for segments
+ // 0-2 and 1-2. This loop is skipped if y1=y2.
+ sa = dx12 * (y - y1);
+ sb = dx02 * (y - y0);
+ for(; y<=y2; y++) {
+ a = x1 + sa / dy12;
+ b = x0 + sb / dy02;
+ sa += dx12;
+ sb += dx02;
+ /* longhand:
+ a = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1);
+ b = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (y - y0) / (y2 - y0);
+ */
+ if(a > b) _swap_int16_t(a,b);
+ GFXwriteFastHLine(myGFX, a, y, b-a+1, color);
+ }
+// Draw a RAM-resident 1-bit image at the specified (x,y) position,
+// using the specified foreground (for set bits) and background (unset
+// bits) colors.
+void GFXdrawBitmap(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ uint8_t *bitmap, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color, uint16_t bg) {
+ int16_t byteWidth = (w + 7) / 8; // Bitmap scanline pad = whole byte
+ uint8_t byte = 0;
+ startWrite();
+ for(int16_t j=0; j<h; j++, y++) {
+ for(int16_t i=0; i<w; i++ ) {
+ if(i & 7) byte <<= 1;
+ else byte = bitmap[j * byteWidth + i / 8];
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x+i, y, (byte & 0x80) ? color : bg);
+ }
+ }
+ endWrite();
+// TEXT- AND CHARACTER-HANDLING FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
+// Draw a character
+void GFXdrawChar(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c,
+ uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t size) {
+ if(!myGFX->gfxFont) { // 'Classic' built-in font
+ if((x >= myGFX->_width) || // Clip right
+ (y >= myGFX->_height) || // Clip bottom
+ ((x + 6 * size - 1) < 0) || // Clip left
+ ((y + 8 * size - 1) < 0)) // Clip top
+ return;
+ if(!myGFX->_cp437 && (c >= 176)) c++; // Handle 'classic' charset behavior
+ for(int8_t i=0; i<5; i++ ) { // Char bitmap = 5 columns
+ uint8_t line = pgm_read_byte(&standardGFXfont[c * 5 + i]);
+ for(int8_t j=0; j<8; j++, line >>= 1) {
+ if(line & 1) {
+ if(size == 1)
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x+i, y+j, color);
+ else
+ GFXwriteFillRect(myGFX, x+i*size, y+j*size, size, size, color);
+ } else if(bg != color) {
+ if(size == 1)
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x+i, y+j, bg);
+ else
+ GFXwriteFillRect(myGFX, x+i*size, y+j*size, size, size, bg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bg != color) { // If opaque, draw vertical line for last column
+ if(size == 1) GFXwriteFastVLine(myGFX, x+5, y, 8, bg);
+ else GFXwriteFillRect(myGFX, x+5*size, y, size, 8*size, bg);
+ }
+ } else { // Custom font
+ // Character is assumed previously filtered by write() to eliminate
+ // newlines, returns, non-printable characters, etc. Calling
+ // drawChar() directly with 'bad' characters of font may cause mayhem!
+ c -= (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->first);
+ GFXglyph *glyph = &(((GFXglyph *)pgm_read_pointer(&myGFX->gfxFont->glyph))[c]);
+ uint8_t *bitmap = (uint8_t *)pgm_read_pointer(&myGFX->gfxFont->bitmap);
+ uint16_t bo = pgm_read_word(&glyph->bitmapOffset);
+ uint8_t w = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->width),
+ h = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->height);
+ int8_t xo = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->xOffset),
+ yo = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->yOffset);
+ uint8_t xx, yy, bits = 0, bit = 0;
+ int16_t xo16 = 0, yo16 = 0;
+ if(size > 1) {
+ xo16 = xo;
+ yo16 = yo;
+ }
+ // Todo: Add character clipping here
+ // THIS IS ON PURPOSE AND BY DESIGN. The background color feature
+ // has typically been used with the 'classic' font to overwrite old
+ // screen contents with new data. This ONLY works because the
+ // characters are a uniform size; it's not a sensible thing to do with
+ // proportionally-spaced fonts with glyphs of varying sizes (and that
+ // may overlap). To replace previously-drawn text when using a custom
+ // font, use the getTextBounds() function to determine the smallest
+ // rectangle encompassing a string, erase the area with fillRect(),
+ // then draw new text. This WILL infortunately 'blink' the text, but
+ // is unavoidable. Drawing 'background' pixels will NOT fix this,
+ // only creates a new set of problems. Have an idea to work around
+ // this (a canvas object type for MCUs that can afford the RAM and
+ // displays supporting setAddrWindow() and pushColors()), but haven't
+ // implemented this yet.
+ for(yy=0; yy<h; yy++) {
+ for(xx=0; xx<w; xx++) {
+ if(!(bit++ & 7)) {
+ bits = pgm_read_byte(&bitmap[bo++]);
+ }
+ if(bits & 0x80) {
+ if(size == 1) {
+ GFXwritePixel(myGFX, x+xo+xx, y+yo+yy, color);
+ } else {
+ GFXwriteFillRect(myGFX, x+(xo16+xx)*size, y+(yo16+yy)*size,
+ size, size, color);
+ }
+ }
+ bits <<= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } // End classic vs custom font
+void GFXwrite(GFX* myGFX, uint8_t c) {
+ if(!myGFX->gfxFont) { // 'Classic' built-in font
+ if(c == '\n') { // Newline?
+ myGFX->cursor_x = 0; // Reset x to zero,
+ myGFX->cursor_y += myGFX->textsize * 8; // advance y one line
+ } else if(c != '\r') { // Ignore carriage returns
+ if(myGFX->wrap && ((myGFX->cursor_x + myGFX->textsize * 6) > myGFX->_width)) { // Off right?
+ myGFX->cursor_x = 0; // Reset x to zero,
+ myGFX->cursor_y += myGFX->textsize * 8; // advance y one line
+ }
+ GFXdrawChar(myGFX, myGFX->cursor_x, myGFX->cursor_y, c, myGFX->textcolor, myGFX->textbgcolor, myGFX->textsize);
+ myGFX->cursor_x += myGFX->textsize * 6; // Advance x one char
+ }
+ } else { // Custom font
+ if(c == '\n') {
+ myGFX->cursor_x = 0;
+ myGFX->cursor_y += (int16_t)myGFX->textsize *
+ (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->yAdvance);
+ } else if(c != '\r') {
+ uint8_t first = pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->first);
+ if((c >= first) && (c <= (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->last))) {
+ GFXglyph *glyph = &(((GFXglyph *)pgm_read_pointer(
+ &myGFX->gfxFont->glyph))[c - first]);
+ uint8_t w = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->width),
+ h = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->height);
+ if((w > 0) && (h > 0)) { // Is there an associated bitmap?
+ int16_t xo = (int8_t)pgm_read_byte(&glyph->xOffset); // sic
+ if(myGFX->wrap && ((myGFX->cursor_x + myGFX->textsize * (xo + w)) > myGFX->_width)) {
+ myGFX->cursor_x = 0;
+ myGFX->cursor_y += (int16_t)myGFX->textsize *
+ (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->yAdvance);
+ }
+ GFXdrawChar(myGFX, myGFX->cursor_x, myGFX->cursor_y, c, myGFX->textcolor, myGFX->textbgcolor, myGFX->textsize);
+ }
+ myGFX->cursor_x += (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&glyph->xAdvance) * (int16_t)myGFX->textsize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GFXsetCursor(GFX* myGFX, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
+ myGFX->cursor_x = x;
+ myGFX->cursor_y = y;
+int16_t GFXgetCursorX(GFX* myGFX)
+ return myGFX->cursor_x;
+int16_t GFXgetCursorY(GFX* myGFX)
+ return myGFX->cursor_y;
+void GFXsetTextSize(GFX* myGFX, uint8_t s) {
+ myGFX->textsize = (s > 0) ? s : 1;
+void GFXsetTextColor(GFX* myGFX, uint16_t c, uint16_t b) {
+ myGFX->textcolor = c;
+ myGFX->textbgcolor = b;
+void GFXsetTextWrap(GFX* myGFX, uint8_t w) {
+ myGFX->wrap = w;
+uint8_t GFXgetRotation(GFX* myGFX) {
+ return myGFX->rotation;
+void GFXsetRotation(GFX* myGFX, uint8_t x) {
+ myGFX->rotation = (x & 3);
+ switch(myGFX->rotation) {
+ case 0:
+ case 2:
+ myGFX->_width = myGFX->WIDTH;
+ myGFX->_height = myGFX->HEIGHT;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ myGFX->_width = myGFX->HEIGHT;
+ myGFX->_height = myGFX->WIDTH;
+ break;
+ }
+// Enable (or disable) Code Page 437-compatible charset.
+// There was an error in glcdfont.c for the longest time -- one character
+// (#176, the 'light shade' block) was missing -- this threw off the index
+// of every character that followed it. But a TON of code has been written
+// with the erroneous character indices. By default, the library uses the
+// original 'wrong' behavior and old sketches will still work. Pass 'true'
+// to this function to use correct CP437 character values in your code.
+void GFXcp437(GFX* myGFX, uint8_t x) {
+ myGFX->_cp437 = x;
+void GFXsetFont(GFX* myGFX, const GFXfont *f) {
+ if(f) { // Font struct pointer passed in?
+ if(!myGFX->gfxFont) { // And no current font struct?
+ // Switching from classic to new font behavior.
+ // Move cursor pos down 6 pixels so it's on baseline.
+ myGFX->cursor_y += 6;
+ }
+ } else if(myGFX->gfxFont) { // NULL passed. Current font struct defined?
+ // Switching from new to classic font behavior.
+ // Move cursor pos up 6 pixels so it's at top-left of char.
+ myGFX->cursor_y -= 6;
+ }
+ myGFX->gfxFont = (GFXfont *)f;
+// Broke this out as it's used by both the PROGMEM- and RAM-resident
+// getTextBounds() functions.
+void GFXcharBounds(GFX* myGFX, char c, int16_t *x, int16_t *y,
+ int16_t *minx, int16_t *miny, int16_t *maxx, int16_t *maxy) {
+ if(myGFX->gfxFont) {
+ if(c == '\n') { // Newline?
+ *x = 0; // Reset x to zero, advance y by one line
+ *y += myGFX->textsize * (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->yAdvance);
+ } else if(c != '\r') { // Not a carriage return; is normal char
+ uint8_t first = pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->first),
+ last = pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->last);
+ if((c >= first) && (c <= last)) { // Char present in this font?
+ GFXglyph *glyph = &(((GFXglyph *)pgm_read_pointer(
+ &myGFX->gfxFont->glyph))[c - first]);
+ uint8_t gw = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->width),
+ gh = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->height),
+ xa = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->xAdvance);
+ int8_t xo = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->xOffset),
+ yo = pgm_read_byte(&glyph->yOffset);
+ if(myGFX->wrap && ((*x+(((int16_t)xo+gw)*myGFX->textsize)) > myGFX->_width)) {
+ *x = 0; // Reset x to zero, advance y by one line
+ *y += myGFX->textsize * (uint8_t)pgm_read_byte(&myGFX->gfxFont->yAdvance);
+ }
+ int16_t ts = (int16_t)myGFX->textsize,
+ x1 = *x + xo * ts,
+ y1 = *y + yo * ts,
+ x2 = x1 + gw * ts - 1,
+ y2 = y1 + gh * ts - 1;
+ if(x1 < *minx) *minx = x1;
+ if(y1 < *miny) *miny = y1;
+ if(x2 > *maxx) *maxx = x2;
+ if(y2 > *maxy) *maxy = y2;
+ *x += xa * ts;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // Default font
+ if(c == '\n') { // Newline?
+ *x = 0; // Reset x to zero,
+ *y += myGFX->textsize * 8; // advance y one line
+ // min/max x/y unchaged -- that waits for next 'normal' character
+ } else if(c != '\r') { // Normal char; ignore carriage returns
+ if(myGFX->wrap && ((*x + myGFX->textsize * 6) > myGFX->_width)) { // Off right?
+ *x = 0; // Reset x to zero,
+ *y += myGFX->textsize * 8; // advance y one line
+ }
+ int x2 = *x + myGFX->textsize * 6 - 1, // Lower-right pixel of char
+ y2 = *y + myGFX->textsize * 8 - 1;
+ if(x2 > *maxx) *maxx = x2; // Track max x, y
+ if(y2 > *maxy) *maxy = y2;
+ if(*x < *minx) *minx = *x; // Track min x, y
+ if(*y < *miny) *miny = *y;
+ *x += myGFX->textsize * 6; // Advance x one char
+ }
+ }
+// Pass string and a cursor position, returns UL corner and W,H.
+void GFXgetTextBounds(GFX* myGFX, char *str, int16_t x, int16_t y,
+ int16_t *x1, int16_t *y1, uint16_t *w, uint16_t *h) {
+ uint8_t c; // Current character
+ *x1 = x;
+ *y1 = y;
+ *w = *h = 0;
+ int16_t minx = myGFX->_width, miny = myGFX->_height, maxx = -1, maxy = -1;
+ while((c = *str++))
+ GFXcharBounds(myGFX, c, &x, &y, &minx, &miny, &maxx, &maxy);
+ if(maxx >= minx) {
+ *x1 = minx;
+ *w = maxx - minx + 1;
+ }
+ if(maxy >= miny) {
+ *y1 = miny;
+ *h = maxy - miny + 1;
+ }
+// Return the size of the display (per current rotation)
+int16_t GFXwidth(GFX* myGFX ) {
+ return myGFX->_width;
+int16_t GFXheight(GFX* myGFX) {
+ return myGFX->_height;
+void GFXinvertDisplay(GFX* myGFX, uint8_t i) {
+ // Do nothing, must be subclassed if supported by hardware
+uint8_t pitches[24] =
+ 'C', ' ',
+ 'C', '#',
+ 'D', ' ',
+ 'D', '#',
+ 'E', ' ',
+ 'F', ' ',
+ 'F', '#',
+ 'G', ' ',
+ 'G', '#',
+ 'A', ' ',
+ 'A', '#',
+ 'B', ' '
+int OLEDparseInt(char* buffer, uint32_t myNumber, uint8_t numDigits)
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++)
+ {
+ int whichPlace = (uint32_t)(powf(10.0f,(numDigits - 1) - i));
+ int thisDigit = (myNumber / whichPlace);
+ buffer[i] = thisDigit + 48;
+ myNumber -= thisDigit * whichPlace;
+ }
+ return numDigits;
+int OLEDparsePitch(char* buffer, float midi)
+ int pclass, octave, note, neg = 0; float offset;
+ note = (int)midi;
+ offset = midi - note;
+ if ((midi + 0.5f) > (note+1))
+ {
+ note += 1;
+ offset = (1.0f - offset) + 0.01f;
+ neg = 1;
+ }
+ pclass = (note % 12);
+ octave = (int)(note / 12) - 1;
+ int idx = 0;
+ buffer[idx++] = pitches[pclass*2];
+ buffer[idx++] = pitches[pclass*2+1];
+ OLEDparseInt(&buffer[idx++], octave, 1);
+ buffer[idx++] = ' ';
+ if (neg == 1)
+ buffer[idx++] = '-';
+ else
+ buffer[idx++] = '+';
+ OLEDparseInt(&buffer[idx], (uint32_t) (offset * 100.0f), 2);
+ return idx+2;
+int OLEDparsePitchClass(char* buffer, float midi)
+ int pclass, note;
+ float offset;
+ note = (int)midi;
+ offset = midi - note;
+ if ((midi + 0.5f) > (note+1))
+ {
+ note += 1;
+ offset = (1.0f - offset) + 0.01f;
+ }
+ pclass = (note % 12);
+ int idx = 0;
+ buffer[idx++] = pitches[pclass*2];
+ buffer[idx++] = pitches[pclass*2+1];
+ return idx;
+int OLEDparseFixedFloat(char* buffer, float input, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t numDecimal)
+ float power = powf(10.0f, numDecimal);
+ float f = ((float)(int)(input * power + 0.5f)) / power;
+ int nonzeroHasHappened = 0, decimalHasHappened = 0;
+ int myNumber = (int)(f * power);
+ int idx = 0, i = 0;
+ if (myNumber < 0)
+ {
+ myNumber *= -1;
+ buffer[idx++] = '-';
+ i++;
+ }
+ while (i < numDigits)
+ {
+ if ((decimalHasHappened == 0) && ((numDigits-i) == numDecimal))
+ {
+ if (nonzeroHasHappened == 0)
+ {
+ idx++; //get past the negative if there is one - this is hacky should figure out how to do it right
+ buffer[idx-1] = '0';
+ nonzeroHasHappened = 1;
+ }
+ buffer[idx++] = '.';
+ decimalHasHappened = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int whichPlace = (uint32_t) powf(10.0f,(numDigits - 1 - i));
+ int thisDigit = (myNumber / whichPlace);
+ if (nonzeroHasHappened == 0)
+ {
+ if (thisDigit > 0)
+ {
+ buffer[idx++] = thisDigit + 48;
+ nonzeroHasHappened = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buffer[idx++] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buffer[idx++] = thisDigit + 48;
+ }
+ myNumber -= thisDigit * whichPlace;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return idx;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/gfx_font.c
@@ -1,0 +1,281 @@
+ * gfx_font.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Jul 8, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+// This is the 'classic' fixed-space bitmap font for Adafruit_GFX since 1.0.
+// See gfxfont.h for newer custom bitmap font info.
+#ifndef FONT5X7_H
+#define FONT5X7_H
+ #define PROGMEM
+// Standard ASCII 5x7 font
+static const unsigned char standardGFXfont[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x3E, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x5B, 0x3E,
+ 0x3E, 0x6B, 0x4F, 0x6B, 0x3E,
+ 0x1C, 0x3E, 0x7C, 0x3E, 0x1C,
+ 0x18, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x18,
+ 0x1C, 0x57, 0x7D, 0x57, 0x1C,
+ 0x1C, 0x5E, 0x7F, 0x5E, 0x1C,
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0xFF,
+ 0x00, 0x18, 0x24, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xDB, 0xE7, 0xFF,
+ 0x30, 0x48, 0x3A, 0x06, 0x0E,
+ 0x26, 0x29, 0x79, 0x29, 0x26,
+ 0x40, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07,
+ 0x40, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x25, 0x3F,
+ 0x5A, 0x3C, 0xE7, 0x3C, 0x5A,
+ 0x7F, 0x3E, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x3E, 0x7F,
+ 0x14, 0x22, 0x7F, 0x22, 0x14,
+ 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x00, 0x5F, 0x5F,
+ 0x06, 0x09, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x7F,
+ 0x00, 0x66, 0x89, 0x95, 0x6A,
+ 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60,
+ 0x94, 0xA2, 0xFF, 0xA2, 0x94,
+ 0x08, 0x04, 0x7E, 0x04, 0x08,
+ 0x10, 0x20, 0x7E, 0x20, 0x10,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x2A, 0x1C, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x1C, 0x2A, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x1E, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
+ 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x0C,
+ 0x30, 0x38, 0x3E, 0x38, 0x30,
+ 0x06, 0x0E, 0x3E, 0x0E, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x5F, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00,
+ 0x14, 0x7F, 0x14, 0x7F, 0x14,
+ 0x24, 0x2A, 0x7F, 0x2A, 0x12,
+ 0x23, 0x13, 0x08, 0x64, 0x62,
+ 0x36, 0x49, 0x56, 0x20, 0x50,
+ 0x00, 0x08, 0x07, 0x03, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x1C, 0x22, 0x41, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x22, 0x1C, 0x00,
+ 0x2A, 0x1C, 0x7F, 0x1C, 0x2A,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x3E, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x00, 0x80, 0x70, 0x30, 0x00,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x60, 0x00,
+ 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02,
+ 0x3E, 0x51, 0x49, 0x45, 0x3E,
+ 0x00, 0x42, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x00,
+ 0x72, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x46,
+ 0x21, 0x41, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x33,
+ 0x18, 0x14, 0x12, 0x7F, 0x10,
+ 0x27, 0x45, 0x45, 0x45, 0x39,
+ 0x3C, 0x4A, 0x49, 0x49, 0x31,
+ 0x41, 0x21, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07,
+ 0x36, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x36,
+ 0x46, 0x49, 0x49, 0x29, 0x1E,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x40, 0x34, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x08, 0x14, 0x22, 0x41,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x22, 0x14, 0x08,
+ 0x02, 0x01, 0x59, 0x09, 0x06,
+ 0x3E, 0x41, 0x5D, 0x59, 0x4E,
+ 0x7C, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x7C,
+ 0x7F, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x36,
+ 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x22,
+ 0x7F, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x3E,
+ 0x7F, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x41,
+ 0x7F, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x01,
+ 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x51, 0x73,
+ 0x7F, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x7F,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x00,
+ 0x20, 0x40, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x01,
+ 0x7F, 0x08, 0x14, 0x22, 0x41,
+ 0x7F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,
+ 0x7F, 0x02, 0x1C, 0x02, 0x7F,
+ 0x7F, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x7F,
+ 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x3E,
+ 0x7F, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x06,
+ 0x3E, 0x41, 0x51, 0x21, 0x5E,
+ 0x7F, 0x09, 0x19, 0x29, 0x46,
+ 0x26, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x32,
+ 0x03, 0x01, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x03,
+ 0x3F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3F,
+ 0x1F, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x1F,
+ 0x3F, 0x40, 0x38, 0x40, 0x3F,
+ 0x63, 0x14, 0x08, 0x14, 0x63,
+ 0x03, 0x04, 0x78, 0x04, 0x03,
+ 0x61, 0x59, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x43,
+ 0x00, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
+ 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x7F,
+ 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04,
+ 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,
+ 0x00, 0x03, 0x07, 0x08, 0x00,
+ 0x20, 0x54, 0x54, 0x78, 0x40,
+ 0x7F, 0x28, 0x44, 0x44, 0x38,
+ 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x28,
+ 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x28, 0x7F,
+ 0x38, 0x54, 0x54, 0x54, 0x18,
+ 0x00, 0x08, 0x7E, 0x09, 0x02,
+ 0x18, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x9C, 0x78,
+ 0x7F, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x78,
+ 0x00, 0x44, 0x7D, 0x40, 0x00,
+ 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3D, 0x00,
+ 0x7F, 0x10, 0x28, 0x44, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x00,
+ 0x7C, 0x04, 0x78, 0x04, 0x78,
+ 0x7C, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x78,
+ 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x38,
+ 0xFC, 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x18,
+ 0x18, 0x24, 0x24, 0x18, 0xFC,
+ 0x7C, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x08,
+ 0x48, 0x54, 0x54, 0x54, 0x24,
+ 0x04, 0x04, 0x3F, 0x44, 0x24,
+ 0x3C, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x7C,
+ 0x1C, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x1C,
+ 0x3C, 0x40, 0x30, 0x40, 0x3C,
+ 0x44, 0x28, 0x10, 0x28, 0x44,
+ 0x4C, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x7C,
+ 0x44, 0x64, 0x54, 0x4C, 0x44,
+ 0x00, 0x08, 0x36, 0x41, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x77, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x41, 0x36, 0x08, 0x00,
+ 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x02,
+ 0x3C, 0x26, 0x23, 0x26, 0x3C,
+ 0x1E, 0xA1, 0xA1, 0x61, 0x12,
+ 0x3A, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20, 0x7A,
+ 0x38, 0x54, 0x54, 0x55, 0x59,
+ 0x21, 0x55, 0x55, 0x79, 0x41,
+ 0x22, 0x54, 0x54, 0x78, 0x42, // a-umlaut
+ 0x21, 0x55, 0x54, 0x78, 0x40,
+ 0x20, 0x54, 0x55, 0x79, 0x40,
+ 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x52, 0x72, 0x12,
+ 0x39, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x59,
+ 0x39, 0x54, 0x54, 0x54, 0x59,
+ 0x39, 0x55, 0x54, 0x54, 0x58,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x7C, 0x41,
+ 0x00, 0x02, 0x45, 0x7D, 0x42,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x45, 0x7C, 0x40,
+ 0x7D, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x7D, // A-umlaut
+ 0xF0, 0x28, 0x25, 0x28, 0xF0,
+ 0x7C, 0x54, 0x55, 0x45, 0x00,
+ 0x20, 0x54, 0x54, 0x7C, 0x54,
+ 0x7C, 0x0A, 0x09, 0x7F, 0x49,
+ 0x32, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x32,
+ 0x3A, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x3A, // o-umlaut
+ 0x32, 0x4A, 0x48, 0x48, 0x30,
+ 0x3A, 0x41, 0x41, 0x21, 0x7A,
+ 0x3A, 0x42, 0x40, 0x20, 0x78,
+ 0x00, 0x9D, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0x7D,
+ 0x3D, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x3D, // O-umlaut
+ 0x3D, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3D,
+ 0x3C, 0x24, 0xFF, 0x24, 0x24,
+ 0x48, 0x7E, 0x49, 0x43, 0x66,
+ 0x2B, 0x2F, 0xFC, 0x2F, 0x2B,
+ 0xFF, 0x09, 0x29, 0xF6, 0x20,
+ 0xC0, 0x88, 0x7E, 0x09, 0x03,
+ 0x20, 0x54, 0x54, 0x79, 0x41,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x7D, 0x41,
+ 0x30, 0x48, 0x48, 0x4A, 0x32,
+ 0x38, 0x40, 0x40, 0x22, 0x7A,
+ 0x00, 0x7A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x72,
+ 0x7D, 0x0D, 0x19, 0x31, 0x7D,
+ 0x26, 0x29, 0x29, 0x2F, 0x28,
+ 0x26, 0x29, 0x29, 0x29, 0x26,
+ 0x30, 0x48, 0x4D, 0x40, 0x20,
+ 0x38, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x38,
+ 0x2F, 0x10, 0xC8, 0xAC, 0xBA,
+ 0x2F, 0x10, 0x28, 0x34, 0xFA,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x7B, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x08, 0x14, 0x2A, 0x14, 0x22,
+ 0x22, 0x14, 0x2A, 0x14, 0x08,
+ 0x55, 0x00, 0x55, 0x00, 0x55, // #176 (25% block) missing in old code
+ 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, // 50% block
+ 0xFF, 0x55, 0xFF, 0x55, 0xFF, // 75% block
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xFF, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xFC, 0x00,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0xF7, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0xF4, 0x04, 0xFC,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x10, 0x1F,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x1F,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x00,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x10,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x17,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x04, 0xF4,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x10, 0x17,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0xF4, 0x04, 0xF4,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xF7,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0xF7, 0x00, 0xF7,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x14,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x1F,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xF4, 0x14,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x10, 0x1F,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x14,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0xFF, 0x10, 0xFF,
+ 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0xFF, 0x14,
+ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x10,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0,
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+ 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F,
+ 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x38, 0x44,
+ 0xFC, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x34, // sharp-s or beta
+ 0x7E, 0x02, 0x02, 0x06, 0x06,
+ 0x02, 0x7E, 0x02, 0x7E, 0x02,
+ 0x63, 0x55, 0x49, 0x41, 0x63,
+ 0x38, 0x44, 0x44, 0x3C, 0x04,
+ 0x40, 0x7E, 0x20, 0x1E, 0x20,
+ 0x06, 0x02, 0x7E, 0x02, 0x02,
+ 0x99, 0xA5, 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x99,
+ 0x1C, 0x2A, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x1C,
+ 0x4C, 0x72, 0x01, 0x72, 0x4C,
+ 0x30, 0x4A, 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x30,
+ 0x30, 0x48, 0x78, 0x48, 0x30,
+ 0xBC, 0x62, 0x5A, 0x46, 0x3D,
+ 0x3E, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x00,
+ 0x7E, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x7E,
+ 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A,
+ 0x44, 0x44, 0x5F, 0x44, 0x44,
+ 0x40, 0x51, 0x4A, 0x44, 0x40,
+ 0x40, 0x44, 0x4A, 0x51, 0x40,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x03,
+ 0xE0, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x08, 0x08, 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x08,
+ 0x36, 0x12, 0x36, 0x24, 0x36,
+ 0x06, 0x0F, 0x09, 0x0F, 0x06,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00,
+ 0x30, 0x40, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x01,
+ 0x00, 0x1F, 0x01, 0x01, 0x1E,
+ 0x00, 0x19, 0x1D, 0x17, 0x12,
+ 0x00, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // #255 NBSP
+#endif // FONT5X7_H
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/gpio.c
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : gpio.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of all used GPIO pins.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "gpio.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* Configure GPIO */
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/** Configure pins
+ PH0-OSC_IN (PH0) ------> RCC_OSC_IN
+ PH1-OSC_OUT (PH1) ------> RCC_OSC_OUT
+void MX_GPIO_Init(void)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ /* GPIO Ports Clock Enable */
+ /*Configure GPIO pin Output Level */
+ /*Configure GPIO pin Output Level */
+ /*Configure GPIO pin Output Level */
+ /*Configure GPIO pin Output Level */
+ /*Configure GPIO pin Output Level */
+ /*Configure GPIO pin : PC13 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_13;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PC14 PC4 PC6 PC7 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pin : PC15 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_15;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pin : PF6 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOF, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PF7 PF8 PF9 PF10 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOF, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PA1 PA15 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_1|GPIO_PIN_15;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PA4 PA6 PA8 PA9
+ PA10 */
+ |GPIO_PIN_10;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PB0 PB4 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0|GPIO_PIN_4;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PB1 PB12 PB13 PB14
+ PB15 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_1|GPIO_PIN_12|GPIO_PIN_13|GPIO_PIN_14
+ |GPIO_PIN_15;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PB2 PB9 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_2|GPIO_PIN_9;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PD11 PD7 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_11|GPIO_PIN_7;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PG3 PG9 PG13 PG14 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_3|GPIO_PIN_9|GPIO_PIN_13|GPIO_PIN_14;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PG6 PG7 PG10 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6|GPIO_PIN_7|GPIO_PIN_10;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /*Configure GPIO pins : PG11 PG12 */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_11|GPIO_PIN_12;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+/* USER CODE END 2 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/i2c.c
@@ -1,0 +1,242 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : I2C.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the I2C instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "i2c.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c2;
+I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c4;
+DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_i2c4_rx;
+DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_i2c4_tx;
+/* I2C2 init function */
+void MX_I2C2_Init(void)
+ hi2c2.Instance = I2C2;
+ hi2c2.Init.Timing = 0x505097F4;
+ hi2c2.Init.OwnAddress1 = 0;
+ hi2c2.Init.AddressingMode = I2C_ADDRESSINGMODE_7BIT;
+ hi2c2.Init.DualAddressMode = I2C_DUALADDRESS_DISABLE;
+ hi2c2.Init.OwnAddress2 = 0;
+ hi2c2.Init.OwnAddress2Masks = I2C_OA2_NOMASK;
+ hi2c2.Init.GeneralCallMode = I2C_GENERALCALL_DISABLE;
+ hi2c2.Init.NoStretchMode = I2C_NOSTRETCH_DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_I2C_Init(&hi2c2) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Analogue filter
+ */
+ if (HAL_I2CEx_ConfigAnalogFilter(&hi2c2, I2C_ANALOGFILTER_ENABLE) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Digital filter
+ */
+ if (HAL_I2CEx_ConfigDigitalFilter(&hi2c2, 0) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+/* I2C4 init function */
+void MX_I2C4_Init(void)
+ hi2c4.Instance = I2C4;
+ hi2c4.Init.Timing = 0x307075B1;
+ hi2c4.Init.OwnAddress1 = 0;
+ hi2c4.Init.AddressingMode = I2C_ADDRESSINGMODE_7BIT;
+ hi2c4.Init.DualAddressMode = I2C_DUALADDRESS_DISABLE;
+ hi2c4.Init.OwnAddress2 = 0;
+ hi2c4.Init.OwnAddress2Masks = I2C_OA2_NOMASK;
+ hi2c4.Init.GeneralCallMode = I2C_GENERALCALL_DISABLE;
+ hi2c4.Init.NoStretchMode = I2C_NOSTRETCH_DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_I2C_Init(&hi2c4) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Analogue filter
+ */
+ if (HAL_I2CEx_ConfigAnalogFilter(&hi2c4, I2C_ANALOGFILTER_ENABLE) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Configure Digital filter
+ */
+ if (HAL_I2CEx_ConfigDigitalFilter(&hi2c4, 0) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+void HAL_I2C_MspInit(I2C_HandleTypeDef* i2cHandle)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ if(i2cHandle->Instance==I2C2)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C2_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C2_MspInit 0 */
+ /**I2C2 GPIO Configuration
+ PB10 ------> I2C2_SCL
+ PB11 ------> I2C2_SDA
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_10|GPIO_PIN_11;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_OD;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF4_I2C2;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* I2C2 clock enable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C2_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C2_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+ else if(i2cHandle->Instance==I2C4)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C4_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_MspInit 0 */
+ /**I2C4 GPIO Configuration
+ PD12 ------> I2C4_SCL
+ PD13 ------> I2C4_SDA
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_12|GPIO_PIN_13;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_OD;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF4_I2C4;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* I2C4 clock enable */
+ /* I2C4 DMA Init */
+ /* I2C4_RX Init */
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Instance = BDMA_Channel0;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.Request = BDMA_REQUEST_I2C4_RX;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.Direction = DMA_PERIPH_TO_MEMORY;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.Mode = DMA_NORMAL;
+ hdma_i2c4_rx.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_LOW;
+ if (HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_i2c4_rx) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(i2cHandle,hdmarx,hdma_i2c4_rx);
+ /* I2C4_TX Init */
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Instance = BDMA_Channel1;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.Request = BDMA_REQUEST_I2C4_TX;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.Direction = DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.Mode = DMA_NORMAL;
+ hdma_i2c4_tx.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_LOW;
+ if (HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_i2c4_tx) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(i2cHandle,hdmatx,hdma_i2c4_tx);
+ /* I2C4 interrupt Init */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(I2C4_EV_IRQn, 6, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(I2C4_ER_IRQn, 6, 0);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C4_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_I2C_MspDeInit(I2C_HandleTypeDef* i2cHandle)
+ if(i2cHandle->Instance==I2C2)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C2_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C2_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /**I2C2 GPIO Configuration
+ PB10 ------> I2C2_SCL
+ PB11 ------> I2C2_SDA
+ */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C2_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C2_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+ else if(i2cHandle->Instance==I2C4)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C4_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /**I2C4 GPIO Configuration
+ PD12 ------> I2C4_SCL
+ PD13 ------> I2C4_SDA
+ */
+ /* I2C4 DMA DeInit */
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(i2cHandle->hdmarx);
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(i2cHandle->hdmatx);
+ /* I2C4 interrupt Deinit */
+ HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(I2C4_EV_IRQn);
+ HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(I2C4_ER_IRQn);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN I2C4_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-analysis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +1,0 @@
- leaf-analysis.c
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:56:49am
- Author: airship
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-analysis.h"
-#include "..\Externals\d_fft_mayer.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-analysis.h"
-#include "../Externals/d_fft_mayer.h"
-/* Envelope Follower */
-void tEnvelopeFollower_init(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff)
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef = (_tEnvelopeFollower*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvelopeFollower));
- e->y = 0.0f;
- e->a_thresh = attackThreshold;
- e->d_coeff = decayCoeff;
-void tEnvelopeFollower_free(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef)
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
- leaf_free(e);
-void tEnvelopeFollower_initToPool (tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef = (_tEnvelopeFollower*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvelopeFollower), &m->pool);
- e->y = 0.0f;
- e->a_thresh = attackThreshold;
- e->d_coeff = decayCoeff;
-void tEnvelopeFollower_freeFromPool (tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
- mpool_free(e, &m->pool);
-float tEnvelopeFollower_tick(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float x)
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
- if (x < 0.0f ) x = -x; /* Absolute value. */
- if ((x >= e->y) && (x > e->a_thresh)) e->y = x; /* If we hit a peak, ride the peak to the top. */
- else e->y = e->y * e->d_coeff; /* Else, exponential decay of output. */
- //ef->y = envelope_pow[(uint16_t)(ef->y * (float)UINT16_MAX)] * ef->d_coeff; //not quite the right behavior - too much loss of precision?
- //ef->y = powf(ef->y, 1.000009f) * ef->d_coeff; // too expensive
- if( e->y < VSF) e->y = 0.0f;
- return e->y;
-int tEnvelopeFollower_decayCoeff(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float decayCoeff)
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
- return e->d_coeff = decayCoeff;
-int tEnvelopeFollower_attackThresh(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float attackThresh)
- _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
- return e->a_thresh = attackThresh;
-/* Power Follower */
-void tPowerFollower_init(tPowerFollower* const pf, float factor)
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf = (_tPowerFollower*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPowerFollower));
- p->curr=0.0f;
- p->factor=factor;
- p->oneminusfactor=1.0f-factor;
-void tPowerFollower_free(tPowerFollower* const pf)
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
- leaf_free(p);
-void tPowerFollower_initToPool (tPowerFollower* const pf, float factor, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf = (_tPowerFollower*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tPowerFollower), &m->pool);
- p->curr=0.0f;
- p->factor=factor;
- p->oneminusfactor=1.0f-factor;
-void tPowerFollower_freeFromPool (tPowerFollower* const pf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-int tPowerFollower_setFactor(tPowerFollower* const pf, float factor)
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
- if (factor<0) factor=0;
- if (factor>1) factor=1;
- p->factor=factor;
- p->oneminusfactor=1.0f-factor;
- return 0;
-float tPowerFollower_tick(tPowerFollower* const pf, float input)
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
- p->curr = p->factor*input*input+p->oneminusfactor*p->curr;
- return p->curr;
-float tPowerFollower_sample(tPowerFollower* const pf)
- _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
- return p->curr;
-/* ---------------- env~ - simple envelope follower. ----------------- */
-void tEnvPD_init(tEnvPD* const xpd, int ws, int hs, int bs)
- _tEnvPD* x = *xpd = (_tEnvPD*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(_tEnvPD));
- int period = hs, npoints = ws;
- int i;
- if (npoints < 1) npoints = 1024;
- if (period < 1) period = npoints/2;
- if (period < npoints / MAXOVERLAP + 1)
- period = npoints / MAXOVERLAP + 1;
- x->x_npoints = npoints;
- x->x_phase = 0;
- x->x_period = period;
- x->windowSize = npoints;
- x->hopSize = period;
- x->blockSize = bs;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXOVERLAP; i++) x->x_sumbuf[i] = 0.0f;
- for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
- x->buf[i] = (1.0f - cosf((TWO_PI * i) / npoints))/npoints;
- for (; i < npoints+INITVSTAKEN; i++) x->buf[i] = 0.0f;
- x->x_f = 0.0f;
- x->x_allocforvs = INITVSTAKEN;
- // ~ ~ ~ dsp ~ ~ ~
- if (x->x_period % x->blockSize)
- {
- x->x_realperiod = x->x_period + x->blockSize - (x->x_period % x->blockSize);
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_realperiod = x->x_period;
- }
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-void tEnvPD_free (tEnvPD* const xpd)
- _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
- leaf_free(x);
-void tEnvPD_initToPool (tEnvPD* const xpd, int ws, int hs, int bs, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEnvPD* x = *xpd = (_tEnvPD*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(_tEnvPD), &m->pool);
- int period = hs, npoints = ws;
- int i;
- if (npoints < 1) npoints = 1024;
- if (period < 1) period = npoints/2;
- if (period < npoints / MAXOVERLAP + 1)
- period = npoints / MAXOVERLAP + 1;
- x->x_npoints = npoints;
- x->x_phase = 0;
- x->x_period = period;
- x->windowSize = npoints;
- x->hopSize = period;
- x->blockSize = bs;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXOVERLAP; i++) x->x_sumbuf[i] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
- x->buf[i] = (1.0f - cosf((2 * PI * i) / npoints))/npoints;
- for (; i < npoints+INITVSTAKEN; i++) x->buf[i] = 0;
- x->x_f = 0;
- x->x_allocforvs = INITVSTAKEN;
- // ~ ~ ~ dsp ~ ~ ~
- if (x->x_period % x->blockSize)
- {
- x->x_realperiod = x->x_period + x->blockSize - (x->x_period % x->blockSize);
- }
- else
- {
- x->x_realperiod = x->x_period;
- }
- // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-void tEnvPD_freeFromPool (tEnvPD* const xpd, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
- mpool_free(x, &m->pool);
-float tEnvPD_tick (tEnvPD* const xpd)
- _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
- return powtodb(x->x_result);
-void tEnvPD_processBlock(tEnvPD* const xpd, float* in)
- _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
- int n = x->blockSize;
- int count;
- t_sample *sump;
- in += n;
- for (count = x->x_phase, sump = x->x_sumbuf;
- count < x->x_npoints; count += x->x_realperiod, sump++)
- {
- t_sample *hp = x->buf + count;
- t_sample *fp = in;
- t_sample sum = *sump;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- fp--;
- sum += *hp++ * (*fp * *fp);
- }
- *sump = sum;
- }
- sump[0] = 0;
- x->x_phase -= n;
- if (x->x_phase < 0)
- {
- x->x_result = x->x_sumbuf[0];
- for (count = x->x_realperiod, sump = x->x_sumbuf;
- count < x->x_npoints; count += x->x_realperiod, sump++)
- sump[0] = sump[1];
- sump[0] = 0;
- x->x_phase = x->x_realperiod - n;
- }
-/********Private function prototypes**********/
-static void atkdtk_init(tAttackDetection* const a, int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
-static void atkdtk_envelope(tAttackDetection* const a, float *in);
-void tAttackDetection_init(tAttackDetection* const ad, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
- *ad = (_tAttackDetection*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAttackDetection));
- atkdtk_init(ad, blocksize, atk, rel);
-void tAttackDetection_free(tAttackDetection* const ad)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- leaf_free(a);
-void tAttackDetection_initToPool (tAttackDetection* const ad, int blocksize, int atk, int rel, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- *ad = (_tAttackDetection*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tAttackDetection), &m->pool);
- atkdtk_init(ad, blocksize, atk, rel);
-void tAttackDetection_freeFromPool (tAttackDetection* const ad, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- mpool_free(a, &m->pool);
-/*******Public Functions***********/
-void tAttackDetection_setBlocksize(tAttackDetection* const ad, int size)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- if(!((size==64)|(size==128)|(size==256)|(size==512)|(size==1024)|(size==2048)))
- a->blocksize = size;
- return;
-void tAttackDetection_setSamplerate(tAttackDetection* const ad, int inRate)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- a->samplerate = inRate;
- //Reset atk and rel to recalculate coeff
- tAttackDetection_setAttack(ad, a->atk);
- tAttackDetection_setRelease(ad, a->rel);
-void tAttackDetection_setThreshold(tAttackDetection* const ad, float thres)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- a->threshold = thres;
-void tAttackDetection_setAttack(tAttackDetection* const ad, int inAtk)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- a->atk = inAtk;
- a->atk_coeff = pow(0.01, 1.0/(a->atk * a->samplerate * 0.001));
-void tAttackDetection_setRelease(tAttackDetection* const ad, int inRel)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- a->rel = inRel;
- a->rel_coeff = pow(0.01, 1.0/(a->rel * a->samplerate * 0.001));
-int tAttackDetection_detect(tAttackDetection* const ad, float *in)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- int result;
- atkdtk_envelope(ad, in);
- if(a->env >= a->prevAmp*2) //2 times greater = 6dB increase
- result = 1;
- else
- result = 0;
- a->prevAmp = a->env;
- return result;
-/*******Private Functions**********/
-static void atkdtk_init(tAttackDetection* const ad, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- a->env = 0;
- a->blocksize = blocksize;
- a->threshold = DEFTHRESHOLD;
- a->samplerate = leaf.sampleRate;
- a->prevAmp = 0;
- a->env = 0;
- tAttackDetection_setAttack(ad, atk);
- tAttackDetection_setRelease(ad, rel);
-static void atkdtk_envelope(tAttackDetection* const ad, float *in)
- _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
- int i = 0;
- float tmp;
- for(i = 0; i < a->blocksize; ++i){
- tmp = fastabsf(in[i]);
- if(tmp > a->env)
- a->env = a->atk_coeff * (a->env - tmp) + tmp;
- else
- a->env = a->rel_coeff * (a->env - tmp) + tmp;
- }
-// SNAC
-/***************************** private procedures *****************************/
-#define REALFFT mayer_realfft
-#define REALIFFT mayer_realifft
-static void snac_analyzeframe(tSNAC* const s);
-static void snac_autocorrelation(tSNAC* const s);
-static void snac_normalize(tSNAC* const s);
-static void snac_pickpeak(tSNAC* const s);
-static void snac_periodandfidelity(tSNAC* const s);
-static void snac_biasbuf(tSNAC* const s);
-static float snac_spectralpeak(tSNAC* const s, float periodlength);
-/******************************** constructor, destructor *********************/
-void tSNAC_init(tSNAC* const snac, int overlaparg)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac = (_tSNAC*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(_tSNAC));
- s->biasfactor = DEFBIAS;
- s->timeindex = 0;
- s->periodindex = 0;
- s->periodlength = 0.;
- s->fidelity = 0.;
- s->minrms = DEFMINRMS;
- s->framesize = SNAC_FRAME_SIZE;
- s->inputbuf = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * SNAC_FRAME_SIZE);
- s->processbuf = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * (SNAC_FRAME_SIZE * 2));
- s->spectrumbuf = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * (SNAC_FRAME_SIZE / 2));
- s->biasbuf = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * SNAC_FRAME_SIZE);
- snac_biasbuf(snac);
- tSNAC_setOverlap(snac, overlaparg);
-void tSNAC_free(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- leaf_free(s->inputbuf);
- leaf_free(s->processbuf);
- leaf_free(s->spectrumbuf);
- leaf_free(s->biasbuf);
- leaf_free(s);
-void tSNAC_initToPool (tSNAC* const snac, int overlaparg, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSNAC* s = *snac = (_tSNAC*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSNAC), &m->pool);
- s->biasfactor = DEFBIAS;
- s->timeindex = 0;
- s->periodindex = 0;
- s->periodlength = 0.;
- s->fidelity = 0.;
- s->minrms = DEFMINRMS;
- s->framesize = SNAC_FRAME_SIZE;
- s->inputbuf = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * SNAC_FRAME_SIZE, &m->pool);
- s->processbuf = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * (SNAC_FRAME_SIZE * 2), &m->pool);
- s->spectrumbuf = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * (SNAC_FRAME_SIZE / 2), &m->pool);
- s->biasbuf = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * SNAC_FRAME_SIZE, &m->pool);
- snac_biasbuf(snac);
- tSNAC_setOverlap(snac, overlaparg);
-void tSNAC_freeFromPool (tSNAC* const snac, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- mpool_free(s->inputbuf, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(s->processbuf, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(s->spectrumbuf, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(s->biasbuf, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(s, &m->pool);
-/************************** public access functions****************************/
-void tSNAC_ioSamples(tSNAC* const snac, float *in, float *out, int size)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- int timeindex = s->timeindex;
- int mask = s->framesize - 1;
- int outindex = 0;
- float *inputbuf = s->inputbuf;
- float *processbuf = s->processbuf;
- // call analysis function when it is time
- if(!(timeindex & (s->framesize / s->overlap - 1))) snac_analyzeframe(snac);
- while(size--)
- {
- inputbuf[timeindex] = *in++;
- out[outindex++] = processbuf[timeindex++];
- timeindex &= mask;
- }
- s->timeindex = timeindex;
-void tSNAC_setOverlap(tSNAC* const snac, int lap)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- if(!((lap==1)|(lap==2)|(lap==4)|(lap==8))) lap = DEFOVERLAP;
- s->overlap = lap;
-void tSNAC_setBias(tSNAC* const snac, float bias)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- if(bias > 1.) bias = 1.;
- if(bias < 0.) bias = 0.;
- s->biasfactor = bias;
- snac_biasbuf(snac);
- return;
-void tSNAC_setMinRMS(tSNAC* const snac, float rms)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- if(rms > 1.) rms = 1.;
- if(rms < 0.) rms = 0.;
- s->minrms = rms;
- return;
-float tSNAC_getPeriod(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- return(s->periodlength);
-float tSNAC_getFidelity(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- return(s->fidelity);
-/***************************** private procedures *****************************/
-// main analysis function
-static void snac_analyzeframe(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- int n, tindex = s->timeindex;
- int framesize = s->framesize;
- int mask = framesize - 1;
- float norm = 1. / sqrt((float)(framesize * 2));
- float *inputbuf = s->inputbuf;
- float *processbuf = s->processbuf;
- // copy input to processing buffers
- for(n=0; n<framesize; n++)
- {
- processbuf[n] = inputbuf[tindex] * norm;
- tindex++;
- tindex &= mask;
- }
- // zeropadding
- for(n=framesize; n<(framesize<<1); n++) processbuf[n] = 0.;
- // call analysis procedures
- snac_autocorrelation(snac);
- snac_normalize(snac);
- snac_pickpeak(snac);
- snac_periodandfidelity(snac);
-static void snac_autocorrelation(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- int n, m;
- int framesize = s->framesize;
- int fftsize = framesize * 2;
- float *processbuf = s->processbuf;
- float *spectrumbuf = s->spectrumbuf;
- REALFFT(fftsize, processbuf);
- // compute power spectrum
- processbuf[0] *= processbuf[0]; // DC
- processbuf[framesize] *= processbuf[framesize]; // Nyquist
- for(n=1; n<framesize; n++)
- {
- processbuf[n] = processbuf[n] * processbuf[n]
- + processbuf[fftsize-n] * processbuf[fftsize-n]; // imag coefficients appear reversed
- processbuf[fftsize-n] = 0.;
- }
- // store power spectrum up to SR/4 for possible later use
- for(m=0; m<(framesize>>1); m++)
- {
- spectrumbuf[m] = processbuf[m];
- }
- // transform power spectrum to autocorrelation function
- REALIFFT(fftsize, processbuf);
- return;
-static void snac_normalize(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- int framesize = s->framesize;
- int framesizeplustimeindex = s->framesize + s->timeindex;
- int timeindexminusone = s->timeindex - 1;
- int n, m;
- int mask = framesize - 1;
- int seek = framesize * SEEK;
- float *inputbuf = s->inputbuf;
- float *processbuf= s->processbuf;
- float signal1, signal2;
- // minimum RMS implemented as minimum autocorrelation at index 0
- // functionally equivalent to white noise floor
- float rms = s->minrms / sqrt(1.0f / (float)framesize);
- float minrzero = rms * rms;
- float rzero = processbuf[0];
- if(rzero < minrzero) rzero = minrzero;
- double normintegral = (double)rzero * 2.;
- // normalize biased autocorrelation function
- // inputbuf is circular buffer: timeindex may be non-zero when overlap > 1
- processbuf[0] = 1;
- for(n=1, m=s->timeindex+1; n<seek; n++, m++)
- {
- signal1 = inputbuf[(n + timeindexminusone)&mask];
- signal2 = inputbuf[(framesizeplustimeindex - n)&mask];
- normintegral -= (double)(signal1 * signal1 + signal2 * signal2);
- processbuf[n] /= (float)normintegral * 0.5f;
- }
- // flush instable function tail
- for(n = seek; n<framesize; n++) processbuf[n] = 0.;
- return;
-static void snac_periodandfidelity(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- float periodlength;
- if(s->periodindex)
- {
- periodlength = (float)s->periodindex +
- interpolate3phase(s->processbuf, s->periodindex);
- if(periodlength < 8) periodlength = snac_spectralpeak(snac, periodlength);
- s->periodlength = periodlength;
- s->fidelity = interpolate3max(s->processbuf, s->periodindex);
- }
- return;
-// select the peak which most probably represents period length
-static void snac_pickpeak(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- int n, peakindex=0;
- int seek = s->framesize * SEEK;
- float *processbuf= s->processbuf;
- float maxvalue = 0.;
- float biasedpeak;
- float *biasbuf = s->biasbuf;
- // skip main lobe
- for(n=1; n<seek; n++)
- {
- if(processbuf[n] < 0.) break;
- }
- // find interpolated / biased maximum in SNAC function
- // interpolation finds the 'real maximum'
- // biasing favours the first candidate
- for(; n<seek-1; n++)
- {
- if(processbuf[n] >= processbuf[n-1])
- {
- if(processbuf[n] > processbuf[n+1]) // we have a local peak
- {
- biasedpeak = interpolate3max(processbuf, n) * biasbuf[n];
- if(biasedpeak > maxvalue)
- {
- maxvalue = biasedpeak;
- peakindex = n;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- s->periodindex = peakindex;
- return;
-// verify period length via frequency domain (up till SR/4)
-// frequency domain is more precise than lag domain for period lengths < 8
-// argument 'periodlength' is initial estimation from autocorrelation
-static float snac_spectralpeak(tSNAC* const snac, float periodlength)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- if(periodlength < 4.0f) return periodlength;
- float max = 0.;
- int n, startbin, stopbin, peakbin = 0;
- int spectrumsize = s->framesize>>1;
- float *spectrumbuf = s->spectrumbuf;
- float peaklocation = (float)(s->framesize * 2.0f) / periodlength;
- startbin = (int)(peaklocation * 0.8f + 0.5f);
- if(startbin < 1) startbin = 1;
- stopbin = (int)(peaklocation * 1.25f + 0.5f);
- if(stopbin >= spectrumsize - 1) stopbin = spectrumsize - 1;
- for(n=startbin; n<stopbin; n++)
- {
- if(spectrumbuf[n] >= spectrumbuf[n-1])
- {
- if(spectrumbuf[n] > spectrumbuf[n+1])
- {
- if(spectrumbuf[n] > max)
- {
- max = spectrumbuf[n];
- peakbin = n;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // calculate amplitudes in peak region
- for(n=(peakbin-1); n<(peakbin+2); n++)
- {
- spectrumbuf[n] = sqrtf(spectrumbuf[n]);
- }
- peaklocation = (float)peakbin + interpolate3phase(spectrumbuf, peakbin);
- periodlength = (float)(s->framesize * 2.0f) / peaklocation;
- return periodlength;
-// modified logarithmic bias function
-static void snac_biasbuf(tSNAC* const snac)
- _tSNAC* s = *snac;
- int n;
- int maxperiod = (int)(s->framesize * (float)SEEK);
- float bias = s->biasfactor / logf((float)(maxperiod - 4));
- float *biasbuf = s->biasbuf;
- for(n=0; n<5; n++) // periods < 5 samples can't be tracked
- {
- biasbuf[n] = 0.0f;
- }
- for(n=5; n<maxperiod; n++)
- {
- biasbuf[n] = 1.0f - (float)logf(n - 4) * bias;
- }
-void tPeriodDetection_init (tPeriodDetection* const pd, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize)
- tPeriodDetection_initToPool(pd, in, out, bufSize, frameSize, &leaf_mempool);
-void tPeriodDetection_free (tPeriodDetection* const pd)
- tPeriodDetection_freeFromPool(pd, &leaf_mempool);
-void tPeriodDetection_initToPool (tPeriodDetection* const pd, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd = (_tPeriodDetection*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(_tPeriodDetection), &m->pool);
- p->inBuffer = in;
- p->outBuffer = out;
- p->bufSize = bufSize;
- p->frameSize = frameSize;
- p->framesPerBuffer = p->bufSize / p->frameSize;
- p->curBlock = 1;
- p->lastBlock = 0;
- p->index = 0;
- p->hopSize = DEFHOPSIZE;
- p->windowSize = DEFWINDOWSIZE;
- p->fba = FBA;
- tEnvPD_initToPool(&p->env, p->windowSize, p->hopSize, p->frameSize, mp);
- tSNAC_initToPool(&p->snac, DEFOVERLAP, mp);
- p->timeConstant = DEFTIMECONSTANT;
- p->radius = expf(-1000.0f * p->hopSize * leaf.invSampleRate / p->timeConstant);
- p->fidelityThreshold = 0.95;
-void tPeriodDetection_freeFromPool (tPeriodDetection* const pd, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- tEnvPD_freeFromPool(&p->env, mp);
- tSNAC_freeFromPool(&p->snac, mp);
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-float tPeriodDetection_tick (tPeriodDetection* pd, float sample)
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- int i, iLast;
- i = (p->curBlock*p->frameSize);
- iLast = (p->lastBlock*p->frameSize)+p->index;
- p->i = i;
- p->iLast = iLast;
- p->inBuffer[i+p->index] = sample;
- p->index++;
- p->indexstore = p->index;
- if (p->index >= p->frameSize)
- {
- p->index = 0;
- tEnvPD_processBlock(&p->env, &(p->inBuffer[i]));
- tSNAC_ioSamples(&p->snac, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(p->outBuffer[i]), p->frameSize);
- float fidelity = tSNAC_getFidelity(&p->snac);
- // Fidelity threshold recommended by Katja Vetters is 0.95 for most instruments/voices
- if (fidelity > p->fidelityThreshold) p->period = tSNAC_getPeriod(&p->snac);
- p->curBlock++;
- if (p->curBlock >= p->framesPerBuffer) p->curBlock = 0;
- p->lastBlock++;
- if (p->lastBlock >= p->framesPerBuffer) p->lastBlock = 0;
- }
- return p->period;
-float tPeriodDetection_getPeriod(tPeriodDetection* pd)
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- return p->period;
-void tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(tPeriodDetection* pd, int hs)
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- p->hopSize = hs;
-void tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(tPeriodDetection* pd, int ws)
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- p->windowSize = ws;
-void tPeriodDetection_setFidelityThreshold(tPeriodDetection* pd, float threshold)
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- p->fidelityThreshold = threshold;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-delay.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +1,0 @@
- leaf-delay.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:24pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-delay.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-delay.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Delay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tDelay_init (tDelay* const dl, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
- tDelay_initToPool(dl, delay, maxDelay, &leaf_mempool);
-void tDelay_free(tDelay* const dl)
- tDelay_freeFromPool(dl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tDelay_initToPool (tDelay* const dl, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tDelay* d = *dl = (_tDelay*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tDelay), &m->pool);
- d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
- d->delay = delay;
- d->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * maxDelay, &m->pool);
- d->inPoint = 0;
- d->outPoint = 0;
- d->lastIn = 0.0f;
- d->lastOut = 0.0f;
- d->gain = 1.0f;
- tDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
-void tDelay_freeFromPool (tDelay* const dl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- mpool_free(d->buff, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(d, &m->pool);
-void tDelay_clear(tDelay* const dl)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- for (int i = 0; i < d->maxDelay; i++)
- {
- d->buff[i] = 0;
- }
-float tDelay_tick (tDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- // Input
- d->lastIn = input;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay) d->inPoint = 0;
- // Output
- d->lastOut = d->buff[d->outPoint];
- if (++(d->outPoint) == d->maxDelay) d->outPoint = 0;
- return d->lastOut;
-int tDelay_setDelay (tDelay* const dl, uint32_t delay)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, delay, d->maxDelay);
- // read chases write
- if ( d->inPoint >= delay ) d->outPoint = d->inPoint - d->delay;
- else d->outPoint = d->maxDelay + d->inPoint - d->delay;
- return 0;
-float tDelay_tapOut (tDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return d->buff[tap];
-void tDelay_tapIn (tDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tDelay_addTo (tDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-uint32_t tDelay_getDelay (tDelay* const dl)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->delay;
-float tDelay_getLastOut (tDelay* const dl)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastOut;
-float tDelay_getLastIn (tDelay* const dl)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastIn;
-void tDelay_setGain (tDelay* const dl, float gain)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- if (gain < 0.0f) d->gain = 0.0f;
- else d->gain = gain;
-float tDelay_getGain (tDelay* const dl)
- _tDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->gain;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LinearDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tLinearDelay_init (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(dl, delay, maxDelay, &leaf_mempool);
-void tLinearDelay_free(tLinearDelay* const dl)
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(dl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tLinearDelay_initToPool (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl = (_tLinearDelay*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tLinearDelay), &m->pool);
- d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
- if (delay > maxDelay) d->delay = maxDelay;
- else if (delay < 0.0f) d->delay = 0.0f;
- else d->delay = delay;
- d->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * maxDelay, &m->pool);
- d->gain = 1.0f;
- d->lastIn = 0.0f;
- d->lastOut = 0.0f;
- d->inPoint = 0;
- d->outPoint = 0;
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
-void tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(tLinearDelay* const dl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- mpool_free(d->buff, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(d, &m->pool);
-void tLinearDelay_clear(tLinearDelay* const dl)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- for (int i = 0; i < d->maxDelay; i++)
- {
- d->buff[i] = 0;
- }
-float tLinearDelay_tick (tLinearDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
- uint32_t idx = (uint32_t) d->outPoint;
- // First 1/2 of interpolation
- d->lastOut = d->buff[idx] * d->omAlpha;
- // Second 1/2 of interpolation
- if ((idx + 1) < d->maxDelay)
- d->lastOut += d->buff[idx+1] * d->alpha;
- else
- d->lastOut += d->buff[0] * d->alpha;
- // Increment output pointer modulo length
- if ( (++d->outPoint) >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return d->lastOut;
-void tLinearDelay_tickIn (tLinearDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
-float tLinearDelay_tickOut (tLinearDelay* const dl)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- uint32_t idx = (uint32_t) d->outPoint;
- // First 1/2 of interpolation
- d->lastOut = d->buff[idx] * d->omAlpha;
- // Second 1/2 of interpolation
- if ((idx + 1) < d->maxDelay)
- d->lastOut += d->buff[idx+1] * d->alpha;
- else
- d->lastOut += d->buff[0] * d->alpha;
- // Increment output pointer modulo length
- if ( (++d->outPoint) >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return d->lastOut;
-int tLinearDelay_setDelay (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, delay, d->maxDelay);
- float outPointer = d->inPoint - d->delay;
- while ( outPointer < 0 )
- outPointer += d->maxDelay; // modulo maximum length
- d->outPoint = (uint32_t) outPointer; // integer part
- d->alpha = outPointer - d->outPoint; // fractional part
- d->omAlpha = 1.0f - d->alpha;
- if ( d->outPoint == d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return 0;
-float tLinearDelay_tapOut (tLinearDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- uint32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return d->buff[tap];
-void tLinearDelay_tapIn (tLinearDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- uint32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tLinearDelay_addTo (tLinearDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float tLinearDelay_getDelay (tLinearDelay* const dl)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->delay;
-float tLinearDelay_getLastOut (tLinearDelay* const dl)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastOut;
-float tLinearDelay_getLastIn (tLinearDelay* const dl)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastIn;
-void tLinearDelay_setGain (tLinearDelay* const dl, float gain)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- if (gain < 0.0f) d->gain = 0.0f;
- else d->gain = gain;
-float tLinearDelay_getGain (tLinearDelay* const dl)
- _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->gain;
-/// Hermite Interpolated Delay
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LinearDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tHermiteDelay_init (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
- tHermiteDelay_initToPool(dl, delay, maxDelay, &leaf_mempool);
-void tHermiteDelay_free(tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- tHermiteDelay_freeFromPool(dl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tHermiteDelay_initToPool (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl = (_tHermiteDelay*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tHermiteDelay), &m->pool);
- d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
- if (delay > maxDelay) d->delay = maxDelay;
- else if (delay < 0.0f) d->delay = 0.0f;
- else d->delay = delay;
- d->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * maxDelay, &m->pool);
- d->gain = 1.0f;
- d->lastIn = 0.0f;
- d->lastOut = 0.0f;
- d->inPoint = 0;
- d->outPoint = 0;
- tHermiteDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
-void tHermiteDelay_freeFromPool(tHermiteDelay* const dl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- mpool_free(d->buff, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(d, &m->pool);
-void tHermiteDelay_clear(tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- for (int i = 0; i < d->maxDelay; i++)
- {
- d->buff[i] = 0;
- }
-float tHermiteDelay_tick (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
- uint32_t idx = (uint32_t) d->outPoint;
- d->lastOut = LEAF_interpolate_hermite (d->buff[((idx - 1) + d->maxDelay) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[idx],
- d->buff[(idx + 1) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[(idx + 2) % d->maxDelay],
- d->alpha);
- // Increment output pointer modulo length
- if ( (++d->outPoint) >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return d->lastOut;
-void tHermiteDelay_tickIn (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
-float tHermiteDelay_tickOut (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- uint32_t idx = (uint32_t) d->outPoint;
- d->lastOut = LEAF_interpolate_hermite (d->buff[((idx - 1) + d->maxDelay) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[idx],
- d->buff[(idx + 1) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[(idx + 2) % d->maxDelay],
- d->alpha);
- // Increment output pointer modulo length
- if ( (++d->outPoint) >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return d->lastOut;
-int tHermiteDelay_setDelay (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, delay, d->maxDelay);
- float outPointer = d->inPoint - d->delay;
- while ( outPointer < 0 )
- outPointer += d->maxDelay; // modulo maximum length
- d->outPoint = (uint32_t) outPointer; // integer part
- d->alpha = outPointer - d->outPoint; // fractional part
- d->omAlpha = 1.0f - d->alpha;
- if ( d->outPoint == d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return 0;
-float tHermiteDelay_tapOut (tHermiteDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- uint32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return d->buff[tap];
-void tHermiteDelay_tapIn (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tHermiteDelay_addTo (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float tHermiteDelay_getDelay (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->delay;
-float tHermiteDelay_getLastOut (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastOut;
-float tHermiteDelay_getLastIn (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastIn;
-void tHermiteDelay_setGain (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float gain)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- if (gain < 0.0f) d->gain = 0.0f;
- else d->gain = gain;
-float tHermiteDelay_getGain (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
- _tHermiteDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->gain;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AllpassDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tAllpassDelay_init (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
- tAllpassDelay_initToPool(dl, delay, maxDelay, &leaf_mempool);
-void tAllpassDelay_free(tAllpassDelay* const dl)
- tAllpassDelay_freeFromPool(dl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tAllpassDelay_initToPool (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl = (_tAllpassDelay*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tAllpassDelay), &m->pool);
- d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
- if (delay > maxDelay) d->delay = maxDelay;
- else if (delay < 0.0f) d->delay = 0.0f;
- else d->delay = delay;
- d->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * maxDelay, &m->pool);
- d->gain = 1.0f;
- d->lastIn = 0.0f;
- d->lastOut = 0.0f;
- d->inPoint = 0;
- d->outPoint = 0;
- tAllpassDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
- d->apInput = 0.0f;
-void tAllpassDelay_freeFromPool(tAllpassDelay* const dl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- mpool_free(d->buff, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(d, &m->pool);
-void tAllpassDelay_clear(tAllpassDelay* const dl)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- for (int i = 0; i < d->maxDelay; i++)
- {
- d->buff[i] = 0;
- }
-float tAllpassDelay_tick (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if ( ++(d->inPoint) >= d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
- // Do allpass interpolation delay.
- float out = d->lastOut * -d->coeff;
- out += d->apInput + ( d->coeff * d->buff[d->outPoint] );
- d->lastOut = out;
- // Save allpass input
- d->apInput = d->buff[d->outPoint];
- // Increment output pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->outPoint) >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- return d->lastOut;
-int tAllpassDelay_setDelay (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float delay)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.5f, delay, d->maxDelay);
- // outPoint chases inPoint
- float outPointer = (float)d->inPoint - d->delay + 1.0f;
- while ( outPointer < 0 ) outPointer += d->maxDelay; // mod max length
- d->outPoint = (uint32_t) outPointer; // integer part
- if ( d->outPoint >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
- d->alpha = 1.0f + (float)d->outPoint - outPointer; // fractional part
- if ( d->alpha < 0.5f )
- {
- // The optimal range for alpha is about 0.5 - 1.5 in order to
- // achieve the flattest phase delay response.
- d->outPoint += 1;
- if ( d->outPoint >= d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint -= d->maxDelay;
- d->alpha += 1.0f;
- }
- d->coeff = (1.0f - d->alpha) / (1.0f + d->alpha); // coefficient for allpass
- return 0;
-float tAllpassDelay_tapOut (tAllpassDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return d->buff[tap];
-void tAllpassDelay_tapIn (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tAllpassDelay_addTo (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float tAllpassDelay_getDelay (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->delay;
-float tAllpassDelay_getLastOut (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastOut;
-float tAllpassDelay_getLastIn (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastIn;
-void tAllpassDelay_setGain (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float gain)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- if (gain < 0.0f) d->gain = 0.0f;
- else d->gain = gain;
-float tAllpassDelay_getGain (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
- _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->gain;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TapeDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tTapeDelay_init (tTapeDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(dl, delay, maxDelay, &leaf_mempool);
-void tTapeDelay_free(tTapeDelay* const dl)
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(dl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tTapeDelay_initToPool (tTapeDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl = (_tTapeDelay*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tTapeDelay), &m->pool);
- d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
- d->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * maxDelay, &m->pool);
- d->gain = 1.0f;
- d->lastIn = 0.0f;
- d->lastOut = 0.0f;
- d->idx = 0.0f;
- d->inc = 1.0f;
- d->inPoint = 0;
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(dl, delay);
-void tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(tTapeDelay* const dl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- mpool_free(d->buff, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(d, &m->pool);
-void tTapeDelay_clear(tTapeDelay* const dl)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- for (int i = 0; i < d->maxDelay; i++)
- {
- d->buff[i] = 0;
- }
-//#define SMOOTH_FACTOR 10.f
-float tTapeDelay_tick (tTapeDelay* const dl, float input)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
- int idx = (int) d->idx;
- float alpha = d->idx - idx;
- d->lastOut = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (d->buff[((idx - 1) + d->maxDelay) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[idx],
- d->buff[(idx + 1) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[(idx + 2) % d->maxDelay],
- alpha);
- float diff = (d->inPoint - d->idx);
- while (diff < 0.f) diff += d->maxDelay;
- d->inc = 1.0f + (diff - d->delay) / d->delay; //* SMOOTH_FACTOR;
- d->idx += d->inc;
- if (d->idx >= d->maxDelay) d->idx = 0.0f;
- if (d->lastOut)
- return d->lastOut;
- return 0.0f;
-void tTapeDelay_incrementInPoint(tTapeDelay* const dl)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- // Increment input pointer modulo length.
- if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
-void tTapeDelay_setRate(tTapeDelay* const dl, float rate)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- d->inc = rate;
-void tTapeDelay_setDelay (tTapeDelay* const dl, float delay)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- d->delay = LEAF_clip(1.f, delay, d->maxDelay);
-float tTapeDelay_tapOut (tTapeDelay* const dl, float tapDelay)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- float tap = (float) d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1.f;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0.f ) tap += (float)d->maxDelay;
- int idx = (int) tap;
- float alpha = tap - idx;
- float samp = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (d->buff[((idx - 1) + d->maxDelay) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[idx],
- d->buff[(idx + 1) % d->maxDelay],
- d->buff[(idx + 2) % d->maxDelay],
- alpha);
- return samp;
-void tTapeDelay_tapIn (tTapeDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tTapeDelay_addTo (tTapeDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
- // Check for wraparound.
- while ( tap < 0 ) tap += d->maxDelay;
- return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float tTapeDelay_getDelay (tTapeDelay *dl)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->delay;
-float tTapeDelay_getLastOut (tTapeDelay* const dl)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastOut;
-float tTapeDelay_getLastIn (tTapeDelay* const dl)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->lastIn;
-void tTapeDelay_setGain (tTapeDelay* const dl, float gain)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- if (gain < 0.0f) d->gain = 0.0f;
- else d->gain = gain;
-float tTapeDelay_getGain (tTapeDelay* const dl)
- _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
- return d->gain;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-distortion.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +1,0 @@
-// leaf-distortion.c
-// LEAF
-// Created by Jeff Snyder, Matthew Wang, Michael Mulshine, and Joshua Becker
-// Copyright © 2019 Princeton University. All rights reserved.
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-distortion.h"
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-distortion.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"
-//#include "gpio.h"
-// Sample-Rate reducer
-void tSampleReducer_init(tSampleReducer* const sr)
- _tSampleReducer* s = *sr = (_tSampleReducer*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSampleReducer));
- s->invRatio = 1.0f;
- s->hold = 0.0f;
- s->count = 0;
-void tSampleReducer_free (tSampleReducer* const sr)
- _tSampleReducer* s = *sr;
- leaf_free(s);
-void tSampleReducer_initToPool (tSampleReducer* const sr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSampleReducer* s = *sr = (_tSampleReducer*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSampleReducer), &m->pool);
- s->invRatio = 1.0f;
- s->hold = 0.0f;
- s->count = 0;
-void tSampleReducer_freeFromPool (tSampleReducer* const sr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSampleReducer* s = *sr;
- mpool_free(s, &m->pool);
-float tSampleReducer_tick(tSampleReducer* const sr, float input)
- _tSampleReducer* s = *sr;
- if (s->count > s->invRatio)
- {
- s->hold = input;
- s->count = 0;
- }
- s->count++;
- return s->hold;
-void tSampleReducer_setRatio(tSampleReducer* const sr, float ratio)
- _tSampleReducer* s = *sr;
- if ((ratio <= 1.0f) && (ratio >= 0.0f))
- s->invRatio = 1.0f / ratio;
-// Oversampler
-// Latency is equal to the phase length (numTaps / ratio)
-void tOversampler_init(tOversampler* const osr, int ratio, oBool extraQuality)
- _tOversampler* os = *osr = (_tOversampler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tOversampler));
- uint8_t offset = 0;
- if (extraQuality) offset = 6;
- if (ratio == 2 || ratio == 4 ||
- ratio == 8 || ratio == 16 ||
- ratio == 32 || ratio == 64) {
- os->ratio = ratio;
- int idx = (int)(log2f(os->ratio))-1+offset;
- os->numTaps = firNumTaps[idx];
- os->phaseLength = os->numTaps / os->ratio;
- os->pCoeffs = (float*) firCoeffs[idx];
- os->upState = leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * os->numTaps * 2);
- os->downState = leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * os->numTaps * 2);
- }
-void tOversampler_free(tOversampler* const osr)
- _tOversampler* os = *osr;
- leaf_free(os->upState);
- leaf_free(os->downState);
- leaf_free(os);
-void tOversampler_initToPool (tOversampler* const osr, int ratio, oBool extraQuality, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tOversampler* os = *osr = (_tOversampler*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tOversampler), &m->pool);
- uint8_t offset = 0;
- if (extraQuality) offset = 6;
- if (ratio == 2 || ratio == 4 ||
- ratio == 8 || ratio == 16 ||
- ratio == 32 || ratio == 64) {
- os->ratio = ratio;
- int idx = (int)(log2f(os->ratio))-1+offset;
- os->numTaps = firNumTaps[idx];
- os->phaseLength = os->numTaps / os->ratio;
- os->pCoeffs = (float*) firCoeffs[idx];
- os->upState = mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * os->numTaps * 2, &m->pool);
- os->downState = mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * os->numTaps * 2, &m->pool);
- }
-void tOversampler_freeFromPool (tOversampler* const osr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tOversampler* os = *osr;
- mpool_free(os->upState, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(os->downState, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(os, &m->pool);
-float tOversampler_tick(tOversampler* const osr, float input, float (*effectTick)(float))
- _tOversampler* os = *osr;
- float buf[os->ratio];
- tOversampler_upsample(osr, input, buf);
- for (int i = 0; i < os->ratio; ++i) {
- buf[i] = effectTick(buf[i]);
- }
- return tOversampler_downsample(osr, buf);
-// From CMSIS DSP Library
-void tOversampler_upsample(tOversampler* const osr, float input, float* output)
- _tOversampler* os = *osr;
- float *pState = os->upState; /* State pointer */
- float *pCoeffs = os->pCoeffs; /* Coefficient pointer */
- float *pStateCur;
- float *ptr1; /* Temporary pointer for state buffer */
- float *ptr2; /* Temporary pointer for coefficient buffer */
- float sum0; /* Accumulators */
- uint32_t i, tapCnt; /* Loop counters */
- uint32_t phaseLen = os->phaseLength; /* Length of each polyphase filter component */
- uint32_t j;
- /* os->pState buffer contains previous frame (phaseLen - 1) samples */
- /* pStateCur points to the location where the new input data should be written */
- pStateCur = os->upState + (phaseLen - 1U);
- /* Copy new input sample into the state buffer */
- *pStateCur = input;
- /* Address modifier index of coefficient buffer */
- j = 1U;
- /* Loop over the Interpolation factor. */
- i = os->ratio;
- while (i > 0U)
- {
- /* Set accumulator to zero */
- sum0 = 0.0f;
- /* Initialize state pointer */
- ptr1 = pState;
- /* Initialize coefficient pointer */
- ptr2 = pCoeffs + (os->ratio - j);
- /* Loop over the polyPhase length.
- Repeat until we've computed numTaps-(4*os->L) coefficients. */
- /* Initialize tapCnt with number of samples */
- tapCnt = phaseLen;
- while (tapCnt > 0U)
- {
- /* Perform the multiply-accumulate */
- sum0 += *ptr1++ * *ptr2;
- /* Upsampling is done by stuffing L-1 zeros between each sample.
- * So instead of multiplying zeros with coefficients,
- * Increment the coefficient pointer by interpolation factor times. */
- ptr2 += os->ratio;
- /* Decrement loop counter */
- tapCnt--;
- }
- /* The result is in the accumulator, store in the destination buffer. */
- *output++ = sum0 * os->ratio;
- /* Increment the address modifier index of coefficient buffer */
- j++;
- /* Decrement the loop counter */
- i--;
- }
- /* Advance the state pointer by 1
- * to process the next group of interpolation factor number samples */
- pState = pState + 1;
- /* Processing is complete.
- Now copy the last phaseLen - 1 samples to the satrt of the state buffer.
- This prepares the state buffer for the next function call. */
- /* Points to the start of the state buffer */
- pStateCur = os->upState;
- /* Initialize tapCnt with number of samples */
- tapCnt = (phaseLen - 1U);
- /* Copy data */
- while (tapCnt > 0U)
- {
- *pStateCur++ = *pState++;
- /* Decrement loop counter */
- tapCnt--;
- }
-// From CMSIS DSP Library
-float tOversampler_downsample(tOversampler *const osr, float* input)
- _tOversampler* os = *osr;
- float *pState = os->downState; /* State pointer */
- float *pCoeffs = os->pCoeffs; /* Coefficient pointer */
- float *pStateCur; /* Points to the current sample of the state */
- float *px0; /* Temporary pointer for state buffer */
- float *pb; /* Temporary pointer for coefficient buffer */
- float x0, c0; /* Temporary variables to hold state and coefficient values */
- float acc0; /* Accumulator */
- uint32_t numTaps = os->numTaps; /* Number of filter coefficients in the filter */
- uint32_t i, tapCnt;
- float output;
- /* os->pState buffer contains previous frame (numTaps - 1) samples */
- /* pStateCur points to the location where the new input data should be written */
- pStateCur = os->downState + (numTaps - 1U);
- /* Copy decimation factor number of new input samples into the state buffer */
- i = os->ratio;
- do
- {
- *pStateCur++ = *input++;
- } while (--i);
- /* Set accumulator to zero */
- acc0 = 0.0f;
- /* Initialize state pointer */
- px0 = pState;
- /* Initialize coeff pointer */
- pb = pCoeffs;
- /* Initialize tapCnt with number of taps */
- tapCnt = numTaps;
- while (tapCnt > 0U)
- {
- /* Read coefficients */
- c0 = *pb++;
- /* Fetch 1 state variable */
- x0 = *px0++;
- /* Perform the multiply-accumulate */
- acc0 += x0 * c0;
- /* Decrement loop counter */
- tapCnt--;
- }
- /* Advance the state pointer by the decimation factor
- * to process the next group of decimation factor number samples */
- pState = pState + os->ratio;
- /* The result is in the accumulator, store in the destination buffer. */
- output = acc0;
- /* Processing is complete.
- Now copy the last numTaps - 1 samples to the start of the state buffer.
- This prepares the state buffer for the next function call. */
- /* Points to the start of the state buffer */
- pStateCur = os->downState;
- /* Initialize tapCnt with number of taps */
- tapCnt = (numTaps - 1U);
- /* Copy data */
- while (tapCnt > 0U)
- {
- *pStateCur++ = *pState++;
- /* Decrement loop counter */
- tapCnt--;
- }
- return output;
-int tOversampler_getLatency(tOversampler* const osr)
- _tOversampler* os = *osr;
- return os->phaseLength;
-//from the paper: Virtual Analog Model of the Lockhart Wavefolder
-//by Fabián Esqueda, Henri Pöntynen, Julian D. Parker and Stefan Bilbao
-void tLockhartWavefolder_init(tLockhartWavefolder* const wf)
- _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf = (_tLockhartWavefolder*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tLockhartWavefolder));
- w->Ln1 = 0.0;
- w->Fn1 = 0.0;
- w->xn1 = 0.0f;
- w->RL = 7.5e3;
- w->R = 15e3;
- w->VT = 26e-3;
- w->Is = 10e-16;
- w->a = 2.0*w->RL/w->R;
- w->b = (w->R+2.0*w->RL)/(w->VT*w->R);
- w->d = (w->RL*w->Is)/w->VT;
- w->half_a = 0.5 * w->a;
- w->longthing = (0.5*w->VT/w->b);
- // Antialiasing error threshold
- w->thresh = 10e-10;
-void tLockhartWavefolder_free(tLockhartWavefolder* const wf)
- _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf;
- leaf_free(w);
-void tLockhartWavefolder_initToPool (tLockhartWavefolder* const wf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf = (_tLockhartWavefolder*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tLockhartWavefolder), &m->pool);
- w->Ln1 = 0.0;
- w->Fn1 = 0.0;
- w->xn1 = 0.0f;
- w->RL = 7.5e3;
- w->R = 15e3;
- w->VT = 26e-3;
- w->Is = 10e-16;
- w->a = 2.0*w->RL/w->R;
- w->b = (w->R+2.0*w->RL)/(w->VT*w->R);
- w->d = (w->RL*w->Is)/w->VT;
- w->half_a = 0.5 * w->a;
- w->longthing = (0.5*w->VT/w->b);
- // Antialiasing error threshold
- w->thresh = 10e-10;
-void tLockhartWavefolder_freeFromPool (tLockhartWavefolder* const wf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf;
- mpool_free(w, &m->pool);
-double tLockhartWavefolderLambert(double x, double ln)
- double thresh, w, expw, p, r, s, err;
- // Error threshold
- thresh = 10e-12;
- // Initial guess (use previous value)
- w = ln;
- // Haley's method (Sec. 4.2 of the paper)
- for(int i=0; i<1000; i+=1) {
- expw = exp(w);
- p = w*expw - x;
- r = (w+1.0)*expw;
- s = (w+2.0)/(2.0*(w+1.0));
- err = (p/(r-(p*s)));
- if (fabs(err)<thresh) {
- break;
- }
- w = w - err;
- if (i == 999)
- {
- }
- }
- return w;
-float tLockhartWavefolder_tick(tLockhartWavefolder* const wf, float samp)
- _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf;
- float out = 0.0f;
- // Compute Antiderivative
- int l = (samp > 0.0f) - (samp < 0.0f);
- double u = w->d*exp(l*w->b*samp);
- double Ln = tLockhartWavefolderLambert(u,w->Ln1);
- double Fn = w->longthing*(Ln*(Ln + 2.0)) - w->half_a*samp*samp;
- // Check for ill-conditioning
- if (fabs(samp-w->xn1)<w->thresh) {
- // Compute Averaged Wavefolder Output
- float xn = 0.5f*(samp+w->xn1);
- u = w->d*exp(l*w->b*xn);
- Ln = tLockhartWavefolderLambert(u,w->Ln1);
- out = (float) (l*w->VT*Ln - w->a*xn);
- }
- else {
- // Apply AA Form
- out = (float) ((Fn-w->Fn1)/(samp-w->xn1));
- }
- // Update States
- w->Ln1 = Ln;
- w->Fn1 = Fn;
- w->xn1 = samp;
- return out;
-#define SCALAR 5000.f
-void tCrusher_init (tCrusher* const cr)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr = (_tCrusher*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCrusher));
- c->op = 4;
- c->div = SCALAR;
- c->rnd = 0.25f;
- c->srr = 0.25f;
- tSampleReducer_init(&c->sReducer);
- c->gain = (c->div / SCALAR) * 0.7f + 0.3f;
-void tCrusher_free (tCrusher* const cr)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- tSampleReducer_free(&c->sReducer);
- leaf_free(c);
-void tCrusher_initToPool (tCrusher* const cr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tCrusher* c = *cr = (_tCrusher*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tCrusher), &m->pool);
- c->op = 4;
- c->div = SCALAR;
- c->rnd = 0.25f;
- c->srr = 0.25f;
- tSampleReducer_initToPool(&c->sReducer, mp);
- c->gain = (c->div / SCALAR) * 0.7f + 0.3f;
-void tCrusher_freeFromPool (tCrusher* const cr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- tSampleReducer_freeFromPool(&c->sReducer, mp);
- mpool_free(c, &m->pool);
-float tCrusher_tick (tCrusher* const cr, float input)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- float sample = input;
- sample *= SCALAR; // SCALAR is 5000 by default
- sample = (int32_t) sample;
- sample /= c->div;
- sample = LEAF_bitwise_xor(sample, c->op << 23);
- sample = LEAF_clip(-1.f, sample, 1.f);
- sample = LEAF_round(sample, c->rnd);
- sample = tSampleReducer_tick(&c->sReducer, sample);
- return sample * c->gain;
-void tCrusher_setOperation (tCrusher* const cr, float op)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- c->op = (uint32_t) (op * 8.0f);
-// 0.0 - 1.0
-void tCrusher_setQuality (tCrusher* const cr, float val)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- val = LEAF_clip(0.0f, val, 1.0f);
- c->div = 0.01f + val * SCALAR;
- c->gain = (c->div / SCALAR) * 0.7f + 0.3f;
-// what decimal to round to
-void tCrusher_setRound (tCrusher* const cr, float rnd)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- c->rnd = fabsf(rnd);
-void tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (tCrusher* const cr, float ratio)
- _tCrusher* c = *cr;
- c->srr = ratio;
- tSampleReducer_setRatio(&c->sReducer, ratio);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-dynamics.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +1,0 @@
- leaf-dynamics.c
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:56:49am
- Author: airship
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-dynamics.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-dynamics.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Compressor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
- tCompressor* tCompressorInit(int tauAttack, int tauRelease)
- {
- tCompressor* c = &leaf.tCompressorRegistry[leaf.registryIndex[T_COMPRESSOR]++];
- c->tauAttack = tauAttack;
- c->tauRelease = tauRelease;
- c->x_G[0] = 0.0f, c->x_G[1] = 0.0f,
- c->y_G[0] = 0.0f, c->y_G[1] = 0.0f,
- c->x_T[0] = 0.0f, c->x_T[1] = 0.0f,
- c->y_T[0] = 0.0f, c->y_T[1] = 0.0f;
- c->T = 0.0f; // Threshold
- c->R = 1.0f; // compression Ratio
- c->M = 0.0f; // decibel Make-up gain
- c->W = 0.0f; // decibel Width of knee transition
- return c;
- }
- */
-void tCompressor_init(tCompressor* const comp)
- _tCompressor* c = *comp = (_tCompressor*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCompressor));
- c->tauAttack = 100;
- c->tauRelease = 100;
- c->isActive = OFALSE;
- c->T = 0.0f; // Threshold
- c->R = 0.5f; // compression Ratio
- c->M = 3.0f; // decibel Width of knee transition
- c->W = 1.0f; // decibel Make-up gain
-void tCompressor_free(tCompressor* const comp)
- _tCompressor* c = *comp;
- leaf_free(c);
-void tCompressor_initToPool (tCompressor* const comp, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tCompressor* c = *comp = (_tCompressor*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tCompressor), &m->pool);
- c->tauAttack = 100;
- c->tauRelease = 100;
- c->isActive = OFALSE;
- c->T = 0.0f; // Threshold
- c->R = 0.5f; // compression Ratio
- c->M = 3.0f; // decibel Width of knee transition
- c->W = 1.0f; // decibel Make-up gain
-void tCompressor_freeFromPool(tCompressor* const comp, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tCompressor* c = *comp;
- mpool_free(c, &m->pool);
-float tCompressor_tick(tCompressor* const comp, float in)
- _tCompressor* c = *comp;
- float slope, overshoot;
- float alphaAtt, alphaRel;
- float in_db = 20.0f * log10f( fmaxf( fabsf( in), 0.000001f)), out_db = 0.0f;
- c->y_T[1] = c->y_T[0];
- slope = c->R - 1.0f; // feed-forward topology; was 1/C->R - 1
- overshoot = in_db - c->T;
- if (overshoot <= -(c->W * 0.5f))
- {
- out_db = in_db;
- c->isActive = OFALSE;
- }
- else if ((overshoot > -(c->W * 0.5f)) && (overshoot < (c->W * 0.5f)))
- {
- out_db = in_db + slope * (powf((overshoot + c->W*0.5f),2) / (2.0f * c->W)); // .^ 2 ???
- c->isActive = OTRUE;
- }
- else if (overshoot >= (c->W * 0.5f))
- {
- out_db = in_db + slope * overshoot;
- c->isActive = OTRUE;
- }
- c->x_T[0] = out_db - in_db;
- alphaAtt = expf(-1.0f/(0.001f * c->tauAttack * leaf.sampleRate));
- alphaRel = expf(-1.0f/(0.001f * c->tauRelease * leaf.sampleRate));
- if (c->x_T[0] > c->y_T[1])
- c->y_T[0] = alphaAtt * c->y_T[1] + (1-alphaAtt) * c->x_T[0];
- else
- c->y_T[0] = alphaRel * c->y_T[1] + (1-alphaRel) * c->x_T[0];
- float attenuation = powf(10.0f, ((c->M - c->y_T[0])/20.0f));
- return attenuation * in;
-/* Feedback Leveler */
-void tFeedbackLeveler_init(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb = (_tFeedbackLeveler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFeedbackLeveler));
- p->curr=0.0f;
- p->targetLevel=targetLevel;
- tPowerFollower_init(&p->pwrFlw,factor);
- p->mode=mode;
- p->strength=strength;
-void tFeedbackLeveler_free(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- tPowerFollower_free(&p->pwrFlw);
- leaf_free(p);
-void tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb = (_tFeedbackLeveler*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tFeedbackLeveler), &m->pool);
- p->curr=0.0f;
- p->targetLevel=targetLevel;
- tPowerFollower_initToPool(&p->pwrFlw,factor, mp);
- p->mode=mode;
- p->strength=strength;
-void tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- tPowerFollower_freeFromPool(&p->pwrFlw, mp);
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-void tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float strength)
-{ // strength is how strongly level diff is affecting the amp ratio
- // try 0.125 for a start
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- p->strength=strength;
-void tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float factor)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- tPowerFollower_setFactor(&p->pwrFlw,factor);
-void tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, int mode)
-{ // 0 for decaying with upwards lev limiting, 1 for constrained absolute level (also downwards limiting)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- p->mode=mode;
-float tFeedbackLeveler_tick(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float input)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- float levdiff=(tPowerFollower_tick(&p->pwrFlw, input)-p->targetLevel);
- if (p->mode==0 && levdiff<0.0f) levdiff=0.0f;
- p->curr=input*(1.0f-p->strength*levdiff);
- return p->curr;
-float tFeedbackLeveler_sample(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- return p->curr;
-void tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float TargetLevel)
- _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
- p->targetLevel=TargetLevel;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-effects.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1676 +1,0 @@
- leaf-vocoder.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:54pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-effects.c"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-effects.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-void tTalkbox_init(tTalkbox* const voc, int bufsize)
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc = (_tTalkbox*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTalkbox));
- v->param[0] = 0.5f; //wet
- v->param[1] = 0.0f; //dry
- v->param[2] = 0; // Swap
- v->param[3] = 1.0f; //quality
- v->bufsize = bufsize;
- v->car0 = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
- v->car1 = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
- v->window = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
- v->buf0 = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
- v->buf1 = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
- tTalkbox_update(voc);
- tTalkbox_suspend(voc);
-void tTalkbox_free(tTalkbox* const voc)
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
- leaf_free(v->buf1);
- leaf_free(v->buf0);
- leaf_free(v->window);
- leaf_free(v->car1);
- leaf_free(v->car0);
- leaf_free(v);
-void tTalkbox_initToPool (tTalkbox* const voc, int bufsize, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc = (_tTalkbox*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tTalkbox), &m->pool);
- v->param[0] = 0.5f; //wet
- v->param[1] = 0.0f; //dry
- v->param[2] = 0; // Swap
- v->param[3] = 1.0f; //quality
- v->bufsize = bufsize;
- v->car0 = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize, &m->pool);
- v->car1 = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize, &m->pool);
- v->window = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize, &m->pool);
- v->buf0 = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize, &m->pool);
- v->buf1 = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize, &m->pool);
- tTalkbox_update(voc);
- tTalkbox_suspend(voc);
-void tTalkbox_freeFromPool (tTalkbox* const voc, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
- mpool_free(v->buf1, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(v->buf0, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(v->window, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(v->car1, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(v->car0, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(v, &m->pool);
-void tTalkbox_update(tTalkbox* const voc) ///update internal parameters...
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
- float fs = leaf.sampleRate;
- if(fs < 8000.0f) fs = 8000.0f;
- if(fs > 96000.0f) fs = 96000.0f;
- int32_t n = (int32_t)(0.01633f * fs);
- if(n > v->bufsize) n = v->bufsize;
- //O = (VstInt32)(0.0005f * fs);
- v->O = (int32_t)((0.0001f + 0.0004f * v->param[3]) * fs);
- if(n != v->N) //recalc hanning window
- {
- v->N = n;
- float dp = TWO_PI / v->N;
- float p = 0.0f;
- for(n=0; n<v->N; n++)
- {
- v->window[n] = 0.5f - 0.5f * cosf(p);
- p += dp;
- }
- }
- v->wet = 0.5f * v->param[0] * v->param[0];
- v->dry = 2.0f * v->param[1] * v->param[1];
-void tTalkbox_suspend(tTalkbox* const voc) ///clear any buffers...
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
- v->pos = v->K = 0;
- v->emphasis = 0.0f;
- v->FX = 0;
- v->u0 = v->u1 = v->u2 = v->u3 = v->u4 = 0.0f;
- v->d0 = v->d1 = v->d2 = v->d3 = v->d4 = 0.0f;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < v->bufsize; i++)
- {
- v->buf0[i] = 0;
- v->buf1[i] = 0;
- v->car0[i] = 0;
- v->car1[i] = 0;
- }
-#define ORD_MAX 100 // Was 50. Increasing this gets rid of glitchiness, lowering it breaks it; not sure how it affects performance
-void tTalkbox_lpc(float *buf, float *car, int32_t n, int32_t o)
- float z[ORD_MAX], r[ORD_MAX], k[ORD_MAX], G, x;
- int32_t i, j, nn=n;
- for(j=0; j<=o; j++, nn--) //buf[] is already emphasized and windowed
- {
- z[j] = r[j] = 0.0f;
- for(i=0; i<nn; i++) r[j] += buf[i] * buf[i+j]; //autocorrelation
- }
- r[0] *= 1.001f; //stability fix
- float min = 0.00001f;
- if(r[0] < min) { for(i=0; i<n; i++) buf[i] = 0.0f; return; }
- tTalkbox_lpcDurbin(r, o, k, &G); //calc reflection coeffs
- for(i=0; i<=o; i++)
- {
- if(k[i] > 0.995f) k[i] = 0.995f; else if(k[i] < -0.995f) k[i] = -.995f;
- }
- for(i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- x = G * car[i];
- for(j=o; j>0; j--) //lattice filter
- {
- x -= k[j] * z[j-1];
- z[j] = z[j-1] + k[j] * x;
- }
- buf[i] = z[0] = x; //output buf[] will be windowed elsewhere
- }
-void tTalkbox_lpcDurbin(float *r, int p, float *k, float *g)
- int i, j;
- float a[ORD_MAX], at[ORD_MAX], e=r[0];
- for(i=0; i<=p; i++) a[i] = at[i] = 0.0f; //probably don't need to clear at[] or k[]
- for(i=1; i<=p; i++)
- {
- k[i] = -r[i];
- for(j=1; j<i; j++)
- {
- at[j] = a[j];
- k[i] -= a[j] * r[i-j];
- }
- if(fabs(e) < 1.0e-20f) { e = 0.0f; break; }
- k[i] /= e; // This might be costing us
- a[i] = k[i];
- for(j=1; j<i; j++) a[j] = at[j] + k[i] * at[i-j];
- e *= 1.0f - k[i] * k[i];
- }
- if(e < 1.0e-20f) e = 0.0f;
- *g = sqrtf(e);
-float tTalkbox_tick(tTalkbox* const voc, float synth, float voice)
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
- int32_t p0=v->pos, p1 = (v->pos + v->N/2) % v->N;
- float e=v->emphasis, w, o, x, dr, fx=v->FX;
- float p, q, h0=0.3f, h1=0.77f;
- o = voice;
- x = synth;
- dr = o;
- p = v->d0 + h0 * x; v->d0 = v->d1; v->d1 = x - h0 * p;
- q = v->d2 + h1 * v->d4; v->d2 = v->d3; v->d3 = v->d4 - h1 * q;
- v->d4 = x;
- x = p + q;
- if(v->K++)
- {
- v->K = 0;
- v->car0[p0] = v->car1[p1] = x; //carrier input
- x = o - e; e = o; //6dB/oct pre-emphasis
- w = v->window[p0]; fx = v->buf0[p0] * w; v->buf0[p0] = x * w; //50% overlapping hanning windows
- if(++p0 >= v->N) { tTalkbox_lpc(v->buf0, v->car0, v->N, v->O); p0 = 0; }
- w = 1.0f - w; fx += v->buf1[p1] * w; v->buf1[p1] = x * w;
- if(++p1 >= v->N) { tTalkbox_lpc(v->buf1, v->car1, v->N, v->O); p1 = 0; }
- }
- p = v->u0 + h0 * fx; v->u0 = v->u1; v->u1 = fx - h0 * p;
- q = v->u2 + h1 * v->u4; v->u2 = v->u3; v->u3 = v->u4 - h1 * q;
- v->u4 = fx;
- x = p + q;
- o = x;
- v->emphasis = e;
- v->pos = p0;
- v->FX = fx;
- return o;
-void tTalkbox_setQuality(tTalkbox* const voc, float quality)
- _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
- v->param[3] = quality;
- v->O = (int32_t)((0.0001f + 0.0004f * v->param[3]) * leaf.sampleRate);
-void tVocoder_init (tVocoder* const voc)
- _tVocoder* v = *voc = (_tVocoder*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tVocoder));
- v->param[0] = 0.33f; //input select
- v->param[1] = 0.50f; //output dB
- v->param[2] = 0.40f; //hi thru
- v->param[3] = 0.40f; //hi band
- v->param[4] = 0.16f; //envelope
- v->param[5] = 0.55f; //filter q
- v->param[6] = 0.6667f;//freq range
- v->param[7] = 0.33f; //num bands
- tVocoder_update(voc);
-void tVocoder_free (tVocoder* const voc)
- _tVocoder* v = *voc;
- leaf_free(v);
-void tVocoder_initToPool (tVocoder* const voc, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tVocoder* v = *voc = (_tVocoder*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tVocoder), &m->pool);
- v->param[0] = 0.33f; //input select
- v->param[1] = 0.50f; //output dB
- v->param[2] = 0.40f; //hi thru
- v->param[3] = 0.40f; //hi band
- v->param[4] = 0.16f; //envelope
- v->param[5] = 0.55f; //filter q
- v->param[6] = 0.6667f;//freq range
- v->param[7] = 0.33f; //num bands
- tVocoder_update(voc);
-void tVocoder_freeFromPool (tVocoder* const voc, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tVocoder* v = *voc;
- mpool_free(v, &m->pool);
-void tVocoder_update (tVocoder* const voc)
- _tVocoder* v = *voc;
- float tpofs = 6.2831853f * leaf.invSampleRate;
- float rr, th, re;
- float sh;
- int32_t i;
- v->gain = (float)pow(10.0f, 2.0f * v->param[1] - 3.0f * v->param[5] - 2.0f);
- v->thru = (float)pow(10.0f, 0.5f + 2.0f * v->param[1]);
- v->high = v->param[3] * v->param[3] * v->param[3] * v->thru;
- v->thru *= v->param[2] * v->param[2] * v->param[2];
- if(v->param[7]<0.5f)
- {
- v->nbnd=8;
- re=0.003f;
- v->f[1][2] = 3000.0f;
- v->f[2][2] = 2200.0f;
- v->f[3][2] = 1500.0f;
- v->f[4][2] = 1080.0f;
- v->f[5][2] = 700.0f;
- v->f[6][2] = 390.0f;
- v->f[7][2] = 190.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- v->nbnd=16;
- re=0.0015f;
- v->f[ 1][2] = 5000.0f; //+1000
- v->f[ 2][2] = 4000.0f; //+750
- v->f[ 3][2] = 3250.0f; //+500
- v->f[ 4][2] = 2750.0f; //+450
- v->f[ 5][2] = 2300.0f; //+300
- v->f[ 6][2] = 2000.0f; //+250
- v->f[ 7][2] = 1750.0f; //+250
- v->f[ 8][2] = 1500.0f; //+250
- v->f[ 9][2] = 1250.0f; //+250
- v->f[10][2] = 1000.0f; //+250
- v->f[11][2] = 750.0f; //+210
- v->f[12][2] = 540.0f; //+190
- v->f[13][2] = 350.0f; //+155
- v->f[14][2] = 195.0f; //+100
- v->f[15][2] = 95.0f;
- }
- if(v->param[4]<0.05f) //freeze
- {
- for(i=0;i<v->nbnd;i++) v->f[i][12]=0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- v->f[0][12] = (float)pow(10.0, -1.7 - 2.7f * v->param[4]); //envelope speed
- rr = 0.022f / (float)v->nbnd; //minimum proportional to frequency to stop distortion
- for(i=1;i<v->nbnd;i++)
- {
- v->f[i][12] = (float)(0.025 - rr * (double)i);
- if(v->f[0][12] < v->f[i][12]) v->f[i][12] = v->f[0][12];
- }
- v->f[0][12] = 0.5f * v->f[0][12]; //only top band is at full rate
- }
- rr = 1.0 - pow(10.0f, -1.0f - 1.2f * v->param[5]);
- sh = (float)pow(2.0f, 3.0f * v->param[6] - 1.0f); //filter bank range shift
- for(i=1;i<v->nbnd;i++)
- {
- v->f[i][2] *= sh;
- th = acos((2.0 * rr * cos(tpofs * v->f[i][2])) / (1.0 + rr * rr));
- v->f[i][0] = (float)(2.0 * rr * cos(th)); //a0
- v->f[i][1] = (float)(-rr * rr); //a1
- //was .98
- v->f[i][2] *= 0.96f; //shift 2nd stage slightly to stop high resonance peaks
- th = acos((2.0 * rr * cos(tpofs * v->f[i][2])) / (1.0 + rr * rr));
- v->f[i][2] = (float)(2.0 * rr * cos(th));
- }
-float tVocoder_tick (tVocoder* const voc, float synth, float voice)
- _tVocoder* v = *voc;
- float a, b, o=0.0f, aa, bb, oo = v->kout, g = v->gain, ht = v->thru, hh = v->high, tmp;
- uint32_t i, k = v->kval, nb = v->nbnd;
- a = voice; //speech
- b = synth; //synth
- tmp = a - v->f[0][7]; //integrate modulator for HF band and filter bank pre-emphasis
- v->f[0][7] = a;
- a = tmp;
- if(tmp<0.0f) tmp = -tmp;
- v->f[0][11] -= v->f[0][12] * (v->f[0][11] - tmp); //high band envelope
- o = v->f[0][11] * (ht * a + hh * (b - v->f[0][3])); //high band + high thru
- v->f[0][3] = b; //integrate carrier for HF band
- if(++k & 0x1) //this block runs at half sample rate
- {
- oo = 0.0f;
- aa = a + v->f[0][9] - v->f[0][8] - v->f[0][8]; //apply zeros here instead of in each reson
- v->f[0][9] = v->f[0][8]; v->f[0][8] = a;
- bb = b + v->f[0][5] - v->f[0][4] - v->f[0][4];
- v->f[0][5] = v->f[0][4]; v->f[0][4] = b;
- for(i=1; i<nb; i++) //filter bank: 4th-order band pass
- {
- tmp = v->f[i][0] * v->f[i][3] + v->f[i][1] * v->f[i][4] + bb;
- v->f[i][4] = v->f[i][3];
- v->f[i][3] = tmp;
- tmp += v->f[i][2] * v->f[i][5] + v->f[i][1] * v->f[i][6];
- v->f[i][6] = v->f[i][5];
- v->f[i][5] = tmp;
- tmp = v->f[i][0] * v->f[i][7] + v->f[i][1] * v->f[i][8] + aa;
- v->f[i][8] = v->f[i][7];
- v->f[i][7] = tmp;
- tmp += v->f[i][2] * v->f[i][9] + v->f[i][1] * v->f[i][10];
- v->f[i][10] = v->f[i][9];
- v->f[i][9] = tmp;
- if(tmp<0.0f) tmp = -tmp;
- v->f[i][11] -= v->f[i][12] * (v->f[i][11] - tmp);
- oo += v->f[i][5] * v->f[i][11];
- }
- }
- o += oo * g; //effect of interpolating back up to Fs would be minimal (aliasing >16kHz)
- v->kout = oo;
- v->kval = k & 0x1;
- if(fabs(v->f[0][11])<1.0e-10) v->f[0][11] = 0.0f; //catch HF envelope denormal
- for(i=1;i<nb;i++)
- if(fabs(v->f[i][3])<1.0e-10 || fabs(v->f[i][7])<1.0e-10)
- for(k=3; k<12; k++) v->f[i][k] = 0.0f; //catch reson & envelope denormals
- if(fabs(o)>10.0f) tVocoder_suspend(voc); //catch instability
- return o;
-void tVocoder_suspend (tVocoder* const voc)
- _tVocoder* v = *voc;
- int32_t i, j;
- for(i=0; i<v->nbnd; i++) for(j=3; j<12; j++) v->f[i][j] = 0.0f; //zero band filters and envelopes
- v->kout = 0.0f;
- v->kval = 0;
-/***************** static function declarations *******************************/
-static void solad_init(_tSOLAD *w);
-static inline float read_sample(_tSOLAD *w, float floatindex);
-static void pitchdown(_tSOLAD *w, float *out);
-static void pitchup(_tSOLAD *w, float *out);
-/***************** public access functions ************************************/
-// init
-void tSOLAD_init(tSOLAD* const wp)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp = (_tSOLAD*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(_tSOLAD));
- w->pitchfactor = 1.;
- w->delaybuf = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * (LOOPSIZE+16));
- solad_init(w);
-void tSOLAD_free(tSOLAD* const wp)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- leaf_free(w->delaybuf);
- leaf_free(w);
-void tSOLAD_initToPool (tSOLAD* const wp, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp = (_tSOLAD*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(_tSOLAD), &m->pool);
- w->pitchfactor = 1.;
- w->delaybuf = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * (LOOPSIZE+16), &m->pool);
- solad_init(w);
-void tSOLAD_freeFromPool (tSOLAD* const wp, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- mpool_free(w->delaybuf, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(w, &m->pool);
-// send one block of input samples, receive one block of output samples
-void tSOLAD_ioSamples(tSOLAD* const wp, float* in, float* out, int blocksize)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- int i = w->timeindex;
- int n = w->blocksize = blocksize;
- if(!i) w->delaybuf[LOOPSIZE] = in[0]; // copy one sample for interpolation
- while(n--) w->delaybuf[i++] = *in++; // copy one input block to delay buffer
- if(w->pitchfactor > 1) pitchup(w, out);
- else pitchdown(w, out);
- w->timeindex += blocksize;
- w->timeindex &= LOOPMASK;
-// set periodicity analysis data
-void tSOLAD_setPeriod(tSOLAD* const wp, float period)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- if(period > MAXPERIOD) period = MAXPERIOD;
- if(period > MINPERIOD) w->period = period; // ignore period when too small
-// set pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
-void tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(tSOLAD* const wp, float pitchfactor)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- if (pitchfactor <= 0.0f) return;
- w->pitchfactor = pitchfactor;
-// force readpointer lag
-void tSOLAD_setReadLag(tSOLAD* const wp, float readlag)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- if(readlag < 0) readlag = 0;
- if(readlag < w->readlag) // do not jump backward, only forward
- {
- w->jump = w->readlag - readlag;
- w->readlag = readlag;
- w->xfadelength = readlag;
- w->xfadevalue = 1;
- }
-// reset state variables
-void tSOLAD_resetState(tSOLAD* const wp)
- _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
- int n = LOOPSIZE + 1;
- float *buf = w->delaybuf;
- while(n--) *buf++ = 0;
- solad_init(w);
-/******************** private procedures **************************************/
- Function pitchdown() is called to read samples from the delay buffer when pitch
- factor is between 0.25 and 1. The read pointer lags behind because of the slowed
- down speed, and it must jump forward towards the write pointer soon as there is
- sufficient space to jump. That is, if there is at least one period of the input
- signal between read pointer and write pointer. When short periods follow up on
- long periods, the read pointer may have space to jump over more than one period
- lenghts. Jump length must be [periodlength ^ 2] in any case.
- A linear crossfade function joins the jump-from point with the jump-to point.
- The crossfade must be completed before another read pointer jump is allowed.
- Length of the crossfade function is stored as a number of samples in terms of
- the input sample rate. This length is dynamically translated
- to a crossfade length expressed in output reading rate, according to pitch
- factor which can change before the crossfade is completed. Crossfade length does
- not cover an invariable length in periods for all pitch transposition factors.
- For pitch factors from 0.5 till 1, crossfade length is stretched in the
- output just as much as the signal itself, as crossfade speed is set to equal
- pitch factor. For pitch factors below 0.5, the read pointer wants to jump
- forward before one period is read, therefore the crossfade length as expressed
- in output periods must be shorter. Crossfade speed is set to [1 - pitchfactor]
- for those cases. Pitch factor 0.5 is the natural switch point between crossfade
- speeds [pitchfactor] and [1 - pitchfactor] because 0.5 == 1 - 0.5. The crossfade
- speed modification for pitch factors below 0.5 also means that much of the
- original signal content will be skipped.
- */
-static void pitchdown(_tSOLAD* const w, float *out)
- int n = w->blocksize;
- float refindex = (float)(w->timeindex + LOOPSIZE); // no negative values!
- float pitchfactor = w->pitchfactor;
- float period = w->period;
- float readlag = w->readlag;
- float readlagstep = 1 - pitchfactor;
- float jump = w->jump;
- float xfadevalue = w->xfadevalue;
- float xfadelength = w->xfadelength;
- float xfadespeed, xfadestep, readindex, outputsample;
- if(pitchfactor > 0.5) xfadespeed = pitchfactor;
- else xfadespeed = 1 - pitchfactor;
- xfadestep = xfadespeed / xfadelength;
- while(n--)
- {
- if(readlag > period) // check if read pointer may jump forward...
- {
- if(xfadevalue <= 0) // ...but do not interrupt crossfade
- {
- jump = period; // jump forward
- while((jump * 2) < readlag) jump *= 2; // use available space
- readlag -= jump; // reduce read pointer lag
- xfadevalue = 1; // start crossfade
- xfadelength = period - 1;
- xfadestep = xfadespeed / xfadelength;
- }
- }
- readindex = refindex - readlag;
- outputsample = read_sample(w, readindex);
- if(xfadevalue > 0)
- {
- outputsample *= (1 - xfadevalue); // fadein
- outputsample += read_sample(w, readindex - jump) * xfadevalue; // fadeout
- xfadevalue -= xfadestep;
- }
- *out++ = outputsample;
- refindex += 1;
- readlag += readlagstep;
- }
- w->jump = jump; // state variables
- w->readlag = readlag;
- w->xfadevalue = xfadevalue;
- w->xfadelength = xfadelength;
- Function pitchup() for pitch factors above 1 is more complicated than
- pitchdown(). The read pointer increments faster than the write pointer and a
- backward jump must happen in time, reckoning with the crossfade region. The read
- pointer backward jump length is always one period. In order to minimize the area
- of signal duplicates, crossfade length is aimed at [period / pitchfactor].
- This leads to a crossfade speed of [pitchfactor * pitchfactor].
- Some samples for the fade out (but not all of them) must already be in the
- buffer, otherwise we will run out of input samples before the crossfade is
- completed. The ratio of past samples and future samples for a crossfade of any
- length is as follows:
- past samples: xfadelength * (1 - 1 / pitchfactor)
- future samples: xfadelength * (1 / pitchfactor)
- For example in the case of pitch factor 1.5 this would be:
- past samples: xfadelength * (1 - 1 / 1.5) = xfadelength * 1 / 3
- future samples: xfadelength * (1 / 1.5) = xfadelength * 2 / 3
- In the case of pitch factor 4 this would be:
- past samples: xfadelength * (1 - 1 / 4) = xfadelength * 3 / 4
- future samples: xfadelength * (1 / 4) = xfadelength * 1 / 4
- The read pointer lag must therefore preserve a minimum dependent on pitch
- factor. The minimum is called 'limit' here:
- limit = period * (pitchfactor - 1) / pitchfactor * pitchfactor
- Components of this expression are combined to reuse them in operations, while
- (pitchfactor - 1) is changed to (pitchfactor - 0.99) to avoid numerical
- resolution issues for pitch factors slightly above 1:
- xfadespeed = pitchfactor * pitchfactor
- limitfactor = (pitchfactor - 0.99) / xfadespeed
- limit = period * limitfactor
- When read lag is smaller than this limit, the read pointer must preferably
- jump backward, unless a previous crossfade is not yet completed. Crossfades must
- preferably be completed, unless the read pointer lag becomes smaller than zero.
- With fluctuating period lengths and pitch factors, the readpointer lag limit may
- change from one input block to the next in such a way that the actual lag is
- suddenly much smaller than the limit, and the intended crossfade length can not
- be applied. Therefore the crossfade length is simply calculated from the
- available amount of samples for all cases, like so:
- xfadelength = readlag / limitfactor
- For most occurrences, this will amount to a crossfade length reduced to
- [period / pitchfactor] in the output for pitch factors above 1, while in some
- cases it will be considerably shorter. Fortunately, an incidental aberration of
- the intended crossfade length hardly ever creates an audible artifact. The
- reason to specify preferred crossfade length according to pitch factor is to
- minimize the impression of echoes without sacrificing too much of the signal
- content. The readpointer jump length remains one period in any case.
- Sometimes, the input signal periodicity may decrease substantially between one
- signal block and the next. In such cases it may be possible for the read pointer
- to jump forward and reduce latency. For every signal block, a check on this
- possibility is done. A previous crossfade must be completed before a forward
- jump is allowed.
- */
-static void pitchup(_tSOLAD* const w, float *out)
- int n = w->blocksize;
- float refindex = (float)(w->timeindex + LOOPSIZE); // no negative values
- float pitchfactor = w->pitchfactor;
- float period = w->period;
- float readlag = w->readlag;
- float jump = w->jump;
- float xfadevalue = w->xfadevalue;
- float xfadelength = w->xfadelength;
- float readlagstep = pitchfactor - 1;
- float xfadespeed = pitchfactor * pitchfactor;
- float xfadestep = xfadespeed / xfadelength;
- float limitfactor = (pitchfactor - (float)0.99) / xfadespeed;
- float limit = period * limitfactor;
- float readindex, outputsample;
- if((readlag > (period + 2 * limit)) & (xfadevalue < 0))
- {
- jump = period; // jump forward
- while((jump * 2) < (readlag - 2 * limit)) jump *= 2; // use available space
- readlag -= jump; // reduce read pointer lag
- xfadevalue = 1; // start crossfade
- xfadelength = period - 1;
- xfadestep = xfadespeed / xfadelength;
- }
- while(n--)
- {
- if(readlag < limit) // check if read pointer should jump backward...
- {
- if((xfadevalue < 0) | (readlag < 0)) // ...but try not to interrupt crossfade
- {
- xfadelength = readlag / limitfactor;
- if(xfadelength < 1) xfadelength = 1;
- xfadestep = xfadespeed / xfadelength;
- jump = -period; // jump backward
- readlag += period; // increase read pointer lag
- xfadevalue = 1; // start crossfade
- }
- }
- readindex = refindex - readlag;
- outputsample = read_sample(w, readindex);
- if(xfadevalue > 0)
- {
- outputsample *= (1 - xfadevalue);
- outputsample += read_sample(w, readindex - jump) * xfadevalue;
- xfadevalue -= xfadestep;
- }
- *out++ = outputsample;
- refindex += 1;
- readlag -= readlagstep;
- }
- w->readlag = readlag; // state variables
- w->jump = jump;
- w->xfadelength = xfadelength;
- w->xfadevalue = xfadevalue;
-// read one sample from delay buffer, with linear interpolation
-static inline float read_sample(_tSOLAD* const w, float floatindex)
- int index = (int)floatindex;
- float fraction = floatindex - (float)index;
- float *buf = w->delaybuf;
- index &= LOOPMASK;
- return (buf[index] + (fraction * (buf[index+1] - buf[index])));
-static void solad_init(_tSOLAD* const w)
- w->timeindex = 0;
- w->xfadevalue = -1;
- w->period = INITPERIOD;
- w->readlag = INITPERIOD;
- w->blocksize = INITPERIOD;
-static int pitchshift_attackdetect(_tPitchShift* ps)
- float envout;
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
- envout = tEnvPD_tick(&p->env);
- if (envout >= 1.0f)
- {
- p->lastmax = p->max;
- if (envout > p->max)
- {
- p->max = envout;
- }
- else
- {
- p->deltamax = envout - p->max;
- p->max = p->max * ps->radius;
- }
- p->deltamax = p->max - p->lastmax;
- }
- p->fba = p->fba ? (p->fba - 1) : 0;
- return (p->fba == 0 && (p->max > 60 && p->deltamax > 6)) ? 1 : 0;
-void tPitchShift_init (tPitchShift* const psr, tPeriodDetection* pd, float* out, int bufSize)
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr = (_tPitchShift*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(_tPitchShift));
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- ps->p = pd;
- ps->outBuffer = out;
- ps->bufSize = bufSize;
- ps->frameSize = p->frameSize;
- ps->framesPerBuffer = ps->bufSize / ps->frameSize;
- ps->curBlock = 1;
- ps->lastBlock = 0;
- ps->index = 0;
- ps->pitchFactor = 1.0f;
- tSOLAD_init(&ps->sola);
- tHighpass_init(&ps->hp, HPFREQ);
- tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, DEFPITCHRATIO);
-void tPitchShift_free(tPitchShift* const psr)
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
- tSOLAD_free(&ps->sola);
- tHighpass_free(&ps->hp);
- leaf_free(ps);
-void tPitchShift_initToPool (tPitchShift* const psr, tPeriodDetection* const pd, float* out, int bufSize, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr = (_tPitchShift*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(_tPitchShift), &m->pool);
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
- ps->p = pd;
- ps->outBuffer = out;
- ps->bufSize = bufSize;
- ps->frameSize = p->frameSize;
- ps->framesPerBuffer = ps->bufSize / ps->frameSize;
- ps->curBlock = 1;
- ps->lastBlock = 0;
- ps->index = 0;
- ps->pitchFactor = 1.0f;
- tSOLAD_initToPool(&ps->sola, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&ps->hp, HPFREQ, mp);
- tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, DEFPITCHRATIO);
-void tPitchShift_freeFromPool (tPitchShift* const psr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
- tSOLAD_freeFromPool(&ps->sola, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&ps->hp, mp);
- mpool_free(ps, &m->pool);
-void tPitchShift_setPitchFactor(tPitchShift* psr, float pf)
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
- ps->pitchFactor = pf;
-float tPitchShift_shift (tPitchShift* psr)
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
- float period, out;
- int i, iLast;
- i = p->i;
- iLast = p->iLast;
- out = tHighpass_tick(&ps->hp, ps->outBuffer[iLast]);
- if (p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
- {
- period = tPeriodDetection_getPeriod(&p);
- if(pitchshift_attackdetect(ps) == 1)
- {
- p->fba = 5;
- tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, p->windowSize);
- }
- tSOLAD_setPeriod(&ps->sola, period);
- tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, ps->pitchFactor);
- tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
- }
- return out;
-float tPitchShift_shiftToFreq (tPitchShift* psr, float freq)
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
- float period, out;
- int i, iLast;
- i = p->i;
- iLast = p->iLast;
- out = tHighpass_tick(&ps->hp, ps->outBuffer[iLast]);
- if (p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
- {
- period = tPeriodDetection_getPeriod(&p);
- if(pitchshift_attackdetect(ps) == 1)
- {
- p->fba = 5;
- tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, p->windowSize);
- }
- tSOLAD_setPeriod(&ps->sola, period);
- if (period != 0) ps->pitchFactor = period*freq*leaf.invSampleRate;
- else ps->pitchFactor = 1.0f;
- tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, ps->pitchFactor);
- tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
- }
- return out;
-float tPitchShift_shiftToFunc (tPitchShift* psr, float (*fun)(float))
- _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
- _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
- float period, out;
- int i, iLast;
- i = p->i;
- iLast = p->iLast;
- out = tHighpass_tick(&ps->hp, ps->outBuffer[iLast]);
- if (p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
- {
- period = tPeriodDetection_getPeriod(&p);
- if(pitchshift_attackdetect(ps) == 1)
- {
- p->fba = 5;
- tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, p->windowSize);
- }
- tSOLAD_setPeriod(&ps->sola, period);
- ps->pitchFactor = period/fun(period);
- tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, ps->pitchFactor);
- tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
- ps->curBlock++;
- if (ps->curBlock >= p->framesPerBuffer) ps->curBlock = 0;
- ps->lastBlock++;
- if (ps->lastBlock >= ps->framesPerBuffer) ps->lastBlock = 0;
- }
- return out;
-void tRetune_init(tRetune* const rt, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize)
- tRetune_initToPool(rt, numVoices, bufSize, frameSize, &leaf_mempool);
-void tRetune_free(tRetune* const rt)
- tRetune_freeFromPool(rt, &leaf_mempool);
-void tRetune_initToPool (tRetune* const rt, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tRetune* r = *rt = (_tRetune*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tRetune), &m->pool);
- r->bufSize = bufSize;
- r->frameSize = frameSize;
- r->numVoices = numVoices;
- r->inBuffer = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * r->bufSize, &m->pool);
- r->outBuffers = (float**) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float*) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- r->hopSize = DEFHOPSIZE;
- r->windowSize = DEFWINDOWSIZE;
- r->fba = FBA;
- tRetune_setTimeConstant(rt, DEFTIMECONSTANT);
- r->inputPeriod = 0.0f;
- r->ps = (tPitchShift*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(tPitchShift) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- r->pitchFactor = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- r->tickOutput = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- r->outBuffers[i] = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * r->bufSize, &m->pool);
- }
- tPeriodDetection_initToPool(&r->pd, r->inBuffer, r->outBuffers[0], r->bufSize, r->frameSize, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- tPitchShift_initToPool(&r->ps[i], &r->pd, r->outBuffers[i], r->bufSize, mp);
- }
-void tRetune_freeFromPool (tRetune* const rt, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- tPeriodDetection_freeFromPool(&r->pd, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- tPitchShift_freeFromPool(&r->ps[i], mp);
- mpool_free(r->outBuffers[i], &m->pool);
- }
- mpool_free(r->tickOutput, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->pitchFactor, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->ps, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->inBuffer, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->outBuffers, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r, &m->pool);
-float* tRetune_tick(tRetune* const rt, float sample)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- r->inputPeriod = tPeriodDetection_tick(&r->pd, sample);
- for (int v = 0; v < r->numVoices; ++v)
- {
- r->tickOutput[v] = tPitchShift_shift(&r->ps[v]);
- }
- return r->tickOutput;
-void tRetune_setNumVoices(tRetune* const rt, int numVoices)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- tPitchShift_free(&r->ps[i]);
- leaf_free(r->outBuffers[i]);
- }
- leaf_free(r->tickOutput);
- leaf_free(r->pitchFactor);
- leaf_free(r->ps);
- leaf_free(r->outBuffers);
- r->numVoices = numVoices;
- r->outBuffers = (float**) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float*) * r->numVoices);
- r->ps = (tPitchShift*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(tPitchShift) * r->numVoices);
- r->pitchFactor = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices);
- r->tickOutput = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- r->outBuffers[i] = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->bufSize);
- tPitchShift_init(&r->ps[i], &r->pd, r->outBuffers[i], r->bufSize);
- }
-void tRetune_setPitchFactors(tRetune* const rt, float pf)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- r->pitchFactor[i] = pf;
- tPitchShift_setPitchFactor(&r->ps[i], r->pitchFactor[i]);
- }
-void tRetune_setPitchFactor(tRetune* const rt, float pf, int voice)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- r->pitchFactor[voice] = pf;
- tPitchShift_setPitchFactor(&r->ps[voice], r->pitchFactor[voice]);
-void tRetune_setTimeConstant(tRetune* const rt, float tc)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- r->timeConstant = tc;
- r->radius = expf(-1000.0f * r->hopSize * leaf.invSampleRate / r->timeConstant);
-void tRetune_setHopSize(tRetune* const rt, int hs)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- r->hopSize = hs;
- tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(&r->pd, r->hopSize);
-void tRetune_setWindowSize(tRetune* const rt, int ws)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- r->windowSize = ws;
- tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(&r->pd, r->windowSize);
-void tRetune_setFidelityThreshold(tRetune* const rt, float threshold)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- tPeriodDetection_setFidelityThreshold(&r->pd, threshold);
-float tRetune_getInputPeriod(tRetune* const rt)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- return r->inputPeriod;
-float tRetune_getInputFreq(tRetune* const rt)
- _tRetune* r = *rt;
- return 1.0f/r->inputPeriod;
-void tAutotune_init(tAutotune* const rt, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize)
- tAutotune_initToPool(rt, numVoices, bufSize, frameSize, &leaf_mempool);
-void tAutotune_free(tAutotune* const rt)
- tAutotune_freeFromPool(rt, &leaf_mempool);
-void tAutotune_initToPool (tAutotune* const rt, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAutotune* r = *rt = (_tAutotune*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tAutotune), &m->pool);
- r->bufSize = bufSize;
- r->frameSize = frameSize;
- r->numVoices = numVoices;
- r->inBuffer = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->bufSize, &m->pool);
- r->outBuffers = (float**) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float*) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- r->hopSize = DEFHOPSIZE;
- r->windowSize = DEFWINDOWSIZE;
- r->fba = FBA;
- tAutotune_setTimeConstant(rt, DEFTIMECONSTANT);
- r->ps = (tPitchShift*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(tPitchShift) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- r->freq = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- r->tickOutput = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices, &m->pool);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- r->outBuffers[i] = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->bufSize, &m->pool);
- }
- tPeriodDetection_initToPool(&r->pd, r->inBuffer, r->outBuffers[0], r->bufSize, r->frameSize, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- tPitchShift_initToPool(&r->ps[i], &r->pd, r->outBuffers[i], r->bufSize, mp);
- }
- r->inputPeriod = 0.0f;
-void tAutotune_freeFromPool (tAutotune* const rt, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- tPeriodDetection_freeFromPool(&r->pd, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- tPitchShift_freeFromPool(&r->ps[i], mp);
- mpool_free(r->outBuffers[i], &m->pool);
- }
- mpool_free(r->tickOutput, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->freq, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->ps, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->inBuffer, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r->outBuffers, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(r, &m->pool);
-float* tAutotune_tick(tAutotune* const rt, float sample)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- float tempPeriod = tPeriodDetection_tick(&r->pd, sample);
- if (tempPeriod < 1000.0f) //to avoid trying to follow consonants JS
- {
- r->inputPeriod = tempPeriod;
- }
- for (int v = 0; v < r->numVoices; ++v)
- {
- r->tickOutput[v] = tPitchShift_shiftToFreq(&r->ps[v], r->freq[v]);
- }
- return r->tickOutput;
-void tAutotune_setNumVoices(tAutotune* const rt, int numVoices)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- tPitchShift_free(&r->ps[i]);
- leaf_free(r->outBuffers[i]);
- }
- leaf_free(r->tickOutput);
- leaf_free(r->freq);
- leaf_free(r->ps);
- leaf_free(r->outBuffers);
- r->numVoices = numVoices;
- r->outBuffers = (float**) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float*) * r->numVoices);
- r->ps = (tPitchShift*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(tPitchShift) * r->numVoices);
- r->freq = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices);
- r->tickOutput = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->numVoices);
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- r->outBuffers[i] = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * r->bufSize);
- tPitchShift_init(&r->ps[i], &r->pd, r->outBuffers[i], r->bufSize);
- }
-void tAutotune_setFreqs(tAutotune* const rt, float f)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
- {
- r->freq[i] = f;
- }
-void tAutotune_setFreq(tAutotune* const rt, float f, int voice)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- r->freq[voice] = f;
-void tAutotune_setTimeConstant(tAutotune* const rt, float tc)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- r->timeConstant = tc;
- r->radius = expf(-1000.0f * r->hopSize * leaf.invSampleRate / r->timeConstant);
-void tAutotune_setHopSize(tAutotune* const rt, int hs)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- r->hopSize = hs;
- tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(&r->pd, r->hopSize);
-void tAutotune_setWindowSize(tAutotune* const rt, int ws)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- r->windowSize = ws;
- tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(&r->pd, r->windowSize);
-void tAutotune_setFidelityThreshold(tAutotune* const rt, float threshold)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- tPeriodDetection_setFidelityThreshold(&r->pd, threshold);
-float tAutotune_getInputPeriod(tAutotune* const rt)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- return r->inputPeriod;
-float tAutotune_getInputFreq(tAutotune* const rt)
- _tAutotune* r = *rt;
- return 1.0f/r->inputPeriod;
-// algorithm from Tom Baran's autotalent code.
-void tFormantShifter_init(tFormantShifter* const fsr, int order)
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr = (_tFormantShifter*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFormantShifter));
- fs->ford = order;
- fs->fk = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->fb = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->fc = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->frb = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->frc = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->fsig = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->fsmooth = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->ftvec = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
- fs->fbuff = (float*) leaf_calloc(sizeof(float*) * fs->ford);
- fs->falph = powf(0.001f, 40.0f * leaf.invSampleRate);
- fs->flamb = -(0.8517f*sqrtf(atanf(0.06583f*leaf.sampleRate))-0.1916f);
- fs->fhp = 0.0f;
- fs->flp = 0.0f;
- fs->flpa = powf(0.001f, 10.0f * leaf.invSampleRate);
- fs->fmute = 1.0f;
- fs->fmutealph = powf(0.001f, 0.5f * leaf.invSampleRate);
- fs->cbi = 0;
- fs->intensity = 1.0f;
- fs->invIntensity = 1.0f;
- tHighpass_init(&fs->hp, 10.0f);
- tHighpass_init(&fs->hp2, 10.0f);
- tFeedbackLeveler_init(&fs->fbl1, 0.99f, 0.005f, 0.125f, 0);
- tFeedbackLeveler_init(&fs->fbl2, 0.99f, 0.005f, 0.125f, 0);
-void tFormantShifter_free(tFormantShifter* const fsr)
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
- leaf_free(fs->fk);
- leaf_free(fs->fb);
- leaf_free(fs->fc);
- leaf_free(fs->frb);
- leaf_free(fs->frc);
- leaf_free(fs->fsig);
- leaf_free(fs->fsmooth);
- leaf_free(fs->ftvec);
- leaf_free(fs->fbuff);
- tHighpass_free(&fs->hp);
- tHighpass_free(&fs->hp2);
- tFeedbackLeveler_free(&fs->fbl1);
- tFeedbackLeveler_free(&fs->fbl2);
- leaf_free(fs);
-void tFormantShifter_initToPool (tFormantShifter* const fsr, int order, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr = (_tFormantShifter*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tFormantShifter), &m->pool);
- fs->ford = order;
- fs->fk = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->fb = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->fc = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->frb = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->frc = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->fsig = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->fsmooth = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->ftvec = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->fbuff = (float*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(float*) * fs->ford, &m->pool);
- fs->falph = powf(0.001f, 10.0f * leaf.invSampleRate);
- fs->flamb = -(0.8517f*sqrtf(atanf(0.06583f*leaf.sampleRate))-0.1916f);
- fs->fhp = 0.0f;
- fs->flp = 0.0f;
- fs->flpa = powf(0.001f, 10.0f * leaf.invSampleRate);
- fs->fmute = 1.0f;
- fs->fmutealph = powf(0.001f, 1.0f * leaf.invSampleRate);
- fs->cbi = 0;
- fs->intensity = 1.0f;
- fs->invIntensity = 1.0f;
- tHighpass_initToPool(&fs->hp, 20.0f, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&fs->hp2, 20.0f, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool(&fs->fbl1, 0.8f, .005f, 0.125, 1, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool(&fs->fbl2, 0.8f, .005f, 0.125, 1, mp);
-void tFormantShifter_freeFromPool (tFormantShifter* const fsr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
- mpool_free(fs->fk, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->fb, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->fc, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->frb, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->frc, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->fsig, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->fsmooth, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->ftvec, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fs->fbuff, &m->pool);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&fs->hp, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&fs->hp2, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool(&fs->fbl1, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool(&fs->fbl2, mp);
- mpool_free(fs, &m->pool);
-float tFormantShifter_tick(tFormantShifter* const fsr, float in)
- return tFormantShifter_add(fsr, tFormantShifter_remove(fsr, in));
-float tFormantShifter_remove(tFormantShifter* const fsr, float in)
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
- in = tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&fs->fbl1, in);
- in = tHighpass_tick(&fs->hp, in * fs->intensity);
- float fa, fb, fc, foma, falph, ford, flamb, tf, fk;
- ford = fs->ford;
- falph = fs->falph;
- foma = (1.0f - falph);
- flamb = fs->flamb;
- tf = in;
- fa = tf - fs->fhp;
- fs->fhp = tf;
- fb = fa;
- for(int i = 0; i < ford; i++)
- {
- fs->fsig[i] = fa*fa*foma + fs->fsig[i]*falph;
- fc = (fb - fs->fc[i])*flamb + fs->fb[i];
- fs->fc[i] = fc;
- fs->fb[i] = fb;
- fk = fa*fc*foma + fs->fk[i]*falph;
- fs->fk[i] = fk;
- tf = fk/(fs->fsig[i] + 0.000001f);
- tf = tf*foma + fs->fsmooth[i]*falph;
- fs->fsmooth[i] = tf;
- fs->fbuff[i] = tf;
- fb = fc - tf*fa;
- fa = fa - tf*fc;
- }
- //return fa * 0.1f;
- return fa;
-float tFormantShifter_add(tFormantShifter* const fsr, float in)
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
- float fa, fb, fc, ford, flpa, flamb, tf, tf2, f0resp, f1resp, frlamb;
- ford = fs->ford;
- flpa = fs->flpa;
- flamb = fs->flamb;
- tf = fs->shiftFactor * (1.0f+flamb)/(1.0f-flamb);
- frlamb = (tf-1.0f)/(tf+1.0f);
- tf2 = in;
- fa = 0.0f;
- fb = fa;
- for (int i=0; i<ford; i++)
- {
- fc = (fb-fs->frc[i])*frlamb + fs->frb[i];
- tf = fs->fbuff[i];
- fb = fc - tf*fa;
- fs->ftvec[i] = tf*fc;
- fa = fa - fs->ftvec[i];
- }
- tf = -fa;
- for (int i=ford-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- tf = tf + fs->ftvec[i];
- }
- f0resp = tf;
- // second time: compute 1-response
- fa = 1.0f;
- fb = fa;
- for (int i=0; i<ford; i++)
- {
- fc = (fb-fs->frc[i])*frlamb + fs->frb[i];
- tf = fs->fbuff[i];
- fb = fc - tf*fa;
- fs->ftvec[i] = tf*fc;
- fa = fa - fs->ftvec[i];
- }
- tf = -fa;
- for (int i=ford-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- tf = tf + fs->ftvec[i];
- }
- f1resp = tf;
- // now solve equations for output, based on 0-response and 1-response
- tf = 2.0f*tf2;
- tf2 = tf;
- tf = (1.0f - f1resp + f0resp);
- if (tf!=0.0f)
- {
- tf2 = (tf2 + f0resp) / tf;
- }
- else
- {
- tf2 = 0.0f;
- }
- // third time: update delay registers
- fa = tf2;
- fb = fa;
- for (int i=0; i<ford; i++)
- {
- fc = (fb-fs->frc[i])*frlamb + fs->frb[i];
- fs->frc[i] = fc;
- fs->frb[i] = fb;
- tf = fs->fbuff[i];
- fb = fc - tf*fa;
- fa = fa - tf*fc;
- }
- tf = tf2;
- tf = tf + flpa * fs->flp; // lowpass post-emphasis filter
- fs->flp = tf;
- // Bring up the gain slowly when formant correction goes from disabled
- // to enabled, while things stabilize.
- if (fs->fmute>0.5f)
- {
- tf = tf*(fs->fmute - 0.5f)*2.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- tf = 0.0f;
- }
- tf2 = fs->fmutealph;
- fs->fmute = (1.0f-tf2) + tf2*fs->fmute;
- // now tf is signal output
- // ...and we're done messing with formants
- //tf = tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&fs->fbl2, tf);
- tf = tHighpass_tick(&fs->hp2, tanhf(tf));
- return tf * fs->invIntensity;
-// 1.0f is no change, 2.0f is an octave up, 0.5f is an octave down
-void tFormantShifter_setShiftFactor(tFormantShifter* const fsr, float shiftFactor)
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
- fs->shiftFactor = shiftFactor;
-void tFormantShifter_setIntensity(tFormantShifter* const fsr, float intensity)
- _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
- fs->intensity = LEAF_clip(1.0f, intensity, 100.0f);
- // tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&fs->fbl1, fs->intensity);
- //tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&fs->fbl2, fs->intensity);
- //make sure you don't divide by zero, doofies
- if (fs->intensity != 0.0f)
- {
- fs->invIntensity = 1.0f/fs->intensity;
- }
- else
- {
- fs->invIntensity = 1.0f;
- }
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-electrical.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +1,0 @@
- * leaf-electrical.c
- *
- * Created on: Sep 25, 2019
- * Author: jeffsnyder
- */
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-electrical.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-electrical.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-static float get_port_resistance_for_resistor(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_capacitor(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_inductor(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_resistive(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_inverter(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_series(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_parallel(tWDF* const r);
-static float get_port_resistance_for_root(tWDF* const r);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf_inverted(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_series(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistor(tWDF* const r, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_capacitor(tWDF* const r, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistive(tWDF* const r, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const r, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_series(tWDF* const r, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const r, float input);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_ideal(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode_pair(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave);
-static void wdf_init(tWDF* const wdf, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->type = type;
- r->child_left = rL;
- r->child_right = rR;
- r->incident_wave_up = 0.0f;
- r->incident_wave_left = 0.0f;
- r->incident_wave_right = 0.0f;
- r->reflected_wave_up = 0.0f;
- r->reflected_wave_left = 0.0f;
- r->reflected_wave_right = 0.0f;
- r->sample_rate = leaf.sampleRate;
- r->value = value;
- tWDF* child;
- if (r->child_left != NULL) child = r->child_left;
- else child = r->child_right;
- if (r->type == Resistor)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = r->value;
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->value;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_resistor;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_resistor;
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_leaf;
- }
- else if (r->type == Capacitor)
- {
- r->port_conductance_up = r->sample_rate * 2.0f * r->value;
- r->port_resistance_up = 1.0f / r->port_conductance_up; //based on trapezoidal discretization
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_capacitor;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_capacitor;
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_leaf;
- }
- else if (r->type == Inductor)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = r->sample_rate * 2.0f * r->value; //based on trapezoidal discretization
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_inductor;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_capacitor; // same as capacitor
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_leaf_inverted;
- }
- else if (r->type == ResistiveSource)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = r->value;
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_resistive;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_resistive;
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_leaf;
- }
- else if (r->type == Inverter)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_inverter;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_inverter;
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_inverter;
- }
- else if (r->type == SeriesAdaptor)
- {
- r->port_resistance_left = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
- r->port_resistance_right = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_right);
- r->port_resistance_up = r->port_resistance_left + r->port_resistance_right;
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->port_conductance_left = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_left;
- r->port_conductance_right = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_right;
- r->gamma_zero = 1.0f / (r->port_resistance_right + r->port_resistance_left);
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_series;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_series;
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_series;
- }
- else if (r->type == ParallelAdaptor)
- {
- r->port_resistance_left = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
- r->port_resistance_right = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_right);
- r->port_resistance_up = (r->port_resistance_left * r->port_resistance_right) / (r->port_resistance_left + r->port_resistance_right);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->port_conductance_left = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_left;
- r->port_conductance_right = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_right;
- r->gamma_zero = 1.0f / (r->port_resistance_right + r->port_resistance_left);
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_parallel;
- r->get_reflected_wave_up = &get_reflected_wave_for_parallel;
- r->set_incident_wave = &set_incident_wave_for_parallel;
- }
- else if (r->type == IdealSource)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(child);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->get_reflected_wave_down = &get_reflected_wave_for_ideal;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_root;
- }
- else if (r->type == Diode)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(child);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->get_reflected_wave_down = &get_reflected_wave_for_diode;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_root;
- }
- else if (r->type == DiodePair)
- {
- r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(child);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->get_reflected_wave_down = &get_reflected_wave_for_diode_pair;
- r->get_port_resistance = &get_port_resistance_for_root;
- }
-void tWDF_init(tWDF* const wdf, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR)
- *wdf = (_tWDF*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tWDF));
- wdf_init(wdf, type, value, rL, rR);
-void tWDF_free(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- leaf_free(r);
-void tWDF_initToPool (tWDF* const wdf, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- *wdf = (_tWDF*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tWDF), &m->pool);
- wdf_init(wdf, type, value, rL, rR);
-void tWDF_freeFromPool (tWDF* const wdf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- mpool_free(r, &m->pool);
-float tWDF_tick(tWDF* const wdf, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- tWDF* child;
- if (r->child_left != NULL) child = r->child_left;
- else child = r->child_right;
- //step 0 : update port resistances if something changed
- if (paramsChanged) tWDF_getPortResistance(wdf);
- //step 1 : set inputs to what they should be
- float input = sample;
- //step 2 : scan the waves up the tree
- r->incident_wave_up = tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(child, input);
- //step 3 : do root scattering computation
- r->reflected_wave_up = tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(wdf, input, r->incident_wave_up);
- //step 4 : propogate waves down the tree
- tWDF_setIncidentWave(child, r->reflected_wave_up, input);
- //step 5 : grab whatever voltages or currents we want as outputs
- return tWDF_getVoltage(outputPoint);
-void tWDF_setValue(tWDF* const wdf, float value)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->value = value;
-void tWDF_setSampleRate(tWDF* const wdf, float sample_rate)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->sample_rate = sample_rate;
-uint8_t tWDF_isLeaf(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- if (r->child_left == NULL && r->child_right == NULL) return 1;
- return 0;
-float tWDF_getPortResistance(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- return r->get_port_resistance(wdf);
-void tWDF_setIncidentWave(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->set_incident_wave(wdf, incident_wave, input);
-float tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- return r->get_reflected_wave_up(wdf, input);
-float tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- return r->get_reflected_wave_down(wdf, input, incident_wave);
-float tWDF_getVoltage(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- return ((r->incident_wave_up * 0.5f) + (r->reflected_wave_up * 0.5f));
-float tWDF_getCurrent(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- return (((r->incident_wave_up * 0.5f) - (r->reflected_wave_up * 0.5f)) * r->port_conductance_up);
-//============ Static Functions to be Pointed To ====================
-//============ Get and Calculate Port Resistances ===================
-static float get_port_resistance_for_resistor(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_resistance_up = r->value;
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->value;
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_capacitor(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_conductance_up = r->sample_rate * 2.0f * r->value; //based on trapezoidal discretization
- r->port_resistance_up = (1.0f / r->port_conductance_up);
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_inductor(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_resistance_up = r->sample_rate * 2.0f * r->value; //based on trapezoidal discretization
- r->port_conductance_up = (1.0f / r->port_resistance_up);
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_resistive(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_resistance_up = r->value;
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_inverter(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_series(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_resistance_left = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
- r->port_resistance_right = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_right);
- r->port_resistance_up = r->port_resistance_left + r->port_resistance_right;
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->port_conductance_left = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_left;
- r->port_conductance_right = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_right;
- r->gamma_zero = 1.0f / (r->port_resistance_right + r->port_resistance_left);
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_parallel(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->port_resistance_left = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
- r->port_resistance_right = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_right);
- r->port_resistance_up = (r->port_resistance_left * r->port_resistance_right) / (r->port_resistance_left + r->port_resistance_right);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- r->port_conductance_left = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_left;
- r->port_conductance_right = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_right;
- r->gamma_zero = 1.0f / (r->port_conductance_right + r->port_conductance_left);
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_root(tWDF* const wdf)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- tWDF* child;
- if (r->child_left != NULL) child = r->child_left;
- else child = r->child_right;
- r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(child);
- r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
- return r->port_resistance_up;
-//================ Set Incident Waves ===============================
-static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
-static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf_inverted(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->incident_wave_up = -1.0f * incident_wave;
-static void set_incident_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
- tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_left, -1.0f * incident_wave, input);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_series(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
- float gamma_left = r->port_resistance_left * r->gamma_zero;
- float gamma_right = r->port_resistance_right * r->gamma_zero;
- float left_wave = tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input);
- float right_wave = tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_right, input);
-// downPorts[0]->b = yl * ( downPorts[0]->a * ((1.0 / yl) - 1) - downPorts[1]->a - descendingWave );
-// downPorts[1]->b = yr * ( downPorts[1]->a * ((1.0 / yr) - 1) - downPorts[0]->a - descendingWave );
- tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_left, (-1.0f * gamma_left * incident_wave) + (gamma_right * left_wave) - (gamma_left * right_wave), input);
- tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_right, (-1.0f * gamma_right * incident_wave) + (gamma_left * right_wave) - (gamma_right * left_wave), input);
- // From rt-wdf
-// tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_left, gamma_left * (left_wave * ((1.0f / gamma_left) - 1.0f) - right_wave - incident_wave));
-// tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_right, gamma_right * (right_wave * ((1.0f / gamma_right) - 1.0f) - left_wave - incident_wave));
-static void set_incident_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
- float gamma_left = r->port_conductance_left * r->gamma_zero;
- float gamma_right = r->port_conductance_right * r->gamma_zero;
- float left_wave = tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input);
- float right_wave = tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_right, input);
-// downPorts[0]->b = ( ( dl - 1 ) * downPorts[0]->a + dr * downPorts[1]->a + du * descendingWave );
-// downPorts[1]->b = ( dl * downPorts[0]->a + ( dr - 1 ) * downPorts[1]->a + du * descendingWave );
- tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_left, (gamma_left - 1.0f) * left_wave + gamma_right * right_wave + incident_wave, input);
- tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_right, gamma_left * left_wave + (gamma_right - 1.0f) * right_wave + incident_wave, input);
-//================ Get Reflected Waves ==============================
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistor(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->reflected_wave_up = 0.0f;
- return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_capacitor(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->reflected_wave_up = r->incident_wave_up;
- return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistive(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->reflected_wave_up = input;
- return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- r->reflected_wave_up = -1.0f * tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input);
- return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_series(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- //-( downPorts[0]->a + downPorts[1]->a );
- r->reflected_wave_up = (-1.0f * (tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input) + tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_right, input)));
- return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
- _tWDF* r = *wdf;
- float gamma_left = r->port_conductance_left * r->gamma_zero;
- float gamma_right = r->port_conductance_right * r->gamma_zero;
- //return ( dl * downPorts[0]->a + dr * downPorts[1]->a );
- r->reflected_wave_up = (gamma_left * tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input) + gamma_right * tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_right, input));
- return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_ideal(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
- return (2.0f * input) - incident_wave;
-#define l2A 0.1640425613334452f
-#define l2B -1.098865286222744f
-#define l2Y 3.148297929334117f
-#define l2K -2.213475204444817f
-static float log2Approximation(float x)
- return (l2A * x*x*x) + (l2B * x*x) + (l2Y * x) + l2K;
-#define wX1 -3.684303659906469f
-#define wX2 1.972967391708859f
-#define wA 9.451797158780131e-3f
-#define wB 0.1126446405111627f
-#define wY 0.4451353886588814f
-#define wK 0.5836596684310648f
-static float wrightOmega3(float x)
- if (x <= wX1)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else if (x < wX2)
- {
- return (wA * x*x*x) + (wB * x*x) + (wY * x) + wK;
- }
- else
- {
- return x - logf(x);
- }
-static float wrightOmegaApproximation(float x)
- float w3 = wrightOmega3(x);
- return w3 - ((w3 - expf(x - w3)) / (w3 + 1.0f));
-static float lambertW(float a, float r, float I, float iVT)
- return wrightOmegaApproximation(((a + r*I) * iVT) + log((r * I) * iVT));
-#define Is_DIODE 2.52e-9f
-#define VT_DIODE 0.02585f
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
- _tWDF* n = *wdf;
- float a = incident_wave;
- float r = n->port_resistance_up;
- return a + 2.0f*r*Is_DIODE - 2.0f*VT_DIODE*lambertW(a, r, Is_DIODE, 1.0f/VT_DIODE);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode_pair(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
- _tWDF* n = *wdf;
- float a = incident_wave;
- float sgn = 0.0f;
- if (a > 0.0f) sgn = 1.0f;
- else if (a < 0.0f) sgn = -1.0f;
- float r = n->port_resistance_up;
- return a + 2 * sgn * (r*Is_DIODE - VT_DIODE*lambertW(sgn*a, r, Is_DIODE, 1.0f/VT_DIODE));
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-envelopes.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +1,0 @@
- ==============================================================================
- leaf-envelopes.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:17pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-envelopes.h"
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-envelopes.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Envelope ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tEnvelope_init(tEnvelope* const envlp, float attack, float decay, oBool loop)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp = (_tEnvelope*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvelope));
- env->exp_buff = exp_decay;
- env->inc_buff = attack_decay_inc;
- env->buff_size = sizeof(exp_decay);
- env->loop = loop;
- if (attack > 8192.0f)
- attack = 8192.0f;
- if (attack < 0.0f)
- attack = 0.0f;
- if (decay > 8192.0f)
- decay = 8192.0f;
- if (decay < 0.0f)
- decay = 0.0f;
- int16_t attackIndex = ((int16_t)(attack * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t decayIndex = ((int16_t)(decay * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t rampIndex = ((int16_t)(2.0f * 8.0f))-1;
- if (attackIndex < 0)
- attackIndex = 0;
- if (decayIndex < 0)
- decayIndex = 0;
- if (rampIndex < 0)
- rampIndex = 0;
- env->inRamp = OFALSE;
- env->inAttack = OFALSE;
- env->inDecay = OFALSE;
- env->attackInc = env->inc_buff[attackIndex];
- env->decayInc = env->inc_buff[decayIndex];
- env->rampInc = env->inc_buff[rampIndex];
-void tEnvelope_free(tEnvelope* const envlp)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- leaf_free(env);
-void tEnvelope_initToPool (tEnvelope* const envlp, float attack, float decay, oBool loop, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp = (_tEnvelope*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvelope), &m->pool);
- env->exp_buff = exp_decay;
- env->inc_buff = attack_decay_inc;
- env->buff_size = sizeof(exp_decay);
- env->loop = loop;
- if (attack > 8192.0f)
- attack = 8192.0f;
- if (attack < 0.0f)
- attack = 0.0f;
- if (decay > 8192.0f)
- decay = 8192.0f;
- if (decay < 0.0f)
- decay = 0.0f;
- int16_t attackIndex = ((int16_t)(attack * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t decayIndex = ((int16_t)(decay * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t rampIndex = ((int16_t)(2.0f * 8.0f))-1;
- if (attackIndex < 0)
- attackIndex = 0;
- if (decayIndex < 0)
- decayIndex = 0;
- if (rampIndex < 0)
- rampIndex = 0;
- env->inRamp = OFALSE;
- env->inAttack = OFALSE;
- env->inDecay = OFALSE;
- env->attackInc = env->inc_buff[attackIndex];
- env->decayInc = env->inc_buff[decayIndex];
- env->rampInc = env->inc_buff[rampIndex];
-void tEnvelope_freeFromPool (tEnvelope* const envlp, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- mpool_free(env, &m->pool);
-void tEnvelope_setAttack(tEnvelope* const envlp, float attack)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- int32_t attackIndex;
- if (attack < 0.0f) {
- attackIndex = 0.0f;
- } else if (attack < 8192.0f) {
- attackIndex = ((int32_t)(attack * 8.0f))-1;
- } else {
- attackIndex = ((int32_t)(8192.0f * 8.0f))-1;
- }
- env->attackInc = env->inc_buff[attackIndex];
-void tEnvelope_setDecay(tEnvelope* const envlp, float decay)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- int32_t decayIndex;
- if (decay < 0.0f) {
- decayIndex = 0.0f;
- } else if (decay < 8192.0f) {
- decayIndex = ((int32_t)(decay * 8.0f)) - 1;
- } else {
- decayIndex = ((int32_t)(8192.0f * 8.0f)) - 1;
- }
- env->decayInc = env->inc_buff[decayIndex];
-void tEnvelope_loop(tEnvelope* const envlp, oBool loop)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- env->loop = loop;
-void tEnvelope_on(tEnvelope* const envlp, float velocity)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- if (env->inAttack || env->inDecay) // In case envelope retriggered while it is still happening.
- {
- env->rampPhase = 0;
- env->inRamp = OTRUE;
- env->rampPeak = env->next;
- }
- else // Normal start.
- {
- env->inAttack = OTRUE;
- }
- env->attackPhase = 0;
- env->decayPhase = 0;
- env->inDecay = OFALSE;
- env->gain = velocity;
-float tEnvelope_tick(tEnvelope* const envlp)
- _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
- if (env->inRamp)
- {
- if (env->rampPhase > UINT16_MAX)
- {
- env->inRamp = OFALSE;
- env->inAttack = OTRUE;
- env->next = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- env->next = env->rampPeak * env->exp_buff[(uint32_t)env->rampPhase];
- }
- env->rampPhase += env->rampInc;
- }
- if (env->inAttack)
- {
- // If attack done, time to turn around.
- if (env->attackPhase > UINT16_MAX)
- {
- env->inDecay = OTRUE;
- env->inAttack = OFALSE;
- env->next = env->gain * 1.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- // do interpolation !
- env->next = env->gain * env->exp_buff[UINT16_MAX - (uint32_t)env->attackPhase]; // inverted and backwards to get proper rising exponential shape/perception
- }
- // Increment envelope attack.
- env->attackPhase += env->attackInc;
- }
- if (env->inDecay)
- {
- // If decay done, finish.
- if (env->decayPhase >= UINT16_MAX)
- {
- env->inDecay = OFALSE;
- if (env->loop)
- {
- env->attackPhase = 0;
- env->decayPhase = 0;
- env->inAttack = OTRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- env->next = 0.0f;
- }
- } else {
- env->next = env->gain * (env->exp_buff[(uint32_t)env->decayPhase]); // do interpolation !
- }
- // Increment envelope decay;
- env->decayPhase += env->decayInc;
- }
- return env->next;
-/* ADSR */
-void tADSR_init(tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv = (_tADSR*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tADSR));
- adsr->exp_buff = exp_decay;
- adsr->inc_buff = attack_decay_inc;
- adsr->buff_size = sizeof(exp_decay);
- if (attack > 8192.0f)
- attack = 8192.0f;
- if (attack < 0.0f)
- attack = 0.0f;
- if (decay > 8192.0f)
- decay = 8192.0f;
- if (decay < 0.0f)
- decay = 0.0f;
- if (sustain > 1.0f)
- sustain = 1.0f;
- if (sustain < 0.0f)
- sustain = 0.0f;
- if (release > 8192.0f)
- release = 8192.0f;
- if (release < 0.0f)
- release = 0.0f;
- int16_t attackIndex = ((int16_t)(attack * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t decayIndex = ((int16_t)(decay * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t releaseIndex = ((int16_t)(release * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t rampIndex = ((int16_t)(2.0f * 8.0f))-1;
- if (attackIndex < 0)
- attackIndex = 0;
- if (decayIndex < 0)
- decayIndex = 0;
- if (releaseIndex < 0)
- releaseIndex = 0;
- if (rampIndex < 0)
- rampIndex = 0;
- adsr->inRamp = OFALSE;
- adsr->inAttack = OFALSE;
- adsr->inDecay = OFALSE;
- adsr->inSustain = OFALSE;
- adsr->inRelease = OFALSE;
- adsr->sustain = sustain;
- adsr->attackInc = adsr->inc_buff[attackIndex];
- adsr->decayInc = adsr->inc_buff[decayIndex];
- adsr->releaseInc = adsr->inc_buff[releaseIndex];
- adsr->rampInc = adsr->inc_buff[rampIndex];
-void tADSR_free(tADSR* const adsrenv)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- leaf_free(adsr);
-void tADSR_initToPool (tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv = (_tADSR*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tADSR), &m->pool);
- adsr->exp_buff = exp_decay;
- adsr->inc_buff = attack_decay_inc;
- adsr->buff_size = sizeof(exp_decay);
- if (attack > 8192.0f)
- attack = 8192.0f;
- if (attack < 0.0f)
- attack = 0.0f;
- if (decay > 8192.0f)
- decay = 8192.0f;
- if (decay < 0.0f)
- decay = 0.0f;
- if (sustain > 1.0f)
- sustain = 1.0f;
- if (sustain < 0.0f)
- sustain = 0.0f;
- if (release > 8192.0f)
- release = 8192.0f;
- if (release < 0.0f)
- release = 0.0f;
- int16_t attackIndex = ((int16_t)(attack * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t decayIndex = ((int16_t)(decay * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t releaseIndex = ((int16_t)(release * 8.0f))-1;
- int16_t rampIndex = ((int16_t)(2.0f * 8.0f))-1;
- if (attackIndex < 0)
- attackIndex = 0;
- if (decayIndex < 0)
- decayIndex = 0;
- if (releaseIndex < 0)
- releaseIndex = 0;
- if (rampIndex < 0)
- rampIndex = 0;
- adsr->inRamp = OFALSE;
- adsr->inAttack = OFALSE;
- adsr->inDecay = OFALSE;
- adsr->inSustain = OFALSE;
- adsr->inRelease = OFALSE;
- adsr->sustain = sustain;
- adsr->attackInc = adsr->inc_buff[attackIndex];
- adsr->decayInc = adsr->inc_buff[decayIndex];
- adsr->releaseInc = adsr->inc_buff[releaseIndex];
- adsr->rampInc = adsr->inc_buff[rampIndex];
-void tADSR_freeFromPool (tADSR* const adsrenv, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- mpool_free(adsr, &m->pool);
-void tADSR_setAttack(tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- int32_t attackIndex;
- if (attack < 0.0f) {
- attackIndex = 0.0f;
- } else if (attack < 8192.0f) {
- attackIndex = ((int32_t)(attack * 8.0f))-1;
- } else {
- attackIndex = ((int32_t)(8192.0f * 8.0f))-1;
- }
- adsr->attackInc = adsr->inc_buff[attackIndex];
-void tADSR_setDecay(tADSR* const adsrenv, float decay)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- int32_t decayIndex;
- if (decay < 0.0f) {
- decayIndex = 0.0f;
- } else if (decay < 8192.0f) {
- decayIndex = ((int32_t)(decay * 8.0f)) - 1;
- } else {
- decayIndex = ((int32_t)(8192.0f * 8.0f)) - 1;
- }
- adsr->decayInc = adsr->inc_buff[decayIndex];
-void tADSR_setSustain(tADSR* const adsrenv, float sustain)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- if (sustain > 1.0f) adsr->sustain = 1.0f;
- else if (sustain < 0.0f) adsr->sustain = 0.0f;
- else adsr->sustain = sustain;
-void tADSR_setRelease(tADSR* const adsrenv, float release)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- int32_t releaseIndex;
- if (release < 0.0f) {
- releaseIndex = 0.0f;
- } else if (release < 8192.0f) {
- releaseIndex = ((int32_t)(release * 8.0f)) - 1;
- } else {
- releaseIndex = ((int32_t)(8192.0f * 8.0f)) - 1;
- }
- adsr->releaseInc = adsr->inc_buff[releaseIndex];
-void tADSR_on(tADSR* const adsrenv, float velocity)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- if ((adsr->inAttack || adsr->inDecay) || (adsr->inSustain || adsr->inRelease)) // In case ADSR retriggered while it is still happening.
- {
- adsr->rampPhase = 0;
- adsr->inRamp = OTRUE;
- adsr->rampPeak = adsr->next;
- }
- else // Normal start.
- {
- adsr->inAttack = OTRUE;
- }
- adsr->attackPhase = 0;
- adsr->decayPhase = 0;
- adsr->releasePhase = 0;
- adsr->inDecay = OFALSE;
- adsr->inSustain = OFALSE;
- adsr->inRelease = OFALSE;
- adsr->gain = velocity;
-void tADSR_off(tADSR* const adsrenv)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- if (adsr->inRelease) return;
- adsr->inAttack = OFALSE;
- adsr->inDecay = OFALSE;
- adsr->inSustain = OFALSE;
- adsr->inRelease = OTRUE;
- adsr->releasePeak = adsr->next;
-float tADSR_tick(tADSR* const adsrenv)
- _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
- if (adsr->inRamp)
- {
- if (adsr->rampPhase > UINT16_MAX)
- {
- adsr->inRamp = OFALSE;
- adsr->inAttack = OTRUE;
- adsr->next = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- adsr->next = adsr->rampPeak * adsr->exp_buff[(uint32_t)adsr->rampPhase];
- }
- adsr->rampPhase += adsr->rampInc;
- }
- if (adsr->inAttack)
- {
- // If attack done, time to turn around.
- if (adsr->attackPhase > UINT16_MAX)
- {
- adsr->inDecay = OTRUE;
- adsr->inAttack = OFALSE;
- adsr->next = adsr->gain * 1.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- // do interpolation !
- adsr->next = adsr->gain * adsr->exp_buff[UINT16_MAX - (uint32_t)adsr->attackPhase]; // inverted and backwards to get proper rising exponential shape/perception
- }
- // Increment ADSR attack.
- adsr->attackPhase += adsr->attackInc;
- }
- if (adsr->inDecay)
- {
- // If decay done, sustain.
- if (adsr->decayPhase >= UINT16_MAX)
- {
- adsr->inDecay = OFALSE;
- adsr->inSustain = OTRUE;
- adsr->next = adsr->gain * adsr->sustain;
- }
- else
- {
- adsr->next = adsr->gain * (adsr->sustain + ((adsr->exp_buff[(uint32_t)adsr->decayPhase]) * (1 - adsr->sustain))); // do interpolation !
- }
- // Increment ADSR decay.
- adsr->decayPhase += adsr->decayInc;
- }
- if (adsr->inRelease)
- {
- // If release done, finish.
- if (adsr->releasePhase >= UINT16_MAX)
- {
- adsr->inRelease = OFALSE;
- adsr->next = 0.0f;
- }
- else {
- adsr->next = adsr->releasePeak * (adsr->exp_buff[(uint32_t)adsr->releasePhase]); // do interpolation !
- }
- // Increment envelope release;
- adsr->releasePhase += adsr->releaseInc;
- }
- return adsr->next;
-/* Ramp */
-void tRamp_init(tRamp* const r, float time, int samples_per_tick)
- _tRamp* ramp = *r = (_tRamp*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tRamp));
- ramp->inv_sr_ms = 1.0f/(leaf.sampleRate*0.001f);
- ramp->minimum_time = ramp->inv_sr_ms * samples_per_tick;
- ramp->curr = 0.0f;
- ramp->dest = 0.0f;
- if (time < ramp->minimum_time)
- {
- ramp->time = ramp->minimum_time;
- }
- else
- {
- ramp->time = time;
- }
- ramp->samples_per_tick = samples_per_tick;
- ramp->inc = ((ramp->dest - ramp->curr) / ramp->time * ramp->inv_sr_ms) * (float)ramp->samples_per_tick;
-void tRamp_free(tRamp* const r)
- _tRamp* ramp = *r;
- leaf_free(ramp);
-void tRamp_initToPool (tRamp* const r, float time, int samples_per_tick, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tRamp* ramp = *r = (_tRamp*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tRamp), &m->pool);
- ramp->inv_sr_ms = 1.0f/(leaf.sampleRate*0.001f);
- ramp->minimum_time = ramp->inv_sr_ms * samples_per_tick;
- ramp->curr = 0.0f;
- ramp->dest = 0.0f;
- if (time < ramp->minimum_time)
- {
- ramp->time = ramp->minimum_time;
- }
- else
- {
- ramp->time = time;
- }
- ramp->samples_per_tick = samples_per_tick;
- ramp->inc = ((ramp->dest - ramp->curr) / ramp->time * ramp->inv_sr_ms) * (float)ramp->samples_per_tick;
-void tRamp_freeFromPool (tRamp* const r, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tRamp* ramp = *r;
- mpool_free(ramp, &m->pool);
-void tRamp_setTime(tRamp* const ramp, float time)
- _tRamp* r = *ramp;
- if (time < r->minimum_time)
- {
- r->time = r->minimum_time;
- }
- else
- {
- r->time = time;
- }
- r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms) * ((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-void tRamp_setDest(tRamp* const ramp, float dest)
- _tRamp* r = *ramp;
- r->dest = dest;
- r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms) * ((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-void tRamp_setVal(tRamp* const ramp, float val)
- _tRamp* r = *ramp;
- r->curr = val;
- r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms) * ((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-float tRamp_tick(tRamp* const ramp)
- _tRamp* r = *ramp;
- r->curr += r->inc;
- if (((r->curr >= r->dest) && (r->inc >= 0.0f)) || ((r->curr <= r->dest) && (r->inc < 0.0f)))
- {
- r->inc = 0.0f;
- r->curr=r->dest;
- }
- return r->curr;
-float tRamp_sample(tRamp* const ramp)
- _tRamp* r = *ramp;
- return r->curr;
-void tRampSampleRateChanged(tRamp* const ramp)
- _tRamp* r = *ramp;
- r->inv_sr_ms = 1.0f / (leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f);
- r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms)*((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-/* Exponential Smoother */
-void tExpSmooth_init(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float val, float factor)
-{ // factor is usually a value between 0 and 0.1. Lower value is slower. 0.01 for example gives you a smoothing time of about 10ms
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth = (_tExpSmooth*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tExpSmooth));
- smooth->curr=val;
- smooth->dest=val;
- if (factor<0) factor=0;
- if (factor>1) factor=1;
- smooth->factor=factor;
- smooth->oneminusfactor=1.0f-factor;
-void tExpSmooth_free(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth)
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- leaf_free(smooth);
-void tExpSmooth_initToPool (tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float val, float factor, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth = (_tExpSmooth*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tExpSmooth), &m->pool);
- smooth->curr=val;
- smooth->dest=val;
- if (factor<0) factor=0;
- if (factor>1) factor=1;
- smooth->factor=factor;
- smooth->oneminusfactor=1.0f-factor;
-void tExpSmooth_freeFromPool (tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- mpool_free(smooth, &m->pool);
-void tExpSmooth_setFactor(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float factor)
-{ // factor is usually a value between 0 and 0.1. Lower value is slower. 0.01 for example gives you a smoothing time of about 10ms
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- if (factor<0)
- factor=0;
- else
- if (factor>1) factor=1;
- smooth->factor=factor;
- smooth->oneminusfactor=1.0f-factor;
-void tExpSmooth_setDest(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float dest)
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- smooth->dest=dest;
-void tExpSmooth_setVal(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float val)
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- smooth->curr=val;
-float tExpSmooth_tick(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth)
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- smooth->curr = smooth->factor*smooth->dest+smooth->oneminusfactor*smooth->curr;
- return smooth->curr;
-float tExpSmooth_sample(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth)
- _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
- return smooth->curr;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-filters.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1243 +1,0 @@
- leaf-filter.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:10pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-filters.h"
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-filters.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OnePole Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tAllpass_init(tAllpass* const ft, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay)
- _tAllpass* f = *ft = (_tAllpass*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAllpass));
- f->gain = 0.7f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
- tLinearDelay_init(&f->delay, initDelay, maxDelay);
-void tAllpass_free(tAllpass* const ft)
- _tAllpass* f = *ft;
- tLinearDelay_free(&f->delay);
- leaf_free(f);
-void tAllpass_initToPool (tAllpass* const ft, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAllpass* f = *ft = (_tAllpass*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tAllpass), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 0.7f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&f->delay, initDelay, maxDelay, mp);
-void tAllpass_freeFromPool (tAllpass* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAllpass* f = *ft;
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&f->delay, mp);
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-void tAllpass_setDelay(tAllpass* const ft, float delay)
- _tAllpass* f = *ft;
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&f->delay, delay);
-void tAllpass_setGain(tAllpass* const ft, float gain)
- _tAllpass* f = *ft;
- f->gain = gain;
-float tAllpass_tick(tAllpass* const ft, float input)
- _tAllpass* f = *ft;
- float s1 = (-f->gain) * f->lastOut + input;
- float s2 = tLinearDelay_tick(&f->delay, s1) + (f->gain) * input;
- f->lastOut = s2;
- return f->lastOut;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OnePole Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tOnePole_init(tOnePole* const ft, float freq)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft = (_tOnePole*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tOnePole));
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->a0 = 1.0;
- tOnePole_setFreq(ft, freq);
- f->lastIn = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-void tOnePole_free(tOnePole* const ft)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tOnePole_initToPool (tOnePole* const ft, float freq, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tOnePole* f = *ft = (_tOnePole*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tOnePole), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->a0 = 1.0;
- tOnePole_setFreq(ft, freq);
- f->lastIn = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-void tOnePole_freeFromPool (tOnePole* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-void tOnePole_setB0(tOnePole* const ft, float b0)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
-void tOnePole_setA1(tOnePole* const ft, float a1)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- if (a1 >= 1.0f) a1 = 0.999999f;
- f->a1 = a1;
-void tOnePole_setPole(tOnePole* const ft, float thePole)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- if (thePole >= 1.0f) thePole = 0.999999f;
- // Normalize coefficients for peak unity gain.
- if (thePole > 0.0f) f->b0 = (1.0f - thePole);
- else f->b0 = (1.0f + thePole);
- f->a1 = -thePole;
-void tOnePole_setFreq (tOnePole* const ft, float freq)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate;
- f->b0 = LEAF_clip(0.0f, f->b0, 1.0f);
- f->a1 = 1.0f - f->b0;
-void tOnePole_setCoefficients(tOnePole* const ft, float b0, float a1)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- if (a1 >= 1.0f) a1 = 0.999999f;
- f->b0 = b0;
- f->a1 = a1;
-void tOnePole_setGain(tOnePole* const ft, float gain)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- f->gain = gain;
-float tOnePole_tick(tOnePole* const ft, float input)
- _tOnePole* f = *ft;
- float in = input * f->gain;
- float out = (f->b0 * in) + (f->a1 * f->lastOut);
- f->lastIn = in;
- f->lastOut = out;
- return out;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TwoPole Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tTwoPole_init(tTwoPole* const ft)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft = (_tTwoPole*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTwoPole));
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->a0 = 1.0;
- f->b0 = 1.0;
- f->lastOut[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut[1] = 0.0f;
-void tTwoPole_free(tTwoPole* const ft)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tTwoPole_initToPool (tTwoPole* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft = (_tTwoPole*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tTwoPole), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->a0 = 1.0;
- f->b0 = 1.0;
- f->lastOut[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut[1] = 0.0f;
-void tTwoPole_freeFromPool (tTwoPole* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-float tTwoPole_tick(tTwoPole* const ft, float input)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- float in = input * f->gain;
- float out = (f->b0 * in) - (f->a1 * f->lastOut[0]) - (f->a2 * f->lastOut[1]);
- f->lastOut[1] = f->lastOut[0];
- f->lastOut[0] = out;
- return out;
-void tTwoPole_setB0(tTwoPole* const ft, float b0)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
-void tTwoPole_setA1(tTwoPole* const ft, float a1)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- f->a1 = a1;
-void tTwoPole_setA2(tTwoPole* const ft, float a2)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- f->a2 = a2;
-void tTwoPole_setResonance(tTwoPole* const ft, float frequency, float radius, oBool normalize)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- if (frequency < 0.0f) frequency = 0.0f;
- if (frequency > (leaf.sampleRate * 0.49f)) frequency = leaf.sampleRate * 0.49f;
- if (radius < 0.0f) radius = 0.0f;
- if (radius >= 1.0f) radius = 0.999999f;
- f->radius = radius;
- f->frequency = frequency;
- f->normalize = normalize;
- f->a2 = radius * radius;
- f->a1 = -2.0f * radius * cosf(frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- if ( normalize )
- {
- // Normalize the filter gain ... not terribly efficient.
- float real = 1 - radius + (f->a2 - radius) * cosf(2 * frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- float imag = (f->a2 - radius) * sinf(2 * frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- f->b0 = sqrtf( powf(real, 2) + powf(imag, 2) );
- }
-void tTwoPole_setCoefficients(tTwoPole* const ft, float b0, float a1, float a2)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
- f->a1 = a1;
- f->a2 = a2;
-void tTwoPole_setGain(tTwoPole* const ft, float gain)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- f->gain = gain;
-void tTwoPoleSampleRateChanged (tTwoPole* const ft)
- _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
- f->a2 = f->radius * f->radius;
- f->a1 = -2.0f * f->radius * cosf(f->frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- if ( f->normalize )
- {
- // Normalize the filter gain ... not terribly efficient.
- float real = 1 - f->radius + (f->a2 - f->radius) * cosf(2 * f->frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- float imag = (f->a2 - f->radius) * sinf(2 * f->frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- f->b0 = sqrtf( powf(real, 2) + powf(imag, 2) );
- }
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OneZero Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tOneZero_init(tOneZero* const ft, float theZero)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft = (_tOneZero*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tOneZero));
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->lastIn = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
- tOneZero_setZero(ft, theZero);
-void tOneZero_free(tOneZero* const ft)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tOneZero_initToPool (tOneZero* const ft, float theZero, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tOneZero* f = *ft = (_tOneZero*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tOneZero), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->lastIn = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
- tOneZero_setZero(ft, theZero);
-void tOneZero_freeFromPool (tOneZero* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-float tOneZero_tick(tOneZero* const ft, float input)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- float in = input * f->gain;
- float out = f->b1 * f->lastIn + f->b0 * in;
- f->lastIn = in;
- return out;
-void tOneZero_setZero(tOneZero* const ft, float theZero)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- if (theZero > 0.0f) f->b0 = 1.0f / (1.0f + theZero);
- else f->b0 = 1.0f / (1.0f - theZero);
- f->b1 = -theZero * f->b0;
-void tOneZero_setB0(tOneZero* const ft, float b0)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
-void tOneZero_setB1(tOneZero* const ft, float b1)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- f->b1 = b1;
-void tOneZero_setCoefficients(tOneZero* const ft, float b0, float b1)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
- f->b1 = b1;
-void tOneZero_setGain(tOneZero *ft, float gain)
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- f->gain = gain;
-float tOneZero_getPhaseDelay(tOneZero* const ft, float frequency )
- _tOneZero* f = *ft;
- if ( frequency <= 0.0f) frequency = 0.05f;
- f->frequency = frequency;
- float omegaT = 2 * PI * frequency * leaf.invSampleRate;
- float real = 0.0, imag = 0.0;
- real += f->b0;
- real += f->b1 * cosf(omegaT);
- imag -= f->b1 * sinf(omegaT);
- real *= f->gain;
- imag *= f->gain;
- float phase = atan2f( imag, real );
- real = 0.0; imag = 0.0;
- phase -= atan2f( imag, real );
- phase = fmodf( -phase, 2 * PI );
- return phase / omegaT;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TwoZero Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tTwoZero_init(tTwoZero* const ft)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft = (_tTwoZero*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTwoZero));
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->lastIn[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastIn[1] = 0.0f;
-void tTwoZero_free(tTwoZero* const ft)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tTwoZero_initToPool (tTwoZero* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft = (_tTwoZero*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tTwoZero), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->lastIn[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastIn[1] = 0.0f;
-void tTwoZero_freeFromPool (tTwoZero* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-float tTwoZero_tick(tTwoZero* const ft, float input)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- float in = input * f->gain;
- float out = f->b2 * f->lastIn[1] + f->b1 * f->lastIn[0] + f->b0 * in;
- f->lastIn[1] = f->lastIn[0];
- f->lastIn[0] = in;
- return out;
-void tTwoZero_setNotch(tTwoZero* const ft, float freq, float radius)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- // Should also deal with frequency being > half sample rate / nyquist. See STK
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- if (radius < 0.0f) radius = 0.0f;
- f->frequency = freq;
- f->radius = radius;
- f->b2 = radius * radius;
- f->b1 = -2.0f * radius * cosf(freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate); // OPTIMIZE with LOOKUP or APPROXIMATION
- // Normalize the filter gain. From STK.
- if ( f->b1 > 0.0f ) // Maximum at z = 0.
- f->b0 = 1.0f / ( 1.0f + f->b1 + f->b2 );
- else // Maximum at z = -1.
- f->b0 = 1.0f / ( 1.0f - f->b1 + f->b2 );
- f->b1 *= f->b0;
- f->b2 *= f->b0;
-void tTwoZero_setB0(tTwoZero* const ft, float b0)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
-void tTwoZero_setB1(tTwoZero* const ft, float b1)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- f->b1 = b1;
-void tTwoZero_setCoefficients(tTwoZero* const ft, float b0, float b1, float b2)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
- f->b1 = b1;
- f->b2 = b2;
-void tTwoZero_setGain(tTwoZero* const ft, float gain)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- f->gain = gain;
-void tTwoZeroSampleRateChanged(tTwoZero* const ft)
- _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
- tTwoZero_setNotch(ft, f->frequency, f->radius);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PoleZero Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tPoleZero_init(tPoleZero* const pzf)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf = (_tPoleZero*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPoleZero));
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->b0 = 1.0;
- f->a0 = 1.0;
- f->lastIn = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-void tPoleZero_free(tPoleZero* const pzf)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tPoleZero_initToPool (tPoleZero* const pzf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf = (_tPoleZero*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tPoleZero), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->b0 = 1.0;
- f->a0 = 1.0;
- f->lastIn = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-void tPoleZero_freeFromPool (tPoleZero* const pzf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-void tPoleZero_setB0(tPoleZero* const pzf, float b0)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- f->b0 = b0;
-void tPoleZero_setB1(tPoleZero* const pzf, float b1)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- f->b1 = b1;
-void tPoleZero_setA1(tPoleZero* const pzf, float a1)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- if (a1 >= 1.0f) // a1 should be less than 1.0
- {
- a1 = 0.999999f;
- }
- f->a1 = a1;
-void tPoleZero_setCoefficients(tPoleZero* const pzf, float b0, float b1, float a1)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- if (a1 >= 1.0f) // a1 should be less than 1.0
- {
- a1 = 0.999999f;
- }
- f->b0 = b0;
- f->b1 = b1;
- f->a1 = a1;
-void tPoleZero_setAllpass(tPoleZero* const pzf, float coeff)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- if (coeff >= 1.0f) // allpass coefficient >= 1.0 makes filter unstable
- {
- coeff = 0.999999f;
- }
- f->b0 = coeff;
- f->b1 = 1.0f;
- f->a0 = 1.0f;
- f->a1 = coeff;
-void tPoleZero_setBlockZero(tPoleZero* const pzf, float thePole)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- if (thePole >= 1.0f) // allpass coefficient >= 1.0 makes filter unstable
- {
- thePole = 0.999999f;
- }
- f->b0 = 1.0f;
- f->b1 = -1.0f;
- f->a0 = 1.0f;
- f->a1 = -thePole;
-void tPoleZero_setGain(tPoleZero* const pzf, float gain)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- f->gain = gain;
-float tPoleZero_tick(tPoleZero* const pzf, float input)
- _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
- float in = input * f->gain;
- float out = (f->b0 * in) + (f->b1 * f->lastIn) - (f->a1 * f->lastOut);
- f->lastIn = in;
- f->lastOut = out;
- return out;
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BiQuad Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tBiQuad_init(tBiQuad* const ft)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft = (_tBiQuad*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tBiQuad));
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->b0 = 0.0f;
- f->a0 = 0.0f;
- f->lastIn[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastIn[1] = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut[1] = 0.0f;
-void tBiQuad_free(tBiQuad* const ft)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tBiQuad_initToPool (tBiQuad* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft = (_tBiQuad*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tBiQuad), &m->pool);
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->b0 = 0.0f;
- f->a0 = 0.0f;
- f->lastIn[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastIn[1] = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut[0] = 0.0f;
- f->lastOut[1] = 0.0f;
-void tBiQuad_freeFromPool (tBiQuad* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-float tBiQuad_tick(tBiQuad* const ft, float input)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- float in = input * f->gain;
- float out = f->b0 * in + f->b1 * f->lastIn[0] + f->b2 * f->lastIn[1];
- out -= f->a2 * f->lastOut[1] + f->a1 * f->lastOut[0];
- f->lastIn[1] = f->lastIn[0];
- f->lastIn[0] = in;
- f->lastOut[1] = f->lastOut[0];
- f->lastOut[0] = out;
- return out;
-void tBiQuad_setResonance(tBiQuad* const ft, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- if (freq > (leaf.sampleRate * 0.49f)) freq = leaf.sampleRate * 0.49f;
- if (radius < 0.0f) radius = 0.0f;
- if (radius >= 1.0f) radius = 1.0f;
- f->frequency = freq;
- f->radius = radius;
- f->normalize = normalize;
- f->a2 = radius * radius;
- f->a1 = -2.0f * radius * cosf(freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- if (normalize)
- {
- f->b0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * f->a2;
- f->b1 = 0.0f;
- f->b2 = -f->b0;
- }
-void tBiQuad_setNotch(tBiQuad* const ft, float freq, float radius)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- if (freq > (leaf.sampleRate * 0.49f)) freq = leaf.sampleRate * 0.49f;
- if (radius < 0.0f) radius = 0.0f;
- f->b2 = radius * radius;
- f->b1 = -2.0f * radius * cosf(freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate); // OPTIMIZE with LOOKUP or APPROXIMATION
- // Does not attempt to normalize filter gain.
-void tBiQuad_setEqualGainZeros(tBiQuad* const ft)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = 1.0f;
- f->b1 = 0.0f;
- f->b2 = -1.0f;
-void tBiQuad_setB0(tBiQuad* const ft, float b0)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
-void tBiQuad_setB1(tBiQuad* const ft, float b1)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->b1 = b1;
-void tBiQuad_setB2(tBiQuad* const ft, float b2)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->b2 = b2;
-void tBiQuad_setA1(tBiQuad* const ft, float a1)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->a1 = a1;
-void tBiQuad_setA2(tBiQuad* const ft, float a2)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->a2 = a2;
-void tBiQuad_setCoefficients(tBiQuad* const ft, float b0, float b1, float b2, float a1, float a2)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->b0 = b0;
- f->b1 = b1;
- f->b2 = b2;
- f->a1 = a1;
- f->a2 = a2;
-void tBiQuad_setGain(tBiQuad* const ft, float gain)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->gain = gain;
-void tBiQuadSampleRateChanged(tBiQuad* const ft)
- _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
- f->a2 = f->radius * f->radius;
- f->a1 = -2.0f * f->radius * cosf(f->frequency * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate);
- if (f->normalize)
- {
- f->b0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * f->a2;
- f->b1 = 0.0f;
- f->b2 = -f->b0;
- }
-// Less efficient, more accurate version of SVF, in which cutoff frequency is taken as floating point Hz value and tanf
-// is calculated when frequency changes.
-void tSVF_init(tSVF* const svff, SVFType type, float freq, float Q)
- _tSVF* svf = *svff = (_tSVF*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSVF));
- svf->type = type;
- svf->ic1eq = 0;
- svf->ic2eq = 0;
- svf->g = tanf(PI * freq * leaf.invSampleRate);
- svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g*svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g*svf->a2;
-void tSVF_free(tSVF* const svff)
- _tSVF* svf = *svff;
- leaf_free(svf);
-void tSVF_initToPool (tSVF* const svff, SVFType type, float freq, float Q, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSVF* svf = *svff = (_tSVF*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSVF), &m->pool);
- svf->type = type;
- svf->ic1eq = 0;
- svf->ic2eq = 0;
- svf->g = tanf(PI * freq * leaf.invSampleRate);
- svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g*svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g*svf->a2;
-void tSVF_freeFromPool (tSVF* const svff, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSVF* svf = *svff;
- mpool_free(svf, &m->pool);
-float tSVF_tick(tSVF* const svff, float v0)
- _tSVF* svf = *svff;
- float v1,v2,v3;
- v3 = v0 - svf->ic2eq;
- v1 = (svf->a1 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a2 * v3);
- v2 = svf->ic2eq + (svf->a2 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a3 * v3);
- svf->ic1eq = (2.0f * v1) - svf->ic1eq;
- svf->ic2eq = (2.0f * v2) - svf->ic2eq;
- if (svf->type == SVFTypeLowpass) return v2;
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypeBandpass) return v1;
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypeHighpass) return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - v2;
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypeNotch) return v0 - (svf->k * v1);
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypePeak) return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - (2.0f * v2);
- else return 0.0f;
-void tSVF_setFreq(tSVF* const svff, float freq)
- _tSVF* svf = *svff;
- svf->g = tanf(PI * freq * leaf.invSampleRate);
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-void tSVF_setQ(tSVF* const svff, float Q)
- _tSVF* svf = *svff;
- svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-// Efficient version of tSVF where frequency is set based on 12-bit integer input for lookup in tanh wavetable.
-void tEfficientSVF_init(tEfficientSVF* const svff, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q)
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff = (_tEfficientSVF*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEfficientSVF));
- svf->type = type;
- svf->ic1eq = 0;
- svf->ic2eq = 0;
- svf->g = filtertan[input];
- svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f+svf->g*(svf->g+svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g*svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g*svf->a2;
-void tEfficientSVF_free(tEfficientSVF* const svff)
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
- leaf_free(svf);
-void tEfficientSVF_initToPool (tEfficientSVF* const svff, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff = (_tEfficientSVF*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tEfficientSVF), &m->pool);
- svf->type = type;
- svf->ic1eq = 0;
- svf->ic2eq = 0;
- svf->g = filtertan[input];
- svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f+svf->g*(svf->g+svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g*svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g*svf->a2;
-void tEfficientSVF_freeFromPool (tEfficientSVF* const svff, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
- mpool_free(svf, &m->pool);
-float tEfficientSVF_tick(tEfficientSVF* const svff, float v0)
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
- float v1,v2,v3;
- v3 = v0 - svf->ic2eq;
- v1 = (svf->a1 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a2 * v3);
- v2 = svf->ic2eq + (svf->a2 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a3 * v3);
- svf->ic1eq = (2.0f * v1) - svf->ic1eq;
- svf->ic2eq = (2.0f * v2) - svf->ic2eq;
- if (svf->type == SVFTypeLowpass) return v2;
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypeBandpass) return v1;
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypeHighpass) return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - v2;
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypeNotch) return v0 - (svf->k * v1);
- else if (svf->type == SVFTypePeak) return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - (2.0f * v2);
- else return 0.0f;
-void tEfficientSVF_setFreq(tEfficientSVF* const svff, uint16_t input)
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
- svf->g = filtertan[input];
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-void tEfficientSVF_setQ(tEfficientSVF* const svff, float Q)
- _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
- svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
- svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
- svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
- svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-/* Highpass */
-void tHighpass_init(tHighpass* const ft, float freq)
- _tHighpass* f = *ft = (_tHighpass*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tHighpass));
- f->R = (1.0f - (freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate));
- f->ys = 0.0f;
- f->xs = 0.0f;
- f->frequency = freq;
-void tHighpass_free(tHighpass* const ft)
- _tHighpass* f = *ft;
- leaf_free(f);
-void tHighpass_initToPool (tHighpass* const ft, float freq, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tHighpass* f = *ft = (_tHighpass*) mpool_calloc(sizeof(_tHighpass), &m->pool);
- f->R = (1.0f - (freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate));
- f->ys = 0.0f;
- f->xs = 0.0f;
- f->frequency = freq;
-void tHighpass_freeFromPool (tHighpass* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tHighpass* f = *ft;
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-void tHighpass_setFreq(tHighpass* const ft, float freq)
- _tHighpass* f = *ft;
- f->frequency = freq;
- f->R = (1.0f - (freq * leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate));
-float tHighpass_getFreq(tHighpass* const ft)
- _tHighpass* f = *ft;
- return f->frequency;
-// From JOS DC Blocker
-float tHighpass_tick(tHighpass* const ft, float x)
- _tHighpass* f = *ft;
- f->ys = x - f->xs + f->R * f->ys;
- f->xs = x;
- return f->ys;
-void tHighpassSampleRateChanged(tHighpass* const ft)
- _tHighpass* f = *ft;
- f->R = (1.0f-((f->frequency * 2.0f * 3.14f) * leaf.invSampleRate));
-void tButterworth_init(tButterworth* const ft, int N, float f1, float f2)
- _tButterworth* f = *ft = (_tButterworth*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tButterworth));
- f->f1 = f1;
- f->f2 = f2;
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->N = N;
- if (f->N > NUM_SVF_BW) f->N = NUM_SVF_BW;
- for(int i = 0; i < N/2; ++i)
- {
- tSVF_init(&f->low[i], SVFTypeHighpass, f1, 0.5f/cosf((1.0f+2.0f*i)*PI/(2*N)));
- tSVF_init(&f->high[i], SVFTypeLowpass, f2, 0.5f/cosf((1.0f+2.0f*i)*PI/(2*N)));
- }
-void tButterworth_free(tButterworth* const ft)
- _tButterworth* f = *ft;
- for(int i = 0; i < f->N/2; ++i)
- {
- tSVF_free(&f->low[i]);
- tSVF_free(&f->high[i]);
- }
- leaf_free(f);
-void tButterworth_initToPool (tButterworth* const ft, int N, float f1, float f2, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tButterworth* f = *ft = (_tButterworth*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tButterworth), &m->pool);
- f->f1 = f1;
- f->f2 = f2;
- f->gain = 1.0f;
- f->N = N;
- if (f->N > NUM_SVF_BW) f->N = NUM_SVF_BW;
- for(int i = 0; i < N/2; ++i)
- {
- tSVF_initToPool(&f->low[i], SVFTypeHighpass, f1, 0.5f/cosf((1.0f+2.0f*i)*PI/(2*N)), mp);
- tSVF_initToPool(&f->high[i], SVFTypeLowpass, f2, 0.5f/cosf((1.0f+2.0f*i)*PI/(2*N)), mp);
- }
-void tButterworth_freeFromPool (tButterworth* const ft, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tButterworth* f = *ft;
- for(int i = 0; i < f->N/2; ++i)
- {
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&f->low[i], mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&f->high[i], mp);
- }
- mpool_free(f, &m->pool);
-float tButterworth_tick(tButterworth* const ft, float samp)
- _tButterworth* f = *ft;
- for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i)
- {
- samp = tSVF_tick(&f->low[i],samp);
- samp = tSVF_tick(&f->high[i],samp);
- }
- return samp;
-void tButterworth_setF1(tButterworth* const ft, float f1)
- _tButterworth* f = *ft;
- f->f1 = f1;
- for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i) tSVF_setFreq(&f->low[i], f1);
-void tButterworth_setF2(tButterworth* const ft, float f2)
- _tButterworth* f = *ft;
- f->f2 = f2;
- for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i) tSVF_setFreq(&f->high[i], f2);
-void tButterworth_setFreqs(tButterworth* const ft, float f1, float f2)
- _tButterworth* f = *ft;
- f->f1 = f1;
- f->f2 = f2;
- for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i)
- {
- tSVF_setFreq(&f->low[i], f1);
- tSVF_setFreq(&f->high[i], f2);
- }
-void tFIR_init(tFIR* const firf, float* coeffs, int numTaps)
- _tFIR* fir = *firf = (_tFIR*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFIR));
- fir->numTaps = numTaps;
- fir->coeff = coeffs;
- fir->past = (float*)leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * fir->numTaps);
- for (int i = 0; i < fir->numTaps; ++i) fir->past[i] = 0.0f;
-void tFIR_free(tFIR* const firf)
- _tFIR* fir = *firf;
- leaf_free(fir->past);
- leaf_free(fir);
-void tFIR_initToPool (tFIR* const firf, float* coeffs, int numTaps, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tFIR* fir = *firf = (_tFIR*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tFIR), &m->pool);
- fir->numTaps = numTaps;
- fir->coeff = coeffs;
- fir->past = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * fir->numTaps, &m->pool);
- for (int i = 0; i < fir->numTaps; ++i) fir->past[i] = 0.0f;
-void tFIR_freeFromPool (tFIR* const firf, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tFIR* fir = *firf;
- mpool_free(fir->past, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(fir, &m->pool);
-float tFIR_tick(tFIR* const firf, float input)
- _tFIR* fir = *firf;
- fir->past[0] = input;
- float y = 0.0f;
- for (int i = 0; i < fir->numTaps; ++i) y += fir->past[i]*fir->coeff[i];
- for (int i = fir->numTaps-1; i > 0; --i) fir->past[i] = fir->past[i-1];
- return y;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-instruments.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +1,0 @@
- leaf-instruments.c
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:24:21am
- Author: airship
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-instruments.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-instruments.h"
-// ----------------- COWBELL ----------------------------//
-void t808Cowbell_init(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, int useStick)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst = (_t808Cowbell*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Cowbell));
- tSquare_init(&cowbell->p[0]);
- tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[0], 540.0f);
- tSquare_init(&cowbell->p[1]);
- tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[1], 1.48148f * 540.0f);
- cowbell->oscMix = 0.5f;
- tSVF_init(&cowbell->bandpassOsc, SVFTypeBandpass, 2500, 1.0f);
- tSVF_init(&cowbell->bandpassStick, SVFTypeBandpass, 1800, 1.0f);
- tEnvelope_init(&cowbell->envGain, 5.0f, 100.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&cowbell->envFilter, 5.0, 100.0f, OFALSE);
- tHighpass_init(&cowbell->highpass, 1000.0f);
- tNoise_init(&cowbell->stick, WhiteNoise);
- tEnvelope_init(&cowbell->envStick, 5.0f, 5.0f, 0);
- cowbell->useStick = useStick;
-void t808Cowebell_free(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- tSquare_free(&cowbell->p[0]);
- tSquare_free(&cowbell->p[1]);
- tSVF_free(&cowbell->bandpassOsc);
- tSVF_free(&cowbell->bandpassStick);
- tEnvelope_free(&cowbell->envGain);
- tEnvelope_free(&cowbell->envFilter);
- tHighpass_free(&cowbell->highpass);
- tNoise_free(&cowbell->stick);
- tEnvelope_free(&cowbell->envStick);
- leaf_free(cowbell);
-void t808Cowbell_initToPool (t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, int useStick, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst = (_t808Cowbell*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_t808Cowbell), &m->pool);
- tSquare_initToPool(&cowbell->p[0], mp);
- tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[0], 540.0f);
- tSquare_initToPool(&cowbell->p[1], mp);
- tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[1], 1.48148f * 540.0f);
- cowbell->oscMix = 0.5f;
- tSVF_initToPool(&cowbell->bandpassOsc, SVFTypeBandpass, 2500, 1.0f, mp);
- tSVF_initToPool(&cowbell->bandpassStick, SVFTypeBandpass, 1800, 1.0f, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&cowbell->envGain, 5.0f, 100.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&cowbell->envFilter, 5.0, 100.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&cowbell->highpass, 1000.0f, mp);
- tNoise_initToPool(&cowbell->stick, WhiteNoise, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&cowbell->envStick, 5.0f, 5.0f, 0, mp);
- cowbell->useStick = useStick;
-void t808Cowbell_freeFromPool (t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- tSquare_freeFromPool(&cowbell->p[0], mp);
- tSquare_freeFromPool(&cowbell->p[1], mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&cowbell->bandpassOsc, mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&cowbell->bandpassStick, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&cowbell->envGain, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&cowbell->envFilter, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&cowbell->highpass, mp);
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&cowbell->stick, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&cowbell->envStick, mp);
- mpool_free(cowbell, &m->pool);
-void t808Cowbell_on(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float vel)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- tEnvelope_on(&cowbell->envGain, vel);
- if (cowbell->useStick)
- tEnvelope_on(&cowbell->envStick,vel);
-float t808Cowbell_tick(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- float sample = 0.0f;
- // Mix oscillators.
- sample = (cowbell->oscMix * tSquare_tick(&cowbell->p[0])) + ((1.0f-cowbell->oscMix) * tSquare_tick(&cowbell->p[1]));
- // Filter dive and filter.
- tSVF_setFreq(&cowbell->bandpassOsc, cowbell->filterCutoff + 1000.0f * tEnvelope_tick(&cowbell->envFilter));
- sample = tSVF_tick(&cowbell->bandpassOsc,sample);
- sample *= (0.9f * tEnvelope_tick(&cowbell->envGain));
- if (cowbell->useStick)
- sample += (0.1f * tEnvelope_tick(&cowbell->envStick) * tSVF_tick(&cowbell->bandpassStick, tNoise_tick(&cowbell->stick)));
- sample = tHighpass_tick(&cowbell->highpass, sample);
- return sample;
-void t808Cowbell_setDecay(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float decay)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&cowbell->envGain,decay);
-void t808Cowbell_setHighpassFreq(t808Cowbell *cowbellInst, float freq)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- tHighpass_setFreq(&cowbell->highpass,freq);
-void t808Cowbell_setBandpassFreq(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float freq)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- cowbell->filterCutoff = freq;
-void t808Cowbell_setFreq(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float freq)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[0],freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[1],1.48148f*freq);
-void t808Cowbell_setOscMix(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float oscMix)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- cowbell->oscMix = oscMix;
-void t808Cowbell_setStick(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, int useStick)
- _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
- cowbell->useStick = useStick;
-// ----------------- HIHAT ----------------------------//
-void t808Hihat_init(t808Hihat* const hihatInst)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst = (_t808Hihat*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Hihat));
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tSquare_init(&hihat->p[i]);
- }
- tNoise_init(&hihat->stick, PinkNoise);
- tNoise_init(&hihat->n, WhiteNoise);
- // need to fix SVF to be generic
- tSVF_init(&hihat->bandpassStick, SVFTypeBandpass,2500.0f,1.2f);
- tSVF_init(&hihat->bandpassOsc, SVFTypeBandpass,3500.0f,0.3f);
- tEnvelope_init(&hihat->envGain, 0.0f, 50.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&hihat->envStick, 0.0f, 7.0f, OFALSE);
- tHighpass_init(&hihat->highpass, 7000.0f);
- hihat->freq = 40.0f;
- hihat->stretch = 0.0f;
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[0], 2.0f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[1], 3.00f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[2], 4.16f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[3], 5.43f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[4], 6.79f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[5], 8.21f * hihat->freq);
-void t808Hihat_free(t808Hihat* const hihatInst)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tSquare_free(&hihat->p[i]);
- }
- tNoise_free(&hihat->stick);
- tNoise_free(&hihat->n);
- // need to fix SVF to be generic
- tSVF_free(&hihat->bandpassStick);
- tSVF_free(&hihat->bandpassOsc);
- tEnvelope_free(&hihat->envGain);
- tEnvelope_free(&hihat->envStick);
- tHighpass_free(&hihat->highpass);
- leaf_free(hihat);
-void t808Hihat_initToPool (t808Hihat* const hihatInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst = (_t808Hihat*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_t808Hihat), &m->pool);
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tSquare_initToPool(&hihat->p[i], mp);
- }
- tNoise_initToPool(&hihat->stick, PinkNoise, mp);
- tNoise_initToPool(&hihat->n, WhiteNoise, mp);
- // need to fix SVF to be generic
- tSVF_initToPool(&hihat->bandpassStick, SVFTypeBandpass,2500.0f,1.2f, mp);
- tSVF_initToPool(&hihat->bandpassOsc, SVFTypeBandpass,3500.0f,0.3f, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&hihat->envGain, 0.0f, 50.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&hihat->envStick, 0.0f, 7.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&hihat->highpass, 7000.0f, mp);
- hihat->freq = 40.0f;
- hihat->stretch = 0.0f;
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[0], 2.0f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[1], 3.00f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[2], 4.16f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[3], 5.43f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[4], 6.79f * hihat->freq);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[5], 8.21f * hihat->freq);
-void t808Hihat_freeFromPool (t808Hihat* const hihatInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tSquare_freeFromPool(&hihat->p[i], mp);
- }
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&hihat->stick, mp);
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&hihat->n, mp);
- // need to fix SVF to be generic
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&hihat->bandpassStick, mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&hihat->bandpassOsc, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&hihat->envGain, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&hihat->envStick, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&hihat->highpass, mp);
- mpool_free(hihat, &m->pool);
-void t808Hihat_on(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float vel)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tEnvelope_on(&hihat->envGain, vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&hihat->envStick, vel);
-void t808Hihat_setOscNoiseMix(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float oscNoiseMix)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- hihat->oscNoiseMix = oscNoiseMix;
-float t808Hihat_tick(t808Hihat* const hihatInst)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- float sample = 0.0f;
- float gainScale = 0.1666f;
- float myNoise = tNoise_tick(&hihat->n);
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[0], ((2.0f + hihat->stretch) * hihat->freq));
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[1], ((3.00f + hihat->stretch) * hihat->freq));
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[2], ((4.16f + hihat->stretch) * hihat->freq));
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[3], ((5.43f + hihat->stretch) * hihat->freq));
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[4], ((6.79f + hihat->stretch) * hihat->freq));
- tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[5], ((8.21f + hihat->stretch) * hihat->freq));
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- sample += tSquare_tick(&hihat->p[i]);
- }
- sample *= gainScale;
- sample = (hihat->oscNoiseMix * sample) + ((1.0f-hihat->oscNoiseMix) * myNoise);
- sample = tSVF_tick(&hihat->bandpassOsc, sample);
- float myGain = tEnvelope_tick(&hihat->envGain);
- sample *= (myGain*myGain);//square the output gain envelope
- sample = tHighpass_tick(&hihat->highpass, sample);
- sample += ((0.5f * tEnvelope_tick(&hihat->envStick)) * tSVF_tick(&hihat->bandpassStick, tNoise_tick(&hihat->stick)));
- sample = tanhf(sample * 2.0f);
- return sample;
-void t808Hihat_setDecay(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float decay)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&hihat->envGain,decay);
-void t808Hihat_setHighpassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tHighpass_setFreq(&hihat->highpass,freq);
-void t808Hihat_setStretch(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float stretch)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- hihat->stretch = stretch;
-void t808Hihat_setFM(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float FM_amount)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- hihat->FM_amount = FM_amount;
-void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tSVF_setFreq(&hihat->bandpassOsc,freq);
-void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassQ(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float Q)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tSVF_setQ(&hihat->bandpassOsc,Q);
-void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tSVF_setFreq(&hihat->bandpassStick,freq);
-void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassQ(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float Q)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- tSVF_setQ(&hihat->bandpassStick,Q);
-void t808Hihat_setOscFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
- _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
- hihat->freq = freq;
-// ----------------- SNARE ----------------------------//
-void t808Snare_init(t808Snare* const snareInst)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst = (_t808Snare*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Snare));
- float ratio[2] = {1.0, 1.5};
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- tTriangle_init(&snare->tone[i]);
- tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[i], ratio[i] * 400.0f);
- tSVF_init(&snare->toneLowpass[i], SVFTypeLowpass, 4000, 1.0f);
- tEnvelope_init(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i], 0.0f, 50.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&snare->toneEnvGain[i], 1.0f, 150.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&snare->toneEnvFilter[i], 1.0f, 2000.0f, OFALSE);
- snare->toneGain[i] = 0.5f;
- }
- snare->tone1Freq = ratio[0] * 100.0f;
- snare->tone2Freq = ratio[1] * 100.0f;
- snare->noiseFilterFreq = 3000.0f;
- tNoise_init(&snare->noiseOsc, WhiteNoise);
- tSVF_init(&snare->noiseLowpass, SVFTypeLowpass, 12000.0f, 0.8f);
- tEnvelope_init(&snare->noiseEnvGain, 0.0f, 100.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&snare->noiseEnvFilter, 0.0f, 1000.0f, OFALSE);
- snare->noiseGain = 1.0f;
-void t808Snare_free (t808Snare* const snareInst)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- tTriangle_free(&snare->tone[i]);
- tSVF_free(&snare->toneLowpass[i]);
- tEnvelope_free(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i]);
- tEnvelope_free(&snare->toneEnvGain[i]);
- tEnvelope_free(&snare->toneEnvFilter[i]);
- }
- tNoise_free(&snare->noiseOsc);
- tSVF_free(&snare->noiseLowpass);
- tEnvelope_free(&snare->noiseEnvGain);
- tEnvelope_free(&snare->noiseEnvFilter);
- leaf_free(snare);
-void t808Snare_initToPool (t808Snare* const snareInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst = (_t808Snare*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_t808Snare), &m->pool);
- float ratio[2] = {1.0, 1.5};
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- tTriangle_initToPool(&snare->tone[i], mp);
- tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[i], ratio[i] * 400.0f);
- tSVF_initToPool(&snare->toneLowpass[i], SVFTypeLowpass, 4000, 1.0f, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i], 0.0f, 50.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&snare->toneEnvGain[i], 1.0f, 150.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&snare->toneEnvFilter[i], 1.0f, 2000.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- snare->toneGain[i] = 0.5f;
- }
- snare->tone1Freq = ratio[0] * 100.0f;
- snare->tone2Freq = ratio[1] * 100.0f;
- snare->noiseFilterFreq = 3000.0f;
- tNoise_initToPool(&snare->noiseOsc, WhiteNoise, mp);
- tSVF_initToPool(&snare->noiseLowpass, SVFTypeLowpass, 12000.0f, 0.8f, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&snare->noiseEnvGain, 0.0f, 100.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&snare->noiseEnvFilter, 0.0f, 1000.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- snare->noiseGain = 1.0f;
-void t808Snare_freeFromPool (t808Snare* const snareInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- tTriangle_freeFromPool(&snare->tone[i], mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&snare->toneLowpass[i], mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i], mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&snare->toneEnvGain[i], mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&snare->toneEnvFilter[i], mp);
- }
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&snare->noiseOsc, mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&snare->noiseLowpass, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&snare->noiseEnvGain, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&snare->noiseEnvFilter, mp);
- mpool_free(snare, &m->pool);
-void t808Snare_on(t808Snare* const snareInst, float vel)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- tEnvelope_on(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i], vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&snare->toneEnvGain[i], vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&snare->toneEnvFilter[i], vel);
- }
- tEnvelope_on(&snare->noiseEnvGain, vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&snare->noiseEnvFilter, vel);
-void t808Snare_setTone1Freq(t808Snare* const snareInst, float freq)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- snare->tone1Freq = freq;
- tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[0], freq);
-void t808Snare_setTone2Freq(t808Snare* const snareInst, float freq)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- snare->tone2Freq = freq;
- tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[1],freq);
-void t808Snare_setTone1Decay(t808Snare* const snareInst, float decay)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&snare->toneEnvGain[0],decay);
-void t808Snare_setTone2Decay(t808Snare* const snareInst, float decay)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&snare->toneEnvGain[1],decay);
-void t808Snare_setNoiseDecay(t808Snare* const snareInst, float decay)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&snare->noiseEnvGain,decay);
-void t808Snare_setToneNoiseMix(t808Snare* const snareInst, float toneNoiseMix)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- snare->toneNoiseMix = toneNoiseMix;
-void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterFreq(t808Snare* const snareInst, float noiseFilterFreq)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- snare->noiseFilterFreq = noiseFilterFreq;
-void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterQ(t808Snare* const snareInst, float noiseFilterQ)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- tSVF_setQ(&snare->noiseLowpass, noiseFilterQ);
-static float tone[2];
-float t808Snare_tick(t808Snare* const snareInst)
- _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[i], snare->tone1Freq + (20.0f * tEnvelope_tick(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i])));
- tone[i] = tTriangle_tick(&snare->tone[i]);
- tSVF_setFreq(&snare->toneLowpass[i], 2000.0f + (500.0f * tEnvelope_tick(&snare->toneEnvFilter[i])));
- tone[i] = tSVF_tick(&snare->toneLowpass[i], tone[i]) * tEnvelope_tick(&snare->toneEnvGain[i]);
- }
- float noise = tNoise_tick(&snare->noiseOsc);
- tSVF_setFreq(&snare->noiseLowpass, snare->noiseFilterFreq + (1000.0f * tEnvelope_tick(&snare->noiseEnvFilter)));
- noise = tSVF_tick(&snare->noiseLowpass, noise) * tEnvelope_tick(&snare->noiseEnvGain);
- float sample = (snare->toneNoiseMix)*(tone[0] * snare->toneGain[0] + tone[1] * snare->toneGain[1]) + (1.0f-snare->toneNoiseMix) * (noise * snare->noiseGain);
- sample = tanhf(sample * 2.0f);
- return sample;
-// ----------------- KICK ----------------------------//
-void t808Kick_init (t808Kick* const kickInst)
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst = (_t808Kick*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Kick));
- tCycle_init(&kick->tone);
- kick->toneInitialFreq = 40.0f;
- kick->sighAmountInHz = 7.0f;
- kick->chirpRatioMinusOne = 3.3f;
- tCycle_setFreq(&kick->tone, 50.0f);
- tSVF_init(&kick->toneLowpass, SVFTypeLowpass, 2000.0f, 0.5f);
- tEnvelope_init(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp, 0.0f, 20.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh, 0.0f, 2500.0f, OFALSE);
- tEnvelope_init(&kick->toneEnvGain, 0.0f, 800.0f, OFALSE);
- tNoise_init(&kick->noiseOsc, PinkNoise);
- tEnvelope_init(&kick->noiseEnvGain, 0.0f, 1.0f, OFALSE);
- kick->noiseGain = 0.3f;
-void t808Kick_free (t808Kick* const kickInst)
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
- tCycle_free(&kick->tone);
- tSVF_free(&kick->toneLowpass);
- tEnvelope_free(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp);
- tEnvelope_free(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh);
- tEnvelope_free(&kick->toneEnvGain);
- tNoise_free(&kick->noiseOsc);
- tEnvelope_free(&kick->noiseEnvGain);
- leaf_free(kick);
-void t808Kick_initToPool (t808Kick* const kickInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst = (_t808Kick*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_t808Kick), &m->pool);
- tCycle_initToPool(&kick->tone, mp);
- kick->toneInitialFreq = 40.0f;
- kick->sighAmountInHz = 7.0f;
- kick->chirpRatioMinusOne = 3.3f;
- tCycle_setFreq(&kick->tone, 50.0f);
- tSVF_initToPool(&kick->toneLowpass, SVFTypeLowpass, 2000.0f, 0.5f, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp, 0.0f, 20.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh, 0.0f, 2500.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&kick->toneEnvGain, 0.0f, 800.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- tNoise_initToPool(&kick->noiseOsc, PinkNoise, mp);
- tEnvelope_initToPool(&kick->noiseEnvGain, 0.0f, 1.0f, OFALSE, mp);
- kick->noiseGain = 0.3f;
-void t808Kick_freeFromPool (t808Kick* const kickInst, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
- tCycle_freeFromPool(&kick->tone, mp);
- tSVF_freeFromPool(&kick->toneLowpass, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&kick->toneEnvGain, mp);
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&kick->noiseOsc, mp);
- tEnvelope_freeFromPool(&kick->noiseEnvGain, mp);
- mpool_free(kick, &m->pool);
-float t808Kick_tick (t808Kick* const kickInst)
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
- tCycle_setFreq(&kick->tone, (kick->toneInitialFreq * (1.0f + (kick->chirpRatioMinusOne * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp)))) + (kick->sighAmountInHz * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh)));
- float sample = tCycle_tick(&kick->tone) * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->toneEnvGain);
- sample+= tNoise_tick(&kick->noiseOsc) * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->noiseEnvGain);
- //add distortion here
- sample = tSVF_tick(&kick->toneLowpass, sample);
- return sample;
-void t808Kick_on (t808Kick* const kickInst, float vel)
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
- tEnvelope_on(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp, vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh, vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&kick->toneEnvGain, vel);
- tEnvelope_on(&kick->noiseEnvGain, vel);
-void t808Kick_setToneFreq (t808Kick* const kickInst, float freq)
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
- kick->toneInitialFreq = freq;
-void t808Kick_setToneDecay (t808Kick* const kickInst, float decay)
- _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&kick->toneEnvGain,decay);
- tEnvelope_setDecay(&kick->toneEnvGain,decay * 3.0f);
-void t808Kick_setNoiseDecay (t808Kick* const kickInst, float decay);
-void t808Kick_setSighAmount (t808Kick* const kickInst, float sigh);
-void t808Kick_setChirpAmount (t808Kick* const kickInst, float chirp);
-void t808Kick_setToneNoiseMix (t808Kick* const kickInst, float toneNoiseMix);
-void t808Kick_setNoiseFilterFreq (t808Kick* const kickInst, float noiseFilterFreq);
-void t808Kick_setNoiseFilterQ (t808Kick* const kickInst, float noiseFilterQ);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-math.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +1,0 @@
- leaf-math.c
- Created: 22 Jan 2017 7:02:56pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-math.h"
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-math.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"
-// The C-embedded Audio Library.
-#define TWO_TO_16 65536.f
-float interpolate3max(float *buf, const int peakindex)
- float a = buf[peakindex-1];
- float b = buf[peakindex];
- float c = buf[peakindex+1];
- float realpeak;
- realpeak = b + (float)0.125 * (c - a) * (c - a) / ((float)2. * b - a - c);
- return(realpeak);
-float interpolate3phase(float *buf, const int peakindex)
- float a = buf[peakindex-1];
- float b = buf[peakindex];
- float c = buf[peakindex+1];
- float fraction;
- fraction = ((float)0.5 * (c - a)) / ((float)2. * b - a - c);
- return(fraction);
-// alternative implementation for abs()
-// REQUIRES: 32 bit integers
-int fastabs_int(int in){
- unsigned int r;
- int const mask = in >> 31;
- r = (in ^ mask) - mask;
- return (r);
-// alternative implementation for abs()
-// REQUIRES: 32 bit floats
-float fastabsf(float f)
- union
- {
- float f;
- unsigned int ui;
- }alias;
- alias.f = f;
- alias.ui &= 0x7fffffff;
- return alias.f;
-float fastexpf(float x) {
- x = 1.0f + (x * 0.0009765625f);
- x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
- x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
- x *= x; x *= x;
- return x;
-float fasterexpf(float x) {
- x = 1.0 + (x * 0.00390625f);
- x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
- x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
- return x;
-// fast floating-point exp2 function taken from Robert Bristow Johnson's
-// post in the music-dsp list on Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:50:11 -0400
-float fastexp2f(float x)
- if (x >= -127.0)
- {
- register float accumulator, xPower;
- register union {float f; int32_t i;} xBits;
- xBits.i = (int32_t)(x + 4096.0f) - 4096L; /* integer part */
- x -= (float)(xBits.i); /* fractional part */
- accumulator = 1.0f + 0.69303212081966f*x;
- xPower = x*x;
- accumulator += 0.24137976293709f*xPower;
- xPower *= x;
- accumulator += 0.05203236900844f*xPower;
- xPower *= x;
- accumulator += 0.01355574723481f*xPower;
- xBits.i += 127; /* bias integer part */
- xBits.i<<= 23; /* move biased int part into exponent bits */
- return accumulator * xBits.f;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0.0f;
- }
-you pass in a float array to get back two indexes representing the volumes of the left (index 0) and right (index 1) channels
-when t is -1, volumes[0] = 0, volumes[1] = 1
-when t = 0, volumes[0] = 0.707, volumes[1] = 0.707 (equal-power cross fade)
-when t = 1, volumes[0] = 1, volumes[1] = 0
-void LEAF_crossfade(float fade, float* volumes) {
- volumes[0] = sqrtf(0.5f * (1.0f + fade));
- volumes[1] = sqrtf(0.5f * (1.0f - fade));
-// dope af
-float LEAF_chebyshevT(float in, int n){
- if (n == 0) return 1;
- else if (n == 1) return in;
- else return 2.0f * in * LEAF_chebyshevT(in, n-1) - LEAF_chebyshevT(in, n-2);
-#if !(_WIN32 || _WIN64)
-float LEAF_CompoundChebyshevT(float in, int n, float* amps){
- float T[n+1];
- T[0] = 1.0f;
- T[1] = in;
- for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
- T[i] = 2*in*T[i-1] - T[i-2];
- float out = 0;
- float amp = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
- out += amps[i]*T[i+1];
- amp += amps[i];
- }
- return out / amp ;
-float LEAF_frequencyToMidi(float f)
- return (69.0f + 12.0f * log2(f * INV_440));
-// Jones shaper
-float LEAF_shaper(float input, float m_drive)
- float fx = input * 2.0f; // prescale
- float w, c, xc, xc2, xc4;
- xc = LEAF_clip(-SQRT8, fx, SQRT8);
- xc2 = xc*xc;
- c = 0.5f*fx*(3.0f - (xc2));
- xc4 = xc2 * xc2;
- w = (1.0f - xc2*0.25f + xc4*0.015625f) * WSCALE;
- float shaperOut = w*(c+ 0.05f*xc2)*(m_drive + 0.75f);
- shaperOut *= 0.5f; // post_scale
- return shaperOut;
-// round input to nearest rnd
-float LEAF_round (float input, float rnd)
- rnd = fabsf(rnd);
- if (rnd <= 0.0000001f) return input;
- float scale = 1.f / rnd;
- return roundf(input * scale) / scale;
-union unholy_t unholy;
-float LEAF_bitwise_xor(float input, uint32_t op)
- unholy.f = input;
- unholy.i = (unholy.i ^ op);
- return unholy.f;
-float LEAF_reedTable(float input, float offset, float slope)
- float output = offset + (slope * input);
- if ( output > 1.0f) output = 1.0f;
- if ( output < -1.0f) output = -1.0f;
- return output;
-float LEAF_softClip(float val, float thresh)
- float x;
- if(val > thresh)
- {
- x = thresh / val;
- return (1.0f - x) * (1.0f - thresh) + thresh;
- }
- else if(val < -thresh)
- {
- x = -thresh / val;
- return -((1.0f - x) * (1.0f - thresh) + thresh);
- }
- else
- {
- return val;
- }
-float LEAF_clip(float min, float val, float max)
- {
- if (val < min) {
- return min;
- } else if (val > max) {
- return max;
- } else {
- return val;
- }
-int LEAF_clipInt(int min, int val, int max)
- if (val < min) {
- return min;
- } else if (val > max) {
- return max;
- } else {
- return val;
- }
-oBool LEAF_isPrime(uint64_t number )
- if ( number == 2 ) return OTRUE;
- if ( number & 1 ) {
- for ( int i=3; i<(int)sqrt((double)number)+1; i+=2 )
- if ( (number % i) == 0 ) return OFALSE;
- return OTRUE; // prime
- }
- else return OFALSE; // even
-// Adapted from MusicDSP:
-float LEAF_tanh(float x)
- if( x < -3.0f )
- return -1.0f;
- else if( x > 3.0f )
- return 1.0f;
- else
- return x * ( 27.0f + x * x ) / ( 27.0f + 9.0f * x * x );
-void LEAF_generate_sine(float* buffer, int size)
- float phase;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- phase = (float) i / (float) size;
- buffer[i] = sinf(phase * TWO_PI);
- }
-void LEAF_generate_sawtooth(float* buffer, float basefreq, int size)
- int harmonic = 1;
- float phase = 0.0f;
- float freq = harmonic * basefreq;
- float amp;
- while (freq < (leaf.sampleRate * 0.5))
- {
- amp = 1.0f / harmonic;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- phase = (float) i / (float) size;
- buffer[i] += (amp * sinf(harmonic * phase * TWO_PI));
- }
- harmonic++;
- freq = harmonic * basefreq;
- }
-void LEAF_generate_triangle(float* buffer, float basefreq, int size)
- int harmonic = 1;
- float phase = 0.0f;
- float freq = harmonic * basefreq;
- float amp = 1.0f;
- int count = 0;
- float mult = 1.0f;
- while (freq < (leaf.sampleRate * 0.5))
- {
- amp = 1.0f / (float)(harmonic * harmonic);
- if (count % 2) mult = -1.0f;
- else mult = 1.0f;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- phase = (float) i / (float) size;
- buffer[i] += (mult * amp * sinf(harmonic * phase * TWO_PI));
- }
- count++;
- harmonic += 2;
- freq = harmonic * basefreq;
- }
-void LEAF_generate_square(float* buffer, float basefreq, int size)
- int harmonic = 1;
- float phase = 0.0f;
- float freq = harmonic * basefreq;
- float amp = 1.0f;
- while (freq < (leaf.sampleRate * 0.5))
- {
- amp = 1.0f / (float)(harmonic);
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- phase = (float) i / (float) size;
- buffer[i] += (amp * sinf(harmonic * phase * TWO_PI));
- }
- harmonic += 2;
- freq = harmonic * basefreq;
- }
-// name: mtof()
-// desc: midi to freq, from PD source
-float LEAF_midiToFrequency(float f)
- if( f <= -1500.0f ) return (0);
- else if( f > 1499.0f ) return (LEAF_midiToFrequency(1499.0f));
- else return ( powf(2.0f, (f - 69.0f) * 0.083333333333333f) * 440.0f );
-// alpha, [0.0, 1.0]
-float LEAF_interpolate_hermite (float A, float B, float C, float D, float alpha)
- alpha = LEAF_clip(0.0f, alpha, 1.0f);
- float a = -A*0.5f + (3.0f*B)*0.5f - (3.0f*C)*0.5f + D*0.5f;
- float b = A - (5.0f*B)*0.5f + 2.0f*C - D * 0.5f;
- float c = -A*0.5f + C*0.5f;
- float d = B;
- return a*alpha*alpha*alpha + b*alpha*alpha + c*alpha + d;
-// from
-//xx is alpha (fractional part of sample value)
-//grabbed this from Tom Erbe's Delay pd code
-float LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x(float yy0, float yy1, float yy2, float yy3, float xx)
- // 4-point, 3rd-order Hermite (x-form)
- float c0 = yy1;
- float c1 = 0.5f * (yy2 - yy0);
- float y0my1 = yy0 - yy1;
- float c3 = (yy1 - yy2) + 0.5f * (yy3 - y0my1 - yy2);
- float c2 = y0my1 + c1 - c3;
- return ((c3 * xx + c2) * xx + c1) * xx + c0;
-// alpha, [0.0, 1.0]
-float LEAF_interpolation_linear (float A, float B, float alpha)
- alpha = LEAF_clip(0.0f, alpha, 1.0f);
- float omAlpha = 1.0f - alpha;
- // First 1/2 of interpolation
- float out = A * omAlpha;
- out += B * alpha;
- return out;
-#define LOGTEN 2.302585092994
-float mtof(float f)
- if (f <= -1500.0f) return(0);
- else if (f > 1499.0f) return(mtof(1499.0f));
- else return (8.17579891564f * expf(0.0577622650f * f));
-float fast_mtof(float f)
- return (8.17579891564f * fastexpf(0.0577622650f * f));
-float faster_mtof(float f)
- return (8.17579891564f * fastexpf(0.0577622650f * f));
-float ftom(float f)
- return (f > 0 ? 17.3123405046f * logf(.12231220585f * f) : -1500.0f);
-float powtodb(float f)
- if (f <= 0) return (0);
- else
- {
- float val = 100 + 10.f/LOGTEN * logf(f);
- return (val < 0 ? 0 : val);
- }
-float rmstodb(float f)
- if (f <= 0) return (0);
- else
- {
- float val = 100 + 20.f/LOGTEN * log(f);
- return (val < 0 ? 0 : val);
- }
-float dbtopow(float f)
- if (f <= 0)
- return(0);
- else
- {
- if (f > 870.0f)
- f = 870.0f;
- return (expf((LOGTEN * 0.1f) * (f-100.0f)));
- }
-float dbtorms(float f)
- if (f <= 0)
- return(0);
- else
- {
- if (f > 485.0f)
- f = 485.0f;
- }
- return (expf((LOGTEN * 0.05f) * (f-100.0f)));
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-mempool.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +1,0 @@
-/** mpool source significantly modified by Mike Mulshine, Jeff Snyder, et al., Princeton University Music Department **/
- In short, mpool is distributed under so called "BSD license",
- Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Tatsuhiko Kubo <>
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
- */
-/* written with C99 style */
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-mempool.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-_tMempool leaf_pool;
-tMempool leaf_mempool;
-size_t header_size;
- * private function
- */
-static inline size_t mpool_align(size_t size);
-static inline mpool_node_t* create_node(void* block_location, mpool_node_t* next, mpool_node_t* prev, size_t size);
-static inline void delink_node(mpool_node_t* node);
- * create memory pool
- */
-void mpool_create (char* memory, size_t size, mpool_t* pool)
- header_size = mpool_align(sizeof(mpool_node_t));
- pool->mpool = (void*)memory;
- pool->usize = 0;
- pool->msize = size;
- pool->head = create_node(pool->mpool, NULL, NULL, pool->msize-header_size);
- for (int i = 0; i < pool->head->size; i++)
- {
- memory[i+header_size]=0;
- }
-void leaf_pool_init(char* memory, size_t size)
- mpool_create(memory, size, &leaf_pool.pool);
- leaf_mempool = &leaf_pool;
- * allocate memory from memory pool
- */
-void* mpool_alloc(size_t asize, mpool_t* pool)
- // If the head is NULL, the mempool is full
- if (pool->head == NULL) return NULL;
- // Should we alloc the first block large enough or check all blocks and pick the one closest in size?
- size_t size_to_alloc = mpool_align(asize);
- mpool_node_t* node_to_alloc = pool->head;
- // Traverse the free list for a large enough block
- while (node_to_alloc->size < size_to_alloc)
- {
- node_to_alloc = node_to_alloc->next;
- // If we reach the end of the free list, there
- // are no blocks large enough, return NULL
- if (node_to_alloc == NULL) return NULL;
- }
- // Create a new node after the node to be allocated if there is enough space
- mpool_node_t* new_node;
- size_t leftover = node_to_alloc->size - size_to_alloc;
- node_to_alloc->size = size_to_alloc;
- if (leftover > header_size)
- {
- long offset = (char*) node_to_alloc - (char*) pool->mpool;
- offset += header_size + node_to_alloc->size;
- new_node = create_node(&pool->mpool[offset],
- node_to_alloc->next,
- node_to_alloc->prev,
- leftover - header_size);
- }
- else
- {
- // Add any leftover space to the allocated node to avoid fragmentation
- node_to_alloc->size += leftover;
- new_node = node_to_alloc->next;
- }
- // Update the head if we are allocating the first node of the free list
- // The head will be NULL if there is no space left
- if (pool->head == node_to_alloc)
- {
- pool->head = new_node;
- }
- // Remove the allocated node from the free list
- delink_node(node_to_alloc);
- pool->usize += header_size + node_to_alloc->size;
- if (leaf.clearOnAllocation > 0)
- {
- char* new_pool = (char*)node_to_alloc->pool;
- for (int i = 0; i < node_to_alloc->size; i++) new_pool[i] = 0;
- }
- // Return the pool of the allocated node;
- return node_to_alloc->pool;
- * allocate memory from memory pool and also clear that memory to be blank
- */
-void* mpool_calloc(size_t asize, mpool_t* pool)
- // If the head is NULL, the mempool is full
- if (pool->head == NULL) return NULL;
- // Should we alloc the first block large enough or check all blocks and pick the one closest in size?
- size_t size_to_alloc = mpool_align(asize);
- mpool_node_t* node_to_alloc = pool->head;
- // Traverse the free list for a large enough block
- while (node_to_alloc->size < size_to_alloc)
- {
- node_to_alloc = node_to_alloc->next;
- // If we reach the end of the free list, there
- // are no blocks large enough, return NULL
- if (node_to_alloc == NULL) return NULL;
- }
- // Create a new node after the node to be allocated if there is enough space
- mpool_node_t* new_node;
- size_t leftover = node_to_alloc->size - size_to_alloc;
- node_to_alloc->size = size_to_alloc;
- if (leftover > header_size)
- {
- long offset = (char*) node_to_alloc - (char*) pool->mpool;
- offset += header_size + node_to_alloc->size;
- new_node = create_node(&pool->mpool[offset],
- node_to_alloc->next,
- node_to_alloc->prev,
- leftover - header_size);
- }
- else
- {
- // Add any leftover space to the allocated node to avoid fragmentation
- node_to_alloc->size += leftover;
- new_node = node_to_alloc->next;
- }
- // Update the head if we are allocating the first node of the free list
- // The head will be NULL if there is no space left
- if (pool->head == node_to_alloc)
- {
- pool->head = new_node;
- }
- // Remove the allocated node from the free list
- delink_node(node_to_alloc);
- pool->usize += header_size + node_to_alloc->size;
- // Format the new pool
- char* new_pool = (char*)node_to_alloc->pool;
- for (int i = 0; i < node_to_alloc->size; i++) new_pool[i] = 0;
- // Return the pool of the allocated node;
- return node_to_alloc->pool;
-void* leaf_alloc(size_t size)
- //printf("alloc %i\n", size);
- void* block = mpool_alloc(size, &leaf_pool.pool);
- if (block == NULL) leaf_mempool_overrun();
- return block;
-void* leaf_calloc(size_t size)
- //printf("alloc %i\n", size);
- void* block = mpool_calloc(size, &leaf_pool.pool);
- if (block == NULL) leaf_mempool_overrun();
- return block;
-void mpool_free(void* ptr, mpool_t* pool)
- //if (ptr < pool->mpool || ptr >= pool->mpool + pool->msize)
- // Get the node at the freed space
- mpool_node_t* freed_node = (mpool_node_t*) (ptr - header_size);
- pool->usize -= header_size + freed_node->size;
- // Check each node in the list against the newly freed one to see if it's adjacent in memory
- mpool_node_t* other_node = pool->head;
- mpool_node_t* next_node;
- while (other_node != NULL)
- {
- next_node = other_node->next;
- // Check if a node is directly after the freed node
- if ((long) freed_node + (header_size + freed_node->size) == (long) other_node)
- {
- // Increase freed node's size
- freed_node->size += header_size + other_node->size;
- // If we are merging with the head, move the head forward
- if (other_node == pool->head) pool->head = pool->head->next;
- // Delink the merged node
- delink_node(other_node);
- }
- // Check if a node is directly before the freed node
- else if ((long) other_node + (header_size + other_node->size) == (long) freed_node)
- {
- // Increase the merging node's size
- other_node->size += header_size + freed_node->size;
- if (other_node != pool->head)
- {
- // Delink the merging node
- delink_node(other_node);
- // Attach the merging node to the head
- other_node->next = pool->head;
- // Merge
- freed_node = other_node;
- }
- else
- {
- // If we are merging with the head, move the head forward
- pool->head = pool->head->next;
- // Merge
- freed_node = other_node;
- }
- }
- other_node = next_node;
- }
- // Ensure the freed node is attached to the head
- freed_node->next = pool->head;
- if (pool->head != NULL) pool->head->prev = freed_node;
- pool->head = freed_node;
- // Format the freed pool
- // char* freed_pool = (char*)freed_node->pool;
- // for (int i = 0; i < freed_node->size; i++) freed_pool[i] = 0;
-void leaf_free(void* ptr)
- mpool_free(ptr, &leaf_pool.pool);
-size_t mpool_get_size(mpool_t* pool)
- return pool->msize;
-size_t mpool_get_used(mpool_t* pool)
- return pool->usize;
-size_t leaf_pool_get_size(void)
- return mpool_get_size(&leaf_pool.pool);
-size_t leaf_pool_get_used(void)
- return mpool_get_used(&leaf_pool.pool);
-void* leaf_pool_get_pool(void)
- float* buff = (float*)leaf_pool.pool.mpool;
- return buff;
- * align byte boundary
- */
-static inline size_t mpool_align(size_t size) {
- return (size + (MPOOL_ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) & ~(MPOOL_ALIGN_SIZE - 1);
-static inline mpool_node_t* create_node(void* block_location, mpool_node_t* next, mpool_node_t* prev, size_t size)
- mpool_node_t* node = (mpool_node_t*)block_location;
- node->pool = block_location + header_size;
- node->next = next;
- node->prev = prev;
- node->size = size;
- return node;
-static inline void delink_node(mpool_node_t* node)
- // If there is a node after the node to remove
- if (node->next != NULL)
- {
- // Close the link
- node->next->prev = node->prev;
- }
- // If there is a node before the node to remove
- if (node->prev != NULL)
- {
- // Close the link
- node->prev->next = node->next;
- }
- node->next = NULL;
- node->prev = NULL;
-void leaf_mempool_overrun(void)
- //TODO: we should set up some kind of leaf_error method that reaches user space to notify library users of things that failed.
-void tMempool_init(tMempool* const mp, char* memory, size_t size)
- tMempool_initToPool(mp, memory, size, &leaf_mempool);
-void tMempool_free(tMempool* const mp)
- tMempool_freeFromPool(mp, &leaf_mempool);
-void tMempool_initToPool (tMempool* const mp, char* memory, size_t size, tMempool* const mem)
- _tMempool* mm = *mem;
- _tMempool* m = *mp = (_tMempool*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tMempool), &mm->pool);
- mpool_create (memory, size, &m->pool);
-void tMempool_freeFromPool (tMempool* const mp, tMempool* const mem)
- _tMempool* mm = *mem;
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- mpool_free(m, &mm->pool);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-midi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +1,0 @@
- leaf-midi.c
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:29:16am
- Author: airship
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-midi.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-midi.h"
-/* Stack */
-void tStack_init(tStack* const stack)
- _tStack* ns = *stack = (_tStack*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tStack));
- ns->ordered = OFALSE;
- ns->size = 0;
- ns->pos = 0;
- ns->capacity = STACK_SIZE;
- for (int i = 0; i < STACK_SIZE; i++) ns->data[i] = -1;
-void tStack_free(tStack* const stack)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- leaf_free(ns);
-void tStack_initToPool (tStack* const stack, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tStack* ns = *stack = (_tStack*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tStack), &m->pool);
- ns->ordered = OFALSE;
- ns->size = 0;
- ns->pos = 0;
- ns->capacity = STACK_SIZE;
- for (int i = 0; i < STACK_SIZE; i++) ns->data[i] = -1;
-void tStack_freeFromPool (tStack* const stack, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- mpool_free(ns, &m->pool);
-// If stack contains note, returns index. Else returns -1;
-int tStack_contains(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- for (int i = 0; i < ns->size; i++)
- {
- if (ns->data[i] == noteVal) return i;
- }
- return -1;
-void tStack_add(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- uint8_t j;
- int whereToInsert = 0;
- if (ns->ordered)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ns->size; j++)
- {
- if (noteVal > ns->data[j])
- {
- if ((noteVal < ns->data[j+1]) || (ns->data[j+1] == -1))
- {
- whereToInsert = j+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //first move notes that are already in the stack one position to the right
- for (j = ns->size; j > whereToInsert; j--)
- {
- ns->data[j] = ns->data[(j - 1)];
- }
- //then, insert the new note into the front of the stack
- ns->data[whereToInsert] = noteVal;
- ns->size++;
-int tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- uint8_t j;
- int added = 0;
- if (tStack_contains(stack, noteVal) == -1)
- {
- int whereToInsert = 0;
- if (ns->ordered)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ns->size; j++)
- {
- if (noteVal > ns->data[j])
- {
- if ((noteVal < ns->data[j+1]) || (ns->data[j+1] == -1))
- {
- whereToInsert = j+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //first move notes that are already in the stack one position to the right
- for (j = ns->size; j > whereToInsert; j--)
- {
- ns->data[j] = ns->data[(j - 1)];
- }
- //then, insert the new note into the front of the stack
- ns->data[whereToInsert] = noteVal;
- ns->size++;
- added = 1;
- }
- return added;
-// Remove noteVal. return 1 if removed, 0 if not
-int tStack_remove(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- uint8_t k;
- int foundIndex = tStack_contains(stack, noteVal);
- int removed = 0;
- if (foundIndex >= 0)
- {
- for (k = 0; k < (ns->size - foundIndex); k++)
- {
- if ((k+foundIndex) >= (ns->capacity - 1))
- {
- ns->data[k + foundIndex] = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- ns->data[k + foundIndex] = ns->data[k + foundIndex + 1];
- if ((k + foundIndex) == (ns->size - 1))
- {
- ns->data[k + foundIndex + 1] = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- // in case it got put on the stack multiple times
- foundIndex--;
- ns->size--;
- removed = 1;
- }
- return removed;
-// Doesn't change size of data types
-void tStack_setCapacity(tStack* const stack, uint16_t cap)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- if (cap <= 0)
- ns->capacity = 1;
- else if (cap <= STACK_SIZE)
- ns->capacity = cap;
- else
- ns->capacity = STACK_SIZE;
- for (int i = cap; i < STACK_SIZE; i++)
- {
- if ((int)ns->data[i] != -1)
- {
- ns->data[i] = -1;
- ns->size -= 1;
- }
- }
- if (ns->pos >= cap)
- {
- ns->pos = 0;
- }
-int tStack_getSize(tStack* const stack)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- return ns->size;
-void tStack_clear(tStack* const stack)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- for (int i = 0; i < STACK_SIZE; i++)
- {
- ns->data[i] = -1;
- }
- ns->pos = 0;
- ns->size = 0;
-// Next item in order of addition to stack. Return 0-31 if there is a next item to move to. Returns -1 otherwise.
-int tStack_next(tStack* const stack)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- int step = 0;
- if (ns->size != 0) // if there is at least one note in the stack
- {
- if (ns->pos > 0) // if you're not at the most recent note (first one), then go backward in the array (moving from earliest to latest)
- {
- ns->pos--;
- }
- else
- {
- ns->pos = (ns->size - 1); // if you are the most recent note, go back to the earliest note in the array
- }
- step = ns->data[ns->pos];
- return step;
- }
- else
- {
- return -1;
- }
-int tStack_get(tStack* const stack, int which)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- return ns->data[which];
-int tStack_first(tStack* const stack)
- _tStack* ns = *stack;
- return ns->data[0];
-// POLY
-void tPoly_init(tPoly* const polyh, int maxNumVoices)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh = (_tPoly*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPoly));
- poly->numVoices = maxNumVoices;
- poly->maxNumVoices = maxNumVoices;
- poly->lastVoiceToChange = 0;
- // Arp mode stuff
- poly->currentVoice = 0;
- poly->maxLength = 128;
- poly->currentNote = -1;
- //default learned CCs and notes are just the CCs 1-128 - notes are skipped
- for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
- {
- poly->notes[i][0] = 0;
- poly->notes[i][1] = -1;
- }
- poly->glideTime = 5.0f;
- poly->ramps = (tRamp*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(tRamp) * poly->maxNumVoices);
- poly->rampVals = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * poly->maxNumVoices);
- poly->firstReceived = (oBool*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(oBool) * poly->maxNumVoices);
- poly->voices = (int**) leaf_alloc(sizeof(int*) * poly->maxNumVoices);
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; ++i)
- {
- poly->voices[i] = (int*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
- poly->voices[i][0] = -1;
- poly->firstReceived[i] = OFALSE;
- tRamp_init(&poly->ramps[i], poly->glideTime, 1);
- }
- poly->pitchBend = 0.0f;
- tRamp_init(&poly->pitchBendRamp, 1.0f, 1);
- tStack_init(&poly->stack);
- tStack_init(&poly->orderStack);
- poly->pitchGlideIsActive = OFALSE;
-void tPoly_free(tPoly* const polyh)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; i++)
- {
- tRamp_free(&poly->ramps[i]);
- leaf_free(poly->voices[i]);
- }
- tRamp_free(&poly->pitchBendRamp);
- tStack_free(&poly->stack);
- tStack_free(&poly->orderStack);
- leaf_free(poly->voices);
- leaf_free(poly->ramps);
- leaf_free(poly->rampVals);
- leaf_free(poly->firstReceived);
- leaf_free(poly);
-void tPoly_initToPool (tPoly* const polyh, int maxNumVoices, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh = (_tPoly*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tPoly), &m->pool);
- poly->numVoices = maxNumVoices;
- poly->maxNumVoices = maxNumVoices;
- poly->lastVoiceToChange = 0;
- // Arp mode stuff
- poly->currentVoice = 0;
- poly->maxLength = 128;
- poly->currentNote = -1;
- //default learned CCs and notes are just the CCs 1-128 - notes are skipped
- for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
- {
- poly->notes[i][0] = 0;
- poly->notes[i][1] = -1;
- }
- poly->glideTime = 5.0f;
- poly->ramps = (tRamp*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(tRamp) * poly->maxNumVoices, &m->pool);
- poly->rampVals = (float*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(float) * poly->maxNumVoices, &m->pool);
- poly->firstReceived = (oBool*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(oBool) * poly->maxNumVoices, &m->pool);
- poly->voices = (int**) mpool_alloc(sizeof(int*) * poly->maxNumVoices, &m->pool);
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; ++i)
- {
- poly->voices[i] = (int*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(int) * 2, &m->pool);
- poly->voices[i][0] = -1;
- poly->firstReceived[i] = OFALSE;
- tRamp_initToPool(&poly->ramps[i], poly->glideTime, 1, mp);
- }
- poly->pitchBend = 0.0f;
- tRamp_initToPool(&poly->pitchBendRamp, 1.0f, 1, mp);
- tStack_initToPool(&poly->stack, mp);
- tStack_initToPool(&poly->orderStack, mp);
- poly->pitchGlideIsActive = OFALSE;
-void tPoly_freeFromPool (tPoly* const polyh, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; i++)
- {
- tRamp_freeFromPool(&poly->ramps[i], mp);
- mpool_free(poly->voices[i], &m->pool);
- }
- tRamp_freeFromPool(&poly->pitchBendRamp, mp);
- tStack_freeFromPool(&poly->stack, mp);
- tStack_freeFromPool(&poly->orderStack, mp);
- mpool_free(poly->voices, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(poly->ramps, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(poly->rampVals, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(poly->firstReceived, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(poly, &m->pool);
-void tPoly_tickPitch(tPoly* polyh)
- tPoly_tickPitchGlide(polyh);
- tPoly_tickPitchBend(polyh);
-void tPoly_tickPitchGlide(tPoly* polyh)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; ++i)
- {
- tRamp_tick(&poly->ramps[i]);
- }
-void tPoly_tickPitchBend(tPoly* polyh)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- tRamp_tick(&poly->pitchBendRamp);
-void tPoly_setPitchBend(tPoly* const polyh, float pitchBend)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- poly->pitchBend = pitchBend;
- tRamp_setDest(&poly->pitchBendRamp, poly->pitchBend);
-int tPoly_noteOn(tPoly* const polyh, int note, uint8_t vel)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- // if not in keymap or already on stack, dont do anything. else, add that note.
- if (tStack_contains(&poly->stack, note) >= 0) return -1;
- else
- {
- tPoly_orderedAddToStack(polyh, note);
- tStack_add(&poly->stack, note);
- int alteredVoice = -1;
- oBool found = OFALSE;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->numVoices; i++)
- {
- if (poly->voices[i][0] < 0) // if inactive voice, give this note to voice
- {
- if (!poly->firstReceived[i] || !poly->pitchGlideIsActive)
- {
- tRamp_setVal(&poly->ramps[i], note);
- poly->firstReceived[i] = OTRUE;
- }
- found = OTRUE;
- poly->voices[i][0] = note;
- poly->voices[i][1] = vel;
- poly->lastVoiceToChange = i;
- poly->notes[note][0] = vel;
- poly->notes[note][1] = i;
- tRamp_setDest(&poly->ramps[i], poly->voices[i][0]);
- alteredVoice = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) //steal
- {
- int whichVoice, whichNote;
- for (int j = tStack_getSize(&poly->stack) - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- {
- whichNote = tStack_get(&poly->stack, j);
- whichVoice = poly->notes[whichNote][1];
- if (whichVoice >= 0)
- {
- poly->lastVoiceToChange = whichVoice;
- int oldNote = poly->voices[whichVoice][0];
- poly->voices[whichVoice][0] = note;
- poly->voices[whichVoice][1] = vel;
- poly->notes[oldNote][1] = -1; //mark the stolen voice as inactive (in the second dimension of the notes array)
- poly->notes[note][0] = vel;
- poly->notes[note][1] = whichVoice;
- if (poly->pitchGlideIsActive)
- {
- tRamp_setTime(&poly->ramps[whichVoice], poly->glideTime);
- }
- else
- {
- tRamp_setVal(&poly->ramps[whichVoice], note);
- }
- tRamp_setDest(&poly->ramps[whichVoice], poly->voices[whichVoice][0]);
- alteredVoice = whichVoice;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return alteredVoice;
- }
-int16_t noteToTest = -1;
-int tPoly_noteOff(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t note)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- tStack_remove(&poly->stack, note);
- tStack_remove(&poly->orderStack, note);
- poly->notes[note][0] = 0;
- poly->notes[note][1] = -1;
- int deactivatedVoice = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; i++)
- {
- if (poly->voices[i][0] == note)
- {
- poly->voices[i][0] = -1;
- poly->voices[i][1] = 0;
- poly->lastVoiceToChange = i;
- deactivatedVoice = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- //monophonic handling
- if ((poly->numVoices == 1) && (tStack_getSize(poly->stack) > 0))
- {
- int oldNote = tStack_first(poly->stack);
- poly->voices[0][0] = oldNote;
- poly->voices[0][1] = poly->notes[oldNote][0];
- poly->lastVoiceToChange = 0;
- }
- */
- //grab old notes off the stack if there are notes waiting to replace the free voice
- if (deactivatedVoice >= 0)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < tStack_getSize(&poly->stack); ++j)
- {
- noteToTest = tStack_get(&poly->stack, j);
- if (poly->notes[noteToTest][1] < 0) //if there is a stolen note waiting (marked inactive but on the stack)
- {
- poly->voices[deactivatedVoice][0] = noteToTest; //set the newly free voice to use the old stolen note
- if (poly->pitchGlideIsActive)
- {
- tRamp_setTime(&poly->ramps[deactivatedVoice], poly->glideTime);
- }
- else
- {
- tRamp_setVal(&poly->ramps[deactivatedVoice], noteToTest);
- }
- tRamp_setDest(&poly->ramps[deactivatedVoice], poly->voices[deactivatedVoice][0]);
- poly->voices[deactivatedVoice][1] = poly->notes[noteToTest][0]; // set the velocity of the voice to be the velocity of that note
- poly->notes[noteToTest][1] = deactivatedVoice; //mark that it is no longer stolen and is now active
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return deactivatedVoice;
-void tPoly_orderedAddToStack(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t noteVal)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- uint8_t j;
- int myPitch, thisPitch, nextPitch;
- tStack ns = poly->orderStack;
- int whereToInsert = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < ns->size; j++)
- {
- myPitch = noteVal;
- thisPitch = ns->data[j];
- nextPitch = ns->data[j+1];
- if (myPitch > thisPitch)
- {
- if ((myPitch < nextPitch) || (nextPitch == -1))
- {
- whereToInsert = j+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //first move notes that are already in the stack one position to the right
- for (j = ns->size; j > whereToInsert; j--)
- {
- ns->data[j] = ns->data[(j - 1)];
- }
- //then, insert the new note into the front of the stack
- ns->data[whereToInsert] = noteVal;
- ns->size++;
-void tPoly_setNumVoices(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t numVoices)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- poly->numVoices = (numVoices > poly->maxNumVoices) ? poly->maxNumVoices : numVoices;
-void tPoly_setPitchGlideActive(tPoly* const polyh, oBool isActive)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- poly->pitchGlideIsActive = isActive;
-void tPoly_setPitchGlideTime(tPoly* const polyh, float t)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- poly->glideTime = t;
- for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; ++i)
- {
- tRamp_setTime(&poly->ramps[i], poly->glideTime);
- }
-void tPoly_setBendGlideTime(tPoly* const polyh, float t)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- tRamp_setTime(&poly->pitchBendRamp, t);
-void tPoly_setBendSamplesPerTick(tPoly* const polyh, float t)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- poly->pitchBendRamp->samples_per_tick = t;
-int tPoly_getNumVoices(tPoly* const polyh)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- return poly->numVoices;
-int tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(tPoly* const polyh)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- return tStack_getSize(&poly->stack);
-float tPoly_getPitch(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- return tRamp_sample(&poly->ramps[voice]) + tRamp_sample(&poly->pitchBendRamp);
-int tPoly_getKey(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- return poly->voices[voice][0];
-int tPoly_getVelocity(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- return poly->voices[voice][1];
-int tPoly_isOn(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
- _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
- return (poly->voices[voice][0] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-oscillators.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,863 +1,0 @@
- leaf-oscillators.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:00:58pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================*/
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-oscillators.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-oscillators.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-// Cycle
-void tCycle_init(tCycle* const cy)
- _tCycle* c = *cy = (_tCycle*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCycle));
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tCycle_free(tCycle* const cy)
- _tCycle* c = *cy;
- leaf_free(c);
-void tCycle_initToPool (tCycle* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tCycle* c = *cy = (_tCycle*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tCycle), &m->pool);
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tCycle_freeFromPool (tCycle* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tCycle* c = *cy;
- mpool_free(c, &m->pool);
-int tCycle_setFreq(tCycle* const cy, float freq)
- _tCycle* c = *cy;
- c->freq = freq;
- c->inc = freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
- return 0;
-//need to check bounds and wrap table properly to allow through-zero FM
-float tCycle_tick(tCycle* const cy)
- _tCycle* c = *cy;
- float temp;;
- int intPart;;
- float fracPart;
- float samp0;
- float samp1;
- // Phasor increment
- c->phase += c->inc;
- while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
- while (c->phase <= 0.0f) c->phase += 1.0f;
- // Wavetable synthesis
- temp = SINE_TABLE_SIZE * c->phase;
- intPart = (int)temp;
- fracPart = temp - (float)intPart;
- samp0 = sinewave[intPart];
- if (++intPart >= SINE_TABLE_SIZE) intPart = 0;
- samp1 = sinewave[intPart];
- return (samp0 + (samp1 - samp0) * fracPart);
-void tCycleSampleRateChanged (tCycle* const cy)
- _tCycle* c = *cy;
- c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-/* Triangle */
-void tTriangle_init(tTriangle* const cy)
- _tTriangle* c = *cy = (_tTriangle*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTriangle));
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tTriangle_free(tTriangle* const cy)
- _tTriangle* c = *cy;
- leaf_free(c);
-void tTriangle_initToPool (tTriangle* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTriangle* c = *cy = (_tTriangle*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tTriangle), &m->pool);
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tTriangle_freeFromPool (tTriangle* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tTriangle* c = *cy;
- mpool_free(c, &m->pool);
-int tTriangle_setFreq(tTriangle* const cy, float freq)
- _tTriangle* c = *cy;
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- c->freq = freq;
- c->inc = freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
- return 0;
-float tTriangle_tick(tTriangle* const cy)
- _tTriangle* c = *cy;
- // Phasor increment
- c->phase += c->inc;
- while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
- float out = 0.0f;
- float w;
- int idx = (int)(c->phase * TRI_TABLE_SIZE);
- // Wavetable synthesis
- if (c->freq <= 20.0f)
- {
- out = triangle[T20][idx];
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 40.0f)
- {
- w = ((40.0f - c->freq) * INV_20);
- out = (triangle[T20][idx] * w) + (triangle[T40][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 80.0f)
- {
- w = ((80.0f - c->freq) * INV_40);
- out = (triangle[T40][idx] * w) + (triangle[T80][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 160.0f)
- {
- w = ((160.0f - c->freq) * INV_80);
- out = (triangle[T80][idx] * w) + (triangle[T160][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 320.0f)
- {
- w = ((320.0f - c->freq) * INV_160);
- out = (triangle[T160][idx] * w) + (triangle[T320][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 640.0f)
- {
- w = ((640.0f - c->freq) * INV_320);
- out = (triangle[T320][idx] * w) + (triangle[T640][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 1280.0f)
- {
- w = ((1280.0f - c->freq) * INV_640);
- out = (triangle[T640][idx] * w) + (triangle[T1280][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 2560.0f)
- {
- w = ((2560.0f - c->freq) * INV_1280);
- out = (triangle[T1280][idx] * w) + (triangle[T2560][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 5120.0f)
- {
- w = ((5120.0f - c->freq) * INV_2560);
- out = (triangle[T2560][idx] * w) + (triangle[T5120][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 10240.0f)
- {
- w = ((10240.0f - c->freq) * INV_5120);
- out = (triangle[T5120][idx] * w) + (triangle[T10240][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 20480.0f)
- {
- w = ((20480.0f - c->freq) * INV_10240);
- out = (triangle[T10240][idx] * w) + (triangle[T20480][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else
- {
- out = triangle[T20480][idx];
- }
- return out;
-void tTriangleSampleRateChanged (tTriangle* const cy)
- _tTriangle* c = *cy;
- c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-/* Square */
-void tSquare_init(tSquare* const cy)
- _tSquare* c = *cy = (_tSquare*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSquare));
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tSquare_free(tSquare* const cy)
- _tSquare* c = *cy;
- leaf_free(c);
-void tSquare_initToPool (tSquare* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSquare* c = *cy = (_tSquare*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSquare), &m->pool);
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tSquare_freeFromPool(tSquare* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSquare* c = *cy;
- mpool_free(c, &m->pool);
-int tSquare_setFreq(tSquare* const cy, float freq)
- _tSquare* c = *cy;
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- c->freq = freq;
- c->inc = freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
- return 0;
-float tSquare_tick(tSquare* const cy)
- _tSquare* c = *cy;
- // Phasor increment
- c->phase += c->inc;
- while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
- float out = 0.0f;
- float w = 0.0f;
- int idx = (int)(c->phase * TRI_TABLE_SIZE);
- // Wavetable synthesis
- if (c->freq <= 20.0f)
- {
- out = squarewave[T20][idx];
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 40.0f)
- {
- w = ((40.0f - c->freq) * INV_20);
- out = (squarewave[T20][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T40][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 80.0f)
- {
- w = ((80.0f - c->freq) * INV_40);
- out = (squarewave[T40][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T80][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 160.0f)
- {
- w = ((160.0f - c->freq) * INV_80);
- out = (squarewave[T80][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T160][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 320.0f)
- {
- w = ((320.0f - c->freq) * INV_160);
- out = (squarewave[T160][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T320][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 640.0f)
- {
- w = ((640.0f - c->freq) * INV_320);
- out = (squarewave[T320][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T640][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 1280.0f)
- {
- w = ((1280.0f - c->freq) * INV_640);
- out = (squarewave[T640][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T1280][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 2560.0f)
- {
- w = ((2560.0f - c->freq) * INV_1280);
- out = (squarewave[T1280][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T2560][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 5120.0f)
- {
- w = ((5120.0f - c->freq) * INV_2560);
- out = (squarewave[T2560][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T5120][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 10240.0f)
- {
- w = ((10240.0f - c->freq) * INV_5120);
- out = (squarewave[T5120][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T10240][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 20480.0f)
- {
- w = ((20480.0f - c->freq) * INV_10240);
- out = (squarewave[T10240][idx] * w) + (squarewave[T20480][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else
- {
- out = squarewave[T20480][idx];
- }
- return out;
-void tSquareSampleRateChanged (tSquare* const cy)
- _tSquare* c = *cy;
- c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-// Sawtooth
-void tSawtooth_init(tSawtooth* const cy)
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy = (_tSawtooth*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSawtooth));
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tSawtooth_free(tSawtooth* const cy)
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
- leaf_free(c);
-void tSawtooth_initToPool (tSawtooth* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy = (_tSawtooth*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSawtooth), &m->pool);
- c->inc = 0.0f;
- c->phase = 0.0f;
-void tSawtooth_freeFromPool (tSawtooth* const cy, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
- mpool_free(c, &m->pool);
-int tSawtooth_setFreq(tSawtooth* const cy, float freq)
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- c->freq = freq;
- c->inc = freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
- return 0;
-float tSawtooth_tick(tSawtooth* const cy)
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
- // Phasor increment
- c->phase += c->inc;
- while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
- float out = 0.0f;
- float w;
- int idx = (int)(c->phase * TRI_TABLE_SIZE);
- // Wavetable synthesis
- if (c->freq <= 20.0f)
- {
- out = sawtooth[T20][idx];
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 40.0f)
- {
- w = ((40.0f - c->freq) * INV_20);
- out = (sawtooth[T20][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T40][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 80.0f)
- {
- w = ((80.0f - c->freq) * INV_40);
- out = (sawtooth[T40][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T80][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 160.0f)
- {
- w = ((160.0f - c->freq) * INV_80);
- out = (sawtooth[T80][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T160][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 320.0f)
- {
- w = ((320.0f - c->freq) * INV_160);
- out = (sawtooth[T160][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T320][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 640.0f)
- {
- w = ((640.0f - c->freq) * INV_320);
- out = (sawtooth[T320][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T640][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 1280.0f)
- {
- w = ((1280.0f - c->freq) * INV_640);
- out = (sawtooth[T640][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T1280][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 2560.0f)
- {
- w = ((2560.0f - c->freq) * INV_1280);
- out = (sawtooth[T1280][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T2560][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 5120.0f)
- {
- w = ((5120.0f - c->freq) * INV_2560);
- out = (sawtooth[T2560][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T5120][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 10240.0f)
- {
- w = ((10240.0f - c->freq) * INV_5120);
- out = (sawtooth[T5120][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T10240][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else if (c->freq <= 20480.0f)
- {
- w = ((20480.0f - c->freq) * INV_10240);
- out = (sawtooth[T10240][idx] * w) + (sawtooth[T20480][idx] * (1.0f - w));
- }
- else
- {
- out = sawtooth[T20480][idx];
- }
- return out;
-void tSawtoothSampleRateChanged (tSawtooth* const cy)
- _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
- c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-/* Phasor */
-void tPhasorSampleRateChanged (tPhasor* const ph)
- _tPhasor* p = *ph;
- p->inc = p->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-void tPhasor_init(tPhasor* const ph)
- _tPhasor* p = *ph = (_tPhasor*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPhasor));
- p->phase = 0.0f;
- p->inc = 0.0f;
-void tPhasor_free(tPhasor* const ph)
- _tPhasor* p = *ph;
- leaf_free(p);
-void tPhasor_initToPool (tPhasor* const ph, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPhasor* p = *ph = (_tPhasor*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tPhasor), &m->pool);
- p->phase = 0.0f;
- p->inc = 0.0f;
-void tPhasor_freeFromPool(tPhasor* const ph, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPhasor* p = *ph;
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-int tPhasor_setFreq(tPhasor* const ph, float freq)
- _tPhasor* p = *ph;
- if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
- p->freq = freq;
- p->inc = freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
- return 0;
-float tPhasor_tick(tPhasor* const ph)
- _tPhasor* p = *ph;
- p->phase += p->inc;
- if (p->phase >= 1.0f) p->phase -= 1.0f;
- return p->phase;
-/* Noise */
-void tNoise_init(tNoise* const ns, NoiseType type)
- _tNoise* n = *ns = (_tNoise*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tNoise));
- n->type = type;
- n->rand = leaf.random;
-void tNoise_free(tNoise* const ns)
- _tNoise* n = *ns;
- leaf_free(n);
-void tNoise_initToPool (tNoise* const ns, NoiseType type, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tNoise* n = *ns = (_tNoise*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tNoise), &m->pool);
- n->type = type;
- n->rand = leaf.random;
-void tNoise_freeFromPool (tNoise* const ns, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tNoise* n = *ns;
- mpool_free(n, &m->pool);
-float tNoise_tick(tNoise* const ns)
- _tNoise* n = *ns;
- float rand = (n->rand() * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
- if (n->type == PinkNoise)
- {
- float tmp;
- n->pinkb0 = 0.99765f * n->pinkb0 + rand * 0.0990460f;
- n->pinkb1 = 0.96300f * n->pinkb1 + rand * 0.2965164f;
- n->pinkb2 = 0.57000f * n->pinkb2 + rand * 1.0526913f;
- tmp = n->pinkb0 + n->pinkb1 + n->pinkb2 + rand * 0.1848f;
- return (tmp * 0.05f);
- }
- else // WhiteNoise
- {
- return rand;
- }
-/* Neuron */
-void tNeuronSampleRateChanged(tNeuron* nr)
-void tNeuron_init(tNeuron* const nr)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr = (_tNeuron*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tNeuron));
- tPoleZero_init(&n->f);
- tPoleZero_setBlockZero(&n->f, 0.99f);
- n->timeStep = 1.0f / 50.0f;
- n->current = 0.0f; // 100.0f for sound
- n->voltage = 0.0f;
- n->mode = NeuronNormal;
- n->P[0] = 0.0f;
- n->P[1] = 0.0f;
- n->P[2] = 1.0f;
- n->V[0] = -12.0f;
- n->V[1] = 115.0f;
- n->V[2] = 10.613f;
- n->gK = 36.0f;
- n->gN = 120.0f;
- n->gL = 0.3f;
- n->C = 1.0f;
- n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-void tNeuron_free(tNeuron* const nr)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- tPoleZero_free(&n->f);
- leaf_free(n);
-void tNeuron_initToPool (tNeuron* const nr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tNeuron* n = *nr = (_tNeuron*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tNeuron), &m->pool);
- tPoleZero_initToPool(&n->f, mp);
- tPoleZero_setBlockZero(&n->f, 0.99f);
- n->timeStep = 1.0f / 50.0f;
- n->current = 0.0f; // 100.0f for sound
- n->voltage = 0.0f;
- n->mode = NeuronNormal;
- n->P[0] = 0.0f;
- n->P[1] = 0.0f;
- n->P[2] = 1.0f;
- n->V[0] = -12.0f;
- n->V[1] = 115.0f;
- n->V[2] = 10.613f;
- n->gK = 36.0f;
- n->gN = 120.0f;
- n->gL = 0.3f;
- n->C = 1.0f;
- n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-void tNeuron_freeFromPool(tNeuron* const nr, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- tPoleZero_free(&n->f);
- mpool_free(n, &m->pool);
-void tNeuron_reset(tNeuron* const nr)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- tPoleZero_setBlockZero(&n->f, 0.99f);
- n->timeStep = 1.0f / 50.0f;
- n->current = 0.0f; // 100.0f for sound
- n->voltage = 0.0f;
- n->mode = NeuronNormal;
- n->P[0] = 0.0f;
- n->P[1] = 0.0f;
- n->P[2] = 1.0f;
- n->V[0] = -12.0f;
- n->V[1] = 115.0f;
- n->V[2] = 10.613f;
- n->gK = 36.0f;
- n->gN = 120.0f;
- n->gL = 0.3f;
- n->C = 1.0f;
- n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-void tNeuron_setV1(tNeuron* const nr, float V1)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->V[0] = V1;
-void tNeuron_setV2(tNeuron* const nr, float V2)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->V[1] = V2;
-void tNeuron_setV3(tNeuron* const nr, float V3)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->V[2] = V3;
-void tNeuron_setTimeStep(tNeuron* const nr, float timeStep)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->timeStep = timeStep;
-void tNeuron_setK(tNeuron* const nr, float K)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->gK = K;
-void tNeuron_setL(tNeuron* const nr, float L)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->gL = L;
- n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-void tNeuron_setN(tNeuron* const nr, float N)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->gN = N;
-void tNeuron_setC(tNeuron* const nr, float C)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->C = C;
- n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-float tNeuron_tick(tNeuron* const nr)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- float output = 0.0f;
- float voltage = n->voltage;
- n->alpha[0] = (0.01f * (10.0f - voltage)) / (expf((10.0f - voltage)/10.0f) - 1.0f);
- n->alpha[1] = (0.1f * (25.0f-voltage)) / (expf((25.0f-voltage)/10.0f) - 1.0f);
- n->alpha[2] = (0.07f * expf((-1.0f * voltage)/20.0f));
- n->beta[0] = (0.125f * expf((-1.0f* voltage)/80.0f));
- n->beta[1] = (4.0f * expf((-1.0f * voltage)/18.0f));
- n->beta[2] = (1.0f / (expf((30.0f-voltage)/10.0f) + 1.0f));
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- n->P[i] = (n->alpha[i] * n->timeStep) + ((1.0f - ((n->alpha[i] + n->beta[i]) * n->timeStep)) * n->P[i]);
- if (n->P[i] > 1.0f) n->P[i] = 0.0f;
- else if (n->P[i] < -1.0f) n->P[i] = 0.0f;
- }
- // rate[0]= k ; rate[1] = Na ; rate[2] = l
- n->rate[0] = ((n->gK * powf(n->P[0], 4.0f)) / n->C);
- n->rate[1] = ((n->gN * powf(n->P[1], 3.0f) * n->P[2]) / n->C);
- //calculate the final membrane voltage based on the computed variables
- n->voltage = voltage +
- (n->timeStep * n->current / n->C) -
- (n->timeStep * ( n->rate[0] * (voltage - n->V[0]) + n->rate[1] * (voltage - n->V[1]) + n->rate[2] * (voltage - n->V[2])));
- if (n->mode == NeuronTanh)
- {
- n->voltage = 100.0f * tanhf(0.01f * n->voltage);
- }
- else if (n->mode == NeuronAaltoShaper)
- {
- float shapeVoltage = 0.01f * n->voltage;
- float w, c, xc, xc2, xc4;
- float sqrt8 = 2.82842712475f;
- float wscale = 1.30612244898f;
- float m_drive = 1.0f;
- xc = LEAF_clip(-sqrt8, shapeVoltage, sqrt8);
- xc2 = xc*xc;
- c = 0.5f * shapeVoltage * (3.0f - (xc2));
- xc4 = xc2 * xc2;
- w = (1.0f - xc2 * 0.25f + xc4 * 0.015625f) * wscale;
- shapeVoltage = w * (c + 0.05f * xc2) * (m_drive + 0.75f);
- n->voltage = 100.0f * shapeVoltage;
- }
- if (n->voltage > 100.0f) n->voltage = 100.0f;
- else if (n->voltage < -100.) n->voltage = -100.0f;
- //(inputCurrent + (voltage - ((voltage * timeStep) / timeConstant)) + P[0] + P[1] + P[2]) => voltage;
- // now we should have a result
- //set the output voltage to the "step" ugen, which controls the DAC.
- output = n->voltage * 0.01f; // volts
- output = tPoleZero_tick(&n->f, output);
- return output;
-void tNeuron_setMode (tNeuron* const nr, NeuronMode mode)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->mode = mode;
-void tNeuron_setCurrent (tNeuron* const nr, float current)
- _tNeuron* n = *nr;
- n->current = current;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-physical.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +1,0 @@
- leaf-string.c
- Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:41:42am
- Author: airship
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-physical.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-physical.h"
-/* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tPluck ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
-void tPluck_init (tPluck* const pl, float lowestFrequency)
- tPluck_initToPool(pl, lowestFrequency, &leaf_mempool);
-void tPluck_free (tPluck* const pl)
- tPluck_freeFromPool(pl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tPluck_initToPool (tPluck* const pl, float lowestFrequency, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPluck* p = *pl = (_tPluck*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tPluck), &m->pool);
- if ( lowestFrequency <= 0.0f ) lowestFrequency = 10.0f;
- tNoise_initToPool(&p->noise, WhiteNoise, mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&p->pickFilter, 0.0f, mp);
- tOneZero_initToPool(&p->loopFilter, 0.0f, mp);
- tAllpassDelay_initToPool(&p->delayLine, 0.0f, leaf.sampleRate * 2, mp);
- tAllpassDelay_clear(&p->delayLine);
- tPluck_setFrequency(pl, 220.0f);
-void tPluck_freeFromPool (tPluck* const pl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&p->noise, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&p->pickFilter, mp);
- tOneZero_freeFromPool(&p->loopFilter, mp);
- tAllpassDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delayLine, mp);
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-float tPluck_getLastOut (tPluck* const pl)
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- return p->lastOut;
-float tPluck_tick (tPluck* const pl)
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- return (p->lastOut = 3.0f * tAllpassDelay_tick(&p->delayLine, tOneZero_tick(&p->loopFilter, tAllpassDelay_getLastOut(&p->delayLine) * p->loopGain ) ));
-void tPluck_pluck (tPluck* const pl, float amplitude)
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- if ( amplitude < 0.0f) amplitude = 0.0f;
- else if (amplitude > 1.0f) amplitude = 1.0f;
- tOnePole_setPole(&p->pickFilter, 0.999f - (amplitude * 0.15f));
- tOnePole_setGain(&p->pickFilter, amplitude * 0.5f );
- // Fill delay with noise additively with current contents.
- for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)tAllpassDelay_getDelay(&p->delayLine); i++ )
- tAllpassDelay_tick(&p->delayLine, 0.6f * tAllpassDelay_getLastOut(&p->delayLine) + tOnePole_tick(&p->pickFilter, tNoise_tick(&p->noise) ) );
-// Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
-void tPluck_noteOn (tPluck* const pl, float frequency, float amplitude )
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- p->lastFreq = frequency;
- tPluck_setFrequency( pl, frequency );
- tPluck_pluck( pl, amplitude );
-// Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
-void tPluck_noteOff (tPluck* const pl, float amplitude )
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- if ( amplitude < 0.0f) amplitude = 0.0f;
- else if (amplitude > 1.0f) amplitude = 1.0f;
- p->loopGain = 1.0f - amplitude;
-// Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
-void tPluck_setFrequency (tPluck* const pl, float frequency )
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- if ( frequency <= 0.0f ) frequency = 0.001f;
- // Delay = length - filter delay.
- float delay = ( leaf.sampleRate / frequency ) - tOneZero_getPhaseDelay(&p->loopFilter, frequency );
- tAllpassDelay_setDelay(&p->delayLine, delay );
- p->loopGain = 0.99f + (frequency * 0.000005f);
- if ( p->loopGain >= 0.999f ) p->loopGain = 0.999f;
-// Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
-void tPluck_controlChange (tPluck* const pl, int number, float value)
- return;
-void tPluckSampleRateChanged(tPluck* const pl)
- _tPluck* p = *pl;
- tPluck_setFrequency(pl, p->lastFreq);
-/* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tKarplusStrong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
-void tKarplusStrong_init (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float lowestFrequency)
- tKarplusStrong_initToPool(pl, lowestFrequency, &leaf_mempool);
-void tKarplusStrong_free (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
- tKarplusStrong_freeFromPool(pl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tKarplusStrong_initToPool (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float lowestFrequency, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl = (_tKarplusStrong*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tKarplusStrong), &m->pool);
- if ( lowestFrequency <= 0.0f ) lowestFrequency = 8.0f;
- tAllpassDelay_initToPool(&p->delayLine, 0.0f, leaf.sampleRate * 2, mp);
- tAllpassDelay_clear(&p->delayLine);
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&p->combDelay, 0.0f, leaf.sampleRate * 2, mp);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&p->combDelay);
- tOneZero_initToPool(&p->filter, 0.0f, mp);
- tNoise_initToPool(&p->noise, WhiteNoise, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- tBiQuad_initToPool(&p->biquad[i], mp);
- }
- p->pluckAmplitude = 0.3f;
- p->pickupPosition = 0.4f;
- p->stretching = 0.9999f;
- p->baseLoopGain = 0.995f;
- p->loopGain = 0.999f;
- tKarplusStrong_setFrequency( pl, 220.0f );
-void tKarplusStrong_freeFromPool (tKarplusStrong* const pl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- tAllpassDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delayLine, mp);
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&p->combDelay, mp);
- tOneZero_freeFromPool(&p->filter, mp);
- tNoise_freeFromPool(&p->noise, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- tBiQuad_freeFromPool(&p->biquad[i], mp);
- }
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-float tKarplusStrong_getLastOut (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- return p->lastOut;
-float tKarplusStrong_tick (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- float temp = tAllpassDelay_getLastOut(&p->delayLine) * p->loopGain;
- // Calculate allpass stretching.
- for (int i=0; i<4; i++) temp = tBiQuad_tick(&p->biquad[i],temp);
- // Moving average filter.
- temp = tOneZero_tick(&p->filter, temp);
- float out = tAllpassDelay_tick(&p->delayLine, temp);
- out = out - tLinearDelay_tick(&p->combDelay, out);
- p->lastOut = out;
- return p->lastOut;
-void tKarplusStrong_pluck (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float amplitude)
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- if ( amplitude < 0.0f) amplitude = 0.0f;
- else if (amplitude > 1.0f) amplitude = 1.0f;
- p->pluckAmplitude = amplitude;
- for ( uint32_t i=0; i < (uint32_t)tAllpassDelay_getDelay(&p->delayLine); i++ )
- {
- // Fill delay with noise additively with current contents.
- tAllpassDelay_tick(&p->delayLine, (tAllpassDelay_getLastOut(&p->delayLine) * 0.6f) + 0.4f * tNoise_tick(&p->noise) * p->pluckAmplitude );
- //delayLine_.tick( combDelay_.tick((delayLine_.lastOut() * 0.6) + 0.4 * noise->tick() * pluckAmplitude_) );
- }
-// Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
-void tKarplusStrong_noteOn (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float frequency, float amplitude )
- tKarplusStrong_setFrequency( pl, frequency );
- tKarplusStrong_pluck( pl, amplitude );
-// Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
-void tKarplusStrong_noteOff (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float amplitude )
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- if ( amplitude < 0.0f) amplitude = 0.0f;
- else if (amplitude > 1.0f) amplitude = 1.0f;
- p->loopGain = 1.0f - amplitude;
-// Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
-void tKarplusStrong_setFrequency (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float frequency )
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- if ( frequency <= 0.0f ) frequency = 0.001f;
- p->lastFrequency = frequency;
- p->lastLength = leaf.sampleRate / p->lastFrequency;
- float delay = p->lastLength - 0.5f;
- tAllpassDelay_setDelay(&p->delayLine, delay);
- p->loopGain = p->baseLoopGain + (frequency * 0.000005f);
- if (p->loopGain >= 1.0f) p->loopGain = 0.99999f;
- tKarplusStrong_setStretch(pl, p->stretching);
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->combDelay, 0.5f * p->pickupPosition * p->lastLength );
-// Set the stretch "factor" of the string (0.0 - 1.0).
-void tKarplusStrong_setStretch (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float stretch )
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- p->stretching = stretch;
- float coefficient;
- float freq = p->lastFrequency * 2.0f;
- float dFreq = ( (0.5f * leaf.sampleRate) - freq ) * 0.25f;
- float temp = 0.5f + (stretch * 0.5f);
- if ( temp > 0.9999f ) temp = 0.9999f;
- for ( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
- {
- coefficient = temp * temp;
- tBiQuad_setA2(&p->biquad[i], coefficient);
- tBiQuad_setB0(&p->biquad[i], coefficient);
- tBiQuad_setB2(&p->biquad[i], 1.0f);
- coefficient = -2.0f * temp * cos(TWO_PI * freq / leaf.sampleRate);
- tBiQuad_setA1(&p->biquad[i], coefficient);
- tBiQuad_setB1(&p->biquad[i], coefficient);
- freq += dFreq;
- }
-// Set the pluck or "excitation" position along the string (0.0 - 1.0).
-void tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float position )
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- if (position < 0.0f) p->pickupPosition = 0.0f;
- else if (position <= 1.0f) p->pickupPosition = position;
- else p->pickupPosition = 1.0f;
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->combDelay, 0.5f * p->pickupPosition * p->lastLength);
-// Set the base loop gain.
-void tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float aGain )
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- p->baseLoopGain = aGain;
- p->loopGain = p->baseLoopGain + (p->lastFrequency * 0.000005f);
- if ( p->loopGain > 0.99999f ) p->loopGain = 0.99999f;
-// Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
-void tKarplusStrong_controlChange (tKarplusStrong* const pl, SKControlType type, float value)
- if ( value < 0.0f ) value = 0.0f;
- else if (value > 128.0f) value = 128.0f;
- float normalizedValue = value * INV_128;
- if (type == SKPickPosition) // 4
- tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition( pl, normalizedValue );
- else if (type == SKStringDamping) // 11
- tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain( pl, 0.97f + (normalizedValue * 0.03f) );
- else if (type == SKDetune) // 1
- tKarplusStrong_setStretch( pl, 0.91f + (0.09f * (1.0f - normalizedValue)) );
-void tKarplusStrongSampleRateChanged (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
- _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
- tKarplusStrong_setFrequency(pl, p->lastFrequency);
- tKarplusStrong_setStretch(pl, p->stretching);
-/* Simple Living String*/
-void tSimpleLivingString_init(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float freq, float dampFreq,
- float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode)
- tSimpleLivingString_initToPool(pl, freq, dampFreq, decay, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode, &leaf_mempool);
-void tSimpleLivingString_free(tSimpleLivingString* const pl)
- tSimpleLivingString_freeFromPool(pl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tSimpleLivingString_initToPool (tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float freq, float dampFreq,
- float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl = (_tSimpleLivingString*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSimpleLivingString), &m->pool);
- p->curr=0.0f;
- tExpSmooth_initToPool(&p->wlSmooth, leaf.sampleRate/freq, 0.01, mp); // smoother for string wavelength (not freq, to avoid expensive divisions)
- tSimpleLivingString_setFreq(pl, freq);
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&p->delayLine,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400, mp);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&p->delayLine);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&p->DCblocker,13, mp);
- p->decay=decay;
- tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool(&p->fbLev, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode, mp);
- p->levMode=levMode;
-void tSimpleLivingString_freeFromPool (tSimpleLivingString* const pl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- tExpSmooth_freeFromPool(&p->wlSmooth, mp);
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delayLine, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&p->bridgeFilter, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&p->DCblocker, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool(&p->fbLev, mp);
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setFreq(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float freq)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- if (freq<20) freq=20;
- else if (freq>10000) freq=10000;
- p->waveLengthInSamples = leaf.sampleRate/freq;
- tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float waveLength)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- if (waveLength<4.8) waveLength=4.8;
- else if (waveLength>2400) waveLength=2400;
- p->waveLengthInSamples = waveLength;
- tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float dampFreq)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- tOnePole_setFreq(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setDecay(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float decay)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- p->decay=decay;
-void tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float targetLev)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&p->fbLev, targetLev);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float levSmoothFactor)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(&p->fbLev, levSmoothFactor);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float levStrength)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(&p->fbLev, levStrength);
-void tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, int levMode)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(&p->fbLev, levMode);
- p->levMode=levMode;
-float tSimpleLivingString_tick(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float input)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- float stringOut=tOnePole_tick(&p->bridgeFilter,tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delayLine));
- float stringInput=tHighpass_tick(&p->DCblocker, tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&p->fbLev, (p->levMode==0?p->decay*stringOut:stringOut)+input));
- tLinearDelay_tickIn(&p->delayLine, stringInput);
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->delayLine, tExpSmooth_tick(&p->wlSmooth));
- p->curr = stringOut;
- return p->curr;
-float tSimpleLivingString_sample(tSimpleLivingString* const pl)
- _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
- return p->curr;
-/* Living String*/
-void tLivingString_init(tLivingString* const pl, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex,
- float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode)
- tLivingString_initToPool(pl, freq, pickPos, prepIndex, dampFreq, decay, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode, &leaf_mempool);
-void tLivingString_free(tLivingString* const pl)
- tLivingString_freeFromPool(pl, &leaf_mempool);
-void tLivingString_initToPool (tLivingString* const pl, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex,
- float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor,
- float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tLivingString* p = *pl = (_tLivingString*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tLivingString), &m->pool);
- p->curr=0.0f;
- tExpSmooth_initToPool(&p->wlSmooth, leaf.sampleRate/freq, 0.01, mp); // smoother for string wavelength (not freq, to avoid expensive divisions)
- tLivingString_setFreq(pl, freq);
- p->freq = freq;
- tExpSmooth_initToPool(&p->ppSmooth, pickPos, 0.01, mp); // smoother for pick position
- tLivingString_setPickPos(pl, pickPos);
- p->prepIndex=prepIndex;
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&p->delLF,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400, mp);
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&p->delUF,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400, mp);
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&p->delUB,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400, mp);
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&p->delLB,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400, mp);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&p->delLF);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&p->delUF);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&p->delUB);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&p->delLB);
- p->dampFreq = dampFreq;
- tOnePole_initToPool(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq, mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&p->nutFilter, dampFreq, mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&p->prepFilterU, dampFreq, mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&p->prepFilterL, dampFreq, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&p->DCblockerU,13, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&p->DCblockerL,13, mp);
- p->decay=decay;
- p->prepIndex = prepIndex;
- tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool(&p->fbLevU, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool(&p->fbLevL, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode, mp);
- p->levMode=levMode;
-void tLivingString_freeFromPool (tLivingString* const pl, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- tExpSmooth_freeFromPool(&p->wlSmooth, mp);
- tExpSmooth_freeFromPool(&p->ppSmooth, mp);
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delLF, mp);
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delUF, mp);
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delUB, mp);
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&p->delLB, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&p->bridgeFilter, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&p->nutFilter, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&p->prepFilterU, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&p->prepFilterL, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&p->DCblockerU, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&p->DCblockerL, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool(&p->fbLevU, mp);
- tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool(&p->fbLevL, mp);
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-void tLivingString_setFreq(tLivingString* const pl, float freq)
-{ // NOTE: It is faster to set wavelength in samples directly
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- if (freq<20) freq=20;
- else if (freq>10000) freq=10000;
- p->waveLengthInSamples = leaf.sampleRate/freq;
- tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-void tLivingString_setWaveLength(tLivingString* const pl, float waveLength)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- if (waveLength<4.8) waveLength=4.8;
- else if (waveLength>2400) waveLength=2400;
- p->waveLengthInSamples = waveLength;
- tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-void tLivingString_setPickPos(tLivingString* const pl, float pickPos)
-{ // between 0 and 1
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- if (pickPos<0.f) pickPos=0.f;
- else if (pickPos>1.f) pickPos=1.f;
- p->pickPos = pickPos;
- tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->ppSmooth, p->pickPos);
-void tLivingString_setPrepIndex(tLivingString* const pl, float prepIndex)
-{ // between 0 and 1
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- if (prepIndex<0.f) prepIndex=0.f;
- else if (prepIndex>1.f) prepIndex=1.f;
- p->prepIndex = prepIndex;
-void tLivingString_setDampFreq(tLivingString* const pl, float dampFreq)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- tOnePole_setFreq(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq);
- tOnePole_setFreq(&p->nutFilter, dampFreq);
- tOnePole_setFreq(&p->prepFilterU, dampFreq);
- tOnePole_setFreq(&p->prepFilterL, dampFreq);
-void tLivingString_setDecay(tLivingString* const pl, float decay)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- p->decay=decay;
-void tLivingString_setTargetLev(tLivingString* const pl, float targetLev)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&p->fbLevU, targetLev);
- tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&p->fbLevL, targetLev);
-void tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor(tLivingString* const pl, float levSmoothFactor)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(&p->fbLevU, levSmoothFactor);
- tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(&p->fbLevL, levSmoothFactor);
-void tLivingString_setLevStrength(tLivingString* const pl, float levStrength)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(&p->fbLevU, levStrength);
- tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(&p->fbLevL, levStrength);
-void tLivingString_setLevMode(tLivingString* const pl, int levMode)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(&p->fbLevU, levMode);
- tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(&p->fbLevL, levMode);
- p->levMode=levMode;
-float tLivingString_tick(tLivingString* const pl, float input)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- // from pickPos upwards=forwards
- float fromLF=tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delLF);
- float fromUF=tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delUF);
- float fromUB=tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delUB);
- float fromLB=tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delLB);
- // into upper half of string, from nut, going backwards
- float fromNut=-tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&p->fbLevU, (p->levMode==0?p->decay:1)*tHighpass_tick(&p->DCblockerU, tOnePole_tick(&p->nutFilter, fromUF)));
- tLinearDelay_tickIn(&p->delUB, fromNut);
- // into lower half of string, from pickpoint, going backwards
- float fromLowerPrep=-tOnePole_tick(&p->prepFilterL, fromLF);
- float intoLower=p->prepIndex*fromLowerPrep+(1.0f - p->prepIndex)*fromUB+input;
- tLinearDelay_tickIn(&p->delLB, intoLower);
- // into lower half of string, from bridge
- float fromBridge=-tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&p->fbLevL, (p->levMode==0?p->decay:1.0f)*tHighpass_tick(&p->DCblockerL, tOnePole_tick(&p->bridgeFilter, fromLB)));
- tLinearDelay_tickIn(&p->delLF, fromBridge);
- // into upper half of string, from pickpoint, going forwards/upwards
- float fromUpperPrep=-tOnePole_tick(&p->prepFilterU, fromUB);
- float intoUpper=p->prepIndex*fromUpperPrep+(1.0f - p->prepIndex)*fromLF+input;
- tLinearDelay_tickIn(&p->delUF, intoUpper);
- // update all delay lengths
- float pickP=tExpSmooth_tick(&p->ppSmooth);
- float wLen=tExpSmooth_tick(&p->wlSmooth);
- float lowLen=pickP*wLen;
- float upLen=(1.0f-pickP)*wLen;
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->delLF, lowLen);
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->delLB, lowLen);
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->delUF, upLen);
- tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->delUB, upLen);
- p->curr = fromBridge;
- return p->curr;
-float tLivingString_sample(tLivingString* const pl)
- _tLivingString* p = *pl;
- return p->curr;
-///Reed Table model
-//default values from STK are 0.6 offset and -0.8 slope
-void tReedTable_init (tReedTable* const pm, float offset, float slope)
- _tReedTable* p = *pm = (_tReedTable*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tReedTable));
- p->offset = offset;
- p->slope = slope;
-void tReedTable_free (tReedTable* const pm)
- _tReedTable* p = *pm;
- leaf_free(p);
-void tReedTable_initToPool (tReedTable* const pm, float offset, float slope, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tReedTable* p = *pm = (_tReedTable*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tReedTable), &m->pool);
- p->offset = offset;
- p->slope = slope;
-void tReedTable_freeFromPool (tReedTable* const pm, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tReedTable* p = *pm;
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-float tReedTable_tick (tReedTable* const pm, float input)
- _tReedTable* p = *pm;
- // The input is differential pressure across the reed.
- float output = p->offset + (p->slope * input);
- // If output is > 1, the reed has slammed shut and the
- // reflection function value saturates at 1.0.
- if ( output > 1.0f) output = 1.0f;
- // This is nearly impossible in a physical system, but
- // a reflection function value of -1.0 corresponds to
- // an open end (and no discontinuity in bore profile).
- if ( output < -1.0f) output = -1.0f;
- return output;
-float tReedTable_tanh_tick (tReedTable* const pm, float input)
- _tReedTable* p = *pm;
- // The input is differential pressure across the reed.
- float output = p->offset + (p->slope * input);
- // If output is > 1, the reed has slammed shut and the
- // reflection function value saturates at 1.0.
- return tanhf(output);
-void tReedTable_setOffset (tReedTable* const pm, float offset)
- _tReedTable* p = *pm;
- p->offset = offset;
-void tReedTable_setSlope (tReedTable* const pm, float slope)
- _tReedTable* p = *pm;
- p->slope = slope;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-reverb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,925 +1,0 @@
- leaf-reverb.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:04pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-reverb.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-reverb.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PRCReverb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void tPRCReverb_init(tPRCReverb* const rev, float t60)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev = (_tPRCReverb*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPRCReverb));
- if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
- r->inv_441 = 1.0f/44100.0f;
- int lengths[4] = { 341, 613, 1557, 2137 }; // Delay lengths for 44100 Hz sample rate.
- double scaler = leaf.sampleRate * r->inv_441;
- int delay, i;
- if (scaler != 1.0f)
- {
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- delay = (int) scaler * lengths[i];
- if ( (delay & 1) == 0) delay++;
- while ( !LEAF_isPrime(delay) ) delay += 2;
- lengths[i] = delay;
- }
- }
- tDelay_init(&r->allpassDelays[0], lengths[0], lengths[0] * 2);
- tDelay_init(&r->allpassDelays[1], lengths[1], lengths[1] * 2);
- tDelay_init(&r->combDelay, lengths[2], lengths[2] * 2);
- tPRCReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
- r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
- r->mix = 0.5f;
-void tPRCReverb_free(tPRCReverb* const rev)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- tDelay_free(&r->allpassDelays[0]);
- tDelay_free(&r->allpassDelays[1]);
- tDelay_free(&r->combDelay);
- leaf_free(r);
-void tPRCReverb_initToPool (tPRCReverb* const rev, float t60, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev = (_tPRCReverb*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tPRCReverb), &m->pool);
- if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
- r->inv_441 = 1.0f/44100.0f;
- int lengths[4] = { 341, 613, 1557, 2137 }; // Delay lengths for 44100 Hz sample rate.
- double scaler = leaf.sampleRate * r->inv_441;
- int delay, i;
- if (scaler != 1.0f)
- {
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- delay = (int) scaler * lengths[i];
- if ( (delay & 1) == 0) delay++;
- while ( !LEAF_isPrime(delay) ) delay += 2;
- lengths[i] = delay;
- }
- }
- tDelay_initToPool(&r->allpassDelays[0], lengths[0], lengths[0] * 2, mp);
- tDelay_initToPool(&r->allpassDelays[1], lengths[1], lengths[1] * 2, mp);
- tDelay_initToPool(&r->combDelay, lengths[2], lengths[2] * 2, mp);
- tPRCReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
- r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
- r->mix = 0.5f;
-void tPRCReverb_freeFromPool (tPRCReverb* const rev, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- tDelay_freeFromPool(&r->allpassDelays[0], mp);
- tDelay_freeFromPool(&r->allpassDelays[1], mp);
- tDelay_freeFromPool(&r->combDelay, mp);
- mpool_free(r, &m->pool);
-void tPRCRevert_clear(tPRCReverb* const rev)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- tDelay_clear(&r->allpassDelays[0]);
- tDelay_clear(&r->allpassDelays[1]);
- tDelay_clear(&r->combDelay);
-void tPRCReverb_setT60(tPRCReverb* const rev, float t60)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- if ( t60 <= 0.0f ) t60 = 0.001f;
- r->t60 = t60;
- r->combCoeff = pow(10.0f, (-3.0f * tDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelay) * leaf.invSampleRate / t60 ));
-void tPRCReverb_setMix(tPRCReverb* const rev, float mix)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- r->mix = mix;
-float tPRCReverb_tick(tPRCReverb* const rev, float input)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2;
- float out;
- r->lastIn = input;
- temp = tDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[0]);
- temp0 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp0 += input;
- tDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[0], temp0);
- temp0 = -( r->allpassCoeff * temp0) + temp;
- temp = tDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[1]);
- temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp1 += temp0;
- tDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[1], temp1);
- temp1 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
- temp2 = temp1 + ( r->combCoeff * tDelay_getLastOut(&r->combDelay));
- out = r->mix * tDelay_tick(&r->combDelay, temp2);
- temp = (1.0f - r->mix) * input;
- out += temp;
- r->lastOut = out;
- return out;
-void tPRCReverbSampleRateChanged (tPRCReverb* const rev)
- _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
- r->combCoeff = pow(10.0f, (-3.0f * tDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelay) * leaf.invSampleRate / r->t60 ));
-/* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NReverb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
-void tNReverb_init(tNReverb* const rev, float t60)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev = (_tNReverb*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tNReverb));
- if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
- r->inv_441 = 1.0f/44100.0f;
- int lengths[15] = {1433, 1601, 1867, 2053, 2251, 2399, 347, 113, 37, 59, 53, 43, 37, 29, 19}; // Delay lengths for 44100 Hz sample rate.
- double scaler = leaf.sampleRate / 25641.0f;
- int delay, i;
- for (i=0; i < 15; i++)
- {
- delay = (int) scaler * lengths[i];
- if ( (delay & 1) == 0)
- delay++;
- while ( !LEAF_isPrime(delay) )
- delay += 2;
- lengths[i] = delay;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
- {
- tLinearDelay_init(&r->combDelays[i], lengths[i], lengths[i] * 2.0f);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&r->combDelays[i]);
- r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3 * lengths[i] * leaf.invSampleRate / t60));
- }
- for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
- {
- tLinearDelay_init(&r->allpassDelays[i], lengths[i+6], lengths[i+6] * 2.0f);
- tLinearDelay_clear(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
- }
- tNReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
- r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
- r->mix = 0.3f;
-void tNReverb_free(tNReverb* const rev)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tLinearDelay_free(&r->combDelays[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- tLinearDelay_free(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
- }
- leaf_free(r);
-void tNReverb_initToPool (tNReverb* const rev, float t60, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tNReverb* r = *rev = (_tNReverb*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tNReverb), &m->pool);
- if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
- r->inv_441 = 1.0f/44100.0f;
- int lengths[15] = {1433, 1601, 1867, 2053, 2251, 2399, 347, 113, 37, 59, 53, 43, 37, 29, 19}; // Delay lengths for 44100 Hz sample rate.
- double scaler = leaf.sampleRate / 25641.0f;
- int delay, i;
- for (i=0; i < 15; i++)
- {
- delay = (int) scaler * lengths[i];
- if ( (delay & 1) == 0)
- delay++;
- while ( !LEAF_isPrime(delay) )
- delay += 2;
- lengths[i] = delay;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
- {
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&r->combDelays[i], lengths[i], lengths[i] * 2.0f, mp);
- r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3 * lengths[i] * leaf.invSampleRate / t60));
- }
- for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
- {
- tLinearDelay_initToPool(&r->allpassDelays[i], lengths[i+6], lengths[i+6] * 2.0f, mp);
- }
- tNReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
- r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
- r->mix = 0.3f;
-void tNReverb_freeFromPool (tNReverb* const rev, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&r->combDelays[i], mp);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- tLinearDelay_freeFromPool(&r->allpassDelays[i], mp);
- }
- mpool_free(r, &m->pool);
-void tNReverb_setT60(tNReverb* const rev, float t60)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
- r->t60 = t60;
- for (int i=0; i<6; i++) r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tLinearDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / t60 ));
-void tNReverb_setMix(tNReverb* const rev, float mix)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- r->mix = mix;
-void tNReverb_clear (tNReverb* const rev)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- tLinearDelay_clear(&r->combDelays[i]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- tLinearDelay_clear(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
- }
-float tNReverb_tick(tNReverb* const rev, float input)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- r->lastIn = input;
- float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2, out;
- int i;
- temp0 = 0.0;
- for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
- {
- temp = input + (r->combCoeffs[i] * tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->combDelays[i]));
- temp0 += tLinearDelay_tick(&r->combDelays[i],temp);
- }
- for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
- {
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
- temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp1 += temp0;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[i], temp1);
- temp0 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
- }
- // One-pole lowpass filter.
- r->lowpassState = 0.7f * r->lowpassState + 0.3f * temp0;
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[3]);
- temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp1 += r->lowpassState;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[3], temp1 );
- temp1 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[4]);
- temp2 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp2 += temp1;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[4], temp2 );
- out = -( r->allpassCoeff * temp2 ) + temp ;
- //the other channel in stereo version below
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[5]);
- temp3 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp3 += temp1;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[5], temp3 );
- out = r->mix *( - ( r->allpassCoeff * temp3 ) + temp );
- temp = ( 1.0f - r->mix ) * input;
- out += temp;
- r->lastOut = out;
- return out;
-void tNReverb_tickStereo(tNReverb* const rev, float input, float* output)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- r->lastIn = input;
- float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, out;
- int i;
- temp0 = 0.0;
- for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
- {
- temp = input + (r->combCoeffs[i] * tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->combDelays[i]));
- temp0 += tLinearDelay_tick(&r->combDelays[i],temp);
- }
- for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
- {
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
- temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp1 += temp0;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[i], temp1);
- temp0 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
- }
- // One-pole lowpass filter.
- r->lowpassState = 0.7f * r->lowpassState + 0.3f * temp0;
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[3]);
- temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp1 += r->lowpassState;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[3], temp1 );
- temp1 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
- float drymix = ( 1.0f - r->mix ) * input;
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[4]);
- temp2 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp2 += temp1;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[4], temp2 );
- output[0] = -( r->allpassCoeff * temp2 ) + temp + drymix;
- out = output[0];
- temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[5]);
- temp3 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
- temp3 += temp1;
- tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[5], temp3 );
- output[1] = r->mix *( - ( r->allpassCoeff * temp3 ) + temp + drymix);
- r->lastOut = out;
-void tNReverbSampleRateChanged (tNReverb* const rev)
- _tNReverb* r = *rev;
- for (int i=0; i<6; i++) r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tLinearDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / r->t60 ));
-// ======================================DATTORRO=========================================
-#define SAMP(in) (in*r->t)
-float in_allpass_delays[4] = { 4.771f, 3.595f, 12.73f, 9.307f };
-float in_allpass_gains[4] = { 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.625f, 0.625f };
-void tDattorroReverb_init (tDattorroReverb* const rev)
- tDattorroReverb_initToPool(rev, &leaf_mempool);
-void tDattorroReverb_free (tDattorroReverb* const rev)
- tDattorroReverb_freeFromPool(rev, &leaf_mempool);
-void tDattorroReverb_initToPool (tDattorroReverb* const rev, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev = (_tDattorroReverb*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tDattorroReverb), &m->pool);
- r->size_max = 2.0f;
- r->size = 1.f;
- r->t = r->size * leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f;
- r->frozen = 0;
- // INPUT
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->in_delay, 0.f, SAMP(200.f), mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&r->in_filter, 1.f, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- tAllpass_initToPool(&r->in_allpass[i], SAMP(in_allpass_delays[i]), SAMP(20.f), mp); // * r->size_max
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->in_allpass[i], in_allpass_gains[i]);
- }
- tAllpass_initToPool(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f), SAMP(100.f), mp); // * r->size_max
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->f1_allpass, 0.7f);
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(141.69f), SAMP(200.0f) * r->size_max + 1, mp);
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->f1_delay_2, SAMP(89.24f), SAMP(100.0f) * r->size_max + 1, mp);
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->f1_delay_3, SAMP(125.f), SAMP(200.0f) * r->size_max + 1, mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&r->f1_filter, 1.f, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&r->f1_hp, 20.f, mp);
- tCycle_initToPool(&r->f1_lfo, mp);
- tCycle_setFreq(&r->f1_lfo, 0.1f);
- tAllpass_initToPool(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f), SAMP(100.f), mp); // * r->size_max
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->f2_allpass, 0.7f);
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(149.62f), SAMP(200.f) * r->size_max + 1, mp);
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->f2_delay_2, SAMP(60.48f), SAMP(100.f) * r->size_max + 1, mp);
- tTapeDelay_initToPool(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(106.28f), SAMP(200.f) * r->size_max + 1, mp);
- tOnePole_initToPool(&r->f2_filter, 1.f, mp);
- tHighpass_initToPool(&r->f2_hp, 20.f, mp);
- tCycle_initToPool(&r->f2_lfo, mp);
- tCycle_setFreq(&r->f2_lfo, 0.07f);
- tDattorroReverb_setMix(rev, 0.5f);
- tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay(rev, 0.f);
- tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter(rev, 10000.f);
- tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter(rev, 5000.f);
- tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain(rev, 0.4f);
-void tDattorroReverb_freeFromPool (tDattorroReverb* const rev, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- // INPUT
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->in_delay, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&r->in_filter, mp);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- tAllpass_freeFromPool(&r->in_allpass[i], mp);
- }
- tAllpass_freeFromPool(&r->f1_allpass, mp);
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->f1_delay_1, mp);
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->f1_delay_2, mp);
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->f1_delay_3, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&r->f1_filter, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&r->f1_hp, mp);
- tCycle_freeFromPool(&r->f1_lfo, mp);
- tAllpass_freeFromPool(&r->f2_allpass, mp);
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->f2_delay_1, mp);
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->f2_delay_2, mp);
- tTapeDelay_freeFromPool(&r->f2_delay_3, mp);
- tOnePole_freeFromPool(&r->f2_filter, mp);
- tHighpass_freeFromPool(&r->f2_hp, mp);
- tCycle_freeFromPool(&r->f2_lfo, mp);
- mpool_free(r, &m->pool);
-void tDattorroReverb_clear (tDattorroReverb* const rev)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->in_delay);
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->f1_delay_1);
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->f1_delay_2);
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->f1_delay_3);
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->f2_delay_1);
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->f2_delay_2);
- tTapeDelay_clear(&r->f2_delay_3);
-float tDattorroReverb_tick (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float input)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- float in_sample, f1_sample,f1_delay_2_sample, f2_sample, f2_delay_2_sample;
- if (r->frozen)
- {
- input = 0.0f;
- //r->f1_last = 0.0f;
- //r->f2_last = 0.0f;
- }
- // INPUT
- in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
- in_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->in_filter, in_sample);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- in_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->in_allpass[i], in_sample);
- }
- f1_sample = in_sample + r->f2_last; // + f2_last_out;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f1_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f1_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f1_allpass, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_1, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f1_filter, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = f1_sample + r->f1_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- f1_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_2, f1_sample * 0.5f);
- r->f1_delay_2_last = f1_delay_2_sample;
- f1_sample = r->f1_delay_2_last + f1_sample;
- f1_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f1_hp, f1_sample);
- f1_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- r->f1_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_3, f1_sample);
- f2_sample = in_sample + r->f1_last;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f2_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f2_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f2_allpass, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_1, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f2_filter, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = f2_sample + r->f2_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- f2_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_2, f2_sample * 0.5f);
- r->f2_delay_2_last = f2_delay_2_sample;
- f2_sample = r->f2_delay_2_last + f2_sample;
- f2_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f2_hp, f2_sample);
- f2_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- r->f2_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_3, f2_sample);
- // TAP OUT 1
- f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(8.9f)) +
- tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(99.8f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_2, SAMP(64.2f));
- f1_sample += tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_3, SAMP(67.f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(66.8f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_2, SAMP(6.3f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(35.8f));
- f1_sample *= 0.14f;
- // TAP OUT 2
- f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(11.8f)) +
- tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(121.7f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_2, SAMP(6.3f));
- f2_sample += tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(89.7f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(70.8f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_2, SAMP(11.2f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_3, SAMP(4.1f));
- f2_sample *= 0.14f;
- float sample = (f1_sample + f2_sample) * 0.5f;
- return (input * (1.0f - r->mix) + sample * r->mix);
-void tDattorroReverb_tickStereo (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float input, float* output)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- float in_sample, f1_sample,f1_delay_2_sample, f2_sample, f2_delay_2_sample;
- if (r->frozen)
- {
- input = 0.0f;
- //r->f1_last = 0.0f;
- //r->f2_last = 0.0f;
- }
- // INPUT
- in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
- in_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->in_filter, in_sample);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- in_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->in_allpass[i], in_sample);
- }
- f1_sample = in_sample + r->f2_last; // + f2_last_out;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f1_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f1_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f1_allpass, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_1, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f1_filter, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = f1_sample + r->f1_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- f1_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_2, f1_sample * 0.5f);
- r->f1_delay_2_last = f1_delay_2_sample;
- f1_sample = r->f1_delay_2_last + f1_sample;
- f1_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f1_hp, f1_sample);
- f1_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- if (r->frozen)
- {
- f1_sample = 0.0f;
- }
- r->f1_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_3, f1_sample);
- f2_sample = in_sample + r->f1_last;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f2_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f2_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f2_allpass, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_1, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f2_filter, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = f2_sample + r->f2_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- f2_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_2, f2_sample * 0.5f);
- r->f2_delay_2_last = f2_delay_2_sample;
- f2_sample = r->f2_delay_2_last + f2_sample;
- f2_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f2_hp, f2_sample);
- f2_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- if (r->frozen)
- {
- f2_sample = 0.0f;
- }
- r->f2_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_3, f2_sample);
- // TAP OUT 1
- f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(8.9f)) +
- tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(99.8f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_2, SAMP(64.2f));
- f1_sample += tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_3, SAMP(67.f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(66.8f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_2, SAMP(6.3f));
- f1_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(35.8f));
- f1_sample *= 0.14f;
- // TAP OUT 2
- f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(11.8f)) +
- tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(121.7f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_2, SAMP(6.3f));
- f2_sample += tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(89.7f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(70.8f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_2, SAMP(11.2f));
- f2_sample -= tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_3, SAMP(4.1f));
- f2_sample *= 0.14f;
- output[0] = input * (1.0f - r->mix) + f1_sample * r->mix;
- output[1] = input * (1.0f - r->mix) + f2_sample * r->mix;
-void tDattorroReverb_setMix (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float mix)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->mix = LEAF_clip(0.0f, mix, 1.0f);
-void tDattorroReverb_setFreeze (tDattorroReverb* const rev, uint32_t freeze)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->frozen = freeze;
- if (freeze)
- {
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->f2_allpass, 1.0f);
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->f1_allpass, 1.0f);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- //tAllpass_setGain(&r->in_allpass[i], 1.0f);
- }
- tCycle_setFreq(&r->f1_lfo, 0.0f);
- tCycle_setFreq(&r->f2_lfo, 0.0f);
- }
- else
- {
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->f2_allpass, 0.7f);
- tAllpass_setGain(&r->f1_allpass, 0.7f);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- //tAllpass_setGain(&r->in_allpass[i], in_allpass_gains[i]);
- }
- tCycle_setFreq(&r->f1_lfo, 0.1f);
- tCycle_setFreq(&r->f2_lfo, 0.07f);
- }
-void tDattorroReverb_setHP (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float freq)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- float newFreq = LEAF_clip(20.0f, freq, 20000.0f);
- tHighpass_setFreq(&r->f1_hp, newFreq);
- tHighpass_setFreq(&r->f2_hp, newFreq);
-void tDattorroReverb_setSize (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float size)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->size = LEAF_clip(0.01f, size*r->size_max, r->size_max);
- r->t = r->size * leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f;
- /*
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->in_allpass[i], SAMP(in_allpass_delays[i]));
- }
- */
- //tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f));
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(141.69f));
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f1_delay_2, SAMP(89.24f));
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f1_delay_3, SAMP(125.f));
- // maybe change rate of SINE LFO's when size changes?
- //tCycle_setFreq(&r->f2_lfo, 0.07f * size * r->size_max);
- //tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f));
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f2_delay_1, SAMP(149.62f));
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f2_delay_2, SAMP(60.48f));
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(106.28f));
-void tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float preDelay)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->predelay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, preDelay, 200.0f);
- tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->in_delay, SAMP(r->predelay));
-void tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float freq)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->input_filter = LEAF_clip(0.0f, freq, 20000.0f);
- tOnePole_setFreq(&r->in_filter, r->input_filter);
-void tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float freq)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->feedback_filter = LEAF_clip(0.0f, freq, 20000.0f);
- tOnePole_setFreq(&r->f1_filter, r->feedback_filter);
- tOnePole_setFreq(&r->f2_filter, r->feedback_filter);
-void tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float gain)
- _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- r->feedback_gain = gain;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-sampling.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,834 +1,0 @@
- ==============================================================================
- leaf-sampling.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:17pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================
- */
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-sampling.h"
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-sampling.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-void tBuffer_init (tBuffer* const sb, uint32_t length)
- tBuffer_initToPool(sb, length, &leaf_mempool);
-void tBuffer_free (tBuffer* const sb)
- tBuffer_freeFromPool(sb, &leaf_mempool);
-void tBuffer_initToPool (tBuffer* const sb, uint32_t length, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tBuffer* s = *sb = (_tBuffer*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tBuffer), &m->pool);
- s->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc( sizeof(float) * length, &m->pool);
- s->bufferLength = length;
- s->recordedLength = 0;
- s->active = 0;
- s->idx = 0;
- s->mode = RecordOneShot;
-void tBuffer_freeFromPool (tBuffer* const sb, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- mpool_free(s->buff, &m->pool);
- mpool_free(s, &m->pool);
-void tBuffer_tick (tBuffer* const sb, float sample)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- if (s->active == 1)
- {
- s->buff[s->idx] = sample;
- s->idx += 1;
- if (s->idx >= s->bufferLength)
- {
- if (s->mode == RecordOneShot)
- {
- tBuffer_stop(sb);
- }
- else if (s->mode == RecordLoop)
- {
- s->idx = 0;
- }
- }
- }
-void tBuffer_read(tBuffer* const sb, float* buff, uint32_t len)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- for (int i = 0; i < s->bufferLength; i++)
- {
- if (i < len) s->buff[i] = buff[i];
- else s->buff[i] = 0.f;
- }
- s->recordedLength = len;
-float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const sb, int idx)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= s->bufferLength)) return 0.f;
- return s->buff[idx];
-void tBuffer_record(tBuffer* const sb)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- s->active = 1;
- s->idx = 0;
-void tBuffer_stop(tBuffer* const sb)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- s->active = 0;
- s->recordedLength = s->idx;
-int tBuffer_getRecordPosition(tBuffer* const sb)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- return s->idx;
-void tBuffer_setRecordMode (tBuffer* const sb, RecordMode mode)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- s->mode = mode;
-void tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const sb)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- for (int i = 0; i < s->bufferLength; i++)
- {
- s->buff[i] = 0.f;
- }
-uint32_t tBuffer_getBufferLength(tBuffer* const sb)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- return s->bufferLength;
-uint32_t tBuffer_getRecordedLength(tBuffer* const sb)
- _tBuffer* s = *sb;
- return s->recordedLength;
-static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp);
-static void attemptStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp);
-void tSampler_init(tSampler* const sp, tBuffer* const b)
- tSampler_initToPool(sp, b, &leaf_mempool);
-void tSampler_free (tSampler* const sp)
- tSampler_freeFromPool(sp, &leaf_mempool);
-void tSampler_initToPool(tSampler* const sp, tBuffer* const b, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSampler* p = *sp = (_tSampler*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tSampler), &m->pool);
- _tBuffer* s = *b;
- p->samp = s;
- p->active = 0;
- p->start = 0;
- p->end = p->samp->bufferLength - 1;
- p->len = p->end - p->start;
- p->idx = 0.f;
- p->inc = 1.f;
- p->iinc = 1.f;
- p->dir = 1;
- p->flip = 1;
- p->bnf = 1;
- p->mode = PlayNormal;
- p->cfxlen = 500; // default 300 sample crossfade
- tRamp_initToPool(&p->gain, 7.0f, 1, mp);
- tRamp_setVal(&p->gain, 0.f);
- p->targetstart = -1;
- p->targetend = -1;
-void tSampler_freeFromPool (tSampler* const sp, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- tRamp_freeFromPool(&p->gain, mp);
- mpool_free(p, &m->pool);
-void tSampler_setSample (tSampler* const sp, tBuffer* const b)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- _tBuffer* s = *b;
- p->samp = s;
- p->start = 0;
- p->end = p->samp->bufferLength - 1;
- p->len = p->end - p->start;
- p->idx = 0.f;
-volatile uint32_t errorState = 0;
-float tSampler_tick (tSampler* const sp)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- if (p->active == 0) return 0.f;
- if ((p->inc == 0.0f) || (p->len == 0))
- {
- return p->last;
- }
- attemptStartEndChange(sp);
- float sample = 0.f;
- float cfxsample = 0.f;
- float numticks;
- float g1 = 1.f, g2 = 0.f;
- float* buff = p->samp->buff;
- int idx, revidx;
- float alpha, revalpha;
- int32_t start = p->start;
- int32_t end = p->end;
- if (p->flip < 0)
- {
- start = p->end;
- end = p->start;
- }
- int dir = p->bnf * p->dir * p->flip;
- idx = (int) p->idx;
- alpha = p->idx - idx;
- revidx = idx + 1;// we think this is because flooring on int works different when reading backwards
- revalpha = 1.f - alpha;
- uint32_t cfxlen = p->cfxlen;
- if (p->len < cfxlen) cfxlen = p->len * 0.25f;//p->len;
- int length = p->samp->recordedLength;
- if (dir > 0)
- { // num samples (hopping the increment size) to end of loop
- numticks = (end-idx) * p->iinc;
- }
- else
- {
- numticks = (revidx-start) * p->iinc;
- }
- // Check dir (direction) to interpolate properly
- if (dir > 0)
- {
- int i1 = ((idx-1) < 0) ? 0 : idx-1;
- int i3 = ((idx+1) >= length) ? (idx) : (idx+1);
- int i4 = ((idx+2) >= length) ? (length-1) : (idx+2);
- sample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[idx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- alpha);
- if (cfxlen > 0)// necessary to avoid divide by zero, also a waste of computation otherwise
- {
- if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
- {
- if (numticks <= (float) cfxlen)
- {
- int cdx = start - (numticks * p->inc);
- if (cdx < 1)
- {
- cdx = -cdx;
- i1 = ((cdx+1) >= length) ? (length-1) : cdx+1;
- i3 = ((cdx-1) < 0) ? cdx : (cdx-1);
- i4 = ((cdx-2) < 0) ? 0 : (cdx-2);
- cfxsample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[cdx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- revalpha);
- }
- else
- {
- i1 = ((cdx-1) < 0) ? 0 : cdx-1;
- i3 = ((cdx+1) >= length) ? (cdx) : (cdx+1);
- i4 = ((cdx+2) >= length) ? (length-1) : (cdx+2);
- cfxsample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[cdx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- alpha);
- }
- g2 = (float) (cfxlen - numticks) / (float) cfxlen;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- g2 = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int i1 = ((revidx+1) >= length) ? (length-1) : revidx+1;
- int i3 = ((revidx-1) < 0) ? revidx : (revidx-1);
- int i4 = ((revidx-2) < 0) ? 0 : (revidx-2);
- sample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[revidx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- revalpha);
- if (cfxlen > 0)// necessary to avoid divide by zero, also a waste of computation otherwise
- {
- if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
- {
- if (numticks <= (float) cfxlen)
- {
- int cdx = end + (numticks * p->inc);
- if (cdx > length - 2)
- {
- //the problem with the click is here --- at some point it crosses this threshold and jumps from a point near the boundary to a point far away from the boundary - that's not correct
- ///// ooooops
- cdx = end - (numticks * p->inc);
- i1 = ((cdx-1) < 0) ? 0 : cdx-1;
- i3 = ((cdx+1) >= length) ? (cdx) : (cdx+1);
- i4 = ((cdx+2) >= length) ? (length-1) : (cdx+2);
- cfxsample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[cdx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- revalpha);
- }
- else
- {
- i1 = ((cdx+1) >= length) ? (length-1) : cdx+1;
- i3 = ((cdx-1) < 0) ? cdx : (cdx-1);
- i4 = ((cdx-2) < 0) ? 0 : (cdx-2);
- cfxsample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[cdx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- alpha);
- }
- g2 = (float) (cfxlen - numticks) / (float) cfxlen;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- g2 = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- float inc = fmod(p->inc, p->len);
- p->idx += (dir * inc);
- //handle start and end cases for looping and back and forth modes
- if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
- {
- while((int)p->idx < start)
- {
- p->idx += (float)(p->len);
- }
- while((int)p->idx > end)
- {
- p->idx -= (float)(p->len);
- }
- }
- else // == PlayBackAndForth
- {
- if (p->idx < start)
- {
- p->bnf = -p->bnf;
- p->idx = start + 1;
- }
- else if (p->idx > end)
- {
- p->bnf = -p->bnf;
- p->idx = end - 1;
- }
- }
- //handle very short fade out for end of one-shot normal playback
- if (p->mode == PlayNormal)
- {
- if (numticks < (0.007f * leaf.sampleRate))
- {
- tRamp_setDest(&p->gain, 0.f);
- p->active = -1;
- }
- }
- g1 = 1.f - g2;
- sample = sample * g1 + cfxsample * g2;
- sample = sample * tRamp_tick(&p->gain);
- if (p->active < 0)
- {
- if (tRamp_sample(&p->gain) <= 0.00001f)
- {
- if (p->retrigger == 1)
- {
- p->active = 1;
- p->retrigger = 0;
- tRamp_setDest(&p->gain, 1.f);
- if (p->dir > 0)
- {
- if (p->flip > 0) p->idx = p->start;
- else p->idx = p->end;
- }
- else
- {
- if (p->flip > 0) p->idx = p->end;
- else p->idx = p->start;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p->active = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fabsf(sample-p->last) > 0.1f)
- {
- errorState = 1;
- }
- p->last = sample;
- return p->last;
-void tSampler_setMode (tSampler* const sp, PlayMode mode)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- p->mode = mode;
-void tSampler_setCrossfadeLength (tSampler* const sp, uint32_t length)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- uint32_t cfxlen = LEAF_clip(0, length, 1000);
- if (cfxlen > (p->len * 0.25f)) cfxlen = p->len * 0.25f;
- p->cfxlen = cfxlen;
-void tSampler_play (tSampler* const sp)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- if (p->active != 0)
- {
- p->active = -1;
- p->retrigger = 1;
- tRamp_setDest(&p->gain, 0.f);
- }
- else
- {
- p->active = 1;
- p->retrigger = 0;
- tRamp_setDest(&p->gain, 1.f);
- if (p->dir > 0)
- {
- if (p->flip > 0) p->idx = p->start;
- else p->idx = p->end;
- }
- else
- {
- if (p->flip > 0) p->idx = p->end;
- else p->idx = p->start;
- }
- handleStartEndChange(&p);
- }
-void tSampler_stop (tSampler* const sp)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- p->active = -1;
- tRamp_setDest(&p->gain, 0.f);
-static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- p->len = abs(p->end - p->start);
- if (p->len < (p->cfxlen * 0.25f)) p->cfxlen = p->len * 0.25f;
- if (p->start > p->end)
- {
- p->flip = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- p->flip = 1;
- }
-static void attemptStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- // Try to update start/end if needed
- if (p->targetstart >= 0)
- {
- tSampler_setStart(sp, p->targetstart);
- }
- if (p->targetend >= 0)
- {
- tSampler_setEnd(sp, p->targetend);
- }
-void tSampler_setStart (tSampler* const sp, int32_t start)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- int tempflip;
- if (start == p->end)
- {
- return;
- }
- // if (p->active)
- {
- if (start > p->end)
- {
- tempflip = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- tempflip = 1;
- }
- int dir = p->bnf * p->dir * tempflip;
- uint32_t cfxlen = (p->len < p->cfxlen) ? 0 : p->cfxlen;
- if ((tempflip > 0) && (dir > 0)) // start is start and we're playing forward
- {
- if (((start > p->idx) || (p->end-p->idx <= cfxlen)) && (start > p->end))// start given is after current index or we're in a crossfade
- {
- p->targetstart = start;
- return;
- }
- }
- else if ((tempflip < 0) && (dir < 0)) // start is end and we're playing in reverse
- {
- if (((start < p->idx) || (p->idx-p->end <= cfxlen)) && (start < p->end))// start given is before current index or we're in a crossfade
- {
- p->targetstart = start;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- p->start = LEAF_clipInt(0, start, p->samp->recordedLength - 1);
- handleStartEndChange(sp);
- p->targetstart = -1;
-void tSampler_setEnd (tSampler* const sp, int32_t end)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- int tempflip;
- if (end == p->start)
- {
- return;
- }
- //if (p->active)
- {
- if (p->start > end)
- {
- tempflip = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- tempflip = 1;
- }
- int dir = p->bnf * p->dir * tempflip;
- uint32_t cfxlen = (p->len < p->cfxlen) ? 0 : p->cfxlen;
- if (tempflip > 0 && dir < 0) // end is end and we're playing in reverse
- {
- if (((end < p->idx) || (p->idx-p->start <= cfxlen)) && (end < p->start)) // end given is before current index or we're in a crossfade
- {
- p->targetend = end;
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (tempflip < 0 && dir > 0) // end is start and we're playing forward
- {
- if (((end > p->idx) || (p->start-p->idx <= cfxlen)) && (end > p->start)) // end given is after current index or we're in a crossfade
- {
- p->targetend = end;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- p->end = LEAF_clipInt(0, end, (p->samp->recordedLength - 1));
- handleStartEndChange(sp);
- p->targetend = -1;
-void tSampler_setRate (tSampler* const sp, float rate)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- if (rate < 0.f)
- {
- rate = -rate;
- p->dir = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- p->dir = 1;
- }
- p->inc = rate;
- p->iinc = 1.f / p->inc;
-void tAutoSampler_init (tAutoSampler* const as, tBuffer* const b)
- tAutoSampler_initToPool(as, b, &leaf_mempool);
-void tAutoSampler_free (tAutoSampler* const as)
- tAutoSampler_freeFromPool(as, &leaf_mempool);
-void tAutoSampler_initToPool (tAutoSampler* const as, tBuffer* const b, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as = (_tAutoSampler*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tAutoSampler), &m->pool);
- tBuffer_setRecordMode(b, RecordOneShot);
- tSampler_initToPool(&a->sampler, b, mp);
- tSampler_setMode(&a->sampler, PlayLoop);
- tEnvelopeFollower_initToPool(&a->ef, 0.05f, 0.9999f, mp);
-void tAutoSampler_freeFromPool (tAutoSampler* const as, tMempool* const mp)
- _tMempool* m = *mp;
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- tEnvelopeFollower_freeFromPool(&a->ef, mp);
- tSampler_freeFromPool(&a->sampler, mp);
- mpool_free(a, &m->pool);
-float tAutoSampler_tick (tAutoSampler* const as, float input)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- float currentPower = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&a->ef, input);
- if ((currentPower > (a->threshold)) &&
- (currentPower > a->previousPower + 0.001f) &&
- (a->sampleTriggered == 0) &&
- (a->sampleCounter == 0))
- {
- a->sampleTriggered = 1;
- tBuffer_record(&a->sampler->samp);
- a->sampler->samp->recordedLength = a->sampler->samp->bufferLength;
- a->sampleCounter = a->windowSize + 24;//arbitrary extra time to avoid resampling while playing previous sample - better solution would be alternating buffers and crossfading
- a->powerCounter = 1000;
- }
- if (a->sampleCounter > 0)
- {
- a->sampleCounter--;
- }
- tSampler_setEnd(&a->sampler, a->windowSize);
- tBuffer_tick(&a->sampler->samp, input);
- //on it's way down
- if (currentPower <= a->previousPower)
- {
- if (a->powerCounter > 0)
- {
- a->powerCounter--;
- }
- else if (a->sampleTriggered == 1)
- {
- a->sampleTriggered = 0;
- }
- }
- a->previousPower = currentPower;
- return tSampler_tick(&a->sampler);
-void tAutoSampler_setBuffer (tAutoSampler* const as, tBuffer* const b)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- tBuffer_setRecordMode(b, RecordOneShot);
- if (a->windowSize > tBuffer_getBufferLength(b))
- a->windowSize = tBuffer_getBufferLength(b);
- tSampler_setSample(&a->sampler, b);
-void tAutoSampler_setMode (tAutoSampler* const as, PlayMode mode)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- tSampler_setMode(&a->sampler, mode);
-void tAutoSampler_play (tAutoSampler* const as)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- tSampler_play(&a->sampler);
-void tAutoSampler_stop (tAutoSampler* const as)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- tSampler_stop(&a->sampler);
-void tAutoSampler_setThreshold (tAutoSampler* const as, float thresh)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- a->threshold = thresh;
-void tAutoSampler_setWindowSize (tAutoSampler* const as, uint32_t size)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- if (size > tBuffer_getBufferLength(&a->sampler->samp))
- a->windowSize = tBuffer_getBufferLength(&a->sampler->samp);
- else a->windowSize = size;
-void tAutoSampler_setCrossfadeLength (tAutoSampler* const as, uint32_t length)
- _tAutoSampler* a = *as;
- tSampler_setCrossfadeLength(&a->sampler, length);
-void tAutoSampler_setRate (tAutoSampler* const as, float rate)
- ;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-tables.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14042 +1,0 @@
-/* sine wave table ripped from */
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"
-#include "..\Inc\leaf-global.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"
-#include "../Inc/leaf-global.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
-const float fir2XLow[32] = { 0.001067048115027622, -0.004557728776555209, -0.016711590887520535, -0.021065500881657994, -0.003828695019946828, 0.01865935152799254, 0.012036365576553658, -0.02064070362810112, -0.02682399333687091, 0.017862623081258543, 0.0492716766870816, -0.004310232755957251, -0.08571879958189704, -0.03828300159135686, 0.18420501161808442, 0.4054061613074031, 0.4054061613074031, 0.18420501161808442, -0.03828300159135686, -0.08571879958189704, -0.004310232755957251, 0.0492716766870816, 0.017862623081258543, -0.02682399333687091, -0.02064070362810112, 0.012036365576553658, 0.01865935152799254, -0.003828695019946828, -0.021065500881657994, -0.016711590887520535, -0.004557728776555209, 0.001067048115027622
-const float fir4XLow[64] = { 0.0006952369848543607, -0.0021602595656775407, -0.005046940892783684, -0.009045400833780066, -0.01291169046367334, -0.015115999752735221, -0.014305643164290147, -0.009951858009311934, -0.0028258377448417927, 0.004999374847547033, 0.010750729432710248, 0.012011264580991868, 0.007846433846826574, -0.0005004296670167205, -0.009772888585453377, -0.015810363406761653, -0.01525350231205246, -0.007226084282741553, 0.005835838890105145, 0.018676910759237414, 0.025091142837250335, 0.02056199072613674, 0.004658087892329196, -0.017877850338462058, -0.03800800914197999, -0.04518029996599868, -0.031146769751981856, 0.006553281738260734, 0.06282284508297871, 0.1257919544316159, 0.18007204974638935, 0.21145499612282317, 0.21145499612282317, 0.18007204974638935, 0.1257919544316159, 0.06282284508297871, 0.006553281738260734, -0.031146769751981856, -0.04518029996599868, -0.03800800914197999, -0.017877850338462058, 0.004658087892329196, 0.02056199072613674, 0.025091142837250335, 0.018676910759237414, 0.005835838890105145, -0.007226084282741553, -0.01525350231205246, -0.015810363406761653, -0.009772888585453377, -0.0005004296670167205, 0.007846433846826574, 0.012011264580991868, 0.010750729432710248, 0.004999374847547033, -0.0028258377448417927, -0.009951858009311934, -0.014305643164290147, -0.015115999752735221, -0.01291169046367334, -0.009045400833780066, -0.005046940892783684, -0.0021602595656775407, 0.0006952369848543607
-const float fir8XLow[64] = { 0.0006754949160790157, 0.0002779478357299437, 0.00016529299248029802, -0.00013134896547707938, -0.0006717131404275674, -0.0015110701381990592, -0.002691718323402088, -0.004233151560515273, -0.006122759810873029, -0.008309678451155357, -0.010700324896169348, -0.013154262594364387, -0.015486775440587882, -0.01748014690133886, -0.018887653514132675, -0.019456772349369558, -0.01894272181784527, -0.017131243827335194, -0.013858969256894846, -0.009032963777720983, -0.0026459262830678125, 0.00521276165394513, 0.01435273458276724, 0.024486845310977834, 0.03524172116254876, 0.04617574968276393, 0.05680505888194891, 0.06663123541320262, 0.07517390607705798, 0.08200222626654773, 0.0867639105153248, 0.08920930675382921, 0.08920930675382921, 0.0867639105153248, 0.08200222626654773, 0.07517390607705798, 0.06663123541320262, 0.05680505888194891, 0.04617574968276393, 0.03524172116254876, 0.024486845310977834, 0.01435273458276724, 0.00521276165394513, -0.0026459262830678125, -0.009032963777720983, -0.013858969256894846, -0.017131243827335194, -0.01894272181784527, -0.019456772349369558, -0.018887653514132675, -0.01748014690133886, -0.015486775440587882, -0.013154262594364387, -0.010700324896169348, -0.008309678451155357, -0.006122759810873029, -0.004233151560515273, -0.002691718323402088, -0.0015110701381990592, -0.0006717131404275674, -0.00013134896547707938, 0.00016529299248029802, 0.0002779478357299437, 0.0006754949160790157
-const float fir16XLow[128] = { 0.0046126349429950276, 0.002418251320043122, 0.002998396982119693, 0.0036278090719021024, 0.0042975430005925104, 0.004996222179947315, 0.005711926725799716, 0.00643079625328543, 0.007135468516004265, 0.007808520869830334, 0.008432568881455365, 0.008987453845736109, 0.00945525638237626, 0.009815890031354925, 0.01005214318250272, 0.0101471696783731, 0.010086582032584102, 0.009858344528406827, 0.009453351108896472, 0.00886647074448095, 0.008096771309653635, 0.00714751717242796, 0.006026566967445846, 0.004745997071949807, 0.0033222377606249025, 0.0017766711441555428, 0.00013504407845816216, -0.0015717347700967995, -0.0033094088955885038, -0.005040712758495562, -0.0067262136355625045, -0.00832548062138737, -0.009796853749250854, -0.011097728611024173, -0.012187337326564303, -0.013023698103098556, -0.013573509920266506, -0.013801755448129987, -0.013685636499932173, -0.0132011750541409, -0.012328290422335804, -0.011059565013468301, -0.009397775060844537, -0.007349071952063118, -0.004920665178899413, -0.002134336426912994, 0.0009664872092121234, 0.00436478920287496, 0.008003553325930378, 0.011839210717492617, 0.015814297525442545, 0.01987142580304551, 0.023948983229671674, 0.0279823843957138, 0.03190689232743185, 0.03565816745288488, 0.03917373689862927, 0.042395392373465575, 0.04526788671987817, 0.0477424527036618, 0.04977580760639264, 0.051332653704811104, 0.05238580079738586, 0.05291690409987073, 0.05291690409987073, 0.05238580079738586, 0.051332653704811104, 0.04977580760639264, 0.0477424527036618, 0.04526788671987817, 0.042395392373465575, 0.03917373689862927, 0.03565816745288488, 0.03190689232743185, 0.0279823843957138, 0.023948983229671674, 0.01987142580304551, 0.015814297525442545, 0.011839210717492617, 0.008003553325930378, 0.00436478920287496, 0.0009664872092121234, -0.002134336426912994, -0.004920665178899413, -0.007349071952063118, -0.009397775060844537, -0.011059565013468301, -0.012328290422335804, -0.0132011750541409, -0.013685636499932173, -0.013801755448129987, -0.013573509920266506, -0.013023698103098556, -0.012187337326564303, -0.011097728611024173, -0.009796853749250854, -0.00832548062138737, -0.0067262136355625045, -0.005040712758495562, -0.0033094088955885038, -0.0015717347700967995, 0.00013504407845816216, 0.0017766711441555428, 0.0033222377606249025, 0.004745997071949807, 0.006026566967445846, 0.00714751717242796, 0.008096771309653635, 0.00886647074448095, 0.009453351108896472, 0.009858344528406827, 0.010086582032584102, 0.0101471696783731, 0.01005214318250272, 0.009815890031354925, 0.00945525638237626, 0.008987453845736109, 0.008432568881455365, 0.007808520869830334, 0.007135468516004265, 0.00643079625328543, 0.005711926725799716, 0.004996222179947315, 0.0042975430005925104, 0.0036278090719021024, 0.002998396982119693, 0.002418251320043122, 0.0046126349429950276
-const float fir32XLow[256] = { 0.003135815035675548, 0.0008156232239328851, 0.000917068197598276, 0.0010233321389754753, 0.001134110218761504, 0.0012491667970169805, 0.0013680375075057851, 0.001490070275243389, 0.0016147643011084855, 0.0017417157238882276, 0.0018700914504121836, 0.0019991579415749683, 0.002128471863076254, 0.0022567566738769186, 0.002383672659264704, 0.002508166194956474, 0.002629506399721181, 0.0027467683378931368, 0.0028590361951993043, 0.0029653540222406116, 0.0030647286416823558, 0.00315623470697179, 0.003238837936508139, 0.0033114996375323753, 0.003373275427426179, 0.003423120728613286, 0.0034602078573979502, 0.00348370126489233, 0.0034928589363555137, 0.003487024926580723, 0.00346544617544127, 0.0034275901596743786, 0.003372744288160786, 0.003300374368830668, 0.0032100011629779615, 0.0031011259873207366, 0.0029734835473811155, 0.002826966057696581, 0.002661647372342504, 0.002477856491791658, 0.0022758592957851788, 0.002056324802981239, 0.0018188203182857804, 0.0015643564184398945, 0.0012926118931092972, 0.0010045690459120843, 0.0007018867678747181, 0.0003860391202902529, 0.00005849980158161824, -0.0002799696936324717, -0.0006296005356373679, -0.0009895247437558183, -0.0013546785675169304, -0.0017195561866995873, -0.0020963876502479964, -0.002468260301862593, -0.0028417218921490055, -0.0032120394918615683, -0.0035773608021516137, -0.003935505336691309, -0.004284369920502227, -0.004621670593236145, -0.004945031807804129, -0.005252279037886353, -0.005541035510098375, -0.0058089264241534076, -0.006054095814242929, -0.006274068947767563, -0.00646696244866887, -0.0066305675756926155, -0.006762900683506128, -0.0068620368760529005, -0.006926182735003765, -0.0069537046122919695, -0.006943019919480639, -0.006892771889917669, -0.006801741377343995, -0.006668838708546407, -0.006493264006045824, -0.006274267867821416, -0.006011320357808483, -0.0057040303527059145, -0.0053521596030233955, -0.004955865565614219, -0.0045153171035821945, -0.004031251472901679, -0.0035043462024212605, -0.002935495552851842, -0.0023258420785969196, -0.0016765768456949962, -0.0009892344368254917, -0.0002656979807816483, 0.0004919846584003508, 0.0012815018066687268, 0.0021009777555761797, 0.002947120990883713, 0.003818897132096946, 0.004711821532573362, 0.005623441877750917, 0.0065507318610126455, 0.00749007256295643, 0.008438601047417412, 0.009393231377415961, 0.010349728929990198, 0.011304034683748016, 0.012253787036798792, 0.0131957325172224, 0.014123534046112132, 0.015037407721547907, 0.015930638333497147, 0.016801083762848282, 0.017644931748342123, 0.018458926379618365, 0.019239740862760844, 0.0199842074278331, 0.02068926196032209, 0.021351902836904902, 0.021969538576994418, 0.022539688024890127, 0.02305979792910538, 0.023527892067270753, 0.023941757493848588, 0.02429975740762361, 0.024600378168866704, 0.02484241441905009, 0.025024893038415853, 0.025146995906550493, 0.025208214258904054, 0.025208214258904054, 0.025146995906550493, 0.025024893038415853, 0.02484241441905009, 0.024600378168866704, 0.02429975740762361, 0.023941757493848588, 0.023527892067270753, 0.02305979792910538, 0.022539688024890127, 0.021969538576994418, 0.021351902836904902, 0.02068926196032209, 0.0199842074278331, 0.019239740862760844, 0.018458926379618365, 0.017644931748342123, 0.016801083762848282, 0.015930638333497147, 0.015037407721547907, 0.014123534046112132, 0.0131957325172224, 0.012253787036798792, 0.011304034683748016, 0.010349728929990198, 0.009393231377415961, 0.008438601047417412, 0.00749007256295643, 0.0065507318610126455, 0.005623441877750917, 0.004711821532573362, 0.00381889
\ No newline at end of file
-const float fir64XLow[256] = { -0.007573012406345277, 0.00024079274850113426, 0.00024263723882202515, 0.0002481761013286244, 0.0002570861260137623, 0.0002699368701027846, 0.0002857208679875607, 0.00030498547559247845, 0.0003276748319944884, 0.0003537347795633787, 0.0003828493219762104, 0.00041517688767673063, 0.00045068714217736007, 0.0004893648798719514, 0.0005311398297784606, 0.0005760959724897604, 0.0006241866818625697, 0.00067534060229161, 0.0007295120216703175, 0.0007867375202056556, 0.00084702149975344, 0.0009103261049980538, 0.000976697360607544, 0.001046184181770156, 0.0011188000414977899, 0.0011944092399743605, 0.0012730564419046215, 0.0013547197757430203, 0.0014394035452673572, 0.0015269066196715306, 0.0016175658016292192, 0.0017113538530254156, 0.0018082288964809644, 0.0019074086707092258, 0.0020102102191501834, 0.002115750178775707, 0.0022249923434846707, 0.002324224442263978, 0.0024546715656463027, 0.0025707750602413674, 0.0026886907797787993, 0.0028092893752555753, 0.0029332425986383416, 0.003059760096689252, 0.0031892620828723227, 0.0033216131163189126, 0.00345667963318062, 0.003594116005810746, 0.00373401564369845, 0.003876285696289593, 0.004020837780560375, 0.004167535061341574, 0.004316384032044447, 0.004467271202856345, 0.004620059305184111, 0.00477464934326076, 0.004931017978539705, 0.005089107569792517, 0.005248795189805357, 0.005410043882397958, 0.00557279812512997, 0.005736960631925176, 0.005902264421456515, 0.006068673112862706, 0.006236075536115428, 0.006404404103216645, 0.006573347381526989, 0.006743241263261084, 0.006913918086775748, 0.007085185727911214, 0.007255841416075524, 0.007427788300814843, 0.007599440425756014, 0.007771491831017079, 0.007940210385740073, 0.008115982431613405, 0.008286230477311076, 0.008455728261315427, 0.008624828065636171, 0.0087938382520137, 0.008961934603559608, 0.009129309914478244, 0.009295705048569773, 0.009460895719293651, 0.009624512383898252, 0.009786590519239425, 0.009946995212091796, 0.010105592312872629, 0.010262212502414601, 0.010416818688520148, 0.010569268906811192, 0.010719396502249774, 0.010867082742078902, 0.011012274230511132, 0.011154883295408143, 0.01129473907939671, 0.011431766458575066, 0.011565861880187342, 0.011696890630696698, 0.011824548066976817, 0.011948823922340134, 0.012069629781346847, 0.012186937947306629, 0.012300432892104241, 0.01241055721228422, 0.012517086983512674, 0.012619772868365714, 0.01271694508250919, 0.012811738843612799, 0.012901614577029171, 0.012987520090940792, 0.013067705672196494, 0.013146659639966262, 0.013218602399208508, 0.013285987093409357, 0.013349032229359648, 0.013407929990549725, 0.013461999810303231, 0.013511437444384976, 0.013556082697096088, 0.013595835757053917, 0.013630499982440026, 0.01366023670087255, 0.013685042776887582, 0.013704903172994373, 0.013719772986706352, 0.013729721512429531, 0.01373472352074017, 0.01373472352074017, 0.013729721512429531, 0.013719772986706352, 0.013704903172994373, 0.013685042776887582, 0.01366023670087255, 0.013630499982440026, 0.013595835757053917, 0.013556082697096088, 0.013511437444384976, 0.013461999810303231, 0.013407929990549725, 0.013349032229359648, 0.013285987093409357, 0.013218602399208508, 0.013146659639966262, 0.013067705672196494, 0.012987520090940792, 0.012901614577029171, 0.012811738843612799, 0.01271694508250919, 0.012619772868365714, 0.012517086983512674, 0.01241055721228422, 0.012300432892104241, 0.012186937947306629, 0.012069629781346847, 0.011948823922340134, 0.011824548066976817, 0.011696890630696698, 0.011565861880187342, 0.011431766458575066, 0.01129473907939671, 0.01115488
\ No newline at end of file
-const float fir2XHigh[128] = { -2.84059575423864e-7, -0.00000136947295895967, -0.00000213110629785921, 5.807441351521463e-7, 0.000005239591854415941, 0.0000017841093721093506, -0.000011653029986124283, -0.000012481751035611902, 0.000014692437654954816, 0.00003091988960026406, -0.000011636477685383897, -0.00006163665493961978, -0.00001118322316939516, 0.0000961395818492714, 0.00006083206665324362, -0.00012648324239817438, -0.0001504708418330321, 0.00012753607518766694, 0.00027753923597010266, -0.00007473591299809917, -0.0004344444061086839, -0.00006832501012358436, 0.0005862297350582802, 0.00032465365599127654, -0.0006850628390191059, -0.0007096577214822187, 0.0006552234666252462, 0.0012010034203710784, -0.00041922406056782083, -0.0017446179378994388, -0.00010392099105524336, 0.002230631291161319, 0.0009594567093737222, -0.0025128059157130817, -0.002149706133662562, 0.0024038381899768617, 0.0035931253272614688, -0.0017176062590590708, -0.005125004981810711, 0.0002868765073834209, 0.006475023818177746, 0.001977797493927114, -0.007294746305130189, -0.005063375113227534, 0.007166496494812792, 0.008801581540883702, -0.005659099397006974, -0.012862366201787455, 0.00235384598511852, 0.016726921191779598, 0.0031052434033518096, -0.01970178000552065, -0.011028401875416302, 0.020882193937533836, 0.021743369519245558, -0.019061942568474207, -0.03589474387520175, 0.012292311428695956, 0.05536768370150782, 0.0038607600693388554, -0.08741418160721261, -0.046877671142694095, 0.18124004024261609, 0.41210996873316647, 0.41210996873316647, 0.18124004024261609, -0.046877671142694095, -0.08741418160721261, 0.0038607600693388554, 0.05536768370150782, 0.012292311428695956, -0.03589474387520175, -0.019061942568474207, 0.021743369519245558, 0.020882193937533836, -0.011028401875416302, -0.01970178000552065, 0.0031052434033518096, 0.016726921191779598, 0.00235384598511852, -0.012862366201787455, -0.005659099397006974, 0.008801581540883702, 0.007166496494812792, -0.005063375113227534, -0.007294746305130189, 0.001977797493927114, 0.006475023818177746, 0.0002868765073834209, -0.005125004981810711, -0.0017176062590590708, 0.0035931253272614688, 0.0024038381899768617, -0.002149706133662562, -0.0025128059157130817, 0.0009594567093737222, 0.002230631291161319, -0.00010392099105524336, -0.0017446179378994388, -0.00041922406056782083, 0.0012010034203710784, 0.0006552234666252462, -0.0007096577214822187, -0.0006850628390191059, 0.00032465365599127654, 0.0005862297350582802, -0.00006832501012358436, -0.0004344444061086839, -0.00007473591299809917, 0.00027753923597010266, 0.00012753607518766694, -0.0001504708418330321, -0.00012648324239817438, 0.00006083206665324362, 0.0000961395818492714, -0.00001118322316939516, -0.00006163665493961978, -0.000011636477685383897, 0.00003091988960026406, 0.000014692437654954816, -0.000012481751035611902, -0.000011653029986124283, 0.0000017841093721093506, 0.000005239591854415941, 5.807441351521463e-7, -0.00000213110629785921, -0.00000136947295895967, -2.84059575423864e-7
-const float fir4XHigh[256] = { -0.000005005316694254475, -0.000010486216859223391, -0.000020341389435584184, -0.000028297461945285203, -0.00003403970018224806, -0.00003356141383522181, -0.000028580071407296435, -0.000021726870316473222, -0.000018929805847104457, -0.000024937785475375726, -0.00004148092321827023, -0.00006494904958257674, -0.00008704299086494871, -0.00009817726370665003, -0.00009207287115371104, -0.000070350790919461, -0.000043204247279965386, -0.000026338754429996997, -0.00003337527183661095, -0.00006864404983689099, -0.00012208654155480072, -0.00017229784061896603, -0.00019443471041769651, -0.0001738448733058993, -0.00011458014625437172, -0.00004241909459592675, 0.000005858218684625342, -0.000001824861163195929, -0.00007376494795165521, -0.0001870435534541462, -0.00029242213522170924, -0.00033660459070401045, -0.00028781004597914193, -0.00015737268974254042, 2.4069038430437714e-7, 0.00010675981100488967, 0.00009819903503597289, -0.000041503003504151876, -0.00026298229853436046, -0.0004679330143401381, -0.000550680089032831, -0.00045235278384860993, -0.0001968527747134386, 0.00010787721721971545, 0.00031390651451180623, 0.0003015617300329922, 0.00004577001768172358, -0.0003593242009009715, -0.0007303801286775824, -0.0008768456304295432, -0.0006955854650565154, -0.00023554905807185743, 0.00030790928383371996, 0.0006717577010285365, 0.0006504775398685704, 0.00020580176646200433, -0.0004919858457618222, -0.0011250441730682327, -0.001368894036877941, -0.0010555177901930952, -0.00027554321698262794, 0.0006358082850902164, 0.0012391753523202087, 0.0011981314765901019, 0.0004602570434921762, -0.0006853292543951153, -0.0017133793271509106, -0.0020995520812018714, -0.0015812527530506791, -0.00031822317984990035, 0.0011425257824338887, 0.0020968295391595774, 0.0020180799074488486, 0.000837174097496827, -0.0009743823002432432, -0.0025836938014065975, -0.00317200799245191, -0.0023436048910665127, -0.0003642960983689493, 0.0019025392919524162, 0.0033649169125380706, 0.003219398725098763, 0.0013786588356217962, -0.001415068708295585, -0.003874469283244301, -0.004750945120551563, -0.0034548726172607498, -0.0004124431830693066, 0.003046185830666762, 0.005254266475282044, 0.004999101428335298, 0.002164099554982996, -0.0021053850268023615, -0.005843180111542266, -0.0071497618238720055, -0.0051353491910507984, -0.0004583930086451031, 0.004842595616255233, 0.008213402548972962, 0.00778770755309392, 0.003376641721920036, -0.003263596560752136, -0.00908888688929085, -0.011124936147882954, -0.007935453568187856, -0.0004986705357686102, 0.007998600315936934, 0.013466881500422878, 0.012810645017913123, 0.0055655403444453775, -0.00554207852540761, -0.015510462180576574, -0.019193722858760427, -0.013786276388279539, -0.0005292356782833587, 0.01526523041211863, 0.026109899142542758, 0.02555053211054643, 0.011414259133477645, -0.01233979307221452, -0.036160130412882435, -0.04790631293501779, -0.03735668670551693, -0.0005458966005379449, 0.0578178869957579, 0.12496957303698586, 0.18372600900451644, 0.21795911568314993, 0.21795911568314993, 0.18372600900451644, 0.12496957303698586, 0.0578178869957579, -0.0005458966005379449, -0.03735668670551693, -0.04790631293501779, -0.036160130412882435, -0.01233979307221452, 0.011414259133477645, 0.02555053211054643, 0.026109899142542758, 0.01526523041211863, -0.0005292356782833587, -0.013786276388279539, -0.019193722858760427, -0.015510462180576574, -0.00554207852540761, 0.0055655403444453775, 0.012810645017913123, 0.013466881500422878, 0.007998600315936934, -0.0004986705357686102, -0.007935453568187856, -0.011124936147882954, -0.0090888868892
\ No newline at end of file
-const float fir8XHigh[256] = { 0.00003151783634577697, 0.00009875809063575779, 0.00011952623149469952, 0.00019849261073490482, 0.0002696485066015727, 0.0003584099608999308, 0.00044625388761023913, 0.0005319258847527823, 0.0006044238440905041, 0.0006561179367621888, 0.0006780841482803052, 0.0006636425833116022, 0.0006082918945412483, 0.0005111129662557197, 0.00037520607336543075, 0.00020804636935322743, 0.000021269501878054377, -0.00017002451555728345, -0.00034851615605358005, -0.0004962768841556523, -0.0005966792410792791, -0.0006363992327126103, -0.0006072812580573203, -0.0005078006712943802, -0.00034391453642163835, -0.0001291740152058233, 0.00011608199926386939, 0.0003663883172395964, 0.0005935643814352129, 0.0007697197860148682, 0.0008705060394986916, 0.0008782421413312541, 0.0007845404678866458, 0.0005921472961030223, 0.0003155390021514345, -0.00001975662025403667, -0.0003792242746719516, -0.0007226903878816747, -0.0010085916592065419, -0.0011987843551975912, -0.0012633390417589486, -0.0011847927602402282, -0.0009612078105002279, -0.000607656728473499, -0.00015580100244720835, 0.0003485912201162041, 0.0008499567444557006, 0.0012888238057625968, 0.0016085750487669262, 0.0017624573232133487, 0.0017198572703654494, 0.0014712649629561752, 0.0010309092850789008, 0.0004369297346610886, -0.0002514846038907312, -0.0009595058667715721, -0.0016045955886596882, -0.002105611566700304, -0.002392827139552557, -0.0024168530933362325, -0.00215621955374809, -0.0016217376891380843, -0.0008577023023227786, 0.00006118480472750677, 0.0010364584424907685, 0.001956049351551786, 0.002706696800527712, 0.00318733017834542, 0.003322096376141488, 0.0030709922507173265, 0.0024373280210738995, 0.0014701293295941087, 0.0002616176696267551, -0.0010608870493178752, -0.002347699681593795, -0.0034429894732297774, -0.004203029219555798, -0.00451398893736866, -0.004307677839041472, -0.0035726927213363046, -0.0023597776381211666, -0.0007800969761600126, 0.00100380173046076, 0.0027935634872831047, 0.0043761562977185555, 0.005547954061740437, 0.006139532362567163, 0.006038187372164252, 0.005205193104614497, 0.003685832364921369, 0.001610065959141185, -0.000816509624547802, -0.003331179568244694, -0.005640769473740277, -0.007453565321222198, -0.008513609412918493, -0.008633348531283494, -0.0077207439401804495, -0.005797651634024999, -0.003006470630061831, 0.00039645931697321107, 0.004060688288708085, 0.007573881722373314, 0.010503477916637444, 0.012443852783009171, 0.013064660267980682, 0.012154652149365373, 0.009656403107118496, 0.005687627159122434, 0.000545686660735971, -0.0053060804504155646, -0.011269885881064536, -0.016661104177372186, -0.02076782817847515, -0.022917127850131423, -0.022542073972735464, -0.01924294503235089, -0.012836088871532723, -0.0033855865368634104, 0.008786222880026725, 0.023111259021133423, 0.038810833745067747, 0.05495087979175688, 0.0705128544598909, 0.08447430461530625, 0.0958915908436123, 0.10397774191970133, 0.10816816138474043, 0.10816816138474043, 0.10397774191970133, 0.0958915908436123, 0.08447430461530625, 0.0705128544598909, 0.05495087979175688, 0.038810833745067747, 0.023111259021133423, 0.008786222880026725, -0.0033855865368634104, -0.012836088871532723, -0.01924294503235089, -0.022542073972735464, -0.022917127850131423, -0.02076782817847515, -0.016661104177372186, -0.011269885881064536, -0.0053060804504155646, 0.000545686660735971, 0.005687627159122434, 0.009656403107118496, 0.012154652149365373, 0.013064660267980682, 0.012443852783009171, 0.010503477916637444, 0.007573881722373314, 0.004060688288708085, 0.00039645931697321107, -0.003006470630061831,
\ No newline at end of file
-const float fir16XHigh[512] = { -0.00004017374344384353, -0.00003227078919691645, -0.000044582740239682106, -0.000059425359817699515, -0.00007697752128893082, -0.00009737601811785888, -0.0001207053885646365, -0.0001469875004658367, -0.00017617089070723918, -0.00020812277783425573, -0.00024262055862920822, -0.0002793450290387454, -0.00031787504789909166, -0.0003576848687093178, -0.00039814402944626006, -0.0004385193477821247, -0.0004779801054675081, -0.0005156064224889276, -0.0005503998661674507, -0.0005812986840141297, -0.0006071960902571958, -0.0006269579055230081, -0.0006394482697590037, -0.0006435494696099878, -0.0006381976745823161, -0.0006223990810339609, -0.0005952724709135361, -0.0005560644539084499, -0.0005041884015231086, -0.00043924670962451254, -0.0003610522906867853, -0.00026965679983683306, -0.0001653614058088566, -0.00004873297752271577, 0.00007938716594862651, 0.0002178851248768366, 0.0003653745221459382, 0.0005202048736767491, 0.0006804822788501571, 0.000844091795557933, 0.0010087245432410705, 0.001171916285444633, 0.0013310914106543618, 0.0014836070887652329, 0.0016268044135357975, 0.0017580661564216042, 0.0018748692581644735, 0.0019748436871571654, 0.002055827323171664, 0.0021159244704237914, 0.002153555697975211, 0.002167506085967786, 0.0021569688626138744, 0.0021215783384772617, 0.002061435847387089, 0.0019771222276341416, 0.0018697088674027409, 0.0017407508215061904, 0.0015922694449783334, 0.0014267282165683897, 0.0012469961488860717, 0.001056296589672521, 0.0008581466323761644, 0.0006562897137528959, 0.0004546180492460159, 0.00025709020784146465, 0.00006764748603812152, -0.00010987539810307727, -0.00027183788464963423, -0.0004148795460643277, -0.0005360117384990369, -0.0006326924816840852, -0.0007028976477190042, -0.0007451789241688792, -0.0007587025992854616, -0.00074329154026803, -0.00069943732077003, -0.0006283153390612298, -0.0005317674541381928, -0.0004122736350806254, -0.0002728965175373041, -0.00011721898154916056, 0.000050727732077616854, 0.00022654511040849531, 0.0004055654685261572, 0.0005829725151929097, 0.0007539299891718014, 0.0009136968081628693, 0.001057727366040496, 0.0011817838315511687, 0.0012820768752281682, 0.0013553936088779655, 0.0013991567634035874, 0.0014114626691980761, 0.0013911994521601603, 0.001338158623469115, 0.0012529312652788224, 0.0011368782078168052, 0.0009924227419316402, 0.0008225367782712132, 0.0006311126153653432, 0.000422596130820185, 0.00020202566973633374, -0.000025140126274052846, -0.00025314012889659734, -0.00047605825978268214, -0.0006879757889763613, -0.0008831265836660278, -0.001056052961049124, -0.0012017570118505278, -0.0013158443800074546, -0.0013946550179738235, -0.00143537714856422, -0.0014361430413177665, -0.0013961025273104373, -0.0013154698934900741, -0.0011955448624625515, -0.001038705445344848, -0.000848370211905452, -0.0006289357238567322, -0.00038567726087640876, -0.00012464084542349136, 0.00014751424024790855, 0.00042365555592108265, 0.000696381707633601, 0.0009581911739190034, 0.0012016945125591883, 0.0014198129038021875, 0.0016059677163340854, 0.0017542822302381216, 0.0018597489437935104, 0.0019183843680031518, 0.001927370582069373, 0.0018851569558006424, 0.0017915316423764106, 0.0016476681649469273, 0.001456129721890939, 0.0012208322294896099, 0.0009469770920907817, 0.0006409478559993642, 0.0003101659717946291, -0.00003708137047780295, -0.0003918367361265021, -0.0007446984520565823, -0.0010860619549777095, -0.0014063764577860907, -0.001696397687712767, -0.0019474488265779002, -0.002151669227747982, -0.002302249012563522, -0.0023936395957784356, -0.0024217386080201218, -0.0023840464641522
\ No newline at end of file
-const float fir32XHigh[512] = { 0.00001695726883388158, 0.000007675466747345142, 0.000009369969074343828, 0.000011279085806814155, 0.000013415806582636418, 0.00001579269222570207, 0.000018421887123570193, 0.00002131472780344219, 0.000024481596821410856, 0.000027931521966672674, 0.00003167253546774698, 0.00003571156802204514, 0.00004005385180859527, 0.00004470260388316558, 0.00004965901316017587, 0.00005492204008152043, 0.00006048845305842843, 0.00006635289665744708, 0.00007250665288501187, 0.0000789384885513108, 0.00008563367774264342, 0.00009257537368625661, 0.00009974252621593992, 0.00010711124658254552, 0.00011465337570751053, 0.00012233800287448705, 0.0001301305708291957, 0.00013799197926318244, 0.00014587929227876596, 0.00015374657372226684, 0.000161543746522965, 0.0001692168951984779, 0.00017670780599526637, 0.0001839550739841348, 0.00019089427588832468, 0.00019745677767765902, 0.00020357062514912954, 0.00020916210971675997, 0.0002141545274069432, 0.00021846768000518762, 0.00022202071352577454, 0.00022473075934779818, 0.00022651220405928228, 0.00022728022159501112, 0.0002269491553453425, 0.00022543136577234978, 0.00022264296187547415, 0.0002184968451898252, 0.00021291103136150344, 0.00020580302601570826, 0.00019709428929377538, 0.00018670887176183611, 0.00017457550213741742, 0.00016062706678436397, 0.0001448013951907719, 0.0001270421247034733, 0.00010729940118257597, 0.00008553038364340326, 0.00006169965119086659, 0.00003577991793585758, 0.000007752990690551504, -0.000022389783957090243, -0.00005464753929697829, -0.00008900834335751579, -0.0001254499161703673, -0.00016393632811230729, -0.0002044234554405178, -0.00024684930385593585, -0.000291146274450184, -0.0003372278537321366, -0.00038499799259658716, -0.00043434821843157495, -0.0004851539797413716, -0.000537279458928773, -0.0005905762825387684, -0.0006448805823763886, -0.0007000164290861944, -0.0007557967574505448, -0.0008120214850938284, -0.0008684784362018723, -0.000924945795118327, -0.0009811922513964621, -0.0010369764412132298, -0.0010920476659586364, -0.0011461469777671403, -0.0011990092591572569, -0.0012503626824092186, -0.001299930348337511, -0.0013474327014007098, -0.0013925895075579725, -0.0014351200205514354, -0.0014747442974922531, -0.0015111829899403478, -0.0015441601544571469, -0.0015734040663474662, -0.0015986504297413274, -0.0016196438588602622, -0.0016361410571864347, -0.0016479110521030553, -0.0016547353303458935, -0.0016564077630374632, -0.0016527363435263026, -0.0016435483225404998, -0.0016286956518505767, -0.0016080553748913375, -0.0015815237521207347, -0.0015490117157615478, -0.0015104528831698094, -0.001465823165002548, -0.0014151394219170251, -0.001358416974565312, -0.0012956736049528927, -0.0012270686956067616, -0.001152656073186285, -0.0010726190880063075, -0.0009871267066080157, -0.0008963952696138223, -0.0008006703533508123, -0.0007002299686741377, -0.0005953836139186328, -0.0004864723381871633, -0.0003738679720682553, -0.00025797228061734796, -0.00013921599931306062, -0.000018057446410729332, 0.00010501885598494471, 0.00022950336047164354, 0.00035486342787289485, 0.00048054572124056215, 0.0006059774135387564, 0.0007305691337782367, 0.0008537161333655127, 0.0009748030963864794, 0.0010932046990955392, 0.0012082904750566619, 0.0013194249851955161, 0.0014259733376771368, 0.001527303743896754, 0.0016227897956312704, 0.001711814456379326, 0.0017937737205012431, 0.0018680795987737412, 0.0019341641568400244, 0.0019914815935822066, 0.002039512595508008, 0.0020777684004774366, 0.002105792845115274, 0.002123165845077641, 0.0021295078285898787, 0.002124481676328226, 0.0021077949476114846, 0.0020792
\ No newline at end of file
-const float fir64XHigh[1024] = { 0.000022913289467138396, 0.0000053659189590266235, 0.0000059874129268137184, 0.000006651966903409214, 0.000007360859185648702, 0.000008116254962232182, 0.000008919034969234169, 0.000009771649771624484, 0.00001067513223630924, 0.000011631201209261511, 0.000012641797347255405, 0.00001370786337628007, 0.000014831347439124435, 0.00001601386713533323, 0.00001725659281802051, 0.000018561209740219567, 0.00001992924403854817, 0.00002136207377464052, 0.000022860960742170415, 0.00002442737159197627, 0.000026062787460182665, 0.00002776823090942686, 0.00002954497152514943, 0.000031394387750225555, 0.0000333174817796639, 0.00003531515315607694, 0.000037388352711032095, 0.00003953809180607858, 0.000041765124869157065, 0.00004406996003435772, 0.00004645314118637872, 0.00004891512239763599, 0.000051456283434024254, 0.000054076836400090634, 0.00005677675565218903, 0.00005955600371707976, 0.00006241451652786996, 0.0000653520878490535, 0.00006836828400903681, 0.00007146257248874113, 0.00007463447593939765, 0.00007788334878376474, 0.00008120828768996651, 0.00008460822180317937, 0.00008808197111592392, 0.00009162826246394013, 0.00009524561718379787, 0.0000989323217880672, 0.00010268641529207459, 0.00010650572670297642, 0.00011038797758602729, 0.00011433071893118852, 0.00011833127277888537, 0.0001223867211507117, 0.0001264939791526471, 0.0001306498943438022, 0.00013485120459499745, 0.0001390945080465441, 0.0001433761787732808, 0.0001476923508970611, 0.0001520390228045441, 0.00015641203030453322, 0.0001608069510673283, 0.00016521898552431528, 0.0001696430686231646, 0.0001740740165774301, 0.00017850636200629103, 0.0001829343448175031, 0.00018735205242694257, 0.000191753562437378, 0.00019613295450734188, 0.00020048414321002534, 0.00020480094575553342, 0.00020907706346541747, 0.00021330607883745088, 0.00021748145118260308, 0.00022159611743123445, 0.0002256425365807074, 0.0002296129456080256, 0.00023349938436811445, 0.00023729369397980805, 0.00024098757818162363, 0.0002445732198467269, 0.00024804316088030066, 0.00025138980120093706, 0.00025460575109546185, 0.00025768336513093236, 0.000260614166491108, 0.00026338871874574443, 0.000265996883919168, 0.00026842872851524756, 0.0002706745796903796, 0.00027272653793114146, 0.0002745790007011535, 0.0002762259706331217, 0.0002776600678298683, 0.0002788693645809233, 0.0002798371088712506, 0.0002805501390130166, 0.0002810071637276198, 0.0002812218387032567, 0.0002811853995116189, 0.0002808065268305555, 0.000280197444464886, 0.00027926833477321045, 0.0002780409500002217, 0.0002765020258372484, 0.00027464338678576605, 0.00027245845620400524, 0.0002699387312629035, 0.0002670776879725044, 0.0002638682356241208, 0.00026030295633048156, 0.0002563760351381784, 0.00025208079324849864, 0.00024741089077219824, 0.00024236092911432053, 0.00023692535214431433, 0.00023109887243694582, 0.0002248766203312044, 0.00021825436568685826, 0.0002112279751888258, 0.00020379342129965214, 0.00019594765441000844, 0.00018768793613519225, 0.00017901156693343162, 0.0001699163889323255, 0.00016040086314937234, 0.00015046397564821766, 0.00014010492118016657, 0.00012932331202118152, 0.00011811939311034222, 0.00010649390448787931, 0.00009444816369190979, 0.00008198390428241564, 0.00006910334679829026, 0.00005580947004681174, 0.000042105866991998394, 0.000027996578416041823, 0.000013486064917873263, -0.0000014205550195404417, -0.000016717431552354825, -0.00003239824489309241, -0.00004845619470295486, -0.00006488392097284113, -0.00008167344072768395, -0.00009881608266779326, -0.00011630254584578235, -0.000134122927443183, -0.0001522667855569792, -0.00017072306915224
\ No newline at end of file
-const float* firCoeffs[COEFFS_SIZE] = { fir2XLow, fir4XLow, fir8XLow, fir16XLow, fir32XLow, fir64XLow, fir2XHigh, fir4XHigh, fir8XHigh, fir16XHigh, fir32XHigh, fir64XHigh
-const float firNumTaps[COEFFS_SIZE] = { 32, 32, 64, 128, 256, 256, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512, 1024 };
-const float shaper1[SHAPER1_TABLE_SIZE] = {0.333061f, 0.333022f, 0.332983f, 0.332944f, 0.332905f, 0.332866f, 0.332827f, 0.332788f, 0.332749f, 0.33271f, 0.332671f, 0.332632f, 0.332593f, 0.332554f, 0.332515f, 0.332475f, 0.332436f, 0.332397f, 0.332358f, 0.332319f,
-0.33228f, 0.33224f, 0.332201f, 0.332162f, 0.332123f, 0.332083f, 0.332044f, 0.332005f, 0.331966f, 0.331926f, 0.331887f, 0.331848f, 0.331808f, 0.331769f, 0.33173f, 0.33169f, 0.331651f, 0.331611f, 0.331572f, 0.331533f,
-0.331493f, 0.331454f, 0.331414f, 0.331375f, 0.331335f, 0.331296f, 0.331256f, 0.331217f, 0.331177f, 0.331138f, 0.331098f, 0.331059f, 0.331019f, 0.330979f, 0.33094f, 0.3309f, 0.330861f, 0.330821f, 0.330781f, 0.330742f,
-0.330702f, 0.330662f, 0.330623f, 0.330583f, 0.330543f, 0.330504f, 0.330464f, 0.330424f, 0.330384f, 0.330344f, 0.330305f, 0.330265f, 0.330225f, 0.330185f, 0.330145f, 0.330106f, 0.330066f, 0.330026f, 0.329986f, 0.329946f,
-0.329906f, 0.329866f, 0.329826f, 0.329786f, 0.329746f, 0.329706f, 0.329667f, 0.329627f, 0.329587f, 0.329547f, 0.329506f, 0.329466f, 0.329426f, 0.329386f, 0.329346f, 0.329306f, 0.329266f, 0.329226f, 0.329186f, 0.329146f,
-0.329106f, 0.329065f, 0.329025f, 0.328985f, 0.328945f, 0.328905f, 0.328864f, 0.328824f, 0.328784f, 0.328744f, 0.328704f, 0.328663f, 0.328623f, 0.328583f, 0.328542f, 0.328502f, 0.328462f, 0.328421f, 0.328381f, 0.328341f,
-0.3283f, 0.32826f, 0.328219f, 0.328179f, 0.328139f, 0.328098f, 0.328058f, 0.328017f, 0.327977f, 0.327936f, 0.327896f, 0.327855f, 0.327815f, 0.327774f, 0.327734f, 0.327693f, 0.327653f, 0.327612f, 0.327571f, 0.327531f,
-0.32749f, 0.32745f, 0.327409f, 0.327368f, 0.327328f, 0.327287f, 0.327246f, 0.327206f, 0.327165f, 0.327124f, 0.327084f, 0.327043f, 0.327002f, 0.326961f, 0.32692f, 0.32688f, 0.326839f, 0.326798f, 0.326757f, 0.326716f,
-0.326676f, 0.326635f, 0.326594f, 0.326553f, 0.326512f, 0.326471f, 0.32643f, 0.326389f, 0.326348f, 0.326307f, 0.326266f, 0.326225f, 0.326184f, 0.326143f, 0.326102f, 0.326061f, 0.32602f, 0.325979f, 0.325938f, 0.325897f,
-0.325856f, 0.325815f, 0.325774f, 0.325733f, 0.325692f, 0.325651f, 0.325609f, 0.325568f, 0.325527f, 0.325486f, 0.325445f, 0.325403f, 0.325362f, 0.325321f, 0.32528f, 0.325239f, 0.325197f, 0.325156f, 0.325115f, 0.325073f,
-0.325032f, 0.324991f, 0.324949f, 0.324908f, 0.324867f, 0.324825f, 0.324784f, 0.324743f, 0.324701f, 0.32466f, 0.324618f, 0.324577f, 0.324535f, 0.324494f, 0.324452f, 0.324411f, 0.324369f, 0.324328f, 0.324286f, 0.324245f,
-0.324203f, 0.324162f, 0.32412f, 0.324079f, 0.324037f, 0.323995f, 0.323954f, 0.323912f, 0.323871f, 0.323829f, 0.323787f, 0.323746f, 0.323704f, 0.323662f, 0.32362f, 0.323579f, 0.323537f, 0.323495f, 0.323453f, 0.323412f,
-0.32337f, 0.323328f, 0.323286f, 0.323244f, 0.323203f, 0.323161f, 0.323119f, 0.323077f, 0.323035f, 0.322993f, 0.322951f, 0.32291f, 0.322868f, 0.322826f, 0.322784f, 0.322742f, 0.3227f, 0.322658f, 0.322616f, 0.322574f,
-0.322532f, 0.32249f, 0.322448f, 0.322406f, 0.322364f, 0.322322f, 0.322279f, 0.322237f, 0.322195f, 0.322153f, 0.322111f, 0.322069f, 0.322027f, 0.321985f, 0.321942f, 0.3219f, 0.321858f, 0.321816f, 0.321774f, 0.321731f,
-0.321689f, 0.321647f, 0.321605f, 0.321562f, 0.32152f, 0.321478f, 0.321435f, 0.321393f, 0.321351f, 0.321308f, 0.321266f, 0.321224f, 0.321181f, 0.321139f, 0.321096f, 0.321054f, 0.321012f, 0.320969f, 0.320927f, 0.320884f,
-0.320842f, 0.320799f, 0.320757f, 0.320714f, 0.320672f, 0.320629f, 0.320587f, 0.320544f, 0.320501f, 0.320459f, 0.320416f, 0.320374f, 0.320331f, 0.320288f, 0.320246f, 0.320203f, 0.32016f, 0.320118f, 0.320075f, 0.320032f,
-0.31999f, 0.319947f, 0.319904f, 0.319862f, 0.319819f, 0.319776f, 0.319733f, 0.31969f, 0.319648f, 0.319605f, 0.319562f, 0.319519f, 0.319476f, 0.319433f, 0.319391f, 0.319348f, 0.319305f, 0.319262f, 0.319219f, 0.319176f,
-0.319133f, 0.31909f, 0.319047f, 0.319004f, 0.318961f, 0.318918f, 0.318875f, 0.318832f, 0.318789f, 0.318746f, 0.318703f, 0.31866f, 0.318617f, 0.318574f, 0.318531f, 0.318488f, 0.318444f, 0.318401f, 0.318358f, 0.318315f,
-0.318272f, 0.318229f, 0.318185f, 0.318142f, 0.318099f, 0.318056f, 0.318013f, 0.317969f, 0.317926f, 0.317883f, 0.317839f, 0.317796f, 0.317753f, 0.31771f, 0.317666f, 0.317623f, 0.31758f, 0.317536f, 0.317493f, 0.317449f,
-0.317406f, 0.317363f, 0.317319f, 0.317276f, 0.317232f, 0.317189f, 0.317145f, 0.317102f, 0.317058f, 0.317015f, 0.316971f, 0.316928f, 0.316884f, 0.316841f, 0.316797f, 0.316754f, 0.31671f, 0.316666f, 0.316623f, 0.316579f,
-0.316536f, 0.316492f, 0.316448f, 0.316405f, 0.316361f, 0.316317f, 0.316274f, 0.31623f, 0.316186f, 0.316142f, 0.316099f, 0.316055f, 0.316011f, 0.315967f, 0.315924f, 0.31588f, 0.315836f, 0.315792f, 0.315748f, 0.315704f,
-0.315661f, 0.315617f, 0.315573f, 0.315529f, 0.315485f, 0.315441f, 0.315397f, 0.315353f, 0.315309f, 0.315265f, 0.315221f, 0.315177f, 0.315133f, 0.315089f, 0.315045f, 0.315001f, 0.314957f, 0.314913f, 0.314869f, 0.314825f,
-0.314781f, 0.314737f, 0.314693f, 0.314649f, 0.314604f, 0.31456f, 0.314516f, 0.314472f, 0.314428f, 0.314384f, 0.314339f, 0.314295f, 0.314251f, 0.314207f, 0.314162f, 0.314118f, 0.314074f, 0.31403f, 0.313985f, 0.313941f,
-0.313897f, 0.313852f, 0.313808f, 0.313764f, 0.313719f, 0.313675f, 0.313631f, 0.313586f, 0.313542f, 0.313497f, 0.313453f, 0.313409f, 0.313364f, 0.31332f, 0.313275f, 0.313231f, 0.313186f, 0.313142f, 0.313097f, 0.313053f,
-0.313008f, 0.312963f, 0.312919f, 0.312874f, 0.31283f, 0.312785f, 0.312741f, 0.312696f, 0.312651f, 0.312607f, 0.312562f, 0.312517f, 0.312473f, 0.312428f, 0.312383f, 0.312338f, 0.312294f, 0.312249f, 0.312204f, 0.31216f,
-0.312115f, 0.31207f, 0.312025f, 0.31198f, 0.311936f, 0.311891f, 0.311846f, 0.311801f, 0.311756f, 0.311711f, 0.311666f, 0.311621f, 0.311577f, 0.311532f, 0.311487f, 0.311442f, 0.311397f, 0.311352f, 0.311307f, 0.311262f,
-0.311217f, 0.311172f, 0.311127f, 0.311082f, 0.311037f, 0.310992f, 0.310947f, 0.310902f, 0.310857f, 0.310811f, 0.310766f, 0.310721f, 0.310676f, 0.310631f, 0.310586f, 0.310541f, 0.310495f, 0.31045f, 0.310405f, 0.31036f,
-0.310315f, 0.310269f, 0.310224f, 0.310179f, 0.310134f, 0.310088f, 0.310043f, 0.309998f, 0.309952f, 0.309907f, 0.309862f, 0.309816f, 0.309771f, 0.309726f, 0.30968f, 0.309635f, 0.309589f, 0.309544f, 0.309499f, 0.309453f,
-0.309408f, 0.309362f, 0.309317f, 0.309271f, 0.309226f, 0.30918f, 0.309135f, 0.309089f, 0.309044f, 0.308998f, 0.308953f, 0.308907f, 0.308861f, 0.308816f, 0.30877f, 0.308725f, 0.308679f, 0.308633f, 0.308588f, 0.308542f,
-0.308496f, 0.308451f, 0.308405f, 0.308359f, 0.308313f, 0.308268f, 0.308222f, 0.308176f, 0.30813f, 0.308085f, 0.308039f, 0.307993f, 0.307947f, 0.307901f, 0.307856f, 0.30781f, 0.307764f, 0.307718f, 0.307672f, 0.307626f,
-0.30758f, 0.307534f, 0.307489f, 0.307443f, 0.307397f, 0.307351f, 0.307305f, 0.307259f, 0.307213f, 0.307167f, 0.307121f, 0.307075f, 0.307029f, 0.306983f, 0.306937f, 0.30689f, 0.306844f, 0.306798f, 0.306752f, 0.306706f,
-0.30666f, 0.306614f, 0.306568f, 0.306522f, 0.306475f, 0.306429f, 0.306383f, 0.306337f, 0.306291f, 0.306244f, 0.306198f, 0.306152f, 0.306106f, 0.306059f, 0.306013f, 0.305967f, 0.30592f, 0.305874f, 0.305828f, 0.305781f,
-0.305735f, 0.305689f, 0.305642f, 0.305596f, 0.30555f, 0.305503f, 0.305457f, 0.30541f, 0.305364f, 0.305317f, 0.305271f, 0.305224f, 0.305178f, 0.305131f, 0.305085f, 0.305038f, 0.304992f, 0.304945f, 0.304899f, 0.304852f,
-0.304806f, 0.304759f, 0.304713f, 0.304666f, 0.304619f, 0.304573f, 0.304526f, 0.304479f, 0.304433f, 0.304386f, 0.304339f, 0.304293f, 0.304246f, 0.304199f, 0.304152f, 0.304106f, 0.304059f, 0.304012f, 0.303965f, 0.303919f,
-0.303872f, 0.303825f, 0.303778f, 0.303731f, 0.303685f, 0.303638f, 0.303591f, 0.303544f, 0.303497f, 0.30345f, 0.303403f, 0.303356f, 0.303309f, 0.303262f, 0.303216f, 0.303169f, 0.303122f, 0.303075f, 0.303028f, 0.302981f,
-0.302934f, 0.302887f, 0.302839f, 0.302792f, 0.302745f, 0.302698f, 0.302651f, 0.302604f, 0.302557f, 0.30251f, 0.302463f, 0.302416f, 0.302368f, 0.302321f, 0.302274f, 0.302227f, 0.30218f, 0.302133f, 0.302085f, 0.302038f,
-0.301991f, 0.301944f, 0.301896f, 0.301849f, 0.301802f, 0.301754f, 0.301707f, 0.30166f, 0.301612f, 0.301565f, 0.301518f, 0.30147f, 0.301423f, 0.301376f, 0.301328f, 0.301281f, 0.301233f, 0.301186f, 0.301139f, 0.301091f,
-0.301044f, 0.300996f, 0.300949f, 0.300901f, 0.300854f, 0.300806f, 0.300759f, 0.300711f, 0.300664f, 0.300616f, 0.300568f, 0.300521f, 0.300473f, 0.300426f, 0.300378f, 0.30033f, 0.300283f, 0.300235f, 0.300187f, 0.30014f,
-0.300092f, 0.300044f, 0.299997f, 0.299949f, 0.299901f, 0.299853f, 0.299806f, 0.299758f, 0.29971f, 0.299662f, 0.299615f, 0.299567f, 0.299519f, 0.299471f, 0.299423f, 0.299375f, 0.299328f, 0.29928f, 0.299232f, 0.299184f,
-0.299136f, 0.299088f, 0.29904f, 0.298992f, 0.298944f, 0.298896f, 0.298848f, 0.2988f, 0.298752f, 0.298704f, 0.298656f, 0.298608f, 0.29856f, 0.298512f, 0.298464f, 0.298416f, 0.298368f, 0.29832f, 0.298272f, 0.298224f,
-0.298176f, 0.298127f, 0.298079f, 0.298031f, 0.297983f, 0.297935f, 0.297887f, 0.297838f, 0.29779f, 0.297742f, 0.297694f, 0.297645f, 0.297597f, 0.297549f, 0.297501f, 0.297452f, 0.297404f, 0.297356f, 0.297307f, 0.297259f,
-0.297211f, 0.297162f, 0.297114f, 0.297066f, 0.297017f, 0.296969f, 0.29692f, 0.296872f, 0.296823f, 0.296775f, 0.296727f, 0.296678f, 0.29663f, 0.296581f, 0.296533f, 0.296484f, 0.296436f, 0.296387f, 0.296339f, 0.29629f,
-0.296241f, 0.296193f, 0.296144f, 0.296096f, 0.296047f, 0.295998f, 0.29595f, 0.295901f, 0.295852f, 0.295804f, 0.295755f, 0.295706f, 0.295658f, 0.295609f, 0.29556f, 0.295512f, 0.295463f, 0.295414f, 0.295365f, 0.295317f,
-0.295268f, 0.295219f, 0.29517f, 0.295121f, 0.295073f, 0.295024f, 0.294975f, 0.294926f, 0.294877f, 0.294828f, 0.294779f, 0.29473f, 0.294682f, 0.294633f, 0.294584f, 0.294535f, 0.294486f, 0.294437f, 0.294388f, 0.294339f,
-0.29429f, 0.294241f, 0.294192f, 0.294143f, 0.294094f, 0.294045f, 0.293996f, 0.293946f, 0.293897f, 0.293848f, 0.293799f, 0.29375f, 0.293701f, 0.293652f, 0.293603f, 0.293553f, 0.293504f, 0.293455f, 0.293406f, 0.293357f,
-0.293307f, 0.293258f, 0.293209f, 0.29316f, 0.29311f, 0.293061f, 0.293012f, 0.292963f, 0.292913f, 0.292864f, 0.292815f, 0.292765f, 0.292716f, 0.292667f, 0.292617f, 0.292568f, 0.292518f, 0.292469f, 0.29242f, 0.29237f,
-0.292321f, 0.292271f, 0.292222f, 0.292172f, 0.292123f, 0.292073f, 0.292024f, 0.291974f, 0.291925f, 0.291875f, 0.291826f, 0.291776f, 0.291727f, 0.291677f, 0.291627f, 0.291578f, 0.291528f, 0.291479f, 0.291429f, 0.291379f,
-0.29133f, 0.29128f, 0.29123f, 0.291181f, 0.291131f, 0.291081f, 0.291031f, 0.290982f, 0.290932f, 0.290882f, 0.290832f, 0.290783f, 0.290733f, 0.290683f, 0.290633f, 0.290583f, 0.290534f, 0.290484f, 0.290434f, 0.290384f,
-0.290334f, 0.290284f, 0.290234f, 0.290185f, 0.290135f, 0.290085f, 0.290035f, 0.289985f, 0.289935f, 0.289885f, 0.289835f, 0.289785f, 0.289735f, 0.289685f, 0.289635f, 0.289585f, 0.289535f, 0.289485f, 0.289435f, 0.289385f,
-0.289335f, 0.289284f, 0.289234f, 0.289184f, 0.289134f, 0.289084f, 0.289034f, 0.288984f, 0.288933f, 0.288883f, 0.288833f, 0.288783f, 0.288733f, 0.288682f, 0.288632f, 0.288582f, 0.288532f, 0.288481f, 0.288431f, 0.288381f,
-0.28833f, 0.28828f, 0.28823f, 0.288179f, 0.288129f, 0.288079f, 0.288028f, 0.287978f, 0.287928f, 0.287877f, 0.287827f, 0.287776f, 0.287726f, 0.287676f, 0.287625f, 0.287575f, 0.287524f, 0.287474f, 0.287423f, 0.287373f,
-0.287322f, 0.287272f, 0.287221f, 0.287171f, 0.28712f, 0.287069f, 0.287019f, 0.286968f, 0.286918f, 0.286867f, 0.286816f, 0.286766f, 0.286715f, 0.286664f, 0.286614f, 0.286563f, 0.286512f, 0.286462f, 0.286411f, 0.28636f,
-0.286309f, 0.286259f, 0.286208f, 0.286157f, 0.286106f, 0.286056f, 0.286005f, 0.285954f, 0.285903f, 0.285852f, 0.285802f, 0.285751f, 0.2857f, 0.285649f, 0.285598f, 0.285547f, 0.285496f, 0.285445f, 0.285394f, 0.285344f,
-0.285293f, 0.285242f, 0.285191f, 0.28514f, 0.285089f, 0.285038f, 0.284987f, 0.284936f, 0.284885f, 0.284834f, 0.284783f, 0.284731f, 0.28468f, 0.284629f, 0.284578f, 0.284527f, 0.284476f, 0.284425f, 0.284374f, 0.284323f,
-0.284271f, 0.28422f, 0.284169f, 0.284118f, 0.284067f, 0.284015f, 0.283964f, 0.283913f, 0.283862f, 0.28381f, 0.283759f, 0.283708f, 0.283657f, 0.283605f, 0.283554f, 0.283503f, 0.283451f, 0.2834f, 0.283349f, 0.283297f,
-0.283246f, 0.283195f, 0.283143f, 0.283092f, 0.28304f, 0.282989f, 0.282937f, 0.282886f, 0.282835f, 0.282783f, 0.282732f, 0.28268f, 0.282629f, 0.282577f, 0.282526f, 0.282474f, 0.282422f, 0.282371f, 0.282319f, 0.282268f,
-0.282216f, 0.282165f, 0.282113f, 0.282061f, 0.28201f, 0.281958f, 0.281906f, 0.281855f, 0.281803f, 0.281751f, 0.2817f, 0.281648f, 0.281596f, 0.281545f, 0.281493f, 0.281441f, 0.281389f, 0.281338f, 0.281286f, 0.281234f,
-0.281182f, 0.28113f, 0.281079f, 0.281027f, 0.280975f, 0.280923f, 0.280871f, 0.280819f, 0.280767f, 0.280716f, 0.280664f, 0.280612f, 0.28056f, 0.280508f, 0.280456f, 0.280404f, 0.280352f, 0.2803f, 0.280248f, 0.280196f,
-0.280144f, 0.280092f, 0.28004f, 0.279988f, 0.279936f, 0.279884f, 0.279832f, 0.27978f, 0.279728f, 0.279675f, 0.279623f, 0.279571f, 0.279519f, 0.279467f, 0.279415f, 0.279363f, 0.27931f, 0.279258f, 0.279206f, 0.279154f,
-0.279102f, 0.279049f, 0.278997f, 0.278945f, 0.278893f, 0.27884f, 0.278788f, 0.278736f, 0.278684f, 0.278631f, 0.278579f, 0.278527f, 0.278474f, 0.278422f, 0.278369f, 0.278317f, 0.278265f, 0.278212f, 0.27816f, 0.278107f,
-0.278055f, 0.278003f, 0.27795f, 0.277898f, 0.277845f, 0.277793f, 0.27774f, 0.277688f, 0.277635f, 0.277583f, 0.27753f, 0.277478f, 0.277425f, 0.277372f, 0.27732f, 0.277267f, 0.277215f, 0.277162f, 0.277109f, 0.277057f,
-0.277004f, 0.276952f, 0.276899f, 0.276846f, 0.276794f, 0.276741f, 0.276688f, 0.276635f, 0.276583f, 0.27653f, 0.276477f, 0.276424f, 0.276372f, 0.276319f, 0.276266f, 0.276213f, 0.276161f, 0.276108f, 0.276055f, 0.276002f,
-0.275949f, 0.275896f, 0.275843f, 0.275791f, 0.275738f, 0.275685f, 0.275632f, 0.275579f, 0.275526f, 0.275473f, 0.27542f, 0.275367f, 0.275314f, 0.275261f, 0.275208f, 0.275155f, 0.275102f, 0.275049f, 0.274996f, 0.274943f,
-0.27489f, 0.274837f, 0.274784f, 0.274731f, 0.274678f, 0.274625f, 0.274571f, 0.274518f, 0.274465f, 0.274412f, 0.274359f, 0.274306f, 0.274252f, 0.274199f, 0.274146f, 0.274093f, 0.27404f, 0.273986f, 0.273933f, 0.27388f,
-0.273827f, 0.273773f, 0.27372f, 0.273667f, 0.273613f, 0.27356f, 0.273507f, 0.273453f, 0.2734f, 0.273347f, 0.273293f, 0.27324f, 0.273187f, 0.273133f, 0.27308f, 0.273026f, 0.272973f, 0.272919f, 0.272866f, 0.272813f,
-0.272759f, 0.272706f, 0.272652f, 0.272599f, 0.272545f, 0.272492f, 0.272438f, 0.272384f, 0.272331f, 0.272277f, 0.272224f, 0.27217f, 0.272117f, 0.272063f, 0.272009f, 0.271956f, 0.271902f, 0.271848f, 0.271795f, 0.271741f,
-0.271687f, 0.271634f, 0.27158f, 0.271526f, 0.271473f, 0.271419f, 0.271365f, 0.271311f, 0.271258f, 0.271204f, 0.27115f, 0.271096f, 0.271042f, 0.270989f, 0.270935f, 0.270881f, 0.270827f, 0.270773f, 0.270719f, 0.270665f,
-0.270612f, 0.270558f, 0.270504f, 0.27045f, 0.270396f, 0.270342f, 0.270288f, 0.270234f, 0.27018f, 0.270126f, 0.270072f, 0.270018f, 0.269964f, 0.26991f, 0.269856f, 0.269802f, 0.269748f, 0.269694f, 0.26964f, 0.269586f,
-0.269532f, 0.269477f, 0.269423f, 0.269369f, 0.269315f, 0.269261f, 0.269207f, 0.269153f, 0.269098f, 0.269044f, 0.26899f, 0.268936f, 0.268882f, 0.268827f, 0.268773f, 0.268719f, 0.268665f, 0.26861f, 0.268556f, 0.268502f,
-0.268448f, 0.268393f, 0.268339f, 0.268285f, 0.26823f, 0.268176f, 0.268121f, 0.268067f, 0.268013f, 0.267958f, 0.267904f, 0.26785f, 0.267795f, 0.267741f, 0.267686f, 0.267632f, 0.267577f, 0.267523f, 0.267468f, 0.267414f,
-0.267359f, 0.267305f, 0.26725f, 0.267196f, 0.267141f, 0.267087f, 0.267032f, 0.266978f, 0.266923f, 0.266868f, 0.266814f, 0.266759f, 0.266704f, 0.26665f, 0.266595f, 0.266541f, 0.266486f, 0.266431f, 0.266376f, 0.266322f,
-0.266267f, 0.266212f, 0.266158f, 0.266103f, 0.266048f, 0.265993f, 0.265939f, 0.265884f, 0.265829f, 0.265774f, 0.265719f, 0.265665f, 0.26561f, 0.265555f, 0.2655f, 0.265445f, 0.26539f, 0.265335f, 0.265281f, 0.265226f,
-0.265171f, 0.265116f, 0.265061f, 0.265006f, 0.264951f, 0.264896f, 0.264841f, 0.264786f, 0.264731f, 0.264676f, 0.264621f, 0.264566f, 0.264511f, 0.264456f, 0.264401f, 0.264346f, 0.264291f, 0.264236f, 0.26418f, 0.264125f,
-0.26407f, 0.264015f, 0.26396f, 0.263905f, 0.26385f, 0.263794f, 0.263739f, 0.263684f, 0.263629f, 0.263574f, 0.263518f, 0.263463f, 0.263408f, 0.263353f, 0.263298f, 0.263242f, 0.263187f, 0.263132f, 0.263076f, 0.263021f,
-0.262966f, 0.26291f, 0.262855f, 0.2628f, 0.262744f, 0.262689f, 0.262634f, 0.262578f, 0.262523f, 0.262467f, 0.262412f, 0.262357f, 0.262301f, 0.262246f, 0.26219f, 0.262135f, 0.262079f, 0.262024f, 0.261968f, 0.261913f,
-0.261857f, 0.261802f, 0.261746f, 0.261691f, 0.261635f, 0.261579f, 0.261524f, 0.261468f, 0.261413f, 0.261357f, 0.261301f, 0.261246f, 0.26119f, 0.261134f, 0.261079f, 0.261023f, 0.260967f, 0.260912f, 0.260856f, 0.2608f,
-0.260745f, 0.260689f, 0.260633f, 0.260577f, 0.260522f, 0.260466f, 0.26041f, 0.260354f, 0.260298f, 0.260243f, 0.260187f, 0.260131f, 0.260075f, 0.260019f, 0.259963f, 0.259907f, 0.259852f, 0.259796f, 0.25974f, 0.259684f,
-0.259628f, 0.259572f, 0.259516f, 0.25946f, 0.259404f, 0.259348f, 0.259292f, 0.259236f, 0.25918f, 0.259124f, 0.259068f, 0.259012f, 0.258956f, 0.2589f, 0.258844f, 0.258788f, 0.258732f, 0.258676f, 0.258619f, 0.258563f,
-0.258507f, 0.258451f, 0.258395f, 0.258339f, 0.258283f, 0.258226f, 0.25817f, 0.258114f, 0.258058f, 0.258002f, 0.257945f, 0.257889f, 0.257833f, 0.257777f, 0.25772f, 0.257664f, 0.257608f, 0.257552f, 0.257495f, 0.257439f,
-0.257383f, 0.257326f, 0.25727f, 0.257214f, 0.257157f, 0.257101f, 0.257044f, 0.256988f, 0.256932f, 0.256875f, 0.256819f, 0.256762f, 0.256706f, 0.256649f, 0.256593f, 0.256536f, 0.25648f, 0.256423f, 0.256367f, 0.25631f,
-0.256254f, 0.256197f, 0.256141f, 0.256084f, 0.256028f, 0.255971f, 0.255915f, 0.255858f, 0.255801f, 0.255745f, 0.255688f, 0.255631f, 0.255575f, 0.255518f, 0.255461f, 0.255405f, 0.255348f, 0.255291f, 0.255235f, 0.255178f,
-0.255121f, 0.255064f, 0.255008f, 0.254951f, 0.254894f, 0.254837f, 0.254781f, 0.254724f, 0.254667f, 0.25461f, 0.254553f, 0.254497f, 0.25444f, 0.254383f, 0.254326f, 0.254269f, 0.254212f, 0.254155f, 0.254098f, 0.254041f,
-0.253985f, 0.253928f, 0.253871f, 0.253814f, 0.253757f, 0.2537f, 0.253643f, 0.253586f, 0.253529f, 0.253472f, 0.253415f, 0.253358f, 0.253301f, 0.253244f, 0.253187f, 0.253129f, 0.253072f, 0.253015f, 0.252958f, 0.252901f,
-0.252844f, 0.252787f, 0.25273f, 0.252673f, 0.252615f, 0.252558f, 0.252501f, 0.252444f, 0.252387f, 0.252329f, 0.252272f, 0.252215f, 0.252158f, 0.2521f, 0.252043f, 0.251986f, 0.251929f, 0.251871f, 0.251814f, 0.251757f,
-0.251699f, 0.251642f, 0.251585f, 0.251527f, 0.25147f, 0.251413f, 0.251355f, 0.251298f, 0.25124f, 0.251183f, 0.251126f, 0.251068f, 0.251011f, 0.250953f, 0.250896f, 0.250838f, 0.250781f, 0.250723f, 0.250666f, 0.250608f,
-0.250551f, 0.250493f, 0.250436f, 0.250378f, 0.250321f, 0.250263f, 0.250206f, 0.250148f, 0.25009f, 0.250033f, 0.249975f, 0.249918f, 0.24986f, 0.249802f, 0.249745f, 0.249687f, 0.249629f, 0.249572f, 0.249514f, 0.249456f,
-0.249398f, 0.249341f, 0.249283f, 0.249225f, 0.249167f, 0.24911f, 0.249052f, 0.248994f, 0.248936f, 0.248879f, 0.248821f, 0.248763f, 0.248705f, 0.248647f, 0.248589f, 0.248531f, 0.248474f, 0.248416f, 0.248358f, 0.2483f,
-0.248242f, 0.248184f, 0.248126f, 0.248068f, 0.24801f, 0.247952f, 0.247894f, 0.247836f, 0.247778f, 0.24772f, 0.247662f, 0.247604f, 0.247546f, 0.247488f, 0.24743f, 0.247372f, 0.247314f, 0.247256f, 0.247198f, 0.24714f,
-0.247082f, 0.247024f, 0.246965f, 0.246907f, 0.246849f, 0.246791f, 0.246733f, 0.246675f, 0.246617f, 0.246558f, 0.2465f, 0.246442f, 0.246384f, 0.246325f, 0.246267f, 0.246209f, 0.246151f, 0.246092f, 0.246034f, 0.245976f,
-0.245918f, 0.245859f, 0.245801f, 0.245743f, 0.245684f, 0.245626f, 0.245568f, 0.245509f, 0.245451f, 0.245392f, 0.245334f, 0.245276f, 0.245217f, 0.245159f, 0.2451f, 0.245042f, 0.244983f, 0.244925f, 0.244866f, 0.244808f,
-0.244749f, 0.244691f, 0.244632f, 0.244574f, 0.244515f, 0.244457f, 0.244398f, 0.24434f, 0.244281f, 0.244223f, 0.244164f, 0.244105f, 0.244047f, 0.243988f, 0.24393f, 0.243871f, 0.243812f, 0.243754f, 0.243695f, 0.243636f,
-0.243578f, 0.243519f, 0.24346f, 0.243401f, 0.243343f, 0.243284f, 0.243225f, 0.243166f, 0.243108f, 0.243049f, 0.24299f, 0.242931f, 0.242872f, 0.242814f, 0.242755f, 0.242696f, 0.242637f, 0.242578f, 0.242519f, 0.242461f,
-0.242402f, 0.242343f, 0.242284f, 0.242225f, 0.242166f, 0.242107f, 0.242048f, 0.241989f, 0.24193f, 0.241871f, 0.241812f, 0.241753f, 0.241694f, 0.241635f, 0.241576f, 0.241517f, 0.241458f, 0.241399f, 0.24134f, 0.241281f,
-0.241222f, 0.241163f, 0.241104f, 0.241045f, 0.240986f, 0.240926f, 0.240867f, 0.240808f, 0.240749f, 0.24069f, 0.240631f, 0.240572f, 0.240512f, 0.240453f, 0.240394f, 0.240335f, 0.240275f, 0.240216f, 0.240157f, 0.240098f,
-0.240038f, 0.239979f, 0.23992f, 0.239861f, 0.239801f, 0.239742f, 0.239683f, 0.239623f, 0.239564f, 0.239505f, 0.239445f, 0.239386f, 0.239327f, 0.239267f, 0.239208f, 0.239148f, 0.239089f, 0.239029f, 0.23897f, 0.238911f,
-0.238851f, 0.238792f, 0.238732f, 0.238673f, 0.238613f, 0.238554f, 0.238494f, 0.238435f, 0.238375f, 0.238316f, 0.238256f, 0.238196f, 0.238137f, 0.238077f, 0.238018f, 0.237958f, 0.237898f, 0.237839f, 0.237779f, 0.23772f,
-0.23766f, 0.2376f, 0.237541f, 0.237481f, 0.237421f, 0.237362f, 0.237302f, 0.237242f, 0.237182f, 0.237123f, 0.237063f, 0.237003f, 0.236943f, 0.236884f, 0.236824f, 0.236764f, 0.236704f, 0.236644f, 0.236585f, 0.236525f,
-0.236465f, 0.236405f, 0.236345f, 0.236285f, 0.236225f, 0.236166f, 0.236106f, 0.236046f, 0.235986f, 0.235926f, 0.235866f, 0.235806f, 0.235746f, 0.235686f, 0.235626f, 0.235566f, 0.235506f, 0.235446f, 0.235386f, 0.235326f,
-0.235266f, 0.235206f, 0.235146f, 0.235086f, 0.235026f, 0.234966f, 0.234906f, 0.234846f, 0.234786f, 0.234725f, 0.234665f, 0.234605f, 0.234545f, 0.234485f, 0.234425f, 0.234365f, 0.234304f, 0.234244f, 0.234184f, 0.234124f,
-0.234064f, 0.234003f, 0.233943f, 0.233883f, 0.233823f, 0.233762f, 0.233702f, 0.233642f, 0.233581f, 0.233521f, 0.233461f, 0.233401f, 0.23334f, 0.23328f, 0.233219f, 0.233159f, 0.233099f, 0.233038f, 0.232978f, 0.232918f,
-0.232857f, 0.232797f, 0.232736f, 0.232676f, 0.232615f, 0.232555f, 0.232495f, 0.232434f, 0.232374f, 0.232313f, 0.232253f, 0.232192f, 0.232132f, 0.232071f, 0.23201f, 0.23195f, 0.231889f, 0.231829f, 0.231768f, 0.231708f,
-0.231647f, 0.231586f, 0.231526f, 0.231465f, 0.231405f, 0.231344f, 0.231283f, 0.231223f, 0.231162f, 0.231101f, 0.231041f, 0.23098f, 0.230919f, 0.230858f, 0.230798f, 0.230737f, 0.230676f, 0.230615f, 0.230555f, 0.230494f,
-0.230433f, 0.230372f, 0.230312f, 0.230251f, 0.23019f, 0.230129f, 0.230068f, 0.230007f, 0.229947f, 0.229886f, 0.229825f, 0.229764f, 0.229703f, 0.229642f, 0.229581f, 0.22952f, 0.229459f, 0.229398f, 0.229337f, 0.229277f,
-0.229216f, 0.229155f, 0.229094f, 0.229033f, 0.228972f, 0.228911f, 0.22885f, 0.228788f, 0.228727f, 0.228666f, 0.228605f, 0.228544f, 0.228483f, 0.228422f, 0.228361f, 0.2283f, 0.228239f, 0.228178f, 0.228116f, 0.228055f,
-0.227994f, 0.227933f, 0.227872f, 0.227811f, 0.227749f, 0.227688f, 0.227627f, 0.227566f, 0.227505f, 0.227443f, 0.227382f, 0.227321f, 0.22726f, 0.227198f, 0.227137f, 0.227076f, 0.227014f, 0.226953f, 0.226892f, 0.22683f,
-0.226769f, 0.226708f, 0.226646f, 0.226585f, 0.226524f, 0.226462f, 0.226401f, 0.226339f, 0.226278f, 0.226217f, 0.226155f, 0.226094f, 0.226032f, 0.225971f, 0.225909f, 0.225848f, 0.225786f, 0.225725f, 0.225663f, 0.225602f,
-0.22554f, 0.225479f, 0.225417f, 0.225356f, 0.225294f, 0.225233f, 0.225171f, 0.225109f, 0.225048f, 0.224986f, 0.224925f, 0.224863f, 0.224801f, 0.22474f, 0.224678f, 0.224616f, 0.224555f, 0.224493f, 0.224431f, 0.22437f,
-0.224308f, 0.224246f, 0.224184f, 0.224123f, 0.224061f, 0.223999f, 0.223937f, 0.223876f, 0.223814f, 0.223752f, 0.22369f, 0.223628f, 0.223567f, 0.223505f, 0.223443f, 0.223381f, 0.223319f, 0.223257f, 0.223195f, 0.223134f,
-0.223072f, 0.22301f, 0.222948f, 0.222886f, 0.222824f, 0.222762f, 0.2227f, 0.222638f, 0.222576f, 0.222514f, 0.222452f, 0.22239f, 0.222328f, 0.222266f, 0.222204f, 0.222142f, 0.22208f, 0.222018f, 0.221956f, 0.221894f,
-0.221832f, 0.22177f, 0.221708f, 0.221646f, 0.221583f, 0.221521f, 0.221459f, 0.221397f, 0.221335f, 0.221273f, 0.221211f, 0.221148f, 0.221086f, 0.221024f, 0.220962f, 0.2209f, 0.220837f, 0.220775f, 0.220713f, 0.220651f,
-0.220588f, 0.220526f, 0.220464f, 0.220402f, 0.220339f, 0.220277f, 0.220215f, 0.220152f, 0.22009f, 0.220028f, 0.219965f, 0.219903f, 0.219841f, 0.219778f, 0.219716f, 0.219653f, 0.219591f, 0.219529f, 0.219466f, 0.219404f,
-0.219341f, 0.219279f, 0.219216f, 0.219154f, 0.219091f, 0.219029f, 0.218966f, 0.218904f, 0.218841f, 0.218779f, 0.218716f, 0.218654f, 0.218591f, 0.218529f, 0.218466f, 0.218403f, 0.218341f, 0.218278f, 0.218216f, 0.218153f,
-0.21809f, 0.218028f, 0.217965f, 0.217903f, 0.21784f, 0.217777f, 0.217714f, 0.217652f, 0.217589f, 0.217526f, 0.217464f, 0.217401f, 0.217338f, 0.217275f, 0.217213f, 0.21715f, 0.217087f, 0.217024f, 0.216962f, 0.216899f,
-0.216836f, 0.216773f, 0.21671f, 0.216648f, 0.216585f, 0.216522f, 0.216459f, 0.216396f, 0.216333f, 0.21627f, 0.216207f, 0.216145f, 0.216082f, 0.216019f, 0.215956f, 0.215893f, 0.21583f, 0.215767f, 0.215704f, 0.215641f,
-0.215578f, 0.215515f, 0.215452f, 0.215389f, 0.215326f, 0.215263f, 0.2152f, 0.215137f, 0.215074f, 0.215011f, 0.214948f, 0.214885f, 0.214821f, 0.214758f, 0.214695f, 0.214632f, 0.214569f, 0.214506f, 0.214443f, 0.21438f,
-0.214316f, 0.214253f, 0.21419f, 0.214127f, 0.214064f, 0.214f, 0.213937f, 0.213874f, 0.213811f, 0.213747f, 0.213684f, 0.213621f, 0.213558f, 0.213494f, 0.213431f, 0.213368f, 0.213305f, 0.213241f, 0.213178f, 0.213115f,
-0.213051f, 0.212988f, 0.212924f, 0.212861f, 0.212798f, 0.212734f, 0.212671f, 0.212608f, 0.212544f, 0.212481f, 0.212417f, 0.212354f, 0.21229f, 0.212227f, 0.212163f, 0.2121f, 0.212036f, 0.211973f, 0.211909f, 0.211846f,
-0.211782f, 0.211719f, 0.211655f, 0.211592f, 0.211528f, 0.211465f, 0.211401f, 0.211337f, 0.211274f, 0.21121f, 0.211147f, 0.211083f, 0.211019f, 0.210956f, 0.210892f, 0.210828f, 0.210765f, 0.210701f, 0.210637f, 0.210574f,
-0.21051f, 0.210446f, 0.210383f, 0.210319f, 0.210255f, 0.210191f, 0.210128f, 0.210064f, 0.21f, 0.209936f, 0.209873f, 0.209809f, 0.209745f, 0.209681f, 0.209617f, 0.209553f, 0.20949f, 0.209426f, 0.209362f, 0.209298f,
-0.209234f, 0.20917f, 0.209106f, 0.209042f, 0.208979f, 0.208915f, 0.208851f, 0.208787f, 0.208723f, 0.208659f, 0.208595f, 0.208531f, 0.208467f, 0.208403f, 0.208339f, 0.208275f, 0.208211f, 0.208147f, 0.208083f, 0.208019f,
-0.207955f, 0.207891f, 0.207827f, 0.207762f, 0.207698f, 0.207634f, 0.20757f, 0.207506f, 0.207442f, 0.207378f, 0.207314f, 0.207249f, 0.207185f, 0.207121f, 0.207057f, 0.206993f, 0.206929f, 0.206864f, 0.2068f, 0.206736f,
-0.206672f, 0.206607f, 0.206543f, 0.206479f, 0.206415f, 0.20635f, 0.206286f, 0.206222f, 0.206158f, 0.206093f, 0.206029f, 0.205965f, 0.2059f, 0.205836f, 0.205772f, 0.205707f, 0.205643f, 0.205578f, 0.205514f, 0.20545f,
-0.205385f, 0.205321f, 0.205256f, 0.205192f, 0.205127f, 0.205063f, 0.204999f, 0.204934f, 0.20487f, 0.204805f, 0.204741f, 0.204676f, 0.204612f, 0.204547f, 0.204483f, 0.204418f, 0.204353f, 0.204289f, 0.204224f, 0.20416f,
-0.204095f, 0.204031f, 0.203966f, 0.203901f, 0.203837f, 0.203772f, 0.203707f, 0.203643f, 0.203578f, 0.203514f, 0.203449f, 0.203384f, 0.203319f, 0.203255f, 0.20319f, 0.203125f, 0.203061f, 0.202996f, 0.202931f, 0.202866f,
-0.202802f, 0.202737f, 0.202672f, 0.202607f, 0.202543f, 0.202478f, 0.202413f, 0.202348f, 0.202283f, 0.202218f, 0.202154f, 0.202089f, 0.202024f, 0.201959f, 0.201894f, 0.201829f, 0.201764f, 0.201699f, 0.201635f, 0.20157f,
-0.201505f, 0.20144f, 0.201375f, 0.20131f, 0.201245f, 0.20118f, 0.201115f, 0.20105f, 0.200985f, 0.20092f, 0.200855f, 0.20079f, 0.200725f, 0.20066f, 0.200595f, 0.20053f, 0.200465f, 0.2004f, 0.200334f, 0.200269f,
-0.200204f, 0.200139f, 0.200074f, 0.200009f, 0.199944f, 0.199879f, 0.199813f, 0.199748f, 0.199683f, 0.199618f, 0.199553f, 0.199488f, 0.199422f, 0.199357f, 0.199292f, 0.199227f, 0.199161f, 0.199096f, 0.199031f, 0.198966f,
-0.1989f, 0.198835f, 0.19877f, 0.198704f, 0.198639f, 0.198574f, 0.198508f, 0.198443f, 0.198378f, 0.198312f, 0.198247f, 0.198182f, 0.198116f, 0.198051f, 0.197986f, 0.19792f, 0.197855f, 0.197789f, 0.197724f, 0.197658f,
-0.197593f, 0.197528f, 0.197462f, 0.197397f, 0.197331f, 0.197266f, 0.1972f, 0.197135f, 0.197069f, 0.197004f, 0.196938f, 0.196872f, 0.196807f, 0.196741f, 0.196676f, 0.19661f, 0.196545f, 0.196479f, 0.196413f, 0.196348f,
-0.196282f, 0.196217f, 0.196151f, 0.196085f, 0.19602f, 0.195954f, 0.195888f, 0.195823f, 0.195757f, 0.195691f, 0.195626f, 0.19556f, 0.195494f, 0.195428f, 0.195363f, 0.195297f, 0.195231f, 0.195165f, 0.1951f, 0.195034f,
-0.194968f, 0.194902f, 0.194836f, 0.194771f, 0.194705f, 0.194639f, 0.194573f, 0.194507f, 0.194441f, 0.194375f, 0.19431f, 0.194244f, 0.194178f, 0.194112f, 0.194046f, 0.19398f, 0.193914f, 0.193848f, 0.193782f, 0.193716f,
-0.19365f, 0.193584f, 0.193518f, 0.193452f, 0.193386f, 0.19332f, 0.193254f, 0.193188f, 0.193122f, 0.193056f, 0.19299f, 0.192924f, 0.192858f, 0.192792f, 0.192726f, 0.19266f, 0.192594f, 0.192528f, 0.192462f, 0.192395f,
-0.192329f, 0.192263f, 0.192197f, 0.192131f, 0.192065f, 0.191999f, 0.191932f, 0.191866f, 0.1918f, 0.191734f, 0.191668f, 0.191601f, 0.191535f, 0.191469f, 0.191403f, 0.191336f, 0.19127f, 0.191204f, 0.191138f, 0.191071f,
-0.191005f, 0.190939f, 0.190872f, 0.190806f, 0.19074f, 0.190673f, 0.190607f, 0.190541f, 0.190474f, 0.190408f, 0.190341f, 0.190275f, 0.190209f, 0.190142f, 0.190076f, 0.190009f, 0.189943f, 0.189877f, 0.18981f, 0.189744f,
-0.189677f, 0.189611f, 0.189544f, 0.189478f, 0.189411f, 0.189345f, 0.189278f, 0.189212f, 0.189145f, 0.189079f, 0.189012f, 0.188945f, 0.188879f, 0.188812f, 0.188746f, 0.188679f, 0.188613f, 0.188546f, 0.188479f, 0.188413f,
-0.188346f, 0.188279f, 0.188213f, 0.188146f, 0.188079f, 0.188013f, 0.187946f, 0.187879f, 0.187813f, 0.187746f, 0.187679f, 0.187612f, 0.187546f, 0.187479f, 0.187412f, 0.187345f, 0.187279f, 0.187212f, 0.187145f, 0.187078f,
-0.187012f, 0.186945f, 0.186878f, 0.186811f, 0.186744f, 0.186677f, 0.186611f, 0.186544f, 0.186477f, 0.18641f, 0.186343f, 0.186276f, 0.186209f, 0.186142f, 0.186075f, 0.186009f, 0.185942f, 0.185875f, 0.185808f, 0.185741f,
-0.185674f, 0.185607f, 0.18554f, 0.185473f, 0.185406f, 0.185339f, 0.185272f, 0.185205f, 0.185138f, 0.185071f, 0.185004f, 0.184937f, 0.184869f, 0.184802f, 0.184735f, 0.184668f, 0.184601f, 0.184534f, 0.184467f, 0.1844f,
-0.184333f, 0.184265f, 0.184198f, 0.184131f, 0.184064f, 0.183997f, 0.18393f, 0.183862f, 0.183795f, 0.183728f, 0.183661f, 0.183594f, 0.183526f, 0.183459f, 0.183392f, 0.183325f, 0.183257f, 0.18319f, 0.183123f, 0.183055f,
-0.182988f, 0.182921f, 0.182854f, 0.182786f, 0.182719f, 0.182652f, 0.182584f, 0.182517f, 0.182449f, 0.182382f, 0.182315f, 0.182247f, 0.18218f, 0.182112f, 0.182045f, 0.181978f, 0.18191f, 0.181843f, 0.181775f, 0.181708f,
-0.18164f, 0.181573f, 0.181505f, 0.181438f, 0.18137f, 0.181303f, 0.181235f, 0.181168f, 0.1811f, 0.181033f, 0.180965f, 0.180898f, 0.18083f, 0.180763f, 0.180695f, 0.180627f, 0.18056f, 0.180492f, 0.180425f, 0.180357f,
-0.180289f, 0.180222f, 0.180154f, 0.180086f, 0.180019f, 0.179951f, 0.179883f, 0.179816f, 0.179748f, 0.17968f, 0.179613f, 0.179545f, 0.179477f, 0.179409f, 0.179342f, 0.179274f, 0.179206f, 0.179138f, 0.179071f, 0.179003f,
-0.178935f, 0.178867f, 0.178799f, 0.178732f, 0.178664f, 0.178596f, 0.178528f, 0.17846f, 0.178392f, 0.178325f, 0.178257f, 0.178189f, 0.178121f, 0.178053f, 0.177985f, 0.177917f, 0.177849f, 0.177781f, 0.177713f, 0.177645f,
-0.177578f, 0.17751f, 0.177442f, 0.177374f, 0.177306f, 0.177238f, 0.17717f, 0.177102f, 0.177034f, 0.176966f, 0.176898f, 0.176829f, 0.176761f, 0.176693f, 0.176625f, 0.176557f, 0.176489f, 0.176421f, 0.176353f, 0.176285f,
-0.176217f, 0.176149f, 0.17608f, 0.176012f, 0.175944f, 0.175876f, 0.175808f, 0.17574f, 0.175671f, 0.175603f, 0.175535f, 0.175467f, 0.175399f, 0.17533f, 0.175262f, 0.175194f, 0.175126f, 0.175057f, 0.174989f, 0.174921f,
-0.174853f, 0.174784f, 0.174716f, 0.174648f, 0.174579f, 0.174511f, 0.174443f, 0.174374f, 0.174306f, 0.174238f, 0.174169f, 0.174101f, 0.174033f, 0.173964f, 0.173896f, 0.173827f, 0.173759f, 0.173691f, 0.173622f, 0.173554f,
-0.173485f, 0.173417f, 0.173348f, 0.17328f, 0.173212f, 0.173143f, 0.173075f, 0.173006f, 0.172938f, 0.172869f, 0.172801f, 0.172732f, 0.172663f, 0.172595f, 0.172526f, 0.172458f, 0.172389f, 0.172321f, 0.172252f, 0.172183f,
-0.172115f, 0.172046f, 0.171978f, 0.171909f, 0.17184f, 0.171772f, 0.171703f, 0.171634f, 0.171566f, 0.171497f, 0.171428f, 0.17136f, 0.171291f, 0.171222f, 0.171154f, 0.171085f, 0.171016f, 0.170947f, 0.170879f, 0.17081f,
-0.170741f, 0.170672f, 0.170604f, 0.170535f, 0.170466f, 0.170397f, 0.170328f, 0.17026f, 0.170191f, 0.170122f, 0.170053f, 0.169984f, 0.169915f, 0.169847f, 0.169778f, 0.169709f, 0.16964f, 0.169571f, 0.169502f, 0.169433f,
-0.169364f, 0.169295f, 0.169226f, 0.169158f, 0.169089f, 0.16902f, 0.168951f, 0.168882f, 0.168813f, 0.168744f, 0.168675f, 0.168606f, 0.168537f, 0.168468f, 0.168399f, 0.16833f, 0.168261f, 0.168191f, 0.168122f, 0.168053f,
-0.167984f, 0.167915f, 0.167846f, 0.167777f, 0.167708f, 0.167639f, 0.16757f, 0.167501f, 0.167431f, 0.167362f, 0.167293f, 0.167224f, 0.167155f, 0.167086f, 0.167016f, 0.166947f, 0.166878f, 0.166809f, 0.16674f, 0.16667f,
-0.166601f, 0.166532f, 0.166463f, 0.166393f, 0.166324f, 0.166255f, 0.166186f, 0.166116f, 0.166047f, 0.165978f, 0.165908f, 0.165839f, 0.16577f, 0.1657f, 0.165631f, 0.165562f, 0.165492f, 0.165423f, 0.165354f, 0.165284f,
-0.165215f, 0.165145f, 0.165076f, 0.165007f, 0.164937f, 0.164868f, 0.164798f, 0.164729f, 0.164659f, 0.16459f, 0.16452f, 0.164451f, 0.164381f, 0.164312f, 0.164242f, 0.164173f, 0.164103f, 0.164034f, 0.163964f, 0.163895f,
-0.163825f, 0.163756f, 0.163686f, 0.163617f, 0.163547f, 0.163477f, 0.163408f, 0.163338f, 0.163269f, 0.163199f, 0.163129f, 0.16306f, 0.16299f, 0.16292f, 0.162851f, 0.162781f, 0.162711f, 0.162642f, 0.162572f, 0.162502f,
-0.162433f, 0.162363f, 0.162293f, 0.162223f, 0.162154f, 0.162084f, 0.162014f, 0.161945f, 0.161875f, 0.161805f, 0.161735f, 0.161665f, 0.161596f, 0.161526f, 0.161456f, 0.161386f, 0.161316f, 0.161246f, 0.161177f, 0.161107f,
-0.161037f, 0.160967f, 0.160897f, 0.160827f, 0.160757f, 0.160688f, 0.160618f, 0.160548f, 0.160478f, 0.160408f, 0.160338f, 0.160268f, 0.160198f, 0.160128f, 0.160058f, 0.159988f, 0.159918f, 0.159848f, 0.159778f, 0.159708f,
-0.159638f, 0.159568f, 0.159498f, 0.159428f, 0.159358f, 0.159288f, 0.159218f, 0.159148f, 0.159078f, 0.159008f, 0.158938f, 0.158867f, 0.158797f, 0.158727f, 0.158657f, 0.158587f, 0.158517f, 0.158447f, 0.158377f, 0.158306f,
-0.158236f, 0.158166f, 0.158096f, 0.158026f, 0.157955f, 0.157885f, 0.157815f, 0.157745f, 0.157675f, 0.157604f, 0.157534f, 0.157464f, 0.157394f, 0.157323f, 0.157253f, 0.157183f, 0.157112f, 0.157042f, 0.156972f, 0.156902f,
-0.156831f, 0.156761f, 0.156691f, 0.15662f, 0.15655f, 0.15648f, 0.156409f, 0.156339f, 0.156268f, 0.156198f, 0.156128f, 0.156057f, 0.155987f, 0.155916f, 0.155846f, 0.155776f, 0.155705f, 0.155635f, 0.155564f, 0.155494f,
-0.155423f, 0.155353f, 0.155282f, 0.155212f, 0.155141f, 0.155071f, 0.155f, 0.15493f, 0.154859f, 0.154789f, 0.154718f, 0.154648f, 0.154577f, 0.154506f, 0.154436f, 0.154365f, 0.154295f, 0.154224f, 0.154153f, 0.154083f,
-0.154012f, 0.153942f, 0.153871f, 0.1538f, 0.15373f, 0.153659f, 0.153588f, 0.153518f, 0.153447f, 0.153376f, 0.153305f, 0.153235f, 0.153164f, 0.153093f, 0.153023f, 0.152952f, 0.152881f, 0.15281f, 0.15274f, 0.152669f,
-0.152598f, 0.152527f, 0.152456f, 0.152386f, 0.152315f, 0.152244f, 0.152173f, 0.152102f, 0.152032f, 0.151961f, 0.15189f, 0.151819f, 0.151748f, 0.151677f, 0.151606f, 0.151535f, 0.151465f, 0.151394f, 0.151323f, 0.151252f,
-0.151181f, 0.15111f, 0.151039f, 0.150968f, 0.150897f, 0.150826f, 0.150755f, 0.150684f, 0.150613f, 0.150542f, 0.150471f, 0.1504f, 0.150329f, 0.150258f, 0.150187f, 0.150116f, 0.150045f, 0.149974f, 0.149903f, 0.149832f,
-0.149761f, 0.14969f, 0.149619f, 0.149548f, 0.149476f, 0.149405f, 0.149334f, 0.149263f, 0.149192f, 0.149121f, 0.14905f, 0.148978f, 0.148907f, 0.148836f, 0.148765f, 0.148694f, 0.148623f, 0.148551f, 0.14848f, 0.148409f,
-0.148338f, 0.148266f, 0.148195f, 0.148124f, 0.148053f, 0.147981f, 0.14791f, 0.147839f, 0.147768f, 0.147696f, 0.147625f, 0.147554f, 0.147482f, 0.147411f, 0.14734f, 0.147268f, 0.147197f, 0.147126f, 0.147054f, 0.146983f,
-0.146912f, 0.14684f, 0.146769f, 0.146697f, 0.146626f, 0.146555f, 0.146483f, 0.146412f, 0.14634f, 0.146269f, 0.146197f, 0.146126f, 0.146054f, 0.145983f, 0.145912f, 0.14584f, 0.145769f, 0.145697f, 0.145626f, 0.145554f,
-0.145482f, 0.145411f, 0.145339f, 0.145268f, 0.145196f, 0.145125f, 0.145053f, 0.144982f, 0.14491f, 0.144838f, 0.144767f, 0.144695f, 0.144624f, 0.144552f, 0.14448f, 0.144409f, 0.144337f, 0.144265f, 0.144194f, 0.144122f,
-0.14405f, 0.143979f, 0.143907f, 0.143835f, 0.143764f, 0.143692f, 0.14362f, 0.143549f, 0.143477f, 0.143405f, 0.143333f, 0.143262f, 0.14319f, 0.143118f, 0.143046f, 0.142974f, 0.142903f, 0.142831f, 0.142759f, 0.142687f,
-0.142615f, 0.142544f, 0.142472f, 0.1424f, 0.142328f, 0.142256f, 0.142184f, 0.142113f, 0.142041f, 0.141969f, 0.141897f, 0.141825f, 0.141753f, 0.141681f, 0.141609f, 0.141537f, 0.141465f, 0.141393f, 0.141321f, 0.14125f,
-0.141178f, 0.141106f, 0.141034f, 0.140962f, 0.14089f, 0.140818f, 0.140746f, 0.140674f, 0.140602f, 0.14053f, 0.140457f, 0.140385f, 0.140313f, 0.140241f, 0.140169f, 0.140097f, 0.140025f, 0.139953f, 0.139881f, 0.139809f,
-0.139737f, 0.139665f, 0.139592f, 0.13952f, 0.139448f, 0.139376f, 0.139304f, 0.139232f, 0.13916f, 0.139087f, 0.139015f, 0.138943f, 0.138871f, 0.138799f, 0.138726f, 0.138654f, 0.138582f, 0.13851f, 0.138437f, 0.138365f,
-0.138293f, 0.138221f, 0.138148f, 0.138076f, 0.138004f, 0.137932f, 0.137859f, 0.137787f, 0.137715f, 0.137642f, 0.13757f, 0.137498f, 0.137425f, 0.137353f, 0.137281f, 0.137208f, 0.137136f, 0.137064f, 0.136991f, 0.136919f,
-0.136846f, 0.136774f, 0.136702f, 0.136629f, 0.136557f, 0.136484f, 0.136412f, 0.136339f, 0.136267f, 0.136194f, 0.136122f, 0.13605f, 0.135977f, 0.135905f, 0.135832f, 0.13576f, 0.135687f, 0.135614f, 0.135542f, 0.135469f,
-0.135397f, 0.135324f, 0.135252f, 0.135179f, 0.135107f, 0.135034f, 0.134961f, 0.134889f, 0.134816f, 0.134744f, 0.134671f, 0.134598f, 0.134526f, 0.134453f, 0.134381f, 0.134308f, 0.134235f, 0.134163f, 0.13409f, 0.134017f,
-0.133945f, 0.133872f, 0.133799f, 0.133726f, 0.133654f, 0.133581f, 0.133508f, 0.133436f, 0.133363f, 0.13329f, 0.133217f, 0.133144f, 0.133072f, 0.132999f, 0.132926f, 0.132853f, 0.132781f, 0.132708f, 0.132635f, 0.132562f,
-0.132489f, 0.132416f, 0.132344f, 0.132271f, 0.132198f, 0.132125f, 0.132052f, 0.131979f, 0.131906f, 0.131834f, 0.131761f, 0.131688f, 0.131615f, 0.131542f, 0.131469f, 0.131396f, 0.131323f, 0.13125f, 0.131177f, 0.131104f,
-0.131031f, 0.130958f, 0.130885f, 0.130812f, 0.130739f, 0.130666f, 0.130593f, 0.13052f, 0.130447f, 0.130374f, 0.130301f, 0.130228f, 0.130155f, 0.130082f, 0.130009f, 0.129936f, 0.129863f, 0.12979f, 0.129717f, 0.129643f,
-0.12957f, 0.129497f, 0.129424f, 0.129351f, 0.129278f, 0.129205f, 0.129132f, 0.129058f, 0.128985f, 0.128912f, 0.128839f, 0.128766f, 0.128692f, 0.128619f, 0.128546f, 0.128473f, 0.1284f, 0.128326f, 0.128253f, 0.12818f,
-0.128107f, 0.128033f, 0.12796f, 0.127887f, 0.127814f, 0.12774f, 0.127667f, 0.127594f, 0.12752f, 0.127447f, 0.127374f, 0.1273f, 0.127227f, 0.127154f, 0.12708f, 0.127007f, 0.126934f, 0.12686f, 0.126787f, 0.126714f,
-0.12664f, 0.126567f, 0.126493f, 0.12642f, 0.126347f, 0.126273f, 0.1262f, 0.126126f, 0.126053f, 0.125979f, 0.125906f, 0.125832f, 0.125759f, 0.125685f, 0.125612f, 0.125538f, 0.125465f, 0.125391f, 0.125318f, 0.125244f,
-0.125171f, 0.125097f, 0.125024f, 0.12495f, 0.124877f, 0.124803f, 0.12473f, 0.124656f, 0.124582f, 0.124509f, 0.124435f, 0.124362f, 0.124288f, 0.124214f, 0.124141f, 0.124067f, 0.123993f, 0.12392f, 0.123846f, 0.123773f,
-0.123699f, 0.123625f, 0.123551f, 0.123478f, 0.123404f, 0.12333f, 0.123257f, 0.123183f, 0.123109f, 0.123036f, 0.122962f, 0.122888f, 0.122814f, 0.122741f, 0.122667f, 0.122593f, 0.122519f, 0.122445f, 0.122372f, 0.122298f,
-0.122224f, 0.12215f, 0.122076f, 0.122003f, 0.121929f, 0.121855f, 0.121781f, 0.121707f, 0.121633f, 0.121559f, 0.121486f, 0.121412f, 0.121338f, 0.121264f, 0.12119f, 0.121116f, 0.121042f, 0.120968f, 0.120894f, 0.12082f,
-0.120746f, 0.120673f, 0.120599f, 0.120525f, 0.120451f, 0.120377f, 0.120303f, 0.120229f, 0.120155f, 0.120081f, 0.120007f, 0.119933f, 0.119859f, 0.119785f, 0.119711f, 0.119636f, 0.119562f, 0.119488f, 0.119414f, 0.11934f,
-0.119266f, 0.119192f, 0.119118f, 0.119044f, 0.11897f, 0.118896f, 0.118822f, 0.118747f, 0.118673f, 0.118599f, 0.118525f, 0.118451f, 0.118377f, 0.118303f, 0.118228f, 0.118154f, 0.11808f, 0.118006f, 0.117932f, 0.117857f,
-0.117783f, 0.117709f, 0.117635f, 0.11756f, 0.117486f, 0.117412f, 0.117338f, 0.117263f, 0.117189f, 0.117115f, 0.117041f, 0.116966f, 0.116892f, 0.116818f, 0.116743f, 0.116669f, 0.116595f, 0.11652f, 0.116446f, 0.116372f,
-0.116297f, 0.116223f, 0.116149f, 0.116074f, 0.116f, 0.115926f, 0.115851f, 0.115777f, 0.115702f, 0.115628f, 0.115554f, 0.115479f, 0.115405f, 0.11533f, 0.115256f, 0.115181f, 0.115107f, 0.115032f, 0.114958f, 0.114883f,
-0.114809f, 0.114735f, 0.11466f, 0.114586f, 0.114511f, 0.114436f, 0.114362f, 0.114287f, 0.114213f, 0.114138f, 0.114064f, 0.113989f, 0.113915f, 0.11384f, 0.113766f, 0.113691f, 0.113616f, 0.113542f, 0.113467f, 0.113393f,
-0.113318f, 0.113243f, 0.113169f, 0.113094f, 0.113019f, 0.112945f, 0.11287f, 0.112795f, 0.112721f, 0.112646f, 0.112571f, 0.112497f, 0.112422f, 0.112347f, 0.112273f, 0.112198f, 0.112123f, 0.112048f, 0.111974f, 0.111899f,
-0.111824f, 0.111749f, 0.111675f, 0.1116f, 0.111525f, 0.11145f, 0.111375f, 0.111301f, 0.111226f, 0.111151f, 0.111076f, 0.111001f, 0.110927f, 0.110852f, 0.110777f, 0.110702f, 0.110627f, 0.110552f, 0.110477f, 0.110403f,
-0.110328f, 0.110253f, 0.110178f, 0.110103f, 0.110028f, 0.109953f, 0.109878f, 0.109803f, 0.109728f, 0.109653f, 0.109579f, 0.109504f, 0.109429f, 0.109354f, 0.109279f, 0.109204f, 0.109129f, 0.109054f, 0.108979f, 0.108904f,
-0.108829f, 0.108754f, 0.108679f, 0.108604f, 0.108529f, 0.108453f, 0.108378f, 0.108303f, 0.108228f, 0.108153f, 0.108078f, 0.108003f, 0.107928f, 0.107853f, 0.107778f, 0.107703f, 0.107628f, 0.107552f, 0.107477f, 0.107402f,
-0.107327f, 0.107252f, 0.107177f, 0.107101f, 0.107026f, 0.106951f, 0.106876f, 0.106801f, 0.106726f, 0.10665f, 0.106575f, 0.1065f, 0.106425f, 0.106349f, 0.106274f, 0.106199f, 0.106124f, 0.106048f, 0.105973f, 0.105898f,
-0.105823f, 0.105747f, 0.105672f, 0.105597f, 0.105521f, 0.105446f, 0.105371f, 0.105296f, 0.10522f, 0.105145f, 0.10507f, 0.104994f, 0.104919f, 0.104843f, 0.104768f, 0.104693f, 0.104617f, 0.104542f, 0.104467f, 0.104391f,
-0.104316f, 0.10424f, 0.104165f, 0.104089f, 0.104014f, 0.103939f, 0.103863f, 0.103788f, 0.103712f, 0.103637f, 0.103561f, 0.103486f, 0.10341f, 0.103335f, 0.103259f, 0.103184f, 0.103108f, 0.103033f, 0.102957f, 0.102882f,
-0.102806f, 0.102731f, 0.102655f, 0.10258f, 0.102504f, 0.102428f, 0.102353f, 0.102277f, 0.102202f, 0.102126f, 0.102051f, 0.101975f, 0.101899f, 0.101824f, 0.101748f, 0.101672f, 0.101597f, 0.101521f, 0.101446f, 0.10137f,
-0.101294f, 0.101219f, 0.101143f, 0.101067f, 0.100991f, 0.100916f, 0.10084f, 0.100764f, 0.100689f, 0.100613f, 0.100537f, 0.100461f, 0.100386f, 0.10031f, 0.100234f, 0.100158f, 0.100083f, 0.100007f, 0.099931f, 0.099855f,
-0.09978f, 0.099704f, 0.099628f, 0.099552f, 0.099476f, 0.0994f, 0.099325f, 0.099249f, 0.099173f, 0.099097f, 0.099021f, 0.098945f, 0.09887f, 0.098794f, 0.098718f, 0.098642f, 0.098566f, 0.09849f, 0.098414f, 0.098338f,
-0.098262f, 0.098186f, 0.098111f, 0.098035f, 0.097959f, 0.097883f, 0.097807f, 0.097731f, 0.097655f, 0.097579f, 0.097503f, 0.097427f, 0.097351f, 0.097275f, 0.097199f, 0.097123f, 0.097047f, 0.096971f, 0.096895f, 0.096819f,
-0.096743f, 0.096667f, 0.096591f, 0.096514f, 0.096438f, 0.096362f, 0.096286f, 0.09621f, 0.096134f, 0.096058f, 0.095982f, 0.095906f, 0.09583f, 0.095753f, 0.095677f, 0.095601f, 0.095525f, 0.095449f, 0.095373f, 0.095297f,
-0.09522f, 0.095144f, 0.095068f, 0.094992f, 0.094916f, 0.094839f, 0.094763f, 0.094687f, 0.094611f, 0.094535f, 0.094458f, 0.094382f, 0.094306f, 0.09423f, 0.094153f, 0.094077f, 0.094001f, 0.093925f, 0.093848f, 0.093772f,
-0.093696f, 0.093619f, 0.093543f, 0.093467f, 0.09339f, 0.093314f, 0.093238f, 0.093161f, 0.093085f, 0.093009f, 0.092932f, 0.092856f, 0.09278f, 0.092703f, 0.092627f, 0.09255f, 0.092474f, 0.092398f, 0.092321f, 0.092245f,
-0.092168f, 0.092092f, 0.092016f, 0.091939f, 0.091863f, 0.091786f, 0.09171f, 0.091633f, 0.091557f, 0.09148f, 0.091404f, 0.091327f, 0.091251f, 0.091174f, 0.091098f, 0.091021f, 0.090945f, 0.090868f, 0.090792f, 0.090715f,
-0.090639f, 0.090562f, 0.090486f, 0.090409f, 0.090332f, 0.090256f, 0.090179f, 0.090103f, 0.090026f, 0.08995f, 0.089873f, 0.089796f, 0.08972f, 0.089643f, 0.089566f, 0.08949f, 0.089413f, 0.089336f, 0.08926f, 0.089183f,
-0.089107f, 0.08903f, 0.088953f, 0.088876f, 0.0888f, 0.088723f, 0.088646f, 0.08857f, 0.088493f, 0.088416f, 0.088339f, 0.088263f, 0.088186f, 0.088109f, 0.088033f, 0.087956f, 0.087879f, 0.087802f, 0.087725f, 0.087649f,
-0.087572f, 0.087495f, 0.087418f, 0.087341f, 0.087265f, 0.087188f, 0.087111f, 0.087034f, 0.086957f, 0.08688f, 0.086804f, 0.086727f, 0.08665f, 0.086573f, 0.086496f, 0.086419f, 0.086342f, 0.086265f, 0.086189f, 0.086112f,
-0.086035f, 0.085958f, 0.085881f, 0.085804f, 0.085727f, 0.08565f, 0.085573f, 0.085496f, 0.085419f, 0.085342f, 0.085265f, 0.085188f, 0.085111f, 0.085034f, 0.084957f, 0.08488f, 0.084803f, 0.084726f, 0.084649f, 0.084572f,
-0.084495f, 0.084418f, 0.084341f, 0.084264f, 0.084187f, 0.08411f, 0.084033f, 0.083956f, 0.083879f, 0.083802f, 0.083725f, 0.083647f, 0.08357f, 0.083493f, 0.083416f, 0.083339f, 0.083262f, 0.083185f, 0.083108f, 0.08303f,
-0.082953f, 0.082876f, 0.082799f, 0.082722f, 0.082645f, 0.082567f, 0.08249f, 0.082413f, 0.082336f, 0.082259f, 0.082181f, 0.082104f, 0.082027f, 0.08195f, 0.081873f, 0.081795f, 0.081718f, 0.081641f, 0.081564f, 0.081486f,
-0.081409f, 0.081332f, 0.081254f, 0.081177f, 0.0811f, 0.081023f, 0.080945f, 0.080868f, 0.080791f, 0.080713f, 0.080636f, 0.080559f, 0.080481f, 0.080404f, 0.080327f, 0.080249f, 0.080172f, 0.080094f, 0.080017f, 0.07994f,
-0.079862f, 0.079785f, 0.079707f, 0.07963f, 0.079553f, 0.079475f, 0.079398f, 0.07932f, 0.079243f, 0.079165f, 0.079088f, 0.079011f, 0.078933f, 0.078856f, 0.078778f, 0.078701f, 0.078623f, 0.078546f, 0.078468f, 0.078391f,
-0.078313f, 0.078236f, 0.078158f, 0.078081f, 0.078003f, 0.077926f, 0.077848f, 0.07777f, 0.077693f, 0.077615f, 0.077538f, 0.07746f, 0.077383f, 0.077305f, 0.077227f, 0.07715f, 0.077072f, 0.076995f, 0.076917f, 0.076839f,
-0.076762f, 0.076684f, 0.076606f, 0.076529f, 0.076451f, 0.076374f, 0.076296f, 0.076218f, 0.076141f, 0.076063f, 0.075985f, 0.075907f, 0.07583f, 0.075752f, 0.075674f, 0.075597f, 0.075519f, 0.075441f, 0.075363f, 0.075286f,
-0.075208f, 0.07513f, 0.075052f, 0.074975f, 0.074897f, 0.074819f, 0.074741f, 0.074664f, 0.074586f, 0.074508f, 0.07443f, 0.074352f, 0.074275f, 0.074197f, 0.074119f, 0.074041f, 0.073963f, 0.073885f, 0.073808f, 0.07373f,
-0.073652f, 0.073574f, 0.073496f, 0.073418f, 0.07334f, 0.073262f, 0.073185f, 0.073107f, 0.073029f, 0.072951f, 0.072873f, 0.072795f, 0.072717f, 0.072639f, 0.072561f, 0.072483f, 0.072405f, 0.072327f, 0.072249f, 0.072171f,
-0.072093f, 0.072015f, 0.071937f, 0.071859f, 0.071781f, 0.071703f, 0.071625f, 0.071547f, 0.071469f, 0.071391f, 0.071313f, 0.071235f, 0.071157f, 0.071079f, 0.071001f, 0.070923f, 0.070845f, 0.070767f, 0.070689f, 0.070611f,
-0.070533f, 0.070455f, 0.070376f, 0.070298f, 0.07022f, 0.070142f, 0.070064f, 0.069986f, 0.069908f, 0.06983f, 0.069751f, 0.069673f, 0.069595f, 0.069517f, 0.069439f, 0.069361f, 0.069282f, 0.069204f, 0.069126f, 0.069048f,
-0.06897f, 0.068891f, 0.068813f, 0.068735f, 0.068657f, 0.068578f, 0.0685f, 0.068422f, 0.068344f, 0.068265f, 0.068187f, 0.068109f, 0.068031f, 0.067952f, 0.067874f, 0.067796f, 0.067717f, 0.067639f, 0.067561f, 0.067483f,
-0.067404f, 0.067326f, 0.067248f, 0.067169f, 0.067091f, 0.067013f, 0.066934f, 0.066856f, 0.066777f, 0.066699f, 0.066621f, 0.066542f, 0.066464f, 0.066386f, 0.066307f, 0.066229f, 0.06615f, 0.066072f, 0.065994f, 0.065915f,
-0.065837f, 0.065758f, 0.06568f, 0.065601f, 0.065523f, 0.065444f, 0.065366f, 0.065287f, 0.065209f, 0.06513f, 0.065052f, 0.064974f, 0.064895f, 0.064817f, 0.064738f, 0.064659f, 0.064581f, 0.064502f, 0.064424f, 0.064345f,
-0.064267f, 0.064188f, 0.06411f, 0.064031f, 0.063953f, 0.063874f, 0.063795f, 0.063717f, 0.063638f, 0.06356f, 0.063481f, 0.063402f, 0.063324f, 0.063245f, 0.063167f, 0.063088f, 0.063009f, 0.062931f, 0.062852f, 0.062773f,
-0.062695f, 0.062616f, 0.062537f, 0.062459f, 0.06238f, 0.062301f, 0.062223f, 0.062144f, 0.062065f, 0.061987f, 0.061908f, 0.061829f, 0.06175f, 0.061672f, 0.061593f, 0.061514f, 0.061435f, 0.061357f, 0.061278f, 0.061199f,
-0.06112f, 0.061042f, 0.060963f, 0.060884f, 0.060805f, 0.060726f, 0.060648f, 0.060569f, 0.06049f, 0.060411f, 0.060332f, 0.060254f, 0.060175f, 0.060096f, 0.060017f, 0.059938f, 0.059859f, 0.059781f, 0.059702f, 0.059623f,
-0.059544f, 0.059465f, 0.059386f, 0.059307f, 0.059228f, 0.059149f, 0.059071f, 0.058992f, 0.058913f, 0.058834f, 0.058755f, 0.058676f, 0.058597f, 0.058518f, 0.058439f, 0.05836f, 0.058281f, 0.058202f, 0.058123f, 0.058044f,
-0.057965f, 0.057886f, 0.057807f, 0.057728f, 0.057649f, 0.05757f, 0.057491f, 0.057412f, 0.057333f, 0.057254f, 0.057175f, 0.057096f, 0.057017f, 0.056938f, 0.056859f, 0.05678f, 0.056701f, 0.056622f, 0.056542f, 0.056463f,
-0.056384f, 0.056305f, 0.056226f, 0.056147f, 0.056068f, 0.055989f, 0.05591f, 0.05583f, 0.055751f, 0.055672f, 0.055593f, 0.055514f, 0.055435f, 0.055356f, 0.055276f, 0.055197f, 0.055118f, 0.055039f, 0.05496f, 0.05488f,
-0.054801f, 0.054722f, 0.054643f, 0.054564f, 0.054484f, 0.054405f, 0.054326f, 0.054247f, 0.054167f, 0.054088f, 0.054009f, 0.05393f, 0.05385f, 0.053771f, 0.053692f, 0.053613f, 0.053533f, 0.053454f, 0.053375f, 0.053295f,
-0.053216f, 0.053137f, 0.053057f, 0.052978f, 0.052899f, 0.052819f, 0.05274f, 0.052661f, 0.052581f, 0.052502f, 0.052423f, 0.052343f, 0.052264f, 0.052184f, 0.052105f, 0.052026f, 0.051946f, 0.051867f, 0.051787f, 0.051708f,
-0.051629f, 0.051549f, 0.05147f, 0.05139f, 0.051311f, 0.051231f, 0.051152f, 0.051073f, 0.050993f, 0.050914f, 0.050834f, 0.050755f, 0.050675f, 0.050596f, 0.050516f, 0.050437f, 0.050357f, 0.050278f, 0.050198f, 0.050119f,
-0.050039f, 0.04996f, 0.04988f, 0.049801f, 0.049721f, 0.049641f, 0.049562f, 0.049482f, 0.049403f, 0.049323f, 0.049244f, 0.049164f, 0.049084f, 0.049005f, 0.048925f, 0.048846f, 0.048766f, 0.048686f, 0.048607f, 0.048527f,
-0.048448f, 0.048368f, 0.048288f, 0.048209f, 0.048129f, 0.048049f, 0.04797f, 0.04789f, 0.04781f, 0.047731f, 0.047651f, 0.047571f, 0.047492f, 0.047412f, 0.047332f, 0.047252f, 0.047173f, 0.047093f, 0.047013f, 0.046934f,
-0.046854f, 0.046774f, 0.046694f, 0.046615f, 0.046535f, 0.046455f, 0.046375f, 0.046296f, 0.046216f, 0.046136f, 0.046056f, 0.045976f, 0.045897f, 0.045817f, 0.045737f, 0.045657f, 0.045577f, 0.045498f, 0.045418f, 0.045338f,
-0.045258f, 0.045178f, 0.045098f, 0.045018f, 0.044939f, 0.044859f, 0.044779f, 0.044699f, 0.044619f, 0.044539f, 0.044459f, 0.044379f, 0.0443f, 0.04422f, 0.04414f, 0.04406f, 0.04398f, 0.0439f, 0.04382f, 0.04374f,
-0.04366f, 0.04358f, 0.0435f, 0.04342f, 0.04334f, 0.04326f, 0.04318f, 0.0431f, 0.04302f, 0.04294f, 0.04286f, 0.04278f, 0.0427f, 0.04262f, 0.04254f, 0.04246f, 0.04238f, 0.0423f, 0.04222f, 0.04214f,
-0.04206f, 0.04198f, 0.0419f, 0.04182f, 0.04174f, 0.04166f, 0.04158f, 0.0415f, 0.04142f, 0.04134f, 0.041259f, 0.041179f, 0.041099f, 0.041019f, 0.040939f, 0.040859f, 0.040779f, 0.040699f, 0.040619f, 0.040538f,
-0.040458f, 0.040378f, 0.040298f, 0.040218f, 0.040138f, 0.040057f, 0.039977f, 0.039897f, 0.039817f, 0.039737f, 0.039656f, 0.039576f, 0.039496f, 0.039416f, 0.039336f, 0.039255f, 0.039175f, 0.039095f, 0.039015f, 0.038934f,
-0.038854f, 0.038774f, 0.038694f, 0.038613f, 0.038533f, 0.038453f, 0.038373f, 0.038292f, 0.038212f, 0.038132f, 0.038051f, 0.037971f, 0.037891f, 0.037811f, 0.03773f, 0.03765f, 0.03757f, 0.037489f, 0.037409f, 0.037329f,
-0.037248f, 0.037168f, 0.037087f, 0.037007f, 0.036927f, 0.036846f, 0.036766f, 0.036686f, 0.036605f, 0.036525f, 0.036444f, 0.036364f, 0.036284f, 0.036203f, 0.036123f, 0.036042f, 0.035962f, 0.035881f, 0.035801f, 0.035721f,
-0.03564f, 0.03556f, 0.035479f, 0.035399f, 0.035318f, 0.035238f, 0.035157f, 0.035077f, 0.034996f, 0.034916f, 0.034835f, 0.034755f, 0.034674f, 0.034594f, 0.034513f, 0.034433f, 0.034352f, 0.034272f, 0.034191f, 0.034111f,
-0.03403f, 0.03395f, 0.033869f, 0.033788f, 0.033708f, 0.033627f, 0.033547f, 0.033466f, 0.033386f, 0.033305f, 0.033224f, 0.033144f, 0.033063f, 0.032983f, 0.032902f, 0.032821f, 0.032741f, 0.03266f, 0.032579f, 0.032499f,
-0.032418f, 0.032337f, 0.032257f, 0.032176f, 0.032095f, 0.032015f, 0.031934f, 0.031853f, 0.031773f, 0.031692f, 0.031611f, 0.031531f, 0.03145f, 0.031369f, 0.031289f, 0.031208f, 0.031127f, 0.031046f, 0.030966f, 0.030885f,
-0.030804f, 0.030723f, 0.030643f, 0.030562f, 0.030481f, 0.0304f, 0.03032f, 0.030239f, 0.030158f, 0.030077f, 0.029996f, 0.029916f, 0.029835f, 0.029754f, 0.029673f, 0.029592f, 0.029512f, 0.029431f, 0.02935f, 0.029269f,
-0.029188f, 0.029107f, 0.029027f, 0.028946f, 0.028865f, 0.028784f, 0.028703f, 0.028622f, 0.028541f, 0.02846f, 0.02838f, 0.028299f, 0.028218f, 0.028137f, 0.028056f, 0.027975f, 0.027894f, 0.027813f, 0.027732f, 0.027651f,
-0.02757f, 0.027489f, 0.027408f, 0.027328f, 0.027247f, 0.027166f, 0.027085f, 0.027004f, 0.026923f, 0.026842f, 0.026761f, 0.02668f, 0.026599f, 0.026518f, 0.026437f, 0.026356f, 0.026275f, 0.026194f, 0.026113f, 0.026032f,
-0.025951f, 0.02587f, 0.025788f, 0.025707f, 0.025626f, 0.025545f, 0.025464f, 0.025383f, 0.025302f, 0.025221f, 0.02514f, 0.025059f, 0.024978f, 0.024897f, 0.024816f, 0.024734f, 0.024653f, 0.024572f, 0.024491f, 0.02441f,
-0.024329f, 0.024248f, 0.024167f, 0.024085f, 0.024004f, 0.023923f, 0.023842f, 0.023761f, 0.02368f, 0.023598f, 0.023517f, 0.023436f, 0.023355f, 0.023274f, 0.023193f, 0.023111f, 0.02303f, 0.022949f, 0.022868f, 0.022787f,
-0.022705f, 0.022624f, 0.022543f, 0.022462f, 0.02238f, 0.022299f, 0.022218f, 0.022137f, 0.022055f, 0.021974f, 0.021893f, 0.021812f, 0.02173f, 0.021649f, 0.021568f, 0.021486f, 0.021405f, 0.021324f, 0.021242f, 0.021161f,
-0.02108f, 0.020999f, 0.020917f, 0.020836f, 0.020755f, 0.020673f, 0.020592f, 0.02051f, 0.020429f, 0.020348f, 0.020266f, 0.020185f, 0.020104f, 0.020022f, 0.019941f, 0.019859f, 0.019778f, 0.019697f, 0.019615f, 0.019534f,
-0.019452f, 0.019371f, 0.01929f, 0.019208f, 0.019127f, 0.019045f, 0.018964f, 0.018882f, 0.018801f, 0.01872f, 0.018638f, 0.018557f, 0.018475f, 0.018394f, 0.018312f, 0.018231f, 0.018149f, 0.018068f, 0.017986f, 0.017905f,
-0.017823f, 0.017742f, 0.01766f, 0.017579f, 0.017497f, 0.017416f, 0.017334f, 0.017253f, 0.017171f, 0.01709f, 0.017008f, 0.016926f, 0.016845f, 0.016763f, 0.016682f, 0.0166f, 0.016519f, 0.016437f, 0.016355f, 0.016274f,
-0.016192f, 0.016111f, 0.016029f, 0.015947f, 0.015866f, 0.015784f, 0.015703f, 0.015621f, 0.015539f, 0.015458f, 0.015376f, 0.015294f, 0.015213f, 0.015131f, 0.015049f, 0.014968f, 0.014886f, 0.014804f, 0.014723f, 0.014641f,
-0.014559f, 0.014478f, 0.014396f, 0.014314f, 0.014233f, 0.014151f, 0.014069f, 0.013987f, 0.013906f, 0.013824f, 0.013742f, 0.013661f, 0.013579f, 0.013497f, 0.013415f, 0.013334f, 0.013252f, 0.01317f, 0.013088f, 0.013007f,
-0.012925f, 0.012843f, 0.012761f, 0.012679f, 0.012598f, 0.012516f, 0.012434f, 0.012352f, 0.01227f, 0.012189f, 0.012107f, 0.012025f, 0.011943f, 0.011861f, 0.011779f, 0.011698f, 0.011616f, 0.011534f, 0.011452f, 0.01137f,
-0.011288f, 0.011206f, 0.011125f, 0.011043f, 0.010961f, 0.010879f, 0.010797f, 0.010715f, 0.010633f, 0.010551f, 0.010469f, 0.010387f, 0.010306f, 0.010224f, 0.010142f, 0.01006f, 0.009978f, 0.009896f, 0.009814f, 0.009732f,
-0.00965f, 0.009568f, 0.009486f, 0.009404f, 0.009322f, 0.00924f, 0.009158f, 0.009076f, 0.008994f, 0.008912f, 0.00883f, 0.008748f, 0.008666f, 0.008584f, 0.008502f, 0.00842f, 0.008338f, 0.008256f, 0.008174f, 0.008092f,
-0.00801f, 0.007928f, 0.007846f, 0.007764f, 0.007682f, 0.0076f, 0.007518f, 0.007436f, 0.007354f, 0.007271f, 0.007189f, 0.007107f, 0.007025f, 0.006943f, 0.006861f, 0.006779f, 0.006697f, 0.006615f, 0.006532f, 0.00645f,
-0.006368f, 0.006286f, 0.006204f, 0.006122f, 0.00604f, 0.005958f, 0.005875f, 0.005793f, 0.005711f, 0.005629f, 0.005547f, 0.005465f, 0.005382f, 0.0053f, 0.005218f, 0.005136f, 0.005054f, 0.004971f, 0.004889f, 0.004807f,
-0.004725f, 0.004642f, 0.00456f, 0.004478f, 0.004396f, 0.004314f, 0.004231f, 0.004149f, 0.004067f, 0.003985f, 0.003902f, 0.00382f, 0.003738f, 0.003655f, 0.003573f, 0.003491f, 0.003409f, 0.003326f, 0.003244f, 0.003162f,
-0.003079f, 0.002997f, 0.002915f, 0.002833f, 0.00275f, 0.002668f, 0.002586f, 0.002503f, 0.002421f, 0.002339f, 0.002256f, 0.002174f, 0.002091f, 0.002009f, 0.001927f, 0.001844f, 0.001762f, 0.00168f, 0.001597f, 0.001515f,
-0.001432f, 0.00135f, 0.001268f, 0.001185f, 0.001103f, 0.00102f, 0.000938f, 0.000856f, 0.000773f, 0.000691f, 0.000608f, 0.000526f, 0.000443f, 0.000361f, 0.000279f, 0.000196f, 0.000114f, 3.1e-05f, -5.1e-05f, -0.000134f,
--0.000216f, -0.000299f, -0.000381f, -0.000464f, -0.000546f, -0.000629f, -0.000711f, -0.000794f, -0.000876f, -0.000959f, -0.001041f, -0.001124f, -0.001206f, -0.001289f, -0.001371f, -0.001454f, -0.001536f, -0.001619f, -0.001701f, -0.001784f,
--0.001867f, -0.001949f, -0.002032f, -0.002114f, -0.002197f, -0.002279f, -0.002362f, -0.002445f, -0.002527f, -0.00261f, -0.002692f, -0.002775f, -0.002858f, -0.00294f, -0.003023f, -0.003105f, -0.003188f, -0.003271f, -0.003353f, -0.003436f,
--0.003519f, -0.003601f, -0.003684f, -0.003767f, -0.003849f, -0.003932f, -0.004015f, -0.004097f, -0.00418f, -0.004263f, -0.004345f, -0.004428f, -0.004511f, -0.004593f, -0.004676f, -0.004759f, -0.004841f, -0.004924f, -0.005007f, -0.00509f,
--0.005172f, -0.005255f, -0.005338f, -0.00542f, -0.005503f, -0.005586f, -0.005669f, -0.005751f, -0.005834f, -0.005917f, -0.006f, -0.006082f, -0.006165f, -0.006248f, -0.006331f, -0.006414f, -0.006496f, -0.006579f, -0.006662f, -0.006745f,
--0.006828f, -0.00691f, -0.006993f, -0.007076f, -0.007159f, -0.007242f, -0.007325f, -0.007407f, -0.00749f, -0.007573f, -0.007656f, -0.007739f, -0.007822f, -0.007904f, -0.007987f, -0.00807f, -0.008153f, -0.008236f, -0.008319f, -0.008402f,
--0.008485f, -0.008567f, -0.00865f, -0.008733f, -0.008816f, -0.008899f, -0.008982f, -0.009065f, -0.009148f, -0.009231f, -0.009314f, -0.009397f, -0.00948f, -0.009562f, -0.009645f, -0.009728f, -0.009811f, -0.009894f, -0.009977f, -0.01006f,
--0.010143f, -0.010226f, -0.010309f, -0.010392f, -0.010475f, -0.010558f, -0.010641f, -0.010724f, -0.010807f, -0.01089f, -0.010973f, -0.011056f, -0.011139f, -0.011222f, -0.011305f, -0.011388f, -0.011471f, -0.011554f, -0.011637f, -0.01172f,
--0.011803f, -0.011886f, -0.011969f, -0.012053f, -0.012136f, -0.012219f, -0.012302f, -0.012385f, -0.012468f, -0.012551f, -0.012634f, -0.012717f, -0.0128f, -0.012883f, -0.012966f, -0.01305f, -0.013133f, -0.013216f, -0.013299f, -0.013382f,
--0.013465f, -0.013548f, -0.013631f, -0.013715f, -0.013798f, -0.013881f, -0.013964f, -0.014047f, -0.01413f, -0.014213f, -0.014297f, -0.01438f, -0.014463f, -0.014546f, -0.014629f, -0.014712f, -0.014796f, -0.014879f, -0.014962f, -0.015045f,
--0.015128f, -0.015212f, -0.015295f, -0.015378f, -0.015461f, -0.015545f, -0.015628f, -0.015711f, -0.015794f, -0.015878f, -0.015961f, -0.016044f, -0.016127f, -0.016211f, -0.016294f, -0.016377f, -0.01646f, -0.016544f, -0.016627f, -0.01671f,
--0.016793f, -0.016877f, -0.01696f, -0.017043f, -0.017127f, -0.01721f, -0.017293f, -0.017376f, -0.01746f, -0.017543f, -0.017626f, -0.01771f, -0.017793f, -0.017876f, -0.01796f, -0.018043f, -0.018126f, -0.01821f, -0.018293f, -0.018377f,
--0.01846f, -0.018543f, -0.018627f, -0.01871f, -0.018793f, -0.018877f, -0.01896f, -0.019044f, -0.019127f, -0.01921f, -0.019294f, -0.019377f, -0.01946f, -0.019544f, -0.019627f, -0.019711f, -0.019794f, -0.019878f, -0.019961f, -0.020044f,
--0.020128f, -0.020211f, -0.020295f, -0.020378f, -0.020462f, -0.020545f, -0.020629f, -0.020712f, -0.020796f, -0.020879f, -0.020962f, -0.021046f, -0.021129f, -0.021213f, -0.021296f, -0.02138f, -0.021463f, -0.021547f, -0.02163f, -0.021714f,
--0.021797f, -0.021881f, -0.021964f, -0.022048f, -0.022131f, -0.022215f, -0.022299f, -0.022382f, -0.022466f, -0.022549f, -0.022633f, -0.022716f, -0.0228f, -0.022883f, -0.022967f, -0.023051f, -0.023134f, -0.023218f, -0.023301f, -0.023385f,
--0.023468f, -0.023552f, -0.023636f, -0.023719f, -0.023803f, -0.023886f, -0.02397f, -0.024054f, -0.024137f, -0.024221f, -0.024305f, -0.024388f, -0.024472f, -0.024555f, -0.024639f, -0.024723f, -0.024806f, -0.02489f, -0.024974f, -0.025057f,
--0.025141f, -0.025225f, -0.025308f, -0.025392f, -0.025476f, -0.025559f, -0.025643f, -0.025727f, -0.02581f, -0.025894f, -0.025978f, -0.026061f, -0.026145f, -0.026229f, -0.026313f, -0.026396f, -0.02648f, -0.026564f, -0.026647f, -0.026731f,
--0.026815f, -0.026899f, -0.026982f, -0.027066f, -0.02715f, -0.027234f, -0.027317f, -0.027401f, -0.027485f, -0.027569f, -0.027653f, -0.027736f, -0.02782f, -0.027904f, -0.027988f, -0.028071f, -0.028155f, -0.028239f, -0.028323f, -0.028407f,
--0.02849f, -0.028574f, -0.028658f, -0.028742f, -0.028826f, -0.02891f, -0.028993f, -0.029077f, -0.029161f, -0.029245f, -0.029329f, -0.029413f, -0.029496f, -0.02958f, -0.029664f, -0.029748f, -0.029832f, -0.029916f, -0.03f, -0.030083f,
--0.030167f, -0.030251f, -0.030335f, -0.030419f, -0.030503f, -0.030587f, -0.030671f, -0.030755f, -0.030839f, -0.030922f, -0.031006f, -0.03109f, -0.031174f, -0.031258f, -0.031342f, -0.031426f, -0.03151f, -0.031594f, -0.031678f, -0.031762f,
--0.031846f, -0.03193f, -0.032014f, -0.032098f, -0.032182f, -0.032266f, -0.032349f, -0.032433f, -0.032517f, -0.032601f, -0.032685f, -0.032769f, -0.032853f, -0.032937f, -0.033021f, -0.033105f, -0.033189f, -0.033273f, -0.033357f, -0.033441f,
--0.033525f, -0.03361f, -0.033694f, -0.033778f, -0.033862f, -0.033946f, -0.03403f, -0.034114f, -0.034198f, -0.034282f, -0.034366f, -0.03445f, -0.034534f, -0.034618f, -0.034702f, -0.034786f, -0.03487f, -0.034954f, -0.035038f, -0.035123f,
--0.035207f, -0.035291f, -0.035375f, -0.035459f, -0.035543f, -0.035627f, -0.035711f, -0.035795f, -0.03588f, -0.035964f, -0.036048f, -0.036132f, -0.036216f, -0.0363f, -0.036384f, -0.036468f, -0.036553f, -0.036637f, -0.036721f, -0.036805f,
--0.036889f, -0.036973f, -0.037058f, -0.037142f, -0.037226f, -0.03731f, -0.037394f, -0.037478f, -0.037563f, -0.037647f, -0.037731f, -0.037815f, -0.037899f, -0.037984f, -0.038068f, -0.038152f, -0.038236f, -0.038321f, -0.038405f, -0.038489f,
--0.038573f, -0.038657f, -0.038742f, -0.038826f, -0.03891f, -0.038994f, -0.039079f, -0.039163f, -0.039247f, -0.039331f, -0.039416f, -0.0395f, -0.039584f, -0.039669f, -0.039753f, -0.039837f, -0.039921f, -0.040006f, -0.04009f, -0.040174f,
--0.040259f, -0.040343f, -0.040427f, -0.040511f, -0.040596f, -0.04068f, -0.040764f, -0.040849f, -0.040933f, -0.041017f, -0.041102f, -0.041186f, -0.04127f, -0.041355f, -0.041439f, -0.041523f, -0.041608f, -0.041692f, -0.041777f, -0.041861f,
--0.041945f, -0.04203f, -0.042114f, -0.042198f, -0.042283f, -0.042367f, -0.042452f, -0.042536f, -0.04262f, -0.042705f, -0.042789f, -0.042873f, -0.042958f, -0.043042f, -0.043127f, -0.043211f, -0.043296f, -0.04338f, -0.043464f, -0.043549f,
--0.043633f, -0.043718f, -0.043802f, -0.043887f, -0.043971f, -0.044055f, -0.04414f, -0.044224f, -0.044309f, -0.044393f, -0.044478f, -0.044562f, -0.044647f, -0.044731f, -0.044816f, -0.0449f, -0.044985f, -0.045069f, -0.045154f, -0.045238f,
--0.045323f, -0.045407f, -0.045492f, -0.045576f, -0.045661f, -0.045745f, -0.04583f, -0.045914f, -0.045999f, -0.046083f, -0.046168f, -0.046252f, -0.046337f, -0.046421f, -0.046506f, -0.046591f, -0.046675f, -0.04676f, -0.046844f, -0.046929f,
--0.047013f, -0.047098f, -0.047182f, -0.047267f, -0.047352f, -0.047436f, -0.047521f, -0.047605f, -0.04769f, -0.047775f, -0.047859f, -0.047944f, -0.048028f, -0.048113f, -0.048198f, -0.048282f, -0.048367f, -0.048451f, -0.048536f, -0.048621f,
--0.048705f, -0.04879f, -0.048875f, -0.048959f, -0.049044f, -0.049128f, -0.049213f, -0.049298f, -0.049382f, -0.049467f, -0.049552f, -0.049636f, -0.049721f, -0.049806f, -0.04989f, -0.049975f, -0.05006f, -0.050144f, -0.050229f, -0.050314f,
--0.050399f, -0.050483f, -0.050568f, -0.050653f, -0.050737f, -0.050822f, -0.050907f, -0.050991f, -0.051076f, -0.051161f, -0.051246f, -0.05133f, -0.051415f, -0.0515f, -0.051585f, -0.051669f, -0.051754f, -0.051839f, -0.051924f, -0.052008f,
--0.052093f, -0.052178f, -0.052263f, -0.052347f, -0.052432f, -0.052517f, -0.052602f, -0.052686f, -0.052771f, -0.052856f, -0.052941f, -0.053026f, -0.05311f, -0.053195f, -0.05328f, -0.053365f, -0.05345f, -0.053534f, -0.053619f, -0.053704f,
--0.053789f, -0.053874f, -0.053958f, -0.054043f, -0.054128f, -0.054213f, -0.054298f, -0.054383f, -0.054467f, -0.054552f, -0.054637f, -0.054722f, -0.054807f, -0.054892f, -0.054977f, -0.055061f, -0.055146f, -0.055231f, -0.055316f, -0.055401f,
--0.055486f, -0.055571f, -0.055656f, -0.05574f, -0.055825f, -0.05591f, -0.055995f, -0.05608f, -0.056165f, -0.05625f, -0.056335f, -0.05642f, -0.056505f, -0.05659f, -0.056674f, -0.056759f, -0.056844f, -0.056929f, -0.057014f, -0.057099f,
--0.057184f, -0.057269f, -0.057354f, -0.057439f, -0.057524f, -0.057609f, -0.057694f, -0.057779f, -0.057864f, -0.057949f, -0.058034f, -0.058119f, -0.058204f, -0.058289f, -0.058374f, -0.058459f, -0.058544f, -0.058629f, -0.058713f, -0.058798f,
--0.058883f, -0.058969f, -0.059054f, -0.059139f, -0.059224f, -0.059309f, -0.059394f, -0.059479f, -0.059564f, -0.059649f, -0.059734f, -0.059819f, -0.059904f, -0.059989f, -0.060074f, -0.060159f, -0.060244f, -0.060329f, -0.060414f, -0.060499f,
--0.060584f, -0.060669f, -0.060754f, -0.060839f, -0.060924f, -0.06101f, -0.061095f, -0.06118f, -0.061265f, -0.06135f, -0.061435f, -0.06152f, -0.061605f, -0.06169f, -0.061775f, -0.06186f, -0.061946f, -0.062031f, -0.062116f, -0.062201f,
--0.062286f, -0.062371f, -0.062456f, -0.062541f, -0.062627f, -0.062712f, -0.062797f, -0.062882f, -0.062967f, -0.063052f, -0.063137f, -0.063223f, -0.063308f, -0.063393f, -0.063478f, -0.063563f, -0.063648f, -0.063733f, -0.063819f, -0.063904f,
--0.063989f, -0.064074f, -0.064159f, -0.064245f, -0.06433f, -0.064415f, -0.0645f, -0.064585f, -0.064671f, -0.064756f, -0.064841f, -0.064926f, -0.065011f, -0.065097f, -0.065182f, -0.065267f, -0.065352f, -0.065437f, -0.065523f, -0.065608f,
--0.065693f, -0.065778f, -0.065864f, -0.065949f, -0.066034f, -0.066119f, -0.066205f, -0.06629f, -0.066375f, -0.06646f, -0.066546f, -0.066631f, -0.066716f, -0.066802f, -0.066887f, -0.066972f, -0.067057f, -0.067143f, -0.067228f, -0.067313f,
--0.067398f, -0.067484f, -0.067569f, -0.067654f, -0.06774f, -0.067825f, -0.06791f, -0.067996f, -0.068081f, -0.068166f, -0.068252f, -0.068337f, -0.068422f, -0.068508f, -0.068593f, -0.068678f, -0.068764f, -0.068849f, -0.068934f, -0.06902f,
--0.069105f, -0.06919f, -0.069276f, -0.069361f, -0.069446f, -0.069532f, -0.069617f, -0.069702f, -0.069788f, -0.069873f, -0.069959f, -0.070044f, -0.070129f, -0.070215f, -0.0703f, -0.070386f, -0.070471f, -0.070556f, -0.070642f, -0.070727f,
--0.070812f, -0.070898f, -0.070983f, -0.071069f, -0.071154f, -0.07124f, -0.071325f, -0.07141f, -0.071496f, -0.071581f, -0.071667f, -0.071752f, -0.071838f, -0.071923f, -0.072008f, -0.072094f, -0.072179f, -0.072265f, -0.07235f, -0.072436f,
--0.072521f, -0.072607f, -0.072692f, -0.072778f, -0.072863f, -0.072948f, -0.073034f, -0.073119f, -0.073205f, -0.07329f, -0.073376f, -0.073461f, -0.073547f, -0.073632f, -0.073718f, -0.073803f, -0.073889f, -0.073974f, -0.07406f, -0.074145f,
--0.074231f, -0.074316f, -0.074402f, -0.074487f, -0.074573f, -0.074659f, -0.074744f, -0.07483f, -0.074915f, -0.075001f, -0.075086f, -0.075172f, -0.075257f, -0.075343f, -0.075428f, -0.075514f, -0.075599f, -0.075685f, -0.075771f, -0.075856f,
--0.075942f, -0.076027f, -0.076113f, -0.076198f, -0.076284f, -0.07637f, -0.076455f, -0.076541f, -0.076626f, -0.076712f, -0.076798f, -0.076883f, -0.076969f, -0.077054f, -0.07714f, -0.077226f, -0.077311f, -0.077397f, -0.077482f, -0.077568f,
--0.077654f, -0.077739f, -0.077825f, -0.077911f, -0.077996f, -0.078082f, -0.078167f, -0.078253f, -0.078339f, -0.078424f, -0.07851f, -0.078596f, -0.078681f, -0.078767f, -0.078853f, -0.078938f, -0.079024f, -0.07911f, -0.079195f, -0.079281f,
--0.079367f, -0.079452f, -0.079538f, -0.079624f, -0.079709f, -0.079795f, -0.079881f, -0.079966f, -0.080052f, -0.080138f, -0.080223f, -0.080309f, -0.080395f, -0.080481f, -0.080566f, -0.080652f, -0.080738f, -0.080823f, -0.080909f, -0.080995f,
--0.081081f, -0.081166f, -0.081252f, -0.081338f, -0.081423f, -0.081509f, -0.081595f, -0.081681f, -0.081766f, -0.081852f, -0.081938f, -0.082024f, -0.082109f, -0.082195f, -0.082281f, -0.082367f, -0.082452f, -0.082538f, -0.082624f, -0.08271f,
--0.082796f, -0.082881f, -0.082967f, -0.083053f, -0.083139f, -0.083224f, -0.08331f, -0.083396f, -0.083482f, -0.083568f, -0.083653f, -0.083739f, -0.083825f, -0.083911f, -0.083997f, -0.084082f, -0.084168f, -0.084254f, -0.08434f, -0.084426f,
--0.084511f, -0.084597f, -0.084683f, -0.084769f, -0.084855f, -0.084941f, -0.085026f, -0.085112f, -0.085198f, -0.085284f, -0.08537f, -0.085456f, -0.085542f, -0.085627f, -0.085713f, -0.085799f, -0.085885f, -0.085971f, -0.086057f, -0.086143f,
--0.086228f, -0.086314f, -0.0864f, -0.086486f, -0.086572f, -0.086658f, -0.086744f, -0.08683f, -0.086916f, -0.087001f, -0.087087f, -0.087173f, -0.087259f, -0.087345f, -0.087431f, -0.087517f, -0.087603f, -0.087689f, -0.087775f, -0.087861f,
--0.087946f, -0.088032f, -0.088118f, -0.088204f, -0.08829f, -0.088376f, -0.088462f, -0.088548f, -0.088634f, -0.08872f, -0.088806f, -0.088892f, -0.088978f, -0.089064f, -0.08915f, -0.089236f, -0.089321f, -0.089407f, -0.089493f, -0.089579f,
--0.089665f, -0.089751f, -0.089837f, -0.089923f, -0.090009f, -0.090095f, -0.090181f, -0.090267f, -0.090353f, -0.090439f, -0.090525f, -0.090611f, -0.090697f, -0.090783f, -0.090869f, -0.090955f, -0.091041f, -0.091127f, -0.091213f, -0.091299f,
--0.091385f, -0.091471f, -0.091557f, -0.091643f, -0.091729f, -0.091815f, -0.091901f, -0.091987f, -0.092073f, -0.092159f, -0.092246f, -0.092332f, -0.092418f, -0.092504f, -0.09259f, -0.092676f, -0.092762f, -0.092848f, -0.092934f, -0.09302f,
--0.093106f, -0.093192f, -0.093278f, -0.093364f, -0.09345f, -0.093536f, -0.093622f, -0.093709f, -0.093795f, -0.093881f, -0.093967f, -0.094053f, -0.094139f, -0.094225f, -0.094311f, -0.094397f, -0.094483f, -0.094569f, -0.094656f, -0.094742f,
--0.094828f, -0.094914f, -0.095f, -0.095086f, -0.095172f, -0.095258f, -0.095344f, -0.095431f, -0.095517f, -0.095603f, -0.095689f, -0.095775f, -0.095861f, -0.095947f, -0.096033f, -0.09612f, -0.096206f, -0.096292f, -0.096378f, -0.096464f,
--0.09655f, -0.096637f, -0.096723f, -0.096809f, -0.096895f, -0.096981f, -0.097067f, -0.097154f, -0.09724f, -0.097326f, -0.097412f, -0.097498f, -0.097584f, -0.097671f, -0.097757f, -0.097843f, -0.097929f, -0.098015f, -0.098102f, -0.098188f,
--0.098274f, -0.09836f, -0.098446f, -0.098532f, -0.098619f, -0.098705f, -0.098791f, -0.098877f, -0.098964f, -0.09905f, -0.099136f, -0.099222f, -0.099308f, -0.099395f, -0.099481f, -0.099567f, -0.099653f, -0.09974f, -0.099826f, -0.099912f,
--0.099998f, -0.100085f, -0.100171f, -0.100257f, -0.100343f, -0.10043f, -0.100516f, -0.100602f, -0.100688f, -0.100775f, -0.100861f, -0.100947f, -0.101033f, -0.10112f, -0.101206f, -0.101292f, -0.101378f, -0.101465f, -0.101551f, -0.101637f,
--0.101724f, -0.10181f, -0.101896f, -0.101982f, -0.102069f, -0.102155f, -0.102241f, -0.102328f, -0.102414f, -0.1025f, -0.102587f, -0.102673f, -0.102759f, -0.102845f, -0.102932f, -0.103018f, -0.103104f, -0.103191f, -0.103277f, -0.103363f,
--0.10345f, -0.103536f, -0.103622f, -0.103709f, -0.103795f, -0.103881f, -0.103968f, -0.104054f, -0.10414f, -0.104227f, -0.104313f, -0.104399f, -0.104486f, -0.104572f, -0.104658f, -0.104745f, -0.104831f, -0.104918f, -0.105004f, -0.10509f,
--0.105177f, -0.105263f, -0.105349f, -0.105436f, -0.105522f, -0.105608f, -0.105695f, -0.105781f, -0.105868f, -0.105954f, -0.10604f, -0.106127f, -0.106213f, -0.1063f, -0.106386f, -0.106472f, -0.106559f, -0.106645f, -0.106732f, -0.106818f,
--0.106904f, -0.106991f, -0.107077f, -0.107164f, -0.10725f, -0.107336f, -0.107423f, -0.107509f, -0.107596f, -0.107682f, -0.107769f, -0.107855f, -0.107941f, -0.108028f, -0.108114f, -0.108201f, -0.108287f, -0.108374f, -0.10846f, -0.108547f,
--0.108633f, -0.108719f, -0.108806f, -0.108892f, -0.108979f, -0.109065f, -0.109152f, -0.109238f, -0.109325f, -0.109411f, -0.109498f, -0.109584f, -0.109671f, -0.109757f, -0.109843f, -0.10993f, -0.110016f, -0.110103f, -0.110189f, -0.110276f,
--0.110362f, -0.110449f, -0.110535f, -0.110622f, -0.110708f, -0.110795f, -0.110881f, -0.110968f, -0.111054f, -0.111141f, -0.111227f, -0.111314f, -0.1114f, -0.111487f, -0.111573f, -0.11166f, -0.111746f, -0.111833f, -0.111919f, -0.112006f,
--0.112093f, -0.112179f, -0.112266f, -0.112352f, -0.112439f, -0.112525f, -0.112612f, -0.112698f, -0.112785f, -0.112871f, -0.112958f, -0.113044f, -0.113131f, -0.113218f, -0.113304f, -0.113391f, -0.113477f, -0.113564f, -0.11365f, -0.113737f,
--0.113823f, -0.11391f, -0.113997f, -0.114083f, -0.11417f, -0.114256f, -0.114343f, -0.114429f, -0.114516f, -0.114603f, -0.114689f, -0.114776f, -0.114862f, -0.114949f, -0.115036f, -0.115122f, -0.115209f, -0.115295f, -0.115382f, -0.115469f,
--0.115555f, -0.115642f, -0.115728f, -0.115815f, -0.115902f, -0.115988f, -0.116075f, -0.116161f, -0.116248f, -0.116335f, -0.116421f, -0.116508f, -0.116595f, -0.116681f, -0.116768f, -0.116854f, -0.116941f, -0.117028f, -0.117114f, -0.117201f,
--0.117288f, -0.117374f, -0.117461f, -0.117548f, -0.117634f, -0.117721f, -0.117807f, -0.117894f, -0.117981f, -0.118067f, -0.118154f, -0.118241f, -0.118327f, -0.118414f, -0.118501f, -0.118587f, -0.118674f, -0.118761f, -0.118847f, -0.118934f,
--0.119021f, -0.119107f, -0.119194f, -0.119281f, -0.119367f, -0.119454f, -0.119541f, -0.119627f, -0.119714f, -0.119801f, -0.119888f, -0.119974f, -0.120061f, -0.120148f, -0.120234f, -0.120321f, -0.120408f, -0.120494f, -0.120581f, -0.120668f,
--0.120755f, -0.120841f, -0.120928f, -0.121015f, -0.121101f, -0.121188f, -0.121275f, -0.121362f, -0.121448f, -0.121535f, -0.121622f, -0.121709f, -0.121795f, -0.121882f, -0.121969f, -0.122055f, -0.122142f, -0.122229f, -0.122316f, -0.122402f,
--0.122489f, -0.122576f, -0.122663f, -0.122749f, -0.122836f, -0.122923f, -0.12301f, -0.123096f, -0.123183f, -0.12327f, -0.123357f, -0.123443f, -0.12353f, -0.123617f, -0.123704f, -0.123791f, -0.123877f, -0.123964f, -0.124051f, -0.124138f,
--0.124224f, -0.124311f, -0.124398f, -0.124485f, -0.124572f, -0.124658f, -0.124745f, -0.124832f, -0.124919f, -0.125005f, -0.125092f, -0.125179f, -0.125266f, -0.125353f, -0.125439f, -0.125526f, -0.125613f, -0.1257f, -0.125787f, -0.125873f,
--0.12596f, -0.126047f, -0.126134f, -0.126221f, -0.126308f, -0.126394f, -0.126481f, -0.126568f, -0.126655f, -0.126742f, -0.126829f, -0.126915f, -0.127002f, -0.127089f, -0.127176f, -0.127263f, -0.12735f, -0.127436f, -0.127523f, -0.12761f,
--0.127697f, -0.127784f, -0.127871f, -0.127957f, -0.128044f, -0.128131f, -0.128218f, -0.128305f, -0.128392f, -0.128479f, -0.128565f, -0.128652f, -0.128739f, -0.128826f, -0.128913f, -0.129f, -0.129087f, -0.129173f, -0.12926f, -0.129347f,
--0.129434f, -0.129521f, -0.129608f, -0.129695f, -0.129782f, -0.129868f, -0.129955f, -0.130042f, -0.130129f, -0.130216f, -0.130303f, -0.13039f, -0.130477f, -0.130564f, -0.13065f, -0.130737f, -0.130824f, -0.130911f, -0.130998f, -0.131085f,
--0.131172f, -0.131259f, -0.131346f, -0.131433f, -0.13152f, -0.131606f, -0.131693f, -0.13178f, -0.131867f, -0.131954f, -0.132041f, -0.132128f, -0.132215f, -0.132302f, -0.132389f, -0.132476f, -0.132563f, -0.13265f, -0.132736f, -0.132823f,
--0.13291f, -0.132997f, -0.133084f, -0.133171f, -0.133258f, -0.133345f, -0.133432f, -0.133519f, -0.133606f, -0.133693f, -0.13378f, -0.133867f, -0.133954f, -0.134041f, -0.134128f, -0.134215f, -0.134302f, -0.134389f, -0.134475f, -0.134562f,
--0.134649f, -0.134736f, -0.134823f, -0.13491f, -0.134997f, -0.135084f, -0.135171f, -0.135258f, -0.135345f, -0.135432f, -0.135519f, -0.135606f, -0.135693f, -0.13578f, -0.135867f, -0.135954f, -0.136041f, -0.136128f, -0.136215f, -0.136302f,
--0.136389f, -0.136476f, -0.136563f, -0.13665f, -0.136737f, -0.136824f, -0.136911f, -0.136998f, -0.137085f, -0.137172f, -0.137259f, -0.137346f, -0.137433f, -0.13752f, -0.137607f, -0.137694f, -0.137781f, -0.137868f, -0.137955f, -0.138042f,
--0.138129f, -0.138216f, -0.138303f, -0.13839f, -0.138477f, -0.138564f, -0.138651f, -0.138738f, -0.138826f, -0.138913f, -0.139f, -0.139087f, -0.139174f, -0.139261f, -0.139348f, -0.139435f, -0.139522f, -0.139609f, -0.139696f, -0.139783f,
--0.13987f, -0.139957f, -0.140044f, -0.140131f, -0.140218f, -0.140305f, -0.140392f, -0.140479f, -0.140567f, -0.140654f, -0.140741f, -0.140828f, -0.140915f, -0.141002f, -0.141089f, -0.141176f, -0.141263f, -0.14135f, -0.141437f, -0.141524f,
--0.141611f, -0.141698f, -0.141786f, -0.141873f, -0.14196f, -0.142047f, -0.142134f, -0.142221f, -0.142308f, -0.142395f, -0.142482f, -0.142569f, -0.142656f, -0.142744f, -0.142831f, -0.142918f, -0.143005f, -0.143092f, -0.143179f, -0.143266f,
--0.143353f, -0.14344f, -0.143527f, -0.143615f, -0.143702f, -0.143789f, -0.143876f, -0.143963f, -0.14405f, -0.144137f, -0.144224f, -0.144311f, -0.144399f, -0.144486f, -0.144573f, -0.14466f, -0.144747f, -0.144834f, -0.144921f, -0.145008f,
--0.145096f, -0.145183f, -0.14527f, -0.145357f, -0.145444f, -0.145531f, -0.145618f, -0.145706f, -0.145793f, -0.14588f, -0.145967f, -0.146054f, -0.146141f, -0.146228f, -0.146316f, -0.146403f, -0.14649f, -0.146577f, -0.146664f, -0.146751f,
--0.146838f, -0.146926f, -0.147013f, -0.1471f, -0.147187f, -0.147274f, -0.147361f, -0.147449f, -0.147536f, -0.147623f, -0.14771f, -0.147797f, -0.147884f, -0.147972f, -0.148059f, -0.148146f, -0.148233f, -0.14832f, -0.148407f, -0.148495f,
--0.148582f, -0.148669f, -0.148756f, -0.148843f, -0.148931f, -0.149018f, -0.149105f, -0.149192f, -0.149279f, -0.149366f, -0.149454f, -0.149541f, -0.149628f, -0.149715f, -0.149802f, -0.14989f, -0.149977f, -0.150064f, -0.150151f, -0.150238f,
--0.150326f, -0.150413f, -0.1505f, -0.150587f, -0.150674f, -0.150762f, -0.150849f, -0.150936f, -0.151023f, -0.151111f, -0.151198f, -0.151285f, -0.151372f, -0.151459f, -0.151547f, -0.151634f, -0.151721f, -0.151808f, -0.151895f, -0.151983f,
--0.15207f, -0.152157f, -0.152244f, -0.152332f, -0.152419f, -0.152506f, -0.152593f, -0.152681f, -0.152768f, -0.152855f, -0.152942f, -0.153029f, -0.153117f, -0.153204f, -0.153291f, -0.153378f, -0.153466f, -0.153553f, -0.15364f, -0.153727f,
--0.153815f, -0.153902f, -0.153989f, -0.154076f, -0.154164f, -0.154251f, -0.154338f, -0.154425f, -0.154513f, -0.1546f, -0.154687f, -0.154774f, -0.154862f, -0.154949f, -0.155036f, -0.155124f, -0.155211f, -0.155298f, -0.155385f, -0.155473f,
--0.15556f, -0.155647f, -0.155734f, -0.155822f, -0.155909f, -0.155996f, -0.156083f, -0.156171f, -0.156258f, -0.156345f, -0.156433f, -0.15652f, -0.156607f, -0.156694f, -0.156782f, -0.156869f, -0.156956f, -0.157044f, -0.157131f, -0.157218f,
--0.157305f, -0.157393f, -0.15748f, -0.157567f, -0.157655f, -0.157742f, -0.157829f, -0.157917f, -0.158004f, -0.158091f, -0.158178f, -0.158266f, -0.158353f, -0.15844f, -0.158528f, -0.158615f, -0.158702f, -0.15879f, -0.158877f, -0.158964f,
--0.159051f, -0.159139f, -0.159226f, -0.159313f, -0.159401f, -0.159488f, -0.159575f, -0.159663f, -0.15975f, -0.159837f, -0.159925f, -0.160012f, -0.160099f, -0.160187f, -0.160274f, -0.160361f, -0.160449f, -0.160536f, -0.160623f, -0.160711f,
--0.160798f, -0.160885f, -0.160973f, -0.16106f, -0.161147f, -0.161235f, -0.161322f, -0.161409f, -0.161497f, -0.161584f, -0.161671f, -0.161759f, -0.161846f, -0.161933f, -0.162021f, -0.162108f, -0.162195f, -0.162283f, -0.16237f, -0.162457f,
--0.162545f, -0.162632f, -0.162719f, -0.162807f, -0.162894f, -0.162981f, -0.163069f, -0.163156f, -0.163243f, -0.163331f, -0.163418f, -0.163506f, -0.163593f, -0.16368f, -0.163768f, -0.163855f, -0.163942f, -0.16403f, -0.164117f, -0.164204f,
--0.164292f, -0.164379f, -0.164467f, -0.164554f, -0.164641f, -0.164729f, -0.164816f, -0.164903f, -0.164991f, -0.165078f, -0.165165f, -0.165253f, -0.16534f, -0.165428f, -0.165515f, -0.165602f, -0.16569f, -0.165777f, -0.165865f, -0.165952f,
--0.166039f, -0.166127f, -0.166214f, -0.166301f, -0.166389f, -0.166476f, -0.166564f, -0.166651f, -0.166738f, -0.166826f, -0.166913f, -0.167001f, -0.167088f, -0.167175f, -0.167263f, -0.16735f, -0.167438f, -0.167525f, -0.167612f, -0.1677f,
--0.167787f, -0.167874f, -0.167962f, -0.168049f, -0.168137f, -0.168224f, -0.168312f, -0.168399f, -0.168486f, -0.168574f, -0.168661f, -0.168749f, -0.168836f, -0.168923f, -0.169011f, -0.169098f, -0.169186f, -0.169273f, -0.16936f, -0.169448f,
--0.169535f, -0.169623f, -0.16971f, -0.169798f, -0.169885f, -0.169972f, -0.17006f, -0.170147f, -0.170235f, -0.170322f, -0.170409f, -0.170497f, -0.170584f, -0.170672f, -0.170759f, -0.170847f, -0.170934f, -0.171021f, -0.171109f, -0.171196f,
--0.171284f, -0.171371f, -0.171459f, -0.171546f, -0.171633f, -0.171721f, -0.171808f, -0.171896f, -0.171983f, -0.172071f, -0.172158f, -0.172245f, -0.172333f, -0.17242f, -0.172508f, -0.172595f, -0.172683f, -0.17277f, -0.172858f, -0.172945f,
--0.173032f, -0.17312f, -0.173207f, -0.173295f, -0.173382f, -0.17347f, -0.173557f, -0.173645f, -0.173732f, -0.17382f, -0.173907f, -0.173994f, -0.174082f, -0.174169f, -0.174257f, -0.174344f, -0.174432f, -0.174519f, -0.174607f, -0.174694f,
--0.174782f, -0.174869f, -0.174956f, -0.175044f, -0.175131f, -0.175219f, -0.175306f, -0.175394f, -0.175481f, -0.175569f, -0.175656f, -0.175744f, -0.175831f, -0.175919f, -0.176006f, -0.176093f, -0.176181f, -0.176268f, -0.176356f, -0.176443f,
--0.176531f, -0.176618f, -0.176706f, -0.176793f, -0.176881f, -0.176968f, -0.177056f, -0.177143f, -0.177231f, -0.177318f, -0.177406f, -0.177493f, -0.177581f, -0.177668f, -0.177755f, -0.177843f, -0.17793f, -0.178018f, -0.178105f, -0.178193f,
--0.17828f, -0.178368f, -0.178455f, -0.178543f, -0.17863f, -0.178718f, -0.178805f, -0.178893f, -0.17898f, -0.179068f, -0.179155f, -0.179243f, -0.17933f, -0.179418f, -0.179505f, -0.179593f, -0.17968f, -0.179768f, -0.179855f, -0.179943f,
--0.18003f, -0.180118f, -0.180205f, -0.180293f, -0.18038f, -0.180468f, -0.180555f, -0.180643f, -0.18073f, -0.180818f, -0.180905f, -0.180993f, -0.18108f, -0.181168f, -0.181255f, -0.181343f, -0.18143f, -0.181518f, -0.181605f, -0.181693f,
--0.18178f, -0.181868f, -0.181955f, -0.182043f, -0.18213f, -0.182218f, -0.182305f, -0.182393f, -0.18248f, -0.182568f, -0.182655f, -0.182743f, -0.18283f, -0.182918f, -0.183005f, -0.183093f, -0.18318f, -0.183268f, -0.183355f, -0.183443f,
--0.18353f, -0.183618f, -0.183706f, -0.183793f, -0.183881f, -0.183968f, -0.184056f, -0.184143f, -0.184231f, -0.184318f, -0.184406f, -0.184493f, -0.184581f, -0.184668f, -0.184756f, -0.184843f, -0.184931f, -0.185018f, -0.185106f, -0.185193f,
--0.185281f, -0.185368f, -0.185456f, -0.185544f, -0.185631f, -0.185719f, -0.185806f, -0.185894f, -0.185981f, -0.186069f, -0.186156f, -0.186244f, -0.186331f, -0.186419f, -0.186506f, -0.186594f, -0.186681f, -0.186769f, -0.186856f, -0.186944f,
--0.187032f, -0.187119f, -0.187207f, -0.187294f, -0.187382f, -0.187469f, -0.187557f, -0.187644f, -0.187732f, -0.187819f, -0.187907f, -0.187994f, -0.188082f, -0.18817f, -0.188257f, -0.188345f, -0.188432f, -0.18852f, -0.188607f, -0.188695f,
--0.188782f, -0.18887f, -0.188957f, -0.189045f, -0.189133f, -0.18922f, -0.189308f, -0.189395f, -0.189483f, -0.18957f, -0.189658f, -0.189745f, -0.189833f, -0.18992f, -0.190008f, -0.190096f, -0.190183f, -0.190271f, -0.190358f, -0.190446f,
--0.190533f, -0.190621f, -0.190708f, -0.190796f, -0.190884f, -0.190971f, -0.191059f, -0.191146f, -0.191234f, -0.191321f, -0.191409f, -0.191496f, -0.191584f, -0.191672f, -0.191759f, -0.191847f, -0.191934f, -0.192022f, -0.192109f, -0.192197f,
--0.192284f, -0.192372f, -0.19246f, -0.192547f, -0.192635f, -0.192722f, -0.19281f, -0.192897f, -0.192985f, -0.193072f, -0.19316f, -0.193248f, -0.193335f, -0.193423f, -0.19351f, -0.193598f, -0.193685f, -0.193773f, -0.193861f, -0.193948f,
--0.194036f, -0.194123f, -0.194211f, -0.194298f, -0.194386f, -0.194474f, -0.194561f, -0.194649f, -0.194736f, -0.194824f, -0.194911f, -0.194999f, -0.195086f, -0.195174f, -0.195262f, -0.195349f, -0.195437f, -0.195524f, -0.195612f, -0.195699f,
--0.195787f, -0.195875f, -0.195962f, -0.19605f, -0.196137f, -0.196225f, -0.196312f, -0.1964f, -0.196488f, -0.196575f, -0.196663f, -0.19675f, -0.196838f, -0.196925f, -0.197013f, -0.197101f, -0.197188f, -0.197276f, -0.197363f, -0.197451f,
--0.197539f, -0.197626f, -0.197714f, -0.197801f, -0.197889f, -0.197976f, -0.198064f, -0.198152f, -0.198239f, -0.198327f, -0.198414f, -0.198502f, -0.198589f, -0.198677f, -0.198765f, -0.198852f, -0.19894f, -0.199027f, -0.199115f, -0.199202f,
--0.19929f, -0.199378f, -0.199465f, -0.199553f, -0.19964f, -0.199728f, -0.199816f, -0.199903f, -0.199991f, -0.200078f, -0.200166f, -0.200253f, -0.200341f, -0.200429f, -0.200516f, -0.200604f, -0.200691f, -0.200779f, -0.200867f, -0.200954f,
--0.201042f, -0.201129f, -0.201217f, -0.201304f, -0.201392f, -0.20148f, -0.201567f, -0.201655f, -0.201742f, -0.20183f, -0.201918f, -0.202005f, -0.202093f, -0.20218f, -0.202268f, -0.202355f, -0.202443f, -0.202531f, -0.202618f, -0.202706f,
--0.202793f, -0.202881f, -0.202969f, -0.203056f, -0.203144f, -0.203231f, -0.203319f, -0.203406f, -0.203494f, -0.203582f, -0.203669f, -0.203757f, -0.203844f, -0.203932f, -0.20402f, -0.204107f, -0.204195f, -0.204282f, -0.20437f, -0.204458f,
--0.204545f, -0.204633f, -0.20472f, -0.204808f, -0.204895f, -0.204983f, -0.205071f, -0.205158f, -0.205246f, -0.205333f, -0.205421f, -0.205509f, -0.205596f, -0.205684f, -0.205771f, -0.205859f, -0.205947f, -0.206034f, -0.206122f, -0.206209f,
--0.206297f, -0.206384f, -0.206472f, -0.20656f, -0.206647f, -0.206735f, -0.206822f, -0.20691f, -0.206998f, -0.207085f, -0.207173f, -0.20726f, -0.207348f, -0.207436f, -0.207523f, -0.207611f, -0.207698f, -0.207786f, -0.207874f, -0.207961f,
--0.208049f, -0.208136f, -0.208224f, -0.208311f, -0.208399f, -0.208487f, -0.208574f, -0.208662f, -0.208749f, -0.208837f, -0.208925f, -0.209012f, -0.2091f, -0.209187f, -0.209275f, -0.209363f, -0.20945f, -0.209538f, -0.209625f, -0.209713f,
--0.209801f, -0.209888f, -0.209976f, -0.210063f, -0.210151f, -0.210238f, -0.210326f, -0.210414f, -0.210501f, -0.210589f, -0.210676f, -0.210764f, -0.210852f, -0.210939f, -0.211027f, -0.211114f, -0.211202f, -0.21129f, -0.211377f, -0.211465f,
--0.211552f, -0.21164f, -0.211727f, -0.211815f, -0.211903f, -0.21199f, -0.212078f, -0.212165f, -0.212253f, -0.212341f, -0.212428f, -0.212516f, -0.212603f, -0.212691f, -0.212779f, -0.212866f, -0.212954f, -0.213041f, -0.213129f, -0.213217f,
--0.213304f, -0.213392f, -0.213479f, -0.213567f, -0.213654f, -0.213742f, -0.21383f, -0.213917f, -0.214005f, -0.214092f, -0.21418f, -0.214268f, -0.214355f, -0.214443f, -0.21453f, -0.214618f, -0.214705f, -0.214793f, -0.214881f, -0.214968f,
--0.215056f, -0.215143f, -0.215231f, -0.215319f, -0.215406f, -0.215494f, -0.215581f, -0.215669f, -0.215757f, -0.215844f, -0.215932f, -0.216019f, -0.216107f, -0.216194f, -0.216282f, -0.21637f, -0.216457f, -0.216545f, -0.216632f, -0.21672f,
--0.216808f, -0.216895f, -0.216983f, -0.21707f, -0.217158f, -0.217245f, -0.217333f, -0.217421f, -0.217508f, -0.217596f, -0.217683f, -0.217771f, -0.217859f, -0.217946f, -0.218034f, -0.218121f, -0.218209f, -0.218296f, -0.218384f, -0.218472f,
--0.218559f, -0.218647f, -0.218734f, -0.218822f, -0.21891f, -0.218997f, -0.219085f, -0.219172f, -0.21926f, -0.219347f, -0.219435f, -0.219523f, -0.21961f, -0.219698f, -0.219785f, -0.219873f, -0.21996f, -0.220048f, -0.220136f, -0.220223f,
--0.220311f, -0.220398f, -0.220486f, -0.220573f, -0.220661f, -0.220749f, -0.220836f, -0.220924f, -0.221011f, -0.221099f, -0.221187f, -0.221274f, -0.221362f, -0.221449f, -0.221537f, -0.221624f, -0.221712f, -0.2218f, -0.221887f, -0.221975f,
--0.222062f, -0.22215f, -0.222237f, -0.222325f, -0.222413f, -0.2225f, -0.222588f, -0.222675f, -0.222763f, -0.22285f, -0.222938f, -0.223026f, -0.223113f, -0.223201f, -0.223288f, -0.223376f, -0.223463f, -0.223551f, -0.223638f, -0.223726f,
--0.223814f, -0.223901f, -0.223989f, -0.224076f, -0.224164f, -0.224251f, -0.224339f, -0.224427f, -0.224514f, -0.224602f, -0.224689f, -0.224777f, -0.224864f, -0.224952f, -0.22504f, -0.225127f, -0.225215f, -0.225302f, -0.22539f, -0.225477f,
--0.225565f, -0.225652f, -0.22574f, -0.225828f, -0.225915f, -0.226003f, -0.22609f, -0.226178f, -0.226265f, -0.226353f, -0.22644f, -0.226528f, -0.226616f, -0.226703f, -0.226791f, -0.226878f, -0.226966f, -0.227053f, -0.227141f, -0.227228f,
--0.227316f, -0.227404f, -0.227491f, -0.227579f, -0.227666f, -0.227754f, -0.227841f, -0.227929f, -0.228016f, -0.228104f, -0.228192f, -0.228279f, -0.228367f, -0.228454f, -0.228542f, -0.228629f, -0.228717f, -0.228804f, -0.228892f, -0.228979f,
--0.229067f, -0.229155f, -0.229242f, -0.22933f, -0.229417f, -0.229505f, -0.229592f, -0.22968f, -0.229767f, -0.229855f, -0.229942f, -0.23003f, -0.230118f, -0.230205f, -0.230293f, -0.23038f, -0.230468f, -0.230555f, -0.230643f, -0.23073f,
--0.230818f, -0.230905f, -0.230993f, -0.231081f, -0.231168f, -0.231256f, -0.231343f, -0.231431f, -0.231518f, -0.231606f, -0.231693f, -0.231781f, -0.231868f, -0.231956f, -0.232043f, -0.232131f, -0.232218f, -0.232306f, -0.232394f, -0.232481f,
--0.232569f, -0.232656f, -0.232744f, -0.232831f, -0.232919f, -0.233006f, -0.233094f, -0.233181f, -0.233269f, -0.233356f, -0.233444f, -0.233531f, -0.233619f, -0.233706f, -0.233794f, -0.233881f, -0.233969f, -0.234057f, -0.234144f, -0.234232f,
--0.234319f, -0.234407f, -0.234494f, -0.234582f, -0.234669f, -0.234757f, -0.234844f, -0.234932f, -0.235019f, -0.235107f, -0.235194f, -0.235282f, -0.235369f, -0.235457f, -0.235544f, -0.235632f, -0.235719f, -0.235807f, -0.235894f, -0.235982f,
--0.236069f, -0.236157f, -0.236244f, -0.236332f, -0.236419f, -0.236507f, -0.236594f, -0.236682f, -0.236769f, -0.236857f, -0.236944f, -0.237032f, -0.237119f, -0.237207f, -0.237294f, -0.237382f, -0.237469f, -0.237557f, -0.237644f, -0.237732f,
--0.237819f, -0.237907f, -0.237994f, -0.238082f, -0.238169f, -0.238257f, -0.238344f, -0.238432f, -0.238519f, -0.238607f, -0.238694f, -0.238782f, -0.238869f, -0.238957f, -0.239044f, -0.239132f, -0.239219f, -0.239307f, -0.239394f, -0.239482f,
--0.239569f, -0.239657f, -0.239744f, -0.239832f, -0.239919f, -0.240007f, -0.240094f, -0.240182f, -0.240269f, -0.240357f, -0.240444f, -0.240532f, -0.240619f, -0.240707f, -0.240794f, -0.240882f, -0.240969f, -0.241057f, -0.241144f, -0.241231f,
--0.241319f, -0.241406f, -0.241494f, -0.241581f, -0.241669f, -0.241756f, -0.241844f, -0.241931f, -0.242019f, -0.242106f, -0.242194f, -0.242281f, -0.242369f, -0.242456f, -0.242544f, -0.242631f, -0.242718f, -0.242806f, -0.242893f, -0.242981f,
--0.243068f, -0.243156f, -0.243243f, -0.243331f, -0.243418f, -0.243506f, -0.243593f, -0.243681f, -0.243768f, -0.243855f, -0.243943f, -0.24403f, -0.244118f, -0.244205f, -0.244293f, -0.24438f, -0.244468f, -0.244555f, -0.244643f, -0.24473f,
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--0.251811f, -0.251898f, -0.251986f, -0.252073f, -0.252161f, -0.252248f, -0.252335f, -0.252423f, -0.25251f, -0.252598f, -0.252685f, -0.252772f, -0.25286f, -0.252947f, -0.253034f, -0.253122f, -0.253209f, -0.253297f, -0.253384f, -0.253471f,
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--0.26927f, -0.269357f, -0.269445f, -0.269532f, -0.269619f, -0.269706f, -0.269793f, -0.26988f, -0.269968f, -0.270055f, -0.270142f, -0.270229f, -0.270316f, -0.270404f, -0.270491f, -0.270578f, -0.270665f, -0.270752f, -0.270839f, -0.270927f,
--0.271014f, -0.271101f, -0.271188f, -0.271275f, -0.271362f, -0.27145f, -0.271537f, -0.271624f, -0.271711f, -0.271798f, -0.271885f, -0.271972f, -0.27206f, -0.272147f, -0.272234f, -0.272321f, -0.272408f, -0.272495f, -0.272583f, -0.27267f,
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--0.281465f, -0.281552f, -0.281639f, -0.281726f, -0.281813f, -0.2819f, -0.281987f, -0.282074f, -0.282161f, -0.282248f, -0.282335f, -0.282422f, -0.282509f, -0.282596f, -0.282683f, -0.28277f, -0.282857f, -0.282944f, -0.283031f, -0.283118f,
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--0.310958f, -0.311044f, -0.311131f, -0.311217f, -0.311304f, -0.31139f, -0.311476f, -0.311563f, -0.311649f, -0.311736f, -0.311822f, -0.311909f, -0.311995f, -0.312081f, -0.312168f, -0.312254f, -0.312341f, -0.312427f, -0.312513f, -0.3126f,
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--0.314414f, -0.3145f, -0.314587f, -0.314673f, -0.314759f, -0.314846f, -0.314932f, -0.315019f, -0.315105f, -0.315191f, -0.315278f, -0.315364f, -0.31545f, -0.315537f, -0.315623f, -0.315709f, -0.315796f, -0.315882f, -0.315968f, -0.316055f,
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--0.319592f, -0.319678f, -0.319765f, -0.319851f, -0.319937f, -0.320023f, -0.32011f, -0.320196f, -0.320282f, -0.320368f, -0.320455f, -0.320541f, -0.320627f, -0.320713f, -0.320799f, -0.320886f, -0.320972f, -0.321058f, -0.321144f, -0.32123f,
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--0.399507f, -0.39959f, -0.399674f, -0.399757f, -0.399841f, -0.399924f, -0.400008f, -0.400091f, -0.400175f, -0.400258f, -0.400342f, -0.400426f, -0.400509f, -0.400593f, -0.400676f, -0.40076f, -0.400843f, -0.400927f, -0.40101f, -0.401094f,
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--0.424405f, -0.424488f, -0.42457f, -0.424652f, -0.424735f, -0.424817f, -0.4249f, -0.424982f, -0.425064f, -0.425147f, -0.425229f, -0.425311f, -0.425394f, -0.425476f, -0.425559f, -0.425641f, -0.425723f, -0.425806f, -0.425888f, -0.42597f,
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--0.430985f, -0.431067f, -0.431149f, -0.431231f, -0.431313f, -0.431395f, -0.431477f, -0.431559f, -0.431641f, -0.431724f, -0.431806f, -0.431888f, -0.43197f, -0.432052f, -0.432134f, -0.432216f, -0.432298f, -0.43238f, -0.432462f, -0.432544f,
--0.432626f, -0.432708f, -0.43279f, -0.432872f, -0.432954f, -0.433036f, -0.433118f, -0.4332f, -0.433282f, -0.433364f, -0.433446f, -0.433528f, -0.433609f, -0.433691f, -0.433773f, -0.433855f, -0.433937f, -0.434019f, -0.434101f, -0.434183f,
--0.434265f, -0.434347f, -0.434429f, -0.434511f, -0.434593f, -0.434674f, -0.434756f, -0.434838f, -0.43492f, -0.435002f, -0.435084f, -0.435166f, -0.435248f, -0.435329f, -0.435411f, -0.435493f, -0.435575f, -0.435657f, -0.435739f, -0.435821f,
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--0.439172f, -0.439254f, -0.439335f, -0.439417f, -0.439499f, -0.43958f, -0.439662f, -0.439744f, -0.439825f, -0.439907f, -0.439989f, -0.44007f, -0.440152f, -0.440233f, -0.440315f, -0.440397f, -0.440478f, -0.44056f, -0.440641f, -0.440723f,
--0.440804f, -0.440886f, -0.440968f, -0.441049f, -0.441131f, -0.441212f, -0.441294f, -0.441375f, -0.441457f, -0.441538f, -0.44162f, -0.441701f, -0.441783f, -0.441865f, -0.441946f, -0.442028f, -0.442109f, -0.442191f, -0.442272f, -0.442354f,
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--0.445691f, -0.445772f, -0.445854f, -0.445935f, -0.446016f, -0.446097f, -0.446179f, -0.44626f, -0.446341f, -0.446423f, -0.446504f, -0.446585f, -0.446666f, -0.446748f, -0.446829f, -0.44691f, -0.446991f, -0.447073f, -0.447154f, -0.447235f,
--0.447316f, -0.447397f, -0.447479f, -0.44756f, -0.447641f, -0.447722f, -0.447803f, -0.447885f, -0.447966f, -0.448047f, -0.448128f, -0.448209f, -0.448291f, -0.448372f, -0.448453f, -0.448534f, -0.448615f, -0.448696f, -0.448777f, -0.448859f,
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--0.450561f, -0.450642f, -0.450723f, -0.450805f, -0.450886f, -0.450967f, -0.451048f, -0.451129f, -0.45121f, -0.451291f, -0.451372f, -0.451453f, -0.451534f, -0.451615f, -0.451696f, -0.451777f, -0.451857f, -0.451938f, -0.452019f, -0.4521f,
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--0.45703f, -0.457111f, -0.457191f, -0.457272f, -0.457353f, -0.457433f, -0.457514f, -0.457595f, -0.457675f, -0.457756f, -0.457837f, -0.457917f, -0.457998f, -0.458078f, -0.458159f, -0.45824f, -0.45832f, -0.458401f, -0.458481f, -0.458562f,
--0.458643f, -0.458723f, -0.458804f, -0.458884f, -0.458965f, -0.459045f, -0.459126f, -0.459207f, -0.459287f, -0.459368f, -0.459448f, -0.459529f, -0.459609f, -0.45969f, -0.45977f, -0.459851f, -0.459931f, -0.460012f, -0.460092f, -0.460173f,
--0.460253f, -0.460334f, -0.460414f, -0.460495f, -0.460575f, -0.460656f, -0.460736f, -0.460817f, -0.460897f, -0.460978f, -0.461058f, -0.461138f, -0.461219f, -0.461299f, -0.46138f, -0.46146f, -0.461541f, -0.461621f, -0.461701f, -0.461782f,
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--0.466677f, -0.466757f, -0.466837f, -0.466917f, -0.466998f, -0.467078f, -0.467158f, -0.467238f, -0.467318f, -0.467398f, -0.467478f, -0.467558f, -0.467638f, -0.467718f, -0.467798f, -0.467878f, -0.467958f, -0.468038f, -0.468118f, -0.468198f,
--0.468278f, -0.468358f, -0.468438f, -0.468518f, -0.468598f, -0.468678f, -0.468758f, -0.468838f, -0.468918f, -0.468998f, -0.469078f, -0.469158f, -0.469238f, -0.469318f, -0.469398f, -0.469478f, -0.469558f, -0.469638f, -0.469718f, -0.469798f,
--0.469878f, -0.469958f, -0.470037f, -0.470117f, -0.470197f, -0.470277f, -0.470357f, -0.470437f, -0.470517f, -0.470597f, -0.470677f, -0.470756f, -0.470836f, -0.470916f, -0.470996f, -0.471076f, -0.471156f, -0.471235f, -0.471315f, -0.471395f,
--0.471475f, -0.471555f, -0.471635f, -0.471714f, -0.471794f, -0.471874f, -0.471954f, -0.472034f, -0.472113f, -0.472193f, -0.472273f, -0.472353f, -0.472432f, -0.472512f, -0.472592f, -0.472672f, -0.472751f, -0.472831f, -0.472911f, -0.472991f,
--0.47307f, -0.47315f, -0.47323f, -0.473309f, -0.473389f, -0.473469f, -0.473549f, -0.473628f, -0.473708f, -0.473788f, -0.473867f, -0.473947f, -0.474027f, -0.474106f, -0.474186f, -0.474266f, -0.474345f, -0.474425f, -0.474504f, -0.474584f,
--0.474664f, -0.474743f, -0.474823f, -0.474903f, -0.474982f, -0.475062f, -0.475141f, -0.475221f, -0.4753f, -0.47538f, -0.47546f, -0.475539f, -0.475619f, -0.475698f, -0.475778f, -0.475857f, -0.475937f, -0.476016f, -0.476096f, -0.476176f,
--0.476255f, -0.476335f, -0.476414f, -0.476494f, -0.476573f, -0.476653f, -0.476732f, -0.476812f, -0.476891f, -0.476971f, -0.47705f, -0.477129f, -0.477209f, -0.477288f, -0.477368f, -0.477447f, -0.477527f, -0.477606f, -0.477686f, -0.477765f,
--0.477844f, -0.477924f, -0.478003f, -0.478083f, -0.478162f, -0.478242f, -0.478321f, -0.4784f, -0.47848f, -0.478559f, -0.478638f, -0.478718f, -0.478797f, -0.478877f, -0.478956f, -0.479035f, -0.479115f, -0.479194f, -0.479273f, -0.479353f,
--0.479432f, -0.479511f, -0.479591f, -0.47967f, -0.479749f, -0.479828f, -0.479908f, -0.479987f, -0.480066f, -0.480146f, -0.480225f, -0.480304f, -0.480383f, -0.480463f, -0.480542f, -0.480621f, -0.4807f, -0.48078f, -0.480859f, -0.480938f,
--0.481017f, -0.481096f, -0.481176f, -0.481255f, -0.481334f, -0.481413f, -0.481492f, -0.481572f, -0.481651f, -0.48173f, -0.481809f, -0.481888f, -0.481968f, -0.482047f, -0.482126f, -0.482205f, -0.482284f, -0.482363f, -0.482442f, -0.482522f,
--0.482601f, -0.48268f, -0.482759f, -0.482838f, -0.482917f, -0.482996f, -0.483075f, -0.483154f, -0.483233f, -0.483312f, -0.483392f, -0.483471f, -0.48355f, -0.483629f, -0.483708f, -0.483787f, -0.483866f, -0.483945f, -0.484024f, -0.484103f,
--0.484182f, -0.484261f, -0.48434f, -0.484419f, -0.484498f, -0.484577f, -0.484656f, -0.484735f, -0.484814f, -0.484893f, -0.484972f, -0.485051f, -0.48513f, -0.485209f, -0.485288f, -0.485367f, -0.485446f, -0.485524f, -0.485603f, -0.485682f,
--0.485761f, -0.48584f, -0.485919f, -0.485998f, -0.486077f, -0.486156f, -0.486235f, -0.486313f, -0.486392f, -0.486471f, -0.48655f, -0.486629f, -0.486708f, -0.486787f, -0.486865f, -0.486944f, -0.487023f, -0.487102f, -0.487181f, -0.48726f,
--0.487338f, -0.487417f, -0.487496f, -0.487575f, -0.487654f, -0.487732f, -0.487811f, -0.48789f, -0.487969f, -0.488048f, -0.488126f, -0.488205f, -0.488284f, -0.488363f, -0.488441f, -0.48852f, -0.488599f, -0.488677f, -0.488756f, -0.488835f,
--0.488914f, -0.488992f, -0.489071f, -0.48915f, -0.489228f, -0.489307f, -0.489386f, -0.489464f, -0.489543f, -0.489622f, -0.4897f, -0.489779f, -0.489858f, -0.489936f, -0.490015f, -0.490094f, -0.490172f, -0.490251f, -0.490329f, -0.490408f,
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--0.492058f, -0.492136f, -0.492215f, -0.492293f, -0.492372f, -0.49245f, -0.492528f, -0.492607f, -0.492685f, -0.492764f, -0.492842f, -0.492921f, -0.492999f, -0.493078f, -0.493156f, -0.493234f, -0.493313f, -0.493391f, -0.49347f, -0.493548f,
--0.493626f, -0.493705f, -0.493783f, -0.493862f, -0.49394f, -0.494018f, -0.494097f, -0.494175f, -0.494253f, -0.494332f, -0.49441f, -0.494488f, -0.494567f, -0.494645f, -0.494723f, -0.494802f, -0.49488f, -0.494958f, -0.495037f, -0.495115f,
--0.495193f, -0.495271f, -0.49535f, -0.495428f, -0.495506f, -0.495585f, -0.495663f, -0.495741f, -0.495819f, -0.495898f, -0.495976f, -0.496054f, -0.496132f, -0.49621f, -0.496289f, -0.496367f, -0.496445f, -0.496523f, -0.496601f, -0.49668f,
--0.496758f, -0.496836f, -0.496914f, -0.496992f, -0.49707f, -0.497149f, -0.497227f, -0.497305f, -0.497383f, -0.497461f, -0.497539f, -0.497617f, -0.497696f, -0.497774f, -0.497852f, -0.49793f, -0.498008f, -0.498086f, -0.498164f, -0.498242f,
--0.49832f, -0.498398f, -0.498476f, -0.498554f, -0.498633f, -0.498711f, -0.498789f, -0.498867f, -0.498945f, -0.499023f, -0.499101f, -0.499179f, -0.499257f, -0.499335f, -0.499413f, -0.499491f, -0.499569f, -0.499647f, -0.499725f, -0.499803f,
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--0.512284f, -0.512362f, -0.512439f, -0.512516f, -0.512593f, -0.51267f, -0.512747f, -0.512824f, -0.512901f, -0.512978f, -0.513055f, -0.513132f, -0.513209f, -0.513286f, -0.513363f, -0.51344f, -0.513517f, -0.513594f, -0.513671f, -0.513748f,
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--0.515363f, -0.51544f, -0.515517f, -0.515594f, -0.515671f, -0.515747f, -0.515824f, -0.515901f, -0.515978f, -0.516055f, -0.516131f, -0.516208f, -0.516285f, -0.516362f, -0.516439f, -0.516515f, -0.516592f, -0.516669f, -0.516746f, -0.516822f,
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--0.538158f, -0.538233f, -0.538308f, -0.538383f, -0.538458f, -0.538533f, -0.538608f, -0.538683f, -0.538758f, -0.538833f, -0.538908f, -0.538983f, -0.539058f, -0.539133f, -0.539209f, -0.539284f, -0.539359f, -0.539433f, -0.539508f, -0.539583f,
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--0.544145f, -0.54422f, -0.544295f, -0.544369f, -0.544444f, -0.544518f, -0.544593f, -0.544668f, -0.544742f, -0.544817f, -0.544891f, -0.544966f, -0.54504f, -0.545115f, -0.545189f, -0.545264f, -0.545338f, -0.545413f, -0.545487f, -0.545562f,
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--0.54861f, -0.548684f, -0.548759f, -0.548833f, -0.548907f, -0.548981f, -0.549055f, -0.54913f, -0.549204f, -0.549278f, -0.549352f, -0.549426f, -0.549501f, -0.549575f, -0.549649f, -0.549723f, -0.549797f, -0.549871f, -0.549945f, -0.550019f,
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--0.551574f, -0.551648f, -0.551722f, -0.551796f, -0.55187f, -0.551944f, -0.552018f, -0.552092f, -0.552166f, -0.55224f, -0.552314f, -0.552388f, -0.552461f, -0.552535f, -0.552609f, -0.552683f, -0.552757f, -0.552831f, -0.552905f, -0.552979f,
--0.553052f, -0.553126f, -0.5532f, -0.553274f, -0.553348f, -0.553422f, -0.553495f, -0.553569f, -0.553643f, -0.553717f, -0.553791f, -0.553864f, -0.553938f, -0.554012f, -0.554086f, -0.554159f, -0.554233f, -0.554307f, -0.554381f, -0.554454f,
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--0.556001f, -0.556075f, -0.556148f, -0.556222f, -0.556296f, -0.556369f, -0.556443f, -0.556516f, -0.55659f, -0.556663f, -0.556737f, -0.55681f, -0.556884f, -0.556957f, -0.557031f, -0.557104f, -0.557178f, -0.557251f, -0.557325f, -0.557398f,
--0.557472f, -0.557545f, -0.557619f, -0.557692f, -0.557766f, -0.557839f, -0.557913f, -0.557986f, -0.558059f, -0.558133f, -0.558206f, -0.55828f, -0.558353f, -0.558426f, -0.5585f, -0.558573f, -0.558646f, -0.55872f, -0.558793f, -0.558867f,
--0.55894f, -0.559013f, -0.559087f, -0.55916f, -0.559233f, -0.559306f, -0.55938f, -0.559453f, -0.559526f, -0.5596f, -0.559673f, -0.559746f, -0.559819f, -0.559893f, -0.559966f, -0.560039f, -0.560112f, -0.560186f, -0.560259f, -0.560332f,
--0.560405f, -0.560479f, -0.560552f, -0.560625f, -0.560698f, -0.560771f, -0.560844f, -0.560918f, -0.560991f, -0.561064f, -0.561137f, -0.56121f, -0.561283f, -0.561356f, -0.56143f, -0.561503f, -0.561576f, -0.561649f, -0.561722f, -0.561795f,
--0.561868f, -0.561941f, -0.562014f, -0.562087f, -0.56216f, -0.562233f, -0.562307f, -0.56238f, -0.562453f, -0.562526f, -0.562599f, -0.562672f, -0.562745f, -0.562818f, -0.562891f, -0.562964f, -0.563037f, -0.56311f, -0.563182f, -0.563255f,
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--0.564786f, -0.564859f, -0.564932f, -0.565004f, -0.565077f, -0.56515f, -0.565223f, -0.565296f, -0.565368f, -0.565441f, -0.565514f, -0.565587f, -0.565659f, -0.565732f, -0.565805f, -0.565878f, -0.56595f, -0.566023f, -0.566096f, -0.566168f,
--0.566241f, -0.566314f, -0.566386f, -0.566459f, -0.566532f, -0.566604f, -0.566677f, -0.56675f, -0.566822f, -0.566895f, -0.566968f, -0.56704f, -0.567113f, -0.567185f, -0.567258f, -0.567331f, -0.567403f, -0.567476f, -0.567548f, -0.567621f,
--0.567693f, -0.567766f, -0.567839f, -0.567911f, -0.567984f, -0.568056f, -0.568129f, -0.568201f, -0.568274f, -0.568346f, -0.568419f, -0.568491f, -0.568564f, -0.568636f, -0.568709f, -0.568781f, -0.568853f, -0.568926f, -0.568998f, -0.569071f,
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--0.57059f, -0.570663f, -0.570735f, -0.570807f, -0.570879f, -0.570952f, -0.571024f, -0.571096f, -0.571168f, -0.571241f, -0.571313f, -0.571385f, -0.571457f, -0.571529f, -0.571602f, -0.571674f, -0.571746f, -0.571818f, -0.57189f, -0.571963f,
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--0.587745f, -0.587816f, -0.587886f, -0.587957f, -0.588028f, -0.588098f, -0.588169f, -0.588239f, -0.58831f, -0.588381f, -0.588451f, -0.588522f, -0.588592f, -0.588663f, -0.588734f, -0.588804f, -0.588875f, -0.588945f, -0.589016f, -0.589086f,
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--0.591972f, -0.592042f, -0.592112f, -0.592183f, -0.592253f, -0.592323f, -0.592393f, -0.592463f, -0.592534f, -0.592604f, -0.592674f, -0.592744f, -0.592814f, -0.592884f, -0.592955f, -0.593025f, -0.593095f, -0.593165f, -0.593235f, -0.593305f,
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--0.597568f, -0.597638f, -0.597708f, -0.597777f, -0.597847f, -0.597917f, -0.597986f, -0.598056f, -0.598125f, -0.598195f, -0.598265f, -0.598334f, -0.598404f, -0.598473f, -0.598543f, -0.598613f, -0.598682f, -0.598752f, -0.598821f, -0.598891f,
--0.59896f, -0.59903f, -0.599099f, -0.599169f, -0.599238f, -0.599308f, -0.599377f, -0.599447f, -0.599516f, -0.599586f, -0.599655f, -0.599725f, -0.599794f, -0.599864f, -0.599933f, -0.600002f, -0.600072f, -0.600141f, -0.600211f, -0.60028f,
--0.600349f, -0.600419f, -0.600488f, -0.600558f, -0.600627f, -0.600696f, -0.600766f, -0.600835f, -0.600904f, -0.600974f, -0.601043f, -0.601112f, -0.601182f, -0.601251f, -0.60132f, -0.601389f, -0.601459f, -0.601528f, -0.601597f, -0.601666f,
--0.601736f, -0.601805f, -0.601874f, -0.601943f, -0.602013f, -0.602082f, -0.602151f, -0.60222f, -0.602289f, -0.602359f, -0.602428f, -0.602497f, -0.602566f, -0.602635f, -0.602704f, -0.602774f, -0.602843f, -0.602912f, -0.602981f, -0.60305f,
--0.603119f, -0.603188f, -0.603257f, -0.603326f, -0.603395f, -0.603465f, -0.603534f, -0.603603f, -0.603672f, -0.603741f, -0.60381f, -0.603879f, -0.603948f, -0.604017f, -0.604086f, -0.604155f, -0.604224f, -0.604293f, -0.604362f, -0.604431f,
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--0.605877f, -0.605946f, -0.606015f, -0.606084f, -0.606152f, -0.606221f, -0.60629f, -0.606359f, -0.606428f, -0.606496f, -0.606565f, -0.606634f, -0.606702f, -0.606771f, -0.60684f, -0.606909f, -0.606977f, -0.607046f, -0.607115f, -0.607183f,
--0.607252f, -0.607321f, -0.607389f, -0.607458f, -0.607527f, -0.607595f, -0.607664f, -0.607732f, -0.607801f, -0.60787f, -0.607938f, -0.608007f, -0.608075f, -0.608144f, -0.608213f, -0.608281f, -0.60835f, -0.608418f, -0.608487f, -0.608555f,
--0.608624f, -0.608692f, -0.608761f, -0.608829f, -0.608898f, -0.608966f, -0.609035f, -0.609103f, -0.609172f, -0.60924f, -0.609309f, -0.609377f, -0.609445f, -0.609514f, -0.609582f, -0.609651f, -0.609719f, -0.609788f, -0.609856f, -0.609924f,
--0.609993f, -0.610061f, -0.610129f, -0.610198f, -0.610266f, -0.610334f, -0.610403f, -0.610471f, -0.610539f, -0.610608f, -0.610676f, -0.610744f, -0.610813f, -0.610881f, -0.610949f, -0.611017f, -0.611086f, -0.611154f, -0.611222f, -0.61129f,
--0.611359f, -0.611427f, -0.611495f, -0.611563f, -0.611631f, -0.6117f, -0.611768f, -0.611836f, -0.611904f, -0.611972f, -0.61204f, -0.612109f, -0.612177f, -0.612245f, -0.612313f, -0.612381f, -0.612449f, -0.612517f, -0.612585f, -0.612654f,
--0.612722f, -0.61279f, -0.612858f, -0.612926f, -0.612994f, -0.613062f, -0.61313f, -0.613198f, -0.613266f, -0.613334f, -0.613402f, -0.61347f, -0.613538f, -0.613606f, -0.613674f, -0.613742f, -0.61381f, -0.613878f, -0.613946f, -0.614014f,
--0.614082f, -0.61415f, -0.614218f, -0.614285f, -0.614353f, -0.614421f, -0.614489f, -0.614557f, -0.614625f, -0.614693f, -0.614761f, -0.614828f, -0.614896f, -0.614964f, -0.615032f, -0.6151f, -0.615168f, -0.615235f, -0.615303f, -0.615371f,
--0.615439f, -0.615507f, -0.615574f, -0.615642f, -0.61571f, -0.615778f, -0.615845f, -0.615913f, -0.615981f, -0.616048f, -0.616116f, -0.616184f, -0.616252f, -0.616319f, -0.616387f, -0.616455f, -0.616522f, -0.61659f, -0.616658f, -0.616725f,
--0.616793f, -0.61686f, -0.616928f, -0.616996f, -0.617063f, -0.617131f, -0.617199f, -0.617266f, -0.617334f, -0.617401f, -0.617469f, -0.617536f, -0.617604f, -0.617671f, -0.617739f, -0.617806f, -0.617874f, -0.617942f, -0.618009f, -0.618077f,
--0.618144f, -0.618211f, -0.618279f, -0.618346f, -0.618414f, -0.618481f, -0.618549f, -0.618616f, -0.618684f, -0.618751f, -0.618818f, -0.618886f, -0.618953f, -0.619021f, -0.619088f, -0.619155f, -0.619223f, -0.61929f, -0.619357f, -0.619425f,
--0.619492f, -0.619559f, -0.619627f, -0.619694f, -0.619761f, -0.619829f, -0.619896f, -0.619963f, -0.620031f, -0.620098f, -0.620165f, -0.620232f, -0.6203f, -0.620367f, -0.620434f, -0.620501f, -0.620568f, -0.620636f, -0.620703f, -0.62077f,
--0.620837f, -0.620904f, -0.620972f, -0.621039f, -0.621106f, -0.621173f, -0.62124f, -0.621307f, -0.621374f, -0.621442f, -0.621509f, -0.621576f, -0.621643f, -0.62171f, -0.621777f, -0.621844f, -0.621911f, -0.621978f, -0.622045f, -0.622112f,
--0.622179f, -0.622246f, -0.622313f, -0.62238f, -0.622447f, -0.622514f, -0.622581f, -0.622648f, -0.622715f, -0.622782f, -0.622849f, -0.622916f, -0.622983f, -0.62305f, -0.623117f, -0.623184f, -0.623251f, -0.623318f, -0.623385f, -0.623452f,
--0.623519f, -0.623585f, -0.623652f, -0.623719f, -0.623786f, -0.623853f, -0.62392f, -0.623987f, -0.624053f, -0.62412f, -0.624187f, -0.624254f, -0.624321f, -0.624387f, -0.624454f, -0.624521f, -0.624588f, -0.624654f, -0.624721f, -0.624788f,
--0.624855f, -0.624921f, -0.624988f, -0.625055f, -0.625121f, -0.625188f, -0.625255f, -0.625322f, -0.625388f, -0.625455f, -0.625522f, -0.625588f, -0.625655f, -0.625721f, -0.625788f, -0.625855f, -0.625921f, -0.625988f, -0.626054f, -0.626121f,
--0.626188f, -0.626254f, -0.626321f, -0.626387f, -0.626454f, -0.62652f, -0.626587f, -0.626654f, -0.62672f, -0.626787f, -0.626853f, -0.62692f, -0.626986f, -0.627053f, -0.627119f, -0.627185f, -0.627252f, -0.627318f, -0.627385f, -0.627451f,
--0.627518f, -0.627584f, -0.627651f, -0.627717f, -0.627783f, -0.62785f, -0.627916f, -0.627982f, -0.628049f, -0.628115f, -0.628182f, -0.628248f, -0.628314f, -0.628381f, -0.628447f, -0.628513f, -0.628579f, -0.628646f, -0.628712f, -0.628778f,
--0.628845f, -0.628911f, -0.628977f, -0.629043f, -0.62911f, -0.629176f, -0.629242f, -0.629308f, -0.629375f, -0.629441f, -0.629507f, -0.629573f, -0.629639f, -0.629705f, -0.629772f, -0.629838f, -0.629904f, -0.62997f, -0.630036f, -0.630102f,
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--0.631489f, -0.631555f, -0.631621f, -0.631687f, -0.631753f, -0.631819f, -0.631885f, -0.631951f, -0.632017f, -0.632083f, -0.632149f, -0.632214f, -0.63228f, -0.632346f, -0.632412f, -0.632478f, -0.632544f, -0.63261f, -0.632675f, -0.632741f,
--0.632807f, -0.632873f, -0.632939f, -0.633004f, -0.63307f, -0.633136f, -0.633202f, -0.633268f, -0.633333f, -0.633399f, -0.633465f, -0.63353f, -0.633596f, -0.633662f, -0.633728f, -0.633793f, -0.633859f, -0.633925f, -0.63399f, -0.634056f,
--0.634122f, -0.634187f, -0.634253f, -0.634319f, -0.634384f, -0.63445f, -0.634515f, -0.634581f, -0.634647f, -0.634712f, -0.634778f, -0.634843f, -0.634909f, -0.634975f, -0.63504f, -0.635106f, -0.635171f, -0.635237f, -0.635302f, -0.635368f,
--0.635433f, -0.635499f, -0.635564f, -0.63563f, -0.635695f, -0.635761f, -0.635826f, -0.635892f, -0.635957f, -0.636022f, -0.636088f, -0.636153f, -0.636219f, -0.636284f, -0.636349f, -0.636415f, -0.63648f, -0.636546f, -0.636611f, -0.636676f,
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--0.639349f, -0.639414f, -0.639479f, -0.639544f, -0.639609f, -0.639674f, -0.639739f, -0.639804f, -0.639869f, -0.639934f, -0.639999f, -0.640064f, -0.640129f, -0.640194f, -0.640259f, -0.640324f, -0.640389f, -0.640454f, -0.640518f, -0.640583f,
--0.640648f, -0.640713f, -0.640778f, -0.640843f, -0.640908f, -0.640972f, -0.641037f, -0.641102f, -0.641167f, -0.641232f, -0.641297f, -0.641361f, -0.641426f, -0.641491f, -0.641556f, -0.64162f, -0.641685f, -0.64175f, -0.641815f, -0.641879f,
--0.641944f, -0.642009f, -0.642074f, -0.642138f, -0.642203f, -0.642268f, -0.642332f, -0.642397f, -0.642462f, -0.642526f, -0.642591f, -0.642656f, -0.64272f, -0.642785f, -0.642849f, -0.642914f, -0.642979f, -0.643043f, -0.643108f, -0.643172f,
--0.643237f, -0.643301f, -0.643366f, -0.643431f, -0.643495f, -0.64356f, -0.643624f, -0.643689f, -0.643753f, -0.643818f, -0.643882f, -0.643947f, -0.644011f, -0.644075f, -0.64414f, -0.644204f, -0.644269f, -0.644333f, -0.644398f, -0.644462f,
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--0.660999f, -0.661062f, -0.661124f, -0.661186f, -0.661248f, -0.661311f, -0.661373f, -0.661435f, -0.661497f, -0.66156f, -0.661622f, -0.661684f, -0.661746f, -0.661808f, -0.661871f, -0.661933f, -0.661995f, -0.662057f, -0.662119f, -0.662182f,
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--0.665957f, -0.666019f, -0.66608f, -0.666142f, -0.666204f, -0.666265f, -0.666327f, -0.666388f, -0.66645f, -0.666511f, -0.666573f, -0.666635f, -0.666696f, -0.666758f, -0.666819f, -0.666881f, -0.666942f, -0.667004f, -0.667065f, -0.667127f,
--0.667188f, -0.66725f, -0.667311f, -0.667373f, -0.667434f, -0.667495f, -0.667557f, -0.667618f, -0.66768f, -0.667741f, -0.667803f, -0.667864f, -0.667925f, -0.667987f, -0.668048f, -0.668109f, -0.668171f, -0.668232f, -0.668293f, -0.668355f,
--0.668416f, -0.668477f, -0.668539f, -0.6686f, -0.668661f, -0.668722f, -0.668784f, -0.668845f, -0.668906f, -0.668967f, -0.669029f, -0.66909f, -0.669151f, -0.669212f, -0.669274f, -0.669335f, -0.669396f, -0.669457f, -0.669518f, -0.669579f,
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--0.670862f, -0.670923f, -0.670984f, -0.671045f, -0.671106f, -0.671166f, -0.671227f, -0.671288f, -0.671349f, -0.67141f, -0.671471f, -0.671532f, -0.671593f, -0.671654f, -0.671714f, -0.671775f, -0.671836f, -0.671897f, -0.671958f, -0.672019f,
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--0.68051f, -0.680569f, -0.680629f, -0.680688f, -0.680748f, -0.680808f, -0.680867f, -0.680927f, -0.680986f, -0.681046f, -0.681105f, -0.681165f, -0.681224f, -0.681284f, -0.681343f, -0.681403f, -0.681462f, -0.681522f, -0.681581f, -0.681641f,
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--0.685252f, -0.685311f, -0.68537f, -0.685429f, -0.685487f, -0.685546f, -0.685605f, -0.685664f, -0.685723f, -0.685782f, -0.685841f, -0.6859f, -0.685958f, -0.686017f, -0.686076f, -0.686135f, -0.686194f, -0.686252f, -0.686311f, -0.68637f,
--0.686429f, -0.686487f, -0.686546f, -0.686605f, -0.686664f, -0.686722f, -0.686781f, -0.68684f, -0.686899f, -0.686957f, -0.687016f, -0.687075f, -0.687133f, -0.687192f, -0.687251f, -0.687309f, -0.687368f, -0.687426f, -0.687485f, -0.687544f,
--0.687602f, -0.687661f, -0.687719f, -0.687778f, -0.687836f, -0.687895f, -0.687954f, -0.688012f, -0.688071f, -0.688129f, -0.688188f, -0.688246f, -0.688305f, -0.688363f, -0.688422f, -0.68848f, -0.688538f, -0.688597f, -0.688655f, -0.688714f,
--0.688772f, -0.688831f, -0.688889f, -0.688947f, -0.689006f, -0.689064f, -0.689123f, -0.689181f, -0.689239f, -0.689298f, -0.689356f, -0.689414f, -0.689473f, -0.689531f, -0.689589f, -0.689647f, -0.689706f, -0.689764f, -0.689822f, -0.689881f,
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--0.691102f, -0.69116f, -0.691218f, -0.691276f, -0.691334f, -0.691392f, -0.69145f, -0.691508f, -0.691566f, -0.691624f, -0.691682f, -0.69174f, -0.691798f, -0.691856f, -0.691914f, -0.691972f, -0.69203f, -0.692088f, -0.692146f, -0.692204f,
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--0.693417f, -0.693475f, -0.693533f, -0.693591f, -0.693648f, -0.693706f, -0.693764f, -0.693821f, -0.693879f, -0.693937f, -0.693994f, -0.694052f, -0.694109f, -0.694167f, -0.694225f, -0.694282f, -0.69434f, -0.694397f, -0.694455f, -0.694513f,
--0.69457f, -0.694628f, -0.694685f, -0.694743f, -0.6948f, -0.694858f, -0.694915f, -0.694973f, -0.69503f, -0.695088f, -0.695145f, -0.695202f, -0.69526f, -0.695317f, -0.695375f, -0.695432f, -0.69549f, -0.695547f, -0.695604f, -0.695662f,
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--0.696865f, -0.696922f, -0.696979f, -0.697036f, -0.697093f, -0.69715f, -0.697208f, -0.697265f, -0.697322f, -0.697379f, -0.697436f, -0.697493f, -0.69755f, -0.697607f, -0.697664f, -0.697721f, -0.697779f, -0.697836f, -0.697893f, -0.69795f,
--0.698007f, -0.698064f, -0.698121f, -0.698178f, -0.698235f, -0.698292f, -0.698349f, -0.698406f, -0.698462f, -0.698519f, -0.698576f, -0.698633f, -0.69869f, -0.698747f, -0.698804f, -0.698861f, -0.698918f, -0.698975f, -0.699031f, -0.699088f,
--0.699145f, -0.699202f, -0.699259f, -0.699316f, -0.699372f, -0.699429f, -0.699486f, -0.699543f, -0.6996f, -0.699656f, -0.699713f, -0.69977f, -0.699827f, -0.699883f, -0.69994f, -0.699997f, -0.700053f, -0.70011f, -0.700167f, -0.700223f,
--0.70028f, -0.700337f, -0.700393f, -0.70045f, -0.700507f, -0.700563f, -0.70062f, -0.700676f, -0.700733f, -0.70079f, -0.700846f, -0.700903f, -0.700959f, -0.701016f, -0.701072f, -0.701129f, -0.701185f, -0.701242f, -0.701298f, -0.701355f,
--0.701411f, -0.701468f, -0.701524f, -0.701581f, -0.701637f, -0.701694f, -0.70175f, -0.701807f, -0.701863f, -0.701919f, -0.701976f, -0.702032f, -0.702089f, -0.702145f, -0.702201f, -0.702258f, -0.702314f, -0.70237f, -0.702427f, -0.702483f,
--0.702539f, -0.702596f, -0.702652f, -0.702708f, -0.702764f, -0.702821f, -0.702877f, -0.702933f, -0.702989f, -0.703046f, -0.703102f, -0.703158f, -0.703214f, -0.70327f, -0.703327f, -0.703383f, -0.703439f, -0.703495f, -0.703551f, -0.703607f,
--0.703664f, -0.70372f, -0.703776f, -0.703832f, -0.703888f, -0.703944f, -0.704f, -0.704056f, -0.704112f, -0.704168f, -0.704224f, -0.70428f, -0.704336f, -0.704392f, -0.704448f, -0.704504f, -0.70456f, -0.704616f, -0.704672f, -0.704728f,
--0.704784f, -0.70484f, -0.704896f, -0.704952f, -0.705008f, -0.705064f, -0.70512f, -0.705176f, -0.705231f, -0.705287f, -0.705343f, -0.705399f, -0.705455f, -0.705511f, -0.705567f, -0.705622f, -0.705678f, -0.705734f, -0.70579f, -0.705846f,
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--0.707015f, -0.70707f, -0.707126f, -0.707181f, -0.707237f, -0.707293f, -0.707348f, -0.707404f, -0.707459f, -0.707515f, -0.70757f, -0.707626f, -0.707681f, -0.707737f, -0.707792f, -0.707848f, -0.707903f, -0.707958f, -0.708014f, -0.708069f,
--0.708125f, -0.70818f, -0.708235f, -0.708291f, -0.708346f, -0.708402f, -0.708457f, -0.708512f, -0.708568f, -0.708623f, -0.708678f, -0.708734f, -0.708789f, -0.708844f, -0.708899f, -0.708955f, -0.70901f, -0.709065f, -0.709121f, -0.709176f,
--0.709231f, -0.709286f, -0.709341f, -0.709397f, -0.709452f, -0.709507f, -0.709562f, -0.709617f, -0.709672f, -0.709728f, -0.709783f, -0.709838f, -0.709893f, -0.709948f, -0.710003f, -0.710058f, -0.710113f, -0.710168f, -0.710224f, -0.710279f,
--0.710334f, -0.710389f, -0.710444f, -0.710499f, -0.710554f, -0.710609f, -0.710664f, -0.710719f, -0.710774f, -0.710829f, -0.710884f, -0.710939f, -0.710994f, -0.711048f, -0.711103f, -0.711158f, -0.711213f, -0.711268f, -0.711323f, -0.711378f,
--0.711433f, -0.711488f, -0.711542f, -0.711597f, -0.711652f, -0.711707f, -0.711762f, -0.711817f, -0.711871f, -0.711926f, -0.711981f, -0.712036f, -0.71209f, -0.712145f, -0.7122f, -0.712255f, -0.712309f, -0.712364f, -0.712419f, -0.712473f,
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--0.71362f, -0.713674f, -0.713729f, -0.713783f, -0.713838f, -0.713892f, -0.713947f, -0.714001f, -0.714056f, -0.71411f, -0.714165f, -0.714219f, -0.714273f, -0.714328f, -0.714382f, -0.714436f, -0.714491f, -0.714545f, -0.714599f, -0.714654f,
--0.714708f, -0.714762f, -0.714817f, -0.714871f, -0.714925f, -0.71498f, -0.715034f, -0.715088f, -0.715142f, -0.715197f, -0.715251f, -0.715305f, -0.715359f, -0.715413f, -0.715468f, -0.715522f, -0.715576f, -0.71563f, -0.715684f, -0.715739f,
--0.715793f, -0.715847f, -0.715901f, -0.715955f, -0.716009f, -0.716063f, -0.716117f, -0.716171f, -0.716225f, -0.716279f, -0.716334f, -0.716388f, -0.716442f, -0.716496f, -0.71655f, -0.716604f, -0.716658f, -0.716712f, -0.716766f, -0.71682f,
--0.716874f, -0.716927f, -0.716981f, -0.717035f, -0.717089f, -0.717143f, -0.717197f, -0.717251f, -0.717305f, -0.717359f, -0.717413f, -0.717466f, -0.71752f, -0.717574f, -0.717628f, -0.717682f, -0.717736f, -0.717789f, -0.717843f, -0.717897f,
--0.717951f, -0.718004f, -0.718058f, -0.718112f, -0.718166f, -0.718219f, -0.718273f, -0.718327f, -0.718381f, -0.718434f, -0.718488f, -0.718542f, -0.718595f, -0.718649f, -0.718703f, -0.718756f, -0.71881f, -0.718863f, -0.718917f, -0.718971f,
--0.719024f, -0.719078f, -0.719131f, -0.719185f, -0.719238f, -0.719292f, -0.719346f, -0.719399f, -0.719453f, -0.719506f, -0.71956f, -0.719613f, -0.719667f, -0.71972f, -0.719774f, -0.719827f, -0.71988f, -0.719934f, -0.719987f, -0.720041f,
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--0.72116f, -0.721213f, -0.721267f, -0.72132f, -0.721373f, -0.721426f, -0.721479f, -0.721533f, -0.721586f, -0.721639f, -0.721692f, -0.721745f, -0.721798f, -0.721851f, -0.721904f, -0.721957f, -0.722011f, -0.722064f, -0.722117f, -0.72217f,
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--0.725388f, -0.72544f, -0.725493f, -0.725545f, -0.725598f, -0.72565f, -0.725703f, -0.725755f, -0.725807f, -0.72586f, -0.725912f, -0.725965f, -0.726017f, -0.726069f, -0.726122f, -0.726174f, -0.726226f, -0.726279f, -0.726331f, -0.726383f,
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--0.72852f, -0.728571f, -0.728623f, -0.728675f, -0.728727f, -0.728779f, -0.728831f, -0.728883f, -0.728935f, -0.728986f, -0.729038f, -0.72909f, -0.729142f, -0.729194f, -0.729245f, -0.729297f, -0.729349f, -0.729401f, -0.729452f, -0.729504f,
--0.729556f, -0.729608f, -0.729659f, -0.729711f, -0.729763f, -0.729814f, -0.729866f, -0.729918f, -0.729969f, -0.730021f, -0.730073f, -0.730124f, -0.730176f, -0.730228f, -0.730279f, -0.730331f, -0.730382f, -0.730434f, -0.730486f, -0.730537f,
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--0.731618f, -0.731669f, -0.73172f, -0.731772f, -0.731823f, -0.731874f, -0.731925f, -0.731977f, -0.732028f, -0.732079f, -0.732131f, -0.732182f, -0.732233f, -0.732284f, -0.732336f, -0.732387f, -0.732438f, -0.732489f, -0.73254f, -0.732591f,
--0.732643f, -0.732694f, -0.732745f, -0.732796f, -0.732847f, -0.732898f, -0.732949f, -0.733001f, -0.733052f, -0.733103f, -0.733154f, -0.733205f, -0.733256f, -0.733307f, -0.733358f, -0.733409f, -0.73346f, -0.733511f, -0.733562f, -0.733613f,
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--0.734682f, -0.734732f, -0.734783f, -0.734834f, -0.734885f, -0.734935f, -0.734986f, -0.735037f, -0.735088f, -0.735138f, -0.735189f, -0.73524f, -0.73529f, -0.735341f, -0.735392f, -0.735442f, -0.735493f, -0.735544f, -0.735594f, -0.735645f,
--0.735695f, -0.735746f, -0.735797f, -0.735847f, -0.735898f, -0.735948f, -0.735999f, -0.736049f, -0.7361f, -0.73615f, -0.736201f, -0.736251f, -0.736302f, -0.736352f, -0.736403f, -0.736453f, -0.736504f, -0.736554f, -0.736605f, -0.736655f,
--0.736705f, -0.736756f, -0.736806f, -0.736857f, -0.736907f, -0.736957f, -0.737008f, -0.737058f, -0.737108f, -0.737159f, -0.737209f, -0.737259f, -0.73731f, -0.73736f, -0.73741f, -0.73746f, -0.737511f, -0.737561f, -0.737611f, -0.737661f,
--0.737712f, -0.737762f, -0.737812f, -0.737862f, -0.737912f, -0.737963f, -0.738013f, -0.738063f, -0.738113f, -0.738163f, -0.738213f, -0.738263f, -0.738314f, -0.738364f, -0.738414f, -0.738464f, -0.738514f, -0.738564f, -0.738614f, -0.738664f,
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--0.739713f, -0.739763f, -0.739812f, -0.739862f, -0.739912f, -0.739962f, -0.740012f, -0.740061f, -0.740111f, -0.740161f, -0.740211f, -0.74026f, -0.74031f, -0.74036f, -0.740409f, -0.740459f, -0.740509f, -0.740559f, -0.740608f, -0.740658f,
--0.740708f, -0.740757f, -0.740807f, -0.740856f, -0.740906f, -0.740956f, -0.741005f, -0.741055f, -0.741104f, -0.741154f, -0.741203f, -0.741253f, -0.741303f, -0.741352f, -0.741402f, -0.741451f, -0.741501f, -0.74155f, -0.7416f, -0.741649f,
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--0.744648f, -0.744697f, -0.744746f, -0.744795f, -0.744844f, -0.744893f, -0.744941f, -0.74499f, -0.745039f, -0.745088f, -0.745137f, -0.745185f, -0.745234f, -0.745283f, -0.745332f, -0.74538f, -0.745429f, -0.745478f, -0.745527f, -0.745575f,
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--0.799055f, -0.79909f, -0.799126f, -0.799162f, -0.799198f, -0.799234f, -0.79927f, -0.799306f, -0.799342f, -0.799378f, -0.799413f, -0.799449f, -0.799485f, -0.799521f, -0.799557f, -0.799592f, -0.799628f, -0.799664f, -0.7997f, -0.799735f,
--0.799771f, -0.799807f, -0.799843f, -0.799878f, -0.799914f, -0.79995f, -0.799985f, -0.800021f, -0.800057f, -0.800092f, -0.800128f, -0.800164f, -0.800199f, -0.800235f, -0.80027f, -0.800306f, -0.800341f, -0.800377f, -0.800413f, -0.800448f,
--0.800484f, -0.800519f, -0.800555f, -0.80059f, -0.800626f, -0.800661f, -0.800697f, -0.800732f, -0.800767f, -0.800803f, -0.800838f, -0.800874f, -0.800909f, -0.800944f, -0.80098f, -0.801015f, -0.801051f, -0.801086f, -0.801121f, -0.801157f,
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--0.801896f, -0.801931f, -0.801966f, -0.802001f, -0.802036f, -0.802071f, -0.802106f, -0.802141f, -0.802176f, -0.802211f, -0.802246f, -0.802281f, -0.802316f, -0.802351f, -0.802386f, -0.802421f, -0.802456f, -0.802491f, -0.802526f, -0.802561f,
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--0.805352f, -0.805386f, -0.80542f, -0.805454f, -0.805488f, -0.805522f, -0.805556f, -0.80559f, -0.805624f, -0.805658f, -0.805692f, -0.805726f, -0.80576f, -0.805794f, -0.805828f, -0.805861f, -0.805895f, -0.805929f, -0.805963f, -0.805997f,
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--0.807375f, -0.807408f, -0.807442f, -0.807475f, -0.807508f, -0.807542f, -0.807575f, -0.807608f, -0.807642f, -0.807675f, -0.807708f, -0.807742f, -0.807775f, -0.807808f, -0.807841f, -0.807875f, -0.807908f, -0.807941f, -0.807974f, -0.808007f,
--0.808041f, -0.808074f, -0.808107f, -0.80814f, -0.808173f, -0.808206f, -0.808239f, -0.808273f, -0.808306f, -0.808339f, -0.808372f, -0.808405f, -0.808438f, -0.808471f, -0.808504f, -0.808537f, -0.80857f, -0.808603f, -0.808636f, -0.808669f,
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--0.809359f, -0.809392f, -0.809425f, -0.809457f, -0.80949f, -0.809523f, -0.809555f, -0.809588f, -0.809621f, -0.809653f, -0.809686f, -0.809719f, -0.809751f, -0.809784f, -0.809817f, -0.809849f, -0.809882f, -0.809914f, -0.809947f, -0.809979f,
--0.810012f, -0.810045f, -0.810077f, -0.81011f, -0.810142f, -0.810175f, -0.810207f, -0.810239f, -0.810272f, -0.810304f, -0.810337f, -0.810369f, -0.810402f, -0.810434f, -0.810466f, -0.810499f, -0.810531f, -0.810564f, -0.810596f, -0.810628f,
--0.810661f, -0.810693f, -0.810725f, -0.810757f, -0.81079f, -0.810822f, -0.810854f, -0.810887f, -0.810919f, -0.810951f, -0.810983f, -0.811015f, -0.811048f, -0.81108f, -0.811112f, -0.811144f, -0.811176f, -0.811208f, -0.811241f, -0.811273f,
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--0.813212f, -0.813243f, -0.813275f, -0.813306f, -0.813338f, -0.813369f, -0.8134f, -0.813432f, -0.813463f, -0.813495f, -0.813526f, -0.813557f, -0.813589f, -0.81362f, -0.813651f, -0.813683f, -0.813714f, -0.813745f, -0.813776f, -0.813808f,
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--0.814462f, -0.814493f, -0.814524f, -0.814555f, -0.814586f, -0.814617f, -0.814648f, -0.814679f, -0.81471f, -0.81474f, -0.814771f, -0.814802f, -0.814833f, -0.814864f, -0.814895f, -0.814926f, -0.814957f, -0.814988f, -0.815018f, -0.815049f,
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--0.816909f, -0.81694f, -0.81697f, -0.817f, -0.81703f, -0.81706f, -0.81709f, -0.81712f, -0.81715f, -0.81718f, -0.81721f, -0.81724f, -0.817271f, -0.817301f, -0.817331f, -0.817361f, -0.817391f, -0.817421f, -0.817451f, -0.81748f,
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--0.818107f, -0.818137f, -0.818167f, -0.818196f, -0.818226f, -0.818256f, -0.818285f, -0.818315f, -0.818345f, -0.818374f, -0.818404f, -0.818434f, -0.818463f, -0.818493f, -0.818522f, -0.818552f, -0.818581f, -0.818611f, -0.818641f, -0.81867f,
--0.8187f, -0.818729f, -0.818759f, -0.818788f, -0.818818f, -0.818847f, -0.818876f, -0.818906f, -0.818935f, -0.818965f, -0.818994f, -0.819024f, -0.819053f, -0.819082f, -0.819112f, -0.819141f, -0.81917f, -0.8192f, -0.819229f, -0.819258f,
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--0.811987f, -0.811955f, -0.811923f, -0.81189f, -0.811858f, -0.811826f, -0.811794f, -0.811762f, -0.811729f, -0.811697f, -0.811665f, -0.811633f, -0.8116f, -0.811568f, -0.811536f, -0.811503f, -0.811471f, -0.811439f, -0.811407f, -0.811374f,
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--0.810692f, -0.81066f, -0.810627f, -0.810595f, -0.810562f, -0.810529f, -0.810497f, -0.810464f, -0.810431f, -0.810399f, -0.810366f, -0.810333f, -0.810301f, -0.810268f, -0.810235f, -0.810202f, -0.81017f, -0.810137f, -0.810104f, -0.810071f,
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--0.808717f, -0.808684f, -0.808651f, -0.808618f, -0.808584f, -0.808551f, -0.808518f, -0.808485f, -0.808451f, -0.808418f, -0.808384f, -0.808351f, -0.808318f, -0.808284f, -0.808251f, -0.808218f, -0.808184f, -0.808151f, -0.808117f, -0.808084f,
--0.80805f, -0.808017f, -0.807983f, -0.80795f, -0.807916f, -0.807883f, -0.807849f, -0.807816f, -0.807782f, -0.807749f, -0.807715f, -0.807682f, -0.807648f, -0.807614f, -0.807581f, -0.807547f, -0.807514f, -0.80748f, -0.807446f, -0.807413f,
--0.807379f, -0.807345f, -0.807312f, -0.807278f, -0.807244f, -0.80721f, -0.807177f, -0.807143f, -0.807109f, -0.807075f, -0.807042f, -0.807008f, -0.806974f, -0.80694f, -0.806906f, -0.806872f, -0.806839f, -0.806805f, -0.806771f, -0.806737f,
--0.806703f, -0.806669f, -0.806635f, -0.806601f, -0.806567f, -0.806533f, -0.806499f, -0.806465f, -0.806431f, -0.806397f, -0.806363f, -0.806329f, -0.806295f, -0.806261f, -0.806227f, -0.806193f, -0.806159f, -0.806125f, -0.806091f, -0.806057f,
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--0.805338f, -0.805304f, -0.805269f, -0.805235f, -0.805201f, -0.805166f, -0.805132f, -0.805097f, -0.805063f, -0.805029f, -0.804994f, -0.80496f, -0.804925f, -0.804891f, -0.804856f, -0.804822f, -0.804787f, -0.804753f, -0.804718f, -0.804684f,
--0.804649f, -0.804614f, -0.80458f, -0.804545f, -0.804511f, -0.804476f, -0.804441f, -0.804407f, -0.804372f, -0.804337f, -0.804303f, -0.804268f, -0.804233f, -0.804199f, -0.804164f, -0.804129f, -0.804095f, -0.80406f, -0.804025f, -0.80399f,
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--0.803258f, -0.803223f, -0.803188f, -0.803153f, -0.803118f, -0.803083f, -0.803048f, -0.803012f, -0.802977f, -0.802942f, -0.802907f, -0.802872f, -0.802837f, -0.802802f, -0.802767f, -0.802731f, -0.802696f, -0.802661f, -0.802626f, -0.802591f,
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--0.801849f, -0.801813f, -0.801778f, -0.801743f, -0.801707f, -0.801672f, -0.801636f, -0.801601f, -0.801565f, -0.80153f, -0.801494f, -0.801458f, -0.801423f, -0.801387f, -0.801352f, -0.801316f, -0.801281f, -0.801245f, -0.801209f, -0.801174f,
--0.801138f, -0.801102f, -0.801067f, -0.801031f, -0.800995f, -0.80096f, -0.800924f, -0.800888f, -0.800852f, -0.800817f, -0.800781f, -0.800745f, -0.800709f, -0.800674f, -0.800638f, -0.800602f, -0.800566f, -0.80053f, -0.800494f, -0.800459f,
--0.800423f, -0.800387f, -0.800351f, -0.800315f, -0.800279f, -0.800243f, -0.800207f, -0.800171f, -0.800135f, -0.800099f, -0.800063f, -0.800027f, -0.799991f, -0.799955f, -0.799919f, -0.799883f, -0.799847f, -0.799811f, -0.799775f, -0.799739f,
--0.799703f, -0.799667f, -0.799631f, -0.799595f, -0.799559f, -0.799522f, -0.799486f, -0.79945f, -0.799414f, -0.799378f, -0.799342f, -0.799305f, -0.799269f, -0.799233f, -0.799197f, -0.79916f, -0.799124f, -0.799088f, -0.799052f, -0.799015f,
--0.798979f, -0.798943f, -0.798906f, -0.79887f, -0.798834f, -0.798797f, -0.798761f, -0.798725f, -0.798688f, -0.798652f, -0.798615f, -0.798579f, -0.798542f, -0.798506f, -0.79847f, -0.798433f, -0.798397f, -0.79836f, -0.798324f, -0.798287f,
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--0.796781f, -0.796744f, -0.796707f, -0.79667f, -0.796633f, -0.796596f, -0.796559f, -0.796522f, -0.796485f, -0.796448f, -0.796411f, -0.796374f, -0.796337f, -0.796299f, -0.796262f, -0.796225f, -0.796188f, -0.796151f, -0.796114f, -0.796077f,
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--0.792267f, -0.792229f, -0.792191f, -0.792153f, -0.792114f, -0.792076f, -0.792038f, -0.791999f, -0.791961f, -0.791923f, -0.791884f, -0.791846f, -0.791807f, -0.791769f, -0.791731f, -0.791692f, -0.791654f, -0.791615f, -0.791577f, -0.791538f,
--0.7915f, -0.791462f, -0.791423f, -0.791385f, -0.791346f, -0.791307f, -0.791269f, -0.79123f, -0.791192f, -0.791153f, -0.791115f, -0.791076f, -0.791037f, -0.790999f, -0.79096f, -0.790922f, -0.790883f, -0.790844f, -0.790806f, -0.790767f,
--0.790728f, -0.79069f, -0.790651f, -0.790612f, -0.790573f, -0.790535f, -0.790496f, -0.790457f, -0.790418f, -0.79038f, -0.790341f, -0.790302f, -0.790263f, -0.790224f, -0.790186f, -0.790147f, -0.790108f, -0.790069f, -0.79003f, -0.789991f,
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--0.786805f, -0.786765f, -0.786726f, -0.786686f, -0.786646f, -0.786606f, -0.786566f, -0.786527f, -0.786487f, -0.786447f, -0.786407f, -0.786367f, -0.786327f, -0.786287f, -0.786247f, -0.786208f, -0.786168f, -0.786128f, -0.786088f, -0.786048f,
--0.786008f, -0.785968f, -0.785928f, -0.785888f, -0.785848f, -0.785808f, -0.785768f, -0.785728f, -0.785688f, -0.785647f, -0.785607f, -0.785567f, -0.785527f, -0.785487f, -0.785447f, -0.785407f, -0.785367f, -0.785326f, -0.785286f, -0.785246f,
--0.785206f, -0.785166f, -0.785126f, -0.785085f, -0.785045f, -0.785005f, -0.784965f, -0.784924f, -0.784884f, -0.784844f, -0.784803f, -0.784763f, -0.784723f, -0.784682f, -0.784642f, -0.784602f, -0.784561f, -0.784521f, -0.784481f, -0.78444f,
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--0.781956f, -0.781915f, -0.781874f, -0.781833f, -0.781792f, -0.781751f, -0.78171f, -0.781668f, -0.781627f, -0.781586f, -0.781545f, -0.781504f, -0.781463f, -0.781421f, -0.78138f, -0.781339f, -0.781298f, -0.781257f, -0.781215f, -0.781174f,
--0.781133f, -0.781092f, -0.78105f, -0.781009f, -0.780968f, -0.780926f, -0.780885f, -0.780844f, -0.780802f, -0.780761f, -0.78072f, -0.780678f, -0.780637f, -0.780596f, -0.780554f, -0.780513f, -0.780471f, -0.78043f, -0.780388f, -0.780347f,
--0.780305f, -0.780264f, -0.780223f, -0.780181f, -0.780139f, -0.780098f, -0.780056f, -0.780015f, -0.779973f, -0.779932f, -0.77989f, -0.779849f, -0.779807f, -0.779765f, -0.779724f, -0.779682f, -0.77964f, -0.779599f, -0.779557f, -0.779516f,
--0.779474f, -0.779432f, -0.77939f, -0.779349f, -0.779307f, -0.779265f, -0.779223f, -0.779182f, -0.77914f, -0.779098f, -0.779056f, -0.779015f, -0.778973f, -0.778931f, -0.778889f, -0.778847f, -0.778805f, -0.778764f, -0.778722f, -0.77868f,
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--0.772668f, -0.772624f, -0.772581f, -0.772538f, -0.772494f, -0.772451f, -0.772407f, -0.772364f, -0.77232f, -0.772277f, -0.772233f, -0.77219f, -0.772146f, -0.772103f, -0.772059f, -0.772016f, -0.771972f, -0.771929f, -0.771885f, -0.771842f,
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--0.761034f, -0.760987f, -0.760941f, -0.760895f, -0.760849f, -0.760803f, -0.760757f, -0.760711f, -0.760664f, -0.760618f, -0.760572f, -0.760526f, -0.76048f, -0.760433f, -0.760387f, -0.760341f, -0.760295f, -0.760248f, -0.760202f, -0.760156f,
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--0.741767f, -0.741717f, -0.741667f, -0.741617f, -0.741567f, -0.741516f, -0.741466f, -0.741416f, -0.741365f, -0.741315f, -0.741265f, -0.741215f, -0.741164f, -0.741114f, -0.741064f, -0.741013f, -0.740963f, -0.740912f, -0.740862f, -0.740812f,
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--0.724115f, -0.724061f, -0.724008f, -0.723954f, -0.7239f, -0.723847f, -0.723793f, -0.723739f, -0.723686f, -0.723632f, -0.723578f, -0.723524f, -0.723471f, -0.723417f, -0.723363f, -0.723309f, -0.723256f, -0.723202f, -0.723148f, -0.723094f,
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--0.72088f, -0.720826f, -0.720772f, -0.720717f, -0.720663f, -0.720609f, -0.720555f, -0.7205f, -0.720446f, -0.720392f, -0.720337f, -0.720283f, -0.720229f, -0.720174f, -0.72012f, -0.720066f, -0.720011f, -0.719957f, -0.719903f, -0.719848f,
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--0.71541f, -0.715355f, -0.7153f, -0.715244f, -0.715189f, -0.715134f, -0.715079f, -0.715023f, -0.714968f, -0.714913f, -0.714858f, -0.714802f, -0.714747f, -0.714692f, -0.714636f, -0.714581f, -0.714526f, -0.71447f, -0.714415f, -0.71436f,
--0.714304f, -0.714249f, -0.714193f, -0.714138f, -0.714083f, -0.714027f, -0.713972f, -0.713916f, -0.713861f, -0.713805f, -0.71375f, -0.713694f, -0.713639f, -0.713583f, -0.713528f, -0.713472f, -0.713417f, -0.713361f, -0.713306f, -0.71325f,
--0.713194f, -0.713139f, -0.713083f, -0.713028f, -0.712972f, -0.712916f, -0.712861f, -0.712805f, -0.712749f, -0.712694f, -0.712638f, -0.712582f, -0.712527f, -0.712471f, -0.712415f, -0.71236f, -0.712304f, -0.712248f, -0.712192f, -0.712137f,
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--0.710963f, -0.710907f, -0.710851f, -0.710795f, -0.710739f, -0.710683f, -0.710627f, -0.710571f, -0.710515f, -0.710459f, -0.710403f, -0.710347f, -0.710291f, -0.710235f, -0.710179f, -0.710123f, -0.710067f, -0.71001f, -0.709954f, -0.709898f,
--0.709842f, -0.709786f, -0.70973f, -0.709673f, -0.709617f, -0.709561f, -0.709505f, -0.709449f, -0.709392f, -0.709336f, -0.70928f, -0.709223f, -0.709167f, -0.709111f, -0.709055f, -0.708998f, -0.708942f, -0.708886f, -0.708829f, -0.708773f,
--0.708717f, -0.70866f, -0.708604f, -0.708548f, -0.708491f, -0.708435f, -0.708378f, -0.708322f, -0.708265f, -0.708209f, -0.708153f, -0.708096f, -0.70804f, -0.707983f, -0.707927f, -0.70787f, -0.707814f, -0.707757f, -0.707701f, -0.707644f,
--0.707587f, -0.707531f, -0.707474f, -0.707418f, -0.707361f, -0.707305f, -0.707248f, -0.707191f, -0.707135f, -0.707078f, -0.707021f, -0.706965f, -0.706908f, -0.706851f, -0.706795f, -0.706738f, -0.706681f, -0.706625f, -0.706568f, -0.706511f,
--0.706454f, -0.706398f, -0.706341f, -0.706284f, -0.706227f, -0.706171f, -0.706114f, -0.706057f, -0.706f, -0.705943f, -0.705886f, -0.70583f, -0.705773f, -0.705716f, -0.705659f, -0.705602f, -0.705545f, -0.705488f, -0.705431f, -0.705374f,
--0.705318f, -0.705261f, -0.705204f, -0.705147f, -0.70509f, -0.705033f, -0.704976f, -0.704919f, -0.704862f, -0.704805f, -0.704748f, -0.704691f, -0.704634f, -0.704576f, -0.704519f, -0.704462f, -0.704405f, -0.704348f, -0.704291f, -0.704234f,
--0.704177f, -0.70412f, -0.704062f, -0.704005f, -0.703948f, -0.703891f, -0.703834f, -0.703777f, -0.703719f, -0.703662f, -0.703605f, -0.703548f, -0.70349f, -0.703433f, -0.703376f, -0.703319f, -0.703261f, -0.703204f, -0.703147f, -0.703089f,
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--0.701884f, -0.701826f, -0.701769f, -0.701711f, -0.701653f, -0.701596f, -0.701538f, -0.701481f, -0.701423f, -0.701366f, -0.701308f, -0.70125f, -0.701193f, -0.701135f, -0.701077f, -0.70102f, -0.700962f, -0.700904f, -0.700847f, -0.700789f,
--0.700731f, -0.700674f, -0.700616f, -0.700558f, -0.7005f, -0.700443f, -0.700385f, -0.700327f, -0.700269f, -0.700212f, -0.700154f, -0.700096f, -0.700038f, -0.69998f, -0.699922f, -0.699865f, -0.699807f, -0.699749f, -0.699691f, -0.699633f,
--0.699575f, -0.699517f, -0.699459f, -0.699401f, -0.699343f, -0.699286f, -0.699228f, -0.69917f, -0.699112f, -0.699054f, -0.698996f, -0.698938f, -0.69888f, -0.698822f, -0.698764f, -0.698706f, -0.698647f, -0.698589f, -0.698531f, -0.698473f,
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--0.697251f, -0.697193f, -0.697135f, -0.697076f, -0.697018f, -0.69696f, -0.696901f, -0.696843f, -0.696785f, -0.696726f, -0.696668f, -0.69661f, -0.696551f, -0.696493f, -0.696434f, -0.696376f, -0.696318f, -0.696259f, -0.696201f, -0.696142f,
--0.696084f, -0.696025f, -0.695967f, -0.695908f, -0.69585f, -0.695791f, -0.695733f, -0.695674f, -0.695616f, -0.695557f, -0.695498f, -0.69544f, -0.695381f, -0.695323f, -0.695264f, -0.695206f, -0.695147f, -0.695088f, -0.69503f, -0.694971f,
--0.694912f, -0.694854f, -0.694795f, -0.694736f, -0.694678f, -0.694619f, -0.69456f, -0.694501f, -0.694443f, -0.694384f, -0.694325f, -0.694266f, -0.694208f, -0.694149f, -0.69409f, -0.694031f, -0.693972f, -0.693914f, -0.693855f, -0.693796f,
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--0.692558f, -0.692499f, -0.69244f, -0.692381f, -0.692322f, -0.692263f, -0.692204f, -0.692144f, -0.692085f, -0.692026f, -0.691967f, -0.691908f, -0.691849f, -0.69179f, -0.69173f, -0.691671f, -0.691612f, -0.691553f, -0.691494f, -0.691434f,
--0.691375f, -0.691316f, -0.691257f, -0.691197f, -0.691138f, -0.691079f, -0.69102f, -0.69096f, -0.690901f, -0.690842f, -0.690782f, -0.690723f, -0.690664f, -0.690604f, -0.690545f, -0.690485f, -0.690426f, -0.690367f, -0.690307f, -0.690248f,
--0.690188f, -0.690129f, -0.69007f, -0.69001f, -0.689951f, -0.689891f, -0.689832f, -0.689772f, -0.689713f, -0.689653f, -0.689594f, -0.689534f, -0.689475f, -0.689415f, -0.689356f, -0.689296f, -0.689236f, -0.689177f, -0.689117f, -0.689058f,
--0.688998f, -0.688938f, -0.688879f, -0.688819f, -0.68876f, -0.6887f, -0.68864f, -0.688581f, -0.688521f, -0.688461f, -0.688401f, -0.688342f, -0.688282f, -0.688222f, -0.688162f, -0.688103f, -0.688043f, -0.687983f, -0.687923f, -0.687864f,
--0.687804f, -0.687744f, -0.687684f, -0.687624f, -0.687565f, -0.687505f, -0.687445f, -0.687385f, -0.687325f, -0.687265f, -0.687205f, -0.687145f, -0.687086f, -0.687026f, -0.686966f, -0.686906f, -0.686846f, -0.686786f, -0.686726f, -0.686666f,
--0.686606f, -0.686546f, -0.686486f, -0.686426f, -0.686366f, -0.686306f, -0.686246f, -0.686186f, -0.686126f, -0.686066f, -0.686005f, -0.685945f, -0.685885f, -0.685825f, -0.685765f, -0.685705f, -0.685645f, -0.685585f, -0.685524f, -0.685464f,
--0.685404f, -0.685344f, -0.685284f, -0.685224f, -0.685163f, -0.685103f, -0.685043f, -0.684983f, -0.684922f, -0.684862f, -0.684802f, -0.684742f, -0.684681f, -0.684621f, -0.684561f, -0.6845f, -0.68444f, -0.68438f, -0.684319f, -0.684259f,
--0.684199f, -0.684138f, -0.684078f, -0.684017f, -0.683957f, -0.683897f, -0.683836f, -0.683776f, -0.683715f, -0.683655f, -0.683594f, -0.683534f, -0.683474f, -0.683413f, -0.683353f, -0.683292f, -0.683232f, -0.683171f, -0.68311f, -0.68305f,
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--0.681776f, -0.681716f, -0.681655f, -0.681594f, -0.681533f, -0.681473f, -0.681412f, -0.681351f, -0.68129f, -0.681229f, -0.681169f, -0.681108f, -0.681047f, -0.680986f, -0.680925f, -0.680864f, -0.680803f, -0.680742f, -0.680682f, -0.680621f,
--0.68056f, -0.680499f, -0.680438f, -0.680377f, -0.680316f, -0.680255f, -0.680194f, -0.680133f, -0.680072f, -0.680011f, -0.67995f, -0.679889f, -0.679828f, -0.679767f, -0.679706f, -0.679645f, -0.679584f, -0.679523f, -0.679461f, -0.6794f,
--0.679339f, -0.679278f, -0.679217f, -0.679156f, -0.679095f, -0.679034f, -0.678972f, -0.678911f, -0.67885f, -0.678789f, -0.678728f, -0.678666f, -0.678605f, -0.678544f, -0.678483f, -0.678421f, -0.67836f, -0.678299f, -0.678238f, -0.678176f,
--0.678115f, -0.678054f, -0.677992f, -0.677931f, -0.67787f, -0.677808f, -0.677747f, -0.677686f, -0.677624f, -0.677563f, -0.677502f, -0.67744f, -0.677379f, -0.677317f, -0.677256f, -0.677194f, -0.677133f, -0.677072f, -0.67701f, -0.676949f,
--0.676887f, -0.676826f, -0.676764f, -0.676703f, -0.676641f, -0.67658f, -0.676518f, -0.676456f, -0.676395f, -0.676333f, -0.676272f, -0.67621f, -0.676149f, -0.676087f, -0.676025f, -0.675964f, -0.675902f, -0.67584f, -0.675779f, -0.675717f,
--0.675656f, -0.675594f, -0.675532f, -0.67547f, -0.675409f, -0.675347f, -0.675285f, -0.675224f, -0.675162f, -0.6751f, -0.675038f, -0.674977f, -0.674915f, -0.674853f, -0.674791f, -0.674729f, -0.674668f, -0.674606f, -0.674544f, -0.674482f,
--0.67442f, -0.674358f, -0.674296f, -0.674235f, -0.674173f, -0.674111f, -0.674049f, -0.673987f, -0.673925f, -0.673863f, -0.673801f, -0.673739f, -0.673677f, -0.673615f, -0.673553f, -0.673491f, -0.673429f, -0.673367f, -0.673305f, -0.673243f,
--0.673181f, -0.673119f, -0.673057f, -0.672995f, -0.672933f, -0.672871f, -0.672809f, -0.672747f, -0.672685f, -0.672622f, -0.67256f, -0.672498f, -0.672436f, -0.672374f, -0.672312f, -0.672249f, -0.672187f, -0.672125f, -0.672063f, -0.672001f,
--0.671938f, -0.671876f, -0.671814f, -0.671752f, -0.671689f, -0.671627f, -0.671565f, -0.671503f, -0.67144f, -0.671378f, -0.671316f, -0.671253f, -0.671191f, -0.671129f, -0.671066f, -0.671004f, -0.670942f, -0.670879f, -0.670817f, -0.670754f,
--0.670692f, -0.67063f, -0.670567f, -0.670505f, -0.670442f, -0.67038f, -0.670317f, -0.670255f, -0.670192f, -0.67013f, -0.670067f, -0.670005f, -0.669942f, -0.66988f, -0.669817f, -0.669755f, -0.669692f, -0.66963f, -0.669567f, -0.669505f,
--0.669442f, -0.669379f, -0.669317f, -0.669254f, -0.669192f, -0.669129f, -0.669066f, -0.669004f, -0.668941f, -0.668878f, -0.668816f, -0.668753f, -0.66869f, -0.668627f, -0.668565f, -0.668502f, -0.668439f, -0.668377f, -0.668314f, -0.668251f,
--0.668188f, -0.668125f, -0.668063f, -0.668f, -0.667937f, -0.667874f, -0.667811f, -0.667749f, -0.667686f, -0.667623f, -0.66756f, -0.667497f, -0.667434f, -0.667371f, -0.667308f, -0.667246f, -0.667183f, -0.66712f, -0.667057f, -0.666994f,
--0.666931f, -0.666868f, -0.666805f, -0.666742f, -0.666679f, -0.666616f, -0.666553f, -0.66649f, -0.666427f, -0.666364f, -0.666301f, -0.666238f, -0.666175f, -0.666112f, -0.666048f, -0.665985f, -0.665922f, -0.665859f, -0.665796f, -0.665733f,
--0.66567f, -0.665607f, -0.665543f, -0.66548f, -0.665417f, -0.665354f, -0.665291f, -0.665227f, -0.665164f, -0.665101f, -0.665038f, -0.664975f, -0.664911f, -0.664848f, -0.664785f, -0.664722f, -0.664658f, -0.664595f, -0.664532f, -0.664468f,
--0.664405f, -0.664342f, -0.664278f, -0.664215f, -0.664152f, -0.664088f, -0.664025f, -0.663961f, -0.663898f, -0.663835f, -0.663771f, -0.663708f, -0.663644f, -0.663581f, -0.663518f, -0.663454f, -0.663391f, -0.663327f, -0.663264f, -0.6632f,
--0.663137f, -0.663073f, -0.66301f, -0.662946f, -0.662882f, -0.662819f, -0.662755f, -0.662692f, -0.662628f, -0.662565f, -0.662501f, -0.662437f, -0.662374f, -0.66231f, -0.662247f, -0.662183f, -0.662119f, -0.662056f, -0.661992f, -0.661928f,
--0.661865f, -0.661801f, -0.661737f, -0.661673f, -0.66161f, -0.661546f, -0.661482f, -0.661419f, -0.661355f, -0.661291f, -0.661227f, -0.661163f, -0.6611f, -0.661036f, -0.660972f, -0.660908f, -0.660844f, -0.660781f, -0.660717f, -0.660653f,
--0.660589f, -0.660525f, -0.660461f, -0.660397f, -0.660333f, -0.660269f, -0.660206f, -0.660142f, -0.660078f, -0.660014f, -0.65995f, -0.659886f, -0.659822f, -0.659758f, -0.659694f, -0.65963f, -0.659566f, -0.659502f, -0.659438f, -0.659374f,
--0.65931f, -0.659246f, -0.659182f, -0.659117f, -0.659053f, -0.658989f, -0.658925f, -0.658861f, -0.658797f, -0.658733f, -0.658669f, -0.658605f, -0.65854f, -0.658476f, -0.658412f, -0.658348f, -0.658284f, -0.658219f, -0.658155f, -0.658091f,
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--0.65674f, -0.656676f, -0.656611f, -0.656547f, -0.656482f, -0.656418f, -0.656354f, -0.656289f, -0.656225f, -0.65616f, -0.656096f, -0.656031f, -0.655967f, -0.655902f, -0.655838f, -0.655773f, -0.655708f, -0.655644f, -0.655579f, -0.655515f,
--0.65545f, -0.655386f, -0.655321f, -0.655256f, -0.655192f, -0.655127f, -0.655062f, -0.654998f, -0.654933f, -0.654868f, -0.654804f, -0.654739f, -0.654674f, -0.65461f, -0.654545f, -0.65448f, -0.654415f, -0.654351f, -0.654286f, -0.654221f,
--0.654156f, -0.654092f, -0.654027f, -0.653962f, -0.653897f, -0.653832f, -0.653768f, -0.653703f, -0.653638f, -0.653573f, -0.653508f, -0.653443f, -0.653378f, -0.653314f, -0.653249f, -0.653184f, -0.653119f, -0.653054f, -0.652989f, -0.652924f,
--0.652859f, -0.652794f, -0.652729f, -0.652664f, -0.652599f, -0.652534f, -0.652469f, -0.652404f, -0.652339f, -0.652274f, -0.652209f, -0.652144f, -0.652079f, -0.652014f, -0.651949f, -0.651884f, -0.651819f, -0.651754f, -0.651688f, -0.651623f,
--0.651558f, -0.651493f, -0.651428f, -0.651363f, -0.651298f, -0.651232f, -0.651167f, -0.651102f, -0.651037f, -0.650972f, -0.650906f, -0.650841f, -0.650776f, -0.650711f, -0.650645f, -0.65058f, -0.650515f, -0.65045f, -0.650384f, -0.650319f,
--0.650254f, -0.650188f, -0.650123f, -0.650058f, -0.649992f, -0.649927f, -0.649862f, -0.649796f, -0.649731f, -0.649666f, -0.6496f, -0.649535f, -0.649469f, -0.649404f, -0.649338f, -0.649273f, -0.649208f, -0.649142f, -0.649077f, -0.649011f,
--0.648946f, -0.64888f, -0.648815f, -0.648749f, -0.648684f, -0.648618f, -0.648553f, -0.648487f, -0.648421f, -0.648356f, -0.64829f, -0.648225f, -0.648159f, -0.648094f, -0.648028f, -0.647962f, -0.647897f, -0.647831f, -0.647765f, -0.6477f,
--0.647634f, -0.647568f, -0.647503f, -0.647437f, -0.647371f, -0.647306f, -0.64724f, -0.647174f, -0.647108f, -0.647043f, -0.646977f, -0.646911f, -0.646845f, -0.64678f, -0.646714f, -0.646648f, -0.646582f, -0.646516f, -0.646451f, -0.646385f,
--0.646319f, -0.646253f, -0.646187f, -0.646121f, -0.646055f, -0.64599f, -0.645924f, -0.645858f, -0.645792f, -0.645726f, -0.64566f, -0.645594f, -0.645528f, -0.645462f, -0.645396f, -0.64533f, -0.645264f, -0.645198f, -0.645132f, -0.645066f,
--0.645f, -0.644934f, -0.644868f, -0.644802f, -0.644736f, -0.64467f, -0.644604f, -0.644538f, -0.644472f, -0.644406f, -0.644339f, -0.644273f, -0.644207f, -0.644141f, -0.644075f, -0.644009f, -0.643943f, -0.643876f, -0.64381f, -0.643744f,
--0.643678f, -0.643612f, -0.643545f, -0.643479f, -0.643413f, -0.643347f, -0.64328f, -0.643214f, -0.643148f, -0.643082f, -0.643015f, -0.642949f, -0.642883f, -0.642816f, -0.64275f, -0.642684f, -0.642617f, -0.642551f, -0.642485f, -0.642418f,
--0.642352f, -0.642286f, -0.642219f, -0.642153f, -0.642086f, -0.64202f, -0.641954f, -0.641887f, -0.641821f, -0.641754f, -0.641688f, -0.641621f, -0.641555f, -0.641488f, -0.641422f, -0.641355f, -0.641289f, -0.641222f, -0.641156f, -0.641089f,
--0.641023f, -0.640956f, -0.64089f, -0.640823f, -0.640756f, -0.64069f, -0.640623f, -0.640557f, -0.64049f, -0.640423f, -0.640357f, -0.64029f, -0.640223f, -0.640157f, -0.64009f, -0.640023f, -0.639957f, -0.63989f, -0.639823f, -0.639757f,
--0.63969f, -0.639623f, -0.639556f, -0.63949f, -0.639423f, -0.639356f, -0.639289f, -0.639223f, -0.639156f, -0.639089f, -0.639022f, -0.638955f, -0.638888f, -0.638822f, -0.638755f, -0.638688f, -0.638621f, -0.638554f, -0.638487f, -0.63842f,
--0.638353f, -0.638287f, -0.63822f, -0.638153f, -0.638086f, -0.638019f, -0.637952f, -0.637885f, -0.637818f, -0.637751f, -0.637684f, -0.637617f, -0.63755f, -0.637483f, -0.637416f, -0.637349f, -0.637282f, -0.637215f, -0.637148f, -0.637081f,
--0.637014f, -0.636946f, -0.636879f, -0.636812f, -0.636745f, -0.636678f, -0.636611f, -0.636544f, -0.636477f, -0.636409f, -0.636342f, -0.636275f, -0.636208f, -0.636141f, -0.636074f, -0.636006f, -0.635939f, -0.635872f, -0.635805f, -0.635737f,
--0.63567f, -0.635603f, -0.635536f, -0.635468f, -0.635401f, -0.635334f, -0.635266f, -0.635199f, -0.635132f, -0.635065f, -0.634997f, -0.63493f, -0.634862f, -0.634795f, -0.634728f, -0.63466f, -0.634593f, -0.634526f, -0.634458f, -0.634391f,
--0.634323f, -0.634256f, -0.634188f, -0.634121f, -0.634054f, -0.633986f, -0.633919f, -0.633851f, -0.633784f, -0.633716f, -0.633649f, -0.633581f, -0.633514f, -0.633446f, -0.633378f, -0.633311f, -0.633243f, -0.633176f, -0.633108f, -0.633041f,
--0.632973f, -0.632905f, -0.632838f, -0.63277f, -0.632702f, -0.632635f, -0.632567f, -0.632499f, -0.632432f, -0.632364f, -0.632296f, -0.632229f, -0.632161f, -0.632093f, -0.632026f, -0.631958f, -0.63189f, -0.631822f, -0.631755f, -0.631687f,
--0.631619f, -0.631551f, -0.631484f, -0.631416f, -0.631348f, -0.63128f, -0.631212f, -0.631144f, -0.631077f, -0.631009f, -0.630941f, -0.630873f, -0.630805f, -0.630737f, -0.630669f, -0.630601f, -0.630533f, -0.630466f, -0.630398f, -0.63033f,
--0.630262f, -0.630194f, -0.630126f, -0.630058f, -0.62999f, -0.629922f, -0.629854f, -0.629786f, -0.629718f, -0.62965f, -0.629582f, -0.629514f, -0.629446f, -0.629378f, -0.62931f, -0.629241f, -0.629173f, -0.629105f, -0.629037f, -0.628969f,
--0.628901f, -0.628833f, -0.628765f, -0.628697f, -0.628628f, -0.62856f, -0.628492f, -0.628424f, -0.628356f, -0.628287f, -0.628219f, -0.628151f, -0.628083f, -0.628015f, -0.627946f, -0.627878f, -0.62781f, -0.627742f, -0.627673f, -0.627605f,
--0.627537f, -0.627468f, -0.6274f, -0.627332f, -0.627263f, -0.627195f, -0.627127f, -0.627058f, -0.62699f, -0.626922f, -0.626853f, -0.626785f, -0.626716f, -0.626648f, -0.62658f, -0.626511f, -0.626443f, -0.626374f, -0.626306f, -0.626237f,
--0.626169f, -0.626101f, -0.626032f, -0.625964f, -0.625895f, -0.625827f, -0.625758f, -0.625689f, -0.625621f, -0.625552f, -0.625484f, -0.625415f, -0.625347f, -0.625278f, -0.62521f, -0.625141f, -0.625072f, -0.625004f, -0.624935f, -0.624866f,
--0.624798f, -0.624729f, -0.624661f, -0.624592f, -0.624523f, -0.624455f, -0.624386f, -0.624317f, -0.624248f, -0.62418f, -0.624111f, -0.624042f, -0.623973f, -0.623905f, -0.623836f, -0.623767f, -0.623698f, -0.62363f, -0.623561f, -0.623492f,
--0.623423f, -0.623354f, -0.623286f, -0.623217f, -0.623148f, -0.623079f, -0.62301f, -0.622941f, -0.622872f, -0.622804f, -0.622735f, -0.622666f, -0.622597f, -0.622528f, -0.622459f, -0.62239f, -0.622321f, -0.622252f, -0.622183f, -0.622114f,
--0.622045f, -0.621976f, -0.621907f, -0.621838f, -0.621769f, -0.6217f, -0.621631f, -0.621562f, -0.621493f, -0.621424f, -0.621355f, -0.621286f, -0.621217f, -0.621148f, -0.621079f, -0.621009f, -0.62094f, -0.620871f, -0.620802f, -0.620733f,
--0.620664f, -0.620595f, -0.620525f, -0.620456f, -0.620387f, -0.620318f, -0.620249f, -0.620179f, -0.62011f, -0.620041f, -0.619972f, -0.619903f, -0.619833f, -0.619764f, -0.619695f, -0.619625f, -0.619556f, -0.619487f, -0.619418f, -0.619348f,
--0.619279f, -0.61921f, -0.61914f, -0.619071f, -0.619002f, -0.618932f, -0.618863f, -0.618793f, -0.618724f, -0.618655f, -0.618585f, -0.618516f, -0.618446f, -0.618377f, -0.618307f, -0.618238f, -0.618169f, -0.618099f, -0.61803f, -0.61796f,
--0.617891f, -0.617821f, -0.617752f, -0.617682f, -0.617613f, -0.617543f, -0.617473f, -0.617404f, -0.617334f, -0.617265f, -0.617195f, -0.617126f, -0.617056f, -0.616986f, -0.616917f, -0.616847f, -0.616778f, -0.616708f, -0.616638f, -0.616569f,
--0.616499f, -0.616429f, -0.61636f, -0.61629f, -0.61622f, -0.616151f, -0.616081f, -0.616011f, -0.615941f, -0.615872f, -0.615802f, -0.615732f, -0.615662f, -0.615593f, -0.615523f, -0.615453f, -0.615383f, -0.615313f, -0.615244f, -0.615174f,
--0.615104f, -0.615034f, -0.614964f, -0.614894f, -0.614824f, -0.614755f, -0.614685f, -0.614615f, -0.614545f, -0.614475f, -0.614405f, -0.614335f, -0.614265f, -0.614195f, -0.614125f, -0.614055f, -0.613985f, -0.613915f, -0.613845f, -0.613775f,
--0.613705f, -0.613635f, -0.613565f, -0.613495f, -0.613425f, -0.613355f, -0.613285f, -0.613215f, -0.613145f, -0.613075f, -0.613005f, -0.612935f, -0.612865f, -0.612795f, -0.612725f, -0.612654f, -0.612584f, -0.612514f, -0.612444f, -0.612374f,
--0.612304f, -0.612233f, -0.612163f, -0.612093f, -0.612023f, -0.611953f, -0.611882f, -0.611812f, -0.611742f, -0.611672f, -0.611601f, -0.611531f, -0.611461f, -0.611391f, -0.61132f, -0.61125f, -0.61118f, -0.611109f, -0.611039f, -0.610969f,
--0.610898f, -0.610828f, -0.610758f, -0.610687f, -0.610617f, -0.610547f, -0.610476f, -0.610406f, -0.610335f, -0.610265f, -0.610195f, -0.610124f, -0.610054f, -0.609983f, -0.609913f, -0.609842f, -0.609772f, -0.609701f, -0.609631f, -0.60956f,
--0.60949f, -0.609419f, -0.609349f, -0.609278f, -0.609208f, -0.609137f, -0.609067f, -0.608996f, -0.608925f, -0.608855f, -0.608784f, -0.608714f, -0.608643f, -0.608572f, -0.608502f, -0.608431f, -0.608361f, -0.60829f, -0.608219f, -0.608149f,
--0.608078f, -0.608007f, -0.607937f, -0.607866f, -0.607795f, -0.607724f, -0.607654f, -0.607583f, -0.607512f, -0.607441f, -0.607371f, -0.6073f, -0.607229f, -0.607158f, -0.607088f, -0.607017f, -0.606946f, -0.606875f, -0.606804f, -0.606733f,
--0.606663f, -0.606592f, -0.606521f, -0.60645f, -0.606379f, -0.606308f, -0.606237f, -0.606166f, -0.606096f, -0.606025f, -0.605954f, -0.605883f, -0.605812f, -0.605741f, -0.60567f, -0.605599f, -0.605528f, -0.605457f, -0.605386f, -0.605315f,
--0.605244f, -0.605173f, -0.605102f, -0.605031f, -0.60496f, -0.604889f, -0.604818f, -0.604747f, -0.604676f, -0.604605f, -0.604533f, -0.604462f, -0.604391f, -0.60432f, -0.604249f, -0.604178f, -0.604107f, -0.604036f, -0.603964f, -0.603893f,
--0.603822f, -0.603751f, -0.60368f, -0.603608f, -0.603537f, -0.603466f, -0.603395f, -0.603324f, -0.603252f, -0.603181f, -0.60311f, -0.603039f, -0.602967f, -0.602896f, -0.602825f, -0.602753f, -0.602682f, -0.602611f, -0.602539f, -0.602468f,
--0.602397f, -0.602325f, -0.602254f, -0.602183f, -0.602111f, -0.60204f, -0.601969f, -0.601897f, -0.601826f, -0.601754f, -0.601683f, -0.601611f, -0.60154f, -0.601469f, -0.601397f, -0.601326f, -0.601254f, -0.601183f, -0.601111f, -0.60104f,
--0.600968f, -0.600897f, -0.600825f, -0.600754f, -0.600682f, -0.60061f, -0.600539f, -0.600467f, -0.600396f, -0.600324f, -0.600253f, -0.600181f, -0.600109f, -0.600038f, -0.599966f, -0.599895f, -0.599823f, -0.599751f, -0.59968f, -0.599608f,
--0.599536f, -0.599465f, -0.599393f, -0.599321f, -0.599249f, -0.599178f, -0.599106f, -0.599034f, -0.598963f, -0.598891f, -0.598819f, -0.598747f, -0.598676f, -0.598604f, -0.598532f, -0.59846f, -0.598388f, -0.598317f, -0.598245f, -0.598173f,
--0.598101f, -0.598029f, -0.597957f, -0.597885f, -0.597814f, -0.597742f, -0.59767f, -0.597598f, -0.597526f, -0.597454f, -0.597382f, -0.59731f, -0.597238f, -0.597166f, -0.597094f, -0.597022f, -0.59695f, -0.596878f, -0.596806f, -0.596735f,
--0.596662f, -0.59659f, -0.596518f, -0.596446f, -0.596374f, -0.596302f, -0.59623f, -0.596158f, -0.596086f, -0.596014f, -0.595942f, -0.59587f, -0.595798f, -0.595726f, -0.595654f, -0.595581f, -0.595509f, -0.595437f, -0.595365f, -0.595293f,
--0.595221f, -0.595149f, -0.595076f, -0.595004f, -0.594932f, -0.59486f, -0.594788f, -0.594715f, -0.594643f, -0.594571f, -0.594499f, -0.594426f, -0.594354f, -0.594282f, -0.594209f, -0.594137f, -0.594065f, -0.593993f, -0.59392f, -0.593848f,
--0.593776f, -0.593703f, -0.593631f, -0.593559f, -0.593486f, -0.593414f, -0.593341f, -0.593269f, -0.593197f, -0.593124f, -0.593052f, -0.592979f, -0.592907f, -0.592835f, -0.592762f, -0.59269f, -0.592617f, -0.592545f, -0.592472f, -0.5924f,
--0.592327f, -0.592255f, -0.592182f, -0.59211f, -0.592037f, -0.591965f, -0.591892f, -0.59182f, -0.591747f, -0.591674f, -0.591602f, -0.591529f, -0.591457f, -0.591384f, -0.591311f, -0.591239f, -0.591166f, -0.591094f, -0.591021f, -0.590948f,
--0.590876f, -0.590803f, -0.59073f, -0.590658f, -0.590585f, -0.590512f, -0.590439f, -0.590367f, -0.590294f, -0.590221f, -0.590149f, -0.590076f, -0.590003f, -0.58993f, -0.589858f, -0.589785f, -0.589712f, -0.589639f, -0.589566f, -0.589494f,
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--0.586501f, -0.586428f, -0.586355f, -0.586282f, -0.586209f, -0.586135f, -0.586062f, -0.585989f, -0.585916f, -0.585842f, -0.585769f, -0.585696f, -0.585623f, -0.58555f, -0.585476f, -0.585403f, -0.58533f, -0.585256f, -0.585183f, -0.58511f,
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--0.583569f, -0.583495f, -0.583422f, -0.583348f, -0.583275f, -0.583201f, -0.583128f, -0.583054f, -0.582981f, -0.582907f, -0.582834f, -0.58276f, -0.582686f, -0.582613f, -0.582539f, -0.582466f, -0.582392f, -0.582318f, -0.582245f, -0.582171f,
--0.582098f, -0.582024f, -0.58195f, -0.581877f, -0.581803f, -0.581729f, -0.581656f, -0.581582f, -0.581508f, -0.581435f, -0.581361f, -0.581287f, -0.581213f, -0.58114f, -0.581066f, -0.580992f, -0.580918f, -0.580845f, -0.580771f, -0.580697f,
--0.580623f, -0.58055f, -0.580476f, -0.580402f, -0.580328f, -0.580254f, -0.58018f, -0.580107f, -0.580033f, -0.579959f, -0.579885f, -0.579811f, -0.579737f, -0.579663f, -0.579589f, -0.579516f, -0.579442f, -0.579368f, -0.579294f, -0.57922f,
--0.579146f, -0.579072f, -0.578998f, -0.578924f, -0.57885f, -0.578776f, -0.578702f, -0.578628f, -0.578554f, -0.57848f, -0.578406f, -0.578332f, -0.578258f, -0.578184f, -0.57811f, -0.578036f, -0.577962f, -0.577887f, -0.577813f, -0.577739f,
--0.577665f, -0.577591f, -0.577517f, -0.577443f, -0.577369f, -0.577294f, -0.57722f, -0.577146f, -0.577072f, -0.576998f, -0.576924f, -0.576849f, -0.576775f, -0.576701f, -0.576627f, -0.576553f, -0.576478f, -0.576404f, -0.57633f, -0.576256f,
--0.576181f, -0.576107f, -0.576033f, -0.575958f, -0.575884f, -0.57581f, -0.575735f, -0.575661f, -0.575587f, -0.575512f, -0.575438f, -0.575364f, -0.575289f, -0.575215f, -0.575141f, -0.575066f, -0.574992f, -0.574917f, -0.574843f, -0.574769f,
--0.574694f, -0.57462f, -0.574545f, -0.574471f, -0.574396f, -0.574322f, -0.574247f, -0.574173f, -0.574098f, -0.574024f, -0.573949f, -0.573875f, -0.5738f, -0.573726f, -0.573651f, -0.573577f, -0.573502f, -0.573428f, -0.573353f, -0.573279f,
--0.573204f, -0.573129f, -0.573055f, -0.57298f, -0.572906f, -0.572831f, -0.572756f, -0.572682f, -0.572607f, -0.572532f, -0.572458f, -0.572383f, -0.572308f, -0.572234f, -0.572159f, -0.572084f, -0.572009f, -0.571935f, -0.57186f, -0.571785f,
--0.571711f, -0.571636f, -0.571561f, -0.571486f, -0.571412f, -0.571337f, -0.571262f, -0.571187f, -0.571112f, -0.571038f, -0.570963f, -0.570888f, -0.570813f, -0.570738f, -0.570663f, -0.570588f, -0.570514f, -0.570439f, -0.570364f, -0.570289f,
--0.570214f, -0.570139f, -0.570064f, -0.569989f, -0.569914f, -0.569839f, -0.569764f, -0.569689f, -0.569614f, -0.56954f, -0.569465f, -0.56939f, -0.569315f, -0.56924f, -0.569165f, -0.56909f, -0.569014f, -0.568939f, -0.568864f, -0.568789f,
--0.568714f, -0.568639f, -0.568564f, -0.568489f, -0.568414f, -0.568339f, -0.568264f, -0.568189f, -0.568114f, -0.568038f, -0.567963f, -0.567888f, -0.567813f, -0.567738f, -0.567663f, -0.567587f, -0.567512f, -0.567437f, -0.567362f, -0.567287f,
--0.567211f, -0.567136f, -0.567061f, -0.566986f, -0.56691f, -0.566835f, -0.56676f, -0.566685f, -0.566609f, -0.566534f, -0.566459f, -0.566384f, -0.566308f, -0.566233f, -0.566158f, -0.566082f, -0.566007f, -0.565932f, -0.565856f, -0.565781f,
--0.565705f, -0.56563f, -0.565555f, -0.565479f, -0.565404f, -0.565328f, -0.565253f, -0.565178f, -0.565102f, -0.565027f, -0.564951f, -0.564876f, -0.5648f, -0.564725f, -0.564649f, -0.564574f, -0.564498f, -0.564423f, -0.564347f, -0.564272f,
--0.564196f, -0.564121f, -0.564045f, -0.56397f, -0.563894f, -0.563819f, -0.563743f, -0.563667f, -0.563592f, -0.563516f, -0.563441f, -0.563365f, -0.563289f, -0.563214f, -0.563138f, -0.563062f, -0.562987f, -0.562911f, -0.562835f, -0.56276f,
--0.562684f, -0.562608f, -0.562533f, -0.562457f, -0.562381f, -0.562306f, -0.56223f, -0.562154f, -0.562078f, -0.562003f, -0.561927f, -0.561851f, -0.561775f, -0.561699f, -0.561624f, -0.561548f, -0.561472f, -0.561396f, -0.56132f, -0.561245f,
--0.561169f, -0.561093f, -0.561017f, -0.560941f, -0.560865f, -0.560789f, -0.560714f, -0.560638f, -0.560562f, -0.560486f, -0.56041f, -0.560334f, -0.560258f, -0.560182f, -0.560106f, -0.56003f, -0.559954f, -0.559878f, -0.559802f, -0.559726f,
--0.55965f, -0.559574f, -0.559498f, -0.559422f, -0.559346f, -0.55927f, -0.559194f, -0.559118f, -0.559042f, -0.558966f, -0.55889f, -0.558814f, -0.558738f, -0.558662f, -0.558586f, -0.558509f, -0.558433f, -0.558357f, -0.558281f, -0.558205f,
--0.558129f, -0.558053f, -0.557976f, -0.5579f, -0.557824f, -0.557748f, -0.557672f, -0.557595f, -0.557519f, -0.557443f, -0.557367f, -0.557291f, -0.557214f, -0.557138f, -0.557062f, -0.556986f, -0.556909f, -0.556833f, -0.556757f, -0.55668f,
--0.556604f, -0.556528f, -0.556451f, -0.556375f, -0.556299f, -0.556222f, -0.556146f, -0.55607f, -0.555993f, -0.555917f, -0.555841f, -0.555764f, -0.555688f, -0.555611f, -0.555535f, -0.555459f, -0.555382f, -0.555306f, -0.555229f, -0.555153f,
--0.555076f, -0.555f, -0.554923f, -0.554847f, -0.554771f, -0.554694f, -0.554617f, -0.554541f, -0.554464f, -0.554388f, -0.554311f, -0.554235f, -0.554158f, -0.554082f, -0.554005f, -0.553929f, -0.553852f, -0.553775f, -0.553699f, -0.553622f,
--0.553546f, -0.553469f, -0.553392f, -0.553316f, -0.553239f, -0.553162f, -0.553086f, -0.553009f, -0.552932f, -0.552856f, -0.552779f, -0.552702f, -0.552626f, -0.552549f, -0.552472f, -0.552396f, -0.552319f, -0.552242f, -0.552165f, -0.552089f,
--0.552012f, -0.551935f, -0.551858f, -0.551781f, -0.551705f, -0.551628f, -0.551551f, -0.551474f, -0.551397f, -0.551321f, -0.551244f, -0.551167f, -0.55109f, -0.551013f, -0.550936f, -0.550859f, -0.550783f, -0.550706f, -0.550629f, -0.550552f,
--0.550475f, -0.550398f, -0.550321f, -0.550244f, -0.550167f, -0.55009f, -0.550013f, -0.549936f, -0.549859f, -0.549782f, -0.549705f, -0.549628f, -0.549551f, -0.549474f, -0.549397f, -0.54932f, -0.549243f, -0.549166f, -0.549089f, -0.549012f,
--0.548935f, -0.548858f, -0.548781f, -0.548704f, -0.548627f, -0.548549f, -0.548472f, -0.548395f, -0.548318f, -0.548241f, -0.548164f, -0.548087f, -0.54801f, -0.547932f, -0.547855f, -0.547778f, -0.547701f, -0.547624f, -0.547546f, -0.547469f,
--0.547392f, -0.547315f, -0.547237f, -0.54716f, -0.547083f, -0.547006f, -0.546928f, -0.546851f, -0.546774f, -0.546697f, -0.546619f, -0.546542f, -0.546465f, -0.546387f, -0.54631f, -0.546233f, -0.546155f, -0.546078f, -0.546001f, -0.545923f,
--0.545846f, -0.545769f, -0.545691f, -0.545614f, -0.545536f, -0.545459f, -0.545382f, -0.545304f, -0.545227f, -0.545149f, -0.545072f, -0.544994f, -0.544917f, -0.544839f, -0.544762f, -0.544684f, -0.544607f, -0.544529f, -0.544452f, -0.544374f,
--0.544297f, -0.544219f, -0.544142f, -0.544064f, -0.543987f, -0.543909f, -0.543832f, -0.543754f, -0.543676f, -0.543599f, -0.543521f, -0.543444f, -0.543366f, -0.543288f, -0.543211f, -0.543133f, -0.543056f, -0.542978f, -0.5429f, -0.542823f,
--0.542745f, -0.542667f, -0.542589f, -0.542512f, -0.542434f, -0.542356f, -0.542279f, -0.542201f, -0.542123f, -0.542045f, -0.541968f, -0.54189f, -0.541812f, -0.541734f, -0.541657f, -0.541579f, -0.541501f, -0.541423f, -0.541345f, -0.541268f,
--0.54119f, -0.541112f, -0.541034f, -0.540956f, -0.540878f, -0.540801f, -0.540723f, -0.540645f, -0.540567f, -0.540489f, -0.540411f, -0.540333f, -0.540255f, -0.540177f, -0.540099f, -0.540022f, -0.539944f, -0.539866f, -0.539788f, -0.53971f,
--0.539632f, -0.539554f, -0.539476f, -0.539398f, -0.53932f, -0.539242f, -0.539164f, -0.539086f, -0.539008f, -0.53893f, -0.538852f, -0.538774f, -0.538695f, -0.538617f, -0.538539f, -0.538461f, -0.538383f, -0.538305f, -0.538227f, -0.538149f,
--0.538071f, -0.537993f, -0.537914f, -0.537836f, -0.537758f, -0.53768f, -0.537602f, -0.537524f, -0.537445f, -0.537367f, -0.537289f, -0.537211f, -0.537133f, -0.537054f, -0.536976f, -0.536898f, -0.53682f, -0.536741f, -0.536663f, -0.536585f,
--0.536507f, -0.536428f, -0.53635f, -0.536272f, -0.536194f, -0.536115f, -0.536037f, -0.535959f, -0.53588f, -0.535802f, -0.535724f, -0.535645f, -0.535567f, -0.535488f, -0.53541f, -0.535332f, -0.535253f, -0.535175f, -0.535096f, -0.535018f,
--0.53494f, -0.534861f, -0.534783f, -0.534704f, -0.534626f, -0.534547f, -0.534469f, -0.534391f, -0.534312f, -0.534234f, -0.534155f, -0.534077f, -0.533998f, -0.53392f, -0.533841f, -0.533762f, -0.533684f, -0.533605f, -0.533527f, -0.533448f,
--0.53337f, -0.533291f, -0.533213f, -0.533134f, -0.533055f, -0.532977f, -0.532898f, -0.53282f, -0.532741f, -0.532662f, -0.532584f, -0.532505f, -0.532426f, -0.532348f, -0.532269f, -0.53219f, -0.532112f, -0.532033f, -0.531954f, -0.531875f,
--0.531797f, -0.531718f, -0.531639f, -0.531561f, -0.531482f, -0.531403f, -0.531324f, -0.531246f, -0.531167f, -0.531088f, -0.531009f, -0.53093f, -0.530852f, -0.530773f, -0.530694f, -0.530615f, -0.530536f, -0.530457f, -0.530379f, -0.5303f,
--0.530221f, -0.530142f, -0.530063f, -0.529984f, -0.529905f, -0.529826f, -0.529748f, -0.529669f, -0.52959f, -0.529511f, -0.529432f, -0.529353f, -0.529274f, -0.529195f, -0.529116f, -0.529037f, -0.528958f, -0.528879f, -0.5288f, -0.528721f,
--0.528642f, -0.528563f, -0.528484f, -0.528405f, -0.528326f, -0.528247f, -0.528168f, -0.528089f, -0.52801f, -0.527931f, -0.527852f, -0.527772f, -0.527693f, -0.527614f, -0.527535f, -0.527456f, -0.527377f, -0.527298f, -0.527219f, -0.52714f,
--0.52706f, -0.526981f, -0.526902f, -0.526823f, -0.526744f, -0.526664f, -0.526585f, -0.526506f, -0.526427f, -0.526348f, -0.526268f, -0.526189f, -0.52611f, -0.526031f, -0.525951f, -0.525872f, -0.525793f, -0.525714f, -0.525634f, -0.525555f,
--0.525476f, -0.525396f, -0.525317f, -0.525238f, -0.525158f, -0.525079f, -0.525f, -0.52492f, -0.524841f, -0.524762f, -0.524682f, -0.524603f, -0.524523f, -0.524444f, -0.524365f, -0.524285f, -0.524206f, -0.524126f, -0.524047f, -0.523968f,
--0.523888f, -0.523809f, -0.523729f, -0.52365f, -0.52357f, -0.523491f, -0.523411f, -0.523332f, -0.523252f, -0.523173f, -0.523093f, -0.523014f, -0.522934f, -0.522855f, -0.522775f, -0.522696f, -0.522616f, -0.522536f, -0.522457f, -0.522377f,
--0.522298f, -0.522218f, -0.522138f, -0.522059f, -0.521979f, -0.5219f, -0.52182f, -0.52174f, -0.521661f, -0.521581f, -0.521501f, -0.521422f, -0.521342f, -0.521262f, -0.521183f, -0.521103f, -0.521023f, -0.520943f, -0.520864f, -0.520784f,
--0.520704f, -0.520624f, -0.520545f, -0.520465f, -0.520385f, -0.520305f, -0.520226f, -0.520146f, -0.520066f, -0.519986f, -0.519906f, -0.519827f, -0.519747f, -0.519667f, -0.519587f, -0.519507f, -0.519427f, -0.519348f, -0.519268f, -0.519188f,
--0.519108f, -0.519028f, -0.518948f, -0.518868f, -0.518788f, -0.518708f, -0.518629f, -0.518549f, -0.518469f, -0.518389f, -0.518309f, -0.518229f, -0.518149f, -0.518069f, -0.517989f, -0.517909f, -0.517829f, -0.517749f, -0.517669f, -0.517589f,
--0.517509f, -0.517429f, -0.517349f, -0.517269f, -0.517189f, -0.517109f, -0.517028f, -0.516948f, -0.516868f, -0.516788f, -0.516708f, -0.516628f, -0.516548f, -0.516468f, -0.516388f, -0.516308f, -0.516227f, -0.516147f, -0.516067f, -0.515987f,
--0.515907f, -0.515827f, -0.515746f, -0.515666f, -0.515586f, -0.515506f, -0.515426f, -0.515345f, -0.515265f, -0.515185f, -0.515105f, -0.515024f, -0.514944f, -0.514864f, -0.514784f, -0.514703f, -0.514623f, -0.514543f, -0.514462f, -0.514382f,
--0.514302f, -0.514222f, -0.514141f, -0.514061f, -0.513981f, -0.5139f, -0.51382f, -0.513739f, -0.513659f, -0.513579f, -0.513498f, -0.513418f, -0.513338f, -0.513257f, -0.513177f, -0.513096f, -0.513016f, -0.512935f, -0.512855f, -0.512775f,
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--0.511084f, -0.511003f, -0.510922f, -0.510842f, -0.510761f, -0.51068f, -0.5106f, -0.510519f, -0.510438f, -0.510358f, -0.510277f, -0.510196f, -0.510116f, -0.510035f, -0.509954f, -0.509874f, -0.509793f, -0.509712f, -0.509632f, -0.509551f,
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--0.507854f, -0.507773f, -0.507692f, -0.507611f, -0.50753f, -0.507449f, -0.507368f, -0.507287f, -0.507206f, -0.507126f, -0.507045f, -0.506964f, -0.506883f, -0.506802f, -0.506721f, -0.50664f, -0.506559f, -0.506478f, -0.506397f, -0.506316f,
--0.506235f, -0.506154f, -0.506073f, -0.505992f, -0.505911f, -0.505829f, -0.505748f, -0.505667f, -0.505586f, -0.505505f, -0.505424f, -0.505343f, -0.505262f, -0.505181f, -0.5051f, -0.505019f, -0.504937f, -0.504856f, -0.504775f, -0.504694f,
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--0.502988f, -0.502907f, -0.502825f, -0.502744f, -0.502663f, -0.502581f, -0.5025f, -0.502419f, -0.502337f, -0.502256f, -0.502175f, -0.502093f, -0.502012f, -0.501931f, -0.501849f, -0.501768f, -0.501686f, -0.501605f, -0.501523f, -0.501442f,
--0.501361f, -0.501279f, -0.501198f, -0.501116f, -0.501035f, -0.500953f, -0.500872f, -0.50079f, -0.500709f, -0.500627f, -0.500546f, -0.500464f, -0.500383f, -0.500301f, -0.50022f, -0.500138f, -0.500057f, -0.499975f, -0.499893f, -0.499812f,
--0.49973f, -0.499649f, -0.499567f, -0.499485f, -0.499404f, -0.499322f, -0.499241f, -0.499159f, -0.499077f, -0.498996f, -0.498914f, -0.498832f, -0.498751f, -0.498669f, -0.498587f, -0.498506f, -0.498424f, -0.498342f, -0.498261f, -0.498179f,
--0.498097f, -0.498015f, -0.497934f, -0.497852f, -0.49777f, -0.497688f, -0.497607f, -0.497525f, -0.497443f, -0.497361f, -0.49728f, -0.497198f, -0.497116f, -0.497034f, -0.496952f, -0.496871f, -0.496789f, -0.496707f, -0.496625f, -0.496543f,
--0.496461f, -0.496379f, -0.496298f, -0.496216f, -0.496134f, -0.496052f, -0.49597f, -0.495888f, -0.495806f, -0.495724f, -0.495642f, -0.49556f, -0.495479f, -0.495397f, -0.495315f, -0.495233f, -0.495151f, -0.495069f, -0.494987f, -0.494905f,
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--0.493181f, -0.493099f, -0.493017f, -0.492935f, -0.492853f, -0.492771f, -0.492688f, -0.492606f, -0.492524f, -0.492442f, -0.49236f, -0.492277f, -0.492195f, -0.492113f, -0.492031f, -0.491949f, -0.491866f, -0.491784f, -0.491702f, -0.49162f,
--0.491537f, -0.491455f, -0.491373f, -0.49129f, -0.491208f, -0.491126f, -0.491043f, -0.490961f, -0.490879f, -0.490796f, -0.490714f, -0.490632f, -0.490549f, -0.490467f, -0.490385f, -0.490302f, -0.49022f, -0.490138f, -0.490055f, -0.489973f,
--0.48989f, -0.489808f, -0.489726f, -0.489643f, -0.489561f, -0.489478f, -0.489396f, -0.489313f, -0.489231f, -0.489148f, -0.489066f, -0.488983f, -0.488901f, -0.488818f, -0.488736f, -0.488653f, -0.488571f, -0.488488f, -0.488406f, -0.488323f,
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--0.486589f, -0.486506f, -0.486423f, -0.48634f, -0.486258f, -0.486175f, -0.486092f, -0.48601f, -0.485927f, -0.485844f, -0.485761f, -0.485679f, -0.485596f, -0.485513f, -0.48543f, -0.485348f, -0.485265f, -0.485182f, -0.485099f, -0.485016f,
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--0.483276f, -0.483193f, -0.48311f, -0.483027f, -0.482944f, -0.482861f, -0.482778f, -0.482695f, -0.482612f, -0.482529f, -0.482446f, -0.482363f, -0.48228f, -0.482197f, -0.482114f, -0.482031f, -0.481948f, -0.481865f, -0.481782f, -0.481698f,
--0.481615f, -0.481532f, -0.481449f, -0.481366f, -0.481283f, -0.4812f, -0.481117f, -0.481034f, -0.48095f, -0.480867f, -0.480784f, -0.480701f, -0.480618f, -0.480535f, -0.480452f, -0.480368f, -0.480285f, -0.480202f, -0.480119f, -0.480036f,
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--0.478287f, -0.478203f, -0.47812f, -0.478036f, -0.477953f, -0.47787f, -0.477786f, -0.477703f, -0.477619f, -0.477536f, -0.477453f, -0.477369f, -0.477286f, -0.477202f, -0.477119f, -0.477035f, -0.476952f, -0.476869f, -0.476785f, -0.476702f,
--0.476618f, -0.476535f, -0.476451f, -0.476368f, -0.476284f, -0.476201f, -0.476117f, -0.476034f, -0.47595f, -0.475866f, -0.475783f, -0.475699f, -0.475616f, -0.475532f, -0.475449f, -0.475365f, -0.475281f, -0.475198f, -0.475114f, -0.475031f,
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--0.473273f, -0.47319f, -0.473106f, -0.473022f, -0.472938f, -0.472854f, -0.472771f, -0.472687f, -0.472603f, -0.472519f, -0.472435f, -0.472352f, -0.472268f, -0.472184f, -0.4721f, -0.472016f, -0.471932f, -0.471849f, -0.471765f, -0.471681f,
--0.471597f, -0.471513f, -0.471429f, -0.471345f, -0.471261f, -0.471177f, -0.471093f, -0.47101f, -0.470926f, -0.470842f, -0.470758f, -0.470674f, -0.47059f, -0.470506f, -0.470422f, -0.470338f, -0.470254f, -0.47017f, -0.470086f, -0.470002f,
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--0.468236f, -0.468152f, -0.468068f, -0.467984f, -0.4679f, -0.467815f, -0.467731f, -0.467647f, -0.467563f, -0.467479f, -0.467394f, -0.46731f, -0.467226f, -0.467142f, -0.467058f, -0.466973f, -0.466889f, -0.466805f, -0.466721f, -0.466636f,
--0.466552f, -0.466468f, -0.466383f, -0.466299f, -0.466215f, -0.466131f, -0.466046f, -0.465962f, -0.465878f, -0.465793f, -0.465709f, -0.465625f, -0.46554f, -0.465456f, -0.465371f, -0.465287f, -0.465203f, -0.465118f, -0.465034f, -0.46495f,
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--0.463176f, -0.463091f, -0.463007f, -0.462922f, -0.462837f, -0.462753f, -0.462668f, -0.462584f, -0.462499f, -0.462415f, -0.46233f, -0.462245f, -0.462161f, -0.462076f, -0.461992f, -0.461907f, -0.461822f, -0.461738f, -0.461653f, -0.461568f,
--0.461484f, -0.461399f, -0.461314f, -0.46123f, -0.461145f, -0.46106f, -0.460976f, -0.460891f, -0.460806f, -0.460721f, -0.460637f, -0.460552f, -0.460467f, -0.460382f, -0.460298f, -0.460213f, -0.460128f, -0.460043f, -0.459959f, -0.459874f,
--0.459789f, -0.459704f, -0.459619f, -0.459535f, -0.45945f, -0.459365f, -0.45928f, -0.459195f, -0.45911f, -0.459026f, -0.458941f, -0.458856f, -0.458771f, -0.458686f, -0.458601f, -0.458516f, -0.458431f, -0.458347f, -0.458262f, -0.458177f,
--0.458092f, -0.458007f, -0.457922f, -0.457837f, -0.457752f, -0.457667f, -0.457582f, -0.457497f, -0.457412f, -0.457327f, -0.457242f, -0.457157f, -0.457072f, -0.456987f, -0.456902f, -0.456817f, -0.456732f, -0.456647f, -0.456562f, -0.456477f,
--0.456392f, -0.456307f, -0.456222f, -0.456137f, -0.456052f, -0.455967f, -0.455882f, -0.455797f, -0.455711f, -0.455626f, -0.455541f, -0.455456f, -0.455371f, -0.455286f, -0.455201f, -0.455116f, -0.45503f, -0.454945f, -0.45486f, -0.454775f,
--0.45469f, -0.454605f, -0.454519f, -0.454434f, -0.454349f, -0.454264f, -0.454179f, -0.454093f, -0.454008f, -0.453923f, -0.453838f, -0.453752f, -0.453667f, -0.453582f, -0.453497f, -0.453411f, -0.453326f, -0.453241f, -0.453156f, -0.45307f,
--0.452985f, -0.4529f, -0.452814f, -0.452729f, -0.452644f, -0.452558f, -0.452473f, -0.452388f, -0.452302f, -0.452217f, -0.452132f, -0.452046f, -0.451961f, -0.451875f, -0.45179f, -0.451705f, -0.451619f, -0.451534f, -0.451448f, -0.451363f,
--0.451278f, -0.451192f, -0.451107f, -0.451021f, -0.450936f, -0.45085f, -0.450765f, -0.450679f, -0.450594f, -0.450508f, -0.450423f, -0.450337f, -0.450252f, -0.450166f, -0.450081f, -0.449995f, -0.44991f, -0.449824f, -0.449739f, -0.449653f,
--0.449568f, -0.449482f, -0.449397f, -0.449311f, -0.449225f, -0.44914f, -0.449054f, -0.448969f, -0.448883f, -0.448797f, -0.448712f, -0.448626f, -0.44854f, -0.448455f, -0.448369f, -0.448284f, -0.448198f, -0.448112f, -0.448027f, -0.447941f,
--0.447855f, -0.44777f, -0.447684f, -0.447598f, -0.447512f, -0.447427f, -0.447341f, -0.447255f, -0.44717f, -0.447084f, -0.446998f, -0.446912f, -0.446827f, -0.446741f, -0.446655f, -0.446569f, -0.446483f, -0.446398f, -0.446312f, -0.446226f,
--0.44614f, -0.446054f, -0.445969f, -0.445883f, -0.445797f, -0.445711f, -0.445625f, -0.445539f, -0.445454f, -0.445368f, -0.445282f, -0.445196f, -0.44511f, -0.445024f, -0.444938f, -0.444852f, -0.444767f, -0.444681f, -0.444595f, -0.444509f,
--0.444423f, -0.444337f, -0.444251f, -0.444165f, -0.444079f, -0.443993f, -0.443907f, -0.443821f, -0.443735f, -0.443649f, -0.443563f, -0.443477f, -0.443391f, -0.443305f, -0.443219f, -0.443133f, -0.443047f, -0.442961f, -0.442875f, -0.442789f,
--0.442703f, -0.442617f, -0.442531f, -0.442445f, -0.442359f, -0.442273f, -0.442186f, -0.4421f, -0.442014f, -0.441928f, -0.441842f, -0.441756f, -0.44167f, -0.441584f, -0.441498f, -0.441411f, -0.441325f, -0.441239f, -0.441153f, -0.441067f,
--0.440981f, -0.440894f, -0.440808f, -0.440722f, -0.440636f, -0.44055f, -0.440463f, -0.440377f, -0.440291f, -0.440205f, -0.440118f, -0.440032f, -0.439946f, -0.43986f, -0.439773f, -0.439687f, -0.439601f, -0.439515f, -0.439428f, -0.439342f,
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--0.437528f, -0.437442f, -0.437355f, -0.437269f, -0.437183f, -0.437096f, -0.43701f, -0.436923f, -0.436837f, -0.43675f, -0.436664f, -0.436577f, -0.436491f, -0.436404f, -0.436318f, -0.436231f, -0.436145f, -0.436058f, -0.435972f, -0.435885f,
--0.435799f, -0.435712f, -0.435625f, -0.435539f, -0.435452f, -0.435366f, -0.435279f, -0.435193f, -0.435106f, -0.435019f, -0.434933f, -0.434846f, -0.43476f, -0.434673f, -0.434586f, -0.4345f, -0.434413f, -0.434326f, -0.43424f, -0.434153f,
--0.434066f, -0.43398f, -0.433893f, -0.433806f, -0.43372f, -0.433633f, -0.433546f, -0.433459f, -0.433373f, -0.433286f, -0.433199f, -0.433113f, -0.433026f, -0.432939f, -0.432852f, -0.432766f, -0.432679f, -0.432592f, -0.432505f, -0.432418f,
--0.432332f, -0.432245f, -0.432158f, -0.432071f, -0.431984f, -0.431898f, -0.431811f, -0.431724f, -0.431637f, -0.43155f, -0.431463f, -0.431377f, -0.43129f, -0.431203f, -0.431116f, -0.431029f, -0.430942f, -0.430855f, -0.430768f, -0.430681f,
--0.430595f, -0.430508f, -0.430421f, -0.430334f, -0.430247f, -0.43016f, -0.430073f, -0.429986f, -0.429899f, -0.429812f, -0.429725f, -0.429638f, -0.429551f, -0.429464f, -0.429377f, -0.42929f, -0.429203f, -0.429116f, -0.429029f, -0.428942f,
--0.428855f, -0.428768f, -0.428681f, -0.428594f, -0.428507f, -0.42842f, -0.428333f, -0.428246f, -0.428159f, -0.428072f, -0.427984f, -0.427897f, -0.42781f, -0.427723f, -0.427636f, -0.427549f, -0.427462f, -0.427375f, -0.427287f, -0.4272f,
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--0.421873f, -0.421786f, -0.421698f, -0.421611f, -0.421523f, -0.421435f, -0.421348f, -0.42126f, -0.421173f, -0.421085f, -0.420998f, -0.42091f, -0.420822f, -0.420735f, -0.420647f, -0.42056f, -0.420472f, -0.420384f, -0.420297f, -0.420209f,
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--0.409564f, -0.409475f, -0.409387f, -0.409299f, -0.40921f, -0.409122f, -0.409034f, -0.408945f, -0.408857f, -0.408768f, -0.40868f, -0.408592f, -0.408503f, -0.408415f, -0.408326f, -0.408238f, -0.40815f, -0.408061f, -0.407973f, -0.407884f,
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--0.400702f, -0.400613f, -0.400524f, -0.400435f, -0.400346f, -0.400257f, -0.400168f, -0.400079f, -0.39999f, -0.399901f, -0.399812f, -0.399724f, -0.399635f, -0.399546f, -0.399457f, -0.399368f, -0.399279f, -0.39919f, -0.399101f, -0.399012f,
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--0.386406f, -0.386316f, -0.386226f, -0.386136f, -0.386047f, -0.385957f, -0.385867f, -0.385777f, -0.385687f, -0.385597f, -0.385508f, -0.385418f, -0.385328f, -0.385238f, -0.385148f, -0.385058f, -0.384968f, -0.384879f, -0.384789f, -0.384699f,
--0.384609f, -0.384519f, -0.384429f, -0.384339f, -0.384249f, -0.384159f, -0.384069f, -0.383979f, -0.383889f, -0.3838f, -0.38371f, -0.38362f, -0.38353f, -0.38344f, -0.38335f, -0.38326f, -0.38317f, -0.38308f, -0.38299f, -0.3829f,
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--0.381008f, -0.380918f, -0.380828f, -0.380738f, -0.380648f, -0.380558f, -0.380468f, -0.380378f, -0.380287f, -0.380197f, -0.380107f, -0.380017f, -0.379927f, -0.379837f, -0.379746f, -0.379656f, -0.379566f, -0.379476f, -0.379386f, -0.379295f,
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--0.37197f, -0.371879f, -0.371789f, -0.371698f, -0.371607f, -0.371517f, -0.371426f, -0.371335f, -0.371245f, -0.371154f, -0.371063f, -0.370973f, -0.370882f, -0.370791f, -0.3707f, -0.37061f, -0.370519f, -0.370428f, -0.370337f, -0.370247f,
--0.370156f, -0.370065f, -0.369974f, -0.369884f, -0.369793f, -0.369702f, -0.369611f, -0.36952f, -0.36943f, -0.369339f, -0.369248f, -0.369157f, -0.369066f, -0.368976f, -0.368885f, -0.368794f, -0.368703f, -0.368612f, -0.368521f, -0.368431f,
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--0.340852f, -0.340759f, -0.340667f, -0.340575f, -0.340482f, -0.34039f, -0.340297f, -0.340205f, -0.340113f, -0.34002f, -0.339928f, -0.339835f, -0.339743f, -0.33965f, -0.339558f, -0.339466f, -0.339373f, -0.339281f, -0.339188f, -0.339096f,
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--0.337153f, -0.33706f, -0.336968f, -0.336875f, -0.336783f, -0.33669f, -0.336597f, -0.336505f, -0.336412f, -0.33632f, -0.336227f, -0.336134f, -0.336042f, -0.335949f, -0.335856f, -0.335764f, -0.335671f, -0.335579f, -0.335486f, -0.335393f,
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--0.329732f, -0.329639f, -0.329546f, -0.329453f, -0.32936f, -0.329267f, -0.329174f, -0.329081f, -0.328988f, -0.328895f, -0.328802f, -0.328709f, -0.328616f, -0.328523f, -0.32843f, -0.328337f, -0.328244f, -0.328151f, -0.328058f, -0.327965f,
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--0.32601f, -0.325917f, -0.325824f, -0.325731f, -0.325638f, -0.325545f, -0.325451f, -0.325358f, -0.325265f, -0.325172f, -0.325079f, -0.324986f, -0.324892f, -0.324799f, -0.324706f, -0.324613f, -0.32452f, -0.324426f, -0.324333f, -0.32424f,
--0.324147f, -0.324053f, -0.32396f, -0.323867f, -0.323774f, -0.32368f, -0.323587f, -0.323494f, -0.323401f, -0.323307f, -0.323214f, -0.323121f, -0.323028f, -0.322934f, -0.322841f, -0.322748f, -0.322654f, -0.322561f, -0.322468f, -0.322374f,
--0.322281f, -0.322188f, -0.322094f, -0.322001f, -0.321908f, -0.321814f, -0.321721f, -0.321628f, -0.321534f, -0.321441f, -0.321348f, -0.321254f, -0.321161f, -0.321068f, -0.320974f, -0.320881f, -0.320787f, -0.320694f, -0.320601f, -0.320507f,
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--0.316673f, -0.31658f, -0.316486f, -0.316393f, -0.316299f, -0.316205f, -0.316112f, -0.316018f, -0.315924f, -0.315831f, -0.315737f, -0.315644f, -0.31555f, -0.315456f, -0.315363f, -0.315269f, -0.315175f, -0.315082f, -0.314988f, -0.314894f,
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--0.312926f, -0.312832f, -0.312738f, -0.312644f, -0.312551f, -0.312457f, -0.312363f, -0.312269f, -0.312175f, -0.312082f, -0.311988f, -0.311894f, -0.3118f, -0.311706f, -0.311613f, -0.311519f, -0.311425f, -0.311331f, -0.311237f, -0.311143f,
--0.311049f, -0.310955f, -0.310862f, -0.310768f, -0.310674f, -0.31058f, -0.310486f, -0.310392f, -0.310298f, -0.310204f, -0.31011f, -0.310017f, -0.309923f, -0.309829f, -0.309735f, -0.309641f, -0.309547f, -0.309453f, -0.309359f, -0.309265f,
--0.309171f, -0.309077f, -0.308983f, -0.308889f, -0.308795f, -0.308701f, -0.308607f, -0.308513f, -0.308419f, -0.308325f, -0.308231f, -0.308137f, -0.308043f, -0.307949f, -0.307855f, -0.307761f, -0.307667f, -0.307573f, -0.307479f, -0.307385f,
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--0.305409f, -0.305315f, -0.305221f, -0.305127f, -0.305033f, -0.304938f, -0.304844f, -0.30475f, -0.304656f, -0.304562f, -0.304468f, -0.304373f, -0.304279f, -0.304185f, -0.304091f, -0.303997f, -0.303902f, -0.303808f, -0.303714f, -0.30362f,
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--0.30164f, -0.301546f, -0.301452f, -0.301357f, -0.301263f, -0.301169f, -0.301074f, -0.30098f, -0.300886f, -0.300791f, -0.300697f, -0.300603f, -0.300508f, -0.300414f, -0.300319f, -0.300225f, -0.300131f, -0.300036f, -0.299942f, -0.299848f,
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--0.294082f, -0.293987f, -0.293892f, -0.293798f, -0.293703f, -0.293608f, -0.293514f, -0.293419f, -0.293324f, -0.293229f, -0.293135f, -0.29304f, -0.292945f, -0.292851f, -0.292756f, -0.292661f, -0.292567f, -0.292472f, -0.292377f, -0.292282f,
--0.292188f, -0.292093f, -0.291998f, -0.291903f, -0.291809f, -0.291714f, -0.291619f, -0.291524f, -0.29143f, -0.291335f, -0.29124f, -0.291145f, -0.29105f, -0.290956f, -0.290861f, -0.290766f, -0.290671f, -0.290576f, -0.290482f, -0.290387f,
--0.290292f, -0.290197f, -0.290102f, -0.290007f, -0.289913f, -0.289818f, -0.289723f, -0.289628f, -0.289533f, -0.289438f, -0.289344f, -0.289249f, -0.289154f, -0.289059f, -0.288964f, -0.288869f, -0.288774f, -0.288679f, -0.288584f, -0.28849f,
--0.288395f, -0.2883f, -0.288205f, -0.28811f, -0.288015f, -0.28792f, -0.287825f, -0.28773f, -0.287635f, -0.28754f, -0.287445f, -0.28735f, -0.287255f, -0.28716f, -0.287066f, -0.286971f, -0.286876f, -0.286781f, -0.286686f, -0.286591f,
--0.286496f, -0.286401f, -0.286306f, -0.286211f, -0.286116f, -0.286021f, -0.285926f, -0.285831f, -0.285736f, -0.285641f, -0.285546f, -0.28545f, -0.285355f, -0.28526f, -0.285165f, -0.28507f, -0.284975f, -0.28488f, -0.284785f, -0.28469f,
--0.284595f, -0.2845f, -0.284405f, -0.28431f, -0.284215f, -0.28412f, -0.284024f, -0.283929f, -0.283834f, -0.283739f, -0.283644f, -0.283549f, -0.283454f, -0.283359f, -0.283264f, -0.283168f, -0.283073f, -0.282978f, -0.282883f, -0.282788f,
--0.282693f, -0.282598f, -0.282502f, -0.282407f, -0.282312f, -0.282217f, -0.282122f, -0.282026f, -0.281931f, -0.281836f, -0.281741f, -0.281646f, -0.281551f, -0.281455f, -0.28136f, -0.281265f, -0.28117f, -0.281074f, -0.280979f, -0.280884f,
--0.280789f, -0.280693f, -0.280598f, -0.280503f, -0.280408f, -0.280312f, -0.280217f, -0.280122f, -0.280027f, -0.279931f, -0.279836f, -0.279741f, -0.279646f, -0.27955f, -0.279455f, -0.27936f, -0.279264f, -0.279169f, -0.279074f, -0.278978f,
--0.278883f, -0.278788f, -0.278693f, -0.278597f, -0.278502f, -0.278407f, -0.278311f, -0.278216f, -0.27812f, -0.278025f, -0.27793f, -0.277834f, -0.277739f, -0.277644f, -0.277548f, -0.277453f, -0.277358f, -0.277262f, -0.277167f, -0.277071f,
--0.276976f, -0.276881f, -0.276785f, -0.27669f, -0.276594f, -0.276499f, -0.276403f, -0.276308f, -0.276213f, -0.276117f, -0.276022f, -0.275926f, -0.275831f, -0.275735f, -0.27564f, -0.275544f, -0.275449f, -0.275354f, -0.275258f, -0.275163f,
--0.275067f, -0.274972f, -0.274876f, -0.274781f, -0.274685f, -0.27459f, -0.274494f, -0.274399f, -0.274303f, -0.274208f, -0.274112f, -0.274017f, -0.273921f, -0.273826f, -0.27373f, -0.273634f, -0.273539f, -0.273443f, -0.273348f, -0.273252f,
--0.273157f, -0.273061f, -0.272966f, -0.27287f, -0.272774f, -0.272679f, -0.272583f, -0.272488f, -0.272392f, -0.272297f, -0.272201f, -0.272105f, -0.27201f, -0.271914f, -0.271818f, -0.271723f, -0.271627f, -0.271532f, -0.271436f, -0.27134f,
--0.271245f, -0.271149f, -0.271053f, -0.270958f, -0.270862f, -0.270766f, -0.270671f, -0.270575f, -0.270479f, -0.270384f, -0.270288f, -0.270192f, -0.270097f, -0.270001f, -0.269905f, -0.26981f, -0.269714f, -0.269618f, -0.269523f, -0.269427f,
--0.269331f, -0.269235f, -0.26914f, -0.269044f, -0.268948f, -0.268852f, -0.268757f, -0.268661f, -0.268565f, -0.268469f, -0.268374f, -0.268278f, -0.268182f, -0.268086f, -0.267991f, -0.267895f, -0.267799f, -0.267703f, -0.267608f, -0.267512f,
--0.267416f, -0.26732f, -0.267224f, -0.267129f, -0.267033f, -0.266937f, -0.266841f, -0.266745f, -0.266649f, -0.266554f, -0.266458f, -0.266362f, -0.266266f, -0.26617f, -0.266074f, -0.265979f, -0.265883f, -0.265787f, -0.265691f, -0.265595f,
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--0.263581f, -0.263485f, -0.263389f, -0.263293f, -0.263197f, -0.263101f, -0.263005f, -0.262909f, -0.262813f, -0.262717f, -0.262621f, -0.262525f, -0.262429f, -0.262333f, -0.262237f, -0.262141f, -0.262045f, -0.261949f, -0.261853f, -0.261757f,
--0.261661f, -0.261565f, -0.261469f, -0.261373f, -0.261277f, -0.261181f, -0.261085f, -0.260989f, -0.260893f, -0.260797f, -0.260701f, -0.260605f, -0.260509f, -0.260412f, -0.260316f, -0.26022f, -0.260124f, -0.260028f, -0.259932f, -0.259836f,
--0.25974f, -0.259644f, -0.259548f, -0.259451f, -0.259355f, -0.259259f, -0.259163f, -0.259067f, -0.258971f, -0.258875f, -0.258779f, -0.258682f, -0.258586f, -0.25849f, -0.258394f, -0.258298f, -0.258202f, -0.258105f, -0.258009f, -0.257913f,
--0.257817f, -0.257721f, -0.257625f, -0.257528f, -0.257432f, -0.257336f, -0.25724f, -0.257144f, -0.257047f, -0.256951f, -0.256855f, -0.256759f, -0.256662f, -0.256566f, -0.25647f, -0.256374f, -0.256278f, -0.256181f, -0.256085f, -0.255989f,
--0.255893f, -0.255796f, -0.2557f, -0.255604f, -0.255507f, -0.255411f, -0.255315f, -0.255219f, -0.255122f, -0.255026f, -0.25493f, -0.254833f, -0.254737f, -0.254641f, -0.254545f, -0.254448f, -0.254352f, -0.254256f, -0.254159f, -0.254063f,
--0.253967f, -0.25387f, -0.253774f, -0.253678f, -0.253581f, -0.253485f, -0.253389f, -0.253292f, -0.253196f, -0.2531f, -0.253003f, -0.252907f, -0.25281f, -0.252714f, -0.252618f, -0.252521f, -0.252425f, -0.252328f, -0.252232f, -0.252136f,
--0.252039f, -0.251943f, -0.251846f, -0.25175f, -0.251654f, -0.251557f, -0.251461f, -0.251364f, -0.251268f, -0.251171f, -0.251075f, -0.250979f, -0.250882f, -0.250786f, -0.250689f, -0.250593f, -0.250496f, -0.2504f, -0.250303f, -0.250207f,
--0.25011f, -0.250014f, -0.249917f, -0.249821f, -0.249724f, -0.249628f, -0.249531f, -0.249435f, -0.249338f, -0.249242f, -0.249145f, -0.249049f, -0.248952f, -0.248856f, -0.248759f, -0.248663f, -0.248566f, -0.24847f, -0.248373f, -0.248277f,
--0.24818f, -0.248084f, -0.247987f, -0.24789f, -0.247794f, -0.247697f, -0.247601f, -0.247504f, -0.247408f, -0.247311f, -0.247214f, -0.247118f, -0.247021f, -0.246925f, -0.246828f, -0.246731f, -0.246635f, -0.246538f, -0.246442f, -0.246345f,
--0.246248f, -0.246152f, -0.246055f, -0.245958f, -0.245862f, -0.245765f, -0.245668f, -0.245572f, -0.245475f, -0.245379f, -0.245282f, -0.245185f, -0.245089f, -0.244992f, -0.244895f, -0.244798f, -0.244702f, -0.244605f, -0.244508f, -0.244412f,
--0.244315f, -0.244218f, -0.244122f, -0.244025f, -0.243928f, -0.243832f, -0.243735f, -0.243638f, -0.243541f, -0.243445f, -0.243348f, -0.243251f, -0.243154f, -0.243058f, -0.242961f, -0.242864f, -0.242767f, -0.242671f, -0.242574f, -0.242477f,
--0.24238f, -0.242284f, -0.242187f, -0.24209f, -0.241993f, -0.241896f, -0.2418f, -0.241703f, -0.241606f, -0.241509f, -0.241412f, -0.241316f, -0.241219f, -0.241122f, -0.241025f, -0.240928f, -0.240832f, -0.240735f, -0.240638f, -0.240541f,
--0.240444f, -0.240347f, -0.240251f, -0.240154f, -0.240057f, -0.23996f, -0.239863f, -0.239766f, -0.239669f, -0.239573f, -0.239476f, -0.239379f, -0.239282f, -0.239185f, -0.239088f, -0.238991f, -0.238894f, -0.238797f, -0.238701f, -0.238604f,
--0.238507f, -0.23841f, -0.238313f, -0.238216f, -0.238119f, -0.238022f, -0.237925f, -0.237828f, -0.237731f, -0.237634f, -0.237537f, -0.23744f, -0.237344f, -0.237247f, -0.23715f, -0.237053f, -0.236956f, -0.236859f, -0.236762f, -0.236665f,
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--0.234627f, -0.23453f, -0.234433f, -0.234336f, -0.234239f, -0.234142f, -0.234045f, -0.233948f, -0.233851f, -0.233754f, -0.233657f, -0.23356f, -0.233463f, -0.233365f, -0.233268f, -0.233171f, -0.233074f, -0.232977f, -0.23288f, -0.232783f,
--0.232686f, -0.232589f, -0.232491f, -0.232394f, -0.232297f, -0.2322f, -0.232103f, -0.232006f, -0.231909f, -0.231811f, -0.231714f, -0.231617f, -0.23152f, -0.231423f, -0.231326f, -0.231228f, -0.231131f, -0.231034f, -0.230937f, -0.23084f,
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--0.226852f, -0.226755f, -0.226658f, -0.22656f, -0.226463f, -0.226366f, -0.226268f, -0.226171f, -0.226074f, -0.225976f, -0.225879f, -0.225781f, -0.225684f, -0.225587f, -0.225489f, -0.225392f, -0.225295f, -0.225197f, -0.2251f, -0.225002f,
--0.224905f, -0.224808f, -0.22471f, -0.224613f, -0.224515f, -0.224418f, -0.224321f, -0.224223f, -0.224126f, -0.224028f, -0.223931f, -0.223833f, -0.223736f, -0.223639f, -0.223541f, -0.223444f, -0.223346f, -0.223249f, -0.223151f, -0.223054f,
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--0.221007f, -0.220909f, -0.220812f, -0.220714f, -0.220616f, -0.220519f, -0.220421f, -0.220324f, -0.220226f, -0.220129f, -0.220031f, -0.219934f, -0.219836f, -0.219738f, -0.219641f, -0.219543f, -0.219446f, -0.219348f, -0.219251f, -0.219153f,
--0.219055f, -0.218958f, -0.21886f, -0.218763f, -0.218665f, -0.218567f, -0.21847f, -0.218372f, -0.218275f, -0.218177f, -0.218079f, -0.217982f, -0.217884f, -0.217786f, -0.217689f, -0.217591f, -0.217494f, -0.217396f, -0.217298f, -0.217201f,
--0.217103f, -0.217005f, -0.216908f, -0.21681f, -0.216712f, -0.216615f, -0.216517f, -0.216419f, -0.216322f, -0.216224f, -0.216126f, -0.216029f, -0.215931f, -0.215833f, -0.215735f, -0.215638f, -0.21554f, -0.215442f, -0.215345f, -0.215247f,
--0.215149f, -0.215051f, -0.214954f, -0.214856f, -0.214758f, -0.21466f, -0.214563f, -0.214465f, -0.214367f, -0.21427f, -0.214172f, -0.214074f, -0.213976f, -0.213878f, -0.213781f, -0.213683f, -0.213585f, -0.213487f, -0.21339f, -0.213292f,
--0.213194f, -0.213096f, -0.212998f, -0.212901f, -0.212803f, -0.212705f, -0.212607f, -0.212509f, -0.212412f, -0.212314f, -0.212216f, -0.212118f, -0.21202f, -0.211923f, -0.211825f, -0.211727f, -0.211629f, -0.211531f, -0.211433f, -0.211336f,
--0.211238f, -0.21114f, -0.211042f, -0.210944f, -0.210846f, -0.210748f, -0.210651f, -0.210553f, -0.210455f, -0.210357f, -0.210259f, -0.210161f, -0.210063f, -0.209965f, -0.209867f, -0.20977f, -0.209672f, -0.209574f, -0.209476f, -0.209378f,
--0.20928f, -0.209182f, -0.209084f, -0.208986f, -0.208888f, -0.20879f, -0.208693f, -0.208595f, -0.208497f, -0.208399f, -0.208301f, -0.208203f, -0.208105f, -0.208007f, -0.207909f, -0.207811f, -0.207713f, -0.207615f, -0.207517f, -0.207419f,
--0.207321f, -0.207223f, -0.207125f, -0.207027f, -0.206929f, -0.206831f, -0.206733f, -0.206635f, -0.206537f, -0.206439f, -0.206341f, -0.206243f, -0.206145f, -0.206047f, -0.205949f, -0.205851f, -0.205753f, -0.205655f, -0.205557f, -0.205459f,
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--0.2034f, -0.203302f, -0.203203f, -0.203105f, -0.203007f, -0.202909f, -0.202811f, -0.202713f, -0.202615f, -0.202517f, -0.202419f, -0.20232f, -0.202222f, -0.202124f, -0.202026f, -0.201928f, -0.20183f, -0.201732f, -0.201633f, -0.201535f,
--0.201437f, -0.201339f, -0.201241f, -0.201143f, -0.201044f, -0.200946f, -0.200848f, -0.20075f, -0.200652f, -0.200554f, -0.200455f, -0.200357f, -0.200259f, -0.200161f, -0.200063f, -0.199964f, -0.199866f, -0.199768f, -0.19967f, -0.199571f,
--0.199473f, -0.199375f, -0.199277f, -0.199179f, -0.19908f, -0.198982f, -0.198884f, -0.198786f, -0.198687f, -0.198589f, -0.198491f, -0.198393f, -0.198294f, -0.198196f, -0.198098f, -0.198f, -0.197901f, -0.197803f, -0.197705f, -0.197607f,
--0.197508f, -0.19741f, -0.197312f, -0.197213f, -0.197115f, -0.197017f, -0.196919f, -0.19682f, -0.196722f, -0.196624f, -0.196525f, -0.196427f, -0.196329f, -0.19623f, -0.196132f, -0.196034f, -0.195935f, -0.195837f, -0.195739f, -0.19564f,
--0.195542f, -0.195444f, -0.195345f, -0.195247f, -0.195149f, -0.19505f, -0.194952f, -0.194854f, -0.194755f, -0.194657f, -0.194558f, -0.19446f, -0.194362f, -0.194263f, -0.194165f, -0.194067f, -0.193968f, -0.19387f, -0.193771f, -0.193673f,
--0.193575f, -0.193476f, -0.193378f, -0.193279f, -0.193181f, -0.193083f, -0.192984f, -0.192886f, -0.192787f, -0.192689f, -0.19259f, -0.192492f, -0.192394f, -0.192295f, -0.192197f, -0.192098f, -0.192f, -0.191901f, -0.191803f, -0.191704f,
--0.191606f, -0.191508f, -0.191409f, -0.191311f, -0.191212f, -0.191114f, -0.191015f, -0.190917f, -0.190818f, -0.19072f, -0.190621f, -0.190523f, -0.190424f, -0.190326f, -0.190227f, -0.190129f, -0.19003f, -0.189932f, -0.189833f, -0.189735f,
--0.189636f, -0.189538f, -0.189439f, -0.189341f, -0.189242f, -0.189144f, -0.189045f, -0.188947f, -0.188848f, -0.18875f, -0.188651f, -0.188552f, -0.188454f, -0.188355f, -0.188257f, -0.188158f, -0.18806f, -0.187961f, -0.187863f, -0.187764f,
--0.187665f, -0.187567f, -0.187468f, -0.18737f, -0.187271f, -0.187172f, -0.187074f, -0.186975f, -0.186877f, -0.186778f, -0.18668f, -0.186581f, -0.186482f, -0.186384f, -0.186285f, -0.186186f, -0.186088f, -0.185989f, -0.185891f, -0.185792f,
--0.185693f, -0.185595f, -0.185496f, -0.185397f, -0.185299f, -0.1852f, -0.185102f, -0.185003f, -0.184904f, -0.184806f, -0.184707f, -0.184608f, -0.18451f, -0.184411f, -0.184312f, -0.184214f, -0.184115f, -0.184016f, -0.183918f, -0.183819f,
--0.18372f, -0.183621f, -0.183523f, -0.183424f, -0.183325f, -0.183227f, -0.183128f, -0.183029f, -0.182931f, -0.182832f, -0.182733f, -0.182634f, -0.182536f, -0.182437f, -0.182338f, -0.18224f, -0.182141f, -0.182042f, -0.181943f, -0.181845f,
--0.181746f, -0.181647f, -0.181548f, -0.18145f, -0.181351f, -0.181252f, -0.181153f, -0.181055f, -0.180956f, -0.180857f, -0.180758f, -0.18066f, -0.180561f, -0.180462f, -0.180363f, -0.180264f, -0.180166f, -0.180067f, -0.179968f, -0.179869f,
--0.17977f, -0.179672f, -0.179573f, -0.179474f, -0.179375f, -0.179276f, -0.179178f, -0.179079f, -0.17898f, -0.178881f, -0.178782f, -0.178683f, -0.178585f, -0.178486f, -0.178387f, -0.178288f, -0.178189f, -0.17809f, -0.177992f, -0.177893f,
--0.177794f, -0.177695f, -0.177596f, -0.177497f, -0.177398f, -0.1773f, -0.177201f, -0.177102f, -0.177003f, -0.176904f, -0.176805f, -0.176706f, -0.176607f, -0.176509f, -0.17641f, -0.176311f, -0.176212f, -0.176113f, -0.176014f, -0.175915f,
--0.175816f, -0.175717f, -0.175618f, -0.17552f, -0.175421f, -0.175322f, -0.175223f, -0.175124f, -0.175025f, -0.174926f, -0.174827f, -0.174728f, -0.174629f, -0.17453f, -0.174431f, -0.174332f, -0.174233f, -0.174134f, -0.174036f, -0.173937f,
--0.173838f, -0.173739f, -0.17364f, -0.173541f, -0.173442f, -0.173343f, -0.173244f, -0.173145f, -0.173046f, -0.172947f, -0.172848f, -0.172749f, -0.17265f, -0.172551f, -0.172452f, -0.172353f, -0.172254f, -0.172155f, -0.172056f, -0.171957f,
--0.171858f, -0.171759f, -0.17166f, -0.171561f, -0.171462f, -0.171363f, -0.171264f, -0.171165f, -0.171066f, -0.170967f, -0.170868f, -0.170768f, -0.170669f, -0.17057f, -0.170471f, -0.170372f, -0.170273f, -0.170174f, -0.170075f, -0.169976f,
--0.169877f, -0.169778f, -0.169679f, -0.16958f, -0.169481f, -0.169382f, -0.169283f, -0.169183f, -0.169084f, -0.168985f, -0.168886f, -0.168787f, -0.168688f, -0.168589f, -0.16849f, -0.168391f, -0.168292f, -0.168192f, -0.168093f, -0.167994f,
--0.167895f, -0.167796f, -0.167697f, -0.167598f, -0.167499f, -0.167399f, -0.1673f, -0.167201f, -0.167102f, -0.167003f, -0.166904f, -0.166805f, -0.166705f, -0.166606f, -0.166507f, -0.166408f, -0.166309f, -0.16621f, -0.166111f, -0.166011f,
--0.165912f, -0.165813f, -0.165714f, -0.165615f, -0.165515f, -0.165416f, -0.165317f, -0.165218f, -0.165119f, -0.16502f, -0.16492f, -0.164821f, -0.164722f, -0.164623f, -0.164524f, -0.164424f, -0.164325f, -0.164226f, -0.164127f, -0.164027f,
--0.163928f, -0.163829f, -0.16373f, -0.163631f, -0.163531f, -0.163432f, -0.163333f, -0.163234f, -0.163134f, -0.163035f, -0.162936f, -0.162837f, -0.162737f, -0.162638f, -0.162539f, -0.16244f, -0.16234f, -0.162241f, -0.162142f, -0.162043f,
--0.161943f, -0.161844f, -0.161745f, -0.161645f, -0.161546f, -0.161447f, -0.161348f, -0.161248f, -0.161149f, -0.16105f, -0.16095f, -0.160851f, -0.160752f, -0.160652f, -0.160553f, -0.160454f, -0.160355f, -0.160255f, -0.160156f, -0.160057f,
--0.159957f, -0.159858f, -0.159759f, -0.159659f, -0.15956f, -0.159461f, -0.159361f, -0.159262f, -0.159163f, -0.159063f, -0.158964f, -0.158865f, -0.158765f, -0.158666f, -0.158566f, -0.158467f, -0.158368f, -0.158268f, -0.158169f, -0.15807f,
--0.15797f, -0.157871f, -0.157771f, -0.157672f, -0.157573f, -0.157473f, -0.157374f, -0.157275f, -0.157175f, -0.157076f, -0.156976f, -0.156877f, -0.156778f, -0.156678f, -0.156579f, -0.156479f, -0.15638f, -0.156281f, -0.156181f, -0.156082f,
--0.155982f, -0.155883f, -0.155783f, -0.155684f, -0.155585f, -0.155485f, -0.155386f, -0.155286f, -0.155187f, -0.155087f, -0.154988f, -0.154888f, -0.154789f, -0.15469f, -0.15459f, -0.154491f, -0.154391f, -0.154292f, -0.154192f, -0.154093f,
--0.153993f, -0.153894f, -0.153794f, -0.153695f, -0.153595f, -0.153496f, -0.153396f, -0.153297f, -0.153197f, -0.153098f, -0.152998f, -0.152899f, -0.152799f, -0.1527f, -0.1526f, -0.152501f, -0.152401f, -0.152302f, -0.152202f, -0.152103f,
--0.152003f, -0.151904f, -0.151804f, -0.151705f, -0.151605f, -0.151506f, -0.151406f, -0.151307f, -0.151207f, -0.151108f, -0.151008f, -0.150908f, -0.150809f, -0.150709f, -0.15061f, -0.15051f, -0.150411f, -0.150311f, -0.150212f, -0.150112f,
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--0.146028f, -0.145928f, -0.145829f, -0.145729f, -0.145629f, -0.14553f, -0.14543f, -0.14533f, -0.14523f, -0.145131f, -0.145031f, -0.144931f, -0.144832f, -0.144732f, -0.144632f, -0.144533f, -0.144433f, -0.144333f, -0.144234f, -0.144134f,
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--0.14204f, -0.14194f, -0.14184f, -0.14174f, -0.141641f, -0.141541f, -0.141441f, -0.141341f, -0.141241f, -0.141142f, -0.141042f, -0.140942f, -0.140842f, -0.140743f, -0.140643f, -0.140543f, -0.140443f, -0.140343f, -0.140244f, -0.140144f,
--0.140044f, -0.139944f, -0.139844f, -0.139745f, -0.139645f, -0.139545f, -0.139445f, -0.139345f, -0.139246f, -0.139146f, -0.139046f, -0.138946f, -0.138846f, -0.138746f, -0.138647f, -0.138547f, -0.138447f, -0.138347f, -0.138247f, -0.138147f,
--0.138048f, -0.137948f, -0.137848f, -0.137748f, -0.137648f, -0.137548f, -0.137448f, -0.137349f, -0.137249f, -0.137149f, -0.137049f, -0.136949f, -0.136849f, -0.136749f, -0.13665f, -0.13655f, -0.13645f, -0.13635f, -0.13625f, -0.13615f,
--0.13605f, -0.13595f, -0.135851f, -0.135751f, -0.135651f, -0.135551f, -0.135451f, -0.135351f, -0.135251f, -0.135151f, -0.135051f, -0.134951f, -0.134851f, -0.134752f, -0.134652f, -0.134552f, -0.134452f, -0.134352f, -0.134252f, -0.134152f,
--0.134052f, -0.133952f, -0.133852f, -0.133752f, -0.133652f, -0.133552f, -0.133452f, -0.133353f, -0.133253f, -0.133153f, -0.133053f, -0.132953f, -0.132853f, -0.132753f, -0.132653f, -0.132553f, -0.132453f, -0.132353f, -0.132253f, -0.132153f,
--0.132053f, -0.131953f, -0.131853f, -0.131753f, -0.131653f, -0.131553f, -0.131453f, -0.131353f, -0.131253f, -0.131153f, -0.131053f, -0.130953f, -0.130853f, -0.130753f, -0.130653f, -0.130553f, -0.130453f, -0.130353f, -0.130253f, -0.130153f,
--0.130053f, -0.129953f, -0.129853f, -0.129753f, -0.129653f, -0.129553f, -0.129453f, -0.129353f, -0.129253f, -0.129153f, -0.129053f, -0.128953f, -0.128853f, -0.128753f, -0.128653f, -0.128553f, -0.128453f, -0.128353f, -0.128253f, -0.128152f,
--0.128052f, -0.127952f, -0.127852f, -0.127752f, -0.127652f, -0.127552f, -0.127452f, -0.127352f, -0.127252f, -0.127152f, -0.127052f, -0.126952f, -0.126852f, -0.126751f, -0.126651f, -0.126551f, -0.126451f, -0.126351f, -0.126251f, -0.126151f,
--0.126051f, -0.125951f, -0.125851f, -0.125751f, -0.12565f, -0.12555f, -0.12545f, -0.12535f, -0.12525f, -0.12515f, -0.12505f, -0.12495f, -0.124849f, -0.124749f, -0.124649f, -0.124549f, -0.124449f, -0.124349f, -0.124249f, -0.124149f,
--0.124048f, -0.123948f, -0.123848f, -0.123748f, -0.123648f, -0.123548f, -0.123448f, -0.123347f, -0.123247f, -0.123147f, -0.123047f, -0.122947f, -0.122847f, -0.122746f, -0.122646f, -0.122546f, -0.122446f, -0.122346f, -0.122246f, -0.122145f,
--0.122045f, -0.121945f, -0.121845f, -0.121745f, -0.121644f, -0.121544f, -0.121444f, -0.121344f, -0.121244f, -0.121143f, -0.121043f, -0.120943f, -0.120843f, -0.120743f, -0.120642f, -0.120542f, -0.120442f, -0.120342f, -0.120242f, -0.120141f,
--0.120041f, -0.119941f, -0.119841f, -0.119741f, -0.11964f, -0.11954f, -0.11944f, -0.11934f, -0.119239f, -0.119139f, -0.119039f, -0.118939f, -0.118838f, -0.118738f, -0.118638f, -0.118538f, -0.118437f, -0.118337f, -0.118237f, -0.118137f,
--0.118036f, -0.117936f, -0.117836f, -0.117736f, -0.117635f, -0.117535f, -0.117435f, -0.117335f, -0.117234f, -0.117134f, -0.117034f, -0.116933f, -0.116833f, -0.116733f, -0.116633f, -0.116532f, -0.116432f, -0.116332f, -0.116231f, -0.116131f,
--0.116031f, -0.11593f, -0.11583f, -0.11573f, -0.11563f, -0.115529f, -0.115429f, -0.115329f, -0.115228f, -0.115128f, -0.115028f, -0.114927f, -0.114827f, -0.114727f, -0.114626f, -0.114526f, -0.114426f, -0.114325f, -0.114225f, -0.114125f,
--0.114024f, -0.113924f, -0.113824f, -0.113723f, -0.113623f, -0.113523f, -0.113422f, -0.113322f, -0.113222f, -0.113121f, -0.113021f, -0.112921f, -0.11282f, -0.11272f, -0.11262f, -0.112519f, -0.112419f, -0.112318f, -0.112218f, -0.112118f,
--0.112017f, -0.111917f, -0.111817f, -0.111716f, -0.111616f, -0.111515f, -0.111415f, -0.111315f, -0.111214f, -0.111114f, -0.111013f, -0.110913f, -0.110813f, -0.110712f, -0.110612f, -0.110511f, -0.110411f, -0.110311f, -0.11021f, -0.11011f,
--0.110009f, -0.109909f, -0.109809f, -0.109708f, -0.109608f, -0.109507f, -0.109407f, -0.109306f, -0.109206f, -0.109106f, -0.109005f, -0.108905f, -0.108804f, -0.108704f, -0.108603f, -0.108503f, -0.108403f, -0.108302f, -0.108202f, -0.108101f,
--0.108001f, -0.1079f, -0.1078f, -0.107699f, -0.107599f, -0.107499f, -0.107398f, -0.107298f, -0.107197f, -0.107097f, -0.106996f, -0.106896f, -0.106795f, -0.106695f, -0.106594f, -0.106494f, -0.106393f, -0.106293f, -0.106192f, -0.106092f,
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--0.101971f, -0.10187f, -0.10177f, -0.101669f, -0.101568f, -0.101468f, -0.101367f, -0.101267f, -0.101166f, -0.101066f, -0.100965f, -0.100864f, -0.100764f, -0.100663f, -0.100563f, -0.100462f, -0.100362f, -0.100261f, -0.10016f, -0.10006f,
--0.099959f, -0.099859f, -0.099758f, -0.099657f, -0.099557f, -0.099456f, -0.099356f, -0.099255f, -0.099154f, -0.099054f, -0.098953f, -0.098853f, -0.098752f, -0.098651f, -0.098551f, -0.09845f, -0.09835f, -0.098249f, -0.098148f, -0.098048f,
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--0.091907f, -0.091806f, -0.091705f, -0.091604f, -0.091504f, -0.091403f, -0.091302f, -0.091201f, -0.091101f, -0.091f, -0.090899f, -0.090798f, -0.090698f, -0.090597f, -0.090496f, -0.090396f, -0.090295f, -0.090194f, -0.090093f, -0.089993f,
--0.089892f, -0.089791f, -0.08969f, -0.089589f, -0.089489f, -0.089388f, -0.089287f, -0.089186f, -0.089086f, -0.088985f, -0.088884f, -0.088783f, -0.088683f, -0.088582f, -0.088481f, -0.08838f, -0.088279f, -0.088179f, -0.088078f, -0.087977f,
--0.087876f, -0.087776f, -0.087675f, -0.087574f, -0.087473f, -0.087372f, -0.087272f, -0.087171f, -0.08707f, -0.086969f, -0.086868f, -0.086768f, -0.086667f, -0.086566f, -0.086465f, -0.086364f, -0.086264f, -0.086163f, -0.086062f, -0.085961f,
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--0.071731f, -0.07163f, -0.071529f, -0.071428f, -0.071327f, -0.071226f, -0.071125f, -0.071024f, -0.070923f, -0.070822f, -0.070721f, -0.07062f, -0.070519f, -0.070418f, -0.070317f, -0.070216f, -0.070115f, -0.070014f, -0.069913f, -0.069812f,
--0.069711f, -0.06961f, -0.069509f, -0.069407f, -0.069306f, -0.069205f, -0.069104f, -0.069003f, -0.068902f, -0.068801f, -0.0687f, -0.068599f, -0.068498f, -0.068397f, -0.068296f, -0.068195f, -0.068094f, -0.067993f, -0.067892f, -0.067791f,
--0.067689f, -0.067588f, -0.067487f, -0.067386f, -0.067285f, -0.067184f, -0.067083f, -0.066982f, -0.066881f, -0.06678f, -0.066679f, -0.066578f, -0.066476f, -0.066375f, -0.066274f, -0.066173f, -0.066072f, -0.065971f, -0.06587f, -0.065769f,
--0.065668f, -0.065567f, -0.065466f, -0.065364f, -0.065263f, -0.065162f, -0.065061f, -0.06496f, -0.064859f, -0.064758f, -0.064657f, -0.064556f, -0.064454f, -0.064353f, -0.064252f, -0.064151f, -0.06405f, -0.063949f, -0.063848f, -0.063747f,
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--0.061623f, -0.061522f, -0.06142f, -0.061319f, -0.061218f, -0.061117f, -0.061016f, -0.060915f, -0.060814f, -0.060712f, -0.060611f, -0.06051f, -0.060409f, -0.060308f, -0.060207f, -0.060105f, -0.060004f, -0.059903f, -0.059802f, -0.059701f,
--0.0596f, -0.059498f, -0.059397f, -0.059296f, -0.059195f, -0.059094f, -0.058993f, -0.058891f, -0.05879f, -0.058689f, -0.058588f, -0.058487f, -0.058385f, -0.058284f, -0.058183f, -0.058082f, -0.057981f, -0.057879f, -0.057778f, -0.057677f,
--0.057576f, -0.057475f, -0.057374f, -0.057272f, -0.057171f, -0.05707f, -0.056969f, -0.056867f, -0.056766f, -0.056665f, -0.056564f, -0.056463f, -0.056361f, -0.05626f, -0.056159f, -0.056058f, -0.055957f, -0.055855f, -0.055754f, -0.055653f,
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--0.053527f, -0.053426f, -0.053325f, -0.053223f, -0.053122f, -0.053021f, -0.05292f, -0.052818f, -0.052717f, -0.052616f, -0.052515f, -0.052413f, -0.052312f, -0.052211f, -0.05211f, -0.052008f, -0.051907f, -0.051806f, -0.051705f, -0.051603f,
--0.051502f, -0.051401f, -0.0513f, -0.051198f, -0.051097f, -0.050996f, -0.050894f, -0.050793f, -0.050692f, -0.050591f, -0.050489f, -0.050388f, -0.050287f, -0.050186f, -0.050084f, -0.049983f, -0.049882f, -0.04978f, -0.049679f, -0.049578f,
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--0.041371f, -0.041269f, -0.041168f, -0.041066f, -0.040965f, -0.040864f, -0.040762f, -0.040661f, -0.04056f, -0.040458f, -0.040357f, -0.040255f, -0.040154f, -0.040053f, -0.039951f, -0.03985f, -0.039749f, -0.039647f, -0.039546f, -0.039444f,
--0.039343f, -0.039242f, -0.03914f, -0.039039f, -0.038938f, -0.038836f, -0.038735f, -0.038633f, -0.038532f, -0.038431f, -0.038329f, -0.038228f, -0.038126f, -0.038025f, -0.037924f, -0.037822f, -0.037721f, -0.037619f, -0.037518f, -0.037417f,
--0.037315f, -0.037214f, -0.037112f, -0.037011f, -0.03691f, -0.036808f, -0.036707f, -0.036605f, -0.036504f, -0.036403f, -0.036301f, -0.0362f, -0.036098f, -0.035997f, -0.035895f, -0.035794f, -0.035693f, -0.035591f, -0.03549f, -0.035388f,
--0.035287f, -0.035186f, -0.035084f, -0.034983f, -0.034881f, -0.03478f, -0.034678f, -0.034577f, -0.034476f, -0.034374f, -0.034273f, -0.034171f, -0.03407f, -0.033968f, -0.033867f, -0.033766f, -0.033664f, -0.033563f, -0.033461f, -0.03336f,
--0.033258f, -0.033157f, -0.033056f, -0.032954f, -0.032853f, -0.032751f, -0.03265f, -0.032548f, -0.032447f, -0.032345f, -0.032244f, -0.032143f, -0.032041f, -0.03194f, -0.031838f, -0.031737f, -0.031635f, -0.031534f, -0.031432f, -0.031331f,
--0.031229f, -0.031128f, -0.031027f, -0.030925f, -0.030824f, -0.030722f, -0.030621f, -0.030519f, -0.030418f, -0.030316f, -0.030215f, -0.030113f, -0.030012f, -0.029911f, -0.029809f, -0.029708f, -0.029606f, -0.029505f, -0.029403f, -0.029302f,
--0.0292f, -0.029099f, -0.028997f, -0.028896f, -0.028794f, -0.028693f, -0.028591f, -0.02849f, -0.028388f, -0.028287f, -0.028186f, -0.028084f, -0.027983f, -0.027881f, -0.02778f, -0.027678f, -0.027577f, -0.027475f, -0.027374f, -0.027272f,
--0.027171f, -0.027069f, -0.026968f, -0.026866f, -0.026765f, -0.026663f, -0.026562f, -0.02646f, -0.026359f, -0.026257f, -0.026156f, -0.026054f, -0.025953f, -0.025851f, -0.02575f, -0.025648f, -0.025547f, -0.025445f, -0.025344f, -0.025242f,
--0.025141f, -0.025039f, -0.024938f, -0.024836f, -0.024735f, -0.024633f, -0.024532f, -0.02443f, -0.024329f, -0.024227f, -0.024126f, -0.024024f, -0.023923f, -0.023821f, -0.02372f, -0.023618f, -0.023517f, -0.023415f, -0.023314f, -0.023212f,
--0.023111f, -0.023009f, -0.022908f, -0.022806f, -0.022705f, -0.022603f, -0.022502f, -0.0224f, -0.022299f, -0.022197f, -0.022095f, -0.021994f, -0.021892f, -0.021791f, -0.021689f, -0.021588f, -0.021486f, -0.021385f, -0.021283f, -0.021182f,
--0.02108f, -0.020979f, -0.020877f, -0.020776f, -0.020674f, -0.020573f, -0.020471f, -0.020369f, -0.020268f, -0.020166f, -0.020065f, -0.019963f, -0.019862f, -0.01976f, -0.019659f, -0.019557f, -0.019456f, -0.019354f, -0.019253f, -0.019151f,
--0.019049f, -0.018948f, -0.018846f, -0.018745f, -0.018643f, -0.018542f, -0.01844f, -0.018339f, -0.018237f, -0.018136f, -0.018034f, -0.017932f, -0.017831f, -0.017729f, -0.017628f, -0.017526f, -0.017425f, -0.017323f, -0.017222f, -0.01712f,
--0.017018f, -0.016917f, -0.016815f, -0.016714f, -0.016612f, -0.016511f, -0.016409f, -0.016308f, -0.016206f, -0.016104f, -0.016003f, -0.015901f, -0.0158f, -0.015698f, -0.015597f, -0.015495f, -0.015394f, -0.015292f, -0.01519f, -0.015089f,
--0.014987f, -0.014886f, -0.014784f, -0.014683f, -0.014581f, -0.014479f, -0.014378f, -0.014276f, -0.014175f, -0.014073f, -0.013972f, -0.01387f, -0.013768f, -0.013667f, -0.013565f, -0.013464f, -0.013362f, -0.01326f, -0.013159f, -0.013057f,
--0.012956f, -0.012854f, -0.012753f, -0.012651f, -0.012549f, -0.012448f, -0.012346f, -0.012245f, -0.012143f, -0.012042f, -0.01194f, -0.011838f, -0.011737f, -0.011635f, -0.011534f, -0.011432f, -0.01133f, -0.011229f, -0.011127f, -0.011026f,
--0.010924f, -0.010822f, -0.010721f, -0.010619f, -0.010518f, -0.010416f, -0.010314f, -0.010213f, -0.010111f, -0.01001f, -0.009908f, -0.009806f, -0.009705f, -0.009603f, -0.009502f, -0.0094f, -0.009299f, -0.009197f, -0.009095f, -0.008994f,
--0.008892f, -0.00879f, -0.008689f, -0.008587f, -0.008486f, -0.008384f, -0.008282f, -0.008181f, -0.008079f, -0.007978f, -0.007876f, -0.007774f, -0.007673f, -0.007571f, -0.00747f, -0.007368f, -0.007266f, -0.007165f, -0.007063f, -0.006962f,
--0.00686f, -0.006758f, -0.006657f, -0.006555f, -0.006453f, -0.006352f, -0.00625f, -0.006149f, -0.006047f, -0.005945f, -0.005844f, -0.005742f, -0.005641f, -0.005539f, -0.005437f, -0.005336f, -0.005234f, -0.005132f, -0.005031f, -0.004929f,
--0.004828f, -0.004726f, -0.004624f, -0.004523f, -0.004421f, -0.004319f, -0.004218f, -0.004116f, -0.004015f, -0.003913f, -0.003811f, -0.00371f, -0.003608f, -0.003506f, -0.003405f, -0.003303f, -0.003202f, -0.0031f, -0.002998f, -0.002897f,
--0.002795f, -0.002693f, -0.002592f, -0.00249f, -0.002389f, -0.002287f, -0.002185f, -0.002084f, -0.001982f, -0.00188f, -0.001779f, -0.001677f, -0.001575f, -0.001474f, -0.001372f, -0.001271f, -0.001169f, -0.001067f, -0.000966f, -0.000864f,
--0.000762f, -0.000661f, -0.000559f, -0.000457f, -0.000356f, -0.000254f, -0.000152f, -5.1e-05f, 5.1e-05f, 0.000152f, 0.000254f, 0.000356f, 0.000457f, 0.000559f, 0.000661f, 0.000762f, 0.000864f, 0.000966f, 0.001067f, 0.001169f,
-0.001271f, 0.001372f, 0.001474f, 0.001576f, 0.001677f, 0.001779f, 0.00188f, 0.001982f, 0.002084f, 0.002185f, 0.002287f, 0.002389f, 0.00249f, 0.002592f, 0.002694f, 0.002795f, 0.002897f, 0.002999f, 0.0031f, 0.003202f,
-0.003304f, 0.003405f, 0.003507f, 0.003609f, 0.00371f, 0.003812f, 0.003914f, 0.004015f, 0.004117f, 0.004219f, 0.00432f, 0.004422f, 0.004524f, 0.004625f, 0.004727f, 0.004829f, 0.00493f, 0.005032f, 0.005134f, 0.005235f,
-0.005337f, 0.005438f, 0.00554f, 0.005642f, 0.005743f, 0.005845f, 0.005947f, 0.006048f, 0.00615f, 0.006252f, 0.006353f, 0.006455f, 0.006557f, 0.006658f, 0.00676f, 0.006862f, 0.006963f, 0.007065f, 0.007167f, 0.007269f,
-0.00737f, 0.007472f, 0.007574f, 0.007675f, 0.007777f, 0.007879f, 0.00798f, 0.008082f, 0.008184f, 0.008285f, 0.008387f, 0.008489f, 0.00859f, 0.008692f, 0.008794f, 0.008895f, 0.008997f, 0.009099f, 0.0092f, 0.009302f,
-0.009404f, 0.009505f, 0.009607f, 0.009709f, 0.00981f, 0.009912f, 0.010014f, 0.010115f, 0.010217f, 0.010319f, 0.01042f, 0.010522f, 0.010624f, 0.010725f, 0.010827f, 0.010929f, 0.011031f, 0.011132f, 0.011234f, 0.011336f,
-0.011437f, 0.011539f, 0.011641f, 0.011742f, 0.011844f, 0.011946f, 0.012047f, 0.012149f, 0.012251f, 0.012352f, 0.012454f, 0.012556f, 0.012657f, 0.012759f, 0.012861f, 0.012962f, 0.013064f, 0.013166f, 0.013268f, 0.013369f,
-0.013471f, 0.013573f, 0.013674f, 0.013776f, 0.013878f, 0.013979f, 0.014081f, 0.014183f, 0.014284f, 0.014386f, 0.014488f, 0.014589f, 0.014691f, 0.014793f, 0.014895f, 0.014996f, 0.015098f, 0.0152f, 0.015301f, 0.015403f,
-0.015505f, 0.015606f, 0.015708f, 0.01581f, 0.015911f, 0.016013f, 0.016115f, 0.016217f, 0.016318f, 0.01642f, 0.016522f, 0.016623f, 0.016725f, 0.016827f, 0.016928f, 0.01703f, 0.017132f, 0.017233f, 0.017335f, 0.017437f,
-0.017539f, 0.01764f, 0.017742f, 0.017844f, 0.017945f, 0.018047f, 0.018149f, 0.01825f, 0.018352f, 0.018454f, 0.018556f, 0.018657f, 0.018759f, 0.018861f, 0.018962f, 0.019064f, 0.019166f, 0.019267f, 0.019369f, 0.019471f,
-0.019573f, 0.019674f, 0.019776f, 0.019878f, 0.019979f, 0.020081f, 0.020183f, 0.020284f, 0.020386f, 0.020488f, 0.02059f, 0.020691f, 0.020793f, 0.020895f, 0.020996f, 0.021098f, 0.0212f, 0.021301f, 0.021403f, 0.021505f,
-0.021607f, 0.021708f, 0.02181f, 0.021912f, 0.022013f, 0.022115f, 0.022217f, 0.022318f, 0.02242f, 0.022522f, 0.022624f, 0.022725f, 0.022827f, 0.022929f, 0.02303f, 0.023132f, 0.023234f, 0.023335f, 0.023437f, 0.023539f,
-0.023641f, 0.023742f, 0.023844f, 0.023946f, 0.024047f, 0.024149f, 0.024251f, 0.024353f, 0.024454f, 0.024556f, 0.024658f, 0.024759f, 0.024861f, 0.024963f, 0.025064f, 0.025166f, 0.025268f, 0.02537f, 0.025471f, 0.025573f,
-0.025675f, 0.025776f, 0.025878f, 0.02598f, 0.026082f, 0.026183f, 0.026285f, 0.026387f, 0.026488f, 0.02659f, 0.026692f, 0.026793f, 0.026895f, 0.026997f, 0.027099f, 0.0272f, 0.027302f, 0.027404f, 0.027505f, 0.027607f,
-0.027709f, 0.027811f, 0.027912f, 0.028014f, 0.028116f, 0.028217f, 0.028319f, 0.028421f, 0.028522f, 0.028624f, 0.028726f, 0.028828f, 0.028929f, 0.029031f, 0.029133f, 0.029234f, 0.029336f, 0.029438f, 0.02954f, 0.029641f,
-0.029743f, 0.029845f, 0.029946f, 0.030048f, 0.03015f, 0.030252f, 0.030353f, 0.030455f, 0.030557f, 0.030658f, 0.03076f, 0.030862f, 0.030963f, 0.031065f, 0.031167f, 0.031269f, 0.03137f, 0.031472f, 0.031574f, 0.031675f,
-0.031777f, 0.031879f, 0.031981f, 0.032082f, 0.032184f, 0.032286f, 0.032387f, 0.032489f, 0.032591f, 0.032693f, 0.032794f, 0.032896f, 0.032998f, 0.033099f, 0.033201f, 0.033303f, 0.033404f, 0.033506f, 0.033608f, 0.03371f,
-0.033811f, 0.033913f, 0.034015f, 0.034116f, 0.034218f, 0.03432f, 0.034422f, 0.034523f, 0.034625f, 0.034727f, 0.034828f, 0.03493f, 0.035032f, 0.035133f, 0.035235f, 0.035337f, 0.035439f, 0.03554f, 0.035642f, 0.035744f,
-0.035845f, 0.035947f, 0.036049f, 0.036151f, 0.036252f, 0.036354f, 0.036456f, 0.036557f, 0.036659f, 0.036761f, 0.036863f, 0.036964f, 0.037066f, 0.037168f, 0.037269f, 0.037371f, 0.037473f, 0.037574f, 0.037676f, 0.037778f,
-0.03788f, 0.037981f, 0.038083f, 0.038185f, 0.038286f, 0.038388f, 0.03849f, 0.038592f, 0.038693f, 0.038795f, 0.038897f, 0.038998f, 0.0391f, 0.039202f, 0.039303f, 0.039405f, 0.039507f, 0.039609f, 0.03971f, 0.039812f,
-0.039914f, 0.040015f, 0.040117f, 0.040219f, 0.04032f, 0.040422f, 0.040524f, 0.040626f, 0.040727f, 0.040829f, 0.040931f, 0.041032f, 0.041134f, 0.041236f, 0.041338f, 0.041439f, 0.041541f, 0.041643f, 0.041744f, 0.041846f,
-0.041948f, 0.042049f, 0.042151f, 0.042253f, 0.042355f, 0.042456f, 0.042558f, 0.04266f, 0.042761f, 0.042863f, 0.042965f, 0.043066f, 0.043168f, 0.04327f, 0.043372f, 0.043473f, 0.043575f, 0.043677f, 0.043778f, 0.04388f,
-0.043982f, 0.044083f, 0.044185f, 0.044287f, 0.044389f, 0.04449f, 0.044592f, 0.044694f, 0.044795f, 0.044897f, 0.044999f, 0.0451f, 0.045202f, 0.045304f, 0.045406f, 0.045507f, 0.045609f, 0.045711f, 0.045812f, 0.045914f,
-0.046016f, 0.046117f, 0.046219f, 0.046321f, 0.046422f, 0.046524f, 0.046626f, 0.046728f, 0.046829f, 0.046931f, 0.047033f, 0.047134f, 0.047236f, 0.047338f, 0.047439f, 0.047541f, 0.047643f, 0.047744f, 0.047846f, 0.047948f,
-0.04805f, 0.048151f, 0.048253f, 0.048355f, 0.048456f, 0.048558f, 0.04866f, 0.048761f, 0.048863f, 0.048965f, 0.049066f, 0.049168f, 0.04927f, 0.049372f, 0.049473f, 0.049575f, 0.049677f, 0.049778f, 0.04988f, 0.049982f,
-0.050083f, 0.050185f, 0.050287f, 0.050388f, 0.05049f, 0.050592f, 0.050693f, 0.050795f, 0.050897f, 0.050998f, 0.0511f, 0.051202f, 0.051304f, 0.051405f, 0.051507f, 0.051609f, 0.05171f, 0.051812f, 0.051914f, 0.052015f,
-0.052117f, 0.052219f, 0.05232f, 0.052422f, 0.052524f, 0.052625f, 0.052727f, 0.052829f, 0.05293f, 0.053032f, 0.053134f, 0.053235f, 0.053337f, 0.053439f, 0.053541f, 0.053642f, 0.053744f, 0.053846f, 0.053947f, 0.054049f,
-0.054151f, 0.054252f, 0.054354f, 0.054456f, 0.054557f, 0.054659f, 0.054761f, 0.054862f, 0.054964f, 0.055066f, 0.055167f, 0.055269f, 0.055371f, 0.055472f, 0.055574f, 0.055676f, 0.055777f, 0.055879f, 0.055981f, 0.056082f,
-0.056184f, 0.056286f, 0.056387f, 0.056489f, 0.056591f, 0.056692f, 0.056794f, 0.056896f, 0.056997f, 0.057099f, 0.057201f, 0.057302f, 0.057404f, 0.057506f, 0.057607f, 0.057709f, 0.057811f, 0.057912f, 0.058014f, 0.058116f,
-0.058217f, 0.058319f, 0.058421f, 0.058522f, 0.058624f, 0.058726f, 0.058827f, 0.058929f, 0.059031f, 0.059132f, 0.059234f, 0.059336f, 0.059437f, 0.059539f, 0.059641f, 0.059742f, 0.059844f, 0.059946f, 0.060047f, 0.060149f,
-0.060251f, 0.060352f, 0.060454f, 0.060556f, 0.060657f, 0.060759f, 0.060861f, 0.060962f, 0.061064f, 0.061165f, 0.061267f, 0.061369f, 0.06147f, 0.061572f, 0.061674f, 0.061775f, 0.061877f, 0.061979f, 0.06208f, 0.062182f,
-0.062284f, 0.062385f, 0.062487f, 0.062589f, 0.06269f, 0.062792f, 0.062894f, 0.062995f, 0.063097f, 0.063198f, 0.0633f, 0.063402f, 0.063503f, 0.063605f, 0.063707f, 0.063808f, 0.06391f, 0.064012f, 0.064113f, 0.064215f,
-0.064317f, 0.064418f, 0.06452f, 0.064621f, 0.064723f, 0.064825f, 0.064926f, 0.065028f, 0.06513f, 0.065231f, 0.065333f, 0.065435f, 0.065536f, 0.065638f, 0.065739f, 0.065841f, 0.065943f, 0.066044f, 0.066146f, 0.066248f,
-0.066349f, 0.066451f, 0.066552f, 0.066654f, 0.066756f, 0.066857f, 0.066959f, 0.067061f, 0.067162f, 0.067264f, 0.067366f, 0.067467f, 0.067569f, 0.06767f, 0.067772f, 0.067874f, 0.067975f, 0.068077f, 0.068179f, 0.06828f,
-0.068382f, 0.068483f, 0.068585f, 0.068687f, 0.068788f, 0.06889f, 0.068991f, 0.069093f, 0.069195f, 0.069296f, 0.069398f, 0.0695f, 0.069601f, 0.069703f, 0.069804f, 0.069906f, 0.070008f, 0.070109f, 0.070211f, 0.070312f,
-0.070414f, 0.070516f, 0.070617f, 0.070719f, 0.070821f, 0.070922f, 0.071024f, 0.071125f, 0.071227f, 0.071329f, 0.07143f, 0.071532f, 0.071633f, 0.071735f, 0.071837f, 0.071938f, 0.07204f, 0.072141f, 0.072243f, 0.072345f,
-0.072446f, 0.072548f, 0.072649f, 0.072751f, 0.072853f, 0.072954f, 0.073056f, 0.073157f, 0.073259f, 0.073361f, 0.073462f, 0.073564f, 0.073665f, 0.073767f, 0.073869f, 0.07397f, 0.074072f, 0.074173f, 0.074275f, 0.074377f,
-0.074478f, 0.07458f, 0.074681f, 0.074783f, 0.074885f, 0.074986f, 0.075088f, 0.075189f, 0.075291f, 0.075392f, 0.075494f, 0.075596f, 0.075697f, 0.075799f, 0.0759f, 0.076002f, 0.076104f, 0.076205f, 0.076307f, 0.076408f,
-0.07651f, 0.076611f, 0.076713f, 0.076815f, 0.076916f, 0.077018f, 0.077119f, 0.077221f, 0.077323f, 0.077424f, 0.077526f, 0.077627f, 0.077729f, 0.07783f, 0.077932f, 0.078034f, 0.078135f, 0.078237f, 0.078338f, 0.07844f,
-0.078541f, 0.078643f, 0.078744f, 0.078846f, 0.078948f, 0.079049f, 0.079151f, 0.079252f, 0.079354f, 0.079455f, 0.079557f, 0.079659f, 0.07976f, 0.079862f, 0.079963f, 0.080065f, 0.080166f, 0.080268f, 0.080369f, 0.080471f,
-0.080573f, 0.080674f, 0.080776f, 0.080877f, 0.080979f, 0.08108f, 0.081182f, 0.081283f, 0.081385f, 0.081487f, 0.081588f, 0.08169f, 0.081791f, 0.081893f, 0.081994f, 0.082096f, 0.082197f, 0.082299f, 0.0824f, 0.082502f,
-0.082604f, 0.082705f, 0.082807f, 0.082908f, 0.08301f, 0.083111f, 0.083213f, 0.083314f, 0.083416f, 0.083517f, 0.083619f, 0.08372f, 0.083822f, 0.083924f, 0.084025f, 0.084127f, 0.084228f, 0.08433f, 0.084431f, 0.084533f,
-0.084634f, 0.084736f, 0.084837f, 0.084939f, 0.08504f, 0.085142f, 0.085243f, 0.085345f, 0.085446f, 0.085548f, 0.08565f, 0.085751f, 0.085853f, 0.085954f, 0.086056f, 0.086157f, 0.086259f, 0.08636f, 0.086462f, 0.086563f,
-0.086665f, 0.086766f, 0.086868f, 0.086969f, 0.087071f, 0.087172f, 0.087274f, 0.087375f, 0.087477f, 0.087578f, 0.08768f, 0.087781f, 0.087883f, 0.087984f, 0.088086f, 0.088187f, 0.088289f, 0.08839f, 0.088492f, 0.088593f,
-0.088695f, 0.088796f, 0.088898f, 0.088999f, 0.089101f, 0.089202f, 0.089304f, 0.089405f, 0.089507f, 0.089608f, 0.08971f, 0.089811f, 0.089913f, 0.090014f, 0.090116f, 0.090217f, 0.090319f, 0.09042f, 0.090522f, 0.090623f,
-0.090725f, 0.090826f, 0.090928f, 0.091029f, 0.091131f, 0.091232f, 0.091334f, 0.091435f, 0.091537f, 0.091638f, 0.09174f, 0.091841f, 0.091942f, 0.092044f, 0.092145f, 0.092247f, 0.092348f, 0.09245f, 0.092551f, 0.092653f,
-0.092754f, 0.092856f, 0.092957f, 0.093059f, 0.09316f, 0.093262f, 0.093363f, 0.093465f, 0.093566f, 0.093667f, 0.093769f, 0.09387f, 0.093972f, 0.094073f, 0.094175f, 0.094276f, 0.094378f, 0.094479f, 0.094581f, 0.094682f,
-0.094783f, 0.094885f, 0.094986f, 0.095088f, 0.095189f, 0.095291f, 0.095392f, 0.095494f, 0.095595f, 0.095697f, 0.095798f, 0.095899f, 0.096001f, 0.096102f, 0.096204f, 0.096305f, 0.096407f, 0.096508f, 0.09661f, 0.096711f,
-0.096812f, 0.096914f, 0.097015f, 0.097117f, 0.097218f, 0.09732f, 0.097421f, 0.097522f, 0.097624f, 0.097725f, 0.097827f, 0.097928f, 0.09803f, 0.098131f, 0.098232f, 0.098334f, 0.098435f, 0.098537f, 0.098638f, 0.09874f,
-0.098841f, 0.098942f, 0.099044f, 0.099145f, 0.099247f, 0.099348f, 0.099449f, 0.099551f, 0.099652f, 0.099754f, 0.099855f, 0.099956f, 0.100058f, 0.100159f, 0.100261f, 0.100362f, 0.100464f, 0.100565f, 0.100666f, 0.100768f,
-0.100869f, 0.100971f, 0.101072f, 0.101173f, 0.101275f, 0.101376f, 0.101478f, 0.101579f, 0.10168f, 0.101782f, 0.101883f, 0.101985f, 0.102086f, 0.102187f, 0.102289f, 0.10239f, 0.102491f, 0.102593f, 0.102694f, 0.102796f,
-0.102897f, 0.102998f, 0.1031f, 0.103201f, 0.103303f, 0.103404f, 0.103505f, 0.103607f, 0.103708f, 0.103809f, 0.103911f, 0.104012f, 0.104114f, 0.104215f, 0.104316f, 0.104418f, 0.104519f, 0.10462f, 0.104722f, 0.104823f,
-0.104924f, 0.105026f, 0.105127f, 0.105229f, 0.10533f, 0.105431f, 0.105533f, 0.105634f, 0.105735f, 0.105837f, 0.105938f, 0.106039f, 0.106141f, 0.106242f, 0.106343f, 0.106445f, 0.106546f, 0.106648f, 0.106749f, 0.10685f,
-0.106952f, 0.107053f, 0.107154f, 0.107256f, 0.107357f, 0.107458f, 0.10756f, 0.107661f, 0.107762f, 0.107864f, 0.107965f, 0.108066f, 0.108168f, 0.108269f, 0.10837f, 0.108472f, 0.108573f, 0.108674f, 0.108776f, 0.108877f,
-0.108978f, 0.10908f, 0.109181f, 0.109282f, 0.109384f, 0.109485f, 0.109586f, 0.109688f, 0.109789f, 0.10989f, 0.109991f, 0.110093f, 0.110194f, 0.110295f, 0.110397f, 0.110498f, 0.110599f, 0.110701f, 0.110802f, 0.110903f,
-0.111005f, 0.111106f, 0.111207f, 0.111308f, 0.11141f, 0.111511f, 0.111612f, 0.111714f, 0.111815f, 0.111916f, 0.112018f, 0.112119f, 0.11222f, 0.112321f, 0.112423f, 0.112524f, 0.112625f, 0.112727f, 0.112828f, 0.112929f,
-0.11303f, 0.113132f, 0.113233f, 0.113334f, 0.113436f, 0.113537f, 0.113638f, 0.113739f, 0.113841f, 0.113942f, 0.114043f, 0.114145f, 0.114246f, 0.114347f, 0.114448f, 0.11455f, 0.114651f, 0.114752f, 0.114853f, 0.114955f,
-0.115056f, 0.115157f, 0.115258f, 0.11536f, 0.115461f, 0.115562f, 0.115663f, 0.115765f, 0.115866f, 0.115967f, 0.116068f, 0.11617f, 0.116271f, 0.116372f, 0.116473f, 0.116575f, 0.116676f, 0.116777f, 0.116878f, 0.11698f,
-0.117081f, 0.117182f, 0.117283f, 0.117385f, 0.117486f, 0.117587f, 0.117688f, 0.11779f, 0.117891f, 0.117992f, 0.118093f, 0.118195f, 0.118296f, 0.118397f, 0.118498f, 0.118599f, 0.118701f, 0.118802f, 0.118903f, 0.119004f,
-0.119106f, 0.119207f, 0.119308f, 0.119409f, 0.11951f, 0.119612f, 0.119713f, 0.119814f, 0.119915f, 0.120016f, 0.120118f, 0.120219f, 0.12032f, 0.120421f, 0.120522f, 0.120624f, 0.120725f, 0.120826f, 0.120927f, 0.121028f,
-0.12113f, 0.121231f, 0.121332f, 0.121433f, 0.121534f, 0.121636f, 0.121737f, 0.121838f, 0.121939f, 0.12204f, 0.122142f, 0.122243f, 0.122344f, 0.122445f, 0.122546f, 0.122647f, 0.122749f, 0.12285f, 0.122951f, 0.123052f,
-0.123153f, 0.123254f, 0.123356f, 0.123457f, 0.123558f, 0.123659f, 0.12376f, 0.123861f, 0.123963f, 0.124064f, 0.124165f, 0.124266f, 0.124367f, 0.124468f, 0.12457f, 0.124671f, 0.124772f, 0.124873f, 0.124974f, 0.125075f,
-0.125176f, 0.125278f, 0.125379f, 0.12548f, 0.125581f, 0.125682f, 0.125783f, 0.125884f, 0.125986f, 0.126087f, 0.126188f, 0.126289f, 0.12639f, 0.126491f, 0.126592f, 0.126694f, 0.126795f, 0.126896f, 0.126997f, 0.127098f,
-0.127199f, 0.1273f, 0.127401f, 0.127503f, 0.127604f, 0.127705f, 0.127806f, 0.127907f, 0.128008f, 0.128109f, 0.12821f, 0.128311f, 0.128413f, 0.128514f, 0.128615f, 0.128716f, 0.128817f, 0.128918f, 0.129019f, 0.12912f,
-0.129221f, 0.129322f, 0.129424f, 0.129525f, 0.129626f, 0.129727f, 0.129828f, 0.129929f, 0.13003f, 0.130131f, 0.130232f, 0.130333f, 0.130434f, 0.130536f, 0.130637f, 0.130738f, 0.130839f, 0.13094f, 0.131041f, 0.131142f,
-0.131243f, 0.131344f, 0.131445f, 0.131546f, 0.131647f, 0.131748f, 0.131849f, 0.131951f, 0.132052f, 0.132153f, 0.132254f, 0.132355f, 0.132456f, 0.132557f, 0.132658f, 0.132759f, 0.13286f, 0.132961f, 0.133062f, 0.133163f,
-0.133264f, 0.133365f, 0.133466f, 0.133567f, 0.133668f, 0.133769f, 0.13387f, 0.133972f, 0.134073f, 0.134174f, 0.134275f, 0.134376f, 0.134477f, 0.134578f, 0.134679f, 0.13478f, 0.134881f, 0.134982f, 0.135083f, 0.135184f,
-0.135285f, 0.135386f, 0.135487f, 0.135588f, 0.135689f, 0.13579f, 0.135891f, 0.135992f, 0.136093f, 0.136194f, 0.136295f, 0.136396f, 0.136497f, 0.136598f, 0.136699f, 0.1368f, 0.136901f, 0.137002f, 0.137103f, 0.137204f,
-0.137305f, 0.137406f, 0.137507f, 0.137608f, 0.137709f, 0.13781f, 0.137911f, 0.138012f, 0.138113f, 0.138214f, 0.138315f, 0.138416f, 0.138517f, 0.138618f, 0.138719f, 0.13882f, 0.138921f, 0.139022f, 0.139123f, 0.139224f,
-0.139325f, 0.139425f, 0.139526f, 0.139627f, 0.139728f, 0.139829f, 0.13993f, 0.140031f, 0.140132f, 0.140233f, 0.140334f, 0.140435f, 0.140536f, 0.140637f, 0.140738f, 0.140839f, 0.14094f, 0.141041f, 0.141142f, 0.141243f,
-0.141344f, 0.141444f, 0.141545f, 0.141646f, 0.141747f, 0.141848f, 0.141949f, 0.14205f, 0.142151f, 0.142252f, 0.142353f, 0.142454f, 0.142555f, 0.142656f, 0.142756f, 0.142857f, 0.142958f, 0.143059f, 0.14316f, 0.143261f,
-0.143362f, 0.143463f, 0.143564f, 0.143665f, 0.143766f, 0.143866f, 0.143967f, 0.144068f, 0.144169f, 0.14427f, 0.144371f, 0.144472f, 0.144573f, 0.144674f, 0.144774f, 0.144875f, 0.144976f, 0.145077f, 0.145178f, 0.145279f,
-0.14538f, 0.145481f, 0.145582f, 0.145682f, 0.145783f, 0.145884f, 0.145985f, 0.146086f, 0.146187f, 0.146288f, 0.146388f, 0.146489f, 0.14659f, 0.146691f, 0.146792f, 0.146893f, 0.146994f, 0.147094f, 0.147195f, 0.147296f,
-0.147397f, 0.147498f, 0.147599f, 0.1477f, 0.1478f, 0.147901f, 0.148002f, 0.148103f, 0.148204f, 0.148305f, 0.148405f, 0.148506f, 0.148607f, 0.148708f, 0.148809f, 0.14891f, 0.14901f, 0.149111f, 0.149212f, 0.149313f,
-0.149414f, 0.149514f, 0.149615f, 0.149716f, 0.149817f, 0.149918f, 0.150019f, 0.150119f, 0.15022f, 0.150321f, 0.150422f, 0.150523f, 0.150623f, 0.150724f, 0.150825f, 0.150926f, 0.151027f, 0.151127f, 0.151228f, 0.151329f,
-0.15143f, 0.15153f, 0.151631f, 0.151732f, 0.151833f, 0.151934f, 0.152034f, 0.152135f, 0.152236f, 0.152337f, 0.152437f, 0.152538f, 0.152639f, 0.15274f, 0.152841f, 0.152941f, 0.153042f, 0.153143f, 0.153244f, 0.153344f,
-0.153445f, 0.153546f, 0.153647f, 0.153747f, 0.153848f, 0.153949f, 0.15405f, 0.15415f, 0.154251f, 0.154352f, 0.154453f, 0.154553f, 0.154654f, 0.154755f, 0.154855f, 0.154956f, 0.155057f, 0.155158f, 0.155258f, 0.155359f,
-0.15546f, 0.155561f, 0.155661f, 0.155762f, 0.155863f, 0.155963f, 0.156064f, 0.156165f, 0.156266f, 0.156366f, 0.156467f, 0.156568f, 0.156668f, 0.156769f, 0.15687f, 0.156971f, 0.157071f, 0.157172f, 0.157273f, 0.157373f,
-0.157474f, 0.157575f, 0.157675f, 0.157776f, 0.157877f, 0.157977f, 0.158078f, 0.158179f, 0.158279f, 0.15838f, 0.158481f, 0.158581f, 0.158682f, 0.158783f, 0.158883f, 0.158984f, 0.159085f, 0.159185f, 0.159286f, 0.159387f,
-0.159487f, 0.159588f, 0.159689f, 0.159789f, 0.15989f, 0.159991f, 0.160091f, 0.160192f, 0.160293f, 0.160393f, 0.160494f, 0.160595f, 0.160695f, 0.160796f, 0.160896f, 0.160997f, 0.161098f, 0.161198f, 0.161299f, 0.1614f,
-0.1615f, 0.161601f, 0.161701f, 0.161802f, 0.161903f, 0.162003f, 0.162104f, 0.162205f, 0.162305f, 0.162406f, 0.162506f, 0.162607f, 0.162708f, 0.162808f, 0.162909f, 0.163009f, 0.16311f, 0.163211f, 0.163311f, 0.163412f,
-0.163512f, 0.163613f, 0.163714f, 0.163814f, 0.163915f, 0.164015f, 0.164116f, 0.164216f, 0.164317f, 0.164418f, 0.164518f, 0.164619f, 0.164719f, 0.16482f, 0.16492f, 0.165021f, 0.165122f, 0.165222f, 0.165323f, 0.165423f,
-0.165524f, 0.165624f, 0.165725f, 0.165825f, 0.165926f, 0.166027f, 0.166127f, 0.166228f, 0.166328f, 0.166429f, 0.166529f, 0.16663f, 0.16673f, 0.166831f, 0.166931f, 0.167032f, 0.167132f, 0.167233f, 0.167334f, 0.167434f,
-0.167535f, 0.167635f, 0.167736f, 0.167836f, 0.167937f, 0.168037f, 0.168138f, 0.168238f, 0.168339f, 0.168439f, 0.16854f, 0.16864f, 0.168741f, 0.168841f, 0.168942f, 0.169042f, 0.169143f, 0.169243f, 0.169344f, 0.169444f,
-0.169545f, 0.169645f, 0.169746f, 0.169846f, 0.169947f, 0.170047f, 0.170147f, 0.170248f, 0.170348f, 0.170449f, 0.170549f, 0.17065f, 0.17075f, 0.170851f, 0.170951f, 0.171052f, 0.171152f, 0.171253f, 0.171353f, 0.171453f,
-0.171554f, 0.171654f, 0.171755f, 0.171855f, 0.171956f, 0.172056f, 0.172157f, 0.172257f, 0.172357f, 0.172458f, 0.172558f, 0.172659f, 0.172759f, 0.17286f, 0.17296f, 0.17306f, 0.173161f, 0.173261f, 0.173362f, 0.173462f,
-0.173562f, 0.173663f, 0.173763f, 0.173864f, 0.173964f, 0.174065f, 0.174165f, 0.174265f, 0.174366f, 0.174466f, 0.174567f, 0.174667f, 0.174767f, 0.174868f, 0.174968f, 0.175068f, 0.175169f, 0.175269f, 0.17537f, 0.17547f,
-0.17557f, 0.175671f, 0.175771f, 0.175871f, 0.175972f, 0.176072f, 0.176173f, 0.176273f, 0.176373f, 0.176474f, 0.176574f, 0.176674f, 0.176775f, 0.176875f, 0.176975f, 0.177076f, 0.177176f, 0.177276f, 0.177377f, 0.177477f,
-0.177577f, 0.177678f, 0.177778f, 0.177878f, 0.177979f, 0.178079f, 0.178179f, 0.17828f, 0.17838f, 0.17848f, 0.178581f, 0.178681f, 0.178781f, 0.178882f, 0.178982f, 0.179082f, 0.179183f, 0.179283f, 0.179383f, 0.179483f,
-0.179584f, 0.179684f, 0.179784f, 0.179885f, 0.179985f, 0.180085f, 0.180186f, 0.180286f, 0.180386f, 0.180486f, 0.180587f, 0.180687f, 0.180787f, 0.180887f, 0.180988f, 0.181088f, 0.181188f, 0.181289f, 0.181389f, 0.181489f,
-0.181589f, 0.18169f, 0.18179f, 0.18189f, 0.18199f, 0.182091f, 0.182191f, 0.182291f, 0.182391f, 0.182492f, 0.182592f, 0.182692f, 0.182792f, 0.182893f, 0.182993f, 0.183093f, 0.183193f, 0.183293f, 0.183394f, 0.183494f,
-0.183594f, 0.183694f, 0.183795f, 0.183895f, 0.183995f, 0.184095f, 0.184195f, 0.184296f, 0.184396f, 0.184496f, 0.184596f, 0.184696f, 0.184797f, 0.184897f, 0.184997f, 0.185097f, 0.185197f, 0.185298f, 0.185398f, 0.185498f,
-0.185598f, 0.185698f, 0.185798f, 0.185899f, 0.185999f, 0.186099f, 0.186199f, 0.186299f, 0.186399f, 0.1865f, 0.1866f, 0.1867f, 0.1868f, 0.1869f, 0.187f, 0.187101f, 0.187201f, 0.187301f, 0.187401f, 0.187501f,
-0.187601f, 0.187701f, 0.187802f, 0.187902f, 0.188002f, 0.188102f, 0.188202f, 0.188302f, 0.188402f, 0.188502f, 0.188603f, 0.188703f, 0.188803f, 0.188903f, 0.189003f, 0.189103f, 0.189203f, 0.189303f, 0.189403f, 0.189504f,
-0.189604f, 0.189704f, 0.189804f, 0.189904f, 0.190004f, 0.190104f, 0.190204f, 0.190304f, 0.190404f, 0.190504f, 0.190605f, 0.190705f, 0.190805f, 0.190905f, 0.191005f, 0.191105f, 0.191205f, 0.191305f, 0.191405f, 0.191505f,
-0.191605f, 0.191705f, 0.191805f, 0.191905f, 0.192005f, 0.192105f, 0.192206f, 0.192306f, 0.192406f, 0.192506f, 0.192606f, 0.192706f, 0.192806f, 0.192906f, 0.193006f, 0.193106f, 0.193206f, 0.193306f, 0.193406f, 0.193506f,
-0.193606f, 0.193706f, 0.193806f, 0.193906f, 0.194006f, 0.194106f, 0.194206f, 0.194306f, 0.194406f, 0.194506f, 0.194606f, 0.194706f, 0.194806f, 0.194906f, 0.195006f, 0.195106f, 0.195206f, 0.195306f, 0.195406f, 0.195506f,
-0.195606f, 0.195706f, 0.195806f, 0.195906f, 0.196006f, 0.196106f, 0.196206f, 0.196306f, 0.196406f, 0.196505f, 0.196605f, 0.196705f, 0.196805f, 0.196905f, 0.197005f, 0.197105f, 0.197205f, 0.197305f, 0.197405f, 0.197505f,
-0.197605f, 0.197705f, 0.197805f, 0.197905f, 0.198005f, 0.198104f, 0.198204f, 0.198304f, 0.198404f, 0.198504f, 0.198604f, 0.198704f, 0.198804f, 0.198904f, 0.199004f, 0.199104f, 0.199203f, 0.199303f, 0.199403f, 0.199503f,
-0.199603f, 0.199703f, 0.199803f, 0.199903f, 0.200003f, 0.200102f, 0.200202f, 0.200302f, 0.200402f, 0.200502f, 0.200602f, 0.200702f, 0.200801f, 0.200901f, 0.201001f, 0.201101f, 0.201201f, 0.201301f, 0.201401f, 0.2015f,
-0.2016f, 0.2017f, 0.2018f, 0.2019f, 0.202f, 0.202099f, 0.202199f, 0.202299f, 0.202399f, 0.202499f, 0.202599f, 0.202698f, 0.202798f, 0.202898f, 0.202998f, 0.203098f, 0.203197f, 0.203297f, 0.203397f, 0.203497f,
-0.203597f, 0.203696f, 0.203796f, 0.203896f, 0.203996f, 0.204096f, 0.204195f, 0.204295f, 0.204395f, 0.204495f, 0.204595f, 0.204694f, 0.204794f, 0.204894f, 0.204994f, 0.205093f, 0.205193f, 0.205293f, 0.205393f, 0.205492f,
-0.205592f, 0.205692f, 0.205792f, 0.205891f, 0.205991f, 0.206091f, 0.206191f, 0.20629f, 0.20639f, 0.20649f, 0.20659f, 0.206689f, 0.206789f, 0.206889f, 0.206988f, 0.207088f, 0.207188f, 0.207288f, 0.207387f, 0.207487f,
-0.207587f, 0.207686f, 0.207786f, 0.207886f, 0.207986f, 0.208085f, 0.208185f, 0.208285f, 0.208384f, 0.208484f, 0.208584f, 0.208683f, 0.208783f, 0.208883f, 0.208982f, 0.209082f, 0.209182f, 0.209281f, 0.209381f, 0.209481f,
-0.20958f, 0.20968f, 0.20978f, 0.209879f, 0.209979f, 0.210079f, 0.210178f, 0.210278f, 0.210378f, 0.210477f, 0.210577f, 0.210677f, 0.210776f, 0.210876f, 0.210975f, 0.211075f, 0.211175f, 0.211274f, 0.211374f, 0.211474f,
-0.211573f, 0.211673f, 0.211772f, 0.211872f, 0.211972f, 0.212071f, 0.212171f, 0.21227f, 0.21237f, 0.21247f, 0.212569f, 0.212669f, 0.212768f, 0.212868f, 0.212968f, 0.213067f, 0.213167f, 0.213266f, 0.213366f, 0.213465f,
-0.213565f, 0.213665f, 0.213764f, 0.213864f, 0.213963f, 0.214063f, 0.214162f, 0.214262f, 0.214361f, 0.214461f, 0.214561f, 0.21466f, 0.21476f, 0.214859f, 0.214959f, 0.215058f, 0.215158f, 0.215257f, 0.215357f, 0.215456f,
-0.215556f, 0.215655f, 0.215755f, 0.215854f, 0.215954f, 0.216053f, 0.216153f, 0.216252f, 0.216352f, 0.216451f, 0.216551f, 0.21665f, 0.21675f, 0.216849f, 0.216949f, 0.217048f, 0.217148f, 0.217247f, 0.217347f, 0.217446f,
-0.217546f, 0.217645f, 0.217745f, 0.217844f, 0.217944f, 0.218043f, 0.218143f, 0.218242f, 0.218341f, 0.218441f, 0.21854f, 0.21864f, 0.218739f, 0.218839f, 0.218938f, 0.219038f, 0.219137f, 0.219236f, 0.219336f, 0.219435f,
-0.219535f, 0.219634f, 0.219734f, 0.219833f, 0.219932f, 0.220032f, 0.220131f, 0.220231f, 0.22033f, 0.220429f, 0.220529f, 0.220628f, 0.220728f, 0.220827f, 0.220926f, 0.221026f, 0.221125f, 0.221225f, 0.221324f, 0.221423f,
-0.221523f, 0.221622f, 0.221721f, 0.221821f, 0.22192f, 0.222019f, 0.222119f, 0.222218f, 0.222318f, 0.222417f, 0.222516f, 0.222616f, 0.222715f, 0.222814f, 0.222914f, 0.223013f, 0.223112f, 0.223212f, 0.223311f, 0.22341f,
-0.22351f, 0.223609f, 0.223708f, 0.223808f, 0.223907f, 0.224006f, 0.224106f, 0.224205f, 0.224304f, 0.224403f, 0.224503f, 0.224602f, 0.224701f, 0.224801f, 0.2249f, 0.224999f, 0.225098f, 0.225198f, 0.225297f, 0.225396f,
-0.225496f, 0.225595f, 0.225694f, 0.225793f, 0.225893f, 0.225992f, 0.226091f, 0.22619f, 0.22629f, 0.226389f, 0.226488f, 0.226587f, 0.226687f, 0.226786f, 0.226885f, 0.226984f, 0.227084f, 0.227183f, 0.227282f, 0.227381f,
-0.227481f, 0.22758f, 0.227679f, 0.227778f, 0.227877f, 0.227977f, 0.228076f, 0.228175f, 0.228274f, 0.228373f, 0.228473f, 0.228572f, 0.228671f, 0.22877f, 0.228869f, 0.228969f, 0.229068f, 0.229167f, 0.229266f, 0.229365f,
-0.229464f, 0.229564f, 0.229663f, 0.229762f, 0.229861f, 0.22996f, 0.230059f, 0.230159f, 0.230258f, 0.230357f, 0.230456f, 0.230555f, 0.230654f, 0.230753f, 0.230853f, 0.230952f, 0.231051f, 0.23115f, 0.231249f, 0.231348f,
-0.231447f, 0.231546f, 0.231646f, 0.231745f, 0.231844f, 0.231943f, 0.232042f, 0.232141f, 0.23224f, 0.232339f, 0.232438f, 0.232538f, 0.232637f, 0.232736f, 0.232835f, 0.232934f, 0.233033f, 0.233132f, 0.233231f, 0.23333f,
-0.233429f, 0.233528f, 0.233627f, 0.233726f, 0.233825f, 0.233925f, 0.234024f, 0.234123f, 0.234222f, 0.234321f, 0.23442f, 0.234519f, 0.234618f, 0.234717f, 0.234816f, 0.234915f, 0.235014f, 0.235113f, 0.235212f, 0.235311f,
-0.23541f, 0.235509f, 0.235608f, 0.235707f, 0.235806f, 0.235905f, 0.236004f, 0.236103f, 0.236202f, 0.236301f, 0.2364f, 0.236499f, 0.236598f, 0.236697f, 0.236796f, 0.236895f, 0.236994f, 0.237093f, 0.237192f, 0.237291f,
-0.23739f, 0.237489f, 0.237588f, 0.237687f, 0.237786f, 0.237885f, 0.237984f, 0.238082f, 0.238181f, 0.23828f, 0.238379f, 0.238478f, 0.238577f, 0.238676f, 0.238775f, 0.238874f, 0.238973f, 0.239072f, 0.239171f, 0.23927f,
-0.239368f, 0.239467f, 0.239566f, 0.239665f, 0.239764f, 0.239863f, 0.239962f, 0.240061f, 0.24016f, 0.240259f, 0.240357f, 0.240456f, 0.240555f, 0.240654f, 0.240753f, 0.240852f, 0.240951f, 0.241049f, 0.241148f, 0.241247f,
-0.241346f, 0.241445f, 0.241544f, 0.241643f, 0.241741f, 0.24184f, 0.241939f, 0.242038f, 0.242137f, 0.242236f, 0.242334f, 0.242433f, 0.242532f, 0.242631f, 0.24273f, 0.242829f, 0.242927f, 0.243026f, 0.243125f, 0.243224f,
-0.243323f, 0.243421f, 0.24352f, 0.243619f, 0.243718f, 0.243817f, 0.243915f, 0.244014f, 0.244113f, 0.244212f, 0.24431f, 0.244409f, 0.244508f, 0.244607f, 0.244705f, 0.244804f, 0.244903f, 0.245002f, 0.2451f, 0.245199f,
-0.245298f, 0.245397f, 0.245495f, 0.245594f, 0.245693f, 0.245792f, 0.24589f, 0.245989f, 0.246088f, 0.246187f, 0.246285f, 0.246384f, 0.246483f, 0.246581f, 0.24668f, 0.246779f, 0.246877f, 0.246976f, 0.247075f, 0.247174f,
-0.247272f, 0.247371f, 0.24747f, 0.247568f, 0.247667f, 0.247766f, 0.247864f, 0.247963f, 0.248062f, 0.24816f, 0.248259f, 0.248358f, 0.248456f, 0.248555f, 0.248654f, 0.248752f, 0.248851f, 0.24895f, 0.249048f, 0.249147f,
-0.249245f, 0.249344f, 0.249443f, 0.249541f, 0.24964f, 0.249739f, 0.249837f, 0.249936f, 0.250034f, 0.250133f, 0.250232f, 0.25033f, 0.250429f, 0.250527f, 0.250626f, 0.250725f, 0.250823f, 0.250922f, 0.25102f, 0.251119f,
-0.251217f, 0.251316f, 0.251415f, 0.251513f, 0.251612f, 0.25171f, 0.251809f, 0.251907f, 0.252006f, 0.252104f, 0.252203f, 0.252302f, 0.2524f, 0.252499f, 0.252597f, 0.252696f, 0.252794f, 0.252893f, 0.252991f, 0.25309f,
-0.253188f, 0.253287f, 0.253385f, 0.253484f, 0.253582f, 0.253681f, 0.253779f, 0.253878f, 0.253976f, 0.254075f, 0.254173f, 0.254272f, 0.25437f, 0.254469f, 0.254567f, 0.254666f, 0.254764f, 0.254863f, 0.254961f, 0.25506f,
-0.255158f, 0.255257f, 0.255355f, 0.255453f, 0.255552f, 0.25565f, 0.255749f, 0.255847f, 0.255946f, 0.256044f, 0.256142f, 0.256241f, 0.256339f, 0.256438f, 0.256536f, 0.256635f, 0.256733f, 0.256831f, 0.25693f, 0.257028f,
-0.257127f, 0.257225f, 0.257323f, 0.257422f, 0.25752f, 0.257619f, 0.257717f, 0.257815f, 0.257914f, 0.258012f, 0.25811f, 0.258209f, 0.258307f, 0.258406f, 0.258504f, 0.258602f, 0.258701f, 0.258799f, 0.258897f, 0.258996f,
-0.259094f, 0.259192f, 0.259291f, 0.259389f, 0.259487f, 0.259586f, 0.259684f, 0.259782f, 0.259881f, 0.259979f, 0.260077f, 0.260176f, 0.260274f, 0.260372f, 0.26047f, 0.260569f, 0.260667f, 0.260765f, 0.260864f, 0.260962f,
-0.26106f, 0.261158f, 0.261257f, 0.261355f, 0.261453f, 0.261552f, 0.26165f, 0.261748f, 0.261846f, 0.261945f, 0.262043f, 0.262141f, 0.262239f, 0.262338f, 0.262436f, 0.262534f, 0.262632f, 0.262731f, 0.262829f, 0.262927f,
-0.263025f, 0.263123f, 0.263222f, 0.26332f, 0.263418f, 0.263516f, 0.263614f, 0.263713f, 0.263811f, 0.263909f, 0.264007f, 0.264105f, 0.264204f, 0.264302f, 0.2644f, 0.264498f, 0.264596f, 0.264695f, 0.264793f, 0.264891f,
-0.264989f, 0.265087f, 0.265185f, 0.265283f, 0.265382f, 0.26548f, 0.265578f, 0.265676f, 0.265774f, 0.265872f, 0.26597f, 0.266069f, 0.266167f, 0.266265f, 0.266363f, 0.266461f, 0.266559f, 0.266657f, 0.266755f, 0.266853f,
-0.266952f, 0.26705f, 0.267148f, 0.267246f, 0.267344f, 0.267442f, 0.26754f, 0.267638f, 0.267736f, 0.267834f, 0.267932f, 0.26803f, 0.268129f, 0.268227f, 0.268325f, 0.268423f, 0.268521f, 0.268619f, 0.268717f, 0.268815f,
-0.268913f, 0.269011f, 0.269109f, 0.269207f, 0.269305f, 0.269403f, 0.269501f, 0.269599f, 0.269697f, 0.269795f, 0.269893f, 0.269991f, 0.270089f, 0.270187f, 0.270285f, 0.270383f, 0.270481f, 0.270579f, 0.270677f, 0.270775f,
-0.270873f, 0.270971f, 0.271069f, 0.271167f, 0.271265f, 0.271363f, 0.271461f, 0.271559f, 0.271657f, 0.271755f, 0.271853f, 0.271951f, 0.272049f, 0.272146f, 0.272244f, 0.272342f, 0.27244f, 0.272538f, 0.272636f, 0.272734f,
-0.272832f, 0.27293f, 0.273028f, 0.273126f, 0.273224f, 0.273321f, 0.273419f, 0.273517f, 0.273615f, 0.273713f, 0.273811f, 0.273909f, 0.274007f, 0.274105f, 0.274202f, 0.2743f, 0.274398f, 0.274496f, 0.274594f, 0.274692f,
-0.27479f, 0.274887f, 0.274985f, 0.275083f, 0.275181f, 0.275279f, 0.275377f, 0.275474f, 0.275572f, 0.27567f, 0.275768f, 0.275866f, 0.275964f, 0.276061f, 0.276159f, 0.276257f, 0.276355f, 0.276453f, 0.27655f, 0.276648f,
-0.276746f, 0.276844f, 0.276941f, 0.277039f, 0.277137f, 0.277235f, 0.277333f, 0.27743f, 0.277528f, 0.277626f, 0.277724f, 0.277821f, 0.277919f, 0.278017f, 0.278115f, 0.278212f, 0.27831f, 0.278408f, 0.278506f, 0.278603f,
-0.278701f, 0.278799f, 0.278896f, 0.278994f, 0.279092f, 0.27919f, 0.279287f, 0.279385f, 0.279483f, 0.27958f, 0.279678f, 0.279776f, 0.279873f, 0.279971f, 0.280069f, 0.280166f, 0.280264f, 0.280362f, 0.280459f, 0.280557f,
-0.280655f, 0.280752f, 0.28085f, 0.280948f, 0.281045f, 0.281143f, 0.281241f, 0.281338f, 0.281436f, 0.281534f, 0.281631f, 0.281729f, 0.281826f, 0.281924f, 0.282022f, 0.282119f, 0.282217f, 0.282314f, 0.282412f, 0.28251f,
-0.282607f, 0.282705f, 0.282802f, 0.2829f, 0.282998f, 0.283095f, 0.283193f, 0.28329f, 0.283388f, 0.283485f, 0.283583f, 0.283681f, 0.283778f, 0.283876f, 0.283973f, 0.284071f, 0.284168f, 0.284266f, 0.284363f, 0.284461f,
-0.284558f, 0.284656f, 0.284753f, 0.284851f, 0.284949f, 0.285046f, 0.285144f, 0.285241f, 0.285339f, 0.285436f, 0.285534f, 0.285631f, 0.285729f, 0.285826f, 0.285923f, 0.286021f, 0.286118f, 0.286216f, 0.286313f, 0.286411f,
-0.286508f, 0.286606f, 0.286703f, 0.286801f, 0.286898f, 0.286996f, 0.287093f, 0.28719f, 0.287288f, 0.287385f, 0.287483f, 0.28758f, 0.287678f, 0.287775f, 0.287872f, 0.28797f, 0.288067f, 0.288165f, 0.288262f, 0.288359f,
-0.288457f, 0.288554f, 0.288652f, 0.288749f, 0.288846f, 0.288944f, 0.289041f, 0.289138f, 0.289236f, 0.289333f, 0.289431f, 0.289528f, 0.289625f, 0.289723f, 0.28982f, 0.289917f, 0.290015f, 0.290112f, 0.290209f, 0.290307f,
-0.290404f, 0.290501f, 0.290599f, 0.290696f, 0.290793f, 0.290891f, 0.290988f, 0.291085f, 0.291183f, 0.29128f, 0.291377f, 0.291474f, 0.291572f, 0.291669f, 0.291766f, 0.291864f, 0.291961f, 0.292058f, 0.292155f, 0.292253f,
-0.29235f, 0.292447f, 0.292544f, 0.292642f, 0.292739f, 0.292836f, 0.292933f, 0.293031f, 0.293128f, 0.293225f, 0.293322f, 0.29342f, 0.293517f, 0.293614f, 0.293711f, 0.293808f, 0.293906f, 0.294003f, 0.2941f, 0.294197f,
-0.294294f, 0.294392f, 0.294489f, 0.294586f, 0.294683f, 0.29478f, 0.294877f, 0.294975f, 0.295072f, 0.295169f, 0.295266f, 0.295363f, 0.29546f, 0.295558f, 0.295655f, 0.295752f, 0.295849f, 0.295946f, 0.296043f, 0.29614f,
-0.296237f, 0.296335f, 0.296432f, 0.296529f, 0.296626f, 0.296723f, 0.29682f, 0.296917f, 0.297014f, 0.297111f, 0.297209f, 0.297306f, 0.297403f, 0.2975f, 0.297597f, 0.297694f, 0.297791f, 0.297888f, 0.297985f, 0.298082f,
-0.298179f, 0.298276f, 0.298373f, 0.29847f, 0.298567f, 0.298664f, 0.298761f, 0.298858f, 0.298956f, 0.299053f, 0.29915f, 0.299247f, 0.299344f, 0.299441f, 0.299538f, 0.299635f, 0.299732f, 0.299829f, 0.299926f, 0.300023f,
-0.30012f, 0.300217f, 0.300314f, 0.30041f, 0.300507f, 0.300604f, 0.300701f, 0.300798f, 0.300895f, 0.300992f, 0.301089f, 0.301186f, 0.301283f, 0.30138f, 0.301477f, 0.301574f, 0.301671f, 0.301768f, 0.301865f, 0.301962f,
-0.302059f, 0.302155f, 0.302252f, 0.302349f, 0.302446f, 0.302543f, 0.30264f, 0.302737f, 0.302834f, 0.302931f, 0.303027f, 0.303124f, 0.303221f, 0.303318f, 0.303415f, 0.303512f, 0.303609f, 0.303706f, 0.303802f, 0.303899f,
-0.303996f, 0.304093f, 0.30419f, 0.304287f, 0.304383f, 0.30448f, 0.304577f, 0.304674f, 0.304771f, 0.304867f, 0.304964f, 0.305061f, 0.305158f, 0.305255f, 0.305351f, 0.305448f, 0.305545f, 0.305642f, 0.305739f, 0.305835f,
-0.305932f, 0.306029f, 0.306126f, 0.306222f, 0.306319f, 0.306416f, 0.306513f, 0.306609f, 0.306706f, 0.306803f, 0.3069f, 0.306996f, 0.307093f, 0.30719f, 0.307287f, 0.307383f, 0.30748f, 0.307577f, 0.307673f, 0.30777f,
-0.307867f, 0.307964f, 0.30806f, 0.308157f, 0.308254f, 0.30835f, 0.308447f, 0.308544f, 0.30864f, 0.308737f, 0.308834f, 0.30893f, 0.309027f, 0.309124f, 0.30922f, 0.309317f, 0.309414f, 0.30951f, 0.309607f, 0.309703f,
-0.3098f, 0.309897f, 0.309993f, 0.31009f, 0.310187f, 0.310283f, 0.31038f, 0.310476f, 0.310573f, 0.31067f, 0.310766f, 0.310863f, 0.310959f, 0.311056f, 0.311153f, 0.311249f, 0.311346f, 0.311442f, 0.311539f, 0.311635f,
-0.311732f, 0.311828f, 0.311925f, 0.312022f, 0.312118f, 0.312215f, 0.312311f, 0.312408f, 0.312504f, 0.312601f, 0.312697f, 0.312794f, 0.31289f, 0.312987f, 0.313083f, 0.31318f, 0.313276f, 0.313373f, 0.313469f, 0.313566f,
-0.313662f, 0.313759f, 0.313855f, 0.313952f, 0.314048f, 0.314145f, 0.314241f, 0.314338f, 0.314434f, 0.31453f, 0.314627f, 0.314723f, 0.31482f, 0.314916f, 0.315013f, 0.315109f, 0.315205f, 0.315302f, 0.315398f, 0.315495f,
-0.315591f, 0.315688f, 0.315784f, 0.31588f, 0.315977f, 0.316073f, 0.316169f, 0.316266f, 0.316362f, 0.316459f, 0.316555f, 0.316651f, 0.316748f, 0.316844f, 0.31694f, 0.317037f, 0.317133f, 0.317229f, 0.317326f, 0.317422f,
-0.317519f, 0.317615f, 0.317711f, 0.317807f, 0.317904f, 0.318f, 0.318096f, 0.318193f, 0.318289f, 0.318385f, 0.318482f, 0.318578f, 0.318674f, 0.318771f, 0.318867f, 0.318963f, 0.319059f, 0.319156f, 0.319252f, 0.319348f,
-0.319444f, 0.319541f, 0.319637f, 0.319733f, 0.319829f, 0.319926f, 0.320022f, 0.320118f, 0.320214f, 0.320311f, 0.320407f, 0.320503f, 0.320599f, 0.320695f, 0.320792f, 0.320888f, 0.320984f, 0.32108f, 0.321176f, 0.321273f,
-0.321369f, 0.321465f, 0.321561f, 0.321657f, 0.321754f, 0.32185f, 0.321946f, 0.322042f, 0.322138f, 0.322234f, 0.32233f, 0.322427f, 0.322523f, 0.322619f, 0.322715f, 0.322811f, 0.322907f, 0.323003f, 0.323099f, 0.323196f,
-0.323292f, 0.323388f, 0.323484f, 0.32358f, 0.323676f, 0.323772f, 0.323868f, 0.323964f, 0.32406f, 0.324157f, 0.324253f, 0.324349f, 0.324445f, 0.324541f, 0.324637f, 0.324733f, 0.324829f, 0.324925f, 0.325021f, 0.325117f,
-0.325213f, 0.325309f, 0.325405f, 0.325501f, 0.325597f, 0.325693f, 0.325789f, 0.325885f, 0.325981f, 0.326077f, 0.326173f, 0.326269f, 0.326365f, 0.326461f, 0.326557f, 0.326653f, 0.326749f, 0.326845f, 0.326941f, 0.327037f,
-0.327133f, 0.327229f, 0.327325f, 0.327421f, 0.327517f, 0.327613f, 0.327709f, 0.327804f, 0.3279f, 0.327996f, 0.328092f, 0.328188f, 0.328284f, 0.32838f, 0.328476f, 0.328572f, 0.328668f, 0.328764f, 0.328859f, 0.328955f,
-0.329051f, 0.329147f, 0.329243f, 0.329339f, 0.329435f, 0.329531f, 0.329626f, 0.329722f, 0.329818f, 0.329914f, 0.33001f, 0.330106f, 0.330201f, 0.330297f, 0.330393f, 0.330489f, 0.330585f, 0.330681f, 0.330776f, 0.330872f,
-0.330968f, 0.331064f, 0.33116f, 0.331255f, 0.331351f, 0.331447f, 0.331543f, 0.331638f, 0.331734f, 0.33183f, 0.331926f, 0.332022f, 0.332117f, 0.332213f, 0.332309f, 0.332404f, 0.3325f, 0.332596f, 0.332692f, 0.332787f,
-0.332883f, 0.332979f, 0.333075f, 0.33317f, 0.333266f, 0.333362f, 0.333457f, 0.333553f, 0.333649f, 0.333744f, 0.33384f, 0.333936f, 0.334032f, 0.334127f, 0.334223f, 0.334319f, 0.334414f, 0.33451f, 0.334605f, 0.334701f,
-0.334797f, 0.334892f, 0.334988f, 0.335084f, 0.335179f, 0.335275f, 0.335371f, 0.335466f, 0.335562f, 0.335657f, 0.335753f, 0.335849f, 0.335944f, 0.33604f, 0.336135f, 0.336231f, 0.336327f, 0.336422f, 0.336518f, 0.336613f,
-0.336709f, 0.336804f, 0.3369f, 0.336995f, 0.337091f, 0.337187f, 0.337282f, 0.337378f, 0.337473f, 0.337569f, 0.337664f, 0.33776f, 0.337855f, 0.337951f, 0.338046f, 0.338142f, 0.338237f, 0.338333f, 0.338428f, 0.338524f,
-0.338619f, 0.338715f, 0.33881f, 0.338906f, 0.339001f, 0.339097f, 0.339192f, 0.339288f, 0.339383f, 0.339478f, 0.339574f, 0.339669f, 0.339765f, 0.33986f, 0.339956f, 0.340051f, 0.340146f, 0.340242f, 0.340337f, 0.340433f,
-0.340528f, 0.340624f, 0.340719f, 0.340814f, 0.34091f, 0.341005f, 0.3411f, 0.341196f, 0.341291f, 0.341387f, 0.341482f, 0.341577f, 0.341673f, 0.341768f, 0.341863f, 0.341959f, 0.342054f, 0.342149f, 0.342245f, 0.34234f,
-0.342435f, 0.342531f, 0.342626f, 0.342721f, 0.342817f, 0.342912f, 0.343007f, 0.343102f, 0.343198f, 0.343293f, 0.343388f, 0.343484f, 0.343579f, 0.343674f, 0.343769f, 0.343865f, 0.34396f, 0.344055f, 0.34415f, 0.344246f,
-0.344341f, 0.344436f, 0.344531f, 0.344627f, 0.344722f, 0.344817f, 0.344912f, 0.345008f, 0.345103f, 0.345198f, 0.345293f, 0.345388f, 0.345484f, 0.345579f, 0.345674f, 0.345769f, 0.345864f, 0.345959f, 0.346055f, 0.34615f,
-0.346245f, 0.34634f, 0.346435f, 0.34653f, 0.346626f, 0.346721f, 0.346816f, 0.346911f, 0.347006f, 0.347101f, 0.347196f, 0.347291f, 0.347387f, 0.347482f, 0.347577f, 0.347672f, 0.347767f, 0.347862f, 0.347957f, 0.348052f,
-0.348147f, 0.348242f, 0.348337f, 0.348433f, 0.348528f, 0.348623f, 0.348718f, 0.348813f, 0.348908f, 0.349003f, 0.349098f, 0.349193f, 0.349288f, 0.349383f, 0.349478f, 0.349573f, 0.349668f, 0.349763f, 0.349858f, 0.349953f,
-0.350048f, 0.350143f, 0.350238f, 0.350333f, 0.350428f, 0.350523f, 0.350618f, 0.350713f, 0.350808f, 0.350903f, 0.350998f, 0.351093f, 0.351188f, 0.351283f, 0.351377f, 0.351472f, 0.351567f, 0.351662f, 0.351757f, 0.351852f,
-0.351947f, 0.352042f, 0.352137f, 0.352232f, 0.352327f, 0.352422f, 0.352516f, 0.352611f, 0.352706f, 0.352801f, 0.352896f, 0.352991f, 0.353086f, 0.353181f, 0.353275f, 0.35337f, 0.353465f, 0.35356f, 0.353655f, 0.35375f,
-0.353844f, 0.353939f, 0.354034f, 0.354129f, 0.354224f, 0.354318f, 0.354413f, 0.354508f, 0.354603f, 0.354698f, 0.354792f, 0.354887f, 0.354982f, 0.355077f, 0.355172f, 0.355266f, 0.355361f, 0.355456f, 0.355551f, 0.355645f,
-0.35574f, 0.355835f, 0.35593f, 0.356024f, 0.356119f, 0.356214f, 0.356308f, 0.356403f, 0.356498f, 0.356593f, 0.356687f, 0.356782f, 0.356877f, 0.356971f, 0.357066f, 0.357161f, 0.357255f, 0.35735f, 0.357445f, 0.357539f,
-0.357634f, 0.357729f, 0.357823f, 0.357918f, 0.358013f, 0.358107f, 0.358202f, 0.358297f, 0.358391f, 0.358486f, 0.35858f, 0.358675f, 0.35877f, 0.358864f, 0.358959f, 0.359053f, 0.359148f, 0.359243f, 0.359337f, 0.359432f,
-0.359526f, 0.359621f, 0.359716f, 0.35981f, 0.359905f, 0.359999f, 0.360094f, 0.360188f, 0.360283f, 0.360377f, 0.360472f, 0.360566f, 0.360661f, 0.360755f, 0.36085f, 0.360944f, 0.361039f, 0.361133f, 0.361228f, 0.361322f,
-0.361417f, 0.361511f, 0.361606f, 0.3617f, 0.361795f, 0.361889f, 0.361984f, 0.362078f, 0.362173f, 0.362267f, 0.362362f, 0.362456f, 0.362551f, 0.362645f, 0.362739f, 0.362834f, 0.362928f, 0.363023f, 0.363117f, 0.363211f,
-0.363306f, 0.3634f, 0.363495f, 0.363589f, 0.363683f, 0.363778f, 0.363872f, 0.363967f, 0.364061f, 0.364155f, 0.36425f, 0.364344f, 0.364438f, 0.364533f, 0.364627f, 0.364721f, 0.364816f, 0.36491f, 0.365004f, 0.365099f,
-0.365193f, 0.365287f, 0.365382f, 0.365476f, 0.36557f, 0.365665f, 0.365759f, 0.365853f, 0.365947f, 0.366042f, 0.366136f, 0.36623f, 0.366324f, 0.366419f, 0.366513f, 0.366607f, 0.366701f, 0.366796f, 0.36689f, 0.366984f,
-0.367078f, 0.367173f, 0.367267f, 0.367361f, 0.367455f, 0.367549f, 0.367644f, 0.367738f, 0.367832f, 0.367926f, 0.36802f, 0.368115f, 0.368209f, 0.368303f, 0.368397f, 0.368491f, 0.368585f, 0.36868f, 0.368774f, 0.368868f,
-0.368962f, 0.369056f, 0.36915f, 0.369244f, 0.369339f, 0.369433f, 0.369527f, 0.369621f, 0.369715f, 0.369809f, 0.369903f, 0.369997f, 0.370091f, 0.370185f, 0.37028f, 0.370374f, 0.370468f, 0.370562f, 0.370656f, 0.37075f,
-0.370844f, 0.370938f, 0.371032f, 0.371126f, 0.37122f, 0.371314f, 0.371408f, 0.371502f, 0.371596f, 0.37169f, 0.371784f, 0.371878f, 0.371972f, 0.372066f, 0.37216f, 0.372254f, 0.372348f, 0.372442f, 0.372536f, 0.37263f,
-0.372724f, 0.372818f, 0.372912f, 0.373006f, 0.3731f, 0.373194f, 0.373288f, 0.373382f, 0.373476f, 0.37357f, 0.373663f, 0.373757f, 0.373851f, 0.373945f, 0.374039f, 0.374133f, 0.374227f, 0.374321f, 0.374415f, 0.374509f,
-0.374602f, 0.374696f, 0.37479f, 0.374884f, 0.374978f, 0.375072f, 0.375166f, 0.375259f, 0.375353f, 0.375447f, 0.375541f, 0.375635f, 0.375729f, 0.375822f, 0.375916f, 0.37601f, 0.376104f, 0.376198f, 0.376291f, 0.376385f,
-0.376479f, 0.376573f, 0.376667f, 0.37676f, 0.376854f, 0.376948f, 0.377042f, 0.377135f, 0.377229f, 0.377323f, 0.377417f, 0.37751f, 0.377604f, 0.377698f, 0.377792f, 0.377885f, 0.377979f, 0.378073f, 0.378166f, 0.37826f,
-0.378354f, 0.378447f, 0.378541f, 0.378635f, 0.378728f, 0.378822f, 0.378916f, 0.379009f, 0.379103f, 0.379197f, 0.37929f, 0.379384f, 0.379478f, 0.379571f, 0.379665f, 0.379759f, 0.379852f, 0.379946f, 0.380039f, 0.380133f,
-0.380227f, 0.38032f, 0.380414f, 0.380507f, 0.380601f, 0.380695f, 0.380788f, 0.380882f, 0.380975f, 0.381069f, 0.381162f, 0.381256f, 0.38135f, 0.381443f, 0.381537f, 0.38163f, 0.381724f, 0.381817f, 0.381911f, 0.382004f,
-0.382098f, 0.382191f, 0.382285f, 0.382378f, 0.382472f, 0.382565f, 0.382659f, 0.382752f, 0.382846f, 0.382939f, 0.383033f, 0.383126f, 0.38322f, 0.383313f, 0.383407f, 0.3835f, 0.383593f, 0.383687f, 0.38378f, 0.383874f,
-0.383967f, 0.384061f, 0.384154f, 0.384247f, 0.384341f, 0.384434f, 0.384528f, 0.384621f, 0.384714f, 0.384808f, 0.384901f, 0.384994f, 0.385088f, 0.385181f, 0.385275f, 0.385368f, 0.385461f, 0.385555f, 0.385648f, 0.385741f,
-0.385835f, 0.385928f, 0.386021f, 0.386115f, 0.386208f, 0.386301f, 0.386395f, 0.386488f, 0.386581f, 0.386674f, 0.386768f, 0.386861f, 0.386954f, 0.387047f, 0.387141f, 0.387234f, 0.387327f, 0.387421f, 0.387514f, 0.387607f,
-0.3877f, 0.387793f, 0.387887f, 0.38798f, 0.388073f, 0.388166f, 0.38826f, 0.388353f, 0.388446f, 0.388539f, 0.388632f, 0.388726f, 0.388819f, 0.388912f, 0.389005f, 0.389098f, 0.389191f, 0.389285f, 0.389378f, 0.389471f,
-0.389564f, 0.389657f, 0.38975f, 0.389843f, 0.389937f, 0.39003f, 0.390123f, 0.390216f, 0.390309f, 0.390402f, 0.390495f, 0.390588f, 0.390681f, 0.390774f, 0.390868f, 0.390961f, 0.391054f, 0.391147f, 0.39124f, 0.391333f,
-0.391426f, 0.391519f, 0.391612f, 0.391705f, 0.391798f, 0.391891f, 0.391984f, 0.392077f, 0.39217f, 0.392263f, 0.392356f, 0.392449f, 0.392542f, 0.392635f, 0.392728f, 0.392821f, 0.392914f, 0.393007f, 0.3931f, 0.393193f,
-0.393286f, 0.393379f, 0.393472f, 0.393565f, 0.393658f, 0.393751f, 0.393844f, 0.393937f, 0.394029f, 0.394122f, 0.394215f, 0.394308f, 0.394401f, 0.394494f, 0.394587f, 0.39468f, 0.394773f, 0.394866f, 0.394958f, 0.395051f,
-0.395144f, 0.395237f, 0.39533f, 0.395423f, 0.395516f, 0.395608f, 0.395701f, 0.395794f, 0.395887f, 0.39598f, 0.396072f, 0.396165f, 0.396258f, 0.396351f, 0.396444f, 0.396536f, 0.396629f, 0.396722f, 0.396815f, 0.396908f,
-0.397f, 0.397093f, 0.397186f, 0.397279f, 0.397371f, 0.397464f, 0.397557f, 0.39765f, 0.397742f, 0.397835f, 0.397928f, 0.39802f, 0.398113f, 0.398206f, 0.398299f, 0.398391f, 0.398484f, 0.398577f, 0.398669f, 0.398762f,
-0.398855f, 0.398947f, 0.39904f, 0.399133f, 0.399225f, 0.399318f, 0.399411f, 0.399503f, 0.399596f, 0.399689f, 0.399781f, 0.399874f, 0.399966f, 0.400059f, 0.400152f, 0.400244f, 0.400337f, 0.400429f, 0.400522f, 0.400615f,
-0.400707f, 0.4008f, 0.400892f, 0.400985f, 0.401077f, 0.40117f, 0.401262f, 0.401355f, 0.401448f, 0.40154f, 0.401633f, 0.401725f, 0.401818f, 0.40191f, 0.402003f, 0.402095f, 0.402188f, 0.40228f, 0.402373f, 0.402465f,
-0.402558f, 0.40265f, 0.402743f, 0.402835f, 0.402928f, 0.40302f, 0.403112f, 0.403205f, 0.403297f, 0.40339f, 0.403482f, 0.403575f, 0.403667f, 0.403759f, 0.403852f, 0.403944f, 0.404037f, 0.404129f, 0.404221f, 0.404314f,
-0.404406f, 0.404499f, 0.404591f, 0.404683f, 0.404776f, 0.404868f, 0.40496f, 0.405053f, 0.405145f, 0.405237f, 0.40533f, 0.405422f, 0.405514f, 0.405607f, 0.405699f, 0.405791f, 0.405884f, 0.405976f, 0.406068f, 0.406161f,
-0.406253f, 0.406345f, 0.406437f, 0.40653f, 0.406622f, 0.406714f, 0.406806f, 0.406899f, 0.406991f, 0.407083f, 0.407175f, 0.407268f, 0.40736f, 0.407452f, 0.407544f, 0.407637f, 0.407729f, 0.407821f, 0.407913f, 0.408005f,
-0.408098f, 0.40819f, 0.408282f, 0.408374f, 0.408466f, 0.408558f, 0.408651f, 0.408743f, 0.408835f, 0.408927f, 0.409019f, 0.409111f, 0.409203f, 0.409296f, 0.409388f, 0.40948f, 0.409572f, 0.409664f, 0.409756f, 0.409848f,
-0.40994f, 0.410032f, 0.410124f, 0.410216f, 0.410309f, 0.410401f, 0.410493f, 0.410585f, 0.410677f, 0.410769f, 0.410861f, 0.410953f, 0.411045f, 0.411137f, 0.411229f, 0.411321f, 0.411413f, 0.411505f, 0.411597f, 0.411689f,
-0.411781f, 0.411873f, 0.411965f, 0.412057f, 0.412149f, 0.412241f, 0.412333f, 0.412425f, 0.412517f, 0.412609f, 0.412701f, 0.412793f, 0.412884f, 0.412976f, 0.413068f, 0.41316f, 0.413252f, 0.413344f, 0.413436f, 0.413528f,
-0.41362f, 0.413712f, 0.413804f, 0.413895f, 0.413987f, 0.414079f, 0.414171f, 0.414263f, 0.414355f, 0.414447f, 0.414538f, 0.41463f, 0.414722f, 0.414814f, 0.414906f, 0.414998f, 0.415089f, 0.415181f, 0.415273f, 0.415365f,
-0.415457f, 0.415548f, 0.41564f, 0.415732f, 0.415824f, 0.415915f, 0.416007f, 0.416099f, 0.416191f, 0.416282f, 0.416374f, 0.416466f, 0.416558f, 0.416649f, 0.416741f, 0.416833f, 0.416924f, 0.417016f, 0.417108f, 0.4172f,
-0.417291f, 0.417383f, 0.417475f, 0.417566f, 0.417658f, 0.41775f, 0.417841f, 0.417933f, 0.418025f, 0.418116f, 0.418208f, 0.4183f, 0.418391f, 0.418483f, 0.418574f, 0.418666f, 0.418758f, 0.418849f, 0.418941f, 0.419032f,
-0.419124f, 0.419216f, 0.419307f, 0.419399f, 0.41949f, 0.419582f, 0.419673f, 0.419765f, 0.419857f, 0.419948f, 0.42004f, 0.420131f, 0.420223f, 0.420314f, 0.420406f, 0.420497f, 0.420589f, 0.42068f, 0.420772f, 0.420863f,
-0.420955f, 0.421046f, 0.421138f, 0.421229f, 0.421321f, 0.421412f, 0.421504f, 0.421595f, 0.421687f, 0.421778f, 0.421869f, 0.421961f, 0.422052f, 0.422144f, 0.422235f, 0.422327f, 0.422418f, 0.422509f, 0.422601f, 0.422692f,
-0.422783f, 0.422875f, 0.422966f, 0.423058f, 0.423149f, 0.42324f, 0.423332f, 0.423423f, 0.423514f, 0.423606f, 0.423697f, 0.423788f, 0.42388f, 0.423971f, 0.424062f, 0.424154f, 0.424245f, 0.424336f, 0.424428f, 0.424519f,
-0.42461f, 0.424701f, 0.424793f, 0.424884f, 0.424975f, 0.425067f, 0.425158f, 0.425249f, 0.42534f, 0.425431f, 0.425523f, 0.425614f, 0.425705f, 0.425796f, 0.425888f, 0.425979f, 0.42607f, 0.426161f, 0.426252f, 0.426344f,
-0.426435f, 0.426526f, 0.426617f, 0.426708f, 0.426799f, 0.426891f, 0.426982f, 0.427073f, 0.427164f, 0.427255f, 0.427346f, 0.427437f, 0.427529f, 0.42762f, 0.427711f, 0.427802f, 0.427893f, 0.427984f, 0.428075f, 0.428166f,
-0.428257f, 0.428348f, 0.428439f, 0.428531f, 0.428622f, 0.428713f, 0.428804f, 0.428895f, 0.428986f, 0.429077f, 0.429168f, 0.429259f, 0.42935f, 0.429441f, 0.429532f, 0.429623f, 0.429714f, 0.429805f, 0.429896f, 0.429987f,
-0.430078f, 0.430169f, 0.43026f, 0.430351f, 0.430442f, 0.430533f, 0.430624f, 0.430715f, 0.430805f, 0.430896f, 0.430987f, 0.431078f, 0.431169f, 0.43126f, 0.431351f, 0.431442f, 0.431533f, 0.431624f, 0.431714f, 0.431805f,
-0.431896f, 0.431987f, 0.432078f, 0.432169f, 0.43226f, 0.432351f, 0.432441f, 0.432532f, 0.432623f, 0.432714f, 0.432805f, 0.432895f, 0.432986f, 0.433077f, 0.433168f, 0.433259f, 0.433349f, 0.43344f, 0.433531f, 0.433622f,
-0.433713f, 0.433803f, 0.433894f, 0.433985f, 0.434076f, 0.434166f, 0.434257f, 0.434348f, 0.434439f, 0.434529f, 0.43462f, 0.434711f, 0.434801f, 0.434892f, 0.434983f, 0.435073f, 0.435164f, 0.435255f, 0.435345f, 0.435436f,
-0.435527f, 0.435617f, 0.435708f, 0.435799f, 0.435889f, 0.43598f, 0.436071f, 0.436161f, 0.436252f, 0.436343f, 0.436433f, 0.436524f, 0.436614f, 0.436705f, 0.436796f, 0.436886f, 0.436977f, 0.437067f, 0.437158f, 0.437248f,
-0.437339f, 0.437429f, 0.43752f, 0.437611f, 0.437701f, 0.437792f, 0.437882f, 0.437973f, 0.438063f, 0.438154f, 0.438244f, 0.438335f, 0.438425f, 0.438516f, 0.438606f, 0.438697f, 0.438787f, 0.438878f, 0.438968f, 0.439058f,
-0.439149f, 0.439239f, 0.43933f, 0.43942f, 0.439511f, 0.439601f, 0.439692f, 0.439782f, 0.439872f, 0.439963f, 0.440053f, 0.440144f, 0.440234f, 0.440324f, 0.440415f, 0.440505f, 0.440595f, 0.440686f, 0.440776f, 0.440866f,
-0.440957f, 0.441047f, 0.441137f, 0.441228f, 0.441318f, 0.441408f, 0.441499f, 0.441589f, 0.441679f, 0.44177f, 0.44186f, 0.44195f, 0.442041f, 0.442131f, 0.442221f, 0.442311f, 0.442402f, 0.442492f, 0.442582f, 0.442672f,
-0.442763f, 0.442853f, 0.442943f, 0.443033f, 0.443123f, 0.443214f, 0.443304f, 0.443394f, 0.443484f, 0.443574f, 0.443665f, 0.443755f, 0.443845f, 0.443935f, 0.444025f, 0.444115f, 0.444206f, 0.444296f, 0.444386f, 0.444476f,
-0.444566f, 0.444656f, 0.444746f, 0.444837f, 0.444927f, 0.445017f, 0.445107f, 0.445197f, 0.445287f, 0.445377f, 0.445467f, 0.445557f, 0.445647f, 0.445737f, 0.445827f, 0.445917f, 0.446008f, 0.446098f, 0.446188f, 0.446278f,
-0.446368f, 0.446458f, 0.446548f, 0.446638f, 0.446728f, 0.446818f, 0.446908f, 0.446998f, 0.447088f, 0.447178f, 0.447268f, 0.447358f, 0.447447f, 0.447537f, 0.447627f, 0.447717f, 0.447807f, 0.447897f, 0.447987f, 0.448077f,
-0.448167f, 0.448257f, 0.448347f, 0.448437f, 0.448527f, 0.448616f, 0.448706f, 0.448796f, 0.448886f, 0.448976f, 0.449066f, 0.449156f, 0.449245f, 0.449335f, 0.449425f, 0.449515f, 0.449605f, 0.449695f, 0.449784f, 0.449874f,
-0.449964f, 0.450054f, 0.450144f, 0.450233f, 0.450323f, 0.450413f, 0.450503f, 0.450593f, 0.450682f, 0.450772f, 0.450862f, 0.450952f, 0.451041f, 0.451131f, 0.451221f, 0.45131f, 0.4514f, 0.45149f, 0.45158f, 0.451669f,
-0.451759f, 0.451849f, 0.451938f, 0.452028f, 0.452118f, 0.452207f, 0.452297f, 0.452387f, 0.452476f, 0.452566f, 0.452656f, 0.452745f, 0.452835f, 0.452925f, 0.453014f, 0.453104f, 0.453193f, 0.453283f, 0.453373f, 0.453462f,
-0.453552f, 0.453641f, 0.453731f, 0.45382f, 0.45391f, 0.454f, 0.454089f, 0.454179f, 0.454268f, 0.454358f, 0.454447f, 0.454537f, 0.454626f, 0.454716f, 0.454805f, 0.454895f, 0.454984f, 0.455074f, 0.455163f, 0.455253f,
-0.455342f, 0.455432f, 0.455521f, 0.455611f, 0.4557f, 0.45579f, 0.455879f, 0.455968f, 0.456058f, 0.456147f, 0.456237f, 0.456326f, 0.456416f, 0.456505f, 0.456594f, 0.456684f, 0.456773f, 0.456863f, 0.456952f, 0.457041f,
-0.457131f, 0.45722f, 0.457309f, 0.457399f, 0.457488f, 0.457577f, 0.457667f, 0.457756f, 0.457845f, 0.457935f, 0.458024f, 0.458113f, 0.458203f, 0.458292f, 0.458381f, 0.45847f, 0.45856f, 0.458649f, 0.458738f, 0.458827f,
-0.458917f, 0.459006f, 0.459095f, 0.459184f, 0.459274f, 0.459363f, 0.459452f, 0.459541f, 0.459631f, 0.45972f, 0.459809f, 0.459898f, 0.459987f, 0.460077f, 0.460166f, 0.460255f, 0.460344f, 0.460433f, 0.460522f, 0.460611f,
-0.460701f, 0.46079f, 0.460879f, 0.460968f, 0.461057f, 0.461146f, 0.461235f, 0.461324f, 0.461414f, 0.461503f, 0.461592f, 0.461681f, 0.46177f, 0.461859f, 0.461948f, 0.462037f, 0.462126f, 0.462215f, 0.462304f, 0.462393f,
-0.462482f, 0.462571f, 0.46266f, 0.462749f, 0.462838f, 0.462927f, 0.463016f, 0.463105f, 0.463194f, 0.463283f, 0.463372f, 0.463461f, 0.46355f, 0.463639f, 0.463728f, 0.463817f, 0.463906f, 0.463995f, 0.464084f, 0.464173f,
-0.464262f, 0.464351f, 0.46444f, 0.464528f, 0.464617f, 0.464706f, 0.464795f, 0.464884f, 0.464973f, 0.465062f, 0.465151f, 0.465239f, 0.465328f, 0.465417f, 0.465506f, 0.465595f, 0.465684f, 0.465772f, 0.465861f, 0.46595f,
-0.466039f, 0.466128f, 0.466216f, 0.466305f, 0.466394f, 0.466483f, 0.466572f, 0.46666f, 0.466749f, 0.466838f, 0.466927f, 0.467015f, 0.467104f, 0.467193f, 0.467282f, 0.46737f, 0.467459f, 0.467548f, 0.467636f, 0.467725f,
-0.467814f, 0.467902f, 0.467991f, 0.46808f, 0.468168f, 0.468257f, 0.468346f, 0.468434f, 0.468523f, 0.468612f, 0.4687f, 0.468789f, 0.468878f, 0.468966f, 0.469055f, 0.469143f, 0.469232f, 0.469321f, 0.469409f, 0.469498f,
-0.469586f, 0.469675f, 0.469763f, 0.469852f, 0.469941f, 0.470029f, 0.470118f, 0.470206f, 0.470295f, 0.470383f, 0.470472f, 0.47056f, 0.470649f, 0.470737f, 0.470826f, 0.470914f, 0.471003f, 0.471091f, 0.47118f, 0.471268f,
-0.471357f, 0.471445f, 0.471534f, 0.471622f, 0.47171f, 0.471799f, 0.471887f, 0.471976f, 0.472064f, 0.472153f, 0.472241f, 0.472329f, 0.472418f, 0.472506f, 0.472595f, 0.472683f, 0.472771f, 0.47286f, 0.472948f, 0.473036f,
-0.473125f, 0.473213f, 0.473301f, 0.47339f, 0.473478f, 0.473566f, 0.473655f, 0.473743f, 0.473831f, 0.47392f, 0.474008f, 0.474096f, 0.474184f, 0.474273f, 0.474361f, 0.474449f, 0.474538f, 0.474626f, 0.474714f, 0.474802f,
-0.47489f, 0.474979f, 0.475067f, 0.475155f, 0.475243f, 0.475332f, 0.47542f, 0.475508f, 0.475596f, 0.475684f, 0.475772f, 0.475861f, 0.475949f, 0.476037f, 0.476125f, 0.476213f, 0.476301f, 0.47639f, 0.476478f, 0.476566f,
-0.476654f, 0.476742f, 0.47683f, 0.476918f, 0.477006f, 0.477094f, 0.477182f, 0.477271f, 0.477359f, 0.477447f, 0.477535f, 0.477623f, 0.477711f, 0.477799f, 0.477887f, 0.477975f, 0.478063f, 0.478151f, 0.478239f, 0.478327f,
-0.478415f, 0.478503f, 0.478591f, 0.478679f, 0.478767f, 0.478855f, 0.478943f, 0.479031f, 0.479119f, 0.479207f, 0.479295f, 0.479383f, 0.479471f, 0.479558f, 0.479646f, 0.479734f, 0.479822f, 0.47991f, 0.479998f, 0.480086f,
-0.480174f, 0.480262f, 0.48035f, 0.480437f, 0.480525f, 0.480613f, 0.480701f, 0.480789f, 0.480877f, 0.480964f, 0.481052f, 0.48114f, 0.481228f, 0.481316f, 0.481404f, 0.481491f, 0.481579f, 0.481667f, 0.481755f, 0.481842f,
-0.48193f, 0.482018f, 0.482106f, 0.482193f, 0.482281f, 0.482369f, 0.482457f, 0.482544f, 0.482632f, 0.48272f, 0.482808f, 0.482895f, 0.482983f, 0.483071f, 0.483158f, 0.483246f, 0.483334f, 0.483421f, 0.483509f, 0.483597f,
-0.483684f, 0.483772f, 0.48386f, 0.483947f, 0.484035f, 0.484122f, 0.48421f, 0.484298f, 0.484385f, 0.484473f, 0.48456f, 0.484648f, 0.484736f, 0.484823f, 0.484911f, 0.484998f, 0.485086f, 0.485173f, 0.485261f, 0.485348f,
-0.485436f, 0.485524f, 0.485611f, 0.485699f, 0.485786f, 0.485874f, 0.485961f, 0.486049f, 0.486136f, 0.486224f, 0.486311f, 0.486398f, 0.486486f, 0.486573f, 0.486661f, 0.486748f, 0.486836f, 0.486923f, 0.487011f, 0.487098f,
-0.487185f, 0.487273f, 0.48736f, 0.487448f, 0.487535f, 0.487622f, 0.48771f, 0.487797f, 0.487884f, 0.487972f, 0.488059f, 0.488147f, 0.488234f, 0.488321f, 0.488409f, 0.488496f, 0.488583f, 0.48867f, 0.488758f, 0.488845f,
-0.488932f, 0.48902f, 0.489107f, 0.489194f, 0.489281f, 0.489369f, 0.489456f, 0.489543f, 0.48963f, 0.489718f, 0.489805f, 0.489892f, 0.489979f, 0.490067f, 0.490154f, 0.490241f, 0.490328f, 0.490415f, 0.490503f, 0.49059f,
-0.490677f, 0.490764f, 0.490851f, 0.490938f, 0.491026f, 0.491113f, 0.4912f, 0.491287f, 0.491374f, 0.491461f, 0.491548f, 0.491635f, 0.491723f, 0.49181f, 0.491897f, 0.491984f, 0.492071f, 0.492158f, 0.492245f, 0.492332f,
-0.492419f, 0.492506f, 0.492593f, 0.49268f, 0.492767f, 0.492854f, 0.492941f, 0.493028f, 0.493115f, 0.493202f, 0.493289f, 0.493376f, 0.493463f, 0.49355f, 0.493637f, 0.493724f, 0.493811f, 0.493898f, 0.493985f, 0.494072f,
-0.494159f, 0.494246f, 0.494333f, 0.49442f, 0.494507f, 0.494594f, 0.49468f, 0.494767f, 0.494854f, 0.494941f, 0.495028f, 0.495115f, 0.495202f, 0.495289f, 0.495375f, 0.495462f, 0.495549f, 0.495636f, 0.495723f, 0.49581f,
-0.495896f, 0.495983f, 0.49607f, 0.496157f, 0.496244f, 0.49633f, 0.496417f, 0.496504f, 0.496591f, 0.496677f, 0.496764f, 0.496851f, 0.496938f, 0.497024f, 0.497111f, 0.497198f, 0.497285f, 0.497371f, 0.497458f, 0.497545f,
-0.497631f, 0.497718f, 0.497805f, 0.497891f, 0.497978f, 0.498065f, 0.498151f, 0.498238f, 0.498325f, 0.498411f, 0.498498f, 0.498585f, 0.498671f, 0.498758f, 0.498844f, 0.498931f, 0.499018f, 0.499104f, 0.499191f, 0.499277f,
-0.499364f, 0.49945f, 0.499537f, 0.499624f, 0.49971f, 0.499797f, 0.499883f, 0.49997f, 0.500056f, 0.500143f, 0.500229f, 0.500316f, 0.500402f, 0.500489f, 0.500575f, 0.500662f, 0.500748f, 0.500835f, 0.500921f, 0.501008f,
-0.501094f, 0.50118f, 0.501267f, 0.501353f, 0.50144f, 0.501526f, 0.501613f, 0.501699f, 0.501785f, 0.501872f, 0.501958f, 0.502045f, 0.502131f, 0.502217f, 0.502304f, 0.50239f, 0.502476f, 0.502563f, 0.502649f, 0.502735f,
-0.502822f, 0.502908f, 0.502994f, 0.503081f, 0.503167f, 0.503253f, 0.503339f, 0.503426f, 0.503512f, 0.503598f, 0.503685f, 0.503771f, 0.503857f, 0.503943f, 0.50403f, 0.504116f, 0.504202f, 0.504288f, 0.504374f, 0.504461f,
-0.504547f, 0.504633f, 0.504719f, 0.504805f, 0.504892f, 0.504978f, 0.505064f, 0.50515f, 0.505236f, 0.505322f, 0.505409f, 0.505495f, 0.505581f, 0.505667f, 0.505753f, 0.505839f, 0.505925f, 0.506011f, 0.506097f, 0.506184f,
-0.50627f, 0.506356f, 0.506442f, 0.506528f, 0.506614f, 0.5067f, 0.506786f, 0.506872f, 0.506958f, 0.507044f, 0.50713f, 0.507216f, 0.507302f, 0.507388f, 0.507474f, 0.50756f, 0.507646f, 0.507732f, 0.507818f, 0.507904f,
-0.50799f, 0.508076f, 0.508162f, 0.508248f, 0.508334f, 0.50842f, 0.508505f, 0.508591f, 0.508677f, 0.508763f, 0.508849f, 0.508935f, 0.509021f, 0.509107f, 0.509193f, 0.509278f, 0.509364f, 0.50945f, 0.509536f, 0.509622f,
-0.509708f, 0.509793f, 0.509879f, 0.509965f, 0.510051f, 0.510137f, 0.510222f, 0.510308f, 0.510394f, 0.51048f, 0.510566f, 0.510651f, 0.510737f, 0.510823f, 0.510909f, 0.510994f, 0.51108f, 0.511166f, 0.511251f, 0.511337f,
-0.511423f, 0.511509f, 0.511594f, 0.51168f, 0.511766f, 0.511851f, 0.511937f, 0.512023f, 0.512108f, 0.512194f, 0.51228f, 0.512365f, 0.512451f, 0.512536f, 0.512622f, 0.512708f, 0.512793f, 0.512879f, 0.512965f, 0.51305f,
-0.513136f, 0.513221f, 0.513307f, 0.513392f, 0.513478f, 0.513563f, 0.513649f, 0.513735f, 0.51382f, 0.513906f, 0.513991f, 0.514077f, 0.514162f, 0.514248f, 0.514333f, 0.514419f, 0.514504f, 0.51459f, 0.514675f, 0.51476f,
-0.514846f, 0.514931f, 0.515017f, 0.515102f, 0.515188f, 0.515273f, 0.515359f, 0.515444f, 0.515529f, 0.515615f, 0.5157f, 0.515786f, 0.515871f, 0.515956f, 0.516042f, 0.516127f, 0.516212f, 0.516298f, 0.516383f, 0.516468f,
-0.516554f, 0.516639f, 0.516724f, 0.51681f, 0.516895f, 0.51698f, 0.517066f, 0.517151f, 0.517236f, 0.517321f, 0.517407f, 0.517492f, 0.517577f, 0.517662f, 0.517748f, 0.517833f, 0.517918f, 0.518003f, 0.518089f, 0.518174f,
-0.518259f, 0.518344f, 0.518429f, 0.518514f, 0.5186f, 0.518685f, 0.51877f, 0.518855f, 0.51894f, 0.519025f, 0.519111f, 0.519196f, 0.519281f, 0.519366f, 0.519451f, 0.519536f, 0.519621f, 0.519706f, 0.519791f, 0.519877f,
-0.519962f, 0.520047f, 0.520132f, 0.520217f, 0.520302f, 0.520387f, 0.520472f, 0.520557f, 0.520642f, 0.520727f, 0.520812f, 0.520897f, 0.520982f, 0.521067f, 0.521152f, 0.521237f, 0.521322f, 0.521407f, 0.521492f, 0.521577f,
-0.521662f, 0.521747f, 0.521832f, 0.521917f, 0.522001f, 0.522086f, 0.522171f, 0.522256f, 0.522341f, 0.522426f, 0.522511f, 0.522596f, 0.522681f, 0.522765f, 0.52285f, 0.522935f, 0.52302f, 0.523105f, 0.52319f, 0.523274f,
-0.523359f, 0.523444f, 0.523529f, 0.523614f, 0.523699f, 0.523783f, 0.523868f, 0.523953f, 0.524038f, 0.524122f, 0.524207f, 0.524292f, 0.524377f, 0.524461f, 0.524546f, 0.524631f, 0.524716f, 0.5248f, 0.524885f, 0.52497f,
-0.525054f, 0.525139f, 0.525224f, 0.525308f, 0.525393f, 0.525478f, 0.525562f, 0.525647f, 0.525732f, 0.525816f, 0.525901f, 0.525985f, 0.52607f, 0.526155f, 0.526239f, 0.526324f, 0.526408f, 0.526493f, 0.526578f, 0.526662f,
-0.526747f, 0.526831f, 0.526916f, 0.527f, 0.527085f, 0.527169f, 0.527254f, 0.527338f, 0.527423f, 0.527508f, 0.527592f, 0.527676f, 0.527761f, 0.527845f, 0.52793f, 0.528014f, 0.528099f, 0.528183f, 0.528268f, 0.528352f,
-0.528437f, 0.528521f, 0.528605f, 0.52869f, 0.528774f, 0.528859f, 0.528943f, 0.529027f, 0.529112f, 0.529196f, 0.529281f, 0.529365f, 0.529449f, 0.529534f, 0.529618f, 0.529702f, 0.529787f, 0.529871f, 0.529955f, 0.53004f,
-0.530124f, 0.530208f, 0.530292f, 0.530377f, 0.530461f, 0.530545f, 0.53063f, 0.530714f, 0.530798f, 0.530882f, 0.530967f, 0.531051f, 0.531135f, 0.531219f, 0.531303f, 0.531388f, 0.531472f, 0.531556f, 0.53164f, 0.531724f,
-0.531809f, 0.531893f, 0.531977f, 0.532061f, 0.532145f, 0.532229f, 0.532313f, 0.532398f, 0.532482f, 0.532566f, 0.53265f, 0.532734f, 0.532818f, 0.532902f, 0.532986f, 0.53307f, 0.533154f, 0.533238f, 0.533323f, 0.533407f,
-0.533491f, 0.533575f, 0.533659f, 0.533743f, 0.533827f, 0.533911f, 0.533995f, 0.534079f, 0.534163f, 0.534247f, 0.534331f, 0.534415f, 0.534499f, 0.534583f, 0.534666f, 0.53475f, 0.534834f, 0.534918f, 0.535002f, 0.535086f,
-0.53517f, 0.535254f, 0.535338f, 0.535422f, 0.535506f, 0.535589f, 0.535673f, 0.535757f, 0.535841f, 0.535925f, 0.536009f, 0.536093f, 0.536176f, 0.53626f, 0.536344f, 0.536428f, 0.536512f, 0.536596f, 0.536679f, 0.536763f,
-0.536847f, 0.536931f, 0.537014f, 0.537098f, 0.537182f, 0.537266f, 0.537349f, 0.537433f, 0.537517f, 0.537601f, 0.537684f, 0.537768f, 0.537852f, 0.537935f, 0.538019f, 0.538103f, 0.538186f, 0.53827f, 0.538354f, 0.538437f,
-0.538521f, 0.538605f, 0.538688f, 0.538772f, 0.538856f, 0.538939f, 0.539023f, 0.539106f, 0.53919f, 0.539274f, 0.539357f, 0.539441f, 0.539524f, 0.539608f, 0.539691f, 0.539775f, 0.539858f, 0.539942f, 0.540026f, 0.540109f,
-0.540193f, 0.540276f, 0.54036f, 0.540443f, 0.540527f, 0.54061f, 0.540694f, 0.540777f, 0.54086f, 0.540944f, 0.541027f, 0.541111f, 0.541194f, 0.541278f, 0.541361f, 0.541444f, 0.541528f, 0.541611f, 0.541695f, 0.541778f,
-0.541861f, 0.541945f, 0.542028f, 0.542112f, 0.542195f, 0.542278f, 0.542362f, 0.542445f, 0.542528f, 0.542612f, 0.542695f, 0.542778f, 0.542862f, 0.542945f, 0.543028f, 0.543111f, 0.543195f, 0.543278f, 0.543361f, 0.543444f,
-0.543528f, 0.543611f, 0.543694f, 0.543777f, 0.543861f, 0.543944f, 0.544027f, 0.54411f, 0.544193f, 0.544277f, 0.54436f, 0.544443f, 0.544526f, 0.544609f, 0.544692f, 0.544776f, 0.544859f, 0.544942f, 0.545025f, 0.545108f,
-0.545191f, 0.545274f, 0.545357f, 0.545441f, 0.545524f, 0.545607f, 0.54569f, 0.545773f, 0.545856f, 0.545939f, 0.546022f, 0.546105f, 0.546188f, 0.546271f, 0.546354f, 0.546437f, 0.54652f, 0.546603f, 0.546686f, 0.546769f,
-0.546852f, 0.546935f, 0.547018f, 0.547101f, 0.547184f, 0.547267f, 0.54735f, 0.547433f, 0.547516f, 0.547599f, 0.547682f, 0.547764f, 0.547847f, 0.54793f, 0.548013f, 0.548096f, 0.548179f, 0.548262f, 0.548345f, 0.548427f,
-0.54851f, 0.548593f, 0.548676f, 0.548759f, 0.548842f, 0.548924f, 0.549007f, 0.54909f, 0.549173f, 0.549256f, 0.549338f, 0.549421f, 0.549504f, 0.549587f, 0.549669f, 0.549752f, 0.549835f, 0.549918f, 0.55f, 0.550083f,
-0.550166f, 0.550249f, 0.550331f, 0.550414f, 0.550497f, 0.550579f, 0.550662f, 0.550745f, 0.550827f, 0.55091f, 0.550993f, 0.551075f, 0.551158f, 0.55124f, 0.551323f, 0.551406f, 0.551488f, 0.551571f, 0.551653f, 0.551736f,
-0.551819f, 0.551901f, 0.551984f, 0.552066f, 0.552149f, 0.552231f, 0.552314f, 0.552396f, 0.552479f, 0.552561f, 0.552644f, 0.552726f, 0.552809f, 0.552891f, 0.552974f, 0.553056f, 0.553139f, 0.553221f, 0.553304f, 0.553386f,
-0.553469f, 0.553551f, 0.553634f, 0.553716f, 0.553798f, 0.553881f, 0.553963f, 0.554046f, 0.554128f, 0.55421f, 0.554293f, 0.554375f, 0.554457f, 0.55454f, 0.554622f, 0.554704f, 0.554787f, 0.554869f, 0.554951f, 0.555034f,
-0.555116f, 0.555198f, 0.555281f, 0.555363f, 0.555445f, 0.555527f, 0.55561f, 0.555692f, 0.555774f, 0.555856f, 0.555939f, 0.556021f, 0.556103f, 0.556185f, 0.556268f, 0.55635f, 0.556432f, 0.556514f, 0.556596f, 0.556678f,
-0.556761f, 0.556843f, 0.556925f, 0.557007f, 0.557089f, 0.557171f, 0.557253f, 0.557336f, 0.557418f, 0.5575f, 0.557582f, 0.557664f, 0.557746f, 0.557828f, 0.55791f, 0.557992f, 0.558074f, 0.558156f, 0.558238f, 0.55832f,
-0.558403f, 0.558485f, 0.558567f, 0.558649f, 0.558731f, 0.558813f, 0.558895f, 0.558977f, 0.559059f, 0.55914f, 0.559222f, 0.559304f, 0.559386f, 0.559468f, 0.55955f, 0.559632f, 0.559714f, 0.559796f, 0.559878f, 0.55996f,
-0.560042f, 0.560124f, 0.560205f, 0.560287f, 0.560369f, 0.560451f, 0.560533f, 0.560615f, 0.560697f, 0.560778f, 0.56086f, 0.560942f, 0.561024f, 0.561106f, 0.561187f, 0.561269f, 0.561351f, 0.561433f, 0.561515f, 0.561596f,
-0.561678f, 0.56176f, 0.561842f, 0.561923f, 0.562005f, 0.562087f, 0.562168f, 0.56225f, 0.562332f, 0.562414f, 0.562495f, 0.562577f, 0.562659f, 0.56274f, 0.562822f, 0.562904f, 0.562985f, 0.563067f, 0.563148f, 0.56323f,
-0.563312f, 0.563393f, 0.563475f, 0.563556f, 0.563638f, 0.56372f, 0.563801f, 0.563883f, 0.563964f, 0.564046f, 0.564127f, 0.564209f, 0.56429f, 0.564372f, 0.564454f, 0.564535f, 0.564617f, 0.564698f, 0.56478f, 0.564861f,
-0.564942f, 0.565024f, 0.565105f, 0.565187f, 0.565268f, 0.56535f, 0.565431f, 0.565513f, 0.565594f, 0.565675f, 0.565757f, 0.565838f, 0.56592f, 0.566001f, 0.566082f, 0.566164f, 0.566245f, 0.566327f, 0.566408f, 0.566489f,
-0.566571f, 0.566652f, 0.566733f, 0.566815f, 0.566896f, 0.566977f, 0.567058f, 0.56714f, 0.567221f, 0.567302f, 0.567384f, 0.567465f, 0.567546f, 0.567627f, 0.567709f, 0.56779f, 0.567871f, 0.567952f, 0.568033f, 0.568115f,
-0.568196f, 0.568277f, 0.568358f, 0.568439f, 0.568521f, 0.568602f, 0.568683f, 0.568764f, 0.568845f, 0.568926f, 0.569007f, 0.569089f, 0.56917f, 0.569251f, 0.569332f, 0.569413f, 0.569494f, 0.569575f, 0.569656f, 0.569737f,
-0.569818f, 0.569899f, 0.56998f, 0.570061f, 0.570142f, 0.570223f, 0.570304f, 0.570386f, 0.570467f, 0.570547f, 0.570628f, 0.570709f, 0.57079f, 0.570871f, 0.570952f, 0.571033f, 0.571114f, 0.571195f, 0.571276f, 0.571357f,
-0.571438f, 0.571519f, 0.5716f, 0.571681f, 0.571762f, 0.571842f, 0.571923f, 0.572004f, 0.572085f, 0.572166f, 0.572247f, 0.572328f, 0.572408f, 0.572489f, 0.57257f, 0.572651f, 0.572732f, 0.572812f, 0.572893f, 0.572974f,
-0.573055f, 0.573136f, 0.573216f, 0.573297f, 0.573378f, 0.573459f, 0.573539f, 0.57362f, 0.573701f, 0.573781f, 0.573862f, 0.573943f, 0.574024f, 0.574104f, 0.574185f, 0.574266f, 0.574346f, 0.574427f, 0.574508f, 0.574588f,
-0.574669f, 0.574749f, 0.57483f, 0.574911f, 0.574991f, 0.575072f, 0.575152f, 0.575233f, 0.575314f, 0.575394f, 0.575475f, 0.575555f, 0.575636f, 0.575716f, 0.575797f, 0.575878f, 0.575958f, 0.576039f, 0.576119f, 0.5762f,
-0.57628f, 0.576361f, 0.576441f, 0.576521f, 0.576602f, 0.576682f, 0.576763f, 0.576843f, 0.576924f, 0.577004f, 0.577085f, 0.577165f, 0.577245f, 0.577326f, 0.577406f, 0.577487f, 0.577567f, 0.577647f, 0.577728f, 0.577808f,
-0.577888f, 0.577969f, 0.578049f, 0.578129f, 0.57821f, 0.57829f, 0.57837f, 0.578451f, 0.578531f, 0.578611f, 0.578691f, 0.578772f, 0.578852f, 0.578932f, 0.579013f, 0.579093f, 0.579173f, 0.579253f, 0.579333f, 0.579414f,
-0.579494f, 0.579574f, 0.579654f, 0.579734f, 0.579815f, 0.579895f, 0.579975f, 0.580055f, 0.580135f, 0.580215f, 0.580296f, 0.580376f, 0.580456f, 0.580536f, 0.580616f, 0.580696f, 0.580776f, 0.580856f, 0.580936f, 0.581016f,
-0.581097f, 0.581177f, 0.581257f, 0.581337f, 0.581417f, 0.581497f, 0.581577f, 0.581657f, 0.581737f, 0.581817f, 0.581897f, 0.581977f, 0.582057f, 0.582137f, 0.582217f, 0.582297f, 0.582377f, 0.582457f, 0.582536f, 0.582616f,
-0.582696f, 0.582776f, 0.582856f, 0.582936f, 0.583016f, 0.583096f, 0.583176f, 0.583256f, 0.583335f, 0.583415f, 0.583495f, 0.583575f, 0.583655f, 0.583735f, 0.583814f, 0.583894f, 0.583974f, 0.584054f, 0.584134f, 0.584213f,
-0.584293f, 0.584373f, 0.584453f, 0.584533f, 0.584612f, 0.584692f, 0.584772f, 0.584851f, 0.584931f, 0.585011f, 0.585091f, 0.58517f, 0.58525f, 0.58533f, 0.585409f, 0.585489f, 0.585569f, 0.585648f, 0.585728f, 0.585808f,
-0.585887f, 0.585967f, 0.586046f, 0.586126f, 0.586206f, 0.586285f, 0.586365f, 0.586444f, 0.586524f, 0.586604f, 0.586683f, 0.586763f, 0.586842f, 0.586922f, 0.587001f, 0.587081f, 0.58716f, 0.58724f, 0.587319f, 0.587399f,
-0.587478f, 0.587558f, 0.587637f, 0.587717f, 0.587796f, 0.587876f, 0.587955f, 0.588035f, 0.588114f, 0.588193f, 0.588273f, 0.588352f, 0.588432f, 0.588511f, 0.58859f, 0.58867f, 0.588749f, 0.588829f, 0.588908f, 0.588987f,
-0.589067f, 0.589146f, 0.589225f, 0.589305f, 0.589384f, 0.589463f, 0.589543f, 0.589622f, 0.589701f, 0.58978f, 0.58986f, 0.589939f, 0.590018f, 0.590097f, 0.590177f, 0.590256f, 0.590335f, 0.590414f, 0.590494f, 0.590573f,
-0.590652f, 0.590731f, 0.59081f, 0.590889f, 0.590969f, 0.591048f, 0.591127f, 0.591206f, 0.591285f, 0.591364f, 0.591443f, 0.591523f, 0.591602f, 0.591681f, 0.59176f, 0.591839f, 0.591918f, 0.591997f, 0.592076f, 0.592155f,
-0.592234f, 0.592313f, 0.592392f, 0.592471f, 0.59255f, 0.592629f, 0.592708f, 0.592787f, 0.592866f, 0.592945f, 0.593024f, 0.593103f, 0.593182f, 0.593261f, 0.59334f, 0.593419f, 0.593498f, 0.593577f, 0.593656f, 0.593735f,
-0.593814f, 0.593893f, 0.593972f, 0.59405f, 0.594129f, 0.594208f, 0.594287f, 0.594366f, 0.594445f, 0.594524f, 0.594602f, 0.594681f, 0.59476f, 0.594839f, 0.594918f, 0.594997f, 0.595075f, 0.595154f, 0.595233f, 0.595312f,
-0.59539f, 0.595469f, 0.595548f, 0.595627f, 0.595705f, 0.595784f, 0.595863f, 0.595941f, 0.59602f, 0.596099f, 0.596178f, 0.596256f, 0.596335f, 0.596414f, 0.596492f, 0.596571f, 0.596649f, 0.596728f, 0.596807f, 0.596885f,
-0.596964f, 0.597043f, 0.597121f, 0.5972f, 0.597278f, 0.597357f, 0.597435f, 0.597514f, 0.597593f, 0.597671f, 0.59775f, 0.597828f, 0.597907f, 0.597985f, 0.598064f, 0.598142f, 0.598221f, 0.598299f, 0.598378f, 0.598456f,
-0.598535f, 0.598613f, 0.598692f, 0.59877f, 0.598848f, 0.598927f, 0.599005f, 0.599084f, 0.599162f, 0.59924f, 0.599319f, 0.599397f, 0.599476f, 0.599554f, 0.599632f, 0.599711f, 0.599789f, 0.599867f, 0.599946f, 0.600024f,
-0.600102f, 0.600181f, 0.600259f, 0.600337f, 0.600416f, 0.600494f, 0.600572f, 0.60065f, 0.600729f, 0.600807f, 0.600885f, 0.600963f, 0.601042f, 0.60112f, 0.601198f, 0.601276f, 0.601354f, 0.601433f, 0.601511f, 0.601589f,
-0.601667f, 0.601745f, 0.601823f, 0.601902f, 0.60198f, 0.602058f, 0.602136f, 0.602214f, 0.602292f, 0.60237f, 0.602448f, 0.602526f, 0.602605f, 0.602683f, 0.602761f, 0.602839f, 0.602917f, 0.602995f, 0.603073f, 0.603151f,
-0.603229f, 0.603307f, 0.603385f, 0.603463f, 0.603541f, 0.603619f, 0.603697f, 0.603775f, 0.603853f, 0.603931f, 0.604009f, 0.604087f, 0.604164f, 0.604242f, 0.60432f, 0.604398f, 0.604476f, 0.604554f, 0.604632f, 0.60471f,
-0.604788f, 0.604866f, 0.604943f, 0.605021f, 0.605099f, 0.605177f, 0.605255f, 0.605333f, 0.60541f, 0.605488f, 0.605566f, 0.605644f, 0.605721f, 0.605799f, 0.605877f, 0.605955f, 0.606033f, 0.60611f, 0.606188f, 0.606266f,
-0.606343f, 0.606421f, 0.606499f, 0.606577f, 0.606654f, 0.606732f, 0.60681f, 0.606887f, 0.606965f, 0.607043f, 0.60712f, 0.607198f, 0.607275f, 0.607353f, 0.607431f, 0.607508f, 0.607586f, 0.607664f, 0.607741f, 0.607819f,
-0.607896f, 0.607974f, 0.608051f, 0.608129f, 0.608206f, 0.608284f, 0.608361f, 0.608439f, 0.608517f, 0.608594f, 0.608672f, 0.608749f, 0.608826f, 0.608904f, 0.608981f, 0.609059f, 0.609136f, 0.609214f, 0.609291f, 0.609369f,
-0.609446f, 0.609523f, 0.609601f, 0.609678f, 0.609756f, 0.609833f, 0.60991f, 0.609988f, 0.610065f, 0.610142f, 0.61022f, 0.610297f, 0.610374f, 0.610452f, 0.610529f, 0.610606f, 0.610684f, 0.610761f, 0.610838f, 0.610916f,
-0.610993f, 0.61107f, 0.611147f, 0.611225f, 0.611302f, 0.611379f, 0.611456f, 0.611533f, 0.611611f, 0.611688f, 0.611765f, 0.611842f, 0.611919f, 0.611997f, 0.612074f, 0.612151f, 0.612228f, 0.612305f, 0.612382f, 0.612459f,
-0.612537f, 0.612614f, 0.612691f, 0.612768f, 0.612845f, 0.612922f, 0.612999f, 0.613076f, 0.613153f, 0.61323f, 0.613307f, 0.613384f, 0.613461f, 0.613538f, 0.613615f, 0.613692f, 0.613769f, 0.613846f, 0.613923f, 0.614f,
-0.614077f, 0.614154f, 0.614231f, 0.614308f, 0.614385f, 0.614462f, 0.614539f, 0.614616f, 0.614693f, 0.61477f, 0.614847f, 0.614923f, 0.615f, 0.615077f, 0.615154f, 0.615231f, 0.615308f, 0.615385f, 0.615461f, 0.615538f,
-0.615615f, 0.615692f, 0.615769f, 0.615845f, 0.615922f, 0.615999f, 0.616076f, 0.616152f, 0.616229f, 0.616306f, 0.616383f, 0.616459f, 0.616536f, 0.616613f, 0.61669f, 0.616766f, 0.616843f, 0.61692f, 0.616996f, 0.617073f,
-0.61715f, 0.617226f, 0.617303f, 0.61738f, 0.617456f, 0.617533f, 0.617609f, 0.617686f, 0.617763f, 0.617839f, 0.617916f, 0.617992f, 0.618069f, 0.618145f, 0.618222f, 0.618299f, 0.618375f, 0.618452f, 0.618528f, 0.618605f,
-0.618681f, 0.618758f, 0.618834f, 0.618911f, 0.618987f, 0.619064f, 0.61914f, 0.619217f, 0.619293f, 0.619369f, 0.619446f, 0.619522f, 0.619599f, 0.619675f, 0.619751f, 0.619828f, 0.619904f, 0.619981f, 0.620057f, 0.620133f,
-0.62021f, 0.620286f, 0.620362f, 0.620439f, 0.620515f, 0.620591f, 0.620668f, 0.620744f, 0.62082f, 0.620897f, 0.620973f, 0.621049f, 0.621125f, 0.621202f, 0.621278f, 0.621354f, 0.62143f, 0.621507f, 0.621583f, 0.621659f,
-0.621735f, 0.621811f, 0.621888f, 0.621964f, 0.62204f, 0.622116f, 0.622192f, 0.622268f, 0.622344f, 0.622421f, 0.622497f, 0.622573f, 0.622649f, 0.622725f, 0.622801f, 0.622877f, 0.622953f, 0.623029f, 0.623105f, 0.623181f,
-0.623258f, 0.623334f, 0.62341f, 0.623486f, 0.623562f, 0.623638f, 0.623714f, 0.62379f, 0.623866f, 0.623942f, 0.624018f, 0.624094f, 0.624169f, 0.624245f, 0.624321f, 0.624397f, 0.624473f, 0.624549f, 0.624625f, 0.624701f,
-0.624777f, 0.624853f, 0.624929f, 0.625004f, 0.62508f, 0.625156f, 0.625232f, 0.625308f, 0.625384f, 0.62546f, 0.625535f, 0.625611f, 0.625687f, 0.625763f, 0.625838f, 0.625914f, 0.62599f, 0.626066f, 0.626142f, 0.626217f,
-0.626293f, 0.626369f, 0.626444f, 0.62652f, 0.626596f, 0.626672f, 0.626747f, 0.626823f, 0.626899f, 0.626974f, 0.62705f, 0.627126f, 0.627201f, 0.627277f, 0.627353f, 0.627428f, 0.627504f, 0.627579f, 0.627655f, 0.627731f,
-0.627806f, 0.627882f, 0.627957f, 0.628033f, 0.628108f, 0.628184f, 0.628259f, 0.628335f, 0.62841f, 0.628486f, 0.628561f, 0.628637f, 0.628712f, 0.628788f, 0.628863f, 0.628939f, 0.629014f, 0.62909f, 0.629165f, 0.629241f,
-0.629316f, 0.629392f, 0.629467f, 0.629542f, 0.629618f, 0.629693f, 0.629768f, 0.629844f, 0.629919f, 0.629995f, 0.63007f, 0.630145f, 0.630221f, 0.630296f, 0.630371f, 0.630447f, 0.630522f, 0.630597f, 0.630672f, 0.630748f,
-0.630823f, 0.630898f, 0.630973f, 0.631049f, 0.631124f, 0.631199f, 0.631274f, 0.63135f, 0.631425f, 0.6315f, 0.631575f, 0.63165f, 0.631726f, 0.631801f, 0.631876f, 0.631951f, 0.632026f, 0.632101f, 0.632176f, 0.632252f,
-0.632327f, 0.632402f, 0.632477f, 0.632552f, 0.632627f, 0.632702f, 0.632777f, 0.632852f, 0.632927f, 0.633002f, 0.633077f, 0.633152f, 0.633227f, 0.633302f, 0.633377f, 0.633452f, 0.633527f, 0.633602f, 0.633677f, 0.633752f,
-0.633827f, 0.633902f, 0.633977f, 0.634052f, 0.634127f, 0.634202f, 0.634277f, 0.634352f, 0.634427f, 0.634502f, 0.634576f, 0.634651f, 0.634726f, 0.634801f, 0.634876f, 0.634951f, 0.635026f, 0.6351f, 0.635175f, 0.63525f,
-0.635325f, 0.6354f, 0.635474f, 0.635549f, 0.635624f, 0.635699f, 0.635773f, 0.635848f, 0.635923f, 0.635998f, 0.636072f, 0.636147f, 0.636222f, 0.636296f, 0.636371f, 0.636446f, 0.63652f, 0.636595f, 0.63667f, 0.636744f,
-0.636819f, 0.636894f, 0.636968f, 0.637043f, 0.637118f, 0.637192f, 0.637267f, 0.637341f, 0.637416f, 0.63749f, 0.637565f, 0.63764f, 0.637714f, 0.637789f, 0.637863f, 0.637938f, 0.638012f, 0.638087f, 0.638161f, 0.638236f,
-0.63831f, 0.638385f, 0.638459f, 0.638534f, 0.638608f, 0.638683f, 0.638757f, 0.638831f, 0.638906f, 0.63898f, 0.639055f, 0.639129f, 0.639203f, 0.639278f, 0.639352f, 0.639427f, 0.639501f, 0.639575f, 0.63965f, 0.639724f,
-0.639798f, 0.639873f, 0.639947f, 0.640021f, 0.640095f, 0.64017f, 0.640244f, 0.640318f, 0.640393f, 0.640467f, 0.640541f, 0.640615f, 0.64069f, 0.640764f, 0.640838f, 0.640912f, 0.640986f, 0.641061f, 0.641135f, 0.641209f,
-0.641283f, 0.641357f, 0.641431f, 0.641506f, 0.64158f, 0.641654f, 0.641728f, 0.641802f, 0.641876f, 0.64195f, 0.642024f, 0.642098f, 0.642172f, 0.642246f, 0.642321f, 0.642395f, 0.642469f, 0.642543f, 0.642617f, 0.642691f,
-0.642765f, 0.642839f, 0.642913f, 0.642987f, 0.643061f, 0.643135f, 0.643209f, 0.643283f, 0.643356f, 0.64343f, 0.643504f, 0.643578f, 0.643652f, 0.643726f, 0.6438f, 0.643874f, 0.643948f, 0.644022f, 0.644095f, 0.644169f,
-0.644243f, 0.644317f, 0.644391f, 0.644465f, 0.644538f, 0.644612f, 0.644686f, 0.64476f, 0.644834f, 0.644907f, 0.644981f, 0.645055f, 0.645129f, 0.645202f, 0.645276f, 0.64535f, 0.645424f, 0.645497f, 0.645571f, 0.645645f,
-0.645718f, 0.645792f, 0.645866f, 0.645939f, 0.646013f, 0.646087f, 0.64616f, 0.646234f, 0.646308f, 0.646381f, 0.646455f, 0.646528f, 0.646602f, 0.646676f, 0.646749f, 0.646823f, 0.646896f, 0.64697f, 0.647043f, 0.647117f,
-0.64719f, 0.647264f, 0.647337f, 0.647411f, 0.647484f, 0.647558f, 0.647631f, 0.647705f, 0.647778f, 0.647852f, 0.647925f, 0.647999f, 0.648072f, 0.648146f, 0.648219f, 0.648292f, 0.648366f, 0.648439f, 0.648513f, 0.648586f,
-0.648659f, 0.648733f, 0.648806f, 0.648879f, 0.648953f, 0.649026f, 0.649099f, 0.649173f, 0.649246f, 0.649319f, 0.649393f, 0.649466f, 0.649539f, 0.649612f, 0.649686f, 0.649759f, 0.649832f, 0.649905f, 0.649978f, 0.650052f,
-0.650125f, 0.650198f, 0.650271f, 0.650344f, 0.650418f, 0.650491f, 0.650564f, 0.650637f, 0.65071f, 0.650783f, 0.650857f, 0.65093f, 0.651003f, 0.651076f, 0.651149f, 0.651222f, 0.651295f, 0.651368f, 0.651441f, 0.651514f,
-0.651587f, 0.65166f, 0.651733f, 0.651806f, 0.651879f, 0.651952f, 0.652025f, 0.652098f, 0.652171f, 0.652244f, 0.652317f, 0.65239f, 0.652463f, 0.652536f, 0.652609f, 0.652682f, 0.652755f, 0.652828f, 0.652901f, 0.652974f,
-0.653046f, 0.653119f, 0.653192f, 0.653265f, 0.653338f, 0.653411f, 0.653484f, 0.653556f, 0.653629f, 0.653702f, 0.653775f, 0.653848f, 0.65392f, 0.653993f, 0.654066f, 0.654139f, 0.654211f, 0.654284f, 0.654357f, 0.65443f,
-0.654502f, 0.654575f, 0.654648f, 0.65472f, 0.654793f, 0.654866f, 0.654939f, 0.655011f, 0.655084f, 0.655156f, 0.655229f, 0.655302f, 0.655374f, 0.655447f, 0.65552f, 0.655592f, 0.655665f, 0.655737f, 0.65581f, 0.655882f,
-0.655955f, 0.656028f, 0.6561f, 0.656173f, 0.656245f, 0.656318f, 0.65639f, 0.656463f, 0.656535f, 0.656608f, 0.65668f, 0.656753f, 0.656825f, 0.656898f, 0.65697f, 0.657042f, 0.657115f, 0.657187f, 0.65726f, 0.657332f,
-0.657404f, 0.657477f, 0.657549f, 0.657622f, 0.657694f, 0.657766f, 0.657839f, 0.657911f, 0.657983f, 0.658056f, 0.658128f, 0.6582f, 0.658273f, 0.658345f, 0.658417f, 0.658489f, 0.658562f, 0.658634f, 0.658706f, 0.658778f,
-0.658851f, 0.658923f, 0.658995f, 0.659067f, 0.659139f, 0.659212f, 0.659284f, 0.659356f, 0.659428f, 0.6595f, 0.659572f, 0.659645f, 0.659717f, 0.659789f, 0.659861f, 0.659933f, 0.660005f, 0.660077f, 0.660149f, 0.660221f,
-0.660293f, 0.660366f, 0.660438f, 0.66051f, 0.660582f, 0.660654f, 0.660726f, 0.660798f, 0.66087f, 0.660942f, 0.661014f, 0.661086f, 0.661158f, 0.66123f, 0.661302f, 0.661373f, 0.661445f, 0.661517f, 0.661589f, 0.661661f,
-0.661733f, 0.661805f, 0.661877f, 0.661949f, 0.662021f, 0.662092f, 0.662164f, 0.662236f, 0.662308f, 0.66238f, 0.662452f, 0.662523f, 0.662595f, 0.662667f, 0.662739f, 0.662811f, 0.662882f, 0.662954f, 0.663026f, 0.663098f,
-0.663169f, 0.663241f, 0.663313f, 0.663385f, 0.663456f, 0.663528f, 0.6636f, 0.663671f, 0.663743f, 0.663815f, 0.663886f, 0.663958f, 0.66403f, 0.664101f, 0.664173f, 0.664244f, 0.664316f, 0.664388f, 0.664459f, 0.664531f,
-0.664602f, 0.664674f, 0.664746f, 0.664817f, 0.664889f, 0.66496f, 0.665032f, 0.665103f, 0.665175f, 0.665246f, 0.665318f, 0.665389f, 0.665461f, 0.665532f, 0.665604f, 0.665675f, 0.665746f, 0.665818f, 0.665889f, 0.665961f,
-0.666032f, 0.666104f, 0.666175f, 0.666246f, 0.666318f, 0.666389f, 0.66646f, 0.666532f, 0.666603f, 0.666674f, 0.666746f, 0.666817f, 0.666888f, 0.66696f, 0.667031f, 0.667102f, 0.667173f, 0.667245f, 0.667316f, 0.667387f,
-0.667459f, 0.66753f, 0.667601f, 0.667672f, 0.667743f, 0.667815f, 0.667886f, 0.667957f, 0.668028f, 0.668099f, 0.66817f, 0.668242f, 0.668313f, 0.668384f, 0.668455f, 0.668526f, 0.668597f, 0.668668f, 0.668739f, 0.668811f,
-0.668882f, 0.668953f, 0.669024f, 0.669095f, 0.669166f, 0.669237f, 0.669308f, 0.669379f, 0.66945f, 0.669521f, 0.669592f, 0.669663f, 0.669734f, 0.669805f, 0.669876f, 0.669947f, 0.670018f, 0.670089f, 0.67016f, 0.67023f,
-0.670301f, 0.670372f, 0.670443f, 0.670514f, 0.670585f, 0.670656f, 0.670727f, 0.670797f, 0.670868f, 0.670939f, 0.67101f, 0.671081f, 0.671152f, 0.671222f, 0.671293f, 0.671364f, 0.671435f, 0.671506f, 0.671576f, 0.671647f,
-0.671718f, 0.671789f, 0.671859f, 0.67193f, 0.672001f, 0.672071f, 0.672142f, 0.672213f, 0.672283f, 0.672354f, 0.672425f, 0.672495f, 0.672566f, 0.672637f, 0.672707f, 0.672778f, 0.672849f, 0.672919f, 0.67299f, 0.67306f,
-0.673131f, 0.673201f, 0.673272f, 0.673343f, 0.673413f, 0.673484f, 0.673554f, 0.673625f, 0.673695f, 0.673766f, 0.673836f, 0.673907f, 0.673977f, 0.674048f, 0.674118f, 0.674188f, 0.674259f, 0.674329f, 0.6744f, 0.67447f,
-0.674541f, 0.674611f, 0.674681f, 0.674752f, 0.674822f, 0.674893f, 0.674963f, 0.675033f, 0.675104f, 0.675174f, 0.675244f, 0.675315f, 0.675385f, 0.675455f, 0.675525f, 0.675596f, 0.675666f, 0.675736f, 0.675807f, 0.675877f,
-0.675947f, 0.676017f, 0.676087f, 0.676158f, 0.676228f, 0.676298f, 0.676368f, 0.676438f, 0.676509f, 0.676579f, 0.676649f, 0.676719f, 0.676789f, 0.676859f, 0.676929f, 0.677f, 0.67707f, 0.67714f, 0.67721f, 0.67728f,
-0.67735f, 0.67742f, 0.67749f, 0.67756f, 0.67763f, 0.6777f, 0.67777f, 0.67784f, 0.67791f, 0.67798f, 0.67805f, 0.67812f, 0.67819f, 0.67826f, 0.67833f, 0.6784f, 0.67847f, 0.67854f, 0.67861f, 0.67868f,
-0.67875f, 0.67882f, 0.678889f, 0.678959f, 0.679029f, 0.679099f, 0.679169f, 0.679239f, 0.679309f, 0.679378f, 0.679448f, 0.679518f, 0.679588f, 0.679658f, 0.679727f, 0.679797f, 0.679867f, 0.679937f, 0.680006f, 0.680076f,
-0.680146f, 0.680216f, 0.680285f, 0.680355f, 0.680425f, 0.680495f, 0.680564f, 0.680634f, 0.680704f, 0.680773f, 0.680843f, 0.680912f, 0.680982f, 0.681052f, 0.681121f, 0.681191f, 0.681261f, 0.68133f, 0.6814f, 0.681469f,
-0.681539f, 0.681608f, 0.681678f, 0.681748f, 0.681817f, 0.681887f, 0.681956f, 0.682026f, 0.682095f, 0.682165f, 0.682234f, 0.682304f, 0.682373f, 0.682442f, 0.682512f, 0.682581f, 0.682651f, 0.68272f, 0.68279f, 0.682859f,
-0.682928f, 0.682998f, 0.683067f, 0.683137f, 0.683206f, 0.683275f, 0.683345f, 0.683414f, 0.683483f, 0.683553f, 0.683622f, 0.683691f, 0.68376f, 0.68383f, 0.683899f, 0.683968f, 0.684038f, 0.684107f, 0.684176f, 0.684245f,
-0.684314f, 0.684384f, 0.684453f, 0.684522f, 0.684591f, 0.68466f, 0.68473f, 0.684799f, 0.684868f, 0.684937f, 0.685006f, 0.685075f, 0.685145f, 0.685214f, 0.685283f, 0.685352f, 0.685421f, 0.68549f, 0.685559f, 0.685628f,
-0.685697f, 0.685766f, 0.685835f, 0.685904f, 0.685973f, 0.686042f, 0.686111f, 0.68618f, 0.686249f, 0.686318f, 0.686387f, 0.686456f, 0.686525f, 0.686594f, 0.686663f, 0.686732f, 0.686801f, 0.68687f, 0.686939f, 0.687008f,
-0.687076f, 0.687145f, 0.687214f, 0.687283f, 0.687352f, 0.687421f, 0.68749f, 0.687558f, 0.687627f, 0.687696f, 0.687765f, 0.687834f, 0.687902f, 0.687971f, 0.68804f, 0.688109f, 0.688177f, 0.688246f, 0.688315f, 0.688384f,
-0.688452f, 0.688521f, 0.68859f, 0.688658f, 0.688727f, 0.688796f, 0.688864f, 0.688933f, 0.689002f, 0.68907f, 0.689139f, 0.689208f, 0.689276f, 0.689345f, 0.689413f, 0.689482f, 0.689551f, 0.689619f, 0.689688f, 0.689756f,
-0.689825f, 0.689893f, 0.689962f, 0.69003f, 0.690099f, 0.690167f, 0.690236f, 0.690304f, 0.690373f, 0.690441f, 0.69051f, 0.690578f, 0.690647f, 0.690715f, 0.690783f, 0.690852f, 0.69092f, 0.690989f, 0.691057f, 0.691125f,
-0.691194f, 0.691262f, 0.691331f, 0.691399f, 0.691467f, 0.691536f, 0.691604f, 0.691672f, 0.69174f, 0.691809f, 0.691877f, 0.691945f, 0.692014f, 0.692082f, 0.69215f, 0.692218f, 0.692287f, 0.692355f, 0.692423f, 0.692491f,
-0.692559f, 0.692628f, 0.692696f, 0.692764f, 0.692832f, 0.6929f, 0.692968f, 0.693037f, 0.693105f, 0.693173f, 0.693241f, 0.693309f, 0.693377f, 0.693445f, 0.693513f, 0.693581f, 0.693649f, 0.693717f, 0.693785f, 0.693853f,
-0.693922f, 0.69399f, 0.694058f, 0.694126f, 0.694194f, 0.694261f, 0.694329f, 0.694397f, 0.694465f, 0.694533f, 0.694601f, 0.694669f, 0.694737f, 0.694805f, 0.694873f, 0.694941f, 0.695009f, 0.695077f, 0.695144f, 0.695212f,
-0.69528f, 0.695348f, 0.695416f, 0.695484f, 0.695551f, 0.695619f, 0.695687f, 0.695755f, 0.695823f, 0.69589f, 0.695958f, 0.696026f, 0.696094f, 0.696161f, 0.696229f, 0.696297f, 0.696365f, 0.696432f, 0.6965f, 0.696568f,
-0.696635f, 0.696703f, 0.696771f, 0.696838f, 0.696906f, 0.696974f, 0.697041f, 0.697109f, 0.697176f, 0.697244f, 0.697312f, 0.697379f, 0.697447f, 0.697514f, 0.697582f, 0.69765f, 0.697717f, 0.697785f, 0.697852f, 0.69792f,
-0.697987f, 0.698055f, 0.698122f, 0.69819f, 0.698257f, 0.698325f, 0.698392f, 0.698459f, 0.698527f, 0.698594f, 0.698662f, 0.698729f, 0.698796f, 0.698864f, 0.698931f, 0.698999f, 0.699066f, 0.699133f, 0.699201f, 0.699268f,
-0.699335f, 0.699403f, 0.69947f, 0.699537f, 0.699605f, 0.699672f, 0.699739f, 0.699806f, 0.699874f, 0.699941f, 0.700008f, 0.700075f, 0.700143f, 0.70021f, 0.700277f, 0.700344f, 0.700411f, 0.700479f, 0.700546f, 0.700613f,
-0.70068f, 0.700747f, 0.700814f, 0.700882f, 0.700949f, 0.701016f, 0.701083f, 0.70115f, 0.701217f, 0.701284f, 0.701351f, 0.701418f, 0.701485f, 0.701552f, 0.701619f, 0.701686f, 0.701753f, 0.70182f, 0.701887f, 0.701954f,
-0.702021f, 0.702088f, 0.702155f, 0.702222f, 0.702289f, 0.702356f, 0.702423f, 0.70249f, 0.702557f, 0.702624f, 0.702691f, 0.702758f, 0.702825f, 0.702891f, 0.702958f, 0.703025f, 0.703092f, 0.703159f, 0.703226f, 0.703292f,
-0.703359f, 0.703426f, 0.703493f, 0.70356f, 0.703626f, 0.703693f, 0.70376f, 0.703827f, 0.703893f, 0.70396f, 0.704027f, 0.704094f, 0.70416f, 0.704227f, 0.704294f, 0.70436f, 0.704427f, 0.704494f, 0.70456f, 0.704627f,
-0.704694f, 0.70476f, 0.704827f, 0.704893f, 0.70496f, 0.705027f, 0.705093f, 0.70516f, 0.705226f, 0.705293f, 0.705359f, 0.705426f, 0.705492f, 0.705559f, 0.705625f, 0.705692f, 0.705758f, 0.705825f, 0.705891f, 0.705958f,
-0.706024f, 0.706091f, 0.706157f, 0.706224f, 0.70629f, 0.706356f, 0.706423f, 0.706489f, 0.706556f, 0.706622f, 0.706688f, 0.706755f, 0.706821f, 0.706887f, 0.706954f, 0.70702f, 0.707086f, 0.707153f, 0.707219f, 0.707285f,
-0.707352f, 0.707418f, 0.707484f, 0.70755f, 0.707617f, 0.707683f, 0.707749f, 0.707815f, 0.707881f, 0.707948f, 0.708014f, 0.70808f, 0.708146f, 0.708212f, 0.708279f, 0.708345f, 0.708411f, 0.708477f, 0.708543f, 0.708609f,
-0.708675f, 0.708741f, 0.708807f, 0.708874f, 0.70894f, 0.709006f, 0.709072f, 0.709138f, 0.709204f, 0.70927f, 0.709336f, 0.709402f, 0.709468f, 0.709534f, 0.7096f, 0.709666f, 0.709732f, 0.709798f, 0.709864f, 0.70993f,
-0.709995f, 0.710061f, 0.710127f, 0.710193f, 0.710259f, 0.710325f, 0.710391f, 0.710457f, 0.710523f, 0.710588f, 0.710654f, 0.71072f, 0.710786f, 0.710852f, 0.710917f, 0.710983f, 0.711049f, 0.711115f, 0.711181f, 0.711246f,
-0.711312f, 0.711378f, 0.711444f, 0.711509f, 0.711575f, 0.711641f, 0.711706f, 0.711772f, 0.711838f, 0.711903f, 0.711969f, 0.712035f, 0.7121f, 0.712166f, 0.712232f, 0.712297f, 0.712363f, 0.712428f, 0.712494f, 0.71256f,
-0.712625f, 0.712691f, 0.712756f, 0.712822f, 0.712887f, 0.712953f, 0.713018f, 0.713084f, 0.713149f, 0.713215f, 0.71328f, 0.713346f, 0.713411f, 0.713477f, 0.713542f, 0.713608f, 0.713673f, 0.713739f, 0.713804f, 0.713869f,
-0.713935f, 0.714f, 0.714066f, 0.714131f, 0.714196f, 0.714262f, 0.714327f, 0.714392f, 0.714458f, 0.714523f, 0.714588f, 0.714654f, 0.714719f, 0.714784f, 0.714849f, 0.714915f, 0.71498f, 0.715045f, 0.71511f, 0.715176f,
-0.715241f, 0.715306f, 0.715371f, 0.715436f, 0.715502f, 0.715567f, 0.715632f, 0.715697f, 0.715762f, 0.715827f, 0.715892f, 0.715958f, 0.716023f, 0.716088f, 0.716153f, 0.716218f, 0.716283f, 0.716348f, 0.716413f, 0.716478f,
-0.716543f, 0.716608f, 0.716673f, 0.716738f, 0.716803f, 0.716868f, 0.716933f, 0.716998f, 0.717063f, 0.717128f, 0.717193f, 0.717258f, 0.717323f, 0.717388f, 0.717453f, 0.717518f, 0.717583f, 0.717647f, 0.717712f, 0.717777f,
-0.717842f, 0.717907f, 0.717972f, 0.718037f, 0.718101f, 0.718166f, 0.718231f, 0.718296f, 0.718361f, 0.718425f, 0.71849f, 0.718555f, 0.71862f, 0.718684f, 0.718749f, 0.718814f, 0.718879f, 0.718943f, 0.719008f, 0.719073f,
-0.719137f, 0.719202f, 0.719267f, 0.719331f, 0.719396f, 0.719461f, 0.719525f, 0.71959f, 0.719654f, 0.719719f, 0.719784f, 0.719848f, 0.719913f, 0.719977f, 0.720042f, 0.720106f, 0.720171f, 0.720236f, 0.7203f, 0.720365f,
-0.720429f, 0.720494f, 0.720558f, 0.720622f, 0.720687f, 0.720751f, 0.720816f, 0.72088f, 0.720945f, 0.721009f, 0.721074f, 0.721138f, 0.721202f, 0.721267f, 0.721331f, 0.721395f, 0.72146f, 0.721524f, 0.721588f, 0.721653f,
-0.721717f, 0.721781f, 0.721846f, 0.72191f, 0.721974f, 0.722039f, 0.722103f, 0.722167f, 0.722231f, 0.722296f, 0.72236f, 0.722424f, 0.722488f, 0.722552f, 0.722617f, 0.722681f, 0.722745f, 0.722809f, 0.722873f, 0.722937f,
-0.723002f, 0.723066f, 0.72313f, 0.723194f, 0.723258f, 0.723322f, 0.723386f, 0.72345f, 0.723514f, 0.723578f, 0.723643f, 0.723707f, 0.723771f, 0.723835f, 0.723899f, 0.723963f, 0.724027f, 0.724091f, 0.724155f, 0.724219f,
-0.724283f, 0.724346f, 0.72441f, 0.724474f, 0.724538f, 0.724602f, 0.724666f, 0.72473f, 0.724794f, 0.724858f, 0.724922f, 0.724985f, 0.725049f, 0.725113f, 0.725177f, 0.725241f, 0.725305f, 0.725368f, 0.725432f, 0.725496f,
-0.72556f, 0.725624f, 0.725687f, 0.725751f, 0.725815f, 0.725879f, 0.725942f, 0.726006f, 0.72607f, 0.726133f, 0.726197f, 0.726261f, 0.726324f, 0.726388f, 0.726452f, 0.726515f, 0.726579f, 0.726643f, 0.726706f, 0.72677f,
-0.726833f, 0.726897f, 0.726961f, 0.727024f, 0.727088f, 0.727151f, 0.727215f, 0.727278f, 0.727342f, 0.727405f, 0.727469f, 0.727532f, 0.727596f, 0.727659f, 0.727723f, 0.727786f, 0.72785f, 0.727913f, 0.727977f, 0.72804f,
-0.728103f, 0.728167f, 0.72823f, 0.728294f, 0.728357f, 0.72842f, 0.728484f, 0.728547f, 0.72861f, 0.728674f, 0.728737f, 0.7288f, 0.728864f, 0.728927f, 0.72899f, 0.729054f, 0.729117f, 0.72918f, 0.729243f, 0.729307f,
-0.72937f, 0.729433f, 0.729496f, 0.72956f, 0.729623f, 0.729686f, 0.729749f, 0.729812f, 0.729875f, 0.729939f, 0.730002f, 0.730065f, 0.730128f, 0.730191f, 0.730254f, 0.730317f, 0.73038f, 0.730443f, 0.730507f, 0.73057f,
-0.730633f, 0.730696f, 0.730759f, 0.730822f, 0.730885f, 0.730948f, 0.731011f, 0.731074f, 0.731137f, 0.7312f, 0.731263f, 0.731326f, 0.731389f, 0.731451f, 0.731514f, 0.731577f, 0.73164f, 0.731703f, 0.731766f, 0.731829f,
-0.731892f, 0.731955f, 0.732017f, 0.73208f, 0.732143f, 0.732206f, 0.732269f, 0.732332f, 0.732394f, 0.732457f, 0.73252f, 0.732583f, 0.732645f, 0.732708f, 0.732771f, 0.732834f, 0.732896f, 0.732959f, 0.733022f, 0.733085f,
-0.733147f, 0.73321f, 0.733273f, 0.733335f, 0.733398f, 0.73346f, 0.733523f, 0.733586f, 0.733648f, 0.733711f, 0.733774f, 0.733836f, 0.733899f, 0.733961f, 0.734024f, 0.734086f, 0.734149f, 0.734211f, 0.734274f, 0.734336f,
-0.734399f, 0.734461f, 0.734524f, 0.734586f, 0.734649f, 0.734711f, 0.734774f, 0.734836f, 0.734899f, 0.734961f, 0.735024f, 0.735086f, 0.735148f, 0.735211f, 0.735273f, 0.735335f, 0.735398f, 0.73546f, 0.735522f, 0.735585f,
-0.735647f, 0.735709f, 0.735772f, 0.735834f, 0.735896f, 0.735959f, 0.736021f, 0.736083f, 0.736145f, 0.736208f, 0.73627f, 0.736332f, 0.736394f, 0.736456f, 0.736519f, 0.736581f, 0.736643f, 0.736705f, 0.736767f, 0.736829f,
-0.736892f, 0.736954f, 0.737016f, 0.737078f, 0.73714f, 0.737202f, 0.737264f, 0.737326f, 0.737388f, 0.73745f, 0.737512f, 0.737574f, 0.737636f, 0.737699f, 0.737761f, 0.737823f, 0.737884f, 0.737946f, 0.738008f, 0.73807f,
-0.738132f, 0.738194f, 0.738256f, 0.738318f, 0.73838f, 0.738442f, 0.738504f, 0.738566f, 0.738628f, 0.73869f, 0.738751f, 0.738813f, 0.738875f, 0.738937f, 0.738999f, 0.739061f, 0.739122f, 0.739184f, 0.739246f, 0.739308f,
-0.739369f, 0.739431f, 0.739493f, 0.739555f, 0.739616f, 0.739678f, 0.73974f, 0.739802f, 0.739863f, 0.739925f, 0.739987f, 0.740048f, 0.74011f, 0.740172f, 0.740233f, 0.740295f, 0.740356f, 0.740418f, 0.74048f, 0.740541f,
-0.740603f, 0.740664f, 0.740726f, 0.740788f, 0.740849f, 0.740911f, 0.740972f, 0.741034f, 0.741095f, 0.741157f, 0.741218f, 0.74128f, 0.741341f, 0.741403f, 0.741464f, 0.741525f, 0.741587f, 0.741648f, 0.74171f, 0.741771f,
-0.741833f, 0.741894f, 0.741955f, 0.742017f, 0.742078f, 0.742139f, 0.742201f, 0.742262f, 0.742323f, 0.742385f, 0.742446f, 0.742507f, 0.742569f, 0.74263f, 0.742691f, 0.742752f, 0.742814f, 0.742875f, 0.742936f, 0.742997f,
-0.743059f, 0.74312f, 0.743181f, 0.743242f, 0.743303f, 0.743364f, 0.743426f, 0.743487f, 0.743548f, 0.743609f, 0.74367f, 0.743731f, 0.743792f, 0.743853f, 0.743915f, 0.743976f, 0.744037f, 0.744098f, 0.744159f, 0.74422f,
-0.744281f, 0.744342f, 0.744403f, 0.744464f, 0.744525f, 0.744586f, 0.744647f, 0.744708f, 0.744769f, 0.74483f, 0.744891f, 0.744951f, 0.745012f, 0.745073f, 0.745134f, 0.745195f, 0.745256f, 0.745317f, 0.745378f, 0.745439f,
-0.745499f, 0.74556f, 0.745621f, 0.745682f, 0.745743f, 0.745803f, 0.745864f, 0.745925f, 0.745986f, 0.746047f, 0.746107f, 0.746168f, 0.746229f, 0.746289f, 0.74635f, 0.746411f, 0.746472f, 0.746532f, 0.746593f, 0.746654f,
-0.746714f, 0.746775f, 0.746836f, 0.746896f, 0.746957f, 0.747017f, 0.747078f, 0.747139f, 0.747199f, 0.74726f, 0.74732f, 0.747381f, 0.747441f, 0.747502f, 0.747562f, 0.747623f, 0.747683f, 0.747744f, 0.747804f, 0.747865f,
-0.747925f, 0.747986f, 0.748046f, 0.748107f, 0.748167f, 0.748228f, 0.748288f, 0.748348f, 0.748409f, 0.748469f, 0.748529f, 0.74859f, 0.74865f, 0.748711f, 0.748771f, 0.748831f, 0.748892f, 0.748952f, 0.749012f, 0.749072f,
-0.749133f, 0.749193f, 0.749253f, 0.749314f, 0.749374f, 0.749434f, 0.749494f, 0.749554f, 0.749615f, 0.749675f, 0.749735f, 0.749795f, 0.749855f, 0.749916f, 0.749976f, 0.750036f, 0.750096f, 0.750156f, 0.750216f, 0.750276f,
-0.750336f, 0.750396f, 0.750457f, 0.750517f, 0.750577f, 0.750637f, 0.750697f, 0.750757f, 0.750817f, 0.750877f, 0.750937f, 0.750997f, 0.751057f, 0.751117f, 0.751177f, 0.751237f, 0.751297f, 0.751356f, 0.751416f, 0.751476f,
-0.751536f, 0.751596f, 0.751656f, 0.751716f, 0.751776f, 0.751836f, 0.751895f, 0.751955f, 0.752015f, 0.752075f, 0.752135f, 0.752195f, 0.752254f, 0.752314f, 0.752374f, 0.752434f, 0.752493f, 0.752553f, 0.752613f, 0.752673f,
-0.752732f, 0.752792f, 0.752852f, 0.752911f, 0.752971f, 0.753031f, 0.75309f, 0.75315f, 0.75321f, 0.753269f, 0.753329f, 0.753389f, 0.753448f, 0.753508f, 0.753567f, 0.753627f, 0.753687f, 0.753746f, 0.753806f, 0.753865f,
-0.753925f, 0.753984f, 0.754044f, 0.754103f, 0.754163f, 0.754222f, 0.754282f, 0.754341f, 0.754401f, 0.75446f, 0.754519f, 0.754579f, 0.754638f, 0.754698f, 0.754757f, 0.754817f, 0.754876f, 0.754935f, 0.754995f, 0.755054f,
-0.755113f, 0.755173f, 0.755232f, 0.755291f, 0.755351f, 0.75541f, 0.755469f, 0.755528f, 0.755588f, 0.755647f, 0.755706f, 0.755765f, 0.755825f, 0.755884f, 0.755943f, 0.756002f, 0.756061f, 0.756121f, 0.75618f, 0.756239f,
-0.756298f, 0.756357f, 0.756416f, 0.756476f, 0.756535f, 0.756594f, 0.756653f, 0.756712f, 0.756771f, 0.75683f, 0.756889f, 0.756948f, 0.757007f, 0.757066f, 0.757125f, 0.757184f, 0.757243f, 0.757302f, 0.757361f, 0.75742f,
-0.757479f, 0.757538f, 0.757597f, 0.757656f, 0.757715f, 0.757774f, 0.757833f, 0.757892f, 0.757951f, 0.758009f, 0.758068f, 0.758127f, 0.758186f, 0.758245f, 0.758304f, 0.758362f, 0.758421f, 0.75848f, 0.758539f, 0.758598f,
-0.758656f, 0.758715f, 0.758774f, 0.758833f, 0.758891f, 0.75895f, 0.759009f, 0.759068f, 0.759126f, 0.759185f, 0.759244f, 0.759302f, 0.759361f, 0.75942f, 0.759478f, 0.759537f, 0.759596f, 0.759654f, 0.759713f, 0.759771f,
-0.75983f, 0.759888f, 0.759947f, 0.760006f, 0.760064f, 0.760123f, 0.760181f, 0.76024f, 0.760298f, 0.760357f, 0.760415f, 0.760474f, 0.760532f, 0.760591f, 0.760649f, 0.760708f, 0.760766f, 0.760824f, 0.760883f, 0.760941f,
-0.761f, 0.761058f, 0.761116f, 0.761175f, 0.761233f, 0.761291f, 0.76135f, 0.761408f, 0.761466f, 0.761525f, 0.761583f, 0.761641f, 0.7617f, 0.761758f, 0.761816f, 0.761874f, 0.761933f, 0.761991f, 0.762049f, 0.762107f,
-0.762165f, 0.762224f, 0.762282f, 0.76234f, 0.762398f, 0.762456f, 0.762514f, 0.762573f, 0.762631f, 0.762689f, 0.762747f, 0.762805f, 0.762863f, 0.762921f, 0.762979f, 0.763037f, 0.763095f, 0.763153f, 0.763211f, 0.763269f,
-0.763327f, 0.763385f, 0.763443f, 0.763501f, 0.763559f, 0.763617f, 0.763675f, 0.763733f, 0.763791f, 0.763849f, 0.763907f, 0.763965f, 0.764023f, 0.764081f, 0.764139f, 0.764196f, 0.764254f, 0.764312f, 0.76437f, 0.764428f,
-0.764486f, 0.764544f, 0.764601f, 0.764659f, 0.764717f, 0.764775f, 0.764832f, 0.76489f, 0.764948f, 0.765006f, 0.765063f, 0.765121f, 0.765179f, 0.765236f, 0.765294f, 0.765352f, 0.76541f, 0.765467f, 0.765525f, 0.765582f,
-0.76564f, 0.765698f, 0.765755f, 0.765813f, 0.765871f, 0.765928f, 0.765986f, 0.766043f, 0.766101f, 0.766158f, 0.766216f, 0.766273f, 0.766331f, 0.766388f, 0.766446f, 0.766503f, 0.766561f, 0.766618f, 0.766676f, 0.766733f,
-0.766791f, 0.766848f, 0.766906f, 0.766963f, 0.76702f, 0.767078f, 0.767135f, 0.767192f, 0.76725f, 0.767307f, 0.767365f, 0.767422f, 0.767479f, 0.767537f, 0.767594f, 0.767651f, 0.767708f, 0.767766f, 0.767823f, 0.76788f,
-0.767937f, 0.767995f, 0.768052f, 0.768109f, 0.768166f, 0.768224f, 0.768281f, 0.768338f, 0.768395f, 0.768452f, 0.768509f, 0.768567f, 0.768624f, 0.768681f, 0.768738f, 0.768795f, 0.768852f, 0.768909f, 0.768966f, 0.769023f,
-0.76908f, 0.769137f, 0.769194f, 0.769251f, 0.769308f, 0.769365f, 0.769422f, 0.769479f, 0.769536f, 0.769593f, 0.76965f, 0.769707f, 0.769764f, 0.769821f, 0.769878f, 0.769935f, 0.769992f, 0.770049f, 0.770106f, 0.770163f,
-0.770219f, 0.770276f, 0.770333f, 0.77039f, 0.770447f, 0.770504f, 0.77056f, 0.770617f, 0.770674f, 0.770731f, 0.770787f, 0.770844f, 0.770901f, 0.770958f, 0.771014f, 0.771071f, 0.771128f, 0.771185f, 0.771241f, 0.771298f,
-0.771355f, 0.771411f, 0.771468f, 0.771525f, 0.771581f, 0.771638f, 0.771694f, 0.771751f, 0.771808f, 0.771864f, 0.771921f, 0.771977f, 0.772034f, 0.77209f, 0.772147f, 0.772203f, 0.77226f, 0.772316f, 0.772373f, 0.772429f,
-0.772486f, 0.772542f, 0.772599f, 0.772655f, 0.772712f, 0.772768f, 0.772825f, 0.772881f, 0.772937f, 0.772994f, 0.77305f, 0.773107f, 0.773163f, 0.773219f, 0.773276f, 0.773332f, 0.773388f, 0.773445f, 0.773501f, 0.773557f,
-0.773613f, 0.77367f, 0.773726f, 0.773782f, 0.773838f, 0.773895f, 0.773951f, 0.774007f, 0.774063f, 0.77412f, 0.774176f, 0.774232f, 0.774288f, 0.774344f, 0.7744f, 0.774456f, 0.774513f, 0.774569f, 0.774625f, 0.774681f,
-0.774737f, 0.774793f, 0.774849f, 0.774905f, 0.774961f, 0.775017f, 0.775073f, 0.775129f, 0.775185f, 0.775241f, 0.775297f, 0.775353f, 0.775409f, 0.775465f, 0.775521f, 0.775577f, 0.775633f, 0.775689f, 0.775745f, 0.775801f,
-0.775857f, 0.775913f, 0.775969f, 0.776024f, 0.77608f, 0.776136f, 0.776192f, 0.776248f, 0.776304f, 0.776359f, 0.776415f, 0.776471f, 0.776527f, 0.776582f, 0.776638f, 0.776694f, 0.77675f, 0.776805f, 0.776861f, 0.776917f,
-0.776973f, 0.777028f, 0.777084f, 0.77714f, 0.777195f, 0.777251f, 0.777307f, 0.777362f, 0.777418f, 0.777473f, 0.777529f, 0.777585f, 0.77764f, 0.777696f, 0.777751f, 0.777807f, 0.777862f, 0.777918f, 0.777974f, 0.778029f,
-0.778085f, 0.77814f, 0.778196f, 0.778251f, 0.778306f, 0.778362f, 0.778417f, 0.778473f, 0.778528f, 0.778584f, 0.778639f, 0.778694f, 0.77875f, 0.778805f, 0.778861f, 0.778916f, 0.778971f, 0.779027f, 0.779082f, 0.779137f,
-0.779193f, 0.779248f, 0.779303f, 0.779359f, 0.779414f, 0.779469f, 0.779524f, 0.77958f, 0.779635f, 0.77969f, 0.779745f, 0.7798f, 0.779856f, 0.779911f, 0.779966f, 0.780021f, 0.780076f, 0.780131f, 0.780187f, 0.780242f,
-0.780297f, 0.780352f, 0.780407f, 0.780462f, 0.780517f, 0.780572f, 0.780627f, 0.780682f, 0.780737f, 0.780792f, 0.780847f, 0.780902f, 0.780957f, 0.781012f, 0.781067f, 0.781122f, 0.781177f, 0.781232f, 0.781287f, 0.781342f,
-0.781397f, 0.781452f, 0.781507f, 0.781562f, 0.781617f, 0.781672f, 0.781726f, 0.781781f, 0.781836f, 0.781891f, 0.781946f, 0.782001f, 0.782055f, 0.78211f, 0.782165f, 0.78222f, 0.782274f, 0.782329f, 0.782384f, 0.782439f,
-0.782493f, 0.782548f, 0.782603f, 0.782658f, 0.782712f, 0.782767f, 0.782822f, 0.782876f, 0.782931f, 0.782986f, 0.78304f, 0.783095f, 0.783149f, 0.783204f, 0.783259f, 0.783313f, 0.783368f, 0.783422f, 0.783477f, 0.783531f,
-0.783586f, 0.78364f, 0.783695f, 0.783749f, 0.783804f, 0.783858f, 0.783913f, 0.783967f, 0.784022f, 0.784076f, 0.784131f, 0.784185f, 0.784239f, 0.784294f, 0.784348f, 0.784403f, 0.784457f, 0.784511f, 0.784566f, 0.78462f,
-0.784674f, 0.784729f, 0.784783f, 0.784837f, 0.784892f, 0.784946f, 0.785f, 0.785054f, 0.785109f, 0.785163f, 0.785217f, 0.785271f, 0.785326f, 0.78538f, 0.785434f, 0.785488f, 0.785542f, 0.785597f, 0.785651f, 0.785705f,
-0.785759f, 0.785813f, 0.785867f, 0.785921f, 0.785975f, 0.786029f, 0.786084f, 0.786138f, 0.786192f, 0.786246f, 0.7863f, 0.786354f, 0.786408f, 0.786462f, 0.786516f, 0.78657f, 0.786624f, 0.786678f, 0.786732f, 0.786786f,
-0.78684f, 0.786894f, 0.786947f, 0.787001f, 0.787055f, 0.787109f, 0.787163f, 0.787217f, 0.787271f, 0.787325f, 0.787378f, 0.787432f, 0.787486f, 0.78754f, 0.787594f, 0.787648f, 0.787701f, 0.787755f, 0.787809f, 0.787863f,
-0.787916f, 0.78797f, 0.788024f, 0.788077f, 0.788131f, 0.788185f, 0.788239f, 0.788292f, 0.788346f, 0.7884f, 0.788453f, 0.788507f, 0.78856f, 0.788614f, 0.788668f, 0.788721f, 0.788775f, 0.788828f, 0.788882f, 0.788936f,
-0.788989f, 0.789043f, 0.789096f, 0.78915f, 0.789203f, 0.789257f, 0.78931f, 0.789364f, 0.789417f, 0.789471f, 0.789524f, 0.789577f, 0.789631f, 0.789684f, 0.789738f, 0.789791f, 0.789844f, 0.789898f, 0.789951f, 0.790005f,
-0.790058f, 0.790111f, 0.790165f, 0.790218f, 0.790271f, 0.790325f, 0.790378f, 0.790431f, 0.790484f, 0.790538f, 0.790591f, 0.790644f, 0.790697f, 0.790751f, 0.790804f, 0.790857f, 0.79091f, 0.790963f, 0.791016f, 0.79107f,
-0.791123f, 0.791176f, 0.791229f, 0.791282f, 0.791335f, 0.791388f, 0.791441f, 0.791495f, 0.791548f, 0.791601f, 0.791654f, 0.791707f, 0.79176f, 0.791813f, 0.791866f, 0.791919f, 0.791972f, 0.792025f, 0.792078f, 0.792131f,
-0.792184f, 0.792237f, 0.79229f, 0.792342f, 0.792395f, 0.792448f, 0.792501f, 0.792554f, 0.792607f, 0.79266f, 0.792713f, 0.792765f, 0.792818f, 0.792871f, 0.792924f, 0.792977f, 0.79303f, 0.793082f, 0.793135f, 0.793188f,
-0.793241f, 0.793293f, 0.793346f, 0.793399f, 0.793452f, 0.793504f, 0.793557f, 0.79361f, 0.793662f, 0.793715f, 0.793768f, 0.79382f, 0.793873f, 0.793925f, 0.793978f, 0.794031f, 0.794083f, 0.794136f, 0.794188f, 0.794241f,
-0.794294f, 0.794346f, 0.794399f, 0.794451f, 0.794504f, 0.794556f, 0.794609f, 0.794661f, 0.794714f, 0.794766f, 0.794819f, 0.794871f, 0.794923f, 0.794976f, 0.795028f, 0.795081f, 0.795133f, 0.795185f, 0.795238f, 0.79529f,
-0.795343f, 0.795395f, 0.795447f, 0.7955f, 0.795552f, 0.795604f, 0.795656f, 0.795709f, 0.795761f, 0.795813f, 0.795866f, 0.795918f, 0.79597f, 0.796022f, 0.796074f, 0.796127f, 0.796179f, 0.796231f, 0.796283f, 0.796335f,
-0.796388f, 0.79644f, 0.796492f, 0.796544f, 0.796596f, 0.796648f, 0.7967f, 0.796752f, 0.796804f, 0.796857f, 0.796909f, 0.796961f, 0.797013f, 0.797065f, 0.797117f, 0.797169f, 0.797221f, 0.797273f, 0.797325f, 0.797377f,
-0.797429f, 0.797481f, 0.797532f, 0.797584f, 0.797636f, 0.797688f, 0.79774f, 0.797792f, 0.797844f, 0.797896f, 0.797948f, 0.797999f, 0.798051f, 0.798103f, 0.798155f, 0.798207f, 0.798259f, 0.79831f, 0.798362f, 0.798414f,
-0.798466f, 0.798517f, 0.798569f, 0.798621f, 0.798673f, 0.798724f, 0.798776f, 0.798828f, 0.798879f, 0.798931f, 0.798983f, 0.799034f, 0.799086f, 0.799138f, 0.799189f, 0.799241f, 0.799292f, 0.799344f, 0.799395f, 0.799447f,
-0.799499f, 0.79955f, 0.799602f, 0.799653f, 0.799705f, 0.799756f, 0.799808f, 0.799859f, 0.799911f, 0.799962f, 0.800014f, 0.800065f, 0.800117f, 0.800168f, 0.800219f, 0.800271f, 0.800322f, 0.800374f, 0.800425f, 0.800476f,
-0.800528f, 0.800579f, 0.80063f, 0.800682f, 0.800733f, 0.800784f, 0.800836f, 0.800887f, 0.800938f, 0.800989f, 0.801041f, 0.801092f, 0.801143f, 0.801194f, 0.801246f, 0.801297f, 0.801348f, 0.801399f, 0.80145f, 0.801501f,
-0.801553f, 0.801604f, 0.801655f, 0.801706f, 0.801757f, 0.801808f, 0.801859f, 0.80191f, 0.801962f, 0.802013f, 0.802064f, 0.802115f, 0.802166f, 0.802217f, 0.802268f, 0.802319f, 0.80237f, 0.802421f, 0.802472f, 0.802523f,
-0.802574f, 0.802625f, 0.802675f, 0.802726f, 0.802777f, 0.802828f, 0.802879f, 0.80293f, 0.802981f, 0.803032f, 0.803083f, 0.803133f, 0.803184f, 0.803235f, 0.803286f, 0.803337f, 0.803388f, 0.803438f, 0.803489f, 0.80354f,
-0.803591f, 0.803641f, 0.803692f, 0.803743f, 0.803793f, 0.803844f, 0.803895f, 0.803946f, 0.803996f, 0.804047f, 0.804098f, 0.804148f, 0.804199f, 0.804249f, 0.8043f, 0.804351f, 0.804401f, 0.804452f, 0.804502f, 0.804553f,
-0.804604f, 0.804654f, 0.804705f, 0.804755f, 0.804806f, 0.804856f, 0.804907f, 0.804957f, 0.805008f, 0.805058f, 0.805108f, 0.805159f, 0.805209f, 0.80526f, 0.80531f, 0.805361f, 0.805411f, 0.805461f, 0.805512f, 0.805562f,
-0.805612f, 0.805663f, 0.805713f, 0.805763f, 0.805814f, 0.805864f, 0.805914f, 0.805965f, 0.806015f, 0.806065f, 0.806115f, 0.806166f, 0.806216f, 0.806266f, 0.806316f, 0.806366f, 0.806417f, 0.806467f, 0.806517f, 0.806567f,
-0.806617f, 0.806667f, 0.806718f, 0.806768f, 0.806818f, 0.806868f, 0.806918f, 0.806968f, 0.807018f, 0.807068f, 0.807118f, 0.807168f, 0.807218f, 0.807268f, 0.807318f, 0.807368f, 0.807418f, 0.807468f, 0.807518f, 0.807568f,
-0.807618f, 0.807668f, 0.807718f, 0.807768f, 0.807818f, 0.807868f, 0.807918f, 0.807967f, 0.808017f, 0.808067f, 0.808117f, 0.808167f, 0.808217f, 0.808267f, 0.808316f, 0.808366f, 0.808416f, 0.808466f, 0.808515f, 0.808565f,
-0.808615f, 0.808665f, 0.808714f, 0.808764f, 0.808814f, 0.808863f, 0.808913f, 0.808963f, 0.809013f, 0.809062f, 0.809112f, 0.809161f, 0.809211f, 0.809261f, 0.80931f, 0.80936f, 0.809409f, 0.809459f, 0.809509f, 0.809558f,
-0.809608f, 0.809657f, 0.809707f, 0.809756f, 0.809806f, 0.809855f, 0.809905f, 0.809954f, 0.810004f, 0.810053f, 0.810103f, 0.810152f, 0.810201f, 0.810251f, 0.8103f, 0.81035f, 0.810399f, 0.810448f, 0.810498f, 0.810547f,
-0.810596f, 0.810646f, 0.810695f, 0.810744f, 0.810794f, 0.810843f, 0.810892f, 0.810941f, 0.810991f, 0.81104f, 0.811089f, 0.811138f, 0.811188f, 0.811237f, 0.811286f, 0.811335f, 0.811384f, 0.811434f, 0.811483f, 0.811532f,
-0.811581f, 0.81163f, 0.811679f, 0.811728f, 0.811777f, 0.811826f, 0.811876f, 0.811925f, 0.811974f, 0.812023f, 0.812072f, 0.812121f, 0.81217f, 0.812219f, 0.812268f, 0.812317f, 0.812366f, 0.812415f, 0.812464f, 0.812513f,
-0.812562f, 0.81261f, 0.812659f, 0.812708f, 0.812757f, 0.812806f, 0.812855f, 0.812904f, 0.812953f, 0.813001f, 0.81305f, 0.813099f, 0.813148f, 0.813197f, 0.813245f, 0.813294f, 0.813343f, 0.813392f, 0.813441f, 0.813489f,
-0.813538f, 0.813587f, 0.813635f, 0.813684f, 0.813733f, 0.813781f, 0.81383f, 0.813879f, 0.813927f, 0.813976f, 0.814025f, 0.814073f, 0.814122f, 0.814171f, 0.814219f, 0.814268f, 0.814316f, 0.814365f, 0.814413f, 0.814462f,
-0.81451f, 0.814559f, 0.814607f, 0.814656f, 0.814704f, 0.814753f, 0.814801f, 0.81485f, 0.814898f, 0.814947f, 0.814995f, 0.815043f, 0.815092f, 0.81514f, 0.815189f, 0.815237f, 0.815285f, 0.815334f, 0.815382f, 0.81543f,
-0.815479f, 0.815527f, 0.815575f, 0.815624f, 0.815672f, 0.81572f, 0.815768f, 0.815817f, 0.815865f, 0.815913f, 0.815961f, 0.81601f, 0.816058f, 0.816106f, 0.816154f, 0.816202f, 0.81625f, 0.816299f, 0.816347f, 0.816395f,
-0.816443f, 0.816491f, 0.816539f, 0.816587f, 0.816635f, 0.816683f, 0.816731f, 0.816779f, 0.816827f, 0.816875f, 0.816924f, 0.816972f, 0.817019f, 0.817067f, 0.817115f, 0.817163f, 0.817211f, 0.817259f, 0.817307f, 0.817355f,
-0.817403f, 0.817451f, 0.817499f, 0.817547f, 0.817595f, 0.817642f, 0.81769f, 0.817738f, 0.817786f, 0.817834f, 0.817882f, 0.817929f, 0.817977f, 0.818025f, 0.818073f, 0.81812f, 0.818168f, 0.818216f, 0.818264f, 0.818311f,
-0.818359f, 0.818407f, 0.818454f, 0.818502f, 0.81855f, 0.818597f, 0.818645f, 0.818693f, 0.81874f, 0.818788f, 0.818836f, 0.818883f, 0.818931f, 0.818978f, 0.819026f, 0.819073f, 0.819121f, 0.819169f, 0.819216f, 0.819264f,
-0.819311f, 0.819359f, 0.819406f, 0.819453f, 0.819501f, 0.819548f, 0.819596f, 0.819643f, 0.819691f, 0.819738f, 0.819785f, 0.819833f, 0.81988f, 0.819928f, 0.819975f, 0.820022f, 0.82007f, 0.820117f, 0.820164f, 0.820212f,
-0.820259f, 0.820306f, 0.820353f, 0.820401f, 0.820448f, 0.820495f, 0.820542f, 0.82059f, 0.820637f, 0.820684f, 0.820731f, 0.820778f, 0.820826f, 0.820873f, 0.82092f, 0.820967f, 0.821014f, 0.821061f, 0.821108f, 0.821155f,
-0.821203f, 0.82125f, 0.821297f, 0.821344f, 0.821391f, 0.821438f, 0.821485f, 0.821532f, 0.821579f, 0.821626f, 0.821673f, 0.82172f, 0.821767f, 0.821814f, 0.821861f, 0.821908f, 0.821955f, 0.822002f, 0.822048f, 0.822095f,
-0.822142f, 0.822189f, 0.822236f, 0.822283f, 0.82233f, 0.822376f, 0.822423f, 0.82247f, 0.822517f, 0.822564f, 0.82261f, 0.822657f, 0.822704f, 0.822751f, 0.822797f, 0.822844f, 0.822891f, 0.822938f, 0.822984f, 0.823031f,
-0.823078f, 0.823124f, 0.823171f, 0.823218f, 0.823264f, 0.823311f, 0.823358f, 0.823404f, 0.823451f, 0.823497f, 0.823544f, 0.82359f, 0.823637f, 0.823684f, 0.82373f, 0.823777f, 0.823823f, 0.82387f, 0.823916f, 0.823963f,
-0.824009f, 0.824055f, 0.824102f, 0.824148f, 0.824195f, 0.824241f, 0.824288f, 0.824334f, 0.82438f, 0.824427f, 0.824473f, 0.824519f, 0.824566f, 0.824612f, 0.824659f, 0.824705f, 0.824751f, 0.824797f, 0.824844f, 0.82489f,
-0.824936f, 0.824982f, 0.825029f, 0.825075f, 0.825121f, 0.825167f, 0.825214f, 0.82526f, 0.825306f, 0.825352f, 0.825398f, 0.825444f, 0.825491f, 0.825537f, 0.825583f, 0.825629f, 0.825675f, 0.825721f, 0.825767f, 0.825813f,
-0.825859f, 0.825905f, 0.825951f, 0.825997f, 0.826043f, 0.826089f, 0.826135f, 0.826181f, 0.826227f, 0.826273f, 0.826319f, 0.826365f, 0.826411f, 0.826457f, 0.826503f, 0.826549f, 0.826595f, 0.826641f, 0.826687f, 0.826732f,
-0.826778f, 0.826824f, 0.82687f, 0.826916f, 0.826962f, 0.827007f, 0.827053f, 0.827099f, 0.827145f, 0.82719f, 0.827236f, 0.827282f, 0.827328f, 0.827373f, 0.827419f, 0.827465f, 0.82751f, 0.827556f, 0.827602f, 0.827647f,
-0.827693f, 0.827739f, 0.827784f, 0.82783f, 0.827876f, 0.827921f, 0.827967f, 0.828012f, 0.828058f, 0.828103f, 0.828149f, 0.828194f, 0.82824f, 0.828285f, 0.828331f, 0.828376f, 0.828422f, 0.828467f, 0.828513f, 0.828558f,
-0.828604f, 0.828649f, 0.828695f, 0.82874f, 0.828785f, 0.828831f, 0.828876f, 0.828921f, 0.828967f, 0.829012f, 0.829057f, 0.829103f, 0.829148f, 0.829193f, 0.829239f, 0.829284f, 0.829329f, 0.829374f, 0.82942f, 0.829465f,
-0.82951f, 0.829555f, 0.829601f, 0.829646f, 0.829691f, 0.829736f, 0.829781f, 0.829826f, 0.829872f, 0.829917f, 0.829962f, 0.830007f, 0.830052f, 0.830097f, 0.830142f, 0.830187f, 0.830232f, 0.830277f, 0.830322f, 0.830368f,
-0.830413f, 0.830458f, 0.830503f, 0.830548f, 0.830592f, 0.830637f, 0.830682f, 0.830727f, 0.830772f, 0.830817f, 0.830862f, 0.830907f, 0.830952f, 0.830997f, 0.831042f, 0.831087f, 0.831131f, 0.831176f, 0.831221f, 0.831266f,
-0.831311f, 0.831355f, 0.8314f, 0.831445f, 0.83149f, 0.831535f, 0.831579f, 0.831624f, 0.831669f, 0.831714f, 0.831758f, 0.831803f, 0.831848f, 0.831892f, 0.831937f, 0.831982f, 0.832026f, 0.832071f, 0.832115f, 0.83216f,
-0.832205f, 0.832249f, 0.832294f, 0.832338f, 0.832383f, 0.832428f, 0.832472f, 0.832517f, 0.832561f, 0.832606f, 0.83265f, 0.832695f, 0.832739f, 0.832784f, 0.832828f, 0.832872f, 0.832917f, 0.832961f, 0.833006f, 0.83305f,
-0.833095f, 0.833139f, 0.833183f, 0.833228f, 0.833272f, 0.833316f, 0.833361f, 0.833405f, 0.833449f, 0.833494f, 0.833538f, 0.833582f, 0.833626f, 0.833671f, 0.833715f, 0.833759f, 0.833803f, 0.833848f, 0.833892f, 0.833936f,
-0.83398f, 0.834024f, 0.834069f, 0.834113f, 0.834157f, 0.834201f, 0.834245f, 0.834289f, 0.834333f, 0.834377f, 0.834421f, 0.834465f, 0.83451f, 0.834554f, 0.834598f, 0.834642f, 0.834686f, 0.83473f, 0.834774f, 0.834818f,
-0.834862f, 0.834906f, 0.83495f, 0.834993f, 0.835037f, 0.835081f, 0.835125f, 0.835169f, 0.835213f, 0.835257f, 0.835301f, 0.835345f, 0.835389f, 0.835432f, 0.835476f, 0.83552f, 0.835564f, 0.835608f, 0.835651f, 0.835695f,
-0.835739f, 0.835783f, 0.835826f, 0.83587f, 0.835914f, 0.835958f, 0.836001f, 0.836045f, 0.836089f, 0.836132f, 0.836176f, 0.83622f, 0.836263f, 0.836307f, 0.836351f, 0.836394f, 0.836438f, 0.836481f, 0.836525f, 0.836568f,
-0.836612f, 0.836656f, 0.836699f, 0.836743f, 0.836786f, 0.83683f, 0.836873f, 0.836917f, 0.83696f, 0.837004f, 0.837047f, 0.83709f, 0.837134f, 0.837177f, 0.837221f, 0.837264f, 0.837307f, 0.837351f, 0.837394f, 0.837438f,
-0.837481f, 0.837524f, 0.837568f, 0.837611f, 0.837654f, 0.837697f, 0.837741f, 0.837784f, 0.837827f, 0.837871f, 0.837914f, 0.837957f, 0.838f, 0.838043f, 0.838087f, 0.83813f, 0.838173f, 0.838216f, 0.838259f, 0.838302f,
-0.838346f, 0.838389f, 0.838432f, 0.838475f, 0.838518f, 0.838561f, 0.838604f, 0.838647f, 0.83869f, 0.838733f, 0.838776f, 0.838819f, 0.838862f, 0.838905f, 0.838948f, 0.838991f, 0.839034f, 0.839077f, 0.83912f, 0.839163f,
-0.839206f, 0.839249f, 0.839292f, 0.839335f, 0.839378f, 0.839421f, 0.839463f, 0.839506f, 0.839549f, 0.839592f, 0.839635f, 0.839678f, 0.83972f, 0.839763f, 0.839806f, 0.839849f, 0.839891f, 0.839934f, 0.839977f, 0.84002f,
-0.840062f, 0.840105f, 0.840148f, 0.84019f, 0.840233f, 0.840276f, 0.840318f, 0.840361f, 0.840404f, 0.840446f, 0.840489f, 0.840531f, 0.840574f, 0.840617f, 0.840659f, 0.840702f, 0.840744f, 0.840787f, 0.840829f, 0.840872f,
-0.840914f, 0.840957f, 0.840999f, 0.841042f, 0.841084f, 0.841127f, 0.841169f, 0.841212f, 0.841254f, 0.841296f, 0.841339f, 0.841381f, 0.841424f, 0.841466f, 0.841508f, 0.841551f, 0.841593f, 0.841635f, 0.841678f, 0.84172f,
-0.841762f, 0.841805f, 0.841847f, 0.841889f, 0.841931f, 0.841974f, 0.842016f, 0.842058f, 0.8421f, 0.842142f, 0.842185f, 0.842227f, 0.842269f, 0.842311f, 0.842353f, 0.842395f, 0.842437f, 0.84248f, 0.842522f, 0.842564f,
-0.842606f, 0.842648f, 0.84269f, 0.842732f, 0.842774f, 0.842816f, 0.842858f, 0.8429f, 0.842942f, 0.842984f, 0.843026f, 0.843068f, 0.84311f, 0.843152f, 0.843194f, 0.843236f, 0.843278f, 0.84332f, 0.843362f, 0.843403f,
-0.843445f, 0.843487f, 0.843529f, 0.843571f, 0.843613f, 0.843654f, 0.843696f, 0.843738f, 0.84378f, 0.843822f, 0.843863f, 0.843905f, 0.843947f, 0.843989f, 0.84403f, 0.844072f, 0.844114f, 0.844155f, 0.844197f, 0.844239f,
-0.84428f, 0.844322f, 0.844364f, 0.844405f, 0.844447f, 0.844489f, 0.84453f, 0.844572f, 0.844613f, 0.844655f, 0.844696f, 0.844738f, 0.844779f, 0.844821f, 0.844863f, 0.844904f, 0.844945f, 0.844987f, 0.845028f, 0.84507f,
-0.845111f, 0.845153f, 0.845194f, 0.845236f, 0.845277f, 0.845318f, 0.84536f, 0.845401f, 0.845443f, 0.845484f, 0.845525f, 0.845567f, 0.845608f, 0.845649f, 0.84569f, 0.845732f, 0.845773f, 0.845814f, 0.845856f, 0.845897f,
-0.845938f, 0.845979f, 0.84602f, 0.846062f, 0.846103f, 0.846144f, 0.846185f, 0.846226f, 0.846268f, 0.846309f, 0.84635f, 0.846391f, 0.846432f, 0.846473f, 0.846514f, 0.846555f, 0.846596f, 0.846637f, 0.846678f, 0.846719f,
-0.84676f, 0.846801f, 0.846842f, 0.846883f, 0.846924f, 0.846965f, 0.847006f, 0.847047f, 0.847088f, 0.847129f, 0.84717f, 0.847211f, 0.847252f, 0.847293f, 0.847334f, 0.847375f, 0.847415f, 0.847456f, 0.847497f, 0.847538f,
-0.847579f, 0.847619f, 0.84766f, 0.847701f, 0.847742f, 0.847783f, 0.847823f, 0.847864f, 0.847905f, 0.847945f, 0.847986f, 0.848027f, 0.848068f, 0.848108f, 0.848149f, 0.84819f, 0.84823f, 0.848271f, 0.848311f, 0.848352f,
-0.848393f, 0.848433f, 0.848474f, 0.848514f, 0.848555f, 0.848595f, 0.848636f, 0.848676f, 0.848717f, 0.848757f, 0.848798f, 0.848838f, 0.848879f, 0.848919f, 0.84896f, 0.849f, 0.849041f, 0.849081f, 0.849122f, 0.849162f,
-0.849202f, 0.849243f, 0.849283f, 0.849323f, 0.849364f, 0.849404f, 0.849444f, 0.849485f, 0.849525f, 0.849565f, 0.849606f, 0.849646f, 0.849686f, 0.849726f, 0.849767f, 0.849807f, 0.849847f, 0.849887f, 0.849927f, 0.849968f,
-0.850008f, 0.850048f, 0.850088f, 0.850128f, 0.850168f, 0.850208f, 0.850249f, 0.850289f, 0.850329f, 0.850369f, 0.850409f, 0.850449f, 0.850489f, 0.850529f, 0.850569f, 0.850609f, 0.850649f, 0.850689f, 0.850729f, 0.850769f,
-0.850809f, 0.850849f, 0.850889f, 0.850929f, 0.850969f, 0.851008f, 0.851048f, 0.851088f, 0.851128f, 0.851168f, 0.851208f, 0.851248f, 0.851288f, 0.851327f, 0.851367f, 0.851407f, 0.851447f, 0.851487f, 0.851526f, 0.851566f,
-0.851606f, 0.851645f, 0.851685f, 0.851725f, 0.851765f, 0.851804f, 0.851844f, 0.851884f, 0.851923f, 0.851963f, 0.852003f, 0.852042f, 0.852082f, 0.852121f, 0.852161f, 0.852201f, 0.85224f, 0.85228f, 0.852319f, 0.852359f,
-0.852398f, 0.852438f, 0.852477f, 0.852517f, 0.852556f, 0.852596f, 0.852635f, 0.852675f, 0.852714f, 0.852754f, 0.852793f, 0.852832f, 0.852872f, 0.852911f, 0.852951f, 0.85299f, 0.853029f, 0.853069f, 0.853108f, 0.853147f,
-0.853187f, 0.853226f, 0.853265f, 0.853305f, 0.853344f, 0.853383f, 0.853422f, 0.853462f, 0.853501f, 0.85354f, 0.853579f, 0.853618f, 0.853658f, 0.853697f, 0.853736f, 0.853775f, 0.853814f, 0.853853f, 0.853893f, 0.853932f,
-0.853971f, 0.85401f, 0.854049f, 0.854088f, 0.854127f, 0.854166f, 0.854205f, 0.854244f, 0.854283f, 0.854322f, 0.854361f, 0.8544f, 0.854439f, 0.854478f, 0.854517f, 0.854556f, 0.854595f, 0.854634f, 0.854673f, 0.854712f,
-0.854751f, 0.854789f, 0.854828f, 0.854867f, 0.854906f, 0.854945f, 0.854984f, 0.855022f, 0.855061f, 0.8551f, 0.855139f, 0.855178f, 0.855216f, 0.855255f, 0.855294f, 0.855333f, 0.855371f, 0.85541f, 0.855449f, 0.855487f,
-0.855526f, 0.855565f, 0.855603f, 0.855642f, 0.855681f, 0.855719f, 0.855758f, 0.855796f, 0.855835f, 0.855874f, 0.855912f, 0.855951f, 0.855989f, 0.856028f, 0.856066f, 0.856105f, 0.856143f, 0.856182f, 0.85622f, 0.856259f,
-0.856297f, 0.856336f, 0.856374f, 0.856413f, 0.856451f, 0.856489f, 0.856528f, 0.856566f, 0.856605f, 0.856643f, 0.856681f, 0.85672f, 0.856758f, 0.856796f, 0.856835f, 0.856873f, 0.856911f, 0.856949f, 0.856988f, 0.857026f,
-0.857064f, 0.857102f, 0.857141f, 0.857179f, 0.857217f, 0.857255f, 0.857293f, 0.857332f, 0.85737f, 0.857408f, 0.857446f, 0.857484f, 0.857522f, 0.85756f, 0.857598f, 0.857636f, 0.857675f, 0.857713f, 0.857751f, 0.857789f,
-0.857827f, 0.857865f, 0.857903f, 0.857941f, 0.857979f, 0.858017f, 0.858055f, 0.858093f, 0.858131f, 0.858168f, 0.858206f, 0.858244f, 0.858282f, 0.85832f, 0.858358f, 0.858396f, 0.858434f, 0.858472f, 0.858509f, 0.858547f,
-0.858585f, 0.858623f, 0.858661f, 0.858698f, 0.858736f, 0.858774f, 0.858812f, 0.858849f, 0.858887f, 0.858925f, 0.858963f, 0.859f, 0.859038f, 0.859076f, 0.859113f, 0.859151f, 0.859189f, 0.859226f, 0.859264f, 0.859301f,
-0.859339f, 0.859377f, 0.859414f, 0.859452f, 0.859489f, 0.859527f, 0.859564f, 0.859602f, 0.859639f, 0.859677f, 0.859714f, 0.859752f, 0.859789f, 0.859827f, 0.859864f, 0.859902f, 0.859939f, 0.859977f, 0.860014f, 0.860051f,
-0.860089f, 0.860126f, 0.860163f, 0.860201f, 0.860238f, 0.860275f, 0.860313f, 0.86035f, 0.860387f, 0.860425f, 0.860462f, 0.860499f, 0.860536f, 0.860574f, 0.860611f, 0.860648f, 0.860685f, 0.860723f, 0.86076f, 0.860797f,
-0.860834f, 0.860871f, 0.860908f, 0.860945f, 0.860983f, 0.86102f, 0.861057f, 0.861094f, 0.861131f, 0.861168f, 0.861205f, 0.861242f, 0.861279f, 0.861316f, 0.861353f, 0.86139f, 0.861427f, 0.861464f, 0.861501f, 0.861538f,
-0.861575f, 0.861612f, 0.861649f, 0.861686f, 0.861723f, 0.86176f, 0.861797f, 0.861833f, 0.86187f, 0.861907f, 0.861944f, 0.861981f, 0.862018f, 0.862054f, 0.862091f, 0.862128f, 0.862165f, 0.862202f, 0.862238f, 0.862275f,
-0.862312f, 0.862349f, 0.862385f, 0.862422f, 0.862459f, 0.862495f, 0.862532f, 0.862569f, 0.862605f, 0.862642f, 0.862679f, 0.862715f, 0.862752f, 0.862788f, 0.862825f, 0.862861f, 0.862898f, 0.862935f, 0.862971f, 0.863008f,
-0.863044f, 0.863081f, 0.863117f, 0.863154f, 0.86319f, 0.863227f, 0.863263f, 0.863299f, 0.863336f, 0.863372f, 0.863409f, 0.863445f, 0.863482f, 0.863518f, 0.863554f, 0.863591f, 0.863627f, 0.863663f, 0.8637f, 0.863736f,
-0.863772f, 0.863809f, 0.863845f, 0.863881f, 0.863917f, 0.863954f, 0.86399f, 0.864026f, 0.864062f, 0.864098f, 0.864135f, 0.864171f, 0.864207f, 0.864243f, 0.864279f, 0.864315f, 0.864352f, 0.864388f, 0.864424f, 0.86446f,
-0.864496f, 0.864532f, 0.864568f, 0.864604f, 0.86464f, 0.864676f, 0.864712f, 0.864748f, 0.864784f, 0.86482f, 0.864856f, 0.864892f, 0.864928f, 0.864964f, 0.865f, 0.865036f, 0.865072f, 0.865108f, 0.865144f, 0.865179f,
-0.865215f, 0.865251f, 0.865287f, 0.865323f, 0.865359f, 0.865394f, 0.86543f, 0.865466f, 0.865502f, 0.865538f, 0.865573f, 0.865609f, 0.865645f, 0.865681f, 0.865716f, 0.865752f, 0.865788f, 0.865823f, 0.865859f, 0.865895f,
-0.86593f, 0.865966f, 0.866002f, 0.866037f, 0.866073f, 0.866108f, 0.866144f, 0.86618f, 0.866215f, 0.866251f, 0.866286f, 0.866322f, 0.866357f, 0.866393f, 0.866428f, 0.866464f, 0.866499f, 0.866535f, 0.86657f, 0.866606f,
-0.866641f, 0.866676f, 0.866712f, 0.866747f, 0.866783f, 0.866818f, 0.866853f, 0.866889f, 0.866924f, 0.866959f, 0.866995f, 0.86703f, 0.867065f, 0.867101f, 0.867136f, 0.867171f, 0.867206f, 0.867242f, 0.867277f, 0.867312f,
-0.867347f, 0.867383f, 0.867418f, 0.867453f, 0.867488f, 0.867523f, 0.867558f, 0.867594f, 0.867629f, 0.867664f, 0.867699f, 0.867734f, 0.867769f, 0.867804f, 0.867839f, 0.867874f, 0.867909f, 0.867944f, 0.867979f, 0.868014f,
-0.868049f, 0.868084f, 0.868119f, 0.868154f, 0.868189f, 0.868224f, 0.868259f, 0.868294f, 0.868329f, 0.868364f, 0.868399f, 0.868434f, 0.868468f, 0.868503f, 0.868538f, 0.868573f, 0.868608f, 0.868643f, 0.868677f, 0.868712f,
-0.868747f, 0.868782f, 0.868817f, 0.868851f, 0.868886f, 0.868921f, 0.868955f, 0.86899f, 0.869025f, 0.86906f, 0.869094f, 0.869129f, 0.869164f, 0.869198f, 0.869233f, 0.869267f, 0.869302f, 0.869337f, 0.869371f, 0.869406f,
-0.86944f, 0.869475f, 0.869509f, 0.869544f, 0.869578f, 0.869613f, 0.869647f, 0.869682f, 0.869716f, 0.869751f, 0.869785f, 0.86982f, 0.869854f, 0.869889f, 0.869923f, 0.869957f, 0.869992f, 0.870026f, 0.870061f, 0.870095f,
-0.870129f, 0.870164f, 0.870198f, 0.870232f, 0.870266f, 0.870301f, 0.870335f, 0.870369f, 0.870404f, 0.870438f, 0.870472f, 0.870506f, 0.87054f, 0.870575f, 0.870609f, 0.870643f, 0.870677f, 0.870711f, 0.870745f, 0.87078f,
-0.870814f, 0.870848f, 0.870882f, 0.870916f, 0.87095f, 0.870984f, 0.871018f, 0.871052f, 0.871086f, 0.87112f, 0.871154f, 0.871188f, 0.871222f, 0.871256f, 0.87129f, 0.871324f, 0.871358f, 0.871392f, 0.871426f, 0.87146f,
-0.871494f, 0.871528f, 0.871562f, 0.871596f, 0.871629f, 0.871663f, 0.871697f, 0.871731f, 0.871765f, 0.871799f, 0.871832f, 0.871866f, 0.8719f, 0.871934f, 0.871967f, 0.872001f, 0.872035f, 0.872069f, 0.872102f, 0.872136f,
-0.87217f, 0.872203f, 0.872237f, 0.872271f, 0.872304f, 0.872338f, 0.872372f, 0.872405f, 0.872439f, 0.872472f, 0.872506f, 0.87254f, 0.872573f, 0.872607f, 0.87264f, 0.872674f, 0.872707f, 0.872741f, 0.872774f, 0.872808f,
-0.872841f, 0.872875f, 0.872908f, 0.872941f, 0.872975f, 0.873008f, 0.873042f, 0.873075f, 0.873108f, 0.873142f, 0.873175f, 0.873209f, 0.873242f, 0.873275f, 0.873309f, 0.873342f, 0.873375f, 0.873408f, 0.873442f, 0.873475f,
-0.873508f, 0.873541f, 0.873575f, 0.873608f, 0.873641f, 0.873674f, 0.873707f, 0.873741f, 0.873774f, 0.873807f, 0.87384f, 0.873873f, 0.873906f, 0.873939f, 0.873973f, 0.874006f, 0.874039f, 0.874072f, 0.874105f, 0.874138f,
-0.874171f, 0.874204f, 0.874237f, 0.87427f, 0.874303f, 0.874336f, 0.874369f, 0.874402f, 0.874435f, 0.874468f, 0.874501f, 0.874533f, 0.874566f, 0.874599f, 0.874632f, 0.874665f, 0.874698f, 0.874731f, 0.874763f, 0.874796f,
-0.874829f, 0.874862f, 0.874895f, 0.874927f, 0.87496f, 0.874993f, 0.875026f, 0.875058f, 0.875091f, 0.875124f, 0.875157f, 0.875189f, 0.875222f, 0.875255f, 0.875287f, 0.87532f, 0.875353f, 0.875385f, 0.875418f, 0.87545f,
-0.875483f, 0.875516f, 0.875548f, 0.875581f, 0.875613f, 0.875646f, 0.875678f, 0.875711f, 0.875743f, 0.875776f, 0.875808f, 0.875841f, 0.875873f, 0.875906f, 0.875938f, 0.875971f, 0.876003f, 0.876035f, 0.876068f, 0.8761f,
-0.876132f, 0.876165f, 0.876197f, 0.87623f, 0.876262f, 0.876294f, 0.876326f, 0.876359f, 0.876391f, 0.876423f, 0.876456f, 0.876488f, 0.87652f, 0.876552f, 0.876585f, 0.876617f, 0.876649f, 0.876681f, 0.876713f, 0.876745f,
-0.876778f, 0.87681f, 0.876842f, 0.876874f, 0.876906f, 0.876938f, 0.87697f, 0.877002f, 0.877034f, 0.877066f, 0.877098f, 0.877131f, 0.877163f, 0.877195f, 0.877227f, 0.877259f, 0.87729f, 0.877322f, 0.877354f, 0.877386f,
-0.877418f, 0.87745f, 0.877482f, 0.877514f, 0.877546f, 0.877578f, 0.87761f, 0.877641f, 0.877673f, 0.877705f, 0.877737f, 0.877769f, 0.877801f, 0.877832f, 0.877864f, 0.877896f, 0.877928f, 0.877959f, 0.877991f, 0.878023f,
-0.878055f, 0.878086f, 0.878118f, 0.87815f, 0.878181f, 0.878213f, 0.878245f, 0.878276f, 0.878308f, 0.878339f, 0.878371f, 0.878403f, 0.878434f, 0.878466f, 0.878497f, 0.878529f, 0.87856f, 0.878592f, 0.878623f, 0.878655f,
-0.878686f, 0.878718f, 0.878749f, 0.878781f, 0.878812f, 0.878844f, 0.878875f, 0.878907f, 0.878938f, 0.878969f, 0.879001f, 0.879032f, 0.879063f, 0.879095f, 0.879126f, 0.879157f, 0.879189f, 0.87922f, 0.879251f, 0.879283f,
-0.879314f, 0.879345f, 0.879376f, 0.879408f, 0.879439f, 0.87947f, 0.879501f, 0.879533f, 0.879564f, 0.879595f, 0.879626f, 0.879657f, 0.879688f, 0.879719f, 0.879751f, 0.879782f, 0.879813f, 0.879844f, 0.879875f, 0.879906f,
-0.879937f, 0.879968f, 0.879999f, 0.88003f, 0.880061f, 0.880092f, 0.880123f, 0.880154f, 0.880185f, 0.880216f, 0.880247f, 0.880278f, 0.880309f, 0.88034f, 0.880371f, 0.880401f, 0.880432f, 0.880463f, 0.880494f, 0.880525f,
-0.880556f, 0.880586f, 0.880617f, 0.880648f, 0.880679f, 0.88071f, 0.88074f, 0.880771f, 0.880802f, 0.880833f, 0.880863f, 0.880894f, 0.880925f, 0.880955f, 0.880986f, 0.881017f, 0.881047f, 0.881078f, 0.881109f, 0.881139f,
-0.88117f, 0.8812f, 0.881231f, 0.881262f, 0.881292f, 0.881323f, 0.881353f, 0.881384f, 0.881414f, 0.881445f, 0.881475f, 0.881506f, 0.881536f, 0.881567f, 0.881597f, 0.881628f, 0.881658f, 0.881688f, 0.881719f, 0.881749f,
-0.88178f, 0.88181f, 0.88184f, 0.881871f, 0.881901f, 0.881931f, 0.881962f, 0.881992f, 0.882022f, 0.882053f, 0.882083f, 0.882113f, 0.882143f, 0.882174f, 0.882204f, 0.882234f, 0.882264f, 0.882295f, 0.882325f, 0.882355f,
-0.882385f, 0.882415f, 0.882445f, 0.882475f, 0.882506f, 0.882536f, 0.882566f, 0.882596f, 0.882626f, 0.882656f, 0.882686f, 0.882716f, 0.882746f, 0.882776f, 0.882806f, 0.882836f, 0.882866f, 0.882896f, 0.882926f, 0.882956f,
-0.882986f, 0.883016f, 0.883046f, 0.883076f, 0.883106f, 0.883136f, 0.883165f, 0.883195f, 0.883225f, 0.883255f, 0.883285f, 0.883315f, 0.883344f, 0.883374f, 0.883404f, 0.883434f, 0.883464f, 0.883493f, 0.883523f, 0.883553f,
-0.883583f, 0.883612f, 0.883642f, 0.883672f, 0.883701f, 0.883731f, 0.883761f, 0.88379f, 0.88382f, 0.883849f, 0.883879f, 0.883909f, 0.883938f, 0.883968f, 0.883997f, 0.884027f, 0.884057f, 0.884086f, 0.884116f, 0.884145f,
-0.884175f, 0.884204f, 0.884234f, 0.884263f, 0.884292f, 0.884322f, 0.884351f, 0.884381f, 0.88441f, 0.88444f, 0.884469f, 0.884498f, 0.884528f, 0.884557f, 0.884586f, 0.884616f, 0.884645f, 0.884674f, 0.884704f, 0.884733f,
-0.884762f, 0.884792f, 0.884821f, 0.88485f, 0.884879f, 0.884908f, 0.884938f, 0.884967f, 0.884996f, 0.885025f, 0.885054f, 0.885084f, 0.885113f, 0.885142f, 0.885171f, 0.8852f, 0.885229f, 0.885258f, 0.885287f, 0.885316f,
-0.885345f, 0.885374f, 0.885404f, 0.885433f, 0.885462f, 0.885491f, 0.88552f, 0.885549f, 0.885577f, 0.885606f, 0.885635f, 0.885664f, 0.885693f, 0.885722f, 0.885751f, 0.88578f, 0.885809f, 0.885838f, 0.885867f, 0.885895f,
-0.885924f, 0.885953f, 0.885982f, 0.886011f, 0.886039f, 0.886068f, 0.886097f, 0.886126f, 0.886154f, 0.886183f, 0.886212f, 0.886241f, 0.886269f, 0.886298f, 0.886327f, 0.886355f, 0.886384f, 0.886413f, 0.886441f, 0.88647f,
-0.886499f, 0.886527f, 0.886556f, 0.886584f, 0.886613f, 0.886641f, 0.88667f, 0.886699f, 0.886727f, 0.886756f, 0.886784f, 0.886813f, 0.886841f, 0.886869f, 0.886898f, 0.886926f, 0.886955f, 0.886983f, 0.887012f, 0.88704f,
-0.887068f, 0.887097f, 0.887125f, 0.887154f, 0.887182f, 0.88721f, 0.887239f, 0.887267f, 0.887295f, 0.887323f, 0.887352f, 0.88738f, 0.887408f, 0.887436f, 0.887465f, 0.887493f, 0.887521f, 0.887549f, 0.887577f, 0.887606f,
-0.887634f, 0.887662f, 0.88769f, 0.887718f, 0.887746f, 0.887774f, 0.887803f, 0.887831f, 0.887859f, 0.887887f, 0.887915f, 0.887943f, 0.887971f, 0.887999f, 0.888027f, 0.888055f, 0.888083f, 0.888111f, 0.888139f, 0.888167f,
-0.888195f, 0.888223f, 0.888251f, 0.888279f, 0.888306f, 0.888334f, 0.888362f, 0.88839f, 0.888418f, 0.888446f, 0.888474f, 0.888501f, 0.888529f, 0.888557f, 0.888585f, 0.888613f, 0.88864f, 0.888668f, 0.888696f, 0.888724f,
-0.888751f, 0.888779f, 0.888807f, 0.888834f, 0.888862f, 0.88889f, 0.888917f, 0.888945f, 0.888973f, 0.889f, 0.889028f, 0.889055f, 0.889083f, 0.889111f, 0.889138f, 0.889166f, 0.889193f, 0.889221f, 0.889248f, 0.889276f,
-0.889303f, 0.889331f, 0.889358f, 0.889386f, 0.889413f, 0.889441f, 0.889468f, 0.889496f, 0.889523f, 0.88955f, 0.889578f, 0.889605f, 0.889632f, 0.88966f, 0.889687f, 0.889714f, 0.889742f, 0.889769f, 0.889796f, 0.889824f,
-0.889851f, 0.889878f, 0.889905f, 0.889933f, 0.88996f, 0.889987f, 0.890014f, 0.890042f, 0.890069f, 0.890096f, 0.890123f, 0.89015f, 0.890177f, 0.890204f, 0.890232f, 0.890259f, 0.890286f, 0.890313f, 0.89034f, 0.890367f,
-0.890394f, 0.890421f, 0.890448f, 0.890475f, 0.890502f, 0.890529f, 0.890556f, 0.890583f, 0.89061f, 0.890637f, 0.890664f, 0.890691f, 0.890718f, 0.890745f, 0.890772f, 0.890798f, 0.890825f, 0.890852f, 0.890879f, 0.890906f,
-0.890933f, 0.89096f, 0.890986f, 0.891013f, 0.89104f, 0.891067f, 0.891093f, 0.89112f, 0.891147f, 0.891174f, 0.8912f, 0.891227f, 0.891254f, 0.89128f, 0.891307f, 0.891334f, 0.89136f, 0.891387f, 0.891414f, 0.89144f,
-0.891467f, 0.891494f, 0.89152f, 0.891547f, 0.891573f, 0.8916f, 0.891626f, 0.891653f, 0.891679f, 0.891706f, 0.891732f, 0.891759f, 0.891785f, 0.891812f, 0.891838f, 0.891865f, 0.891891f, 0.891917f, 0.891944f, 0.89197f,
-0.891997f, 0.892023f, 0.892049f, 0.892076f, 0.892102f, 0.892128f, 0.892155f, 0.892181f, 0.892207f, 0.892234f, 0.89226f, 0.892286f, 0.892312f, 0.892339f, 0.892365f, 0.892391f, 0.892417f, 0.892443f, 0.89247f, 0.892496f,
-0.892522f, 0.892548f, 0.892574f, 0.8926f, 0.892626f, 0.892652f, 0.892679f, 0.892705f, 0.892731f, 0.892757f, 0.892783f, 0.892809f, 0.892835f, 0.892861f, 0.892887f, 0.892913f, 0.892939f, 0.892965f, 0.892991f, 0.893017f,
-0.893043f, 0.893069f, 0.893094f, 0.89312f, 0.893146f, 0.893172f, 0.893198f, 0.893224f, 0.89325f, 0.893276f, 0.893301f, 0.893327f, 0.893353f, 0.893379f, 0.893405f, 0.89343f, 0.893456f, 0.893482f, 0.893508f, 0.893533f,
-0.893559f, 0.893585f, 0.89361f, 0.893636f, 0.893662f, 0.893687f, 0.893713f, 0.893739f, 0.893764f, 0.89379f, 0.893815f, 0.893841f, 0.893867f, 0.893892f, 0.893918f, 0.893943f, 0.893969f, 0.893994f, 0.89402f, 0.894045f,
-0.894071f, 0.894096f, 0.894122f, 0.894147f, 0.894173f, 0.894198f, 0.894223f, 0.894249f, 0.894274f, 0.8943f, 0.894325f, 0.89435f, 0.894376f, 0.894401f, 0.894426f, 0.894452f, 0.894477f, 0.894502f, 0.894528f, 0.894553f,
-0.894578f, 0.894603f, 0.894629f, 0.894654f, 0.894679f, 0.894704f, 0.894729f, 0.894755f, 0.89478f, 0.894805f, 0.89483f, 0.894855f, 0.89488f, 0.894905f, 0.89493f, 0.894956f, 0.894981f, 0.895006f, 0.895031f, 0.895056f,
-0.895081f, 0.895106f, 0.895131f, 0.895156f, 0.895181f, 0.895206f, 0.895231f, 0.895256f, 0.895281f, 0.895306f, 0.895331f, 0.895356f, 0.89538f, 0.895405f, 0.89543f, 0.895455f, 0.89548f, 0.895505f, 0.89553f, 0.895554f,
-0.895579f, 0.895604f, 0.895629f, 0.895654f, 0.895678f, 0.895703f, 0.895728f, 0.895753f, 0.895777f, 0.895802f, 0.895827f, 0.895851f, 0.895876f, 0.895901f, 0.895925f, 0.89595f, 0.895975f, 0.895999f, 0.896024f, 0.896048f,
-0.896073f, 0.896098f, 0.896122f, 0.896147f, 0.896171f, 0.896196f, 0.89622f, 0.896245f, 0.896269f, 0.896294f, 0.896318f, 0.896343f, 0.896367f, 0.896392f, 0.896416f, 0.89644f, 0.896465f, 0.896489f, 0.896514f, 0.896538f,
-0.896562f, 0.896587f, 0.896611f, 0.896635f, 0.89666f, 0.896684f, 0.896708f, 0.896733f, 0.896757f, 0.896781f, 0.896805f, 0.89683f, 0.896854f, 0.896878f, 0.896902f, 0.896926f, 0.896951f, 0.896975f, 0.896999f, 0.897023f,
-0.897047f, 0.897071f, 0.897095f, 0.89712f, 0.897144f, 0.897168f, 0.897192f, 0.897216f, 0.89724f, 0.897264f, 0.897288f, 0.897312f, 0.897336f, 0.89736f, 0.897384f, 0.897408f, 0.897432f, 0.897456f, 0.89748f, 0.897504f,
-0.897528f, 0.897552f, 0.897575f, 0.897599f, 0.897623f, 0.897647f, 0.897671f, 0.897695f, 0.897718f, 0.897742f, 0.897766f, 0.89779f, 0.897814f, 0.897837f, 0.897861f, 0.897885f, 0.897909f, 0.897932f, 0.897956f, 0.89798f,
-0.898003f, 0.898027f, 0.898051f, 0.898074f, 0.898098f, 0.898122f, 0.898145f, 0.898169f, 0.898193f, 0.898216f, 0.89824f, 0.898263f, 0.898287f, 0.89831f, 0.898334f, 0.898357f, 0.898381f, 0.898404f, 0.898428f, 0.898451f,
-0.898475f, 0.898498f, 0.898522f, 0.898545f, 0.898569f, 0.898592f, 0.898615f, 0.898639f, 0.898662f, 0.898685f, 0.898709f, 0.898732f, 0.898755f, 0.898779f, 0.898802f, 0.898825f, 0.898849f, 0.898872f, 0.898895f, 0.898918f,
-0.898942f, 0.898965f, 0.898988f, 0.899011f, 0.899034f, 0.899058f, 0.899081f, 0.899104f, 0.899127f, 0.89915f, 0.899173f, 0.899196f, 0.89922f, 0.899243f, 0.899266f, 0.899289f, 0.899312f, 0.899335f, 0.899358f, 0.899381f,
-0.899404f, 0.899427f, 0.89945f, 0.899473f, 0.899496f, 0.899519f, 0.899542f, 0.899565f, 0.899588f, 0.899611f, 0.899633f, 0.899656f, 0.899679f, 0.899702f, 0.899725f, 0.899748f, 0.899771f, 0.899793f, 0.899816f, 0.899839f,
-0.899862f, 0.899885f, 0.899907f, 0.89993f, 0.899953f, 0.899976f, 0.899998f, 0.900021f, 0.900044f, 0.900066f, 0.900089f, 0.900112f, 0.900134f, 0.900157f, 0.90018f, 0.900202f, 0.900225f, 0.900247f, 0.90027f, 0.900293f,
-0.900315f, 0.900338f, 0.90036f, 0.900383f, 0.900405f, 0.900428f, 0.90045f, 0.900473f, 0.900495f, 0.900518f, 0.90054f, 0.900563f, 0.900585f, 0.900607f, 0.90063f, 0.900652f, 0.900675f, 0.900697f, 0.900719f, 0.900742f,
-0.900764f, 0.900786f, 0.900809f, 0.900831f, 0.900853f, 0.900875f, 0.900898f, 0.90092f, 0.900942f, 0.900964f, 0.900987f, 0.901009f, 0.901031f, 0.901053f, 0.901075f, 0.901098f, 0.90112f, 0.901142f, 0.901164f, 0.901186f,
-0.901208f, 0.90123f, 0.901252f, 0.901274f, 0.901296f, 0.901319f, 0.901341f, 0.901363f, 0.901385f, 0.901407f, 0.901429f, 0.901451f, 0.901473f, 0.901495f, 0.901516f, 0.901538f, 0.90156f, 0.901582f, 0.901604f, 0.901626f,
-0.901648f, 0.90167f, 0.901692f, 0.901714f, 0.901735f, 0.901757f, 0.901779f, 0.901801f, 0.901823f, 0.901844f, 0.901866f, 0.901888f, 0.90191f, 0.901931f, 0.901953f, 0.901975f, 0.901996f, 0.902018f, 0.90204f, 0.902062f,
-0.902083f, 0.902105f, 0.902126f, 0.902148f, 0.90217f, 0.902191f, 0.902213f, 0.902234f, 0.902256f, 0.902278f, 0.902299f, 0.902321f, 0.902342f, 0.902364f, 0.902385f, 0.902407f, 0.902428f, 0.90245f, 0.902471f, 0.902492f,
-0.902514f, 0.902535f, 0.902557f, 0.902578f, 0.902599f, 0.902621f, 0.902642f, 0.902664f, 0.902685f, 0.902706f, 0.902728f, 0.902749f, 0.90277f, 0.902791f, 0.902813f, 0.902834f, 0.902855f, 0.902876f, 0.902898f, 0.902919f,
-0.90294f, 0.902961f, 0.902982f, 0.903004f, 0.903025f, 0.903046f, 0.903067f, 0.903088f, 0.903109f, 0.90313f, 0.903151f, 0.903173f, 0.903194f, 0.903215f, 0.903236f, 0.903257f, 0.903278f, 0.903299f, 0.90332f, 0.903341f,
-0.903362f, 0.903383f, 0.903404f, 0.903425f, 0.903446f, 0.903466f, 0.903487f, 0.903508f, 0.903529f, 0.90355f, 0.903571f, 0.903592f, 0.903613f, 0.903633f, 0.903654f, 0.903675f, 0.903696f, 0.903717f, 0.903737f, 0.903758f,
-0.903779f, 0.9038f, 0.90382f, 0.903841f, 0.903862f, 0.903882f, 0.903903f, 0.903924f, 0.903944f, 0.903965f, 0.903986f, 0.904006f, 0.904027f, 0.904048f, 0.904068f, 0.904089f, 0.904109f, 0.90413f, 0.90415f, 0.904171f,
-0.904191f, 0.904212f, 0.904232f, 0.904253f, 0.904273f, 0.904294f, 0.904314f, 0.904335f, 0.904355f, 0.904376f, 0.904396f, 0.904416f, 0.904437f, 0.904457f, 0.904478f, 0.904498f, 0.904518f, 0.904539f, 0.904559f, 0.904579f,
-0.9046f, 0.90462f, 0.90464f, 0.90466f, 0.904681f, 0.904701f, 0.904721f, 0.904741f, 0.904761f, 0.904782f, 0.904802f, 0.904822f, 0.904842f, 0.904862f, 0.904882f, 0.904903f, 0.904923f, 0.904943f, 0.904963f, 0.904983f,
-0.905003f, 0.905023f, 0.905043f, 0.905063f, 0.905083f, 0.905103f, 0.905123f, 0.905143f, 0.905163f, 0.905183f, 0.905203f, 0.905223f, 0.905243f, 0.905263f, 0.905283f, 0.905303f, 0.905323f, 0.905342f, 0.905362f, 0.905382f,
-0.905402f, 0.905422f, 0.905442f, 0.905461f, 0.905481f, 0.905501f, 0.905521f, 0.905541f, 0.90556f, 0.90558f, 0.9056f, 0.90562f, 0.905639f, 0.905659f, 0.905679f, 0.905698f, 0.905718f, 0.905738f, 0.905757f, 0.905777f,
-0.905796f, 0.905816f, 0.905836f, 0.905855f, 0.905875f, 0.905894f, 0.905914f, 0.905933f, 0.905953f, 0.905973f, 0.905992f, 0.906012f, 0.906031f, 0.90605f, 0.90607f, 0.906089f, 0.906109f, 0.906128f, 0.906148f, 0.906167f,
-0.906186f, 0.906206f, 0.906225f, 0.906244f, 0.906264f, 0.906283f, 0.906302f, 0.906322f, 0.906341f, 0.90636f, 0.90638f, 0.906399f, 0.906418f, 0.906437f, 0.906457f, 0.906476f, 0.906495f, 0.906514f, 0.906533f, 0.906553f,
-0.906572f, 0.906591f, 0.90661f, 0.906629f, 0.906648f, 0.906667f, 0.906686f, 0.906706f, 0.906725f, 0.906744f, 0.906763f, 0.906782f, 0.906801f, 0.90682f, 0.906839f, 0.906858f, 0.906877f, 0.906896f, 0.906915f, 0.906934f,
-0.906953f, 0.906972f, 0.90699f, 0.907009f, 0.907028f, 0.907047f, 0.907066f, 0.907085f, 0.907104f, 0.907122f, 0.907141f, 0.90716f, 0.907179f, 0.907198f, 0.907216f, 0.907235f, 0.907254f, 0.907273f, 0.907291f, 0.90731f,
-0.907329f, 0.907348f, 0.907366f, 0.907385f, 0.907404f, 0.907422f, 0.907441f, 0.90746f, 0.907478f, 0.907497f, 0.907515f, 0.907534f, 0.907552f, 0.907571f, 0.90759f, 0.907608f, 0.907627f, 0.907645f, 0.907664f, 0.907682f,
-0.907701f, 0.907719f, 0.907738f, 0.907756f, 0.907774f, 0.907793f, 0.907811f, 0.90783f, 0.907848f, 0.907866f, 0.907885f, 0.907903f, 0.907921f, 0.90794f, 0.907958f, 0.907976f, 0.907995f, 0.908013f, 0.908031f, 0.90805f,
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-0.908789f, 0.908806f, 0.908824f, 0.908842f, 0.90886f, 0.908877f, 0.908895f, 0.908913f, 0.90893f, 0.908948f, 0.908966f, 0.908984f, 0.909001f, 0.909019f, 0.909036f, 0.909054f, 0.909072f, 0.909089f, 0.909107f, 0.909124f,
-0.909142f, 0.90916f, 0.909177f, 0.909195f, 0.909212f, 0.90923f, 0.909247f, 0.909265f, 0.909282f, 0.9093f, 0.909317f, 0.909335f, 0.909352f, 0.909369f, 0.909387f, 0.909404f, 0.909422f, 0.909439f, 0.909456f, 0.909474f,
-0.909491f, 0.909508f, 0.909526f, 0.909543f, 0.90956f, 0.909578f, 0.909595f, 0.909612f, 0.909629f, 0.909647f, 0.909664f, 0.909681f, 0.909698f, 0.909715f, 0.909733f, 0.90975f, 0.909767f, 0.909784f, 0.909801f, 0.909818f,
-0.909835f, 0.909853f, 0.90987f, 0.909887f, 0.909904f, 0.909921f, 0.909938f, 0.909955f, 0.909972f, 0.909989f, 0.910006f, 0.910023f, 0.91004f, 0.910057f, 0.910074f, 0.910091f, 0.910108f, 0.910125f, 0.910141f, 0.910158f,
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-0.911167f, 0.911184f, 0.9112f, 0.911216f, 0.911232f, 0.911248f, 0.911264f, 0.911281f, 0.911297f, 0.911313f, 0.911329f, 0.911345f, 0.911361f, 0.911377f, 0.911393f, 0.911409f, 0.911425f, 0.911441f, 0.911457f, 0.911473f,
-0.911489f, 0.911505f, 0.911521f, 0.911537f, 0.911553f, 0.911569f, 0.911585f, 0.911601f, 0.911616f, 0.911632f, 0.911648f, 0.911664f, 0.91168f, 0.911696f, 0.911711f, 0.911727f, 0.911743f, 0.911759f, 0.911775f, 0.91179f,
-0.911806f, 0.911822f, 0.911838f, 0.911853f, 0.911869f, 0.911885f, 0.9119f, 0.911916f, 0.911932f, 0.911947f, 0.911963f, 0.911979f, 0.911994f, 0.91201f, 0.912025f, 0.912041f, 0.912056f, 0.912072f, 0.912088f, 0.912103f,
-0.912119f, 0.912134f, 0.91215f, 0.912165f, 0.912181f, 0.912196f, 0.912211f, 0.912227f, 0.912242f, 0.912258f, 0.912273f, 0.912288f, 0.912304f, 0.912319f, 0.912335f, 0.91235f, 0.912365f, 0.912381f, 0.912396f, 0.912411f,
-0.912426f, 0.912442f, 0.912457f, 0.912472f, 0.912488f, 0.912503f, 0.912518f, 0.912533f, 0.912548f, 0.912564f, 0.912579f, 0.912594f, 0.912609f, 0.912624f, 0.912639f, 0.912654f, 0.91267f, 0.912685f, 0.9127f, 0.912715f,
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-0.913323f, 0.913337f, 0.913352f, 0.913366f, 0.913381f, 0.913396f, 0.91341f, 0.913425f, 0.913439f, 0.913454f, 0.913468f, 0.913483f, 0.913497f, 0.913512f, 0.913526f, 0.91354f, 0.913555f, 0.913569f, 0.913584f, 0.913598f,
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-0.913897f, 0.913912f, 0.913926f, 0.91394f, 0.913954f, 0.913968f, 0.913982f, 0.913996f, 0.91401f, 0.914024f, 0.914038f, 0.914052f, 0.914066f, 0.91408f, 0.914094f, 0.914108f, 0.914122f, 0.914136f, 0.91415f, 0.914164f,
-0.914178f, 0.914192f, 0.914206f, 0.91422f, 0.914233f, 0.914247f, 0.914261f, 0.914275f, 0.914289f, 0.914303f, 0.914316f, 0.91433f, 0.914344f, 0.914358f, 0.914371f, 0.914385f, 0.914399f, 0.914413f, 0.914426f, 0.91444f,
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-0.915511f, 0.915524f, 0.915537f, 0.91555f, 0.915562f, 0.915575f, 0.915588f, 0.915601f, 0.915613f, 0.915626f, 0.915639f, 0.915651f, 0.915664f, 0.915676f, 0.915689f, 0.915702f, 0.915714f, 0.915727f, 0.915739f, 0.915752f,
-0.915764f, 0.915777f, 0.91579f, 0.915802f, 0.915815f, 0.915827f, 0.915839f, 0.915852f, 0.915864f, 0.915877f, 0.915889f, 0.915902f, 0.915914f, 0.915926f, 0.915939f, 0.915951f, 0.915964f, 0.915976f, 0.915988f, 0.916001f,
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-0.916257f, 0.916269f, 0.916281f, 0.916293f, 0.916305f, 0.916317f, 0.916329f, 0.916341f, 0.916353f, 0.916365f, 0.916377f, 0.916389f, 0.916401f, 0.916413f, 0.916425f, 0.916437f, 0.916448f, 0.91646f, 0.916472f, 0.916484f,
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-0.917186f, 0.917197f, 0.917208f, 0.917219f, 0.917231f, 0.917242f, 0.917253f, 0.917264f, 0.917275f, 0.917286f, 0.917297f, 0.917308f, 0.917319f, 0.91733f, 0.917341f, 0.917352f, 0.917363f, 0.917374f, 0.917385f, 0.917396f,
-0.917407f, 0.917418f, 0.917429f, 0.91744f, 0.917451f, 0.917461f, 0.917472f, 0.917483f, 0.917494f, 0.917505f, 0.917516f, 0.917526f, 0.917537f, 0.917548f, 0.917559f, 0.91757f, 0.91758f, 0.917591f, 0.917602f, 0.917612f,
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-0.918244f, 0.918254f, 0.918264f, 0.918274f, 0.918284f, 0.918294f, 0.918304f, 0.918314f, 0.918324f, 0.918334f, 0.918344f, 0.918354f, 0.918364f, 0.918374f, 0.918384f, 0.918393f, 0.918403f, 0.918413f, 0.918423f, 0.918433f,
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-0.919188f, 0.919197f, 0.919206f, 0.919215f, 0.919223f, 0.919232f, 0.919241f, 0.91925f, 0.919259f, 0.919267f, 0.919276f, 0.919285f, 0.919294f, 0.919302f, 0.919311f, 0.91932f, 0.919328f, 0.919337f, 0.919346f, 0.919354f,
-0.919363f, 0.919372f, 0.91938f, 0.919389f, 0.919397f, 0.919406f, 0.919415f, 0.919423f, 0.919432f, 0.91944f, 0.919449f, 0.919457f, 0.919466f, 0.919474f, 0.919483f, 0.919491f, 0.9195f, 0.919508f, 0.919517f, 0.919525f,
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-0.920316f, 0.920323f, 0.920331f, 0.920338f, 0.920345f, 0.920352f, 0.920359f, 0.920367f, 0.920374f, 0.920381f, 0.920388f, 0.920395f, 0.920402f, 0.920409f, 0.920417f, 0.920424f, 0.920431f, 0.920438f, 0.920445f, 0.920452f,
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-0.920597f, 0.920604f, 0.920611f, 0.920617f, 0.920624f, 0.920631f, 0.920638f, 0.920644f, 0.920651f, 0.920658f, 0.920664f, 0.920671f, 0.920678f, 0.920684f, 0.920691f, 0.920698f, 0.920704f, 0.920711f, 0.920717f, 0.920724f,
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-0.921104f, 0.921109f, 0.921115f, 0.921121f, 0.921127f, 0.921133f, 0.921139f, 0.921144f, 0.92115f, 0.921156f, 0.921162f, 0.921168f, 0.921173f, 0.921179f, 0.921185f, 0.92119f, 0.921196f, 0.921202f, 0.921207f, 0.921213f,
-0.921219f, 0.921224f, 0.92123f, 0.921236f, 0.921241f, 0.921247f, 0.921252f, 0.921258f, 0.921264f, 0.921269f, 0.921275f, 0.92128f, 0.921286f, 0.921291f, 0.921297f, 0.921302f, 0.921308f, 0.921313f, 0.921318f, 0.921324f,
-0.921329f, 0.921335f, 0.92134f, 0.921346f, 0.921351f, 0.921356f, 0.921362f, 0.921367f, 0.921372f, 0.921378f, 0.921383f, 0.921388f, 0.921393f, 0.921399f, 0.921404f, 0.921409f, 0.921414f, 0.92142f, 0.921425f, 0.92143f,
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-0.920329f, 0.920321f, 0.920314f, 0.920307f, 0.9203f, 0.920292f, 0.920285f, 0.920278f, 0.92027f, 0.920263f, 0.920256f, 0.920248f, 0.920241f, 0.920234f, 0.920226f, 0.920219f, 0.920212f, 0.920204f, 0.920197f, 0.920189f,
-0.920182f, 0.920174f, 0.920167f, 0.920159f, 0.920152f, 0.920145f, 0.920137f, 0.920129f, 0.920122f, 0.920114f, 0.920107f, 0.920099f, 0.920092f, 0.920084f, 0.920077f, 0.920069f, 0.920061f, 0.920054f, 0.920046f, 0.920038f,
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-0.918845f, 0.918835f, 0.918826f, 0.918817f, 0.918807f, 0.918798f, 0.918789f, 0.918779f, 0.91877f, 0.918761f, 0.918751f, 0.918742f, 0.918732f, 0.918723f, 0.918714f, 0.918704f, 0.918695f, 0.918685f, 0.918676f, 0.918666f,
-0.918657f, 0.918647f, 0.918638f, 0.918628f, 0.918619f, 0.918609f, 0.9186f, 0.91859f, 0.918581f, 0.918571f, 0.918561f, 0.918552f, 0.918542f, 0.918532f, 0.918523f, 0.918513f, 0.918503f, 0.918494f, 0.918484f, 0.918474f,
-0.918465f, 0.918455f, 0.918445f, 0.918435f, 0.918426f, 0.918416f, 0.918406f, 0.918396f, 0.918386f, 0.918377f, 0.918367f, 0.918357f, 0.918347f, 0.918337f, 0.918327f, 0.918317f, 0.918308f, 0.918298f, 0.918288f, 0.918278f,
-0.918268f, 0.918258f, 0.918248f, 0.918238f, 0.918228f, 0.918218f, 0.918208f, 0.918198f, 0.918188f, 0.918178f, 0.918168f, 0.918158f, 0.918148f, 0.918137f, 0.918127f, 0.918117f, 0.918107f, 0.918097f, 0.918087f, 0.918077f,
-0.918066f, 0.918056f, 0.918046f, 0.918036f, 0.918026f, 0.918015f, 0.918005f, 0.917995f, 0.917985f, 0.917974f, 0.917964f, 0.917954f, 0.917943f, 0.917933f, 0.917923f, 0.917912f, 0.917902f, 0.917892f, 0.917881f, 0.917871f,
-0.917861f, 0.91785f, 0.91784f, 0.917829f, 0.917819f, 0.917808f, 0.917798f, 0.917787f, 0.917777f, 0.917766f, 0.917756f, 0.917745f, 0.917735f, 0.917724f, 0.917714f, 0.917703f, 0.917693f, 0.917682f, 0.917671f, 0.917661f,
-0.91765f, 0.91764f, 0.917629f, 0.917618f, 0.917608f, 0.917597f, 0.917586f, 0.917575f, 0.917565f, 0.917554f, 0.917543f, 0.917532f, 0.917522f, 0.917511f, 0.9175f, 0.917489f, 0.917479f, 0.917468f, 0.917457f, 0.917446f,
-0.917435f, 0.917424f, 0.917413f, 0.917403f, 0.917392f, 0.917381f, 0.91737f, 0.917359f, 0.917348f, 0.917337f, 0.917326f, 0.917315f, 0.917304f, 0.917293f, 0.917282f, 0.917271f, 0.91726f, 0.917249f, 0.917238f, 0.917227f,
-0.917216f, 0.917205f, 0.917193f, 0.917182f, 0.917171f, 0.91716f, 0.917149f, 0.917138f, 0.917127f, 0.917115f, 0.917104f, 0.917093f, 0.917082f, 0.91707f, 0.917059f, 0.917048f, 0.917037f, 0.917025f, 0.917014f, 0.917003f,
-0.916992f, 0.91698f, 0.916969f, 0.916958f, 0.916946f, 0.916935f, 0.916923f, 0.916912f, 0.916901f, 0.916889f, 0.916878f, 0.916866f, 0.916855f, 0.916843f, 0.916832f, 0.916821f, 0.916809f, 0.916798f, 0.916786f, 0.916774f,
-0.916763f, 0.916751f, 0.91674f, 0.916728f, 0.916717f, 0.916705f, 0.916693f, 0.916682f, 0.91667f, 0.916659f, 0.916647f, 0.916635f, 0.916624f, 0.916612f, 0.9166f, 0.916588f, 0.916577f, 0.916565f, 0.916553f, 0.916542f,
-0.91653f, 0.916518f, 0.916506f, 0.916494f, 0.916483f, 0.916471f, 0.916459f, 0.916447f, 0.916435f, 0.916423f, 0.916411f, 0.9164f, 0.916388f, 0.916376f, 0.916364f, 0.916352f, 0.91634f, 0.916328f, 0.916316f, 0.916304f,
-0.916292f, 0.91628f, 0.916268f, 0.916256f, 0.916244f, 0.916232f, 0.91622f, 0.916208f, 0.916196f, 0.916184f, 0.916172f, 0.916159f, 0.916147f, 0.916135f, 0.916123f, 0.916111f, 0.916099f, 0.916086f, 0.916074f, 0.916062f,
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-0.915803f, 0.915791f, 0.915778f, 0.915766f, 0.915753f, 0.915741f, 0.915728f, 0.915716f, 0.915703f, 0.915691f, 0.915678f, 0.915665f, 0.915653f, 0.91564f, 0.915628f, 0.915615f, 0.915602f, 0.91559f, 0.915577f, 0.915564f,
-0.915552f, 0.915539f, 0.915526f, 0.915514f, 0.915501f, 0.915488f, 0.915476f, 0.915463f, 0.91545f, 0.915437f, 0.915424f, 0.915412f, 0.915399f, 0.915386f, 0.915373f, 0.91536f, 0.915347f, 0.915335f, 0.915322f, 0.915309f,
-0.915296f, 0.915283f, 0.91527f, 0.915257f, 0.915244f, 0.915231f, 0.915218f, 0.915205f, 0.915192f, 0.915179f, 0.915166f, 0.915153f, 0.91514f, 0.915127f, 0.915114f, 0.915101f, 0.915088f, 0.915075f, 0.915062f, 0.915049f,
-0.915036f, 0.915022f, 0.915009f, 0.914996f, 0.914983f, 0.91497f, 0.914957f, 0.914943f, 0.91493f, 0.914917f, 0.914904f, 0.914891f, 0.914877f, 0.914864f, 0.914851f, 0.914837f, 0.914824f, 0.914811f, 0.914797f, 0.914784f,
-0.914771f, 0.914757f, 0.914744f, 0.914731f, 0.914717f, 0.914704f, 0.91469f, 0.914677f, 0.914664f, 0.91465f, 0.914637f, 0.914623f, 0.91461f, 0.914596f, 0.914583f, 0.914569f, 0.914556f, 0.914542f, 0.914528f, 0.914515f,
-0.914501f, 0.914488f, 0.914474f, 0.914461f, 0.914447f, 0.914433f, 0.91442f, 0.914406f, 0.914392f, 0.914379f, 0.914365f, 0.914351f, 0.914338f, 0.914324f, 0.91431f, 0.914296f, 0.914283f, 0.914269f, 0.914255f, 0.914241f,
-0.914227f, 0.914214f, 0.9142f, 0.914186f, 0.914172f, 0.914158f, 0.914144f, 0.91413f, 0.914117f, 0.914103f, 0.914089f, 0.914075f, 0.914061f, 0.914047f, 0.914033f, 0.914019f, 0.914005f, 0.913991f, 0.913977f, 0.913963f,
-0.913949f, 0.913935f, 0.913921f, 0.913907f, 0.913893f, 0.913879f, 0.913865f, 0.91385f, 0.913836f, 0.913822f, 0.913808f, 0.913794f, 0.91378f, 0.913766f, 0.913751f, 0.913737f, 0.913723f, 0.913709f, 0.913695f, 0.91368f,
-0.913666f, 0.913652f, 0.913637f, 0.913623f, 0.913609f, 0.913595f, 0.91358f, 0.913566f, 0.913552f, 0.913537f, 0.913523f, 0.913508f, 0.913494f, 0.91348f, 0.913465f, 0.913451f, 0.913436f, 0.913422f, 0.913408f, 0.913393f,
-0.913379f, 0.913364f, 0.91335f, 0.913335f, 0.913321f, 0.913306f, 0.913291f, 0.913277f, 0.913262f, 0.913248f, 0.913233f, 0.913219f, 0.913204f, 0.913189f, 0.913175f, 0.91316f, 0.913145f, 0.913131f, 0.913116f, 0.913101f,
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-0.91279f, 0.912775f, 0.91276f, 0.912745f, 0.91273f, 0.912715f, 0.9127f, 0.912685f, 0.91267f, 0.912655f, 0.91264f, 0.912625f, 0.91261f, 0.912595f, 0.91258f, 0.912565f, 0.91255f, 0.912535f, 0.912519f, 0.912504f,
-0.912489f, 0.912474f, 0.912459f, 0.912444f, 0.912428f, 0.912413f, 0.912398f, 0.912383f, 0.912367f, 0.912352f, 0.912337f, 0.912322f, 0.912306f, 0.912291f, 0.912276f, 0.91226f, 0.912245f, 0.91223f, 0.912214f, 0.912199f,
-0.912184f, 0.912168f, 0.912153f, 0.912137f, 0.912122f, 0.912107f, 0.912091f, 0.912076f, 0.91206f, 0.912045f, 0.912029f, 0.912014f, 0.911998f, 0.911983f, 0.911967f, 0.911952f, 0.911936f, 0.91192f, 0.911905f, 0.911889f,
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-0.911559f, 0.911543f, 0.911527f, 0.911512f, 0.911496f, 0.91148f, 0.911464f, 0.911448f, 0.911432f, 0.911416f, 0.9114f, 0.911384f, 0.911368f, 0.911352f, 0.911336f, 0.91132f, 0.911304f, 0.911288f, 0.911272f, 0.911256f,
-0.91124f, 0.911224f, 0.911208f, 0.911192f, 0.911176f, 0.91116f, 0.911143f, 0.911127f, 0.911111f, 0.911095f, 0.911079f, 0.911063f, 0.911046f, 0.91103f, 0.911014f, 0.910998f, 0.910982f, 0.910965f, 0.910949f, 0.910933f,
-0.910917f, 0.9109f, 0.910884f, 0.910868f, 0.910851f, 0.910835f, 0.910819f, 0.910802f, 0.910786f, 0.91077f, 0.910753f, 0.910737f, 0.91072f, 0.910704f, 0.910687f, 0.910671f, 0.910655f, 0.910638f, 0.910622f, 0.910605f,
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-0.910256f, 0.910239f, 0.910223f, 0.910206f, 0.910189f, 0.910172f, 0.910155f, 0.910139f, 0.910122f, 0.910105f, 0.910088f, 0.910071f, 0.910054f, 0.910038f, 0.910021f, 0.910004f, 0.909987f, 0.90997f, 0.909953f, 0.909936f,
-0.909919f, 0.909902f, 0.909885f, 0.909868f, 0.909851f, 0.909834f, 0.909817f, 0.9098f, 0.909783f, 0.909766f, 0.909749f, 0.909732f, 0.909715f, 0.909698f, 0.909681f, 0.909663f, 0.909646f, 0.909629f, 0.909612f, 0.909595f,
-0.909578f, 0.90956f, 0.909543f, 0.909526f, 0.909509f, 0.909492f, 0.909474f, 0.909457f, 0.90944f, 0.909423f, 0.909405f, 0.909388f, 0.909371f, 0.909353f, 0.909336f, 0.909319f, 0.909301f, 0.909284f, 0.909266f, 0.909249f,
-0.909232f, 0.909214f, 0.909197f, 0.909179f, 0.909162f, 0.909144f, 0.909127f, 0.90911f, 0.909092f, 0.909075f, 0.909057f, 0.909039f, 0.909022f, 0.909004f, 0.908987f, 0.908969f, 0.908952f, 0.908934f, 0.908916f, 0.908899f,
-0.908881f, 0.908864f, 0.908846f, 0.908828f, 0.908811f, 0.908793f, 0.908775f, 0.908758f, 0.90874f, 0.908722f, 0.908704f, 0.908687f, 0.908669f, 0.908651f, 0.908633f, 0.908615f, 0.908598f, 0.90858f, 0.908562f, 0.908544f,
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-0.908167f, 0.908149f, 0.908131f, 0.908113f, 0.908095f, 0.908076f, 0.908058f, 0.90804f, 0.908022f, 0.908004f, 0.907986f, 0.907967f, 0.907949f, 0.907931f, 0.907913f, 0.907894f, 0.907876f, 0.907858f, 0.90784f, 0.907821f,
-0.907803f, 0.907785f, 0.907766f, 0.907748f, 0.90773f, 0.907711f, 0.907693f, 0.907675f, 0.907656f, 0.907638f, 0.907619f, 0.907601f, 0.907583f, 0.907564f, 0.907546f, 0.907527f, 0.907509f, 0.90749f, 0.907472f, 0.907453f,
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-0.907062f, 0.907043f, 0.907024f, 0.907006f, 0.906987f, 0.906968f, 0.906949f, 0.90693f, 0.906912f, 0.906893f, 0.906874f, 0.906855f, 0.906836f, 0.906817f, 0.906798f, 0.906779f, 0.906761f, 0.906742f, 0.906723f, 0.906704f,
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-0.905526f, 0.905507f, 0.905487f, 0.905467f, 0.905448f, 0.905428f, 0.905408f, 0.905388f, 0.905369f, 0.905349f, 0.905329f, 0.905309f, 0.90529f, 0.90527f, 0.90525f, 0.90523f, 0.90521f, 0.905191f, 0.905171f, 0.905151f,
-0.905131f, 0.905111f, 0.905091f, 0.905071f, 0.905052f, 0.905032f, 0.905012f, 0.904992f, 0.904972f, 0.904952f, 0.904932f, 0.904912f, 0.904892f, 0.904872f, 0.904852f, 0.904832f, 0.904812f, 0.904792f, 0.904772f, 0.904752f,
-0.904732f, 0.904711f, 0.904691f, 0.904671f, 0.904651f, 0.904631f, 0.904611f, 0.904591f, 0.90457f, 0.90455f, 0.90453f, 0.90451f, 0.90449f, 0.904469f, 0.904449f, 0.904429f, 0.904409f, 0.904388f, 0.904368f, 0.904348f,
-0.904328f, 0.904307f, 0.904287f, 0.904267f, 0.904246f, 0.904226f, 0.904205f, 0.904185f, 0.904165f, 0.904144f, 0.904124f, 0.904103f, 0.904083f, 0.904063f, 0.904042f, 0.904022f, 0.904001f, 0.903981f, 0.90396f, 0.90394f,
-0.903919f, 0.903899f, 0.903878f, 0.903857f, 0.903837f, 0.903816f, 0.903796f, 0.903775f, 0.903754f, 0.903734f, 0.903713f, 0.903693f, 0.903672f, 0.903651f, 0.903631f, 0.90361f, 0.903589f, 0.903568f, 0.903548f, 0.903527f,
-0.903506f, 0.903485f, 0.903465f, 0.903444f, 0.903423f, 0.903402f, 0.903381f, 0.903361f, 0.90334f, 0.903319f, 0.903298f, 0.903277f, 0.903256f, 0.903235f, 0.903215f, 0.903194f, 0.903173f, 0.903152f, 0.903131f, 0.90311f,
-0.903089f, 0.903068f, 0.903047f, 0.903026f, 0.903005f, 0.902984f, 0.902963f, 0.902942f, 0.902921f, 0.9029f, 0.902879f, 0.902857f, 0.902836f, 0.902815f, 0.902794f, 0.902773f, 0.902752f, 0.902731f, 0.90271f, 0.902688f,
-0.902667f, 0.902646f, 0.902625f, 0.902603f, 0.902582f, 0.902561f, 0.90254f, 0.902518f, 0.902497f, 0.902476f, 0.902455f, 0.902433f, 0.902412f, 0.902391f, 0.902369f, 0.902348f, 0.902327f, 0.902305f, 0.902284f, 0.902262f,
-0.902241f, 0.90222f, 0.902198f, 0.902177f, 0.902155f, 0.902134f, 0.902112f, 0.902091f, 0.902069f, 0.902048f, 0.902026f, 0.902005f, 0.901983f, 0.901962f, 0.90194f, 0.901918f, 0.901897f, 0.901875f, 0.901854f, 0.901832f,
-0.90181f, 0.901789f, 0.901767f, 0.901745f, 0.901724f, 0.901702f, 0.90168f, 0.901659f, 0.901637f, 0.901615f, 0.901593f, 0.901572f, 0.90155f, 0.901528f, 0.901506f, 0.901484f, 0.901463f, 0.901441f, 0.901419f, 0.901397f,
-0.901375f, 0.901353f, 0.901332f, 0.90131f, 0.901288f, 0.901266f, 0.901244f, 0.901222f, 0.9012f, 0.901178f, 0.901156f, 0.901134f, 0.901112f, 0.90109f, 0.901068f, 0.901046f, 0.901024f, 0.901002f, 0.90098f, 0.900958f,
-0.900936f, 0.900914f, 0.900892f, 0.90087f, 0.900847f, 0.900825f, 0.900803f, 0.900781f, 0.900759f, 0.900737f, 0.900714f, 0.900692f, 0.90067f, 0.900648f, 0.900626f, 0.900603f, 0.900581f, 0.900559f, 0.900537f, 0.900514f,
-0.900492f, 0.90047f, 0.900447f, 0.900425f, 0.900403f, 0.90038f, 0.900358f, 0.900336f, 0.900313f, 0.900291f, 0.900268f, 0.900246f, 0.900223f, 0.900201f, 0.900179f, 0.900156f, 0.900134f, 0.900111f, 0.900089f, 0.900066f,
-0.900044f, 0.900021f, 0.899999f, 0.899976f, 0.899953f, 0.899931f, 0.899908f, 0.899886f, 0.899863f, 0.89984f, 0.899818f, 0.899795f, 0.899773f, 0.89975f, 0.899727f, 0.899704f, 0.899682f, 0.899659f, 0.899636f, 0.899614f,
-0.899591f, 0.899568f, 0.899545f, 0.899523f, 0.8995f, 0.899477f, 0.899454f, 0.899431f, 0.899409f, 0.899386f, 0.899363f, 0.89934f, 0.899317f, 0.899294f, 0.899271f, 0.899248f, 0.899226f, 0.899203f, 0.89918f, 0.899157f,
-0.899134f, 0.899111f, 0.899088f, 0.899065f, 0.899042f, 0.899019f, 0.898996f, 0.898973f, 0.89895f, 0.898927f, 0.898904f, 0.89888f, 0.898857f, 0.898834f, 0.898811f, 0.898788f, 0.898765f, 0.898742f, 0.898719f, 0.898695f,
-0.898672f, 0.898649f, 0.898626f, 0.898603f, 0.898579f, 0.898556f, 0.898533f, 0.89851f, 0.898486f, 0.898463f, 0.89844f, 0.898416f, 0.898393f, 0.89837f, 0.898347f, 0.898323f, 0.8983f, 0.898276f, 0.898253f, 0.89823f,
-0.898206f, 0.898183f, 0.898159f, 0.898136f, 0.898113f, 0.898089f, 0.898066f, 0.898042f, 0.898019f, 0.897995f, 0.897972f, 0.897948f, 0.897925f, 0.897901f, 0.897877f, 0.897854f, 0.89783f, 0.897807f, 0.897783f, 0.89776f,
-0.897736f, 0.897712f, 0.897689f, 0.897665f, 0.897641f, 0.897618f, 0.897594f, 0.89757f, 0.897547f, 0.897523f, 0.897499f, 0.897475f, 0.897452f, 0.897428f, 0.897404f, 0.89738f, 0.897356f, 0.897333f, 0.897309f, 0.897285f,
-0.897261f, 0.897237f, 0.897213f, 0.89719f, 0.897166f, 0.897142f, 0.897118f, 0.897094f, 0.89707f, 0.897046f, 0.897022f, 0.896998f, 0.896974f, 0.89695f, 0.896926f, 0.896902f, 0.896878f, 0.896854f, 0.89683f, 0.896806f,
-0.896782f, 0.896758f, 0.896734f, 0.89671f, 0.896686f, 0.896662f, 0.896637f, 0.896613f, 0.896589f, 0.896565f, 0.896541f, 0.896517f, 0.896492f, 0.896468f, 0.896444f, 0.89642f, 0.896396f, 0.896371f, 0.896347f, 0.896323f,
-0.896299f, 0.896274f, 0.89625f, 0.896226f, 0.896201f, 0.896177f, 0.896153f, 0.896128f, 0.896104f, 0.896079f, 0.896055f, 0.896031f, 0.896006f, 0.895982f, 0.895957f, 0.895933f, 0.895909f, 0.895884f, 0.89586f, 0.895835f,
-0.895811f, 0.895786f, 0.895762f, 0.895737f, 0.895712f, 0.895688f, 0.895663f, 0.895639f, 0.895614f, 0.89559f, 0.895565f, 0.89554f, 0.895516f, 0.895491f, 0.895466f, 0.895442f, 0.895417f, 0.895392f, 0.895368f, 0.895343f,
-0.895318f, 0.895294f, 0.895269f, 0.895244f, 0.895219f, 0.895195f, 0.89517f, 0.895145f, 0.89512f, 0.895095f, 0.89507f, 0.895046f, 0.895021f, 0.894996f, 0.894971f, 0.894946f, 0.894921f, 0.894896f, 0.894871f, 0.894847f,
-0.894822f, 0.894797f, 0.894772f, 0.894747f, 0.894722f, 0.894697f, 0.894672f, 0.894647f, 0.894622f, 0.894597f, 0.894572f, 0.894547f, 0.894521f, 0.894496f, 0.894471f, 0.894446f, 0.894421f, 0.894396f, 0.894371f, 0.894346f,
-0.894321f, 0.894295f, 0.89427f, 0.894245f, 0.89422f, 0.894195f, 0.894169f, 0.894144f, 0.894119f, 0.894094f, 0.894068f, 0.894043f, 0.894018f, 0.893993f, 0.893967f, 0.893942f, 0.893917f, 0.893891f, 0.893866f, 0.89384f,
-0.893815f, 0.89379f, 0.893764f, 0.893739f, 0.893714f, 0.893688f, 0.893663f, 0.893637f, 0.893612f, 0.893586f, 0.893561f, 0.893535f, 0.89351f, 0.893484f, 0.893459f, 0.893433f, 0.893408f, 0.893382f, 0.893356f, 0.893331f,
-0.893305f, 0.89328f, 0.893254f, 0.893228f, 0.893203f, 0.893177f, 0.893152f, 0.893126f, 0.8931f, 0.893074f, 0.893049f, 0.893023f, 0.892997f, 0.892972f, 0.892946f, 0.89292f, 0.892894f, 0.892869f, 0.892843f, 0.892817f,
-0.892791f, 0.892765f, 0.892739f, 0.892714f, 0.892688f, 0.892662f, 0.892636f, 0.89261f, 0.892584f, 0.892558f, 0.892532f, 0.892506f, 0.892481f, 0.892455f, 0.892429f, 0.892403f, 0.892377f, 0.892351f, 0.892325f, 0.892299f,
-0.892273f, 0.892247f, 0.892221f, 0.892194f, 0.892168f, 0.892142f, 0.892116f, 0.89209f, 0.892064f, 0.892038f, 0.892012f, 0.891986f, 0.891959f, 0.891933f, 0.891907f, 0.891881f, 0.891855f, 0.891828f, 0.891802f, 0.891776f,
-0.89175f, 0.891723f, 0.891697f, 0.891671f, 0.891645f, 0.891618f, 0.891592f, 0.891566f, 0.891539f, 0.891513f, 0.891487f, 0.89146f, 0.891434f, 0.891407f, 0.891381f, 0.891355f, 0.891328f, 0.891302f, 0.891275f, 0.891249f,
-0.891222f, 0.891196f, 0.891169f, 0.891143f, 0.891116f, 0.89109f, 0.891063f, 0.891037f, 0.89101f, 0.890984f, 0.890957f, 0.890931f, 0.890904f, 0.890877f, 0.890851f, 0.890824f, 0.890798f, 0.890771f, 0.890744f, 0.890718f,
-0.890691f, 0.890664f, 0.890637f, 0.890611f, 0.890584f, 0.890557f, 0.890531f, 0.890504f, 0.890477f, 0.89045f, 0.890423f, 0.890397f, 0.89037f, 0.890343f, 0.890316f, 0.890289f, 0.890262f, 0.890236f, 0.890209f, 0.890182f,
-0.890155f, 0.890128f, 0.890101f, 0.890074f, 0.890047f, 0.89002f, 0.889993f, 0.889966f, 0.889939f, 0.889912f, 0.889885f, 0.889858f, 0.889831f, 0.889804f, 0.889777f, 0.88975f, 0.889723f, 0.889696f, 0.889669f, 0.889642f,
-0.889615f, 0.889587f, 0.88956f, 0.889533f, 0.889506f, 0.889479f, 0.889452f, 0.889424f, 0.889397f, 0.88937f, 0.889343f, 0.889316f, 0.889288f, 0.889261f, 0.889234f, 0.889207f, 0.889179f, 0.889152f, 0.889125f, 0.889097f,
-0.88907f, 0.889043f, 0.889015f, 0.888988f, 0.888961f, 0.888933f, 0.888906f, 0.888878f, 0.888851f, 0.888823f, 0.888796f, 0.888769f, 0.888741f, 0.888714f, 0.888686f, 0.888659f, 0.888631f, 0.888604f, 0.888576f, 0.888549f,
-0.888521f, 0.888493f, 0.888466f, 0.888438f, 0.888411f, 0.888383f, 0.888355f, 0.888328f, 0.8883f, 0.888273f, 0.888245f, 0.888217f, 0.88819f, 0.888162f, 0.888134f, 0.888106f, 0.888079f, 0.888051f, 0.888023f, 0.887995f,
-0.887968f, 0.88794f, 0.887912f, 0.887884f, 0.887857f, 0.887829f, 0.887801f, 0.887773f, 0.887745f, 0.887717f, 0.887689f, 0.887662f, 0.887634f, 0.887606f, 0.887578f, 0.88755f, 0.887522f, 0.887494f, 0.887466f, 0.887438f,
-0.88741f, 0.887382f, 0.887354f, 0.887326f, 0.887298f, 0.88727f, 0.887242f, 0.887214f, 0.887186f, 0.887158f, 0.88713f, 0.887102f, 0.887073f, 0.887045f, 0.887017f, 0.886989f, 0.886961f, 0.886933f, 0.886905f, 0.886876f,
-0.886848f, 0.88682f, 0.886792f, 0.886763f, 0.886735f, 0.886707f, 0.886679f, 0.88665f, 0.886622f, 0.886594f, 0.886566f, 0.886537f, 0.886509f, 0.886481f, 0.886452f, 0.886424f, 0.886395f, 0.886367f, 0.886339f, 0.88631f,
-0.886282f, 0.886253f, 0.886225f, 0.886197f, 0.886168f, 0.88614f, 0.886111f, 0.886083f, 0.886054f, 0.886026f, 0.885997f, 0.885969f, 0.88594f, 0.885911f, 0.885883f, 0.885854f, 0.885826f, 0.885797f, 0.885769f, 0.88574f,
-0.885711f, 0.885683f, 0.885654f, 0.885625f, 0.885597f, 0.885568f, 0.885539f, 0.885511f, 0.885482f, 0.885453f, 0.885424f, 0.885396f, 0.885367f, 0.885338f, 0.885309f, 0.88528f, 0.885252f, 0.885223f, 0.885194f, 0.885165f,
-0.885136f, 0.885107f, 0.885079f, 0.88505f, 0.885021f, 0.884992f, 0.884963f, 0.884934f, 0.884905f, 0.884876f, 0.884847f, 0.884818f, 0.884789f, 0.88476f, 0.884731f, 0.884702f, 0.884673f, 0.884644f, 0.884615f, 0.884586f,
-0.884557f, 0.884528f, 0.884499f, 0.88447f, 0.884441f, 0.884412f, 0.884383f, 0.884353f, 0.884324f, 0.884295f, 0.884266f, 0.884237f, 0.884208f, 0.884178f, 0.884149f, 0.88412f, 0.884091f, 0.884061f, 0.884032f, 0.884003f,
-0.883974f, 0.883944f, 0.883915f, 0.883886f, 0.883856f, 0.883827f, 0.883798f, 0.883768f, 0.883739f, 0.88371f, 0.88368f, 0.883651f, 0.883621f, 0.883592f, 0.883563f, 0.883533f, 0.883504f, 0.883474f, 0.883445f, 0.883415f,
-0.883386f, 0.883356f, 0.883327f, 0.883297f, 0.883268f, 0.883238f, 0.883209f, 0.883179f, 0.883149f, 0.88312f, 0.88309f, 0.883061f, 0.883031f, 0.883001f, 0.882972f, 0.882942f, 0.882912f, 0.882883f, 0.882853f, 0.882823f,
-0.882794f, 0.882764f, 0.882734f, 0.882704f, 0.882675f, 0.882645f, 0.882615f, 0.882585f, 0.882556f, 0.882526f, 0.882496f, 0.882466f, 0.882436f, 0.882406f, 0.882377f, 0.882347f, 0.882317f, 0.882287f, 0.882257f, 0.882227f,
-0.882197f, 0.882167f, 0.882137f, 0.882107f, 0.882077f, 0.882047f, 0.882017f, 0.881987f, 0.881957f, 0.881927f, 0.881897f, 0.881867f, 0.881837f, 0.881807f, 0.881777f, 0.881747f, 0.881717f, 0.881687f, 0.881657f, 0.881627f,
-0.881597f, 0.881566f, 0.881536f, 0.881506f, 0.881476f, 0.881446f, 0.881415f, 0.881385f, 0.881355f, 0.881325f, 0.881295f, 0.881264f, 0.881234f, 0.881204f, 0.881173f, 0.881143f, 0.881113f, 0.881083f, 0.881052f, 0.881022f,
-0.880992f, 0.880961f, 0.880931f, 0.8809f, 0.88087f, 0.88084f, 0.880809f, 0.880779f, 0.880748f, 0.880718f, 0.880687f, 0.880657f, 0.880626f, 0.880596f, 0.880566f, 0.880535f, 0.880504f, 0.880474f, 0.880443f, 0.880413f,
-0.880382f, 0.880352f, 0.880321f, 0.880291f, 0.88026f, 0.880229f, 0.880199f, 0.880168f, 0.880137f, 0.880107f, 0.880076f, 0.880045f, 0.880015f, 0.879984f, 0.879953f, 0.879923f, 0.879892f, 0.879861f, 0.87983f, 0.8798f,
-0.879769f, 0.879738f, 0.879707f, 0.879676f, 0.879646f, 0.879615f, 0.879584f, 0.879553f, 0.879522f, 0.879491f, 0.87946f, 0.879429f, 0.879399f, 0.879368f, 0.879337f, 0.879306f, 0.879275f, 0.879244f, 0.879213f, 0.879182f,
-0.879151f, 0.87912f, 0.879089f, 0.879058f, 0.879027f, 0.878996f, 0.878965f, 0.878934f, 0.878903f, 0.878872f, 0.87884f, 0.878809f, 0.878778f, 0.878747f, 0.878716f, 0.878685f, 0.878654f, 0.878622f, 0.878591f, 0.87856f,
-0.878529f, 0.878498f, 0.878466f, 0.878435f, 0.878404f, 0.878373f, 0.878341f, 0.87831f, 0.878279f, 0.878247f, 0.878216f, 0.878185f, 0.878154f, 0.878122f, 0.878091f, 0.878059f, 0.878028f, 0.877997f, 0.877965f, 0.877934f,
-0.877902f, 0.877871f, 0.87784f, 0.877808f, 0.877777f, 0.877745f, 0.877714f, 0.877682f, 0.877651f, 0.877619f, 0.877588f, 0.877556f, 0.877525f, 0.877493f, 0.877462f, 0.87743f, 0.877398f, 0.877367f, 0.877335f, 0.877304f,
-0.877272f, 0.87724f, 0.877209f, 0.877177f, 0.877145f, 0.877114f, 0.877082f, 0.87705f, 0.877018f, 0.876987f, 0.876955f, 0.876923f, 0.876891f, 0.87686f, 0.876828f, 0.876796f, 0.876764f, 0.876733f, 0.876701f, 0.876669f,
-0.876637f, 0.876605f, 0.876573f, 0.876541f, 0.87651f, 0.876478f, 0.876446f, 0.876414f, 0.876382f, 0.87635f, 0.876318f, 0.876286f, 0.876254f, 0.876222f, 0.87619f, 0.876158f, 0.876126f, 0.876094f, 0.876062f, 0.87603f,
-0.875998f, 0.875966f, 0.875934f, 0.875902f, 0.87587f, 0.875837f, 0.875805f, 0.875773f, 0.875741f, 0.875709f, 0.875677f, 0.875645f, 0.875612f, 0.87558f, 0.875548f, 0.875516f, 0.875484f, 0.875451f, 0.875419f, 0.875387f,
-0.875355f, 0.875322f, 0.87529f, 0.875258f, 0.875225f, 0.875193f, 0.875161f, 0.875128f, 0.875096f, 0.875064f, 0.875031f, 0.874999f, 0.874966f, 0.874934f, 0.874902f, 0.874869f, 0.874837f, 0.874804f, 0.874772f, 0.874739f,
-0.874707f, 0.874674f, 0.874642f, 0.874609f, 0.874577f, 0.874544f, 0.874512f, 0.874479f, 0.874447f, 0.874414f, 0.874382f, 0.874349f, 0.874316f, 0.874284f, 0.874251f, 0.874218f, 0.874186f, 0.874153f, 0.87412f, 0.874088f,
-0.874055f, 0.874022f, 0.87399f, 0.873957f, 0.873924f, 0.873891f, 0.873859f, 0.873826f, 0.873793f, 0.87376f, 0.873728f, 0.873695f, 0.873662f, 0.873629f, 0.873596f, 0.873563f, 0.873531f, 0.873498f, 0.873465f, 0.873432f,
-0.873399f, 0.873366f, 0.873333f, 0.8733f, 0.873267f, 0.873234f, 0.873201f, 0.873168f, 0.873135f, 0.873102f, 0.873069f, 0.873036f, 0.873003f, 0.87297f, 0.872937f, 0.872904f, 0.872871f, 0.872838f, 0.872805f, 0.872772f,
-0.872739f, 0.872706f, 0.872672f, 0.872639f, 0.872606f, 0.872573f, 0.87254f, 0.872507f, 0.872473f, 0.87244f, 0.872407f, 0.872374f, 0.872341f, 0.872307f, 0.872274f, 0.872241f, 0.872207f, 0.872174f, 0.872141f, 0.872108f,
-0.872074f, 0.872041f, 0.872008f, 0.871974f, 0.871941f, 0.871907f, 0.871874f, 0.871841f, 0.871807f, 0.871774f, 0.87174f, 0.871707f, 0.871673f, 0.87164f, 0.871607f, 0.871573f, 0.87154f, 0.871506f, 0.871473f, 0.871439f,
-0.871405f, 0.871372f, 0.871338f, 0.871305f, 0.871271f, 0.871238f, 0.871204f, 0.87117f, 0.871137f, 0.871103f, 0.87107f, 0.871036f, 0.871002f, 0.870969f, 0.870935f, 0.870901f, 0.870867f, 0.870834f, 0.8708f, 0.870766f,
-0.870733f, 0.870699f, 0.870665f, 0.870631f, 0.870597f, 0.870564f, 0.87053f, 0.870496f, 0.870462f, 0.870428f, 0.870394f, 0.870361f, 0.870327f, 0.870293f, 0.870259f, 0.870225f, 0.870191f, 0.870157f, 0.870123f, 0.870089f,
-0.870055f, 0.870021f, 0.869987f, 0.869953f, 0.869919f, 0.869885f, 0.869851f, 0.869817f, 0.869783f, 0.869749f, 0.869715f, 0.869681f, 0.869647f, 0.869613f, 0.869579f, 0.869545f, 0.869511f, 0.869476f, 0.869442f, 0.869408f,
-0.869374f, 0.86934f, 0.869306f, 0.869271f, 0.869237f, 0.869203f, 0.869169f, 0.869135f, 0.8691f, 0.869066f, 0.869032f, 0.868997f, 0.868963f, 0.868929f, 0.868895f, 0.86886f, 0.868826f, 0.868792f, 0.868757f, 0.868723f,
-0.868688f, 0.868654f, 0.86862f, 0.868585f, 0.868551f, 0.868516f, 0.868482f, 0.868448f, 0.868413f, 0.868379f, 0.868344f, 0.86831f, 0.868275f, 0.868241f, 0.868206f, 0.868172f, 0.868137f, 0.868102f, 0.868068f, 0.868033f,
-0.867999f, 0.867964f, 0.867929f, 0.867895f, 0.86786f, 0.867826f, 0.867791f, 0.867756f, 0.867722f, 0.867687f, 0.867652f, 0.867618f, 0.867583f, 0.867548f, 0.867513f, 0.867479f, 0.867444f, 0.867409f, 0.867374f, 0.86734f,
-0.867305f, 0.86727f, 0.867235f, 0.8672f, 0.867165f, 0.867131f, 0.867096f, 0.867061f, 0.867026f, 0.866991f, 0.866956f, 0.866921f, 0.866886f, 0.866851f, 0.866816f, 0.866782f, 0.866747f, 0.866712f, 0.866677f, 0.866642f,
-0.866607f, 0.866572f, 0.866537f, 0.866502f, 0.866466f, 0.866431f, 0.866396f, 0.866361f, 0.866326f, 0.866291f, 0.866256f, 0.866221f, 0.866186f, 0.866151f, 0.866115f, 0.86608f, 0.866045f, 0.86601f, 0.865975f, 0.865939f,
-0.865904f, 0.865869f, 0.865834f, 0.865799f, 0.865763f, 0.865728f, 0.865693f, 0.865657f, 0.865622f, 0.865587f, 0.865552f, 0.865516f, 0.865481f, 0.865446f, 0.86541f, 0.865375f, 0.865339f, 0.865304f, 0.865269f, 0.865233f,
-0.865198f, 0.865162f, 0.865127f, 0.865091f, 0.865056f, 0.865021f, 0.864985f, 0.86495f, 0.864914f, 0.864879f, 0.864843f, 0.864807f, 0.864772f, 0.864736f, 0.864701f, 0.864665f, 0.86463f, 0.864594f, 0.864558f, 0.864523f,
-0.864487f, 0.864451f, 0.864416f, 0.86438f, 0.864344f, 0.864309f, 0.864273f, 0.864237f, 0.864202f, 0.864166f, 0.86413f, 0.864094f, 0.864059f, 0.864023f, 0.863987f, 0.863951f, 0.863916f, 0.86388f, 0.863844f, 0.863808f,
-0.863772f, 0.863736f, 0.863701f, 0.863665f, 0.863629f, 0.863593f, 0.863557f, 0.863521f, 0.863485f, 0.863449f, 0.863413f, 0.863377f, 0.863341f, 0.863305f, 0.863269f, 0.863233f, 0.863197f, 0.863161f, 0.863125f, 0.863089f,
-0.863053f, 0.863017f, 0.862981f, 0.862945f, 0.862909f, 0.862873f, 0.862837f, 0.862801f, 0.862765f, 0.862728f, 0.862692f, 0.862656f, 0.86262f, 0.862584f, 0.862548f, 0.862511f, 0.862475f, 0.862439f, 0.862403f, 0.862366f,
-0.86233f, 0.862294f, 0.862258f, 0.862221f, 0.862185f, 0.862149f, 0.862112f, 0.862076f, 0.86204f, 0.862003f, 0.861967f, 0.861931f, 0.861894f, 0.861858f, 0.861821f, 0.861785f, 0.861749f, 0.861712f, 0.861676f, 0.861639f,
-0.861603f, 0.861566f, 0.86153f, 0.861493f, 0.861457f, 0.86142f, 0.861384f, 0.861347f, 0.861311f, 0.861274f, 0.861238f, 0.861201f, 0.861164f, 0.861128f, 0.861091f, 0.861055f, 0.861018f, 0.860981f, 0.860945f, 0.860908f,
-0.860871f, 0.860835f, 0.860798f, 0.860761f, 0.860725f, 0.860688f, 0.860651f, 0.860614f, 0.860578f, 0.860541f, 0.860504f, 0.860467f, 0.860431f, 0.860394f, 0.860357f, 0.86032f, 0.860283f, 0.860246f, 0.86021f, 0.860173f,
-0.860136f, 0.860099f, 0.860062f, 0.860025f, 0.859988f, 0.859951f, 0.859914f, 0.859877f, 0.85984f, 0.859803f, 0.859766f, 0.859729f, 0.859692f, 0.859655f, 0.859618f, 0.859581f, 0.859544f, 0.859507f, 0.85947f, 0.859433f,
-0.859396f, 0.859359f, 0.859322f, 0.859285f, 0.859248f, 0.859211f, 0.859173f, 0.859136f, 0.859099f, 0.859062f, 0.859025f, 0.858987f, 0.85895f, 0.858913f, 0.858876f, 0.858839f, 0.858801f, 0.858764f, 0.858727f, 0.85869f,
-0.858652f, 0.858615f, 0.858578f, 0.85854f, 0.858503f, 0.858466f, 0.858428f, 0.858391f, 0.858354f, 0.858316f, 0.858279f, 0.858241f, 0.858204f, 0.858167f, 0.858129f, 0.858092f, 0.858054f, 0.858017f, 0.857979f, 0.857942f,
-0.857904f, 0.857867f, 0.857829f, 0.857792f, 0.857754f, 0.857717f, 0.857679f, 0.857641f, 0.857604f, 0.857566f, 0.857529f, 0.857491f, 0.857453f, 0.857416f, 0.857378f, 0.857341f, 0.857303f, 0.857265f, 0.857228f, 0.85719f,
-0.857152f, 0.857114f, 0.857077f, 0.857039f, 0.857001f, 0.856963f, 0.856926f, 0.856888f, 0.85685f, 0.856812f, 0.856775f, 0.856737f, 0.856699f, 0.856661f, 0.856623f, 0.856585f, 0.856548f, 0.85651f, 0.856472f, 0.856434f,
-0.856396f, 0.856358f, 0.85632f, 0.856282f, 0.856244f, 0.856206f, 0.856168f, 0.85613f, 0.856092f, 0.856054f, 0.856016f, 0.855978f, 0.85594f, 0.855902f, 0.855864f, 0.855826f, 0.855788f, 0.85575f, 0.855712f, 0.855674f,
-0.855636f, 0.855597f, 0.855559f, 0.855521f, 0.855483f, 0.855445f, 0.855407f, 0.855369f, 0.85533f, 0.855292f, 0.855254f, 0.855216f, 0.855177f, 0.855139f, 0.855101f, 0.855063f, 0.855024f, 0.854986f, 0.854948f, 0.854909f,
-0.854871f, 0.854833f, 0.854794f, 0.854756f, 0.854718f, 0.854679f, 0.854641f, 0.854603f, 0.854564f, 0.854526f, 0.854487f, 0.854449f, 0.854411f, 0.854372f, 0.854334f, 0.854295f, 0.854257f, 0.854218f, 0.85418f, 0.854141f,
-0.854103f, 0.854064f, 0.854026f, 0.853987f, 0.853948f, 0.85391f, 0.853871f, 0.853833f, 0.853794f, 0.853755f, 0.853717f, 0.853678f, 0.85364f, 0.853601f, 0.853562f, 0.853524f, 0.853485f, 0.853446f, 0.853407f, 0.853369f,
-0.85333f, 0.853291f, 0.853253f, 0.853214f, 0.853175f, 0.853136f, 0.853097f, 0.853059f, 0.85302f, 0.852981f, 0.852942f, 0.852903f, 0.852864f, 0.852826f, 0.852787f, 0.852748f, 0.852709f, 0.85267f, 0.852631f, 0.852592f,
-0.852553f, 0.852514f, 0.852475f, 0.852436f, 0.852397f, 0.852358f, 0.852319f, 0.85228f, 0.852241f, 0.852202f, 0.852163f, 0.852124f, 0.852085f, 0.852046f, 0.852007f, 0.851968f, 0.851929f, 0.85189f, 0.851851f, 0.851812f,
-0.851772f, 0.851733f, 0.851694f, 0.851655f, 0.851616f, 0.851577f, 0.851537f, 0.851498f, 0.851459f, 0.85142f, 0.851381f, 0.851341f, 0.851302f, 0.851263f, 0.851223f, 0.851184f, 0.851145f, 0.851106f, 0.851066f, 0.851027f,
-0.850988f, 0.850948f, 0.850909f, 0.85087f, 0.85083f, 0.850791f, 0.850751f, 0.850712f, 0.850672f, 0.850633f, 0.850594f, 0.850554f, 0.850515f, 0.850475f, 0.850436f, 0.850396f, 0.850357f, 0.850317f, 0.850278f, 0.850238f,
-0.850199f, 0.850159f, 0.85012f, 0.85008f, 0.85004f, 0.850001f, 0.849961f, 0.849922f, 0.849882f, 0.849842f, 0.849803f, 0.849763f, 0.849723f, 0.849684f, 0.849644f, 0.849604f, 0.849565f, 0.849525f, 0.849485f, 0.849445f,
-0.849406f, 0.849366f, 0.849326f, 0.849286f, 0.849247f, 0.849207f, 0.849167f, 0.849127f, 0.849087f, 0.849047f, 0.849008f, 0.848968f, 0.848928f, 0.848888f, 0.848848f, 0.848808f, 0.848768f, 0.848728f, 0.848688f, 0.848648f,
-0.848609f, 0.848569f, 0.848529f, 0.848489f, 0.848449f, 0.848409f, 0.848369f, 0.848329f, 0.848289f, 0.848249f, 0.848208f, 0.848168f, 0.848128f, 0.848088f, 0.848048f, 0.848008f, 0.847968f, 0.847928f, 0.847888f, 0.847848f,
-0.847807f, 0.847767f, 0.847727f, 0.847687f, 0.847647f, 0.847606f, 0.847566f, 0.847526f, 0.847486f, 0.847446f, 0.847405f, 0.847365f, 0.847325f, 0.847284f, 0.847244f, 0.847204f, 0.847164f, 0.847123f, 0.847083f, 0.847043f,
-0.847002f, 0.846962f, 0.846921f, 0.846881f, 0.846841f, 0.8468f, 0.84676f, 0.846719f, 0.846679f, 0.846639f, 0.846598f, 0.846558f, 0.846517f, 0.846477f, 0.846436f, 0.846396f, 0.846355f, 0.846315f, 0.846274f, 0.846233f,
-0.846193f, 0.846152f, 0.846112f, 0.846071f, 0.846031f, 0.84599f, 0.845949f, 0.845909f, 0.845868f, 0.845827f, 0.845787f, 0.845746f, 0.845705f, 0.845665f, 0.845624f, 0.845583f, 0.845543f, 0.845502f, 0.845461f, 0.84542f,
-0.84538f, 0.845339f, 0.845298f, 0.845257f, 0.845217f, 0.845176f, 0.845135f, 0.845094f, 0.845053f, 0.845012f, 0.844971f, 0.844931f, 0.84489f, 0.844849f, 0.844808f, 0.844767f, 0.844726f, 0.844685f, 0.844644f, 0.844603f,
-0.844562f, 0.844521f, 0.84448f, 0.844439f, 0.844398f, 0.844357f, 0.844316f, 0.844275f, 0.844234f, 0.844193f, 0.844152f, 0.844111f, 0.84407f, 0.844029f, 0.843988f, 0.843947f, 0.843906f, 0.843864f, 0.843823f, 0.843782f,
-0.843741f, 0.8437f, 0.843659f, 0.843617f, 0.843576f, 0.843535f, 0.843494f, 0.843453f, 0.843411f, 0.84337f, 0.843329f, 0.843288f, 0.843246f, 0.843205f, 0.843164f, 0.843122f, 0.843081f, 0.84304f, 0.842998f, 0.842957f,
-0.842916f, 0.842874f, 0.842833f, 0.842791f, 0.84275f, 0.842709f, 0.842667f, 0.842626f, 0.842584f, 0.842543f, 0.842501f, 0.84246f, 0.842418f, 0.842377f, 0.842335f, 0.842294f, 0.842252f, 0.842211f, 0.842169f, 0.842128f,
-0.842086f, 0.842045f, 0.842003f, 0.841961f, 0.84192f, 0.841878f, 0.841837f, 0.841795f, 0.841753f, 0.841712f, 0.84167f, 0.841628f, 0.841587f, 0.841545f, 0.841503f, 0.841462f, 0.84142f, 0.841378f, 0.841336f, 0.841295f,
-0.841253f, 0.841211f, 0.841169f, 0.841127f, 0.841086f, 0.841044f, 0.841002f, 0.84096f, 0.840918f, 0.840876f, 0.840835f, 0.840793f, 0.840751f, 0.840709f, 0.840667f, 0.840625f, 0.840583f, 0.840541f, 0.840499f, 0.840457f,
-0.840415f, 0.840373f, 0.840331f, 0.840289f, 0.840247f, 0.840205f, 0.840163f, 0.840121f, 0.840079f, 0.840037f, 0.839995f, 0.839953f, 0.839911f, 0.839869f, 0.839827f, 0.839785f, 0.839743f, 0.8397f, 0.839658f, 0.839616f,
-0.839574f, 0.839532f, 0.83949f, 0.839447f, 0.839405f, 0.839363f, 0.839321f, 0.839279f, 0.839236f, 0.839194f, 0.839152f, 0.83911f, 0.839067f, 0.839025f, 0.838983f, 0.83894f, 0.838898f, 0.838856f, 0.838813f, 0.838771f,
-0.838729f, 0.838686f, 0.838644f, 0.838601f, 0.838559f, 0.838517f, 0.838474f, 0.838432f, 0.838389f, 0.838347f, 0.838304f, 0.838262f, 0.838219f, 0.838177f, 0.838134f, 0.838092f, 0.838049f, 0.838007f, 0.837964f, 0.837922f,
-0.837879f, 0.837837f, 0.837794f, 0.837751f, 0.837709f, 0.837666f, 0.837624f, 0.837581f, 0.837538f, 0.837496f, 0.837453f, 0.83741f, 0.837368f, 0.837325f, 0.837282f, 0.83724f, 0.837197f, 0.837154f, 0.837111f, 0.837069f,
-0.837026f, 0.836983f, 0.83694f, 0.836897f, 0.836855f, 0.836812f, 0.836769f, 0.836726f, 0.836683f, 0.83664f, 0.836598f, 0.836555f, 0.836512f, 0.836469f, 0.836426f, 0.836383f, 0.83634f, 0.836297f, 0.836254f, 0.836211f,
-0.836168f, 0.836125f, 0.836082f, 0.836039f, 0.835996f, 0.835953f, 0.83591f, 0.835867f, 0.835824f, 0.835781f, 0.835738f, 0.835695f, 0.835652f, 0.835609f, 0.835566f, 0.835523f, 0.83548f, 0.835437f, 0.835393f, 0.83535f,
-0.835307f, 0.835264f, 0.835221f, 0.835178f, 0.835134f, 0.835091f, 0.835048f, 0.835005f, 0.834961f, 0.834918f, 0.834875f, 0.834832f, 0.834788f, 0.834745f, 0.834702f, 0.834659f, 0.834615f, 0.834572f, 0.834529f, 0.834485f,
-0.834442f, 0.834398f, 0.834355f, 0.834312f, 0.834268f, 0.834225f, 0.834181f, 0.834138f, 0.834095f, 0.834051f, 0.834008f, 0.833964f, 0.833921f, 0.833877f, 0.833834f, 0.83379f, 0.833747f, 0.833703f, 0.83366f, 0.833616f,
-0.833573f, 0.833529f, 0.833485f, 0.833442f, 0.833398f, 0.833355f, 0.833311f, 0.833267f, 0.833224f, 0.83318f, 0.833136f, 0.833093f, 0.833049f, 0.833005f, 0.832962f, 0.832918f, 0.832874f, 0.832831f, 0.832787f, 0.832743f,
-0.832699f, 0.832656f, 0.832612f, 0.832568f, 0.832524f, 0.83248f, 0.832437f, 0.832393f, 0.832349f, 0.832305f, 0.832261f, 0.832217f, 0.832174f, 0.83213f, 0.832086f, 0.832042f, 0.831998f, 0.831954f, 0.83191f, 0.831866f,
-0.831822f, 0.831778f, 0.831734f, 0.83169f, 0.831646f, 0.831602f, 0.831558f, 0.831514f, 0.83147f, 0.831426f, 0.831382f, 0.831338f, 0.831294f, 0.83125f, 0.831206f, 0.831162f, 0.831118f, 0.831074f, 0.831029f, 0.830985f,
-0.830941f, 0.830897f, 0.830853f, 0.830809f, 0.830764f, 0.83072f, 0.830676f, 0.830632f, 0.830588f, 0.830543f, 0.830499f, 0.830455f, 0.830411f, 0.830366f, 0.830322f, 0.830278f, 0.830233f, 0.830189f, 0.830145f, 0.8301f,
-0.830056f, 0.830012f, 0.829967f, 0.829923f, 0.829879f, 0.829834f, 0.82979f, 0.829745f, 0.829701f, 0.829656f, 0.829612f, 0.829568f, 0.829523f, 0.829479f, 0.829434f, 0.82939f, 0.829345f, 0.829301f, 0.829256f, 0.829212f,
-0.829167f, 0.829123f, 0.829078f, 0.829033f, 0.828989f, 0.828944f, 0.8289f, 0.828855f, 0.82881f, 0.828766f, 0.828721f, 0.828676f, 0.828632f, 0.828587f, 0.828542f, 0.828498f, 0.828453f, 0.828408f, 0.828364f, 0.828319f,
-0.828274f, 0.828229f, 0.828185f, 0.82814f, 0.828095f, 0.82805f, 0.828006f, 0.827961f, 0.827916f, 0.827871f, 0.827826f, 0.827781f, 0.827737f, 0.827692f, 0.827647f, 0.827602f, 0.827557f, 0.827512f, 0.827467f, 0.827422f,
-0.827377f, 0.827332f, 0.827287f, 0.827243f, 0.827198f, 0.827153f, 0.827108f, 0.827063f, 0.827018f, 0.826973f, 0.826928f, 0.826882f, 0.826837f, 0.826792f, 0.826747f, 0.826702f, 0.826657f, 0.826612f, 0.826567f, 0.826522f,
-0.826477f, 0.826432f, 0.826386f, 0.826341f, 0.826296f, 0.826251f, 0.826206f, 0.82616f, 0.826115f, 0.82607f, 0.826025f, 0.82598f, 0.825934f, 0.825889f, 0.825844f, 0.825799f, 0.825753f, 0.825708f, 0.825663f, 0.825617f,
-0.825572f, 0.825527f, 0.825481f, 0.825436f, 0.825391f, 0.825345f, 0.8253f, 0.825254f, 0.825209f, 0.825164f, 0.825118f, 0.825073f, 0.825027f, 0.824982f, 0.824936f, 0.824891f, 0.824846f, 0.8248f, 0.824755f, 0.824709f,
-0.824663f, 0.824618f, 0.824572f, 0.824527f, 0.824481f, 0.824436f, 0.82439f, 0.824345f, 0.824299f, 0.824253f, 0.824208f, 0.824162f, 0.824117f, 0.824071f, 0.824025f, 0.82398f, 0.823934f, 0.823888f, 0.823842f, 0.823797f,
-0.823751f, 0.823705f, 0.82366f, 0.823614f, 0.823568f, 0.823522f, 0.823477f, 0.823431f, 0.823385f, 0.823339f, 0.823293f, 0.823248f, 0.823202f, 0.823156f, 0.82311f, 0.823064f, 0.823018f, 0.822972f, 0.822927f, 0.822881f,
-0.822835f, 0.822789f, 0.822743f, 0.822697f, 0.822651f, 0.822605f, 0.822559f, 0.822513f, 0.822467f, 0.822421f, 0.822375f, 0.822329f, 0.822283f, 0.822237f, 0.822191f, 0.822145f, 0.822099f, 0.822053f, 0.822007f, 0.821961f,
-0.821915f, 0.821868f, 0.821822f, 0.821776f, 0.82173f, 0.821684f, 0.821638f, 0.821592f, 0.821545f, 0.821499f, 0.821453f, 0.821407f, 0.821361f, 0.821314f, 0.821268f, 0.821222f, 0.821176f, 0.821129f, 0.821083f, 0.821037f,
-0.820991f, 0.820944f, 0.820898f, 0.820852f, 0.820805f, 0.820759f, 0.820713f, 0.820666f, 0.82062f, 0.820573f, 0.820527f, 0.820481f, 0.820434f, 0.820388f, 0.820341f, 0.820295f, 0.820248f, 0.820202f, 0.820156f, 0.820109f,
-0.820063f, 0.820016f, 0.81997f, 0.819923f, 0.819877f, 0.81983f, 0.819783f, 0.819737f, 0.81969f, 0.819644f, 0.819597f, 0.819551f, 0.819504f, 0.819457f, 0.819411f, 0.819364f, 0.819317f, 0.819271f, 0.819224f, 0.819177f,
-0.819131f, 0.819084f, 0.819037f, 0.818991f, 0.818944f, 0.818897f, 0.81885f, 0.818804f, 0.818757f, 0.81871f, 0.818663f, 0.818617f, 0.81857f, 0.818523f, 0.818476f, 0.818429f, 0.818383f, 0.818336f, 0.818289f, 0.818242f,
-0.818195f, 0.818148f, 0.818101f, 0.818054f, 0.818008f, 0.817961f, 0.817914f, 0.817867f, 0.81782f, 0.817773f, 0.817726f, 0.817679f, 0.817632f, 0.817585f, 0.817538f, 0.817491f, 0.817444f, 0.817397f, 0.81735f, 0.817303f,
-0.817256f, 0.817209f, 0.817161f, 0.817114f, 0.817067f, 0.81702f, 0.816973f, 0.816926f, 0.816879f, 0.816832f, 0.816784f, 0.816737f, 0.81669f, 0.816643f, 0.816596f, 0.816548f, 0.816501f, 0.816454f, 0.816407f, 0.81636f,
-0.816312f, 0.816265f, 0.816218f, 0.81617f, 0.816123f, 0.816076f, 0.816029f, 0.815981f, 0.815934f, 0.815887f, 0.815839f, 0.815792f, 0.815744f, 0.815697f, 0.81565f, 0.815602f, 0.815555f, 0.815507f, 0.81546f, 0.815413f,
-0.815365f, 0.815318f, 0.81527f, 0.815223f, 0.815175f, 0.815128f, 0.81508f, 0.815033f, 0.814985f, 0.814938f, 0.81489f, 0.814843f, 0.814795f, 0.814747f, 0.8147f, 0.814652f, 0.814605f, 0.814557f, 0.814509f, 0.814462f,
-0.814414f, 0.814366f, 0.814319f, 0.814271f, 0.814223f, 0.814176f, 0.814128f, 0.81408f, 0.814033f, 0.813985f, 0.813937f, 0.813889f, 0.813842f, 0.813794f, 0.813746f, 0.813698f, 0.813651f, 0.813603f, 0.813555f, 0.813507f,
-0.813459f, 0.813411f, 0.813364f, 0.813316f, 0.813268f, 0.81322f, 0.813172f, 0.813124f, 0.813076f, 0.813028f, 0.81298f, 0.812933f, 0.812885f, 0.812837f, 0.812789f, 0.812741f, 0.812693f, 0.812645f, 0.812597f, 0.812549f,
-0.812501f, 0.812453f, 0.812405f, 0.812357f, 0.812308f, 0.81226f, 0.812212f, 0.812164f, 0.812116f, 0.812068f, 0.81202f, 0.811972f, 0.811924f, 0.811875f, 0.811827f, 0.811779f, 0.811731f, 0.811683f, 0.811635f, 0.811586f,
-0.811538f, 0.81149f, 0.811442f, 0.811393f, 0.811345f, 0.811297f, 0.811249f, 0.8112f, 0.811152f, 0.811104f, 0.811056f, 0.811007f, 0.810959f, 0.810911f, 0.810862f, 0.810814f, 0.810765f, 0.810717f, 0.810669f, 0.81062f,
-0.810572f, 0.810524f, 0.810475f, 0.810427f, 0.810378f, 0.81033f, 0.810281f, 0.810233f, 0.810184f, 0.810136f, 0.810087f, 0.810039f, 0.80999f, 0.809942f, 0.809893f, 0.809845f, 0.809796f, 0.809748f, 0.809699f, 0.80965f,
-0.809602f, 0.809553f, 0.809505f, 0.809456f, 0.809407f, 0.809359f, 0.80931f, 0.809261f, 0.809213f, 0.809164f, 0.809115f, 0.809067f, 0.809018f, 0.808969f, 0.808921f, 0.808872f, 0.808823f, 0.808774f, 0.808726f, 0.808677f,
-0.808628f, 0.808579f, 0.80853f, 0.808482f, 0.808433f, 0.808384f, 0.808335f, 0.808286f, 0.808237f, 0.808189f, 0.80814f, 0.808091f, 0.808042f, 0.807993f, 0.807944f, 0.807895f, 0.807846f, 0.807797f, 0.807748f, 0.807699f,
-0.80765f, 0.807601f, 0.807552f, 0.807503f, 0.807454f, 0.807405f, 0.807356f, 0.807307f, 0.807258f, 0.807209f, 0.80716f, 0.807111f, 0.807062f, 0.807013f, 0.806964f, 0.806915f, 0.806866f, 0.806816f, 0.806767f, 0.806718f,
-0.806669f, 0.80662f, 0.806571f, 0.806521f, 0.806472f, 0.806423f, 0.806374f, 0.806325f, 0.806275f, 0.806226f, 0.806177f, 0.806128f, 0.806078f, 0.806029f, 0.80598f, 0.80593f, 0.805881f, 0.805832f, 0.805782f, 0.805733f,
-0.805684f, 0.805634f, 0.805585f, 0.805536f, 0.805486f, 0.805437f, 0.805388f, 0.805338f, 0.805289f, 0.805239f, 0.80519f, 0.80514f, 0.805091f, 0.805041f, 0.804992f, 0.804942f, 0.804893f, 0.804843f, 0.804794f, 0.804744f,
-0.804695f, 0.804645f, 0.804596f, 0.804546f, 0.804497f, 0.804447f, 0.804397f, 0.804348f, 0.804298f, 0.804249f, 0.804199f, 0.804149f, 0.8041f, 0.80405f, 0.804f, 0.803951f, 0.803901f, 0.803851f, 0.803802f, 0.803752f,
-0.803702f, 0.803652f, 0.803603f, 0.803553f, 0.803503f, 0.803453f, 0.803404f, 0.803354f, 0.803304f, 0.803254f, 0.803204f, 0.803155f, 0.803105f, 0.803055f, 0.803005f, 0.802955f, 0.802905f, 0.802855f, 0.802806f, 0.802756f,
-0.802706f, 0.802656f, 0.802606f, 0.802556f, 0.802506f, 0.802456f, 0.802406f, 0.802356f, 0.802306f, 0.802256f, 0.802206f, 0.802156f, 0.802106f, 0.802056f, 0.802006f, 0.801956f, 0.801906f, 0.801856f, 0.801806f, 0.801756f,
-0.801706f, 0.801655f, 0.801605f, 0.801555f, 0.801505f, 0.801455f, 0.801405f, 0.801355f, 0.801304f, 0.801254f, 0.801204f, 0.801154f, 0.801104f, 0.801053f, 0.801003f, 0.800953f, 0.800903f, 0.800852f, 0.800802f, 0.800752f,
-0.800702f, 0.800651f, 0.800601f, 0.800551f, 0.8005f, 0.80045f, 0.8004f, 0.800349f, 0.800299f, 0.800249f, 0.800198f, 0.800148f, 0.800097f, 0.800047f, 0.799997f, 0.799946f, 0.799896f, 0.799845f, 0.799795f, 0.799744f,
-0.799694f, 0.799643f, 0.799593f, 0.799542f, 0.799492f, 0.799441f, 0.799391f, 0.79934f, 0.79929f, 0.799239f, 0.799189f, 0.799138f, 0.799088f, 0.799037f, 0.798986f, 0.798936f, 0.798885f, 0.798835f, 0.798784f, 0.798733f,
-0.798683f, 0.798632f, 0.798581f, 0.798531f, 0.79848f, 0.798429f, 0.798378f, 0.798328f, 0.798277f, 0.798226f, 0.798175f, 0.798125f, 0.798074f, 0.798023f, 0.797972f, 0.797922f, 0.797871f, 0.79782f, 0.797769f, 0.797718f,
-0.797667f, 0.797617f, 0.797566f, 0.797515f, 0.797464f, 0.797413f, 0.797362f, 0.797311f, 0.79726f, 0.797209f, 0.797159f, 0.797108f, 0.797057f, 0.797006f, 0.796955f, 0.796904f, 0.796853f, 0.796802f, 0.796751f, 0.7967f,
-0.796649f, 0.796598f, 0.796547f, 0.796496f, 0.796444f, 0.796393f, 0.796342f, 0.796291f, 0.79624f, 0.796189f, 0.796138f, 0.796087f, 0.796036f, 0.795984f, 0.795933f, 0.795882f, 0.795831f, 0.79578f, 0.795729f, 0.795677f,
-0.795626f, 0.795575f, 0.795524f, 0.795472f, 0.795421f, 0.79537f, 0.795319f, 0.795267f, 0.795216f, 0.795165f, 0.795114f, 0.795062f, 0.795011f, 0.79496f, 0.794908f, 0.794857f, 0.794805f, 0.794754f, 0.794703f, 0.794651f,
-0.7946f, 0.794549f, 0.794497f, 0.794446f, 0.794394f, 0.794343f, 0.794291f, 0.79424f, 0.794188f, 0.794137f, 0.794085f, 0.794034f, 0.793982f, 0.793931f, 0.793879f, 0.793828f, 0.793776f, 0.793725f, 0.793673f, 0.793622f,
-0.79357f, 0.793518f, 0.793467f, 0.793415f, 0.793364f, 0.793312f, 0.79326f, 0.793209f, 0.793157f, 0.793105f, 0.793054f, 0.793002f, 0.79295f, 0.792899f, 0.792847f, 0.792795f, 0.792744f, 0.792692f, 0.79264f, 0.792588f,
-0.792537f, 0.792485f, 0.792433f, 0.792381f, 0.792329f, 0.792278f, 0.792226f, 0.792174f, 0.792122f, 0.79207f, 0.792018f, 0.791966f, 0.791915f, 0.791863f, 0.791811f, 0.791759f, 0.791707f, 0.791655f, 0.791603f, 0.791551f,
-0.791499f, 0.791447f, 0.791395f, 0.791343f, 0.791291f, 0.791239f, 0.791187f, 0.791135f, 0.791083f, 0.791031f, 0.790979f, 0.790927f, 0.790875f, 0.790823f, 0.790771f, 0.790719f, 0.790667f, 0.790615f, 0.790563f, 0.79051f,
-0.790458f, 0.790406f, 0.790354f, 0.790302f, 0.79025f, 0.790198f, 0.790145f, 0.790093f, 0.790041f, 0.789989f, 0.789937f, 0.789884f, 0.789832f, 0.78978f, 0.789728f, 0.789675f, 0.789623f, 0.789571f, 0.789518f, 0.789466f,
-0.789414f, 0.789361f, 0.789309f, 0.789257f, 0.789204f, 0.789152f, 0.7891f, 0.789047f, 0.788995f, 0.788943f, 0.78889f, 0.788838f, 0.788785f, 0.788733f, 0.78868f, 0.788628f, 0.788576f, 0.788523f, 0.788471f, 0.788418f,
-0.788366f, 0.788313f, 0.788261f, 0.788208f, 0.788155f, 0.788103f, 0.78805f, 0.787998f, 0.787945f, 0.787893f, 0.78784f, 0.787788f, 0.787735f, 0.787682f, 0.78763f, 0.787577f, 0.787524f, 0.787472f, 0.787419f, 0.787366f,
-0.787314f, 0.787261f, 0.787208f, 0.787156f, 0.787103f, 0.78705f, 0.786997f, 0.786945f, 0.786892f, 0.786839f, 0.786786f, 0.786734f, 0.786681f, 0.786628f, 0.786575f, 0.786522f, 0.78647f, 0.786417f, 0.786364f, 0.786311f,
-0.786258f, 0.786205f, 0.786152f, 0.7861f, 0.786047f, 0.785994f, 0.785941f, 0.785888f, 0.785835f, 0.785782f, 0.785729f, 0.785676f, 0.785623f, 0.78557f, 0.785517f, 0.785464f, 0.785411f, 0.785358f, 0.785305f, 0.785252f,
-0.785199f, 0.785146f, 0.785093f, 0.78504f, 0.784987f, 0.784934f, 0.784881f, 0.784828f, 0.784774f, 0.784721f, 0.784668f, 0.784615f, 0.784562f, 0.784509f, 0.784456f, 0.784402f, 0.784349f, 0.784296f, 0.784243f, 0.78419f,
-0.784136f, 0.784083f, 0.78403f, 0.783977f, 0.783923f, 0.78387f, 0.783817f, 0.783764f, 0.78371f, 0.783657f, 0.783604f, 0.78355f, 0.783497f, 0.783444f, 0.78339f, 0.783337f, 0.783284f, 0.78323f, 0.783177f, 0.783123f,
-0.78307f, 0.783017f, 0.782963f, 0.78291f, 0.782856f, 0.782803f, 0.782749f, 0.782696f, 0.782642f, 0.782589f, 0.782535f, 0.782482f, 0.782428f, 0.782375f, 0.782321f, 0.782268f, 0.782214f, 0.782161f, 0.782107f, 0.782054f,
-0.782f, 0.781946f, 0.781893f, 0.781839f, 0.781786f, 0.781732f, 0.781678f, 0.781625f, 0.781571f, 0.781517f, 0.781464f, 0.78141f, 0.781356f, 0.781303f, 0.781249f, 0.781195f, 0.781141f, 0.781088f, 0.781034f, 0.78098f,
-0.780926f, 0.780873f, 0.780819f, 0.780765f, 0.780711f, 0.780657f, 0.780604f, 0.78055f, 0.780496f, 0.780442f, 0.780388f, 0.780334f, 0.780281f, 0.780227f, 0.780173f, 0.780119f, 0.780065f, 0.780011f, 0.779957f, 0.779903f,
-0.779849f, 0.779795f, 0.779741f, 0.779687f, 0.779633f, 0.779579f, 0.779525f, 0.779471f, 0.779417f, 0.779363f, 0.779309f, 0.779255f, 0.779201f, 0.779147f, 0.779093f, 0.779039f, 0.778985f, 0.778931f, 0.778877f, 0.778823f,
-0.778768f, 0.778714f, 0.77866f, 0.778606f, 0.778552f, 0.778498f, 0.778444f, 0.778389f, 0.778335f, 0.778281f, 0.778227f, 0.778173f, 0.778118f, 0.778064f, 0.77801f, 0.777956f, 0.777901f, 0.777847f, 0.777793f, 0.777738f,
-0.777684f, 0.77763f, 0.777576f, 0.777521f, 0.777467f, 0.777413f, 0.777358f, 0.777304f, 0.777249f, 0.777195f, 0.777141f, 0.777086f, 0.777032f, 0.776977f, 0.776923f, 0.776869f, 0.776814f, 0.77676f, 0.776705f, 0.776651f,
-0.776596f, 0.776542f, 0.776487f, 0.776433f, 0.776378f, 0.776324f, 0.776269f, 0.776215f, 0.77616f, 0.776106f, 0.776051f, 0.775996f, 0.775942f, 0.775887f, 0.775833f, 0.775778f, 0.775723f, 0.775669f, 0.775614f, 0.775559f,
-0.775505f, 0.77545f, 0.775395f, 0.775341f, 0.775286f, 0.775231f, 0.775177f, 0.775122f, 0.775067f, 0.775012f, 0.774958f, 0.774903f, 0.774848f, 0.774793f, 0.774739f, 0.774684f, 0.774629f, 0.774574f, 0.774519f, 0.774465f,
-0.77441f, 0.774355f, 0.7743f, 0.774245f, 0.77419f, 0.774135f, 0.774081f, 0.774026f, 0.773971f, 0.773916f, 0.773861f, 0.773806f, 0.773751f, 0.773696f, 0.773641f, 0.773586f, 0.773531f, 0.773476f, 0.773421f, 0.773366f,
-0.773311f, 0.773256f, 0.773201f, 0.773146f, 0.773091f, 0.773036f, 0.772981f, 0.772926f, 0.772871f, 0.772816f, 0.772761f, 0.772705f, 0.77265f, 0.772595f, 0.77254f, 0.772485f, 0.77243f, 0.772375f, 0.772319f, 0.772264f,
-0.772209f, 0.772154f, 0.772099f, 0.772043f, 0.771988f, 0.771933f, 0.771878f, 0.771822f, 0.771767f, 0.771712f, 0.771657f, 0.771601f, 0.771546f, 0.771491f, 0.771435f, 0.77138f, 0.771325f, 0.771269f, 0.771214f, 0.771159f,
-0.771103f, 0.771048f, 0.770993f, 0.770937f, 0.770882f, 0.770826f, 0.770771f, 0.770716f, 0.77066f, 0.770605f, 0.770549f, 0.770494f, 0.770438f, 0.770383f, 0.770327f, 0.770272f, 0.770216f, 0.770161f, 0.770105f, 0.77005f,
-0.769994f, 0.769939f, 0.769883f, 0.769828f, 0.769772f, 0.769716f, 0.769661f, 0.769605f, 0.76955f, 0.769494f, 0.769438f, 0.769383f, 0.769327f, 0.769271f, 0.769216f, 0.76916f, 0.769104f, 0.769049f, 0.768993f, 0.768937f,
-0.768882f, 0.768826f, 0.76877f, 0.768714f, 0.768659f, 0.768603f, 0.768547f, 0.768491f, 0.768435f, 0.76838f, 0.768324f, 0.768268f, 0.768212f, 0.768156f, 0.768101f, 0.768045f, 0.767989f, 0.767933f, 0.767877f, 0.767821f,
-0.767765f, 0.767709f, 0.767653f, 0.767598f, 0.767542f, 0.767486f, 0.76743f, 0.767374f, 0.767318f, 0.767262f, 0.767206f, 0.76715f, 0.767094f, 0.767038f, 0.766982f, 0.766926f, 0.76687f, 0.766814f, 0.766758f, 0.766702f,
-0.766646f, 0.76659f, 0.766533f, 0.766477f, 0.766421f, 0.766365f, 0.766309f, 0.766253f, 0.766197f, 0.766141f, 0.766084f, 0.766028f, 0.765972f, 0.765916f, 0.76586f, 0.765804f, 0.765747f, 0.765691f, 0.765635f, 0.765579f,
-0.765522f, 0.765466f, 0.76541f, 0.765354f, 0.765297f, 0.765241f, 0.765185f, 0.765128f, 0.765072f, 0.765016f, 0.764959f, 0.764903f, 0.764847f, 0.76479f, 0.764734f, 0.764678f, 0.764621f, 0.764565f, 0.764509f, 0.764452f,
-0.764396f, 0.764339f, 0.764283f, 0.764226f, 0.76417f, 0.764113f, 0.764057f, 0.764001f, 0.763944f, 0.763888f, 0.763831f, 0.763775f, 0.763718f, 0.763661f, 0.763605f, 0.763548f, 0.763492f, 0.763435f, 0.763379f, 0.763322f,
-0.763266f, 0.763209f, 0.763152f, 0.763096f, 0.763039f, 0.762982f, 0.762926f, 0.762869f, 0.762812f, 0.762756f, 0.762699f, 0.762642f, 0.762586f, 0.762529f, 0.762472f, 0.762416f, 0.762359f, 0.762302f, 0.762245f, 0.762189f,
-0.762132f, 0.762075f, 0.762018f, 0.761962f, 0.761905f, 0.761848f, 0.761791f, 0.761734f, 0.761677f, 0.761621f, 0.761564f, 0.761507f, 0.76145f, 0.761393f, 0.761336f, 0.761279f, 0.761222f, 0.761166f, 0.761109f, 0.761052f,
-0.760995f, 0.760938f, 0.760881f, 0.760824f, 0.760767f, 0.76071f, 0.760653f, 0.760596f, 0.760539f, 0.760482f, 0.760425f, 0.760368f, 0.760311f, 0.760254f, 0.760197f, 0.76014f, 0.760083f, 0.760026f, 0.759968f, 0.759911f,
-0.759854f, 0.759797f, 0.75974f, 0.759683f, 0.759626f, 0.759569f, 0.759511f, 0.759454f, 0.759397f, 0.75934f, 0.759283f, 0.759225f, 0.759168f, 0.759111f, 0.759054f, 0.758997f, 0.758939f, 0.758882f, 0.758825f, 0.758767f,
-0.75871f, 0.758653f, 0.758596f, 0.758538f, 0.758481f, 0.758424f, 0.758366f, 0.758309f, 0.758252f, 0.758194f, 0.758137f, 0.75808f, 0.758022f, 0.757965f, 0.757907f, 0.75785f, 0.757792f, 0.757735f, 0.757678f, 0.75762f,
-0.757563f, 0.757505f, 0.757448f, 0.75739f, 0.757333f, 0.757275f, 0.757218f, 0.75716f, 0.757103f, 0.757045f, 0.756988f, 0.75693f, 0.756873f, 0.756815f, 0.756757f, 0.7567f, 0.756642f, 0.756585f, 0.756527f, 0.756469f,
-0.756412f, 0.756354f, 0.756297f, 0.756239f, 0.756181f, 0.756124f, 0.756066f, 0.756008f, 0.755951f, 0.755893f, 0.755835f, 0.755777f, 0.75572f, 0.755662f, 0.755604f, 0.755546f, 0.755489f, 0.755431f, 0.755373f, 0.755315f,
-0.755258f, 0.7552f, 0.755142f, 0.755084f, 0.755026f, 0.754968f, 0.754911f, 0.754853f, 0.754795f, 0.754737f, 0.754679f, 0.754621f, 0.754563f, 0.754505f, 0.754447f, 0.75439f, 0.754332f, 0.754274f, 0.754216f, 0.754158f,
-0.7541f, 0.754042f, 0.753984f, 0.753926f, 0.753868f, 0.75381f, 0.753752f, 0.753694f, 0.753636f, 0.753578f, 0.75352f, 0.753462f, 0.753404f, 0.753345f, 0.753287f, 0.753229f, 0.753171f, 0.753113f, 0.753055f, 0.752997f,
-0.752939f, 0.75288f, 0.752822f, 0.752764f, 0.752706f, 0.752648f, 0.75259f, 0.752531f, 0.752473f, 0.752415f, 0.752357f, 0.752299f, 0.75224f, 0.752182f, 0.752124f, 0.752066f, 0.752007f, 0.751949f, 0.751891f, 0.751832f,
-0.751774f, 0.751716f, 0.751657f, 0.751599f, 0.751541f, 0.751482f, 0.751424f, 0.751366f, 0.751307f, 0.751249f, 0.751191f, 0.751132f, 0.751074f, 0.751015f, 0.750957f, 0.750898f, 0.75084f, 0.750782f, 0.750723f, 0.750665f,
-0.750606f, 0.750548f, 0.750489f, 0.750431f, 0.750372f, 0.750314f, 0.750255f, 0.750197f, 0.750138f, 0.750079f, 0.750021f, 0.749962f, 0.749904f, 0.749845f, 0.749787f, 0.749728f, 0.749669f, 0.749611f, 0.749552f, 0.749493f,
-0.749435f, 0.749376f, 0.749318f, 0.749259f, 0.7492f, 0.749141f, 0.749083f, 0.749024f, 0.748965f, 0.748907f, 0.748848f, 0.748789f, 0.74873f, 0.748672f, 0.748613f, 0.748554f, 0.748495f, 0.748437f, 0.748378f, 0.748319f,
-0.74826f, 0.748201f, 0.748142f, 0.748084f, 0.748025f, 0.747966f, 0.747907f, 0.747848f, 0.747789f, 0.74773f, 0.747672f, 0.747613f, 0.747554f, 0.747495f, 0.747436f, 0.747377f, 0.747318f, 0.747259f, 0.7472f, 0.747141f,
-0.747082f, 0.747023f, 0.746964f, 0.746905f, 0.746846f, 0.746787f, 0.746728f, 0.746669f, 0.74661f, 0.746551f, 0.746492f, 0.746433f, 0.746374f, 0.746315f, 0.746255f, 0.746196f, 0.746137f, 0.746078f, 0.746019f, 0.74596f,
-0.745901f, 0.745841f, 0.745782f, 0.745723f, 0.745664f, 0.745605f, 0.745546f, 0.745486f, 0.745427f, 0.745368f, 0.745309f, 0.745249f, 0.74519f, 0.745131f, 0.745072f, 0.745012f, 0.744953f, 0.744894f, 0.744835f, 0.744775f,
-0.744716f, 0.744657f, 0.744597f, 0.744538f, 0.744479f, 0.744419f, 0.74436f, 0.7443f, 0.744241f, 0.744182f, 0.744122f, 0.744063f, 0.744003f, 0.743944f, 0.743885f, 0.743825f, 0.743766f, 0.743706f, 0.743647f, 0.743587f,
-0.743528f, 0.743468f, 0.743409f, 0.743349f, 0.74329f, 0.74323f, 0.743171f, 0.743111f, 0.743052f, 0.742992f, 0.742932f, 0.742873f, 0.742813f, 0.742754f, 0.742694f, 0.742634f, 0.742575f, 0.742515f, 0.742456f, 0.742396f,
-0.742336f, 0.742277f, 0.742217f, 0.742157f, 0.742098f, 0.742038f, 0.741978f, 0.741918f, 0.741859f, 0.741799f, 0.741739f, 0.74168f, 0.74162f, 0.74156f, 0.7415f, 0.741441f, 0.741381f, 0.741321f, 0.741261f, 0.741201f,
-0.741141f, 0.741082f, 0.741022f, 0.740962f, 0.740902f, 0.740842f, 0.740782f, 0.740723f, 0.740663f, 0.740603f, 0.740543f, 0.740483f, 0.740423f, 0.740363f, 0.740303f, 0.740243f, 0.740183f, 0.740123f, 0.740063f, 0.740003f,
-0.739943f, 0.739883f, 0.739823f, 0.739763f, 0.739703f, 0.739643f, 0.739583f, 0.739523f, 0.739463f, 0.739403f, 0.739343f, 0.739283f, 0.739223f, 0.739163f, 0.739103f, 0.739043f, 0.738983f, 0.738922f, 0.738862f, 0.738802f,
-0.738742f, 0.738682f, 0.738622f, 0.738561f, 0.738501f, 0.738441f, 0.738381f, 0.738321f, 0.73826f, 0.7382f, 0.73814f, 0.73808f, 0.73802f, 0.737959f, 0.737899f, 0.737839f, 0.737778f, 0.737718f, 0.737658f, 0.737598f,
-0.737537f, 0.737477f, 0.737417f, 0.737356f, 0.737296f, 0.737236f, 0.737175f, 0.737115f, 0.737054f, 0.736994f, 0.736934f, 0.736873f, 0.736813f, 0.736752f, 0.736692f, 0.736632f, 0.736571f, 0.736511f, 0.73645f, 0.73639f,
-0.736329f, 0.736269f, 0.736208f, 0.736148f, 0.736087f, 0.736027f, 0.735966f, 0.735906f, 0.735845f, 0.735785f, 0.735724f, 0.735663f, 0.735603f, 0.735542f, 0.735482f, 0.735421f, 0.73536f, 0.7353f, 0.735239f, 0.735179f,
-0.735118f, 0.735057f, 0.734997f, 0.734936f, 0.734875f, 0.734815f, 0.734754f, 0.734693f, 0.734632f, 0.734572f, 0.734511f, 0.73445f, 0.73439f, 0.734329f, 0.734268f, 0.734207f, 0.734147f, 0.734086f, 0.734025f, 0.733964f,
-0.733903f, 0.733843f, 0.733782f, 0.733721f, 0.73366f, 0.733599f, 0.733538f, 0.733477f, 0.733417f, 0.733356f, 0.733295f, 0.733234f, 0.733173f, 0.733112f, 0.733051f, 0.73299f, 0.732929f, 0.732868f, 0.732807f, 0.732746f,
-0.732685f, 0.732625f, 0.732564f, 0.732503f, 0.732442f, 0.732381f, 0.73232f, 0.732258f, 0.732197f, 0.732136f, 0.732075f, 0.732014f, 0.731953f, 0.731892f, 0.731831f, 0.73177f, 0.731709f, 0.731648f, 0.731587f, 0.731526f,
-0.731464f, 0.731403f, 0.731342f, 0.731281f, 0.73122f, 0.731159f, 0.731097f, 0.731036f, 0.730975f, 0.730914f, 0.730853f, 0.730791f, 0.73073f, 0.730669f, 0.730608f, 0.730546f, 0.730485f, 0.730424f, 0.730363f, 0.730301f,
-0.73024f, 0.730179f, 0.730117f, 0.730056f, 0.729995f, 0.729933f, 0.729872f, 0.729811f, 0.729749f, 0.729688f, 0.729627f, 0.729565f, 0.729504f, 0.729442f, 0.729381f, 0.72932f, 0.729258f, 0.729197f, 0.729135f, 0.729074f,
-0.729012f, 0.728951f, 0.728889f, 0.728828f, 0.728766f, 0.728705f, 0.728643f, 0.728582f, 0.72852f, 0.728459f, 0.728397f, 0.728336f, 0.728274f, 0.728213f, 0.728151f, 0.72809f, 0.728028f, 0.727966f, 0.727905f, 0.727843f,
-0.727782f, 0.72772f, 0.727658f, 0.727597f, 0.727535f, 0.727473f, 0.727412f, 0.72735f, 0.727288f, 0.727227f, 0.727165f, 0.727103f, 0.727042f, 0.72698f, 0.726918f, 0.726856f, 0.726795f, 0.726733f, 0.726671f, 0.726609f,
-0.726547f, 0.726486f, 0.726424f, 0.726362f, 0.7263f, 0.726238f, 0.726177f, 0.726115f, 0.726053f, 0.725991f, 0.725929f, 0.725867f, 0.725805f, 0.725744f, 0.725682f, 0.72562f, 0.725558f, 0.725496f, 0.725434f, 0.725372f,
-0.72531f, 0.725248f, 0.725186f, 0.725124f, 0.725062f, 0.725f, 0.724938f, 0.724876f, 0.724814f, 0.724752f, 0.72469f, 0.724628f, 0.724566f, 0.724504f, 0.724442f, 0.72438f, 0.724318f, 0.724256f, 0.724194f, 0.724132f,
-0.72407f, 0.724008f, 0.723945f, 0.723883f, 0.723821f, 0.723759f, 0.723697f, 0.723635f, 0.723573f, 0.72351f, 0.723448f, 0.723386f, 0.723324f, 0.723262f, 0.723199f, 0.723137f, 0.723075f, 0.723013f, 0.722951f, 0.722888f,
-0.722826f, 0.722764f, 0.722701f, 0.722639f, 0.722577f, 0.722515f, 0.722452f, 0.72239f, 0.722328f, 0.722265f, 0.722203f, 0.722141f, 0.722078f, 0.722016f, 0.721953f, 0.721891f, 0.721829f, 0.721766f, 0.721704f, 0.721642f,
-0.721579f, 0.721517f, 0.721454f, 0.721392f, 0.721329f, 0.721267f, 0.721204f, 0.721142f, 0.721079f, 0.721017f, 0.720954f, 0.720892f, 0.720829f, 0.720767f, 0.720704f, 0.720642f, 0.720579f, 0.720517f, 0.720454f, 0.720392f,
-0.720329f, 0.720266f, 0.720204f, 0.720141f, 0.720079f, 0.720016f, 0.719953f, 0.719891f, 0.719828f, 0.719765f, 0.719703f, 0.71964f, 0.719577f, 0.719515f, 0.719452f, 0.719389f, 0.719327f, 0.719264f, 0.719201f, 0.719138f,
-0.719076f, 0.719013f, 0.71895f, 0.718887f, 0.718825f, 0.718762f, 0.718699f, 0.718636f, 0.718574f, 0.718511f, 0.718448f, 0.718385f, 0.718322f, 0.718259f, 0.718197f, 0.718134f, 0.718071f, 0.718008f, 0.717945f, 0.717882f,
-0.717819f, 0.717756f, 0.717694f, 0.717631f, 0.717568f, 0.717505f, 0.717442f, 0.717379f, 0.717316f, 0.717253f, 0.71719f, 0.717127f, 0.717064f, 0.717001f, 0.716938f, 0.716875f, 0.716812f, 0.716749f, 0.716686f, 0.716623f,
-0.71656f, 0.716497f, 0.716434f, 0.716371f, 0.716307f, 0.716244f, 0.716181f, 0.716118f, 0.716055f, 0.715992f, 0.715929f, 0.715866f, 0.715802f, 0.715739f, 0.715676f, 0.715613f, 0.71555f, 0.715487f, 0.715423f, 0.71536f,
-0.715297f, 0.715234f, 0.715171f, 0.715107f, 0.715044f, 0.714981f, 0.714918f, 0.714854f, 0.714791f, 0.714728f, 0.714664f, 0.714601f, 0.714538f, 0.714475f, 0.714411f, 0.714348f, 0.714285f, 0.714221f, 0.714158f, 0.714095f,
-0.714031f, 0.713968f, 0.713904f, 0.713841f, 0.713778f, 0.713714f, 0.713651f, 0.713587f, 0.713524f, 0.71346f, 0.713397f, 0.713334f, 0.71327f, 0.713207f, 0.713143f, 0.71308f, 0.713016f, 0.712953f, 0.712889f, 0.712826f,
-0.712762f, 0.712699f, 0.712635f, 0.712572f, 0.712508f, 0.712444f, 0.712381f, 0.712317f, 0.712254f, 0.71219f, 0.712126f, 0.712063f, 0.711999f, 0.711936f, 0.711872f, 0.711808f, 0.711745f, 0.711681f, 0.711617f, 0.711554f,
-0.71149f, 0.711426f, 0.711363f, 0.711299f, 0.711235f, 0.711172f, 0.711108f, 0.711044f, 0.71098f, 0.710917f, 0.710853f, 0.710789f, 0.710725f, 0.710661f, 0.710598f, 0.710534f, 0.71047f, 0.710406f, 0.710342f, 0.710279f,
-0.710215f, 0.710151f, 0.710087f, 0.710023f, 0.709959f, 0.709895f, 0.709832f, 0.709768f, 0.709704f, 0.70964f, 0.709576f, 0.709512f, 0.709448f, 0.709384f, 0.70932f, 0.709256f, 0.709192f, 0.709128f, 0.709064f, 0.709f,
-0.708936f, 0.708872f, 0.708808f, 0.708744f, 0.70868f, 0.708616f, 0.708552f, 0.708488f, 0.708424f, 0.70836f, 0.708296f, 0.708232f, 0.708168f, 0.708104f, 0.70804f, 0.707976f, 0.707912f, 0.707847f, 0.707783f, 0.707719f,
-0.707655f, 0.707591f, 0.707527f, 0.707463f, 0.707398f, 0.707334f, 0.70727f, 0.707206f, 0.707142f, 0.707077f, 0.707013f, 0.706949f, 0.706885f, 0.70682f, 0.706756f, 0.706692f, 0.706628f, 0.706563f, 0.706499f, 0.706435f,
-0.70637f, 0.706306f, 0.706242f, 0.706178f, 0.706113f, 0.706049f, 0.705985f, 0.70592f, 0.705856f, 0.705791f, 0.705727f, 0.705663f, 0.705598f, 0.705534f, 0.705469f, 0.705405f, 0.705341f, 0.705276f, 0.705212f, 0.705147f,
-0.705083f, 0.705018f, 0.704954f, 0.704889f, 0.704825f, 0.70476f, 0.704696f, 0.704631f, 0.704567f, 0.704502f, 0.704438f, 0.704373f, 0.704309f, 0.704244f, 0.70418f, 0.704115f, 0.704051f, 0.703986f, 0.703921f, 0.703857f,
-0.703792f, 0.703728f, 0.703663f, 0.703598f, 0.703534f, 0.703469f, 0.703404f, 0.70334f, 0.703275f, 0.70321f, 0.703146f, 0.703081f, 0.703016f, 0.702952f, 0.702887f, 0.702822f, 0.702757f, 0.702693f, 0.702628f, 0.702563f,
-0.702498f, 0.702434f, 0.702369f, 0.702304f, 0.702239f, 0.702175f, 0.70211f, 0.702045f, 0.70198f, 0.701915f, 0.70185f, 0.701786f, 0.701721f, 0.701656f, 0.701591f, 0.701526f, 0.701461f, 0.701396f, 0.701331f, 0.701267f,
-0.701202f, 0.701137f, 0.701072f, 0.701007f, 0.700942f, 0.700877f, 0.700812f, 0.700747f, 0.700682f, 0.700617f, 0.700552f, 0.700487f, 0.700422f, 0.700357f, 0.700292f, 0.700227f, 0.700162f, 0.700097f, 0.700032f, 0.699967f,
-0.699902f, 0.699837f, 0.699772f, 0.699707f, 0.699641f, 0.699576f, 0.699511f, 0.699446f, 0.699381f, 0.699316f, 0.699251f, 0.699186f, 0.69912f, 0.699055f, 0.69899f, 0.698925f, 0.69886f, 0.698795f, 0.698729f, 0.698664f,
-0.698599f, 0.698534f, 0.698468f, 0.698403f, 0.698338f, 0.698273f, 0.698207f, 0.698142f, 0.698077f, 0.698012f, 0.697946f, 0.697881f, 0.697816f, 0.69775f, 0.697685f, 0.69762f, 0.697554f, 0.697489f, 0.697424f, 0.697358f,
-0.697293f, 0.697228f, 0.697162f, 0.697097f, 0.697032f, 0.696966f, 0.696901f, 0.696835f, 0.69677f, 0.696704f, 0.696639f, 0.696574f, 0.696508f, 0.696443f, 0.696377f, 0.696312f, 0.696246f, 0.696181f, 0.696115f, 0.69605f,
-0.695984f, 0.695919f, 0.695853f, 0.695788f, 0.695722f, 0.695656f, 0.695591f, 0.695525f, 0.69546f, 0.695394f, 0.695329f, 0.695263f, 0.695197f, 0.695132f, 0.695066f, 0.695f, 0.694935f, 0.694869f, 0.694804f, 0.694738f,
-0.694672f, 0.694607f, 0.694541f, 0.694475f, 0.694409f, 0.694344f, 0.694278f, 0.694212f, 0.694147f, 0.694081f, 0.694015f, 0.693949f, 0.693884f, 0.693818f, 0.693752f, 0.693686f, 0.693621f, 0.693555f, 0.693489f, 0.693423f,
-0.693357f, 0.693291f, 0.693226f, 0.69316f, 0.693094f, 0.693028f, 0.692962f, 0.692896f, 0.692831f, 0.692765f, 0.692699f, 0.692633f, 0.692567f, 0.692501f, 0.692435f, 0.692369f, 0.692303f, 0.692237f, 0.692171f, 0.692105f,
-0.692039f, 0.691973f, 0.691907f, 0.691841f, 0.691775f, 0.691709f, 0.691643f, 0.691577f, 0.691511f, 0.691445f, 0.691379f, 0.691313f, 0.691247f, 0.691181f, 0.691115f, 0.691049f, 0.690983f, 0.690917f, 0.690851f, 0.690785f,
-0.690719f, 0.690652f, 0.690586f, 0.69052f, 0.690454f, 0.690388f, 0.690322f, 0.690256f, 0.690189f, 0.690123f, 0.690057f, 0.689991f, 0.689925f, 0.689858f, 0.689792f, 0.689726f, 0.68966f, 0.689593f, 0.689527f, 0.689461f,
-0.689395f, 0.689328f, 0.689262f, 0.689196f, 0.68913f, 0.689063f, 0.688997f, 0.688931f, 0.688864f, 0.688798f, 0.688732f, 0.688665f, 0.688599f, 0.688533f, 0.688466f, 0.6884f, 0.688333f, 0.688267f, 0.688201f, 0.688134f,
-0.688068f, 0.688001f, 0.687935f, 0.687869f, 0.687802f, 0.687736f, 0.687669f, 0.687603f, 0.687536f, 0.68747f, 0.687403f, 0.687337f, 0.68727f, 0.687204f, 0.687137f, 0.687071f, 0.687004f, 0.686938f, 0.686871f, 0.686805f,
-0.686738f, 0.686672f, 0.686605f, 0.686538f, 0.686472f, 0.686405f, 0.686339f, 0.686272f, 0.686205f, 0.686139f, 0.686072f, 0.686006f, 0.685939f, 0.685872f, 0.685806f, 0.685739f, 0.685672f, 0.685606f, 0.685539f, 0.685472f,
-0.685405f, 0.685339f, 0.685272f, 0.685205f, 0.685139f, 0.685072f, 0.685005f, 0.684938f, 0.684872f, 0.684805f, 0.684738f, 0.684671f, 0.684604f, 0.684538f, 0.684471f, 0.684404f, 0.684337f, 0.68427f, 0.684203f, 0.684137f,
-0.68407f, 0.684003f, 0.683936f, 0.683869f, 0.683802f, 0.683735f, 0.683669f, 0.683602f, 0.683535f, 0.683468f, 0.683401f, 0.683334f, 0.683267f, 0.6832f, 0.683133f, 0.683066f, 0.682999f, 0.682932f, 0.682865f, 0.682798f,
-0.682731f, 0.682664f, 0.682597f, 0.68253f, 0.682463f, 0.682396f, 0.682329f, 0.682262f, 0.682195f, 0.682128f, 0.682061f, 0.681994f, 0.681927f, 0.68186f, 0.681793f, 0.681725f, 0.681658f, 0.681591f, 0.681524f, 0.681457f,
-0.68139f, 0.681323f, 0.681255f, 0.681188f, 0.681121f, 0.681054f, 0.680987f, 0.68092f, 0.680852f, 0.680785f, 0.680718f, 0.680651f, 0.680583f, 0.680516f, 0.680449f, 0.680382f, 0.680314f, 0.680247f, 0.68018f, 0.680113f,
-0.680045f, 0.679978f, 0.679911f, 0.679843f, 0.679776f, 0.679709f, 0.679642f, 0.679574f, 0.679507f, 0.679439f, 0.679372f, 0.679305f, 0.679237f, 0.67917f, 0.679103f, 0.679035f, 0.678968f, 0.6789f, 0.678833f, 0.678766f,
-0.678698f, 0.678631f, 0.678563f, 0.678496f, 0.678428f, 0.678361f, 0.678293f, 0.678226f, 0.678158f, 0.678091f, 0.678023f, 0.677956f, 0.677888f, 0.677821f, 0.677753f, 0.677686f, 0.677618f, 0.677551f, 0.677483f, 0.677416f,
-0.677348f, 0.67728f, 0.677213f, 0.677145f, 0.677078f, 0.67701f, 0.676942f, 0.676875f, 0.676807f, 0.676739f, 0.676672f, 0.676604f, 0.676536f, 0.676469f, 0.676401f, 0.676333f, 0.676266f, 0.676198f, 0.67613f, 0.676063f,
-0.675995f, 0.675927f, 0.675859f, 0.675792f, 0.675724f, 0.675656f, 0.675588f, 0.675521f, 0.675453f, 0.675385f, 0.675317f, 0.67525f, 0.675182f, 0.675114f, 0.675046f, 0.674978f, 0.67491f, 0.674843f, 0.674775f, 0.674707f,
-0.674639f, 0.674571f, 0.674503f, 0.674435f, 0.674368f, 0.6743f, 0.674232f, 0.674164f, 0.674096f, 0.674028f, 0.67396f, 0.673892f, 0.673824f, 0.673756f, 0.673688f, 0.67362f, 0.673552f, 0.673484f, 0.673416f, 0.673348f,
-0.67328f, 0.673212f, 0.673144f, 0.673076f, 0.673008f, 0.67294f, 0.672872f, 0.672804f, 0.672736f, 0.672668f, 0.6726f, 0.672532f, 0.672464f, 0.672396f, 0.672327f, 0.672259f, 0.672191f, 0.672123f, 0.672055f, 0.671987f,
-0.671919f, 0.671851f, 0.671782f, 0.671714f, 0.671646f, 0.671578f, 0.67151f, 0.671441f, 0.671373f, 0.671305f, 0.671237f, 0.671169f, 0.6711f, 0.671032f, 0.670964f, 0.670896f, 0.670827f, 0.670759f, 0.670691f, 0.670623f,
-0.670554f, 0.670486f, 0.670418f, 0.670349f, 0.670281f, 0.670213f, 0.670144f, 0.670076f, 0.670008f, 0.669939f, 0.669871f, 0.669803f, 0.669734f, 0.669666f, 0.669597f, 0.669529f, 0.669461f, 0.669392f, 0.669324f, 0.669255f,
-0.669187f, 0.669119f, 0.66905f, 0.668982f, 0.668913f, 0.668845f, 0.668776f, 0.668708f, 0.668639f, 0.668571f, 0.668502f, 0.668434f, 0.668365f, 0.668297f, 0.668228f, 0.66816f, 0.668091f, 0.668023f, 0.667954f, 0.667885f,
-0.667817f, 0.667748f, 0.66768f, 0.667611f, 0.667543f, 0.667474f, 0.667405f, 0.667337f, 0.667268f, 0.667199f, 0.667131f, 0.667062f, 0.666993f, 0.666925f, 0.666856f, 0.666787f, 0.666719f, 0.66665f, 0.666581f, 0.666513f,
-0.666444f, 0.666375f, 0.666307f, 0.666238f, 0.666169f, 0.6661f, 0.666032f, 0.665963f, 0.665894f, 0.665825f, 0.665756f, 0.665688f, 0.665619f, 0.66555f, 0.665481f, 0.665412f, 0.665344f, 0.665275f, 0.665206f, 0.665137f,
-0.665068f, 0.664999f, 0.664931f, 0.664862f, 0.664793f, 0.664724f, 0.664655f, 0.664586f, 0.664517f, 0.664448f, 0.664379f, 0.66431f, 0.664242f, 0.664173f, 0.664104f, 0.664035f, 0.663966f, 0.663897f, 0.663828f, 0.663759f,
-0.66369f, 0.663621f, 0.663552f, 0.663483f, 0.663414f, 0.663345f, 0.663276f, 0.663207f, 0.663138f, 0.663069f, 0.662999f, 0.66293f, 0.662861f, 0.662792f, 0.662723f, 0.662654f, 0.662585f, 0.662516f, 0.662447f, 0.662378f,
-0.662309f, 0.662239f, 0.66217f, 0.662101f, 0.662032f, 0.661963f, 0.661894f, 0.661824f, 0.661755f, 0.661686f, 0.661617f, 0.661548f, 0.661478f, 0.661409f, 0.66134f, 0.661271f, 0.661202f, 0.661132f, 0.661063f, 0.660994f,
-0.660924f, 0.660855f, 0.660786f, 0.660717f, 0.660647f, 0.660578f, 0.660509f, 0.660439f, 0.66037f, 0.660301f, 0.660231f, 0.660162f, 0.660093f, 0.660023f, 0.659954f, 0.659885f, 0.659815f, 0.659746f, 0.659676f, 0.659607f,
-0.659538f, 0.659468f, 0.659399f, 0.659329f, 0.65926f, 0.659191f, 0.659121f, 0.659052f, 0.658982f, 0.658913f, 0.658843f, 0.658774f, 0.658704f, 0.658635f, 0.658565f, 0.658496f, 0.658426f, 0.658357f, 0.658287f, 0.658218f,
-0.658148f, 0.658079f, 0.658009f, 0.657939f, 0.65787f, 0.6578f, 0.657731f, 0.657661f, 0.657592f, 0.657522f, 0.657452f, 0.657383f, 0.657313f, 0.657243f, 0.657174f, 0.657104f, 0.657035f, 0.656965f, 0.656895f, 0.656826f,
-0.656756f, 0.656686f, 0.656616f, 0.656547f, 0.656477f, 0.656407f, 0.656338f, 0.656268f, 0.656198f, 0.656128f, 0.656059f, 0.655989f, 0.655919f, 0.655849f, 0.65578f, 0.65571f, 0.65564f, 0.65557f, 0.6555f, 0.655431f,
-0.655361f, 0.655291f, 0.655221f, 0.655151f, 0.655081f, 0.655012f, 0.654942f, 0.654872f, 0.654802f, 0.654732f, 0.654662f, 0.654592f, 0.654522f, 0.654453f, 0.654383f, 0.654313f, 0.654243f, 0.654173f, 0.654103f, 0.654033f,
-0.653963f, 0.653893f, 0.653823f, 0.653753f, 0.653683f, 0.653613f, 0.653543f, 0.653473f, 0.653403f, 0.653333f, 0.653263f, 0.653193f, 0.653123f, 0.653053f, 0.652983f, 0.652913f, 0.652843f, 0.652773f, 0.652703f, 0.652633f,
-0.652563f, 0.652493f, 0.652422f, 0.652352f, 0.652282f, 0.652212f, 0.652142f, 0.652072f, 0.652002f, 0.651932f, 0.651861f, 0.651791f, 0.651721f, 0.651651f, 0.651581f, 0.65151f, 0.65144f, 0.65137f, 0.6513f, 0.65123f,
-0.651159f, 0.651089f, 0.651019f, 0.650949f, 0.650878f, 0.650808f, 0.650738f, 0.650668f, 0.650597f, 0.650527f, 0.650457f, 0.650387f, 0.650316f, 0.650246f, 0.650176f, 0.650105f, 0.650035f, 0.649965f, 0.649894f, 0.649824f,
-0.649754f, 0.649683f, 0.649613f, 0.649542f, 0.649472f, 0.649402f, 0.649331f, 0.649261f, 0.64919f, 0.64912f, 0.64905f, 0.648979f, 0.648909f, 0.648838f, 0.648768f, 0.648697f, 0.648627f, 0.648556f, 0.648486f, 0.648416f,
-0.648345f, 0.648275f, 0.648204f, 0.648134f, 0.648063f, 0.647992f, 0.647922f, 0.647851f, 0.647781f, 0.64771f, 0.64764f, 0.647569f, 0.647499f, 0.647428f, 0.647357f, 0.647287f, 0.647216f, 0.647146f, 0.647075f, 0.647004f,
-0.646934f, 0.646863f, 0.646793f, 0.646722f, 0.646651f, 0.646581f, 0.64651f, 0.646439f, 0.646369f, 0.646298f, 0.646227f, 0.646157f, 0.646086f, 0.646015f, 0.645944f, 0.645874f, 0.645803f, 0.645732f, 0.645661f, 0.645591f,
-0.64552f, 0.645449f, 0.645378f, 0.645308f, 0.645237f, 0.645166f, 0.645095f, 0.645024f, 0.644954f, 0.644883f, 0.644812f, 0.644741f, 0.64467f, 0.6446f, 0.644529f, 0.644458f, 0.644387f, 0.644316f, 0.644245f, 0.644174f,
-0.644103f, 0.644033f, 0.643962f, 0.643891f, 0.64382f, 0.643749f, 0.643678f, 0.643607f, 0.643536f, 0.643465f, 0.643394f, 0.643323f, 0.643252f, 0.643181f, 0.64311f, 0.643039f, 0.642968f, 0.642897f, 0.642826f, 0.642755f,
-0.642684f, 0.642613f, 0.642542f, 0.642471f, 0.6424f, 0.642329f, 0.642258f, 0.642187f, 0.642116f, 0.642045f, 0.641974f, 0.641903f, 0.641832f, 0.64176f, 0.641689f, 0.641618f, 0.641547f, 0.641476f, 0.641405f, 0.641334f,
-0.641262f, 0.641191f, 0.64112f, 0.641049f, 0.640978f, 0.640907f, 0.640835f, 0.640764f, 0.640693f, 0.640622f, 0.640551f, 0.640479f, 0.640408f, 0.640337f, 0.640266f, 0.640194f, 0.640123f, 0.640052f, 0.639981f, 0.639909f,
-0.639838f, 0.639767f, 0.639695f, 0.639624f, 0.639553f, 0.639482f, 0.63941f, 0.639339f, 0.639268f, 0.639196f, 0.639125f, 0.639054f, 0.638982f, 0.638911f, 0.638839f, 0.638768f, 0.638697f, 0.638625f, 0.638554f, 0.638482f,
-0.638411f, 0.63834f, 0.638268f, 0.638197f, 0.638125f, 0.638054f, 0.637982f, 0.637911f, 0.637839f, 0.637768f, 0.637697f, 0.637625f, 0.637554f, 0.637482f, 0.637411f, 0.637339f, 0.637268f, 0.637196f, 0.637124f, 0.637053f,
-0.636981f, 0.63691f, 0.636838f, 0.636767f, 0.636695f, 0.636624f, 0.636552f, 0.63648f, 0.636409f, 0.636337f, 0.636266f, 0.636194f, 0.636122f, 0.636051f, 0.635979f, 0.635907f, 0.635836f, 0.635764f, 0.635692f, 0.635621f,
-0.635549f, 0.635477f, 0.635406f, 0.635334f, 0.635262f, 0.635191f, 0.635119f, 0.635047f, 0.634976f, 0.634904f, 0.634832f, 0.63476f, 0.634689f, 0.634617f, 0.634545f, 0.634473f, 0.634402f, 0.63433f, 0.634258f, 0.634186f,
-0.634114f, 0.634043f, 0.633971f, 0.633899f, 0.633827f, 0.633755f, 0.633683f, 0.633612f, 0.63354f, 0.633468f, 0.633396f, 0.633324f, 0.633252f, 0.63318f, 0.633108f, 0.633037f, 0.632965f, 0.632893f, 0.632821f, 0.632749f,
-0.632677f, 0.632605f, 0.632533f, 0.632461f, 0.632389f, 0.632317f, 0.632245f, 0.632173f, 0.632101f, 0.632029f, 0.631957f, 0.631885f, 0.631813f, 0.631741f, 0.631669f, 0.631597f, 0.631525f, 0.631453f, 0.631381f, 0.631309f,
-0.631237f, 0.631165f, 0.631093f, 0.631021f, 0.630949f, 0.630877f, 0.630805f, 0.630732f, 0.63066f, 0.630588f, 0.630516f, 0.630444f, 0.630372f, 0.6303f, 0.630228f, 0.630155f, 0.630083f, 0.630011f, 0.629939f, 0.629867f,
-0.629795f, 0.629722f, 0.62965f, 0.629578f, 0.629506f, 0.629433f, 0.629361f, 0.629289f, 0.629217f, 0.629145f, 0.629072f, 0.629f, 0.628928f, 0.628856f, 0.628783f, 0.628711f, 0.628639f, 0.628566f, 0.628494f, 0.628422f,
-0.628349f, 0.628277f, 0.628205f, 0.628132f, 0.62806f, 0.627988f, 0.627915f, 0.627843f, 0.627771f, 0.627698f, 0.627626f, 0.627554f, 0.627481f, 0.627409f, 0.627336f, 0.627264f, 0.627192f, 0.627119f, 0.627047f, 0.626974f,
-0.626902f, 0.626829f, 0.626757f, 0.626685f, 0.626612f, 0.62654f, 0.626467f, 0.626395f, 0.626322f, 0.62625f, 0.626177f, 0.626105f, 0.626032f, 0.62596f, 0.625887f, 0.625815f, 0.625742f, 0.625669f, 0.625597f, 0.625524f,
-0.625452f, 0.625379f, 0.625307f, 0.625234f, 0.625161f, 0.625089f, 0.625016f, 0.624944f, 0.624871f, 0.624798f, 0.624726f, 0.624653f, 0.624581f, 0.624508f, 0.624435f, 0.624363f, 0.62429f, 0.624217f, 0.624145f, 0.624072f,
-0.623999f, 0.623926f, 0.623854f, 0.623781f, 0.623708f, 0.623636f, 0.623563f, 0.62349f, 0.623417f, 0.623345f, 0.623272f, 0.623199f, 0.623126f, 0.623054f, 0.622981f, 0.622908f, 0.622835f, 0.622763f, 0.62269f, 0.622617f,
-0.622544f, 0.622471f, 0.622398f, 0.622326f, 0.622253f, 0.62218f, 0.622107f, 0.622034f, 0.621961f, 0.621888f, 0.621816f, 0.621743f, 0.62167f, 0.621597f, 0.621524f, 0.621451f, 0.621378f, 0.621305f, 0.621232f, 0.621159f,
-0.621086f, 0.621014f, 0.620941f, 0.620868f, 0.620795f, 0.620722f, 0.620649f, 0.620576f, 0.620503f, 0.62043f, 0.620357f, 0.620284f, 0.620211f, 0.620138f, 0.620065f, 0.619992f, 0.619919f, 0.619846f, 0.619773f, 0.619699f,
-0.619626f, 0.619553f, 0.61948f, 0.619407f, 0.619334f, 0.619261f, 0.619188f, 0.619115f, 0.619042f, 0.618969f, 0.618895f, 0.618822f, 0.618749f, 0.618676f, 0.618603f, 0.61853f, 0.618457f, 0.618383f, 0.61831f, 0.618237f,
-0.618164f, 0.618091f, 0.618017f, 0.617944f, 0.617871f, 0.617798f, 0.617725f, 0.617651f, 0.617578f, 0.617505f, 0.617432f, 0.617358f, 0.617285f, 0.617212f, 0.617139f, 0.617065f, 0.616992f, 0.616919f, 0.616845f, 0.616772f,
-0.616699f, 0.616626f, 0.616552f, 0.616479f, 0.616406f, 0.616332f, 0.616259f, 0.616186f, 0.616112f, 0.616039f, 0.615965f, 0.615892f, 0.615819f, 0.615745f, 0.615672f, 0.615599f, 0.615525f, 0.615452f, 0.615378f, 0.615305f,
-0.615231f, 0.615158f, 0.615085f, 0.615011f, 0.614938f, 0.614864f, 0.614791f, 0.614717f, 0.614644f, 0.61457f, 0.614497f, 0.614423f, 0.61435f, 0.614276f, 0.614203f, 0.614129f, 0.614056f, 0.613982f, 0.613909f, 0.613835f,
-0.613762f, 0.613688f, 0.613614f, 0.613541f, 0.613467f, 0.613394f, 0.61332f, 0.613246f, 0.613173f, 0.613099f, 0.613026f, 0.612952f, 0.612878f, 0.612805f, 0.612731f, 0.612658f, 0.612584f, 0.61251f, 0.612437f, 0.612363f,
-0.612289f, 0.612216f, 0.612142f, 0.612068f, 0.611994f, 0.611921f, 0.611847f, 0.611773f, 0.6117f, 0.611626f, 0.611552f, 0.611478f, 0.611405f, 0.611331f, 0.611257f, 0.611183f, 0.61111f, 0.611036f, 0.610962f, 0.610888f,
-0.610814f, 0.610741f, 0.610667f, 0.610593f, 0.610519f, 0.610445f, 0.610372f, 0.610298f, 0.610224f, 0.61015f, 0.610076f, 0.610002f, 0.609928f, 0.609855f, 0.609781f, 0.609707f, 0.609633f, 0.609559f, 0.609485f, 0.609411f,
-0.609337f, 0.609263f, 0.609189f, 0.609116f, 0.609042f, 0.608968f, 0.608894f, 0.60882f, 0.608746f, 0.608672f, 0.608598f, 0.608524f, 0.60845f, 0.608376f, 0.608302f, 0.608228f, 0.608154f, 0.60808f, 0.608006f, 0.607932f,
-0.607858f, 0.607784f, 0.60771f, 0.607636f, 0.607562f, 0.607488f, 0.607413f, 0.607339f, 0.607265f, 0.607191f, 0.607117f, 0.607043f, 0.606969f, 0.606895f, 0.606821f, 0.606747f, 0.606672f, 0.606598f, 0.606524f, 0.60645f,
-0.606376f, 0.606302f, 0.606228f, 0.606153f, 0.606079f, 0.606005f, 0.605931f, 0.605857f, 0.605782f, 0.605708f, 0.605634f, 0.60556f, 0.605486f, 0.605411f, 0.605337f, 0.605263f, 0.605189f, 0.605114f, 0.60504f, 0.604966f,
-0.604892f, 0.604817f, 0.604743f, 0.604669f, 0.604594f, 0.60452f, 0.604446f, 0.604372f, 0.604297f, 0.604223f, 0.604149f, 0.604074f, 0.604f, 0.603926f, 0.603851f, 0.603777f, 0.603702f, 0.603628f, 0.603554f, 0.603479f,
-0.603405f, 0.603331f, 0.603256f, 0.603182f, 0.603107f, 0.603033f, 0.602958f, 0.602884f, 0.60281f, 0.602735f, 0.602661f, 0.602586f, 0.602512f, 0.602437f, 0.602363f, 0.602288f, 0.602214f, 0.602139f, 0.602065f, 0.60199f,
-0.601916f, 0.601841f, 0.601767f, 0.601692f, 0.601618f, 0.601543f, 0.601469f, 0.601394f, 0.60132f, 0.601245f, 0.60117f, 0.601096f, 0.601021f, 0.600947f, 0.600872f, 0.600798f, 0.600723f, 0.600648f, 0.600574f, 0.600499f,
-0.600425f, 0.60035f, 0.600275f, 0.600201f, 0.600126f, 0.600051f, 0.599977f, 0.599902f, 0.599827f, 0.599753f, 0.599678f, 0.599603f, 0.599529f, 0.599454f, 0.599379f, 0.599304f, 0.59923f, 0.599155f, 0.59908f, 0.599006f,
-0.598931f, 0.598856f, 0.598781f, 0.598707f, 0.598632f, 0.598557f, 0.598482f, 0.598407f, 0.598333f, 0.598258f, 0.598183f, 0.598108f, 0.598033f, 0.597959f, 0.597884f, 0.597809f, 0.597734f, 0.597659f, 0.597585f, 0.59751f,
-0.597435f, 0.59736f, 0.597285f, 0.59721f, 0.597135f, 0.59706f, 0.596986f, 0.596911f, 0.596836f, 0.596761f, 0.596686f, 0.596611f, 0.596536f, 0.596461f, 0.596386f, 0.596311f, 0.596236f, 0.596161f, 0.596086f, 0.596011f,
-0.595936f, 0.595861f, 0.595787f, 0.595712f, 0.595637f, 0.595562f, 0.595487f, 0.595412f, 0.595336f, 0.595261f, 0.595186f, 0.595111f, 0.595036f, 0.594961f, 0.594886f, 0.594811f, 0.594736f, 0.594661f, 0.594586f, 0.594511f,
-0.594436f, 0.594361f, 0.594286f, 0.594211f, 0.594135f, 0.59406f, 0.593985f, 0.59391f, 0.593835f, 0.59376f, 0.593685f, 0.59361f, 0.593534f, 0.593459f, 0.593384f, 0.593309f, 0.593234f, 0.593158f, 0.593083f, 0.593008f,
-0.592933f, 0.592858f, 0.592782f, 0.592707f, 0.592632f, 0.592557f, 0.592482f, 0.592406f, 0.592331f, 0.592256f, 0.592181f, 0.592105f, 0.59203f, 0.591955f, 0.59188f, 0.591804f, 0.591729f, 0.591654f, 0.591578f, 0.591503f,
-0.591428f, 0.591352f, 0.591277f, 0.591202f, 0.591126f, 0.591051f, 0.590976f, 0.5909f, 0.590825f, 0.59075f, 0.590674f, 0.590599f, 0.590523f, 0.590448f, 0.590373f, 0.590297f, 0.590222f, 0.590147f, 0.590071f, 0.589996f,
-0.58992f, 0.589845f, 0.589769f, 0.589694f, 0.589618f, 0.589543f, 0.589468f, 0.589392f, 0.589317f, 0.589241f, 0.589166f, 0.58909f, 0.589015f, 0.588939f, 0.588864f, 0.588788f, 0.588713f, 0.588637f, 0.588562f, 0.588486f,
-0.588411f, 0.588335f, 0.588259f, 0.588184f, 0.588108f, 0.588033f, 0.587957f, 0.587882f, 0.587806f, 0.58773f, 0.587655f, 0.587579f, 0.587504f, 0.587428f, 0.587352f, 0.587277f, 0.587201f, 0.587125f, 0.58705f, 0.586974f,
-0.586899f, 0.586823f, 0.586747f, 0.586672f, 0.586596f, 0.58652f, 0.586444f, 0.586369f, 0.586293f, 0.586217f, 0.586142f, 0.586066f, 0.58599f, 0.585915f, 0.585839f, 0.585763f, 0.585687f, 0.585612f, 0.585536f, 0.58546f,
-0.585384f, 0.585309f, 0.585233f, 0.585157f, 0.585081f, 0.585005f, 0.58493f, 0.584854f, 0.584778f, 0.584702f, 0.584626f, 0.584551f, 0.584475f, 0.584399f, 0.584323f, 0.584247f, 0.584171f, 0.584095f, 0.58402f, 0.583944f,
-0.583868f, 0.583792f, 0.583716f, 0.58364f, 0.583564f, 0.583488f, 0.583413f, 0.583337f, 0.583261f, 0.583185f, 0.583109f, 0.583033f, 0.582957f, 0.582881f, 0.582805f, 0.582729f, 0.582653f, 0.582577f, 0.582501f, 0.582425f,
-0.582349f, 0.582273f, 0.582197f, 0.582121f, 0.582045f, 0.581969f, 0.581893f, 0.581817f, 0.581741f, 0.581665f, 0.581589f, 0.581513f, 0.581437f, 0.581361f, 0.581285f, 0.581209f, 0.581133f, 0.581057f, 0.580981f, 0.580904f,
-0.580828f, 0.580752f, 0.580676f, 0.5806f, 0.580524f, 0.580448f, 0.580372f, 0.580296f, 0.580219f, 0.580143f, 0.580067f, 0.579991f, 0.579915f, 0.579839f, 0.579762f, 0.579686f, 0.57961f, 0.579534f, 0.579458f, 0.579382f,
-0.579305f, 0.579229f, 0.579153f, 0.579077f, 0.579f, 0.578924f, 0.578848f, 0.578772f, 0.578695f, 0.578619f, 0.578543f, 0.578467f, 0.57839f, 0.578314f, 0.578238f, 0.578162f, 0.578085f, 0.578009f, 0.577933f, 0.577856f,
-0.57778f, 0.577704f, 0.577627f, 0.577551f, 0.577475f, 0.577398f, 0.577322f, 0.577246f, 0.577169f, 0.577093f, 0.577017f, 0.57694f, 0.576864f, 0.576788f, 0.576711f, 0.576635f, 0.576558f, 0.576482f, 0.576406f, 0.576329f,
-0.576253f, 0.576176f, 0.5761f, 0.576023f, 0.575947f, 0.57587f, 0.575794f, 0.575718f, 0.575641f, 0.575565f, 0.575488f, 0.575412f, 0.575335f, 0.575259f, 0.575182f, 0.575106f, 0.575029f, 0.574953f, 0.574876f, 0.5748f,
-0.574723f, 0.574647f, 0.57457f, 0.574493f, 0.574417f, 0.57434f, 0.574264f, 0.574187f, 0.574111f, 0.574034f, 0.573958f, 0.573881f, 0.573804f, 0.573728f, 0.573651f, 0.573575f, 0.573498f, 0.573421f, 0.573345f, 0.573268f,
-0.573191f, 0.573115f, 0.573038f, 0.572961f, 0.572885f, 0.572808f, 0.572731f, 0.572655f, 0.572578f, 0.572501f, 0.572425f, 0.572348f, 0.572271f, 0.572195f, 0.572118f, 0.572041f, 0.571964f, 0.571888f, 0.571811f, 0.571734f,
-0.571658f, 0.571581f, 0.571504f, 0.571427f, 0.571351f, 0.571274f, 0.571197f, 0.57112f, 0.571043f, 0.570967f, 0.57089f, 0.570813f, 0.570736f, 0.570659f, 0.570583f, 0.570506f, 0.570429f, 0.570352f, 0.570275f, 0.570198f,
-0.570122f, 0.570045f, 0.569968f, 0.569891f, 0.569814f, 0.569737f, 0.56966f, 0.569583f, 0.569507f, 0.56943f, 0.569353f, 0.569276f, 0.569199f, 0.569122f, 0.569045f, 0.568968f, 0.568891f, 0.568814f, 0.568737f, 0.56866f,
-0.568583f, 0.568506f, 0.56843f, 0.568353f, 0.568276f, 0.568199f, 0.568122f, 0.568045f, 0.567968f, 0.567891f, 0.567814f, 0.567737f, 0.56766f, 0.567583f, 0.567506f, 0.567428f, 0.567351f, 0.567274f, 0.567197f, 0.56712f,
-0.567043f, 0.566966f, 0.566889f, 0.566812f, 0.566735f, 0.566658f, 0.566581f, 0.566504f, 0.566427f, 0.566349f, 0.566272f, 0.566195f, 0.566118f, 0.566041f, 0.565964f, 0.565887f, 0.56581f, 0.565732f, 0.565655f, 0.565578f,
-0.565501f, 0.565424f, 0.565347f, 0.565269f, 0.565192f, 0.565115f, 0.565038f, 0.564961f, 0.564883f, 0.564806f, 0.564729f, 0.564652f, 0.564575f, 0.564497f, 0.56442f, 0.564343f, 0.564266f, 0.564188f, 0.564111f, 0.564034f,
-0.563957f, 0.563879f, 0.563802f, 0.563725f, 0.563647f, 0.56357f, 0.563493f, 0.563416f, 0.563338f, 0.563261f, 0.563184f, 0.563106f, 0.563029f, 0.562952f, 0.562874f, 0.562797f, 0.56272f, 0.562642f, 0.562565f, 0.562487f,
-0.56241f, 0.562333f, 0.562255f, 0.562178f, 0.562101f, 0.562023f, 0.561946f, 0.561868f, 0.561791f, 0.561714f, 0.561636f, 0.561559f, 0.561481f, 0.561404f, 0.561326f, 0.561249f, 0.561171f, 0.561094f, 0.561017f, 0.560939f,
-0.560862f, 0.560784f, 0.560707f, 0.560629f, 0.560552f, 0.560474f, 0.560397f, 0.560319f, 0.560242f, 0.560164f, 0.560087f, 0.560009f, 0.559932f, 0.559854f, 0.559776f, 0.559699f, 0.559621f, 0.559544f, 0.559466f, 0.559389f,
-0.559311f, 0.559233f, 0.559156f, 0.559078f, 0.559001f, 0.558923f, 0.558845f, 0.558768f, 0.55869f, 0.558613f, 0.558535f, 0.558457f, 0.55838f, 0.558302f, 0.558224f, 0.558147f, 0.558069f, 0.557991f, 0.557914f, 0.557836f,
-0.557758f, 0.557681f, 0.557603f, 0.557525f, 0.557448f, 0.55737f, 0.557292f, 0.557215f, 0.557137f, 0.557059f, 0.556981f, 0.556904f, 0.556826f, 0.556748f, 0.55667f, 0.556593f, 0.556515f, 0.556437f, 0.556359f, 0.556282f,
-0.556204f, 0.556126f, 0.556048f, 0.55597f, 0.555893f, 0.555815f, 0.555737f, 0.555659f, 0.555581f, 0.555504f, 0.555426f, 0.555348f, 0.55527f, 0.555192f, 0.555114f, 0.555037f, 0.554959f, 0.554881f, 0.554803f, 0.554725f,
-0.554647f, 0.554569f, 0.554491f, 0.554413f, 0.554336f, 0.554258f, 0.55418f, 0.554102f, 0.554024f, 0.553946f, 0.553868f, 0.55379f, 0.553712f, 0.553634f, 0.553556f, 0.553478f, 0.5534f, 0.553322f, 0.553244f, 0.553166f,
-0.553089f, 0.553011f, 0.552933f, 0.552855f, 0.552777f, 0.552699f, 0.552621f, 0.552543f, 0.552464f, 0.552386f, 0.552308f, 0.55223f, 0.552152f, 0.552074f, 0.551996f, 0.551918f, 0.55184f, 0.551762f, 0.551684f, 0.551606f,
-0.551528f, 0.55145f, 0.551372f, 0.551294f, 0.551215f, 0.551137f, 0.551059f, 0.550981f, 0.550903f, 0.550825f, 0.550747f, 0.550669f, 0.550591f, 0.550512f, 0.550434f, 0.550356f, 0.550278f, 0.5502f, 0.550122f, 0.550043f,
-0.549965f, 0.549887f, 0.549809f, 0.549731f, 0.549652f, 0.549574f, 0.549496f, 0.549418f, 0.54934f, 0.549261f, 0.549183f, 0.549105f, 0.549027f, 0.548948f, 0.54887f, 0.548792f, 0.548714f, 0.548635f, 0.548557f, 0.548479f,
-0.548401f, 0.548322f, 0.548244f, 0.548166f, 0.548087f, 0.548009f, 0.547931f, 0.547853f, 0.547774f, 0.547696f, 0.547618f, 0.547539f, 0.547461f, 0.547383f, 0.547304f, 0.547226f, 0.547148f, 0.547069f, 0.546991f, 0.546912f,
-0.546834f, 0.546756f, 0.546677f, 0.546599f, 0.546521f, 0.546442f, 0.546364f, 0.546285f, 0.546207f, 0.546128f, 0.54605f, 0.545972f, 0.545893f, 0.545815f, 0.545736f, 0.545658f, 0.545579f, 0.545501f, 0.545423f, 0.545344f,
-0.545266f, 0.545187f, 0.545109f, 0.54503f, 0.544952f, 0.544873f, 0.544795f, 0.544716f, 0.544638f, 0.544559f, 0.544481f, 0.544402f, 0.544324f, 0.544245f, 0.544166f, 0.544088f, 0.544009f, 0.543931f, 0.543852f, 0.543774f,
-0.543695f, 0.543617f, 0.543538f, 0.543459f, 0.543381f, 0.543302f, 0.543224f, 0.543145f, 0.543066f, 0.542988f, 0.542909f, 0.542831f, 0.542752f, 0.542673f, 0.542595f, 0.542516f, 0.542437f, 0.542359f, 0.54228f, 0.542201f,
-0.542123f, 0.542044f, 0.541965f, 0.541887f, 0.541808f, 0.541729f, 0.541651f, 0.541572f, 0.541493f, 0.541415f, 0.541336f, 0.541257f, 0.541178f, 0.5411f, 0.541021f, 0.540942f, 0.540863f, 0.540785f, 0.540706f, 0.540627f,
-0.540548f, 0.54047f, 0.540391f, 0.540312f, 0.540233f, 0.540155f, 0.540076f, 0.539997f, 0.539918f, 0.539839f, 0.539761f, 0.539682f, 0.539603f, 0.539524f, 0.539445f, 0.539366f, 0.539288f, 0.539209f, 0.53913f, 0.539051f,
-0.538972f, 0.538893f, 0.538815f, 0.538736f, 0.538657f, 0.538578f, 0.538499f, 0.53842f, 0.538341f, 0.538262f, 0.538183f, 0.538105f, 0.538026f, 0.537947f, 0.537868f, 0.537789f, 0.53771f, 0.537631f, 0.537552f, 0.537473f,
-0.537394f, 0.537315f, 0.537236f, 0.537157f, 0.537078f, 0.536999f, 0.53692f, 0.536841f, 0.536762f, 0.536683f, 0.536604f, 0.536525f, 0.536446f, 0.536367f, 0.536288f, 0.536209f, 0.53613f, 0.536051f, 0.535972f, 0.535893f,
-0.535814f, 0.535735f, 0.535656f, 0.535577f, 0.535498f, 0.535419f, 0.53534f, 0.535261f, 0.535182f, 0.535103f, 0.535024f, 0.534944f, 0.534865f, 0.534786f, 0.534707f, 0.534628f, 0.534549f, 0.53447f, 0.534391f, 0.534312f,
-0.534232f, 0.534153f, 0.534074f, 0.533995f, 0.533916f, 0.533837f, 0.533757f, 0.533678f, 0.533599f, 0.53352f, 0.533441f, 0.533362f, 0.533282f, 0.533203f, 0.533124f, 0.533045f, 0.532966f, 0.532886f, 0.532807f, 0.532728f,
-0.532649f, 0.532569f, 0.53249f, 0.532411f, 0.532332f, 0.532252f, 0.532173f, 0.532094f, 0.532015f, 0.531935f, 0.531856f, 0.531777f, 0.531698f, 0.531618f, 0.531539f, 0.53146f, 0.53138f, 0.531301f, 0.531222f, 0.531142f,
-0.531063f, 0.530984f, 0.530905f, 0.530825f, 0.530746f, 0.530666f, 0.530587f, 0.530508f, 0.530428f, 0.530349f, 0.53027f, 0.53019f, 0.530111f, 0.530032f, 0.529952f, 0.529873f, 0.529793f, 0.529714f, 0.529635f, 0.529555f,
-0.529476f, 0.529396f, 0.529317f, 0.529238f, 0.529158f, 0.529079f, 0.528999f, 0.52892f, 0.52884f, 0.528761f, 0.528681f, 0.528602f, 0.528522f, 0.528443f, 0.528364f, 0.528284f, 0.528205f, 0.528125f, 0.528046f, 0.527966f,
-0.527887f, 0.527807f, 0.527728f, 0.527648f, 0.527569f, 0.527489f, 0.527409f, 0.52733f, 0.52725f, 0.527171f, 0.527091f, 0.527012f, 0.526932f, 0.526853f, 0.526773f, 0.526694f, 0.526614f, 0.526534f, 0.526455f, 0.526375f,
-0.526296f, 0.526216f, 0.526136f, 0.526057f, 0.525977f, 0.525898f, 0.525818f, 0.525738f, 0.525659f, 0.525579f, 0.525499f, 0.52542f, 0.52534f, 0.52526f, 0.525181f, 0.525101f, 0.525021f, 0.524942f, 0.524862f, 0.524782f,
-0.524703f, 0.524623f, 0.524543f, 0.524464f, 0.524384f, 0.524304f, 0.524225f, 0.524145f, 0.524065f, 0.523985f, 0.523906f, 0.523826f, 0.523746f, 0.523667f, 0.523587f, 0.523507f, 0.523427f, 0.523347f, 0.523268f, 0.523188f,
-0.523108f, 0.523028f, 0.522949f, 0.522869f, 0.522789f, 0.522709f, 0.522629f, 0.52255f, 0.52247f, 0.52239f, 0.52231f, 0.52223f, 0.522151f, 0.522071f, 0.521991f, 0.521911f, 0.521831f, 0.521751f, 0.521672f, 0.521592f,
-0.521512f, 0.521432f, 0.521352f, 0.521272f, 0.521192f, 0.521112f, 0.521033f, 0.520953f, 0.520873f, 0.520793f, 0.520713f, 0.520633f, 0.520553f, 0.520473f, 0.520393f, 0.520313f, 0.520233f, 0.520154f, 0.520074f, 0.519994f,
-0.519914f, 0.519834f, 0.519754f, 0.519674f, 0.519594f, 0.519514f, 0.519434f, 0.519354f, 0.519274f, 0.519194f, 0.519114f, 0.519034f, 0.518954f, 0.518874f, 0.518794f, 0.518714f, 0.518634f, 0.518554f, 0.518474f, 0.518394f,
-0.518314f, 0.518234f, 0.518154f, 0.518074f, 0.517994f, 0.517914f, 0.517833f, 0.517753f, 0.517673f, 0.517593f, 0.517513f, 0.517433f, 0.517353f, 0.517273f, 0.517193f, 0.517113f, 0.517033f, 0.516953f, 0.516872f, 0.516792f,
-0.516712f, 0.516632f, 0.516552f, 0.516472f, 0.516392f, 0.516311f, 0.516231f, 0.516151f, 0.516071f, 0.515991f, 0.515911f, 0.515831f, 0.51575f, 0.51567f, 0.51559f, 0.51551f, 0.51543f, 0.515349f, 0.515269f, 0.515189f,
-0.515109f, 0.515029f, 0.514948f, 0.514868f, 0.514788f, 0.514708f, 0.514627f, 0.514547f, 0.514467f, 0.514387f, 0.514306f, 0.514226f, 0.514146f, 0.514066f, 0.513985f, 0.513905f, 0.513825f, 0.513745f, 0.513664f, 0.513584f,
-0.513504f, 0.513423f, 0.513343f, 0.513263f, 0.513182f, 0.513102f, 0.513022f, 0.512942f, 0.512861f, 0.512781f, 0.512701f, 0.51262f, 0.51254f, 0.512459f, 0.512379f, 0.512299f, 0.512218f, 0.512138f, 0.512058f, 0.511977f,
-0.511897f, 0.511817f, 0.511736f, 0.511656f, 0.511575f, 0.511495f, 0.511415f, 0.511334f, 0.511254f, 0.511173f, 0.511093f, 0.511012f, 0.510932f, 0.510852f, 0.510771f, 0.510691f, 0.51061f, 0.51053f, 0.510449f, 0.510369f,
-0.510288f, 0.510208f, 0.510127f, 0.510047f, 0.509967f, 0.509886f, 0.509806f, 0.509725f, 0.509645f, 0.509564f, 0.509484f, 0.509403f, 0.509323f, 0.509242f, 0.509161f, 0.509081f, 0.509f, 0.50892f, 0.508839f, 0.508759f,
-0.508678f, 0.508598f, 0.508517f, 0.508437f, 0.508356f, 0.508275f, 0.508195f, 0.508114f, 0.508034f, 0.507953f, 0.507873f, 0.507792f, 0.507711f, 0.507631f, 0.50755f, 0.50747f, 0.507389f, 0.507308f, 0.507228f, 0.507147f,
-0.507066f, 0.506986f, 0.506905f, 0.506825f, 0.506744f, 0.506663f, 0.506583f, 0.506502f, 0.506421f, 0.506341f, 0.50626f, 0.506179f, 0.506099f, 0.506018f, 0.505937f, 0.505856f, 0.505776f, 0.505695f, 0.505614f, 0.505534f,
-0.505453f, 0.505372f, 0.505291f, 0.505211f, 0.50513f, 0.505049f, 0.504969f, 0.504888f, 0.504807f, 0.504726f, 0.504646f, 0.504565f, 0.504484f, 0.504403f, 0.504322f, 0.504242f, 0.504161f, 0.50408f, 0.503999f, 0.503919f,
-0.503838f, 0.503757f, 0.503676f, 0.503595f, 0.503515f, 0.503434f, 0.503353f, 0.503272f, 0.503191f, 0.50311f, 0.50303f, 0.502949f, 0.502868f, 0.502787f, 0.502706f, 0.502625f, 0.502544f, 0.502464f, 0.502383f, 0.502302f,
-0.502221f, 0.50214f, 0.502059f, 0.501978f, 0.501897f, 0.501817f, 0.501736f, 0.501655f, 0.501574f, 0.501493f, 0.501412f, 0.501331f, 0.50125f, 0.501169f, 0.501088f, 0.501007f, 0.500926f, 0.500845f, 0.500764f, 0.500684f,
-0.500603f, 0.500522f, 0.500441f, 0.50036f, 0.500279f, 0.500198f, 0.500117f, 0.500036f, 0.499955f, 0.499874f, 0.499793f, 0.499712f, 0.499631f, 0.49955f, 0.499469f, 0.499388f, 0.499307f, 0.499226f, 0.499145f, 0.499064f,
-0.498983f, 0.498902f, 0.49882f, 0.498739f, 0.498658f, 0.498577f, 0.498496f, 0.498415f, 0.498334f, 0.498253f, 0.498172f, 0.498091f, 0.49801f, 0.497929f, 0.497848f, 0.497766f, 0.497685f, 0.497604f, 0.497523f, 0.497442f,
-0.497361f, 0.49728f, 0.497199f, 0.497118f, 0.497036f, 0.496955f, 0.496874f, 0.496793f, 0.496712f, 0.496631f, 0.49655f, 0.496468f, 0.496387f, 0.496306f, 0.496225f, 0.496144f, 0.496062f, 0.495981f, 0.4959f, 0.495819f,
-0.495738f, 0.495657f, 0.495575f, 0.495494f, 0.495413f, 0.495332f, 0.49525f, 0.495169f, 0.495088f, 0.495007f, 0.494926f, 0.494844f, 0.494763f, 0.494682f, 0.494601f, 0.494519f, 0.494438f, 0.494357f, 0.494275f, 0.494194f,
-0.494113f, 0.494032f, 0.49395f, 0.493869f, 0.493788f, 0.493706f, 0.493625f, 0.493544f, 0.493463f, 0.493381f, 0.4933f, 0.493219f, 0.493137f, 0.493056f, 0.492975f, 0.492893f, 0.492812f, 0.492731f, 0.492649f, 0.492568f,
-0.492487f, 0.492405f, 0.492324f, 0.492242f, 0.492161f, 0.49208f, 0.491998f, 0.491917f, 0.491836f, 0.491754f, 0.491673f, 0.491591f, 0.49151f, 0.491429f, 0.491347f, 0.491266f, 0.491184f, 0.491103f, 0.491022f, 0.49094f,
-0.490859f, 0.490777f, 0.490696f, 0.490614f, 0.490533f, 0.490451f, 0.49037f, 0.490289f, 0.490207f, 0.490126f, 0.490044f, 0.489963f, 0.489881f, 0.4898f, 0.489718f, 0.489637f, 0.489555f, 0.489474f, 0.489392f, 0.489311f,
-0.489229f, 0.489148f, 0.489066f, 0.488985f, 0.488903f, 0.488822f, 0.48874f, 0.488659f, 0.488577f, 0.488495f, 0.488414f, 0.488332f, 0.488251f, 0.488169f, 0.488088f, 0.488006f, 0.487925f, 0.487843f, 0.487761f, 0.48768f,
-0.487598f, 0.487517f, 0.487435f, 0.487353f, 0.487272f, 0.48719f, 0.487109f, 0.487027f, 0.486945f, 0.486864f, 0.486782f, 0.486701f, 0.486619f, 0.486537f, 0.486456f, 0.486374f, 0.486292f, 0.486211f, 0.486129f, 0.486047f,
-0.485966f, 0.485884f, 0.485802f, 0.485721f, 0.485639f, 0.485557f, 0.485476f, 0.485394f, 0.485312f, 0.485231f, 0.485149f, 0.485067f, 0.484985f, 0.484904f, 0.484822f, 0.48474f, 0.484659f, 0.484577f, 0.484495f, 0.484413f,
-0.484332f, 0.48425f, 0.484168f, 0.484086f, 0.484005f, 0.483923f, 0.483841f, 0.483759f, 0.483678f, 0.483596f, 0.483514f, 0.483432f, 0.483351f, 0.483269f, 0.483187f, 0.483105f, 0.483023f, 0.482942f, 0.48286f, 0.482778f,
-0.482696f, 0.482614f, 0.482533f, 0.482451f, 0.482369f, 0.482287f, 0.482205f, 0.482123f, 0.482042f, 0.48196f, 0.481878f, 0.481796f, 0.481714f, 0.481632f, 0.48155f, 0.481469f, 0.481387f, 0.481305f, 0.481223f, 0.481141f,
-0.481059f, 0.480977f, 0.480895f, 0.480814f, 0.480732f, 0.48065f, 0.480568f, 0.480486f, 0.480404f, 0.480322f, 0.48024f, 0.480158f, 0.480076f, 0.479994f, 0.479912f, 0.479831f, 0.479749f, 0.479667f, 0.479585f, 0.479503f,
-0.479421f, 0.479339f, 0.479257f, 0.479175f, 0.479093f, 0.479011f, 0.478929f, 0.478847f, 0.478765f, 0.478683f, 0.478601f, 0.478519f, 0.478437f, 0.478355f, 0.478273f, 0.478191f, 0.478109f, 0.478027f, 0.477945f, 0.477863f,
-0.477781f, 0.477699f, 0.477617f, 0.477535f, 0.477453f, 0.477371f, 0.477289f, 0.477207f, 0.477125f, 0.477042f, 0.47696f, 0.476878f, 0.476796f, 0.476714f, 0.476632f, 0.47655f, 0.476468f, 0.476386f, 0.476304f, 0.476222f,
-0.47614f, 0.476057f, 0.475975f, 0.475893f, 0.475811f, 0.475729f, 0.475647f, 0.475565f, 0.475483f, 0.4754f, 0.475318f, 0.475236f, 0.475154f, 0.475072f, 0.47499f, 0.474908f, 0.474825f, 0.474743f, 0.474661f, 0.474579f,
-0.474497f, 0.474415f, 0.474332f, 0.47425f, 0.474168f, 0.474086f, 0.474004f, 0.473921f, 0.473839f, 0.473757f, 0.473675f, 0.473593f, 0.47351f, 0.473428f, 0.473346f, 0.473264f, 0.473181f, 0.473099f, 0.473017f, 0.472935f,
-0.472853f, 0.47277f, 0.472688f, 0.472606f, 0.472524f, 0.472441f, 0.472359f, 0.472277f, 0.472194f, 0.472112f, 0.47203f, 0.471948f, 0.471865f, 0.471783f, 0.471701f, 0.471618f, 0.471536f, 0.471454f, 0.471372f, 0.471289f,
-0.471207f, 0.471125f, 0.471042f, 0.47096f, 0.470878f, 0.470795f, 0.470713f, 0.470631f, 0.470548f, 0.470466f, 0.470384f, 0.470301f, 0.470219f, 0.470136f, 0.470054f, 0.469972f, 0.469889f, 0.469807f, 0.469725f, 0.469642f,
-0.46956f, 0.469477f, 0.469395f, 0.469313f, 0.46923f, 0.469148f, 0.469066f, 0.468983f, 0.468901f, 0.468818f, 0.468736f, 0.468653f, 0.468571f, 0.468489f, 0.468406f, 0.468324f, 0.468241f, 0.468159f, 0.468076f, 0.467994f,
-0.467911f, 0.467829f, 0.467747f, 0.467664f, 0.467582f, 0.467499f, 0.467417f, 0.467334f, 0.467252f, 0.467169f, 0.467087f, 0.467004f, 0.466922f, 0.466839f, 0.466757f, 0.466674f, 0.466592f, 0.466509f, 0.466427f, 0.466344f,
-0.466262f, 0.466179f, 0.466097f, 0.466014f, 0.465932f, 0.465849f, 0.465767f, 0.465684f, 0.465601f, 0.465519f, 0.465436f, 0.465354f, 0.465271f, 0.465189f, 0.465106f, 0.465023f, 0.464941f, 0.464858f, 0.464776f, 0.464693f,
-0.464611f, 0.464528f, 0.464445f, 0.464363f, 0.46428f, 0.464198f, 0.464115f, 0.464032f, 0.46395f, 0.463867f, 0.463784f, 0.463702f, 0.463619f, 0.463537f, 0.463454f, 0.463371f, 0.463289f, 0.463206f, 0.463123f, 0.463041f,
-0.462958f, 0.462875f, 0.462793f, 0.46271f, 0.462627f, 0.462545f, 0.462462f, 0.462379f, 0.462297f, 0.462214f, 0.462131f, 0.462049f, 0.461966f, 0.461883f, 0.461801f, 0.461718f, 0.461635f, 0.461552f, 0.46147f, 0.461387f,
-0.461304f, 0.461222f, 0.461139f, 0.461056f, 0.460973f, 0.460891f, 0.460808f, 0.460725f, 0.460642f, 0.46056f, 0.460477f, 0.460394f, 0.460311f, 0.460229f, 0.460146f, 0.460063f, 0.45998f, 0.459897f, 0.459815f, 0.459732f,
-0.459649f, 0.459566f, 0.459484f, 0.459401f, 0.459318f, 0.459235f, 0.459152f, 0.459069f, 0.458987f, 0.458904f, 0.458821f, 0.458738f, 0.458655f, 0.458573f, 0.45849f, 0.458407f, 0.458324f, 0.458241f, 0.458158f, 0.458076f,
-0.457993f, 0.45791f, 0.457827f, 0.457744f, 0.457661f, 0.457578f, 0.457495f, 0.457413f, 0.45733f, 0.457247f, 0.457164f, 0.457081f, 0.456998f, 0.456915f, 0.456832f, 0.456749f, 0.456667f, 0.456584f, 0.456501f, 0.456418f,
-0.456335f, 0.456252f, 0.456169f, 0.456086f, 0.456003f, 0.45592f, 0.455837f, 0.455754f, 0.455671f, 0.455588f, 0.455506f, 0.455423f, 0.45534f, 0.455257f, 0.455174f, 0.455091f, 0.455008f, 0.454925f, 0.454842f, 0.454759f,
-0.454676f, 0.454593f, 0.45451f, 0.454427f, 0.454344f, 0.454261f, 0.454178f, 0.454095f, 0.454012f, 0.453929f, 0.453846f, 0.453763f, 0.45368f, 0.453597f, 0.453514f, 0.453431f, 0.453348f, 0.453265f, 0.453182f, 0.453099f,
-0.453016f, 0.452932f, 0.452849f, 0.452766f, 0.452683f, 0.4526f, 0.452517f, 0.452434f, 0.452351f, 0.452268f, 0.452185f, 0.452102f, 0.452019f, 0.451936f, 0.451853f, 0.451769f, 0.451686f, 0.451603f, 0.45152f, 0.451437f,
-0.451354f, 0.451271f, 0.451188f, 0.451105f, 0.451021f, 0.450938f, 0.450855f, 0.450772f, 0.450689f, 0.450606f, 0.450523f, 0.45044f, 0.450356f, 0.450273f, 0.45019f, 0.450107f, 0.450024f, 0.449941f, 0.449857f, 0.449774f,
-0.449691f, 0.449608f, 0.449525f, 0.449442f, 0.449358f, 0.449275f, 0.449192f, 0.449109f, 0.449026f, 0.448942f, 0.448859f, 0.448776f, 0.448693f, 0.44861f, 0.448526f, 0.448443f, 0.44836f, 0.448277f, 0.448193f, 0.44811f,
-0.448027f, 0.447944f, 0.447861f, 0.447777f, 0.447694f, 0.447611f, 0.447528f, 0.447444f, 0.447361f, 0.447278f, 0.447195f, 0.447111f, 0.447028f, 0.446945f, 0.446861f, 0.446778f, 0.446695f, 0.446612f, 0.446528f, 0.446445f,
-0.446362f, 0.446278f, 0.446195f, 0.446112f, 0.446029f, 0.445945f, 0.445862f, 0.445779f, 0.445695f, 0.445612f, 0.445529f, 0.445445f, 0.445362f, 0.445279f, 0.445195f, 0.445112f, 0.445029f, 0.444945f, 0.444862f, 0.444779f,
-0.444695f, 0.444612f, 0.444529f, 0.444445f, 0.444362f, 0.444278f, 0.444195f, 0.444112f, 0.444028f, 0.443945f, 0.443862f, 0.443778f, 0.443695f, 0.443611f, 0.443528f, 0.443445f, 0.443361f, 0.443278f, 0.443194f, 0.443111f,
-0.443028f, 0.442944f, 0.442861f, 0.442777f, 0.442694f, 0.44261f, 0.442527f, 0.442444f, 0.44236f, 0.442277f, 0.442193f, 0.44211f, 0.442026f, 0.441943f, 0.441859f, 0.441776f, 0.441692f, 0.441609f, 0.441526f, 0.441442f,
-0.441359f, 0.441275f, 0.441192f, 0.441108f, 0.441025f, 0.440941f, 0.440858f, 0.440774f, 0.440691f, 0.440607f, 0.440524f, 0.44044f, 0.440357f, 0.440273f, 0.44019f, 0.440106f, 0.440023f, 0.439939f, 0.439856f, 0.439772f,
-0.439689f, 0.439605f, 0.439521f, 0.439438f, 0.439354f, 0.439271f, 0.439187f, 0.439104f, 0.43902f, 0.438937f, 0.438853f, 0.438769f, 0.438686f, 0.438602f, 0.438519f, 0.438435f, 0.438352f, 0.438268f, 0.438184f, 0.438101f,
-0.438017f, 0.437934f, 0.43785f, 0.437766f, 0.437683f, 0.437599f, 0.437516f, 0.437432f, 0.437348f, 0.437265f, 0.437181f, 0.437098f, 0.437014f, 0.43693f, 0.436847f, 0.436763f, 0.436679f, 0.436596f, 0.436512f, 0.436429f,
-0.436345f, 0.436261f, 0.436178f, 0.436094f, 0.43601f, 0.435927f, 0.435843f, 0.435759f, 0.435676f, 0.435592f, 0.435508f, 0.435425f, 0.435341f, 0.435257f, 0.435174f, 0.43509f, 0.435006f, 0.434922f, 0.434839f, 0.434755f,
-0.434671f, 0.434588f, 0.434504f, 0.43442f, 0.434336f, 0.434253f, 0.434169f, 0.434085f, 0.434002f, 0.433918f, 0.433834f, 0.43375f, 0.433667f, 0.433583f, 0.433499f, 0.433415f, 0.433332f, 0.433248f, 0.433164f, 0.43308f,
-0.432997f, 0.432913f, 0.432829f, 0.432745f, 0.432662f, 0.432578f, 0.432494f, 0.43241f, 0.432326f, 0.432243f, 0.432159f, 0.432075f, 0.431991f, 0.431908f, 0.431824f, 0.43174f, 0.431656f, 0.431572f, 0.431489f, 0.431405f,
-0.431321f, 0.431237f, 0.431153f, 0.431069f, 0.430986f, 0.430902f, 0.430818f, 0.430734f, 0.43065f, 0.430566f, 0.430483f, 0.430399f, 0.430315f, 0.430231f, 0.430147f, 0.430063f, 0.429979f, 0.429896f, 0.429812f, 0.429728f,
-0.429644f, 0.42956f, 0.429476f, 0.429392f, 0.429309f, 0.429225f, 0.429141f, 0.429057f, 0.428973f, 0.428889f, 0.428805f, 0.428721f, 0.428637f, 0.428553f, 0.42847f, 0.428386f, 0.428302f, 0.428218f, 0.428134f, 0.42805f,
-0.427966f, 0.427882f, 0.427798f, 0.427714f, 0.42763f, 0.427546f, 0.427462f, 0.427379f, 0.427295f, 0.427211f, 0.427127f, 0.427043f, 0.426959f, 0.426875f, 0.426791f, 0.426707f, 0.426623f, 0.426539f, 0.426455f, 0.426371f,
-0.426287f, 0.426203f, 0.426119f, 0.426035f, 0.425951f, 0.425867f, 0.425783f, 0.425699f, 0.425615f, 0.425531f, 0.425447f, 0.425363f, 0.425279f, 0.425195f, 0.425111f, 0.425027f, 0.424943f, 0.424859f, 0.424775f, 0.424691f,
-0.424607f, 0.424523f, 0.424439f, 0.424355f, 0.424271f, 0.424187f, 0.424103f, 0.424019f, 0.423935f, 0.42385f, 0.423766f, 0.423682f, 0.423598f, 0.423514f, 0.42343f, 0.423346f, 0.423262f, 0.423178f, 0.423094f, 0.42301f,
-0.422926f, 0.422842f, 0.422758f, 0.422673f, 0.422589f, 0.422505f, 0.422421f, 0.422337f, 0.422253f, 0.422169f, 0.422085f, 0.422001f, 0.421917f, 0.421832f, 0.421748f, 0.421664f, 0.42158f, 0.421496f, 0.421412f, 0.421328f,
-0.421244f, 0.421159f, 0.421075f, 0.420991f, 0.420907f, 0.420823f, 0.420739f, 0.420655f, 0.42057f, 0.420486f, 0.420402f, 0.420318f, 0.420234f, 0.42015f, 0.420065f, 0.419981f, 0.419897f, 0.419813f, 0.419729f, 0.419644f,
-0.41956f, 0.419476f, 0.419392f, 0.419308f, 0.419224f, 0.419139f, 0.419055f, 0.418971f, 0.418887f, 0.418803f, 0.418718f, 0.418634f, 0.41855f, 0.418466f, 0.418381f, 0.418297f, 0.418213f, 0.418129f, 0.418045f, 0.41796f,
-0.417876f, 0.417792f, 0.417708f, 0.417623f, 0.417539f, 0.417455f, 0.417371f, 0.417286f, 0.417202f, 0.417118f, 0.417034f, 0.416949f, 0.416865f, 0.416781f, 0.416696f, 0.416612f, 0.416528f, 0.416444f, 0.416359f, 0.416275f,
-0.416191f, 0.416107f, 0.416022f, 0.415938f, 0.415854f, 0.415769f, 0.415685f, 0.415601f, 0.415516f, 0.415432f, 0.415348f, 0.415264f, 0.415179f, 0.415095f, 0.415011f, 0.414926f, 0.414842f, 0.414758f, 0.414673f, 0.414589f,
-0.414505f, 0.41442f, 0.414336f, 0.414252f, 0.414167f, 0.414083f, 0.413999f, 0.413914f, 0.41383f, 0.413745f, 0.413661f, 0.413577f, 0.413492f, 0.413408f, 0.413324f, 0.413239f, 0.413155f, 0.413071f, 0.412986f, 0.412902f,
-0.412817f, 0.412733f, 0.412649f, 0.412564f, 0.41248f, 0.412395f, 0.412311f, 0.412227f, 0.412142f, 0.412058f, 0.411973f, 0.411889f, 0.411805f, 0.41172f, 0.411636f, 0.411551f, 0.411467f, 0.411382f, 0.411298f, 0.411214f,
-0.411129f, 0.411045f, 0.41096f, 0.410876f, 0.410791f, 0.410707f, 0.410623f, 0.410538f, 0.410454f, 0.410369f, 0.410285f, 0.4102f, 0.410116f, 0.410031f, 0.409947f, 0.409862f, 0.409778f, 0.409693f, 0.409609f, 0.409525f,
-0.40944f, 0.409356f, 0.409271f, 0.409187f, 0.409102f, 0.409018f, 0.408933f, 0.408849f, 0.408764f, 0.40868f, 0.408595f, 0.408511f, 0.408426f, 0.408342f, 0.408257f, 0.408173f, 0.408088f, 0.408004f, 0.407919f, 0.407835f,
-0.40775f, 0.407665f, 0.407581f, 0.407496f, 0.407412f, 0.407327f, 0.407243f, 0.407158f, 0.407074f, 0.406989f, 0.406905f, 0.40682f, 0.406736f, 0.406651f, 0.406566f, 0.406482f, 0.406397f, 0.406313f, 0.406228f, 0.406144f,
-0.406059f, 0.405974f, 0.40589f, 0.405805f, 0.405721f, 0.405636f, 0.405552f, 0.405467f, 0.405382f, 0.405298f, 0.405213f, 0.405129f, 0.405044f, 0.404959f, 0.404875f, 0.40479f, 0.404706f, 0.404621f, 0.404536f, 0.404452f,
-0.404367f, 0.404282f, 0.404198f, 0.404113f, 0.404029f, 0.403944f, 0.403859f, 0.403775f, 0.40369f, 0.403605f, 0.403521f, 0.403436f, 0.403352f, 0.403267f, 0.403182f, 0.403098f, 0.403013f, 0.402928f, 0.402844f, 0.402759f,
-0.402674f, 0.40259f, 0.402505f, 0.40242f, 0.402336f, 0.402251f, 0.402166f, 0.402082f, 0.401997f, 0.401912f, 0.401828f, 0.401743f, 0.401658f, 0.401573f, 0.401489f, 0.401404f, 0.401319f, 0.401235f, 0.40115f, 0.401065f,
-0.400981f, 0.400896f, 0.400811f, 0.400726f, 0.400642f, 0.400557f, 0.400472f, 0.400388f, 0.400303f, 0.400218f, 0.400133f, 0.400049f, 0.399964f, 0.399879f, 0.399795f, 0.39971f, 0.399625f, 0.39954f, 0.399456f, 0.399371f,
-0.399286f, 0.399201f, 0.399117f, 0.399032f, 0.398947f, 0.398862f, 0.398777f, 0.398693f, 0.398608f, 0.398523f, 0.398438f, 0.398354f, 0.398269f, 0.398184f, 0.398099f, 0.398015f, 0.39793f, 0.397845f, 0.39776f, 0.397675f,
-0.397591f, 0.397506f, 0.397421f, 0.397336f, 0.397251f, 0.397167f, 0.397082f, 0.396997f, 0.396912f, 0.396827f, 0.396743f, 0.396658f, 0.396573f, 0.396488f, 0.396403f, 0.396318f, 0.396234f, 0.396149f, 0.396064f, 0.395979f,
-0.395894f, 0.395809f, 0.395725f, 0.39564f, 0.395555f, 0.39547f, 0.395385f, 0.3953f, 0.395216f, 0.395131f, 0.395046f, 0.394961f, 0.394876f, 0.394791f, 0.394706f, 0.394622f, 0.394537f, 0.394452f, 0.394367f, 0.394282f,
-0.394197f, 0.394112f, 0.394027f, 0.393943f, 0.393858f, 0.393773f, 0.393688f, 0.393603f, 0.393518f, 0.393433f, 0.393348f, 0.393263f, 0.393179f, 0.393094f, 0.393009f, 0.392924f, 0.392839f, 0.392754f, 0.392669f, 0.392584f,
-0.392499f, 0.392414f, 0.392329f, 0.392245f, 0.39216f, 0.392075f, 0.39199f, 0.391905f, 0.39182f, 0.391735f, 0.39165f, 0.391565f, 0.39148f, 0.391395f, 0.39131f, 0.391225f, 0.39114f, 0.391055f, 0.39097f, 0.390885f,
-0.390801f, 0.390716f, 0.390631f, 0.390546f, 0.390461f, 0.390376f, 0.390291f, 0.390206f, 0.390121f, 0.390036f, 0.389951f, 0.389866f, 0.389781f, 0.389696f, 0.389611f, 0.389526f, 0.389441f, 0.389356f, 0.389271f, 0.389186f,
-0.389101f, 0.389016f, 0.388931f, 0.388846f, 0.388761f, 0.388676f, 0.388591f, 0.388506f, 0.388421f, 0.388336f, 0.388251f, 0.388166f, 0.388081f, 0.387996f, 0.387911f, 0.387826f, 0.387741f, 0.387656f, 0.387571f, 0.387486f,
-0.387401f, 0.387316f, 0.387231f, 0.387146f, 0.38706f, 0.386975f, 0.38689f, 0.386805f, 0.38672f, 0.386635f, 0.38655f, 0.386465f, 0.38638f, 0.386295f, 0.38621f, 0.386125f, 0.38604f, 0.385955f, 0.38587f, 0.385785f,
-0.3857f, 0.385614f, 0.385529f, 0.385444f, 0.385359f, 0.385274f, 0.385189f, 0.385104f, 0.385019f, 0.384934f, 0.384849f, 0.384764f, 0.384678f, 0.384593f, 0.384508f, 0.384423f, 0.384338f, 0.384253f, 0.384168f, 0.384083f,
-0.383998f, 0.383913f, 0.383827f, 0.383742f, 0.383657f, 0.383572f, 0.383487f, 0.383402f, 0.383317f, 0.383232f, 0.383146f, 0.383061f, 0.382976f, 0.382891f, 0.382806f, 0.382721f, 0.382636f, 0.38255f, 0.382465f, 0.38238f,
-0.382295f, 0.38221f, 0.382125f, 0.38204f, 0.381954f, 0.381869f, 0.381784f, 0.381699f, 0.381614f, 0.381529f, 0.381443f, 0.381358f, 0.381273f, 0.381188f, 0.381103f, 0.381018f, 0.380932f, 0.380847f, 0.380762f, 0.380677f,
-0.380592f, 0.380506f, 0.380421f, 0.380336f, 0.380251f, 0.380166f, 0.380081f, 0.379995f, 0.37991f, 0.379825f, 0.37974f, 0.379655f, 0.379569f, 0.379484f, 0.379399f, 0.379314f, 0.379228f, 0.379143f, 0.379058f, 0.378973f,
-0.378888f, 0.378802f, 0.378717f, 0.378632f, 0.378547f, 0.378461f, 0.378376f, 0.378291f, 0.378206f, 0.378121f, 0.378035f, 0.37795f, 0.377865f, 0.37778f, 0.377694f, 0.377609f, 0.377524f, 0.377439f, 0.377353f, 0.377268f,
-0.377183f, 0.377098f, 0.377012f, 0.376927f, 0.376842f, 0.376757f, 0.376671f, 0.376586f, 0.376501f, 0.376415f, 0.37633f, 0.376245f, 0.37616f, 0.376074f, 0.375989f, 0.375904f, 0.375819f, 0.375733f, 0.375648f, 0.375563f,
-0.375477f, 0.375392f, 0.375307f, 0.375221f, 0.375136f, 0.375051f, 0.374966f, 0.37488f, 0.374795f, 0.37471f, 0.374624f, 0.374539f, 0.374454f, 0.374368f, 0.374283f, 0.374198f, 0.374112f, 0.374027f, 0.373942f, 0.373857f,
-0.373771f, 0.373686f, 0.373601f, 0.373515f, 0.37343f, 0.373345f, 0.373259f, 0.373174f, 0.373089f, 0.373003f, 0.372918f, 0.372833f, 0.372747f, 0.372662f, 0.372576f, 0.372491f, 0.372406f, 0.37232f, 0.372235f, 0.37215f,
-0.372064f, 0.371979f, 0.371894f, 0.371808f, 0.371723f, 0.371638f, 0.371552f, 0.371467f, 0.371381f, 0.371296f, 0.371211f, 0.371125f, 0.37104f, 0.370955f, 0.370869f, 0.370784f, 0.370698f, 0.370613f, 0.370528f, 0.370442f,
-0.370357f, 0.370271f, 0.370186f, 0.370101f, 0.370015f, 0.36993f, 0.369845f, 0.369759f, 0.369674f, 0.369588f, 0.369503f, 0.369417f, 0.369332f, 0.369247f, 0.369161f, 0.369076f, 0.36899f, 0.368905f, 0.36882f, 0.368734f,
-0.368649f, 0.368563f, 0.368478f, 0.368392f, 0.368307f, 0.368222f, 0.368136f, 0.368051f, 0.367965f, 0.36788f, 0.367794f, 0.367709f, 0.367624f, 0.367538f, 0.367453f, 0.367367f, 0.367282f, 0.367196f, 0.367111f, 0.367025f,
-0.36694f, 0.366855f, 0.366769f, 0.366684f, 0.366598f, 0.366513f, 0.366427f, 0.366342f, 0.366256f, 0.366171f, 0.366085f, 0.366f, 0.365914f, 0.365829f, 0.365743f, 0.365658f, 0.365573f, 0.365487f, 0.365402f, 0.365316f,
-0.365231f, 0.365145f, 0.36506f, 0.364974f, 0.364889f, 0.364803f, 0.364718f, 0.364632f, 0.364547f, 0.364461f, 0.364376f, 0.36429f, 0.364205f, 0.364119f, 0.364034f, 0.363948f, 0.363863f, 0.363777f, 0.363692f, 0.363606f,
-0.363521f, 0.363435f, 0.36335f, 0.363264f, 0.363179f, 0.363093f, 0.363008f, 0.362922f, 0.362836f, 0.362751f, 0.362665f, 0.36258f, 0.362494f, 0.362409f, 0.362323f, 0.362238f, 0.362152f, 0.362067f, 0.361981f, 0.361896f,
-0.36181f, 0.361724f, 0.361639f, 0.361553f, 0.361468f, 0.361382f, 0.361297f, 0.361211f, 0.361126f, 0.36104f, 0.360955f, 0.360869f, 0.360783f, 0.360698f, 0.360612f, 0.360527f, 0.360441f, 0.360356f, 0.36027f, 0.360184f,
-0.360099f, 0.360013f, 0.359928f, 0.359842f, 0.359757f, 0.359671f, 0.359585f, 0.3595f, 0.359414f, 0.359329f, 0.359243f, 0.359157f, 0.359072f, 0.358986f, 0.358901f, 0.358815f, 0.35873f, 0.358644f, 0.358558f, 0.358473f,
-0.358387f, 0.358302f, 0.358216f, 0.35813f, 0.358045f, 0.357959f, 0.357874f, 0.357788f, 0.357702f, 0.357617f, 0.357531f, 0.357445f, 0.35736f, 0.357274f, 0.357189f, 0.357103f, 0.357017f, 0.356932f, 0.356846f, 0.356761f,
-0.356675f, 0.356589f, 0.356504f, 0.356418f, 0.356332f, 0.356247f, 0.356161f, 0.356075f, 0.35599f, 0.355904f, 0.355819f, 0.355733f, 0.355647f, 0.355562f, 0.355476f, 0.35539f, 0.355305f, 0.355219f, 0.355133f, 0.355048f,
-0.354962f, 0.354876f, 0.354791f, 0.354705f, 0.354619f, 0.354534f, 0.354448f, 0.354362f, 0.354277f, 0.354191f, 0.354105f, 0.35402f, 0.353934f, 0.353848f, 0.353763f, 0.353677f, 0.353591f, 0.353506f, 0.35342f, 0.353334f,
-0.353249f, 0.353163f, 0.353077f, 0.352992f, 0.352906f, 0.35282f, 0.352735f, 0.352649f, 0.352563f, 0.352478f, 0.352392f, 0.352306f, 0.35222f, 0.352135f, 0.352049f, 0.351963f, 0.351878f, 0.351792f, 0.351706f, 0.351621f,
-0.351535f, 0.351449f, 0.351363f, 0.351278f, 0.351192f, 0.351106f, 0.351021f, 0.350935f, 0.350849f, 0.350763f, 0.350678f, 0.350592f, 0.350506f, 0.350421f, 0.350335f, 0.350249f, 0.350163f, 0.350078f, 0.349992f, 0.349906f,
-0.34982f, 0.349735f, 0.349649f, 0.349563f, 0.349478f, 0.349392f, 0.349306f, 0.34922f, 0.349135f, 0.349049f, 0.348963f, 0.348877f, 0.348792f, 0.348706f, 0.34862f, 0.348534f, 0.348449f, 0.348363f, 0.348277f, 0.348191f,
-0.348106f, 0.34802f, 0.347934f, 0.347848f, 0.347763f, 0.347677f, 0.347591f, 0.347505f, 0.34742f, 0.347334f, 0.347248f, 0.347162f, 0.347077f, 0.346991f, 0.346905f, 0.346819f, 0.346733f, 0.346648f, 0.346562f, 0.346476f,
-0.34639f, 0.346305f, 0.346219f, 0.346133f, 0.346047f, 0.345961f, 0.345876f, 0.34579f, 0.345704f, 0.345618f, 0.345532f, 0.345447f, 0.345361f, 0.345275f, 0.345189f, 0.345104f, 0.345018f, 0.344932f, 0.344846f, 0.34476f,
-0.344675f, 0.344589f, 0.344503f, 0.344417f, 0.344331f, 0.344246f, 0.34416f, 0.344074f, 0.343988f, 0.343902f, 0.343816f, 0.343731f, 0.343645f, 0.343559f, 0.343473f, 0.343387f, 0.343302f, 0.343216f, 0.34313f, 0.343044f,
-0.342958f, 0.342872f, 0.342787f, 0.342701f, 0.342615f, 0.342529f, 0.342443f, 0.342358f, 0.342272f, 0.342186f, 0.3421f, 0.342014f, 0.341928f, 0.341843f, 0.341757f, 0.341671f, 0.341585f, 0.341499f, 0.341413f, 0.341327f,
-0.341242f, 0.341156f, 0.34107f, 0.340984f, 0.340898f, 0.340812f, 0.340727f, 0.340641f, 0.340555f, 0.340469f, 0.340383f, 0.340297f, 0.340211f, 0.340126f, 0.34004f, 0.339954f, 0.339868f, 0.339782f, 0.339696f, 0.33961f,
-0.339525f, 0.339439f, 0.339353f, 0.339267f, 0.339181f, 0.339095f, 0.339009f, 0.338923f, 0.338838f, 0.338752f, 0.338666f, 0.33858f, 0.338494f, 0.338408f, 0.338322f, 0.338236f, 0.338151f, 0.338065f, 0.337979f, 0.337893f,
-0.337807f, 0.337721f, 0.337635f, 0.337549f, 0.337463f, 0.337378f, 0.337292f, 0.337206f, 0.33712f, 0.337034f, 0.336948f, 0.336862f, 0.336776f, 0.33669f, 0.336605f, 0.336519f, 0.336433f, 0.336347f, 0.336261f, 0.336175f,
-0.336089f, 0.336003f, 0.335917f, 0.335831f, 0.335746f, 0.33566f, 0.335574f, 0.335488f, 0.335402f, 0.335316f, 0.33523f, 0.335144f, 0.335058f, 0.334972f, 0.334886f, 0.3348f, 0.334715f, 0.334629f, 0.334543f, 0.334457f,
-0.334371f, 0.334285f, 0.334199f, 0.334113f, 0.334027f, 0.333941f, 0.333855f, 0.333769f, 0.333683f, 0.333598f, 0.333512f, 0.333426f, 0.33334f, 0.333254f, 0.333168f, 0.333082f, 0.332996f, 0.33291f, 0.332824f, 0.332738f,
-0.332652f, 0.332566f, 0.33248f, 0.332394f, 0.332308f, 0.332222f, 0.332137f, 0.332051f, 0.331965f, 0.331879f, 0.331793f, 0.331707f, 0.331621f, 0.331535f, 0.331449f, 0.331363f, 0.331277f, 0.331191f, 0.331105f, 0.331019f,
-0.330933f, 0.330847f, 0.330761f, 0.330675f, 0.330589f, 0.330503f, 0.330417f, 0.330331f, 0.330245f, 0.33016f, 0.330074f, 0.329988f, 0.329902f, 0.329816f, 0.32973f, 0.329644f, 0.329558f, 0.329472f, 0.329386f, 0.3293f,
-0.329214f, 0.329128f, 0.329042f, 0.328956f, 0.32887f, 0.328784f, 0.328698f, 0.328612f, 0.328526f, 0.32844f, 0.328354f, 0.328268f, 0.328182f, 0.328096f, 0.32801f, 0.327924f, 0.327838f, 0.327752f, 0.327666f, 0.32758f,
-0.327494f, 0.327408f, 0.327322f, 0.327236f, 0.32715f, 0.327064f, 0.326978f, 0.326892f, 0.326806f, 0.32672f, 0.326634f, 0.326548f, 0.326462f, 0.326376f, 0.32629f, 0.326204f, 0.326118f, 0.326032f, 0.325946f, 0.32586f,
-0.325774f, 0.325688f, 0.325602f, 0.325516f, 0.32543f, 0.325344f, 0.325258f, 0.325172f, 0.325086f, 0.325f, 0.324914f, 0.324828f, 0.324742f, 0.324656f, 0.32457f, 0.324484f, 0.324398f, 0.324312f, 0.324226f, 0.32414f,
-0.324054f, 0.323968f, 0.323882f, 0.323796f, 0.32371f, 0.323624f, 0.323538f, 0.323452f, 0.323366f, 0.32328f, 0.323194f, 0.323108f, 0.323022f, 0.322935f, 0.322849f, 0.322763f, 0.322677f, 0.322591f, 0.322505f, 0.322419f,
-0.322333f, 0.322247f, 0.322161f, 0.322075f, 0.321989f, 0.321903f, 0.321817f, 0.321731f, 0.321645f, 0.321559f, 0.321473f, 0.321387f, 0.321301f, 0.321215f, 0.321129f, 0.321043f, 0.320957f, 0.320871f, 0.320784f, 0.320698f,
-0.320612f, 0.320526f, 0.32044f, 0.320354f, 0.320268f, 0.320182f, 0.320096f, 0.32001f, 0.319924f, 0.319838f, 0.319752f, 0.319666f, 0.31958f, 0.319494f, 0.319408f, 0.319322f, 0.319235f, 0.319149f, 0.319063f, 0.318977f,
-0.318891f, 0.318805f, 0.318719f, 0.318633f, 0.318547f, 0.318461f, 0.318375f, 0.318289f, 0.318203f, 0.318117f, 0.318031f, 0.317945f, 0.317858f, 0.317772f, 0.317686f, 0.3176f, 0.317514f, 0.317428f, 0.317342f, 0.317256f,
-0.31717f, 0.317084f, 0.316998f, 0.316912f, 0.316826f, 0.316739f, 0.316653f, 0.316567f, 0.316481f, 0.316395f, 0.316309f, 0.316223f, 0.316137f, 0.316051f, 0.315965f, 0.315879f, 0.315793f, 0.315706f, 0.31562f, 0.315534f,
-0.315448f, 0.315362f, 0.315276f, 0.31519f, 0.315104f, 0.315018f, 0.314932f, 0.314846f, 0.31476f, 0.314673f, 0.314587f, 0.314501f, 0.314415f, 0.314329f, 0.314243f, 0.314157f, 0.314071f, 0.313985f, 0.313899f, 0.313812f,
-0.313726f, 0.31364f, 0.313554f, 0.313468f, 0.313382f, 0.313296f, 0.31321f, 0.313124f, 0.313038f, 0.312951f, 0.312865f, 0.312779f, 0.312693f, 0.312607f, 0.312521f, 0.312435f, 0.312349f, 0.312263f, 0.312177f, 0.31209f,
-0.312004f, 0.311918f, 0.311832f, 0.311746f, 0.31166f, 0.311574f, 0.311488f, 0.311402f, 0.311315f, 0.311229f, 0.311143f, 0.311057f, 0.310971f, 0.310885f, 0.310799f, 0.310713f, 0.310627f, 0.31054f, 0.310454f, 0.310368f,
-0.310282f, 0.310196f, 0.31011f, 0.310024f, 0.309938f, 0.309851f, 0.309765f, 0.309679f, 0.309593f, 0.309507f, 0.309421f, 0.309335f, 0.309249f, 0.309162f, 0.309076f, 0.30899f, 0.308904f, 0.308818f, 0.308732f, 0.308646f,
-0.30856f, 0.308473f, 0.308387f, 0.308301f, 0.308215f, 0.308129f, 0.308043f, 0.307957f, 0.307871f, 0.307784f, 0.307698f, 0.307612f, 0.307526f, 0.30744f, 0.307354f, 0.307268f, 0.307182f, 0.307095f, 0.307009f, 0.306923f,
-0.306837f, 0.306751f, 0.306665f, 0.306579f, 0.306492f, 0.306406f, 0.30632f, 0.306234f, 0.306148f, 0.306062f, 0.305976f, 0.305889f, 0.305803f, 0.305717f, 0.305631f, 0.305545f, 0.305459f, 0.305373f, 0.305286f, 0.3052f,
-0.305114f, 0.305028f, 0.304942f, 0.304856f, 0.30477f, 0.304683f, 0.304597f, 0.304511f, 0.304425f, 0.304339f, 0.304253f, 0.304167f, 0.30408f, 0.303994f, 0.303908f, 0.303822f, 0.303736f, 0.30365f, 0.303564f, 0.303477f,
-0.303391f, 0.303305f, 0.303219f, 0.303133f, 0.303047f, 0.302961f, 0.302874f, 0.302788f, 0.302702f, 0.302616f, 0.30253f, 0.302444f, 0.302357f, 0.302271f, 0.302185f, 0.302099f, 0.302013f, 0.301927f, 0.301841f, 0.301754f,
-0.301668f, 0.301582f, 0.301496f, 0.30141f, 0.301324f, 0.301237f, 0.301151f, 0.301065f, 0.300979f, 0.300893f, 0.300807f, 0.30072f, 0.300634f, 0.300548f, 0.300462f, 0.300376f, 0.30029f, 0.300204f, 0.300117f, 0.300031f,
-0.299945f, 0.299859f, 0.299773f, 0.299687f, 0.2996f, 0.299514f, 0.299428f, 0.299342f, 0.299256f, 0.29917f, 0.299083f, 0.298997f, 0.298911f, 0.298825f, 0.298739f, 0.298653f, 0.298566f, 0.29848f, 0.298394f, 0.298308f,
-0.298222f, 0.298136f, 0.298049f, 0.297963f, 0.297877f, 0.297791f, 0.297705f, 0.297619f, 0.297532f, 0.297446f, 0.29736f, 0.297274f, 0.297188f, 0.297102f, 0.297015f, 0.296929f, 0.296843f, 0.296757f, 0.296671f, 0.296585f,
-0.296498f, 0.296412f, 0.296326f, 0.29624f, 0.296154f, 0.296068f, 0.295981f, 0.295895f, 0.295809f, 0.295723f, 0.295637f, 0.295551f, 0.295464f, 0.295378f, 0.295292f, 0.295206f, 0.29512f, 0.295033f, 0.294947f, 0.294861f,
-0.294775f, 0.294689f, 0.294603f, 0.294516f, 0.29443f, 0.294344f, 0.294258f, 0.294172f, 0.294086f, 0.293999f, 0.293913f, 0.293827f, 0.293741f, 0.293655f, 0.293569f, 0.293482f, 0.293396f, 0.29331f, 0.293224f, 0.293138f,
-0.293051f, 0.292965f, 0.292879f, 0.292793f, 0.292707f, 0.292621f, 0.292534f, 0.292448f, 0.292362f, 0.292276f, 0.29219f, 0.292103f, 0.292017f, 0.291931f, 0.291845f, 0.291759f, 0.291673f, 0.291586f, 0.2915f, 0.291414f,
-0.291328f, 0.291242f, 0.291156f, 0.291069f, 0.290983f, 0.290897f, 0.290811f, 0.290725f, 0.290638f, 0.290552f, 0.290466f, 0.29038f, 0.290294f, 0.290208f, 0.290121f, 0.290035f, 0.289949f, 0.289863f, 0.289777f, 0.28969f,
-0.289604f, 0.289518f, 0.289432f, 0.289346f, 0.28926f, 0.289173f, 0.289087f, 0.289001f, 0.288915f, 0.288829f, 0.288742f, 0.288656f, 0.28857f, 0.288484f, 0.288398f, 0.288312f, 0.288225f, 0.288139f, 0.288053f, 0.287967f,
-0.287881f, 0.287794f, 0.287708f, 0.287622f, 0.287536f, 0.28745f, 0.287364f, 0.287277f, 0.287191f, 0.287105f, 0.287019f, 0.286933f, 0.286846f, 0.28676f, 0.286674f, 0.286588f, 0.286502f, 0.286416f, 0.286329f, 0.286243f,
-0.286157f, 0.286071f, 0.285985f, 0.285898f, 0.285812f, 0.285726f, 0.28564f, 0.285554f, 0.285468f, 0.285381f, 0.285295f, 0.285209f, 0.285123f, 0.285037f, 0.28495f, 0.284864f, 0.284778f, 0.284692f, 0.284606f, 0.28452f,
-0.284433f, 0.284347f, 0.284261f, 0.284175f, 0.284089f, 0.284002f, 0.283916f, 0.28383f, 0.283744f, 0.283658f, 0.283572f, 0.283485f, 0.283399f, 0.283313f, 0.283227f, 0.283141f, 0.283054f, 0.282968f, 0.282882f, 0.282796f,
-0.28271f, 0.282624f, 0.282537f, 0.282451f, 0.282365f, 0.282279f, 0.282193f, 0.282106f, 0.28202f, 0.281934f, 0.281848f, 0.281762f, 0.281676f, 0.281589f, 0.281503f, 0.281417f, 0.281331f, 0.281245f, 0.281159f, 0.281072f,
-0.280986f, 0.2809f, 0.280814f, 0.280728f, 0.280641f, 0.280555f, 0.280469f, 0.280383f, 0.280297f, 0.280211f, 0.280124f, 0.280038f, 0.279952f, 0.279866f, 0.27978f, 0.279694f, 0.279607f, 0.279521f, 0.279435f, 0.279349f,
-0.279263f, 0.279176f, 0.27909f, 0.279004f, 0.278918f, 0.278832f, 0.278746f, 0.278659f, 0.278573f, 0.278487f, 0.278401f, 0.278315f, 0.278229f, 0.278142f, 0.278056f, 0.27797f, 0.277884f, 0.277798f, 0.277711f, 0.277625f,
-0.277539f, 0.277453f, 0.277367f, 0.277281f, 0.277194f, 0.277108f, 0.277022f, 0.276936f, 0.27685f, 0.276764f, 0.276677f, 0.276591f, 0.276505f, 0.276419f, 0.276333f, 0.276247f, 0.27616f, 0.276074f, 0.275988f, 0.275902f,
-0.275816f, 0.27573f, 0.275643f, 0.275557f, 0.275471f, 0.275385f, 0.275299f, 0.275213f, 0.275126f, 0.27504f, 0.274954f, 0.274868f, 0.274782f, 0.274696f, 0.274609f, 0.274523f, 0.274437f, 0.274351f, 0.274265f, 0.274179f,
-0.274092f, 0.274006f, 0.27392f, 0.273834f, 0.273748f, 0.273662f, 0.273575f, 0.273489f, 0.273403f, 0.273317f, 0.273231f, 0.273145f, 0.273058f, 0.272972f, 0.272886f, 0.2728f, 0.272714f, 0.272628f, 0.272541f, 0.272455f,
-0.272369f, 0.272283f, 0.272197f, 0.272111f, 0.272024f, 0.271938f, 0.271852f, 0.271766f, 0.27168f, 0.271594f, 0.271508f, 0.271421f, 0.271335f, 0.271249f, 0.271163f, 0.271077f, 0.270991f, 0.270904f, 0.270818f, 0.270732f,
-0.270646f, 0.27056f, 0.270474f, 0.270388f, 0.270301f, 0.270215f, 0.270129f, 0.270043f, 0.269957f, 0.269871f, 0.269784f, 0.269698f, 0.269612f, 0.269526f, 0.26944f, 0.269354f, 0.269268f, 0.269181f, 0.269095f, 0.269009f,
-0.268923f, 0.268837f, 0.268751f, 0.268665f, 0.268578f, 0.268492f, 0.268406f, 0.26832f, 0.268234f, 0.268148f, 0.268061f, 0.267975f, 0.267889f, 0.267803f, 0.267717f, 0.267631f, 0.267545f, 0.267458f, 0.267372f, 0.267286f,
-0.2672f, 0.267114f, 0.267028f, 0.266942f, 0.266856f, 0.266769f, 0.266683f, 0.266597f, 0.266511f, 0.266425f, 0.266339f, 0.266253f, 0.266166f, 0.26608f, 0.265994f, 0.265908f, 0.265822f, 0.265736f, 0.26565f, 0.265563f,
-0.265477f, 0.265391f, 0.265305f, 0.265219f, 0.265133f, 0.265047f, 0.264961f, 0.264874f, 0.264788f, 0.264702f, 0.264616f, 0.26453f, 0.264444f, 0.264358f, 0.264272f, 0.264185f, 0.264099f, 0.264013f, 0.263927f, 0.263841f,
-0.263755f, 0.263669f, 0.263583f, 0.263496f, 0.26341f, 0.263324f, 0.263238f, 0.263152f, 0.263066f, 0.26298f, 0.262894f, 0.262807f, 0.262721f, 0.262635f, 0.262549f, 0.262463f, 0.262377f, 0.262291f, 0.262205f, 0.262118f,
-0.262032f, 0.261946f, 0.26186f, 0.261774f, 0.261688f, 0.261602f, 0.261516f, 0.26143f, 0.261343f, 0.261257f, 0.261171f, 0.261085f, 0.260999f, 0.260913f, 0.260827f, 0.260741f, 0.260655f, 0.260568f, 0.260482f, 0.260396f,
-0.26031f, 0.260224f, 0.260138f, 0.260052f, 0.259966f, 0.25988f, 0.259794f, 0.259707f, 0.259621f, 0.259535f, 0.259449f, 0.259363f, 0.259277f, 0.259191f, 0.259105f, 0.259019f, 0.258933f, 0.258846f, 0.25876f, 0.258674f,
-0.258588f, 0.258502f, 0.258416f, 0.25833f, 0.258244f, 0.258158f, 0.258072f, 0.257986f, 0.257899f, 0.257813f, 0.257727f, 0.257641f, 0.257555f, 0.257469f, 0.257383f, 0.257297f, 0.257211f, 0.257125f, 0.257039f, 0.256952f,
-0.256866f, 0.25678f, 0.256694f, 0.256608f, 0.256522f, 0.256436f, 0.25635f, 0.256264f, 0.256178f, 0.256092f, 0.256006f, 0.25592f, 0.255833f, 0.255747f, 0.255661f, 0.255575f, 0.255489f, 0.255403f, 0.255317f, 0.255231f,
-0.255145f, 0.255059f, 0.254973f, 0.254887f, 0.254801f, 0.254714f, 0.254628f, 0.254542f, 0.254456f, 0.25437f, 0.254284f, 0.254198f, 0.254112f, 0.254026f, 0.25394f, 0.253854f, 0.253768f, 0.253682f, 0.253596f, 0.25351f,
-0.253424f, 0.253337f, 0.253251f, 0.253165f, 0.253079f, 0.252993f, 0.252907f, 0.252821f, 0.252735f, 0.252649f, 0.252563f, 0.252477f, 0.252391f, 0.252305f, 0.252219f, 0.252133f, 0.252047f, 0.251961f, 0.251875f, 0.251789f,
-0.251702f, 0.251616f, 0.25153f, 0.251444f, 0.251358f, 0.251272f, 0.251186f, 0.2511f, 0.251014f, 0.250928f, 0.250842f, 0.250756f, 0.25067f, 0.250584f, 0.250498f, 0.250412f, 0.250326f, 0.25024f, 0.250154f, 0.250068f,
-0.249982f, 0.249896f, 0.24981f, 0.249724f, 0.249638f, 0.249552f, 0.249466f, 0.24938f, 0.249293f, 0.249207f, 0.249121f, 0.249035f, 0.248949f, 0.248863f, 0.248777f, 0.248691f, 0.248605f, 0.248519f, 0.248433f, 0.248347f,
-0.248261f, 0.248175f, 0.248089f, 0.248003f, 0.247917f, 0.247831f, 0.247745f, 0.247659f, 0.247573f, 0.247487f, 0.247401f, 0.247315f, 0.247229f, 0.247143f, 0.247057f, 0.246971f, 0.246885f, 0.246799f, 0.246713f, 0.246627f,
-0.246541f, 0.246455f, 0.246369f, 0.246283f, 0.246197f, 0.246111f, 0.246025f, 0.245939f, 0.245853f, 0.245767f, 0.245681f, 0.245595f, 0.245509f, 0.245423f, 0.245337f, 0.245251f, 0.245165f, 0.245079f, 0.244993f, 0.244907f,
-0.244821f, 0.244735f, 0.244649f, 0.244563f, 0.244477f, 0.244391f, 0.244305f, 0.244219f, 0.244133f, 0.244047f, 0.243961f, 0.243875f, 0.243789f, 0.243703f, 0.243617f, 0.243531f, 0.243445f, 0.243359f, 0.243274f, 0.243188f,
-0.243102f, 0.243016f, 0.24293f, 0.242844f, 0.242758f, 0.242672f, 0.242586f, 0.2425f, 0.242414f, 0.242328f, 0.242242f, 0.242156f, 0.24207f, 0.241984f, 0.241898f, 0.241812f, 0.241726f, 0.24164f, 0.241554f, 0.241468f,
-0.241382f, 0.241296f, 0.24121f, 0.241125f, 0.241039f, 0.240953f, 0.240867f, 0.240781f, 0.240695f, 0.240609f, 0.240523f, 0.240437f, 0.240351f, 0.240265f, 0.240179f, 0.240093f, 0.240007f, 0.239921f, 0.239835f, 0.239749f,
-0.239663f, 0.239578f, 0.239492f, 0.239406f, 0.23932f, 0.239234f, 0.239148f, 0.239062f, 0.238976f, 0.23889f, 0.238804f, 0.238718f, 0.238632f, 0.238546f, 0.23846f, 0.238375f, 0.238289f, 0.238203f, 0.238117f, 0.238031f,
-0.237945f, 0.237859f, 0.237773f, 0.237687f, 0.237601f, 0.237515f, 0.23743f, 0.237344f, 0.237258f, 0.237172f, 0.237086f, 0.237f, 0.236914f, 0.236828f, 0.236742f, 0.236656f, 0.23657f, 0.236485f, 0.236399f, 0.236313f,
-0.236227f, 0.236141f, 0.236055f, 0.235969f, 0.235883f, 0.235797f, 0.235712f, 0.235626f, 0.23554f, 0.235454f, 0.235368f, 0.235282f, 0.235196f, 0.23511f, 0.235024f, 0.234939f, 0.234853f, 0.234767f, 0.234681f, 0.234595f,
-0.234509f, 0.234423f, 0.234337f, 0.234252f, 0.234166f, 0.23408f, 0.233994f, 0.233908f, 0.233822f, 0.233736f, 0.23365f, 0.233565f, 0.233479f, 0.233393f, 0.233307f, 0.233221f, 0.233135f, 0.233049f, 0.232964f, 0.232878f,
-0.232792f, 0.232706f, 0.23262f, 0.232534f, 0.232448f, 0.232363f, 0.232277f, 0.232191f, 0.232105f, 0.232019f, 0.231933f, 0.231847f, 0.231762f, 0.231676f, 0.23159f, 0.231504f, 0.231418f, 0.231332f, 0.231247f, 0.231161f,
-0.231075f, 0.230989f, 0.230903f, 0.230817f, 0.230732f, 0.230646f, 0.23056f, 0.230474f, 0.230388f, 0.230302f, 0.230217f, 0.230131f, 0.230045f, 0.229959f, 0.229873f, 0.229788f, 0.229702f, 0.229616f, 0.22953f, 0.229444f,
-0.229358f, 0.229273f, 0.229187f, 0.229101f, 0.229015f, 0.228929f, 0.228844f, 0.228758f, 0.228672f, 0.228586f, 0.2285f, 0.228415f, 0.228329f, 0.228243f, 0.228157f, 0.228071f, 0.227986f, 0.2279f, 0.227814f, 0.227728f,
-0.227642f, 0.227557f, 0.227471f, 0.227385f, 0.227299f, 0.227213f, 0.227128f, 0.227042f, 0.226956f, 0.22687f, 0.226785f, 0.226699f, 0.226613f, 0.226527f, 0.226441f, 0.226356f, 0.22627f, 0.226184f, 0.226098f, 0.226013f,
-0.225927f, 0.225841f, 0.225755f, 0.22567f, 0.225584f, 0.225498f, 0.225412f, 0.225327f, 0.225241f, 0.225155f, 0.225069f, 0.224983f, 0.224898f, 0.224812f, 0.224726f, 0.22464f, 0.224555f, 0.224469f, 0.224383f, 0.224298f,
-0.224212f, 0.224126f, 0.22404f, 0.223955f, 0.223869f, 0.223783f, 0.223697f, 0.223612f, 0.223526f, 0.22344f, 0.223354f, 0.223269f, 0.223183f, 0.223097f, 0.223011f, 0.222926f, 0.22284f, 0.222754f, 0.222669f, 0.222583f,
-0.222497f, 0.222411f, 0.222326f, 0.22224f, 0.222154f, 0.222069f, 0.221983f, 0.221897f, 0.221811f, 0.221726f, 0.22164f, 0.221554f, 0.221469f, 0.221383f, 0.221297f, 0.221212f, 0.221126f, 0.22104f, 0.220954f, 0.220869f,
-0.220783f, 0.220697f, 0.220612f, 0.220526f, 0.22044f, 0.220355f, 0.220269f, 0.220183f, 0.220098f, 0.220012f, 0.219926f, 0.219841f, 0.219755f, 0.219669f, 0.219584f, 0.219498f, 0.219412f, 0.219326f, 0.219241f, 0.219155f,
-0.219069f, 0.218984f, 0.218898f, 0.218812f, 0.218727f, 0.218641f, 0.218556f, 0.21847f, 0.218384f, 0.218299f, 0.218213f, 0.218127f, 0.218042f, 0.217956f, 0.21787f, 0.217785f, 0.217699f, 0.217613f, 0.217528f, 0.217442f,
-0.217356f, 0.217271f, 0.217185f, 0.2171f, 0.217014f, 0.216928f, 0.216843f, 0.216757f, 0.216671f, 0.216586f, 0.2165f, 0.216414f, 0.216329f, 0.216243f, 0.216158f, 0.216072f, 0.215986f, 0.215901f, 0.215815f, 0.21573f,
-0.215644f, 0.215558f, 0.215473f, 0.215387f, 0.215301f, 0.215216f, 0.21513f, 0.215045f, 0.214959f, 0.214873f, 0.214788f, 0.214702f, 0.214617f, 0.214531f, 0.214445f, 0.21436f, 0.214274f, 0.214189f, 0.214103f, 0.214018f,
-0.213932f, 0.213846f, 0.213761f, 0.213675f, 0.21359f, 0.213504f, 0.213418f, 0.213333f, 0.213247f, 0.213162f, 0.213076f, 0.212991f, 0.212905f, 0.212819f, 0.212734f, 0.212648f, 0.212563f, 0.212477f, 0.212392f, 0.212306f,
-0.212221f, 0.212135f, 0.212049f, 0.211964f, 0.211878f, 0.211793f, 0.211707f, 0.211622f, 0.211536f, 0.211451f, 0.211365f, 0.21128f, 0.211194f, 0.211108f, 0.211023f, 0.210937f, 0.210852f, 0.210766f, 0.210681f, 0.210595f,
-0.21051f, 0.210424f, 0.210339f, 0.210253f, 0.210168f, 0.210082f, 0.209997f, 0.209911f, 0.209826f, 0.20974f, 0.209655f, 0.209569f, 0.209484f, 0.209398f, 0.209313f, 0.209227f, 0.209142f, 0.209056f, 0.208971f, 0.208885f,
-0.2088f, 0.208714f, 0.208629f, 0.208543f, 0.208458f, 0.208372f, 0.208287f, 0.208201f, 0.208116f, 0.20803f, 0.207945f, 0.207859f, 0.207774f, 0.207688f, 0.207603f, 0.207517f, 0.207432f, 0.207346f, 0.207261f, 0.207175f,
-0.20709f, 0.207005f, 0.206919f, 0.206834f, 0.206748f, 0.206663f, 0.206577f, 0.206492f, 0.206406f, 0.206321f, 0.206235f, 0.20615f, 0.206065f, 0.205979f, 0.205894f, 0.205808f, 0.205723f, 0.205637f, 0.205552f, 0.205466f,
-0.205381f, 0.205296f, 0.20521f, 0.205125f, 0.205039f, 0.204954f, 0.204868f, 0.204783f, 0.204698f, 0.204612f, 0.204527f, 0.204441f, 0.204356f, 0.204271f, 0.204185f, 0.2041f, 0.204014f, 0.203929f, 0.203843f, 0.203758f,
-0.203673f, 0.203587f, 0.203502f, 0.203416f, 0.203331f, 0.203246f, 0.20316f, 0.203075f, 0.20299f, 0.202904f, 0.202819f, 0.202733f, 0.202648f, 0.202563f, 0.202477f, 0.202392f, 0.202306f, 0.202221f, 0.202136f, 0.20205f,
-0.201965f, 0.20188f, 0.201794f, 0.201709f, 0.201624f, 0.201538f, 0.201453f, 0.201367f, 0.201282f, 0.201197f, 0.201111f, 0.201026f, 0.200941f, 0.200855f, 0.20077f, 0.200685f, 0.200599f, 0.200514f, 0.200429f, 0.200343f,
-0.200258f, 0.200173f, 0.200087f, 0.200002f, 0.199917f, 0.199831f, 0.199746f, 0.199661f, 0.199575f, 0.19949f, 0.199405f, 0.199319f, 0.199234f, 0.199149f, 0.199063f, 0.198978f, 0.198893f, 0.198808f, 0.198722f, 0.198637f,
-0.198552f, 0.198466f, 0.198381f, 0.198296f, 0.19821f, 0.198125f, 0.19804f, 0.197955f, 0.197869f, 0.197784f, 0.197699f, 0.197613f, 0.197528f, 0.197443f, 0.197358f, 0.197272f, 0.197187f, 0.197102f, 0.197017f, 0.196931f,
-0.196846f, 0.196761f, 0.196675f, 0.19659f, 0.196505f, 0.19642f, 0.196334f, 0.196249f, 0.196164f, 0.196079f, 0.195993f, 0.195908f, 0.195823f, 0.195738f, 0.195652f, 0.195567f, 0.195482f, 0.195397f, 0.195311f, 0.195226f,
-0.195141f, 0.195056f, 0.194971f, 0.194885f, 0.1948f, 0.194715f, 0.19463f, 0.194544f, 0.194459f, 0.194374f, 0.194289f, 0.194204f, 0.194118f, 0.194033f, 0.193948f, 0.193863f, 0.193778f, 0.193692f, 0.193607f, 0.193522f,
-0.193437f, 0.193352f, 0.193266f, 0.193181f, 0.193096f, 0.193011f, 0.192926f, 0.192841f, 0.192755f, 0.19267f, 0.192585f, 0.1925f, 0.192415f, 0.192329f, 0.192244f, 0.192159f, 0.192074f, 0.191989f, 0.191904f, 0.191818f,
-0.191733f, 0.191648f, 0.191563f, 0.191478f, 0.191393f, 0.191308f, 0.191222f, 0.191137f, 0.191052f, 0.190967f, 0.190882f, 0.190797f, 0.190712f, 0.190626f, 0.190541f, 0.190456f, 0.190371f, 0.190286f, 0.190201f, 0.190116f,
-0.190031f, 0.189945f, 0.18986f, 0.189775f, 0.18969f, 0.189605f, 0.18952f, 0.189435f, 0.18935f, 0.189265f, 0.189179f, 0.189094f, 0.189009f, 0.188924f, 0.188839f, 0.188754f, 0.188669f, 0.188584f, 0.188499f, 0.188414f,
-0.188329f, 0.188244f, 0.188158f, 0.188073f, 0.187988f, 0.187903f, 0.187818f, 0.187733f, 0.187648f, 0.187563f, 0.187478f, 0.187393f, 0.187308f, 0.187223f, 0.187138f, 0.187053f, 0.186968f, 0.186883f, 0.186797f, 0.186712f,
-0.186627f, 0.186542f, 0.186457f, 0.186372f, 0.186287f, 0.186202f, 0.186117f, 0.186032f, 0.185947f, 0.185862f, 0.185777f, 0.185692f, 0.185607f, 0.185522f, 0.185437f, 0.185352f, 0.185267f, 0.185182f, 0.185097f, 0.185012f,
-0.184927f, 0.184842f, 0.184757f, 0.184672f, 0.184587f, 0.184502f, 0.184417f, 0.184332f, 0.184247f, 0.184162f, 0.184077f, 0.183992f, 0.183907f, 0.183822f, 0.183737f, 0.183652f, 0.183567f, 0.183482f, 0.183397f, 0.183312f,
-0.183227f, 0.183142f, 0.183057f, 0.182972f, 0.182888f, 0.182803f, 0.182718f, 0.182633f, 0.182548f, 0.182463f, 0.182378f, 0.182293f, 0.182208f, 0.182123f, 0.182038f, 0.181953f, 0.181868f, 0.181783f, 0.181698f, 0.181613f,
-0.181529f, 0.181444f, 0.181359f, 0.181274f, 0.181189f, 0.181104f, 0.181019f, 0.180934f, 0.180849f, 0.180764f, 0.180679f, 0.180595f, 0.18051f, 0.180425f, 0.18034f, 0.180255f, 0.18017f, 0.180085f, 0.18f, 0.179915f,
-0.179831f, 0.179746f, 0.179661f, 0.179576f, 0.179491f, 0.179406f, 0.179321f, 0.179236f, 0.179152f, 0.179067f, 0.178982f, 0.178897f, 0.178812f, 0.178727f, 0.178642f, 0.178558f, 0.178473f, 0.178388f, 0.178303f, 0.178218f,
-0.178133f, 0.178049f, 0.177964f, 0.177879f, 0.177794f, 0.177709f, 0.177624f, 0.17754f, 0.177455f, 0.17737f, 0.177285f, 0.1772f, 0.177116f, 0.177031f, 0.176946f, 0.176861f, 0.176776f, 0.176692f, 0.176607f, 0.176522f,
-0.176437f, 0.176352f, 0.176268f, 0.176183f, 0.176098f, 0.176013f, 0.175928f, 0.175844f, 0.175759f, 0.175674f, 0.175589f, 0.175505f, 0.17542f, 0.175335f, 0.17525f, 0.175166f, 0.175081f, 0.174996f, 0.174911f, 0.174827f,
-0.174742f, 0.174657f, 0.174572f, 0.174488f, 0.174403f, 0.174318f, 0.174233f, 0.174149f, 0.174064f, 0.173979f, 0.173894f, 0.17381f, 0.173725f, 0.17364f, 0.173555f, 0.173471f, 0.173386f, 0.173301f, 0.173217f, 0.173132f,
-0.173047f, 0.172963f, 0.172878f, 0.172793f, 0.172708f, 0.172624f, 0.172539f, 0.172454f, 0.17237f, 0.172285f, 0.1722f, 0.172116f, 0.172031f, 0.171946f, 0.171862f, 0.171777f, 0.171692f, 0.171608f, 0.171523f, 0.171438f,
-0.171354f, 0.171269f, 0.171184f, 0.1711f, 0.171015f, 0.17093f, 0.170846f, 0.170761f, 0.170676f, 0.170592f, 0.170507f, 0.170422f, 0.170338f, 0.170253f, 0.170169f, 0.170084f, 0.169999f, 0.169915f, 0.16983f, 0.169746f,
-0.169661f, 0.169576f, 0.169492f, 0.169407f, 0.169322f, 0.169238f, 0.169153f, 0.169069f, 0.168984f, 0.168899f, 0.168815f, 0.16873f, 0.168646f, 0.168561f, 0.168477f, 0.168392f, 0.168307f, 0.168223f, 0.168138f, 0.168054f,
-0.167969f, 0.167885f, 0.1678f, 0.167715f, 0.167631f, 0.167546f, 0.167462f, 0.167377f, 0.167293f, 0.167208f, 0.167124f, 0.167039f, 0.166954f, 0.16687f, 0.166785f, 0.166701f, 0.166616f, 0.166532f, 0.166447f, 0.166363f,
-0.166278f, 0.166194f, 0.166109f, 0.166025f, 0.16594f, 0.165856f, 0.165771f, 0.165687f, 0.165602f, 0.165518f, 0.165433f, 0.165349f, 0.165264f, 0.16518f, 0.165095f, 0.165011f, 0.164926f, 0.164842f, 0.164757f, 0.164673f,
-0.164588f, 0.164504f, 0.164419f, 0.164335f, 0.16425f, 0.164166f, 0.164082f, 0.163997f, 0.163913f, 0.163828f, 0.163744f, 0.163659f, 0.163575f, 0.16349f, 0.163406f, 0.163322f, 0.163237f, 0.163153f, 0.163068f, 0.162984f,
-0.162899f, 0.162815f, 0.162731f, 0.162646f, 0.162562f, 0.162477f, 0.162393f, 0.162309f, 0.162224f, 0.16214f, 0.162055f, 0.161971f, 0.161887f, 0.161802f, 0.161718f, 0.161633f, 0.161549f, 0.161465f, 0.16138f, 0.161296f,
-0.161211f, 0.161127f, 0.161043f, 0.160958f, 0.160874f, 0.16079f, 0.160705f, 0.160621f, 0.160537f, 0.160452f, 0.160368f, 0.160283f, 0.160199f, 0.160115f, 0.16003f, 0.159946f, 0.159862f, 0.159777f, 0.159693f, 0.159609f,
-0.159524f, 0.15944f, 0.159356f, 0.159272f, 0.159187f, 0.159103f, 0.159019f, 0.158934f, 0.15885f, 0.158766f, 0.158681f, 0.158597f, 0.158513f, 0.158428f, 0.158344f, 0.15826f, 0.158176f, 0.158091f, 0.158007f, 0.157923f,
-0.157839f, 0.157754f, 0.15767f, 0.157586f, 0.157501f, 0.157417f, 0.157333f, 0.157249f, 0.157164f, 0.15708f, 0.156996f, 0.156912f, 0.156827f, 0.156743f, 0.156659f, 0.156575f, 0.15649f, 0.156406f, 0.156322f, 0.156238f,
-0.156154f, 0.156069f, 0.155985f, 0.155901f, 0.155817f, 0.155733f, 0.155648f, 0.155564f, 0.15548f, 0.155396f, 0.155311f, 0.155227f, 0.155143f, 0.155059f, 0.154975f, 0.154891f, 0.154806f, 0.154722f, 0.154638f, 0.154554f,
-0.15447f, 0.154386f, 0.154301f, 0.154217f, 0.154133f, 0.154049f, 0.153965f, 0.153881f, 0.153796f, 0.153712f, 0.153628f, 0.153544f, 0.15346f, 0.153376f, 0.153292f, 0.153207f, 0.153123f, 0.153039f, 0.152955f, 0.152871f,
-0.152787f, 0.152703f, 0.152619f, 0.152534f, 0.15245f, 0.152366f, 0.152282f, 0.152198f, 0.152114f, 0.15203f, 0.151946f, 0.151862f, 0.151778f, 0.151694f, 0.151609f, 0.151525f, 0.151441f, 0.151357f, 0.151273f, 0.151189f,
-0.151105f, 0.151021f, 0.150937f, 0.150853f, 0.150769f, 0.150685f, 0.150601f, 0.150517f, 0.150433f, 0.150349f, 0.150265f, 0.15018f, 0.150096f, 0.150012f, 0.149928f, 0.149844f, 0.14976f, 0.149676f, 0.149592f, 0.149508f,
-0.149424f, 0.14934f, 0.149256f, 0.149172f, 0.149088f, 0.149004f, 0.14892f, 0.148836f, 0.148752f, 0.148668f, 0.148584f, 0.1485f, 0.148416f, 0.148332f, 0.148248f, 0.148164f, 0.14808f, 0.147997f, 0.147913f, 0.147829f,
-0.147745f, 0.147661f, 0.147577f, 0.147493f, 0.147409f, 0.147325f, 0.147241f, 0.147157f, 0.147073f, 0.146989f, 0.146905f, 0.146821f, 0.146737f, 0.146653f, 0.14657f, 0.146486f, 0.146402f, 0.146318f, 0.146234f, 0.14615f,
-0.146066f, 0.145982f, 0.145898f, 0.145814f, 0.145731f, 0.145647f, 0.145563f, 0.145479f, 0.145395f, 0.145311f, 0.145227f, 0.145143f, 0.14506f, 0.144976f, 0.144892f, 0.144808f, 0.144724f, 0.14464f, 0.144556f, 0.144473f,
-0.144389f, 0.144305f, 0.144221f, 0.144137f, 0.144053f, 0.14397f, 0.143886f, 0.143802f, 0.143718f, 0.143634f, 0.14355f, 0.143467f, 0.143383f, 0.143299f, 0.143215f, 0.143131f, 0.143048f, 0.142964f, 0.14288f, 0.142796f,
-0.142712f, 0.142629f, 0.142545f, 0.142461f, 0.142377f, 0.142294f, 0.14221f, 0.142126f, 0.142042f, 0.141958f, 0.141875f, 0.141791f, 0.141707f, 0.141623f, 0.14154f, 0.141456f, 0.141372f, 0.141288f, 0.141205f, 0.141121f,
-0.141037f, 0.140954f, 0.14087f, 0.140786f, 0.140702f, 0.140619f, 0.140535f, 0.140451f, 0.140368f, 0.140284f, 0.1402f, 0.140116f, 0.140033f, 0.139949f, 0.139865f, 0.139782f, 0.139698f, 0.139614f, 0.139531f, 0.139447f,
-0.139363f, 0.13928f, 0.139196f, 0.139112f, 0.139029f, 0.138945f, 0.138861f, 0.138778f, 0.138694f, 0.13861f, 0.138527f, 0.138443f, 0.138359f, 0.138276f, 0.138192f, 0.138109f, 0.138025f, 0.137941f, 0.137858f, 0.137774f,
-0.13769f, 0.137607f, 0.137523f, 0.13744f, 0.137356f, 0.137272f, 0.137189f, 0.137105f, 0.137022f, 0.136938f, 0.136854f, 0.136771f, 0.136687f, 0.136604f, 0.13652f, 0.136437f, 0.136353f, 0.136269f, 0.136186f, 0.136102f,
-0.136019f, 0.135935f, 0.135852f, 0.135768f, 0.135685f, 0.135601f, 0.135518f, 0.135434f, 0.135351f, 0.135267f, 0.135183f, 0.1351f, 0.135016f, 0.134933f, 0.134849f, 0.134766f, 0.134682f, 0.134599f, 0.134515f, 0.134432f,
-0.134348f, 0.134265f, 0.134181f, 0.134098f, 0.134014f, 0.133931f, 0.133847f, 0.133764f, 0.133681f, 0.133597f, 0.133514f, 0.13343f, 0.133347f, 0.133263f, 0.13318f, 0.133096f, 0.133013f, 0.132929f, 0.132846f, 0.132763f,
-0.132679f, 0.132596f, 0.132512f, 0.132429f, 0.132345f, 0.132262f, 0.132179f, 0.132095f, 0.132012f, 0.131928f, 0.131845f, 0.131762f, 0.131678f, 0.131595f, 0.131511f, 0.131428f, 0.131345f, 0.131261f, 0.131178f, 0.131095f,
-0.131011f, 0.130928f, 0.130844f, 0.130761f, 0.130678f, 0.130594f, 0.130511f, 0.130428f, 0.130344f, 0.130261f, 0.130178f, 0.130094f, 0.130011f, 0.129928f, 0.129844f, 0.129761f, 0.129678f, 0.129594f, 0.129511f, 0.129428f,
-0.129344f, 0.129261f, 0.129178f, 0.129094f, 0.129011f, 0.128928f, 0.128845f, 0.128761f, 0.128678f, 0.128595f, 0.128511f, 0.128428f, 0.128345f, 0.128262f, 0.128178f, 0.128095f, 0.128012f, 0.127929f, 0.127845f, 0.127762f,
-0.127679f, 0.127596f, 0.127512f, 0.127429f, 0.127346f, 0.127263f, 0.127179f, 0.127096f, 0.127013f, 0.12693f, 0.126847f, 0.126763f, 0.12668f, 0.126597f, 0.126514f, 0.126431f, 0.126347f, 0.126264f, 0.126181f, 0.126098f,
-0.126015f, 0.125931f, 0.125848f, 0.125765f, 0.125682f, 0.125599f, 0.125516f, 0.125432f, 0.125349f, 0.125266f, 0.125183f, 0.1251f, 0.125017f, 0.124934f, 0.12485f, 0.124767f, 0.124684f, 0.124601f, 0.124518f, 0.124435f,
-0.124352f, 0.124269f, 0.124185f, 0.124102f, 0.124019f, 0.123936f, 0.123853f, 0.12377f, 0.123687f, 0.123604f, 0.123521f, 0.123438f, 0.123355f, 0.123271f, 0.123188f, 0.123105f, 0.123022f, 0.122939f, 0.122856f, 0.122773f,
-0.12269f, 0.122607f, 0.122524f, 0.122441f, 0.122358f, 0.122275f, 0.122192f, 0.122109f, 0.122026f, 0.121943f, 0.12186f, 0.121777f, 0.121694f, 0.121611f, 0.121528f, 0.121445f, 0.121362f, 0.121279f, 0.121196f, 0.121113f,
-0.12103f, 0.120947f, 0.120864f, 0.120781f, 0.120698f, 0.120615f, 0.120532f, 0.120449f, 0.120366f, 0.120283f, 0.1202f, 0.120117f, 0.120034f, 0.119951f, 0.119868f, 0.119785f, 0.119702f, 0.119619f, 0.119536f, 0.119454f,
-0.119371f, 0.119288f, 0.119205f, 0.119122f, 0.119039f, 0.118956f, 0.118873f, 0.11879f, 0.118707f, 0.118624f, 0.118542f, 0.118459f, 0.118376f, 0.118293f, 0.11821f, 0.118127f, 0.118044f, 0.117961f, 0.117879f, 0.117796f,
-0.117713f, 0.11763f, 0.117547f, 0.117464f, 0.117381f, 0.117299f, 0.117216f, 0.117133f, 0.11705f, 0.116967f, 0.116885f, 0.116802f, 0.116719f, 0.116636f, 0.116553f, 0.11647f, 0.116388f, 0.116305f, 0.116222f, 0.116139f,
-0.116057f, 0.115974f, 0.115891f, 0.115808f, 0.115725f, 0.115643f, 0.11556f, 0.115477f, 0.115394f, 0.115312f, 0.115229f, 0.115146f, 0.115063f, 0.114981f, 0.114898f, 0.114815f, 0.114732f, 0.11465f, 0.114567f, 0.114484f,
-0.114402f, 0.114319f, 0.114236f, 0.114153f, 0.114071f, 0.113988f, 0.113905f, 0.113823f, 0.11374f, 0.113657f, 0.113575f, 0.113492f, 0.113409f, 0.113326f, 0.113244f, 0.113161f, 0.113078f, 0.112996f, 0.112913f, 0.112831f,
-0.112748f, 0.112665f, 0.112583f, 0.1125f, 0.112417f, 0.112335f, 0.112252f, 0.112169f, 0.112087f, 0.112004f, 0.111922f, 0.111839f, 0.111756f, 0.111674f, 0.111591f, 0.111509f, 0.111426f, 0.111343f, 0.111261f, 0.111178f,
-0.111096f, 0.111013f, 0.11093f, 0.110848f, 0.110765f, 0.110683f, 0.1106f, 0.110518f, 0.110435f, 0.110353f, 0.11027f, 0.110187f, 0.110105f, 0.110022f, 0.10994f, 0.109857f, 0.109775f, 0.109692f, 0.10961f, 0.109527f,
-0.109445f, 0.109362f, 0.10928f, 0.109197f, 0.109115f, 0.109032f, 0.10895f, 0.108867f, 0.108785f, 0.108702f, 0.10862f, 0.108537f, 0.108455f, 0.108373f, 0.10829f, 0.108208f, 0.108125f, 0.108043f, 0.10796f, 0.107878f,
-0.107795f, 0.107713f, 0.107631f, 0.107548f, 0.107466f, 0.107383f, 0.107301f, 0.107218f, 0.107136f, 0.107054f, 0.106971f, 0.106889f, 0.106806f, 0.106724f, 0.106642f, 0.106559f, 0.106477f, 0.106394f, 0.106312f, 0.10623f,
-0.106147f, 0.106065f, 0.105983f, 0.1059f, 0.105818f, 0.105736f, 0.105653f, 0.105571f, 0.105489f, 0.105406f, 0.105324f, 0.105242f, 0.105159f, 0.105077f, 0.104995f, 0.104912f, 0.10483f, 0.104748f, 0.104665f, 0.104583f,
-0.104501f, 0.104419f, 0.104336f, 0.104254f, 0.104172f, 0.104089f, 0.104007f, 0.103925f, 0.103843f, 0.10376f, 0.103678f, 0.103596f, 0.103514f, 0.103431f, 0.103349f, 0.103267f, 0.103185f, 0.103102f, 0.10302f, 0.102938f,
-0.102856f, 0.102774f, 0.102691f, 0.102609f, 0.102527f, 0.102445f, 0.102362f, 0.10228f, 0.102198f, 0.102116f, 0.102034f, 0.101952f, 0.101869f, 0.101787f, 0.101705f, 0.101623f, 0.101541f, 0.101459f, 0.101376f, 0.101294f,
-0.101212f, 0.10113f, 0.101048f, 0.100966f, 0.100884f, 0.100801f, 0.100719f, 0.100637f, 0.100555f, 0.100473f, 0.100391f, 0.100309f, 0.100227f, 0.100145f, 0.100062f, 0.09998f, 0.099898f, 0.099816f, 0.099734f, 0.099652f,
-0.09957f, 0.099488f, 0.099406f, 0.099324f, 0.099242f, 0.09916f, 0.099078f, 0.098996f, 0.098914f, 0.098831f, 0.098749f, 0.098667f, 0.098585f, 0.098503f, 0.098421f, 0.098339f, 0.098257f, 0.098175f, 0.098093f, 0.098011f,
-0.097929f, 0.097847f, 0.097765f, 0.097683f, 0.097601f, 0.097519f, 0.097437f, 0.097355f, 0.097273f, 0.097192f, 0.09711f, 0.097028f, 0.096946f, 0.096864f, 0.096782f, 0.0967f, 0.096618f, 0.096536f, 0.096454f, 0.096372f,
-0.09629f, 0.096208f, 0.096126f, 0.096044f, 0.095963f, 0.095881f, 0.095799f, 0.095717f, 0.095635f, 0.095553f, 0.095471f, 0.095389f, 0.095307f, 0.095226f, 0.095144f, 0.095062f, 0.09498f, 0.094898f, 0.094816f, 0.094734f,
-0.094653f, 0.094571f, 0.094489f, 0.094407f, 0.094325f, 0.094243f, 0.094162f, 0.09408f, 0.093998f, 0.093916f, 0.093834f, 0.093753f, 0.093671f, 0.093589f, 0.093507f, 0.093425f, 0.093344f, 0.093262f, 0.09318f, 0.093098f,
-0.093016f, 0.092935f, 0.092853f, 0.092771f, 0.092689f, 0.092608f, 0.092526f, 0.092444f, 0.092362f, 0.092281f, 0.092199f, 0.092117f, 0.092036f, 0.091954f, 0.091872f, 0.09179f, 0.091709f, 0.091627f, 0.091545f, 0.091464f,
-0.091382f, 0.0913f, 0.091219f, 0.091137f, 0.091055f, 0.090974f, 0.090892f, 0.09081f, 0.090729f, 0.090647f, 0.090565f, 0.090484f, 0.090402f, 0.09032f, 0.090239f, 0.090157f, 0.090075f, 0.089994f, 0.089912f, 0.089831f,
-0.089749f, 0.089667f, 0.089586f, 0.089504f, 0.089423f, 0.089341f, 0.089259f, 0.089178f, 0.089096f, 0.089015f, 0.088933f, 0.088852f, 0.08877f, 0.088688f, 0.088607f, 0.088525f, 0.088444f, 0.088362f, 0.088281f, 0.088199f,
-0.088118f, 0.088036f, 0.087955f, 0.087873f, 0.087792f, 0.08771f, 0.087629f, 0.087547f, 0.087466f, 0.087384f, 0.087303f, 0.087221f, 0.08714f, 0.087058f, 0.086977f, 0.086895f, 0.086814f, 0.086732f, 0.086651f, 0.086569f,
-0.086488f, 0.086406f, 0.086325f, 0.086244f, 0.086162f, 0.086081f, 0.085999f, 0.085918f, 0.085836f, 0.085755f, 0.085674f, 0.085592f, 0.085511f, 0.085429f, 0.085348f, 0.085267f, 0.085185f, 0.085104f, 0.085022f, 0.084941f,
-0.08486f, 0.084778f, 0.084697f, 0.084616f, 0.084534f, 0.084453f, 0.084372f, 0.08429f, 0.084209f, 0.084128f, 0.084046f, 0.083965f, 0.083884f, 0.083802f, 0.083721f, 0.08364f, 0.083558f, 0.083477f, 0.083396f, 0.083314f,
-0.083233f, 0.083152f, 0.083071f, 0.082989f, 0.082908f, 0.082827f, 0.082745f, 0.082664f, 0.082583f, 0.082502f, 0.08242f, 0.082339f, 0.082258f, 0.082177f, 0.082095f, 0.082014f, 0.081933f, 0.081852f, 0.081771f, 0.081689f,
-0.081608f, 0.081527f, 0.081446f, 0.081365f, 0.081283f, 0.081202f, 0.081121f, 0.08104f, 0.080959f, 0.080878f, 0.080796f, 0.080715f, 0.080634f, 0.080553f, 0.080472f, 0.080391f, 0.080309f, 0.080228f, 0.080147f, 0.080066f,
-0.079985f, 0.079904f, 0.079823f, 0.079742f, 0.07966f, 0.079579f, 0.079498f, 0.079417f, 0.079336f, 0.079255f, 0.079174f, 0.079093f, 0.079012f, 0.078931f, 0.07885f, 0.078769f, 0.078687f, 0.078606f, 0.078525f, 0.078444f,
-0.078363f, 0.078282f, 0.078201f, 0.07812f, 0.078039f, 0.077958f, 0.077877f, 0.077796f, 0.077715f, 0.077634f, 0.077553f, 0.077472f, 0.077391f, 0.07731f, 0.077229f, 0.077148f, 0.077067f, 0.076986f, 0.076905f, 0.076824f,
-0.076743f, 0.076662f, 0.076581f, 0.0765f, 0.07642f, 0.076339f, 0.076258f, 0.076177f, 0.076096f, 0.076015f, 0.075934f, 0.075853f, 0.075772f, 0.075691f, 0.07561f, 0.075529f, 0.075449f, 0.075368f, 0.075287f, 0.075206f,
-0.075125f, 0.075044f, 0.074963f, 0.074882f, 0.074802f, 0.074721f, 0.07464f, 0.074559f, 0.074478f, 0.074397f, 0.074317f, 0.074236f, 0.074155f, 0.074074f, 0.073993f, 0.073912f, 0.073832f, 0.073751f, 0.07367f, 0.073589f,
-0.073509f, 0.073428f, 0.073347f, 0.073266f, 0.073185f, 0.073105f, 0.073024f, 0.072943f, 0.072862f, 0.072782f, 0.072701f, 0.07262f, 0.072539f, 0.072459f, 0.072378f, 0.072297f, 0.072217f, 0.072136f, 0.072055f, 0.071974f,
-0.071894f, 0.071813f, 0.071732f, 0.071652f, 0.071571f, 0.07149f, 0.07141f, 0.071329f, 0.071248f, 0.071168f, 0.071087f, 0.071006f, 0.070926f, 0.070845f, 0.070764f, 0.070684f, 0.070603f, 0.070522f, 0.070442f, 0.070361f,
-0.070281f, 0.0702f, 0.070119f, 0.070039f, 0.069958f, 0.069878f, 0.069797f, 0.069716f, 0.069636f, 0.069555f, 0.069475f, 0.069394f, 0.069314f, 0.069233f, 0.069152f, 0.069072f, 0.068991f, 0.068911f, 0.06883f, 0.06875f,
-0.068669f, 0.068589f, 0.068508f, 0.068428f, 0.068347f, 0.068267f, 0.068186f, 0.068106f, 0.068025f, 0.067945f, 0.067864f, 0.067784f, 0.067703f, 0.067623f, 0.067542f, 0.067462f, 0.067381f, 0.067301f, 0.06722f, 0.06714f,
-0.06706f, 0.066979f, 0.066899f, 0.066818f, 0.066738f, 0.066657f, 0.066577f, 0.066497f, 0.066416f, 0.066336f, 0.066255f, 0.066175f, 0.066095f, 0.066014f, 0.065934f, 0.065853f, 0.065773f, 0.065693f, 0.065612f, 0.065532f,
-0.065452f, 0.065371f, 0.065291f, 0.065211f, 0.06513f, 0.06505f, 0.06497f, 0.064889f, 0.064809f, 0.064729f, 0.064648f, 0.064568f, 0.064488f, 0.064408f, 0.064327f, 0.064247f, 0.064167f, 0.064086f, 0.064006f, 0.063926f,
-0.063846f, 0.063765f, 0.063685f, 0.063605f, 0.063525f, 0.063444f, 0.063364f, 0.063284f, 0.063204f, 0.063123f, 0.063043f, 0.062963f, 0.062883f, 0.062803f, 0.062722f, 0.062642f, 0.062562f, 0.062482f, 0.062402f, 0.062322f,
-0.062241f, 0.062161f, 0.062081f, 0.062001f, 0.061921f, 0.061841f, 0.06176f, 0.06168f, 0.0616f, 0.06152f, 0.06144f, 0.06136f, 0.06128f, 0.0612f, 0.061119f, 0.061039f, 0.060959f, 0.060879f, 0.060799f, 0.060719f,
-0.060639f, 0.060559f, 0.060479f, 0.060399f, 0.060319f, 0.060239f, 0.060158f, 0.060078f, 0.059998f, 0.059918f, 0.059838f, 0.059758f, 0.059678f, 0.059598f, 0.059518f, 0.059438f, 0.059358f, 0.059278f, 0.059198f, 0.059118f,
-0.059038f, 0.058958f, 0.058878f, 0.058798f, 0.058718f, 0.058638f, 0.058558f, 0.058478f, 0.058398f, 0.058319f, 0.058239f, 0.058159f, 0.058079f, 0.057999f, 0.057919f, 0.057839f, 0.057759f, 0.057679f, 0.057599f, 0.057519f,
-0.057439f, 0.05736f, 0.05728f, 0.0572f, 0.05712f, 0.05704f, 0.05696f, 0.05688f, 0.0568f, 0.056721f, 0.056641f, 0.056561f, 0.056481f, 0.056401f, 0.056321f, 0.056242f, 0.056162f, 0.056082f, 0.056002f, 0.055922f,
-0.055842f, 0.055763f, 0.055683f, 0.055603f, 0.055523f, 0.055443f, 0.055364f, 0.055284f, 0.055204f, 0.055124f, 0.055045f, 0.054965f, 0.054885f, 0.054805f, 0.054726f, 0.054646f, 0.054566f, 0.054486f, 0.054407f, 0.054327f,
-0.054247f, 0.054168f, 0.054088f, 0.054008f, 0.053929f, 0.053849f, 0.053769f, 0.053689f, 0.05361f, 0.05353f, 0.05345f, 0.053371f, 0.053291f, 0.053212f, 0.053132f, 0.053052f, 0.052973f, 0.052893f, 0.052813f, 0.052734f,
-0.052654f, 0.052574f, 0.052495f, 0.052415f, 0.052336f, 0.052256f, 0.052177f, 0.052097f, 0.052017f, 0.051938f, 0.051858f, 0.051779f, 0.051699f, 0.05162f, 0.05154f, 0.05146f, 0.051381f, 0.051301f, 0.051222f, 0.051142f,
-0.051063f, 0.050983f, 0.050904f, 0.050824f, 0.050745f, 0.050665f, 0.050586f, 0.050506f, 0.050427f, 0.050347f, 0.050268f, 0.050188f, 0.050109f, 0.050029f, 0.04995f, 0.049871f, 0.049791f, 0.049712f, 0.049632f, 0.049553f,
-0.049473f, 0.049394f, 0.049314f, 0.049235f, 0.049156f, 0.049076f, 0.048997f, 0.048917f, 0.048838f, 0.048759f, 0.048679f, 0.0486f, 0.048521f, 0.048441f, 0.048362f, 0.048283f, 0.048203f, 0.048124f, 0.048044f, 0.047965f,
-0.047886f, 0.047806f, 0.047727f, 0.047648f, 0.047569f, 0.047489f, 0.04741f, 0.047331f, 0.047251f, 0.047172f, 0.047093f, 0.047013f, 0.046934f, 0.046855f, 0.046776f, 0.046696f, 0.046617f, 0.046538f, 0.046459f, 0.046379f,
-0.0463f, 0.046221f, 0.046142f, 0.046063f, 0.045983f, 0.045904f, 0.045825f, 0.045746f, 0.045667f, 0.045587f, 0.045508f, 0.045429f, 0.04535f, 0.045271f, 0.045191f, 0.045112f, 0.045033f, 0.044954f, 0.044875f, 0.044796f,
-0.044717f, 0.044637f, 0.044558f, 0.044479f, 0.0444f, 0.044321f, 0.044242f, 0.044163f, 0.044084f, 0.044005f, 0.043925f, 0.043846f, 0.043767f, 0.043688f, 0.043609f, 0.04353f, 0.043451f, 0.043372f, 0.043293f, 0.043214f,
-0.043135f, 0.043056f, 0.042977f, 0.042898f, 0.042819f, 0.04274f, 0.042661f, 0.042582f, 0.042503f, 0.042424f, 0.042345f, 0.042266f, 0.042187f, 0.042108f, 0.042029f, 0.04195f, 0.041871f, 0.041792f, 0.041713f, 0.041634f,
-0.041555f, 0.041476f, 0.041397f, 0.041318f, 0.041239f, 0.041161f, 0.041082f, 0.041003f, 0.040924f, 0.040845f, 0.040766f, 0.040687f, 0.040608f, 0.040529f, 0.040451f, 0.040372f, 0.040293f, 0.040214f, 0.040135f, 0.040056f,
-0.039977f, 0.039899f, 0.03982f, 0.039741f, 0.039662f, 0.039583f, 0.039504f, 0.039426f, 0.039347f, 0.039268f, 0.039189f, 0.039111f, 0.039032f, 0.038953f, 0.038874f, 0.038795f, 0.038717f, 0.038638f, 0.038559f, 0.03848f,
-0.038402f, 0.038323f, 0.038244f, 0.038165f, 0.038087f, 0.038008f, 0.037929f, 0.037851f, 0.037772f, 0.037693f, 0.037615f, 0.037536f, 0.037457f, 0.037379f, 0.0373f, 0.037221f, 0.037143f, 0.037064f, 0.036985f, 0.036907f,
-0.036828f, 0.036749f, 0.036671f, 0.036592f, 0.036513f, 0.036435f, 0.036356f, 0.036278f, 0.036199f, 0.03612f, 0.036042f, 0.035963f, 0.035885f, 0.035806f, 0.035728f, 0.035649f, 0.03557f, 0.035492f, 0.035413f, 0.035335f,
-0.035256f, 0.035178f, 0.035099f, 0.035021f, 0.034942f, 0.034864f, 0.034785f, 0.034707f, 0.034628f, 0.03455f, 0.034471f, 0.034393f, 0.034314f, 0.034236f, 0.034157f, 0.034079f, 0.034f, 0.033922f, 0.033843f, 0.033765f,
-0.033687f, 0.033608f, 0.03353f, 0.033451f, 0.033373f, 0.033294f, 0.033216f, 0.033138f, 0.033059f, 0.032981f, 0.032902f, 0.032824f, 0.032746f, 0.032667f, 0.032589f, 0.032511f, 0.032432f, 0.032354f, 0.032276f, 0.032197f,
-0.032119f, 0.032041f, 0.031962f, 0.031884f, 0.031806f, 0.031727f, 0.031649f, 0.031571f, 0.031492f, 0.031414f, 0.031336f, 0.031258f, 0.031179f, 0.031101f, 0.031023f, 0.030945f, 0.030866f, 0.030788f, 0.03071f, 0.030632f,
-0.030553f, 0.030475f, 0.030397f, 0.030319f, 0.03024f, 0.030162f, 0.030084f, 0.030006f, 0.029928f, 0.02985f, 0.029771f, 0.029693f, 0.029615f, 0.029537f, 0.029459f, 0.029381f, 0.029302f, 0.029224f, 0.029146f, 0.029068f,
-0.02899f, 0.028912f, 0.028834f, 0.028756f, 0.028677f, 0.028599f, 0.028521f, 0.028443f, 0.028365f, 0.028287f, 0.028209f, 0.028131f, 0.028053f, 0.027975f, 0.027897f, 0.027819f, 0.027741f, 0.027663f, 0.027585f, 0.027506f,
-0.027428f, 0.02735f, 0.027272f, 0.027194f, 0.027116f, 0.027038f, 0.02696f, 0.026882f, 0.026804f, 0.026727f, 0.026649f, 0.026571f, 0.026493f, 0.026415f, 0.026337f, 0.026259f, 0.026181f, 0.026103f, 0.026025f, 0.025947f,
-0.025869f, 0.025791f, 0.025713f, 0.025635f, 0.025558f, 0.02548f, 0.025402f, 0.025324f, 0.025246f, 0.025168f, 0.02509f, 0.025012f, 0.024935f, 0.024857f, 0.024779f, 0.024701f, 0.024623f, 0.024545f, 0.024468f, 0.02439f,
-0.024312f, 0.024234f, 0.024156f, 0.024079f, 0.024001f, 0.023923f, 0.023845f, 0.023767f, 0.02369f, 0.023612f, 0.023534f, 0.023456f, 0.023379f, 0.023301f, 0.023223f, 0.023145f, 0.023068f, 0.02299f, 0.022912f, 0.022835f,
-0.022757f, 0.022679f, 0.022602f, 0.022524f, 0.022446f, 0.022368f, 0.022291f, 0.022213f, 0.022136f, 0.022058f, 0.02198f, 0.021903f, 0.021825f, 0.021747f, 0.02167f, 0.021592f, 0.021514f, 0.021437f, 0.021359f, 0.021282f,
-0.021204f, 0.021126f, 0.021049f, 0.020971f, 0.020894f, 0.020816f, 0.020739f, 0.020661f, 0.020583f, 0.020506f, 0.020428f, 0.020351f, 0.020273f, 0.020196f, 0.020118f, 0.020041f, 0.019963f, 0.019886f, 0.019808f, 0.019731f,
-0.019653f, 0.019576f, 0.019498f, 0.019421f, 0.019343f, 0.019266f, 0.019188f, 0.019111f, 0.019034f, 0.018956f, 0.018879f, 0.018801f, 0.018724f, 0.018646f, 0.018569f, 0.018492f, 0.018414f, 0.018337f, 0.018259f, 0.018182f,
-0.018105f, 0.018027f, 0.01795f, 0.017873f, 0.017795f, 0.017718f, 0.017641f, 0.017563f, 0.017486f, 0.017409f, 0.017331f, 0.017254f, 0.017177f, 0.017099f, 0.017022f, 0.016945f, 0.016867f, 0.01679f, 0.016713f, 0.016636f,
-0.016558f, 0.016481f, 0.016404f, 0.016326f, 0.016249f, 0.016172f, 0.016095f, 0.016018f, 0.01594f, 0.015863f, 0.015786f, 0.015709f, 0.015631f, 0.015554f, 0.015477f, 0.0154f, 0.015323f, 0.015246f, 0.015168f, 0.015091f,
-0.015014f, 0.014937f, 0.01486f, 0.014783f, 0.014705f, 0.014628f, 0.014551f, 0.014474f, 0.014397f, 0.01432f, 0.014243f, 0.014166f, 0.014089f, 0.014012f, 0.013934f, 0.013857f, 0.01378f, 0.013703f, 0.013626f, 0.013549f,
-0.013472f, 0.013395f, 0.013318f, 0.013241f, 0.013164f, 0.013087f, 0.01301f, 0.012933f, 0.012856f, 0.012779f, 0.012702f, 0.012625f, 0.012548f, 0.012471f, 0.012394f, 0.012317f, 0.01224f, 0.012163f, 0.012086f, 0.012009f,
-0.011932f, 0.011855f, 0.011778f, 0.011702f, 0.011625f, 0.011548f, 0.011471f, 0.011394f, 0.011317f, 0.01124f, 0.011163f, 0.011086f, 0.011009f, 0.010933f, 0.010856f, 0.010779f, 0.010702f, 0.010625f, 0.010548f, 0.010472f,
-0.010395f, 0.010318f, 0.010241f, 0.010164f, 0.010087f, 0.010011f, 0.009934f, 0.009857f, 0.00978f, 0.009704f, 0.009627f, 0.00955f, 0.009473f, 0.009397f, 0.00932f, 0.009243f, 0.009166f, 0.00909f, 0.009013f, 0.008936f,
-0.008859f, 0.008783f, 0.008706f, 0.008629f, 0.008553f, 0.008476f, 0.008399f, 0.008323f, 0.008246f, 0.008169f, 0.008093f, 0.008016f, 0.007939f, 0.007863f, 0.007786f, 0.007709f, 0.007633f, 0.007556f, 0.00748f, 0.007403f,
-0.007326f, 0.00725f, 0.007173f, 0.007097f, 0.00702f, 0.006944f, 0.006867f, 0.00679f, 0.006714f, 0.006637f, 0.006561f, 0.006484f, 0.006408f, 0.006331f, 0.006255f, 0.006178f, 0.006102f, 0.006025f, 0.005949f, 0.005872f,
-0.005796f, 0.005719f, 0.005643f, 0.005566f, 0.00549f, 0.005413f, 0.005337f, 0.00526f, 0.005184f, 0.005108f, 0.005031f, 0.004955f, 0.004878f, 0.004802f, 0.004725f, 0.004649f, 0.004573f, 0.004496f, 0.00442f, 0.004344f,
-0.004267f, 0.004191f, 0.004114f, 0.004038f, 0.003962f, 0.003885f, 0.003809f, 0.003733f, 0.003656f, 0.00358f, 0.003504f, 0.003427f, 0.003351f, 0.003275f, 0.003199f, 0.003122f, 0.003046f, 0.00297f, 0.002894f, 0.002817f,
-0.002741f, 0.002665f, 0.002589f, 0.002512f, 0.002436f, 0.00236f, 0.002284f, 0.002207f, 0.002131f, 0.002055f, 0.001979f, 0.001903f, 0.001826f, 0.00175f, 0.001674f, 0.001598f, 0.001522f, 0.001446f, 0.001369f, 0.001293f,
-0.001217f, 0.001141f, 0.001065f, 0.000989f, 0.000913f, 0.000837f, 0.00076f, 0.000684f, 0.000608f, 0.000532f, 0.000456f, 0.00038f, 0.000304f, 0.000228f, 0.000152f, 7.6e-05f, -0.0f, -7.6e-05f, -0.000152f, -0.000228f,
--0.000304f, -0.00038f, -0.000456f, -0.000532f, -0.000608f, -0.000684f, -0.00076f, -0.000836f, -0.000912f, -0.000988f, -0.001064f, -0.00114f, -0.001216f, -0.001292f, -0.001368f, -0.001444f, -0.00152f, -0.001596f, -0.001672f, -0.001748f,
--0.001824f, -0.001899f, -0.001975f, -0.002051f, -0.002127f, -0.002203f, -0.002279f, -0.002355f, -0.002431f, -0.002506f, -0.002582f, -0.002658f, -0.002734f, -0.00281f, -0.002886f, -0.002961f, -0.003037f, -0.003113f, -0.003189f, -0.003265f,
--0.00334f, -0.003416f, -0.003492f, -0.003568f, -0.003644f, -0.003719f, -0.003795f, -0.003871f, -0.003946f, -0.004022f, -0.004098f, -0.004174f, -0.004249f, -0.004325f, -0.004401f, -0.004477f, -0.004552f, -0.004628f, -0.004704f, -0.004779f,
--0.004855f, -0.004931f, -0.005006f, -0.005082f, -0.005158f, -0.005233f, -0.005309f, -0.005384f, -0.00546f, -0.005536f, -0.005611f, -0.005687f, -0.005762f, -0.005838f, -0.005914f, -0.005989f, -0.006065f, -0.00614f, -0.006216f, -0.006291f,
--0.006367f, -0.006443f, -0.006518f, -0.006594f, -0.006669f, -0.006745f, -0.00682f, -0.006896f, -0.006971f, -0.007047f, -0.007122f, -0.007198f, -0.007273f, -0.007349f, -0.007424f, -0.007499f, -0.007575f, -0.00765f, -0.007726f, -0.007801f,
--0.007877f, -0.007952f, -0.008028f, -0.008103f, -0.008178f, -0.008254f, -0.008329f, -0.008405f, -0.00848f, -0.008555f, -0.008631f, -0.008706f, -0.008781f, -0.008857f, -0.008932f, -0.009007f, -0.009083f, -0.009158f, -0.009233f, -0.009309f,
--0.009384f, -0.009459f, -0.009535f, -0.00961f, -0.009685f, -0.00976f, -0.009836f, -0.009911f, -0.009986f, -0.010061f, -0.010137f, -0.010212f, -0.010287f, -0.010362f, -0.010438f, -0.010513f, -0.010588f, -0.010663f, -0.010738f, -0.010814f,
--0.010889f, -0.010964f, -0.011039f, -0.011114f, -0.01119f, -0.011265f, -0.01134f, -0.011415f, -0.01149f, -0.011565f, -0.01164f, -0.011716f, -0.011791f, -0.011866f, -0.011941f, -0.012016f, -0.012091f, -0.012166f, -0.012241f, -0.012316f,
--0.012391f, -0.012466f, -0.012541f, -0.012616f, -0.012692f, -0.012767f, -0.012842f, -0.012917f, -0.012992f, -0.013067f, -0.013142f, -0.013217f, -0.013292f, -0.013367f, -0.013442f, -0.013517f, -0.013592f, -0.013666f, -0.013741f, -0.013816f,
--0.013891f, -0.013966f, -0.014041f, -0.014116f, -0.014191f, -0.014266f, -0.014341f, -0.014416f, -0.014491f, -0.014566f, -0.01464f, -0.014715f, -0.01479f, -0.014865f, -0.01494f, -0.015015f, -0.01509f, -0.015164f, -0.015239f, -0.015314f,
--0.015389f, -0.015464f, -0.015538f, -0.015613f, -0.015688f, -0.015763f, -0.015838f, -0.015912f, -0.015987f, -0.016062f, -0.016137f, -0.016211f, -0.016286f, -0.016361f, -0.016436f, -0.01651f, -0.016585f, -0.01666f, -0.016735f, -0.016809f,
--0.016884f, -0.016959f, -0.017033f, -0.017108f, -0.017183f, -0.017257f, -0.017332f, -0.017407f, -0.017481f, -0.017556f, -0.017631f, -0.017705f, -0.01778f, -0.017854f, -0.017929f, -0.018004f, -0.018078f, -0.018153f, -0.018227f, -0.018302f,
--0.018377f, -0.018451f, -0.018526f, -0.0186f, -0.018675f, -0.018749f, -0.018824f, -0.018898f, -0.018973f, -0.019047f, -0.019122f, -0.019196f, -0.019271f, -0.019345f, -0.01942f, -0.019494f, -0.019569f, -0.019643f, -0.019718f, -0.019792f,
--0.019867f, -0.019941f, -0.020016f, -0.02009f, -0.020164f, -0.020239f, -0.020313f, -0.020388f, -0.020462f, -0.020536f, -0.020611f, -0.020685f, -0.020759f, -0.020834f, -0.020908f, -0.020983f, -0.021057f, -0.021131f, -0.021206f, -0.02128f,
--0.021354f, -0.021429f, -0.021503f, -0.021577f, -0.021651f, -0.021726f, -0.0218f, -0.021874f, -0.021949f, -0.022023f, -0.022097f, -0.022171f, -0.022246f, -0.02232f, -0.022394f, -0.022468f, -0.022542f, -0.022617f, -0.022691f, -0.022765f,
--0.022839f, -0.022913f, -0.022988f, -0.023062f, -0.023136f, -0.02321f, -0.023284f, -0.023358f, -0.023433f, -0.023507f, -0.023581f, -0.023655f, -0.023729f, -0.023803f, -0.023877f, -0.023951f, -0.024026f, -0.0241f, -0.024174f, -0.024248f,
--0.024322f, -0.024396f, -0.02447f, -0.024544f, -0.024618f, -0.024692f, -0.024766f, -0.02484f, -0.024914f, -0.024988f, -0.025062f, -0.025136f, -0.02521f, -0.025284f, -0.025358f, -0.025432f, -0.025506f, -0.02558f, -0.025654f, -0.025728f,
--0.025802f, -0.025876f, -0.02595f, -0.026024f, -0.026097f, -0.026171f, -0.026245f, -0.026319f, -0.026393f, -0.026467f, -0.026541f, -0.026615f, -0.026689f, -0.026762f, -0.026836f, -0.02691f, -0.026984f, -0.027058f, -0.027132f, -0.027205f,
--0.027279f, -0.027353f, -0.027427f, -0.027501f, -0.027574f, -0.027648f, -0.027722f, -0.027796f, -0.027869f, -0.027943f, -0.028017f, -0.028091f, -0.028164f, -0.028238f, -0.028312f, -0.028386f, -0.028459f, -0.028533f, -0.028607f, -0.02868f,
--0.028754f, -0.028828f, -0.028901f, -0.028975f, -0.029049f, -0.029122f, -0.029196f, -0.02927f, -0.029343f, -0.029417f, -0.029491f, -0.029564f, -0.029638f, -0.029711f, -0.029785f, -0.029859f, -0.029932f, -0.030006f, -0.030079f, -0.030153f,
--0.030226f, -0.0303f, -0.030373f, -0.030447f, -0.03052f, -0.030594f, -0.030668f, -0.030741f, -0.030815f, -0.030888f, -0.030962f, -0.031035f, -0.031108f, -0.031182f, -0.031255f, -0.031329f, -0.031402f, -0.031476f, -0.031549f, -0.031623f,
--0.031696f, -0.031769f, -0.031843f, -0.031916f, -0.03199f, -0.032063f, -0.032136f, -0.03221f, -0.032283f, -0.032357f, -0.03243f, -0.032503f, -0.032577f, -0.03265f, -0.032723f, -0.032797f, -0.03287f, -0.032943f, -0.033016f, -0.03309f,
--0.033163f, -0.033236f, -0.03331f, -0.033383f, -0.033456f, -0.033529f, -0.033603f, -0.033676f, -0.033749f, -0.033822f, -0.033896f, -0.033969f, -0.034042f, -0.034115f, -0.034188f, -0.034262f, -0.034335f, -0.034408f, -0.034481f, -0.034554f,
--0.034627f, -0.034701f, -0.034774f, -0.034847f, -0.03492f, -0.034993f, -0.035066f, -0.035139f, -0.035213f, -0.035286f, -0.035359f, -0.035432f, -0.035505f, -0.035578f, -0.035651f, -0.035724f, -0.035797f, -0.03587f, -0.035943f, -0.036016f,
--0.036089f, -0.036162f, -0.036235f, -0.036308f, -0.036381f, -0.036454f, -0.036527f, -0.0366f, -0.036673f, -0.036746f, -0.036819f, -0.036892f, -0.036965f, -0.037038f, -0.037111f, -0.037184f, -0.037257f, -0.03733f, -0.037403f, -0.037476f,
--0.037548f, -0.037621f, -0.037694f, -0.037767f, -0.03784f, -0.037913f, -0.037986f, -0.038058f, -0.038131f, -0.038204f, -0.038277f, -0.03835f, -0.038423f, -0.038495f, -0.038568f, -0.038641f, -0.038714f, -0.038787f, -0.038859f, -0.038932f,
--0.039005f, -0.039078f, -0.03915f, -0.039223f, -0.039296f, -0.039369f, -0.039441f, -0.039514f, -0.039587f, -0.039659f, -0.039732f, -0.039805f, -0.039878f, -0.03995f, -0.040023f, -0.040096f, -0.040168f, -0.040241f, -0.040313f, -0.040386f,
--0.040459f, -0.040531f, -0.040604f, -0.040677f, -0.040749f, -0.040822f, -0.040894f, -0.040967f, -0.041039f, -0.041112f, -0.041185f, -0.041257f, -0.04133f, -0.041402f, -0.041475f, -0.041547f, -0.04162f, -0.041692f, -0.041765f, -0.041837f,
--0.04191f, -0.041982f, -0.042055f, -0.042127f, -0.0422f, -0.042272f, -0.042345f, -0.042417f, -0.04249f, -0.042562f, -0.042634f, -0.042707f, -0.042779f, -0.042852f, -0.042924f, -0.042996f, -0.043069f, -0.043141f, -0.043214f, -0.043286f,
--0.043358f, -0.043431f, -0.043503f, -0.043575f, -0.043648f, -0.04372f, -0.043792f, -0.043865f, -0.043937f, -0.044009f, -0.044081f, -0.044154f, -0.044226f, -0.044298f, -0.044371f, -0.044443f, -0.044515f, -0.044587f, -0.044659f, -0.044732f,
--0.044804f, -0.044876f, -0.044948f, -0.045021f, -0.045093f, -0.045165f, -0.045237f, -0.045309f, -0.045381f, -0.045454f, -0.045526f, -0.045598f, -0.04567f, -0.045742f, -0.045814f, -0.045886f, -0.045959f, -0.046031f, -0.046103f, -0.046175f,
--0.046247f, -0.046319f, -0.046391f, -0.046463f, -0.046535f, -0.046607f, -0.046679f, -0.046751f, -0.046823f, -0.046895f, -0.046967f, -0.047039f, -0.047111f, -0.047183f, -0.047255f, -0.047327f, -0.047399f, -0.047471f, -0.047543f, -0.047615f,
--0.047687f, -0.047759f, -0.047831f, -0.047903f, -0.047975f, -0.048047f, -0.048119f, -0.048191f, -0.048262f, -0.048334f, -0.048406f, -0.048478f, -0.04855f, -0.048622f, -0.048694f, -0.048766f, -0.048837f, -0.048909f, -0.048981f, -0.049053f,
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--0.051991f, -0.052063f, -0.052134f, -0.052206f, -0.052277f, -0.052349f, -0.05242f, -0.052492f, -0.052563f, -0.052635f, -0.052706f, -0.052778f, -0.052849f, -0.052921f, -0.052992f, -0.053063f, -0.053135f, -0.053206f, -0.053278f, -0.053349f,
--0.05342f, -0.053492f, -0.053563f, -0.053635f, -0.053706f, -0.053777f, -0.053849f, -0.05392f, -0.053991f, -0.054063f, -0.054134f, -0.054205f, -0.054277f, -0.054348f, -0.054419f, -0.05449f, -0.054562f, -0.054633f, -0.054704f, -0.054776f,
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--0.05627f, -0.056341f, -0.056413f, -0.056484f, -0.056555f, -0.056626f, -0.056697f, -0.056768f, -0.056839f, -0.05691f, -0.056981f, -0.057052f, -0.057123f, -0.057194f, -0.057265f, -0.057336f, -0.057407f, -0.057478f, -0.057549f, -0.05762f,
--0.057691f, -0.057762f, -0.057833f, -0.057904f, -0.057975f, -0.058046f, -0.058117f, -0.058188f, -0.058259f, -0.058329f, -0.0584f, -0.058471f, -0.058542f, -0.058613f, -0.058684f, -0.058755f, -0.058826f, -0.058896f, -0.058967f, -0.059038f,
--0.059109f, -0.05918f, -0.059251f, -0.059321f, -0.059392f, -0.059463f, -0.059534f, -0.059604f, -0.059675f, -0.059746f, -0.059817f, -0.059888f, -0.059958f, -0.060029f, -0.0601f, -0.06017f, -0.060241f, -0.060312f, -0.060383f, -0.060453f,
--0.060524f, -0.060595f, -0.060665f, -0.060736f, -0.060807f, -0.060877f, -0.060948f, -0.061018f, -0.061089f, -0.06116f, -0.06123f, -0.061301f, -0.061372f, -0.061442f, -0.061513f, -0.061583f, -0.061654f, -0.061724f, -0.061795f, -0.061866f,
--0.061936f, -0.062007f, -0.062077f, -0.062148f, -0.062218f, -0.062289f, -0.062359f, -0.06243f, -0.0625f, -0.062571f, -0.062641f, -0.062712f, -0.062782f, -0.062852f, -0.062923f, -0.062993f, -0.063064f, -0.063134f, -0.063205f, -0.063275f,
--0.063345f, -0.063416f, -0.063486f, -0.063556f, -0.063627f, -0.063697f, -0.063768f, -0.063838f, -0.063908f, -0.063979f, -0.064049f, -0.064119f, -0.06419f, -0.06426f, -0.06433f, -0.0644f, -0.064471f, -0.064541f, -0.064611f, -0.064681f,
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--0.066155f, -0.066225f, -0.066295f, -0.066365f, -0.066436f, -0.066506f, -0.066576f, -0.066646f, -0.066716f, -0.066786f, -0.066856f, -0.066926f, -0.066996f, -0.067066f, -0.067136f, -0.067206f, -0.067276f, -0.067346f, -0.067416f, -0.067486f,
--0.067556f, -0.067626f, -0.067696f, -0.067766f, -0.067836f, -0.067905f, -0.067975f, -0.068045f, -0.068115f, -0.068185f, -0.068255f, -0.068325f, -0.068395f, -0.068465f, -0.068534f, -0.068604f, -0.068674f, -0.068744f, -0.068814f, -0.068884f,
--0.068953f, -0.069023f, -0.069093f, -0.069163f, -0.069233f, -0.069302f, -0.069372f, -0.069442f, -0.069512f, -0.069581f, -0.069651f, -0.069721f, -0.069791f, -0.06986f, -0.06993f, -0.07f, -0.070069f, -0.070139f, -0.070209f, -0.070278f,
--0.070348f, -0.070418f, -0.070487f, -0.070557f, -0.070627f, -0.070696f, -0.070766f, -0.070836f, -0.070905f, -0.070975f, -0.071044f, -0.071114f, -0.071184f, -0.071253f, -0.071323f, -0.071392f, -0.071462f, -0.071531f, -0.071601f, -0.07167f,
--0.07174f, -0.071809f, -0.071879f, -0.071948f, -0.072018f, -0.072087f, -0.072157f, -0.072226f, -0.072296f, -0.072365f, -0.072435f, -0.072504f, -0.072573f, -0.072643f, -0.072712f, -0.072782f, -0.072851f, -0.072921f, -0.07299f, -0.073059f,
--0.073129f, -0.073198f, -0.073267f, -0.073337f, -0.073406f, -0.073475f, -0.073545f, -0.073614f, -0.073683f, -0.073753f, -0.073822f, -0.073891f, -0.07396f, -0.07403f, -0.074099f, -0.074168f, -0.074238f, -0.074307f, -0.074376f, -0.074445f,
--0.074514f, -0.074584f, -0.074653f, -0.074722f, -0.074791f, -0.07486f, -0.07493f, -0.074999f, -0.075068f, -0.075137f, -0.075206f, -0.075275f, -0.075345f, -0.075414f, -0.075483f, -0.075552f, -0.075621f, -0.07569f, -0.075759f, -0.075828f,
--0.075897f, -0.075966f, -0.076035f, -0.076104f, -0.076173f, -0.076243f, -0.076312f, -0.076381f, -0.07645f, -0.076519f, -0.076588f, -0.076657f, -0.076726f, -0.076794f, -0.076863f, -0.076932f, -0.077001f, -0.07707f, -0.077139f, -0.077208f,
--0.077277f, -0.077346f, -0.077415f, -0.077484f, -0.077553f, -0.077622f, -0.07769f, -0.077759f, -0.077828f, -0.077897f, -0.077966f, -0.078035f, -0.078104f, -0.078172f, -0.078241f, -0.07831f, -0.078379f, -0.078448f, -0.078516f, -0.078585f,
--0.078654f, -0.078723f, -0.078791f, -0.07886f, -0.078929f, -0.078998f, -0.079066f, -0.079135f, -0.079204f, -0.079272f, -0.079341f, -0.07941f, -0.079479f, -0.079547f, -0.079616f, -0.079685f, -0.079753f, -0.079822f, -0.07989f, -0.079959f,
--0.080028f, -0.080096f, -0.080165f, -0.080233f, -0.080302f, -0.080371f, -0.080439f, -0.080508f, -0.080576f, -0.080645f, -0.080713f, -0.080782f, -0.08085f, -0.080919f, -0.080988f, -0.081056f, -0.081125f, -0.081193f, -0.081261f, -0.08133f,
--0.081398f, -0.081467f, -0.081535f, -0.081604f, -0.081672f, -0.081741f, -0.081809f, -0.081877f, -0.081946f, -0.082014f, -0.082083f, -0.082151f, -0.082219f, -0.082288f, -0.082356f, -0.082424f, -0.082493f, -0.082561f, -0.082629f, -0.082698f,
--0.082766f, -0.082834f, -0.082903f, -0.082971f, -0.083039f, -0.083108f, -0.083176f, -0.083244f, -0.083312f, -0.083381f, -0.083449f, -0.083517f, -0.083585f, -0.083653f, -0.083722f, -0.08379f, -0.083858f, -0.083926f, -0.083994f, -0.084063f,
--0.084131f, -0.084199f, -0.084267f, -0.084335f, -0.084403f, -0.084471f, -0.08454f, -0.084608f, -0.084676f, -0.084744f, -0.084812f, -0.08488f, -0.084948f, -0.085016f, -0.085084f, -0.085152f, -0.08522f, -0.085288f, -0.085356f, -0.085424f,
--0.085492f, -0.08556f, -0.085628f, -0.085696f, -0.085764f, -0.085832f, -0.0859f, -0.085968f, -0.086036f, -0.086104f, -0.086172f, -0.08624f, -0.086308f, -0.086376f, -0.086444f, -0.086511f, -0.086579f, -0.086647f, -0.086715f, -0.086783f,
--0.086851f, -0.086919f, -0.086986f, -0.087054f, -0.087122f, -0.08719f, -0.087258f, -0.087326f, -0.087393f, -0.087461f, -0.087529f, -0.087597f, -0.087664f, -0.087732f, -0.0878f, -0.087868f, -0.087935f, -0.088003f, -0.088071f, -0.088138f,
--0.088206f, -0.088274f, -0.088342f, -0.088409f, -0.088477f, -0.088545f, -0.088612f, -0.08868f, -0.088747f, -0.088815f, -0.088883f, -0.08895f, -0.089018f, -0.089085f, -0.089153f, -0.089221f, -0.089288f, -0.089356f, -0.089423f, -0.089491f,
--0.089558f, -0.089626f, -0.089693f, -0.089761f, -0.089828f, -0.089896f, -0.089963f, -0.090031f, -0.090098f, -0.090166f, -0.090233f, -0.090301f, -0.090368f, -0.090436f, -0.090503f, -0.090571f, -0.090638f, -0.090705f, -0.090773f, -0.09084f,
--0.090908f, -0.090975f, -0.091042f, -0.09111f, -0.091177f, -0.091244f, -0.091312f, -0.091379f, -0.091446f, -0.091514f, -0.091581f, -0.091648f, -0.091716f, -0.091783f, -0.09185f, -0.091917f, -0.091985f, -0.092052f, -0.092119f, -0.092186f,
--0.092254f, -0.092321f, -0.092388f, -0.092455f, -0.092522f, -0.09259f, -0.092657f, -0.092724f, -0.092791f, -0.092858f, -0.092925f, -0.092993f, -0.09306f, -0.093127f, -0.093194f, -0.093261f, -0.093328f, -0.093395f, -0.093462f, -0.093529f,
--0.093596f, -0.093663f, -0.093731f, -0.093798f, -0.093865f, -0.093932f, -0.093999f, -0.094066f, -0.094133f, -0.0942f, -0.094267f, -0.094334f, -0.094401f, -0.094468f, -0.094535f, -0.094601f, -0.094668f, -0.094735f, -0.094802f, -0.094869f,
--0.094936f, -0.095003f, -0.09507f, -0.095137f, -0.095204f, -0.095271f, -0.095337f, -0.095404f, -0.095471f, -0.095538f, -0.095605f, -0.095672f, -0.095738f, -0.095805f, -0.095872f, -0.095939f, -0.096006f, -0.096072f, -0.096139f, -0.096206f,
--0.096273f, -0.096339f, -0.096406f, -0.096473f, -0.09654f, -0.096606f, -0.096673f, -0.09674f, -0.096806f, -0.096873f, -0.09694f, -0.097006f, -0.097073f, -0.09714f, -0.097206f, -0.097273f, -0.09734f, -0.097406f, -0.097473f, -0.097539f,
--0.097606f, -0.097673f, -0.097739f, -0.097806f, -0.097872f, -0.097939f, -0.098005f, -0.098072f, -0.098138f, -0.098205f, -0.098271f, -0.098338f, -0.098404f, -0.098471f, -0.098537f, -0.098604f, -0.09867f, -0.098737f, -0.098803f, -0.09887f,
--0.098936f, -0.099003f, -0.099069f, -0.099135f, -0.099202f, -0.099268f, -0.099335f, -0.099401f, -0.099467f, -0.099534f, -0.0996f, -0.099666f, -0.099733f, -0.099799f, -0.099865f, -0.099932f, -0.099998f, -0.100064f, -0.100131f, -0.100197f,
--0.100263f, -0.100329f, -0.100396f, -0.100462f, -0.100528f, -0.100594f, -0.100661f, -0.100727f, -0.100793f, -0.100859f, -0.100925f, -0.100992f, -0.101058f, -0.101124f, -0.10119f, -0.101256f, -0.101322f, -0.101388f, -0.101455f, -0.101521f,
--0.101587f, -0.101653f, -0.101719f, -0.101785f, -0.101851f, -0.101917f, -0.101983f, -0.102049f, -0.102115f, -0.102181f, -0.102247f, -0.102313f, -0.102379f, -0.102445f, -0.102511f, -0.102577f, -0.102643f, -0.102709f, -0.102775f, -0.102841f,
--0.102907f, -0.102973f, -0.103039f, -0.103105f, -0.103171f, -0.103237f, -0.103303f, -0.103369f, -0.103435f, -0.1035f, -0.103566f, -0.103632f, -0.103698f, -0.103764f, -0.10383f, -0.103896f, -0.103961f, -0.104027f, -0.104093f, -0.104159f,
--0.104225f, -0.10429f, -0.104356f, -0.104422f, -0.104488f, -0.104553f, -0.104619f, -0.104685f, -0.104751f, -0.104816f, -0.104882f, -0.104948f, -0.105013f, -0.105079f, -0.105145f, -0.10521f, -0.105276f, -0.105342f, -0.105407f, -0.105473f,
--0.105539f, -0.105604f, -0.10567f, -0.105735f, -0.105801f, -0.105867f, -0.105932f, -0.105998f, -0.106063f, -0.106129f, -0.106194f, -0.10626f, -0.106325f, -0.106391f, -0.106456f, -0.106522f, -0.106587f, -0.106653f, -0.106718f, -0.106784f,
--0.106849f, -0.106915f, -0.10698f, -0.107046f, -0.107111f, -0.107176f, -0.107242f, -0.107307f, -0.107373f, -0.107438f, -0.107503f, -0.107569f, -0.107634f, -0.107699f, -0.107765f, -0.10783f, -0.107895f, -0.107961f, -0.108026f, -0.108091f,
--0.108157f, -0.108222f, -0.108287f, -0.108353f, -0.108418f, -0.108483f, -0.108548f, -0.108614f, -0.108679f, -0.108744f, -0.108809f, -0.108874f, -0.10894f, -0.109005f, -0.10907f, -0.109135f, -0.1092f, -0.109265f, -0.109331f, -0.109396f,
--0.109461f, -0.109526f, -0.109591f, -0.109656f, -0.109721f, -0.109786f, -0.109851f, -0.109917f, -0.109982f, -0.110047f, -0.110112f, -0.110177f, -0.110242f, -0.110307f, -0.110372f, -0.110437f, -0.110502f, -0.110567f, -0.110632f, -0.110697f,
--0.110762f, -0.110827f, -0.110892f, -0.110957f, -0.111022f, -0.111086f, -0.111151f, -0.111216f, -0.111281f, -0.111346f, -0.111411f, -0.111476f, -0.111541f, -0.111606f, -0.11167f, -0.111735f, -0.1118f, -0.111865f, -0.11193f, -0.111994f,
--0.112059f, -0.112124f, -0.112189f, -0.112254f, -0.112318f, -0.112383f, -0.112448f, -0.112513f, -0.112577f, -0.112642f, -0.112707f, -0.112772f, -0.112836f, -0.112901f, -0.112966f, -0.11303f, -0.113095f, -0.11316f, -0.113224f, -0.113289f,
--0.113353f, -0.113418f, -0.113483f, -0.113547f, -0.113612f, -0.113677f, -0.113741f, -0.113806f, -0.11387f, -0.113935f, -0.113999f, -0.114064f, -0.114128f, -0.114193f, -0.114257f, -0.114322f, -0.114386f, -0.114451f, -0.114515f, -0.11458f,
--0.114644f, -0.114709f, -0.114773f, -0.114838f, -0.114902f, -0.114967f, -0.115031f, -0.115095f, -0.11516f, -0.115224f, -0.115289f, -0.115353f, -0.115417f, -0.115482f, -0.115546f, -0.11561f, -0.115675f, -0.115739f, -0.115803f, -0.115868f,
--0.115932f, -0.115996f, -0.11606f, -0.116125f, -0.116189f, -0.116253f, -0.116318f, -0.116382f, -0.116446f, -0.11651f, -0.116574f, -0.116639f, -0.116703f, -0.116767f, -0.116831f, -0.116895f, -0.11696f, -0.117024f, -0.117088f, -0.117152f,
--0.117216f, -0.11728f, -0.117344f, -0.117408f, -0.117473f, -0.117537f, -0.117601f, -0.117665f, -0.117729f, -0.117793f, -0.117857f, -0.117921f, -0.117985f, -0.118049f, -0.118113f, -0.118177f, -0.118241f, -0.118305f, -0.118369f, -0.118433f,
--0.118497f, -0.118561f, -0.118625f, -0.118689f, -0.118753f, -0.118817f, -0.11888f, -0.118944f, -0.119008f, -0.119072f, -0.119136f, -0.1192f, -0.119264f, -0.119328f, -0.119391f, -0.119455f, -0.119519f, -0.119583f, -0.119647f, -0.119711f,
--0.119774f, -0.119838f, -0.119902f, -0.119966f, -0.120029f, -0.120093f, -0.120157f, -0.120221f, -0.120284f, -0.120348f, -0.120412f, -0.120475f, -0.120539f, -0.120603f, -0.120667f, -0.12073f, -0.120794f, -0.120857f, -0.120921f, -0.120985f,
--0.121048f, -0.121112f, -0.121176f, -0.121239f, -0.121303f, -0.121366f, -0.12143f, -0.121493f, -0.121557f, -0.121621f, -0.121684f, -0.121748f, -0.121811f, -0.121875f, -0.121938f, -0.122002f, -0.122065f, -0.122129f, -0.122192f, -0.122256f,
--0.122319f, -0.122382f, -0.122446f, -0.122509f, -0.122573f, -0.122636f, -0.122699f, -0.122763f, -0.122826f, -0.12289f, -0.122953f, -0.123016f, -0.12308f, -0.123143f, -0.123206f, -0.12327f, -0.123333f, -0.123396f, -0.12346f, -0.123523f,
--0.123586f, -0.123649f, -0.123713f, -0.123776f, -0.123839f, -0.123902f, -0.123966f, -0.124029f, -0.124092f, -0.124155f, -0.124218f, -0.124282f, -0.124345f, -0.124408f, -0.124471f, -0.124534f, -0.124597f, -0.124661f, -0.124724f, -0.124787f,
--0.12485f, -0.124913f, -0.124976f, -0.125039f, -0.125102f, -0.125165f, -0.125228f, -0.125291f, -0.125354f, -0.125418f, -0.125481f, -0.125544f, -0.125607f, -0.12567f, -0.125733f, -0.125796f, -0.125858f, -0.125921f, -0.125984f, -0.126047f,
--0.12611f, -0.126173f, -0.126236f, -0.126299f, -0.126362f, -0.126425f, -0.126488f, -0.126551f, -0.126613f, -0.126676f, -0.126739f, -0.126802f, -0.126865f, -0.126928f, -0.12699f, -0.127053f, -0.127116f, -0.127179f, -0.127242f, -0.127304f,
--0.127367f, -0.12743f, -0.127493f, -0.127555f, -0.127618f, -0.127681f, -0.127744f, -0.127806f, -0.127869f, -0.127932f, -0.127994f, -0.128057f, -0.12812f, -0.128182f, -0.128245f, -0.128308f, -0.12837f, -0.128433f, -0.128495f, -0.128558f,
--0.128621f, -0.128683f, -0.128746f, -0.128808f, -0.128871f, -0.128933f, -0.128996f, -0.129058f, -0.129121f, -0.129183f, -0.129246f, -0.129308f, -0.129371f, -0.129433f, -0.129496f, -0.129558f, -0.129621f, -0.129683f, -0.129746f, -0.129808f,
--0.129871f, -0.129933f, -0.129995f, -0.130058f, -0.13012f, -0.130182f, -0.130245f, -0.130307f, -0.13037f, -0.130432f, -0.130494f, -0.130556f, -0.130619f, -0.130681f, -0.130743f, -0.130806f, -0.130868f, -0.13093f, -0.130992f, -0.131055f,
--0.131117f, -0.131179f, -0.131241f, -0.131304f, -0.131366f, -0.131428f, -0.13149f, -0.131552f, -0.131615f, -0.131677f, -0.131739f, -0.131801f, -0.131863f, -0.131925f, -0.131987f, -0.13205f, -0.132112f, -0.132174f, -0.132236f, -0.132298f,
--0.13236f, -0.132422f, -0.132484f, -0.132546f, -0.132608f, -0.13267f, -0.132732f, -0.132794f, -0.132856f, -0.132918f, -0.13298f, -0.133042f, -0.133104f, -0.133166f, -0.133228f, -0.13329f, -0.133352f, -0.133414f, -0.133476f, -0.133537f,
--0.133599f, -0.133661f, -0.133723f, -0.133785f, -0.133847f, -0.133909f, -0.133971f, -0.134032f, -0.134094f, -0.134156f, -0.134218f, -0.13428f, -0.134341f, -0.134403f, -0.134465f, -0.134527f, -0.134588f, -0.13465f, -0.134712f, -0.134774f,
--0.134835f, -0.134897f, -0.134959f, -0.13502f, -0.135082f, -0.135144f, -0.135205f, -0.135267f, -0.135329f, -0.13539f, -0.135452f, -0.135514f, -0.135575f, -0.135637f, -0.135698f, -0.13576f, -0.135821f, -0.135883f, -0.135945f, -0.136006f,
--0.136068f, -0.136129f, -0.136191f, -0.136252f, -0.136314f, -0.136375f, -0.136437f, -0.136498f, -0.13656f, -0.136621f, -0.136683f, -0.136744f, -0.136805f, -0.136867f, -0.136928f, -0.13699f, -0.137051f, -0.137112f, -0.137174f, -0.137235f,
--0.137297f, -0.137358f, -0.137419f, -0.137481f, -0.137542f, -0.137603f, -0.137665f, -0.137726f, -0.137787f, -0.137848f, -0.13791f, -0.137971f, -0.138032f, -0.138093f, -0.138155f, -0.138216f, -0.138277f, -0.138338f, -0.138399f, -0.138461f,
--0.138522f, -0.138583f, -0.138644f, -0.138705f, -0.138766f, -0.138828f, -0.138889f, -0.13895f, -0.139011f, -0.139072f, -0.139133f, -0.139194f, -0.139255f, -0.139316f, -0.139377f, -0.139438f, -0.1395f, -0.139561f, -0.139622f, -0.139683f,
--0.139744f, -0.139805f, -0.139866f, -0.139927f, -0.139987f, -0.140048f, -0.140109f, -0.14017f, -0.140231f, -0.140292f, -0.140353f, -0.140414f, -0.140475f, -0.140536f, -0.140597f, -0.140658f, -0.140718f, -0.140779f, -0.14084f, -0.140901f,
--0.140962f, -0.141023f, -0.141083f, -0.141144f, -0.141205f, -0.141266f, -0.141326f, -0.141387f, -0.141448f, -0.141509f, -0.141569f, -0.14163f, -0.141691f, -0.141752f, -0.141812f, -0.141873f, -0.141934f, -0.141994f, -0.142055f, -0.142116f,
--0.142176f, -0.142237f, -0.142298f, -0.142358f, -0.142419f, -0.142479f, -0.14254f, -0.142601f, -0.142661f, -0.142722f, -0.142782f, -0.142843f, -0.142903f, -0.142964f, -0.143024f, -0.143085f, -0.143145f, -0.143206f, -0.143266f, -0.143327f,
--0.143387f, -0.143448f, -0.143508f, -0.143569f, -0.143629f, -0.143689f, -0.14375f, -0.14381f, -0.143871f, -0.143931f, -0.143991f, -0.144052f, -0.144112f, -0.144172f, -0.144233f, -0.144293f, -0.144353f, -0.144414f, -0.144474f, -0.144534f,
--0.144595f, -0.144655f, -0.144715f, -0.144775f, -0.144836f, -0.144896f, -0.144956f, -0.145016f, -0.145077f, -0.145137f, -0.145197f, -0.145257f, -0.145317f, -0.145377f, -0.145438f, -0.145498f, -0.145558f, -0.145618f, -0.145678f, -0.145738f,
--0.145798f, -0.145858f, -0.145919f, -0.145979f, -0.146039f, -0.146099f, -0.146159f, -0.146219f, -0.146279f, -0.146339f, -0.146399f, -0.146459f, -0.146519f, -0.146579f, -0.146639f, -0.146699f, -0.146759f, -0.146819f, -0.146879f, -0.146939f,
--0.146998f, -0.147058f, -0.147118f, -0.147178f, -0.147238f, -0.147298f, -0.147358f, -0.147418f, -0.147477f, -0.147537f, -0.147597f, -0.147657f, -0.147717f, -0.147777f, -0.147836f, -0.147896f, -0.147956f, -0.148016f, -0.148075f, -0.148135f,
--0.148195f, -0.148255f, -0.148314f, -0.148374f, -0.148434f, -0.148493f, -0.148553f, -0.148613f, -0.148672f, -0.148732f, -0.148792f, -0.148851f, -0.148911f, -0.148971f, -0.14903f, -0.14909f, -0.149149f, -0.149209f, -0.149269f, -0.149328f,
--0.149388f, -0.149447f, -0.149507f, -0.149566f, -0.149626f, -0.149685f, -0.149745f, -0.149804f, -0.149864f, -0.149923f, -0.149983f, -0.150042f, -0.150102f, -0.150161f, -0.150221f, -0.15028f, -0.150339f, -0.150399f, -0.150458f, -0.150517f,
--0.150577f, -0.150636f, -0.150696f, -0.150755f, -0.150814f, -0.150874f, -0.150933f, -0.150992f, -0.151051f, -0.151111f, -0.15117f, -0.151229f, -0.151289f, -0.151348f, -0.151407f, -0.151466f, -0.151526f, -0.151585f, -0.151644f, -0.151703f,
--0.151762f, -0.151822f, -0.151881f, -0.15194f, -0.151999f, -0.152058f, -0.152117f, -0.152176f, -0.152235f, -0.152295f, -0.152354f, -0.152413f, -0.152472f, -0.152531f, -0.15259f, -0.152649f, -0.152708f, -0.152767f, -0.152826f, -0.152885f,
--0.152944f, -0.153003f, -0.153062f, -0.153121f, -0.15318f, -0.153239f, -0.153298f, -0.153357f, -0.153416f, -0.153475f, -0.153534f, -0.153593f, -0.153651f, -0.15371f, -0.153769f, -0.153828f, -0.153887f, -0.153946f, -0.154005f, -0.154063f,
--0.154122f, -0.154181f, -0.15424f, -0.154299f, -0.154357f, -0.154416f, -0.154475f, -0.154534f, -0.154592f, -0.154651f, -0.15471f, -0.154769f, -0.154827f, -0.154886f, -0.154945f, -0.155003f, -0.155062f, -0.155121f, -0.155179f, -0.155238f,
--0.155297f, -0.155355f, -0.155414f, -0.155472f, -0.155531f, -0.15559f, -0.155648f, -0.155707f, -0.155765f, -0.155824f, -0.155882f, -0.155941f, -0.155999f, -0.156058f, -0.156116f, -0.156175f, -0.156233f, -0.156292f, -0.15635f, -0.156409f,
--0.156467f, -0.156526f, -0.156584f, -0.156642f, -0.156701f, -0.156759f, -0.156818f, -0.156876f, -0.156934f, -0.156993f, -0.157051f, -0.157109f, -0.157168f, -0.157226f, -0.157284f, -0.157343f, -0.157401f, -0.157459f, -0.157518f, -0.157576f,
--0.157634f, -0.157692f, -0.157751f, -0.157809f, -0.157867f, -0.157925f, -0.157983f, -0.158042f, -0.1581f, -0.158158f, -0.158216f, -0.158274f, -0.158332f, -0.158391f, -0.158449f, -0.158507f, -0.158565f, -0.158623f, -0.158681f, -0.158739f,
--0.158797f, -0.158855f, -0.158913f, -0.158971f, -0.15903f, -0.159088f, -0.159146f, -0.159204f, -0.159262f, -0.15932f, -0.159378f, -0.159435f, -0.159493f, -0.159551f, -0.159609f, -0.159667f, -0.159725f, -0.159783f, -0.159841f, -0.159899f,
--0.159957f, -0.160015f, -0.160072f, -0.16013f, -0.160188f, -0.160246f, -0.160304f, -0.160362f, -0.160419f, -0.160477f, -0.160535f, -0.160593f, -0.160651f, -0.160708f, -0.160766f, -0.160824f, -0.160882f, -0.160939f, -0.160997f, -0.161055f,
--0.161112f, -0.16117f, -0.161228f, -0.161285f, -0.161343f, -0.161401f, -0.161458f, -0.161516f, -0.161574f, -0.161631f, -0.161689f, -0.161746f, -0.161804f, -0.161862f, -0.161919f, -0.161977f, -0.162034f, -0.162092f, -0.162149f, -0.162207f,
--0.162264f, -0.162322f, -0.162379f, -0.162437f, -0.162494f, -0.162552f, -0.162609f, -0.162667f, -0.162724f, -0.162781f, -0.162839f, -0.162896f, -0.162954f, -0.163011f, -0.163068f, -0.163126f, -0.163183f, -0.16324f, -0.163298f, -0.163355f,
--0.163412f, -0.16347f, -0.163527f, -0.163584f, -0.163642f, -0.163699f, -0.163756f, -0.163813f, -0.163871f, -0.163928f, -0.163985f, -0.164042f, -0.164099f, -0.164157f, -0.164214f, -0.164271f, -0.164328f, -0.164385f, -0.164442f, -0.1645f,
--0.164557f, -0.164614f, -0.164671f, -0.164728f, -0.164785f, -0.164842f, -0.164899f, -0.164956f, -0.165013f, -0.16507f, -0.165127f, -0.165184f, -0.165241f, -0.165298f, -0.165355f, -0.165412f, -0.165469f, -0.165526f, -0.165583f, -0.16564f,
--0.165697f, -0.165754f, -0.165811f, -0.165868f, -0.165925f, -0.165982f, -0.166039f, -0.166096f, -0.166152f, -0.166209f, -0.166266f, -0.166323f, -0.16638f, -0.166437f, -0.166493f, -0.16655f, -0.166607f, -0.166664f, -0.16672f, -0.166777f,
--0.166834f, -0.166891f, -0.166947f, -0.167004f, -0.167061f, -0.167118f, -0.167174f, -0.167231f, -0.167288f, -0.167344f, -0.167401f, -0.167457f, -0.167514f, -0.167571f, -0.167627f, -0.167684f, -0.167741f, -0.167797f, -0.167854f, -0.16791f,
--0.167967f, -0.168023f, -0.16808f, -0.168136f, -0.168193f, -0.168249f, -0.168306f, -0.168362f, -0.168419f, -0.168475f, -0.168532f, -0.168588f, -0.168645f, -0.168701f, -0.168758f, -0.168814f, -0.16887f, -0.168927f, -0.168983f, -0.169039f,
--0.169096f, -0.169152f, -0.169209f, -0.169265f, -0.169321f, -0.169377f, -0.169434f, -0.16949f, -0.169546f, -0.169603f, -0.169659f, -0.169715f, -0.169771f, -0.169828f, -0.169884f, -0.16994f, -0.169996f, -0.170052f, -0.170109f, -0.170165f,
--0.170221f, -0.170277f, -0.170333f, -0.170389f, -0.170446f, -0.170502f, -0.170558f, -0.170614f, -0.17067f, -0.170726f, -0.170782f, -0.170838f, -0.170894f, -0.17095f, -0.171006f, -0.171062f, -0.171118f, -0.171174f, -0.17123f, -0.171286f,
--0.171342f, -0.171398f, -0.171454f, -0.17151f, -0.171566f, -0.171622f, -0.171678f, -0.171734f, -0.17179f, -0.171846f, -0.171902f, -0.171957f, -0.172013f, -0.172069f, -0.172125f, -0.172181f, -0.172237f, -0.172292f, -0.172348f, -0.172404f,
--0.17246f, -0.172516f, -0.172571f, -0.172627f, -0.172683f, -0.172739f, -0.172794f, -0.17285f, -0.172906f, -0.172961f, -0.173017f, -0.173073f, -0.173128f, -0.173184f, -0.17324f, -0.173295f, -0.173351f, -0.173407f, -0.173462f, -0.173518f,
--0.173573f, -0.173629f, -0.173685f, -0.17374f, -0.173796f, -0.173851f, -0.173907f, -0.173962f, -0.174018f, -0.174073f, -0.174129f, -0.174184f, -0.17424f, -0.174295f, -0.174351f, -0.174406f, -0.174461f, -0.174517f, -0.174572f, -0.174628f,
--0.174683f, -0.174738f, -0.174794f, -0.174849f, -0.174905f, -0.17496f, -0.175015f, -0.175071f, -0.175126f, -0.175181f, -0.175236f, -0.175292f, -0.175347f, -0.175402f, -0.175458f, -0.175513f, -0.175568f, -0.175623f, -0.175678f, -0.175734f,
--0.175789f, -0.175844f, -0.175899f, -0.175954f, -0.17601f, -0.176065f, -0.17612f, -0.176175f, -0.17623f, -0.176285f, -0.17634f, -0.176395f, -0.17645f, -0.176506f, -0.176561f, -0.176616f, -0.176671f, -0.176726f, -0.176781f, -0.176836f,
--0.176891f, -0.176946f, -0.177001f, -0.177056f, -0.177111f, -0.177166f, -0.177221f, -0.177275f, -0.17733f, -0.177385f, -0.17744f, -0.177495f, -0.17755f, -0.177605f, -0.17766f, -0.177715f, -0.177769f, -0.177824f, -0.177879f, -0.177934f,
--0.177989f, -0.178044f, -0.178098f, -0.178153f, -0.178208f, -0.178263f, -0.178317f, -0.178372f, -0.178427f, -0.178482f, -0.178536f, -0.178591f, -0.178646f, -0.1787f, -0.178755f, -0.17881f, -0.178864f, -0.178919f, -0.178974f, -0.179028f,
--0.179083f, -0.179137f, -0.179192f, -0.179247f, -0.179301f, -0.179356f, -0.17941f, -0.179465f, -0.179519f, -0.179574f, -0.179628f, -0.179683f, -0.179737f, -0.179792f, -0.179846f, -0.179901f, -0.179955f, -0.18001f, -0.180064f, -0.180118f,
--0.180173f, -0.180227f, -0.180282f, -0.180336f, -0.18039f, -0.180445f, -0.180499f, -0.180553f, -0.180608f, -0.180662f, -0.180716f, -0.180771f, -0.180825f, -0.180879f, -0.180934f, -0.180988f, -0.181042f, -0.181096f, -0.181151f, -0.181205f,
--0.181259f, -0.181313f, -0.181367f, -0.181422f, -0.181476f, -0.18153f, -0.181584f, -0.181638f, -0.181692f, -0.181746f, -0.181801f, -0.181855f, -0.181909f, -0.181963f, -0.182017f, -0.182071f, -0.182125f, -0.182179f, -0.182233f, -0.182287f,
--0.182341f, -0.182395f, -0.182449f, -0.182503f, -0.182557f, -0.182611f, -0.182665f, -0.182719f, -0.182773f, -0.182827f, -0.182881f, -0.182935f, -0.182989f, -0.183042f, -0.183096f, -0.18315f, -0.183204f, -0.183258f, -0.183312f, -0.183366f,
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--0.187692f, -0.187745f, -0.187798f, -0.187851f, -0.187904f, -0.187957f, -0.18801f, -0.188063f, -0.188116f, -0.188169f, -0.188222f, -0.188275f, -0.188328f, -0.188381f, -0.188434f, -0.188486f, -0.188539f, -0.188592f, -0.188645f, -0.188698f,
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--0.190855f, -0.190907f, -0.19096f, -0.191012f, -0.191064f, -0.191117f, -0.191169f, -0.191221f, -0.191274f, -0.191326f, -0.191378f, -0.191431f, -0.191483f, -0.191535f, -0.191588f, -0.19164f, -0.191692f, -0.191744f, -0.191797f, -0.191849f,
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--0.193981f, -0.194033f, -0.194085f, -0.194136f, -0.194188f, -0.19424f, -0.194292f, -0.194343f, -0.194395f, -0.194447f, -0.194498f, -0.19455f, -0.194602f, -0.194653f, -0.194705f, -0.194757f, -0.194808f, -0.19486f, -0.194912f, -0.194963f,
--0.195015f, -0.195066f, -0.195118f, -0.19517f, -0.195221f, -0.195273f, -0.195324f, -0.195376f, -0.195427f, -0.195479f, -0.19553f, -0.195582f, -0.195633f, -0.195685f, -0.195736f, -0.195788f, -0.195839f, -0.19589f, -0.195942f, -0.195993f,
--0.196045f, -0.196096f, -0.196147f, -0.196199f, -0.19625f, -0.196301f, -0.196353f, -0.196404f, -0.196455f, -0.196507f, -0.196558f, -0.196609f, -0.196661f, -0.196712f, -0.196763f, -0.196814f, -0.196866f, -0.196917f, -0.196968f, -0.197019f,
--0.19707f, -0.197122f, -0.197173f, -0.197224f, -0.197275f, -0.197326f, -0.197377f, -0.197428f, -0.19748f, -0.197531f, -0.197582f, -0.197633f, -0.197684f, -0.197735f, -0.197786f, -0.197837f, -0.197888f, -0.197939f, -0.19799f, -0.198041f,
--0.198092f, -0.198143f, -0.198194f, -0.198245f, -0.198296f, -0.198347f, -0.198398f, -0.198449f, -0.198499f, -0.19855f, -0.198601f, -0.198652f, -0.198703f, -0.198754f, -0.198805f, -0.198855f, -0.198906f, -0.198957f, -0.199008f, -0.199059f,
--0.199109f, -0.19916f, -0.199211f, -0.199262f, -0.199312f, -0.199363f, -0.199414f, -0.199465f, -0.199515f, -0.199566f, -0.199617f, -0.199667f, -0.199718f, -0.199769f, -0.199819f, -0.19987f, -0.19992f, -0.199971f, -0.200022f, -0.200072f,
--0.200123f, -0.200173f, -0.200224f, -0.200274f, -0.200325f, -0.200375f, -0.200426f, -0.200477f, -0.200527f, -0.200577f, -0.200628f, -0.200678f, -0.200729f, -0.200779f, -0.20083f, -0.20088f, -0.200931f, -0.200981f, -0.201031f, -0.201082f,
--0.201132f, -0.201182f, -0.201233f, -0.201283f, -0.201333f, -0.201384f, -0.201434f, -0.201484f, -0.201535f, -0.201585f, -0.201635f, -0.201685f, -0.201736f, -0.201786f, -0.201836f, -0.201886f, -0.201936f, -0.201987f, -0.202037f, -0.202087f,
--0.202137f, -0.202187f, -0.202237f, -0.202287f, -0.202338f, -0.202388f, -0.202438f, -0.202488f, -0.202538f, -0.202588f, -0.202638f, -0.202688f, -0.202738f, -0.202788f, -0.202838f, -0.202888f, -0.202938f, -0.202988f, -0.203038f, -0.203088f,
--0.203138f, -0.203188f, -0.203238f, -0.203288f, -0.203338f, -0.203388f, -0.203437f, -0.203487f, -0.203537f, -0.203587f, -0.203637f, -0.203687f, -0.203737f, -0.203786f, -0.203836f, -0.203886f, -0.203936f, -0.203985f, -0.204035f, -0.204085f,
--0.204135f, -0.204184f, -0.204234f, -0.204284f, -0.204334f, -0.204383f, -0.204433f, -0.204483f, -0.204532f, -0.204582f, -0.204632f, -0.204681f, -0.204731f, -0.20478f, -0.20483f, -0.20488f, -0.204929f, -0.204979f, -0.205028f, -0.205078f,
--0.205127f, -0.205177f, -0.205226f, -0.205276f, -0.205325f, -0.205375f, -0.205424f, -0.205474f, -0.205523f, -0.205573f, -0.205622f, -0.205671f, -0.205721f, -0.20577f, -0.20582f, -0.205869f, -0.205918f, -0.205968f, -0.206017f, -0.206066f,
--0.206116f, -0.206165f, -0.206214f, -0.206264f, -0.206313f, -0.206362f, -0.206411f, -0.206461f, -0.20651f, -0.206559f, -0.206608f, -0.206658f, -0.206707f, -0.206756f, -0.206805f, -0.206854f, -0.206903f, -0.206953f, -0.207002f, -0.207051f,
--0.2071f, -0.207149f, -0.207198f, -0.207247f, -0.207296f, -0.207345f, -0.207394f, -0.207443f, -0.207492f, -0.207541f, -0.20759f, -0.207639f, -0.207688f, -0.207737f, -0.207786f, -0.207835f, -0.207884f, -0.207933f, -0.207982f, -0.208031f,
--0.20808f, -0.208129f, -0.208178f, -0.208227f, -0.208275f, -0.208324f, -0.208373f, -0.208422f, -0.208471f, -0.20852f, -0.208568f, -0.208617f, -0.208666f, -0.208715f, -0.208763f, -0.208812f, -0.208861f, -0.20891f, -0.208958f, -0.209007f,
--0.209056f, -0.209104f, -0.209153f, -0.209202f, -0.20925f, -0.209299f, -0.209348f, -0.209396f, -0.209445f, -0.209493f, -0.209542f, -0.209591f, -0.209639f, -0.209688f, -0.209736f, -0.209785f, -0.209833f, -0.209882f, -0.20993f, -0.209979f,
--0.210027f, -0.210076f, -0.210124f, -0.210173f, -0.210221f, -0.210269f, -0.210318f, -0.210366f, -0.210415f, -0.210463f, -0.210511f, -0.21056f, -0.210608f, -0.210656f, -0.210705f, -0.210753f, -0.210801f, -0.21085f, -0.210898f, -0.210946f,
--0.210995f, -0.211043f, -0.211091f, -0.211139f, -0.211188f, -0.211236f, -0.211284f, -0.211332f, -0.21138f, -0.211428f, -0.211477f, -0.211525f, -0.211573f, -0.211621f, -0.211669f, -0.211717f, -0.211765f, -0.211813f, -0.211862f, -0.21191f,
--0.211958f, -0.212006f, -0.212054f, -0.212102f, -0.21215f, -0.212198f, -0.212246f, -0.212294f, -0.212342f, -0.21239f, -0.212438f, -0.212486f, -0.212533f, -0.212581f, -0.212629f, -0.212677f, -0.212725f, -0.212773f, -0.212821f, -0.212869f,
--0.212917f, -0.212964f, -0.213012f, -0.21306f, -0.213108f, -0.213156f, -0.213203f, -0.213251f, -0.213299f, -0.213347f, -0.213394f, -0.213442f, -0.21349f, -0.213537f, -0.213585f, -0.213633f, -0.213681f, -0.213728f, -0.213776f, -0.213823f,
--0.213871f, -0.213919f, -0.213966f, -0.214014f, -0.214062f, -0.214109f, -0.214157f, -0.214204f, -0.214252f, -0.214299f, -0.214347f, -0.214394f, -0.214442f, -0.214489f, -0.214537f, -0.214584f, -0.214632f, -0.214679f, -0.214727f, -0.214774f,
--0.214821f, -0.214869f, -0.214916f, -0.214964f, -0.215011f, -0.215058f, -0.215106f, -0.215153f, -0.2152f, -0.215248f, -0.215295f, -0.215342f, -0.21539f, -0.215437f, -0.215484f, -0.215531f, -0.215579f, -0.215626f, -0.215673f, -0.21572f,
--0.215767f, -0.215815f, -0.215862f, -0.215909f, -0.215956f, -0.216003f, -0.21605f, -0.216098f, -0.216145f, -0.216192f, -0.216239f, -0.216286f, -0.216333f, -0.21638f, -0.216427f, -0.216474f, -0.216521f, -0.216568f, -0.216615f, -0.216662f,
--0.216709f, -0.216756f, -0.216803f, -0.21685f, -0.216897f, -0.216944f, -0.216991f, -0.217038f, -0.217085f, -0.217132f, -0.217179f, -0.217225f, -0.217272f, -0.217319f, -0.217366f, -0.217413f, -0.21746f, -0.217506f, -0.217553f, -0.2176f,
--0.217647f, -0.217693f, -0.21774f, -0.217787f, -0.217834f, -0.21788f, -0.217927f, -0.217974f, -0.21802f, -0.218067f, -0.218114f, -0.21816f, -0.218207f, -0.218254f, -0.2183f, -0.218347f, -0.218394f, -0.21844f, -0.218487f, -0.218533f,
--0.21858f, -0.218626f, -0.218673f, -0.218719f, -0.218766f, -0.218813f, -0.218859f, -0.218905f, -0.218952f, -0.218998f, -0.219045f, -0.219091f, -0.219138f, -0.219184f, -0.219231f, -0.219277f, -0.219323f, -0.21937f, -0.219416f, -0.219462f,
--0.219509f, -0.219555f, -0.219601f, -0.219648f, -0.219694f, -0.21974f, -0.219787f, -0.219833f, -0.219879f, -0.219925f, -0.219972f, -0.220018f, -0.220064f, -0.22011f, -0.220156f, -0.220203f, -0.220249f, -0.220295f, -0.220341f, -0.220387f,
--0.220433f, -0.220479f, -0.220526f, -0.220572f, -0.220618f, -0.220664f, -0.22071f, -0.220756f, -0.220802f, -0.220848f, -0.220894f, -0.22094f, -0.220986f, -0.221032f, -0.221078f, -0.221124f, -0.22117f, -0.221216f, -0.221262f, -0.221308f,
--0.221354f, -0.221399f, -0.221445f, -0.221491f, -0.221537f, -0.221583f, -0.221629f, -0.221675f, -0.22172f, -0.221766f, -0.221812f, -0.221858f, -0.221904f, -0.221949f, -0.221995f, -0.222041f, };
-const float sawtooth[11][SAW_TABLE_SIZE] =
- {
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- },
- {
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- 1.0f, 0.999969f, 0.999939f, 0.999908f, 0.999878f, 0.999847f, 0.999817f, 0.999786f, 0.999756f, 0.999725f, 0.999695f, 0.999664f, 0.999634f, 0.999603f, 0.999573f, 0.999542f, 0.999512f, 0.999481f, 0.999451f, 0.99942f,
-0.99939f, 0.999359f, 0.999329f, 0.999298f, 0.999268f, 0.999237f, 0.999207f, 0.999176f, 0.999146f, 0.999115f, 0.999085f, 0.999054f, 0.999024f, 0.998993f, 0.998963f, 0.998932f, 0.998902f, 0.998871f, 0.998841f, 0.99881f,
-0.99878f, 0.998749f, 0.998719f, 0.998688f, 0.998658f, 0.998627f, 0.998597f, 0.998566f, 0.998536f, 0.998505f, 0.998475f, 0.998444f, 0.998414f, 0.998383f, 0.998353f, 0.998322f, 0.998292f, 0.998261f, 0.998231f, 0.9982f,
-0.99817f, 0.998139f, 0.998109f, 0.998078f, 0.998048f, 0.998017f, 0.997987f, 0.997956f, 0.997926f, 0.997895f, 0.997865f, 0.997834f, 0.997804f, 0.997773f, 0.997743f, 0.997712f, 0.997682f, 0.997652f, 0.997621f, 0.997591f,
-0.99756f, 0.99753f, 0.997499f, 0.997469f, 0.997438f, 0.997408f, 0.997377f, 0.997347f, 0.997316f, 0.997286f, 0.997255f, 0.997225f, 0.997194f, 0.997164f, 0.997133f, 0.997103f, 0.997072f, 0.997042f, 0.997012f, 0.996981f,
-0.996951f, 0.99692f, 0.99689f, 0.996859f, 0.996829f, 0.996798f, 0.996768f, 0.996737f, 0.996707f, 0.996676f, 0.996646f, 0.996615f, 0.996585f, 0.996554f, 0.996524f, 0.996494f, 0.996463f, 0.996433f, 0.996402f, 0.996372f,
-0.996341f, 0.996311f, 0.99628f, 0.99625f, 0.996219f, 0.996189f, 0.996158f, 0.996128f, 0.996098f, 0.996067f, 0.996037f, 0.996006f, 0.995976f, 0.995945f, 0.995915f, 0.995884f, 0.995854f, 0.995823f, 0.995793f, 0.995763f,
-0.995732f, 0.995702f, 0.995671f, 0.995641f, 0.99561f, 0.99558f, 0.995549f, 0.995519f, 0.995488f, 0.995458f, 0.995428f, 0.995397f, 0.995367f, 0.995336f, 0.995306f, 0.995275f, 0.995245f, 0.995214f, 0.995184f, 0.995154f,
-0.995123f, 0.995093f, 0.995062f, 0.995032f, 0.995001f, 0.994971f, 0.99494f, 0.99491f, 0.99488f, 0.994849f, 0.994819f, 0.994788f, 0.994758f, 0.994727f, 0.994697f, 0.994667f, 0.994636f, 0.994606f, 0.994575f, 0.994545f,
-0.994514f, 0.994484f, 0.994454f, 0.994423f, 0.994393f, 0.994362f, 0.994332f, 0.994301f, 0.994271f, 0.99424f, 0.99421f, 0.99418f, 0.994149f, 0.994119f, 0.994088f, 0.994058f, 0.994027f, 0.993997f, 0.993967f, 0.993936f,
-0.993906f, 0.993875f, 0.993845f, 0.993815f, 0.993784f, 0.993754f, 0.993723f, 0.993693f, 0.993662f, 0.993632f, 0.993602f, 0.993571f, 0.993541f, 0.99351f, 0.99348f, 0.993449f, 0.993419f, 0.993389f, 0.993358f, 0.993328f,
-0.993297f, 0.993267f, 0.993237f, 0.993206f, 0.993176f, 0.993145f, 0.993115f, 0.993085f, 0.993054f, 0.993024f, 0.992993f, 0.992963f, 0.992932f, 0.992902f, 0.992872f, 0.992841f, 0.992811f, 0.99278f, 0.99275f, 0.99272f,
-0.992689f, 0.992659f, 0.992628f, 0.992598f, 0.992568f, 0.992537f, 0.992507f, 0.992476f, 0.992446f, 0.992416f, 0.992385f, 0.992355f, 0.992324f, 0.992294f, 0.992264f, 0.992233f, 0.992203f, 0.992172f, 0.992142f, 0.992112f,
-0.992081f, 0.992051f, 0.99202f, 0.99199f, 0.99196f, 0.991929f, 0.991899f, 0.991868f, 0.991838f, 0.991808f, 0.991777f, 0.991747f, 0.991716f, 0.991686f, 0.991656f, 0.991625f, 0.991595f, 0.991564f, 0.991534f, 0.991504f,
-0.991473f, 0.991443f, 0.991413f, 0.991382f, 0.991352f, 0.991321f, 0.991291f, 0.991261f, 0.99123f, 0.9912f, 0.991169f, 0.991139f, 0.991109f, 0.991078f, 0.991048f, 0.991018f, 0.990987f, 0.990957f, 0.990926f, 0.990896f,
-0.990866f, 0.990835f, 0.990805f, 0.990775f, 0.990744f, 0.990714f, 0.990683f, 0.990653f, 0.990623f, 0.990592f, 0.990562f, 0.990532f, 0.990501f, 0.990471f, 0.99044f, 0.99041f, 0.99038f, 0.990349f, 0.990319f, 0.990289f,
-0.990258f, 0.990228f, 0.990197f, 0.990167f, 0.990137f, 0.990106f, 0.990076f, 0.990046f, 0.990015f, 0.989985f, 0.989955f, 0.989924f, 0.989894f, 0.989863f, 0.989833f, 0.989803f, 0.989772f, 0.989742f, 0.989712f, 0.989681f,
-0.989651f, 0.989621f, 0.98959f, 0.98956f, 0.98953f, 0.989499f, 0.989469f, 0.989438f, 0.989408f, 0.989378f, 0.989347f, 0.989317f, 0.989287f, 0.989256f, 0.989226f, 0.989196f, 0.989165f, 0.989135f, 0.989105f, 0.989074f,
-0.989044f, 0.989013f, 0.988983f, 0.988953f, 0.988922f, 0.988892f, 0.988862f, 0.988831f, 0.988801f, 0.988771f, 0.98874f, 0.98871f, 0.98868f, 0.988649f, 0.988619f, 0.988589f, 0.988558f, 0.988528f, 0.988498f, 0.988467f,
-0.988437f, 0.988407f, 0.988376f, 0.988346f, 0.988316f, 0.988285f, 0.988255f, 0.988225f, 0.988194f, 0.988164f, 0.988134f, 0.988103f, 0.988073f, 0.988043f, 0.988012f, 0.987982f, 0.987952f, 0.987921f, 0.987891f, 0.987861f,
-0.98783f, 0.9878f, 0.98777f, 0.987739f, 0.987709f, 0.987679f, 0.987648f, 0.987618f, 0.987588f, 0.987557f, 0.987527f, 0.987497f, 0.987466f, 0.987436f, 0.987406f, 0.987375f, 0.987345f, 0.987315f, 0.987284f, 0.987254f,
-0.987224f, 0.987193f, 0.987163f, 0.987133f, 0.987102f, 0.987072f, 0.987042f, 0.987011f, 0.986981f, 0.986951f, 0.98692f, 0.98689f, 0.98686f, 0.98683f, 0.986799f, 0.986769f, 0.986739f, 0.986708f, 0.986678f, 0.986648f,
-0.986617f, 0.986587f, 0.986557f, 0.986526f, 0.986496f, 0.986466f, 0.986435f, 0.986405f, 0.986375f, 0.986345f, 0.986314f, 0.986284f, 0.986254f, 0.986223f, 0.986193f, 0.986163f, 0.986132f, 0.986102f, 0.986072f, 0.986041f,
-0.986011f, 0.985981f, 0.985951f, 0.98592f, 0.98589f, 0.98586f, 0.985829f, 0.985799f, 0.985769f, 0.985738f, 0.985708f, 0.985678f, 0.985648f, 0.985617f, 0.985587f, 0.985557f, 0.985526f, 0.985496f, 0.985466f, 0.985436f,
-0.985405f, 0.985375f, 0.985345f, 0.985314f, 0.985284f, 0.985254f, 0.985223f, 0.985193f, 0.985163f, 0.985133f, 0.985102f, 0.985072f, 0.985042f, 0.985011f, 0.984981f, 0.984951f, 0.984921f, 0.98489f, 0.98486f, 0.98483f,
-0.984799f, 0.984769f, 0.984739f, 0.984709f, 0.984678f, 0.984648f, 0.984618f, 0.984587f, 0.984557f, 0.984527f, 0.984497f, 0.984466f, 0.984436f, 0.984406f, 0.984375f, 0.984345f, 0.984315f, 0.984285f, 0.984254f, 0.984224f,
-0.984194f, 0.984164f, 0.984133f, 0.984103f, 0.984073f, 0.984042f, 0.984012f, 0.983982f, 0.983952f, 0.983921f, 0.983891f, 0.983861f, 0.983831f, 0.9838f, 0.98377f, 0.98374f, 0.983709f, 0.983679f, 0.983649f, 0.983619f,
-0.983588f, 0.983558f, 0.983528f, 0.983498f, 0.983467f, 0.983437f, 0.983407f, 0.983377f, 0.983346f, 0.983316f, 0.983286f, 0.983256f, 0.983225f, 0.983195f, 0.983165f, 0.983134f, 0.983104f, 0.983074f, 0.983044f, 0.983013f,
-0.982983f, 0.982953f, 0.982923f, 0.982892f, 0.982862f, 0.982832f, 0.982802f, 0.982771f, 0.982741f, 0.982711f, 0.982681f, 0.98265f, 0.98262f, 0.98259f, 0.98256f, 0.982529f, 0.982499f, 0.982469f, 0.982439f, 0.982408f,
-0.982378f, 0.982348f, 0.982318f, 0.982287f, 0.982257f, 0.982227f, 0.982197f, 0.982166f, 0.982136f, 0.982106f, 0.982076f, 0.982045f, 0.982015f, 0.981985f, 0.981955f, 0.981924f, 0.981894f, 0.981864f, 0.981834f, 0.981804f,
-0.981773f, 0.981743f, 0.981713f, 0.981683f, 0.981652f, 0.981622f, 0.981592f, 0.981562f, 0.981531f, 0.981501f, 0.981471f, 0.981441f, 0.98141f, 0.98138f, 0.98135f, 0.98132f, 0.98129f, 0.981259f, 0.981229f, 0.981199f,
-0.981169f, 0.981138f, 0.981108f, 0.981078f, 0.981048f, 0.981017f, 0.980987f, 0.980957f, 0.980927f, 0.980897f, 0.980866f, 0.980836f, 0.980806f, 0.980776f, 0.980745f, 0.980715f, 0.980685f, 0.980655f, 0.980625f, 0.980594f,
-0.980564f, 0.980534f, 0.980504f, 0.980473f, 0.980443f, 0.980413f, 0.980383f, 0.980353f, 0.980322f, 0.980292f, 0.980262f, 0.980232f, 0.980202f, 0.980171f, 0.980141f, 0.980111f, 0.980081f, 0.98005f, 0.98002f, 0.97999f,
-0.97996f, 0.97993f, 0.979899f, 0.979869f, 0.979839f, 0.979809f, 0.979779f, 0.979748f, 0.979718f, 0.979688f, 0.979658f, 0.979628f, 0.979597f, 0.979567f, 0.979537f, 0.979507f, 0.979477f, 0.979446f, 0.979416f, 0.979386f,
-0.979356f, 0.979326f, 0.979295f, 0.979265f, 0.979235f, 0.979205f, 0.979175f, 0.979144f, 0.979114f, 0.979084f, 0.979054f, 0.979024f, 0.978993f, 0.978963f, 0.978933f, 0.978903f, 0.978873f, 0.978842f, 0.978812f, 0.978782f,
-0.978752f, 0.978722f, 0.978691f, 0.978661f, 0.978631f, 0.978601f, 0.978571f, 0.97854f, 0.97851f, 0.97848f, 0.97845f, 0.97842f, 0.97839f, 0.978359f, 0.978329f, 0.978299f, 0.978269f, 0.978239f, 0.978208f, 0.978178f,
-0.978148f, 0.978118f, 0.978088f, 0.978057f, 0.978027f, 0.977997f, 0.977967f, 0.977937f, 0.977907f, 0.977876f, 0.977846f, 0.977816f, 0.977786f, 0.977756f, 0.977726f, 0.977695f, 0.977665f, 0.977635f, 0.977605f, 0.977575f,
-0.977544f, 0.977514f, 0.977484f, 0.977454f, 0.977424f, 0.977394f, 0.977363f, 0.977333f, 0.977303f, 0.977273f, 0.977243f, 0.977213f, 0.977182f, 0.977152f, 0.977122f, 0.977092f, 0.977062f, 0.977032f, 0.977001f, 0.976971f,
-0.976941f, 0.976911f, 0.976881f, 0.976851f, 0.97682f, 0.97679f, 0.97676f, 0.97673f, 0.9767f, 0.97667f, 0.97664f, 0.976609f, 0.976579f, 0.976549f, 0.976519f, 0.976489f, 0.976459f, 0.976428f, 0.976398f, 0.976368f,
-0.976338f, 0.976308f, 0.976278f, 0.976247f, 0.976217f, 0.976187f, 0.976157f, 0.976127f, 0.976097f, 0.976067f, 0.976036f, 0.976006f, 0.975976f, 0.975946f, 0.975916f, 0.975886f, 0.975856f, 0.975825f, 0.975795f, 0.975765f,
-0.975735f, 0.975705f, 0.975675f, 0.975645f, 0.975614f, 0.975584f, 0.975554f, 0.975524f, 0.975494f, 0.975464f, 0.975434f, 0.975403f, 0.975373f, 0.975343f, 0.975313f, 0.975283f, 0.975253f, 0.975223f, 0.975192f, 0.975162f,
-0.975132f, 0.975102f, 0.975072f, 0.975042f, 0.975012f, 0.974981f, 0.974951f, 0.974921f, 0.974891f, 0.974861f, 0.974831f, 0.974801f, 0.974771f, 0.97474f, 0.97471f, 0.97468f, 0.97465f, 0.97462f, 0.97459f, 0.97456f,
-0.97453f, 0.974499f, 0.974469f, 0.974439f, 0.974409f, 0.974379f, 0.974349f, 0.974319f, 0.974289f, 0.974258f, 0.974228f, 0.974198f, 0.974168f, 0.974138f, 0.974108f, 0.974078f, 0.974048f, 0.974017f, 0.973987f, 0.973957f,
-0.973927f, 0.973897f, 0.973867f, 0.973837f, 0.973807f, 0.973777f, 0.973746f, 0.973716f, 0.973686f, 0.973656f, 0.973626f, 0.973596f, 0.973566f, 0.973536f, 0.973505f, 0.973475f, 0.973445f, 0.973415f, 0.973385f, 0.973355f,
-0.973325f, 0.973295f, 0.973265f, 0.973235f, 0.973204f, 0.973174f, 0.973144f, 0.973114f, 0.973084f, 0.973054f, 0.973024f, 0.972994f, 0.972964f, 0.972933f, 0.972903f, 0.972873f, 0.972843f, 0.972813f, 0.972783f, 0.972753f,
-0.972723f, 0.972693f, 0.972663f, 0.972632f, 0.972602f, 0.972572f, 0.972542f, 0.972512f, 0.972482f, 0.972452f, 0.972422f, 0.972392f, 0.972362f, 0.972332f, 0.972301f, 0.972271f, 0.972241f, 0.972211f, 0.972181f, 0.972151f,
-0.972121f, 0.972091f, 0.972061f, 0.972031f, 0.972001f, 0.97197f, 0.97194f, 0.97191f, 0.97188f, 0.97185f, 0.97182f, 0.97179f, 0.97176f, 0.97173f, 0.9717f, 0.97167f, 0.97164f, 0.971609f, 0.971579f, 0.971549f,
-0.971519f, 0.971489f, 0.971459f, 0.971429f, 0.971399f, 0.971369f, 0.971339f, 0.971309f, 0.971279f, 0.971249f, 0.971218f, 0.971188f, 0.971158f, 0.971128f, 0.971098f, 0.971068f, 0.971038f, 0.971008f, 0.970978f, 0.970948f,
-0.970918f, 0.970888f, 0.970858f, 0.970827f, 0.970797f, 0.970767f, 0.970737f, 0.970707f, 0.970677f, 0.970647f, 0.970617f, 0.970587f, 0.970557f, 0.970527f, 0.970497f, 0.970467f, 0.970437f, 0.970407f, 0.970377f, 0.970346f,
-0.970316f, 0.970286f, 0.970256f, 0.970226f, 0.970196f, 0.970166f, 0.970136f, 0.970106f, 0.970076f, 0.970046f, 0.970016f, 0.969986f, 0.969956f, 0.969926f, 0.969896f, 0.969866f, 0.969835f, 0.969805f, 0.969775f, 0.969745f,
-0.969715f, 0.969685f, 0.969655f, 0.969625f, 0.969595f, 0.969565f, 0.969535f, 0.969505f, 0.969475f, 0.969445f, 0.969415f, 0.969385f, 0.969355f, 0.969325f, 0.969295f, 0.969265f, 0.969234f, 0.969204f, 0.969174f, 0.969144f,
-0.969114f, 0.969084f, 0.969054f, 0.969024f, 0.968994f, 0.968964f, 0.968934f, 0.968904f, 0.968874f, 0.968844f, 0.968814f, 0.968784f, 0.968754f, 0.968724f, 0.968694f, 0.968664f, 0.968634f, 0.968604f, 0.968574f, 0.968544f,
-0.968514f, 0.968484f, 0.968453f, 0.968423f, 0.968393f, 0.968363f, 0.968333f, 0.968303f, 0.968273f, 0.968243f, 0.968213f, 0.968183f, 0.968153f, 0.968123f, 0.968093f, 0.968063f, 0.968033f, 0.968003f, 0.967973f, 0.967943f,
-0.967913f, 0.967883f, 0.967853f, 0.967823f, 0.967793f, 0.967763f, 0.967733f, 0.967703f, 0.967673f, 0.967643f, 0.967613f, 0.967583f, 0.967553f, 0.967523f, 0.967493f, 0.967463f, 0.967433f, 0.967403f, 0.967373f, 0.967343f,
-0.967313f, 0.967283f, 0.967253f, 0.967223f, 0.967193f, 0.967163f, 0.967133f, 0.967102f, 0.967072f, 0.967042f, 0.967012f, 0.966982f, 0.966952f, 0.966922f, 0.966892f, 0.966862f, 0.966832f, 0.966802f, 0.966772f, 0.966742f,
-0.966712f, 0.966682f, 0.966652f, 0.966622f, 0.966592f, 0.966562f, 0.966532f, 0.966502f, 0.966472f, 0.966442f, 0.966412f, 0.966382f, 0.966352f, 0.966322f, 0.966292f, 0.966262f, 0.966232f, 0.966202f, 0.966172f, 0.966142f,
-0.966112f, 0.966082f, 0.966052f, 0.966022f, 0.965992f, 0.965962f, 0.965932f, 0.965902f, 0.965872f, 0.965842f, 0.965812f, 0.965782f, 0.965752f, 0.965722f, 0.965692f, 0.965662f, 0.965632f, 0.965603f, 0.965573f, 0.965543f,
-0.965513f, 0.965483f, 0.965453f, 0.965423f, 0.965393f, 0.965363f, 0.965333f, 0.965303f, 0.965273f, 0.965243f, 0.965213f, 0.965183f, 0.965153f, 0.965123f, 0.965093f, 0.965063f, 0.965033f, 0.965003f, 0.964973f, 0.964943f,
-0.964913f, 0.964883f, 0.964853f, 0.964823f, 0.964793f, 0.964763f, 0.964733f, 0.964703f, 0.964673f, 0.964643f, 0.964613f, 0.964583f, 0.964553f, 0.964523f, 0.964493f, 0.964463f, 0.964433f, 0.964403f, 0.964373f, 0.964343f,
-0.964313f, 0.964283f, 0.964254f, 0.964224f, 0.964194f, 0.964164f, 0.964134f, 0.964104f, 0.964074f, 0.964044f, 0.964014f, 0.963984f, 0.963954f, 0.963924f, 0.963894f, 0.963864f, 0.963834f, 0.963804f, 0.963774f, 0.963744f,
-0.963714f, 0.963684f, 0.963654f, 0.963624f, 0.963594f, 0.963564f, 0.963534f, 0.963504f, 0.963475f, 0.963445f, 0.963415f, 0.963385f, 0.963355f, 0.963325f, 0.963295f, 0.963265f, 0.963235f, 0.963205f, 0.963175f, 0.963145f,
-0.963115f, 0.963085f, 0.963055f, 0.963025f, 0.962995f, 0.962965f, 0.962935f, 0.962905f, 0.962876f, 0.962846f, 0.962816f, 0.962786f, 0.962756f, 0.962726f, 0.962696f, 0.962666f, 0.962636f, 0.962606f, 0.962576f, 0.962546f,
-0.962516f, 0.962486f, 0.962456f, 0.962426f, 0.962396f, 0.962367f, 0.962337f, 0.962307f, 0.962277f, 0.962247f, 0.962217f, 0.962187f, 0.962157f, 0.962127f, 0.962097f, 0.962067f, 0.962037f, 0.962007f, 0.961977f, 0.961947f,
-0.961917f, 0.961888f, 0.961858f, 0.961828f, 0.961798f, 0.961768f, 0.961738f, 0.961708f, 0.961678f, 0.961648f, 0.961618f, 0.961588f, 0.961558f, 0.961528f, 0.961499f, 0.961469f, 0.961439f, 0.961409f, 0.961379f, 0.961349f,
-0.961319f, 0.961289f, 0.961259f, 0.961229f, 0.961199f, 0.961169f, 0.961139f, 0.96111f, 0.96108f, 0.96105f, 0.96102f, 0.96099f, 0.96096f, 0.96093f, 0.9609f, 0.96087f, 0.96084f, 0.96081f, 0.96078f, 0.960751f,
-0.960721f, 0.960691f, 0.960661f, 0.960631f, 0.960601f, 0.960571f, 0.960541f, 0.960511f, 0.960481f, 0.960451f, 0.960422f, 0.960392f, 0.960362f, 0.960332f, 0.960302f, 0.960272f, 0.960242f, 0.960212f, 0.960182f, 0.960152f,
-0.960122f, 0.960093f, 0.960063f, 0.960033f, 0.960003f, 0.959973f, 0.959943f, 0.959913f, 0.959883f, 0.959853f, 0.959823f, 0.959794f, 0.959764f, 0.959734f, 0.959704f, 0.959674f, 0.959644f, 0.959614f, 0.959584f, 0.959554f,
-0.959525f, 0.959495f, 0.959465f, 0.959435f, 0.959405f, 0.959375f, 0.959345f, 0.959315f, 0.959285f, 0.959255f, 0.959226f, 0.959196f, 0.959166f, 0.959136f, 0.959106f, 0.959076f, 0.959046f, 0.959016f, 0.958987f, 0.958957f,
-0.958927f, 0.958897f, 0.958867f, 0.958837f, 0.958807f, 0.958777f, 0.958747f, 0.958718f, 0.958688f, 0.958658f, 0.958628f, 0.958598f, 0.958568f, 0.958538f, 0.958508f, 0.958479f, 0.958449f, 0.958419f, 0.958389f, 0.958359f,
-0.958329f, 0.958299f, 0.958269f, 0.95824f, 0.95821f, 0.95818f, 0.95815f, 0.95812f, 0.95809f, 0.95806f, 0.95803f, 0.958001f, 0.957971f, 0.957941f, 0.957911f, 0.957881f, 0.957851f, 0.957821f, 0.957791f, 0.957762f,
-0.957732f, 0.957702f, 0.957672f, 0.957642f, 0.957612f, 0.957582f, 0.957553f, 0.957523f, 0.957493f, 0.957463f, 0.957433f, 0.957403f, 0.957373f, 0.957344f, 0.957314f, 0.957284f, 0.957254f, 0.957224f, 0.957194f, 0.957164f,
-0.957135f, 0.957105f, 0.957075f, 0.957045f, 0.957015f, 0.956985f, 0.956955f, 0.956926f, 0.956896f, 0.956866f, 0.956836f, 0.956806f, 0.956776f, 0.956746f, 0.956717f, 0.956687f, 0.956657f, 0.956627f, 0.956597f, 0.956567f,
-0.956537f, 0.956508f, 0.956478f, 0.956448f, 0.956418f, 0.956388f, 0.956358f, 0.956329f, 0.956299f, 0.956269f, 0.956239f, 0.956209f, 0.956179f, 0.95615f, 0.95612f, 0.95609f, 0.95606f, 0.95603f, 0.956f, 0.95597f,
-0.955941f, 0.955911f, 0.955881f, 0.955851f, 0.955821f, 0.955791f, 0.955762f, 0.955732f, 0.955702f, 0.955672f, 0.955642f, 0.955612f, 0.955583f, 0.955553f, 0.955523f, 0.955493f, 0.955463f, 0.955433f, 0.955404f, 0.955374f,
-0.955344f, 0.955314f, 0.955284f, 0.955254f, 0.955225f, 0.955195f, 0.955165f, 0.955135f, 0.955105f, 0.955076f, 0.955046f, 0.955016f, 0.954986f, 0.954956f, 0.954926f, 0.954897f, 0.954867f, 0.954837f, 0.954807f, 0.954777f,
-0.954748f, 0.954718f, 0.954688f, 0.954658f, 0.954628f, 0.954598f, 0.954569f, 0.954539f, 0.954509f, 0.954479f, 0.954449f, 0.95442f, 0.95439f, 0.95436f, 0.95433f, 0.9543f, 0.95427f, 0.954241f, 0.954211f, 0.954181f,
-0.954151f, 0.954121f, 0.954092f, 0.954062f, 0.954032f, 0.954002f, 0.953972f, 0.953943f, 0.953913f, 0.953883f, 0.953853f, 0.953823f, 0.953794f, 0.953764f, 0.953734f, 0.953704f, 0.953674f, 0.953645f, 0.953615f, 0.953585f,
-0.953555f, 0.953525f, 0.953496f, 0.953466f, 0.953436f, 0.953406f, 0.953376f, 0.953347f, 0.953317f, 0.953287f, 0.953257f, 0.953227f, 0.953198f, 0.953168f, 0.953138f, 0.953108f, 0.953078f, 0.953049f, 0.953019f, 0.952989f,
-0.952959f, 0.952929f, 0.9529f, 0.95287f, 0.95284f, 0.95281f, 0.95278f, 0.952751f, 0.952721f, 0.952691f, 0.952661f, 0.952632f, 0.952602f, 0.952572f, 0.952542f, 0.952512f, 0.952483f, 0.952453f, 0.952423f, 0.952393f,
-0.952363f, 0.952334f, 0.952304f, 0.952274f, 0.952244f, 0.952215f, 0.952185f, 0.952155f, 0.952125f, 0.952095f, 0.952066f, 0.952036f, 0.952006f, 0.951976f, 0.951947f, 0.951917f, 0.951887f, 0.951857f, 0.951827f, 0.951798f,
-0.951768f, 0.951738f, 0.951708f, 0.951679f, 0.951649f, 0.951619f, 0.951589f, 0.95156f, 0.95153f, 0.9515f, 0.95147f, 0.95144f, 0.951411f, 0.951381f, 0.951351f, 0.951321f, 0.951292f, 0.951262f, 0.951232f, 0.951202f,
-0.951173f, 0.951143f, 0.951113f, 0.951083f, 0.951054f, 0.951024f, 0.950994f, 0.950964f, 0.950934f, 0.950905f, 0.950875f, 0.950845f, 0.950815f, 0.950786f, 0.950756f, 0.950726f, 0.950696f, 0.950667f, 0.950637f, 0.950607f,
-0.950577f, 0.950548f, 0.950518f, 0.950488f, 0.950458f, 0.950429f, 0.950399f, 0.950369f, 0.950339f, 0.95031f, 0.95028f, 0.95025f, 0.95022f, 0.950191f, 0.950161f, 0.950131f, 0.950101f, 0.950072f, 0.950042f, 0.950012f,
-0.949982f, 0.949953f, 0.949923f, 0.949893f, 0.949863f, 0.949834f, 0.949804f, 0.949774f, 0.949744f, 0.949715f, 0.949685f, 0.949655f, 0.949626f, 0.949596f, 0.949566f, 0.949536f, 0.949507f, 0.949477f, 0.949447f, 0.949417f,
-0.949388f, 0.949358f, 0.949328f, 0.949298f, 0.949269f, 0.949239f, 0.949209f, 0.949179f, 0.94915f, 0.94912f, 0.94909f, 0.949061f, 0.949031f, 0.949001f, 0.948971f, 0.948942f, 0.948912f, 0.948882f, 0.948852f, 0.948823f,
-0.948793f, 0.948763f, 0.948734f, 0.948704f, 0.948674f, 0.948644f, 0.948615f, 0.948585f, 0.948555f, 0.948525f, 0.948496f, 0.948466f, 0.948436f, 0.948407f, 0.948377f, 0.948347f, 0.948317f, 0.948288f, 0.948258f, 0.948228f,
-0.948199f, 0.948169f, 0.948139f, 0.948109f, 0.94808f, 0.94805f, 0.94802f, 0.947991f, 0.947961f, 0.947931f, 0.947901f, 0.947872f, 0.947842f, 0.947812f, 0.947783f, 0.947753f, 0.947723f, 0.947693f, 0.947664f, 0.947634f,
-0.947604f, 0.947575f, 0.947545f, 0.947515f, 0.947486f, 0.947456f, 0.947426f, 0.947396f, 0.947367f, 0.947337f, 0.947307f, 0.947278f, 0.947248f, 0.947218f, 0.947188f, 0.947159f, 0.947129f, 0.947099f, 0.94707f, 0.94704f,
-0.94701f, 0.946981f, 0.946951f, 0.946921f, 0.946891f, 0.946862f, 0.946832f, 0.946802f, 0.946773f, 0.946743f, 0.946713f, 0.946684f, 0.946654f, 0.946624f, 0.946595f, 0.946565f, 0.946535f, 0.946505f, 0.946476f, 0.946446f,
-0.946416f, 0.946387f, 0.946357f, 0.946327f, 0.946298f, 0.946268f, 0.946238f, 0.946209f, 0.946179f, 0.946149f, 0.94612f, 0.94609f, 0.94606f, 0.94603f, 0.946001f, 0.945971f, 0.945941f, 0.945912f, 0.945882f, 0.945852f,
-0.945823f, 0.945793f, 0.945763f, 0.945734f, 0.945704f, 0.945674f, 0.945645f, 0.945615f, 0.945585f, 0.945556f, 0.945526f, 0.945496f, 0.945467f, 0.945437f, 0.945407f, 0.945378f, 0.945348f, 0.945318f, 0.945289f, 0.945259f,
-0.945229f, 0.9452f, 0.94517f, 0.94514f, 0.945111f, 0.945081f, 0.945051f, 0.945022f, 0.944992f, 0.944962f, 0.944933f, 0.944903f, 0.944873f, 0.944844f, 0.944814f, 0.944784f, 0.944755f, 0.944725f, 0.944695f, 0.944666f,
-0.944636f, 0.944606f, 0.944577f, 0.944547f, 0.944517f, 0.944488f, 0.944458f, 0.944428f, 0.944399f, 0.944369f, 0.944339f, 0.94431f, 0.94428f, 0.94425f, 0.944221f, 0.944191f, 0.944161f, 0.944132f, 0.944102f, 0.944072f,
-0.944043f, 0.944013f, 0.943984f, 0.943954f, 0.943924f, 0.943895f, 0.943865f, 0.943835f, 0.943806f, 0.943776f, 0.943746f, 0.943717f, 0.943687f, 0.943657f, 0.943628f, 0.943598f, 0.943568f, 0.943539f, 0.943509f, 0.94348f,
-0.94345f, 0.94342f, 0.943391f, 0.943361f, 0.943331f, 0.943302f, 0.943272f, 0.943242f, 0.943213f, 0.943183f, 0.943153f, 0.943124f, 0.943094f, 0.943065f, 0.943035f, 0.943005f, 0.942976f, 0.942946f, 0.942916f, 0.942887f,
-0.942857f, 0.942827f, 0.942798f, 0.942768f, 0.942739f, 0.942709f, 0.942679f, 0.94265f, 0.94262f, 0.94259f, 0.942561f, 0.942531f, 0.942502f, 0.942472f, 0.942442f, 0.942413f, 0.942383f, 0.942353f, 0.942324f, 0.942294f,
-0.942265f, 0.942235f, 0.942205f, 0.942176f, 0.942146f, 0.942116f, 0.942087f, 0.942057f, 0.942028f, 0.941998f, 0.941968f, 0.941939f, 0.941909f, 0.941879f, 0.94185f, 0.94182f, 0.941791f, 0.941761f, 0.941731f, 0.941702f,
-0.941672f, 0.941643f, 0.941613f, 0.941583f, 0.941554f, 0.941524f, 0.941495f, 0.941465f, 0.941435f, 0.941406f, 0.941376f, 0.941346f, 0.941317f, 0.941287f, 0.941258f, 0.941228f, 0.941198f, 0.941169f, 0.941139f, 0.94111f,
-0.94108f, 0.94105f, 0.941021f, 0.940991f, 0.940962f, 0.940932f, 0.940902f, 0.940873f, 0.940843f, 0.940814f, 0.940784f, 0.940754f, 0.940725f, 0.940695f, 0.940666f, 0.940636f, 0.940606f, 0.940577f, 0.940547f, 0.940518f,
-0.940488f, 0.940458f, 0.940429f, 0.940399f, 0.94037f, 0.94034f, 0.94031f, 0.940281f, 0.940251f, 0.940222f, 0.940192f, 0.940162f, 0.940133f, 0.940103f, 0.940074f, 0.940044f, 0.940015f, 0.939985f, 0.939955f, 0.939926f,
-0.939896f, 0.939867f, 0.939837f, 0.939807f, 0.939778f, 0.939748f, 0.939719f, 0.939689f, 0.939659f, 0.93963f, 0.9396f, 0.939571f, 0.939541f, 0.939512f, 0.939482f, 0.939452f, 0.939423f, 0.939393f, 0.939364f, 0.939334f,
-0.939305f, 0.939275f, 0.939245f, 0.939216f, 0.939186f, 0.939157f, 0.939127f, 0.939098f, 0.939068f, 0.939038f, 0.939009f, 0.938979f, 0.93895f, 0.93892f, 0.938891f, 0.938861f, 0.938831f, 0.938802f, 0.938772f, 0.938743f,
-0.938713f, 0.938684f, 0.938654f, 0.938624f, 0.938595f, 0.938565f, 0.938536f, 0.938506f, 0.938477f, 0.938447f, 0.938417f, 0.938388f, 0.938358f, 0.938329f, 0.938299f, 0.93827f, 0.93824f, 0.938211f, 0.938181f, 0.938151f,
-0.938122f, 0.938092f, 0.938063f, 0.938033f, 0.938004f, 0.937974f, 0.937944f, 0.937915f, 0.937885f, 0.937856f, 0.937826f, 0.937797f, 0.937767f, 0.937738f, 0.937708f, 0.937679f, 0.937649f, 0.937619f, 0.93759f, 0.93756f,
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-0.936349f, 0.93632f, 0.93629f, 0.936261f, 0.936231f, 0.936202f, 0.936172f, 0.936142f, 0.936113f, 0.936083f, 0.936054f, 0.936024f, 0.935995f, 0.935965f, 0.935936f, 0.935906f, 0.935877f, 0.935847f, 0.935818f, 0.935788f,
-0.935759f, 0.935729f, 0.9357f, 0.93567f, 0.935641f, 0.935611f, 0.935582f, 0.935552f, 0.935523f, 0.935493f, 0.935463f, 0.935434f, 0.935404f, 0.935375f, 0.935345f, 0.935316f, 0.935286f, 0.935257f, 0.935227f, 0.935198f,
-0.935168f, 0.935139f, 0.935109f, 0.93508f, 0.93505f, 0.935021f, 0.934991f, 0.934962f, 0.934932f, 0.934903f, 0.934873f, 0.934844f, 0.934814f, 0.934785f, 0.934755f, 0.934726f, 0.934696f, 0.934667f, 0.934637f, 0.934608f,
-0.934578f, 0.934549f, 0.934519f, 0.93449f, 0.93446f, 0.934431f, 0.934401f, 0.934372f, 0.934342f, 0.934313f, 0.934283f, 0.934254f, 0.934224f, 0.934195f, 0.934165f, 0.934136f, 0.934106f, 0.934077f, 0.934047f, 0.934018f,
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-0.932219f, 0.93219f, 0.932161f, 0.932131f, 0.932102f, 0.932072f, 0.932043f, 0.932013f, 0.931984f, 0.931954f, 0.931925f, 0.931895f, 0.931866f, 0.931836f, 0.931807f, 0.931778f, 0.931748f, 0.931719f, 0.931689f, 0.93166f,
-0.93163f, 0.931601f, 0.931571f, 0.931542f, 0.931512f, 0.931483f, 0.931454f, 0.931424f, 0.931395f, 0.931365f, 0.931336f, 0.931306f, 0.931277f, 0.931247f, 0.931218f, 0.931188f, 0.931159f, 0.93113f, 0.9311f, 0.931071f,
-0.931041f, 0.931012f, 0.930982f, 0.930953f, 0.930923f, 0.930894f, 0.930865f, 0.930835f, 0.930806f, 0.930776f, 0.930747f, 0.930717f, 0.930688f, 0.930658f, 0.930629f, 0.9306f, 0.93057f, 0.930541f, 0.930511f, 0.930482f,
-0.930452f, 0.930423f, 0.930394f, 0.930364f, 0.930335f, 0.930305f, 0.930276f, 0.930246f, 0.930217f, 0.930187f, 0.930158f, 0.930129f, 0.930099f, 0.93007f, 0.93004f, 0.930011f, 0.929981f, 0.929952f, 0.929923f, 0.929893f,
-0.929864f, 0.929834f, 0.929805f, 0.929775f, 0.929746f, 0.929717f, 0.929687f, 0.929658f, 0.929628f, 0.929599f, 0.929569f, 0.92954f, 0.929511f, 0.929481f, 0.929452f, 0.929422f, 0.929393f, 0.929364f, 0.929334f, 0.929305f,
-0.929275f, 0.929246f, 0.929216f, 0.929187f, 0.929158f, 0.929128f, 0.929099f, 0.929069f, 0.92904f, 0.929011f, 0.928981f, 0.928952f, 0.928922f, 0.928893f, 0.928863f, 0.928834f, 0.928805f, 0.928775f, 0.928746f, 0.928716f,
-0.928687f, 0.928658f, 0.928628f, 0.928599f, 0.928569f, 0.92854f, 0.928511f, 0.928481f, 0.928452f, 0.928422f, 0.928393f, 0.928364f, 0.928334f, 0.928305f, 0.928275f, 0.928246f, 0.928217f, 0.928187f, 0.928158f, 0.928128f,
-0.928099f, 0.92807f, 0.92804f, 0.928011f, 0.927981f, 0.927952f, 0.927923f, 0.927893f, 0.927864f, 0.927834f, 0.927805f, 0.927776f, 0.927746f, 0.927717f, 0.927687f, 0.927658f, 0.927629f, 0.927599f, 0.92757f, 0.92754f,
-0.927511f, 0.927482f, 0.927452f, 0.927423f, 0.927393f, 0.927364f, 0.927335f, 0.927305f, 0.927276f, 0.927247f, 0.927217f, 0.927188f, 0.927158f, 0.927129f, 0.9271f, 0.92707f, 0.927041f, 0.927011f, 0.926982f, 0.926953f,
-0.926923f, 0.926894f, 0.926865f, 0.926835f, 0.926806f, 0.926776f, 0.926747f, 0.926718f, 0.926688f, 0.926659f, 0.926629f, 0.9266f, 0.926571f, 0.926541f, 0.926512f, 0.926483f, 0.926453f, 0.926424f, 0.926395f, 0.926365f,
-0.926336f, 0.926306f, 0.926277f, 0.926248f, 0.926218f, 0.926189f, 0.92616f, 0.92613f, 0.926101f, 0.926071f, 0.926042f, 0.926013f, 0.925983f, 0.925954f, 0.925925f, 0.925895f, 0.925866f, 0.925836f, 0.925807f, 0.925778f,
-0.925748f, 0.925719f, 0.92569f, 0.92566f, 0.925631f, 0.925602f, 0.925572f, 0.925543f, 0.925514f, 0.925484f, 0.925455f, 0.925425f, 0.925396f, 0.925367f, 0.925337f, 0.925308f, 0.925279f, 0.925249f, 0.92522f, 0.925191f,
-0.925161f, 0.925132f, 0.925103f, 0.925073f, 0.925044f, 0.925014f, 0.924985f, 0.924956f, 0.924926f, 0.924897f, 0.924868f, 0.924838f, 0.924809f, 0.92478f, 0.92475f, 0.924721f, 0.924692f, 0.924662f, 0.924633f, 0.924604f,
-0.924574f, 0.924545f, 0.924516f, 0.924486f, 0.924457f, 0.924428f, 0.924398f, 0.924369f, 0.92434f, 0.92431f, 0.924281f, 0.924252f, 0.924222f, 0.924193f, 0.924163f, 0.924134f, 0.924105f, 0.924075f, 0.924046f, 0.924017f,
-0.923987f, 0.923958f, 0.923929f, 0.923899f, 0.92387f, 0.923841f, 0.923811f, 0.923782f, 0.923753f, 0.923723f, 0.923694f, 0.923665f, 0.923635f, 0.923606f, 0.923577f, 0.923548f, 0.923518f, 0.923489f, 0.92346f, 0.92343f,
-0.923401f, 0.923372f, 0.923342f, 0.923313f, 0.923284f, 0.923254f, 0.923225f, 0.923196f, 0.923166f, 0.923137f, 0.923108f, 0.923078f, 0.923049f, 0.92302f, 0.92299f, 0.922961f, 0.922932f, 0.922902f, 0.922873f, 0.922844f,
-0.922814f, 0.922785f, 0.922756f, 0.922727f, 0.922697f, 0.922668f, 0.922639f, 0.922609f, 0.92258f, 0.922551f, 0.922521f, 0.922492f, 0.922463f, 0.922433f, 0.922404f, 0.922375f, 0.922345f, 0.922316f, 0.922287f, 0.922258f,
-0.922228f, 0.922199f, 0.92217f, 0.92214f, 0.922111f, 0.922082f, 0.922052f, 0.922023f, 0.921994f, 0.921964f, 0.921935f, 0.921906f, 0.921877f, 0.921847f, 0.921818f, 0.921789f, 0.921759f, 0.92173f, 0.921701f, 0.921671f,
-0.921642f, 0.921613f, 0.921584f, 0.921554f, 0.921525f, 0.921496f, 0.921466f, 0.921437f, 0.921408f, 0.921379f, 0.921349f, 0.92132f, 0.921291f, 0.921261f, 0.921232f, 0.921203f, 0.921173f, 0.921144f, 0.921115f, 0.921086f,
-0.921056f, 0.921027f, 0.920998f, 0.920968f, 0.920939f, 0.92091f, 0.920881f, 0.920851f, 0.920822f, 0.920793f, 0.920763f, 0.920734f, 0.920705f, 0.920676f, 0.920646f, 0.920617f, 0.920588f, 0.920558f, 0.920529f, 0.9205f,
-0.920471f, 0.920441f, 0.920412f, 0.920383f, 0.920354f, 0.920324f, 0.920295f, 0.920266f, 0.920236f, 0.920207f, 0.920178f, 0.920149f, 0.920119f, 0.92009f, 0.920061f, 0.920032f, 0.920002f, 0.919973f, 0.919944f, 0.919914f,
-0.919885f, 0.919856f, 0.919827f, 0.919797f, 0.919768f, 0.919739f, 0.91971f, 0.91968f, 0.919651f, 0.919622f, 0.919593f, 0.919563f, 0.919534f, 0.919505f, 0.919475f, 0.919446f, 0.919417f, 0.919388f, 0.919358f, 0.919329f,
-0.9193f, 0.919271f, 0.919241f, 0.919212f, 0.919183f, 0.919154f, 0.919124f, 0.919095f, 0.919066f, 0.919037f, 0.919007f, 0.918978f, 0.918949f, 0.91892f, 0.91889f, 0.918861f, 0.918832f, 0.918803f, 0.918773f, 0.918744f,
-0.918715f, 0.918686f, 0.918656f, 0.918627f, 0.918598f, 0.918569f, 0.918539f, 0.91851f, 0.918481f, 0.918452f, 0.918422f, 0.918393f, 0.918364f, 0.918335f, 0.918305f, 0.918276f, 0.918247f, 0.918218f, 0.918188f, 0.918159f,
-0.91813f, 0.918101f, 0.918071f, 0.918042f, 0.918013f, 0.917984f, 0.917954f, 0.917925f, 0.917896f, 0.917867f, 0.917837f, 0.917808f, 0.917779f, 0.91775f, 0.91772f, 0.917691f, 0.917662f, 0.917633f, 0.917604f, 0.917574f,
-0.917545f, 0.917516f, 0.917487f, 0.917457f, 0.917428f, 0.917399f, 0.91737f, 0.91734f, 0.917311f, 0.917282f, 0.917253f, 0.917224f, 0.917194f, 0.917165f, 0.917136f, 0.917107f, 0.917077f, 0.917048f, 0.917019f, 0.91699f,
-0.916961f, 0.916931f, 0.916902f, 0.916873f, 0.916844f, 0.916814f, 0.916785f, 0.916756f, 0.916727f, 0.916698f, 0.916668f, 0.916639f, 0.91661f, 0.916581f, 0.916551f, 0.916522f, 0.916493f, 0.916464f, 0.916435f, 0.916405f,
-0.916376f, 0.916347f, 0.916318f, 0.916289f, 0.916259f, 0.91623f, 0.916201f, 0.916172f, 0.916142f, 0.916113f, 0.916084f, 0.916055f, 0.916026f, 0.915996f, 0.915967f, 0.915938f, 0.915909f, 0.91588f, 0.91585f, 0.915821f,
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-0.915208f, 0.915179f, 0.91515f, 0.91512f, 0.915091f, 0.915062f, 0.915033f, 0.915004f, 0.914974f, 0.914945f, 0.914916f, 0.914887f, 0.914858f, 0.914829f, 0.914799f, 0.91477f, 0.914741f, 0.914712f, 0.914683f, 0.914653f,
-0.914624f, 0.914595f, 0.914566f, 0.914537f, 0.914507f, 0.914478f, 0.914449f, 0.91442f, 0.914391f, 0.914362f, 0.914332f, 0.914303f, 0.914274f, 0.914245f, 0.914216f, 0.914186f, 0.914157f, 0.914128f, 0.914099f, 0.91407f,
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-0.913457f, 0.913428f, 0.913399f, 0.91337f, 0.91334f, 0.913311f, 0.913282f, 0.913253f, 0.913224f, 0.913195f, 0.913165f, 0.913136f, 0.913107f, 0.913078f, 0.913049f, 0.91302f, 0.912991f, 0.912961f, 0.912932f, 0.912903f,
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-0.912291f, 0.912262f, 0.912233f, 0.912203f, 0.912174f, 0.912145f, 0.912116f, 0.912087f, 0.912058f, 0.912028f, 0.911999f, 0.91197f, 0.911941f, 0.911912f, 0.911883f, 0.911854f, 0.911824f, 0.911795f, 0.911766f, 0.911737f,
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-0.911125f, 0.911096f, 0.911067f, 0.911038f, 0.911009f, 0.91098f, 0.91095f, 0.910921f, 0.910892f, 0.910863f, 0.910834f, 0.910805f, 0.910776f, 0.910747f, 0.910717f, 0.910688f, 0.910659f, 0.91063f, 0.910601f, 0.910572f,
-0.910543f, 0.910514f, 0.910485f, 0.910455f, 0.910426f, 0.910397f, 0.910368f, 0.910339f, 0.91031f, 0.910281f, 0.910252f, 0.910222f, 0.910193f, 0.910164f, 0.910135f, 0.910106f, 0.910077f, 0.910048f, 0.910019f, 0.90999f,
-0.90996f, 0.909931f, 0.909902f, 0.909873f, 0.909844f, 0.909815f, 0.909786f, 0.909757f, 0.909728f, 0.909698f, 0.909669f, 0.90964f, 0.909611f, 0.909582f, 0.909553f, 0.909524f, 0.909495f, 0.909466f, 0.909436f, 0.909407f,
-0.909378f, 0.909349f, 0.90932f, 0.909291f, 0.909262f, 0.909233f, 0.909204f, 0.909175f, 0.909145f, 0.909116f, 0.909087f, 0.909058f, 0.909029f, 0.909f, 0.908971f, 0.908942f, 0.908913f, 0.908884f, 0.908855f, 0.908825f,
-0.908796f, 0.908767f, 0.908738f, 0.908709f, 0.90868f, 0.908651f, 0.908622f, 0.908593f, 0.908564f, 0.908535f, 0.908505f, 0.908476f, 0.908447f, 0.908418f, 0.908389f, 0.90836f, 0.908331f, 0.908302f, 0.908273f, 0.908244f,
-0.908215f, 0.908186f, 0.908156f, 0.908127f, 0.908098f, 0.908069f, 0.90804f, 0.908011f, 0.907982f, 0.907953f, 0.907924f, 0.907895f, 0.907866f, 0.907837f, 0.907807f, 0.907778f, 0.907749f, 0.90772f, 0.907691f, 0.907662f,
-0.907633f, 0.907604f, 0.907575f, 0.907546f, 0.907517f, 0.907488f, 0.907459f, 0.90743f, 0.9074f, 0.907371f, 0.907342f, 0.907313f, 0.907284f, 0.907255f, 0.907226f, 0.907197f, 0.907168f, 0.907139f, 0.90711f, 0.907081f,
-0.907052f, 0.907023f, 0.906993f, 0.906964f, 0.906935f, 0.906906f, 0.906877f, 0.906848f, 0.906819f, 0.90679f, 0.906761f, 0.906732f, 0.906703f, 0.906674f, 0.906645f, 0.906616f, 0.906587f, 0.906558f, 0.906529f, 0.906499f,
-0.90647f, 0.906441f, 0.906412f, 0.906383f, 0.906354f, 0.906325f, 0.906296f, 0.906267f, 0.906238f, 0.906209f, 0.90618f, 0.906151f, 0.906122f, 0.906093f, 0.906064f, 0.906035f, 0.906006f, 0.905977f, 0.905947f, 0.905918f,
-0.905889f, 0.90586f, 0.905831f, 0.905802f, 0.905773f, 0.905744f, 0.905715f, 0.905686f, 0.905657f, 0.905628f, 0.905599f, 0.90557f, 0.905541f, 0.905512f, 0.905483f, 0.905454f, 0.905425f, 0.905396f, 0.905367f, 0.905338f,
-0.905309f, 0.90528f, 0.905251f, 0.905221f, 0.905192f, 0.905163f, 0.905134f, 0.905105f, 0.905076f, 0.905047f, 0.905018f, 0.904989f, 0.90496f, 0.904931f, 0.904902f, 0.904873f, 0.904844f, 0.904815f, 0.904786f, 0.904757f,
-0.904728f, 0.904699f, 0.90467f, 0.904641f, 0.904612f, 0.904583f, 0.904554f, 0.904525f, 0.904496f, 0.904467f, 0.904438f, 0.904409f, 0.90438f, 0.904351f, 0.904322f, 0.904293f, 0.904264f, 0.904235f, 0.904206f, 0.904176f,
-0.904147f, 0.904118f, 0.904089f, 0.90406f, 0.904031f, 0.904002f, 0.903973f, 0.903944f, 0.903915f, 0.903886f, 0.903857f, 0.903828f, 0.903799f, 0.90377f, 0.903741f, 0.903712f, 0.903683f, 0.903654f, 0.903625f, 0.903596f,
-0.903567f, 0.903538f, 0.903509f, 0.90348f, 0.903451f, 0.903422f, 0.903393f, 0.903364f, 0.903335f, 0.903306f, 0.903277f, 0.903248f, 0.903219f, 0.90319f, 0.903161f, 0.903132f, 0.903103f, 0.903074f, 0.903045f, 0.903016f,
-0.902987f, 0.902958f, 0.902929f, 0.9029f, 0.902871f, 0.902842f, 0.902813f, 0.902784f, 0.902755f, 0.902726f, 0.902697f, 0.902668f, 0.902639f, 0.90261f, 0.902581f, 0.902552f, 0.902523f, 0.902494f, 0.902465f, 0.902436f,
-0.902407f, 0.902378f, 0.902349f, 0.90232f, 0.902291f, 0.902262f, 0.902233f, 0.902204f, 0.902175f, 0.902146f, 0.902117f, 0.902088f, 0.902059f, 0.90203f, 0.902001f, 0.901972f, 0.901943f, 0.901914f, 0.901885f, 0.901856f,
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-0.901248f, 0.901219f, 0.90119f, 0.901161f, 0.901132f, 0.901103f, 0.901074f, 0.901045f, 0.901016f, 0.900987f, 0.900958f, 0.900929f, 0.9009f, 0.900871f, 0.900842f, 0.900813f, 0.900785f, 0.900756f, 0.900727f, 0.900698f,
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-0.899511f, 0.899482f, 0.899453f, 0.899424f, 0.899395f, 0.899366f, 0.899337f, 0.899308f, 0.899279f, 0.89925f, 0.899221f, 0.899192f, 0.899163f, 0.899134f, 0.899105f, 0.899076f, 0.899047f, 0.899019f, 0.89899f, 0.898961f,
-0.898932f, 0.898903f, 0.898874f, 0.898845f, 0.898816f, 0.898787f, 0.898758f, 0.898729f, 0.8987f, 0.898671f, 0.898642f, 0.898614f, 0.898585f, 0.898556f, 0.898527f, 0.898498f, 0.898469f, 0.89844f, 0.898411f, 0.898382f,
-0.898353f, 0.898324f, 0.898295f, 0.898266f, 0.898237f, 0.898209f, 0.89818f, 0.898151f, 0.898122f, 0.898093f, 0.898064f, 0.898035f, 0.898006f, 0.897977f, 0.897948f, 0.897919f, 0.89789f, 0.897862f, 0.897833f, 0.897804f,
-0.897775f, 0.897746f, 0.897717f, 0.897688f, 0.897659f, 0.89763f, 0.897601f, 0.897572f, 0.897543f, 0.897515f, 0.897486f, 0.897457f, 0.897428f, 0.897399f, 0.89737f, 0.897341f, 0.897312f, 0.897283f, 0.897254f, 0.897225f,
-0.897197f, 0.897168f, 0.897139f, 0.89711f, 0.897081f, 0.897052f, 0.897023f, 0.896994f, 0.896965f, 0.896936f, 0.896907f, 0.896879f, 0.89685f, 0.896821f, 0.896792f, 0.896763f, 0.896734f, 0.896705f, 0.896676f, 0.896647f,
-0.896619f, 0.89659f, 0.896561f, 0.896532f, 0.896503f, 0.896474f, 0.896445f, 0.896416f, 0.896387f, 0.896358f, 0.89633f, 0.896301f, 0.896272f, 0.896243f, 0.896214f, 0.896185f, 0.896156f, 0.896127f, 0.896098f, 0.89607f,
-0.896041f, 0.896012f, 0.895983f, 0.895954f, 0.895925f, 0.895896f, 0.895867f, 0.895838f, 0.89581f, 0.895781f, 0.895752f, 0.895723f, 0.895694f, 0.895665f, 0.895636f, 0.895607f, 0.895579f, 0.89555f, 0.895521f, 0.895492f,
-0.895463f, 0.895434f, 0.895405f, 0.895376f, 0.895347f, 0.895319f, 0.89529f, 0.895261f, 0.895232f, 0.895203f, 0.895174f, 0.895145f, 0.895116f, 0.895088f, 0.895059f, 0.89503f, 0.895001f, 0.894972f, 0.894943f, 0.894914f,
-0.894886f, 0.894857f, 0.894828f, 0.894799f, 0.89477f, 0.894741f, 0.894712f, 0.894683f, 0.894655f, 0.894626f, 0.894597f, 0.894568f, 0.894539f, 0.89451f, 0.894481f, 0.894453f, 0.894424f, 0.894395f, 0.894366f, 0.894337f,
-0.894308f, 0.894279f, 0.894251f, 0.894222f, 0.894193f, 0.894164f, 0.894135f, 0.894106f, 0.894077f, 0.894049f, 0.89402f, 0.893991f, 0.893962f, 0.893933f, 0.893904f, 0.893875f, 0.893847f, 0.893818f, 0.893789f, 0.89376f,
-0.893731f, 0.893702f, 0.893673f, 0.893645f, 0.893616f, 0.893587f, 0.893558f, 0.893529f, 0.8935f, 0.893471f, 0.893443f, 0.893414f, 0.893385f, 0.893356f, 0.893327f, 0.893298f, 0.89327f, 0.893241f, 0.893212f, 0.893183f,
-0.893154f, 0.893125f, 0.893097f, 0.893068f, 0.893039f, 0.89301f, 0.892981f, 0.892952f, 0.892923f, 0.892895f, 0.892866f, 0.892837f, 0.892808f, 0.892779f, 0.89275f, 0.892722f, 0.892693f, 0.892664f, 0.892635f, 0.892606f,
-0.892577f, 0.892549f, 0.89252f, 0.892491f, 0.892462f, 0.892433f, 0.892404f, 0.892376f, 0.892347f, 0.892318f, 0.892289f, 0.89226f, 0.892232f, 0.892203f, 0.892174f, 0.892145f, 0.892116f, 0.892087f, 0.892059f, 0.89203f,
-0.892001f, 0.891972f, 0.891943f, 0.891914f, 0.891886f, 0.891857f, 0.891828f, 0.891799f, 0.89177f, 0.891742f, 0.891713f, 0.891684f, 0.891655f, 0.891626f, 0.891597f, 0.891569f, 0.89154f, 0.891511f, 0.891482f, 0.891453f,
-0.891425f, 0.891396f, 0.891367f, 0.891338f, 0.891309f, 0.891281f, 0.891252f, 0.891223f, 0.891194f, 0.891165f, 0.891136f, 0.891108f, 0.891079f, 0.89105f, 0.891021f, 0.890992f, 0.890964f, 0.890935f, 0.890906f, 0.890877f,
-0.890848f, 0.89082f, 0.890791f, 0.890762f, 0.890733f, 0.890704f, 0.890676f, 0.890647f, 0.890618f, 0.890589f, 0.89056f, 0.890532f, 0.890503f, 0.890474f, 0.890445f, 0.890416f, 0.890388f, 0.890359f, 0.89033f, 0.890301f,
-0.890272f, 0.890244f, 0.890215f, 0.890186f, 0.890157f, 0.890128f, 0.8901f, 0.890071f, 0.890042f, 0.890013f, 0.889984f, 0.889956f, 0.889927f, 0.889898f, 0.889869f, 0.889841f, 0.889812f, 0.889783f, 0.889754f, 0.889725f,
-0.889697f, 0.889668f, 0.889639f, 0.88961f, 0.889581f, 0.889553f, 0.889524f, 0.889495f, 0.889466f, 0.889438f, 0.889409f, 0.88938f, 0.889351f, 0.889322f, 0.889294f, 0.889265f, 0.889236f, 0.889207f, 0.889179f, 0.88915f,
-0.889121f, 0.889092f, 0.889063f, 0.889035f, 0.889006f, 0.888977f, 0.888948f, 0.88892f, 0.888891f, 0.888862f, 0.888833f, 0.888804f, 0.888776f, 0.888747f, 0.888718f, 0.888689f, 0.888661f, 0.888632f, 0.888603f, 0.888574f,
-0.888546f, 0.888517f, 0.888488f, 0.888459f, 0.888431f, 0.888402f, 0.888373f, 0.888344f, 0.888315f, 0.888287f, 0.888258f, 0.888229f, 0.8882f, 0.888172f, 0.888143f, 0.888114f, 0.888085f, 0.888057f, 0.888028f, 0.887999f,
-0.88797f, 0.887942f, 0.887913f, 0.887884f, 0.887855f, 0.887827f, 0.887798f, 0.887769f, 0.88774f, 0.887712f, 0.887683f, 0.887654f, 0.887625f, 0.887597f, 0.887568f, 0.887539f, 0.88751f, 0.887482f, 0.887453f, 0.887424f,
-0.887395f, 0.887367f, 0.887338f, 0.887309f, 0.88728f, 0.887252f, 0.887223f, 0.887194f, 0.887165f, 0.887137f, 0.887108f, 0.887079f, 0.88705f, 0.887022f, 0.886993f, 0.886964f, 0.886935f, 0.886907f, 0.886878f, 0.886849f,
-0.88682f, 0.886792f, 0.886763f, 0.886734f, 0.886705f, 0.886677f, 0.886648f, 0.886619f, 0.886591f, 0.886562f, 0.886533f, 0.886504f, 0.886476f, 0.886447f, 0.886418f, 0.886389f, 0.886361f, 0.886332f, 0.886303f, 0.886274f,
-0.886246f, 0.886217f, 0.886188f, 0.88616f, 0.886131f, 0.886102f, 0.886073f, 0.886045f, 0.886016f, 0.885987f, 0.885958f, 0.88593f, 0.885901f, 0.885872f, 0.885844f, 0.885815f, 0.885786f, 0.885757f, 0.885729f, 0.8857f,
-0.885671f, 0.885643f, 0.885614f, 0.885585f, 0.885556f, 0.885528f, 0.885499f, 0.88547f, 0.885441f, 0.885413f, 0.885384f, 0.885355f, 0.885327f, 0.885298f, 0.885269f, 0.88524f, 0.885212f, 0.885183f, 0.885154f, 0.885126f,
-0.885097f, 0.885068f, 0.88504f, 0.885011f, 0.884982f, 0.884953f, 0.884925f, 0.884896f, 0.884867f, 0.884839f, 0.88481f, 0.884781f, 0.884752f, 0.884724f, 0.884695f, 0.884666f, 0.884638f, 0.884609f, 0.88458f, 0.884552f,
-0.884523f, 0.884494f, 0.884465f, 0.884437f, 0.884408f, 0.884379f, 0.884351f, 0.884322f, 0.884293f, 0.884265f, 0.884236f, 0.884207f, 0.884178f, 0.88415f, 0.884121f, 0.884092f, 0.884064f, 0.884035f, 0.884006f, 0.883978f,
-0.883949f, 0.88392f, 0.883891f, 0.883863f, 0.883834f, 0.883805f, 0.883777f, 0.883748f, 0.883719f, 0.883691f, 0.883662f, 0.883633f, 0.883605f, 0.883576f, 0.883547f, 0.883519f, 0.88349f, 0.883461f, 0.883432f, 0.883404f,
-0.883375f, 0.883346f, 0.883318f, 0.883289f, 0.88326f, 0.883232f, 0.883203f, 0.883174f, 0.883146f, 0.883117f, 0.883088f, 0.88306f, 0.883031f, 0.883002f, 0.882974f, 0.882945f, 0.882916f, 0.882888f, 0.882859f, 0.88283f,
-0.882802f, 0.882773f, 0.882744f, 0.882716f, 0.882687f, 0.882658f, 0.88263f, 0.882601f, 0.882572f, 0.882544f, 0.882515f, 0.882486f, 0.882457f, 0.882429f, 0.8824f, 0.882371f, 0.882343f, 0.882314f, 0.882285f, 0.882257f,
-0.882228f, 0.8822f, 0.882171f, 0.882142f, 0.882114f, 0.882085f, 0.882056f, 0.882028f, 0.881999f, 0.88197f, 0.881942f, 0.881913f, 0.881884f, 0.881856f, 0.881827f, 0.881798f, 0.88177f, 0.881741f, 0.881712f, 0.881684f,
-0.881655f, 0.881626f, 0.881598f, 0.881569f, 0.88154f, 0.881512f, 0.881483f, 0.881454f, 0.881426f, 0.881397f, 0.881368f, 0.88134f, 0.881311f, 0.881283f, 0.881254f, 0.881225f, 0.881197f, 0.881168f, 0.881139f, 0.881111f,
-0.881082f, 0.881053f, 0.881025f, 0.880996f, 0.880967f, 0.880939f, 0.88091f, 0.880881f, 0.880853f, 0.880824f, 0.880796f, 0.880767f, 0.880738f, 0.88071f, 0.880681f, 0.880652f, 0.880624f, 0.880595f, 0.880566f, 0.880538f,
-0.880509f, 0.880481f, 0.880452f, 0.880423f, 0.880395f, 0.880366f, 0.880337f, 0.880309f, 0.88028f, 0.880251f, 0.880223f, 0.880194f, 0.880166f, 0.880137f, 0.880108f, 0.88008f, 0.880051f, 0.880022f, 0.879994f, 0.879965f,
-0.879937f, 0.879908f, 0.879879f, 0.879851f, 0.879822f, 0.879793f, 0.879765f, 0.879736f, 0.879708f, 0.879679f, 0.87965f, 0.879622f, 0.879593f, 0.879564f, 0.879536f, 0.879507f, 0.879479f, 0.87945f, 0.879421f, 0.879393f,
-0.879364f, 0.879335f, 0.879307f, 0.879278f, 0.87925f, 0.879221f, 0.879192f, 0.879164f, 0.879135f, 0.879107f, 0.879078f, 0.879049f, 0.879021f, 0.878992f, 0.878963f, 0.878935f, 0.878906f, 0.878878f, 0.878849f, 0.87882f,
-0.878792f, 0.878763f, 0.878735f, 0.878706f, 0.878677f, 0.878649f, 0.87862f, 0.878592f, 0.878563f, 0.878534f, 0.878506f, 0.878477f, 0.878449f, 0.87842f, 0.878391f, 0.878363f, 0.878334f, 0.878306f, 0.878277f, 0.878248f,
-0.87822f, 0.878191f, 0.878163f, 0.878134f, 0.878105f, 0.878077f, 0.878048f, 0.87802f, 0.877991f, 0.877962f, 0.877934f, 0.877905f, 0.877877f, 0.877848f, 0.877819f, 0.877791f, 0.877762f, 0.877734f, 0.877705f, 0.877676f,
-0.877648f, 0.877619f, 0.877591f, 0.877562f, 0.877533f, 0.877505f, 0.877476f, 0.877448f, 0.877419f, 0.877391f, 0.877362f, 0.877333f, 0.877305f, 0.877276f, 0.877248f, 0.877219f, 0.87719f, 0.877162f, 0.877133f, 0.877105f,
-0.877076f, 0.877048f, 0.877019f, 0.87699f, 0.876962f, 0.876933f, 0.876905f, 0.876876f, 0.876848f, 0.876819f, 0.87679f, 0.876762f, 0.876733f, 0.876705f, 0.876676f, 0.876647f, 0.876619f, 0.87659f, 0.876562f, 0.876533f,
-0.876505f, 0.876476f, 0.876447f, 0.876419f, 0.87639f, 0.876362f, 0.876333f, 0.876305f, 0.876276f, 0.876248f, 0.876219f, 0.87619f, 0.876162f, 0.876133f, 0.876105f, 0.876076f, 0.876048f, 0.876019f, 0.87599f, 0.875962f,
-0.875933f, 0.875905f, 0.875876f, 0.875848f, 0.875819f, 0.875791f, 0.875762f, 0.875733f, 0.875705f, 0.875676f, 0.875648f, 0.875619f, 0.875591f, 0.875562f, 0.875533f, 0.875505f, 0.875476f, 0.875448f, 0.875419f, 0.875391f,
-0.875362f, 0.875334f, 0.875305f, 0.875277f, 0.875248f, 0.875219f, 0.875191f, 0.875162f, 0.875134f, 0.875105f, 0.875077f, 0.875048f, 0.87502f, 0.874991f, 0.874962f, 0.874934f, 0.874905f, 0.874877f, 0.874848f, 0.87482f,
-0.874791f, 0.874763f, 0.874734f, 0.874706f, 0.874677f, 0.874648f, 0.87462f, 0.874591f, 0.874563f, 0.874534f, 0.874506f, 0.874477f, 0.874449f, 0.87442f, 0.874392f, 0.874363f, 0.874335f, 0.874306f, 0.874278f, 0.874249f,
-0.87422f, 0.874192f, 0.874163f, 0.874135f, 0.874106f, 0.874078f, 0.874049f, 0.874021f, 0.873992f, 0.873964f, 0.873935f, 0.873907f, 0.873878f, 0.87385f, 0.873821f, 0.873792f, 0.873764f, 0.873735f, 0.873707f, 0.873678f,
-0.87365f, 0.873621f, 0.873593f, 0.873564f, 0.873536f, 0.873507f, 0.873479f, 0.87345f, 0.873422f, 0.873393f, 0.873365f, 0.873336f, 0.873308f, 0.873279f, 0.873251f, 0.873222f, 0.873194f, 0.873165f, 0.873136f, 0.873108f,
-0.873079f, 0.873051f, 0.873022f, 0.872994f, 0.872965f, 0.872937f, 0.872908f, 0.87288f, 0.872851f, 0.872823f, 0.872794f, 0.872766f, 0.872737f, 0.872709f, 0.87268f, 0.872652f, 0.872623f, 0.872595f, 0.872566f, 0.872538f,
-0.872509f, 0.872481f, 0.872452f, 0.872424f, 0.872395f, 0.872367f, 0.872338f, 0.87231f, 0.872281f, 0.872253f, 0.872224f, 0.872196f, 0.872167f, 0.872139f, 0.87211f, 0.872082f, 0.872053f, 0.872025f, 0.871996f, 0.871968f,
-0.871939f, 0.871911f, 0.871882f, 0.871854f, 0.871825f, 0.871797f, 0.871768f, 0.87174f, 0.871711f, 0.871683f, 0.871654f, 0.871626f, 0.871597f, 0.871569f, 0.87154f, 0.871512f, 0.871483f, 0.871455f, 0.871426f, 0.871398f,
-0.871369f, 0.871341f, 0.871312f, 0.871284f, 0.871255f, 0.871227f, 0.871198f, 0.87117f, 0.871141f, 0.871113f, 0.871085f, 0.871056f, 0.871028f, 0.870999f, 0.870971f, 0.870942f, 0.870914f, 0.870885f, 0.870857f, 0.870828f,
-0.8708f, 0.870771f, 0.870743f, 0.870714f, 0.870686f, 0.870657f, 0.870629f, 0.8706f, 0.870572f, 0.870543f, 0.870515f, 0.870486f, 0.870458f, 0.87043f, 0.870401f, 0.870373f, 0.870344f, 0.870316f, 0.870287f, 0.870259f,
-0.87023f, 0.870202f, 0.870173f, 0.870145f, 0.870116f, 0.870088f, 0.870059f, 0.870031f, 0.870003f, 0.869974f, 0.869946f, 0.869917f, 0.869889f, 0.86986f, 0.869832f, 0.869803f, 0.869775f, 0.869746f, 0.869718f, 0.869689f,
-0.869661f, 0.869633f, 0.869604f, 0.869576f, 0.869547f, 0.869519f, 0.86949f, 0.869462f, 0.869433f, 0.869405f, 0.869376f, 0.869348f, 0.869319f, 0.869291f, 0.869263f, 0.869234f, 0.869206f, 0.869177f, 0.869149f, 0.86912f,
-0.869092f, 0.869063f, 0.869035f, 0.869007f, 0.868978f, 0.86895f, 0.868921f, 0.868893f, 0.868864f, 0.868836f, 0.868807f, 0.868779f, 0.868751f, 0.868722f, 0.868694f, 0.868665f, 0.868637f, 0.868608f, 0.86858f, 0.868551f,
-0.868523f, 0.868495f, 0.868466f, 0.868438f, 0.868409f, 0.868381f, 0.868352f, 0.868324f, 0.868295f, 0.868267f, 0.868239f, 0.86821f, 0.868182f, 0.868153f, 0.868125f, 0.868096f, 0.868068f, 0.86804f, 0.868011f, 0.867983f,
-0.867954f, 0.867926f, 0.867897f, 0.867869f, 0.867841f, 0.867812f, 0.867784f, 0.867755f, 0.867727f, 0.867698f, 0.86767f, 0.867642f, 0.867613f, 0.867585f, 0.867556f, 0.867528f, 0.867499f, 0.867471f, 0.867443f, 0.867414f,
-0.867386f, 0.867357f, 0.867329f, 0.8673f, 0.867272f, 0.867244f, 0.867215f, 0.867187f, 0.867158f, 0.86713f, 0.867102f, 0.867073f, 0.867045f, 0.867016f, 0.866988f, 0.866959f, 0.866931f, 0.866903f, 0.866874f, 0.866846f,
-0.866817f, 0.866789f, 0.866761f, 0.866732f, 0.866704f, 0.866675f, 0.866647f, 0.866618f, 0.86659f, 0.866562f, 0.866533f, 0.866505f, 0.866476f, 0.866448f, 0.86642f, 0.866391f, 0.866363f, 0.866334f, 0.866306f, 0.866278f,
-0.866249f, 0.866221f, 0.866192f, 0.866164f, 0.866136f, 0.866107f, 0.866079f, 0.86605f, 0.866022f, 0.865994f, 0.865965f, 0.865937f, 0.865908f, 0.86588f, 0.865852f, 0.865823f, 0.865795f, 0.865766f, 0.865738f, 0.86571f,
-0.865681f, 0.865653f, 0.865624f, 0.865596f, 0.865568f, 0.865539f, 0.865511f, 0.865482f, 0.865454f, 0.865426f, 0.865397f, 0.865369f, 0.865341f, 0.865312f, 0.865284f, 0.865255f, 0.865227f, 0.865199f, 0.86517f, 0.865142f,
-0.865113f, 0.865085f, 0.865057f, 0.865028f, 0.865f, 0.864972f, 0.864943f, 0.864915f, 0.864886f, 0.864858f, 0.86483f, 0.864801f, 0.864773f, 0.864744f, 0.864716f, 0.864688f, 0.864659f, 0.864631f, 0.864603f, 0.864574f,
-0.864546f, 0.864517f, 0.864489f, 0.864461f, 0.864432f, 0.864404f, 0.864376f, 0.864347f, 0.864319f, 0.86429f, 0.864262f, 0.864234f, 0.864205f, 0.864177f, 0.864149f, 0.86412f, 0.864092f, 0.864064f, 0.864035f, 0.864007f,
-0.863978f, 0.86395f, 0.863922f, 0.863893f, 0.863865f, 0.863837f, 0.863808f, 0.86378f, 0.863752f, 0.863723f, 0.863695f, 0.863666f, 0.863638f, 0.86361f, 0.863581f, 0.863553f, 0.863525f, 0.863496f, 0.863468f, 0.86344f,
-0.863411f, 0.863383f, 0.863354f, 0.863326f, 0.863298f, 0.863269f, 0.863241f, 0.863213f, 0.863184f, 0.863156f, 0.863128f, 0.863099f, 0.863071f, 0.863043f, 0.863014f, 0.862986f, 0.862958f, 0.862929f, 0.862901f, 0.862872f,
-0.862844f, 0.862816f, 0.862787f, 0.862759f, 0.862731f, 0.862702f, 0.862674f, 0.862646f, 0.862617f, 0.862589f, 0.862561f, 0.862532f, 0.862504f, 0.862476f, 0.862447f, 0.862419f, 0.862391f, 0.862362f, 0.862334f, 0.862306f,
-0.862277f, 0.862249f, 0.862221f, 0.862192f, 0.862164f, 0.862136f, 0.862107f, 0.862079f, 0.862051f, 0.862022f, 0.861994f, 0.861966f, 0.861937f, 0.861909f, 0.861881f, 0.861852f, 0.861824f, 0.861796f, 0.861767f, 0.861739f,
-0.861711f, 0.861682f, 0.861654f, 0.861626f, 0.861597f, 0.861569f, 0.861541f, 0.861512f, 0.861484f, 0.861456f, 0.861427f, 0.861399f, 0.861371f, 0.861342f, 0.861314f, 0.861286f, 0.861257f, 0.861229f, 0.861201f, 0.861172f,
-0.861144f, 0.861116f, 0.861087f, 0.861059f, 0.861031f, 0.861003f, 0.860974f, 0.860946f, 0.860918f, 0.860889f, 0.860861f, 0.860833f, 0.860804f, 0.860776f, 0.860748f, 0.860719f, 0.860691f, 0.860663f, 0.860634f, 0.860606f,
-0.860578f, 0.86055f, 0.860521f, 0.860493f, 0.860465f, 0.860436f, 0.860408f, 0.86038f, 0.860351f, 0.860323f, 0.860295f, 0.860266f, 0.860238f, 0.86021f, 0.860182f, 0.860153f, 0.860125f, 0.860097f, 0.860068f, 0.86004f,
-0.860012f, 0.859983f, 0.859955f, 0.859927f, 0.859899f, 0.85987f, 0.859842f, 0.859814f, 0.859785f, 0.859757f, 0.859729f, 0.8597f, 0.859672f, 0.859644f, 0.859616f, 0.859587f, 0.859559f, 0.859531f, 0.859502f, 0.859474f,
-0.859446f, 0.859417f, 0.859389f, 0.859361f, 0.859333f, 0.859304f, 0.859276f, 0.859248f, 0.859219f, 0.859191f, 0.859163f, 0.859135f, 0.859106f, 0.859078f, 0.85905f, 0.859021f, 0.858993f, 0.858965f, 0.858937f, 0.858908f,
-0.85888f, 0.858852f, 0.858823f, 0.858795f, 0.858767f, 0.858739f, 0.85871f, 0.858682f, 0.858654f, 0.858626f, 0.858597f, 0.858569f, 0.858541f, 0.858512f, 0.858484f, 0.858456f, 0.858428f, 0.858399f, 0.858371f, 0.858343f,
-0.858314f, 0.858286f, 0.858258f, 0.85823f, 0.858201f, 0.858173f, 0.858145f, 0.858117f, 0.858088f, 0.85806f, 0.858032f, 0.858004f, 0.857975f, 0.857947f, 0.857919f, 0.85789f, 0.857862f, 0.857834f, 0.857806f, 0.857777f,
-0.857749f, 0.857721f, 0.857693f, 0.857664f, 0.857636f, 0.857608f, 0.85758f, 0.857551f, 0.857523f, 0.857495f, 0.857467f, 0.857438f, 0.85741f, 0.857382f, 0.857353f, 0.857325f, 0.857297f, 0.857269f, 0.85724f, 0.857212f,
-0.857184f, 0.857156f, 0.857127f, 0.857099f, 0.857071f, 0.857043f, 0.857014f, 0.856986f, 0.856958f, 0.85693f, 0.856901f, 0.856873f, 0.856845f, 0.856817f, 0.856788f, 0.85676f, 0.856732f, 0.856704f, 0.856675f, 0.856647f,
-0.856619f, 0.856591f, 0.856562f, 0.856534f, 0.856506f, 0.856478f, 0.856449f, 0.856421f, 0.856393f, 0.856365f, 0.856337f, 0.856308f, 0.85628f, 0.856252f, 0.856224f, 0.856195f, 0.856167f, 0.856139f, 0.856111f, 0.856082f,
-0.856054f, 0.856026f, 0.855998f, 0.855969f, 0.855941f, 0.855913f, 0.855885f, 0.855856f, 0.855828f, 0.8558f, 0.855772f, 0.855744f, 0.855715f, 0.855687f, 0.855659f, 0.855631f, 0.855602f, 0.855574f, 0.855546f, 0.855518f,
-0.85549f, 0.855461f, 0.855433f, 0.855405f, 0.855377f, 0.855348f, 0.85532f, 0.855292f, 0.855264f, 0.855235f, 0.855207f, 0.855179f, 0.855151f, 0.855123f, 0.855094f, 0.855066f, 0.855038f, 0.85501f, 0.854982f, 0.854953f,
-0.854925f, 0.854897f, 0.854869f, 0.85484f, 0.854812f, 0.854784f, 0.854756f, 0.854728f, 0.854699f, 0.854671f, 0.854643f, 0.854615f, 0.854586f, 0.854558f, 0.85453f, 0.854502f, 0.854474f, 0.854445f, 0.854417f, 0.854389f,
-0.854361f, 0.854333f, 0.854304f, 0.854276f, 0.854248f, 0.85422f, 0.854192f, 0.854163f, 0.854135f, 0.854107f, 0.854079f, 0.854051f, 0.854022f, 0.853994f, 0.853966f, 0.853938f, 0.85391f, 0.853881f, 0.853853f, 0.853825f,
-0.853797f, 0.853769f, 0.85374f, 0.853712f, 0.853684f, 0.853656f, 0.853628f, 0.853599f, 0.853571f, 0.853543f, 0.853515f, 0.853487f, 0.853458f, 0.85343f, 0.853402f, 0.853374f, 0.853346f, 0.853317f, 0.853289f, 0.853261f,
-0.853233f, 0.853205f, 0.853176f, 0.853148f, 0.85312f, 0.853092f, 0.853064f, 0.853036f, 0.853007f, 0.852979f, 0.852951f, 0.852923f, 0.852895f, 0.852866f, 0.852838f, 0.85281f, 0.852782f, 0.852754f, 0.852726f, 0.852697f,
-0.852669f, 0.852641f, 0.852613f, 0.852585f, 0.852556f, 0.852528f, 0.8525f, 0.852472f, 0.852444f, 0.852416f, 0.852387f, 0.852359f, 0.852331f, 0.852303f, 0.852275f, 0.852247f, 0.852218f, 0.85219f, 0.852162f, 0.852134f,
-0.852106f, 0.852078f, 0.852049f, 0.852021f, 0.851993f, 0.851965f, 0.851937f, 0.851908f, 0.85188f, 0.851852f, 0.851824f, 0.851796f, 0.851768f, 0.851739f, 0.851711f, 0.851683f, 0.851655f, 0.851627f, 0.851599f, 0.851571f,
-0.851542f, 0.851514f, 0.851486f, 0.851458f, 0.85143f, 0.851402f, 0.851373f, 0.851345f, 0.851317f, 0.851289f, 0.851261f, 0.851233f, 0.851204f, 0.851176f, 0.851148f, 0.85112f, 0.851092f, 0.851064f, 0.851036f, 0.851007f,
-0.850979f, 0.850951f, 0.850923f, 0.850895f, 0.850867f, 0.850838f, 0.85081f, 0.850782f, 0.850754f, 0.850726f, 0.850698f, 0.85067f, 0.850641f, 0.850613f, 0.850585f, 0.850557f, 0.850529f, 0.850501f, 0.850473f, 0.850444f,
-0.850416f, 0.850388f, 0.85036f, 0.850332f, 0.850304f, 0.850276f, 0.850247f, 0.850219f, 0.850191f, 0.850163f, 0.850135f, 0.850107f, 0.850079f, 0.85005f, 0.850022f, 0.849994f, 0.849966f, 0.849938f, 0.84991f, 0.849882f,
-0.849854f, 0.849825f, 0.849797f, 0.849769f, 0.849741f, 0.849713f, 0.849685f, 0.849657f, 0.849628f, 0.8496f, 0.849572f, 0.849544f, 0.849516f, 0.849488f, 0.84946f, 0.849432f, 0.849403f, 0.849375f, 0.849347f, 0.849319f,
-0.849291f, 0.849263f, 0.849235f, 0.849207f, 0.849178f, 0.84915f, 0.849122f, 0.849094f, 0.849066f, 0.849038f, 0.84901f, 0.848982f, 0.848953f, 0.848925f, 0.848897f, 0.848869f, 0.848841f, 0.848813f, 0.848785f, 0.848757f,
-0.848729f, 0.8487f, 0.848672f, 0.848644f, 0.848616f, 0.848588f, 0.84856f, 0.848532f, 0.848504f, 0.848476f, 0.848447f, 0.848419f, 0.848391f, 0.848363f, 0.848335f, 0.848307f, 0.848279f, 0.848251f, 0.848223f, 0.848194f,
-0.848166f, 0.848138f, 0.84811f, 0.848082f, 0.848054f, 0.848026f, 0.847998f, 0.84797f, 0.847942f, 0.847913f, 0.847885f, 0.847857f, 0.847829f, 0.847801f, 0.847773f, 0.847745f, 0.847717f, 0.847689f, 0.847661f, 0.847632f,
-0.847604f, 0.847576f, 0.847548f, 0.84752f, 0.847492f, 0.847464f, 0.847436f, 0.847408f, 0.84738f, 0.847351f, 0.847323f, 0.847295f, 0.847267f, 0.847239f, 0.847211f, 0.847183f, 0.847155f, 0.847127f, 0.847099f, 0.847071f,
-0.847043f, 0.847014f, 0.846986f, 0.846958f, 0.84693f, 0.846902f, 0.846874f, 0.846846f, 0.846818f, 0.84679f, 0.846762f, 0.846734f, 0.846705f, 0.846677f, 0.846649f, 0.846621f, 0.846593f, 0.846565f, 0.846537f, 0.846509f,
-0.846481f, 0.846453f, 0.846425f, 0.846397f, 0.846369f, 0.84634f, 0.846312f, 0.846284f, 0.846256f, 0.846228f, 0.8462f, 0.846172f, 0.846144f, 0.846116f, 0.846088f, 0.84606f, 0.846032f, 0.846004f, 0.845976f, 0.845947f,
-0.845919f, 0.845891f, 0.845863f, 0.845835f, 0.845807f, 0.845779f, 0.845751f, 0.845723f, 0.845695f, 0.845667f, 0.845639f, 0.845611f, 0.845583f, 0.845555f, 0.845526f, 0.845498f, 0.84547f, 0.845442f, 0.845414f, 0.845386f,
-0.845358f, 0.84533f, 0.845302f, 0.845274f, 0.845246f, 0.845218f, 0.84519f, 0.845162f, 0.845134f, 0.845106f, 0.845078f, 0.84505f, 0.845021f, 0.844993f, 0.844965f, 0.844937f, 0.844909f, 0.844881f, 0.844853f, 0.844825f,
-0.844797f, 0.844769f, 0.844741f, 0.844713f, 0.844685f, 0.844657f, 0.844629f, 0.844601f, 0.844573f, 0.844545f, 0.844517f, 0.844489f, 0.84446f, 0.844432f, 0.844404f, 0.844376f, 0.844348f, 0.84432f, 0.844292f, 0.844264f,
-0.844236f, 0.844208f, 0.84418f, 0.844152f, 0.844124f, 0.844096f, 0.844068f, 0.84404f, 0.844012f, 0.843984f, 0.843956f, 0.843928f, 0.8439f, 0.843872f, 0.843844f, 0.843816f, 0.843788f, 0.84376f, 0.843732f, 0.843703f,
-0.843675f, 0.843647f, 0.843619f, 0.843591f, 0.843563f, 0.843535f, 0.843507f, 0.843479f, 0.843451f, 0.843423f, 0.843395f, 0.843367f, 0.843339f, 0.843311f, 0.843283f, 0.843255f, 0.843227f, 0.843199f, 0.843171f, 0.843143f,
-0.843115f, 0.843087f, 0.843059f, 0.843031f, 0.843003f, 0.842975f, 0.842947f, 0.842919f, 0.842891f, 0.842863f, 0.842835f, 0.842807f, 0.842779f, 0.842751f, 0.842723f, 0.842695f, 0.842667f, 0.842639f, 0.842611f, 0.842583f,
-0.842555f, 0.842527f, 0.842499f, 0.842471f, 0.842443f, 0.842415f, 0.842387f, 0.842358f, 0.84233f, 0.842302f, 0.842274f, 0.842246f, 0.842218f, 0.84219f, 0.842162f, 0.842134f, 0.842106f, 0.842078f, 0.84205f, 0.842022f,
-0.841994f, 0.841966f, 0.841938f, 0.84191f, 0.841882f, 0.841854f, 0.841826f, 0.841798f, 0.84177f, 0.841742f, 0.841714f, 0.841686f, 0.841658f, 0.84163f, 0.841602f, 0.841574f, 0.841546f, 0.841518f, 0.84149f, 0.841462f,
-0.841434f, 0.841406f, 0.841378f, 0.84135f, 0.841322f, 0.841294f, 0.841266f, 0.841239f, 0.841211f, 0.841183f, 0.841155f, 0.841127f, 0.841099f, 0.841071f, 0.841043f, 0.841015f, 0.840987f, 0.840959f, 0.840931f, 0.840903f,
-0.840875f, 0.840847f, 0.840819f, 0.840791f, 0.840763f, 0.840735f, 0.840707f, 0.840679f, 0.840651f, 0.840623f, 0.840595f, 0.840567f, 0.840539f, 0.840511f, 0.840483f, 0.840455f, 0.840427f, 0.840399f, 0.840371f, 0.840343f,
-0.840315f, 0.840287f, 0.840259f, 0.840231f, 0.840203f, 0.840175f, 0.840147f, 0.840119f, 0.840091f, 0.840063f, 0.840035f, 0.840007f, 0.839979f, 0.839951f, 0.839923f, 0.839896f, 0.839868f, 0.83984f, 0.839812f, 0.839784f,
-0.839756f, 0.839728f, 0.8397f, 0.839672f, 0.839644f, 0.839616f, 0.839588f, 0.83956f, 0.839532f, 0.839504f, 0.839476f, 0.839448f, 0.83942f, 0.839392f, 0.839364f, 0.839336f, 0.839308f, 0.83928f, 0.839252f, 0.839224f,
-0.839196f, 0.839168f, 0.839141f, 0.839113f, 0.839085f, 0.839057f, 0.839029f, 0.839001f, 0.838973f, 0.838945f, 0.838917f, 0.838889f, 0.838861f, 0.838833f, 0.838805f, 0.838777f, 0.838749f, 0.838721f, 0.838693f, 0.838665f,
-0.838637f, 0.838609f, 0.838582f, 0.838554f, 0.838526f, 0.838498f, 0.83847f, 0.838442f, 0.838414f, 0.838386f, 0.838358f, 0.83833f, 0.838302f, 0.838274f, 0.838246f, 0.838218f, 0.83819f, 0.838162f, 0.838134f, 0.838107f,
-0.838079f, 0.838051f, 0.838023f, 0.837995f, 0.837967f, 0.837939f, 0.837911f, 0.837883f, 0.837855f, 0.837827f, 0.837799f, 0.837771f, 0.837743f, 0.837715f, 0.837687f, 0.83766f, 0.837632f, 0.837604f, 0.837576f, 0.837548f,
-0.83752f, 0.837492f, 0.837464f, 0.837436f, 0.837408f, 0.83738f, 0.837352f, 0.837324f, 0.837296f, 0.837269f, 0.837241f, 0.837213f, 0.837185f, 0.837157f, 0.837129f, 0.837101f, 0.837073f, 0.837045f, 0.837017f, 0.836989f,
-0.836961f, 0.836934f, 0.836906f, 0.836878f, 0.83685f, 0.836822f, 0.836794f, 0.836766f, 0.836738f, 0.83671f, 0.836682f, 0.836654f, 0.836626f, 0.836599f, 0.836571f, 0.836543f, 0.836515f, 0.836487f, 0.836459f, 0.836431f,
-0.836403f, 0.836375f, 0.836347f, 0.836319f, 0.836291f, 0.836264f, 0.836236f, 0.836208f, 0.83618f, 0.836152f, 0.836124f, 0.836096f, 0.836068f, 0.83604f, 0.836012f, 0.835985f, 0.835957f, 0.835929f, 0.835901f, 0.835873f,
-0.835845f, 0.835817f, 0.835789f, 0.835761f, 0.835733f, 0.835706f, 0.835678f, 0.83565f, 0.835622f, 0.835594f, 0.835566f, 0.835538f, 0.83551f, 0.835482f, 0.835454f, 0.835427f, 0.835399f, 0.835371f, 0.835343f, 0.835315f,
-0.835287f, 0.835259f, 0.835231f, 0.835203f, 0.835176f, 0.835148f, 0.83512f, 0.835092f, 0.835064f, 0.835036f, 0.835008f, 0.83498f, 0.834952f, 0.834925f, 0.834897f, 0.834869f, 0.834841f, 0.834813f, 0.834785f, 0.834757f,
-0.834729f, 0.834701f, 0.834674f, 0.834646f, 0.834618f, 0.83459f, 0.834562f, 0.834534f, 0.834506f, 0.834478f, 0.834451f, 0.834423f, 0.834395f, 0.834367f, 0.834339f, 0.834311f, 0.834283f, 0.834255f, 0.834228f, 0.8342f,
-0.834172f, 0.834144f, 0.834116f, 0.834088f, 0.83406f, 0.834032f, 0.834005f, 0.833977f, 0.833949f, 0.833921f, 0.833893f, 0.833865f, 0.833837f, 0.83381f, 0.833782f, 0.833754f, 0.833726f, 0.833698f, 0.83367f, 0.833642f,
-0.833614f, 0.833587f, 0.833559f, 0.833531f, 0.833503f, 0.833475f, 0.833447f, 0.833419f, 0.833392f, 0.833364f, 0.833336f, 0.833308f, 0.83328f, 0.833252f, 0.833224f, 0.833197f, 0.833169f, 0.833141f, 0.833113f, 0.833085f,
-0.833057f, 0.833029f, 0.833002f, 0.832974f, 0.832946f, 0.832918f, 0.83289f, 0.832862f, 0.832834f, 0.832807f, 0.832779f, 0.832751f, 0.832723f, 0.832695f, 0.832667f, 0.83264f, 0.832612f, 0.832584f, 0.832556f, 0.832528f,
-0.8325f, 0.832472f, 0.832445f, 0.832417f, 0.832389f, 0.832361f, 0.832333f, 0.832305f, 0.832278f, 0.83225f, 0.832222f, 0.832194f, 0.832166f, 0.832138f, 0.832111f, 0.832083f, 0.832055f, 0.832027f, 0.831999f, 0.831971f,
-0.831944f, 0.831916f, 0.831888f, 0.83186f, 0.831832f, 0.831804f, 0.831777f, 0.831749f, 0.831721f, 0.831693f, 0.831665f, 0.831637f, 0.83161f, 0.831582f, 0.831554f, 0.831526f, 0.831498f, 0.83147f, 0.831443f, 0.831415f,
-0.831387f, 0.831359f, 0.831331f, 0.831303f, 0.831276f, 0.831248f, 0.83122f, 0.831192f, 0.831164f, 0.831136f, 0.831109f, 0.831081f, 0.831053f, 0.831025f, 0.830997f, 0.83097f, 0.830942f, 0.830914f, 0.830886f, 0.830858f,
-0.83083f, 0.830803f, 0.830775f, 0.830747f, 0.830719f, 0.830691f, 0.830664f, 0.830636f, 0.830608f, 0.83058f, 0.830552f, 0.830525f, 0.830497f, 0.830469f, 0.830441f, 0.830413f, 0.830385f, 0.830358f, 0.83033f, 0.830302f,
-0.830274f, 0.830246f, 0.830219f, 0.830191f, 0.830163f, 0.830135f, 0.830107f, 0.83008f, 0.830052f, 0.830024f, 0.829996f, 0.829968f, 0.829941f, 0.829913f, 0.829885f, 0.829857f, 0.829829f, 0.829802f, 0.829774f, 0.829746f,
-0.829718f, 0.82969f, 0.829663f, 0.829635f, 0.829607f, 0.829579f, 0.829551f, 0.829524f, 0.829496f, 0.829468f, 0.82944f, 0.829412f, 0.829385f, 0.829357f, 0.829329f, 0.829301f, 0.829273f, 0.829246f, 0.829218f, 0.82919f,
-0.829162f, 0.829135f, 0.829107f, 0.829079f, 0.829051f, 0.829023f, 0.828996f, 0.828968f, 0.82894f, 0.828912f, 0.828884f, 0.828857f, 0.828829f, 0.828801f, 0.828773f, 0.828746f, 0.828718f, 0.82869f, 0.828662f, 0.828634f,
-0.828607f, 0.828579f, 0.828551f, 0.828523f, 0.828496f, 0.828468f, 0.82844f, 0.828412f, 0.828384f, 0.828357f, 0.828329f, 0.828301f, 0.828273f, 0.828246f, 0.828218f, 0.82819f, 0.828162f, 0.828134f, 0.828107f, 0.828079f,
-0.828051f, 0.828023f, 0.827996f, 0.827968f, 0.82794f, 0.827912f, 0.827885f, 0.827857f, 0.827829f, 0.827801f, 0.827773f, 0.827746f, 0.827718f, 0.82769f, 0.827662f, 0.827635f, 0.827607f, 0.827579f, 0.827551f, 0.827524f,
-0.827496f, 0.827468f, 0.82744f, 0.827413f, 0.827385f, 0.827357f, 0.827329f, 0.827301f, 0.827274f, 0.827246f, 0.827218f, 0.82719f, 0.827163f, 0.827135f, 0.827107f, 0.827079f, 0.827052f, 0.827024f, 0.826996f, 0.826968f,
-0.826941f, 0.826913f, 0.826885f, 0.826857f, 0.82683f, 0.826802f, 0.826774f, 0.826746f, 0.826719f, 0.826691f, 0.826663f, 0.826635f, 0.826608f, 0.82658f, 0.826552f, 0.826524f, 0.826497f, 0.826469f, 0.826441f, 0.826413f,
-0.826386f, 0.826358f, 0.82633f, 0.826303f, 0.826275f, 0.826247f, 0.826219f, 0.826192f, 0.826164f, 0.826136f, 0.826108f, 0.826081f, 0.826053f, 0.826025f, 0.825997f, 0.82597f, 0.825942f, 0.825914f, 0.825886f, 0.825859f,
-0.825831f, 0.825803f, 0.825776f, 0.825748f, 0.82572f, 0.825692f, 0.825665f, 0.825637f, 0.825609f, 0.825581f, 0.825554f, 0.825526f, 0.825498f, 0.825471f, 0.825443f, 0.825415f, 0.825387f, 0.82536f, 0.825332f, 0.825304f,
-0.825276f, 0.825249f, 0.825221f, 0.825193f, 0.825166f, 0.825138f, 0.82511f, 0.825082f, 0.825055f, 0.825027f, 0.824999f, 0.824972f, 0.824944f, 0.824916f, 0.824888f, 0.824861f, 0.824833f, 0.824805f, 0.824777f, 0.82475f,
-0.824722f, 0.824694f, 0.824667f, 0.824639f, 0.824611f, 0.824583f, 0.824556f, 0.824528f, 0.8245f, 0.824473f, 0.824445f, 0.824417f, 0.82439f, 0.824362f, 0.824334f, 0.824306f, 0.824279f, 0.824251f, 0.824223f, 0.824196f,
-0.824168f, 0.82414f, 0.824112f, 0.824085f, 0.824057f, 0.824029f, 0.824002f, 0.823974f, 0.823946f, 0.823919f, 0.823891f, 0.823863f, 0.823835f, 0.823808f, 0.82378f, 0.823752f, 0.823725f, 0.823697f, 0.823669f, 0.823642f,
-0.823614f, 0.823586f, 0.823558f, 0.823531f, 0.823503f, 0.823475f, 0.823448f, 0.82342f, 0.823392f, 0.823365f, 0.823337f, 0.823309f, 0.823282f, 0.823254f, 0.823226f, 0.823198f, 0.823171f, 0.823143f, 0.823115f, 0.823088f,
-0.82306f, 0.823032f, 0.823005f, 0.822977f, 0.822949f, 0.822922f, 0.822894f, 0.822866f, 0.822839f, 0.822811f, 0.822783f, 0.822756f, 0.822728f, 0.8227f, 0.822672f, 0.822645f, 0.822617f, 0.822589f, 0.822562f, 0.822534f,
-0.822506f, 0.822479f, 0.822451f, 0.822423f, 0.822396f, 0.822368f, 0.82234f, 0.822313f, 0.822285f, 0.822257f, 0.82223f, 0.822202f, 0.822174f, 0.822147f, 0.822119f, 0.822091f, 0.822064f, 0.822036f, 0.822008f, 0.821981f,
-0.821953f, 0.821925f, 0.821898f, 0.82187f, 0.821842f, 0.821815f, 0.821787f, 0.821759f, 0.821732f, 0.821704f, 0.821676f, 0.821649f, 0.821621f, 0.821593f, 0.821566f, 0.821538f, 0.82151f, 0.821483f, 0.821455f, 0.821427f,
-0.8214f, 0.821372f, 0.821344f, 0.821317f, 0.821289f, 0.821261f, 0.821234f, 0.821206f, 0.821178f, 0.821151f, 0.821123f, 0.821095f, 0.821068f, 0.82104f, 0.821013f, 0.820985f, 0.820957f, 0.82093f, 0.820902f, 0.820874f,
-0.820847f, 0.820819f, 0.820791f, 0.820764f, 0.820736f, 0.820708f, 0.820681f, 0.820653f, 0.820625f, 0.820598f, 0.82057f, 0.820543f, 0.820515f, 0.820487f, 0.82046f, 0.820432f, 0.820404f, 0.820377f, 0.820349f, 0.820321f,
-0.820294f, 0.820266f, 0.820238f, 0.820211f, 0.820183f, 0.820156f, 0.820128f, 0.8201f, 0.820073f, 0.820045f, 0.820017f, 0.81999f, 0.819962f, 0.819934f, 0.819907f, 0.819879f, 0.819852f, 0.819824f, 0.819796f, 0.819769f,
-0.819741f, 0.819713f, 0.819686f, 0.819658f, 0.819631f, 0.819603f, 0.819575f, 0.819548f, 0.81952f, 0.819492f, 0.819465f, 0.819437f, 0.819409f, 0.819382f, 0.819354f, 0.819327f, 0.819299f, 0.819271f, 0.819244f, 0.819216f,
-0.819189f, 0.819161f, 0.819133f, 0.819106f, 0.819078f, 0.81905f, 0.819023f, 0.818995f, 0.818968f, 0.81894f, 0.818912f, 0.818885f, 0.818857f, 0.818829f, 0.818802f, 0.818774f, 0.818747f, 0.818719f, 0.818691f, 0.818664f,
-0.818636f, 0.818609f, 0.818581f, 0.818553f, 0.818526f, 0.818498f, 0.818471f, 0.818443f, 0.818415f, 0.818388f, 0.81836f, 0.818332f, 0.818305f, 0.818277f, 0.81825f, 0.818222f, 0.818194f, 0.818167f, 0.818139f, 0.818112f,
-0.818084f, 0.818056f, 0.818029f, 0.818001f, 0.817974f, 0.817946f, 0.817918f, 0.817891f, 0.817863f, 0.817836f, 0.817808f, 0.81778f, 0.817753f, 0.817725f, 0.817698f, 0.81767f, 0.817642f, 0.817615f, 0.817587f, 0.81756f,
-0.817532f, 0.817504f, 0.817477f, 0.817449f, 0.817422f, 0.817394f, 0.817367f, 0.817339f, 0.817311f, 0.817284f, 0.817256f, 0.817229f, 0.817201f, 0.817173f, 0.817146f, 0.817118f, 0.817091f, 0.817063f, 0.817035f, 0.817008f,
-0.81698f, 0.816953f, 0.816925f, 0.816898f, 0.81687f, 0.816842f, 0.816815f, 0.816787f, 0.81676f, 0.816732f, 0.816704f, 0.816677f, 0.816649f, 0.816622f, 0.816594f, 0.816567f, 0.816539f, 0.816511f, 0.816484f, 0.816456f,
-0.816429f, 0.816401f, 0.816374f, 0.816346f, 0.816318f, 0.816291f, 0.816263f, 0.816236f, 0.816208f, 0.816181f, 0.816153f, 0.816125f, 0.816098f, 0.81607f, 0.816043f, 0.816015f, 0.815988f, 0.81596f, 0.815932f, 0.815905f,
-0.815877f, 0.81585f, 0.815822f, 0.815795f, 0.815767f, 0.81574f, 0.815712f, 0.815684f, 0.815657f, 0.815629f, 0.815602f, 0.815574f, 0.815547f, 0.815519f, 0.815491f, 0.815464f, 0.815436f, 0.815409f, 0.815381f, 0.815354f,
-0.815326f, 0.815299f, 0.815271f, 0.815243f, 0.815216f, 0.815188f, 0.815161f, 0.815133f, 0.815106f, 0.815078f, 0.815051f, 0.815023f, 0.814995f, 0.814968f, 0.81494f, 0.814913f, 0.814885f, 0.814858f, 0.81483f, 0.814803f,
-0.814775f, 0.814748f, 0.81472f, 0.814692f, 0.814665f, 0.814637f, 0.81461f, 0.814582f, 0.814555f, 0.814527f, 0.8145f, 0.814472f, 0.814445f, 0.814417f, 0.814389f, 0.814362f, 0.814334f, 0.814307f, 0.814279f, 0.814252f,
-0.814224f, 0.814197f, 0.814169f, 0.814142f, 0.814114f, 0.814087f, 0.814059f, 0.814031f, 0.814004f, 0.813976f, 0.813949f, 0.813921f, 0.813894f, 0.813866f, 0.813839f, 0.813811f, 0.813784f, 0.813756f, 0.813729f, 0.813701f,
-0.813674f, 0.813646f, 0.813619f, 0.813591f, 0.813563f, 0.813536f, 0.813508f, 0.813481f, 0.813453f, 0.813426f, 0.813398f, 0.813371f, 0.813343f, 0.813316f, 0.813288f, 0.813261f, 0.813233f, 0.813206f, 0.813178f, 0.813151f,
-0.813123f, 0.813096f, 0.813068f, 0.813041f, 0.813013f, 0.812986f, 0.812958f, 0.812931f, 0.812903f, 0.812875f, 0.812848f, 0.81282f, 0.812793f, 0.812765f, 0.812738f, 0.81271f, 0.812683f, 0.812655f, 0.812628f, 0.8126f,
-0.812573f, 0.812545f, 0.812518f, 0.81249f, 0.812463f, 0.812435f, 0.812408f, 0.81238f, 0.812353f, 0.812325f, 0.812298f, 0.81227f, 0.812243f, 0.812215f, 0.812188f, 0.81216f, 0.812133f, 0.812105f, 0.812078f, 0.81205f,
-0.812023f, 0.811995f, 0.811968f, 0.81194f, 0.811913f, 0.811885f, 0.811858f, 0.81183f, 0.811803f, 0.811775f, 0.811748f, 0.81172f, 0.811693f, 0.811665f, 0.811638f, 0.81161f, 0.811583f, 0.811555f, 0.811528f, 0.8115f,
-0.811473f, 0.811445f, 0.811418f, 0.81139f, 0.811363f, 0.811335f, 0.811308f, 0.81128f, 0.811253f, 0.811225f, 0.811198f, 0.81117f, 0.811143f, 0.811115f, 0.811088f, 0.811061f, 0.811033f, 0.811006f, 0.810978f, 0.810951f,
-0.810923f, 0.810896f, 0.810868f, 0.810841f, 0.810813f, 0.810786f, 0.810758f, 0.810731f, 0.810703f, 0.810676f, 0.810648f, 0.810621f, 0.810593f, 0.810566f, 0.810538f, 0.810511f, 0.810483f, 0.810456f, 0.810429f, 0.810401f,
-0.810374f, 0.810346f, 0.810319f, 0.810291f, 0.810264f, 0.810236f, 0.810209f, 0.810181f, 0.810154f, 0.810126f, 0.810099f, 0.810071f, 0.810044f, 0.810016f, 0.809989f, 0.809962f, 0.809934f, 0.809907f, 0.809879f, 0.809852f,
-0.809824f, 0.809797f, 0.809769f, 0.809742f, 0.809714f, 0.809687f, 0.809659f, 0.809632f, 0.809605f, 0.809577f, 0.80955f, 0.809522f, 0.809495f, 0.809467f, 0.80944f, 0.809412f, 0.809385f, 0.809357f, 0.80933f, 0.809303f,
-0.809275f, 0.809248f, 0.80922f, 0.809193f, 0.809165f, 0.809138f, 0.80911f, 0.809083f, 0.809055f, 0.809028f, 0.809001f, 0.808973f, 0.808946f, 0.808918f, 0.808891f, 0.808863f, 0.808836f, 0.808808f, 0.808781f, 0.808754f,
-0.808726f, 0.808699f, 0.808671f, 0.808644f, 0.808616f, 0.808589f, 0.808561f, 0.808534f, 0.808507f, 0.808479f, 0.808452f, 0.808424f, 0.808397f, 0.808369f, 0.808342f, 0.808314f, 0.808287f, 0.80826f, 0.808232f, 0.808205f,
-0.808177f, 0.80815f, 0.808122f, 0.808095f, 0.808068f, 0.80804f, 0.808013f, 0.807985f, 0.807958f, 0.80793f, 0.807903f, 0.807876f, 0.807848f, 0.807821f, 0.807793f, 0.807766f, 0.807738f, 0.807711f, 0.807684f, 0.807656f,
-0.807629f, 0.807601f, 0.807574f, 0.807546f, 0.807519f, 0.807492f, 0.807464f, 0.807437f, 0.807409f, 0.807382f, 0.807354f, 0.807327f, 0.8073f, 0.807272f, 0.807245f, 0.807217f, 0.80719f, 0.807163f, 0.807135f, 0.807108f,
-0.80708f, 0.807053f, 0.807025f, 0.806998f, 0.806971f, 0.806943f, 0.806916f, 0.806888f, 0.806861f, 0.806834f, 0.806806f, 0.806779f, 0.806751f, 0.806724f, 0.806696f, 0.806669f, 0.806642f, 0.806614f, 0.806587f, 0.806559f,
-0.806532f, 0.806505f, 0.806477f, 0.80645f, 0.806422f, 0.806395f, 0.806368f, 0.80634f, 0.806313f, 0.806285f, 0.806258f, 0.806231f, 0.806203f, 0.806176f, 0.806148f, 0.806121f, 0.806094f, 0.806066f, 0.806039f, 0.806011f,
-0.805984f, 0.805957f, 0.805929f, 0.805902f, 0.805874f, 0.805847f, 0.80582f, 0.805792f, 0.805765f, 0.805737f, 0.80571f, 0.805683f, 0.805655f, 0.805628f, 0.8056f, 0.805573f, 0.805546f, 0.805518f, 0.805491f, 0.805464f,
-0.805436f, 0.805409f, 0.805381f, 0.805354f, 0.805327f, 0.805299f, 0.805272f, 0.805244f, 0.805217f, 0.80519f, 0.805162f, 0.805135f, 0.805108f, 0.80508f, 0.805053f, 0.805025f, 0.804998f, 0.804971f, 0.804943f, 0.804916f,
-0.804888f, 0.804861f, 0.804834f, 0.804806f, 0.804779f, 0.804752f, 0.804724f, 0.804697f, 0.804669f, 0.804642f, 0.804615f, 0.804587f, 0.80456f, 0.804533f, 0.804505f, 0.804478f, 0.80445f, 0.804423f, 0.804396f, 0.804368f,
-0.804341f, 0.804314f, 0.804286f, 0.804259f, 0.804231f, 0.804204f, 0.804177f, 0.804149f, 0.804122f, 0.804095f, 0.804067f, 0.80404f, 0.804013f, 0.803985f, 0.803958f, 0.80393f, 0.803903f, 0.803876f, 0.803848f, 0.803821f,
-0.803794f, 0.803766f, 0.803739f, 0.803712f, 0.803684f, 0.803657f, 0.80363f, 0.803602f, 0.803575f, 0.803547f, 0.80352f, 0.803493f, 0.803465f, 0.803438f, 0.803411f, 0.803383f, 0.803356f, 0.803329f, 0.803301f, 0.803274f,
-0.803247f, 0.803219f, 0.803192f, 0.803165f, 0.803137f, 0.80311f, 0.803082f, 0.803055f, 0.803028f, 0.803f, 0.802973f, 0.802946f, 0.802918f, 0.802891f, 0.802864f, 0.802836f, 0.802809f, 0.802782f, 0.802754f, 0.802727f,
-0.8027f, 0.802672f, 0.802645f, 0.802618f, 0.80259f, 0.802563f, 0.802536f, 0.802508f, 0.802481f, 0.802454f, 0.802426f, 0.802399f, 0.802372f, 0.802344f, 0.802317f, 0.80229f, 0.802262f, 0.802235f, 0.802208f, 0.80218f,
-0.802153f, 0.802126f, 0.802098f, 0.802071f, 0.802044f, 0.802016f, 0.801989f, 0.801962f, 0.801934f, 0.801907f, 0.80188f, 0.801852f, 0.801825f, 0.801798f, 0.80177f, 0.801743f, 0.801716f, 0.801688f, 0.801661f, 0.801634f,
-0.801606f, 0.801579f, 0.801552f, 0.801524f, 0.801497f, 0.80147f, 0.801442f, 0.801415f, 0.801388f, 0.80136f, 0.801333f, 0.801306f, 0.801278f, 0.801251f, 0.801224f, 0.801197f, 0.801169f, 0.801142f, 0.801115f, 0.801087f,
-0.80106f, 0.801033f, 0.801005f, 0.800978f, 0.800951f, 0.800923f, 0.800896f, 0.800869f, 0.800841f, 0.800814f, 0.800787f, 0.80076f, 0.800732f, 0.800705f, 0.800678f, 0.80065f, 0.800623f, 0.800596f, 0.800568f, 0.800541f,
-0.800514f, 0.800486f, 0.800459f, 0.800432f, 0.800405f, 0.800377f, 0.80035f, 0.800323f, 0.800295f, 0.800268f, 0.800241f, 0.800213f, 0.800186f, 0.800159f, 0.800132f, 0.800104f, 0.800077f, 0.80005f, 0.800022f, 0.799995f,
-0.799968f, 0.79994f, 0.799913f, 0.799886f, 0.799859f, 0.799831f, 0.799804f, 0.799777f, 0.799749f, 0.799722f, 0.799695f, 0.799668f, 0.79964f, 0.799613f, 0.799586f, 0.799558f, 0.799531f, 0.799504f, 0.799477f, 0.799449f,
-0.799422f, 0.799395f, 0.799367f, 0.79934f, 0.799313f, 0.799286f, 0.799258f, 0.799231f, 0.799204f, 0.799176f, 0.799149f, 0.799122f, 0.799095f, 0.799067f, 0.79904f, 0.799013f, 0.798985f, 0.798958f, 0.798931f, 0.798904f,
-0.798876f, 0.798849f, 0.798822f, 0.798795f, 0.798767f, 0.79874f, 0.798713f, 0.798685f, 0.798658f, 0.798631f, 0.798604f, 0.798576f, 0.798549f, 0.798522f, 0.798495f, 0.798467f, 0.79844f, 0.798413f, 0.798385f, 0.798358f,
-0.798331f, 0.798304f, 0.798276f, 0.798249f, 0.798222f, 0.798195f, 0.798167f, 0.79814f, 0.798113f, 0.798086f, 0.798058f, 0.798031f, 0.798004f, 0.797976f, 0.797949f, 0.797922f, 0.797895f, 0.797867f, 0.79784f, 0.797813f,
-0.797786f, 0.797758f, 0.797731f, 0.797704f, 0.797677f, 0.797649f, 0.797622f, 0.797595f, 0.797568f, 0.79754f, 0.797513f, 0.797486f, 0.797459f, 0.797431f, 0.797404f, 0.797377f, 0.79735f, 0.797322f, 0.797295f, 0.797268f,
-0.797241f, 0.797213f, 0.797186f, 0.797159f, 0.797132f, 0.797104f, 0.797077f, 0.79705f, 0.797023f, 0.796995f, 0.796968f, 0.796941f, 0.796914f, 0.796886f, 0.796859f, 0.796832f, 0.796805f, 0.796777f, 0.79675f, 0.796723f,
-0.796696f, 0.796668f, 0.796641f, 0.796614f, 0.796587f, 0.79656f, 0.796532f, 0.796505f, 0.796478f, 0.796451f, 0.796423f, 0.796396f, 0.796369f, 0.796342f, 0.796314f, 0.796287f, 0.79626f, 0.796233f, 0.796205f, 0.796178f,
-0.796151f, 0.796124f, 0.796097f, 0.796069f, 0.796042f, 0.796015f, 0.795988f, 0.79596f, 0.795933f, 0.795906f, 0.795879f, 0.795852f, 0.795824f, 0.795797f, 0.79577f, 0.795743f, 0.795715f, 0.795688f, 0.795661f, 0.795634f,
-0.795607f, 0.795579f, 0.795552f, 0.795525f, 0.795498f, 0.79547f, 0.795443f, 0.795416f, 0.795389f, 0.795362f, 0.795334f, 0.795307f, 0.79528f, 0.795253f, 0.795225f, 0.795198f, 0.795171f, 0.795144f, 0.795117f, 0.795089f,
-0.795062f, 0.795035f, 0.795008f, 0.794981f, 0.794953f, 0.794926f, 0.794899f, 0.794872f, 0.794845f, 0.794817f, 0.79479f, 0.794763f, 0.794736f, 0.794708f, 0.794681f, 0.794654f, 0.794627f, 0.7946f, 0.794572f, 0.794545f,
-0.794518f, 0.794491f, 0.794464f, 0.794436f, 0.794409f, 0.794382f, 0.794355f, 0.794328f, 0.7943f, 0.794273f, 0.794246f, 0.794219f, 0.794192f, 0.794164f, 0.794137f, 0.79411f, 0.794083f, 0.794056f, 0.794028f, 0.794001f,
-0.793974f, 0.793947f, 0.79392f, 0.793893f, 0.793865f, 0.793838f, 0.793811f, 0.793784f, 0.793757f, 0.793729f, 0.793702f, 0.793675f, 0.793648f, 0.793621f, 0.793593f, 0.793566f, 0.793539f, 0.793512f, 0.793485f, 0.793458f,
-0.79343f, 0.793403f, 0.793376f, 0.793349f, 0.793322f, 0.793294f, 0.793267f, 0.79324f, 0.793213f, 0.793186f, 0.793159f, 0.793131f, 0.793104f, 0.793077f, 0.79305f, 0.793023f, 0.792995f, 0.792968f, 0.792941f, 0.792914f,
-0.792887f, 0.79286f, 0.792832f, 0.792805f, 0.792778f, 0.792751f, 0.792724f, 0.792697f, 0.792669f, 0.792642f, 0.792615f, 0.792588f, 0.792561f, 0.792534f, 0.792506f, 0.792479f, 0.792452f, 0.792425f, 0.792398f, 0.792371f,
-0.792343f, 0.792316f, 0.792289f, 0.792262f, 0.792235f, 0.792208f, 0.79218f, 0.792153f, 0.792126f, 0.792099f, 0.792072f, 0.792045f, 0.792017f, 0.79199f, 0.791963f, 0.791936f, 0.791909f, 0.791882f, 0.791854f, 0.791827f,
-0.7918f, 0.791773f, 0.791746f, 0.791719f, 0.791692f, 0.791664f, 0.791637f, 0.79161f, 0.791583f, 0.791556f, 0.791529f, 0.791501f, 0.791474f, 0.791447f, 0.79142f, 0.791393f, 0.791366f, 0.791339f, 0.791311f, 0.791284f,
-0.791257f, 0.79123f, 0.791203f, 0.791176f, 0.791149f, 0.791121f, 0.791094f, 0.791067f, 0.79104f, 0.791013f, 0.790986f, 0.790959f, 0.790931f, 0.790904f, 0.790877f, 0.79085f, 0.790823f, 0.790796f, 0.790769f, 0.790741f,
-0.790714f, 0.790687f, 0.79066f, 0.790633f, 0.790606f, 0.790579f, 0.790552f, 0.790524f, 0.790497f, 0.79047f, 0.790443f, 0.790416f, 0.790389f, 0.790362f, 0.790334f, 0.790307f, 0.79028f, 0.790253f, 0.790226f, 0.790199f,
-0.790172f, 0.790145f, 0.790117f, 0.79009f, 0.790063f, 0.790036f, 0.790009f, 0.789982f, 0.789955f, 0.789928f, 0.7899f, 0.789873f, 0.789846f, 0.789819f, 0.789792f, 0.789765f, 0.789738f, 0.789711f, 0.789683f, 0.789656f,
-0.789629f, 0.789602f, 0.789575f, 0.789548f, 0.789521f, 0.789494f, 0.789467f, 0.789439f, 0.789412f, 0.789385f, 0.789358f, 0.789331f, 0.789304f, 0.789277f, 0.78925f, 0.789223f, 0.789195f, 0.789168f, 0.789141f, 0.789114f,
-0.789087f, 0.78906f, 0.789033f, 0.789006f, 0.788979f, 0.788951f, 0.788924f, 0.788897f, 0.78887f, 0.788843f, 0.788816f, 0.788789f, 0.788762f, 0.788735f, 0.788707f, 0.78868f, 0.788653f, 0.788626f, 0.788599f, 0.788572f,
-0.788545f, 0.788518f, 0.788491f, 0.788464f, 0.788436f, 0.788409f, 0.788382f, 0.788355f, 0.788328f, 0.788301f, 0.788274f, 0.788247f, 0.78822f, 0.788193f, 0.788166f, 0.788138f, 0.788111f, 0.788084f, 0.788057f, 0.78803f,
-0.788003f, 0.787976f, 0.787949f, 0.787922f, 0.787895f, 0.787868f, 0.78784f, 0.787813f, 0.787786f, 0.787759f, 0.787732f, 0.787705f, 0.787678f, 0.787651f, 0.787624f, 0.787597f, 0.78757f, 0.787542f, 0.787515f, 0.787488f,
-0.787461f, 0.787434f, 0.787407f, 0.78738f, 0.787353f, 0.787326f, 0.787299f, 0.787272f, 0.787245f, 0.787218f, 0.78719f, 0.787163f, 0.787136f, 0.787109f, 0.787082f, 0.787055f, 0.787028f, 0.787001f, 0.786974f, 0.786947f,
-0.78692f, 0.786893f, 0.786866f, 0.786839f, 0.786811f, 0.786784f, 0.786757f, 0.78673f, 0.786703f, 0.786676f, 0.786649f, 0.786622f, 0.786595f, 0.786568f, 0.786541f, 0.786514f, 0.786487f, 0.78646f, 0.786433f, 0.786405f,
-0.786378f, 0.786351f, 0.786324f, 0.786297f, 0.78627f, 0.786243f, 0.786216f, 0.786189f, 0.786162f, 0.786135f, 0.786108f, 0.786081f, 0.786054f, 0.786027f, 0.786f, 0.785973f, 0.785945f, 0.785918f, 0.785891f, 0.785864f,
-0.785837f, 0.78581f, 0.785783f, 0.785756f, 0.785729f, 0.785702f, 0.785675f, 0.785648f, 0.785621f, 0.785594f, 0.785567f, 0.78554f, 0.785513f, 0.785486f, 0.785459f, 0.785431f, 0.785404f, 0.785377f, 0.78535f, 0.785323f,
-0.785296f, 0.785269f, 0.785242f, 0.785215f, 0.785188f, 0.785161f, 0.785134f, 0.785107f, 0.78508f, 0.785053f, 0.785026f, 0.784999f, 0.784972f, 0.784945f, 0.784918f, 0.784891f, 0.784864f, 0.784837f, 0.78481f, 0.784783f,
-0.784755f, 0.784728f, 0.784701f, 0.784674f, 0.784647f, 0.78462f, 0.784593f, 0.784566f, 0.784539f, 0.784512f, 0.784485f, 0.784458f, 0.784431f, 0.784404f, 0.784377f, 0.78435f, 0.784323f, 0.784296f, 0.784269f, 0.784242f,
-0.784215f, 0.784188f, 0.784161f, 0.784134f, 0.784107f, 0.78408f, 0.784053f, 0.784026f, 0.783999f, 0.783972f, 0.783945f, 0.783918f, 0.783891f, 0.783864f, 0.783837f, 0.78381f, 0.783783f, 0.783756f, 0.783729f, 0.783701f,
-0.783674f, 0.783647f, 0.78362f, 0.783593f, 0.783566f, 0.783539f, 0.783512f, 0.783485f, 0.783458f, 0.783431f, 0.783404f, 0.783377f, 0.78335f, 0.783323f, 0.783296f, 0.783269f, 0.783242f, 0.783215f, 0.783188f, 0.783161f,
-0.783134f, 0.783107f, 0.78308f, 0.783053f, 0.783026f, 0.782999f, 0.782972f, 0.782945f, 0.782918f, 0.782891f, 0.782864f, 0.782837f, 0.78281f, 0.782783f, 0.782756f, 0.782729f, 0.782702f, 0.782675f, 0.782648f, 0.782621f,
-0.782594f, 0.782567f, 0.78254f, 0.782513f, 0.782486f, 0.782459f, 0.782432f, 0.782405f, 0.782378f, 0.782351f, 0.782324f, 0.782297f, 0.78227f, 0.782243f, 0.782216f, 0.782189f, 0.782162f, 0.782135f, 0.782108f, 0.782081f,
-0.782054f, 0.782027f, 0.782f, 0.781973f, 0.781946f, 0.781919f, 0.781892f, 0.781865f, 0.781838f, 0.781811f, 0.781785f, 0.781758f, 0.781731f, 0.781704f, 0.781677f, 0.78165f, 0.781623f, 0.781596f, 0.781569f, 0.781542f,
-0.781515f, 0.781488f, 0.781461f, 0.781434f, 0.781407f, 0.78138f, 0.781353f, 0.781326f, 0.781299f, 0.781272f, 0.781245f, 0.781218f, 0.781191f, 0.781164f, 0.781137f, 0.78111f, 0.781083f, 0.781056f, 0.781029f, 0.781002f,
-0.780975f, 0.780948f, 0.780921f, 0.780894f, 0.780867f, 0.78084f, 0.780813f, 0.780786f, 0.780759f, 0.780733f, 0.780706f, 0.780679f, 0.780652f, 0.780625f, 0.780598f, 0.780571f, 0.780544f, 0.780517f, 0.78049f, 0.780463f,
-0.780436f, 0.780409f, 0.780382f, 0.780355f, 0.780328f, 0.780301f, 0.780274f, 0.780247f, 0.78022f, 0.780193f, 0.780166f, 0.780139f, 0.780112f, 0.780085f, 0.780059f, 0.780032f, 0.780005f, 0.779978f, 0.779951f, 0.779924f,
-0.779897f, 0.77987f, 0.779843f, 0.779816f, 0.779789f, 0.779762f, 0.779735f, 0.779708f, 0.779681f, 0.779654f, 0.779627f, 0.7796f, 0.779573f, 0.779547f, 0.77952f, 0.779493f, 0.779466f, 0.779439f, 0.779412f, 0.779385f,
-0.779358f, 0.779331f, 0.779304f, 0.779277f, 0.77925f, 0.779223f, 0.779196f, 0.779169f, 0.779142f, 0.779115f, 0.779089f, 0.779062f, 0.779035f, 0.779008f, 0.778981f, 0.778954f, 0.778927f, 0.7789f, 0.778873f, 0.778846f,
-0.778819f, 0.778792f, 0.778765f, 0.778738f, 0.778711f, 0.778685f, 0.778658f, 0.778631f, 0.778604f, 0.778577f, 0.77855f, 0.778523f, 0.778496f, 0.778469f, 0.778442f, 0.778415f, 0.778388f, 0.778361f, 0.778334f, 0.778308f,
-0.778281f, 0.778254f, 0.778227f, 0.7782f, 0.778173f, 0.778146f, 0.778119f, 0.778092f, 0.778065f, 0.778038f, 0.778011f, 0.777985f, 0.777958f, 0.777931f, 0.777904f, 0.777877f, 0.77785f, 0.777823f, 0.777796f, 0.777769f,
-0.777742f, 0.777715f, 0.777688f, 0.777662f, 0.777635f, 0.777608f, 0.777581f, 0.777554f, 0.777527f, 0.7775f, 0.777473f, 0.777446f, 0.777419f, 0.777392f, 0.777366f, 0.777339f, 0.777312f, 0.777285f, 0.777258f, 0.777231f,
-0.777204f, 0.777177f, 0.77715f, 0.777123f, 0.777096f, 0.77707f, 0.777043f, 0.777016f, 0.776989f, 0.776962f, 0.776935f, 0.776908f, 0.776881f, 0.776854f, 0.776827f, 0.776801f, 0.776774f, 0.776747f, 0.77672f, 0.776693f,
-0.776666f, 0.776639f, 0.776612f, 0.776585f, 0.776559f, 0.776532f, 0.776505f, 0.776478f, 0.776451f, 0.776424f, 0.776397f, 0.77637f, 0.776343f, 0.776317f, 0.77629f, 0.776263f, 0.776236f, 0.776209f, 0.776182f, 0.776155f,
-0.776128f, 0.776101f, 0.776075f, 0.776048f, 0.776021f, 0.775994f, 0.775967f, 0.77594f, 0.775913f, 0.775886f, 0.775859f, 0.775833f, 0.775806f, 0.775779f, 0.775752f, 0.775725f, 0.775698f, 0.775671f, 0.775644f, 0.775618f,
-0.775591f, 0.775564f, 0.775537f, 0.77551f, 0.775483f, 0.775456f, 0.775429f, 0.775403f, 0.775376f, 0.775349f, 0.775322f, 0.775295f, 0.775268f, 0.775241f, 0.775214f, 0.775188f, 0.775161f, 0.775134f, 0.775107f, 0.77508f,
-0.775053f, 0.775026f, 0.775f, 0.774973f, 0.774946f, 0.774919f, 0.774892f, 0.774865f, 0.774838f, 0.774811f, 0.774785f, 0.774758f, 0.774731f, 0.774704f, 0.774677f, 0.77465f, 0.774623f, 0.774597f, 0.77457f, 0.774543f,
-0.774516f, 0.774489f, 0.774462f, 0.774435f, 0.774409f, 0.774382f, 0.774355f, 0.774328f, 0.774301f, 0.774274f, 0.774247f, 0.774221f, 0.774194f, 0.774167f, 0.77414f, 0.774113f, 0.774086f, 0.77406f, 0.774033f, 0.774006f,
-0.773979f, 0.773952f, 0.773925f, 0.773898f, 0.773872f, 0.773845f, 0.773818f, 0.773791f, 0.773764f, 0.773737f, 0.773711f, 0.773684f, 0.773657f, 0.77363f, 0.773603f, 0.773576f, 0.773549f, 0.773523f, 0.773496f, 0.773469f,
-0.773442f, 0.773415f, 0.773388f, 0.773362f, 0.773335f, 0.773308f, 0.773281f, 0.773254f, 0.773227f, 0.773201f, 0.773174f, 0.773147f, 0.77312f, 0.773093f, 0.773066f, 0.77304f, 0.773013f, 0.772986f, 0.772959f, 0.772932f,
-0.772905f, 0.772879f, 0.772852f, 0.772825f, 0.772798f, 0.772771f, 0.772744f, 0.772718f, 0.772691f, 0.772664f, 0.772637f, 0.77261f, 0.772583f, 0.772557f, 0.77253f, 0.772503f, 0.772476f, 0.772449f, 0.772423f, 0.772396f,
-0.772369f, 0.772342f, 0.772315f, 0.772288f, 0.772262f, 0.772235f, 0.772208f, 0.772181f, 0.772154f, 0.772128f, 0.772101f, 0.772074f, 0.772047f, 0.77202f, 0.771993f, 0.771967f, 0.77194f, 0.771913f, 0.771886f, 0.771859f,
-0.771833f, 0.771806f, 0.771779f, 0.771752f, 0.771725f, 0.771699f, 0.771672f, 0.771645f, 0.771618f, 0.771591f, 0.771565f, 0.771538f, 0.771511f, 0.771484f, 0.771457f, 0.77143f, 0.771404f, 0.771377f, 0.77135f, 0.771323f,
-0.771296f, 0.77127f, 0.771243f, 0.771216f, 0.771189f, 0.771162f, 0.771136f, 0.771109f, 0.771082f, 0.771055f, 0.771028f, 0.771002f, 0.770975f, 0.770948f, 0.770921f, 0.770895f, 0.770868f, 0.770841f, 0.770814f, 0.770787f,
-0.770761f, 0.770734f, 0.770707f, 0.77068f, 0.770653f, 0.770627f, 0.7706f, 0.770573f, 0.770546f, 0.770519f, 0.770493f, 0.770466f, 0.770439f, 0.770412f, 0.770385f, 0.770359f, 0.770332f, 0.770305f, 0.770278f, 0.770252f,
-0.770225f, 0.770198f, 0.770171f, 0.770144f, 0.770118f, 0.770091f, 0.770064f, 0.770037f, 0.770011f, 0.769984f, 0.769957f, 0.76993f, 0.769903f, 0.769877f, 0.76985f, 0.769823f, 0.769796f, 0.76977f, 0.769743f, 0.769716f,
-0.769689f, 0.769662f, 0.769636f, 0.769609f, 0.769582f, 0.769555f, 0.769529f, 0.769502f, 0.769475f, 0.769448f, 0.769422f, 0.769395f, 0.769368f, 0.769341f, 0.769314f, 0.769288f, 0.769261f, 0.769234f, 0.769207f, 0.769181f,
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-0.768619f, 0.768592f, 0.768565f, 0.768538f, 0.768512f, 0.768485f, 0.768458f, 0.768431f, 0.768405f, 0.768378f, 0.768351f, 0.768324f, 0.768298f, 0.768271f, 0.768244f, 0.768217f, 0.768191f, 0.768164f, 0.768137f, 0.76811f,
-0.768084f, 0.768057f, 0.76803f, 0.768003f, 0.767977f, 0.76795f, 0.767923f, 0.767896f, 0.76787f, 0.767843f, 0.767816f, 0.767789f, 0.767763f, 0.767736f, 0.767709f, 0.767683f, 0.767656f, 0.767629f, 0.767602f, 0.767576f,
-0.767549f, 0.767522f, 0.767495f, 0.767469f, 0.767442f, 0.767415f, 0.767388f, 0.767362f, 0.767335f, 0.767308f, 0.767281f, 0.767255f, 0.767228f, 0.767201f, 0.767175f, 0.767148f, 0.767121f, 0.767094f, 0.767068f, 0.767041f,
-0.767014f, 0.766987f, 0.766961f, 0.766934f, 0.766907f, 0.766881f, 0.766854f, 0.766827f, 0.7668f, 0.766774f, 0.766747f, 0.76672f, 0.766693f, 0.766667f, 0.76664f, 0.766613f, 0.766587f, 0.76656f, 0.766533f, 0.766506f,
-0.76648f, 0.766453f, 0.766426f, 0.7664f, 0.766373f, 0.766346f, 0.766319f, 0.766293f, 0.766266f, 0.766239f, 0.766213f, 0.766186f, 0.766159f, 0.766132f, 0.766106f, 0.766079f, 0.766052f, 0.766026f, 0.765999f, 0.765972f,
-0.765945f, 0.765919f, 0.765892f, 0.765865f, 0.765839f, 0.765812f, 0.765785f, 0.765759f, 0.765732f, 0.765705f, 0.765678f, 0.765652f, 0.765625f, 0.765598f, 0.765572f, 0.765545f, 0.765518f, 0.765491f, 0.765465f, 0.765438f,
-0.765411f, 0.765385f, 0.765358f, 0.765331f, 0.765305f, 0.765278f, 0.765251f, 0.765225f, 0.765198f, 0.765171f, 0.765144f, 0.765118f, 0.765091f, 0.765064f, 0.765038f, 0.765011f, 0.764984f, 0.764958f, 0.764931f, 0.764904f,
-0.764878f, 0.764851f, 0.764824f, 0.764797f, 0.764771f, 0.764744f, 0.764717f, 0.764691f, 0.764664f, 0.764637f, 0.764611f, 0.764584f, 0.764557f, 0.764531f, 0.764504f, 0.764477f, 0.764451f, 0.764424f, 0.764397f, 0.76437f,
-0.764344f, 0.764317f, 0.76429f, 0.764264f, 0.764237f, 0.76421f, 0.764184f, 0.764157f, 0.76413f, 0.764104f, 0.764077f, 0.76405f, 0.764024f, 0.763997f, 0.76397f, 0.763944f, 0.763917f, 0.76389f, 0.763864f, 0.763837f,
-0.76381f, 0.763784f, 0.763757f, 0.76373f, 0.763704f, 0.763677f, 0.76365f, 0.763624f, 0.763597f, 0.76357f, 0.763544f, 0.763517f, 0.76349f, 0.763464f, 0.763437f, 0.76341f, 0.763384f, 0.763357f, 0.76333f, 0.763304f,
-0.763277f, 0.76325f, 0.763224f, 0.763197f, 0.76317f, 0.763144f, 0.763117f, 0.76309f, 0.763064f, 0.763037f, 0.76301f, 0.762984f, 0.762957f, 0.76293f, 0.762904f, 0.762877f, 0.76285f, 0.762824f, 0.762797f, 0.76277f,
-0.762744f, 0.762717f, 0.762691f, 0.762664f, 0.762637f, 0.762611f, 0.762584f, 0.762557f, 0.762531f, 0.762504f, 0.762477f, 0.762451f, 0.762424f, 0.762397f, 0.762371f, 0.762344f, 0.762317f, 0.762291f, 0.762264f, 0.762237f,
-0.762211f, 0.762184f, 0.762158f, 0.762131f, 0.762104f, 0.762078f, 0.762051f, 0.762024f, 0.761998f, 0.761971f, 0.761944f, 0.761918f, 0.761891f, 0.761865f, 0.761838f, 0.761811f, 0.761785f, 0.761758f, 0.761731f, 0.761705f,
-0.761678f, 0.761651f, 0.761625f, 0.761598f, 0.761572f, 0.761545f, 0.761518f, 0.761492f, 0.761465f, 0.761438f, 0.761412f, 0.761385f, 0.761358f, 0.761332f, 0.761305f, 0.761279f, 0.761252f, 0.761225f, 0.761199f, 0.761172f,
-0.761145f, 0.761119f, 0.761092f, 0.761066f, 0.761039f, 0.761012f, 0.760986f, 0.760959f, 0.760933f, 0.760906f, 0.760879f, 0.760853f, 0.760826f, 0.760799f, 0.760773f, 0.760746f, 0.76072f, 0.760693f, 0.760666f, 0.76064f,
-0.760613f, 0.760586f, 0.76056f, 0.760533f, 0.760507f, 0.76048f, 0.760453f, 0.760427f, 0.7604f, 0.760374f, 0.760347f, 0.76032f, 0.760294f, 0.760267f, 0.760241f, 0.760214f, 0.760187f, 0.760161f, 0.760134f, 0.760107f,
-0.760081f, 0.760054f, 0.760028f, 0.760001f, 0.759974f, 0.759948f, 0.759921f, 0.759895f, 0.759868f, 0.759841f, 0.759815f, 0.759788f, 0.759762f, 0.759735f, 0.759708f, 0.759682f, 0.759655f, 0.759629f, 0.759602f, 0.759575f,
-0.759549f, 0.759522f, 0.759496f, 0.759469f, 0.759442f, 0.759416f, 0.759389f, 0.759363f, 0.759336f, 0.759309f, 0.759283f, 0.759256f, 0.75923f, 0.759203f, 0.759177f, 0.75915f, 0.759123f, 0.759097f, 0.75907f, 0.759044f,
-0.759017f, 0.75899f, 0.758964f, 0.758937f, 0.758911f, 0.758884f, 0.758857f, 0.758831f, 0.758804f, 0.758778f, 0.758751f, 0.758725f, 0.758698f, 0.758671f, 0.758645f, 0.758618f, 0.758592f, 0.758565f, 0.758539f, 0.758512f,
-0.758485f, 0.758459f, 0.758432f, 0.758406f, 0.758379f, 0.758352f, 0.758326f, 0.758299f, 0.758273f, 0.758246f, 0.75822f, 0.758193f, 0.758166f, 0.75814f, 0.758113f, 0.758087f, 0.75806f, 0.758034f, 0.758007f, 0.75798f,
-0.757954f, 0.757927f, 0.757901f, 0.757874f, 0.757848f, 0.757821f, 0.757794f, 0.757768f, 0.757741f, 0.757715f, 0.757688f, 0.757662f, 0.757635f, 0.757609f, 0.757582f, 0.757555f, 0.757529f, 0.757502f, 0.757476f, 0.757449f,
-0.757423f, 0.757396f, 0.757369f, 0.757343f, 0.757316f, 0.75729f, 0.757263f, 0.757237f, 0.75721f, 0.757184f, 0.757157f, 0.75713f, 0.757104f, 0.757077f, 0.757051f, 0.757024f, 0.756998f, 0.756971f, 0.756945f, 0.756918f,
-0.756892f, 0.756865f, 0.756838f, 0.756812f, 0.756785f, 0.756759f, 0.756732f, 0.756706f, 0.756679f, 0.756653f, 0.756626f, 0.756599f, 0.756573f, 0.756546f, 0.75652f, 0.756493f, 0.756467f, 0.75644f, 0.756414f, 0.756387f,
-0.756361f, 0.756334f, 0.756308f, 0.756281f, 0.756254f, 0.756228f, 0.756201f, 0.756175f, 0.756148f, 0.756122f, 0.756095f, 0.756069f, 0.756042f, 0.756016f, 0.755989f, 0.755963f, 0.755936f, 0.755909f, 0.755883f, 0.755856f,
-0.75583f, 0.755803f, 0.755777f, 0.75575f, 0.755724f, 0.755697f, 0.755671f, 0.755644f, 0.755618f, 0.755591f, 0.755565f, 0.755538f, 0.755512f, 0.755485f, 0.755458f, 0.755432f, 0.755405f, 0.755379f, 0.755352f, 0.755326f,
-0.755299f, 0.755273f, 0.755246f, 0.75522f, 0.755193f, 0.755167f, 0.75514f, 0.755114f, 0.755087f, 0.755061f, 0.755034f, 0.755008f, 0.754981f, 0.754955f, 0.754928f, 0.754902f, 0.754875f, 0.754849f, 0.754822f, 0.754795f,
-0.754769f, 0.754742f, 0.754716f, 0.754689f, 0.754663f, 0.754636f, 0.75461f, 0.754583f, 0.754557f, 0.75453f, 0.754504f, 0.754477f, 0.754451f, 0.754424f, 0.754398f, 0.754371f, 0.754345f, 0.754318f, 0.754292f, 0.754265f,
-0.754239f, 0.754212f, 0.754186f, 0.754159f, 0.754133f, 0.754106f, 0.75408f, 0.754053f, 0.754027f, 0.754f, 0.753974f, 0.753947f, 0.753921f, 0.753894f, 0.753868f, 0.753841f, 0.753815f, 0.753788f, 0.753762f, 0.753735f,
-0.753709f, 0.753682f, 0.753656f, 0.753629f, 0.753603f, 0.753576f, 0.75355f, 0.753523f, 0.753497f, 0.75347f, 0.753444f, 0.753417f, 0.753391f, 0.753364f, 0.753338f, 0.753311f, 0.753285f, 0.753259f, 0.753232f, 0.753206f,
-0.753179f, 0.753153f, 0.753126f, 0.7531f, 0.753073f, 0.753047f, 0.75302f, 0.752994f, 0.752967f, 0.752941f, 0.752914f, 0.752888f, 0.752861f, 0.752835f, 0.752808f, 0.752782f, 0.752755f, 0.752729f, 0.752702f, 0.752676f,
-0.752649f, 0.752623f, 0.752596f, 0.75257f, 0.752544f, 0.752517f, 0.752491f, 0.752464f, 0.752438f, 0.752411f, 0.752385f, 0.752358f, 0.752332f, 0.752305f, 0.752279f, 0.752252f, 0.752226f, 0.752199f, 0.752173f, 0.752146f,
-0.75212f, 0.752094f, 0.752067f, 0.752041f, 0.752014f, 0.751988f, 0.751961f, 0.751935f, 0.751908f, 0.751882f, 0.751855f, 0.751829f, 0.751802f, 0.751776f, 0.75175f, 0.751723f, 0.751697f, 0.75167f, 0.751644f, 0.751617f,
-0.751591f, 0.751564f, 0.751538f, 0.751511f, 0.751485f, 0.751459f, 0.751432f, 0.751406f, 0.751379f, 0.751353f, 0.751326f, 0.7513f, 0.751273f, 0.751247f, 0.75122f, 0.751194f, 0.751168f, 0.751141f, 0.751115f, 0.751088f,
-0.751062f, 0.751035f, 0.751009f, 0.750982f, 0.750956f, 0.75093f, 0.750903f, 0.750877f, 0.75085f, 0.750824f, 0.750797f, 0.750771f, 0.750744f, 0.750718f, 0.750692f, 0.750665f, 0.750639f, 0.750612f, 0.750586f, 0.750559f,
-0.750533f, 0.750506f, 0.75048f, 0.750454f, 0.750427f, 0.750401f, 0.750374f, 0.750348f, 0.750321f, 0.750295f, 0.750269f, 0.750242f, 0.750216f, 0.750189f, 0.750163f, 0.750136f, 0.75011f, 0.750083f, 0.750057f, 0.750031f,
-0.750004f, 0.749978f, 0.749951f, 0.749925f, 0.749898f, 0.749872f, 0.749846f, 0.749819f, 0.749793f, 0.749766f, 0.74974f, 0.749714f, 0.749687f, 0.749661f, 0.749634f, 0.749608f, 0.749581f, 0.749555f, 0.749529f, 0.749502f,
-0.749476f, 0.749449f, 0.749423f, 0.749396f, 0.74937f, 0.749344f, 0.749317f, 0.749291f, 0.749264f, 0.749238f, 0.749212f, 0.749185f, 0.749159f, 0.749132f, 0.749106f, 0.749079f, 0.749053f, 0.749027f, 0.749f, 0.748974f,
-0.748947f, 0.748921f, 0.748895f, 0.748868f, 0.748842f, 0.748815f, 0.748789f, 0.748763f, 0.748736f, 0.74871f, 0.748683f, 0.748657f, 0.748631f, 0.748604f, 0.748578f, 0.748551f, 0.748525f, 0.748499f, 0.748472f, 0.748446f,
-0.748419f, 0.748393f, 0.748366f, 0.74834f, 0.748314f, 0.748287f, 0.748261f, 0.748235f, 0.748208f, 0.748182f, 0.748155f, 0.748129f, 0.748103f, 0.748076f, 0.74805f, 0.748023f, 0.747997f, 0.747971f, 0.747944f, 0.747918f,
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-0.747364f, 0.747337f, 0.747311f, 0.747284f, 0.747258f, 0.747232f, 0.747205f, 0.747179f, 0.747153f, 0.747126f, 0.7471f, 0.747073f, 0.747047f, 0.747021f, 0.746994f, 0.746968f, 0.746942f, 0.746915f, 0.746889f, 0.746862f,
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-0.746309f, 0.746282f, 0.746256f, 0.74623f, 0.746203f, 0.746177f, 0.746151f, 0.746124f, 0.746098f, 0.746071f, 0.746045f, 0.746019f, 0.745992f, 0.745966f, 0.74594f, 0.745913f, 0.745887f, 0.745861f, 0.745834f, 0.745808f,
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-0.745255f, 0.745228f, 0.745202f, 0.745175f, 0.745149f, 0.745123f, 0.745096f, 0.74507f, 0.745044f, 0.745017f, 0.744991f, 0.744965f, 0.744938f, 0.744912f, 0.744886f, 0.744859f, 0.744833f, 0.744807f, 0.74478f, 0.744754f,
-0.744728f, 0.744701f, 0.744675f, 0.744649f, 0.744622f, 0.744596f, 0.74457f, 0.744543f, 0.744517f, 0.744491f, 0.744464f, 0.744438f, 0.744412f, 0.744385f, 0.744359f, 0.744333f, 0.744306f, 0.74428f, 0.744254f, 0.744227f,
-0.744201f, 0.744175f, 0.744148f, 0.744122f, 0.744096f, 0.744069f, 0.744043f, 0.744017f, 0.74399f, 0.743964f, 0.743938f, 0.743912f, 0.743885f, 0.743859f, 0.743833f, 0.743806f, 0.74378f, 0.743754f, 0.743727f, 0.743701f,
-0.743675f, 0.743648f, 0.743622f, 0.743596f, 0.743569f, 0.743543f, 0.743517f, 0.74349f, 0.743464f, 0.743438f, 0.743411f, 0.743385f, 0.743359f, 0.743333f, 0.743306f, 0.74328f, 0.743254f, 0.743227f, 0.743201f, 0.743175f,
-0.743148f, 0.743122f, 0.743096f, 0.743069f, 0.743043f, 0.743017f, 0.742991f, 0.742964f, 0.742938f, 0.742912f, 0.742885f, 0.742859f, 0.742833f, 0.742806f, 0.74278f, 0.742754f, 0.742728f, 0.742701f, 0.742675f, 0.742649f,
-0.742622f, 0.742596f, 0.74257f, 0.742543f, 0.742517f, 0.742491f, 0.742465f, 0.742438f, 0.742412f, 0.742386f, 0.742359f, 0.742333f, 0.742307f, 0.74228f, 0.742254f, 0.742228f, 0.742202f, 0.742175f, 0.742149f, 0.742123f,
-0.742096f, 0.74207f, 0.742044f, 0.742018f, 0.741991f, 0.741965f, 0.741939f, 0.741912f, 0.741886f, 0.74186f, 0.741834f, 0.741807f, 0.741781f, 0.741755f, 0.741728f, 0.741702f, 0.741676f, 0.74165f, 0.741623f, 0.741597f,
-0.741571f, 0.741544f, 0.741518f, 0.741492f, 0.741466f, 0.741439f, 0.741413f, 0.741387f, 0.741361f, 0.741334f, 0.741308f, 0.741282f, 0.741255f, 0.741229f, 0.741203f, 0.741177f, 0.74115f, 0.741124f, 0.741098f, 0.741072f,
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-0.739995f, 0.739969f, 0.739942f, 0.739916f, 0.73989f, 0.739864f, 0.739837f, 0.739811f, 0.739785f, 0.739759f, 0.739732f, 0.739706f, 0.73968f, 0.739654f, 0.739627f, 0.739601f, 0.739575f, 0.739549f, 0.739522f, 0.739496f,
-0.73947f, 0.739444f, 0.739417f, 0.739391f, 0.739365f, 0.739339f, 0.739312f, 0.739286f, 0.73926f, 0.739234f, 0.739207f, 0.739181f, 0.739155f, 0.739129f, 0.739102f, 0.739076f, 0.73905f, 0.739024f, 0.738998f, 0.738971f,
-0.738945f, 0.738919f, 0.738893f, 0.738866f, 0.73884f, 0.738814f, 0.738788f, 0.738761f, 0.738735f, 0.738709f, 0.738683f, 0.738657f, 0.73863f, 0.738604f, 0.738578f, 0.738552f, 0.738525f, 0.738499f, 0.738473f, 0.738447f,
-0.73842f, 0.738394f, 0.738368f, 0.738342f, 0.738316f, 0.738289f, 0.738263f, 0.738237f, 0.738211f, 0.738184f, 0.738158f, 0.738132f, 0.738106f, 0.73808f, 0.738053f, 0.738027f, 0.738001f, 0.737975f, 0.737949f, 0.737922f,
-0.737896f, 0.73787f, 0.737844f, 0.737817f, 0.737791f, 0.737765f, 0.737739f, 0.737713f, 0.737686f, 0.73766f, 0.737634f, 0.737608f, 0.737582f, 0.737555f, 0.737529f, 0.737503f, 0.737477f, 0.737451f, 0.737424f, 0.737398f,
-0.737372f, 0.737346f, 0.737319f, 0.737293f, 0.737267f, 0.737241f, 0.737215f, 0.737188f, 0.737162f, 0.737136f, 0.73711f, 0.737084f, 0.737057f, 0.737031f, 0.737005f, 0.736979f, 0.736953f, 0.736926f, 0.7369f, 0.736874f,
-0.736848f, 0.736822f, 0.736795f, 0.736769f, 0.736743f, 0.736717f, 0.736691f, 0.736665f, 0.736638f, 0.736612f, 0.736586f, 0.73656f, 0.736534f, 0.736507f, 0.736481f, 0.736455f, 0.736429f, 0.736403f, 0.736376f, 0.73635f,
-0.736324f, 0.736298f, 0.736272f, 0.736245f, 0.736219f, 0.736193f, 0.736167f, 0.736141f, 0.736115f, 0.736088f, 0.736062f, 0.736036f, 0.73601f, 0.735984f, 0.735957f, 0.735931f, 0.735905f, 0.735879f, 0.735853f, 0.735827f,
-0.7358f, 0.735774f, 0.735748f, 0.735722f, 0.735696f, 0.73567f, 0.735643f, 0.735617f, 0.735591f, 0.735565f, 0.735539f, 0.735512f, 0.735486f, 0.73546f, 0.735434f, 0.735408f, 0.735382f, 0.735355f, 0.735329f, 0.735303f,
-0.735277f, 0.735251f, 0.735225f, 0.735198f, 0.735172f, 0.735146f, 0.73512f, 0.735094f, 0.735068f, 0.735041f, 0.735015f, 0.734989f, 0.734963f, 0.734937f, 0.734911f, 0.734884f, 0.734858f, 0.734832f, 0.734806f, 0.73478f,
-0.734754f, 0.734728f, 0.734701f, 0.734675f, 0.734649f, 0.734623f, 0.734597f, 0.734571f, 0.734544f, 0.734518f, 0.734492f, 0.734466f, 0.73444f, 0.734414f, 0.734387f, 0.734361f, 0.734335f, 0.734309f, 0.734283f, 0.734257f,
-0.734231f, 0.734204f, 0.734178f, 0.734152f, 0.734126f, 0.7341f, 0.734074f, 0.734048f, 0.734021f, 0.733995f, 0.733969f, 0.733943f, 0.733917f, 0.733891f, 0.733865f, 0.733838f, 0.733812f, 0.733786f, 0.73376f, 0.733734f,
-0.733708f, 0.733682f, 0.733655f, 0.733629f, 0.733603f, 0.733577f, 0.733551f, 0.733525f, 0.733499f, 0.733472f, 0.733446f, 0.73342f, 0.733394f, 0.733368f, 0.733342f, 0.733316f, 0.733289f, 0.733263f, 0.733237f, 0.733211f,
-0.733185f, 0.733159f, 0.733133f, 0.733107f, 0.73308f, 0.733054f, 0.733028f, 0.733002f, 0.732976f, 0.73295f, 0.732924f, 0.732898f, 0.732871f, 0.732845f, 0.732819f, 0.732793f, 0.732767f, 0.732741f, 0.732715f, 0.732689f,
-0.732662f, 0.732636f, 0.73261f, 0.732584f, 0.732558f, 0.732532f, 0.732506f, 0.73248f, 0.732453f, 0.732427f, 0.732401f, 0.732375f, 0.732349f, 0.732323f, 0.732297f, 0.732271f, 0.732245f, 0.732218f, 0.732192f, 0.732166f,
-0.73214f, 0.732114f, 0.732088f, 0.732062f, 0.732036f, 0.73201f, 0.731983f, 0.731957f, 0.731931f, 0.731905f, 0.731879f, 0.731853f, 0.731827f, 0.731801f, 0.731775f, 0.731748f, 0.731722f, 0.731696f, 0.73167f, 0.731644f,
-0.731618f, 0.731592f, 0.731566f, 0.73154f, 0.731514f, 0.731487f, 0.731461f, 0.731435f, 0.731409f, 0.731383f, 0.731357f, 0.731331f, 0.731305f, 0.731279f, 0.731253f, 0.731226f, 0.7312f, 0.731174f, 0.731148f, 0.731122f,
-0.731096f, 0.73107f, 0.731044f, 0.731018f, 0.730992f, 0.730966f, 0.730939f, 0.730913f, 0.730887f, 0.730861f, 0.730835f, 0.730809f, 0.730783f, 0.730757f, 0.730731f, 0.730705f, 0.730679f, 0.730652f, 0.730626f, 0.7306f,
-0.730574f, 0.730548f, 0.730522f, 0.730496f, 0.73047f, 0.730444f, 0.730418f, 0.730392f, 0.730366f, 0.730339f, 0.730313f, 0.730287f, 0.730261f, 0.730235f, 0.730209f, 0.730183f, 0.730157f, 0.730131f, 0.730105f, 0.730079f,
-0.730053f, 0.730027f, 0.73f, 0.729974f, 0.729948f, 0.729922f, 0.729896f, 0.72987f, 0.729844f, 0.729818f, 0.729792f, 0.729766f, 0.72974f, 0.729714f, 0.729688f, 0.729662f, 0.729635f, 0.729609f, 0.729583f, 0.729557f,
-0.729531f, 0.729505f, 0.729479f, 0.729453f, 0.729427f, 0.729401f, 0.729375f, 0.729349f, 0.729323f, 0.729297f, 0.729271f, 0.729244f, 0.729218f, 0.729192f, 0.729166f, 0.72914f, 0.729114f, 0.729088f, 0.729062f, 0.729036f,
-0.72901f, 0.728984f, 0.728958f, 0.728932f, 0.728906f, 0.72888f, 0.728854f, 0.728828f, 0.728802f, 0.728775f, 0.728749f, 0.728723f, 0.728697f, 0.728671f, 0.728645f, 0.728619f, 0.728593f, 0.728567f, 0.728541f, 0.728515f,
-0.728489f, 0.728463f, 0.728437f, 0.728411f, 0.728385f, 0.728359f, 0.728333f, 0.728307f, 0.728281f, 0.728255f, 0.728228f, 0.728202f, 0.728176f, 0.72815f, 0.728124f, 0.728098f, 0.728072f, 0.728046f, 0.72802f, 0.727994f,
-0.727968f, 0.727942f, 0.727916f, 0.72789f, 0.727864f, 0.727838f, 0.727812f, 0.727786f, 0.72776f, 0.727734f, 0.727708f, 0.727682f, 0.727656f, 0.72763f, 0.727604f, 0.727578f, 0.727552f, 0.727525f, 0.727499f, 0.727473f,
-0.727447f, 0.727421f, 0.727395f, 0.727369f, 0.727343f, 0.727317f, 0.727291f, 0.727265f, 0.727239f, 0.727213f, 0.727187f, 0.727161f, 0.727135f, 0.727109f, 0.727083f, 0.727057f, 0.727031f, 0.727005f, 0.726979f, 0.726953f,
-0.726927f, 0.726901f, 0.726875f, 0.726849f, 0.726823f, 0.726797f, 0.726771f, 0.726745f, 0.726719f, 0.726693f, 0.726667f, 0.726641f, 0.726615f, 0.726589f, 0.726563f, 0.726537f, 0.726511f, 0.726485f, 0.726459f, 0.726433f,
-0.726407f, 0.726381f, 0.726355f, 0.726329f, 0.726303f, 0.726277f, 0.726251f, 0.726225f, 0.726199f, 0.726173f, 0.726147f, 0.726121f, 0.726095f, 0.726069f, 0.726043f, 0.726017f, 0.725991f, 0.725965f, 0.725939f, 0.725913f,
-0.725887f, 0.725861f, 0.725835f, 0.725809f, 0.725783f, 0.725757f, 0.725731f, 0.725705f, 0.725679f, 0.725653f, 0.725627f, 0.725601f, 0.725575f, 0.725549f, 0.725523f, 0.725497f, 0.725471f, 0.725445f, 0.725419f, 0.725393f,
-0.725367f, 0.725341f, 0.725315f, 0.725289f, 0.725263f, 0.725237f, 0.725211f, 0.725185f, 0.725159f, 0.725133f, 0.725107f, 0.725081f, 0.725055f, 0.725029f, 0.725003f, 0.724977f, 0.724951f, 0.724925f, 0.724899f, 0.724873f,
-0.724847f, 0.724821f, 0.724795f, 0.724769f, 0.724743f, 0.724717f, 0.724691f, 0.724665f, 0.724639f, 0.724613f, 0.724587f, 0.724561f, 0.724535f, 0.724509f, 0.724483f, 0.724457f, 0.724431f, 0.724405f, 0.724379f, 0.724353f,
-0.724327f, 0.724301f, 0.724275f, 0.724249f, 0.724223f, 0.724197f, 0.724171f, 0.724146f, 0.72412f, 0.724094f, 0.724068f, 0.724042f, 0.724016f, 0.72399f, 0.723964f, 0.723938f, 0.723912f, 0.723886f, 0.72386f, 0.723834f,
-0.723808f, 0.723782f, 0.723756f, 0.72373f, 0.723704f, 0.723678f, 0.723652f, 0.723626f, 0.7236f, 0.723574f, 0.723548f, 0.723522f, 0.723496f, 0.72347f, 0.723445f, 0.723419f, 0.723393f, 0.723367f, 0.723341f, 0.723315f,
-0.723289f, 0.723263f, 0.723237f, 0.723211f, 0.723185f, 0.723159f, 0.723133f, 0.723107f, 0.723081f, 0.723055f, 0.723029f, 0.723003f, 0.722977f, 0.722951f, 0.722925f, 0.7229f, 0.722874f, 0.722848f, 0.722822f, 0.722796f,
-0.72277f, 0.722744f, 0.722718f, 0.722692f, 0.722666f, 0.72264f, 0.722614f, 0.722588f, 0.722562f, 0.722536f, 0.72251f, 0.722484f, 0.722458f, 0.722433f, 0.722407f, 0.722381f, 0.722355f, 0.722329f, 0.722303f, 0.722277f,
-0.722251f, 0.722225f, 0.722199f, 0.722173f, 0.722147f, 0.722121f, 0.722095f, 0.722069f, 0.722044f, 0.722018f, 0.721992f, 0.721966f, 0.72194f, 0.721914f, 0.721888f, 0.721862f, 0.721836f, 0.72181f, 0.721784f, 0.721758f,
-0.721732f, 0.721706f, 0.721681f, 0.721655f, 0.721629f, 0.721603f, 0.721577f, 0.721551f, 0.721525f, 0.721499f, 0.721473f, 0.721447f, 0.721421f, 0.721395f, 0.721369f, 0.721344f, 0.721318f, 0.721292f, 0.721266f, 0.72124f,
-0.721214f, 0.721188f, 0.721162f, 0.721136f, 0.72111f, 0.721084f, 0.721058f, 0.721033f, 0.721007f, 0.720981f, 0.720955f, 0.720929f, 0.720903f, 0.720877f, 0.720851f, 0.720825f, 0.720799f, 0.720773f, 0.720748f, 0.720722f,
-0.720696f, 0.72067f, 0.720644f, 0.720618f, 0.720592f, 0.720566f, 0.72054f, 0.720514f, 0.720488f, 0.720463f, 0.720437f, 0.720411f, 0.720385f, 0.720359f, 0.720333f, 0.720307f, 0.720281f, 0.720255f, 0.720229f, 0.720204f,
-0.720178f, 0.720152f, 0.720126f, 0.7201f, 0.720074f, 0.720048f, 0.720022f, 0.719996f, 0.71997f, 0.719945f, 0.719919f, 0.719893f, 0.719867f, 0.719841f, 0.719815f, 0.719789f, 0.719763f, 0.719737f, 0.719712f, 0.719686f,
-0.71966f, 0.719634f, 0.719608f, 0.719582f, 0.719556f, 0.71953f, 0.719504f, 0.719479f, 0.719453f, 0.719427f, 0.719401f, 0.719375f, 0.719349f, 0.719323f, 0.719297f, 0.719271f, 0.719246f, 0.71922f, 0.719194f, 0.719168f,
-0.719142f, 0.719116f, 0.71909f, 0.719064f, 0.719039f, 0.719013f, 0.718987f, 0.718961f, 0.718935f, 0.718909f, 0.718883f, 0.718857f, 0.718832f, 0.718806f, 0.71878f, 0.718754f, 0.718728f, 0.718702f, 0.718676f, 0.71865f,
-0.718625f, 0.718599f, 0.718573f, 0.718547f, 0.718521f, 0.718495f, 0.718469f, 0.718444f, 0.718418f, 0.718392f, 0.718366f, 0.71834f, 0.718314f, 0.718288f, 0.718262f, 0.718237f, 0.718211f, 0.718185f, 0.718159f, 0.718133f,
-0.718107f, 0.718081f, 0.718056f, 0.71803f, 0.718004f, 0.717978f, 0.717952f, 0.717926f, 0.7179f, 0.717875f, 0.717849f, 0.717823f, 0.717797f, 0.717771f, 0.717745f, 0.717719f, 0.717694f, 0.717668f, 0.717642f, 0.717616f,
-0.71759f, 0.717564f, 0.717538f, 0.717513f, 0.717487f, 0.717461f, 0.717435f, 0.717409f, 0.717383f, 0.717358f, 0.717332f, 0.717306f, 0.71728f, 0.717254f, 0.717228f, 0.717202f, 0.717177f, 0.717151f, 0.717125f, 0.717099f,
-0.717073f, 0.717047f, 0.717022f, 0.716996f, 0.71697f, 0.716944f, 0.716918f, 0.716892f, 0.716866f, 0.716841f, 0.716815f, 0.716789f, 0.716763f, 0.716737f, 0.716711f, 0.716686f, 0.71666f, 0.716634f, 0.716608f, 0.716582f,
-0.716556f, 0.716531f, 0.716505f, 0.716479f, 0.716453f, 0.716427f, 0.716401f, 0.716376f, 0.71635f, 0.716324f, 0.716298f, 0.716272f, 0.716247f, 0.716221f, 0.716195f, 0.716169f, 0.716143f, 0.716117f, 0.716092f, 0.716066f,
-0.71604f, 0.716014f, 0.715988f, 0.715962f, 0.715937f, 0.715911f, 0.715885f, 0.715859f, 0.715833f, 0.715808f, 0.715782f, 0.715756f, 0.71573f, 0.715704f, 0.715678f, 0.715653f, 0.715627f, 0.715601f, 0.715575f, 0.715549f,
-0.715524f, 0.715498f, 0.715472f, 0.715446f, 0.71542f, 0.715394f, 0.715369f, 0.715343f, 0.715317f, 0.715291f, 0.715265f, 0.71524f, 0.715214f, 0.715188f, 0.715162f, 0.715136f, 0.715111f, 0.715085f, 0.715059f, 0.715033f,
-0.715007f, 0.714982f, 0.714956f, 0.71493f, 0.714904f, 0.714878f, 0.714852f, 0.714827f, 0.714801f, 0.714775f, 0.714749f, 0.714723f, 0.714698f, 0.714672f, 0.714646f, 0.71462f, 0.714594f, 0.714569f, 0.714543f, 0.714517f,
-0.714491f, 0.714466f, 0.71444f, 0.714414f, 0.714388f, 0.714362f, 0.714337f, 0.714311f, 0.714285f, 0.714259f, 0.714233f, 0.714208f, 0.714182f, 0.714156f, 0.71413f, 0.714104f, 0.714079f, 0.714053f, 0.714027f, 0.714001f,
-0.713975f, 0.71395f, 0.713924f, 0.713898f, 0.713872f, 0.713847f, 0.713821f, 0.713795f, 0.713769f, 0.713743f, 0.713718f, 0.713692f, 0.713666f, 0.71364f, 0.713615f, 0.713589f, 0.713563f, 0.713537f, 0.713511f, 0.713486f,
-0.71346f, 0.713434f, 0.713408f, 0.713383f, 0.713357f, 0.713331f, 0.713305f, 0.713279f, 0.713254f, 0.713228f, 0.713202f, 0.713176f, 0.713151f, 0.713125f, 0.713099f, 0.713073f, 0.713047f, 0.713022f, 0.712996f, 0.71297f,
-0.712944f, 0.712919f, 0.712893f, 0.712867f, 0.712841f, 0.712816f, 0.71279f, 0.712764f, 0.712738f, 0.712713f, 0.712687f, 0.712661f, 0.712635f, 0.712609f, 0.712584f, 0.712558f, 0.712532f, 0.712506f, 0.712481f, 0.712455f,
-0.712429f, 0.712403f, 0.712378f, 0.712352f, 0.712326f, 0.7123f, 0.712275f, 0.712249f, 0.712223f, 0.712197f, 0.712172f, 0.712146f, 0.71212f, 0.712094f, 0.712069f, 0.712043f, 0.712017f, 0.711991f, 0.711966f, 0.71194f,
-0.711914f, 0.711888f, 0.711863f, 0.711837f, 0.711811f, 0.711785f, 0.71176f, 0.711734f, 0.711708f, 0.711682f, 0.711657f, 0.711631f, 0.711605f, 0.711579f, 0.711554f, 0.711528f, 0.711502f, 0.711476f, 0.711451f, 0.711425f,
-0.711399f, 0.711373f, 0.711348f, 0.711322f, 0.711296f, 0.71127f, 0.711245f, 0.711219f, 0.711193f, 0.711168f, 0.711142f, 0.711116f, 0.71109f, 0.711065f, 0.711039f, 0.711013f, 0.710987f, 0.710962f, 0.710936f, 0.71091f,
-0.710884f, 0.710859f, 0.710833f, 0.710807f, 0.710782f, 0.710756f, 0.71073f, 0.710704f, 0.710679f, 0.710653f, 0.710627f, 0.710601f, 0.710576f, 0.71055f, 0.710524f, 0.710499f, 0.710473f, 0.710447f, 0.710421f, 0.710396f,
-0.71037f, 0.710344f, 0.710319f, 0.710293f, 0.710267f, 0.710241f, 0.710216f, 0.71019f, 0.710164f, 0.710138f, 0.710113f, 0.710087f, 0.710061f, 0.710036f, 0.71001f, 0.709984f, 0.709958f, 0.709933f, 0.709907f, 0.709881f,
-0.709856f, 0.70983f, 0.709804f, 0.709778f, 0.709753f, 0.709727f, 0.709701f, 0.709676f, 0.70965f, 0.709624f, 0.709599f, 0.709573f, 0.709547f, 0.709521f, 0.709496f, 0.70947f, 0.709444f, 0.709419f, 0.709393f, 0.709367f,
-0.709341f, 0.709316f, 0.70929f, 0.709264f, 0.709239f, 0.709213f, 0.709187f, 0.709162f, 0.709136f, 0.70911f, 0.709084f, 0.709059f, 0.709033f, 0.709007f, 0.708982f, 0.708956f, 0.70893f, 0.708905f, 0.708879f, 0.708853f,
-0.708828f, 0.708802f, 0.708776f, 0.70875f, 0.708725f, 0.708699f, 0.708673f, 0.708648f, 0.708622f, 0.708596f, 0.708571f, 0.708545f, 0.708519f, 0.708494f, 0.708468f, 0.708442f, 0.708416f, 0.708391f, 0.708365f, 0.708339f,
-0.708314f, 0.708288f, 0.708262f, 0.708237f, 0.708211f, 0.708185f, 0.70816f, 0.708134f, 0.708108f, 0.708083f, 0.708057f, 0.708031f, 0.708006f, 0.70798f, 0.707954f, 0.707929f, 0.707903f, 0.707877f, 0.707852f, 0.707826f,
-0.7078f, 0.707774f, 0.707749f, 0.707723f, 0.707697f, 0.707672f, 0.707646f, 0.70762f, 0.707595f, 0.707569f, 0.707543f, 0.707518f, 0.707492f, 0.707466f, 0.707441f, 0.707415f, 0.707389f, 0.707364f, 0.707338f, 0.707312f,
-0.707287f, 0.707261f, 0.707235f, 0.70721f, 0.707184f, 0.707158f, 0.707133f, 0.707107f, 0.707081f, 0.707056f, 0.70703f, 0.707004f, 0.706979f, 0.706953f, 0.706927f, 0.706902f, 0.706876f, 0.706851f, 0.706825f, 0.706799f,
-0.706774f, 0.706748f, 0.706722f, 0.706697f, 0.706671f, 0.706645f, 0.70662f, 0.706594f, 0.706568f, 0.706543f, 0.706517f, 0.706491f, 0.706466f, 0.70644f, 0.706414f, 0.706389f, 0.706363f, 0.706337f, 0.706312f, 0.706286f,
-0.706261f, 0.706235f, 0.706209f, 0.706184f, 0.706158f, 0.706132f, 0.706107f, 0.706081f, 0.706055f, 0.70603f, 0.706004f, 0.705978f, 0.705953f, 0.705927f, 0.705901f, 0.705876f, 0.70585f, 0.705825f, 0.705799f, 0.705773f,
-0.705748f, 0.705722f, 0.705696f, 0.705671f, 0.705645f, 0.705619f, 0.705594f, 0.705568f, 0.705543f, 0.705517f, 0.705491f, 0.705466f, 0.70544f, 0.705414f, 0.705389f, 0.705363f, 0.705338f, 0.705312f, 0.705286f, 0.705261f,
-0.705235f, 0.705209f, 0.705184f, 0.705158f, 0.705132f, 0.705107f, 0.705081f, 0.705056f, 0.70503f, 0.705004f, 0.704979f, 0.704953f, 0.704928f, 0.704902f, 0.704876f, 0.704851f, 0.704825f, 0.704799f, 0.704774f, 0.704748f,
-0.704723f, 0.704697f, 0.704671f, 0.704646f, 0.70462f, 0.704594f, 0.704569f, 0.704543f, 0.704518f, 0.704492f, 0.704466f, 0.704441f, 0.704415f, 0.70439f, 0.704364f, 0.704338f, 0.704313f, 0.704287f, 0.704261f, 0.704236f,
-0.70421f, 0.704185f, 0.704159f, 0.704133f, 0.704108f, 0.704082f, 0.704057f, 0.704031f, 0.704005f, 0.70398f, 0.703954f, 0.703929f, 0.703903f, 0.703877f, 0.703852f, 0.703826f, 0.703801f, 0.703775f, 0.703749f, 0.703724f,
-0.703698f, 0.703673f, 0.703647f, 0.703621f, 0.703596f, 0.70357f, 0.703545f, 0.703519f, 0.703493f, 0.703468f, 0.703442f, 0.703417f, 0.703391f, 0.703365f, 0.70334f, 0.703314f, 0.703289f, 0.703263f, 0.703237f, 0.703212f,
-0.703186f, 0.703161f, 0.703135f, 0.703109f, 0.703084f, 0.703058f, 0.703033f, 0.703007f, 0.702982f, 0.702956f, 0.70293f, 0.702905f, 0.702879f, 0.702854f, 0.702828f, 0.702802f, 0.702777f, 0.702751f, 0.702726f, 0.7027f,
-0.702675f, 0.702649f, 0.702623f, 0.702598f, 0.702572f, 0.702547f, 0.702521f, 0.702495f, 0.70247f, 0.702444f, 0.702419f, 0.702393f, 0.702368f, 0.702342f, 0.702316f, 0.702291f, 0.702265f, 0.70224f, 0.702214f, 0.702189f,
-0.702163f, 0.702137f, 0.702112f, 0.702086f, 0.702061f, 0.702035f, 0.70201f, 0.701984f, 0.701958f, 0.701933f, 0.701907f, 0.701882f, 0.701856f, 0.701831f, 0.701805f, 0.701779f, 0.701754f, 0.701728f, 0.701703f, 0.701677f,
-0.701652f, 0.701626f, 0.701601f, 0.701575f, 0.701549f, 0.701524f, 0.701498f, 0.701473f, 0.701447f, 0.701422f, 0.701396f, 0.70137f, 0.701345f, 0.701319f, 0.701294f, 0.701268f, 0.701243f, 0.701217f, 0.701192f, 0.701166f,
-0.70114f, 0.701115f, 0.701089f, 0.701064f, 0.701038f, 0.701013f, 0.700987f, 0.700962f, 0.700936f, 0.700911f, 0.700885f, 0.700859f, 0.700834f, 0.700808f, 0.700783f, 0.700757f, 0.700732f, 0.700706f, 0.700681f, 0.700655f,
-0.700629f, 0.700604f, 0.700578f, 0.700553f, 0.700527f, 0.700502f, 0.700476f, 0.700451f, 0.700425f, 0.7004f, 0.700374f, 0.700349f, 0.700323f, 0.700297f, 0.700272f, 0.700246f, 0.700221f, 0.700195f, 0.70017f, 0.700144f,
-0.700119f, 0.700093f, 0.700068f, 0.700042f, 0.700017f, 0.699991f, 0.699965f, 0.69994f, 0.699914f, 0.699889f, 0.699863f, 0.699838f, 0.699812f, 0.699787f, 0.699761f, 0.699736f, 0.69971f, 0.699685f, 0.699659f, 0.699634f,
-0.699608f, 0.699583f, 0.699557f, 0.699532f, 0.699506f, 0.69948f, 0.699455f, 0.699429f, 0.699404f, 0.699378f, 0.699353f, 0.699327f, 0.699302f, 0.699276f, 0.699251f, 0.699225f, 0.6992f, 0.699174f, 0.699149f, 0.699123f,
-0.699098f, 0.699072f, 0.699047f, 0.699021f, 0.698996f, 0.69897f, 0.698945f, 0.698919f, 0.698894f, 0.698868f, 0.698843f, 0.698817f, 0.698792f, 0.698766f, 0.69874f, 0.698715f, 0.698689f, 0.698664f, 0.698638f, 0.698613f,
-0.698587f, 0.698562f, 0.698536f, 0.698511f, 0.698485f, 0.69846f, 0.698434f, 0.698409f, 0.698383f, 0.698358f, 0.698332f, 0.698307f, 0.698281f, 0.698256f, 0.69823f, 0.698205f, 0.698179f, 0.698154f, 0.698128f, 0.698103f,
-0.698077f, 0.698052f, 0.698026f, 0.698001f, 0.697975f, 0.69795f, 0.697924f, 0.697899f, 0.697873f, 0.697848f, 0.697822f, 0.697797f, 0.697771f, 0.697746f, 0.69772f, 0.697695f, 0.697669f, 0.697644f, 0.697619f, 0.697593f,
-0.697568f, 0.697542f, 0.697517f, 0.697491f, 0.697466f, 0.69744f, 0.697415f, 0.697389f, 0.697364f, 0.697338f, 0.697313f, 0.697287f, 0.697262f, 0.697236f, 0.697211f, 0.697185f, 0.69716f, 0.697134f, 0.697109f, 0.697083f,
-0.697058f, 0.697032f, 0.697007f, 0.696981f, 0.696956f, 0.69693f, 0.696905f, 0.69688f, 0.696854f, 0.696829f, 0.696803f, 0.696778f, 0.696752f, 0.696727f, 0.696701f, 0.696676f, 0.69665f, 0.696625f, 0.696599f, 0.696574f,
-0.696548f, 0.696523f, 0.696497f, 0.696472f, 0.696446f, 0.696421f, 0.696396f, 0.69637f, 0.696345f, 0.696319f, 0.696294f, 0.696268f, 0.696243f, 0.696217f, 0.696192f, 0.696166f, 0.696141f, 0.696115f, 0.69609f, 0.696065f,
-0.696039f, 0.696014f, 0.695988f, 0.695963f, 0.695937f, 0.695912f, 0.695886f, 0.695861f, 0.695835f, 0.69581f, 0.695784f, 0.695759f, 0.695734f, 0.695708f, 0.695683f, 0.695657f, 0.695632f, 0.695606f, 0.695581f, 0.695555f,
-0.69553f, 0.695504f, 0.695479f, 0.695454f, 0.695428f, 0.695403f, 0.695377f, 0.695352f, 0.695326f, 0.695301f, 0.695275f, 0.69525f, 0.695225f, 0.695199f, 0.695174f, 0.695148f, 0.695123f, 0.695097f, 0.695072f, 0.695046f,
-0.695021f, 0.694996f, 0.69497f, 0.694945f, 0.694919f, 0.694894f, 0.694868f, 0.694843f, 0.694817f, 0.694792f, 0.694767f, 0.694741f, 0.694716f, 0.69469f, 0.694665f, 0.694639f, 0.694614f, 0.694589f, 0.694563f, 0.694538f,
-0.694512f, 0.694487f, 0.694461f, 0.694436f, 0.694411f, 0.694385f, 0.69436f, 0.694334f, 0.694309f, 0.694283f, 0.694258f, 0.694233f, 0.694207f, 0.694182f, 0.694156f, 0.694131f, 0.694105f, 0.69408f, 0.694055f, 0.694029f,
-0.694004f, 0.693978f, 0.693953f, 0.693927f, 0.693902f, 0.693877f, 0.693851f, 0.693826f, 0.6938f, 0.693775f, 0.693749f, 0.693724f, 0.693699f, 0.693673f, 0.693648f, 0.693622f, 0.693597f, 0.693572f, 0.693546f, 0.693521f,
-0.693495f, 0.69347f, 0.693445f, 0.693419f, 0.693394f, 0.693368f, 0.693343f, 0.693317f, 0.693292f, 0.693267f, 0.693241f, 0.693216f, 0.69319f, 0.693165f, 0.69314f, 0.693114f, 0.693089f, 0.693063f, 0.693038f, 0.693013f,
-0.692987f, 0.692962f, 0.692936f, 0.692911f, 0.692886f, 0.69286f, 0.692835f, 0.692809f, 0.692784f, 0.692759f, 0.692733f, 0.692708f, 0.692682f, 0.692657f, 0.692632f, 0.692606f, 0.692581f, 0.692555f, 0.69253f, 0.692505f,
-0.692479f, 0.692454f, 0.692428f, 0.692403f, 0.692378f, 0.692352f, 0.692327f, 0.692301f, 0.692276f, 0.692251f, 0.692225f, 0.6922f, 0.692174f, 0.692149f, 0.692124f, 0.692098f, 0.692073f, 0.692047f, 0.692022f, 0.691997f,
-0.691971f, 0.691946f, 0.691921f, 0.691895f, 0.69187f, 0.691844f, 0.691819f, 0.691794f, 0.691768f, 0.691743f, 0.691717f, 0.691692f, 0.691667f, 0.691641f, 0.691616f, 0.691591f, 0.691565f, 0.69154f, 0.691514f, 0.691489f,
-0.691464f, 0.691438f, 0.691413f, 0.691388f, 0.691362f, 0.691337f, 0.691311f, 0.691286f, 0.691261f, 0.691235f, 0.69121f, 0.691185f, 0.691159f, 0.691134f, 0.691108f, 0.691083f, 0.691058f, 0.691032f, 0.691007f, 0.690982f,
-0.690956f, 0.690931f, 0.690906f, 0.69088f, 0.690855f, 0.690829f, 0.690804f, 0.690779f, 0.690753f, 0.690728f, 0.690703f, 0.690677f, 0.690652f, 0.690627f, 0.690601f, 0.690576f, 0.69055f, 0.690525f, 0.6905f, 0.690474f,
-0.690449f, 0.690424f, 0.690398f, 0.690373f, 0.690348f, 0.690322f, 0.690297f, 0.690272f, 0.690246f, 0.690221f, 0.690195f, 0.69017f, 0.690145f, 0.690119f, 0.690094f, 0.690069f, 0.690043f, 0.690018f, 0.689993f, 0.689967f,
-0.689942f, 0.689917f, 0.689891f, 0.689866f, 0.689841f, 0.689815f, 0.68979f, 0.689765f, 0.689739f, 0.689714f, 0.689688f, 0.689663f, 0.689638f, 0.689612f, 0.689587f, 0.689562f, 0.689536f, 0.689511f, 0.689486f, 0.68946f,
-0.689435f, 0.68941f, 0.689384f, 0.689359f, 0.689334f, 0.689308f, 0.689283f, 0.689258f, 0.689232f, 0.689207f, 0.689182f, 0.689156f, 0.689131f, 0.689106f, 0.68908f, 0.689055f, 0.68903f, 0.689004f, 0.688979f, 0.688954f,
-0.688928f, 0.688903f, 0.688878f, 0.688852f, 0.688827f, 0.688802f, 0.688776f, 0.688751f, 0.688726f, 0.6887f, 0.688675f, 0.68865f, 0.688624f, 0.688599f, 0.688574f, 0.688548f, 0.688523f, 0.688498f, 0.688473f, 0.688447f,
-0.688422f, 0.688397f, 0.688371f, 0.688346f, 0.688321f, 0.688295f, 0.68827f, 0.688245f, 0.688219f, 0.688194f, 0.688169f, 0.688143f, 0.688118f, 0.688093f, 0.688067f, 0.688042f, 0.688017f, 0.687991f, 0.687966f, 0.687941f,
-0.687916f, 0.68789f, 0.687865f, 0.68784f, 0.687814f, 0.687789f, 0.687764f, 0.687738f, 0.687713f, 0.687688f, 0.687662f, 0.687637f, 0.687612f, 0.687587f, 0.687561f, 0.687536f, 0.687511f, 0.687485f, 0.68746f, 0.687435f,
-0.687409f, 0.687384f, 0.687359f, 0.687333f, 0.687308f, 0.687283f, 0.687258f, 0.687232f, 0.687207f, 0.687182f, 0.687156f, 0.687131f, 0.687106f, 0.687081f, 0.687055f, 0.68703f, 0.687005f, 0.686979f, 0.686954f, 0.686929f,
-0.686903f, 0.686878f, 0.686853f, 0.686828f, 0.686802f, 0.686777f, 0.686752f, 0.686726f, 0.686701f, 0.686676f, 0.686651f, 0.686625f, 0.6866f, 0.686575f, 0.686549f, 0.686524f, 0.686499f, 0.686474f, 0.686448f, 0.686423f,
-0.686398f, 0.686372f, 0.686347f, 0.686322f, 0.686297f, 0.686271f, 0.686246f, 0.686221f, 0.686195f, 0.68617f, 0.686145f, 0.68612f, 0.686094f, 0.686069f, 0.686044f, 0.686018f, 0.685993f, 0.685968f, 0.685943f, 0.685917f,
-0.685892f, 0.685867f, 0.685842f, 0.685816f, 0.685791f, 0.685766f, 0.68574f, 0.685715f, 0.68569f, 0.685665f, 0.685639f, 0.685614f, 0.685589f, 0.685564f, 0.685538f, 0.685513f, 0.685488f, 0.685463f, 0.685437f, 0.685412f,
-0.685387f, 0.685361f, 0.685336f, 0.685311f, 0.685286f, 0.68526f, 0.685235f, 0.68521f, 0.685185f, 0.685159f, 0.685134f, 0.685109f, 0.685084f, 0.685058f, 0.685033f, 0.685008f, 0.684983f, 0.684957f, 0.684932f, 0.684907f,
-0.684882f, 0.684856f, 0.684831f, 0.684806f, 0.68478f, 0.684755f, 0.68473f, 0.684705f, 0.684679f, 0.684654f, 0.684629f, 0.684604f, 0.684578f, 0.684553f, 0.684528f, 0.684503f, 0.684477f, 0.684452f, 0.684427f, 0.684402f,
-0.684376f, 0.684351f, 0.684326f, 0.684301f, 0.684276f, 0.68425f, 0.684225f, 0.6842f, 0.684175f, 0.684149f, 0.684124f, 0.684099f, 0.684074f, 0.684048f, 0.684023f, 0.683998f, 0.683973f, 0.683947f, 0.683922f, 0.683897f,
-0.683872f, 0.683846f, 0.683821f, 0.683796f, 0.683771f, 0.683745f, 0.68372f, 0.683695f, 0.68367f, 0.683645f, 0.683619f, 0.683594f, 0.683569f, 0.683544f, 0.683518f, 0.683493f, 0.683468f, 0.683443f, 0.683417f, 0.683392f,
-0.683367f, 0.683342f, 0.683317f, 0.683291f, 0.683266f, 0.683241f, 0.683216f, 0.68319f, 0.683165f, 0.68314f, 0.683115f, 0.68309f, 0.683064f, 0.683039f, 0.683014f, 0.682989f, 0.682963f, 0.682938f, 0.682913f, 0.682888f,
-0.682863f, 0.682837f, 0.682812f, 0.682787f, 0.682762f, 0.682736f, 0.682711f, 0.682686f, 0.682661f, 0.682636f, 0.68261f, 0.682585f, 0.68256f, 0.682535f, 0.68251f, 0.682484f, 0.682459f, 0.682434f, 0.682409f, 0.682383f,
-0.682358f, 0.682333f, 0.682308f, 0.682283f, 0.682257f, 0.682232f, 0.682207f, 0.682182f, 0.682157f, 0.682131f, 0.682106f, 0.682081f, 0.682056f, 0.682031f, 0.682005f, 0.68198f, 0.681955f, 0.68193f, 0.681905f, 0.681879f,
-0.681854f, 0.681829f, 0.681804f, 0.681779f, 0.681753f, 0.681728f, 0.681703f, 0.681678f, 0.681653f, 0.681627f, 0.681602f, 0.681577f, 0.681552f, 0.681527f, 0.681501f, 0.681476f, 0.681451f, 0.681426f, 0.681401f, 0.681375f,
-0.68135f, 0.681325f, 0.6813f, 0.681275f, 0.68125f, 0.681224f, 0.681199f, 0.681174f, 0.681149f, 0.681124f, 0.681098f, 0.681073f, 0.681048f, 0.681023f, 0.680998f, 0.680972f, 0.680947f, 0.680922f, 0.680897f, 0.680872f,
-0.680847f, 0.680821f, 0.680796f, 0.680771f, 0.680746f, 0.680721f, 0.680695f, 0.68067f, 0.680645f, 0.68062f, 0.680595f, 0.68057f, 0.680544f, 0.680519f, 0.680494f, 0.680469f, 0.680444f, 0.680419f, 0.680393f, 0.680368f,
-0.680343f, 0.680318f, 0.680293f, 0.680268f, 0.680242f, 0.680217f, 0.680192f, 0.680167f, 0.680142f, 0.680117f, 0.680091f, 0.680066f, 0.680041f, 0.680016f, 0.679991f, 0.679966f, 0.67994f, 0.679915f, 0.67989f, 0.679865f,
-0.67984f, 0.679815f, 0.679789f, 0.679764f, 0.679739f, 0.679714f, 0.679689f, 0.679664f, 0.679638f, 0.679613f, 0.679588f, 0.679563f, 0.679538f, 0.679513f, 0.679487f, 0.679462f, 0.679437f, 0.679412f, 0.679387f, 0.679362f,
-0.679337f, 0.679311f, 0.679286f, 0.679261f, 0.679236f, 0.679211f, 0.679186f, 0.67916f, 0.679135f, 0.67911f, 0.679085f, 0.67906f, 0.679035f, 0.67901f, 0.678984f, 0.678959f, 0.678934f, 0.678909f, 0.678884f, 0.678859f,
-0.678834f, 0.678808f, 0.678783f, 0.678758f, 0.678733f, 0.678708f, 0.678683f, 0.678658f, 0.678632f, 0.678607f, 0.678582f, 0.678557f, 0.678532f, 0.678507f, 0.678482f, 0.678456f, 0.678431f, 0.678406f, 0.678381f, 0.678356f,
-0.678331f, 0.678306f, 0.678281f, 0.678255f, 0.67823f, 0.678205f, 0.67818f, 0.678155f, 0.67813f, 0.678105f, 0.678079f, 0.678054f, 0.678029f, 0.678004f, 0.677979f, 0.677954f, 0.677929f, 0.677904f, 0.677878f, 0.677853f,
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-0.659859f, 0.659834f, 0.659809f, 0.659784f, 0.65976f, 0.659735f, 0.65971f, 0.659685f, 0.65966f, 0.659636f, 0.659611f, 0.659586f, 0.659561f, 0.659537f, 0.659512f, 0.659487f, 0.659462f, 0.659437f, 0.659413f, 0.659388f,
-0.659363f, 0.659338f, 0.659313f, 0.659289f, 0.659264f, 0.659239f, 0.659214f, 0.65919f, 0.659165f, 0.65914f, 0.659115f, 0.65909f, 0.659066f, 0.659041f, 0.659016f, 0.658991f, 0.658967f, 0.658942f, 0.658917f, 0.658892f,
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-0.658372f, 0.658347f, 0.658323f, 0.658298f, 0.658273f, 0.658248f, 0.658224f, 0.658199f, 0.658174f, 0.658149f, 0.658125f, 0.6581f, 0.658075f, 0.65805f, 0.658026f, 0.658001f, 0.657976f, 0.657951f, 0.657927f, 0.657902f,
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-0.655898f, 0.655874f, 0.655849f, 0.655824f, 0.655799f, 0.655775f, 0.65575f, 0.655725f, 0.655701f, 0.655676f, 0.655651f, 0.655626f, 0.655602f, 0.655577f, 0.655552f, 0.655528f, 0.655503f, 0.655478f, 0.655454f, 0.655429f,
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-0.65491f, 0.654885f, 0.654861f, 0.654836f, 0.654811f, 0.654787f, 0.654762f, 0.654737f, 0.654713f, 0.654688f, 0.654663f, 0.654638f, 0.654614f, 0.654589f, 0.654564f, 0.65454f, 0.654515f, 0.65449f, 0.654466f, 0.654441f,
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-0.653923f, 0.653898f, 0.653873f, 0.653849f, 0.653824f, 0.653799f, 0.653775f, 0.65375f, 0.653725f, 0.6537f, 0.653676f, 0.653651f, 0.653626f, 0.653602f, 0.653577f, 0.653552f, 0.653528f, 0.653503f, 0.653478f, 0.653454f,
-0.653429f, 0.653404f, 0.65338f, 0.653355f, 0.65333f, 0.653306f, 0.653281f, 0.653256f, 0.653232f, 0.653207f, 0.653182f, 0.653158f, 0.653133f, 0.653108f, 0.653084f, 0.653059f, 0.653034f, 0.65301f, 0.652985f, 0.65296f,
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-0.65195f, 0.651925f, 0.651901f, 0.651876f, 0.651851f, 0.651827f, 0.651802f, 0.651777f, 0.651753f, 0.651728f, 0.651703f, 0.651679f, 0.651654f, 0.65163f, 0.651605f, 0.65158f, 0.651556f, 0.651531f, 0.651506f, 0.651482f,
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-0.650965f, 0.65094f, 0.650915f, 0.650891f, 0.650866f, 0.650841f, 0.650817f, 0.650792f, 0.650768f, 0.650743f, 0.650718f, 0.650694f, 0.650669f, 0.650644f, 0.65062f, 0.650595f, 0.650571f, 0.650546f, 0.650521f, 0.650497f,
-0.650472f, 0.650448f, 0.650423f, 0.650398f, 0.650374f, 0.650349f, 0.650325f, 0.6503f, 0.650275f, 0.650251f, 0.650226f, 0.650201f, 0.650177f, 0.650152f, 0.650128f, 0.650103f, 0.650078f, 0.650054f, 0.650029f, 0.650005f,
-0.64998f, 0.649955f, 0.649931f, 0.649906f, 0.649882f, 0.649857f, 0.649832f, 0.649808f, 0.649783f, 0.649759f, 0.649734f, 0.649709f, 0.649685f, 0.64966f, 0.649636f, 0.649611f, 0.649586f, 0.649562f, 0.649537f, 0.649513f,
-0.649488f, 0.649463f, 0.649439f, 0.649414f, 0.64939f, 0.649365f, 0.64934f, 0.649316f, 0.649291f, 0.649267f, 0.649242f, 0.649218f, 0.649193f, 0.649168f, 0.649144f, 0.649119f, 0.649095f, 0.64907f, 0.649045f, 0.649021f,
-0.648996f, 0.648972f, 0.648947f, 0.648922f, 0.648898f, 0.648873f, 0.648849f, 0.648824f, 0.6488f, 0.648775f, 0.64875f, 0.648726f, 0.648701f, 0.648677f, 0.648652f, 0.648628f, 0.648603f, 0.648578f, 0.648554f, 0.648529f,
-0.648505f, 0.64848f, 0.648455f, 0.648431f, 0.648406f, 0.648382f, 0.648357f, 0.648333f, 0.648308f, 0.648283f, 0.648259f, 0.648234f, 0.64821f, 0.648185f, 0.648161f, 0.648136f, 0.648111f, 0.648087f, 0.648062f, 0.648038f,
-0.648013f, 0.647989f, 0.647964f, 0.64794f, 0.647915f, 0.64789f, 0.647866f, 0.647841f, 0.647817f, 0.647792f, 0.647768f, 0.647743f, 0.647718f, 0.647694f, 0.647669f, 0.647645f, 0.64762f, 0.647596f, 0.647571f, 0.647547f,
-0.647522f, 0.647497f, 0.647473f, 0.647448f, 0.647424f, 0.647399f, 0.647375f, 0.64735f, 0.647326f, 0.647301f, 0.647276f, 0.647252f, 0.647227f, 0.647203f, 0.647178f, 0.647154f, 0.647129f, 0.647105f, 0.64708f, 0.647055f,
-0.647031f, 0.647006f, 0.646982f, 0.646957f, 0.646933f, 0.646908f, 0.646884f, 0.646859f, 0.646835f, 0.64681f, 0.646785f, 0.646761f, 0.646736f, 0.646712f, 0.646687f, 0.646663f, 0.646638f, 0.646614f, 0.646589f, 0.646565f,
-0.64654f, 0.646516f, 0.646491f, 0.646466f, 0.646442f, 0.646417f, 0.646393f, 0.646368f, 0.646344f, 0.646319f, 0.646295f, 0.64627f, 0.646246f, 0.646221f, 0.646197f, 0.646172f, 0.646148f, 0.646123f, 0.646098f, 0.646074f,
-0.646049f, 0.646025f, 0.646f, 0.645976f, 0.645951f, 0.645927f, 0.645902f, 0.645878f, 0.645853f, 0.645829f, 0.645804f, 0.64578f, 0.645755f, 0.645731f, 0.645706f, 0.645681f, 0.645657f, 0.645632f, 0.645608f, 0.645583f,
-0.645559f, 0.645534f, 0.64551f, 0.645485f, 0.645461f, 0.645436f, 0.645412f, 0.645387f, 0.645363f, 0.645338f, 0.645314f, 0.645289f, 0.645265f, 0.64524f, 0.645216f, 0.645191f, 0.645167f, 0.645142f, 0.645118f, 0.645093f,
-0.645069f, 0.645044f, 0.64502f, 0.644995f, 0.644971f, 0.644946f, 0.644922f, 0.644897f, 0.644873f, 0.644848f, 0.644824f, 0.644799f, 0.644774f, 0.64475f, 0.644725f, 0.644701f, 0.644676f, 0.644652f, 0.644627f, 0.644603f,
-0.644578f, 0.644554f, 0.644529f, 0.644505f, 0.64448f, 0.644456f, 0.644431f, 0.644407f, 0.644382f, 0.644358f, 0.644333f, 0.644309f, 0.644284f, 0.64426f, 0.644236f, 0.644211f, 0.644187f, 0.644162f, 0.644138f, 0.644113f,
-0.644089f, 0.644064f, 0.64404f, 0.644015f, 0.643991f, 0.643966f, 0.643942f, 0.643917f, 0.643893f, 0.643868f, 0.643844f, 0.643819f, 0.643795f, 0.64377f, 0.643746f, 0.643721f, 0.643697f, 0.643672f, 0.643648f, 0.643623f,
-0.643599f, 0.643574f, 0.64355f, 0.643525f, 0.643501f, 0.643476f, 0.643452f, 0.643427f, 0.643403f, 0.643378f, 0.643354f, 0.64333f, 0.643305f, 0.643281f, 0.643256f, 0.643232f, 0.643207f, 0.643183f, 0.643158f, 0.643134f,
-0.643109f, 0.643085f, 0.64306f, 0.643036f, 0.643011f, 0.642987f, 0.642962f, 0.642938f, 0.642913f, 0.642889f, 0.642865f, 0.64284f, 0.642816f, 0.642791f, 0.642767f, 0.642742f, 0.642718f, 0.642693f, 0.642669f, 0.642644f,
-0.64262f, 0.642595f, 0.642571f, 0.642546f, 0.642522f, 0.642498f, 0.642473f, 0.642449f, 0.642424f, 0.6424f, 0.642375f, 0.642351f, 0.642326f, 0.642302f, 0.642277f, 0.642253f, 0.642228f, 0.642204f, 0.64218f, 0.642155f,
-0.642131f, 0.642106f, 0.642082f, 0.642057f, 0.642033f, 0.642008f, 0.641984f, 0.64196f, 0.641935f, 0.641911f, 0.641886f, 0.641862f, 0.641837f, 0.641813f, 0.641788f, 0.641764f, 0.641739f, 0.641715f, 0.641691f, 0.641666f,
-0.641642f, 0.641617f, 0.641593f, 0.641568f, 0.641544f, 0.641519f, 0.641495f, 0.641471f, 0.641446f, 0.641422f, 0.641397f, 0.641373f, 0.641348f, 0.641324f, 0.641299f, 0.641275f, 0.641251f, 0.641226f, 0.641202f, 0.641177f,
-0.641153f, 0.641128f, 0.641104f, 0.64108f, 0.641055f, 0.641031f, 0.641006f, 0.640982f, 0.640957f, 0.640933f, 0.640909f, 0.640884f, 0.64086f, 0.640835f, 0.640811f, 0.640786f, 0.640762f, 0.640738f, 0.640713f, 0.640689f,
-0.640664f, 0.64064f, 0.640615f, 0.640591f, 0.640567f, 0.640542f, 0.640518f, 0.640493f, 0.640469f, 0.640444f, 0.64042f, 0.640396f, 0.640371f, 0.640347f, 0.640322f, 0.640298f, 0.640273f, 0.640249f, 0.640225f, 0.6402f,
-0.640176f, 0.640151f, 0.640127f, 0.640103f, 0.640078f, 0.640054f, 0.640029f, 0.640005f, 0.63998f, 0.639956f, 0.639932f, 0.639907f, 0.639883f, 0.639858f, 0.639834f, 0.63981f, 0.639785f, 0.639761f, 0.639736f, 0.639712f,
-0.639688f, 0.639663f, 0.639639f, 0.639614f, 0.63959f, 0.639566f, 0.639541f, 0.639517f, 0.639492f, 0.639468f, 0.639443f, 0.639419f, 0.639395f, 0.63937f, 0.639346f, 0.639321f, 0.639297f, 0.639273f, 0.639248f, 0.639224f,
-0.639199f, 0.639175f, 0.639151f, 0.639126f, 0.639102f, 0.639077f, 0.639053f, 0.639029f, 0.639004f, 0.63898f, 0.638956f, 0.638931f, 0.638907f, 0.638882f, 0.638858f, 0.638834f, 0.638809f, 0.638785f, 0.63876f, 0.638736f,
-0.638712f, 0.638687f, 0.638663f, 0.638638f, 0.638614f, 0.63859f, 0.638565f, 0.638541f, 0.638516f, 0.638492f, 0.638468f, 0.638443f, 0.638419f, 0.638395f, 0.63837f, 0.638346f, 0.638321f, 0.638297f, 0.638273f, 0.638248f,
-0.638224f, 0.6382f, 0.638175f, 0.638151f, 0.638126f, 0.638102f, 0.638078f, 0.638053f, 0.638029f, 0.638004f, 0.63798f, 0.637956f, 0.637931f, 0.637907f, 0.637883f, 0.637858f, 0.637834f, 0.637809f, 0.637785f, 0.637761f,
-0.637736f, 0.637712f, 0.637688f, 0.637663f, 0.637639f, 0.637615f, 0.63759f, 0.637566f, 0.637541f, 0.637517f, 0.637493f, 0.637468f, 0.637444f, 0.63742f, 0.637395f, 0.637371f, 0.637347f, 0.637322f, 0.637298f, 0.637273f,
-0.637249f, 0.637225f, 0.6372f, 0.637176f, 0.637152f, 0.637127f, 0.637103f, 0.637079f, 0.637054f, 0.63703f, 0.637005f, 0.636981f, 0.636957f, 0.636932f, 0.636908f, 0.636884f, 0.636859f, 0.636835f, 0.636811f, 0.636786f,
-0.636762f, 0.636738f, 0.636713f, 0.636689f, 0.636665f, 0.63664f, 0.636616f, 0.636591f, 0.636567f, 0.636543f, 0.636518f, 0.636494f, 0.63647f, 0.636445f, 0.636421f, 0.636397f, 0.636372f, 0.636348f, 0.636324f, 0.636299f,
-0.636275f, 0.636251f, 0.636226f, 0.636202f, 0.636178f, 0.636153f, 0.636129f, 0.636105f, 0.63608f, 0.636056f, 0.636032f, 0.636007f, 0.635983f, 0.635959f, 0.635934f, 0.63591f, 0.635886f, 0.635861f, 0.635837f, 0.635813f,
-0.635788f, 0.635764f, 0.63574f, 0.635715f, 0.635691f, 0.635667f, 0.635642f, 0.635618f, 0.635594f, 0.635569f, 0.635545f, 0.635521f, 0.635496f, 0.635472f, 0.635448f, 0.635423f, 0.635399f, 0.635375f, 0.63535f, 0.635326f,
-0.635302f, 0.635277f, 0.635253f, 0.635229f, 0.635204f, 0.63518f, 0.635156f, 0.635131f, 0.635107f, 0.635083f, 0.635058f, 0.635034f, 0.63501f, 0.634985f, 0.634961f, 0.634937f, 0.634912f, 0.634888f, 0.634864f, 0.63484f,
-0.634815f, 0.634791f, 0.634767f, 0.634742f, 0.634718f, 0.634694f, 0.634669f, 0.634645f, 0.634621f, 0.634596f, 0.634572f, 0.634548f, 0.634523f, 0.634499f, 0.634475f, 0.634451f, 0.634426f, 0.634402f, 0.634378f, 0.634353f,
-0.634329f, 0.634305f, 0.63428f, 0.634256f, 0.634232f, 0.634208f, 0.634183f, 0.634159f, 0.634135f, 0.63411f, 0.634086f, 0.634062f, 0.634037f, 0.634013f, 0.633989f, 0.633964f, 0.63394f, 0.633916f, 0.633892f, 0.633867f,
-0.633843f, 0.633819f, 0.633794f, 0.63377f, 0.633746f, 0.633722f, 0.633697f, 0.633673f, 0.633649f, 0.633624f, 0.6336f, 0.633576f, 0.633551f, 0.633527f, 0.633503f, 0.633479f, 0.633454f, 0.63343f, 0.633406f, 0.633381f,
-0.633357f, 0.633333f, 0.633309f, 0.633284f, 0.63326f, 0.633236f, 0.633211f, 0.633187f, 0.633163f, 0.633139f, 0.633114f, 0.63309f, 0.633066f, 0.633041f, 0.633017f, 0.632993f, 0.632969f, 0.632944f, 0.63292f, 0.632896f,
-0.632872f, 0.632847f, 0.632823f, 0.632799f, 0.632774f, 0.63275f, 0.632726f, 0.632702f, 0.632677f, 0.632653f, 0.632629f, 0.632604f, 0.63258f, 0.632556f, 0.632532f, 0.632507f, 0.632483f, 0.632459f, 0.632435f, 0.63241f,
-0.632386f, 0.632362f, 0.632338f, 0.632313f, 0.632289f, 0.632265f, 0.63224f, 0.632216f, 0.632192f, 0.632168f, 0.632143f, 0.632119f, 0.632095f, 0.632071f, 0.632046f, 0.632022f, 0.631998f, 0.631974f, 0.631949f, 0.631925f,
-0.631901f, 0.631877f, 0.631852f, 0.631828f, 0.631804f, 0.631779f, 0.631755f, 0.631731f, 0.631707f, 0.631682f, 0.631658f, 0.631634f, 0.63161f, 0.631585f, 0.631561f, 0.631537f, 0.631513f, 0.631488f, 0.631464f, 0.63144f,
-0.631416f, 0.631391f, 0.631367f, 0.631343f, 0.631319f, 0.631294f, 0.63127f, 0.631246f, 0.631222f, 0.631197f, 0.631173f, 0.631149f, 0.631125f, 0.6311f, 0.631076f, 0.631052f, 0.631028f, 0.631004f, 0.630979f, 0.630955f,
-0.630931f, 0.630907f, 0.630882f, 0.630858f, 0.630834f, 0.63081f, 0.630785f, 0.630761f, 0.630737f, 0.630713f, 0.630688f, 0.630664f, 0.63064f, 0.630616f, 0.630591f, 0.630567f, 0.630543f, 0.630519f, 0.630495f, 0.63047f,
-0.630446f, 0.630422f, 0.630398f, 0.630373f, 0.630349f, 0.630325f, 0.630301f, 0.630276f, 0.630252f, 0.630228f, 0.630204f, 0.63018f, 0.630155f, 0.630131f, 0.630107f, 0.630083f, 0.630058f, 0.630034f, 0.63001f, 0.629986f,
-0.629962f, 0.629937f, 0.629913f, 0.629889f, 0.629865f, 0.62984f, 0.629816f, 0.629792f, 0.629768f, 0.629744f, 0.629719f, 0.629695f, 0.629671f, 0.629647f, 0.629622f, 0.629598f, 0.629574f, 0.62955f, 0.629526f, 0.629501f,
-0.629477f, 0.629453f, 0.629429f, 0.629405f, 0.62938f, 0.629356f, 0.629332f, 0.629308f, 0.629284f, 0.629259f, 0.629235f, 0.629211f, 0.629187f, 0.629162f, 0.629138f, 0.629114f, 0.62909f, 0.629066f, 0.629041f, 0.629017f,
-0.628993f, 0.628969f, 0.628945f, 0.62892f, 0.628896f, 0.628872f, 0.628848f, 0.628824f, 0.628799f, 0.628775f, 0.628751f, 0.628727f, 0.628703f, 0.628678f, 0.628654f, 0.62863f, 0.628606f, 0.628582f, 0.628557f, 0.628533f,
-0.628509f, 0.628485f, 0.628461f, 0.628436f, 0.628412f, 0.628388f, 0.628364f, 0.62834f, 0.628316f, 0.628291f, 0.628267f, 0.628243f, 0.628219f, 0.628195f, 0.62817f, 0.628146f, 0.628122f, 0.628098f, 0.628074f, 0.628049f,
-0.628025f, 0.628001f, 0.627977f, 0.627953f, 0.627929f, 0.627904f, 0.62788f, 0.627856f, 0.627832f, 0.627808f, 0.627783f, 0.627759f, 0.627735f, 0.627711f, 0.627687f, 0.627663f, 0.627638f, 0.627614f, 0.62759f, 0.627566f,
-0.627542f, 0.627518f, 0.627493f, 0.627469f, 0.627445f, 0.627421f, 0.627397f, 0.627372f, 0.627348f, 0.627324f, 0.6273f, 0.627276f, 0.627252f, 0.627227f, 0.627203f, 0.627179f, 0.627155f, 0.627131f, 0.627107f, 0.627082f,
-0.627058f, 0.627034f, 0.62701f, 0.626986f, 0.626962f, 0.626937f, 0.626913f, 0.626889f, 0.626865f, 0.626841f, 0.626817f, 0.626792f, 0.626768f, 0.626744f, 0.62672f, 0.626696f, 0.626672f, 0.626648f, 0.626623f, 0.626599f,
-0.626575f, 0.626551f, 0.626527f, 0.626503f, 0.626478f, 0.626454f, 0.62643f, 0.626406f, 0.626382f, 0.626358f, 0.626334f, 0.626309f, 0.626285f, 0.626261f, 0.626237f, 0.626213f, 0.626189f, 0.626164f, 0.62614f, 0.626116f,
-0.626092f, 0.626068f, 0.626044f, 0.62602f, 0.625995f, 0.625971f, 0.625947f, 0.625923f, 0.625899f, 0.625875f, 0.625851f, 0.625826f, 0.625802f, 0.625778f, 0.625754f, 0.62573f, 0.625706f, 0.625682f, 0.625657f, 0.625633f,
-0.625609f, 0.625585f, 0.625561f, 0.625537f, 0.625513f, 0.625488f, 0.625464f, 0.62544f, 0.625416f, 0.625392f, 0.625368f, 0.625344f, 0.62532f, 0.625295f, 0.625271f, 0.625247f, 0.625223f, 0.625199f, 0.625175f, 0.625151f,
-0.625126f, 0.625102f, 0.625078f, 0.625054f, 0.62503f, 0.625006f, 0.624982f, 0.624958f, 0.624933f, 0.624909f, 0.624885f, 0.624861f, 0.624837f, 0.624813f, 0.624789f, 0.624765f, 0.62474f, 0.624716f, 0.624692f, 0.624668f,
-0.624644f, 0.62462f, 0.624596f, 0.624572f, 0.624548f, 0.624523f, 0.624499f, 0.624475f, 0.624451f, 0.624427f, 0.624403f, 0.624379f, 0.624355f, 0.624331f, 0.624306f, 0.624282f, 0.624258f, 0.624234f, 0.62421f, 0.624186f,
-0.624162f, 0.624138f, 0.624114f, 0.624089f, 0.624065f, 0.624041f, 0.624017f, 0.623993f, 0.623969f, 0.623945f, 0.623921f, 0.623897f, 0.623872f, 0.623848f, 0.623824f, 0.6238f, 0.623776f, 0.623752f, 0.623728f, 0.623704f,
-0.62368f, 0.623656f, 0.623631f, 0.623607f, 0.623583f, 0.623559f, 0.623535f, 0.623511f, 0.623487f, 0.623463f, 0.623439f, 0.623415f, 0.62339f, 0.623366f, 0.623342f, 0.623318f, 0.623294f, 0.62327f, 0.623246f, 0.623222f,
-0.623198f, 0.623174f, 0.62315f, 0.623125f, 0.623101f, 0.623077f, 0.623053f, 0.623029f, 0.623005f, 0.622981f, 0.622957f, 0.622933f, 0.622909f, 0.622885f, 0.62286f, 0.622836f, 0.622812f, 0.622788f, 0.622764f, 0.62274f,
-0.622716f, 0.622692f, 0.622668f, 0.622644f, 0.62262f, 0.622596f, 0.622571f, 0.622547f, 0.622523f, 0.622499f, 0.622475f, 0.622451f, 0.622427f, 0.622403f, 0.622379f, 0.622355f, 0.622331f, 0.622307f, 0.622283f, 0.622258f,
-0.622234f, 0.62221f, 0.622186f, 0.622162f, 0.622138f, 0.622114f, 0.62209f, 0.622066f, 0.622042f, 0.622018f, 0.621994f, 0.62197f, 0.621946f, 0.621921f, 0.621897f, 0.621873f, 0.621849f, 0.621825f, 0.621801f, 0.621777f,
-0.621753f, 0.621729f, 0.621705f, 0.621681f, 0.621657f, 0.621633f, 0.621609f, 0.621585f, 0.621561f, 0.621536f, 0.621512f, 0.621488f, 0.621464f, 0.62144f, 0.621416f, 0.621392f, 0.621368f, 0.621344f, 0.62132f, 0.621296f,
-0.621272f, 0.621248f, 0.621224f, 0.6212f, 0.621176f, 0.621152f, 0.621128f, 0.621103f, 0.621079f, 0.621055f, 0.621031f, 0.621007f, 0.620983f, 0.620959f, 0.620935f, 0.620911f, 0.620887f, 0.620863f, 0.620839f, 0.620815f,
-0.620791f, 0.620767f, 0.620743f, 0.620719f, 0.620695f, 0.620671f, 0.620647f, 0.620623f, 0.620599f, 0.620574f, 0.62055f, 0.620526f, 0.620502f, 0.620478f, 0.620454f, 0.62043f, 0.620406f, 0.620382f, 0.620358f, 0.620334f,
-0.62031f, 0.620286f, 0.620262f, 0.620238f, 0.620214f, 0.62019f, 0.620166f, 0.620142f, 0.620118f, 0.620094f, 0.62007f, 0.620046f, 0.620022f, 0.619998f, 0.619974f, 0.61995f, 0.619926f, 0.619902f, 0.619878f, 0.619853f,
-0.619829f, 0.619805f, 0.619781f, 0.619757f, 0.619733f, 0.619709f, 0.619685f, 0.619661f, 0.619637f, 0.619613f, 0.619589f, 0.619565f, 0.619541f, 0.619517f, 0.619493f, 0.619469f, 0.619445f, 0.619421f, 0.619397f, 0.619373f,
-0.619349f, 0.619325f, 0.619301f, 0.619277f, 0.619253f, 0.619229f, 0.619205f, 0.619181f, 0.619157f, 0.619133f, 0.619109f, 0.619085f, 0.619061f, 0.619037f, 0.619013f, 0.618989f, 0.618965f, 0.618941f, 0.618917f, 0.618893f,
-0.618869f, 0.618845f, 0.618821f, 0.618797f, 0.618773f, 0.618749f, 0.618725f, 0.618701f, 0.618677f, 0.618653f, 0.618629f, 0.618605f, 0.618581f, 0.618557f, 0.618533f, 0.618509f, 0.618485f, 0.618461f, 0.618437f, 0.618413f,
-0.618389f, 0.618365f, 0.618341f, 0.618317f, 0.618293f, 0.618269f, 0.618245f, 0.618221f, 0.618197f, 0.618173f, 0.618149f, 0.618125f, 0.618101f, 0.618077f, 0.618053f, 0.618029f, 0.618005f, 0.617981f, 0.617957f, 0.617933f,
-0.617909f, 0.617885f, 0.617861f, 0.617837f, 0.617813f, 0.617789f, 0.617765f, 0.617741f, 0.617717f, 0.617693f, 0.617669f, 0.617645f, 0.617621f, 0.617597f, 0.617573f, 0.617549f, 0.617525f, 0.617501f, 0.617477f, 0.617453f,
-0.617429f, 0.617405f, 0.617381f, 0.617357f, 0.617333f, 0.617309f, 0.617285f, 0.617261f, 0.617237f, 0.617213f, 0.617189f, 0.617165f, 0.617141f, 0.617117f, 0.617093f, 0.61707f, 0.617046f, 0.617022f, 0.616998f, 0.616974f,
-0.61695f, 0.616926f, 0.616902f, 0.616878f, 0.616854f, 0.61683f, 0.616806f, 0.616782f, 0.616758f, 0.616734f, 0.61671f, 0.616686f, 0.616662f, 0.616638f, 0.616614f, 0.61659f, 0.616566f, 0.616542f, 0.616518f, 0.616494f,
-0.61647f, 0.616446f, 0.616422f, 0.616398f, 0.616374f, 0.616351f, 0.616327f, 0.616303f, 0.616279f, 0.616255f, 0.616231f, 0.616207f, 0.616183f, 0.616159f, 0.616135f, 0.616111f, 0.616087f, 0.616063f, 0.616039f, 0.616015f,
-0.615991f, 0.615967f, 0.615943f, 0.615919f, 0.615895f, 0.615871f, 0.615848f, 0.615824f, 0.6158f, 0.615776f, 0.615752f, 0.615728f, 0.615704f, 0.61568f, 0.615656f, 0.615632f, 0.615608f, 0.615584f, 0.61556f, 0.615536f,
-0.615512f, 0.615488f, 0.615464f, 0.61544f, 0.615417f, 0.615393f, 0.615369f, 0.615345f, 0.615321f, 0.615297f, 0.615273f, 0.615249f, 0.615225f, 0.615201f, 0.615177f, 0.615153f, 0.615129f, 0.615105f, 0.615081f, 0.615057f,
-0.615034f, 0.61501f, 0.614986f, 0.614962f, 0.614938f, 0.614914f, 0.61489f, 0.614866f, 0.614842f, 0.614818f, 0.614794f, 0.61477f, 0.614746f, 0.614722f, 0.614698f, 0.614675f, 0.614651f, 0.614627f, 0.614603f, 0.614579f,
-0.614555f, 0.614531f, 0.614507f, 0.614483f, 0.614459f, 0.614435f, 0.614411f, 0.614387f, 0.614364f, 0.61434f, 0.614316f, 0.614292f, 0.614268f, 0.614244f, 0.61422f, 0.614196f, 0.614172f, 0.614148f, 0.614124f, 0.6141f,
-0.614077f, 0.614053f, 0.614029f, 0.614005f, 0.613981f, 0.613957f, 0.613933f, 0.613909f, 0.613885f, 0.613861f, 0.613837f, 0.613814f, 0.61379f, 0.613766f, 0.613742f, 0.613718f, 0.613694f, 0.61367f, 0.613646f, 0.613622f,
-0.613598f, 0.613574f, 0.613551f, 0.613527f, 0.613503f, 0.613479f, 0.613455f, 0.613431f, 0.613407f, 0.613383f, 0.613359f, 0.613335f, 0.613312f, 0.613288f, 0.613264f, 0.61324f, 0.613216f, 0.613192f, 0.613168f, 0.613144f,
-0.61312f, 0.613096f, 0.613073f, 0.613049f, 0.613025f, 0.613001f, 0.612977f, 0.612953f, 0.612929f, 0.612905f, 0.612881f, 0.612858f, 0.612834f, 0.61281f, 0.612786f, 0.612762f, 0.612738f, 0.612714f, 0.61269f, 0.612666f,
-0.612643f, 0.612619f, 0.612595f, 0.612571f, 0.612547f, 0.612523f, 0.612499f, 0.612475f, 0.612451f, 0.612428f, 0.612404f, 0.61238f, 0.612356f, 0.612332f, 0.612308f, 0.612284f, 0.61226f, 0.612237f, 0.612213f, 0.612189f,
-0.612165f, 0.612141f, 0.612117f, 0.612093f, 0.612069f, 0.612046f, 0.612022f, 0.611998f, 0.611974f, 0.61195f, 0.611926f, 0.611902f, 0.611878f, 0.611855f, 0.611831f, 0.611807f, 0.611783f, 0.611759f, 0.611735f, 0.611711f,
-0.611687f, 0.611664f, 0.61164f, 0.611616f, 0.611592f, 0.611568f, 0.611544f, 0.61152f, 0.611497f, 0.611473f, 0.611449f, 0.611425f, 0.611401f, 0.611377f, 0.611353f, 0.611329f, 0.611306f, 0.611282f, 0.611258f, 0.611234f,
-0.61121f, 0.611186f, 0.611162f, 0.611139f, 0.611115f, 0.611091f, 0.611067f, 0.611043f, 0.611019f, 0.610995f, 0.610972f, 0.610948f, 0.610924f, 0.6109f, 0.610876f, 0.610852f, 0.610828f, 0.610805f, 0.610781f, 0.610757f,
-0.610733f, 0.610709f, 0.610685f, 0.610662f, 0.610638f, 0.610614f, 0.61059f, 0.610566f, 0.610542f, 0.610518f, 0.610495f, 0.610471f, 0.610447f, 0.610423f, 0.610399f, 0.610375f, 0.610352f, 0.610328f, 0.610304f, 0.61028f,
-0.610256f, 0.610232f, 0.610209f, 0.610185f, 0.610161f, 0.610137f, 0.610113f, 0.610089f, 0.610065f, 0.610042f, 0.610018f, 0.609994f, 0.60997f, 0.609946f, 0.609922f, 0.609899f, 0.609875f, 0.609851f, 0.609827f, 0.609803f,
-0.609779f, 0.609756f, 0.609732f, 0.609708f, 0.609684f, 0.60966f, 0.609637f, 0.609613f, 0.609589f, 0.609565f, 0.609541f, 0.609517f, 0.609494f, 0.60947f, 0.609446f, 0.609422f, 0.609398f, 0.609374f, 0.609351f, 0.609327f,
-0.609303f, 0.609279f, 0.609255f, 0.609232f, 0.609208f, 0.609184f, 0.60916f, 0.609136f, 0.609112f, 0.609089f, 0.609065f, 0.609041f, 0.609017f, 0.608993f, 0.60897f, 0.608946f, 0.608922f, 0.608898f, 0.608874f, 0.60885f,
-0.608827f, 0.608803f, 0.608779f, 0.608755f, 0.608731f, 0.608708f, 0.608684f, 0.60866f, 0.608636f, 0.608612f, 0.608589f, 0.608565f, 0.608541f, 0.608517f, 0.608493f, 0.60847f, 0.608446f, 0.608422f, 0.608398f, 0.608374f,
-0.60835f, 0.608327f, 0.608303f, 0.608279f, 0.608255f, 0.608231f, 0.608208f, 0.608184f, 0.60816f, 0.608136f, 0.608112f, 0.608089f, 0.608065f, 0.608041f, 0.608017f, 0.607994f, 0.60797f, 0.607946f, 0.607922f, 0.607898f,
-0.607875f, 0.607851f, 0.607827f, 0.607803f, 0.607779f, 0.607756f, 0.607732f, 0.607708f, 0.607684f, 0.60766f, 0.607637f, 0.607613f, 0.607589f, 0.607565f, 0.607541f, 0.607518f, 0.607494f, 0.60747f, 0.607446f, 0.607423f,
-0.607399f, 0.607375f, 0.607351f, 0.607327f, 0.607304f, 0.60728f, 0.607256f, 0.607232f, 0.607208f, 0.607185f, 0.607161f, 0.607137f, 0.607113f, 0.60709f, 0.607066f, 0.607042f, 0.607018f, 0.606994f, 0.606971f, 0.606947f,
-0.606923f, 0.606899f, 0.606876f, 0.606852f, 0.606828f, 0.606804f, 0.606781f, 0.606757f, 0.606733f, 0.606709f, 0.606685f, 0.606662f, 0.606638f, 0.606614f, 0.60659f, 0.606567f, 0.606543f, 0.606519f, 0.606495f, 0.606472f,
-0.606448f, 0.606424f, 0.6064f, 0.606376f, 0.606353f, 0.606329f, 0.606305f, 0.606281f, 0.606258f, 0.606234f, 0.60621f, 0.606186f, 0.606163f, 0.606139f, 0.606115f, 0.606091f, 0.606068f, 0.606044f, 0.60602f, 0.605996f,
-0.605973f, 0.605949f, 0.605925f, 0.605901f, 0.605878f, 0.605854f, 0.60583f, 0.605806f, 0.605783f, 0.605759f, 0.605735f, 0.605711f, 0.605688f, 0.605664f, 0.60564f, 0.605616f, 0.605593f, 0.605569f, 0.605545f, 0.605521f,
-0.605498f, 0.605474f, 0.60545f, 0.605426f, 0.605403f, 0.605379f, 0.605355f, 0.605331f, 0.605308f, 0.605284f, 0.60526f, 0.605236f, 0.605213f, 0.605189f, 0.605165f, 0.605141f, 0.605118f, 0.605094f, 0.60507f, 0.605046f,
-0.605023f, 0.604999f, 0.604975f, 0.604951f, 0.604928f, 0.604904f, 0.60488f, 0.604857f, 0.604833f, 0.604809f, 0.604785f, 0.604762f, 0.604738f, 0.604714f, 0.60469f, 0.604667f, 0.604643f, 0.604619f, 0.604595f, 0.604572f,
-0.604548f, 0.604524f, 0.604501f, 0.604477f, 0.604453f, 0.604429f, 0.604406f, 0.604382f, 0.604358f, 0.604334f, 0.604311f, 0.604287f, 0.604263f, 0.60424f, 0.604216f, 0.604192f, 0.604168f, 0.604145f, 0.604121f, 0.604097f,
-0.604074f, 0.60405f, 0.604026f, 0.604002f, 0.603979f, 0.603955f, 0.603931f, 0.603908f, 0.603884f, 0.60386f, 0.603836f, 0.603813f, 0.603789f, 0.603765f, 0.603742f, 0.603718f, 0.603694f, 0.60367f, 0.603647f, 0.603623f,
-0.603599f, 0.603576f, 0.603552f, 0.603528f, 0.603504f, 0.603481f, 0.603457f, 0.603433f, 0.60341f, 0.603386f, 0.603362f, 0.603338f, 0.603315f, 0.603291f, 0.603267f, 0.603244f, 0.60322f, 0.603196f, 0.603173f, 0.603149f,
-0.603125f, 0.603101f, 0.603078f, 0.603054f, 0.60303f, 0.603007f, 0.602983f, 0.602959f, 0.602936f, 0.602912f, 0.602888f, 0.602864f, 0.602841f, 0.602817f, 0.602793f, 0.60277f, 0.602746f, 0.602722f, 0.602699f, 0.602675f,
-0.602651f, 0.602628f, 0.602604f, 0.60258f, 0.602556f, 0.602533f, 0.602509f, 0.602485f, 0.602462f, 0.602438f, 0.602414f, 0.602391f, 0.602367f, 0.602343f, 0.60232f, 0.602296f, 0.602272f, 0.602249f, 0.602225f, 0.602201f,
-0.602178f, 0.602154f, 0.60213f, 0.602106f, 0.602083f, 0.602059f, 0.602035f, 0.602012f, 0.601988f, 0.601964f, 0.601941f, 0.601917f, 0.601893f, 0.60187f, 0.601846f, 0.601822f, 0.601799f, 0.601775f, 0.601751f, 0.601728f,
-0.601704f, 0.60168f, 0.601657f, 0.601633f, 0.601609f, 0.601586f, 0.601562f, 0.601538f, 0.601515f, 0.601491f, 0.601467f, 0.601444f, 0.60142f, 0.601396f, 0.601373f, 0.601349f, 0.601325f, 0.601302f, 0.601278f, 0.601254f,
-0.601231f, 0.601207f, 0.601183f, 0.60116f, 0.601136f, 0.601112f, 0.601089f, 0.601065f, 0.601041f, 0.601018f, 0.600994f, 0.60097f, 0.600947f, 0.600923f, 0.600899f, 0.600876f, 0.600852f, 0.600828f, 0.600805f, 0.600781f,
-0.600757f, 0.600734f, 0.60071f, 0.600686f, 0.600663f, 0.600639f, 0.600616f, 0.600592f, 0.600568f, 0.600545f, 0.600521f, 0.600497f, 0.600474f, 0.60045f, 0.600426f, 0.600403f, 0.600379f, 0.600355f, 0.600332f, 0.600308f,
-0.600284f, 0.600261f, 0.600237f, 0.600214f, 0.60019f, 0.600166f, 0.600143f, 0.600119f, 0.600095f, 0.600072f, 0.600048f, 0.600024f, 0.600001f, 0.599977f, 0.599953f, 0.59993f, 0.599906f, 0.599883f, 0.599859f, 0.599835f,
-0.599812f, 0.599788f, 0.599764f, 0.599741f, 0.599717f, 0.599694f, 0.59967f, 0.599646f, 0.599623f, 0.599599f, 0.599575f, 0.599552f, 0.599528f, 0.599504f, 0.599481f, 0.599457f, 0.599434f, 0.59941f, 0.599386f, 0.599363f,
-0.599339f, 0.599315f, 0.599292f, 0.599268f, 0.599245f, 0.599221f, 0.599197f, 0.599174f, 0.59915f, 0.599126f, 0.599103f, 0.599079f, 0.599056f, 0.599032f, 0.599008f, 0.598985f, 0.598961f, 0.598937f, 0.598914f, 0.59889f,
-0.598867f, 0.598843f, 0.598819f, 0.598796f, 0.598772f, 0.598749f, 0.598725f, 0.598701f, 0.598678f, 0.598654f, 0.598631f, 0.598607f, 0.598583f, 0.59856f, 0.598536f, 0.598512f, 0.598489f, 0.598465f, 0.598442f, 0.598418f,
-0.598394f, 0.598371f, 0.598347f, 0.598324f, 0.5983f, 0.598276f, 0.598253f, 0.598229f, 0.598206f, 0.598182f, 0.598158f, 0.598135f, 0.598111f, 0.598088f, 0.598064f, 0.59804f, 0.598017f, 0.597993f, 0.59797f, 0.597946f,
-0.597922f, 0.597899f, 0.597875f, 0.597852f, 0.597828f, 0.597804f, 0.597781f, 0.597757f, 0.597734f, 0.59771f, 0.597686f, 0.597663f, 0.597639f, 0.597616f, 0.597592f, 0.597568f, 0.597545f, 0.597521f, 0.597498f, 0.597474f,
-0.59745f, 0.597427f, 0.597403f, 0.59738f, 0.597356f, 0.597333f, 0.597309f, 0.597285f, 0.597262f, 0.597238f, 0.597215f, 0.597191f, 0.597167f, 0.597144f, 0.59712f, 0.597097f, 0.597073f, 0.59705f, 0.597026f, 0.597002f,
-0.596979f, 0.596955f, 0.596932f, 0.596908f, 0.596885f, 0.596861f, 0.596837f, 0.596814f, 0.59679f, 0.596767f, 0.596743f, 0.596719f, 0.596696f, 0.596672f, 0.596649f, 0.596625f, 0.596602f, 0.596578f, 0.596554f, 0.596531f,
-0.596507f, 0.596484f, 0.59646f, 0.596437f, 0.596413f, 0.596389f, 0.596366f, 0.596342f, 0.596319f, 0.596295f, 0.596272f, 0.596248f, 0.596225f, 0.596201f, 0.596177f, 0.596154f, 0.59613f, 0.596107f, 0.596083f, 0.59606f,
-0.596036f, 0.596012f, 0.595989f, 0.595965f, 0.595942f, 0.595918f, 0.595895f, 0.595871f, 0.595848f, 0.595824f, 0.5958f, 0.595777f, 0.595753f, 0.59573f, 0.595706f, 0.595683f, 0.595659f, 0.595636f, 0.595612f, 0.595588f,
-0.595565f, 0.595541f, 0.595518f, 0.595494f, 0.595471f, 0.595447f, 0.595424f, 0.5954f, 0.595377f, 0.595353f, 0.595329f, 0.595306f, 0.595282f, 0.595259f, 0.595235f, 0.595212f, 0.595188f, 0.595165f, 0.595141f, 0.595118f,
-0.595094f, 0.59507f, 0.595047f, 0.595023f, 0.595f, 0.594976f, 0.594953f, 0.594929f, 0.594906f, 0.594882f, 0.594859f, 0.594835f, 0.594811f, 0.594788f, 0.594764f, 0.594741f, 0.594717f, 0.594694f, 0.59467f, 0.594647f,
-0.594623f, 0.5946f, 0.594576f, 0.594553f, 0.594529f, 0.594506f, 0.594482f, 0.594459f, 0.594435f, 0.594411f, 0.594388f, 0.594364f, 0.594341f, 0.594317f, 0.594294f, 0.59427f, 0.594247f, 0.594223f, 0.5942f, 0.594176f,
-0.594153f, 0.594129f, 0.594106f, 0.594082f, 0.594059f, 0.594035f, 0.594012f, 0.593988f, 0.593964f, 0.593941f, 0.593917f, 0.593894f, 0.59387f, 0.593847f, 0.593823f, 0.5938f, 0.593776f, 0.593753f, 0.593729f, 0.593706f,
-0.593682f, 0.593659f, 0.593635f, 0.593612f, 0.593588f, 0.593565f, 0.593541f, 0.593518f, 0.593494f, 0.593471f, 0.593447f, 0.593424f, 0.5934f, 0.593377f, 0.593353f, 0.59333f, 0.593306f, 0.593283f, 0.593259f, 0.593236f,
-0.593212f, 0.593189f, 0.593165f, 0.593142f, 0.593118f, 0.593095f, 0.593071f, 0.593048f, 0.593024f, 0.593001f, 0.592977f, 0.592954f, 0.59293f, 0.592907f, 0.592883f, 0.59286f, 0.592836f, 0.592813f, 0.592789f, 0.592766f,
-0.592742f, 0.592719f, 0.592695f, 0.592672f, 0.592648f, 0.592625f, 0.592601f, 0.592578f, 0.592554f, 0.592531f, 0.592507f, 0.592484f, 0.59246f, 0.592437f, 0.592413f, 0.59239f, 0.592366f, 0.592343f, 0.592319f, 0.592296f,
-0.592272f, 0.592249f, 0.592225f, 0.592202f, 0.592178f, 0.592155f, 0.592131f, 0.592108f, 0.592084f, 0.592061f, 0.592037f, 0.592014f, 0.59199f, 0.591967f, 0.591944f, 0.59192f, 0.591897f, 0.591873f, 0.59185f, 0.591826f,
-0.591803f, 0.591779f, 0.591756f, 0.591732f, 0.591709f, 0.591685f, 0.591662f, 0.591638f, 0.591615f, 0.591591f, 0.591568f, 0.591544f, 0.591521f, 0.591497f, 0.591474f, 0.591451f, 0.591427f, 0.591404f, 0.59138f, 0.591357f,
-0.591333f, 0.59131f, 0.591286f, 0.591263f, 0.591239f, 0.591216f, 0.591192f, 0.591169f, 0.591145f, 0.591122f, 0.591099f, 0.591075f, 0.591052f, 0.591028f, 0.591005f, 0.590981f, 0.590958f, 0.590934f, 0.590911f, 0.590887f,
-0.590864f, 0.590841f, 0.590817f, 0.590794f, 0.59077f, 0.590747f, 0.590723f, 0.5907f, 0.590676f, 0.590653f, 0.590629f, 0.590606f, 0.590582f, 0.590559f, 0.590536f, 0.590512f, 0.590489f, 0.590465f, 0.590442f, 0.590418f,
-0.590395f, 0.590371f, 0.590348f, 0.590325f, 0.590301f, 0.590278f, 0.590254f, 0.590231f, 0.590207f, 0.590184f, 0.59016f, 0.590137f, 0.590114f, 0.59009f, 0.590067f, 0.590043f, 0.59002f, 0.589996f, 0.589973f, 0.589949f,
-0.589926f, 0.589903f, 0.589879f, 0.589856f, 0.589832f, 0.589809f, 0.589785f, 0.589762f, 0.589739f, 0.589715f, 0.589692f, 0.589668f, 0.589645f, 0.589621f, 0.589598f, 0.589574f, 0.589551f, 0.589528f, 0.589504f, 0.589481f,
-0.589457f, 0.589434f, 0.58941f, 0.589387f, 0.589364f, 0.58934f, 0.589317f, 0.589293f, 0.58927f, 0.589246f, 0.589223f, 0.5892f, 0.589176f, 0.589153f, 0.589129f, 0.589106f, 0.589082f, 0.589059f, 0.589036f, 0.589012f,
-0.588989f, 0.588965f, 0.588942f, 0.588919f, 0.588895f, 0.588872f, 0.588848f, 0.588825f, 0.588801f, 0.588778f, 0.588755f, 0.588731f, 0.588708f, 0.588684f, 0.588661f, 0.588638f, 0.588614f, 0.588591f, 0.588567f, 0.588544f,
-0.58852f, 0.588497f, 0.588474f, 0.58845f, 0.588427f, 0.588403f, 0.58838f, 0.588357f, 0.588333f, 0.58831f, 0.588286f, 0.588263f, 0.58824f, 0.588216f, 0.588193f, 0.588169f, 0.588146f, 0.588123f, 0.588099f, 0.588076f,
-0.588052f, 0.588029f, 0.588006f, 0.587982f, 0.587959f, 0.587935f, 0.587912f, 0.587889f, 0.587865f, 0.587842f, 0.587818f, 0.587795f, 0.587772f, 0.587748f, 0.587725f, 0.587701f, 0.587678f, 0.587655f, 0.587631f, 0.587608f,
-0.587584f, 0.587561f, 0.587538f, 0.587514f, 0.587491f, 0.587467f, 0.587444f, 0.587421f, 0.587397f, 0.587374f, 0.58735f, 0.587327f, 0.587304f, 0.58728f, 0.587257f, 0.587234f, 0.58721f, 0.587187f, 0.587163f, 0.58714f,
-0.587117f, 0.587093f, 0.58707f, 0.587046f, 0.587023f, 0.587f, 0.586976f, 0.586953f, 0.58693f, 0.586906f, 0.586883f, 0.586859f, 0.586836f, 0.586813f, 0.586789f, 0.586766f, 0.586743f, 0.586719f, 0.586696f, 0.586672f,
-0.586649f, 0.586626f, 0.586602f, 0.586579f, 0.586556f, 0.586532f, 0.586509f, 0.586485f, 0.586462f, 0.586439f, 0.586415f, 0.586392f, 0.586369f, 0.586345f, 0.586322f, 0.586298f, 0.586275f, 0.586252f, 0.586228f, 0.586205f,
-0.586182f, 0.586158f, 0.586135f, 0.586112f, 0.586088f, 0.586065f, 0.586041f, 0.586018f, 0.585995f, 0.585971f, 0.585948f, 0.585925f, 0.585901f, 0.585878f, 0.585855f, 0.585831f, 0.585808f, 0.585785f, 0.585761f, 0.585738f,
-0.585714f, 0.585691f, 0.585668f, 0.585644f, 0.585621f, 0.585598f, 0.585574f, 0.585551f, 0.585528f, 0.585504f, 0.585481f, 0.585458f, 0.585434f, 0.585411f, 0.585387f, 0.585364f, 0.585341f, 0.585317f, 0.585294f, 0.585271f,
-0.585247f, 0.585224f, 0.585201f, 0.585177f, 0.585154f, 0.585131f, 0.585107f, 0.585084f, 0.585061f, 0.585037f, 0.585014f, 0.584991f, 0.584967f, 0.584944f, 0.584921f, 0.584897f, 0.584874f, 0.584851f, 0.584827f, 0.584804f,
-0.584781f, 0.584757f, 0.584734f, 0.584711f, 0.584687f, 0.584664f, 0.584641f, 0.584617f, 0.584594f, 0.584571f, 0.584547f, 0.584524f, 0.584501f, 0.584477f, 0.584454f, 0.584431f, 0.584407f, 0.584384f, 0.584361f, 0.584337f,
-0.584314f, 0.584291f, 0.584267f, 0.584244f, 0.584221f, 0.584197f, 0.584174f, 0.584151f, 0.584127f, 0.584104f, 0.584081f, 0.584057f, 0.584034f, 0.584011f, 0.583987f, 0.583964f, 0.583941f, 0.583917f, 0.583894f, 0.583871f,
-0.583847f, 0.583824f, 0.583801f, 0.583778f, 0.583754f, 0.583731f, 0.583708f, 0.583684f, 0.583661f, 0.583638f, 0.583614f, 0.583591f, 0.583568f, 0.583544f, 0.583521f, 0.583498f, 0.583474f, 0.583451f, 0.583428f, 0.583405f,
-0.583381f, 0.583358f, 0.583335f, 0.583311f, 0.583288f, 0.583265f, 0.583241f, 0.583218f, 0.583195f, 0.583171f, 0.583148f, 0.583125f, 0.583102f, 0.583078f, 0.583055f, 0.583032f, 0.583008f, 0.582985f, 0.582962f, 0.582938f,
-0.582915f, 0.582892f, 0.582869f, 0.582845f, 0.582822f, 0.582799f, 0.582775f, 0.582752f, 0.582729f, 0.582705f, 0.582682f, 0.582659f, 0.582636f, 0.582612f, 0.582589f, 0.582566f, 0.582542f, 0.582519f, 0.582496f, 0.582472f,
-0.582449f, 0.582426f, 0.582403f, 0.582379f, 0.582356f, 0.582333f, 0.582309f, 0.582286f, 0.582263f, 0.58224f, 0.582216f, 0.582193f, 0.58217f, 0.582146f, 0.582123f, 0.5821f, 0.582077f, 0.582053f, 0.58203f, 0.582007f,
-0.581983f, 0.58196f, 0.581937f, 0.581914f, 0.58189f, 0.581867f, 0.581844f, 0.581821f, 0.581797f, 0.581774f, 0.581751f, 0.581727f, 0.581704f, 0.581681f, 0.581658f, 0.581634f, 0.581611f, 0.581588f, 0.581564f, 0.581541f,
-0.581518f, 0.581495f, 0.581471f, 0.581448f, 0.581425f, 0.581402f, 0.581378f, 0.581355f, 0.581332f, 0.581309f, 0.581285f, 0.581262f, 0.581239f, 0.581215f, 0.581192f, 0.581169f, 0.581146f, 0.581122f, 0.581099f, 0.581076f,
-0.581053f, 0.581029f, 0.581006f, 0.580983f, 0.58096f, 0.580936f, 0.580913f, 0.58089f, 0.580867f, 0.580843f, 0.58082f, 0.580797f, 0.580773f, 0.58075f, 0.580727f, 0.580704f, 0.58068f, 0.580657f, 0.580634f, 0.580611f,
-0.580587f, 0.580564f, 0.580541f, 0.580518f, 0.580494f, 0.580471f, 0.580448f, 0.580425f, 0.580401f, 0.580378f, 0.580355f, 0.580332f, 0.580308f, 0.580285f, 0.580262f, 0.580239f, 0.580215f, 0.580192f, 0.580169f, 0.580146f,
-0.580122f, 0.580099f, 0.580076f, 0.580053f, 0.58003f, 0.580006f, 0.579983f, 0.57996f, 0.579937f, 0.579913f, 0.57989f, 0.579867f, 0.579844f, 0.57982f, 0.579797f, 0.579774f, 0.579751f, 0.579727f, 0.579704f, 0.579681f,
-0.579658f, 0.579634f, 0.579611f, 0.579588f, 0.579565f, 0.579542f, 0.579518f, 0.579495f, 0.579472f, 0.579449f, 0.579425f, 0.579402f, 0.579379f, 0.579356f, 0.579332f, 0.579309f, 0.579286f, 0.579263f, 0.57924f, 0.579216f,
-0.579193f, 0.57917f, 0.579147f, 0.579123f, 0.5791f, 0.579077f, 0.579054f, 0.579031f, 0.579007f, 0.578984f, 0.578961f, 0.578938f, 0.578914f, 0.578891f, 0.578868f, 0.578845f, 0.578822f, 0.578798f, 0.578775f, 0.578752f,
-0.578729f, 0.578705f, 0.578682f, 0.578659f, 0.578636f, 0.578613f, 0.578589f, 0.578566f, 0.578543f, 0.57852f, 0.578497f, 0.578473f, 0.57845f, 0.578427f, 0.578404f, 0.57838f, 0.578357f, 0.578334f, 0.578311f, 0.578288f,
-0.578264f, 0.578241f, 0.578218f, 0.578195f, 0.578172f, 0.578148f, 0.578125f, 0.578102f, 0.578079f, 0.578056f, 0.578032f, 0.578009f, 0.577986f, 0.577963f, 0.57794f, 0.577916f, 0.577893f, 0.57787f, 0.577847f, 0.577824f,
-0.5778f, 0.577777f, 0.577754f, 0.577731f, 0.577708f, 0.577684f, 0.577661f, 0.577638f, 0.577615f, 0.577592f, 0.577568f, 0.577545f, 0.577522f, 0.577499f, 0.577476f, 0.577452f, 0.577429f, 0.577406f, 0.577383f, 0.57736f,
-0.577337f, 0.577313f, 0.57729f, 0.577267f, 0.577244f, 0.577221f, 0.577197f, 0.577174f, 0.577151f, 0.577128f, 0.577105f, 0.577082f, 0.577058f, 0.577035f, 0.577012f, 0.576989f, 0.576966f, 0.576942f, 0.576919f, 0.576896f,
-0.576873f, 0.57685f, 0.576827f, 0.576803f, 0.57678f, 0.576757f, 0.576734f, 0.576711f, 0.576687f, 0.576664f, 0.576641f, 0.576618f, 0.576595f, 0.576572f, 0.576548f, 0.576525f, 0.576502f, 0.576479f, 0.576456f, 0.576433f,
-0.576409f, 0.576386f, 0.576363f, 0.57634f, 0.576317f, 0.576294f, 0.57627f, 0.576247f, 0.576224f, 0.576201f, 0.576178f, 0.576155f, 0.576131f, 0.576108f, 0.576085f, 0.576062f, 0.576039f, 0.576016f, 0.575992f, 0.575969f,
-0.575946f, 0.575923f, 0.5759f, 0.575877f, 0.575853f, 0.57583f, 0.575807f, 0.575784f, 0.575761f, 0.575738f, 0.575715f, 0.575691f, 0.575668f, 0.575645f, 0.575622f, 0.575599f, 0.575576f, 0.575552f, 0.575529f, 0.575506f,
-0.575483f, 0.57546f, 0.575437f, 0.575414f, 0.57539f, 0.575367f, 0.575344f, 0.575321f, 0.575298f, 0.575275f, 0.575252f, 0.575228f, 0.575205f, 0.575182f, 0.575159f, 0.575136f, 0.575113f, 0.57509f, 0.575066f, 0.575043f,
-0.57502f, 0.574997f, 0.574974f, 0.574951f, 0.574928f, 0.574904f, 0.574881f, 0.574858f, 0.574835f, 0.574812f, 0.574789f, 0.574766f, 0.574742f, 0.574719f, 0.574696f, 0.574673f, 0.57465f, 0.574627f, 0.574604f, 0.57458f,
-0.574557f, 0.574534f, 0.574511f, 0.574488f, 0.574465f, 0.574442f, 0.574419f, 0.574395f, 0.574372f, 0.574349f, 0.574326f, 0.574303f, 0.57428f, 0.574257f, 0.574234f, 0.57421f, 0.574187f, 0.574164f, 0.574141f, 0.574118f,
-0.574095f, 0.574072f, 0.574049f, 0.574025f, 0.574002f, 0.573979f, 0.573956f, 0.573933f, 0.57391f, 0.573887f, 0.573864f, 0.57384f, 0.573817f, 0.573794f, 0.573771f, 0.573748f, 0.573725f, 0.573702f, 0.573679f, 0.573656f,
-0.573632f, 0.573609f, 0.573586f, 0.573563f, 0.57354f, 0.573517f, 0.573494f, 0.573471f, 0.573448f, 0.573424f, 0.573401f, 0.573378f, 0.573355f, 0.573332f, 0.573309f, 0.573286f, 0.573263f, 0.57324f, 0.573216f, 0.573193f,
-0.57317f, 0.573147f, 0.573124f, 0.573101f, 0.573078f, 0.573055f, 0.573032f, 0.573009f, 0.572985f, 0.572962f, 0.572939f, 0.572916f, 0.572893f, 0.57287f, 0.572847f, 0.572824f, 0.572801f, 0.572778f, 0.572754f, 0.572731f,
-0.572708f, 0.572685f, 0.572662f, 0.572639f, 0.572616f, 0.572593f, 0.57257f, 0.572547f, 0.572524f, 0.5725f, 0.572477f, 0.572454f, 0.572431f, 0.572408f, 0.572385f, 0.572362f, 0.572339f, 0.572316f, 0.572293f, 0.57227f,
-0.572246f, 0.572223f, 0.5722f, 0.572177f, 0.572154f, 0.572131f, 0.572108f, 0.572085f, 0.572062f, 0.572039f, 0.572016f, 0.571993f, 0.571969f, 0.571946f, 0.571923f, 0.5719f, 0.571877f, 0.571854f, 0.571831f, 0.571808f,
-0.571785f, 0.571762f, 0.571739f, 0.571716f, 0.571693f, 0.571669f, 0.571646f, 0.571623f, 0.5716f, 0.571577f, 0.571554f, 0.571531f, 0.571508f, 0.571485f, 0.571462f, 0.571439f, 0.571416f, 0.571393f, 0.57137f, 0.571346f,
-0.571323f, 0.5713f, 0.571277f, 0.571254f, 0.571231f, 0.571208f, 0.571185f, 0.571162f, 0.571139f, 0.571116f, 0.571093f, 0.57107f, 0.571047f, 0.571024f, 0.571001f, 0.570977f, 0.570954f, 0.570931f, 0.570908f, 0.570885f,
-0.570862f, 0.570839f, 0.570816f, 0.570793f, 0.57077f, 0.570747f, 0.570724f, 0.570701f, 0.570678f, 0.570655f, 0.570632f, 0.570609f, 0.570585f, 0.570562f, 0.570539f, 0.570516f, 0.570493f, 0.57047f, 0.570447f, 0.570424f,
-0.570401f, 0.570378f, 0.570355f, 0.570332f, 0.570309f, 0.570286f, 0.570263f, 0.57024f, 0.570217f, 0.570194f, 0.570171f, 0.570148f, 0.570125f, 0.570101f, 0.570078f, 0.570055f, 0.570032f, 0.570009f, 0.569986f, 0.569963f,
-0.56994f, 0.569917f, 0.569894f, 0.569871f, 0.569848f, 0.569825f, 0.569802f, 0.569779f, 0.569756f, 0.569733f, 0.56971f, 0.569687f, 0.569664f, 0.569641f, 0.569618f, 0.569595f, 0.569572f, 0.569549f, 0.569526f, 0.569503f,
-0.56948f, 0.569456f, 0.569433f, 0.56941f, 0.569387f, 0.569364f, 0.569341f, 0.569318f, 0.569295f, 0.569272f, 0.569249f, 0.569226f, 0.569203f, 0.56918f, 0.569157f, 0.569134f, 0.569111f, 0.569088f, 0.569065f, 0.569042f,
-0.569019f, 0.568996f, 0.568973f, 0.56895f, 0.568927f, 0.568904f, 0.568881f, 0.568858f, 0.568835f, 0.568812f, 0.568789f, 0.568766f, 0.568743f, 0.56872f, 0.568697f, 0.568674f, 0.568651f, 0.568628f, 0.568605f, 0.568582f,
-0.568559f, 0.568536f, 0.568513f, 0.56849f, 0.568467f, 0.568444f, 0.568421f, 0.568398f, 0.568375f, 0.568352f, 0.568329f, 0.568306f, 0.568283f, 0.56826f, 0.568237f, 0.568214f, 0.568191f, 0.568168f, 0.568145f, 0.568122f,
-0.568099f, 0.568076f, 0.568053f, 0.56803f, 0.568007f, 0.567984f, 0.567961f, 0.567938f, 0.567915f, 0.567892f, 0.567869f, 0.567846f, 0.567823f, 0.5678f, 0.567777f, 0.567754f, 0.567731f, 0.567708f, 0.567685f, 0.567662f,
-0.567639f, 0.567616f, 0.567593f, 0.56757f, 0.567547f, 0.567524f, 0.567501f, 0.567478f, 0.567455f, 0.567432f, 0.567409f, 0.567386f, 0.567363f, 0.56734f, 0.567317f, 0.567294f, 0.567271f, 0.567248f, 0.567225f, 0.567202f,
-0.567179f, 0.567156f, 0.567133f, 0.56711f, 0.567087f, 0.567064f, 0.567041f, 0.567018f, 0.566995f, 0.566972f, 0.566949f, 0.566926f, 0.566903f, 0.56688f, 0.566857f, 0.566834f, 0.566811f, 0.566788f, 0.566765f, 0.566742f,
-0.566719f, 0.566696f, 0.566673f, 0.56665f, 0.566627f, 0.566604f, 0.566581f, 0.566559f, 0.566536f, 0.566513f, 0.56649f, 0.566467f, 0.566444f, 0.566421f, 0.566398f, 0.566375f, 0.566352f, 0.566329f, 0.566306f, 0.566283f,
-0.56626f, 0.566237f, 0.566214f, 0.566191f, 0.566168f, 0.566145f, 0.566122f, 0.566099f, 0.566076f, 0.566053f, 0.56603f, 0.566007f, 0.565984f, 0.565961f, 0.565938f, 0.565916f, 0.565893f, 0.56587f, 0.565847f, 0.565824f,
-0.565801f, 0.565778f, 0.565755f, 0.565732f, 0.565709f, 0.565686f, 0.565663f, 0.56564f, 0.565617f, 0.565594f, 0.565571f, 0.565548f, 0.565525f, 0.565502f, 0.565479f, 0.565456f, 0.565434f, 0.565411f, 0.565388f, 0.565365f,
-0.565342f, 0.565319f, 0.565296f, 0.565273f, 0.56525f, 0.565227f, 0.565204f, 0.565181f, 0.565158f, 0.565135f, 0.565112f, 0.565089f, 0.565066f, 0.565043f, 0.565021f, 0.564998f, 0.564975f, 0.564952f, 0.564929f, 0.564906f,
-0.564883f, 0.56486f, 0.564837f, 0.564814f, 0.564791f, 0.564768f, 0.564745f, 0.564722f, 0.564699f, 0.564676f, 0.564654f, 0.564631f, 0.564608f, 0.564585f, 0.564562f, 0.564539f, 0.564516f, 0.564493f, 0.56447f, 0.564447f,
-0.564424f, 0.564401f, 0.564378f, 0.564355f, 0.564333f, 0.56431f, 0.564287f, 0.564264f, 0.564241f, 0.564218f, 0.564195f, 0.564172f, 0.564149f, 0.564126f, 0.564103f, 0.56408f, 0.564057f, 0.564035f, 0.564012f, 0.563989f,
-0.563966f, 0.563943f, 0.56392f, 0.563897f, 0.563874f, 0.563851f, 0.563828f, 0.563805f, 0.563782f, 0.56376f, 0.563737f, 0.563714f, 0.563691f, 0.563668f, 0.563645f, 0.563622f, 0.563599f, 0.563576f, 0.563553f, 0.56353f,
-0.563508f, 0.563485f, 0.563462f, 0.563439f, 0.563416f, 0.563393f, 0.56337f, 0.563347f, 0.563324f, 0.563301f, 0.563278f, 0.563256f, 0.563233f, 0.56321f, 0.563187f, 0.563164f, 0.563141f, 0.563118f, 0.563095f, 0.563072f,
-0.563049f, 0.563027f, 0.563004f, 0.562981f, 0.562958f, 0.562935f, 0.562912f, 0.562889f, 0.562866f, 0.562843f, 0.56282f, 0.562798f, 0.562775f, 0.562752f, 0.562729f, 0.562706f, 0.562683f, 0.56266f, 0.562637f, 0.562614f,
-0.562592f, 0.562569f, 0.562546f, 0.562523f, 0.5625f, 0.562477f, 0.562454f, 0.562431f, 0.562408f, 0.562386f, 0.562363f, 0.56234f, 0.562317f, 0.562294f, 0.562271f, 0.562248f, 0.562225f, 0.562202f, 0.56218f, 0.562157f,
-0.562134f, 0.562111f, 0.562088f, 0.562065f, 0.562042f, 0.562019f, 0.561997f, 0.561974f, 0.561951f, 0.561928f, 0.561905f, 0.561882f, 0.561859f, 0.561836f, 0.561814f, 0.561791f, 0.561768f, 0.561745f, 0.561722f, 0.561699f,
-0.561676f, 0.561653f, 0.561631f, 0.561608f, 0.561585f, 0.561562f, 0.561539f, 0.561516f, 0.561493f, 0.561471f, 0.561448f, 0.561425f, 0.561402f, 0.561379f, 0.561356f, 0.561333f, 0.56131f, 0.561288f, 0.561265f, 0.561242f,
-0.561219f, 0.561196f, 0.561173f, 0.56115f, 0.561128f, 0.561105f, 0.561082f, 0.561059f, 0.561036f, 0.561013f, 0.56099f, 0.560968f, 0.560945f, 0.560922f, 0.560899f, 0.560876f, 0.560853f, 0.56083f, 0.560808f, 0.560785f,
-0.560762f, 0.560739f, 0.560716f, 0.560693f, 0.56067f, 0.560648f, 0.560625f, 0.560602f, 0.560579f, 0.560556f, 0.560533f, 0.56051f, 0.560488f, 0.560465f, 0.560442f, 0.560419f, 0.560396f, 0.560373f, 0.560351f, 0.560328f,
-0.560305f, 0.560282f, 0.560259f, 0.560236f, 0.560214f, 0.560191f, 0.560168f, 0.560145f, 0.560122f, 0.560099f, 0.560076f, 0.560054f, 0.560031f, 0.560008f, 0.559985f, 0.559962f, 0.559939f, 0.559917f, 0.559894f, 0.559871f,
-0.559848f, 0.559825f, 0.559802f, 0.55978f, 0.559757f, 0.559734f, 0.559711f, 0.559688f, 0.559665f, 0.559643f, 0.55962f, 0.559597f, 0.559574f, 0.559551f, 0.559528f, 0.559506f, 0.559483f, 0.55946f, 0.559437f, 0.559414f,
-0.559392f, 0.559369f, 0.559346f, 0.559323f, 0.5593f, 0.559277f, 0.559255f, 0.559232f, 0.559209f, 0.559186f, 0.559163f, 0.55914f, 0.559118f, 0.559095f, 0.559072f, 0.559049f, 0.559026f, 0.559004f, 0.558981f, 0.558958f,
-0.558935f, 0.558912f, 0.558889f, 0.558867f, 0.558844f, 0.558821f, 0.558798f, 0.558775f, 0.558753f, 0.55873f, 0.558707f, 0.558684f, 0.558661f, 0.558639f, 0.558616f, 0.558593f, 0.55857f, 0.558547f, 0.558525f, 0.558502f,
-0.558479f, 0.558456f, 0.558433f, 0.55841f, 0.558388f, 0.558365f, 0.558342f, 0.558319f, 0.558296f, 0.558274f, 0.558251f, 0.558228f, 0.558205f, 0.558182f, 0.55816f, 0.558137f, 0.558114f, 0.558091f, 0.558068f, 0.558046f,
-0.558023f, 0.558f, 0.557977f, 0.557954f, 0.557932f, 0.557909f, 0.557886f, 0.557863f, 0.557841f, 0.557818f, 0.557795f, 0.557772f, 0.557749f, 0.557727f, 0.557704f, 0.557681f, 0.557658f, 0.557635f, 0.557613f, 0.55759f,
-0.557567f, 0.557544f, 0.557521f, 0.557499f, 0.557476f, 0.557453f, 0.55743f, 0.557408f, 0.557385f, 0.557362f, 0.557339f, 0.557316f, 0.557294f, 0.557271f, 0.557248f, 0.557225f, 0.557202f, 0.55718f, 0.557157f, 0.557134f,
-0.557111f, 0.557089f, 0.557066f, 0.557043f, 0.55702f, 0.556997f, 0.556975f, 0.556952f, 0.556929f, 0.556906f, 0.556884f, 0.556861f, 0.556838f, 0.556815f, 0.556793f, 0.55677f, 0.556747f, 0.556724f, 0.556701f, 0.556679f,
-0.556656f, 0.556633f, 0.55661f, 0.556588f, 0.556565f, 0.556542f, 0.556519f, 0.556497f, 0.556474f, 0.556451f, 0.556428f, 0.556405f, 0.556383f, 0.55636f, 0.556337f, 0.556314f, 0.556292f, 0.556269f, 0.556246f, 0.556223f,
-0.556201f, 0.556178f, 0.556155f, 0.556132f, 0.55611f, 0.556087f, 0.556064f, 0.556041f, 0.556019f, 0.555996f, 0.555973f, 0.55595f, 0.555928f, 0.555905f, 0.555882f, 0.555859f, 0.555837f, 0.555814f, 0.555791f, 0.555768f,
-0.555745f, 0.555723f, 0.5557f, 0.555677f, 0.555654f, 0.555632f, 0.555609f, 0.555586f, 0.555564f, 0.555541f, 0.555518f, 0.555495f, 0.555473f, 0.55545f, 0.555427f, 0.555404f, 0.555382f, 0.555359f, 0.555336f, 0.555313f,
-0.555291f, 0.555268f, 0.555245f, 0.555222f, 0.5552f, 0.555177f, 0.555154f, 0.555131f, 0.555109f, 0.555086f, 0.555063f, 0.55504f, 0.555018f, 0.554995f, 0.554972f, 0.55495f, 0.554927f, 0.554904f, 0.554881f, 0.554859f,
-0.554836f, 0.554813f, 0.55479f, 0.554768f, 0.554745f, 0.554722f, 0.554699f, 0.554677f, 0.554654f, 0.554631f, 0.554609f, 0.554586f, 0.554563f, 0.55454f, 0.554518f, 0.554495f, 0.554472f, 0.554449f, 0.554427f, 0.554404f,
-0.554381f, 0.554359f, 0.554336f, 0.554313f, 0.55429f, 0.554268f, 0.554245f, 0.554222f, 0.5542f, 0.554177f, 0.554154f, 0.554131f, 0.554109f, 0.554086f, 0.554063f, 0.554041f, 0.554018f, 0.553995f, 0.553972f, 0.55395f,
-0.553927f, 0.553904f, 0.553882f, 0.553859f, 0.553836f, 0.553813f, 0.553791f, 0.553768f, 0.553745f, 0.553723f, 0.5537f, 0.553677f, 0.553654f, 0.553632f, 0.553609f, 0.553586f, 0.553564f, 0.553541f, 0.553518f, 0.553495f,
-0.553473f, 0.55345f, 0.553427f, 0.553405f, 0.553382f, 0.553359f, 0.553337f, 0.553314f, 0.553291f, 0.553268f, 0.553246f, 0.553223f, 0.5532f, 0.553178f, 0.553155f, 0.553132f, 0.55311f, 0.553087f, 0.553064f, 0.553042f,
-0.553019f, 0.552996f, 0.552973f, 0.552951f, 0.552928f, 0.552905f, 0.552883f, 0.55286f, 0.552837f, 0.552815f, 0.552792f, 0.552769f, 0.552747f, 0.552724f, 0.552701f, 0.552678f, 0.552656f, 0.552633f, 0.55261f, 0.552588f,
-0.552565f, 0.552542f, 0.55252f, 0.552497f, 0.552474f, 0.552452f, 0.552429f, 0.552406f, 0.552384f, 0.552361f, 0.552338f, 0.552316f, 0.552293f, 0.55227f, 0.552247f, 0.552225f, 0.552202f, 0.552179f, 0.552157f, 0.552134f,
-0.552111f, 0.552089f, 0.552066f, 0.552043f, 0.552021f, 0.551998f, 0.551975f, 0.551953f, 0.55193f, 0.551907f, 0.551885f, 0.551862f, 0.551839f, 0.551817f, 0.551794f, 0.551771f, 0.551749f, 0.551726f, 0.551703f, 0.551681f,
-0.551658f, 0.551635f, 0.551613f, 0.55159f, 0.551567f, 0.551545f, 0.551522f, 0.551499f, 0.551477f, 0.551454f, 0.551431f, 0.551409f, 0.551386f, 0.551363f, 0.551341f, 0.551318f, 0.551295f, 0.551273f, 0.55125f, 0.551227f,
-0.551205f, 0.551182f, 0.551159f, 0.551137f, 0.551114f, 0.551091f, 0.551069f, 0.551046f, 0.551023f, 0.551001f, 0.550978f, 0.550956f, 0.550933f, 0.55091f, 0.550888f, 0.550865f, 0.550842f, 0.55082f, 0.550797f, 0.550774f,
-0.550752f, 0.550729f, 0.550706f, 0.550684f, 0.550661f, 0.550638f, 0.550616f, 0.550593f, 0.550571f, 0.550548f, 0.550525f, 0.550503f, 0.55048f, 0.550457f, 0.550435f, 0.550412f, 0.550389f, 0.550367f, 0.550344f, 0.550321f,
-0.550299f, 0.550276f, 0.550254f, 0.550231f, 0.550208f, 0.550186f, 0.550163f, 0.55014f, 0.550118f, 0.550095f, 0.550072f, 0.55005f, 0.550027f, 0.550005f, 0.549982f, 0.549959f, 0.549937f, 0.549914f, 0.549891f, 0.549869f,
-0.549846f, 0.549824f, 0.549801f, 0.549778f, 0.549756f, 0.549733f, 0.54971f, 0.549688f, 0.549665f, 0.549643f, 0.54962f, 0.549597f, 0.549575f, 0.549552f, 0.549529f, 0.549507f, 0.549484f, 0.549462f, 0.549439f, 0.549416f,
-0.549394f, 0.549371f, 0.549348f, 0.549326f, 0.549303f, 0.549281f, 0.549258f, 0.549235f, 0.549213f, 0.54919f, 0.549167f, 0.549145f, 0.549122f, 0.5491f, 0.549077f, 0.549054f, 0.549032f, 0.549009f, 0.548987f, 0.548964f,
-0.548941f, 0.548919f, 0.548896f, 0.548874f, 0.548851f, 0.548828f, 0.548806f, 0.548783f, 0.54876f, 0.548738f, 0.548715f, 0.548693f, 0.54867f, 0.548647f, 0.548625f, 0.548602f, 0.54858f, 0.548557f, 0.548534f, 0.548512f,
-0.548489f, 0.548467f, 0.548444f, 0.548421f, 0.548399f, 0.548376f, 0.548354f, 0.548331f, 0.548308f, 0.548286f, 0.548263f, 0.548241f, 0.548218f, 0.548195f, 0.548173f, 0.54815f, 0.548128f, 0.548105f, 0.548082f, 0.54806f,
-0.548037f, 0.548015f, 0.547992f, 0.54797f, 0.547947f, 0.547924f, 0.547902f, 0.547879f, 0.547857f, 0.547834f, 0.547811f, 0.547789f, 0.547766f, 0.547744f, 0.547721f, 0.547698f, 0.547676f, 0.547653f, 0.547631f, 0.547608f,
-0.547586f, 0.547563f, 0.54754f, 0.547518f, 0.547495f, 0.547473f, 0.54745f, 0.547427f, 0.547405f, 0.547382f, 0.54736f, 0.547337f, 0.547315f, 0.547292f, 0.547269f, 0.547247f, 0.547224f, 0.547202f, 0.547179f, 0.547157f,
-0.547134f, 0.547111f, 0.547089f, 0.547066f, 0.547044f, 0.547021f, 0.546999f, 0.546976f, 0.546953f, 0.546931f, 0.546908f, 0.546886f, 0.546863f, 0.546841f, 0.546818f, 0.546795f, 0.546773f, 0.54675f, 0.546728f, 0.546705f,
-0.546683f, 0.54666f, 0.546637f, 0.546615f, 0.546592f, 0.54657f, 0.546547f, 0.546525f, 0.546502f, 0.54648f, 0.546457f, 0.546434f, 0.546412f, 0.546389f, 0.546367f, 0.546344f, 0.546322f, 0.546299f, 0.546277f, 0.546254f,
-0.546231f, 0.546209f, 0.546186f, 0.546164f, 0.546141f, 0.546119f, 0.546096f, 0.546074f, 0.546051f, 0.546028f, 0.546006f, 0.545983f, 0.545961f, 0.545938f, 0.545916f, 0.545893f, 0.545871f, 0.545848f, 0.545826f, 0.545803f,
-0.54578f, 0.545758f, 0.545735f, 0.545713f, 0.54569f, 0.545668f, 0.545645f, 0.545623f, 0.5456f, 0.545578f, 0.545555f, 0.545532f, 0.54551f, 0.545487f, 0.545465f, 0.545442f, 0.54542f, 0.545397f, 0.545375f, 0.545352f,
-0.54533f, 0.545307f, 0.545285f, 0.545262f, 0.545239f, 0.545217f, 0.545194f, 0.545172f, 0.545149f, 0.545127f, 0.545104f, 0.545082f, 0.545059f, 0.545037f, 0.545014f, 0.544992f, 0.544969f, 0.544947f, 0.544924f, 0.544902f,
-0.544879f, 0.544856f, 0.544834f, 0.544811f, 0.544789f, 0.544766f, 0.544744f, 0.544721f, 0.544699f, 0.544676f, 0.544654f, 0.544631f, 0.544609f, 0.544586f, 0.544564f, 0.544541f, 0.544519f, 0.544496f, 0.544474f, 0.544451f,
-0.544429f, 0.544406f, 0.544383f, 0.544361f, 0.544338f, 0.544316f, 0.544293f, 0.544271f, 0.544248f, 0.544226f, 0.544203f, 0.544181f, 0.544158f, 0.544136f, 0.544113f, 0.544091f, 0.544068f, 0.544046f, 0.544023f, 0.544001f,
-0.543978f, 0.543956f, 0.543933f, 0.543911f, 0.543888f, 0.543866f, 0.543843f, 0.543821f, 0.543798f, 0.543776f, 0.543753f, 0.543731f, 0.543708f, 0.543686f, 0.543663f, 0.543641f, 0.543618f, 0.543596f, 0.543573f, 0.543551f,
-0.543528f, 0.543506f, 0.543483f, 0.543461f, 0.543438f, 0.543416f, 0.543393f, 0.543371f, 0.543348f, 0.543326f, 0.543303f, 0.543281f, 0.543258f, 0.543236f, 0.543213f, 0.543191f, 0.543168f, 0.543146f, 0.543123f, 0.543101f,
-0.543078f, 0.543056f, 0.543033f, 0.543011f, 0.542988f, 0.542966f, 0.542943f, 0.542921f, 0.542898f, 0.542876f, 0.542853f, 0.542831f, 0.542808f, 0.542786f, 0.542764f, 0.542741f, 0.542719f, 0.542696f, 0.542674f, 0.542651f,
-0.542629f, 0.542606f, 0.542584f, 0.542561f, 0.542539f, 0.542516f, 0.542494f, 0.542471f, 0.542449f, 0.542426f, 0.542404f, 0.542381f, 0.542359f, 0.542336f, 0.542314f, 0.542291f, 0.542269f, 0.542247f, 0.542224f, 0.542202f,
-0.542179f, 0.542157f, 0.542134f, 0.542112f, 0.542089f, 0.542067f, 0.542044f, 0.542022f, 0.541999f, 0.541977f, 0.541954f, 0.541932f, 0.541909f, 0.541887f, 0.541865f, 0.541842f, 0.54182f, 0.541797f, 0.541775f, 0.541752f,
-0.54173f, 0.541707f, 0.541685f, 0.541662f, 0.54164f, 0.541617f, 0.541595f, 0.541573f, 0.54155f, 0.541528f, 0.541505f, 0.541483f, 0.54146f, 0.541438f, 0.541415f, 0.541393f, 0.54137f, 0.541348f, 0.541326f, 0.541303f,
-0.541281f, 0.541258f, 0.541236f, 0.541213f, 0.541191f, 0.541168f, 0.541146f, 0.541123f, 0.541101f, 0.541079f, 0.541056f, 0.541034f, 0.541011f, 0.540989f, 0.540966f, 0.540944f, 0.540921f, 0.540899f, 0.540877f, 0.540854f,
-0.540832f, 0.540809f, 0.540787f, 0.540764f, 0.540742f, 0.540719f, 0.540697f, 0.540675f, 0.540652f, 0.54063f, 0.540607f, 0.540585f, 0.540562f, 0.54054f, 0.540518f, 0.540495f, 0.540473f, 0.54045f, 0.540428f, 0.540405f,
-0.540383f, 0.54036f, 0.540338f, 0.540316f, 0.540293f, 0.540271f, 0.540248f, 0.540226f, 0.540203f, 0.540181f, 0.540159f, 0.540136f, 0.540114f, 0.540091f, 0.540069f, 0.540046f, 0.540024f, 0.540002f, 0.539979f, 0.539957f,
-0.539934f, 0.539912f, 0.539889f, 0.539867f, 0.539845f, 0.539822f, 0.5398f, 0.539777f, 0.539755f, 0.539733f, 0.53971f, 0.539688f, 0.539665f, 0.539643f, 0.53962f, 0.539598f, 0.539576f, 0.539553f, 0.539531f, 0.539508f,
-0.539486f, 0.539464f, 0.539441f, 0.539419f, 0.539396f, 0.539374f, 0.539351f, 0.539329f, 0.539307f, 0.539284f, 0.539262f, 0.539239f, 0.539217f, 0.539195f, 0.539172f, 0.53915f, 0.539127f, 0.539105f, 0.539083f, 0.53906f,
-0.539038f, 0.539015f, 0.538993f, 0.538971f, 0.538948f, 0.538926f, 0.538903f, 0.538881f, 0.538859f, 0.538836f, 0.538814f, 0.538791f, 0.538769f, 0.538747f, 0.538724f, 0.538702f, 0.538679f, 0.538657f, 0.538635f, 0.538612f,
-0.53859f, 0.538567f, 0.538545f, 0.538523f, 0.5385f, 0.538478f, 0.538455f, 0.538433f, 0.538411f, 0.538388f, 0.538366f, 0.538343f, 0.538321f, 0.538299f, 0.538276f, 0.538254f, 0.538231f, 0.538209f, 0.538187f, 0.538164f,
-0.538142f, 0.538119f, 0.538097f, 0.538075f, 0.538052f, 0.53803f, 0.538008f, 0.537985f, 0.537963f, 0.53794f, 0.537918f, 0.537896f, 0.537873f, 0.537851f, 0.537829f, 0.537806f, 0.537784f, 0.537761f, 0.537739f, 0.537717f,
-0.537694f, 0.537672f, 0.537649f, 0.537627f, 0.537605f, 0.537582f, 0.53756f, 0.537538f, 0.537515f, 0.537493f, 0.53747f, 0.537448f, 0.537426f, 0.537403f, 0.537381f, 0.537359f, 0.537336f, 0.537314f, 0.537292f, 0.537269f,
-0.537247f, 0.537224f, 0.537202f, 0.53718f, 0.537157f, 0.537135f, 0.537113f, 0.53709f, 0.537068f, 0.537045f, 0.537023f, 0.537001f, 0.536978f, 0.536956f, 0.536934f, 0.536911f, 0.536889f, 0.536867f, 0.536844f, 0.536822f,
-0.536799f, 0.536777f, 0.536755f, 0.536732f, 0.53671f, 0.536688f, 0.536665f, 0.536643f, 0.536621f, 0.536598f, 0.536576f, 0.536554f, 0.536531f, 0.536509f, 0.536487f, 0.536464f, 0.536442f, 0.536419f, 0.536397f, 0.536375f,
-0.536352f, 0.53633f, 0.536308f, 0.536285f, 0.536263f, 0.536241f, 0.536218f, 0.536196f, 0.536174f, 0.536151f, 0.536129f, 0.536107f, 0.536084f, 0.536062f, 0.53604f, 0.536017f, 0.535995f, 0.535973f, 0.53595f, 0.535928f,
-0.535905f, 0.535883f, 0.535861f, 0.535838f, 0.535816f, 0.535794f, 0.535771f, 0.535749f, 0.535727f, 0.535704f, 0.535682f, 0.53566f, 0.535637f, 0.535615f, 0.535593f, 0.53557f, 0.535548f, 0.535526f, 0.535503f, 0.535481f,
-0.535459f, 0.535436f, 0.535414f, 0.535392f, 0.535369f, 0.535347f, 0.535325f, 0.535302f, 0.53528f, 0.535258f, 0.535235f, 0.535213f, 0.535191f, 0.535169f, 0.535146f, 0.535124f, 0.535102f, 0.535079f, 0.535057f, 0.535035f,
-0.535012f, 0.53499f, 0.534968f, 0.534945f, 0.534923f, 0.534901f, 0.534878f, 0.534856f, 0.534834f, 0.534811f, 0.534789f, 0.534767f, 0.534744f, 0.534722f, 0.5347f, 0.534677f, 0.534655f, 0.534633f, 0.534611f, 0.534588f,
-0.534566f, 0.534544f, 0.534521f, 0.534499f, 0.534477f, 0.534454f, 0.534432f, 0.53441f, 0.534387f, 0.534365f, 0.534343f, 0.53432f, 0.534298f, 0.534276f, 0.534254f, 0.534231f, 0.534209f, 0.534187f, 0.534164f, 0.534142f,
-0.53412f, 0.534097f, 0.534075f, 0.534053f, 0.534031f, 0.534008f, 0.533986f, 0.533964f, 0.533941f, 0.533919f, 0.533897f, 0.533874f, 0.533852f, 0.53383f, 0.533808f, 0.533785f, 0.533763f, 0.533741f, 0.533718f, 0.533696f,
-0.533674f, 0.533651f, 0.533629f, 0.533607f, 0.533585f, 0.533562f, 0.53354f, 0.533518f, 0.533495f, 0.533473f, 0.533451f, 0.533429f, 0.533406f, 0.533384f, 0.533362f, 0.533339f, 0.533317f, 0.533295f, 0.533273f, 0.53325f,
-0.533228f, 0.533206f, 0.533183f, 0.533161f, 0.533139f, 0.533117f, 0.533094f, 0.533072f, 0.53305f, 0.533027f, 0.533005f, 0.532983f, 0.532961f, 0.532938f, 0.532916f, 0.532894f, 0.532871f, 0.532849f, 0.532827f, 0.532805f,
-0.532782f, 0.53276f, 0.532738f, 0.532716f, 0.532693f, 0.532671f, 0.532649f, 0.532626f, 0.532604f, 0.532582f, 0.53256f, 0.532537f, 0.532515f, 0.532493f, 0.532471f, 0.532448f, 0.532426f, 0.532404f, 0.532381f, 0.532359f,
-0.532337f, 0.532315f, 0.532292f, 0.53227f, 0.532248f, 0.532226f, 0.532203f, 0.532181f, 0.532159f, 0.532137f, 0.532114f, 0.532092f, 0.53207f, 0.532048f, 0.532025f, 0.532003f, 0.531981f, 0.531959f, 0.531936f, 0.531914f,
-0.531892f, 0.531869f, 0.531847f, 0.531825f, 0.531803f, 0.53178f, 0.531758f, 0.531736f, 0.531714f, 0.531691f, 0.531669f, 0.531647f, 0.531625f, 0.531602f, 0.53158f, 0.531558f, 0.531536f, 0.531513f, 0.531491f, 0.531469f,
-0.531447f, 0.531424f, 0.531402f, 0.53138f, 0.531358f, 0.531335f, 0.531313f, 0.531291f, 0.531269f, 0.531246f, 0.531224f, 0.531202f, 0.53118f, 0.531158f, 0.531135f, 0.531113f, 0.531091f, 0.531069f, 0.531046f, 0.531024f,
-0.531002f, 0.53098f, 0.530957f, 0.530935f, 0.530913f, 0.530891f, 0.530868f, 0.530846f, 0.530824f, 0.530802f, 0.530779f, 0.530757f, 0.530735f, 0.530713f, 0.530691f, 0.530668f, 0.530646f, 0.530624f, 0.530602f, 0.530579f,
-0.530557f, 0.530535f, 0.530513f, 0.53049f, 0.530468f, 0.530446f, 0.530424f, 0.530402f, 0.530379f, 0.530357f, 0.530335f, 0.530313f, 0.53029f, 0.530268f, 0.530246f, 0.530224f, 0.530202f, 0.530179f, 0.530157f, 0.530135f,
-0.530113f, 0.53009f, 0.530068f, 0.530046f, 0.530024f, 0.530002f, 0.529979f, 0.529957f, 0.529935f, 0.529913f, 0.529891f, 0.529868f, 0.529846f, 0.529824f, 0.529802f, 0.529779f, 0.529757f, 0.529735f, 0.529713f, 0.529691f,
-0.529668f, 0.529646f, 0.529624f, 0.529602f, 0.52958f, 0.529557f, 0.529535f, 0.529513f, 0.529491f, 0.529469f, 0.529446f, 0.529424f, 0.529402f, 0.52938f, 0.529357f, 0.529335f, 0.529313f, 0.529291f, 0.529269f, 0.529246f,
-0.529224f, 0.529202f, 0.52918f, 0.529158f, 0.529135f, 0.529113f, 0.529091f, 0.529069f, 0.529047f, 0.529024f, 0.529002f, 0.52898f, 0.528958f, 0.528936f, 0.528914f, 0.528891f, 0.528869f, 0.528847f, 0.528825f, 0.528803f,
-0.52878f, 0.528758f, 0.528736f, 0.528714f, 0.528692f, 0.528669f, 0.528647f, 0.528625f, 0.528603f, 0.528581f, 0.528558f, 0.528536f, 0.528514f, 0.528492f, 0.52847f, 0.528448f, 0.528425f, 0.528403f, 0.528381f, 0.528359f,
-0.528337f, 0.528314f, 0.528292f, 0.52827f, 0.528248f, 0.528226f, 0.528204f, 0.528181f, 0.528159f, 0.528137f, 0.528115f, 0.528093f, 0.52807f, 0.528048f, 0.528026f, 0.528004f, 0.527982f, 0.52796f, 0.527937f, 0.527915f,
-0.527893f, 0.527871f, 0.527849f, 0.527827f, 0.527804f, 0.527782f, 0.52776f, 0.527738f, 0.527716f, 0.527694f, 0.527671f, 0.527649f, 0.527627f, 0.527605f, 0.527583f, 0.527561f, 0.527538f, 0.527516f, 0.527494f, 0.527472f,
-0.52745f, 0.527428f, 0.527405f, 0.527383f, 0.527361f, 0.527339f, 0.527317f, 0.527295f, 0.527272f, 0.52725f, 0.527228f, 0.527206f, 0.527184f, 0.527162f, 0.527139f, 0.527117f, 0.527095f, 0.527073f, 0.527051f, 0.527029f,
-0.527007f, 0.526984f, 0.526962f, 0.52694f, 0.526918f, 0.526896f, 0.526874f, 0.526851f, 0.526829f, 0.526807f, 0.526785f, 0.526763f, 0.526741f, 0.526719f, 0.526696f, 0.526674f, 0.526652f, 0.52663f, 0.526608f, 0.526586f,
-0.526564f, 0.526541f, 0.526519f, 0.526497f, 0.526475f, 0.526453f, 0.526431f, 0.526409f, 0.526386f, 0.526364f, 0.526342f, 0.52632f, 0.526298f, 0.526276f, 0.526254f, 0.526231f, 0.526209f, 0.526187f, 0.526165f, 0.526143f,
-0.526121f, 0.526099f, 0.526076f, 0.526054f, 0.526032f, 0.52601f, 0.525988f, 0.525966f, 0.525944f, 0.525922f, 0.525899f, 0.525877f, 0.525855f, 0.525833f, 0.525811f, 0.525789f, 0.525767f, 0.525744f, 0.525722f, 0.5257f,
-0.525678f, 0.525656f, 0.525634f, 0.525612f, 0.52559f, 0.525567f, 0.525545f, 0.525523f, 0.525501f, 0.525479f, 0.525457f, 0.525435f, 0.525413f, 0.52539f, 0.525368f, 0.525346f, 0.525324f, 0.525302f, 0.52528f, 0.525258f,
-0.525236f, 0.525214f, 0.525191f, 0.525169f, 0.525147f, 0.525125f, 0.525103f, 0.525081f, 0.525059f, 0.525037f, 0.525015f, 0.524992f, 0.52497f, 0.524948f, 0.524926f, 0.524904f, 0.524882f, 0.52486f, 0.524838f, 0.524816f,
-0.524793f, 0.524771f, 0.524749f, 0.524727f, 0.524705f, 0.524683f, 0.524661f, 0.524639f, 0.524617f, 0.524594f, 0.524572f, 0.52455f, 0.524528f, 0.524506f, 0.524484f, 0.524462f, 0.52444f, 0.524418f, 0.524396f, 0.524373f,
-0.524351f, 0.524329f, 0.524307f, 0.524285f, 0.524263f, 0.524241f, 0.524219f, 0.524197f, 0.524175f, 0.524152f, 0.52413f, 0.524108f, 0.524086f, 0.524064f, 0.524042f, 0.52402f, 0.523998f, 0.523976f, 0.523954f, 0.523932f,
-0.523909f, 0.523887f, 0.523865f, 0.523843f, 0.523821f, 0.523799f, 0.523777f, 0.523755f, 0.523733f, 0.523711f, 0.523689f, 0.523667f, 0.523644f, 0.523622f, 0.5236f, 0.523578f, 0.523556f, 0.523534f, 0.523512f, 0.52349f,
-0.523468f, 0.523446f, 0.523424f, 0.523402f, 0.523379f, 0.523357f, 0.523335f, 0.523313f, 0.523291f, 0.523269f, 0.523247f, 0.523225f, 0.523203f, 0.523181f, 0.523159f, 0.523137f, 0.523115f, 0.523093f, 0.52307f, 0.523048f,
-0.523026f, 0.523004f, 0.522982f, 0.52296f, 0.522938f, 0.522916f, 0.522894f, 0.522872f, 0.52285f, 0.522828f, 0.522806f, 0.522784f, 0.522761f, 0.522739f, 0.522717f, 0.522695f, 0.522673f, 0.522651f, 0.522629f, 0.522607f,
-0.522585f, 0.522563f, 0.522541f, 0.522519f, 0.522497f, 0.522475f, 0.522453f, 0.522431f, 0.522409f, 0.522386f, 0.522364f, 0.522342f, 0.52232f, 0.522298f, 0.522276f, 0.522254f, 0.522232f, 0.52221f, 0.522188f, 0.522166f,
-0.522144f, 0.522122f, 0.5221f, 0.522078f, 0.522056f, 0.522034f, 0.522012f, 0.521989f, 0.521967f, 0.521945f, 0.521923f, 0.521901f, 0.521879f, 0.521857f, 0.521835f, 0.521813f, 0.521791f, 0.521769f, 0.521747f, 0.521725f,
-0.521703f, 0.521681f, 0.521659f, 0.521637f, 0.521615f, 0.521593f, 0.521571f, 0.521549f, 0.521527f, 0.521505f, 0.521482f, 0.52146f, 0.521438f, 0.521416f, 0.521394f, 0.521372f, 0.52135f, 0.521328f, 0.521306f, 0.521284f,
-0.521262f, 0.52124f, 0.521218f, 0.521196f, 0.521174f, 0.521152f, 0.52113f, 0.521108f, 0.521086f, 0.521064f, 0.521042f, 0.52102f, 0.520998f, 0.520976f, 0.520954f, 0.520932f, 0.52091f, 0.520888f, 0.520866f, 0.520844f,
-0.520822f, 0.5208f, 0.520778f, 0.520756f, 0.520733f, 0.520711f, 0.520689f, 0.520667f, 0.520645f, 0.520623f, 0.520601f, 0.520579f, 0.520557f, 0.520535f, 0.520513f, 0.520491f, 0.520469f, 0.520447f, 0.520425f, 0.520403f,
-0.520381f, 0.520359f, 0.520337f, 0.520315f, 0.520293f, 0.520271f, 0.520249f, 0.520227f, 0.520205f, 0.520183f, 0.520161f, 0.520139f, 0.520117f, 0.520095f, 0.520073f, 0.520051f, 0.520029f, 0.520007f, 0.519985f, 0.519963f,
-0.519941f, 0.519919f, 0.519897f, 0.519875f, 0.519853f, 0.519831f, 0.519809f, 0.519787f, 0.519765f, 0.519743f, 0.519721f, 0.519699f, 0.519677f, 0.519655f, 0.519633f, 0.519611f, 0.519589f, 0.519567f, 0.519545f, 0.519523f,
-0.519501f, 0.519479f, 0.519457f, 0.519435f, 0.519413f, 0.519391f, 0.519369f, 0.519347f, 0.519325f, 0.519303f, 0.519281f, 0.519259f, 0.519237f, 0.519215f, 0.519193f, 0.519171f, 0.519149f, 0.519127f, 0.519105f, 0.519083f,
-0.519061f, 0.519039f, 0.519017f, 0.518995f, 0.518973f, 0.518951f, 0.518929f, 0.518907f, 0.518885f, 0.518863f, 0.518841f, 0.518819f, 0.518797f, 0.518775f, 0.518753f, 0.518731f, 0.518709f, 0.518687f, 0.518665f, 0.518643f,
-0.518622f, 0.5186f, 0.518578f, 0.518556f, 0.518534f, 0.518512f, 0.51849f, 0.518468f, 0.518446f, 0.518424f, 0.518402f, 0.51838f, 0.518358f, 0.518336f, 0.518314f, 0.518292f, 0.51827f, 0.518248f, 0.518226f, 0.518204f,
-0.518182f, 0.51816f, 0.518138f, 0.518116f, 0.518094f, 0.518072f, 0.51805f, 0.518028f, 0.518006f, 0.517984f, 0.517962f, 0.51794f, 0.517918f, 0.517897f, 0.517875f, 0.517853f, 0.517831f, 0.517809f, 0.517787f, 0.517765f,
-0.517743f, 0.517721f, 0.517699f, 0.517677f, 0.517655f, 0.517633f, 0.517611f, 0.517589f, 0.517567f, 0.517545f, 0.517523f, 0.517501f, 0.517479f, 0.517457f, 0.517435f, 0.517413f, 0.517392f, 0.51737f, 0.517348f, 0.517326f,
-0.517304f, 0.517282f, 0.51726f, 0.517238f, 0.517216f, 0.517194f, 0.517172f, 0.51715f, 0.517128f, 0.517106f, 0.517084f, 0.517062f, 0.51704f, 0.517018f, 0.516996f, 0.516975f, 0.516953f, 0.516931f, 0.516909f, 0.516887f,
-0.516865f, 0.516843f, 0.516821f, 0.516799f, 0.516777f, 0.516755f, 0.516733f, 0.516711f, 0.516689f, 0.516667f, 0.516645f, 0.516623f, 0.516602f, 0.51658f, 0.516558f, 0.516536f, 0.516514f, 0.516492f, 0.51647f, 0.516448f,
-0.516426f, 0.516404f, 0.516382f, 0.51636f, 0.516338f, 0.516316f, 0.516295f, 0.516273f, 0.516251f, 0.516229f, 0.516207f, 0.516185f, 0.516163f, 0.516141f, 0.516119f, 0.516097f, 0.516075f, 0.516053f, 0.516031f, 0.51601f,
-0.515988f, 0.515966f, 0.515944f, 0.515922f, 0.5159f, 0.515878f, 0.515856f, 0.515834f, 0.515812f, 0.51579f, 0.515768f, 0.515746f, 0.515725f, 0.515703f, 0.515681f, 0.515659f, 0.515637f, 0.515615f, 0.515593f, 0.515571f,
-0.515549f, 0.515527f, 0.515505f, 0.515484f, 0.515462f, 0.51544f, 0.515418f, 0.515396f, 0.515374f, 0.515352f, 0.51533f, 0.515308f, 0.515286f, 0.515264f, 0.515243f, 0.515221f, 0.515199f, 0.515177f, 0.515155f, 0.515133f,
-0.515111f, 0.515089f, 0.515067f, 0.515045f, 0.515023f, 0.515002f, 0.51498f, 0.514958f, 0.514936f, 0.514914f, 0.514892f, 0.51487f, 0.514848f, 0.514826f, 0.514804f, 0.514783f, 0.514761f, 0.514739f, 0.514717f, 0.514695f,
-0.514673f, 0.514651f, 0.514629f, 0.514607f, 0.514586f, 0.514564f, 0.514542f, 0.51452f, 0.514498f, 0.514476f, 0.514454f, 0.514432f, 0.51441f, 0.514389f, 0.514367f, 0.514345f, 0.514323f, 0.514301f, 0.514279f, 0.514257f,
-0.514235f, 0.514213f, 0.514192f, 0.51417f, 0.514148f, 0.514126f, 0.514104f, 0.514082f, 0.51406f, 0.514038f, 0.514017f, 0.513995f, 0.513973f, 0.513951f, 0.513929f, 0.513907f, 0.513885f, 0.513863f, 0.513842f, 0.51382f,
-0.513798f, 0.513776f, 0.513754f, 0.513732f, 0.51371f, 0.513688f, 0.513667f, 0.513645f, 0.513623f, 0.513601f, 0.513579f, 0.513557f, 0.513535f, 0.513513f, 0.513492f, 0.51347f, 0.513448f, 0.513426f, 0.513404f, 0.513382f,
-0.51336f, 0.513338f, 0.513317f, 0.513295f, 0.513273f, 0.513251f, 0.513229f, 0.513207f, 0.513185f, 0.513164f, 0.513142f, 0.51312f, 0.513098f, 0.513076f, 0.513054f, 0.513032f, 0.513011f, 0.512989f, 0.512967f, 0.512945f,
-0.512923f, 0.512901f, 0.512879f, 0.512858f, 0.512836f, 0.512814f, 0.512792f, 0.51277f, 0.512748f, 0.512726f, 0.512705f, 0.512683f, 0.512661f, 0.512639f, 0.512617f, 0.512595f, 0.512573f, 0.512552f, 0.51253f, 0.512508f,
-0.512486f, 0.512464f, 0.512442f, 0.512421f, 0.512399f, 0.512377f, 0.512355f, 0.512333f, 0.512311f, 0.51229f, 0.512268f, 0.512246f, 0.512224f, 0.512202f, 0.51218f, 0.512158f, 0.512137f, 0.512115f, 0.512093f, 0.512071f,
-0.512049f, 0.512027f, 0.512006f, 0.511984f, 0.511962f, 0.51194f, 0.511918f, 0.511896f, 0.511875f, 0.511853f, 0.511831f, 0.511809f, 0.511787f, 0.511765f, 0.511744f, 0.511722f, 0.5117f, 0.511678f, 0.511656f, 0.511634f,
-0.511613f, 0.511591f, 0.511569f, 0.511547f, 0.511525f, 0.511503f, 0.511482f, 0.51146f, 0.511438f, 0.511416f, 0.511394f, 0.511373f, 0.511351f, 0.511329f, 0.511307f, 0.511285f, 0.511263f, 0.511242f, 0.51122f, 0.511198f,
-0.511176f, 0.511154f, 0.511132f, 0.511111f, 0.511089f, 0.511067f, 0.511045f, 0.511023f, 0.511002f, 0.51098f, 0.510958f, 0.510936f, 0.510914f, 0.510893f, 0.510871f, 0.510849f, 0.510827f, 0.510805f, 0.510783f, 0.510762f,
-0.51074f, 0.510718f, 0.510696f, 0.510674f, 0.510653f, 0.510631f, 0.510609f, 0.510587f, 0.510565f, 0.510544f, 0.510522f, 0.5105f, 0.510478f, 0.510456f, 0.510435f, 0.510413f, 0.510391f, 0.510369f, 0.510347f, 0.510326f,
-0.510304f, 0.510282f, 0.51026f, 0.510238f, 0.510217f, 0.510195f, 0.510173f, 0.510151f, 0.510129f, 0.510108f, 0.510086f, 0.510064f, 0.510042f, 0.51002f, 0.509999f, 0.509977f, 0.509955f, 0.509933f, 0.509911f, 0.50989f,
-0.509868f, 0.509846f, 0.509824f, 0.509802f, 0.509781f, 0.509759f, 0.509737f, 0.509715f, 0.509694f, 0.509672f, 0.50965f, 0.509628f, 0.509606f, 0.509585f, 0.509563f, 0.509541f, 0.509519f, 0.509497f, 0.509476f, 0.509454f,
-0.509432f, 0.50941f, 0.509389f, 0.509367f, 0.509345f, 0.509323f, 0.509301f, 0.50928f, 0.509258f, 0.509236f, 0.509214f, 0.509193f, 0.509171f, 0.509149f, 0.509127f, 0.509105f, 0.509084f, 0.509062f, 0.50904f, 0.509018f,
-0.508997f, 0.508975f, 0.508953f, 0.508931f, 0.508909f, 0.508888f, 0.508866f, 0.508844f, 0.508822f, 0.508801f, 0.508779f, 0.508757f, 0.508735f, 0.508714f, 0.508692f, 0.50867f, 0.508648f, 0.508626f, 0.508605f, 0.508583f,
-0.508561f, 0.508539f, 0.508518f, 0.508496f, 0.508474f, 0.508452f, 0.508431f, 0.508409f, 0.508387f, 0.508365f, 0.508344f, 0.508322f, 0.5083f, 0.508278f, 0.508257f, 0.508235f, 0.508213f, 0.508191f, 0.50817f, 0.508148f,
-0.508126f, 0.508104f, 0.508083f, 0.508061f, 0.508039f, 0.508017f, 0.507996f, 0.507974f, 0.507952f, 0.50793f, 0.507909f, 0.507887f, 0.507865f, 0.507843f, 0.507822f, 0.5078f, 0.507778f, 0.507756f, 0.507735f, 0.507713f,
-0.507691f, 0.507669f, 0.507648f, 0.507626f, 0.507604f, 0.507582f, 0.507561f, 0.507539f, 0.507517f, 0.507495f, 0.507474f, 0.507452f, 0.50743f, 0.507408f, 0.507387f, 0.507365f, 0.507343f, 0.507321f, 0.5073f, 0.507278f,
-0.507256f, 0.507235f, 0.507213f, 0.507191f, 0.507169f, 0.507148f, 0.507126f, 0.507104f, 0.507082f, 0.507061f, 0.507039f, 0.507017f, 0.506995f, 0.506974f, 0.506952f, 0.50693f, 0.506909f, 0.506887f, 0.506865f, 0.506843f,
-0.506822f, 0.5068f, 0.506778f, 0.506756f, 0.506735f, 0.506713f, 0.506691f, 0.50667f, 0.506648f, 0.506626f, 0.506604f, 0.506583f, 0.506561f, 0.506539f, 0.506518f, 0.506496f, 0.506474f, 0.506452f, 0.506431f, 0.506409f,
-0.506387f, 0.506365f, 0.506344f, 0.506322f, 0.5063f, 0.506279f, 0.506257f, 0.506235f, 0.506213f, 0.506192f, 0.50617f, 0.506148f, 0.506127f, 0.506105f, 0.506083f, 0.506062f, 0.50604f, 0.506018f, 0.505996f, 0.505975f,
-0.505953f, 0.505931f, 0.50591f, 0.505888f, 0.505866f, 0.505844f, 0.505823f, 0.505801f, 0.505779f, 0.505758f, 0.505736f, 0.505714f, 0.505693f, 0.505671f, 0.505649f, 0.505627f, 0.505606f, 0.505584f, 0.505562f, 0.505541f,
-0.505519f, 0.505497f, 0.505476f, 0.505454f, 0.505432f, 0.50541f, 0.505389f, 0.505367f, 0.505345f, 0.505324f, 0.505302f, 0.50528f, 0.505259f, 0.505237f, 0.505215f, 0.505194f, 0.505172f, 0.50515f, 0.505128f, 0.505107f,
-0.505085f, 0.505063f, 0.505042f, 0.50502f, 0.504998f, 0.504977f, 0.504955f, 0.504933f, 0.504912f, 0.50489f, 0.504868f, 0.504847f, 0.504825f, 0.504803f, 0.504781f, 0.50476f, 0.504738f, 0.504716f, 0.504695f, 0.504673f,
-0.504651f, 0.50463f, 0.504608f, 0.504586f, 0.504565f, 0.504543f, 0.504521f, 0.5045f, 0.504478f, 0.504456f, 0.504435f, 0.504413f, 0.504391f, 0.50437f, 0.504348f, 0.504326f, 0.504305f, 0.504283f, 0.504261f, 0.50424f,
-0.504218f, 0.504196f, 0.504175f, 0.504153f, 0.504131f, 0.50411f, 0.504088f, 0.504066f, 0.504045f, 0.504023f, 0.504001f, 0.50398f, 0.503958f, 0.503936f, 0.503915f, 0.503893f, 0.503871f, 0.50385f, 0.503828f, 0.503806f,
-0.503785f, 0.503763f, 0.503741f, 0.50372f, 0.503698f, 0.503676f, 0.503655f, 0.503633f, 0.503611f, 0.50359f, 0.503568f, 0.503546f, 0.503525f, 0.503503f, 0.503481f, 0.50346f, 0.503438f, 0.503416f, 0.503395f, 0.503373f,
-0.503351f, 0.50333f, 0.503308f, 0.503286f, 0.503265f, 0.503243f, 0.503222f, 0.5032f, 0.503178f, 0.503157f, 0.503135f, 0.503113f, 0.503092f, 0.50307f, 0.503048f, 0.503027f, 0.503005f, 0.502983f, 0.502962f, 0.50294f,
-0.502919f, 0.502897f, 0.502875f, 0.502854f, 0.502832f, 0.50281f, 0.502789f, 0.502767f, 0.502745f, 0.502724f, 0.502702f, 0.50268f, 0.502659f, 0.502637f, 0.502616f, 0.502594f, 0.502572f, 0.502551f, 0.502529f, 0.502507f,
-0.502486f, 0.502464f, 0.502443f, 0.502421f, 0.502399f, 0.502378f, 0.502356f, 0.502334f, 0.502313f, 0.502291f, 0.502269f, 0.502248f, 0.502226f, 0.502205f, 0.502183f, 0.502161f, 0.50214f, 0.502118f, 0.502096f, 0.502075f,
-0.502053f, 0.502032f, 0.50201f, 0.501988f, 0.501967f, 0.501945f, 0.501923f, 0.501902f, 0.50188f, 0.501859f, 0.501837f, 0.501815f, 0.501794f, 0.501772f, 0.501751f, 0.501729f, 0.501707f, 0.501686f, 0.501664f, 0.501642f,
-0.501621f, 0.501599f, 0.501578f, 0.501556f, 0.501534f, 0.501513f, 0.501491f, 0.50147f, 0.501448f, 0.501426f, 0.501405f, 0.501383f, 0.501361f, 0.50134f, 0.501318f, 0.501297f, 0.501275f, 0.501253f, 0.501232f, 0.50121f,
-0.501189f, 0.501167f, 0.501145f, 0.501124f, 0.501102f, 0.501081f, 0.501059f, 0.501037f, 0.501016f, 0.500994f, 0.500973f, 0.500951f, 0.500929f, 0.500908f, 0.500886f, 0.500865f, 0.500843f, 0.500821f, 0.5008f, 0.500778f,
-0.500757f, 0.500735f, 0.500713f, 0.500692f, 0.50067f, 0.500649f, 0.500627f, 0.500605f, 0.500584f, 0.500562f, 0.500541f, 0.500519f, 0.500498f, 0.500476f, 0.500454f, 0.500433f, 0.500411f, 0.50039f, 0.500368f, 0.500346f,
-0.500325f, 0.500303f, 0.500282f, 0.50026f, 0.500238f, 0.500217f, 0.500195f, 0.500174f, 0.500152f, 0.500131f, 0.500109f, 0.500087f, 0.500066f, 0.500044f, 0.500023f, 0.500001f, 0.499979f, 0.499958f, 0.499936f, 0.499915f,
-0.499893f, 0.499872f, 0.49985f, 0.499828f, 0.499807f, 0.499785f, 0.499764f, 0.499742f, 0.499721f, 0.499699f, 0.499677f, 0.499656f, 0.499634f, 0.499613f, 0.499591f, 0.49957f, 0.499548f, 0.499526f, 0.499505f, 0.499483f,
-0.499462f, 0.49944f, 0.499419f, 0.499397f, 0.499375f, 0.499354f, 0.499332f, 0.499311f, 0.499289f, 0.499268f, 0.499246f, 0.499225f, 0.499203f, 0.499181f, 0.49916f, 0.499138f, 0.499117f, 0.499095f, 0.499074f, 0.499052f,
-0.49903f, 0.499009f, 0.498987f, 0.498966f, 0.498944f, 0.498923f, 0.498901f, 0.49888f, 0.498858f, 0.498836f, 0.498815f, 0.498793f, 0.498772f, 0.49875f, 0.498729f, 0.498707f, 0.498686f, 0.498664f, 0.498643f, 0.498621f,
-0.498599f, 0.498578f, 0.498556f, 0.498535f, 0.498513f, 0.498492f, 0.49847f, 0.498449f, 0.498427f, 0.498405f, 0.498384f, 0.498362f, 0.498341f, 0.498319f, 0.498298f, 0.498276f, 0.498255f, 0.498233f, 0.498212f, 0.49819f,
-0.498169f, 0.498147f, 0.498125f, 0.498104f, 0.498082f, 0.498061f, 0.498039f, 0.498018f, 0.497996f, 0.497975f, 0.497953f, 0.497932f, 0.49791f, 0.497889f, 0.497867f, 0.497845f, 0.497824f, 0.497802f, 0.497781f, 0.497759f,
-0.497738f, 0.497716f, 0.497695f, 0.497673f, 0.497652f, 0.49763f, 0.497609f, 0.497587f, 0.497566f, 0.497544f, 0.497523f, 0.497501f, 0.497479f, 0.497458f, 0.497436f, 0.497415f, 0.497393f, 0.497372f, 0.49735f, 0.497329f,
-0.497307f, 0.497286f, 0.497264f, 0.497243f, 0.497221f, 0.4972f, 0.497178f, 0.497157f, 0.497135f, 0.497114f, 0.497092f, 0.497071f, 0.497049f, 0.497028f, 0.497006f, 0.496985f, 0.496963f, 0.496942f, 0.49692f, 0.496899f,
-0.496877f, 0.496855f, 0.496834f, 0.496812f, 0.496791f, 0.496769f, 0.496748f, 0.496726f, 0.496705f, 0.496683f, 0.496662f, 0.49664f, 0.496619f, 0.496597f, 0.496576f, 0.496554f, 0.496533f, 0.496511f, 0.49649f, 0.496468f,
-0.496447f, 0.496425f, 0.496404f, 0.496382f, 0.496361f, 0.496339f, 0.496318f, 0.496296f, 0.496275f, 0.496253f, 0.496232f, 0.49621f, 0.496189f, 0.496167f, 0.496146f, 0.496124f, 0.496103f, 0.496081f, 0.49606f, 0.496038f,
-0.496017f, 0.495995f, 0.495974f, 0.495952f, 0.495931f, 0.495909f, 0.495888f, 0.495866f, 0.495845f, 0.495823f, 0.495802f, 0.49578f, 0.495759f, 0.495738f, 0.495716f, 0.495695f, 0.495673f, 0.495652f, 0.49563f, 0.495609f,
-0.495587f, 0.495566f, 0.495544f, 0.495523f, 0.495501f, 0.49548f, 0.495458f, 0.495437f, 0.495415f, 0.495394f, 0.495372f, 0.495351f, 0.495329f, 0.495308f, 0.495286f, 0.495265f, 0.495243f, 0.495222f, 0.4952f, 0.495179f,
-0.495158f, 0.495136f, 0.495115f, 0.495093f, 0.495072f, 0.49505f, 0.495029f, 0.495007f, 0.494986f, 0.494964f, 0.494943f, 0.494921f, 0.4949f, 0.494878f, 0.494857f, 0.494835f, 0.494814f, 0.494793f, 0.494771f, 0.49475f,
-0.494728f, 0.494707f, 0.494685f, 0.494664f, 0.494642f, 0.494621f, 0.494599f, 0.494578f, 0.494556f, 0.494535f, 0.494514f, 0.494492f, 0.494471f, 0.494449f, 0.494428f, 0.494406f, 0.494385f, 0.494363f, 0.494342f, 0.49432f,
-0.494299f, 0.494277f, 0.494256f, 0.494235f, 0.494213f, 0.494192f, 0.49417f, 0.494149f, 0.494127f, 0.494106f, 0.494084f, 0.494063f, 0.494042f, 0.49402f, 0.493999f, 0.493977f, 0.493956f, 0.493934f, 0.493913f, 0.493891f,
-0.49387f, 0.493848f, 0.493827f, 0.493806f, 0.493784f, 0.493763f, 0.493741f, 0.49372f, 0.493698f, 0.493677f, 0.493655f, 0.493634f, 0.493613f, 0.493591f, 0.49357f, 0.493548f, 0.493527f, 0.493505f, 0.493484f, 0.493463f,
-0.493441f, 0.49342f, 0.493398f, 0.493377f, 0.493355f, 0.493334f, 0.493312f, 0.493291f, 0.49327f, 0.493248f, 0.493227f, 0.493205f, 0.493184f, 0.493162f, 0.493141f, 0.49312f, 0.493098f, 0.493077f, 0.493055f, 0.493034f,
-0.493012f, 0.492991f, 0.49297f, 0.492948f, 0.492927f, 0.492905f, 0.492884f, 0.492862f, 0.492841f, 0.49282f, 0.492798f, 0.492777f, 0.492755f, 0.492734f, 0.492712f, 0.492691f, 0.49267f, 0.492648f, 0.492627f, 0.492605f,
-0.492584f, 0.492563f, 0.492541f, 0.49252f, 0.492498f, 0.492477f, 0.492455f, 0.492434f, 0.492413f, 0.492391f, 0.49237f, 0.492348f, 0.492327f, 0.492306f, 0.492284f, 0.492263f, 0.492241f, 0.49222f, 0.492199f, 0.492177f,
-0.492156f, 0.492134f, 0.492113f, 0.492091f, 0.49207f, 0.492049f, 0.492027f, 0.492006f, 0.491984f, 0.491963f, 0.491942f, 0.49192f, 0.491899f, 0.491877f, 0.491856f, 0.491835f, 0.491813f, 0.491792f, 0.49177f, 0.491749f,
-0.491728f, 0.491706f, 0.491685f, 0.491663f, 0.491642f, 0.491621f, 0.491599f, 0.491578f, 0.491556f, 0.491535f, 0.491514f, 0.491492f, 0.491471f, 0.491449f, 0.491428f, 0.491407f, 0.491385f, 0.491364f, 0.491342f, 0.491321f,
-0.4913f, 0.491278f, 0.491257f, 0.491236f, 0.491214f, 0.491193f, 0.491171f, 0.49115f, 0.491129f, 0.491107f, 0.491086f, 0.491064f, 0.491043f, 0.491022f, 0.491f, 0.490979f, 0.490957f, 0.490936f, 0.490915f, 0.490893f,
-0.490872f, 0.490851f, 0.490829f, 0.490808f, 0.490786f, 0.490765f, 0.490744f, 0.490722f, 0.490701f, 0.49068f, 0.490658f, 0.490637f, 0.490615f, 0.490594f, 0.490573f, 0.490551f, 0.49053f, 0.490509f, 0.490487f, 0.490466f,
-0.490444f, 0.490423f, 0.490402f, 0.49038f, 0.490359f, 0.490338f, 0.490316f, 0.490295f, 0.490273f, 0.490252f, 0.490231f, 0.490209f, 0.490188f, 0.490167f, 0.490145f, 0.490124f, 0.490103f, 0.490081f, 0.49006f, 0.490038f,
-0.490017f, 0.489996f, 0.489974f, 0.489953f, 0.489932f, 0.48991f, 0.489889f, 0.489868f, 0.489846f, 0.489825f, 0.489803f, 0.489782f, 0.489761f, 0.489739f, 0.489718f, 0.489697f, 0.489675f, 0.489654f, 0.489633f, 0.489611f,
-0.48959f, 0.489569f, 0.489547f, 0.489526f, 0.489505f, 0.489483f, 0.489462f, 0.48944f, 0.489419f, 0.489398f, 0.489376f, 0.489355f, 0.489334f, 0.489312f, 0.489291f, 0.48927f, 0.489248f, 0.489227f, 0.489206f, 0.489184f,
-0.489163f, 0.489142f, 0.48912f, 0.489099f, 0.489078f, 0.489056f, 0.489035f, 0.489014f, 0.488992f, 0.488971f, 0.48895f, 0.488928f, 0.488907f, 0.488886f, 0.488864f, 0.488843f, 0.488822f, 0.4888f, 0.488779f, 0.488758f,
-0.488736f, 0.488715f, 0.488693f, 0.488672f, 0.488651f, 0.488629f, 0.488608f, 0.488587f, 0.488566f, 0.488544f, 0.488523f, 0.488502f, 0.48848f, 0.488459f, 0.488438f, 0.488416f, 0.488395f, 0.488374f, 0.488352f, 0.488331f,
-0.48831f, 0.488288f, 0.488267f, 0.488246f, 0.488224f, 0.488203f, 0.488182f, 0.48816f, 0.488139f, 0.488118f, 0.488096f, 0.488075f, 0.488054f, 0.488032f, 0.488011f, 0.48799f, 0.487968f, 0.487947f, 0.487926f, 0.487904f,
-0.487883f, 0.487862f, 0.487841f, 0.487819f, 0.487798f, 0.487777f, 0.487755f, 0.487734f, 0.487713f, 0.487691f, 0.48767f, 0.487649f, 0.487627f, 0.487606f, 0.487585f, 0.487563f, 0.487542f, 0.487521f, 0.4875f, 0.487478f,
-0.487457f, 0.487436f, 0.487414f, 0.487393f, 0.487372f, 0.48735f, 0.487329f, 0.487308f, 0.487286f, 0.487265f, 0.487244f, 0.487223f, 0.487201f, 0.48718f, 0.487159f, 0.487137f, 0.487116f, 0.487095f, 0.487073f, 0.487052f,
-0.487031f, 0.48701f, 0.486988f, 0.486967f, 0.486946f, 0.486924f, 0.486903f, 0.486882f, 0.486861f, 0.486839f, 0.486818f, 0.486797f, 0.486775f, 0.486754f, 0.486733f, 0.486711f, 0.48669f, 0.486669f, 0.486648f, 0.486626f,
-0.486605f, 0.486584f, 0.486562f, 0.486541f, 0.48652f, 0.486499f, 0.486477f, 0.486456f, 0.486435f, 0.486413f, 0.486392f, 0.486371f, 0.48635f, 0.486328f, 0.486307f, 0.486286f, 0.486264f, 0.486243f, 0.486222f, 0.486201f,
-0.486179f, 0.486158f, 0.486137f, 0.486116f, 0.486094f, 0.486073f, 0.486052f, 0.48603f, 0.486009f, 0.485988f, 0.485967f, 0.485945f, 0.485924f, 0.485903f, 0.485881f, 0.48586f, 0.485839f, 0.485818f, 0.485796f, 0.485775f,
-0.485754f, 0.485733f, 0.485711f, 0.48569f, 0.485669f, 0.485648f, 0.485626f, 0.485605f, 0.485584f, 0.485562f, 0.485541f, 0.48552f, 0.485499f, 0.485477f, 0.485456f, 0.485435f, 0.485414f, 0.485392f, 0.485371f, 0.48535f,
-0.485329f, 0.485307f, 0.485286f, 0.485265f, 0.485244f, 0.485222f, 0.485201f, 0.48518f, 0.485159f, 0.485137f, 0.485116f, 0.485095f, 0.485073f, 0.485052f, 0.485031f, 0.48501f, 0.484988f, 0.484967f, 0.484946f, 0.484925f,
-0.484903f, 0.484882f, 0.484861f, 0.48484f, 0.484818f, 0.484797f, 0.484776f, 0.484755f, 0.484733f, 0.484712f, 0.484691f, 0.48467f, 0.484648f, 0.484627f, 0.484606f, 0.484585f, 0.484564f, 0.484542f, 0.484521f, 0.4845f,
-0.484479f, 0.484457f, 0.484436f, 0.484415f, 0.484394f, 0.484372f, 0.484351f, 0.48433f, 0.484309f, 0.484287f, 0.484266f, 0.484245f, 0.484224f, 0.484202f, 0.484181f, 0.48416f, 0.484139f, 0.484117f, 0.484096f, 0.484075f,
-0.484054f, 0.484033f, 0.484011f, 0.48399f, 0.483969f, 0.483948f, 0.483926f, 0.483905f, 0.483884f, 0.483863f, 0.483841f, 0.48382f, 0.483799f, 0.483778f, 0.483757f, 0.483735f, 0.483714f, 0.483693f, 0.483672f, 0.48365f,
-0.483629f, 0.483608f, 0.483587f, 0.483566f, 0.483544f, 0.483523f, 0.483502f, 0.483481f, 0.483459f, 0.483438f, 0.483417f, 0.483396f, 0.483375f, 0.483353f, 0.483332f, 0.483311f, 0.48329f, 0.483269f, 0.483247f, 0.483226f,
-0.483205f, 0.483184f, 0.483162f, 0.483141f, 0.48312f, 0.483099f, 0.483078f, 0.483056f, 0.483035f, 0.483014f, 0.482993f, 0.482972f, 0.48295f, 0.482929f, 0.482908f, 0.482887f, 0.482866f, 0.482844f, 0.482823f, 0.482802f,
-0.482781f, 0.482759f, 0.482738f, 0.482717f, 0.482696f, 0.482675f, 0.482653f, 0.482632f, 0.482611f, 0.48259f, 0.482569f, 0.482547f, 0.482526f, 0.482505f, 0.482484f, 0.482463f, 0.482441f, 0.48242f, 0.482399f, 0.482378f,
-0.482357f, 0.482336f, 0.482314f, 0.482293f, 0.482272f, 0.482251f, 0.48223f, 0.482208f, 0.482187f, 0.482166f, 0.482145f, 0.482124f, 0.482102f, 0.482081f, 0.48206f, 0.482039f, 0.482018f, 0.481996f, 0.481975f, 0.481954f,
-0.481933f, 0.481912f, 0.481891f, 0.481869f, 0.481848f, 0.481827f, 0.481806f, 0.481785f, 0.481763f, 0.481742f, 0.481721f, 0.4817f, 0.481679f, 0.481658f, 0.481636f, 0.481615f, 0.481594f, 0.481573f, 0.481552f, 0.48153f,
-0.481509f, 0.481488f, 0.481467f, 0.481446f, 0.481425f, 0.481403f, 0.481382f, 0.481361f, 0.48134f, 0.481319f, 0.481298f, 0.481276f, 0.481255f, 0.481234f, 0.481213f, 0.481192f, 0.481171f, 0.481149f, 0.481128f, 0.481107f,
-0.481086f, 0.481065f, 0.481044f, 0.481022f, 0.481001f, 0.48098f, 0.480959f, 0.480938f, 0.480917f, 0.480895f, 0.480874f, 0.480853f, 0.480832f, 0.480811f, 0.48079f, 0.480768f, 0.480747f, 0.480726f, 0.480705f, 0.480684f,
-0.480663f, 0.480641f, 0.48062f, 0.480599f, 0.480578f, 0.480557f, 0.480536f, 0.480514f, 0.480493f, 0.480472f, 0.480451f, 0.48043f, 0.480409f, 0.480388f, 0.480366f, 0.480345f, 0.480324f, 0.480303f, 0.480282f, 0.480261f,
-0.48024f, 0.480218f, 0.480197f, 0.480176f, 0.480155f, 0.480134f, 0.480113f, 0.480091f, 0.48007f, 0.480049f, 0.480028f, 0.480007f, 0.479986f, 0.479965f, 0.479943f, 0.479922f, 0.479901f, 0.47988f, 0.479859f, 0.479838f,
-0.479817f, 0.479796f, 0.479774f, 0.479753f, 0.479732f, 0.479711f, 0.47969f, 0.479669f, 0.479648f, 0.479626f, 0.479605f, 0.479584f, 0.479563f, 0.479542f, 0.479521f, 0.4795f, 0.479478f, 0.479457f, 0.479436f, 0.479415f,
-0.479394f, 0.479373f, 0.479352f, 0.479331f, 0.479309f, 0.479288f, 0.479267f, 0.479246f, 0.479225f, 0.479204f, 0.479183f, 0.479162f, 0.47914f, 0.479119f, 0.479098f, 0.479077f, 0.479056f, 0.479035f, 0.479014f, 0.478993f,
-0.478971f, 0.47895f, 0.478929f, 0.478908f, 0.478887f, 0.478866f, 0.478845f, 0.478824f, 0.478803f, 0.478781f, 0.47876f, 0.478739f, 0.478718f, 0.478697f, 0.478676f, 0.478655f, 0.478634f, 0.478612f, 0.478591f, 0.47857f,
-0.478549f, 0.478528f, 0.478507f, 0.478486f, 0.478465f, 0.478444f, 0.478422f, 0.478401f, 0.47838f, 0.478359f, 0.478338f, 0.478317f, 0.478296f, 0.478275f, 0.478254f, 0.478233f, 0.478211f, 0.47819f, 0.478169f, 0.478148f,
-0.478127f, 0.478106f, 0.478085f, 0.478064f, 0.478043f, 0.478022f, 0.478f, 0.477979f, 0.477958f, 0.477937f, 0.477916f, 0.477895f, 0.477874f, 0.477853f, 0.477832f, 0.477811f, 0.477789f, 0.477768f, 0.477747f, 0.477726f,
-0.477705f, 0.477684f, 0.477663f, 0.477642f, 0.477621f, 0.4776f, 0.477579f, 0.477557f, 0.477536f, 0.477515f, 0.477494f, 0.477473f, 0.477452f, 0.477431f, 0.47741f, 0.477389f, 0.477368f, 0.477347f, 0.477325f, 0.477304f,
-0.477283f, 0.477262f, 0.477241f, 0.47722f, 0.477199f, 0.477178f, 0.477157f, 0.477136f, 0.477115f, 0.477094f, 0.477072f, 0.477051f, 0.47703f, 0.477009f, 0.476988f, 0.476967f, 0.476946f, 0.476925f, 0.476904f, 0.476883f,
-0.476862f, 0.476841f, 0.47682f, 0.476799f, 0.476777f, 0.476756f, 0.476735f, 0.476714f, 0.476693f, 0.476672f, 0.476651f, 0.47663f, 0.476609f, 0.476588f, 0.476567f, 0.476546f, 0.476525f, 0.476504f, 0.476482f, 0.476461f,
-0.47644f, 0.476419f, 0.476398f, 0.476377f, 0.476356f, 0.476335f, 0.476314f, 0.476293f, 0.476272f, 0.476251f, 0.47623f, 0.476209f, 0.476188f, 0.476167f, 0.476145f, 0.476124f, 0.476103f, 0.476082f, 0.476061f, 0.47604f,
-0.476019f, 0.475998f, 0.475977f, 0.475956f, 0.475935f, 0.475914f, 0.475893f, 0.475872f, 0.475851f, 0.47583f, 0.475809f, 0.475788f, 0.475767f, 0.475745f, 0.475724f, 0.475703f, 0.475682f, 0.475661f, 0.47564f, 0.475619f,
-0.475598f, 0.475577f, 0.475556f, 0.475535f, 0.475514f, 0.475493f, 0.475472f, 0.475451f, 0.47543f, 0.475409f, 0.475388f, 0.475367f, 0.475346f, 0.475325f, 0.475304f, 0.475282f, 0.475261f, 0.47524f, 0.475219f, 0.475198f,
-0.475177f, 0.475156f, 0.475135f, 0.475114f, 0.475093f, 0.475072f, 0.475051f, 0.47503f, 0.475009f, 0.474988f, 0.474967f, 0.474946f, 0.474925f, 0.474904f, 0.474883f, 0.474862f, 0.474841f, 0.47482f, 0.474799f, 0.474778f,
-0.474757f, 0.474736f, 0.474715f, 0.474694f, 0.474673f, 0.474652f, 0.474631f, 0.474609f, 0.474588f, 0.474567f, 0.474546f, 0.474525f, 0.474504f, 0.474483f, 0.474462f, 0.474441f, 0.47442f, 0.474399f, 0.474378f, 0.474357f,
-0.474336f, 0.474315f, 0.474294f, 0.474273f, 0.474252f, 0.474231f, 0.47421f, 0.474189f, 0.474168f, 0.474147f, 0.474126f, 0.474105f, 0.474084f, 0.474063f, 0.474042f, 0.474021f, 0.474f, 0.473979f, 0.473958f, 0.473937f,
-0.473916f, 0.473895f, 0.473874f, 0.473853f, 0.473832f, 0.473811f, 0.47379f, 0.473769f, 0.473748f, 0.473727f, 0.473706f, 0.473685f, 0.473664f, 0.473643f, 0.473622f, 0.473601f, 0.47358f, 0.473559f, 0.473538f, 0.473517f,
-0.473496f, 0.473475f, 0.473454f, 0.473433f, 0.473412f, 0.473391f, 0.47337f, 0.473349f, 0.473328f, 0.473307f, 0.473286f, 0.473265f, 0.473244f, 0.473223f, 0.473202f, 0.473181f, 0.47316f, 0.473139f, 0.473118f, 0.473097f,
-0.473076f, 0.473055f, 0.473034f, 0.473013f, 0.472992f, 0.472971f, 0.47295f, 0.472929f, 0.472908f, 0.472887f, 0.472866f, 0.472845f, 0.472824f, 0.472803f, 0.472782f, 0.472761f, 0.47274f, 0.472719f, 0.472698f, 0.472677f,
-0.472656f, 0.472635f, 0.472614f, 0.472593f, 0.472572f, 0.472551f, 0.47253f, 0.472509f, 0.472488f, 0.472467f, 0.472446f, 0.472425f, 0.472405f, 0.472384f, 0.472363f, 0.472342f, 0.472321f, 0.4723f, 0.472279f, 0.472258f,
-0.472237f, 0.472216f, 0.472195f, 0.472174f, 0.472153f, 0.472132f, 0.472111f, 0.47209f, 0.472069f, 0.472048f, 0.472027f, 0.472006f, 0.471985f, 0.471964f, 0.471943f, 0.471922f, 0.471901f, 0.47188f, 0.471859f, 0.471838f,
-0.471817f, 0.471796f, 0.471775f, 0.471755f, 0.471734f, 0.471713f, 0.471692f, 0.471671f, 0.47165f, 0.471629f, 0.471608f, 0.471587f, 0.471566f, 0.471545f, 0.471524f, 0.471503f, 0.471482f, 0.471461f, 0.47144f, 0.471419f,
-0.471398f, 0.471377f, 0.471356f, 0.471335f, 0.471314f, 0.471293f, 0.471273f, 0.471252f, 0.471231f, 0.47121f, 0.471189f, 0.471168f, 0.471147f, 0.471126f, 0.471105f, 0.471084f, 0.471063f, 0.471042f, 0.471021f, 0.471f,
-0.470979f, 0.470958f, 0.470937f, 0.470916f, 0.470896f, 0.470875f, 0.470854f, 0.470833f, 0.470812f, 0.470791f, 0.47077f, 0.470749f, 0.470728f, 0.470707f, 0.470686f, 0.470665f, 0.470644f, 0.470623f, 0.470602f, 0.470581f,
-0.47056f, 0.47054f, 0.470519f, 0.470498f, 0.470477f, 0.470456f, 0.470435f, 0.470414f, 0.470393f, 0.470372f, 0.470351f, 0.47033f, 0.470309f, 0.470288f, 0.470267f, 0.470247f, 0.470226f, 0.470205f, 0.470184f, 0.470163f,
-0.470142f, 0.470121f, 0.4701f, 0.470079f, 0.470058f, 0.470037f, 0.470016f, 0.469995f, 0.469975f, 0.469954f, 0.469933f, 0.469912f, 0.469891f, 0.46987f, 0.469849f, 0.469828f, 0.469807f, 0.469786f, 0.469765f, 0.469744f,
-0.469723f, 0.469703f, 0.469682f, 0.469661f, 0.46964f, 0.469619f, 0.469598f, 0.469577f, 0.469556f, 0.469535f, 0.469514f, 0.469493f, 0.469473f, 0.469452f, 0.469431f, 0.46941f, 0.469389f, 0.469368f, 0.469347f, 0.469326f,
-0.469305f, 0.469284f, 0.469263f, 0.469243f, 0.469222f, 0.469201f, 0.46918f, 0.469159f, 0.469138f, 0.469117f, 0.469096f, 0.469075f, 0.469054f, 0.469034f, 0.469013f, 0.468992f, 0.468971f, 0.46895f, 0.468929f, 0.468908f,
-0.468887f, 0.468866f, 0.468845f, 0.468825f, 0.468804f, 0.468783f, 0.468762f, 0.468741f, 0.46872f, 0.468699f, 0.468678f, 0.468657f, 0.468637f, 0.468616f, 0.468595f, 0.468574f, 0.468553f, 0.468532f, 0.468511f, 0.46849f,
-0.468469f, 0.468449f, 0.468428f, 0.468407f, 0.468386f, 0.468365f, 0.468344f, 0.468323f, 0.468302f, 0.468281f, 0.468261f, 0.46824f, 0.468219f, 0.468198f, 0.468177f, 0.468156f, 0.468135f, 0.468114f, 0.468093f, 0.468073f,
-0.468052f, 0.468031f, 0.46801f, 0.467989f, 0.467968f, 0.467947f, 0.467926f, 0.467906f, 0.467885f, 0.467864f, 0.467843f, 0.467822f, 0.467801f, 0.46778f, 0.467759f, 0.467739f, 0.467718f, 0.467697f, 0.467676f, 0.467655f,
-0.467634f, 0.467613f, 0.467593f, 0.467572f, 0.467551f, 0.46753f, 0.467509f, 0.467488f, 0.467467f, 0.467446f, 0.467426f, 0.467405f, 0.467384f, 0.467363f, 0.467342f, 0.467321f, 0.4673f, 0.46728f, 0.467259f, 0.467238f,
-0.467217f, 0.467196f, 0.467175f, 0.467154f, 0.467134f, 0.467113f, 0.467092f, 0.467071f, 0.46705f, 0.467029f, 0.467008f, 0.466988f, 0.466967f, 0.466946f, 0.466925f, 0.466904f, 0.466883f, 0.466862f, 0.466842f, 0.466821f,
-0.4668f, 0.466779f, 0.466758f, 0.466737f, 0.466716f, 0.466696f, 0.466675f, 0.466654f, 0.466633f, 0.466612f, 0.466591f, 0.466571f, 0.46655f, 0.466529f, 0.466508f, 0.466487f, 0.466466f, 0.466445f, 0.466425f, 0.466404f,
-0.466383f, 0.466362f, 0.466341f, 0.46632f, 0.4663f, 0.466279f, 0.466258f, 0.466237f, 0.466216f, 0.466195f, 0.466175f, 0.466154f, 0.466133f, 0.466112f, 0.466091f, 0.46607f, 0.46605f, 0.466029f, 0.466008f, 0.465987f,
-0.465966f, 0.465945f, 0.465925f, 0.465904f, 0.465883f, 0.465862f, 0.465841f, 0.46582f, 0.4658f, 0.465779f, 0.465758f, 0.465737f, 0.465716f, 0.465695f, 0.465675f, 0.465654f, 0.465633f, 0.465612f, 0.465591f, 0.465571f,
-0.46555f, 0.465529f, 0.465508f, 0.465487f, 0.465466f, 0.465446f, 0.465425f, 0.465404f, 0.465383f, 0.465362f, 0.465341f, 0.465321f, 0.4653f, 0.465279f, 0.465258f, 0.465237f, 0.465217f, 0.465196f, 0.465175f, 0.465154f,
-0.465133f, 0.465113f, 0.465092f, 0.465071f, 0.46505f, 0.465029f, 0.465008f, 0.464988f, 0.464967f, 0.464946f, 0.464925f, 0.464904f, 0.464884f, 0.464863f, 0.464842f, 0.464821f, 0.4648f, 0.46478f, 0.464759f, 0.464738f,
-0.464717f, 0.464696f, 0.464676f, 0.464655f, 0.464634f, 0.464613f, 0.464592f, 0.464572f, 0.464551f, 0.46453f, 0.464509f, 0.464488f, 0.464468f, 0.464447f, 0.464426f, 0.464405f, 0.464384f, 0.464364f, 0.464343f, 0.464322f,
-0.464301f, 0.46428f, 0.46426f, 0.464239f, 0.464218f, 0.464197f, 0.464176f, 0.464156f, 0.464135f, 0.464114f, 0.464093f, 0.464072f, 0.464052f, 0.464031f, 0.46401f, 0.463989f, 0.463969f, 0.463948f, 0.463927f, 0.463906f,
-0.463885f, 0.463865f, 0.463844f, 0.463823f, 0.463802f, 0.463781f, 0.463761f, 0.46374f, 0.463719f, 0.463698f, 0.463678f, 0.463657f, 0.463636f, 0.463615f, 0.463594f, 0.463574f, 0.463553f, 0.463532f, 0.463511f, 0.463491f,
-0.46347f, 0.463449f, 0.463428f, 0.463407f, 0.463387f, 0.463366f, 0.463345f, 0.463324f, 0.463304f, 0.463283f, 0.463262f, 0.463241f, 0.46322f, 0.4632f, 0.463179f, 0.463158f, 0.463137f, 0.463117f, 0.463096f, 0.463075f,
-0.463054f, 0.463034f, 0.463013f, 0.462992f, 0.462971f, 0.462951f, 0.46293f, 0.462909f, 0.462888f, 0.462867f, 0.462847f, 0.462826f, 0.462805f, 0.462784f, 0.462764f, 0.462743f, 0.462722f, 0.462701f, 0.462681f, 0.46266f,
-0.462639f, 0.462618f, 0.462598f, 0.462577f, 0.462556f, 0.462535f, 0.462515f, 0.462494f, 0.462473f, 0.462452f, 0.462432f, 0.462411f, 0.46239f, 0.462369f, 0.462349f, 0.462328f, 0.462307f, 0.462286f, 0.462266f, 0.462245f,
-0.462224f, 0.462203f, 0.462183f, 0.462162f, 0.462141f, 0.46212f, 0.4621f, 0.462079f, 0.462058f, 0.462037f, 0.462017f, 0.461996f, 0.461975f, 0.461954f, 0.461934f, 0.461913f, 0.461892f, 0.461871f, 0.461851f, 0.46183f,
-0.461809f, 0.461788f, 0.461768f, 0.461747f, 0.461726f, 0.461705f, 0.461685f, 0.461664f, 0.461643f, 0.461623f, 0.461602f, 0.461581f, 0.46156f, 0.46154f, 0.461519f, 0.461498f, 0.461477f, 0.461457f, 0.461436f, 0.461415f,
-0.461394f, 0.461374f, 0.461353f, 0.461332f, 0.461312f, 0.461291f, 0.46127f, 0.461249f, 0.461229f, 0.461208f, 0.461187f, 0.461166f, 0.461146f, 0.461125f, 0.461104f, 0.461084f, 0.461063f, 0.461042f, 0.461021f, 0.461001f,
-0.46098f, 0.460959f, 0.460939f, 0.460918f, 0.460897f, 0.460876f, 0.460856f, 0.460835f, 0.460814f, 0.460794f, 0.460773f, 0.460752f, 0.460731f, 0.460711f, 0.46069f, 0.460669f, 0.460649f, 0.460628f, 0.460607f, 0.460586f,
-0.460566f, 0.460545f, 0.460524f, 0.460504f, 0.460483f, 0.460462f, 0.460441f, 0.460421f, 0.4604f, 0.460379f, 0.460359f, 0.460338f, 0.460317f, 0.460296f, 0.460276f, 0.460255f, 0.460234f, 0.460214f, 0.460193f, 0.460172f,
-0.460152f, 0.460131f, 0.46011f, 0.460089f, 0.460069f, 0.460048f, 0.460027f, 0.460007f, 0.459986f, 0.459965f, 0.459945f, 0.459924f, 0.459903f, 0.459882f, 0.459862f, 0.459841f, 0.45982f, 0.4598f, 0.459779f, 0.459758f,
-0.459738f, 0.459717f, 0.459696f, 0.459676f, 0.459655f, 0.459634f, 0.459613f, 0.459593f, 0.459572f, 0.459551f, 0.459531f, 0.45951f, 0.459489f, 0.459469f, 0.459448f, 0.459427f, 0.459407f, 0.459386f, 0.459365f, 0.459345f,
-0.459324f, 0.459303f, 0.459283f, 0.459262f, 0.459241f, 0.45922f, 0.4592f, 0.459179f, 0.459158f, 0.459138f, 0.459117f, 0.459096f, 0.459076f, 0.459055f, 0.459034f, 0.459014f, 0.458993f, 0.458972f, 0.458952f, 0.458931f,
-0.45891f, 0.45889f, 0.458869f, 0.458848f, 0.458828f, 0.458807f, 0.458786f, 0.458766f, 0.458745f, 0.458724f, 0.458704f, 0.458683f, 0.458662f, 0.458642f, 0.458621f, 0.4586f, 0.45858f, 0.458559f, 0.458538f, 0.458518f,
-0.458497f, 0.458476f, 0.458456f, 0.458435f, 0.458414f, 0.458394f, 0.458373f, 0.458352f, 0.458332f, 0.458311f, 0.45829f, 0.45827f, 0.458249f, 0.458228f, 0.458208f, 0.458187f, 0.458166f, 0.458146f, 0.458125f, 0.458104f,
-0.458084f, 0.458063f, 0.458042f, 0.458022f, 0.458001f, 0.45798f, 0.45796f, 0.457939f, 0.457919f, 0.457898f, 0.457877f, 0.457857f, 0.457836f, 0.457815f, 0.457795f, 0.457774f, 0.457753f, 0.457733f, 0.457712f, 0.457691f,
-0.457671f, 0.45765f, 0.457629f, 0.457609f, 0.457588f, 0.457568f, 0.457547f, 0.457526f, 0.457506f, 0.457485f, 0.457464f, 0.457444f, 0.457423f, 0.457402f, 0.457382f, 0.457361f, 0.45734f, 0.45732f, 0.457299f, 0.457279f,
-0.457258f, 0.457237f, 0.457217f, 0.457196f, 0.457175f, 0.457155f, 0.457134f, 0.457113f, 0.457093f, 0.457072f, 0.457052f, 0.457031f, 0.45701f, 0.45699f, 0.456969f, 0.456948f, 0.456928f, 0.456907f, 0.456887f, 0.456866f,
-0.456845f, 0.456825f, 0.456804f, 0.456783f, 0.456763f, 0.456742f, 0.456722f, 0.456701f, 0.45668f, 0.45666f, 0.456639f, 0.456618f, 0.456598f, 0.456577f, 0.456557f, 0.456536f, 0.456515f, 0.456495f, 0.456474f, 0.456453f,
-0.456433f, 0.456412f, 0.456392f, 0.456371f, 0.45635f, 0.45633f, 0.456309f, 0.456289f, 0.456268f, 0.456247f, 0.456227f, 0.456206f, 0.456185f, 0.456165f, 0.456144f, 0.456124f, 0.456103f, 0.456082f, 0.456062f, 0.456041f,
-0.456021f, 0.456f, 0.455979f, 0.455959f, 0.455938f, 0.455918f, 0.455897f, 0.455876f, 0.455856f, 0.455835f, 0.455815f, 0.455794f, 0.455773f, 0.455753f, 0.455732f, 0.455712f, 0.455691f, 0.45567f, 0.45565f, 0.455629f,
-0.455609f, 0.455588f, 0.455567f, 0.455547f, 0.455526f, 0.455506f, 0.455485f, 0.455464f, 0.455444f, 0.455423f, 0.455403f, 0.455382f, 0.455361f, 0.455341f, 0.45532f, 0.4553f, 0.455279f, 0.455258f, 0.455238f, 0.455217f,
-0.455197f, 0.455176f, 0.455155f, 0.455135f, 0.455114f, 0.455094f, 0.455073f, 0.455053f, 0.455032f, 0.455011f, 0.454991f, 0.45497f, 0.45495f, 0.454929f, 0.454908f, 0.454888f, 0.454867f, 0.454847f, 0.454826f, 0.454806f,
-0.454785f, 0.454764f, 0.454744f, 0.454723f, 0.454703f, 0.454682f, 0.454661f, 0.454641f, 0.45462f, 0.4546f, 0.454579f, 0.454559f, 0.454538f, 0.454517f, 0.454497f, 0.454476f, 0.454456f, 0.454435f, 0.454415f, 0.454394f,
-0.454373f, 0.454353f, 0.454332f, 0.454312f, 0.454291f, 0.454271f, 0.45425f, 0.454229f, 0.454209f, 0.454188f, 0.454168f, 0.454147f, 0.454127f, 0.454106f, 0.454085f, 0.454065f, 0.454044f, 0.454024f, 0.454003f, 0.453983f,
-0.453962f, 0.453942f, 0.453921f, 0.4539f, 0.45388f, 0.453859f, 0.453839f, 0.453818f, 0.453798f, 0.453777f, 0.453756f, 0.453736f, 0.453715f, 0.453695f, 0.453674f, 0.453654f, 0.453633f, 0.453613f, 0.453592f, 0.453572f,
-0.453551f, 0.45353f, 0.45351f, 0.453489f, 0.453469f, 0.453448f, 0.453428f, 0.453407f, 0.453387f, 0.453366f, 0.453345f, 0.453325f, 0.453304f, 0.453284f, 0.453263f, 0.453243f, 0.453222f, 0.453202f, 0.453181f, 0.453161f,
-0.45314f, 0.453119f, 0.453099f, 0.453078f, 0.453058f, 0.453037f, 0.453017f, 0.452996f, 0.452976f, 0.452955f, 0.452935f, 0.452914f, 0.452894f, 0.452873f, 0.452852f, 0.452832f, 0.452811f, 0.452791f, 0.45277f, 0.45275f,
-0.452729f, 0.452709f, 0.452688f, 0.452668f, 0.452647f, 0.452627f, 0.452606f, 0.452585f, 0.452565f, 0.452544f, 0.452524f, 0.452503f, 0.452483f, 0.452462f, 0.452442f, 0.452421f, 0.452401f, 0.45238f, 0.45236f, 0.452339f,
-0.452319f, 0.452298f, 0.452278f, 0.452257f, 0.452237f, 0.452216f, 0.452196f, 0.452175f, 0.452154f, 0.452134f, 0.452113f, 0.452093f, 0.452072f, 0.452052f, 0.452031f, 0.452011f, 0.45199f, 0.45197f, 0.451949f, 0.451929f,
-0.451908f, 0.451888f, 0.451867f, 0.451847f, 0.451826f, 0.451806f, 0.451785f, 0.451765f, 0.451744f, 0.451724f, 0.451703f, 0.451683f, 0.451662f, 0.451642f, 0.451621f, 0.451601f, 0.45158f, 0.45156f, 0.451539f, 0.451519f,
-0.451498f, 0.451478f, 0.451457f, 0.451437f, 0.451416f, 0.451396f, 0.451375f, 0.451355f, 0.451334f, 0.451314f, 0.451293f, 0.451272f, 0.451252f, 0.451231f, 0.451211f, 0.45119f, 0.45117f, 0.45115f, 0.451129f, 0.451109f,
-0.451088f, 0.451068f, 0.451047f, 0.451027f, 0.451006f, 0.450986f, 0.450965f, 0.450945f, 0.450924f, 0.450904f, 0.450883f, 0.450863f, 0.450842f, 0.450822f, 0.450801f, 0.450781f, 0.45076f, 0.45074f, 0.450719f, 0.450699f,
-0.450678f, 0.450658f, 0.450637f, 0.450617f, 0.450596f, 0.450576f, 0.450555f, 0.450535f, 0.450514f, 0.450494f, 0.450473f, 0.450453f, 0.450432f, 0.450412f, 0.450391f, 0.450371f, 0.45035f, 0.45033f, 0.450309f, 0.450289f,
-0.450269f, 0.450248f, 0.450228f, 0.450207f, 0.450187f, 0.450166f, 0.450146f, 0.450125f, 0.450105f, 0.450084f, 0.450064f, 0.450043f, 0.450023f, 0.450002f, 0.449982f, 0.449961f, 0.449941f, 0.44992f, 0.4499f, 0.44988f,
-0.449859f, 0.449839f, 0.449818f, 0.449798f, 0.449777f, 0.449757f, 0.449736f, 0.449716f, 0.449695f, 0.449675f, 0.449654f, 0.449634f, 0.449613f, 0.449593f, 0.449573f, 0.449552f, 0.449532f, 0.449511f, 0.449491f, 0.44947f,
-0.44945f, 0.449429f, 0.449409f, 0.449388f, 0.449368f, 0.449347f, 0.449327f, 0.449307f, 0.449286f, 0.449266f, 0.449245f, 0.449225f, 0.449204f, 0.449184f, 0.449163f, 0.449143f, 0.449122f, 0.449102f, 0.449082f, 0.449061f,
-0.449041f, 0.44902f, 0.449f, 0.448979f, 0.448959f, 0.448938f, 0.448918f, 0.448898f, 0.448877f, 0.448857f, 0.448836f, 0.448816f, 0.448795f, 0.448775f, 0.448754f, 0.448734f, 0.448714f, 0.448693f, 0.448673f, 0.448652f,
-0.448632f, 0.448611f, 0.448591f, 0.44857f, 0.44855f, 0.44853f, 0.448509f, 0.448489f, 0.448468f, 0.448448f, 0.448427f, 0.448407f, 0.448387f, 0.448366f, 0.448346f, 0.448325f, 0.448305f, 0.448284f, 0.448264f, 0.448243f,
-0.448223f, 0.448203f, 0.448182f, 0.448162f, 0.448141f, 0.448121f, 0.4481f, 0.44808f, 0.44806f, 0.448039f, 0.448019f, 0.447998f, 0.447978f, 0.447957f, 0.447937f, 0.447917f, 0.447896f, 0.447876f, 0.447855f, 0.447835f,
-0.447815f, 0.447794f, 0.447774f, 0.447753f, 0.447733f, 0.447712f, 0.447692f, 0.447672f, 0.447651f, 0.447631f, 0.44761f, 0.44759f, 0.447569f, 0.447549f, 0.447529f, 0.447508f, 0.447488f, 0.447467f, 0.447447f, 0.447427f,
-0.447406f, 0.447386f, 0.447365f, 0.447345f, 0.447325f, 0.447304f, 0.447284f, 0.447263f, 0.447243f, 0.447222f, 0.447202f, 0.447182f, 0.447161f, 0.447141f, 0.44712f, 0.4471f, 0.44708f, 0.447059f, 0.447039f, 0.447018f,
-0.446998f, 0.446978f, 0.446957f, 0.446937f, 0.446916f, 0.446896f, 0.446876f, 0.446855f, 0.446835f, 0.446814f, 0.446794f, 0.446774f, 0.446753f, 0.446733f, 0.446712f, 0.446692f, 0.446672f, 0.446651f, 0.446631f, 0.44661f,
-0.44659f, 0.44657f, 0.446549f, 0.446529f, 0.446508f, 0.446488f, 0.446468f, 0.446447f, 0.446427f, 0.446407f, 0.446386f, 0.446366f, 0.446345f, 0.446325f, 0.446305f, 0.446284f, 0.446264f, 0.446243f, 0.446223f, 0.446203f,
-0.446182f, 0.446162f, 0.446141f, 0.446121f, 0.446101f, 0.44608f, 0.44606f, 0.44604f, 0.446019f, 0.445999f, 0.445978f, 0.445958f, 0.445938f, 0.445917f, 0.445897f, 0.445877f, 0.445856f, 0.445836f, 0.445815f, 0.445795f,
-0.445775f, 0.445754f, 0.445734f, 0.445714f, 0.445693f, 0.445673f, 0.445652f, 0.445632f, 0.445612f, 0.445591f, 0.445571f, 0.445551f, 0.44553f, 0.44551f, 0.445489f, 0.445469f, 0.445449f, 0.445428f, 0.445408f, 0.445388f,
-0.445367f, 0.445347f, 0.445327f, 0.445306f, 0.445286f, 0.445265f, 0.445245f, 0.445225f, 0.445204f, 0.445184f, 0.445164f, 0.445143f, 0.445123f, 0.445103f, 0.445082f, 0.445062f, 0.445041f, 0.445021f, 0.445001f, 0.44498f,
-0.44496f, 0.44494f, 0.444919f, 0.444899f, 0.444879f, 0.444858f, 0.444838f, 0.444818f, 0.444797f, 0.444777f, 0.444756f, 0.444736f, 0.444716f, 0.444695f, 0.444675f, 0.444655f, 0.444634f, 0.444614f, 0.444594f, 0.444573f,
-0.444553f, 0.444533f, 0.444512f, 0.444492f, 0.444472f, 0.444451f, 0.444431f, 0.444411f, 0.44439f, 0.44437f, 0.44435f, 0.444329f, 0.444309f, 0.444288f, 0.444268f, 0.444248f, 0.444227f, 0.444207f, 0.444187f, 0.444166f,
-0.444146f, 0.444126f, 0.444105f, 0.444085f, 0.444065f, 0.444044f, 0.444024f, 0.444004f, 0.443983f, 0.443963f, 0.443943f, 0.443922f, 0.443902f, 0.443882f, 0.443861f, 0.443841f, 0.443821f, 0.4438f, 0.44378f, 0.44376f,
-0.443739f, 0.443719f, 0.443699f, 0.443678f, 0.443658f, 0.443638f, 0.443617f, 0.443597f, 0.443577f, 0.443556f, 0.443536f, 0.443516f, 0.443496f, 0.443475f, 0.443455f, 0.443435f, 0.443414f, 0.443394f, 0.443374f, 0.443353f,
-0.443333f, 0.443313f, 0.443292f, 0.443272f, 0.443252f, 0.443231f, 0.443211f, 0.443191f, 0.44317f, 0.44315f, 0.44313f, 0.443109f, 0.443089f, 0.443069f, 0.443049f, 0.443028f, 0.443008f, 0.442988f, 0.442967f, 0.442947f,
-0.442927f, 0.442906f, 0.442886f, 0.442866f, 0.442845f, 0.442825f, 0.442805f, 0.442784f, 0.442764f, 0.442744f, 0.442724f, 0.442703f, 0.442683f, 0.442663f, 0.442642f, 0.442622f, 0.442602f, 0.442581f, 0.442561f, 0.442541f,
-0.442521f, 0.4425f, 0.44248f, 0.44246f, 0.442439f, 0.442419f, 0.442399f, 0.442378f, 0.442358f, 0.442338f, 0.442318f, 0.442297f, 0.442277f, 0.442257f, 0.442236f, 0.442216f, 0.442196f, 0.442175f, 0.442155f, 0.442135f,
-0.442115f, 0.442094f, 0.442074f, 0.442054f, 0.442033f, 0.442013f, 0.441993f, 0.441973f, 0.441952f, 0.441932f, 0.441912f, 0.441891f, 0.441871f, 0.441851f, 0.441831f, 0.44181f, 0.44179f, 0.44177f, 0.441749f, 0.441729f,
-0.441709f, 0.441689f, 0.441668f, 0.441648f, 0.441628f, 0.441607f, 0.441587f, 0.441567f, 0.441547f, 0.441526f, 0.441506f, 0.441486f, 0.441466f, 0.441445f, 0.441425f, 0.441405f, 0.441384f, 0.441364f, 0.441344f, 0.441324f,
-0.441303f, 0.441283f, 0.441263f, 0.441242f, 0.441222f, 0.441202f, 0.441182f, 0.441161f, 0.441141f, 0.441121f, 0.441101f, 0.44108f, 0.44106f, 0.44104f, 0.44102f, 0.440999f, 0.440979f, 0.440959f, 0.440938f, 0.440918f,
-0.440898f, 0.440878f, 0.440857f, 0.440837f, 0.440817f, 0.440797f, 0.440776f, 0.440756f, 0.440736f, 0.440716f, 0.440695f, 0.440675f, 0.440655f, 0.440635f, 0.440614f, 0.440594f, 0.440574f, 0.440554f, 0.440533f, 0.440513f,
-0.440493f, 0.440473f, 0.440452f, 0.440432f, 0.440412f, 0.440391f, 0.440371f, 0.440351f, 0.440331f, 0.44031f, 0.44029f, 0.44027f, 0.44025f, 0.440229f, 0.440209f, 0.440189f, 0.440169f, 0.440149f, 0.440128f, 0.440108f,
-0.440088f, 0.440068f, 0.440047f, 0.440027f, 0.440007f, 0.439987f, 0.439966f, 0.439946f, 0.439926f, 0.439906f, 0.439885f, 0.439865f, 0.439845f, 0.439825f, 0.439804f, 0.439784f, 0.439764f, 0.439744f, 0.439723f, 0.439703f,
-0.439683f, 0.439663f, 0.439642f, 0.439622f, 0.439602f, 0.439582f, 0.439562f, 0.439541f, 0.439521f, 0.439501f, 0.439481f, 0.43946f, 0.43944f, 0.43942f, 0.4394f, 0.439379f, 0.439359f, 0.439339f, 0.439319f, 0.439299f,
-0.439278f, 0.439258f, 0.439238f, 0.439218f, 0.439197f, 0.439177f, 0.439157f, 0.439137f, 0.439117f, 0.439096f, 0.439076f, 0.439056f, 0.439036f, 0.439015f, 0.438995f, 0.438975f, 0.438955f, 0.438935f, 0.438914f, 0.438894f,
-0.438874f, 0.438854f, 0.438833f, 0.438813f, 0.438793f, 0.438773f, 0.438753f, 0.438732f, 0.438712f, 0.438692f, 0.438672f, 0.438652f, 0.438631f, 0.438611f, 0.438591f, 0.438571f, 0.43855f, 0.43853f, 0.43851f, 0.43849f,
-0.43847f, 0.438449f, 0.438429f, 0.438409f, 0.438389f, 0.438369f, 0.438348f, 0.438328f, 0.438308f, 0.438288f, 0.438268f, 0.438247f, 0.438227f, 0.438207f, 0.438187f, 0.438167f, 0.438146f, 0.438126f, 0.438106f, 0.438086f,
-0.438066f, 0.438045f, 0.438025f, 0.438005f, 0.437985f, 0.437965f, 0.437944f, 0.437924f, 0.437904f, 0.437884f, 0.437864f, 0.437843f, 0.437823f, 0.437803f, 0.437783f, 0.437763f, 0.437742f, 0.437722f, 0.437702f, 0.437682f,
-0.437662f, 0.437642f, 0.437621f, 0.437601f, 0.437581f, 0.437561f, 0.437541f, 0.43752f, 0.4375f, 0.43748f, 0.43746f, 0.43744f, 0.437419f, 0.437399f, 0.437379f, 0.437359f, 0.437339f, 0.437319f, 0.437298f, 0.437278f,
-0.437258f, 0.437238f, 0.437218f, 0.437197f, 0.437177f, 0.437157f, 0.437137f, 0.437117f, 0.437097f, 0.437076f, 0.437056f, 0.437036f, 0.437016f, 0.436996f, 0.436976f, 0.436955f, 0.436935f, 0.436915f, 0.436895f, 0.436875f,
-0.436855f, 0.436834f, 0.436814f, 0.436794f, 0.436774f, 0.436754f, 0.436734f, 0.436713f, 0.436693f, 0.436673f, 0.436653f, 0.436633f, 0.436613f, 0.436592f, 0.436572f, 0.436552f, 0.436532f, 0.436512f, 0.436492f, 0.436471f,
-0.436451f, 0.436431f, 0.436411f, 0.436391f, 0.436371f, 0.43635f, 0.43633f, 0.43631f, 0.43629f, 0.43627f, 0.43625f, 0.436229f, 0.436209f, 0.436189f, 0.436169f, 0.436149f, 0.436129f, 0.436109f, 0.436088f, 0.436068f,
-0.436048f, 0.436028f, 0.436008f, 0.435988f, 0.435967f, 0.435947f, 0.435927f, 0.435907f, 0.435887f, 0.435867f, 0.435847f, 0.435826f, 0.435806f, 0.435786f, 0.435766f, 0.435746f, 0.435726f, 0.435706f, 0.435685f, 0.435665f,
-0.435645f, 0.435625f, 0.435605f, 0.435585f, 0.435565f, 0.435544f, 0.435524f, 0.435504f, 0.435484f, 0.435464f, 0.435444f, 0.435424f, 0.435403f, 0.435383f, 0.435363f, 0.435343f, 0.435323f, 0.435303f, 0.435283f, 0.435262f,
-0.435242f, 0.435222f, 0.435202f, 0.435182f, 0.435162f, 0.435142f, 0.435122f, 0.435101f, 0.435081f, 0.435061f, 0.435041f, 0.435021f, 0.435001f, 0.434981f, 0.434961f, 0.43494f, 0.43492f, 0.4349f, 0.43488f, 0.43486f,
-0.43484f, 0.43482f, 0.4348f, 0.434779f, 0.434759f, 0.434739f, 0.434719f, 0.434699f, 0.434679f, 0.434659f, 0.434639f, 0.434618f, 0.434598f, 0.434578f, 0.434558f, 0.434538f, 0.434518f, 0.434498f, 0.434478f, 0.434458f,
-0.434437f, 0.434417f, 0.434397f, 0.434377f, 0.434357f, 0.434337f, 0.434317f, 0.434297f, 0.434276f, 0.434256f, 0.434236f, 0.434216f, 0.434196f, 0.434176f, 0.434156f, 0.434136f, 0.434116f, 0.434096f, 0.434075f, 0.434055f,
-0.434035f, 0.434015f, 0.433995f, 0.433975f, 0.433955f, 0.433935f, 0.433915f, 0.433894f, 0.433874f, 0.433854f, 0.433834f, 0.433814f, 0.433794f, 0.433774f, 0.433754f, 0.433734f, 0.433714f, 0.433693f, 0.433673f, 0.433653f,
-0.433633f, 0.433613f, 0.433593f, 0.433573f, 0.433553f, 0.433533f, 0.433513f, 0.433493f, 0.433472f, 0.433452f, 0.433432f, 0.433412f, 0.433392f, 0.433372f, 0.433352f, 0.433332f, 0.433312f, 0.433292f, 0.433272f, 0.433251f,
-0.433231f, 0.433211f, 0.433191f, 0.433171f, 0.433151f, 0.433131f, 0.433111f, 0.433091f, 0.433071f, 0.433051f, 0.433031f, 0.43301f, 0.43299f, 0.43297f, 0.43295f, 0.43293f, 0.43291f, 0.43289f, 0.43287f, 0.43285f,
-0.43283f, 0.43281f, 0.43279f, 0.432769f, 0.432749f, 0.432729f, 0.432709f, 0.432689f, 0.432669f, 0.432649f, 0.432629f, 0.432609f, 0.432589f, 0.432569f, 0.432549f, 0.432529f, 0.432509f, 0.432488f, 0.432468f, 0.432448f,
-0.432428f, 0.432408f, 0.432388f, 0.432368f, 0.432348f, 0.432328f, 0.432308f, 0.432288f, 0.432268f, 0.432248f, 0.432228f, 0.432208f, 0.432187f, 0.432167f, 0.432147f, 0.432127f, 0.432107f, 0.432087f, 0.432067f, 0.432047f,
-0.432027f, 0.432007f, 0.431987f, 0.431967f, 0.431947f, 0.431927f, 0.431907f, 0.431887f, 0.431867f, 0.431846f, 0.431826f, 0.431806f, 0.431786f, 0.431766f, 0.431746f, 0.431726f, 0.431706f, 0.431686f, 0.431666f, 0.431646f,
-0.431626f, 0.431606f, 0.431586f, 0.431566f, 0.431546f, 0.431526f, 0.431506f, 0.431486f, 0.431466f, 0.431445f, 0.431425f, 0.431405f, 0.431385f, 0.431365f, 0.431345f, 0.431325f, 0.431305f, 0.431285f, 0.431265f, 0.431245f,
-0.431225f, 0.431205f, 0.431185f, 0.431165f, 0.431145f, 0.431125f, 0.431105f, 0.431085f, 0.431065f, 0.431045f, 0.431025f, 0.431005f, 0.430985f, 0.430965f, 0.430944f, 0.430924f, 0.430904f, 0.430884f, 0.430864f, 0.430844f,
-0.430824f, 0.430804f, 0.430784f, 0.430764f, 0.430744f, 0.430724f, 0.430704f, 0.430684f, 0.430664f, 0.430644f, 0.430624f, 0.430604f, 0.430584f, 0.430564f, 0.430544f, 0.430524f, 0.430504f, 0.430484f, 0.430464f, 0.430444f,
-0.430424f, 0.430404f, 0.430384f, 0.430364f, 0.430344f, 0.430324f, 0.430304f, 0.430284f, 0.430264f, 0.430244f, 0.430224f, 0.430204f, 0.430184f, 0.430164f, 0.430144f, 0.430123f, 0.430103f, 0.430083f, 0.430063f, 0.430043f,
-0.430023f, 0.430003f, 0.429983f, 0.429963f, 0.429943f, 0.429923f, 0.429903f, 0.429883f, 0.429863f, 0.429843f, 0.429823f, 0.429803f, 0.429783f, 0.429763f, 0.429743f, 0.429723f, 0.429703f, 0.429683f, 0.429663f, 0.429643f,
-0.429623f, 0.429603f, 0.429583f, 0.429563f, 0.429543f, 0.429523f, 0.429503f, 0.429483f, 0.429463f, 0.429443f, 0.429423f, 0.429403f, 0.429383f, 0.429363f, 0.429343f, 0.429323f, 0.429303f, 0.429283f, 0.429263f, 0.429243f,
-0.429223f, 0.429203f, 0.429183f, 0.429163f, 0.429143f, 0.429123f, 0.429103f, 0.429083f, 0.429063f, 0.429043f, 0.429023f, 0.429003f, 0.428983f, 0.428963f, 0.428943f, 0.428923f, 0.428903f, 0.428883f, 0.428864f, 0.428844f,
-0.428824f, 0.428804f, 0.428784f, 0.428764f, 0.428744f, 0.428724f, 0.428704f, 0.428684f, 0.428664f, 0.428644f, 0.428624f, 0.428604f, 0.428584f, 0.428564f, 0.428544f, 0.428524f, 0.428504f, 0.428484f, 0.428464f, 0.428444f,
-0.428424f, 0.428404f, 0.428384f, 0.428364f, 0.428344f, 0.428324f, 0.428304f, 0.428284f, 0.428264f, 0.428244f, 0.428224f, 0.428204f, 0.428184f, 0.428164f, 0.428144f, 0.428124f, 0.428104f, 0.428084f, 0.428064f, 0.428045f,
-0.428025f, 0.428005f, 0.427985f, 0.427965f, 0.427945f, 0.427925f, 0.427905f, 0.427885f, 0.427865f, 0.427845f, 0.427825f, 0.427805f, 0.427785f, 0.427765f, 0.427745f, 0.427725f, 0.427705f, 0.427685f, 0.427665f, 0.427645f,
-0.427625f, 0.427605f, 0.427585f, 0.427565f, 0.427545f, 0.427526f, 0.427506f, 0.427486f, 0.427466f, 0.427446f, 0.427426f, 0.427406f, 0.427386f, 0.427366f, 0.427346f, 0.427326f, 0.427306f, 0.427286f, 0.427266f, 0.427246f,
-0.427226f, 0.427206f, 0.427186f, 0.427166f, 0.427146f, 0.427127f, 0.427107f, 0.427087f, 0.427067f, 0.427047f, 0.427027f, 0.427007f, 0.426987f, 0.426967f, 0.426947f, 0.426927f, 0.426907f, 0.426887f, 0.426867f, 0.426847f,
-0.426827f, 0.426807f, 0.426788f, 0.426768f, 0.426748f, 0.426728f, 0.426708f, 0.426688f, 0.426668f, 0.426648f, 0.426628f, 0.426608f, 0.426588f, 0.426568f, 0.426548f, 0.426528f, 0.426508f, 0.426489f, 0.426469f, 0.426449f,
-0.426429f, 0.426409f, 0.426389f, 0.426369f, 0.426349f, 0.426329f, 0.426309f, 0.426289f, 0.426269f, 0.426249f, 0.42623f, 0.42621f, 0.42619f, 0.42617f, 0.42615f, 0.42613f, 0.42611f, 0.42609f, 0.42607f, 0.42605f,
-0.42603f, 0.42601f, 0.42599f, 0.425971f, 0.425951f, 0.425931f, 0.425911f, 0.425891f, 0.425871f, 0.425851f, 0.425831f, 0.425811f, 0.425791f, 0.425771f, 0.425751f, 0.425732f, 0.425712f, 0.425692f, 0.425672f, 0.425652f,
-0.425632f, 0.425612f, 0.425592f, 0.425572f, 0.425552f, 0.425532f, 0.425513f, 0.425493f, 0.425473f, 0.425453f, 0.425433f, 0.425413f, 0.425393f, 0.425373f, 0.425353f, 0.425333f, 0.425314f, 0.425294f, 0.425274f, 0.425254f,
-0.425234f, 0.425214f, 0.425194f, 0.425174f, 0.425154f, 0.425134f, 0.425115f, 0.425095f, 0.425075f, 0.425055f, 0.425035f, 0.425015f, 0.424995f, 0.424975f, 0.424955f, 0.424935f, 0.424916f, 0.424896f, 0.424876f, 0.424856f,
-0.424836f, 0.424816f, 0.424796f, 0.424776f, 0.424756f, 0.424737f, 0.424717f, 0.424697f, 0.424677f, 0.424657f, 0.424637f, 0.424617f, 0.424597f, 0.424577f, 0.424558f, 0.424538f, 0.424518f, 0.424498f, 0.424478f, 0.424458f,
-0.424438f, 0.424418f, 0.424398f, 0.424379f, 0.424359f, 0.424339f, 0.424319f, 0.424299f, 0.424279f, 0.424259f, 0.424239f, 0.42422f, 0.4242f, 0.42418f, 0.42416f, 0.42414f, 0.42412f, 0.4241f, 0.42408f, 0.424061f,
-0.424041f, 0.424021f, 0.424001f, 0.423981f, 0.423961f, 0.423941f, 0.423921f, 0.423902f, 0.423882f, 0.423862f, 0.423842f, 0.423822f, 0.423802f, 0.423782f, 0.423763f, 0.423743f, 0.423723f, 0.423703f, 0.423683f, 0.423663f,
-0.423643f, 0.423623f, 0.423604f, 0.423584f, 0.423564f, 0.423544f, 0.423524f, 0.423504f, 0.423484f, 0.423465f, 0.423445f, 0.423425f, 0.423405f, 0.423385f, 0.423365f, 0.423345f, 0.423326f, 0.423306f, 0.423286f, 0.423266f,
-0.423246f, 0.423226f, 0.423206f, 0.423187f, 0.423167f, 0.423147f, 0.423127f, 0.423107f, 0.423087f, 0.423068f, 0.423048f, 0.423028f, 0.423008f, 0.422988f, 0.422968f, 0.422948f, 0.422929f, 0.422909f, 0.422889f, 0.422869f,
-0.422849f, 0.422829f, 0.42281f, 0.42279f, 0.42277f, 0.42275f, 0.42273f, 0.42271f, 0.42269f, 0.422671f, 0.422651f, 0.422631f, 0.422611f, 0.422591f, 0.422571f, 0.422552f, 0.422532f, 0.422512f, 0.422492f, 0.422472f,
-0.422452f, 0.422433f, 0.422413f, 0.422393f, 0.422373f, 0.422353f, 0.422333f, 0.422314f, 0.422294f, 0.422274f, 0.422254f, 0.422234f, 0.422214f, 0.422195f, 0.422175f, 0.422155f, 0.422135f, 0.422115f, 0.422095f, 0.422076f,
-0.422056f, 0.422036f, 0.422016f, 0.421996f, 0.421976f, 0.421957f, 0.421937f, 0.421917f, 0.421897f, 0.421877f, 0.421858f, 0.421838f, 0.421818f, 0.421798f, 0.421778f, 0.421758f, 0.421739f, 0.421719f, 0.421699f, 0.421679f,
-0.421659f, 0.42164f, 0.42162f, 0.4216f, 0.42158f, 0.42156f, 0.42154f, 0.421521f, 0.421501f, 0.421481f, 0.421461f, 0.421441f, 0.421422f, 0.421402f, 0.421382f, 0.421362f, 0.421342f, 0.421323f, 0.421303f, 0.421283f,
-0.421263f, 0.421243f, 0.421223f, 0.421204f, 0.421184f, 0.421164f, 0.421144f, 0.421124f, 0.421105f, 0.421085f, 0.421065f, 0.421045f, 0.421025f, 0.421006f, 0.420986f, 0.420966f, 0.420946f, 0.420926f, 0.420907f, 0.420887f,
-0.420867f, 0.420847f, 0.420827f, 0.420808f, 0.420788f, 0.420768f, 0.420748f, 0.420728f, 0.420709f, 0.420689f, 0.420669f, 0.420649f, 0.42063f, 0.42061f, 0.42059f, 0.42057f, 0.42055f, 0.420531f, 0.420511f, 0.420491f,
-0.420471f, 0.420451f, 0.420432f, 0.420412f, 0.420392f, 0.420372f, 0.420352f, 0.420333f, 0.420313f, 0.420293f, 0.420273f, 0.420254f, 0.420234f, 0.420214f, 0.420194f, 0.420174f, 0.420155f, 0.420135f, 0.420115f, 0.420095f,
-0.420076f, 0.420056f, 0.420036f, 0.420016f, 0.419996f, 0.419977f, 0.419957f, 0.419937f, 0.419917f, 0.419898f, 0.419878f, 0.419858f, 0.419838f, 0.419818f, 0.419799f, 0.419779f, 0.419759f, 0.419739f, 0.41972f, 0.4197f,
-0.41968f, 0.41966f, 0.41964f, 0.419621f, 0.419601f, 0.419581f, 0.419561f, 0.419542f, 0.419522f, 0.419502f, 0.419482f, 0.419463f, 0.419443f, 0.419423f, 0.419403f, 0.419384f, 0.419364f, 0.419344f, 0.419324f, 0.419304f,
-0.419285f, 0.419265f, 0.419245f, 0.419225f, 0.419206f, 0.419186f, 0.419166f, 0.419146f, 0.419127f, 0.419107f, 0.419087f, 0.419067f, 0.419048f, 0.419028f, 0.419008f, 0.418988f, 0.418969f, 0.418949f, 0.418929f, 0.418909f,
-0.41889f, 0.41887f, 0.41885f, 0.41883f, 0.418811f, 0.418791f, 0.418771f, 0.418751f, 0.418732f, 0.418712f, 0.418692f, 0.418672f, 0.418653f, 0.418633f, 0.418613f, 0.418593f, 0.418574f, 0.418554f, 0.418534f, 0.418514f,
-0.418495f, 0.418475f, 0.418455f, 0.418435f, 0.418416f, 0.418396f, 0.418376f, 0.418356f, 0.418337f, 0.418317f, 0.418297f, 0.418278f, 0.418258f, 0.418238f, 0.418218f, 0.418199f, 0.418179f, 0.418159f, 0.418139f, 0.41812f,
-0.4181f, 0.41808f, 0.41806f, 0.418041f, 0.418021f, 0.418001f, 0.417982f, 0.417962f, 0.417942f, 0.417922f, 0.417903f, 0.417883f, 0.417863f, 0.417843f, 0.417824f, 0.417804f, 0.417784f, 0.417765f, 0.417745f, 0.417725f,
-0.417705f, 0.417686f, 0.417666f, 0.417646f, 0.417626f, 0.417607f, 0.417587f, 0.417567f, 0.417548f, 0.417528f, 0.417508f, 0.417488f, 0.417469f, 0.417449f, 0.417429f, 0.41741f, 0.41739f, 0.41737f, 0.41735f, 0.417331f,
-0.417311f, 0.417291f, 0.417272f, 0.417252f, 0.417232f, 0.417212f, 0.417193f, 0.417173f, 0.417153f, 0.417134f, 0.417114f, 0.417094f, 0.417074f, 0.417055f, 0.417035f, 0.417015f, 0.416996f, 0.416976f, 0.416956f, 0.416936f,
-0.416917f, 0.416897f, 0.416877f, 0.416858f, 0.416838f, 0.416818f, 0.416799f, 0.416779f, 0.416759f, 0.416739f, 0.41672f, 0.4167f, 0.41668f, 0.416661f, 0.416641f, 0.416621f, 0.416602f, 0.416582f, 0.416562f, 0.416542f,
-0.416523f, 0.416503f, 0.416483f, 0.416464f, 0.416444f, 0.416424f, 0.416405f, 0.416385f, 0.416365f, 0.416346f, 0.416326f, 0.416306f, 0.416286f, 0.416267f, 0.416247f, 0.416227f, 0.416208f, 0.416188f, 0.416168f, 0.416149f,
-0.416129f, 0.416109f, 0.41609f, 0.41607f, 0.41605f, 0.416031f, 0.416011f, 0.415991f, 0.415971f, 0.415952f, 0.415932f, 0.415912f, 0.415893f, 0.415873f, 0.415853f, 0.415834f, 0.415814f, 0.415794f, 0.415775f, 0.415755f,
-0.415735f, 0.415716f, 0.415696f, 0.415676f, 0.415657f, 0.415637f, 0.415617f, 0.415598f, 0.415578f, 0.415558f, 0.415539f, 0.415519f, 0.415499f, 0.41548f, 0.41546f, 0.41544f, 0.415421f, 0.415401f, 0.415381f, 0.415362f,
-0.415342f, 0.415322f, 0.415303f, 0.415283f, 0.415263f, 0.415244f, 0.415224f, 0.415204f, 0.415185f, 0.415165f, 0.415145f, 0.415126f, 0.415106f, 0.415086f, 0.415067f, 0.415047f, 0.415027f, 0.415008f, 0.414988f, 0.414968f,
-0.414949f, 0.414929f, 0.414909f, 0.41489f, 0.41487f, 0.41485f, 0.414831f, 0.414811f, 0.414791f, 0.414772f, 0.414752f, 0.414732f, 0.414713f, 0.414693f, 0.414673f, 0.414654f, 0.414634f, 0.414614f, 0.414595f, 0.414575f,
-0.414556f, 0.414536f, 0.414516f, 0.414497f, 0.414477f, 0.414457f, 0.414438f, 0.414418f, 0.414398f, 0.414379f, 0.414359f, 0.414339f, 0.41432f, 0.4143f, 0.41428f, 0.414261f, 0.414241f, 0.414222f, 0.414202f, 0.414182f,
-0.414163f, 0.414143f, 0.414123f, 0.414104f, 0.414084f, 0.414064f, 0.414045f, 0.414025f, 0.414006f, 0.413986f, 0.413966f, 0.413947f, 0.413927f, 0.413907f, 0.413888f, 0.413868f, 0.413848f, 0.413829f, 0.413809f, 0.41379f,
-0.41377f, 0.41375f, 0.413731f, 0.413711f, 0.413691f, 0.413672f, 0.413652f, 0.413633f, 0.413613f, 0.413593f, 0.413574f, 0.413554f, 0.413534f, 0.413515f, 0.413495f, 0.413476f, 0.413456f, 0.413436f, 0.413417f, 0.413397f,
-0.413377f, 0.413358f, 0.413338f, 0.413319f, 0.413299f, 0.413279f, 0.41326f, 0.41324f, 0.41322f, 0.413201f, 0.413181f, 0.413162f, 0.413142f, 0.413122f, 0.413103f, 0.413083f, 0.413064f, 0.413044f, 0.413024f, 0.413005f,
-0.412985f, 0.412965f, 0.412946f, 0.412926f, 0.412907f, 0.412887f, 0.412867f, 0.412848f, 0.412828f, 0.412809f, 0.412789f, 0.412769f, 0.41275f, 0.41273f, 0.412711f, 0.412691f, 0.412671f, 0.412652f, 0.412632f, 0.412613f,
-0.412593f, 0.412573f, 0.412554f, 0.412534f, 0.412515f, 0.412495f, 0.412475f, 0.412456f, 0.412436f, 0.412417f, 0.412397f, 0.412377f, 0.412358f, 0.412338f, 0.412319f, 0.412299f, 0.412279f, 0.41226f, 0.41224f, 0.412221f,
-0.412201f, 0.412181f, 0.412162f, 0.412142f, 0.412123f, 0.412103f, 0.412083f, 0.412064f, 0.412044f, 0.412025f, 0.412005f, 0.411985f, 0.411966f, 0.411946f, 0.411927f, 0.411907f, 0.411888f, 0.411868f, 0.411848f, 0.411829f,
-0.411809f, 0.41179f, 0.41177f, 0.41175f, 0.411731f, 0.411711f, 0.411692f, 0.411672f, 0.411653f, 0.411633f, 0.411613f, 0.411594f, 0.411574f, 0.411555f, 0.411535f, 0.411516f, 0.411496f, 0.411476f, 0.411457f, 0.411437f,
-0.411418f, 0.411398f, 0.411378f, 0.411359f, 0.411339f, 0.41132f, 0.4113f, 0.411281f, 0.411261f, 0.411241f, 0.411222f, 0.411202f, 0.411183f, 0.411163f, 0.411144f, 0.411124f, 0.411105f, 0.411085f, 0.411065f, 0.411046f,
-0.411026f, 0.411007f, 0.410987f, 0.410968f, 0.410948f, 0.410928f, 0.410909f, 0.410889f, 0.41087f, 0.41085f, 0.410831f, 0.410811f, 0.410791f, 0.410772f, 0.410752f, 0.410733f, 0.410713f, 0.410694f, 0.410674f, 0.410655f,
-0.410635f, 0.410615f, 0.410596f, 0.410576f, 0.410557f, 0.410537f, 0.410518f, 0.410498f, 0.410479f, 0.410459f, 0.410439f, 0.41042f, 0.4104f, 0.410381f, 0.410361f, 0.410342f, 0.410322f, 0.410303f, 0.410283f, 0.410264f,
-0.410244f, 0.410224f, 0.410205f, 0.410185f, 0.410166f, 0.410146f, 0.410127f, 0.410107f, 0.410088f, 0.410068f, 0.410049f, 0.410029f, 0.410009f, 0.40999f, 0.40997f, 0.409951f, 0.409931f, 0.409912f, 0.409892f, 0.409873f,
-0.409853f, 0.409834f, 0.409814f, 0.409795f, 0.409775f, 0.409755f, 0.409736f, 0.409716f, 0.409697f, 0.409677f, 0.409658f, 0.409638f, 0.409619f, 0.409599f, 0.40958f, 0.40956f, 0.409541f, 0.409521f, 0.409502f, 0.409482f,
-0.409463f, 0.409443f, 0.409423f, 0.409404f, 0.409384f, 0.409365f, 0.409345f, 0.409326f, 0.409306f, 0.409287f, 0.409267f, 0.409248f, 0.409228f, 0.409209f, 0.409189f, 0.40917f, 0.40915f, 0.409131f, 0.409111f, 0.409092f,
-0.409072f, 0.409053f, 0.409033f, 0.409013f, 0.408994f, 0.408974f, 0.408955f, 0.408935f, 0.408916f, 0.408896f, 0.408877f, 0.408857f, 0.408838f, 0.408818f, 0.408799f, 0.408779f, 0.40876f, 0.40874f, 0.408721f, 0.408701f,
-0.408682f, 0.408662f, 0.408643f, 0.408623f, 0.408604f, 0.408584f, 0.408565f, 0.408545f, 0.408526f, 0.408506f, 0.408487f, 0.408467f, 0.408448f, 0.408428f, 0.408409f, 0.408389f, 0.40837f, 0.40835f, 0.408331f, 0.408311f,
-0.408292f, 0.408272f, 0.408253f, 0.408233f, 0.408214f, 0.408194f, 0.408175f, 0.408155f, 0.408136f, 0.408116f, 0.408097f, 0.408077f, 0.408058f, 0.408038f, 0.408019f, 0.407999f, 0.40798f, 0.40796f, 0.407941f, 0.407921f,
-0.407902f, 0.407882f, 0.407863f, 0.407843f, 0.407824f, 0.407804f, 0.407785f, 0.407765f, 0.407746f, 0.407726f, 0.407707f, 0.407687f, 0.407668f, 0.407648f, 0.407629f, 0.407609f, 0.40759f, 0.40757f, 0.407551f, 0.407532f,
-0.407512f, 0.407493f, 0.407473f, 0.407454f, 0.407434f, 0.407415f, 0.407395f, 0.407376f, 0.407356f, 0.407337f, 0.407317f, 0.407298f, 0.407278f, 0.407259f, 0.407239f, 0.40722f, 0.4072f, 0.407181f, 0.407161f, 0.407142f,
-0.407123f, 0.407103f, 0.407084f, 0.407064f, 0.407045f, 0.407025f, 0.407006f, 0.406986f, 0.406967f, 0.406947f, 0.406928f, 0.406908f, 0.406889f, 0.406869f, 0.40685f, 0.40683f, 0.406811f, 0.406792f, 0.406772f, 0.406753f,
-0.406733f, 0.406714f, 0.406694f, 0.406675f, 0.406655f, 0.406636f, 0.406616f, 0.406597f, 0.406577f, 0.406558f, 0.406539f, 0.406519f, 0.4065f, 0.40648f, 0.406461f, 0.406441f, 0.406422f, 0.406402f, 0.406383f, 0.406363f,
-0.406344f, 0.406325f, 0.406305f, 0.406286f, 0.406266f, 0.406247f, 0.406227f, 0.406208f, 0.406188f, 0.406169f, 0.406149f, 0.40613f, 0.406111f, 0.406091f, 0.406072f, 0.406052f, 0.406033f, 0.406013f, 0.405994f, 0.405974f,
-0.405955f, 0.405936f, 0.405916f, 0.405897f, 0.405877f, 0.405858f, 0.405838f, 0.405819f, 0.405799f, 0.40578f, 0.405761f, 0.405741f, 0.405722f, 0.405702f, 0.405683f, 0.405663f, 0.405644f, 0.405625f, 0.405605f, 0.405586f,
-0.405566f, 0.405547f, 0.405527f, 0.405508f, 0.405488f, 0.405469f, 0.40545f, 0.40543f, 0.405411f, 0.405391f, 0.405372f, 0.405352f, 0.405333f, 0.405314f, 0.405294f, 0.405275f, 0.405255f, 0.405236f, 0.405216f, 0.405197f,
-0.405178f, 0.405158f, 0.405139f, 0.405119f, 0.4051f, 0.405081f, 0.405061f, 0.405042f, 0.405022f, 0.405003f, 0.404983f, 0.404964f, 0.404945f, 0.404925f, 0.404906f, 0.404886f, 0.404867f, 0.404847f, 0.404828f, 0.404809f,
-0.404789f, 0.40477f, 0.40475f, 0.404731f, 0.404712f, 0.404692f, 0.404673f, 0.404653f, 0.404634f, 0.404614f, 0.404595f, 0.404576f, 0.404556f, 0.404537f, 0.404517f, 0.404498f, 0.404479f, 0.404459f, 0.40444f, 0.40442f,
-0.404401f, 0.404382f, 0.404362f, 0.404343f, 0.404323f, 0.404304f, 0.404285f, 0.404265f, 0.404246f, 0.404226f, 0.404207f, 0.404188f, 0.404168f, 0.404149f, 0.404129f, 0.40411f, 0.404091f, 0.404071f, 0.404052f, 0.404032f,
-0.404013f, 0.403994f, 0.403974f, 0.403955f, 0.403935f, 0.403916f, 0.403897f, 0.403877f, 0.403858f, 0.403838f, 0.403819f, 0.4038f, 0.40378f, 0.403761f, 0.403741f, 0.403722f, 0.403703f, 0.403683f, 0.403664f, 0.403644f,
-0.403625f, 0.403606f, 0.403586f, 0.403567f, 0.403548f, 0.403528f, 0.403509f, 0.403489f, 0.40347f, 0.403451f, 0.403431f, 0.403412f, 0.403392f, 0.403373f, 0.403354f, 0.403334f, 0.403315f, 0.403296f, 0.403276f, 0.403257f,
-0.403237f, 0.403218f, 0.403199f, 0.403179f, 0.40316f, 0.403141f, 0.403121f, 0.403102f, 0.403082f, 0.403063f, 0.403044f, 0.403024f, 0.403005f, 0.402986f, 0.402966f, 0.402947f, 0.402927f, 0.402908f, 0.402889f, 0.402869f,
-0.40285f, 0.402831f, 0.402811f, 0.402792f, 0.402772f, 0.402753f, 0.402734f, 0.402714f, 0.402695f, 0.402676f, 0.402656f, 0.402637f, 0.402618f, 0.402598f, 0.402579f, 0.402559f, 0.40254f, 0.402521f, 0.402501f, 0.402482f,
-0.402463f, 0.402443f, 0.402424f, 0.402405f, 0.402385f, 0.402366f, 0.402346f, 0.402327f, 0.402308f, 0.402288f, 0.402269f, 0.40225f, 0.40223f, 0.402211f, 0.402192f, 0.402172f, 0.402153f, 0.402134f, 0.402114f, 0.402095f,
-0.402076f, 0.402056f, 0.402037f, 0.402017f, 0.401998f, 0.401979f, 0.401959f, 0.40194f, 0.401921f, 0.401901f, 0.401882f, 0.401863f, 0.401843f, 0.401824f, 0.401805f, 0.401785f, 0.401766f, 0.401747f, 0.401727f, 0.401708f,
-0.401689f, 0.401669f, 0.40165f, 0.401631f, 0.401611f, 0.401592f, 0.401573f, 0.401553f, 0.401534f, 0.401515f, 0.401495f, 0.401476f, 0.401457f, 0.401437f, 0.401418f, 0.401399f, 0.401379f, 0.40136f, 0.401341f, 0.401321f,
-0.401302f, 0.401283f, 0.401263f, 0.401244f, 0.401225f, 0.401205f, 0.401186f, 0.401167f, 0.401147f, 0.401128f, 0.401109f, 0.401089f, 0.40107f, 0.401051f, 0.401031f, 0.401012f, 0.400993f, 0.400973f, 0.400954f, 0.400935f,
-0.400915f, 0.400896f, 0.400877f, 0.400857f, 0.400838f, 0.400819f, 0.400799f, 0.40078f, 0.400761f, 0.400741f, 0.400722f, 0.400703f, 0.400683f, 0.400664f, 0.400645f, 0.400625f, 0.400606f, 0.400587f, 0.400568f, 0.400548f,
-0.400529f, 0.40051f, 0.40049f, 0.400471f, 0.400452f, 0.400432f, 0.400413f, 0.400394f, 0.400374f, 0.400355f, 0.400336f, 0.400316f, 0.400297f, 0.400278f, 0.400259f, 0.400239f, 0.40022f, 0.400201f, 0.400181f, 0.400162f,
-0.400143f, 0.400123f, 0.400104f, 0.400085f, 0.400066f, 0.400046f, 0.400027f, 0.400008f, 0.399988f, 0.399969f, 0.39995f, 0.39993f, 0.399911f, 0.399892f, 0.399873f, 0.399853f, 0.399834f, 0.399815f, 0.399795f, 0.399776f,
-0.399757f, 0.399737f, 0.399718f, 0.399699f, 0.39968f, 0.39966f, 0.399641f, 0.399622f, 0.399602f, 0.399583f, 0.399564f, 0.399545f, 0.399525f, 0.399506f, 0.399487f, 0.399467f, 0.399448f, 0.399429f, 0.399409f, 0.39939f,
-0.399371f, 0.399352f, 0.399332f, 0.399313f, 0.399294f, 0.399275f, 0.399255f, 0.399236f, 0.399217f, 0.399197f, 0.399178f, 0.399159f, 0.39914f, 0.39912f, 0.399101f, 0.399082f, 0.399062f, 0.399043f, 0.399024f, 0.399005f,
-0.398985f, 0.398966f, 0.398947f, 0.398927f, 0.398908f, 0.398889f, 0.39887f, 0.39885f, 0.398831f, 0.398812f, 0.398793f, 0.398773f, 0.398754f, 0.398735f, 0.398715f, 0.398696f, 0.398677f, 0.398658f, 0.398638f, 0.398619f,
-0.3986f, 0.398581f, 0.398561f, 0.398542f, 0.398523f, 0.398504f, 0.398484f, 0.398465f, 0.398446f, 0.398426f, 0.398407f, 0.398388f, 0.398369f, 0.398349f, 0.39833f, 0.398311f, 0.398292f, 0.398272f, 0.398253f, 0.398234f,
-0.398215f, 0.398195f, 0.398176f, 0.398157f, 0.398138f, 0.398118f, 0.398099f, 0.39808f, 0.398061f, 0.398041f, 0.398022f, 0.398003f, 0.397984f, 0.397964f, 0.397945f, 0.397926f, 0.397907f, 0.397887f, 0.397868f, 0.397849f,
-0.39783f, 0.39781f, 0.397791f, 0.397772f, 0.397753f, 0.397733f, 0.397714f, 0.397695f, 0.397676f, 0.397656f, 0.397637f, 0.397618f, 0.397599f, 0.397579f, 0.39756f, 0.397541f, 0.397522f, 0.397502f, 0.397483f, 0.397464f,
-0.397445f, 0.397425f, 0.397406f, 0.397387f, 0.397368f, 0.397348f, 0.397329f, 0.39731f, 0.397291f, 0.397272f, 0.397252f, 0.397233f, 0.397214f, 0.397195f, 0.397175f, 0.397156f, 0.397137f, 0.397118f, 0.397098f, 0.397079f,
-0.39706f, 0.397041f, 0.397022f, 0.397002f, 0.396983f, 0.396964f, 0.396945f, 0.396925f, 0.396906f, 0.396887f, 0.396868f, 0.396848f, 0.396829f, 0.39681f, 0.396791f, 0.396772f, 0.396752f, 0.396733f, 0.396714f, 0.396695f,
-0.396675f, 0.396656f, 0.396637f, 0.396618f, 0.396599f, 0.396579f, 0.39656f, 0.396541f, 0.396522f, 0.396503f, 0.396483f, 0.396464f, 0.396445f, 0.396426f, 0.396406f, 0.396387f, 0.396368f, 0.396349f, 0.39633f, 0.39631f,
-0.396291f, 0.396272f, 0.396253f, 0.396234f, 0.396214f, 0.396195f, 0.396176f, 0.396157f, 0.396137f, 0.396118f, 0.396099f, 0.39608f, 0.396061f, 0.396041f, 0.396022f, 0.396003f, 0.395984f, 0.395965f, 0.395945f, 0.395926f,
-0.395907f, 0.395888f, 0.395869f, 0.395849f, 0.39583f, 0.395811f, 0.395792f, 0.395773f, 0.395753f, 0.395734f, 0.395715f, 0.395696f, 0.395677f, 0.395657f, 0.395638f, 0.395619f, 0.3956f, 0.395581f, 0.395561f, 0.395542f,
-0.395523f, 0.395504f, 0.395485f, 0.395465f, 0.395446f, 0.395427f, 0.395408f, 0.395389f, 0.39537f, 0.39535f, 0.395331f, 0.395312f, 0.395293f, 0.395274f, 0.395254f, 0.395235f, 0.395216f, 0.395197f, 0.395178f, 0.395158f,
-0.395139f, 0.39512f, 0.395101f, 0.395082f, 0.395063f, 0.395043f, 0.395024f, 0.395005f, 0.394986f, 0.394967f, 0.394947f, 0.394928f, 0.394909f, 0.39489f, 0.394871f, 0.394852f, 0.394832f, 0.394813f, 0.394794f, 0.394775f,
-0.394756f, 0.394737f, 0.394717f, 0.394698f, 0.394679f, 0.39466f, 0.394641f, 0.394622f, 0.394602f, 0.394583f, 0.394564f, 0.394545f, 0.394526f, 0.394507f, 0.394487f, 0.394468f, 0.394449f, 0.39443f, 0.394411f, 0.394392f,
-0.394372f, 0.394353f, 0.394334f, 0.394315f, 0.394296f, 0.394277f, 0.394257f, 0.394238f, 0.394219f, 0.3942f, 0.394181f, 0.394162f, 0.394142f, 0.394123f, 0.394104f, 0.394085f, 0.394066f, 0.394047f, 0.394027f, 0.394008f,
-0.393989f, 0.39397f, 0.393951f, 0.393932f, 0.393913f, 0.393893f, 0.393874f, 0.393855f, 0.393836f, 0.393817f, 0.393798f, 0.393778f, 0.393759f, 0.39374f, 0.393721f, 0.393702f, 0.393683f, 0.393664f, 0.393644f, 0.393625f,
-0.393606f, 0.393587f, 0.393568f, 0.393549f, 0.39353f, 0.39351f, 0.393491f, 0.393472f, 0.393453f, 0.393434f, 0.393415f, 0.393396f, 0.393376f, 0.393357f, 0.393338f, 0.393319f, 0.3933f, 0.393281f, 0.393262f, 0.393242f,
-0.393223f, 0.393204f, 0.393185f, 0.393166f, 0.393147f, 0.393128f, 0.393108f, 0.393089f, 0.39307f, 0.393051f, 0.393032f, 0.393013f, 0.392994f, 0.392975f, 0.392955f, 0.392936f, 0.392917f, 0.392898f, 0.392879f, 0.39286f,
-0.392841f, 0.392822f, 0.392802f, 0.392783f, 0.392764f, 0.392745f, 0.392726f, 0.392707f, 0.392688f, 0.392669f, 0.392649f, 0.39263f, 0.392611f, 0.392592f, 0.392573f, 0.392554f, 0.392535f, 0.392516f, 0.392496f, 0.392477f,
-0.392458f, 0.392439f, 0.39242f, 0.392401f, 0.392382f, 0.392363f, 0.392343f, 0.392324f, 0.392305f, 0.392286f, 0.392267f, 0.392248f, 0.392229f, 0.39221f, 0.392191f, 0.392171f, 0.392152f, 0.392133f, 0.392114f, 0.392095f,
-0.392076f, 0.392057f, 0.392038f, 0.392019f, 0.391999f, 0.39198f, 0.391961f, 0.391942f, 0.391923f, 0.391904f, 0.391885f, 0.391866f, 0.391847f, 0.391828f, 0.391808f, 0.391789f, 0.39177f, 0.391751f, 0.391732f, 0.391713f,
-0.391694f, 0.391675f, 0.391656f, 0.391637f, 0.391617f, 0.391598f, 0.391579f, 0.39156f, 0.391541f, 0.391522f, 0.391503f, 0.391484f, 0.391465f, 0.391446f, 0.391426f, 0.391407f, 0.391388f, 0.391369f, 0.39135f, 0.391331f,
-0.391312f, 0.391293f, 0.391274f, 0.391255f, 0.391236f, 0.391217f, 0.391197f, 0.391178f, 0.391159f, 0.39114f, 0.391121f, 0.391102f, 0.391083f, 0.391064f, 0.391045f, 0.391026f, 0.391007f, 0.390987f, 0.390968f, 0.390949f,
-0.39093f, 0.390911f, 0.390892f, 0.390873f, 0.390854f, 0.390835f, 0.390816f, 0.390797f, 0.390778f, 0.390759f, 0.390739f, 0.39072f, 0.390701f, 0.390682f, 0.390663f, 0.390644f, 0.390625f, 0.390606f, 0.390587f, 0.390568f,
-0.390549f, 0.39053f, 0.390511f, 0.390491f, 0.390472f, 0.390453f, 0.390434f, 0.390415f, 0.390396f, 0.390377f, 0.390358f, 0.390339f, 0.39032f, 0.390301f, 0.390282f, 0.390263f, 0.390244f, 0.390225f, 0.390205f, 0.390186f,
-0.390167f, 0.390148f, 0.390129f, 0.39011f, 0.390091f, 0.390072f, 0.390053f, 0.390034f, 0.390015f, 0.389996f, 0.389977f, 0.389958f, 0.389939f, 0.38992f, 0.389901f, 0.389881f, 0.389862f, 0.389843f, 0.389824f, 0.389805f,
-0.389786f, 0.389767f, 0.389748f, 0.389729f, 0.38971f, 0.389691f, 0.389672f, 0.389653f, 0.389634f, 0.389615f, 0.389596f, 0.389577f, 0.389558f, 0.389539f, 0.38952f, 0.3895f, 0.389481f, 0.389462f, 0.389443f, 0.389424f,
-0.389405f, 0.389386f, 0.389367f, 0.389348f, 0.389329f, 0.38931f, 0.389291f, 0.389272f, 0.389253f, 0.389234f, 0.389215f, 0.389196f, 0.389177f, 0.389158f, 0.389139f, 0.38912f, 0.389101f, 0.389082f, 0.389063f, 0.389044f,
-0.389024f, 0.389005f, 0.388986f, 0.388967f, 0.388948f, 0.388929f, 0.38891f, 0.388891f, 0.388872f, 0.388853f, 0.388834f, 0.388815f, 0.388796f, 0.388777f, 0.388758f, 0.388739f, 0.38872f, 0.388701f, 0.388682f, 0.388663f,
-0.388644f, 0.388625f, 0.388606f, 0.388587f, 0.388568f, 0.388549f, 0.38853f, 0.388511f, 0.388492f, 0.388473f, 0.388454f, 0.388435f, 0.388416f, 0.388397f, 0.388378f, 0.388359f, 0.38834f, 0.388321f, 0.388302f, 0.388282f,
-0.388263f, 0.388244f, 0.388225f, 0.388206f, 0.388187f, 0.388168f, 0.388149f, 0.38813f, 0.388111f, 0.388092f, 0.388073f, 0.388054f, 0.388035f, 0.388016f, 0.387997f, 0.387978f, 0.387959f, 0.38794f, 0.387921f, 0.387902f,
-0.387883f, 0.387864f, 0.387845f, 0.387826f, 0.387807f, 0.387788f, 0.387769f, 0.38775f, 0.387731f, 0.387712f, 0.387693f, 0.387674f, 0.387655f, 0.387636f, 0.387617f, 0.387598f, 0.387579f, 0.38756f, 0.387541f, 0.387522f,
-0.387503f, 0.387484f, 0.387465f, 0.387446f, 0.387427f, 0.387408f, 0.387389f, 0.38737f, 0.387351f, 0.387332f, 0.387313f, 0.387294f, 0.387275f, 0.387256f, 0.387237f, 0.387218f, 0.387199f, 0.38718f, 0.387161f, 0.387142f,
-0.387123f, 0.387104f, 0.387085f, 0.387066f, 0.387047f, 0.387028f, 0.387009f, 0.38699f, 0.386971f, 0.386952f, 0.386934f, 0.386915f, 0.386896f, 0.386877f, 0.386858f, 0.386839f, 0.38682f, 0.386801f, 0.386782f, 0.386763f,
-0.386744f, 0.386725f, 0.386706f, 0.386687f, 0.386668f, 0.386649f, 0.38663f, 0.386611f, 0.386592f, 0.386573f, 0.386554f, 0.386535f, 0.386516f, 0.386497f, 0.386478f, 0.386459f, 0.38644f, 0.386421f, 0.386402f, 0.386383f,
-0.386364f, 0.386345f, 0.386326f, 0.386307f, 0.386288f, 0.386269f, 0.38625f, 0.386231f, 0.386212f, 0.386194f, 0.386175f, 0.386156f, 0.386137f, 0.386118f, 0.386099f, 0.38608f, 0.386061f, 0.386042f, 0.386023f, 0.386004f,
-0.385985f, 0.385966f, 0.385947f, 0.385928f, 0.385909f, 0.38589f, 0.385871f, 0.385852f, 0.385833f, 0.385814f, 0.385795f, 0.385776f, 0.385757f, 0.385738f, 0.38572f, 0.385701f, 0.385682f, 0.385663f, 0.385644f, 0.385625f,
-0.385606f, 0.385587f, 0.385568f, 0.385549f, 0.38553f, 0.385511f, 0.385492f, 0.385473f, 0.385454f, 0.385435f, 0.385416f, 0.385397f, 0.385378f, 0.38536f, 0.385341f, 0.385322f, 0.385303f, 0.385284f, 0.385265f, 0.385246f,
-0.385227f, 0.385208f, 0.385189f, 0.38517f, 0.385151f, 0.385132f, 0.385113f, 0.385094f, 0.385075f, 0.385056f, 0.385038f, 0.385019f, 0.385f, 0.384981f, 0.384962f, 0.384943f, 0.384924f, 0.384905f, 0.384886f, 0.384867f,
-0.384848f, 0.384829f, 0.38481f, 0.384791f, 0.384772f, 0.384754f, 0.384735f, 0.384716f, 0.384697f, 0.384678f, 0.384659f, 0.38464f, 0.384621f, 0.384602f, 0.384583f, 0.384564f, 0.384545f, 0.384526f, 0.384507f, 0.384489f,
-0.38447f, 0.384451f, 0.384432f, 0.384413f, 0.384394f, 0.384375f, 0.384356f, 0.384337f, 0.384318f, 0.384299f, 0.38428f, 0.384262f, 0.384243f, 0.384224f, 0.384205f, 0.384186f, 0.384167f, 0.384148f, 0.384129f, 0.38411f,
-0.384091f, 0.384072f, 0.384053f, 0.384035f, 0.384016f, 0.383997f, 0.383978f, 0.383959f, 0.38394f, 0.383921f, 0.383902f, 0.383883f, 0.383864f, 0.383845f, 0.383827f, 0.383808f, 0.383789f, 0.38377f, 0.383751f, 0.383732f,
-0.383713f, 0.383694f, 0.383675f, 0.383656f, 0.383637f, 0.383619f, 0.3836f, 0.383581f, 0.383562f, 0.383543f, 0.383524f, 0.383505f, 0.383486f, 0.383467f, 0.383448f, 0.38343f, 0.383411f, 0.383392f, 0.383373f, 0.383354f,
-0.383335f, 0.383316f, 0.383297f, 0.383278f, 0.38326f, 0.383241f, 0.383222f, 0.383203f, 0.383184f, 0.383165f, 0.383146f, 0.383127f, 0.383108f, 0.38309f, 0.383071f, 0.383052f, 0.383033f, 0.383014f, 0.382995f, 0.382976f,
-0.382957f, 0.382938f, 0.38292f, 0.382901f, 0.382882f, 0.382863f, 0.382844f, 0.382825f, 0.382806f, 0.382787f, 0.382768f, 0.38275f, 0.382731f, 0.382712f, 0.382693f, 0.382674f, 0.382655f, 0.382636f, 0.382617f, 0.382599f,
-0.38258f, 0.382561f, 0.382542f, 0.382523f, 0.382504f, 0.382485f, 0.382466f, 0.382448f, 0.382429f, 0.38241f, 0.382391f, 0.382372f, 0.382353f, 0.382334f, 0.382315f, 0.382297f, 0.382278f, 0.382259f, 0.38224f, 0.382221f,
-0.382202f, 0.382183f, 0.382165f, 0.382146f, 0.382127f, 0.382108f, 0.382089f, 0.38207f, 0.382051f, 0.382032f, 0.382014f, 0.381995f, 0.381976f, 0.381957f, 0.381938f, 0.381919f, 0.3819f, 0.381882f, 0.381863f, 0.381844f,
-0.381825f, 0.381806f, 0.381787f, 0.381768f, 0.38175f, 0.381731f, 0.381712f, 0.381693f, 0.381674f, 0.381655f, 0.381636f, 0.381618f, 0.381599f, 0.38158f, 0.381561f, 0.381542f, 0.381523f, 0.381505f, 0.381486f, 0.381467f,
-0.381448f, 0.381429f, 0.38141f, 0.381391f, 0.381373f, 0.381354f, 0.381335f, 0.381316f, 0.381297f, 0.381278f, 0.38126f, 0.381241f, 0.381222f, 0.381203f, 0.381184f, 0.381165f, 0.381146f, 0.381128f, 0.381109f, 0.38109f,
-0.381071f, 0.381052f, 0.381033f, 0.381015f, 0.380996f, 0.380977f, 0.380958f, 0.380939f, 0.38092f, 0.380902f, 0.380883f, 0.380864f, 0.380845f, 0.380826f, 0.380807f, 0.380789f, 0.38077f, 0.380751f, 0.380732f, 0.380713f,
-0.380694f, 0.380676f, 0.380657f, 0.380638f, 0.380619f, 0.3806f, 0.380581f, 0.380563f, 0.380544f, 0.380525f, 0.380506f, 0.380487f, 0.380469f, 0.38045f, 0.380431f, 0.380412f, 0.380393f, 0.380374f, 0.380356f, 0.380337f,
-0.380318f, 0.380299f, 0.38028f, 0.380261f, 0.380243f, 0.380224f, 0.380205f, 0.380186f, 0.380167f, 0.380149f, 0.38013f, 0.380111f, 0.380092f, 0.380073f, 0.380054f, 0.380036f, 0.380017f, 0.379998f, 0.379979f, 0.37996f,
-0.379942f, 0.379923f, 0.379904f, 0.379885f, 0.379866f, 0.379848f, 0.379829f, 0.37981f, 0.379791f, 0.379772f, 0.379754f, 0.379735f, 0.379716f, 0.379697f, 0.379678f, 0.37966f, 0.379641f, 0.379622f, 0.379603f, 0.379584f,
-0.379565f, 0.379547f, 0.379528f, 0.379509f, 0.37949f, 0.379471f, 0.379453f, 0.379434f, 0.379415f, 0.379396f, 0.379378f, 0.379359f, 0.37934f, 0.379321f, 0.379302f, 0.379284f, 0.379265f, 0.379246f, 0.379227f, 0.379208f,
-0.37919f, 0.379171f, 0.379152f, 0.379133f, 0.379114f, 0.379096f, 0.379077f, 0.379058f, 0.379039f, 0.37902f, 0.379002f, 0.378983f, 0.378964f, 0.378945f, 0.378927f, 0.378908f, 0.378889f, 0.37887f, 0.378851f, 0.378833f,
-0.378814f, 0.378795f, 0.378776f, 0.378757f, 0.378739f, 0.37872f, 0.378701f, 0.378682f, 0.378664f, 0.378645f, 0.378626f, 0.378607f, 0.378588f, 0.37857f, 0.378551f, 0.378532f, 0.378513f, 0.378495f, 0.378476f, 0.378457f,
-0.378438f, 0.378419f, 0.378401f, 0.378382f, 0.378363f, 0.378344f, 0.378326f, 0.378307f, 0.378288f, 0.378269f, 0.378251f, 0.378232f, 0.378213f, 0.378194f, 0.378175f, 0.378157f, 0.378138f, 0.378119f, 0.3781f, 0.378082f,
-0.378063f, 0.378044f, 0.378025f, 0.378007f, 0.377988f, 0.377969f, 0.37795f, 0.377932f, 0.377913f, 0.377894f, 0.377875f, 0.377856f, 0.377838f, 0.377819f, 0.3778f, 0.377781f, 0.377763f, 0.377744f, 0.377725f, 0.377706f,
-0.377688f, 0.377669f, 0.37765f, 0.377631f, 0.377613f, 0.377594f, 0.377575f, 0.377556f, 0.377538f, 0.377519f, 0.3775f, 0.377481f, 0.377463f, 0.377444f, 0.377425f, 0.377406f, 0.377388f, 0.377369f, 0.37735f, 0.377331f,
-0.377313f, 0.377294f, 0.377275f, 0.377256f, 0.377238f, 0.377219f, 0.3772f, 0.377181f, 0.377163f, 0.377144f, 0.377125f, 0.377106f, 0.377088f, 0.377069f, 0.37705f, 0.377032f, 0.377013f, 0.376994f, 0.376975f, 0.376957f,
-0.376938f, 0.376919f, 0.3769f, 0.376882f, 0.376863f, 0.376844f, 0.376825f, 0.376807f, 0.376788f, 0.376769f, 0.37675f, 0.376732f, 0.376713f, 0.376694f, 0.376676f, 0.376657f, 0.376638f, 0.376619f, 0.376601f, 0.376582f,
-0.376563f, 0.376544f, 0.376526f, 0.376507f, 0.376488f, 0.37647f, 0.376451f, 0.376432f, 0.376413f, 0.376395f, 0.376376f, 0.376357f, 0.376339f, 0.37632f, 0.376301f, 0.376282f, 0.376264f, 0.376245f, 0.376226f, 0.376207f,
-0.376189f, 0.37617f, 0.376151f, 0.376133f, 0.376114f, 0.376095f, 0.376076f, 0.376058f, 0.376039f, 0.37602f, 0.376002f, 0.375983f, 0.375964f, 0.375945f, 0.375927f, 0.375908f, 0.375889f, 0.375871f, 0.375852f, 0.375833f,
-0.375814f, 0.375796f, 0.375777f, 0.375758f, 0.37574f, 0.375721f, 0.375702f, 0.375684f, 0.375665f, 0.375646f, 0.375627f, 0.375609f, 0.37559f, 0.375571f, 0.375553f, 0.375534f, 0.375515f, 0.375497f, 0.375478f, 0.375459f,
-0.37544f, 0.375422f, 0.375403f, 0.375384f, 0.375366f, 0.375347f, 0.375328f, 0.37531f, 0.375291f, 0.375272f, 0.375253f, 0.375235f, 0.375216f, 0.375197f, 0.375179f, 0.37516f, 0.375141f, 0.375123f, 0.375104f, 0.375085f,
-0.375067f, 0.375048f, 0.375029f, 0.37501f, 0.374992f, 0.374973f, 0.374954f, 0.374936f, 0.374917f, 0.374898f, 0.37488f, 0.374861f, 0.374842f, 0.374824f, 0.374805f, 0.374786f, 0.374768f, 0.374749f, 0.37473f, 0.374712f,
-0.374693f, 0.374674f, 0.374655f, 0.374637f, 0.374618f, 0.374599f, 0.374581f, 0.374562f, 0.374543f, 0.374525f, 0.374506f, 0.374487f, 0.374469f, 0.37445f, 0.374431f, 0.374413f, 0.374394f, 0.374375f, 0.374357f, 0.374338f,
-0.374319f, 0.374301f, 0.374282f, 0.374263f, 0.374245f, 0.374226f, 0.374207f, 0.374189f, 0.37417f, 0.374151f, 0.374133f, 0.374114f, 0.374095f, 0.374077f, 0.374058f, 0.374039f, 0.374021f, 0.374002f, 0.373983f, 0.373965f,
-0.373946f, 0.373927f, 0.373909f, 0.37389f, 0.373871f, 0.373853f, 0.373834f, 0.373815f, 0.373797f, 0.373778f, 0.373759f, 0.373741f, 0.373722f, 0.373703f, 0.373685f, 0.373666f, 0.373647f, 0.373629f, 0.37361f, 0.373591f,
-0.373573f, 0.373554f, 0.373536f, 0.373517f, 0.373498f, 0.37348f, 0.373461f, 0.373442f, 0.373424f, 0.373405f, 0.373386f, 0.373368f, 0.373349f, 0.37333f, 0.373312f, 0.373293f, 0.373274f, 0.373256f, 0.373237f, 0.373219f,
-0.3732f, 0.373181f, 0.373163f, 0.373144f, 0.373125f, 0.373107f, 0.373088f, 0.373069f, 0.373051f, 0.373032f, 0.373013f, 0.372995f, 0.372976f, 0.372958f, 0.372939f, 0.37292f, 0.372902f, 0.372883f, 0.372864f, 0.372846f,
-0.372827f, 0.372808f, 0.37279f, 0.372771f, 0.372753f, 0.372734f, 0.372715f, 0.372697f, 0.372678f, 0.372659f, 0.372641f, 0.372622f, 0.372604f, 0.372585f, 0.372566f, 0.372548f, 0.372529f, 0.37251f, 0.372492f, 0.372473f,
-0.372455f, 0.372436f, 0.372417f, 0.372399f, 0.37238f, 0.372361f, 0.372343f, 0.372324f, 0.372306f, 0.372287f, 0.372268f, 0.37225f, 0.372231f, 0.372212f, 0.372194f, 0.372175f, 0.372157f, 0.372138f, 0.372119f, 0.372101f,
-0.372082f, 0.372064f, 0.372045f, 0.372026f, 0.372008f, 0.371989f, 0.37197f, 0.371952f, 0.371933f, 0.371915f, 0.371896f, 0.371877f, 0.371859f, 0.37184f, 0.371822f, 0.371803f, 0.371784f, 0.371766f, 0.371747f, 0.371729f,
-0.37171f, 0.371691f, 0.371673f, 0.371654f, 0.371635f, 0.371617f, 0.371598f, 0.37158f, 0.371561f, 0.371542f, 0.371524f, 0.371505f, 0.371487f, 0.371468f, 0.371449f, 0.371431f, 0.371412f, 0.371394f, 0.371375f, 0.371356f,
-0.371338f, 0.371319f, 0.371301f, 0.371282f, 0.371264f, 0.371245f, 0.371226f, 0.371208f, 0.371189f, 0.371171f, 0.371152f, 0.371133f, 0.371115f, 0.371096f, 0.371078f, 0.371059f, 0.37104f, 0.371022f, 0.371003f, 0.370985f,
-0.370966f, 0.370947f, 0.370929f, 0.37091f, 0.370892f, 0.370873f, 0.370855f, 0.370836f, 0.370817f, 0.370799f, 0.37078f, 0.370762f, 0.370743f, 0.370724f, 0.370706f, 0.370687f, 0.370669f, 0.37065f, 0.370632f, 0.370613f,
-0.370594f, 0.370576f, 0.370557f, 0.370539f, 0.37052f, 0.370502f, 0.370483f, 0.370464f, 0.370446f, 0.370427f, 0.370409f, 0.37039f, 0.370371f, 0.370353f, 0.370334f, 0.370316f, 0.370297f, 0.370279f, 0.37026f, 0.370241f,
-0.370223f, 0.370204f, 0.370186f, 0.370167f, 0.370149f, 0.37013f, 0.370112f, 0.370093f, 0.370074f, 0.370056f, 0.370037f, 0.370019f, 0.37f, 0.369982f, 0.369963f, 0.369944f, 0.369926f, 0.369907f, 0.369889f, 0.36987f,
-0.369852f, 0.369833f, 0.369815f, 0.369796f, 0.369777f, 0.369759f, 0.36974f, 0.369722f, 0.369703f, 0.369685f, 0.369666f, 0.369648f, 0.369629f, 0.36961f, 0.369592f, 0.369573f, 0.369555f, 0.369536f, 0.369518f, 0.369499f,
-0.369481f, 0.369462f, 0.369443f, 0.369425f, 0.369406f, 0.369388f, 0.369369f, 0.369351f, 0.369332f, 0.369314f, 0.369295f, 0.369277f, 0.369258f, 0.369239f, 0.369221f, 0.369202f, 0.369184f, 0.369165f, 0.369147f, 0.369128f,
-0.36911f, 0.369091f, 0.369073f, 0.369054f, 0.369035f, 0.369017f, 0.368998f, 0.36898f, 0.368961f, 0.368943f, 0.368924f, 0.368906f, 0.368887f, 0.368869f, 0.36885f, 0.368832f, 0.368813f, 0.368795f, 0.368776f, 0.368757f,
-0.368739f, 0.36872f, 0.368702f, 0.368683f, 0.368665f, 0.368646f, 0.368628f, 0.368609f, 0.368591f, 0.368572f, 0.368554f, 0.368535f, 0.368517f, 0.368498f, 0.36848f, 0.368461f, 0.368442f, 0.368424f, 0.368405f, 0.368387f,
-0.368368f, 0.36835f, 0.368331f, 0.368313f, 0.368294f, 0.368276f, 0.368257f, 0.368239f, 0.36822f, 0.368202f, 0.368183f, 0.368165f, 0.368146f, 0.368128f, 0.368109f, 0.368091f, 0.368072f, 0.368054f, 0.368035f, 0.368017f,
-0.367998f, 0.36798f, 0.367961f, 0.367943f, 0.367924f, 0.367905f, 0.367887f, 0.367868f, 0.36785f, 0.367831f, 0.367813f, 0.367794f, 0.367776f, 0.367757f, 0.367739f, 0.36772f, 0.367702f, 0.367683f, 0.367665f, 0.367646f,
-0.367628f, 0.367609f, 0.367591f, 0.367572f, 0.367554f, 0.367535f, 0.367517f, 0.367498f, 0.36748f, 0.367461f, 0.367443f, 0.367424f, 0.367406f, 0.367387f, 0.367369f, 0.36735f, 0.367332f, 0.367313f, 0.367295f, 0.367276f,
-0.367258f, 0.367239f, 0.367221f, 0.367202f, 0.367184f, 0.367165f, 0.367147f, 0.367128f, 0.36711f, 0.367091f, 0.367073f, 0.367054f, 0.367036f, 0.367018f, 0.366999f, 0.366981f, 0.366962f, 0.366944f, 0.366925f, 0.366907f,
-0.366888f, 0.36687f, 0.366851f, 0.366833f, 0.366814f, 0.366796f, 0.366777f, 0.366759f, 0.36674f, 0.366722f, 0.366703f, 0.366685f, 0.366666f, 0.366648f, 0.366629f, 0.366611f, 0.366592f, 0.366574f, 0.366555f, 0.366537f,
-0.366519f, 0.3665f, 0.366482f, 0.366463f, 0.366445f, 0.366426f, 0.366408f, 0.366389f, 0.366371f, 0.366352f, 0.366334f, 0.366315f, 0.366297f, 0.366278f, 0.36626f, 0.366241f, 0.366223f, 0.366204f, 0.366186f, 0.366168f,
-0.366149f, 0.366131f, 0.366112f, 0.366094f, 0.366075f, 0.366057f, 0.366038f, 0.36602f, 0.366001f, 0.365983f, 0.365964f, 0.365946f, 0.365928f, 0.365909f, 0.365891f, 0.365872f, 0.365854f, 0.365835f, 0.365817f, 0.365798f,
-0.36578f, 0.365761f, 0.365743f, 0.365724f, 0.365706f, 0.365688f, 0.365669f, 0.365651f, 0.365632f, 0.365614f, 0.365595f, 0.365577f, 0.365558f, 0.36554f, 0.365521f, 0.365503f, 0.365485f, 0.365466f, 0.365448f, 0.365429f,
-0.365411f, 0.365392f, 0.365374f, 0.365355f, 0.365337f, 0.365319f, 0.3653f, 0.365282f, 0.365263f, 0.365245f, 0.365226f, 0.365208f, 0.365189f, 0.365171f, 0.365153f, 0.365134f, 0.365116f, 0.365097f, 0.365079f, 0.36506f,
-0.365042f, 0.365024f, 0.365005f, 0.364987f, 0.364968f, 0.36495f, 0.364931f, 0.364913f, 0.364894f, 0.364876f, 0.364858f, 0.364839f, 0.364821f, 0.364802f, 0.364784f, 0.364765f, 0.364747f, 0.364729f, 0.36471f, 0.364692f,
-0.364673f, 0.364655f, 0.364636f, 0.364618f, 0.3646f, 0.364581f, 0.364563f, 0.364544f, 0.364526f, 0.364507f, 0.364489f, 0.364471f, 0.364452f, 0.364434f, 0.364415f, 0.364397f, 0.364378f, 0.36436f, 0.364342f, 0.364323f,
-0.364305f, 0.364286f, 0.364268f, 0.36425f, 0.364231f, 0.364213f, 0.364194f, 0.364176f, 0.364157f, 0.364139f, 0.364121f, 0.364102f, 0.364084f, 0.364065f, 0.364047f, 0.364029f, 0.36401f, 0.363992f, 0.363973f, 0.363955f,
-0.363936f, 0.363918f, 0.3639f, 0.363881f, 0.363863f, 0.363844f, 0.363826f, 0.363808f, 0.363789f, 0.363771f, 0.363752f, 0.363734f, 0.363716f, 0.363697f, 0.363679f, 0.36366f, 0.363642f, 0.363624f, 0.363605f, 0.363587f,
-0.363568f, 0.36355f, 0.363532f, 0.363513f, 0.363495f, 0.363476f, 0.363458f, 0.36344f, 0.363421f, 0.363403f, 0.363384f, 0.363366f, 0.363348f, 0.363329f, 0.363311f, 0.363292f, 0.363274f, 0.363256f, 0.363237f, 0.363219f,
-0.3632f, 0.363182f, 0.363164f, 0.363145f, 0.363127f, 0.363108f, 0.36309f, 0.363072f, 0.363053f, 0.363035f, 0.363017f, 0.362998f, 0.36298f, 0.362961f, 0.362943f, 0.362925f, 0.362906f, 0.362888f, 0.362869f, 0.362851f,
-0.362833f, 0.362814f, 0.362796f, 0.362778f, 0.362759f, 0.362741f, 0.362722f, 0.362704f, 0.362686f, 0.362667f, 0.362649f, 0.362631f, 0.362612f, 0.362594f, 0.362575f, 0.362557f, 0.362539f, 0.36252f, 0.362502f, 0.362484f,
-0.362465f, 0.362447f, 0.362428f, 0.36241f, 0.362392f, 0.362373f, 0.362355f, 0.362337f, 0.362318f, 0.3623f, 0.362281f, 0.362263f, 0.362245f, 0.362226f, 0.362208f, 0.36219f, 0.362171f, 0.362153f, 0.362135f, 0.362116f,
-0.362098f, 0.362079f, 0.362061f, 0.362043f, 0.362024f, 0.362006f, 0.361988f, 0.361969f, 0.361951f, 0.361933f, 0.361914f, 0.361896f, 0.361877f, 0.361859f, 0.361841f, 0.361822f, 0.361804f, 0.361786f, 0.361767f, 0.361749f,
-0.361731f, 0.361712f, 0.361694f, 0.361676f, 0.361657f, 0.361639f, 0.36162f, 0.361602f, 0.361584f, 0.361565f, 0.361547f, 0.361529f, 0.36151f, 0.361492f, 0.361474f, 0.361455f, 0.361437f, 0.361419f, 0.3614f, 0.361382f,
-0.361364f, 0.361345f, 0.361327f, 0.361309f, 0.36129f, 0.361272f, 0.361254f, 0.361235f, 0.361217f, 0.361199f, 0.36118f, 0.361162f, 0.361143f, 0.361125f, 0.361107f, 0.361088f, 0.36107f, 0.361052f, 0.361033f, 0.361015f,
-0.360997f, 0.360978f, 0.36096f, 0.360942f, 0.360923f, 0.360905f, 0.360887f, 0.360868f, 0.36085f, 0.360832f, 0.360813f, 0.360795f, 0.360777f, 0.360758f, 0.36074f, 0.360722f, 0.360703f, 0.360685f, 0.360667f, 0.360648f,
-0.36063f, 0.360612f, 0.360594f, 0.360575f, 0.360557f, 0.360539f, 0.36052f, 0.360502f, 0.360484f, 0.360465f, 0.360447f, 0.360429f, 0.36041f, 0.360392f, 0.360374f, 0.360355f, 0.360337f, 0.360319f, 0.3603f, 0.360282f,
-0.360264f, 0.360245f, 0.360227f, 0.360209f, 0.36019f, 0.360172f, 0.360154f, 0.360136f, 0.360117f, 0.360099f, 0.360081f, 0.360062f, 0.360044f, 0.360026f, 0.360007f, 0.359989f, 0.359971f, 0.359952f, 0.359934f, 0.359916f,
-0.359897f, 0.359879f, 0.359861f, 0.359843f, 0.359824f, 0.359806f, 0.359788f, 0.359769f, 0.359751f, 0.359733f, 0.359714f, 0.359696f, 0.359678f, 0.35966f, 0.359641f, 0.359623f, 0.359605f, 0.359586f, 0.359568f, 0.35955f,
-0.359531f, 0.359513f, 0.359495f, 0.359477f, 0.359458f, 0.35944f, 0.359422f, 0.359403f, 0.359385f, 0.359367f, 0.359348f, 0.35933f, 0.359312f, 0.359294f, 0.359275f, 0.359257f, 0.359239f, 0.35922f, 0.359202f, 0.359184f,
-0.359166f, 0.359147f, 0.359129f, 0.359111f, 0.359092f, 0.359074f, 0.359056f, 0.359038f, 0.359019f, 0.359001f, 0.358983f, 0.358964f, 0.358946f, 0.358928f, 0.35891f, 0.358891f, 0.358873f, 0.358855f, 0.358836f, 0.358818f,
-0.3588f, 0.358782f, 0.358763f, 0.358745f, 0.358727f, 0.358708f, 0.35869f, 0.358672f, 0.358654f, 0.358635f, 0.358617f, 0.358599f, 0.358581f, 0.358562f, 0.358544f, 0.358526f, 0.358507f, 0.358489f, 0.358471f, 0.358453f,
-0.358434f, 0.358416f, 0.358398f, 0.35838f, 0.358361f, 0.358343f, 0.358325f, 0.358306f, 0.358288f, 0.35827f, 0.358252f, 0.358233f, 0.358215f, 0.358197f, 0.358179f, 0.35816f, 0.358142f, 0.358124f, 0.358106f, 0.358087f,
-0.358069f, 0.358051f, 0.358032f, 0.358014f, 0.357996f, 0.357978f, 0.357959f, 0.357941f, 0.357923f, 0.357905f, 0.357886f, 0.357868f, 0.35785f, 0.357832f, 0.357813f, 0.357795f, 0.357777f, 0.357759f, 0.35774f, 0.357722f,
-0.357704f, 0.357686f, 0.357667f, 0.357649f, 0.357631f, 0.357613f, 0.357594f, 0.357576f, 0.357558f, 0.35754f, 0.357521f, 0.357503f, 0.357485f, 0.357467f, 0.357448f, 0.35743f, 0.357412f, 0.357394f, 0.357375f, 0.357357f,
-0.357339f, 0.357321f, 0.357302f, 0.357284f, 0.357266f, 0.357248f, 0.357229f, 0.357211f, 0.357193f, 0.357175f, 0.357157f, 0.357138f, 0.35712f, 0.357102f, 0.357084f, 0.357065f, 0.357047f, 0.357029f, 0.357011f, 0.356992f,
-0.356974f, 0.356956f, 0.356938f, 0.356919f, 0.356901f, 0.356883f, 0.356865f, 0.356847f, 0.356828f, 0.35681f, 0.356792f, 0.356774f, 0.356755f, 0.356737f, 0.356719f, 0.356701f, 0.356682f, 0.356664f, 0.356646f, 0.356628f,
-0.35661f, 0.356591f, 0.356573f, 0.356555f, 0.356537f, 0.356518f, 0.3565f, 0.356482f, 0.356464f, 0.356446f, 0.356427f, 0.356409f, 0.356391f, 0.356373f, 0.356354f, 0.356336f, 0.356318f, 0.3563f, 0.356282f, 0.356263f,
-0.356245f, 0.356227f, 0.356209f, 0.356191f, 0.356172f, 0.356154f, 0.356136f, 0.356118f, 0.356099f, 0.356081f, 0.356063f, 0.356045f, 0.356027f, 0.356008f, 0.35599f, 0.355972f, 0.355954f, 0.355936f, 0.355917f, 0.355899f,
-0.355881f, 0.355863f, 0.355845f, 0.355826f, 0.355808f, 0.35579f, 0.355772f, 0.355754f, 0.355735f, 0.355717f, 0.355699f, 0.355681f, 0.355663f, 0.355644f, 0.355626f, 0.355608f, 0.35559f, 0.355572f, 0.355553f, 0.355535f,
-0.355517f, 0.355499f, 0.355481f, 0.355462f, 0.355444f, 0.355426f, 0.355408f, 0.35539f, 0.355371f, 0.355353f, 0.355335f, 0.355317f, 0.355299f, 0.35528f, 0.355262f, 0.355244f, 0.355226f, 0.355208f, 0.35519f, 0.355171f,
-0.355153f, 0.355135f, 0.355117f, 0.355099f, 0.35508f, 0.355062f, 0.355044f, 0.355026f, 0.355008f, 0.354989f, 0.354971f, 0.354953f, 0.354935f, 0.354917f, 0.354899f, 0.35488f, 0.354862f, 0.354844f, 0.354826f, 0.354808f,
-0.354789f, 0.354771f, 0.354753f, 0.354735f, 0.354717f, 0.354699f, 0.35468f, 0.354662f, 0.354644f, 0.354626f, 0.354608f, 0.35459f, 0.354571f, 0.354553f, 0.354535f, 0.354517f, 0.354499f, 0.354481f, 0.354462f, 0.354444f,
-0.354426f, 0.354408f, 0.35439f, 0.354372f, 0.354353f, 0.354335f, 0.354317f, 0.354299f, 0.354281f, 0.354263f, 0.354244f, 0.354226f, 0.354208f, 0.35419f, 0.354172f, 0.354154f, 0.354135f, 0.354117f, 0.354099f, 0.354081f,
-0.354063f, 0.354045f, 0.354026f, 0.354008f, 0.35399f, 0.353972f, 0.353954f, 0.353936f, 0.353918f, 0.353899f, 0.353881f, 0.353863f, 0.353845f, 0.353827f, 0.353809f, 0.35379f, 0.353772f, 0.353754f, 0.353736f, 0.353718f,
-0.3537f, 0.353682f, 0.353663f, 0.353645f, 0.353627f, 0.353609f, 0.353591f, 0.353573f, 0.353555f, 0.353536f, 0.353518f, 0.3535f, 0.353482f, 0.353464f, 0.353446f, 0.353427f, 0.353409f, 0.353391f, 0.353373f, 0.353355f,
-0.353337f, 0.353319f, 0.353301f, 0.353282f, 0.353264f, 0.353246f, 0.353228f, 0.35321f, 0.353192f, 0.353174f, 0.353155f, 0.353137f, 0.353119f, 0.353101f, 0.353083f, 0.353065f, 0.353047f, 0.353028f, 0.35301f, 0.352992f,
-0.352974f, 0.352956f, 0.352938f, 0.35292f, 0.352902f, 0.352883f, 0.352865f, 0.352847f, 0.352829f, 0.352811f, 0.352793f, 0.352775f, 0.352757f, 0.352738f, 0.35272f, 0.352702f, 0.352684f, 0.352666f, 0.352648f, 0.35263f,
-0.352612f, 0.352593f, 0.352575f, 0.352557f, 0.352539f, 0.352521f, 0.352503f, 0.352485f, 0.352467f, 0.352448f, 0.35243f, 0.352412f, 0.352394f, 0.352376f, 0.352358f, 0.35234f, 0.352322f, 0.352304f, 0.352285f, 0.352267f,
-0.352249f, 0.352231f, 0.352213f, 0.352195f, 0.352177f, 0.352159f, 0.352141f, 0.352122f, 0.352104f, 0.352086f, 0.352068f, 0.35205f, 0.352032f, 0.352014f, 0.351996f, 0.351978f, 0.351959f, 0.351941f, 0.351923f, 0.351905f,
-0.351887f, 0.351869f, 0.351851f, 0.351833f, 0.351815f, 0.351797f, 0.351778f, 0.35176f, 0.351742f, 0.351724f, 0.351706f, 0.351688f, 0.35167f, 0.351652f, 0.351634f, 0.351616f, 0.351597f, 0.351579f, 0.351561f, 0.351543f,
-0.351525f, 0.351507f, 0.351489f, 0.351471f, 0.351453f, 0.351435f, 0.351417f, 0.351398f, 0.35138f, 0.351362f, 0.351344f, 0.351326f, 0.351308f, 0.35129f, 0.351272f, 0.351254f, 0.351236f, 0.351218f, 0.351199f, 0.351181f,
-0.351163f, 0.351145f, 0.351127f, 0.351109f, 0.351091f, 0.351073f, 0.351055f, 0.351037f, 0.351019f, 0.351001f, 0.350982f, 0.350964f, 0.350946f, 0.350928f, 0.35091f, 0.350892f, 0.350874f, 0.350856f, 0.350838f, 0.35082f,
-0.350802f, 0.350784f, 0.350766f, 0.350747f, 0.350729f, 0.350711f, 0.350693f, 0.350675f, 0.350657f, 0.350639f, 0.350621f, 0.350603f, 0.350585f, 0.350567f, 0.350549f, 0.350531f, 0.350513f, 0.350494f, 0.350476f, 0.350458f,
-0.35044f, 0.350422f, 0.350404f, 0.350386f, 0.350368f, 0.35035f, 0.350332f, 0.350314f, 0.350296f, 0.350278f, 0.35026f, 0.350242f, 0.350224f, 0.350205f, 0.350187f, 0.350169f, 0.350151f, 0.350133f, 0.350115f, 0.350097f,
-0.350079f, 0.350061f, 0.350043f, 0.350025f, 0.350007f, 0.349989f, 0.349971f, 0.349953f, 0.349935f, 0.349917f, 0.349899f, 0.34988f, 0.349862f, 0.349844f, 0.349826f, 0.349808f, 0.34979f, 0.349772f, 0.349754f, 0.349736f,
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-0.349357f, 0.349339f, 0.349321f, 0.349303f, 0.349285f, 0.349267f, 0.349249f, 0.349231f, 0.349213f, 0.349195f, 0.349177f, 0.349159f, 0.349141f, 0.349123f, 0.349105f, 0.349087f, 0.349069f, 0.349051f, 0.349033f, 0.349015f,
-0.348997f, 0.348978f, 0.34896f, 0.348942f, 0.348924f, 0.348906f, 0.348888f, 0.34887f, 0.348852f, 0.348834f, 0.348816f, 0.348798f, 0.34878f, 0.348762f, 0.348744f, 0.348726f, 0.348708f, 0.34869f, 0.348672f, 0.348654f,
-0.348636f, 0.348618f, 0.3486f, 0.348582f, 0.348564f, 0.348546f, 0.348528f, 0.34851f, 0.348492f, 0.348474f, 0.348456f, 0.348438f, 0.34842f, 0.348402f, 0.348384f, 0.348366f, 0.348348f, 0.34833f, 0.348312f, 0.348294f,
-0.348276f, 0.348258f, 0.34824f, 0.348222f, 0.348204f, 0.348186f, 0.348168f, 0.34815f, 0.348132f, 0.348114f, 0.348096f, 0.348078f, 0.34806f, 0.348042f, 0.348024f, 0.348006f, 0.347988f, 0.34797f, 0.347952f, 0.347934f,
-0.347916f, 0.347898f, 0.34788f, 0.347862f, 0.347844f, 0.347826f, 0.347808f, 0.34779f, 0.347772f, 0.347754f, 0.347736f, 0.347718f, 0.3477f, 0.347682f, 0.347664f, 0.347646f, 0.347628f, 0.34761f, 0.347592f, 0.347574f,
-0.347556f, 0.347538f, 0.34752f, 0.347502f, 0.347484f, 0.347466f, 0.347448f, 0.34743f, 0.347412f, 0.347394f, 0.347376f, 0.347358f, 0.34734f, 0.347322f, 0.347304f, 0.347286f, 0.347268f, 0.34725f, 0.347232f, 0.347214f,
-0.347196f, 0.347178f, 0.34716f, 0.347142f, 0.347124f, 0.347106f, 0.347088f, 0.34707f, 0.347052f, 0.347034f, 0.347016f, 0.346998f, 0.34698f, 0.346962f, 0.346944f, 0.346926f, 0.346908f, 0.34689f, 0.346872f, 0.346854f,
-0.346836f, 0.346818f, 0.346801f, 0.346783f, 0.346765f, 0.346747f, 0.346729f, 0.346711f, 0.346693f, 0.346675f, 0.346657f, 0.346639f, 0.346621f, 0.346603f, 0.346585f, 0.346567f, 0.346549f, 0.346531f, 0.346513f, 0.346495f,
-0.346477f, 0.346459f, 0.346441f, 0.346423f, 0.346405f, 0.346387f, 0.346369f, 0.346351f, 0.346333f, 0.346315f, 0.346297f, 0.34628f, 0.346262f, 0.346244f, 0.346226f, 0.346208f, 0.34619f, 0.346172f, 0.346154f, 0.346136f,
-0.346118f, 0.3461f, 0.346082f, 0.346064f, 0.346046f, 0.346028f, 0.34601f, 0.345992f, 0.345974f, 0.345956f, 0.345938f, 0.34592f, 0.345903f, 0.345885f, 0.345867f, 0.345849f, 0.345831f, 0.345813f, 0.345795f, 0.345777f,
-0.345759f, 0.345741f, 0.345723f, 0.345705f, 0.345687f, 0.345669f, 0.345651f, 0.345633f, 0.345615f, 0.345597f, 0.34558f, 0.345562f, 0.345544f, 0.345526f, 0.345508f, 0.34549f, 0.345472f, 0.345454f, 0.345436f, 0.345418f,
-0.3454f, 0.345382f, 0.345364f, 0.345346f, 0.345328f, 0.34531f, 0.345293f, 0.345275f, 0.345257f, 0.345239f, 0.345221f, 0.345203f, 0.345185f, 0.345167f, 0.345149f, 0.345131f, 0.345113f, 0.345095f, 0.345077f, 0.345059f,
-0.345042f, 0.345024f, 0.345006f, 0.344988f, 0.34497f, 0.344952f, 0.344934f, 0.344916f, 0.344898f, 0.34488f, 0.344862f, 0.344844f, 0.344826f, 0.344809f, 0.344791f, 0.344773f, 0.344755f, 0.344737f, 0.344719f, 0.344701f,
-0.344683f, 0.344665f, 0.344647f, 0.344629f, 0.344611f, 0.344594f, 0.344576f, 0.344558f, 0.34454f, 0.344522f, 0.344504f, 0.344486f, 0.344468f, 0.34445f, 0.344432f, 0.344414f, 0.344396f, 0.344379f, 0.344361f, 0.344343f,
-0.344325f, 0.344307f, 0.344289f, 0.344271f, 0.344253f, 0.344235f, 0.344217f, 0.3442f, 0.344182f, 0.344164f, 0.344146f, 0.344128f, 0.34411f, 0.344092f, 0.344074f, 0.344056f, 0.344038f, 0.34402f, 0.344003f, 0.343985f,
-0.343967f, 0.343949f, 0.343931f, 0.343913f, 0.343895f, 0.343877f, 0.343859f, 0.343842f, 0.343824f, 0.343806f, 0.343788f, 0.34377f, 0.343752f, 0.343734f, 0.343716f, 0.343698f, 0.34368f, 0.343663f, 0.343645f, 0.343627f,
-0.343609f, 0.343591f, 0.343573f, 0.343555f, 0.343537f, 0.343519f, 0.343502f, 0.343484f, 0.343466f, 0.343448f, 0.34343f, 0.343412f, 0.343394f, 0.343376f, 0.343359f, 0.343341f, 0.343323f, 0.343305f, 0.343287f, 0.343269f,
-0.343251f, 0.343233f, 0.343215f, 0.343198f, 0.34318f, 0.343162f, 0.343144f, 0.343126f, 0.343108f, 0.34309f, 0.343072f, 0.343055f, 0.343037f, 0.343019f, 0.343001f, 0.342983f, 0.342965f, 0.342947f, 0.342929f, 0.342912f,
-0.342894f, 0.342876f, 0.342858f, 0.34284f, 0.342822f, 0.342804f, 0.342787f, 0.342769f, 0.342751f, 0.342733f, 0.342715f, 0.342697f, 0.342679f, 0.342661f, 0.342644f, 0.342626f, 0.342608f, 0.34259f, 0.342572f, 0.342554f,
-0.342536f, 0.342519f, 0.342501f, 0.342483f, 0.342465f, 0.342447f, 0.342429f, 0.342411f, 0.342394f, 0.342376f, 0.342358f, 0.34234f, 0.342322f, 0.342304f, 0.342286f, 0.342269f, 0.342251f, 0.342233f, 0.342215f, 0.342197f,
-0.342179f, 0.342161f, 0.342144f, 0.342126f, 0.342108f, 0.34209f, 0.342072f, 0.342054f, 0.342037f, 0.342019f, 0.342001f, 0.341983f, 0.341965f, 0.341947f, 0.341929f, 0.341912f, 0.341894f, 0.341876f, 0.341858f, 0.34184f,
-0.341822f, 0.341805f, 0.341787f, 0.341769f, 0.341751f, 0.341733f, 0.341715f, 0.341697f, 0.34168f, 0.341662f, 0.341644f, 0.341626f, 0.341608f, 0.34159f, 0.341573f, 0.341555f, 0.341537f, 0.341519f, 0.341501f, 0.341483f,
-0.341466f, 0.341448f, 0.34143f, 0.341412f, 0.341394f, 0.341376f, 0.341359f, 0.341341f, 0.341323f, 0.341305f, 0.341287f, 0.341269f, 0.341252f, 0.341234f, 0.341216f, 0.341198f, 0.34118f, 0.341163f, 0.341145f, 0.341127f,
-0.341109f, 0.341091f, 0.341073f, 0.341056f, 0.341038f, 0.34102f, 0.341002f, 0.340984f, 0.340966f, 0.340949f, 0.340931f, 0.340913f, 0.340895f, 0.340877f, 0.34086f, 0.340842f, 0.340824f, 0.340806f, 0.340788f, 0.34077f,
-0.340753f, 0.340735f, 0.340717f, 0.340699f, 0.340681f, 0.340664f, 0.340646f, 0.340628f, 0.34061f, 0.340592f, 0.340575f, 0.340557f, 0.340539f, 0.340521f, 0.340503f, 0.340485f, 0.340468f, 0.34045f, 0.340432f, 0.340414f,
-0.340396f, 0.340379f, 0.340361f, 0.340343f, 0.340325f, 0.340307f, 0.34029f, 0.340272f, 0.340254f, 0.340236f, 0.340218f, 0.340201f, 0.340183f, 0.340165f, 0.340147f, 0.340129f, 0.340112f, 0.340094f, 0.340076f, 0.340058f,
-0.34004f, 0.340023f, 0.340005f, 0.339987f, 0.339969f, 0.339951f, 0.339934f, 0.339916f, 0.339898f, 0.33988f, 0.339863f, 0.339845f, 0.339827f, 0.339809f, 0.339791f, 0.339774f, 0.339756f, 0.339738f, 0.33972f, 0.339702f,
-0.339685f, 0.339667f, 0.339649f, 0.339631f, 0.339613f, 0.339596f, 0.339578f, 0.33956f, 0.339542f, 0.339525f, 0.339507f, 0.339489f, 0.339471f, 0.339453f, 0.339436f, 0.339418f, 0.3394f, 0.339382f, 0.339365f, 0.339347f,
-0.339329f, 0.339311f, 0.339293f, 0.339276f, 0.339258f, 0.33924f, 0.339222f, 0.339205f, 0.339187f, 0.339169f, 0.339151f, 0.339133f, 0.339116f, 0.339098f, 0.33908f, 0.339062f, 0.339045f, 0.339027f, 0.339009f, 0.338991f,
-0.338974f, 0.338956f, 0.338938f, 0.33892f, 0.338902f, 0.338885f, 0.338867f, 0.338849f, 0.338831f, 0.338814f, 0.338796f, 0.338778f, 0.33876f, 0.338743f, 0.338725f, 0.338707f, 0.338689f, 0.338672f, 0.338654f, 0.338636f,
-0.338618f, 0.338601f, 0.338583f, 0.338565f, 0.338547f, 0.33853f, 0.338512f, 0.338494f, 0.338476f, 0.338458f, 0.338441f, 0.338423f, 0.338405f, 0.338387f, 0.33837f, 0.338352f, 0.338334f, 0.338316f, 0.338299f, 0.338281f,
-0.338263f, 0.338245f, 0.338228f, 0.33821f, 0.338192f, 0.338174f, 0.338157f, 0.338139f, 0.338121f, 0.338103f, 0.338086f, 0.338068f, 0.33805f, 0.338033f, 0.338015f, 0.337997f, 0.337979f, 0.337962f, 0.337944f, 0.337926f,
-0.337908f, 0.337891f, 0.337873f, 0.337855f, 0.337837f, 0.33782f, 0.337802f, 0.337784f, 0.337766f, 0.337749f, 0.337731f, 0.337713f, 0.337695f, 0.337678f, 0.33766f, 0.337642f, 0.337625f, 0.337607f, 0.337589f, 0.337571f,
-0.337554f, 0.337536f, 0.337518f, 0.3375f, 0.337483f, 0.337465f, 0.337447f, 0.33743f, 0.337412f, 0.337394f, 0.337376f, 0.337359f, 0.337341f, 0.337323f, 0.337305f, 0.337288f, 0.33727f, 0.337252f, 0.337235f, 0.337217f,
-0.337199f, 0.337181f, 0.337164f, 0.337146f, 0.337128f, 0.337111f, 0.337093f, 0.337075f, 0.337057f, 0.33704f, 0.337022f, 0.337004f, 0.336986f, 0.336969f, 0.336951f, 0.336933f, 0.336916f, 0.336898f, 0.33688f, 0.336862f,
-0.336845f, 0.336827f, 0.336809f, 0.336792f, 0.336774f, 0.336756f, 0.336739f, 0.336721f, 0.336703f, 0.336685f, 0.336668f, 0.33665f, 0.336632f, 0.336615f, 0.336597f, 0.336579f, 0.336561f, 0.336544f, 0.336526f, 0.336508f,
-0.336491f, 0.336473f, 0.336455f, 0.336438f, 0.33642f, 0.336402f, 0.336384f, 0.336367f, 0.336349f, 0.336331f, 0.336314f, 0.336296f, 0.336278f, 0.336261f, 0.336243f, 0.336225f, 0.336207f, 0.33619f, 0.336172f, 0.336154f,
-0.336137f, 0.336119f, 0.336101f, 0.336084f, 0.336066f, 0.336048f, 0.336031f, 0.336013f, 0.335995f, 0.335977f, 0.33596f, 0.335942f, 0.335924f, 0.335907f, 0.335889f, 0.335871f, 0.335854f, 0.335836f, 0.335818f, 0.335801f,
-0.335783f, 0.335765f, 0.335748f, 0.33573f, 0.335712f, 0.335694f, 0.335677f, 0.335659f, 0.335641f, 0.335624f, 0.335606f, 0.335588f, 0.335571f, 0.335553f, 0.335535f, 0.335518f, 0.3355f, 0.335482f, 0.335465f, 0.335447f,
-0.335429f, 0.335412f, 0.335394f, 0.335376f, 0.335359f, 0.335341f, 0.335323f, 0.335306f, 0.335288f, 0.33527f, 0.335253f, 0.335235f, 0.335217f, 0.3352f, 0.335182f, 0.335164f, 0.335147f, 0.335129f, 0.335111f, 0.335094f,
-0.335076f, 0.335058f, 0.335041f, 0.335023f, 0.335005f, 0.334988f, 0.33497f, 0.334952f, 0.334935f, 0.334917f, 0.334899f, 0.334882f, 0.334864f, 0.334846f, 0.334829f, 0.334811f, 0.334793f, 0.334776f, 0.334758f, 0.33474f,
-0.334723f, 0.334705f, 0.334687f, 0.33467f, 0.334652f, 0.334634f, 0.334617f, 0.334599f, 0.334581f, 0.334564f, 0.334546f, 0.334529f, 0.334511f, 0.334493f, 0.334476f, 0.334458f, 0.33444f, 0.334423f, 0.334405f, 0.334387f,
-0.33437f, 0.334352f, 0.334334f, 0.334317f, 0.334299f, 0.334281f, 0.334264f, 0.334246f, 0.334229f, 0.334211f, 0.334193f, 0.334176f, 0.334158f, 0.33414f, 0.334123f, 0.334105f, 0.334087f, 0.33407f, 0.334052f, 0.334034f,
-0.334017f, 0.333999f, 0.333982f, 0.333964f, 0.333946f, 0.333929f, 0.333911f, 0.333893f, 0.333876f, 0.333858f, 0.33384f, 0.333823f, 0.333805f, 0.333788f, 0.33377f, 0.333752f, 0.333735f, 0.333717f, 0.333699f, 0.333682f,
-0.333664f, 0.333647f, 0.333629f, 0.333611f, 0.333594f, 0.333576f, 0.333558f, 0.333541f, 0.333523f, 0.333506f, 0.333488f, 0.33347f, 0.333453f, 0.333435f, 0.333417f, 0.3334f, 0.333382f, 0.333365f, 0.333347f, 0.333329f,
-0.333312f, 0.333294f, 0.333276f, 0.333259f, 0.333241f, 0.333224f, 0.333206f, 0.333188f, 0.333171f, 0.333153f, 0.333136f, 0.333118f, 0.3331f, 0.333083f, 0.333065f, 0.333047f, 0.33303f, 0.333012f, 0.332995f, 0.332977f,
-0.332959f, 0.332942f, 0.332924f, 0.332907f, 0.332889f, 0.332871f, 0.332854f, 0.332836f, 0.332819f, 0.332801f, 0.332783f, 0.332766f, 0.332748f, 0.332731f, 0.332713f, 0.332695f, 0.332678f, 0.33266f, 0.332643f, 0.332625f,
-0.332607f, 0.33259f, 0.332572f, 0.332555f, 0.332537f, 0.332519f, 0.332502f, 0.332484f, 0.332467f, 0.332449f, 0.332431f, 0.332414f, 0.332396f, 0.332379f, 0.332361f, 0.332343f, 0.332326f, 0.332308f, 0.332291f, 0.332273f,
-0.332255f, 0.332238f, 0.33222f, 0.332203f, 0.332185f, 0.332167f, 0.33215f, 0.332132f, 0.332115f, 0.332097f, 0.33208f, 0.332062f, 0.332044f, 0.332027f, 0.332009f, 0.331992f, 0.331974f, 0.331956f, 0.331939f, 0.331921f,
-0.331904f, 0.331886f, 0.331869f, 0.331851f, 0.331833f, 0.331816f, 0.331798f, 0.331781f, 0.331763f, 0.331745f, 0.331728f, 0.33171f, 0.331693f, 0.331675f, 0.331658f, 0.33164f, 0.331622f, 0.331605f, 0.331587f, 0.33157f,
-0.331552f, 0.331535f, 0.331517f, 0.331499f, 0.331482f, 0.331464f, 0.331447f, 0.331429f, 0.331412f, 0.331394f, 0.331376f, 0.331359f, 0.331341f, 0.331324f, 0.331306f, 0.331289f, 0.331271f, 0.331254f, 0.331236f, 0.331218f,
-0.331201f, 0.331183f, 0.331166f, 0.331148f, 0.331131f, 0.331113f, 0.331095f, 0.331078f, 0.33106f, 0.331043f, 0.331025f, 0.331008f, 0.33099f, 0.330973f, 0.330955f, 0.330937f, 0.33092f, 0.330902f, 0.330885f, 0.330867f,
-0.33085f, 0.330832f, 0.330815f, 0.330797f, 0.330779f, 0.330762f, 0.330744f, 0.330727f, 0.330709f, 0.330692f, 0.330674f, 0.330657f, 0.330639f, 0.330621f, 0.330604f, 0.330586f, 0.330569f, 0.330551f, 0.330534f, 0.330516f,
-0.330499f, 0.330481f, 0.330464f, 0.330446f, 0.330428f, 0.330411f, 0.330393f, 0.330376f, 0.330358f, 0.330341f, 0.330323f, 0.330306f, 0.330288f, 0.330271f, 0.330253f, 0.330236f, 0.330218f, 0.3302f, 0.330183f, 0.330165f,
-0.330148f, 0.33013f, 0.330113f, 0.330095f, 0.330078f, 0.33006f, 0.330043f, 0.330025f, 0.330008f, 0.32999f, 0.329973f, 0.329955f, 0.329937f, 0.32992f, 0.329902f, 0.329885f, 0.329867f, 0.32985f, 0.329832f, 0.329815f,
-0.329797f, 0.32978f, 0.329762f, 0.329745f, 0.329727f, 0.32971f, 0.329692f, 0.329675f, 0.329657f, 0.32964f, 0.329622f, 0.329605f, 0.329587f, 0.329569f, 0.329552f, 0.329534f, 0.329517f, 0.329499f, 0.329482f, 0.329464f,
-0.329447f, 0.329429f, 0.329412f, 0.329394f, 0.329377f, 0.329359f, 0.329342f, 0.329324f, 0.329307f, 0.329289f, 0.329272f, 0.329254f, 0.329237f, 0.329219f, 0.329202f, 0.329184f, 0.329167f, 0.329149f, 0.329132f, 0.329114f,
-0.329097f, 0.329079f, 0.329062f, 0.329044f, 0.329027f, 0.329009f, 0.328992f, 0.328974f, 0.328957f, 0.328939f, 0.328922f, 0.328904f, 0.328887f, 0.328869f, 0.328852f, 0.328834f, 0.328817f, 0.328799f, 0.328782f, 0.328764f,
-0.328747f, 0.328729f, 0.328712f, 0.328694f, 0.328677f, 0.328659f, 0.328642f, 0.328624f, 0.328607f, 0.328589f, 0.328572f, 0.328554f, 0.328537f, 0.328519f, 0.328502f, 0.328484f, 0.328467f, 0.328449f, 0.328432f, 0.328414f,
-0.328397f, 0.328379f, 0.328362f, 0.328344f, 0.328327f, 0.328309f, 0.328292f, 0.328274f, 0.328257f, 0.328239f, 0.328222f, 0.328204f, 0.328187f, 0.328169f, 0.328152f, 0.328134f, 0.328117f, 0.328099f, 0.328082f, 0.328065f,
-0.328047f, 0.32803f, 0.328012f, 0.327995f, 0.327977f, 0.32796f, 0.327942f, 0.327925f, 0.327907f, 0.32789f, 0.327872f, 0.327855f, 0.327837f, 0.32782f, 0.327802f, 0.327785f, 0.327767f, 0.32775f, 0.327732f, 0.327715f,
-0.327698f, 0.32768f, 0.327663f, 0.327645f, 0.327628f, 0.32761f, 0.327593f, 0.327575f, 0.327558f, 0.32754f, 0.327523f, 0.327505f, 0.327488f, 0.32747f, 0.327453f, 0.327436f, 0.327418f, 0.327401f, 0.327383f, 0.327366f,
-0.327348f, 0.327331f, 0.327313f, 0.327296f, 0.327278f, 0.327261f, 0.327243f, 0.327226f, 0.327209f, 0.327191f, 0.327174f, 0.327156f, 0.327139f, 0.327121f, 0.327104f, 0.327086f, 0.327069f, 0.327051f, 0.327034f, 0.327017f,
-0.326999f, 0.326982f, 0.326964f, 0.326947f, 0.326929f, 0.326912f, 0.326894f, 0.326877f, 0.32686f, 0.326842f, 0.326825f, 0.326807f, 0.32679f, 0.326772f, 0.326755f, 0.326737f, 0.32672f, 0.326703f, 0.326685f, 0.326668f,
-0.32665f, 0.326633f, 0.326615f, 0.326598f, 0.32658f, 0.326563f, 0.326546f, 0.326528f, 0.326511f, 0.326493f, 0.326476f, 0.326458f, 0.326441f, 0.326423f, 0.326406f, 0.326389f, 0.326371f, 0.326354f, 0.326336f, 0.326319f,
-0.326301f, 0.326284f, 0.326267f, 0.326249f, 0.326232f, 0.326214f, 0.326197f, 0.326179f, 0.326162f, 0.326145f, 0.326127f, 0.32611f, 0.326092f, 0.326075f, 0.326057f, 0.32604f, 0.326023f, 0.326005f, 0.325988f, 0.32597f,
-0.325953f, 0.325935f, 0.325918f, 0.325901f, 0.325883f, 0.325866f, 0.325848f, 0.325831f, 0.325814f, 0.325796f, 0.325779f, 0.325761f, 0.325744f, 0.325726f, 0.325709f, 0.325692f, 0.325674f, 0.325657f, 0.325639f, 0.325622f,
-0.325605f, 0.325587f, 0.32557f, 0.325552f, 0.325535f, 0.325517f, 0.3255f, 0.325483f, 0.325465f, 0.325448f, 0.32543f, 0.325413f, 0.325396f, 0.325378f, 0.325361f, 0.325343f, 0.325326f, 0.325309f, 0.325291f, 0.325274f,
-0.325256f, 0.325239f, 0.325222f, 0.325204f, 0.325187f, 0.325169f, 0.325152f, 0.325135f, 0.325117f, 0.3251f, 0.325082f, 0.325065f, 0.325048f, 0.32503f, 0.325013f, 0.324995f, 0.324978f, 0.324961f, 0.324943f, 0.324926f,
-0.324908f, 0.324891f, 0.324874f, 0.324856f, 0.324839f, 0.324821f, 0.324804f, 0.324787f, 0.324769f, 0.324752f, 0.324734f, 0.324717f, 0.3247f, 0.324682f, 0.324665f, 0.324647f, 0.32463f, 0.324613f, 0.324595f, 0.324578f,
-0.324561f, 0.324543f, 0.324526f, 0.324508f, 0.324491f, 0.324474f, 0.324456f, 0.324439f, 0.324421f, 0.324404f, 0.324387f, 0.324369f, 0.324352f, 0.324335f, 0.324317f, 0.3243f, 0.324282f, 0.324265f, 0.324248f, 0.32423f,
-0.324213f, 0.324196f, 0.324178f, 0.324161f, 0.324143f, 0.324126f, 0.324109f, 0.324091f, 0.324074f, 0.324057f, 0.324039f, 0.324022f, 0.324004f, 0.323987f, 0.32397f, 0.323952f, 0.323935f, 0.323918f, 0.3239f, 0.323883f,
-0.323865f, 0.323848f, 0.323831f, 0.323813f, 0.323796f, 0.323779f, 0.323761f, 0.323744f, 0.323727f, 0.323709f, 0.323692f, 0.323674f, 0.323657f, 0.32364f, 0.323622f, 0.323605f, 0.323588f, 0.32357f, 0.323553f, 0.323536f,
-0.323518f, 0.323501f, 0.323484f, 0.323466f, 0.323449f, 0.323431f, 0.323414f, 0.323397f, 0.323379f, 0.323362f, 0.323345f, 0.323327f, 0.32331f, 0.323293f, 0.323275f, 0.323258f, 0.323241f, 0.323223f, 0.323206f, 0.323189f,
-0.323171f, 0.323154f, 0.323136f, 0.323119f, 0.323102f, 0.323084f, 0.323067f, 0.32305f, 0.323032f, 0.323015f, 0.322998f, 0.32298f, 0.322963f, 0.322946f, 0.322928f, 0.322911f, 0.322894f, 0.322876f, 0.322859f, 0.322842f,
-0.322824f, 0.322807f, 0.32279f, 0.322772f, 0.322755f, 0.322738f, 0.32272f, 0.322703f, 0.322686f, 0.322668f, 0.322651f, 0.322634f, 0.322616f, 0.322599f, 0.322582f, 0.322564f, 0.322547f, 0.32253f, 0.322512f, 0.322495f,
-0.322478f, 0.32246f, 0.322443f, 0.322426f, 0.322408f, 0.322391f, 0.322374f, 0.322356f, 0.322339f, 0.322322f, 0.322304f, 0.322287f, 0.32227f, 0.322252f, 0.322235f, 0.322218f, 0.3222f, 0.322183f, 0.322166f, 0.322148f,
-0.322131f, 0.322114f, 0.322096f, 0.322079f, 0.322062f, 0.322044f, 0.322027f, 0.32201f, 0.321993f, 0.321975f, 0.321958f, 0.321941f, 0.321923f, 0.321906f, 0.321889f, 0.321871f, 0.321854f, 0.321837f, 0.321819f, 0.321802f,
-0.321785f, 0.321767f, 0.32175f, 0.321733f, 0.321716f, 0.321698f, 0.321681f, 0.321664f, 0.321646f, 0.321629f, 0.321612f, 0.321594f, 0.321577f, 0.32156f, 0.321542f, 0.321525f, 0.321508f, 0.321491f, 0.321473f, 0.321456f,
-0.321439f, 0.321421f, 0.321404f, 0.321387f, 0.321369f, 0.321352f, 0.321335f, 0.321318f, 0.3213f, 0.321283f, 0.321266f, 0.321248f, 0.321231f, 0.321214f, 0.321196f, 0.321179f, 0.321162f, 0.321145f, 0.321127f, 0.32111f,
-0.321093f, 0.321075f, 0.321058f, 0.321041f, 0.321023f, 0.321006f, 0.320989f, 0.320972f, 0.320954f, 0.320937f, 0.32092f, 0.320902f, 0.320885f, 0.320868f, 0.320851f, 0.320833f, 0.320816f, 0.320799f, 0.320781f, 0.320764f,
-0.320747f, 0.32073f, 0.320712f, 0.320695f, 0.320678f, 0.32066f, 0.320643f, 0.320626f, 0.320609f, 0.320591f, 0.320574f, 0.320557f, 0.32054f, 0.320522f, 0.320505f, 0.320488f, 0.32047f, 0.320453f, 0.320436f, 0.320419f,
-0.320401f, 0.320384f, 0.320367f, 0.32035f, 0.320332f, 0.320315f, 0.320298f, 0.32028f, 0.320263f, 0.320246f, 0.320229f, 0.320211f, 0.320194f, 0.320177f, 0.32016f, 0.320142f, 0.320125f, 0.320108f, 0.32009f, 0.320073f,
-0.320056f, 0.320039f, 0.320021f, 0.320004f, 0.319987f, 0.31997f, 0.319952f, 0.319935f, 0.319918f, 0.319901f, 0.319883f, 0.319866f, 0.319849f, 0.319832f, 0.319814f, 0.319797f, 0.31978f, 0.319763f, 0.319745f, 0.319728f,
-0.319711f, 0.319693f, 0.319676f, 0.319659f, 0.319642f, 0.319624f, 0.319607f, 0.31959f, 0.319573f, 0.319555f, 0.319538f, 0.319521f, 0.319504f, 0.319486f, 0.319469f, 0.319452f, 0.319435f, 0.319417f, 0.3194f, 0.319383f,
-0.319366f, 0.319348f, 0.319331f, 0.319314f, 0.319297f, 0.319279f, 0.319262f, 0.319245f, 0.319228f, 0.319211f, 0.319193f, 0.319176f, 0.319159f, 0.319142f, 0.319124f, 0.319107f, 0.31909f, 0.319073f, 0.319055f, 0.319038f,
-0.319021f, 0.319004f, 0.318986f, 0.318969f, 0.318952f, 0.318935f, 0.318917f, 0.3189f, 0.318883f, 0.318866f, 0.318849f, 0.318831f, 0.318814f, 0.318797f, 0.31878f, 0.318762f, 0.318745f, 0.318728f, 0.318711f, 0.318693f,
-0.318676f, 0.318659f, 0.318642f, 0.318625f, 0.318607f, 0.31859f, 0.318573f, 0.318556f, 0.318538f, 0.318521f, 0.318504f, 0.318487f, 0.31847f, 0.318452f, 0.318435f, 0.318418f, 0.318401f, 0.318383f, 0.318366f, 0.318349f,
-0.318332f, 0.318315f, 0.318297f, 0.31828f, 0.318263f, 0.318246f, 0.318228f, 0.318211f, 0.318194f, 0.318177f, 0.31816f, 0.318142f, 0.318125f, 0.318108f, 0.318091f, 0.318074f, 0.318056f, 0.318039f, 0.318022f, 0.318005f,
-0.317988f, 0.31797f, 0.317953f, 0.317936f, 0.317919f, 0.317901f, 0.317884f, 0.317867f, 0.31785f, 0.317833f, 0.317815f, 0.317798f, 0.317781f, 0.317764f, 0.317747f, 0.317729f, 0.317712f, 0.317695f, 0.317678f, 0.317661f,
-0.317643f, 0.317626f, 0.317609f, 0.317592f, 0.317575f, 0.317557f, 0.31754f, 0.317523f, 0.317506f, 0.317489f, 0.317471f, 0.317454f, 0.317437f, 0.31742f, 0.317403f, 0.317385f, 0.317368f, 0.317351f, 0.317334f, 0.317317f,
-0.3173f, 0.317282f, 0.317265f, 0.317248f, 0.317231f, 0.317214f, 0.317196f, 0.317179f, 0.317162f, 0.317145f, 0.317128f, 0.31711f, 0.317093f, 0.317076f, 0.317059f, 0.317042f, 0.317025f, 0.317007f, 0.31699f, 0.316973f,
-0.316956f, 0.316939f, 0.316921f, 0.316904f, 0.316887f, 0.31687f, 0.316853f, 0.316836f, 0.316818f, 0.316801f, 0.316784f, 0.316767f, 0.31675f, 0.316732f, 0.316715f, 0.316698f, 0.316681f, 0.316664f, 0.316647f, 0.316629f,
-0.316612f, 0.316595f, 0.316578f, 0.316561f, 0.316544f, 0.316526f, 0.316509f, 0.316492f, 0.316475f, 0.316458f, 0.316441f, 0.316423f, 0.316406f, 0.316389f, 0.316372f, 0.316355f, 0.316338f, 0.31632f, 0.316303f, 0.316286f,
-0.316269f, 0.316252f, 0.316235f, 0.316217f, 0.3162f, 0.316183f, 0.316166f, 0.316149f, 0.316132f, 0.316114f, 0.316097f, 0.31608f, 0.316063f, 0.316046f, 0.316029f, 0.316012f, 0.315994f, 0.315977f, 0.31596f, 0.315943f,
-0.315926f, 0.315909f, 0.315891f, 0.315874f, 0.315857f, 0.31584f, 0.315823f, 0.315806f, 0.315789f, 0.315771f, 0.315754f, 0.315737f, 0.31572f, 0.315703f, 0.315686f, 0.315669f, 0.315651f, 0.315634f, 0.315617f, 0.3156f,
-0.315583f, 0.315566f, 0.315549f, 0.315531f, 0.315514f, 0.315497f, 0.31548f, 0.315463f, 0.315446f, 0.315429f, 0.315411f, 0.315394f, 0.315377f, 0.31536f, 0.315343f, 0.315326f, 0.315309f, 0.315291f, 0.315274f, 0.315257f,
-0.31524f, 0.315223f, 0.315206f, 0.315189f, 0.315171f, 0.315154f, 0.315137f, 0.31512f, 0.315103f, 0.315086f, 0.315069f, 0.315052f, 0.315034f, 0.315017f, 0.315f, 0.314983f, 0.314966f, 0.314949f, 0.314932f, 0.314915f,
-0.314897f, 0.31488f, 0.314863f, 0.314846f, 0.314829f, 0.314812f, 0.314795f, 0.314778f, 0.31476f, 0.314743f, 0.314726f, 0.314709f, 0.314692f, 0.314675f, 0.314658f, 0.314641f, 0.314623f, 0.314606f, 0.314589f, 0.314572f,
-0.314555f, 0.314538f, 0.314521f, 0.314504f, 0.314487f, 0.314469f, 0.314452f, 0.314435f, 0.314418f, 0.314401f, 0.314384f, 0.314367f, 0.31435f, 0.314333f, 0.314315f, 0.314298f, 0.314281f, 0.314264f, 0.314247f, 0.31423f,
-0.314213f, 0.314196f, 0.314179f, 0.314161f, 0.314144f, 0.314127f, 0.31411f, 0.314093f, 0.314076f, 0.314059f, 0.314042f, 0.314025f, 0.314008f, 0.31399f, 0.313973f, 0.313956f, 0.313939f, 0.313922f, 0.313905f, 0.313888f,
-0.313871f, 0.313854f, 0.313837f, 0.313819f, 0.313802f, 0.313785f, 0.313768f, 0.313751f, 0.313734f, 0.313717f, 0.3137f, 0.313683f, 0.313666f, 0.313649f, 0.313631f, 0.313614f, 0.313597f, 0.31358f, 0.313563f, 0.313546f,
-0.313529f, 0.313512f, 0.313495f, 0.313478f, 0.313461f, 0.313443f, 0.313426f, 0.313409f, 0.313392f, 0.313375f, 0.313358f, 0.313341f, 0.313324f, 0.313307f, 0.31329f, 0.313273f, 0.313256f, 0.313238f, 0.313221f, 0.313204f,
-0.313187f, 0.31317f, 0.313153f, 0.313136f, 0.313119f, 0.313102f, 0.313085f, 0.313068f, 0.313051f, 0.313034f, 0.313016f, 0.312999f, 0.312982f, 0.312965f, 0.312948f, 0.312931f, 0.312914f, 0.312897f, 0.31288f, 0.312863f,
-0.312846f, 0.312829f, 0.312812f, 0.312795f, 0.312777f, 0.31276f, 0.312743f, 0.312726f, 0.312709f, 0.312692f, 0.312675f, 0.312658f, 0.312641f, 0.312624f, 0.312607f, 0.31259f, 0.312573f, 0.312556f, 0.312539f, 0.312522f,
-0.312504f, 0.312487f, 0.31247f, 0.312453f, 0.312436f, 0.312419f, 0.312402f, 0.312385f, 0.312368f, 0.312351f, 0.312334f, 0.312317f, 0.3123f, 0.312283f, 0.312266f, 0.312249f, 0.312232f, 0.312215f, 0.312197f, 0.31218f,
-0.312163f, 0.312146f, 0.312129f, 0.312112f, 0.312095f, 0.312078f, 0.312061f, 0.312044f, 0.312027f, 0.31201f, 0.311993f, 0.311976f, 0.311959f, 0.311942f, 0.311925f, 0.311908f, 0.311891f, 0.311874f, 0.311857f, 0.311839f,
-0.311822f, 0.311805f, 0.311788f, 0.311771f, 0.311754f, 0.311737f, 0.31172f, 0.311703f, 0.311686f, 0.311669f, 0.311652f, 0.311635f, 0.311618f, 0.311601f, 0.311584f, 0.311567f, 0.31155f, 0.311533f, 0.311516f, 0.311499f,
-0.311482f, 0.311465f, 0.311448f, 0.311431f, 0.311414f, 0.311397f, 0.31138f, 0.311363f, 0.311345f, 0.311328f, 0.311311f, 0.311294f, 0.311277f, 0.31126f, 0.311243f, 0.311226f, 0.311209f, 0.311192f, 0.311175f, 0.311158f,
-0.311141f, 0.311124f, 0.311107f, 0.31109f, 0.311073f, 0.311056f, 0.311039f, 0.311022f, 0.311005f, 0.310988f, 0.310971f, 0.310954f, 0.310937f, 0.31092f, 0.310903f, 0.310886f, 0.310869f, 0.310852f, 0.310835f, 0.310818f,
-0.310801f, 0.310784f, 0.310767f, 0.31075f, 0.310733f, 0.310716f, 0.310699f, 0.310682f, 0.310665f, 0.310648f, 0.310631f, 0.310614f, 0.310597f, 0.31058f, 0.310563f, 0.310546f, 0.310529f, 0.310512f, 0.310495f, 0.310478f,
-0.310461f, 0.310444f, 0.310427f, 0.31041f, 0.310393f, 0.310376f, 0.310359f, 0.310342f, 0.310325f, 0.310308f, 0.310291f, 0.310274f, 0.310257f, 0.31024f, 0.310223f, 0.310206f, 0.310189f, 0.310172f, 0.310155f, 0.310138f,
-0.310121f, 0.310104f, 0.310087f, 0.31007f, 0.310053f, 0.310036f, 0.310019f, 0.310002f, 0.309985f, 0.309968f, 0.309951f, 0.309934f, 0.309917f, 0.3099f, 0.309883f, 0.309866f, 0.309849f, 0.309832f, 0.309815f, 0.309798f,
-0.309781f, 0.309764f, 0.309747f, 0.30973f, 0.309713f, 0.309696f, 0.309679f, 0.309662f, 0.309645f, 0.309628f, 0.309611f, 0.309594f, 0.309577f, 0.30956f, 0.309543f, 0.309526f, 0.309509f, 0.309492f, 0.309475f, 0.309458f,
-0.309441f, 0.309424f, 0.309407f, 0.30939f, 0.309373f, 0.309356f, 0.309339f, 0.309322f, 0.309305f, 0.309288f, 0.309271f, 0.309255f, 0.309238f, 0.309221f, 0.309204f, 0.309187f, 0.30917f, 0.309153f, 0.309136f, 0.309119f,
-0.309102f, 0.309085f, 0.309068f, 0.309051f, 0.309034f, 0.309017f, 0.309f, 0.308983f, 0.308966f, 0.308949f, 0.308932f, 0.308915f, 0.308898f, 0.308881f, 0.308864f, 0.308847f, 0.30883f, 0.308813f, 0.308796f, 0.30878f,
-0.308763f, 0.308746f, 0.308729f, 0.308712f, 0.308695f, 0.308678f, 0.308661f, 0.308644f, 0.308627f, 0.30861f, 0.308593f, 0.308576f, 0.308559f, 0.308542f, 0.308525f, 0.308508f, 0.308491f, 0.308474f, 0.308457f, 0.30844f,
-0.308423f, 0.308407f, 0.30839f, 0.308373f, 0.308356f, 0.308339f, 0.308322f, 0.308305f, 0.308288f, 0.308271f, 0.308254f, 0.308237f, 0.30822f, 0.308203f, 0.308186f, 0.308169f, 0.308152f, 0.308135f, 0.308119f, 0.308102f,
-0.308085f, 0.308068f, 0.308051f, 0.308034f, 0.308017f, 0.308f, 0.307983f, 0.307966f, 0.307949f, 0.307932f, 0.307915f, 0.307898f, 0.307881f, 0.307864f, 0.307848f, 0.307831f, 0.307814f, 0.307797f, 0.30778f, 0.307763f,
-0.307746f, 0.307729f, 0.307712f, 0.307695f, 0.307678f, 0.307661f, 0.307644f, 0.307627f, 0.307611f, 0.307594f, 0.307577f, 0.30756f, 0.307543f, 0.307526f, 0.307509f, 0.307492f, 0.307475f, 0.307458f, 0.307441f, 0.307424f,
-0.307407f, 0.307391f, 0.307374f, 0.307357f, 0.30734f, 0.307323f, 0.307306f, 0.307289f, 0.307272f, 0.307255f, 0.307238f, 0.307221f, 0.307204f, 0.307188f, 0.307171f, 0.307154f, 0.307137f, 0.30712f, 0.307103f, 0.307086f,
-0.307069f, 0.307052f, 0.307035f, 0.307018f, 0.307001f, 0.306985f, 0.306968f, 0.306951f, 0.306934f, 0.306917f, 0.3069f, 0.306883f, 0.306866f, 0.306849f, 0.306832f, 0.306816f, 0.306799f, 0.306782f, 0.306765f, 0.306748f,
-0.306731f, 0.306714f, 0.306697f, 0.30668f, 0.306663f, 0.306646f, 0.30663f, 0.306613f, 0.306596f, 0.306579f, 0.306562f, 0.306545f, 0.306528f, 0.306511f, 0.306494f, 0.306478f, 0.306461f, 0.306444f, 0.306427f, 0.30641f,
-0.306393f, 0.306376f, 0.306359f, 0.306342f, 0.306325f, 0.306309f, 0.306292f, 0.306275f, 0.306258f, 0.306241f, 0.306224f, 0.306207f, 0.30619f, 0.306173f, 0.306157f, 0.30614f, 0.306123f, 0.306106f, 0.306089f, 0.306072f,
-0.306055f, 0.306038f, 0.306022f, 0.306005f, 0.305988f, 0.305971f, 0.305954f, 0.305937f, 0.30592f, 0.305903f, 0.305887f, 0.30587f, 0.305853f, 0.305836f, 0.305819f, 0.305802f, 0.305785f, 0.305768f, 0.305751f, 0.305735f,
-0.305718f, 0.305701f, 0.305684f, 0.305667f, 0.30565f, 0.305633f, 0.305617f, 0.3056f, 0.305583f, 0.305566f, 0.305549f, 0.305532f, 0.305515f, 0.305498f, 0.305482f, 0.305465f, 0.305448f, 0.305431f, 0.305414f, 0.305397f,
-0.30538f, 0.305363f, 0.305347f, 0.30533f, 0.305313f, 0.305296f, 0.305279f, 0.305262f, 0.305245f, 0.305229f, 0.305212f, 0.305195f, 0.305178f, 0.305161f, 0.305144f, 0.305127f, 0.305111f, 0.305094f, 0.305077f, 0.30506f,
-0.305043f, 0.305026f, 0.305009f, 0.304993f, 0.304976f, 0.304959f, 0.304942f, 0.304925f, 0.304908f, 0.304891f, 0.304875f, 0.304858f, 0.304841f, 0.304824f, 0.304807f, 0.30479f, 0.304774f, 0.304757f, 0.30474f, 0.304723f,
-0.304706f, 0.304689f, 0.304672f, 0.304656f, 0.304639f, 0.304622f, 0.304605f, 0.304588f, 0.304571f, 0.304555f, 0.304538f, 0.304521f, 0.304504f, 0.304487f, 0.30447f, 0.304454f, 0.304437f, 0.30442f, 0.304403f, 0.304386f,
-0.304369f, 0.304352f, 0.304336f, 0.304319f, 0.304302f, 0.304285f, 0.304268f, 0.304251f, 0.304235f, 0.304218f, 0.304201f, 0.304184f, 0.304167f, 0.30415f, 0.304134f, 0.304117f, 0.3041f, 0.304083f, 0.304066f, 0.30405f,
-0.304033f, 0.304016f, 0.303999f, 0.303982f, 0.303965f, 0.303949f, 0.303932f, 0.303915f, 0.303898f, 0.303881f, 0.303864f, 0.303848f, 0.303831f, 0.303814f, 0.303797f, 0.30378f, 0.303764f, 0.303747f, 0.30373f, 0.303713f,
-0.303696f, 0.303679f, 0.303663f, 0.303646f, 0.303629f, 0.303612f, 0.303595f, 0.303579f, 0.303562f, 0.303545f, 0.303528f, 0.303511f, 0.303494f, 0.303478f, 0.303461f, 0.303444f, 0.303427f, 0.30341f, 0.303394f, 0.303377f,
-0.30336f, 0.303343f, 0.303326f, 0.30331f, 0.303293f, 0.303276f, 0.303259f, 0.303242f, 0.303226f, 0.303209f, 0.303192f, 0.303175f, 0.303158f, 0.303142f, 0.303125f, 0.303108f, 0.303091f, 0.303074f, 0.303058f, 0.303041f,
-0.303024f, 0.303007f, 0.30299f, 0.302974f, 0.302957f, 0.30294f, 0.302923f, 0.302906f, 0.30289f, 0.302873f, 0.302856f, 0.302839f, 0.302822f, 0.302806f, 0.302789f, 0.302772f, 0.302755f, 0.302738f, 0.302722f, 0.302705f,
-0.302688f, 0.302671f, 0.302654f, 0.302638f, 0.302621f, 0.302604f, 0.302587f, 0.30257f, 0.302554f, 0.302537f, 0.30252f, 0.302503f, 0.302487f, 0.30247f, 0.302453f, 0.302436f, 0.302419f, 0.302403f, 0.302386f, 0.302369f,
-0.302352f, 0.302336f, 0.302319f, 0.302302f, 0.302285f, 0.302268f, 0.302252f, 0.302235f, 0.302218f, 0.302201f, 0.302185f, 0.302168f, 0.302151f, 0.302134f, 0.302117f, 0.302101f, 0.302084f, 0.302067f, 0.30205f, 0.302034f,
-0.302017f, 0.302f, 0.301983f, 0.301966f, 0.30195f, 0.301933f, 0.301916f, 0.301899f, 0.301883f, 0.301866f, 0.301849f, 0.301832f, 0.301816f, 0.301799f, 0.301782f, 0.301765f, 0.301749f, 0.301732f, 0.301715f, 0.301698f,
-0.301681f, 0.301665f, 0.301648f, 0.301631f, 0.301614f, 0.301598f, 0.301581f, 0.301564f, 0.301547f, 0.301531f, 0.301514f, 0.301497f, 0.30148f, 0.301464f, 0.301447f, 0.30143f, 0.301413f, 0.301397f, 0.30138f, 0.301363f,
-0.301346f, 0.30133f, 0.301313f, 0.301296f, 0.301279f, 0.301263f, 0.301246f, 0.301229f, 0.301212f, 0.301196f, 0.301179f, 0.301162f, 0.301145f, 0.301129f, 0.301112f, 0.301095f, 0.301078f, 0.301062f, 0.301045f, 0.301028f,
-0.301011f, 0.300995f, 0.300978f, 0.300961f, 0.300944f, 0.300928f, 0.300911f, 0.300894f, 0.300877f, 0.300861f, 0.300844f, 0.300827f, 0.30081f, 0.300794f, 0.300777f, 0.30076f, 0.300744f, 0.300727f, 0.30071f, 0.300693f,
-0.300677f, 0.30066f, 0.300643f, 0.300626f, 0.30061f, 0.300593f, 0.300576f, 0.300559f, 0.300543f, 0.300526f, 0.300509f, 0.300493f, 0.300476f, 0.300459f, 0.300442f, 0.300426f, 0.300409f, 0.300392f, 0.300375f, 0.300359f,
-0.300342f, 0.300325f, 0.300309f, 0.300292f, 0.300275f, 0.300258f, 0.300242f, 0.300225f, 0.300208f, 0.300191f, 0.300175f, 0.300158f, 0.300141f, 0.300125f, 0.300108f, 0.300091f, 0.300074f, 0.300058f, 0.300041f, 0.300024f,
-0.300008f, 0.299991f, 0.299974f, 0.299957f, 0.299941f, 0.299924f, 0.299907f, 0.299891f, 0.299874f, 0.299857f, 0.29984f, 0.299824f, 0.299807f, 0.29979f, 0.299774f, 0.299757f, 0.29974f, 0.299724f, 0.299707f, 0.29969f,
-0.299673f, 0.299657f, 0.29964f, 0.299623f, 0.299607f, 0.29959f, 0.299573f, 0.299556f, 0.29954f, 0.299523f, 0.299506f, 0.29949f, 0.299473f, 0.299456f, 0.29944f, 0.299423f, 0.299406f, 0.299389f, 0.299373f, 0.299356f,
-0.299339f, 0.299323f, 0.299306f, 0.299289f, 0.299273f, 0.299256f, 0.299239f, 0.299222f, 0.299206f, 0.299189f, 0.299172f, 0.299156f, 0.299139f, 0.299122f, 0.299106f, 0.299089f, 0.299072f, 0.299056f, 0.299039f, 0.299022f,
-0.299006f, 0.298989f, 0.298972f, 0.298955f, 0.298939f, 0.298922f, 0.298905f, 0.298889f, 0.298872f, 0.298855f, 0.298839f, 0.298822f, 0.298805f, 0.298789f, 0.298772f, 0.298755f, 0.298739f, 0.298722f, 0.298705f, 0.298689f,
-0.298672f, 0.298655f, 0.298639f, 0.298622f, 0.298605f, 0.298588f, 0.298572f, 0.298555f, 0.298538f, 0.298522f, 0.298505f, 0.298488f, 0.298472f, 0.298455f, 0.298438f, 0.298422f, 0.298405f, 0.298388f, 0.298372f, 0.298355f,
-0.298338f, 0.298322f, 0.298305f, 0.298288f, 0.298272f, 0.298255f, 0.298238f, 0.298222f, 0.298205f, 0.298188f, 0.298172f, 0.298155f, 0.298138f, 0.298122f, 0.298105f, 0.298088f, 0.298072f, 0.298055f, 0.298038f, 0.298022f,
-0.298005f, 0.297988f, 0.297972f, 0.297955f, 0.297938f, 0.297922f, 0.297905f, 0.297888f, 0.297872f, 0.297855f, 0.297839f, 0.297822f, 0.297805f, 0.297789f, 0.297772f, 0.297755f, 0.297739f, 0.297722f, 0.297705f, 0.297689f,
-0.297672f, 0.297655f, 0.297639f, 0.297622f, 0.297605f, 0.297589f, 0.297572f, 0.297555f, 0.297539f, 0.297522f, 0.297506f, 0.297489f, 0.297472f, 0.297456f, 0.297439f, 0.297422f, 0.297406f, 0.297389f, 0.297372f, 0.297356f,
-0.297339f, 0.297322f, 0.297306f, 0.297289f, 0.297273f, 0.297256f, 0.297239f, 0.297223f, 0.297206f, 0.297189f, 0.297173f, 0.297156f, 0.297139f, 0.297123f, 0.297106f, 0.29709f, 0.297073f, 0.297056f, 0.29704f, 0.297023f,
-0.297006f, 0.29699f, 0.296973f, 0.296956f, 0.29694f, 0.296923f, 0.296907f, 0.29689f, 0.296873f, 0.296857f, 0.29684f, 0.296823f, 0.296807f, 0.29679f, 0.296774f, 0.296757f, 0.29674f, 0.296724f, 0.296707f, 0.29669f,
-0.296674f, 0.296657f, 0.296641f, 0.296624f, 0.296607f, 0.296591f, 0.296574f, 0.296557f, 0.296541f, 0.296524f, 0.296508f, 0.296491f, 0.296474f, 0.296458f, 0.296441f, 0.296425f, 0.296408f, 0.296391f, 0.296375f, 0.296358f,
-0.296341f, 0.296325f, 0.296308f, 0.296292f, 0.296275f, 0.296258f, 0.296242f, 0.296225f, 0.296209f, 0.296192f, 0.296175f, 0.296159f, 0.296142f, 0.296126f, 0.296109f, 0.296092f, 0.296076f, 0.296059f, 0.296043f, 0.296026f,
-0.296009f, 0.295993f, 0.295976f, 0.29596f, 0.295943f, 0.295926f, 0.29591f, 0.295893f, 0.295877f, 0.29586f, 0.295843f, 0.295827f, 0.29581f, 0.295794f, 0.295777f, 0.29576f, 0.295744f, 0.295727f, 0.295711f, 0.295694f,
-0.295677f, 0.295661f, 0.295644f, 0.295628f, 0.295611f, 0.295594f, 0.295578f, 0.295561f, 0.295545f, 0.295528f, 0.295511f, 0.295495f, 0.295478f, 0.295462f, 0.295445f, 0.295428f, 0.295412f, 0.295395f, 0.295379f, 0.295362f,
-0.295346f, 0.295329f, 0.295312f, 0.295296f, 0.295279f, 0.295263f, 0.295246f, 0.295229f, 0.295213f, 0.295196f, 0.29518f, 0.295163f, 0.295147f, 0.29513f, 0.295113f, 0.295097f, 0.29508f, 0.295064f, 0.295047f, 0.295031f,
-0.295014f, 0.294997f, 0.294981f, 0.294964f, 0.294948f, 0.294931f, 0.294914f, 0.294898f, 0.294881f, 0.294865f, 0.294848f, 0.294832f, 0.294815f, 0.294798f, 0.294782f, 0.294765f, 0.294749f, 0.294732f, 0.294716f, 0.294699f,
-0.294683f, 0.294666f, 0.294649f, 0.294633f, 0.294616f, 0.2946f, 0.294583f, 0.294567f, 0.29455f, 0.294533f, 0.294517f, 0.2945f, 0.294484f, 0.294467f, 0.294451f, 0.294434f, 0.294418f, 0.294401f, 0.294384f, 0.294368f,
-0.294351f, 0.294335f, 0.294318f, 0.294302f, 0.294285f, 0.294269f, 0.294252f, 0.294235f, 0.294219f, 0.294202f, 0.294186f, 0.294169f, 0.294153f, 0.294136f, 0.29412f, 0.294103f, 0.294086f, 0.29407f, 0.294053f, 0.294037f,
-0.29402f, 0.294004f, 0.293987f, 0.293971f, 0.293954f, 0.293938f, 0.293921f, 0.293904f, 0.293888f, 0.293871f, 0.293855f, 0.293838f, 0.293822f, 0.293805f, 0.293789f, 0.293772f, 0.293756f, 0.293739f, 0.293722f, 0.293706f,
-0.293689f, 0.293673f, 0.293656f, 0.29364f, 0.293623f, 0.293607f, 0.29359f, 0.293574f, 0.293557f, 0.293541f, 0.293524f, 0.293507f, 0.293491f, 0.293474f, 0.293458f, 0.293441f, 0.293425f, 0.293408f, 0.293392f, 0.293375f,
-0.293359f, 0.293342f, 0.293326f, 0.293309f, 0.293293f, 0.293276f, 0.29326f, 0.293243f, 0.293226f, 0.29321f, 0.293193f, 0.293177f, 0.29316f, 0.293144f, 0.293127f, 0.293111f, 0.293094f, 0.293078f, 0.293061f, 0.293045f,
-0.293028f, 0.293012f, 0.292995f, 0.292979f, 0.292962f, 0.292946f, 0.292929f, 0.292913f, 0.292896f, 0.29288f, 0.292863f, 0.292847f, 0.29283f, 0.292813f, 0.292797f, 0.29278f, 0.292764f, 0.292747f, 0.292731f, 0.292714f,
-0.292698f, 0.292681f, 0.292665f, 0.292648f, 0.292632f, 0.292615f, 0.292599f, 0.292582f, 0.292566f, 0.292549f, 0.292533f, 0.292516f, 0.2925f, 0.292483f, 0.292467f, 0.29245f, 0.292434f, 0.292417f, 0.292401f, 0.292384f,
-0.292368f, 0.292351f, 0.292335f, 0.292318f, 0.292302f, 0.292285f, 0.292269f, 0.292252f, 0.292236f, 0.292219f, 0.292203f, 0.292186f, 0.29217f, 0.292153f, 0.292137f, 0.29212f, 0.292104f, 0.292087f, 0.292071f, 0.292054f,
-0.292038f, 0.292021f, 0.292005f, 0.291988f, 0.291972f, 0.291955f, 0.291939f, 0.291922f, 0.291906f, 0.291889f, 0.291873f, 0.291856f, 0.29184f, 0.291824f, 0.291807f, 0.291791f, 0.291774f, 0.291758f, 0.291741f, 0.291725f,
-0.291708f, 0.291692f, 0.291675f, 0.291659f, 0.291642f, 0.291626f, 0.291609f, 0.291593f, 0.291576f, 0.29156f, 0.291543f, 0.291527f, 0.29151f, 0.291494f, 0.291477f, 0.291461f, 0.291444f, 0.291428f, 0.291412f, 0.291395f,
-0.291379f, 0.291362f, 0.291346f, 0.291329f, 0.291313f, 0.291296f, 0.29128f, 0.291263f, 0.291247f, 0.29123f, 0.291214f, 0.291197f, 0.291181f, 0.291164f, 0.291148f, 0.291132f, 0.291115f, 0.291099f, 0.291082f, 0.291066f,
-0.291049f, 0.291033f, 0.291016f, 0.291f, 0.290983f, 0.290967f, 0.29095f, 0.290934f, 0.290917f, 0.290901f, 0.290885f, 0.290868f, 0.290852f, 0.290835f, 0.290819f, 0.290802f, 0.290786f, 0.290769f, 0.290753f, 0.290736f,
-0.29072f, 0.290704f, 0.290687f, 0.290671f, 0.290654f, 0.290638f, 0.290621f, 0.290605f, 0.290588f, 0.290572f, 0.290555f, 0.290539f, 0.290523f, 0.290506f, 0.29049f, 0.290473f, 0.290457f, 0.29044f, 0.290424f, 0.290407f,
-0.290391f, 0.290375f, 0.290358f, 0.290342f, 0.290325f, 0.290309f, 0.290292f, 0.290276f, 0.290259f, 0.290243f, 0.290227f, 0.29021f, 0.290194f, 0.290177f, 0.290161f, 0.290144f, 0.290128f, 0.290111f, 0.290095f, 0.290079f,
-0.290062f, 0.290046f, 0.290029f, 0.290013f, 0.289996f, 0.28998f, 0.289964f, 0.289947f, 0.289931f, 0.289914f, 0.289898f, 0.289881f, 0.289865f, 0.289849f, 0.289832f, 0.289816f, 0.289799f, 0.289783f, 0.289766f, 0.28975f,
-0.289734f, 0.289717f, 0.289701f, 0.289684f, 0.289668f, 0.289651f, 0.289635f, 0.289619f, 0.289602f, 0.289586f, 0.289569f, 0.289553f, 0.289536f, 0.28952f, 0.289504f, 0.289487f, 0.289471f, 0.289454f, 0.289438f, 0.289422f,
-0.289405f, 0.289389f, 0.289372f, 0.289356f, 0.289339f, 0.289323f, 0.289307f, 0.28929f, 0.289274f, 0.289257f, 0.289241f, 0.289225f, 0.289208f, 0.289192f, 0.289175f, 0.289159f, 0.289143f, 0.289126f, 0.28911f, 0.289093f,
-0.289077f, 0.28906f, 0.289044f, 0.289028f, 0.289011f, 0.288995f, 0.288978f, 0.288962f, 0.288946f, 0.288929f, 0.288913f, 0.288896f, 0.28888f, 0.288864f, 0.288847f, 0.288831f, 0.288814f, 0.288798f, 0.288782f, 0.288765f,
-0.288749f, 0.288732f, 0.288716f, 0.2887f, 0.288683f, 0.288667f, 0.28865f, 0.288634f, 0.288618f, 0.288601f, 0.288585f, 0.288568f, 0.288552f, 0.288536f, 0.288519f, 0.288503f, 0.288486f, 0.28847f, 0.288454f, 0.288437f,
-0.288421f, 0.288405f, 0.288388f, 0.288372f, 0.288355f, 0.288339f, 0.288323f, 0.288306f, 0.28829f, 0.288273f, 0.288257f, 0.288241f, 0.288224f, 0.288208f, 0.288192f, 0.288175f, 0.288159f, 0.288142f, 0.288126f, 0.28811f,
-0.288093f, 0.288077f, 0.28806f, 0.288044f, 0.288028f, 0.288011f, 0.287995f, 0.287979f, 0.287962f, 0.287946f, 0.287929f, 0.287913f, 0.287897f, 0.28788f, 0.287864f, 0.287848f, 0.287831f, 0.287815f, 0.287798f, 0.287782f,
-0.287766f, 0.287749f, 0.287733f, 0.287717f, 0.2877f, 0.287684f, 0.287667f, 0.287651f, 0.287635f, 0.287618f, 0.287602f, 0.287586f, 0.287569f, 0.287553f, 0.287537f, 0.28752f, 0.287504f, 0.287487f, 0.287471f, 0.287455f,
-0.287438f, 0.287422f, 0.287406f, 0.287389f, 0.287373f, 0.287357f, 0.28734f, 0.287324f, 0.287308f, 0.287291f, 0.287275f, 0.287258f, 0.287242f, 0.287226f, 0.287209f, 0.287193f, 0.287177f, 0.28716f, 0.287144f, 0.287128f,
-0.287111f, 0.287095f, 0.287079f, 0.287062f, 0.287046f, 0.28703f, 0.287013f, 0.286997f, 0.28698f, 0.286964f, 0.286948f, 0.286931f, 0.286915f, 0.286899f, 0.286882f, 0.286866f, 0.28685f, 0.286833f, 0.286817f, 0.286801f,
-0.286784f, 0.286768f, 0.286752f, 0.286735f, 0.286719f, 0.286703f, 0.286686f, 0.28667f, 0.286654f, 0.286637f, 0.286621f, 0.286605f, 0.286588f, 0.286572f, 0.286556f, 0.286539f, 0.286523f, 0.286507f, 0.28649f, 0.286474f,
-0.286458f, 0.286441f, 0.286425f, 0.286409f, 0.286392f, 0.286376f, 0.28636f, 0.286343f, 0.286327f, 0.286311f, 0.286294f, 0.286278f, 0.286262f, 0.286245f, 0.286229f, 0.286213f, 0.286196f, 0.28618f, 0.286164f, 0.286147f,
-0.286131f, 0.286115f, 0.286098f, 0.286082f, 0.286066f, 0.286049f, 0.286033f, 0.286017f, 0.286f, 0.285984f, 0.285968f, 0.285951f, 0.285935f, 0.285919f, 0.285902f, 0.285886f, 0.28587f, 0.285854f, 0.285837f, 0.285821f,
-0.285805f, 0.285788f, 0.285772f, 0.285756f, 0.285739f, 0.285723f, 0.285707f, 0.28569f, 0.285674f, 0.285658f, 0.285641f, 0.285625f, 0.285609f, 0.285593f, 0.285576f, 0.28556f, 0.285544f, 0.285527f, 0.285511f, 0.285495f,
-0.285478f, 0.285462f, 0.285446f, 0.285429f, 0.285413f, 0.285397f, 0.285381f, 0.285364f, 0.285348f, 0.285332f, 0.285315f, 0.285299f, 0.285283f, 0.285266f, 0.28525f, 0.285234f, 0.285218f, 0.285201f, 0.285185f, 0.285169f,
-0.285152f, 0.285136f, 0.28512f, 0.285103f, 0.285087f, 0.285071f, 0.285055f, 0.285038f, 0.285022f, 0.285006f, 0.284989f, 0.284973f, 0.284957f, 0.284941f, 0.284924f, 0.284908f, 0.284892f, 0.284875f, 0.284859f, 0.284843f,
-0.284827f, 0.28481f, 0.284794f, 0.284778f, 0.284761f, 0.284745f, 0.284729f, 0.284713f, 0.284696f, 0.28468f, 0.284664f, 0.284647f, 0.284631f, 0.284615f, 0.284599f, 0.284582f, 0.284566f, 0.28455f, 0.284533f, 0.284517f,
-0.284501f, 0.284485f, 0.284468f, 0.284452f, 0.284436f, 0.284419f, 0.284403f, 0.284387f, 0.284371f, 0.284354f, 0.284338f, 0.284322f, 0.284306f, 0.284289f, 0.284273f, 0.284257f, 0.28424f, 0.284224f, 0.284208f, 0.284192f,
-0.284175f, 0.284159f, 0.284143f, 0.284127f, 0.28411f, 0.284094f, 0.284078f, 0.284062f, 0.284045f, 0.284029f, 0.284013f, 0.283996f, 0.28398f, 0.283964f, 0.283948f, 0.283931f, 0.283915f, 0.283899f, 0.283883f, 0.283866f,
-0.28385f, 0.283834f, 0.283818f, 0.283801f, 0.283785f, 0.283769f, 0.283753f, 0.283736f, 0.28372f, 0.283704f, 0.283688f, 0.283671f, 0.283655f, 0.283639f, 0.283623f, 0.283606f, 0.28359f, 0.283574f, 0.283558f, 0.283541f,
-0.283525f, 0.283509f, 0.283493f, 0.283476f, 0.28346f, 0.283444f, 0.283428f, 0.283411f, 0.283395f, 0.283379f, 0.283363f, 0.283346f, 0.28333f, 0.283314f, 0.283298f, 0.283281f, 0.283265f, 0.283249f, 0.283233f, 0.283216f,
-0.2832f, 0.283184f, 0.283168f, 0.283151f, 0.283135f, 0.283119f, 0.283103f, 0.283086f, 0.28307f, 0.283054f, 0.283038f, 0.283022f, 0.283005f, 0.282989f, 0.282973f, 0.282957f, 0.28294f, 0.282924f, 0.282908f, 0.282892f,
-0.282875f, 0.282859f, 0.282843f, 0.282827f, 0.282811f, 0.282794f, 0.282778f, 0.282762f, 0.282746f, 0.282729f, 0.282713f, 0.282697f, 0.282681f, 0.282664f, 0.282648f, 0.282632f, 0.282616f, 0.2826f, 0.282583f, 0.282567f,
-0.282551f, 0.282535f, 0.282518f, 0.282502f, 0.282486f, 0.28247f, 0.282454f, 0.282437f, 0.282421f, 0.282405f, 0.282389f, 0.282372f, 0.282356f, 0.28234f, 0.282324f, 0.282308f, 0.282291f, 0.282275f, 0.282259f, 0.282243f,
-0.282227f, 0.28221f, 0.282194f, 0.282178f, 0.282162f, 0.282146f, 0.282129f, 0.282113f, 0.282097f, 0.282081f, 0.282064f, 0.282048f, 0.282032f, 0.282016f, 0.282f, 0.281983f, 0.281967f, 0.281951f, 0.281935f, 0.281919f,
-0.281902f, 0.281886f, 0.28187f, 0.281854f, 0.281838f, 0.281821f, 0.281805f, 0.281789f, 0.281773f, 0.281757f, 0.28174f, 0.281724f, 0.281708f, 0.281692f, 0.281676f, 0.281659f, 0.281643f, 0.281627f, 0.281611f, 0.281595f,
-0.281578f, 0.281562f, 0.281546f, 0.28153f, 0.281514f, 0.281497f, 0.281481f, 0.281465f, 0.281449f, 0.281433f, 0.281417f, 0.2814f, 0.281384f, 0.281368f, 0.281352f, 0.281336f, 0.281319f, 0.281303f, 0.281287f, 0.281271f,
-0.281255f, 0.281238f, 0.281222f, 0.281206f, 0.28119f, 0.281174f, 0.281158f, 0.281141f, 0.281125f, 0.281109f, 0.281093f, 0.281077f, 0.28106f, 0.281044f, 0.281028f, 0.281012f, 0.280996f, 0.28098f, 0.280963f, 0.280947f,
-0.280931f, 0.280915f, 0.280899f, 0.280883f, 0.280866f, 0.28085f, 0.280834f, 0.280818f, 0.280802f, 0.280785f, 0.280769f, 0.280753f, 0.280737f, 0.280721f, 0.280705f, 0.280688f, 0.280672f, 0.280656f, 0.28064f, 0.280624f,
-0.280608f, 0.280591f, 0.280575f, 0.280559f, 0.280543f, 0.280527f, 0.280511f, 0.280494f, 0.280478f, 0.280462f, 0.280446f, 0.28043f, 0.280414f, 0.280398f, 0.280381f, 0.280365f, 0.280349f, 0.280333f, 0.280317f, 0.280301f,
-0.280284f, 0.280268f, 0.280252f, 0.280236f, 0.28022f, 0.280204f, 0.280187f, 0.280171f, 0.280155f, 0.280139f, 0.280123f, 0.280107f, 0.280091f, 0.280074f, 0.280058f, 0.280042f, 0.280026f, 0.28001f, 0.279994f, 0.279978f,
-0.279961f, 0.279945f, 0.279929f, 0.279913f, 0.279897f, 0.279881f, 0.279865f, 0.279848f, 0.279832f, 0.279816f, 0.2798f, 0.279784f, 0.279768f, 0.279752f, 0.279735f, 0.279719f, 0.279703f, 0.279687f, 0.279671f, 0.279655f,
-0.279639f, 0.279622f, 0.279606f, 0.27959f, 0.279574f, 0.279558f, 0.279542f, 0.279526f, 0.279509f, 0.279493f, 0.279477f, 0.279461f, 0.279445f, 0.279429f, 0.279413f, 0.279397f, 0.27938f, 0.279364f, 0.279348f, 0.279332f,
-0.279316f, 0.2793f, 0.279284f, 0.279267f, 0.279251f, 0.279235f, 0.279219f, 0.279203f, 0.279187f, 0.279171f, 0.279155f, 0.279138f, 0.279122f, 0.279106f, 0.27909f, 0.279074f, 0.279058f, 0.279042f, 0.279026f, 0.27901f,
-0.278993f, 0.278977f, 0.278961f, 0.278945f, 0.278929f, 0.278913f, 0.278897f, 0.278881f, 0.278864f, 0.278848f, 0.278832f, 0.278816f, 0.2788f, 0.278784f, 0.278768f, 0.278752f, 0.278736f, 0.278719f, 0.278703f, 0.278687f,
-0.278671f, 0.278655f, 0.278639f, 0.278623f, 0.278607f, 0.278591f, 0.278574f, 0.278558f, 0.278542f, 0.278526f, 0.27851f, 0.278494f, 0.278478f, 0.278462f, 0.278446f, 0.278429f, 0.278413f, 0.278397f, 0.278381f, 0.278365f,
-0.278349f, 0.278333f, 0.278317f, 0.278301f, 0.278285f, 0.278268f, 0.278252f, 0.278236f, 0.27822f, 0.278204f, 0.278188f, 0.278172f, 0.278156f, 0.27814f, 0.278124f, 0.278108f, 0.278091f, 0.278075f, 0.278059f, 0.278043f,
-0.278027f, 0.278011f, 0.277995f, 0.277979f, 0.277963f, 0.277947f, 0.277931f, 0.277914f, 0.277898f, 0.277882f, 0.277866f, 0.27785f, 0.277834f, 0.277818f, 0.277802f, 0.277786f, 0.27777f, 0.277754f, 0.277737f, 0.277721f,
-0.277705f, 0.277689f, 0.277673f, 0.277657f, 0.277641f, 0.277625f, 0.277609f, 0.277593f, 0.277577f, 0.277561f, 0.277545f, 0.277528f, 0.277512f, 0.277496f, 0.27748f, 0.277464f, 0.277448f, 0.277432f, 0.277416f, 0.2774f,
-0.277384f, 0.277368f, 0.277352f, 0.277336f, 0.277319f, 0.277303f, 0.277287f, 0.277271f, 0.277255f, 0.277239f, 0.277223f, 0.277207f, 0.277191f, 0.277175f, 0.277159f, 0.277143f, 0.277127f, 0.277111f, 0.277095f, 0.277078f,
-0.277062f, 0.277046f, 0.27703f, 0.277014f, 0.276998f, 0.276982f, 0.276966f, 0.27695f, 0.276934f, 0.276918f, 0.276902f, 0.276886f, 0.27687f, 0.276854f, 0.276838f, 0.276822f, 0.276805f, 0.276789f, 0.276773f, 0.276757f,
-0.276741f, 0.276725f, 0.276709f, 0.276693f, 0.276677f, 0.276661f, 0.276645f, 0.276629f, 0.276613f, 0.276597f, 0.276581f, 0.276565f, 0.276549f, 0.276533f, 0.276517f, 0.2765f, 0.276484f, 0.276468f, 0.276452f, 0.276436f,
-0.27642f, 0.276404f, 0.276388f, 0.276372f, 0.276356f, 0.27634f, 0.276324f, 0.276308f, 0.276292f, 0.276276f, 0.27626f, 0.276244f, 0.276228f, 0.276212f, 0.276196f, 0.27618f, 0.276164f, 0.276148f, 0.276132f, 0.276115f,
-0.276099f, 0.276083f, 0.276067f, 0.276051f, 0.276035f, 0.276019f, 0.276003f, 0.275987f, 0.275971f, 0.275955f, 0.275939f, 0.275923f, 0.275907f, 0.275891f, 0.275875f, 0.275859f, 0.275843f, 0.275827f, 0.275811f, 0.275795f,
-0.275779f, 0.275763f, 0.275747f, 0.275731f, 0.275715f, 0.275699f, 0.275683f, 0.275667f, 0.275651f, 0.275635f, 0.275619f, 0.275603f, 0.275587f, 0.275571f, 0.275555f, 0.275538f, 0.275522f, 0.275506f, 0.27549f, 0.275474f,
-0.275458f, 0.275442f, 0.275426f, 0.27541f, 0.275394f, 0.275378f, 0.275362f, 0.275346f, 0.27533f, 0.275314f, 0.275298f, 0.275282f, 0.275266f, 0.27525f, 0.275234f, 0.275218f, 0.275202f, 0.275186f, 0.27517f, 0.275154f,
-0.275138f, 0.275122f, 0.275106f, 0.27509f, 0.275074f, 0.275058f, 0.275042f, 0.275026f, 0.27501f, 0.274994f, 0.274978f, 0.274962f, 0.274946f, 0.27493f, 0.274914f, 0.274898f, 0.274882f, 0.274866f, 0.27485f, 0.274834f,
-0.274818f, 0.274802f, 0.274786f, 0.27477f, 0.274754f, 0.274738f, 0.274722f, 0.274706f, 0.27469f, 0.274674f, 0.274658f, 0.274642f, 0.274626f, 0.27461f, 0.274594f, 0.274578f, 0.274562f, 0.274546f, 0.27453f, 0.274514f,
-0.274498f, 0.274482f, 0.274466f, 0.27445f, 0.274434f, 0.274418f, 0.274402f, 0.274386f, 0.27437f, 0.274354f, 0.274338f, 0.274322f, 0.274306f, 0.27429f, 0.274274f, 0.274258f, 0.274242f, 0.274226f, 0.27421f, 0.274195f,
-0.274179f, 0.274163f, 0.274147f, 0.274131f, 0.274115f, 0.274099f, 0.274083f, 0.274067f, 0.274051f, 0.274035f, 0.274019f, 0.274003f, 0.273987f, 0.273971f, 0.273955f, 0.273939f, 0.273923f, 0.273907f, 0.273891f, 0.273875f,
-0.273859f, 0.273843f, 0.273827f, 0.273811f, 0.273795f, 0.273779f, 0.273763f, 0.273747f, 0.273731f, 0.273715f, 0.273699f, 0.273683f, 0.273667f, 0.273651f, 0.273636f, 0.27362f, 0.273604f, 0.273588f, 0.273572f, 0.273556f,
-0.27354f, 0.273524f, 0.273508f, 0.273492f, 0.273476f, 0.27346f, 0.273444f, 0.273428f, 0.273412f, 0.273396f, 0.27338f, 0.273364f, 0.273348f, 0.273332f, 0.273316f, 0.2733f, 0.273284f, 0.273268f, 0.273253f, 0.273237f,
-0.273221f, 0.273205f, 0.273189f, 0.273173f, 0.273157f, 0.273141f, 0.273125f, 0.273109f, 0.273093f, 0.273077f, 0.273061f, 0.273045f, 0.273029f, 0.273013f, 0.272997f, 0.272981f, 0.272965f, 0.272949f, 0.272934f, 0.272918f,
-0.272902f, 0.272886f, 0.27287f, 0.272854f, 0.272838f, 0.272822f, 0.272806f, 0.27279f, 0.272774f, 0.272758f, 0.272742f, 0.272726f, 0.27271f, 0.272694f, 0.272679f, 0.272663f, 0.272647f, 0.272631f, 0.272615f, 0.272599f,
-0.272583f, 0.272567f, 0.272551f, 0.272535f, 0.272519f, 0.272503f, 0.272487f, 0.272471f, 0.272455f, 0.27244f, 0.272424f, 0.272408f, 0.272392f, 0.272376f, 0.27236f, 0.272344f, 0.272328f, 0.272312f, 0.272296f, 0.27228f,
-0.272264f, 0.272248f, 0.272232f, 0.272217f, 0.272201f, 0.272185f, 0.272169f, 0.272153f, 0.272137f, 0.272121f, 0.272105f, 0.272089f, 0.272073f, 0.272057f, 0.272041f, 0.272026f, 0.27201f, 0.271994f, 0.271978f, 0.271962f,
-0.271946f, 0.27193f, 0.271914f, 0.271898f, 0.271882f, 0.271866f, 0.27185f, 0.271835f, 0.271819f, 0.271803f, 0.271787f, 0.271771f, 0.271755f, 0.271739f, 0.271723f, 0.271707f, 0.271691f, 0.271675f, 0.27166f, 0.271644f,
-0.271628f, 0.271612f, 0.271596f, 0.27158f, 0.271564f, 0.271548f, 0.271532f, 0.271516f, 0.271501f, 0.271485f, 0.271469f, 0.271453f, 0.271437f, 0.271421f, 0.271405f, 0.271389f, 0.271373f, 0.271357f, 0.271342f, 0.271326f,
-0.27131f, 0.271294f, 0.271278f, 0.271262f, 0.271246f, 0.27123f, 0.271214f, 0.271198f, 0.271183f, 0.271167f, 0.271151f, 0.271135f, 0.271119f, 0.271103f, 0.271087f, 0.271071f, 0.271055f, 0.27104f, 0.271024f, 0.271008f,
-0.270992f, 0.270976f, 0.27096f, 0.270944f, 0.270928f, 0.270912f, 0.270897f, 0.270881f, 0.270865f, 0.270849f, 0.270833f, 0.270817f, 0.270801f, 0.270785f, 0.27077f, 0.270754f, 0.270738f, 0.270722f, 0.270706f, 0.27069f,
-0.270674f, 0.270658f, 0.270643f, 0.270627f, 0.270611f, 0.270595f, 0.270579f, 0.270563f, 0.270547f, 0.270531f, 0.270516f, 0.2705f, 0.270484f, 0.270468f, 0.270452f, 0.270436f, 0.27042f, 0.270404f, 0.270389f, 0.270373f,
-0.270357f, 0.270341f, 0.270325f, 0.270309f, 0.270293f, 0.270278f, 0.270262f, 0.270246f, 0.27023f, 0.270214f, 0.270198f, 0.270182f, 0.270166f, 0.270151f, 0.270135f, 0.270119f, 0.270103f, 0.270087f, 0.270071f, 0.270055f,
-0.27004f, 0.270024f, 0.270008f, 0.269992f, 0.269976f, 0.26996f, 0.269944f, 0.269929f, 0.269913f, 0.269897f, 0.269881f, 0.269865f, 0.269849f, 0.269833f, 0.269818f, 0.269802f, 0.269786f, 0.26977f, 0.269754f, 0.269738f,
-0.269722f, 0.269707f, 0.269691f, 0.269675f, 0.269659f, 0.269643f, 0.269627f, 0.269612f, 0.269596f, 0.26958f, 0.269564f, 0.269548f, 0.269532f, 0.269516f, 0.269501f, 0.269485f, 0.269469f, 0.269453f, 0.269437f, 0.269421f,
-0.269406f, 0.26939f, 0.269374f, 0.269358f, 0.269342f, 0.269326f, 0.269311f, 0.269295f, 0.269279f, 0.269263f, 0.269247f, 0.269231f, 0.269216f, 0.2692f, 0.269184f, 0.269168f, 0.269152f, 0.269136f, 0.269121f, 0.269105f,
-0.269089f, 0.269073f, 0.269057f, 0.269041f, 0.269026f, 0.26901f, 0.268994f, 0.268978f, 0.268962f, 0.268946f, 0.268931f, 0.268915f, 0.268899f, 0.268883f, 0.268867f, 0.268851f, 0.268836f, 0.26882f, 0.268804f, 0.268788f,
-0.268772f, 0.268757f, 0.268741f, 0.268725f, 0.268709f, 0.268693f, 0.268677f, 0.268662f, 0.268646f, 0.26863f, 0.268614f, 0.268598f, 0.268583f, 0.268567f, 0.268551f, 0.268535f, 0.268519f, 0.268503f, 0.268488f, 0.268472f,
-0.268456f, 0.26844f, 0.268424f, 0.268409f, 0.268393f, 0.268377f, 0.268361f, 0.268345f, 0.26833f, 0.268314f, 0.268298f, 0.268282f, 0.268266f, 0.268251f, 0.268235f, 0.268219f, 0.268203f, 0.268187f, 0.268172f, 0.268156f,
-0.26814f, 0.268124f, 0.268108f, 0.268092f, 0.268077f, 0.268061f, 0.268045f, 0.268029f, 0.268013f, 0.267998f, 0.267982f, 0.267966f, 0.26795f, 0.267935f, 0.267919f, 0.267903f, 0.267887f, 0.267871f, 0.267856f, 0.26784f,
-0.267824f, 0.267808f, 0.267792f, 0.267777f, 0.267761f, 0.267745f, 0.267729f, 0.267713f, 0.267698f, 0.267682f, 0.267666f, 0.26765f, 0.267634f, 0.267619f, 0.267603f, 0.267587f, 0.267571f, 0.267556f, 0.26754f, 0.267524f,
-0.267508f, 0.267492f, 0.267477f, 0.267461f, 0.267445f, 0.267429f, 0.267413f, 0.267398f, 0.267382f, 0.267366f, 0.26735f, 0.267335f, 0.267319f, 0.267303f, 0.267287f, 0.267271f, 0.267256f, 0.26724f, 0.267224f, 0.267208f,
-0.267193f, 0.267177f, 0.267161f, 0.267145f, 0.267129f, 0.267114f, 0.267098f, 0.267082f, 0.267066f, 0.267051f, 0.267035f, 0.267019f, 0.267003f, 0.266988f, 0.266972f, 0.266956f, 0.26694f, 0.266924f, 0.266909f, 0.266893f,
-0.266877f, 0.266861f, 0.266846f, 0.26683f, 0.266814f, 0.266798f, 0.266783f, 0.266767f, 0.266751f, 0.266735f, 0.26672f, 0.266704f, 0.266688f, 0.266672f, 0.266657f, 0.266641f, 0.266625f, 0.266609f, 0.266593f, 0.266578f,
-0.266562f, 0.266546f, 0.26653f, 0.266515f, 0.266499f, 0.266483f, 0.266467f, 0.266452f, 0.266436f, 0.26642f, 0.266404f, 0.266389f, 0.266373f, 0.266357f, 0.266341f, 0.266326f, 0.26631f, 0.266294f, 0.266278f, 0.266263f,
-0.266247f, 0.266231f, 0.266215f, 0.2662f, 0.266184f, 0.266168f, 0.266152f, 0.266137f, 0.266121f, 0.266105f, 0.266089f, 0.266074f, 0.266058f, 0.266042f, 0.266027f, 0.266011f, 0.265995f, 0.265979f, 0.265964f, 0.265948f,
-0.265932f, 0.265916f, 0.265901f, 0.265885f, 0.265869f, 0.265853f, 0.265838f, 0.265822f, 0.265806f, 0.26579f, 0.265775f, 0.265759f, 0.265743f, 0.265728f, 0.265712f, 0.265696f, 0.26568f, 0.265665f, 0.265649f, 0.265633f,
-0.265617f, 0.265602f, 0.265586f, 0.26557f, 0.265555f, 0.265539f, 0.265523f, 0.265507f, 0.265492f, 0.265476f, 0.26546f, 0.265444f, 0.265429f, 0.265413f, 0.265397f, 0.265382f, 0.265366f, 0.26535f, 0.265334f, 0.265319f,
-0.265303f, 0.265287f, 0.265272f, 0.265256f, 0.26524f, 0.265224f, 0.265209f, 0.265193f, 0.265177f, 0.265162f, 0.265146f, 0.26513f, 0.265114f, 0.265099f, 0.265083f, 0.265067f, 0.265052f, 0.265036f, 0.26502f, 0.265004f,
-0.264989f, 0.264973f, 0.264957f, 0.264942f, 0.264926f, 0.26491f, 0.264894f, 0.264879f, 0.264863f, 0.264847f, 0.264832f, 0.264816f, 0.2648f, 0.264784f, 0.264769f, 0.264753f, 0.264737f, 0.264722f, 0.264706f, 0.26469f,
-0.264675f, 0.264659f, 0.264643f, 0.264627f, 0.264612f, 0.264596f, 0.26458f, 0.264565f, 0.264549f, 0.264533f, 0.264518f, 0.264502f, 0.264486f, 0.264471f, 0.264455f, 0.264439f, 0.264423f, 0.264408f, 0.264392f, 0.264376f,
-0.264361f, 0.264345f, 0.264329f, 0.264314f, 0.264298f, 0.264282f, 0.264267f, 0.264251f, 0.264235f, 0.264219f, 0.264204f, 0.264188f, 0.264172f, 0.264157f, 0.264141f, 0.264125f, 0.26411f, 0.264094f, 0.264078f, 0.264063f,
-0.264047f, 0.264031f, 0.264016f, 0.264f, 0.263984f, 0.263969f, 0.263953f, 0.263937f, 0.263922f, 0.263906f, 0.26389f, 0.263874f, 0.263859f, 0.263843f, 0.263827f, 0.263812f, 0.263796f, 0.26378f, 0.263765f, 0.263749f,
-0.263733f, 0.263718f, 0.263702f, 0.263686f, 0.263671f, 0.263655f, 0.263639f, 0.263624f, 0.263608f, 0.263592f, 0.263577f, 0.263561f, 0.263545f, 0.26353f, 0.263514f, 0.263498f, 0.263483f, 0.263467f, 0.263451f, 0.263436f,
-0.26342f, 0.263404f, 0.263389f, 0.263373f, 0.263357f, 0.263342f, 0.263326f, 0.26331f, 0.263295f, 0.263279f, 0.263263f, 0.263248f, 0.263232f, 0.263216f, 0.263201f, 0.263185f, 0.26317f, 0.263154f, 0.263138f, 0.263123f,
-0.263107f, 0.263091f, 0.263076f, 0.26306f, 0.263044f, 0.263029f, 0.263013f, 0.262997f, 0.262982f, 0.262966f, 0.26295f, 0.262935f, 0.262919f, 0.262903f, 0.262888f, 0.262872f, 0.262856f, 0.262841f, 0.262825f, 0.26281f,
-0.262794f, 0.262778f, 0.262763f, 0.262747f, 0.262731f, 0.262716f, 0.2627f, 0.262684f, 0.262669f, 0.262653f, 0.262637f, 0.262622f, 0.262606f, 0.262591f, 0.262575f, 0.262559f, 0.262544f, 0.262528f, 0.262512f, 0.262497f,
-0.262481f, 0.262465f, 0.26245f, 0.262434f, 0.262419f, 0.262403f, 0.262387f, 0.262372f, 0.262356f, 0.26234f, 0.262325f, 0.262309f, 0.262294f, 0.262278f, 0.262262f, 0.262247f, 0.262231f, 0.262215f, 0.2622f, 0.262184f,
-0.262169f, 0.262153f, 0.262137f, 0.262122f, 0.262106f, 0.26209f, 0.262075f, 0.262059f, 0.262044f, 0.262028f, 0.262012f, 0.261997f, 0.261981f, 0.261965f, 0.26195f, 0.261934f, 0.261919f, 0.261903f, 0.261887f, 0.261872f,
-0.261856f, 0.26184f, 0.261825f, 0.261809f, 0.261794f, 0.261778f, 0.261762f, 0.261747f, 0.261731f, 0.261716f, 0.2617f, 0.261684f, 0.261669f, 0.261653f, 0.261637f, 0.261622f, 0.261606f, 0.261591f, 0.261575f, 0.261559f,
-0.261544f, 0.261528f, 0.261513f, 0.261497f, 0.261481f, 0.261466f, 0.26145f, 0.261435f, 0.261419f, 0.261403f, 0.261388f, 0.261372f, 0.261357f, 0.261341f, 0.261325f, 0.26131f, 0.261294f, 0.261279f, 0.261263f, 0.261247f,
-0.261232f, 0.261216f, 0.261201f, 0.261185f, 0.261169f, 0.261154f, 0.261138f, 0.261123f, 0.261107f, 0.261091f, 0.261076f, 0.26106f, 0.261045f, 0.261029f, 0.261013f, 0.260998f, 0.260982f, 0.260967f, 0.260951f, 0.260936f,
-0.26092f, 0.260904f, 0.260889f, 0.260873f, 0.260858f, 0.260842f, 0.260826f, 0.260811f, 0.260795f, 0.26078f, 0.260764f, 0.260748f, 0.260733f, 0.260717f, 0.260702f, 0.260686f, 0.260671f, 0.260655f, 0.260639f, 0.260624f,
-0.260608f, 0.260593f, 0.260577f, 0.260562f, 0.260546f, 0.26053f, 0.260515f, 0.260499f, 0.260484f, 0.260468f, 0.260452f, 0.260437f, 0.260421f, 0.260406f, 0.26039f, 0.260375f, 0.260359f, 0.260343f, 0.260328f, 0.260312f,
-0.260297f, 0.260281f, 0.260266f, 0.26025f, 0.260234f, 0.260219f, 0.260203f, 0.260188f, 0.260172f, 0.260157f, 0.260141f, 0.260126f, 0.26011f, 0.260094f, 0.260079f, 0.260063f, 0.260048f, 0.260032f, 0.260017f, 0.260001f,
-0.259985f, 0.25997f, 0.259954f, 0.259939f, 0.259923f, 0.259908f, 0.259892f, 0.259877f, 0.259861f, 0.259845f, 0.25983f, 0.259814f, 0.259799f, 0.259783f, 0.259768f, 0.259752f, 0.259737f, 0.259721f, 0.259705f, 0.25969f,
-0.259674f, 0.259659f, 0.259643f, 0.259628f, 0.259612f, 0.259597f, 0.259581f, 0.259565f, 0.25955f, 0.259534f, 0.259519f, 0.259503f, 0.259488f, 0.259472f, 0.259457f, 0.259441f, 0.259426f, 0.25941f, 0.259394f, 0.259379f,
-0.259363f, 0.259348f, 0.259332f, 0.259317f, 0.259301f, 0.259286f, 0.25927f, 0.259255f, 0.259239f, 0.259224f, 0.259208f, 0.259192f, 0.259177f, 0.259161f, 0.259146f, 0.25913f, 0.259115f, 0.259099f, 0.259084f, 0.259068f,
-0.259053f, 0.259037f, 0.259022f, 0.259006f, 0.258991f, 0.258975f, 0.258959f, 0.258944f, 0.258928f, 0.258913f, 0.258897f, 0.258882f, 0.258866f, 0.258851f, 0.258835f, 0.25882f, 0.258804f, 0.258789f, 0.258773f, 0.258758f,
-0.258742f, 0.258727f, 0.258711f, 0.258696f, 0.25868f, 0.258664f, 0.258649f, 0.258633f, 0.258618f, 0.258602f, 0.258587f, 0.258571f, 0.258556f, 0.25854f, 0.258525f, 0.258509f, 0.258494f, 0.258478f, 0.258463f, 0.258447f,
-0.258432f, 0.258416f, 0.258401f, 0.258385f, 0.25837f, 0.258354f, 0.258339f, 0.258323f, 0.258308f, 0.258292f, 0.258277f, 0.258261f, 0.258246f, 0.25823f, 0.258215f, 0.258199f, 0.258184f, 0.258168f, 0.258153f, 0.258137f,
-0.258122f, 0.258106f, 0.258091f, 0.258075f, 0.25806f, 0.258044f, 0.258029f, 0.258013f, 0.257998f, 0.257982f, 0.257967f, 0.257951f, 0.257936f, 0.25792f, 0.257905f, 0.257889f, 0.257874f, 0.257858f, 0.257843f, 0.257827f,
-0.257812f, 0.257796f, 0.257781f, 0.257765f, 0.25775f, 0.257734f, 0.257719f, 0.257703f, 0.257688f, 0.257672f, 0.257657f, 0.257641f, 0.257626f, 0.25761f, 0.257595f, 0.257579f, 0.257564f, 0.257548f, 0.257533f, 0.257517f,
-0.257502f, 0.257486f, 0.257471f, 0.257455f, 0.25744f, 0.257424f, 0.257409f, 0.257393f, 0.257378f, 0.257362f, 0.257347f, 0.257331f, 0.257316f, 0.2573f, 0.257285f, 0.257269f, 0.257254f, 0.257239f, 0.257223f, 0.257208f,
-0.257192f, 0.257177f, 0.257161f, 0.257146f, 0.25713f, 0.257115f, 0.257099f, 0.257084f, 0.257068f, 0.257053f, 0.257037f, 0.257022f, 0.257006f, 0.256991f, 0.256975f, 0.25696f, 0.256945f, 0.256929f, 0.256914f, 0.256898f,
-0.256883f, 0.256867f, 0.256852f, 0.256836f, 0.256821f, 0.256805f, 0.25679f, 0.256774f, 0.256759f, 0.256743f, 0.256728f, 0.256713f, 0.256697f, 0.256682f, 0.256666f, 0.256651f, 0.256635f, 0.25662f, 0.256604f, 0.256589f,
-0.256573f, 0.256558f, 0.256542f, 0.256527f, 0.256512f, 0.256496f, 0.256481f, 0.256465f, 0.25645f, 0.256434f, 0.256419f, 0.256403f, 0.256388f, 0.256372f, 0.256357f, 0.256342f, 0.256326f, 0.256311f, 0.256295f, 0.25628f,
-0.256264f, 0.256249f, 0.256233f, 0.256218f, 0.256203f, 0.256187f, 0.256172f, 0.256156f, 0.256141f, 0.256125f, 0.25611f, 0.256094f, 0.256079f, 0.256064f, 0.256048f, 0.256033f, 0.256017f, 0.256002f, 0.255986f, 0.255971f,
-0.255955f, 0.25594f, 0.255925f, 0.255909f, 0.255894f, 0.255878f, 0.255863f, 0.255847f, 0.255832f, 0.255817f, 0.255801f, 0.255786f, 0.25577f, 0.255755f, 0.255739f, 0.255724f, 0.255708f, 0.255693f, 0.255678f, 0.255662f,
-0.255647f, 0.255631f, 0.255616f, 0.2556f, 0.255585f, 0.25557f, 0.255554f, 0.255539f, 0.255523f, 0.255508f, 0.255492f, 0.255477f, 0.255462f, 0.255446f, 0.255431f, 0.255415f, 0.2554f, 0.255385f, 0.255369f, 0.255354f,
-0.255338f, 0.255323f, 0.255307f, 0.255292f, 0.255277f, 0.255261f, 0.255246f, 0.25523f, 0.255215f, 0.255199f, 0.255184f, 0.255169f, 0.255153f, 0.255138f, 0.255122f, 0.255107f, 0.255092f, 0.255076f, 0.255061f, 0.255045f,
-0.25503f, 0.255015f, 0.254999f, 0.254984f, 0.254968f, 0.254953f, 0.254937f, 0.254922f, 0.254907f, 0.254891f, 0.254876f, 0.25486f, 0.254845f, 0.25483f, 0.254814f, 0.254799f, 0.254783f, 0.254768f, 0.254753f, 0.254737f,
-0.254722f, 0.254706f, 0.254691f, 0.254676f, 0.25466f, 0.254645f, 0.254629f, 0.254614f, 0.254599f, 0.254583f, 0.254568f, 0.254552f, 0.254537f, 0.254522f, 0.254506f, 0.254491f, 0.254475f, 0.25446f, 0.254445f, 0.254429f,
-0.254414f, 0.254398f, 0.254383f, 0.254368f, 0.254352f, 0.254337f, 0.254321f, 0.254306f, 0.254291f, 0.254275f, 0.25426f, 0.254245f, 0.254229f, 0.254214f, 0.254198f, 0.254183f, 0.254168f, 0.254152f, 0.254137f, 0.254121f,
-0.254106f, 0.254091f, 0.254075f, 0.25406f, 0.254045f, 0.254029f, 0.254014f, 0.253998f, 0.253983f, 0.253968f, 0.253952f, 0.253937f, 0.253922f, 0.253906f, 0.253891f, 0.253875f, 0.25386f, 0.253845f, 0.253829f, 0.253814f,
-0.253798f, 0.253783f, 0.253768f, 0.253752f, 0.253737f, 0.253722f, 0.253706f, 0.253691f, 0.253676f, 0.25366f, 0.253645f, 0.253629f, 0.253614f, 0.253599f, 0.253583f, 0.253568f, 0.253553f, 0.253537f, 0.253522f, 0.253506f,
-0.253491f, 0.253476f, 0.25346f, 0.253445f, 0.25343f, 0.253414f, 0.253399f, 0.253384f, 0.253368f, 0.253353f, 0.253337f, 0.253322f, 0.253307f, 0.253291f, 0.253276f, 0.253261f, 0.253245f, 0.25323f, 0.253215f, 0.253199f,
-0.253184f, 0.253169f, 0.253153f, 0.253138f, 0.253122f, 0.253107f, 0.253092f, 0.253076f, 0.253061f, 0.253046f, 0.25303f, 0.253015f, 0.253f, 0.252984f, 0.252969f, 0.252954f, 0.252938f, 0.252923f, 0.252908f, 0.252892f,
-0.252877f, 0.252862f, 0.252846f, 0.252831f, 0.252815f, 0.2528f, 0.252785f, 0.252769f, 0.252754f, 0.252739f, 0.252723f, 0.252708f, 0.252693f, 0.252677f, 0.252662f, 0.252647f, 0.252631f, 0.252616f, 0.252601f, 0.252585f,
-0.25257f, 0.252555f, 0.252539f, 0.252524f, 0.252509f, 0.252493f, 0.252478f, 0.252463f, 0.252447f, 0.252432f, 0.252417f, 0.252401f, 0.252386f, 0.252371f, 0.252355f, 0.25234f, 0.252325f, 0.252309f, 0.252294f, 0.252279f,
-0.252263f, 0.252248f, 0.252233f, 0.252217f, 0.252202f, 0.252187f, 0.252171f, 0.252156f, 0.252141f, 0.252125f, 0.25211f, 0.252095f, 0.25208f, 0.252064f, 0.252049f, 0.252034f, 0.252018f, 0.252003f, 0.251988f, 0.251972f,
-0.251957f, 0.251942f, 0.251926f, 0.251911f, 0.251896f, 0.25188f, 0.251865f, 0.25185f, 0.251834f, 0.251819f, 0.251804f, 0.251788f, 0.251773f, 0.251758f, 0.251743f, 0.251727f, 0.251712f, 0.251697f, 0.251681f, 0.251666f,
-0.251651f, 0.251635f, 0.25162f, 0.251605f, 0.251589f, 0.251574f, 0.251559f, 0.251544f, 0.251528f, 0.251513f, 0.251498f, 0.251482f, 0.251467f, 0.251452f, 0.251436f, 0.251421f, 0.251406f, 0.25139f, 0.251375f, 0.25136f,
-0.251345f, 0.251329f, 0.251314f, 0.251299f, 0.251283f, 0.251268f, 0.251253f, 0.251237f, 0.251222f, 0.251207f, 0.251192f, 0.251176f, 0.251161f, 0.251146f, 0.25113f, 0.251115f, 0.2511f, 0.251085f, 0.251069f, 0.251054f,
-0.251039f, 0.251023f, 0.251008f, 0.250993f, 0.250978f, 0.250962f, 0.250947f, 0.250932f, 0.250916f, 0.250901f, 0.250886f, 0.250871f, 0.250855f, 0.25084f, 0.250825f, 0.250809f, 0.250794f, 0.250779f, 0.250764f, 0.250748f,
-0.250733f, 0.250718f, 0.250702f, 0.250687f, 0.250672f, 0.250657f, 0.250641f, 0.250626f, 0.250611f, 0.250595f, 0.25058f, 0.250565f, 0.25055f, 0.250534f, 0.250519f, 0.250504f, 0.250489f, 0.250473f, 0.250458f, 0.250443f,
-0.250427f, 0.250412f, 0.250397f, 0.250382f, 0.250366f, 0.250351f, 0.250336f, 0.250321f, 0.250305f, 0.25029f, 0.250275f, 0.250259f, 0.250244f, 0.250229f, 0.250214f, 0.250198f, 0.250183f, 0.250168f, 0.250153f, 0.250137f,
-0.250122f, 0.250107f, 0.250092f, 0.250076f, 0.250061f, 0.250046f, 0.250031f, 0.250015f, 0.25f, 0.249985f, 0.249969f, 0.249954f, 0.249939f, 0.249924f, 0.249908f, 0.249893f, 0.249878f, 0.249863f, 0.249847f, 0.249832f,
-0.249817f, 0.249802f, 0.249786f, 0.249771f, 0.249756f, 0.249741f, 0.249725f, 0.24971f, 0.249695f, 0.24968f, 0.249664f, 0.249649f, 0.249634f, 0.249619f, 0.249603f, 0.249588f, 0.249573f, 0.249558f, 0.249542f, 0.249527f,
-0.249512f, 0.249497f, 0.249481f, 0.249466f, 0.249451f, 0.249436f, 0.249421f, 0.249405f, 0.24939f, 0.249375f, 0.24936f, 0.249344f, 0.249329f, 0.249314f, 0.249299f, 0.249283f, 0.249268f, 0.249253f, 0.249238f, 0.249222f,
-0.249207f, 0.249192f, 0.249177f, 0.249161f, 0.249146f, 0.249131f, 0.249116f, 0.249101f, 0.249085f, 0.24907f, 0.249055f, 0.24904f, 0.249024f, 0.249009f, 0.248994f, 0.248979f, 0.248963f, 0.248948f, 0.248933f, 0.248918f,
-0.248903f, 0.248887f, 0.248872f, 0.248857f, 0.248842f, 0.248826f, 0.248811f, 0.248796f, 0.248781f, 0.248766f, 0.24875f, 0.248735f, 0.24872f, 0.248705f, 0.248689f, 0.248674f, 0.248659f, 0.248644f, 0.248629f, 0.248613f,
-0.248598f, 0.248583f, 0.248568f, 0.248553f, 0.248537f, 0.248522f, 0.248507f, 0.248492f, 0.248476f, 0.248461f, 0.248446f, 0.248431f, 0.248416f, 0.2484f, 0.248385f, 0.24837f, 0.248355f, 0.24834f, 0.248324f, 0.248309f,
-0.248294f, 0.248279f, 0.248264f, 0.248248f, 0.248233f, 0.248218f, 0.248203f, 0.248188f, 0.248172f, 0.248157f, 0.248142f, 0.248127f, 0.248111f, 0.248096f, 0.248081f, 0.248066f, 0.248051f, 0.248035f, 0.24802f, 0.248005f,
-0.24799f, 0.247975f, 0.24796f, 0.247944f, 0.247929f, 0.247914f, 0.247899f, 0.247884f, 0.247868f, 0.247853f, 0.247838f, 0.247823f, 0.247808f, 0.247792f, 0.247777f, 0.247762f, 0.247747f, 0.247732f, 0.247716f, 0.247701f,
-0.247686f, 0.247671f, 0.247656f, 0.24764f, 0.247625f, 0.24761f, 0.247595f, 0.24758f, 0.247565f, 0.247549f, 0.247534f, 0.247519f, 0.247504f, 0.247489f, 0.247473f, 0.247458f, 0.247443f, 0.247428f, 0.247413f, 0.247398f,
-0.247382f, 0.247367f, 0.247352f, 0.247337f, 0.247322f, 0.247306f, 0.247291f, 0.247276f, 0.247261f, 0.247246f, 0.247231f, 0.247215f, 0.2472f, 0.247185f, 0.24717f, 0.247155f, 0.24714f, 0.247124f, 0.247109f, 0.247094f,
-0.247079f, 0.247064f, 0.247049f, 0.247033f, 0.247018f, 0.247003f, 0.246988f, 0.246973f, 0.246958f, 0.246942f, 0.246927f, 0.246912f, 0.246897f, 0.246882f, 0.246867f, 0.246851f, 0.246836f, 0.246821f, 0.246806f, 0.246791f,
-0.246776f, 0.24676f, 0.246745f, 0.24673f, 0.246715f, 0.2467f, 0.246685f, 0.246669f, 0.246654f, 0.246639f, 0.246624f, 0.246609f, 0.246594f, 0.246579f, 0.246563f, 0.246548f, 0.246533f, 0.246518f, 0.246503f, 0.246488f,
-0.246472f, 0.246457f, 0.246442f, 0.246427f, 0.246412f, 0.246397f, 0.246382f, 0.246366f, 0.246351f, 0.246336f, 0.246321f, 0.246306f, 0.246291f, 0.246276f, 0.24626f, 0.246245f, 0.24623f, 0.246215f, 0.2462f, 0.246185f,
-0.24617f, 0.246154f, 0.246139f, 0.246124f, 0.246109f, 0.246094f, 0.246079f, 0.246064f, 0.246048f, 0.246033f, 0.246018f, 0.246003f, 0.245988f, 0.245973f, 0.245958f, 0.245943f, 0.245927f, 0.245912f, 0.245897f, 0.245882f,
-0.245867f, 0.245852f, 0.245837f, 0.245821f, 0.245806f, 0.245791f, 0.245776f, 0.245761f, 0.245746f, 0.245731f, 0.245716f, 0.2457f, 0.245685f, 0.24567f, 0.245655f, 0.24564f, 0.245625f, 0.24561f, 0.245595f, 0.245579f,
-0.245564f, 0.245549f, 0.245534f, 0.245519f, 0.245504f, 0.245489f, 0.245474f, 0.245458f, 0.245443f, 0.245428f, 0.245413f, 0.245398f, 0.245383f, 0.245368f, 0.245353f, 0.245337f, 0.245322f, 0.245307f, 0.245292f, 0.245277f,
-0.245262f, 0.245247f, 0.245232f, 0.245217f, 0.245201f, 0.245186f, 0.245171f, 0.245156f, 0.245141f, 0.245126f, 0.245111f, 0.245096f, 0.245081f, 0.245065f, 0.24505f, 0.245035f, 0.24502f, 0.245005f, 0.24499f, 0.244975f,
-0.24496f, 0.244945f, 0.24493f, 0.244914f, 0.244899f, 0.244884f, 0.244869f, 0.244854f, 0.244839f, 0.244824f, 0.244809f, 0.244794f, 0.244779f, 0.244763f, 0.244748f, 0.244733f, 0.244718f, 0.244703f, 0.244688f, 0.244673f,
-0.244658f, 0.244643f, 0.244628f, 0.244612f, 0.244597f, 0.244582f, 0.244567f, 0.244552f, 0.244537f, 0.244522f, 0.244507f, 0.244492f, 0.244477f, 0.244462f, 0.244446f, 0.244431f, 0.244416f, 0.244401f, 0.244386f, 0.244371f,
-0.244356f, 0.244341f, 0.244326f, 0.244311f, 0.244296f, 0.244281f, 0.244265f, 0.24425f, 0.244235f, 0.24422f, 0.244205f, 0.24419f, 0.244175f, 0.24416f, 0.244145f, 0.24413f, 0.244115f, 0.2441f, 0.244084f, 0.244069f,
-0.244054f, 0.244039f, 0.244024f, 0.244009f, 0.243994f, 0.243979f, 0.243964f, 0.243949f, 0.243934f, 0.243919f, 0.243904f, 0.243889f, 0.243873f, 0.243858f, 0.243843f, 0.243828f, 0.243813f, 0.243798f, 0.243783f, 0.243768f,
-0.243753f, 0.243738f, 0.243723f, 0.243708f, 0.243693f, 0.243678f, 0.243663f, 0.243647f, 0.243632f, 0.243617f, 0.243602f, 0.243587f, 0.243572f, 0.243557f, 0.243542f, 0.243527f, 0.243512f, 0.243497f, 0.243482f, 0.243467f,
-0.243452f, 0.243437f, 0.243422f, 0.243406f, 0.243391f, 0.243376f, 0.243361f, 0.243346f, 0.243331f, 0.243316f, 0.243301f, 0.243286f, 0.243271f, 0.243256f, 0.243241f, 0.243226f, 0.243211f, 0.243196f, 0.243181f, 0.243166f,
-0.243151f, 0.243136f, 0.24312f, 0.243105f, 0.24309f, 0.243075f, 0.24306f, 0.243045f, 0.24303f, 0.243015f, 0.243f, 0.242985f, 0.24297f, 0.242955f, 0.24294f, 0.242925f, 0.24291f, 0.242895f, 0.24288f, 0.242865f,
-0.24285f, 0.242835f, 0.24282f, 0.242805f, 0.24279f, 0.242775f, 0.242759f, 0.242744f, 0.242729f, 0.242714f, 0.242699f, 0.242684f, 0.242669f, 0.242654f, 0.242639f, 0.242624f, 0.242609f, 0.242594f, 0.242579f, 0.242564f,
-0.242549f, 0.242534f, 0.242519f, 0.242504f, 0.242489f, 0.242474f, 0.242459f, 0.242444f, 0.242429f, 0.242414f, 0.242399f, 0.242384f, 0.242369f, 0.242354f, 0.242339f, 0.242324f, 0.242309f, 0.242294f, 0.242279f, 0.242264f,
-0.242249f, 0.242234f, 0.242218f, 0.242203f, 0.242188f, 0.242173f, 0.242158f, 0.242143f, 0.242128f, 0.242113f, 0.242098f, 0.242083f, 0.242068f, 0.242053f, 0.242038f, 0.242023f, 0.242008f, 0.241993f, 0.241978f, 0.241963f,
-0.241948f, 0.241933f, 0.241918f, 0.241903f, 0.241888f, 0.241873f, 0.241858f, 0.241843f, 0.241828f, 0.241813f, 0.241798f, 0.241783f, 0.241768f, 0.241753f, 0.241738f, 0.241723f, 0.241708f, 0.241693f, 0.241678f, 0.241663f,
-0.241648f, 0.241633f, 0.241618f, 0.241603f, 0.241588f, 0.241573f, 0.241558f, 0.241543f, 0.241528f, 0.241513f, 0.241498f, 0.241483f, 0.241468f, 0.241453f, 0.241438f, 0.241423f, 0.241408f, 0.241393f, 0.241378f, 0.241363f,
-0.241348f, 0.241333f, 0.241318f, 0.241303f, 0.241288f, 0.241273f, 0.241258f, 0.241243f, 0.241228f, 0.241213f, 0.241198f, 0.241183f, 0.241168f, 0.241153f, 0.241138f, 0.241123f, 0.241108f, 0.241093f, 0.241078f, 0.241063f,
-0.241048f, 0.241033f, 0.241018f, 0.241003f, 0.240988f, 0.240973f, 0.240959f, 0.240944f, 0.240929f, 0.240914f, 0.240899f, 0.240884f, 0.240869f, 0.240854f, 0.240839f, 0.240824f, 0.240809f, 0.240794f, 0.240779f, 0.240764f,
-0.240749f, 0.240734f, 0.240719f, 0.240704f, 0.240689f, 0.240674f, 0.240659f, 0.240644f, 0.240629f, 0.240614f, 0.240599f, 0.240584f, 0.240569f, 0.240554f, 0.240539f, 0.240524f, 0.240509f, 0.240494f, 0.240479f, 0.240464f,
-0.240449f, 0.240434f, 0.24042f, 0.240405f, 0.24039f, 0.240375f, 0.24036f, 0.240345f, 0.24033f, 0.240315f, 0.2403f, 0.240285f, 0.24027f, 0.240255f, 0.24024f, 0.240225f, 0.24021f, 0.240195f, 0.24018f, 0.240165f,
-0.24015f, 0.240135f, 0.24012f, 0.240105f, 0.24009f, 0.240075f, 0.240061f, 0.240046f, 0.240031f, 0.240016f, 0.240001f, 0.239986f, 0.239971f, 0.239956f, 0.239941f, 0.239926f, 0.239911f, 0.239896f, 0.239881f, 0.239866f,
-0.239851f, 0.239836f, 0.239821f, 0.239806f, 0.239791f, 0.239777f, 0.239762f, 0.239747f, 0.239732f, 0.239717f, 0.239702f, 0.239687f, 0.239672f, 0.239657f, 0.239642f, 0.239627f, 0.239612f, 0.239597f, 0.239582f, 0.239567f,
-0.239552f, 0.239537f, 0.239523f, 0.239508f, 0.239493f, 0.239478f, 0.239463f, 0.239448f, 0.239433f, 0.239418f, 0.239403f, 0.239388f, 0.239373f, 0.239358f, 0.239343f, 0.239328f, 0.239313f, 0.239299f, 0.239284f, 0.239269f,
-0.239254f, 0.239239f, 0.239224f, 0.239209f, 0.239194f, 0.239179f, 0.239164f, 0.239149f, 0.239134f, 0.239119f, 0.239105f, 0.23909f, 0.239075f, 0.23906f, 0.239045f, 0.23903f, 0.239015f, 0.239f, 0.238985f, 0.23897f,
-0.238955f, 0.23894f, 0.238925f, 0.238911f, 0.238896f, 0.238881f, 0.238866f, 0.238851f, 0.238836f, 0.238821f, 0.238806f, 0.238791f, 0.238776f, 0.238761f, 0.238747f, 0.238732f, 0.238717f, 0.238702f, 0.238687f, 0.238672f,
-0.238657f, 0.238642f, 0.238627f, 0.238612f, 0.238597f, 0.238583f, 0.238568f, 0.238553f, 0.238538f, 0.238523f, 0.238508f, 0.238493f, 0.238478f, 0.238463f, 0.238448f, 0.238433f, 0.238419f, 0.238404f, 0.238389f, 0.238374f,
-0.238359f, 0.238344f, 0.238329f, 0.238314f, 0.238299f, 0.238284f, 0.23827f, 0.238255f, 0.23824f, 0.238225f, 0.23821f, 0.238195f, 0.23818f, 0.238165f, 0.23815f, 0.238136f, 0.238121f, 0.238106f, 0.238091f, 0.238076f,
-0.238061f, 0.238046f, 0.238031f, 0.238016f, 0.238002f, 0.237987f, 0.237972f, 0.237957f, 0.237942f, 0.237927f, 0.237912f, 0.237897f, 0.237882f, 0.237868f, 0.237853f, 0.237838f, 0.237823f, 0.237808f, 0.237793f, 0.237778f,
-0.237763f, 0.237748f, 0.237734f, 0.237719f, 0.237704f, 0.237689f, 0.237674f, 0.237659f, 0.237644f, 0.237629f, 0.237615f, 0.2376f, 0.237585f, 0.23757f, 0.237555f, 0.23754f, 0.237525f, 0.23751f, 0.237496f, 0.237481f,
-0.237466f, 0.237451f, 0.237436f, 0.237421f, 0.237406f, 0.237392f, 0.237377f, 0.237362f, 0.237347f, 0.237332f, 0.237317f, 0.237302f, 0.237287f, 0.237273f, 0.237258f, 0.237243f, 0.237228f, 0.237213f, 0.237198f, 0.237183f,
-0.237169f, 0.237154f, 0.237139f, 0.237124f, 0.237109f, 0.237094f, 0.237079f, 0.237065f, 0.23705f, 0.237035f, 0.23702f, 0.237005f, 0.23699f, 0.236975f, 0.236961f, 0.236946f, 0.236931f, 0.236916f, 0.236901f, 0.236886f,
-0.236871f, 0.236857f, 0.236842f, 0.236827f, 0.236812f, 0.236797f, 0.236782f, 0.236767f, 0.236753f, 0.236738f, 0.236723f, 0.236708f, 0.236693f, 0.236678f, 0.236663f, 0.236649f, 0.236634f, 0.236619f, 0.236604f, 0.236589f,
-0.236574f, 0.23656f, 0.236545f, 0.23653f, 0.236515f, 0.2365f, 0.236485f, 0.236471f, 0.236456f, 0.236441f, 0.236426f, 0.236411f, 0.236396f, 0.236381f, 0.236367f, 0.236352f, 0.236337f, 0.236322f, 0.236307f, 0.236292f,
-0.236278f, 0.236263f, 0.236248f, 0.236233f, 0.236218f, 0.236203f, 0.236189f, 0.236174f, 0.236159f, 0.236144f, 0.236129f, 0.236114f, 0.2361f, 0.236085f, 0.23607f, 0.236055f, 0.23604f, 0.236026f, 0.236011f, 0.235996f,
-0.235981f, 0.235966f, 0.235951f, 0.235937f, 0.235922f, 0.235907f, 0.235892f, 0.235877f, 0.235862f, 0.235848f, 0.235833f, 0.235818f, 0.235803f, 0.235788f, 0.235774f, 0.235759f, 0.235744f, 0.235729f, 0.235714f, 0.235699f,
-0.235685f, 0.23567f, 0.235655f, 0.23564f, 0.235625f, 0.235611f, 0.235596f, 0.235581f, 0.235566f, 0.235551f, 0.235537f, 0.235522f, 0.235507f, 0.235492f, 0.235477f, 0.235462f, 0.235448f, 0.235433f, 0.235418f, 0.235403f,
-0.235388f, 0.235374f, 0.235359f, 0.235344f, 0.235329f, 0.235314f, 0.2353f, 0.235285f, 0.23527f, 0.235255f, 0.23524f, 0.235226f, 0.235211f, 0.235196f, 0.235181f, 0.235166f, 0.235152f, 0.235137f, 0.235122f, 0.235107f,
-0.235092f, 0.235078f, 0.235063f, 0.235048f, 0.235033f, 0.235018f, 0.235004f, 0.234989f, 0.234974f, 0.234959f, 0.234944f, 0.23493f, 0.234915f, 0.2349f, 0.234885f, 0.234871f, 0.234856f, 0.234841f, 0.234826f, 0.234811f,
-0.234797f, 0.234782f, 0.234767f, 0.234752f, 0.234737f, 0.234723f, 0.234708f, 0.234693f, 0.234678f, 0.234663f, 0.234649f, 0.234634f, 0.234619f, 0.234604f, 0.23459f, 0.234575f, 0.23456f, 0.234545f, 0.23453f, 0.234516f,
-0.234501f, 0.234486f, 0.234471f, 0.234457f, 0.234442f, 0.234427f, 0.234412f, 0.234397f, 0.234383f, 0.234368f, 0.234353f, 0.234338f, 0.234324f, 0.234309f, 0.234294f, 0.234279f, 0.234265f, 0.23425f, 0.234235f, 0.23422f,
-0.234205f, 0.234191f, 0.234176f, 0.234161f, 0.234146f, 0.234132f, 0.234117f, 0.234102f, 0.234087f, 0.234073f, 0.234058f, 0.234043f, 0.234028f, 0.234013f, 0.233999f, 0.233984f, 0.233969f, 0.233954f, 0.23394f, 0.233925f,
-0.23391f, 0.233895f, 0.233881f, 0.233866f, 0.233851f, 0.233836f, 0.233822f, 0.233807f, 0.233792f, 0.233777f, 0.233763f, 0.233748f, 0.233733f, 0.233718f, 0.233704f, 0.233689f, 0.233674f, 0.233659f, 0.233645f, 0.23363f,
-0.233615f, 0.2336f, 0.233586f, 0.233571f, 0.233556f, 0.233541f, 0.233527f, 0.233512f, 0.233497f, 0.233482f, 0.233468f, 0.233453f, 0.233438f, 0.233423f, 0.233409f, 0.233394f, 0.233379f, 0.233364f, 0.23335f, 0.233335f,
-0.23332f, 0.233305f, 0.233291f, 0.233276f, 0.233261f, 0.233246f, 0.233232f, 0.233217f, 0.233202f, 0.233187f, 0.233173f, 0.233158f, 0.233143f, 0.233129f, 0.233114f, 0.233099f, 0.233084f, 0.23307f, 0.233055f, 0.23304f,
-0.233025f, 0.233011f, 0.232996f, 0.232981f, 0.232966f, 0.232952f, 0.232937f, 0.232922f, 0.232908f, 0.232893f, 0.232878f, 0.232863f, 0.232849f, 0.232834f, 0.232819f, 0.232804f, 0.23279f, 0.232775f, 0.23276f, 0.232746f,
-0.232731f, 0.232716f, 0.232701f, 0.232687f, 0.232672f, 0.232657f, 0.232643f, 0.232628f, 0.232613f, 0.232598f, 0.232584f, 0.232569f, 0.232554f, 0.23254f, 0.232525f, 0.23251f, 0.232495f, 0.232481f, 0.232466f, 0.232451f,
-0.232437f, 0.232422f, 0.232407f, 0.232392f, 0.232378f, 0.232363f, 0.232348f, 0.232334f, 0.232319f, 0.232304f, 0.232289f, 0.232275f, 0.23226f, 0.232245f, 0.232231f, 0.232216f, 0.232201f, 0.232186f, 0.232172f, 0.232157f,
-0.232142f, 0.232128f, 0.232113f, 0.232098f, 0.232084f, 0.232069f, 0.232054f, 0.232039f, 0.232025f, 0.23201f, 0.231995f, 0.231981f, 0.231966f, 0.231951f, 0.231937f, 0.231922f, 0.231907f, 0.231892f, 0.231878f, 0.231863f,
-0.231848f, 0.231834f, 0.231819f, 0.231804f, 0.23179f, 0.231775f, 0.23176f, 0.231746f, 0.231731f, 0.231716f, 0.231701f, 0.231687f, 0.231672f, 0.231657f, 0.231643f, 0.231628f, 0.231613f, 0.231599f, 0.231584f, 0.231569f,
-0.231555f, 0.23154f, 0.231525f, 0.231511f, 0.231496f, 0.231481f, 0.231466f, 0.231452f, 0.231437f, 0.231422f, 0.231408f, 0.231393f, 0.231378f, 0.231364f, 0.231349f, 0.231334f, 0.23132f, 0.231305f, 0.23129f, 0.231276f,
-0.231261f, 0.231246f, 0.231232f, 0.231217f, 0.231202f, 0.231188f, 0.231173f, 0.231158f, 0.231144f, 0.231129f, 0.231114f, 0.2311f, 0.231085f, 0.23107f, 0.231056f, 0.231041f, 0.231026f, 0.231012f, 0.230997f, 0.230982f,
-0.230968f, 0.230953f, 0.230938f, 0.230924f, 0.230909f, 0.230894f, 0.23088f, 0.230865f, 0.23085f, 0.230836f, 0.230821f, 0.230806f, 0.230792f, 0.230777f, 0.230762f, 0.230748f, 0.230733f, 0.230718f, 0.230704f, 0.230689f,
-0.230674f, 0.23066f, 0.230645f, 0.23063f, 0.230616f, 0.230601f, 0.230586f, 0.230572f, 0.230557f, 0.230542f, 0.230528f, 0.230513f, 0.230498f, 0.230484f, 0.230469f, 0.230454f, 0.23044f, 0.230425f, 0.230411f, 0.230396f,
-0.230381f, 0.230367f, 0.230352f, 0.230337f, 0.230323f, 0.230308f, 0.230293f, 0.230279f, 0.230264f, 0.230249f, 0.230235f, 0.23022f, 0.230206f, 0.230191f, 0.230176f, 0.230162f, 0.230147f, 0.230132f, 0.230118f, 0.230103f,
-0.230088f, 0.230074f, 0.230059f, 0.230044f, 0.23003f, 0.230015f, 0.230001f, 0.229986f, 0.229971f, 0.229957f, 0.229942f, 0.229927f, 0.229913f, 0.229898f, 0.229883f, 0.229869f, 0.229854f, 0.22984f, 0.229825f, 0.22981f,
-0.229796f, 0.229781f, 0.229766f, 0.229752f, 0.229737f, 0.229723f, 0.229708f, 0.229693f, 0.229679f, 0.229664f, 0.229649f, 0.229635f, 0.22962f, 0.229606f, 0.229591f, 0.229576f, 0.229562f, 0.229547f, 0.229532f, 0.229518f,
-0.229503f, 0.229489f, 0.229474f, 0.229459f, 0.229445f, 0.22943f, 0.229416f, 0.229401f, 0.229386f, 0.229372f, 0.229357f, 0.229342f, 0.229328f, 0.229313f, 0.229299f, 0.229284f, 0.229269f, 0.229255f, 0.22924f, 0.229226f,
-0.229211f, 0.229196f, 0.229182f, 0.229167f, 0.229152f, 0.229138f, 0.229123f, 0.229109f, 0.229094f, 0.229079f, 0.229065f, 0.22905f, 0.229036f, 0.229021f, 0.229006f, 0.228992f, 0.228977f, 0.228963f, 0.228948f, 0.228933f,
-0.228919f, 0.228904f, 0.22889f, 0.228875f, 0.22886f, 0.228846f, 0.228831f, 0.228817f, 0.228802f, 0.228787f, 0.228773f, 0.228758f, 0.228744f, 0.228729f, 0.228714f, 0.2287f, 0.228685f, 0.228671f, 0.228656f, 0.228641f,
-0.228627f, 0.228612f, 0.228598f, 0.228583f, 0.228568f, 0.228554f, 0.228539f, 0.228525f, 0.22851f, 0.228496f, 0.228481f, 0.228466f, 0.228452f, 0.228437f, 0.228423f, 0.228408f, 0.228393f, 0.228379f, 0.228364f, 0.22835f,
-0.228335f, 0.228321f, 0.228306f, 0.228291f, 0.228277f, 0.228262f, 0.228248f, 0.228233f, 0.228218f, 0.228204f, 0.228189f, 0.228175f, 0.22816f, 0.228146f, 0.228131f, 0.228116f, 0.228102f, 0.228087f, 0.228073f, 0.228058f,
-0.228044f, 0.228029f, 0.228014f, 0.228f, 0.227985f, 0.227971f, 0.227956f, 0.227942f, 0.227927f, 0.227912f, 0.227898f, 0.227883f, 0.227869f, 0.227854f, 0.22784f, 0.227825f, 0.22781f, 0.227796f, 0.227781f, 0.227767f,
-0.227752f, 0.227738f, 0.227723f, 0.227708f, 0.227694f, 0.227679f, 0.227665f, 0.22765f, 0.227636f, 0.227621f, 0.227607f, 0.227592f, 0.227577f, 0.227563f, 0.227548f, 0.227534f, 0.227519f, 0.227505f, 0.22749f, 0.227476f,
-0.227461f, 0.227446f, 0.227432f, 0.227417f, 0.227403f, 0.227388f, 0.227374f, 0.227359f, 0.227345f, 0.22733f, 0.227315f, 0.227301f, 0.227286f, 0.227272f, 0.227257f, 0.227243f, 0.227228f, 0.227214f, 0.227199f, 0.227185f,
-0.22717f, 0.227155f, 0.227141f, 0.227126f, 0.227112f, 0.227097f, 0.227083f, 0.227068f, 0.227054f, 0.227039f, 0.227025f, 0.22701f, 0.226995f, 0.226981f, 0.226966f, 0.226952f, 0.226937f, 0.226923f, 0.226908f, 0.226894f,
-0.226879f, 0.226865f, 0.22685f, 0.226836f, 0.226821f, 0.226807f, 0.226792f, 0.226777f, 0.226763f, 0.226748f, 0.226734f, 0.226719f, 0.226705f, 0.22669f, 0.226676f, 0.226661f, 0.226647f, 0.226632f, 0.226618f, 0.226603f,
-0.226589f, 0.226574f, 0.226559f, 0.226545f, 0.22653f, 0.226516f, 0.226501f, 0.226487f, 0.226472f, 0.226458f, 0.226443f, 0.226429f, 0.226414f, 0.2264f, 0.226385f, 0.226371f, 0.226356f, 0.226342f, 0.226327f, 0.226313f,
-0.226298f, 0.226284f, 0.226269f, 0.226255f, 0.22624f, 0.226226f, 0.226211f, 0.226196f, 0.226182f, 0.226167f, 0.226153f, 0.226138f, 0.226124f, 0.226109f, 0.226095f, 0.22608f, 0.226066f, 0.226051f, 0.226037f, 0.226022f,
-0.226008f, 0.225993f, 0.225979f, 0.225964f, 0.22595f, 0.225935f, 0.225921f, 0.225906f, 0.225892f, 0.225877f, 0.225863f, 0.225848f, 0.225834f, 0.225819f, 0.225805f, 0.22579f, 0.225776f, 0.225761f, 0.225747f, 0.225732f,
-0.225718f, 0.225703f, 0.225689f, 0.225674f, 0.22566f, 0.225645f, 0.225631f, 0.225616f, 0.225602f, 0.225587f, 0.225573f, 0.225558f, 0.225544f, 0.225529f, 0.225515f, 0.2255f, 0.225486f, 0.225471f, 0.225457f, 0.225442f,
-0.225428f, 0.225413f, 0.225399f, 0.225384f, 0.22537f, 0.225355f, 0.225341f, 0.225326f, 0.225312f, 0.225298f, 0.225283f, 0.225269f, 0.225254f, 0.22524f, 0.225225f, 0.225211f, 0.225196f, 0.225182f, 0.225167f, 0.225153f,
-0.225138f, 0.225124f, 0.225109f, 0.225095f, 0.22508f, 0.225066f, 0.225051f, 0.225037f, 0.225022f, 0.225008f, 0.224993f, 0.224979f, 0.224964f, 0.22495f, 0.224936f, 0.224921f, 0.224907f, 0.224892f, 0.224878f, 0.224863f,
-0.224849f, 0.224834f, 0.22482f, 0.224805f, 0.224791f, 0.224776f, 0.224762f, 0.224747f, 0.224733f, 0.224718f, 0.224704f, 0.22469f, 0.224675f, 0.224661f, 0.224646f, 0.224632f, 0.224617f, 0.224603f, 0.224588f, 0.224574f,
-0.224559f, 0.224545f, 0.22453f, 0.224516f, 0.224502f, 0.224487f, 0.224473f, 0.224458f, 0.224444f, 0.224429f, 0.224415f, 0.2244f, 0.224386f, 0.224371f, 0.224357f, 0.224342f, 0.224328f, 0.224314f, 0.224299f, 0.224285f,
-0.22427f, 0.224256f, 0.224241f, 0.224227f, 0.224212f, 0.224198f, 0.224184f, 0.224169f, 0.224155f, 0.22414f, 0.224126f, 0.224111f, 0.224097f, 0.224082f, 0.224068f, 0.224053f, 0.224039f, 0.224025f, 0.22401f, 0.223996f,
-0.223981f, 0.223967f, 0.223952f, 0.223938f, 0.223924f, 0.223909f, 0.223895f, 0.22388f, 0.223866f, 0.223851f, 0.223837f, 0.223822f, 0.223808f, 0.223794f, 0.223779f, 0.223765f, 0.22375f, 0.223736f, 0.223721f, 0.223707f,
-0.223693f, 0.223678f, 0.223664f, 0.223649f, 0.223635f, 0.22362f, 0.223606f, 0.223591f, 0.223577f, 0.223563f, 0.223548f, 0.223534f, 0.223519f, 0.223505f, 0.22349f, 0.223476f, 0.223462f, 0.223447f, 0.223433f, 0.223418f,
-0.223404f, 0.22339f, 0.223375f, 0.223361f, 0.223346f, 0.223332f, 0.223317f, 0.223303f, 0.223289f, 0.223274f, 0.22326f, 0.223245f, 0.223231f, 0.223216f, 0.223202f, 0.223188f, 0.223173f, 0.223159f, 0.223144f, 0.22313f,
-0.223116f, 0.223101f, 0.223087f, 0.223072f, 0.223058f, 0.223043f, 0.223029f, 0.223015f, 0.223f, 0.222986f, 0.222971f, 0.222957f, 0.222943f, 0.222928f, 0.222914f, 0.222899f, 0.222885f, 0.222871f, 0.222856f, 0.222842f,
-0.222827f, 0.222813f, 0.222799f, 0.222784f, 0.22277f, 0.222755f, 0.222741f, 0.222727f, 0.222712f, 0.222698f, 0.222683f, 0.222669f, 0.222654f, 0.22264f, 0.222626f, 0.222611f, 0.222597f, 0.222583f, 0.222568f, 0.222554f,
-0.222539f, 0.222525f, 0.222511f, 0.222496f, 0.222482f, 0.222467f, 0.222453f, 0.222439f, 0.222424f, 0.22241f, 0.222395f, 0.222381f, 0.222367f, 0.222352f, 0.222338f, 0.222323f, 0.222309f, 0.222295f, 0.22228f, 0.222266f,
-0.222251f, 0.222237f, 0.222223f, 0.222208f, 0.222194f, 0.22218f, 0.222165f, 0.222151f, 0.222136f, 0.222122f, 0.222108f, 0.222093f, 0.222079f, 0.222064f, 0.22205f, 0.222036f, 0.222021f, 0.222007f, 0.221993f, 0.221978f,
-0.221964f, 0.221949f, 0.221935f, 0.221921f, 0.221906f, 0.221892f, 0.221878f, 0.221863f, 0.221849f, 0.221834f, 0.22182f, 0.221806f, 0.221791f, 0.221777f, 0.221763f, 0.221748f, 0.221734f, 0.221719f, 0.221705f, 0.221691f,
-0.221676f, 0.221662f, 0.221648f, 0.221633f, 0.221619f, 0.221605f, 0.22159f, 0.221576f, 0.221561f, 0.221547f, 0.221533f, 0.221518f, 0.221504f, 0.22149f, 0.221475f, 0.221461f, 0.221447f, 0.221432f, 0.221418f, 0.221403f,
-0.221389f, 0.221375f, 0.22136f, 0.221346f, 0.221332f, 0.221317f, 0.221303f, 0.221289f, 0.221274f, 0.22126f, 0.221246f, 0.221231f, 0.221217f, 0.221202f, 0.221188f, 0.221174f, 0.221159f, 0.221145f, 0.221131f, 0.221116f,
-0.221102f, 0.221088f, 0.221073f, 0.221059f, 0.221045f, 0.22103f, 0.221016f, 0.221002f, 0.220987f, 0.220973f, 0.220959f, 0.220944f, 0.22093f, 0.220915f, 0.220901f, 0.220887f, 0.220872f, 0.220858f, 0.220844f, 0.220829f,
-0.220815f, 0.220801f, 0.220786f, 0.220772f, 0.220758f, 0.220743f, 0.220729f, 0.220715f, 0.2207f, 0.220686f, 0.220672f, 0.220657f, 0.220643f, 0.220629f, 0.220614f, 0.2206f, 0.220586f, 0.220571f, 0.220557f, 0.220543f,
-0.220528f, 0.220514f, 0.2205f, 0.220485f, 0.220471f, 0.220457f, 0.220442f, 0.220428f, 0.220414f, 0.220399f, 0.220385f, 0.220371f, 0.220356f, 0.220342f, 0.220328f, 0.220313f, 0.220299f, 0.220285f, 0.22027f, 0.220256f,
-0.220242f, 0.220228f, 0.220213f, 0.220199f, 0.220185f, 0.22017f, 0.220156f, 0.220142f, 0.220127f, 0.220113f, 0.220099f, 0.220084f, 0.22007f, 0.220056f, 0.220041f, 0.220027f, 0.220013f, 0.219998f, 0.219984f, 0.21997f,
-0.219956f, 0.219941f, 0.219927f, 0.219913f, 0.219898f, 0.219884f, 0.21987f, 0.219855f, 0.219841f, 0.219827f, 0.219812f, 0.219798f, 0.219784f, 0.219769f, 0.219755f, 0.219741f, 0.219727f, 0.219712f, 0.219698f, 0.219684f,
-0.219669f, 0.219655f, 0.219641f, 0.219626f, 0.219612f, 0.219598f, 0.219584f, 0.219569f, 0.219555f, 0.219541f, 0.219526f, 0.219512f, 0.219498f, 0.219483f, 0.219469f, 0.219455f, 0.219441f, 0.219426f, 0.219412f, 0.219398f,
-0.219383f, 0.219369f, 0.219355f, 0.21934f, 0.219326f, 0.219312f, 0.219298f, 0.219283f, 0.219269f, 0.219255f, 0.21924f, 0.219226f, 0.219212f, 0.219198f, 0.219183f, 0.219169f, 0.219155f, 0.21914f, 0.219126f, 0.219112f,
-0.219098f, 0.219083f, 0.219069f, 0.219055f, 0.21904f, 0.219026f, 0.219012f, 0.218998f, 0.218983f, 0.218969f, 0.218955f, 0.21894f, 0.218926f, 0.218912f, 0.218898f, 0.218883f, 0.218869f, 0.218855f, 0.218841f, 0.218826f,
-0.218812f, 0.218798f, 0.218783f, 0.218769f, 0.218755f, 0.218741f, 0.218726f, 0.218712f, 0.218698f, 0.218684f, 0.218669f, 0.218655f, 0.218641f, 0.218626f, 0.218612f, 0.218598f, 0.218584f, 0.218569f, 0.218555f, 0.218541f,
-0.218527f, 0.218512f, 0.218498f, 0.218484f, 0.21847f, 0.218455f, 0.218441f, 0.218427f, 0.218412f, 0.218398f, 0.218384f, 0.21837f, 0.218355f, 0.218341f, 0.218327f, 0.218313f, 0.218298f, 0.218284f, 0.21827f, 0.218256f,
-0.218241f, 0.218227f, 0.218213f, 0.218199f, 0.218184f, 0.21817f, 0.218156f, 0.218142f, 0.218127f, 0.218113f, 0.218099f, 0.218085f, 0.21807f, 0.218056f, 0.218042f, 0.218028f, 0.218013f, 0.217999f, 0.217985f, 0.217971f,
-0.217956f, 0.217942f, 0.217928f, 0.217914f, 0.217899f, 0.217885f, 0.217871f, 0.217857f, 0.217842f, 0.217828f, 0.217814f, 0.2178f, 0.217785f, 0.217771f, 0.217757f, 0.217743f, 0.217728f, 0.217714f, 0.2177f, 0.217686f,
-0.217671f, 0.217657f, 0.217643f, 0.217629f, 0.217615f, 0.2176f, 0.217586f, 0.217572f, 0.217558f, 0.217543f, 0.217529f, 0.217515f, 0.217501f, 0.217486f, 0.217472f, 0.217458f, 0.217444f, 0.217429f, 0.217415f, 0.217401f,
-0.217387f, 0.217373f, 0.217358f, 0.217344f, 0.21733f, 0.217316f, 0.217301f, 0.217287f, 0.217273f, 0.217259f, 0.217245f, 0.21723f, 0.217216f, 0.217202f, 0.217188f, 0.217173f, 0.217159f, 0.217145f, 0.217131f, 0.217117f,
-0.217102f, 0.217088f, 0.217074f, 0.21706f, 0.217045f, 0.217031f, 0.217017f, 0.217003f, 0.216989f, 0.216974f, 0.21696f, 0.216946f, 0.216932f, 0.216917f, 0.216903f, 0.216889f, 0.216875f, 0.216861f, 0.216846f, 0.216832f,
-0.216818f, 0.216804f, 0.21679f, 0.216775f, 0.216761f, 0.216747f, 0.216733f, 0.216719f, 0.216704f, 0.21669f, 0.216676f, 0.216662f, 0.216648f, 0.216633f, 0.216619f, 0.216605f, 0.216591f, 0.216577f, 0.216562f, 0.216548f,
-0.216534f, 0.21652f, 0.216505f, 0.216491f, 0.216477f, 0.216463f, 0.216449f, 0.216435f, 0.21642f, 0.216406f, 0.216392f, 0.216378f, 0.216364f, 0.216349f, 0.216335f, 0.216321f, 0.216307f, 0.216293f, 0.216278f, 0.216264f,
-0.21625f, 0.216236f, 0.216222f, 0.216207f, 0.216193f, 0.216179f, 0.216165f, 0.216151f, 0.216136f, 0.216122f, 0.216108f, 0.216094f, 0.21608f, 0.216066f, 0.216051f, 0.216037f, 0.216023f, 0.216009f, 0.215995f, 0.21598f,
-0.215966f, 0.215952f, 0.215938f, 0.215924f, 0.21591f, 0.215895f, 0.215881f, 0.215867f, 0.215853f, 0.215839f, 0.215824f, 0.21581f, 0.215796f, 0.215782f, 0.215768f, 0.215754f, 0.215739f, 0.215725f, 0.215711f, 0.215697f,
-0.215683f, 0.215669f, 0.215654f, 0.21564f, 0.215626f, 0.215612f, 0.215598f, 0.215583f, 0.215569f, 0.215555f, 0.215541f, 0.215527f, 0.215513f, 0.215498f, 0.215484f, 0.21547f, 0.215456f, 0.215442f, 0.215428f, 0.215413f,
-0.215399f, 0.215385f, 0.215371f, 0.215357f, 0.215343f, 0.215329f, 0.215314f, 0.2153f, 0.215286f, 0.215272f, 0.215258f, 0.215244f, 0.215229f, 0.215215f, 0.215201f, 0.215187f, 0.215173f, 0.215159f, 0.215144f, 0.21513f,
-0.215116f, 0.215102f, 0.215088f, 0.215074f, 0.21506f, 0.215045f, 0.215031f, 0.215017f, 0.215003f, 0.214989f, 0.214975f, 0.21496f, 0.214946f, 0.214932f, 0.214918f, 0.214904f, 0.21489f, 0.214876f, 0.214861f, 0.214847f,
-0.214833f, 0.214819f, 0.214805f, 0.214791f, 0.214777f, 0.214762f, 0.214748f, 0.214734f, 0.21472f, 0.214706f, 0.214692f, 0.214678f, 0.214663f, 0.214649f, 0.214635f, 0.214621f, 0.214607f, 0.214593f, 0.214579f, 0.214564f,
-0.21455f, 0.214536f, 0.214522f, 0.214508f, 0.214494f, 0.21448f, 0.214466f, 0.214451f, 0.214437f, 0.214423f, 0.214409f, 0.214395f, 0.214381f, 0.214367f, 0.214352f, 0.214338f, 0.214324f, 0.21431f, 0.214296f, 0.214282f,
-0.214268f, 0.214254f, 0.214239f, 0.214225f, 0.214211f, 0.214197f, 0.214183f, 0.214169f, 0.214155f, 0.214141f, 0.214126f, 0.214112f, 0.214098f, 0.214084f, 0.21407f, 0.214056f, 0.214042f, 0.214028f, 0.214014f, 0.213999f,
-0.213985f, 0.213971f, 0.213957f, 0.213943f, 0.213929f, 0.213915f, 0.213901f, 0.213886f, 0.213872f, 0.213858f, 0.213844f, 0.21383f, 0.213816f, 0.213802f, 0.213788f, 0.213774f, 0.213759f, 0.213745f, 0.213731f, 0.213717f,
-0.213703f, 0.213689f, 0.213675f, 0.213661f, 0.213647f, 0.213633f, 0.213618f, 0.213604f, 0.21359f, 0.213576f, 0.213562f, 0.213548f, 0.213534f, 0.21352f, 0.213506f, 0.213491f, 0.213477f, 0.213463f, 0.213449f, 0.213435f,
-0.213421f, 0.213407f, 0.213393f, 0.213379f, 0.213365f, 0.213351f, 0.213336f, 0.213322f, 0.213308f, 0.213294f, 0.21328f, 0.213266f, 0.213252f, 0.213238f, 0.213224f, 0.21321f, 0.213195f, 0.213181f, 0.213167f, 0.213153f,
-0.213139f, 0.213125f, 0.213111f, 0.213097f, 0.213083f, 0.213069f, 0.213055f, 0.213041f, 0.213026f, 0.213012f, 0.212998f, 0.212984f, 0.21297f, 0.212956f, 0.212942f, 0.212928f, 0.212914f, 0.2129f, 0.212886f, 0.212872f,
-0.212857f, 0.212843f, 0.212829f, 0.212815f, 0.212801f, 0.212787f, 0.212773f, 0.212759f, 0.212745f, 0.212731f, 0.212717f, 0.212703f, 0.212689f, 0.212674f, 0.21266f, 0.212646f, 0.212632f, 0.212618f, 0.212604f, 0.21259f,
-0.212576f, 0.212562f, 0.212548f, 0.212534f, 0.21252f, 0.212506f, 0.212492f, 0.212477f, 0.212463f, 0.212449f, 0.212435f, 0.212421f, 0.212407f, 0.212393f, 0.212379f, 0.212365f, 0.212351f, 0.212337f, 0.212323f, 0.212309f,
-0.212295f, 0.212281f, 0.212266f, 0.212252f, 0.212238f, 0.212224f, 0.21221f, 0.212196f, 0.212182f, 0.212168f, 0.212154f, 0.21214f, 0.212126f, 0.212112f, 0.212098f, 0.212084f, 0.21207f, 0.212056f, 0.212042f, 0.212028f,
-0.212013f, 0.211999f, 0.211985f, 0.211971f, 0.211957f, 0.211943f, 0.211929f, 0.211915f, 0.211901f, 0.211887f, 0.211873f, 0.211859f, 0.211845f, 0.211831f, 0.211817f, 0.211803f, 0.211789f, 0.211775f, 0.211761f, 0.211747f,
-0.211733f, 0.211718f, 0.211704f, 0.21169f, 0.211676f, 0.211662f, 0.211648f, 0.211634f, 0.21162f, 0.211606f, 0.211592f, 0.211578f, 0.211564f, 0.21155f, 0.211536f, 0.211522f, 0.211508f, 0.211494f, 0.21148f, 0.211466f,
-0.211452f, 0.211438f, 0.211424f, 0.21141f, 0.211396f, 0.211382f, 0.211368f, 0.211354f, 0.21134f, 0.211326f, 0.211311f, 0.211297f, 0.211283f, 0.211269f, 0.211255f, 0.211241f, 0.211227f, 0.211213f, 0.211199f, 0.211185f,
-0.211171f, 0.211157f, 0.211143f, 0.211129f, 0.211115f, 0.211101f, 0.211087f, 0.211073f, 0.211059f, 0.211045f, 0.211031f, 0.211017f, 0.211003f, 0.210989f, 0.210975f, 0.210961f, 0.210947f, 0.210933f, 0.210919f, 0.210905f,
-0.210891f, 0.210877f, 0.210863f, 0.210849f, 0.210835f, 0.210821f, 0.210807f, 0.210793f, 0.210779f, 0.210765f, 0.210751f, 0.210737f, 0.210723f, 0.210709f, 0.210695f, 0.210681f, 0.210667f, 0.210653f, 0.210639f, 0.210625f,
-0.210611f, 0.210597f, 0.210583f, 0.210569f, 0.210555f, 0.210541f, 0.210527f, 0.210513f, 0.210499f, 0.210485f, 0.210471f, 0.210457f, 0.210443f, 0.210429f, 0.210415f, 0.210401f, 0.210387f, 0.210373f, 0.210359f, 0.210345f,
-0.210331f, 0.210317f, 0.210303f, 0.210289f, 0.210275f, 0.210261f, 0.210247f, 0.210233f, 0.210219f, 0.210205f, 0.210191f, 0.210177f, 0.210163f, 0.210149f, 0.210135f, 0.210121f, 0.210107f, 0.210093f, 0.210079f, 0.210065f,
-0.210051f, 0.210037f, 0.210023f, 0.210009f, 0.209995f, 0.209981f, 0.209967f, 0.209953f, 0.209939f, 0.209925f, 0.209911f, 0.209897f, 0.209883f, 0.209869f, 0.209855f, 0.209841f, 0.209827f, 0.209813f, 0.209799f, 0.209785f,
-0.209771f, 0.209757f, 0.209743f, 0.209729f, 0.209715f, 0.209701f, 0.209687f, 0.209673f, 0.209659f, 0.209645f, 0.209631f, 0.209617f, 0.209603f, 0.209589f, 0.209576f, 0.209562f, 0.209548f, 0.209534f, 0.20952f, 0.209506f,
-0.209492f, 0.209478f, 0.209464f, 0.20945f, 0.209436f, 0.209422f, 0.209408f, 0.209394f, 0.20938f, 0.209366f, 0.209352f, 0.209338f, 0.209324f, 0.20931f, 0.209296f, 0.209282f, 0.209268f, 0.209254f, 0.20924f, 0.209226f,
-0.209212f, 0.209198f, 0.209185f, 0.209171f, 0.209157f, 0.209143f, 0.209129f, 0.209115f, 0.209101f, 0.209087f, 0.209073f, 0.209059f, 0.209045f, 0.209031f, 0.209017f, 0.209003f, 0.208989f, 0.208975f, 0.208961f, 0.208947f,
-0.208933f, 0.208919f, 0.208905f, 0.208892f, 0.208878f, 0.208864f, 0.20885f, 0.208836f, 0.208822f, 0.208808f, 0.208794f, 0.20878f, 0.208766f, 0.208752f, 0.208738f, 0.208724f, 0.20871f, 0.208696f, 0.208682f, 0.208668f,
-0.208654f, 0.208641f, 0.208627f, 0.208613f, 0.208599f, 0.208585f, 0.208571f, 0.208557f, 0.208543f, 0.208529f, 0.208515f, 0.208501f, 0.208487f, 0.208473f, 0.208459f, 0.208445f, 0.208431f, 0.208418f, 0.208404f, 0.20839f,
-0.208376f, 0.208362f, 0.208348f, 0.208334f, 0.20832f, 0.208306f, 0.208292f, 0.208278f, 0.208264f, 0.20825f, 0.208236f, 0.208223f, 0.208209f, 0.208195f, 0.208181f, 0.208167f, 0.208153f, 0.208139f, 0.208125f, 0.208111f,
-0.208097f, 0.208083f, 0.208069f, 0.208055f, 0.208042f, 0.208028f, 0.208014f, 0.208f, 0.207986f, 0.207972f, 0.207958f, 0.207944f, 0.20793f, 0.207916f, 0.207902f, 0.207888f, 0.207875f, 0.207861f, 0.207847f, 0.207833f,
-0.207819f, 0.207805f, 0.207791f, 0.207777f, 0.207763f, 0.207749f, 0.207735f, 0.207722f, 0.207708f, 0.207694f, 0.20768f, 0.207666f, 0.207652f, 0.207638f, 0.207624f, 0.20761f, 0.207596f, 0.207582f, 0.207569f, 0.207555f,
-0.207541f, 0.207527f, 0.207513f, 0.207499f, 0.207485f, 0.207471f, 0.207457f, 0.207443f, 0.20743f, 0.207416f, 0.207402f, 0.207388f, 0.207374f, 0.20736f, 0.207346f, 0.207332f, 0.207318f, 0.207304f, 0.207291f, 0.207277f,
-0.207263f, 0.207249f, 0.207235f, 0.207221f, 0.207207f, 0.207193f, 0.207179f, 0.207166f, 0.207152f, 0.207138f, 0.207124f, 0.20711f, 0.207096f, 0.207082f, 0.207068f, 0.207054f, 0.207041f, 0.207027f, 0.207013f, 0.206999f,
-0.206985f, 0.206971f, 0.206957f, 0.206943f, 0.206929f, 0.206916f, 0.206902f, 0.206888f, 0.206874f, 0.20686f, 0.206846f, 0.206832f, 0.206818f, 0.206805f, 0.206791f, 0.206777f, 0.206763f, 0.206749f, 0.206735f, 0.206721f,
-0.206707f, 0.206694f, 0.20668f, 0.206666f, 0.206652f, 0.206638f, 0.206624f, 0.20661f, 0.206596f, 0.206583f, 0.206569f, 0.206555f, 0.206541f, 0.206527f, 0.206513f, 0.206499f, 0.206485f, 0.206472f, 0.206458f, 0.206444f,
-0.20643f, 0.206416f, 0.206402f, 0.206388f, 0.206375f, 0.206361f, 0.206347f, 0.206333f, 0.206319f, 0.206305f, 0.206291f, 0.206278f, 0.206264f, 0.20625f, 0.206236f, 0.206222f, 0.206208f, 0.206194f, 0.206181f, 0.206167f,
-0.206153f, 0.206139f, 0.206125f, 0.206111f, 0.206097f, 0.206084f, 0.20607f, 0.206056f, 0.206042f, 0.206028f, 0.206014f, 0.206f, 0.205987f, 0.205973f, 0.205959f, 0.205945f, 0.205931f, 0.205917f, 0.205903f, 0.20589f,
-0.205876f, 0.205862f, 0.205848f, 0.205834f, 0.20582f, 0.205807f, 0.205793f, 0.205779f, 0.205765f, 0.205751f, 0.205737f, 0.205723f, 0.20571f, 0.205696f, 0.205682f, 0.205668f, 0.205654f, 0.20564f, 0.205627f, 0.205613f,
-0.205599f, 0.205585f, 0.205571f, 0.205557f, 0.205544f, 0.20553f, 0.205516f, 0.205502f, 0.205488f, 0.205474f, 0.205461f, 0.205447f, 0.205433f, 0.205419f, 0.205405f, 0.205391f, 0.205378f, 0.205364f, 0.20535f, 0.205336f,
-0.205322f, 0.205308f, 0.205295f, 0.205281f, 0.205267f, 0.205253f, 0.205239f, 0.205225f, 0.205212f, 0.205198f, 0.205184f, 0.20517f, 0.205156f, 0.205143f, 0.205129f, 0.205115f, 0.205101f, 0.205087f, 0.205073f, 0.20506f,
-0.205046f, 0.205032f, 0.205018f, 0.205004f, 0.204991f, 0.204977f, 0.204963f, 0.204949f, 0.204935f, 0.204921f, 0.204908f, 0.204894f, 0.20488f, 0.204866f, 0.204852f, 0.204839f, 0.204825f, 0.204811f, 0.204797f, 0.204783f,
-0.20477f, 0.204756f, 0.204742f, 0.204728f, 0.204714f, 0.2047f, 0.204687f, 0.204673f, 0.204659f, 0.204645f, 0.204631f, 0.204618f, 0.204604f, 0.20459f, 0.204576f, 0.204562f, 0.204549f, 0.204535f, 0.204521f, 0.204507f,
-0.204493f, 0.20448f, 0.204466f, 0.204452f, 0.204438f, 0.204424f, 0.204411f, 0.204397f, 0.204383f, 0.204369f, 0.204355f, 0.204342f, 0.204328f, 0.204314f, 0.2043f, 0.204286f, 0.204273f, 0.204259f, 0.204245f, 0.204231f,
-0.204217f, 0.204204f, 0.20419f, 0.204176f, 0.204162f, 0.204149f, 0.204135f, 0.204121f, 0.204107f, 0.204093f, 0.20408f, 0.204066f, 0.204052f, 0.204038f, 0.204024f, 0.204011f, 0.203997f, 0.203983f, 0.203969f, 0.203956f,
-0.203942f, 0.203928f, 0.203914f, 0.2039f, 0.203887f, 0.203873f, 0.203859f, 0.203845f, 0.203832f, 0.203818f, 0.203804f, 0.20379f, 0.203776f, 0.203763f, 0.203749f, 0.203735f, 0.203721f, 0.203708f, 0.203694f, 0.20368f,
-0.203666f, 0.203652f, 0.203639f, 0.203625f, 0.203611f, 0.203597f, 0.203584f, 0.20357f, 0.203556f, 0.203542f, 0.203529f, 0.203515f, 0.203501f, 0.203487f, 0.203473f, 0.20346f, 0.203446f, 0.203432f, 0.203418f, 0.203405f,
-0.203391f, 0.203377f, 0.203363f, 0.20335f, 0.203336f, 0.203322f, 0.203308f, 0.203295f, 0.203281f, 0.203267f, 0.203253f, 0.20324f, 0.203226f, 0.203212f, 0.203198f, 0.203184f, 0.203171f, 0.203157f, 0.203143f, 0.203129f,
-0.203116f, 0.203102f, 0.203088f, 0.203074f, 0.203061f, 0.203047f, 0.203033f, 0.203019f, 0.203006f, 0.202992f, 0.202978f, 0.202964f, 0.202951f, 0.202937f, 0.202923f, 0.202909f, 0.202896f, 0.202882f, 0.202868f, 0.202854f,
-0.202841f, 0.202827f, 0.202813f, 0.202799f, 0.202786f, 0.202772f, 0.202758f, 0.202745f, 0.202731f, 0.202717f, 0.202703f, 0.20269f, 0.202676f, 0.202662f, 0.202648f, 0.202635f, 0.202621f, 0.202607f, 0.202593f, 0.20258f,
-0.202566f, 0.202552f, 0.202538f, 0.202525f, 0.202511f, 0.202497f, 0.202484f, 0.20247f, 0.202456f, 0.202442f, 0.202429f, 0.202415f, 0.202401f, 0.202387f, 0.202374f, 0.20236f, 0.202346f, 0.202332f, 0.202319f, 0.202305f,
-0.202291f, 0.202278f, 0.202264f, 0.20225f, 0.202236f, 0.202223f, 0.202209f, 0.202195f, 0.202182f, 0.202168f, 0.202154f, 0.20214f, 0.202127f, 0.202113f, 0.202099f, 0.202085f, 0.202072f, 0.202058f, 0.202044f, 0.202031f,
-0.202017f, 0.202003f, 0.201989f, 0.201976f, 0.201962f, 0.201948f, 0.201935f, 0.201921f, 0.201907f, 0.201893f, 0.20188f, 0.201866f, 0.201852f, 0.201839f, 0.201825f, 0.201811f, 0.201797f, 0.201784f, 0.20177f, 0.201756f,
-0.201743f, 0.201729f, 0.201715f, 0.201702f, 0.201688f, 0.201674f, 0.20166f, 0.201647f, 0.201633f, 0.201619f, 0.201606f, 0.201592f, 0.201578f, 0.201564f, 0.201551f, 0.201537f, 0.201523f, 0.20151f, 0.201496f, 0.201482f,
-0.201469f, 0.201455f, 0.201441f, 0.201428f, 0.201414f, 0.2014f, 0.201386f, 0.201373f, 0.201359f, 0.201345f, 0.201332f, 0.201318f, 0.201304f, 0.201291f, 0.201277f, 0.201263f, 0.201249f, 0.201236f, 0.201222f, 0.201208f,
-0.201195f, 0.201181f, 0.201167f, 0.201154f, 0.20114f, 0.201126f, 0.201113f, 0.201099f, 0.201085f, 0.201072f, 0.201058f, 0.201044f, 0.201031f, 0.201017f, 0.201003f, 0.200989f, 0.200976f, 0.200962f, 0.200948f, 0.200935f,
-0.200921f, 0.200907f, 0.200894f, 0.20088f, 0.200866f, 0.200853f, 0.200839f, 0.200825f, 0.200812f, 0.200798f, 0.200784f, 0.200771f, 0.200757f, 0.200743f, 0.20073f, 0.200716f, 0.200702f, 0.200689f, 0.200675f, 0.200661f,
-0.200648f, 0.200634f, 0.20062f, 0.200607f, 0.200593f, 0.200579f, 0.200566f, 0.200552f, 0.200538f, 0.200525f, 0.200511f, 0.200497f, 0.200484f, 0.20047f, 0.200456f, 0.200443f, 0.200429f, 0.200415f, 0.200402f, 0.200388f,
-0.200374f, 0.200361f, 0.200347f, 0.200333f, 0.20032f, 0.200306f, 0.200292f, 0.200279f, 0.200265f, 0.200251f, 0.200238f, 0.200224f, 0.20021f, 0.200197f, 0.200183f, 0.200169f, 0.200156f, 0.200142f, 0.200128f, 0.200115f,
-0.200101f, 0.200087f, 0.200074f, 0.20006f, 0.200047f, 0.200033f, 0.200019f, 0.200006f, 0.199992f, 0.199978f, 0.199965f, 0.199951f, 0.199937f, 0.199924f, 0.19991f, 0.199896f, 0.199883f, 0.199869f, 0.199855f, 0.199842f,
-0.199828f, 0.199815f, 0.199801f, 0.199787f, 0.199774f, 0.19976f, 0.199746f, 0.199733f, 0.199719f, 0.199705f, 0.199692f, 0.199678f, 0.199665f, 0.199651f, 0.199637f, 0.199624f, 0.19961f, 0.199596f, 0.199583f, 0.199569f,
-0.199555f, 0.199542f, 0.199528f, 0.199515f, 0.199501f, 0.199487f, 0.199474f, 0.19946f, 0.199446f, 0.199433f, 0.199419f, 0.199406f, 0.199392f, 0.199378f, 0.199365f, 0.199351f, 0.199337f, 0.199324f, 0.19931f, 0.199297f,
-0.199283f, 0.199269f, 0.199256f, 0.199242f, 0.199228f, 0.199215f, 0.199201f, 0.199188f, 0.199174f, 0.19916f, 0.199147f, 0.199133f, 0.199119f, 0.199106f, 0.199092f, 0.199079f, 0.199065f, 0.199051f, 0.199038f, 0.199024f,
-0.199011f, 0.198997f, 0.198983f, 0.19897f, 0.198956f, 0.198942f, 0.198929f, 0.198915f, 0.198902f, 0.198888f, 0.198874f, 0.198861f, 0.198847f, 0.198834f, 0.19882f, 0.198806f, 0.198793f, 0.198779f, 0.198766f, 0.198752f,
-0.198738f, 0.198725f, 0.198711f, 0.198698f, 0.198684f, 0.19867f, 0.198657f, 0.198643f, 0.19863f, 0.198616f, 0.198602f, 0.198589f, 0.198575f, 0.198562f, 0.198548f, 0.198534f, 0.198521f, 0.198507f, 0.198494f, 0.19848f,
-0.198466f, 0.198453f, 0.198439f, 0.198426f, 0.198412f, 0.198398f, 0.198385f, 0.198371f, 0.198358f, 0.198344f, 0.19833f, 0.198317f, 0.198303f, 0.19829f, 0.198276f, 0.198262f, 0.198249f, 0.198235f, 0.198222f, 0.198208f,
-0.198195f, 0.198181f, 0.198167f, 0.198154f, 0.19814f, 0.198127f, 0.198113f, 0.198099f, 0.198086f, 0.198072f, 0.198059f, 0.198045f, 0.198032f, 0.198018f, 0.198004f, 0.197991f, 0.197977f, 0.197964f, 0.19795f, 0.197936f,
-0.197923f, 0.197909f, 0.197896f, 0.197882f, 0.197869f, 0.197855f, 0.197841f, 0.197828f, 0.197814f, 0.197801f, 0.197787f, 0.197774f, 0.19776f, 0.197746f, 0.197733f, 0.197719f, 0.197706f, 0.197692f, 0.197679f, 0.197665f,
-0.197651f, 0.197638f, 0.197624f, 0.197611f, 0.197597f, 0.197584f, 0.19757f, 0.197556f, 0.197543f, 0.197529f, 0.197516f, 0.197502f, 0.197489f, 0.197475f, 0.197462f, 0.197448f, 0.197434f, 0.197421f, 0.197407f, 0.197394f,
-0.19738f, 0.197367f, 0.197353f, 0.19734f, 0.197326f, 0.197312f, 0.197299f, 0.197285f, 0.197272f, 0.197258f, 0.197245f, 0.197231f, 0.197218f, 0.197204f, 0.19719f, 0.197177f, 0.197163f, 0.19715f, 0.197136f, 0.197123f,
-0.197109f, 0.197096f, 0.197082f, 0.197068f, 0.197055f, 0.197041f, 0.197028f, 0.197014f, 0.197001f, 0.196987f, 0.196974f, 0.19696f, 0.196947f, 0.196933f, 0.196919f, 0.196906f, 0.196892f, 0.196879f, 0.196865f, 0.196852f,
-0.196838f, 0.196825f, 0.196811f, 0.196798f, 0.196784f, 0.196771f, 0.196757f, 0.196743f, 0.19673f, 0.196716f, 0.196703f, 0.196689f, 0.196676f, 0.196662f, 0.196649f, 0.196635f, 0.196622f, 0.196608f, 0.196595f, 0.196581f,
-0.196568f, 0.196554f, 0.19654f, 0.196527f, 0.196513f, 0.1965f, 0.196486f, 0.196473f, 0.196459f, 0.196446f, 0.196432f, 0.196419f, 0.196405f, 0.196392f, 0.196378f, 0.196365f, 0.196351f, 0.196338f, 0.196324f, 0.196311f,
-0.196297f, 0.196284f, 0.19627f, 0.196256f, 0.196243f, 0.196229f, 0.196216f, 0.196202f, 0.196189f, 0.196175f, 0.196162f, 0.196148f, 0.196135f, 0.196121f, 0.196108f, 0.196094f, 0.196081f, 0.196067f, 0.196054f, 0.19604f,
-0.196027f, 0.196013f, 0.196f, 0.195986f, 0.195973f, 0.195959f, 0.195946f, 0.195932f, 0.195919f, 0.195905f, 0.195892f, 0.195878f, 0.195865f, 0.195851f, 0.195838f, 0.195824f, 0.195811f, 0.195797f, 0.195784f, 0.19577f,
-0.195757f, 0.195743f, 0.19573f, 0.195716f, 0.195703f, 0.195689f, 0.195676f, 0.195662f, 0.195649f, 0.195635f, 0.195622f, 0.195608f, 0.195595f, 0.195581f, 0.195568f, 0.195554f, 0.195541f, 0.195527f, 0.195514f, 0.1955f,
-0.195487f, 0.195473f, 0.19546f, 0.195446f, 0.195433f, 0.195419f, 0.195406f, 0.195392f, 0.195379f, 0.195365f, 0.195352f, 0.195338f, 0.195325f, 0.195311f, 0.195298f, 0.195284f, 0.195271f, 0.195257f, 0.195244f, 0.19523f,
-0.195217f, 0.195203f, 0.19519f, 0.195176f, 0.195163f, 0.195149f, 0.195136f, 0.195122f, 0.195109f, 0.195096f, 0.195082f, 0.195069f, 0.195055f, 0.195042f, 0.195028f, 0.195015f, 0.195001f, 0.194988f, 0.194974f, 0.194961f,
-0.194947f, 0.194934f, 0.19492f, 0.194907f, 0.194893f, 0.19488f, 0.194866f, 0.194853f, 0.194839f, 0.194826f, 0.194813f, 0.194799f, 0.194786f, 0.194772f, 0.194759f, 0.194745f, 0.194732f, 0.194718f, 0.194705f, 0.194691f,
-0.194678f, 0.194664f, 0.194651f, 0.194637f, 0.194624f, 0.194611f, 0.194597f, 0.194584f, 0.19457f, 0.194557f, 0.194543f, 0.19453f, 0.194516f, 0.194503f, 0.194489f, 0.194476f, 0.194462f, 0.194449f, 0.194436f, 0.194422f,
-0.194409f, 0.194395f, 0.194382f, 0.194368f, 0.194355f, 0.194341f, 0.194328f, 0.194314f, 0.194301f, 0.194288f, 0.194274f, 0.194261f, 0.194247f, 0.194234f, 0.19422f, 0.194207f, 0.194193f, 0.19418f, 0.194167f, 0.194153f,
-0.19414f, 0.194126f, 0.194113f, 0.194099f, 0.194086f, 0.194072f, 0.194059f, 0.194046f, 0.194032f, 0.194019f, 0.194005f, 0.193992f, 0.193978f, 0.193965f, 0.193951f, 0.193938f, 0.193925f, 0.193911f, 0.193898f, 0.193884f,
-0.193871f, 0.193857f, 0.193844f, 0.19383f, 0.193817f, 0.193804f, 0.19379f, 0.193777f, 0.193763f, 0.19375f, 0.193736f, 0.193723f, 0.19371f, 0.193696f, 0.193683f, 0.193669f, 0.193656f, 0.193642f, 0.193629f, 0.193616f,
-0.193602f, 0.193589f, 0.193575f, 0.193562f, 0.193548f, 0.193535f, 0.193522f, 0.193508f, 0.193495f, 0.193481f, 0.193468f, 0.193454f, 0.193441f, 0.193428f, 0.193414f, 0.193401f, 0.193387f, 0.193374f, 0.193361f, 0.193347f,
-0.193334f, 0.19332f, 0.193307f, 0.193293f, 0.19328f, 0.193267f, 0.193253f, 0.19324f, 0.193226f, 0.193213f, 0.1932f, 0.193186f, 0.193173f, 0.193159f, 0.193146f, 0.193132f, 0.193119f, 0.193106f, 0.193092f, 0.193079f,
-0.193065f, 0.193052f, 0.193039f, 0.193025f, 0.193012f, 0.192998f, 0.192985f, 0.192972f, 0.192958f, 0.192945f, 0.192931f, 0.192918f, 0.192905f, 0.192891f, 0.192878f, 0.192864f, 0.192851f, 0.192838f, 0.192824f, 0.192811f,
-0.192797f, 0.192784f, 0.192771f, 0.192757f, 0.192744f, 0.19273f, 0.192717f, 0.192704f, 0.19269f, 0.192677f, 0.192663f, 0.19265f, 0.192637f, 0.192623f, 0.19261f, 0.192596f, 0.192583f, 0.19257f, 0.192556f, 0.192543f,
-0.192529f, 0.192516f, 0.192503f, 0.192489f, 0.192476f, 0.192462f, 0.192449f, 0.192436f, 0.192422f, 0.192409f, 0.192396f, 0.192382f, 0.192369f, 0.192355f, 0.192342f, 0.192329f, 0.192315f, 0.192302f, 0.192288f, 0.192275f,
-0.192262f, 0.192248f, 0.192235f, 0.192222f, 0.192208f, 0.192195f, 0.192181f, 0.192168f, 0.192155f, 0.192141f, 0.192128f, 0.192115f, 0.192101f, 0.192088f, 0.192074f, 0.192061f, 0.192048f, 0.192034f, 0.192021f, 0.192008f,
-0.191994f, 0.191981f, 0.191967f, 0.191954f, 0.191941f, 0.191927f, 0.191914f, 0.191901f, 0.191887f, 0.191874f, 0.19186f, 0.191847f, 0.191834f, 0.19182f, 0.191807f, 0.191794f, 0.19178f, 0.191767f, 0.191754f, 0.19174f,
-0.191727f, 0.191713f, 0.1917f, 0.191687f, 0.191673f, 0.19166f, 0.191647f, 0.191633f, 0.19162f, 0.191607f, 0.191593f, 0.19158f, 0.191567f, 0.191553f, 0.19154f, 0.191526f, 0.191513f, 0.1915f, 0.191486f, 0.191473f,
-0.19146f, 0.191446f, 0.191433f, 0.19142f, 0.191406f, 0.191393f, 0.19138f, 0.191366f, 0.191353f, 0.191339f, 0.191326f, 0.191313f, 0.191299f, 0.191286f, 0.191273f, 0.191259f, 0.191246f, 0.191233f, 0.191219f, 0.191206f,
-0.191193f, 0.191179f, 0.191166f, 0.191153f, 0.191139f, 0.191126f, 0.191113f, 0.191099f, 0.191086f, 0.191073f, 0.191059f, 0.191046f, 0.191033f, 0.191019f, 0.191006f, 0.190993f, 0.190979f, 0.190966f, 0.190953f, 0.190939f,
-0.190926f, 0.190913f, 0.190899f, 0.190886f, 0.190873f, 0.190859f, 0.190846f, 0.190833f, 0.190819f, 0.190806f, 0.190793f, 0.190779f, 0.190766f, 0.190753f, 0.190739f, 0.190726f, 0.190713f, 0.190699f, 0.190686f, 0.190673f,
-0.190659f, 0.190646f, 0.190633f, 0.190619f, 0.190606f, 0.190593f, 0.190579f, 0.190566f, 0.190553f, 0.190539f, 0.190526f, 0.190513f, 0.190499f, 0.190486f, 0.190473f, 0.190459f, 0.190446f, 0.190433f, 0.19042f, 0.190406f,
-0.190393f, 0.19038f, 0.190366f, 0.190353f, 0.19034f, 0.190326f, 0.190313f, 0.1903f, 0.190286f, 0.190273f, 0.19026f, 0.190246f, 0.190233f, 0.19022f, 0.190207f, 0.190193f, 0.19018f, 0.190167f, 0.190153f, 0.19014f,
-0.190127f, 0.190113f, 0.1901f, 0.190087f, 0.190073f, 0.19006f, 0.190047f, 0.190034f, 0.19002f, 0.190007f, 0.189994f, 0.18998f, 0.189967f, 0.189954f, 0.18994f, 0.189927f, 0.189914f, 0.189901f, 0.189887f, 0.189874f,
-0.189861f, 0.189847f, 0.189834f, 0.189821f, 0.189807f, 0.189794f, 0.189781f, 0.189768f, 0.189754f, 0.189741f, 0.189728f, 0.189714f, 0.189701f, 0.189688f, 0.189674f, 0.189661f, 0.189648f, 0.189635f, 0.189621f, 0.189608f,
-0.189595f, 0.189581f, 0.189568f, 0.189555f, 0.189542f, 0.189528f, 0.189515f, 0.189502f, 0.189488f, 0.189475f, 0.189462f, 0.189449f, 0.189435f, 0.189422f, 0.189409f, 0.189395f, 0.189382f, 0.189369f, 0.189356f, 0.189342f,
-0.189329f, 0.189316f, 0.189303f, 0.189289f, 0.189276f, 0.189263f, 0.189249f, 0.189236f, 0.189223f, 0.18921f, 0.189196f, 0.189183f, 0.18917f, 0.189157f, 0.189143f, 0.18913f, 0.189117f, 0.189103f, 0.18909f, 0.189077f,
-0.189064f, 0.18905f, 0.189037f, 0.189024f, 0.189011f, 0.188997f, 0.188984f, 0.188971f, 0.188957f, 0.188944f, 0.188931f, 0.188918f, 0.188904f, 0.188891f, 0.188878f, 0.188865f, 0.188851f, 0.188838f, 0.188825f, 0.188812f,
-0.188798f, 0.188785f, 0.188772f, 0.188759f, 0.188745f, 0.188732f, 0.188719f, 0.188706f, 0.188692f, 0.188679f, 0.188666f, 0.188652f, 0.188639f, 0.188626f, 0.188613f, 0.188599f, 0.188586f, 0.188573f, 0.18856f, 0.188546f,
-0.188533f, 0.18852f, 0.188507f, 0.188493f, 0.18848f, 0.188467f, 0.188454f, 0.18844f, 0.188427f, 0.188414f, 0.188401f, 0.188387f, 0.188374f, 0.188361f, 0.188348f, 0.188334f, 0.188321f, 0.188308f, 0.188295f, 0.188282f,
-0.188268f, 0.188255f, 0.188242f, 0.188229f, 0.188215f, 0.188202f, 0.188189f, 0.188176f, 0.188162f, 0.188149f, 0.188136f, 0.188123f, 0.188109f, 0.188096f, 0.188083f, 0.18807f, 0.188056f, 0.188043f, 0.18803f, 0.188017f,
-0.188004f, 0.18799f, 0.187977f, 0.187964f, 0.187951f, 0.187937f, 0.187924f, 0.187911f, 0.187898f, 0.187884f, 0.187871f, 0.187858f, 0.187845f, 0.187832f, 0.187818f, 0.187805f, 0.187792f, 0.187779f, 0.187765f, 0.187752f,
-0.187739f, 0.187726f, 0.187713f, 0.187699f, 0.187686f, 0.187673f, 0.18766f, 0.187646f, 0.187633f, 0.18762f, 0.187607f, 0.187594f, 0.18758f, 0.187567f, 0.187554f, 0.187541f, 0.187527f, 0.187514f, 0.187501f, 0.187488f,
-0.187475f, 0.187461f, 0.187448f, 0.187435f, 0.187422f, 0.187409f, 0.187395f, 0.187382f, 0.187369f, 0.187356f, 0.187343f, 0.187329f, 0.187316f, 0.187303f, 0.18729f, 0.187276f, 0.187263f, 0.18725f, 0.187237f, 0.187224f,
-0.18721f, 0.187197f, 0.187184f, 0.187171f, 0.187158f, 0.187144f, 0.187131f, 0.187118f, 0.187105f, 0.187092f, 0.187078f, 0.187065f, 0.187052f, 0.187039f, 0.187026f, 0.187012f, 0.186999f, 0.186986f, 0.186973f, 0.18696f,
-0.186946f, 0.186933f, 0.18692f, 0.186907f, 0.186894f, 0.18688f, 0.186867f, 0.186854f, 0.186841f, 0.186828f, 0.186815f, 0.186801f, 0.186788f, 0.186775f, 0.186762f, 0.186749f, 0.186735f, 0.186722f, 0.186709f, 0.186696f,
-0.186683f, 0.186669f, 0.186656f, 0.186643f, 0.18663f, 0.186617f, 0.186604f, 0.18659f, 0.186577f, 0.186564f, 0.186551f, 0.186538f, 0.186524f, 0.186511f, 0.186498f, 0.186485f, 0.186472f, 0.186459f, 0.186445f, 0.186432f,
-0.186419f, 0.186406f, 0.186393f, 0.186379f, 0.186366f, 0.186353f, 0.18634f, 0.186327f, 0.186314f, 0.1863f, 0.186287f, 0.186274f, 0.186261f, 0.186248f, 0.186235f, 0.186221f, 0.186208f, 0.186195f, 0.186182f, 0.186169f,
-0.186156f, 0.186142f, 0.186129f, 0.186116f, 0.186103f, 0.18609f, 0.186077f, 0.186063f, 0.18605f, 0.186037f, 0.186024f, 0.186011f, 0.185998f, 0.185984f, 0.185971f, 0.185958f, 0.185945f, 0.185932f, 0.185919f, 0.185906f,
-0.185892f, 0.185879f, 0.185866f, 0.185853f, 0.18584f, 0.185827f, 0.185813f, 0.1858f, 0.185787f, 0.185774f, 0.185761f, 0.185748f, 0.185734f, 0.185721f, 0.185708f, 0.185695f, 0.185682f, 0.185669f, 0.185656f, 0.185642f,
-0.185629f, 0.185616f, 0.185603f, 0.18559f, 0.185577f, 0.185564f, 0.18555f, 0.185537f, 0.185524f, 0.185511f, 0.185498f, 0.185485f, 0.185472f, 0.185458f, 0.185445f, 0.185432f, 0.185419f, 0.185406f, 0.185393f, 0.18538f,
-0.185366f, 0.185353f, 0.18534f, 0.185327f, 0.185314f, 0.185301f, 0.185288f, 0.185274f, 0.185261f, 0.185248f, 0.185235f, 0.185222f, 0.185209f, 0.185196f, 0.185183f, 0.185169f, 0.185156f, 0.185143f, 0.18513f, 0.185117f,
-0.185104f, 0.185091f, 0.185077f, 0.185064f, 0.185051f, 0.185038f, 0.185025f, 0.185012f, 0.184999f, 0.184986f, 0.184972f, 0.184959f, 0.184946f, 0.184933f, 0.18492f, 0.184907f, 0.184894f, 0.184881f, 0.184867f, 0.184854f,
-0.184841f, 0.184828f, 0.184815f, 0.184802f, 0.184789f, 0.184776f, 0.184763f, 0.184749f, 0.184736f, 0.184723f, 0.18471f, 0.184697f, 0.184684f, 0.184671f, 0.184658f, 0.184644f, 0.184631f, 0.184618f, 0.184605f, 0.184592f,
-0.184579f, 0.184566f, 0.184553f, 0.18454f, 0.184526f, 0.184513f, 0.1845f, 0.184487f, 0.184474f, 0.184461f, 0.184448f, 0.184435f, 0.184422f, 0.184408f, 0.184395f, 0.184382f, 0.184369f, 0.184356f, 0.184343f, 0.18433f,
-0.184317f, 0.184304f, 0.184291f, 0.184277f, 0.184264f, 0.184251f, 0.184238f, 0.184225f, 0.184212f, 0.184199f, 0.184186f, 0.184173f, 0.18416f, 0.184146f, 0.184133f, 0.18412f, 0.184107f, 0.184094f, 0.184081f, 0.184068f,
-0.184055f, 0.184042f, 0.184029f, 0.184016f, 0.184002f, 0.183989f, 0.183976f, 0.183963f, 0.18395f, 0.183937f, 0.183924f, 0.183911f, 0.183898f, 0.183885f, 0.183872f, 0.183858f, 0.183845f, 0.183832f, 0.183819f, 0.183806f,
-0.183793f, 0.18378f, 0.183767f, 0.183754f, 0.183741f, 0.183728f, 0.183715f, 0.183701f, 0.183688f, 0.183675f, 0.183662f, 0.183649f, 0.183636f, 0.183623f, 0.18361f, 0.183597f, 0.183584f, 0.183571f, 0.183558f, 0.183545f,
-0.183531f, 0.183518f, 0.183505f, 0.183492f, 0.183479f, 0.183466f, 0.183453f, 0.18344f, 0.183427f, 0.183414f, 0.183401f, 0.183388f, 0.183375f, 0.183362f, 0.183349f, 0.183335f, 0.183322f, 0.183309f, 0.183296f, 0.183283f,
-0.18327f, 0.183257f, 0.183244f, 0.183231f, 0.183218f, 0.183205f, 0.183192f, 0.183179f, 0.183166f, 0.183153f, 0.183139f, 0.183126f, 0.183113f, 0.1831f, 0.183087f, 0.183074f, 0.183061f, 0.183048f, 0.183035f, 0.183022f,
-0.183009f, 0.182996f, 0.182983f, 0.18297f, 0.182957f, 0.182944f, 0.182931f, 0.182918f, 0.182904f, 0.182891f, 0.182878f, 0.182865f, 0.182852f, 0.182839f, 0.182826f, 0.182813f, 0.1828f, 0.182787f, 0.182774f, 0.182761f,
-0.182748f, 0.182735f, 0.182722f, 0.182709f, 0.182696f, 0.182683f, 0.18267f, 0.182657f, 0.182644f, 0.182631f, 0.182617f, 0.182604f, 0.182591f, 0.182578f, 0.182565f, 0.182552f, 0.182539f, 0.182526f, 0.182513f, 0.1825f,
-0.182487f, 0.182474f, 0.182461f, 0.182448f, 0.182435f, 0.182422f, 0.182409f, 0.182396f, 0.182383f, 0.18237f, 0.182357f, 0.182344f, 0.182331f, 0.182318f, 0.182305f, 0.182292f, 0.182279f, 0.182266f, 0.182252f, 0.182239f,
-0.182226f, 0.182213f, 0.1822f, 0.182187f, 0.182174f, 0.182161f, 0.182148f, 0.182135f, 0.182122f, 0.182109f, 0.182096f, 0.182083f, 0.18207f, 0.182057f, 0.182044f, 0.182031f, 0.182018f, 0.182005f, 0.181992f, 0.181979f,
-0.181966f, 0.181953f, 0.18194f, 0.181927f, 0.181914f, 0.181901f, 0.181888f, 0.181875f, 0.181862f, 0.181849f, 0.181836f, 0.181823f, 0.18181f, 0.181797f, 0.181784f, 0.181771f, 0.181758f, 0.181745f, 0.181732f, 0.181719f,
-0.181706f, 0.181693f, 0.18168f, 0.181667f, 0.181654f, 0.181641f, 0.181628f, 0.181615f, 0.181602f, 0.181589f, 0.181576f, 0.181563f, 0.18155f, 0.181537f, 0.181524f, 0.181511f, 0.181498f, 0.181485f, 0.181472f, 0.181459f,
-0.181446f, 0.181433f, 0.18142f, 0.181407f, 0.181394f, 0.181381f, 0.181368f, 0.181355f, 0.181342f, 0.181329f, 0.181316f, 0.181303f, 0.18129f, 0.181277f, 0.181264f, 0.181251f, 0.181238f, 0.181225f, 0.181212f, 0.181199f,
-0.181186f, 0.181173f, 0.18116f, 0.181147f, 0.181134f, 0.181121f, 0.181108f, 0.181095f, 0.181082f, 0.181069f, 0.181056f, 0.181043f, 0.18103f, 0.181017f, 0.181004f, 0.180991f, 0.180978f, 0.180965f, 0.180952f, 0.180939f,
-0.180926f, 0.180913f, 0.1809f, 0.180887f, 0.180874f, 0.180861f, 0.180848f, 0.180835f, 0.180822f, 0.180809f, 0.180796f, 0.180783f, 0.18077f, 0.180757f, 0.180744f, 0.180731f, 0.180718f, 0.180705f, 0.180692f, 0.180679f,
-0.180667f, 0.180654f, 0.180641f, 0.180628f, 0.180615f, 0.180602f, 0.180589f, 0.180576f, 0.180563f, 0.18055f, 0.180537f, 0.180524f, 0.180511f, 0.180498f, 0.180485f, 0.180472f, 0.180459f, 0.180446f, 0.180433f, 0.18042f,
-0.180407f, 0.180394f, 0.180381f, 0.180368f, 0.180355f, 0.180342f, 0.180329f, 0.180316f, 0.180303f, 0.180291f, 0.180278f, 0.180265f, 0.180252f, 0.180239f, 0.180226f, 0.180213f, 0.1802f, 0.180187f, 0.180174f, 0.180161f,
-0.180148f, 0.180135f, 0.180122f, 0.180109f, 0.180096f, 0.180083f, 0.18007f, 0.180057f, 0.180044f, 0.180031f, 0.180019f, 0.180006f, 0.179993f, 0.17998f, 0.179967f, 0.179954f, 0.179941f, 0.179928f, 0.179915f, 0.179902f,
-0.179889f, 0.179876f, 0.179863f, 0.17985f, 0.179837f, 0.179824f, 0.179811f, 0.179798f, 0.179786f, 0.179773f, 0.17976f, 0.179747f, 0.179734f, 0.179721f, 0.179708f, 0.179695f, 0.179682f, 0.179669f, 0.179656f, 0.179643f,
-0.17963f, 0.179617f, 0.179604f, 0.179591f, 0.179579f, 0.179566f, 0.179553f, 0.17954f, 0.179527f, 0.179514f, 0.179501f, 0.179488f, 0.179475f, 0.179462f, 0.179449f, 0.179436f, 0.179423f, 0.17941f, 0.179398f, 0.179385f,
-0.179372f, 0.179359f, 0.179346f, 0.179333f, 0.17932f, 0.179307f, 0.179294f, 0.179281f, 0.179268f, 0.179255f, 0.179242f, 0.17923f, 0.179217f, 0.179204f, 0.179191f, 0.179178f, 0.179165f, 0.179152f, 0.179139f, 0.179126f,
-0.179113f, 0.1791f, 0.179087f, 0.179075f, 0.179062f, 0.179049f, 0.179036f, 0.179023f, 0.17901f, 0.178997f, 0.178984f, 0.178971f, 0.178958f, 0.178945f, 0.178933f, 0.17892f, 0.178907f, 0.178894f, 0.178881f, 0.178868f,
-0.178855f, 0.178842f, 0.178829f, 0.178816f, 0.178803f, 0.178791f, 0.178778f, 0.178765f, 0.178752f, 0.178739f, 0.178726f, 0.178713f, 0.1787f, 0.178687f, 0.178674f, 0.178662f, 0.178649f, 0.178636f, 0.178623f, 0.17861f,
-0.178597f, 0.178584f, 0.178571f, 0.178558f, 0.178545f, 0.178533f, 0.17852f, 0.178507f, 0.178494f, 0.178481f, 0.178468f, 0.178455f, 0.178442f, 0.178429f, 0.178417f, 0.178404f, 0.178391f, 0.178378f, 0.178365f, 0.178352f,
-0.178339f, 0.178326f, 0.178313f, 0.178301f, 0.178288f, 0.178275f, 0.178262f, 0.178249f, 0.178236f, 0.178223f, 0.17821f, 0.178197f, 0.178185f, 0.178172f, 0.178159f, 0.178146f, 0.178133f, 0.17812f, 0.178107f, 0.178094f,
-0.178082f, 0.178069f, 0.178056f, 0.178043f, 0.17803f, 0.178017f, 0.178004f, 0.177991f, 0.177979f, 0.177966f, 0.177953f, 0.17794f, 0.177927f, 0.177914f, 0.177901f, 0.177888f, 0.177876f, 0.177863f, 0.17785f, 0.177837f,
-0.177824f, 0.177811f, 0.177798f, 0.177785f, 0.177773f, 0.17776f, 0.177747f, 0.177734f, 0.177721f, 0.177708f, 0.177695f, 0.177683f, 0.17767f, 0.177657f, 0.177644f, 0.177631f, 0.177618f, 0.177605f, 0.177592f, 0.17758f,
-0.177567f, 0.177554f, 0.177541f, 0.177528f, 0.177515f, 0.177502f, 0.17749f, 0.177477f, 0.177464f, 0.177451f, 0.177438f, 0.177425f, 0.177412f, 0.1774f, 0.177387f, 0.177374f, 0.177361f, 0.177348f, 0.177335f, 0.177323f,
-0.17731f, 0.177297f, 0.177284f, 0.177271f, 0.177258f, 0.177245f, 0.177233f, 0.17722f, 0.177207f, 0.177194f, 0.177181f, 0.177168f, 0.177155f, 0.177143f, 0.17713f, 0.177117f, 0.177104f, 0.177091f, 0.177078f, 0.177066f,
-0.177053f, 0.17704f, 0.177027f, 0.177014f, 0.177001f, 0.176989f, 0.176976f, 0.176963f, 0.17695f, 0.176937f, 0.176924f, 0.176912f, 0.176899f, 0.176886f, 0.176873f, 0.17686f, 0.176847f, 0.176835f, 0.176822f, 0.176809f,
-0.176796f, 0.176783f, 0.17677f, 0.176758f, 0.176745f, 0.176732f, 0.176719f, 0.176706f, 0.176693f, 0.176681f, 0.176668f, 0.176655f, 0.176642f, 0.176629f, 0.176616f, 0.176604f, 0.176591f, 0.176578f, 0.176565f, 0.176552f,
-0.176539f, 0.176527f, 0.176514f, 0.176501f, 0.176488f, 0.176475f, 0.176463f, 0.17645f, 0.176437f, 0.176424f, 0.176411f, 0.176398f, 0.176386f, 0.176373f, 0.17636f, 0.176347f, 0.176334f, 0.176322f, 0.176309f, 0.176296f,
-0.176283f, 0.17627f, 0.176257f, 0.176245f, 0.176232f, 0.176219f, 0.176206f, 0.176193f, 0.176181f, 0.176168f, 0.176155f, 0.176142f, 0.176129f, 0.176117f, 0.176104f, 0.176091f, 0.176078f, 0.176065f, 0.176053f, 0.17604f,
-0.176027f, 0.176014f, 0.176001f, 0.175989f, 0.175976f, 0.175963f, 0.17595f, 0.175937f, 0.175925f, 0.175912f, 0.175899f, 0.175886f, 0.175873f, 0.175861f, 0.175848f, 0.175835f, 0.175822f, 0.175809f, 0.175797f, 0.175784f,
-0.175771f, 0.175758f, 0.175745f, 0.175733f, 0.17572f, 0.175707f, 0.175694f, 0.175681f, 0.175669f, 0.175656f, 0.175643f, 0.17563f, 0.175617f, 0.175605f, 0.175592f, 0.175579f, 0.175566f, 0.175554f, 0.175541f, 0.175528f,
-0.175515f, 0.175502f, 0.17549f, 0.175477f, 0.175464f, 0.175451f, 0.175438f, 0.175426f, 0.175413f, 0.1754f, 0.175387f, 0.175375f, 0.175362f, 0.175349f, 0.175336f, 0.175323f, 0.175311f, 0.175298f, 0.175285f, 0.175272f,
-0.17526f, 0.175247f, 0.175234f, 0.175221f, 0.175208f, 0.175196f, 0.175183f, 0.17517f, 0.175157f, 0.175145f, 0.175132f, 0.175119f, 0.175106f, 0.175094f, 0.175081f, 0.175068f, 0.175055f, 0.175042f, 0.17503f, 0.175017f,
-0.175004f, 0.174991f, 0.174979f, 0.174966f, 0.174953f, 0.17494f, 0.174928f, 0.174915f, 0.174902f, 0.174889f, 0.174876f, 0.174864f, 0.174851f, 0.174838f, 0.174825f, 0.174813f, 0.1748f, 0.174787f, 0.174774f, 0.174762f,
-0.174749f, 0.174736f, 0.174723f, 0.174711f, 0.174698f, 0.174685f, 0.174672f, 0.17466f, 0.174647f, 0.174634f, 0.174621f, 0.174609f, 0.174596f, 0.174583f, 0.17457f, 0.174558f, 0.174545f, 0.174532f, 0.174519f, 0.174507f,
-0.174494f, 0.174481f, 0.174468f, 0.174456f, 0.174443f, 0.17443f, 0.174417f, 0.174405f, 0.174392f, 0.174379f, 0.174366f, 0.174354f, 0.174341f, 0.174328f, 0.174315f, 0.174303f, 0.17429f, 0.174277f, 0.174264f, 0.174252f,
-0.174239f, 0.174226f, 0.174214f, 0.174201f, 0.174188f, 0.174175f, 0.174163f, 0.17415f, 0.174137f, 0.174124f, 0.174112f, 0.174099f, 0.174086f, 0.174073f, 0.174061f, 0.174048f, 0.174035f, 0.174022f, 0.17401f, 0.173997f,
-0.173984f, 0.173972f, 0.173959f, 0.173946f, 0.173933f, 0.173921f, 0.173908f, 0.173895f, 0.173882f, 0.17387f, 0.173857f, 0.173844f, 0.173832f, 0.173819f, 0.173806f, 0.173793f, 0.173781f, 0.173768f, 0.173755f, 0.173743f,
-0.17373f, 0.173717f, 0.173704f, 0.173692f, 0.173679f, 0.173666f, 0.173653f, 0.173641f, 0.173628f, 0.173615f, 0.173603f, 0.17359f, 0.173577f, 0.173564f, 0.173552f, 0.173539f, 0.173526f, 0.173514f, 0.173501f, 0.173488f,
-0.173476f, 0.173463f, 0.17345f, 0.173437f, 0.173425f, 0.173412f, 0.173399f, 0.173387f, 0.173374f, 0.173361f, 0.173348f, 0.173336f, 0.173323f, 0.17331f, 0.173298f, 0.173285f, 0.173272f, 0.173259f, 0.173247f, 0.173234f,
-0.173221f, 0.173209f, 0.173196f, 0.173183f, 0.173171f, 0.173158f, 0.173145f, 0.173132f, 0.17312f, 0.173107f, 0.173094f, 0.173082f, 0.173069f, 0.173056f, 0.173044f, 0.173031f, 0.173018f, 0.173006f, 0.172993f, 0.17298f,
-0.172967f, 0.172955f, 0.172942f, 0.172929f, 0.172917f, 0.172904f, 0.172891f, 0.172879f, 0.172866f, 0.172853f, 0.172841f, 0.172828f, 0.172815f, 0.172802f, 0.17279f, 0.172777f, 0.172764f, 0.172752f, 0.172739f, 0.172726f,
-0.172714f, 0.172701f, 0.172688f, 0.172676f, 0.172663f, 0.17265f, 0.172638f, 0.172625f, 0.172612f, 0.1726f, 0.172587f, 0.172574f, 0.172562f, 0.172549f, 0.172536f, 0.172524f, 0.172511f, 0.172498f, 0.172485f, 0.172473f,
-0.17246f, 0.172447f, 0.172435f, 0.172422f, 0.172409f, 0.172397f, 0.172384f, 0.172371f, 0.172359f, 0.172346f, 0.172333f, 0.172321f, 0.172308f, 0.172295f, 0.172283f, 0.17227f, 0.172257f, 0.172245f, 0.172232f, 0.172219f,
-0.172207f, 0.172194f, 0.172181f, 0.172169f, 0.172156f, 0.172143f, 0.172131f, 0.172118f, 0.172105f, 0.172093f, 0.17208f, 0.172067f, 0.172055f, 0.172042f, 0.17203f, 0.172017f, 0.172004f, 0.171992f, 0.171979f, 0.171966f,
-0.171954f, 0.171941f, 0.171928f, 0.171916f, 0.171903f, 0.17189f, 0.171878f, 0.171865f, 0.171852f, 0.17184f, 0.171827f, 0.171814f, 0.171802f, 0.171789f, 0.171776f, 0.171764f, 0.171751f, 0.171739f, 0.171726f, 0.171713f,
-0.171701f, 0.171688f, 0.171675f, 0.171663f, 0.17165f, 0.171637f, 0.171625f, 0.171612f, 0.171599f, 0.171587f, 0.171574f, 0.171561f, 0.171549f, 0.171536f, 0.171524f, 0.171511f, 0.171498f, 0.171486f, 0.171473f, 0.17146f,
-0.171448f, 0.171435f, 0.171422f, 0.17141f, 0.171397f, 0.171385f, 0.171372f, 0.171359f, 0.171347f, 0.171334f, 0.171321f, 0.171309f, 0.171296f, 0.171284f, 0.171271f, 0.171258f, 0.171246f, 0.171233f, 0.17122f, 0.171208f,
-0.171195f, 0.171182f, 0.17117f, 0.171157f, 0.171145f, 0.171132f, 0.171119f, 0.171107f, 0.171094f, 0.171082f, 0.171069f, 0.171056f, 0.171044f, 0.171031f, 0.171018f, 0.171006f, 0.170993f, 0.170981f, 0.170968f, 0.170955f,
-0.170943f, 0.17093f, 0.170917f, 0.170905f, 0.170892f, 0.17088f, 0.170867f, 0.170854f, 0.170842f, 0.170829f, 0.170817f, 0.170804f, 0.170791f, 0.170779f, 0.170766f, 0.170753f, 0.170741f, 0.170728f, 0.170716f, 0.170703f,
-0.17069f, 0.170678f, 0.170665f, 0.170653f, 0.17064f, 0.170627f, 0.170615f, 0.170602f, 0.17059f, 0.170577f, 0.170564f, 0.170552f, 0.170539f, 0.170527f, 0.170514f, 0.170501f, 0.170489f, 0.170476f, 0.170464f, 0.170451f,
-0.170438f, 0.170426f, 0.170413f, 0.170401f, 0.170388f, 0.170375f, 0.170363f, 0.17035f, 0.170338f, 0.170325f, 0.170312f, 0.1703f, 0.170287f, 0.170275f, 0.170262f, 0.170249f, 0.170237f, 0.170224f, 0.170212f, 0.170199f,
-0.170186f, 0.170174f, 0.170161f, 0.170149f, 0.170136f, 0.170124f, 0.170111f, 0.170098f, 0.170086f, 0.170073f, 0.170061f, 0.170048f, 0.170035f, 0.170023f, 0.17001f, 0.169998f, 0.169985f, 0.169973f, 0.16996f, 0.169947f,
-0.169935f, 0.169922f, 0.16991f, 0.169897f, 0.169884f, 0.169872f, 0.169859f, 0.169847f, 0.169834f, 0.169822f, 0.169809f, 0.169796f, 0.169784f, 0.169771f, 0.169759f, 0.169746f, 0.169734f, 0.169721f, 0.169708f, 0.169696f,
-0.169683f, 0.169671f, 0.169658f, 0.169646f, 0.169633f, 0.16962f, 0.169608f, 0.169595f, 0.169583f, 0.16957f, 0.169558f, 0.169545f, 0.169532f, 0.16952f, 0.169507f, 0.169495f, 0.169482f, 0.16947f, 0.169457f, 0.169444f,
-0.169432f, 0.169419f, 0.169407f, 0.169394f, 0.169382f, 0.169369f, 0.169357f, 0.169344f, 0.169331f, 0.169319f, 0.169306f, 0.169294f, 0.169281f, 0.169269f, 0.169256f, 0.169244f, 0.169231f, 0.169218f, 0.169206f, 0.169193f,
-0.169181f, 0.169168f, 0.169156f, 0.169143f, 0.169131f, 0.169118f, 0.169105f, 0.169093f, 0.16908f, 0.169068f, 0.169055f, 0.169043f, 0.16903f, 0.169018f, 0.169005f, 0.168993f, 0.16898f, 0.168967f, 0.168955f, 0.168942f,
-0.16893f, 0.168917f, 0.168905f, 0.168892f, 0.16888f, 0.168867f, 0.168855f, 0.168842f, 0.16883f, 0.168817f, 0.168804f, 0.168792f, 0.168779f, 0.168767f, 0.168754f, 0.168742f, 0.168729f, 0.168717f, 0.168704f, 0.168692f,
-0.168679f, 0.168667f, 0.168654f, 0.168641f, 0.168629f, 0.168616f, 0.168604f, 0.168591f, 0.168579f, 0.168566f, 0.168554f, 0.168541f, 0.168529f, 0.168516f, 0.168504f, 0.168491f, 0.168479f, 0.168466f, 0.168454f, 0.168441f,
-0.168428f, 0.168416f, 0.168403f, 0.168391f, 0.168378f, 0.168366f, 0.168353f, 0.168341f, 0.168328f, 0.168316f, 0.168303f, 0.168291f, 0.168278f, 0.168266f, 0.168253f, 0.168241f, 0.168228f, 0.168216f, 0.168203f, 0.168191f,
-0.168178f, 0.168166f, 0.168153f, 0.168141f, 0.168128f, 0.168116f, 0.168103f, 0.16809f, 0.168078f, 0.168065f, 0.168053f, 0.16804f, 0.168028f, 0.168015f, 0.168003f, 0.16799f, 0.167978f, 0.167965f, 0.167953f, 0.16794f,
-0.167928f, 0.167915f, 0.167903f, 0.16789f, 0.167878f, 0.167865f, 0.167853f, 0.16784f, 0.167828f, 0.167815f, 0.167803f, 0.16779f, 0.167778f, 0.167765f, 0.167753f, 0.16774f, 0.167728f, 0.167715f, 0.167703f, 0.16769f,
-0.167678f, 0.167665f, 0.167653f, 0.16764f, 0.167628f, 0.167615f, 0.167603f, 0.16759f, 0.167578f, 0.167565f, 0.167553f, 0.16754f, 0.167528f, 0.167515f, 0.167503f, 0.16749f, 0.167478f, 0.167465f, 0.167453f, 0.167441f,
-0.167428f, 0.167416f, 0.167403f, 0.167391f, 0.167378f, 0.167366f, 0.167353f, 0.167341f, 0.167328f, 0.167316f, 0.167303f, 0.167291f, 0.167278f, 0.167266f, 0.167253f, 0.167241f, 0.167228f, 0.167216f, 0.167203f, 0.167191f,
-0.167178f, 0.167166f, 0.167153f, 0.167141f, 0.167128f, 0.167116f, 0.167104f, 0.167091f, 0.167079f, 0.167066f, 0.167054f, 0.167041f, 0.167029f, 0.167016f, 0.167004f, 0.166991f, 0.166979f, 0.166966f, 0.166954f, 0.166941f,
-0.166929f, 0.166916f, 0.166904f, 0.166891f, 0.166879f, 0.166867f, 0.166854f, 0.166842f, 0.166829f, 0.166817f, 0.166804f, 0.166792f, 0.166779f, 0.166767f, 0.166754f, 0.166742f, 0.166729f, 0.166717f, 0.166705f, 0.166692f,
-0.16668f, 0.166667f, 0.166655f, 0.166642f, 0.16663f, 0.166617f, 0.166605f, 0.166592f, 0.16658f, 0.166568f, 0.166555f, 0.166543f, 0.16653f, 0.166518f, 0.166505f, 0.166493f, 0.16648f, 0.166468f, 0.166455f, 0.166443f,
-0.166431f, 0.166418f, 0.166406f, 0.166393f, 0.166381f, 0.166368f, 0.166356f, 0.166343f, 0.166331f, 0.166319f, 0.166306f, 0.166294f, 0.166281f, 0.166269f, 0.166256f, 0.166244f, 0.166231f, 0.166219f, 0.166207f, 0.166194f,
-0.166182f, 0.166169f, 0.166157f, 0.166144f, 0.166132f, 0.166119f, 0.166107f, 0.166095f, 0.166082f, 0.16607f, 0.166057f, 0.166045f, 0.166032f, 0.16602f, 0.166008f, 0.165995f, 0.165983f, 0.16597f, 0.165958f, 0.165945f,
-0.165933f, 0.16592f, 0.165908f, 0.165896f, 0.165883f, 0.165871f, 0.165858f, 0.165846f, 0.165833f, 0.165821f, 0.165809f, 0.165796f, 0.165784f, 0.165771f, 0.165759f, 0.165746f, 0.165734f, 0.165722f, 0.165709f, 0.165697f,
-0.165684f, 0.165672f, 0.16566f, 0.165647f, 0.165635f, 0.165622f, 0.16561f, 0.165597f, 0.165585f, 0.165573f, 0.16556f, 0.165548f, 0.165535f, 0.165523f, 0.165511f, 0.165498f, 0.165486f, 0.165473f, 0.165461f, 0.165448f,
-0.165436f, 0.165424f, 0.165411f, 0.165399f, 0.165386f, 0.165374f, 0.165362f, 0.165349f, 0.165337f, 0.165324f, 0.165312f, 0.1653f, 0.165287f, 0.165275f, 0.165262f, 0.16525f, 0.165237f, 0.165225f, 0.165213f, 0.1652f,
-0.165188f, 0.165175f, 0.165163f, 0.165151f, 0.165138f, 0.165126f, 0.165113f, 0.165101f, 0.165089f, 0.165076f, 0.165064f, 0.165051f, 0.165039f, 0.165027f, 0.165014f, 0.165002f, 0.164989f, 0.164977f, 0.164965f, 0.164952f,
-0.16494f, 0.164928f, 0.164915f, 0.164903f, 0.16489f, 0.164878f, 0.164866f, 0.164853f, 0.164841f, 0.164828f, 0.164816f, 0.164804f, 0.164791f, 0.164779f, 0.164766f, 0.164754f, 0.164742f, 0.164729f, 0.164717f, 0.164704f,
-0.164692f, 0.16468f, 0.164667f, 0.164655f, 0.164643f, 0.16463f, 0.164618f, 0.164605f, 0.164593f, 0.164581f, 0.164568f, 0.164556f, 0.164544f, 0.164531f, 0.164519f, 0.164506f, 0.164494f, 0.164482f, 0.164469f, 0.164457f,
-0.164445f, 0.164432f, 0.16442f, 0.164407f, 0.164395f, 0.164383f, 0.16437f, 0.164358f, 0.164346f, 0.164333f, 0.164321f, 0.164308f, 0.164296f, 0.164284f, 0.164271f, 0.164259f, 0.164247f, 0.164234f, 0.164222f, 0.164209f,
-0.164197f, 0.164185f, 0.164172f, 0.16416f, 0.164148f, 0.164135f, 0.164123f, 0.164111f, 0.164098f, 0.164086f, 0.164073f, 0.164061f, 0.164049f, 0.164036f, 0.164024f, 0.164012f, 0.163999f, 0.163987f, 0.163975f, 0.163962f,
-0.16395f, 0.163938f, 0.163925f, 0.163913f, 0.1639f, 0.163888f, 0.163876f, 0.163863f, 0.163851f, 0.163839f, 0.163826f, 0.163814f, 0.163802f, 0.163789f, 0.163777f, 0.163765f, 0.163752f, 0.16374f, 0.163728f, 0.163715f,
-0.163703f, 0.16369f, 0.163678f, 0.163666f, 0.163653f, 0.163641f, 0.163629f, 0.163616f, 0.163604f, 0.163592f, 0.163579f, 0.163567f, 0.163555f, 0.163542f, 0.16353f, 0.163518f, 0.163505f, 0.163493f, 0.163481f, 0.163468f,
-0.163456f, 0.163444f, 0.163431f, 0.163419f, 0.163407f, 0.163394f, 0.163382f, 0.16337f, 0.163357f, 0.163345f, 0.163333f, 0.16332f, 0.163308f, 0.163296f, 0.163283f, 0.163271f, 0.163259f, 0.163246f, 0.163234f, 0.163222f,
-0.163209f, 0.163197f, 0.163185f, 0.163172f, 0.16316f, 0.163148f, 0.163135f, 0.163123f, 0.163111f, 0.163098f, 0.163086f, 0.163074f, 0.163061f, 0.163049f, 0.163037f, 0.163024f, 0.163012f, 0.163f, 0.162987f, 0.162975f,
-0.162963f, 0.16295f, 0.162938f, 0.162926f, 0.162914f, 0.162901f, 0.162889f, 0.162877f, 0.162864f, 0.162852f, 0.16284f, 0.162827f, 0.162815f, 0.162803f, 0.16279f, 0.162778f, 0.162766f, 0.162753f, 0.162741f, 0.162729f,
-0.162717f, 0.162704f, 0.162692f, 0.16268f, 0.162667f, 0.162655f, 0.162643f, 0.16263f, 0.162618f, 0.162606f, 0.162593f, 0.162581f, 0.162569f, 0.162557f, 0.162544f, 0.162532f, 0.16252f, 0.162507f, 0.162495f, 0.162483f,
-0.16247f, 0.162458f, 0.162446f, 0.162433f, 0.162421f, 0.162409f, 0.162397f, 0.162384f, 0.162372f, 0.16236f, 0.162347f, 0.162335f, 0.162323f, 0.162311f, 0.162298f, 0.162286f, 0.162274f, 0.162261f, 0.162249f, 0.162237f,
-0.162224f, 0.162212f, 0.1622f, 0.162188f, 0.162175f, 0.162163f, 0.162151f, 0.162138f, 0.162126f, 0.162114f, 0.162102f, 0.162089f, 0.162077f, 0.162065f, 0.162052f, 0.16204f, 0.162028f, 0.162016f, 0.162003f, 0.161991f,
-0.161979f, 0.161966f, 0.161954f, 0.161942f, 0.16193f, 0.161917f, 0.161905f, 0.161893f, 0.16188f, 0.161868f, 0.161856f, 0.161844f, 0.161831f, 0.161819f, 0.161807f, 0.161795f, 0.161782f, 0.16177f, 0.161758f, 0.161745f,
-0.161733f, 0.161721f, 0.161709f, 0.161696f, 0.161684f, 0.161672f, 0.16166f, 0.161647f, 0.161635f, 0.161623f, 0.16161f, 0.161598f, 0.161586f, 0.161574f, 0.161561f, 0.161549f, 0.161537f, 0.161525f, 0.161512f, 0.1615f,
-0.161488f, 0.161476f, 0.161463f, 0.161451f, 0.161439f, 0.161427f, 0.161414f, 0.161402f, 0.16139f, 0.161377f, 0.161365f, 0.161353f, 0.161341f, 0.161328f, 0.161316f, 0.161304f, 0.161292f, 0.161279f, 0.161267f, 0.161255f,
-0.161243f, 0.16123f, 0.161218f, 0.161206f, 0.161194f, 0.161181f, 0.161169f, 0.161157f, 0.161145f, 0.161132f, 0.16112f, 0.161108f, 0.161096f, 0.161083f, 0.161071f, 0.161059f, 0.161047f, 0.161034f, 0.161022f, 0.16101f,
-0.160998f, 0.160985f, 0.160973f, 0.160961f, 0.160949f, 0.160936f, 0.160924f, 0.160912f, 0.1609f, 0.160887f, 0.160875f, 0.160863f, 0.160851f, 0.160838f, 0.160826f, 0.160814f, 0.160802f, 0.16079f, 0.160777f, 0.160765f,
-0.160753f, 0.160741f, 0.160728f, 0.160716f, 0.160704f, 0.160692f, 0.160679f, 0.160667f, 0.160655f, 0.160643f, 0.160631f, 0.160618f, 0.160606f, 0.160594f, 0.160582f, 0.160569f, 0.160557f, 0.160545f, 0.160533f, 0.16052f,
-0.160508f, 0.160496f, 0.160484f, 0.160472f, 0.160459f, 0.160447f, 0.160435f, 0.160423f, 0.16041f, 0.160398f, 0.160386f, 0.160374f, 0.160362f, 0.160349f, 0.160337f, 0.160325f, 0.160313f, 0.1603f, 0.160288f, 0.160276f,
-0.160264f, 0.160252f, 0.160239f, 0.160227f, 0.160215f, 0.160203f, 0.16019f, 0.160178f, 0.160166f, 0.160154f, 0.160142f, 0.160129f, 0.160117f, 0.160105f, 0.160093f, 0.160081f, 0.160068f, 0.160056f, 0.160044f, 0.160032f,
-0.16002f, 0.160007f, 0.159995f, 0.159983f, 0.159971f, 0.159958f, 0.159946f, 0.159934f, 0.159922f, 0.15991f, 0.159897f, 0.159885f, 0.159873f, 0.159861f, 0.159849f, 0.159836f, 0.159824f, 0.159812f, 0.1598f, 0.159788f,
-0.159775f, 0.159763f, 0.159751f, 0.159739f, 0.159727f, 0.159714f, 0.159702f, 0.15969f, 0.159678f, 0.159666f, 0.159654f, 0.159641f, 0.159629f, 0.159617f, 0.159605f, 0.159593f, 0.15958f, 0.159568f, 0.159556f, 0.159544f,
-0.159532f, 0.159519f, 0.159507f, 0.159495f, 0.159483f, 0.159471f, 0.159458f, 0.159446f, 0.159434f, 0.159422f, 0.15941f, 0.159398f, 0.159385f, 0.159373f, 0.159361f, 0.159349f, 0.159337f, 0.159324f, 0.159312f, 0.1593f,
-0.159288f, 0.159276f, 0.159264f, 0.159251f, 0.159239f, 0.159227f, 0.159215f, 0.159203f, 0.15919f, 0.159178f, 0.159166f, 0.159154f, 0.159142f, 0.15913f, 0.159117f, 0.159105f, 0.159093f, 0.159081f, 0.159069f, 0.159057f,
-0.159044f, 0.159032f, 0.15902f, 0.159008f, 0.158996f, 0.158984f, 0.158971f, 0.158959f, 0.158947f, 0.158935f, 0.158923f, 0.158911f, 0.158898f, 0.158886f, 0.158874f, 0.158862f, 0.15885f, 0.158838f, 0.158825f, 0.158813f,
-0.158801f, 0.158789f, 0.158777f, 0.158765f, 0.158752f, 0.15874f, 0.158728f, 0.158716f, 0.158704f, 0.158692f, 0.158679f, 0.158667f, 0.158655f, 0.158643f, 0.158631f, 0.158619f, 0.158607f, 0.158594f, 0.158582f, 0.15857f,
-0.158558f, 0.158546f, 0.158534f, 0.158521f, 0.158509f, 0.158497f, 0.158485f, 0.158473f, 0.158461f, 0.158449f, 0.158436f, 0.158424f, 0.158412f, 0.1584f, 0.158388f, 0.158376f, 0.158364f, 0.158351f, 0.158339f, 0.158327f,
-0.158315f, 0.158303f, 0.158291f, 0.158279f, 0.158266f, 0.158254f, 0.158242f, 0.15823f, 0.158218f, 0.158206f, 0.158194f, 0.158181f, 0.158169f, 0.158157f, 0.158145f, 0.158133f, 0.158121f, 0.158109f, 0.158097f, 0.158084f,
-0.158072f, 0.15806f, 0.158048f, 0.158036f, 0.158024f, 0.158012f, 0.157999f, 0.157987f, 0.157975f, 0.157963f, 0.157951f, 0.157939f, 0.157927f, 0.157915f, 0.157902f, 0.15789f, 0.157878f, 0.157866f, 0.157854f, 0.157842f,
-0.15783f, 0.157818f, 0.157805f, 0.157793f, 0.157781f, 0.157769f, 0.157757f, 0.157745f, 0.157733f, 0.157721f, 0.157708f, 0.157696f, 0.157684f, 0.157672f, 0.15766f, 0.157648f, 0.157636f, 0.157624f, 0.157612f, 0.157599f,
-0.157587f, 0.157575f, 0.157563f, 0.157551f, 0.157539f, 0.157527f, 0.157515f, 0.157502f, 0.15749f, 0.157478f, 0.157466f, 0.157454f, 0.157442f, 0.15743f, 0.157418f, 0.157406f, 0.157394f, 0.157381f, 0.157369f, 0.157357f,
-0.157345f, 0.157333f, 0.157321f, 0.157309f, 0.157297f, 0.157285f, 0.157272f, 0.15726f, 0.157248f, 0.157236f, 0.157224f, 0.157212f, 0.1572f, 0.157188f, 0.157176f, 0.157164f, 0.157151f, 0.157139f, 0.157127f, 0.157115f,
-0.157103f, 0.157091f, 0.157079f, 0.157067f, 0.157055f, 0.157043f, 0.157031f, 0.157018f, 0.157006f, 0.156994f, 0.156982f, 0.15697f, 0.156958f, 0.156946f, 0.156934f, 0.156922f, 0.15691f, 0.156898f, 0.156885f, 0.156873f,
-0.156861f, 0.156849f, 0.156837f, 0.156825f, 0.156813f, 0.156801f, 0.156789f, 0.156777f, 0.156765f, 0.156752f, 0.15674f, 0.156728f, 0.156716f, 0.156704f, 0.156692f, 0.15668f, 0.156668f, 0.156656f, 0.156644f, 0.156632f,
-0.15662f, 0.156608f, 0.156595f, 0.156583f, 0.156571f, 0.156559f, 0.156547f, 0.156535f, 0.156523f, 0.156511f, 0.156499f, 0.156487f, 0.156475f, 0.156463f, 0.156451f, 0.156438f, 0.156426f, 0.156414f, 0.156402f, 0.15639f,
-0.156378f, 0.156366f, 0.156354f, 0.156342f, 0.15633f, 0.156318f, 0.156306f, 0.156294f, 0.156282f, 0.15627f, 0.156257f, 0.156245f, 0.156233f, 0.156221f, 0.156209f, 0.156197f, 0.156185f, 0.156173f, 0.156161f, 0.156149f,
-0.156137f, 0.156125f, 0.156113f, 0.156101f, 0.156089f, 0.156077f, 0.156065f, 0.156052f, 0.15604f, 0.156028f, 0.156016f, 0.156004f, 0.155992f, 0.15598f, 0.155968f, 0.155956f, 0.155944f, 0.155932f, 0.15592f, 0.155908f,
-0.155896f, 0.155884f, 0.155872f, 0.15586f, 0.155848f, 0.155836f, 0.155824f, 0.155811f, 0.155799f, 0.155787f, 0.155775f, 0.155763f, 0.155751f, 0.155739f, 0.155727f, 0.155715f, 0.155703f, 0.155691f, 0.155679f, 0.155667f,
-0.155655f, 0.155643f, 0.155631f, 0.155619f, 0.155607f, 0.155595f, 0.155583f, 0.155571f, 0.155559f, 0.155547f, 0.155535f, 0.155522f, 0.15551f, 0.155498f, 0.155486f, 0.155474f, 0.155462f, 0.15545f, 0.155438f, 0.155426f,
-0.155414f, 0.155402f, 0.15539f, 0.155378f, 0.155366f, 0.155354f, 0.155342f, 0.15533f, 0.155318f, 0.155306f, 0.155294f, 0.155282f, 0.15527f, 0.155258f, 0.155246f, 0.155234f, 0.155222f, 0.15521f, 0.155198f, 0.155186f,
-0.155174f, 0.155162f, 0.15515f, 0.155138f, 0.155126f, 0.155114f, 0.155102f, 0.15509f, 0.155078f, 0.155065f, 0.155053f, 0.155041f, 0.155029f, 0.155017f, 0.155005f, 0.154993f, 0.154981f, 0.154969f, 0.154957f, 0.154945f,
-0.154933f, 0.154921f, 0.154909f, 0.154897f, 0.154885f, 0.154873f, 0.154861f, 0.154849f, 0.154837f, 0.154825f, 0.154813f, 0.154801f, 0.154789f, 0.154777f, 0.154765f, 0.154753f, 0.154741f, 0.154729f, 0.154717f, 0.154705f,
-0.154693f, 0.154681f, 0.154669f, 0.154657f, 0.154645f, 0.154633f, 0.154621f, 0.154609f, 0.154597f, 0.154585f, 0.154573f, 0.154561f, 0.154549f, 0.154537f, 0.154525f, 0.154513f, 0.154501f, 0.154489f, 0.154477f, 0.154465f,
-0.154453f, 0.154441f, 0.154429f, 0.154417f, 0.154405f, 0.154393f, 0.154381f, 0.154369f, 0.154357f, 0.154345f, 0.154333f, 0.154321f, 0.154309f, 0.154297f, 0.154285f, 0.154273f, 0.154261f, 0.154249f, 0.154237f, 0.154225f,
-0.154213f, 0.154201f, 0.154189f, 0.154177f, 0.154166f, 0.154154f, 0.154142f, 0.15413f, 0.154118f, 0.154106f, 0.154094f, 0.154082f, 0.15407f, 0.154058f, 0.154046f, 0.154034f, 0.154022f, 0.15401f, 0.153998f, 0.153986f,
-0.153974f, 0.153962f, 0.15395f, 0.153938f, 0.153926f, 0.153914f, 0.153902f, 0.15389f, 0.153878f, 0.153866f, 0.153854f, 0.153842f, 0.15383f, 0.153818f, 0.153806f, 0.153794f, 0.153782f, 0.15377f, 0.153758f, 0.153746f,
-0.153734f, 0.153722f, 0.153711f, 0.153699f, 0.153687f, 0.153675f, 0.153663f, 0.153651f, 0.153639f, 0.153627f, 0.153615f, 0.153603f, 0.153591f, 0.153579f, 0.153567f, 0.153555f, 0.153543f, 0.153531f, 0.153519f, 0.153507f,
-0.153495f, 0.153483f, 0.153471f, 0.153459f, 0.153447f, 0.153435f, 0.153423f, 0.153412f, 0.1534f, 0.153388f, 0.153376f, 0.153364f, 0.153352f, 0.15334f, 0.153328f, 0.153316f, 0.153304f, 0.153292f, 0.15328f, 0.153268f,
-0.153256f, 0.153244f, 0.153232f, 0.15322f, 0.153208f, 0.153196f, 0.153185f, 0.153173f, 0.153161f, 0.153149f, 0.153137f, 0.153125f, 0.153113f, 0.153101f, 0.153089f, 0.153077f, 0.153065f, 0.153053f, 0.153041f, 0.153029f,
-0.153017f, 0.153005f, 0.152993f, 0.152982f, 0.15297f, 0.152958f, 0.152946f, 0.152934f, 0.152922f, 0.15291f, 0.152898f, 0.152886f, 0.152874f, 0.152862f, 0.15285f, 0.152838f, 0.152826f, 0.152814f, 0.152803f, 0.152791f,
-0.152779f, 0.152767f, 0.152755f, 0.152743f, 0.152731f, 0.152719f, 0.152707f, 0.152695f, 0.152683f, 0.152671f, 0.152659f, 0.152648f, 0.152636f, 0.152624f, 0.152612f, 0.1526f, 0.152588f, 0.152576f, 0.152564f, 0.152552f,
-0.15254f, 0.152528f, 0.152516f, 0.152504f, 0.152493f, 0.152481f, 0.152469f, 0.152457f, 0.152445f, 0.152433f, 0.152421f, 0.152409f, 0.152397f, 0.152385f, 0.152373f, 0.152361f, 0.15235f, 0.152338f, 0.152326f, 0.152314f,
-0.152302f, 0.15229f, 0.152278f, 0.152266f, 0.152254f, 0.152242f, 0.15223f, 0.152219f, 0.152207f, 0.152195f, 0.152183f, 0.152171f, 0.152159f, 0.152147f, 0.152135f, 0.152123f, 0.152111f, 0.1521f, 0.152088f, 0.152076f,
-0.152064f, 0.152052f, 0.15204f, 0.152028f, 0.152016f, 0.152004f, 0.151992f, 0.151981f, 0.151969f, 0.151957f, 0.151945f, 0.151933f, 0.151921f, 0.151909f, 0.151897f, 0.151885f, 0.151873f, 0.151862f, 0.15185f, 0.151838f,
-0.151826f, 0.151814f, 0.151802f, 0.15179f, 0.151778f, 0.151766f, 0.151755f, 0.151743f, 0.151731f, 0.151719f, 0.151707f, 0.151695f, 0.151683f, 0.151671f, 0.151659f, 0.151648f, 0.151636f, 0.151624f, 0.151612f, 0.1516f,
-0.151588f, 0.151576f, 0.151564f, 0.151553f, 0.151541f, 0.151529f, 0.151517f, 0.151505f, 0.151493f, 0.151481f, 0.151469f, 0.151458f, 0.151446f, 0.151434f, 0.151422f, 0.15141f, 0.151398f, 0.151386f, 0.151374f, 0.151363f,
-0.151351f, 0.151339f, 0.151327f, 0.151315f, 0.151303f, 0.151291f, 0.151279f, 0.151268f, 0.151256f, 0.151244f, 0.151232f, 0.15122f, 0.151208f, 0.151196f, 0.151184f, 0.151173f, 0.151161f, 0.151149f, 0.151137f, 0.151125f,
-0.151113f, 0.151101f, 0.15109f, 0.151078f, 0.151066f, 0.151054f, 0.151042f, 0.15103f, 0.151018f, 0.151007f, 0.150995f, 0.150983f, 0.150971f, 0.150959f, 0.150947f, 0.150935f, 0.150924f, 0.150912f, 0.1509f, 0.150888f,
-0.150876f, 0.150864f, 0.150852f, 0.150841f, 0.150829f, 0.150817f, 0.150805f, 0.150793f, 0.150781f, 0.150769f, 0.150758f, 0.150746f, 0.150734f, 0.150722f, 0.15071f, 0.150698f, 0.150687f, 0.150675f, 0.150663f, 0.150651f,
-0.150639f, 0.150627f, 0.150615f, 0.150604f, 0.150592f, 0.15058f, 0.150568f, 0.150556f, 0.150544f, 0.150533f, 0.150521f, 0.150509f, 0.150497f, 0.150485f, 0.150473f, 0.150462f, 0.15045f, 0.150438f, 0.150426f, 0.150414f,
-0.150402f, 0.15039f, 0.150379f, 0.150367f, 0.150355f, 0.150343f, 0.150331f, 0.150319f, 0.150308f, 0.150296f, 0.150284f, 0.150272f, 0.15026f, 0.150249f, 0.150237f, 0.150225f, 0.150213f, 0.150201f, 0.150189f, 0.150178f,
-0.150166f, 0.150154f, 0.150142f, 0.15013f, 0.150118f, 0.150107f, 0.150095f, 0.150083f, 0.150071f, 0.150059f, 0.150047f, 0.150036f, 0.150024f, 0.150012f, 0.15f, 0.149988f, 0.149977f, 0.149965f, 0.149953f, 0.149941f,
-0.149929f, 0.149917f, 0.149906f, 0.149894f, 0.149882f, 0.14987f, 0.149858f, 0.149847f, 0.149835f, 0.149823f, 0.149811f, 0.149799f, 0.149788f, 0.149776f, 0.149764f, 0.149752f, 0.14974f, 0.149728f, 0.149717f, 0.149705f,
-0.149693f, 0.149681f, 0.149669f, 0.149658f, 0.149646f, 0.149634f, 0.149622f, 0.14961f, 0.149599f, 0.149587f, 0.149575f, 0.149563f, 0.149551f, 0.14954f, 0.149528f, 0.149516f, 0.149504f, 0.149492f, 0.149481f, 0.149469f,
-0.149457f, 0.149445f, 0.149433f, 0.149422f, 0.14941f, 0.149398f, 0.149386f, 0.149374f, 0.149363f, 0.149351f, 0.149339f, 0.149327f, 0.149315f, 0.149304f, 0.149292f, 0.14928f, 0.149268f, 0.149256f, 0.149245f, 0.149233f,
-0.149221f, 0.149209f, 0.149198f, 0.149186f, 0.149174f, 0.149162f, 0.14915f, 0.149139f, 0.149127f, 0.149115f, 0.149103f, 0.149091f, 0.14908f, 0.149068f, 0.149056f, 0.149044f, 0.149033f, 0.149021f, 0.149009f, 0.148997f,
-0.148985f, 0.148974f, 0.148962f, 0.14895f, 0.148938f, 0.148927f, 0.148915f, 0.148903f, 0.148891f, 0.148879f, 0.148868f, 0.148856f, 0.148844f, 0.148832f, 0.148821f, 0.148809f, 0.148797f, 0.148785f, 0.148773f, 0.148762f,
-0.14875f, 0.148738f, 0.148726f, 0.148715f, 0.148703f, 0.148691f, 0.148679f, 0.148668f, 0.148656f, 0.148644f, 0.148632f, 0.148621f, 0.148609f, 0.148597f, 0.148585f, 0.148573f, 0.148562f, 0.14855f, 0.148538f, 0.148526f,
-0.148515f, 0.148503f, 0.148491f, 0.148479f, 0.148468f, 0.148456f, 0.148444f, 0.148432f, 0.148421f, 0.148409f, 0.148397f, 0.148385f, 0.148374f, 0.148362f, 0.14835f, 0.148338f, 0.148327f, 0.148315f, 0.148303f, 0.148291f,
-0.14828f, 0.148268f, 0.148256f, 0.148244f, 0.148233f, 0.148221f, 0.148209f, 0.148197f, 0.148186f, 0.148174f, 0.148162f, 0.14815f, 0.148139f, 0.148127f, 0.148115f, 0.148103f, 0.148092f, 0.14808f, 0.148068f, 0.148056f,
-0.148045f, 0.148033f, 0.148021f, 0.148009f, 0.147998f, 0.147986f, 0.147974f, 0.147962f, 0.147951f, 0.147939f, 0.147927f, 0.147915f, 0.147904f, 0.147892f, 0.14788f, 0.147869f, 0.147857f, 0.147845f, 0.147833f, 0.147822f,
-0.14781f, 0.147798f, 0.147786f, 0.147775f, 0.147763f, 0.147751f, 0.147739f, 0.147728f, 0.147716f, 0.147704f, 0.147693f, 0.147681f, 0.147669f, 0.147657f, 0.147646f, 0.147634f, 0.147622f, 0.14761f, 0.147599f, 0.147587f,
-0.147575f, 0.147564f, 0.147552f, 0.14754f, 0.147528f, 0.147517f, 0.147505f, 0.147493f, 0.147482f, 0.14747f, 0.147458f, 0.147446f, 0.147435f, 0.147423f, 0.147411f, 0.147399f, 0.147388f, 0.147376f, 0.147364f, 0.147353f,
-0.147341f, 0.147329f, 0.147317f, 0.147306f, 0.147294f, 0.147282f, 0.147271f, 0.147259f, 0.147247f, 0.147235f, 0.147224f, 0.147212f, 0.1472f, 0.147189f, 0.147177f, 0.147165f, 0.147154f, 0.147142f, 0.14713f, 0.147118f,
-0.147107f, 0.147095f, 0.147083f, 0.147072f, 0.14706f, 0.147048f, 0.147036f, 0.147025f, 0.147013f, 0.147001f, 0.14699f, 0.146978f, 0.146966f, 0.146955f, 0.146943f, 0.146931f, 0.146919f, 0.146908f, 0.146896f, 0.146884f,
-0.146873f, 0.146861f, 0.146849f, 0.146838f, 0.146826f, 0.146814f, 0.146803f, 0.146791f, 0.146779f, 0.146767f, 0.146756f, 0.146744f, 0.146732f, 0.146721f, 0.146709f, 0.146697f, 0.146686f, 0.146674f, 0.146662f, 0.146651f,
-0.146639f, 0.146627f, 0.146616f, 0.146604f, 0.146592f, 0.14658f, 0.146569f, 0.146557f, 0.146545f, 0.146534f, 0.146522f, 0.14651f, 0.146499f, 0.146487f, 0.146475f, 0.146464f, 0.146452f, 0.14644f, 0.146429f, 0.146417f,
-0.146405f, 0.146394f, 0.146382f, 0.14637f, 0.146359f, 0.146347f, 0.146335f, 0.146324f, 0.146312f, 0.1463f, 0.146289f, 0.146277f, 0.146265f, 0.146253f, 0.146242f, 0.14623f, 0.146218f, 0.146207f, 0.146195f, 0.146183f,
-0.146172f, 0.14616f, 0.146148f, 0.146137f, 0.146125f, 0.146113f, 0.146102f, 0.14609f, 0.146078f, 0.146067f, 0.146055f, 0.146043f, 0.146032f, 0.14602f, 0.146009f, 0.145997f, 0.145985f, 0.145974f, 0.145962f, 0.14595f,
-0.145939f, 0.145927f, 0.145915f, 0.145904f, 0.145892f, 0.14588f, 0.145869f, 0.145857f, 0.145845f, 0.145834f, 0.145822f, 0.14581f, 0.145799f, 0.145787f, 0.145775f, 0.145764f, 0.145752f, 0.14574f, 0.145729f, 0.145717f,
-0.145705f, 0.145694f, 0.145682f, 0.145671f, 0.145659f, 0.145647f, 0.145636f, 0.145624f, 0.145612f, 0.145601f, 0.145589f, 0.145577f, 0.145566f, 0.145554f, 0.145542f, 0.145531f, 0.145519f, 0.145508f, 0.145496f, 0.145484f,
-0.145473f, 0.145461f, 0.145449f, 0.145438f, 0.145426f, 0.145414f, 0.145403f, 0.145391f, 0.145379f, 0.145368f, 0.145356f, 0.145345f, 0.145333f, 0.145321f, 0.14531f, 0.145298f, 0.145286f, 0.145275f, 0.145263f, 0.145252f,
-0.14524f, 0.145228f, 0.145217f, 0.145205f, 0.145193f, 0.145182f, 0.14517f, 0.145158f, 0.145147f, 0.145135f, 0.145124f, 0.145112f, 0.1451f, 0.145089f, 0.145077f, 0.145065f, 0.145054f, 0.145042f, 0.145031f, 0.145019f,
-0.145007f, 0.144996f, 0.144984f, 0.144973f, 0.144961f, 0.144949f, 0.144938f, 0.144926f, 0.144914f, 0.144903f, 0.144891f, 0.14488f, 0.144868f, 0.144856f, 0.144845f, 0.144833f, 0.144821f, 0.14481f, 0.144798f, 0.144787f,
-0.144775f, 0.144763f, 0.144752f, 0.14474f, 0.144729f, 0.144717f, 0.144705f, 0.144694f, 0.144682f, 0.144671f, 0.144659f, 0.144647f, 0.144636f, 0.144624f, 0.144613f, 0.144601f, 0.144589f, 0.144578f, 0.144566f, 0.144555f,
-0.144543f, 0.144531f, 0.14452f, 0.144508f, 0.144497f, 0.144485f, 0.144473f, 0.144462f, 0.14445f, 0.144439f, 0.144427f, 0.144415f, 0.144404f, 0.144392f, 0.144381f, 0.144369f, 0.144357f, 0.144346f, 0.144334f, 0.144323f,
-0.144311f, 0.144299f, 0.144288f, 0.144276f, 0.144265f, 0.144253f, 0.144241f, 0.14423f, 0.144218f, 0.144207f, 0.144195f, 0.144183f, 0.144172f, 0.14416f, 0.144149f, 0.144137f, 0.144126f, 0.144114f, 0.144102f, 0.144091f,
-0.144079f, 0.144068f, 0.144056f, 0.144044f, 0.144033f, 0.144021f, 0.14401f, 0.143998f, 0.143987f, 0.143975f, 0.143963f, 0.143952f, 0.14394f, 0.143929f, 0.143917f, 0.143905f, 0.143894f, 0.143882f, 0.143871f, 0.143859f,
-0.143848f, 0.143836f, 0.143824f, 0.143813f, 0.143801f, 0.14379f, 0.143778f, 0.143767f, 0.143755f, 0.143743f, 0.143732f, 0.14372f, 0.143709f, 0.143697f, 0.143686f, 0.143674f, 0.143662f, 0.143651f, 0.143639f, 0.143628f,
-0.143616f, 0.143605f, 0.143593f, 0.143582f, 0.14357f, 0.143558f, 0.143547f, 0.143535f, 0.143524f, 0.143512f, 0.143501f, 0.143489f, 0.143477f, 0.143466f, 0.143454f, 0.143443f, 0.143431f, 0.14342f, 0.143408f, 0.143397f,
-0.143385f, 0.143373f, 0.143362f, 0.14335f, 0.143339f, 0.143327f, 0.143316f, 0.143304f, 0.143293f, 0.143281f, 0.143269f, 0.143258f, 0.143246f, 0.143235f, 0.143223f, 0.143212f, 0.1432f, 0.143189f, 0.143177f, 0.143166f,
-0.143154f, 0.143142f, 0.143131f, 0.143119f, 0.143108f, 0.143096f, 0.143085f, 0.143073f, 0.143062f, 0.14305f, 0.143039f, 0.143027f, 0.143015f, 0.143004f, 0.142992f, 0.142981f, 0.142969f, 0.142958f, 0.142946f, 0.142935f,
-0.142923f, 0.142912f, 0.1429f, 0.142889f, 0.142877f, 0.142865f, 0.142854f, 0.142842f, 0.142831f, 0.142819f, 0.142808f, 0.142796f, 0.142785f, 0.142773f, 0.142762f, 0.14275f, 0.142739f, 0.142727f, 0.142716f, 0.142704f,
-0.142692f, 0.142681f, 0.142669f, 0.142658f, 0.142646f, 0.142635f, 0.142623f, 0.142612f, 0.1426f, 0.142589f, 0.142577f, 0.142566f, 0.142554f, 0.142543f, 0.142531f, 0.14252f, 0.142508f, 0.142497f, 0.142485f, 0.142474f,
-0.142462f, 0.14245f, 0.142439f, 0.142427f, 0.142416f, 0.142404f, 0.142393f, 0.142381f, 0.14237f, 0.142358f, 0.142347f, 0.142335f, 0.142324f, 0.142312f, 0.142301f, 0.142289f, 0.142278f, 0.142266f, 0.142255f, 0.142243f,
-0.142232f, 0.14222f, 0.142209f, 0.142197f, 0.142186f, 0.142174f, 0.142163f, 0.142151f, 0.14214f, 0.142128f, 0.142117f, 0.142105f, 0.142094f, 0.142082f, 0.142071f, 0.142059f, 0.142048f, 0.142036f, 0.142025f, 0.142013f,
-0.142002f, 0.14199f, 0.141979f, 0.141967f, 0.141956f, 0.141944f, 0.141933f, 0.141921f, 0.14191f, 0.141898f, 0.141887f, 0.141875f, 0.141864f, 0.141852f, 0.141841f, 0.141829f, 0.141818f, 0.141806f, 0.141795f, 0.141783f,
-0.141772f, 0.14176f, 0.141749f, 0.141737f, 0.141726f, 0.141714f, 0.141703f, 0.141691f, 0.14168f, 0.141668f, 0.141657f, 0.141645f, 0.141634f, 0.141622f, 0.141611f, 0.141599f, 0.141588f, 0.141576f, 0.141565f, 0.141553f,
-0.141542f, 0.141531f, 0.141519f, 0.141508f, 0.141496f, 0.141485f, 0.141473f, 0.141462f, 0.14145f, 0.141439f, 0.141427f, 0.141416f, 0.141404f, 0.141393f, 0.141381f, 0.14137f, 0.141358f, 0.141347f, 0.141335f, 0.141324f,
-0.141312f, 0.141301f, 0.14129f, 0.141278f, 0.141267f, 0.141255f, 0.141244f, 0.141232f, 0.141221f, 0.141209f, 0.141198f, 0.141186f, 0.141175f, 0.141163f, 0.141152f, 0.14114f, 0.141129f, 0.141118f, 0.141106f, 0.141095f,
-0.141083f, 0.141072f, 0.14106f, 0.141049f, 0.141037f, 0.141026f, 0.141014f, 0.141003f, 0.140991f, 0.14098f, 0.140969f, 0.140957f, 0.140946f, 0.140934f, 0.140923f, 0.140911f, 0.1409f, 0.140888f, 0.140877f, 0.140865f,
-0.140854f, 0.140843f, 0.140831f, 0.14082f, 0.140808f, 0.140797f, 0.140785f, 0.140774f, 0.140762f, 0.140751f, 0.140739f, 0.140728f, 0.140717f, 0.140705f, 0.140694f, 0.140682f, 0.140671f, 0.140659f, 0.140648f, 0.140636f,
-0.140625f, 0.140614f, 0.140602f, 0.140591f, 0.140579f, 0.140568f, 0.140556f, 0.140545f, 0.140533f, 0.140522f, 0.140511f, 0.140499f, 0.140488f, 0.140476f, 0.140465f, 0.140453f, 0.140442f, 0.140431f, 0.140419f, 0.140408f,
-0.140396f, 0.140385f, 0.140373f, 0.140362f, 0.14035f, 0.140339f, 0.140328f, 0.140316f, 0.140305f, 0.140293f, 0.140282f, 0.14027f, 0.140259f, 0.140248f, 0.140236f, 0.140225f, 0.140213f, 0.140202f, 0.14019f, 0.140179f,
-0.140168f, 0.140156f, 0.140145f, 0.140133f, 0.140122f, 0.14011f, 0.140099f, 0.140088f, 0.140076f, 0.140065f, 0.140053f, 0.140042f, 0.140031f, 0.140019f, 0.140008f, 0.139996f, 0.139985f, 0.139973f, 0.139962f, 0.139951f,
-0.139939f, 0.139928f, 0.139916f, 0.139905f, 0.139894f, 0.139882f, 0.139871f, 0.139859f, 0.139848f, 0.139836f, 0.139825f, 0.139814f, 0.139802f, 0.139791f, 0.139779f, 0.139768f, 0.139757f, 0.139745f, 0.139734f, 0.139722f,
-0.139711f, 0.1397f, 0.139688f, 0.139677f, 0.139665f, 0.139654f, 0.139643f, 0.139631f, 0.13962f, 0.139608f, 0.139597f, 0.139586f, 0.139574f, 0.139563f, 0.139551f, 0.13954f, 0.139529f, 0.139517f, 0.139506f, 0.139494f,
-0.139483f, 0.139472f, 0.13946f, 0.139449f, 0.139437f, 0.139426f, 0.139415f, 0.139403f, 0.139392f, 0.13938f, 0.139369f, 0.139358f, 0.139346f, 0.139335f, 0.139323f, 0.139312f, 0.139301f, 0.139289f, 0.139278f, 0.139266f,
-0.139255f, 0.139244f, 0.139232f, 0.139221f, 0.13921f, 0.139198f, 0.139187f, 0.139175f, 0.139164f, 0.139153f, 0.139141f, 0.13913f, 0.139118f, 0.139107f, 0.139096f, 0.139084f, 0.139073f, 0.139062f, 0.13905f, 0.139039f,
-0.139027f, 0.139016f, 0.139005f, 0.138993f, 0.138982f, 0.138971f, 0.138959f, 0.138948f, 0.138936f, 0.138925f, 0.138914f, 0.138902f, 0.138891f, 0.13888f, 0.138868f, 0.138857f, 0.138845f, 0.138834f, 0.138823f, 0.138811f,
-0.1388f, 0.138789f, 0.138777f, 0.138766f, 0.138754f, 0.138743f, 0.138732f, 0.13872f, 0.138709f, 0.138698f, 0.138686f, 0.138675f, 0.138664f, 0.138652f, 0.138641f, 0.138629f, 0.138618f, 0.138607f, 0.138595f, 0.138584f,
-0.138573f, 0.138561f, 0.13855f, 0.138539f, 0.138527f, 0.138516f, 0.138504f, 0.138493f, 0.138482f, 0.13847f, 0.138459f, 0.138448f, 0.138436f, 0.138425f, 0.138414f, 0.138402f, 0.138391f, 0.13838f, 0.138368f, 0.138357f,
-0.138345f, 0.138334f, 0.138323f, 0.138311f, 0.1383f, 0.138289f, 0.138277f, 0.138266f, 0.138255f, 0.138243f, 0.138232f, 0.138221f, 0.138209f, 0.138198f, 0.138187f, 0.138175f, 0.138164f, 0.138153f, 0.138141f, 0.13813f,
-0.138119f, 0.138107f, 0.138096f, 0.138085f, 0.138073f, 0.138062f, 0.138051f, 0.138039f, 0.138028f, 0.138017f, 0.138005f, 0.137994f, 0.137983f, 0.137971f, 0.13796f, 0.137948f, 0.137937f, 0.137926f, 0.137914f, 0.137903f,
-0.137892f, 0.13788f, 0.137869f, 0.137858f, 0.137847f, 0.137835f, 0.137824f, 0.137813f, 0.137801f, 0.13779f, 0.137779f, 0.137767f, 0.137756f, 0.137745f, 0.137733f, 0.137722f, 0.137711f, 0.137699f, 0.137688f, 0.137677f,
-0.137665f, 0.137654f, 0.137643f, 0.137631f, 0.13762f, 0.137609f, 0.137597f, 0.137586f, 0.137575f, 0.137563f, 0.137552f, 0.137541f, 0.137529f, 0.137518f, 0.137507f, 0.137495f, 0.137484f, 0.137473f, 0.137462f, 0.13745f,
-0.137439f, 0.137428f, 0.137416f, 0.137405f, 0.137394f, 0.137382f, 0.137371f, 0.13736f, 0.137348f, 0.137337f, 0.137326f, 0.137314f, 0.137303f, 0.137292f, 0.137281f, 0.137269f, 0.137258f, 0.137247f, 0.137235f, 0.137224f,
-0.137213f, 0.137201f, 0.13719f, 0.137179f, 0.137168f, 0.137156f, 0.137145f, 0.137134f, 0.137122f, 0.137111f, 0.1371f, 0.137088f, 0.137077f, 0.137066f, 0.137055f, 0.137043f, 0.137032f, 0.137021f, 0.137009f, 0.136998f,
-0.136987f, 0.136975f, 0.136964f, 0.136953f, 0.136942f, 0.13693f, 0.136919f, 0.136908f, 0.136896f, 0.136885f, 0.136874f, 0.136863f, 0.136851f, 0.13684f, 0.136829f, 0.136817f, 0.136806f, 0.136795f, 0.136783f, 0.136772f,
-0.136761f, 0.13675f, 0.136738f, 0.136727f, 0.136716f, 0.136705f, 0.136693f, 0.136682f, 0.136671f, 0.136659f, 0.136648f, 0.136637f, 0.136626f, 0.136614f, 0.136603f, 0.136592f, 0.13658f, 0.136569f, 0.136558f, 0.136547f,
-0.136535f, 0.136524f, 0.136513f, 0.136501f, 0.13649f, 0.136479f, 0.136468f, 0.136456f, 0.136445f, 0.136434f, 0.136423f, 0.136411f, 0.1364f, 0.136389f, 0.136377f, 0.136366f, 0.136355f, 0.136344f, 0.136332f, 0.136321f,
-0.13631f, 0.136299f, 0.136287f, 0.136276f, 0.136265f, 0.136254f, 0.136242f, 0.136231f, 0.13622f, 0.136208f, 0.136197f, 0.136186f, 0.136175f, 0.136163f, 0.136152f, 0.136141f, 0.13613f, 0.136118f, 0.136107f, 0.136096f,
-0.136085f, 0.136073f, 0.136062f, 0.136051f, 0.13604f, 0.136028f, 0.136017f, 0.136006f, 0.135995f, 0.135983f, 0.135972f, 0.135961f, 0.13595f, 0.135938f, 0.135927f, 0.135916f, 0.135905f, 0.135893f, 0.135882f, 0.135871f,
-0.13586f, 0.135848f, 0.135837f, 0.135826f, 0.135815f, 0.135803f, 0.135792f, 0.135781f, 0.13577f, 0.135758f, 0.135747f, 0.135736f, 0.135725f, 0.135713f, 0.135702f, 0.135691f, 0.13568f, 0.135668f, 0.135657f, 0.135646f,
-0.135635f, 0.135623f, 0.135612f, 0.135601f, 0.13559f, 0.135578f, 0.135567f, 0.135556f, 0.135545f, 0.135534f, 0.135522f, 0.135511f, 0.1355f, 0.135489f, 0.135477f, 0.135466f, 0.135455f, 0.135444f, 0.135432f, 0.135421f,
-0.13541f, 0.135399f, 0.135388f, 0.135376f, 0.135365f, 0.135354f, 0.135343f, 0.135331f, 0.13532f, 0.135309f, 0.135298f, 0.135286f, 0.135275f, 0.135264f, 0.135253f, 0.135242f, 0.13523f, 0.135219f, 0.135208f, 0.135197f,
-0.135185f, 0.135174f, 0.135163f, 0.135152f, 0.135141f, 0.135129f, 0.135118f, 0.135107f, 0.135096f, 0.135085f, 0.135073f, 0.135062f, 0.135051f, 0.13504f, 0.135028f, 0.135017f, 0.135006f, 0.134995f, 0.134984f, 0.134972f,
-0.134961f, 0.13495f, 0.134939f, 0.134928f, 0.134916f, 0.134905f, 0.134894f, 0.134883f, 0.134871f, 0.13486f, 0.134849f, 0.134838f, 0.134827f, 0.134815f, 0.134804f, 0.134793f, 0.134782f, 0.134771f, 0.134759f, 0.134748f,
-0.134737f, 0.134726f, 0.134715f, 0.134703f, 0.134692f, 0.134681f, 0.13467f, 0.134659f, 0.134647f, 0.134636f, 0.134625f, 0.134614f, 0.134603f, 0.134591f, 0.13458f, 0.134569f, 0.134558f, 0.134547f, 0.134535f, 0.134524f,
-0.134513f, 0.134502f, 0.134491f, 0.13448f, 0.134468f, 0.134457f, 0.134446f, 0.134435f, 0.134424f, 0.134412f, 0.134401f, 0.13439f, 0.134379f, 0.134368f, 0.134356f, 0.134345f, 0.134334f, 0.134323f, 0.134312f, 0.134301f,
-0.134289f, 0.134278f, 0.134267f, 0.134256f, 0.134245f, 0.134233f, 0.134222f, 0.134211f, 0.1342f, 0.134189f, 0.134178f, 0.134166f, 0.134155f, 0.134144f, 0.134133f, 0.134122f, 0.13411f, 0.134099f, 0.134088f, 0.134077f,
-0.134066f, 0.134055f, 0.134043f, 0.134032f, 0.134021f, 0.13401f, 0.133999f, 0.133988f, 0.133976f, 0.133965f, 0.133954f, 0.133943f, 0.133932f, 0.133921f, 0.133909f, 0.133898f, 0.133887f, 0.133876f, 0.133865f, 0.133854f,
-0.133842f, 0.133831f, 0.13382f, 0.133809f, 0.133798f, 0.133787f, 0.133775f, 0.133764f, 0.133753f, 0.133742f, 0.133731f, 0.13372f, 0.133708f, 0.133697f, 0.133686f, 0.133675f, 0.133664f, 0.133653f, 0.133641f, 0.13363f,
-0.133619f, 0.133608f, 0.133597f, 0.133586f, 0.133575f, 0.133563f, 0.133552f, 0.133541f, 0.13353f, 0.133519f, 0.133508f, 0.133496f, 0.133485f, 0.133474f, 0.133463f, 0.133452f, 0.133441f, 0.13343f, 0.133418f, 0.133407f,
-0.133396f, 0.133385f, 0.133374f, 0.133363f, 0.133352f, 0.13334f, 0.133329f, 0.133318f, 0.133307f, 0.133296f, 0.133285f, 0.133274f, 0.133262f, 0.133251f, 0.13324f, 0.133229f, 0.133218f, 0.133207f, 0.133196f, 0.133184f,
-0.133173f, 0.133162f, 0.133151f, 0.13314f, 0.133129f, 0.133118f, 0.133107f, 0.133095f, 0.133084f, 0.133073f, 0.133062f, 0.133051f, 0.13304f, 0.133029f, 0.133017f, 0.133006f, 0.132995f, 0.132984f, 0.132973f, 0.132962f,
-0.132951f, 0.13294f, 0.132928f, 0.132917f, 0.132906f, 0.132895f, 0.132884f, 0.132873f, 0.132862f, 0.132851f, 0.132839f, 0.132828f, 0.132817f, 0.132806f, 0.132795f, 0.132784f, 0.132773f, 0.132762f, 0.13275f, 0.132739f,
-0.132728f, 0.132717f, 0.132706f, 0.132695f, 0.132684f, 0.132673f, 0.132662f, 0.13265f, 0.132639f, 0.132628f, 0.132617f, 0.132606f, 0.132595f, 0.132584f, 0.132573f, 0.132562f, 0.13255f, 0.132539f, 0.132528f, 0.132517f,
-0.132506f, 0.132495f, 0.132484f, 0.132473f, 0.132462f, 0.13245f, 0.132439f, 0.132428f, 0.132417f, 0.132406f, 0.132395f, 0.132384f, 0.132373f, 0.132362f, 0.13235f, 0.132339f, 0.132328f, 0.132317f, 0.132306f, 0.132295f,
-0.132284f, 0.132273f, 0.132262f, 0.132251f, 0.132239f, 0.132228f, 0.132217f, 0.132206f, 0.132195f, 0.132184f, 0.132173f, 0.132162f, 0.132151f, 0.13214f, 0.132129f, 0.132117f, 0.132106f, 0.132095f, 0.132084f, 0.132073f,
-0.132062f, 0.132051f, 0.13204f, 0.132029f, 0.132018f, 0.132007f, 0.131995f, 0.131984f, 0.131973f, 0.131962f, 0.131951f, 0.13194f, 0.131929f, 0.131918f, 0.131907f, 0.131896f, 0.131885f, 0.131874f, 0.131862f, 0.131851f,
-0.13184f, 0.131829f, 0.131818f, 0.131807f, 0.131796f, 0.131785f, 0.131774f, 0.131763f, 0.131752f, 0.131741f, 0.131729f, 0.131718f, 0.131707f, 0.131696f, 0.131685f, 0.131674f, 0.131663f, 0.131652f, 0.131641f, 0.13163f,
-0.131619f, 0.131608f, 0.131597f, 0.131586f, 0.131574f, 0.131563f, 0.131552f, 0.131541f, 0.13153f, 0.131519f, 0.131508f, 0.131497f, 0.131486f, 0.131475f, 0.131464f, 0.131453f, 0.131442f, 0.131431f, 0.13142f, 0.131408f,
-0.131397f, 0.131386f, 0.131375f, 0.131364f, 0.131353f, 0.131342f, 0.131331f, 0.13132f, 0.131309f, 0.131298f, 0.131287f, 0.131276f, 0.131265f, 0.131254f, 0.131243f, 0.131232f, 0.13122f, 0.131209f, 0.131198f, 0.131187f,
-0.131176f, 0.131165f, 0.131154f, 0.131143f, 0.131132f, 0.131121f, 0.13111f, 0.131099f, 0.131088f, 0.131077f, 0.131066f, 0.131055f, 0.131044f, 0.131033f, 0.131022f, 0.131011f, 0.130999f, 0.130988f, 0.130977f, 0.130966f,
-0.130955f, 0.130944f, 0.130933f, 0.130922f, 0.130911f, 0.1309f, 0.130889f, 0.130878f, 0.130867f, 0.130856f, 0.130845f, 0.130834f, 0.130823f, 0.130812f, 0.130801f, 0.13079f, 0.130779f, 0.130768f, 0.130757f, 0.130746f,
-0.130735f, 0.130723f, 0.130712f, 0.130701f, 0.13069f, 0.130679f, 0.130668f, 0.130657f, 0.130646f, 0.130635f, 0.130624f, 0.130613f, 0.130602f, 0.130591f, 0.13058f, 0.130569f, 0.130558f, 0.130547f, 0.130536f, 0.130525f,
-0.130514f, 0.130503f, 0.130492f, 0.130481f, 0.13047f, 0.130459f, 0.130448f, 0.130437f, 0.130426f, 0.130415f, 0.130404f, 0.130393f, 0.130382f, 0.130371f, 0.13036f, 0.130349f, 0.130338f, 0.130327f, 0.130316f, 0.130305f,
-0.130294f, 0.130282f, 0.130271f, 0.13026f, 0.130249f, 0.130238f, 0.130227f, 0.130216f, 0.130205f, 0.130194f, 0.130183f, 0.130172f, 0.130161f, 0.13015f, 0.130139f, 0.130128f, 0.130117f, 0.130106f, 0.130095f, 0.130084f,
-0.130073f, 0.130062f, 0.130051f, 0.13004f, 0.130029f, 0.130018f, 0.130007f, 0.129996f, 0.129985f, 0.129974f, 0.129963f, 0.129952f, 0.129941f, 0.12993f, 0.129919f, 0.129908f, 0.129897f, 0.129886f, 0.129875f, 0.129864f,
-0.129853f, 0.129842f, 0.129831f, 0.12982f, 0.129809f, 0.129798f, 0.129787f, 0.129776f, 0.129765f, 0.129754f, 0.129743f, 0.129732f, 0.129721f, 0.12971f, 0.129699f, 0.129688f, 0.129677f, 0.129666f, 0.129655f, 0.129644f,
-0.129633f, 0.129622f, 0.129611f, 0.1296f, 0.129589f, 0.129578f, 0.129567f, 0.129556f, 0.129546f, 0.129535f, 0.129524f, 0.129513f, 0.129502f, 0.129491f, 0.12948f, 0.129469f, 0.129458f, 0.129447f, 0.129436f, 0.129425f,
-0.129414f, 0.129403f, 0.129392f, 0.129381f, 0.12937f, 0.129359f, 0.129348f, 0.129337f, 0.129326f, 0.129315f, 0.129304f, 0.129293f, 0.129282f, 0.129271f, 0.12926f, 0.129249f, 0.129238f, 0.129227f, 0.129216f, 0.129205f,
-0.129194f, 0.129183f, 0.129172f, 0.129161f, 0.12915f, 0.129139f, 0.129128f, 0.129117f, 0.129107f, 0.129096f, 0.129085f, 0.129074f, 0.129063f, 0.129052f, 0.129041f, 0.12903f, 0.129019f, 0.129008f, 0.128997f, 0.128986f,
-0.128975f, 0.128964f, 0.128953f, 0.128942f, 0.128931f, 0.12892f, 0.128909f, 0.128898f, 0.128887f, 0.128876f, 0.128865f, 0.128854f, 0.128843f, 0.128833f, 0.128822f, 0.128811f, 0.1288f, 0.128789f, 0.128778f, 0.128767f,
-0.128756f, 0.128745f, 0.128734f, 0.128723f, 0.128712f, 0.128701f, 0.12869f, 0.128679f, 0.128668f, 0.128657f, 0.128646f, 0.128635f, 0.128624f, 0.128614f, 0.128603f, 0.128592f, 0.128581f, 0.12857f, 0.128559f, 0.128548f,
-0.128537f, 0.128526f, 0.128515f, 0.128504f, 0.128493f, 0.128482f, 0.128471f, 0.12846f, 0.128449f, 0.128439f, 0.128428f, 0.128417f, 0.128406f, 0.128395f, 0.128384f, 0.128373f, 0.128362f, 0.128351f, 0.12834f, 0.128329f,
-0.128318f, 0.128307f, 0.128296f, 0.128285f, 0.128275f, 0.128264f, 0.128253f, 0.128242f, 0.128231f, 0.12822f, 0.128209f, 0.128198f, 0.128187f, 0.128176f, 0.128165f, 0.128154f, 0.128143f, 0.128132f, 0.128122f, 0.128111f,
-0.1281f, 0.128089f, 0.128078f, 0.128067f, 0.128056f, 0.128045f, 0.128034f, 0.128023f, 0.128012f, 0.128001f, 0.12799f, 0.12798f, 0.127969f, 0.127958f, 0.127947f, 0.127936f, 0.127925f, 0.127914f, 0.127903f, 0.127892f,
-0.127881f, 0.12787f, 0.127859f, 0.127849f, 0.127838f, 0.127827f, 0.127816f, 0.127805f, 0.127794f, 0.127783f, 0.127772f, 0.127761f, 0.12775f, 0.127739f, 0.127729f, 0.127718f, 0.127707f, 0.127696f, 0.127685f, 0.127674f,
-0.127663f, 0.127652f, 0.127641f, 0.12763f, 0.12762f, 0.127609f, 0.127598f, 0.127587f, 0.127576f, 0.127565f, 0.127554f, 0.127543f, 0.127532f, 0.127521f, 0.127511f, 0.1275f, 0.127489f, 0.127478f, 0.127467f, 0.127456f,
-0.127445f, 0.127434f, 0.127423f, 0.127412f, 0.127402f, 0.127391f, 0.12738f, 0.127369f, 0.127358f, 0.127347f, 0.127336f, 0.127325f, 0.127314f, 0.127304f, 0.127293f, 0.127282f, 0.127271f, 0.12726f, 0.127249f, 0.127238f,
-0.127227f, 0.127216f, 0.127206f, 0.127195f, 0.127184f, 0.127173f, 0.127162f, 0.127151f, 0.12714f, 0.127129f, 0.127119f, 0.127108f, 0.127097f, 0.127086f, 0.127075f, 0.127064f, 0.127053f, 0.127042f, 0.127032f, 0.127021f,
-0.12701f, 0.126999f, 0.126988f, 0.126977f, 0.126966f, 0.126955f, 0.126945f, 0.126934f, 0.126923f, 0.126912f, 0.126901f, 0.12689f, 0.126879f, 0.126868f, 0.126858f, 0.126847f, 0.126836f, 0.126825f, 0.126814f, 0.126803f,
-0.126792f, 0.126781f, 0.126771f, 0.12676f, 0.126749f, 0.126738f, 0.126727f, 0.126716f, 0.126705f, 0.126695f, 0.126684f, 0.126673f, 0.126662f, 0.126651f, 0.12664f, 0.126629f, 0.126619f, 0.126608f, 0.126597f, 0.126586f,
-0.126575f, 0.126564f, 0.126553f, 0.126543f, 0.126532f, 0.126521f, 0.12651f, 0.126499f, 0.126488f, 0.126477f, 0.126467f, 0.126456f, 0.126445f, 0.126434f, 0.126423f, 0.126412f, 0.126401f, 0.126391f, 0.12638f, 0.126369f,
-0.126358f, 0.126347f, 0.126336f, 0.126325f, 0.126315f, 0.126304f, 0.126293f, 0.126282f, 0.126271f, 0.12626f, 0.12625f, 0.126239f, 0.126228f, 0.126217f, 0.126206f, 0.126195f, 0.126185f, 0.126174f, 0.126163f, 0.126152f,
-0.126141f, 0.12613f, 0.126119f, 0.126109f, 0.126098f, 0.126087f, 0.126076f, 0.126065f, 0.126054f, 0.126044f, 0.126033f, 0.126022f, 0.126011f, 0.126f, 0.125989f, 0.125979f, 0.125968f, 0.125957f, 0.125946f, 0.125935f,
-0.125924f, 0.125914f, 0.125903f, 0.125892f, 0.125881f, 0.12587f, 0.12586f, 0.125849f, 0.125838f, 0.125827f, 0.125816f, 0.125805f, 0.125795f, 0.125784f, 0.125773f, 0.125762f, 0.125751f, 0.12574f, 0.12573f, 0.125719f,
-0.125708f, 0.125697f, 0.125686f, 0.125676f, 0.125665f, 0.125654f, 0.125643f, 0.125632f, 0.125621f, 0.125611f, 0.1256f, 0.125589f, 0.125578f, 0.125567f, 0.125557f, 0.125546f, 0.125535f, 0.125524f, 0.125513f, 0.125502f,
-0.125492f, 0.125481f, 0.12547f, 0.125459f, 0.125448f, 0.125438f, 0.125427f, 0.125416f, 0.125405f, 0.125394f, 0.125384f, 0.125373f, 0.125362f, 0.125351f, 0.12534f, 0.12533f, 0.125319f, 0.125308f, 0.125297f, 0.125286f,
-0.125276f, 0.125265f, 0.125254f, 0.125243f, 0.125232f, 0.125222f, 0.125211f, 0.1252f, 0.125189f, 0.125178f, 0.125168f, 0.125157f, 0.125146f, 0.125135f, 0.125124f, 0.125114f, 0.125103f, 0.125092f, 0.125081f, 0.12507f,
-0.12506f, 0.125049f, 0.125038f, 0.125027f, 0.125016f, 0.125006f, 0.124995f, 0.124984f, 0.124973f, 0.124963f, 0.124952f, 0.124941f, 0.12493f, 0.124919f, 0.124909f, 0.124898f, 0.124887f, 0.124876f, 0.124865f, 0.124855f,
-0.124844f, 0.124833f, 0.124822f, 0.124812f, 0.124801f, 0.12479f, 0.124779f, 0.124768f, 0.124758f, 0.124747f, 0.124736f, 0.124725f, 0.124715f, 0.124704f, 0.124693f, 0.124682f, 0.124671f, 0.124661f, 0.12465f, 0.124639f,
-0.124628f, 0.124618f, 0.124607f, 0.124596f, 0.124585f, 0.124574f, 0.124564f, 0.124553f, 0.124542f, 0.124531f, 0.124521f, 0.12451f, 0.124499f, 0.124488f, 0.124478f, 0.124467f, 0.124456f, 0.124445f, 0.124434f, 0.124424f,
-0.124413f, 0.124402f, 0.124391f, 0.124381f, 0.12437f, 0.124359f, 0.124348f, 0.124338f, 0.124327f, 0.124316f, 0.124305f, 0.124295f, 0.124284f, 0.124273f, 0.124262f, 0.124252f, 0.124241f, 0.12423f, 0.124219f, 0.124208f,
-0.124198f, 0.124187f, 0.124176f, 0.124165f, 0.124155f, 0.124144f, 0.124133f, 0.124122f, 0.124112f, 0.124101f, 0.12409f, 0.124079f, 0.124069f, 0.124058f, 0.124047f, 0.124036f, 0.124026f, 0.124015f, 0.124004f, 0.123993f,
-0.123983f, 0.123972f, 0.123961f, 0.12395f, 0.12394f, 0.123929f, 0.123918f, 0.123908f, 0.123897f, 0.123886f, 0.123875f, 0.123865f, 0.123854f, 0.123843f, 0.123832f, 0.123822f, 0.123811f, 0.1238f, 0.123789f, 0.123779f,
-0.123768f, 0.123757f, 0.123746f, 0.123736f, 0.123725f, 0.123714f, 0.123704f, 0.123693f, 0.123682f, 0.123671f, 0.123661f, 0.12365f, 0.123639f, 0.123628f, 0.123618f, 0.123607f, 0.123596f, 0.123585f, 0.123575f, 0.123564f,
-0.123553f, 0.123543f, 0.123532f, 0.123521f, 0.12351f, 0.1235f, 0.123489f, 0.123478f, 0.123467f, 0.123457f, 0.123446f, 0.123435f, 0.123425f, 0.123414f, 0.123403f, 0.123392f, 0.123382f, 0.123371f, 0.12336f, 0.12335f,
-0.123339f, 0.123328f, 0.123317f, 0.123307f, 0.123296f, 0.123285f, 0.123275f, 0.123264f, 0.123253f, 0.123242f, 0.123232f, 0.123221f, 0.12321f, 0.1232f, 0.123189f, 0.123178f, 0.123167f, 0.123157f, 0.123146f, 0.123135f,
-0.123125f, 0.123114f, 0.123103f, 0.123092f, 0.123082f, 0.123071f, 0.12306f, 0.12305f, 0.123039f, 0.123028f, 0.123018f, 0.123007f, 0.122996f, 0.122985f, 0.122975f, 0.122964f, 0.122953f, 0.122943f, 0.122932f, 0.122921f,
-0.12291f, 0.1229f, 0.122889f, 0.122878f, 0.122868f, 0.122857f, 0.122846f, 0.122836f, 0.122825f, 0.122814f, 0.122804f, 0.122793f, 0.122782f, 0.122771f, 0.122761f, 0.12275f, 0.122739f, 0.122729f, 0.122718f, 0.122707f,
-0.122697f, 0.122686f, 0.122675f, 0.122665f, 0.122654f, 0.122643f, 0.122632f, 0.122622f, 0.122611f, 0.1226f, 0.12259f, 0.122579f, 0.122568f, 0.122558f, 0.122547f, 0.122536f, 0.122526f, 0.122515f, 0.122504f, 0.122494f,
-0.122483f, 0.122472f, 0.122462f, 0.122451f, 0.12244f, 0.12243f, 0.122419f, 0.122408f, 0.122397f, 0.122387f, 0.122376f, 0.122365f, 0.122355f, 0.122344f, 0.122333f, 0.122323f, 0.122312f, 0.122301f, 0.122291f, 0.12228f,
-0.122269f, 0.122259f, 0.122248f, 0.122237f, 0.122227f, 0.122216f, 0.122205f, 0.122195f, 0.122184f, 0.122173f, 0.122163f, 0.122152f, 0.122141f, 0.122131f, 0.12212f, 0.122109f, 0.122099f, 0.122088f, 0.122077f, 0.122067f,
-0.122056f, 0.122045f, 0.122035f, 0.122024f, 0.122013f, 0.122003f, 0.121992f, 0.121981f, 0.121971f, 0.12196f, 0.121949f, 0.121939f, 0.121928f, 0.121918f, 0.121907f, 0.121896f, 0.121886f, 0.121875f, 0.121864f, 0.121854f,
-0.121843f, 0.121832f, 0.121822f, 0.121811f, 0.1218f, 0.12179f, 0.121779f, 0.121768f, 0.121758f, 0.121747f, 0.121736f, 0.121726f, 0.121715f, 0.121704f, 0.121694f, 0.121683f, 0.121673f, 0.121662f, 0.121651f, 0.121641f,
-0.12163f, 0.121619f, 0.121609f, 0.121598f, 0.121587f, 0.121577f, 0.121566f, 0.121555f, 0.121545f, 0.121534f, 0.121524f, 0.121513f, 0.121502f, 0.121492f, 0.121481f, 0.12147f, 0.12146f, 0.121449f, 0.121438f, 0.121428f,
-0.121417f, 0.121407f, 0.121396f, 0.121385f, 0.121375f, 0.121364f, 0.121353f, 0.121343f, 0.121332f, 0.121322f, 0.121311f, 0.1213f, 0.12129f, 0.121279f, 0.121268f, 0.121258f, 0.121247f, 0.121236f, 0.121226f, 0.121215f,
-0.121205f, 0.121194f, 0.121183f, 0.121173f, 0.121162f, 0.121151f, 0.121141f, 0.12113f, 0.12112f, 0.121109f, 0.121098f, 0.121088f, 0.121077f, 0.121067f, 0.121056f, 0.121045f, 0.121035f, 0.121024f, 0.121013f, 0.121003f,
-0.120992f, 0.120982f, 0.120971f, 0.12096f, 0.12095f, 0.120939f, 0.120929f, 0.120918f, 0.120907f, 0.120897f, 0.120886f, 0.120875f, 0.120865f, 0.120854f, 0.120844f, 0.120833f, 0.120822f, 0.120812f, 0.120801f, 0.120791f,
-0.12078f, 0.120769f, 0.120759f, 0.120748f, 0.120738f, 0.120727f, 0.120716f, 0.120706f, 0.120695f, 0.120685f, 0.120674f, 0.120663f, 0.120653f, 0.120642f, 0.120632f, 0.120621f, 0.12061f, 0.1206f, 0.120589f, 0.120579f,
-0.120568f, 0.120557f, 0.120547f, 0.120536f, 0.120526f, 0.120515f, 0.120504f, 0.120494f, 0.120483f, 0.120473f, 0.120462f, 0.120451f, 0.120441f, 0.12043f, 0.12042f, 0.120409f, 0.120398f, 0.120388f, 0.120377f, 0.120367f,
-0.120356f, 0.120346f, 0.120335f, 0.120324f, 0.120314f, 0.120303f, 0.120293f, 0.120282f, 0.120271f, 0.120261f, 0.12025f, 0.12024f, 0.120229f, 0.120219f, 0.120208f, 0.120197f, 0.120187f, 0.120176f, 0.120166f, 0.120155f,
-0.120144f, 0.120134f, 0.120123f, 0.120113f, 0.120102f, 0.120092f, 0.120081f, 0.12007f, 0.12006f, 0.120049f, 0.120039f, 0.120028f, 0.120018f, 0.120007f, 0.119996f, 0.119986f, 0.119975f, 0.119965f, 0.119954f, 0.119944f,
-0.119933f, 0.119922f, 0.119912f, 0.119901f, 0.119891f, 0.11988f, 0.11987f, 0.119859f, 0.119848f, 0.119838f, 0.119827f, 0.119817f, 0.119806f, 0.119796f, 0.119785f, 0.119775f, 0.119764f, 0.119753f, 0.119743f, 0.119732f,
-0.119722f, 0.119711f, 0.119701f, 0.11969f, 0.11968f, 0.119669f, 0.119658f, 0.119648f, 0.119637f, 0.119627f, 0.119616f, 0.119606f, 0.119595f, 0.119585f, 0.119574f, 0.119563f, 0.119553f, 0.119542f, 0.119532f, 0.119521f,
-0.119511f, 0.1195f, 0.11949f, 0.119479f, 0.119468f, 0.119458f, 0.119447f, 0.119437f, 0.119426f, 0.119416f, 0.119405f, 0.119395f, 0.119384f, 0.119374f, 0.119363f, 0.119352f, 0.119342f, 0.119331f, 0.119321f, 0.11931f,
-0.1193f, 0.119289f, 0.119279f, 0.119268f, 0.119258f, 0.119247f, 0.119237f, 0.119226f, 0.119215f, 0.119205f, 0.119194f, 0.119184f, 0.119173f, 0.119163f, 0.119152f, 0.119142f, 0.119131f, 0.119121f, 0.11911f, 0.1191f,
-0.119089f, 0.119078f, 0.119068f, 0.119057f, 0.119047f, 0.119036f, 0.119026f, 0.119015f, 0.119005f, 0.118994f, 0.118984f, 0.118973f, 0.118963f, 0.118952f, 0.118942f, 0.118931f, 0.118921f, 0.11891f, 0.1189f, 0.118889f,
-0.118878f, 0.118868f, 0.118857f, 0.118847f, 0.118836f, 0.118826f, 0.118815f, 0.118805f, 0.118794f, 0.118784f, 0.118773f, 0.118763f, 0.118752f, 0.118742f, 0.118731f, 0.118721f, 0.11871f, 0.1187f, 0.118689f, 0.118679f,
-0.118668f, 0.118658f, 0.118647f, 0.118637f, 0.118626f, 0.118616f, 0.118605f, 0.118595f, 0.118584f, 0.118574f, 0.118563f, 0.118553f, 0.118542f, 0.118532f, 0.118521f, 0.11851f, 0.1185f, 0.118489f, 0.118479f, 0.118468f,
-0.118458f, 0.118447f, 0.118437f, 0.118426f, 0.118416f, 0.118405f, 0.118395f, 0.118384f, 0.118374f, 0.118363f, 0.118353f, 0.118342f, 0.118332f, 0.118321f, 0.118311f, 0.1183f, 0.11829f, 0.118279f, 0.118269f, 0.118258f,
-0.118248f, 0.118238f, 0.118227f, 0.118217f, 0.118206f, 0.118196f, 0.118185f, 0.118175f, 0.118164f, 0.118154f, 0.118143f, 0.118133f, 0.118122f, 0.118112f, 0.118101f, 0.118091f, 0.11808f, 0.11807f, 0.118059f, 0.118049f,
-0.118038f, 0.118028f, 0.118017f, 0.118007f, 0.117996f, 0.117986f, 0.117975f, 0.117965f, 0.117954f, 0.117944f, 0.117933f, 0.117923f, 0.117912f, 0.117902f, 0.117891f, 0.117881f, 0.117871f, 0.11786f, 0.11785f, 0.117839f,
-0.117829f, 0.117818f, 0.117808f, 0.117797f, 0.117787f, 0.117776f, 0.117766f, 0.117755f, 0.117745f, 0.117734f, 0.117724f, 0.117713f, 0.117703f, 0.117692f, 0.117682f, 0.117672f, 0.117661f, 0.117651f, 0.11764f, 0.11763f,
-0.117619f, 0.117609f, 0.117598f, 0.117588f, 0.117577f, 0.117567f, 0.117556f, 0.117546f, 0.117535f, 0.117525f, 0.117515f, 0.117504f, 0.117494f, 0.117483f, 0.117473f, 0.117462f, 0.117452f, 0.117441f, 0.117431f, 0.11742f,
-0.11741f, 0.1174f, 0.117389f, 0.117379f, 0.117368f, 0.117358f, 0.117347f, 0.117337f, 0.117326f, 0.117316f, 0.117305f, 0.117295f, 0.117285f, 0.117274f, 0.117264f, 0.117253f, 0.117243f, 0.117232f, 0.117222f, 0.117211f,
-0.117201f, 0.11719f, 0.11718f, 0.11717f, 0.117159f, 0.117149f, 0.117138f, 0.117128f, 0.117117f, 0.117107f, 0.117096f, 0.117086f, 0.117076f, 0.117065f, 0.117055f, 0.117044f, 0.117034f, 0.117023f, 0.117013f, 0.117002f,
-0.116992f, 0.116982f, 0.116971f, 0.116961f, 0.11695f, 0.11694f, 0.116929f, 0.116919f, 0.116909f, 0.116898f, 0.116888f, 0.116877f, 0.116867f, 0.116856f, 0.116846f, 0.116836f, 0.116825f, 0.116815f, 0.116804f, 0.116794f,
-0.116783f, 0.116773f, 0.116763f, 0.116752f, 0.116742f, 0.116731f, 0.116721f, 0.11671f, 0.1167f, 0.11669f, 0.116679f, 0.116669f, 0.116658f, 0.116648f, 0.116637f, 0.116627f, 0.116617f, 0.116606f, 0.116596f, 0.116585f,
-0.116575f, 0.116564f, 0.116554f, 0.116544f, 0.116533f, 0.116523f, 0.116512f, 0.116502f, 0.116492f, 0.116481f, 0.116471f, 0.11646f, 0.11645f, 0.116439f, 0.116429f, 0.116419f, 0.116408f, 0.116398f, 0.116387f, 0.116377f,
-0.116367f, 0.116356f, 0.116346f, 0.116335f, 0.116325f, 0.116315f, 0.116304f, 0.116294f, 0.116283f, 0.116273f, 0.116263f, 0.116252f, 0.116242f, 0.116231f, 0.116221f, 0.11621f, 0.1162f, 0.11619f, 0.116179f, 0.116169f,
-0.116158f, 0.116148f, 0.116138f, 0.116127f, 0.116117f, 0.116106f, 0.116096f, 0.116086f, 0.116075f, 0.116065f, 0.116054f, 0.116044f, 0.116034f, 0.116023f, 0.116013f, 0.116003f, 0.115992f, 0.115982f, 0.115971f, 0.115961f,
-0.115951f, 0.11594f, 0.11593f, 0.115919f, 0.115909f, 0.115899f, 0.115888f, 0.115878f, 0.115867f, 0.115857f, 0.115847f, 0.115836f, 0.115826f, 0.115816f, 0.115805f, 0.115795f, 0.115784f, 0.115774f, 0.115764f, 0.115753f,
-0.115743f, 0.115732f, 0.115722f, 0.115712f, 0.115701f, 0.115691f, 0.115681f, 0.11567f, 0.11566f, 0.115649f, 0.115639f, 0.115629f, 0.115618f, 0.115608f, 0.115598f, 0.115587f, 0.115577f, 0.115566f, 0.115556f, 0.115546f,
-0.115535f, 0.115525f, 0.115515f, 0.115504f, 0.115494f, 0.115483f, 0.115473f, 0.115463f, 0.115452f, 0.115442f, 0.115432f, 0.115421f, 0.115411f, 0.1154f, 0.11539f, 0.11538f, 0.115369f, 0.115359f, 0.115349f, 0.115338f,
-0.115328f, 0.115318f, 0.115307f, 0.115297f, 0.115286f, 0.115276f, 0.115266f, 0.115255f, 0.115245f, 0.115235f, 0.115224f, 0.115214f, 0.115204f, 0.115193f, 0.115183f, 0.115172f, 0.115162f, 0.115152f, 0.115141f, 0.115131f,
-0.115121f, 0.11511f, 0.1151f, 0.11509f, 0.115079f, 0.115069f, 0.115059f, 0.115048f, 0.115038f, 0.115028f, 0.115017f, 0.115007f, 0.114996f, 0.114986f, 0.114976f, 0.114965f, 0.114955f, 0.114945f, 0.114934f, 0.114924f,
-0.114914f, 0.114903f, 0.114893f, 0.114883f, 0.114872f, 0.114862f, 0.114852f, 0.114841f, 0.114831f, 0.114821f, 0.11481f, 0.1148f, 0.11479f, 0.114779f, 0.114769f, 0.114759f, 0.114748f, 0.114738f, 0.114728f, 0.114717f,
-0.114707f, 0.114697f, 0.114686f, 0.114676f, 0.114666f, 0.114655f, 0.114645f, 0.114635f, 0.114624f, 0.114614f, 0.114604f, 0.114593f, 0.114583f, 0.114573f, 0.114562f, 0.114552f, 0.114542f, 0.114531f, 0.114521f, 0.114511f,
-0.1145f, 0.11449f, 0.11448f, 0.114469f, 0.114459f, 0.114449f, 0.114438f, 0.114428f, 0.114418f, 0.114407f, 0.114397f, 0.114387f, 0.114376f, 0.114366f, 0.114356f, 0.114345f, 0.114335f, 0.114325f, 0.114314f, 0.114304f,
-0.114294f, 0.114284f, 0.114273f, 0.114263f, 0.114253f, 0.114242f, 0.114232f, 0.114222f, 0.114211f, 0.114201f, 0.114191f, 0.11418f, 0.11417f, 0.11416f, 0.114149f, 0.114139f, 0.114129f, 0.114119f, 0.114108f, 0.114098f,
-0.114088f, 0.114077f, 0.114067f, 0.114057f, 0.114046f, 0.114036f, 0.114026f, 0.114015f, 0.114005f, 0.113995f, 0.113985f, 0.113974f, 0.113964f, 0.113954f, 0.113943f, 0.113933f, 0.113923f, 0.113912f, 0.113902f, 0.113892f,
-0.113882f, 0.113871f, 0.113861f, 0.113851f, 0.11384f, 0.11383f, 0.11382f, 0.113809f, 0.113799f, 0.113789f, 0.113779f, 0.113768f, 0.113758f, 0.113748f, 0.113737f, 0.113727f, 0.113717f, 0.113707f, 0.113696f, 0.113686f,
-0.113676f, 0.113665f, 0.113655f, 0.113645f, 0.113635f, 0.113624f, 0.113614f, 0.113604f, 0.113593f, 0.113583f, 0.113573f, 0.113563f, 0.113552f, 0.113542f, 0.113532f, 0.113521f, 0.113511f, 0.113501f, 0.113491f, 0.11348f,
-0.11347f, 0.11346f, 0.113449f, 0.113439f, 0.113429f, 0.113419f, 0.113408f, 0.113398f, 0.113388f, 0.113377f, 0.113367f, 0.113357f, 0.113347f, 0.113336f, 0.113326f, 0.113316f, 0.113306f, 0.113295f, 0.113285f, 0.113275f,
-0.113264f, 0.113254f, 0.113244f, 0.113234f, 0.113223f, 0.113213f, 0.113203f, 0.113193f, 0.113182f, 0.113172f, 0.113162f, 0.113152f, 0.113141f, 0.113131f, 0.113121f, 0.11311f, 0.1131f, 0.11309f, 0.11308f, 0.113069f,
-0.113059f, 0.113049f, 0.113039f, 0.113028f, 0.113018f, 0.113008f, 0.112998f, 0.112987f, 0.112977f, 0.112967f, 0.112957f, 0.112946f, 0.112936f, 0.112926f, 0.112916f, 0.112905f, 0.112895f, 0.112885f, 0.112875f, 0.112864f,
-0.112854f, 0.112844f, 0.112834f, 0.112823f, 0.112813f, 0.112803f, 0.112793f, 0.112782f, 0.112772f, 0.112762f, 0.112752f, 0.112741f, 0.112731f, 0.112721f, 0.112711f, 0.1127f, 0.11269f, 0.11268f, 0.11267f, 0.112659f,
-0.112649f, 0.112639f, 0.112629f, 0.112618f, 0.112608f, 0.112598f, 0.112588f, 0.112577f, 0.112567f, 0.112557f, 0.112547f, 0.112536f, 0.112526f, 0.112516f, 0.112506f, 0.112495f, 0.112485f, 0.112475f, 0.112465f, 0.112455f,
-0.112444f, 0.112434f, 0.112424f, 0.112414f, 0.112403f, 0.112393f, 0.112383f, 0.112373f, 0.112362f, 0.112352f, 0.112342f, 0.112332f, 0.112322f, 0.112311f, 0.112301f, 0.112291f, 0.112281f, 0.11227f, 0.11226f, 0.11225f,
-0.11224f, 0.112229f, 0.112219f, 0.112209f, 0.112199f, 0.112189f, 0.112178f, 0.112168f, 0.112158f, 0.112148f, 0.112138f, 0.112127f, 0.112117f, 0.112107f, 0.112097f, 0.112086f, 0.112076f, 0.112066f, 0.112056f, 0.112046f,
-0.112035f, 0.112025f, 0.112015f, 0.112005f, 0.111994f, 0.111984f, 0.111974f, 0.111964f, 0.111954f, 0.111943f, 0.111933f, 0.111923f, 0.111913f, 0.111903f, 0.111892f, 0.111882f, 0.111872f, 0.111862f, 0.111852f, 0.111841f,
-0.111831f, 0.111821f, 0.111811f, 0.111801f, 0.11179f, 0.11178f, 0.11177f, 0.11176f, 0.11175f, 0.111739f, 0.111729f, 0.111719f, 0.111709f, 0.111699f, 0.111688f, 0.111678f, 0.111668f, 0.111658f, 0.111648f, 0.111637f,
-0.111627f, 0.111617f, 0.111607f, 0.111597f, 0.111586f, 0.111576f, 0.111566f, 0.111556f, 0.111546f, 0.111535f, 0.111525f, 0.111515f, 0.111505f, 0.111495f, 0.111484f, 0.111474f, 0.111464f, 0.111454f, 0.111444f, 0.111433f,
-0.111423f, 0.111413f, 0.111403f, 0.111393f, 0.111383f, 0.111372f, 0.111362f, 0.111352f, 0.111342f, 0.111332f, 0.111321f, 0.111311f, 0.111301f, 0.111291f, 0.111281f, 0.111271f, 0.11126f, 0.11125f, 0.11124f, 0.11123f,
-0.11122f, 0.111209f, 0.111199f, 0.111189f, 0.111179f, 0.111169f, 0.111159f, 0.111148f, 0.111138f, 0.111128f, 0.111118f, 0.111108f, 0.111098f, 0.111087f, 0.111077f, 0.111067f, 0.111057f, 0.111047f, 0.111037f, 0.111026f,
-0.111016f, 0.111006f, 0.110996f, 0.110986f, 0.110976f, 0.110965f, 0.110955f, 0.110945f, 0.110935f, 0.110925f, 0.110915f, 0.110904f, 0.110894f, 0.110884f, 0.110874f, 0.110864f, 0.110854f, 0.110843f, 0.110833f, 0.110823f,
-0.110813f, 0.110803f, 0.110793f, 0.110782f, 0.110772f, 0.110762f, 0.110752f, 0.110742f, 0.110732f, 0.110722f, 0.110711f, 0.110701f, 0.110691f, 0.110681f, 0.110671f, 0.110661f, 0.11065f, 0.11064f, 0.11063f, 0.11062f,
-0.11061f, 0.1106f, 0.11059f, 0.110579f, 0.110569f, 0.110559f, 0.110549f, 0.110539f, 0.110529f, 0.110519f, 0.110508f, 0.110498f, 0.110488f, 0.110478f, 0.110468f, 0.110458f, 0.110447f, 0.110437f, 0.110427f, 0.110417f,
-0.110407f, 0.110397f, 0.110387f, 0.110377f, 0.110366f, 0.110356f, 0.110346f, 0.110336f, 0.110326f, 0.110316f, 0.110306f, 0.110295f, 0.110285f, 0.110275f, 0.110265f, 0.110255f, 0.110245f, 0.110235f, 0.110224f, 0.110214f,
-0.110204f, 0.110194f, 0.110184f, 0.110174f, 0.110164f, 0.110154f, 0.110143f, 0.110133f, 0.110123f, 0.110113f, 0.110103f, 0.110093f, 0.110083f, 0.110073f, 0.110062f, 0.110052f, 0.110042f, 0.110032f, 0.110022f, 0.110012f,
-0.110002f, 0.109992f, 0.109981f, 0.109971f, 0.109961f, 0.109951f, 0.109941f, 0.109931f, 0.109921f, 0.109911f, 0.109901f, 0.10989f, 0.10988f, 0.10987f, 0.10986f, 0.10985f, 0.10984f, 0.10983f, 0.10982f, 0.109809f,
-0.109799f, 0.109789f, 0.109779f, 0.109769f, 0.109759f, 0.109749f, 0.109739f, 0.109729f, 0.109718f, 0.109708f, 0.109698f, 0.109688f, 0.109678f, 0.109668f, 0.109658f, 0.109648f, 0.109638f, 0.109628f, 0.109617f, 0.109607f,
-0.109597f, 0.109587f, 0.109577f, 0.109567f, 0.109557f, 0.109547f, 0.109537f, 0.109526f, 0.109516f, 0.109506f, 0.109496f, 0.109486f, 0.109476f, 0.109466f, 0.109456f, 0.109446f, 0.109436f, 0.109426f, 0.109415f, 0.109405f,
-0.109395f, 0.109385f, 0.109375f, 0.109365f, 0.109355f, 0.109345f, 0.109335f, 0.109325f, 0.109315f, 0.109304f, 0.109294f, 0.109284f, 0.109274f, 0.109264f, 0.109254f, 0.109244f, 0.109234f, 0.109224f, 0.109214f, 0.109204f,
-0.109193f, 0.109183f, 0.109173f, 0.109163f, 0.109153f, 0.109143f, 0.109133f, 0.109123f, 0.109113f, 0.109103f, 0.109093f, 0.109083f, 0.109072f, 0.109062f, 0.109052f, 0.109042f, 0.109032f, 0.109022f, 0.109012f, 0.109002f,
-0.108992f, 0.108982f, 0.108972f, 0.108962f, 0.108952f, 0.108941f, 0.108931f, 0.108921f, 0.108911f, 0.108901f, 0.108891f, 0.108881f, 0.108871f, 0.108861f, 0.108851f, 0.108841f, 0.108831f, 0.108821f, 0.108811f, 0.108801f,
-0.10879f, 0.10878f, 0.10877f, 0.10876f, 0.10875f, 0.10874f, 0.10873f, 0.10872f, 0.10871f, 0.1087f, 0.10869f, 0.10868f, 0.10867f, 0.10866f, 0.10865f, 0.10864f, 0.108629f, 0.108619f, 0.108609f, 0.108599f,
-0.108589f, 0.108579f, 0.108569f, 0.108559f, 0.108549f, 0.108539f, 0.108529f, 0.108519f, 0.108509f, 0.108499f, 0.108489f, 0.108479f, 0.108469f, 0.108459f, 0.108448f, 0.108438f, 0.108428f, 0.108418f, 0.108408f, 0.108398f,
-0.108388f, 0.108378f, 0.108368f, 0.108358f, 0.108348f, 0.108338f, 0.108328f, 0.108318f, 0.108308f, 0.108298f, 0.108288f, 0.108278f, 0.108268f, 0.108258f, 0.108248f, 0.108238f, 0.108228f, 0.108217f, 0.108207f, 0.108197f,
-0.108187f, 0.108177f, 0.108167f, 0.108157f, 0.108147f, 0.108137f, 0.108127f, 0.108117f, 0.108107f, 0.108097f, 0.108087f, 0.108077f, 0.108067f, 0.108057f, 0.108047f, 0.108037f, 0.108027f, 0.108017f, 0.108007f, 0.107997f,
-0.107987f, 0.107977f, 0.107967f, 0.107957f, 0.107947f, 0.107937f, 0.107927f, 0.107917f, 0.107906f, 0.107896f, 0.107886f, 0.107876f, 0.107866f, 0.107856f, 0.107846f, 0.107836f, 0.107826f, 0.107816f, 0.107806f, 0.107796f,
-0.107786f, 0.107776f, 0.107766f, 0.107756f, 0.107746f, 0.107736f, 0.107726f, 0.107716f, 0.107706f, 0.107696f, 0.107686f, 0.107676f, 0.107666f, 0.107656f, 0.107646f, 0.107636f, 0.107626f, 0.107616f, 0.107606f, 0.107596f,
-0.107586f, 0.107576f, 0.107566f, 0.107556f, 0.107546f, 0.107536f, 0.107526f, 0.107516f, 0.107506f, 0.107496f, 0.107486f, 0.107476f, 0.107466f, 0.107456f, 0.107446f, 0.107436f, 0.107426f, 0.107416f, 0.107406f, 0.107396f,
-0.107386f, 0.107376f, 0.107366f, 0.107356f, 0.107346f, 0.107336f, 0.107326f, 0.107316f, 0.107306f, 0.107296f, 0.107286f, 0.107276f, 0.107266f, 0.107256f, 0.107246f, 0.107236f, 0.107226f, 0.107216f, 0.107206f, 0.107196f,
-0.107186f, 0.107176f, 0.107166f, 0.107156f, 0.107146f, 0.107136f, 0.107126f, 0.107116f, 0.107106f, 0.107096f, 0.107086f, 0.107076f, 0.107066f, 0.107056f, 0.107046f, 0.107036f, 0.107026f, 0.107016f, 0.107006f, 0.106996f,
-0.106986f, 0.106976f, 0.106966f, 0.106956f, 0.106946f, 0.106936f, 0.106926f, 0.106916f, 0.106906f, 0.106896f, 0.106886f, 0.106876f, 0.106866f, 0.106856f, 0.106846f, 0.106836f, 0.106827f, 0.106817f, 0.106807f, 0.106797f,
-0.106787f, 0.106777f, 0.106767f, 0.106757f, 0.106747f, 0.106737f, 0.106727f, 0.106717f, 0.106707f, 0.106697f, 0.106687f, 0.106677f, 0.106667f, 0.106657f, 0.106647f, 0.106637f, 0.106627f, 0.106617f, 0.106607f, 0.106597f,
-0.106587f, 0.106577f, 0.106567f, 0.106557f, 0.106547f, 0.106537f, 0.106527f, 0.106518f, 0.106508f, 0.106498f, 0.106488f, 0.106478f, 0.106468f, 0.106458f, 0.106448f, 0.106438f, 0.106428f, 0.106418f, 0.106408f, 0.106398f,
-0.106388f, 0.106378f, 0.106368f, 0.106358f, 0.106348f, 0.106338f, 0.106328f, 0.106318f, 0.106308f, 0.106299f, 0.106289f, 0.106279f, 0.106269f, 0.106259f, 0.106249f, 0.106239f, 0.106229f, 0.106219f, 0.106209f, 0.106199f,
-0.106189f, 0.106179f, 0.106169f, 0.106159f, 0.106149f, 0.106139f, 0.106129f, 0.10612f, 0.10611f, 0.1061f, 0.10609f, 0.10608f, 0.10607f, 0.10606f, 0.10605f, 0.10604f, 0.10603f, 0.10602f, 0.10601f, 0.106f,
-0.10599f, 0.10598f, 0.10597f, 0.105961f, 0.105951f, 0.105941f, 0.105931f, 0.105921f, 0.105911f, 0.105901f, 0.105891f, 0.105881f, 0.105871f, 0.105861f, 0.105851f, 0.105841f, 0.105831f, 0.105821f, 0.105812f, 0.105802f,
-0.105792f, 0.105782f, 0.105772f, 0.105762f, 0.105752f, 0.105742f, 0.105732f, 0.105722f, 0.105712f, 0.105702f, 0.105692f, 0.105683f, 0.105673f, 0.105663f, 0.105653f, 0.105643f, 0.105633f, 0.105623f, 0.105613f, 0.105603f,
-0.105593f, 0.105583f, 0.105573f, 0.105564f, 0.105554f, 0.105544f, 0.105534f, 0.105524f, 0.105514f, 0.105504f, 0.105494f, 0.105484f, 0.105474f, 0.105464f, 0.105454f, 0.105445f, 0.105435f, 0.105425f, 0.105415f, 0.105405f,
-0.105395f, 0.105385f, 0.105375f, 0.105365f, 0.105355f, 0.105345f, 0.105336f, 0.105326f, 0.105316f, 0.105306f, 0.105296f, 0.105286f, 0.105276f, 0.105266f, 0.105256f, 0.105246f, 0.105237f, 0.105227f, 0.105217f, 0.105207f,
-0.105197f, 0.105187f, 0.105177f, 0.105167f, 0.105157f, 0.105147f, 0.105138f, 0.105128f, 0.105118f, 0.105108f, 0.105098f, 0.105088f, 0.105078f, 0.105068f, 0.105058f, 0.105049f, 0.105039f, 0.105029f, 0.105019f, 0.105009f,
-0.104999f, 0.104989f, 0.104979f, 0.104969f, 0.10496f, 0.10495f, 0.10494f, 0.10493f, 0.10492f, 0.10491f, 0.1049f, 0.10489f, 0.10488f, 0.104871f, 0.104861f, 0.104851f, 0.104841f, 0.104831f, 0.104821f, 0.104811f,
-0.104801f, 0.104792f, 0.104782f, 0.104772f, 0.104762f, 0.104752f, 0.104742f, 0.104732f, 0.104722f, 0.104713f, 0.104703f, 0.104693f, 0.104683f, 0.104673f, 0.104663f, 0.104653f, 0.104643f, 0.104634f, 0.104624f, 0.104614f,
-0.104604f, 0.104594f, 0.104584f, 0.104574f, 0.104564f, 0.104555f, 0.104545f, 0.104535f, 0.104525f, 0.104515f, 0.104505f, 0.104495f, 0.104486f, 0.104476f, 0.104466f, 0.104456f, 0.104446f, 0.104436f, 0.104426f, 0.104416f,
-0.104407f, 0.104397f, 0.104387f, 0.104377f, 0.104367f, 0.104357f, 0.104347f, 0.104338f, 0.104328f, 0.104318f, 0.104308f, 0.104298f, 0.104288f, 0.104278f, 0.104269f, 0.104259f, 0.104249f, 0.104239f, 0.104229f, 0.104219f,
-0.104209f, 0.1042f, 0.10419f, 0.10418f, 0.10417f, 0.10416f, 0.10415f, 0.104141f, 0.104131f, 0.104121f, 0.104111f, 0.104101f, 0.104091f, 0.104081f, 0.104072f, 0.104062f, 0.104052f, 0.104042f, 0.104032f, 0.104022f,
-0.104013f, 0.104003f, 0.103993f, 0.103983f, 0.103973f, 0.103963f, 0.103954f, 0.103944f, 0.103934f, 0.103924f, 0.103914f, 0.103904f, 0.103894f, 0.103885f, 0.103875f, 0.103865f, 0.103855f, 0.103845f, 0.103835f, 0.103826f,
-0.103816f, 0.103806f, 0.103796f, 0.103786f, 0.103776f, 0.103767f, 0.103757f, 0.103747f, 0.103737f, 0.103727f, 0.103717f, 0.103708f, 0.103698f, 0.103688f, 0.103678f, 0.103668f, 0.103659f, 0.103649f, 0.103639f, 0.103629f,
-0.103619f, 0.103609f, 0.1036f, 0.10359f, 0.10358f, 0.10357f, 0.10356f, 0.10355f, 0.103541f, 0.103531f, 0.103521f, 0.103511f, 0.103501f, 0.103492f, 0.103482f, 0.103472f, 0.103462f, 0.103452f, 0.103442f, 0.103433f,
-0.103423f, 0.103413f, 0.103403f, 0.103393f, 0.103384f, 0.103374f, 0.103364f, 0.103354f, 0.103344f, 0.103335f, 0.103325f, 0.103315f, 0.103305f, 0.103295f, 0.103285f, 0.103276f, 0.103266f, 0.103256f, 0.103246f, 0.103236f,
-0.103227f, 0.103217f, 0.103207f, 0.103197f, 0.103187f, 0.103178f, 0.103168f, 0.103158f, 0.103148f, 0.103138f, 0.103129f, 0.103119f, 0.103109f, 0.103099f, 0.103089f, 0.10308f, 0.10307f, 0.10306f, 0.10305f, 0.10304f,
-0.103031f, 0.103021f, 0.103011f, 0.103001f, 0.102991f, 0.102982f, 0.102972f, 0.102962f, 0.102952f, 0.102943f, 0.102933f, 0.102923f, 0.102913f, 0.102903f, 0.102894f, 0.102884f, 0.102874f, 0.102864f, 0.102854f, 0.102845f,
-0.102835f, 0.102825f, 0.102815f, 0.102805f, 0.102796f, 0.102786f, 0.102776f, 0.102766f, 0.102757f, 0.102747f, 0.102737f, 0.102727f, 0.102717f, 0.102708f, 0.102698f, 0.102688f, 0.102678f, 0.102669f, 0.102659f, 0.102649f,
-0.102639f, 0.102629f, 0.10262f, 0.10261f, 0.1026f, 0.10259f, 0.102581f, 0.102571f, 0.102561f, 0.102551f, 0.102541f, 0.102532f, 0.102522f, 0.102512f, 0.102502f, 0.102493f, 0.102483f, 0.102473f, 0.102463f, 0.102454f,
-0.102444f, 0.102434f, 0.102424f, 0.102414f, 0.102405f, 0.102395f, 0.102385f, 0.102375f, 0.102366f, 0.102356f, 0.102346f, 0.102336f, 0.102327f, 0.102317f, 0.102307f, 0.102297f, 0.102288f, 0.102278f, 0.102268f, 0.102258f,
-0.102248f, 0.102239f, 0.102229f, 0.102219f, 0.102209f, 0.1022f, 0.10219f, 0.10218f, 0.10217f, 0.102161f, 0.102151f, 0.102141f, 0.102131f, 0.102122f, 0.102112f, 0.102102f, 0.102092f, 0.102083f, 0.102073f, 0.102063f,
-0.102053f, 0.102044f, 0.102034f, 0.102024f, 0.102014f, 0.102005f, 0.101995f, 0.101985f, 0.101975f, 0.101966f, 0.101956f, 0.101946f, 0.101936f, 0.101927f, 0.101917f, 0.101907f, 0.101897f, 0.101888f, 0.101878f, 0.101868f,
-0.101859f, 0.101849f, 0.101839f, 0.101829f, 0.10182f, 0.10181f, 0.1018f, 0.10179f, 0.101781f, 0.101771f, 0.101761f, 0.101751f, 0.101742f, 0.101732f, 0.101722f, 0.101712f, 0.101703f, 0.101693f, 0.101683f, 0.101674f,
-0.101664f, 0.101654f, 0.101644f, 0.101635f, 0.101625f, 0.101615f, 0.101605f, 0.101596f, 0.101586f, 0.101576f, 0.101567f, 0.101557f, 0.101547f, 0.101537f, 0.101528f, 0.101518f, 0.101508f, 0.101498f, 0.101489f, 0.101479f,
-0.101469f, 0.10146f, 0.10145f, 0.10144f, 0.10143f, 0.101421f, 0.101411f, 0.101401f, 0.101392f, 0.101382f, 0.101372f, 0.101362f, 0.101353f, 0.101343f, 0.101333f, 0.101324f, 0.101314f, 0.101304f, 0.101294f, 0.101285f,
-0.101275f, 0.101265f, 0.101256f, 0.101246f, 0.101236f, 0.101226f, 0.101217f, 0.101207f, 0.101197f, 0.101188f, 0.101178f, 0.101168f, 0.101158f, 0.101149f, 0.101139f, 0.101129f, 0.10112f, 0.10111f, 0.1011f, 0.101091f,
-0.101081f, 0.101071f, 0.101061f, 0.101052f, 0.101042f, 0.101032f, 0.101023f, 0.101013f, 0.101003f, 0.100994f, 0.100984f, 0.100974f, 0.100964f, 0.100955f, 0.100945f, 0.100935f, 0.100926f, 0.100916f, 0.100906f, 0.100897f,
-0.100887f, 0.100877f, 0.100867f, 0.100858f, 0.100848f, 0.100838f, 0.100829f, 0.100819f, 0.100809f, 0.1008f, 0.10079f, 0.10078f, 0.100771f, 0.100761f, 0.100751f, 0.100742f, 0.100732f, 0.100722f, 0.100712f, 0.100703f,
-0.100693f, 0.100683f, 0.100674f, 0.100664f, 0.100654f, 0.100645f, 0.100635f, 0.100625f, 0.100616f, 0.100606f, 0.100596f, 0.100587f, 0.100577f, 0.100567f, 0.100558f, 0.100548f, 0.100538f, 0.100529f, 0.100519f, 0.100509f,
-0.1005f, 0.10049f, 0.10048f, 0.100471f, 0.100461f, 0.100451f, 0.100441f, 0.100432f, 0.100422f, 0.100412f, 0.100403f, 0.100393f, 0.100383f, 0.100374f, 0.100364f, 0.100354f, 0.100345f, 0.100335f, 0.100325f, 0.100316f,
-0.100306f, 0.100296f, 0.100287f, 0.100277f, 0.100267f, 0.100258f, 0.100248f, 0.100238f, 0.100229f, 0.100219f, 0.100209f, 0.1002f, 0.10019f, 0.100181f, 0.100171f, 0.100161f, 0.100152f, 0.100142f, 0.100132f, 0.100123f,
-0.100113f, 0.100103f, 0.100094f, 0.100084f, 0.100074f, 0.100065f, 0.100055f, 0.100045f, 0.100036f, 0.100026f, 0.100016f, 0.100007f, 0.099997f, 0.099987f, 0.099978f, 0.099968f, 0.099958f, 0.099949f, 0.099939f, 0.09993f,
-0.09992f, 0.09991f, 0.099901f, 0.099891f, 0.099881f, 0.099872f, 0.099862f, 0.099852f, 0.099843f, 0.099833f, 0.099823f, 0.099814f, 0.099804f, 0.099795f, 0.099785f, 0.099775f, 0.099766f, 0.099756f, 0.099746f, 0.099737f,
-0.099727f, 0.099717f, 0.099708f, 0.099698f, 0.099689f, 0.099679f, 0.099669f, 0.09966f, 0.09965f, 0.09964f, 0.099631f, 0.099621f, 0.099611f, 0.099602f, 0.099592f, 0.099583f, 0.099573f, 0.099563f, 0.099554f, 0.099544f,
-0.099534f, 0.099525f, 0.099515f, 0.099506f, 0.099496f, 0.099486f, 0.099477f, 0.099467f, 0.099457f, 0.099448f, 0.099438f, 0.099429f, 0.099419f, 0.099409f, 0.0994f, 0.09939f, 0.09938f, 0.099371f, 0.099361f, 0.099352f,
-0.099342f, 0.099332f, 0.099323f, 0.099313f, 0.099303f, 0.099294f, 0.099284f, 0.099275f, 0.099265f, 0.099255f, 0.099246f, 0.099236f, 0.099227f, 0.099217f, 0.099207f, 0.099198f, 0.099188f, 0.099178f, 0.099169f, 0.099159f,
-0.09915f, 0.09914f, 0.09913f, 0.099121f, 0.099111f, 0.099102f, 0.099092f, 0.099082f, 0.099073f, 0.099063f, 0.099054f, 0.099044f, 0.099034f, 0.099025f, 0.099015f, 0.099006f, 0.098996f, 0.098986f, 0.098977f, 0.098967f,
-0.098958f, 0.098948f, 0.098938f, 0.098929f, 0.098919f, 0.09891f, 0.0989f, 0.09889f, 0.098881f, 0.098871f, 0.098862f, 0.098852f, 0.098842f, 0.098833f, 0.098823f, 0.098814f, 0.098804f, 0.098794f, 0.098785f, 0.098775f,
-0.098766f, 0.098756f, 0.098746f, 0.098737f, 0.098727f, 0.098718f, 0.098708f, 0.098699f, 0.098689f, 0.098679f, 0.09867f, 0.09866f, 0.098651f, 0.098641f, 0.098631f, 0.098622f, 0.098612f, 0.098603f, 0.098593f, 0.098584f,
-0.098574f, 0.098564f, 0.098555f, 0.098545f, 0.098536f, 0.098526f, 0.098516f, 0.098507f, 0.098497f, 0.098488f, 0.098478f, 0.098469f, 0.098459f, 0.098449f, 0.09844f, 0.09843f, 0.098421f, 0.098411f, 0.098402f, 0.098392f,
-0.098382f, 0.098373f, 0.098363f, 0.098354f, 0.098344f, 0.098335f, 0.098325f, 0.098315f, 0.098306f, 0.098296f, 0.098287f, 0.098277f, 0.098268f, 0.098258f, 0.098248f, 0.098239f, 0.098229f, 0.09822f, 0.09821f, 0.098201f,
-0.098191f, 0.098181f, 0.098172f, 0.098162f, 0.098153f, 0.098143f, 0.098134f, 0.098124f, 0.098115f, 0.098105f, 0.098095f, 0.098086f, 0.098076f, 0.098067f, 0.098057f, 0.098048f, 0.098038f, 0.098029f, 0.098019f, 0.098009f,
-0.098f, 0.09799f, 0.097981f, 0.097971f, 0.097962f, 0.097952f, 0.097943f, 0.097933f, 0.097923f, 0.097914f, 0.097904f, 0.097895f, 0.097885f, 0.097876f, 0.097866f, 0.097857f, 0.097847f, 0.097838f, 0.097828f, 0.097818f,
-0.097809f, 0.097799f, 0.09779f, 0.09778f, 0.097771f, 0.097761f, 0.097752f, 0.097742f, 0.097733f, 0.097723f, 0.097713f, 0.097704f, 0.097694f, 0.097685f, 0.097675f, 0.097666f, 0.097656f, 0.097647f, 0.097637f, 0.097628f,
-0.097618f, 0.097609f, 0.097599f, 0.09759f, 0.09758f, 0.09757f, 0.097561f, 0.097551f, 0.097542f, 0.097532f, 0.097523f, 0.097513f, 0.097504f, 0.097494f, 0.097485f, 0.097475f, 0.097466f, 0.097456f, 0.097447f, 0.097437f,
-0.097428f, 0.097418f, 0.097408f, 0.097399f, 0.097389f, 0.09738f, 0.09737f, 0.097361f, 0.097351f, 0.097342f, 0.097332f, 0.097323f, 0.097313f, 0.097304f, 0.097294f, 0.097285f, 0.097275f, 0.097266f, 0.097256f, 0.097247f,
-0.097237f, 0.097228f, 0.097218f, 0.097209f, 0.097199f, 0.09719f, 0.09718f, 0.09717f, 0.097161f, 0.097151f, 0.097142f, 0.097132f, 0.097123f, 0.097113f, 0.097104f, 0.097094f, 0.097085f, 0.097075f, 0.097066f, 0.097056f,
-0.097047f, 0.097037f, 0.097028f, 0.097018f, 0.097009f, 0.096999f, 0.09699f, 0.09698f, 0.096971f, 0.096961f, 0.096952f, 0.096942f, 0.096933f, 0.096923f, 0.096914f, 0.096904f, 0.096895f, 0.096885f, 0.096876f, 0.096866f,
-0.096857f, 0.096847f, 0.096838f, 0.096828f, 0.096819f, 0.096809f, 0.0968f, 0.09679f, 0.096781f, 0.096771f, 0.096762f, 0.096752f, 0.096743f, 0.096733f, 0.096724f, 0.096714f, 0.096705f, 0.096695f, 0.096686f, 0.096676f,
-0.096667f, 0.096657f, 0.096648f, 0.096638f, 0.096629f, 0.09662f, 0.09661f, 0.096601f, 0.096591f, 0.096582f, 0.096572f, 0.096563f, 0.096553f, 0.096544f, 0.096534f, 0.096525f, 0.096515f, 0.096506f, 0.096496f, 0.096487f,
-0.096477f, 0.096468f, 0.096458f, 0.096449f, 0.096439f, 0.09643f, 0.09642f, 0.096411f, 0.096401f, 0.096392f, 0.096383f, 0.096373f, 0.096364f, 0.096354f, 0.096345f, 0.096335f, 0.096326f, 0.096316f, 0.096307f, 0.096297f,
-0.096288f, 0.096278f, 0.096269f, 0.096259f, 0.09625f, 0.09624f, 0.096231f, 0.096222f, 0.096212f, 0.096203f, 0.096193f, 0.096184f, 0.096174f, 0.096165f, 0.096155f, 0.096146f, 0.096136f, 0.096127f, 0.096117f, 0.096108f,
-0.096098f, 0.096089f, 0.09608f, 0.09607f, 0.096061f, 0.096051f, 0.096042f, 0.096032f, 0.096023f, 0.096013f, 0.096004f, 0.095994f, 0.095985f, 0.095976f, 0.095966f, 0.095957f, 0.095947f, 0.095938f, 0.095928f, 0.095919f,
-0.095909f, 0.0959f, 0.09589f, 0.095881f, 0.095872f, 0.095862f, 0.095853f, 0.095843f, 0.095834f, 0.095824f, 0.095815f, 0.095805f, 0.095796f, 0.095787f, 0.095777f, 0.095768f, 0.095758f, 0.095749f, 0.095739f, 0.09573f,
-0.09572f, 0.095711f, 0.095702f, 0.095692f, 0.095683f, 0.095673f, 0.095664f, 0.095654f, 0.095645f, 0.095635f, 0.095626f, 0.095617f, 0.095607f, 0.095598f, 0.095588f, 0.095579f, 0.095569f, 0.09556f, 0.095551f, 0.095541f,
-0.095532f, 0.095522f, 0.095513f, 0.095503f, 0.095494f, 0.095485f, 0.095475f, 0.095466f, 0.095456f, 0.095447f, 0.095437f, 0.095428f, 0.095419f, 0.095409f, 0.0954f, 0.09539f, 0.095381f, 0.095371f, 0.095362f, 0.095353f,
-0.095343f, 0.095334f, 0.095324f, 0.095315f, 0.095305f, 0.095296f, 0.095287f, 0.095277f, 0.095268f, 0.095258f, 0.095249f, 0.09524f, 0.09523f, 0.095221f, 0.095211f, 0.095202f, 0.095192f, 0.095183f, 0.095174f, 0.095164f,
-0.095155f, 0.095145f, 0.095136f, 0.095127f, 0.095117f, 0.095108f, 0.095098f, 0.095089f, 0.095079f, 0.09507f, 0.095061f, 0.095051f, 0.095042f, 0.095032f, 0.095023f, 0.095014f, 0.095004f, 0.094995f, 0.094985f, 0.094976f,
-0.094967f, 0.094957f, 0.094948f, 0.094938f, 0.094929f, 0.09492f, 0.09491f, 0.094901f, 0.094891f, 0.094882f, 0.094873f, 0.094863f, 0.094854f, 0.094844f, 0.094835f, 0.094826f, 0.094816f, 0.094807f, 0.094797f, 0.094788f,
-0.094779f, 0.094769f, 0.09476f, 0.09475f, 0.094741f, 0.094732f, 0.094722f, 0.094713f, 0.094703f, 0.094694f, 0.094685f, 0.094675f, 0.094666f, 0.094656f, 0.094647f, 0.094638f, 0.094628f, 0.094619f, 0.09461f, 0.0946f,
-0.094591f, 0.094581f, 0.094572f, 0.094563f, 0.094553f, 0.094544f, 0.094534f, 0.094525f, 0.094516f, 0.094506f, 0.094497f, 0.094488f, 0.094478f, 0.094469f, 0.094459f, 0.09445f, 0.094441f, 0.094431f, 0.094422f, 0.094413f,
-0.094403f, 0.094394f, 0.094384f, 0.094375f, 0.094366f, 0.094356f, 0.094347f, 0.094338f, 0.094328f, 0.094319f, 0.094309f, 0.0943f, 0.094291f, 0.094281f, 0.094272f, 0.094263f, 0.094253f, 0.094244f, 0.094234f, 0.094225f,
-0.094216f, 0.094206f, 0.094197f, 0.094188f, 0.094178f, 0.094169f, 0.09416f, 0.09415f, 0.094141f, 0.094131f, 0.094122f, 0.094113f, 0.094103f, 0.094094f, 0.094085f, 0.094075f, 0.094066f, 0.094057f, 0.094047f, 0.094038f,
-0.094028f, 0.094019f, 0.09401f, 0.094f, 0.093991f, 0.093982f, 0.093972f, 0.093963f, 0.093954f, 0.093944f, 0.093935f, 0.093926f, 0.093916f, 0.093907f, 0.093898f, 0.093888f, 0.093879f, 0.093869f, 0.09386f, 0.093851f,
-0.093841f, 0.093832f, 0.093823f, 0.093813f, 0.093804f, 0.093795f, 0.093785f, 0.093776f, 0.093767f, 0.093757f, 0.093748f, 0.093739f, 0.093729f, 0.09372f, 0.093711f, 0.093701f, 0.093692f, 0.093683f, 0.093673f, 0.093664f,
-0.093655f, 0.093645f, 0.093636f, 0.093627f, 0.093617f, 0.093608f, 0.093599f, 0.093589f, 0.09358f, 0.09357f, 0.093561f, 0.093552f, 0.093542f, 0.093533f, 0.093524f, 0.093514f, 0.093505f, 0.093496f, 0.093486f, 0.093477f,
-0.093468f, 0.093459f, 0.093449f, 0.09344f, 0.093431f, 0.093421f, 0.093412f, 0.093403f, 0.093393f, 0.093384f, 0.093375f, 0.093365f, 0.093356f, 0.093347f, 0.093337f, 0.093328f, 0.093319f, 0.093309f, 0.0933f, 0.093291f,
-0.093281f, 0.093272f, 0.093263f, 0.093253f, 0.093244f, 0.093235f, 0.093225f, 0.093216f, 0.093207f, 0.093197f, 0.093188f, 0.093179f, 0.09317f, 0.09316f, 0.093151f, 0.093142f, 0.093132f, 0.093123f, 0.093114f, 0.093104f,
-0.093095f, 0.093086f, 0.093076f, 0.093067f, 0.093058f, 0.093048f, 0.093039f, 0.09303f, 0.093021f, 0.093011f, 0.093002f, 0.092993f, 0.092983f, 0.092974f, 0.092965f, 0.092955f, 0.092946f, 0.092937f, 0.092927f, 0.092918f,
-0.092909f, 0.0929f, 0.09289f, 0.092881f, 0.092872f, 0.092862f, 0.092853f, 0.092844f, 0.092834f, 0.092825f, 0.092816f, 0.092807f, 0.092797f, 0.092788f, 0.092779f, 0.092769f, 0.09276f, 0.092751f, 0.092742f, 0.092732f,
-0.092723f, 0.092714f, 0.092704f, 0.092695f, 0.092686f, 0.092676f, 0.092667f, 0.092658f, 0.092649f, 0.092639f, 0.09263f, 0.092621f, 0.092611f, 0.092602f, 0.092593f, 0.092584f, 0.092574f, 0.092565f, 0.092556f, 0.092546f,
-0.092537f, 0.092528f, 0.092519f, 0.092509f, 0.0925f, 0.092491f, 0.092481f, 0.092472f, 0.092463f, 0.092454f, 0.092444f, 0.092435f, 0.092426f, 0.092417f, 0.092407f, 0.092398f, 0.092389f, 0.092379f, 0.09237f, 0.092361f,
-0.092352f, 0.092342f, 0.092333f, 0.092324f, 0.092314f, 0.092305f, 0.092296f, 0.092287f, 0.092277f, 0.092268f, 0.092259f, 0.09225f, 0.09224f, 0.092231f, 0.092222f, 0.092213f, 0.092203f, 0.092194f, 0.092185f, 0.092175f,
-0.092166f, 0.092157f, 0.092148f, 0.092138f, 0.092129f, 0.09212f, 0.092111f, 0.092101f, 0.092092f, 0.092083f, 0.092074f, 0.092064f, 0.092055f, 0.092046f, 0.092037f, 0.092027f, 0.092018f, 0.092009f, 0.092f, 0.09199f,
-0.091981f, 0.091972f, 0.091962f, 0.091953f, 0.091944f, 0.091935f, 0.091925f, 0.091916f, 0.091907f, 0.091898f, 0.091888f, 0.091879f, 0.09187f, 0.091861f, 0.091851f, 0.091842f, 0.091833f, 0.091824f, 0.091814f, 0.091805f,
-0.091796f, 0.091787f, 0.091777f, 0.091768f, 0.091759f, 0.09175f, 0.091741f, 0.091731f, 0.091722f, 0.091713f, 0.091704f, 0.091694f, 0.091685f, 0.091676f, 0.091667f, 0.091657f, 0.091648f, 0.091639f, 0.09163f, 0.09162f,
-0.091611f, 0.091602f, 0.091593f, 0.091583f, 0.091574f, 0.091565f, 0.091556f, 0.091547f, 0.091537f, 0.091528f, 0.091519f, 0.09151f, 0.0915f, 0.091491f, 0.091482f, 0.091473f, 0.091463f, 0.091454f, 0.091445f, 0.091436f,
-0.091427f, 0.091417f, 0.091408f, 0.091399f, 0.09139f, 0.09138f, 0.091371f, 0.091362f, 0.091353f, 0.091343f, 0.091334f, 0.091325f, 0.091316f, 0.091307f, 0.091297f, 0.091288f, 0.091279f, 0.09127f, 0.09126f, 0.091251f,
-0.091242f, 0.091233f, 0.091224f, 0.091214f, 0.091205f, 0.091196f, 0.091187f, 0.091178f, 0.091168f, 0.091159f, 0.09115f, 0.091141f, 0.091131f, 0.091122f, 0.091113f, 0.091104f, 0.091095f, 0.091085f, 0.091076f, 0.091067f,
-0.091058f, 0.091049f, 0.091039f, 0.09103f, 0.091021f, 0.091012f, 0.091003f, 0.090993f, 0.090984f, 0.090975f, 0.090966f, 0.090957f, 0.090947f, 0.090938f, 0.090929f, 0.09092f, 0.09091f, 0.090901f, 0.090892f, 0.090883f,
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-0.09069f, 0.090681f, 0.090671f, 0.090662f, 0.090653f, 0.090644f, 0.090635f, 0.090625f, 0.090616f, 0.090607f, 0.090598f, 0.090589f, 0.09058f, 0.09057f, 0.090561f, 0.090552f, 0.090543f, 0.090534f, 0.090524f, 0.090515f,
-0.090506f, 0.090497f, 0.090488f, 0.090479f, 0.090469f, 0.09046f, 0.090451f, 0.090442f, 0.090433f, 0.090423f, 0.090414f, 0.090405f, 0.090396f, 0.090387f, 0.090378f, 0.090368f, 0.090359f, 0.09035f, 0.090341f, 0.090332f,
-0.090323f, 0.090313f, 0.090304f, 0.090295f, 0.090286f, 0.090277f, 0.090268f, 0.090258f, 0.090249f, 0.09024f, 0.090231f, 0.090222f, 0.090213f, 0.090203f, 0.090194f, 0.090185f, 0.090176f, 0.090167f, 0.090158f, 0.090148f,
-0.090139f, 0.09013f, 0.090121f, 0.090112f, 0.090103f, 0.090093f, 0.090084f, 0.090075f, 0.090066f, 0.090057f, 0.090048f, 0.090038f, 0.090029f, 0.09002f, 0.090011f, 0.090002f, 0.089993f, 0.089984f, 0.089974f, 0.089965f,
-0.089956f, 0.089947f, 0.089938f, 0.089929f, 0.089919f, 0.08991f, 0.089901f, 0.089892f, 0.089883f, 0.089874f, 0.089865f, 0.089855f, 0.089846f, 0.089837f, 0.089828f, 0.089819f, 0.08981f, 0.089801f, 0.089791f, 0.089782f,
-0.089773f, 0.089764f, 0.089755f, 0.089746f, 0.089737f, 0.089727f, 0.089718f, 0.089709f, 0.0897f, 0.089691f, 0.089682f, 0.089673f, 0.089663f, 0.089654f, 0.089645f, 0.089636f, 0.089627f, 0.089618f, 0.089609f, 0.089599f,
-0.08959f, 0.089581f, 0.089572f, 0.089563f, 0.089554f, 0.089545f, 0.089536f, 0.089526f, 0.089517f, 0.089508f, 0.089499f, 0.08949f, 0.089481f, 0.089472f, 0.089462f, 0.089453f, 0.089444f, 0.089435f, 0.089426f, 0.089417f,
-0.089408f, 0.089399f, 0.089389f, 0.08938f, 0.089371f, 0.089362f, 0.089353f, 0.089344f, 0.089335f, 0.089326f, 0.089316f, 0.089307f, 0.089298f, 0.089289f, 0.08928f, 0.089271f, 0.089262f, 0.089253f, 0.089244f, 0.089234f,
-0.089225f, 0.089216f, 0.089207f, 0.089198f, 0.089189f, 0.08918f, 0.089171f, 0.089162f, 0.089152f, 0.089143f, 0.089134f, 0.089125f, 0.089116f, 0.089107f, 0.089098f, 0.089089f, 0.08908f, 0.08907f, 0.089061f, 0.089052f,
-0.089043f, 0.089034f, 0.089025f, 0.089016f, 0.089007f, 0.088998f, 0.088988f, 0.088979f, 0.08897f, 0.088961f, 0.088952f, 0.088943f, 0.088934f, 0.088925f, 0.088916f, 0.088907f, 0.088897f, 0.088888f, 0.088879f, 0.08887f,
-0.088861f, 0.088852f, 0.088843f, 0.088834f, 0.088825f, 0.088816f, 0.088806f, 0.088797f, 0.088788f, 0.088779f, 0.08877f, 0.088761f, 0.088752f, 0.088743f, 0.088734f, 0.088725f, 0.088716f, 0.088706f, 0.088697f, 0.088688f,
-0.088679f, 0.08867f, 0.088661f, 0.088652f, 0.088643f, 0.088634f, 0.088625f, 0.088616f, 0.088607f, 0.088597f, 0.088588f, 0.088579f, 0.08857f, 0.088561f, 0.088552f, 0.088543f, 0.088534f, 0.088525f, 0.088516f, 0.088507f,
-0.088498f, 0.088488f, 0.088479f, 0.08847f, 0.088461f, 0.088452f, 0.088443f, 0.088434f, 0.088425f, 0.088416f, 0.088407f, 0.088398f, 0.088389f, 0.08838f, 0.08837f, 0.088361f, 0.088352f, 0.088343f, 0.088334f, 0.088325f,
-0.088316f, 0.088307f, 0.088298f, 0.088289f, 0.08828f, 0.088271f, 0.088262f, 0.088253f, 0.088244f, 0.088234f, 0.088225f, 0.088216f, 0.088207f, 0.088198f, 0.088189f, 0.08818f, 0.088171f, 0.088162f, 0.088153f, 0.088144f,
-0.088135f, 0.088126f, 0.088117f, 0.088108f, 0.088099f, 0.088089f, 0.08808f, 0.088071f, 0.088062f, 0.088053f, 0.088044f, 0.088035f, 0.088026f, 0.088017f, 0.088008f, 0.087999f, 0.08799f, 0.087981f, 0.087972f, 0.087963f,
-0.087954f, 0.087945f, 0.087936f, 0.087927f, 0.087917f, 0.087908f, 0.087899f, 0.08789f, 0.087881f, 0.087872f, 0.087863f, 0.087854f, 0.087845f, 0.087836f, 0.087827f, 0.087818f, 0.087809f, 0.0878f, 0.087791f, 0.087782f,
-0.087773f, 0.087764f, 0.087755f, 0.087746f, 0.087737f, 0.087728f, 0.087719f, 0.087709f, 0.0877f, 0.087691f, 0.087682f, 0.087673f, 0.087664f, 0.087655f, 0.087646f, 0.087637f, 0.087628f, 0.087619f, 0.08761f, 0.087601f,
-0.087592f, 0.087583f, 0.087574f, 0.087565f, 0.087556f, 0.087547f, 0.087538f, 0.087529f, 0.08752f, 0.087511f, 0.087502f, 0.087493f, 0.087484f, 0.087475f, 0.087466f, 0.087457f, 0.087448f, 0.087439f, 0.08743f, 0.08742f,
-0.087411f, 0.087402f, 0.087393f, 0.087384f, 0.087375f, 0.087366f, 0.087357f, 0.087348f, 0.087339f, 0.08733f, 0.087321f, 0.087312f, 0.087303f, 0.087294f, 0.087285f, 0.087276f, 0.087267f, 0.087258f, 0.087249f, 0.08724f,
-0.087231f, 0.087222f, 0.087213f, 0.087204f, 0.087195f, 0.087186f, 0.087177f, 0.087168f, 0.087159f, 0.08715f, 0.087141f, 0.087132f, 0.087123f, 0.087114f, 0.087105f, 0.087096f, 0.087087f, 0.087078f, 0.087069f, 0.08706f,
-0.087051f, 0.087042f, 0.087033f, 0.087024f, 0.087015f, 0.087006f, 0.086997f, 0.086988f, 0.086979f, 0.08697f, 0.086961f, 0.086952f, 0.086943f, 0.086934f, 0.086925f, 0.086916f, 0.086907f, 0.086898f, 0.086889f, 0.08688f,
-0.086871f, 0.086862f, 0.086853f, 0.086844f, 0.086835f, 0.086826f, 0.086817f, 0.086808f, 0.086799f, 0.08679f, 0.086781f, 0.086772f, 0.086763f, 0.086754f, 0.086745f, 0.086736f, 0.086727f, 0.086718f, 0.086709f, 0.0867f,
-0.086691f, 0.086682f, 0.086673f, 0.086664f, 0.086655f, 0.086646f, 0.086637f, 0.086628f, 0.086619f, 0.08661f, 0.086601f, 0.086592f, 0.086583f, 0.086574f, 0.086565f, 0.086556f, 0.086547f, 0.086538f, 0.086529f, 0.086521f,
-0.086512f, 0.086503f, 0.086494f, 0.086485f, 0.086476f, 0.086467f, 0.086458f, 0.086449f, 0.08644f, 0.086431f, 0.086422f, 0.086413f, 0.086404f, 0.086395f, 0.086386f, 0.086377f, 0.086368f, 0.086359f, 0.08635f, 0.086341f,
-0.086332f, 0.086323f, 0.086314f, 0.086305f, 0.086296f, 0.086287f, 0.086278f, 0.086269f, 0.08626f, 0.086251f, 0.086242f, 0.086233f, 0.086225f, 0.086216f, 0.086207f, 0.086198f, 0.086189f, 0.08618f, 0.086171f, 0.086162f,
-0.086153f, 0.086144f, 0.086135f, 0.086126f, 0.086117f, 0.086108f, 0.086099f, 0.08609f, 0.086081f, 0.086072f, 0.086063f, 0.086054f, 0.086045f, 0.086036f, 0.086027f, 0.086019f, 0.08601f, 0.086001f, 0.085992f, 0.085983f,
-0.085974f, 0.085965f, 0.085956f, 0.085947f, 0.085938f, 0.085929f, 0.08592f, 0.085911f, 0.085902f, 0.085893f, 0.085884f, 0.085875f, 0.085866f, 0.085858f, 0.085849f, 0.08584f, 0.085831f, 0.085822f, 0.085813f, 0.085804f,
-0.085795f, 0.085786f, 0.085777f, 0.085768f, 0.085759f, 0.08575f, 0.085741f, 0.085732f, 0.085723f, 0.085714f, 0.085706f, 0.085697f, 0.085688f, 0.085679f, 0.08567f, 0.085661f, 0.085652f, 0.085643f, 0.085634f, 0.085625f,
-0.085616f, 0.085607f, 0.085598f, 0.085589f, 0.085581f, 0.085572f, 0.085563f, 0.085554f, 0.085545f, 0.085536f, 0.085527f, 0.085518f, 0.085509f, 0.0855f, 0.085491f, 0.085482f, 0.085473f, 0.085465f, 0.085456f, 0.085447f,
-0.085438f, 0.085429f, 0.08542f, 0.085411f, 0.085402f, 0.085393f, 0.085384f, 0.085375f, 0.085366f, 0.085357f, 0.085349f, 0.08534f, 0.085331f, 0.085322f, 0.085313f, 0.085304f, 0.085295f, 0.085286f, 0.085277f, 0.085268f,
-0.085259f, 0.085251f, 0.085242f, 0.085233f, 0.085224f, 0.085215f, 0.085206f, 0.085197f, 0.085188f, 0.085179f, 0.08517f, 0.085161f, 0.085153f, 0.085144f, 0.085135f, 0.085126f, 0.085117f, 0.085108f, 0.085099f, 0.08509f,
-0.085081f, 0.085072f, 0.085064f, 0.085055f, 0.085046f, 0.085037f, 0.085028f, 0.085019f, 0.08501f, 0.085001f, 0.084992f, 0.084983f, 0.084975f, 0.084966f, 0.084957f, 0.084948f, 0.084939f, 0.08493f, 0.084921f, 0.084912f,
-0.084903f, 0.084894f, 0.084886f, 0.084877f, 0.084868f, 0.084859f, 0.08485f, 0.084841f, 0.084832f, 0.084823f, 0.084814f, 0.084806f, 0.084797f, 0.084788f, 0.084779f, 0.08477f, 0.084761f, 0.084752f, 0.084743f, 0.084735f,
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-0.084548f, 0.084539f, 0.08453f, 0.084521f, 0.084513f, 0.084504f, 0.084495f, 0.084486f, 0.084477f, 0.084468f, 0.084459f, 0.08445f, 0.084442f, 0.084433f, 0.084424f, 0.084415f, 0.084406f, 0.084397f, 0.084388f, 0.08438f,
-0.084371f, 0.084362f, 0.084353f, 0.084344f, 0.084335f, 0.084326f, 0.084317f, 0.084309f, 0.0843f, 0.084291f, 0.084282f, 0.084273f, 0.084264f, 0.084255f, 0.084247f, 0.084238f, 0.084229f, 0.08422f, 0.084211f, 0.084202f,
-0.084193f, 0.084185f, 0.084176f, 0.084167f, 0.084158f, 0.084149f, 0.08414f, 0.084132f, 0.084123f, 0.084114f, 0.084105f, 0.084096f, 0.084087f, 0.084078f, 0.08407f, 0.084061f, 0.084052f, 0.084043f, 0.084034f, 0.084025f,
-0.084016f, 0.084008f, 0.083999f, 0.08399f, 0.083981f, 0.083972f, 0.083963f, 0.083955f, 0.083946f, 0.083937f, 0.083928f, 0.083919f, 0.08391f, 0.083902f, 0.083893f, 0.083884f, 0.083875f, 0.083866f, 0.083857f, 0.083848f,
-0.08384f, 0.083831f, 0.083822f, 0.083813f, 0.083804f, 0.083795f, 0.083787f, 0.083778f, 0.083769f, 0.08376f, 0.083751f, 0.083742f, 0.083734f, 0.083725f, 0.083716f, 0.083707f, 0.083698f, 0.08369f, 0.083681f, 0.083672f,
-0.083663f, 0.083654f, 0.083645f, 0.083637f, 0.083628f, 0.083619f, 0.08361f, 0.083601f, 0.083592f, 0.083584f, 0.083575f, 0.083566f, 0.083557f, 0.083548f, 0.083539f, 0.083531f, 0.083522f, 0.083513f, 0.083504f, 0.083495f,
-0.083487f, 0.083478f, 0.083469f, 0.08346f, 0.083451f, 0.083442f, 0.083434f, 0.083425f, 0.083416f, 0.083407f, 0.083398f, 0.08339f, 0.083381f, 0.083372f, 0.083363f, 0.083354f, 0.083346f, 0.083337f, 0.083328f, 0.083319f,
-0.08331f, 0.083302f, 0.083293f, 0.083284f, 0.083275f, 0.083266f, 0.083257f, 0.083249f, 0.08324f, 0.083231f, 0.083222f, 0.083213f, 0.083205f, 0.083196f, 0.083187f, 0.083178f, 0.083169f, 0.083161f, 0.083152f, 0.083143f,
-0.083134f, 0.083125f, 0.083117f, 0.083108f, 0.083099f, 0.08309f, 0.083081f, 0.083073f, 0.083064f, 0.083055f, 0.083046f, 0.083037f, 0.083029f, 0.08302f, 0.083011f, 0.083002f, 0.082994f, 0.082985f, 0.082976f, 0.082967f,
-0.082958f, 0.08295f, 0.082941f, 0.082932f, 0.082923f, 0.082914f, 0.082906f, 0.082897f, 0.082888f, 0.082879f, 0.08287f, 0.082862f, 0.082853f, 0.082844f, 0.082835f, 0.082827f, 0.082818f, 0.082809f, 0.0828f, 0.082791f,
-0.082783f, 0.082774f, 0.082765f, 0.082756f, 0.082748f, 0.082739f, 0.08273f, 0.082721f, 0.082712f, 0.082704f, 0.082695f, 0.082686f, 0.082677f, 0.082669f, 0.08266f, 0.082651f, 0.082642f, 0.082633f, 0.082625f, 0.082616f,
-0.082607f, 0.082598f, 0.08259f, 0.082581f, 0.082572f, 0.082563f, 0.082555f, 0.082546f, 0.082537f, 0.082528f, 0.082519f, 0.082511f, 0.082502f, 0.082493f, 0.082484f, 0.082476f, 0.082467f, 0.082458f, 0.082449f, 0.082441f,
-0.082432f, 0.082423f, 0.082414f, 0.082406f, 0.082397f, 0.082388f, 0.082379f, 0.08237f, 0.082362f, 0.082353f, 0.082344f, 0.082335f, 0.082327f, 0.082318f, 0.082309f, 0.0823f, 0.082292f, 0.082283f, 0.082274f, 0.082265f,
-0.082257f, 0.082248f, 0.082239f, 0.08223f, 0.082222f, 0.082213f, 0.082204f, 0.082195f, 0.082187f, 0.082178f, 0.082169f, 0.08216f, 0.082152f, 0.082143f, 0.082134f, 0.082125f, 0.082117f, 0.082108f, 0.082099f, 0.08209f,
-0.082082f, 0.082073f, 0.082064f, 0.082055f, 0.082047f, 0.082038f, 0.082029f, 0.08202f, 0.082012f, 0.082003f, 0.081994f, 0.081986f, 0.081977f, 0.081968f, 0.081959f, 0.081951f, 0.081942f, 0.081933f, 0.081924f, 0.081916f,
-0.081907f, 0.081898f, 0.081889f, 0.081881f, 0.081872f, 0.081863f, 0.081855f, 0.081846f, 0.081837f, 0.081828f, 0.08182f, 0.081811f, 0.081802f, 0.081793f, 0.081785f, 0.081776f, 0.081767f, 0.081759f, 0.08175f, 0.081741f,
-0.081732f, 0.081724f, 0.081715f, 0.081706f, 0.081697f, 0.081689f, 0.08168f, 0.081671f, 0.081663f, 0.081654f, 0.081645f, 0.081636f, 0.081628f, 0.081619f, 0.08161f, 0.081602f, 0.081593f, 0.081584f, 0.081575f, 0.081567f,
-0.081558f, 0.081549f, 0.081541f, 0.081532f, 0.081523f, 0.081514f, 0.081506f, 0.081497f, 0.081488f, 0.08148f, 0.081471f, 0.081462f, 0.081453f, 0.081445f, 0.081436f, 0.081427f, 0.081419f, 0.08141f, 0.081401f, 0.081392f,
-0.081384f, 0.081375f, 0.081366f, 0.081358f, 0.081349f, 0.08134f, 0.081331f, 0.081323f, 0.081314f, 0.081305f, 0.081297f, 0.081288f, 0.081279f, 0.081271f, 0.081262f, 0.081253f, 0.081244f, 0.081236f, 0.081227f, 0.081218f,
-0.08121f, 0.081201f, 0.081192f, 0.081184f, 0.081175f, 0.081166f, 0.081158f, 0.081149f, 0.08114f, 0.081131f, 0.081123f, 0.081114f, 0.081105f, 0.081097f, 0.081088f, 0.081079f, 0.081071f, 0.081062f, 0.081053f, 0.081045f,
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-0.080342f, 0.080334f, 0.080325f, 0.080316f, 0.080308f, 0.080299f, 0.08029f, 0.080282f, 0.080273f, 0.080265f, 0.080256f, 0.080247f, 0.080239f, 0.08023f, 0.080221f, 0.080213f, 0.080204f, 0.080195f, 0.080187f, 0.080178f,
-0.080169f, 0.080161f, 0.080152f, 0.080144f, 0.080135f, 0.080126f, 0.080118f, 0.080109f, 0.0801f, 0.080092f, 0.080083f, 0.080074f, 0.080066f, 0.080057f, 0.080049f, 0.08004f, 0.080031f, 0.080023f, 0.080014f, 0.080005f,
-0.079997f, 0.079988f, 0.079979f, 0.079971f, 0.079962f, 0.079954f, 0.079945f, 0.079936f, 0.079928f, 0.079919f, 0.07991f, 0.079902f, 0.079893f, 0.079885f, 0.079876f, 0.079867f, 0.079859f, 0.07985f, 0.079841f, 0.079833f,
-0.079824f, 0.079816f, 0.079807f, 0.079798f, 0.07979f, 0.079781f, 0.079772f, 0.079764f, 0.079755f, 0.079747f, 0.079738f, 0.079729f, 0.079721f, 0.079712f, 0.079704f, 0.079695f, 0.079686f, 0.079678f, 0.079669f, 0.07966f,
-0.079652f, 0.079643f, 0.079635f, 0.079626f, 0.079617f, 0.079609f, 0.0796f, 0.079592f, 0.079583f, 0.079574f, 0.079566f, 0.079557f, 0.079549f, 0.07954f, 0.079531f, 0.079523f, 0.079514f, 0.079505f, 0.079497f, 0.079488f,
-0.07948f, 0.079471f, 0.079462f, 0.079454f, 0.079445f, 0.079437f, 0.079428f, 0.079419f, 0.079411f, 0.079402f, 0.079394f, 0.079385f, 0.079376f, 0.079368f, 0.079359f, 0.079351f, 0.079342f, 0.079333f, 0.079325f, 0.079316f,
-0.079308f, 0.079299f, 0.079291f, 0.079282f, 0.079273f, 0.079265f, 0.079256f, 0.079248f, 0.079239f, 0.07923f, 0.079222f, 0.079213f, 0.079205f, 0.079196f, 0.079187f, 0.079179f, 0.07917f, 0.079162f, 0.079153f, 0.079144f,
-0.079136f, 0.079127f, 0.079119f, 0.07911f, 0.079102f, 0.079093f, 0.079084f, 0.079076f, 0.079067f, 0.079059f, 0.07905f, 0.079041f, 0.079033f, 0.079024f, 0.079016f, 0.079007f, 0.078999f, 0.07899f, 0.078981f, 0.078973f,
-0.078964f, 0.078956f, 0.078947f, 0.078939f, 0.07893f, 0.078921f, 0.078913f, 0.078904f, 0.078896f, 0.078887f, 0.078879f, 0.07887f, 0.078861f, 0.078853f, 0.078844f, 0.078836f, 0.078827f, 0.078819f, 0.07881f, 0.078801f,
-0.078793f, 0.078784f, 0.078776f, 0.078767f, 0.078759f, 0.07875f, 0.078741f, 0.078733f, 0.078724f, 0.078716f, 0.078707f, 0.078699f, 0.07869f, 0.078682f, 0.078673f, 0.078664f, 0.078656f, 0.078647f, 0.078639f, 0.07863f,
-0.078622f, 0.078613f, 0.078605f, 0.078596f, 0.078587f, 0.078579f, 0.07857f, 0.078562f, 0.078553f, 0.078545f, 0.078536f, 0.078528f, 0.078519f, 0.07851f, 0.078502f, 0.078493f, 0.078485f, 0.078476f, 0.078468f, 0.078459f,
-0.078451f, 0.078442f, 0.078433f, 0.078425f, 0.078416f, 0.078408f, 0.078399f, 0.078391f, 0.078382f, 0.078374f, 0.078365f, 0.078357f, 0.078348f, 0.07834f, 0.078331f, 0.078322f, 0.078314f, 0.078305f, 0.078297f, 0.078288f,
-0.07828f, 0.078271f, 0.078263f, 0.078254f, 0.078246f, 0.078237f, 0.078229f, 0.07822f, 0.078211f, 0.078203f, 0.078194f, 0.078186f, 0.078177f, 0.078169f, 0.07816f, 0.078152f, 0.078143f, 0.078135f, 0.078126f, 0.078118f,
-0.078109f, 0.078101f, 0.078092f, 0.078083f, 0.078075f, 0.078066f, 0.078058f, 0.078049f, 0.078041f, 0.078032f, 0.078024f, 0.078015f, 0.078007f, 0.077998f, 0.07799f, 0.077981f, 0.077973f, 0.077964f, 0.077956f, 0.077947f,
-0.077939f, 0.07793f, 0.077922f, 0.077913f, 0.077904f, 0.077896f, 0.077887f, 0.077879f, 0.07787f, 0.077862f, 0.077853f, 0.077845f, 0.077836f, 0.077828f, 0.077819f, 0.077811f, 0.077802f, 0.077794f, 0.077785f, 0.077777f,
-0.077768f, 0.07776f, 0.077751f, 0.077743f, 0.077734f, 0.077726f, 0.077717f, 0.077709f, 0.0777f, 0.077692f, 0.077683f, 0.077675f, 0.077666f, 0.077658f, 0.077649f, 0.077641f, 0.077632f, 0.077624f, 0.077615f, 0.077607f,
-0.077598f, 0.07759f, 0.077581f, 0.077573f, 0.077564f, 0.077556f, 0.077547f, 0.077539f, 0.07753f, 0.077522f, 0.077513f, 0.077505f, 0.077496f, 0.077488f, 0.077479f, 0.077471f, 0.077462f, 0.077454f, 0.077445f, 0.077437f,
-0.077428f, 0.07742f, 0.077411f, 0.077403f, 0.077394f, 0.077386f, 0.077377f, 0.077369f, 0.07736f, 0.077352f, 0.077343f, 0.077335f, 0.077326f, 0.077318f, 0.077309f, 0.077301f, 0.077292f, 0.077284f, 0.077275f, 0.077267f,
-0.077258f, 0.07725f, 0.077242f, 0.077233f, 0.077225f, 0.077216f, 0.077208f, 0.077199f, 0.077191f, 0.077182f, 0.077174f, 0.077165f, 0.077157f, 0.077148f, 0.07714f, 0.077131f, 0.077123f, 0.077114f, 0.077106f, 0.077097f,
-0.077089f, 0.07708f, 0.077072f, 0.077064f, 0.077055f, 0.077047f, 0.077038f, 0.07703f, 0.077021f, 0.077013f, 0.077004f, 0.076996f, 0.076987f, 0.076979f, 0.07697f, 0.076962f, 0.076953f, 0.076945f, 0.076936f, 0.076928f,
-0.07692f, 0.076911f, 0.076903f, 0.076894f, 0.076886f, 0.076877f, 0.076869f, 0.07686f, 0.076852f, 0.076843f, 0.076835f, 0.076826f, 0.076818f, 0.07681f, 0.076801f, 0.076793f, 0.076784f, 0.076776f, 0.076767f, 0.076759f,
-0.07675f, 0.076742f, 0.076733f, 0.076725f, 0.076717f, 0.076708f, 0.0767f, 0.076691f, 0.076683f, 0.076674f, 0.076666f, 0.076657f, 0.076649f, 0.076641f, 0.076632f, 0.076624f, 0.076615f, 0.076607f, 0.076598f, 0.07659f,
-0.076581f, 0.076573f, 0.076564f, 0.076556f, 0.076548f, 0.076539f, 0.076531f, 0.076522f, 0.076514f, 0.076505f, 0.076497f, 0.076489f, 0.07648f, 0.076472f, 0.076463f, 0.076455f, 0.076446f, 0.076438f, 0.076429f, 0.076421f,
-0.076413f, 0.076404f, 0.076396f, 0.076387f, 0.076379f, 0.07637f, 0.076362f, 0.076354f, 0.076345f, 0.076337f, 0.076328f, 0.07632f, 0.076311f, 0.076303f, 0.076295f, 0.076286f, 0.076278f, 0.076269f, 0.076261f, 0.076252f,
-0.076244f, 0.076236f, 0.076227f, 0.076219f, 0.07621f, 0.076202f, 0.076193f, 0.076185f, 0.076177f, 0.076168f, 0.07616f, 0.076151f, 0.076143f, 0.076134f, 0.076126f, 0.076118f, 0.076109f, 0.076101f, 0.076092f, 0.076084f,
-0.076075f, 0.076067f, 0.076059f, 0.07605f, 0.076042f, 0.076033f, 0.076025f, 0.076017f, 0.076008f, 0.076f, 0.075991f, 0.075983f, 0.075975f, 0.075966f, 0.075958f, 0.075949f, 0.075941f, 0.075932f, 0.075924f, 0.075916f,
-0.075907f, 0.075899f, 0.07589f, 0.075882f, 0.075874f, 0.075865f, 0.075857f, 0.075848f, 0.07584f, 0.075832f, 0.075823f, 0.075815f, 0.075806f, 0.075798f, 0.07579f, 0.075781f, 0.075773f, 0.075764f, 0.075756f, 0.075748f,
-0.075739f, 0.075731f, 0.075722f, 0.075714f, 0.075706f, 0.075697f, 0.075689f, 0.07568f, 0.075672f, 0.075664f, 0.075655f, 0.075647f, 0.075638f, 0.07563f, 0.075622f, 0.075613f, 0.075605f, 0.075596f, 0.075588f, 0.07558f,
-0.075571f, 0.075563f, 0.075555f, 0.075546f, 0.075538f, 0.075529f, 0.075521f, 0.075513f, 0.075504f, 0.075496f, 0.075487f, 0.075479f, 0.075471f, 0.075462f, 0.075454f, 0.075446f, 0.075437f, 0.075429f, 0.07542f, 0.075412f,
-0.075404f, 0.075395f, 0.075387f, 0.075378f, 0.07537f, 0.075362f, 0.075353f, 0.075345f, 0.075337f, 0.075328f, 0.07532f, 0.075311f, 0.075303f, 0.075295f, 0.075286f, 0.075278f, 0.07527f, 0.075261f, 0.075253f, 0.075244f,
-0.075236f, 0.075228f, 0.075219f, 0.075211f, 0.075203f, 0.075194f, 0.075186f, 0.075178f, 0.075169f, 0.075161f, 0.075152f, 0.075144f, 0.075136f, 0.075127f, 0.075119f, 0.075111f, 0.075102f, 0.075094f, 0.075085f, 0.075077f,
-0.075069f, 0.07506f, 0.075052f, 0.075044f, 0.075035f, 0.075027f, 0.075019f, 0.07501f, 0.075002f, 0.074994f, 0.074985f, 0.074977f, 0.074968f, 0.07496f, 0.074952f, 0.074943f, 0.074935f, 0.074927f, 0.074918f, 0.07491f,
-0.074902f, 0.074893f, 0.074885f, 0.074877f, 0.074868f, 0.07486f, 0.074852f, 0.074843f, 0.074835f, 0.074826f, 0.074818f, 0.07481f, 0.074801f, 0.074793f, 0.074785f, 0.074776f, 0.074768f, 0.07476f, 0.074751f, 0.074743f,
-0.074735f, 0.074726f, 0.074718f, 0.07471f, 0.074701f, 0.074693f, 0.074685f, 0.074676f, 0.074668f, 0.07466f, 0.074651f, 0.074643f, 0.074635f, 0.074626f, 0.074618f, 0.07461f, 0.074601f, 0.074593f, 0.074585f, 0.074576f,
-0.074568f, 0.07456f, 0.074551f, 0.074543f, 0.074535f, 0.074526f, 0.074518f, 0.07451f, 0.074501f, 0.074493f, 0.074485f, 0.074476f, 0.074468f, 0.07446f, 0.074451f, 0.074443f, 0.074435f, 0.074426f, 0.074418f, 0.07441f,
-0.074401f, 0.074393f, 0.074385f, 0.074376f, 0.074368f, 0.07436f, 0.074351f, 0.074343f, 0.074335f, 0.074326f, 0.074318f, 0.07431f, 0.074301f, 0.074293f, 0.074285f, 0.074277f, 0.074268f, 0.07426f, 0.074252f, 0.074243f,
-0.074235f, 0.074227f, 0.074218f, 0.07421f, 0.074202f, 0.074193f, 0.074185f, 0.074177f, 0.074168f, 0.07416f, 0.074152f, 0.074144f, 0.074135f, 0.074127f, 0.074119f, 0.07411f, 0.074102f, 0.074094f, 0.074085f, 0.074077f,
-0.074069f, 0.07406f, 0.074052f, 0.074044f, 0.074036f, 0.074027f, 0.074019f, 0.074011f, 0.074002f, 0.073994f, 0.073986f, 0.073977f, 0.073969f, 0.073961f, 0.073953f, 0.073944f, 0.073936f, 0.073928f, 0.073919f, 0.073911f,
-0.073903f, 0.073894f, 0.073886f, 0.073878f, 0.07387f, 0.073861f, 0.073853f, 0.073845f, 0.073836f, 0.073828f, 0.07382f, 0.073812f, 0.073803f, 0.073795f, 0.073787f, 0.073778f, 0.07377f, 0.073762f, 0.073753f, 0.073745f,
-0.073737f, 0.073729f, 0.07372f, 0.073712f, 0.073704f, 0.073695f, 0.073687f, 0.073679f, 0.073671f, 0.073662f, 0.073654f, 0.073646f, 0.073638f, 0.073629f, 0.073621f, 0.073613f, 0.073604f, 0.073596f, 0.073588f, 0.07358f,
-0.073571f, 0.073563f, 0.073555f, 0.073546f, 0.073538f, 0.07353f, 0.073522f, 0.073513f, 0.073505f, 0.073497f, 0.073489f, 0.07348f, 0.073472f, 0.073464f, 0.073455f, 0.073447f, 0.073439f, 0.073431f, 0.073422f, 0.073414f,
-0.073406f, 0.073398f, 0.073389f, 0.073381f, 0.073373f, 0.073364f, 0.073356f, 0.073348f, 0.07334f, 0.073331f, 0.073323f, 0.073315f, 0.073307f, 0.073298f, 0.07329f, 0.073282f, 0.073274f, 0.073265f, 0.073257f, 0.073249f,
-0.073241f, 0.073232f, 0.073224f, 0.073216f, 0.073208f, 0.073199f, 0.073191f, 0.073183f, 0.073174f, 0.073166f, 0.073158f, 0.07315f, 0.073141f, 0.073133f, 0.073125f, 0.073117f, 0.073108f, 0.0731f, 0.073092f, 0.073084f,
-0.073075f, 0.073067f, 0.073059f, 0.073051f, 0.073042f, 0.073034f, 0.073026f, 0.073018f, 0.073009f, 0.073001f, 0.072993f, 0.072985f, 0.072976f, 0.072968f, 0.07296f, 0.072952f, 0.072944f, 0.072935f, 0.072927f, 0.072919f,
-0.072911f, 0.072902f, 0.072894f, 0.072886f, 0.072878f, 0.072869f, 0.072861f, 0.072853f, 0.072845f, 0.072836f, 0.072828f, 0.07282f, 0.072812f, 0.072803f, 0.072795f, 0.072787f, 0.072779f, 0.072771f, 0.072762f, 0.072754f,
-0.072746f, 0.072738f, 0.072729f, 0.072721f, 0.072713f, 0.072705f, 0.072696f, 0.072688f, 0.07268f, 0.072672f, 0.072664f, 0.072655f, 0.072647f, 0.072639f, 0.072631f, 0.072622f, 0.072614f, 0.072606f, 0.072598f, 0.07259f,
-0.072581f, 0.072573f, 0.072565f, 0.072557f, 0.072548f, 0.07254f, 0.072532f, 0.072524f, 0.072516f, 0.072507f, 0.072499f, 0.072491f, 0.072483f, 0.072474f, 0.072466f, 0.072458f, 0.07245f, 0.072442f, 0.072433f, 0.072425f,
-0.072417f, 0.072409f, 0.072401f, 0.072392f, 0.072384f, 0.072376f, 0.072368f, 0.072359f, 0.072351f, 0.072343f, 0.072335f, 0.072327f, 0.072318f, 0.07231f, 0.072302f, 0.072294f, 0.072286f, 0.072277f, 0.072269f, 0.072261f,
-0.072253f, 0.072245f, 0.072236f, 0.072228f, 0.07222f, 0.072212f, 0.072204f, 0.072195f, 0.072187f, 0.072179f, 0.072171f, 0.072163f, 0.072154f, 0.072146f, 0.072138f, 0.07213f, 0.072122f, 0.072113f, 0.072105f, 0.072097f,
-0.072089f, 0.072081f, 0.072072f, 0.072064f, 0.072056f, 0.072048f, 0.07204f, 0.072031f, 0.072023f, 0.072015f, 0.072007f, 0.071999f, 0.071991f, 0.071982f, 0.071974f, 0.071966f, 0.071958f, 0.07195f, 0.071941f, 0.071933f,
-0.071925f, 0.071917f, 0.071909f, 0.071901f, 0.071892f, 0.071884f, 0.071876f, 0.071868f, 0.07186f, 0.071851f, 0.071843f, 0.071835f, 0.071827f, 0.071819f, 0.071811f, 0.071802f, 0.071794f, 0.071786f, 0.071778f, 0.07177f,
-0.071761f, 0.071753f, 0.071745f, 0.071737f, 0.071729f, 0.071721f, 0.071712f, 0.071704f, 0.071696f, 0.071688f, 0.07168f, 0.071672f, 0.071663f, 0.071655f, 0.071647f, 0.071639f, 0.071631f, 0.071623f, 0.071614f, 0.071606f,
-0.071598f, 0.07159f, 0.071582f, 0.071574f, 0.071565f, 0.071557f, 0.071549f, 0.071541f, 0.071533f, 0.071525f, 0.071516f, 0.071508f, 0.0715f, 0.071492f, 0.071484f, 0.071476f, 0.071467f, 0.071459f, 0.071451f, 0.071443f,
-0.071435f, 0.071427f, 0.071419f, 0.07141f, 0.071402f, 0.071394f, 0.071386f, 0.071378f, 0.07137f, 0.071361f, 0.071353f, 0.071345f, 0.071337f, 0.071329f, 0.071321f, 0.071313f, 0.071304f, 0.071296f, 0.071288f, 0.07128f,
-0.071272f, 0.071264f, 0.071255f, 0.071247f, 0.071239f, 0.071231f, 0.071223f, 0.071215f, 0.071207f, 0.071198f, 0.07119f, 0.071182f, 0.071174f, 0.071166f, 0.071158f, 0.07115f, 0.071141f, 0.071133f, 0.071125f, 0.071117f,
-0.071109f, 0.071101f, 0.071093f, 0.071085f, 0.071076f, 0.071068f, 0.07106f, 0.071052f, 0.071044f, 0.071036f, 0.071028f, 0.071019f, 0.071011f, 0.071003f, 0.070995f, 0.070987f, 0.070979f, 0.070971f, 0.070963f, 0.070954f,
-0.070946f, 0.070938f, 0.07093f, 0.070922f, 0.070914f, 0.070906f, 0.070898f, 0.070889f, 0.070881f, 0.070873f, 0.070865f, 0.070857f, 0.070849f, 0.070841f, 0.070833f, 0.070824f, 0.070816f, 0.070808f, 0.0708f, 0.070792f,
-0.070784f, 0.070776f, 0.070768f, 0.070759f, 0.070751f, 0.070743f, 0.070735f, 0.070727f, 0.070719f, 0.070711f, 0.070703f, 0.070695f, 0.070686f, 0.070678f, 0.07067f, 0.070662f, 0.070654f, 0.070646f, 0.070638f, 0.07063f,
-0.070622f, 0.070613f, 0.070605f, 0.070597f, 0.070589f, 0.070581f, 0.070573f, 0.070565f, 0.070557f, 0.070549f, 0.07054f, 0.070532f, 0.070524f, 0.070516f, 0.070508f, 0.0705f, 0.070492f, 0.070484f, 0.070476f, 0.070468f,
-0.070459f, 0.070451f, 0.070443f, 0.070435f, 0.070427f, 0.070419f, 0.070411f, 0.070403f, 0.070395f, 0.070387f, 0.070378f, 0.07037f, 0.070362f, 0.070354f, 0.070346f, 0.070338f, 0.07033f, 0.070322f, 0.070314f, 0.070306f,
-0.070297f, 0.070289f, 0.070281f, 0.070273f, 0.070265f, 0.070257f, 0.070249f, 0.070241f, 0.070233f, 0.070225f, 0.070217f, 0.070209f, 0.0702f, 0.070192f, 0.070184f, 0.070176f, 0.070168f, 0.07016f, 0.070152f, 0.070144f,
-0.070136f, 0.070128f, 0.07012f, 0.070112f, 0.070103f, 0.070095f, 0.070087f, 0.070079f, 0.070071f, 0.070063f, 0.070055f, 0.070047f, 0.070039f, 0.070031f, 0.070023f, 0.070015f, 0.070006f, 0.069998f, 0.06999f, 0.069982f,
-0.069974f, 0.069966f, 0.069958f, 0.06995f, 0.069942f, 0.069934f, 0.069926f, 0.069918f, 0.06991f, 0.069902f, 0.069893f, 0.069885f, 0.069877f, 0.069869f, 0.069861f, 0.069853f, 0.069845f, 0.069837f, 0.069829f, 0.069821f,
-0.069813f, 0.069805f, 0.069797f, 0.069789f, 0.069781f, 0.069773f, 0.069764f, 0.069756f, 0.069748f, 0.06974f, 0.069732f, 0.069724f, 0.069716f, 0.069708f, 0.0697f, 0.069692f, 0.069684f, 0.069676f, 0.069668f, 0.06966f,
-0.069652f, 0.069644f, 0.069636f, 0.069628f, 0.069619f, 0.069611f, 0.069603f, 0.069595f, 0.069587f, 0.069579f, 0.069571f, 0.069563f, 0.069555f, 0.069547f, 0.069539f, 0.069531f, 0.069523f, 0.069515f, 0.069507f, 0.069499f,
-0.069491f, 0.069483f, 0.069475f, 0.069467f, 0.069458f, 0.06945f, 0.069442f, 0.069434f, 0.069426f, 0.069418f, 0.06941f, 0.069402f, 0.069394f, 0.069386f, 0.069378f, 0.06937f, 0.069362f, 0.069354f, 0.069346f, 0.069338f,
-0.06933f, 0.069322f, 0.069314f, 0.069306f, 0.069298f, 0.06929f, 0.069282f, 0.069274f, 0.069266f, 0.069258f, 0.06925f, 0.069242f, 0.069233f, 0.069225f, 0.069217f, 0.069209f, 0.069201f, 0.069193f, 0.069185f, 0.069177f,
-0.069169f, 0.069161f, 0.069153f, 0.069145f, 0.069137f, 0.069129f, 0.069121f, 0.069113f, 0.069105f, 0.069097f, 0.069089f, 0.069081f, 0.069073f, 0.069065f, 0.069057f, 0.069049f, 0.069041f, 0.069033f, 0.069025f, 0.069017f,
-0.069009f, 0.069001f, 0.068993f, 0.068985f, 0.068977f, 0.068969f, 0.068961f, 0.068953f, 0.068945f, 0.068937f, 0.068929f, 0.068921f, 0.068913f, 0.068905f, 0.068897f, 0.068889f, 0.068881f, 0.068873f, 0.068865f, 0.068857f,
-0.068849f, 0.068841f, 0.068833f, 0.068825f, 0.068817f, 0.068809f, 0.068801f, 0.068793f, 0.068785f, 0.068777f, 0.068769f, 0.068761f, 0.068753f, 0.068745f, 0.068737f, 0.068729f, 0.068721f, 0.068713f, 0.068705f, 0.068697f,
-0.068689f, 0.068681f, 0.068673f, 0.068665f, 0.068657f, 0.068649f, 0.068641f, 0.068633f, 0.068625f, 0.068617f, 0.068609f, 0.068601f, 0.068593f, 0.068585f, 0.068577f, 0.068569f, 0.068561f, 0.068553f, 0.068545f, 0.068537f,
-0.068529f, 0.068521f, 0.068513f, 0.068505f, 0.068497f, 0.068489f, 0.068481f, 0.068473f, 0.068465f, 0.068457f, 0.068449f, 0.068441f, 0.068433f, 0.068425f, 0.068417f, 0.068409f, 0.068401f, 0.068393f, 0.068385f, 0.068377f,
-0.068369f, 0.068361f, 0.068353f, 0.068345f, 0.068337f, 0.068329f, 0.068321f, 0.068313f, 0.068305f, 0.068297f, 0.068289f, 0.068281f, 0.068273f, 0.068265f, 0.068257f, 0.068249f, 0.068241f, 0.068233f, 0.068225f, 0.068217f,
-0.068209f, 0.068202f, 0.068194f, 0.068186f, 0.068178f, 0.06817f, 0.068162f, 0.068154f, 0.068146f, 0.068138f, 0.06813f, 0.068122f, 0.068114f, 0.068106f, 0.068098f, 0.06809f, 0.068082f, 0.068074f, 0.068066f, 0.068058f,
-0.06805f, 0.068042f, 0.068034f, 0.068026f, 0.068018f, 0.06801f, 0.068002f, 0.067994f, 0.067986f, 0.067979f, 0.067971f, 0.067963f, 0.067955f, 0.067947f, 0.067939f, 0.067931f, 0.067923f, 0.067915f, 0.067907f, 0.067899f,
-0.067891f, 0.067883f, 0.067875f, 0.067867f, 0.067859f, 0.067851f, 0.067843f, 0.067835f, 0.067827f, 0.067819f, 0.067812f, 0.067804f, 0.067796f, 0.067788f, 0.06778f, 0.067772f, 0.067764f, 0.067756f, 0.067748f, 0.06774f,
-0.067732f, 0.067724f, 0.067716f, 0.067708f, 0.0677f, 0.067692f, 0.067684f, 0.067677f, 0.067669f, 0.067661f, 0.067653f, 0.067645f, 0.067637f, 0.067629f, 0.067621f, 0.067613f, 0.067605f, 0.067597f, 0.067589f, 0.067581f,
-0.067573f, 0.067565f, 0.067557f, 0.06755f, 0.067542f, 0.067534f, 0.067526f, 0.067518f, 0.06751f, 0.067502f, 0.067494f, 0.067486f, 0.067478f, 0.06747f, 0.067462f, 0.067454f, 0.067446f, 0.067439f, 0.067431f, 0.067423f,
-0.067415f, 0.067407f, 0.067399f, 0.067391f, 0.067383f, 0.067375f, 0.067367f, 0.067359f, 0.067351f, 0.067343f, 0.067336f, 0.067328f, 0.06732f, 0.067312f, 0.067304f, 0.067296f, 0.067288f, 0.06728f, 0.067272f, 0.067264f,
-0.067256f, 0.067248f, 0.067241f, 0.067233f, 0.067225f, 0.067217f, 0.067209f, 0.067201f, 0.067193f, 0.067185f, 0.067177f, 0.067169f, 0.067161f, 0.067154f, 0.067146f, 0.067138f, 0.06713f, 0.067122f, 0.067114f, 0.067106f,
-0.067098f, 0.06709f, 0.067082f, 0.067074f, 0.067067f, 0.067059f, 0.067051f, 0.067043f, 0.067035f, 0.067027f, 0.067019f, 0.067011f, 0.067003f, 0.066995f, 0.066988f, 0.06698f, 0.066972f, 0.066964f, 0.066956f, 0.066948f,
-0.06694f, 0.066932f, 0.066924f, 0.066917f, 0.066909f, 0.066901f, 0.066893f, 0.066885f, 0.066877f, 0.066869f, 0.066861f, 0.066853f, 0.066845f, 0.066838f, 0.06683f, 0.066822f, 0.066814f, 0.066806f, 0.066798f, 0.06679f,
-0.066782f, 0.066774f, 0.066767f, 0.066759f, 0.066751f, 0.066743f, 0.066735f, 0.066727f, 0.066719f, 0.066711f, 0.066704f, 0.066696f, 0.066688f, 0.06668f, 0.066672f, 0.066664f, 0.066656f, 0.066648f, 0.06664f, 0.066633f,
-0.066625f, 0.066617f, 0.066609f, 0.066601f, 0.066593f, 0.066585f, 0.066577f, 0.06657f, 0.066562f, 0.066554f, 0.066546f, 0.066538f, 0.06653f, 0.066522f, 0.066515f, 0.066507f, 0.066499f, 0.066491f, 0.066483f, 0.066475f,
-0.066467f, 0.066459f, 0.066452f, 0.066444f, 0.066436f, 0.066428f, 0.06642f, 0.066412f, 0.066404f, 0.066396f, 0.066389f, 0.066381f, 0.066373f, 0.066365f, 0.066357f, 0.066349f, 0.066341f, 0.066334f, 0.066326f, 0.066318f,
-0.06631f, 0.066302f, 0.066294f, 0.066286f, 0.066279f, 0.066271f, 0.066263f, 0.066255f, 0.066247f, 0.066239f, 0.066231f, 0.066224f, 0.066216f, 0.066208f, 0.0662f, 0.066192f, 0.066184f, 0.066176f, 0.066169f, 0.066161f,
-0.066153f, 0.066145f, 0.066137f, 0.066129f, 0.066122f, 0.066114f, 0.066106f, 0.066098f, 0.06609f, 0.066082f, 0.066074f, 0.066067f, 0.066059f, 0.066051f, 0.066043f, 0.066035f, 0.066027f, 0.06602f, 0.066012f, 0.066004f,
-0.065996f, 0.065988f, 0.06598f, 0.065973f, 0.065965f, 0.065957f, 0.065949f, 0.065941f, 0.065933f, 0.065926f, 0.065918f, 0.06591f, 0.065902f, 0.065894f, 0.065886f, 0.065879f, 0.065871f, 0.065863f, 0.065855f, 0.065847f,
-0.065839f, 0.065832f, 0.065824f, 0.065816f, 0.065808f, 0.0658f, 0.065792f, 0.065785f, 0.065777f, 0.065769f, 0.065761f, 0.065753f, 0.065745f, 0.065738f, 0.06573f, 0.065722f, 0.065714f, 0.065706f, 0.065698f, 0.065691f,
-0.065683f, 0.065675f, 0.065667f, 0.065659f, 0.065652f, 0.065644f, 0.065636f, 0.065628f, 0.06562f, 0.065612f, 0.065605f, 0.065597f, 0.065589f, 0.065581f, 0.065573f, 0.065566f, 0.065558f, 0.06555f, 0.065542f, 0.065534f,
-0.065527f, 0.065519f, 0.065511f, 0.065503f, 0.065495f, 0.065487f, 0.06548f, 0.065472f, 0.065464f, 0.065456f, 0.065448f, 0.065441f, 0.065433f, 0.065425f, 0.065417f, 0.065409f, 0.065402f, 0.065394f, 0.065386f, 0.065378f,
-0.06537f, 0.065363f, 0.065355f, 0.065347f, 0.065339f, 0.065331f, 0.065324f, 0.065316f, 0.065308f, 0.0653f, 0.065292f, 0.065285f, 0.065277f, 0.065269f, 0.065261f, 0.065253f, 0.065246f, 0.065238f, 0.06523f, 0.065222f,
-0.065214f, 0.065207f, 0.065199f, 0.065191f, 0.065183f, 0.065175f, 0.065168f, 0.06516f, 0.065152f, 0.065144f, 0.065136f, 0.065129f, 0.065121f, 0.065113f, 0.065105f, 0.065098f, 0.06509f, 0.065082f, 0.065074f, 0.065066f,
-0.065059f, 0.065051f, 0.065043f, 0.065035f, 0.065027f, 0.06502f, 0.065012f, 0.065004f, 0.064996f, 0.064989f, 0.064981f, 0.064973f, 0.064965f, 0.064957f, 0.06495f, 0.064942f, 0.064934f, 0.064926f, 0.064919f, 0.064911f,
-0.064903f, 0.064895f, 0.064887f, 0.06488f, 0.064872f, 0.064864f, 0.064856f, 0.064849f, 0.064841f, 0.064833f, 0.064825f, 0.064818f, 0.06481f, 0.064802f, 0.064794f, 0.064786f, 0.064779f, 0.064771f, 0.064763f, 0.064755f,
-0.064748f, 0.06474f, 0.064732f, 0.064724f, 0.064717f, 0.064709f, 0.064701f, 0.064693f, 0.064686f, 0.064678f, 0.06467f, 0.064662f, 0.064654f, 0.064647f, 0.064639f, 0.064631f, 0.064623f, 0.064616f, 0.064608f, 0.0646f,
-0.064592f, 0.064585f, 0.064577f, 0.064569f, 0.064561f, 0.064554f, 0.064546f, 0.064538f, 0.06453f, 0.064523f, 0.064515f, 0.064507f, 0.064499f, 0.064492f, 0.064484f, 0.064476f, 0.064468f, 0.064461f, 0.064453f, 0.064445f,
-0.064437f, 0.06443f, 0.064422f, 0.064414f, 0.064406f, 0.064399f, 0.064391f, 0.064383f, 0.064375f, 0.064368f, 0.06436f, 0.064352f, 0.064344f, 0.064337f, 0.064329f, 0.064321f, 0.064314f, 0.064306f, 0.064298f, 0.06429f,
-0.064283f, 0.064275f, 0.064267f, 0.064259f, 0.064252f, 0.064244f, 0.064236f, 0.064228f, 0.064221f, 0.064213f, 0.064205f, 0.064197f, 0.06419f, 0.064182f, 0.064174f, 0.064167f, 0.064159f, 0.064151f, 0.064143f, 0.064136f,
-0.064128f, 0.06412f, 0.064112f, 0.064105f, 0.064097f, 0.064089f, 0.064082f, 0.064074f, 0.064066f, 0.064058f, 0.064051f, 0.064043f, 0.064035f, 0.064027f, 0.06402f, 0.064012f, 0.064004f, 0.063997f, 0.063989f, 0.063981f,
-0.063973f, 0.063966f, 0.063958f, 0.06395f, 0.063943f, 0.063935f, 0.063927f, 0.063919f, 0.063912f, 0.063904f, 0.063896f, 0.063889f, 0.063881f, 0.063873f, 0.063865f, 0.063858f, 0.06385f, 0.063842f, 0.063835f, 0.063827f,
-0.063819f, 0.063811f, 0.063804f, 0.063796f, 0.063788f, 0.063781f, 0.063773f, 0.063765f, 0.063757f, 0.06375f, 0.063742f, 0.063734f, 0.063727f, 0.063719f, 0.063711f, 0.063704f, 0.063696f, 0.063688f, 0.06368f, 0.063673f,
-0.063665f, 0.063657f, 0.06365f, 0.063642f, 0.063634f, 0.063627f, 0.063619f, 0.063611f, 0.063603f, 0.063596f, 0.063588f, 0.06358f, 0.063573f, 0.063565f, 0.063557f, 0.06355f, 0.063542f, 0.063534f, 0.063527f, 0.063519f,
-0.063511f, 0.063503f, 0.063496f, 0.063488f, 0.06348f, 0.063473f, 0.063465f, 0.063457f, 0.06345f, 0.063442f, 0.063434f, 0.063427f, 0.063419f, 0.063411f, 0.063404f, 0.063396f, 0.063388f, 0.06338f, 0.063373f, 0.063365f,
-0.063357f, 0.06335f, 0.063342f, 0.063334f, 0.063327f, 0.063319f, 0.063311f, 0.063304f, 0.063296f, 0.063288f, 0.063281f, 0.063273f, 0.063265f, 0.063258f, 0.06325f, 0.063242f, 0.063235f, 0.063227f, 0.063219f, 0.063212f,
-0.063204f, 0.063196f, 0.063189f, 0.063181f, 0.063173f, 0.063166f, 0.063158f, 0.06315f, 0.063143f, 0.063135f, 0.063127f, 0.06312f, 0.063112f, 0.063104f, 0.063097f, 0.063089f, 0.063081f, 0.063074f, 0.063066f, 0.063058f,
-0.063051f, 0.063043f, 0.063035f, 0.063028f, 0.06302f, 0.063012f, 0.063005f, 0.062997f, 0.062989f, 0.062982f, 0.062974f, 0.062966f, 0.062959f, 0.062951f, 0.062943f, 0.062936f, 0.062928f, 0.06292f, 0.062913f, 0.062905f,
-0.062897f, 0.06289f, 0.062882f, 0.062874f, 0.062867f, 0.062859f, 0.062851f, 0.062844f, 0.062836f, 0.062828f, 0.062821f, 0.062813f, 0.062806f, 0.062798f, 0.06279f, 0.062783f, 0.062775f, 0.062767f, 0.06276f, 0.062752f,
-0.062744f, 0.062737f, 0.062729f, 0.062721f, 0.062714f, 0.062706f, 0.062699f, 0.062691f, 0.062683f, 0.062676f, 0.062668f, 0.06266f, 0.062653f, 0.062645f, 0.062637f, 0.06263f, 0.062622f, 0.062614f, 0.062607f, 0.062599f,
-0.062592f, 0.062584f, 0.062576f, 0.062569f, 0.062561f, 0.062553f, 0.062546f, 0.062538f, 0.062531f, 0.062523f, 0.062515f, 0.062508f, 0.0625f, 0.062492f, 0.062485f, 0.062477f, 0.062469f, 0.062462f, 0.062454f, 0.062447f,
-0.062439f, 0.062431f, 0.062424f, 0.062416f, 0.062408f, 0.062401f, 0.062393f, 0.062386f, 0.062378f, 0.06237f, 0.062363f, 0.062355f, 0.062348f, 0.06234f, 0.062332f, 0.062325f, 0.062317f, 0.062309f, 0.062302f, 0.062294f,
-0.062287f, 0.062279f, 0.062271f, 0.062264f, 0.062256f, 0.062248f, 0.062241f, 0.062233f, 0.062226f, 0.062218f, 0.06221f, 0.062203f, 0.062195f, 0.062188f, 0.06218f, 0.062172f, 0.062165f, 0.062157f, 0.06215f, 0.062142f,
-0.062134f, 0.062127f, 0.062119f, 0.062112f, 0.062104f, 0.062096f, 0.062089f, 0.062081f, 0.062073f, 0.062066f, 0.062058f, 0.062051f, 0.062043f, 0.062035f, 0.062028f, 0.06202f, 0.062013f, 0.062005f, 0.061997f, 0.06199f,
-0.061982f, 0.061975f, 0.061967f, 0.061959f, 0.061952f, 0.061944f, 0.061937f, 0.061929f, 0.061922f, 0.061914f, 0.061906f, 0.061899f, 0.061891f, 0.061884f, 0.061876f, 0.061868f, 0.061861f, 0.061853f, 0.061846f, 0.061838f,
-0.06183f, 0.061823f, 0.061815f, 0.061808f, 0.0618f, 0.061792f, 0.061785f, 0.061777f, 0.06177f, 0.061762f, 0.061755f, 0.061747f, 0.061739f, 0.061732f, 0.061724f, 0.061717f, 0.061709f, 0.061701f, 0.061694f, 0.061686f,
-0.061679f, 0.061671f, 0.061664f, 0.061656f, 0.061648f, 0.061641f, 0.061633f, 0.061626f, 0.061618f, 0.061611f, 0.061603f, 0.061595f, 0.061588f, 0.06158f, 0.061573f, 0.061565f, 0.061558f, 0.06155f, 0.061542f, 0.061535f,
-0.061527f, 0.06152f, 0.061512f, 0.061505f, 0.061497f, 0.061489f, 0.061482f, 0.061474f, 0.061467f, 0.061459f, 0.061452f, 0.061444f, 0.061436f, 0.061429f, 0.061421f, 0.061414f, 0.061406f, 0.061399f, 0.061391f, 0.061384f,
-0.061376f, 0.061368f, 0.061361f, 0.061353f, 0.061346f, 0.061338f, 0.061331f, 0.061323f, 0.061315f, 0.061308f, 0.0613f, 0.061293f, 0.061285f, 0.061278f, 0.06127f, 0.061263f, 0.061255f, 0.061247f, 0.06124f, 0.061232f,
-0.061225f, 0.061217f, 0.06121f, 0.061202f, 0.061195f, 0.061187f, 0.06118f, 0.061172f, 0.061164f, 0.061157f, 0.061149f, 0.061142f, 0.061134f, 0.061127f, 0.061119f, 0.061112f, 0.061104f, 0.061097f, 0.061089f, 0.061081f,
-0.061074f, 0.061066f, 0.061059f, 0.061051f, 0.061044f, 0.061036f, 0.061029f, 0.061021f, 0.061014f, 0.061006f, 0.060999f, 0.060991f, 0.060983f, 0.060976f, 0.060968f, 0.060961f, 0.060953f, 0.060946f, 0.060938f, 0.060931f,
-0.060923f, 0.060916f, 0.060908f, 0.060901f, 0.060893f, 0.060886f, 0.060878f, 0.06087f, 0.060863f, 0.060855f, 0.060848f, 0.06084f, 0.060833f, 0.060825f, 0.060818f, 0.06081f, 0.060803f, 0.060795f, 0.060788f, 0.06078f,
-0.060773f, 0.060765f, 0.060758f, 0.06075f, 0.060743f, 0.060735f, 0.060727f, 0.06072f, 0.060712f, 0.060705f, 0.060697f, 0.06069f, 0.060682f, 0.060675f, 0.060667f, 0.06066f, 0.060652f, 0.060645f, 0.060637f, 0.06063f,
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-0.060472f, 0.060465f, 0.060457f, 0.06045f, 0.060442f, 0.060435f, 0.060427f, 0.06042f, 0.060412f, 0.060405f, 0.060397f, 0.06039f, 0.060382f, 0.060375f, 0.060367f, 0.06036f, 0.060352f, 0.060345f, 0.060337f, 0.06033f,
-0.060322f, 0.060315f, 0.060307f, 0.0603f, 0.060292f, 0.060285f, 0.060277f, 0.06027f, 0.060262f, 0.060255f, 0.060247f, 0.06024f, 0.060232f, 0.060225f, 0.060217f, 0.06021f, 0.060202f, 0.060195f, 0.060187f, 0.06018f,
-0.060172f, 0.060165f, 0.060157f, 0.06015f, 0.060142f, 0.060135f, 0.060127f, 0.06012f, 0.060112f, 0.060105f, 0.060097f, 0.06009f, 0.060082f, 0.060075f, 0.060067f, 0.06006f, 0.060053f, 0.060045f, 0.060038f, 0.06003f,
-0.060023f, 0.060015f, 0.060008f, 0.06f, 0.059993f, 0.059985f, 0.059978f, 0.05997f, 0.059963f, 0.059955f, 0.059948f, 0.05994f, 0.059933f, 0.059925f, 0.059918f, 0.059911f, 0.059903f, 0.059896f, 0.059888f, 0.059881f,
-0.059873f, 0.059866f, 0.059858f, 0.059851f, 0.059843f, 0.059836f, 0.059828f, 0.059821f, 0.059813f, 0.059806f, 0.059799f, 0.059791f, 0.059784f, 0.059776f, 0.059769f, 0.059761f, 0.059754f, 0.059746f, 0.059739f, 0.059731f,
-0.059724f, 0.059716f, 0.059709f, 0.059702f, 0.059694f, 0.059687f, 0.059679f, 0.059672f, 0.059664f, 0.059657f, 0.059649f, 0.059642f, 0.059634f, 0.059627f, 0.05962f, 0.059612f, 0.059605f, 0.059597f, 0.05959f, 0.059582f,
-0.059575f, 0.059567f, 0.05956f, 0.059553f, 0.059545f, 0.059538f, 0.05953f, 0.059523f, 0.059515f, 0.059508f, 0.0595f, 0.059493f, 0.059485f, 0.059478f, 0.059471f, 0.059463f, 0.059456f, 0.059448f, 0.059441f, 0.059433f,
-0.059426f, 0.059419f, 0.059411f, 0.059404f, 0.059396f, 0.059389f, 0.059381f, 0.059374f, 0.059366f, 0.059359f, 0.059352f, 0.059344f, 0.059337f, 0.059329f, 0.059322f, 0.059314f, 0.059307f, 0.0593f, 0.059292f, 0.059285f,
-0.059277f, 0.05927f, 0.059262f, 0.059255f, 0.059248f, 0.05924f, 0.059233f, 0.059225f, 0.059218f, 0.05921f, 0.059203f, 0.059196f, 0.059188f, 0.059181f, 0.059173f, 0.059166f, 0.059158f, 0.059151f, 0.059144f, 0.059136f,
-0.059129f, 0.059121f, 0.059114f, 0.059107f, 0.059099f, 0.059092f, 0.059084f, 0.059077f, 0.059069f, 0.059062f, 0.059055f, 0.059047f, 0.05904f, 0.059032f, 0.059025f, 0.059018f, 0.05901f, 0.059003f, 0.058995f, 0.058988f,
-0.05898f, 0.058973f, 0.058966f, 0.058958f, 0.058951f, 0.058943f, 0.058936f, 0.058929f, 0.058921f, 0.058914f, 0.058906f, 0.058899f, 0.058892f, 0.058884f, 0.058877f, 0.058869f, 0.058862f, 0.058855f, 0.058847f, 0.05884f,
-0.058832f, 0.058825f, 0.058817f, 0.05881f, 0.058803f, 0.058795f, 0.058788f, 0.05878f, 0.058773f, 0.058766f, 0.058758f, 0.058751f, 0.058744f, 0.058736f, 0.058729f, 0.058721f, 0.058714f, 0.058707f, 0.058699f, 0.058692f,
-0.058684f, 0.058677f, 0.05867f, 0.058662f, 0.058655f, 0.058647f, 0.05864f, 0.058633f, 0.058625f, 0.058618f, 0.05861f, 0.058603f, 0.058596f, 0.058588f, 0.058581f, 0.058574f, 0.058566f, 0.058559f, 0.058551f, 0.058544f,
-0.058537f, 0.058529f, 0.058522f, 0.058514f, 0.058507f, 0.0585f, 0.058492f, 0.058485f, 0.058478f, 0.05847f, 0.058463f, 0.058455f, 0.058448f, 0.058441f, 0.058433f, 0.058426f, 0.058419f, 0.058411f, 0.058404f, 0.058396f,
-0.058389f, 0.058382f, 0.058374f, 0.058367f, 0.05836f, 0.058352f, 0.058345f, 0.058337f, 0.05833f, 0.058323f, 0.058315f, 0.058308f, 0.058301f, 0.058293f, 0.058286f, 0.058278f, 0.058271f, 0.058264f, 0.058256f, 0.058249f,
-0.058242f, 0.058234f, 0.058227f, 0.05822f, 0.058212f, 0.058205f, 0.058197f, 0.05819f, 0.058183f, 0.058175f, 0.058168f, 0.058161f, 0.058153f, 0.058146f, 0.058139f, 0.058131f, 0.058124f, 0.058116f, 0.058109f, 0.058102f,
-0.058094f, 0.058087f, 0.05808f, 0.058072f, 0.058065f, 0.058058f, 0.05805f, 0.058043f, 0.058036f, 0.058028f, 0.058021f, 0.058014f, 0.058006f, 0.057999f, 0.057991f, 0.057984f, 0.057977f, 0.057969f, 0.057962f, 0.057955f,
-0.057947f, 0.05794f, 0.057933f, 0.057925f, 0.057918f, 0.057911f, 0.057903f, 0.057896f, 0.057889f, 0.057881f, 0.057874f, 0.057867f, 0.057859f, 0.057852f, 0.057845f, 0.057837f, 0.05783f, 0.057823f, 0.057815f, 0.057808f,
-0.057801f, 0.057793f, 0.057786f, 0.057779f, 0.057771f, 0.057764f, 0.057757f, 0.057749f, 0.057742f, 0.057735f, 0.057727f, 0.05772f, 0.057713f, 0.057705f, 0.057698f, 0.057691f, 0.057683f, 0.057676f, 0.057669f, 0.057661f,
-0.057654f, 0.057647f, 0.057639f, 0.057632f, 0.057625f, 0.057617f, 0.05761f, 0.057603f, 0.057595f, 0.057588f, 0.057581f, 0.057573f, 0.057566f, 0.057559f, 0.057551f, 0.057544f, 0.057537f, 0.057529f, 0.057522f, 0.057515f,
-0.057507f, 0.0575f, 0.057493f, 0.057486f, 0.057478f, 0.057471f, 0.057464f, 0.057456f, 0.057449f, 0.057442f, 0.057434f, 0.057427f, 0.05742f, 0.057412f, 0.057405f, 0.057398f, 0.05739f, 0.057383f, 0.057376f, 0.057368f,
-0.057361f, 0.057354f, 0.057347f, 0.057339f, 0.057332f, 0.057325f, 0.057317f, 0.05731f, 0.057303f, 0.057295f, 0.057288f, 0.057281f, 0.057274f, 0.057266f, 0.057259f, 0.057252f, 0.057244f, 0.057237f, 0.05723f, 0.057222f,
-0.057215f, 0.057208f, 0.0572f, 0.057193f, 0.057186f, 0.057179f, 0.057171f, 0.057164f, 0.057157f, 0.057149f, 0.057142f, 0.057135f, 0.057128f, 0.05712f, 0.057113f, 0.057106f, 0.057098f, 0.057091f, 0.057084f, 0.057076f,
-0.057069f, 0.057062f, 0.057055f, 0.057047f, 0.05704f, 0.057033f, 0.057025f, 0.057018f, 0.057011f, 0.057004f, 0.056996f, 0.056989f, 0.056982f, 0.056974f, 0.056967f, 0.05696f, 0.056953f, 0.056945f, 0.056938f, 0.056931f,
-0.056923f, 0.056916f, 0.056909f, 0.056902f, 0.056894f, 0.056887f, 0.05688f, 0.056873f, 0.056865f, 0.056858f, 0.056851f, 0.056843f, 0.056836f, 0.056829f, 0.056822f, 0.056814f, 0.056807f, 0.0568f, 0.056792f, 0.056785f,
-0.056778f, 0.056771f, 0.056763f, 0.056756f, 0.056749f, 0.056742f, 0.056734f, 0.056727f, 0.05672f, 0.056713f, 0.056705f, 0.056698f, 0.056691f, 0.056683f, 0.056676f, 0.056669f, 0.056662f, 0.056654f, 0.056647f, 0.05664f,
-0.056633f, 0.056625f, 0.056618f, 0.056611f, 0.056604f, 0.056596f, 0.056589f, 0.056582f, 0.056575f, 0.056567f, 0.05656f, 0.056553f, 0.056545f, 0.056538f, 0.056531f, 0.056524f, 0.056516f, 0.056509f, 0.056502f, 0.056495f,
-0.056487f, 0.05648f, 0.056473f, 0.056466f, 0.056458f, 0.056451f, 0.056444f, 0.056437f, 0.056429f, 0.056422f, 0.056415f, 0.056408f, 0.0564f, 0.056393f, 0.056386f, 0.056379f, 0.056371f, 0.056364f, 0.056357f, 0.05635f,
-0.056342f, 0.056335f, 0.056328f, 0.056321f, 0.056314f, 0.056306f, 0.056299f, 0.056292f, 0.056285f, 0.056277f, 0.05627f, 0.056263f, 0.056256f, 0.056248f, 0.056241f, 0.056234f, 0.056227f, 0.056219f, 0.056212f, 0.056205f,
-0.056198f, 0.05619f, 0.056183f, 0.056176f, 0.056169f, 0.056162f, 0.056154f, 0.056147f, 0.05614f, 0.056133f, 0.056125f, 0.056118f, 0.056111f, 0.056104f, 0.056096f, 0.056089f, 0.056082f, 0.056075f, 0.056068f, 0.05606f,
-0.056053f, 0.056046f, 0.056039f, 0.056031f, 0.056024f, 0.056017f, 0.05601f, 0.056003f, 0.055995f, 0.055988f, 0.055981f, 0.055974f, 0.055966f, 0.055959f, 0.055952f, 0.055945f, 0.055938f, 0.05593f, 0.055923f, 0.055916f,
-0.055909f, 0.055901f, 0.055894f, 0.055887f, 0.05588f, 0.055873f, 0.055865f, 0.055858f, 0.055851f, 0.055844f, 0.055837f, 0.055829f, 0.055822f, 0.055815f, 0.055808f, 0.055801f, 0.055793f, 0.055786f, 0.055779f, 0.055772f,
-0.055764f, 0.055757f, 0.05575f, 0.055743f, 0.055736f, 0.055728f, 0.055721f, 0.055714f, 0.055707f, 0.0557f, 0.055692f, 0.055685f, 0.055678f, 0.055671f, 0.055664f, 0.055656f, 0.055649f, 0.055642f, 0.055635f, 0.055628f,
-0.05562f, 0.055613f, 0.055606f, 0.055599f, 0.055592f, 0.055584f, 0.055577f, 0.05557f, 0.055563f, 0.055556f, 0.055548f, 0.055541f, 0.055534f, 0.055527f, 0.05552f, 0.055513f, 0.055505f, 0.055498f, 0.055491f, 0.055484f,
-0.055477f, 0.055469f, 0.055462f, 0.055455f, 0.055448f, 0.055441f, 0.055433f, 0.055426f, 0.055419f, 0.055412f, 0.055405f, 0.055398f, 0.05539f, 0.055383f, 0.055376f, 0.055369f, 0.055362f, 0.055354f, 0.055347f, 0.05534f,
-0.055333f, 0.055326f, 0.055319f, 0.055311f, 0.055304f, 0.055297f, 0.05529f, 0.055283f, 0.055275f, 0.055268f, 0.055261f, 0.055254f, 0.055247f, 0.05524f, 0.055232f, 0.055225f, 0.055218f, 0.055211f, 0.055204f, 0.055197f,
-0.055189f, 0.055182f, 0.055175f, 0.055168f, 0.055161f, 0.055154f, 0.055146f, 0.055139f, 0.055132f, 0.055125f, 0.055118f, 0.055111f, 0.055103f, 0.055096f, 0.055089f, 0.055082f, 0.055075f, 0.055068f, 0.05506f, 0.055053f,
-0.055046f, 0.055039f, 0.055032f, 0.055025f, 0.055018f, 0.05501f, 0.055003f, 0.054996f, 0.054989f, 0.054982f, 0.054975f, 0.054967f, 0.05496f, 0.054953f, 0.054946f, 0.054939f, 0.054932f, 0.054924f, 0.054917f, 0.05491f,
-0.054903f, 0.054896f, 0.054889f, 0.054882f, 0.054874f, 0.054867f, 0.05486f, 0.054853f, 0.054846f, 0.054839f, 0.054832f, 0.054824f, 0.054817f, 0.05481f, 0.054803f, 0.054796f, 0.054789f, 0.054782f, 0.054774f, 0.054767f,
-0.05476f, 0.054753f, 0.054746f, 0.054739f, 0.054732f, 0.054724f, 0.054717f, 0.05471f, 0.054703f, 0.054696f, 0.054689f, 0.054682f, 0.054674f, 0.054667f, 0.05466f, 0.054653f, 0.054646f, 0.054639f, 0.054632f, 0.054625f,
-0.054617f, 0.05461f, 0.054603f, 0.054596f, 0.054589f, 0.054582f, 0.054575f, 0.054567f, 0.05456f, 0.054553f, 0.054546f, 0.054539f, 0.054532f, 0.054525f, 0.054518f, 0.05451f, 0.054503f, 0.054496f, 0.054489f, 0.054482f,
-0.054475f, 0.054468f, 0.054461f, 0.054453f, 0.054446f, 0.054439f, 0.054432f, 0.054425f, 0.054418f, 0.054411f, 0.054404f, 0.054397f, 0.054389f, 0.054382f, 0.054375f, 0.054368f, 0.054361f, 0.054354f, 0.054347f, 0.05434f,
-0.054332f, 0.054325f, 0.054318f, 0.054311f, 0.054304f, 0.054297f, 0.05429f, 0.054283f, 0.054276f, 0.054268f, 0.054261f, 0.054254f, 0.054247f, 0.05424f, 0.054233f, 0.054226f, 0.054219f, 0.054212f, 0.054205f, 0.054197f,
-0.05419f, 0.054183f, 0.054176f, 0.054169f, 0.054162f, 0.054155f, 0.054148f, 0.054141f, 0.054133f, 0.054126f, 0.054119f, 0.054112f, 0.054105f, 0.054098f, 0.054091f, 0.054084f, 0.054077f, 0.05407f, 0.054062f, 0.054055f,
-0.054048f, 0.054041f, 0.054034f, 0.054027f, 0.05402f, 0.054013f, 0.054006f, 0.053999f, 0.053992f, 0.053984f, 0.053977f, 0.05397f, 0.053963f, 0.053956f, 0.053949f, 0.053942f, 0.053935f, 0.053928f, 0.053921f, 0.053914f,
-0.053907f, 0.053899f, 0.053892f, 0.053885f, 0.053878f, 0.053871f, 0.053864f, 0.053857f, 0.05385f, 0.053843f, 0.053836f, 0.053829f, 0.053822f, 0.053814f, 0.053807f, 0.0538f, 0.053793f, 0.053786f, 0.053779f, 0.053772f,
-0.053765f, 0.053758f, 0.053751f, 0.053744f, 0.053737f, 0.05373f, 0.053722f, 0.053715f, 0.053708f, 0.053701f, 0.053694f, 0.053687f, 0.05368f, 0.053673f, 0.053666f, 0.053659f, 0.053652f, 0.053645f, 0.053638f, 0.053631f,
-0.053623f, 0.053616f, 0.053609f, 0.053602f, 0.053595f, 0.053588f, 0.053581f, 0.053574f, 0.053567f, 0.05356f, 0.053553f, 0.053546f, 0.053539f, 0.053532f, 0.053525f, 0.053518f, 0.05351f, 0.053503f, 0.053496f, 0.053489f,
-0.053482f, 0.053475f, 0.053468f, 0.053461f, 0.053454f, 0.053447f, 0.05344f, 0.053433f, 0.053426f, 0.053419f, 0.053412f, 0.053405f, 0.053398f, 0.05339f, 0.053383f, 0.053376f, 0.053369f, 0.053362f, 0.053355f, 0.053348f,
-0.053341f, 0.053334f, 0.053327f, 0.05332f, 0.053313f, 0.053306f, 0.053299f, 0.053292f, 0.053285f, 0.053278f, 0.053271f, 0.053264f, 0.053257f, 0.05325f, 0.053243f, 0.053235f, 0.053228f, 0.053221f, 0.053214f, 0.053207f,
-0.0532f, 0.053193f, 0.053186f, 0.053179f, 0.053172f, 0.053165f, 0.053158f, 0.053151f, 0.053144f, 0.053137f, 0.05313f, 0.053123f, 0.053116f, 0.053109f, 0.053102f, 0.053095f, 0.053088f, 0.053081f, 0.053074f, 0.053067f,
-0.05306f, 0.053053f, 0.053046f, 0.053039f, 0.053031f, 0.053024f, 0.053017f, 0.05301f, 0.053003f, 0.052996f, 0.052989f, 0.052982f, 0.052975f, 0.052968f, 0.052961f, 0.052954f, 0.052947f, 0.05294f, 0.052933f, 0.052926f,
-0.052919f, 0.052912f, 0.052905f, 0.052898f, 0.052891f, 0.052884f, 0.052877f, 0.05287f, 0.052863f, 0.052856f, 0.052849f, 0.052842f, 0.052835f, 0.052828f, 0.052821f, 0.052814f, 0.052807f, 0.0528f, 0.052793f, 0.052786f,
-0.052779f, 0.052772f, 0.052765f, 0.052758f, 0.052751f, 0.052744f, 0.052737f, 0.05273f, 0.052723f, 0.052716f, 0.052709f, 0.052702f, 0.052695f, 0.052688f, 0.052681f, 0.052674f, 0.052667f, 0.05266f, 0.052653f, 0.052646f,
-0.052639f, 0.052632f, 0.052625f, 0.052618f, 0.052611f, 0.052604f, 0.052597f, 0.05259f, 0.052583f, 0.052576f, 0.052569f, 0.052562f, 0.052555f, 0.052548f, 0.052541f, 0.052534f, 0.052527f, 0.05252f, 0.052513f, 0.052506f,
-0.052499f, 0.052492f, 0.052485f, 0.052478f, 0.052471f, 0.052464f, 0.052457f, 0.05245f, 0.052443f, 0.052436f, 0.052429f, 0.052422f, 0.052415f, 0.052408f, 0.052401f, 0.052394f, 0.052387f, 0.05238f, 0.052373f, 0.052366f,
-0.052359f, 0.052352f, 0.052345f, 0.052338f, 0.052331f, 0.052324f, 0.052317f, 0.05231f, 0.052303f, 0.052296f, 0.052289f, 0.052282f, 0.052275f, 0.052268f, 0.052261f, 0.052254f, 0.052247f, 0.05224f, 0.052233f, 0.052226f,
-0.052219f, 0.052212f, 0.052205f, 0.052198f, 0.052191f, 0.052185f, 0.052178f, 0.052171f, 0.052164f, 0.052157f, 0.05215f, 0.052143f, 0.052136f, 0.052129f, 0.052122f, 0.052115f, 0.052108f, 0.052101f, 0.052094f, 0.052087f,
-0.05208f, 0.052073f, 0.052066f, 0.052059f, 0.052052f, 0.052045f, 0.052038f, 0.052031f, 0.052024f, 0.052017f, 0.05201f, 0.052003f, 0.051996f, 0.05199f, 0.051983f, 0.051976f, 0.051969f, 0.051962f, 0.051955f, 0.051948f,
-0.051941f, 0.051934f, 0.051927f, 0.05192f, 0.051913f, 0.051906f, 0.051899f, 0.051892f, 0.051885f, 0.051878f, 0.051871f, 0.051864f, 0.051857f, 0.05185f, 0.051843f, 0.051837f, 0.05183f, 0.051823f, 0.051816f, 0.051809f,
-0.051802f, 0.051795f, 0.051788f, 0.051781f, 0.051774f, 0.051767f, 0.05176f, 0.051753f, 0.051746f, 0.051739f, 0.051732f, 0.051725f, 0.051718f, 0.051712f, 0.051705f, 0.051698f, 0.051691f, 0.051684f, 0.051677f, 0.05167f,
-0.051663f, 0.051656f, 0.051649f, 0.051642f, 0.051635f, 0.051628f, 0.051621f, 0.051614f, 0.051608f, 0.051601f, 0.051594f, 0.051587f, 0.05158f, 0.051573f, 0.051566f, 0.051559f, 0.051552f, 0.051545f, 0.051538f, 0.051531f,
-0.051524f, 0.051517f, 0.05151f, 0.051504f, 0.051497f, 0.05149f, 0.051483f, 0.051476f, 0.051469f, 0.051462f, 0.051455f, 0.051448f, 0.051441f, 0.051434f, 0.051427f, 0.05142f, 0.051414f, 0.051407f, 0.0514f, 0.051393f,
-0.051386f, 0.051379f, 0.051372f, 0.051365f, 0.051358f, 0.051351f, 0.051344f, 0.051337f, 0.051331f, 0.051324f, 0.051317f, 0.05131f, 0.051303f, 0.051296f, 0.051289f, 0.051282f, 0.051275f, 0.051268f, 0.051261f, 0.051255f,
-0.051248f, 0.051241f, 0.051234f, 0.051227f, 0.05122f, 0.051213f, 0.051206f, 0.051199f, 0.051192f, 0.051185f, 0.051179f, 0.051172f, 0.051165f, 0.051158f, 0.051151f, 0.051144f, 0.051137f, 0.05113f, 0.051123f, 0.051116f,
-0.05111f, 0.051103f, 0.051096f, 0.051089f, 0.051082f, 0.051075f, 0.051068f, 0.051061f, 0.051054f, 0.051047f, 0.051041f, 0.051034f, 0.051027f, 0.05102f, 0.051013f, 0.051006f, 0.050999f, 0.050992f, 0.050985f, 0.050979f,
-0.050972f, 0.050965f, 0.050958f, 0.050951f, 0.050944f, 0.050937f, 0.05093f, 0.050923f, 0.050917f, 0.05091f, 0.050903f, 0.050896f, 0.050889f, 0.050882f, 0.050875f, 0.050868f, 0.050861f, 0.050855f, 0.050848f, 0.050841f,
-0.050834f, 0.050827f, 0.05082f, 0.050813f, 0.050806f, 0.0508f, 0.050793f, 0.050786f, 0.050779f, 0.050772f, 0.050765f, 0.050758f, 0.050751f, 0.050745f, 0.050738f, 0.050731f, 0.050724f, 0.050717f, 0.05071f, 0.050703f,
-0.050696f, 0.05069f, 0.050683f, 0.050676f, 0.050669f, 0.050662f, 0.050655f, 0.050648f, 0.050641f, 0.050635f, 0.050628f, 0.050621f, 0.050614f, 0.050607f, 0.0506f, 0.050593f, 0.050587f, 0.05058f, 0.050573f, 0.050566f,
-0.050559f, 0.050552f, 0.050545f, 0.050539f, 0.050532f, 0.050525f, 0.050518f, 0.050511f, 0.050504f, 0.050497f, 0.050491f, 0.050484f, 0.050477f, 0.05047f, 0.050463f, 0.050456f, 0.050449f, 0.050443f, 0.050436f, 0.050429f,
-0.050422f, 0.050415f, 0.050408f, 0.050401f, 0.050395f, 0.050388f, 0.050381f, 0.050374f, 0.050367f, 0.05036f, 0.050353f, 0.050347f, 0.05034f, 0.050333f, 0.050326f, 0.050319f, 0.050312f, 0.050306f, 0.050299f, 0.050292f,
-0.050285f, 0.050278f, 0.050271f, 0.050264f, 0.050258f, 0.050251f, 0.050244f, 0.050237f, 0.05023f, 0.050223f, 0.050217f, 0.05021f, 0.050203f, 0.050196f, 0.050189f, 0.050182f, 0.050176f, 0.050169f, 0.050162f, 0.050155f,
-0.050148f, 0.050141f, 0.050135f, 0.050128f, 0.050121f, 0.050114f, 0.050107f, 0.0501f, 0.050094f, 0.050087f, 0.05008f, 0.050073f, 0.050066f, 0.050059f, 0.050053f, 0.050046f, 0.050039f, 0.050032f, 0.050025f, 0.050018f,
-0.050012f, 0.050005f, 0.049998f, 0.049991f, 0.049984f, 0.049978f, 0.049971f, 0.049964f, 0.049957f, 0.04995f, 0.049943f, 0.049937f, 0.04993f, 0.049923f, 0.049916f, 0.049909f, 0.049902f, 0.049896f, 0.049889f, 0.049882f,
-0.049875f, 0.049868f, 0.049862f, 0.049855f, 0.049848f, 0.049841f, 0.049834f, 0.049828f, 0.049821f, 0.049814f, 0.049807f, 0.0498f, 0.049793f, 0.049787f, 0.04978f, 0.049773f, 0.049766f, 0.049759f, 0.049753f, 0.049746f,
-0.049739f, 0.049732f, 0.049725f, 0.049719f, 0.049712f, 0.049705f, 0.049698f, 0.049691f, 0.049685f, 0.049678f, 0.049671f, 0.049664f, 0.049657f, 0.049651f, 0.049644f, 0.049637f, 0.04963f, 0.049623f, 0.049617f, 0.04961f,
-0.049603f, 0.049596f, 0.049589f, 0.049583f, 0.049576f, 0.049569f, 0.049562f, 0.049555f, 0.049549f, 0.049542f, 0.049535f, 0.049528f, 0.049521f, 0.049515f, 0.049508f, 0.049501f, 0.049494f, 0.049488f, 0.049481f, 0.049474f,
-0.049467f, 0.04946f, 0.049454f, 0.049447f, 0.04944f, 0.049433f, 0.049426f, 0.04942f, 0.049413f, 0.049406f, 0.049399f, 0.049393f, 0.049386f, 0.049379f, 0.049372f, 0.049365f, 0.049359f, 0.049352f, 0.049345f, 0.049338f,
-0.049331f, 0.049325f, 0.049318f, 0.049311f, 0.049304f, 0.049298f, 0.049291f, 0.049284f, 0.049277f, 0.049271f, 0.049264f, 0.049257f, 0.04925f, 0.049243f, 0.049237f, 0.04923f, 0.049223f, 0.049216f, 0.04921f, 0.049203f,
-0.049196f, 0.049189f, 0.049182f, 0.049176f, 0.049169f, 0.049162f, 0.049155f, 0.049149f, 0.049142f, 0.049135f, 0.049128f, 0.049122f, 0.049115f, 0.049108f, 0.049101f, 0.049095f, 0.049088f, 0.049081f, 0.049074f, 0.049067f,
-0.049061f, 0.049054f, 0.049047f, 0.04904f, 0.049034f, 0.049027f, 0.04902f, 0.049013f, 0.049007f, 0.049f, 0.048993f, 0.048986f, 0.04898f, 0.048973f, 0.048966f, 0.048959f, 0.048953f, 0.048946f, 0.048939f, 0.048932f,
-0.048926f, 0.048919f, 0.048912f, 0.048905f, 0.048899f, 0.048892f, 0.048885f, 0.048878f, 0.048872f, 0.048865f, 0.048858f, 0.048851f, 0.048845f, 0.048838f, 0.048831f, 0.048824f, 0.048818f, 0.048811f, 0.048804f, 0.048797f,
-0.048791f, 0.048784f, 0.048777f, 0.048771f, 0.048764f, 0.048757f, 0.04875f, 0.048744f, 0.048737f, 0.04873f, 0.048723f, 0.048717f, 0.04871f, 0.048703f, 0.048696f, 0.04869f, 0.048683f, 0.048676f, 0.048669f, 0.048663f,
-0.048656f, 0.048649f, 0.048643f, 0.048636f, 0.048629f, 0.048622f, 0.048616f, 0.048609f, 0.048602f, 0.048595f, 0.048589f, 0.048582f, 0.048575f, 0.048569f, 0.048562f, 0.048555f, 0.048548f, 0.048542f, 0.048535f, 0.048528f,
-0.048521f, 0.048515f, 0.048508f, 0.048501f, 0.048495f, 0.048488f, 0.048481f, 0.048474f, 0.048468f, 0.048461f, 0.048454f, 0.048448f, 0.048441f, 0.048434f, 0.048427f, 0.048421f, 0.048414f, 0.048407f, 0.048401f, 0.048394f,
-0.048387f, 0.04838f, 0.048374f, 0.048367f, 0.04836f, 0.048354f, 0.048347f, 0.04834f, 0.048333f, 0.048327f, 0.04832f, 0.048313f, 0.048307f, 0.0483f, 0.048293f, 0.048286f, 0.04828f, 0.048273f, 0.048266f, 0.04826f,
-0.048253f, 0.048246f, 0.04824f, 0.048233f, 0.048226f, 0.048219f, 0.048213f, 0.048206f, 0.048199f, 0.048193f, 0.048186f, 0.048179f, 0.048173f, 0.048166f, 0.048159f, 0.048152f, 0.048146f, 0.048139f, 0.048132f, 0.048126f,
-0.048119f, 0.048112f, 0.048106f, 0.048099f, 0.048092f, 0.048085f, 0.048079f, 0.048072f, 0.048065f, 0.048059f, 0.048052f, 0.048045f, 0.048039f, 0.048032f, 0.048025f, 0.048019f, 0.048012f, 0.048005f, 0.047999f, 0.047992f,
-0.047985f, 0.047978f, 0.047972f, 0.047965f, 0.047958f, 0.047952f, 0.047945f, 0.047938f, 0.047932f, 0.047925f, 0.047918f, 0.047912f, 0.047905f, 0.047898f, 0.047892f, 0.047885f, 0.047878f, 0.047872f, 0.047865f, 0.047858f,
-0.047852f, 0.047845f, 0.047838f, 0.047832f, 0.047825f, 0.047818f, 0.047812f, 0.047805f, 0.047798f, 0.047791f, 0.047785f, 0.047778f, 0.047771f, 0.047765f, 0.047758f, 0.047751f, 0.047745f, 0.047738f, 0.047731f, 0.047725f,
-0.047718f, 0.047711f, 0.047705f, 0.047698f, 0.047691f, 0.047685f, 0.047678f, 0.047671f, 0.047665f, 0.047658f, 0.047652f, 0.047645f, 0.047638f, 0.047632f, 0.047625f, 0.047618f, 0.047612f, 0.047605f, 0.047598f, 0.047592f,
-0.047585f, 0.047578f, 0.047572f, 0.047565f, 0.047558f, 0.047552f, 0.047545f, 0.047538f, 0.047532f, 0.047525f, 0.047518f, 0.047512f, 0.047505f, 0.047498f, 0.047492f, 0.047485f, 0.047478f, 0.047472f, 0.047465f, 0.047459f,
-0.047452f, 0.047445f, 0.047439f, 0.047432f, 0.047425f, 0.047419f, 0.047412f, 0.047405f, 0.047399f, 0.047392f, 0.047385f, 0.047379f, 0.047372f, 0.047365f, 0.047359f, 0.047352f, 0.047346f, 0.047339f, 0.047332f, 0.047326f,
-0.047319f, 0.047312f, 0.047306f, 0.047299f, 0.047292f, 0.047286f, 0.047279f, 0.047273f, 0.047266f, 0.047259f, 0.047253f, 0.047246f, 0.047239f, 0.047233f, 0.047226f, 0.047219f, 0.047213f, 0.047206f, 0.0472f, 0.047193f,
-0.047186f, 0.04718f, 0.047173f, 0.047166f, 0.04716f, 0.047153f, 0.047147f, 0.04714f, 0.047133f, 0.047127f, 0.04712f, 0.047113f, 0.047107f, 0.0471f, 0.047094f, 0.047087f, 0.04708f, 0.047074f, 0.047067f, 0.04706f,
-0.047054f, 0.047047f, 0.047041f, 0.047034f, 0.047027f, 0.047021f, 0.047014f, 0.047008f, 0.047001f, 0.046994f, 0.046988f, 0.046981f, 0.046974f, 0.046968f, 0.046961f, 0.046955f, 0.046948f, 0.046941f, 0.046935f, 0.046928f,
-0.046922f, 0.046915f, 0.046908f, 0.046902f, 0.046895f, 0.046888f, 0.046882f, 0.046875f, 0.046869f, 0.046862f, 0.046855f, 0.046849f, 0.046842f, 0.046836f, 0.046829f, 0.046822f, 0.046816f, 0.046809f, 0.046803f, 0.046796f,
-0.046789f, 0.046783f, 0.046776f, 0.04677f, 0.046763f, 0.046756f, 0.04675f, 0.046743f, 0.046737f, 0.04673f, 0.046723f, 0.046717f, 0.04671f, 0.046704f, 0.046697f, 0.04669f, 0.046684f, 0.046677f, 0.046671f, 0.046664f,
-0.046657f, 0.046651f, 0.046644f, 0.046638f, 0.046631f, 0.046625f, 0.046618f, 0.046611f, 0.046605f, 0.046598f, 0.046592f, 0.046585f, 0.046578f, 0.046572f, 0.046565f, 0.046559f, 0.046552f, 0.046545f, 0.046539f, 0.046532f,
-0.046526f, 0.046519f, 0.046513f, 0.046506f, 0.046499f, 0.046493f, 0.046486f, 0.04648f, 0.046473f, 0.046467f, 0.04646f, 0.046453f, 0.046447f, 0.04644f, 0.046434f, 0.046427f, 0.04642f, 0.046414f, 0.046407f, 0.046401f,
-0.046394f, 0.046388f, 0.046381f, 0.046374f, 0.046368f, 0.046361f, 0.046355f, 0.046348f, 0.046342f, 0.046335f, 0.046328f, 0.046322f, 0.046315f, 0.046309f, 0.046302f, 0.046296f, 0.046289f, 0.046282f, 0.046276f, 0.046269f,
-0.046263f, 0.046256f, 0.04625f, 0.046243f, 0.046237f, 0.04623f, 0.046223f, 0.046217f, 0.04621f, 0.046204f, 0.046197f, 0.046191f, 0.046184f, 0.046178f, 0.046171f, 0.046164f, 0.046158f, 0.046151f, 0.046145f, 0.046138f,
-0.046132f, 0.046125f, 0.046119f, 0.046112f, 0.046105f, 0.046099f, 0.046092f, 0.046086f, 0.046079f, 0.046073f, 0.046066f, 0.04606f, 0.046053f, 0.046046f, 0.04604f, 0.046033f, 0.046027f, 0.04602f, 0.046014f, 0.046007f,
-0.046001f, 0.045994f, 0.045988f, 0.045981f, 0.045974f, 0.045968f, 0.045961f, 0.045955f, 0.045948f, 0.045942f, 0.045935f, 0.045929f, 0.045922f, 0.045916f, 0.045909f, 0.045902f, 0.045896f, 0.045889f, 0.045883f, 0.045876f,
-0.04587f, 0.045863f, 0.045857f, 0.04585f, 0.045844f, 0.045837f, 0.045831f, 0.045824f, 0.045818f, 0.045811f, 0.045804f, 0.045798f, 0.045791f, 0.045785f, 0.045778f, 0.045772f, 0.045765f, 0.045759f, 0.045752f, 0.045746f,
-0.045739f, 0.045733f, 0.045726f, 0.04572f, 0.045713f, 0.045707f, 0.0457f, 0.045693f, 0.045687f, 0.04568f, 0.045674f, 0.045667f, 0.045661f, 0.045654f, 0.045648f, 0.045641f, 0.045635f, 0.045628f, 0.045622f, 0.045615f,
-0.045609f, 0.045602f, 0.045596f, 0.045589f, 0.045583f, 0.045576f, 0.04557f, 0.045563f, 0.045557f, 0.04555f, 0.045544f, 0.045537f, 0.045531f, 0.045524f, 0.045518f, 0.045511f, 0.045505f, 0.045498f, 0.045491f, 0.045485f,
-0.045478f, 0.045472f, 0.045465f, 0.045459f, 0.045452f, 0.045446f, 0.045439f, 0.045433f, 0.045426f, 0.04542f, 0.045413f, 0.045407f, 0.0454f, 0.045394f, 0.045387f, 0.045381f, 0.045374f, 0.045368f, 0.045361f, 0.045355f,
-0.045348f, 0.045342f, 0.045335f, 0.045329f, 0.045322f, 0.045316f, 0.045309f, 0.045303f, 0.045296f, 0.04529f, 0.045283f, 0.045277f, 0.04527f, 0.045264f, 0.045257f, 0.045251f, 0.045244f, 0.045238f, 0.045232f, 0.045225f,
-0.045219f, 0.045212f, 0.045206f, 0.045199f, 0.045193f, 0.045186f, 0.04518f, 0.045173f, 0.045167f, 0.04516f, 0.045154f, 0.045147f, 0.045141f, 0.045134f, 0.045128f, 0.045121f, 0.045115f, 0.045108f, 0.045102f, 0.045095f,
-0.045089f, 0.045082f, 0.045076f, 0.045069f, 0.045063f, 0.045056f, 0.04505f, 0.045043f, 0.045037f, 0.045031f, 0.045024f, 0.045018f, 0.045011f, 0.045005f, 0.044998f, 0.044992f, 0.044985f, 0.044979f, 0.044972f, 0.044966f,
-0.044959f, 0.044953f, 0.044946f, 0.04494f, 0.044933f, 0.044927f, 0.044921f, 0.044914f, 0.044908f, 0.044901f, 0.044895f, 0.044888f, 0.044882f, 0.044875f, 0.044869f, 0.044862f, 0.044856f, 0.044849f, 0.044843f, 0.044836f,
-0.04483f, 0.044824f, 0.044817f, 0.044811f, 0.044804f, 0.044798f, 0.044791f, 0.044785f, 0.044778f, 0.044772f, 0.044765f, 0.044759f, 0.044752f, 0.044746f, 0.04474f, 0.044733f, 0.044727f, 0.04472f, 0.044714f, 0.044707f,
-0.044701f, 0.044694f, 0.044688f, 0.044682f, 0.044675f, 0.044669f, 0.044662f, 0.044656f, 0.044649f, 0.044643f, 0.044636f, 0.04463f, 0.044623f, 0.044617f, 0.044611f, 0.044604f, 0.044598f, 0.044591f, 0.044585f, 0.044578f,
-0.044572f, 0.044565f, 0.044559f, 0.044553f, 0.044546f, 0.04454f, 0.044533f, 0.044527f, 0.04452f, 0.044514f, 0.044508f, 0.044501f, 0.044495f, 0.044488f, 0.044482f, 0.044475f, 0.044469f, 0.044462f, 0.044456f, 0.04445f,
-0.044443f, 0.044437f, 0.04443f, 0.044424f, 0.044417f, 0.044411f, 0.044405f, 0.044398f, 0.044392f, 0.044385f, 0.044379f, 0.044372f, 0.044366f, 0.04436f, 0.044353f, 0.044347f, 0.04434f, 0.044334f, 0.044327f, 0.044321f,
-0.044315f, 0.044308f, 0.044302f, 0.044295f, 0.044289f, 0.044282f, 0.044276f, 0.04427f, 0.044263f, 0.044257f, 0.04425f, 0.044244f, 0.044238f, 0.044231f, 0.044225f, 0.044218f, 0.044212f, 0.044205f, 0.044199f, 0.044193f,
-0.044186f, 0.04418f, 0.044173f, 0.044167f, 0.044161f, 0.044154f, 0.044148f, 0.044141f, 0.044135f, 0.044128f, 0.044122f, 0.044116f, 0.044109f, 0.044103f, 0.044096f, 0.04409f, 0.044084f, 0.044077f, 0.044071f, 0.044064f,
-0.044058f, 0.044052f, 0.044045f, 0.044039f, 0.044032f, 0.044026f, 0.04402f, 0.044013f, 0.044007f, 0.044f, 0.043994f, 0.043988f, 0.043981f, 0.043975f, 0.043968f, 0.043962f, 0.043956f, 0.043949f, 0.043943f, 0.043936f,
-0.04393f, 0.043924f, 0.043917f, 0.043911f, 0.043904f, 0.043898f, 0.043892f, 0.043885f, 0.043879f, 0.043872f, 0.043866f, 0.04386f, 0.043853f, 0.043847f, 0.04384f, 0.043834f, 0.043828f, 0.043821f, 0.043815f, 0.043809f,
-0.043802f, 0.043796f, 0.043789f, 0.043783f, 0.043777f, 0.04377f, 0.043764f, 0.043757f, 0.043751f, 0.043745f, 0.043738f, 0.043732f, 0.043726f, 0.043719f, 0.043713f, 0.043706f, 0.0437f, 0.043694f, 0.043687f, 0.043681f,
-0.043674f, 0.043668f, 0.043662f, 0.043655f, 0.043649f, 0.043643f, 0.043636f, 0.04363f, 0.043623f, 0.043617f, 0.043611f, 0.043604f, 0.043598f, 0.043592f, 0.043585f, 0.043579f, 0.043572f, 0.043566f, 0.04356f, 0.043553f,
-0.043547f, 0.043541f, 0.043534f, 0.043528f, 0.043522f, 0.043515f, 0.043509f, 0.043502f, 0.043496f, 0.04349f, 0.043483f, 0.043477f, 0.043471f, 0.043464f, 0.043458f, 0.043452f, 0.043445f, 0.043439f, 0.043432f, 0.043426f,
-0.04342f, 0.043413f, 0.043407f, 0.043401f, 0.043394f, 0.043388f, 0.043382f, 0.043375f, 0.043369f, 0.043363f, 0.043356f, 0.04335f, 0.043343f, 0.043337f, 0.043331f, 0.043324f, 0.043318f, 0.043312f, 0.043305f, 0.043299f,
-0.043293f, 0.043286f, 0.04328f, 0.043274f, 0.043267f, 0.043261f, 0.043255f, 0.043248f, 0.043242f, 0.043236f, 0.043229f, 0.043223f, 0.043216f, 0.04321f, 0.043204f, 0.043197f, 0.043191f, 0.043185f, 0.043178f, 0.043172f,
-0.043166f, 0.043159f, 0.043153f, 0.043147f, 0.04314f, 0.043134f, 0.043128f, 0.043121f, 0.043115f, 0.043109f, 0.043102f, 0.043096f, 0.04309f, 0.043083f, 0.043077f, 0.043071f, 0.043064f, 0.043058f, 0.043052f, 0.043045f,
-0.043039f, 0.043033f, 0.043026f, 0.04302f, 0.043014f, 0.043007f, 0.043001f, 0.042995f, 0.042988f, 0.042982f, 0.042976f, 0.042969f, 0.042963f, 0.042957f, 0.04295f, 0.042944f, 0.042938f, 0.042931f, 0.042925f, 0.042919f,
-0.042912f, 0.042906f, 0.0429f, 0.042894f, 0.042887f, 0.042881f, 0.042875f, 0.042868f, 0.042862f, 0.042856f, 0.042849f, 0.042843f, 0.042837f, 0.04283f, 0.042824f, 0.042818f, 0.042811f, 0.042805f, 0.042799f, 0.042792f,
-0.042786f, 0.04278f, 0.042774f, 0.042767f, 0.042761f, 0.042755f, 0.042748f, 0.042742f, 0.042736f, 0.042729f, 0.042723f, 0.042717f, 0.04271f, 0.042704f, 0.042698f, 0.042692f, 0.042685f, 0.042679f, 0.042673f, 0.042666f,
-0.04266f, 0.042654f, 0.042647f, 0.042641f, 0.042635f, 0.042628f, 0.042622f, 0.042616f, 0.04261f, 0.042603f, 0.042597f, 0.042591f, 0.042584f, 0.042578f, 0.042572f, 0.042566f, 0.042559f, 0.042553f, 0.042547f, 0.04254f,
-0.042534f, 0.042528f, 0.042521f, 0.042515f, 0.042509f, 0.042503f, 0.042496f, 0.04249f, 0.042484f, 0.042477f, 0.042471f, 0.042465f, 0.042459f, 0.042452f, 0.042446f, 0.04244f, 0.042433f, 0.042427f, 0.042421f, 0.042415f,
-0.042408f, 0.042402f, 0.042396f, 0.042389f, 0.042383f, 0.042377f, 0.042371f, 0.042364f, 0.042358f, 0.042352f, 0.042345f, 0.042339f, 0.042333f, 0.042327f, 0.04232f, 0.042314f, 0.042308f, 0.042301f, 0.042295f, 0.042289f,
-0.042283f, 0.042276f, 0.04227f, 0.042264f, 0.042258f, 0.042251f, 0.042245f, 0.042239f, 0.042232f, 0.042226f, 0.04222f, 0.042214f, 0.042207f, 0.042201f, 0.042195f, 0.042189f, 0.042182f, 0.042176f, 0.04217f, 0.042163f,
-0.042157f, 0.042151f, 0.042145f, 0.042138f, 0.042132f, 0.042126f, 0.04212f, 0.042113f, 0.042107f, 0.042101f, 0.042095f, 0.042088f, 0.042082f, 0.042076f, 0.04207f, 0.042063f, 0.042057f, 0.042051f, 0.042045f, 0.042038f,
-0.042032f, 0.042026f, 0.042019f, 0.042013f, 0.042007f, 0.042001f, 0.041994f, 0.041988f, 0.041982f, 0.041976f, 0.041969f, 0.041963f, 0.041957f, 0.041951f, 0.041944f, 0.041938f, 0.041932f, 0.041926f, 0.041919f, 0.041913f,
-0.041907f, 0.041901f, 0.041894f, 0.041888f, 0.041882f, 0.041876f, 0.041869f, 0.041863f, 0.041857f, 0.041851f, 0.041845f, 0.041838f, 0.041832f, 0.041826f, 0.04182f, 0.041813f, 0.041807f, 0.041801f, 0.041795f, 0.041788f,
-0.041782f, 0.041776f, 0.04177f, 0.041763f, 0.041757f, 0.041751f, 0.041745f, 0.041738f, 0.041732f, 0.041726f, 0.04172f, 0.041714f, 0.041707f, 0.041701f, 0.041695f, 0.041689f, 0.041682f, 0.041676f, 0.04167f, 0.041664f,
-0.041657f, 0.041651f, 0.041645f, 0.041639f, 0.041633f, 0.041626f, 0.04162f, 0.041614f, 0.041608f, 0.041601f, 0.041595f, 0.041589f, 0.041583f, 0.041577f, 0.04157f, 0.041564f, 0.041558f, 0.041552f, 0.041545f, 0.041539f,
-0.041533f, 0.041527f, 0.041521f, 0.041514f, 0.041508f, 0.041502f, 0.041496f, 0.041489f, 0.041483f, 0.041477f, 0.041471f, 0.041465f, 0.041458f, 0.041452f, 0.041446f, 0.04144f, 0.041434f, 0.041427f, 0.041421f, 0.041415f,
-0.041409f, 0.041402f, 0.041396f, 0.04139f, 0.041384f, 0.041378f, 0.041371f, 0.041365f, 0.041359f, 0.041353f, 0.041347f, 0.04134f, 0.041334f, 0.041328f, 0.041322f, 0.041316f, 0.041309f, 0.041303f, 0.041297f, 0.041291f,
-0.041285f, 0.041278f, 0.041272f, 0.041266f, 0.04126f, 0.041254f, 0.041247f, 0.041241f, 0.041235f, 0.041229f, 0.041223f, 0.041216f, 0.04121f, 0.041204f, 0.041198f, 0.041192f, 0.041185f, 0.041179f, 0.041173f, 0.041167f,
-0.041161f, 0.041154f, 0.041148f, 0.041142f, 0.041136f, 0.04113f, 0.041124f, 0.041117f, 0.041111f, 0.041105f, 0.041099f, 0.041093f, 0.041086f, 0.04108f, 0.041074f, 0.041068f, 0.041062f, 0.041055f, 0.041049f, 0.041043f,
-0.041037f, 0.041031f, 0.041025f, 0.041018f, 0.041012f, 0.041006f, 0.041f, 0.040994f, 0.040987f, 0.040981f, 0.040975f, 0.040969f, 0.040963f, 0.040957f, 0.04095f, 0.040944f, 0.040938f, 0.040932f, 0.040926f, 0.04092f,
-0.040913f, 0.040907f, 0.040901f, 0.040895f, 0.040889f, 0.040883f, 0.040876f, 0.04087f, 0.040864f, 0.040858f, 0.040852f, 0.040845f, 0.040839f, 0.040833f, 0.040827f, 0.040821f, 0.040815f, 0.040808f, 0.040802f, 0.040796f,
-0.04079f, 0.040784f, 0.040778f, 0.040772f, 0.040765f, 0.040759f, 0.040753f, 0.040747f, 0.040741f, 0.040735f, 0.040728f, 0.040722f, 0.040716f, 0.04071f, 0.040704f, 0.040698f, 0.040691f, 0.040685f, 0.040679f, 0.040673f,
-0.040667f, 0.040661f, 0.040655f, 0.040648f, 0.040642f, 0.040636f, 0.04063f, 0.040624f, 0.040618f, 0.040611f, 0.040605f, 0.040599f, 0.040593f, 0.040587f, 0.040581f, 0.040575f, 0.040568f, 0.040562f, 0.040556f, 0.04055f,
-0.040544f, 0.040538f, 0.040532f, 0.040525f, 0.040519f, 0.040513f, 0.040507f, 0.040501f, 0.040495f, 0.040489f, 0.040482f, 0.040476f, 0.04047f, 0.040464f, 0.040458f, 0.040452f, 0.040446f, 0.040439f, 0.040433f, 0.040427f,
-0.040421f, 0.040415f, 0.040409f, 0.040403f, 0.040396f, 0.04039f, 0.040384f, 0.040378f, 0.040372f, 0.040366f, 0.04036f, 0.040354f, 0.040347f, 0.040341f, 0.040335f, 0.040329f, 0.040323f, 0.040317f, 0.040311f, 0.040305f,
-0.040298f, 0.040292f, 0.040286f, 0.04028f, 0.040274f, 0.040268f, 0.040262f, 0.040256f, 0.040249f, 0.040243f, 0.040237f, 0.040231f, 0.040225f, 0.040219f, 0.040213f, 0.040207f, 0.0402f, 0.040194f, 0.040188f, 0.040182f,
-0.040176f, 0.04017f, 0.040164f, 0.040158f, 0.040152f, 0.040145f, 0.040139f, 0.040133f, 0.040127f, 0.040121f, 0.040115f, 0.040109f, 0.040103f, 0.040096f, 0.04009f, 0.040084f, 0.040078f, 0.040072f, 0.040066f, 0.04006f,
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-0.039932f, 0.039926f, 0.039919f, 0.039913f, 0.039907f, 0.039901f, 0.039895f, 0.039889f, 0.039883f, 0.039877f, 0.039871f, 0.039865f, 0.039859f, 0.039852f, 0.039846f, 0.03984f, 0.039834f, 0.039828f, 0.039822f, 0.039816f,
-0.03981f, 0.039804f, 0.039798f, 0.039792f, 0.039785f, 0.039779f, 0.039773f, 0.039767f, 0.039761f, 0.039755f, 0.039749f, 0.039743f, 0.039737f, 0.039731f, 0.039725f, 0.039719f, 0.039712f, 0.039706f, 0.0397f, 0.039694f,
-0.039688f, 0.039682f, 0.039676f, 0.03967f, 0.039664f, 0.039658f, 0.039652f, 0.039646f, 0.039639f, 0.039633f, 0.039627f, 0.039621f, 0.039615f, 0.039609f, 0.039603f, 0.039597f, 0.039591f, 0.039585f, 0.039579f, 0.039573f,
-0.039567f, 0.039561f, 0.039554f, 0.039548f, 0.039542f, 0.039536f, 0.03953f, 0.039524f, 0.039518f, 0.039512f, 0.039506f, 0.0395f, 0.039494f, 0.039488f, 0.039482f, 0.039476f, 0.03947f, 0.039463f, 0.039457f, 0.039451f,
-0.039445f, 0.039439f, 0.039433f, 0.039427f, 0.039421f, 0.039415f, 0.039409f, 0.039403f, 0.039397f, 0.039391f, 0.039385f, 0.039379f, 0.039373f, 0.039367f, 0.03936f, 0.039354f, 0.039348f, 0.039342f, 0.039336f, 0.03933f,
-0.039324f, 0.039318f, 0.039312f, 0.039306f, 0.0393f, 0.039294f, 0.039288f, 0.039282f, 0.039276f, 0.03927f, 0.039264f, 0.039258f, 0.039252f, 0.039246f, 0.039239f, 0.039233f, 0.039227f, 0.039221f, 0.039215f, 0.039209f,
-0.039203f, 0.039197f, 0.039191f, 0.039185f, 0.039179f, 0.039173f, 0.039167f, 0.039161f, 0.039155f, 0.039149f, 0.039143f, 0.039137f, 0.039131f, 0.039125f, 0.039119f, 0.039113f, 0.039107f, 0.039101f, 0.039095f, 0.039089f,
-0.039082f, 0.039076f, 0.03907f, 0.039064f, 0.039058f, 0.039052f, 0.039046f, 0.03904f, 0.039034f, 0.039028f, 0.039022f, 0.039016f, 0.03901f, 0.039004f, 0.038998f, 0.038992f, 0.038986f, 0.03898f, 0.038974f, 0.038968f,
-0.038962f, 0.038956f, 0.03895f, 0.038944f, 0.038938f, 0.038932f, 0.038926f, 0.03892f, 0.038914f, 0.038908f, 0.038902f, 0.038896f, 0.03889f, 0.038884f, 0.038878f, 0.038872f, 0.038866f, 0.03886f, 0.038854f, 0.038848f,
-0.038842f, 0.038836f, 0.038829f, 0.038823f, 0.038817f, 0.038811f, 0.038805f, 0.038799f, 0.038793f, 0.038787f, 0.038781f, 0.038775f, 0.038769f, 0.038763f, 0.038757f, 0.038751f, 0.038745f, 0.038739f, 0.038733f, 0.038727f,
-0.038721f, 0.038715f, 0.038709f, 0.038703f, 0.038697f, 0.038691f, 0.038685f, 0.038679f, 0.038673f, 0.038667f, 0.038661f, 0.038655f, 0.038649f, 0.038643f, 0.038637f, 0.038631f, 0.038625f, 0.038619f, 0.038613f, 0.038607f,
-0.038601f, 0.038595f, 0.038589f, 0.038583f, 0.038577f, 0.038571f, 0.038565f, 0.038559f, 0.038553f, 0.038547f, 0.038541f, 0.038535f, 0.038529f, 0.038523f, 0.038517f, 0.038511f, 0.038505f, 0.038499f, 0.038493f, 0.038487f,
-0.038481f, 0.038476f, 0.03847f, 0.038464f, 0.038458f, 0.038452f, 0.038446f, 0.03844f, 0.038434f, 0.038428f, 0.038422f, 0.038416f, 0.03841f, 0.038404f, 0.038398f, 0.038392f, 0.038386f, 0.03838f, 0.038374f, 0.038368f,
-0.038362f, 0.038356f, 0.03835f, 0.038344f, 0.038338f, 0.038332f, 0.038326f, 0.03832f, 0.038314f, 0.038308f, 0.038302f, 0.038296f, 0.03829f, 0.038284f, 0.038278f, 0.038272f, 0.038266f, 0.03826f, 0.038254f, 0.038248f,
-0.038242f, 0.038236f, 0.03823f, 0.038224f, 0.038219f, 0.038213f, 0.038207f, 0.038201f, 0.038195f, 0.038189f, 0.038183f, 0.038177f, 0.038171f, 0.038165f, 0.038159f, 0.038153f, 0.038147f, 0.038141f, 0.038135f, 0.038129f,
-0.038123f, 0.038117f, 0.038111f, 0.038105f, 0.038099f, 0.038093f, 0.038087f, 0.038081f, 0.038075f, 0.03807f, 0.038064f, 0.038058f, 0.038052f, 0.038046f, 0.03804f, 0.038034f, 0.038028f, 0.038022f, 0.038016f, 0.03801f,
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-0.037885f, 0.037879f, 0.037873f, 0.037867f, 0.037861f, 0.037855f, 0.03785f, 0.037844f, 0.037838f, 0.037832f, 0.037826f, 0.03782f, 0.037814f, 0.037808f, 0.037802f, 0.037796f, 0.03779f, 0.037784f, 0.037778f, 0.037772f,
-0.037766f, 0.037761f, 0.037755f, 0.037749f, 0.037743f, 0.037737f, 0.037731f, 0.037725f, 0.037719f, 0.037713f, 0.037707f, 0.037701f, 0.037695f, 0.037689f, 0.037683f, 0.037678f, 0.037672f, 0.037666f, 0.03766f, 0.037654f,
-0.037648f, 0.037642f, 0.037636f, 0.03763f, 0.037624f, 0.037618f, 0.037612f, 0.037606f, 0.037601f, 0.037595f, 0.037589f, 0.037583f, 0.037577f, 0.037571f, 0.037565f, 0.037559f, 0.037553f, 0.037547f, 0.037541f, 0.037536f,
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-0.037411f, 0.037406f, 0.0374f, 0.037394f, 0.037388f, 0.037382f, 0.037376f, 0.03737f, 0.037364f, 0.037358f, 0.037352f, 0.037347f, 0.037341f, 0.037335f, 0.037329f, 0.037323f, 0.037317f, 0.037311f, 0.037305f, 0.037299f,
-0.037293f, 0.037288f, 0.037282f, 0.037276f, 0.03727f, 0.037264f, 0.037258f, 0.037252f, 0.037246f, 0.03724f, 0.037235f, 0.037229f, 0.037223f, 0.037217f, 0.037211f, 0.037205f, 0.037199f, 0.037193f, 0.037187f, 0.037182f,
-0.037176f, 0.03717f, 0.037164f, 0.037158f, 0.037152f, 0.037146f, 0.03714f, 0.037135f, 0.037129f, 0.037123f, 0.037117f, 0.037111f, 0.037105f, 0.037099f, 0.037093f, 0.037088f, 0.037082f, 0.037076f, 0.03707f, 0.037064f,
-0.037058f, 0.037052f, 0.037046f, 0.037041f, 0.037035f, 0.037029f, 0.037023f, 0.037017f, 0.037011f, 0.037005f, 0.036999f, 0.036994f, 0.036988f, 0.036982f, 0.036976f, 0.03697f, 0.036964f, 0.036958f, 0.036952f, 0.036947f,
-0.036941f, 0.036935f, 0.036929f, 0.036923f, 0.036917f, 0.036911f, 0.036906f, 0.0369f, 0.036894f, 0.036888f, 0.036882f, 0.036876f, 0.03687f, 0.036865f, 0.036859f, 0.036853f, 0.036847f, 0.036841f, 0.036835f, 0.036829f,
-0.036824f, 0.036818f, 0.036812f, 0.036806f, 0.0368f, 0.036794f, 0.036788f, 0.036783f, 0.036777f, 0.036771f, 0.036765f, 0.036759f, 0.036753f, 0.036747f, 0.036742f, 0.036736f, 0.03673f, 0.036724f, 0.036718f, 0.036712f,
-0.036706f, 0.036701f, 0.036695f, 0.036689f, 0.036683f, 0.036677f, 0.036671f, 0.036666f, 0.03666f, 0.036654f, 0.036648f, 0.036642f, 0.036636f, 0.036631f, 0.036625f, 0.036619f, 0.036613f, 0.036607f, 0.036601f, 0.036595f,
-0.03659f, 0.036584f, 0.036578f, 0.036572f, 0.036566f, 0.03656f, 0.036555f, 0.036549f, 0.036543f, 0.036537f, 0.036531f, 0.036525f, 0.03652f, 0.036514f, 0.036508f, 0.036502f, 0.036496f, 0.03649f, 0.036485f, 0.036479f,
-0.036473f, 0.036467f, 0.036461f, 0.036455f, 0.03645f, 0.036444f, 0.036438f, 0.036432f, 0.036426f, 0.036421f, 0.036415f, 0.036409f, 0.036403f, 0.036397f, 0.036391f, 0.036386f, 0.03638f, 0.036374f, 0.036368f, 0.036362f,
-0.036357f, 0.036351f, 0.036345f, 0.036339f, 0.036333f, 0.036327f, 0.036322f, 0.036316f, 0.03631f, 0.036304f, 0.036298f, 0.036293f, 0.036287f, 0.036281f, 0.036275f, 0.036269f, 0.036263f, 0.036258f, 0.036252f, 0.036246f,
-0.03624f, 0.036234f, 0.036229f, 0.036223f, 0.036217f, 0.036211f, 0.036205f, 0.0362f, 0.036194f, 0.036188f, 0.036182f, 0.036176f, 0.036171f, 0.036165f, 0.036159f, 0.036153f, 0.036147f, 0.036142f, 0.036136f, 0.03613f,
-0.036124f, 0.036118f, 0.036113f, 0.036107f, 0.036101f, 0.036095f, 0.036089f, 0.036084f, 0.036078f, 0.036072f, 0.036066f, 0.03606f, 0.036055f, 0.036049f, 0.036043f, 0.036037f, 0.036031f, 0.036026f, 0.03602f, 0.036014f,
-0.036008f, 0.036002f, 0.035997f, 0.035991f, 0.035985f, 0.035979f, 0.035973f, 0.035968f, 0.035962f, 0.035956f, 0.03595f, 0.035945f, 0.035939f, 0.035933f, 0.035927f, 0.035921f, 0.035916f, 0.03591f, 0.035904f, 0.035898f,
-0.035892f, 0.035887f, 0.035881f, 0.035875f, 0.035869f, 0.035864f, 0.035858f, 0.035852f, 0.035846f, 0.03584f, 0.035835f, 0.035829f, 0.035823f, 0.035817f, 0.035812f, 0.035806f, 0.0358f, 0.035794f, 0.035788f, 0.035783f,
-0.035777f, 0.035771f, 0.035765f, 0.03576f, 0.035754f, 0.035748f, 0.035742f, 0.035737f, 0.035731f, 0.035725f, 0.035719f, 0.035713f, 0.035708f, 0.035702f, 0.035696f, 0.03569f, 0.035685f, 0.035679f, 0.035673f, 0.035667f,
-0.035662f, 0.035656f, 0.03565f, 0.035644f, 0.035639f, 0.035633f, 0.035627f, 0.035621f, 0.035616f, 0.03561f, 0.035604f, 0.035598f, 0.035592f, 0.035587f, 0.035581f, 0.035575f, 0.035569f, 0.035564f, 0.035558f, 0.035552f,
-0.035546f, 0.035541f, 0.035535f, 0.035529f, 0.035523f, 0.035518f, 0.035512f, 0.035506f, 0.0355f, 0.035495f, 0.035489f, 0.035483f, 0.035477f, 0.035472f, 0.035466f, 0.03546f, 0.035454f, 0.035449f, 0.035443f, 0.035437f,
-0.035431f, 0.035426f, 0.03542f, 0.035414f, 0.035408f, 0.035403f, 0.035397f, 0.035391f, 0.035386f, 0.03538f, 0.035374f, 0.035368f, 0.035363f, 0.035357f, 0.035351f, 0.035345f, 0.03534f, 0.035334f, 0.035328f, 0.035322f,
-0.035317f, 0.035311f, 0.035305f, 0.035299f, 0.035294f, 0.035288f, 0.035282f, 0.035277f, 0.035271f, 0.035265f, 0.035259f, 0.035254f, 0.035248f, 0.035242f, 0.035236f, 0.035231f, 0.035225f, 0.035219f, 0.035213f, 0.035208f,
-0.035202f, 0.035196f, 0.035191f, 0.035185f, 0.035179f, 0.035173f, 0.035168f, 0.035162f, 0.035156f, 0.035151f, 0.035145f, 0.035139f, 0.035133f, 0.035128f, 0.035122f, 0.035116f, 0.03511f, 0.035105f, 0.035099f, 0.035093f,
-0.035088f, 0.035082f, 0.035076f, 0.03507f, 0.035065f, 0.035059f, 0.035053f, 0.035048f, 0.035042f, 0.035036f, 0.03503f, 0.035025f, 0.035019f, 0.035013f, 0.035008f, 0.035002f, 0.034996f, 0.034991f, 0.034985f, 0.034979f,
-0.034973f, 0.034968f, 0.034962f, 0.034956f, 0.034951f, 0.034945f, 0.034939f, 0.034933f, 0.034928f, 0.034922f, 0.034916f, 0.034911f, 0.034905f, 0.034899f, 0.034894f, 0.034888f, 0.034882f, 0.034876f, 0.034871f, 0.034865f,
-0.034859f, 0.034854f, 0.034848f, 0.034842f, 0.034837f, 0.034831f, 0.034825f, 0.034819f, 0.034814f, 0.034808f, 0.034802f, 0.034797f, 0.034791f, 0.034785f, 0.03478f, 0.034774f, 0.034768f, 0.034763f, 0.034757f, 0.034751f,
-0.034745f, 0.03474f, 0.034734f, 0.034728f, 0.034723f, 0.034717f, 0.034711f, 0.034706f, 0.0347f, 0.034694f, 0.034689f, 0.034683f, 0.034677f, 0.034672f, 0.034666f, 0.03466f, 0.034655f, 0.034649f, 0.034643f, 0.034637f,
-0.034632f, 0.034626f, 0.03462f, 0.034615f, 0.034609f, 0.034603f, 0.034598f, 0.034592f, 0.034586f, 0.034581f, 0.034575f, 0.034569f, 0.034564f, 0.034558f, 0.034552f, 0.034547f, 0.034541f, 0.034535f, 0.03453f, 0.034524f,
-0.034518f, 0.034513f, 0.034507f, 0.034501f, 0.034496f, 0.03449f, 0.034484f, 0.034479f, 0.034473f, 0.034467f, 0.034462f, 0.034456f, 0.03445f, 0.034445f, 0.034439f, 0.034433f, 0.034428f, 0.034422f, 0.034416f, 0.034411f,
-0.034405f, 0.034399f, 0.034394f, 0.034388f, 0.034382f, 0.034377f, 0.034371f, 0.034365f, 0.03436f, 0.034354f, 0.034348f, 0.034343f, 0.034337f, 0.034331f, 0.034326f, 0.03432f, 0.034314f, 0.034309f, 0.034303f, 0.034298f,
-0.034292f, 0.034286f, 0.034281f, 0.034275f, 0.034269f, 0.034264f, 0.034258f, 0.034252f, 0.034247f, 0.034241f, 0.034235f, 0.03423f, 0.034224f, 0.034218f, 0.034213f, 0.034207f, 0.034202f, 0.034196f, 0.03419f, 0.034185f,
-0.034179f, 0.034173f, 0.034168f, 0.034162f, 0.034156f, 0.034151f, 0.034145f, 0.034139f, 0.034134f, 0.034128f, 0.034123f, 0.034117f, 0.034111f, 0.034106f, 0.0341f, 0.034094f, 0.034089f, 0.034083f, 0.034077f, 0.034072f,
-0.034066f, 0.034061f, 0.034055f, 0.034049f, 0.034044f, 0.034038f, 0.034032f, 0.034027f, 0.034021f, 0.034016f, 0.03401f, 0.034004f, 0.033999f, 0.033993f, 0.033987f, 0.033982f, 0.033976f, 0.033971f, 0.033965f, 0.033959f,
-0.033954f, 0.033948f, 0.033942f, 0.033937f, 0.033931f, 0.033926f, 0.03392f, 0.033914f, 0.033909f, 0.033903f, 0.033897f, 0.033892f, 0.033886f, 0.033881f, 0.033875f, 0.033869f, 0.033864f, 0.033858f, 0.033852f, 0.033847f,
-0.033841f, 0.033836f, 0.03383f, 0.033824f, 0.033819f, 0.033813f, 0.033808f, 0.033802f, 0.033796f, 0.033791f, 0.033785f, 0.03378f, 0.033774f, 0.033768f, 0.033763f, 0.033757f, 0.033752f, 0.033746f, 0.03374f, 0.033735f,
-0.033729f, 0.033723f, 0.033718f, 0.033712f, 0.033707f, 0.033701f, 0.033695f, 0.03369f, 0.033684f, 0.033679f, 0.033673f, 0.033667f, 0.033662f, 0.033656f, 0.033651f, 0.033645f, 0.033639f, 0.033634f, 0.033628f, 0.033623f,
-0.033617f, 0.033611f, 0.033606f, 0.0336f, 0.033595f, 0.033589f, 0.033584f, 0.033578f, 0.033572f, 0.033567f, 0.033561f, 0.033556f, 0.03355f, 0.033544f, 0.033539f, 0.033533f, 0.033528f, 0.033522f, 0.033516f, 0.033511f,
-0.033505f, 0.0335f, 0.033494f, 0.033489f, 0.033483f, 0.033477f, 0.033472f, 0.033466f, 0.033461f, 0.033455f, 0.033449f, 0.033444f, 0.033438f, 0.033433f, 0.033427f, 0.033422f, 0.033416f, 0.03341f, 0.033405f, 0.033399f,
-0.033394f, 0.033388f, 0.033382f, 0.033377f, 0.033371f, 0.033366f, 0.03336f, 0.033355f, 0.033349f, 0.033343f, 0.033338f, 0.033332f, 0.033327f, 0.033321f, 0.033316f, 0.03331f, 0.033304f, 0.033299f, 0.033293f, 0.033288f,
-0.033282f, 0.033277f, 0.033271f, 0.033265f, 0.03326f, 0.033254f, 0.033249f, 0.033243f, 0.033238f, 0.033232f, 0.033227f, 0.033221f, 0.033215f, 0.03321f, 0.033204f, 0.033199f, 0.033193f, 0.033188f, 0.033182f, 0.033176f,
-0.033171f, 0.033165f, 0.03316f, 0.033154f, 0.033149f, 0.033143f, 0.033138f, 0.033132f, 0.033126f, 0.033121f, 0.033115f, 0.03311f, 0.033104f, 0.033099f, 0.033093f, 0.033088f, 0.033082f, 0.033077f, 0.033071f, 0.033065f,
-0.03306f, 0.033054f, 0.033049f, 0.033043f, 0.033038f, 0.033032f, 0.033027f, 0.033021f, 0.033015f, 0.03301f, 0.033004f, 0.032999f, 0.032993f, 0.032988f, 0.032982f, 0.032977f, 0.032971f, 0.032966f, 0.03296f, 0.032955f,
-0.032949f, 0.032943f, 0.032938f, 0.032932f, 0.032927f, 0.032921f, 0.032916f, 0.03291f, 0.032905f, 0.032899f, 0.032894f, 0.032888f, 0.032883f, 0.032877f, 0.032871f, 0.032866f, 0.03286f, 0.032855f, 0.032849f, 0.032844f,
-0.032838f, 0.032833f, 0.032827f, 0.032822f, 0.032816f, 0.032811f, 0.032805f, 0.0328f, 0.032794f, 0.032789f, 0.032783f, 0.032777f, 0.032772f, 0.032766f, 0.032761f, 0.032755f, 0.03275f, 0.032744f, 0.032739f, 0.032733f,
-0.032728f, 0.032722f, 0.032717f, 0.032711f, 0.032706f, 0.0327f, 0.032695f, 0.032689f, 0.032684f, 0.032678f, 0.032673f, 0.032667f, 0.032662f, 0.032656f, 0.032651f, 0.032645f, 0.03264f, 0.032634f, 0.032628f, 0.032623f,
-0.032617f, 0.032612f, 0.032606f, 0.032601f, 0.032595f, 0.03259f, 0.032584f, 0.032579f, 0.032573f, 0.032568f, 0.032562f, 0.032557f, 0.032551f, 0.032546f, 0.03254f, 0.032535f, 0.032529f, 0.032524f, 0.032518f, 0.032513f,
-0.032507f, 0.032502f, 0.032496f, 0.032491f, 0.032485f, 0.03248f, 0.032474f, 0.032469f, 0.032463f, 0.032458f, 0.032452f, 0.032447f, 0.032441f, 0.032436f, 0.03243f, 0.032425f, 0.032419f, 0.032414f, 0.032408f, 0.032403f,
-0.032397f, 0.032392f, 0.032386f, 0.032381f, 0.032375f, 0.03237f, 0.032364f, 0.032359f, 0.032353f, 0.032348f, 0.032342f, 0.032337f, 0.032331f, 0.032326f, 0.032321f, 0.032315f, 0.03231f, 0.032304f, 0.032299f, 0.032293f,
-0.032288f, 0.032282f, 0.032277f, 0.032271f, 0.032266f, 0.03226f, 0.032255f, 0.032249f, 0.032244f, 0.032238f, 0.032233f, 0.032227f, 0.032222f, 0.032216f, 0.032211f, 0.032205f, 0.0322f, 0.032194f, 0.032189f, 0.032183f,
-0.032178f, 0.032173f, 0.032167f, 0.032162f, 0.032156f, 0.032151f, 0.032145f, 0.03214f, 0.032134f, 0.032129f, 0.032123f, 0.032118f, 0.032112f, 0.032107f, 0.032101f, 0.032096f, 0.03209f, 0.032085f, 0.03208f, 0.032074f,
-0.032069f, 0.032063f, 0.032058f, 0.032052f, 0.032047f, 0.032041f, 0.032036f, 0.03203f, 0.032025f, 0.032019f, 0.032014f, 0.032009f, 0.032003f, 0.031998f, 0.031992f, 0.031987f, 0.031981f, 0.031976f, 0.03197f, 0.031965f,
-0.031959f, 0.031954f, 0.031949f, 0.031943f, 0.031938f, 0.031932f, 0.031927f, 0.031921f, 0.031916f, 0.03191f, 0.031905f, 0.031899f, 0.031894f, 0.031889f, 0.031883f, 0.031878f, 0.031872f, 0.031867f, 0.031861f, 0.031856f,
-0.03185f, 0.031845f, 0.03184f, 0.031834f, 0.031829f, 0.031823f, 0.031818f, 0.031812f, 0.031807f, 0.031801f, 0.031796f, 0.031791f, 0.031785f, 0.03178f, 0.031774f, 0.031769f, 0.031763f, 0.031758f, 0.031752f, 0.031747f,
-0.031742f, 0.031736f, 0.031731f, 0.031725f, 0.03172f, 0.031714f, 0.031709f, 0.031704f, 0.031698f, 0.031693f, 0.031687f, 0.031682f, 0.031676f, 0.031671f, 0.031665f, 0.03166f, 0.031655f, 0.031649f, 0.031644f, 0.031638f,
-0.031633f, 0.031627f, 0.031622f, 0.031617f, 0.031611f, 0.031606f, 0.0316f, 0.031595f, 0.03159f, 0.031584f, 0.031579f, 0.031573f, 0.031568f, 0.031562f, 0.031557f, 0.031552f, 0.031546f, 0.031541f, 0.031535f, 0.03153f,
-0.031524f, 0.031519f, 0.031514f, 0.031508f, 0.031503f, 0.031497f, 0.031492f, 0.031487f, 0.031481f, 0.031476f, 0.03147f, 0.031465f, 0.031459f, 0.031454f, 0.031449f, 0.031443f, 0.031438f, 0.031432f, 0.031427f, 0.031422f,
-0.031416f, 0.031411f, 0.031405f, 0.0314f, 0.031395f, 0.031389f, 0.031384f, 0.031378f, 0.031373f, 0.031368f, 0.031362f, 0.031357f, 0.031351f, 0.031346f, 0.03134f, 0.031335f, 0.03133f, 0.031324f, 0.031319f, 0.031313f,
-0.031308f, 0.031303f, 0.031297f, 0.031292f, 0.031286f, 0.031281f, 0.031276f, 0.03127f, 0.031265f, 0.03126f, 0.031254f, 0.031249f, 0.031243f, 0.031238f, 0.031233f, 0.031227f, 0.031222f, 0.031216f, 0.031211f, 0.031206f,
-0.0312f, 0.031195f, 0.031189f, 0.031184f, 0.031179f, 0.031173f, 0.031168f, 0.031162f, 0.031157f, 0.031152f, 0.031146f, 0.031141f, 0.031136f, 0.03113f, 0.031125f, 0.031119f, 0.031114f, 0.031109f, 0.031103f, 0.031098f,
-0.031092f, 0.031087f, 0.031082f, 0.031076f, 0.031071f, 0.031066f, 0.03106f, 0.031055f, 0.031049f, 0.031044f, 0.031039f, 0.031033f, 0.031028f, 0.031023f, 0.031017f, 0.031012f, 0.031006f, 0.031001f, 0.030996f, 0.03099f,
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-0.03045f, 0.030445f, 0.030439f, 0.030434f, 0.030429f, 0.030423f, 0.030418f, 0.030413f, 0.030407f, 0.030402f, 0.030397f, 0.030392f, 0.030386f, 0.030381f, 0.030376f, 0.03037f, 0.030365f, 0.03036f, 0.030354f, 0.030349f,
-0.030344f, 0.030338f, 0.030333f, 0.030328f, 0.030322f, 0.030317f, 0.030312f, 0.030306f, 0.030301f, 0.030296f, 0.030291f, 0.030285f, 0.03028f, 0.030275f, 0.030269f, 0.030264f, 0.030259f, 0.030253f, 0.030248f, 0.030243f,
-0.030237f, 0.030232f, 0.030227f, 0.030222f, 0.030216f, 0.030211f, 0.030206f, 0.0302f, 0.030195f, 0.03019f, 0.030184f, 0.030179f, 0.030174f, 0.030168f, 0.030163f, 0.030158f, 0.030153f, 0.030147f, 0.030142f, 0.030137f,
-0.030131f, 0.030126f, 0.030121f, 0.030116f, 0.03011f, 0.030105f, 0.0301f, 0.030094f, 0.030089f, 0.030084f, 0.030078f, 0.030073f, 0.030068f, 0.030063f, 0.030057f, 0.030052f, 0.030047f, 0.030041f, 0.030036f, 0.030031f,
-0.030026f, 0.03002f, 0.030015f, 0.03001f, 0.030004f, 0.029999f, 0.029994f, 0.029989f, 0.029983f, 0.029978f, 0.029973f, 0.029967f, 0.029962f, 0.029957f, 0.029952f, 0.029946f, 0.029941f, 0.029936f, 0.02993f, 0.029925f,
-0.02992f, 0.029915f, 0.029909f, 0.029904f, 0.029899f, 0.029893f, 0.029888f, 0.029883f, 0.029878f, 0.029872f, 0.029867f, 0.029862f, 0.029857f, 0.029851f, 0.029846f, 0.029841f, 0.029835f, 0.02983f, 0.029825f, 0.02982f,
-0.029814f, 0.029809f, 0.029804f, 0.029799f, 0.029793f, 0.029788f, 0.029783f, 0.029778f, 0.029772f, 0.029767f, 0.029762f, 0.029756f, 0.029751f, 0.029746f, 0.029741f, 0.029735f, 0.02973f, 0.029725f, 0.02972f, 0.029714f,
-0.029709f, 0.029704f, 0.029699f, 0.029693f, 0.029688f, 0.029683f, 0.029678f, 0.029672f, 0.029667f, 0.029662f, 0.029657f, 0.029651f, 0.029646f, 0.029641f, 0.029636f, 0.02963f, 0.029625f, 0.02962f, 0.029614f, 0.029609f,
-0.029604f, 0.029599f, 0.029593f, 0.029588f, 0.029583f, 0.029578f, 0.029572f, 0.029567f, 0.029562f, 0.029557f, 0.029552f, 0.029546f, 0.029541f, 0.029536f, 0.029531f, 0.029525f, 0.02952f, 0.029515f, 0.02951f, 0.029504f,
-0.029499f, 0.029494f, 0.029489f, 0.029483f, 0.029478f, 0.029473f, 0.029468f, 0.029462f, 0.029457f, 0.029452f, 0.029447f, 0.029441f, 0.029436f, 0.029431f, 0.029426f, 0.02942f, 0.029415f, 0.02941f, 0.029405f, 0.0294f,
-0.029394f, 0.029389f, 0.029384f, 0.029379f, 0.029373f, 0.029368f, 0.029363f, 0.029358f, 0.029352f, 0.029347f, 0.029342f, 0.029337f, 0.029332f, 0.029326f, 0.029321f, 0.029316f, 0.029311f, 0.029305f, 0.0293f, 0.029295f,
-0.02929f, 0.029285f, 0.029279f, 0.029274f, 0.029269f, 0.029264f, 0.029258f, 0.029253f, 0.029248f, 0.029243f, 0.029238f, 0.029232f, 0.029227f, 0.029222f, 0.029217f, 0.029211f, 0.029206f, 0.029201f, 0.029196f, 0.029191f,
-0.029185f, 0.02918f, 0.029175f, 0.02917f, 0.029165f, 0.029159f, 0.029154f, 0.029149f, 0.029144f, 0.029139f, 0.029133f, 0.029128f, 0.029123f, 0.029118f, 0.029112f, 0.029107f, 0.029102f, 0.029097f, 0.029092f, 0.029086f,
-0.029081f, 0.029076f, 0.029071f, 0.029066f, 0.02906f, 0.029055f, 0.02905f, 0.029045f, 0.02904f, 0.029034f, 0.029029f, 0.029024f, 0.029019f, 0.029014f, 0.029008f, 0.029003f, 0.028998f, 0.028993f, 0.028988f, 0.028982f,
-0.028977f, 0.028972f, 0.028967f, 0.028962f, 0.028956f, 0.028951f, 0.028946f, 0.028941f, 0.028936f, 0.028931f, 0.028925f, 0.02892f, 0.028915f, 0.02891f, 0.028905f, 0.028899f, 0.028894f, 0.028889f, 0.028884f, 0.028879f,
-0.028873f, 0.028868f, 0.028863f, 0.028858f, 0.028853f, 0.028848f, 0.028842f, 0.028837f, 0.028832f, 0.028827f, 0.028822f, 0.028816f, 0.028811f, 0.028806f, 0.028801f, 0.028796f, 0.028791f, 0.028785f, 0.02878f, 0.028775f,
-0.02877f, 0.028765f, 0.028759f, 0.028754f, 0.028749f, 0.028744f, 0.028739f, 0.028734f, 0.028728f, 0.028723f, 0.028718f, 0.028713f, 0.028708f, 0.028703f, 0.028697f, 0.028692f, 0.028687f, 0.028682f, 0.028677f, 0.028672f,
-0.028666f, 0.028661f, 0.028656f, 0.028651f, 0.028646f, 0.028641f, 0.028635f, 0.02863f, 0.028625f, 0.02862f, 0.028615f, 0.02861f, 0.028604f, 0.028599f, 0.028594f, 0.028589f, 0.028584f, 0.028579f, 0.028573f, 0.028568f,
-0.028563f, 0.028558f, 0.028553f, 0.028548f, 0.028543f, 0.028537f, 0.028532f, 0.028527f, 0.028522f, 0.028517f, 0.028512f, 0.028506f, 0.028501f, 0.028496f, 0.028491f, 0.028486f, 0.028481f, 0.028476f, 0.02847f, 0.028465f,
-0.02846f, 0.028455f, 0.02845f, 0.028445f, 0.028439f, 0.028434f, 0.028429f, 0.028424f, 0.028419f, 0.028414f, 0.028409f, 0.028403f, 0.028398f, 0.028393f, 0.028388f, 0.028383f, 0.028378f, 0.028373f, 0.028367f, 0.028362f,
-0.028357f, 0.028352f, 0.028347f, 0.028342f, 0.028337f, 0.028332f, 0.028326f, 0.028321f, 0.028316f, 0.028311f, 0.028306f, 0.028301f, 0.028296f, 0.02829f, 0.028285f, 0.02828f, 0.028275f, 0.02827f, 0.028265f, 0.02826f,
-0.028255f, 0.028249f, 0.028244f, 0.028239f, 0.028234f, 0.028229f, 0.028224f, 0.028219f, 0.028214f, 0.028208f, 0.028203f, 0.028198f, 0.028193f, 0.028188f, 0.028183f, 0.028178f, 0.028173f, 0.028167f, 0.028162f, 0.028157f,
-0.028152f, 0.028147f, 0.028142f, 0.028137f, 0.028132f, 0.028126f, 0.028121f, 0.028116f, 0.028111f, 0.028106f, 0.028101f, 0.028096f, 0.028091f, 0.028085f, 0.02808f, 0.028075f, 0.02807f, 0.028065f, 0.02806f, 0.028055f,
-0.02805f, 0.028045f, 0.028039f, 0.028034f, 0.028029f, 0.028024f, 0.028019f, 0.028014f, 0.028009f, 0.028004f, 0.027999f, 0.027994f, 0.027988f, 0.027983f, 0.027978f, 0.027973f, 0.027968f, 0.027963f, 0.027958f, 0.027953f,
-0.027948f, 0.027942f, 0.027937f, 0.027932f, 0.027927f, 0.027922f, 0.027917f, 0.027912f, 0.027907f, 0.027902f, 0.027897f, 0.027891f, 0.027886f, 0.027881f, 0.027876f, 0.027871f, 0.027866f, 0.027861f, 0.027856f, 0.027851f,
-0.027846f, 0.027841f, 0.027835f, 0.02783f, 0.027825f, 0.02782f, 0.027815f, 0.02781f, 0.027805f, 0.0278f, 0.027795f, 0.02779f, 0.027785f, 0.027779f, 0.027774f, 0.027769f, 0.027764f, 0.027759f, 0.027754f, 0.027749f,
-0.027744f, 0.027739f, 0.027734f, 0.027729f, 0.027724f, 0.027718f, 0.027713f, 0.027708f, 0.027703f, 0.027698f, 0.027693f, 0.027688f, 0.027683f, 0.027678f, 0.027673f, 0.027668f, 0.027663f, 0.027658f, 0.027652f, 0.027647f,
-0.027642f, 0.027637f, 0.027632f, 0.027627f, 0.027622f, 0.027617f, 0.027612f, 0.027607f, 0.027602f, 0.027597f, 0.027592f, 0.027587f, 0.027581f, 0.027576f, 0.027571f, 0.027566f, 0.027561f, 0.027556f, 0.027551f, 0.027546f,
-0.027541f, 0.027536f, 0.027531f, 0.027526f, 0.027521f, 0.027516f, 0.027511f, 0.027505f, 0.0275f, 0.027495f, 0.02749f, 0.027485f, 0.02748f, 0.027475f, 0.02747f, 0.027465f, 0.02746f, 0.027455f, 0.02745f, 0.027445f,
-0.02744f, 0.027435f, 0.02743f, 0.027425f, 0.02742f, 0.027414f, 0.027409f, 0.027404f, 0.027399f, 0.027394f, 0.027389f, 0.027384f, 0.027379f, 0.027374f, 0.027369f, 0.027364f, 0.027359f, 0.027354f, 0.027349f, 0.027344f,
-0.027339f, 0.027334f, 0.027329f, 0.027324f, 0.027319f, 0.027313f, 0.027308f, 0.027303f, 0.027298f, 0.027293f, 0.027288f, 0.027283f, 0.027278f, 0.027273f, 0.027268f, 0.027263f, 0.027258f, 0.027253f, 0.027248f, 0.027243f,
-0.027238f, 0.027233f, 0.027228f, 0.027223f, 0.027218f, 0.027213f, 0.027208f, 0.027203f, 0.027198f, 0.027193f, 0.027188f, 0.027183f, 0.027177f, 0.027172f, 0.027167f, 0.027162f, 0.027157f, 0.027152f, 0.027147f, 0.027142f,
-0.027137f, 0.027132f, 0.027127f, 0.027122f, 0.027117f, 0.027112f, 0.027107f, 0.027102f, 0.027097f, 0.027092f, 0.027087f, 0.027082f, 0.027077f, 0.027072f, 0.027067f, 0.027062f, 0.027057f, 0.027052f, 0.027047f, 0.027042f,
-0.027037f, 0.027032f, 0.027027f, 0.027022f, 0.027017f, 0.027012f, 0.027007f, 0.027002f, 0.026997f, 0.026992f, 0.026987f, 0.026982f, 0.026977f, 0.026972f, 0.026967f, 0.026962f, 0.026957f, 0.026952f, 0.026947f, 0.026942f,
-0.026937f, 0.026932f, 0.026927f, 0.026922f, 0.026917f, 0.026911f, 0.026906f, 0.026901f, 0.026896f, 0.026891f, 0.026886f, 0.026881f, 0.026876f, 0.026871f, 0.026866f, 0.026861f, 0.026856f, 0.026851f, 0.026846f, 0.026841f,
-0.026836f, 0.026831f, 0.026826f, 0.026821f, 0.026816f, 0.026811f, 0.026806f, 0.026801f, 0.026796f, 0.026791f, 0.026786f, 0.026781f, 0.026776f, 0.026772f, 0.026767f, 0.026762f, 0.026757f, 0.026752f, 0.026747f, 0.026742f,
-0.026737f, 0.026732f, 0.026727f, 0.026722f, 0.026717f, 0.026712f, 0.026707f, 0.026702f, 0.026697f, 0.026692f, 0.026687f, 0.026682f, 0.026677f, 0.026672f, 0.026667f, 0.026662f, 0.026657f, 0.026652f, 0.026647f, 0.026642f,
-0.026637f, 0.026632f, 0.026627f, 0.026622f, 0.026617f, 0.026612f, 0.026607f, 0.026602f, 0.026597f, 0.026592f, 0.026587f, 0.026582f, 0.026577f, 0.026572f, 0.026567f, 0.026562f, 0.026557f, 0.026552f, 0.026547f, 0.026542f,
-0.026537f, 0.026532f, 0.026527f, 0.026522f, 0.026517f, 0.026512f, 0.026508f, 0.026503f, 0.026498f, 0.026493f, 0.026488f, 0.026483f, 0.026478f, 0.026473f, 0.026468f, 0.026463f, 0.026458f, 0.026453f, 0.026448f, 0.026443f,
-0.026438f, 0.026433f, 0.026428f, 0.026423f, 0.026418f, 0.026413f, 0.026408f, 0.026403f, 0.026398f, 0.026393f, 0.026388f, 0.026383f, 0.026378f, 0.026374f, 0.026369f, 0.026364f, 0.026359f, 0.026354f, 0.026349f, 0.026344f,
-0.026339f, 0.026334f, 0.026329f, 0.026324f, 0.026319f, 0.026314f, 0.026309f, 0.026304f, 0.026299f, 0.026294f, 0.026289f, 0.026284f, 0.026279f, 0.026275f, 0.02627f, 0.026265f, 0.02626f, 0.026255f, 0.02625f, 0.026245f,
-0.02624f, 0.026235f, 0.02623f, 0.026225f, 0.02622f, 0.026215f, 0.02621f, 0.026205f, 0.0262f, 0.026195f, 0.02619f, 0.026186f, 0.026181f, 0.026176f, 0.026171f, 0.026166f, 0.026161f, 0.026156f, 0.026151f, 0.026146f,
-0.026141f, 0.026136f, 0.026131f, 0.026126f, 0.026121f, 0.026116f, 0.026112f, 0.026107f, 0.026102f, 0.026097f, 0.026092f, 0.026087f, 0.026082f, 0.026077f, 0.026072f, 0.026067f, 0.026062f, 0.026057f, 0.026052f, 0.026047f,
-0.026043f, 0.026038f, 0.026033f, 0.026028f, 0.026023f, 0.026018f, 0.026013f, 0.026008f, 0.026003f, 0.025998f, 0.025993f, 0.025988f, 0.025983f, 0.025979f, 0.025974f, 0.025969f, 0.025964f, 0.025959f, 0.025954f, 0.025949f,
-0.025944f, 0.025939f, 0.025934f, 0.025929f, 0.025924f, 0.02592f, 0.025915f, 0.02591f, 0.025905f, 0.0259f, 0.025895f, 0.02589f, 0.025885f, 0.02588f, 0.025875f, 0.02587f, 0.025866f, 0.025861f, 0.025856f, 0.025851f,
-0.025846f, 0.025841f, 0.025836f, 0.025831f, 0.025826f, 0.025821f, 0.025816f, 0.025812f, 0.025807f, 0.025802f, 0.025797f, 0.025792f, 0.025787f, 0.025782f, 0.025777f, 0.025772f, 0.025767f, 0.025763f, 0.025758f, 0.025753f,
-0.025748f, 0.025743f, 0.025738f, 0.025733f, 0.025728f, 0.025723f, 0.025718f, 0.025714f, 0.025709f, 0.025704f, 0.025699f, 0.025694f, 0.025689f, 0.025684f, 0.025679f, 0.025674f, 0.02567f, 0.025665f, 0.02566f, 0.025655f,
-0.02565f, 0.025645f, 0.02564f, 0.025635f, 0.02563f, 0.025626f, 0.025621f, 0.025616f, 0.025611f, 0.025606f, 0.025601f, 0.025596f, 0.025591f, 0.025587f, 0.025582f, 0.025577f, 0.025572f, 0.025567f, 0.025562f, 0.025557f,
-0.025552f, 0.025547f, 0.025543f, 0.025538f, 0.025533f, 0.025528f, 0.025523f, 0.025518f, 0.025513f, 0.025508f, 0.025504f, 0.025499f, 0.025494f, 0.025489f, 0.025484f, 0.025479f, 0.025474f, 0.02547f, 0.025465f, 0.02546f,
-0.025455f, 0.02545f, 0.025445f, 0.02544f, 0.025435f, 0.025431f, 0.025426f, 0.025421f, 0.025416f, 0.025411f, 0.025406f, 0.025401f, 0.025396f, 0.025392f, 0.025387f, 0.025382f, 0.025377f, 0.025372f, 0.025367f, 0.025362f,
-0.025358f, 0.025353f, 0.025348f, 0.025343f, 0.025338f, 0.025333f, 0.025328f, 0.025324f, 0.025319f, 0.025314f, 0.025309f, 0.025304f, 0.025299f, 0.025294f, 0.02529f, 0.025285f, 0.02528f, 0.025275f, 0.02527f, 0.025265f,
-0.025261f, 0.025256f, 0.025251f, 0.025246f, 0.025241f, 0.025236f, 0.025231f, 0.025227f, 0.025222f, 0.025217f, 0.025212f, 0.025207f, 0.025202f, 0.025197f, 0.025193f, 0.025188f, 0.025183f, 0.025178f, 0.025173f, 0.025168f,
-0.025164f, 0.025159f, 0.025154f, 0.025149f, 0.025144f, 0.025139f, 0.025135f, 0.02513f, 0.025125f, 0.02512f, 0.025115f, 0.02511f, 0.025106f, 0.025101f, 0.025096f, 0.025091f, 0.025086f, 0.025081f, 0.025077f, 0.025072f,
-0.025067f, 0.025062f, 0.025057f, 0.025052f, 0.025048f, 0.025043f, 0.025038f, 0.025033f, 0.025028f, 0.025023f, 0.025019f, 0.025014f, 0.025009f, 0.025004f, 0.024999f, 0.024994f, 0.02499f, 0.024985f, 0.02498f, 0.024975f,
-0.02497f, 0.024966f, 0.024961f, 0.024956f, 0.024951f, 0.024946f, 0.024941f, 0.024937f, 0.024932f, 0.024927f, 0.024922f, 0.024917f, 0.024912f, 0.024908f, 0.024903f, 0.024898f, 0.024893f, 0.024888f, 0.024884f, 0.024879f,
-0.024874f, 0.024869f, 0.024864f, 0.02486f, 0.024855f, 0.02485f, 0.024845f, 0.02484f, 0.024835f, 0.024831f, 0.024826f, 0.024821f, 0.024816f, 0.024811f, 0.024807f, 0.024802f, 0.024797f, 0.024792f, 0.024787f, 0.024783f,
-0.024778f, 0.024773f, 0.024768f, 0.024763f, 0.024759f, 0.024754f, 0.024749f, 0.024744f, 0.024739f, 0.024735f, 0.02473f, 0.024725f, 0.02472f, 0.024715f, 0.024711f, 0.024706f, 0.024701f, 0.024696f, 0.024691f, 0.024687f,
-0.024682f, 0.024677f, 0.024672f, 0.024667f, 0.024663f, 0.024658f, 0.024653f, 0.024648f, 0.024643f, 0.024639f, 0.024634f, 0.024629f, 0.024624f, 0.02462f, 0.024615f, 0.02461f, 0.024605f, 0.0246f, 0.024596f, 0.024591f,
-0.024586f, 0.024581f, 0.024576f, 0.024572f, 0.024567f, 0.024562f, 0.024557f, 0.024553f, 0.024548f, 0.024543f, 0.024538f, 0.024533f, 0.024529f, 0.024524f, 0.024519f, 0.024514f, 0.02451f, 0.024505f, 0.0245f, 0.024495f,
-0.02449f, 0.024486f, 0.024481f, 0.024476f, 0.024471f, 0.024467f, 0.024462f, 0.024457f, 0.024452f, 0.024447f, 0.024443f, 0.024438f, 0.024433f, 0.024428f, 0.024424f, 0.024419f, 0.024414f, 0.024409f, 0.024405f, 0.0244f,
-0.024395f, 0.02439f, 0.024385f, 0.024381f, 0.024376f, 0.024371f, 0.024366f, 0.024362f, 0.024357f, 0.024352f, 0.024347f, 0.024343f, 0.024338f, 0.024333f, 0.024328f, 0.024324f, 0.024319f, 0.024314f, 0.024309f, 0.024305f,
-0.0243f, 0.024295f, 0.02429f, 0.024285f, 0.024281f, 0.024276f, 0.024271f, 0.024266f, 0.024262f, 0.024257f, 0.024252f, 0.024247f, 0.024243f, 0.024238f, 0.024233f, 0.024228f, 0.024224f, 0.024219f, 0.024214f, 0.024209f,
-0.024205f, 0.0242f, 0.024195f, 0.02419f, 0.024186f, 0.024181f, 0.024176f, 0.024171f, 0.024167f, 0.024162f, 0.024157f, 0.024153f, 0.024148f, 0.024143f, 0.024138f, 0.024134f, 0.024129f, 0.024124f, 0.024119f, 0.024115f,
-0.02411f, 0.024105f, 0.0241f, 0.024096f, 0.024091f, 0.024086f, 0.024081f, 0.024077f, 0.024072f, 0.024067f, 0.024062f, 0.024058f, 0.024053f, 0.024048f, 0.024044f, 0.024039f, 0.024034f, 0.024029f, 0.024025f, 0.02402f,
-0.024015f, 0.02401f, 0.024006f, 0.024001f, 0.023996f, 0.023992f, 0.023987f, 0.023982f, 0.023977f, 0.023973f, 0.023968f, 0.023963f, 0.023958f, 0.023954f, 0.023949f, 0.023944f, 0.02394f, 0.023935f, 0.02393f, 0.023925f,
-0.023921f, 0.023916f, 0.023911f, 0.023907f, 0.023902f, 0.023897f, 0.023892f, 0.023888f, 0.023883f, 0.023878f, 0.023873f, 0.023869f, 0.023864f, 0.023859f, 0.023855f, 0.02385f, 0.023845f, 0.02384f, 0.023836f, 0.023831f,
-0.023826f, 0.023822f, 0.023817f, 0.023812f, 0.023808f, 0.023803f, 0.023798f, 0.023793f, 0.023789f, 0.023784f, 0.023779f, 0.023775f, 0.02377f, 0.023765f, 0.02376f, 0.023756f, 0.023751f, 0.023746f, 0.023742f, 0.023737f,
-0.023732f, 0.023728f, 0.023723f, 0.023718f, 0.023713f, 0.023709f, 0.023704f, 0.023699f, 0.023695f, 0.02369f, 0.023685f, 0.023681f, 0.023676f, 0.023671f, 0.023666f, 0.023662f, 0.023657f, 0.023652f, 0.023648f, 0.023643f,
-0.023638f, 0.023634f, 0.023629f, 0.023624f, 0.02362f, 0.023615f, 0.02361f, 0.023605f, 0.023601f, 0.023596f, 0.023591f, 0.023587f, 0.023582f, 0.023577f, 0.023573f, 0.023568f, 0.023563f, 0.023559f, 0.023554f, 0.023549f,
-0.023545f, 0.02354f, 0.023535f, 0.023531f, 0.023526f, 0.023521f, 0.023516f, 0.023512f, 0.023507f, 0.023502f, 0.023498f, 0.023493f, 0.023488f, 0.023484f, 0.023479f, 0.023474f, 0.02347f, 0.023465f, 0.02346f, 0.023456f,
-0.023451f, 0.023446f, 0.023442f, 0.023437f, 0.023432f, 0.023428f, 0.023423f, 0.023418f, 0.023414f, 0.023409f, 0.023404f, 0.0234f, 0.023395f, 0.02339f, 0.023386f, 0.023381f, 0.023376f, 0.023372f, 0.023367f, 0.023362f,
-0.023358f, 0.023353f, 0.023348f, 0.023344f, 0.023339f, 0.023334f, 0.02333f, 0.023325f, 0.02332f, 0.023316f, 0.023311f, 0.023306f, 0.023302f, 0.023297f, 0.023292f, 0.023288f, 0.023283f, 0.023278f, 0.023274f, 0.023269f,
-0.023264f, 0.02326f, 0.023255f, 0.02325f, 0.023246f, 0.023241f, 0.023237f, 0.023232f, 0.023227f, 0.023223f, 0.023218f, 0.023213f, 0.023209f, 0.023204f, 0.023199f, 0.023195f, 0.02319f, 0.023185f, 0.023181f, 0.023176f,
-0.023171f, 0.023167f, 0.023162f, 0.023158f, 0.023153f, 0.023148f, 0.023144f, 0.023139f, 0.023134f, 0.02313f, 0.023125f, 0.02312f, 0.023116f, 0.023111f, 0.023106f, 0.023102f, 0.023097f, 0.023093f, 0.023088f, 0.023083f,
-0.023079f, 0.023074f, 0.023069f, 0.023065f, 0.02306f, 0.023055f, 0.023051f, 0.023046f, 0.023042f, 0.023037f, 0.023032f, 0.023028f, 0.023023f, 0.023018f, 0.023014f, 0.023009f, 0.023005f, 0.023f, 0.022995f, 0.022991f,
-0.022986f, 0.022981f, 0.022977f, 0.022972f, 0.022967f, 0.022963f, 0.022958f, 0.022954f, 0.022949f, 0.022944f, 0.02294f, 0.022935f, 0.022931f, 0.022926f, 0.022921f, 0.022917f, 0.022912f, 0.022907f, 0.022903f, 0.022898f,
-0.022894f, 0.022889f, 0.022884f, 0.02288f, 0.022875f, 0.02287f, 0.022866f, 0.022861f, 0.022857f, 0.022852f, 0.022847f, 0.022843f, 0.022838f, 0.022834f, 0.022829f, 0.022824f, 0.02282f, 0.022815f, 0.022811f, 0.022806f,
-0.022801f, 0.022797f, 0.022792f, 0.022787f, 0.022783f, 0.022778f, 0.022774f, 0.022769f, 0.022764f, 0.02276f, 0.022755f, 0.022751f, 0.022746f, 0.022741f, 0.022737f, 0.022732f, 0.022728f, 0.022723f, 0.022718f, 0.022714f,
-0.022709f, 0.022705f, 0.0227f, 0.022695f, 0.022691f, 0.022686f, 0.022682f, 0.022677f, 0.022672f, 0.022668f, 0.022663f, 0.022659f, 0.022654f, 0.022649f, 0.022645f, 0.02264f, 0.022636f, 0.022631f, 0.022627f, 0.022622f,
-0.022617f, 0.022613f, 0.022608f, 0.022604f, 0.022599f, 0.022594f, 0.02259f, 0.022585f, 0.022581f, 0.022576f, 0.022571f, 0.022567f, 0.022562f, 0.022558f, 0.022553f, 0.022549f, 0.022544f, 0.022539f, 0.022535f, 0.02253f,
-0.022526f, 0.022521f, 0.022516f, 0.022512f, 0.022507f, 0.022503f, 0.022498f, 0.022494f, 0.022489f, 0.022484f, 0.02248f, 0.022475f, 0.022471f, 0.022466f, 0.022462f, 0.022457f, 0.022452f, 0.022448f, 0.022443f, 0.022439f,
-0.022434f, 0.02243f, 0.022425f, 0.02242f, 0.022416f, 0.022411f, 0.022407f, 0.022402f, 0.022398f, 0.022393f, 0.022388f, 0.022384f, 0.022379f, 0.022375f, 0.02237f, 0.022366f, 0.022361f, 0.022356f, 0.022352f, 0.022347f,
-0.022343f, 0.022338f, 0.022334f, 0.022329f, 0.022325f, 0.02232f, 0.022315f, 0.022311f, 0.022306f, 0.022302f, 0.022297f, 0.022293f, 0.022288f, 0.022284f, 0.022279f, 0.022274f, 0.02227f, 0.022265f, 0.022261f, 0.022256f,
-0.022252f, 0.022247f, 0.022243f, 0.022238f, 0.022233f, 0.022229f, 0.022224f, 0.02222f, 0.022215f, 0.022211f, 0.022206f, 0.022202f, 0.022197f, 0.022193f, 0.022188f, 0.022183f, 0.022179f, 0.022174f, 0.02217f, 0.022165f,
-0.022161f, 0.022156f, 0.022152f, 0.022147f, 0.022143f, 0.022138f, 0.022133f, 0.022129f, 0.022124f, 0.02212f, 0.022115f, 0.022111f, 0.022106f, 0.022102f, 0.022097f, 0.022093f, 0.022088f, 0.022084f, 0.022079f, 0.022074f,
-0.02207f, 0.022065f, 0.022061f, 0.022056f, 0.022052f, 0.022047f, 0.022043f, 0.022038f, 0.022034f, 0.022029f, 0.022025f, 0.02202f, 0.022016f, 0.022011f, 0.022007f, 0.022002f, 0.021997f, 0.021993f, 0.021988f, 0.021984f,
-0.021979f, 0.021975f, 0.02197f, 0.021966f, 0.021961f, 0.021957f, 0.021952f, 0.021948f, 0.021943f, 0.021939f, 0.021934f, 0.02193f, 0.021925f, 0.021921f, 0.021916f, 0.021912f, 0.021907f, 0.021903f, 0.021898f, 0.021893f,
-0.021889f, 0.021884f, 0.02188f, 0.021875f, 0.021871f, 0.021866f, 0.021862f, 0.021857f, 0.021853f, 0.021848f, 0.021844f, 0.021839f, 0.021835f, 0.02183f, 0.021826f, 0.021821f, 0.021817f, 0.021812f, 0.021808f, 0.021803f,
-0.021799f, 0.021794f, 0.02179f, 0.021785f, 0.021781f, 0.021776f, 0.021772f, 0.021767f, 0.021763f, 0.021758f, 0.021754f, 0.021749f, 0.021745f, 0.02174f, 0.021736f, 0.021731f, 0.021727f, 0.021722f, 0.021718f, 0.021713f,
-0.021709f, 0.021704f, 0.0217f, 0.021695f, 0.021691f, 0.021686f, 0.021682f, 0.021677f, 0.021673f, 0.021668f, 0.021664f, 0.021659f, 0.021655f, 0.02165f, 0.021646f, 0.021641f, 0.021637f, 0.021632f, 0.021628f, 0.021623f,
-0.021619f, 0.021614f, 0.02161f, 0.021605f, 0.021601f, 0.021596f, 0.021592f, 0.021588f, 0.021583f, 0.021579f, 0.021574f, 0.02157f, 0.021565f, 0.021561f, 0.021556f, 0.021552f, 0.021547f, 0.021543f, 0.021538f, 0.021534f,
-0.021529f, 0.021525f, 0.02152f, 0.021516f, 0.021511f, 0.021507f, 0.021502f, 0.021498f, 0.021493f, 0.021489f, 0.021485f, 0.02148f, 0.021476f, 0.021471f, 0.021467f, 0.021462f, 0.021458f, 0.021453f, 0.021449f, 0.021444f,
-0.02144f, 0.021435f, 0.021431f, 0.021426f, 0.021422f, 0.021417f, 0.021413f, 0.021409f, 0.021404f, 0.0214f, 0.021395f, 0.021391f, 0.021386f, 0.021382f, 0.021377f, 0.021373f, 0.021368f, 0.021364f, 0.021359f, 0.021355f,
-0.021351f, 0.021346f, 0.021342f, 0.021337f, 0.021333f, 0.021328f, 0.021324f, 0.021319f, 0.021315f, 0.02131f, 0.021306f, 0.021301f, 0.021297f, 0.021293f, 0.021288f, 0.021284f, 0.021279f, 0.021275f, 0.02127f, 0.021266f,
-0.021261f, 0.021257f, 0.021253f, 0.021248f, 0.021244f, 0.021239f, 0.021235f, 0.02123f, 0.021226f, 0.021221f, 0.021217f, 0.021213f, 0.021208f, 0.021204f, 0.021199f, 0.021195f, 0.02119f, 0.021186f, 0.021181f, 0.021177f,
-0.021173f, 0.021168f, 0.021164f, 0.021159f, 0.021155f, 0.02115f, 0.021146f, 0.021141f, 0.021137f, 0.021133f, 0.021128f, 0.021124f, 0.021119f, 0.021115f, 0.02111f, 0.021106f, 0.021102f, 0.021097f, 0.021093f, 0.021088f,
-0.021084f, 0.021079f, 0.021075f, 0.021071f, 0.021066f, 0.021062f, 0.021057f, 0.021053f, 0.021048f, 0.021044f, 0.02104f, 0.021035f, 0.021031f, 0.021026f, 0.021022f, 0.021017f, 0.021013f, 0.021009f, 0.021004f, 0.021f,
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-0.020907f, 0.020903f, 0.020898f, 0.020894f, 0.020889f, 0.020885f, 0.02088f, 0.020876f, 0.020872f, 0.020867f, 0.020863f, 0.020858f, 0.020854f, 0.02085f, 0.020845f, 0.020841f, 0.020836f, 0.020832f, 0.020828f, 0.020823f,
-0.020819f, 0.020814f, 0.02081f, 0.020806f, 0.020801f, 0.020797f, 0.020792f, 0.020788f, 0.020784f, 0.020779f, 0.020775f, 0.02077f, 0.020766f, 0.020762f, 0.020757f, 0.020753f, 0.020748f, 0.020744f, 0.02074f, 0.020735f,
-0.020731f, 0.020726f, 0.020722f, 0.020718f, 0.020713f, 0.020709f, 0.020704f, 0.0207f, 0.020696f, 0.020691f, 0.020687f, 0.020682f, 0.020678f, 0.020674f, 0.020669f, 0.020665f, 0.020661f, 0.020656f, 0.020652f, 0.020647f,
-0.020643f, 0.020639f, 0.020634f, 0.02063f, 0.020625f, 0.020621f, 0.020617f, 0.020612f, 0.020608f, 0.020604f, 0.020599f, 0.020595f, 0.02059f, 0.020586f, 0.020582f, 0.020577f, 0.020573f, 0.020569f, 0.020564f, 0.02056f,
-0.020555f, 0.020551f, 0.020547f, 0.020542f, 0.020538f, 0.020534f, 0.020529f, 0.020525f, 0.02052f, 0.020516f, 0.020512f, 0.020507f, 0.020503f, 0.020499f, 0.020494f, 0.02049f, 0.020485f, 0.020481f, 0.020477f, 0.020472f,
-0.020468f, 0.020464f, 0.020459f, 0.020455f, 0.020451f, 0.020446f, 0.020442f, 0.020437f, 0.020433f, 0.020429f, 0.020424f, 0.02042f, 0.020416f, 0.020411f, 0.020407f, 0.020403f, 0.020398f, 0.020394f, 0.020389f, 0.020385f,
-0.020381f, 0.020376f, 0.020372f, 0.020368f, 0.020363f, 0.020359f, 0.020355f, 0.02035f, 0.020346f, 0.020342f, 0.020337f, 0.020333f, 0.020329f, 0.020324f, 0.02032f, 0.020315f, 0.020311f, 0.020307f, 0.020302f, 0.020298f,
-0.020294f, 0.020289f, 0.020285f, 0.020281f, 0.020276f, 0.020272f, 0.020268f, 0.020263f, 0.020259f, 0.020255f, 0.02025f, 0.020246f, 0.020242f, 0.020237f, 0.020233f, 0.020229f, 0.020224f, 0.02022f, 0.020216f, 0.020211f,
-0.020207f, 0.020203f, 0.020198f, 0.020194f, 0.02019f, 0.020185f, 0.020181f, 0.020177f, 0.020172f, 0.020168f, 0.020164f, 0.020159f, 0.020155f, 0.020151f, 0.020146f, 0.020142f, 0.020138f, 0.020133f, 0.020129f, 0.020125f,
-0.02012f, 0.020116f, 0.020112f, 0.020107f, 0.020103f, 0.020099f, 0.020094f, 0.02009f, 0.020086f, 0.020081f, 0.020077f, 0.020073f, 0.020068f, 0.020064f, 0.02006f, 0.020055f, 0.020051f, 0.020047f, 0.020042f, 0.020038f,
-0.020034f, 0.020029f, 0.020025f, 0.020021f, 0.020016f, 0.020012f, 0.020008f, 0.020003f, 0.019999f, 0.019995f, 0.019991f, 0.019986f, 0.019982f, 0.019978f, 0.019973f, 0.019969f, 0.019965f, 0.01996f, 0.019956f, 0.019952f,
-0.019947f, 0.019943f, 0.019939f, 0.019934f, 0.01993f, 0.019926f, 0.019922f, 0.019917f, 0.019913f, 0.019909f, 0.019904f, 0.0199f, 0.019896f, 0.019891f, 0.019887f, 0.019883f, 0.019879f, 0.019874f, 0.01987f, 0.019866f,
-0.019861f, 0.019857f, 0.019853f, 0.019848f, 0.019844f, 0.01984f, 0.019836f, 0.019831f, 0.019827f, 0.019823f, 0.019818f, 0.019814f, 0.01981f, 0.019805f, 0.019801f, 0.019797f, 0.019793f, 0.019788f, 0.019784f, 0.01978f,
-0.019775f, 0.019771f, 0.019767f, 0.019763f, 0.019758f, 0.019754f, 0.01975f, 0.019745f, 0.019741f, 0.019737f, 0.019732f, 0.019728f, 0.019724f, 0.01972f, 0.019715f, 0.019711f, 0.019707f, 0.019703f, 0.019698f, 0.019694f,
-0.01969f, 0.019685f, 0.019681f, 0.019677f, 0.019673f, 0.019668f, 0.019664f, 0.01966f, 0.019655f, 0.019651f, 0.019647f, 0.019643f, 0.019638f, 0.019634f, 0.01963f, 0.019625f, 0.019621f, 0.019617f, 0.019613f, 0.019608f,
-0.019604f, 0.0196f, 0.019596f, 0.019591f, 0.019587f, 0.019583f, 0.019578f, 0.019574f, 0.01957f, 0.019566f, 0.019561f, 0.019557f, 0.019553f, 0.019549f, 0.019544f, 0.01954f, 0.019536f, 0.019532f, 0.019527f, 0.019523f,
-0.019519f, 0.019514f, 0.01951f, 0.019506f, 0.019502f, 0.019497f, 0.019493f, 0.019489f, 0.019485f, 0.01948f, 0.019476f, 0.019472f, 0.019468f, 0.019463f, 0.019459f, 0.019455f, 0.019451f, 0.019446f, 0.019442f, 0.019438f,
-0.019434f, 0.019429f, 0.019425f, 0.019421f, 0.019417f, 0.019412f, 0.019408f, 0.019404f, 0.0194f, 0.019395f, 0.019391f, 0.019387f, 0.019383f, 0.019378f, 0.019374f, 0.01937f, 0.019366f, 0.019361f, 0.019357f, 0.019353f,
-0.019349f, 0.019344f, 0.01934f, 0.019336f, 0.019332f, 0.019327f, 0.019323f, 0.019319f, 0.019315f, 0.01931f, 0.019306f, 0.019302f, 0.019298f, 0.019293f, 0.019289f, 0.019285f, 0.019281f, 0.019276f, 0.019272f, 0.019268f,
-0.019264f, 0.01926f, 0.019255f, 0.019251f, 0.019247f, 0.019243f, 0.019238f, 0.019234f, 0.01923f, 0.019226f, 0.019221f, 0.019217f, 0.019213f, 0.019209f, 0.019205f, 0.0192f, 0.019196f, 0.019192f, 0.019188f, 0.019183f,
-0.019179f, 0.019175f, 0.019171f, 0.019166f, 0.019162f, 0.019158f, 0.019154f, 0.01915f, 0.019145f, 0.019141f, 0.019137f, 0.019133f, 0.019128f, 0.019124f, 0.01912f, 0.019116f, 0.019112f, 0.019107f, 0.019103f, 0.019099f,
-0.019095f, 0.01909f, 0.019086f, 0.019082f, 0.019078f, 0.019074f, 0.019069f, 0.019065f, 0.019061f, 0.019057f, 0.019053f, 0.019048f, 0.019044f, 0.01904f, 0.019036f, 0.019032f, 0.019027f, 0.019023f, 0.019019f, 0.019015f,
-0.01901f, 0.019006f, 0.019002f, 0.018998f, 0.018994f, 0.018989f, 0.018985f, 0.018981f, 0.018977f, 0.018973f, 0.018968f, 0.018964f, 0.01896f, 0.018956f, 0.018952f, 0.018947f, 0.018943f, 0.018939f, 0.018935f, 0.018931f,
-0.018926f, 0.018922f, 0.018918f, 0.018914f, 0.01891f, 0.018905f, 0.018901f, 0.018897f, 0.018893f, 0.018889f, 0.018884f, 0.01888f, 0.018876f, 0.018872f, 0.018868f, 0.018863f, 0.018859f, 0.018855f, 0.018851f, 0.018847f,
-0.018843f, 0.018838f, 0.018834f, 0.01883f, 0.018826f, 0.018822f, 0.018817f, 0.018813f, 0.018809f, 0.018805f, 0.018801f, 0.018796f, 0.018792f, 0.018788f, 0.018784f, 0.01878f, 0.018776f, 0.018771f, 0.018767f, 0.018763f,
-0.018759f, 0.018755f, 0.01875f, 0.018746f, 0.018742f, 0.018738f, 0.018734f, 0.01873f, 0.018725f, 0.018721f, 0.018717f, 0.018713f, 0.018709f, 0.018705f, 0.0187f, 0.018696f, 0.018692f, 0.018688f, 0.018684f, 0.01868f,
-0.018675f, 0.018671f, 0.018667f, 0.018663f, 0.018659f, 0.018654f, 0.01865f, 0.018646f, 0.018642f, 0.018638f, 0.018634f, 0.018629f, 0.018625f, 0.018621f, 0.018617f, 0.018613f, 0.018609f, 0.018605f, 0.0186f, 0.018596f,
-0.018592f, 0.018588f, 0.018584f, 0.01858f, 0.018575f, 0.018571f, 0.018567f, 0.018563f, 0.018559f, 0.018555f, 0.01855f, 0.018546f, 0.018542f, 0.018538f, 0.018534f, 0.01853f, 0.018525f, 0.018521f, 0.018517f, 0.018513f,
-0.018509f, 0.018505f, 0.018501f, 0.018496f, 0.018492f, 0.018488f, 0.018484f, 0.01848f, 0.018476f, 0.018472f, 0.018467f, 0.018463f, 0.018459f, 0.018455f, 0.018451f, 0.018447f, 0.018443f, 0.018438f, 0.018434f, 0.01843f,
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-0.017607f, 0.017603f, 0.017599f, 0.017595f, 0.017591f, 0.017587f, 0.017582f, 0.017578f, 0.017574f, 0.01757f, 0.017566f, 0.017562f, 0.017558f, 0.017554f, 0.01755f, 0.017546f, 0.017542f, 0.017538f, 0.017534f, 0.01753f,
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-0.017044f, 0.01704f, 0.017036f, 0.017032f, 0.017028f, 0.017024f, 0.017021f, 0.017017f, 0.017013f, 0.017009f, 0.017005f, 0.017001f, 0.016997f, 0.016993f, 0.016989f, 0.016985f, 0.016981f, 0.016977f, 0.016973f, 0.016969f,
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-0.014006f, 0.014002f, 0.013999f, 0.013995f, 0.013992f, 0.013988f, 0.013984f, 0.013981f, 0.013977f, 0.013974f, 0.01397f, 0.013966f, 0.013963f, 0.013959f, 0.013956f, 0.013952f, 0.013948f, 0.013945f, 0.013941f, 0.013938f,
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-0.013862f, 0.013858f, 0.013855f, 0.013851f, 0.013848f, 0.013844f, 0.01384f, 0.013837f, 0.013833f, 0.01383f, 0.013826f, 0.013822f, 0.013819f, 0.013815f, 0.013812f, 0.013808f, 0.013805f, 0.013801f, 0.013797f, 0.013794f,
-0.01379f, 0.013787f, 0.013783f, 0.013779f, 0.013776f, 0.013772f, 0.013769f, 0.013765f, 0.013762f, 0.013758f, 0.013754f, 0.013751f, 0.013747f, 0.013744f, 0.01374f, 0.013736f, 0.013733f, 0.013729f, 0.013726f, 0.013722f,
-0.013719f, 0.013715f, 0.013711f, 0.013708f, 0.013704f, 0.013701f, 0.013697f, 0.013694f, 0.01369f, 0.013686f, 0.013683f, 0.013679f, 0.013676f, 0.013672f, 0.013669f, 0.013665f, 0.013661f, 0.013658f, 0.013654f, 0.013651f,
-0.013647f, 0.013644f, 0.01364f, 0.013637f, 0.013633f, 0.013629f, 0.013626f, 0.013622f, 0.013619f, 0.013615f, 0.013612f, 0.013608f, 0.013604f, 0.013601f, 0.013597f, 0.013594f, 0.01359f, 0.013587f, 0.013583f, 0.01358f,
-0.013576f, 0.013572f, 0.013569f, 0.013565f, 0.013562f, 0.013558f, 0.013555f, 0.013551f, 0.013548f, 0.013544f, 0.01354f, 0.013537f, 0.013533f, 0.01353f, 0.013526f, 0.013523f, 0.013519f, 0.013516f, 0.013512f, 0.013509f,
-0.013505f, 0.013501f, 0.013498f, 0.013494f, 0.013491f, 0.013487f, 0.013484f, 0.01348f, 0.013477f, 0.013473f, 0.01347f, 0.013466f, 0.013462f, 0.013459f, 0.013455f, 0.013452f, 0.013448f, 0.013445f, 0.013441f, 0.013438f,
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-0.013293f, 0.01329f, 0.013286f, 0.013282f, 0.013279f, 0.013275f, 0.013272f, 0.013268f, 0.013265f, 0.013261f, 0.013258f, 0.013254f, 0.013251f, 0.013247f, 0.013244f, 0.01324f, 0.013237f, 0.013233f, 0.01323f, 0.013226f,
-0.013223f, 0.013219f, 0.013216f, 0.013212f, 0.013209f, 0.013205f, 0.013202f, 0.013198f, 0.013195f, 0.013191f, 0.013188f, 0.013184f, 0.013181f, 0.013177f, 0.013174f, 0.01317f, 0.013167f, 0.013163f, 0.01316f, 0.013156f,
-0.013153f, 0.013149f, 0.013146f, 0.013142f, 0.013139f, 0.013135f, 0.013132f, 0.013128f, 0.013125f, 0.013121f, 0.013118f, 0.013114f, 0.013111f, 0.013107f, 0.013104f, 0.0131f, 0.013097f, 0.013093f, 0.01309f, 0.013086f,
-0.013083f, 0.013079f, 0.013076f, 0.013072f, 0.013069f, 0.013065f, 0.013062f, 0.013058f, 0.013055f, 0.013051f, 0.013048f, 0.013044f, 0.013041f, 0.013037f, 0.013034f, 0.01303f, 0.013027f, 0.013023f, 0.01302f, 0.013017f,
-0.013013f, 0.01301f, 0.013006f, 0.013003f, 0.012999f, 0.012996f, 0.012992f, 0.012989f, 0.012985f, 0.012982f, 0.012978f, 0.012975f, 0.012971f, 0.012968f, 0.012964f, 0.012961f, 0.012957f, 0.012954f, 0.01295f, 0.012947f,
-0.012944f, 0.01294f, 0.012937f, 0.012933f, 0.01293f, 0.012926f, 0.012923f, 0.012919f, 0.012916f, 0.012912f, 0.012909f, 0.012905f, 0.012902f, 0.012898f, 0.012895f, 0.012891f, 0.012888f, 0.012885f, 0.012881f, 0.012878f,
-0.012874f, 0.012871f, 0.012867f, 0.012864f, 0.01286f, 0.012857f, 0.012853f, 0.01285f, 0.012846f, 0.012843f, 0.01284f, 0.012836f, 0.012833f, 0.012829f, 0.012826f, 0.012822f, 0.012819f, 0.012815f, 0.012812f, 0.012808f,
-0.012805f, 0.012802f, 0.012798f, 0.012795f, 0.012791f, 0.012788f, 0.012784f, 0.012781f, 0.012777f, 0.012774f, 0.01277f, 0.012767f, 0.012764f, 0.01276f, 0.012757f, 0.012753f, 0.01275f, 0.012746f, 0.012743f, 0.012739f,
-0.012736f, 0.012733f, 0.012729f, 0.012726f, 0.012722f, 0.012719f, 0.012715f, 0.012712f, 0.012708f, 0.012705f, 0.012702f, 0.012698f, 0.012695f, 0.012691f, 0.012688f, 0.012684f, 0.012681f, 0.012678f, 0.012674f, 0.012671f,
-0.012667f, 0.012664f, 0.01266f, 0.012657f, 0.012654f, 0.01265f, 0.012647f, 0.012643f, 0.01264f, 0.012636f, 0.012633f, 0.012629f, 0.012626f, 0.012623f, 0.012619f, 0.012616f, 0.012612f, 0.012609f, 0.012605f, 0.012602f,
-0.012599f, 0.012595f, 0.012592f, 0.012588f, 0.012585f, 0.012582f, 0.012578f, 0.012575f, 0.012571f, 0.012568f, 0.012564f, 0.012561f, 0.012558f, 0.012554f, 0.012551f, 0.012547f, 0.012544f, 0.01254f, 0.012537f, 0.012534f,
-0.01253f, 0.012527f, 0.012523f, 0.01252f, 0.012517f, 0.012513f, 0.01251f, 0.012506f, 0.012503f, 0.012499f, 0.012496f, 0.012493f, 0.012489f, 0.012486f, 0.012482f, 0.012479f, 0.012476f, 0.012472f, 0.012469f, 0.012465f,
-0.012462f, 0.012459f, 0.012455f, 0.012452f, 0.012448f, 0.012445f, 0.012442f, 0.012438f, 0.012435f, 0.012431f, 0.012428f, 0.012425f, 0.012421f, 0.012418f, 0.012414f, 0.012411f, 0.012408f, 0.012404f, 0.012401f, 0.012397f,
-0.012394f, 0.012391f, 0.012387f, 0.012384f, 0.01238f, 0.012377f, 0.012374f, 0.01237f, 0.012367f, 0.012363f, 0.01236f, 0.012357f, 0.012353f, 0.01235f, 0.012346f, 0.012343f, 0.01234f, 0.012336f, 0.012333f, 0.012329f,
-0.012326f, 0.012323f, 0.012319f, 0.012316f, 0.012313f, 0.012309f, 0.012306f, 0.012302f, 0.012299f, 0.012296f, 0.012292f, 0.012289f, 0.012285f, 0.012282f, 0.012279f, 0.012275f, 0.012272f, 0.012269f, 0.012265f, 0.012262f,
-0.012258f, 0.012255f, 0.012252f, 0.012248f, 0.012245f, 0.012242f, 0.012238f, 0.012235f, 0.012231f, 0.012228f, 0.012225f, 0.012221f, 0.012218f, 0.012215f, 0.012211f, 0.012208f, 0.012204f, 0.012201f, 0.012198f, 0.012194f,
-0.012191f, 0.012188f, 0.012184f, 0.012181f, 0.012177f, 0.012174f, 0.012171f, 0.012167f, 0.012164f, 0.012161f, 0.012157f, 0.012154f, 0.012151f, 0.012147f, 0.012144f, 0.01214f, 0.012137f, 0.012134f, 0.01213f, 0.012127f,
-0.012124f, 0.01212f, 0.012117f, 0.012114f, 0.01211f, 0.012107f, 0.012103f, 0.0121f, 0.012097f, 0.012093f, 0.01209f, 0.012087f, 0.012083f, 0.01208f, 0.012077f, 0.012073f, 0.01207f, 0.012067f, 0.012063f, 0.01206f,
-0.012057f, 0.012053f, 0.01205f, 0.012046f, 0.012043f, 0.01204f, 0.012036f, 0.012033f, 0.01203f, 0.012026f, 0.012023f, 0.01202f, 0.012016f, 0.012013f, 0.01201f, 0.012006f, 0.012003f, 0.012f, 0.011996f, 0.011993f,
-0.01199f, 0.011986f, 0.011983f, 0.01198f, 0.011976f, 0.011973f, 0.01197f, 0.011966f, 0.011963f, 0.01196f, 0.011956f, 0.011953f, 0.01195f, 0.011946f, 0.011943f, 0.01194f, 0.011936f, 0.011933f, 0.01193f, 0.011926f,
-0.011923f, 0.01192f, 0.011916f, 0.011913f, 0.01191f, 0.011906f, 0.011903f, 0.0119f, 0.011896f, 0.011893f, 0.01189f, 0.011886f, 0.011883f, 0.01188f, 0.011876f, 0.011873f, 0.01187f, 0.011866f, 0.011863f, 0.01186f,
-0.011856f, 0.011853f, 0.01185f, 0.011846f, 0.011843f, 0.01184f, 0.011836f, 0.011833f, 0.01183f, 0.011826f, 0.011823f, 0.01182f, 0.011816f, 0.011813f, 0.01181f, 0.011807f, 0.011803f, 0.0118f, 0.011797f, 0.011793f,
-0.01179f, 0.011787f, 0.011783f, 0.01178f, 0.011777f, 0.011773f, 0.01177f, 0.011767f, 0.011763f, 0.01176f, 0.011757f, 0.011754f, 0.01175f, 0.011747f, 0.011744f, 0.01174f, 0.011737f, 0.011734f, 0.01173f, 0.011727f,
-0.011724f, 0.01172f, 0.011717f, 0.011714f, 0.011711f, 0.011707f, 0.011704f, 0.011701f, 0.011697f, 0.011694f, 0.011691f, 0.011687f, 0.011684f, 0.011681f, 0.011678f, 0.011674f, 0.011671f, 0.011668f, 0.011664f, 0.011661f,
-0.011658f, 0.011654f, 0.011651f, 0.011648f, 0.011645f, 0.011641f, 0.011638f, 0.011635f, 0.011631f, 0.011628f, 0.011625f, 0.011622f, 0.011618f, 0.011615f, 0.011612f, 0.011608f, 0.011605f, 0.011602f, 0.011599f, 0.011595f,
-0.011592f, 0.011589f, 0.011585f, 0.011582f, 0.011579f, 0.011576f, 0.011572f, 0.011569f, 0.011566f, 0.011562f, 0.011559f, 0.011556f, 0.011553f, 0.011549f, 0.011546f, 0.011543f, 0.011539f, 0.011536f, 0.011533f, 0.01153f,
-0.011526f, 0.011523f, 0.01152f, 0.011517f, 0.011513f, 0.01151f, 0.011507f, 0.011503f, 0.0115f, 0.011497f, 0.011494f, 0.01149f, 0.011487f, 0.011484f, 0.011481f, 0.011477f, 0.011474f, 0.011471f, 0.011467f, 0.011464f,
-0.011461f, 0.011458f, 0.011454f, 0.011451f, 0.011448f, 0.011445f, 0.011441f, 0.011438f, 0.011435f, 0.011432f, 0.011428f, 0.011425f, 0.011422f, 0.011418f, 0.011415f, 0.011412f, 0.011409f, 0.011405f, 0.011402f, 0.011399f,
-0.011396f, 0.011392f, 0.011389f, 0.011386f, 0.011383f, 0.011379f, 0.011376f, 0.011373f, 0.01137f, 0.011366f, 0.011363f, 0.01136f, 0.011357f, 0.011353f, 0.01135f, 0.011347f, 0.011344f, 0.01134f, 0.011337f, 0.011334f,
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-0.011137f, 0.011133f, 0.01113f, 0.011127f, 0.011124f, 0.01112f, 0.011117f, 0.011114f, 0.011111f, 0.011108f, 0.011104f, 0.011101f, 0.011098f, 0.011095f, 0.011091f, 0.011088f, 0.011085f, 0.011082f, 0.011079f, 0.011075f,
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-0.011008f, 0.011005f, 0.011002f, 0.010998f, 0.010995f, 0.010992f, 0.010989f, 0.010986f, 0.010982f, 0.010979f, 0.010976f, 0.010973f, 0.01097f, 0.010967f, 0.010963f, 0.01096f, 0.010957f, 0.010954f, 0.010951f, 0.010947f,
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-0.01088f, 0.010877f, 0.010874f, 0.010871f, 0.010868f, 0.010864f, 0.010861f, 0.010858f, 0.010855f, 0.010852f, 0.010849f, 0.010845f, 0.010842f, 0.010839f, 0.010836f, 0.010833f, 0.01083f, 0.010826f, 0.010823f, 0.01082f,
-0.010817f, 0.010814f, 0.01081f, 0.010807f, 0.010804f, 0.010801f, 0.010798f, 0.010795f, 0.010791f, 0.010788f, 0.010785f, 0.010782f, 0.010779f, 0.010776f, 0.010772f, 0.010769f, 0.010766f, 0.010763f, 0.01076f, 0.010757f,
-0.010753f, 0.01075f, 0.010747f, 0.010744f, 0.010741f, 0.010738f, 0.010734f, 0.010731f, 0.010728f, 0.010725f, 0.010722f, 0.010719f, 0.010715f, 0.010712f, 0.010709f, 0.010706f, 0.010703f, 0.0107f, 0.010697f, 0.010693f,
-0.01069f, 0.010687f, 0.010684f, 0.010681f, 0.010678f, 0.010674f, 0.010671f, 0.010668f, 0.010665f, 0.010662f, 0.010659f, 0.010656f, 0.010652f, 0.010649f, 0.010646f, 0.010643f, 0.01064f, 0.010637f, 0.010634f, 0.01063f,
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-0.010502f, 0.010499f, 0.010495f, 0.010492f, 0.010489f, 0.010486f, 0.010483f, 0.01048f, 0.010477f, 0.010474f, 0.01047f, 0.010467f, 0.010464f, 0.010461f, 0.010458f, 0.010455f, 0.010452f, 0.010449f, 0.010446f, 0.010442f,
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-0.010191f, 0.010188f, 0.010185f, 0.010182f, 0.010179f, 0.010176f, 0.010173f, 0.01017f, 0.010167f, 0.010164f, 0.010161f, 0.010157f, 0.010154f, 0.010151f, 0.010148f, 0.010145f, 0.010142f, 0.010139f, 0.010136f, 0.010133f,
-0.01013f, 0.010127f, 0.010124f, 0.010121f, 0.010118f, 0.010114f, 0.010111f, 0.010108f, 0.010105f, 0.010102f, 0.010099f, 0.010096f, 0.010093f, 0.01009f, 0.010087f, 0.010084f, 0.010081f, 0.010078f, 0.010075f, 0.010072f,
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-0.009886f, 0.009883f, 0.00988f, 0.009876f, 0.009873f, 0.00987f, 0.009867f, 0.009864f, 0.009861f, 0.009858f, 0.009855f, 0.009852f, 0.009849f, 0.009846f, 0.009843f, 0.00984f, 0.009837f, 0.009834f, 0.009831f, 0.009828f,
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-0.009644f, 0.009641f, 0.009638f, 0.009635f, 0.009632f, 0.009629f, 0.009626f, 0.009623f, 0.00962f, 0.009617f, 0.009614f, 0.009611f, 0.009608f, 0.009605f, 0.009602f, 0.009599f, 0.009596f, 0.009593f, 0.00959f, 0.009587f,
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-const float attack_decay_inc[ATTACK_DECAY_INC_TABLE_SIZE] = {
- 18000.0f, 10922.666667f, 5461.333333f, 3640.888889f, 2730.666667f, 2184.533333f, 1820.444444f, 1560.380952f, 1365.333333f, 1213.62963f, 1092.266667f, 992.969697f, 910.222222f, 840.205128f, 780.190476f, 728.177778f, 682.666667f, 642.509804f, 606.814815f, 574.877193f,
-546.133333f, 520.126984f, 496.484848f, 474.898551f, 455.111111f, 436.906667f, 420.102564f, 404.54321f, 390.095238f, 376.643678f, 364.088889f, 352.344086f, 341.333333f, 330.989899f, 321.254902f, 312.07619f, 303.407407f, 295.207207f, 287.438596f, 280.068376f,
-273.066667f, 266.406504f, 260.063492f, 254.015504f, 248.242424f, 242.725926f, 237.449275f, 232.397163f, 227.555556f, 222.911565f, 218.453333f, 214.169935f, 210.051282f, 206.08805f, 202.271605f, 198.593939f, 195.047619f, 191.625731f, 188.321839f, 185.129944f,
-182.044444f, 179.060109f, 176.172043f, 173.375661f, 170.666667f, 168.041026f, 165.494949f, 163.024876f, 160.627451f, 158.299517f, 156.038095f, 153.840376f, 151.703704f, 149.625571f, 147.603604f, 145.635556f, 143.719298f, 141.852814f, 140.034188f, 138.261603f,
-136.533333f, 134.847737f, 133.203252f, 131.598394f, 130.031746f, 128.501961f, 127.007752f, 125.547893f, 124.121212f, 122.726592f, 121.362963f, 120.029304f, 118.724638f, 117.448029f, 116.198582f, 114.975439f, 113.777778f, 112.604811f, 111.455782f, 110.329966f,
-109.226667f, 108.145215f, 107.084967f, 106.045307f, 105.025641f, 104.025397f, 103.044025f, 102.080997f, 101.135802f, 100.207951f, 99.29697f, 98.402402f, 97.52381f, 96.660767f, 95.812865f, 94.97971f, 94.16092f, 93.356125f, 92.564972f, 91.787115f,
-91.022222f, 90.269972f, 89.530055f, 88.802168f, 88.086022f, 87.381333f, 86.687831f, 86.005249f, 85.333333f, 84.671835f, 84.020513f, 83.379135f, 82.747475f, 82.125313f, 81.512438f, 80.908642f, 80.313725f, 79.727494f, 79.149758f, 78.580336f,
-78.019048f, 77.465721f, 76.920188f, 76.382284f, 75.851852f, 75.328736f, 74.812785f, 74.303855f, 73.801802f, 73.306488f, 72.817778f, 72.335541f, 71.859649f, 71.389978f, 70.926407f, 70.468817f, 70.017094f, 69.571125f, 69.130802f, 68.696017f,
-68.266667f, 67.84265f, 67.423868f, 67.010225f, 66.601626f, 66.19798f, 65.799197f, 65.40519f, 65.015873f, 64.631164f, 64.25098f, 63.875244f, 63.503876f, 63.136802f, 62.773946f, 62.415238f, 62.060606f, 61.709981f, 61.363296f, 61.020484f,
-60.681481f, 60.346225f, 60.014652f, 59.686703f, 59.362319f, 59.041441f, 58.724014f, 58.409982f, 58.099291f, 57.791887f, 57.487719f, 57.186736f, 56.888889f, 56.594128f, 56.302405f, 56.013675f, 55.727891f, 55.445008f, 55.164983f, 54.887772f,
-54.613333f, 54.341625f, 54.072607f, 53.80624f, 53.542484f, 53.281301f, 53.022654f, 52.766506f, 52.512821f, 52.261563f, 52.012698f, 51.766193f, 51.522013f, 51.280125f, 51.040498f, 50.803101f, 50.567901f, 50.334869f, 50.103976f, 49.87519f,
-49.648485f, 49.423831f, 49.201201f, 48.980568f, 48.761905f, 48.545185f, 48.330383f, 48.117474f, 47.906433f, 47.697234f, 47.489855f, 47.284271f, 47.08046f, 46.878398f, 46.678063f, 46.479433f, 46.282486f, 46.087201f, 45.893557f, 45.701534f,
-45.511111f, 45.322268f, 45.134986f, 44.949246f, 44.765027f, 44.582313f, 44.401084f, 44.221323f, 44.043011f, 43.866131f, 43.690667f, 43.5166f, 43.343915f, 43.172596f, 43.002625f, 42.833987f, 42.666667f, 42.500649f, 42.335917f, 42.172458f,
-42.010256f, 41.849298f, 41.689567f, 41.531052f, 41.373737f, 41.21761f, 41.062657f, 40.908864f, 40.756219f, 40.604709f, 40.454321f, 40.305043f, 40.156863f, 40.009768f, 39.863747f, 39.718788f, 39.574879f, 39.43201f, 39.290168f, 39.149343f,
-39.009524f, 38.8707f, 38.732861f, 38.595995f, 38.460094f, 38.325146f, 38.191142f, 38.058072f, 37.925926f, 37.794694f, 37.664368f, 37.534937f, 37.406393f, 37.278726f, 37.151927f, 37.025989f, 36.900901f, 36.776655f, 36.653244f, 36.530658f,
-36.408889f, 36.287929f, 36.16777f, 36.048405f, 35.929825f, 35.812022f, 35.694989f, 35.578719f, 35.463203f, 35.348436f, 35.234409f, 35.121115f, 35.008547f, 34.896699f, 34.785563f, 34.675132f, 34.565401f, 34.456362f, 34.348008f, 34.240334f,
-34.133333f, 34.026999f, 33.921325f, 33.816305f, 33.711934f, 33.608205f, 33.505112f, 33.40265f, 33.300813f, 33.199595f, 33.09899f, 32.998993f, 32.899598f, 32.800801f, 32.702595f, 32.604975f, 32.507937f, 32.411474f, 32.315582f, 32.220256f,
-32.12549f, 32.031281f, 31.937622f, 31.844509f, 31.751938f, 31.659903f, 31.568401f, 31.477426f, 31.386973f, 31.297039f, 31.207619f, 31.118708f, 31.030303f, 30.942398f, 30.854991f, 30.768075f, 30.681648f, 30.595705f, 30.510242f, 30.425255f,
-30.340741f, 30.256694f, 30.173112f, 30.089991f, 30.007326f, 29.925114f, 29.843352f, 29.762035f, 29.681159f, 29.600723f, 29.520721f, 29.44115f, 29.362007f, 29.283289f, 29.204991f, 29.127111f, 29.049645f, 28.972591f, 28.895944f, 28.819701f,
-28.74386f, 28.668416f, 28.593368f, 28.518712f, 28.444444f, 28.370563f, 28.297064f, 28.223945f, 28.151203f, 28.078835f, 28.006838f, 27.935209f, 27.863946f, 27.793045f, 27.722504f, 27.652321f, 27.582492f, 27.513014f, 27.443886f, 27.375104f,
-27.306667f, 27.23857f, 27.170813f, 27.103391f, 27.036304f, 26.969547f, 26.90312f, 26.837019f, 26.771242f, 26.705786f, 26.64065f, 26.575831f, 26.511327f, 26.447135f, 26.383253f, 26.319679f, 26.25641f, 26.193445f, 26.130781f, 26.068417f,
-26.006349f, 25.944576f, 25.883096f, 25.821907f, 25.761006f, 25.700392f, 25.640063f, 25.580016f, 25.520249f, 25.460761f, 25.40155f, 25.342614f, 25.283951f, 25.225558f, 25.167435f, 25.109579f, 25.051988f, 24.994661f, 24.937595f, 24.88079f,
-24.824242f, 24.767952f, 24.711916f, 24.656132f, 24.600601f, 24.545318f, 24.490284f, 24.435496f, 24.380952f, 24.326652f, 24.272593f, 24.218773f, 24.165192f, 24.111847f, 24.058737f, 24.005861f, 23.953216f, 23.900802f, 23.848617f, 23.796659f,
-23.744928f, 23.69342f, 23.642136f, 23.591073f, 23.54023f, 23.489606f, 23.439199f, 23.389008f, 23.339031f, 23.289268f, 23.239716f, 23.190375f, 23.141243f, 23.092319f, 23.043601f, 22.995088f, 22.946779f, 22.898672f, 22.850767f, 22.803062f,
-22.755556f, 22.708247f, 22.661134f, 22.614217f, 22.567493f, 22.520962f, 22.474623f, 22.428474f, 22.382514f, 22.336742f, 22.291156f, 22.245757f, 22.200542f, 22.15551f, 22.110661f, 22.065993f, 22.021505f, 21.977197f, 21.933066f, 21.889112f,
-21.845333f, 21.80173f, 21.7583f, 21.715043f, 21.671958f, 21.629043f, 21.586298f, 21.543721f, 21.501312f, 21.45907f, 21.416993f, 21.375082f, 21.333333f, 21.291748f, 21.250324f, 21.209061f, 21.167959f, 21.127015f, 21.086229f, 21.045601f,
-21.005128f, 20.964811f, 20.924649f, 20.88464f, 20.844784f, 20.805079f, 20.765526f, 20.726123f, 20.686869f, 20.647763f, 20.608805f, 20.569994f, 20.531328f, 20.492808f, 20.454432f, 20.416199f, 20.378109f, 20.340161f, 20.302354f, 20.264688f,
-20.22716f, 20.189772f, 20.152522f, 20.115408f, 20.078431f, 20.04159f, 20.004884f, 19.968312f, 19.931873f, 19.895568f, 19.859394f, 19.823351f, 19.78744f, 19.751658f, 19.716005f, 19.68048f, 19.645084f, 19.609814f, 19.574671f, 19.539654f,
-19.504762f, 19.469994f, 19.43535f, 19.400829f, 19.36643f, 19.332153f, 19.297998f, 19.263962f, 19.230047f, 19.196251f, 19.162573f, 19.129013f, 19.095571f, 19.062245f, 19.029036f, 18.995942f, 18.962963f, 18.930098f, 18.897347f, 18.864709f,
-18.832184f, 18.799771f, 18.767468f, 18.735277f, 18.703196f, 18.671225f, 18.639363f, 18.607609f, 18.575964f, 18.544426f, 18.512994f, 18.481669f, 18.45045f, 18.419337f, 18.388328f, 18.357423f, 18.326622f, 18.295924f, 18.265329f, 18.234836f,
-18.204444f, 18.174154f, 18.143965f, 18.113875f, 18.083885f, 18.053994f, 18.024202f, 17.994509f, 17.964912f, 17.935413f, 17.906011f, 17.876705f, 17.847495f, 17.81838f, 17.789359f, 17.760434f, 17.731602f, 17.702863f, 17.674218f, 17.645665f,
-17.617204f, 17.588835f, 17.560557f, 17.53237f, 17.504274f, 17.476267f, 17.448349f, 17.420521f, 17.392781f, 17.36513f, 17.337566f, 17.31009f, 17.2827f, 17.255398f, 17.228181f, 17.20105f, 17.174004f, 17.147043f, 17.120167f, 17.093375f,
-17.066667f, 17.040042f, 17.013499f, 16.98704f, 16.960663f, 16.934367f, 16.908153f, 16.88202f, 16.855967f, 16.829995f, 16.804103f, 16.77829f, 16.752556f, 16.726901f, 16.701325f, 16.675827f, 16.650407f, 16.625063f, 16.599797f, 16.574608f,
-16.549495f, 16.524458f, 16.499496f, 16.47461f, 16.449799f, 16.425063f, 16.4004f, 16.375812f, 16.351297f, 16.326856f, 16.302488f, 16.278192f, 16.253968f, 16.229817f, 16.205737f, 16.181728f, 16.157791f, 16.133924f, 16.110128f, 16.086402f,
-16.062745f, 16.039158f, 16.01564f, 15.992191f, 15.968811f, 15.945499f, 15.922255f, 15.899078f, 15.875969f, 15.852927f, 15.829952f, 15.807043f, 15.7842f, 15.761424f, 15.738713f, 15.716067f, 15.693487f, 15.670971f, 15.64852f, 15.626133f,
-15.60381f, 15.58155f, 15.559354f, 15.537221f, 15.515152f, 15.493144f, 15.471199f, 15.449316f, 15.427495f, 15.405736f, 15.384038f, 15.3624f, 15.340824f, 15.319308f, 15.297852f, 15.276457f, 15.255121f, 15.233845f, 15.212628f, 15.19147f,
-15.17037f, 15.14933f, 15.128347f, 15.107423f, 15.086556f, 15.065747f, 15.044995f, 15.024301f, 15.003663f, 14.983082f, 14.962557f, 14.942088f, 14.921676f, 14.901319f, 14.881017f, 14.860771f, 14.84058f, 14.820443f, 14.800361f, 14.780334f,
-14.76036f, 14.740441f, 14.720575f, 14.700763f, 14.681004f, 14.661298f, 14.641644f, 14.622044f, 14.602496f, 14.583f, 14.563556f, 14.544163f, 14.524823f, 14.505533f, 14.486295f, 14.467108f, 14.447972f, 14.428886f, 14.40985f, 14.390865f,
-14.37193f, 14.353044f, 14.334208f, 14.315422f, 14.296684f, 14.277996f, 14.259356f, 14.240765f, 14.222222f, 14.203728f, 14.185281f, 14.166883f, 14.148532f, 14.130229f, 14.111972f, 14.093763f, 14.075601f, 14.057486f, 14.039417f, 14.021395f,
-14.003419f, 13.985489f, 13.967604f, 13.949766f, 13.931973f, 13.914225f, 13.896522f, 13.878865f, 13.861252f, 13.843684f, 13.82616f, 13.808681f, 13.791246f, 13.773855f, 13.756507f, 13.739203f, 13.721943f, 13.704726f, 13.687552f, 13.670421f,
-13.653333f, 13.636288f, 13.619285f, 13.602325f, 13.585406f, 13.56853f, 13.551696f, 13.534903f, 13.518152f, 13.501442f, 13.484774f, 13.468146f, 13.45156f, 13.435014f, 13.418509f, 13.402045f, 13.385621f, 13.369237f, 13.352893f, 13.336589f,
-13.320325f, 13.304101f, 13.287916f, 13.27177f, 13.255663f, 13.239596f, 13.223567f, 13.207578f, 13.191626f, 13.175714f, 13.159839f, 13.144003f, 13.128205f, 13.112445f, 13.096723f, 13.081038f, 13.065391f, 13.049781f, 13.034208f, 13.018673f,
-13.003175f, 12.987713f, 12.972288f, 12.9569f, 12.941548f, 12.926233f, 12.910954f, 12.89571f, 12.880503f, 12.865332f, 12.850196f, 12.835096f, 12.820031f, 12.805002f, 12.790008f, 12.775049f, 12.760125f, 12.745235f, 12.730381f, 12.715561f,
-12.700775f, 12.686024f, 12.671307f, 12.656624f, 12.641975f, 12.62736f, 12.612779f, 12.598231f, 12.583717f, 12.569237f, 12.554789f, 12.540375f, 12.525994f, 12.511646f, 12.49733f, 12.483048f, 12.468798f, 12.45458f, 12.440395f, 12.426242f,
-12.412121f, 12.398033f, 12.383976f, 12.369951f, 12.355958f, 12.341996f, 12.328066f, 12.314168f, 12.3003f, 12.286464f, 12.272659f, 12.258885f, 12.245142f, 12.23143f, 12.217748f, 12.204097f, 12.190476f, 12.176886f, 12.163326f, 12.149796f,
-12.136296f, 12.122826f, 12.109387f, 12.095976f, 12.082596f, 12.069245f, 12.055923f, 12.042631f, 12.029369f, 12.016135f, 12.00293f, 11.989755f, 11.976608f, 11.96349f, 11.950401f, 11.937341f, 11.924309f, 11.911305f, 11.89833f, 11.885383f,
-11.872464f, 11.859573f, 11.84671f, 11.833875f, 11.821068f, 11.808288f, 11.795536f, 11.782812f, 11.770115f, 11.757445f, 11.744803f, 11.732188f, 11.719599f, 11.707038f, 11.694504f, 11.681996f, 11.669516f, 11.657062f, 11.644634f, 11.632233f,
-11.619858f, 11.60751f, 11.595188f, 11.582891f, 11.570621f, 11.558377f, 11.546159f, 11.533967f, 11.5218f, 11.509659f, 11.497544f, 11.485454f, 11.473389f, 11.46135f, 11.449336f, 11.437347f, 11.425384f, 11.413445f, 11.401531f, 11.389642f,
-11.377778f, 11.365938f, 11.354123f, 11.342333f, 11.330567f, 11.318826f, 11.307108f, 11.295415f, 11.283747f, 11.272102f, 11.260481f, 11.248884f, 11.237311f, 11.225762f, 11.214237f, 11.202735f, 11.191257f, 11.179802f, 11.168371f, 11.156963f,
-11.145578f, 11.134217f, 11.122878f, 11.111563f, 11.100271f, 11.089002f, 11.077755f, 11.066532f, 11.055331f, 11.044152f, 11.032997f, 11.021863f, 11.010753f, 10.999664f, 10.988598f, 10.977554f, 10.966533f, 10.955533f, 10.944556f, 10.9336f,
-10.922667f, 10.911755f, 10.900865f, 10.889997f, 10.87915f, 10.868325f, 10.857522f, 10.846739f, 10.835979f, 10.82524f, 10.814521f, 10.803825f, 10.793149f, 10.782494f, 10.771861f, 10.761248f, 10.750656f, 10.740085f, 10.729535f, 10.719006f,
-10.708497f, 10.698008f, 10.687541f, 10.677094f, 10.666667f, 10.65626f, 10.645874f, 10.635508f, 10.625162f, 10.614836f, 10.604531f, 10.594245f, 10.583979f, 10.573733f, 10.563507f, 10.553301f, 10.543115f, 10.532948f, 10.5228f, 10.512672f,
-10.502564f, 10.492475f, 10.482406f, 10.472355f, 10.462324f, 10.452313f, 10.44232f, 10.432346f, 10.422392f, 10.412456f, 10.40254f, 10.392642f, 10.382763f, 10.372903f, 10.363061f, 10.353239f, 10.343434f, 10.333649f, 10.323882f, 10.314133f,
-10.304403f, 10.294691f, 10.284997f, 10.275321f, 10.265664f, 10.256025f, 10.246404f, 10.236801f, 10.227216f, 10.217649f, 10.2081f, 10.198568f, 10.189055f, 10.179559f, 10.170081f, 10.16062f, 10.151177f, 10.141752f, 10.132344f, 10.122953f,
-10.11358f, 10.104224f, 10.094886f, 10.085565f, 10.076261f, 10.066974f, 10.057704f, 10.048451f, 10.039216f, 10.029997f, 10.020795f, 10.01161f, 10.002442f, 9.993291f, 9.984156f, 9.975038f, 9.965937f, 9.956852f, 9.947784f, 9.938732f,
-9.929697f, 9.920678f, 9.911676f, 9.90269f, 9.89372f, 9.884766f, 9.875829f, 9.866908f, 9.858002f, 9.849113f, 9.84024f, 9.831383f, 9.822542f, 9.813717f, 9.804907f, 9.796114f, 9.787336f, 9.778574f, 9.769827f, 9.761096f,
-9.752381f, 9.743681f, 9.734997f, 9.726328f, 9.717675f, 9.709037f, 9.700414f, 9.691807f, 9.683215f, 9.674638f, 9.666077f, 9.65753f, 9.648999f, 9.640482f, 9.631981f, 9.623495f, 9.615023f, 9.606567f, 9.598125f, 9.589699f,
-9.581287f, 9.572889f, 9.564507f, 9.556139f, 9.547786f, 9.539447f, 9.531123f, 9.522813f, 9.514518f, 9.506237f, 9.497971f, 9.489719f, 9.481481f, 9.473258f, 9.465049f, 9.456854f, 9.448674f, 9.440507f, 9.432355f, 9.424216f,
-9.416092f, 9.407982f, 9.399885f, 9.391803f, 9.383734f, 9.37568f, 9.367639f, 9.359612f, 9.351598f, 9.343599f, 9.335613f, 9.32764f, 9.319681f, 9.311736f, 9.303805f, 9.295887f, 9.287982f, 9.280091f, 9.272213f, 9.264348f,
-9.256497f, 9.248659f, 9.240835f, 9.233023f, 9.225225f, 9.21744f, 9.209668f, 9.20191f, 9.194164f, 9.186431f, 9.178711f, 9.171005f, 9.163311f, 9.15563f, 9.147962f, 9.140307f, 9.132664f, 9.125035f, 9.117418f, 9.109814f,
-9.102222f, 9.094643f, 9.087077f, 9.079523f, 9.071982f, 9.064454f, 9.056938f, 9.049434f, 9.041943f, 9.034464f, 9.026997f, 9.019543f, 9.012101f, 9.004672f, 8.997254f, 8.989849f, 8.982456f, 8.975075f, 8.967707f, 8.96035f,
-8.953005f, 8.945673f, 8.938352f, 8.931044f, 8.923747f, 8.916463f, 8.90919f, 8.901929f, 8.89468f, 8.887442f, 8.880217f, 8.873003f, 8.865801f, 8.85861f, 8.851432f, 8.844265f, 8.837109f, 8.829965f, 8.822833f, 8.815712f,
-8.808602f, 8.801504f, 8.794418f, 8.787342f, 8.780279f, 8.773226f, 8.766185f, 8.759155f, 8.752137f, 8.745129f, 8.738133f, 8.731148f, 8.724175f, 8.717212f, 8.71026f, 8.70332f, 8.696391f, 8.689472f, 8.682565f, 8.675669f,
-8.668783f, 8.661909f, 8.655045f, 8.648192f, 8.64135f, 8.634519f, 8.627699f, 8.620889f, 8.61409f, 8.607302f, 8.600525f, 8.593758f, 8.587002f, 8.580257f, 8.573522f, 8.566797f, 8.560084f, 8.55338f, 8.546688f, 8.540005f,
-8.533333f, 8.526672f, 8.520021f, 8.51338f, 8.50675f, 8.50013f, 8.49352f, 8.48692f, 8.480331f, 8.473752f, 8.467183f, 8.460625f, 8.454076f, 8.447538f, 8.44101f, 8.434492f, 8.427984f, 8.421485f, 8.414997f, 8.408519f,
-8.402051f, 8.395593f, 8.389145f, 8.382707f, 8.376278f, 8.36986f, 8.363451f, 8.357052f, 8.350663f, 8.344283f, 8.337913f, 8.331554f, 8.325203f, 8.318863f, 8.312532f, 8.30621f, 8.299899f, 8.293597f, 8.287304f, 8.281021f,
-8.274747f, 8.268483f, 8.262229f, 8.255984f, 8.249748f, 8.243522f, 8.237305f, 8.231098f, 8.2249f, 8.218711f, 8.212531f, 8.206361f, 8.2002f, 8.194049f, 8.187906f, 8.181773f, 8.175649f, 8.169534f, 8.163428f, 8.157331f,
-8.151244f, 8.145165f, 8.139096f, 8.133035f, 8.126984f, 8.120942f, 8.114908f, 8.108884f, 8.102868f, 8.096862f, 8.090864f, 8.084875f, 8.078895f, 8.072924f, 8.066962f, 8.061009f, 8.055064f, 8.049128f, 8.043201f, 8.037282f,
-8.031373f, 8.025471f, 8.019579f, 8.013695f, 8.00782f, 8.001954f, 7.996096f, 7.990246f, 7.984405f, 7.978573f, 7.972749f, 7.966934f, 7.961127f, 7.955329f, 7.949539f, 7.943758f, 7.937984f, 7.93222f, 7.926463f, 7.920715f,
-7.914976f, 7.909245f, 7.903521f, 7.897807f, 7.8921f, 7.886402f, 7.880712f, 7.87503f, 7.869356f, 7.863691f, 7.858034f, 7.852384f, 7.846743f, 7.84111f, 7.835485f, 7.829869f, 7.82426f, 7.818659f, 7.813066f, 7.807482f,
-7.801905f, 7.796336f, 7.790775f, 7.785222f, 7.779677f, 7.77414f, 7.768611f, 7.763089f, 7.757576f, 7.75207f, 7.746572f, 7.741082f, 7.7356f, 7.730125f, 7.724658f, 7.719199f, 7.713748f, 7.708304f, 7.702868f, 7.69744f,
-7.692019f, 7.686606f, 7.6812f, 7.675802f, 7.670412f, 7.665029f, 7.659654f, 7.654286f, 7.648926f, 7.643574f, 7.638228f, 7.632891f, 7.627561f, 7.622238f, 7.616922f, 7.611614f, 7.606314f, 7.601021f, 7.595735f, 7.590456f,
-7.585185f, 7.579921f, 7.574665f, 7.569416f, 7.564174f, 7.558939f, 7.553711f, 7.548491f, 7.543278f, 7.538072f, 7.532874f, 7.527682f, 7.522498f, 7.51732f, 7.51215f, 7.506987f, 7.501832f, 7.496683f, 7.491541f, 7.486406f,
-7.481279f, 7.476158f, 7.471044f, 7.465938f, 7.460838f, 7.455745f, 7.450659f, 7.445581f, 7.440509f, 7.435444f, 7.430385f, 7.425334f, 7.42029f, 7.415252f, 7.410222f, 7.405198f, 7.400181f, 7.39517f, 7.390167f, 7.38517f,
-7.38018f, 7.375197f, 7.37022f, 7.365251f, 7.360288f, 7.355331f, 7.350381f, 7.345438f, 7.340502f, 7.335572f, 7.330649f, 7.325732f, 7.320822f, 7.315919f, 7.311022f, 7.306132f, 7.301248f, 7.296371f, 7.2915f, 7.286636f,
-7.281778f, 7.276926f, 7.272082f, 7.267243f, 7.262411f, 7.257586f, 7.252767f, 7.247954f, 7.243148f, 7.238348f, 7.233554f, 7.228767f, 7.223986f, 7.219211f, 7.214443f, 7.209681f, 7.204925f, 7.200176f, 7.195433f, 7.190696f,
-7.185965f, 7.18124f, 7.176522f, 7.17181f, 7.167104f, 7.162404f, 7.157711f, 7.153023f, 7.148342f, 7.143667f, 7.138998f, 7.134335f, 7.129678f, 7.125027f, 7.120382f, 7.115744f, 7.111111f, 7.106484f, 7.101864f, 7.097249f,
-7.092641f, 7.088038f, 7.083441f, 7.078851f, 7.074266f, 7.069687f, 7.065114f, 7.060547f, 7.055986f, 7.051431f, 7.046882f, 7.042338f, 7.037801f, 7.033269f, 7.028743f, 7.024223f, 7.019709f, 7.0152f, 7.010697f, 7.006201f,
-7.001709f, 6.997224f, 6.992744f, 6.98827f, 6.983802f, 6.97934f, 6.974883f, 6.970432f, 6.965986f, 6.961547f, 6.957113f, 6.952684f, 6.948261f, 6.943844f, 6.939432f, 6.935026f, 6.930626f, 6.926231f, 6.921842f, 6.917458f,
-6.91308f, 6.908708f, 6.90434f, 6.899979f, 6.895623f, 6.891272f, 6.886927f, 6.882588f, 6.878254f, 6.873925f, 6.869602f, 6.865284f, 6.860972f, 6.856665f, 6.852363f, 6.848067f, 6.843776f, 6.839491f, 6.835211f, 6.830936f,
-6.826667f, 6.822403f, 6.818144f, 6.813891f, 6.809643f, 6.8054f, 6.801162f, 6.79693f, 6.792703f, 6.788481f, 6.784265f, 6.780054f, 6.775848f, 6.771647f, 6.767451f, 6.763261f, 6.759076f, 6.754896f, 6.750721f, 6.746551f,
-6.742387f, 6.738227f, 6.734073f, 6.729924f, 6.72578f, 6.721641f, 6.717507f, 6.713378f, 6.709255f, 6.705136f, 6.701022f, 6.696914f, 6.69281f, 6.688712f, 6.684619f, 6.68053f, 6.676447f, 6.672368f, 6.668295f, 6.664226f,
-6.660163f, 6.656104f, 6.65205f, 6.648002f, 6.643958f, 6.639919f, 6.635885f, 6.631856f, 6.627832f, 6.623812f, 6.619798f, 6.615788f, 6.611784f, 6.607784f, 6.603789f, 6.599799f, 6.595813f, 6.591833f, 6.587857f, 6.583886f,
-6.57992f, 6.575958f, 6.572002f, 6.56805f, 6.564103f, 6.56016f, 6.556222f, 6.55229f, 6.548361f, 6.544438f, 6.540519f, 6.536605f, 6.532695f, 6.528791f, 6.52489f, 6.520995f, 6.517104f, 6.513218f, 6.509337f, 6.50546f,
-6.501587f, 6.49772f, 6.493857f, 6.489998f, 6.486144f, 6.482295f, 6.47845f, 6.47461f, 6.470774f, 6.466943f, 6.463116f, 6.459294f, 6.455477f, 6.451664f, 6.447855f, 6.444051f, 6.440252f, 6.436456f, 6.432666f, 6.42888f,
-6.425098f, 6.421321f, 6.417548f, 6.41378f, 6.410016f, 6.406256f, 6.402501f, 6.39875f, 6.395004f, 6.391262f, 6.387524f, 6.383791f, 6.380062f, 6.376338f, 6.372618f, 6.368902f, 6.36519f, 6.361483f, 6.35778f, 6.354082f,
-6.350388f, 6.346698f, 6.343012f, 6.339331f, 6.335654f, 6.331981f, 6.328312f, 6.324648f, 6.320988f, 6.317332f, 6.31368f, 6.310033f, 6.30639f, 6.302751f, 6.299116f, 6.295485f, 6.291859f, 6.288236f, 6.284618f, 6.281004f,
-6.277395f, 6.273789f, 6.270188f, 6.26659f, 6.262997f, 6.259408f, 6.255823f, 6.252242f, 6.248665f, 6.245092f, 6.241524f, 6.237959f, 6.234399f, 6.230842f, 6.22729f, 6.223742f, 6.220197f, 6.216657f, 6.213121f, 6.209589f,
-6.206061f, 6.202536f, 6.199016f, 6.1955f, 6.191988f, 6.18848f, 6.184975f, 6.181475f, 6.177979f, 6.174487f, 6.170998f, 6.167514f, 6.164033f, 6.160556f, 6.157084f, 6.153615f, 6.15015f, 6.146689f, 6.143232f, 6.139779f,
-6.13633f, 6.132884f, 6.129443f, 6.126005f, 6.122571f, 6.119141f, 6.115715f, 6.112292f, 6.108874f, 6.105459f, 6.102048f, 6.098641f, 6.095238f, 6.091839f, 6.088443f, 6.085051f, 6.081663f, 6.078279f, 6.074898f, 6.071521f,
-6.068148f, 6.064779f, 6.061413f, 6.058051f, 6.054693f, 6.051339f, 6.047988f, 6.044641f, 6.041298f, 6.037958f, 6.034622f, 6.03129f, 6.027962f, 6.024637f, 6.021316f, 6.017998f, 6.014684f, 6.011374f, 6.008067f, 6.004765f,
-6.001465f, 5.99817f, 5.994877f, 5.991589f, 5.988304f, 5.985023f, 5.981745f, 5.978471f, 5.975201f, 5.971934f, 5.96867f, 5.965411f, 5.962154f, 5.958902f, 5.955652f, 5.952407f, 5.949165f, 5.945926f, 5.942691f, 5.93946f,
-5.936232f, 5.933007f, 5.929786f, 5.926569f, 5.923355f, 5.920145f, 5.916938f, 5.913734f, 5.910534f, 5.907337f, 5.904144f, 5.900954f, 5.897768f, 5.894585f, 5.891406f, 5.88823f, 5.885057f, 5.881888f, 5.878723f, 5.87556f,
-5.872401f, 5.869246f, 5.866094f, 5.862945f, 5.8598f, 5.856658f, 5.853519f, 5.850384f, 5.847252f, 5.844123f, 5.840998f, 5.837876f, 5.834758f, 5.831643f, 5.828531f, 5.825422f, 5.822317f, 5.819215f, 5.816116f, 5.813021f,
-5.809929f, 5.80684f, 5.803755f, 5.800673f, 5.797594f, 5.794518f, 5.791446f, 5.788377f, 5.785311f, 5.782248f, 5.779189f, 5.776133f, 5.77308f, 5.77003f, 5.766983f, 5.76394f, 5.7609f, 5.757863f, 5.75483f, 5.751799f,
-5.748772f, 5.745748f, 5.742727f, 5.739709f, 5.736695f, 5.733683f, 5.730675f, 5.72767f, 5.724668f, 5.721669f, 5.718674f, 5.715681f, 5.712692f, 5.709706f, 5.706722f, 5.703742f, 5.700765f, 5.697792f, 5.694821f, 5.691853f,
-5.688889f, 5.685927f, 5.682969f, 5.680014f, 5.677062f, 5.674113f, 5.671166f, 5.668223f, 5.665284f, 5.662347f, 5.659413f, 5.656482f, 5.653554f, 5.650629f, 5.647708f, 5.644789f, 5.641873f, 5.638961f, 5.636051f, 5.633144f,
-5.630241f, 5.62734f, 5.624442f, 5.621547f, 5.618656f, 5.615767f, 5.612881f, 5.609998f, 5.607118f, 5.604241f, 5.601368f, 5.598496f, 5.595628f, 5.592763f, 5.589901f, 5.587042f, 5.584185f, 5.581332f, 5.578481f, 5.575634f,
-5.572789f, 5.569947f, 5.567108f, 5.564272f, 5.561439f, 5.558609f, 5.555782f, 5.552957f, 5.550136f, 5.547317f, 5.544501f, 5.541688f, 5.538878f, 5.53607f, 5.533266f, 5.530464f, 5.527665f, 5.524869f, 5.522076f, 5.519286f,
-5.516498f, 5.513714f, 5.510932f, 5.508153f, 5.505376f, 5.502603f, 5.499832f, 5.497064f, 5.494299f, 5.491537f, 5.488777f, 5.48602f, 5.483266f, 5.480515f, 5.477767f, 5.475021f, 5.472278f, 5.469538f, 5.4668f, 5.464065f,
-5.461333f, 5.458604f, 5.455877f, 5.453154f, 5.450432f, 5.447714f, 5.444998f, 5.442285f, 5.439575f, 5.436867f, 5.434163f, 5.43146f, 5.428761f, 5.426064f, 5.42337f, 5.420678f, 5.417989f, 5.415303f, 5.41262f, 5.409939f,
-5.407261f, 5.404585f, 5.401912f, 5.399242f, 5.396574f, 5.393909f, 5.391247f, 5.388587f, 5.38593f, 5.383276f, 5.380624f, 5.377975f, 5.375328f, 5.372684f, 5.370043f, 5.367404f, 5.364768f, 5.362134f, 5.359503f, 5.356874f,
-5.354248f, 5.351625f, 5.349004f, 5.346386f, 5.34377f, 5.341157f, 5.338547f, 5.335939f, 5.333333f, 5.33073f, 5.32813f, 5.325532f, 5.322937f, 5.320344f, 5.317754f, 5.315166f, 5.312581f, 5.309998f, 5.307418f, 5.304841f,
-5.302265f, 5.299693f, 5.297123f, 5.294555f, 5.29199f, 5.289427f, 5.286867f, 5.284309f, 5.281754f, 5.279201f, 5.276651f, 5.274103f, 5.271557f, 5.269014f, 5.266474f, 5.263936f, 5.2614f, 5.258867f, 5.256336f, 5.253808f,
-5.251282f, 5.248759f, 5.246238f, 5.243719f, 5.241203f, 5.238689f, 5.236178f, 5.233669f, 5.231162f, 5.228658f, 5.226156f, 5.223657f, 5.22116f, 5.218665f, 5.216173f, 5.213683f, 5.211196f, 5.208711f, 5.206228f, 5.203748f,
-5.20127f, 5.198794f, 5.196321f, 5.19385f, 5.191381f, 5.188915f, 5.186451f, 5.18399f, 5.181531f, 5.179074f, 5.176619f, 5.174167f, 5.171717f, 5.16927f, 5.166824f, 5.164381f, 5.161941f, 5.159502f, 5.157066f, 5.154633f,
-5.152201f, 5.149772f, 5.147345f, 5.144921f, 5.142498f, 5.140078f, 5.137661f, 5.135245f, 5.132832f, 5.130421f, 5.128013f, 5.125606f, 5.123202f, 5.1208f, 5.1184f, 5.116003f, 5.113608f, 5.111215f, 5.108824f, 5.106436f,
-5.10405f, 5.101666f, 5.099284f, 5.096905f, 5.094527f, 5.092152f, 5.089779f, 5.087409f, 5.08504f, 5.082674f, 5.08031f, 5.077948f, 5.075589f, 5.073231f, 5.070876f, 5.068523f, 5.066172f, 5.063823f, 5.061477f, 5.059132f,
-5.05679f, 5.05445f, 5.052112f, 5.049777f, 5.047443f, 5.045112f, 5.042782f, 5.040455f, 5.03813f, 5.035808f, 5.033487f, 5.031168f, 5.028852f, 5.026538f, 5.024226f, 5.021916f, 5.019608f, 5.017302f, 5.014998f, 5.012697f,
-5.010398f, 5.0081f, 5.005805f, 5.003512f, 5.001221f, 4.998932f, 4.996645f, 4.994361f, 4.992078f, 4.989797f, 4.987519f, 4.985243f, 4.982968f, 4.980696f, 4.978426f, 4.976158f, 4.973892f, 4.971628f, 4.969366f, 4.967106f,
-4.964848f, 4.962593f, 4.960339f, 4.958087f, 4.955838f, 4.95359f, 4.951345f, 4.949101f, 4.94686f, 4.94462f, 4.942383f, 4.940148f, 4.937914f, 4.935683f, 4.933454f, 4.931226f, 4.929001f, 4.926778f, 4.924557f, 4.922337f,
-4.92012f, 4.917905f, 4.915692f, 4.91348f, 4.911271f, 4.909064f, 4.906858f, 4.904655f, 4.902454f, 4.900254f, 4.898057f, 4.895861f, 4.893668f, 4.891476f, 4.889287f, 4.887099f, 4.884914f, 4.88273f, 4.880548f, 4.878368f,
-4.87619f, 4.874015f, 4.871841f, 4.869669f, 4.867499f, 4.86533f, 4.863164f, 4.861f, 4.858837f, 4.856677f, 4.854519f, 4.852362f, 4.850207f, 4.848054f, 4.845904f, 4.843755f, 4.841608f, 4.839462f, 4.837319f, 4.835178f,
-4.833038f, 4.830901f, 4.828765f, 4.826631f, 4.824499f, 4.822369f, 4.820241f, 4.818115f, 4.815991f, 4.813868f, 4.811747f, 4.809629f, 4.807512f, 4.805397f, 4.803283f, 4.801172f, 4.799063f, 4.796955f, 4.794849f, 4.792745f,
-4.790643f, 4.788543f, 4.786445f, 4.784348f, 4.782253f, 4.78016f, 4.778069f, 4.77598f, 4.773893f, 4.771807f, 4.769723f, 4.767641f, 4.765561f, 4.763483f, 4.761407f, 4.759332f, 4.757259f, 4.755188f, 4.753119f, 4.751051f,
-4.748986f, 4.746922f, 4.74486f, 4.742799f, 4.740741f, 4.738684f, 4.736629f, 4.734576f, 4.732525f, 4.730475f, 4.728427f, 4.726381f, 4.724337f, 4.722294f, 4.720254f, 4.718215f, 4.716177f, 4.714142f, 4.712108f, 4.710076f,
-4.708046f, 4.706018f, 4.703991f, 4.701966f, 4.699943f, 4.697921f, 4.695901f, 4.693883f, 4.691867f, 4.689853f, 4.68784f, 4.685829f, 4.683819f, 4.681812f, 4.679806f, 4.677802f, 4.675799f, 4.673798f, 4.671799f, 4.669802f,
-4.667806f, 4.665812f, 4.66382f, 4.66183f, 4.659841f, 4.657854f, 4.655868f, 4.653884f, 4.651902f, 4.649922f, 4.647943f, 4.645966f, 4.643991f, 4.642017f, 4.640045f, 4.638075f, 4.636106f, 4.634139f, 4.632174f, 4.630211f,
-4.628249f, 4.626288f, 4.62433f, 4.622373f, 4.620417f, 4.618464f, 4.616512f, 4.614561f, 4.612613f, 4.610666f, 4.60872f, 4.606776f, 4.604834f, 4.602894f, 4.600955f, 4.599018f, 4.597082f, 4.595148f, 4.593216f, 4.591285f,
-4.589356f, 4.587428f, 4.585502f, 4.583578f, 4.581655f, 4.579734f, 4.577815f, 4.575897f, 4.573981f, 4.572066f, 4.570153f, 4.568242f, 4.566332f, 4.564424f, 4.562517f, 4.560612f, 4.558709f, 4.556807f, 4.554907f, 4.553008f,
-4.551111f, 4.549216f, 4.547322f, 4.545429f, 4.543539f, 4.541649f, 4.539762f, 4.537876f, 4.535991f, 4.534108f, 4.532227f, 4.530347f, 4.528469f, 4.526592f, 4.524717f, 4.522843f, 4.520971f, 4.519101f, 4.517232f, 4.515364f,
-4.513499f, 4.511634f, 4.509772f, 4.50791f, 4.506051f, 4.504192f, 4.502336f, 4.500481f, 4.498627f, 4.496775f, 4.494925f, 4.493076f, 4.491228f, 4.489382f, 4.487538f, 4.485695f, 4.483853f, 4.482013f, 4.480175f, 4.478338f,
-4.476503f, 4.474669f, 4.472836f, 4.471006f, 4.469176f, 4.467348f, 4.465522f, 4.463697f, 4.461874f, 4.460052f, 4.458231f, 4.456412f, 4.454595f, 4.452779f, 4.450964f, 4.449151f, 4.44734f, 4.44553f, 4.443721f, 4.441914f,
-4.440108f, 4.438304f, 4.436501f, 4.4347f, 4.4329f, 4.431102f, 4.429305f, 4.42751f, 4.425716f, 4.423923f, 4.422132f, 4.420343f, 4.418554f, 4.416768f, 4.414982f, 4.413199f, 4.411416f, 4.409635f, 4.407856f, 4.406078f,
-4.404301f, 4.402526f, 4.400752f, 4.39898f, 4.397209f, 4.395439f, 4.393671f, 4.391905f, 4.390139f, 4.388376f, 4.386613f, 4.384852f, 4.383093f, 4.381334f, 4.379578f, 4.377822f, 4.376068f, 4.374316f, 4.372565f, 4.370815f,
-4.369067f, 4.36732f, 4.365574f, 4.36383f, 4.362087f, 4.360346f, 4.358606f, 4.356867f, 4.35513f, 4.353394f, 4.35166f, 4.349927f, 4.348195f, 4.346465f, 4.344736f, 4.343009f, 4.341282f, 4.339558f, 4.337834f, 4.336112f,
-4.334392f, 4.332672f, 4.330954f, 4.329238f, 4.327522f, 4.325809f, 4.324096f, 4.322385f, 4.320675f, 4.318967f, 4.31726f, 4.315554f, 4.313849f, 4.312146f, 4.310445f, 4.308744f, 4.307045f, 4.305348f, 4.303651f, 4.301956f,
-4.300262f, 4.29857f, 4.296879f, 4.295189f, 4.293501f, 4.291814f, 4.290128f, 4.288444f, 4.286761f, 4.285079f, 4.283399f, 4.28172f, 4.280042f, 4.278365f, 4.27669f, 4.275016f, 4.273344f, 4.271673f, 4.270003f, 4.268334f,
-4.266667f, 4.265001f, 4.263336f, 4.261673f, 4.26001f, 4.25835f, 4.25669f, 4.255032f, 4.253375f, 4.251719f, 4.250065f, 4.248412f, 4.24676f, 4.245109f, 4.24346f, 4.241812f, 4.240166f, 4.23852f, 4.236876f, 4.235233f,
-4.233592f, 4.231951f, 4.230312f, 4.228675f, 4.227038f, 4.225403f, 4.223769f, 4.222136f, 4.220505f, 4.218875f, 4.217246f, 4.215618f, 4.213992f, 4.212367f, 4.210743f, 4.20912f, 4.207499f, 4.205879f, 4.20426f, 4.202642f,
-4.201026f, 4.19941f, 4.197797f, 4.196184f, 4.194572f, 4.192962f, 4.191353f, 4.189746f, 4.188139f, 4.186534f, 4.18493f, 4.183327f, 4.181725f, 4.180125f, 4.178526f, 4.176928f, 4.175331f, 4.173736f, 4.172142f, 4.170549f,
-4.168957f, 4.167366f, 4.165777f, 4.164189f, 4.162602f, 4.161016f, 4.159431f, 4.157848f, 4.156266f, 4.154685f, 4.153105f, 4.151527f, 4.149949f, 4.148373f, 4.146798f, 4.145225f, 4.143652f, 4.142081f, 4.14051f, 4.138942f,
-4.137374f, 4.135807f, 4.134242f, 4.132678f, 4.131114f, 4.129553f, 4.127992f, 4.126432f, 4.124874f, 4.123317f, 4.121761f, 4.120206f, 4.118653f, 4.1171f, 4.115549f, 4.113999f, 4.11245f, 4.110902f, 4.109355f, 4.10781f,
-4.106266f, 4.104723f, 4.103181f, 4.10164f, 4.1001f, 4.098562f, 4.097024f, 4.095488f, 4.093953f, 4.092419f, 4.090886f, 4.089355f, 4.087824f, 4.086295f, 4.084767f, 4.08324f, 4.081714f, 4.080189f, 4.078666f, 4.077143f,
-4.075622f, 4.074102f, 4.072583f, 4.071065f, 4.069548f, 4.068032f, 4.066518f, 4.065004f, 4.063492f, 4.061981f, 4.060471f, 4.058962f, 4.057454f, 4.055948f, 4.054442f, 4.052938f, 4.051434f, 4.049932f, 4.048431f, 4.046931f,
-4.045432f, 4.043934f, 4.042438f, 4.040942f, 4.039448f, 4.037954f, 4.036462f, 4.034971f, 4.033481f, 4.031992f, 4.030504f, 4.029018f, 4.027532f, 4.026047f, 4.024564f, 4.023082f, 4.0216f, 4.02012f, 4.018641f, 4.017163f,
-4.015686f, 4.01421f, 4.012736f, 4.011262f, 4.00979f, 4.008318f, 4.006848f, 4.005378f, 4.00391f, 4.002443f, 4.000977f, 3.999512f, 3.998048f, 3.996585f, 3.995123f, 3.993662f, 3.992203f, 3.990744f, 3.989287f, 3.98783f,
-3.986375f, 3.98492f, 3.983467f, 3.982015f, 3.980564f, 3.979114f, 3.977664f, 3.976216f, 3.97477f, 3.973324f, 3.971879f, 3.970435f, 3.968992f, 3.967551f, 3.96611f, 3.96467f, 3.963232f, 3.961794f, 3.960358f, 3.958922f,
-3.957488f, 3.956055f, 3.954622f, 3.953191f, 3.951761f, 3.950332f, 3.948903f, 3.947476f, 3.94605f, 3.944625f, 3.943201f, 3.941778f, 3.940356f, 3.938935f, 3.937515f, 3.936096f, 3.934678f, 3.933261f, 3.931845f, 3.930431f,
-3.929017f, 3.927604f, 3.926192f, 3.924781f, 3.923372f, 3.921963f, 3.920555f, 3.919148f, 3.917743f, 3.916338f, 3.914934f, 3.913532f, 3.91213f, 3.910729f, 3.90933f, 3.907931f, 3.906533f, 3.905136f, 3.903741f, 3.902346f,
-3.900952f, 3.89956f, 3.898168f, 3.896777f, 3.895388f, 3.893999f, 3.892611f, 3.891224f, 3.889839f, 3.888454f, 3.88707f, 3.885687f, 3.884305f, 3.882925f, 3.881545f, 3.880166f, 3.878788f, 3.877411f, 3.876035f, 3.87466f,
-3.873286f, 3.871913f, 3.870541f, 3.86917f, 3.8678f, 3.866431f, 3.865063f, 3.863695f, 3.862329f, 3.860964f, 3.8596f, 3.858236f, 3.856874f, 3.855512f, 3.854152f, 3.852792f, 3.851434f, 3.850076f, 3.84872f, 3.847364f,
-3.846009f, 3.844656f, 3.843303f, 3.841951f, 3.8406f, 3.83925f, 3.837901f, 3.836553f, 3.835206f, 3.83386f, 3.832515f, 3.83117f, 3.829827f, 3.828485f, 3.827143f, 3.825803f, 3.824463f, 3.823124f, 3.821787f, 3.82045f,
-3.819114f, 3.817779f, 3.816445f, 3.815112f, 3.81378f, 3.812449f, 3.811119f, 3.80979f, 3.808461f, 3.807134f, 3.805807f, 3.804482f, 3.803157f, 3.801833f, 3.80051f, 3.799188f, 3.797867f, 3.796547f, 3.795228f, 3.79391f,
-3.792593f, 3.791276f, 3.789961f, 3.788646f, 3.787332f, 3.78602f, 3.784708f, 3.783397f, 3.782087f, 3.780778f, 3.779469f, 3.778162f, 3.776856f, 3.77555f, 3.774246f, 3.772942f, 3.771639f, 3.770337f, 3.769036f, 3.767736f,
-3.766437f, 3.765138f, 3.763841f, 3.762544f, 3.761249f, 3.759954f, 3.75866f, 3.757367f, 3.756075f, 3.754784f, 3.753494f, 3.752204f, 3.750916f, 3.749628f, 3.748341f, 3.747055f, 3.74577f, 3.744486f, 3.743203f, 3.741921f,
-3.740639f, 3.739359f, 3.738079f, 3.7368f, 3.735522f, 3.734245f, 3.732969f, 3.731693f, 3.730419f, 3.729145f, 3.727873f, 3.726601f, 3.72533f, 3.72406f, 3.72279f, 3.721522f, 3.720254f, 3.718988f, 3.717722f, 3.716457f,
-3.715193f, 3.71393f, 3.712667f, 3.711406f, 3.710145f, 3.708885f, 3.707626f, 3.706368f, 3.705111f, 3.703854f, 3.702599f, 3.701344f, 3.70009f, 3.698837f, 3.697585f, 3.696334f, 3.695083f, 3.693834f, 3.692585f, 3.691337f,
-3.69009f, 3.688844f, 3.687598f, 3.686354f, 3.68511f, 3.683867f, 3.682625f, 3.681384f, 3.680144f, 3.678904f, 3.677666f, 3.676428f, 3.675191f, 3.673954f, 3.672719f, 3.671485f, 3.670251f, 3.669018f, 3.667786f, 3.666555f,
-3.665324f, 3.664095f, 3.662866f, 3.661638f, 3.660411f, 3.659185f, 3.657959f, 3.656735f, 3.655511f, 3.654288f, 3.653066f, 3.651844f, 3.650624f, 3.649404f, 3.648185f, 3.646967f, 3.64575f, 3.644533f, 3.643318f, 3.642103f,
-3.640889f, 3.639676f, 3.638463f, 3.637252f, 3.636041f, 3.634831f, 3.633622f, 3.632413f, 3.631206f, 3.629999f, 3.628793f, 3.627588f, 3.626383f, 3.62518f, 3.623977f, 3.622775f, 3.621574f, 3.620373f, 3.619174f, 3.617975f,
-3.616777f, 3.61558f, 3.614383f, 3.613188f, 3.611993f, 3.610799f, 3.609606f, 3.608413f, 3.607221f, 3.606031f, 3.60484f, 3.603651f, 3.602463f, 3.601275f, 3.600088f, 3.598902f, 3.597716f, 3.596532f, 3.595348f, 3.594165f,
-3.592982f, 3.591801f, 3.59062f, 3.58944f, 3.588261f, 3.587083f, 3.585905f, 3.584728f, 3.583552f, 3.582377f, 3.581202f, 3.580028f, 3.578855f, 3.577683f, 3.576512f, 3.575341f, 3.574171f, 3.573002f, 3.571833f, 3.570666f,
-3.569499f, 3.568333f, 3.567167f, 3.566003f, 3.564839f, 3.563676f, 3.562514f, 3.561352f, 3.560191f, 3.559031f, 3.557872f, 3.556713f, 3.555556f, 3.554399f, 3.553242f, 3.552087f, 3.550932f, 3.549778f, 3.548625f, 3.547472f,
-3.54632f, 3.545169f, 3.544019f, 3.542869f, 3.541721f, 3.540573f, 3.539425f, 3.538279f, 3.537133f, 3.535988f, 3.534844f, 3.5337f, 3.532557f, 3.531415f, 3.530274f, 3.529133f, 3.527993f, 3.526854f, 3.525716f, 3.524578f,
-3.523441f, 3.522305f, 3.521169f, 3.520034f, 3.5189f, 3.517767f, 3.516634f, 3.515503f, 3.514372f, 3.513241f, 3.512111f, 3.510983f, 3.509854f, 3.508727f, 3.5076f, 3.506474f, 3.505349f, 3.504224f, 3.5031f, 3.501977f,
-3.500855f, 3.499733f, 3.498612f, 3.497492f, 3.496372f, 3.495253f, 3.494135f, 3.493018f, 3.491901f, 3.490785f, 3.48967f, 3.488555f, 3.487441f, 3.486328f, 3.485216f, 3.484104f, 3.482993f, 3.481883f, 3.480773f, 3.479664f,
-3.478556f, 3.477449f, 3.476342f, 3.475236f, 3.474131f, 3.473026f, 3.471922f, 3.470819f, 3.469716f, 3.468614f, 3.467513f, 3.466413f, 3.465313f, 3.464214f, 3.463116f, 3.462018f, 3.460921f, 3.459825f, 3.458729f, 3.457634f,
-3.45654f, 3.455447f, 3.454354f, 3.453262f, 3.45217f, 3.45108f, 3.449989f, 3.4489f, 3.447811f, 3.446723f, 3.445636f, 3.44455f, 3.443464f, 3.442378f, 3.441294f, 3.44021f, 3.439127f, 3.438044f, 3.436962f, 3.435881f,
-3.434801f, 3.433721f, 3.432642f, 3.431564f, 3.430486f, 3.429409f, 3.428332f, 3.427257f, 3.426182f, 3.425107f, 3.424033f, 3.42296f, 3.421888f, 3.420816f, 3.419745f, 3.418675f, 3.417605f, 3.416536f, 3.415468f, 3.4144f,
-3.413333f, 3.412267f, 3.411201f, 3.410136f, 3.409072f, 3.408008f, 3.406945f, 3.405883f, 3.404821f, 3.40376f, 3.4027f, 3.40164f, 3.400581f, 3.399523f, 3.398465f, 3.397408f, 3.396352f, 3.395296f, 3.394241f, 3.393186f,
-3.392133f, 3.391079f, 3.390027f, 3.388975f, 3.387924f, 3.386873f, 3.385824f, 3.384774f, 3.383726f, 3.382678f, 3.381631f, 3.380584f, 3.379538f, 3.378493f, 3.377448f, 3.376404f, 3.375361f, 3.374318f, 3.373276f, 3.372234f,
-3.371193f, 3.370153f, 3.369114f, 3.368075f, 3.367037f, 3.365999f, 3.364962f, 3.363926f, 3.36289f, 3.361855f, 3.360821f, 3.359787f, 3.358754f, 3.357721f, 3.356689f, 3.355658f, 3.354627f, 3.353597f, 3.352568f, 3.351539f,
-3.350511f, 3.349484f, 3.348457f, 3.347431f, 3.346405f, 3.34538f, 3.344356f, 3.343332f, 3.342309f, 3.341287f, 3.340265f, 3.339244f, 3.338223f, 3.337203f, 3.336184f, 3.335165f, 3.334147f, 3.33313f, 3.332113f, 3.331097f,
-3.330081f, 3.329066f, 3.328052f, 3.327038f, 3.326025f, 3.325013f, 3.324001f, 3.32299f, 3.321979f, 3.320969f, 3.319959f, 3.318951f, 3.317942f, 3.316935f, 3.315928f, 3.314922f, 3.313916f, 3.312911f, 3.311906f, 3.310902f,
-3.309899f, 3.308896f, 3.307894f, 3.306893f, 3.305892f, 3.304892f, 3.303892f, 3.302893f, 3.301894f, 3.300897f, 3.299899f, 3.298903f, 3.297907f, 3.296911f, 3.295916f, 3.294922f, 3.293928f, 3.292935f, 3.291943f, 3.290951f,
-3.28996f, 3.288969f, 3.287979f, 3.28699f, 3.286001f, 3.285013f, 3.284025f, 3.283038f, 3.282051f, 3.281065f, 3.28008f, 3.279095f, 3.278111f, 3.277128f, 3.276145f, 3.275162f, 3.274181f, 3.273199f, 3.272219f, 3.271239f,
-3.270259f, 3.269281f, 3.268302f, 3.267325f, 3.266348f, 3.265371f, 3.264395f, 3.26342f, 3.262445f, 3.261471f, 3.260498f, 3.259525f, 3.258552f, 3.25758f, 3.256609f, 3.255638f, 3.254668f, 3.253699f, 3.25273f, 3.251761f,
-3.250794f, 3.249826f, 3.24886f, 3.247894f, 3.246928f, 3.245963f, 3.244999f, 3.244035f, 3.243072f, 3.242109f, 3.241147f, 3.240186f, 3.239225f, 3.238265f, 3.237305f, 3.236346f, 3.235387f, 3.234429f, 3.233471f, 3.232515f,
-3.231558f, 3.230602f, 3.229647f, 3.228692f, 3.227738f, 3.226785f, 3.225832f, 3.224879f, 3.223928f, 3.222976f, 3.222026f, 3.221075f, 3.220126f, 3.219177f, 3.218228f, 3.21728f, 3.216333f, 3.215386f, 3.21444f, 3.213494f,
-3.212549f, 3.211604f, 3.21066f, 3.209717f, 3.208774f, 3.207832f, 3.20689f, 3.205949f, 3.205008f, 3.204068f, 3.203128f, 3.202189f, 3.20125f, 3.200313f, 3.199375f, 3.198438f, 3.197502f, 3.196566f, 3.195631f, 3.194696f,
-3.193762f, 3.192829f, 3.191896f, 3.190963f, 3.190031f, 3.1891f, 3.188169f, 3.187239f, 3.186309f, 3.18538f, 3.184451f, 3.183523f, 3.182595f, 3.181668f, 3.180742f, 3.179816f, 3.17889f, 3.177965f, 3.177041f, 3.176117f,
-3.175194f, 3.174271f, 3.173349f, 3.172427f, 3.171506f, 3.170585f, 3.169665f, 3.168746f, 3.167827f, 3.166908f, 3.16599f, 3.165073f, 3.164156f, 3.16324f, 3.162324f, 3.161409f, 3.160494f, 3.15958f, 3.158666f, 3.157753f,
-3.15684f, 3.155928f, 3.155016f, 3.154105f, 3.153195f, 3.152285f, 3.151375f, 3.150466f, 3.149558f, 3.14865f, 3.147743f, 3.146836f, 3.145929f, 3.145024f, 3.144118f, 3.143213f, 3.142309f, 3.141405f, 3.140502f, 3.1396f,
-3.138697f, 3.137796f, 3.136895f, 3.135994f, 3.135094f, 3.134194f, 3.133295f, 3.132397f, 3.131498f, 3.130601f, 3.129704f, 3.128807f, 3.127911f, 3.127016f, 3.126121f, 3.125227f, 3.124333f, 3.123439f, 3.122546f, 3.121654f,
-3.120762f, 3.119871f, 3.11898f, 3.118089f, 3.117199f, 3.11631f, 3.115421f, 3.114533f, 3.113645f, 3.112758f, 3.111871f, 3.110985f, 3.110099f, 3.109213f, 3.108329f, 3.107444f, 3.10656f, 3.105677f, 3.104794f, 3.103912f,
-3.10303f, 3.102149f, 3.101268f, 3.100388f, 3.099508f, 3.098629f, 3.09775f, 3.096872f, 3.095994f, 3.095117f, 3.09424f, 3.093364f, 3.092488f, 3.091612f, 3.090738f, 3.089863f, 3.088989f, 3.088116f, 3.087243f, 3.086371f,
-3.085499f, 3.084628f, 3.083757f, 3.082886f, 3.082017f, 3.081147f, 3.080278f, 3.07941f, 3.078542f, 3.077674f, 3.076808f, 3.075941f, 3.075075f, 3.07421f, 3.073345f, 3.07248f, 3.071616f, 3.070753f, 3.069889f, 3.069027f,
-3.068165f, 3.067303f, 3.066442f, 3.065581f, 3.064721f, 3.063862f, 3.063002f, 3.062144f, 3.061286f, 3.060428f, 3.05957f, 3.058714f, 3.057857f, 3.057002f, 3.056146f, 3.055291f, 3.054437f, 3.053583f, 3.05273f, 3.051877f,
-3.051024f, 3.050172f, 3.049321f, 3.04847f, 3.047619f, 3.046769f, 3.045919f, 3.04507f, 3.044221f, 3.043373f, 3.042526f, 3.041678f, 3.040831f, 3.039985f, 3.039139f, 3.038294f, 3.037449f, 3.036605f, 3.035761f, 3.034917f,
-3.034074f, 3.033232f, 3.032389f, 3.031548f, 3.030707f, 3.029866f, 3.029026f, 3.028186f, 3.027347f, 3.026508f, 3.025669f, 3.024832f, 3.023994f, 3.023157f, 3.022321f, 3.021485f, 3.020649f, 3.019814f, 3.018979f, 3.018145f,
-3.017311f, 3.016478f, 3.015645f, 3.014813f, 3.013981f, 3.013149f, 3.012318f, 3.011488f, 3.010658f, 3.009828f, 3.008999f, 3.00817f, 3.007342f, 3.006514f, 3.005687f, 3.00486f, 3.004034f, 3.003208f, 3.002382f, 3.001557f,
-3.000733f, 2.999908f, 2.999085f, 2.998262f, 2.997439f, 2.996616f, 2.995794f, 2.994973f, 2.994152f, 2.993332f, 2.992511f, 2.991692f, 2.990873f, 2.990054f, 2.989236f, 2.988418f, 2.9876f, 2.986783f, 2.985967f, 2.985151f,
-2.984335f, 2.98352f, 2.982705f, 2.981891f, 2.981077f, 2.980264f, 2.979451f, 2.978638f, 2.977826f, 2.977015f, 2.976203f, 2.975393f, 2.974582f, 2.973773f, 2.972963f, 2.972154f, 2.971346f, 2.970538f, 2.96973f, 2.968923f,
-2.968116f, 2.96731f, 2.966504f, 2.965698f, 2.964893f, 2.964089f, 2.963284f, 2.962481f, 2.961678f, 2.960875f, 2.960072f, 2.95927f, 2.958469f, 2.957668f, 2.956867f, 2.956067f, 2.955267f, 2.954468f, 2.953669f, 2.95287f,
-2.952072f, 2.951274f, 2.950477f, 2.94968f, 2.948884f, 2.948088f, 2.947293f, 2.946498f, 2.945703f, 2.944909f, 2.944115f, 2.943322f, 2.942529f, 2.941736f, 2.940944f, 2.940153f, 2.939361f, 2.938571f, 2.93778f, 2.93699f,
-2.936201f, 2.935412f, 2.934623f, 2.933835f, 2.933047f, 2.93226f, 2.931473f, 2.930686f, 2.9299f, 2.929114f, 2.928329f, 2.927544f, 2.92676f, 2.925976f, 2.925192f, 2.924409f, 2.923626f, 2.922844f, 2.922062f, 2.92128f,
-2.920499f, 2.919718f, 2.918938f, 2.918158f, 2.917379f, 2.9166f, 2.915821f, 2.915043f, 2.914265f, 2.913488f, 2.912711f, 2.911935f, 2.911158f, 2.910383f, 2.909608f, 2.908833f, 2.908058f, 2.907284f, 2.906511f, 2.905737f,
-2.904965f, 2.904192f, 2.90342f, 2.902649f, 2.901877f, 2.901107f, 2.900336f, 2.899566f, 2.898797f, 2.898028f, 2.897259f, 2.896491f, 2.895723f, 2.894955f, 2.894188f, 2.893422f, 2.892655f, 2.89189f, 2.891124f, 2.890359f,
-2.889594f, 2.88883f, 2.888066f, 2.887303f, 2.88654f, 2.885777f, 2.885015f, 2.884253f, 2.883492f, 2.882731f, 2.88197f, 2.88121f, 2.88045f, 2.879691f, 2.878932f, 2.878173f, 2.877415f, 2.876657f, 2.8759f, 2.875143f,
-2.874386f, 2.87363f, 2.872874f, 2.872119f, 2.871363f, 2.870609f, 2.869855f, 2.869101f, 2.868347f, 2.867594f, 2.866842f, 2.866089f, 2.865338f, 2.864586f, 2.863835f, 2.863084f, 2.862334f, 2.861584f, 2.860835f, 2.860086f,
-2.859337f, 2.858589f, 2.857841f, 2.857093f, 2.856346f, 2.855599f, 2.854853f, 2.854107f, 2.853361f, 2.852616f, 2.851871f, 2.851127f, 2.850383f, 2.849639f, 2.848896f, 2.848153f, 2.84741f, 2.846668f, 2.845927f, 2.845185f,
-2.844444f, 2.843704f, 2.842964f, 2.842224f, 2.841485f, 2.840746f, 2.840007f, 2.839269f, 2.838531f, 2.837793f, 2.837056f, 2.83632f, 2.835583f, 2.834847f, 2.834112f, 2.833377f, 2.832642f, 2.831907f, 2.831173f, 2.83044f,
-2.829706f, 2.828973f, 2.828241f, 2.827509f, 2.826777f, 2.826046f, 2.825315f, 2.824584f, 2.823854f, 2.823124f, 2.822394f, 2.821665f, 2.820937f, 2.820208f, 2.81948f, 2.818753f, 2.818025f, 2.817299f, 2.816572f, 2.815846f,
-2.81512f, 2.814395f, 2.81367f, 2.812945f, 2.812221f, 2.811497f, 2.810774f, 2.810051f, 2.809328f, 2.808605f, 2.807883f, 2.807162f, 2.806441f, 2.80572f, 2.804999f, 2.804279f, 2.803559f, 2.80284f, 2.802121f, 2.801402f,
-2.800684f, 2.799966f, 2.799248f, 2.798531f, 2.797814f, 2.797098f, 2.796382f, 2.795666f, 2.794951f, 2.794236f, 2.793521f, 2.792807f, 2.792093f, 2.791379f, 2.790666f, 2.789953f, 2.789241f, 2.788529f, 2.787817f, 2.787106f,
-2.786395f, 2.785684f, 2.784974f, 2.784264f, 2.783554f, 2.782845f, 2.782136f, 2.781428f, 2.78072f, 2.780012f, 2.779304f, 2.778597f, 2.777891f, 2.777185f, 2.776479f, 2.775773f, 2.775068f, 2.774363f, 2.773658f, 2.772954f,
-2.77225f, 2.771547f, 2.770844f, 2.770141f, 2.769439f, 2.768737f, 2.768035f, 2.767334f, 2.766633f, 2.765932f, 2.765232f, 2.764532f, 2.763833f, 2.763133f, 2.762435f, 2.761736f, 2.761038f, 2.76034f, 2.759643f, 2.758946f,
-2.758249f, 2.757553f, 2.756857f, 2.756161f, 2.755466f, 2.754771f, 2.754076f, 2.753382f, 2.752688f, 2.751995f, 2.751301f, 2.750609f, 2.749916f, 2.749224f, 2.748532f, 2.747841f, 2.74715f, 2.746459f, 2.745768f, 2.745078f,
-2.744389f, 2.743699f, 2.74301f, 2.742322f, 2.741633f, 2.740945f, 2.740258f, 2.73957f, 2.738883f, 2.738197f, 2.73751f, 2.736825f, 2.736139f, 2.735454f, 2.734769f, 2.734084f, 2.7334f, 2.732716f, 2.732033f, 2.73135f,
-2.730667f, 2.729984f, 2.729302f, 2.72862f, 2.727939f, 2.727258f, 2.726577f, 2.725896f, 2.725216f, 2.724536f, 2.723857f, 2.723178f, 2.722499f, 2.721821f, 2.721143f, 2.720465f, 2.719788f, 2.71911f, 2.718434f, 2.717757f,
-2.717081f, 2.716406f, 2.71573f, 2.715055f, 2.71438f, 2.713706f, 2.713032f, 2.712358f, 2.711685f, 2.711012f, 2.710339f, 2.709667f, 2.708995f, 2.708323f, 2.707652f, 2.706981f, 2.70631f, 2.70564f, 2.704969f, 2.7043f,
-2.70363f, 2.702961f, 2.702293f, 2.701624f, 2.700956f, 2.700288f, 2.699621f, 2.698954f, 2.698287f, 2.697621f, 2.696955f, 2.696289f, 2.695624f, 2.694958f, 2.694294f, 2.693629f, 2.692965f, 2.692301f, 2.691638f, 2.690975f,
-2.690312f, 2.68965f, 2.688987f, 2.688326f, 2.687664f, 2.687003f, 2.686342f, 2.685682f, 2.685021f, 2.684361f, 2.683702f, 2.683043f, 2.682384f, 2.681725f, 2.681067f, 2.680409f, 2.679751f, 2.679094f, 2.678437f, 2.677781f,
-2.677124f, 2.676468f, 2.675813f, 2.675157f, 2.674502f, 2.673847f, 2.673193f, 2.672539f, 2.671885f, 2.671232f, 2.670579f, 2.669926f, 2.669273f, 2.668621f, 2.667969f, 2.667318f, 2.666667f, 2.666016f, 2.665365f, 2.664715f,
-2.664065f, 2.663415f, 2.662766f, 2.662117f, 2.661468f, 2.66082f, 2.660172f, 2.659524f, 2.658877f, 2.65823f, 2.657583f, 2.656937f, 2.656291f, 2.655645f, 2.654999f, 2.654354f, 2.653709f, 2.653065f, 2.65242f, 2.651776f,
-2.651133f, 2.650489f, 2.649846f, 2.649204f, 2.648561f, 2.647919f, 2.647277f, 2.646636f, 2.645995f, 2.645354f, 2.644713f, 2.644073f, 2.643433f, 2.642794f, 2.642154f, 2.641516f, 2.640877f, 2.640238f, 2.6396f, 2.638963f,
-2.638325f, 2.637688f, 2.637051f, 2.636415f, 2.635779f, 2.635143f, 2.634507f, 2.633872f, 2.633237f, 2.632602f, 2.631968f, 2.631334f, 2.6307f, 2.630067f, 2.629433f, 2.628801f, 2.628168f, 2.627536f, 2.626904f, 2.626272f,
-2.625641f, 2.62501f, 2.624379f, 2.623749f, 2.623119f, 2.622489f, 2.621859f, 2.62123f, 2.620601f, 2.619973f, 2.619345f, 2.618717f, 2.618089f, 2.617461f, 2.616834f, 2.616208f, 2.615581f, 2.614955f, 2.614329f, 2.613703f,
-2.613078f, 2.612453f, 2.611828f, 2.611204f, 2.61058f, 2.609956f, 2.609333f, 2.608709f, 2.608087f, 2.607464f, 2.606842f, 2.60622f, 2.605598f, 2.604977f, 2.604355f, 2.603735f, 2.603114f, 2.602494f, 2.601874f, 2.601254f,
-2.600635f, 2.600016f, 2.599397f, 2.598779f, 2.59816f, 2.597543f, 2.596925f, 2.596308f, 2.595691f, 2.595074f, 2.594458f, 2.593842f, 2.593226f, 2.59261f, 2.591995f, 2.59138f, 2.590765f, 2.590151f, 2.589537f, 2.588923f,
-2.58831f, 2.587696f, 2.587084f, 2.586471f, 2.585859f, 2.585247f, 2.584635f, 2.584023f, 2.583412f, 2.582801f, 2.582191f, 2.58158f, 2.58097f, 2.580361f, 2.579751f, 2.579142f, 2.578533f, 2.577925f, 2.577316f, 2.576708f,
-2.576101f, 2.575493f, 2.574886f, 2.574279f, 2.573673f, 2.573066f, 2.57246f, 2.571855f, 2.571249f, 2.570644f, 2.570039f, 2.569435f, 2.56883f, 2.568226f, 2.567623f, 2.567019f, 2.566416f, 2.565813f, 2.565211f, 2.564608f,
-2.564006f, 2.563405f, 2.562803f, 2.562202f, 2.561601f, 2.561f, 2.5604f, 2.5598f, 2.5592f, 2.558601f, 2.558002f, 2.557403f, 2.556804f, 2.556206f, 2.555608f, 2.55501f, 2.554412f, 2.553815f, 2.553218f, 2.552621f,
-2.552025f, 2.551429f, 2.550833f, 2.550237f, 2.549642f, 2.549047f, 2.548452f, 2.547858f, 2.547264f, 2.54667f, 2.546076f, 2.545483f, 2.54489f, 2.544297f, 2.543704f, 2.543112f, 2.54252f, 2.541928f, 2.541337f, 2.540746f,
-2.540155f, 2.539564f, 2.538974f, 2.538384f, 2.537794f, 2.537205f, 2.536616f, 2.536027f, 2.535438f, 2.53485f, 2.534261f, 2.533674f, 2.533086f, 2.532499f, 2.531912f, 2.531325f, 2.530738f, 2.530152f, 2.529566f, 2.52898f,
-2.528395f, 2.52781f, 2.527225f, 2.52664f, 2.526056f, 2.525472f, 2.524888f, 2.524305f, 2.523722f, 2.523139f, 2.522556f, 2.521973f, 2.521391f, 2.520809f, 2.520228f, 2.519646f, 2.519065f, 2.518484f, 2.517904f, 2.517324f,
-2.516743f, 2.516164f, 2.515584f, 2.515005f, 2.514426f, 2.513847f, 2.513269f, 2.512691f, 2.512113f, 2.511535f, 2.510958f, 2.510381f, 2.509804f, 2.509227f, 2.508651f, 2.508075f, 2.507499f, 2.506924f, 2.506348f, 2.505773f,
-2.505199f, 2.504624f, 2.50405f, 2.503476f, 2.502903f, 2.502329f, 2.501756f, 2.501183f, 2.500611f, 2.500038f, 2.499466f, 2.498894f, 2.498323f, 2.497751f, 2.49718f, 2.49661f, 2.496039f, 2.495469f, 2.494899f, 2.494329f,
-2.49376f, 2.49319f, 2.492621f, 2.492053f, 2.491484f, 2.490916f, 2.490348f, 2.48978f, 2.489213f, 2.488646f, 2.488079f, 2.487512f, 2.486946f, 2.48638f, 2.485814f, 2.485248f, 2.484683f, 2.484118f, 2.483553f, 2.482989f,
-2.482424f, 2.48186f, 2.481296f, 2.480733f, 2.48017f, 2.479607f, 2.479044f, 2.478481f, 2.477919f, 2.477357f, 2.476795f, 2.476234f, 2.475672f, 2.475111f, 2.474551f, 2.47399f, 2.47343f, 2.47287f, 2.47231f, 2.471751f,
-2.471192f, 2.470633f, 2.470074f, 2.469515f, 2.468957f, 2.468399f, 2.467842f, 2.467284f, 2.466727f, 2.46617f, 2.465613f, 2.465057f, 2.464501f, 2.463945f, 2.463389f, 2.462834f, 2.462278f, 2.461723f, 2.461169f, 2.460614f,
-2.46006f, 2.459506f, 2.458952f, 2.458399f, 2.457846f, 2.457293f, 2.45674f, 2.456188f, 2.455635f, 2.455084f, 2.454532f, 2.45398f, 2.453429f, 2.452878f, 2.452327f, 2.451777f, 2.451227f, 2.450677f, 2.450127f, 2.449578f,
-2.449028f, 2.448479f, 2.447931f, 2.447382f, 2.446834f, 2.446286f, 2.445738f, 2.445191f, 2.444643f, 2.444096f, 2.44355f, 2.443003f, 2.442457f, 2.441911f, 2.441365f, 2.440819f, 2.440274f, 2.439729f, 2.439184f, 2.43864f,
-2.438095f, 2.437551f, 2.437007f, 2.436464f, 2.43592f, 2.435377f, 2.434834f, 2.434292f, 2.433749f, 2.433207f, 2.432665f, 2.432124f, 2.431582f, 2.431041f, 2.4305f, 2.429959f, 2.429419f, 2.428879f, 2.428339f, 2.427799f,
-2.427259f, 2.42672f, 2.426181f, 2.425642f, 2.425104f, 2.424565f, 2.424027f, 2.423489f, 2.422952f, 2.422414f, 2.421877f, 2.42134f, 2.420804f, 2.420267f, 2.419731f, 2.419195f, 2.41866f, 2.418124f, 2.417589f, 2.417054f,
-2.416519f, 2.415985f, 2.41545f, 2.414916f, 2.414383f, 2.413849f, 2.413316f, 2.412783f, 2.41225f, 2.411717f, 2.411185f, 2.410653f, 2.410121f, 2.409589f, 2.409057f, 2.408526f, 2.407995f, 2.407465f, 2.406934f, 2.406404f,
-2.405874f, 2.405344f, 2.404814f, 2.404285f, 2.403756f, 2.403227f, 2.402698f, 2.40217f, 2.401642f, 2.401114f, 2.400586f, 2.400059f, 2.399531f, 2.399004f, 2.398478f, 2.397951f, 2.397425f, 2.396899f, 2.396373f, 2.395847f,
-2.395322f, 2.394796f, 2.394272f, 2.393747f, 2.393222f, 2.392698f, 2.392174f, 2.39165f, 2.391127f, 2.390603f, 2.39008f, 2.389557f, 2.389035f, 2.388512f, 2.38799f, 2.387468f, 2.386946f, 2.386425f, 2.385904f, 2.385383f,
-2.384862f, 2.384341f, 2.383821f, 2.383301f, 2.382781f, 2.382261f, 2.381742f, 2.381222f, 2.380703f, 2.380184f, 2.379666f, 2.379148f, 2.37863f, 2.378112f, 2.377594f, 2.377077f, 2.376559f, 2.376042f, 2.375526f, 2.375009f,
-2.374493f, 2.373977f, 2.373461f, 2.372945f, 2.37243f, 2.371915f, 2.3714f, 2.370885f, 2.37037f, 2.369856f, 2.369342f, 2.368828f, 2.368315f, 2.367801f, 2.367288f, 2.366775f, 2.366262f, 2.36575f, 2.365237f, 2.364725f,
-2.364214f, 2.363702f, 2.363191f, 2.362679f, 2.362168f, 2.361658f, 2.361147f, 2.360637f, 2.360127f, 2.359617f, 2.359107f, 2.358598f, 2.358089f, 2.35758f, 2.357071f, 2.356562f, 2.356054f, 2.355546f, 2.355038f, 2.35453f,
-2.354023f, 2.353516f, 2.353009f, 2.352502f, 2.351995f, 2.351489f, 2.350983f, 2.350477f, 2.349971f, 2.349466f, 2.348961f, 2.348456f, 2.347951f, 2.347446f, 2.346942f, 2.346438f, 2.345934f, 2.34543f, 2.344926f, 2.344423f,
-2.34392f, 2.343417f, 2.342914f, 2.342412f, 2.34191f, 2.341408f, 2.340906f, 2.340404f, 2.339903f, 2.339402f, 2.338901f, 2.3384f, 2.3379f, 2.337399f, 2.336899f, 2.336399f, 2.3359f, 2.3354f, 2.334901f, 2.334402f,
-2.333903f, 2.333405f, 2.332906f, 2.332408f, 2.33191f, 2.331412f, 2.330915f, 2.330417f, 2.32992f, 2.329423f, 2.328927f, 2.32843f, 2.327934f, 2.327438f, 2.326942f, 2.326447f, 2.325951f, 2.325456f, 2.324961f, 2.324466f,
-2.323972f, 2.323477f, 2.322983f, 2.322489f, 2.321995f, 2.321502f, 2.321009f, 2.320516f, 2.320023f, 2.31953f, 2.319038f, 2.318545f, 2.318053f, 2.317561f, 2.31707f, 2.316578f, 2.316087f, 2.315596f, 2.315105f, 2.314615f,
-2.314124f, 2.313634f, 2.313144f, 2.312654f, 2.312165f, 2.311675f, 2.311186f, 2.310697f, 2.310209f, 2.30972f, 2.309232f, 2.308744f, 2.308256f, 2.307768f, 2.307281f, 2.306793f, 2.306306f, 2.305819f, 2.305333f, 2.304846f,
-2.30436f, 2.303874f, 2.303388f, 2.302903f, 2.302417f, 2.301932f, 2.301447f, 2.300962f, 2.300477f, 2.299993f, 2.299509f, 2.299025f, 2.298541f, 2.298057f, 2.297574f, 2.297091f, 2.296608f, 2.296125f, 2.295642f, 2.29516f,
-2.294678f, 2.294196f, 2.293714f, 2.293233f, 2.292751f, 2.29227f, 2.291789f, 2.291308f, 2.290828f, 2.290347f, 2.289867f, 2.289387f, 2.288908f, 2.288428f, 2.287949f, 2.287469f, 2.286991f, 2.286512f, 2.286033f, 2.285555f,
-2.285077f, 2.284599f, 2.284121f, 2.283643f, 2.283166f, 2.282689f, 2.282212f, 2.281735f, 2.281259f, 2.280782f, 2.280306f, 2.27983f, 2.279354f, 2.278879f, 2.278404f, 2.277928f, 2.277453f, 2.276979f, 2.276504f, 2.27603f,
-2.275556f, 2.275082f, 2.274608f, 2.274134f, 2.273661f, 2.273188f, 2.272715f, 2.272242f, 2.271769f, 2.271297f, 2.270825f, 2.270353f, 2.269881f, 2.269409f, 2.268938f, 2.268467f, 2.267996f, 2.267525f, 2.267054f, 2.266584f,
-2.266113f, 2.265643f, 2.265174f, 2.264704f, 2.264234f, 2.263765f, 2.263296f, 2.262827f, 2.262358f, 2.26189f, 2.261422f, 2.260954f, 2.260486f, 2.260018f, 2.25955f, 2.259083f, 2.258616f, 2.258149f, 2.257682f, 2.257216f,
-2.256749f, 2.256283f, 2.255817f, 2.255351f, 2.254886f, 2.25442f, 2.253955f, 2.25349f, 2.253025f, 2.252561f, 2.252096f, 2.251632f, 2.251168f, 2.250704f, 2.25024f, 2.249777f, 2.249314f, 2.24885f, 2.248388f, 2.247925f,
-2.247462f, 2.247f, 2.246538f, 2.246076f, 2.245614f, 2.245152f, 2.244691f, 2.24423f, 2.243769f, 2.243308f, 2.242847f, 2.242387f, 2.241927f, 2.241467f, 2.241007f, 2.240547f, 2.240088f, 2.239628f, 2.239169f, 2.23871f,
-2.238251f, 2.237793f, 2.237334f, 2.236876f, 2.236418f, 2.23596f, 2.235503f, 2.235045f, 2.234588f, 2.234131f, 2.233674f, 2.233217f, 2.232761f, 2.232305f, 2.231849f, 2.231393f, 2.230937f, 2.230481f, 2.230026f, 2.229571f,
-2.229116f, 2.228661f, 2.228206f, 2.227752f, 2.227297f, 2.226843f, 2.226389f, 2.225936f, 2.225482f, 2.225029f, 2.224576f, 2.224123f, 2.22367f, 2.223217f, 2.222765f, 2.222313f, 2.221861f, 2.221409f, 2.220957f, 2.220506f,
-2.220054f, 2.219603f, 2.219152f, 2.218701f, 2.218251f, 2.2178f, 2.21735f, 2.2169f, 2.21645f, 2.216001f, 2.215551f, 2.215102f, 2.214653f, 2.214204f, 2.213755f, 2.213306f, 2.212858f, 2.21241f, 2.211962f, 2.211514f,
-2.211066f, 2.210619f, 2.210171f, 2.209724f, 2.209277f, 2.20883f, 2.208384f, 2.207937f, 2.207491f, 2.207045f, 2.206599f, 2.206154f, 2.205708f, 2.205263f, 2.204818f, 2.204373f, 2.203928f, 2.203483f, 2.203039f, 2.202595f,
-2.202151f, 2.201707f, 2.201263f, 2.200819f, 2.200376f, 2.199933f, 2.19949f, 2.199047f, 2.198604f, 2.198162f, 2.19772f, 2.197278f, 2.196836f, 2.196394f, 2.195952f, 2.195511f, 2.19507f, 2.194629f, 2.194188f, 2.193747f,
-2.193307f, 2.192866f, 2.192426f, 2.191986f, 2.191546f, 2.191107f, 2.190667f, 2.190228f, 2.189789f, 2.18935f, 2.188911f, 2.188473f, 2.188034f, 2.187596f, 2.187158f, 2.18672f, 2.186282f, 2.185845f, 2.185407f, 2.18497f,
-2.184533f, 2.184097f, 2.18366f, 2.183223f, 2.182787f, 2.182351f, 2.181915f, 2.181479f, 2.181044f, 2.180608f, 2.180173f, 2.179738f, 2.179303f, 2.178868f, 2.178434f, 2.177999f, 2.177565f, 2.177131f, 2.176697f, 2.176264f,
-2.17583f, 2.175397f, 2.174963f, 2.17453f, 2.174098f, 2.173665f, 2.173233f, 2.1728f, 2.172368f, 2.171936f, 2.171504f, 2.171073f, 2.170641f, 2.17021f, 2.169779f, 2.169348f, 2.168917f, 2.168487f, 2.168056f, 2.167626f,
-2.167196f, 2.166766f, 2.166336f, 2.165907f, 2.165477f, 2.165048f, 2.164619f, 2.16419f, 2.163761f, 2.163333f, 2.162904f, 2.162476f, 2.162048f, 2.16162f, 2.161192f, 2.160765f, 2.160338f, 2.15991f, 2.159483f, 2.159056f,
-2.15863f, 2.158203f, 2.157777f, 2.157351f, 2.156925f, 2.156499f, 2.156073f, 2.155648f, 2.155222f, 2.154797f, 2.154372f, 2.153947f, 2.153523f, 2.153098f, 2.152674f, 2.15225f, 2.151826f, 2.151402f, 2.150978f, 2.150555f,
-2.150131f, 2.149708f, 2.149285f, 2.148862f, 2.14844f, 2.148017f, 2.147595f, 2.147173f, 2.146751f, 2.146329f, 2.145907f, 2.145485f, 2.145064f, 2.144643f, 2.144222f, 2.143801f, 2.14338f, 2.14296f, 2.14254f, 2.142119f,
-2.141699f, 2.141279f, 2.14086f, 2.14044f, 2.140021f, 2.139602f, 2.139183f, 2.138764f, 2.138345f, 2.137927f, 2.137508f, 2.13709f, 2.136672f, 2.136254f, 2.135836f, 2.135419f, 2.135001f, 2.134584f, 2.134167f, 2.13375f,
-2.133333f, 2.132917f, 2.1325f, 2.132084f, 2.131668f, 2.131252f, 2.130836f, 2.130421f, 2.130005f, 2.12959f, 2.129175f, 2.12876f, 2.128345f, 2.12793f, 2.127516f, 2.127102f, 2.126687f, 2.126273f, 2.12586f, 2.125446f,
-2.125032f, 2.124619f, 2.124206f, 2.123793f, 2.12338f, 2.122967f, 2.122555f, 2.122142f, 2.12173f, 2.121318f, 2.120906f, 2.120494f, 2.120083f, 2.119671f, 2.11926f, 2.118849f, 2.118438f, 2.118027f, 2.117617f, 2.117206f,
-2.116796f, 2.116386f, 2.115976f, 2.115566f, 2.115156f, 2.114747f, 2.114337f, 2.113928f, 2.113519f, 2.11311f, 2.112701f, 2.112293f, 2.111885f, 2.111476f, 2.111068f, 2.11066f, 2.110252f, 2.109845f, 2.109437f, 2.10903f,
-2.108623f, 2.108216f, 2.107809f, 2.107402f, 2.106996f, 2.10659f, 2.106183f, 2.105777f, 2.105371f, 2.104966f, 2.10456f, 2.104155f, 2.103749f, 2.103344f, 2.102939f, 2.102534f, 2.10213f, 2.101725f, 2.101321f, 2.100917f,
-2.100513f, 2.100109f, 2.099705f, 2.099302f, 2.098898f, 2.098495f, 2.098092f, 2.097689f, 2.097286f, 2.096884f, 2.096481f, 2.096079f, 2.095677f, 2.095275f, 2.094873f, 2.094471f, 2.09407f, 2.093668f, 2.093267f, 2.092866f,
-2.092465f, 2.092064f, 2.091663f, 2.091263f, 2.090863f, 2.090463f, 2.090063f, 2.089663f, 2.089263f, 2.088863f, 2.088464f, 2.088065f, 2.087666f, 2.087267f, 2.086868f, 2.086469f, 2.086071f, 2.085672f, 2.085274f, 2.084876f,
-2.084478f, 2.084081f, 2.083683f, 2.083286f, 2.082888f, 2.082491f, 2.082094f, 2.081697f, 2.081301f, 2.080904f, 2.080508f, 2.080112f, 2.079716f, 2.07932f, 2.078924f, 2.078528f, 2.078133f, 2.077738f, 2.077342f, 2.076947f,
-2.076553f, 2.076158f, 2.075763f, 2.075369f, 2.074975f, 2.074581f, 2.074187f, 2.073793f, 2.073399f, 2.073006f, 2.072612f, 2.072219f, 2.071826f, 2.071433f, 2.07104f, 2.070648f, 2.070255f, 2.069863f, 2.069471f, 2.069079f,
-2.068687f, 2.068295f, 2.067904f, 2.067512f, 2.067121f, 2.06673f, 2.066339f, 2.065948f, 2.065557f, 2.065167f, 2.064776f, 2.064386f, 2.063996f, 2.063606f, 2.063216f, 2.062827f, 2.062437f, 2.062048f, 2.061658f, 2.061269f,
-2.060881f, 2.060492f, 2.060103f, 2.059715f, 2.059326f, 2.058938f, 2.05855f, 2.058162f, 2.057774f, 2.057387f, 2.056999f, 2.056612f, 2.056225f, 2.055838f, 2.055451f, 2.055064f, 2.054678f, 2.054291f, 2.053905f, 2.053519f,
-2.053133f, 2.052747f, 2.052361f, 2.051976f, 2.05159f, 2.051205f, 2.05082f, 2.050435f, 2.05005f, 2.049665f, 2.049281f, 2.048896f, 2.048512f, 2.048128f, 2.047744f, 2.04736f, 2.046977f, 2.046593f, 2.04621f, 2.045826f,
-2.045443f, 2.04506f, 2.044677f, 2.044295f, 2.043912f, 2.04353f, 2.043148f, 2.042765f, 2.042383f, 2.042002f, 2.04162f, 2.041238f, 2.040857f, 2.040476f, 2.040095f, 2.039714f, 2.039333f, 2.038952f, 2.038572f, 2.038191f,
-2.037811f, 2.037431f, 2.037051f, 2.036671f, 2.036291f, 2.035912f, 2.035532f, 2.035153f, 2.034774f, 2.034395f, 2.034016f, 2.033637f, 2.033259f, 2.03288f, 2.032502f, 2.032124f, 2.031746f, 2.031368f, 2.03099f, 2.030613f,
-2.030235f, 2.029858f, 2.029481f, 2.029104f, 2.028727f, 2.02835f, 2.027974f, 2.027597f, 2.027221f, 2.026845f, 2.026469f, 2.026093f, 2.025717f, 2.025341f, 2.024966f, 2.024591f, 2.024215f, 2.02384f, 2.023465f, 2.023091f,
-2.022716f, 2.022342f, 2.021967f, 2.021593f, 2.021219f, 2.020845f, 2.020471f, 2.020097f, 2.019724f, 2.01935f, 2.018977f, 2.018604f, 2.018231f, 2.017858f, 2.017486f, 2.017113f, 2.016741f, 2.016368f, 2.015996f, 2.015624f,
-2.015252f, 2.01488f, 2.014509f, 2.014137f, 2.013766f, 2.013395f, 2.013024f, 2.012653f, 2.012282f, 2.011911f, 2.011541f, 2.01117f, 2.0108f, 2.01043f, 2.01006f, 2.00969f, 2.009321f, 2.008951f, 2.008582f, 2.008212f,
-2.007843f, 2.007474f, 2.007105f, 2.006736f, 2.006368f, 2.005999f, 2.005631f, 2.005263f, 2.004895f, 2.004527f, 2.004159f, 2.003791f, 2.003424f, 2.003056f, 2.002689f, 2.002322f, 2.001955f, 2.001588f, 2.001221f, 2.000855f,
-2.000488f, 2.000122f, 1.999756f, 1.99939f, 1.999024f, 1.998658f, 1.998292f, 1.997927f, 1.997562f, 1.997196f, 1.996831f, 1.996466f, 1.996101f, 1.995737f, 1.995372f, 1.995008f, 1.994643f, 1.994279f, 1.993915f, 1.993551f,
-1.993187f, 1.992824f, 1.99246f, 1.992097f, 1.991734f, 1.99137f, 1.991007f, 1.990645f, 1.990282f, 1.989919f, 1.989557f, 1.989194f, 1.988832f, 1.98847f, 1.988108f, 1.987746f, 1.987385f, 1.987023f, 1.986662f, 1.986301f,
-1.985939f, 1.985578f, 1.985217f, 1.984857f, 1.984496f, 1.984136f, 1.983775f, 1.983415f, 1.983055f, 1.982695f, 1.982335f, 1.981975f, 1.981616f, 1.981256f, 1.980897f, 1.980538f, 1.980179f, 1.97982f, 1.979461f, 1.979102f,
-1.978744f, 1.978386f, 1.978027f, 1.977669f, 1.977311f, 1.976953f, 1.976595f, 1.976238f, 1.97588f, 1.975523f, 1.975166f, 1.974809f, 1.974452f, 1.974095f, 1.973738f, 1.973382f, 1.973025f, 1.972669f, 1.972313f, 1.971956f,
-1.9716f, 1.971245f, 1.970889f, 1.970533f, 1.970178f, 1.969823f, 1.969467f, 1.969112f, 1.968758f, 1.968403f, 1.968048f, 1.967694f, 1.967339f, 1.966985f, 1.966631f, 1.966277f, 1.965923f, 1.965569f, 1.965215f, 1.964862f,
-1.964508f, 1.964155f, 1.963802f, 1.963449f, 1.963096f, 1.962743f, 1.962391f, 1.962038f, 1.961686f, 1.961334f, 1.960981f, 1.960629f, 1.960278f, 1.959926f, 1.959574f, 1.959223f, 1.958871f, 1.95852f, 1.958169f, 1.957818f,
-1.957467f, 1.957116f, 1.956766f, 1.956415f, 1.956065f, 1.955715f, 1.955365f, 1.955015f, 1.954665f, 1.954315f, 1.953965f, 1.953616f, 1.953267f, 1.952917f, 1.952568f, 1.952219f, 1.95187f, 1.951522f, 1.951173f, 1.950825f,
-1.950476f, 1.950128f, 1.94978f, 1.949432f, 1.949084f, 1.948736f, 1.948389f, 1.948041f, 1.947694f, 1.947347f, 1.946999f, 1.946652f, 1.946306f, 1.945959f, 1.945612f, 1.945266f, 1.944919f, 1.944573f, 1.944227f, 1.943881f,
-1.943535f, 1.943189f, 1.942844f, 1.942498f, 1.942153f, 1.941807f, 1.941462f, 1.941117f, 1.940772f, 1.940428f, 1.940083f, 1.939738f, 1.939394f, 1.93905f, 1.938705f, 1.938361f, 1.938018f, 1.937674f, 1.93733f, 1.936986f,
-1.936643f, 1.9363f, 1.935957f, 1.935613f, 1.93527f, 1.934928f, 1.934585f, 1.934242f, 1.9339f, 1.933558f, 1.933215f, 1.932873f, 1.932531f, 1.932189f, 1.931848f, 1.931506f, 1.931165f, 1.930823f, 1.930482f, 1.930141f,
-1.9298f, 1.929459f, 1.929118f, 1.928777f, 1.928437f, 1.928096f, 1.927756f, 1.927416f, 1.927076f, 1.926736f, 1.926396f, 1.926057f, 1.925717f, 1.925378f, 1.925038f, 1.924699f, 1.92436f, 1.924021f, 1.923682f, 1.923343f,
-1.923005f, 1.922666f, 1.922328f, 1.92199f, 1.921651f, 1.921313f, 1.920975f, 1.920638f, 1.9203f, 1.919963f, 1.919625f, 1.919288f, 1.918951f, 1.918614f, 1.918277f, 1.91794f, 1.917603f, 1.917266f, 1.91693f, 1.916594f,
-1.916257f, 1.915921f, 1.915585f, 1.915249f, 1.914914f, 1.914578f, 1.914242f, 1.913907f, 1.913572f, 1.913236f, 1.912901f, 1.912566f, 1.912232f, 1.911897f, 1.911562f, 1.911228f, 1.910893f, 1.910559f, 1.910225f, 1.909891f,
-1.909557f, 1.909223f, 1.90889f, 1.908556f, 1.908223f, 1.907889f, 1.907556f, 1.907223f, 1.90689f, 1.906557f, 1.906225f, 1.905892f, 1.905559f, 1.905227f, 1.904895f, 1.904563f, 1.904231f, 1.903899f, 1.903567f, 1.903235f,
-1.902904f, 1.902572f, 1.902241f, 1.90191f, 1.901578f, 1.901247f, 1.900917f, 1.900586f, 1.900255f, 1.899925f, 1.899594f, 1.899264f, 1.898934f, 1.898604f, 1.898274f, 1.897944f, 1.897614f, 1.897284f, 1.896955f, 1.896626f,
-1.896296f, 1.895967f, 1.895638f, 1.895309f, 1.89498f, 1.894652f, 1.894323f, 1.893995f, 1.893666f, 1.893338f, 1.89301f, 1.892682f, 1.892354f, 1.892026f, 1.891698f, 1.891371f, 1.891043f, 1.890716f, 1.890389f, 1.890062f,
-1.889735f, 1.889408f, 1.889081f, 1.888754f, 1.888428f, 1.888101f, 1.887775f, 1.887449f, 1.887123f, 1.886797f, 1.886471f, 1.886145f, 1.88582f, 1.885494f, 1.885169f, 1.884843f, 1.884518f, 1.884193f, 1.883868f, 1.883543f,
-1.883218f, 1.882894f, 1.882569f, 1.882245f, 1.881921f, 1.881596f, 1.881272f, 1.880948f, 1.880624f, 1.880301f, 1.879977f, 1.879654f, 1.87933f, 1.879007f, 1.878684f, 1.878361f, 1.878038f, 1.877715f, 1.877392f, 1.877069f,
-1.876747f, 1.876424f, 1.876102f, 1.87578f, 1.875458f, 1.875136f, 1.874814f, 1.874492f, 1.874171f, 1.873849f, 1.873528f, 1.873206f, 1.872885f, 1.872564f, 1.872243f, 1.871922f, 1.871602f, 1.871281f, 1.87096f, 1.87064f,
-1.87032f, 1.869999f, 1.869679f, 1.869359f, 1.869039f, 1.86872f, 1.8684f, 1.86808f, 1.867761f, 1.867442f, 1.867123f, 1.866803f, 1.866484f, 1.866165f, 1.865847f, 1.865528f, 1.865209f, 1.864891f, 1.864573f, 1.864254f,
-1.863936f, 1.863618f, 1.8633f, 1.862983f, 1.862665f, 1.862347f, 1.86203f, 1.861712f, 1.861395f, 1.861078f, 1.860761f, 1.860444f, 1.860127f, 1.85981f, 1.859494f, 1.859177f, 1.858861f, 1.858545f, 1.858228f, 1.857912f,
-1.857596f, 1.857281f, 1.856965f, 1.856649f, 1.856334f, 1.856018f, 1.855703f, 1.855388f, 1.855072f, 1.854757f, 1.854443f, 1.854128f, 1.853813f, 1.853499f, 1.853184f, 1.85287f, 1.852555f, 1.852241f, 1.851927f, 1.851613f,
-1.851299f, 1.850986f, 1.850672f, 1.850359f, 1.850045f, 1.849732f, 1.849419f, 1.849106f, 1.848793f, 1.84848f, 1.848167f, 1.847854f, 1.847542f, 1.847229f, 1.846917f, 1.846605f, 1.846293f, 1.845981f, 1.845669f, 1.845357f,
-1.845045f, 1.844733f, 1.844422f, 1.844111f, 1.843799f, 1.843488f, 1.843177f, 1.842866f, 1.842555f, 1.842244f, 1.841934f, 1.841623f, 1.841313f, 1.841002f, 1.840692f, 1.840382f, 1.840072f, 1.839762f, 1.839452f, 1.839142f,
-1.838833f, 1.838523f, 1.838214f, 1.837905f, 1.837595f, 1.837286f, 1.836977f, 1.836668f, 1.83636f, 1.836051f, 1.835742f, 1.835434f, 1.835125f, 1.834817f, 1.834509f, 1.834201f, 1.833893f, 1.833585f, 1.833277f, 1.83297f,
-1.832662f, 1.832355f, 1.832047f, 1.83174f, 1.831433f, 1.831126f, 1.830819f, 1.830512f, 1.830206f, 1.829899f, 1.829592f, 1.829286f, 1.82898f, 1.828673f, 1.828367f, 1.828061f, 1.827755f, 1.82745f, 1.827144f, 1.826838f,
-1.826533f, 1.826227f, 1.825922f, 1.825617f, 1.825312f, 1.825007f, 1.824702f, 1.824397f, 1.824093f, 1.823788f, 1.823484f, 1.823179f, 1.822875f, 1.822571f, 1.822267f, 1.821963f, 1.821659f, 1.821355f, 1.821051f, 1.820748f,
-1.820444f, 1.820141f, 1.819838f, 1.819535f, 1.819232f, 1.818929f, 1.818626f, 1.818323f, 1.81802f, 1.817718f, 1.817415f, 1.817113f, 1.816811f, 1.816509f, 1.816207f, 1.815905f, 1.815603f, 1.815301f, 1.814999f, 1.814698f,
-1.814396f, 1.814095f, 1.813794f, 1.813493f, 1.813192f, 1.812891f, 1.81259f, 1.812289f, 1.811988f, 1.811688f, 1.811388f, 1.811087f, 1.810787f, 1.810487f, 1.810187f, 1.809887f, 1.809587f, 1.809287f, 1.808988f, 1.808688f,
-1.808389f, 1.808089f, 1.80779f, 1.807491f, 1.807192f, 1.806893f, 1.806594f, 1.806295f, 1.805996f, 1.805698f, 1.805399f, 1.805101f, 1.804803f, 1.804505f, 1.804207f, 1.803909f, 1.803611f, 1.803313f, 1.803015f, 1.802718f,
-1.80242f, 1.802123f, 1.801826f, 1.801528f, 1.801231f, 1.800934f, 1.800637f, 1.800341f, 1.800044f, 1.799747f, 1.799451f, 1.799154f, 1.798858f, 1.798562f, 1.798266f, 1.79797f, 1.797674f, 1.797378f, 1.797082f, 1.796787f,
-1.796491f, 1.796196f, 1.7959f, 1.795605f, 1.79531f, 1.795015f, 1.79472f, 1.794425f, 1.794131f, 1.793836f, 1.793541f, 1.793247f, 1.792953f, 1.792658f, 1.792364f, 1.79207f, 1.791776f, 1.791482f, 1.791188f, 1.790895f,
-1.790601f, 1.790308f, 1.790014f, 1.789721f, 1.789428f, 1.789135f, 1.788842f, 1.788549f, 1.788256f, 1.787963f, 1.78767f, 1.787378f, 1.787086f, 1.786793f, 1.786501f, 1.786209f, 1.785917f, 1.785625f, 1.785333f, 1.785041f,
-1.784749f, 1.784458f, 1.784166f, 1.783875f, 1.783584f, 1.783293f, 1.783001f, 1.78271f, 1.782419f, 1.782129f, 1.781838f, 1.781547f, 1.781257f, 1.780966f, 1.780676f, 1.780386f, 1.780096f, 1.779806f, 1.779516f, 1.779226f,
-1.778936f, 1.778646f, 1.778357f, 1.778067f, 1.777778f, 1.777488f, 1.777199f, 1.77691f, 1.776621f, 1.776332f, 1.776043f, 1.775755f, 1.775466f, 1.775177f, 1.774889f, 1.774601f, 1.774312f, 1.774024f, 1.773736f, 1.773448f,
-1.77316f, 1.772872f, 1.772585f, 1.772297f, 1.77201f, 1.771722f, 1.771435f, 1.771148f, 1.77086f, 1.770573f, 1.770286f, 1.769999f, 1.769713f, 1.769426f, 1.769139f, 1.768853f, 1.768566f, 1.76828f, 1.767994f, 1.767708f,
-1.767422f, 1.767136f, 1.76685f, 1.766564f, 1.766279f, 1.765993f, 1.765708f, 1.765422f, 1.765137f, 1.764852f, 1.764567f, 1.764281f, 1.763997f, 1.763712f, 1.763427f, 1.763142f, 1.762858f, 1.762573f, 1.762289f, 1.762005f,
-1.76172f, 1.761436f, 1.761152f, 1.760868f, 1.760585f, 1.760301f, 1.760017f, 1.759734f, 1.75945f, 1.759167f, 1.758884f, 1.7586f, 1.758317f, 1.758034f, 1.757751f, 1.757468f, 1.757186f, 1.756903f, 1.756621f, 1.756338f,
-1.756056f, 1.755773f, 1.755491f, 1.755209f, 1.754927f, 1.754645f, 1.754363f, 1.754082f, 1.7538f, 1.753518f, 1.753237f, 1.752956f, 1.752674f, 1.752393f, 1.752112f, 1.751831f, 1.75155f, 1.751269f, 1.750989f, 1.750708f,
-1.750427f, 1.750147f, 1.749866f, 1.749586f, 1.749306f, 1.749026f, 1.748746f, 1.748466f, 1.748186f, 1.747906f, 1.747627f, 1.747347f, 1.747068f, 1.746788f, 1.746509f, 1.74623f, 1.745951f, 1.745672f, 1.745393f, 1.745114f,
-1.744835f, 1.744556f, 1.744278f, 1.743999f, 1.743721f, 1.743442f, 1.743164f, 1.742886f, 1.742608f, 1.74233f, 1.742052f, 1.741774f, 1.741497f, 1.741219f, 1.740941f, 1.740664f, 1.740387f, 1.740109f, 1.739832f, 1.739555f,
-1.739278f, 1.739001f, 1.738724f, 1.738448f, 1.738171f, 1.737894f, 1.737618f, 1.737342f, 1.737065f, 1.736789f, 1.736513f, 1.736237f, 1.735961f, 1.735685f, 1.735409f, 1.735134f, 1.734858f, 1.734583f, 1.734307f, 1.734032f,
-1.733757f, 1.733481f, 1.733206f, 1.732931f, 1.732657f, 1.732382f, 1.732107f, 1.731832f, 1.731558f, 1.731283f, 1.731009f, 1.730735f, 1.73046f, 1.730186f, 1.729912f, 1.729638f, 1.729365f, 1.729091f, 1.728817f, 1.728544f,
-1.72827f, 1.727997f, 1.727723f, 1.72745f, 1.727177f, 1.726904f, 1.726631f, 1.726358f, 1.726085f, 1.725812f, 1.72554f, 1.725267f, 1.724995f, 1.724722f, 1.72445f, 1.724178f, 1.723906f, 1.723634f, 1.723362f, 1.72309f,
-1.722818f, 1.722546f, 1.722275f, 1.722003f, 1.721732f, 1.72146f, 1.721189f, 1.720918f, 1.720647f, 1.720376f, 1.720105f, 1.719834f, 1.719563f, 1.719293f, 1.719022f, 1.718752f, 1.718481f, 1.718211f, 1.717941f, 1.71767f,
-1.7174f, 1.71713f, 1.716861f, 1.716591f, 1.716321f, 1.716051f, 1.715782f, 1.715512f, 1.715243f, 1.714974f, 1.714704f, 1.714435f, 1.714166f, 1.713897f, 1.713628f, 1.713359f, 1.713091f, 1.712822f, 1.712554f, 1.712285f,
-1.712017f, 1.711748f, 1.71148f, 1.711212f, 1.710944f, 1.710676f, 1.710408f, 1.71014f, 1.709873f, 1.709605f, 1.709338f, 1.70907f, 1.708803f, 1.708535f, 1.708268f, 1.708001f, 1.707734f, 1.707467f, 1.7072f, 1.706933f,
-1.706667f, 1.7064f, 1.706133f, 1.705867f, 1.705601f, 1.705334f, 1.705068f, 1.704802f, 1.704536f, 1.70427f, 1.704004f, 1.703738f, 1.703473f, 1.703207f, 1.702941f, 1.702676f, 1.702411f, 1.702145f, 1.70188f, 1.701615f,
-1.70135f, 1.701085f, 1.70082f, 1.700555f, 1.700291f, 1.700026f, 1.699761f, 1.699497f, 1.699233f, 1.698968f, 1.698704f, 1.69844f, 1.698176f, 1.697912f, 1.697648f, 1.697384f, 1.69712f, 1.696857f, 1.696593f, 1.69633f,
-1.696066f, 1.695803f, 1.69554f, 1.695277f, 1.695013f, 1.69475f, 1.694488f, 1.694225f, 1.693962f, 1.693699f, 1.693437f, 1.693174f, 1.692912f, 1.692649f, 1.692387f, 1.692125f, 1.691863f, 1.691601f, 1.691339f, 1.691077f,
-1.690815f, 1.690554f, 1.690292f, 1.69003f, 1.689769f, 1.689508f, 1.689246f, 1.688985f, 1.688724f, 1.688463f, 1.688202f, 1.687941f, 1.68768f, 1.68742f, 1.687159f, 1.686898f, 1.686638f, 1.686377f, 1.686117f, 1.685857f,
-1.685597f, 1.685337f, 1.685077f, 1.684817f, 1.684557f, 1.684297f, 1.684037f, 1.683778f, 1.683518f, 1.683259f, 1.682999f, 1.68274f, 1.682481f, 1.682222f, 1.681963f, 1.681704f, 1.681445f, 1.681186f, 1.680927f, 1.680669f,
-1.68041f, 1.680152f, 1.679893f, 1.679635f, 1.679377f, 1.679119f, 1.678861f, 1.678603f, 1.678345f, 1.678087f, 1.677829f, 1.677571f, 1.677314f, 1.677056f, 1.676799f, 1.676541f, 1.676284f, 1.676027f, 1.67577f, 1.675513f,
-1.675256f, 1.674999f, 1.674742f, 1.674485f, 1.674228f, 1.673972f, 1.673715f, 1.673459f, 1.673203f, 1.672946f, 1.67269f, 1.672434f, 1.672178f, 1.671922f, 1.671666f, 1.67141f, 1.671155f, 1.670899f, 1.670643f, 1.670388f,
-1.670133f, 1.669877f, 1.669622f, 1.669367f, 1.669112f, 1.668857f, 1.668602f, 1.668347f, 1.668092f, 1.667837f, 1.667583f, 1.667328f, 1.667074f, 1.666819f, 1.666565f, 1.666311f, 1.666057f, 1.665802f, 1.665548f, 1.665295f,
-1.665041f, 1.664787f, 1.664533f, 1.66428f, 1.664026f, 1.663773f, 1.663519f, 1.663266f, 1.663013f, 1.662759f, 1.662506f, 1.662253f, 1.662f, 1.661748f, 1.661495f, 1.661242f, 1.660989f, 1.660737f, 1.660484f, 1.660232f,
-1.65998f, 1.659727f, 1.659475f, 1.659223f, 1.658971f, 1.658719f, 1.658467f, 1.658216f, 1.657964f, 1.657712f, 1.657461f, 1.657209f, 1.656958f, 1.656707f, 1.656455f, 1.656204f, 1.655953f, 1.655702f, 1.655451f, 1.6552f,
-1.654949f, 1.654699f, 1.654448f, 1.654198f, 1.653947f, 1.653697f, 1.653446f, 1.653196f, 1.652946f, 1.652696f, 1.652446f, 1.652196f, 1.651946f, 1.651696f, 1.651446f, 1.651197f, 1.650947f, 1.650698f, 1.650448f, 1.650199f,
-1.64995f, 1.6497f, 1.649451f, 1.649202f, 1.648953f, 1.648704f, 1.648456f, 1.648207f, 1.647958f, 1.64771f, 1.647461f, 1.647213f, 1.646964f, 1.646716f, 1.646468f, 1.64622f, 1.645971f, 1.645723f, 1.645476f, 1.645228f,
-1.64498f, 1.644732f, 1.644485f, 1.644237f, 1.64399f, 1.643742f, 1.643495f, 1.643248f, 1.643f, 1.642753f, 1.642506f, 1.642259f, 1.642012f, 1.641766f, 1.641519f, 1.641272f, 1.641026f, 1.640779f, 1.640533f, 1.640286f,
-1.64004f, 1.639794f, 1.639548f, 1.639302f, 1.639056f, 1.63881f, 1.638564f, 1.638318f, 1.638072f, 1.637827f, 1.637581f, 1.637336f, 1.63709f, 1.636845f, 1.6366f, 1.636355f, 1.636109f, 1.635864f, 1.635619f, 1.635375f,
-1.63513f, 1.634885f, 1.63464f, 1.634396f, 1.634151f, 1.633907f, 1.633662f, 1.633418f, 1.633174f, 1.63293f, 1.632686f, 1.632442f, 1.632198f, 1.631954f, 1.63171f, 1.631466f, 1.631223f, 1.630979f, 1.630736f, 1.630492f,
-1.630249f, 1.630005f, 1.629762f, 1.629519f, 1.629276f, 1.629033f, 1.62879f, 1.628547f, 1.628305f, 1.628062f, 1.627819f, 1.627577f, 1.627334f, 1.627092f, 1.626849f, 1.626607f, 1.626365f, 1.626123f, 1.625881f, 1.625639f,
-1.625397f, 1.625155f, 1.624913f, 1.624672f, 1.62443f, 1.624188f, 1.623947f, 1.623705f, 1.623464f, 1.623223f, 1.622982f, 1.622741f, 1.6225f, 1.622259f, 1.622018f, 1.621777f, 1.621536f, 1.621295f, 1.621055f, 1.620814f,
-1.620574f, 1.620333f, 1.620093f, 1.619853f, 1.619612f, 1.619372f, 1.619132f, 1.618892f, 1.618652f, 1.618413f, 1.618173f, 1.617933f, 1.617694f, 1.617454f, 1.617214f, 1.616975f, 1.616736f, 1.616496f, 1.616257f, 1.616018f,
-1.615779f, 1.61554f, 1.615301f, 1.615062f, 1.614824f, 1.614585f, 1.614346f, 1.614108f, 1.613869f, 1.613631f, 1.613392f, 1.613154f, 1.612916f, 1.612678f, 1.61244f, 1.612202f, 1.611964f, 1.611726f, 1.611488f, 1.61125f,
-1.611013f, 1.610775f, 1.610538f, 1.6103f, 1.610063f, 1.609826f, 1.609588f, 1.609351f, 1.609114f, 1.608877f, 1.60864f, 1.608403f, 1.608166f, 1.60793f, 1.607693f, 1.607456f, 1.60722f, 1.606983f, 1.606747f, 1.606511f,
-1.606275f, 1.606038f, 1.605802f, 1.605566f, 1.60533f, 1.605094f, 1.604858f, 1.604623f, 1.604387f, 1.604151f, 1.603916f, 1.60368f, 1.603445f, 1.60321f, 1.602974f, 1.602739f, 1.602504f, 1.602269f, 1.602034f, 1.601799f,
-1.601564f, 1.601329f, 1.601094f, 1.60086f, 1.600625f, 1.600391f, 1.600156f, 1.599922f, 1.599688f, 1.599453f, 1.599219f, 1.598985f, 1.598751f, 1.598517f, 1.598283f, 1.598049f, 1.597815f, 1.597582f, 1.597348f, 1.597115f,
-1.596881f, 1.596648f, 1.596414f, 1.596181f, 1.595948f, 1.595715f, 1.595482f, 1.595249f, 1.595016f, 1.594783f, 1.59455f, 1.594317f, 1.594084f, 1.593852f, 1.593619f, 1.593387f, 1.593154f, 1.592922f, 1.59269f, 1.592458f,
-1.592225f, 1.591993f, 1.591761f, 1.591529f, 1.591298f, 1.591066f, 1.590834f, 1.590602f, 1.590371f, 1.590139f, 1.589908f, 1.589676f, 1.589445f, 1.589214f, 1.588983f, 1.588752f, 1.58852f, 1.588289f, 1.588059f, 1.587828f,
-1.587597f, 1.587366f, 1.587136f, 1.586905f, 1.586674f, 1.586444f, 1.586214f, 1.585983f, 1.585753f, 1.585523f, 1.585293f, 1.585063f, 1.584833f, 1.584603f, 1.584373f, 1.584143f, 1.583913f, 1.583684f, 1.583454f, 1.583225f,
-1.582995f, 1.582766f, 1.582536f, 1.582307f, 1.582078f, 1.581849f, 1.58162f, 1.581391f, 1.581162f, 1.580933f, 1.580704f, 1.580476f, 1.580247f, 1.580018f, 1.57979f, 1.579561f, 1.579333f, 1.579105f, 1.578876f, 1.578648f,
-1.57842f, 1.578192f, 1.577964f, 1.577736f, 1.577508f, 1.57728f, 1.577053f, 1.576825f, 1.576597f, 1.57637f, 1.576142f, 1.575915f, 1.575688f, 1.57546f, 1.575233f, 1.575006f, 1.574779f, 1.574552f, 1.574325f, 1.574098f,
-1.573871f, 1.573645f, 1.573418f, 1.573191f, 1.572965f, 1.572738f, 1.572512f, 1.572285f, 1.572059f, 1.571833f, 1.571607f, 1.571381f, 1.571155f, 1.570929f, 1.570703f, 1.570477f, 1.570251f, 1.570025f, 1.5698f, 1.569574f,
-1.569349f, 1.569123f, 1.568898f, 1.568673f, 1.568447f, 1.568222f, 1.567997f, 1.567772f, 1.567547f, 1.567322f, 1.567097f, 1.566872f, 1.566648f, 1.566423f, 1.566198f, 1.565974f, 1.565749f, 1.565525f, 1.5653f, 1.565076f,
-1.564852f, 1.564628f, 1.564404f, 1.56418f, 1.563956f, 1.563732f, 1.563508f, 1.563284f, 1.56306f, 1.562837f, 1.562613f, 1.56239f, 1.562166f, 1.561943f, 1.56172f, 1.561496f, 1.561273f, 1.56105f, 1.560827f, 1.560604f,
-1.560381f, 1.560158f, 1.559935f, 1.559713f, 1.55949f, 1.559267f, 1.559045f, 1.558822f, 1.5586f, 1.558377f, 1.558155f, 1.557933f, 1.557711f, 1.557488f, 1.557266f, 1.557044f, 1.556823f, 1.556601f, 1.556379f, 1.556157f,
-1.555935f, 1.555714f, 1.555492f, 1.555271f, 1.555049f, 1.554828f, 1.554607f, 1.554385f, 1.554164f, 1.553943f, 1.553722f, 1.553501f, 1.55328f, 1.553059f, 1.552839f, 1.552618f, 1.552397f, 1.552177f, 1.551956f, 1.551736f,
-1.551515f, 1.551295f, 1.551075f, 1.550854f, 1.550634f, 1.550414f, 1.550194f, 1.549974f, 1.549754f, 1.549534f, 1.549314f, 1.549095f, 1.548875f, 1.548655f, 1.548436f, 1.548216f, 1.547997f, 1.547778f, 1.547558f, 1.547339f,
-1.54712f, 1.546901f, 1.546682f, 1.546463f, 1.546244f, 1.546025f, 1.545806f, 1.545587f, 1.545369f, 1.54515f, 1.544932f, 1.544713f, 1.544495f, 1.544276f, 1.544058f, 1.54384f, 1.543622f, 1.543404f, 1.543185f, 1.542967f,
-1.54275f, 1.542532f, 1.542314f, 1.542096f, 1.541878f, 1.541661f, 1.541443f, 1.541226f, 1.541008f, 1.540791f, 1.540574f, 1.540356f, 1.540139f, 1.539922f, 1.539705f, 1.539488f, 1.539271f, 1.539054f, 1.538837f, 1.53862f,
-1.538404f, 1.538187f, 1.537971f, 1.537754f, 1.537538f, 1.537321f, 1.537105f, 1.536889f, 1.536672f, 1.536456f, 1.53624f, 1.536024f, 1.535808f, 1.535592f, 1.535376f, 1.53516f, 1.534945f, 1.534729f, 1.534513f, 1.534298f,
-1.534082f, 1.533867f, 1.533652f, 1.533436f, 1.533221f, 1.533006f, 1.532791f, 1.532576f, 1.532361f, 1.532146f, 1.531931f, 1.531716f, 1.531501f, 1.531287f, 1.531072f, 1.530857f, 1.530643f, 1.530428f, 1.530214f, 1.53f,
-1.529785f, 1.529571f, 1.529357f, 1.529143f, 1.528929f, 1.528715f, 1.528501f, 1.528287f, 1.528073f, 1.527859f, 1.527646f, 1.527432f, 1.527218f, 1.527005f, 1.526792f, 1.526578f, 1.526365f, 1.526152f, 1.525938f, 1.525725f,
-1.525512f, 1.525299f, 1.525086f, 1.524873f, 1.52466f, 1.524448f, 1.524235f, 1.524022f, 1.52381f, 1.523597f, 1.523384f, 1.523172f, 1.52296f, 1.522747f, 1.522535f, 1.522323f, 1.522111f, 1.521899f, 1.521687f, 1.521475f,
-1.521263f, 1.521051f, 1.520839f, 1.520627f, 1.520416f, 1.520204f, 1.519993f, 1.519781f, 1.51957f, 1.519358f, 1.519147f, 1.518936f, 1.518725f, 1.518513f, 1.518302f, 1.518091f, 1.51788f, 1.517669f, 1.517459f, 1.517248f,
-1.517037f, 1.516826f, 1.516616f, 1.516405f, 1.516195f, 1.515984f, 1.515774f, 1.515564f, 1.515353f, 1.515143f, 1.514933f, 1.514723f, 1.514513f, 1.514303f, 1.514093f, 1.513883f, 1.513673f, 1.513464f, 1.513254f, 1.513044f,
-1.512835f, 1.512625f, 1.512416f, 1.512206f, 1.511997f, 1.511788f, 1.511579f, 1.511369f, 1.51116f, 1.510951f, 1.510742f, 1.510533f, 1.510324f, 1.510116f, 1.509907f, 1.509698f, 1.50949f, 1.509281f, 1.509072f, 1.508864f,
-1.508656f, 1.508447f, 1.508239f, 1.508031f, 1.507823f, 1.507614f, 1.507406f, 1.507198f, 1.50699f, 1.506783f, 1.506575f, 1.506367f, 1.506159f, 1.505952f, 1.505744f, 1.505536f, 1.505329f, 1.505121f, 1.504914f, 1.504707f,
-1.5045f, 1.504292f, 1.504085f, 1.503878f, 1.503671f, 1.503464f, 1.503257f, 1.50305f, 1.502844f, 1.502637f, 1.50243f, 1.502223f, 1.502017f, 1.50181f, 1.501604f, 1.501397f, 1.501191f, 1.500985f, 1.500779f, 1.500572f,
-1.500366f, 1.50016f, 1.499954f, 1.499748f, 1.499542f, 1.499337f, 1.499131f, 1.498925f, 1.498719f, 1.498514f, 1.498308f, 1.498103f, 1.497897f, 1.497692f, 1.497487f, 1.497281f, 1.497076f, 1.496871f, 1.496666f, 1.496461f,
-1.496256f, 1.496051f, 1.495846f, 1.495641f, 1.495436f, 1.495232f, 1.495027f, 1.494822f, 1.494618f, 1.494413f, 1.494209f, 1.494004f, 1.4938f, 1.493596f, 1.493392f, 1.493188f, 1.492983f, 1.492779f, 1.492575f, 1.492371f,
-1.492168f, 1.491964f, 1.49176f, 1.491556f, 1.491353f, 1.491149f, 1.490945f, 1.490742f, 1.490539f, 1.490335f, 1.490132f, 1.489929f, 1.489725f, 1.489522f, 1.489319f, 1.489116f, 1.488913f, 1.48871f, 1.488507f, 1.488304f,
-1.488102f, 1.487899f, 1.487696f, 1.487494f, 1.487291f, 1.487089f, 1.486886f, 1.486684f, 1.486482f, 1.486279f, 1.486077f, 1.485875f, 1.485673f, 1.485471f, 1.485269f, 1.485067f, 1.484865f, 1.484663f, 1.484461f, 1.48426f,
-1.484058f, 1.483856f, 1.483655f, 1.483453f, 1.483252f, 1.48305f, 1.482849f, 1.482648f, 1.482447f, 1.482245f, 1.482044f, 1.481843f, 1.481642f, 1.481441f, 1.48124f, 1.48104f, 1.480839f, 1.480638f, 1.480437f, 1.480237f,
-1.480036f, 1.479836f, 1.479635f, 1.479435f, 1.479234f, 1.479034f, 1.478834f, 1.478634f, 1.478433f, 1.478233f, 1.478033f, 1.477833f, 1.477633f, 1.477434f, 1.477234f, 1.477034f, 1.476834f, 1.476635f, 1.476435f, 1.476236f,
-1.476036f, 1.475837f, 1.475637f, 1.475438f, 1.475239f, 1.475039f, 1.47484f, 1.474641f, 1.474442f, 1.474243f, 1.474044f, 1.473845f, 1.473646f, 1.473448f, 1.473249f, 1.47305f, 1.472851f, 1.472653f, 1.472454f, 1.472256f,
-1.472058f, 1.471859f, 1.471661f, 1.471463f, 1.471264f, 1.471066f, 1.470868f, 1.47067f, 1.470472f, 1.470274f, 1.470076f, 1.469878f, 1.469681f, 1.469483f, 1.469285f, 1.469088f, 1.46889f, 1.468693f, 1.468495f, 1.468298f,
-1.4681f, 1.467903f, 1.467706f, 1.467509f, 1.467311f, 1.467114f, 1.466917f, 1.46672f, 1.466523f, 1.466327f, 1.46613f, 1.465933f, 1.465736f, 1.46554f, 1.465343f, 1.465146f, 1.46495f, 1.464753f, 1.464557f, 1.464361f,
-1.464164f, 1.463968f, 1.463772f, 1.463576f, 1.46338f, 1.463184f, 1.462988f, 1.462792f, 1.462596f, 1.4624f, 1.462204f, 1.462009f, 1.461813f, 1.461617f, 1.461422f, 1.461226f, 1.461031f, 1.460835f, 1.46064f, 1.460445f,
-1.46025f, 1.460054f, 1.459859f, 1.459664f, 1.459469f, 1.459274f, 1.459079f, 1.458884f, 1.458689f, 1.458495f, 1.4583f, 1.458105f, 1.457911f, 1.457716f, 1.457522f, 1.457327f, 1.457133f, 1.456938f, 1.456744f, 1.45655f,
-1.456356f, 1.456161f, 1.455967f, 1.455773f, 1.455579f, 1.455385f, 1.455191f, 1.454998f, 1.454804f, 1.45461f, 1.454416f, 1.454223f, 1.454029f, 1.453836f, 1.453642f, 1.453449f, 1.453255f, 1.453062f, 1.452869f, 1.452675f,
-1.452482f, 1.452289f, 1.452096f, 1.451903f, 1.45171f, 1.451517f, 1.451324f, 1.451131f, 1.450939f, 1.450746f, 1.450553f, 1.450361f, 1.450168f, 1.449976f, 1.449783f, 1.449591f, 1.449398f, 1.449206f, 1.449014f, 1.448822f,
-1.44863f, 1.448437f, 1.448245f, 1.448053f, 1.447861f, 1.44767f, 1.447478f, 1.447286f, 1.447094f, 1.446902f, 1.446711f, 1.446519f, 1.446328f, 1.446136f, 1.445945f, 1.445753f, 1.445562f, 1.445371f, 1.44518f, 1.444988f,
-1.444797f, 1.444606f, 1.444415f, 1.444224f, 1.444033f, 1.443842f, 1.443651f, 1.443461f, 1.44327f, 1.443079f, 1.442889f, 1.442698f, 1.442507f, 1.442317f, 1.442127f, 1.441936f, 1.441746f, 1.441556f, 1.441365f, 1.441175f,
-1.440985f, 1.440795f, 1.440605f, 1.440415f, 1.440225f, 1.440035f, 1.439845f, 1.439656f, 1.439466f, 1.439276f, 1.439087f, 1.438897f, 1.438707f, 1.438518f, 1.438329f, 1.438139f, 1.43795f, 1.437761f, 1.437571f, 1.437382f,
-1.437193f, 1.437004f, 1.436815f, 1.436626f, 1.436437f, 1.436248f, 1.436059f, 1.43587f, 1.435682f, 1.435493f, 1.435304f, 1.435116f, 1.434927f, 1.434739f, 1.43455f, 1.434362f, 1.434174f, 1.433985f, 1.433797f, 1.433609f,
-1.433421f, 1.433233f, 1.433045f, 1.432857f, 1.432669f, 1.432481f, 1.432293f, 1.432105f, 1.431917f, 1.43173f, 1.431542f, 1.431355f, 1.431167f, 1.43098f, 1.430792f, 1.430605f, 1.430417f, 1.43023f, 1.430043f, 1.429856f,
-1.429668f, 1.429481f, 1.429294f, 1.429107f, 1.42892f, 1.428733f, 1.428547f, 1.42836f, 1.428173f, 1.427986f, 1.4278f, 1.427613f, 1.427426f, 1.42724f, 1.427053f, 1.426867f, 1.426681f, 1.426494f, 1.426308f, 1.426122f,
-1.425936f, 1.425749f, 1.425563f, 1.425377f, 1.425191f, 1.425005f, 1.42482f, 1.424634f, 1.424448f, 1.424262f, 1.424076f, 1.423891f, 1.423705f, 1.42352f, 1.423334f, 1.423149f, 1.422963f, 1.422778f, 1.422593f, 1.422407f,
-1.422222f, 1.422037f, 1.421852f, 1.421667f, 1.421482f, 1.421297f, 1.421112f, 1.420927f, 1.420742f, 1.420558f, 1.420373f, 1.420188f, 1.420003f, 1.419819f, 1.419634f, 1.41945f, 1.419265f, 1.419081f, 1.418897f, 1.418712f,
-1.418528f, 1.418344f, 1.41816f, 1.417976f, 1.417792f, 1.417608f, 1.417424f, 1.41724f, 1.417056f, 1.416872f, 1.416688f, 1.416505f, 1.416321f, 1.416137f, 1.415954f, 1.41577f, 1.415587f, 1.415403f, 1.41522f, 1.415036f,
-1.414853f, 1.41467f, 1.414487f, 1.414304f, 1.41412f, 1.413937f, 1.413754f, 1.413571f, 1.413389f, 1.413206f, 1.413023f, 1.41284f, 1.412657f, 1.412475f, 1.412292f, 1.412109f, 1.411927f, 1.411744f, 1.411562f, 1.41138f,
-1.411197f, 1.411015f, 1.410833f, 1.41065f, 1.410468f, 1.410286f, 1.410104f, 1.409922f, 1.40974f, 1.409558f, 1.409376f, 1.409195f, 1.409013f, 1.408831f, 1.408649f, 1.408468f, 1.408286f, 1.408105f, 1.407923f, 1.407742f,
-1.40756f, 1.407379f, 1.407197f, 1.407016f, 1.406835f, 1.406654f, 1.406473f, 1.406292f, 1.406111f, 1.40593f, 1.405749f, 1.405568f, 1.405387f, 1.405206f, 1.405025f, 1.404845f, 1.404664f, 1.404483f, 1.404303f, 1.404122f,
-1.403942f, 1.403761f, 1.403581f, 1.403401f, 1.40322f, 1.40304f, 1.40286f, 1.40268f, 1.4025f, 1.40232f, 1.402139f, 1.40196f, 1.40178f, 1.4016f, 1.40142f, 1.40124f, 1.40106f, 1.400881f, 1.400701f, 1.400521f,
-1.400342f, 1.400162f, 1.399983f, 1.399803f, 1.399624f, 1.399445f, 1.399266f, 1.399086f, 1.398907f, 1.398728f, 1.398549f, 1.39837f, 1.398191f, 1.398012f, 1.397833f, 1.397654f, 1.397475f, 1.397296f, 1.397118f, 1.396939f,
-1.39676f, 1.396582f, 1.396403f, 1.396225f, 1.396046f, 1.395868f, 1.39569f, 1.395511f, 1.395333f, 1.395155f, 1.394977f, 1.394798f, 1.39462f, 1.394442f, 1.394264f, 1.394086f, 1.393908f, 1.393731f, 1.393553f, 1.393375f,
-1.393197f, 1.39302f, 1.392842f, 1.392664f, 1.392487f, 1.392309f, 1.392132f, 1.391954f, 1.391777f, 1.3916f, 1.391423f, 1.391245f, 1.391068f, 1.390891f, 1.390714f, 1.390537f, 1.39036f, 1.390183f, 1.390006f, 1.389829f,
-1.389652f, 1.389475f, 1.389299f, 1.389122f, 1.388945f, 1.388769f, 1.388592f, 1.388416f, 1.388239f, 1.388063f, 1.387886f, 1.38771f, 1.387534f, 1.387358f, 1.387181f, 1.387005f, 1.386829f, 1.386653f, 1.386477f, 1.386301f,
-1.386125f, 1.385949f, 1.385773f, 1.385598f, 1.385422f, 1.385246f, 1.385071f, 1.384895f, 1.384719f, 1.384544f, 1.384368f, 1.384193f, 1.384018f, 1.383842f, 1.383667f, 1.383492f, 1.383316f, 1.383141f, 1.382966f, 1.382791f,
-1.382616f, 1.382441f, 1.382266f, 1.382091f, 1.381916f, 1.381742f, 1.381567f, 1.381392f, 1.381217f, 1.381043f, 1.380868f, 1.380694f, 1.380519f, 1.380345f, 1.38017f, 1.379996f, 1.379821f, 1.379647f, 1.379473f, 1.379299f,
-1.379125f, 1.37895f, 1.378776f, 1.378602f, 1.378428f, 1.378254f, 1.378081f, 1.377907f, 1.377733f, 1.377559f, 1.377385f, 1.377212f, 1.377038f, 1.376865f, 1.376691f, 1.376518f, 1.376344f, 1.376171f, 1.375997f, 1.375824f,
-1.375651f, 1.375477f, 1.375304f, 1.375131f, 1.374958f, 1.374785f, 1.374612f, 1.374439f, 1.374266f, 1.374093f, 1.37392f, 1.373748f, 1.373575f, 1.373402f, 1.373229f, 1.373057f, 1.372884f, 1.372712f, 1.372539f, 1.372367f,
-1.372194f, 1.372022f, 1.37185f, 1.371677f, 1.371505f, 1.371333f, 1.371161f, 1.370989f, 1.370817f, 1.370645f, 1.370473f, 1.370301f, 1.370129f, 1.369957f, 1.369785f, 1.369613f, 1.369442f, 1.36927f, 1.369098f, 1.368927f,
-1.368755f, 1.368584f, 1.368412f, 1.368241f, 1.368069f, 1.367898f, 1.367727f, 1.367556f, 1.367384f, 1.367213f, 1.367042f, 1.366871f, 1.3667f, 1.366529f, 1.366358f, 1.366187f, 1.366016f, 1.365846f, 1.365675f, 1.365504f,
-1.365333f, 1.365163f, 1.364992f, 1.364822f, 1.364651f, 1.364481f, 1.36431f, 1.36414f, 1.363969f, 1.363799f, 1.363629f, 1.363459f, 1.363288f, 1.363118f, 1.362948f, 1.362778f, 1.362608f, 1.362438f, 1.362268f, 1.362098f,
-1.361929f, 1.361759f, 1.361589f, 1.361419f, 1.36125f, 1.36108f, 1.36091f, 1.360741f, 1.360571f, 1.360402f, 1.360232f, 1.360063f, 1.359894f, 1.359724f, 1.359555f, 1.359386f, 1.359217f, 1.359048f, 1.358879f, 1.35871f,
-1.358541f, 1.358372f, 1.358203f, 1.358034f, 1.357865f, 1.357696f, 1.357528f, 1.357359f, 1.35719f, 1.357022f, 1.356853f, 1.356684f, 1.356516f, 1.356348f, 1.356179f, 1.356011f, 1.355842f, 1.355674f, 1.355506f, 1.355338f,
-1.35517f, 1.355001f, 1.354833f, 1.354665f, 1.354497f, 1.354329f, 1.354162f, 1.353994f, 1.353826f, 1.353658f, 1.35349f, 1.353323f, 1.353155f, 1.352987f, 1.35282f, 1.352652f, 1.352485f, 1.352317f, 1.35215f, 1.351983f,
-1.351815f, 1.351648f, 1.351481f, 1.351313f, 1.351146f, 1.350979f, 1.350812f, 1.350645f, 1.350478f, 1.350311f, 1.350144f, 1.349977f, 1.349811f, 1.349644f, 1.349477f, 1.34931f, 1.349144f, 1.348977f, 1.34881f, 1.348644f,
-1.348477f, 1.348311f, 1.348144f, 1.347978f, 1.347812f, 1.347645f, 1.347479f, 1.347313f, 1.347147f, 1.346981f, 1.346815f, 1.346649f, 1.346483f, 1.346317f, 1.346151f, 1.345985f, 1.345819f, 1.345653f, 1.345487f, 1.345322f,
-1.345156f, 1.34499f, 1.344825f, 1.344659f, 1.344494f, 1.344328f, 1.344163f, 1.343997f, 1.343832f, 1.343667f, 1.343501f, 1.343336f, 1.343171f, 1.343006f, 1.342841f, 1.342676f, 1.342511f, 1.342346f, 1.342181f, 1.342016f,
-1.341851f, 1.341686f, 1.341521f, 1.341357f, 1.341192f, 1.341027f, 1.340863f, 1.340698f, 1.340533f, 1.340369f, 1.340204f, 1.34004f, 1.339876f, 1.339711f, 1.339547f, 1.339383f, 1.339219f, 1.339054f, 1.33889f, 1.338726f,
-1.338562f, 1.338398f, 1.338234f, 1.33807f, 1.337906f, 1.337742f, 1.337579f, 1.337415f, 1.337251f, 1.337087f, 1.336924f, 1.33676f, 1.336597f, 1.336433f, 1.336269f, 1.336106f, 1.335943f, 1.335779f, 1.335616f, 1.335453f,
-1.335289f, 1.335126f, 1.334963f, 1.3348f, 1.334637f, 1.334474f, 1.334311f, 1.334148f, 1.333985f, 1.333822f, 1.333659f, 1.333496f, 1.333333f, 1.333171f, 1.333008f, 1.332845f, 1.332683f, 1.33252f, 1.332357f, 1.332195f,
-1.332033f, 1.33187f, 1.331708f, 1.331545f, 1.331383f, 1.331221f, 1.331059f, 1.330896f, 1.330734f, 1.330572f, 1.33041f, 1.330248f, 1.330086f, 1.329924f, 1.329762f, 1.3296f, 1.329438f, 1.329277f, 1.329115f, 1.328953f,
-1.328792f, 1.32863f, 1.328468f, 1.328307f, 1.328145f, 1.327984f, 1.327822f, 1.327661f, 1.3275f, 1.327338f, 1.327177f, 1.327016f, 1.326855f, 1.326693f, 1.326532f, 1.326371f, 1.32621f, 1.326049f, 1.325888f, 1.325727f,
-1.325566f, 1.325405f, 1.325245f, 1.325084f, 1.324923f, 1.324762f, 1.324602f, 1.324441f, 1.324281f, 1.32412f, 1.32396f, 1.323799f, 1.323639f, 1.323478f, 1.323318f, 1.323158f, 1.322997f, 1.322837f, 1.322677f, 1.322517f,
-1.322357f, 1.322197f, 1.322037f, 1.321877f, 1.321717f, 1.321557f, 1.321397f, 1.321237f, 1.321077f, 1.320917f, 1.320758f, 1.320598f, 1.320438f, 1.320279f, 1.320119f, 1.31996f, 1.3198f, 1.319641f, 1.319481f, 1.319322f,
-1.319163f, 1.319003f, 1.318844f, 1.318685f, 1.318526f, 1.318367f, 1.318207f, 1.318048f, 1.317889f, 1.31773f, 1.317571f, 1.317412f, 1.317254f, 1.317095f, 1.316936f, 1.316777f, 1.316618f, 1.31646f, 1.316301f, 1.316143f,
-1.315984f, 1.315825f, 1.315667f, 1.315508f, 1.31535f, 1.315192f, 1.315033f, 1.314875f, 1.314717f, 1.314559f, 1.3144f, 1.314242f, 1.314084f, 1.313926f, 1.313768f, 1.31361f, 1.313452f, 1.313294f, 1.313136f, 1.312978f,
-1.312821f, 1.312663f, 1.312505f, 1.312347f, 1.31219f, 1.312032f, 1.311874f, 1.311717f, 1.311559f, 1.311402f, 1.311244f, 1.311087f, 1.31093f, 1.310772f, 1.310615f, 1.310458f, 1.310301f, 1.310144f, 1.309986f, 1.309829f,
-1.309672f, 1.309515f, 1.309358f, 1.309201f, 1.309044f, 1.308888f, 1.308731f, 1.308574f, 1.308417f, 1.30826f, 1.308104f, 1.307947f, 1.307791f, 1.307634f, 1.307477f, 1.307321f, 1.307165f, 1.307008f, 1.306852f, 1.306695f,
-1.306539f, 1.306383f, 1.306227f, 1.30607f, 1.305914f, 1.305758f, 1.305602f, 1.305446f, 1.30529f, 1.305134f, 1.304978f, 1.304822f, 1.304666f, 1.304511f, 1.304355f, 1.304199f, 1.304043f, 1.303888f, 1.303732f, 1.303576f,
-1.303421f, 1.303265f, 1.30311f, 1.302954f, 1.302799f, 1.302644f, 1.302488f, 1.302333f, 1.302178f, 1.302022f, 1.301867f, 1.301712f, 1.301557f, 1.301402f, 1.301247f, 1.301092f, 1.300937f, 1.300782f, 1.300627f, 1.300472f,
-1.300317f, 1.300163f, 1.300008f, 1.299853f, 1.299699f, 1.299544f, 1.299389f, 1.299235f, 1.29908f, 1.298926f, 1.298771f, 1.298617f, 1.298463f, 1.298308f, 1.298154f, 1.298f, 1.297845f, 1.297691f, 1.297537f, 1.297383f,
-1.297229f, 1.297075f, 1.296921f, 1.296767f, 1.296613f, 1.296459f, 1.296305f, 1.296151f, 1.295997f, 1.295844f, 1.29569f, 1.295536f, 1.295383f, 1.295229f, 1.295075f, 1.294922f, 1.294768f, 1.294615f, 1.294462f, 1.294308f,
-1.294155f, 1.294002f, 1.293848f, 1.293695f, 1.293542f, 1.293389f, 1.293235f, 1.293082f, 1.292929f, 1.292776f, 1.292623f, 1.29247f, 1.292317f, 1.292165f, 1.292012f, 1.291859f, 1.291706f, 1.291553f, 1.291401f, 1.291248f,
-1.291095f, 1.290943f, 1.29079f, 1.290638f, 1.290485f, 1.290333f, 1.29018f, 1.290028f, 1.289876f, 1.289723f, 1.289571f, 1.289419f, 1.289267f, 1.289114f, 1.288962f, 1.28881f, 1.288658f, 1.288506f, 1.288354f, 1.288202f,
-1.28805f, 1.287898f, 1.287747f, 1.287595f, 1.287443f, 1.287291f, 1.28714f, 1.286988f, 1.286836f, 1.286685f, 1.286533f, 1.286382f, 1.28623f, 1.286079f, 1.285927f, 1.285776f, 1.285625f, 1.285473f, 1.285322f, 1.285171f,
-1.28502f, 1.284868f, 1.284717f, 1.284566f, 1.284415f, 1.284264f, 1.284113f, 1.283962f, 1.283811f, 1.28366f, 1.28351f, 1.283359f, 1.283208f, 1.283057f, 1.282907f, 1.282756f, 1.282605f, 1.282455f, 1.282304f, 1.282154f,
-1.282003f, 1.281853f, 1.281702f, 1.281552f, 1.281402f, 1.281251f, 1.281101f, 1.280951f, 1.280801f, 1.28065f, 1.2805f, 1.28035f, 1.2802f, 1.28005f, 1.2799f, 1.27975f, 1.2796f, 1.27945f, 1.2793f, 1.279151f,
-1.279001f, 1.278851f, 1.278701f, 1.278552f, 1.278402f, 1.278252f, 1.278103f, 1.277953f, 1.277804f, 1.277654f, 1.277505f, 1.277355f, 1.277206f, 1.277057f, 1.276907f, 1.276758f, 1.276609f, 1.27646f, 1.276311f, 1.276162f,
-1.276012f, 1.275863f, 1.275714f, 1.275565f, 1.275416f, 1.275268f, 1.275119f, 1.27497f, 1.274821f, 1.274672f, 1.274524f, 1.274375f, 1.274226f, 1.274078f, 1.273929f, 1.27378f, 1.273632f, 1.273483f, 1.273335f, 1.273186f,
-1.273038f, 1.27289f, 1.272741f, 1.272593f, 1.272445f, 1.272297f, 1.272148f, 1.272f, 1.271852f, 1.271704f, 1.271556f, 1.271408f, 1.27126f, 1.271112f, 1.270964f, 1.270816f, 1.270669f, 1.270521f, 1.270373f, 1.270225f,
-1.270078f, 1.26993f, 1.269782f, 1.269635f, 1.269487f, 1.26934f, 1.269192f, 1.269045f, 1.268897f, 1.26875f, 1.268602f, 1.268455f, 1.268308f, 1.268161f, 1.268013f, 1.267866f, 1.267719f, 1.267572f, 1.267425f, 1.267278f,
-1.267131f, 1.266984f, 1.266837f, 1.26669f, 1.266543f, 1.266396f, 1.266249f, 1.266103f, 1.265956f, 1.265809f, 1.265662f, 1.265516f, 1.265369f, 1.265223f, 1.265076f, 1.26493f, 1.264783f, 1.264637f, 1.26449f, 1.264344f,
-1.264198f, 1.264051f, 1.263905f, 1.263759f, 1.263613f, 1.263466f, 1.26332f, 1.263174f, 1.263028f, 1.262882f, 1.262736f, 1.26259f, 1.262444f, 1.262298f, 1.262152f, 1.262007f, 1.261861f, 1.261715f, 1.261569f, 1.261424f,
-1.261278f, 1.261132f, 1.260987f, 1.260841f, 1.260696f, 1.26055f, 1.260405f, 1.260259f, 1.260114f, 1.259968f, 1.259823f, 1.259678f, 1.259533f, 1.259387f, 1.259242f, 1.259097f, 1.258952f, 1.258807f, 1.258662f, 1.258517f,
-1.258372f, 1.258227f, 1.258082f, 1.257937f, 1.257792f, 1.257647f, 1.257502f, 1.257358f, 1.257213f, 1.257068f, 1.256924f, 1.256779f, 1.256634f, 1.25649f, 1.256345f, 1.256201f, 1.256056f, 1.255912f, 1.255768f, 1.255623f,
-1.255479f, 1.255335f, 1.25519f, 1.255046f, 1.254902f, 1.254758f, 1.254614f, 1.25447f, 1.254326f, 1.254181f, 1.254038f, 1.253894f, 1.25375f, 1.253606f, 1.253462f, 1.253318f, 1.253174f, 1.25303f, 1.252887f, 1.252743f,
-1.252599f, 1.252456f, 1.252312f, 1.252169f, 1.252025f, 1.251882f, 1.251738f, 1.251595f, 1.251451f, 1.251308f, 1.251165f, 1.251021f, 1.250878f, 1.250735f, 1.250592f, 1.250448f, 1.250305f, 1.250162f, 1.250019f, 1.249876f,
-1.249733f, 1.24959f, 1.249447f, 1.249304f, 1.249161f, 1.249018f, 1.248876f, 1.248733f, 1.24859f, 1.248447f, 1.248305f, 1.248162f, 1.24802f, 1.247877f, 1.247734f, 1.247592f, 1.247449f, 1.247307f, 1.247164f, 1.247022f,
-1.24688f, 1.246737f, 1.246595f, 1.246453f, 1.246311f, 1.246168f, 1.246026f, 1.245884f, 1.245742f, 1.2456f, 1.245458f, 1.245316f, 1.245174f, 1.245032f, 1.24489f, 1.244748f, 1.244607f, 1.244465f, 1.244323f, 1.244181f,
-1.244039f, 1.243898f, 1.243756f, 1.243615f, 1.243473f, 1.243331f, 1.24319f, 1.243048f, 1.242907f, 1.242766f, 1.242624f, 1.242483f, 1.242342f, 1.2422f, 1.242059f, 1.241918f, 1.241777f, 1.241635f, 1.241494f, 1.241353f,
-1.241212f, 1.241071f, 1.24093f, 1.240789f, 1.240648f, 1.240507f, 1.240366f, 1.240226f, 1.240085f, 1.239944f, 1.239803f, 1.239663f, 1.239522f, 1.239381f, 1.239241f, 1.2391f, 1.238959f, 1.238819f, 1.238678f, 1.238538f,
-1.238398f, 1.238257f, 1.238117f, 1.237977f, 1.237836f, 1.237696f, 1.237556f, 1.237416f, 1.237275f, 1.237135f, 1.236995f, 1.236855f, 1.236715f, 1.236575f, 1.236435f, 1.236295f, 1.236155f, 1.236015f, 1.235875f, 1.235736f,
-1.235596f, 1.235456f, 1.235316f, 1.235177f, 1.235037f, 1.234897f, 1.234758f, 1.234618f, 1.234479f, 1.234339f, 1.2342f, 1.23406f, 1.233921f, 1.233781f, 1.233642f, 1.233503f, 1.233363f, 1.233224f, 1.233085f, 1.232946f,
-1.232807f, 1.232667f, 1.232528f, 1.232389f, 1.23225f, 1.232111f, 1.231972f, 1.231833f, 1.231694f, 1.231556f, 1.231417f, 1.231278f, 1.231139f, 1.231f, 1.230862f, 1.230723f, 1.230584f, 1.230446f, 1.230307f, 1.230169f,
-1.23003f, 1.229892f, 1.229753f, 1.229615f, 1.229476f, 1.229338f, 1.229199f, 1.229061f, 1.228923f, 1.228785f, 1.228646f, 1.228508f, 1.22837f, 1.228232f, 1.228094f, 1.227956f, 1.227818f, 1.22768f, 1.227542f, 1.227404f,
-1.227266f, 1.227128f, 1.22699f, 1.226852f, 1.226715f, 1.226577f, 1.226439f, 1.226301f, 1.226164f, 1.226026f, 1.225889f, 1.225751f, 1.225613f, 1.225476f, 1.225338f, 1.225201f, 1.225064f, 1.224926f, 1.224789f, 1.224651f,
-1.224514f, 1.224377f, 1.22424f, 1.224103f, 1.223965f, 1.223828f, 1.223691f, 1.223554f, 1.223417f, 1.22328f, 1.223143f, 1.223006f, 1.222869f, 1.222732f, 1.222595f, 1.222458f, 1.222322f, 1.222185f, 1.222048f, 1.221911f,
-1.221775f, 1.221638f, 1.221502f, 1.221365f, 1.221228f, 1.221092f, 1.220955f, 1.220819f, 1.220682f, 1.220546f, 1.22041f, 1.220273f, 1.220137f, 1.220001f, 1.219864f, 1.219728f, 1.219592f, 1.219456f, 1.21932f, 1.219184f,
-1.219048f, 1.218912f, 1.218776f, 1.21864f, 1.218504f, 1.218368f, 1.218232f, 1.218096f, 1.21796f, 1.217824f, 1.217689f, 1.217553f, 1.217417f, 1.217281f, 1.217146f, 1.21701f, 1.216875f, 1.216739f, 1.216604f, 1.216468f,
-1.216333f, 1.216197f, 1.216062f, 1.215926f, 1.215791f, 1.215656f, 1.21552f, 1.215385f, 1.21525f, 1.215115f, 1.21498f, 1.214844f, 1.214709f, 1.214574f, 1.214439f, 1.214304f, 1.214169f, 1.214034f, 1.213899f, 1.213764f,
-1.21363f, 1.213495f, 1.21336f, 1.213225f, 1.21309f, 1.212956f, 1.212821f, 1.212686f, 1.212552f, 1.212417f, 1.212283f, 1.212148f, 1.212014f, 1.211879f, 1.211745f, 1.21161f, 1.211476f, 1.211342f, 1.211207f, 1.211073f,
-1.210939f, 1.210804f, 1.21067f, 1.210536f, 1.210402f, 1.210268f, 1.210134f, 1.21f, 1.209866f, 1.209732f, 1.209598f, 1.209464f, 1.20933f, 1.209196f, 1.209062f, 1.208928f, 1.208794f, 1.208661f, 1.208527f, 1.208393f,
-1.20826f, 1.208126f, 1.207992f, 1.207859f, 1.207725f, 1.207592f, 1.207458f, 1.207325f, 1.207191f, 1.207058f, 1.206924f, 1.206791f, 1.206658f, 1.206525f, 1.206391f, 1.206258f, 1.206125f, 1.205992f, 1.205859f, 1.205725f,
-1.205592f, 1.205459f, 1.205326f, 1.205193f, 1.20506f, 1.204927f, 1.204794f, 1.204662f, 1.204529f, 1.204396f, 1.204263f, 1.20413f, 1.203998f, 1.203865f, 1.203732f, 1.2036f, 1.203467f, 1.203334f, 1.203202f, 1.203069f,
-1.202937f, 1.202804f, 1.202672f, 1.20254f, 1.202407f, 1.202275f, 1.202142f, 1.20201f, 1.201878f, 1.201746f, 1.201613f, 1.201481f, 1.201349f, 1.201217f, 1.201085f, 1.200953f, 1.200821f, 1.200689f, 1.200557f, 1.200425f,
-1.200293f, 1.200161f, 1.200029f, 1.199897f, 1.199766f, 1.199634f, 1.199502f, 1.19937f, 1.199239f, 1.199107f, 1.198975f, 1.198844f, 1.198712f, 1.198581f, 1.198449f, 1.198318f, 1.198186f, 1.198055f, 1.197924f, 1.197792f,
-1.197661f, 1.19753f, 1.197398f, 1.197267f, 1.197136f, 1.197005f, 1.196873f, 1.196742f, 1.196611f, 1.19648f, 1.196349f, 1.196218f, 1.196087f, 1.195956f, 1.195825f, 1.195694f, 1.195563f, 1.195432f, 1.195302f, 1.195171f,
-1.19504f, 1.194909f, 1.194779f, 1.194648f, 1.194517f, 1.194387f, 1.194256f, 1.194126f, 1.193995f, 1.193865f, 1.193734f, 1.193604f, 1.193473f, 1.193343f, 1.193212f, 1.193082f, 1.192952f, 1.192822f, 1.192691f, 1.192561f,
-1.192431f, 1.192301f, 1.192171f, 1.19204f, 1.19191f, 1.19178f, 1.19165f, 1.19152f, 1.19139f, 1.19126f, 1.19113f, 1.191001f, 1.190871f, 1.190741f, 1.190611f, 1.190481f, 1.190352f, 1.190222f, 1.190092f, 1.189963f,
-1.189833f, 1.189703f, 1.189574f, 1.189444f, 1.189315f, 1.189185f, 1.189056f, 1.188926f, 1.188797f, 1.188668f, 1.188538f, 1.188409f, 1.18828f, 1.18815f, 1.188021f, 1.187892f, 1.187763f, 1.187634f, 1.187505f, 1.187375f,
-1.187246f, 1.187117f, 1.186988f, 1.186859f, 1.18673f, 1.186601f, 1.186473f, 1.186344f, 1.186215f, 1.186086f, 1.185957f, 1.185829f, 1.1857f, 1.185571f, 1.185442f, 1.185314f, 1.185185f, 1.185057f, 1.184928f, 1.1848f,
-1.184671f, 1.184543f, 1.184414f, 1.184286f, 1.184157f, 1.184029f, 1.183901f, 1.183772f, 1.183644f, 1.183516f, 1.183388f, 1.183259f, 1.183131f, 1.183003f, 1.182875f, 1.182747f, 1.182619f, 1.182491f, 1.182363f, 1.182235f,
-1.182107f, 1.181979f, 1.181851f, 1.181723f, 1.181595f, 1.181467f, 1.18134f, 1.181212f, 1.181084f, 1.180956f, 1.180829f, 1.180701f, 1.180574f, 1.180446f, 1.180318f, 1.180191f, 1.180063f, 1.179936f, 1.179808f, 1.179681f,
-1.179554f, 1.179426f, 1.179299f, 1.179172f, 1.179044f, 1.178917f, 1.17879f, 1.178663f, 1.178535f, 1.178408f, 1.178281f, 1.178154f, 1.178027f, 1.1779f, 1.177773f, 1.177646f, 1.177519f, 1.177392f, 1.177265f, 1.177138f,
-1.177011f, 1.176885f, 1.176758f, 1.176631f, 1.176504f, 1.176378f, 1.176251f, 1.176124f, 1.175998f, 1.175871f, 1.175745f, 1.175618f, 1.175491f, 1.175365f, 1.175239f, 1.175112f, 1.174986f, 1.174859f, 1.174733f, 1.174607f,
-1.17448f, 1.174354f, 1.174228f, 1.174102f, 1.173975f, 1.173849f, 1.173723f, 1.173597f, 1.173471f, 1.173345f, 1.173219f, 1.173093f, 1.172967f, 1.172841f, 1.172715f, 1.172589f, 1.172463f, 1.172337f, 1.172211f, 1.172086f,
-1.17196f, 1.171834f, 1.171709f, 1.171583f, 1.171457f, 1.171332f, 1.171206f, 1.17108f, 1.170955f, 1.170829f, 1.170704f, 1.170578f, 1.170453f, 1.170328f, 1.170202f, 1.170077f, 1.169951f, 1.169826f, 1.169701f, 1.169576f,
-1.16945f, 1.169325f, 1.1692f, 1.169075f, 1.16895f, 1.168825f, 1.1687f, 1.168575f, 1.16845f, 1.168325f, 1.1682f, 1.168075f, 1.16795f, 1.167825f, 1.1677f, 1.167575f, 1.16745f, 1.167326f, 1.167201f, 1.167076f,
-1.166952f, 1.166827f, 1.166702f, 1.166578f, 1.166453f, 1.166329f, 1.166204f, 1.166079f, 1.165955f, 1.165831f, 1.165706f, 1.165582f, 1.165457f, 1.165333f, 1.165209f, 1.165084f, 1.16496f, 1.164836f, 1.164712f, 1.164588f,
-1.164463f, 1.164339f, 1.164215f, 1.164091f, 1.163967f, 1.163843f, 1.163719f, 1.163595f, 1.163471f, 1.163347f, 1.163223f, 1.163099f, 1.162976f, 1.162852f, 1.162728f, 1.162604f, 1.16248f, 1.162357f, 1.162233f, 1.162109f,
-1.161986f, 1.161862f, 1.161739f, 1.161615f, 1.161492f, 1.161368f, 1.161245f, 1.161121f, 1.160998f, 1.160874f, 1.160751f, 1.160628f, 1.160504f, 1.160381f, 1.160258f, 1.160135f, 1.160011f, 1.159888f, 1.159765f, 1.159642f,
-1.159519f, 1.159396f, 1.159273f, 1.15915f, 1.159027f, 1.158904f, 1.158781f, 1.158658f, 1.158535f, 1.158412f, 1.158289f, 1.158166f, 1.158044f, 1.157921f, 1.157798f, 1.157675f, 1.157553f, 1.15743f, 1.157307f, 1.157185f,
-1.157062f, 1.15694f, 1.156817f, 1.156695f, 1.156572f, 1.15645f, 1.156327f, 1.156205f, 1.156082f, 1.15596f, 1.155838f, 1.155715f, 1.155593f, 1.155471f, 1.155349f, 1.155227f, 1.155104f, 1.154982f, 1.15486f, 1.154738f,
-1.154616f, 1.154494f, 1.154372f, 1.15425f, 1.154128f, 1.154006f, 1.153884f, 1.153762f, 1.15364f, 1.153518f, 1.153397f, 1.153275f, 1.153153f, 1.153031f, 1.15291f, 1.152788f, 1.152666f, 1.152545f, 1.152423f, 1.152302f,
-1.15218f, 1.152059f, 1.151937f, 1.151816f, 1.151694f, 1.151573f, 1.151451f, 1.15133f, 1.151209f, 1.151087f, 1.150966f, 1.150845f, 1.150723f, 1.150602f, 1.150481f, 1.15036f, 1.150239f, 1.150118f, 1.149996f, 1.149875f,
-1.149754f, 1.149633f, 1.149512f, 1.149391f, 1.14927f, 1.14915f, 1.149029f, 1.148908f, 1.148787f, 1.148666f, 1.148545f, 1.148425f, 1.148304f, 1.148183f, 1.148063f, 1.147942f, 1.147821f, 1.147701f, 1.14758f, 1.147459f,
-1.147339f, 1.147218f, 1.147098f, 1.146977f, 1.146857f, 1.146737f, 1.146616f, 1.146496f, 1.146376f, 1.146255f, 1.146135f, 1.146015f, 1.145895f, 1.145774f, 1.145654f, 1.145534f, 1.145414f, 1.145294f, 1.145174f, 1.145054f,
-1.144934f, 1.144814f, 1.144694f, 1.144574f, 1.144454f, 1.144334f, 1.144214f, 1.144094f, 1.143974f, 1.143855f, 1.143735f, 1.143615f, 1.143495f, 1.143376f, 1.143256f, 1.143136f, 1.143017f, 1.142897f, 1.142777f, 1.142658f,
-1.142538f, 1.142419f, 1.142299f, 1.14218f, 1.142061f, 1.141941f, 1.141822f, 1.141702f, 1.141583f, 1.141464f, 1.141344f, 1.141225f, 1.141106f, 1.140987f, 1.140868f, 1.140748f, 1.140629f, 1.14051f, 1.140391f, 1.140272f,
-1.140153f, 1.140034f, 1.139915f, 1.139796f, 1.139677f, 1.139558f, 1.139439f, 1.139321f, 1.139202f, 1.139083f, 1.138964f, 1.138845f, 1.138727f, 1.138608f, 1.138489f, 1.138371f, 1.138252f, 1.138133f, 1.138015f, 1.137896f,
-1.137778f, 1.137659f, 1.137541f, 1.137422f, 1.137304f, 1.137185f, 1.137067f, 1.136949f, 1.13683f, 1.136712f, 1.136594f, 1.136476f, 1.136357f, 1.136239f, 1.136121f, 1.136003f, 1.135885f, 1.135767f, 1.135648f, 1.13553f,
-1.135412f, 1.135294f, 1.135176f, 1.135058f, 1.13494f, 1.134823f, 1.134705f, 1.134587f, 1.134469f, 1.134351f, 1.134233f, 1.134116f, 1.133998f, 1.13388f, 1.133762f, 1.133645f, 1.133527f, 1.133409f, 1.133292f, 1.133174f,
-1.133057f, 1.132939f, 1.132822f, 1.132704f, 1.132587f, 1.132469f, 1.132352f, 1.132235f, 1.132117f, 1.132f, 1.131883f, 1.131765f, 1.131648f, 1.131531f, 1.131414f, 1.131296f, 1.131179f, 1.131062f, 1.130945f, 1.130828f,
-1.130711f, 1.130594f, 1.130477f, 1.13036f, 1.130243f, 1.130126f, 1.130009f, 1.129892f, 1.129775f, 1.129658f, 1.129542f, 1.129425f, 1.129308f, 1.129191f, 1.129074f, 1.128958f, 1.128841f, 1.128724f, 1.128608f, 1.128491f,
-1.128375f, 1.128258f, 1.128142f, 1.128025f, 1.127909f, 1.127792f, 1.127676f, 1.127559f, 1.127443f, 1.127327f, 1.12721f, 1.127094f, 1.126978f, 1.126861f, 1.126745f, 1.126629f, 1.126513f, 1.126396f, 1.12628f, 1.126164f,
-1.126048f, 1.125932f, 1.125816f, 1.1257f, 1.125584f, 1.125468f, 1.125352f, 1.125236f, 1.12512f, 1.125004f, 1.124888f, 1.124773f, 1.124657f, 1.124541f, 1.124425f, 1.124309f, 1.124194f, 1.124078f, 1.123962f, 1.123847f,
-1.123731f, 1.123616f, 1.1235f, 1.123384f, 1.123269f, 1.123153f, 1.123038f, 1.122922f, 1.122807f, 1.122692f, 1.122576f, 1.122461f, 1.122346f, 1.12223f, 1.122115f, 1.122f, 1.121884f, 1.121769f, 1.121654f, 1.121539f,
-1.121424f, 1.121309f, 1.121193f, 1.121078f, 1.120963f, 1.120848f, 1.120733f, 1.120618f, 1.120503f, 1.120388f, 1.120274f, 1.120159f, 1.120044f, 1.119929f, 1.119814f, 1.119699f, 1.119585f, 1.11947f, 1.119355f, 1.11924f,
-1.119126f, 1.119011f, 1.118896f, 1.118782f, 1.118667f, 1.118553f, 1.118438f, 1.118324f, 1.118209f, 1.118095f, 1.11798f, 1.117866f, 1.117751f, 1.117637f, 1.117523f, 1.117408f, 1.117294f, 1.11718f, 1.117066f, 1.116951f,
-1.116837f, 1.116723f, 1.116609f, 1.116495f, 1.11638f, 1.116266f, 1.116152f, 1.116038f, 1.115924f, 1.11581f, 1.115696f, 1.115582f, 1.115468f, 1.115355f, 1.115241f, 1.115127f, 1.115013f, 1.114899f, 1.114785f, 1.114672f,
-1.114558f, 1.114444f, 1.11433f, 1.114217f, 1.114103f, 1.113989f, 1.113876f, 1.113762f, 1.113649f, 1.113535f, 1.113422f, 1.113308f, 1.113195f, 1.113081f, 1.112968f, 1.112854f, 1.112741f, 1.112628f, 1.112514f, 1.112401f,
-1.112288f, 1.112175f, 1.112061f, 1.111948f, 1.111835f, 1.111722f, 1.111609f, 1.111496f, 1.111382f, 1.111269f, 1.111156f, 1.111043f, 1.11093f, 1.110817f, 1.110704f, 1.110591f, 1.110479f, 1.110366f, 1.110253f, 1.11014f,
-1.110027f, 1.109914f, 1.109802f, 1.109689f, 1.109576f, 1.109463f, 1.109351f, 1.109238f, 1.109125f, 1.109013f, 1.1089f, 1.108788f, 1.108675f, 1.108563f, 1.10845f, 1.108338f, 1.108225f, 1.108113f, 1.108f, 1.107888f,
-1.107776f, 1.107663f, 1.107551f, 1.107439f, 1.107326f, 1.107214f, 1.107102f, 1.10699f, 1.106877f, 1.106765f, 1.106653f, 1.106541f, 1.106429f, 1.106317f, 1.106205f, 1.106093f, 1.105981f, 1.105869f, 1.105757f, 1.105645f,
-1.105533f, 1.105421f, 1.105309f, 1.105197f, 1.105086f, 1.104974f, 1.104862f, 1.10475f, 1.104639f, 1.104527f, 1.104415f, 1.104304f, 1.104192f, 1.10408f, 1.103969f, 1.103857f, 1.103746f, 1.103634f, 1.103523f, 1.103411f,
-1.1033f, 1.103188f, 1.103077f, 1.102965f, 1.102854f, 1.102743f, 1.102631f, 1.10252f, 1.102409f, 1.102298f, 1.102186f, 1.102075f, 1.101964f, 1.101853f, 1.101742f, 1.101631f, 1.101519f, 1.101408f, 1.101297f, 1.101186f,
-1.101075f, 1.100964f, 1.100853f, 1.100742f, 1.100631f, 1.100521f, 1.10041f, 1.100299f, 1.100188f, 1.100077f, 1.099966f, 1.099856f, 1.099745f, 1.099634f, 1.099524f, 1.099413f, 1.099302f, 1.099192f, 1.099081f, 1.09897f,
-1.09886f, 1.098749f, 1.098639f, 1.098528f, 1.098418f, 1.098307f, 1.098197f, 1.098087f, 1.097976f, 1.097866f, 1.097755f, 1.097645f, 1.097535f, 1.097425f, 1.097314f, 1.097204f, 1.097094f, 1.096984f, 1.096874f, 1.096763f,
-1.096653f, 1.096543f, 1.096433f, 1.096323f, 1.096213f, 1.096103f, 1.095993f, 1.095883f, 1.095773f, 1.095663f, 1.095553f, 1.095443f, 1.095334f, 1.095224f, 1.095114f, 1.095004f, 1.094894f, 1.094785f, 1.094675f, 1.094565f,
-1.094456f, 1.094346f, 1.094236f, 1.094127f, 1.094017f, 1.093908f, 1.093798f, 1.093688f, 1.093579f, 1.093469f, 1.09336f, 1.093251f, 1.093141f, 1.093032f, 1.092922f, 1.092813f, 1.092704f, 1.092594f, 1.092485f, 1.092376f,
-1.092267f, 1.092157f, 1.092048f, 1.091939f, 1.09183f, 1.091721f, 1.091612f, 1.091503f, 1.091394f, 1.091285f, 1.091175f, 1.091066f, 1.090958f, 1.090849f, 1.09074f, 1.090631f, 1.090522f, 1.090413f, 1.090304f, 1.090195f,
-1.090086f, 1.089978f, 1.089869f, 1.08976f, 1.089652f, 1.089543f, 1.089434f, 1.089325f, 1.089217f, 1.089108f, 1.089f, 1.088891f, 1.088783f, 1.088674f, 1.088566f, 1.088457f, 1.088349f, 1.08824f, 1.088132f, 1.088023f,
-1.087915f, 1.087807f, 1.087698f, 1.08759f, 1.087482f, 1.087373f, 1.087265f, 1.087157f, 1.087049f, 1.086941f, 1.086833f, 1.086724f, 1.086616f, 1.086508f, 1.0864f, 1.086292f, 1.086184f, 1.086076f, 1.085968f, 1.08586f,
-1.085752f, 1.085644f, 1.085536f, 1.085428f, 1.085321f, 1.085213f, 1.085105f, 1.084997f, 1.084889f, 1.084782f, 1.084674f, 1.084566f, 1.084459f, 1.084351f, 1.084243f, 1.084136f, 1.084028f, 1.08392f, 1.083813f, 1.083705f,
-1.083598f, 1.08349f, 1.083383f, 1.083275f, 1.083168f, 1.083061f, 1.082953f, 1.082846f, 1.082739f, 1.082631f, 1.082524f, 1.082417f, 1.082309f, 1.082202f, 1.082095f, 1.081988f, 1.081881f, 1.081773f, 1.081666f, 1.081559f,
-1.081452f, 1.081345f, 1.081238f, 1.081131f, 1.081024f, 1.080917f, 1.08081f, 1.080703f, 1.080596f, 1.080489f, 1.080382f, 1.080276f, 1.080169f, 1.080062f, 1.079955f, 1.079848f, 1.079742f, 1.079635f, 1.079528f, 1.079422f,
-1.079315f, 1.079208f, 1.079102f, 1.078995f, 1.078888f, 1.078782f, 1.078675f, 1.078569f, 1.078462f, 1.078356f, 1.078249f, 1.078143f, 1.078037f, 1.07793f, 1.077824f, 1.077717f, 1.077611f, 1.077505f, 1.077399f, 1.077292f,
-1.077186f, 1.07708f, 1.076974f, 1.076867f, 1.076761f, 1.076655f, 1.076549f, 1.076443f, 1.076337f, 1.076231f, 1.076125f, 1.076019f, 1.075913f, 1.075807f, 1.075701f, 1.075595f, 1.075489f, 1.075383f, 1.075277f, 1.075171f,
-1.075066f, 1.07496f, 1.074854f, 1.074748f, 1.074643f, 1.074537f, 1.074431f, 1.074325f, 1.07422f, 1.074114f, 1.074009f, 1.073903f, 1.073797f, 1.073692f, 1.073586f, 1.073481f, 1.073375f, 1.07327f, 1.073164f, 1.073059f,
-1.072954f, 1.072848f, 1.072743f, 1.072637f, 1.072532f, 1.072427f, 1.072321f, 1.072216f, 1.072111f, 1.072006f, 1.071901f, 1.071795f, 1.07169f, 1.071585f, 1.07148f, 1.071375f, 1.07127f, 1.071165f, 1.07106f, 1.070955f,
-1.07085f, 1.070745f, 1.07064f, 1.070535f, 1.07043f, 1.070325f, 1.07022f, 1.070115f, 1.07001f, 1.069906f, 1.069801f, 1.069696f, 1.069591f, 1.069487f, 1.069382f, 1.069277f, 1.069173f, 1.069068f, 1.068963f, 1.068859f,
-1.068754f, 1.06865f, 1.068545f, 1.06844f, 1.068336f, 1.068231f, 1.068127f, 1.068023f, 1.067918f, 1.067814f, 1.067709f, 1.067605f, 1.067501f, 1.067396f, 1.067292f, 1.067188f, 1.067083f, 1.066979f, 1.066875f, 1.066771f,
-1.066667f, 1.066563f, 1.066458f, 1.066354f, 1.06625f, 1.066146f, 1.066042f, 1.065938f, 1.065834f, 1.06573f, 1.065626f, 1.065522f, 1.065418f, 1.065314f, 1.06521f, 1.065106f, 1.065003f, 1.064899f, 1.064795f, 1.064691f,
-1.064587f, 1.064484f, 1.06438f, 1.064276f, 1.064173f, 1.064069f, 1.063965f, 1.063862f, 1.063758f, 1.063654f, 1.063551f, 1.063447f, 1.063344f, 1.06324f, 1.063137f, 1.063033f, 1.06293f, 1.062826f, 1.062723f, 1.06262f,
-1.062516f, 1.062413f, 1.06231f, 1.062206f, 1.062103f, 1.062f, 1.061896f, 1.061793f, 1.06169f, 1.061587f, 1.061484f, 1.06138f, 1.061277f, 1.061174f, 1.061071f, 1.060968f, 1.060865f, 1.060762f, 1.060659f, 1.060556f,
-1.060453f, 1.06035f, 1.060247f, 1.060144f, 1.060041f, 1.059939f, 1.059836f, 1.059733f, 1.05963f, 1.059527f, 1.059425f, 1.059322f, 1.059219f, 1.059116f, 1.059014f, 1.058911f, 1.058808f, 1.058706f, 1.058603f, 1.058501f,
-1.058398f, 1.058295f, 1.058193f, 1.05809f, 1.057988f, 1.057885f, 1.057783f, 1.057681f, 1.057578f, 1.057476f, 1.057373f, 1.057271f, 1.057169f, 1.057066f, 1.056964f, 1.056862f, 1.05676f, 1.056657f, 1.056555f, 1.056453f,
-1.056351f, 1.056249f, 1.056146f, 1.056044f, 1.055942f, 1.05584f, 1.055738f, 1.055636f, 1.055534f, 1.055432f, 1.05533f, 1.055228f, 1.055126f, 1.055024f, 1.054922f, 1.054821f, 1.054719f, 1.054617f, 1.054515f, 1.054413f,
-1.054311f, 1.05421f, 1.054108f, 1.054006f, 1.053905f, 1.053803f, 1.053701f, 1.0536f, 1.053498f, 1.053396f, 1.053295f, 1.053193f, 1.053092f, 1.05299f, 1.052889f, 1.052787f, 1.052686f, 1.052584f, 1.052483f, 1.052381f,
-1.05228f, 1.052179f, 1.052077f, 1.051976f, 1.051875f, 1.051773f, 1.051672f, 1.051571f, 1.05147f, 1.051368f, 1.051267f, 1.051166f, 1.051065f, 1.050964f, 1.050863f, 1.050762f, 1.050661f, 1.050559f, 1.050458f, 1.050357f,
-1.050256f, 1.050155f, 1.050054f, 1.049954f, 1.049853f, 1.049752f, 1.049651f, 1.04955f, 1.049449f, 1.049348f, 1.049248f, 1.049147f, 1.049046f, 1.048945f, 1.048845f, 1.048744f, 1.048643f, 1.048542f, 1.048442f, 1.048341f,
-1.048241f, 1.04814f, 1.048039f, 1.047939f, 1.047838f, 1.047738f, 1.047637f, 1.047537f, 1.047436f, 1.047336f, 1.047236f, 1.047135f, 1.047035f, 1.046934f, 1.046834f, 1.046734f, 1.046633f, 1.046533f, 1.046433f, 1.046333f,
-1.046232f, 1.046132f, 1.046032f, 1.045932f, 1.045832f, 1.045732f, 1.045632f, 1.045531f, 1.045431f, 1.045331f, 1.045231f, 1.045131f, 1.045031f, 1.044931f, 1.044831f, 1.044731f, 1.044631f, 1.044532f, 1.044432f, 1.044332f,
-1.044232f, 1.044132f, 1.044032f, 1.043933f, 1.043833f, 1.043733f, 1.043633f, 1.043534f, 1.043434f, 1.043334f, 1.043235f, 1.043135f, 1.043035f, 1.042936f, 1.042836f, 1.042737f, 1.042637f, 1.042538f, 1.042438f, 1.042339f,
-1.042239f, 1.04214f, 1.04204f, 1.041941f, 1.041842f, 1.041742f, 1.041643f, 1.041543f, 1.041444f, 1.041345f, 1.041246f, 1.041146f, 1.041047f, 1.040948f, 1.040849f, 1.04075f, 1.04065f, 1.040551f, 1.040452f, 1.040353f,
-1.040254f, 1.040155f, 1.040056f, 1.039957f, 1.039858f, 1.039759f, 1.03966f, 1.039561f, 1.039462f, 1.039363f, 1.039264f, 1.039165f, 1.039066f, 1.038968f, 1.038869f, 1.03877f, 1.038671f, 1.038572f, 1.038474f, 1.038375f,
-1.038276f, 1.038178f, 1.038079f, 1.03798f, 1.037882f, 1.037783f, 1.037684f, 1.037586f, 1.037487f, 1.037389f, 1.03729f, 1.037192f, 1.037093f, 1.036995f, 1.036896f, 1.036798f, 1.0367f, 1.036601f, 1.036503f, 1.036404f,
-1.036306f, 1.036208f, 1.03611f, 1.036011f, 1.035913f, 1.035815f, 1.035717f, 1.035618f, 1.03552f, 1.035422f, 1.035324f, 1.035226f, 1.035128f, 1.03503f, 1.034931f, 1.034833f, 1.034735f, 1.034637f, 1.034539f, 1.034441f,
-1.034343f, 1.034245f, 1.034148f, 1.03405f, 1.033952f, 1.033854f, 1.033756f, 1.033658f, 1.03356f, 1.033463f, 1.033365f, 1.033267f, 1.033169f, 1.033072f, 1.032974f, 1.032876f, 1.032779f, 1.032681f, 1.032583f, 1.032486f,
-1.032388f, 1.032291f, 1.032193f, 1.032095f, 1.031998f, 1.0319f, 1.031803f, 1.031706f, 1.031608f, 1.031511f, 1.031413f, 1.031316f, 1.031219f, 1.031121f, 1.031024f, 1.030927f, 1.030829f, 1.030732f, 1.030635f, 1.030537f,
-1.03044f, 1.030343f, 1.030246f, 1.030149f, 1.030052f, 1.029954f, 1.029857f, 1.02976f, 1.029663f, 1.029566f, 1.029469f, 1.029372f, 1.029275f, 1.029178f, 1.029081f, 1.028984f, 1.028887f, 1.02879f, 1.028693f, 1.028597f,
-1.0285f, 1.028403f, 1.028306f, 1.028209f, 1.028112f, 1.028016f, 1.027919f, 1.027822f, 1.027726f, 1.027629f, 1.027532f, 1.027435f, 1.027339f, 1.027242f, 1.027146f, 1.027049f, 1.026952f, 1.026856f, 1.026759f, 1.026663f,
-1.026566f, 1.02647f, 1.026373f, 1.026277f, 1.026181f, 1.026084f, 1.025988f, 1.025891f, 1.025795f, 1.025699f, 1.025603f, 1.025506f, 1.02541f, 1.025314f, 1.025217f, 1.025121f, 1.025025f, 1.024929f, 1.024833f, 1.024737f,
-1.02464f, 1.024544f, 1.024448f, 1.024352f, 1.024256f, 1.02416f, 1.024064f, 1.023968f, 1.023872f, 1.023776f, 1.02368f, 1.023584f, 1.023488f, 1.023392f, 1.023296f, 1.023201f, 1.023105f, 1.023009f, 1.022913f, 1.022817f,
-1.022722f, 1.022626f, 1.02253f, 1.022434f, 1.022339f, 1.022243f, 1.022147f, 1.022052f, 1.021956f, 1.02186f, 1.021765f, 1.021669f, 1.021574f, 1.021478f, 1.021383f, 1.021287f, 1.021192f, 1.021096f, 1.021001f, 1.020905f,
-1.02081f, 1.020715f, 1.020619f, 1.020524f, 1.020429f, 1.020333f, 1.020238f, 1.020143f, 1.020047f, 1.019952f, 1.019857f, 1.019762f, 1.019666f, 1.019571f, 1.019476f, 1.019381f, 1.019286f, 1.019191f, 1.019096f, 1.019001f,
-1.018905f, 1.01881f, 1.018715f, 1.01862f, 1.018525f, 1.01843f, 1.018336f, 1.018241f, 1.018146f, 1.018051f, 1.017956f, 1.017861f, 1.017766f, 1.017671f, 1.017577f, 1.017482f, 1.017387f, 1.017292f, 1.017197f, 1.017103f,
-1.017008f, 1.016913f, 1.016819f, 1.016724f, 1.016629f, 1.016535f, 1.01644f, 1.016346f, 1.016251f, 1.016157f, 1.016062f, 1.015968f, 1.015873f, 1.015779f, 1.015684f, 1.01559f, 1.015495f, 1.015401f, 1.015306f, 1.015212f,
-1.015118f, 1.015023f, 1.014929f, 1.014835f, 1.01474f, 1.014646f, 1.014552f, 1.014458f, 1.014364f, 1.014269f, 1.014175f, 1.014081f, 1.013987f, 1.013893f, 1.013799f, 1.013705f, 1.01361f, 1.013516f, 1.013422f, 1.013328f,
-1.013234f, 1.01314f, 1.013046f, 1.012952f, 1.012859f, 1.012765f, 1.012671f, 1.012577f, 1.012483f, 1.012389f, 1.012295f, 1.012202f, 1.012108f, 1.012014f, 1.01192f, 1.011826f, 1.011733f, 1.011639f, 1.011545f, 1.011452f,
-1.011358f, 1.011264f, 1.011171f, 1.011077f, 1.010984f, 1.01089f, 1.010796f, 1.010703f, 1.010609f, 1.010516f, 1.010422f, 1.010329f, 1.010236f, 1.010142f, 1.010049f, 1.009955f, 1.009862f, 1.009769f, 1.009675f, 1.009582f,
-1.009489f, 1.009395f, 1.009302f, 1.009209f, 1.009116f, 1.009022f, 1.008929f, 1.008836f, 1.008743f, 1.00865f, 1.008556f, 1.008463f, 1.00837f, 1.008277f, 1.008184f, 1.008091f, 1.007998f, 1.007905f, 1.007812f, 1.007719f,
-1.007626f, 1.007533f, 1.00744f, 1.007347f, 1.007254f, 1.007162f, 1.007069f, 1.006976f, 1.006883f, 1.00679f, 1.006697f, 1.006605f, 1.006512f, 1.006419f, 1.006326f, 1.006234f, 1.006141f, 1.006048f, 1.005956f, 1.005863f,
-1.00577f, 1.005678f, 1.005585f, 1.005493f, 1.0054f, 1.005308f, 1.005215f, 1.005123f, 1.00503f, 1.004938f, 1.004845f, 1.004753f, 1.00466f, 1.004568f, 1.004476f, 1.004383f, 1.004291f, 1.004198f, 1.004106f, 1.004014f,
-1.003922f, 1.003829f, 1.003737f, 1.003645f, 1.003553f, 1.00346f, 1.003368f, 1.003276f, 1.003184f, 1.003092f, 1.003f, 1.002908f, 1.002816f, 1.002723f, 1.002631f, 1.002539f, 1.002447f, 1.002355f, 1.002263f, 1.002171f,
-1.00208f, 1.001988f, 1.001896f, 1.001804f, 1.001712f, 1.00162f, 1.001528f, 1.001436f, 1.001345f, 1.001253f, 1.001161f, 1.001069f, 1.000978f, 1.000886f, 1.000794f, 1.000702f, 1.000611f, 1.000519f, 1.000427f, 1.000336f,
-1.000244f, 1.000153f, 1.000061f, 0.999969f, 0.999878f, 0.999786f, 0.999695f, 0.999603f, 0.999512f, 0.999421f, 0.999329f, 0.999238f, 0.999146f, 0.999055f, 0.998963f, 0.998872f, 0.998781f, 0.998689f, 0.998598f, 0.998507f,
-0.998416f, 0.998324f, 0.998233f, 0.998142f, 0.998051f, 0.997959f, 0.997868f, 0.997777f, 0.997686f, 0.997595f, 0.997504f, 0.997413f, 0.997322f, 0.997231f, 0.99714f, 0.997049f, 0.996958f, 0.996867f, 0.996776f, 0.996685f,
-0.996594f, 0.996503f, 0.996412f, 0.996321f, 0.99623f, 0.996139f, 0.996048f, 0.995958f, 0.995867f, 0.995776f, 0.995685f, 0.995594f, 0.995504f, 0.995413f, 0.995322f, 0.995232f, 0.995141f, 0.99505f, 0.99496f, 0.994869f,
-0.994778f, 0.994688f, 0.994597f, 0.994507f, 0.994416f, 0.994326f, 0.994235f, 0.994145f, 0.994054f, 0.993964f, 0.993873f, 0.993783f, 0.993692f, 0.993602f, 0.993512f, 0.993421f, 0.993331f, 0.993241f, 0.99315f, 0.99306f,
-0.99297f, 0.992879f, 0.992789f, 0.992699f, 0.992609f, 0.992519f, 0.992428f, 0.992338f, 0.992248f, 0.992158f, 0.992068f, 0.991978f, 0.991888f, 0.991798f, 0.991708f, 0.991617f, 0.991527f, 0.991437f, 0.991347f, 0.991258f,
-0.991168f, 0.991078f, 0.990988f, 0.990898f, 0.990808f, 0.990718f, 0.990628f, 0.990538f, 0.990449f, 0.990359f, 0.990269f, 0.990179f, 0.990089f, 0.99f, 0.98991f, 0.98982f, 0.989731f, 0.989641f, 0.989551f, 0.989462f,
-0.989372f, 0.989282f, 0.989193f, 0.989103f, 0.989014f, 0.988924f, 0.988835f, 0.988745f, 0.988656f, 0.988566f, 0.988477f, 0.988387f, 0.988298f, 0.988208f, 0.988119f, 0.98803f, 0.98794f, 0.987851f, 0.987761f, 0.987672f,
-0.987583f, 0.987494f, 0.987404f, 0.987315f, 0.987226f, 0.987137f, 0.987047f, 0.986958f, 0.986869f, 0.98678f, 0.986691f, 0.986602f, 0.986513f, 0.986423f, 0.986334f, 0.986245f, 0.986156f, 0.986067f, 0.985978f, 0.985889f,
-0.9858f, 0.985711f, 0.985622f, 0.985533f, 0.985444f, 0.985356f, 0.985267f, 0.985178f, 0.985089f, 0.985f, 0.984911f, 0.984823f, 0.984734f, 0.984645f, 0.984556f, 0.984467f, 0.984379f, 0.98429f, 0.984201f, 0.984113f,
-0.984024f, 0.983935f, 0.983847f, 0.983758f, 0.98367f, 0.983581f, 0.983492f, 0.983404f, 0.983315f, 0.983227f, 0.983138f, 0.98305f, 0.982961f, 0.982873f, 0.982784f, 0.982696f, 0.982608f, 0.982519f, 0.982431f, 0.982343f,
-0.982254f, 0.982166f, 0.982078f, 0.981989f, 0.981901f, 0.981813f, 0.981724f, 0.981636f, 0.981548f, 0.98146f, 0.981372f, 0.981284f, 0.981195f, 0.981107f, 0.981019f, 0.980931f, 0.980843f, 0.980755f, 0.980667f, 0.980579f,
-0.980491f, 0.980403f, 0.980315f, 0.980227f, 0.980139f, 0.980051f, 0.979963f, 0.979875f, 0.979787f, 0.979699f, 0.979611f, 0.979524f, 0.979436f, 0.979348f, 0.97926f, 0.979172f, 0.979084f, 0.978997f, 0.978909f, 0.978821f,
-0.978734f, 0.978646f, 0.978558f, 0.978471f, 0.978383f, 0.978295f, 0.978208f, 0.97812f, 0.978032f, 0.977945f, 0.977857f, 0.97777f, 0.977682f, 0.977595f, 0.977507f, 0.97742f, 0.977332f, 0.977245f, 0.977158f, 0.97707f,
-0.976983f, 0.976895f, 0.976808f, 0.976721f, 0.976633f, 0.976546f, 0.976459f, 0.976371f, 0.976284f, 0.976197f, 0.97611f, 0.976022f, 0.975935f, 0.975848f, 0.975761f, 0.975674f, 0.975587f, 0.975499f, 0.975412f, 0.975325f,
-0.975238f, 0.975151f, 0.975064f, 0.974977f, 0.97489f, 0.974803f, 0.974716f, 0.974629f, 0.974542f, 0.974455f, 0.974368f, 0.974281f, 0.974194f, 0.974107f, 0.974021f, 0.973934f, 0.973847f, 0.97376f, 0.973673f, 0.973586f,
-0.9735f, 0.973413f, 0.973326f, 0.973239f, 0.973153f, 0.973066f, 0.972979f, 0.972893f, 0.972806f, 0.972719f, 0.972633f, 0.972546f, 0.97246f, 0.972373f, 0.972287f, 0.9722f, 0.972113f, 0.972027f, 0.97194f, 0.971854f,
-0.971767f, 0.971681f, 0.971595f, 0.971508f, 0.971422f, 0.971335f, 0.971249f, 0.971163f, 0.971076f, 0.97099f, 0.970904f, 0.970817f, 0.970731f, 0.970645f, 0.970559f, 0.970472f, 0.970386f, 0.9703f, 0.970214f, 0.970128f,
-0.970041f, 0.969955f, 0.969869f, 0.969783f, 0.969697f, 0.969611f, 0.969525f, 0.969439f, 0.969353f, 0.969267f, 0.969181f, 0.969095f, 0.969009f, 0.968923f, 0.968837f, 0.968751f, 0.968665f, 0.968579f, 0.968493f, 0.968407f,
-0.968322f, 0.968236f, 0.96815f, 0.968064f, 0.967978f, 0.967892f, 0.967807f, 0.967721f, 0.967635f, 0.96755f, 0.967464f, 0.967378f, 0.967292f, 0.967207f, 0.967121f, 0.967036f, 0.96695f, 0.966864f, 0.966779f, 0.966693f,
-0.966608f, 0.966522f, 0.966437f, 0.966351f, 0.966266f, 0.96618f, 0.966095f, 0.966009f, 0.965924f, 0.965838f, 0.965753f, 0.965668f, 0.965582f, 0.965497f, 0.965412f, 0.965326f, 0.965241f, 0.965156f, 0.96507f, 0.964985f,
-0.9649f, 0.964815f, 0.964729f, 0.964644f, 0.964559f, 0.964474f, 0.964389f, 0.964304f, 0.964218f, 0.964133f, 0.964048f, 0.963963f, 0.963878f, 0.963793f, 0.963708f, 0.963623f, 0.963538f, 0.963453f, 0.963368f, 0.963283f,
-0.963198f, 0.963113f, 0.963028f, 0.962943f, 0.962858f, 0.962774f, 0.962689f, 0.962604f, 0.962519f, 0.962434f, 0.962349f, 0.962265f, 0.96218f, 0.962095f, 0.96201f, 0.961926f, 0.961841f, 0.961756f, 0.961672f, 0.961587f,
-0.961502f, 0.961418f, 0.961333f, 0.961248f, 0.961164f, 0.961079f, 0.960995f, 0.96091f, 0.960826f, 0.960741f, 0.960657f, 0.960572f, 0.960488f, 0.960403f, 0.960319f, 0.960234f, 0.96015f, 0.960066f, 0.959981f, 0.959897f,
-0.959813f, 0.959728f, 0.959644f, 0.95956f, 0.959475f, 0.959391f, 0.959307f, 0.959223f, 0.959138f, 0.959054f, 0.95897f, 0.958886f, 0.958801f, 0.958717f, 0.958633f, 0.958549f, 0.958465f, 0.958381f, 0.958297f, 0.958213f,
-0.958129f, 0.958045f, 0.957961f, 0.957877f, 0.957793f, 0.957709f, 0.957625f, 0.957541f, 0.957457f, 0.957373f, 0.957289f, 0.957205f, 0.957121f, 0.957037f, 0.956953f, 0.95687f, 0.956786f, 0.956702f, 0.956618f, 0.956534f,
-0.956451f, 0.956367f, 0.956283f, 0.956199f, 0.956116f, 0.956032f, 0.955948f, 0.955865f, 0.955781f, 0.955697f, 0.955614f, 0.95553f, 0.955447f, 0.955363f, 0.95528f, 0.955196f, 0.955113f, 0.955029f, 0.954946f, 0.954862f,
-0.954779f, 0.954695f, 0.954612f, 0.954528f, 0.954445f, 0.954361f, 0.954278f, 0.954195f, 0.954111f, 0.954028f, 0.953945f, 0.953861f, 0.953778f, 0.953695f, 0.953612f, 0.953528f, 0.953445f, 0.953362f, 0.953279f, 0.953195f,
-0.953112f, 0.953029f, 0.952946f, 0.952863f, 0.95278f, 0.952697f, 0.952614f, 0.95253f, 0.952447f, 0.952364f, 0.952281f, 0.952198f, 0.952115f, 0.952032f, 0.951949f, 0.951866f, 0.951783f, 0.951701f, 0.951618f, 0.951535f,
-0.951452f, 0.951369f, 0.951286f, 0.951203f, 0.95112f, 0.951038f, 0.950955f, 0.950872f, 0.950789f, 0.950706f, 0.950624f, 0.950541f, 0.950458f, 0.950376f, 0.950293f, 0.95021f, 0.950128f, 0.950045f, 0.949962f, 0.94988f,
-0.949797f, 0.949715f, 0.949632f, 0.949549f, 0.949467f, 0.949384f, 0.949302f, 0.949219f, 0.949137f, 0.949054f, 0.948972f, 0.948889f, 0.948807f, 0.948725f, 0.948642f, 0.94856f, 0.948477f, 0.948395f, 0.948313f, 0.94823f,
-0.948148f, 0.948066f, 0.947984f, 0.947901f, 0.947819f, 0.947737f, 0.947655f, 0.947572f, 0.94749f, 0.947408f, 0.947326f, 0.947244f, 0.947162f, 0.947079f, 0.946997f, 0.946915f, 0.946833f, 0.946751f, 0.946669f, 0.946587f,
-0.946505f, 0.946423f, 0.946341f, 0.946259f, 0.946177f, 0.946095f, 0.946013f, 0.945931f, 0.945849f, 0.945767f, 0.945685f, 0.945604f, 0.945522f, 0.94544f, 0.945358f, 0.945276f, 0.945194f, 0.945113f, 0.945031f, 0.944949f,
-0.944867f, 0.944786f, 0.944704f, 0.944622f, 0.944541f, 0.944459f, 0.944377f, 0.944296f, 0.944214f, 0.944132f, 0.944051f, 0.943969f, 0.943888f, 0.943806f, 0.943724f, 0.943643f, 0.943561f, 0.94348f, 0.943398f, 0.943317f,
-0.943235f, 0.943154f, 0.943073f, 0.942991f, 0.94291f, 0.942828f, 0.942747f, 0.942666f, 0.942584f, 0.942503f, 0.942422f, 0.94234f, 0.942259f, 0.942178f, 0.942096f, 0.942015f, 0.941934f, 0.941853f, 0.941772f, 0.94169f,
-0.941609f, 0.941528f, 0.941447f, 0.941366f, 0.941285f, 0.941204f, 0.941122f, 0.941041f, 0.94096f, 0.940879f, 0.940798f, 0.940717f, 0.940636f, 0.940555f, 0.940474f, 0.940393f, 0.940312f, 0.940231f, 0.94015f, 0.940069f,
-0.939989f, 0.939908f, 0.939827f, 0.939746f, 0.939665f, 0.939584f, 0.939503f, 0.939423f, 0.939342f, 0.939261f, 0.93918f, 0.9391f, 0.939019f, 0.938938f, 0.938857f, 0.938777f, 0.938696f, 0.938615f, 0.938535f, 0.938454f,
-0.938373f, 0.938293f, 0.938212f, 0.938132f, 0.938051f, 0.937971f, 0.93789f, 0.937809f, 0.937729f, 0.937648f, 0.937568f, 0.937487f, 0.937407f, 0.937327f, 0.937246f, 0.937166f, 0.937085f, 0.937005f, 0.936925f, 0.936844f,
-0.936764f, 0.936684f, 0.936603f, 0.936523f, 0.936443f, 0.936362f, 0.936282f, 0.936202f, 0.936122f, 0.936041f, 0.935961f, 0.935881f, 0.935801f, 0.935721f, 0.93564f, 0.93556f, 0.93548f, 0.9354f, 0.93532f, 0.93524f,
-0.93516f, 0.93508f, 0.935f, 0.93492f, 0.93484f, 0.93476f, 0.93468f, 0.9346f, 0.93452f, 0.93444f, 0.93436f, 0.93428f, 0.9342f, 0.93412f, 0.93404f, 0.93396f, 0.933881f, 0.933801f, 0.933721f, 0.933641f,
-0.933561f, 0.933481f, 0.933402f, 0.933322f, 0.933242f, 0.933162f, 0.933083f, 0.933003f, 0.932923f, 0.932844f, 0.932764f, 0.932684f, 0.932605f, 0.932525f, 0.932446f, 0.932366f, 0.932286f, 0.932207f, 0.932127f, 0.932048f,
-0.931968f, 0.931889f, 0.931809f, 0.93173f, 0.93165f, 0.931571f, 0.931491f, 0.931412f, 0.931332f, 0.931253f, 0.931174f, 0.931094f, 0.931015f, 0.930936f, 0.930856f, 0.930777f, 0.930698f, 0.930618f, 0.930539f, 0.93046f,
-0.93038f, 0.930301f, 0.930222f, 0.930143f, 0.930064f, 0.929984f, 0.929905f, 0.929826f, 0.929747f, 0.929668f, 0.929589f, 0.92951f, 0.92943f, 0.929351f, 0.929272f, 0.929193f, 0.929114f, 0.929035f, 0.928956f, 0.928877f,
-0.928798f, 0.928719f, 0.92864f, 0.928561f, 0.928482f, 0.928403f, 0.928325f, 0.928246f, 0.928167f, 0.928088f, 0.928009f, 0.92793f, 0.927851f, 0.927773f, 0.927694f, 0.927615f, 0.927536f, 0.927457f, 0.927379f, 0.9273f,
-0.927221f, 0.927143f, 0.927064f, 0.926985f, 0.926907f, 0.926828f, 0.926749f, 0.926671f, 0.926592f, 0.926513f, 0.926435f, 0.926356f, 0.926278f, 0.926199f, 0.926121f, 0.926042f, 0.925964f, 0.925885f, 0.925807f, 0.925728f,
-0.92565f, 0.925571f, 0.925493f, 0.925414f, 0.925336f, 0.925258f, 0.925179f, 0.925101f, 0.925023f, 0.924944f, 0.924866f, 0.924788f, 0.924709f, 0.924631f, 0.924553f, 0.924475f, 0.924396f, 0.924318f, 0.92424f, 0.924162f,
-0.924083f, 0.924005f, 0.923927f, 0.923849f, 0.923771f, 0.923693f, 0.923615f, 0.923537f, 0.923458f, 0.92338f, 0.923302f, 0.923224f, 0.923146f, 0.923068f, 0.92299f, 0.922912f, 0.922834f, 0.922756f, 0.922678f, 0.9226f,
-0.922523f, 0.922445f, 0.922367f, 0.922289f, 0.922211f, 0.922133f, 0.922055f, 0.921977f, 0.9219f, 0.921822f, 0.921744f, 0.921666f, 0.921588f, 0.921511f, 0.921433f, 0.921355f, 0.921278f, 0.9212f, 0.921122f, 0.921044f,
-0.920967f, 0.920889f, 0.920812f, 0.920734f, 0.920656f, 0.920579f, 0.920501f, 0.920424f, 0.920346f, 0.920268f, 0.920191f, 0.920113f, 0.920036f, 0.919958f, 0.919881f, 0.919804f, 0.919726f, 0.919649f, 0.919571f, 0.919494f,
-0.919416f, 0.919339f, 0.919262f, 0.919184f, 0.919107f, 0.91903f, 0.918952f, 0.918875f, 0.918798f, 0.91872f, 0.918643f, 0.918566f, 0.918489f, 0.918411f, 0.918334f, 0.918257f, 0.91818f, 0.918103f, 0.918025f, 0.917948f,
-0.917871f, 0.917794f, 0.917717f, 0.91764f, 0.917563f, 0.917486f, 0.917409f, 0.917332f, 0.917255f, 0.917177f, 0.9171f, 0.917023f, 0.916946f, 0.91687f, 0.916793f, 0.916716f, 0.916639f, 0.916562f, 0.916485f, 0.916408f,
-0.916331f, 0.916254f, 0.916177f, 0.916101f, 0.916024f, 0.915947f, 0.91587f, 0.915793f, 0.915717f, 0.91564f, 0.915563f, 0.915486f, 0.91541f, 0.915333f, 0.915256f, 0.915179f, 0.915103f, 0.915026f, 0.914949f, 0.914873f,
-0.914796f, 0.91472f, 0.914643f, 0.914566f, 0.91449f, 0.914413f, 0.914337f, 0.91426f, 0.914184f, 0.914107f, 0.914031f, 0.913954f, 0.913878f, 0.913801f, 0.913725f, 0.913648f, 0.913572f, 0.913496f, 0.913419f, 0.913343f,
-0.913266f, 0.91319f, 0.913114f, 0.913037f, 0.912961f, 0.912885f, 0.912809f, 0.912732f, 0.912656f, 0.91258f, 0.912503f, 0.912427f, 0.912351f, 0.912275f, 0.912199f, 0.912122f, 0.912046f, 0.91197f, 0.911894f, 0.911818f,
-0.911742f, 0.911666f, 0.91159f, 0.911514f, 0.911437f, 0.911361f, 0.911285f, 0.911209f, 0.911133f, 0.911057f, 0.910981f, 0.910905f, 0.910829f, 0.910753f, 0.910678f, 0.910602f, 0.910526f, 0.91045f, 0.910374f, 0.910298f,
-0.910222f, 0.910146f, 0.910071f, 0.909995f, 0.909919f, 0.909843f, 0.909767f, 0.909692f, 0.909616f, 0.90954f, 0.909464f, 0.909389f, 0.909313f, 0.909237f, 0.909162f, 0.909086f, 0.90901f, 0.908935f, 0.908859f, 0.908783f,
-0.908708f, 0.908632f, 0.908557f, 0.908481f, 0.908405f, 0.90833f, 0.908254f, 0.908179f, 0.908103f, 0.908028f, 0.907952f, 0.907877f, 0.907801f, 0.907726f, 0.907651f, 0.907575f, 0.9075f, 0.907424f, 0.907349f, 0.907274f,
-0.907198f, 0.907123f, 0.907048f, 0.906972f, 0.906897f, 0.906822f, 0.906746f, 0.906671f, 0.906596f, 0.906521f, 0.906445f, 0.90637f, 0.906295f, 0.90622f, 0.906145f, 0.906069f, 0.905994f, 0.905919f, 0.905844f, 0.905769f,
-0.905694f, 0.905619f, 0.905544f, 0.905469f, 0.905393f, 0.905318f, 0.905243f, 0.905168f, 0.905093f, 0.905018f, 0.904943f, 0.904868f, 0.904793f, 0.904719f, 0.904644f, 0.904569f, 0.904494f, 0.904419f, 0.904344f, 0.904269f,
-0.904194f, 0.904119f, 0.904045f, 0.90397f, 0.903895f, 0.90382f, 0.903745f, 0.903671f, 0.903596f, 0.903521f, 0.903446f, 0.903372f, 0.903297f, 0.903222f, 0.903148f, 0.903073f, 0.902998f, 0.902924f, 0.902849f, 0.902774f,
-0.9027f, 0.902625f, 0.902551f, 0.902476f, 0.902401f, 0.902327f, 0.902252f, 0.902178f, 0.902103f, 0.902029f, 0.901954f, 0.90188f, 0.901805f, 0.901731f, 0.901656f, 0.901582f, 0.901508f, 0.901433f, 0.901359f, 0.901284f,
-0.90121f, 0.901136f, 0.901061f, 0.900987f, 0.900913f, 0.900838f, 0.900764f, 0.90069f, 0.900616f, 0.900541f, 0.900467f, 0.900393f, 0.900319f, 0.900245f, 0.90017f, 0.900096f, 0.900022f, 0.899948f, 0.899874f, 0.8998f,
-0.899725f, 0.899651f, 0.899577f, 0.899503f, 0.899429f, 0.899355f, 0.899281f, 0.899207f, 0.899133f, 0.899059f, 0.898985f, 0.898911f, 0.898837f, 0.898763f, 0.898689f, 0.898615f, 0.898541f, 0.898467f, 0.898393f, 0.898319f,
-0.898246f, 0.898172f, 0.898098f, 0.898024f, 0.89795f, 0.897876f, 0.897803f, 0.897729f, 0.897655f, 0.897581f, 0.897508f, 0.897434f, 0.89736f, 0.897286f, 0.897213f, 0.897139f, 0.897065f, 0.896992f, 0.896918f, 0.896844f,
-0.896771f, 0.896697f, 0.896623f, 0.89655f, 0.896476f, 0.896403f, 0.896329f, 0.896256f, 0.896182f, 0.896109f, 0.896035f, 0.895962f, 0.895888f, 0.895815f, 0.895741f, 0.895668f, 0.895594f, 0.895521f, 0.895447f, 0.895374f,
-0.895301f, 0.895227f, 0.895154f, 0.89508f, 0.895007f, 0.894934f, 0.89486f, 0.894787f, 0.894714f, 0.894641f, 0.894567f, 0.894494f, 0.894421f, 0.894348f, 0.894274f, 0.894201f, 0.894128f, 0.894055f, 0.893982f, 0.893908f,
-0.893835f, 0.893762f, 0.893689f, 0.893616f, 0.893543f, 0.89347f, 0.893397f, 0.893324f, 0.89325f, 0.893177f, 0.893104f, 0.893031f, 0.892958f, 0.892885f, 0.892812f, 0.892739f, 0.892666f, 0.892594f, 0.892521f, 0.892448f,
-0.892375f, 0.892302f, 0.892229f, 0.892156f, 0.892083f, 0.89201f, 0.891938f, 0.891865f, 0.891792f, 0.891719f, 0.891646f, 0.891573f, 0.891501f, 0.891428f, 0.891355f, 0.891282f, 0.89121f, 0.891137f, 0.891064f, 0.890992f,
-0.890919f, 0.890846f, 0.890774f, 0.890701f, 0.890628f, 0.890556f, 0.890483f, 0.890411f, 0.890338f, 0.890265f, 0.890193f, 0.89012f, 0.890048f, 0.889975f, 0.889903f, 0.88983f, 0.889758f, 0.889685f, 0.889613f, 0.88954f,
-0.889468f, 0.889396f, 0.889323f, 0.889251f, 0.889178f, 0.889106f, 0.889034f, 0.888961f, 0.888889f, 0.888817f, 0.888744f, 0.888672f, 0.8886f, 0.888527f, 0.888455f, 0.888383f, 0.888311f, 0.888238f, 0.888166f, 0.888094f,
-0.888022f, 0.887949f, 0.887877f, 0.887805f, 0.887733f, 0.887661f, 0.887589f, 0.887517f, 0.887444f, 0.887372f, 0.8873f, 0.887228f, 0.887156f, 0.887084f, 0.887012f, 0.88694f, 0.886868f, 0.886796f, 0.886724f, 0.886652f,
-0.88658f, 0.886508f, 0.886436f, 0.886364f, 0.886292f, 0.88622f, 0.886149f, 0.886077f, 0.886005f, 0.885933f, 0.885861f, 0.885789f, 0.885717f, 0.885646f, 0.885574f, 0.885502f, 0.88543f, 0.885358f, 0.885287f, 0.885215f,
-0.885143f, 0.885071f, 0.885f, 0.884928f, 0.884856f, 0.884785f, 0.884713f, 0.884641f, 0.88457f, 0.884498f, 0.884426f, 0.884355f, 0.884283f, 0.884212f, 0.88414f, 0.884069f, 0.883997f, 0.883925f, 0.883854f, 0.883782f,
-0.883711f, 0.883639f, 0.883568f, 0.883496f, 0.883425f, 0.883354f, 0.883282f, 0.883211f, 0.883139f, 0.883068f, 0.882996f, 0.882925f, 0.882854f, 0.882782f, 0.882711f, 0.88264f, 0.882568f, 0.882497f, 0.882426f, 0.882355f,
-0.882283f, 0.882212f, 0.882141f, 0.88207f, 0.881998f, 0.881927f, 0.881856f, 0.881785f, 0.881713f, 0.881642f, 0.881571f, 0.8815f, 0.881429f, 0.881358f, 0.881287f, 0.881216f, 0.881144f, 0.881073f, 0.881002f, 0.880931f,
-0.88086f, 0.880789f, 0.880718f, 0.880647f, 0.880576f, 0.880505f, 0.880434f, 0.880363f, 0.880292f, 0.880221f, 0.88015f, 0.880079f, 0.880009f, 0.879938f, 0.879867f, 0.879796f, 0.879725f, 0.879654f, 0.879583f, 0.879513f,
-0.879442f, 0.879371f, 0.8793f, 0.879229f, 0.879159f, 0.879088f, 0.879017f, 0.878946f, 0.878876f, 0.878805f, 0.878734f, 0.878664f, 0.878593f, 0.878522f, 0.878452f, 0.878381f, 0.87831f, 0.87824f, 0.878169f, 0.878098f,
-0.878028f, 0.877957f, 0.877887f, 0.877816f, 0.877746f, 0.877675f, 0.877605f, 0.877534f, 0.877464f, 0.877393f, 0.877323f, 0.877252f, 0.877182f, 0.877111f, 0.877041f, 0.87697f, 0.8769f, 0.87683f, 0.876759f, 0.876689f,
-0.876619f, 0.876548f, 0.876478f, 0.876407f, 0.876337f, 0.876267f, 0.876197f, 0.876126f, 0.876056f, 0.875986f, 0.875916f, 0.875845f, 0.875775f, 0.875705f, 0.875635f, 0.875564f, 0.875494f, 0.875424f, 0.875354f, 0.875284f,
-0.875214f, 0.875144f, 0.875073f, 0.875003f, 0.874933f, 0.874863f, 0.874793f, 0.874723f, 0.874653f, 0.874583f, 0.874513f, 0.874443f, 0.874373f, 0.874303f, 0.874233f, 0.874163f, 0.874093f, 0.874023f, 0.873953f, 0.873883f,
-0.873813f, 0.873743f, 0.873674f, 0.873604f, 0.873534f, 0.873464f, 0.873394f, 0.873324f, 0.873254f, 0.873185f, 0.873115f, 0.873045f, 0.872975f, 0.872906f, 0.872836f, 0.872766f, 0.872696f, 0.872627f, 0.872557f, 0.872487f,
-0.872417f, 0.872348f, 0.872278f, 0.872208f, 0.872139f, 0.872069f, 0.872f, 0.87193f, 0.87186f, 0.871791f, 0.871721f, 0.871652f, 0.871582f, 0.871513f, 0.871443f, 0.871373f, 0.871304f, 0.871234f, 0.871165f, 0.871096f,
-0.871026f, 0.870957f, 0.870887f, 0.870818f, 0.870748f, 0.870679f, 0.870609f, 0.87054f, 0.870471f, 0.870401f, 0.870332f, 0.870263f, 0.870193f, 0.870124f, 0.870055f, 0.869985f, 0.869916f, 0.869847f, 0.869778f, 0.869708f,
-0.869639f, 0.86957f, 0.869501f, 0.869431f, 0.869362f, 0.869293f, 0.869224f, 0.869155f, 0.869086f, 0.869016f, 0.868947f, 0.868878f, 0.868809f, 0.86874f, 0.868671f, 0.868602f, 0.868533f, 0.868464f, 0.868395f, 0.868326f,
-0.868256f, 0.868187f, 0.868118f, 0.868049f, 0.867981f, 0.867912f, 0.867843f, 0.867774f, 0.867705f, 0.867636f, 0.867567f, 0.867498f, 0.867429f, 0.86736f, 0.867291f, 0.867222f, 0.867154f, 0.867085f, 0.867016f, 0.866947f,
-0.866878f, 0.86681f, 0.866741f, 0.866672f, 0.866603f, 0.866534f, 0.866466f, 0.866397f, 0.866328f, 0.86626f, 0.866191f, 0.866122f, 0.866053f, 0.865985f, 0.865916f, 0.865848f, 0.865779f, 0.86571f, 0.865642f, 0.865573f,
-0.865504f, 0.865436f, 0.865367f, 0.865299f, 0.86523f, 0.865162f, 0.865093f, 0.865025f, 0.864956f, 0.864888f, 0.864819f, 0.864751f, 0.864682f, 0.864614f, 0.864545f, 0.864477f, 0.864409f, 0.86434f, 0.864272f, 0.864203f,
-0.864135f, 0.864067f, 0.863998f, 0.86393f, 0.863862f, 0.863793f, 0.863725f, 0.863657f, 0.863588f, 0.86352f, 0.863452f, 0.863384f, 0.863315f, 0.863247f, 0.863179f, 0.863111f, 0.863043f, 0.862974f, 0.862906f, 0.862838f,
-0.86277f, 0.862702f, 0.862634f, 0.862565f, 0.862497f, 0.862429f, 0.862361f, 0.862293f, 0.862225f, 0.862157f, 0.862089f, 0.862021f, 0.861953f, 0.861885f, 0.861817f, 0.861749f, 0.861681f, 0.861613f, 0.861545f, 0.861477f,
-0.861409f, 0.861341f, 0.861273f, 0.861205f, 0.861137f, 0.86107f, 0.861002f, 0.860934f, 0.860866f, 0.860798f, 0.86073f, 0.860662f, 0.860595f, 0.860527f, 0.860459f, 0.860391f, 0.860323f, 0.860256f, 0.860188f, 0.86012f,
-0.860052f, 0.859985f, 0.859917f, 0.859849f, 0.859782f, 0.859714f, 0.859646f, 0.859579f, 0.859511f, 0.859443f, 0.859376f, 0.859308f, 0.859241f, 0.859173f, 0.859105f, 0.859038f, 0.85897f, 0.858903f, 0.858835f, 0.858768f,
-0.8587f, 0.858633f, 0.858565f, 0.858498f, 0.85843f, 0.858363f, 0.858295f, 0.858228f, 0.85816f, 0.858093f, 0.858026f, 0.857958f, 0.857891f, 0.857824f, 0.857756f, 0.857689f, 0.857621f, 0.857554f, 0.857487f, 0.857419f,
-0.857352f, 0.857285f, 0.857218f, 0.85715f, 0.857083f, 0.857016f, 0.856949f, 0.856881f, 0.856814f, 0.856747f, 0.85668f, 0.856613f, 0.856545f, 0.856478f, 0.856411f, 0.856344f, 0.856277f, 0.85621f, 0.856143f, 0.856075f,
-0.856008f, 0.855941f, 0.855874f, 0.855807f, 0.85574f, 0.855673f, 0.855606f, 0.855539f, 0.855472f, 0.855405f, 0.855338f, 0.855271f, 0.855204f, 0.855137f, 0.85507f, 0.855003f, 0.854936f, 0.854869f, 0.854803f, 0.854736f,
-0.854669f, 0.854602f, 0.854535f, 0.854468f, 0.854401f, 0.854335f, 0.854268f, 0.854201f, 0.854134f, 0.854067f, 0.854001f, 0.853934f, 0.853867f, 0.8538f, 0.853734f, 0.853667f, 0.8536f, 0.853533f, 0.853467f, 0.8534f,
-0.853333f, 0.853267f, 0.8532f, 0.853133f, 0.853067f, 0.853f, 0.852934f, 0.852867f, 0.8528f, 0.852734f, 0.852667f, 0.852601f, 0.852534f, 0.852468f, 0.852401f, 0.852335f, 0.852268f, 0.852202f, 0.852135f, 0.852069f,
-0.852002f, 0.851936f, 0.851869f, 0.851803f, 0.851736f, 0.85167f, 0.851604f, 0.851537f, 0.851471f, 0.851404f, 0.851338f, 0.851272f, 0.851205f, 0.851139f, 0.851073f, 0.851006f, 0.85094f, 0.850874f, 0.850807f, 0.850741f,
-0.850675f, 0.850609f, 0.850542f, 0.850476f, 0.85041f, 0.850344f, 0.850278f, 0.850211f, 0.850145f, 0.850079f, 0.850013f, 0.849947f, 0.849881f, 0.849815f, 0.849748f, 0.849682f, 0.849616f, 0.84955f, 0.849484f, 0.849418f,
-0.849352f, 0.849286f, 0.84922f, 0.849154f, 0.849088f, 0.849022f, 0.848956f, 0.84889f, 0.848824f, 0.848758f, 0.848692f, 0.848626f, 0.84856f, 0.848494f, 0.848428f, 0.848362f, 0.848297f, 0.848231f, 0.848165f, 0.848099f,
-0.848033f, 0.847967f, 0.847901f, 0.847836f, 0.84777f, 0.847704f, 0.847638f, 0.847572f, 0.847507f, 0.847441f, 0.847375f, 0.847309f, 0.847244f, 0.847178f, 0.847112f, 0.847047f, 0.846981f, 0.846915f, 0.84685f, 0.846784f,
-0.846718f, 0.846653f, 0.846587f, 0.846521f, 0.846456f, 0.84639f, 0.846325f, 0.846259f, 0.846194f, 0.846128f, 0.846062f, 0.845997f, 0.845931f, 0.845866f, 0.8458f, 0.845735f, 0.845669f, 0.845604f, 0.845539f, 0.845473f,
-0.845408f, 0.845342f, 0.845277f, 0.845211f, 0.845146f, 0.845081f, 0.845015f, 0.84495f, 0.844884f, 0.844819f, 0.844754f, 0.844688f, 0.844623f, 0.844558f, 0.844493f, 0.844427f, 0.844362f, 0.844297f, 0.844231f, 0.844166f,
-0.844101f, 0.844036f, 0.843971f, 0.843905f, 0.84384f, 0.843775f, 0.84371f, 0.843645f, 0.843579f, 0.843514f, 0.843449f, 0.843384f, 0.843319f, 0.843254f, 0.843189f, 0.843124f, 0.843059f, 0.842993f, 0.842928f, 0.842863f,
-0.842798f, 0.842733f, 0.842668f, 0.842603f, 0.842538f, 0.842473f, 0.842408f, 0.842343f, 0.842278f, 0.842213f, 0.842149f, 0.842084f, 0.842019f, 0.841954f, 0.841889f, 0.841824f, 0.841759f, 0.841694f, 0.841629f, 0.841565f,
-0.8415f, 0.841435f, 0.84137f, 0.841305f, 0.841241f, 0.841176f, 0.841111f, 0.841046f, 0.840981f, 0.840917f, 0.840852f, 0.840787f, 0.840722f, 0.840658f, 0.840593f, 0.840528f, 0.840464f, 0.840399f, 0.840334f, 0.84027f,
-0.840205f, 0.840141f, 0.840076f, 0.840011f, 0.839947f, 0.839882f, 0.839818f, 0.839753f, 0.839688f, 0.839624f, 0.839559f, 0.839495f, 0.83943f, 0.839366f, 0.839301f, 0.839237f, 0.839172f, 0.839108f, 0.839043f, 0.838979f,
-0.838914f, 0.83885f, 0.838786f, 0.838721f, 0.838657f, 0.838592f, 0.838528f, 0.838464f, 0.838399f, 0.838335f, 0.838271f, 0.838206f, 0.838142f, 0.838078f, 0.838013f, 0.837949f, 0.837885f, 0.837821f, 0.837756f, 0.837692f,
-0.837628f, 0.837564f, 0.837499f, 0.837435f, 0.837371f, 0.837307f, 0.837243f, 0.837178f, 0.837114f, 0.83705f, 0.836986f, 0.836922f, 0.836858f, 0.836794f, 0.836729f, 0.836665f, 0.836601f, 0.836537f, 0.836473f, 0.836409f,
-0.836345f, 0.836281f, 0.836217f, 0.836153f, 0.836089f, 0.836025f, 0.835961f, 0.835897f, 0.835833f, 0.835769f, 0.835705f, 0.835641f, 0.835577f, 0.835513f, 0.835449f, 0.835386f, 0.835322f, 0.835258f, 0.835194f, 0.83513f,
-0.835066f, 0.835002f, 0.834939f, 0.834875f, 0.834811f, 0.834747f, 0.834683f, 0.83462f, 0.834556f, 0.834492f, 0.834428f, 0.834365f, 0.834301f, 0.834237f, 0.834173f, 0.83411f, 0.834046f, 0.833982f, 0.833919f, 0.833855f,
-0.833791f, 0.833728f, 0.833664f, 0.8336f, 0.833537f, 0.833473f, 0.83341f, 0.833346f, 0.833282f, 0.833219f, 0.833155f, 0.833092f, 0.833028f, 0.832965f, 0.832901f, 0.832838f, 0.832774f, 0.832711f, 0.832647f, 0.832584f,
-0.83252f, 0.832457f, 0.832393f, 0.83233f, 0.832267f, 0.832203f, 0.83214f, 0.832076f, 0.832013f, 0.83195f, 0.831886f, 0.831823f, 0.83176f, 0.831696f, 0.831633f, 0.83157f, 0.831506f, 0.831443f, 0.83138f, 0.831316f,
-0.831253f, 0.83119f, 0.831127f, 0.831063f, 0.831f, 0.830937f, 0.830874f, 0.830811f, 0.830747f, 0.830684f, 0.830621f, 0.830558f, 0.830495f, 0.830432f, 0.830368f, 0.830305f, 0.830242f, 0.830179f, 0.830116f, 0.830053f,
-0.82999f, 0.829927f, 0.829864f, 0.829801f, 0.829738f, 0.829675f, 0.829612f, 0.829549f, 0.829486f, 0.829423f, 0.82936f, 0.829297f, 0.829234f, 0.829171f, 0.829108f, 0.829045f, 0.828982f, 0.828919f, 0.828856f, 0.828793f,
-0.82873f, 0.828668f, 0.828605f, 0.828542f, 0.828479f, 0.828416f, 0.828353f, 0.82829f, 0.828228f, 0.828165f, 0.828102f, 0.828039f, 0.827977f, 0.827914f, 0.827851f, 0.827788f, 0.827726f, 0.827663f, 0.8276f, 0.827537f,
-0.827475f, 0.827412f, 0.827349f, 0.827287f, 0.827224f, 0.827161f, 0.827099f, 0.827036f, 0.826974f, 0.826911f, 0.826848f, 0.826786f, 0.826723f, 0.826661f, 0.826598f, 0.826536f, 0.826473f, 0.82641f, 0.826348f, 0.826285f,
-0.826223f, 0.82616f, 0.826098f, 0.826035f, 0.825973f, 0.825911f, 0.825848f, 0.825786f, 0.825723f, 0.825661f, 0.825598f, 0.825536f, 0.825474f, 0.825411f, 0.825349f, 0.825286f, 0.825224f, 0.825162f, 0.825099f, 0.825037f,
-0.824975f, 0.824913f, 0.82485f, 0.824788f, 0.824726f, 0.824663f, 0.824601f, 0.824539f, 0.824477f, 0.824414f, 0.824352f, 0.82429f, 0.824228f, 0.824166f, 0.824103f, 0.824041f, 0.823979f, 0.823917f, 0.823855f, 0.823793f,
-0.823731f, 0.823668f, 0.823606f, 0.823544f, 0.823482f, 0.82342f, 0.823358f, 0.823296f, 0.823234f, 0.823172f, 0.82311f, 0.823048f, 0.822986f, 0.822924f, 0.822862f, 0.8228f, 0.822738f, 0.822676f, 0.822614f, 0.822552f,
-0.82249f, 0.822428f, 0.822366f, 0.822304f, 0.822242f, 0.82218f, 0.822119f, 0.822057f, 0.821995f, 0.821933f, 0.821871f, 0.821809f, 0.821747f, 0.821686f, 0.821624f, 0.821562f, 0.8215f, 0.821438f, 0.821377f, 0.821315f,
-0.821253f, 0.821191f, 0.82113f, 0.821068f, 0.821006f, 0.820945f, 0.820883f, 0.820821f, 0.820759f, 0.820698f, 0.820636f, 0.820574f, 0.820513f, 0.820451f, 0.82039f, 0.820328f, 0.820266f, 0.820205f, 0.820143f, 0.820082f,
-0.82002f, 0.819958f, 0.819897f, 0.819835f, 0.819774f, 0.819712f, 0.819651f, 0.819589f, 0.819528f, 0.819466f, 0.819405f, 0.819343f, 0.819282f, 0.81922f, 0.819159f, 0.819098f, 0.819036f, 0.818975f, 0.818913f, 0.818852f,
-0.818791f, 0.818729f, 0.818668f, 0.818607f, 0.818545f, 0.818484f, 0.818422f, 0.818361f, 0.8183f, 0.818239f, 0.818177f, 0.818116f, 0.818055f, 0.817993f, 0.817932f, 0.817871f, 0.81781f, 0.817748f, 0.817687f, 0.817626f,
-0.817565f, 0.817504f, 0.817442f, 0.817381f, 0.81732f, 0.817259f, 0.817198f, 0.817137f, 0.817076f, 0.817014f, 0.816953f, 0.816892f, 0.816831f, 0.81677f, 0.816709f, 0.816648f, 0.816587f, 0.816526f, 0.816465f, 0.816404f,
-0.816343f, 0.816282f, 0.816221f, 0.81616f, 0.816099f, 0.816038f, 0.815977f, 0.815916f, 0.815855f, 0.815794f, 0.815733f, 0.815672f, 0.815611f, 0.81555f, 0.81549f, 0.815429f, 0.815368f, 0.815307f, 0.815246f, 0.815185f,
-0.815124f, 0.815064f, 0.815003f, 0.814942f, 0.814881f, 0.81482f, 0.81476f, 0.814699f, 0.814638f, 0.814577f, 0.814517f, 0.814456f, 0.814395f, 0.814334f, 0.814274f, 0.814213f, 0.814152f, 0.814092f, 0.814031f, 0.81397f,
-0.81391f, 0.813849f, 0.813788f, 0.813728f, 0.813667f, 0.813606f, 0.813546f, 0.813485f, 0.813425f, 0.813364f, 0.813304f, 0.813243f, 0.813182f, 0.813122f, 0.813061f, 0.813001f, 0.81294f, 0.81288f, 0.812819f, 0.812759f,
-0.812698f, 0.812638f, 0.812577f, 0.812517f, 0.812457f, 0.812396f, 0.812336f, 0.812275f, 0.812215f, 0.812155f, 0.812094f, 0.812034f, 0.811973f, 0.811913f, 0.811853f, 0.811792f, 0.811732f, 0.811672f, 0.811611f, 0.811551f,
-0.811491f, 0.811431f, 0.81137f, 0.81131f, 0.81125f, 0.81119f, 0.811129f, 0.811069f, 0.811009f, 0.810949f, 0.810888f, 0.810828f, 0.810768f, 0.810708f, 0.810648f, 0.810588f, 0.810527f, 0.810467f, 0.810407f, 0.810347f,
-0.810287f, 0.810227f, 0.810167f, 0.810107f, 0.810046f, 0.809986f, 0.809926f, 0.809866f, 0.809806f, 0.809746f, 0.809686f, 0.809626f, 0.809566f, 0.809506f, 0.809446f, 0.809386f, 0.809326f, 0.809266f, 0.809206f, 0.809146f,
-0.809086f, 0.809026f, 0.808967f, 0.808907f, 0.808847f, 0.808787f, 0.808727f, 0.808667f, 0.808607f, 0.808547f, 0.808488f, 0.808428f, 0.808368f, 0.808308f, 0.808248f, 0.808188f, 0.808129f, 0.808069f, 0.808009f, 0.807949f,
-0.80789f, 0.80783f, 0.80777f, 0.80771f, 0.807651f, 0.807591f, 0.807531f, 0.807471f, 0.807412f, 0.807352f, 0.807292f, 0.807233f, 0.807173f, 0.807113f, 0.807054f, 0.806994f, 0.806935f, 0.806875f, 0.806815f, 0.806756f,
-0.806696f, 0.806637f, 0.806577f, 0.806518f, 0.806458f, 0.806398f, 0.806339f, 0.806279f, 0.80622f, 0.80616f, 0.806101f, 0.806041f, 0.805982f, 0.805922f, 0.805863f, 0.805804f, 0.805744f, 0.805685f, 0.805625f, 0.805566f,
-0.805506f, 0.805447f, 0.805388f, 0.805328f, 0.805269f, 0.805209f, 0.80515f, 0.805091f, 0.805031f, 0.804972f, 0.804913f, 0.804853f, 0.804794f, 0.804735f, 0.804676f, 0.804616f, 0.804557f, 0.804498f, 0.804439f, 0.804379f,
-0.80432f, 0.804261f, 0.804202f, 0.804142f, 0.804083f, 0.804024f, 0.803965f, 0.803906f, 0.803847f, 0.803787f, 0.803728f, 0.803669f, 0.80361f, 0.803551f, 0.803492f, 0.803433f, 0.803374f, 0.803314f, 0.803255f, 0.803196f,
-0.803137f, 0.803078f, 0.803019f, 0.80296f, 0.802901f, 0.802842f, 0.802783f, 0.802724f, 0.802665f, 0.802606f, 0.802547f, 0.802488f, 0.802429f, 0.80237f, 0.802311f, 0.802252f, 0.802193f, 0.802135f, 0.802076f, 0.802017f,
-0.801958f, 0.801899f, 0.80184f, 0.801781f, 0.801722f, 0.801664f, 0.801605f, 0.801546f, 0.801487f, 0.801428f, 0.80137f, 0.801311f, 0.801252f, 0.801193f, 0.801134f, 0.801076f, 0.801017f, 0.800958f, 0.800899f, 0.800841f,
-0.800782f, 0.800723f, 0.800665f, 0.800606f, 0.800547f, 0.800489f, 0.80043f, 0.800371f, 0.800313f, 0.800254f, 0.800195f, 0.800137f, 0.800078f, 0.80002f, 0.799961f, 0.799902f, 0.799844f, 0.799785f, 0.799727f, 0.799668f,
-0.79961f, 0.799551f, 0.799493f, 0.799434f, 0.799375f, 0.799317f, 0.799259f, 0.7992f, 0.799142f, 0.799083f, 0.799025f, 0.798966f, 0.798908f, 0.798849f, 0.798791f, 0.798732f, 0.798674f, 0.798616f, 0.798557f, 0.798499f,
-0.798441f, 0.798382f, 0.798324f, 0.798265f, 0.798207f, 0.798149f, 0.798091f, 0.798032f, 0.797974f, 0.797916f, 0.797857f, 0.797799f, 0.797741f, 0.797683f, 0.797624f, 0.797566f, 0.797508f, 0.79745f, 0.797391f, 0.797333f,
-0.797275f, 0.797217f, 0.797159f, 0.7971f, 0.797042f, 0.796984f, 0.796926f, 0.796868f, 0.79681f, 0.796752f, 0.796693f, 0.796635f, 0.796577f, 0.796519f, 0.796461f, 0.796403f, 0.796345f, 0.796287f, 0.796229f, 0.796171f,
-0.796113f, 0.796055f, 0.795997f, 0.795939f, 0.795881f, 0.795823f, 0.795765f, 0.795707f, 0.795649f, 0.795591f, 0.795533f, 0.795475f, 0.795417f, 0.795359f, 0.795301f, 0.795243f, 0.795185f, 0.795128f, 0.79507f, 0.795012f,
-0.794954f, 0.794896f, 0.794838f, 0.79478f, 0.794723f, 0.794665f, 0.794607f, 0.794549f, 0.794491f, 0.794434f, 0.794376f, 0.794318f, 0.79426f, 0.794202f, 0.794145f, 0.794087f, 0.794029f, 0.793972f, 0.793914f, 0.793856f,
-0.793798f, 0.793741f, 0.793683f, 0.793625f, 0.793568f, 0.79351f, 0.793452f, 0.793395f, 0.793337f, 0.79328f, 0.793222f, 0.793164f, 0.793107f, 0.793049f, 0.792992f, 0.792934f, 0.792877f, 0.792819f, 0.792761f, 0.792704f,
-0.792646f, 0.792589f, 0.792531f, 0.792474f, 0.792416f, 0.792359f, 0.792301f, 0.792244f, 0.792186f, 0.792129f, 0.792072f, 0.792014f, 0.791957f, 0.791899f, 0.791842f, 0.791784f, 0.791727f, 0.79167f, 0.791612f, 0.791555f,
-0.791498f, 0.79144f, 0.791383f, 0.791326f, 0.791268f, 0.791211f, 0.791154f, 0.791096f, 0.791039f, 0.790982f, 0.790924f, 0.790867f, 0.79081f, 0.790753f, 0.790695f, 0.790638f, 0.790581f, 0.790524f, 0.790467f, 0.790409f,
-0.790352f, 0.790295f, 0.790238f, 0.790181f, 0.790123f, 0.790066f, 0.790009f, 0.789952f, 0.789895f, 0.789838f, 0.789781f, 0.789724f, 0.789666f, 0.789609f, 0.789552f, 0.789495f, 0.789438f, 0.789381f, 0.789324f, 0.789267f,
-0.78921f, 0.789153f, 0.789096f, 0.789039f, 0.788982f, 0.788925f, 0.788868f, 0.788811f, 0.788754f, 0.788697f, 0.78864f, 0.788583f, 0.788526f, 0.788469f, 0.788412f, 0.788356f, 0.788299f, 0.788242f, 0.788185f, 0.788128f,
-0.788071f, 0.788014f, 0.787957f, 0.787901f, 0.787844f, 0.787787f, 0.78773f, 0.787673f, 0.787617f, 0.78756f, 0.787503f, 0.787446f, 0.787389f, 0.787333f, 0.787276f, 0.787219f, 0.787162f, 0.787106f, 0.787049f, 0.786992f,
-0.786936f, 0.786879f, 0.786822f, 0.786766f, 0.786709f, 0.786652f, 0.786596f, 0.786539f, 0.786482f, 0.786426f, 0.786369f, 0.786312f, 0.786256f, 0.786199f, 0.786143f, 0.786086f, 0.78603f, 0.785973f, 0.785916f, 0.78586f,
-0.785803f, 0.785747f, 0.78569f, 0.785634f, 0.785577f, 0.785521f, 0.785464f, 0.785408f, 0.785351f, 0.785295f, 0.785238f, 0.785182f, 0.785126f, 0.785069f, 0.785013f, 0.784956f, 0.7849f, 0.784843f, 0.784787f, 0.784731f,
-0.784674f, 0.784618f, 0.784562f, 0.784505f, 0.784449f, 0.784393f, 0.784336f, 0.78428f, 0.784224f, 0.784167f, 0.784111f, 0.784055f, 0.783998f, 0.783942f, 0.783886f, 0.78383f, 0.783773f, 0.783717f, 0.783661f, 0.783605f,
-0.783549f, 0.783492f, 0.783436f, 0.78338f, 0.783324f, 0.783268f, 0.783211f, 0.783155f, 0.783099f, 0.783043f, 0.782987f, 0.782931f, 0.782875f, 0.782819f, 0.782762f, 0.782706f, 0.78265f, 0.782594f, 0.782538f, 0.782482f,
-0.782426f, 0.78237f, 0.782314f, 0.782258f, 0.782202f, 0.782146f, 0.78209f, 0.782034f, 0.781978f, 0.781922f, 0.781866f, 0.78181f, 0.781754f, 0.781698f, 0.781642f, 0.781586f, 0.78153f, 0.781474f, 0.781418f, 0.781363f,
-0.781307f, 0.781251f, 0.781195f, 0.781139f, 0.781083f, 0.781027f, 0.780971f, 0.780916f, 0.78086f, 0.780804f, 0.780748f, 0.780692f, 0.780637f, 0.780581f, 0.780525f, 0.780469f, 0.780413f, 0.780358f, 0.780302f, 0.780246f,
-0.78019f, 0.780135f, 0.780079f, 0.780023f, 0.779968f, 0.779912f, 0.779856f, 0.779801f, 0.779745f, 0.779689f, 0.779634f, 0.779578f, 0.779522f, 0.779467f, 0.779411f, 0.779355f, 0.7793f, 0.779244f, 0.779189f, 0.779133f,
-0.779078f, 0.779022f, 0.778966f, 0.778911f, 0.778855f, 0.7788f, 0.778744f, 0.778689f, 0.778633f, 0.778578f, 0.778522f, 0.778467f, 0.778411f, 0.778356f, 0.7783f, 0.778245f, 0.778189f, 0.778134f, 0.778079f, 0.778023f,
-0.777968f, 0.777912f, 0.777857f, 0.777802f, 0.777746f, 0.777691f, 0.777635f, 0.77758f, 0.777525f, 0.777469f, 0.777414f, 0.777359f, 0.777303f, 0.777248f, 0.777193f, 0.777137f, 0.777082f, 0.777027f, 0.776972f, 0.776916f,
-0.776861f, 0.776806f, 0.776751f, 0.776695f, 0.77664f, 0.776585f, 0.77653f, 0.776474f, 0.776419f, 0.776364f, 0.776309f, 0.776254f, 0.776199f, 0.776143f, 0.776088f, 0.776033f, 0.775978f, 0.775923f, 0.775868f, 0.775813f,
-0.775758f, 0.775702f, 0.775647f, 0.775592f, 0.775537f, 0.775482f, 0.775427f, 0.775372f, 0.775317f, 0.775262f, 0.775207f, 0.775152f, 0.775097f, 0.775042f, 0.774987f, 0.774932f, 0.774877f, 0.774822f, 0.774767f, 0.774712f,
-0.774657f, 0.774602f, 0.774547f, 0.774492f, 0.774438f, 0.774383f, 0.774328f, 0.774273f, 0.774218f, 0.774163f, 0.774108f, 0.774053f, 0.773998f, 0.773944f, 0.773889f, 0.773834f, 0.773779f, 0.773724f, 0.77367f, 0.773615f,
-0.77356f, 0.773505f, 0.77345f, 0.773396f, 0.773341f, 0.773286f, 0.773231f, 0.773177f, 0.773122f, 0.773067f, 0.773013f, 0.772958f, 0.772903f, 0.772848f, 0.772794f, 0.772739f, 0.772684f, 0.77263f, 0.772575f, 0.77252f,
-0.772466f, 0.772411f, 0.772357f, 0.772302f, 0.772247f, 0.772193f, 0.772138f, 0.772084f, 0.772029f, 0.771974f, 0.77192f, 0.771865f, 0.771811f, 0.771756f, 0.771702f, 0.771647f, 0.771593f, 0.771538f, 0.771484f, 0.771429f,
-0.771375f, 0.77132f, 0.771266f, 0.771211f, 0.771157f, 0.771102f, 0.771048f, 0.770994f, 0.770939f, 0.770885f, 0.77083f, 0.770776f, 0.770722f, 0.770667f, 0.770613f, 0.770558f, 0.770504f, 0.77045f, 0.770395f, 0.770341f,
-0.770287f, 0.770232f, 0.770178f, 0.770124f, 0.77007f, 0.770015f, 0.769961f, 0.769907f, 0.769852f, 0.769798f, 0.769744f, 0.76969f, 0.769635f, 0.769581f, 0.769527f, 0.769473f, 0.769419f, 0.769364f, 0.76931f, 0.769256f,
-0.769202f, 0.769148f, 0.769094f, 0.769039f, 0.768985f, 0.768931f, 0.768877f, 0.768823f, 0.768769f, 0.768715f, 0.768661f, 0.768606f, 0.768552f, 0.768498f, 0.768444f, 0.76839f, 0.768336f, 0.768282f, 0.768228f, 0.768174f,
-0.76812f, 0.768066f, 0.768012f, 0.767958f, 0.767904f, 0.76785f, 0.767796f, 0.767742f, 0.767688f, 0.767634f, 0.76758f, 0.767526f, 0.767472f, 0.767418f, 0.767365f, 0.767311f, 0.767257f, 0.767203f, 0.767149f, 0.767095f,
-0.767041f, 0.766987f, 0.766933f, 0.76688f, 0.766826f, 0.766772f, 0.766718f, 0.766664f, 0.766611f, 0.766557f, 0.766503f, 0.766449f, 0.766395f, 0.766342f, 0.766288f, 0.766234f, 0.76618f, 0.766127f, 0.766073f, 0.766019f,
-0.765965f, 0.765912f, 0.765858f, 0.765804f, 0.765751f, 0.765697f, 0.765643f, 0.76559f, 0.765536f, 0.765482f, 0.765429f, 0.765375f, 0.765321f, 0.765268f, 0.765214f, 0.765161f, 0.765107f, 0.765053f, 0.765f, 0.764946f,
-0.764893f, 0.764839f, 0.764786f, 0.764732f, 0.764678f, 0.764625f, 0.764571f, 0.764518f, 0.764464f, 0.764411f, 0.764357f, 0.764304f, 0.76425f, 0.764197f, 0.764143f, 0.76409f, 0.764037f, 0.763983f, 0.76393f, 0.763876f,
-0.763823f, 0.763769f, 0.763716f, 0.763663f, 0.763609f, 0.763556f, 0.763502f, 0.763449f, 0.763396f, 0.763342f, 0.763289f, 0.763236f, 0.763182f, 0.763129f, 0.763076f, 0.763022f, 0.762969f, 0.762916f, 0.762863f, 0.762809f,
-0.762756f, 0.762703f, 0.76265f, 0.762596f, 0.762543f, 0.76249f, 0.762437f, 0.762383f, 0.76233f, 0.762277f, 0.762224f, 0.762171f, 0.762117f, 0.762064f, 0.762011f, 0.761958f, 0.761905f, 0.761852f, 0.761798f, 0.761745f,
-0.761692f, 0.761639f, 0.761586f, 0.761533f, 0.76148f, 0.761427f, 0.761374f, 0.761321f, 0.761268f, 0.761214f, 0.761161f, 0.761108f, 0.761055f, 0.761002f, 0.760949f, 0.760896f, 0.760843f, 0.76079f, 0.760737f, 0.760684f,
-0.760631f, 0.760578f, 0.760525f, 0.760473f, 0.76042f, 0.760367f, 0.760314f, 0.760261f, 0.760208f, 0.760155f, 0.760102f, 0.760049f, 0.759996f, 0.759943f, 0.759891f, 0.759838f, 0.759785f, 0.759732f, 0.759679f, 0.759626f,
-0.759573f, 0.759521f, 0.759468f, 0.759415f, 0.759362f, 0.759309f, 0.759257f, 0.759204f, 0.759151f, 0.759098f, 0.759046f, 0.758993f, 0.75894f, 0.758887f, 0.758835f, 0.758782f, 0.758729f, 0.758677f, 0.758624f, 0.758571f,
-0.758519f, 0.758466f, 0.758413f, 0.758361f, 0.758308f, 0.758255f, 0.758203f, 0.75815f, 0.758097f, 0.758045f, 0.757992f, 0.75794f, 0.757887f, 0.757834f, 0.757782f, 0.757729f, 0.757677f, 0.757624f, 0.757572f, 0.757519f,
-0.757466f, 0.757414f, 0.757361f, 0.757309f, 0.757256f, 0.757204f, 0.757151f, 0.757099f, 0.757046f, 0.756994f, 0.756942f, 0.756889f, 0.756837f, 0.756784f, 0.756732f, 0.756679f, 0.756627f, 0.756575f, 0.756522f, 0.75647f,
-0.756417f, 0.756365f, 0.756313f, 0.75626f, 0.756208f, 0.756156f, 0.756103f, 0.756051f, 0.755999f, 0.755946f, 0.755894f, 0.755842f, 0.755789f, 0.755737f, 0.755685f, 0.755632f, 0.75558f, 0.755528f, 0.755476f, 0.755423f,
-0.755371f, 0.755319f, 0.755267f, 0.755214f, 0.755162f, 0.75511f, 0.755058f, 0.755006f, 0.754953f, 0.754901f, 0.754849f, 0.754797f, 0.754745f, 0.754693f, 0.754641f, 0.754588f, 0.754536f, 0.754484f, 0.754432f, 0.75438f,
-0.754328f, 0.754276f, 0.754224f, 0.754172f, 0.754119f, 0.754067f, 0.754015f, 0.753963f, 0.753911f, 0.753859f, 0.753807f, 0.753755f, 0.753703f, 0.753651f, 0.753599f, 0.753547f, 0.753495f, 0.753443f, 0.753391f, 0.753339f,
-0.753287f, 0.753235f, 0.753183f, 0.753132f, 0.75308f, 0.753028f, 0.752976f, 0.752924f, 0.752872f, 0.75282f, 0.752768f, 0.752716f, 0.752664f, 0.752613f, 0.752561f, 0.752509f, 0.752457f, 0.752405f, 0.752353f, 0.752302f,
-0.75225f, 0.752198f, 0.752146f, 0.752094f, 0.752043f, 0.751991f, 0.751939f, 0.751887f, 0.751836f, 0.751784f, 0.751732f, 0.75168f, 0.751629f, 0.751577f, 0.751525f, 0.751473f, 0.751422f, 0.75137f, 0.751318f, 0.751267f,
-0.751215f, 0.751163f, 0.751112f, 0.75106f, 0.751008f, 0.750957f, 0.750905f, 0.750854f, 0.750802f, 0.75075f, 0.750699f, 0.750647f, 0.750596f, 0.750544f, 0.750492f, 0.750441f, 0.750389f, 0.750338f, 0.750286f, 0.750235f,
-0.750183f, 0.750132f, 0.75008f, 0.750029f, 0.749977f, 0.749926f, 0.749874f, 0.749823f, 0.749771f, 0.74972f, 0.749668f, 0.749617f, 0.749565f, 0.749514f, 0.749463f, 0.749411f, 0.74936f, 0.749308f, 0.749257f, 0.749205f,
-0.749154f, 0.749103f, 0.749051f, 0.749f, 0.748949f, 0.748897f, 0.748846f, 0.748795f, 0.748743f, 0.748692f, 0.748641f, 0.748589f, 0.748538f, 0.748487f, 0.748435f, 0.748384f, 0.748333f, 0.748282f, 0.74823f, 0.748179f,
-0.748128f, 0.748077f, 0.748025f, 0.747974f, 0.747923f, 0.747872f, 0.747821f, 0.747769f, 0.747718f, 0.747667f, 0.747616f, 0.747565f, 0.747513f, 0.747462f, 0.747411f, 0.74736f, 0.747309f, 0.747258f, 0.747207f, 0.747156f,
-0.747104f, 0.747053f, 0.747002f, 0.746951f, 0.7469f, 0.746849f, 0.746798f, 0.746747f, 0.746696f, 0.746645f, 0.746594f, 0.746543f, 0.746492f, 0.746441f, 0.74639f, 0.746339f, 0.746288f, 0.746237f, 0.746186f, 0.746135f,
-0.746084f, 0.746033f, 0.745982f, 0.745931f, 0.74588f, 0.745829f, 0.745778f, 0.745727f, 0.745676f, 0.745625f, 0.745575f, 0.745524f, 0.745473f, 0.745422f, 0.745371f, 0.74532f, 0.745269f, 0.745218f, 0.745168f, 0.745117f,
-0.745066f, 0.745015f, 0.744964f, 0.744914f, 0.744863f, 0.744812f, 0.744761f, 0.74471f, 0.74466f, 0.744609f, 0.744558f, 0.744507f, 0.744457f, 0.744406f, 0.744355f, 0.744304f, 0.744254f, 0.744203f, 0.744152f, 0.744102f,
-0.744051f, 0.744f, 0.74395f, 0.743899f, 0.743848f, 0.743798f, 0.743747f, 0.743696f, 0.743646f, 0.743595f, 0.743544f, 0.743494f, 0.743443f, 0.743393f, 0.743342f, 0.743291f, 0.743241f, 0.74319f, 0.74314f, 0.743089f,
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-0.741022f, 0.740972f, 0.740922f, 0.740871f, 0.740821f, 0.740771f, 0.740721f, 0.74067f, 0.74062f, 0.74057f, 0.74052f, 0.74047f, 0.740419f, 0.740369f, 0.740319f, 0.740269f, 0.740219f, 0.740169f, 0.740118f, 0.740068f,
-0.740018f, 0.739968f, 0.739918f, 0.739868f, 0.739818f, 0.739767f, 0.739717f, 0.739667f, 0.739617f, 0.739567f, 0.739517f, 0.739467f, 0.739417f, 0.739367f, 0.739317f, 0.739267f, 0.739217f, 0.739167f, 0.739117f, 0.739067f,
-0.739017f, 0.738967f, 0.738917f, 0.738867f, 0.738817f, 0.738767f, 0.738717f, 0.738667f, 0.738617f, 0.738567f, 0.738517f, 0.738467f, 0.738417f, 0.738367f, 0.738317f, 0.738267f, 0.738218f, 0.738168f, 0.738118f, 0.738068f,
-0.738018f, 0.737968f, 0.737918f, 0.737868f, 0.737819f, 0.737769f, 0.737719f, 0.737669f, 0.737619f, 0.737569f, 0.73752f, 0.73747f, 0.73742f, 0.73737f, 0.737321f, 0.737271f, 0.737221f, 0.737171f, 0.737122f, 0.737072f,
-0.737022f, 0.736972f, 0.736923f, 0.736873f, 0.736823f, 0.736773f, 0.736724f, 0.736674f, 0.736624f, 0.736575f, 0.736525f, 0.736475f, 0.736426f, 0.736376f, 0.736326f, 0.736277f, 0.736227f, 0.736178f, 0.736128f, 0.736078f,
-0.736029f, 0.735979f, 0.73593f, 0.73588f, 0.73583f, 0.735781f, 0.735731f, 0.735682f, 0.735632f, 0.735583f, 0.735533f, 0.735484f, 0.735434f, 0.735385f, 0.735335f, 0.735286f, 0.735236f, 0.735187f, 0.735137f, 0.735088f,
-0.735038f, 0.734989f, 0.734939f, 0.73489f, 0.73484f, 0.734791f, 0.734741f, 0.734692f, 0.734643f, 0.734593f, 0.734544f, 0.734494f, 0.734445f, 0.734396f, 0.734346f, 0.734297f, 0.734248f, 0.734198f, 0.734149f, 0.7341f,
-0.73405f, 0.734001f, 0.733952f, 0.733902f, 0.733853f, 0.733804f, 0.733754f, 0.733705f, 0.733656f, 0.733606f, 0.733557f, 0.733508f, 0.733459f, 0.733409f, 0.73336f, 0.733311f, 0.733262f, 0.733213f, 0.733163f, 0.733114f,
-0.733065f, 0.733016f, 0.732966f, 0.732917f, 0.732868f, 0.732819f, 0.73277f, 0.732721f, 0.732671f, 0.732622f, 0.732573f, 0.732524f, 0.732475f, 0.732426f, 0.732377f, 0.732328f, 0.732279f, 0.732229f, 0.73218f, 0.732131f,
-0.732082f, 0.732033f, 0.731984f, 0.731935f, 0.731886f, 0.731837f, 0.731788f, 0.731739f, 0.73169f, 0.731641f, 0.731592f, 0.731543f, 0.731494f, 0.731445f, 0.731396f, 0.731347f, 0.731298f, 0.731249f, 0.7312f, 0.731151f,
-0.731102f, 0.731053f, 0.731004f, 0.730955f, 0.730906f, 0.730858f, 0.730809f, 0.73076f, 0.730711f, 0.730662f, 0.730613f, 0.730564f, 0.730515f, 0.730467f, 0.730418f, 0.730369f, 0.73032f, 0.730271f, 0.730222f, 0.730174f,
-0.730125f, 0.730076f, 0.730027f, 0.729978f, 0.72993f, 0.729881f, 0.729832f, 0.729783f, 0.729735f, 0.729686f, 0.729637f, 0.729588f, 0.72954f, 0.729491f, 0.729442f, 0.729393f, 0.729345f, 0.729296f, 0.729247f, 0.729199f,
-0.72915f, 0.729101f, 0.729053f, 0.729004f, 0.728955f, 0.728907f, 0.728858f, 0.728809f, 0.728761f, 0.728712f, 0.728664f, 0.728615f, 0.728566f, 0.728518f, 0.728469f, 0.728421f, 0.728372f, 0.728323f, 0.728275f, 0.728226f,
-0.728178f, 0.728129f, 0.728081f, 0.728032f, 0.727984f, 0.727935f, 0.727887f, 0.727838f, 0.72779f, 0.727741f, 0.727693f, 0.727644f, 0.727596f, 0.727547f, 0.727499f, 0.72745f, 0.727402f, 0.727353f, 0.727305f, 0.727257f,
-0.727208f, 0.72716f, 0.727111f, 0.727063f, 0.727015f, 0.726966f, 0.726918f, 0.726869f, 0.726821f, 0.726773f, 0.726724f, 0.726676f, 0.726628f, 0.726579f, 0.726531f, 0.726483f, 0.726434f, 0.726386f, 0.726338f, 0.726289f,
-0.726241f, 0.726193f, 0.726145f, 0.726096f, 0.726048f, 0.726f, 0.725952f, 0.725903f, 0.725855f, 0.725807f, 0.725759f, 0.72571f, 0.725662f, 0.725614f, 0.725566f, 0.725518f, 0.725469f, 0.725421f, 0.725373f, 0.725325f,
-0.725277f, 0.725229f, 0.72518f, 0.725132f, 0.725084f, 0.725036f, 0.724988f, 0.72494f, 0.724892f, 0.724843f, 0.724795f, 0.724747f, 0.724699f, 0.724651f, 0.724603f, 0.724555f, 0.724507f, 0.724459f, 0.724411f, 0.724363f,
-0.724315f, 0.724267f, 0.724219f, 0.724171f, 0.724123f, 0.724075f, 0.724027f, 0.723979f, 0.723931f, 0.723883f, 0.723835f, 0.723787f, 0.723739f, 0.723691f, 0.723643f, 0.723595f, 0.723547f, 0.723499f, 0.723451f, 0.723403f,
-0.723355f, 0.723308f, 0.72326f, 0.723212f, 0.723164f, 0.723116f, 0.723068f, 0.72302f, 0.722972f, 0.722925f, 0.722877f, 0.722829f, 0.722781f, 0.722733f, 0.722685f, 0.722638f, 0.72259f, 0.722542f, 0.722494f, 0.722446f,
-0.722399f, 0.722351f, 0.722303f, 0.722255f, 0.722208f, 0.72216f, 0.722112f, 0.722064f, 0.722017f, 0.721969f, 0.721921f, 0.721873f, 0.721826f, 0.721778f, 0.72173f, 0.721683f, 0.721635f, 0.721587f, 0.72154f, 0.721492f,
-0.721444f, 0.721397f, 0.721349f, 0.721301f, 0.721254f, 0.721206f, 0.721159f, 0.721111f, 0.721063f, 0.721016f, 0.720968f, 0.720921f, 0.720873f, 0.720825f, 0.720778f, 0.72073f, 0.720683f, 0.720635f, 0.720588f, 0.72054f,
-0.720493f, 0.720445f, 0.720397f, 0.72035f, 0.720302f, 0.720255f, 0.720207f, 0.72016f, 0.720113f, 0.720065f, 0.720018f, 0.71997f, 0.719923f, 0.719875f, 0.719828f, 0.71978f, 0.719733f, 0.719685f, 0.719638f, 0.719591f,
-0.719543f, 0.719496f, 0.719448f, 0.719401f, 0.719354f, 0.719306f, 0.719259f, 0.719212f, 0.719164f, 0.719117f, 0.71907f, 0.719022f, 0.718975f, 0.718928f, 0.71888f, 0.718833f, 0.718786f, 0.718738f, 0.718691f, 0.718644f,
-0.718596f, 0.718549f, 0.718502f, 0.718455f, 0.718407f, 0.71836f, 0.718313f, 0.718266f, 0.718218f, 0.718171f, 0.718124f, 0.718077f, 0.71803f, 0.717982f, 0.717935f, 0.717888f, 0.717841f, 0.717794f, 0.717747f, 0.717699f,
-0.717652f, 0.717605f, 0.717558f, 0.717511f, 0.717464f, 0.717417f, 0.717369f, 0.717322f, 0.717275f, 0.717228f, 0.717181f, 0.717134f, 0.717087f, 0.71704f, 0.716993f, 0.716946f, 0.716899f, 0.716852f, 0.716804f, 0.716757f,
-0.71671f, 0.716663f, 0.716616f, 0.716569f, 0.716522f, 0.716475f, 0.716428f, 0.716381f, 0.716334f, 0.716287f, 0.71624f, 0.716193f, 0.716147f, 0.7161f, 0.716053f, 0.716006f, 0.715959f, 0.715912f, 0.715865f, 0.715818f,
-0.715771f, 0.715724f, 0.715677f, 0.71563f, 0.715584f, 0.715537f, 0.71549f, 0.715443f, 0.715396f, 0.715349f, 0.715302f, 0.715255f, 0.715209f, 0.715162f, 0.715115f, 0.715068f, 0.715021f, 0.714975f, 0.714928f, 0.714881f,
-0.714834f, 0.714787f, 0.714741f, 0.714694f, 0.714647f, 0.7146f, 0.714554f, 0.714507f, 0.71446f, 0.714413f, 0.714367f, 0.71432f, 0.714273f, 0.714227f, 0.71418f, 0.714133f, 0.714086f, 0.71404f, 0.713993f, 0.713946f,
-0.7139f, 0.713853f, 0.713806f, 0.71376f, 0.713713f, 0.713667f, 0.71362f, 0.713573f, 0.713527f, 0.71348f, 0.713433f, 0.713387f, 0.71334f, 0.713294f, 0.713247f, 0.713201f, 0.713154f, 0.713107f, 0.713061f, 0.713014f,
-0.712968f, 0.712921f, 0.712875f, 0.712828f, 0.712782f, 0.712735f, 0.712689f, 0.712642f, 0.712596f, 0.712549f, 0.712503f, 0.712456f, 0.71241f, 0.712363f, 0.712317f, 0.71227f, 0.712224f, 0.712178f, 0.712131f, 0.712085f,
-0.712038f, 0.711992f, 0.711945f, 0.711899f, 0.711853f, 0.711806f, 0.71176f, 0.711713f, 0.711667f, 0.711621f, 0.711574f, 0.711528f, 0.711482f, 0.711435f, 0.711389f, 0.711343f, 0.711296f, 0.71125f, 0.711204f, 0.711157f,
-0.711111f, 0.711065f, 0.711019f, 0.710972f, 0.710926f, 0.71088f, 0.710833f, 0.710787f, 0.710741f, 0.710695f, 0.710648f, 0.710602f, 0.710556f, 0.71051f, 0.710464f, 0.710417f, 0.710371f, 0.710325f, 0.710279f, 0.710233f,
-0.710186f, 0.71014f, 0.710094f, 0.710048f, 0.710002f, 0.709956f, 0.709909f, 0.709863f, 0.709817f, 0.709771f, 0.709725f, 0.709679f, 0.709633f, 0.709587f, 0.709541f, 0.709494f, 0.709448f, 0.709402f, 0.709356f, 0.70931f,
-0.709264f, 0.709218f, 0.709172f, 0.709126f, 0.70908f, 0.709034f, 0.708988f, 0.708942f, 0.708896f, 0.70885f, 0.708804f, 0.708758f, 0.708712f, 0.708666f, 0.70862f, 0.708574f, 0.708528f, 0.708482f, 0.708436f, 0.70839f,
-0.708344f, 0.708298f, 0.708252f, 0.708206f, 0.70816f, 0.708115f, 0.708069f, 0.708023f, 0.707977f, 0.707931f, 0.707885f, 0.707839f, 0.707793f, 0.707747f, 0.707702f, 0.707656f, 0.70761f, 0.707564f, 0.707518f, 0.707472f,
-0.707427f, 0.707381f, 0.707335f, 0.707289f, 0.707243f, 0.707198f, 0.707152f, 0.707106f, 0.70706f, 0.707014f, 0.706969f, 0.706923f, 0.706877f, 0.706831f, 0.706786f, 0.70674f, 0.706694f, 0.706649f, 0.706603f, 0.706557f,
-0.706511f, 0.706466f, 0.70642f, 0.706374f, 0.706329f, 0.706283f, 0.706237f, 0.706192f, 0.706146f, 0.7061f, 0.706055f, 0.706009f, 0.705963f, 0.705918f, 0.705872f, 0.705827f, 0.705781f, 0.705735f, 0.70569f, 0.705644f,
-0.705599f, 0.705553f, 0.705507f, 0.705462f, 0.705416f, 0.705371f, 0.705325f, 0.70528f, 0.705234f, 0.705189f, 0.705143f, 0.705098f, 0.705052f, 0.705007f, 0.704961f, 0.704916f, 0.70487f, 0.704825f, 0.704779f, 0.704734f,
-0.704688f, 0.704643f, 0.704597f, 0.704552f, 0.704506f, 0.704461f, 0.704415f, 0.70437f, 0.704325f, 0.704279f, 0.704234f, 0.704188f, 0.704143f, 0.704098f, 0.704052f, 0.704007f, 0.703962f, 0.703916f, 0.703871f, 0.703825f,
-0.70378f, 0.703735f, 0.703689f, 0.703644f, 0.703599f, 0.703553f, 0.703508f, 0.703463f, 0.703417f, 0.703372f, 0.703327f, 0.703282f, 0.703236f, 0.703191f, 0.703146f, 0.703101f, 0.703055f, 0.70301f, 0.702965f, 0.70292f,
-0.702874f, 0.702829f, 0.702784f, 0.702739f, 0.702693f, 0.702648f, 0.702603f, 0.702558f, 0.702513f, 0.702467f, 0.702422f, 0.702377f, 0.702332f, 0.702287f, 0.702242f, 0.702197f, 0.702151f, 0.702106f, 0.702061f, 0.702016f,
-0.701971f, 0.701926f, 0.701881f, 0.701836f, 0.70179f, 0.701745f, 0.7017f, 0.701655f, 0.70161f, 0.701565f, 0.70152f, 0.701475f, 0.70143f, 0.701385f, 0.70134f, 0.701295f, 0.70125f, 0.701205f, 0.70116f, 0.701115f,
-0.70107f, 0.701025f, 0.70098f, 0.700935f, 0.70089f, 0.700845f, 0.7008f, 0.700755f, 0.70071f, 0.700665f, 0.70062f, 0.700575f, 0.70053f, 0.700485f, 0.70044f, 0.700395f, 0.700351f, 0.700306f, 0.700261f, 0.700216f,
-0.700171f, 0.700126f, 0.700081f, 0.700036f, 0.699991f, 0.699947f, 0.699902f, 0.699857f, 0.699812f, 0.699767f, 0.699722f, 0.699678f, 0.699633f, 0.699588f, 0.699543f, 0.699498f, 0.699454f, 0.699409f, 0.699364f, 0.699319f,
-0.699274f, 0.69923f, 0.699185f, 0.69914f, 0.699095f, 0.699051f, 0.699006f, 0.698961f, 0.698916f, 0.698872f, 0.698827f, 0.698782f, 0.698738f, 0.698693f, 0.698648f, 0.698604f, 0.698559f, 0.698514f, 0.69847f, 0.698425f,
-0.69838f, 0.698336f, 0.698291f, 0.698246f, 0.698202f, 0.698157f, 0.698112f, 0.698068f, 0.698023f, 0.697979f, 0.697934f, 0.697889f, 0.697845f, 0.6978f, 0.697756f, 0.697711f, 0.697666f, 0.697622f, 0.697577f, 0.697533f,
-0.697488f, 0.697444f, 0.697399f, 0.697355f, 0.69731f, 0.697266f, 0.697221f, 0.697177f, 0.697132f, 0.697088f, 0.697043f, 0.696999f, 0.696954f, 0.69691f, 0.696865f, 0.696821f, 0.696776f, 0.696732f, 0.696688f, 0.696643f,
-0.696599f, 0.696554f, 0.69651f, 0.696465f, 0.696421f, 0.696377f, 0.696332f, 0.696288f, 0.696243f, 0.696199f, 0.696155f, 0.69611f, 0.696066f, 0.696022f, 0.695977f, 0.695933f, 0.695889f, 0.695844f, 0.6958f, 0.695756f,
-0.695711f, 0.695667f, 0.695623f, 0.695578f, 0.695534f, 0.69549f, 0.695445f, 0.695401f, 0.695357f, 0.695313f, 0.695268f, 0.695224f, 0.69518f, 0.695136f, 0.695091f, 0.695047f, 0.695003f, 0.694959f, 0.694915f, 0.69487f,
-0.694826f, 0.694782f, 0.694738f, 0.694694f, 0.694649f, 0.694605f, 0.694561f, 0.694517f, 0.694473f, 0.694429f, 0.694384f, 0.69434f, 0.694296f, 0.694252f, 0.694208f, 0.694164f, 0.69412f, 0.694076f, 0.694031f, 0.693987f,
-0.693943f, 0.693899f, 0.693855f, 0.693811f, 0.693767f, 0.693723f, 0.693679f, 0.693635f, 0.693591f, 0.693547f, 0.693503f, 0.693459f, 0.693415f, 0.693371f, 0.693327f, 0.693283f, 0.693239f, 0.693195f, 0.693151f, 0.693107f,
-0.693063f, 0.693019f, 0.692975f, 0.692931f, 0.692887f, 0.692843f, 0.692799f, 0.692755f, 0.692711f, 0.692667f, 0.692623f, 0.692579f, 0.692535f, 0.692491f, 0.692447f, 0.692404f, 0.69236f, 0.692316f, 0.692272f, 0.692228f,
-0.692184f, 0.69214f, 0.692096f, 0.692053f, 0.692009f, 0.691965f, 0.691921f, 0.691877f, 0.691833f, 0.69179f, 0.691746f, 0.691702f, 0.691658f, 0.691614f, 0.691571f, 0.691527f, 0.691483f, 0.691439f, 0.691396f, 0.691352f,
-0.691308f, 0.691264f, 0.691221f, 0.691177f, 0.691133f, 0.691089f, 0.691046f, 0.691002f, 0.690958f, 0.690914f, 0.690871f, 0.690827f, 0.690783f, 0.69074f, 0.690696f, 0.690652f, 0.690609f, 0.690565f, 0.690521f, 0.690478f,
-0.690434f, 0.69039f, 0.690347f, 0.690303f, 0.69026f, 0.690216f, 0.690172f, 0.690129f, 0.690085f, 0.690041f, 0.689998f, 0.689954f, 0.689911f, 0.689867f, 0.689824f, 0.68978f, 0.689736f, 0.689693f, 0.689649f, 0.689606f,
-0.689562f, 0.689519f, 0.689475f, 0.689432f, 0.689388f, 0.689345f, 0.689301f, 0.689258f, 0.689214f, 0.689171f, 0.689127f, 0.689084f, 0.68904f, 0.688997f, 0.688953f, 0.68891f, 0.688866f, 0.688823f, 0.68878f, 0.688736f,
-0.688693f, 0.688649f, 0.688606f, 0.688562f, 0.688519f, 0.688476f, 0.688432f, 0.688389f, 0.688346f, 0.688302f, 0.688259f, 0.688215f, 0.688172f, 0.688129f, 0.688085f, 0.688042f, 0.687999f, 0.687955f, 0.687912f, 0.687869f,
-0.687825f, 0.687782f, 0.687739f, 0.687695f, 0.687652f, 0.687609f, 0.687566f, 0.687522f, 0.687479f, 0.687436f, 0.687392f, 0.687349f, 0.687306f, 0.687263f, 0.687219f, 0.687176f, 0.687133f, 0.68709f, 0.687047f, 0.687003f,
-0.68696f, 0.686917f, 0.686874f, 0.686831f, 0.686787f, 0.686744f, 0.686701f, 0.686658f, 0.686615f, 0.686572f, 0.686528f, 0.686485f, 0.686442f, 0.686399f, 0.686356f, 0.686313f, 0.68627f, 0.686226f, 0.686183f, 0.68614f,
-0.686097f, 0.686054f, 0.686011f, 0.685968f, 0.685925f, 0.685882f, 0.685839f, 0.685796f, 0.685753f, 0.68571f, 0.685666f, 0.685623f, 0.68558f, 0.685537f, 0.685494f, 0.685451f, 0.685408f, 0.685365f, 0.685322f, 0.685279f,
-0.685236f, 0.685193f, 0.68515f, 0.685107f, 0.685064f, 0.685021f, 0.684978f, 0.684936f, 0.684893f, 0.68485f, 0.684807f, 0.684764f, 0.684721f, 0.684678f, 0.684635f, 0.684592f, 0.684549f, 0.684506f, 0.684463f, 0.68442f,
-0.684378f, 0.684335f, 0.684292f, 0.684249f, 0.684206f, 0.684163f, 0.68412f, 0.684078f, 0.684035f, 0.683992f, 0.683949f, 0.683906f, 0.683863f, 0.683821f, 0.683778f, 0.683735f, 0.683692f, 0.683649f, 0.683607f, 0.683564f,
-0.683521f, 0.683478f, 0.683436f, 0.683393f, 0.68335f, 0.683307f, 0.683265f, 0.683222f, 0.683179f, 0.683136f, 0.683094f, 0.683051f, 0.683008f, 0.682965f, 0.682923f, 0.68288f, 0.682837f, 0.682795f, 0.682752f, 0.682709f,
-0.682667f, 0.682624f, 0.682581f, 0.682539f, 0.682496f, 0.682453f, 0.682411f, 0.682368f, 0.682326f, 0.682283f, 0.68224f, 0.682198f, 0.682155f, 0.682112f, 0.68207f, 0.682027f, 0.681985f, 0.681942f, 0.6819f, 0.681857f,
-0.681814f, 0.681772f, 0.681729f, 0.681687f, 0.681644f, 0.681602f, 0.681559f, 0.681517f, 0.681474f, 0.681432f, 0.681389f, 0.681347f, 0.681304f, 0.681262f, 0.681219f, 0.681177f, 0.681134f, 0.681092f, 0.681049f, 0.681007f,
-0.680964f, 0.680922f, 0.680879f, 0.680837f, 0.680794f, 0.680752f, 0.68071f, 0.680667f, 0.680625f, 0.680582f, 0.68054f, 0.680498f, 0.680455f, 0.680413f, 0.68037f, 0.680328f, 0.680286f, 0.680243f, 0.680201f, 0.680159f,
-0.680116f, 0.680074f, 0.680032f, 0.679989f, 0.679947f, 0.679905f, 0.679862f, 0.67982f, 0.679778f, 0.679735f, 0.679693f, 0.679651f, 0.679608f, 0.679566f, 0.679524f, 0.679482f, 0.679439f, 0.679397f, 0.679355f, 0.679313f,
-0.67927f, 0.679228f, 0.679186f, 0.679144f, 0.679101f, 0.679059f, 0.679017f, 0.678975f, 0.678933f, 0.67889f, 0.678848f, 0.678806f, 0.678764f, 0.678722f, 0.678679f, 0.678637f, 0.678595f, 0.678553f, 0.678511f, 0.678469f,
-0.678427f, 0.678384f, 0.678342f, 0.6783f, 0.678258f, 0.678216f, 0.678174f, 0.678132f, 0.67809f, 0.678047f, 0.678005f, 0.677963f, 0.677921f, 0.677879f, 0.677837f, 0.677795f, 0.677753f, 0.677711f, 0.677669f, 0.677627f,
-0.677585f, 0.677543f, 0.677501f, 0.677459f, 0.677417f, 0.677375f, 0.677333f, 0.677291f, 0.677249f, 0.677207f, 0.677165f, 0.677123f, 0.677081f, 0.677039f, 0.676997f, 0.676955f, 0.676913f, 0.676871f, 0.676829f, 0.676787f,
-0.676745f, 0.676703f, 0.676661f, 0.676619f, 0.676577f, 0.676536f, 0.676494f, 0.676452f, 0.67641f, 0.676368f, 0.676326f, 0.676284f, 0.676242f, 0.6762f, 0.676159f, 0.676117f, 0.676075f, 0.676033f, 0.675991f, 0.675949f,
-0.675908f, 0.675866f, 0.675824f, 0.675782f, 0.67574f, 0.675699f, 0.675657f, 0.675615f, 0.675573f, 0.675531f, 0.67549f, 0.675448f, 0.675406f, 0.675364f, 0.675323f, 0.675281f, 0.675239f, 0.675197f, 0.675156f, 0.675114f,
-0.675072f, 0.67503f, 0.674989f, 0.674947f, 0.674905f, 0.674864f, 0.674822f, 0.67478f, 0.674738f, 0.674697f, 0.674655f, 0.674613f, 0.674572f, 0.67453f, 0.674488f, 0.674447f, 0.674405f, 0.674364f, 0.674322f, 0.67428f,
-0.674239f, 0.674197f, 0.674155f, 0.674114f, 0.674072f, 0.674031f, 0.673989f, 0.673947f, 0.673906f, 0.673864f, 0.673823f, 0.673781f, 0.67374f, 0.673698f, 0.673657f, 0.673615f, 0.673573f, 0.673532f, 0.67349f, 0.673449f,
-0.673407f, 0.673366f, 0.673324f, 0.673283f, 0.673241f, 0.6732f, 0.673158f, 0.673117f, 0.673075f, 0.673034f, 0.672992f, 0.672951f, 0.672909f, 0.672868f, 0.672827f, 0.672785f, 0.672744f, 0.672702f, 0.672661f, 0.672619f,
-0.672578f, 0.672537f, 0.672495f, 0.672454f, 0.672412f, 0.672371f, 0.67233f, 0.672288f, 0.672247f, 0.672205f, 0.672164f, 0.672123f, 0.672081f, 0.67204f, 0.671999f, 0.671957f, 0.671916f, 0.671875f, 0.671833f, 0.671792f,
-0.671751f, 0.671709f, 0.671668f, 0.671627f, 0.671586f, 0.671544f, 0.671503f, 0.671462f, 0.67142f, 0.671379f, 0.671338f, 0.671297f, 0.671255f, 0.671214f, 0.671173f, 0.671132f, 0.67109f, 0.671049f, 0.671008f, 0.670967f,
-0.670925f, 0.670884f, 0.670843f, 0.670802f, 0.670761f, 0.670719f, 0.670678f, 0.670637f, 0.670596f, 0.670555f, 0.670514f, 0.670472f, 0.670431f, 0.67039f, 0.670349f, 0.670308f, 0.670267f, 0.670226f, 0.670184f, 0.670143f,
-0.670102f, 0.670061f, 0.67002f, 0.669979f, 0.669938f, 0.669897f, 0.669856f, 0.669815f, 0.669774f, 0.669732f, 0.669691f, 0.66965f, 0.669609f, 0.669568f, 0.669527f, 0.669486f, 0.669445f, 0.669404f, 0.669363f, 0.669322f,
-0.669281f, 0.66924f, 0.669199f, 0.669158f, 0.669117f, 0.669076f, 0.669035f, 0.668994f, 0.668953f, 0.668912f, 0.668871f, 0.66883f, 0.668789f, 0.668748f, 0.668707f, 0.668666f, 0.668626f, 0.668585f, 0.668544f, 0.668503f,
-0.668462f, 0.668421f, 0.66838f, 0.668339f, 0.668298f, 0.668257f, 0.668216f, 0.668176f, 0.668135f, 0.668094f, 0.668053f, 0.668012f, 0.667971f, 0.66793f, 0.66789f, 0.667849f, 0.667808f, 0.667767f, 0.667726f, 0.667685f,
-0.667645f, 0.667604f, 0.667563f, 0.667522f, 0.667481f, 0.667441f, 0.6674f, 0.667359f, 0.667318f, 0.667278f, 0.667237f, 0.667196f, 0.667155f, 0.667115f, 0.667074f, 0.667033f, 0.666992f, 0.666952f, 0.666911f, 0.66687f,
-0.666829f, 0.666789f, 0.666748f, 0.666707f, 0.666667f, 0.666626f, 0.666585f, 0.666545f, 0.666504f, 0.666463f, 0.666423f, 0.666382f, 0.666341f, 0.666301f, 0.66626f, 0.666219f, 0.666179f, 0.666138f, 0.666097f, 0.666057f,
-0.666016f, 0.665976f, 0.665935f, 0.665894f, 0.665854f, 0.665813f, 0.665773f, 0.665732f, 0.665692f, 0.665651f, 0.66561f, 0.66557f, 0.665529f, 0.665489f, 0.665448f, 0.665408f, 0.665367f, 0.665327f, 0.665286f, 0.665246f,
-0.665205f, 0.665165f, 0.665124f, 0.665084f, 0.665043f, 0.665003f, 0.664962f, 0.664922f, 0.664881f, 0.664841f, 0.6648f, 0.66476f, 0.664719f, 0.664679f, 0.664638f, 0.664598f, 0.664557f, 0.664517f, 0.664477f, 0.664436f,
-0.664396f, 0.664355f, 0.664315f, 0.664275f, 0.664234f, 0.664194f, 0.664153f, 0.664113f, 0.664073f, 0.664032f, 0.663992f, 0.663952f, 0.663911f, 0.663871f, 0.66383f, 0.66379f, 0.66375f, 0.663709f, 0.663669f, 0.663629f,
-0.663588f, 0.663548f, 0.663508f, 0.663468f, 0.663427f, 0.663387f, 0.663347f, 0.663306f, 0.663266f, 0.663226f, 0.663186f, 0.663145f, 0.663105f, 0.663065f, 0.663025f, 0.662984f, 0.662944f, 0.662904f, 0.662864f, 0.662823f,
-0.662783f, 0.662743f, 0.662703f, 0.662663f, 0.662622f, 0.662582f, 0.662542f, 0.662502f, 0.662462f, 0.662421f, 0.662381f, 0.662341f, 0.662301f, 0.662261f, 0.662221f, 0.66218f, 0.66214f, 0.6621f, 0.66206f, 0.66202f,
-0.66198f, 0.66194f, 0.6619f, 0.661859f, 0.661819f, 0.661779f, 0.661739f, 0.661699f, 0.661659f, 0.661619f, 0.661579f, 0.661539f, 0.661499f, 0.661459f, 0.661419f, 0.661379f, 0.661339f, 0.661298f, 0.661258f, 0.661218f,
-0.661178f, 0.661138f, 0.661098f, 0.661058f, 0.661018f, 0.660978f, 0.660938f, 0.660898f, 0.660858f, 0.660818f, 0.660778f, 0.660738f, 0.660698f, 0.660658f, 0.660619f, 0.660579f, 0.660539f, 0.660499f, 0.660459f, 0.660419f,
-0.660379f, 0.660339f, 0.660299f, 0.660259f, 0.660219f, 0.660179f, 0.660139f, 0.6601f, 0.66006f, 0.66002f, 0.65998f, 0.65994f, 0.6599f, 0.65986f, 0.65982f, 0.659781f, 0.659741f, 0.659701f, 0.659661f, 0.659621f,
-0.659581f, 0.659541f, 0.659502f, 0.659462f, 0.659422f, 0.659382f, 0.659342f, 0.659303f, 0.659263f, 0.659223f, 0.659183f, 0.659143f, 0.659104f, 0.659064f, 0.659024f, 0.658984f, 0.658945f, 0.658905f, 0.658865f, 0.658825f,
-0.658786f, 0.658746f, 0.658706f, 0.658667f, 0.658627f, 0.658587f, 0.658547f, 0.658508f, 0.658468f, 0.658428f, 0.658389f, 0.658349f, 0.658309f, 0.65827f, 0.65823f, 0.65819f, 0.658151f, 0.658111f, 0.658071f, 0.658032f,
-0.657992f, 0.657952f, 0.657913f, 0.657873f, 0.657833f, 0.657794f, 0.657754f, 0.657715f, 0.657675f, 0.657635f, 0.657596f, 0.657556f, 0.657517f, 0.657477f, 0.657438f, 0.657398f, 0.657358f, 0.657319f, 0.657279f, 0.65724f,
-0.6572f, 0.657161f, 0.657121f, 0.657082f, 0.657042f, 0.657003f, 0.656963f, 0.656923f, 0.656884f, 0.656844f, 0.656805f, 0.656765f, 0.656726f, 0.656687f, 0.656647f, 0.656608f, 0.656568f, 0.656529f, 0.656489f, 0.65645f,
-0.65641f, 0.656371f, 0.656331f, 0.656292f, 0.656253f, 0.656213f, 0.656174f, 0.656134f, 0.656095f, 0.656055f, 0.656016f, 0.655977f, 0.655937f, 0.655898f, 0.655858f, 0.655819f, 0.65578f, 0.65574f, 0.655701f, 0.655662f,
-0.655622f, 0.655583f, 0.655544f, 0.655504f, 0.655465f, 0.655426f, 0.655386f, 0.655347f, 0.655308f, 0.655268f, 0.655229f, 0.65519f, 0.65515f, 0.655111f, 0.655072f, 0.655032f, 0.654993f, 0.654954f, 0.654915f, 0.654875f,
-0.654836f, 0.654797f, 0.654758f, 0.654718f, 0.654679f, 0.65464f, 0.654601f, 0.654561f, 0.654522f, 0.654483f, 0.654444f, 0.654405f, 0.654365f, 0.654326f, 0.654287f, 0.654248f, 0.654209f, 0.654169f, 0.65413f, 0.654091f,
-0.654052f, 0.654013f, 0.653974f, 0.653934f, 0.653895f, 0.653856f, 0.653817f, 0.653778f, 0.653739f, 0.6537f, 0.65366f, 0.653621f, 0.653582f, 0.653543f, 0.653504f, 0.653465f, 0.653426f, 0.653387f, 0.653348f, 0.653309f,
-0.65327f, 0.65323f, 0.653191f, 0.653152f, 0.653113f, 0.653074f, 0.653035f, 0.652996f, 0.652957f, 0.652918f, 0.652879f, 0.65284f, 0.652801f, 0.652762f, 0.652723f, 0.652684f, 0.652645f, 0.652606f, 0.652567f, 0.652528f,
-0.652489f, 0.65245f, 0.652411f, 0.652372f, 0.652333f, 0.652294f, 0.652255f, 0.652216f, 0.652177f, 0.652138f, 0.6521f, 0.652061f, 0.652022f, 0.651983f, 0.651944f, 0.651905f, 0.651866f, 0.651827f, 0.651788f, 0.651749f,
-0.65171f, 0.651672f, 0.651633f, 0.651594f, 0.651555f, 0.651516f, 0.651477f, 0.651438f, 0.651399f, 0.651361f, 0.651322f, 0.651283f, 0.651244f, 0.651205f, 0.651166f, 0.651128f, 0.651089f, 0.65105f, 0.651011f, 0.650972f,
-0.650934f, 0.650895f, 0.650856f, 0.650817f, 0.650779f, 0.65074f, 0.650701f, 0.650662f, 0.650623f, 0.650585f, 0.650546f, 0.650507f, 0.650468f, 0.65043f, 0.650391f, 0.650352f, 0.650314f, 0.650275f, 0.650236f, 0.650197f,
-0.650159f, 0.65012f, 0.650081f, 0.650043f, 0.650004f, 0.649965f, 0.649927f, 0.649888f, 0.649849f, 0.649811f, 0.649772f, 0.649733f, 0.649695f, 0.649656f, 0.649617f, 0.649579f, 0.64954f, 0.649501f, 0.649463f, 0.649424f,
-0.649386f, 0.649347f, 0.649308f, 0.64927f, 0.649231f, 0.649193f, 0.649154f, 0.649116f, 0.649077f, 0.649038f, 0.649f, 0.648961f, 0.648923f, 0.648884f, 0.648846f, 0.648807f, 0.648769f, 0.64873f, 0.648691f, 0.648653f,
-0.648614f, 0.648576f, 0.648537f, 0.648499f, 0.64846f, 0.648422f, 0.648383f, 0.648345f, 0.648306f, 0.648268f, 0.648229f, 0.648191f, 0.648153f, 0.648114f, 0.648076f, 0.648037f, 0.647999f, 0.64796f, 0.647922f, 0.647883f,
-0.647845f, 0.647807f, 0.647768f, 0.64773f, 0.647691f, 0.647653f, 0.647615f, 0.647576f, 0.647538f, 0.647499f, 0.647461f, 0.647423f, 0.647384f, 0.647346f, 0.647307f, 0.647269f, 0.647231f, 0.647192f, 0.647154f, 0.647116f,
-0.647077f, 0.647039f, 0.647001f, 0.646962f, 0.646924f, 0.646886f, 0.646847f, 0.646809f, 0.646771f, 0.646733f, 0.646694f, 0.646656f, 0.646618f, 0.646579f, 0.646541f, 0.646503f, 0.646465f, 0.646426f, 0.646388f, 0.64635f,
-0.646312f, 0.646273f, 0.646235f, 0.646197f, 0.646159f, 0.64612f, 0.646082f, 0.646044f, 0.646006f, 0.645968f, 0.645929f, 0.645891f, 0.645853f, 0.645815f, 0.645777f, 0.645738f, 0.6457f, 0.645662f, 0.645624f, 0.645586f,
-0.645548f, 0.64551f, 0.645471f, 0.645433f, 0.645395f, 0.645357f, 0.645319f, 0.645281f, 0.645243f, 0.645204f, 0.645166f, 0.645128f, 0.64509f, 0.645052f, 0.645014f, 0.644976f, 0.644938f, 0.6449f, 0.644862f, 0.644824f,
-0.644786f, 0.644747f, 0.644709f, 0.644671f, 0.644633f, 0.644595f, 0.644557f, 0.644519f, 0.644481f, 0.644443f, 0.644405f, 0.644367f, 0.644329f, 0.644291f, 0.644253f, 0.644215f, 0.644177f, 0.644139f, 0.644101f, 0.644063f,
-0.644025f, 0.643987f, 0.643949f, 0.643911f, 0.643873f, 0.643835f, 0.643797f, 0.643759f, 0.643722f, 0.643684f, 0.643646f, 0.643608f, 0.64357f, 0.643532f, 0.643494f, 0.643456f, 0.643418f, 0.64338f, 0.643342f, 0.643304f,
-0.643267f, 0.643229f, 0.643191f, 0.643153f, 0.643115f, 0.643077f, 0.643039f, 0.643002f, 0.642964f, 0.642926f, 0.642888f, 0.64285f, 0.642812f, 0.642774f, 0.642737f, 0.642699f, 0.642661f, 0.642623f, 0.642585f, 0.642548f,
-0.64251f, 0.642472f, 0.642434f, 0.642396f, 0.642359f, 0.642321f, 0.642283f, 0.642245f, 0.642208f, 0.64217f, 0.642132f, 0.642094f, 0.642057f, 0.642019f, 0.641981f, 0.641943f, 0.641906f, 0.641868f, 0.64183f, 0.641793f,
-0.641755f, 0.641717f, 0.641679f, 0.641642f, 0.641604f, 0.641566f, 0.641529f, 0.641491f, 0.641453f, 0.641416f, 0.641378f, 0.64134f, 0.641303f, 0.641265f, 0.641227f, 0.64119f, 0.641152f, 0.641114f, 0.641077f, 0.641039f,
-0.641002f, 0.640964f, 0.640926f, 0.640889f, 0.640851f, 0.640814f, 0.640776f, 0.640738f, 0.640701f, 0.640663f, 0.640626f, 0.640588f, 0.64055f, 0.640513f, 0.640475f, 0.640438f, 0.6404f, 0.640363f, 0.640325f, 0.640288f,
-0.64025f, 0.640213f, 0.640175f, 0.640138f, 0.6401f, 0.640063f, 0.640025f, 0.639988f, 0.63995f, 0.639913f, 0.639875f, 0.639838f, 0.6398f, 0.639763f, 0.639725f, 0.639688f, 0.63965f, 0.639613f, 0.639575f, 0.639538f,
-0.6395f, 0.639463f, 0.639426f, 0.639388f, 0.639351f, 0.639313f, 0.639276f, 0.639238f, 0.639201f, 0.639164f, 0.639126f, 0.639089f, 0.639051f, 0.639014f, 0.638977f, 0.638939f, 0.638902f, 0.638865f, 0.638827f, 0.63879f,
-0.638752f, 0.638715f, 0.638678f, 0.63864f, 0.638603f, 0.638566f, 0.638528f, 0.638491f, 0.638454f, 0.638416f, 0.638379f, 0.638342f, 0.638305f, 0.638267f, 0.63823f, 0.638193f, 0.638155f, 0.638118f, 0.638081f, 0.638043f,
-0.638006f, 0.637969f, 0.637932f, 0.637894f, 0.637857f, 0.63782f, 0.637783f, 0.637745f, 0.637708f, 0.637671f, 0.637634f, 0.637597f, 0.637559f, 0.637522f, 0.637485f, 0.637448f, 0.637411f, 0.637373f, 0.637336f, 0.637299f,
-0.637262f, 0.637225f, 0.637187f, 0.63715f, 0.637113f, 0.637076f, 0.637039f, 0.637002f, 0.636964f, 0.636927f, 0.63689f, 0.636853f, 0.636816f, 0.636779f, 0.636742f, 0.636705f, 0.636667f, 0.63663f, 0.636593f, 0.636556f,
-0.636519f, 0.636482f, 0.636445f, 0.636408f, 0.636371f, 0.636334f, 0.636297f, 0.636259f, 0.636222f, 0.636185f, 0.636148f, 0.636111f, 0.636074f, 0.636037f, 0.636f, 0.635963f, 0.635926f, 0.635889f, 0.635852f, 0.635815f,
-0.635778f, 0.635741f, 0.635704f, 0.635667f, 0.63563f, 0.635593f, 0.635556f, 0.635519f, 0.635482f, 0.635445f, 0.635408f, 0.635371f, 0.635334f, 0.635297f, 0.63526f, 0.635223f, 0.635186f, 0.63515f, 0.635113f, 0.635076f,
-0.635039f, 0.635002f, 0.634965f, 0.634928f, 0.634891f, 0.634854f, 0.634817f, 0.63478f, 0.634744f, 0.634707f, 0.63467f, 0.634633f, 0.634596f, 0.634559f, 0.634522f, 0.634485f, 0.634449f, 0.634412f, 0.634375f, 0.634338f,
-0.634301f, 0.634264f, 0.634228f, 0.634191f, 0.634154f, 0.634117f, 0.63408f, 0.634043f, 0.634007f, 0.63397f, 0.633933f, 0.633896f, 0.633859f, 0.633823f, 0.633786f, 0.633749f, 0.633712f, 0.633676f, 0.633639f, 0.633602f,
-0.633565f, 0.633529f, 0.633492f, 0.633455f, 0.633418f, 0.633382f, 0.633345f, 0.633308f, 0.633271f, 0.633235f, 0.633198f, 0.633161f, 0.633125f, 0.633088f, 0.633051f, 0.633015f, 0.632978f, 0.632941f, 0.632905f, 0.632868f,
-0.632831f, 0.632795f, 0.632758f, 0.632721f, 0.632685f, 0.632648f, 0.632611f, 0.632575f, 0.632538f, 0.632501f, 0.632465f, 0.632428f, 0.632392f, 0.632355f, 0.632318f, 0.632282f, 0.632245f, 0.632209f, 0.632172f, 0.632135f,
-0.632099f, 0.632062f, 0.632026f, 0.631989f, 0.631952f, 0.631916f, 0.631879f, 0.631843f, 0.631806f, 0.63177f, 0.631733f, 0.631697f, 0.63166f, 0.631624f, 0.631587f, 0.631551f, 0.631514f, 0.631478f, 0.631441f, 0.631405f,
-0.631368f, 0.631332f, 0.631295f, 0.631259f, 0.631222f, 0.631186f, 0.631149f, 0.631113f, 0.631076f, 0.63104f, 0.631003f, 0.630967f, 0.63093f, 0.630894f, 0.630857f, 0.630821f, 0.630785f, 0.630748f, 0.630712f, 0.630675f,
-0.630639f, 0.630603f, 0.630566f, 0.63053f, 0.630493f, 0.630457f, 0.630421f, 0.630384f, 0.630348f, 0.630311f, 0.630275f, 0.630239f, 0.630202f, 0.630166f, 0.63013f, 0.630093f, 0.630057f, 0.630021f, 0.629984f, 0.629948f,
-0.629912f, 0.629875f, 0.629839f, 0.629803f, 0.629766f, 0.62973f, 0.629694f, 0.629657f, 0.629621f, 0.629585f, 0.629549f, 0.629512f, 0.629476f, 0.62944f, 0.629403f, 0.629367f, 0.629331f, 0.629295f, 0.629258f, 0.629222f,
-0.629186f, 0.62915f, 0.629113f, 0.629077f, 0.629041f, 0.629005f, 0.628968f, 0.628932f, 0.628896f, 0.62886f, 0.628824f, 0.628787f, 0.628751f, 0.628715f, 0.628679f, 0.628643f, 0.628607f, 0.62857f, 0.628534f, 0.628498f,
-0.628462f, 0.628426f, 0.62839f, 0.628353f, 0.628317f, 0.628281f, 0.628245f, 0.628209f, 0.628173f, 0.628137f, 0.6281f, 0.628064f, 0.628028f, 0.627992f, 0.627956f, 0.62792f, 0.627884f, 0.627848f, 0.627812f, 0.627776f,
-0.627739f, 0.627703f, 0.627667f, 0.627631f, 0.627595f, 0.627559f, 0.627523f, 0.627487f, 0.627451f, 0.627415f, 0.627379f, 0.627343f, 0.627307f, 0.627271f, 0.627235f, 0.627199f, 0.627163f, 0.627127f, 0.627091f, 0.627055f,
-0.627019f, 0.626983f, 0.626947f, 0.626911f, 0.626875f, 0.626839f, 0.626803f, 0.626767f, 0.626731f, 0.626695f, 0.626659f, 0.626623f, 0.626587f, 0.626551f, 0.626515f, 0.626479f, 0.626443f, 0.626407f, 0.626372f, 0.626336f,
-0.6263f, 0.626264f, 0.626228f, 0.626192f, 0.626156f, 0.62612f, 0.626084f, 0.626048f, 0.626013f, 0.625977f, 0.625941f, 0.625905f, 0.625869f, 0.625833f, 0.625797f, 0.625761f, 0.625726f, 0.62569f, 0.625654f, 0.625618f,
-0.625582f, 0.625546f, 0.625511f, 0.625475f, 0.625439f, 0.625403f, 0.625367f, 0.625332f, 0.625296f, 0.62526f, 0.625224f, 0.625188f, 0.625153f, 0.625117f, 0.625081f, 0.625045f, 0.62501f, 0.624974f, 0.624938f, 0.624902f,
-0.624867f, 0.624831f, 0.624795f, 0.624759f, 0.624724f, 0.624688f, 0.624652f, 0.624616f, 0.624581f, 0.624545f, 0.624509f, 0.624474f, 0.624438f, 0.624402f, 0.624366f, 0.624331f, 0.624295f, 0.624259f, 0.624224f, 0.624188f,
-0.624152f, 0.624117f, 0.624081f, 0.624045f, 0.62401f, 0.623974f, 0.623938f, 0.623903f, 0.623867f, 0.623832f, 0.623796f, 0.62376f, 0.623725f, 0.623689f, 0.623653f, 0.623618f, 0.623582f, 0.623547f, 0.623511f, 0.623475f,
-0.62344f, 0.623404f, 0.623369f, 0.623333f, 0.623298f, 0.623262f, 0.623226f, 0.623191f, 0.623155f, 0.62312f, 0.623084f, 0.623049f, 0.623013f, 0.622978f, 0.622942f, 0.622907f, 0.622871f, 0.622836f, 0.6228f, 0.622765f,
-0.622729f, 0.622693f, 0.622658f, 0.622623f, 0.622587f, 0.622552f, 0.622516f, 0.622481f, 0.622445f, 0.62241f, 0.622374f, 0.622339f, 0.622303f, 0.622268f, 0.622232f, 0.622197f, 0.622161f, 0.622126f, 0.622091f, 0.622055f,
-0.62202f, 0.621984f, 0.621949f, 0.621913f, 0.621878f, 0.621843f, 0.621807f, 0.621772f, 0.621736f, 0.621701f, 0.621666f, 0.62163f, 0.621595f, 0.62156f, 0.621524f, 0.621489f, 0.621453f, 0.621418f, 0.621383f, 0.621347f,
-0.621312f, 0.621277f, 0.621241f, 0.621206f, 0.621171f, 0.621135f, 0.6211f, 0.621065f, 0.621029f, 0.620994f, 0.620959f, 0.620924f, 0.620888f, 0.620853f, 0.620818f, 0.620782f, 0.620747f, 0.620712f, 0.620677f, 0.620641f,
-0.620606f, 0.620571f, 0.620536f, 0.6205f, 0.620465f, 0.62043f, 0.620395f, 0.620359f, 0.620324f, 0.620289f, 0.620254f, 0.620218f, 0.620183f, 0.620148f, 0.620113f, 0.620078f, 0.620042f, 0.620007f, 0.619972f, 0.619937f,
-0.619902f, 0.619866f, 0.619831f, 0.619796f, 0.619761f, 0.619726f, 0.619691f, 0.619655f, 0.61962f, 0.619585f, 0.61955f, 0.619515f, 0.61948f, 0.619445f, 0.619409f, 0.619374f, 0.619339f, 0.619304f, 0.619269f, 0.619234f,
-0.619199f, 0.619164f, 0.619129f, 0.619094f, 0.619058f, 0.619023f, 0.618988f, 0.618953f, 0.618918f, 0.618883f, 0.618848f, 0.618813f, 0.618778f, 0.618743f, 0.618708f, 0.618673f, 0.618638f, 0.618603f, 0.618568f, 0.618533f,
-0.618498f, 0.618463f, 0.618428f, 0.618392f, 0.618357f, 0.618322f, 0.618287f, 0.618252f, 0.618217f, 0.618183f, 0.618148f, 0.618113f, 0.618078f, 0.618043f, 0.618008f, 0.617973f, 0.617938f, 0.617903f, 0.617868f, 0.617833f,
-0.617798f, 0.617763f, 0.617728f, 0.617693f, 0.617658f, 0.617623f, 0.617588f, 0.617553f, 0.617518f, 0.617484f, 0.617449f, 0.617414f, 0.617379f, 0.617344f, 0.617309f, 0.617274f, 0.617239f, 0.617204f, 0.61717f, 0.617135f,
-0.6171f, 0.617065f, 0.61703f, 0.616995f, 0.61696f, 0.616926f, 0.616891f, 0.616856f, 0.616821f, 0.616786f, 0.616751f, 0.616717f, 0.616682f, 0.616647f, 0.616612f, 0.616577f, 0.616542f, 0.616508f, 0.616473f, 0.616438f,
-0.616403f, 0.616369f, 0.616334f, 0.616299f, 0.616264f, 0.616229f, 0.616195f, 0.61616f, 0.616125f, 0.61609f, 0.616056f, 0.616021f, 0.615986f, 0.615951f, 0.615917f, 0.615882f, 0.615847f, 0.615813f, 0.615778f, 0.615743f,
-0.615708f, 0.615674f, 0.615639f, 0.615604f, 0.61557f, 0.615535f, 0.6155f, 0.615466f, 0.615431f, 0.615396f, 0.615362f, 0.615327f, 0.615292f, 0.615258f, 0.615223f, 0.615188f, 0.615154f, 0.615119f, 0.615084f, 0.61505f,
-0.615015f, 0.61498f, 0.614946f, 0.614911f, 0.614877f, 0.614842f, 0.614807f, 0.614773f, 0.614738f, 0.614704f, 0.614669f, 0.614634f, 0.6146f, 0.614565f, 0.614531f, 0.614496f, 0.614461f, 0.614427f, 0.614392f, 0.614358f,
-0.614323f, 0.614289f, 0.614254f, 0.61422f, 0.614185f, 0.614151f, 0.614116f, 0.614081f, 0.614047f, 0.614012f, 0.613978f, 0.613943f, 0.613909f, 0.613874f, 0.61384f, 0.613805f, 0.613771f, 0.613736f, 0.613702f, 0.613667f,
-0.613633f, 0.613598f, 0.613564f, 0.61353f, 0.613495f, 0.613461f, 0.613426f, 0.613392f, 0.613357f, 0.613323f, 0.613288f, 0.613254f, 0.61322f, 0.613185f, 0.613151f, 0.613116f, 0.613082f, 0.613047f, 0.613013f, 0.612979f,
-0.612944f, 0.61291f, 0.612875f, 0.612841f, 0.612807f, 0.612772f, 0.612738f, 0.612704f, 0.612669f, 0.612635f, 0.6126f, 0.612566f, 0.612532f, 0.612497f, 0.612463f, 0.612429f, 0.612394f, 0.61236f, 0.612326f, 0.612291f,
-0.612257f, 0.612223f, 0.612188f, 0.612154f, 0.61212f, 0.612086f, 0.612051f, 0.612017f, 0.611983f, 0.611948f, 0.611914f, 0.61188f, 0.611846f, 0.611811f, 0.611777f, 0.611743f, 0.611708f, 0.611674f, 0.61164f, 0.611606f,
-0.611571f, 0.611537f, 0.611503f, 0.611469f, 0.611435f, 0.6114f, 0.611366f, 0.611332f, 0.611298f, 0.611263f, 0.611229f, 0.611195f, 0.611161f, 0.611127f, 0.611092f, 0.611058f, 0.611024f, 0.61099f, 0.610956f, 0.610922f,
-0.610887f, 0.610853f, 0.610819f, 0.610785f, 0.610751f, 0.610717f, 0.610682f, 0.610648f, 0.610614f, 0.61058f, 0.610546f, 0.610512f, 0.610478f, 0.610444f, 0.610409f, 0.610375f, 0.610341f, 0.610307f, 0.610273f, 0.610239f,
-0.610205f, 0.610171f, 0.610137f, 0.610103f, 0.610069f, 0.610034f, 0.61f, 0.609966f, 0.609932f, 0.609898f, 0.609864f, 0.60983f, 0.609796f, 0.609762f, 0.609728f, 0.609694f, 0.60966f, 0.609626f, 0.609592f, 0.609558f,
-0.609524f, 0.60949f, 0.609456f, 0.609422f, 0.609388f, 0.609354f, 0.60932f, 0.609286f, 0.609252f, 0.609218f, 0.609184f, 0.60915f, 0.609116f, 0.609082f, 0.609048f, 0.609014f, 0.60898f, 0.608946f, 0.608912f, 0.608878f,
-0.608844f, 0.60881f, 0.608776f, 0.608742f, 0.608709f, 0.608675f, 0.608641f, 0.608607f, 0.608573f, 0.608539f, 0.608505f, 0.608471f, 0.608437f, 0.608403f, 0.60837f, 0.608336f, 0.608302f, 0.608268f, 0.608234f, 0.6082f,
-0.608166f, 0.608132f, 0.608099f, 0.608065f, 0.608031f, 0.607997f, 0.607963f, 0.607929f, 0.607896f, 0.607862f, 0.607828f, 0.607794f, 0.60776f, 0.607726f, 0.607693f, 0.607659f, 0.607625f, 0.607591f, 0.607557f, 0.607524f,
-0.60749f, 0.607456f, 0.607422f, 0.607388f, 0.607355f, 0.607321f, 0.607287f, 0.607253f, 0.60722f, 0.607186f, 0.607152f, 0.607118f, 0.607085f, 0.607051f, 0.607017f, 0.606983f, 0.60695f, 0.606916f, 0.606882f, 0.606849f,
-0.606815f, 0.606781f, 0.606747f, 0.606714f, 0.60668f, 0.606646f, 0.606613f, 0.606579f, 0.606545f, 0.606512f, 0.606478f, 0.606444f, 0.606411f, 0.606377f, 0.606343f, 0.60631f, 0.606276f, 0.606242f, 0.606209f, 0.606175f,
-0.606141f, 0.606108f, 0.606074f, 0.60604f, 0.606007f, 0.605973f, 0.60594f, 0.605906f, 0.605872f, 0.605839f, 0.605805f, 0.605772f, 0.605738f, 0.605704f, 0.605671f, 0.605637f, 0.605604f, 0.60557f, 0.605536f, 0.605503f,
-0.605469f, 0.605436f, 0.605402f, 0.605369f, 0.605335f, 0.605302f, 0.605268f, 0.605234f, 0.605201f, 0.605167f, 0.605134f, 0.6051f, 0.605067f, 0.605033f, 0.605f, 0.604966f, 0.604933f, 0.604899f, 0.604866f, 0.604832f,
-0.604799f, 0.604765f, 0.604732f, 0.604698f, 0.604665f, 0.604631f, 0.604598f, 0.604564f, 0.604531f, 0.604498f, 0.604464f, 0.604431f, 0.604397f, 0.604364f, 0.60433f, 0.604297f, 0.604263f, 0.60423f, 0.604197f, 0.604163f,
-0.60413f, 0.604096f, 0.604063f, 0.60403f, 0.603996f, 0.603963f, 0.603929f, 0.603896f, 0.603863f, 0.603829f, 0.603796f, 0.603762f, 0.603729f, 0.603696f, 0.603662f, 0.603629f, 0.603596f, 0.603562f, 0.603529f, 0.603496f,
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-0.602796f, 0.602763f, 0.60273f, 0.602696f, 0.602663f, 0.60263f, 0.602597f, 0.602563f, 0.60253f, 0.602497f, 0.602464f, 0.60243f, 0.602397f, 0.602364f, 0.602331f, 0.602298f, 0.602264f, 0.602231f, 0.602198f, 0.602165f,
-0.602132f, 0.602098f, 0.602065f, 0.602032f, 0.601999f, 0.601966f, 0.601932f, 0.601899f, 0.601866f, 0.601833f, 0.6018f, 0.601767f, 0.601734f, 0.6017f, 0.601667f, 0.601634f, 0.601601f, 0.601568f, 0.601535f, 0.601502f,
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-0.600807f, 0.600774f, 0.600741f, 0.600708f, 0.600675f, 0.600642f, 0.600609f, 0.600576f, 0.600542f, 0.600509f, 0.600476f, 0.600443f, 0.60041f, 0.600377f, 0.600344f, 0.600311f, 0.600278f, 0.600245f, 0.600212f, 0.600179f,
-0.600147f, 0.600114f, 0.600081f, 0.600048f, 0.600015f, 0.599982f, 0.599949f, 0.599916f, 0.599883f, 0.59985f, 0.599817f, 0.599784f, 0.599751f, 0.599718f, 0.599685f, 0.599652f, 0.599619f, 0.599586f, 0.599554f, 0.599521f,
-0.599488f, 0.599455f, 0.599422f, 0.599389f, 0.599356f, 0.599323f, 0.59929f, 0.599258f, 0.599225f, 0.599192f, 0.599159f, 0.599126f, 0.599093f, 0.59906f, 0.599027f, 0.598995f, 0.598962f, 0.598929f, 0.598896f, 0.598863f,
-0.59883f, 0.598798f, 0.598765f, 0.598732f, 0.598699f, 0.598666f, 0.598633f, 0.598601f, 0.598568f, 0.598535f, 0.598502f, 0.598469f, 0.598437f, 0.598404f, 0.598371f, 0.598338f, 0.598306f, 0.598273f, 0.59824f, 0.598207f,
-0.598175f, 0.598142f, 0.598109f, 0.598076f, 0.598044f, 0.598011f, 0.597978f, 0.597945f, 0.597913f, 0.59788f, 0.597847f, 0.597814f, 0.597782f, 0.597749f, 0.597716f, 0.597684f, 0.597651f, 0.597618f, 0.597585f, 0.597553f,
-0.59752f, 0.597487f, 0.597455f, 0.597422f, 0.597389f, 0.597357f, 0.597324f, 0.597291f, 0.597259f, 0.597226f, 0.597193f, 0.597161f, 0.597128f, 0.597095f, 0.597063f, 0.59703f, 0.596998f, 0.596965f, 0.596932f, 0.5969f,
-0.596867f, 0.596834f, 0.596802f, 0.596769f, 0.596737f, 0.596704f, 0.596671f, 0.596639f, 0.596606f, 0.596574f, 0.596541f, 0.596508f, 0.596476f, 0.596443f, 0.596411f, 0.596378f, 0.596346f, 0.596313f, 0.596281f, 0.596248f,
-0.596215f, 0.596183f, 0.59615f, 0.596118f, 0.596085f, 0.596053f, 0.59602f, 0.595988f, 0.595955f, 0.595923f, 0.59589f, 0.595858f, 0.595825f, 0.595793f, 0.59576f, 0.595728f, 0.595695f, 0.595663f, 0.59563f, 0.595598f,
-0.595565f, 0.595533f, 0.5955f, 0.595468f, 0.595435f, 0.595403f, 0.59537f, 0.595338f, 0.595306f, 0.595273f, 0.595241f, 0.595208f, 0.595176f, 0.595143f, 0.595111f, 0.595079f, 0.595046f, 0.595014f, 0.594981f, 0.594949f,
-0.594916f, 0.594884f, 0.594852f, 0.594819f, 0.594787f, 0.594755f, 0.594722f, 0.59469f, 0.594657f, 0.594625f, 0.594593f, 0.59456f, 0.594528f, 0.594496f, 0.594463f, 0.594431f, 0.594398f, 0.594366f, 0.594334f, 0.594301f,
-0.594269f, 0.594237f, 0.594204f, 0.594172f, 0.59414f, 0.594108f, 0.594075f, 0.594043f, 0.594011f, 0.593978f, 0.593946f, 0.593914f, 0.593881f, 0.593849f, 0.593817f, 0.593785f, 0.593752f, 0.59372f, 0.593688f, 0.593655f,
-0.593623f, 0.593591f, 0.593559f, 0.593526f, 0.593494f, 0.593462f, 0.59343f, 0.593397f, 0.593365f, 0.593333f, 0.593301f, 0.593269f, 0.593236f, 0.593204f, 0.593172f, 0.59314f, 0.593107f, 0.593075f, 0.593043f, 0.593011f,
-0.592979f, 0.592946f, 0.592914f, 0.592882f, 0.59285f, 0.592818f, 0.592786f, 0.592753f, 0.592721f, 0.592689f, 0.592657f, 0.592625f, 0.592593f, 0.59256f, 0.592528f, 0.592496f, 0.592464f, 0.592432f, 0.5924f, 0.592368f,
-0.592336f, 0.592303f, 0.592271f, 0.592239f, 0.592207f, 0.592175f, 0.592143f, 0.592111f, 0.592079f, 0.592047f, 0.592014f, 0.591982f, 0.59195f, 0.591918f, 0.591886f, 0.591854f, 0.591822f, 0.59179f, 0.591758f, 0.591726f,
-0.591694f, 0.591662f, 0.59163f, 0.591598f, 0.591566f, 0.591534f, 0.591501f, 0.591469f, 0.591437f, 0.591405f, 0.591373f, 0.591341f, 0.591309f, 0.591277f, 0.591245f, 0.591213f, 0.591181f, 0.591149f, 0.591117f, 0.591085f,
-0.591053f, 0.591021f, 0.590989f, 0.590957f, 0.590925f, 0.590894f, 0.590862f, 0.59083f, 0.590798f, 0.590766f, 0.590734f, 0.590702f, 0.59067f, 0.590638f, 0.590606f, 0.590574f, 0.590542f, 0.59051f, 0.590478f, 0.590446f,
-0.590414f, 0.590383f, 0.590351f, 0.590319f, 0.590287f, 0.590255f, 0.590223f, 0.590191f, 0.590159f, 0.590127f, 0.590095f, 0.590064f, 0.590032f, 0.59f, 0.589968f, 0.589936f, 0.589904f, 0.589872f, 0.589841f, 0.589809f,
-0.589777f, 0.589745f, 0.589713f, 0.589681f, 0.589649f, 0.589618f, 0.589586f, 0.589554f, 0.589522f, 0.58949f, 0.589459f, 0.589427f, 0.589395f, 0.589363f, 0.589331f, 0.5893f, 0.589268f, 0.589236f, 0.589204f, 0.589172f,
-0.589141f, 0.589109f, 0.589077f, 0.589045f, 0.589014f, 0.588982f, 0.58895f, 0.588918f, 0.588886f, 0.588855f, 0.588823f, 0.588791f, 0.58876f, 0.588728f, 0.588696f, 0.588664f, 0.588633f, 0.588601f, 0.588569f, 0.588537f,
-0.588506f, 0.588474f, 0.588442f, 0.588411f, 0.588379f, 0.588347f, 0.588316f, 0.588284f, 0.588252f, 0.588221f, 0.588189f, 0.588157f, 0.588125f, 0.588094f, 0.588062f, 0.588031f, 0.587999f, 0.587967f, 0.587936f, 0.587904f,
-0.587872f, 0.587841f, 0.587809f, 0.587777f, 0.587746f, 0.587714f, 0.587682f, 0.587651f, 0.587619f, 0.587588f, 0.587556f, 0.587524f, 0.587493f, 0.587461f, 0.58743f, 0.587398f, 0.587366f, 0.587335f, 0.587303f, 0.587272f,
-0.58724f, 0.587209f, 0.587177f, 0.587145f, 0.587114f, 0.587082f, 0.587051f, 0.587019f, 0.586988f, 0.586956f, 0.586925f, 0.586893f, 0.586862f, 0.58683f, 0.586798f, 0.586767f, 0.586735f, 0.586704f, 0.586672f, 0.586641f,
-0.586609f, 0.586578f, 0.586546f, 0.586515f, 0.586483f, 0.586452f, 0.58642f, 0.586389f, 0.586357f, 0.586326f, 0.586295f, 0.586263f, 0.586232f, 0.5862f, 0.586169f, 0.586137f, 0.586106f, 0.586074f, 0.586043f, 0.586011f,
-0.58598f, 0.585949f, 0.585917f, 0.585886f, 0.585854f, 0.585823f, 0.585791f, 0.58576f, 0.585729f, 0.585697f, 0.585666f, 0.585634f, 0.585603f, 0.585572f, 0.58554f, 0.585509f, 0.585477f, 0.585446f, 0.585415f, 0.585383f,
-0.585352f, 0.585321f, 0.585289f, 0.585258f, 0.585226f, 0.585195f, 0.585164f, 0.585132f, 0.585101f, 0.58507f, 0.585038f, 0.585007f, 0.584976f, 0.584944f, 0.584913f, 0.584882f, 0.58485f, 0.584819f, 0.584788f, 0.584757f,
-0.584725f, 0.584694f, 0.584663f, 0.584631f, 0.5846f, 0.584569f, 0.584537f, 0.584506f, 0.584475f, 0.584444f, 0.584412f, 0.584381f, 0.58435f, 0.584319f, 0.584287f, 0.584256f, 0.584225f, 0.584194f, 0.584162f, 0.584131f,
-0.5841f, 0.584069f, 0.584037f, 0.584006f, 0.583975f, 0.583944f, 0.583912f, 0.583881f, 0.58385f, 0.583819f, 0.583788f, 0.583756f, 0.583725f, 0.583694f, 0.583663f, 0.583632f, 0.5836f, 0.583569f, 0.583538f, 0.583507f,
-0.583476f, 0.583445f, 0.583413f, 0.583382f, 0.583351f, 0.58332f, 0.583289f, 0.583258f, 0.583227f, 0.583195f, 0.583164f, 0.583133f, 0.583102f, 0.583071f, 0.58304f, 0.583009f, 0.582978f, 0.582946f, 0.582915f, 0.582884f,
-0.582853f, 0.582822f, 0.582791f, 0.58276f, 0.582729f, 0.582698f, 0.582667f, 0.582635f, 0.582604f, 0.582573f, 0.582542f, 0.582511f, 0.58248f, 0.582449f, 0.582418f, 0.582387f, 0.582356f, 0.582325f, 0.582294f, 0.582263f,
-0.582232f, 0.582201f, 0.58217f, 0.582139f, 0.582108f, 0.582077f, 0.582046f, 0.582015f, 0.581984f, 0.581953f, 0.581922f, 0.581891f, 0.58186f, 0.581829f, 0.581798f, 0.581767f, 0.581736f, 0.581705f, 0.581674f, 0.581643f,
-0.581612f, 0.581581f, 0.58155f, 0.581519f, 0.581488f, 0.581457f, 0.581426f, 0.581395f, 0.581364f, 0.581333f, 0.581302f, 0.581271f, 0.58124f, 0.581209f, 0.581178f, 0.581147f, 0.581117f, 0.581086f, 0.581055f, 0.581024f,
-0.580993f, 0.580962f, 0.580931f, 0.5809f, 0.580869f, 0.580838f, 0.580808f, 0.580777f, 0.580746f, 0.580715f, 0.580684f, 0.580653f, 0.580622f, 0.580591f, 0.580561f, 0.58053f, 0.580499f, 0.580468f, 0.580437f, 0.580406f,
-0.580375f, 0.580345f, 0.580314f, 0.580283f, 0.580252f, 0.580221f, 0.580191f, 0.58016f, 0.580129f, 0.580098f, 0.580067f, 0.580036f, 0.580006f, 0.579975f, 0.579944f, 0.579913f, 0.579882f, 0.579852f, 0.579821f, 0.57979f,
-0.579759f, 0.579729f, 0.579698f, 0.579667f, 0.579636f, 0.579606f, 0.579575f, 0.579544f, 0.579513f, 0.579483f, 0.579452f, 0.579421f, 0.57939f, 0.57936f, 0.579329f, 0.579298f, 0.579267f, 0.579237f, 0.579206f, 0.579175f,
-0.579145f, 0.579114f, 0.579083f, 0.579052f, 0.579022f, 0.578991f, 0.57896f, 0.57893f, 0.578899f, 0.578868f, 0.578838f, 0.578807f, 0.578776f, 0.578746f, 0.578715f, 0.578684f, 0.578654f, 0.578623f, 0.578592f, 0.578562f,
-0.578531f, 0.5785f, 0.57847f, 0.578439f, 0.578409f, 0.578378f, 0.578347f, 0.578317f, 0.578286f, 0.578255f, 0.578225f, 0.578194f, 0.578164f, 0.578133f, 0.578102f, 0.578072f, 0.578041f, 0.578011f, 0.57798f, 0.577949f,
-0.577919f, 0.577888f, 0.577858f, 0.577827f, 0.577797f, 0.577766f, 0.577735f, 0.577705f, 0.577674f, 0.577644f, 0.577613f, 0.577583f, 0.577552f, 0.577522f, 0.577491f, 0.577461f, 0.57743f, 0.5774f, 0.577369f, 0.577338f,
-0.577308f, 0.577277f, 0.577247f, 0.577216f, 0.577186f, 0.577155f, 0.577125f, 0.577094f, 0.577064f, 0.577033f, 0.577003f, 0.576973f, 0.576942f, 0.576912f, 0.576881f, 0.576851f, 0.57682f, 0.57679f, 0.576759f, 0.576729f,
-0.576698f, 0.576668f, 0.576637f, 0.576607f, 0.576577f, 0.576546f, 0.576516f, 0.576485f, 0.576455f, 0.576424f, 0.576394f, 0.576364f, 0.576333f, 0.576303f, 0.576272f, 0.576242f, 0.576212f, 0.576181f, 0.576151f, 0.57612f,
-0.57609f, 0.57606f, 0.576029f, 0.575999f, 0.575969f, 0.575938f, 0.575908f, 0.575877f, 0.575847f, 0.575817f, 0.575786f, 0.575756f, 0.575726f, 0.575695f, 0.575665f, 0.575635f, 0.575604f, 0.575574f, 0.575544f, 0.575513f,
-0.575483f, 0.575453f, 0.575422f, 0.575392f, 0.575362f, 0.575331f, 0.575301f, 0.575271f, 0.575241f, 0.57521f, 0.57518f, 0.57515f, 0.575119f, 0.575089f, 0.575059f, 0.575029f, 0.574998f, 0.574968f, 0.574938f, 0.574907f,
-0.574877f, 0.574847f, 0.574817f, 0.574786f, 0.574756f, 0.574726f, 0.574696f, 0.574665f, 0.574635f, 0.574605f, 0.574575f, 0.574545f, 0.574514f, 0.574484f, 0.574454f, 0.574424f, 0.574393f, 0.574363f, 0.574333f, 0.574303f,
-0.574273f, 0.574243f, 0.574212f, 0.574182f, 0.574152f, 0.574122f, 0.574092f, 0.574061f, 0.574031f, 0.574001f, 0.573971f, 0.573941f, 0.573911f, 0.57388f, 0.57385f, 0.57382f, 0.57379f, 0.57376f, 0.57373f, 0.5737f,
-0.573669f, 0.573639f, 0.573609f, 0.573579f, 0.573549f, 0.573519f, 0.573489f, 0.573459f, 0.573429f, 0.573398f, 0.573368f, 0.573338f, 0.573308f, 0.573278f, 0.573248f, 0.573218f, 0.573188f, 0.573158f, 0.573128f, 0.573098f,
-0.573068f, 0.573037f, 0.573007f, 0.572977f, 0.572947f, 0.572917f, 0.572887f, 0.572857f, 0.572827f, 0.572797f, 0.572767f, 0.572737f, 0.572707f, 0.572677f, 0.572647f, 0.572617f, 0.572587f, 0.572557f, 0.572527f, 0.572497f,
-0.572467f, 0.572437f, 0.572407f, 0.572377f, 0.572347f, 0.572317f, 0.572287f, 0.572257f, 0.572227f, 0.572197f, 0.572167f, 0.572137f, 0.572107f, 0.572077f, 0.572047f, 0.572017f, 0.571987f, 0.571957f, 0.571927f, 0.571897f,
-0.571867f, 0.571837f, 0.571807f, 0.571778f, 0.571748f, 0.571718f, 0.571688f, 0.571658f, 0.571628f, 0.571598f, 0.571568f, 0.571538f, 0.571508f, 0.571478f, 0.571449f, 0.571419f, 0.571389f, 0.571359f, 0.571329f, 0.571299f,
-0.571269f, 0.571239f, 0.571209f, 0.57118f, 0.57115f, 0.57112f, 0.57109f, 0.57106f, 0.57103f, 0.571f, 0.570971f, 0.570941f, 0.570911f, 0.570881f, 0.570851f, 0.570821f, 0.570792f, 0.570762f, 0.570732f, 0.570702f,
-0.570672f, 0.570642f, 0.570613f, 0.570583f, 0.570553f, 0.570523f, 0.570493f, 0.570464f, 0.570434f, 0.570404f, 0.570374f, 0.570344f, 0.570315f, 0.570285f, 0.570255f, 0.570225f, 0.570196f, 0.570166f, 0.570136f, 0.570106f,
-0.570077f, 0.570047f, 0.570017f, 0.569987f, 0.569958f, 0.569928f, 0.569898f, 0.569868f, 0.569839f, 0.569809f, 0.569779f, 0.569749f, 0.56972f, 0.56969f, 0.56966f, 0.569631f, 0.569601f, 0.569571f, 0.569541f, 0.569512f,
-0.569482f, 0.569452f, 0.569423f, 0.569393f, 0.569363f, 0.569334f, 0.569304f, 0.569274f, 0.569245f, 0.569215f, 0.569185f, 0.569156f, 0.569126f, 0.569096f, 0.569067f, 0.569037f, 0.569007f, 0.568978f, 0.568948f, 0.568919f,
-0.568889f, 0.568859f, 0.56883f, 0.5688f, 0.56877f, 0.568741f, 0.568711f, 0.568682f, 0.568652f, 0.568622f, 0.568593f, 0.568563f, 0.568534f, 0.568504f, 0.568474f, 0.568445f, 0.568415f, 0.568386f, 0.568356f, 0.568326f,
-0.568297f, 0.568267f, 0.568238f, 0.568208f, 0.568179f, 0.568149f, 0.56812f, 0.56809f, 0.56806f, 0.568031f, 0.568001f, 0.567972f, 0.567942f, 0.567913f, 0.567883f, 0.567854f, 0.567824f, 0.567795f, 0.567765f, 0.567736f,
-0.567706f, 0.567677f, 0.567647f, 0.567618f, 0.567588f, 0.567559f, 0.567529f, 0.5675f, 0.56747f, 0.567441f, 0.567411f, 0.567382f, 0.567352f, 0.567323f, 0.567293f, 0.567264f, 0.567234f, 0.567205f, 0.567176f, 0.567146f,
-0.567117f, 0.567087f, 0.567058f, 0.567028f, 0.566999f, 0.566969f, 0.56694f, 0.566911f, 0.566881f, 0.566852f, 0.566822f, 0.566793f, 0.566764f, 0.566734f, 0.566705f, 0.566675f, 0.566646f, 0.566617f, 0.566587f, 0.566558f,
-0.566528f, 0.566499f, 0.56647f, 0.56644f, 0.566411f, 0.566381f, 0.566352f, 0.566323f, 0.566293f, 0.566264f, 0.566235f, 0.566205f, 0.566176f, 0.566147f, 0.566117f, 0.566088f, 0.566059f, 0.566029f, 0.566f, 0.565971f,
-0.565941f, 0.565912f, 0.565883f, 0.565853f, 0.565824f, 0.565795f, 0.565765f, 0.565736f, 0.565707f, 0.565677f, 0.565648f, 0.565619f, 0.56559f, 0.56556f, 0.565531f, 0.565502f, 0.565472f, 0.565443f, 0.565414f, 0.565385f,
-0.565355f, 0.565326f, 0.565297f, 0.565268f, 0.565238f, 0.565209f, 0.56518f, 0.565151f, 0.565121f, 0.565092f, 0.565063f, 0.565034f, 0.565004f, 0.564975f, 0.564946f, 0.564917f, 0.564888f, 0.564858f, 0.564829f, 0.5648f,
-0.564771f, 0.564742f, 0.564712f, 0.564683f, 0.564654f, 0.564625f, 0.564596f, 0.564566f, 0.564537f, 0.564508f, 0.564479f, 0.56445f, 0.564421f, 0.564391f, 0.564362f, 0.564333f, 0.564304f, 0.564275f, 0.564246f, 0.564216f,
-0.564187f, 0.564158f, 0.564129f, 0.5641f, 0.564071f, 0.564042f, 0.564013f, 0.563983f, 0.563954f, 0.563925f, 0.563896f, 0.563867f, 0.563838f, 0.563809f, 0.56378f, 0.563751f, 0.563721f, 0.563692f, 0.563663f, 0.563634f,
-0.563605f, 0.563576f, 0.563547f, 0.563518f, 0.563489f, 0.56346f, 0.563431f, 0.563402f, 0.563373f, 0.563343f, 0.563314f, 0.563285f, 0.563256f, 0.563227f, 0.563198f, 0.563169f, 0.56314f, 0.563111f, 0.563082f, 0.563053f,
-0.563024f, 0.562995f, 0.562966f, 0.562937f, 0.562908f, 0.562879f, 0.56285f, 0.562821f, 0.562792f, 0.562763f, 0.562734f, 0.562705f, 0.562676f, 0.562647f, 0.562618f, 0.562589f, 0.56256f, 0.562531f, 0.562502f, 0.562473f,
-0.562444f, 0.562415f, 0.562386f, 0.562357f, 0.562328f, 0.562299f, 0.56227f, 0.562242f, 0.562213f, 0.562184f, 0.562155f, 0.562126f, 0.562097f, 0.562068f, 0.562039f, 0.56201f, 0.561981f, 0.561952f, 0.561923f, 0.561894f,
-0.561866f, 0.561837f, 0.561808f, 0.561779f, 0.56175f, 0.561721f, 0.561692f, 0.561663f, 0.561634f, 0.561606f, 0.561577f, 0.561548f, 0.561519f, 0.56149f, 0.561461f, 0.561432f, 0.561404f, 0.561375f, 0.561346f, 0.561317f,
-0.561288f, 0.561259f, 0.56123f, 0.561202f, 0.561173f, 0.561144f, 0.561115f, 0.561086f, 0.561057f, 0.561029f, 0.561f, 0.560971f, 0.560942f, 0.560913f, 0.560885f, 0.560856f, 0.560827f, 0.560798f, 0.560769f, 0.560741f,
-0.560712f, 0.560683f, 0.560654f, 0.560626f, 0.560597f, 0.560568f, 0.560539f, 0.56051f, 0.560482f, 0.560453f, 0.560424f, 0.560395f, 0.560367f, 0.560338f, 0.560309f, 0.56028f, 0.560252f, 0.560223f, 0.560194f, 0.560165f,
-0.560137f, 0.560108f, 0.560079f, 0.560051f, 0.560022f, 0.559993f, 0.559964f, 0.559936f, 0.559907f, 0.559878f, 0.55985f, 0.559821f, 0.559792f, 0.559764f, 0.559735f, 0.559706f, 0.559678f, 0.559649f, 0.55962f, 0.559592f,
-0.559563f, 0.559534f, 0.559506f, 0.559477f, 0.559448f, 0.55942f, 0.559391f, 0.559362f, 0.559334f, 0.559305f, 0.559276f, 0.559248f, 0.559219f, 0.55919f, 0.559162f, 0.559133f, 0.559105f, 0.559076f, 0.559047f, 0.559019f,
-0.55899f, 0.558961f, 0.558933f, 0.558904f, 0.558876f, 0.558847f, 0.558819f, 0.55879f, 0.558761f, 0.558733f, 0.558704f, 0.558676f, 0.558647f, 0.558618f, 0.55859f, 0.558561f, 0.558533f, 0.558504f, 0.558476f, 0.558447f,
-0.558419f, 0.55839f, 0.558361f, 0.558333f, 0.558304f, 0.558276f, 0.558247f, 0.558219f, 0.55819f, 0.558162f, 0.558133f, 0.558105f, 0.558076f, 0.558048f, 0.558019f, 0.557991f, 0.557962f, 0.557934f, 0.557905f, 0.557877f,
-0.557848f, 0.55782f, 0.557791f, 0.557763f, 0.557734f, 0.557706f, 0.557677f, 0.557649f, 0.55762f, 0.557592f, 0.557563f, 0.557535f, 0.557506f, 0.557478f, 0.55745f, 0.557421f, 0.557393f, 0.557364f, 0.557336f, 0.557307f,
-0.557279f, 0.55725f, 0.557222f, 0.557194f, 0.557165f, 0.557137f, 0.557108f, 0.55708f, 0.557052f, 0.557023f, 0.556995f, 0.556966f, 0.556938f, 0.55691f, 0.556881f, 0.556853f, 0.556824f, 0.556796f, 0.556768f, 0.556739f,
-0.556711f, 0.556682f, 0.556654f, 0.556626f, 0.556597f, 0.556569f, 0.556541f, 0.556512f, 0.556484f, 0.556456f, 0.556427f, 0.556399f, 0.556371f, 0.556342f, 0.556314f, 0.556286f, 0.556257f, 0.556229f, 0.556201f, 0.556172f,
-0.556144f, 0.556116f, 0.556087f, 0.556059f, 0.556031f, 0.556002f, 0.555974f, 0.555946f, 0.555917f, 0.555889f, 0.555861f, 0.555833f, 0.555804f, 0.555776f, 0.555748f, 0.555719f, 0.555691f, 0.555663f, 0.555635f, 0.555606f,
-0.555578f, 0.55555f, 0.555522f, 0.555493f, 0.555465f, 0.555437f, 0.555409f, 0.55538f, 0.555352f, 0.555324f, 0.555296f, 0.555267f, 0.555239f, 0.555211f, 0.555183f, 0.555155f, 0.555126f, 0.555098f, 0.55507f, 0.555042f,
-0.555014f, 0.554985f, 0.554957f, 0.554929f, 0.554901f, 0.554873f, 0.554844f, 0.554816f, 0.554788f, 0.55476f, 0.554732f, 0.554704f, 0.554675f, 0.554647f, 0.554619f, 0.554591f, 0.554563f, 0.554535f, 0.554506f, 0.554478f,
-0.55445f, 0.554422f, 0.554394f, 0.554366f, 0.554338f, 0.554309f, 0.554281f, 0.554253f, 0.554225f, 0.554197f, 0.554169f, 0.554141f, 0.554113f, 0.554084f, 0.554056f, 0.554028f, 0.554f, 0.553972f, 0.553944f, 0.553916f,
-0.553888f, 0.55386f, 0.553832f, 0.553804f, 0.553775f, 0.553747f, 0.553719f, 0.553691f, 0.553663f, 0.553635f, 0.553607f, 0.553579f, 0.553551f, 0.553523f, 0.553495f, 0.553467f, 0.553439f, 0.553411f, 0.553383f, 0.553355f,
-0.553327f, 0.553299f, 0.553271f, 0.553242f, 0.553214f, 0.553186f, 0.553158f, 0.55313f, 0.553102f, 0.553074f, 0.553046f, 0.553018f, 0.55299f, 0.552962f, 0.552934f, 0.552906f, 0.552878f, 0.55285f, 0.552822f, 0.552795f,
-0.552767f, 0.552739f, 0.552711f, 0.552683f, 0.552655f, 0.552627f, 0.552599f, 0.552571f, 0.552543f, 0.552515f, 0.552487f, 0.552459f, 0.552431f, 0.552403f, 0.552375f, 0.552347f, 0.552319f, 0.552291f, 0.552263f, 0.552236f,
-0.552208f, 0.55218f, 0.552152f, 0.552124f, 0.552096f, 0.552068f, 0.55204f, 0.552012f, 0.551984f, 0.551956f, 0.551929f, 0.551901f, 0.551873f, 0.551845f, 0.551817f, 0.551789f, 0.551761f, 0.551733f, 0.551706f, 0.551678f,
-0.55165f, 0.551622f, 0.551594f, 0.551566f, 0.551538f, 0.551511f, 0.551483f, 0.551455f, 0.551427f, 0.551399f, 0.551371f, 0.551344f, 0.551316f, 0.551288f, 0.55126f, 0.551232f, 0.551204f, 0.551177f, 0.551149f, 0.551121f,
-0.551093f, 0.551065f, 0.551038f, 0.55101f, 0.550982f, 0.550954f, 0.550926f, 0.550899f, 0.550871f, 0.550843f, 0.550815f, 0.550787f, 0.55076f, 0.550732f, 0.550704f, 0.550676f, 0.550649f, 0.550621f, 0.550593f, 0.550565f,
-0.550538f, 0.55051f, 0.550482f, 0.550454f, 0.550427f, 0.550399f, 0.550371f, 0.550343f, 0.550316f, 0.550288f, 0.55026f, 0.550233f, 0.550205f, 0.550177f, 0.550149f, 0.550122f, 0.550094f, 0.550066f, 0.550039f, 0.550011f,
-0.549983f, 0.549956f, 0.549928f, 0.5499f, 0.549872f, 0.549845f, 0.549817f, 0.549789f, 0.549762f, 0.549734f, 0.549706f, 0.549679f, 0.549651f, 0.549623f, 0.549596f, 0.549568f, 0.54954f, 0.549513f, 0.549485f, 0.549458f,
-0.54943f, 0.549402f, 0.549375f, 0.549347f, 0.549319f, 0.549292f, 0.549264f, 0.549237f, 0.549209f, 0.549181f, 0.549154f, 0.549126f, 0.549098f, 0.549071f, 0.549043f, 0.549016f, 0.548988f, 0.54896f, 0.548933f, 0.548905f,
-0.548878f, 0.54885f, 0.548823f, 0.548795f, 0.548767f, 0.54874f, 0.548712f, 0.548685f, 0.548657f, 0.54863f, 0.548602f, 0.548574f, 0.548547f, 0.548519f, 0.548492f, 0.548464f, 0.548437f, 0.548409f, 0.548382f, 0.548354f,
-0.548327f, 0.548299f, 0.548272f, 0.548244f, 0.548217f, 0.548189f, 0.548162f, 0.548134f, 0.548107f, 0.548079f, 0.548052f, 0.548024f, 0.547997f, 0.547969f, 0.547942f, 0.547914f, 0.547887f, 0.547859f, 0.547832f, 0.547804f,
-0.547777f, 0.547749f, 0.547722f, 0.547694f, 0.547667f, 0.547639f, 0.547612f, 0.547584f, 0.547557f, 0.54753f, 0.547502f, 0.547475f, 0.547447f, 0.54742f, 0.547392f, 0.547365f, 0.547337f, 0.54731f, 0.547283f, 0.547255f,
-0.547228f, 0.5472f, 0.547173f, 0.547146f, 0.547118f, 0.547091f, 0.547063f, 0.547036f, 0.547009f, 0.546981f, 0.546954f, 0.546926f, 0.546899f, 0.546872f, 0.546844f, 0.546817f, 0.546789f, 0.546762f, 0.546735f, 0.546707f,
-0.54668f, 0.546653f, 0.546625f, 0.546598f, 0.546571f, 0.546543f, 0.546516f, 0.546489f, 0.546461f, 0.546434f, 0.546407f, 0.546379f, 0.546352f, 0.546325f, 0.546297f, 0.54627f, 0.546243f, 0.546215f, 0.546188f, 0.546161f,
-0.546133f, 0.546106f, 0.546079f, 0.546051f, 0.546024f, 0.545997f, 0.54597f, 0.545942f, 0.545915f, 0.545888f, 0.54586f, 0.545833f, 0.545806f, 0.545779f, 0.545751f, 0.545724f, 0.545697f, 0.54567f, 0.545642f, 0.545615f,
-0.545588f, 0.54556f, 0.545533f, 0.545506f, 0.545479f, 0.545452f, 0.545424f, 0.545397f, 0.54537f, 0.545343f, 0.545315f, 0.545288f, 0.545261f, 0.545234f, 0.545206f, 0.545179f, 0.545152f, 0.545125f, 0.545098f, 0.54507f,
-0.545043f, 0.545016f, 0.544989f, 0.544962f, 0.544934f, 0.544907f, 0.54488f, 0.544853f, 0.544826f, 0.544799f, 0.544771f, 0.544744f, 0.544717f, 0.54469f, 0.544663f, 0.544636f, 0.544608f, 0.544581f, 0.544554f, 0.544527f,
-0.5445f, 0.544473f, 0.544446f, 0.544418f, 0.544391f, 0.544364f, 0.544337f, 0.54431f, 0.544283f, 0.544256f, 0.544229f, 0.544201f, 0.544174f, 0.544147f, 0.54412f, 0.544093f, 0.544066f, 0.544039f, 0.544012f, 0.543985f,
-0.543958f, 0.54393f, 0.543903f, 0.543876f, 0.543849f, 0.543822f, 0.543795f, 0.543768f, 0.543741f, 0.543714f, 0.543687f, 0.54366f, 0.543633f, 0.543606f, 0.543579f, 0.543551f, 0.543524f, 0.543497f, 0.54347f, 0.543443f,
-0.543416f, 0.543389f, 0.543362f, 0.543335f, 0.543308f, 0.543281f, 0.543254f, 0.543227f, 0.5432f, 0.543173f, 0.543146f, 0.543119f, 0.543092f, 0.543065f, 0.543038f, 0.543011f, 0.542984f, 0.542957f, 0.54293f, 0.542903f,
-0.542876f, 0.542849f, 0.542822f, 0.542795f, 0.542768f, 0.542741f, 0.542714f, 0.542687f, 0.54266f, 0.542633f, 0.542606f, 0.542579f, 0.542552f, 0.542526f, 0.542499f, 0.542472f, 0.542445f, 0.542418f, 0.542391f, 0.542364f,
-0.542337f, 0.54231f, 0.542283f, 0.542256f, 0.542229f, 0.542202f, 0.542175f, 0.542149f, 0.542122f, 0.542095f, 0.542068f, 0.542041f, 0.542014f, 0.541987f, 0.54196f, 0.541933f, 0.541906f, 0.54188f, 0.541853f, 0.541826f,
-0.541799f, 0.541772f, 0.541745f, 0.541718f, 0.541691f, 0.541665f, 0.541638f, 0.541611f, 0.541584f, 0.541557f, 0.54153f, 0.541503f, 0.541477f, 0.54145f, 0.541423f, 0.541396f, 0.541369f, 0.541342f, 0.541316f, 0.541289f,
-0.541262f, 0.541235f, 0.541208f, 0.541182f, 0.541155f, 0.541128f, 0.541101f, 0.541074f, 0.541047f, 0.541021f, 0.540994f, 0.540967f, 0.54094f, 0.540914f, 0.540887f, 0.54086f, 0.540833f, 0.540806f, 0.54078f, 0.540753f,
-0.540726f, 0.540699f, 0.540673f, 0.540646f, 0.540619f, 0.540592f, 0.540566f, 0.540539f, 0.540512f, 0.540485f, 0.540459f, 0.540432f, 0.540405f, 0.540378f, 0.540352f, 0.540325f, 0.540298f, 0.540271f, 0.540245f, 0.540218f,
-0.540191f, 0.540165f, 0.540138f, 0.540111f, 0.540084f, 0.540058f, 0.540031f, 0.540004f, 0.539978f, 0.539951f, 0.539924f, 0.539898f, 0.539871f, 0.539844f, 0.539817f, 0.539791f, 0.539764f, 0.539737f, 0.539711f, 0.539684f,
-0.539657f, 0.539631f, 0.539604f, 0.539577f, 0.539551f, 0.539524f, 0.539498f, 0.539471f, 0.539444f, 0.539418f, 0.539391f, 0.539364f, 0.539338f, 0.539311f, 0.539284f, 0.539258f, 0.539231f, 0.539205f, 0.539178f, 0.539151f,
-0.539125f, 0.539098f, 0.539071f, 0.539045f, 0.539018f, 0.538992f, 0.538965f, 0.538939f, 0.538912f, 0.538885f, 0.538859f, 0.538832f, 0.538806f, 0.538779f, 0.538752f, 0.538726f, 0.538699f, 0.538673f, 0.538646f, 0.53862f,
-0.538593f, 0.538566f, 0.53854f, 0.538513f, 0.538487f, 0.53846f, 0.538434f, 0.538407f, 0.538381f, 0.538354f, 0.538328f, 0.538301f, 0.538275f, 0.538248f, 0.538221f, 0.538195f, 0.538168f, 0.538142f, 0.538115f, 0.538089f,
-0.538062f, 0.538036f, 0.538009f, 0.537983f, 0.537956f, 0.53793f, 0.537903f, 0.537877f, 0.53785f, 0.537824f, 0.537797f, 0.537771f, 0.537745f, 0.537718f, 0.537692f, 0.537665f, 0.537639f, 0.537612f, 0.537586f, 0.537559f,
-0.537533f, 0.537506f, 0.53748f, 0.537453f, 0.537427f, 0.537401f, 0.537374f, 0.537348f, 0.537321f, 0.537295f, 0.537268f, 0.537242f, 0.537216f, 0.537189f, 0.537163f, 0.537136f, 0.53711f, 0.537083f, 0.537057f, 0.537031f,
-0.537004f, 0.536978f, 0.536951f, 0.536925f, 0.536899f, 0.536872f, 0.536846f, 0.53682f, 0.536793f, 0.536767f, 0.53674f, 0.536714f, 0.536688f, 0.536661f, 0.536635f, 0.536609f, 0.536582f, 0.536556f, 0.536529f, 0.536503f,
-0.536477f, 0.53645f, 0.536424f, 0.536398f, 0.536371f, 0.536345f, 0.536319f, 0.536292f, 0.536266f, 0.53624f, 0.536213f, 0.536187f, 0.536161f, 0.536134f, 0.536108f, 0.536082f, 0.536055f, 0.536029f, 0.536003f, 0.535977f,
-0.53595f, 0.535924f, 0.535898f, 0.535871f, 0.535845f, 0.535819f, 0.535793f, 0.535766f, 0.53574f, 0.535714f, 0.535687f, 0.535661f, 0.535635f, 0.535609f, 0.535582f, 0.535556f, 0.53553f, 0.535504f, 0.535477f, 0.535451f,
-0.535425f, 0.535399f, 0.535372f, 0.535346f, 0.53532f, 0.535294f, 0.535267f, 0.535241f, 0.535215f, 0.535189f, 0.535163f, 0.535136f, 0.53511f, 0.535084f, 0.535058f, 0.535031f, 0.535005f, 0.534979f, 0.534953f, 0.534927f,
-0.5349f, 0.534874f, 0.534848f, 0.534822f, 0.534796f, 0.534769f, 0.534743f, 0.534717f, 0.534691f, 0.534665f, 0.534639f, 0.534612f, 0.534586f, 0.53456f, 0.534534f, 0.534508f, 0.534482f, 0.534455f, 0.534429f, 0.534403f,
-0.534377f, 0.534351f, 0.534325f, 0.534299f, 0.534272f, 0.534246f, 0.53422f, 0.534194f, 0.534168f, 0.534142f, 0.534116f, 0.53409f, 0.534063f, 0.534037f, 0.534011f, 0.533985f, 0.533959f, 0.533933f, 0.533907f, 0.533881f,
-0.533855f, 0.533829f, 0.533802f, 0.533776f, 0.53375f, 0.533724f, 0.533698f, 0.533672f, 0.533646f, 0.53362f, 0.533594f, 0.533568f, 0.533542f, 0.533516f, 0.53349f, 0.533464f, 0.533438f, 0.533411f, 0.533385f, 0.533359f,
-0.533333f, 0.533307f, 0.533281f, 0.533255f, 0.533229f, 0.533203f, 0.533177f, 0.533151f, 0.533125f, 0.533099f, 0.533073f, 0.533047f, 0.533021f, 0.532995f, 0.532969f, 0.532943f, 0.532917f, 0.532891f, 0.532865f, 0.532839f,
-0.532813f, 0.532787f, 0.532761f, 0.532735f, 0.532709f, 0.532683f, 0.532657f, 0.532631f, 0.532605f, 0.532579f, 0.532553f, 0.532527f, 0.532501f, 0.532475f, 0.532449f, 0.532423f, 0.532397f, 0.532372f, 0.532346f, 0.53232f,
-0.532294f, 0.532268f, 0.532242f, 0.532216f, 0.53219f, 0.532164f, 0.532138f, 0.532112f, 0.532086f, 0.53206f, 0.532034f, 0.532009f, 0.531983f, 0.531957f, 0.531931f, 0.531905f, 0.531879f, 0.531853f, 0.531827f, 0.531801f,
-0.531775f, 0.53175f, 0.531724f, 0.531698f, 0.531672f, 0.531646f, 0.53162f, 0.531594f, 0.531568f, 0.531542f, 0.531517f, 0.531491f, 0.531465f, 0.531439f, 0.531413f, 0.531387f, 0.531361f, 0.531336f, 0.53131f, 0.531284f,
-0.531258f, 0.531232f, 0.531206f, 0.531181f, 0.531155f, 0.531129f, 0.531103f, 0.531077f, 0.531051f, 0.531026f, 0.531f, 0.530974f, 0.530948f, 0.530922f, 0.530897f, 0.530871f, 0.530845f, 0.530819f, 0.530793f, 0.530768f,
-0.530742f, 0.530716f, 0.53069f, 0.530664f, 0.530639f, 0.530613f, 0.530587f, 0.530561f, 0.530536f, 0.53051f, 0.530484f, 0.530458f, 0.530433f, 0.530407f, 0.530381f, 0.530355f, 0.53033f, 0.530304f, 0.530278f, 0.530252f,
-0.530227f, 0.530201f, 0.530175f, 0.530149f, 0.530124f, 0.530098f, 0.530072f, 0.530046f, 0.530021f, 0.529995f, 0.529969f, 0.529944f, 0.529918f, 0.529892f, 0.529866f, 0.529841f, 0.529815f, 0.529789f, 0.529764f, 0.529738f,
-0.529712f, 0.529687f, 0.529661f, 0.529635f, 0.52961f, 0.529584f, 0.529558f, 0.529532f, 0.529507f, 0.529481f, 0.529455f, 0.52943f, 0.529404f, 0.529379f, 0.529353f, 0.529327f, 0.529302f, 0.529276f, 0.52925f, 0.529225f,
-0.529199f, 0.529173f, 0.529148f, 0.529122f, 0.529096f, 0.529071f, 0.529045f, 0.52902f, 0.528994f, 0.528968f, 0.528943f, 0.528917f, 0.528891f, 0.528866f, 0.52884f, 0.528815f, 0.528789f, 0.528763f, 0.528738f, 0.528712f,
-0.528687f, 0.528661f, 0.528635f, 0.52861f, 0.528584f, 0.528559f, 0.528533f, 0.528508f, 0.528482f, 0.528456f, 0.528431f, 0.528405f, 0.52838f, 0.528354f, 0.528329f, 0.528303f, 0.528278f, 0.528252f, 0.528226f, 0.528201f,
-0.528175f, 0.52815f, 0.528124f, 0.528099f, 0.528073f, 0.528048f, 0.528022f, 0.527997f, 0.527971f, 0.527946f, 0.52792f, 0.527895f, 0.527869f, 0.527844f, 0.527818f, 0.527793f, 0.527767f, 0.527742f, 0.527716f, 0.527691f,
-0.527665f, 0.52764f, 0.527614f, 0.527589f, 0.527563f, 0.527538f, 0.527512f, 0.527487f, 0.527461f, 0.527436f, 0.52741f, 0.527385f, 0.527359f, 0.527334f, 0.527308f, 0.527283f, 0.527258f, 0.527232f, 0.527207f, 0.527181f,
-0.527156f, 0.52713f, 0.527105f, 0.527079f, 0.527054f, 0.527029f, 0.527003f, 0.526978f, 0.526952f, 0.526927f, 0.526901f, 0.526876f, 0.526851f, 0.526825f, 0.5268f, 0.526774f, 0.526749f, 0.526724f, 0.526698f, 0.526673f,
-0.526647f, 0.526622f, 0.526597f, 0.526571f, 0.526546f, 0.52652f, 0.526495f, 0.52647f, 0.526444f, 0.526419f, 0.526394f, 0.526368f, 0.526343f, 0.526317f, 0.526292f, 0.526267f, 0.526241f, 0.526216f, 0.526191f, 0.526165f,
-0.52614f, 0.526115f, 0.526089f, 0.526064f, 0.526039f, 0.526013f, 0.525988f, 0.525963f, 0.525937f, 0.525912f, 0.525887f, 0.525861f, 0.525836f, 0.525811f, 0.525785f, 0.52576f, 0.525735f, 0.52571f, 0.525684f, 0.525659f,
-0.525634f, 0.525608f, 0.525583f, 0.525558f, 0.525532f, 0.525507f, 0.525482f, 0.525457f, 0.525431f, 0.525406f, 0.525381f, 0.525356f, 0.52533f, 0.525305f, 0.52528f, 0.525254f, 0.525229f, 0.525204f, 0.525179f, 0.525153f,
-0.525128f, 0.525103f, 0.525078f, 0.525052f, 0.525027f, 0.525002f, 0.524977f, 0.524952f, 0.524926f, 0.524901f, 0.524876f, 0.524851f, 0.524825f, 0.5248f, 0.524775f, 0.52475f, 0.524725f, 0.524699f, 0.524674f, 0.524649f,
-0.524624f, 0.524599f, 0.524573f, 0.524548f, 0.524523f, 0.524498f, 0.524473f, 0.524447f, 0.524422f, 0.524397f, 0.524372f, 0.524347f, 0.524322f, 0.524296f, 0.524271f, 0.524246f, 0.524221f, 0.524196f, 0.524171f, 0.524145f,
-0.52412f, 0.524095f, 0.52407f, 0.524045f, 0.52402f, 0.523995f, 0.523969f, 0.523944f, 0.523919f, 0.523894f, 0.523869f, 0.523844f, 0.523819f, 0.523794f, 0.523768f, 0.523743f, 0.523718f, 0.523693f, 0.523668f, 0.523643f,
-0.523618f, 0.523593f, 0.523568f, 0.523542f, 0.523517f, 0.523492f, 0.523467f, 0.523442f, 0.523417f, 0.523392f, 0.523367f, 0.523342f, 0.523317f, 0.523292f, 0.523267f, 0.523242f, 0.523216f, 0.523191f, 0.523166f, 0.523141f,
-0.523116f, 0.523091f, 0.523066f, 0.523041f, 0.523016f, 0.522991f, 0.522966f, 0.522941f, 0.522916f, 0.522891f, 0.522866f, 0.522841f, 0.522816f, 0.522791f, 0.522766f, 0.522741f, 0.522716f, 0.522691f, 0.522666f, 0.522641f,
-0.522616f, 0.522591f, 0.522566f, 0.522541f, 0.522516f, 0.522491f, 0.522466f, 0.522441f, 0.522416f, 0.522391f, 0.522366f, 0.522341f, 0.522316f, 0.522291f, 0.522266f, 0.522241f, 0.522216f, 0.522191f, 0.522166f, 0.522141f,
-0.522116f, 0.522091f, 0.522066f, 0.522041f, 0.522016f, 0.521991f, 0.521966f, 0.521941f, 0.521916f, 0.521891f, 0.521867f, 0.521842f, 0.521817f, 0.521792f, 0.521767f, 0.521742f, 0.521717f, 0.521692f, 0.521667f, 0.521642f,
-0.521617f, 0.521592f, 0.521568f, 0.521543f, 0.521518f, 0.521493f, 0.521468f, 0.521443f, 0.521418f, 0.521393f, 0.521368f, 0.521343f, 0.521319f, 0.521294f, 0.521269f, 0.521244f, 0.521219f, 0.521194f, 0.521169f, 0.521144f,
-0.52112f, 0.521095f, 0.52107f, 0.521045f, 0.52102f, 0.520995f, 0.52097f, 0.520946f, 0.520921f, 0.520896f, 0.520871f, 0.520846f, 0.520821f, 0.520797f, 0.520772f, 0.520747f, 0.520722f, 0.520697f, 0.520672f, 0.520648f,
-0.520623f, 0.520598f, 0.520573f, 0.520548f, 0.520524f, 0.520499f, 0.520474f, 0.520449f, 0.520424f, 0.5204f, 0.520375f, 0.52035f, 0.520325f, 0.5203f, 0.520276f, 0.520251f, 0.520226f, 0.520201f, 0.520177f, 0.520152f,
-0.520127f, 0.520102f, 0.520077f, 0.520053f, 0.520028f, 0.520003f, 0.519978f, 0.519954f, 0.519929f, 0.519904f, 0.519879f, 0.519855f, 0.51983f, 0.519805f, 0.51978f, 0.519756f, 0.519731f, 0.519706f, 0.519682f, 0.519657f,
-0.519632f, 0.519607f, 0.519583f, 0.519558f, 0.519533f, 0.519509f, 0.519484f, 0.519459f, 0.519434f, 0.51941f, 0.519385f, 0.51936f, 0.519336f, 0.519311f, 0.519286f, 0.519262f, 0.519237f, 0.519212f, 0.519188f, 0.519163f,
-0.519138f, 0.519113f, 0.519089f, 0.519064f, 0.519039f, 0.519015f, 0.51899f, 0.518965f, 0.518941f, 0.518916f, 0.518892f, 0.518867f, 0.518842f, 0.518818f, 0.518793f, 0.518768f, 0.518744f, 0.518719f, 0.518694f, 0.51867f,
-0.518645f, 0.518621f, 0.518596f, 0.518571f, 0.518547f, 0.518522f, 0.518497f, 0.518473f, 0.518448f, 0.518424f, 0.518399f, 0.518374f, 0.51835f, 0.518325f, 0.518301f, 0.518276f, 0.518251f, 0.518227f, 0.518202f, 0.518178f,
-0.518153f, 0.518128f, 0.518104f, 0.518079f, 0.518055f, 0.51803f, 0.518006f, 0.517981f, 0.517956f, 0.517932f, 0.517907f, 0.517883f, 0.517858f, 0.517834f, 0.517809f, 0.517785f, 0.51776f, 0.517736f, 0.517711f, 0.517686f,
-0.517662f, 0.517637f, 0.517613f, 0.517588f, 0.517564f, 0.517539f, 0.517515f, 0.51749f, 0.517466f, 0.517441f, 0.517417f, 0.517392f, 0.517368f, 0.517343f, 0.517319f, 0.517294f, 0.51727f, 0.517245f, 0.517221f, 0.517196f,
-0.517172f, 0.517147f, 0.517123f, 0.517098f, 0.517074f, 0.517049f, 0.517025f, 0.517f, 0.516976f, 0.516951f, 0.516927f, 0.516902f, 0.516878f, 0.516854f, 0.516829f, 0.516805f, 0.51678f, 0.516756f, 0.516731f, 0.516707f,
-0.516682f, 0.516658f, 0.516634f, 0.516609f, 0.516585f, 0.51656f, 0.516536f, 0.516511f, 0.516487f, 0.516463f, 0.516438f, 0.516414f, 0.516389f, 0.516365f, 0.51634f, 0.516316f, 0.516292f, 0.516267f, 0.516243f, 0.516218f,
-0.516194f, 0.51617f, 0.516145f, 0.516121f, 0.516097f, 0.516072f, 0.516048f, 0.516023f, 0.515999f, 0.515975f, 0.51595f, 0.515926f, 0.515902f, 0.515877f, 0.515853f, 0.515828f, 0.515804f, 0.51578f, 0.515755f, 0.515731f,
-0.515707f, 0.515682f, 0.515658f, 0.515634f, 0.515609f, 0.515585f, 0.515561f, 0.515536f, 0.515512f, 0.515488f, 0.515463f, 0.515439f, 0.515415f, 0.51539f, 0.515366f, 0.515342f, 0.515317f, 0.515293f, 0.515269f, 0.515244f,
-0.51522f, 0.515196f, 0.515172f, 0.515147f, 0.515123f, 0.515099f, 0.515074f, 0.51505f, 0.515026f, 0.515001f, 0.514977f, 0.514953f, 0.514929f, 0.514904f, 0.51488f, 0.514856f, 0.514832f, 0.514807f, 0.514783f, 0.514759f,
-0.514735f, 0.51471f, 0.514686f, 0.514662f, 0.514638f, 0.514613f, 0.514589f, 0.514565f, 0.514541f, 0.514516f, 0.514492f, 0.514468f, 0.514444f, 0.514419f, 0.514395f, 0.514371f, 0.514347f, 0.514322f, 0.514298f, 0.514274f,
-0.51425f, 0.514226f, 0.514201f, 0.514177f, 0.514153f, 0.514129f, 0.514105f, 0.51408f, 0.514056f, 0.514032f, 0.514008f, 0.513984f, 0.513959f, 0.513935f, 0.513911f, 0.513887f, 0.513863f, 0.513839f, 0.513814f, 0.51379f,
-0.513766f, 0.513742f, 0.513718f, 0.513694f, 0.513669f, 0.513645f, 0.513621f, 0.513597f, 0.513573f, 0.513549f, 0.513525f, 0.5135f, 0.513476f, 0.513452f, 0.513428f, 0.513404f, 0.51338f, 0.513356f, 0.513331f, 0.513307f,
-0.513283f, 0.513259f, 0.513235f, 0.513211f, 0.513187f, 0.513163f, 0.513139f, 0.513114f, 0.51309f, 0.513066f, 0.513042f, 0.513018f, 0.512994f, 0.51297f, 0.512946f, 0.512922f, 0.512898f, 0.512873f, 0.512849f, 0.512825f,
-0.512801f, 0.512777f, 0.512753f, 0.512729f, 0.512705f, 0.512681f, 0.512657f, 0.512633f, 0.512609f, 0.512585f, 0.512561f, 0.512537f, 0.512513f, 0.512488f, 0.512464f, 0.51244f, 0.512416f, 0.512392f, 0.512368f, 0.512344f,
-0.51232f, 0.512296f, 0.512272f, 0.512248f, 0.512224f, 0.5122f, 0.512176f, 0.512152f, 0.512128f, 0.512104f, 0.51208f, 0.512056f, 0.512032f, 0.512008f, 0.511984f, 0.51196f, 0.511936f, 0.511912f, 0.511888f, 0.511864f,
-0.51184f, 0.511816f, 0.511792f, 0.511768f, 0.511744f, 0.51172f, 0.511696f, 0.511672f, 0.511648f, 0.511624f, 0.5116f, 0.511576f, 0.511552f, 0.511528f, 0.511504f, 0.511481f, 0.511457f, 0.511433f, 0.511409f, 0.511385f,
-0.511361f, 0.511337f, 0.511313f, 0.511289f, 0.511265f, 0.511241f, 0.511217f, 0.511193f, 0.511169f, 0.511145f, 0.511122f, 0.511098f, 0.511074f, 0.51105f, 0.511026f, 0.511002f, 0.510978f, 0.510954f, 0.51093f, 0.510906f,
-0.510882f, 0.510859f, 0.510835f, 0.510811f, 0.510787f, 0.510763f, 0.510739f, 0.510715f, 0.510691f, 0.510667f, 0.510644f, 0.51062f, 0.510596f, 0.510572f, 0.510548f, 0.510524f, 0.5105f, 0.510477f, 0.510453f, 0.510429f,
-0.510405f, 0.510381f, 0.510357f, 0.510333f, 0.51031f, 0.510286f, 0.510262f, 0.510238f, 0.510214f, 0.51019f, 0.510167f, 0.510143f, 0.510119f, 0.510095f, 0.510071f, 0.510047f, 0.510024f, 0.51f, 0.509976f, 0.509952f,
-0.509928f, 0.509905f, 0.509881f, 0.509857f, 0.509833f, 0.509809f, 0.509786f, 0.509762f, 0.509738f, 0.509714f, 0.50969f, 0.509667f, 0.509643f, 0.509619f, 0.509595f, 0.509572f, 0.509548f, 0.509524f, 0.5095f, 0.509476f,
-0.509453f, 0.509429f, 0.509405f, 0.509381f, 0.509358f, 0.509334f, 0.50931f, 0.509286f, 0.509263f, 0.509239f, 0.509215f, 0.509191f, 0.509168f, 0.509144f, 0.50912f, 0.509097f, 0.509073f, 0.509049f, 0.509025f, 0.509002f,
-0.508978f, 0.508954f, 0.508931f, 0.508907f, 0.508883f, 0.508859f, 0.508836f, 0.508812f, 0.508788f, 0.508765f, 0.508741f, 0.508717f, 0.508693f, 0.50867f, 0.508646f, 0.508622f, 0.508599f, 0.508575f, 0.508551f, 0.508528f,
-0.508504f, 0.50848f, 0.508457f, 0.508433f, 0.508409f, 0.508386f, 0.508362f, 0.508338f, 0.508315f, 0.508291f, 0.508267f, 0.508244f, 0.50822f, 0.508196f, 0.508173f, 0.508149f, 0.508126f, 0.508102f, 0.508078f, 0.508055f,
-0.508031f, 0.508007f, 0.507984f, 0.50796f, 0.507937f, 0.507913f, 0.507889f, 0.507866f, 0.507842f, 0.507818f, 0.507795f, 0.507771f, 0.507748f, 0.507724f, 0.5077f, 0.507677f, 0.507653f, 0.50763f, 0.507606f, 0.507582f,
-0.507559f, 0.507535f, 0.507512f, 0.507488f, 0.507465f, 0.507441f, 0.507417f, 0.507394f, 0.50737f, 0.507347f, 0.507323f, 0.5073f, 0.507276f, 0.507252f, 0.507229f, 0.507205f, 0.507182f, 0.507158f, 0.507135f, 0.507111f,
-0.507088f, 0.507064f, 0.507041f, 0.507017f, 0.506993f, 0.50697f, 0.506946f, 0.506923f, 0.506899f, 0.506876f, 0.506852f, 0.506829f, 0.506805f, 0.506782f, 0.506758f, 0.506735f, 0.506711f, 0.506688f, 0.506664f, 0.506641f,
-0.506617f, 0.506594f, 0.50657f, 0.506547f, 0.506523f, 0.5065f, 0.506476f, 0.506453f, 0.506429f, 0.506406f, 0.506382f, 0.506359f, 0.506335f, 0.506312f, 0.506288f, 0.506265f, 0.506242f, 0.506218f, 0.506195f, 0.506171f,
-0.506148f, 0.506124f, 0.506101f, 0.506077f, 0.506054f, 0.50603f, 0.506007f, 0.505984f, 0.50596f, 0.505937f, 0.505913f, 0.50589f, 0.505866f, 0.505843f, 0.50582f, 0.505796f, 0.505773f, 0.505749f, 0.505726f, 0.505702f,
-0.505679f, 0.505656f, 0.505632f, 0.505609f, 0.505585f, 0.505562f, 0.505539f, 0.505515f, 0.505492f, 0.505468f, 0.505445f, 0.505422f, 0.505398f, 0.505375f, 0.505351f, 0.505328f, 0.505305f, 0.505281f, 0.505258f, 0.505235f,
-0.505211f, 0.505188f, 0.505164f, 0.505141f, 0.505118f, 0.505094f, 0.505071f, 0.505048f, 0.505024f, 0.505001f, 0.504978f, 0.504954f, 0.504931f, 0.504908f, 0.504884f, 0.504861f, 0.504838f, 0.504814f, 0.504791f, 0.504768f,
-0.504744f, 0.504721f, 0.504698f, 0.504674f, 0.504651f, 0.504628f, 0.504604f, 0.504581f, 0.504558f, 0.504534f, 0.504511f, 0.504488f, 0.504465f, 0.504441f, 0.504418f, 0.504395f, 0.504371f, 0.504348f, 0.504325f, 0.504302f,
-0.504278f, 0.504255f, 0.504232f, 0.504208f, 0.504185f, 0.504162f, 0.504139f, 0.504115f, 0.504092f, 0.504069f, 0.504046f, 0.504022f, 0.503999f, 0.503976f, 0.503953f, 0.503929f, 0.503906f, 0.503883f, 0.50386f, 0.503836f,
-0.503813f, 0.50379f, 0.503767f, 0.503743f, 0.50372f, 0.503697f, 0.503674f, 0.50365f, 0.503627f, 0.503604f, 0.503581f, 0.503558f, 0.503534f, 0.503511f, 0.503488f, 0.503465f, 0.503441f, 0.503418f, 0.503395f, 0.503372f,
-0.503349f, 0.503325f, 0.503302f, 0.503279f, 0.503256f, 0.503233f, 0.50321f, 0.503186f, 0.503163f, 0.50314f, 0.503117f, 0.503094f, 0.50307f, 0.503047f, 0.503024f, 0.503001f, 0.502978f, 0.502955f, 0.502932f, 0.502908f,
-0.502885f, 0.502862f, 0.502839f, 0.502816f, 0.502793f, 0.502769f, 0.502746f, 0.502723f, 0.5027f, 0.502677f, 0.502654f, 0.502631f, 0.502608f, 0.502584f, 0.502561f, 0.502538f, 0.502515f, 0.502492f, 0.502469f, 0.502446f,
-0.502423f, 0.502399f, 0.502376f, 0.502353f, 0.50233f, 0.502307f, 0.502284f, 0.502261f, 0.502238f, 0.502215f, 0.502192f, 0.502168f, 0.502145f, 0.502122f, 0.502099f, 0.502076f, 0.502053f, 0.50203f, 0.502007f, 0.501984f,
-0.501961f, 0.501938f, 0.501915f, 0.501892f, 0.501869f, 0.501845f, 0.501822f, 0.501799f, 0.501776f, 0.501753f, 0.50173f, 0.501707f, 0.501684f, 0.501661f, 0.501638f, 0.501615f, 0.501592f, 0.501569f, 0.501546f, 0.501523f,
-0.5015f, 0.501477f, 0.501454f, 0.501431f, 0.501408f, 0.501385f, 0.501362f, 0.501339f, 0.501316f, 0.501293f, 0.50127f, 0.501247f, 0.501224f, 0.501201f, 0.501178f, 0.501155f, 0.501132f, 0.501109f, 0.501086f, 0.501063f,
-0.50104f, 0.501017f, 0.500994f, 0.500971f, 0.500948f, 0.500925f, 0.500902f, 0.500879f, 0.500856f, 0.500833f, 0.50081f, 0.500787f, 0.500764f, 0.500741f, 0.500718f, 0.500695f, 0.500672f, 0.500649f, 0.500626f, 0.500603f,
-0.500581f, 0.500558f, 0.500535f, 0.500512f, 0.500489f, 0.500466f, 0.500443f, 0.50042f, 0.500397f, 0.500374f, 0.500351f, 0.500328f, 0.500305f, 0.500282f, 0.50026f, 0.500237f, 0.500214f, 0.500191f, 0.500168f, 0.500145f,
-0.500122f, 0.500099f, 0.500076f, 0.500053f, 0.500031f, 0.500008f, 0.499985f, 0.499962f, 0.499939f, 0.499916f, 0.499893f, 0.49987f, 0.499847f, 0.499825f, 0.499802f, 0.499779f, 0.499756f, 0.499733f, 0.49971f, 0.499687f,
-0.499665f, 0.499642f, 0.499619f, 0.499596f, 0.499573f, 0.49955f, 0.499527f, 0.499505f, 0.499482f, 0.499459f, 0.499436f, 0.499413f, 0.49939f, 0.499368f, 0.499345f, 0.499322f, 0.499299f, 0.499276f, 0.499253f, 0.499231f,
-0.499208f, 0.499185f, 0.499162f, 0.499139f, 0.499117f, 0.499094f, 0.499071f, 0.499048f, 0.499025f, 0.499003f, 0.49898f, 0.498957f, 0.498934f, 0.498911f, 0.498889f, 0.498866f, 0.498843f, 0.49882f, 0.498797f, 0.498775f,
-0.498752f, 0.498729f, 0.498706f, 0.498684f, 0.498661f, 0.498638f, 0.498615f, 0.498593f, 0.49857f, 0.498547f, 0.498524f, 0.498502f, 0.498479f, 0.498456f, 0.498433f, 0.498411f, 0.498388f, 0.498365f, 0.498342f, 0.49832f,
-0.498297f, 0.498274f, 0.498251f, 0.498229f, 0.498206f, 0.498183f, 0.49816f, 0.498138f, 0.498115f, 0.498092f, 0.49807f, 0.498047f, 0.498024f, 0.498001f, 0.497979f, 0.497956f, 0.497933f, 0.497911f, 0.497888f, 0.497865f,
-0.497843f, 0.49782f, 0.497797f, 0.497775f, 0.497752f, 0.497729f, 0.497706f, 0.497684f, 0.497661f, 0.497638f, 0.497616f, 0.497593f, 0.49757f, 0.497548f, 0.497525f, 0.497502f, 0.49748f, 0.497457f, 0.497434f, 0.497412f,
-0.497389f, 0.497367f, 0.497344f, 0.497321f, 0.497299f, 0.497276f, 0.497253f, 0.497231f, 0.497208f, 0.497185f, 0.497163f, 0.49714f, 0.497118f, 0.497095f, 0.497072f, 0.49705f, 0.497027f, 0.497004f, 0.496982f, 0.496959f,
-0.496937f, 0.496914f, 0.496891f, 0.496869f, 0.496846f, 0.496824f, 0.496801f, 0.496778f, 0.496756f, 0.496733f, 0.496711f, 0.496688f, 0.496665f, 0.496643f, 0.49662f, 0.496598f, 0.496575f, 0.496553f, 0.49653f, 0.496507f,
-0.496485f, 0.496462f, 0.49644f, 0.496417f, 0.496395f, 0.496372f, 0.496349f, 0.496327f, 0.496304f, 0.496282f, 0.496259f, 0.496237f, 0.496214f, 0.496192f, 0.496169f, 0.496147f, 0.496124f, 0.496101f, 0.496079f, 0.496056f,
-0.496034f, 0.496011f, 0.495989f, 0.495966f, 0.495944f, 0.495921f, 0.495899f, 0.495876f, 0.495854f, 0.495831f, 0.495809f, 0.495786f, 0.495764f, 0.495741f, 0.495719f, 0.495696f, 0.495674f, 0.495651f, 0.495629f, 0.495606f,
-0.495584f, 0.495561f, 0.495539f, 0.495516f, 0.495494f, 0.495471f, 0.495449f, 0.495426f, 0.495404f, 0.495381f, 0.495359f, 0.495337f, 0.495314f, 0.495292f, 0.495269f, 0.495247f, 0.495224f, 0.495202f, 0.495179f, 0.495157f,
-0.495134f, 0.495112f, 0.49509f, 0.495067f, 0.495045f, 0.495022f, 0.495f, 0.494977f, 0.494955f, 0.494933f, 0.49491f, 0.494888f, 0.494865f, 0.494843f, 0.49482f, 0.494798f, 0.494776f, 0.494753f, 0.494731f, 0.494708f,
-0.494686f, 0.494664f, 0.494641f, 0.494619f, 0.494596f, 0.494574f, 0.494552f, 0.494529f, 0.494507f, 0.494484f, 0.494462f, 0.49444f, 0.494417f, 0.494395f, 0.494373f, 0.49435f, 0.494328f, 0.494305f, 0.494283f, 0.494261f,
-0.494238f, 0.494216f, 0.494194f, 0.494171f, 0.494149f, 0.494127f, 0.494104f, 0.494082f, 0.494059f, 0.494037f, 0.494015f, 0.493992f, 0.49397f, 0.493948f, 0.493925f, 0.493903f, 0.493881f, 0.493858f, 0.493836f, 0.493814f,
-0.493791f, 0.493769f, 0.493747f, 0.493724f, 0.493702f, 0.49368f, 0.493658f, 0.493635f, 0.493613f, 0.493591f, 0.493568f, 0.493546f, 0.493524f, 0.493501f, 0.493479f, 0.493457f, 0.493435f, 0.493412f, 0.49339f, 0.493368f,
-0.493345f, 0.493323f, 0.493301f, 0.493279f, 0.493256f, 0.493234f, 0.493212f, 0.493189f, 0.493167f, 0.493145f, 0.493123f, 0.4931f, 0.493078f, 0.493056f, 0.493034f, 0.493011f, 0.492989f, 0.492967f, 0.492945f, 0.492922f,
-0.4929f, 0.492878f, 0.492856f, 0.492833f, 0.492811f, 0.492789f, 0.492767f, 0.492744f, 0.492722f, 0.4927f, 0.492678f, 0.492656f, 0.492633f, 0.492611f, 0.492589f, 0.492567f, 0.492544f, 0.492522f, 0.4925f, 0.492478f,
-0.492456f, 0.492433f, 0.492411f, 0.492389f, 0.492367f, 0.492345f, 0.492322f, 0.4923f, 0.492278f, 0.492256f, 0.492234f, 0.492212f, 0.492189f, 0.492167f, 0.492145f, 0.492123f, 0.492101f, 0.492079f, 0.492056f, 0.492034f,
-0.492012f, 0.49199f, 0.491968f, 0.491946f, 0.491923f, 0.491901f, 0.491879f, 0.491857f, 0.491835f, 0.491813f, 0.49179f, 0.491768f, 0.491746f, 0.491724f, 0.491702f, 0.49168f, 0.491658f, 0.491636f, 0.491613f, 0.491591f,
-0.491569f, 0.491547f, 0.491525f, 0.491503f, 0.491481f, 0.491459f, 0.491436f, 0.491414f, 0.491392f, 0.49137f, 0.491348f, 0.491326f, 0.491304f, 0.491282f, 0.49126f, 0.491238f, 0.491215f, 0.491193f, 0.491171f, 0.491149f,
-0.491127f, 0.491105f, 0.491083f, 0.491061f, 0.491039f, 0.491017f, 0.490995f, 0.490973f, 0.49095f, 0.490928f, 0.490906f, 0.490884f, 0.490862f, 0.49084f, 0.490818f, 0.490796f, 0.490774f, 0.490752f, 0.49073f, 0.490708f,
-0.490686f, 0.490664f, 0.490642f, 0.49062f, 0.490598f, 0.490576f, 0.490554f, 0.490532f, 0.49051f, 0.490488f, 0.490465f, 0.490443f, 0.490421f, 0.490399f, 0.490377f, 0.490355f, 0.490333f, 0.490311f, 0.490289f, 0.490267f,
-0.490245f, 0.490223f, 0.490201f, 0.490179f, 0.490157f, 0.490135f, 0.490113f, 0.490091f, 0.490069f, 0.490047f, 0.490025f, 0.490003f, 0.489981f, 0.489959f, 0.489938f, 0.489916f, 0.489894f, 0.489872f, 0.48985f, 0.489828f,
-0.489806f, 0.489784f, 0.489762f, 0.48974f, 0.489718f, 0.489696f, 0.489674f, 0.489652f, 0.48963f, 0.489608f, 0.489586f, 0.489564f, 0.489542f, 0.48952f, 0.489498f, 0.489476f, 0.489455f, 0.489433f, 0.489411f, 0.489389f,
-0.489367f, 0.489345f, 0.489323f, 0.489301f, 0.489279f, 0.489257f, 0.489235f, 0.489213f, 0.489191f, 0.48917f, 0.489148f, 0.489126f, 0.489104f, 0.489082f, 0.48906f, 0.489038f, 0.489016f, 0.488994f, 0.488972f, 0.488951f,
-0.488929f, 0.488907f, 0.488885f, 0.488863f, 0.488841f, 0.488819f, 0.488797f, 0.488776f, 0.488754f, 0.488732f, 0.48871f, 0.488688f, 0.488666f, 0.488644f, 0.488622f, 0.488601f, 0.488579f, 0.488557f, 0.488535f, 0.488513f,
-0.488491f, 0.48847f, 0.488448f, 0.488426f, 0.488404f, 0.488382f, 0.48836f, 0.488338f, 0.488317f, 0.488295f, 0.488273f, 0.488251f, 0.488229f, 0.488208f, 0.488186f, 0.488164f, 0.488142f, 0.48812f, 0.488098f, 0.488077f,
-0.488055f, 0.488033f, 0.488011f, 0.487989f, 0.487968f, 0.487946f, 0.487924f, 0.487902f, 0.48788f, 0.487859f, 0.487837f, 0.487815f, 0.487793f, 0.487771f, 0.48775f, 0.487728f, 0.487706f, 0.487684f, 0.487663f, 0.487641f,
-0.487619f, 0.487597f, 0.487576f, 0.487554f, 0.487532f, 0.48751f, 0.487488f, 0.487467f, 0.487445f, 0.487423f, 0.487401f, 0.48738f, 0.487358f, 0.487336f, 0.487314f, 0.487293f, 0.487271f, 0.487249f, 0.487228f, 0.487206f,
-0.487184f, 0.487162f, 0.487141f, 0.487119f, 0.487097f, 0.487075f, 0.487054f, 0.487032f, 0.48701f, 0.486989f, 0.486967f, 0.486945f, 0.486923f, 0.486902f, 0.48688f, 0.486858f, 0.486837f, 0.486815f, 0.486793f, 0.486772f,
-0.48675f, 0.486728f, 0.486706f, 0.486685f, 0.486663f, 0.486641f, 0.48662f, 0.486598f, 0.486576f, 0.486555f, 0.486533f, 0.486511f, 0.48649f, 0.486468f, 0.486446f, 0.486425f, 0.486403f, 0.486381f, 0.48636f, 0.486338f,
-0.486316f, 0.486295f, 0.486273f, 0.486251f, 0.48623f, 0.486208f, 0.486187f, 0.486165f, 0.486143f, 0.486122f, 0.4861f, 0.486078f, 0.486057f, 0.486035f, 0.486013f, 0.485992f, 0.48597f, 0.485949f, 0.485927f, 0.485905f,
-0.485884f, 0.485862f, 0.485841f, 0.485819f, 0.485797f, 0.485776f, 0.485754f, 0.485732f, 0.485711f, 0.485689f, 0.485668f, 0.485646f, 0.485625f, 0.485603f, 0.485581f, 0.48556f, 0.485538f, 0.485517f, 0.485495f, 0.485473f,
-0.485452f, 0.48543f, 0.485409f, 0.485387f, 0.485366f, 0.485344f, 0.485322f, 0.485301f, 0.485279f, 0.485258f, 0.485236f, 0.485215f, 0.485193f, 0.485172f, 0.48515f, 0.485128f, 0.485107f, 0.485085f, 0.485064f, 0.485042f,
-0.485021f, 0.484999f, 0.484978f, 0.484956f, 0.484935f, 0.484913f, 0.484892f, 0.48487f, 0.484848f, 0.484827f, 0.484805f, 0.484784f, 0.484762f, 0.484741f, 0.484719f, 0.484698f, 0.484676f, 0.484655f, 0.484633f, 0.484612f,
-0.48459f, 0.484569f, 0.484547f, 0.484526f, 0.484504f, 0.484483f, 0.484461f, 0.48444f, 0.484418f, 0.484397f, 0.484375f, 0.484354f, 0.484333f, 0.484311f, 0.48429f, 0.484268f, 0.484247f, 0.484225f, 0.484204f, 0.484182f,
-0.484161f, 0.484139f, 0.484118f, 0.484096f, 0.484075f, 0.484053f, 0.484032f, 0.484011f, 0.483989f, 0.483968f, 0.483946f, 0.483925f, 0.483903f, 0.483882f, 0.48386f, 0.483839f, 0.483818f, 0.483796f, 0.483775f, 0.483753f,
-0.483732f, 0.48371f, 0.483689f, 0.483668f, 0.483646f, 0.483625f, 0.483603f, 0.483582f, 0.483561f, 0.483539f, 0.483518f, 0.483496f, 0.483475f, 0.483454f, 0.483432f, 0.483411f, 0.483389f, 0.483368f, 0.483347f, 0.483325f,
-0.483304f, 0.483282f, 0.483261f, 0.48324f, 0.483218f, 0.483197f, 0.483176f, 0.483154f, 0.483133f, 0.483111f, 0.48309f, 0.483069f, 0.483047f, 0.483026f, 0.483005f, 0.482983f, 0.482962f, 0.482941f, 0.482919f, 0.482898f,
-0.482877f, 0.482855f, 0.482834f, 0.482812f, 0.482791f, 0.48277f, 0.482748f, 0.482727f, 0.482706f, 0.482684f, 0.482663f, 0.482642f, 0.48262f, 0.482599f, 0.482578f, 0.482557f, 0.482535f, 0.482514f, 0.482493f, 0.482471f,
-0.48245f, 0.482429f, 0.482407f, 0.482386f, 0.482365f, 0.482343f, 0.482322f, 0.482301f, 0.48228f, 0.482258f, 0.482237f, 0.482216f, 0.482194f, 0.482173f, 0.482152f, 0.482131f, 0.482109f, 0.482088f, 0.482067f, 0.482045f,
-0.482024f, 0.482003f, 0.481982f, 0.48196f, 0.481939f, 0.481918f, 0.481897f, 0.481875f, 0.481854f, 0.481833f, 0.481811f, 0.48179f, 0.481769f, 0.481748f, 0.481727f, 0.481705f, 0.481684f, 0.481663f, 0.481642f, 0.48162f,
-0.481599f, 0.481578f, 0.481557f, 0.481535f, 0.481514f, 0.481493f, 0.481472f, 0.48145f, 0.481429f, 0.481408f, 0.481387f, 0.481366f, 0.481344f, 0.481323f, 0.481302f, 0.481281f, 0.48126f, 0.481238f, 0.481217f, 0.481196f,
-0.481175f, 0.481154f, 0.481132f, 0.481111f, 0.48109f, 0.481069f, 0.481048f, 0.481026f, 0.481005f, 0.480984f, 0.480963f, 0.480942f, 0.480921f, 0.480899f, 0.480878f, 0.480857f, 0.480836f, 0.480815f, 0.480793f, 0.480772f,
-0.480751f, 0.48073f, 0.480709f, 0.480688f, 0.480667f, 0.480645f, 0.480624f, 0.480603f, 0.480582f, 0.480561f, 0.48054f, 0.480519f, 0.480497f, 0.480476f, 0.480455f, 0.480434f, 0.480413f, 0.480392f, 0.480371f, 0.480349f,
-0.480328f, 0.480307f, 0.480286f, 0.480265f, 0.480244f, 0.480223f, 0.480202f, 0.480181f, 0.480159f, 0.480138f, 0.480117f, 0.480096f, 0.480075f, 0.480054f, 0.480033f, 0.480012f, 0.479991f, 0.47997f, 0.479948f, 0.479927f,
-0.479906f, 0.479885f, 0.479864f, 0.479843f, 0.479822f, 0.479801f, 0.47978f, 0.479759f, 0.479738f, 0.479717f, 0.479696f, 0.479674f, 0.479653f, 0.479632f, 0.479611f, 0.47959f, 0.479569f, 0.479548f, 0.479527f, 0.479506f,
-0.479485f, 0.479464f, 0.479443f, 0.479422f, 0.479401f, 0.47938f, 0.479359f, 0.479338f, 0.479317f, 0.479296f, 0.479275f, 0.479254f, 0.479232f, 0.479211f, 0.47919f, 0.479169f, 0.479148f, 0.479127f, 0.479106f, 0.479085f,
-0.479064f, 0.479043f, 0.479022f, 0.479001f, 0.47898f, 0.478959f, 0.478938f, 0.478917f, 0.478896f, 0.478875f, 0.478854f, 0.478833f, 0.478812f, 0.478791f, 0.47877f, 0.478749f, 0.478728f, 0.478707f, 0.478686f, 0.478665f,
-0.478644f, 0.478623f, 0.478603f, 0.478582f, 0.478561f, 0.47854f, 0.478519f, 0.478498f, 0.478477f, 0.478456f, 0.478435f, 0.478414f, 0.478393f, 0.478372f, 0.478351f, 0.47833f, 0.478309f, 0.478288f, 0.478267f, 0.478246f,
-0.478225f, 0.478204f, 0.478183f, 0.478163f, 0.478142f, 0.478121f, 0.4781f, 0.478079f, 0.478058f, 0.478037f, 0.478016f, 0.477995f, 0.477974f, 0.477953f, 0.477932f, 0.477911f, 0.477891f, 0.47787f, 0.477849f, 0.477828f,
-0.477807f, 0.477786f, 0.477765f, 0.477744f, 0.477723f, 0.477702f, 0.477682f, 0.477661f, 0.47764f, 0.477619f, 0.477598f, 0.477577f, 0.477556f, 0.477535f, 0.477514f, 0.477494f, 0.477473f, 0.477452f, 0.477431f, 0.47741f,
-0.477389f, 0.477368f, 0.477348f, 0.477327f, 0.477306f, 0.477285f, 0.477264f, 0.477243f, 0.477222f, 0.477202f, 0.477181f, 0.47716f, 0.477139f, 0.477118f, 0.477097f, 0.477077f, 0.477056f, 0.477035f, 0.477014f, 0.476993f,
-0.476972f, 0.476952f, 0.476931f, 0.47691f, 0.476889f, 0.476868f, 0.476847f, 0.476827f, 0.476806f, 0.476785f, 0.476764f, 0.476743f, 0.476723f, 0.476702f, 0.476681f, 0.47666f, 0.476639f, 0.476619f, 0.476598f, 0.476577f,
-0.476556f, 0.476535f, 0.476515f, 0.476494f, 0.476473f, 0.476452f, 0.476431f, 0.476411f, 0.47639f, 0.476369f, 0.476348f, 0.476328f, 0.476307f, 0.476286f, 0.476265f, 0.476244f, 0.476224f, 0.476203f, 0.476182f, 0.476161f,
-0.476141f, 0.47612f, 0.476099f, 0.476078f, 0.476058f, 0.476037f, 0.476016f, 0.475995f, 0.475975f, 0.475954f, 0.475933f, 0.475912f, 0.475892f, 0.475871f, 0.47585f, 0.47583f, 0.475809f, 0.475788f, 0.475767f, 0.475747f,
-0.475726f, 0.475705f, 0.475684f, 0.475664f, 0.475643f, 0.475622f, 0.475602f, 0.475581f, 0.47556f, 0.475539f, 0.475519f, 0.475498f, 0.475477f, 0.475457f, 0.475436f, 0.475415f, 0.475395f, 0.475374f, 0.475353f, 0.475333f,
-0.475312f, 0.475291f, 0.475271f, 0.47525f, 0.475229f, 0.475208f, 0.475188f, 0.475167f, 0.475146f, 0.475126f, 0.475105f, 0.475084f, 0.475064f, 0.475043f, 0.475022f, 0.475002f, 0.474981f, 0.474961f, 0.47494f, 0.474919f,
-0.474899f, 0.474878f, 0.474857f, 0.474837f, 0.474816f, 0.474795f, 0.474775f, 0.474754f, 0.474733f, 0.474713f, 0.474692f, 0.474672f, 0.474651f, 0.47463f, 0.47461f, 0.474589f, 0.474568f, 0.474548f, 0.474527f, 0.474507f,
-0.474486f, 0.474465f, 0.474445f, 0.474424f, 0.474404f, 0.474383f, 0.474362f, 0.474342f, 0.474321f, 0.474301f, 0.47428f, 0.474259f, 0.474239f, 0.474218f, 0.474198f, 0.474177f, 0.474156f, 0.474136f, 0.474115f, 0.474095f,
-0.474074f, 0.474053f, 0.474033f, 0.474012f, 0.473992f, 0.473971f, 0.473951f, 0.47393f, 0.47391f, 0.473889f, 0.473868f, 0.473848f, 0.473827f, 0.473807f, 0.473786f, 0.473766f, 0.473745f, 0.473725f, 0.473704f, 0.473683f,
-0.473663f, 0.473642f, 0.473622f, 0.473601f, 0.473581f, 0.47356f, 0.47354f, 0.473519f, 0.473499f, 0.473478f, 0.473458f, 0.473437f, 0.473417f, 0.473396f, 0.473376f, 0.473355f, 0.473334f, 0.473314f, 0.473293f, 0.473273f,
-0.473252f, 0.473232f, 0.473211f, 0.473191f, 0.47317f, 0.47315f, 0.473129f, 0.473109f, 0.473088f, 0.473068f, 0.473047f, 0.473027f, 0.473007f, 0.472986f, 0.472966f, 0.472945f, 0.472925f, 0.472904f, 0.472884f, 0.472863f,
-0.472843f, 0.472822f, 0.472802f, 0.472781f, 0.472761f, 0.47274f, 0.47272f, 0.472699f, 0.472679f, 0.472659f, 0.472638f, 0.472618f, 0.472597f, 0.472577f, 0.472556f, 0.472536f, 0.472515f, 0.472495f, 0.472475f, 0.472454f,
-0.472434f, 0.472413f, 0.472393f, 0.472372f, 0.472352f, 0.472332f, 0.472311f, 0.472291f, 0.47227f, 0.47225f, 0.472229f, 0.472209f, 0.472189f, 0.472168f, 0.472148f, 0.472127f, 0.472107f, 0.472087f, 0.472066f, 0.472046f,
-0.472025f, 0.472005f, 0.471985f, 0.471964f, 0.471944f, 0.471923f, 0.471903f, 0.471883f, 0.471862f, 0.471842f, 0.471821f, 0.471801f, 0.471781f, 0.47176f, 0.47174f, 0.47172f, 0.471699f, 0.471679f, 0.471658f, 0.471638f,
-0.471618f, 0.471597f, 0.471577f, 0.471557f, 0.471536f, 0.471516f, 0.471496f, 0.471475f, 0.471455f, 0.471435f, 0.471414f, 0.471394f, 0.471373f, 0.471353f, 0.471333f, 0.471312f, 0.471292f, 0.471272f, 0.471251f, 0.471231f,
-0.471211f, 0.47119f, 0.47117f, 0.47115f, 0.47113f, 0.471109f, 0.471089f, 0.471069f, 0.471048f, 0.471028f, 0.471008f, 0.470987f, 0.470967f, 0.470947f, 0.470926f, 0.470906f, 0.470886f, 0.470865f, 0.470845f, 0.470825f,
-0.470805f, 0.470784f, 0.470764f, 0.470744f, 0.470723f, 0.470703f, 0.470683f, 0.470663f, 0.470642f, 0.470622f, 0.470602f, 0.470581f, 0.470561f, 0.470541f, 0.470521f, 0.4705f, 0.47048f, 0.47046f, 0.47044f, 0.470419f,
-0.470399f, 0.470379f, 0.470359f, 0.470338f, 0.470318f, 0.470298f, 0.470278f, 0.470257f, 0.470237f, 0.470217f, 0.470197f, 0.470176f, 0.470156f, 0.470136f, 0.470116f, 0.470095f, 0.470075f, 0.470055f, 0.470035f, 0.470014f,
-0.469994f, 0.469974f, 0.469954f, 0.469934f, 0.469913f, 0.469893f, 0.469873f, 0.469853f, 0.469833f, 0.469812f, 0.469792f, 0.469772f, 0.469752f, 0.469732f, 0.469711f, 0.469691f, 0.469671f, 0.469651f, 0.469631f, 0.46961f,
-0.46959f, 0.46957f, 0.46955f, 0.46953f, 0.469509f, 0.469489f, 0.469469f, 0.469449f, 0.469429f, 0.469409f, 0.469388f, 0.469368f, 0.469348f, 0.469328f, 0.469308f, 0.469288f, 0.469267f, 0.469247f, 0.469227f, 0.469207f,
-0.469187f, 0.469167f, 0.469146f, 0.469126f, 0.469106f, 0.469086f, 0.469066f, 0.469046f, 0.469026f, 0.469005f, 0.468985f, 0.468965f, 0.468945f, 0.468925f, 0.468905f, 0.468885f, 0.468864f, 0.468844f, 0.468824f, 0.468804f,
-0.468784f, 0.468764f, 0.468744f, 0.468724f, 0.468704f, 0.468683f, 0.468663f, 0.468643f, 0.468623f, 0.468603f, 0.468583f, 0.468563f, 0.468543f, 0.468523f, 0.468502f, 0.468482f, 0.468462f, 0.468442f, 0.468422f, 0.468402f,
-0.468382f, 0.468362f, 0.468342f, 0.468322f, 0.468302f, 0.468282f, 0.468261f, 0.468241f, 0.468221f, 0.468201f, 0.468181f, 0.468161f, 0.468141f, 0.468121f, 0.468101f, 0.468081f, 0.468061f, 0.468041f, 0.468021f, 0.468001f,
-0.467981f, 0.467961f, 0.46794f, 0.46792f, 0.4679f, 0.46788f, 0.46786f, 0.46784f, 0.46782f, 0.4678f, 0.46778f, 0.46776f, 0.46774f, 0.46772f, 0.4677f, 0.46768f, 0.46766f, 0.46764f, 0.46762f, 0.4676f,
-0.46758f, 0.46756f, 0.46754f, 0.46752f, 0.4675f, 0.46748f, 0.46746f, 0.46744f, 0.46742f, 0.4674f, 0.46738f, 0.46736f, 0.46734f, 0.46732f, 0.4673f, 0.46728f, 0.46726f, 0.46724f, 0.46722f, 0.4672f,
-0.46718f, 0.46716f, 0.46714f, 0.46712f, 0.4671f, 0.46708f, 0.46706f, 0.46704f, 0.46702f, 0.467f, 0.46698f, 0.46696f, 0.46694f, 0.46692f, 0.4669f, 0.46688f, 0.46686f, 0.46684f, 0.466821f, 0.466801f,
-0.466781f, 0.466761f, 0.466741f, 0.466721f, 0.466701f, 0.466681f, 0.466661f, 0.466641f, 0.466621f, 0.466601f, 0.466581f, 0.466561f, 0.466541f, 0.466521f, 0.466502f, 0.466482f, 0.466462f, 0.466442f, 0.466422f, 0.466402f,
-0.466382f, 0.466362f, 0.466342f, 0.466322f, 0.466302f, 0.466282f, 0.466263f, 0.466243f, 0.466223f, 0.466203f, 0.466183f, 0.466163f, 0.466143f, 0.466123f, 0.466103f, 0.466083f, 0.466064f, 0.466044f, 0.466024f, 0.466004f,
-0.465984f, 0.465964f, 0.465944f, 0.465924f, 0.465905f, 0.465885f, 0.465865f, 0.465845f, 0.465825f, 0.465805f, 0.465785f, 0.465765f, 0.465746f, 0.465726f, 0.465706f, 0.465686f, 0.465666f, 0.465646f, 0.465627f, 0.465607f,
-0.465587f, 0.465567f, 0.465547f, 0.465527f, 0.465507f, 0.465488f, 0.465468f, 0.465448f, 0.465428f, 0.465408f, 0.465388f, 0.465369f, 0.465349f, 0.465329f, 0.465309f, 0.465289f, 0.465269f, 0.46525f, 0.46523f, 0.46521f,
-0.46519f, 0.46517f, 0.465151f, 0.465131f, 0.465111f, 0.465091f, 0.465071f, 0.465052f, 0.465032f, 0.465012f, 0.464992f, 0.464972f, 0.464953f, 0.464933f, 0.464913f, 0.464893f, 0.464873f, 0.464854f, 0.464834f, 0.464814f,
-0.464794f, 0.464775f, 0.464755f, 0.464735f, 0.464715f, 0.464695f, 0.464676f, 0.464656f, 0.464636f, 0.464616f, 0.464597f, 0.464577f, 0.464557f, 0.464537f, 0.464518f, 0.464498f, 0.464478f, 0.464458f, 0.464439f, 0.464419f,
-0.464399f, 0.464379f, 0.46436f, 0.46434f, 0.46432f, 0.4643f, 0.464281f, 0.464261f, 0.464241f, 0.464221f, 0.464202f, 0.464182f, 0.464162f, 0.464143f, 0.464123f, 0.464103f, 0.464083f, 0.464064f, 0.464044f, 0.464024f,
-0.464005f, 0.463985f, 0.463965f, 0.463945f, 0.463926f, 0.463906f, 0.463886f, 0.463867f, 0.463847f, 0.463827f, 0.463808f, 0.463788f, 0.463768f, 0.463748f, 0.463729f, 0.463709f, 0.463689f, 0.46367f, 0.46365f, 0.46363f,
-0.463611f, 0.463591f, 0.463571f, 0.463552f, 0.463532f, 0.463512f, 0.463493f, 0.463473f, 0.463453f, 0.463434f, 0.463414f, 0.463394f, 0.463375f, 0.463355f, 0.463335f, 0.463316f, 0.463296f, 0.463276f, 0.463257f, 0.463237f,
-0.463217f, 0.463198f, 0.463178f, 0.463158f, 0.463139f, 0.463119f, 0.4631f, 0.46308f, 0.46306f, 0.463041f, 0.463021f, 0.463001f, 0.462982f, 0.462962f, 0.462943f, 0.462923f, 0.462903f, 0.462884f, 0.462864f, 0.462844f,
-0.462825f, 0.462805f, 0.462786f, 0.462766f, 0.462746f, 0.462727f, 0.462707f, 0.462688f, 0.462668f, 0.462648f, 0.462629f, 0.462609f, 0.46259f, 0.46257f, 0.46255f, 0.462531f, 0.462511f, 0.462492f, 0.462472f, 0.462453f,
-0.462433f, 0.462413f, 0.462394f, 0.462374f, 0.462355f, 0.462335f, 0.462316f, 0.462296f, 0.462276f, 0.462257f, 0.462237f, 0.462218f, 0.462198f, 0.462179f, 0.462159f, 0.462139f, 0.46212f, 0.4621f, 0.462081f, 0.462061f,
-0.462042f, 0.462022f, 0.462003f, 0.461983f, 0.461964f, 0.461944f, 0.461924f, 0.461905f, 0.461885f, 0.461866f, 0.461846f, 0.461827f, 0.461807f, 0.461788f, 0.461768f, 0.461749f, 0.461729f, 0.46171f, 0.46169f, 0.461671f,
-0.461651f, 0.461632f, 0.461612f, 0.461593f, 0.461573f, 0.461554f, 0.461534f, 0.461515f, 0.461495f, 0.461476f, 0.461456f, 0.461437f, 0.461417f, 0.461398f, 0.461378f, 0.461359f, 0.461339f, 0.46132f, 0.4613f, 0.461281f,
-0.461261f, 0.461242f, 0.461222f, 0.461203f, 0.461183f, 0.461164f, 0.461144f, 0.461125f, 0.461105f, 0.461086f, 0.461067f, 0.461047f, 0.461028f, 0.461008f, 0.460989f, 0.460969f, 0.46095f, 0.46093f, 0.460911f, 0.460891f,
-0.460872f, 0.460853f, 0.460833f, 0.460814f, 0.460794f, 0.460775f, 0.460755f, 0.460736f, 0.460716f, 0.460697f, 0.460678f, 0.460658f, 0.460639f, 0.460619f, 0.4606f, 0.460581f, 0.460561f, 0.460542f, 0.460522f, 0.460503f,
-0.460483f, 0.460464f, 0.460445f, 0.460425f, 0.460406f, 0.460386f, 0.460367f, 0.460348f, 0.460328f, 0.460309f, 0.460289f, 0.46027f, 0.460251f, 0.460231f, 0.460212f, 0.460192f, 0.460173f, 0.460154f, 0.460134f, 0.460115f,
-0.460095f, 0.460076f, 0.460057f, 0.460037f, 0.460018f, 0.459999f, 0.459979f, 0.45996f, 0.45994f, 0.459921f, 0.459902f, 0.459882f, 0.459863f, 0.459844f, 0.459824f, 0.459805f, 0.459786f, 0.459766f, 0.459747f, 0.459728f,
-0.459708f, 0.459689f, 0.45967f, 0.45965f, 0.459631f, 0.459611f, 0.459592f, 0.459573f, 0.459553f, 0.459534f, 0.459515f, 0.459495f, 0.459476f, 0.459457f, 0.459437f, 0.459418f, 0.459399f, 0.45938f, 0.45936f, 0.459341f,
-0.459322f, 0.459302f, 0.459283f, 0.459264f, 0.459244f, 0.459225f, 0.459206f, 0.459186f, 0.459167f, 0.459148f, 0.459128f, 0.459109f, 0.45909f, 0.459071f, 0.459051f, 0.459032f, 0.459013f, 0.458993f, 0.458974f, 0.458955f,
-0.458936f, 0.458916f, 0.458897f, 0.458878f, 0.458858f, 0.458839f, 0.45882f, 0.458801f, 0.458781f, 0.458762f, 0.458743f, 0.458724f, 0.458704f, 0.458685f, 0.458666f, 0.458647f, 0.458627f, 0.458608f, 0.458589f, 0.458569f,
-0.45855f, 0.458531f, 0.458512f, 0.458492f, 0.458473f, 0.458454f, 0.458435f, 0.458416f, 0.458396f, 0.458377f, 0.458358f, 0.458339f, 0.458319f, 0.4583f, 0.458281f, 0.458262f, 0.458242f, 0.458223f, 0.458204f, 0.458185f,
-0.458166f, 0.458146f, 0.458127f, 0.458108f, 0.458089f, 0.458069f, 0.45805f, 0.458031f, 0.458012f, 0.457993f, 0.457973f, 0.457954f, 0.457935f, 0.457916f, 0.457897f, 0.457877f, 0.457858f, 0.457839f, 0.45782f, 0.457801f,
-0.457782f, 0.457762f, 0.457743f, 0.457724f, 0.457705f, 0.457686f, 0.457666f, 0.457647f, 0.457628f, 0.457609f, 0.45759f, 0.457571f, 0.457551f, 0.457532f, 0.457513f, 0.457494f, 0.457475f, 0.457456f, 0.457436f, 0.457417f,
-0.457398f, 0.457379f, 0.45736f, 0.457341f, 0.457321f, 0.457302f, 0.457283f, 0.457264f, 0.457245f, 0.457226f, 0.457207f, 0.457188f, 0.457168f, 0.457149f, 0.45713f, 0.457111f, 0.457092f, 0.457073f, 0.457054f, 0.457034f,
-0.457015f, 0.456996f, 0.456977f, 0.456958f, 0.456939f, 0.45692f, 0.456901f, 0.456882f, 0.456862f, 0.456843f, 0.456824f, 0.456805f, 0.456786f, 0.456767f, 0.456748f, 0.456729f, 0.45671f, 0.45669f, 0.456671f, 0.456652f,
-0.456633f, 0.456614f, 0.456595f, 0.456576f, 0.456557f, 0.456538f, 0.456519f, 0.4565f, 0.456481f, 0.456461f, 0.456442f, 0.456423f, 0.456404f, 0.456385f, 0.456366f, 0.456347f, 0.456328f, 0.456309f, 0.45629f, 0.456271f,
-0.456252f, 0.456233f, 0.456214f, 0.456195f, 0.456176f, 0.456156f, 0.456137f, 0.456118f, 0.456099f, 0.45608f, 0.456061f, 0.456042f, 0.456023f, 0.456004f, 0.455985f, 0.455966f, 0.455947f, 0.455928f, 0.455909f, 0.45589f,
-0.455871f, 0.455852f, 0.455833f, 0.455814f, 0.455795f, 0.455776f, 0.455757f, 0.455738f, 0.455719f, 0.4557f, 0.455681f, 0.455662f, 0.455643f, 0.455624f, 0.455605f, 0.455586f, 0.455567f, 0.455548f, 0.455529f, 0.45551f,
-0.455491f, 0.455472f, 0.455453f, 0.455434f, 0.455415f, 0.455396f, 0.455377f, 0.455358f, 0.455339f, 0.45532f, 0.455301f, 0.455282f, 0.455263f, 0.455244f, 0.455225f, 0.455206f, 0.455187f, 0.455168f, 0.455149f, 0.45513f,
-0.455111f, 0.455092f, 0.455073f, 0.455054f, 0.455035f, 0.455016f, 0.454997f, 0.454978f, 0.454959f, 0.454941f, 0.454922f, 0.454903f, 0.454884f, 0.454865f, 0.454846f, 0.454827f, 0.454808f, 0.454789f, 0.45477f, 0.454751f,
-0.454732f, 0.454713f, 0.454694f, 0.454675f, 0.454656f, 0.454638f, 0.454619f, 0.4546f, 0.454581f, 0.454562f, 0.454543f, 0.454524f, 0.454505f, 0.454486f, 0.454467f, 0.454448f, 0.454429f, 0.454411f, 0.454392f, 0.454373f,
-0.454354f, 0.454335f, 0.454316f, 0.454297f, 0.454278f, 0.454259f, 0.45424f, 0.454222f, 0.454203f, 0.454184f, 0.454165f, 0.454146f, 0.454127f, 0.454108f, 0.454089f, 0.454071f, 0.454052f, 0.454033f, 0.454014f, 0.453995f,
-0.453976f, 0.453957f, 0.453938f, 0.45392f, 0.453901f, 0.453882f, 0.453863f, 0.453844f, 0.453825f, 0.453806f, 0.453788f, 0.453769f, 0.45375f, 0.453731f, 0.453712f, 0.453693f, 0.453674f, 0.453656f, 0.453637f, 0.453618f,
-0.453599f, 0.45358f, 0.453561f, 0.453543f, 0.453524f, 0.453505f, 0.453486f, 0.453467f, 0.453448f, 0.45343f, 0.453411f, 0.453392f, 0.453373f, 0.453354f, 0.453336f, 0.453317f, 0.453298f, 0.453279f, 0.45326f, 0.453241f,
-0.453223f, 0.453204f, 0.453185f, 0.453166f, 0.453147f, 0.453129f, 0.45311f, 0.453091f, 0.453072f, 0.453053f, 0.453035f, 0.453016f, 0.452997f, 0.452978f, 0.45296f, 0.452941f, 0.452922f, 0.452903f, 0.452884f, 0.452866f,
-0.452847f, 0.452828f, 0.452809f, 0.452791f, 0.452772f, 0.452753f, 0.452734f, 0.452715f, 0.452697f, 0.452678f, 0.452659f, 0.45264f, 0.452622f, 0.452603f, 0.452584f, 0.452565f, 0.452547f, 0.452528f, 0.452509f, 0.45249f,
-0.452472f, 0.452453f, 0.452434f, 0.452415f, 0.452397f, 0.452378f, 0.452359f, 0.452341f, 0.452322f, 0.452303f, 0.452284f, 0.452266f, 0.452247f, 0.452228f, 0.452209f, 0.452191f, 0.452172f, 0.452153f, 0.452135f, 0.452116f,
-0.452097f, 0.452078f, 0.45206f, 0.452041f, 0.452022f, 0.452004f, 0.451985f, 0.451966f, 0.451947f, 0.451929f, 0.45191f, 0.451891f, 0.451873f, 0.451854f, 0.451835f, 0.451817f, 0.451798f, 0.451779f, 0.451761f, 0.451742f,
-0.451723f, 0.451705f, 0.451686f, 0.451667f, 0.451648f, 0.45163f, 0.451611f, 0.451592f, 0.451574f, 0.451555f, 0.451536f, 0.451518f, 0.451499f, 0.45148f, 0.451462f, 0.451443f, 0.451424f, 0.451406f, 0.451387f, 0.451369f,
-0.45135f, 0.451331f, 0.451313f, 0.451294f, 0.451275f, 0.451257f, 0.451238f, 0.451219f, 0.451201f, 0.451182f, 0.451163f, 0.451145f, 0.451126f, 0.451108f, 0.451089f, 0.45107f, 0.451052f, 0.451033f, 0.451014f, 0.450996f,
-0.450977f, 0.450959f, 0.45094f, 0.450921f, 0.450903f, 0.450884f, 0.450865f, 0.450847f, 0.450828f, 0.45081f, 0.450791f, 0.450772f, 0.450754f, 0.450735f, 0.450717f, 0.450698f, 0.450679f, 0.450661f, 0.450642f, 0.450624f,
-0.450605f, 0.450586f, 0.450568f, 0.450549f, 0.450531f, 0.450512f, 0.450494f, 0.450475f, 0.450456f, 0.450438f, 0.450419f, 0.450401f, 0.450382f, 0.450364f, 0.450345f, 0.450326f, 0.450308f, 0.450289f, 0.450271f, 0.450252f,
-0.450234f, 0.450215f, 0.450196f, 0.450178f, 0.450159f, 0.450141f, 0.450122f, 0.450104f, 0.450085f, 0.450067f, 0.450048f, 0.45003f, 0.450011f, 0.449992f, 0.449974f, 0.449955f, 0.449937f, 0.449918f, 0.4499f, 0.449881f,
-0.449863f, 0.449844f, 0.449826f, 0.449807f, 0.449789f, 0.44977f, 0.449752f, 0.449733f, 0.449715f, 0.449696f, 0.449678f, 0.449659f, 0.44964f, 0.449622f, 0.449603f, 0.449585f, 0.449566f, 0.449548f, 0.449529f, 0.449511f,
-0.449492f, 0.449474f, 0.449455f, 0.449437f, 0.449418f, 0.4494f, 0.449381f, 0.449363f, 0.449345f, 0.449326f, 0.449308f, 0.449289f, 0.449271f, 0.449252f, 0.449234f, 0.449215f, 0.449197f, 0.449178f, 0.44916f, 0.449141f,
-0.449123f, 0.449104f, 0.449086f, 0.449067f, 0.449049f, 0.44903f, 0.449012f, 0.448994f, 0.448975f, 0.448957f, 0.448938f, 0.44892f, 0.448901f, 0.448883f, 0.448864f, 0.448846f, 0.448828f, 0.448809f, 0.448791f, 0.448772f,
-0.448754f, 0.448735f, 0.448717f, 0.448698f, 0.44868f, 0.448662f, 0.448643f, 0.448625f, 0.448606f, 0.448588f, 0.448569f, 0.448551f, 0.448533f, 0.448514f, 0.448496f, 0.448477f, 0.448459f, 0.448441f, 0.448422f, 0.448404f,
-0.448385f, 0.448367f, 0.448349f, 0.44833f, 0.448312f, 0.448293f, 0.448275f, 0.448257f, 0.448238f, 0.44822f, 0.448201f, 0.448183f, 0.448165f, 0.448146f, 0.448128f, 0.448109f, 0.448091f, 0.448073f, 0.448054f, 0.448036f,
-0.448018f, 0.447999f, 0.447981f, 0.447962f, 0.447944f, 0.447926f, 0.447907f, 0.447889f, 0.447871f, 0.447852f, 0.447834f, 0.447815f, 0.447797f, 0.447779f, 0.44776f, 0.447742f, 0.447724f, 0.447705f, 0.447687f, 0.447669f,
-0.44765f, 0.447632f, 0.447614f, 0.447595f, 0.447577f, 0.447559f, 0.44754f, 0.447522f, 0.447504f, 0.447485f, 0.447467f, 0.447449f, 0.44743f, 0.447412f, 0.447394f, 0.447375f, 0.447357f, 0.447339f, 0.44732f, 0.447302f,
-0.447284f, 0.447265f, 0.447247f, 0.447229f, 0.44721f, 0.447192f, 0.447174f, 0.447155f, 0.447137f, 0.447119f, 0.447101f, 0.447082f, 0.447064f, 0.447046f, 0.447027f, 0.447009f, 0.446991f, 0.446972f, 0.446954f, 0.446936f,
-0.446918f, 0.446899f, 0.446881f, 0.446863f, 0.446844f, 0.446826f, 0.446808f, 0.44679f, 0.446771f, 0.446753f, 0.446735f, 0.446717f, 0.446698f, 0.44668f, 0.446662f, 0.446643f, 0.446625f, 0.446607f, 0.446589f, 0.44657f,
-0.446552f, 0.446534f, 0.446516f, 0.446497f, 0.446479f, 0.446461f, 0.446443f, 0.446424f, 0.446406f, 0.446388f, 0.44637f, 0.446351f, 0.446333f, 0.446315f, 0.446297f, 0.446279f, 0.44626f, 0.446242f, 0.446224f, 0.446206f,
-0.446187f, 0.446169f, 0.446151f, 0.446133f, 0.446114f, 0.446096f, 0.446078f, 0.44606f, 0.446042f, 0.446023f, 0.446005f, 0.445987f, 0.445969f, 0.445951f, 0.445932f, 0.445914f, 0.445896f, 0.445878f, 0.44586f, 0.445841f,
-0.445823f, 0.445805f, 0.445787f, 0.445769f, 0.44575f, 0.445732f, 0.445714f, 0.445696f, 0.445678f, 0.445659f, 0.445641f, 0.445623f, 0.445605f, 0.445587f, 0.445569f, 0.44555f, 0.445532f, 0.445514f, 0.445496f, 0.445478f,
-0.445459f, 0.445441f, 0.445423f, 0.445405f, 0.445387f, 0.445369f, 0.445351f, 0.445332f, 0.445314f, 0.445296f, 0.445278f, 0.44526f, 0.445242f, 0.445223f, 0.445205f, 0.445187f, 0.445169f, 0.445151f, 0.445133f, 0.445115f,
-0.445096f, 0.445078f, 0.44506f, 0.445042f, 0.445024f, 0.445006f, 0.444988f, 0.44497f, 0.444951f, 0.444933f, 0.444915f, 0.444897f, 0.444879f, 0.444861f, 0.444843f, 0.444825f, 0.444806f, 0.444788f, 0.44477f, 0.444752f,
-0.444734f, 0.444716f, 0.444698f, 0.44468f, 0.444662f, 0.444643f, 0.444625f, 0.444607f, 0.444589f, 0.444571f, 0.444553f, 0.444535f, 0.444517f, 0.444499f, 0.444481f, 0.444463f, 0.444444f, 0.444426f, 0.444408f, 0.44439f,
-0.444372f, 0.444354f, 0.444336f, 0.444318f, 0.4443f, 0.444282f, 0.444264f, 0.444246f, 0.444228f, 0.444209f, 0.444191f, 0.444173f, 0.444155f, 0.444137f, 0.444119f, 0.444101f, 0.444083f, 0.444065f, 0.444047f, 0.444029f,
-0.444011f, 0.443993f, 0.443975f, 0.443957f, 0.443939f, 0.443921f, 0.443903f, 0.443885f, 0.443866f, 0.443848f, 0.44383f, 0.443812f, 0.443794f, 0.443776f, 0.443758f, 0.44374f, 0.443722f, 0.443704f, 0.443686f, 0.443668f,
-0.44365f, 0.443632f, 0.443614f, 0.443596f, 0.443578f, 0.44356f, 0.443542f, 0.443524f, 0.443506f, 0.443488f, 0.44347f, 0.443452f, 0.443434f, 0.443416f, 0.443398f, 0.44338f, 0.443362f, 0.443344f, 0.443326f, 0.443308f,
-0.44329f, 0.443272f, 0.443254f, 0.443236f, 0.443218f, 0.4432f, 0.443182f, 0.443164f, 0.443146f, 0.443128f, 0.44311f, 0.443092f, 0.443074f, 0.443056f, 0.443038f, 0.44302f, 0.443002f, 0.442984f, 0.442966f, 0.442948f,
-0.442931f, 0.442913f, 0.442895f, 0.442877f, 0.442859f, 0.442841f, 0.442823f, 0.442805f, 0.442787f, 0.442769f, 0.442751f, 0.442733f, 0.442715f, 0.442697f, 0.442679f, 0.442661f, 0.442643f, 0.442625f, 0.442607f, 0.44259f,
-0.442572f, 0.442554f, 0.442536f, 0.442518f, 0.4425f, 0.442482f, 0.442464f, 0.442446f, 0.442428f, 0.44241f, 0.442392f, 0.442374f, 0.442356f, 0.442339f, 0.442321f, 0.442303f, 0.442285f, 0.442267f, 0.442249f, 0.442231f,
-0.442213f, 0.442195f, 0.442177f, 0.44216f, 0.442142f, 0.442124f, 0.442106f, 0.442088f, 0.44207f, 0.442052f, 0.442034f, 0.442016f, 0.441998f, 0.441981f, 0.441963f, 0.441945f, 0.441927f, 0.441909f, 0.441891f, 0.441873f,
-0.441855f, 0.441838f, 0.44182f, 0.441802f, 0.441784f, 0.441766f, 0.441748f, 0.44173f, 0.441712f, 0.441695f, 0.441677f, 0.441659f, 0.441641f, 0.441623f, 0.441605f, 0.441587f, 0.44157f, 0.441552f, 0.441534f, 0.441516f,
-0.441498f, 0.44148f, 0.441463f, 0.441445f, 0.441427f, 0.441409f, 0.441391f, 0.441373f, 0.441356f, 0.441338f, 0.44132f, 0.441302f, 0.441284f, 0.441266f, 0.441249f, 0.441231f, 0.441213f, 0.441195f, 0.441177f, 0.441159f,
-0.441142f, 0.441124f, 0.441106f, 0.441088f, 0.44107f, 0.441053f, 0.441035f, 0.441017f, 0.440999f, 0.440981f, 0.440964f, 0.440946f, 0.440928f, 0.44091f, 0.440892f, 0.440875f, 0.440857f, 0.440839f, 0.440821f, 0.440803f,
-0.440786f, 0.440768f, 0.44075f, 0.440732f, 0.440714f, 0.440697f, 0.440679f, 0.440661f, 0.440643f, 0.440626f, 0.440608f, 0.44059f, 0.440572f, 0.440554f, 0.440537f, 0.440519f, 0.440501f, 0.440483f, 0.440466f, 0.440448f,
-0.44043f, 0.440412f, 0.440395f, 0.440377f, 0.440359f, 0.440341f, 0.440324f, 0.440306f, 0.440288f, 0.44027f, 0.440253f, 0.440235f, 0.440217f, 0.440199f, 0.440182f, 0.440164f, 0.440146f, 0.440128f, 0.440111f, 0.440093f,
-0.440075f, 0.440057f, 0.44004f, 0.440022f, 0.440004f, 0.439987f, 0.439969f, 0.439951f, 0.439933f, 0.439916f, 0.439898f, 0.43988f, 0.439863f, 0.439845f, 0.439827f, 0.439809f, 0.439792f, 0.439774f, 0.439756f, 0.439739f,
-0.439721f, 0.439703f, 0.439685f, 0.439668f, 0.43965f, 0.439632f, 0.439615f, 0.439597f, 0.439579f, 0.439562f, 0.439544f, 0.439526f, 0.439509f, 0.439491f, 0.439473f, 0.439456f, 0.439438f, 0.43942f, 0.439402f, 0.439385f,
-0.439367f, 0.439349f, 0.439332f, 0.439314f, 0.439296f, 0.439279f, 0.439261f, 0.439243f, 0.439226f, 0.439208f, 0.43919f, 0.439173f, 0.439155f, 0.439137f, 0.43912f, 0.439102f, 0.439085f, 0.439067f, 0.439049f, 0.439032f,
-0.439014f, 0.438996f, 0.438979f, 0.438961f, 0.438943f, 0.438926f, 0.438908f, 0.43889f, 0.438873f, 0.438855f, 0.438838f, 0.43882f, 0.438802f, 0.438785f, 0.438767f, 0.438749f, 0.438732f, 0.438714f, 0.438697f, 0.438679f,
-0.438661f, 0.438644f, 0.438626f, 0.438608f, 0.438591f, 0.438573f, 0.438556f, 0.438538f, 0.43852f, 0.438503f, 0.438485f, 0.438468f, 0.43845f, 0.438432f, 0.438415f, 0.438397f, 0.43838f, 0.438362f, 0.438344f, 0.438327f,
-0.438309f, 0.438292f, 0.438274f, 0.438256f, 0.438239f, 0.438221f, 0.438204f, 0.438186f, 0.438169f, 0.438151f, 0.438133f, 0.438116f, 0.438098f, 0.438081f, 0.438063f, 0.438046f, 0.438028f, 0.43801f, 0.437993f, 0.437975f,
-0.437958f, 0.43794f, 0.437923f, 0.437905f, 0.437888f, 0.43787f, 0.437852f, 0.437835f, 0.437817f, 0.4378f, 0.437782f, 0.437765f, 0.437747f, 0.43773f, 0.437712f, 0.437695f, 0.437677f, 0.437659f, 0.437642f, 0.437624f,
-0.437607f, 0.437589f, 0.437572f, 0.437554f, 0.437537f, 0.437519f, 0.437502f, 0.437484f, 0.437467f, 0.437449f, 0.437432f, 0.437414f, 0.437397f, 0.437379f, 0.437362f, 0.437344f, 0.437327f, 0.437309f, 0.437291f, 0.437274f,
-0.437256f, 0.437239f, 0.437221f, 0.437204f, 0.437186f, 0.437169f, 0.437151f, 0.437134f, 0.437116f, 0.437099f, 0.437081f, 0.437064f, 0.437047f, 0.437029f, 0.437012f, 0.436994f, 0.436977f, 0.436959f, 0.436942f, 0.436924f,
-0.436907f, 0.436889f, 0.436872f, 0.436854f, 0.436837f, 0.436819f, 0.436802f, 0.436784f, 0.436767f, 0.436749f, 0.436732f, 0.436715f, 0.436697f, 0.43668f, 0.436662f, 0.436645f, 0.436627f, 0.43661f, 0.436592f, 0.436575f,
-0.436557f, 0.43654f, 0.436523f, 0.436505f, 0.436488f, 0.43647f, 0.436453f, 0.436435f, 0.436418f, 0.4364f, 0.436383f, 0.436366f, 0.436348f, 0.436331f, 0.436313f, 0.436296f, 0.436278f, 0.436261f, 0.436244f, 0.436226f,
-0.436209f, 0.436191f, 0.436174f, 0.436156f, 0.436139f, 0.436122f, 0.436104f, 0.436087f, 0.436069f, 0.436052f, 0.436035f, 0.436017f, 0.436f, 0.435982f, 0.435965f, 0.435948f, 0.43593f, 0.435913f, 0.435895f, 0.435878f,
-0.435861f, 0.435843f, 0.435826f, 0.435808f, 0.435791f, 0.435774f, 0.435756f, 0.435739f, 0.435722f, 0.435704f, 0.435687f, 0.435669f, 0.435652f, 0.435635f, 0.435617f, 0.4356f, 0.435582f, 0.435565f, 0.435548f, 0.43553f,
-0.435513f, 0.435496f, 0.435478f, 0.435461f, 0.435444f, 0.435426f, 0.435409f, 0.435392f, 0.435374f, 0.435357f, 0.435339f, 0.435322f, 0.435305f, 0.435287f, 0.43527f, 0.435253f, 0.435235f, 0.435218f, 0.435201f, 0.435183f,
-0.435166f, 0.435149f, 0.435131f, 0.435114f, 0.435097f, 0.435079f, 0.435062f, 0.435045f, 0.435027f, 0.43501f, 0.434993f, 0.434975f, 0.434958f, 0.434941f, 0.434923f, 0.434906f, 0.434889f, 0.434871f, 0.434854f, 0.434837f,
-0.43482f, 0.434802f, 0.434785f, 0.434768f, 0.43475f, 0.434733f, 0.434716f, 0.434698f, 0.434681f, 0.434664f, 0.434647f, 0.434629f, 0.434612f, 0.434595f, 0.434577f, 0.43456f, 0.434543f, 0.434525f, 0.434508f, 0.434491f,
-0.434474f, 0.434456f, 0.434439f, 0.434422f, 0.434404f, 0.434387f, 0.43437f, 0.434353f, 0.434335f, 0.434318f, 0.434301f, 0.434284f, 0.434266f, 0.434249f, 0.434232f, 0.434215f, 0.434197f, 0.43418f, 0.434163f, 0.434146f,
-0.434128f, 0.434111f, 0.434094f, 0.434076f, 0.434059f, 0.434042f, 0.434025f, 0.434007f, 0.43399f, 0.433973f, 0.433956f, 0.433939f, 0.433921f, 0.433904f, 0.433887f, 0.43387f, 0.433852f, 0.433835f, 0.433818f, 0.433801f,
-0.433783f, 0.433766f, 0.433749f, 0.433732f, 0.433715f, 0.433697f, 0.43368f, 0.433663f, 0.433646f, 0.433628f, 0.433611f, 0.433594f, 0.433577f, 0.43356f, 0.433542f, 0.433525f, 0.433508f, 0.433491f, 0.433474f, 0.433456f,
-0.433439f, 0.433422f, 0.433405f, 0.433388f, 0.43337f, 0.433353f, 0.433336f, 0.433319f, 0.433302f, 0.433284f, 0.433267f, 0.43325f, 0.433233f, 0.433216f, 0.433198f, 0.433181f, 0.433164f, 0.433147f, 0.43313f, 0.433113f,
-0.433095f, 0.433078f, 0.433061f, 0.433044f, 0.433027f, 0.43301f, 0.432992f, 0.432975f, 0.432958f, 0.432941f, 0.432924f, 0.432907f, 0.432889f, 0.432872f, 0.432855f, 0.432838f, 0.432821f, 0.432804f, 0.432787f, 0.432769f,
-0.432752f, 0.432735f, 0.432718f, 0.432701f, 0.432684f, 0.432667f, 0.432649f, 0.432632f, 0.432615f, 0.432598f, 0.432581f, 0.432564f, 0.432547f, 0.432529f, 0.432512f, 0.432495f, 0.432478f, 0.432461f, 0.432444f, 0.432427f,
-0.43241f, 0.432392f, 0.432375f, 0.432358f, 0.432341f, 0.432324f, 0.432307f, 0.43229f, 0.432273f, 0.432256f, 0.432238f, 0.432221f, 0.432204f, 0.432187f, 0.43217f, 0.432153f, 0.432136f, 0.432119f, 0.432102f, 0.432085f,
-0.432068f, 0.43205f, 0.432033f, 0.432016f, 0.431999f, 0.431982f, 0.431965f, 0.431948f, 0.431931f, 0.431914f, 0.431897f, 0.43188f, 0.431863f, 0.431845f, 0.431828f, 0.431811f, 0.431794f, 0.431777f, 0.43176f, 0.431743f,
-0.431726f, 0.431709f, 0.431692f, 0.431675f, 0.431658f, 0.431641f, 0.431624f, 0.431607f, 0.431589f, 0.431572f, 0.431555f, 0.431538f, 0.431521f, 0.431504f, 0.431487f, 0.43147f, 0.431453f, 0.431436f, 0.431419f, 0.431402f,
-0.431385f, 0.431368f, 0.431351f, 0.431334f, 0.431317f, 0.4313f, 0.431283f, 0.431266f, 0.431249f, 0.431232f, 0.431215f, 0.431198f, 0.431181f, 0.431164f, 0.431147f, 0.43113f, 0.431113f, 0.431095f, 0.431078f, 0.431061f,
-0.431044f, 0.431027f, 0.43101f, 0.430993f, 0.430976f, 0.430959f, 0.430942f, 0.430925f, 0.430908f, 0.430891f, 0.430874f, 0.430857f, 0.43084f, 0.430823f, 0.430806f, 0.430789f, 0.430772f, 0.430755f, 0.430738f, 0.430722f,
-0.430705f, 0.430688f, 0.430671f, 0.430654f, 0.430637f, 0.43062f, 0.430603f, 0.430586f, 0.430569f, 0.430552f, 0.430535f, 0.430518f, 0.430501f, 0.430484f, 0.430467f, 0.43045f, 0.430433f, 0.430416f, 0.430399f, 0.430382f,
-0.430365f, 0.430348f, 0.430331f, 0.430314f, 0.430297f, 0.43028f, 0.430263f, 0.430246f, 0.43023f, 0.430213f, 0.430196f, 0.430179f, 0.430162f, 0.430145f, 0.430128f, 0.430111f, 0.430094f, 0.430077f, 0.43006f, 0.430043f,
-0.430026f, 0.430009f, 0.429992f, 0.429975f, 0.429959f, 0.429942f, 0.429925f, 0.429908f, 0.429891f, 0.429874f, 0.429857f, 0.42984f, 0.429823f, 0.429806f, 0.429789f, 0.429772f, 0.429756f, 0.429739f, 0.429722f, 0.429705f,
-0.429688f, 0.429671f, 0.429654f, 0.429637f, 0.42962f, 0.429603f, 0.429587f, 0.42957f, 0.429553f, 0.429536f, 0.429519f, 0.429502f, 0.429485f, 0.429468f, 0.429451f, 0.429435f, 0.429418f, 0.429401f, 0.429384f, 0.429367f,
-0.42935f, 0.429333f, 0.429316f, 0.429299f, 0.429283f, 0.429266f, 0.429249f, 0.429232f, 0.429215f, 0.429198f, 0.429181f, 0.429165f, 0.429148f, 0.429131f, 0.429114f, 0.429097f, 0.42908f, 0.429063f, 0.429047f, 0.42903f,
-0.429013f, 0.428996f, 0.428979f, 0.428962f, 0.428945f, 0.428929f, 0.428912f, 0.428895f, 0.428878f, 0.428861f, 0.428844f, 0.428828f, 0.428811f, 0.428794f, 0.428777f, 0.42876f, 0.428743f, 0.428727f, 0.42871f, 0.428693f,
-0.428676f, 0.428659f, 0.428642f, 0.428626f, 0.428609f, 0.428592f, 0.428575f, 0.428558f, 0.428542f, 0.428525f, 0.428508f, 0.428491f, 0.428474f, 0.428457f, 0.428441f, 0.428424f, 0.428407f, 0.42839f, 0.428373f, 0.428357f,
-0.42834f, 0.428323f, 0.428306f, 0.428289f, 0.428273f, 0.428256f, 0.428239f, 0.428222f, 0.428206f, 0.428189f, 0.428172f, 0.428155f, 0.428138f, 0.428122f, 0.428105f, 0.428088f, 0.428071f, 0.428054f, 0.428038f, 0.428021f,
-0.428004f, 0.427987f, 0.427971f, 0.427954f, 0.427937f, 0.42792f, 0.427904f, 0.427887f, 0.42787f, 0.427853f, 0.427837f, 0.42782f, 0.427803f, 0.427786f, 0.42777f, 0.427753f, 0.427736f, 0.427719f, 0.427703f, 0.427686f,
-0.427669f, 0.427652f, 0.427636f, 0.427619f, 0.427602f, 0.427585f, 0.427569f, 0.427552f, 0.427535f, 0.427518f, 0.427502f, 0.427485f, 0.427468f, 0.427451f, 0.427435f, 0.427418f, 0.427401f, 0.427385f, 0.427368f, 0.427351f,
-0.427334f, 0.427318f, 0.427301f, 0.427284f, 0.427268f, 0.427251f, 0.427234f, 0.427217f, 0.427201f, 0.427184f, 0.427167f, 0.427151f, 0.427134f, 0.427117f, 0.4271f, 0.427084f, 0.427067f, 0.42705f, 0.427034f, 0.427017f,
-0.427f, 0.426984f, 0.426967f, 0.42695f, 0.426934f, 0.426917f, 0.4269f, 0.426883f, 0.426867f, 0.42685f, 0.426833f, 0.426817f, 0.4268f, 0.426783f, 0.426767f, 0.42675f, 0.426733f, 0.426717f, 0.4267f, 0.426683f,
-0.426667f, 0.42665f, 0.426633f, 0.426617f, 0.4266f, 0.426583f, 0.426567f, 0.42655f, 0.426533f, 0.426517f, 0.4265f, 0.426483f, 0.426467f, 0.42645f, 0.426433f, 0.426417f, 0.4264f, 0.426384f, 0.426367f, 0.42635f,
-0.426334f, 0.426317f, 0.4263f, 0.426284f, 0.426267f, 0.42625f, 0.426234f, 0.426217f, 0.426201f, 0.426184f, 0.426167f, 0.426151f, 0.426134f, 0.426117f, 0.426101f, 0.426084f, 0.426068f, 0.426051f, 0.426034f, 0.426018f,
-0.426001f, 0.425984f, 0.425968f, 0.425951f, 0.425935f, 0.425918f, 0.425901f, 0.425885f, 0.425868f, 0.425852f, 0.425835f, 0.425818f, 0.425802f, 0.425785f, 0.425769f, 0.425752f, 0.425735f, 0.425719f, 0.425702f, 0.425686f,
-0.425669f, 0.425652f, 0.425636f, 0.425619f, 0.425603f, 0.425586f, 0.425569f, 0.425553f, 0.425536f, 0.42552f, 0.425503f, 0.425487f, 0.42547f, 0.425453f, 0.425437f, 0.42542f, 0.425404f, 0.425387f, 0.425371f, 0.425354f,
-0.425337f, 0.425321f, 0.425304f, 0.425288f, 0.425271f, 0.425255f, 0.425238f, 0.425222f, 0.425205f, 0.425188f, 0.425172f, 0.425155f, 0.425139f, 0.425122f, 0.425106f, 0.425089f, 0.425073f, 0.425056f, 0.42504f, 0.425023f,
-0.425006f, 0.42499f, 0.424973f, 0.424957f, 0.42494f, 0.424924f, 0.424907f, 0.424891f, 0.424874f, 0.424858f, 0.424841f, 0.424825f, 0.424808f, 0.424792f, 0.424775f, 0.424759f, 0.424742f, 0.424726f, 0.424709f, 0.424693f,
-0.424676f, 0.424659f, 0.424643f, 0.424626f, 0.42461f, 0.424593f, 0.424577f, 0.42456f, 0.424544f, 0.424527f, 0.424511f, 0.424494f, 0.424478f, 0.424461f, 0.424445f, 0.424428f, 0.424412f, 0.424395f, 0.424379f, 0.424363f,
-0.424346f, 0.42433f, 0.424313f, 0.424297f, 0.42428f, 0.424264f, 0.424247f, 0.424231f, 0.424214f, 0.424198f, 0.424181f, 0.424165f, 0.424148f, 0.424132f, 0.424115f, 0.424099f, 0.424082f, 0.424066f, 0.424049f, 0.424033f,
-0.424017f, 0.424f, 0.423984f, 0.423967f, 0.423951f, 0.423934f, 0.423918f, 0.423901f, 0.423885f, 0.423868f, 0.423852f, 0.423836f, 0.423819f, 0.423803f, 0.423786f, 0.42377f, 0.423753f, 0.423737f, 0.42372f, 0.423704f,
-0.423688f, 0.423671f, 0.423655f, 0.423638f, 0.423622f, 0.423605f, 0.423589f, 0.423573f, 0.423556f, 0.42354f, 0.423523f, 0.423507f, 0.42349f, 0.423474f, 0.423458f, 0.423441f, 0.423425f, 0.423408f, 0.423392f, 0.423376f,
-0.423359f, 0.423343f, 0.423326f, 0.42331f, 0.423294f, 0.423277f, 0.423261f, 0.423244f, 0.423228f, 0.423212f, 0.423195f, 0.423179f, 0.423162f, 0.423146f, 0.42313f, 0.423113f, 0.423097f, 0.42308f, 0.423064f, 0.423048f,
-0.423031f, 0.423015f, 0.422998f, 0.422982f, 0.422966f, 0.422949f, 0.422933f, 0.422917f, 0.4229f, 0.422884f, 0.422867f, 0.422851f, 0.422835f, 0.422818f, 0.422802f, 0.422786f, 0.422769f, 0.422753f, 0.422737f, 0.42272f,
-0.422704f, 0.422687f, 0.422671f, 0.422655f, 0.422638f, 0.422622f, 0.422606f, 0.422589f, 0.422573f, 0.422557f, 0.42254f, 0.422524f, 0.422508f, 0.422491f, 0.422475f, 0.422459f, 0.422442f, 0.422426f, 0.42241f, 0.422393f,
-0.422377f, 0.422361f, 0.422344f, 0.422328f, 0.422312f, 0.422295f, 0.422279f, 0.422263f, 0.422246f, 0.42223f, 0.422214f, 0.422197f, 0.422181f, 0.422165f, 0.422148f, 0.422132f, 0.422116f, 0.422099f, 0.422083f, 0.422067f,
-0.42205f, 0.422034f, 0.422018f, 0.422002f, 0.421985f, 0.421969f, 0.421953f, 0.421936f, 0.42192f, 0.421904f, 0.421887f, 0.421871f, 0.421855f, 0.421839f, 0.421822f, 0.421806f, 0.42179f, 0.421773f, 0.421757f, 0.421741f,
-0.421725f, 0.421708f, 0.421692f, 0.421676f, 0.421659f, 0.421643f, 0.421627f, 0.421611f, 0.421594f, 0.421578f, 0.421562f, 0.421546f, 0.421529f, 0.421513f, 0.421497f, 0.42148f, 0.421464f, 0.421448f, 0.421432f, 0.421415f,
-0.421399f, 0.421383f, 0.421367f, 0.42135f, 0.421334f, 0.421318f, 0.421302f, 0.421285f, 0.421269f, 0.421253f, 0.421237f, 0.42122f, 0.421204f, 0.421188f, 0.421172f, 0.421155f, 0.421139f, 0.421123f, 0.421107f, 0.421091f,
-0.421074f, 0.421058f, 0.421042f, 0.421026f, 0.421009f, 0.420993f, 0.420977f, 0.420961f, 0.420944f, 0.420928f, 0.420912f, 0.420896f, 0.42088f, 0.420863f, 0.420847f, 0.420831f, 0.420815f, 0.420799f, 0.420782f, 0.420766f,
-0.42075f, 0.420734f, 0.420717f, 0.420701f, 0.420685f, 0.420669f, 0.420653f, 0.420636f, 0.42062f, 0.420604f, 0.420588f, 0.420572f, 0.420555f, 0.420539f, 0.420523f, 0.420507f, 0.420491f, 0.420475f, 0.420458f, 0.420442f,
-0.420426f, 0.42041f, 0.420394f, 0.420377f, 0.420361f, 0.420345f, 0.420329f, 0.420313f, 0.420297f, 0.42028f, 0.420264f, 0.420248f, 0.420232f, 0.420216f, 0.4202f, 0.420183f, 0.420167f, 0.420151f, 0.420135f, 0.420119f,
-0.420103f, 0.420086f, 0.42007f, 0.420054f, 0.420038f, 0.420022f, 0.420006f, 0.419989f, 0.419973f, 0.419957f, 0.419941f, 0.419925f, 0.419909f, 0.419893f, 0.419876f, 0.41986f, 0.419844f, 0.419828f, 0.419812f, 0.419796f,
-0.41978f, 0.419764f, 0.419747f, 0.419731f, 0.419715f, 0.419699f, 0.419683f, 0.419667f, 0.419651f, 0.419635f, 0.419618f, 0.419602f, 0.419586f, 0.41957f, 0.419554f, 0.419538f, 0.419522f, 0.419506f, 0.419489f, 0.419473f,
-0.419457f, 0.419441f, 0.419425f, 0.419409f, 0.419393f, 0.419377f, 0.419361f, 0.419345f, 0.419328f, 0.419312f, 0.419296f, 0.41928f, 0.419264f, 0.419248f, 0.419232f, 0.419216f, 0.4192f, 0.419184f, 0.419167f, 0.419151f,
-0.419135f, 0.419119f, 0.419103f, 0.419087f, 0.419071f, 0.419055f, 0.419039f, 0.419023f, 0.419007f, 0.418991f, 0.418975f, 0.418958f, 0.418942f, 0.418926f, 0.41891f, 0.418894f, 0.418878f, 0.418862f, 0.418846f, 0.41883f,
-0.418814f, 0.418798f, 0.418782f, 0.418766f, 0.41875f, 0.418734f, 0.418718f, 0.418702f, 0.418685f, 0.418669f, 0.418653f, 0.418637f, 0.418621f, 0.418605f, 0.418589f, 0.418573f, 0.418557f, 0.418541f, 0.418525f, 0.418509f,
-0.418493f, 0.418477f, 0.418461f, 0.418445f, 0.418429f, 0.418413f, 0.418397f, 0.418381f, 0.418365f, 0.418349f, 0.418333f, 0.418317f, 0.418301f, 0.418285f, 0.418269f, 0.418253f, 0.418237f, 0.418221f, 0.418205f, 0.418189f,
-0.418173f, 0.418157f, 0.418141f, 0.418125f, 0.418109f, 0.418093f, 0.418077f, 0.41806f, 0.418044f, 0.418028f, 0.418013f, 0.417997f, 0.417981f, 0.417965f, 0.417949f, 0.417933f, 0.417917f, 0.417901f, 0.417885f, 0.417869f,
-0.417853f, 0.417837f, 0.417821f, 0.417805f, 0.417789f, 0.417773f, 0.417757f, 0.417741f, 0.417725f, 0.417709f, 0.417693f, 0.417677f, 0.417661f, 0.417645f, 0.417629f, 0.417613f, 0.417597f, 0.417581f, 0.417565f, 0.417549f,
-0.417533f, 0.417517f, 0.417501f, 0.417485f, 0.417469f, 0.417453f, 0.417437f, 0.417421f, 0.417405f, 0.41739f, 0.417374f, 0.417358f, 0.417342f, 0.417326f, 0.41731f, 0.417294f, 0.417278f, 0.417262f, 0.417246f, 0.41723f,
-0.417214f, 0.417198f, 0.417182f, 0.417166f, 0.41715f, 0.417134f, 0.417119f, 0.417103f, 0.417087f, 0.417071f, 0.417055f, 0.417039f, 0.417023f, 0.417007f, 0.416991f, 0.416975f, 0.416959f, 0.416943f, 0.416928f, 0.416912f,
-0.416896f, 0.41688f, 0.416864f, 0.416848f, 0.416832f, 0.416816f, 0.4168f, 0.416784f, 0.416768f, 0.416753f, 0.416737f, 0.416721f, 0.416705f, 0.416689f, 0.416673f, 0.416657f, 0.416641f, 0.416625f, 0.416609f, 0.416594f,
-0.416578f, 0.416562f, 0.416546f, 0.41653f, 0.416514f, 0.416498f, 0.416482f, 0.416466f, 0.416451f, 0.416435f, 0.416419f, 0.416403f, 0.416387f, 0.416371f, 0.416355f, 0.416339f, 0.416324f, 0.416308f, 0.416292f, 0.416276f,
-0.41626f, 0.416244f, 0.416228f, 0.416213f, 0.416197f, 0.416181f, 0.416165f, 0.416149f, 0.416133f, 0.416117f, 0.416102f, 0.416086f, 0.41607f, 0.416054f, 0.416038f, 0.416022f, 0.416007f, 0.415991f, 0.415975f, 0.415959f,
-0.415943f, 0.415927f, 0.415911f, 0.415896f, 0.41588f, 0.415864f, 0.415848f, 0.415832f, 0.415816f, 0.415801f, 0.415785f, 0.415769f, 0.415753f, 0.415737f, 0.415721f, 0.415706f, 0.41569f, 0.415674f, 0.415658f, 0.415642f,
-0.415627f, 0.415611f, 0.415595f, 0.415579f, 0.415563f, 0.415548f, 0.415532f, 0.415516f, 0.4155f, 0.415484f, 0.415468f, 0.415453f, 0.415437f, 0.415421f, 0.415405f, 0.415389f, 0.415374f, 0.415358f, 0.415342f, 0.415326f,
-0.415311f, 0.415295f, 0.415279f, 0.415263f, 0.415247f, 0.415232f, 0.415216f, 0.4152f, 0.415184f, 0.415168f, 0.415153f, 0.415137f, 0.415121f, 0.415105f, 0.41509f, 0.415074f, 0.415058f, 0.415042f, 0.415026f, 0.415011f,
-0.414995f, 0.414979f, 0.414963f, 0.414948f, 0.414932f, 0.414916f, 0.4149f, 0.414885f, 0.414869f, 0.414853f, 0.414837f, 0.414822f, 0.414806f, 0.41479f, 0.414774f, 0.414759f, 0.414743f, 0.414727f, 0.414711f, 0.414696f,
-0.41468f, 0.414664f, 0.414648f, 0.414633f, 0.414617f, 0.414601f, 0.414585f, 0.41457f, 0.414554f, 0.414538f, 0.414522f, 0.414507f, 0.414491f, 0.414475f, 0.41446f, 0.414444f, 0.414428f, 0.414412f, 0.414397f, 0.414381f,
-0.414365f, 0.414349f, 0.414334f, 0.414318f, 0.414302f, 0.414287f, 0.414271f, 0.414255f, 0.414239f, 0.414224f, 0.414208f, 0.414192f, 0.414177f, 0.414161f, 0.414145f, 0.41413f, 0.414114f, 0.414098f, 0.414082f, 0.414067f,
-0.414051f, 0.414035f, 0.41402f, 0.414004f, 0.413988f, 0.413973f, 0.413957f, 0.413941f, 0.413926f, 0.41391f, 0.413894f, 0.413878f, 0.413863f, 0.413847f, 0.413831f, 0.413816f, 0.4138f, 0.413784f, 0.413769f, 0.413753f,
-0.413737f, 0.413722f, 0.413706f, 0.41369f, 0.413675f, 0.413659f, 0.413643f, 0.413628f, 0.413612f, 0.413596f, 0.413581f, 0.413565f, 0.413549f, 0.413534f, 0.413518f, 0.413502f, 0.413487f, 0.413471f, 0.413455f, 0.41344f,
-0.413424f, 0.413409f, 0.413393f, 0.413377f, 0.413362f, 0.413346f, 0.41333f, 0.413315f, 0.413299f, 0.413283f, 0.413268f, 0.413252f, 0.413236f, 0.413221f, 0.413205f, 0.41319f, 0.413174f, 0.413158f, 0.413143f, 0.413127f,
-0.413111f, 0.413096f, 0.41308f, 0.413065f, 0.413049f, 0.413033f, 0.413018f, 0.413002f, 0.412986f, 0.412971f, 0.412955f, 0.41294f, 0.412924f, 0.412908f, 0.412893f, 0.412877f, 0.412862f, 0.412846f, 0.41283f, 0.412815f,
-0.412799f, 0.412784f, 0.412768f, 0.412752f, 0.412737f, 0.412721f, 0.412706f, 0.41269f, 0.412674f, 0.412659f, 0.412643f, 0.412628f, 0.412612f, 0.412596f, 0.412581f, 0.412565f, 0.41255f, 0.412534f, 0.412519f, 0.412503f,
-0.412487f, 0.412472f, 0.412456f, 0.412441f, 0.412425f, 0.41241f, 0.412394f, 0.412378f, 0.412363f, 0.412347f, 0.412332f, 0.412316f, 0.412301f, 0.412285f, 0.412269f, 0.412254f, 0.412238f, 0.412223f, 0.412207f, 0.412192f,
-0.412176f, 0.412161f, 0.412145f, 0.412129f, 0.412114f, 0.412098f, 0.412083f, 0.412067f, 0.412052f, 0.412036f, 0.412021f, 0.412005f, 0.41199f, 0.411974f, 0.411958f, 0.411943f, 0.411927f, 0.411912f, 0.411896f, 0.411881f,
-0.411865f, 0.41185f, 0.411834f, 0.411819f, 0.411803f, 0.411788f, 0.411772f, 0.411757f, 0.411741f, 0.411726f, 0.41171f, 0.411694f, 0.411679f, 0.411663f, 0.411648f, 0.411632f, 0.411617f, 0.411601f, 0.411586f, 0.41157f,
-0.411555f, 0.411539f, 0.411524f, 0.411508f, 0.411493f, 0.411477f, 0.411462f, 0.411446f, 0.411431f, 0.411415f, 0.4114f, 0.411384f, 0.411369f, 0.411353f, 0.411338f, 0.411322f, 0.411307f, 0.411291f, 0.411276f, 0.41126f,
-0.411245f, 0.411229f, 0.411214f, 0.411199f, 0.411183f, 0.411168f, 0.411152f, 0.411137f, 0.411121f, 0.411106f, 0.41109f, 0.411075f, 0.411059f, 0.411044f, 0.411028f, 0.411013f, 0.410997f, 0.410982f, 0.410966f, 0.410951f,
-0.410936f, 0.41092f, 0.410905f, 0.410889f, 0.410874f, 0.410858f, 0.410843f, 0.410827f, 0.410812f, 0.410796f, 0.410781f, 0.410766f, 0.41075f, 0.410735f, 0.410719f, 0.410704f, 0.410688f, 0.410673f, 0.410657f, 0.410642f,
-0.410627f, 0.410611f, 0.410596f, 0.41058f, 0.410565f, 0.410549f, 0.410534f, 0.410519f, 0.410503f, 0.410488f, 0.410472f, 0.410457f, 0.410441f, 0.410426f, 0.410411f, 0.410395f, 0.41038f, 0.410364f, 0.410349f, 0.410333f,
-0.410318f, 0.410303f, 0.410287f, 0.410272f, 0.410256f, 0.410241f, 0.410226f, 0.41021f, 0.410195f, 0.410179f, 0.410164f, 0.410149f, 0.410133f, 0.410118f, 0.410102f, 0.410087f, 0.410072f, 0.410056f, 0.410041f, 0.410025f,
-0.41001f, 0.409995f, 0.409979f, 0.409964f, 0.409948f, 0.409933f, 0.409918f, 0.409902f, 0.409887f, 0.409872f, 0.409856f, 0.409841f, 0.409825f, 0.40981f, 0.409795f, 0.409779f, 0.409764f, 0.409749f, 0.409733f, 0.409718f,
-0.409702f, 0.409687f, 0.409672f, 0.409656f, 0.409641f, 0.409626f, 0.40961f, 0.409595f, 0.40958f, 0.409564f, 0.409549f, 0.409533f, 0.409518f, 0.409503f, 0.409487f, 0.409472f, 0.409457f, 0.409441f, 0.409426f, 0.409411f,
-0.409395f, 0.40938f, 0.409365f, 0.409349f, 0.409334f, 0.409319f, 0.409303f, 0.409288f, 0.409273f, 0.409257f, 0.409242f, 0.409227f, 0.409211f, 0.409196f, 0.409181f, 0.409165f, 0.40915f, 0.409135f, 0.409119f, 0.409104f,
-0.409089f, 0.409073f, 0.409058f, 0.409043f, 0.409027f, 0.409012f, 0.408997f, 0.408981f, 0.408966f, 0.408951f, 0.408935f, 0.40892f, 0.408905f, 0.40889f, 0.408874f, 0.408859f, 0.408844f, 0.408828f, 0.408813f, 0.408798f,
-0.408782f, 0.408767f, 0.408752f, 0.408737f, 0.408721f, 0.408706f, 0.408691f, 0.408675f, 0.40866f, 0.408645f, 0.40863f, 0.408614f, 0.408599f, 0.408584f, 0.408568f, 0.408553f, 0.408538f, 0.408523f, 0.408507f, 0.408492f,
-0.408477f, 0.408461f, 0.408446f, 0.408431f, 0.408416f, 0.4084f, 0.408385f, 0.40837f, 0.408355f, 0.408339f, 0.408324f, 0.408309f, 0.408293f, 0.408278f, 0.408263f, 0.408248f, 0.408232f, 0.408217f, 0.408202f, 0.408187f,
-0.408171f, 0.408156f, 0.408141f, 0.408126f, 0.40811f, 0.408095f, 0.40808f, 0.408065f, 0.408049f, 0.408034f, 0.408019f, 0.408004f, 0.407988f, 0.407973f, 0.407958f, 0.407943f, 0.407927f, 0.407912f, 0.407897f, 0.407882f,
-0.407867f, 0.407851f, 0.407836f, 0.407821f, 0.407806f, 0.40779f, 0.407775f, 0.40776f, 0.407745f, 0.40773f, 0.407714f, 0.407699f, 0.407684f, 0.407669f, 0.407653f, 0.407638f, 0.407623f, 0.407608f, 0.407593f, 0.407577f,
-0.407562f, 0.407547f, 0.407532f, 0.407517f, 0.407501f, 0.407486f, 0.407471f, 0.407456f, 0.407441f, 0.407425f, 0.40741f, 0.407395f, 0.40738f, 0.407365f, 0.407349f, 0.407334f, 0.407319f, 0.407304f, 0.407289f, 0.407273f,
-0.407258f, 0.407243f, 0.407228f, 0.407213f, 0.407198f, 0.407182f, 0.407167f, 0.407152f, 0.407137f, 0.407122f, 0.407106f, 0.407091f, 0.407076f, 0.407061f, 0.407046f, 0.407031f, 0.407015f, 0.407f, 0.406985f, 0.40697f,
-0.406955f, 0.40694f, 0.406924f, 0.406909f, 0.406894f, 0.406879f, 0.406864f, 0.406849f, 0.406834f, 0.406818f, 0.406803f, 0.406788f, 0.406773f, 0.406758f, 0.406743f, 0.406727f, 0.406712f, 0.406697f, 0.406682f, 0.406667f,
-0.406652f, 0.406637f, 0.406621f, 0.406606f, 0.406591f, 0.406576f, 0.406561f, 0.406546f, 0.406531f, 0.406516f, 0.4065f, 0.406485f, 0.40647f, 0.406455f, 0.40644f, 0.406425f, 0.40641f, 0.406395f, 0.406379f, 0.406364f,
-0.406349f, 0.406334f, 0.406319f, 0.406304f, 0.406289f, 0.406274f, 0.406259f, 0.406243f, 0.406228f, 0.406213f, 0.406198f, 0.406183f, 0.406168f, 0.406153f, 0.406138f, 0.406123f, 0.406107f, 0.406092f, 0.406077f, 0.406062f,
-0.406047f, 0.406032f, 0.406017f, 0.406002f, 0.405987f, 0.405972f, 0.405957f, 0.405941f, 0.405926f, 0.405911f, 0.405896f, 0.405881f, 0.405866f, 0.405851f, 0.405836f, 0.405821f, 0.405806f, 0.405791f, 0.405776f, 0.40576f,
-0.405745f, 0.40573f, 0.405715f, 0.4057f, 0.405685f, 0.40567f, 0.405655f, 0.40564f, 0.405625f, 0.40561f, 0.405595f, 0.40558f, 0.405565f, 0.40555f, 0.405535f, 0.405519f, 0.405504f, 0.405489f, 0.405474f, 0.405459f,
-0.405444f, 0.405429f, 0.405414f, 0.405399f, 0.405384f, 0.405369f, 0.405354f, 0.405339f, 0.405324f, 0.405309f, 0.405294f, 0.405279f, 0.405264f, 0.405249f, 0.405234f, 0.405219f, 0.405204f, 0.405189f, 0.405173f, 0.405158f,
-0.405143f, 0.405128f, 0.405113f, 0.405098f, 0.405083f, 0.405068f, 0.405053f, 0.405038f, 0.405023f, 0.405008f, 0.404993f, 0.404978f, 0.404963f, 0.404948f, 0.404933f, 0.404918f, 0.404903f, 0.404888f, 0.404873f, 0.404858f,
-0.404843f, 0.404828f, 0.404813f, 0.404798f, 0.404783f, 0.404768f, 0.404753f, 0.404738f, 0.404723f, 0.404708f, 0.404693f, 0.404678f, 0.404663f, 0.404648f, 0.404633f, 0.404618f, 0.404603f, 0.404588f, 0.404573f, 0.404558f,
-0.404543f, 0.404528f, 0.404513f, 0.404498f, 0.404483f, 0.404468f, 0.404453f, 0.404438f, 0.404423f, 0.404408f, 0.404393f, 0.404378f, 0.404363f, 0.404349f, 0.404334f, 0.404319f, 0.404304f, 0.404289f, 0.404274f, 0.404259f,
-0.404244f, 0.404229f, 0.404214f, 0.404199f, 0.404184f, 0.404169f, 0.404154f, 0.404139f, 0.404124f, 0.404109f, 0.404094f, 0.404079f, 0.404064f, 0.404049f, 0.404034f, 0.404019f, 0.404005f, 0.40399f, 0.403975f, 0.40396f,
-0.403945f, 0.40393f, 0.403915f, 0.4039f, 0.403885f, 0.40387f, 0.403855f, 0.40384f, 0.403825f, 0.40381f, 0.403795f, 0.403781f, 0.403766f, 0.403751f, 0.403736f, 0.403721f, 0.403706f, 0.403691f, 0.403676f, 0.403661f,
-0.403646f, 0.403631f, 0.403616f, 0.403601f, 0.403587f, 0.403572f, 0.403557f, 0.403542f, 0.403527f, 0.403512f, 0.403497f, 0.403482f, 0.403467f, 0.403452f, 0.403437f, 0.403423f, 0.403408f, 0.403393f, 0.403378f, 0.403363f,
-0.403348f, 0.403333f, 0.403318f, 0.403303f, 0.403289f, 0.403274f, 0.403259f, 0.403244f, 0.403229f, 0.403214f, 0.403199f, 0.403184f, 0.403169f, 0.403155f, 0.40314f, 0.403125f, 0.40311f, 0.403095f, 0.40308f, 0.403065f,
-0.40305f, 0.403036f, 0.403021f, 0.403006f, 0.402991f, 0.402976f, 0.402961f, 0.402946f, 0.402931f, 0.402917f, 0.402902f, 0.402887f, 0.402872f, 0.402857f, 0.402842f, 0.402827f, 0.402813f, 0.402798f, 0.402783f, 0.402768f,
-0.402753f, 0.402738f, 0.402723f, 0.402709f, 0.402694f, 0.402679f, 0.402664f, 0.402649f, 0.402634f, 0.40262f, 0.402605f, 0.40259f, 0.402575f, 0.40256f, 0.402545f, 0.402531f, 0.402516f, 0.402501f, 0.402486f, 0.402471f,
-0.402456f, 0.402442f, 0.402427f, 0.402412f, 0.402397f, 0.402382f, 0.402367f, 0.402353f, 0.402338f, 0.402323f, 0.402308f, 0.402293f, 0.402279f, 0.402264f, 0.402249f, 0.402234f, 0.402219f, 0.402204f, 0.40219f, 0.402175f,
-0.40216f, 0.402145f, 0.40213f, 0.402116f, 0.402101f, 0.402086f, 0.402071f, 0.402056f, 0.402042f, 0.402027f, 0.402012f, 0.401997f, 0.401982f, 0.401968f, 0.401953f, 0.401938f, 0.401923f, 0.401908f, 0.401894f, 0.401879f,
-0.401864f, 0.401849f, 0.401835f, 0.40182f, 0.401805f, 0.40179f, 0.401775f, 0.401761f, 0.401746f, 0.401731f, 0.401716f, 0.401702f, 0.401687f, 0.401672f, 0.401657f, 0.401642f, 0.401628f, 0.401613f, 0.401598f, 0.401583f,
-0.401569f, 0.401554f, 0.401539f, 0.401524f, 0.40151f, 0.401495f, 0.40148f, 0.401465f, 0.401451f, 0.401436f, 0.401421f, 0.401406f, 0.401392f, 0.401377f, 0.401362f, 0.401347f, 0.401333f, 0.401318f, 0.401303f, 0.401288f,
-0.401274f, 0.401259f, 0.401244f, 0.401229f, 0.401215f, 0.4012f, 0.401185f, 0.40117f, 0.401156f, 0.401141f, 0.401126f, 0.401111f, 0.401097f, 0.401082f, 0.401067f, 0.401053f, 0.401038f, 0.401023f, 0.401008f, 0.400994f,
-0.400979f, 0.400964f, 0.40095f, 0.400935f, 0.40092f, 0.400905f, 0.400891f, 0.400876f, 0.400861f, 0.400847f, 0.400832f, 0.400817f, 0.400802f, 0.400788f, 0.400773f, 0.400758f, 0.400744f, 0.400729f, 0.400714f, 0.400699f,
-0.400685f, 0.40067f, 0.400655f, 0.400641f, 0.400626f, 0.400611f, 0.400597f, 0.400582f, 0.400567f, 0.400553f, 0.400538f, 0.400523f, 0.400508f, 0.400494f, 0.400479f, 0.400464f, 0.40045f, 0.400435f, 0.40042f, 0.400406f,
-0.400391f, 0.400376f, 0.400362f, 0.400347f, 0.400332f, 0.400318f, 0.400303f, 0.400288f, 0.400274f, 0.400259f, 0.400244f, 0.40023f, 0.400215f, 0.4002f, 0.400186f, 0.400171f, 0.400156f, 0.400142f, 0.400127f, 0.400112f,
-0.400098f, 0.400083f, 0.400068f, 0.400054f, 0.400039f, 0.400024f, 0.40001f, 0.399995f, 0.39998f, 0.399966f, 0.399951f, 0.399937f, 0.399922f, 0.399907f, 0.399893f, 0.399878f, 0.399863f, 0.399849f, 0.399834f, 0.399819f,
-0.399805f, 0.39979f, 0.399776f, 0.399761f, 0.399746f, 0.399732f, 0.399717f, 0.399702f, 0.399688f, 0.399673f, 0.399658f, 0.399644f, 0.399629f, 0.399615f, 0.3996f, 0.399585f, 0.399571f, 0.399556f, 0.399542f, 0.399527f,
-0.399512f, 0.399498f, 0.399483f, 0.399468f, 0.399454f, 0.399439f, 0.399425f, 0.39941f, 0.399395f, 0.399381f, 0.399366f, 0.399352f, 0.399337f, 0.399322f, 0.399308f, 0.399293f, 0.399279f, 0.399264f, 0.399249f, 0.399235f,
-0.39922f, 0.399206f, 0.399191f, 0.399177f, 0.399162f, 0.399147f, 0.399133f, 0.399118f, 0.399104f, 0.399089f, 0.399074f, 0.39906f, 0.399045f, 0.399031f, 0.399016f, 0.399002f, 0.398987f, 0.398972f, 0.398958f, 0.398943f,
-0.398929f, 0.398914f, 0.3989f, 0.398885f, 0.39887f, 0.398856f, 0.398841f, 0.398827f, 0.398812f, 0.398798f, 0.398783f, 0.398768f, 0.398754f, 0.398739f, 0.398725f, 0.39871f, 0.398696f, 0.398681f, 0.398667f, 0.398652f,
-0.398637f, 0.398623f, 0.398608f, 0.398594f, 0.398579f, 0.398565f, 0.39855f, 0.398536f, 0.398521f, 0.398507f, 0.398492f, 0.398477f, 0.398463f, 0.398448f, 0.398434f, 0.398419f, 0.398405f, 0.39839f, 0.398376f, 0.398361f,
-0.398347f, 0.398332f, 0.398318f, 0.398303f, 0.398289f, 0.398274f, 0.39826f, 0.398245f, 0.398231f, 0.398216f, 0.398201f, 0.398187f, 0.398172f, 0.398158f, 0.398143f, 0.398129f, 0.398114f, 0.3981f, 0.398085f, 0.398071f,
-0.398056f, 0.398042f, 0.398027f, 0.398013f, 0.397998f, 0.397984f, 0.397969f, 0.397955f, 0.39794f, 0.397926f, 0.397911f, 0.397897f, 0.397882f, 0.397868f, 0.397853f, 0.397839f, 0.397824f, 0.39781f, 0.397795f, 0.397781f,
-0.397766f, 0.397752f, 0.397737f, 0.397723f, 0.397709f, 0.397694f, 0.39768f, 0.397665f, 0.397651f, 0.397636f, 0.397622f, 0.397607f, 0.397593f, 0.397578f, 0.397564f, 0.397549f, 0.397535f, 0.39752f, 0.397506f, 0.397491f,
-0.397477f, 0.397462f, 0.397448f, 0.397434f, 0.397419f, 0.397405f, 0.39739f, 0.397376f, 0.397361f, 0.397347f, 0.397332f, 0.397318f, 0.397303f, 0.397289f, 0.397275f, 0.39726f, 0.397246f, 0.397231f, 0.397217f, 0.397202f,
-0.397188f, 0.397173f, 0.397159f, 0.397145f, 0.39713f, 0.397116f, 0.397101f, 0.397087f, 0.397072f, 0.397058f, 0.397043f, 0.397029f, 0.397015f, 0.397f, 0.396986f, 0.396971f, 0.396957f, 0.396942f, 0.396928f, 0.396914f,
-0.396899f, 0.396885f, 0.39687f, 0.396856f, 0.396842f, 0.396827f, 0.396813f, 0.396798f, 0.396784f, 0.396769f, 0.396755f, 0.396741f, 0.396726f, 0.396712f, 0.396697f, 0.396683f, 0.396669f, 0.396654f, 0.39664f, 0.396625f,
-0.396611f, 0.396597f, 0.396582f, 0.396568f, 0.396553f, 0.396539f, 0.396525f, 0.39651f, 0.396496f, 0.396481f, 0.396467f, 0.396453f, 0.396438f, 0.396424f, 0.396409f, 0.396395f, 0.396381f, 0.396366f, 0.396352f, 0.396338f,
-0.396323f, 0.396309f, 0.396294f, 0.39628f, 0.396266f, 0.396251f, 0.396237f, 0.396223f, 0.396208f, 0.396194f, 0.396179f, 0.396165f, 0.396151f, 0.396136f, 0.396122f, 0.396108f, 0.396093f, 0.396079f, 0.396064f, 0.39605f,
-0.396036f, 0.396021f, 0.396007f, 0.395993f, 0.395978f, 0.395964f, 0.39595f, 0.395935f, 0.395921f, 0.395907f, 0.395892f, 0.395878f, 0.395864f, 0.395849f, 0.395835f, 0.39582f, 0.395806f, 0.395792f, 0.395777f, 0.395763f,
-0.395749f, 0.395734f, 0.39572f, 0.395706f, 0.395691f, 0.395677f, 0.395663f, 0.395648f, 0.395634f, 0.39562f, 0.395605f, 0.395591f, 0.395577f, 0.395562f, 0.395548f, 0.395534f, 0.39552f, 0.395505f, 0.395491f, 0.395477f,
-0.395462f, 0.395448f, 0.395434f, 0.395419f, 0.395405f, 0.395391f, 0.395376f, 0.395362f, 0.395348f, 0.395333f, 0.395319f, 0.395305f, 0.39529f, 0.395276f, 0.395262f, 0.395248f, 0.395233f, 0.395219f, 0.395205f, 0.39519f,
-0.395176f, 0.395162f, 0.395147f, 0.395133f, 0.395119f, 0.395105f, 0.39509f, 0.395076f, 0.395062f, 0.395047f, 0.395033f, 0.395019f, 0.395005f, 0.39499f, 0.394976f, 0.394962f, 0.394947f, 0.394933f, 0.394919f, 0.394905f,
-0.39489f, 0.394876f, 0.394862f, 0.394848f, 0.394833f, 0.394819f, 0.394805f, 0.39479f, 0.394776f, 0.394762f, 0.394748f, 0.394733f, 0.394719f, 0.394705f, 0.394691f, 0.394676f, 0.394662f, 0.394648f, 0.394634f, 0.394619f,
-0.394605f, 0.394591f, 0.394576f, 0.394562f, 0.394548f, 0.394534f, 0.394519f, 0.394505f, 0.394491f, 0.394477f, 0.394463f, 0.394448f, 0.394434f, 0.39442f, 0.394406f, 0.394391f, 0.394377f, 0.394363f, 0.394349f, 0.394334f,
-0.39432f, 0.394306f, 0.394292f, 0.394277f, 0.394263f, 0.394249f, 0.394235f, 0.39422f, 0.394206f, 0.394192f, 0.394178f, 0.394164f, 0.394149f, 0.394135f, 0.394121f, 0.394107f, 0.394092f, 0.394078f, 0.394064f, 0.39405f,
-0.394036f, 0.394021f, 0.394007f, 0.393993f, 0.393979f, 0.393965f, 0.39395f, 0.393936f, 0.393922f, 0.393908f, 0.393893f, 0.393879f, 0.393865f, 0.393851f, 0.393837f, 0.393822f, 0.393808f, 0.393794f, 0.39378f, 0.393766f,
-0.393752f, 0.393737f, 0.393723f, 0.393709f, 0.393695f, 0.393681f, 0.393666f, 0.393652f, 0.393638f, 0.393624f, 0.39361f, 0.393595f, 0.393581f, 0.393567f, 0.393553f, 0.393539f, 0.393525f, 0.39351f, 0.393496f, 0.393482f,
-0.393468f, 0.393454f, 0.393439f, 0.393425f, 0.393411f, 0.393397f, 0.393383f, 0.393369f, 0.393354f, 0.39334f, 0.393326f, 0.393312f, 0.393298f, 0.393284f, 0.393269f, 0.393255f, 0.393241f, 0.393227f, 0.393213f, 0.393199f,
-0.393185f, 0.39317f, 0.393156f, 0.393142f, 0.393128f, 0.393114f, 0.3931f, 0.393085f, 0.393071f, 0.393057f, 0.393043f, 0.393029f, 0.393015f, 0.393001f, 0.392986f, 0.392972f, 0.392958f, 0.392944f, 0.39293f, 0.392916f,
-0.392902f, 0.392888f, 0.392873f, 0.392859f, 0.392845f, 0.392831f, 0.392817f, 0.392803f, 0.392789f, 0.392775f, 0.39276f, 0.392746f, 0.392732f, 0.392718f, 0.392704f, 0.39269f, 0.392676f, 0.392662f, 0.392647f, 0.392633f,
-0.392619f, 0.392605f, 0.392591f, 0.392577f, 0.392563f, 0.392549f, 0.392535f, 0.39252f, 0.392506f, 0.392492f, 0.392478f, 0.392464f, 0.39245f, 0.392436f, 0.392422f, 0.392408f, 0.392394f, 0.392379f, 0.392365f, 0.392351f,
-0.392337f, 0.392323f, 0.392309f, 0.392295f, 0.392281f, 0.392267f, 0.392253f, 0.392239f, 0.392224f, 0.39221f, 0.392196f, 0.392182f, 0.392168f, 0.392154f, 0.39214f, 0.392126f, 0.392112f, 0.392098f, 0.392084f, 0.39207f,
-0.392056f, 0.392041f, 0.392027f, 0.392013f, 0.391999f, 0.391985f, 0.391971f, 0.391957f, 0.391943f, 0.391929f, 0.391915f, 0.391901f, 0.391887f, 0.391873f, 0.391859f, 0.391845f, 0.39183f, 0.391816f, 0.391802f, 0.391788f,
-0.391774f, 0.39176f, 0.391746f, 0.391732f, 0.391718f, 0.391704f, 0.39169f, 0.391676f, 0.391662f, 0.391648f, 0.391634f, 0.39162f, 0.391606f, 0.391592f, 0.391578f, 0.391564f, 0.39155f, 0.391536f, 0.391521f, 0.391507f,
-0.391493f, 0.391479f, 0.391465f, 0.391451f, 0.391437f, 0.391423f, 0.391409f, 0.391395f, 0.391381f, 0.391367f, 0.391353f, 0.391339f, 0.391325f, 0.391311f, 0.391297f, 0.391283f, 0.391269f, 0.391255f, 0.391241f, 0.391227f,
-0.391213f, 0.391199f, 0.391185f, 0.391171f, 0.391157f, 0.391143f, 0.391129f, 0.391115f, 0.391101f, 0.391087f, 0.391073f, 0.391059f, 0.391045f, 0.391031f, 0.391017f, 0.391003f, 0.390989f, 0.390975f, 0.390961f, 0.390947f,
-0.390933f, 0.390919f, 0.390905f, 0.390891f, 0.390877f, 0.390863f, 0.390849f, 0.390835f, 0.390821f, 0.390807f, 0.390793f, 0.390779f, 0.390765f, 0.390751f, 0.390737f, 0.390723f, 0.390709f, 0.390695f, 0.390681f, 0.390667f,
-0.390653f, 0.390639f, 0.390625f, 0.390611f, 0.390597f, 0.390583f, 0.39057f, 0.390556f, 0.390542f, 0.390528f, 0.390514f, 0.3905f, 0.390486f, 0.390472f, 0.390458f, 0.390444f, 0.39043f, 0.390416f, 0.390402f, 0.390388f,
-0.390374f, 0.39036f, 0.390346f, 0.390332f, 0.390318f, 0.390304f, 0.39029f, 0.390276f, 0.390262f, 0.390249f, 0.390235f, 0.390221f, 0.390207f, 0.390193f, 0.390179f, 0.390165f, 0.390151f, 0.390137f, 0.390123f, 0.390109f,
-0.390095f, 0.390081f, 0.390067f, 0.390053f, 0.39004f, 0.390026f, 0.390012f, 0.389998f, 0.389984f, 0.38997f, 0.389956f, 0.389942f, 0.389928f, 0.389914f, 0.3899f, 0.389886f, 0.389872f, 0.389859f, 0.389845f, 0.389831f,
-0.389817f, 0.389803f, 0.389789f, 0.389775f, 0.389761f, 0.389747f, 0.389733f, 0.389719f, 0.389706f, 0.389692f, 0.389678f, 0.389664f, 0.38965f, 0.389636f, 0.389622f, 0.389608f, 0.389594f, 0.38958f, 0.389567f, 0.389553f,
-0.389539f, 0.389525f, 0.389511f, 0.389497f, 0.389483f, 0.389469f, 0.389455f, 0.389442f, 0.389428f, 0.389414f, 0.3894f, 0.389386f, 0.389372f, 0.389358f, 0.389344f, 0.38933f, 0.389317f, 0.389303f, 0.389289f, 0.389275f,
-0.389261f, 0.389247f, 0.389233f, 0.389219f, 0.389206f, 0.389192f, 0.389178f, 0.389164f, 0.38915f, 0.389136f, 0.389122f, 0.389109f, 0.389095f, 0.389081f, 0.389067f, 0.389053f, 0.389039f, 0.389025f, 0.389012f, 0.388998f,
-0.388984f, 0.38897f, 0.388956f, 0.388942f, 0.388928f, 0.388915f, 0.388901f, 0.388887f, 0.388873f, 0.388859f, 0.388845f, 0.388832f, 0.388818f, 0.388804f, 0.38879f, 0.388776f, 0.388762f, 0.388749f, 0.388735f, 0.388721f,
-0.388707f, 0.388693f, 0.388679f, 0.388666f, 0.388652f, 0.388638f, 0.388624f, 0.38861f, 0.388596f, 0.388583f, 0.388569f, 0.388555f, 0.388541f, 0.388527f, 0.388513f, 0.3885f, 0.388486f, 0.388472f, 0.388458f, 0.388444f,
-0.388431f, 0.388417f, 0.388403f, 0.388389f, 0.388375f, 0.388361f, 0.388348f, 0.388334f, 0.38832f, 0.388306f, 0.388292f, 0.388279f, 0.388265f, 0.388251f, 0.388237f, 0.388223f, 0.38821f, 0.388196f, 0.388182f, 0.388168f,
-0.388154f, 0.388141f, 0.388127f, 0.388113f, 0.388099f, 0.388086f, 0.388072f, 0.388058f, 0.388044f, 0.38803f, 0.388017f, 0.388003f, 0.387989f, 0.387975f, 0.387961f, 0.387948f, 0.387934f, 0.38792f, 0.387906f, 0.387893f,
-0.387879f, 0.387865f, 0.387851f, 0.387837f, 0.387824f, 0.38781f, 0.387796f, 0.387782f, 0.387769f, 0.387755f, 0.387741f, 0.387727f, 0.387714f, 0.3877f, 0.387686f, 0.387672f, 0.387659f, 0.387645f, 0.387631f, 0.387617f,
-0.387604f, 0.38759f, 0.387576f, 0.387562f, 0.387548f, 0.387535f, 0.387521f, 0.387507f, 0.387493f, 0.38748f, 0.387466f, 0.387452f, 0.387439f, 0.387425f, 0.387411f, 0.387397f, 0.387384f, 0.38737f, 0.387356f, 0.387342f,
-0.387329f, 0.387315f, 0.387301f, 0.387287f, 0.387274f, 0.38726f, 0.387246f, 0.387232f, 0.387219f, 0.387205f, 0.387191f, 0.387178f, 0.387164f, 0.38715f, 0.387136f, 0.387123f, 0.387109f, 0.387095f, 0.387082f, 0.387068f,
-0.387054f, 0.38704f, 0.387027f, 0.387013f, 0.386999f, 0.386986f, 0.386972f, 0.386958f, 0.386944f, 0.386931f, 0.386917f, 0.386903f, 0.38689f, 0.386876f, 0.386862f, 0.386848f, 0.386835f, 0.386821f, 0.386807f, 0.386794f,
-0.38678f, 0.386766f, 0.386753f, 0.386739f, 0.386725f, 0.386712f, 0.386698f, 0.386684f, 0.38667f, 0.386657f, 0.386643f, 0.386629f, 0.386616f, 0.386602f, 0.386588f, 0.386575f, 0.386561f, 0.386547f, 0.386534f, 0.38652f,
-0.386506f, 0.386493f, 0.386479f, 0.386465f, 0.386452f, 0.386438f, 0.386424f, 0.386411f, 0.386397f, 0.386383f, 0.38637f, 0.386356f, 0.386342f, 0.386329f, 0.386315f, 0.386301f, 0.386288f, 0.386274f, 0.38626f, 0.386247f,
-0.386233f, 0.386219f, 0.386206f, 0.386192f, 0.386178f, 0.386165f, 0.386151f, 0.386137f, 0.386124f, 0.38611f, 0.386096f, 0.386083f, 0.386069f, 0.386055f, 0.386042f, 0.386028f, 0.386015f, 0.386001f, 0.385987f, 0.385974f,
-0.38596f, 0.385946f, 0.385933f, 0.385919f, 0.385905f, 0.385892f, 0.385878f, 0.385865f, 0.385851f, 0.385837f, 0.385824f, 0.38581f, 0.385796f, 0.385783f, 0.385769f, 0.385755f, 0.385742f, 0.385728f, 0.385715f, 0.385701f,
-0.385687f, 0.385674f, 0.38566f, 0.385647f, 0.385633f, 0.385619f, 0.385606f, 0.385592f, 0.385578f, 0.385565f, 0.385551f, 0.385538f, 0.385524f, 0.38551f, 0.385497f, 0.385483f, 0.38547f, 0.385456f, 0.385442f, 0.385429f,
-0.385415f, 0.385402f, 0.385388f, 0.385374f, 0.385361f, 0.385347f, 0.385334f, 0.38532f, 0.385306f, 0.385293f, 0.385279f, 0.385266f, 0.385252f, 0.385238f, 0.385225f, 0.385211f, 0.385198f, 0.385184f, 0.385171f, 0.385157f,
-0.385143f, 0.38513f, 0.385116f, 0.385103f, 0.385089f, 0.385076f, 0.385062f, 0.385048f, 0.385035f, 0.385021f, 0.385008f, 0.384994f, 0.38498f, 0.384967f, 0.384953f, 0.38494f, 0.384926f, 0.384913f, 0.384899f, 0.384886f,
-0.384872f, 0.384858f, 0.384845f, 0.384831f, 0.384818f, 0.384804f, 0.384791f, 0.384777f, 0.384764f, 0.38475f, 0.384736f, 0.384723f, 0.384709f, 0.384696f, 0.384682f, 0.384669f, 0.384655f, 0.384642f, 0.384628f, 0.384614f,
-0.384601f, 0.384587f, 0.384574f, 0.38456f, 0.384547f, 0.384533f, 0.38452f, 0.384506f, 0.384493f, 0.384479f, 0.384466f, 0.384452f, 0.384439f, 0.384425f, 0.384411f, 0.384398f, 0.384384f, 0.384371f, 0.384357f, 0.384344f,
-0.38433f, 0.384317f, 0.384303f, 0.38429f, 0.384276f, 0.384263f, 0.384249f, 0.384236f, 0.384222f, 0.384209f, 0.384195f, 0.384182f, 0.384168f, 0.384155f, 0.384141f, 0.384128f, 0.384114f, 0.384101f, 0.384087f, 0.384074f,
-0.38406f, 0.384047f, 0.384033f, 0.38402f, 0.384006f, 0.383993f, 0.383979f, 0.383966f, 0.383952f, 0.383939f, 0.383925f, 0.383912f, 0.383898f, 0.383885f, 0.383871f, 0.383858f, 0.383844f, 0.383831f, 0.383817f, 0.383804f,
-0.38379f, 0.383777f, 0.383763f, 0.38375f, 0.383736f, 0.383723f, 0.383709f, 0.383696f, 0.383682f, 0.383669f, 0.383655f, 0.383642f, 0.383628f, 0.383615f, 0.383601f, 0.383588f, 0.383574f, 0.383561f, 0.383548f, 0.383534f,
-0.383521f, 0.383507f, 0.383494f, 0.38348f, 0.383467f, 0.383453f, 0.38344f, 0.383426f, 0.383413f, 0.383399f, 0.383386f, 0.383373f, 0.383359f, 0.383346f, 0.383332f, 0.383319f, 0.383305f, 0.383292f, 0.383278f, 0.383265f,
-0.383251f, 0.383238f, 0.383225f, 0.383211f, 0.383198f, 0.383184f, 0.383171f, 0.383157f, 0.383144f, 0.38313f, 0.383117f, 0.383104f, 0.38309f, 0.383077f, 0.383063f, 0.38305f, 0.383036f, 0.383023f, 0.38301f, 0.382996f,
-0.382983f, 0.382969f, 0.382956f, 0.382942f, 0.382929f, 0.382916f, 0.382902f, 0.382889f, 0.382875f, 0.382862f, 0.382848f, 0.382835f, 0.382822f, 0.382808f, 0.382795f, 0.382781f, 0.382768f, 0.382755f, 0.382741f, 0.382728f,
-0.382714f, 0.382701f, 0.382688f, 0.382674f, 0.382661f, 0.382647f, 0.382634f, 0.38262f, 0.382607f, 0.382594f, 0.38258f, 0.382567f, 0.382553f, 0.38254f, 0.382527f, 0.382513f, 0.3825f, 0.382486f, 0.382473f, 0.38246f,
-0.382446f, 0.382433f, 0.38242f, 0.382406f, 0.382393f, 0.382379f, 0.382366f, 0.382353f, 0.382339f, 0.382326f, 0.382312f, 0.382299f, 0.382286f, 0.382272f, 0.382259f, 0.382246f, 0.382232f, 0.382219f, 0.382205f, 0.382192f,
-0.382179f, 0.382165f, 0.382152f, 0.382139f, 0.382125f, 0.382112f, 0.382098f, 0.382085f, 0.382072f, 0.382058f, 0.382045f, 0.382032f, 0.382018f, 0.382005f, 0.381992f, 0.381978f, 0.381965f, 0.381951f, 0.381938f, 0.381925f,
-0.381911f, 0.381898f, 0.381885f, 0.381871f, 0.381858f, 0.381845f, 0.381831f, 0.381818f, 0.381805f, 0.381791f, 0.381778f, 0.381765f, 0.381751f, 0.381738f, 0.381725f, 0.381711f, 0.381698f, 0.381685f, 0.381671f, 0.381658f,
-0.381645f, 0.381631f, 0.381618f, 0.381605f, 0.381591f, 0.381578f, 0.381565f, 0.381551f, 0.381538f, 0.381525f, 0.381511f, 0.381498f, 0.381485f, 0.381471f, 0.381458f, 0.381445f, 0.381431f, 0.381418f, 0.381405f, 0.381391f,
-0.381378f, 0.381365f, 0.381351f, 0.381338f, 0.381325f, 0.381311f, 0.381298f, 0.381285f, 0.381272f, 0.381258f, 0.381245f, 0.381232f, 0.381218f, 0.381205f, 0.381192f, 0.381178f, 0.381165f, 0.381152f, 0.381138f, 0.381125f,
-0.381112f, 0.381099f, 0.381085f, 0.381072f, 0.381059f, 0.381045f, 0.381032f, 0.381019f, 0.381006f, 0.380992f, 0.380979f, 0.380966f, 0.380952f, 0.380939f, 0.380926f, 0.380913f, 0.380899f, 0.380886f, 0.380873f, 0.380859f,
-0.380846f, 0.380833f, 0.38082f, 0.380806f, 0.380793f, 0.38078f, 0.380766f, 0.380753f, 0.38074f, 0.380727f, 0.380713f, 0.3807f, 0.380687f, 0.380674f, 0.38066f, 0.380647f, 0.380634f, 0.380621f, 0.380607f, 0.380594f,
-0.380581f, 0.380567f, 0.380554f, 0.380541f, 0.380528f, 0.380514f, 0.380501f, 0.380488f, 0.380475f, 0.380461f, 0.380448f, 0.380435f, 0.380422f, 0.380408f, 0.380395f, 0.380382f, 0.380369f, 0.380355f, 0.380342f, 0.380329f,
-0.380316f, 0.380302f, 0.380289f, 0.380276f, 0.380263f, 0.380249f, 0.380236f, 0.380223f, 0.38021f, 0.380197f, 0.380183f, 0.38017f, 0.380157f, 0.380144f, 0.38013f, 0.380117f, 0.380104f, 0.380091f, 0.380077f, 0.380064f,
-0.380051f, 0.380038f, 0.380025f, 0.380011f, 0.379998f, 0.379985f, 0.379972f, 0.379958f, 0.379945f, 0.379932f, 0.379919f, 0.379906f, 0.379892f, 0.379879f, 0.379866f, 0.379853f, 0.37984f, 0.379826f, 0.379813f, 0.3798f,
-0.379787f, 0.379774f, 0.37976f, 0.379747f, 0.379734f, 0.379721f, 0.379708f, 0.379694f, 0.379681f, 0.379668f, 0.379655f, 0.379642f, 0.379628f, 0.379615f, 0.379602f, 0.379589f, 0.379576f, 0.379562f, 0.379549f, 0.379536f,
-0.379523f, 0.37951f, 0.379496f, 0.379483f, 0.37947f, 0.379457f, 0.379444f, 0.379431f, 0.379417f, 0.379404f, 0.379391f, 0.379378f, 0.379365f, 0.379351f, 0.379338f, 0.379325f, 0.379312f, 0.379299f, 0.379286f, 0.379272f,
-0.379259f, 0.379246f, 0.379233f, 0.37922f, 0.379207f, 0.379193f, 0.37918f, 0.379167f, 0.379154f, 0.379141f, 0.379128f, 0.379114f, 0.379101f, 0.379088f, 0.379075f, 0.379062f, 0.379049f, 0.379036f, 0.379022f, 0.379009f,
-0.378996f, 0.378983f, 0.37897f, 0.378957f, 0.378943f, 0.37893f, 0.378917f, 0.378904f, 0.378891f, 0.378878f, 0.378865f, 0.378851f, 0.378838f, 0.378825f, 0.378812f, 0.378799f, 0.378786f, 0.378773f, 0.37876f, 0.378746f,
-0.378733f, 0.37872f, 0.378707f, 0.378694f, 0.378681f, 0.378668f, 0.378654f, 0.378641f, 0.378628f, 0.378615f, 0.378602f, 0.378589f, 0.378576f, 0.378563f, 0.378549f, 0.378536f, 0.378523f, 0.37851f, 0.378497f, 0.378484f,
-0.378471f, 0.378458f, 0.378445f, 0.378431f, 0.378418f, 0.378405f, 0.378392f, 0.378379f, 0.378366f, 0.378353f, 0.37834f, 0.378327f, 0.378313f, 0.3783f, 0.378287f, 0.378274f, 0.378261f, 0.378248f, 0.378235f, 0.378222f,
-0.378209f, 0.378196f, 0.378182f, 0.378169f, 0.378156f, 0.378143f, 0.37813f, 0.378117f, 0.378104f, 0.378091f, 0.378078f, 0.378065f, 0.378052f, 0.378039f, 0.378025f, 0.378012f, 0.377999f, 0.377986f, 0.377973f, 0.37796f,
-0.377947f, 0.377934f, 0.377921f, 0.377908f, 0.377895f, 0.377882f, 0.377868f, 0.377855f, 0.377842f, 0.377829f, 0.377816f, 0.377803f, 0.37779f, 0.377777f, 0.377764f, 0.377751f, 0.377738f, 0.377725f, 0.377712f, 0.377699f,
-0.377686f, 0.377673f, 0.377659f, 0.377646f, 0.377633f, 0.37762f, 0.377607f, 0.377594f, 0.377581f, 0.377568f, 0.377555f, 0.377542f, 0.377529f, 0.377516f, 0.377503f, 0.37749f, 0.377477f, 0.377464f, 0.377451f, 0.377438f,
-0.377425f, 0.377412f, 0.377398f, 0.377385f, 0.377372f, 0.377359f, 0.377346f, 0.377333f, 0.37732f, 0.377307f, 0.377294f, 0.377281f, 0.377268f, 0.377255f, 0.377242f, 0.377229f, 0.377216f, 0.377203f, 0.37719f, 0.377177f,
-0.377164f, 0.377151f, 0.377138f, 0.377125f, 0.377112f, 0.377099f, 0.377086f, 0.377073f, 0.37706f, 0.377047f, 0.377034f, 0.377021f, 0.377008f, 0.376995f, 0.376982f, 0.376969f, 0.376956f, 0.376943f, 0.37693f, 0.376917f,
-0.376904f, 0.376891f, 0.376878f, 0.376865f, 0.376852f, 0.376839f, 0.376826f, 0.376813f, 0.3768f, 0.376787f, 0.376774f, 0.376761f, 0.376748f, 0.376735f, 0.376722f, 0.376709f, 0.376696f, 0.376683f, 0.37667f, 0.376657f,
-0.376644f, 0.376631f, 0.376618f, 0.376605f, 0.376592f, 0.376579f, 0.376566f, 0.376553f, 0.37654f, 0.376527f, 0.376514f, 0.376501f, 0.376488f, 0.376475f, 0.376462f, 0.376449f, 0.376436f, 0.376423f, 0.37641f, 0.376397f,
-0.376384f, 0.376371f, 0.376358f, 0.376345f, 0.376332f, 0.376319f, 0.376306f, 0.376293f, 0.37628f, 0.376267f, 0.376254f, 0.376241f, 0.376229f, 0.376216f, 0.376203f, 0.37619f, 0.376177f, 0.376164f, 0.376151f, 0.376138f,
-0.376125f, 0.376112f, 0.376099f, 0.376086f, 0.376073f, 0.37606f, 0.376047f, 0.376034f, 0.376021f, 0.376008f, 0.375995f, 0.375982f, 0.37597f, 0.375957f, 0.375944f, 0.375931f, 0.375918f, 0.375905f, 0.375892f, 0.375879f,
-0.375866f, 0.375853f, 0.37584f, 0.375827f, 0.375814f, 0.375801f, 0.375788f, 0.375776f, 0.375763f, 0.37575f, 0.375737f, 0.375724f, 0.375711f, 0.375698f, 0.375685f, 0.375672f, 0.375659f, 0.375646f, 0.375633f, 0.37562f,
-0.375608f, 0.375595f, 0.375582f, 0.375569f, 0.375556f, 0.375543f, 0.37553f, 0.375517f, 0.375504f, 0.375491f, 0.375478f, 0.375465f, 0.375453f, 0.37544f, 0.375427f, 0.375414f, 0.375401f, 0.375388f, 0.375375f, 0.375362f,
-0.375349f, 0.375336f, 0.375324f, 0.375311f, 0.375298f, 0.375285f, 0.375272f, 0.375259f, 0.375246f, 0.375233f, 0.37522f, 0.375208f, 0.375195f, 0.375182f, 0.375169f, 0.375156f, 0.375143f, 0.37513f, 0.375117f, 0.375104f,
-0.375092f, 0.375079f, 0.375066f, 0.375053f, 0.37504f, 0.375027f, 0.375014f, 0.375001f, 0.374989f, 0.374976f, 0.374963f, 0.37495f, 0.374937f, 0.374924f, 0.374911f, 0.374898f, 0.374886f, 0.374873f, 0.37486f, 0.374847f,
-0.374834f, 0.374821f, 0.374808f, 0.374796f, 0.374783f, 0.37477f, 0.374757f, 0.374744f, 0.374731f, 0.374718f, 0.374706f, 0.374693f, 0.37468f, 0.374667f, 0.374654f, 0.374641f, 0.374628f, 0.374616f, 0.374603f, 0.37459f,
-0.374577f, 0.374564f, 0.374551f, 0.374539f, 0.374526f, 0.374513f, 0.3745f, 0.374487f, 0.374474f, 0.374461f, 0.374449f, 0.374436f, 0.374423f, 0.37441f, 0.374397f, 0.374384f, 0.374372f, 0.374359f, 0.374346f, 0.374333f,
-0.37432f, 0.374307f, 0.374295f, 0.374282f, 0.374269f, 0.374256f, 0.374243f, 0.374231f, 0.374218f, 0.374205f, 0.374192f, 0.374179f, 0.374166f, 0.374154f, 0.374141f, 0.374128f, 0.374115f, 0.374102f, 0.37409f, 0.374077f,
-0.374064f, 0.374051f, 0.374038f, 0.374025f, 0.374013f, 0.374f, 0.373987f, 0.373974f, 0.373961f, 0.373949f, 0.373936f, 0.373923f, 0.37391f, 0.373897f, 0.373885f, 0.373872f, 0.373859f, 0.373846f, 0.373833f, 0.373821f,
-0.373808f, 0.373795f, 0.373782f, 0.37377f, 0.373757f, 0.373744f, 0.373731f, 0.373718f, 0.373706f, 0.373693f, 0.37368f, 0.373667f, 0.373654f, 0.373642f, 0.373629f, 0.373616f, 0.373603f, 0.373591f, 0.373578f, 0.373565f,
-0.373552f, 0.373539f, 0.373527f, 0.373514f, 0.373501f, 0.373488f, 0.373476f, 0.373463f, 0.37345f, 0.373437f, 0.373425f, 0.373412f, 0.373399f, 0.373386f, 0.373373f, 0.373361f, 0.373348f, 0.373335f, 0.373322f, 0.37331f,
-0.373297f, 0.373284f, 0.373271f, 0.373259f, 0.373246f, 0.373233f, 0.37322f, 0.373208f, 0.373195f, 0.373182f, 0.373169f, 0.373157f, 0.373144f, 0.373131f, 0.373118f, 0.373106f, 0.373093f, 0.37308f, 0.373067f, 0.373055f,
-0.373042f, 0.373029f, 0.373016f, 0.373004f, 0.372991f, 0.372978f, 0.372965f, 0.372953f, 0.37294f, 0.372927f, 0.372915f, 0.372902f, 0.372889f, 0.372876f, 0.372864f, 0.372851f, 0.372838f, 0.372825f, 0.372813f, 0.3728f,
-0.372787f, 0.372775f, 0.372762f, 0.372749f, 0.372736f, 0.372724f, 0.372711f, 0.372698f, 0.372686f, 0.372673f, 0.37266f, 0.372647f, 0.372635f, 0.372622f, 0.372609f, 0.372597f, 0.372584f, 0.372571f, 0.372558f, 0.372546f,
-0.372533f, 0.37252f, 0.372508f, 0.372495f, 0.372482f, 0.372469f, 0.372457f, 0.372444f, 0.372431f, 0.372419f, 0.372406f, 0.372393f, 0.372381f, 0.372368f, 0.372355f, 0.372342f, 0.37233f, 0.372317f, 0.372304f, 0.372292f,
-0.372279f, 0.372266f, 0.372254f, 0.372241f, 0.372228f, 0.372216f, 0.372203f, 0.37219f, 0.372178f, 0.372165f, 0.372152f, 0.37214f, 0.372127f, 0.372114f, 0.372101f, 0.372089f, 0.372076f, 0.372063f, 0.372051f, 0.372038f,
-0.372025f, 0.372013f, 0.372f, 0.371987f, 0.371975f, 0.371962f, 0.371949f, 0.371937f, 0.371924f, 0.371911f, 0.371899f, 0.371886f, 0.371873f, 0.371861f, 0.371848f, 0.371835f, 0.371823f, 0.37181f, 0.371797f, 0.371785f,
-0.371772f, 0.37176f, 0.371747f, 0.371734f, 0.371722f, 0.371709f, 0.371696f, 0.371684f, 0.371671f, 0.371658f, 0.371646f, 0.371633f, 0.37162f, 0.371608f, 0.371595f, 0.371582f, 0.37157f, 0.371557f, 0.371545f, 0.371532f,
-0.371519f, 0.371507f, 0.371494f, 0.371481f, 0.371469f, 0.371456f, 0.371443f, 0.371431f, 0.371418f, 0.371406f, 0.371393f, 0.37138f, 0.371368f, 0.371355f, 0.371342f, 0.37133f, 0.371317f, 0.371305f, 0.371292f, 0.371279f,
-0.371267f, 0.371254f, 0.371241f, 0.371229f, 0.371216f, 0.371204f, 0.371191f, 0.371178f, 0.371166f, 0.371153f, 0.371141f, 0.371128f, 0.371115f, 0.371103f, 0.37109f, 0.371078f, 0.371065f, 0.371052f, 0.37104f, 0.371027f,
-0.371014f, 0.371002f, 0.370989f, 0.370977f, 0.370964f, 0.370951f, 0.370939f, 0.370926f, 0.370914f, 0.370901f, 0.370889f, 0.370876f, 0.370863f, 0.370851f, 0.370838f, 0.370826f, 0.370813f, 0.3708f, 0.370788f, 0.370775f,
-0.370763f, 0.37075f, 0.370737f, 0.370725f, 0.370712f, 0.3707f, 0.370687f, 0.370675f, 0.370662f, 0.370649f, 0.370637f, 0.370624f, 0.370612f, 0.370599f, 0.370587f, 0.370574f, 0.370561f, 0.370549f, 0.370536f, 0.370524f,
-0.370511f, 0.370499f, 0.370486f, 0.370473f, 0.370461f, 0.370448f, 0.370436f, 0.370423f, 0.370411f, 0.370398f, 0.370385f, 0.370373f, 0.37036f, 0.370348f, 0.370335f, 0.370323f, 0.37031f, 0.370298f, 0.370285f, 0.370272f,
-0.37026f, 0.370247f, 0.370235f, 0.370222f, 0.37021f, 0.370197f, 0.370185f, 0.370172f, 0.37016f, 0.370147f, 0.370134f, 0.370122f, 0.370109f, 0.370097f, 0.370084f, 0.370072f, 0.370059f, 0.370047f, 0.370034f, 0.370022f,
-0.370009f, 0.369996f, 0.369984f, 0.369971f, 0.369959f, 0.369946f, 0.369934f, 0.369921f, 0.369909f, 0.369896f, 0.369884f, 0.369871f, 0.369859f, 0.369846f, 0.369834f, 0.369821f, 0.369809f, 0.369796f, 0.369784f, 0.369771f,
-0.369759f, 0.369746f, 0.369733f, 0.369721f, 0.369708f, 0.369696f, 0.369683f, 0.369671f, 0.369658f, 0.369646f, 0.369633f, 0.369621f, 0.369608f, 0.369596f, 0.369583f, 0.369571f, 0.369558f, 0.369546f, 0.369533f, 0.369521f,
-0.369508f, 0.369496f, 0.369483f, 0.369471f, 0.369458f, 0.369446f, 0.369433f, 0.369421f, 0.369408f, 0.369396f, 0.369383f, 0.369371f, 0.369358f, 0.369346f, 0.369333f, 0.369321f, 0.369308f, 0.369296f, 0.369283f, 0.369271f,
-0.369259f, 0.369246f, 0.369234f, 0.369221f, 0.369209f, 0.369196f, 0.369184f, 0.369171f, 0.369159f, 0.369146f, 0.369134f, 0.369121f, 0.369109f, 0.369096f, 0.369084f, 0.369071f, 0.369059f, 0.369046f, 0.369034f, 0.369021f,
-0.369009f, 0.368997f, 0.368984f, 0.368972f, 0.368959f, 0.368947f, 0.368934f, 0.368922f, 0.368909f, 0.368897f, 0.368884f, 0.368872f, 0.368859f, 0.368847f, 0.368835f, 0.368822f, 0.36881f, 0.368797f, 0.368785f, 0.368772f,
-0.36876f, 0.368747f, 0.368735f, 0.368723f, 0.36871f, 0.368698f, 0.368685f, 0.368673f, 0.36866f, 0.368648f, 0.368635f, 0.368623f, 0.368611f, 0.368598f, 0.368586f, 0.368573f, 0.368561f, 0.368548f, 0.368536f, 0.368523f,
-0.368511f, 0.368499f, 0.368486f, 0.368474f, 0.368461f, 0.368449f, 0.368436f, 0.368424f, 0.368412f, 0.368399f, 0.368387f, 0.368374f, 0.368362f, 0.368349f, 0.368337f, 0.368325f, 0.368312f, 0.3683f, 0.368287f, 0.368275f,
-0.368263f, 0.36825f, 0.368238f, 0.368225f, 0.368213f, 0.3682f, 0.368188f, 0.368176f, 0.368163f, 0.368151f, 0.368138f, 0.368126f, 0.368114f, 0.368101f, 0.368089f, 0.368076f, 0.368064f, 0.368052f, 0.368039f, 0.368027f,
-0.368014f, 0.368002f, 0.36799f, 0.367977f, 0.367965f, 0.367952f, 0.36794f, 0.367928f, 0.367915f, 0.367903f, 0.36789f, 0.367878f, 0.367866f, 0.367853f, 0.367841f, 0.367828f, 0.367816f, 0.367804f, 0.367791f, 0.367779f,
-0.367767f, 0.367754f, 0.367742f, 0.367729f, 0.367717f, 0.367705f, 0.367692f, 0.36768f, 0.367668f, 0.367655f, 0.367643f, 0.36763f, 0.367618f, 0.367606f, 0.367593f, 0.367581f, 0.367569f, 0.367556f, 0.367544f, 0.367531f,
-0.367519f, 0.367507f, 0.367494f, 0.367482f, 0.36747f, 0.367457f, 0.367445f, 0.367433f, 0.36742f, 0.367408f, 0.367395f, 0.367383f, 0.367371f, 0.367358f, 0.367346f, 0.367334f, 0.367321f, 0.367309f, 0.367297f, 0.367284f,
-0.367272f, 0.36726f, 0.367247f, 0.367235f, 0.367223f, 0.36721f, 0.367198f, 0.367185f, 0.367173f, 0.367161f, 0.367148f, 0.367136f, 0.367124f, 0.367111f, 0.367099f, 0.367087f, 0.367074f, 0.367062f, 0.36705f, 0.367037f,
-0.367025f, 0.367013f, 0.367f, 0.366988f, 0.366976f, 0.366963f, 0.366951f, 0.366939f, 0.366926f, 0.366914f, 0.366902f, 0.366889f, 0.366877f, 0.366865f, 0.366853f, 0.36684f, 0.366828f, 0.366816f, 0.366803f, 0.366791f,
-0.366779f, 0.366766f, 0.366754f, 0.366742f, 0.366729f, 0.366717f, 0.366705f, 0.366692f, 0.36668f, 0.366668f, 0.366655f, 0.366643f, 0.366631f, 0.366619f, 0.366606f, 0.366594f, 0.366582f, 0.366569f, 0.366557f, 0.366545f,
-0.366532f, 0.36652f, 0.366508f, 0.366496f, 0.366483f, 0.366471f, 0.366459f, 0.366446f, 0.366434f, 0.366422f, 0.366409f, 0.366397f, 0.366385f, 0.366373f, 0.36636f, 0.366348f, 0.366336f, 0.366323f, 0.366311f, 0.366299f,
-0.366287f, 0.366274f, 0.366262f, 0.36625f, 0.366237f, 0.366225f, 0.366213f, 0.366201f, 0.366188f, 0.366176f, 0.366164f, 0.366152f, 0.366139f, 0.366127f, 0.366115f, 0.366102f, 0.36609f, 0.366078f, 0.366066f, 0.366053f,
-0.366041f, 0.366029f, 0.366017f, 0.366004f, 0.365992f, 0.36598f, 0.365968f, 0.365955f, 0.365943f, 0.365931f, 0.365918f, 0.365906f, 0.365894f, 0.365882f, 0.365869f, 0.365857f, 0.365845f, 0.365833f, 0.36582f, 0.365808f,
-0.365796f, 0.365784f, 0.365771f, 0.365759f, 0.365747f, 0.365735f, 0.365722f, 0.36571f, 0.365698f, 0.365686f, 0.365673f, 0.365661f, 0.365649f, 0.365637f, 0.365625f, 0.365612f, 0.3656f, 0.365588f, 0.365576f, 0.365563f,
-0.365551f, 0.365539f, 0.365527f, 0.365514f, 0.365502f, 0.36549f, 0.365478f, 0.365465f, 0.365453f, 0.365441f, 0.365429f, 0.365417f, 0.365404f, 0.365392f, 0.36538f, 0.365368f, 0.365355f, 0.365343f, 0.365331f, 0.365319f,
-0.365307f, 0.365294f, 0.365282f, 0.36527f, 0.365258f, 0.365245f, 0.365233f, 0.365221f, 0.365209f, 0.365197f, 0.365184f, 0.365172f, 0.36516f, 0.365148f, 0.365136f, 0.365123f, 0.365111f, 0.365099f, 0.365087f, 0.365075f,
-0.365062f, 0.36505f, 0.365038f, 0.365026f, 0.365014f, 0.365001f, 0.364989f, 0.364977f, 0.364965f, 0.364953f, 0.36494f, 0.364928f, 0.364916f, 0.364904f, 0.364892f, 0.364879f, 0.364867f, 0.364855f, 0.364843f, 0.364831f,
-0.364819f, 0.364806f, 0.364794f, 0.364782f, 0.36477f, 0.364758f, 0.364745f, 0.364733f, 0.364721f, 0.364709f, 0.364697f, 0.364685f, 0.364672f, 0.36466f, 0.364648f, 0.364636f, 0.364624f, 0.364611f, 0.364599f, 0.364587f,
-0.364575f, 0.364563f, 0.364551f, 0.364538f, 0.364526f, 0.364514f, 0.364502f, 0.36449f, 0.364478f, 0.364466f, 0.364453f, 0.364441f, 0.364429f, 0.364417f, 0.364405f, 0.364393f, 0.36438f, 0.364368f, 0.364356f, 0.364344f,
-0.364332f, 0.36432f, 0.364307f, 0.364295f, 0.364283f, 0.364271f, 0.364259f, 0.364247f, 0.364235f, 0.364222f, 0.36421f, 0.364198f, 0.364186f, 0.364174f, 0.364162f, 0.36415f, 0.364137f, 0.364125f, 0.364113f, 0.364101f,
-0.364089f, 0.364077f, 0.364065f, 0.364052f, 0.36404f, 0.364028f, 0.364016f, 0.364004f, 0.363992f, 0.36398f, 0.363968f, 0.363955f, 0.363943f, 0.363931f, 0.363919f, 0.363907f, 0.363895f, 0.363883f, 0.363871f, 0.363858f,
-0.363846f, 0.363834f, 0.363822f, 0.36381f, 0.363798f, 0.363786f, 0.363774f, 0.363762f, 0.363749f, 0.363737f, 0.363725f, 0.363713f, 0.363701f, 0.363689f, 0.363677f, 0.363665f, 0.363653f, 0.36364f, 0.363628f, 0.363616f,
-0.363604f, 0.363592f, 0.36358f, 0.363568f, 0.363556f, 0.363544f, 0.363531f, 0.363519f, 0.363507f, 0.363495f, 0.363483f, 0.363471f, 0.363459f, 0.363447f, 0.363435f, 0.363423f, 0.363411f, 0.363398f, 0.363386f, 0.363374f,
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-0.363121f, 0.363108f, 0.363096f, 0.363084f, 0.363072f, 0.36306f, 0.363048f, 0.363036f, 0.363024f, 0.363012f, 0.363f, 0.362988f, 0.362976f, 0.362964f, 0.362952f, 0.36294f, 0.362928f, 0.362915f, 0.362903f, 0.362891f,
-0.362879f, 0.362867f, 0.362855f, 0.362843f, 0.362831f, 0.362819f, 0.362807f, 0.362795f, 0.362783f, 0.362771f, 0.362759f, 0.362747f, 0.362735f, 0.362723f, 0.362711f, 0.362699f, 0.362687f, 0.362674f, 0.362662f, 0.36265f,
-0.362638f, 0.362626f, 0.362614f, 0.362602f, 0.36259f, 0.362578f, 0.362566f, 0.362554f, 0.362542f, 0.36253f, 0.362518f, 0.362506f, 0.362494f, 0.362482f, 0.36247f, 0.362458f, 0.362446f, 0.362434f, 0.362422f, 0.36241f,
-0.362398f, 0.362386f, 0.362374f, 0.362362f, 0.36235f, 0.362338f, 0.362326f, 0.362314f, 0.362302f, 0.36229f, 0.362278f, 0.362265f, 0.362253f, 0.362241f, 0.362229f, 0.362217f, 0.362205f, 0.362193f, 0.362181f, 0.362169f,
-0.362157f, 0.362145f, 0.362133f, 0.362121f, 0.362109f, 0.362097f, 0.362085f, 0.362073f, 0.362061f, 0.362049f, 0.362037f, 0.362025f, 0.362013f, 0.362001f, 0.361989f, 0.361977f, 0.361965f, 0.361953f, 0.361941f, 0.361929f,
-0.361917f, 0.361905f, 0.361893f, 0.361881f, 0.361869f, 0.361857f, 0.361845f, 0.361833f, 0.361821f, 0.361809f, 0.361798f, 0.361786f, 0.361774f, 0.361762f, 0.36175f, 0.361738f, 0.361726f, 0.361714f, 0.361702f, 0.36169f,
-0.361678f, 0.361666f, 0.361654f, 0.361642f, 0.36163f, 0.361618f, 0.361606f, 0.361594f, 0.361582f, 0.36157f, 0.361558f, 0.361546f, 0.361534f, 0.361522f, 0.36151f, 0.361498f, 0.361486f, 0.361474f, 0.361462f, 0.36145f,
-0.361438f, 0.361426f, 0.361414f, 0.361402f, 0.361391f, 0.361379f, 0.361367f, 0.361355f, 0.361343f, 0.361331f, 0.361319f, 0.361307f, 0.361295f, 0.361283f, 0.361271f, 0.361259f, 0.361247f, 0.361235f, 0.361223f, 0.361211f,
-0.361199f, 0.361187f, 0.361175f, 0.361163f, 0.361152f, 0.36114f, 0.361128f, 0.361116f, 0.361104f, 0.361092f, 0.36108f, 0.361068f, 0.361056f, 0.361044f, 0.361032f, 0.36102f, 0.361008f, 0.360996f, 0.360984f, 0.360972f,
-0.360961f, 0.360949f, 0.360937f, 0.360925f, 0.360913f, 0.360901f, 0.360889f, 0.360877f, 0.360865f, 0.360853f, 0.360841f, 0.360829f, 0.360817f, 0.360806f, 0.360794f, 0.360782f, 0.36077f, 0.360758f, 0.360746f, 0.360734f,
-0.360722f, 0.36071f, 0.360698f, 0.360686f, 0.360675f, 0.360663f, 0.360651f, 0.360639f, 0.360627f, 0.360615f, 0.360603f, 0.360591f, 0.360579f, 0.360567f, 0.360555f, 0.360544f, 0.360532f, 0.36052f, 0.360508f, 0.360496f,
-0.360484f, 0.360472f, 0.36046f, 0.360448f, 0.360436f, 0.360425f, 0.360413f, 0.360401f, 0.360389f, 0.360377f, 0.360365f, 0.360353f, 0.360341f, 0.360329f, 0.360318f, 0.360306f, 0.360294f, 0.360282f, 0.36027f, 0.360258f,
-0.360246f, 0.360234f, 0.360223f, 0.360211f, 0.360199f, 0.360187f, 0.360175f, 0.360163f, 0.360151f, 0.360139f, 0.360127f, 0.360116f, 0.360104f, 0.360092f, 0.36008f, 0.360068f, 0.360056f, 0.360044f, 0.360033f, 0.360021f,
-0.360009f, 0.359997f, 0.359985f, 0.359973f, 0.359961f, 0.359949f, 0.359938f, 0.359926f, 0.359914f, 0.359902f, 0.35989f, 0.359878f, 0.359866f, 0.359855f, 0.359843f, 0.359831f, 0.359819f, 0.359807f, 0.359795f, 0.359783f,
-0.359772f, 0.35976f, 0.359748f, 0.359736f, 0.359724f, 0.359712f, 0.359701f, 0.359689f, 0.359677f, 0.359665f, 0.359653f, 0.359641f, 0.359629f, 0.359618f, 0.359606f, 0.359594f, 0.359582f, 0.35957f, 0.359558f, 0.359547f,
-0.359535f, 0.359523f, 0.359511f, 0.359499f, 0.359487f, 0.359476f, 0.359464f, 0.359452f, 0.35944f, 0.359428f, 0.359416f, 0.359405f, 0.359393f, 0.359381f, 0.359369f, 0.359357f, 0.359346f, 0.359334f, 0.359322f, 0.35931f,
-0.359298f, 0.359286f, 0.359275f, 0.359263f, 0.359251f, 0.359239f, 0.359227f, 0.359216f, 0.359204f, 0.359192f, 0.35918f, 0.359168f, 0.359156f, 0.359145f, 0.359133f, 0.359121f, 0.359109f, 0.359097f, 0.359086f, 0.359074f,
-0.359062f, 0.35905f, 0.359038f, 0.359027f, 0.359015f, 0.359003f, 0.358991f, 0.358979f, 0.358968f, 0.358956f, 0.358944f, 0.358932f, 0.35892f, 0.358909f, 0.358897f, 0.358885f, 0.358873f, 0.358861f, 0.35885f, 0.358838f,
-0.358826f, 0.358814f, 0.358803f, 0.358791f, 0.358779f, 0.358767f, 0.358755f, 0.358744f, 0.358732f, 0.35872f, 0.358708f, 0.358696f, 0.358685f, 0.358673f, 0.358661f, 0.358649f, 0.358638f, 0.358626f, 0.358614f, 0.358602f,
-0.358591f, 0.358579f, 0.358567f, 0.358555f, 0.358543f, 0.358532f, 0.35852f, 0.358508f, 0.358496f, 0.358485f, 0.358473f, 0.358461f, 0.358449f, 0.358438f, 0.358426f, 0.358414f, 0.358402f, 0.35839f, 0.358379f, 0.358367f,
-0.358355f, 0.358343f, 0.358332f, 0.35832f, 0.358308f, 0.358296f, 0.358285f, 0.358273f, 0.358261f, 0.358249f, 0.358238f, 0.358226f, 0.358214f, 0.358202f, 0.358191f, 0.358179f, 0.358167f, 0.358155f, 0.358144f, 0.358132f,
-0.35812f, 0.358108f, 0.358097f, 0.358085f, 0.358073f, 0.358062f, 0.35805f, 0.358038f, 0.358026f, 0.358015f, 0.358003f, 0.357991f, 0.357979f, 0.357968f, 0.357956f, 0.357944f, 0.357932f, 0.357921f, 0.357909f, 0.357897f,
-0.357886f, 0.357874f, 0.357862f, 0.35785f, 0.357839f, 0.357827f, 0.357815f, 0.357803f, 0.357792f, 0.35778f, 0.357768f, 0.357757f, 0.357745f, 0.357733f, 0.357721f, 0.35771f, 0.357698f, 0.357686f, 0.357675f, 0.357663f,
-0.357651f, 0.357639f, 0.357628f, 0.357616f, 0.357604f, 0.357593f, 0.357581f, 0.357569f, 0.357558f, 0.357546f, 0.357534f, 0.357522f, 0.357511f, 0.357499f, 0.357487f, 0.357476f, 0.357464f, 0.357452f, 0.35744f, 0.357429f,
-0.357417f, 0.357405f, 0.357394f, 0.357382f, 0.35737f, 0.357359f, 0.357347f, 0.357335f, 0.357324f, 0.357312f, 0.3573f, 0.357288f, 0.357277f, 0.357265f, 0.357253f, 0.357242f, 0.35723f, 0.357218f, 0.357207f, 0.357195f,
-0.357183f, 0.357172f, 0.35716f, 0.357148f, 0.357137f, 0.357125f, 0.357113f, 0.357102f, 0.35709f, 0.357078f, 0.357067f, 0.357055f, 0.357043f, 0.357032f, 0.35702f, 0.357008f, 0.356997f, 0.356985f, 0.356973f, 0.356962f,
-0.35695f, 0.356938f, 0.356927f, 0.356915f, 0.356903f, 0.356892f, 0.35688f, 0.356868f, 0.356857f, 0.356845f, 0.356833f, 0.356822f, 0.35681f, 0.356798f, 0.356787f, 0.356775f, 0.356763f, 0.356752f, 0.35674f, 0.356728f,
-0.356717f, 0.356705f, 0.356693f, 0.356682f, 0.35667f, 0.356659f, 0.356647f, 0.356635f, 0.356624f, 0.356612f, 0.3566f, 0.356589f, 0.356577f, 0.356565f, 0.356554f, 0.356542f, 0.35653f, 0.356519f, 0.356507f, 0.356496f,
-0.356484f, 0.356472f, 0.356461f, 0.356449f, 0.356437f, 0.356426f, 0.356414f, 0.356402f, 0.356391f, 0.356379f, 0.356368f, 0.356356f, 0.356344f, 0.356333f, 0.356321f, 0.356309f, 0.356298f, 0.356286f, 0.356275f, 0.356263f,
-0.356251f, 0.35624f, 0.356228f, 0.356217f, 0.356205f, 0.356193f, 0.356182f, 0.35617f, 0.356158f, 0.356147f, 0.356135f, 0.356124f, 0.356112f, 0.3561f, 0.356089f, 0.356077f, 0.356066f, 0.356054f, 0.356042f, 0.356031f,
-0.356019f, 0.356008f, 0.355996f, 0.355984f, 0.355973f, 0.355961f, 0.35595f, 0.355938f, 0.355926f, 0.355915f, 0.355903f, 0.355892f, 0.35588f, 0.355868f, 0.355857f, 0.355845f, 0.355834f, 0.355822f, 0.35581f, 0.355799f,
-0.355787f, 0.355776f, 0.355764f, 0.355752f, 0.355741f, 0.355729f, 0.355718f, 0.355706f, 0.355694f, 0.355683f, 0.355671f, 0.35566f, 0.355648f, 0.355637f, 0.355625f, 0.355613f, 0.355602f, 0.35559f, 0.355579f, 0.355567f,
-0.355556f, 0.355544f, 0.355532f, 0.355521f, 0.355509f, 0.355498f, 0.355486f, 0.355475f, 0.355463f, 0.355451f, 0.35544f, 0.355428f, 0.355417f, 0.355405f, 0.355394f, 0.355382f, 0.35537f, 0.355359f, 0.355347f, 0.355336f,
-0.355324f, 0.355313f, 0.355301f, 0.35529f, 0.355278f, 0.355266f, 0.355255f, 0.355243f, 0.355232f, 0.35522f, 0.355209f, 0.355197f, 0.355186f, 0.355174f, 0.355162f, 0.355151f, 0.355139f, 0.355128f, 0.355116f, 0.355105f,
-0.355093f, 0.355082f, 0.35507f, 0.355059f, 0.355047f, 0.355035f, 0.355024f, 0.355012f, 0.355001f, 0.354989f, 0.354978f, 0.354966f, 0.354955f, 0.354943f, 0.354932f, 0.35492f, 0.354909f, 0.354897f, 0.354886f, 0.354874f,
-0.354862f, 0.354851f, 0.354839f, 0.354828f, 0.354816f, 0.354805f, 0.354793f, 0.354782f, 0.35477f, 0.354759f, 0.354747f, 0.354736f, 0.354724f, 0.354713f, 0.354701f, 0.35469f, 0.354678f, 0.354667f, 0.354655f, 0.354644f,
-0.354632f, 0.354621f, 0.354609f, 0.354597f, 0.354586f, 0.354574f, 0.354563f, 0.354551f, 0.35454f, 0.354528f, 0.354517f, 0.354505f, 0.354494f, 0.354482f, 0.354471f, 0.354459f, 0.354448f, 0.354436f, 0.354425f, 0.354413f,
-0.354402f, 0.35439f, 0.354379f, 0.354367f, 0.354356f, 0.354344f, 0.354333f, 0.354321f, 0.35431f, 0.354298f, 0.354287f, 0.354275f, 0.354264f, 0.354252f, 0.354241f, 0.35423f, 0.354218f, 0.354207f, 0.354195f, 0.354184f,
-0.354172f, 0.354161f, 0.354149f, 0.354138f, 0.354126f, 0.354115f, 0.354103f, 0.354092f, 0.35408f, 0.354069f, 0.354057f, 0.354046f, 0.354034f, 0.354023f, 0.354011f, 0.354f, 0.353988f, 0.353977f, 0.353965f, 0.353954f,
-0.353943f, 0.353931f, 0.35392f, 0.353908f, 0.353897f, 0.353885f, 0.353874f, 0.353862f, 0.353851f, 0.353839f, 0.353828f, 0.353816f, 0.353805f, 0.353793f, 0.353782f, 0.353771f, 0.353759f, 0.353748f, 0.353736f, 0.353725f,
-0.353713f, 0.353702f, 0.35369f, 0.353679f, 0.353667f, 0.353656f, 0.353645f, 0.353633f, 0.353622f, 0.35361f, 0.353599f, 0.353587f, 0.353576f, 0.353564f, 0.353553f, 0.353542f, 0.35353f, 0.353519f, 0.353507f, 0.353496f,
-0.353484f, 0.353473f, 0.353461f, 0.35345f, 0.353439f, 0.353427f, 0.353416f, 0.353404f, 0.353393f, 0.353381f, 0.35337f, 0.353359f, 0.353347f, 0.353336f, 0.353324f, 0.353313f, 0.353301f, 0.35329f, 0.353279f, 0.353267f,
-0.353256f, 0.353244f, 0.353233f, 0.353221f, 0.35321f, 0.353199f, 0.353187f, 0.353176f, 0.353164f, 0.353153f, 0.353142f, 0.35313f, 0.353119f, 0.353107f, 0.353096f, 0.353084f, 0.353073f, 0.353062f, 0.35305f, 0.353039f,
-0.353027f, 0.353016f, 0.353005f, 0.352993f, 0.352982f, 0.35297f, 0.352959f, 0.352948f, 0.352936f, 0.352925f, 0.352913f, 0.352902f, 0.35289f, 0.352879f, 0.352868f, 0.352856f, 0.352845f, 0.352834f, 0.352822f, 0.352811f,
-0.352799f, 0.352788f, 0.352777f, 0.352765f, 0.352754f, 0.352742f, 0.352731f, 0.35272f, 0.352708f, 0.352697f, 0.352685f, 0.352674f, 0.352663f, 0.352651f, 0.35264f, 0.352628f, 0.352617f, 0.352606f, 0.352594f, 0.352583f,
-0.352572f, 0.35256f, 0.352549f, 0.352537f, 0.352526f, 0.352515f, 0.352503f, 0.352492f, 0.352481f, 0.352469f, 0.352458f, 0.352446f, 0.352435f, 0.352424f, 0.352412f, 0.352401f, 0.35239f, 0.352378f, 0.352367f, 0.352355f,
-0.352344f, 0.352333f, 0.352321f, 0.35231f, 0.352299f, 0.352287f, 0.352276f, 0.352265f, 0.352253f, 0.352242f, 0.35223f, 0.352219f, 0.352208f, 0.352196f, 0.352185f, 0.352174f, 0.352162f, 0.352151f, 0.35214f, 0.352128f,
-0.352117f, 0.352106f, 0.352094f, 0.352083f, 0.352072f, 0.35206f, 0.352049f, 0.352037f, 0.352026f, 0.352015f, 0.352003f, 0.351992f, 0.351981f, 0.351969f, 0.351958f, 0.351947f, 0.351935f, 0.351924f, 0.351913f, 0.351901f,
-0.35189f, 0.351879f, 0.351867f, 0.351856f, 0.351845f, 0.351833f, 0.351822f, 0.351811f, 0.351799f, 0.351788f, 0.351777f, 0.351765f, 0.351754f, 0.351743f, 0.351731f, 0.35172f, 0.351709f, 0.351697f, 0.351686f, 0.351675f,
-0.351663f, 0.351652f, 0.351641f, 0.351629f, 0.351618f, 0.351607f, 0.351596f, 0.351584f, 0.351573f, 0.351562f, 0.35155f, 0.351539f, 0.351528f, 0.351516f, 0.351505f, 0.351494f, 0.351482f, 0.351471f, 0.35146f, 0.351448f,
-0.351437f, 0.351426f, 0.351415f, 0.351403f, 0.351392f, 0.351381f, 0.351369f, 0.351358f, 0.351347f, 0.351335f, 0.351324f, 0.351313f, 0.351302f, 0.35129f, 0.351279f, 0.351268f, 0.351256f, 0.351245f, 0.351234f, 0.351222f,
-0.351211f, 0.3512f, 0.351189f, 0.351177f, 0.351166f, 0.351155f, 0.351143f, 0.351132f, 0.351121f, 0.35111f, 0.351098f, 0.351087f, 0.351076f, 0.351064f, 0.351053f, 0.351042f, 0.351031f, 0.351019f, 0.351008f, 0.350997f,
-0.350985f, 0.350974f, 0.350963f, 0.350952f, 0.35094f, 0.350929f, 0.350918f, 0.350907f, 0.350895f, 0.350884f, 0.350873f, 0.350861f, 0.35085f, 0.350839f, 0.350828f, 0.350816f, 0.350805f, 0.350794f, 0.350783f, 0.350771f,
-0.35076f, 0.350749f, 0.350737f, 0.350726f, 0.350715f, 0.350704f, 0.350692f, 0.350681f, 0.35067f, 0.350659f, 0.350647f, 0.350636f, 0.350625f, 0.350614f, 0.350602f, 0.350591f, 0.35058f, 0.350569f, 0.350557f, 0.350546f,
-0.350535f, 0.350524f, 0.350512f, 0.350501f, 0.35049f, 0.350479f, 0.350467f, 0.350456f, 0.350445f, 0.350434f, 0.350422f, 0.350411f, 0.3504f, 0.350389f, 0.350377f, 0.350366f, 0.350355f, 0.350344f, 0.350332f, 0.350321f,
-0.35031f, 0.350299f, 0.350288f, 0.350276f, 0.350265f, 0.350254f, 0.350243f, 0.350231f, 0.35022f, 0.350209f, 0.350198f, 0.350186f, 0.350175f, 0.350164f, 0.350153f, 0.350142f, 0.35013f, 0.350119f, 0.350108f, 0.350097f,
-0.350085f, 0.350074f, 0.350063f, 0.350052f, 0.350041f, 0.350029f, 0.350018f, 0.350007f, 0.349996f, 0.349985f, 0.349973f, 0.349962f, 0.349951f, 0.34994f, 0.349928f, 0.349917f, 0.349906f, 0.349895f, 0.349884f, 0.349872f,
-0.349861f, 0.34985f, 0.349839f, 0.349828f, 0.349816f, 0.349805f, 0.349794f, 0.349783f, 0.349772f, 0.34976f, 0.349749f, 0.349738f, 0.349727f, 0.349716f, 0.349704f, 0.349693f, 0.349682f, 0.349671f, 0.34966f, 0.349648f,
-0.349637f, 0.349626f, 0.349615f, 0.349604f, 0.349592f, 0.349581f, 0.34957f, 0.349559f, 0.349548f, 0.349537f, 0.349525f, 0.349514f, 0.349503f, 0.349492f, 0.349481f, 0.349469f, 0.349458f, 0.349447f, 0.349436f, 0.349425f,
-0.349414f, 0.349402f, 0.349391f, 0.34938f, 0.349369f, 0.349358f, 0.349346f, 0.349335f, 0.349324f, 0.349313f, 0.349302f, 0.349291f, 0.349279f, 0.349268f, 0.349257f, 0.349246f, 0.349235f, 0.349224f, 0.349212f, 0.349201f,
-0.34919f, 0.349179f, 0.349168f, 0.349157f, 0.349145f, 0.349134f, 0.349123f, 0.349112f, 0.349101f, 0.34909f, 0.349079f, 0.349067f, 0.349056f, 0.349045f, 0.349034f, 0.349023f, 0.349012f, 0.349f, 0.348989f, 0.348978f,
-0.348967f, 0.348956f, 0.348945f, 0.348934f, 0.348922f, 0.348911f, 0.3489f, 0.348889f, 0.348878f, 0.348867f, 0.348856f, 0.348844f, 0.348833f, 0.348822f, 0.348811f, 0.3488f, 0.348789f, 0.348778f, 0.348766f, 0.348755f,
-0.348744f, 0.348733f, 0.348722f, 0.348711f, 0.3487f, 0.348688f, 0.348677f, 0.348666f, 0.348655f, 0.348644f, 0.348633f, 0.348622f, 0.348611f, 0.348599f, 0.348588f, 0.348577f, 0.348566f, 0.348555f, 0.348544f, 0.348533f,
-0.348522f, 0.34851f, 0.348499f, 0.348488f, 0.348477f, 0.348466f, 0.348455f, 0.348444f, 0.348433f, 0.348422f, 0.34841f, 0.348399f, 0.348388f, 0.348377f, 0.348366f, 0.348355f, 0.348344f, 0.348333f, 0.348322f, 0.34831f,
-0.348299f, 0.348288f, 0.348277f, 0.348266f, 0.348255f, 0.348244f, 0.348233f, 0.348222f, 0.34821f, 0.348199f, 0.348188f, 0.348177f, 0.348166f, 0.348155f, 0.348144f, 0.348133f, 0.348122f, 0.348111f, 0.3481f, 0.348088f,
-0.348077f, 0.348066f, 0.348055f, 0.348044f, 0.348033f, 0.348022f, 0.348011f, 0.348f, 0.347989f, 0.347978f, 0.347966f, 0.347955f, 0.347944f, 0.347933f, 0.347922f, 0.347911f, 0.3479f, 0.347889f, 0.347878f, 0.347867f,
-0.347856f, 0.347845f, 0.347833f, 0.347822f, 0.347811f, 0.3478f, 0.347789f, 0.347778f, 0.347767f, 0.347756f, 0.347745f, 0.347734f, 0.347723f, 0.347712f, 0.347701f, 0.34769f, 0.347678f, 0.347667f, 0.347656f, 0.347645f,
-0.347634f, 0.347623f, 0.347612f, 0.347601f, 0.34759f, 0.347579f, 0.347568f, 0.347557f, 0.347546f, 0.347535f, 0.347524f, 0.347513f, 0.347501f, 0.34749f, 0.347479f, 0.347468f, 0.347457f, 0.347446f, 0.347435f, 0.347424f,
-0.347413f, 0.347402f, 0.347391f, 0.34738f, 0.347369f, 0.347358f, 0.347347f, 0.347336f, 0.347325f, 0.347314f, 0.347303f, 0.347292f, 0.347281f, 0.347269f, 0.347258f, 0.347247f, 0.347236f, 0.347225f, 0.347214f, 0.347203f,
-0.347192f, 0.347181f, 0.34717f, 0.347159f, 0.347148f, 0.347137f, 0.347126f, 0.347115f, 0.347104f, 0.347093f, 0.347082f, 0.347071f, 0.34706f, 0.347049f, 0.347038f, 0.347027f, 0.347016f, 0.347005f, 0.346994f, 0.346983f,
-0.346972f, 0.346961f, 0.34695f, 0.346939f, 0.346928f, 0.346917f, 0.346906f, 0.346894f, 0.346883f, 0.346872f, 0.346861f, 0.34685f, 0.346839f, 0.346828f, 0.346817f, 0.346806f, 0.346795f, 0.346784f, 0.346773f, 0.346762f,
-0.346751f, 0.34674f, 0.346729f, 0.346718f, 0.346707f, 0.346696f, 0.346685f, 0.346674f, 0.346663f, 0.346652f, 0.346641f, 0.34663f, 0.346619f, 0.346608f, 0.346597f, 0.346586f, 0.346575f, 0.346564f, 0.346553f, 0.346542f,
-0.346531f, 0.34652f, 0.346509f, 0.346498f, 0.346487f, 0.346476f, 0.346465f, 0.346454f, 0.346443f, 0.346432f, 0.346421f, 0.34641f, 0.346399f, 0.346388f, 0.346377f, 0.346366f, 0.346355f, 0.346345f, 0.346334f, 0.346323f,
-0.346312f, 0.346301f, 0.34629f, 0.346279f, 0.346268f, 0.346257f, 0.346246f, 0.346235f, 0.346224f, 0.346213f, 0.346202f, 0.346191f, 0.34618f, 0.346169f, 0.346158f, 0.346147f, 0.346136f, 0.346125f, 0.346114f, 0.346103f,
-0.346092f, 0.346081f, 0.34607f, 0.346059f, 0.346048f, 0.346037f, 0.346026f, 0.346015f, 0.346004f, 0.345993f, 0.345982f, 0.345972f, 0.345961f, 0.34595f, 0.345939f, 0.345928f, 0.345917f, 0.345906f, 0.345895f, 0.345884f,
-0.345873f, 0.345862f, 0.345851f, 0.34584f, 0.345829f, 0.345818f, 0.345807f, 0.345796f, 0.345785f, 0.345774f, 0.345763f, 0.345752f, 0.345742f, 0.345731f, 0.34572f, 0.345709f, 0.345698f, 0.345687f, 0.345676f, 0.345665f,
-0.345654f, 0.345643f, 0.345632f, 0.345621f, 0.34561f, 0.345599f, 0.345588f, 0.345577f, 0.345567f, 0.345556f, 0.345545f, 0.345534f, 0.345523f, 0.345512f, 0.345501f, 0.34549f, 0.345479f, 0.345468f, 0.345457f, 0.345446f,
-0.345435f, 0.345424f, 0.345414f, 0.345403f, 0.345392f, 0.345381f, 0.34537f, 0.345359f, 0.345348f, 0.345337f, 0.345326f, 0.345315f, 0.345304f, 0.345293f, 0.345283f, 0.345272f, 0.345261f, 0.34525f, 0.345239f, 0.345228f,
-0.345217f, 0.345206f, 0.345195f, 0.345184f, 0.345173f, 0.345162f, 0.345152f, 0.345141f, 0.34513f, 0.345119f, 0.345108f, 0.345097f, 0.345086f, 0.345075f, 0.345064f, 0.345053f, 0.345043f, 0.345032f, 0.345021f, 0.34501f,
-0.344999f, 0.344988f, 0.344977f, 0.344966f, 0.344955f, 0.344944f, 0.344934f, 0.344923f, 0.344912f, 0.344901f, 0.34489f, 0.344879f, 0.344868f, 0.344857f, 0.344846f, 0.344836f, 0.344825f, 0.344814f, 0.344803f, 0.344792f,
-0.344781f, 0.34477f, 0.344759f, 0.344748f, 0.344738f, 0.344727f, 0.344716f, 0.344705f, 0.344694f, 0.344683f, 0.344672f, 0.344661f, 0.344651f, 0.34464f, 0.344629f, 0.344618f, 0.344607f, 0.344596f, 0.344585f, 0.344574f,
-0.344564f, 0.344553f, 0.344542f, 0.344531f, 0.34452f, 0.344509f, 0.344498f, 0.344488f, 0.344477f, 0.344466f, 0.344455f, 0.344444f, 0.344433f, 0.344422f, 0.344412f, 0.344401f, 0.34439f, 0.344379f, 0.344368f, 0.344357f,
-0.344346f, 0.344336f, 0.344325f, 0.344314f, 0.344303f, 0.344292f, 0.344281f, 0.34427f, 0.34426f, 0.344249f, 0.344238f, 0.344227f, 0.344216f, 0.344205f, 0.344194f, 0.344184f, 0.344173f, 0.344162f, 0.344151f, 0.34414f,
-0.344129f, 0.344119f, 0.344108f, 0.344097f, 0.344086f, 0.344075f, 0.344064f, 0.344054f, 0.344043f, 0.344032f, 0.344021f, 0.34401f, 0.343999f, 0.343988f, 0.343978f, 0.343967f, 0.343956f, 0.343945f, 0.343934f, 0.343924f,
-0.343913f, 0.343902f, 0.343891f, 0.34388f, 0.343869f, 0.343859f, 0.343848f, 0.343837f, 0.343826f, 0.343815f, 0.343804f, 0.343794f, 0.343783f, 0.343772f, 0.343761f, 0.34375f, 0.34374f, 0.343729f, 0.343718f, 0.343707f,
-0.343696f, 0.343685f, 0.343675f, 0.343664f, 0.343653f, 0.343642f, 0.343631f, 0.343621f, 0.34361f, 0.343599f, 0.343588f, 0.343577f, 0.343567f, 0.343556f, 0.343545f, 0.343534f, 0.343523f, 0.343512f, 0.343502f, 0.343491f,
-0.34348f, 0.343469f, 0.343458f, 0.343448f, 0.343437f, 0.343426f, 0.343415f, 0.343404f, 0.343394f, 0.343383f, 0.343372f, 0.343361f, 0.343351f, 0.34334f, 0.343329f, 0.343318f, 0.343307f, 0.343297f, 0.343286f, 0.343275f,
-0.343264f, 0.343253f, 0.343243f, 0.343232f, 0.343221f, 0.34321f, 0.343199f, 0.343189f, 0.343178f, 0.343167f, 0.343156f, 0.343146f, 0.343135f, 0.343124f, 0.343113f, 0.343102f, 0.343092f, 0.343081f, 0.34307f, 0.343059f,
-0.343049f, 0.343038f, 0.343027f, 0.343016f, 0.343005f, 0.342995f, 0.342984f, 0.342973f, 0.342962f, 0.342952f, 0.342941f, 0.34293f, 0.342919f, 0.342909f, 0.342898f, 0.342887f, 0.342876f, 0.342866f, 0.342855f, 0.342844f,
-0.342833f, 0.342822f, 0.342812f, 0.342801f, 0.34279f, 0.342779f, 0.342769f, 0.342758f, 0.342747f, 0.342736f, 0.342726f, 0.342715f, 0.342704f, 0.342693f, 0.342683f, 0.342672f, 0.342661f, 0.34265f, 0.34264f, 0.342629f,
-0.342618f, 0.342607f, 0.342597f, 0.342586f, 0.342575f, 0.342564f, 0.342554f, 0.342543f, 0.342532f, 0.342521f, 0.342511f, 0.3425f, 0.342489f, 0.342478f, 0.342468f, 0.342457f, 0.342446f, 0.342436f, 0.342425f, 0.342414f,
-0.342403f, 0.342393f, 0.342382f, 0.342371f, 0.34236f, 0.34235f, 0.342339f, 0.342328f, 0.342317f, 0.342307f, 0.342296f, 0.342285f, 0.342275f, 0.342264f, 0.342253f, 0.342242f, 0.342232f, 0.342221f, 0.34221f, 0.3422f,
-0.342189f, 0.342178f, 0.342167f, 0.342157f, 0.342146f, 0.342135f, 0.342124f, 0.342114f, 0.342103f, 0.342092f, 0.342082f, 0.342071f, 0.34206f, 0.342049f, 0.342039f, 0.342028f, 0.342017f, 0.342007f, 0.341996f, 0.341985f,
-0.341975f, 0.341964f, 0.341953f, 0.341942f, 0.341932f, 0.341921f, 0.34191f, 0.3419f, 0.341889f, 0.341878f, 0.341868f, 0.341857f, 0.341846f, 0.341835f, 0.341825f, 0.341814f, 0.341803f, 0.341793f, 0.341782f, 0.341771f,
-0.341761f, 0.34175f, 0.341739f, 0.341728f, 0.341718f, 0.341707f, 0.341696f, 0.341686f, 0.341675f, 0.341664f, 0.341654f, 0.341643f, 0.341632f, 0.341622f, 0.341611f, 0.3416f, 0.34159f, 0.341579f, 0.341568f, 0.341557f,
-0.341547f, 0.341536f, 0.341525f, 0.341515f, 0.341504f, 0.341493f, 0.341483f, 0.341472f, 0.341461f, 0.341451f, 0.34144f, 0.341429f, 0.341419f, 0.341408f, 0.341397f, 0.341387f, 0.341376f, 0.341365f, 0.341355f, 0.341344f,
-0.341333f, 0.341323f, 0.341312f, 0.341301f, 0.341291f, 0.34128f, 0.341269f, 0.341259f, 0.341248f, 0.341237f, 0.341227f, 0.341216f, 0.341205f, 0.341195f, 0.341184f, 0.341173f, 0.341163f, 0.341152f, 0.341141f, 0.341131f,
-0.34112f, 0.341109f, 0.341099f, 0.341088f, 0.341078f, 0.341067f, 0.341056f, 0.341046f, 0.341035f, 0.341024f, 0.341014f, 0.341003f, 0.340992f, 0.340982f, 0.340971f, 0.34096f, 0.34095f, 0.340939f, 0.340928f, 0.340918f,
-0.340907f, 0.340897f, 0.340886f, 0.340875f, 0.340865f, 0.340854f, 0.340843f, 0.340833f, 0.340822f, 0.340811f, 0.340801f, 0.34079f, 0.34078f, 0.340769f, 0.340758f, 0.340748f, 0.340737f, 0.340726f, 0.340716f, 0.340705f,
-0.340695f, 0.340684f, 0.340673f, 0.340663f, 0.340652f, 0.340641f, 0.340631f, 0.34062f, 0.34061f, 0.340599f, 0.340588f, 0.340578f, 0.340567f, 0.340556f, 0.340546f, 0.340535f, 0.340525f, 0.340514f, 0.340503f, 0.340493f,
-0.340482f, 0.340472f, 0.340461f, 0.34045f, 0.34044f, 0.340429f, 0.340418f, 0.340408f, 0.340397f, 0.340387f, 0.340376f, 0.340365f, 0.340355f, 0.340344f, 0.340334f, 0.340323f, 0.340312f, 0.340302f, 0.340291f, 0.340281f,
-0.34027f, 0.340259f, 0.340249f, 0.340238f, 0.340228f, 0.340217f, 0.340206f, 0.340196f, 0.340185f, 0.340175f, 0.340164f, 0.340153f, 0.340143f, 0.340132f, 0.340122f, 0.340111f, 0.3401f, 0.34009f, 0.340079f, 0.340069f,
-0.340058f, 0.340048f, 0.340037f, 0.340026f, 0.340016f, 0.340005f, 0.339995f, 0.339984f, 0.339973f, 0.339963f, 0.339952f, 0.339942f, 0.339931f, 0.339921f, 0.33991f, 0.339899f, 0.339889f, 0.339878f, 0.339868f, 0.339857f,
-0.339847f, 0.339836f, 0.339825f, 0.339815f, 0.339804f, 0.339794f, 0.339783f, 0.339773f, 0.339762f, 0.339751f, 0.339741f, 0.33973f, 0.33972f, 0.339709f, 0.339699f, 0.339688f, 0.339677f, 0.339667f, 0.339656f, 0.339646f,
-0.339635f, 0.339625f, 0.339614f, 0.339603f, 0.339593f, 0.339582f, 0.339572f, 0.339561f, 0.339551f, 0.33954f, 0.33953f, 0.339519f, 0.339508f, 0.339498f, 0.339487f, 0.339477f, 0.339466f, 0.339456f, 0.339445f, 0.339435f,
-0.339424f, 0.339414f, 0.339403f, 0.339392f, 0.339382f, 0.339371f, 0.339361f, 0.33935f, 0.33934f, 0.339329f, 0.339319f, 0.339308f, 0.339298f, 0.339287f, 0.339276f, 0.339266f, 0.339255f, 0.339245f, 0.339234f, 0.339224f,
-0.339213f, 0.339203f, 0.339192f, 0.339182f, 0.339171f, 0.339161f, 0.33915f, 0.33914f, 0.339129f, 0.339118f, 0.339108f, 0.339097f, 0.339087f, 0.339076f, 0.339066f, 0.339055f, 0.339045f, 0.339034f, 0.339024f, 0.339013f,
-0.339003f, 0.338992f, 0.338982f, 0.338971f, 0.338961f, 0.33895f, 0.33894f, 0.338929f, 0.338919f, 0.338908f, 0.338898f, 0.338887f, 0.338876f, 0.338866f, 0.338855f, 0.338845f, 0.338834f, 0.338824f, 0.338813f, 0.338803f,
-0.338792f, 0.338782f, 0.338771f, 0.338761f, 0.33875f, 0.33874f, 0.338729f, 0.338719f, 0.338708f, 0.338698f, 0.338687f, 0.338677f, 0.338666f, 0.338656f, 0.338645f, 0.338635f, 0.338624f, 0.338614f, 0.338603f, 0.338593f,
-0.338582f, 0.338572f, 0.338561f, 0.338551f, 0.33854f, 0.33853f, 0.338519f, 0.338509f, 0.338498f, 0.338488f, 0.338477f, 0.338467f, 0.338456f, 0.338446f, 0.338435f, 0.338425f, 0.338415f, 0.338404f, 0.338394f, 0.338383f,
-0.338373f, 0.338362f, 0.338352f, 0.338341f, 0.338331f, 0.33832f, 0.33831f, 0.338299f, 0.338289f, 0.338278f, 0.338268f, 0.338257f, 0.338247f, 0.338236f, 0.338226f, 0.338215f, 0.338205f, 0.338194f, 0.338184f, 0.338174f,
-0.338163f, 0.338153f, 0.338142f, 0.338132f, 0.338121f, 0.338111f, 0.3381f, 0.33809f, 0.338079f, 0.338069f, 0.338058f, 0.338048f, 0.338037f, 0.338027f, 0.338017f, 0.338006f, 0.337996f, 0.337985f, 0.337975f, 0.337964f,
-0.337954f, 0.337943f, 0.337933f, 0.337922f, 0.337912f, 0.337902f, 0.337891f, 0.337881f, 0.33787f, 0.33786f, 0.337849f, 0.337839f, 0.337828f, 0.337818f, 0.337807f, 0.337797f, 0.337787f, 0.337776f, 0.337766f, 0.337755f,
-0.337745f, 0.337734f, 0.337724f, 0.337713f, 0.337703f, 0.337693f, 0.337682f, 0.337672f, 0.337661f, 0.337651f, 0.33764f, 0.33763f, 0.33762f, 0.337609f, 0.337599f, 0.337588f, 0.337578f, 0.337567f, 0.337557f, 0.337546f,
-0.337536f, 0.337526f, 0.337515f, 0.337505f, 0.337494f, 0.337484f, 0.337473f, 0.337463f, 0.337453f, 0.337442f, 0.337432f, 0.337421f, 0.337411f, 0.337401f, 0.33739f, 0.33738f, 0.337369f, 0.337359f, 0.337348f, 0.337338f,
-0.337328f, 0.337317f, 0.337307f, 0.337296f, 0.337286f, 0.337275f, 0.337265f, 0.337255f, 0.337244f, 0.337234f, 0.337223f, 0.337213f, 0.337203f, 0.337192f, 0.337182f, 0.337171f, 0.337161f, 0.337151f, 0.33714f, 0.33713f,
-0.337119f, 0.337109f, 0.337099f, 0.337088f, 0.337078f, 0.337067f, 0.337057f, 0.337047f, 0.337036f, 0.337026f, 0.337015f, 0.337005f, 0.336995f, 0.336984f, 0.336974f, 0.336963f, 0.336953f, 0.336943f, 0.336932f, 0.336922f,
-0.336911f, 0.336901f, 0.336891f, 0.33688f, 0.33687f, 0.336859f, 0.336849f, 0.336839f, 0.336828f, 0.336818f, 0.336807f, 0.336797f, 0.336787f, 0.336776f, 0.336766f, 0.336756f, 0.336745f, 0.336735f, 0.336724f, 0.336714f,
-0.336704f, 0.336693f, 0.336683f, 0.336673f, 0.336662f, 0.336652f, 0.336641f, 0.336631f, 0.336621f, 0.33661f, 0.3366f, 0.33659f, 0.336579f, 0.336569f, 0.336558f, 0.336548f, 0.336538f, 0.336527f, 0.336517f, 0.336507f,
-0.336496f, 0.336486f, 0.336475f, 0.336465f, 0.336455f, 0.336444f, 0.336434f, 0.336424f, 0.336413f, 0.336403f, 0.336393f, 0.336382f, 0.336372f, 0.336361f, 0.336351f, 0.336341f, 0.33633f, 0.33632f, 0.33631f, 0.336299f,
-0.336289f, 0.336279f, 0.336268f, 0.336258f, 0.336248f, 0.336237f, 0.336227f, 0.336217f, 0.336206f, 0.336196f, 0.336185f, 0.336175f, 0.336165f, 0.336154f, 0.336144f, 0.336134f, 0.336123f, 0.336113f, 0.336103f, 0.336092f,
-0.336082f, 0.336072f, 0.336061f, 0.336051f, 0.336041f, 0.33603f, 0.33602f, 0.33601f, 0.335999f, 0.335989f, 0.335979f, 0.335968f, 0.335958f, 0.335948f, 0.335937f, 0.335927f, 0.335917f, 0.335906f, 0.335896f, 0.335886f,
-0.335875f, 0.335865f, 0.335855f, 0.335844f, 0.335834f, 0.335824f, 0.335813f, 0.335803f, 0.335793f, 0.335782f, 0.335772f, 0.335762f, 0.335751f, 0.335741f, 0.335731f, 0.335721f, 0.33571f, 0.3357f, 0.33569f, 0.335679f,
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-0.324307f, 0.324298f, 0.324288f, 0.324278f, 0.324269f, 0.324259f, 0.324249f, 0.32424f, 0.32423f, 0.324221f, 0.324211f, 0.324201f, 0.324192f, 0.324182f, 0.324172f, 0.324163f, 0.324153f, 0.324144f, 0.324134f, 0.324124f,
-0.324115f, 0.324105f, 0.324096f, 0.324086f, 0.324076f, 0.324067f, 0.324057f, 0.324047f, 0.324038f, 0.324028f, 0.324019f, 0.324009f, 0.323999f, 0.32399f, 0.32398f, 0.323971f, 0.323961f, 0.323951f, 0.323942f, 0.323932f,
-0.323922f, 0.323913f, 0.323903f, 0.323894f, 0.323884f, 0.323874f, 0.323865f, 0.323855f, 0.323846f, 0.323836f, 0.323826f, 0.323817f, 0.323807f, 0.323798f, 0.323788f, 0.323778f, 0.323769f, 0.323759f, 0.32375f, 0.32374f,
-0.32373f, 0.323721f, 0.323711f, 0.323702f, 0.323692f, 0.323683f, 0.323673f, 0.323663f, 0.323654f, 0.323644f, 0.323635f, 0.323625f, 0.323615f, 0.323606f, 0.323596f, 0.323587f, 0.323577f, 0.323567f, 0.323558f, 0.323548f,
-0.323539f, 0.323529f, 0.32352f, 0.32351f, 0.3235f, 0.323491f, 0.323481f, 0.323472f, 0.323462f, 0.323452f, 0.323443f, 0.323433f, 0.323424f, 0.323414f, 0.323405f, 0.323395f, 0.323385f, 0.323376f, 0.323366f, 0.323357f,
-0.323347f, 0.323338f, 0.323328f, 0.323318f, 0.323309f, 0.323299f, 0.32329f, 0.32328f, 0.323271f, 0.323261f, 0.323251f, 0.323242f, 0.323232f, 0.323223f, 0.323213f, 0.323204f, 0.323194f, 0.323185f, 0.323175f, 0.323165f,
-0.323156f, 0.323146f, 0.323137f, 0.323127f, 0.323118f, 0.323108f, 0.323098f, 0.323089f, 0.323079f, 0.32307f, 0.32306f, 0.323051f, 0.323041f, 0.323032f, 0.323022f, 0.323012f, 0.323003f, 0.322993f, 0.322984f, 0.322974f,
-0.322965f, 0.322955f, 0.322946f, 0.322936f, 0.322927f, 0.322917f, 0.322907f, 0.322898f, 0.322888f, 0.322879f, 0.322869f, 0.32286f, 0.32285f, 0.322841f, 0.322831f, 0.322822f, 0.322812f, 0.322802f, 0.322793f, 0.322783f,
-0.322774f, 0.322764f, 0.322755f, 0.322745f, 0.322736f, 0.322726f, 0.322717f, 0.322707f, 0.322698f, 0.322688f, 0.322678f, 0.322669f, 0.322659f, 0.32265f, 0.32264f, 0.322631f, 0.322621f, 0.322612f, 0.322602f, 0.322593f,
-0.322583f, 0.322574f, 0.322564f, 0.322555f, 0.322545f, 0.322536f, 0.322526f, 0.322517f, 0.322507f, 0.322497f, 0.322488f, 0.322478f, 0.322469f, 0.322459f, 0.32245f, 0.32244f, 0.322431f, 0.322421f, 0.322412f, 0.322402f,
-0.322393f, 0.322383f, 0.322374f, 0.322364f, 0.322355f, 0.322345f, 0.322336f, 0.322326f, 0.322317f, 0.322307f, 0.322298f, 0.322288f, 0.322279f, 0.322269f, 0.32226f, 0.32225f, 0.322241f, 0.322231f, 0.322222f, 0.322212f,
-0.322203f, 0.322193f, 0.322184f, 0.322174f, 0.322165f, 0.322155f, 0.322146f, 0.322136f, 0.322127f, 0.322117f, 0.322108f, 0.322098f, 0.322089f, 0.322079f, 0.32207f, 0.32206f, 0.322051f, 0.322041f, 0.322032f, 0.322022f,
-0.322013f, 0.322003f, 0.321994f, 0.321984f, 0.321975f, 0.321965f, 0.321956f, 0.321946f, 0.321937f, 0.321927f, 0.321918f, 0.321908f, 0.321899f, 0.321889f, 0.32188f, 0.32187f, 0.321861f, 0.321851f, 0.321842f, 0.321832f,
-0.321823f, 0.321813f, 0.321804f, 0.321794f, 0.321785f, 0.321775f, 0.321766f, 0.321756f, 0.321747f, 0.321738f, 0.321728f, 0.321719f, 0.321709f, 0.3217f, 0.32169f, 0.321681f, 0.321671f, 0.321662f, 0.321652f, 0.321643f,
-0.321633f, 0.321624f, 0.321614f, 0.321605f, 0.321595f, 0.321586f, 0.321576f, 0.321567f, 0.321558f, 0.321548f, 0.321539f, 0.321529f, 0.32152f, 0.32151f, 0.321501f, 0.321491f, 0.321482f, 0.321472f, 0.321463f, 0.321453f,
-0.321444f, 0.321435f, 0.321425f, 0.321416f, 0.321406f, 0.321397f, 0.321387f, 0.321378f, 0.321368f, 0.321359f, 0.321349f, 0.32134f, 0.321331f, 0.321321f, 0.321312f, 0.321302f, 0.321293f, 0.321283f, 0.321274f, 0.321264f,
-0.321255f, 0.321245f, 0.321236f, 0.321227f, 0.321217f, 0.321208f, 0.321198f, 0.321189f, 0.321179f, 0.32117f, 0.32116f, 0.321151f, 0.321142f, 0.321132f, 0.321123f, 0.321113f, 0.321104f, 0.321094f, 0.321085f, 0.321075f,
-0.321066f, 0.321057f, 0.321047f, 0.321038f, 0.321028f, 0.321019f, 0.321009f, 0.321f, 0.320991f, 0.320981f, 0.320972f, 0.320962f, 0.320953f, 0.320943f, 0.320934f, 0.320925f, 0.320915f, 0.320906f, 0.320896f, 0.320887f,
-0.320877f, 0.320868f, 0.320859f, 0.320849f, 0.32084f, 0.32083f, 0.320821f, 0.320811f, 0.320802f, 0.320793f, 0.320783f, 0.320774f, 0.320764f, 0.320755f, 0.320745f, 0.320736f, 0.320727f, 0.320717f, 0.320708f, 0.320698f,
-0.320689f, 0.32068f, 0.32067f, 0.320661f, 0.320651f, 0.320642f, 0.320632f, 0.320623f, 0.320614f, 0.320604f, 0.320595f, 0.320585f, 0.320576f, 0.320567f, 0.320557f, 0.320548f, 0.320538f, 0.320529f, 0.32052f, 0.32051f,
-0.320501f, 0.320491f, 0.320482f, 0.320473f, 0.320463f, 0.320454f, 0.320444f, 0.320435f, 0.320426f, 0.320416f, 0.320407f, 0.320397f, 0.320388f, 0.320379f, 0.320369f, 0.32036f, 0.32035f, 0.320341f, 0.320332f, 0.320322f,
-0.320313f, 0.320303f, 0.320294f, 0.320285f, 0.320275f, 0.320266f, 0.320256f, 0.320247f, 0.320238f, 0.320228f, 0.320219f, 0.32021f, 0.3202f, 0.320191f, 0.320181f, 0.320172f, 0.320163f, 0.320153f, 0.320144f, 0.320134f,
-0.320125f, 0.320116f, 0.320106f, 0.320097f, 0.320088f, 0.320078f, 0.320069f, 0.320059f, 0.32005f, 0.320041f, 0.320031f, 0.320022f, 0.320013f, 0.320003f, 0.319994f, 0.319984f, 0.319975f, 0.319966f, 0.319956f, 0.319947f,
-0.319938f, 0.319928f, 0.319919f, 0.319909f, 0.3199f, 0.319891f, 0.319881f, 0.319872f, 0.319863f, 0.319853f, 0.319844f, 0.319834f, 0.319825f, 0.319816f, 0.319806f, 0.319797f, 0.319788f, 0.319778f, 0.319769f, 0.31976f,
-0.31975f, 0.319741f, 0.319731f, 0.319722f, 0.319713f, 0.319703f, 0.319694f, 0.319685f, 0.319675f, 0.319666f, 0.319657f, 0.319647f, 0.319638f, 0.319629f, 0.319619f, 0.31961f, 0.3196f, 0.319591f, 0.319582f, 0.319572f,
-0.319563f, 0.319554f, 0.319544f, 0.319535f, 0.319526f, 0.319516f, 0.319507f, 0.319498f, 0.319488f, 0.319479f, 0.31947f, 0.31946f, 0.319451f, 0.319442f, 0.319432f, 0.319423f, 0.319414f, 0.319404f, 0.319395f, 0.319386f,
-0.319376f, 0.319367f, 0.319358f, 0.319348f, 0.319339f, 0.31933f, 0.31932f, 0.319311f, 0.319302f, 0.319292f, 0.319283f, 0.319274f, 0.319264f, 0.319255f, 0.319246f, 0.319236f, 0.319227f, 0.319218f, 0.319208f, 0.319199f,
-0.31919f, 0.31918f, 0.319171f, 0.319162f, 0.319152f, 0.319143f, 0.319134f, 0.319124f, 0.319115f, 0.319106f, 0.319096f, 0.319087f, 0.319078f, 0.319068f, 0.319059f, 0.31905f, 0.31904f, 0.319031f, 0.319022f, 0.319012f,
-0.319003f, 0.318994f, 0.318984f, 0.318975f, 0.318966f, 0.318957f, 0.318947f, 0.318938f, 0.318929f, 0.318919f, 0.31891f, 0.318901f, 0.318891f, 0.318882f, 0.318873f, 0.318863f, 0.318854f, 0.318845f, 0.318836f, 0.318826f,
-0.318817f, 0.318808f, 0.318798f, 0.318789f, 0.31878f, 0.31877f, 0.318761f, 0.318752f, 0.318742f, 0.318733f, 0.318724f, 0.318715f, 0.318705f, 0.318696f, 0.318687f, 0.318677f, 0.318668f, 0.318659f, 0.318649f, 0.31864f,
-0.318631f, 0.318622f, 0.318612f, 0.318603f, 0.318594f, 0.318584f, 0.318575f, 0.318566f, 0.318557f, 0.318547f, 0.318538f, 0.318529f, 0.318519f, 0.31851f, 0.318501f, 0.318492f, 0.318482f, 0.318473f, 0.318464f, 0.318454f,
-0.318445f, 0.318436f, 0.318427f, 0.318417f, 0.318408f, 0.318399f, 0.318389f, 0.31838f, 0.318371f, 0.318362f, 0.318352f, 0.318343f, 0.318334f, 0.318324f, 0.318315f, 0.318306f, 0.318297f, 0.318287f, 0.318278f, 0.318269f,
-0.31826f, 0.31825f, 0.318241f, 0.318232f, 0.318222f, 0.318213f, 0.318204f, 0.318195f, 0.318185f, 0.318176f, 0.318167f, 0.318158f, 0.318148f, 0.318139f, 0.31813f, 0.31812f, 0.318111f, 0.318102f, 0.318093f, 0.318083f,
-0.318074f, 0.318065f, 0.318056f, 0.318046f, 0.318037f, 0.318028f, 0.318019f, 0.318009f, 0.318f, 0.317991f, 0.317982f, 0.317972f, 0.317963f, 0.317954f, 0.317945f, 0.317935f, 0.317926f, 0.317917f, 0.317908f, 0.317898f,
-0.317889f, 0.31788f, 0.317871f, 0.317861f, 0.317852f, 0.317843f, 0.317834f, 0.317824f, 0.317815f, 0.317806f, 0.317797f, 0.317787f, 0.317778f, 0.317769f, 0.31776f, 0.31775f, 0.317741f, 0.317732f, 0.317723f, 0.317713f,
-0.317704f, 0.317695f, 0.317686f, 0.317676f, 0.317667f, 0.317658f, 0.317649f, 0.317639f, 0.31763f, 0.317621f, 0.317612f, 0.317602f, 0.317593f, 0.317584f, 0.317575f, 0.317566f, 0.317556f, 0.317547f, 0.317538f, 0.317529f,
-0.317519f, 0.31751f, 0.317501f, 0.317492f, 0.317482f, 0.317473f, 0.317464f, 0.317455f, 0.317446f, 0.317436f, 0.317427f, 0.317418f, 0.317409f, 0.317399f, 0.31739f, 0.317381f, 0.317372f, 0.317363f, 0.317353f, 0.317344f,
-0.317335f, 0.317326f, 0.317316f, 0.317307f, 0.317298f, 0.317289f, 0.31728f, 0.31727f, 0.317261f, 0.317252f, 0.317243f, 0.317234f, 0.317224f, 0.317215f, 0.317206f, 0.317197f, 0.317187f, 0.317178f, 0.317169f, 0.31716f,
-0.317151f, 0.317141f, 0.317132f, 0.317123f, 0.317114f, 0.317105f, 0.317095f, 0.317086f, 0.317077f, 0.317068f, 0.317059f, 0.317049f, 0.31704f, 0.317031f, 0.317022f, 0.317013f, 0.317003f, 0.316994f, 0.316985f, 0.316976f,
-0.316967f, 0.316957f, 0.316948f, 0.316939f, 0.31693f, 0.316921f, 0.316911f, 0.316902f, 0.316893f, 0.316884f, 0.316875f, 0.316865f, 0.316856f, 0.316847f, 0.316838f, 0.316829f, 0.316819f, 0.31681f, 0.316801f, 0.316792f,
-0.316783f, 0.316773f, 0.316764f, 0.316755f, 0.316746f, 0.316737f, 0.316728f, 0.316718f, 0.316709f, 0.3167f, 0.316691f, 0.316682f, 0.316672f, 0.316663f, 0.316654f, 0.316645f, 0.316636f, 0.316627f, 0.316617f, 0.316608f,
-0.316599f, 0.31659f, 0.316581f, 0.316572f, 0.316562f, 0.316553f, 0.316544f, 0.316535f, 0.316526f, 0.316516f, 0.316507f, 0.316498f, 0.316489f, 0.31648f, 0.316471f, 0.316461f, 0.316452f, 0.316443f, 0.316434f, 0.316425f,
-0.316416f, 0.316406f, 0.316397f, 0.316388f, 0.316379f, 0.31637f, 0.316361f, 0.316351f, 0.316342f, 0.316333f, 0.316324f, 0.316315f, 0.316306f, 0.316296f, 0.316287f, 0.316278f, 0.316269f, 0.31626f, 0.316251f, 0.316242f,
-0.316232f, 0.316223f, 0.316214f, 0.316205f, 0.316196f, 0.316187f, 0.316177f, 0.316168f, 0.316159f, 0.31615f, 0.316141f, 0.316132f, 0.316123f, 0.316113f, 0.316104f, 0.316095f, 0.316086f, 0.316077f, 0.316068f, 0.316059f,
-0.316049f, 0.31604f, 0.316031f, 0.316022f, 0.316013f, 0.316004f, 0.315995f, 0.315985f, 0.315976f, 0.315967f, 0.315958f, 0.315949f, 0.31594f, 0.315931f, 0.315921f, 0.315912f, 0.315903f, 0.315894f, 0.315885f, 0.315876f,
-0.315867f, 0.315857f, 0.315848f, 0.315839f, 0.31583f, 0.315821f, 0.315812f, 0.315803f, 0.315794f, 0.315784f, 0.315775f, 0.315766f, 0.315757f, 0.315748f, 0.315739f, 0.31573f, 0.315721f, 0.315711f, 0.315702f, 0.315693f,
-0.315684f, 0.315675f, 0.315666f, 0.315657f, 0.315648f, 0.315638f, 0.315629f, 0.31562f, 0.315611f, 0.315602f, 0.315593f, 0.315584f, 0.315575f, 0.315565f, 0.315556f, 0.315547f, 0.315538f, 0.315529f, 0.31552f, 0.315511f,
-0.315502f, 0.315493f, 0.315483f, 0.315474f, 0.315465f, 0.315456f, 0.315447f, 0.315438f, 0.315429f, 0.31542f, 0.315411f, 0.315401f, 0.315392f, 0.315383f, 0.315374f, 0.315365f, 0.315356f, 0.315347f, 0.315338f, 0.315329f,
-0.315319f, 0.31531f, 0.315301f, 0.315292f, 0.315283f, 0.315274f, 0.315265f, 0.315256f, 0.315247f, 0.315238f, 0.315228f, 0.315219f, 0.31521f, 0.315201f, 0.315192f, 0.315183f, 0.315174f, 0.315165f, 0.315156f, 0.315147f,
-0.315138f, 0.315128f, 0.315119f, 0.31511f, 0.315101f, 0.315092f, 0.315083f, 0.315074f, 0.315065f, 0.315056f, 0.315047f, 0.315038f, 0.315028f, 0.315019f, 0.31501f, 0.315001f, 0.314992f, 0.314983f, 0.314974f, 0.314965f,
-0.314956f, 0.314947f, 0.314938f, 0.314929f, 0.314919f, 0.31491f, 0.314901f, 0.314892f, 0.314883f, 0.314874f, 0.314865f, 0.314856f, 0.314847f, 0.314838f, 0.314829f, 0.31482f, 0.314811f, 0.314801f, 0.314792f, 0.314783f,
-0.314774f, 0.314765f, 0.314756f, 0.314747f, 0.314738f, 0.314729f, 0.31472f, 0.314711f, 0.314702f, 0.314693f, 0.314684f, 0.314675f, 0.314665f, 0.314656f, 0.314647f, 0.314638f, 0.314629f, 0.31462f, 0.314611f, 0.314602f,
-0.314593f, 0.314584f, 0.314575f, 0.314566f, 0.314557f, 0.314548f, 0.314539f, 0.31453f, 0.31452f, 0.314511f, 0.314502f, 0.314493f, 0.314484f, 0.314475f, 0.314466f, 0.314457f, 0.314448f, 0.314439f, 0.31443f, 0.314421f,
-0.314412f, 0.314403f, 0.314394f, 0.314385f, 0.314376f, 0.314367f, 0.314358f, 0.314348f, 0.314339f, 0.31433f, 0.314321f, 0.314312f, 0.314303f, 0.314294f, 0.314285f, 0.314276f, 0.314267f, 0.314258f, 0.314249f, 0.31424f,
-0.314231f, 0.314222f, 0.314213f, 0.314204f, 0.314195f, 0.314186f, 0.314177f, 0.314168f, 0.314159f, 0.31415f, 0.314141f, 0.314132f, 0.314122f, 0.314113f, 0.314104f, 0.314095f, 0.314086f, 0.314077f, 0.314068f, 0.314059f,
-0.31405f, 0.314041f, 0.314032f, 0.314023f, 0.314014f, 0.314005f, 0.313996f, 0.313987f, 0.313978f, 0.313969f, 0.31396f, 0.313951f, 0.313942f, 0.313933f, 0.313924f, 0.313915f, 0.313906f, 0.313897f, 0.313888f, 0.313879f,
-0.31387f, 0.313861f, 0.313852f, 0.313843f, 0.313834f, 0.313825f, 0.313816f, 0.313807f, 0.313798f, 0.313789f, 0.31378f, 0.313771f, 0.313762f, 0.313753f, 0.313744f, 0.313735f, 0.313725f, 0.313716f, 0.313707f, 0.313698f,
-0.313689f, 0.31368f, 0.313671f, 0.313662f, 0.313653f, 0.313644f, 0.313635f, 0.313626f, 0.313617f, 0.313608f, 0.313599f, 0.31359f, 0.313581f, 0.313572f, 0.313563f, 0.313554f, 0.313545f, 0.313536f, 0.313527f, 0.313518f,
-0.313509f, 0.3135f, 0.313491f, 0.313482f, 0.313473f, 0.313464f, 0.313455f, 0.313446f, 0.313437f, 0.313428f, 0.313419f, 0.31341f, 0.313401f, 0.313392f, 0.313383f, 0.313374f, 0.313365f, 0.313356f, 0.313347f, 0.313338f,
-0.31333f, 0.313321f, 0.313312f, 0.313303f, 0.313294f, 0.313285f, 0.313276f, 0.313267f, 0.313258f, 0.313249f, 0.31324f, 0.313231f, 0.313222f, 0.313213f, 0.313204f, 0.313195f, 0.313186f, 0.313177f, 0.313168f, 0.313159f,
-0.31315f, 0.313141f, 0.313132f, 0.313123f, 0.313114f, 0.313105f, 0.313096f, 0.313087f, 0.313078f, 0.313069f, 0.31306f, 0.313051f, 0.313042f, 0.313033f, 0.313024f, 0.313015f, 0.313006f, 0.312997f, 0.312988f, 0.312979f,
-0.31297f, 0.312961f, 0.312952f, 0.312943f, 0.312935f, 0.312926f, 0.312917f, 0.312908f, 0.312899f, 0.31289f, 0.312881f, 0.312872f, 0.312863f, 0.312854f, 0.312845f, 0.312836f, 0.312827f, 0.312818f, 0.312809f, 0.3128f,
-0.312791f, 0.312782f, 0.312773f, 0.312764f, 0.312755f, 0.312746f, 0.312737f, 0.312728f, 0.312719f, 0.312711f, 0.312702f, 0.312693f, 0.312684f, 0.312675f, 0.312666f, 0.312657f, 0.312648f, 0.312639f, 0.31263f, 0.312621f,
-0.312612f, 0.312603f, 0.312594f, 0.312585f, 0.312576f, 0.312567f, 0.312558f, 0.312549f, 0.312541f, 0.312532f, 0.312523f, 0.312514f, 0.312505f, 0.312496f, 0.312487f, 0.312478f, 0.312469f, 0.31246f, 0.312451f, 0.312442f,
-0.312433f, 0.312424f, 0.312415f, 0.312406f, 0.312398f, 0.312389f, 0.31238f, 0.312371f, 0.312362f, 0.312353f, 0.312344f, 0.312335f, 0.312326f, 0.312317f, 0.312308f, 0.312299f, 0.31229f, 0.312281f, 0.312272f, 0.312264f,
-0.312255f, 0.312246f, 0.312237f, 0.312228f, 0.312219f, 0.31221f, 0.312201f, 0.312192f, 0.312183f, 0.312174f, 0.312165f, 0.312156f, 0.312148f, 0.312139f, 0.31213f, 0.312121f, 0.312112f, 0.312103f, 0.312094f, 0.312085f,
-0.312076f, 0.312067f, 0.312058f, 0.312049f, 0.312041f, 0.312032f, 0.312023f, 0.312014f, 0.312005f, 0.311996f, 0.311987f, 0.311978f, 0.311969f, 0.31196f, 0.311951f, 0.311943f, 0.311934f, 0.311925f, 0.311916f, 0.311907f,
-0.311898f, 0.311889f, 0.31188f, 0.311871f, 0.311862f, 0.311853f, 0.311845f, 0.311836f, 0.311827f, 0.311818f, 0.311809f, 0.3118f, 0.311791f, 0.311782f, 0.311773f, 0.311764f, 0.311756f, 0.311747f, 0.311738f, 0.311729f,
-0.31172f, 0.311711f, 0.311702f, 0.311693f, 0.311684f, 0.311675f, 0.311667f, 0.311658f, 0.311649f, 0.31164f, 0.311631f, 0.311622f, 0.311613f, 0.311604f, 0.311595f, 0.311587f, 0.311578f, 0.311569f, 0.31156f, 0.311551f,
-0.311542f, 0.311533f, 0.311524f, 0.311515f, 0.311507f, 0.311498f, 0.311489f, 0.31148f, 0.311471f, 0.311462f, 0.311453f, 0.311444f, 0.311436f, 0.311427f, 0.311418f, 0.311409f, 0.3114f, 0.311391f, 0.311382f, 0.311373f,
-0.311365f, 0.311356f, 0.311347f, 0.311338f, 0.311329f, 0.31132f, 0.311311f, 0.311302f, 0.311294f, 0.311285f, 0.311276f, 0.311267f, 0.311258f, 0.311249f, 0.31124f, 0.311231f, 0.311223f, 0.311214f, 0.311205f, 0.311196f,
-0.311187f, 0.311178f, 0.311169f, 0.31116f, 0.311152f, 0.311143f, 0.311134f, 0.311125f, 0.311116f, 0.311107f, 0.311098f, 0.31109f, 0.311081f, 0.311072f, 0.311063f, 0.311054f, 0.311045f, 0.311036f, 0.311028f, 0.311019f,
-0.31101f, 0.311001f, 0.310992f, 0.310983f, 0.310974f, 0.310966f, 0.310957f, 0.310948f, 0.310939f, 0.31093f, 0.310921f, 0.310912f, 0.310904f, 0.310895f, 0.310886f, 0.310877f, 0.310868f, 0.310859f, 0.310851f, 0.310842f,
-0.310833f, 0.310824f, 0.310815f, 0.310806f, 0.310797f, 0.310789f, 0.31078f, 0.310771f, 0.310762f, 0.310753f, 0.310744f, 0.310736f, 0.310727f, 0.310718f, 0.310709f, 0.3107f, 0.310691f, 0.310683f, 0.310674f, 0.310665f,
-0.310656f, 0.310647f, 0.310638f, 0.31063f, 0.310621f, 0.310612f, 0.310603f, 0.310594f, 0.310585f, 0.310577f, 0.310568f, 0.310559f, 0.31055f, 0.310541f, 0.310532f, 0.310524f, 0.310515f, 0.310506f, 0.310497f, 0.310488f,
-0.310479f, 0.310471f, 0.310462f, 0.310453f, 0.310444f, 0.310435f, 0.310426f, 0.310418f, 0.310409f, 0.3104f, 0.310391f, 0.310382f, 0.310374f, 0.310365f, 0.310356f, 0.310347f, 0.310338f, 0.310329f, 0.310321f, 0.310312f,
-0.310303f, 0.310294f, 0.310285f, 0.310277f, 0.310268f, 0.310259f, 0.31025f, 0.310241f, 0.310233f, 0.310224f, 0.310215f, 0.310206f, 0.310197f, 0.310188f, 0.31018f, 0.310171f, 0.310162f, 0.310153f, 0.310144f, 0.310136f,
-0.310127f, 0.310118f, 0.310109f, 0.3101f, 0.310092f, 0.310083f, 0.310074f, 0.310065f, 0.310056f, 0.310048f, 0.310039f, 0.31003f, 0.310021f, 0.310012f, 0.310004f, 0.309995f, 0.309986f, 0.309977f, 0.309968f, 0.30996f,
-0.309951f, 0.309942f, 0.309933f, 0.309924f, 0.309916f, 0.309907f, 0.309898f, 0.309889f, 0.30988f, 0.309872f, 0.309863f, 0.309854f, 0.309845f, 0.309837f, 0.309828f, 0.309819f, 0.30981f, 0.309801f, 0.309793f, 0.309784f,
-0.309775f, 0.309766f, 0.309757f, 0.309749f, 0.30974f, 0.309731f, 0.309722f, 0.309714f, 0.309705f, 0.309696f, 0.309687f, 0.309678f, 0.30967f, 0.309661f, 0.309652f, 0.309643f, 0.309635f, 0.309626f, 0.309617f, 0.309608f,
-0.309599f, 0.309591f, 0.309582f, 0.309573f, 0.309564f, 0.309556f, 0.309547f, 0.309538f, 0.309529f, 0.30952f, 0.309512f, 0.309503f, 0.309494f, 0.309485f, 0.309477f, 0.309468f, 0.309459f, 0.30945f, 0.309442f, 0.309433f,
-0.309424f, 0.309415f, 0.309406f, 0.309398f, 0.309389f, 0.30938f, 0.309371f, 0.309363f, 0.309354f, 0.309345f, 0.309336f, 0.309328f, 0.309319f, 0.30931f, 0.309301f, 0.309293f, 0.309284f, 0.309275f, 0.309266f, 0.309258f,
-0.309249f, 0.30924f, 0.309231f, 0.309223f, 0.309214f, 0.309205f, 0.309196f, 0.309187f, 0.309179f, 0.30917f, 0.309161f, 0.309152f, 0.309144f, 0.309135f, 0.309126f, 0.309117f, 0.309109f, 0.3091f, 0.309091f, 0.309083f,
-0.309074f, 0.309065f, 0.309056f, 0.309048f, 0.309039f, 0.30903f, 0.309021f, 0.309013f, 0.309004f, 0.308995f, 0.308986f, 0.308978f, 0.308969f, 0.30896f, 0.308951f, 0.308943f, 0.308934f, 0.308925f, 0.308916f, 0.308908f,
-0.308899f, 0.30889f, 0.308881f, 0.308873f, 0.308864f, 0.308855f, 0.308847f, 0.308838f, 0.308829f, 0.30882f, 0.308812f, 0.308803f, 0.308794f, 0.308785f, 0.308777f, 0.308768f, 0.308759f, 0.308751f, 0.308742f, 0.308733f,
-0.308724f, 0.308716f, 0.308707f, 0.308698f, 0.308689f, 0.308681f, 0.308672f, 0.308663f, 0.308655f, 0.308646f, 0.308637f, 0.308628f, 0.30862f, 0.308611f, 0.308602f, 0.308593f, 0.308585f, 0.308576f, 0.308567f, 0.308559f,
-0.30855f, 0.308541f, 0.308532f, 0.308524f, 0.308515f, 0.308506f, 0.308498f, 0.308489f, 0.30848f, 0.308471f, 0.308463f, 0.308454f, 0.308445f, 0.308437f, 0.308428f, 0.308419f, 0.308411f, 0.308402f, 0.308393f, 0.308384f,
-0.308376f, 0.308367f, 0.308358f, 0.30835f, 0.308341f, 0.308332f, 0.308323f, 0.308315f, 0.308306f, 0.308297f, 0.308289f, 0.30828f, 0.308271f, 0.308263f, 0.308254f, 0.308245f, 0.308236f, 0.308228f, 0.308219f, 0.30821f,
-0.308202f, 0.308193f, 0.308184f, 0.308176f, 0.308167f, 0.308158f, 0.308149f, 0.308141f, 0.308132f, 0.308123f, 0.308115f, 0.308106f, 0.308097f, 0.308089f, 0.30808f, 0.308071f, 0.308063f, 0.308054f, 0.308045f, 0.308037f,
-0.308028f, 0.308019f, 0.30801f, 0.308002f, 0.307993f, 0.307984f, 0.307976f, 0.307967f, 0.307958f, 0.30795f, 0.307941f, 0.307932f, 0.307924f, 0.307915f, 0.307906f, 0.307898f, 0.307889f, 0.30788f, 0.307872f, 0.307863f,
-0.307854f, 0.307846f, 0.307837f, 0.307828f, 0.307819f, 0.307811f, 0.307802f, 0.307793f, 0.307785f, 0.307776f, 0.307767f, 0.307759f, 0.30775f, 0.307741f, 0.307733f, 0.307724f, 0.307715f, 0.307707f, 0.307698f, 0.307689f,
-0.307681f, 0.307672f, 0.307663f, 0.307655f, 0.307646f, 0.307637f, 0.307629f, 0.30762f, 0.307611f, 0.307603f, 0.307594f, 0.307585f, 0.307577f, 0.307568f, 0.307559f, 0.307551f, 0.307542f, 0.307533f, 0.307525f, 0.307516f,
-0.307508f, 0.307499f, 0.30749f, 0.307482f, 0.307473f, 0.307464f, 0.307456f, 0.307447f, 0.307438f, 0.30743f, 0.307421f, 0.307412f, 0.307404f, 0.307395f, 0.307386f, 0.307378f, 0.307369f, 0.30736f, 0.307352f, 0.307343f,
-0.307334f, 0.307326f, 0.307317f, 0.307309f, 0.3073f, 0.307291f, 0.307283f, 0.307274f, 0.307265f, 0.307257f, 0.307248f, 0.307239f, 0.307231f, 0.307222f, 0.307213f, 0.307205f, 0.307196f, 0.307188f, 0.307179f, 0.30717f,
-0.307162f, 0.307153f, 0.307144f, 0.307136f, 0.307127f, 0.307118f, 0.30711f, 0.307101f, 0.307093f, 0.307084f, 0.307075f, 0.307067f, 0.307058f, 0.307049f, 0.307041f, 0.307032f, 0.307023f, 0.307015f, 0.307006f, 0.306998f,
-0.306989f, 0.30698f, 0.306972f, 0.306963f, 0.306954f, 0.306946f, 0.306937f, 0.306929f, 0.30692f, 0.306911f, 0.306903f, 0.306894f, 0.306885f, 0.306877f, 0.306868f, 0.30686f, 0.306851f, 0.306842f, 0.306834f, 0.306825f,
-0.306816f, 0.306808f, 0.306799f, 0.306791f, 0.306782f, 0.306773f, 0.306765f, 0.306756f, 0.306748f, 0.306739f, 0.30673f, 0.306722f, 0.306713f, 0.306704f, 0.306696f, 0.306687f, 0.306679f, 0.30667f, 0.306661f, 0.306653f,
-0.306644f, 0.306636f, 0.306627f, 0.306618f, 0.30661f, 0.306601f, 0.306593f, 0.306584f, 0.306575f, 0.306567f, 0.306558f, 0.30655f, 0.306541f, 0.306532f, 0.306524f, 0.306515f, 0.306507f, 0.306498f, 0.306489f, 0.306481f,
-0.306472f, 0.306464f, 0.306455f, 0.306446f, 0.306438f, 0.306429f, 0.306421f, 0.306412f, 0.306403f, 0.306395f, 0.306386f, 0.306378f, 0.306369f, 0.30636f, 0.306352f, 0.306343f, 0.306335f, 0.306326f, 0.306317f, 0.306309f,
-0.3063f, 0.306292f, 0.306283f, 0.306274f, 0.306266f, 0.306257f, 0.306249f, 0.30624f, 0.306232f, 0.306223f, 0.306214f, 0.306206f, 0.306197f, 0.306189f, 0.30618f, 0.306171f, 0.306163f, 0.306154f, 0.306146f, 0.306137f,
-0.306129f, 0.30612f, 0.306111f, 0.306103f, 0.306094f, 0.306086f, 0.306077f, 0.306069f, 0.30606f, 0.306051f, 0.306043f, 0.306034f, 0.306026f, 0.306017f, 0.306008f, 0.306f, 0.305991f, 0.305983f, 0.305974f, 0.305966f,
-0.305957f, 0.305948f, 0.30594f, 0.305931f, 0.305923f, 0.305914f, 0.305906f, 0.305897f, 0.305889f, 0.30588f, 0.305871f, 0.305863f, 0.305854f, 0.305846f, 0.305837f, 0.305829f, 0.30582f, 0.305811f, 0.305803f, 0.305794f,
-0.305786f, 0.305777f, 0.305769f, 0.30576f, 0.305752f, 0.305743f, 0.305734f, 0.305726f, 0.305717f, 0.305709f, 0.3057f, 0.305692f, 0.305683f, 0.305674f, 0.305666f, 0.305657f, 0.305649f, 0.30564f, 0.305632f, 0.305623f,
-0.305615f, 0.305606f, 0.305598f, 0.305589f, 0.30558f, 0.305572f, 0.305563f, 0.305555f, 0.305546f, 0.305538f, 0.305529f, 0.305521f, 0.305512f, 0.305504f, 0.305495f, 0.305486f, 0.305478f, 0.305469f, 0.305461f, 0.305452f,
-0.305444f, 0.305435f, 0.305427f, 0.305418f, 0.30541f, 0.305401f, 0.305392f, 0.305384f, 0.305375f, 0.305367f, 0.305358f, 0.30535f, 0.305341f, 0.305333f, 0.305324f, 0.305316f, 0.305307f, 0.305299f, 0.30529f, 0.305281f,
-0.305273f, 0.305264f, 0.305256f, 0.305247f, 0.305239f, 0.30523f, 0.305222f, 0.305213f, 0.305205f, 0.305196f, 0.305188f, 0.305179f, 0.305171f, 0.305162f, 0.305154f, 0.305145f, 0.305137f, 0.305128f, 0.305119f, 0.305111f,
-0.305102f, 0.305094f, 0.305085f, 0.305077f, 0.305068f, 0.30506f, 0.305051f, 0.305043f, 0.305034f, 0.305026f, 0.305017f, 0.305009f, 0.305f, 0.304992f, 0.304983f, 0.304975f, 0.304966f, 0.304958f, 0.304949f, 0.304941f,
-0.304932f, 0.304924f, 0.304915f, 0.304907f, 0.304898f, 0.30489f, 0.304881f, 0.304872f, 0.304864f, 0.304855f, 0.304847f, 0.304838f, 0.30483f, 0.304821f, 0.304813f, 0.304804f, 0.304796f, 0.304787f, 0.304779f, 0.30477f,
-0.304762f, 0.304753f, 0.304745f, 0.304736f, 0.304728f, 0.304719f, 0.304711f, 0.304702f, 0.304694f, 0.304685f, 0.304677f, 0.304668f, 0.30466f, 0.304651f, 0.304643f, 0.304634f, 0.304626f, 0.304617f, 0.304609f, 0.3046f,
-0.304592f, 0.304583f, 0.304575f, 0.304566f, 0.304558f, 0.304549f, 0.304541f, 0.304532f, 0.304524f, 0.304516f, 0.304507f, 0.304499f, 0.30449f, 0.304482f, 0.304473f, 0.304465f, 0.304456f, 0.304448f, 0.304439f, 0.304431f,
-0.304422f, 0.304414f, 0.304405f, 0.304397f, 0.304388f, 0.30438f, 0.304371f, 0.304363f, 0.304354f, 0.304346f, 0.304337f, 0.304329f, 0.30432f, 0.304312f, 0.304303f, 0.304295f, 0.304286f, 0.304278f, 0.30427f, 0.304261f,
-0.304253f, 0.304244f, 0.304236f, 0.304227f, 0.304219f, 0.30421f, 0.304202f, 0.304193f, 0.304185f, 0.304176f, 0.304168f, 0.304159f, 0.304151f, 0.304142f, 0.304134f, 0.304125f, 0.304117f, 0.304109f, 0.3041f, 0.304092f,
-0.304083f, 0.304075f, 0.304066f, 0.304058f, 0.304049f, 0.304041f, 0.304032f, 0.304024f, 0.304015f, 0.304007f, 0.303999f, 0.30399f, 0.303982f, 0.303973f, 0.303965f, 0.303956f, 0.303948f, 0.303939f, 0.303931f, 0.303922f,
-0.303914f, 0.303905f, 0.303897f, 0.303889f, 0.30388f, 0.303872f, 0.303863f, 0.303855f, 0.303846f, 0.303838f, 0.303829f, 0.303821f, 0.303812f, 0.303804f, 0.303796f, 0.303787f, 0.303779f, 0.30377f, 0.303762f, 0.303753f,
-0.303745f, 0.303736f, 0.303728f, 0.30372f, 0.303711f, 0.303703f, 0.303694f, 0.303686f, 0.303677f, 0.303669f, 0.30366f, 0.303652f, 0.303644f, 0.303635f, 0.303627f, 0.303618f, 0.30361f, 0.303601f, 0.303593f, 0.303584f,
-0.303576f, 0.303568f, 0.303559f, 0.303551f, 0.303542f, 0.303534f, 0.303525f, 0.303517f, 0.303509f, 0.3035f, 0.303492f, 0.303483f, 0.303475f, 0.303466f, 0.303458f, 0.30345f, 0.303441f, 0.303433f, 0.303424f, 0.303416f,
-0.303407f, 0.303399f, 0.303391f, 0.303382f, 0.303374f, 0.303365f, 0.303357f, 0.303348f, 0.30334f, 0.303332f, 0.303323f, 0.303315f, 0.303306f, 0.303298f, 0.303289f, 0.303281f, 0.303273f, 0.303264f, 0.303256f, 0.303247f,
-0.303239f, 0.303231f, 0.303222f, 0.303214f, 0.303205f, 0.303197f, 0.303188f, 0.30318f, 0.303172f, 0.303163f, 0.303155f, 0.303146f, 0.303138f, 0.30313f, 0.303121f, 0.303113f, 0.303104f, 0.303096f, 0.303087f, 0.303079f,
-0.303071f, 0.303062f, 0.303054f, 0.303045f, 0.303037f, 0.303029f, 0.30302f, 0.303012f, 0.303003f, 0.302995f, 0.302987f, 0.302978f, 0.30297f, 0.302961f, 0.302953f, 0.302945f, 0.302936f, 0.302928f, 0.302919f, 0.302911f,
-0.302903f, 0.302894f, 0.302886f, 0.302877f, 0.302869f, 0.302861f, 0.302852f, 0.302844f, 0.302835f, 0.302827f, 0.302819f, 0.30281f, 0.302802f, 0.302793f, 0.302785f, 0.302777f, 0.302768f, 0.30276f, 0.302751f, 0.302743f,
-0.302735f, 0.302726f, 0.302718f, 0.302709f, 0.302701f, 0.302693f, 0.302684f, 0.302676f, 0.302668f, 0.302659f, 0.302651f, 0.302642f, 0.302634f, 0.302626f, 0.302617f, 0.302609f, 0.3026f, 0.302592f, 0.302584f, 0.302575f,
-0.302567f, 0.302559f, 0.30255f, 0.302542f, 0.302533f, 0.302525f, 0.302517f, 0.302508f, 0.3025f, 0.302492f, 0.302483f, 0.302475f, 0.302466f, 0.302458f, 0.30245f, 0.302441f, 0.302433f, 0.302425f, 0.302416f, 0.302408f,
-0.302399f, 0.302391f, 0.302383f, 0.302374f, 0.302366f, 0.302358f, 0.302349f, 0.302341f, 0.302332f, 0.302324f, 0.302316f, 0.302307f, 0.302299f, 0.302291f, 0.302282f, 0.302274f, 0.302266f, 0.302257f, 0.302249f, 0.30224f,
-0.302232f, 0.302224f, 0.302215f, 0.302207f, 0.302199f, 0.30219f, 0.302182f, 0.302174f, 0.302165f, 0.302157f, 0.302148f, 0.30214f, 0.302132f, 0.302123f, 0.302115f, 0.302107f, 0.302098f, 0.30209f, 0.302082f, 0.302073f,
-0.302065f, 0.302057f, 0.302048f, 0.30204f, 0.302031f, 0.302023f, 0.302015f, 0.302006f, 0.301998f, 0.30199f, 0.301981f, 0.301973f, 0.301965f, 0.301956f, 0.301948f, 0.30194f, 0.301931f, 0.301923f, 0.301915f, 0.301906f,
-0.301898f, 0.30189f, 0.301881f, 0.301873f, 0.301865f, 0.301856f, 0.301848f, 0.30184f, 0.301831f, 0.301823f, 0.301814f, 0.301806f, 0.301798f, 0.301789f, 0.301781f, 0.301773f, 0.301764f, 0.301756f, 0.301748f, 0.301739f,
-0.301731f, 0.301723f, 0.301714f, 0.301706f, 0.301698f, 0.301689f, 0.301681f, 0.301673f, 0.301664f, 0.301656f, 0.301648f, 0.301639f, 0.301631f, 0.301623f, 0.301614f, 0.301606f, 0.301598f, 0.301589f, 0.301581f, 0.301573f,
-0.301565f, 0.301556f, 0.301548f, 0.30154f, 0.301531f, 0.301523f, 0.301515f, 0.301506f, 0.301498f, 0.30149f, 0.301481f, 0.301473f, 0.301465f, 0.301456f, 0.301448f, 0.30144f, 0.301431f, 0.301423f, 0.301415f, 0.301406f,
-0.301398f, 0.30139f, 0.301381f, 0.301373f, 0.301365f, 0.301357f, 0.301348f, 0.30134f, 0.301332f, 0.301323f, 0.301315f, 0.301307f, 0.301298f, 0.30129f, 0.301282f, 0.301273f, 0.301265f, 0.301257f, 0.301248f, 0.30124f,
-0.301232f, 0.301224f, 0.301215f, 0.301207f, 0.301199f, 0.30119f, 0.301182f, 0.301174f, 0.301165f, 0.301157f, 0.301149f, 0.30114f, 0.301132f, 0.301124f, 0.301116f, 0.301107f, 0.301099f, 0.301091f, 0.301082f, 0.301074f,
-0.301066f, 0.301057f, 0.301049f, 0.301041f, 0.301033f, 0.301024f, 0.301016f, 0.301008f, 0.300999f, 0.300991f, 0.300983f, 0.300975f, 0.300966f, 0.300958f, 0.30095f, 0.300941f, 0.300933f, 0.300925f, 0.300916f, 0.300908f,
-0.3009f, 0.300892f, 0.300883f, 0.300875f, 0.300867f, 0.300858f, 0.30085f, 0.300842f, 0.300834f, 0.300825f, 0.300817f, 0.300809f, 0.3008f, 0.300792f, 0.300784f, 0.300776f, 0.300767f, 0.300759f, 0.300751f, 0.300742f,
-0.300734f, 0.300726f, 0.300718f, 0.300709f, 0.300701f, 0.300693f, 0.300685f, 0.300676f, 0.300668f, 0.30066f, 0.300651f, 0.300643f, 0.300635f, 0.300627f, 0.300618f, 0.30061f, 0.300602f, 0.300594f, 0.300585f, 0.300577f,
-0.300569f, 0.30056f, 0.300552f, 0.300544f, 0.300536f, 0.300527f, 0.300519f, 0.300511f, 0.300503f, 0.300494f, 0.300486f, 0.300478f, 0.300469f, 0.300461f, 0.300453f, 0.300445f, 0.300436f, 0.300428f, 0.30042f, 0.300412f,
-0.300403f, 0.300395f, 0.300387f, 0.300379f, 0.30037f, 0.300362f, 0.300354f, 0.300346f, 0.300337f, 0.300329f, 0.300321f, 0.300313f, 0.300304f, 0.300296f, 0.300288f, 0.300279f, 0.300271f, 0.300263f, 0.300255f, 0.300246f,
-0.300238f, 0.30023f, 0.300222f, 0.300213f, 0.300205f, 0.300197f, 0.300189f, 0.30018f, 0.300172f, 0.300164f, 0.300156f, 0.300147f, 0.300139f, 0.300131f, 0.300123f, 0.300114f, 0.300106f, 0.300098f, 0.30009f, 0.300082f,
-0.300073f, 0.300065f, 0.300057f, 0.300049f, 0.30004f, 0.300032f, 0.300024f, 0.300016f, 0.300007f, 0.299999f, 0.299991f, 0.299983f, 0.299974f, 0.299966f, 0.299958f, 0.29995f, 0.299941f, 0.299933f, 0.299925f, 0.299917f,
-0.299908f, 0.2999f, 0.299892f, 0.299884f, 0.299876f, 0.299867f, 0.299859f, 0.299851f, 0.299843f, 0.299834f, 0.299826f, 0.299818f, 0.29981f, 0.299801f, 0.299793f, 0.299785f, 0.299777f, 0.299769f, 0.29976f, 0.299752f,
-0.299744f, 0.299736f, 0.299727f, 0.299719f, 0.299711f, 0.299703f, 0.299695f, 0.299686f, 0.299678f, 0.29967f, 0.299662f, 0.299653f, 0.299645f, 0.299637f, 0.299629f, 0.299621f, 0.299612f, 0.299604f, 0.299596f, 0.299588f,
-0.299579f, 0.299571f, 0.299563f, 0.299555f, 0.299547f, 0.299538f, 0.29953f, 0.299522f, 0.299514f, 0.299506f, 0.299497f, 0.299489f, 0.299481f, 0.299473f, 0.299464f, 0.299456f, 0.299448f, 0.29944f, 0.299432f, 0.299423f,
-0.299415f, 0.299407f, 0.299399f, 0.299391f, 0.299382f, 0.299374f, 0.299366f, 0.299358f, 0.29935f, 0.299341f, 0.299333f, 0.299325f, 0.299317f, 0.299309f, 0.2993f, 0.299292f, 0.299284f, 0.299276f, 0.299268f, 0.299259f,
-0.299251f, 0.299243f, 0.299235f, 0.299227f, 0.299218f, 0.29921f, 0.299202f, 0.299194f, 0.299186f, 0.299177f, 0.299169f, 0.299161f, 0.299153f, 0.299145f, 0.299136f, 0.299128f, 0.29912f, 0.299112f, 0.299104f, 0.299095f,
-0.299087f, 0.299079f, 0.299071f, 0.299063f, 0.299055f, 0.299046f, 0.299038f, 0.29903f, 0.299022f, 0.299014f, 0.299005f, 0.298997f, 0.298989f, 0.298981f, 0.298973f, 0.298964f, 0.298956f, 0.298948f, 0.29894f, 0.298932f,
-0.298924f, 0.298915f, 0.298907f, 0.298899f, 0.298891f, 0.298883f, 0.298874f, 0.298866f, 0.298858f, 0.29885f, 0.298842f, 0.298834f, 0.298825f, 0.298817f, 0.298809f, 0.298801f, 0.298793f, 0.298785f, 0.298776f, 0.298768f,
-0.29876f, 0.298752f, 0.298744f, 0.298736f, 0.298727f, 0.298719f, 0.298711f, 0.298703f, 0.298695f, 0.298687f, 0.298678f, 0.29867f, 0.298662f, 0.298654f, 0.298646f, 0.298638f, 0.298629f, 0.298621f, 0.298613f, 0.298605f,
-0.298597f, 0.298589f, 0.29858f, 0.298572f, 0.298564f, 0.298556f, 0.298548f, 0.29854f, 0.298531f, 0.298523f, 0.298515f, 0.298507f, 0.298499f, 0.298491f, 0.298482f, 0.298474f, 0.298466f, 0.298458f, 0.29845f, 0.298442f,
-0.298434f, 0.298425f, 0.298417f, 0.298409f, 0.298401f, 0.298393f, 0.298385f, 0.298376f, 0.298368f, 0.29836f, 0.298352f, 0.298344f, 0.298336f, 0.298328f, 0.298319f, 0.298311f, 0.298303f, 0.298295f, 0.298287f, 0.298279f,
-0.298271f, 0.298262f, 0.298254f, 0.298246f, 0.298238f, 0.29823f, 0.298222f, 0.298214f, 0.298205f, 0.298197f, 0.298189f, 0.298181f, 0.298173f, 0.298165f, 0.298157f, 0.298148f, 0.29814f, 0.298132f, 0.298124f, 0.298116f,
-0.298108f, 0.2981f, 0.298091f, 0.298083f, 0.298075f, 0.298067f, 0.298059f, 0.298051f, 0.298043f, 0.298035f, 0.298026f, 0.298018f, 0.29801f, 0.298002f, 0.297994f, 0.297986f, 0.297978f, 0.297969f, 0.297961f, 0.297953f,
-0.297945f, 0.297937f, 0.297929f, 0.297921f, 0.297913f, 0.297904f, 0.297896f, 0.297888f, 0.29788f, 0.297872f, 0.297864f, 0.297856f, 0.297848f, 0.297839f, 0.297831f, 0.297823f, 0.297815f, 0.297807f, 0.297799f, 0.297791f,
-0.297783f, 0.297775f, 0.297766f, 0.297758f, 0.29775f, 0.297742f, 0.297734f, 0.297726f, 0.297718f, 0.29771f, 0.297701f, 0.297693f, 0.297685f, 0.297677f, 0.297669f, 0.297661f, 0.297653f, 0.297645f, 0.297637f, 0.297628f,
-0.29762f, 0.297612f, 0.297604f, 0.297596f, 0.297588f, 0.29758f, 0.297572f, 0.297564f, 0.297555f, 0.297547f, 0.297539f, 0.297531f, 0.297523f, 0.297515f, 0.297507f, 0.297499f, 0.297491f, 0.297483f, 0.297474f, 0.297466f,
-0.297458f, 0.29745f, 0.297442f, 0.297434f, 0.297426f, 0.297418f, 0.29741f, 0.297402f, 0.297393f, 0.297385f, 0.297377f, 0.297369f, 0.297361f, 0.297353f, 0.297345f, 0.297337f, 0.297329f, 0.297321f, 0.297313f, 0.297304f,
-0.297296f, 0.297288f, 0.29728f, 0.297272f, 0.297264f, 0.297256f, 0.297248f, 0.29724f, 0.297232f, 0.297224f, 0.297215f, 0.297207f, 0.297199f, 0.297191f, 0.297183f, 0.297175f, 0.297167f, 0.297159f, 0.297151f, 0.297143f,
-0.297135f, 0.297126f, 0.297118f, 0.29711f, 0.297102f, 0.297094f, 0.297086f, 0.297078f, 0.29707f, 0.297062f, 0.297054f, 0.297046f, 0.297038f, 0.29703f, 0.297021f, 0.297013f, 0.297005f, 0.296997f, 0.296989f, 0.296981f,
-0.296973f, 0.296965f, 0.296957f, 0.296949f, 0.296941f, 0.296933f, 0.296925f, 0.296916f, 0.296908f, 0.2969f, 0.296892f, 0.296884f, 0.296876f, 0.296868f, 0.29686f, 0.296852f, 0.296844f, 0.296836f, 0.296828f, 0.29682f,
-0.296812f, 0.296804f, 0.296795f, 0.296787f, 0.296779f, 0.296771f, 0.296763f, 0.296755f, 0.296747f, 0.296739f, 0.296731f, 0.296723f, 0.296715f, 0.296707f, 0.296699f, 0.296691f, 0.296683f, 0.296675f, 0.296666f, 0.296658f,
-0.29665f, 0.296642f, 0.296634f, 0.296626f, 0.296618f, 0.29661f, 0.296602f, 0.296594f, 0.296586f, 0.296578f, 0.29657f, 0.296562f, 0.296554f, 0.296546f, 0.296538f, 0.29653f, 0.296522f, 0.296513f, 0.296505f, 0.296497f,
-0.296489f, 0.296481f, 0.296473f, 0.296465f, 0.296457f, 0.296449f, 0.296441f, 0.296433f, 0.296425f, 0.296417f, 0.296409f, 0.296401f, 0.296393f, 0.296385f, 0.296377f, 0.296369f, 0.296361f, 0.296353f, 0.296345f, 0.296336f,
-0.296328f, 0.29632f, 0.296312f, 0.296304f, 0.296296f, 0.296288f, 0.29628f, 0.296272f, 0.296264f, 0.296256f, 0.296248f, 0.29624f, 0.296232f, 0.296224f, 0.296216f, 0.296208f, 0.2962f, 0.296192f, 0.296184f, 0.296176f,
-0.296168f, 0.29616f, 0.296152f, 0.296144f, 0.296136f, 0.296128f, 0.29612f, 0.296112f, 0.296104f, 0.296095f, 0.296087f, 0.296079f, 0.296071f, 0.296063f, 0.296055f, 0.296047f, 0.296039f, 0.296031f, 0.296023f, 0.296015f,
-0.296007f, 0.295999f, 0.295991f, 0.295983f, 0.295975f, 0.295967f, 0.295959f, 0.295951f, 0.295943f, 0.295935f, 0.295927f, 0.295919f, 0.295911f, 0.295903f, 0.295895f, 0.295887f, 0.295879f, 0.295871f, 0.295863f, 0.295855f,
-0.295847f, 0.295839f, 0.295831f, 0.295823f, 0.295815f, 0.295807f, 0.295799f, 0.295791f, 0.295783f, 0.295775f, 0.295767f, 0.295759f, 0.295751f, 0.295743f, 0.295735f, 0.295727f, 0.295719f, 0.295711f, 0.295703f, 0.295695f,
-0.295687f, 0.295679f, 0.295671f, 0.295663f, 0.295655f, 0.295647f, 0.295639f, 0.295631f, 0.295623f, 0.295615f, 0.295607f, 0.295599f, 0.295591f, 0.295583f, 0.295575f, 0.295567f, 0.295559f, 0.295551f, 0.295543f, 0.295535f,
-0.295527f, 0.295519f, 0.295511f, 0.295503f, 0.295495f, 0.295487f, 0.295479f, 0.295471f, 0.295463f, 0.295455f, 0.295447f, 0.295439f, 0.295431f, 0.295423f, 0.295415f, 0.295407f, 0.295399f, 0.295391f, 0.295383f, 0.295375f,
-0.295367f, 0.295359f, 0.295351f, 0.295343f, 0.295335f, 0.295327f, 0.295319f, 0.295311f, 0.295303f, 0.295295f, 0.295287f, 0.295279f, 0.295271f, 0.295263f, 0.295255f, 0.295247f, 0.295239f, 0.295231f, 0.295223f, 0.295215f,
-0.295207f, 0.295199f, 0.295191f, 0.295183f, 0.295175f, 0.295167f, 0.295159f, 0.295151f, 0.295143f, 0.295135f, 0.295127f, 0.295119f, 0.295111f, 0.295104f, 0.295096f, 0.295088f, 0.29508f, 0.295072f, 0.295064f, 0.295056f,
-0.295048f, 0.29504f, 0.295032f, 0.295024f, 0.295016f, 0.295008f, 0.295f, 0.294992f, 0.294984f, 0.294976f, 0.294968f, 0.29496f, 0.294952f, 0.294944f, 0.294936f, 0.294928f, 0.29492f, 0.294912f, 0.294904f, 0.294896f,
-0.294888f, 0.29488f, 0.294872f, 0.294865f, 0.294857f, 0.294849f, 0.294841f, 0.294833f, 0.294825f, 0.294817f, 0.294809f, 0.294801f, 0.294793f, 0.294785f, 0.294777f, 0.294769f, 0.294761f, 0.294753f, 0.294745f, 0.294737f,
-0.294729f, 0.294721f, 0.294713f, 0.294705f, 0.294697f, 0.29469f, 0.294682f, 0.294674f, 0.294666f, 0.294658f, 0.29465f, 0.294642f, 0.294634f, 0.294626f, 0.294618f, 0.29461f, 0.294602f, 0.294594f, 0.294586f, 0.294578f,
-0.29457f, 0.294562f, 0.294554f, 0.294546f, 0.294539f, 0.294531f, 0.294523f, 0.294515f, 0.294507f, 0.294499f, 0.294491f, 0.294483f, 0.294475f, 0.294467f, 0.294459f, 0.294451f, 0.294443f, 0.294435f, 0.294427f, 0.294419f,
-0.294412f, 0.294404f, 0.294396f, 0.294388f, 0.29438f, 0.294372f, 0.294364f, 0.294356f, 0.294348f, 0.29434f, 0.294332f, 0.294324f, 0.294316f, 0.294308f, 0.2943f, 0.294293f, 0.294285f, 0.294277f, 0.294269f, 0.294261f,
-0.294253f, 0.294245f, 0.294237f, 0.294229f, 0.294221f, 0.294213f, 0.294205f, 0.294197f, 0.294189f, 0.294182f, 0.294174f, 0.294166f, 0.294158f, 0.29415f, 0.294142f, 0.294134f, 0.294126f, 0.294118f, 0.29411f, 0.294102f,
-0.294094f, 0.294086f, 0.294079f, 0.294071f, 0.294063f, 0.294055f, 0.294047f, 0.294039f, 0.294031f, 0.294023f, 0.294015f, 0.294007f, 0.293999f, 0.293992f, 0.293984f, 0.293976f, 0.293968f, 0.29396f, 0.293952f, 0.293944f,
-0.293936f, 0.293928f, 0.29392f, 0.293912f, 0.293904f, 0.293897f, 0.293889f, 0.293881f, 0.293873f, 0.293865f, 0.293857f, 0.293849f, 0.293841f, 0.293833f, 0.293825f, 0.293818f, 0.29381f, 0.293802f, 0.293794f, 0.293786f,
-0.293778f, 0.29377f, 0.293762f, 0.293754f, 0.293746f, 0.293739f, 0.293731f, 0.293723f, 0.293715f, 0.293707f, 0.293699f, 0.293691f, 0.293683f, 0.293675f, 0.293667f, 0.29366f, 0.293652f, 0.293644f, 0.293636f, 0.293628f,
-0.29362f, 0.293612f, 0.293604f, 0.293596f, 0.293589f, 0.293581f, 0.293573f, 0.293565f, 0.293557f, 0.293549f, 0.293541f, 0.293533f, 0.293525f, 0.293517f, 0.29351f, 0.293502f, 0.293494f, 0.293486f, 0.293478f, 0.29347f,
-0.293462f, 0.293454f, 0.293447f, 0.293439f, 0.293431f, 0.293423f, 0.293415f, 0.293407f, 0.293399f, 0.293391f, 0.293383f, 0.293376f, 0.293368f, 0.29336f, 0.293352f, 0.293344f, 0.293336f, 0.293328f, 0.29332f, 0.293313f,
-0.293305f, 0.293297f, 0.293289f, 0.293281f, 0.293273f, 0.293265f, 0.293257f, 0.29325f, 0.293242f, 0.293234f, 0.293226f, 0.293218f, 0.29321f, 0.293202f, 0.293194f, 0.293187f, 0.293179f, 0.293171f, 0.293163f, 0.293155f,
-0.293147f, 0.293139f, 0.293132f, 0.293124f, 0.293116f, 0.293108f, 0.2931f, 0.293092f, 0.293084f, 0.293076f, 0.293069f, 0.293061f, 0.293053f, 0.293045f, 0.293037f, 0.293029f, 0.293021f, 0.293014f, 0.293006f, 0.292998f,
-0.29299f, 0.292982f, 0.292974f, 0.292966f, 0.292959f, 0.292951f, 0.292943f, 0.292935f, 0.292927f, 0.292919f, 0.292911f, 0.292904f, 0.292896f, 0.292888f, 0.29288f, 0.292872f, 0.292864f, 0.292856f, 0.292849f, 0.292841f,
-0.292833f, 0.292825f, 0.292817f, 0.292809f, 0.292801f, 0.292794f, 0.292786f, 0.292778f, 0.29277f, 0.292762f, 0.292754f, 0.292747f, 0.292739f, 0.292731f, 0.292723f, 0.292715f, 0.292707f, 0.292699f, 0.292692f, 0.292684f,
-0.292676f, 0.292668f, 0.29266f, 0.292652f, 0.292645f, 0.292637f, 0.292629f, 0.292621f, 0.292613f, 0.292605f, 0.292598f, 0.29259f, 0.292582f, 0.292574f, 0.292566f, 0.292558f, 0.292551f, 0.292543f, 0.292535f, 0.292527f,
-0.292519f, 0.292511f, 0.292504f, 0.292496f, 0.292488f, 0.29248f, 0.292472f, 0.292464f, 0.292457f, 0.292449f, 0.292441f, 0.292433f, 0.292425f, 0.292417f, 0.29241f, 0.292402f, 0.292394f, 0.292386f, 0.292378f, 0.29237f,
-0.292363f, 0.292355f, 0.292347f, 0.292339f, 0.292331f, 0.292323f, 0.292316f, 0.292308f, 0.2923f, 0.292292f, 0.292284f, 0.292277f, 0.292269f, 0.292261f, 0.292253f, 0.292245f, 0.292237f, 0.29223f, 0.292222f, 0.292214f,
-0.292206f, 0.292198f, 0.292191f, 0.292183f, 0.292175f, 0.292167f, 0.292159f, 0.292151f, 0.292144f, 0.292136f, 0.292128f, 0.29212f, 0.292112f, 0.292105f, 0.292097f, 0.292089f, 0.292081f, 0.292073f, 0.292066f, 0.292058f,
-0.29205f, 0.292042f, 0.292034f, 0.292026f, 0.292019f, 0.292011f, 0.292003f, 0.291995f, 0.291987f, 0.29198f, 0.291972f, 0.291964f, 0.291956f, 0.291948f, 0.291941f, 0.291933f, 0.291925f, 0.291917f, 0.291909f, 0.291902f,
-0.291894f, 0.291886f, 0.291878f, 0.29187f, 0.291863f, 0.291855f, 0.291847f, 0.291839f, 0.291831f, 0.291824f, 0.291816f, 0.291808f, 0.2918f, 0.291792f, 0.291785f, 0.291777f, 0.291769f, 0.291761f, 0.291753f, 0.291746f,
-0.291738f, 0.29173f, 0.291722f, 0.291715f, 0.291707f, 0.291699f, 0.291691f, 0.291683f, 0.291676f, 0.291668f, 0.29166f, 0.291652f, 0.291644f, 0.291637f, 0.291629f, 0.291621f, 0.291613f, 0.291605f, 0.291598f, 0.29159f,
-0.291582f, 0.291574f, 0.291567f, 0.291559f, 0.291551f, 0.291543f, 0.291535f, 0.291528f, 0.29152f, 0.291512f, 0.291504f, 0.291497f, 0.291489f, 0.291481f, 0.291473f, 0.291465f, 0.291458f, 0.29145f, 0.291442f, 0.291434f,
-0.291427f, 0.291419f, 0.291411f, 0.291403f, 0.291395f, 0.291388f, 0.29138f, 0.291372f, 0.291364f, 0.291357f, 0.291349f, 0.291341f, 0.291333f, 0.291325f, 0.291318f, 0.29131f, 0.291302f, 0.291294f, 0.291287f, 0.291279f,
-0.291271f, 0.291263f, 0.291256f, 0.291248f, 0.29124f, 0.291232f, 0.291225f, 0.291217f, 0.291209f, 0.291201f, 0.291193f, 0.291186f, 0.291178f, 0.29117f, 0.291162f, 0.291155f, 0.291147f, 0.291139f, 0.291131f, 0.291124f,
-0.291116f, 0.291108f, 0.2911f, 0.291093f, 0.291085f, 0.291077f, 0.291069f, 0.291062f, 0.291054f, 0.291046f, 0.291038f, 0.291031f, 0.291023f, 0.291015f, 0.291007f, 0.291f, 0.290992f, 0.290984f, 0.290976f, 0.290969f,
-0.290961f, 0.290953f, 0.290945f, 0.290938f, 0.29093f, 0.290922f, 0.290914f, 0.290907f, 0.290899f, 0.290891f, 0.290883f, 0.290876f, 0.290868f, 0.29086f, 0.290852f, 0.290845f, 0.290837f, 0.290829f, 0.290821f, 0.290814f,
-0.290806f, 0.290798f, 0.29079f, 0.290783f, 0.290775f, 0.290767f, 0.290759f, 0.290752f, 0.290744f, 0.290736f, 0.290728f, 0.290721f, 0.290713f, 0.290705f, 0.290697f, 0.29069f, 0.290682f, 0.290674f, 0.290667f, 0.290659f,
-0.290651f, 0.290643f, 0.290636f, 0.290628f, 0.29062f, 0.290612f, 0.290605f, 0.290597f, 0.290589f, 0.290581f, 0.290574f, 0.290566f, 0.290558f, 0.290551f, 0.290543f, 0.290535f, 0.290527f, 0.29052f, 0.290512f, 0.290504f,
-0.290496f, 0.290489f, 0.290481f, 0.290473f, 0.290466f, 0.290458f, 0.29045f, 0.290442f, 0.290435f, 0.290427f, 0.290419f, 0.290411f, 0.290404f, 0.290396f, 0.290388f, 0.290381f, 0.290373f, 0.290365f, 0.290357f, 0.29035f,
-0.290342f, 0.290334f, 0.290327f, 0.290319f, 0.290311f, 0.290303f, 0.290296f, 0.290288f, 0.29028f, 0.290273f, 0.290265f, 0.290257f, 0.290249f, 0.290242f, 0.290234f, 0.290226f, 0.290219f, 0.290211f, 0.290203f, 0.290195f,
-0.290188f, 0.29018f, 0.290172f, 0.290165f, 0.290157f, 0.290149f, 0.290141f, 0.290134f, 0.290126f, 0.290118f, 0.290111f, 0.290103f, 0.290095f, 0.290088f, 0.29008f, 0.290072f, 0.290064f, 0.290057f, 0.290049f, 0.290041f,
-0.290034f, 0.290026f, 0.290018f, 0.290011f, 0.290003f, 0.289995f, 0.289987f, 0.28998f, 0.289972f, 0.289964f, 0.289957f, 0.289949f, 0.289941f, 0.289934f, 0.289926f, 0.289918f, 0.28991f, 0.289903f, 0.289895f, 0.289887f,
-0.28988f, 0.289872f, 0.289864f, 0.289857f, 0.289849f, 0.289841f, 0.289834f, 0.289826f, 0.289818f, 0.28981f, 0.289803f, 0.289795f, 0.289787f, 0.28978f, 0.289772f, 0.289764f, 0.289757f, 0.289749f, 0.289741f, 0.289734f,
-0.289726f, 0.289718f, 0.289711f, 0.289703f, 0.289695f, 0.289687f, 0.28968f, 0.289672f, 0.289664f, 0.289657f, 0.289649f, 0.289641f, 0.289634f, 0.289626f, 0.289618f, 0.289611f, 0.289603f, 0.289595f, 0.289588f, 0.28958f,
-0.289572f, 0.289565f, 0.289557f, 0.289549f, 0.289542f, 0.289534f, 0.289526f, 0.289519f, 0.289511f, 0.289503f, 0.289496f, 0.289488f, 0.28948f, 0.289473f, 0.289465f, 0.289457f, 0.28945f, 0.289442f, 0.289434f, 0.289426f,
-0.289419f, 0.289411f, 0.289403f, 0.289396f, 0.289388f, 0.28938f, 0.289373f, 0.289365f, 0.289357f, 0.28935f, 0.289342f, 0.289334f, 0.289327f, 0.289319f, 0.289312f, 0.289304f, 0.289296f, 0.289289f, 0.289281f, 0.289273f,
-0.289266f, 0.289258f, 0.28925f, 0.289243f, 0.289235f, 0.289227f, 0.28922f, 0.289212f, 0.289204f, 0.289197f, 0.289189f, 0.289181f, 0.289174f, 0.289166f, 0.289158f, 0.289151f, 0.289143f, 0.289135f, 0.289128f, 0.28912f,
-0.289112f, 0.289105f, 0.289097f, 0.289089f, 0.289082f, 0.289074f, 0.289066f, 0.289059f, 0.289051f, 0.289044f, 0.289036f, 0.289028f, 0.289021f, 0.289013f, 0.289005f, 0.288998f, 0.28899f, 0.288982f, 0.288975f, 0.288967f,
-0.288959f, 0.288952f, 0.288944f, 0.288937f, 0.288929f, 0.288921f, 0.288914f, 0.288906f, 0.288898f, 0.288891f, 0.288883f, 0.288875f, 0.288868f, 0.28886f, 0.288852f, 0.288845f, 0.288837f, 0.28883f, 0.288822f, 0.288814f,
-0.288807f, 0.288799f, 0.288791f, 0.288784f, 0.288776f, 0.288768f, 0.288761f, 0.288753f, 0.288746f, 0.288738f, 0.28873f, 0.288723f, 0.288715f, 0.288707f, 0.2887f, 0.288692f, 0.288684f, 0.288677f, 0.288669f, 0.288662f,
-0.288654f, 0.288646f, 0.288639f, 0.288631f, 0.288623f, 0.288616f, 0.288608f, 0.288601f, 0.288593f, 0.288585f, 0.288578f, 0.28857f, 0.288562f, 0.288555f, 0.288547f, 0.28854f, 0.288532f, 0.288524f, 0.288517f, 0.288509f,
-0.288501f, 0.288494f, 0.288486f, 0.288479f, 0.288471f, 0.288463f, 0.288456f, 0.288448f, 0.288441f, 0.288433f, 0.288425f, 0.288418f, 0.28841f, 0.288402f, 0.288395f, 0.288387f, 0.28838f, 0.288372f, 0.288364f, 0.288357f,
-0.288349f, 0.288342f, 0.288334f, 0.288326f, 0.288319f, 0.288311f, 0.288304f, 0.288296f, 0.288288f, 0.288281f, 0.288273f, 0.288265f, 0.288258f, 0.28825f, 0.288243f, 0.288235f, 0.288227f, 0.28822f, 0.288212f, 0.288205f,
-0.288197f, 0.288189f, 0.288182f, 0.288174f, 0.288167f, 0.288159f, 0.288151f, 0.288144f, 0.288136f, 0.288129f, 0.288121f, 0.288113f, 0.288106f, 0.288098f, 0.288091f, 0.288083f, 0.288075f, 0.288068f, 0.28806f, 0.288053f,
-0.288045f, 0.288037f, 0.28803f, 0.288022f, 0.288015f, 0.288007f, 0.287999f, 0.287992f, 0.287984f, 0.287977f, 0.287969f, 0.287961f, 0.287954f, 0.287946f, 0.287939f, 0.287931f, 0.287924f, 0.287916f, 0.287908f, 0.287901f,
-0.287893f, 0.287886f, 0.287878f, 0.28787f, 0.287863f, 0.287855f, 0.287848f, 0.28784f, 0.287832f, 0.287825f, 0.287817f, 0.28781f, 0.287802f, 0.287795f, 0.287787f, 0.287779f, 0.287772f, 0.287764f, 0.287757f, 0.287749f,
-0.287741f, 0.287734f, 0.287726f, 0.287719f, 0.287711f, 0.287704f, 0.287696f, 0.287688f, 0.287681f, 0.287673f, 0.287666f, 0.287658f, 0.287651f, 0.287643f, 0.287635f, 0.287628f, 0.28762f, 0.287613f, 0.287605f, 0.287598f,
-0.28759f, 0.287582f, 0.287575f, 0.287567f, 0.28756f, 0.287552f, 0.287545f, 0.287537f, 0.287529f, 0.287522f, 0.287514f, 0.287507f, 0.287499f, 0.287492f, 0.287484f, 0.287476f, 0.287469f, 0.287461f, 0.287454f, 0.287446f,
-0.287439f, 0.287431f, 0.287423f, 0.287416f, 0.287408f, 0.287401f, 0.287393f, 0.287386f, 0.287378f, 0.287371f, 0.287363f, 0.287355f, 0.287348f, 0.28734f, 0.287333f, 0.287325f, 0.287318f, 0.28731f, 0.287303f, 0.287295f,
-0.287287f, 0.28728f, 0.287272f, 0.287265f, 0.287257f, 0.28725f, 0.287242f, 0.287235f, 0.287227f, 0.287219f, 0.287212f, 0.287204f, 0.287197f, 0.287189f, 0.287182f, 0.287174f, 0.287167f, 0.287159f, 0.287151f, 0.287144f,
-0.287136f, 0.287129f, 0.287121f, 0.287114f, 0.287106f, 0.287099f, 0.287091f, 0.287084f, 0.287076f, 0.287068f, 0.287061f, 0.287053f, 0.287046f, 0.287038f, 0.287031f, 0.287023f, 0.287016f, 0.287008f, 0.287001f, 0.286993f,
-0.286985f, 0.286978f, 0.28697f, 0.286963f, 0.286955f, 0.286948f, 0.28694f, 0.286933f, 0.286925f, 0.286918f, 0.28691f, 0.286903f, 0.286895f, 0.286887f, 0.28688f, 0.286872f, 0.286865f, 0.286857f, 0.28685f, 0.286842f,
-0.286835f, 0.286827f, 0.28682f, 0.286812f, 0.286805f, 0.286797f, 0.28679f, 0.286782f, 0.286774f, 0.286767f, 0.286759f, 0.286752f, 0.286744f, 0.286737f, 0.286729f, 0.286722f, 0.286714f, 0.286707f, 0.286699f, 0.286692f,
-0.286684f, 0.286677f, 0.286669f, 0.286662f, 0.286654f, 0.286647f, 0.286639f, 0.286632f, 0.286624f, 0.286616f, 0.286609f, 0.286601f, 0.286594f, 0.286586f, 0.286579f, 0.286571f, 0.286564f, 0.286556f, 0.286549f, 0.286541f,
-0.286534f, 0.286526f, 0.286519f, 0.286511f, 0.286504f, 0.286496f, 0.286489f, 0.286481f, 0.286474f, 0.286466f, 0.286459f, 0.286451f, 0.286444f, 0.286436f, 0.286429f, 0.286421f, 0.286414f, 0.286406f, 0.286399f, 0.286391f,
-0.286383f, 0.286376f, 0.286368f, 0.286361f, 0.286353f, 0.286346f, 0.286338f, 0.286331f, 0.286323f, 0.286316f, 0.286308f, 0.286301f, 0.286293f, 0.286286f, 0.286278f, 0.286271f, 0.286263f, 0.286256f, 0.286248f, 0.286241f,
-0.286233f, 0.286226f, 0.286218f, 0.286211f, 0.286203f, 0.286196f, 0.286188f, 0.286181f, 0.286173f, 0.286166f, 0.286158f, 0.286151f, 0.286143f, 0.286136f, 0.286128f, 0.286121f, 0.286113f, 0.286106f, 0.286098f, 0.286091f,
-0.286083f, 0.286076f, 0.286068f, 0.286061f, 0.286053f, 0.286046f, 0.286039f, 0.286031f, 0.286024f, 0.286016f, 0.286009f, 0.286001f, 0.285994f, 0.285986f, 0.285979f, 0.285971f, 0.285964f, 0.285956f, 0.285949f, 0.285941f,
-0.285934f, 0.285926f, 0.285919f, 0.285911f, 0.285904f, 0.285896f, 0.285889f, 0.285881f, 0.285874f, 0.285866f, 0.285859f, 0.285851f, 0.285844f, 0.285836f, 0.285829f, 0.285821f, 0.285814f, 0.285806f, 0.285799f, 0.285792f,
-0.285784f, 0.285777f, 0.285769f, 0.285762f, 0.285754f, 0.285747f, 0.285739f, 0.285732f, 0.285724f, 0.285717f, 0.285709f, 0.285702f, 0.285694f, 0.285687f, 0.285679f, 0.285672f, 0.285664f, 0.285657f, 0.28565f, 0.285642f,
-0.285635f, 0.285627f, 0.28562f, 0.285612f, 0.285605f, 0.285597f, 0.28559f, 0.285582f, 0.285575f, 0.285567f, 0.28556f, 0.285552f, 0.285545f, 0.285538f, 0.28553f, 0.285523f, 0.285515f, 0.285508f, 0.2855f, 0.285493f,
-0.285485f, 0.285478f, 0.28547f, 0.285463f, 0.285455f, 0.285448f, 0.285441f, 0.285433f, 0.285426f, 0.285418f, 0.285411f, 0.285403f, 0.285396f, 0.285388f, 0.285381f, 0.285373f, 0.285366f, 0.285358f, 0.285351f, 0.285344f,
-0.285336f, 0.285329f, 0.285321f, 0.285314f, 0.285306f, 0.285299f, 0.285291f, 0.285284f, 0.285277f, 0.285269f, 0.285262f, 0.285254f, 0.285247f, 0.285239f, 0.285232f, 0.285224f, 0.285217f, 0.285209f, 0.285202f, 0.285195f,
-0.285187f, 0.28518f, 0.285172f, 0.285165f, 0.285157f, 0.28515f, 0.285142f, 0.285135f, 0.285128f, 0.28512f, 0.285113f, 0.285105f, 0.285098f, 0.28509f, 0.285083f, 0.285075f, 0.285068f, 0.285061f, 0.285053f, 0.285046f,
-0.285038f, 0.285031f, 0.285023f, 0.285016f, 0.285009f, 0.285001f, 0.284994f, 0.284986f, 0.284979f, 0.284971f, 0.284964f, 0.284956f, 0.284949f, 0.284942f, 0.284934f, 0.284927f, 0.284919f, 0.284912f, 0.284904f, 0.284897f,
-0.28489f, 0.284882f, 0.284875f, 0.284867f, 0.28486f, 0.284852f, 0.284845f, 0.284838f, 0.28483f, 0.284823f, 0.284815f, 0.284808f, 0.2848f, 0.284793f, 0.284786f, 0.284778f, 0.284771f, 0.284763f, 0.284756f, 0.284748f,
-0.284741f, 0.284734f, 0.284726f, 0.284719f, 0.284711f, 0.284704f, 0.284697f, 0.284689f, 0.284682f, 0.284674f, 0.284667f, 0.284659f, 0.284652f, 0.284645f, 0.284637f, 0.28463f, 0.284622f, 0.284615f, 0.284608f, 0.2846f,
-0.284593f, 0.284585f, 0.284578f, 0.28457f, 0.284563f, 0.284556f, 0.284548f, 0.284541f, 0.284533f, 0.284526f, 0.284519f, 0.284511f, 0.284504f, 0.284496f, 0.284489f, 0.284481f, 0.284474f, 0.284467f, 0.284459f, 0.284452f,
-0.284444f, 0.284437f, 0.28443f, 0.284422f, 0.284415f, 0.284407f, 0.2844f, 0.284393f, 0.284385f, 0.284378f, 0.28437f, 0.284363f, 0.284356f, 0.284348f, 0.284341f, 0.284333f, 0.284326f, 0.284319f, 0.284311f, 0.284304f,
-0.284296f, 0.284289f, 0.284282f, 0.284274f, 0.284267f, 0.284259f, 0.284252f, 0.284245f, 0.284237f, 0.28423f, 0.284222f, 0.284215f, 0.284208f, 0.2842f, 0.284193f, 0.284185f, 0.284178f, 0.284171f, 0.284163f, 0.284156f,
-0.284148f, 0.284141f, 0.284134f, 0.284126f, 0.284119f, 0.284112f, 0.284104f, 0.284097f, 0.284089f, 0.284082f, 0.284075f, 0.284067f, 0.28406f, 0.284052f, 0.284045f, 0.284038f, 0.28403f, 0.284023f, 0.284015f, 0.284008f,
-0.284001f, 0.283993f, 0.283986f, 0.283979f, 0.283971f, 0.283964f, 0.283956f, 0.283949f, 0.283942f, 0.283934f, 0.283927f, 0.283919f, 0.283912f, 0.283905f, 0.283897f, 0.28389f, 0.283883f, 0.283875f, 0.283868f, 0.28386f,
-0.283853f, 0.283846f, 0.283838f, 0.283831f, 0.283824f, 0.283816f, 0.283809f, 0.283801f, 0.283794f, 0.283787f, 0.283779f, 0.283772f, 0.283765f, 0.283757f, 0.28375f, 0.283742f, 0.283735f, 0.283728f, 0.28372f, 0.283713f,
-0.283706f, 0.283698f, 0.283691f, 0.283684f, 0.283676f, 0.283669f, 0.283661f, 0.283654f, 0.283647f, 0.283639f, 0.283632f, 0.283625f, 0.283617f, 0.28361f, 0.283602f, 0.283595f, 0.283588f, 0.28358f, 0.283573f, 0.283566f,
-0.283558f, 0.283551f, 0.283544f, 0.283536f, 0.283529f, 0.283522f, 0.283514f, 0.283507f, 0.283499f, 0.283492f, 0.283485f, 0.283477f, 0.28347f, 0.283463f, 0.283455f, 0.283448f, 0.283441f, 0.283433f, 0.283426f, 0.283419f,
-0.283411f, 0.283404f, 0.283396f, 0.283389f, 0.283382f, 0.283374f, 0.283367f, 0.28336f, 0.283352f, 0.283345f, 0.283338f, 0.28333f, 0.283323f, 0.283316f, 0.283308f, 0.283301f, 0.283294f, 0.283286f, 0.283279f, 0.283272f,
-0.283264f, 0.283257f, 0.283249f, 0.283242f, 0.283235f, 0.283227f, 0.28322f, 0.283213f, 0.283205f, 0.283198f, 0.283191f, 0.283183f, 0.283176f, 0.283169f, 0.283161f, 0.283154f, 0.283147f, 0.283139f, 0.283132f, 0.283125f,
-0.283117f, 0.28311f, 0.283103f, 0.283095f, 0.283088f, 0.283081f, 0.283073f, 0.283066f, 0.283059f, 0.283051f, 0.283044f, 0.283037f, 0.283029f, 0.283022f, 0.283015f, 0.283007f, 0.283f, 0.282993f, 0.282985f, 0.282978f,
-0.282971f, 0.282963f, 0.282956f, 0.282949f, 0.282941f, 0.282934f, 0.282927f, 0.282919f, 0.282912f, 0.282905f, 0.282897f, 0.28289f, 0.282883f, 0.282875f, 0.282868f, 0.282861f, 0.282853f, 0.282846f, 0.282839f, 0.282831f,
-0.282824f, 0.282817f, 0.282809f, 0.282802f, 0.282795f, 0.282787f, 0.28278f, 0.282773f, 0.282766f, 0.282758f, 0.282751f, 0.282744f, 0.282736f, 0.282729f, 0.282722f, 0.282714f, 0.282707f, 0.2827f, 0.282692f, 0.282685f,
-0.282678f, 0.28267f, 0.282663f, 0.282656f, 0.282648f, 0.282641f, 0.282634f, 0.282627f, 0.282619f, 0.282612f, 0.282605f, 0.282597f, 0.28259f, 0.282583f, 0.282575f, 0.282568f, 0.282561f, 0.282553f, 0.282546f, 0.282539f,
-0.282531f, 0.282524f, 0.282517f, 0.28251f, 0.282502f, 0.282495f, 0.282488f, 0.28248f, 0.282473f, 0.282466f, 0.282458f, 0.282451f, 0.282444f, 0.282436f, 0.282429f, 0.282422f, 0.282415f, 0.282407f, 0.2824f, 0.282393f,
-0.282385f, 0.282378f, 0.282371f, 0.282363f, 0.282356f, 0.282349f, 0.282342f, 0.282334f, 0.282327f, 0.28232f, 0.282312f, 0.282305f, 0.282298f, 0.282291f, 0.282283f, 0.282276f, 0.282269f, 0.282261f, 0.282254f, 0.282247f,
-0.282239f, 0.282232f, 0.282225f, 0.282218f, 0.28221f, 0.282203f, 0.282196f, 0.282188f, 0.282181f, 0.282174f, 0.282167f, 0.282159f, 0.282152f, 0.282145f, 0.282137f, 0.28213f, 0.282123f, 0.282116f, 0.282108f, 0.282101f,
-0.282094f, 0.282086f, 0.282079f, 0.282072f, 0.282065f, 0.282057f, 0.28205f, 0.282043f, 0.282035f, 0.282028f, 0.282021f, 0.282014f, 0.282006f, 0.281999f, 0.281992f, 0.281984f, 0.281977f, 0.28197f, 0.281963f, 0.281955f,
-0.281948f, 0.281941f, 0.281933f, 0.281926f, 0.281919f, 0.281912f, 0.281904f, 0.281897f, 0.28189f, 0.281883f, 0.281875f, 0.281868f, 0.281861f, 0.281853f, 0.281846f, 0.281839f, 0.281832f, 0.281824f, 0.281817f, 0.28181f,
-0.281803f, 0.281795f, 0.281788f, 0.281781f, 0.281773f, 0.281766f, 0.281759f, 0.281752f, 0.281744f, 0.281737f, 0.28173f, 0.281723f, 0.281715f, 0.281708f, 0.281701f, 0.281694f, 0.281686f, 0.281679f, 0.281672f, 0.281664f,
-0.281657f, 0.28165f, 0.281643f, 0.281635f, 0.281628f, 0.281621f, 0.281614f, 0.281606f, 0.281599f, 0.281592f, 0.281585f, 0.281577f, 0.28157f, 0.281563f, 0.281556f, 0.281548f, 0.281541f, 0.281534f, 0.281527f, 0.281519f,
-0.281512f, 0.281505f, 0.281498f, 0.28149f, 0.281483f, 0.281476f, 0.281469f, 0.281461f, 0.281454f, 0.281447f, 0.281439f, 0.281432f, 0.281425f, 0.281418f, 0.28141f, 0.281403f, 0.281396f, 0.281389f, 0.281381f, 0.281374f,
-0.281367f, 0.28136f, 0.281352f, 0.281345f, 0.281338f, 0.281331f, 0.281324f, 0.281316f, 0.281309f, 0.281302f, 0.281295f, 0.281287f, 0.28128f, 0.281273f, 0.281266f, 0.281258f, 0.281251f, 0.281244f, 0.281237f, 0.281229f,
-0.281222f, 0.281215f, 0.281208f, 0.2812f, 0.281193f, 0.281186f, 0.281179f, 0.281171f, 0.281164f, 0.281157f, 0.28115f, 0.281142f, 0.281135f, 0.281128f, 0.281121f, 0.281114f, 0.281106f, 0.281099f, 0.281092f, 0.281085f,
-0.281077f, 0.28107f, 0.281063f, 0.281056f, 0.281048f, 0.281041f, 0.281034f, 0.281027f, 0.28102f, 0.281012f, 0.281005f, 0.280998f, 0.280991f, 0.280983f, 0.280976f, 0.280969f, 0.280962f, 0.280954f, 0.280947f, 0.28094f,
-0.280933f, 0.280926f, 0.280918f, 0.280911f, 0.280904f, 0.280897f, 0.280889f, 0.280882f, 0.280875f, 0.280868f, 0.280861f, 0.280853f, 0.280846f, 0.280839f, 0.280832f, 0.280824f, 0.280817f, 0.28081f, 0.280803f, 0.280796f,
-0.280788f, 0.280781f, 0.280774f, 0.280767f, 0.280759f, 0.280752f, 0.280745f, 0.280738f, 0.280731f, 0.280723f, 0.280716f, 0.280709f, 0.280702f, 0.280695f, 0.280687f, 0.28068f, 0.280673f, 0.280666f, 0.280658f, 0.280651f,
-0.280644f, 0.280637f, 0.28063f, 0.280622f, 0.280615f, 0.280608f, 0.280601f, 0.280594f, 0.280586f, 0.280579f, 0.280572f, 0.280565f, 0.280558f, 0.28055f, 0.280543f, 0.280536f, 0.280529f, 0.280522f, 0.280514f, 0.280507f,
-0.2805f, 0.280493f, 0.280486f, 0.280478f, 0.280471f, 0.280464f, 0.280457f, 0.280449f, 0.280442f, 0.280435f, 0.280428f, 0.280421f, 0.280414f, 0.280406f, 0.280399f, 0.280392f, 0.280385f, 0.280378f, 0.28037f, 0.280363f,
-0.280356f, 0.280349f, 0.280342f, 0.280334f, 0.280327f, 0.28032f, 0.280313f, 0.280306f, 0.280298f, 0.280291f, 0.280284f, 0.280277f, 0.28027f, 0.280262f, 0.280255f, 0.280248f, 0.280241f, 0.280234f, 0.280226f, 0.280219f,
-0.280212f, 0.280205f, 0.280198f, 0.280191f, 0.280183f, 0.280176f, 0.280169f, 0.280162f, 0.280155f, 0.280147f, 0.28014f, 0.280133f, 0.280126f, 0.280119f, 0.280111f, 0.280104f, 0.280097f, 0.28009f, 0.280083f, 0.280076f,
-0.280068f, 0.280061f, 0.280054f, 0.280047f, 0.28004f, 0.280032f, 0.280025f, 0.280018f, 0.280011f, 0.280004f, 0.279997f, 0.279989f, 0.279982f, 0.279975f, 0.279968f, 0.279961f, 0.279954f, 0.279946f, 0.279939f, 0.279932f,
-0.279925f, 0.279918f, 0.27991f, 0.279903f, 0.279896f, 0.279889f, 0.279882f, 0.279875f, 0.279867f, 0.27986f, 0.279853f, 0.279846f, 0.279839f, 0.279832f, 0.279824f, 0.279817f, 0.27981f, 0.279803f, 0.279796f, 0.279789f,
-0.279781f, 0.279774f, 0.279767f, 0.27976f, 0.279753f, 0.279746f, 0.279738f, 0.279731f, 0.279724f, 0.279717f, 0.27971f, 0.279703f, 0.279695f, 0.279688f, 0.279681f, 0.279674f, 0.279667f, 0.27966f, 0.279652f, 0.279645f,
-0.279638f, 0.279631f, 0.279624f, 0.279617f, 0.27961f, 0.279602f, 0.279595f, 0.279588f, 0.279581f, 0.279574f, 0.279567f, 0.279559f, 0.279552f, 0.279545f, 0.279538f, 0.279531f, 0.279524f, 0.279517f, 0.279509f, 0.279502f,
-0.279495f, 0.279488f, 0.279481f, 0.279474f, 0.279466f, 0.279459f, 0.279452f, 0.279445f, 0.279438f, 0.279431f, 0.279424f, 0.279416f, 0.279409f, 0.279402f, 0.279395f, 0.279388f, 0.279381f, 0.279374f, 0.279366f, 0.279359f,
-0.279352f, 0.279345f, 0.279338f, 0.279331f, 0.279324f, 0.279316f, 0.279309f, 0.279302f, 0.279295f, 0.279288f, 0.279281f, 0.279274f, 0.279266f, 0.279259f, 0.279252f, 0.279245f, 0.279238f, 0.279231f, 0.279224f, 0.279216f,
-0.279209f, 0.279202f, 0.279195f, 0.279188f, 0.279181f, 0.279174f, 0.279166f, 0.279159f, 0.279152f, 0.279145f, 0.279138f, 0.279131f, 0.279124f, 0.279117f, 0.279109f, 0.279102f, 0.279095f, 0.279088f, 0.279081f, 0.279074f,
-0.279067f, 0.279059f, 0.279052f, 0.279045f, 0.279038f, 0.279031f, 0.279024f, 0.279017f, 0.27901f, 0.279002f, 0.278995f, 0.278988f, 0.278981f, 0.278974f, 0.278967f, 0.27896f, 0.278953f, 0.278945f, 0.278938f, 0.278931f,
-0.278924f, 0.278917f, 0.27891f, 0.278903f, 0.278896f, 0.278888f, 0.278881f, 0.278874f, 0.278867f, 0.27886f, 0.278853f, 0.278846f, 0.278839f, 0.278832f, 0.278824f, 0.278817f, 0.27881f, 0.278803f, 0.278796f, 0.278789f,
-0.278782f, 0.278775f, 0.278767f, 0.27876f, 0.278753f, 0.278746f, 0.278739f, 0.278732f, 0.278725f, 0.278718f, 0.278711f, 0.278703f, 0.278696f, 0.278689f, 0.278682f, 0.278675f, 0.278668f, 0.278661f, 0.278654f, 0.278647f,
-0.278639f, 0.278632f, 0.278625f, 0.278618f, 0.278611f, 0.278604f, 0.278597f, 0.27859f, 0.278583f, 0.278575f, 0.278568f, 0.278561f, 0.278554f, 0.278547f, 0.27854f, 0.278533f, 0.278526f, 0.278519f, 0.278512f, 0.278504f,
-0.278497f, 0.27849f, 0.278483f, 0.278476f, 0.278469f, 0.278462f, 0.278455f, 0.278448f, 0.278441f, 0.278433f, 0.278426f, 0.278419f, 0.278412f, 0.278405f, 0.278398f, 0.278391f, 0.278384f, 0.278377f, 0.27837f, 0.278363f,
-0.278355f, 0.278348f, 0.278341f, 0.278334f, 0.278327f, 0.27832f, 0.278313f, 0.278306f, 0.278299f, 0.278292f, 0.278285f, 0.278277f, 0.27827f, 0.278263f, 0.278256f, 0.278249f, 0.278242f, 0.278235f, 0.278228f, 0.278221f,
-0.278214f, 0.278207f, 0.278199f, 0.278192f, 0.278185f, 0.278178f, 0.278171f, 0.278164f, 0.278157f, 0.27815f, 0.278143f, 0.278136f, 0.278129f, 0.278122f, 0.278114f, 0.278107f, 0.2781f, 0.278093f, 0.278086f, 0.278079f,
-0.278072f, 0.278065f, 0.278058f, 0.278051f, 0.278044f, 0.278037f, 0.278029f, 0.278022f, 0.278015f, 0.278008f, 0.278001f, 0.277994f, 0.277987f, 0.27798f, 0.277973f, 0.277966f, 0.277959f, 0.277952f, 0.277945f, 0.277938f,
-0.27793f, 0.277923f, 0.277916f, 0.277909f, 0.277902f, 0.277895f, 0.277888f, 0.277881f, 0.277874f, 0.277867f, 0.27786f, 0.277853f, 0.277846f, 0.277839f, 0.277831f, 0.277824f, 0.277817f, 0.27781f, 0.277803f, 0.277796f,
-0.277789f, 0.277782f, 0.277775f, 0.277768f, 0.277761f, 0.277754f, 0.277747f, 0.27774f, 0.277733f, 0.277726f, 0.277718f, 0.277711f, 0.277704f, 0.277697f, 0.27769f, 0.277683f, 0.277676f, 0.277669f, 0.277662f, 0.277655f,
-0.277648f, 0.277641f, 0.277634f, 0.277627f, 0.27762f, 0.277613f, 0.277606f, 0.277598f, 0.277591f, 0.277584f, 0.277577f, 0.27757f, 0.277563f, 0.277556f, 0.277549f, 0.277542f, 0.277535f, 0.277528f, 0.277521f, 0.277514f,
-0.277507f, 0.2775f, 0.277493f, 0.277486f, 0.277479f, 0.277472f, 0.277464f, 0.277457f, 0.27745f, 0.277443f, 0.277436f, 0.277429f, 0.277422f, 0.277415f, 0.277408f, 0.277401f, 0.277394f, 0.277387f, 0.27738f, 0.277373f,
-0.277366f, 0.277359f, 0.277352f, 0.277345f, 0.277338f, 0.277331f, 0.277324f, 0.277317f, 0.27731f, 0.277302f, 0.277295f, 0.277288f, 0.277281f, 0.277274f, 0.277267f, 0.27726f, 0.277253f, 0.277246f, 0.277239f, 0.277232f,
-0.277225f, 0.277218f, 0.277211f, 0.277204f, 0.277197f, 0.27719f, 0.277183f, 0.277176f, 0.277169f, 0.277162f, 0.277155f, 0.277148f, 0.277141f, 0.277134f, 0.277127f, 0.27712f, 0.277113f, 0.277105f, 0.277098f, 0.277091f,
-0.277084f, 0.277077f, 0.27707f, 0.277063f, 0.277056f, 0.277049f, 0.277042f, 0.277035f, 0.277028f, 0.277021f, 0.277014f, 0.277007f, 0.277f, 0.276993f, 0.276986f, 0.276979f, 0.276972f, 0.276965f, 0.276958f, 0.276951f,
-0.276944f, 0.276937f, 0.27693f, 0.276923f, 0.276916f, 0.276909f, 0.276902f, 0.276895f, 0.276888f, 0.276881f, 0.276874f, 0.276867f, 0.27686f, 0.276853f, 0.276846f, 0.276839f, 0.276832f, 0.276825f, 0.276818f, 0.276811f,
-0.276804f, 0.276796f, 0.276789f, 0.276782f, 0.276775f, 0.276768f, 0.276761f, 0.276754f, 0.276747f, 0.27674f, 0.276733f, 0.276726f, 0.276719f, 0.276712f, 0.276705f, 0.276698f, 0.276691f, 0.276684f, 0.276677f, 0.27667f,
-0.276663f, 0.276656f, 0.276649f, 0.276642f, 0.276635f, 0.276628f, 0.276621f, 0.276614f, 0.276607f, 0.2766f, 0.276593f, 0.276586f, 0.276579f, 0.276572f, 0.276565f, 0.276558f, 0.276551f, 0.276544f, 0.276537f, 0.27653f,
-0.276523f, 0.276516f, 0.276509f, 0.276502f, 0.276495f, 0.276488f, 0.276481f, 0.276474f, 0.276467f, 0.27646f, 0.276453f, 0.276446f, 0.276439f, 0.276432f, 0.276425f, 0.276418f, 0.276411f, 0.276404f, 0.276397f, 0.27639f,
-0.276383f, 0.276376f, 0.276369f, 0.276362f, 0.276355f, 0.276348f, 0.276341f, 0.276334f, 0.276327f, 0.27632f, 0.276313f, 0.276306f, 0.276299f, 0.276292f, 0.276285f, 0.276278f, 0.276271f, 0.276264f, 0.276257f, 0.27625f,
-0.276243f, 0.276236f, 0.276229f, 0.276223f, 0.276216f, 0.276209f, 0.276202f, 0.276195f, 0.276188f, 0.276181f, 0.276174f, 0.276167f, 0.27616f, 0.276153f, 0.276146f, 0.276139f, 0.276132f, 0.276125f, 0.276118f, 0.276111f,
-0.276104f, 0.276097f, 0.27609f, 0.276083f, 0.276076f, 0.276069f, 0.276062f, 0.276055f, 0.276048f, 0.276041f, 0.276034f, 0.276027f, 0.27602f, 0.276013f, 0.276006f, 0.275999f, 0.275992f, 0.275985f, 0.275978f, 0.275971f,
-0.275964f, 0.275957f, 0.27595f, 0.275943f, 0.275936f, 0.275929f, 0.275922f, 0.275915f, 0.275909f, 0.275902f, 0.275895f, 0.275888f, 0.275881f, 0.275874f, 0.275867f, 0.27586f, 0.275853f, 0.275846f, 0.275839f, 0.275832f,
-0.275825f, 0.275818f, 0.275811f, 0.275804f, 0.275797f, 0.27579f, 0.275783f, 0.275776f, 0.275769f, 0.275762f, 0.275755f, 0.275748f, 0.275741f, 0.275734f, 0.275727f, 0.27572f, 0.275714f, 0.275707f, 0.2757f, 0.275693f,
-0.275686f, 0.275679f, 0.275672f, 0.275665f, 0.275658f, 0.275651f, 0.275644f, 0.275637f, 0.27563f, 0.275623f, 0.275616f, 0.275609f, 0.275602f, 0.275595f, 0.275588f, 0.275581f, 0.275574f, 0.275567f, 0.27556f, 0.275554f,
-0.275547f, 0.27554f, 0.275533f, 0.275526f, 0.275519f, 0.275512f, 0.275505f, 0.275498f, 0.275491f, 0.275484f, 0.275477f, 0.27547f, 0.275463f, 0.275456f, 0.275449f, 0.275442f, 0.275435f, 0.275428f, 0.275422f, 0.275415f,
-0.275408f, 0.275401f, 0.275394f, 0.275387f, 0.27538f, 0.275373f, 0.275366f, 0.275359f, 0.275352f, 0.275345f, 0.275338f, 0.275331f, 0.275324f, 0.275317f, 0.27531f, 0.275304f, 0.275297f, 0.27529f, 0.275283f, 0.275276f,
-0.275269f, 0.275262f, 0.275255f, 0.275248f, 0.275241f, 0.275234f, 0.275227f, 0.27522f, 0.275213f, 0.275206f, 0.275199f, 0.275193f, 0.275186f, 0.275179f, 0.275172f, 0.275165f, 0.275158f, 0.275151f, 0.275144f, 0.275137f,
-0.27513f, 0.275123f, 0.275116f, 0.275109f, 0.275102f, 0.275095f, 0.275089f, 0.275082f, 0.275075f, 0.275068f, 0.275061f, 0.275054f, 0.275047f, 0.27504f, 0.275033f, 0.275026f, 0.275019f, 0.275012f, 0.275005f, 0.274999f,
-0.274992f, 0.274985f, 0.274978f, 0.274971f, 0.274964f, 0.274957f, 0.27495f, 0.274943f, 0.274936f, 0.274929f, 0.274922f, 0.274915f, 0.274909f, 0.274902f, 0.274895f, 0.274888f, 0.274881f, 0.274874f, 0.274867f, 0.27486f,
-0.274853f, 0.274846f, 0.274839f, 0.274832f, 0.274826f, 0.274819f, 0.274812f, 0.274805f, 0.274798f, 0.274791f, 0.274784f, 0.274777f, 0.27477f, 0.274763f, 0.274756f, 0.27475f, 0.274743f, 0.274736f, 0.274729f, 0.274722f,
-0.274715f, 0.274708f, 0.274701f, 0.274694f, 0.274687f, 0.27468f, 0.274674f, 0.274667f, 0.27466f, 0.274653f, 0.274646f, 0.274639f, 0.274632f, 0.274625f, 0.274618f, 0.274611f, 0.274604f, 0.274598f, 0.274591f, 0.274584f,
-0.274577f, 0.27457f, 0.274563f, 0.274556f, 0.274549f, 0.274542f, 0.274535f, 0.274529f, 0.274522f, 0.274515f, 0.274508f, 0.274501f, 0.274494f, 0.274487f, 0.27448f, 0.274473f, 0.274466f, 0.27446f, 0.274453f, 0.274446f,
-0.274439f, 0.274432f, 0.274425f, 0.274418f, 0.274411f, 0.274404f, 0.274397f, 0.274391f, 0.274384f, 0.274377f, 0.27437f, 0.274363f, 0.274356f, 0.274349f, 0.274342f, 0.274335f, 0.274329f, 0.274322f, 0.274315f, 0.274308f,
-0.274301f, 0.274294f, 0.274287f, 0.27428f, 0.274273f, 0.274267f, 0.27426f, 0.274253f, 0.274246f, 0.274239f, 0.274232f, 0.274225f, 0.274218f, 0.274211f, 0.274205f, 0.274198f, 0.274191f, 0.274184f, 0.274177f, 0.27417f,
-0.274163f, 0.274156f, 0.27415f, 0.274143f, 0.274136f, 0.274129f, 0.274122f, 0.274115f, 0.274108f, 0.274101f, 0.274095f, 0.274088f, 0.274081f, 0.274074f, 0.274067f, 0.27406f, 0.274053f, 0.274046f, 0.27404f, 0.274033f,
-0.274026f, 0.274019f, 0.274012f, 0.274005f, 0.273998f, 0.273991f, 0.273985f, 0.273978f, 0.273971f, 0.273964f, 0.273957f, 0.27395f, 0.273943f, 0.273936f, 0.27393f, 0.273923f, 0.273916f, 0.273909f, 0.273902f, 0.273895f,
-0.273888f, 0.273881f, 0.273875f, 0.273868f, 0.273861f, 0.273854f, 0.273847f, 0.27384f, 0.273833f, 0.273827f, 0.27382f, 0.273813f, 0.273806f, 0.273799f, 0.273792f, 0.273785f, 0.273778f, 0.273772f, 0.273765f, 0.273758f,
-0.273751f, 0.273744f, 0.273737f, 0.27373f, 0.273724f, 0.273717f, 0.27371f, 0.273703f, 0.273696f, 0.273689f, 0.273682f, 0.273676f, 0.273669f, 0.273662f, 0.273655f, 0.273648f, 0.273641f, 0.273634f, 0.273628f, 0.273621f,
-0.273614f, 0.273607f, 0.2736f, 0.273593f, 0.273586f, 0.27358f, 0.273573f, 0.273566f, 0.273559f, 0.273552f, 0.273545f, 0.273539f, 0.273532f, 0.273525f, 0.273518f, 0.273511f, 0.273504f, 0.273497f, 0.273491f, 0.273484f,
-0.273477f, 0.27347f, 0.273463f, 0.273456f, 0.273449f, 0.273443f, 0.273436f, 0.273429f, 0.273422f, 0.273415f, 0.273408f, 0.273402f, 0.273395f, 0.273388f, 0.273381f, 0.273374f, 0.273367f, 0.273361f, 0.273354f, 0.273347f,
-0.27334f, 0.273333f, 0.273326f, 0.273319f, 0.273313f, 0.273306f, 0.273299f, 0.273292f, 0.273285f, 0.273278f, 0.273272f, 0.273265f, 0.273258f, 0.273251f, 0.273244f, 0.273237f, 0.273231f, 0.273224f, 0.273217f, 0.27321f,
-0.273203f, 0.273196f, 0.27319f, 0.273183f, 0.273176f, 0.273169f, 0.273162f, 0.273155f, 0.273149f, 0.273142f, 0.273135f, 0.273128f, 0.273121f, 0.273114f, 0.273108f, 0.273101f, 0.273094f, 0.273087f, 0.27308f, 0.273073f,
-0.273067f, 0.27306f, 0.273053f, 0.273046f, 0.273039f, 0.273033f, 0.273026f, 0.273019f, 0.273012f, 0.273005f, 0.272998f, 0.272992f, 0.272985f, 0.272978f, 0.272971f, 0.272964f, 0.272957f, 0.272951f, 0.272944f, 0.272937f,
-0.27293f, 0.272923f, 0.272917f, 0.27291f, 0.272903f, 0.272896f, 0.272889f, 0.272882f, 0.272876f, 0.272869f, 0.272862f, 0.272855f, 0.272848f, 0.272842f, 0.272835f, 0.272828f, 0.272821f, 0.272814f, 0.272807f, 0.272801f,
-0.272794f, 0.272787f, 0.27278f, 0.272773f, 0.272767f, 0.27276f, 0.272753f, 0.272746f, 0.272739f, 0.272733f, 0.272726f, 0.272719f, 0.272712f, 0.272705f, 0.272699f, 0.272692f, 0.272685f, 0.272678f, 0.272671f, 0.272664f,
-0.272658f, 0.272651f, 0.272644f, 0.272637f, 0.27263f, 0.272624f, 0.272617f, 0.27261f, 0.272603f, 0.272596f, 0.27259f, 0.272583f, 0.272576f, 0.272569f, 0.272562f, 0.272556f, 0.272549f, 0.272542f, 0.272535f, 0.272528f,
-0.272522f, 0.272515f, 0.272508f, 0.272501f, 0.272494f, 0.272488f, 0.272481f, 0.272474f, 0.272467f, 0.27246f, 0.272454f, 0.272447f, 0.27244f, 0.272433f, 0.272426f, 0.27242f, 0.272413f, 0.272406f, 0.272399f, 0.272392f,
-0.272386f, 0.272379f, 0.272372f, 0.272365f, 0.272359f, 0.272352f, 0.272345f, 0.272338f, 0.272331f, 0.272325f, 0.272318f, 0.272311f, 0.272304f, 0.272297f, 0.272291f, 0.272284f, 0.272277f, 0.27227f, 0.272263f, 0.272257f,
-0.27225f, 0.272243f, 0.272236f, 0.27223f, 0.272223f, 0.272216f, 0.272209f, 0.272202f, 0.272196f, 0.272189f, 0.272182f, 0.272175f, 0.272169f, 0.272162f, 0.272155f, 0.272148f, 0.272141f, 0.272135f, 0.272128f, 0.272121f,
-0.272114f, 0.272107f, 0.272101f, 0.272094f, 0.272087f, 0.27208f, 0.272074f, 0.272067f, 0.27206f, 0.272053f, 0.272046f, 0.27204f, 0.272033f, 0.272026f, 0.272019f, 0.272013f, 0.272006f, 0.271999f, 0.271992f, 0.271986f,
-0.271979f, 0.271972f, 0.271965f, 0.271958f, 0.271952f, 0.271945f, 0.271938f, 0.271931f, 0.271925f, 0.271918f, 0.271911f, 0.271904f, 0.271898f, 0.271891f, 0.271884f, 0.271877f, 0.27187f, 0.271864f, 0.271857f, 0.27185f,
-0.271843f, 0.271837f, 0.27183f, 0.271823f, 0.271816f, 0.27181f, 0.271803f, 0.271796f, 0.271789f, 0.271782f, 0.271776f, 0.271769f, 0.271762f, 0.271755f, 0.271749f, 0.271742f, 0.271735f, 0.271728f, 0.271722f, 0.271715f,
-0.271708f, 0.271701f, 0.271695f, 0.271688f, 0.271681f, 0.271674f, 0.271668f, 0.271661f, 0.271654f, 0.271647f, 0.271641f, 0.271634f, 0.271627f, 0.27162f, 0.271614f, 0.271607f, 0.2716f, 0.271593f, 0.271587f, 0.27158f,
-0.271573f, 0.271566f, 0.27156f, 0.271553f, 0.271546f, 0.271539f, 0.271533f, 0.271526f, 0.271519f, 0.271512f, 0.271506f, 0.271499f, 0.271492f, 0.271485f, 0.271479f, 0.271472f, 0.271465f, 0.271458f, 0.271452f, 0.271445f,
-0.271438f, 0.271431f, 0.271425f, 0.271418f, 0.271411f, 0.271404f, 0.271398f, 0.271391f, 0.271384f, 0.271377f, 0.271371f, 0.271364f, 0.271357f, 0.27135f, 0.271344f, 0.271337f, 0.27133f, 0.271323f, 0.271317f, 0.27131f,
-0.271303f, 0.271296f, 0.27129f, 0.271283f, 0.271276f, 0.27127f, 0.271263f, 0.271256f, 0.271249f, 0.271243f, 0.271236f, 0.271229f, 0.271222f, 0.271216f, 0.271209f, 0.271202f, 0.271195f, 0.271189f, 0.271182f, 0.271175f,
-0.271168f, 0.271162f, 0.271155f, 0.271148f, 0.271142f, 0.271135f, 0.271128f, 0.271121f, 0.271115f, 0.271108f, 0.271101f, 0.271094f, 0.271088f, 0.271081f, 0.271074f, 0.271068f, 0.271061f, 0.271054f, 0.271047f, 0.271041f,
-0.271034f, 0.271027f, 0.27102f, 0.271014f, 0.271007f, 0.271f, 0.270994f, 0.270987f, 0.27098f, 0.270973f, 0.270967f, 0.27096f, 0.270953f, 0.270947f, 0.27094f, 0.270933f, 0.270926f, 0.27092f, 0.270913f, 0.270906f,
-0.270899f, 0.270893f, 0.270886f, 0.270879f, 0.270873f, 0.270866f, 0.270859f, 0.270852f, 0.270846f, 0.270839f, 0.270832f, 0.270826f, 0.270819f, 0.270812f, 0.270805f, 0.270799f, 0.270792f, 0.270785f, 0.270779f, 0.270772f,
-0.270765f, 0.270758f, 0.270752f, 0.270745f, 0.270738f, 0.270732f, 0.270725f, 0.270718f, 0.270711f, 0.270705f, 0.270698f, 0.270691f, 0.270685f, 0.270678f, 0.270671f, 0.270665f, 0.270658f, 0.270651f, 0.270644f, 0.270638f,
-0.270631f, 0.270624f, 0.270618f, 0.270611f, 0.270604f, 0.270597f, 0.270591f, 0.270584f, 0.270577f, 0.270571f, 0.270564f, 0.270557f, 0.270551f, 0.270544f, 0.270537f, 0.27053f, 0.270524f, 0.270517f, 0.27051f, 0.270504f,
-0.270497f, 0.27049f, 0.270484f, 0.270477f, 0.27047f, 0.270463f, 0.270457f, 0.27045f, 0.270443f, 0.270437f, 0.27043f, 0.270423f, 0.270417f, 0.27041f, 0.270403f, 0.270397f, 0.27039f, 0.270383f, 0.270376f, 0.27037f,
-0.270363f, 0.270356f, 0.27035f, 0.270343f, 0.270336f, 0.27033f, 0.270323f, 0.270316f, 0.27031f, 0.270303f, 0.270296f, 0.270289f, 0.270283f, 0.270276f, 0.270269f, 0.270263f, 0.270256f, 0.270249f, 0.270243f, 0.270236f,
-0.270229f, 0.270223f, 0.270216f, 0.270209f, 0.270203f, 0.270196f, 0.270189f, 0.270182f, 0.270176f, 0.270169f, 0.270162f, 0.270156f, 0.270149f, 0.270142f, 0.270136f, 0.270129f, 0.270122f, 0.270116f, 0.270109f, 0.270102f,
-0.270096f, 0.270089f, 0.270082f, 0.270076f, 0.270069f, 0.270062f, 0.270056f, 0.270049f, 0.270042f, 0.270036f, 0.270029f, 0.270022f, 0.270015f, 0.270009f, 0.270002f, 0.269995f, 0.269989f, 0.269982f, 0.269975f, 0.269969f,
-0.269962f, 0.269955f, 0.269949f, 0.269942f, 0.269935f, 0.269929f, 0.269922f, 0.269915f, 0.269909f, 0.269902f, 0.269895f, 0.269889f, 0.269882f, 0.269875f, 0.269869f, 0.269862f, 0.269855f, 0.269849f, 0.269842f, 0.269835f,
-0.269829f, 0.269822f, 0.269815f, 0.269809f, 0.269802f, 0.269795f, 0.269789f, 0.269782f, 0.269775f, 0.269769f, 0.269762f, 0.269755f, 0.269749f, 0.269742f, 0.269735f, 0.269729f, 0.269722f, 0.269715f, 0.269709f, 0.269702f,
-0.269695f, 0.269689f, 0.269682f, 0.269675f, 0.269669f, 0.269662f, 0.269656f, 0.269649f, 0.269642f, 0.269636f, 0.269629f, 0.269622f, 0.269616f, 0.269609f, 0.269602f, 0.269596f, 0.269589f, 0.269582f, 0.269576f, 0.269569f,
-0.269562f, 0.269556f, 0.269549f, 0.269542f, 0.269536f, 0.269529f, 0.269522f, 0.269516f, 0.269509f, 0.269502f, 0.269496f, 0.269489f, 0.269483f, 0.269476f, 0.269469f, 0.269463f, 0.269456f, 0.269449f, 0.269443f, 0.269436f,
-0.269429f, 0.269423f, 0.269416f, 0.269409f, 0.269403f, 0.269396f, 0.269389f, 0.269383f, 0.269376f, 0.26937f, 0.269363f, 0.269356f, 0.26935f, 0.269343f, 0.269336f, 0.26933f, 0.269323f, 0.269316f, 0.26931f, 0.269303f,
-0.269297f, 0.26929f, 0.269283f, 0.269277f, 0.26927f, 0.269263f, 0.269257f, 0.26925f, 0.269243f, 0.269237f, 0.26923f, 0.269224f, 0.269217f, 0.26921f, 0.269204f, 0.269197f, 0.26919f, 0.269184f, 0.269177f, 0.26917f,
-0.269164f, 0.269157f, 0.269151f, 0.269144f, 0.269137f, 0.269131f, 0.269124f, 0.269117f, 0.269111f, 0.269104f, 0.269097f, 0.269091f, 0.269084f, 0.269078f, 0.269071f, 0.269064f, 0.269058f, 0.269051f, 0.269044f, 0.269038f,
-0.269031f, 0.269025f, 0.269018f, 0.269011f, 0.269005f, 0.268998f, 0.268991f, 0.268985f, 0.268978f, 0.268972f, 0.268965f, 0.268958f, 0.268952f, 0.268945f, 0.268938f, 0.268932f, 0.268925f, 0.268919f, 0.268912f, 0.268905f,
-0.268899f, 0.268892f, 0.268885f, 0.268879f, 0.268872f, 0.268866f, 0.268859f, 0.268852f, 0.268846f, 0.268839f, 0.268833f, 0.268826f, 0.268819f, 0.268813f, 0.268806f, 0.268799f, 0.268793f, 0.268786f, 0.26878f, 0.268773f,
-0.268766f, 0.26876f, 0.268753f, 0.268747f, 0.26874f, 0.268733f, 0.268727f, 0.26872f, 0.268714f, 0.268707f, 0.2687f, 0.268694f, 0.268687f, 0.26868f, 0.268674f, 0.268667f, 0.268661f, 0.268654f, 0.268647f, 0.268641f,
-0.268634f, 0.268628f, 0.268621f, 0.268614f, 0.268608f, 0.268601f, 0.268595f, 0.268588f, 0.268581f, 0.268575f, 0.268568f, 0.268562f, 0.268555f, 0.268548f, 0.268542f, 0.268535f, 0.268529f, 0.268522f, 0.268515f, 0.268509f,
-0.268502f, 0.268496f, 0.268489f, 0.268482f, 0.268476f, 0.268469f, 0.268463f, 0.268456f, 0.268449f, 0.268443f, 0.268436f, 0.26843f, 0.268423f, 0.268416f, 0.26841f, 0.268403f, 0.268397f, 0.26839f, 0.268383f, 0.268377f,
-0.26837f, 0.268364f, 0.268357f, 0.26835f, 0.268344f, 0.268337f, 0.268331f, 0.268324f, 0.268317f, 0.268311f, 0.268304f, 0.268298f, 0.268291f, 0.268284f, 0.268278f, 0.268271f, 0.268265f, 0.268258f, 0.268252f, 0.268245f,
-0.268238f, 0.268232f, 0.268225f, 0.268219f, 0.268212f, 0.268205f, 0.268199f, 0.268192f, 0.268186f, 0.268179f, 0.268173f, 0.268166f, 0.268159f, 0.268153f, 0.268146f, 0.26814f, 0.268133f, 0.268126f, 0.26812f, 0.268113f,
-0.268107f, 0.2681f, 0.268094f, 0.268087f, 0.26808f, 0.268074f, 0.268067f, 0.268061f, 0.268054f, 0.268047f, 0.268041f, 0.268034f, 0.268028f, 0.268021f, 0.268015f, 0.268008f, 0.268001f, 0.267995f, 0.267988f, 0.267982f,
-0.267975f, 0.267969f, 0.267962f, 0.267955f, 0.267949f, 0.267942f, 0.267936f, 0.267929f, 0.267923f, 0.267916f, 0.267909f, 0.267903f, 0.267896f, 0.26789f, 0.267883f, 0.267877f, 0.26787f, 0.267863f, 0.267857f, 0.26785f,
-0.267844f, 0.267837f, 0.267831f, 0.267824f, 0.267817f, 0.267811f, 0.267804f, 0.267798f, 0.267791f, 0.267785f, 0.267778f, 0.267771f, 0.267765f, 0.267758f, 0.267752f, 0.267745f, 0.267739f, 0.267732f, 0.267726f, 0.267719f,
-0.267712f, 0.267706f, 0.267699f, 0.267693f, 0.267686f, 0.26768f, 0.267673f, 0.267666f, 0.26766f, 0.267653f, 0.267647f, 0.26764f, 0.267634f, 0.267627f, 0.267621f, 0.267614f, 0.267607f, 0.267601f, 0.267594f, 0.267588f,
-0.267581f, 0.267575f, 0.267568f, 0.267562f, 0.267555f, 0.267548f, 0.267542f, 0.267535f, 0.267529f, 0.267522f, 0.267516f, 0.267509f, 0.267503f, 0.267496f, 0.26749f, 0.267483f, 0.267476f, 0.26747f, 0.267463f, 0.267457f,
-0.26745f, 0.267444f, 0.267437f, 0.267431f, 0.267424f, 0.267417f, 0.267411f, 0.267404f, 0.267398f, 0.267391f, 0.267385f, 0.267378f, 0.267372f, 0.267365f, 0.267359f, 0.267352f, 0.267345f, 0.267339f, 0.267332f, 0.267326f,
-0.267319f, 0.267313f, 0.267306f, 0.2673f, 0.267293f, 0.267287f, 0.26728f, 0.267274f, 0.267267f, 0.26726f, 0.267254f, 0.267247f, 0.267241f, 0.267234f, 0.267228f, 0.267221f, 0.267215f, 0.267208f, 0.267202f, 0.267195f,
-0.267189f, 0.267182f, 0.267175f, 0.267169f, 0.267162f, 0.267156f, 0.267149f, 0.267143f, 0.267136f, 0.26713f, 0.267123f, 0.267117f, 0.26711f, 0.267104f, 0.267097f, 0.267091f, 0.267084f, 0.267077f, 0.267071f, 0.267064f,
-0.267058f, 0.267051f, 0.267045f, 0.267038f, 0.267032f, 0.267025f, 0.267019f, 0.267012f, 0.267006f, 0.266999f, 0.266993f, 0.266986f, 0.26698f, 0.266973f, 0.266966f, 0.26696f, 0.266953f, 0.266947f, 0.26694f, 0.266934f,
-0.266927f, 0.266921f, 0.266914f, 0.266908f, 0.266901f, 0.266895f, 0.266888f, 0.266882f, 0.266875f, 0.266869f, 0.266862f, 0.266856f, 0.266849f, 0.266843f, 0.266836f, 0.26683f, 0.266823f, 0.266816f, 0.26681f, 0.266803f,
-0.266797f, 0.26679f, 0.266784f, 0.266777f, 0.266771f, 0.266764f, 0.266758f, 0.266751f, 0.266745f, 0.266738f, 0.266732f, 0.266725f, 0.266719f, 0.266712f, 0.266706f, 0.266699f, 0.266693f, 0.266686f, 0.26668f, 0.266673f,
-0.266667f, 0.26666f, 0.266654f, 0.266647f, 0.266641f, 0.266634f, 0.266628f, 0.266621f, 0.266615f, 0.266608f, 0.266602f, 0.266595f, 0.266589f, 0.266582f, 0.266576f, 0.266569f, 0.266563f, 0.266556f, 0.26655f, 0.266543f,
-0.266537f, 0.26653f, 0.266524f, 0.266517f, 0.266511f, 0.266504f, 0.266498f, 0.266491f, 0.266484f, 0.266478f, 0.266471f, 0.266465f, 0.266458f, 0.266452f, 0.266445f, 0.266439f, 0.266432f, 0.266426f, 0.26642f, 0.266413f,
-0.266407f, 0.2664f, 0.266394f, 0.266387f, 0.266381f, 0.266374f, 0.266368f, 0.266361f, 0.266355f, 0.266348f, 0.266342f, 0.266335f, 0.266329f, 0.266322f, 0.266316f, 0.266309f, 0.266303f, 0.266296f, 0.26629f, 0.266283f,
-0.266277f, 0.26627f, 0.266264f, 0.266257f, 0.266251f, 0.266244f, 0.266238f, 0.266231f, 0.266225f, 0.266218f, 0.266212f, 0.266205f, 0.266199f, 0.266192f, 0.266186f, 0.266179f, 0.266173f, 0.266166f, 0.26616f, 0.266153f,
-0.266147f, 0.26614f, 0.266134f, 0.266127f, 0.266121f, 0.266114f, 0.266108f, 0.266101f, 0.266095f, 0.266088f, 0.266082f, 0.266076f, 0.266069f, 0.266063f, 0.266056f, 0.26605f, 0.266043f, 0.266037f, 0.26603f, 0.266024f,
-0.266017f, 0.266011f, 0.266004f, 0.265998f, 0.265991f, 0.265985f, 0.265978f, 0.265972f, 0.265965f, 0.265959f, 0.265952f, 0.265946f, 0.265939f, 0.265933f, 0.265927f, 0.26592f, 0.265914f, 0.265907f, 0.265901f, 0.265894f,
-0.265888f, 0.265881f, 0.265875f, 0.265868f, 0.265862f, 0.265855f, 0.265849f, 0.265842f, 0.265836f, 0.265829f, 0.265823f, 0.265817f, 0.26581f, 0.265804f, 0.265797f, 0.265791f, 0.265784f, 0.265778f, 0.265771f, 0.265765f,
-0.265758f, 0.265752f, 0.265745f, 0.265739f, 0.265732f, 0.265726f, 0.26572f, 0.265713f, 0.265707f, 0.2657f, 0.265694f, 0.265687f, 0.265681f, 0.265674f, 0.265668f, 0.265661f, 0.265655f, 0.265648f, 0.265642f, 0.265636f,
-0.265629f, 0.265623f, 0.265616f, 0.26561f, 0.265603f, 0.265597f, 0.26559f, 0.265584f, 0.265577f, 0.265571f, 0.265564f, 0.265558f, 0.265552f, 0.265545f, 0.265539f, 0.265532f, 0.265526f, 0.265519f, 0.265513f, 0.265506f,
-0.2655f, 0.265493f, 0.265487f, 0.265481f, 0.265474f, 0.265468f, 0.265461f, 0.265455f, 0.265448f, 0.265442f, 0.265435f, 0.265429f, 0.265422f, 0.265416f, 0.26541f, 0.265403f, 0.265397f, 0.26539f, 0.265384f, 0.265377f,
-0.265371f, 0.265364f, 0.265358f, 0.265352f, 0.265345f, 0.265339f, 0.265332f, 0.265326f, 0.265319f, 0.265313f, 0.265306f, 0.2653f, 0.265294f, 0.265287f, 0.265281f, 0.265274f, 0.265268f, 0.265261f, 0.265255f, 0.265248f,
-0.265242f, 0.265236f, 0.265229f, 0.265223f, 0.265216f, 0.26521f, 0.265203f, 0.265197f, 0.265191f, 0.265184f, 0.265178f, 0.265171f, 0.265165f, 0.265158f, 0.265152f, 0.265145f, 0.265139f, 0.265133f, 0.265126f, 0.26512f,
-0.265113f, 0.265107f, 0.2651f, 0.265094f, 0.265088f, 0.265081f, 0.265075f, 0.265068f, 0.265062f, 0.265055f, 0.265049f, 0.265043f, 0.265036f, 0.26503f, 0.265023f, 0.265017f, 0.26501f, 0.265004f, 0.264997f, 0.264991f,
-0.264985f, 0.264978f, 0.264972f, 0.264965f, 0.264959f, 0.264952f, 0.264946f, 0.26494f, 0.264933f, 0.264927f, 0.26492f, 0.264914f, 0.264908f, 0.264901f, 0.264895f, 0.264888f, 0.264882f, 0.264875f, 0.264869f, 0.264863f,
-0.264856f, 0.26485f, 0.264843f, 0.264837f, 0.26483f, 0.264824f, 0.264818f, 0.264811f, 0.264805f, 0.264798f, 0.264792f, 0.264786f, 0.264779f, 0.264773f, 0.264766f, 0.26476f, 0.264753f, 0.264747f, 0.264741f, 0.264734f,
-0.264728f, 0.264721f, 0.264715f, 0.264708f, 0.264702f, 0.264696f, 0.264689f, 0.264683f, 0.264676f, 0.26467f, 0.264664f, 0.264657f, 0.264651f, 0.264644f, 0.264638f, 0.264632f, 0.264625f, 0.264619f, 0.264612f, 0.264606f,
-0.264599f, 0.264593f, 0.264587f, 0.26458f, 0.264574f, 0.264567f, 0.264561f, 0.264555f, 0.264548f, 0.264542f, 0.264535f, 0.264529f, 0.264523f, 0.264516f, 0.26451f, 0.264503f, 0.264497f, 0.264491f, 0.264484f, 0.264478f,
-0.264471f, 0.264465f, 0.264459f, 0.264452f, 0.264446f, 0.264439f, 0.264433f, 0.264427f, 0.26442f, 0.264414f, 0.264407f, 0.264401f, 0.264395f, 0.264388f, 0.264382f, 0.264375f, 0.264369f, 0.264363f, 0.264356f, 0.26435f,
-0.264343f, 0.264337f, 0.264331f, 0.264324f, 0.264318f, 0.264311f, 0.264305f, 0.264299f, 0.264292f, 0.264286f, 0.264279f, 0.264273f, 0.264267f, 0.26426f, 0.264254f, 0.264247f, 0.264241f, 0.264235f, 0.264228f, 0.264222f,
-0.264215f, 0.264209f, 0.264203f, 0.264196f, 0.26419f, 0.264183f, 0.264177f, 0.264171f, 0.264164f, 0.264158f, 0.264152f, 0.264145f, 0.264139f, 0.264132f, 0.264126f, 0.26412f, 0.264113f, 0.264107f, 0.2641f, 0.264094f,
-0.264088f, 0.264081f, 0.264075f, 0.264069f, 0.264062f, 0.264056f, 0.264049f, 0.264043f, 0.264037f, 0.26403f, 0.264024f, 0.264017f, 0.264011f, 0.264005f, 0.263998f, 0.263992f, 0.263986f, 0.263979f, 0.263973f, 0.263966f,
-0.26396f, 0.263954f, 0.263947f, 0.263941f, 0.263935f, 0.263928f, 0.263922f, 0.263915f, 0.263909f, 0.263903f, 0.263896f, 0.26389f, 0.263884f, 0.263877f, 0.263871f, 0.263864f, 0.263858f, 0.263852f, 0.263845f, 0.263839f,
-0.263833f, 0.263826f, 0.26382f, 0.263813f, 0.263807f, 0.263801f, 0.263794f, 0.263788f, 0.263782f, 0.263775f, 0.263769f, 0.263762f, 0.263756f, 0.26375f, 0.263743f, 0.263737f, 0.263731f, 0.263724f, 0.263718f, 0.263712f,
-0.263705f, 0.263699f, 0.263692f, 0.263686f, 0.26368f, 0.263673f, 0.263667f, 0.263661f, 0.263654f, 0.263648f, 0.263641f, 0.263635f, 0.263629f, 0.263622f, 0.263616f, 0.26361f, 0.263603f, 0.263597f, 0.263591f, 0.263584f,
-0.263578f, 0.263572f, 0.263565f, 0.263559f, 0.263552f, 0.263546f, 0.26354f, 0.263533f, 0.263527f, 0.263521f, 0.263514f, 0.263508f, 0.263502f, 0.263495f, 0.263489f, 0.263482f, 0.263476f, 0.26347f, 0.263463f, 0.263457f,
-0.263451f, 0.263444f, 0.263438f, 0.263432f, 0.263425f, 0.263419f, 0.263413f, 0.263406f, 0.2634f, 0.263394f, 0.263387f, 0.263381f, 0.263374f, 0.263368f, 0.263362f, 0.263355f, 0.263349f, 0.263343f, 0.263336f, 0.26333f,
-0.263324f, 0.263317f, 0.263311f, 0.263305f, 0.263298f, 0.263292f, 0.263286f, 0.263279f, 0.263273f, 0.263267f, 0.26326f, 0.263254f, 0.263248f, 0.263241f, 0.263235f, 0.263229f, 0.263222f, 0.263216f, 0.263209f, 0.263203f,
-0.263197f, 0.26319f, 0.263184f, 0.263178f, 0.263171f, 0.263165f, 0.263159f, 0.263152f, 0.263146f, 0.26314f, 0.263133f, 0.263127f, 0.263121f, 0.263114f, 0.263108f, 0.263102f, 0.263095f, 0.263089f, 0.263083f, 0.263076f,
-0.26307f, 0.263064f, 0.263057f, 0.263051f, 0.263045f, 0.263038f, 0.263032f, 0.263026f, 0.263019f, 0.263013f, 0.263007f, 0.263f, 0.262994f, 0.262988f, 0.262981f, 0.262975f, 0.262969f, 0.262962f, 0.262956f, 0.26295f,
-0.262943f, 0.262937f, 0.262931f, 0.262924f, 0.262918f, 0.262912f, 0.262905f, 0.262899f, 0.262893f, 0.262886f, 0.26288f, 0.262874f, 0.262867f, 0.262861f, 0.262855f, 0.262848f, 0.262842f, 0.262836f, 0.262829f, 0.262823f,
-0.262817f, 0.26281f, 0.262804f, 0.262798f, 0.262792f, 0.262785f, 0.262779f, 0.262773f, 0.262766f, 0.26276f, 0.262754f, 0.262747f, 0.262741f, 0.262735f, 0.262728f, 0.262722f, 0.262716f, 0.262709f, 0.262703f, 0.262697f,
-0.26269f, 0.262684f, 0.262678f, 0.262671f, 0.262665f, 0.262659f, 0.262652f, 0.262646f, 0.26264f, 0.262634f, 0.262627f, 0.262621f, 0.262615f, 0.262608f, 0.262602f, 0.262596f, 0.262589f, 0.262583f, 0.262577f, 0.26257f,
-0.262564f, 0.262558f, 0.262551f, 0.262545f, 0.262539f, 0.262533f, 0.262526f, 0.26252f, 0.262514f, 0.262507f, 0.262501f, 0.262495f, 0.262488f, 0.262482f, 0.262476f, 0.262469f, 0.262463f, 0.262457f, 0.262451f, 0.262444f,
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-0.262186f, 0.26218f, 0.262173f, 0.262167f, 0.262161f, 0.262154f, 0.262148f, 0.262142f, 0.262136f, 0.262129f, 0.262123f, 0.262117f, 0.26211f, 0.262104f, 0.262098f, 0.262092f, 0.262085f, 0.262079f, 0.262073f, 0.262066f,
-0.26206f, 0.262054f, 0.262048f, 0.262041f, 0.262035f, 0.262029f, 0.262022f, 0.262016f, 0.26201f, 0.262004f, 0.261997f, 0.261991f, 0.261985f, 0.261978f, 0.261972f, 0.261966f, 0.26196f, 0.261953f, 0.261947f, 0.261941f,
-0.261934f, 0.261928f, 0.261922f, 0.261916f, 0.261909f, 0.261903f, 0.261897f, 0.26189f, 0.261884f, 0.261878f, 0.261872f, 0.261865f, 0.261859f, 0.261853f, 0.261847f, 0.26184f, 0.261834f, 0.261828f, 0.261821f, 0.261815f,
-0.261809f, 0.261803f, 0.261796f, 0.26179f, 0.261784f, 0.261778f, 0.261771f, 0.261765f, 0.261759f, 0.261752f, 0.261746f, 0.26174f, 0.261734f, 0.261727f, 0.261721f, 0.261715f, 0.261709f, 0.261702f, 0.261696f, 0.26169f,
-0.261683f, 0.261677f, 0.261671f, 0.261665f, 0.261658f, 0.261652f, 0.261646f, 0.26164f, 0.261633f, 0.261627f, 0.261621f, 0.261614f, 0.261608f, 0.261602f, 0.261596f, 0.261589f, 0.261583f, 0.261577f, 0.261571f, 0.261564f,
-0.261558f, 0.261552f, 0.261546f, 0.261539f, 0.261533f, 0.261527f, 0.261521f, 0.261514f, 0.261508f, 0.261502f, 0.261495f, 0.261489f, 0.261483f, 0.261477f, 0.26147f, 0.261464f, 0.261458f, 0.261452f, 0.261445f, 0.261439f,
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-0.261183f, 0.261177f, 0.26117f, 0.261164f, 0.261158f, 0.261152f, 0.261145f, 0.261139f, 0.261133f, 0.261127f, 0.26112f, 0.261114f, 0.261108f, 0.261102f, 0.261095f, 0.261089f, 0.261083f, 0.261077f, 0.26107f, 0.261064f,
-0.261058f, 0.261052f, 0.261046f, 0.261039f, 0.261033f, 0.261027f, 0.261021f, 0.261014f, 0.261008f, 0.261002f, 0.260996f, 0.260989f, 0.260983f, 0.260977f, 0.260971f, 0.260964f, 0.260958f, 0.260952f, 0.260946f, 0.26094f,
-0.260933f, 0.260927f, 0.260921f, 0.260915f, 0.260908f, 0.260902f, 0.260896f, 0.26089f, 0.260883f, 0.260877f, 0.260871f, 0.260865f, 0.260858f, 0.260852f, 0.260846f, 0.26084f, 0.260834f, 0.260827f, 0.260821f, 0.260815f,
-0.260809f, 0.260802f, 0.260796f, 0.26079f, 0.260784f, 0.260778f, 0.260771f, 0.260765f, 0.260759f, 0.260753f, 0.260746f, 0.26074f, 0.260734f, 0.260728f, 0.260722f, 0.260715f, 0.260709f, 0.260703f, 0.260697f, 0.26069f,
-0.260684f, 0.260678f, 0.260672f, 0.260666f, 0.260659f, 0.260653f, 0.260647f, 0.260641f, 0.260634f, 0.260628f, 0.260622f, 0.260616f, 0.26061f, 0.260603f, 0.260597f, 0.260591f, 0.260585f, 0.260578f, 0.260572f, 0.260566f,
-0.26056f, 0.260554f, 0.260547f, 0.260541f, 0.260535f, 0.260529f, 0.260523f, 0.260516f, 0.26051f, 0.260504f, 0.260498f, 0.260491f, 0.260485f, 0.260479f, 0.260473f, 0.260467f, 0.26046f, 0.260454f, 0.260448f, 0.260442f,
-0.260436f, 0.260429f, 0.260423f, 0.260417f, 0.260411f, 0.260404f, 0.260398f, 0.260392f, 0.260386f, 0.26038f, 0.260373f, 0.260367f, 0.260361f, 0.260355f, 0.260349f, 0.260342f, 0.260336f, 0.26033f, 0.260324f, 0.260318f,
-0.260311f, 0.260305f, 0.260299f, 0.260293f, 0.260287f, 0.26028f, 0.260274f, 0.260268f, 0.260262f, 0.260256f, 0.260249f, 0.260243f, 0.260237f, 0.260231f, 0.260225f, 0.260218f, 0.260212f, 0.260206f, 0.2602f, 0.260194f,
-0.260187f, 0.260181f, 0.260175f, 0.260169f, 0.260163f, 0.260156f, 0.26015f, 0.260144f, 0.260138f, 0.260132f, 0.260125f, 0.260119f, 0.260113f, 0.260107f, 0.260101f, 0.260094f, 0.260088f, 0.260082f, 0.260076f, 0.26007f,
-0.260063f, 0.260057f, 0.260051f, 0.260045f, 0.260039f, 0.260033f, 0.260026f, 0.26002f, 0.260014f, 0.260008f, 0.260002f, 0.259995f, 0.259989f, 0.259983f, 0.259977f, 0.259971f, 0.259964f, 0.259958f, 0.259952f, 0.259946f,
-0.25994f, 0.259934f, 0.259927f, 0.259921f, 0.259915f, 0.259909f, 0.259903f, 0.259896f, 0.25989f, 0.259884f, 0.259878f, 0.259872f, 0.259865f, 0.259859f, 0.259853f, 0.259847f, 0.259841f, 0.259835f, 0.259828f, 0.259822f,
-0.259816f, 0.25981f, 0.259804f, 0.259798f, 0.259791f, 0.259785f, 0.259779f, 0.259773f, 0.259767f, 0.25976f, 0.259754f, 0.259748f, 0.259742f, 0.259736f, 0.25973f, 0.259723f, 0.259717f, 0.259711f, 0.259705f, 0.259699f,
-0.259693f, 0.259686f, 0.25968f, 0.259674f, 0.259668f, 0.259662f, 0.259655f, 0.259649f, 0.259643f, 0.259637f, 0.259631f, 0.259625f, 0.259618f, 0.259612f, 0.259606f, 0.2596f, 0.259594f, 0.259588f, 0.259581f, 0.259575f,
-0.259569f, 0.259563f, 0.259557f, 0.259551f, 0.259544f, 0.259538f, 0.259532f, 0.259526f, 0.25952f, 0.259514f, 0.259507f, 0.259501f, 0.259495f, 0.259489f, 0.259483f, 0.259477f, 0.25947f, 0.259464f, 0.259458f, 0.259452f,
-0.259446f, 0.25944f, 0.259433f, 0.259427f, 0.259421f, 0.259415f, 0.259409f, 0.259403f, 0.259396f, 0.25939f, 0.259384f, 0.259378f, 0.259372f, 0.259366f, 0.25936f, 0.259353f, 0.259347f, 0.259341f, 0.259335f, 0.259329f,
-0.259323f, 0.259316f, 0.25931f, 0.259304f, 0.259298f, 0.259292f, 0.259286f, 0.259279f, 0.259273f, 0.259267f, 0.259261f, 0.259255f, 0.259249f, 0.259243f, 0.259236f, 0.25923f, 0.259224f, 0.259218f, 0.259212f, 0.259206f,
-0.259199f, 0.259193f, 0.259187f, 0.259181f, 0.259175f, 0.259169f, 0.259163f, 0.259156f, 0.25915f, 0.259144f, 0.259138f, 0.259132f, 0.259126f, 0.25912f, 0.259113f, 0.259107f, 0.259101f, 0.259095f, 0.259089f, 0.259083f,
-0.259077f, 0.25907f, 0.259064f, 0.259058f, 0.259052f, 0.259046f, 0.25904f, 0.259034f, 0.259027f, 0.259021f, 0.259015f, 0.259009f, 0.259003f, 0.258997f, 0.258991f, 0.258984f, 0.258978f, 0.258972f, 0.258966f, 0.25896f,
-0.258954f, 0.258948f, 0.258941f, 0.258935f, 0.258929f, 0.258923f, 0.258917f, 0.258911f, 0.258905f, 0.258898f, 0.258892f, 0.258886f, 0.25888f, 0.258874f, 0.258868f, 0.258862f, 0.258855f, 0.258849f, 0.258843f, 0.258837f,
-0.258831f, 0.258825f, 0.258819f, 0.258813f, 0.258806f, 0.2588f, 0.258794f, 0.258788f, 0.258782f, 0.258776f, 0.25877f, 0.258764f, 0.258757f, 0.258751f, 0.258745f, 0.258739f, 0.258733f, 0.258727f, 0.258721f, 0.258714f,
-0.258708f, 0.258702f, 0.258696f, 0.25869f, 0.258684f, 0.258678f, 0.258672f, 0.258665f, 0.258659f, 0.258653f, 0.258647f, 0.258641f, 0.258635f, 0.258629f, 0.258623f, 0.258616f, 0.25861f, 0.258604f, 0.258598f, 0.258592f,
-0.258586f, 0.25858f, 0.258574f, 0.258567f, 0.258561f, 0.258555f, 0.258549f, 0.258543f, 0.258537f, 0.258531f, 0.258525f, 0.258519f, 0.258512f, 0.258506f, 0.2585f, 0.258494f, 0.258488f, 0.258482f, 0.258476f, 0.25847f,
-0.258463f, 0.258457f, 0.258451f, 0.258445f, 0.258439f, 0.258433f, 0.258427f, 0.258421f, 0.258415f, 0.258408f, 0.258402f, 0.258396f, 0.25839f, 0.258384f, 0.258378f, 0.258372f, 0.258366f, 0.25836f, 0.258353f, 0.258347f,
-0.258341f, 0.258335f, 0.258329f, 0.258323f, 0.258317f, 0.258311f, 0.258305f, 0.258298f, 0.258292f, 0.258286f, 0.25828f, 0.258274f, 0.258268f, 0.258262f, 0.258256f, 0.25825f, 0.258243f, 0.258237f, 0.258231f, 0.258225f,
-0.258219f, 0.258213f, 0.258207f, 0.258201f, 0.258195f, 0.258189f, 0.258182f, 0.258176f, 0.25817f, 0.258164f, 0.258158f, 0.258152f, 0.258146f, 0.25814f, 0.258134f, 0.258128f, 0.258121f, 0.258115f, 0.258109f, 0.258103f,
-0.258097f, 0.258091f, 0.258085f, 0.258079f, 0.258073f, 0.258067f, 0.25806f, 0.258054f, 0.258048f, 0.258042f, 0.258036f, 0.25803f, 0.258024f, 0.258018f, 0.258012f, 0.258006f, 0.257999f, 0.257993f, 0.257987f, 0.257981f,
-0.257975f, 0.257969f, 0.257963f, 0.257957f, 0.257951f, 0.257945f, 0.257939f, 0.257932f, 0.257926f, 0.25792f, 0.257914f, 0.257908f, 0.257902f, 0.257896f, 0.25789f, 0.257884f, 0.257878f, 0.257872f, 0.257865f, 0.257859f,
-0.257853f, 0.257847f, 0.257841f, 0.257835f, 0.257829f, 0.257823f, 0.257817f, 0.257811f, 0.257805f, 0.257799f, 0.257792f, 0.257786f, 0.25778f, 0.257774f, 0.257768f, 0.257762f, 0.257756f, 0.25775f, 0.257744f, 0.257738f,
-0.257732f, 0.257726f, 0.257719f, 0.257713f, 0.257707f, 0.257701f, 0.257695f, 0.257689f, 0.257683f, 0.257677f, 0.257671f, 0.257665f, 0.257659f, 0.257653f, 0.257647f, 0.25764f, 0.257634f, 0.257628f, 0.257622f, 0.257616f,
-0.25761f, 0.257604f, 0.257598f, 0.257592f, 0.257586f, 0.25758f, 0.257574f, 0.257568f, 0.257561f, 0.257555f, 0.257549f, 0.257543f, 0.257537f, 0.257531f, 0.257525f, 0.257519f, 0.257513f, 0.257507f, 0.257501f, 0.257495f,
-0.257489f, 0.257483f, 0.257476f, 0.25747f, 0.257464f, 0.257458f, 0.257452f, 0.257446f, 0.25744f, 0.257434f, 0.257428f, 0.257422f, 0.257416f, 0.25741f, 0.257404f, 0.257398f, 0.257392f, 0.257385f, 0.257379f, 0.257373f,
-0.257367f, 0.257361f, 0.257355f, 0.257349f, 0.257343f, 0.257337f, 0.257331f, 0.257325f, 0.257319f, 0.257313f, 0.257307f, 0.257301f, 0.257295f, 0.257288f, 0.257282f, 0.257276f, 0.25727f, 0.257264f, 0.257258f, 0.257252f,
-0.257246f, 0.25724f, 0.257234f, 0.257228f, 0.257222f, 0.257216f, 0.25721f, 0.257204f, 0.257198f, 0.257192f, 0.257185f, 0.257179f, 0.257173f, 0.257167f, 0.257161f, 0.257155f, 0.257149f, 0.257143f, 0.257137f, 0.257131f,
-0.257125f, 0.257119f, 0.257113f, 0.257107f, 0.257101f, 0.257095f, 0.257089f, 0.257083f, 0.257077f, 0.25707f, 0.257064f, 0.257058f, 0.257052f, 0.257046f, 0.25704f, 0.257034f, 0.257028f, 0.257022f, 0.257016f, 0.25701f,
-0.257004f, 0.256998f, 0.256992f, 0.256986f, 0.25698f, 0.256974f, 0.256968f, 0.256962f, 0.256956f, 0.25695f, 0.256943f, 0.256937f, 0.256931f, 0.256925f, 0.256919f, 0.256913f, 0.256907f, 0.256901f, 0.256895f, 0.256889f,
-0.256883f, 0.256877f, 0.256871f, 0.256865f, 0.256859f, 0.256853f, 0.256847f, 0.256841f, 0.256835f, 0.256829f, 0.256823f, 0.256817f, 0.256811f, 0.256805f, 0.256798f, 0.256792f, 0.256786f, 0.25678f, 0.256774f, 0.256768f,
-0.256762f, 0.256756f, 0.25675f, 0.256744f, 0.256738f, 0.256732f, 0.256726f, 0.25672f, 0.256714f, 0.256708f, 0.256702f, 0.256696f, 0.25669f, 0.256684f, 0.256678f, 0.256672f, 0.256666f, 0.25666f, 0.256654f, 0.256648f,
-0.256642f, 0.256636f, 0.25663f, 0.256624f, 0.256617f, 0.256611f, 0.256605f, 0.256599f, 0.256593f, 0.256587f, 0.256581f, 0.256575f, 0.256569f, 0.256563f, 0.256557f, 0.256551f, 0.256545f, 0.256539f, 0.256533f, 0.256527f,
-0.256521f, 0.256515f, 0.256509f, 0.256503f, 0.256497f, 0.256491f, 0.256485f, 0.256479f, 0.256473f, 0.256467f, 0.256461f, 0.256455f, 0.256449f, 0.256443f, 0.256437f, 0.256431f, 0.256425f, 0.256419f, 0.256413f, 0.256407f,
-0.256401f, 0.256395f, 0.256389f, 0.256383f, 0.256377f, 0.256371f, 0.256365f, 0.256359f, 0.256352f, 0.256346f, 0.25634f, 0.256334f, 0.256328f, 0.256322f, 0.256316f, 0.25631f, 0.256304f, 0.256298f, 0.256292f, 0.256286f,
-0.25628f, 0.256274f, 0.256268f, 0.256262f, 0.256256f, 0.25625f, 0.256244f, 0.256238f, 0.256232f, 0.256226f, 0.25622f, 0.256214f, 0.256208f, 0.256202f, 0.256196f, 0.25619f, 0.256184f, 0.256178f, 0.256172f, 0.256166f,
-0.25616f, 0.256154f, 0.256148f, 0.256142f, 0.256136f, 0.25613f, 0.256124f, 0.256118f, 0.256112f, 0.256106f, 0.2561f, 0.256094f, 0.256088f, 0.256082f, 0.256076f, 0.25607f, 0.256064f, 0.256058f, 0.256052f, 0.256046f,
-0.25604f, 0.256034f, 0.256028f, 0.256022f, 0.256016f, 0.25601f, 0.256004f, 0.255998f, 0.255992f, 0.255986f, 0.25598f, 0.255974f, 0.255968f, 0.255962f, 0.255956f, 0.25595f, 0.255944f, 0.255938f, 0.255932f, 0.255926f,
-0.25592f, 0.255914f, 0.255908f, 0.255902f, 0.255896f, 0.25589f, 0.255884f, 0.255878f, 0.255872f, 0.255866f, 0.25586f, 0.255854f, 0.255848f, 0.255842f, 0.255836f, 0.25583f, 0.255824f, 0.255818f, 0.255812f, 0.255806f,
-0.2558f, 0.255794f, 0.255788f, 0.255782f, 0.255776f, 0.25577f, 0.255764f, 0.255758f, 0.255752f, 0.255746f, 0.25574f, 0.255734f, 0.255728f, 0.255722f, 0.255716f, 0.25571f, 0.255704f, 0.255698f, 0.255692f, 0.255686f,
-0.25568f, 0.255674f, 0.255668f, 0.255662f, 0.255656f, 0.25565f, 0.255644f, 0.255639f, 0.255633f, 0.255627f, 0.255621f, 0.255615f, 0.255609f, 0.255603f, 0.255597f, 0.255591f, 0.255585f, 0.255579f, 0.255573f, 0.255567f,
-0.255561f, 0.255555f, 0.255549f, 0.255543f, 0.255537f, 0.255531f, 0.255525f, 0.255519f, 0.255513f, 0.255507f, 0.255501f, 0.255495f, 0.255489f, 0.255483f, 0.255477f, 0.255471f, 0.255465f, 0.255459f, 0.255453f, 0.255447f,
-0.255441f, 0.255435f, 0.255429f, 0.255423f, 0.255417f, 0.255411f, 0.255405f, 0.255399f, 0.255393f, 0.255387f, 0.255381f, 0.255376f, 0.25537f, 0.255364f, 0.255358f, 0.255352f, 0.255346f, 0.25534f, 0.255334f, 0.255328f,
-0.255322f, 0.255316f, 0.25531f, 0.255304f, 0.255298f, 0.255292f, 0.255286f, 0.25528f, 0.255274f, 0.255268f, 0.255262f, 0.255256f, 0.25525f, 0.255244f, 0.255238f, 0.255232f, 0.255226f, 0.25522f, 0.255214f, 0.255208f,
-0.255202f, 0.255197f, 0.255191f, 0.255185f, 0.255179f, 0.255173f, 0.255167f, 0.255161f, 0.255155f, 0.255149f, 0.255143f, 0.255137f, 0.255131f, 0.255125f, 0.255119f, 0.255113f, 0.255107f, 0.255101f, 0.255095f, 0.255089f,
-0.255083f, 0.255077f, 0.255071f, 0.255065f, 0.255059f, 0.255054f, 0.255048f, 0.255042f, 0.255036f, 0.25503f, 0.255024f, 0.255018f, 0.255012f, 0.255006f, 0.255f, 0.254994f, 0.254988f, 0.254982f, 0.254976f, 0.25497f,
-0.254964f, 0.254958f, 0.254952f, 0.254946f, 0.25494f, 0.254934f, 0.254929f, 0.254923f, 0.254917f, 0.254911f, 0.254905f, 0.254899f, 0.254893f, 0.254887f, 0.254881f, 0.254875f, 0.254869f, 0.254863f, 0.254857f, 0.254851f,
-0.254845f, 0.254839f, 0.254833f, 0.254827f, 0.254821f, 0.254816f, 0.25481f, 0.254804f, 0.254798f, 0.254792f, 0.254786f, 0.25478f, 0.254774f, 0.254768f, 0.254762f, 0.254756f, 0.25475f, 0.254744f, 0.254738f, 0.254732f,
-0.254726f, 0.25472f, 0.254714f, 0.254709f, 0.254703f, 0.254697f, 0.254691f, 0.254685f, 0.254679f, 0.254673f, 0.254667f, 0.254661f, 0.254655f, 0.254649f, 0.254643f, 0.254637f, 0.254631f, 0.254625f, 0.254619f, 0.254614f,
-0.254608f, 0.254602f, 0.254596f, 0.25459f, 0.254584f, 0.254578f, 0.254572f, 0.254566f, 0.25456f, 0.254554f, 0.254548f, 0.254542f, 0.254536f, 0.25453f, 0.254525f, 0.254519f, 0.254513f, 0.254507f, 0.254501f, 0.254495f,
-0.254489f, 0.254483f, 0.254477f, 0.254471f, 0.254465f, 0.254459f, 0.254453f, 0.254447f, 0.254442f, 0.254436f, 0.25443f, 0.254424f, 0.254418f, 0.254412f, 0.254406f, 0.2544f, 0.254394f, 0.254388f, 0.254382f, 0.254376f,
-0.25437f, 0.254365f, 0.254359f, 0.254353f, 0.254347f, 0.254341f, 0.254335f, 0.254329f, 0.254323f, 0.254317f, 0.254311f, 0.254305f, 0.254299f, 0.254293f, 0.254288f, 0.254282f, 0.254276f, 0.25427f, 0.254264f, 0.254258f,
-0.254252f, 0.254246f, 0.25424f, 0.254234f, 0.254228f, 0.254222f, 0.254217f, 0.254211f, 0.254205f, 0.254199f, 0.254193f, 0.254187f, 0.254181f, 0.254175f, 0.254169f, 0.254163f, 0.254157f, 0.254151f, 0.254146f, 0.25414f,
-0.254134f, 0.254128f, 0.254122f, 0.254116f, 0.25411f, 0.254104f, 0.254098f, 0.254092f, 0.254086f, 0.254081f, 0.254075f, 0.254069f, 0.254063f, 0.254057f, 0.254051f, 0.254045f, 0.254039f, 0.254033f, 0.254027f, 0.254021f,
-0.254016f, 0.25401f, 0.254004f, 0.253998f, 0.253992f, 0.253986f, 0.25398f, 0.253974f, 0.253968f, 0.253962f, 0.253956f, 0.253951f, 0.253945f, 0.253939f, 0.253933f, 0.253927f, 0.253921f, 0.253915f, 0.253909f, 0.253903f,
-0.253897f, 0.253892f, 0.253886f, 0.25388f, 0.253874f, 0.253868f, 0.253862f, 0.253856f, 0.25385f, 0.253844f, 0.253838f, 0.253833f, 0.253827f, 0.253821f, 0.253815f, 0.253809f, 0.253803f, 0.253797f, 0.253791f, 0.253785f,
-0.253779f, 0.253774f, 0.253768f, 0.253762f, 0.253756f, 0.25375f, 0.253744f, 0.253738f, 0.253732f, 0.253726f, 0.25372f, 0.253715f, 0.253709f, 0.253703f, 0.253697f, 0.253691f, 0.253685f, 0.253679f, 0.253673f, 0.253667f,
-0.253662f, 0.253656f, 0.25365f, 0.253644f, 0.253638f, 0.253632f, 0.253626f, 0.25362f, 0.253614f, 0.253609f, 0.253603f, 0.253597f, 0.253591f, 0.253585f, 0.253579f, 0.253573f, 0.253567f, 0.253561f, 0.253556f, 0.25355f,
-0.253544f, 0.253538f, 0.253532f, 0.253526f, 0.25352f, 0.253514f, 0.253508f, 0.253503f, 0.253497f, 0.253491f, 0.253485f, 0.253479f, 0.253473f, 0.253467f, 0.253461f, 0.253456f, 0.25345f, 0.253444f, 0.253438f, 0.253432f,
-0.253426f, 0.25342f, 0.253414f, 0.253409f, 0.253403f, 0.253397f, 0.253391f, 0.253385f, 0.253379f, 0.253373f, 0.253367f, 0.253361f, 0.253356f, 0.25335f, 0.253344f, 0.253338f, 0.253332f, 0.253326f, 0.25332f, 0.253314f,
-0.253309f, 0.253303f, 0.253297f, 0.253291f, 0.253285f, 0.253279f, 0.253273f, 0.253267f, 0.253262f, 0.253256f, 0.25325f, 0.253244f, 0.253238f, 0.253232f, 0.253226f, 0.253221f, 0.253215f, 0.253209f, 0.253203f, 0.253197f,
-0.253191f, 0.253185f, 0.253179f, 0.253174f, 0.253168f, 0.253162f, 0.253156f, 0.25315f, 0.253144f, 0.253138f, 0.253132f, 0.253127f, 0.253121f, 0.253115f, 0.253109f, 0.253103f, 0.253097f, 0.253091f, 0.253086f, 0.25308f,
-0.253074f, 0.253068f, 0.253062f, 0.253056f, 0.25305f, 0.253045f, 0.253039f, 0.253033f, 0.253027f, 0.253021f, 0.253015f, 0.253009f, 0.253003f, 0.252998f, 0.252992f, 0.252986f, 0.25298f, 0.252974f, 0.252968f, 0.252962f,
-0.252957f, 0.252951f, 0.252945f, 0.252939f, 0.252933f, 0.252927f, 0.252921f, 0.252916f, 0.25291f, 0.252904f, 0.252898f, 0.252892f, 0.252886f, 0.25288f, 0.252875f, 0.252869f, 0.252863f, 0.252857f, 0.252851f, 0.252845f,
-0.25284f, 0.252834f, 0.252828f, 0.252822f, 0.252816f, 0.25281f, 0.252804f, 0.252799f, 0.252793f, 0.252787f, 0.252781f, 0.252775f, 0.252769f, 0.252763f, 0.252758f, 0.252752f, 0.252746f, 0.25274f, 0.252734f, 0.252728f,
-0.252723f, 0.252717f, 0.252711f, 0.252705f, 0.252699f, 0.252693f, 0.252687f, 0.252682f, 0.252676f, 0.25267f, 0.252664f, 0.252658f, 0.252652f, 0.252647f, 0.252641f, 0.252635f, 0.252629f, 0.252623f, 0.252617f, 0.252611f,
-0.252606f, 0.2526f, 0.252594f, 0.252588f, 0.252582f, 0.252576f, 0.252571f, 0.252565f, 0.252559f, 0.252553f, 0.252547f, 0.252541f, 0.252536f, 0.25253f, 0.252524f, 0.252518f, 0.252512f, 0.252506f, 0.252501f, 0.252495f,
-0.252489f, 0.252483f, 0.252477f, 0.252471f, 0.252465f, 0.25246f, 0.252454f, 0.252448f, 0.252442f, 0.252436f, 0.25243f, 0.252425f, 0.252419f, 0.252413f, 0.252407f, 0.252401f, 0.252395f, 0.25239f, 0.252384f, 0.252378f,
-0.252372f, 0.252366f, 0.25236f, 0.252355f, 0.252349f, 0.252343f, 0.252337f, 0.252331f, 0.252326f, 0.25232f, 0.252314f, 0.252308f, 0.252302f, 0.252296f, 0.252291f, 0.252285f, 0.252279f, 0.252273f, 0.252267f, 0.252261f,
-0.252256f, 0.25225f, 0.252244f, 0.252238f, 0.252232f, 0.252226f, 0.252221f, 0.252215f, 0.252209f, 0.252203f, 0.252197f, 0.252192f, 0.252186f, 0.25218f, 0.252174f, 0.252168f, 0.252162f, 0.252157f, 0.252151f, 0.252145f,
-0.252139f, 0.252133f, 0.252127f, 0.252122f, 0.252116f, 0.25211f, 0.252104f, 0.252098f, 0.252093f, 0.252087f, 0.252081f, 0.252075f, 0.252069f, 0.252063f, 0.252058f, 0.252052f, 0.252046f, 0.25204f, 0.252034f, 0.252029f,
-0.252023f, 0.252017f, 0.252011f, 0.252005f, 0.252f, 0.251994f, 0.251988f, 0.251982f, 0.251976f, 0.25197f, 0.251965f, 0.251959f, 0.251953f, 0.251947f, 0.251941f, 0.251936f, 0.25193f, 0.251924f, 0.251918f, 0.251912f,
-0.251907f, 0.251901f, 0.251895f, 0.251889f, 0.251883f, 0.251877f, 0.251872f, 0.251866f, 0.25186f, 0.251854f, 0.251848f, 0.251843f, 0.251837f, 0.251831f, 0.251825f, 0.251819f, 0.251814f, 0.251808f, 0.251802f, 0.251796f,
-0.25179f, 0.251785f, 0.251779f, 0.251773f, 0.251767f, 0.251761f, 0.251756f, 0.25175f, 0.251744f, 0.251738f, 0.251732f, 0.251727f, 0.251721f, 0.251715f, 0.251709f, 0.251703f, 0.251698f, 0.251692f, 0.251686f, 0.25168f,
-0.251674f, 0.251669f, 0.251663f, 0.251657f, 0.251651f, 0.251645f, 0.25164f, 0.251634f, 0.251628f, 0.251622f, 0.251616f, 0.251611f, 0.251605f, 0.251599f, 0.251593f, 0.251587f, 0.251582f, 0.251576f, 0.25157f, 0.251564f,
-0.251558f, 0.251553f, 0.251547f, 0.251541f, 0.251535f, 0.251529f, 0.251524f, 0.251518f, 0.251512f, 0.251506f, 0.2515f, 0.251495f, 0.251489f, 0.251483f, 0.251477f, 0.251472f, 0.251466f, 0.25146f, 0.251454f, 0.251448f,
-0.251443f, 0.251437f, 0.251431f, 0.251425f, 0.251419f, 0.251414f, 0.251408f, 0.251402f, 0.251396f, 0.251391f, 0.251385f, 0.251379f, 0.251373f, 0.251367f, 0.251362f, 0.251356f, 0.25135f, 0.251344f, 0.251338f, 0.251333f,
-0.251327f, 0.251321f, 0.251315f, 0.25131f, 0.251304f, 0.251298f, 0.251292f, 0.251286f, 0.251281f, 0.251275f, 0.251269f, 0.251263f, 0.251258f, 0.251252f, 0.251246f, 0.25124f, 0.251234f, 0.251229f, 0.251223f, 0.251217f,
-0.251211f, 0.251206f, 0.2512f, 0.251194f, 0.251188f, 0.251182f, 0.251177f, 0.251171f, 0.251165f, 0.251159f, 0.251154f, 0.251148f, 0.251142f, 0.251136f, 0.25113f, 0.251125f, 0.251119f, 0.251113f, 0.251107f, 0.251102f,
-0.251096f, 0.25109f, 0.251084f, 0.251078f, 0.251073f, 0.251067f, 0.251061f, 0.251055f, 0.25105f, 0.251044f, 0.251038f, 0.251032f, 0.251027f, 0.251021f, 0.251015f, 0.251009f, 0.251003f, 0.250998f, 0.250992f, 0.250986f,
-0.25098f, 0.250975f, 0.250969f, 0.250963f, 0.250957f, 0.250952f, 0.250946f, 0.25094f, 0.250934f, 0.250928f, 0.250923f, 0.250917f, 0.250911f, 0.250905f, 0.2509f, 0.250894f, 0.250888f, 0.250882f, 0.250877f, 0.250871f,
-0.250865f, 0.250859f, 0.250854f, 0.250848f, 0.250842f, 0.250836f, 0.250831f, 0.250825f, 0.250819f, 0.250813f, 0.250808f, 0.250802f, 0.250796f, 0.25079f, 0.250784f, 0.250779f, 0.250773f, 0.250767f, 0.250761f, 0.250756f,
-0.25075f, 0.250744f, 0.250738f, 0.250733f, 0.250727f, 0.250721f, 0.250715f, 0.25071f, 0.250704f, 0.250698f, 0.250692f, 0.250687f, 0.250681f, 0.250675f, 0.250669f, 0.250664f, 0.250658f, 0.250652f, 0.250646f, 0.250641f,
-0.250635f, 0.250629f, 0.250623f, 0.250618f, 0.250612f, 0.250606f, 0.2506f, 0.250595f, 0.250589f, 0.250583f, 0.250577f, 0.250572f, 0.250566f, 0.25056f, 0.250554f, 0.250549f, 0.250543f, 0.250537f, 0.250531f, 0.250526f,
-0.25052f, 0.250514f, 0.250508f, 0.250503f, 0.250497f, 0.250491f, 0.250485f, 0.25048f, 0.250474f, 0.250468f, 0.250462f, 0.250457f, 0.250451f, 0.250445f, 0.250439f, 0.250434f, 0.250428f, 0.250422f, 0.250416f, 0.250411f,
-0.250405f, 0.250399f, 0.250394f, 0.250388f, 0.250382f, 0.250376f, 0.250371f, 0.250365f, 0.250359f, 0.250353f, 0.250348f, 0.250342f, 0.250336f, 0.25033f, 0.250325f, 0.250319f, 0.250313f, 0.250307f, 0.250302f, 0.250296f,
-0.25029f, 0.250285f, 0.250279f, 0.250273f, 0.250267f, 0.250262f, 0.250256f, 0.25025f, 0.250244f, 0.250239f, 0.250233f, 0.250227f, 0.250221f, 0.250216f, 0.25021f, 0.250204f, 0.250199f, 0.250193f, 0.250187f, 0.250181f,
-0.250176f, 0.25017f, 0.250164f, 0.250158f, 0.250153f, 0.250147f, 0.250141f, 0.250135f, 0.25013f, 0.250124f, 0.250118f, 0.250113f, 0.250107f, 0.250101f, 0.250095f, 0.25009f, 0.250084f, 0.250078f, 0.250073f, 0.250067f,
-0.250061f, 0.250055f, 0.25005f, 0.250044f, 0.250038f, 0.250032f, 0.250027f, 0.250021f, 0.250015f, 0.25001f, 0.250004f, 0.249998f, 0.249992f, 0.249987f, 0.249981f, 0.249975f, 0.249969f, 0.249964f, 0.249958f, 0.249952f,
-0.249947f, 0.249941f, 0.249935f, 0.249929f, 0.249924f, 0.249918f, 0.249912f, 0.249907f, 0.249901f, 0.249895f, 0.249889f, 0.249884f, 0.249878f, 0.249872f, 0.249867f, 0.249861f, 0.249855f, 0.249849f, 0.249844f, 0.249838f,
-0.249832f, 0.249827f, 0.249821f, 0.249815f, 0.249809f, 0.249804f, 0.249798f, 0.249792f, 0.249787f, 0.249781f, 0.249775f, 0.249769f, 0.249764f, 0.249758f, 0.249752f, 0.249747f, 0.249741f, 0.249735f, 0.249729f, 0.249724f,
-0.249718f, 0.249712f, 0.249707f, 0.249701f, 0.249695f, 0.249689f, 0.249684f, 0.249678f, 0.249672f, 0.249667f, 0.249661f, 0.249655f, 0.24965f, 0.249644f, 0.249638f, 0.249632f, 0.249627f, 0.249621f, 0.249615f, 0.24961f,
-0.249604f, 0.249598f, 0.249592f, 0.249587f, 0.249581f, 0.249575f, 0.24957f, 0.249564f, 0.249558f, 0.249553f, 0.249547f, 0.249541f, 0.249535f, 0.24953f, 0.249524f, 0.249518f, 0.249513f, 0.249507f, 0.249501f, 0.249496f,
-0.24949f, 0.249484f, 0.249478f, 0.249473f, 0.249467f, 0.249461f, 0.249456f, 0.24945f, 0.249444f, 0.249439f, 0.249433f, 0.249427f, 0.249422f, 0.249416f, 0.24941f, 0.249404f, 0.249399f, 0.249393f, 0.249387f, 0.249382f,
-0.249376f, 0.24937f, 0.249365f, 0.249359f, 0.249353f, 0.249347f, 0.249342f, 0.249336f, 0.24933f, 0.249325f, 0.249319f, 0.249313f, 0.249308f, 0.249302f, 0.249296f, 0.249291f, 0.249285f, 0.249279f, 0.249274f, 0.249268f,
-0.249262f, 0.249256f, 0.249251f, 0.249245f, 0.249239f, 0.249234f, 0.249228f, 0.249222f, 0.249217f, 0.249211f, 0.249205f, 0.2492f, 0.249194f, 0.249188f, 0.249183f, 0.249177f, 0.249171f, 0.249165f, 0.24916f, 0.249154f,
-0.249148f, 0.249143f, 0.249137f, 0.249131f, 0.249126f, 0.24912f, 0.249114f, 0.249109f, 0.249103f, 0.249097f, 0.249092f, 0.249086f, 0.24908f, 0.249075f, 0.249069f, 0.249063f, 0.249058f, 0.249052f, 0.249046f, 0.24904f,
-0.249035f, 0.249029f, 0.249023f, 0.249018f, 0.249012f, 0.249006f, 0.249001f, 0.248995f, 0.248989f, 0.248984f, 0.248978f, 0.248972f, 0.248967f, 0.248961f, 0.248955f, 0.24895f, 0.248944f, 0.248938f, 0.248933f, 0.248927f,
-0.248921f, 0.248916f, 0.24891f, 0.248904f, 0.248899f, 0.248893f, 0.248887f, 0.248882f, 0.248876f, 0.24887f, 0.248865f, 0.248859f, 0.248853f, 0.248848f, 0.248842f, 0.248836f, 0.248831f, 0.248825f, 0.248819f, 0.248814f,
-0.248808f, 0.248802f, 0.248797f, 0.248791f, 0.248785f, 0.24878f, 0.248774f, 0.248768f, 0.248763f, 0.248757f, 0.248751f, 0.248746f, 0.24874f, 0.248734f, 0.248729f, 0.248723f, 0.248717f, 0.248712f, 0.248706f, 0.2487f,
-0.248695f, 0.248689f, 0.248683f, 0.248678f, 0.248672f, 0.248666f, 0.248661f, 0.248655f, 0.248649f, 0.248644f, 0.248638f, 0.248632f, 0.248627f, 0.248621f, 0.248615f, 0.24861f, 0.248604f, 0.248598f, 0.248593f, 0.248587f,
-0.248581f, 0.248576f, 0.24857f, 0.248564f, 0.248559f, 0.248553f, 0.248547f, 0.248542f, 0.248536f, 0.24853f, 0.248525f, 0.248519f, 0.248514f, 0.248508f, 0.248502f, 0.248497f, 0.248491f, 0.248485f, 0.24848f, 0.248474f,
-0.248468f, 0.248463f, 0.248457f, 0.248451f, 0.248446f, 0.24844f, 0.248434f, 0.248429f, 0.248423f, 0.248417f, 0.248412f, 0.248406f, 0.2484f, 0.248395f, 0.248389f, 0.248384f, 0.248378f, 0.248372f, 0.248367f, 0.248361f,
-0.248355f, 0.24835f, 0.248344f, 0.248338f, 0.248333f, 0.248327f, 0.248321f, 0.248316f, 0.24831f, 0.248305f, 0.248299f, 0.248293f, 0.248288f, 0.248282f, 0.248276f, 0.248271f, 0.248265f, 0.248259f, 0.248254f, 0.248248f,
-0.248242f, 0.248237f, 0.248231f, 0.248225f, 0.24822f, 0.248214f, 0.248209f, 0.248203f, 0.248197f, 0.248192f, 0.248186f, 0.24818f, 0.248175f, 0.248169f, 0.248163f, 0.248158f, 0.248152f, 0.248147f, 0.248141f, 0.248135f,
-0.24813f, 0.248124f, 0.248118f, 0.248113f, 0.248107f, 0.248101f, 0.248096f, 0.24809f, 0.248085f, 0.248079f, 0.248073f, 0.248068f, 0.248062f, 0.248056f, 0.248051f, 0.248045f, 0.248039f, 0.248034f, 0.248028f, 0.248023f,
-0.248017f, 0.248011f, 0.248006f, 0.248f, 0.247994f, 0.247989f, 0.247983f, 0.247978f, 0.247972f, 0.247966f, 0.247961f, 0.247955f, 0.247949f, 0.247944f, 0.247938f, 0.247933f, 0.247927f, 0.247921f, 0.247916f, 0.24791f,
-0.247904f, 0.247899f, 0.247893f, 0.247887f, 0.247882f, 0.247876f, 0.247871f, 0.247865f, 0.247859f, 0.247854f, 0.247848f, 0.247842f, 0.247837f, 0.247831f, 0.247826f, 0.24782f, 0.247814f, 0.247809f, 0.247803f, 0.247798f,
-0.247792f, 0.247786f, 0.247781f, 0.247775f, 0.247769f, 0.247764f, 0.247758f, 0.247753f, 0.247747f, 0.247741f, 0.247736f, 0.24773f, 0.247724f, 0.247719f, 0.247713f, 0.247708f, 0.247702f, 0.247696f, 0.247691f, 0.247685f,
-0.24768f, 0.247674f, 0.247668f, 0.247663f, 0.247657f, 0.247651f, 0.247646f, 0.24764f, 0.247635f, 0.247629f, 0.247623f, 0.247618f, 0.247612f, 0.247607f, 0.247601f, 0.247595f, 0.24759f, 0.247584f, 0.247578f, 0.247573f,
-0.247567f, 0.247562f, 0.247556f, 0.24755f, 0.247545f, 0.247539f, 0.247534f, 0.247528f, 0.247522f, 0.247517f, 0.247511f, 0.247506f, 0.2475f, 0.247494f, 0.247489f, 0.247483f, 0.247477f, 0.247472f, 0.247466f, 0.247461f,
-0.247455f, 0.247449f, 0.247444f, 0.247438f, 0.247433f, 0.247427f, 0.247421f, 0.247416f, 0.24741f, 0.247405f, 0.247399f, 0.247393f, 0.247388f, 0.247382f, 0.247377f, 0.247371f, 0.247365f, 0.24736f, 0.247354f, 0.247349f,
-0.247343f, 0.247337f, 0.247332f, 0.247326f, 0.247321f, 0.247315f, 0.247309f, 0.247304f, 0.247298f, 0.247293f, 0.247287f, 0.247281f, 0.247276f, 0.24727f, 0.247265f, 0.247259f, 0.247253f, 0.247248f, 0.247242f, 0.247237f,
-0.247231f, 0.247225f, 0.24722f, 0.247214f, 0.247209f, 0.247203f, 0.247197f, 0.247192f, 0.247186f, 0.247181f, 0.247175f, 0.247169f, 0.247164f, 0.247158f, 0.247153f, 0.247147f, 0.247142f, 0.247136f, 0.24713f, 0.247125f,
-0.247119f, 0.247114f, 0.247108f, 0.247102f, 0.247097f, 0.247091f, 0.247086f, 0.24708f, 0.247074f, 0.247069f, 0.247063f, 0.247058f, 0.247052f, 0.247046f, 0.247041f, 0.247035f, 0.24703f, 0.247024f, 0.247019f, 0.247013f,
-0.247007f, 0.247002f, 0.246996f, 0.246991f, 0.246985f, 0.246979f, 0.246974f, 0.246968f, 0.246963f, 0.246957f, 0.246952f, 0.246946f, 0.24694f, 0.246935f, 0.246929f, 0.246924f, 0.246918f, 0.246912f, 0.246907f, 0.246901f,
-0.246896f, 0.24689f, 0.246885f, 0.246879f, 0.246873f, 0.246868f, 0.246862f, 0.246857f, 0.246851f, 0.246846f, 0.24684f, 0.246834f, 0.246829f, 0.246823f, 0.246818f, 0.246812f, 0.246806f, 0.246801f, 0.246795f, 0.24679f,
-0.246784f, 0.246779f, 0.246773f, 0.246767f, 0.246762f, 0.246756f, 0.246751f, 0.246745f, 0.24674f, 0.246734f, 0.246728f, 0.246723f, 0.246717f, 0.246712f, 0.246706f, 0.246701f, 0.246695f, 0.246689f, 0.246684f, 0.246678f,
-0.246673f, 0.246667f, 0.246662f, 0.246656f, 0.24665f, 0.246645f, 0.246639f, 0.246634f, 0.246628f, 0.246623f, 0.246617f, 0.246611f, 0.246606f, 0.2466f, 0.246595f, 0.246589f, 0.246584f, 0.246578f, 0.246572f, 0.246567f,
-0.246561f, 0.246556f, 0.24655f, 0.246545f, 0.246539f, 0.246533f, 0.246528f, 0.246522f, 0.246517f, 0.246511f, 0.246506f, 0.2465f, 0.246495f, 0.246489f, 0.246483f, 0.246478f, 0.246472f, 0.246467f, 0.246461f, 0.246456f,
-0.24645f, 0.246444f, 0.246439f, 0.246433f, 0.246428f, 0.246422f, 0.246417f, 0.246411f, 0.246406f, 0.2464f, 0.246394f, 0.246389f, 0.246383f, 0.246378f, 0.246372f, 0.246367f, 0.246361f, 0.246356f, 0.24635f, 0.246344f,
-0.246339f, 0.246333f, 0.246328f, 0.246322f, 0.246317f, 0.246311f, 0.246306f, 0.2463f, 0.246294f, 0.246289f, 0.246283f, 0.246278f, 0.246272f, 0.246267f, 0.246261f, 0.246256f, 0.24625f, 0.246244f, 0.246239f, 0.246233f,
-0.246228f, 0.246222f, 0.246217f, 0.246211f, 0.246206f, 0.2462f, 0.246195f, 0.246189f, 0.246183f, 0.246178f, 0.246172f, 0.246167f, 0.246161f, 0.246156f, 0.24615f, 0.246145f, 0.246139f, 0.246134f, 0.246128f, 0.246122f,
-0.246117f, 0.246111f, 0.246106f, 0.2461f, 0.246095f, 0.246089f, 0.246084f, 0.246078f, 0.246073f, 0.246067f, 0.246061f, 0.246056f, 0.24605f, 0.246045f, 0.246039f, 0.246034f, 0.246028f, 0.246023f, 0.246017f, 0.246012f,
-0.246006f, 0.246f, 0.245995f, 0.245989f, 0.245984f, 0.245978f, 0.245973f, 0.245967f, 0.245962f, 0.245956f, 0.245951f, 0.245945f, 0.24594f, 0.245934f, 0.245928f, 0.245923f, 0.245917f, 0.245912f, 0.245906f, 0.245901f,
-0.245895f, 0.24589f, 0.245884f, 0.245879f, 0.245873f, 0.245868f, 0.245862f, 0.245856f, 0.245851f, 0.245845f, 0.24584f, 0.245834f, 0.245829f, 0.245823f, 0.245818f, 0.245812f, 0.245807f, 0.245801f, 0.245796f, 0.24579f,
-0.245785f, 0.245779f, 0.245774f, 0.245768f, 0.245762f, 0.245757f, 0.245751f, 0.245746f, 0.24574f, 0.245735f, 0.245729f, 0.245724f, 0.245718f, 0.245713f, 0.245707f, 0.245702f, 0.245696f, 0.245691f, 0.245685f, 0.24568f,
-0.245674f, 0.245668f, 0.245663f, 0.245657f, 0.245652f, 0.245646f, 0.245641f, 0.245635f, 0.24563f, 0.245624f, 0.245619f, 0.245613f, 0.245608f, 0.245602f, 0.245597f, 0.245591f, 0.245586f, 0.24558f, 0.245575f, 0.245569f,
-0.245564f, 0.245558f, 0.245553f, 0.245547f, 0.245541f, 0.245536f, 0.24553f, 0.245525f, 0.245519f, 0.245514f, 0.245508f, 0.245503f, 0.245497f, 0.245492f, 0.245486f, 0.245481f, 0.245475f, 0.24547f, 0.245464f, 0.245459f,
-0.245453f, 0.245448f, 0.245442f, 0.245437f, 0.245431f, 0.245426f, 0.24542f, 0.245415f, 0.245409f, 0.245404f, 0.245398f, 0.245393f, 0.245387f, 0.245381f, 0.245376f, 0.24537f, 0.245365f, 0.245359f, 0.245354f, 0.245348f,
-0.245343f, 0.245337f, 0.245332f, 0.245326f, 0.245321f, 0.245315f, 0.24531f, 0.245304f, 0.245299f, 0.245293f, 0.245288f, 0.245282f, 0.245277f, 0.245271f, 0.245266f, 0.24526f, 0.245255f, 0.245249f, 0.245244f, 0.245238f,
-0.245233f, 0.245227f, 0.245222f, 0.245216f, 0.245211f, 0.245205f, 0.2452f, 0.245194f, 0.245189f, 0.245183f, 0.245178f, 0.245172f, 0.245167f, 0.245161f, 0.245156f, 0.24515f, 0.245145f, 0.245139f, 0.245134f, 0.245128f,
-0.245123f, 0.245117f, 0.245112f, 0.245106f, 0.245101f, 0.245095f, 0.24509f, 0.245084f, 0.245079f, 0.245073f, 0.245068f, 0.245062f, 0.245057f, 0.245051f, 0.245046f, 0.24504f, 0.245035f, 0.245029f, 0.245024f, 0.245018f,
-0.245013f, 0.245007f, 0.245002f, 0.244996f, 0.244991f, 0.244985f, 0.24498f, 0.244974f, 0.244969f, 0.244963f, 0.244958f, 0.244952f, 0.244947f, 0.244941f, 0.244936f, 0.24493f, 0.244925f, 0.244919f, 0.244914f, 0.244908f,
-0.244903f, 0.244897f, 0.244892f, 0.244886f, 0.244881f, 0.244875f, 0.24487f, 0.244864f, 0.244859f, 0.244853f, 0.244848f, 0.244842f, 0.244837f, 0.244831f, 0.244826f, 0.244821f, 0.244815f, 0.24481f, 0.244804f, 0.244799f,
-0.244793f, 0.244788f, 0.244782f, 0.244777f, 0.244771f, 0.244766f, 0.24476f, 0.244755f, 0.244749f, 0.244744f, 0.244738f, 0.244733f, 0.244727f, 0.244722f, 0.244716f, 0.244711f, 0.244705f, 0.2447f, 0.244694f, 0.244689f,
-0.244683f, 0.244678f, 0.244672f, 0.244667f, 0.244661f, 0.244656f, 0.244651f, 0.244645f, 0.24464f, 0.244634f, 0.244629f, 0.244623f, 0.244618f, 0.244612f, 0.244607f, 0.244601f, 0.244596f, 0.24459f, 0.244585f, 0.244579f,
-0.244574f, 0.244568f, 0.244563f, 0.244557f, 0.244552f, 0.244546f, 0.244541f, 0.244535f, 0.24453f, 0.244525f, 0.244519f, 0.244514f, 0.244508f, 0.244503f, 0.244497f, 0.244492f, 0.244486f, 0.244481f, 0.244475f, 0.24447f,
-0.244464f, 0.244459f, 0.244453f, 0.244448f, 0.244442f, 0.244437f, 0.244432f, 0.244426f, 0.244421f, 0.244415f, 0.24441f, 0.244404f, 0.244399f, 0.244393f, 0.244388f, 0.244382f, 0.244377f, 0.244371f, 0.244366f, 0.24436f,
-0.244355f, 0.244349f, 0.244344f, 0.244339f, 0.244333f, 0.244328f, 0.244322f, 0.244317f, 0.244311f, 0.244306f, 0.2443f, 0.244295f, 0.244289f, 0.244284f, 0.244278f, 0.244273f, 0.244268f, 0.244262f, 0.244257f, 0.244251f,
-0.244246f, 0.24424f, 0.244235f, 0.244229f, 0.244224f, 0.244218f, 0.244213f, 0.244207f, 0.244202f, 0.244197f, 0.244191f, 0.244186f, 0.24418f, 0.244175f, 0.244169f, 0.244164f, 0.244158f, 0.244153f, 0.244147f, 0.244142f,
-0.244136f, 0.244131f, 0.244126f, 0.24412f, 0.244115f, 0.244109f, 0.244104f, 0.244098f, 0.244093f, 0.244087f, 0.244082f, 0.244076f, 0.244071f, 0.244066f, 0.24406f, 0.244055f, 0.244049f, 0.244044f, 0.244038f, 0.244033f,
-0.244027f, 0.244022f, 0.244017f, 0.244011f, 0.244006f, 0.244f, 0.243995f, 0.243989f, 0.243984f, 0.243978f, 0.243973f, 0.243967f, 0.243962f, 0.243957f, 0.243951f, 0.243946f, 0.24394f, 0.243935f, 0.243929f, 0.243924f,
-0.243918f, 0.243913f, 0.243908f, 0.243902f, 0.243897f, 0.243891f, 0.243886f, 0.24388f, 0.243875f, 0.243869f, 0.243864f, 0.243859f, 0.243853f, 0.243848f, 0.243842f, 0.243837f, 0.243831f, 0.243826f, 0.24382f, 0.243815f,
-0.24381f, 0.243804f, 0.243799f, 0.243793f, 0.243788f, 0.243782f, 0.243777f, 0.243771f, 0.243766f, 0.243761f, 0.243755f, 0.24375f, 0.243744f, 0.243739f, 0.243733f, 0.243728f, 0.243722f, 0.243717f, 0.243712f, 0.243706f,
-0.243701f, 0.243695f, 0.24369f, 0.243684f, 0.243679f, 0.243674f, 0.243668f, 0.243663f, 0.243657f, 0.243652f, 0.243646f, 0.243641f, 0.243635f, 0.24363f, 0.243625f, 0.243619f, 0.243614f, 0.243608f, 0.243603f, 0.243597f,
-0.243592f, 0.243587f, 0.243581f, 0.243576f, 0.24357f, 0.243565f, 0.243559f, 0.243554f, 0.243549f, 0.243543f, 0.243538f, 0.243532f, 0.243527f, 0.243521f, 0.243516f, 0.243511f, 0.243505f, 0.2435f, 0.243494f, 0.243489f,
-0.243483f, 0.243478f, 0.243473f, 0.243467f, 0.243462f, 0.243456f, 0.243451f, 0.243445f, 0.24344f, 0.243435f, 0.243429f, 0.243424f, 0.243418f, 0.243413f, 0.243407f, 0.243402f, 0.243397f, 0.243391f, 0.243386f, 0.24338f,
-0.243375f, 0.24337f, 0.243364f, 0.243359f, 0.243353f, 0.243348f, 0.243342f, 0.243337f, 0.243332f, 0.243326f, 0.243321f, 0.243315f, 0.24331f, 0.243304f, 0.243299f, 0.243294f, 0.243288f, 0.243283f, 0.243277f, 0.243272f,
-0.243267f, 0.243261f, 0.243256f, 0.24325f, 0.243245f, 0.243239f, 0.243234f, 0.243229f, 0.243223f, 0.243218f, 0.243212f, 0.243207f, 0.243202f, 0.243196f, 0.243191f, 0.243185f, 0.24318f, 0.243174f, 0.243169f, 0.243164f,
-0.243158f, 0.243153f, 0.243147f, 0.243142f, 0.243137f, 0.243131f, 0.243126f, 0.24312f, 0.243115f, 0.243109f, 0.243104f, 0.243099f, 0.243093f, 0.243088f, 0.243082f, 0.243077f, 0.243072f, 0.243066f, 0.243061f, 0.243055f,
-0.24305f, 0.243045f, 0.243039f, 0.243034f, 0.243028f, 0.243023f, 0.243018f, 0.243012f, 0.243007f, 0.243001f, 0.242996f, 0.242991f, 0.242985f, 0.24298f, 0.242974f, 0.242969f, 0.242963f, 0.242958f, 0.242953f, 0.242947f,
-0.242942f, 0.242936f, 0.242931f, 0.242926f, 0.24292f, 0.242915f, 0.242909f, 0.242904f, 0.242899f, 0.242893f, 0.242888f, 0.242882f, 0.242877f, 0.242872f, 0.242866f, 0.242861f, 0.242855f, 0.24285f, 0.242845f, 0.242839f,
-0.242834f, 0.242828f, 0.242823f, 0.242818f, 0.242812f, 0.242807f, 0.242801f, 0.242796f, 0.242791f, 0.242785f, 0.24278f, 0.242774f, 0.242769f, 0.242764f, 0.242758f, 0.242753f, 0.242748f, 0.242742f, 0.242737f, 0.242731f,
-0.242726f, 0.242721f, 0.242715f, 0.24271f, 0.242704f, 0.242699f, 0.242694f, 0.242688f, 0.242683f, 0.242677f, 0.242672f, 0.242667f, 0.242661f, 0.242656f, 0.24265f, 0.242645f, 0.24264f, 0.242634f, 0.242629f, 0.242623f,
-0.242618f, 0.242613f, 0.242607f, 0.242602f, 0.242597f, 0.242591f, 0.242586f, 0.24258f, 0.242575f, 0.24257f, 0.242564f, 0.242559f, 0.242553f, 0.242548f, 0.242543f, 0.242537f, 0.242532f, 0.242527f, 0.242521f, 0.242516f,
-0.24251f, 0.242505f, 0.2425f, 0.242494f, 0.242489f, 0.242483f, 0.242478f, 0.242473f, 0.242467f, 0.242462f, 0.242457f, 0.242451f, 0.242446f, 0.24244f, 0.242435f, 0.24243f, 0.242424f, 0.242419f, 0.242413f, 0.242408f,
-0.242403f, 0.242397f, 0.242392f, 0.242387f, 0.242381f, 0.242376f, 0.24237f, 0.242365f, 0.24236f, 0.242354f, 0.242349f, 0.242344f, 0.242338f, 0.242333f, 0.242327f, 0.242322f, 0.242317f, 0.242311f, 0.242306f, 0.242301f,
-0.242295f, 0.24229f, 0.242284f, 0.242279f, 0.242274f, 0.242268f, 0.242263f, 0.242258f, 0.242252f, 0.242247f, 0.242241f, 0.242236f, 0.242231f, 0.242225f, 0.24222f, 0.242215f, 0.242209f, 0.242204f, 0.242198f, 0.242193f,
-0.242188f, 0.242182f, 0.242177f, 0.242172f, 0.242166f, 0.242161f, 0.242156f, 0.24215f, 0.242145f, 0.242139f, 0.242134f, 0.242129f, 0.242123f, 0.242118f, 0.242113f, 0.242107f, 0.242102f, 0.242096f, 0.242091f, 0.242086f,
-0.24208f, 0.242075f, 0.24207f, 0.242064f, 0.242059f, 0.242054f, 0.242048f, 0.242043f, 0.242037f, 0.242032f, 0.242027f, 0.242021f, 0.242016f, 0.242011f, 0.242005f, 0.242f, 0.241995f, 0.241989f, 0.241984f, 0.241978f,
-0.241973f, 0.241968f, 0.241962f, 0.241957f, 0.241952f, 0.241946f, 0.241941f, 0.241936f, 0.24193f, 0.241925f, 0.24192f, 0.241914f, 0.241909f, 0.241903f, 0.241898f, 0.241893f, 0.241887f, 0.241882f, 0.241877f, 0.241871f,
-0.241866f, 0.241861f, 0.241855f, 0.24185f, 0.241845f, 0.241839f, 0.241834f, 0.241828f, 0.241823f, 0.241818f, 0.241812f, 0.241807f, 0.241802f, 0.241796f, 0.241791f, 0.241786f, 0.24178f, 0.241775f, 0.24177f, 0.241764f,
-0.241759f, 0.241754f, 0.241748f, 0.241743f, 0.241737f, 0.241732f, 0.241727f, 0.241721f, 0.241716f, 0.241711f, 0.241705f, 0.2417f, 0.241695f, 0.241689f, 0.241684f, 0.241679f, 0.241673f, 0.241668f, 0.241663f, 0.241657f,
-0.241652f, 0.241647f, 0.241641f, 0.241636f, 0.241631f, 0.241625f, 0.24162f, 0.241614f, 0.241609f, 0.241604f, 0.241598f, 0.241593f, 0.241588f, 0.241582f, 0.241577f, 0.241572f, 0.241566f, 0.241561f, 0.241556f, 0.24155f,
-0.241545f, 0.24154f, 0.241534f, 0.241529f, 0.241524f, 0.241518f, 0.241513f, 0.241508f, 0.241502f, 0.241497f, 0.241492f, 0.241486f, 0.241481f, 0.241476f, 0.24147f, 0.241465f, 0.24146f, 0.241454f, 0.241449f, 0.241444f,
-0.241438f, 0.241433f, 0.241428f, 0.241422f, 0.241417f, 0.241412f, 0.241406f, 0.241401f, 0.241396f, 0.24139f, 0.241385f, 0.24138f, 0.241374f, 0.241369f, 0.241364f, 0.241358f, 0.241353f, 0.241348f, 0.241342f, 0.241337f,
-0.241332f, 0.241326f, 0.241321f, 0.241316f, 0.24131f, 0.241305f, 0.2413f, 0.241294f, 0.241289f, 0.241284f, 0.241278f, 0.241273f, 0.241268f, 0.241262f, 0.241257f, 0.241252f, 0.241246f, 0.241241f, 0.241236f, 0.24123f,
-0.241225f, 0.24122f, 0.241214f, 0.241209f, 0.241204f, 0.241198f, 0.241193f, 0.241188f, 0.241182f, 0.241177f, 0.241172f, 0.241166f, 0.241161f, 0.241156f, 0.24115f, 0.241145f, 0.24114f, 0.241134f, 0.241129f, 0.241124f,
-0.241118f, 0.241113f, 0.241108f, 0.241103f, 0.241097f, 0.241092f, 0.241087f, 0.241081f, 0.241076f, 0.241071f, 0.241065f, 0.24106f, 0.241055f, 0.241049f, 0.241044f, 0.241039f, 0.241033f, 0.241028f, 0.241023f, 0.241017f,
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-0.240906f, 0.2409f, 0.240895f, 0.24089f, 0.240884f, 0.240879f, 0.240874f, 0.240869f, 0.240863f, 0.240858f, 0.240853f, 0.240847f, 0.240842f, 0.240837f, 0.240831f, 0.240826f, 0.240821f, 0.240815f, 0.24081f, 0.240805f,
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-0.240693f, 0.240688f, 0.240683f, 0.240677f, 0.240672f, 0.240667f, 0.240662f, 0.240656f, 0.240651f, 0.240646f, 0.24064f, 0.240635f, 0.24063f, 0.240624f, 0.240619f, 0.240614f, 0.240609f, 0.240603f, 0.240598f, 0.240593f,
-0.240587f, 0.240582f, 0.240577f, 0.240571f, 0.240566f, 0.240561f, 0.240556f, 0.24055f, 0.240545f, 0.24054f, 0.240534f, 0.240529f, 0.240524f, 0.240519f, 0.240513f, 0.240508f, 0.240503f, 0.240497f, 0.240492f, 0.240487f,
-0.240481f, 0.240476f, 0.240471f, 0.240466f, 0.24046f, 0.240455f, 0.24045f, 0.240444f, 0.240439f, 0.240434f, 0.240428f, 0.240423f, 0.240418f, 0.240413f, 0.240407f, 0.240402f, 0.240397f, 0.240391f, 0.240386f, 0.240381f,
-0.240376f, 0.24037f, 0.240365f, 0.24036f, 0.240354f, 0.240349f, 0.240344f, 0.240339f, 0.240333f, 0.240328f, 0.240323f, 0.240317f, 0.240312f, 0.240307f, 0.240302f, 0.240296f, 0.240291f, 0.240286f, 0.24028f, 0.240275f,
-0.24027f, 0.240265f, 0.240259f, 0.240254f, 0.240249f, 0.240243f, 0.240238f, 0.240233f, 0.240228f, 0.240222f, 0.240217f, 0.240212f, 0.240206f, 0.240201f, 0.240196f, 0.240191f, 0.240185f, 0.24018f, 0.240175f, 0.240169f,
-0.240164f, 0.240159f, 0.240154f, 0.240148f, 0.240143f, 0.240138f, 0.240132f, 0.240127f, 0.240122f, 0.240117f, 0.240111f, 0.240106f, 0.240101f, 0.240096f, 0.24009f, 0.240085f, 0.24008f, 0.240074f, 0.240069f, 0.240064f,
-0.240059f, 0.240053f, 0.240048f, 0.240043f, 0.240038f, 0.240032f, 0.240027f, 0.240022f, 0.240016f, 0.240011f, 0.240006f, 0.240001f, 0.239995f, 0.23999f, 0.239985f, 0.239979f, 0.239974f, 0.239969f, 0.239964f, 0.239958f,
-0.239953f, 0.239948f, 0.239943f, 0.239937f, 0.239932f, 0.239927f, 0.239922f, 0.239916f, 0.239911f, 0.239906f, 0.2399f, 0.239895f, 0.23989f, 0.239885f, 0.239879f, 0.239874f, 0.239869f, 0.239864f, 0.239858f, 0.239853f,
-0.239848f, 0.239842f, 0.239837f, 0.239832f, 0.239827f, 0.239821f, 0.239816f, 0.239811f, 0.239806f, 0.2398f, 0.239795f, 0.23979f, 0.239785f, 0.239779f, 0.239774f, 0.239769f, 0.239764f, 0.239758f, 0.239753f, 0.239748f,
-0.239742f, 0.239737f, 0.239732f, 0.239727f, 0.239721f, 0.239716f, 0.239711f, 0.239706f, 0.2397f, 0.239695f, 0.23969f, 0.239685f, 0.239679f, 0.239674f, 0.239669f, 0.239664f, 0.239658f, 0.239653f, 0.239648f, 0.239643f,
-0.239637f, 0.239632f, 0.239627f, 0.239621f, 0.239616f, 0.239611f, 0.239606f, 0.2396f, 0.239595f, 0.23959f, 0.239585f, 0.239579f, 0.239574f, 0.239569f, 0.239564f, 0.239558f, 0.239553f, 0.239548f, 0.239543f, 0.239537f,
-0.239532f, 0.239527f, 0.239522f, 0.239516f, 0.239511f, 0.239506f, 0.239501f, 0.239495f, 0.23949f, 0.239485f, 0.23948f, 0.239474f, 0.239469f, 0.239464f, 0.239459f, 0.239453f, 0.239448f, 0.239443f, 0.239438f, 0.239432f,
-0.239427f, 0.239422f, 0.239417f, 0.239411f, 0.239406f, 0.239401f, 0.239396f, 0.23939f, 0.239385f, 0.23938f, 0.239375f, 0.239369f, 0.239364f, 0.239359f, 0.239354f, 0.239348f, 0.239343f, 0.239338f, 0.239333f, 0.239327f,
-0.239322f, 0.239317f, 0.239312f, 0.239307f, 0.239301f, 0.239296f, 0.239291f, 0.239286f, 0.23928f, 0.239275f, 0.23927f, 0.239265f, 0.239259f, 0.239254f, 0.239249f, 0.239244f, 0.239238f, 0.239233f, 0.239228f, 0.239223f,
-0.239217f, 0.239212f, 0.239207f, 0.239202f, 0.239196f, 0.239191f, 0.239186f, 0.239181f, 0.239175f, 0.23917f, 0.239165f, 0.23916f, 0.239155f, 0.239149f, 0.239144f, 0.239139f, 0.239134f, 0.239128f, 0.239123f, 0.239118f,
-0.239113f, 0.239107f, 0.239102f, 0.239097f, 0.239092f, 0.239086f, 0.239081f, 0.239076f, 0.239071f, 0.239066f, 0.23906f, 0.239055f, 0.23905f, 0.239045f, 0.239039f, 0.239034f, 0.239029f, 0.239024f, 0.239018f, 0.239013f,
-0.239008f, 0.239003f, 0.238998f, 0.238992f, 0.238987f, 0.238982f, 0.238977f, 0.238971f, 0.238966f, 0.238961f, 0.238956f, 0.238951f, 0.238945f, 0.23894f, 0.238935f, 0.23893f, 0.238924f, 0.238919f, 0.238914f, 0.238909f,
-0.238903f, 0.238898f, 0.238893f, 0.238888f, 0.238883f, 0.238877f, 0.238872f, 0.238867f, 0.238862f, 0.238856f, 0.238851f, 0.238846f, 0.238841f, 0.238836f, 0.23883f, 0.238825f, 0.23882f, 0.238815f, 0.238809f, 0.238804f,
-0.238799f, 0.238794f, 0.238789f, 0.238783f, 0.238778f, 0.238773f, 0.238768f, 0.238762f, 0.238757f, 0.238752f, 0.238747f, 0.238742f, 0.238736f, 0.238731f, 0.238726f, 0.238721f, 0.238716f, 0.23871f, 0.238705f, 0.2387f,
-0.238695f, 0.238689f, 0.238684f, 0.238679f, 0.238674f, 0.238669f, 0.238663f, 0.238658f, 0.238653f, 0.238648f, 0.238642f, 0.238637f, 0.238632f, 0.238627f, 0.238622f, 0.238616f, 0.238611f, 0.238606f, 0.238601f, 0.238596f,
-0.23859f, 0.238585f, 0.23858f, 0.238575f, 0.23857f, 0.238564f, 0.238559f, 0.238554f, 0.238549f, 0.238543f, 0.238538f, 0.238533f, 0.238528f, 0.238523f, 0.238517f, 0.238512f, 0.238507f, 0.238502f, 0.238497f, 0.238491f,
-0.238486f, 0.238481f, 0.238476f, 0.238471f, 0.238465f, 0.23846f, 0.238455f, 0.23845f, 0.238445f, 0.238439f, 0.238434f, 0.238429f, 0.238424f, 0.238418f, 0.238413f, 0.238408f, 0.238403f, 0.238398f, 0.238392f, 0.238387f,
-0.238382f, 0.238377f, 0.238372f, 0.238366f, 0.238361f, 0.238356f, 0.238351f, 0.238346f, 0.23834f, 0.238335f, 0.23833f, 0.238325f, 0.23832f, 0.238314f, 0.238309f, 0.238304f, 0.238299f, 0.238294f, 0.238288f, 0.238283f,
-0.238278f, 0.238273f, 0.238268f, 0.238262f, 0.238257f, 0.238252f, 0.238247f, 0.238242f, 0.238236f, 0.238231f, 0.238226f, 0.238221f, 0.238216f, 0.238211f, 0.238205f, 0.2382f, 0.238195f, 0.23819f, 0.238185f, 0.238179f,
-0.238174f, 0.238169f, 0.238164f, 0.238159f, 0.238153f, 0.238148f, 0.238143f, 0.238138f, 0.238133f, 0.238127f, 0.238122f, 0.238117f, 0.238112f, 0.238107f, 0.238101f, 0.238096f, 0.238091f, 0.238086f, 0.238081f, 0.238076f,
-0.23807f, 0.238065f, 0.23806f, 0.238055f, 0.23805f, 0.238044f, 0.238039f, 0.238034f, 0.238029f, 0.238024f, 0.238018f, 0.238013f, 0.238008f, 0.238003f, 0.237998f, 0.237993f, 0.237987f, 0.237982f, 0.237977f, 0.237972f,
-0.237967f, 0.237961f, 0.237956f, 0.237951f, 0.237946f, 0.237941f, 0.237935f, 0.23793f, 0.237925f, 0.23792f, 0.237915f, 0.23791f, 0.237904f, 0.237899f, 0.237894f, 0.237889f, 0.237884f, 0.237878f, 0.237873f, 0.237868f,
-0.237863f, 0.237858f, 0.237853f, 0.237847f, 0.237842f, 0.237837f, 0.237832f, 0.237827f, 0.237822f, 0.237816f, 0.237811f, 0.237806f, 0.237801f, 0.237796f, 0.23779f, 0.237785f, 0.23778f, 0.237775f, 0.23777f, 0.237765f,
-0.237759f, 0.237754f, 0.237749f, 0.237744f, 0.237739f, 0.237734f, 0.237728f, 0.237723f, 0.237718f, 0.237713f, 0.237708f, 0.237702f, 0.237697f, 0.237692f, 0.237687f, 0.237682f, 0.237677f, 0.237671f, 0.237666f, 0.237661f,
-0.237656f, 0.237651f, 0.237646f, 0.23764f, 0.237635f, 0.23763f, 0.237625f, 0.23762f, 0.237615f, 0.237609f, 0.237604f, 0.237599f, 0.237594f, 0.237589f, 0.237584f, 0.237578f, 0.237573f, 0.237568f, 0.237563f, 0.237558f,
-0.237553f, 0.237547f, 0.237542f, 0.237537f, 0.237532f, 0.237527f, 0.237522f, 0.237516f, 0.237511f, 0.237506f, 0.237501f, 0.237496f, 0.237491f, 0.237485f, 0.23748f, 0.237475f, 0.23747f, 0.237465f, 0.23746f, 0.237454f,
-0.237449f, 0.237444f, 0.237439f, 0.237434f, 0.237429f, 0.237423f, 0.237418f, 0.237413f, 0.237408f, 0.237403f, 0.237398f, 0.237393f, 0.237387f, 0.237382f, 0.237377f, 0.237372f, 0.237367f, 0.237362f, 0.237356f, 0.237351f,
-0.237346f, 0.237341f, 0.237336f, 0.237331f, 0.237325f, 0.23732f, 0.237315f, 0.23731f, 0.237305f, 0.2373f, 0.237295f, 0.237289f, 0.237284f, 0.237279f, 0.237274f, 0.237269f, 0.237264f, 0.237258f, 0.237253f, 0.237248f,
-0.237243f, 0.237238f, 0.237233f, 0.237228f, 0.237222f, 0.237217f, 0.237212f, 0.237207f, 0.237202f, 0.237197f, 0.237191f, 0.237186f, 0.237181f, 0.237176f, 0.237171f, 0.237166f, 0.237161f, 0.237155f, 0.23715f, 0.237145f,
-0.23714f, 0.237135f, 0.23713f, 0.237125f, 0.237119f, 0.237114f, 0.237109f, 0.237104f, 0.237099f, 0.237094f, 0.237088f, 0.237083f, 0.237078f, 0.237073f, 0.237068f, 0.237063f, 0.237058f, 0.237052f, 0.237047f, 0.237042f,
-0.237037f, 0.237032f, 0.237027f, 0.237022f, 0.237016f, 0.237011f, 0.237006f, 0.237001f, 0.236996f, 0.236991f, 0.236986f, 0.23698f, 0.236975f, 0.23697f, 0.236965f, 0.23696f, 0.236955f, 0.23695f, 0.236944f, 0.236939f,
-0.236934f, 0.236929f, 0.236924f, 0.236919f, 0.236914f, 0.236909f, 0.236903f, 0.236898f, 0.236893f, 0.236888f, 0.236883f, 0.236878f, 0.236873f, 0.236867f, 0.236862f, 0.236857f, 0.236852f, 0.236847f, 0.236842f, 0.236837f,
-0.236831f, 0.236826f, 0.236821f, 0.236816f, 0.236811f, 0.236806f, 0.236801f, 0.236796f, 0.23679f, 0.236785f, 0.23678f, 0.236775f, 0.23677f, 0.236765f, 0.23676f, 0.236754f, 0.236749f, 0.236744f, 0.236739f, 0.236734f,
-0.236729f, 0.236724f, 0.236719f, 0.236713f, 0.236708f, 0.236703f, 0.236698f, 0.236693f, 0.236688f, 0.236683f, 0.236678f, 0.236672f, 0.236667f, 0.236662f, 0.236657f, 0.236652f, 0.236647f, 0.236642f, 0.236636f, 0.236631f,
-0.236626f, 0.236621f, 0.236616f, 0.236611f, 0.236606f, 0.236601f, 0.236595f, 0.23659f, 0.236585f, 0.23658f, 0.236575f, 0.23657f, 0.236565f, 0.23656f, 0.236554f, 0.236549f, 0.236544f, 0.236539f, 0.236534f, 0.236529f,
-0.236524f, 0.236519f, 0.236514f, 0.236508f, 0.236503f, 0.236498f, 0.236493f, 0.236488f, 0.236483f, 0.236478f, 0.236473f, 0.236467f, 0.236462f, 0.236457f, 0.236452f, 0.236447f, 0.236442f, 0.236437f, 0.236432f, 0.236426f,
-0.236421f, 0.236416f, 0.236411f, 0.236406f, 0.236401f, 0.236396f, 0.236391f, 0.236386f, 0.23638f, 0.236375f, 0.23637f, 0.236365f, 0.23636f, 0.236355f, 0.23635f, 0.236345f, 0.23634f, 0.236334f, 0.236329f, 0.236324f,
-0.236319f, 0.236314f, 0.236309f, 0.236304f, 0.236299f, 0.236293f, 0.236288f, 0.236283f, 0.236278f, 0.236273f, 0.236268f, 0.236263f, 0.236258f, 0.236253f, 0.236247f, 0.236242f, 0.236237f, 0.236232f, 0.236227f, 0.236222f,
-0.236217f, 0.236212f, 0.236207f, 0.236202f, 0.236196f, 0.236191f, 0.236186f, 0.236181f, 0.236176f, 0.236171f, 0.236166f, 0.236161f, 0.236156f, 0.23615f, 0.236145f, 0.23614f, 0.236135f, 0.23613f, 0.236125f, 0.23612f,
-0.236115f, 0.23611f, 0.236105f, 0.236099f, 0.236094f, 0.236089f, 0.236084f, 0.236079f, 0.236074f, 0.236069f, 0.236064f, 0.236059f, 0.236053f, 0.236048f, 0.236043f, 0.236038f, 0.236033f, 0.236028f, 0.236023f, 0.236018f,
-0.236013f, 0.236008f, 0.236002f, 0.235997f, 0.235992f, 0.235987f, 0.235982f, 0.235977f, 0.235972f, 0.235967f, 0.235962f, 0.235957f, 0.235951f, 0.235946f, 0.235941f, 0.235936f, 0.235931f, 0.235926f, 0.235921f, 0.235916f,
-0.235911f, 0.235906f, 0.235901f, 0.235895f, 0.23589f, 0.235885f, 0.23588f, 0.235875f, 0.23587f, 0.235865f, 0.23586f, 0.235855f, 0.23585f, 0.235845f, 0.235839f, 0.235834f, 0.235829f, 0.235824f, 0.235819f, 0.235814f,
-0.235809f, 0.235804f, 0.235799f, 0.235794f, 0.235789f, 0.235783f, 0.235778f, 0.235773f, 0.235768f, 0.235763f, 0.235758f, 0.235753f, 0.235748f, 0.235743f, 0.235738f, 0.235733f, 0.235727f, 0.235722f, 0.235717f, 0.235712f,
-0.235707f, 0.235702f, 0.235697f, 0.235692f, 0.235687f, 0.235682f, 0.235677f, 0.235671f, 0.235666f, 0.235661f, 0.235656f, 0.235651f, 0.235646f, 0.235641f, 0.235636f, 0.235631f, 0.235626f, 0.235621f, 0.235616f, 0.23561f,
-0.235605f, 0.2356f, 0.235595f, 0.23559f, 0.235585f, 0.23558f, 0.235575f, 0.23557f, 0.235565f, 0.23556f, 0.235555f, 0.23555f, 0.235544f, 0.235539f, 0.235534f, 0.235529f, 0.235524f, 0.235519f, 0.235514f, 0.235509f,
-0.235504f, 0.235499f, 0.235494f, 0.235489f, 0.235484f, 0.235478f, 0.235473f, 0.235468f, 0.235463f, 0.235458f, 0.235453f, 0.235448f, 0.235443f, 0.235438f, 0.235433f, 0.235428f, 0.235423f, 0.235418f, 0.235412f, 0.235407f,
-0.235402f, 0.235397f, 0.235392f, 0.235387f, 0.235382f, 0.235377f, 0.235372f, 0.235367f, 0.235362f, 0.235357f, 0.235352f, 0.235347f, 0.235341f, 0.235336f, 0.235331f, 0.235326f, 0.235321f, 0.235316f, 0.235311f, 0.235306f,
-0.235301f, 0.235296f, 0.235291f, 0.235286f, 0.235281f, 0.235276f, 0.23527f, 0.235265f, 0.23526f, 0.235255f, 0.23525f, 0.235245f, 0.23524f, 0.235235f, 0.23523f, 0.235225f, 0.23522f, 0.235215f, 0.23521f, 0.235205f,
-0.2352f, 0.235194f, 0.235189f, 0.235184f, 0.235179f, 0.235174f, 0.235169f, 0.235164f, 0.235159f, 0.235154f, 0.235149f, 0.235144f, 0.235139f, 0.235134f, 0.235129f, 0.235124f, 0.235119f, 0.235113f, 0.235108f, 0.235103f,
-0.235098f, 0.235093f, 0.235088f, 0.235083f, 0.235078f, 0.235073f, 0.235068f, 0.235063f, 0.235058f, 0.235053f, 0.235048f, 0.235043f, 0.235038f, 0.235033f, 0.235027f, 0.235022f, 0.235017f, 0.235012f, 0.235007f, 0.235002f,
-0.234997f, 0.234992f, 0.234987f, 0.234982f, 0.234977f, 0.234972f, 0.234967f, 0.234962f, 0.234957f, 0.234952f, 0.234947f, 0.234942f, 0.234936f, 0.234931f, 0.234926f, 0.234921f, 0.234916f, 0.234911f, 0.234906f, 0.234901f,
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-0.234795f, 0.23479f, 0.234785f, 0.23478f, 0.234775f, 0.23477f, 0.234765f, 0.23476f, 0.234755f, 0.23475f, 0.234745f, 0.23474f, 0.234735f, 0.234729f, 0.234724f, 0.234719f, 0.234714f, 0.234709f, 0.234704f, 0.234699f,
-0.234694f, 0.234689f, 0.234684f, 0.234679f, 0.234674f, 0.234669f, 0.234664f, 0.234659f, 0.234654f, 0.234649f, 0.234644f, 0.234639f, 0.234634f, 0.234629f, 0.234624f, 0.234619f, 0.234614f, 0.234608f, 0.234603f, 0.234598f,
-0.234593f, 0.234588f, 0.234583f, 0.234578f, 0.234573f, 0.234568f, 0.234563f, 0.234558f, 0.234553f, 0.234548f, 0.234543f, 0.234538f, 0.234533f, 0.234528f, 0.234523f, 0.234518f, 0.234513f, 0.234508f, 0.234503f, 0.234498f,
-0.234493f, 0.234488f, 0.234483f, 0.234478f, 0.234472f, 0.234467f, 0.234462f, 0.234457f, 0.234452f, 0.234447f, 0.234442f, 0.234437f, 0.234432f, 0.234427f, 0.234422f, 0.234417f, 0.234412f, 0.234407f, 0.234402f, 0.234397f,
-0.234392f, 0.234387f, 0.234382f, 0.234377f, 0.234372f, 0.234367f, 0.234362f, 0.234357f, 0.234352f, 0.234347f, 0.234342f, 0.234337f, 0.234332f, 0.234327f, 0.234322f, 0.234317f, 0.234312f, 0.234307f, 0.234301f, 0.234296f,
-0.234291f, 0.234286f, 0.234281f, 0.234276f, 0.234271f, 0.234266f, 0.234261f, 0.234256f, 0.234251f, 0.234246f, 0.234241f, 0.234236f, 0.234231f, 0.234226f, 0.234221f, 0.234216f, 0.234211f, 0.234206f, 0.234201f, 0.234196f,
-0.234191f, 0.234186f, 0.234181f, 0.234176f, 0.234171f, 0.234166f, 0.234161f, 0.234156f, 0.234151f, 0.234146f, 0.234141f, 0.234136f, 0.234131f, 0.234126f, 0.234121f, 0.234116f, 0.234111f, 0.234106f, 0.234101f, 0.234096f,
-0.234091f, 0.234086f, 0.234081f, 0.234076f, 0.234071f, 0.234066f, 0.23406f, 0.234055f, 0.23405f, 0.234045f, 0.23404f, 0.234035f, 0.23403f, 0.234025f, 0.23402f, 0.234015f, 0.23401f, 0.234005f, 0.234f, 0.233995f,
-0.23399f, 0.233985f, 0.23398f, 0.233975f, 0.23397f, 0.233965f, 0.23396f, 0.233955f, 0.23395f, 0.233945f, 0.23394f, 0.233935f, 0.23393f, 0.233925f, 0.23392f, 0.233915f, 0.23391f, 0.233905f, 0.2339f, 0.233895f,
-0.23389f, 0.233885f, 0.23388f, 0.233875f, 0.23387f, 0.233865f, 0.23386f, 0.233855f, 0.23385f, 0.233845f, 0.23384f, 0.233835f, 0.23383f, 0.233825f, 0.23382f, 0.233815f, 0.23381f, 0.233805f, 0.2338f, 0.233795f,
-0.23379f, 0.233785f, 0.23378f, 0.233775f, 0.23377f, 0.233765f, 0.23376f, 0.233755f, 0.23375f, 0.233745f, 0.23374f, 0.233735f, 0.23373f, 0.233725f, 0.23372f, 0.233715f, 0.23371f, 0.233705f, 0.2337f, 0.233695f,
-0.23369f, 0.233685f, 0.23368f, 0.233675f, 0.23367f, 0.233665f, 0.23366f, 0.233655f, 0.23365f, 0.233645f, 0.23364f, 0.233635f, 0.23363f, 0.233625f, 0.23362f, 0.233615f, 0.23361f, 0.233605f, 0.2336f, 0.233595f,
-0.23359f, 0.233585f, 0.23358f, 0.233575f, 0.23357f, 0.233565f, 0.23356f, 0.233555f, 0.23355f, 0.233545f, 0.23354f, 0.233535f, 0.23353f, 0.233525f, 0.23352f, 0.233515f, 0.23351f, 0.233505f, 0.2335f, 0.233495f,
-0.23349f, 0.233485f, 0.23348f, 0.233475f, 0.23347f, 0.233465f, 0.23346f, 0.233455f, 0.23345f, 0.233445f, 0.23344f, 0.233435f, 0.23343f, 0.233425f, 0.23342f, 0.233415f, 0.23341f, 0.233405f, 0.2334f, 0.233395f,
-0.23339f, 0.233385f, 0.23338f, 0.233375f, 0.23337f, 0.233365f, 0.23336f, 0.233355f, 0.23335f, 0.233345f, 0.23334f, 0.233335f, 0.23333f, 0.233326f, 0.233321f, 0.233316f, 0.233311f, 0.233306f, 0.233301f, 0.233296f,
-0.233291f, 0.233286f, 0.233281f, 0.233276f, 0.233271f, 0.233266f, 0.233261f, 0.233256f, 0.233251f, 0.233246f, 0.233241f, 0.233236f, 0.233231f, 0.233226f, 0.233221f, 0.233216f, 0.233211f, 0.233206f, 0.233201f, 0.233196f,
-0.233191f, 0.233186f, 0.233181f, 0.233176f, 0.233171f, 0.233166f, 0.233161f, 0.233156f, 0.233151f, 0.233146f, 0.233141f, 0.233136f, 0.233131f, 0.233126f, 0.233121f, 0.233116f, 0.233111f, 0.233106f, 0.233101f, 0.233096f,
-0.233091f, 0.233087f, 0.233082f, 0.233077f, 0.233072f, 0.233067f, 0.233062f, 0.233057f, 0.233052f, 0.233047f, 0.233042f, 0.233037f, 0.233032f, 0.233027f, 0.233022f, 0.233017f, 0.233012f, 0.233007f, 0.233002f, 0.232997f,
-0.232992f, 0.232987f, 0.232982f, 0.232977f, 0.232972f, 0.232967f, 0.232962f, 0.232957f, 0.232952f, 0.232947f, 0.232942f, 0.232937f, 0.232932f, 0.232927f, 0.232922f, 0.232918f, 0.232913f, 0.232908f, 0.232903f, 0.232898f,
-0.232893f, 0.232888f, 0.232883f, 0.232878f, 0.232873f, 0.232868f, 0.232863f, 0.232858f, 0.232853f, 0.232848f, 0.232843f, 0.232838f, 0.232833f, 0.232828f, 0.232823f, 0.232818f, 0.232813f, 0.232808f, 0.232803f, 0.232798f,
-0.232793f, 0.232788f, 0.232783f, 0.232779f, 0.232774f, 0.232769f, 0.232764f, 0.232759f, 0.232754f, 0.232749f, 0.232744f, 0.232739f, 0.232734f, 0.232729f, 0.232724f, 0.232719f, 0.232714f, 0.232709f, 0.232704f, 0.232699f,
-0.232694f, 0.232689f, 0.232684f, 0.232679f, 0.232674f, 0.232669f, 0.232664f, 0.23266f, 0.232655f, 0.23265f, 0.232645f, 0.23264f, 0.232635f, 0.23263f, 0.232625f, 0.23262f, 0.232615f, 0.23261f, 0.232605f, 0.2326f,
-0.232595f, 0.23259f, 0.232585f, 0.23258f, 0.232575f, 0.23257f, 0.232565f, 0.23256f, 0.232555f, 0.232551f, 0.232546f, 0.232541f, 0.232536f, 0.232531f, 0.232526f, 0.232521f, 0.232516f, 0.232511f, 0.232506f, 0.232501f,
-0.232496f, 0.232491f, 0.232486f, 0.232481f, 0.232476f, 0.232471f, 0.232466f, 0.232461f, 0.232457f, 0.232452f, 0.232447f, 0.232442f, 0.232437f, 0.232432f, 0.232427f, 0.232422f, 0.232417f, 0.232412f, 0.232407f, 0.232402f,
-0.232397f, 0.232392f, 0.232387f, 0.232382f, 0.232377f, 0.232372f, 0.232367f, 0.232363f, 0.232358f, 0.232353f, 0.232348f, 0.232343f, 0.232338f, 0.232333f, 0.232328f, 0.232323f, 0.232318f, 0.232313f, 0.232308f, 0.232303f,
-0.232298f, 0.232293f, 0.232288f, 0.232283f, 0.232279f, 0.232274f, 0.232269f, 0.232264f, 0.232259f, 0.232254f, 0.232249f, 0.232244f, 0.232239f, 0.232234f, 0.232229f, 0.232224f, 0.232219f, 0.232214f, 0.232209f, 0.232204f,
-0.2322f, 0.232195f, 0.23219f, 0.232185f, 0.23218f, 0.232175f, 0.23217f, 0.232165f, 0.23216f, 0.232155f, 0.23215f, 0.232145f, 0.23214f, 0.232135f, 0.23213f, 0.232126f, 0.232121f, 0.232116f, 0.232111f, 0.232106f,
-0.232101f, 0.232096f, 0.232091f, 0.232086f, 0.232081f, 0.232076f, 0.232071f, 0.232066f, 0.232061f, 0.232056f, 0.232052f, 0.232047f, 0.232042f, 0.232037f, 0.232032f, 0.232027f, 0.232022f, 0.232017f, 0.232012f, 0.232007f,
-0.232002f, 0.231997f, 0.231992f, 0.231987f, 0.231983f, 0.231978f, 0.231973f, 0.231968f, 0.231963f, 0.231958f, 0.231953f, 0.231948f, 0.231943f, 0.231938f, 0.231933f, 0.231928f, 0.231923f, 0.231919f, 0.231914f, 0.231909f,
-0.231904f, 0.231899f, 0.231894f, 0.231889f, 0.231884f, 0.231879f, 0.231874f, 0.231869f, 0.231864f, 0.231859f, 0.231855f, 0.23185f, 0.231845f, 0.23184f, 0.231835f, 0.23183f, 0.231825f, 0.23182f, 0.231815f, 0.23181f,
-0.231805f, 0.2318f, 0.231795f, 0.231791f, 0.231786f, 0.231781f, 0.231776f, 0.231771f, 0.231766f, 0.231761f, 0.231756f, 0.231751f, 0.231746f, 0.231741f, 0.231736f, 0.231732f, 0.231727f, 0.231722f, 0.231717f, 0.231712f,
-0.231707f, 0.231702f, 0.231697f, 0.231692f, 0.231687f, 0.231682f, 0.231677f, 0.231673f, 0.231668f, 0.231663f, 0.231658f, 0.231653f, 0.231648f, 0.231643f, 0.231638f, 0.231633f, 0.231628f, 0.231623f, 0.231619f, 0.231614f,
-0.231609f, 0.231604f, 0.231599f, 0.231594f, 0.231589f, 0.231584f, 0.231579f, 0.231574f, 0.231569f, 0.231565f, 0.23156f, 0.231555f, 0.23155f, 0.231545f, 0.23154f, 0.231535f, 0.23153f, 0.231525f, 0.23152f, 0.231515f,
-0.231511f, 0.231506f, 0.231501f, 0.231496f, 0.231491f, 0.231486f, 0.231481f, 0.231476f, 0.231471f, 0.231466f, 0.231461f, 0.231457f, 0.231452f, 0.231447f, 0.231442f, 0.231437f, 0.231432f, 0.231427f, 0.231422f, 0.231417f,
-0.231412f, 0.231408f, 0.231403f, 0.231398f, 0.231393f, 0.231388f, 0.231383f, 0.231378f, 0.231373f, 0.231368f, 0.231363f, 0.231359f, 0.231354f, 0.231349f, 0.231344f, 0.231339f, 0.231334f, 0.231329f, 0.231324f, 0.231319f,
-0.231314f, 0.23131f, 0.231305f, 0.2313f, 0.231295f, 0.23129f, 0.231285f, 0.23128f, 0.231275f, 0.23127f, 0.231265f, 0.231261f, 0.231256f, 0.231251f, 0.231246f, 0.231241f, 0.231236f, 0.231231f, 0.231226f, 0.231221f,
-0.231216f, 0.231212f, 0.231207f, 0.231202f, 0.231197f, 0.231192f, 0.231187f, 0.231182f, 0.231177f, 0.231172f, 0.231168f, 0.231163f, 0.231158f, 0.231153f, 0.231148f, 0.231143f, 0.231138f, 0.231133f, 0.231128f, 0.231124f,
-0.231119f, 0.231114f, 0.231109f, 0.231104f, 0.231099f, 0.231094f, 0.231089f, 0.231084f, 0.23108f, 0.231075f, 0.23107f, 0.231065f, 0.23106f, 0.231055f, 0.23105f, 0.231045f, 0.23104f, 0.231036f, 0.231031f, 0.231026f,
-0.231021f, 0.231016f, 0.231011f, 0.231006f, 0.231001f, 0.230996f, 0.230992f, 0.230987f, 0.230982f, 0.230977f, 0.230972f, 0.230967f, 0.230962f, 0.230957f, 0.230952f, 0.230948f, 0.230943f, 0.230938f, 0.230933f, 0.230928f,
-0.230923f, 0.230918f, 0.230913f, 0.230909f, 0.230904f, 0.230899f, 0.230894f, 0.230889f, 0.230884f, 0.230879f, 0.230874f, 0.230869f, 0.230865f, 0.23086f, 0.230855f, 0.23085f, 0.230845f, 0.23084f, 0.230835f, 0.23083f,
-0.230826f, 0.230821f, 0.230816f, 0.230811f, 0.230806f, 0.230801f, 0.230796f, 0.230791f, 0.230787f, 0.230782f, 0.230777f, 0.230772f, 0.230767f, 0.230762f, 0.230757f, 0.230752f, 0.230748f, 0.230743f, 0.230738f, 0.230733f,
-0.230728f, 0.230723f, 0.230718f, 0.230713f, 0.230709f, 0.230704f, 0.230699f, 0.230694f, 0.230689f, 0.230684f, 0.230679f, 0.230674f, 0.23067f, 0.230665f, 0.23066f, 0.230655f, 0.23065f, 0.230645f, 0.23064f, 0.230636f,
-0.230631f, 0.230626f, 0.230621f, 0.230616f, 0.230611f, 0.230606f, 0.230601f, 0.230597f, 0.230592f, 0.230587f, 0.230582f, 0.230577f, 0.230572f, 0.230567f, 0.230562f, 0.230558f, 0.230553f, 0.230548f, 0.230543f, 0.230538f,
-0.230533f, 0.230528f, 0.230524f, 0.230519f, 0.230514f, 0.230509f, 0.230504f, 0.230499f, 0.230494f, 0.230489f, 0.230485f, 0.23048f, 0.230475f, 0.23047f, 0.230465f, 0.23046f, 0.230455f, 0.230451f, 0.230446f, 0.230441f,
-0.230436f, 0.230431f, 0.230426f, 0.230421f, 0.230417f, 0.230412f, 0.230407f, 0.230402f, 0.230397f, 0.230392f, 0.230387f, 0.230383f, 0.230378f, 0.230373f, 0.230368f, 0.230363f, 0.230358f, 0.230353f, 0.230349f, 0.230344f,
-0.230339f, 0.230334f, 0.230329f, 0.230324f, 0.230319f, 0.230315f, 0.23031f, 0.230305f, 0.2303f, 0.230295f, 0.23029f, 0.230285f, 0.230281f, 0.230276f, 0.230271f, 0.230266f, 0.230261f, 0.230256f, 0.230251f, 0.230247f,
-0.230242f, 0.230237f, 0.230232f, 0.230227f, 0.230222f, 0.230217f, 0.230213f, 0.230208f, 0.230203f, 0.230198f, 0.230193f, 0.230188f, 0.230183f, 0.230179f, 0.230174f, 0.230169f, 0.230164f, 0.230159f, 0.230154f, 0.23015f,
-0.230145f, 0.23014f, 0.230135f, 0.23013f, 0.230125f, 0.23012f, 0.230116f, 0.230111f, 0.230106f, 0.230101f, 0.230096f, 0.230091f, 0.230087f, 0.230082f, 0.230077f, 0.230072f, 0.230067f, 0.230062f, 0.230057f, 0.230053f,
-0.230048f, 0.230043f, 0.230038f, 0.230033f, 0.230028f, 0.230024f, 0.230019f, 0.230014f, 0.230009f, 0.230004f, 0.229999f, 0.229994f, 0.22999f, 0.229985f, 0.22998f, 0.229975f, 0.22997f, 0.229965f, 0.229961f, 0.229956f,
-0.229951f, 0.229946f, 0.229941f, 0.229936f, 0.229932f, 0.229927f, 0.229922f, 0.229917f, 0.229912f, 0.229907f, 0.229902f, 0.229898f, 0.229893f, 0.229888f, 0.229883f, 0.229878f, 0.229873f, 0.229869f, 0.229864f, 0.229859f,
-0.229854f, 0.229849f, 0.229844f, 0.22984f, 0.229835f, 0.22983f, 0.229825f, 0.22982f, 0.229815f, 0.229811f, 0.229806f, 0.229801f, 0.229796f, 0.229791f, 0.229786f, 0.229782f, 0.229777f, 0.229772f, 0.229767f, 0.229762f,
-0.229757f, 0.229753f, 0.229748f, 0.229743f, 0.229738f, 0.229733f, 0.229728f, 0.229724f, 0.229719f, 0.229714f, 0.229709f, 0.229704f, 0.229699f, 0.229695f, 0.22969f, 0.229685f, 0.22968f, 0.229675f, 0.22967f, 0.229666f,
-0.229661f, 0.229656f, 0.229651f, 0.229646f, 0.229641f, 0.229637f, 0.229632f, 0.229627f, 0.229622f, 0.229617f, 0.229613f, 0.229608f, 0.229603f, 0.229598f, 0.229593f, 0.229588f, 0.229584f, 0.229579f, 0.229574f, 0.229569f,
-0.229564f, 0.229559f, 0.229555f, 0.22955f, 0.229545f, 0.22954f, 0.229535f, 0.22953f, 0.229526f, 0.229521f, 0.229516f, 0.229511f, 0.229506f, 0.229502f, 0.229497f, 0.229492f, 0.229487f, 0.229482f, 0.229477f, 0.229473f,
-0.229468f, 0.229463f, 0.229458f, 0.229453f, 0.229449f, 0.229444f, 0.229439f, 0.229434f, 0.229429f, 0.229424f, 0.22942f, 0.229415f, 0.22941f, 0.229405f, 0.2294f, 0.229395f, 0.229391f, 0.229386f, 0.229381f, 0.229376f,
-0.229371f, 0.229367f, 0.229362f, 0.229357f, 0.229352f, 0.229347f, 0.229343f, 0.229338f, 0.229333f, 0.229328f, 0.229323f, 0.229318f, 0.229314f, 0.229309f, 0.229304f, 0.229299f, 0.229294f, 0.22929f, 0.229285f, 0.22928f,
-0.229275f, 0.22927f, 0.229265f, 0.229261f, 0.229256f, 0.229251f, 0.229246f, 0.229241f, 0.229237f, 0.229232f, 0.229227f, 0.229222f, 0.229217f, 0.229213f, 0.229208f, 0.229203f, 0.229198f, 0.229193f, 0.229189f, 0.229184f,
-0.229179f, 0.229174f, 0.229169f, 0.229164f, 0.22916f, 0.229155f, 0.22915f, 0.229145f, 0.22914f, 0.229136f, 0.229131f, 0.229126f, 0.229121f, 0.229116f, 0.229112f, 0.229107f, 0.229102f, 0.229097f, 0.229092f, 0.229088f,
-0.229083f, 0.229078f, 0.229073f, 0.229068f, 0.229064f, 0.229059f, 0.229054f, 0.229049f, 0.229044f, 0.22904f, 0.229035f, 0.22903f, 0.229025f, 0.22902f, 0.229016f, 0.229011f, 0.229006f, 0.229001f, 0.228996f, 0.228992f,
-0.228987f, 0.228982f, 0.228977f, 0.228972f, 0.228968f, 0.228963f, 0.228958f, 0.228953f, 0.228948f, 0.228944f, 0.228939f, 0.228934f, 0.228929f, 0.228924f, 0.22892f, 0.228915f, 0.22891f, 0.228905f, 0.2289f, 0.228896f,
-0.228891f, 0.228886f, 0.228881f, 0.228876f, 0.228872f, 0.228867f, 0.228862f, 0.228857f, 0.228852f, 0.228848f, 0.228843f, 0.228838f, 0.228833f, 0.228828f, 0.228824f, 0.228819f, 0.228814f, 0.228809f, 0.228804f, 0.2288f,
-0.228795f, 0.22879f, 0.228785f, 0.22878f, 0.228776f, 0.228771f, 0.228766f, 0.228761f, 0.228757f, 0.228752f, 0.228747f, 0.228742f, 0.228737f, 0.228733f, 0.228728f, 0.228723f, 0.228718f, 0.228713f, 0.228709f, 0.228704f,
-0.228699f, 0.228694f, 0.228689f, 0.228685f, 0.22868f, 0.228675f, 0.22867f, 0.228666f, 0.228661f, 0.228656f, 0.228651f, 0.228646f, 0.228642f, 0.228637f, 0.228632f, 0.228627f, 0.228622f, 0.228618f, 0.228613f, 0.228608f,
-0.228603f, 0.228599f, 0.228594f, 0.228589f, 0.228584f, 0.228579f, 0.228575f, 0.22857f, 0.228565f, 0.22856f, 0.228555f, 0.228551f, 0.228546f, 0.228541f, 0.228536f, 0.228532f, 0.228527f, 0.228522f, 0.228517f, 0.228512f,
-0.228508f, 0.228503f, 0.228498f, 0.228493f, 0.228489f, 0.228484f, 0.228479f, 0.228474f, 0.228469f, 0.228465f, 0.22846f, 0.228455f, 0.22845f, 0.228446f, 0.228441f, 0.228436f, 0.228431f, 0.228426f, 0.228422f, 0.228417f,
-0.228412f, 0.228407f, 0.228403f, 0.228398f, 0.228393f, 0.228388f, 0.228383f, 0.228379f, 0.228374f, 0.228369f, 0.228364f, 0.22836f, 0.228355f, 0.22835f, 0.228345f, 0.22834f, 0.228336f, 0.228331f, 0.228326f, 0.228321f,
-0.228317f, 0.228312f, 0.228307f, 0.228302f, 0.228298f, 0.228293f, 0.228288f, 0.228283f, 0.228278f, 0.228274f, 0.228269f, 0.228264f, 0.228259f, 0.228255f, 0.22825f, 0.228245f, 0.22824f, 0.228236f, 0.228231f, 0.228226f,
-0.228221f, 0.228216f, 0.228212f, 0.228207f, 0.228202f, 0.228197f, 0.228193f, 0.228188f, 0.228183f, 0.228178f, 0.228174f, 0.228169f, 0.228164f, 0.228159f, 0.228154f, 0.22815f, 0.228145f, 0.22814f, 0.228135f, 0.228131f,
-0.228126f, 0.228121f, 0.228116f, 0.228112f, 0.228107f, 0.228102f, 0.228097f, 0.228093f, 0.228088f, 0.228083f, 0.228078f, 0.228073f, 0.228069f, 0.228064f, 0.228059f, 0.228054f, 0.22805f, 0.228045f, 0.22804f, 0.228035f,
-0.228031f, 0.228026f, 0.228021f, 0.228016f, 0.228012f, 0.228007f, 0.228002f, 0.227997f, 0.227993f, 0.227988f, 0.227983f, 0.227978f, 0.227974f, 0.227969f, 0.227964f, 0.227959f, 0.227954f, 0.22795f, 0.227945f, 0.22794f,
-0.227935f, 0.227931f, 0.227926f, 0.227921f, 0.227916f, 0.227912f, 0.227907f, 0.227902f, 0.227897f, 0.227893f, 0.227888f, 0.227883f, 0.227878f, 0.227874f, 0.227869f, 0.227864f, 0.227859f, 0.227855f, 0.22785f, 0.227845f,
-0.22784f, 0.227836f, 0.227831f, 0.227826f, 0.227821f, 0.227817f, 0.227812f, 0.227807f, 0.227802f, 0.227798f, 0.227793f, 0.227788f, 0.227783f, 0.227779f, 0.227774f, 0.227769f, 0.227764f, 0.22776f, 0.227755f, 0.22775f,
-0.227745f, 0.227741f, 0.227736f, 0.227731f, 0.227726f, 0.227722f, 0.227717f, 0.227712f, 0.227707f, 0.227703f, 0.227698f, 0.227693f, 0.227688f, 0.227684f, 0.227679f, 0.227674f, 0.227669f, 0.227665f, 0.22766f, 0.227655f,
-0.22765f, 0.227646f, 0.227641f, 0.227636f, 0.227631f, 0.227627f, 0.227622f, 0.227617f, 0.227612f, 0.227608f, 0.227603f, 0.227598f, 0.227593f, 0.227589f, 0.227584f, 0.227579f, 0.227575f, 0.22757f, 0.227565f, 0.22756f,
-0.227556f, 0.227551f, 0.227546f, 0.227541f, 0.227537f, 0.227532f, 0.227527f, 0.227522f, 0.227518f, 0.227513f, 0.227508f, 0.227503f, 0.227499f, 0.227494f, 0.227489f, 0.227484f, 0.22748f, 0.227475f, 0.22747f, 0.227466f,
-0.227461f, 0.227456f, 0.227451f, 0.227447f, 0.227442f, 0.227437f, 0.227432f, 0.227428f, 0.227423f, 0.227418f, 0.227413f, 0.227409f, 0.227404f, 0.227399f, 0.227394f, 0.22739f, 0.227385f, 0.22738f, 0.227376f, 0.227371f,
-0.227366f, 0.227361f, 0.227357f, 0.227352f, 0.227347f, 0.227342f, 0.227338f, 0.227333f, 0.227328f, 0.227323f, 0.227319f, 0.227314f, 0.227309f, 0.227305f, 0.2273f, 0.227295f, 0.22729f, 0.227286f, 0.227281f, 0.227276f,
-0.227271f, 0.227267f, 0.227262f, 0.227257f, 0.227253f, 0.227248f, 0.227243f, 0.227238f, 0.227234f, 0.227229f, 0.227224f, 0.227219f, 0.227215f, 0.22721f, 0.227205f, 0.227201f, 0.227196f, 0.227191f, 0.227186f, 0.227182f,
-0.227177f, 0.227172f, 0.227167f, 0.227163f, 0.227158f, 0.227153f, 0.227149f, 0.227144f, 0.227139f, 0.227134f, 0.22713f, 0.227125f, 0.22712f, 0.227116f, 0.227111f, 0.227106f, 0.227101f, 0.227097f, 0.227092f, 0.227087f,
-0.227082f, 0.227078f, 0.227073f, 0.227068f, 0.227064f, 0.227059f, 0.227054f, 0.227049f, 0.227045f, 0.22704f, 0.227035f, 0.227031f, 0.227026f, 0.227021f, 0.227016f, 0.227012f, 0.227007f, 0.227002f, 0.226998f, 0.226993f,
-0.226988f, 0.226983f, 0.226979f, 0.226974f, 0.226969f, 0.226965f, 0.22696f, 0.226955f, 0.22695f, 0.226946f, 0.226941f, 0.226936f, 0.226931f, 0.226927f, 0.226922f, 0.226917f, 0.226913f, 0.226908f, 0.226903f, 0.226898f,
-0.226894f, 0.226889f, 0.226884f, 0.22688f, 0.226875f, 0.22687f, 0.226866f, 0.226861f, 0.226856f, 0.226851f, 0.226847f, 0.226842f, 0.226837f, 0.226833f, 0.226828f, 0.226823f, 0.226818f, 0.226814f, 0.226809f, 0.226804f,
-0.2268f, 0.226795f, 0.22679f, 0.226785f, 0.226781f, 0.226776f, 0.226771f, 0.226767f, 0.226762f, 0.226757f, 0.226752f, 0.226748f, 0.226743f, 0.226738f, 0.226734f, 0.226729f, 0.226724f, 0.22672f, 0.226715f, 0.22671f,
-0.226705f, 0.226701f, 0.226696f, 0.226691f, 0.226687f, 0.226682f, 0.226677f, 0.226672f, 0.226668f, 0.226663f, 0.226658f, 0.226654f, 0.226649f, 0.226644f, 0.22664f, 0.226635f, 0.22663f, 0.226625f, 0.226621f, 0.226616f,
-0.226611f, 0.226607f, 0.226602f, 0.226597f, 0.226593f, 0.226588f, 0.226583f, 0.226578f, 0.226574f, 0.226569f, 0.226564f, 0.22656f, 0.226555f, 0.22655f, 0.226546f, 0.226541f, 0.226536f, 0.226531f, 0.226527f, 0.226522f,
-0.226517f, 0.226513f, 0.226508f, 0.226503f, 0.226499f, 0.226494f, 0.226489f, 0.226484f, 0.22648f, 0.226475f, 0.22647f, 0.226466f, 0.226461f, 0.226456f, 0.226452f, 0.226447f, 0.226442f, 0.226438f, 0.226433f, 0.226428f,
-0.226423f, 0.226419f, 0.226414f, 0.226409f, 0.226405f, 0.2264f, 0.226395f, 0.226391f, 0.226386f, 0.226381f, 0.226377f, 0.226372f, 0.226367f, 0.226362f, 0.226358f, 0.226353f, 0.226348f, 0.226344f, 0.226339f, 0.226334f,
-0.22633f, 0.226325f, 0.22632f, 0.226316f, 0.226311f, 0.226306f, 0.226301f, 0.226297f, 0.226292f, 0.226287f, 0.226283f, 0.226278f, 0.226273f, 0.226269f, 0.226264f, 0.226259f, 0.226255f, 0.22625f, 0.226245f, 0.226241f,
-0.226236f, 0.226231f, 0.226226f, 0.226222f, 0.226217f, 0.226212f, 0.226208f, 0.226203f, 0.226198f, 0.226194f, 0.226189f, 0.226184f, 0.22618f, 0.226175f, 0.22617f, 0.226166f, 0.226161f, 0.226156f, 0.226152f, 0.226147f,
-0.226142f, 0.226137f, 0.226133f, 0.226128f, 0.226123f, 0.226119f, 0.226114f, 0.226109f, 0.226105f, 0.2261f, 0.226095f, 0.226091f, 0.226086f, 0.226081f, 0.226077f, 0.226072f, 0.226067f, 0.226063f, 0.226058f, 0.226053f,
-0.226049f, 0.226044f, 0.226039f, 0.226035f, 0.22603f, 0.226025f, 0.22602f, 0.226016f, 0.226011f, 0.226006f, 0.226002f, 0.225997f, 0.225992f, 0.225988f, 0.225983f, 0.225978f, 0.225974f, 0.225969f, 0.225964f, 0.22596f,
-0.225955f, 0.22595f, 0.225946f, 0.225941f, 0.225936f, 0.225932f, 0.225927f, 0.225922f, 0.225918f, 0.225913f, 0.225908f, 0.225904f, 0.225899f, 0.225894f, 0.22589f, 0.225885f, 0.22588f, 0.225876f, 0.225871f, 0.225866f,
-0.225862f, 0.225857f, 0.225852f, 0.225848f, 0.225843f, 0.225838f, 0.225834f, 0.225829f, 0.225824f, 0.22582f, 0.225815f, 0.22581f, 0.225806f, 0.225801f, 0.225796f, 0.225792f, 0.225787f, 0.225782f, 0.225778f, 0.225773f,
-0.225768f, 0.225764f, 0.225759f, 0.225754f, 0.22575f, 0.225745f, 0.22574f, 0.225736f, 0.225731f, 0.225726f, 0.225722f, 0.225717f, 0.225712f, 0.225708f, 0.225703f, 0.225698f, 0.225694f, 0.225689f, 0.225684f, 0.22568f,
-0.225675f, 0.22567f, 0.225666f, 0.225661f, 0.225656f, 0.225652f, 0.225647f, 0.225642f, 0.225638f, 0.225633f, 0.225628f, 0.225624f, 0.225619f, 0.225614f, 0.22561f, 0.225605f, 0.2256f, 0.225596f, 0.225591f, 0.225586f,
-0.225582f, 0.225577f, 0.225572f, 0.225568f, 0.225563f, 0.225558f, 0.225554f, 0.225549f, 0.225544f, 0.22554f, 0.225535f, 0.22553f, 0.225526f, 0.225521f, 0.225517f, 0.225512f, 0.225507f, 0.225503f, 0.225498f, 0.225493f,
-0.225489f, 0.225484f, 0.225479f, 0.225475f, 0.22547f, 0.225465f, 0.225461f, 0.225456f, 0.225451f, 0.225447f, 0.225442f, 0.225437f, 0.225433f, 0.225428f, 0.225423f, 0.225419f, 0.225414f, 0.225409f, 0.225405f, 0.2254f,
-0.225396f, 0.225391f, 0.225386f, 0.225382f, 0.225377f, 0.225372f, 0.225368f, 0.225363f, 0.225358f, 0.225354f, 0.225349f, 0.225344f, 0.22534f, 0.225335f, 0.22533f, 0.225326f, 0.225321f, 0.225316f, 0.225312f, 0.225307f,
-0.225303f, 0.225298f, 0.225293f, 0.225289f, 0.225284f, 0.225279f, 0.225275f, 0.22527f, 0.225265f, 0.225261f, 0.225256f, 0.225251f, 0.225247f, 0.225242f, 0.225237f, 0.225233f, 0.225228f, 0.225224f, 0.225219f, 0.225214f,
-0.22521f, 0.225205f, 0.2252f, 0.225196f, 0.225191f, 0.225186f, 0.225182f, 0.225177f, 0.225172f, 0.225168f, 0.225163f, 0.225159f, 0.225154f, 0.225149f, 0.225145f, 0.22514f, 0.225135f, 0.225131f, 0.225126f, 0.225121f,
-0.225117f, 0.225112f, 0.225108f, 0.225103f, 0.225098f, 0.225094f, 0.225089f, 0.225084f, 0.22508f, 0.225075f, 0.22507f, 0.225066f, 0.225061f, 0.225056f, 0.225052f, 0.225047f, 0.225043f, 0.225038f, 0.225033f, 0.225029f,
-0.225024f, 0.225019f, 0.225015f, 0.22501f, 0.225005f, 0.225001f, 0.224996f, 0.224992f, 0.224987f, 0.224982f, 0.224978f, 0.224973f, 0.224968f, 0.224964f, 0.224959f, 0.224955f, 0.22495f, 0.224945f, 0.224941f, 0.224936f,
-0.224931f, 0.224927f, 0.224922f, 0.224917f, 0.224913f, 0.224908f, 0.224904f, 0.224899f, 0.224894f, 0.22489f, 0.224885f, 0.22488f, 0.224876f, 0.224871f, 0.224867f, 0.224862f, 0.224857f, 0.224853f, 0.224848f, 0.224843f,
-0.224839f, 0.224834f, 0.224829f, 0.224825f, 0.22482f, 0.224816f, 0.224811f, 0.224806f, 0.224802f, 0.224797f, 0.224792f, 0.224788f, 0.224783f, 0.224779f, 0.224774f, 0.224769f, 0.224765f, 0.22476f, 0.224755f, 0.224751f,
-0.224746f, 0.224742f, 0.224737f, 0.224732f, 0.224728f, 0.224723f, 0.224718f, 0.224714f, 0.224709f, 0.224705f, 0.2247f, 0.224695f, 0.224691f, 0.224686f, 0.224682f, 0.224677f, 0.224672f, 0.224668f, 0.224663f, 0.224658f,
-0.224654f, 0.224649f, 0.224645f, 0.22464f, 0.224635f, 0.224631f, 0.224626f, 0.224621f, 0.224617f, 0.224612f, 0.224608f, 0.224603f, 0.224598f, 0.224594f, 0.224589f, 0.224584f, 0.22458f, 0.224575f, 0.224571f, 0.224566f,
-0.224561f, 0.224557f, 0.224552f, 0.224548f, 0.224543f, 0.224538f, 0.224534f, 0.224529f, 0.224524f, 0.22452f, 0.224515f, 0.224511f, 0.224506f, 0.224501f, 0.224497f, 0.224492f, 0.224488f, 0.224483f, 0.224478f, 0.224474f,
-0.224469f, 0.224464f, 0.22446f, 0.224455f, 0.224451f, 0.224446f, 0.224441f, 0.224437f, 0.224432f, 0.224428f, 0.224423f, 0.224418f, 0.224414f, 0.224409f, 0.224405f, 0.2244f, 0.224395f, 0.224391f, 0.224386f, 0.224381f,
-0.224377f, 0.224372f, 0.224368f, 0.224363f, 0.224358f, 0.224354f, 0.224349f, 0.224345f, 0.22434f, 0.224335f, 0.224331f, 0.224326f, 0.224322f, 0.224317f, 0.224312f, 0.224308f, 0.224303f, 0.224299f, 0.224294f, 0.224289f,
-0.224285f, 0.22428f, 0.224276f, 0.224271f, 0.224266f, 0.224262f, 0.224257f, 0.224253f, 0.224248f, 0.224243f, 0.224239f, 0.224234f, 0.224229f, 0.224225f, 0.22422f, 0.224216f, 0.224211f, 0.224206f, 0.224202f, 0.224197f,
-0.224193f, 0.224188f, 0.224183f, 0.224179f, 0.224174f, 0.22417f, 0.224165f, 0.22416f, 0.224156f, 0.224151f, 0.224147f, 0.224142f, 0.224137f, 0.224133f, 0.224128f, 0.224124f, 0.224119f, 0.224114f, 0.22411f, 0.224105f,
-0.224101f, 0.224096f, 0.224091f, 0.224087f, 0.224082f, 0.224078f, 0.224073f, 0.224068f, 0.224064f, 0.224059f, 0.224055f, 0.22405f, 0.224046f, 0.224041f, 0.224036f, 0.224032f, 0.224027f, 0.224023f, 0.224018f, 0.224013f,
-0.224009f, 0.224004f, 0.224f, 0.223995f, 0.22399f, 0.223986f, 0.223981f, 0.223977f, 0.223972f, 0.223967f, 0.223963f, 0.223958f, 0.223954f, 0.223949f, 0.223944f, 0.22394f, 0.223935f, 0.223931f, 0.223926f, 0.223921f,
-0.223917f, 0.223912f, 0.223908f, 0.223903f, 0.223899f, 0.223894f, 0.223889f, 0.223885f, 0.22388f, 0.223876f, 0.223871f, 0.223866f, 0.223862f, 0.223857f, 0.223853f, 0.223848f, 0.223843f, 0.223839f, 0.223834f, 0.22383f,
-0.223825f, 0.223821f, 0.223816f, 0.223811f, 0.223807f, 0.223802f, 0.223798f, 0.223793f, 0.223788f, 0.223784f, 0.223779f, 0.223775f, 0.22377f, 0.223766f, 0.223761f, 0.223756f, 0.223752f, 0.223747f, 0.223743f, 0.223738f,
-0.223733f, 0.223729f, 0.223724f, 0.22372f, 0.223715f, 0.223711f, 0.223706f, 0.223701f, 0.223697f, 0.223692f, 0.223688f, 0.223683f, 0.223678f, 0.223674f, 0.223669f, 0.223665f, 0.22366f, 0.223656f, 0.223651f, 0.223646f,
-0.223642f, 0.223637f, 0.223633f, 0.223628f, 0.223624f, 0.223619f, 0.223614f, 0.22361f, 0.223605f, 0.223601f, 0.223596f, 0.223591f, 0.223587f, 0.223582f, 0.223578f, 0.223573f, 0.223569f, 0.223564f, 0.223559f, 0.223555f,
-0.22355f, 0.223546f, 0.223541f, 0.223537f, 0.223532f, 0.223527f, 0.223523f, 0.223518f, 0.223514f, 0.223509f, 0.223505f, 0.2235f, 0.223495f, 0.223491f, 0.223486f, 0.223482f, 0.223477f, 0.223473f, 0.223468f, 0.223463f,
-0.223459f, 0.223454f, 0.22345f, 0.223445f, 0.223441f, 0.223436f, 0.223431f, 0.223427f, 0.223422f, 0.223418f, 0.223413f, 0.223409f, 0.223404f, 0.223399f, 0.223395f, 0.22339f, 0.223386f, 0.223381f, 0.223377f, 0.223372f,
-0.223367f, 0.223363f, 0.223358f, 0.223354f, 0.223349f, 0.223345f, 0.22334f, 0.223335f, 0.223331f, 0.223326f, 0.223322f, 0.223317f, 0.223313f, 0.223308f, 0.223303f, 0.223299f, 0.223294f, 0.22329f, 0.223285f, 0.223281f,
-0.223276f, 0.223272f, 0.223267f, 0.223262f, 0.223258f, 0.223253f, 0.223249f, 0.223244f, 0.22324f, 0.223235f, 0.22323f, 0.223226f, 0.223221f, 0.223217f, 0.223212f, 0.223208f, 0.223203f, 0.223199f, 0.223194f, 0.223189f,
-0.223185f, 0.22318f, 0.223176f, 0.223171f, 0.223167f, 0.223162f, 0.223157f, 0.223153f, 0.223148f, 0.223144f, 0.223139f, 0.223135f, 0.22313f, 0.223126f, 0.223121f, 0.223116f, 0.223112f, 0.223107f, 0.223103f, 0.223098f,
-0.223094f, 0.223089f, 0.223085f, 0.22308f, 0.223075f, 0.223071f, 0.223066f, 0.223062f, 0.223057f, 0.223053f, 0.223048f, 0.223044f, 0.223039f, 0.223034f, 0.22303f, 0.223025f, 0.223021f, 0.223016f, 0.223012f, 0.223007f,
-0.223003f, 0.222998f, 0.222993f, 0.222989f, 0.222984f, 0.22298f, 0.222975f, 0.222971f, 0.222966f, 0.222962f, 0.222957f, 0.222953f, 0.222948f, 0.222943f, 0.222939f, 0.222934f, 0.22293f, 0.222925f, 0.222921f, 0.222916f,
-0.222912f, 0.222907f, 0.222902f, 0.222898f, 0.222893f, 0.222889f, 0.222884f, 0.22288f, 0.222875f, 0.222871f, 0.222866f, 0.222862f, 0.222857f, 0.222852f, 0.222848f, 0.222843f, 0.222839f, 0.222834f, 0.22283f, 0.222825f,
-0.222821f, 0.222816f, 0.222812f, 0.222807f, 0.222802f, 0.222798f, 0.222793f, 0.222789f, 0.222784f, 0.22278f, 0.222775f, 0.222771f, 0.222766f, 0.222762f, 0.222757f, 0.222752f, 0.222748f, 0.222743f, 0.222739f, 0.222734f,
-0.22273f, 0.222725f, 0.222721f, 0.222716f, 0.222712f, 0.222707f, 0.222702f, 0.222698f, 0.222693f, 0.222689f, 0.222684f, 0.22268f, 0.222675f, 0.222671f, 0.222666f, 0.222662f, 0.222657f, 0.222653f, 0.222648f, 0.222643f,
-0.222639f, 0.222634f, 0.22263f, 0.222625f, 0.222621f, 0.222616f, 0.222612f, 0.222607f, 0.222603f, 0.222598f, 0.222594f, 0.222589f, 0.222585f, 0.22258f, 0.222575f, 0.222571f, 0.222566f, 0.222562f, 0.222557f, 0.222553f,
-0.222548f, 0.222544f, 0.222539f, 0.222535f, 0.22253f, 0.222526f, 0.222521f, 0.222516f, 0.222512f, 0.222507f, 0.222503f, 0.222498f, 0.222494f, 0.222489f, 0.222485f, 0.22248f, 0.222476f, 0.222471f, 0.222467f, 0.222462f,
-0.222458f, 0.222453f, 0.222449f, 0.222444f, 0.222439f, 0.222435f, 0.22243f, 0.222426f, 0.222421f, 0.222417f, 0.222412f, 0.222408f, 0.222403f, 0.222399f, 0.222394f, 0.22239f, 0.222385f, 0.222381f, 0.222376f, 0.222372f,
-0.222367f, 0.222362f, 0.222358f, 0.222353f, 0.222349f, 0.222344f, 0.22234f, 0.222335f, 0.222331f, 0.222326f, 0.222322f, 0.222317f, 0.222313f, 0.222308f, 0.222304f, 0.222299f, 0.222295f, 0.22229f, 0.222286f, 0.222281f,
-0.222276f, 0.222272f, 0.222267f, 0.222263f, 0.222258f, 0.222254f, 0.222249f, 0.222245f, 0.22224f, 0.222236f, 0.222231f, 0.222227f, 0.222222f, 0.222218f, 0.222213f, 0.222209f, 0.222204f, 0.2222f, 0.222195f, 0.222191f,
-0.222186f, 0.222182f, 0.222177f, 0.222173f, 0.222168f, 0.222163f, 0.222159f, 0.222154f, 0.22215f, 0.222145f, 0.222141f, 0.222136f, 0.222132f, 0.222127f, 0.222123f, 0.222118f, 0.222114f, 0.222109f, 0.222105f, 0.2221f,
-0.222096f, 0.222091f, 0.222087f, 0.222082f, 0.222078f, 0.222073f, 0.222069f, 0.222064f, 0.22206f, 0.222055f, 0.222051f, 0.222046f, 0.222042f, 0.222037f, 0.222032f, 0.222028f, 0.222023f, 0.222019f, 0.222014f, 0.22201f,
-0.222005f, 0.222001f, 0.221996f, 0.221992f, 0.221987f, 0.221983f, 0.221978f, 0.221974f, 0.221969f, 0.221965f, 0.22196f, 0.221956f, 0.221951f, 0.221947f, 0.221942f, 0.221938f, 0.221933f, 0.221929f, 0.221924f, 0.22192f,
-0.221915f, 0.221911f, 0.221906f, 0.221902f, 0.221897f, 0.221893f, 0.221888f, 0.221884f, 0.221879f, 0.221875f, 0.22187f, 0.221866f, 0.221861f, 0.221857f, 0.221852f, 0.221848f, 0.221843f, 0.221839f, 0.221834f, 0.22183f,
-0.221825f, 0.221821f, 0.221816f, 0.221812f, 0.221807f, 0.221803f, 0.221798f, 0.221794f, 0.221789f, 0.221785f, 0.22178f, 0.221776f, 0.221771f, 0.221767f, 0.221762f, 0.221758f, 0.221753f, 0.221749f, 0.221744f, 0.22174f,
-0.221735f, 0.221731f, 0.221726f, 0.221722f, 0.221717f, 0.221713f, 0.221708f, 0.221704f, 0.221699f, 0.221695f, 0.22169f, 0.221686f, 0.221681f, 0.221677f, 0.221672f, 0.221668f, 0.221663f, 0.221659f, 0.221654f, 0.22165f,
-0.221645f, 0.221641f, 0.221636f, 0.221632f, 0.221627f, 0.221623f, 0.221618f, 0.221614f, 0.221609f, 0.221605f, 0.2216f, 0.221596f, 0.221591f, 0.221587f, 0.221582f, 0.221578f, 0.221573f, 0.221569f, 0.221564f, 0.22156f,
-0.221555f, 0.221551f, 0.221546f, 0.221542f, 0.221537f, 0.221533f, 0.221528f, 0.221524f, 0.221519f, 0.221515f, 0.22151f, 0.221506f, 0.221501f, 0.221497f, 0.221492f, 0.221488f, 0.221483f, 0.221479f, 0.221474f, 0.22147f,
-0.221465f, 0.221461f, 0.221456f, 0.221452f, 0.221447f, 0.221443f, 0.221438f, 0.221434f, 0.221429f, 0.221425f, 0.22142f, 0.221416f, 0.221411f, 0.221407f, 0.221402f, 0.221398f, 0.221393f, 0.221389f, 0.221384f, 0.22138f,
-0.221375f, 0.221371f, 0.221367f, 0.221362f, 0.221358f, 0.221353f, 0.221349f, 0.221344f, 0.22134f, 0.221335f, 0.221331f, 0.221326f, 0.221322f, 0.221317f, 0.221313f, 0.221308f, 0.221304f, 0.221299f, 0.221295f, 0.22129f,
-0.221286f, 0.221281f, 0.221277f, 0.221272f, 0.221268f, 0.221263f, 0.221259f, 0.221254f, 0.22125f, 0.221245f, 0.221241f, 0.221236f, 0.221232f, 0.221228f, 0.221223f, 0.221219f, 0.221214f, 0.22121f, 0.221205f, 0.221201f,
-0.221196f, 0.221192f, 0.221187f, 0.221183f, 0.221178f, 0.221174f, 0.221169f, 0.221165f, 0.22116f, 0.221156f, 0.221151f, 0.221147f, 0.221142f, 0.221138f, 0.221133f, 0.221129f, 0.221125f, 0.22112f, 0.221116f, 0.221111f,
-0.221107f, 0.221102f, 0.221098f, 0.221093f, 0.221089f, 0.221084f, 0.22108f, 0.221075f, 0.221071f, 0.221066f, 0.221062f, 0.221057f, 0.221053f, 0.221048f, 0.221044f, 0.221039f, 0.221035f, 0.221031f, 0.221026f, 0.221022f,
-0.221017f, 0.221013f, 0.221008f, 0.221004f, 0.220999f, 0.220995f, 0.22099f, 0.220986f, 0.220981f, 0.220977f, 0.220972f, 0.220968f, 0.220963f, 0.220959f, 0.220955f, 0.22095f, 0.220946f, 0.220941f, 0.220937f, 0.220932f,
-0.220928f, 0.220923f, 0.220919f, 0.220914f, 0.22091f, 0.220905f, 0.220901f, 0.220896f, 0.220892f, 0.220888f, 0.220883f, 0.220879f, 0.220874f, 0.22087f, 0.220865f, 0.220861f, 0.220856f, 0.220852f, 0.220847f, 0.220843f,
-0.220838f, 0.220834f, 0.220829f, 0.220825f, 0.220821f, 0.220816f, 0.220812f, 0.220807f, 0.220803f, 0.220798f, 0.220794f, 0.220789f, 0.220785f, 0.22078f, 0.220776f, 0.220771f, 0.220767f, 0.220763f, 0.220758f, 0.220754f,
-0.220749f, 0.220745f, 0.22074f, 0.220736f, 0.220731f, 0.220727f, 0.220722f, 0.220718f, 0.220713f, 0.220709f, 0.220705f, 0.2207f, 0.220696f, 0.220691f, 0.220687f, 0.220682f, 0.220678f, 0.220673f, 0.220669f, 0.220664f,
-0.22066f, 0.220655f, 0.220651f, 0.220647f, 0.220642f, 0.220638f, 0.220633f, 0.220629f, 0.220624f, 0.22062f, 0.220615f, 0.220611f, 0.220606f, 0.220602f, 0.220598f, 0.220593f, 0.220589f, 0.220584f, 0.22058f, 0.220575f,
-0.220571f, 0.220566f, 0.220562f, 0.220557f, 0.220553f, 0.220549f, 0.220544f, 0.22054f, 0.220535f, 0.220531f, 0.220526f, 0.220522f, 0.220517f, 0.220513f, 0.220508f, 0.220504f, 0.2205f, 0.220495f, 0.220491f, 0.220486f,
-0.220482f, 0.220477f, 0.220473f, 0.220468f, 0.220464f, 0.22046f, 0.220455f, 0.220451f, 0.220446f, 0.220442f, 0.220437f, 0.220433f, 0.220428f, 0.220424f, 0.220419f, 0.220415f, 0.220411f, 0.220406f, 0.220402f, 0.220397f,
-0.220393f, 0.220388f, 0.220384f, 0.220379f, 0.220375f, 0.220371f, 0.220366f, 0.220362f, 0.220357f, 0.220353f, 0.220348f, 0.220344f, 0.220339f, 0.220335f, 0.220331f, 0.220326f, 0.220322f, 0.220317f, 0.220313f, 0.220308f,
-0.220304f, 0.220299f, 0.220295f, 0.220291f, 0.220286f, 0.220282f, 0.220277f, 0.220273f, 0.220268f, 0.220264f, 0.220259f, 0.220255f, 0.220251f, 0.220246f, 0.220242f, 0.220237f, 0.220233f, 0.220228f, 0.220224f, 0.220219f,
-0.220215f, 0.220211f, 0.220206f, 0.220202f, 0.220197f, 0.220193f, 0.220188f, 0.220184f, 0.22018f, 0.220175f, 0.220171f, 0.220166f, 0.220162f, 0.220157f, 0.220153f, 0.220148f, 0.220144f, 0.22014f, 0.220135f, 0.220131f,
-0.220126f, 0.220122f, 0.220117f, 0.220113f, 0.220109f, 0.220104f, 0.2201f, 0.220095f, 0.220091f, 0.220086f, 0.220082f, 0.220078f, 0.220073f, 0.220069f, 0.220064f, 0.22006f, 0.220055f, 0.220051f, 0.220046f, 0.220042f,
-0.220038f, 0.220033f, 0.220029f, 0.220024f, 0.22002f, 0.220015f, 0.220011f, 0.220007f, 0.220002f, 0.219998f, 0.219993f, 0.219989f, 0.219984f, 0.21998f, 0.219976f, 0.219971f, 0.219967f, 0.219962f, 0.219958f, 0.219953f,
-0.219949f, 0.219945f, 0.21994f, 0.219936f, 0.219931f, 0.219927f, 0.219922f, 0.219918f, 0.219914f, 0.219909f, 0.219905f, 0.2199f, 0.219896f, 0.219891f, 0.219887f, 0.219883f, 0.219878f, 0.219874f, 0.219869f, 0.219865f,
-0.21986f, 0.219856f, 0.219852f, 0.219847f, 0.219843f, 0.219838f, 0.219834f, 0.219829f, 0.219825f, 0.219821f, 0.219816f, 0.219812f, 0.219807f, 0.219803f, 0.219799f, 0.219794f, 0.21979f, 0.219785f, 0.219781f, 0.219776f,
-0.219772f, 0.219768f, 0.219763f, 0.219759f, 0.219754f, 0.21975f, 0.219745f, 0.219741f, 0.219737f, 0.219732f, 0.219728f, 0.219723f, 0.219719f, 0.219714f, 0.21971f, 0.219706f, 0.219701f, 0.219697f, 0.219692f, 0.219688f,
-0.219684f, 0.219679f, 0.219675f, 0.21967f, 0.219666f, 0.219661f, 0.219657f, 0.219653f, 0.219648f, 0.219644f, 0.219639f, 0.219635f, 0.219631f, 0.219626f, 0.219622f, 0.219617f, 0.219613f, 0.219608f, 0.219604f, 0.2196f,
-0.219595f, 0.219591f, 0.219586f, 0.219582f, 0.219578f, 0.219573f, 0.219569f, 0.219564f, 0.21956f, 0.219556f, 0.219551f, 0.219547f, 0.219542f, 0.219538f, 0.219533f, 0.219529f, 0.219525f, 0.21952f, 0.219516f, 0.219511f,
-0.219507f, 0.219503f, 0.219498f, 0.219494f, 0.219489f, 0.219485f, 0.219481f, 0.219476f, 0.219472f, 0.219467f, 0.219463f, 0.219458f, 0.219454f, 0.21945f, 0.219445f, 0.219441f, 0.219436f, 0.219432f, 0.219428f, 0.219423f,
-0.219419f, 0.219414f, 0.21941f, 0.219406f, 0.219401f, 0.219397f, 0.219392f, 0.219388f, 0.219384f, 0.219379f, 0.219375f, 0.21937f, 0.219366f, 0.219361f, 0.219357f, 0.219353f, 0.219348f, 0.219344f, 0.219339f, 0.219335f,
-0.219331f, 0.219326f, 0.219322f, 0.219317f, 0.219313f, 0.219309f, 0.219304f, 0.2193f, 0.219295f, 0.219291f, 0.219287f, 0.219282f, 0.219278f, 0.219273f, 0.219269f, 0.219265f, 0.21926f, 0.219256f, 0.219251f, 0.219247f,
-0.219243f, 0.219238f, 0.219234f, 0.219229f, 0.219225f, 0.219221f, 0.219216f, 0.219212f, 0.219207f, 0.219203f, 0.219199f, 0.219194f, 0.21919f, 0.219185f, 0.219181f, 0.219177f, 0.219172f, 0.219168f, 0.219163f, 0.219159f,
-0.219155f, 0.21915f, 0.219146f, 0.219141f, 0.219137f, 0.219133f, 0.219128f, 0.219124f, 0.219119f, 0.219115f, 0.219111f, 0.219106f, 0.219102f, 0.219097f, 0.219093f, 0.219089f, 0.219084f, 0.21908f, 0.219076f, 0.219071f,
-0.219067f, 0.219062f, 0.219058f, 0.219054f, 0.219049f, 0.219045f, 0.21904f, 0.219036f, 0.219032f, 0.219027f, 0.219023f, 0.219018f, 0.219014f, 0.21901f, 0.219005f, 0.219001f, 0.218996f, 0.218992f, 0.218988f, 0.218983f,
-0.218979f, 0.218974f, 0.21897f, 0.218966f, 0.218961f, 0.218957f, 0.218953f, 0.218948f, 0.218944f, 0.218939f, 0.218935f, 0.218931f, 0.218926f, 0.218922f, 0.218917f, 0.218913f, 0.218909f, 0.218904f, 0.2189f, 0.218896f,
-0.218891f, 0.218887f, 0.218882f, 0.218878f, 0.218874f, 0.218869f, 0.218865f, 0.21886f, 0.218856f, 0.218852f, 0.218847f, 0.218843f, 0.218838f, 0.218834f, 0.21883f, 0.218825f, 0.218821f, 0.218817f, 0.218812f, 0.218808f,
-0.218803f, 0.218799f, 0.218795f, 0.21879f, 0.218786f, 0.218782f, 0.218777f, 0.218773f, 0.218768f, 0.218764f, 0.21876f, 0.218755f, 0.218751f, 0.218746f, 0.218742f, 0.218738f, 0.218733f, 0.218729f, 0.218725f, 0.21872f,
-0.218716f, 0.218711f, 0.218707f, 0.218703f, 0.218698f, 0.218694f, 0.21869f, 0.218685f, 0.218681f, 0.218676f, 0.218672f, 0.218668f, 0.218663f, 0.218659f, 0.218654f, 0.21865f, 0.218646f, 0.218641f, 0.218637f, 0.218633f,
-0.218628f, 0.218624f, 0.218619f, 0.218615f, 0.218611f, 0.218606f, 0.218602f, 0.218598f, 0.218593f, 0.218589f, 0.218584f, 0.21858f, 0.218576f, 0.218571f, 0.218567f, 0.218563f, 0.218558f, 0.218554f, 0.218549f, 0.218545f,
-0.218541f, 0.218536f, 0.218532f, 0.218528f, 0.218523f, 0.218519f, 0.218515f, 0.21851f, 0.218506f, 0.218501f, 0.218497f, 0.218493f, 0.218488f, 0.218484f, 0.21848f, 0.218475f, 0.218471f, 0.218466f, 0.218462f, 0.218458f,
-0.218453f, 0.218449f, 0.218445f, 0.21844f, 0.218436f, 0.218431f, 0.218427f, 0.218423f, 0.218418f, 0.218414f, 0.21841f, 0.218405f, 0.218401f, 0.218397f, 0.218392f, 0.218388f, 0.218383f, 0.218379f, 0.218375f, 0.21837f,
-0.218366f, 0.218362f, 0.218357f, 0.218353f, 0.218349f, 0.218344f, 0.21834f, 0.218335f, 0.218331f, 0.218327f, 0.218322f, 0.218318f, 0.218314f, 0.218309f, 0.218305f, 0.218301f, 0.218296f, 0.218292f, 0.218287f, 0.218283f,
-0.218279f, 0.218274f, 0.21827f, 0.218266f, 0.218261f, 0.218257f, 0.218253f, 0.218248f, 0.218244f, 0.218239f, 0.218235f, 0.218231f, 0.218226f, 0.218222f, 0.218218f, 0.218213f, 0.218209f, 0.218205f, 0.2182f, 0.218196f,
-0.218192f, 0.218187f, 0.218183f, 0.218178f, 0.218174f, 0.21817f, 0.218165f, 0.218161f, 0.218157f, 0.218152f, 0.218148f, 0.218144f, 0.218139f, 0.218135f, 0.218131f, 0.218126f, 0.218122f, 0.218117f, 0.218113f, 0.218109f,
-0.218104f, 0.2181f, 0.218096f, 0.218091f, 0.218087f, 0.218083f, 0.218078f, 0.218074f, 0.21807f, 0.218065f, 0.218061f, 0.218056f, 0.218052f, 0.218048f, 0.218043f, 0.218039f, 0.218035f, 0.21803f, 0.218026f, 0.218022f,
-0.218017f, 0.218013f, 0.218009f, 0.218004f, 0.218f, 0.217996f, 0.217991f, 0.217987f, 0.217982f, 0.217978f, 0.217974f, 0.217969f, 0.217965f, 0.217961f, 0.217956f, 0.217952f, 0.217948f, 0.217943f, 0.217939f, 0.217935f,
-0.21793f, 0.217926f, 0.217922f, 0.217917f, 0.217913f, 0.217909f, 0.217904f, 0.2179f, 0.217896f, 0.217891f, 0.217887f, 0.217882f, 0.217878f, 0.217874f, 0.217869f, 0.217865f, 0.217861f, 0.217856f, 0.217852f, 0.217848f,
-0.217843f, 0.217839f, 0.217835f, 0.21783f, 0.217826f, 0.217822f, 0.217817f, 0.217813f, 0.217809f, 0.217804f, 0.2178f, 0.217796f, 0.217791f, 0.217787f, 0.217783f, 0.217778f, 0.217774f, 0.21777f, 0.217765f, 0.217761f,
-0.217757f, 0.217752f, 0.217748f, 0.217743f, 0.217739f, 0.217735f, 0.21773f, 0.217726f, 0.217722f, 0.217717f, 0.217713f, 0.217709f, 0.217704f, 0.2177f, 0.217696f, 0.217691f, 0.217687f, 0.217683f, 0.217678f, 0.217674f,
-0.21767f, 0.217665f, 0.217661f, 0.217657f, 0.217652f, 0.217648f, 0.217644f, 0.217639f, 0.217635f, 0.217631f, 0.217626f, 0.217622f, 0.217618f, 0.217613f, 0.217609f, 0.217605f, 0.2176f, 0.217596f, 0.217592f, 0.217587f,
-0.217583f, 0.217579f, 0.217574f, 0.21757f, 0.217566f, 0.217561f, 0.217557f, 0.217553f, 0.217548f, 0.217544f, 0.21754f, 0.217535f, 0.217531f, 0.217527f, 0.217522f, 0.217518f, 0.217514f, 0.217509f, 0.217505f, 0.217501f,
-0.217496f, 0.217492f, 0.217488f, 0.217483f, 0.217479f, 0.217475f, 0.21747f, 0.217466f, 0.217462f, 0.217457f, 0.217453f, 0.217449f, 0.217444f, 0.21744f, 0.217436f, 0.217431f, 0.217427f, 0.217423f, 0.217418f, 0.217414f,
-0.21741f, 0.217405f, 0.217401f, 0.217397f, 0.217392f, 0.217388f, 0.217384f, 0.217379f, 0.217375f, 0.217371f, 0.217367f, 0.217362f, 0.217358f, 0.217354f, 0.217349f, 0.217345f, 0.217341f, 0.217336f, 0.217332f, 0.217328f,
-0.217323f, 0.217319f, 0.217315f, 0.21731f, 0.217306f, 0.217302f, 0.217297f, 0.217293f, 0.217289f, 0.217284f, 0.21728f, 0.217276f, 0.217271f, 0.217267f, 0.217263f, 0.217258f, 0.217254f, 0.21725f, 0.217245f, 0.217241f,
-0.217237f, 0.217232f, 0.217228f, 0.217224f, 0.21722f, 0.217215f, 0.217211f, 0.217207f, 0.217202f, 0.217198f, 0.217194f, 0.217189f, 0.217185f, 0.217181f, 0.217176f, 0.217172f, 0.217168f, 0.217163f, 0.217159f, 0.217155f,
-0.21715f, 0.217146f, 0.217142f, 0.217137f, 0.217133f, 0.217129f, 0.217125f, 0.21712f, 0.217116f, 0.217112f, 0.217107f, 0.217103f, 0.217099f, 0.217094f, 0.21709f, 0.217086f, 0.217081f, 0.217077f, 0.217073f, 0.217068f,
-0.217064f, 0.21706f, 0.217055f, 0.217051f, 0.217047f, 0.217043f, 0.217038f, 0.217034f, 0.21703f, 0.217025f, 0.217021f, 0.217017f, 0.217012f, 0.217008f, 0.217004f, 0.216999f, 0.216995f, 0.216991f, 0.216987f, 0.216982f,
-0.216978f, 0.216974f, 0.216969f, 0.216965f, 0.216961f, 0.216956f, 0.216952f, 0.216948f, 0.216943f, 0.216939f, 0.216935f, 0.21693f, 0.216926f, 0.216922f, 0.216918f, 0.216913f, 0.216909f, 0.216905f, 0.2169f, 0.216896f,
-0.216892f, 0.216887f, 0.216883f, 0.216879f, 0.216874f, 0.21687f, 0.216866f, 0.216862f, 0.216857f, 0.216853f, 0.216849f, 0.216844f, 0.21684f, 0.216836f, 0.216831f, 0.216827f, 0.216823f, 0.216819f, 0.216814f, 0.21681f,
-0.216806f, 0.216801f, 0.216797f, 0.216793f, 0.216788f, 0.216784f, 0.21678f, 0.216775f, 0.216771f, 0.216767f, 0.216763f, 0.216758f, 0.216754f, 0.21675f, 0.216745f, 0.216741f, 0.216737f, 0.216732f, 0.216728f, 0.216724f,
-0.21672f, 0.216715f, 0.216711f, 0.216707f, 0.216702f, 0.216698f, 0.216694f, 0.216689f, 0.216685f, 0.216681f, 0.216677f, 0.216672f, 0.216668f, 0.216664f, 0.216659f, 0.216655f, 0.216651f, 0.216647f, 0.216642f, 0.216638f,
-0.216634f, 0.216629f, 0.216625f, 0.216621f, 0.216616f, 0.216612f, 0.216608f, 0.216604f, 0.216599f, 0.216595f, 0.216591f, 0.216586f, 0.216582f, 0.216578f, 0.216573f, 0.216569f, 0.216565f, 0.216561f, 0.216556f, 0.216552f,
-0.216548f, 0.216543f, 0.216539f, 0.216535f, 0.216531f, 0.216526f, 0.216522f, 0.216518f, 0.216513f, 0.216509f, 0.216505f, 0.2165f, 0.216496f, 0.216492f, 0.216488f, 0.216483f, 0.216479f, 0.216475f, 0.21647f, 0.216466f,
-0.216462f, 0.216458f, 0.216453f, 0.216449f, 0.216445f, 0.21644f, 0.216436f, 0.216432f, 0.216428f, 0.216423f, 0.216419f, 0.216415f, 0.21641f, 0.216406f, 0.216402f, 0.216398f, 0.216393f, 0.216389f, 0.216385f, 0.21638f,
-0.216376f, 0.216372f, 0.216368f, 0.216363f, 0.216359f, 0.216355f, 0.21635f, 0.216346f, 0.216342f, 0.216338f, 0.216333f, 0.216329f, 0.216325f, 0.21632f, 0.216316f, 0.216312f, 0.216308f, 0.216303f, 0.216299f, 0.216295f,
-0.21629f, 0.216286f, 0.216282f, 0.216278f, 0.216273f, 0.216269f, 0.216265f, 0.21626f, 0.216256f, 0.216252f, 0.216248f, 0.216243f, 0.216239f, 0.216235f, 0.21623f, 0.216226f, 0.216222f, 0.216218f, 0.216213f, 0.216209f,
-0.216205f, 0.216201f, 0.216196f, 0.216192f, 0.216188f, 0.216183f, 0.216179f, 0.216175f, 0.216171f, 0.216166f, 0.216162f, 0.216158f, 0.216153f, 0.216149f, 0.216145f, 0.216141f, 0.216136f, 0.216132f, 0.216128f, 0.216124f,
-0.216119f, 0.216115f, 0.216111f, 0.216106f, 0.216102f, 0.216098f, 0.216094f, 0.216089f, 0.216085f, 0.216081f, 0.216076f, 0.216072f, 0.216068f, 0.216064f, 0.216059f, 0.216055f, 0.216051f, 0.216047f, 0.216042f, 0.216038f,
-0.216034f, 0.216029f, 0.216025f, 0.216021f, 0.216017f, 0.216012f, 0.216008f, 0.216004f, 0.216f, 0.215995f, 0.215991f, 0.215987f, 0.215982f, 0.215978f, 0.215974f, 0.21597f, 0.215965f, 0.215961f, 0.215957f, 0.215953f,
-0.215948f, 0.215944f, 0.21594f, 0.215936f, 0.215931f, 0.215927f, 0.215923f, 0.215918f, 0.215914f, 0.21591f, 0.215906f, 0.215901f, 0.215897f, 0.215893f, 0.215889f, 0.215884f, 0.21588f, 0.215876f, 0.215872f, 0.215867f,
-0.215863f, 0.215859f, 0.215854f, 0.21585f, 0.215846f, 0.215842f, 0.215837f, 0.215833f, 0.215829f, 0.215825f, 0.21582f, 0.215816f, 0.215812f, 0.215808f, 0.215803f, 0.215799f, 0.215795f, 0.21579f, 0.215786f, 0.215782f,
-0.215778f, 0.215773f, 0.215769f, 0.215765f, 0.215761f, 0.215756f, 0.215752f, 0.215748f, 0.215744f, 0.215739f, 0.215735f, 0.215731f, 0.215727f, 0.215722f, 0.215718f, 0.215714f, 0.21571f, 0.215705f, 0.215701f, 0.215697f,
-0.215692f, 0.215688f, 0.215684f, 0.21568f, 0.215675f, 0.215671f, 0.215667f, 0.215663f, 0.215658f, 0.215654f, 0.21565f, 0.215646f, 0.215641f, 0.215637f, 0.215633f, 0.215629f, 0.215624f, 0.21562f, 0.215616f, 0.215612f,
-0.215607f, 0.215603f, 0.215599f, 0.215595f, 0.21559f, 0.215586f, 0.215582f, 0.215578f, 0.215573f, 0.215569f, 0.215565f, 0.215561f, 0.215556f, 0.215552f, 0.215548f, 0.215543f, 0.215539f, 0.215535f, 0.215531f, 0.215526f,
-0.215522f, 0.215518f, 0.215514f, 0.215509f, 0.215505f, 0.215501f, 0.215497f, 0.215492f, 0.215488f, 0.215484f, 0.21548f, 0.215475f, 0.215471f, 0.215467f, 0.215463f, 0.215458f, 0.215454f, 0.21545f, 0.215446f, 0.215441f,
-0.215437f, 0.215433f, 0.215429f, 0.215424f, 0.21542f, 0.215416f, 0.215412f, 0.215407f, 0.215403f, 0.215399f, 0.215395f, 0.21539f, 0.215386f, 0.215382f, 0.215378f, 0.215373f, 0.215369f, 0.215365f, 0.215361f, 0.215357f,
-0.215352f, 0.215348f, 0.215344f, 0.21534f, 0.215335f, 0.215331f, 0.215327f, 0.215323f, 0.215318f, 0.215314f, 0.21531f, 0.215306f, 0.215301f, 0.215297f, 0.215293f, 0.215289f, 0.215284f, 0.21528f, 0.215276f, 0.215272f,
-0.215267f, 0.215263f, 0.215259f, 0.215255f, 0.21525f, 0.215246f, 0.215242f, 0.215238f, 0.215233f, 0.215229f, 0.215225f, 0.215221f, 0.215216f, 0.215212f, 0.215208f, 0.215204f, 0.2152f, 0.215195f, 0.215191f, 0.215187f,
-0.215183f, 0.215178f, 0.215174f, 0.21517f, 0.215166f, 0.215161f, 0.215157f, 0.215153f, 0.215149f, 0.215144f, 0.21514f, 0.215136f, 0.215132f, 0.215127f, 0.215123f, 0.215119f, 0.215115f, 0.215111f, 0.215106f, 0.215102f,
-0.215098f, 0.215094f, 0.215089f, 0.215085f, 0.215081f, 0.215077f, 0.215072f, 0.215068f, 0.215064f, 0.21506f, 0.215055f, 0.215051f, 0.215047f, 0.215043f, 0.215039f, 0.215034f, 0.21503f, 0.215026f, 0.215022f, 0.215017f,
-0.215013f, 0.215009f, 0.215005f, 0.215f, 0.214996f, 0.214992f, 0.214988f, 0.214983f, 0.214979f, 0.214975f, 0.214971f, 0.214967f, 0.214962f, 0.214958f, 0.214954f, 0.21495f, 0.214945f, 0.214941f, 0.214937f, 0.214933f,
-0.214929f, 0.214924f, 0.21492f, 0.214916f, 0.214912f, 0.214907f, 0.214903f, 0.214899f, 0.214895f, 0.21489f, 0.214886f, 0.214882f, 0.214878f, 0.214874f, 0.214869f, 0.214865f, 0.214861f, 0.214857f, 0.214852f, 0.214848f,
-0.214844f, 0.21484f, 0.214836f, 0.214831f, 0.214827f, 0.214823f, 0.214819f, 0.214814f, 0.21481f, 0.214806f, 0.214802f, 0.214797f, 0.214793f, 0.214789f, 0.214785f, 0.214781f, 0.214776f, 0.214772f, 0.214768f, 0.214764f,
-0.214759f, 0.214755f, 0.214751f, 0.214747f, 0.214743f, 0.214738f, 0.214734f, 0.21473f, 0.214726f, 0.214721f, 0.214717f, 0.214713f, 0.214709f, 0.214705f, 0.2147f, 0.214696f, 0.214692f, 0.214688f, 0.214683f, 0.214679f,
-0.214675f, 0.214671f, 0.214667f, 0.214662f, 0.214658f, 0.214654f, 0.21465f, 0.214646f, 0.214641f, 0.214637f, 0.214633f, 0.214629f, 0.214624f, 0.21462f, 0.214616f, 0.214612f, 0.214608f, 0.214603f, 0.214599f, 0.214595f,
-0.214591f, 0.214586f, 0.214582f, 0.214578f, 0.214574f, 0.21457f, 0.214565f, 0.214561f, 0.214557f, 0.214553f, 0.214549f, 0.214544f, 0.21454f, 0.214536f, 0.214532f, 0.214527f, 0.214523f, 0.214519f, 0.214515f, 0.214511f,
-0.214506f, 0.214502f, 0.214498f, 0.214494f, 0.21449f, 0.214485f, 0.214481f, 0.214477f, 0.214473f, 0.214469f, 0.214464f, 0.21446f, 0.214456f, 0.214452f, 0.214447f, 0.214443f, 0.214439f, 0.214435f, 0.214431f, 0.214426f,
-0.214422f, 0.214418f, 0.214414f, 0.21441f, 0.214405f, 0.214401f, 0.214397f, 0.214393f, 0.214389f, 0.214384f, 0.21438f, 0.214376f, 0.214372f, 0.214367f, 0.214363f, 0.214359f, 0.214355f, 0.214351f, 0.214346f, 0.214342f,
-0.214338f, 0.214334f, 0.21433f, 0.214325f, 0.214321f, 0.214317f, 0.214313f, 0.214309f, 0.214304f, 0.2143f, 0.214296f, 0.214292f, 0.214288f, 0.214283f, 0.214279f, 0.214275f, 0.214271f, 0.214267f, 0.214262f, 0.214258f,
-0.214254f, 0.21425f, 0.214246f, 0.214241f, 0.214237f, 0.214233f, 0.214229f, 0.214225f, 0.21422f, 0.214216f, 0.214212f, 0.214208f, 0.214204f, 0.214199f, 0.214195f, 0.214191f, 0.214187f, 0.214183f, 0.214178f, 0.214174f,
-0.21417f, 0.214166f, 0.214162f, 0.214157f, 0.214153f, 0.214149f, 0.214145f, 0.214141f, 0.214136f, 0.214132f, 0.214128f, 0.214124f, 0.21412f, 0.214115f, 0.214111f, 0.214107f, 0.214103f, 0.214099f, 0.214094f, 0.21409f,
-0.214086f, 0.214082f, 0.214078f, 0.214073f, 0.214069f, 0.214065f, 0.214061f, 0.214057f, 0.214052f, 0.214048f, 0.214044f, 0.21404f, 0.214036f, 0.214031f, 0.214027f, 0.214023f, 0.214019f, 0.214015f, 0.21401f, 0.214006f,
-0.214002f, 0.213998f, 0.213994f, 0.21399f, 0.213985f, 0.213981f, 0.213977f, 0.213973f, 0.213969f, 0.213964f, 0.21396f, 0.213956f, 0.213952f, 0.213948f, 0.213943f, 0.213939f, 0.213935f, 0.213931f, 0.213927f, 0.213922f,
-0.213918f, 0.213914f, 0.21391f, 0.213906f, 0.213902f, 0.213897f, 0.213893f, 0.213889f, 0.213885f, 0.213881f, 0.213876f, 0.213872f, 0.213868f, 0.213864f, 0.21386f, 0.213855f, 0.213851f, 0.213847f, 0.213843f, 0.213839f,
-0.213835f, 0.21383f, 0.213826f, 0.213822f, 0.213818f, 0.213814f, 0.213809f, 0.213805f, 0.213801f, 0.213797f, 0.213793f, 0.213788f, 0.213784f, 0.21378f, 0.213776f, 0.213772f, 0.213768f, 0.213763f, 0.213759f, 0.213755f,
-0.213751f, 0.213747f, 0.213742f, 0.213738f, 0.213734f, 0.21373f, 0.213726f, 0.213722f, 0.213717f, 0.213713f, 0.213709f, 0.213705f, 0.213701f, 0.213696f, 0.213692f, 0.213688f, 0.213684f, 0.21368f, 0.213676f, 0.213671f,
-0.213667f, 0.213663f, 0.213659f, 0.213655f, 0.21365f, 0.213646f, 0.213642f, 0.213638f, 0.213634f, 0.21363f, 0.213625f, 0.213621f, 0.213617f, 0.213613f, 0.213609f, 0.213605f, 0.2136f, 0.213596f, 0.213592f, 0.213588f,
-0.213584f, 0.213579f, 0.213575f, 0.213571f, 0.213567f, 0.213563f, 0.213559f, 0.213554f, 0.21355f, 0.213546f, 0.213542f, 0.213538f, 0.213534f, 0.213529f, 0.213525f, 0.213521f, 0.213517f, 0.213513f, 0.213508f, 0.213504f,
-0.2135f, 0.213496f, 0.213492f, 0.213488f, 0.213483f, 0.213479f, 0.213475f, 0.213471f, 0.213467f, 0.213463f, 0.213458f, 0.213454f, 0.21345f, 0.213446f, 0.213442f, 0.213438f, 0.213433f, 0.213429f, 0.213425f, 0.213421f,
-0.213417f, 0.213413f, 0.213408f, 0.213404f, 0.2134f, 0.213396f, 0.213392f, 0.213388f, 0.213383f, 0.213379f, 0.213375f, 0.213371f, 0.213367f, 0.213363f, 0.213358f, 0.213354f, 0.21335f, 0.213346f, 0.213342f, 0.213338f,
-0.213333f, 0.213329f, 0.213325f, 0.213321f, 0.213317f, 0.213313f, 0.213308f, 0.213304f, 0.2133f, 0.213296f, 0.213292f, 0.213288f, 0.213283f, 0.213279f, 0.213275f, 0.213271f, 0.213267f, 0.213263f, 0.213258f, 0.213254f,
-0.21325f, 0.213246f, 0.213242f, 0.213238f, 0.213233f, 0.213229f, 0.213225f, 0.213221f, 0.213217f, 0.213213f, 0.213208f, 0.213204f, 0.2132f, 0.213196f, 0.213192f, 0.213188f, 0.213183f, 0.213179f, 0.213175f, 0.213171f,
-0.213167f, 0.213163f, 0.213158f, 0.213154f, 0.21315f, 0.213146f, 0.213142f, 0.213138f, 0.213134f, 0.213129f, 0.213125f, 0.213121f, 0.213117f, 0.213113f, 0.213109f, 0.213104f, 0.2131f, 0.213096f, 0.213092f, 0.213088f,
-0.213084f, 0.213079f, 0.213075f, 0.213071f, 0.213067f, 0.213063f, 0.213059f, 0.213055f, 0.21305f, 0.213046f, 0.213042f, 0.213038f, 0.213034f, 0.21303f, 0.213025f, 0.213021f, 0.213017f, 0.213013f, 0.213009f, 0.213005f,
-0.213001f, 0.212996f, 0.212992f, 0.212988f, 0.212984f, 0.21298f, 0.212976f, 0.212971f, 0.212967f, 0.212963f, 0.212959f, 0.212955f, 0.212951f, 0.212947f, 0.212942f, 0.212938f, 0.212934f, 0.21293f, 0.212926f, 0.212922f,
-0.212917f, 0.212913f, 0.212909f, 0.212905f, 0.212901f, 0.212897f, 0.212893f, 0.212888f, 0.212884f, 0.21288f, 0.212876f, 0.212872f, 0.212868f, 0.212864f, 0.212859f, 0.212855f, 0.212851f, 0.212847f, 0.212843f, 0.212839f,
-0.212835f, 0.21283f, 0.212826f, 0.212822f, 0.212818f, 0.212814f, 0.21281f, 0.212805f, 0.212801f, 0.212797f, 0.212793f, 0.212789f, 0.212785f, 0.212781f, 0.212776f, 0.212772f, 0.212768f, 0.212764f, 0.21276f, 0.212756f,
-0.212752f, 0.212747f, 0.212743f, 0.212739f, 0.212735f, 0.212731f, 0.212727f, 0.212723f, 0.212718f, 0.212714f, 0.21271f, 0.212706f, 0.212702f, 0.212698f, 0.212694f, 0.212689f, 0.212685f, 0.212681f, 0.212677f, 0.212673f,
-0.212669f, 0.212665f, 0.21266f, 0.212656f, 0.212652f, 0.212648f, 0.212644f, 0.21264f, 0.212636f, 0.212631f, 0.212627f, 0.212623f, 0.212619f, 0.212615f, 0.212611f, 0.212607f, 0.212603f, 0.212598f, 0.212594f, 0.21259f,
-0.212586f, 0.212582f, 0.212578f, 0.212574f, 0.212569f, 0.212565f, 0.212561f, 0.212557f, 0.212553f, 0.212549f, 0.212545f, 0.21254f, 0.212536f, 0.212532f, 0.212528f, 0.212524f, 0.21252f, 0.212516f, 0.212512f, 0.212507f,
-0.212503f, 0.212499f, 0.212495f, 0.212491f, 0.212487f, 0.212483f, 0.212478f, 0.212474f, 0.21247f, 0.212466f, 0.212462f, 0.212458f, 0.212454f, 0.21245f, 0.212445f, 0.212441f, 0.212437f, 0.212433f, 0.212429f, 0.212425f,
-0.212421f, 0.212416f, 0.212412f, 0.212408f, 0.212404f, 0.2124f, 0.212396f, 0.212392f, 0.212388f, 0.212383f, 0.212379f, 0.212375f, 0.212371f, 0.212367f, 0.212363f, 0.212359f, 0.212355f, 0.21235f, 0.212346f, 0.212342f,
-0.212338f, 0.212334f, 0.21233f, 0.212326f, 0.212321f, 0.212317f, 0.212313f, 0.212309f, 0.212305f, 0.212301f, 0.212297f, 0.212293f, 0.212288f, 0.212284f, 0.21228f, 0.212276f, 0.212272f, 0.212268f, 0.212264f, 0.21226f,
-0.212255f, 0.212251f, 0.212247f, 0.212243f, 0.212239f, 0.212235f, 0.212231f, 0.212227f, 0.212222f, 0.212218f, 0.212214f, 0.21221f, 0.212206f, 0.212202f, 0.212198f, 0.212194f, 0.212189f, 0.212185f, 0.212181f, 0.212177f,
-0.212173f, 0.212169f, 0.212165f, 0.212161f, 0.212157f, 0.212152f, 0.212148f, 0.212144f, 0.21214f, 0.212136f, 0.212132f, 0.212128f, 0.212124f, 0.212119f, 0.212115f, 0.212111f, 0.212107f, 0.212103f, 0.212099f, 0.212095f,
-0.212091f, 0.212086f, 0.212082f, 0.212078f, 0.212074f, 0.21207f, 0.212066f, 0.212062f, 0.212058f, 0.212054f, 0.212049f, 0.212045f, 0.212041f, 0.212037f, 0.212033f, 0.212029f, 0.212025f, 0.212021f, 0.212017f, 0.212012f,
-0.212008f, 0.212004f, 0.212f, 0.211996f, 0.211992f, 0.211988f, 0.211984f, 0.211979f, 0.211975f, 0.211971f, 0.211967f, 0.211963f, 0.211959f, 0.211955f, 0.211951f, 0.211947f, 0.211942f, 0.211938f, 0.211934f, 0.21193f,
-0.211926f, 0.211922f, 0.211918f, 0.211914f, 0.21191f, 0.211905f, 0.211901f, 0.211897f, 0.211893f, 0.211889f, 0.211885f, 0.211881f, 0.211877f, 0.211873f, 0.211868f, 0.211864f, 0.21186f, 0.211856f, 0.211852f, 0.211848f,
-0.211844f, 0.21184f, 0.211836f, 0.211831f, 0.211827f, 0.211823f, 0.211819f, 0.211815f, 0.211811f, 0.211807f, 0.211803f, 0.211799f, 0.211795f, 0.21179f, 0.211786f, 0.211782f, 0.211778f, 0.211774f, 0.21177f, 0.211766f,
-0.211762f, 0.211758f, 0.211753f, 0.211749f, 0.211745f, 0.211741f, 0.211737f, 0.211733f, 0.211729f, 0.211725f, 0.211721f, 0.211717f, 0.211712f, 0.211708f, 0.211704f, 0.2117f, 0.211696f, 0.211692f, 0.211688f, 0.211684f,
-0.21168f, 0.211675f, 0.211671f, 0.211667f, 0.211663f, 0.211659f, 0.211655f, 0.211651f, 0.211647f, 0.211643f, 0.211639f, 0.211634f, 0.21163f, 0.211626f, 0.211622f, 0.211618f, 0.211614f, 0.21161f, 0.211606f, 0.211602f,
-0.211598f, 0.211593f, 0.211589f, 0.211585f, 0.211581f, 0.211577f, 0.211573f, 0.211569f, 0.211565f, 0.211561f, 0.211557f, 0.211552f, 0.211548f, 0.211544f, 0.21154f, 0.211536f, 0.211532f, 0.211528f, 0.211524f, 0.21152f,
-0.211516f, 0.211512f, 0.211507f, 0.211503f, 0.211499f, 0.211495f, 0.211491f, 0.211487f, 0.211483f, 0.211479f, 0.211475f, 0.211471f, 0.211466f, 0.211462f, 0.211458f, 0.211454f, 0.21145f, 0.211446f, 0.211442f, 0.211438f,
-0.211434f, 0.21143f, 0.211426f, 0.211421f, 0.211417f, 0.211413f, 0.211409f, 0.211405f, 0.211401f, 0.211397f, 0.211393f, 0.211389f, 0.211385f, 0.211381f, 0.211376f, 0.211372f, 0.211368f, 0.211364f, 0.21136f, 0.211356f,
-0.211352f, 0.211348f, 0.211344f, 0.21134f, 0.211336f, 0.211331f, 0.211327f, 0.211323f, 0.211319f, 0.211315f, 0.211311f, 0.211307f, 0.211303f, 0.211299f, 0.211295f, 0.211291f, 0.211286f, 0.211282f, 0.211278f, 0.211274f,
-0.21127f, 0.211266f, 0.211262f, 0.211258f, 0.211254f, 0.21125f, 0.211246f, 0.211242f, 0.211237f, 0.211233f, 0.211229f, 0.211225f, 0.211221f, 0.211217f, 0.211213f, 0.211209f, 0.211205f, 0.211201f, 0.211197f, 0.211193f,
-0.211188f, 0.211184f, 0.21118f, 0.211176f, 0.211172f, 0.211168f, 0.211164f, 0.21116f, 0.211156f, 0.211152f, 0.211148f, 0.211144f, 0.211139f, 0.211135f, 0.211131f, 0.211127f, 0.211123f, 0.211119f, 0.211115f, 0.211111f,
-0.211107f, 0.211103f, 0.211099f, 0.211095f, 0.21109f, 0.211086f, 0.211082f, 0.211078f, 0.211074f, 0.21107f, 0.211066f, 0.211062f, 0.211058f, 0.211054f, 0.21105f, 0.211046f, 0.211042f, 0.211037f, 0.211033f, 0.211029f,
-0.211025f, 0.211021f, 0.211017f, 0.211013f, 0.211009f, 0.211005f, 0.211001f, 0.210997f, 0.210993f, 0.210989f, 0.210984f, 0.21098f, 0.210976f, 0.210972f, 0.210968f, 0.210964f, 0.21096f, 0.210956f, 0.210952f, 0.210948f,
-0.210944f, 0.21094f, 0.210936f, 0.210932f, 0.210927f, 0.210923f, 0.210919f, 0.210915f, 0.210911f, 0.210907f, 0.210903f, 0.210899f, 0.210895f, 0.210891f, 0.210887f, 0.210883f, 0.210879f, 0.210875f, 0.21087f, 0.210866f,
-0.210862f, 0.210858f, 0.210854f, 0.21085f, 0.210846f, 0.210842f, 0.210838f, 0.210834f, 0.21083f, 0.210826f, 0.210822f, 0.210818f, 0.210813f, 0.210809f, 0.210805f, 0.210801f, 0.210797f, 0.210793f, 0.210789f, 0.210785f,
-0.210781f, 0.210777f, 0.210773f, 0.210769f, 0.210765f, 0.210761f, 0.210757f, 0.210752f, 0.210748f, 0.210744f, 0.21074f, 0.210736f, 0.210732f, 0.210728f, 0.210724f, 0.21072f, 0.210716f, 0.210712f, 0.210708f, 0.210704f,
-0.2107f, 0.210696f, 0.210691f, 0.210687f, 0.210683f, 0.210679f, 0.210675f, 0.210671f, 0.210667f, 0.210663f, 0.210659f, 0.210655f, 0.210651f, 0.210647f, 0.210643f, 0.210639f, 0.210635f, 0.210631f, 0.210626f, 0.210622f,
-0.210618f, 0.210614f, 0.21061f, 0.210606f, 0.210602f, 0.210598f, 0.210594f, 0.21059f, 0.210586f, 0.210582f, 0.210578f, 0.210574f, 0.21057f, 0.210566f, 0.210561f, 0.210557f, 0.210553f, 0.210549f, 0.210545f, 0.210541f,
-0.210537f, 0.210533f, 0.210529f, 0.210525f, 0.210521f, 0.210517f, 0.210513f, 0.210509f, 0.210505f, 0.210501f, 0.210497f, 0.210493f, 0.210488f, 0.210484f, 0.21048f, 0.210476f, 0.210472f, 0.210468f, 0.210464f, 0.21046f,
-0.210456f, 0.210452f, 0.210448f, 0.210444f, 0.21044f, 0.210436f, 0.210432f, 0.210428f, 0.210424f, 0.21042f, 0.210415f, 0.210411f, 0.210407f, 0.210403f, 0.210399f, 0.210395f, 0.210391f, 0.210387f, 0.210383f, 0.210379f,
-0.210375f, 0.210371f, 0.210367f, 0.210363f, 0.210359f, 0.210355f, 0.210351f, 0.210347f, 0.210343f, 0.210338f, 0.210334f, 0.21033f, 0.210326f, 0.210322f, 0.210318f, 0.210314f, 0.21031f, 0.210306f, 0.210302f, 0.210298f,
-0.210294f, 0.21029f, 0.210286f, 0.210282f, 0.210278f, 0.210274f, 0.21027f, 0.210266f, 0.210262f, 0.210257f, 0.210253f, 0.210249f, 0.210245f, 0.210241f, 0.210237f, 0.210233f, 0.210229f, 0.210225f, 0.210221f, 0.210217f,
-0.210213f, 0.210209f, 0.210205f, 0.210201f, 0.210197f, 0.210193f, 0.210189f, 0.210185f, 0.210181f, 0.210177f, 0.210173f, 0.210168f, 0.210164f, 0.21016f, 0.210156f, 0.210152f, 0.210148f, 0.210144f, 0.21014f, 0.210136f,
-0.210132f, 0.210128f, 0.210124f, 0.21012f, 0.210116f, 0.210112f, 0.210108f, 0.210104f, 0.2101f, 0.210096f, 0.210092f, 0.210088f, 0.210084f, 0.21008f, 0.210076f, 0.210071f, 0.210067f, 0.210063f, 0.210059f, 0.210055f,
-0.210051f, 0.210047f, 0.210043f, 0.210039f, 0.210035f, 0.210031f, 0.210027f, 0.210023f, 0.210019f, 0.210015f, 0.210011f, 0.210007f, 0.210003f, 0.209999f, 0.209995f, 0.209991f, 0.209987f, 0.209983f, 0.209979f, 0.209975f,
-0.209971f, 0.209966f, 0.209962f, 0.209958f, 0.209954f, 0.20995f, 0.209946f, 0.209942f, 0.209938f, 0.209934f, 0.20993f, 0.209926f, 0.209922f, 0.209918f, 0.209914f, 0.20991f, 0.209906f, 0.209902f, 0.209898f, 0.209894f,
-0.20989f, 0.209886f, 0.209882f, 0.209878f, 0.209874f, 0.20987f, 0.209866f, 0.209862f, 0.209858f, 0.209854f, 0.20985f, 0.209845f, 0.209841f, 0.209837f, 0.209833f, 0.209829f, 0.209825f, 0.209821f, 0.209817f, 0.209813f,
-0.209809f, 0.209805f, 0.209801f, 0.209797f, 0.209793f, 0.209789f, 0.209785f, 0.209781f, 0.209777f, 0.209773f, 0.209769f, 0.209765f, 0.209761f, 0.209757f, 0.209753f, 0.209749f, 0.209745f, 0.209741f, 0.209737f, 0.209733f,
-0.209729f, 0.209725f, 0.209721f, 0.209717f, 0.209713f, 0.209708f, 0.209704f, 0.2097f, 0.209696f, 0.209692f, 0.209688f, 0.209684f, 0.20968f, 0.209676f, 0.209672f, 0.209668f, 0.209664f, 0.20966f, 0.209656f, 0.209652f,
-0.209648f, 0.209644f, 0.20964f, 0.209636f, 0.209632f, 0.209628f, 0.209624f, 0.20962f, 0.209616f, 0.209612f, 0.209608f, 0.209604f, 0.2096f, 0.209596f, 0.209592f, 0.209588f, 0.209584f, 0.20958f, 0.209576f, 0.209572f,
-0.209568f, 0.209564f, 0.20956f, 0.209556f, 0.209552f, 0.209548f, 0.209544f, 0.20954f, 0.209536f, 0.209531f, 0.209527f, 0.209523f, 0.209519f, 0.209515f, 0.209511f, 0.209507f, 0.209503f, 0.209499f, 0.209495f, 0.209491f,
-0.209487f, 0.209483f, 0.209479f, 0.209475f, 0.209471f, 0.209467f, 0.209463f, 0.209459f, 0.209455f, 0.209451f, 0.209447f, 0.209443f, 0.209439f, 0.209435f, 0.209431f, 0.209427f, 0.209423f, 0.209419f, 0.209415f, 0.209411f,
-0.209407f, 0.209403f, 0.209399f, 0.209395f, 0.209391f, 0.209387f, 0.209383f, 0.209379f, 0.209375f, 0.209371f, 0.209367f, 0.209363f, 0.209359f, 0.209355f, 0.209351f, 0.209347f, 0.209343f, 0.209339f, 0.209335f, 0.209331f,
-0.209327f, 0.209323f, 0.209319f, 0.209315f, 0.209311f, 0.209307f, 0.209303f, 0.209299f, 0.209295f, 0.209291f, 0.209287f, 0.209283f, 0.209279f, 0.209275f, 0.209271f, 0.209267f, 0.209263f, 0.209259f, 0.209255f, 0.20925f,
-0.209246f, 0.209242f, 0.209238f, 0.209234f, 0.20923f, 0.209226f, 0.209222f, 0.209218f, 0.209214f, 0.20921f, 0.209206f, 0.209202f, 0.209198f, 0.209194f, 0.20919f, 0.209186f, 0.209182f, 0.209178f, 0.209174f, 0.20917f,
-0.209166f, 0.209162f, 0.209158f, 0.209154f, 0.20915f, 0.209146f, 0.209142f, 0.209138f, 0.209134f, 0.20913f, 0.209126f, 0.209122f, 0.209118f, 0.209114f, 0.20911f, 0.209106f, 0.209102f, 0.209098f, 0.209094f, 0.20909f,
-0.209086f, 0.209082f, 0.209078f, 0.209074f, 0.20907f, 0.209066f, 0.209062f, 0.209058f, 0.209054f, 0.20905f, 0.209046f, 0.209042f, 0.209038f, 0.209034f, 0.20903f, 0.209026f, 0.209022f, 0.209018f, 0.209014f, 0.20901f,
-0.209006f, 0.209002f, 0.208998f, 0.208994f, 0.20899f, 0.208986f, 0.208982f, 0.208978f, 0.208974f, 0.20897f, 0.208966f, 0.208962f, 0.208958f, 0.208954f, 0.20895f, 0.208946f, 0.208942f, 0.208938f, 0.208934f, 0.20893f,
-0.208926f, 0.208922f, 0.208918f, 0.208914f, 0.20891f, 0.208906f, 0.208902f, 0.208898f, 0.208894f, 0.20889f, 0.208886f, 0.208882f, 0.208878f, 0.208874f, 0.20887f, 0.208866f, 0.208862f, 0.208858f, 0.208854f, 0.20885f,
-0.208846f, 0.208842f, 0.208838f, 0.208834f, 0.20883f, 0.208826f, 0.208822f, 0.208818f, 0.208814f, 0.20881f, 0.208806f, 0.208802f, 0.208798f, 0.208794f, 0.208791f, 0.208787f, 0.208783f, 0.208779f, 0.208775f, 0.208771f,
-0.208767f, 0.208763f, 0.208759f, 0.208755f, 0.208751f, 0.208747f, 0.208743f, 0.208739f, 0.208735f, 0.208731f, 0.208727f, 0.208723f, 0.208719f, 0.208715f, 0.208711f, 0.208707f, 0.208703f, 0.208699f, 0.208695f, 0.208691f,
-0.208687f, 0.208683f, 0.208679f, 0.208675f, 0.208671f, 0.208667f, 0.208663f, 0.208659f, 0.208655f, 0.208651f, 0.208647f, 0.208643f, 0.208639f, 0.208635f, 0.208631f, 0.208627f, 0.208623f, 0.208619f, 0.208615f, 0.208611f,
-0.208607f, 0.208603f, 0.208599f, 0.208595f, 0.208591f, 0.208587f, 0.208583f, 0.208579f, 0.208575f, 0.208571f, 0.208567f, 0.208563f, 0.208559f, 0.208555f, 0.208551f, 0.208547f, 0.208543f, 0.208539f, 0.208535f, 0.208531f,
-0.208527f, 0.208523f, 0.208519f, 0.208515f, 0.208512f, 0.208508f, 0.208504f, 0.2085f, 0.208496f, 0.208492f, 0.208488f, 0.208484f, 0.20848f, 0.208476f, 0.208472f, 0.208468f, 0.208464f, 0.20846f, 0.208456f, 0.208452f,
-0.208448f, 0.208444f, 0.20844f, 0.208436f, 0.208432f, 0.208428f, 0.208424f, 0.20842f, 0.208416f, 0.208412f, 0.208408f, 0.208404f, 0.2084f, 0.208396f, 0.208392f, 0.208388f, 0.208384f, 0.20838f, 0.208376f, 0.208372f,
-0.208368f, 0.208364f, 0.20836f, 0.208356f, 0.208352f, 0.208348f, 0.208344f, 0.20834f, 0.208337f, 0.208333f, 0.208329f, 0.208325f, 0.208321f, 0.208317f, 0.208313f, 0.208309f, 0.208305f, 0.208301f, 0.208297f, 0.208293f,
-0.208289f, 0.208285f, 0.208281f, 0.208277f, 0.208273f, 0.208269f, 0.208265f, 0.208261f, 0.208257f, 0.208253f, 0.208249f, 0.208245f, 0.208241f, 0.208237f, 0.208233f, 0.208229f, 0.208225f, 0.208221f, 0.208217f, 0.208213f,
-0.208209f, 0.208205f, 0.208201f, 0.208198f, 0.208194f, 0.20819f, 0.208186f, 0.208182f, 0.208178f, 0.208174f, 0.20817f, 0.208166f, 0.208162f, 0.208158f, 0.208154f, 0.20815f, 0.208146f, 0.208142f, 0.208138f, 0.208134f,
-0.20813f, 0.208126f, 0.208122f, 0.208118f, 0.208114f, 0.20811f, 0.208106f, 0.208102f, 0.208098f, 0.208094f, 0.20809f, 0.208086f, 0.208083f, 0.208079f, 0.208075f, 0.208071f, 0.208067f, 0.208063f, 0.208059f, 0.208055f,
-0.208051f, 0.208047f, 0.208043f, 0.208039f, 0.208035f, 0.208031f, 0.208027f, 0.208023f, 0.208019f, 0.208015f, 0.208011f, 0.208007f, 0.208003f, 0.207999f, 0.207995f, 0.207991f, 0.207987f, 0.207983f, 0.207979f, 0.207976f,
-0.207972f, 0.207968f, 0.207964f, 0.20796f, 0.207956f, 0.207952f, 0.207948f, 0.207944f, 0.20794f, 0.207936f, 0.207932f, 0.207928f, 0.207924f, 0.20792f, 0.207916f, 0.207912f, 0.207908f, 0.207904f, 0.2079f, 0.207896f,
-0.207892f, 0.207888f, 0.207884f, 0.207881f, 0.207877f, 0.207873f, 0.207869f, 0.207865f, 0.207861f, 0.207857f, 0.207853f, 0.207849f, 0.207845f, 0.207841f, 0.207837f, 0.207833f, 0.207829f, 0.207825f, 0.207821f, 0.207817f,
-0.207813f, 0.207809f, 0.207805f, 0.207801f, 0.207797f, 0.207794f, 0.20779f, 0.207786f, 0.207782f, 0.207778f, 0.207774f, 0.20777f, 0.207766f, 0.207762f, 0.207758f, 0.207754f, 0.20775f, 0.207746f, 0.207742f, 0.207738f,
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-0.20325f, 0.203246f, 0.203243f, 0.203239f, 0.203235f, 0.203231f, 0.203228f, 0.203224f, 0.20322f, 0.203216f, 0.203212f, 0.203209f, 0.203205f, 0.203201f, 0.203197f, 0.203194f, 0.20319f, 0.203186f, 0.203182f, 0.203178f,
-0.203175f, 0.203171f, 0.203167f, 0.203163f, 0.203159f, 0.203156f, 0.203152f, 0.203148f, 0.203144f, 0.203141f, 0.203137f, 0.203133f, 0.203129f, 0.203125f, 0.203122f, 0.203118f, 0.203114f, 0.20311f, 0.203107f, 0.203103f,
-0.203099f, 0.203095f, 0.203091f, 0.203088f, 0.203084f, 0.20308f, 0.203076f, 0.203073f, 0.203069f, 0.203065f, 0.203061f, 0.203058f, 0.203054f, 0.20305f, 0.203046f, 0.203042f, 0.203039f, 0.203035f, 0.203031f, 0.203027f,
-0.203024f, 0.20302f, 0.203016f, 0.203012f, 0.203008f, 0.203005f, 0.203001f, 0.202997f, 0.202993f, 0.20299f, 0.202986f, 0.202982f, 0.202978f, 0.202974f, 0.202971f, 0.202967f, 0.202963f, 0.202959f, 0.202956f, 0.202952f,
-0.202948f, 0.202944f, 0.202941f, 0.202937f, 0.202933f, 0.202929f, 0.202925f, 0.202922f, 0.202918f, 0.202914f, 0.20291f, 0.202907f, 0.202903f, 0.202899f, 0.202895f, 0.202892f, 0.202888f, 0.202884f, 0.20288f, 0.202876f,
-0.202873f, 0.202869f, 0.202865f, 0.202861f, 0.202858f, 0.202854f, 0.20285f, 0.202846f, 0.202843f, 0.202839f, 0.202835f, 0.202831f, 0.202828f, 0.202824f, 0.20282f, 0.202816f, 0.202812f, 0.202809f, 0.202805f, 0.202801f,
-0.202797f, 0.202794f, 0.20279f, 0.202786f, 0.202782f, 0.202779f, 0.202775f, 0.202771f, 0.202767f, 0.202763f, 0.20276f, 0.202756f, 0.202752f, 0.202748f, 0.202745f, 0.202741f, 0.202737f, 0.202733f, 0.20273f, 0.202726f,
-0.202722f, 0.202718f, 0.202715f, 0.202711f, 0.202707f, 0.202703f, 0.2027f, 0.202696f, 0.202692f, 0.202688f, 0.202684f, 0.202681f, 0.202677f, 0.202673f, 0.202669f, 0.202666f, 0.202662f, 0.202658f, 0.202654f, 0.202651f,
-0.202647f, 0.202643f, 0.202639f, 0.202636f, 0.202632f, 0.202628f, 0.202624f, 0.202621f, 0.202617f, 0.202613f, 0.202609f, 0.202606f, 0.202602f, 0.202598f, 0.202594f, 0.20259f, 0.202587f, 0.202583f, 0.202579f, 0.202575f,
-0.202572f, 0.202568f, 0.202564f, 0.20256f, 0.202557f, 0.202553f, 0.202549f, 0.202545f, 0.202542f, 0.202538f, 0.202534f, 0.20253f, 0.202527f, 0.202523f, 0.202519f, 0.202515f, 0.202512f, 0.202508f, 0.202504f, 0.2025f,
-0.202497f, 0.202493f, 0.202489f, 0.202485f, 0.202482f, 0.202478f, 0.202474f, 0.20247f, 0.202467f, 0.202463f, 0.202459f, 0.202455f, 0.202452f, 0.202448f, 0.202444f, 0.20244f, 0.202437f, 0.202433f, 0.202429f, 0.202425f,
-0.202422f, 0.202418f, 0.202414f, 0.20241f, 0.202407f, 0.202403f, 0.202399f, 0.202395f, 0.202392f, 0.202388f, 0.202384f, 0.20238f, 0.202377f, 0.202373f, 0.202369f, 0.202365f, 0.202362f, 0.202358f, 0.202354f, 0.20235f,
-0.202347f, 0.202343f, 0.202339f, 0.202335f, 0.202332f, 0.202328f, 0.202324f, 0.20232f, 0.202317f, 0.202313f, 0.202309f, 0.202305f, 0.202302f, 0.202298f, 0.202294f, 0.20229f, 0.202287f, 0.202283f, 0.202279f, 0.202275f,
-0.202272f, 0.202268f, 0.202264f, 0.20226f, 0.202257f, 0.202253f, 0.202249f, 0.202245f, 0.202242f, 0.202238f, 0.202234f, 0.20223f, 0.202227f, 0.202223f, 0.202219f, 0.202215f, 0.202212f, 0.202208f, 0.202204f, 0.2022f,
-0.202197f, 0.202193f, 0.202189f, 0.202185f, 0.202182f, 0.202178f, 0.202174f, 0.202171f, 0.202167f, 0.202163f, 0.202159f, 0.202156f, 0.202152f, 0.202148f, 0.202144f, 0.202141f, 0.202137f, 0.202133f, 0.202129f, 0.202126f,
-0.202122f, 0.202118f, 0.202114f, 0.202111f, 0.202107f, 0.202103f, 0.202099f, 0.202096f, 0.202092f, 0.202088f, 0.202084f, 0.202081f, 0.202077f, 0.202073f, 0.20207f, 0.202066f, 0.202062f, 0.202058f, 0.202055f, 0.202051f,
-0.202047f, 0.202043f, 0.20204f, 0.202036f, 0.202032f, 0.202028f, 0.202025f, 0.202021f, 0.202017f, 0.202013f, 0.20201f, 0.202006f, 0.202002f, 0.201999f, 0.201995f, 0.201991f, 0.201987f, 0.201984f, 0.20198f, 0.201976f,
-0.201972f, 0.201969f, 0.201965f, 0.201961f, 0.201957f, 0.201954f, 0.20195f, 0.201946f, 0.201943f, 0.201939f, 0.201935f, 0.201931f, 0.201928f, 0.201924f, 0.20192f, 0.201916f, 0.201913f, 0.201909f, 0.201905f, 0.201901f,
-0.201898f, 0.201894f, 0.20189f, 0.201887f, 0.201883f, 0.201879f, 0.201875f, 0.201872f, 0.201868f, 0.201864f, 0.20186f, 0.201857f, 0.201853f, 0.201849f, 0.201845f, 0.201842f, 0.201838f, 0.201834f, 0.201831f, 0.201827f,
-0.201823f, 0.201819f, 0.201816f, 0.201812f, 0.201808f, 0.201804f, 0.201801f, 0.201797f, 0.201793f, 0.20179f, 0.201786f, 0.201782f, 0.201778f, 0.201775f, 0.201771f, 0.201767f, 0.201763f, 0.20176f, 0.201756f, 0.201752f,
-0.201749f, 0.201745f, 0.201741f, 0.201737f, 0.201734f, 0.20173f, 0.201726f, 0.201722f, 0.201719f, 0.201715f, 0.201711f, 0.201708f, 0.201704f, 0.2017f, 0.201696f, 0.201693f, 0.201689f, 0.201685f, 0.201681f, 0.201678f,
-0.201674f, 0.20167f, 0.201667f, 0.201663f, 0.201659f, 0.201655f, 0.201652f, 0.201648f, 0.201644f, 0.201641f, 0.201637f, 0.201633f, 0.201629f, 0.201626f, 0.201622f, 0.201618f, 0.201614f, 0.201611f, 0.201607f, 0.201603f,
-0.2016f, 0.201596f, 0.201592f, 0.201588f, 0.201585f, 0.201581f, 0.201577f, 0.201574f, 0.20157f, 0.201566f, 0.201562f, 0.201559f, 0.201555f, 0.201551f, 0.201548f, 0.201544f, 0.20154f, 0.201536f, 0.201533f, 0.201529f,
-0.201525f, 0.201521f, 0.201518f, 0.201514f, 0.20151f, 0.201507f, 0.201503f, 0.201499f, 0.201495f, 0.201492f, 0.201488f, 0.201484f, 0.201481f, 0.201477f, 0.201473f, 0.201469f, 0.201466f, 0.201462f, 0.201458f, 0.201455f,
-0.201451f, 0.201447f, 0.201443f, 0.20144f, 0.201436f, 0.201432f, 0.201429f, 0.201425f, 0.201421f, 0.201417f, 0.201414f, 0.20141f, 0.201406f, 0.201403f, 0.201399f, 0.201395f, 0.201391f, 0.201388f, 0.201384f, 0.20138f,
-0.201377f, 0.201373f, 0.201369f, 0.201365f, 0.201362f, 0.201358f, 0.201354f, 0.201351f, 0.201347f, 0.201343f, 0.201339f, 0.201336f, 0.201332f, 0.201328f, 0.201325f, 0.201321f, 0.201317f, 0.201314f, 0.20131f, 0.201306f,
-0.201302f, 0.201299f, 0.201295f, 0.201291f, 0.201288f, 0.201284f, 0.20128f, 0.201276f, 0.201273f, 0.201269f, 0.201265f, 0.201262f, 0.201258f, 0.201254f, 0.20125f, 0.201247f, 0.201243f, 0.201239f, 0.201236f, 0.201232f,
-0.201228f, 0.201224f, 0.201221f, 0.201217f, 0.201213f, 0.20121f, 0.201206f, 0.201202f, 0.201199f, 0.201195f, 0.201191f, 0.201187f, 0.201184f, 0.20118f, 0.201176f, 0.201173f, 0.201169f, 0.201165f, 0.201161f, 0.201158f,
-0.201154f, 0.20115f, 0.201147f, 0.201143f, 0.201139f, 0.201136f, 0.201132f, 0.201128f, 0.201124f, 0.201121f, 0.201117f, 0.201113f, 0.20111f, 0.201106f, 0.201102f, 0.201099f, 0.201095f, 0.201091f, 0.201087f, 0.201084f,
-0.20108f, 0.201076f, 0.201073f, 0.201069f, 0.201065f, 0.201062f, 0.201058f, 0.201054f, 0.20105f, 0.201047f, 0.201043f, 0.201039f, 0.201036f, 0.201032f, 0.201028f, 0.201025f, 0.201021f, 0.201017f, 0.201013f, 0.20101f,
-0.201006f, 0.201002f, 0.200999f, 0.200995f, 0.200991f, 0.200988f, 0.200984f, 0.20098f, 0.200976f, 0.200973f, 0.200969f, 0.200965f, 0.200962f, 0.200958f, 0.200954f, 0.200951f, 0.200947f, 0.200943f, 0.200939f, 0.200936f,
-0.200932f, 0.200928f, 0.200925f, 0.200921f, 0.200917f, 0.200914f, 0.20091f, 0.200906f, 0.200902f, 0.200899f, 0.200895f, 0.200891f, 0.200888f, 0.200884f, 0.20088f, 0.200877f, 0.200873f, 0.200869f, 0.200866f, 0.200862f,
-0.200858f, 0.200854f, 0.200851f, 0.200847f, 0.200843f, 0.20084f, 0.200836f, 0.200832f, 0.200829f, 0.200825f, 0.200821f, 0.200818f, 0.200814f, 0.20081f, 0.200806f, 0.200803f, 0.200799f, 0.200795f, 0.200792f, 0.200788f,
-0.200784f, 0.200781f, 0.200777f, 0.200773f, 0.20077f, 0.200766f, 0.200762f, 0.200758f, 0.200755f, 0.200751f, 0.200747f, 0.200744f, 0.20074f, 0.200736f, 0.200733f, 0.200729f, 0.200725f, 0.200722f, 0.200718f, 0.200714f,
-0.200711f, 0.200707f, 0.200703f, 0.200699f, 0.200696f, 0.200692f, 0.200688f, 0.200685f, 0.200681f, 0.200677f, 0.200674f, 0.20067f, 0.200666f, 0.200663f, 0.200659f, 0.200655f, 0.200652f, 0.200648f, 0.200644f, 0.20064f,
-0.200637f, 0.200633f, 0.200629f, 0.200626f, 0.200622f, 0.200618f, 0.200615f, 0.200611f, 0.200607f, 0.200604f, 0.2006f, 0.200596f, 0.200593f, 0.200589f, 0.200585f, 0.200582f, 0.200578f, 0.200574f, 0.20057f, 0.200567f,
-0.200563f, 0.200559f, 0.200556f, 0.200552f, 0.200548f, 0.200545f, 0.200541f, 0.200537f, 0.200534f, 0.20053f, 0.200526f, 0.200523f, 0.200519f, 0.200515f, 0.200512f, 0.200508f, 0.200504f, 0.200501f, 0.200497f, 0.200493f,
-0.200489f, 0.200486f, 0.200482f, 0.200478f, 0.200475f, 0.200471f, 0.200467f, 0.200464f, 0.20046f, 0.200456f, 0.200453f, 0.200449f, 0.200445f, 0.200442f, 0.200438f, 0.200434f, 0.200431f, 0.200427f, 0.200423f, 0.20042f,
-0.200416f, 0.200412f, 0.200409f, 0.200405f, 0.200401f, 0.200398f, 0.200394f, 0.20039f, 0.200386f, 0.200383f, 0.200379f, 0.200375f, 0.200372f, 0.200368f, 0.200364f, 0.200361f, 0.200357f, 0.200353f, 0.20035f, 0.200346f,
-0.200342f, 0.200339f, 0.200335f, 0.200331f, 0.200328f, 0.200324f, 0.20032f, 0.200317f, 0.200313f, 0.200309f, 0.200306f, 0.200302f, 0.200298f, 0.200295f, 0.200291f, 0.200287f, 0.200284f, 0.20028f, 0.200276f, 0.200273f,
-0.200269f, 0.200265f, 0.200262f, 0.200258f, 0.200254f, 0.200251f, 0.200247f, 0.200243f, 0.20024f, 0.200236f, 0.200232f, 0.200229f, 0.200225f, 0.200221f, 0.200218f, 0.200214f, 0.20021f, 0.200207f, 0.200203f, 0.200199f,
-0.200196f, 0.200192f, 0.200188f, 0.200184f, 0.200181f, 0.200177f, 0.200173f, 0.20017f, 0.200166f, 0.200162f, 0.200159f, 0.200155f, 0.200151f, 0.200148f, 0.200144f, 0.20014f, 0.200137f, 0.200133f, 0.200129f, 0.200126f,
-0.200122f, 0.200118f, 0.200115f, 0.200111f, 0.200107f, 0.200104f, 0.2001f, 0.200096f, 0.200093f, 0.200089f, 0.200085f, 0.200082f, 0.200078f, 0.200074f, 0.200071f, 0.200067f, 0.200063f, 0.20006f, 0.200056f, 0.200053f,
-0.200049f, 0.200045f, 0.200042f, 0.200038f, 0.200034f, 0.200031f, 0.200027f, 0.200023f, 0.20002f, 0.200016f, 0.200012f, 0.200009f, 0.200005f, 0.200001f, 0.199998f, 0.199994f, 0.19999f, 0.199987f, 0.199983f, 0.199979f,
-0.199976f, 0.199972f, 0.199968f, 0.199965f, 0.199961f, 0.199957f, 0.199954f, 0.19995f, 0.199946f, 0.199943f, 0.199939f, 0.199935f, 0.199932f, 0.199928f, 0.199924f, 0.199921f, 0.199917f, 0.199913f, 0.19991f, 0.199906f,
-0.199902f, 0.199899f, 0.199895f, 0.199891f, 0.199888f, 0.199884f, 0.19988f, 0.199877f, 0.199873f, 0.199869f, 0.199866f, 0.199862f, 0.199858f, 0.199855f, 0.199851f, 0.199848f, 0.199844f, 0.19984f, 0.199837f, 0.199833f,
-0.199829f, 0.199826f, 0.199822f, 0.199818f, 0.199815f, 0.199811f, 0.199807f, 0.199804f, 0.1998f, 0.199796f, 0.199793f, 0.199789f, 0.199785f, 0.199782f, 0.199778f, 0.199774f, 0.199771f, 0.199767f, 0.199763f, 0.19976f,
-0.199756f, 0.199753f, 0.199749f, 0.199745f, 0.199742f, 0.199738f, 0.199734f, 0.199731f, 0.199727f, 0.199723f, 0.19972f, 0.199716f, 0.199712f, 0.199709f, 0.199705f, 0.199701f, 0.199698f, 0.199694f, 0.19969f, 0.199687f,
-0.199683f, 0.199679f, 0.199676f, 0.199672f, 0.199669f, 0.199665f, 0.199661f, 0.199658f, 0.199654f, 0.19965f, 0.199647f, 0.199643f, 0.199639f, 0.199636f, 0.199632f, 0.199628f, 0.199625f, 0.199621f, 0.199617f, 0.199614f,
-0.19961f, 0.199606f, 0.199603f, 0.199599f, 0.199596f, 0.199592f, 0.199588f, 0.199585f, 0.199581f, 0.199577f, 0.199574f, 0.19957f, 0.199566f, 0.199563f, 0.199559f, 0.199555f, 0.199552f, 0.199548f, 0.199544f, 0.199541f,
-0.199537f, 0.199534f, 0.19953f, 0.199526f, 0.199523f, 0.199519f, 0.199515f, 0.199512f, 0.199508f, 0.199504f, 0.199501f, 0.199497f, 0.199493f, 0.19949f, 0.199486f, 0.199483f, 0.199479f, 0.199475f, 0.199472f, 0.199468f,
-0.199464f, 0.199461f, 0.199457f, 0.199453f, 0.19945f, 0.199446f, 0.199442f, 0.199439f, 0.199435f, 0.199432f, 0.199428f, 0.199424f, 0.199421f, 0.199417f, 0.199413f, 0.19941f, 0.199406f, 0.199402f, 0.199399f, 0.199395f,
-0.199392f, 0.199388f, 0.199384f, 0.199381f, 0.199377f, 0.199373f, 0.19937f, 0.199366f, 0.199362f, 0.199359f, 0.199355f, 0.199351f, 0.199348f, 0.199344f, 0.199341f, 0.199337f, 0.199333f, 0.19933f, 0.199326f, 0.199322f,
-0.199319f, 0.199315f, 0.199311f, 0.199308f, 0.199304f, 0.199301f, 0.199297f, 0.199293f, 0.19929f, 0.199286f, 0.199282f, 0.199279f, 0.199275f, 0.199271f, 0.199268f, 0.199264f, 0.199261f, 0.199257f, 0.199253f, 0.19925f,
-0.199246f, 0.199242f, 0.199239f, 0.199235f, 0.199231f, 0.199228f, 0.199224f, 0.199221f, 0.199217f, 0.199213f, 0.19921f, 0.199206f, 0.199202f, 0.199199f, 0.199195f, 0.199192f, 0.199188f, 0.199184f, 0.199181f, 0.199177f,
-0.199173f, 0.19917f, 0.199166f, 0.199162f, 0.199159f, 0.199155f, 0.199152f, 0.199148f, 0.199144f, 0.199141f, 0.199137f, 0.199133f, 0.19913f, 0.199126f, 0.199123f, 0.199119f, 0.199115f, 0.199112f, 0.199108f, 0.199104f,
-0.199101f, 0.199097f, 0.199093f, 0.19909f, 0.199086f, 0.199083f, 0.199079f, 0.199075f, 0.199072f, 0.199068f, 0.199064f, 0.199061f, 0.199057f, 0.199054f, 0.19905f, 0.199046f, 0.199043f, 0.199039f, 0.199035f, 0.199032f,
-0.199028f, 0.199025f, 0.199021f, 0.199017f, 0.199014f, 0.19901f, 0.199006f, 0.199003f, 0.198999f, 0.198996f, 0.198992f, 0.198988f, 0.198985f, 0.198981f, 0.198977f, 0.198974f, 0.19897f, 0.198967f, 0.198963f, 0.198959f,
-0.198956f, 0.198952f, 0.198948f, 0.198945f, 0.198941f, 0.198938f, 0.198934f, 0.19893f, 0.198927f, 0.198923f, 0.198919f, 0.198916f, 0.198912f, 0.198909f, 0.198905f, 0.198901f, 0.198898f, 0.198894f, 0.19889f, 0.198887f,
-0.198883f, 0.19888f, 0.198876f, 0.198872f, 0.198869f, 0.198865f, 0.198861f, 0.198858f, 0.198854f, 0.198851f, 0.198847f, 0.198843f, 0.19884f, 0.198836f, 0.198833f, 0.198829f, 0.198825f, 0.198822f, 0.198818f, 0.198814f,
-0.198811f, 0.198807f, 0.198804f, 0.1988f, 0.198796f, 0.198793f, 0.198789f, 0.198785f, 0.198782f, 0.198778f, 0.198775f, 0.198771f, 0.198767f, 0.198764f, 0.19876f, 0.198757f, 0.198753f, 0.198749f, 0.198746f, 0.198742f,
-0.198738f, 0.198735f, 0.198731f, 0.198728f, 0.198724f, 0.19872f, 0.198717f, 0.198713f, 0.19871f, 0.198706f, 0.198702f, 0.198699f, 0.198695f, 0.198691f, 0.198688f, 0.198684f, 0.198681f, 0.198677f, 0.198673f, 0.19867f,
-0.198666f, 0.198663f, 0.198659f, 0.198655f, 0.198652f, 0.198648f, 0.198645f, 0.198641f, 0.198637f, 0.198634f, 0.19863f, 0.198626f, 0.198623f, 0.198619f, 0.198616f, 0.198612f, 0.198608f, 0.198605f, 0.198601f, 0.198598f,
-0.198594f, 0.19859f, 0.198587f, 0.198583f, 0.198579f, 0.198576f, 0.198572f, 0.198569f, 0.198565f, 0.198561f, 0.198558f, 0.198554f, 0.198551f, 0.198547f, 0.198543f, 0.19854f, 0.198536f, 0.198533f, 0.198529f, 0.198525f,
-0.198522f, 0.198518f, 0.198515f, 0.198511f, 0.198507f, 0.198504f, 0.1985f, 0.198496f, 0.198493f, 0.198489f, 0.198486f, 0.198482f, 0.198478f, 0.198475f, 0.198471f, 0.198468f, 0.198464f, 0.19846f, 0.198457f, 0.198453f,
-0.19845f, 0.198446f, 0.198442f, 0.198439f, 0.198435f, 0.198432f, 0.198428f, 0.198424f, 0.198421f, 0.198417f, 0.198414f, 0.19841f, 0.198406f, 0.198403f, 0.198399f, 0.198396f, 0.198392f, 0.198388f, 0.198385f, 0.198381f,
-0.198378f, 0.198374f, 0.19837f, 0.198367f, 0.198363f, 0.19836f, 0.198356f, 0.198352f, 0.198349f, 0.198345f, 0.198342f, 0.198338f, 0.198334f, 0.198331f, 0.198327f, 0.198323f, 0.19832f, 0.198316f, 0.198313f, 0.198309f,
-0.198305f, 0.198302f, 0.198298f, 0.198295f, 0.198291f, 0.198287f, 0.198284f, 0.19828f, 0.198277f, 0.198273f, 0.198269f, 0.198266f, 0.198262f, 0.198259f, 0.198255f, 0.198252f, 0.198248f, 0.198244f, 0.198241f, 0.198237f,
-0.198234f, 0.19823f, 0.198226f, 0.198223f, 0.198219f, 0.198216f, 0.198212f, 0.198208f, 0.198205f, 0.198201f, 0.198198f, 0.198194f, 0.19819f, 0.198187f, 0.198183f, 0.19818f, 0.198176f, 0.198172f, 0.198169f, 0.198165f,
-0.198162f, 0.198158f, 0.198154f, 0.198151f, 0.198147f, 0.198144f, 0.19814f, 0.198136f, 0.198133f, 0.198129f, 0.198126f, 0.198122f, 0.198118f, 0.198115f, 0.198111f, 0.198108f, 0.198104f, 0.1981f, 0.198097f, 0.198093f,
-0.19809f, 0.198086f, 0.198083f, 0.198079f, 0.198075f, 0.198072f, 0.198068f, 0.198065f, 0.198061f, 0.198057f, 0.198054f, 0.19805f, 0.198047f, 0.198043f, 0.198039f, 0.198036f, 0.198032f, 0.198029f, 0.198025f, 0.198021f,
-0.198018f, 0.198014f, 0.198011f, 0.198007f, 0.198004f, 0.198f, 0.197996f, 0.197993f, 0.197989f, 0.197986f, 0.197982f, 0.197978f, 0.197975f, 0.197971f, 0.197968f, 0.197964f, 0.19796f, 0.197957f, 0.197953f, 0.19795f,
-0.197946f, 0.197943f, 0.197939f, 0.197935f, 0.197932f, 0.197928f, 0.197925f, 0.197921f, 0.197917f, 0.197914f, 0.19791f, 0.197907f, 0.197903f, 0.197899f, 0.197896f, 0.197892f, 0.197889f, 0.197885f, 0.197882f, 0.197878f,
-0.197874f, 0.197871f, 0.197867f, 0.197864f, 0.19786f, 0.197856f, 0.197853f, 0.197849f, 0.197846f, 0.197842f, 0.197839f, 0.197835f, 0.197831f, 0.197828f, 0.197824f, 0.197821f, 0.197817f, 0.197813f, 0.19781f, 0.197806f,
-0.197803f, 0.197799f, 0.197796f, 0.197792f, 0.197788f, 0.197785f, 0.197781f, 0.197778f, 0.197774f, 0.19777f, 0.197767f, 0.197763f, 0.19776f, 0.197756f, 0.197753f, 0.197749f, 0.197745f, 0.197742f, 0.197738f, 0.197735f,
-0.197731f, 0.197728f, 0.197724f, 0.19772f, 0.197717f, 0.197713f, 0.19771f, 0.197706f, 0.197702f, 0.197699f, 0.197695f, 0.197692f, 0.197688f, 0.197685f, 0.197681f, 0.197677f, 0.197674f, 0.19767f, 0.197667f, 0.197663f,
-0.19766f, 0.197656f, 0.197652f, 0.197649f, 0.197645f, 0.197642f, 0.197638f, 0.197635f, 0.197631f, 0.197627f, 0.197624f, 0.19762f, 0.197617f, 0.197613f, 0.197609f, 0.197606f, 0.197602f, 0.197599f, 0.197595f, 0.197592f,
-0.197588f, 0.197584f, 0.197581f, 0.197577f, 0.197574f, 0.19757f, 0.197567f, 0.197563f, 0.197559f, 0.197556f, 0.197552f, 0.197549f, 0.197545f, 0.197542f, 0.197538f, 0.197534f, 0.197531f, 0.197527f, 0.197524f, 0.19752f,
-0.197517f, 0.197513f, 0.197509f, 0.197506f, 0.197502f, 0.197499f, 0.197495f, 0.197492f, 0.197488f, 0.197484f, 0.197481f, 0.197477f, 0.197474f, 0.19747f, 0.197467f, 0.197463f, 0.197459f, 0.197456f, 0.197452f, 0.197449f,
-0.197445f, 0.197442f, 0.197438f, 0.197434f, 0.197431f, 0.197427f, 0.197424f, 0.19742f, 0.197417f, 0.197413f, 0.197409f, 0.197406f, 0.197402f, 0.197399f, 0.197395f, 0.197392f, 0.197388f, 0.197385f, 0.197381f, 0.197377f,
-0.197374f, 0.19737f, 0.197367f, 0.197363f, 0.19736f, 0.197356f, 0.197352f, 0.197349f, 0.197345f, 0.197342f, 0.197338f, 0.197335f, 0.197331f, 0.197327f, 0.197324f, 0.19732f, 0.197317f, 0.197313f, 0.19731f, 0.197306f,
-0.197303f, 0.197299f, 0.197295f, 0.197292f, 0.197288f, 0.197285f, 0.197281f, 0.197278f, 0.197274f, 0.19727f, 0.197267f, 0.197263f, 0.19726f, 0.197256f, 0.197253f, 0.197249f, 0.197245f, 0.197242f, 0.197238f, 0.197235f,
-0.197231f, 0.197228f, 0.197224f, 0.197221f, 0.197217f, 0.197213f, 0.19721f, 0.197206f, 0.197203f, 0.197199f, 0.197196f, 0.197192f, 0.197189f, 0.197185f, 0.197181f, 0.197178f, 0.197174f, 0.197171f, 0.197167f, 0.197164f,
-0.19716f, 0.197156f, 0.197153f, 0.197149f, 0.197146f, 0.197142f, 0.197139f, 0.197135f, 0.197132f, 0.197128f, 0.197124f, 0.197121f, 0.197117f, 0.197114f, 0.19711f, 0.197107f, 0.197103f, 0.1971f, 0.197096f, 0.197092f,
-0.197089f, 0.197085f, 0.197082f, 0.197078f, 0.197075f, 0.197071f, 0.197068f, 0.197064f, 0.19706f, 0.197057f, 0.197053f, 0.19705f, 0.197046f, 0.197043f, 0.197039f, 0.197036f, 0.197032f, 0.197028f, 0.197025f, 0.197021f,
-0.197018f, 0.197014f, 0.197011f, 0.197007f, 0.197004f, 0.197f, 0.196996f, 0.196993f, 0.196989f, 0.196986f, 0.196982f, 0.196979f, 0.196975f, 0.196972f, 0.196968f, 0.196965f, 0.196961f, 0.196957f, 0.196954f, 0.19695f,
-0.196947f, 0.196943f, 0.19694f, 0.196936f, 0.196933f, 0.196929f, 0.196925f, 0.196922f, 0.196918f, 0.196915f, 0.196911f, 0.196908f, 0.196904f, 0.196901f, 0.196897f, 0.196893f, 0.19689f, 0.196886f, 0.196883f, 0.196879f,
-0.196876f, 0.196872f, 0.196869f, 0.196865f, 0.196862f, 0.196858f, 0.196854f, 0.196851f, 0.196847f, 0.196844f, 0.19684f, 0.196837f, 0.196833f, 0.19683f, 0.196826f, 0.196823f, 0.196819f, 0.196815f, 0.196812f, 0.196808f,
-0.196805f, 0.196801f, 0.196798f, 0.196794f, 0.196791f, 0.196787f, 0.196784f, 0.19678f, 0.196776f, 0.196773f, 0.196769f, 0.196766f, 0.196762f, 0.196759f, 0.196755f, 0.196752f, 0.196748f, 0.196745f, 0.196741f, 0.196737f,
-0.196734f, 0.19673f, 0.196727f, 0.196723f, 0.19672f, 0.196716f, 0.196713f, 0.196709f, 0.196706f, 0.196702f, 0.196698f, 0.196695f, 0.196691f, 0.196688f, 0.196684f, 0.196681f, 0.196677f, 0.196674f, 0.19667f, 0.196667f,
-0.196663f, 0.19666f, 0.196656f, 0.196652f, 0.196649f, 0.196645f, 0.196642f, 0.196638f, 0.196635f, 0.196631f, 0.196628f, 0.196624f, 0.196621f, 0.196617f, 0.196614f, 0.19661f, 0.196606f, 0.196603f, 0.196599f, 0.196596f,
-0.196592f, 0.196589f, 0.196585f, 0.196582f, 0.196578f, 0.196575f, 0.196571f, 0.196568f, 0.196564f, 0.19656f, 0.196557f, 0.196553f, 0.19655f, 0.196546f, 0.196543f, 0.196539f, 0.196536f, 0.196532f, 0.196529f, 0.196525f,
-0.196522f, 0.196518f, 0.196514f, 0.196511f, 0.196507f, 0.196504f, 0.1965f, 0.196497f, 0.196493f, 0.19649f, 0.196486f, 0.196483f, 0.196479f, 0.196476f, 0.196472f, 0.196469f, 0.196465f, 0.196461f, 0.196458f, 0.196454f,
-0.196451f, 0.196447f, 0.196444f, 0.19644f, 0.196437f, 0.196433f, 0.19643f, 0.196426f, 0.196423f, 0.196419f, 0.196416f, 0.196412f, 0.196408f, 0.196405f, 0.196401f, 0.196398f, 0.196394f, 0.196391f, 0.196387f, 0.196384f,
-0.19638f, 0.196377f, 0.196373f, 0.19637f, 0.196366f, 0.196363f, 0.196359f, 0.196355f, 0.196352f, 0.196348f, 0.196345f, 0.196341f, 0.196338f, 0.196334f, 0.196331f, 0.196327f, 0.196324f, 0.19632f, 0.196317f, 0.196313f,
-0.19631f, 0.196306f, 0.196303f, 0.196299f, 0.196295f, 0.196292f, 0.196288f, 0.196285f, 0.196281f, 0.196278f, 0.196274f, 0.196271f, 0.196267f, 0.196264f, 0.19626f, 0.196257f, 0.196253f, 0.19625f, 0.196246f, 0.196243f,
-0.196239f, 0.196236f, 0.196232f, 0.196228f, 0.196225f, 0.196221f, 0.196218f, 0.196214f, 0.196211f, 0.196207f, 0.196204f, 0.1962f, 0.196197f, 0.196193f, 0.19619f, 0.196186f, 0.196183f, 0.196179f, 0.196176f, 0.196172f,
-0.196169f, 0.196165f, 0.196162f, 0.196158f, 0.196154f, 0.196151f, 0.196147f, 0.196144f, 0.19614f, 0.196137f, 0.196133f, 0.19613f, 0.196126f, 0.196123f, 0.196119f, 0.196116f, 0.196112f, 0.196109f, 0.196105f, 0.196102f,
-0.196098f, 0.196095f, 0.196091f, 0.196088f, 0.196084f, 0.196081f, 0.196077f, 0.196074f, 0.19607f, 0.196066f, 0.196063f, 0.196059f, 0.196056f, 0.196052f, 0.196049f, 0.196045f, 0.196042f, 0.196038f, 0.196035f, 0.196031f,
-0.196028f, 0.196024f, 0.196021f, 0.196017f, 0.196014f, 0.19601f, 0.196007f, 0.196003f, 0.196f, 0.195996f, 0.195993f, 0.195989f, 0.195986f, 0.195982f, 0.195979f, 0.195975f, 0.195971f, 0.195968f, 0.195964f, 0.195961f,
-0.195957f, 0.195954f, 0.19595f, 0.195947f, 0.195943f, 0.19594f, 0.195936f, 0.195933f, 0.195929f, 0.195926f, 0.195922f, 0.195919f, 0.195915f, 0.195912f, 0.195908f, 0.195905f, 0.195901f, 0.195898f, 0.195894f, 0.195891f,
-0.195887f, 0.195884f, 0.19588f, 0.195877f, 0.195873f, 0.19587f, 0.195866f, 0.195863f, 0.195859f, 0.195856f, 0.195852f, 0.195848f, 0.195845f, 0.195841f, 0.195838f, 0.195834f, 0.195831f, 0.195827f, 0.195824f, 0.19582f,
-0.195817f, 0.195813f, 0.19581f, 0.195806f, 0.195803f, 0.195799f, 0.195796f, 0.195792f, 0.195789f, 0.195785f, 0.195782f, 0.195778f, 0.195775f, 0.195771f, 0.195768f, 0.195764f, 0.195761f, 0.195757f, 0.195754f, 0.19575f,
-0.195747f, 0.195743f, 0.19574f, 0.195736f, 0.195733f, 0.195729f, 0.195726f, 0.195722f, 0.195719f, 0.195715f, 0.195712f, 0.195708f, 0.195705f, 0.195701f, 0.195698f, 0.195694f, 0.195691f, 0.195687f, 0.195684f, 0.19568f,
-0.195677f, 0.195673f, 0.19567f, 0.195666f, 0.195663f, 0.195659f, 0.195656f, 0.195652f, 0.195649f, 0.195645f, 0.195642f, 0.195638f, 0.195635f, 0.195631f, 0.195628f, 0.195624f, 0.195621f, 0.195617f, 0.195614f, 0.19561f,
-0.195606f, 0.195603f, 0.195599f, 0.195596f, 0.195592f, 0.195589f, 0.195585f, 0.195582f, 0.195578f, 0.195575f, 0.195571f, 0.195568f, 0.195564f, 0.195561f, 0.195557f, 0.195554f, 0.19555f, 0.195547f, 0.195543f, 0.19554f,
-0.195536f, 0.195533f, 0.195529f, 0.195526f, 0.195522f, 0.195519f, 0.195515f, 0.195512f, 0.195508f, 0.195505f, 0.195501f, 0.195498f, 0.195494f, 0.195491f, 0.195487f, 0.195484f, 0.19548f, 0.195477f, 0.195473f, 0.19547f,
-0.195466f, 0.195463f, 0.195459f, 0.195456f, 0.195452f, 0.195449f, 0.195445f, 0.195442f, 0.195438f, 0.195435f, 0.195432f, 0.195428f, 0.195425f, 0.195421f, 0.195418f, 0.195414f, 0.195411f, 0.195407f, 0.195404f, 0.1954f,
-0.195397f, 0.195393f, 0.19539f, 0.195386f, 0.195383f, 0.195379f, 0.195376f, 0.195372f, 0.195369f, 0.195365f, 0.195362f, 0.195358f, 0.195355f, 0.195351f, 0.195348f, 0.195344f, 0.195341f, 0.195337f, 0.195334f, 0.19533f,
-0.195327f, 0.195323f, 0.19532f, 0.195316f, 0.195313f, 0.195309f, 0.195306f, 0.195302f, 0.195299f, 0.195295f, 0.195292f, 0.195288f, 0.195285f, 0.195281f, 0.195278f, 0.195274f, 0.195271f, 0.195267f, 0.195264f, 0.19526f,
-0.195257f, 0.195253f, 0.19525f, 0.195246f, 0.195243f, 0.195239f, 0.195236f, 0.195232f, 0.195229f, 0.195225f, 0.195222f, 0.195218f, 0.195215f, 0.195211f, 0.195208f, 0.195204f, 0.195201f, 0.195198f, 0.195194f, 0.195191f,
-0.195187f, 0.195184f, 0.19518f, 0.195177f, 0.195173f, 0.19517f, 0.195166f, 0.195163f, 0.195159f, 0.195156f, 0.195152f, 0.195149f, 0.195145f, 0.195142f, 0.195138f, 0.195135f, 0.195131f, 0.195128f, 0.195124f, 0.195121f,
-0.195117f, 0.195114f, 0.19511f, 0.195107f, 0.195103f, 0.1951f, 0.195096f, 0.195093f, 0.195089f, 0.195086f, 0.195082f, 0.195079f, 0.195075f, 0.195072f, 0.195069f, 0.195065f, 0.195062f, 0.195058f, 0.195055f, 0.195051f,
-0.195048f, 0.195044f, 0.195041f, 0.195037f, 0.195034f, 0.19503f, 0.195027f, 0.195023f, 0.19502f, 0.195016f, 0.195013f, 0.195009f, 0.195006f, 0.195002f, 0.194999f, 0.194995f, 0.194992f, 0.194988f, 0.194985f, 0.194981f,
-0.194978f, 0.194975f, 0.194971f, 0.194968f, 0.194964f, 0.194961f, 0.194957f, 0.194954f, 0.19495f, 0.194947f, 0.194943f, 0.19494f, 0.194936f, 0.194933f, 0.194929f, 0.194926f, 0.194922f, 0.194919f, 0.194915f, 0.194912f,
-0.194908f, 0.194905f, 0.194901f, 0.194898f, 0.194894f, 0.194891f, 0.194888f, 0.194884f, 0.194881f, 0.194877f, 0.194874f, 0.19487f, 0.194867f, 0.194863f, 0.19486f, 0.194856f, 0.194853f, 0.194849f, 0.194846f, 0.194842f,
-0.194839f, 0.194835f, 0.194832f, 0.194828f, 0.194825f, 0.194821f, 0.194818f, 0.194815f, 0.194811f, 0.194808f, 0.194804f, 0.194801f, 0.194797f, 0.194794f, 0.19479f, 0.194787f, 0.194783f, 0.19478f, 0.194776f, 0.194773f,
-0.194769f, 0.194766f, 0.194762f, 0.194759f, 0.194755f, 0.194752f, 0.194749f, 0.194745f, 0.194742f, 0.194738f, 0.194735f, 0.194731f, 0.194728f, 0.194724f, 0.194721f, 0.194717f, 0.194714f, 0.19471f, 0.194707f, 0.194703f,
-0.1947f, 0.194696f, 0.194693f, 0.19469f, 0.194686f, 0.194683f, 0.194679f, 0.194676f, 0.194672f, 0.194669f, 0.194665f, 0.194662f, 0.194658f, 0.194655f, 0.194651f, 0.194648f, 0.194644f, 0.194641f, 0.194637f, 0.194634f,
-0.194631f, 0.194627f, 0.194624f, 0.19462f, 0.194617f, 0.194613f, 0.19461f, 0.194606f, 0.194603f, 0.194599f, 0.194596f, 0.194592f, 0.194589f, 0.194585f, 0.194582f, 0.194579f, 0.194575f, 0.194572f, 0.194568f, 0.194565f,
-0.194561f, 0.194558f, 0.194554f, 0.194551f, 0.194547f, 0.194544f, 0.19454f, 0.194537f, 0.194533f, 0.19453f, 0.194527f, 0.194523f, 0.19452f, 0.194516f, 0.194513f, 0.194509f, 0.194506f, 0.194502f, 0.194499f, 0.194495f,
-0.194492f, 0.194488f, 0.194485f, 0.194482f, 0.194478f, 0.194475f, 0.194471f, 0.194468f, 0.194464f, 0.194461f, 0.194457f, 0.194454f, 0.19445f, 0.194447f, 0.194443f, 0.19444f, 0.194437f, 0.194433f, 0.19443f, 0.194426f,
-0.194423f, 0.194419f, 0.194416f, 0.194412f, 0.194409f, 0.194405f, 0.194402f, 0.194398f, 0.194395f, 0.194392f, 0.194388f, 0.194385f, 0.194381f, 0.194378f, 0.194374f, 0.194371f, 0.194367f, 0.194364f, 0.19436f, 0.194357f,
-0.194353f, 0.19435f, 0.194347f, 0.194343f, 0.19434f, 0.194336f, 0.194333f, 0.194329f, 0.194326f, 0.194322f, 0.194319f, 0.194315f, 0.194312f, 0.194309f, 0.194305f, 0.194302f, 0.194298f, 0.194295f, 0.194291f, 0.194288f,
-0.194284f, 0.194281f, 0.194277f, 0.194274f, 0.194271f, 0.194267f, 0.194264f, 0.19426f, 0.194257f, 0.194253f, 0.19425f, 0.194246f, 0.194243f, 0.194239f, 0.194236f, 0.194233f, 0.194229f, 0.194226f, 0.194222f, 0.194219f,
-0.194215f, 0.194212f, 0.194208f, 0.194205f, 0.194201f, 0.194198f, 0.194195f, 0.194191f, 0.194188f, 0.194184f, 0.194181f, 0.194177f, 0.194174f, 0.19417f, 0.194167f, 0.194163f, 0.19416f, 0.194157f, 0.194153f, 0.19415f,
-0.194146f, 0.194143f, 0.194139f, 0.194136f, 0.194132f, 0.194129f, 0.194126f, 0.194122f, 0.194119f, 0.194115f, 0.194112f, 0.194108f, 0.194105f, 0.194101f, 0.194098f, 0.194094f, 0.194091f, 0.194088f, 0.194084f, 0.194081f,
-0.194077f, 0.194074f, 0.19407f, 0.194067f, 0.194063f, 0.19406f, 0.194057f, 0.194053f, 0.19405f, 0.194046f, 0.194043f, 0.194039f, 0.194036f, 0.194032f, 0.194029f, 0.194026f, 0.194022f, 0.194019f, 0.194015f, 0.194012f,
-0.194008f, 0.194005f, 0.194001f, 0.193998f, 0.193995f, 0.193991f, 0.193988f, 0.193984f, 0.193981f, 0.193977f, 0.193974f, 0.19397f, 0.193967f, 0.193964f, 0.19396f, 0.193957f, 0.193953f, 0.19395f, 0.193946f, 0.193943f,
-0.193939f, 0.193936f, 0.193933f, 0.193929f, 0.193926f, 0.193922f, 0.193919f, 0.193915f, 0.193912f, 0.193908f, 0.193905f, 0.193902f, 0.193898f, 0.193895f, 0.193891f, 0.193888f, 0.193884f, 0.193881f, 0.193877f, 0.193874f,
-0.193871f, 0.193867f, 0.193864f, 0.19386f, 0.193857f, 0.193853f, 0.19385f, 0.193846f, 0.193843f, 0.19384f, 0.193836f, 0.193833f, 0.193829f, 0.193826f, 0.193822f, 0.193819f, 0.193816f, 0.193812f, 0.193809f, 0.193805f,
-0.193802f, 0.193798f, 0.193795f, 0.193791f, 0.193788f, 0.193785f, 0.193781f, 0.193778f, 0.193774f, 0.193771f, 0.193767f, 0.193764f, 0.19376f, 0.193757f, 0.193754f, 0.19375f, 0.193747f, 0.193743f, 0.19374f, 0.193736f,
-0.193733f, 0.19373f, 0.193726f, 0.193723f, 0.193719f, 0.193716f, 0.193712f, 0.193709f, 0.193706f, 0.193702f, 0.193699f, 0.193695f, 0.193692f, 0.193688f, 0.193685f, 0.193681f, 0.193678f, 0.193675f, 0.193671f, 0.193668f,
-0.193664f, 0.193661f, 0.193657f, 0.193654f, 0.193651f, 0.193647f, 0.193644f, 0.19364f, 0.193637f, 0.193633f, 0.19363f, 0.193627f, 0.193623f, 0.19362f, 0.193616f, 0.193613f, 0.193609f, 0.193606f, 0.193603f, 0.193599f,
-0.193596f, 0.193592f, 0.193589f, 0.193585f, 0.193582f, 0.193578f, 0.193575f, 0.193572f, 0.193568f, 0.193565f, 0.193561f, 0.193558f, 0.193554f, 0.193551f, 0.193548f, 0.193544f, 0.193541f, 0.193537f, 0.193534f, 0.19353f,
-0.193527f, 0.193524f, 0.19352f, 0.193517f, 0.193513f, 0.19351f, 0.193506f, 0.193503f, 0.1935f, 0.193496f, 0.193493f, 0.193489f, 0.193486f, 0.193482f, 0.193479f, 0.193476f, 0.193472f, 0.193469f, 0.193465f, 0.193462f,
-0.193458f, 0.193455f, 0.193452f, 0.193448f, 0.193445f, 0.193441f, 0.193438f, 0.193435f, 0.193431f, 0.193428f, 0.193424f, 0.193421f, 0.193417f, 0.193414f, 0.193411f, 0.193407f, 0.193404f, 0.1934f, 0.193397f, 0.193393f,
-0.19339f, 0.193387f, 0.193383f, 0.19338f, 0.193376f, 0.193373f, 0.193369f, 0.193366f, 0.193363f, 0.193359f, 0.193356f, 0.193352f, 0.193349f, 0.193345f, 0.193342f, 0.193339f, 0.193335f, 0.193332f, 0.193328f, 0.193325f,
-0.193322f, 0.193318f, 0.193315f, 0.193311f, 0.193308f, 0.193304f, 0.193301f, 0.193298f, 0.193294f, 0.193291f, 0.193287f, 0.193284f, 0.19328f, 0.193277f, 0.193274f, 0.19327f, 0.193267f, 0.193263f, 0.19326f, 0.193257f,
-0.193253f, 0.19325f, 0.193246f, 0.193243f, 0.193239f, 0.193236f, 0.193233f, 0.193229f, 0.193226f, 0.193222f, 0.193219f, 0.193216f, 0.193212f, 0.193209f, 0.193205f, 0.193202f, 0.193198f, 0.193195f, 0.193192f, 0.193188f,
-0.193185f, 0.193181f, 0.193178f, 0.193175f, 0.193171f, 0.193168f, 0.193164f, 0.193161f, 0.193157f, 0.193154f, 0.193151f, 0.193147f, 0.193144f, 0.19314f, 0.193137f, 0.193134f, 0.19313f, 0.193127f, 0.193123f, 0.19312f,
-0.193116f, 0.193113f, 0.19311f, 0.193106f, 0.193103f, 0.193099f, 0.193096f, 0.193093f, 0.193089f, 0.193086f, 0.193082f, 0.193079f, 0.193075f, 0.193072f, 0.193069f, 0.193065f, 0.193062f, 0.193058f, 0.193055f, 0.193052f,
-0.193048f, 0.193045f, 0.193041f, 0.193038f, 0.193035f, 0.193031f, 0.193028f, 0.193024f, 0.193021f, 0.193017f, 0.193014f, 0.193011f, 0.193007f, 0.193004f, 0.193f, 0.192997f, 0.192994f, 0.19299f, 0.192987f, 0.192983f,
-0.19298f, 0.192977f, 0.192973f, 0.19297f, 0.192966f, 0.192963f, 0.19296f, 0.192956f, 0.192953f, 0.192949f, 0.192946f, 0.192942f, 0.192939f, 0.192936f, 0.192932f, 0.192929f, 0.192925f, 0.192922f, 0.192919f, 0.192915f,
-0.192912f, 0.192908f, 0.192905f, 0.192902f, 0.192898f, 0.192895f, 0.192891f, 0.192888f, 0.192885f, 0.192881f, 0.192878f, 0.192874f, 0.192871f, 0.192868f, 0.192864f, 0.192861f, 0.192857f, 0.192854f, 0.192851f, 0.192847f,
-0.192844f, 0.19284f, 0.192837f, 0.192833f, 0.19283f, 0.192827f, 0.192823f, 0.19282f, 0.192816f, 0.192813f, 0.19281f, 0.192806f, 0.192803f, 0.192799f, 0.192796f, 0.192793f, 0.192789f, 0.192786f, 0.192782f, 0.192779f,
-0.192776f, 0.192772f, 0.192769f, 0.192765f, 0.192762f, 0.192759f, 0.192755f, 0.192752f, 0.192748f, 0.192745f, 0.192742f, 0.192738f, 0.192735f, 0.192731f, 0.192728f, 0.192725f, 0.192721f, 0.192718f, 0.192714f, 0.192711f,
-0.192708f, 0.192704f, 0.192701f, 0.192697f, 0.192694f, 0.192691f, 0.192687f, 0.192684f, 0.19268f, 0.192677f, 0.192674f, 0.19267f, 0.192667f, 0.192663f, 0.19266f, 0.192657f, 0.192653f, 0.19265f, 0.192646f, 0.192643f,
-0.19264f, 0.192636f, 0.192633f, 0.192629f, 0.192626f, 0.192623f, 0.192619f, 0.192616f, 0.192612f, 0.192609f, 0.192606f, 0.192602f, 0.192599f, 0.192595f, 0.192592f, 0.192589f, 0.192585f, 0.192582f, 0.192578f, 0.192575f,
-0.192572f, 0.192568f, 0.192565f, 0.192562f, 0.192558f, 0.192555f, 0.192551f, 0.192548f, 0.192545f, 0.192541f, 0.192538f, 0.192534f, 0.192531f, 0.192528f, 0.192524f, 0.192521f, 0.192517f, 0.192514f, 0.192511f, 0.192507f,
-0.192504f, 0.1925f, 0.192497f, 0.192494f, 0.19249f, 0.192487f, 0.192483f, 0.19248f, 0.192477f, 0.192473f, 0.19247f, 0.192467f, 0.192463f, 0.19246f, 0.192456f, 0.192453f, 0.19245f, 0.192446f, 0.192443f, 0.192439f,
-0.192436f, 0.192433f, 0.192429f, 0.192426f, 0.192422f, 0.192419f, 0.192416f, 0.192412f, 0.192409f, 0.192405f, 0.192402f, 0.192399f, 0.192395f, 0.192392f, 0.192389f, 0.192385f, 0.192382f, 0.192378f, 0.192375f, 0.192372f,
-0.192368f, 0.192365f, 0.192361f, 0.192358f, 0.192355f, 0.192351f, 0.192348f, 0.192344f, 0.192341f, 0.192338f, 0.192334f, 0.192331f, 0.192328f, 0.192324f, 0.192321f, 0.192317f, 0.192314f, 0.192311f, 0.192307f, 0.192304f,
-0.1923f, 0.192297f, 0.192294f, 0.19229f, 0.192287f, 0.192284f, 0.19228f, 0.192277f, 0.192273f, 0.19227f, 0.192267f, 0.192263f, 0.19226f, 0.192256f, 0.192253f, 0.19225f, 0.192246f, 0.192243f, 0.19224f, 0.192236f,
-0.192233f, 0.192229f, 0.192226f, 0.192223f, 0.192219f, 0.192216f, 0.192212f, 0.192209f, 0.192206f, 0.192202f, 0.192199f, 0.192196f, 0.192192f, 0.192189f, 0.192185f, 0.192182f, 0.192179f, 0.192175f, 0.192172f, 0.192169f,
-0.192165f, 0.192162f, 0.192158f, 0.192155f, 0.192152f, 0.192148f, 0.192145f, 0.192141f, 0.192138f, 0.192135f, 0.192131f, 0.192128f, 0.192125f, 0.192121f, 0.192118f, 0.192114f, 0.192111f, 0.192108f, 0.192104f, 0.192101f,
-0.192098f, 0.192094f, 0.192091f, 0.192087f, 0.192084f, 0.192081f, 0.192077f, 0.192074f, 0.192071f, 0.192067f, 0.192064f, 0.19206f, 0.192057f, 0.192054f, 0.19205f, 0.192047f, 0.192044f, 0.19204f, 0.192037f, 0.192033f,
-0.19203f, 0.192027f, 0.192023f, 0.19202f, 0.192017f, 0.192013f, 0.19201f, 0.192006f, 0.192003f, 0.192f, 0.191996f, 0.191993f, 0.19199f, 0.191986f, 0.191983f, 0.191979f, 0.191976f, 0.191973f, 0.191969f, 0.191966f,
-0.191963f, 0.191959f, 0.191956f, 0.191952f, 0.191949f, 0.191946f, 0.191942f, 0.191939f, 0.191936f, 0.191932f, 0.191929f, 0.191925f, 0.191922f, 0.191919f, 0.191915f, 0.191912f, 0.191909f, 0.191905f, 0.191902f, 0.191898f,
-0.191895f, 0.191892f, 0.191888f, 0.191885f, 0.191882f, 0.191878f, 0.191875f, 0.191871f, 0.191868f, 0.191865f, 0.191861f, 0.191858f, 0.191855f, 0.191851f, 0.191848f, 0.191845f, 0.191841f, 0.191838f, 0.191834f, 0.191831f,
-0.191828f, 0.191824f, 0.191821f, 0.191818f, 0.191814f, 0.191811f, 0.191807f, 0.191804f, 0.191801f, 0.191797f, 0.191794f, 0.191791f, 0.191787f, 0.191784f, 0.191781f, 0.191777f, 0.191774f, 0.19177f, 0.191767f, 0.191764f,
-0.19176f, 0.191757f, 0.191754f, 0.19175f, 0.191747f, 0.191743f, 0.19174f, 0.191737f, 0.191733f, 0.19173f, 0.191727f, 0.191723f, 0.19172f, 0.191717f, 0.191713f, 0.19171f, 0.191706f, 0.191703f, 0.1917f, 0.191696f,
-0.191693f, 0.19169f, 0.191686f, 0.191683f, 0.19168f, 0.191676f, 0.191673f, 0.191669f, 0.191666f, 0.191663f, 0.191659f, 0.191656f, 0.191653f, 0.191649f, 0.191646f, 0.191643f, 0.191639f, 0.191636f, 0.191632f, 0.191629f,
-0.191626f, 0.191622f, 0.191619f, 0.191616f, 0.191612f, 0.191609f, 0.191606f, 0.191602f, 0.191599f, 0.191595f, 0.191592f, 0.191589f, 0.191585f, 0.191582f, 0.191579f, 0.191575f, 0.191572f, 0.191569f, 0.191565f, 0.191562f,
-0.191559f, 0.191555f, 0.191552f, 0.191548f, 0.191545f, 0.191542f, 0.191538f, 0.191535f, 0.191532f, 0.191528f, 0.191525f, 0.191522f, 0.191518f, 0.191515f, 0.191511f, 0.191508f, 0.191505f, 0.191501f, 0.191498f, 0.191495f,
-0.191491f, 0.191488f, 0.191485f, 0.191481f, 0.191478f, 0.191475f, 0.191471f, 0.191468f, 0.191464f, 0.191461f, 0.191458f, 0.191454f, 0.191451f, 0.191448f, 0.191444f, 0.191441f, 0.191438f, 0.191434f, 0.191431f, 0.191428f,
-0.191424f, 0.191421f, 0.191418f, 0.191414f, 0.191411f, 0.191407f, 0.191404f, 0.191401f, 0.191397f, 0.191394f, 0.191391f, 0.191387f, 0.191384f, 0.191381f, 0.191377f, 0.191374f, 0.191371f, 0.191367f, 0.191364f, 0.191361f,
-0.191357f, 0.191354f, 0.19135f, 0.191347f, 0.191344f, 0.19134f, 0.191337f, 0.191334f, 0.19133f, 0.191327f, 0.191324f, 0.19132f, 0.191317f, 0.191314f, 0.19131f, 0.191307f, 0.191304f, 0.1913f, 0.191297f, 0.191293f,
-0.19129f, 0.191287f, 0.191283f, 0.19128f, 0.191277f, 0.191273f, 0.19127f, 0.191267f, 0.191263f, 0.19126f, 0.191257f, 0.191253f, 0.19125f, 0.191247f, 0.191243f, 0.19124f, 0.191237f, 0.191233f, 0.19123f, 0.191227f,
-0.191223f, 0.19122f, 0.191216f, 0.191213f, 0.19121f, 0.191206f, 0.191203f, 0.1912f, 0.191196f, 0.191193f, 0.19119f, 0.191186f, 0.191183f, 0.19118f, 0.191176f, 0.191173f, 0.19117f, 0.191166f, 0.191163f, 0.19116f,
-0.191156f, 0.191153f, 0.19115f, 0.191146f, 0.191143f, 0.191139f, 0.191136f, 0.191133f, 0.191129f, 0.191126f, 0.191123f, 0.191119f, 0.191116f, 0.191113f, 0.191109f, 0.191106f, 0.191103f, 0.191099f, 0.191096f, 0.191093f,
-0.191089f, 0.191086f, 0.191083f, 0.191079f, 0.191076f, 0.191073f, 0.191069f, 0.191066f, 0.191063f, 0.191059f, 0.191056f, 0.191053f, 0.191049f, 0.191046f, 0.191043f, 0.191039f, 0.191036f, 0.191033f, 0.191029f, 0.191026f,
-0.191023f, 0.191019f, 0.191016f, 0.191012f, 0.191009f, 0.191006f, 0.191002f, 0.190999f, 0.190996f, 0.190992f, 0.190989f, 0.190986f, 0.190982f, 0.190979f, 0.190976f, 0.190972f, 0.190969f, 0.190966f, 0.190962f, 0.190959f,
-0.190956f, 0.190952f, 0.190949f, 0.190946f, 0.190942f, 0.190939f, 0.190936f, 0.190932f, 0.190929f, 0.190926f, 0.190922f, 0.190919f, 0.190916f, 0.190912f, 0.190909f, 0.190906f, 0.190902f, 0.190899f, 0.190896f, 0.190892f,
-0.190889f, 0.190886f, 0.190882f, 0.190879f, 0.190876f, 0.190872f, 0.190869f, 0.190866f, 0.190862f, 0.190859f, 0.190856f, 0.190852f, 0.190849f, 0.190846f, 0.190842f, 0.190839f, 0.190836f, 0.190832f, 0.190829f, 0.190826f,
-0.190822f, 0.190819f, 0.190816f, 0.190812f, 0.190809f, 0.190806f, 0.190802f, 0.190799f, 0.190796f, 0.190792f, 0.190789f, 0.190786f, 0.190782f, 0.190779f, 0.190776f, 0.190772f, 0.190769f, 0.190766f, 0.190762f, 0.190759f,
-0.190756f, 0.190752f, 0.190749f, 0.190746f, 0.190742f, 0.190739f, 0.190736f, 0.190732f, 0.190729f, 0.190726f, 0.190722f, 0.190719f, 0.190716f, 0.190712f, 0.190709f, 0.190706f, 0.190702f, 0.190699f, 0.190696f, 0.190692f,
-0.190689f, 0.190686f, 0.190682f, 0.190679f, 0.190676f, 0.190672f, 0.190669f, 0.190666f, 0.190662f, 0.190659f, 0.190656f, 0.190652f, 0.190649f, 0.190646f, 0.190642f, 0.190639f, 0.190636f, 0.190632f, 0.190629f, 0.190626f,
-0.190622f, 0.190619f, 0.190616f, 0.190612f, 0.190609f, 0.190606f, 0.190602f, 0.190599f, 0.190596f, 0.190593f, 0.190589f, 0.190586f, 0.190583f, 0.190579f, 0.190576f, 0.190573f, 0.190569f, 0.190566f, 0.190563f, 0.190559f,
-0.190556f, 0.190553f, 0.190549f, 0.190546f, 0.190543f, 0.190539f, 0.190536f, 0.190533f, 0.190529f, 0.190526f, 0.190523f, 0.190519f, 0.190516f, 0.190513f, 0.190509f, 0.190506f, 0.190503f, 0.190499f, 0.190496f, 0.190493f,
-0.190489f, 0.190486f, 0.190483f, 0.19048f, 0.190476f, 0.190473f, 0.19047f, 0.190466f, 0.190463f, 0.19046f, 0.190456f, 0.190453f, 0.19045f, 0.190446f, 0.190443f, 0.19044f, 0.190436f, 0.190433f, 0.19043f, 0.190426f,
-0.190423f, 0.19042f, 0.190416f, 0.190413f, 0.19041f, 0.190406f, 0.190403f, 0.1904f, 0.190397f, 0.190393f, 0.19039f, 0.190387f, 0.190383f, 0.19038f, 0.190377f, 0.190373f, 0.19037f, 0.190367f, 0.190363f, 0.19036f,
-0.190357f, 0.190353f, 0.19035f, 0.190347f, 0.190343f, 0.19034f, 0.190337f, 0.190333f, 0.19033f, 0.190327f, 0.190324f, 0.19032f, 0.190317f, 0.190314f, 0.19031f, 0.190307f, 0.190304f, 0.1903f, 0.190297f, 0.190294f,
-0.19029f, 0.190287f, 0.190284f, 0.19028f, 0.190277f, 0.190274f, 0.19027f, 0.190267f, 0.190264f, 0.190261f, 0.190257f, 0.190254f, 0.190251f, 0.190247f, 0.190244f, 0.190241f, 0.190237f, 0.190234f, 0.190231f, 0.190227f,
-0.190224f, 0.190221f, 0.190217f, 0.190214f, 0.190211f, 0.190208f, 0.190204f, 0.190201f, 0.190198f, 0.190194f, 0.190191f, 0.190188f, 0.190184f, 0.190181f, 0.190178f, 0.190174f, 0.190171f, 0.190168f, 0.190164f, 0.190161f,
-0.190158f, 0.190155f, 0.190151f, 0.190148f, 0.190145f, 0.190141f, 0.190138f, 0.190135f, 0.190131f, 0.190128f, 0.190125f, 0.190121f, 0.190118f, 0.190115f, 0.190112f, 0.190108f, 0.190105f, 0.190102f, 0.190098f, 0.190095f,
-0.190092f, 0.190088f, 0.190085f, 0.190082f, 0.190078f, 0.190075f, 0.190072f, 0.190069f, 0.190065f, 0.190062f, 0.190059f, 0.190055f, 0.190052f, 0.190049f, 0.190045f, 0.190042f, 0.190039f, 0.190035f, 0.190032f, 0.190029f,
-0.190026f, 0.190022f, 0.190019f, 0.190016f, 0.190012f, 0.190009f, 0.190006f, 0.190002f, 0.189999f, 0.189996f, 0.189992f, 0.189989f, 0.189986f, 0.189983f, 0.189979f, 0.189976f, 0.189973f, 0.189969f, 0.189966f, 0.189963f,
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-0.182531f, 0.182528f, 0.182525f, 0.182522f, 0.182519f, 0.182516f, 0.182513f, 0.18251f, 0.182507f, 0.182504f, 0.182501f, 0.182498f, 0.182495f, 0.182492f, 0.182488f, 0.182485f, 0.182482f, 0.182479f, 0.182476f, 0.182473f,
-0.18247f, 0.182467f, 0.182464f, 0.182461f, 0.182458f, 0.182455f, 0.182452f, 0.182449f, 0.182446f, 0.182443f, 0.18244f, 0.182437f, 0.182434f, 0.182431f, 0.182428f, 0.182424f, 0.182421f, 0.182418f, 0.182415f, 0.182412f,
-0.182409f, 0.182406f, 0.182403f, 0.1824f, 0.182397f, 0.182394f, 0.182391f, 0.182388f, 0.182385f, 0.182382f, 0.182379f, 0.182376f, 0.182373f, 0.18237f, 0.182367f, 0.182364f, 0.182361f, 0.182357f, 0.182354f, 0.182351f,
-0.182348f, 0.182345f, 0.182342f, 0.182339f, 0.182336f, 0.182333f, 0.18233f, 0.182327f, 0.182324f, 0.182321f, 0.182318f, 0.182315f, 0.182312f, 0.182309f, 0.182306f, 0.182303f, 0.1823f, 0.182297f, 0.182294f, 0.182291f,
-0.182287f, 0.182284f, 0.182281f, 0.182278f, 0.182275f, 0.182272f, 0.182269f, 0.182266f, 0.182263f, 0.18226f, 0.182257f, 0.182254f, 0.182251f, 0.182248f, 0.182245f, 0.182242f, 0.182239f, 0.182236f, 0.182233f, 0.18223f,
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-0.182105f, 0.182102f, 0.182099f, 0.182096f, 0.182093f, 0.18209f, 0.182087f, 0.182084f, 0.182081f, 0.182078f, 0.182075f, 0.182072f, 0.182069f, 0.182066f, 0.182063f, 0.18206f, 0.182057f, 0.182054f, 0.182051f, 0.182047f,
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-0.181984f, 0.181981f, 0.181978f, 0.181975f, 0.181972f, 0.181969f, 0.181966f, 0.181963f, 0.18196f, 0.181956f, 0.181953f, 0.18195f, 0.181947f, 0.181944f, 0.181941f, 0.181938f, 0.181935f, 0.181932f, 0.181929f, 0.181926f,
-0.181923f, 0.18192f, 0.181917f, 0.181914f, 0.181911f, 0.181908f, 0.181905f, 0.181902f, 0.181899f, 0.181896f, 0.181893f, 0.18189f, 0.181887f, 0.181884f, 0.181881f, 0.181878f, 0.181875f, 0.181872f, 0.181869f, 0.181866f,
-0.181863f, 0.18186f, 0.181857f, 0.181853f, 0.18185f, 0.181847f, 0.181844f, 0.181841f, 0.181838f, 0.181835f, 0.181832f, 0.181829f, 0.181826f, 0.181823f, 0.18182f, 0.181817f, 0.181814f, 0.181811f, 0.181808f, 0.181805f,
-0.181802f, 0.181799f, 0.181796f, 0.181793f, 0.18179f, 0.181787f, 0.181784f, 0.181781f, 0.181778f, 0.181775f, 0.181772f, 0.181769f, 0.181766f, 0.181763f, 0.18176f, 0.181757f, 0.181754f, 0.181751f, 0.181748f, 0.181745f,
-0.181742f, 0.181739f, 0.181735f, 0.181732f, 0.181729f, 0.181726f, 0.181723f, 0.18172f, 0.181717f, 0.181714f, 0.181711f, 0.181708f, 0.181705f, 0.181702f, 0.181699f, 0.181696f, 0.181693f, 0.18169f, 0.181687f, 0.181684f,
-0.181681f, 0.181678f, 0.181675f, 0.181672f, 0.181669f, 0.181666f, 0.181663f, 0.18166f, 0.181657f, 0.181654f, 0.181651f, 0.181648f, 0.181645f, 0.181642f, 0.181639f, 0.181636f, 0.181633f, 0.18163f, 0.181627f, 0.181624f,
-0.181621f, 0.181618f, 0.181615f, 0.181612f, 0.181609f, 0.181606f, 0.181603f, 0.1816f, 0.181597f, 0.181593f, 0.18159f, 0.181587f, 0.181584f, 0.181581f, 0.181578f, 0.181575f, 0.181572f, 0.181569f, 0.181566f, 0.181563f,
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-0.1815f, 0.181497f, 0.181494f, 0.181491f, 0.181488f, 0.181485f, 0.181482f, 0.181479f, 0.181476f, 0.181473f, 0.18147f, 0.181467f, 0.181464f, 0.181461f, 0.181458f, 0.181455f, 0.181452f, 0.181449f, 0.181446f, 0.181443f,
-0.18144f, 0.181437f, 0.181434f, 0.181431f, 0.181428f, 0.181425f, 0.181422f, 0.181419f, 0.181416f, 0.181413f, 0.18141f, 0.181406f, 0.181403f, 0.1814f, 0.181397f, 0.181394f, 0.181391f, 0.181388f, 0.181385f, 0.181382f,
-0.181379f, 0.181376f, 0.181373f, 0.18137f, 0.181367f, 0.181364f, 0.181361f, 0.181358f, 0.181355f, 0.181352f, 0.181349f, 0.181346f, 0.181343f, 0.18134f, 0.181337f, 0.181334f, 0.181331f, 0.181328f, 0.181325f, 0.181322f,
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-0.181259f, 0.181256f, 0.181253f, 0.18125f, 0.181247f, 0.181244f, 0.181241f, 0.181238f, 0.181235f, 0.181232f, 0.181229f, 0.181226f, 0.181223f, 0.18122f, 0.181217f, 0.181214f, 0.181211f, 0.181208f, 0.181205f, 0.181202f,
-0.181199f, 0.181196f, 0.181193f, 0.18119f, 0.181187f, 0.181184f, 0.181181f, 0.181178f, 0.181175f, 0.181172f, 0.181169f, 0.181166f, 0.181163f, 0.18116f, 0.181157f, 0.181154f, 0.181151f, 0.181148f, 0.181145f, 0.181142f,
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-0.180959f, 0.180956f, 0.180953f, 0.18095f, 0.180947f, 0.180944f, 0.180941f, 0.180938f, 0.180935f, 0.180932f, 0.180929f, 0.180926f, 0.180923f, 0.18092f, 0.180917f, 0.180914f, 0.180911f, 0.180908f, 0.180905f, 0.180902f,
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-0.180659f, 0.180656f, 0.180653f, 0.18065f, 0.180647f, 0.180644f, 0.180641f, 0.180638f, 0.180635f, 0.180633f, 0.18063f, 0.180627f, 0.180624f, 0.180621f, 0.180618f, 0.180615f, 0.180612f, 0.180609f, 0.180606f, 0.180603f,
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-0.18048f, 0.180477f, 0.180474f, 0.180471f, 0.180468f, 0.180465f, 0.180462f, 0.180459f, 0.180456f, 0.180453f, 0.18045f, 0.180447f, 0.180445f, 0.180442f, 0.180439f, 0.180436f, 0.180433f, 0.18043f, 0.180427f, 0.180424f,
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-0.178709f, 0.178706f, 0.178703f, 0.1787f, 0.178697f, 0.178694f, 0.178691f, 0.178688f, 0.178685f, 0.178682f, 0.178679f, 0.178676f, 0.178673f, 0.178671f, 0.178668f, 0.178665f, 0.178662f, 0.178659f, 0.178656f, 0.178653f,
-0.17865f, 0.178647f, 0.178644f, 0.178641f, 0.178638f, 0.178635f, 0.178633f, 0.17863f, 0.178627f, 0.178624f, 0.178621f, 0.178618f, 0.178615f, 0.178612f, 0.178609f, 0.178606f, 0.178603f, 0.1786f, 0.178598f, 0.178595f,
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-0.001636f, 0.001639f, 0.001642f, 0.001644f, 0.001647f, 0.00165f, 0.001652f, 0.001655f, 0.001658f, 0.00166f, 0.001663f, 0.001666f, 0.001668f, 0.001671f, 0.001674f, 0.001676f, 0.001679f, 0.001682f, 0.001684f, 0.001687f,
-0.00169f, 0.001693f, 0.001695f, 0.001698f, 0.001701f, 0.001703f, 0.001706f, 0.001709f, 0.001712f, 0.001714f, 0.001717f, 0.00172f, 0.001723f, 0.001726f, 0.001728f, 0.001731f, 0.001734f, 0.001737f, 0.001739f, 0.001742f,
-0.001745f, 0.001748f, 0.001751f, 0.001753f, 0.001756f, 0.001759f, 0.001762f, 0.001765f, 0.001768f, 0.00177f, 0.001773f, 0.001776f, 0.001779f, 0.001782f, 0.001785f, 0.001788f, 0.001791f, 0.001793f, 0.001796f, 0.001799f,
-0.001802f, 0.001805f, 0.001808f, 0.001811f, 0.001814f, 0.001817f, 0.00182f, 0.001822f, 0.001825f, 0.001828f, 0.001831f, 0.001834f, 0.001837f, 0.00184f, 0.001843f, 0.001846f, 0.001849f, 0.001852f, 0.001855f, 0.001858f,
-0.001861f, 0.001864f, 0.001867f, 0.00187f, 0.001873f, 0.001876f, 0.001879f, 0.001882f, 0.001885f, 0.001888f, 0.001891f, 0.001894f, 0.001897f, 0.0019f, 0.001903f, 0.001906f, 0.001909f, 0.001913f, 0.001916f, 0.001919f,
-0.001922f, 0.001925f, 0.001928f, 0.001931f, 0.001934f, 0.001937f, 0.00194f, 0.001944f, 0.001947f, 0.00195f, 0.001953f, 0.001956f, 0.001959f, 0.001962f, 0.001966f, 0.001969f, 0.001972f, 0.001975f, 0.001978f, 0.001981f,
-0.001985f, 0.001988f, 0.001991f, 0.001994f, 0.001997f, 0.002001f, 0.002004f, 0.002007f, 0.00201f, 0.002013f, 0.002017f, 0.00202f, 0.002023f, 0.002026f, 0.00203f, 0.002033f, 0.002036f, 0.00204f, 0.002043f, 0.002046f,
-0.002049f, 0.002053f, 0.002056f, 0.002059f, 0.002063f, 0.002066f, 0.002069f, 0.002073f, 0.002076f, 0.002079f, 0.002083f, 0.002086f, 0.002089f, 0.002093f, 0.002096f, 0.002099f, 0.002103f, 0.002106f, 0.00211f, 0.002113f,
-0.002116f, 0.00212f, 0.002123f, 0.002127f, 0.00213f, 0.002133f, 0.002137f, 0.00214f, 0.002144f, 0.002147f, 0.002151f, 0.002154f, 0.002158f, 0.002161f, 0.002165f, 0.002168f, 0.002172f, 0.002175f, 0.002179f, 0.002182f,
-0.002186f, 0.002189f, 0.002193f, 0.002196f, 0.0022f, 0.002203f, 0.002207f, 0.00221f, 0.002214f, 0.002217f, 0.002221f, 0.002225f, 0.002228f, 0.002232f, 0.002235f, 0.002239f, 0.002242f, 0.002246f, 0.00225f, 0.002253f,
-0.002257f, 0.002261f, 0.002264f, 0.002268f, 0.002271f, 0.002275f, 0.002279f, 0.002282f, 0.002286f, 0.00229f, 0.002294f, 0.002297f, 0.002301f, 0.002305f, 0.002308f, 0.002312f, 0.002316f, 0.002319f, 0.002323f, 0.002327f,
-0.002331f, 0.002334f, 0.002338f, 0.002342f, 0.002346f, 0.002349f, 0.002353f, 0.002357f, 0.002361f, 0.002365f, 0.002368f, 0.002372f, 0.002376f, 0.00238f, 0.002384f, 0.002388f, 0.002391f, 0.002395f, 0.002399f, 0.002403f,
-0.002407f, 0.002411f, 0.002415f, 0.002418f, 0.002422f, 0.002426f, 0.00243f, 0.002434f, 0.002438f, 0.002442f, 0.002446f, 0.00245f, 0.002454f, 0.002458f, 0.002462f, 0.002466f, 0.00247f, 0.002474f, 0.002478f, 0.002481f,
-0.002485f, 0.002489f, 0.002493f, 0.002498f, 0.002502f, 0.002506f, 0.00251f, 0.002514f, 0.002518f, 0.002522f, 0.002526f, 0.00253f, 0.002534f, 0.002538f, 0.002542f, 0.002546f, 0.00255f, 0.002554f, 0.002558f, 0.002563f,
-0.002567f, 0.002571f, 0.002575f, 0.002579f, 0.002583f, 0.002587f, 0.002592f, 0.002596f, 0.0026f, 0.002604f, 0.002608f, 0.002612f, 0.002617f, 0.002621f, 0.002625f, 0.002629f, 0.002634f, 0.002638f, 0.002642f, 0.002646f,
-0.002651f, 0.002655f, 0.002659f, 0.002663f, 0.002668f, 0.002672f, 0.002676f, 0.002681f, 0.002685f, 0.002689f, 0.002694f, 0.002698f, 0.002702f, 0.002707f, 0.002711f, 0.002715f, 0.00272f, 0.002724f, 0.002728f, 0.002733f,
-0.002737f, 0.002742f, 0.002746f, 0.00275f, 0.002755f, 0.002759f, 0.002764f, 0.002768f, 0.002773f, 0.002777f, 0.002782f, 0.002786f, 0.00279f, 0.002795f, 0.002799f, 0.002804f, 0.002808f, 0.002813f, 0.002818f, 0.002822f,
-0.002827f, 0.002831f, 0.002836f, 0.00284f, 0.002845f, 0.002849f, 0.002854f, 0.002859f, 0.002863f, 0.002868f, 0.002872f, 0.002877f, 0.002882f, 0.002886f, 0.002891f, 0.002896f, 0.0029f, 0.002905f, 0.00291f, 0.002914f,
-0.002919f, 0.002924f, 0.002928f, 0.002933f, 0.002938f, 0.002943f, 0.002947f, 0.002952f, 0.002957f, 0.002962f, 0.002966f, 0.002971f, 0.002976f, 0.002981f, 0.002985f, 0.00299f, 0.002995f, 0.003f, 0.003005f, 0.00301f,
-0.003014f, 0.003019f, 0.003024f, 0.003029f, 0.003034f, 0.003039f, 0.003044f, 0.003048f, 0.003053f, 0.003058f, 0.003063f, 0.003068f, 0.003073f, 0.003078f, 0.003083f, 0.003088f, 0.003093f, 0.003098f, 0.003103f, 0.003108f,
-0.003113f, 0.003118f, 0.003123f, 0.003128f, 0.003133f, 0.003138f, 0.003143f, 0.003148f, 0.003153f, 0.003158f, 0.003163f, 0.003168f, 0.003173f, 0.003179f, 0.003184f, 0.003189f, 0.003194f, 0.003199f, 0.003204f, 0.003209f,
-0.003215f, 0.00322f, 0.003225f, 0.00323f, 0.003235f, 0.003241f, 0.003246f, 0.003251f, 0.003256f, 0.003261f, 0.003267f, 0.003272f, 0.003277f, 0.003282f, 0.003288f, 0.003293f, 0.003298f, 0.003304f, 0.003309f, 0.003314f,
-0.00332f, 0.003325f, 0.00333f, 0.003336f, 0.003341f, 0.003346f, 0.003352f, 0.003357f, 0.003363f, 0.003368f, 0.003373f, 0.003379f, 0.003384f, 0.00339f, 0.003395f, 0.003401f, 0.003406f, 0.003412f, 0.003417f, 0.003423f,
-0.003428f, 0.003434f, 0.003439f, 0.003445f, 0.00345f, 0.003456f, 0.003461f, 0.003467f, 0.003472f, 0.003478f, 0.003484f, 0.003489f, 0.003495f, 0.0035f, 0.003506f, 0.003512f, 0.003517f, 0.003523f, 0.003529f, 0.003534f,
-0.00354f, 0.003546f, 0.003551f, 0.003557f, 0.003563f, 0.003569f, 0.003574f, 0.00358f, 0.003586f, 0.003592f, 0.003597f, 0.003603f, 0.003609f, 0.003615f, 0.003621f, 0.003626f, 0.003632f, 0.003638f, 0.003644f, 0.00365f,
-0.003656f, 0.003662f, 0.003668f, 0.003673f, 0.003679f, 0.003685f, 0.003691f, 0.003697f, 0.003703f, 0.003709f, 0.003715f, 0.003721f, 0.003727f, 0.003733f, 0.003739f, 0.003745f, 0.003751f, 0.003757f, 0.003763f, 0.003769f,
-0.003775f, 0.003781f, 0.003787f, 0.003793f, 0.0038f, 0.003806f, 0.003812f, 0.003818f, 0.003824f, 0.00383f, 0.003836f, 0.003843f, 0.003849f, 0.003855f, 0.003861f, 0.003867f, 0.003874f, 0.00388f, 0.003886f, 0.003892f,
-0.003899f, 0.003905f, 0.003911f, 0.003917f, 0.003924f, 0.00393f, 0.003936f, 0.003943f, 0.003949f, 0.003955f, 0.003962f, 0.003968f, 0.003975f, 0.003981f, 0.003987f, 0.003994f, 0.004f, 0.004007f, 0.004013f, 0.004019f,
-0.004026f, 0.004032f, 0.004039f, 0.004045f, 0.004052f, 0.004058f, 0.004065f, 0.004072f, 0.004078f, 0.004085f, 0.004091f, 0.004098f, 0.004104f, 0.004111f, 0.004118f, 0.004124f, 0.004131f, 0.004138f, 0.004144f, 0.004151f,
-0.004158f, 0.004164f, 0.004171f, 0.004178f, 0.004184f, 0.004191f, 0.004198f, 0.004205f, 0.004211f, 0.004218f, 0.004225f, 0.004232f, 0.004238f, 0.004245f, 0.004252f, 0.004259f, 0.004266f, 0.004273f, 0.00428f, 0.004286f,
-0.004293f, 0.0043f, 0.004307f, 0.004314f, 0.004321f, 0.004328f, 0.004335f, 0.004342f, 0.004349f, 0.004356f, 0.004363f, 0.00437f, 0.004377f, 0.004384f, 0.004391f, 0.004398f, 0.004405f, 0.004412f, 0.004419f, 0.004427f,
-0.004434f, 0.004441f, 0.004448f, 0.004455f, 0.004462f, 0.004469f, 0.004477f, 0.004484f, 0.004491f, 0.004498f, 0.004506f, 0.004513f, 0.00452f, 0.004527f, 0.004535f, 0.004542f, 0.004549f, 0.004556f, 0.004564f, 0.004571f,
-0.004579f, 0.004586f, 0.004593f, 0.004601f, 0.004608f, 0.004615f, 0.004623f, 0.00463f, 0.004638f, 0.004645f, 0.004653f, 0.00466f, 0.004668f, 0.004675f, 0.004683f, 0.00469f, 0.004698f, 0.004705f, 0.004713f, 0.004721f,
-0.004728f, 0.004736f, 0.004743f, 0.004751f, 0.004759f, 0.004766f, 0.004774f, 0.004782f, 0.004789f, 0.004797f, 0.004805f, 0.004812f, 0.00482f, 0.004828f, 0.004836f, 0.004844f, 0.004851f, 0.004859f, 0.004867f, 0.004875f,
-0.004883f, 0.00489f, 0.004898f, 0.004906f, 0.004914f, 0.004922f, 0.00493f, 0.004938f, 0.004946f, 0.004954f, 0.004962f, 0.00497f, 0.004978f, 0.004986f, 0.004994f, 0.005002f, 0.00501f, 0.005018f, 0.005026f, 0.005034f,
-0.005042f, 0.00505f, 0.005058f, 0.005067f, 0.005075f, 0.005083f, 0.005091f, 0.005099f, 0.005107f, 0.005116f, 0.005124f, 0.005132f, 0.00514f, 0.005149f, 0.005157f, 0.005165f, 0.005174f, 0.005182f, 0.00519f, 0.005199f,
-0.005207f, 0.005215f, 0.005224f, 0.005232f, 0.005241f, 0.005249f, 0.005257f, 0.005266f, 0.005274f, 0.005283f, 0.005291f, 0.0053f, 0.005308f, 0.005317f, 0.005325f, 0.005334f, 0.005343f, 0.005351f, 0.00536f, 0.005368f,
-0.005377f, 0.005386f, 0.005394f, 0.005403f, 0.005412f, 0.00542f, 0.005429f, 0.005438f, 0.005447f, 0.005455f, 0.005464f, 0.005473f, 0.005482f, 0.005491f, 0.005499f, 0.005508f, 0.005517f, 0.005526f, 0.005535f, 0.005544f,
-0.005553f, 0.005562f, 0.005571f, 0.00558f, 0.005589f, 0.005598f, 0.005607f, 0.005616f, 0.005625f, 0.005634f, 0.005643f, 0.005652f, 0.005661f, 0.00567f, 0.005679f, 0.005688f, 0.005697f, 0.005707f, 0.005716f, 0.005725f,
-0.005734f, 0.005743f, 0.005753f, 0.005762f, 0.005771f, 0.00578f, 0.00579f, 0.005799f, 0.005808f, 0.005818f, 0.005827f, 0.005837f, 0.005846f, 0.005855f, 0.005865f, 0.005874f, 0.005884f, 0.005893f, 0.005903f, 0.005912f,
-0.005922f, 0.005931f, 0.005941f, 0.00595f, 0.00596f, 0.005969f, 0.005979f, 0.005989f, 0.005998f, 0.006008f, 0.006018f, 0.006027f, 0.006037f, 0.006047f, 0.006056f, 0.006066f, 0.006076f, 0.006086f, 0.006095f, 0.006105f,
-0.006115f, 0.006125f, 0.006135f, 0.006145f, 0.006155f, 0.006164f, 0.006174f, 0.006184f, 0.006194f, 0.006204f, 0.006214f, 0.006224f, 0.006234f, 0.006244f, 0.006254f, 0.006264f, 0.006274f, 0.006285f, 0.006295f, 0.006305f,
-0.006315f, 0.006325f, 0.006335f, 0.006345f, 0.006356f, 0.006366f, 0.006376f, 0.006386f, 0.006397f, 0.006407f, 0.006417f, 0.006428f, 0.006438f, 0.006448f, 0.006459f, 0.006469f, 0.006479f, 0.00649f, 0.0065f, 0.006511f,
-0.006521f, 0.006532f, 0.006542f, 0.006553f, 0.006563f, 0.006574f, 0.006584f, 0.006595f, 0.006606f, 0.006616f, 0.006627f, 0.006638f, 0.006648f, 0.006659f, 0.00667f, 0.00668f, 0.006691f, 0.006702f, 0.006713f, 0.006724f,
-0.006734f, 0.006745f, 0.006756f, 0.006767f, 0.006778f, 0.006789f, 0.0068f, 0.006811f, 0.006822f, 0.006832f, 0.006843f, 0.006854f, 0.006866f, 0.006877f, 0.006888f, 0.006899f, 0.00691f, 0.006921f, 0.006932f, 0.006943f,
-0.006954f, 0.006966f, 0.006977f, 0.006988f, 0.006999f, 0.007011f, 0.007022f, 0.007033f, 0.007044f, 0.007056f, 0.007067f, 0.007078f, 0.00709f, 0.007101f, 0.007113f, 0.007124f, 0.007136f, 0.007147f, 0.007159f, 0.00717f,
-0.007182f, 0.007193f, 0.007205f, 0.007216f, 0.007228f, 0.00724f, 0.007251f, 0.007263f, 0.007275f, 0.007286f, 0.007298f, 0.00731f, 0.007322f, 0.007333f, 0.007345f, 0.007357f, 0.007369f, 0.007381f, 0.007392f, 0.007404f,
-0.007416f, 0.007428f, 0.00744f, 0.007452f, 0.007464f, 0.007476f, 0.007488f, 0.0075f, 0.007512f, 0.007524f, 0.007536f, 0.007549f, 0.007561f, 0.007573f, 0.007585f, 0.007597f, 0.00761f, 0.007622f, 0.007634f, 0.007646f,
-0.007659f, 0.007671f, 0.007683f, 0.007696f, 0.007708f, 0.00772f, 0.007733f, 0.007745f, 0.007758f, 0.00777f, 0.007783f, 0.007795f, 0.007808f, 0.00782f, 0.007833f, 0.007846f, 0.007858f, 0.007871f, 0.007884f, 0.007896f,
-0.007909f, 0.007922f, 0.007934f, 0.007947f, 0.00796f, 0.007973f, 0.007986f, 0.007998f, 0.008011f, 0.008024f, 0.008037f, 0.00805f, 0.008063f, 0.008076f, 0.008089f, 0.008102f, 0.008115f, 0.008128f, 0.008141f, 0.008154f,
-0.008167f, 0.00818f, 0.008194f, 0.008207f, 0.00822f, 0.008233f, 0.008246f, 0.00826f, 0.008273f, 0.008286f, 0.0083f, 0.008313f, 0.008326f, 0.00834f, 0.008353f, 0.008367f, 0.00838f, 0.008394f, 0.008407f, 0.008421f,
-0.008434f, 0.008448f, 0.008461f, 0.008475f, 0.008489f, 0.008502f, 0.008516f, 0.00853f, 0.008543f, 0.008557f, 0.008571f, 0.008585f, 0.008599f, 0.008612f, 0.008626f, 0.00864f, 0.008654f, 0.008668f, 0.008682f, 0.008696f,
-0.00871f, 0.008724f, 0.008738f, 0.008752f, 0.008766f, 0.00878f, 0.008794f, 0.008808f, 0.008823f, 0.008837f, 0.008851f, 0.008865f, 0.008879f, 0.008894f, 0.008908f, 0.008922f, 0.008937f, 0.008951f, 0.008966f, 0.00898f,
-0.008994f, 0.009009f, 0.009023f, 0.009038f, 0.009052f, 0.009067f, 0.009082f, 0.009096f, 0.009111f, 0.009126f, 0.00914f, 0.009155f, 0.00917f, 0.009184f, 0.009199f, 0.009214f, 0.009229f, 0.009244f, 0.009259f, 0.009273f,
-0.009288f, 0.009303f, 0.009318f, 0.009333f, 0.009348f, 0.009363f, 0.009378f, 0.009393f, 0.009409f, 0.009424f, 0.009439f, 0.009454f, 0.009469f, 0.009485f, 0.0095f, 0.009515f, 0.00953f, 0.009546f, 0.009561f, 0.009576f,
-0.009592f, 0.009607f, 0.009623f, 0.009638f, 0.009654f, 0.009669f, 0.009685f, 0.0097f, 0.009716f, 0.009732f, 0.009747f, 0.009763f, 0.009779f, 0.009794f, 0.00981f, 0.009826f, 0.009842f, 0.009858f, 0.009873f, 0.009889f,
-0.009905f, 0.009921f, 0.009937f, 0.009953f, 0.009969f, 0.009985f, 0.010001f, 0.010017f, 0.010034f, 0.01005f, 0.010066f, 0.010082f, 0.010098f, 0.010115f, 0.010131f, 0.010147f, 0.010163f, 0.01018f, 0.010196f, 0.010213f,
-0.010229f, 0.010245f, 0.010262f, 0.010278f, 0.010295f, 0.010312f, 0.010328f, 0.010345f, 0.010361f, 0.010378f, 0.010395f, 0.010411f, 0.010428f, 0.010445f, 0.010462f, 0.010479f, 0.010496f, 0.010512f, 0.010529f, 0.010546f,
-0.010563f, 0.01058f, 0.010597f, 0.010614f, 0.010631f, 0.010648f, 0.010666f, 0.010683f, 0.0107f, 0.010717f, 0.010734f, 0.010752f, 0.010769f, 0.010786f, 0.010804f, 0.010821f, 0.010838f, 0.010856f, 0.010873f, 0.010891f,
-0.010908f, 0.010926f, 0.010944f, 0.010961f, 0.010979f, 0.010996f, 0.011014f, 0.011032f, 0.01105f, 0.011067f, 0.011085f, 0.011103f, 0.011121f, 0.011139f, 0.011157f, 0.011175f, 0.011193f, 0.011211f, 0.011229f, 0.011247f,
-0.011265f, 0.011283f, 0.011301f, 0.011319f, 0.011338f, 0.011356f, 0.011374f, 0.011392f, 0.011411f, 0.011429f, 0.011447f, 0.011466f, 0.011484f, 0.011503f, 0.011521f, 0.01154f, 0.011558f, 0.011577f, 0.011596f, 0.011614f,
-0.011633f, 0.011652f, 0.01167f, 0.011689f, 0.011708f, 0.011727f, 0.011746f, 0.011765f, 0.011784f, 0.011803f, 0.011822f, 0.011841f, 0.01186f, 0.011879f, 0.011898f, 0.011917f, 0.011936f, 0.011955f, 0.011975f, 0.011994f,
-0.012013f, 0.012032f, 0.012052f, 0.012071f, 0.012091f, 0.01211f, 0.01213f, 0.012149f, 0.012169f, 0.012188f, 0.012208f, 0.012228f, 0.012247f, 0.012267f, 0.012287f, 0.012306f, 0.012326f, 0.012346f, 0.012366f, 0.012386f,
-0.012406f, 0.012426f, 0.012446f, 0.012466f, 0.012486f, 0.012506f, 0.012526f, 0.012546f, 0.012566f, 0.012587f, 0.012607f, 0.012627f, 0.012647f, 0.012668f, 0.012688f, 0.012709f, 0.012729f, 0.012749f, 0.01277f, 0.012791f,
-0.012811f, 0.012832f, 0.012852f, 0.012873f, 0.012894f, 0.012915f, 0.012935f, 0.012956f, 0.012977f, 0.012998f, 0.013019f, 0.01304f, 0.013061f, 0.013082f, 0.013103f, 0.013124f, 0.013145f, 0.013166f, 0.013187f, 0.013209f,
-0.01323f, 0.013251f, 0.013272f, 0.013294f, 0.013315f, 0.013337f, 0.013358f, 0.01338f, 0.013401f, 0.013423f, 0.013444f, 0.013466f, 0.013488f, 0.013509f, 0.013531f, 0.013553f, 0.013575f, 0.013596f, 0.013618f, 0.01364f,
-0.013662f, 0.013684f, 0.013706f, 0.013728f, 0.01375f, 0.013772f, 0.013795f, 0.013817f, 0.013839f, 0.013861f, 0.013884f, 0.013906f, 0.013928f, 0.013951f, 0.013973f, 0.013996f, 0.014018f, 0.014041f, 0.014063f, 0.014086f,
-0.014109f, 0.014131f, 0.014154f, 0.014177f, 0.0142f, 0.014222f, 0.014245f, 0.014268f, 0.014291f, 0.014314f, 0.014337f, 0.01436f, 0.014383f, 0.014407f, 0.01443f, 0.014453f, 0.014476f, 0.0145f, 0.014523f, 0.014546f,
-0.01457f, 0.014593f, 0.014617f, 0.01464f, 0.014664f, 0.014687f, 0.014711f, 0.014735f, 0.014758f, 0.014782f, 0.014806f, 0.01483f, 0.014854f, 0.014877f, 0.014901f, 0.014925f, 0.014949f, 0.014973f, 0.014997f, 0.015022f,
-0.015046f, 0.01507f, 0.015094f, 0.015119f, 0.015143f, 0.015167f, 0.015192f, 0.015216f, 0.015241f, 0.015265f, 0.01529f, 0.015314f, 0.015339f, 0.015364f, 0.015388f, 0.015413f, 0.015438f, 0.015463f, 0.015488f, 0.015513f,
-0.015538f, 0.015563f, 0.015588f, 0.015613f, 0.015638f, 0.015663f, 0.015688f, 0.015713f, 0.015739f, 0.015764f, 0.015789f, 0.015815f, 0.01584f, 0.015866f, 0.015891f, 0.015917f, 0.015942f, 0.015968f, 0.015994f, 0.01602f,
-0.016045f, 0.016071f, 0.016097f, 0.016123f, 0.016149f, 0.016175f, 0.016201f, 0.016227f, 0.016253f, 0.016279f, 0.016305f, 0.016332f, 0.016358f, 0.016384f, 0.016411f, 0.016437f, 0.016463f, 0.01649f, 0.016516f, 0.016543f,
-0.01657f, 0.016596f, 0.016623f, 0.01665f, 0.016677f, 0.016703f, 0.01673f, 0.016757f, 0.016784f, 0.016811f, 0.016838f, 0.016865f, 0.016892f, 0.01692f, 0.016947f, 0.016974f, 0.017001f, 0.017029f, 0.017056f, 0.017084f,
-0.017111f, 0.017139f, 0.017166f, 0.017194f, 0.017222f, 0.017249f, 0.017277f, 0.017305f, 0.017333f, 0.017361f, 0.017389f, 0.017417f, 0.017445f, 0.017473f, 0.017501f, 0.017529f, 0.017557f, 0.017585f, 0.017614f, 0.017642f,
-0.01767f, 0.017699f, 0.017727f, 0.017756f, 0.017784f, 0.017813f, 0.017842f, 0.01787f, 0.017899f, 0.017928f, 0.017957f, 0.017986f, 0.018015f, 0.018044f, 0.018073f, 0.018102f, 0.018131f, 0.01816f, 0.018189f, 0.018219f,
-0.018248f, 0.018277f, 0.018307f, 0.018336f, 0.018366f, 0.018395f, 0.018425f, 0.018454f, 0.018484f, 0.018514f, 0.018544f, 0.018574f, 0.018603f, 0.018633f, 0.018663f, 0.018693f, 0.018724f, 0.018754f, 0.018784f, 0.018814f,
-0.018844f, 0.018875f, 0.018905f, 0.018935f, 0.018966f, 0.018996f, 0.019027f, 0.019058f, 0.019088f, 0.019119f, 0.01915f, 0.019181f, 0.019211f, 0.019242f, 0.019273f, 0.019304f, 0.019335f, 0.019367f, 0.019398f, 0.019429f,
-0.01946f, 0.019492f, 0.019523f, 0.019554f, 0.019586f, 0.019617f, 0.019649f, 0.019681f, 0.019712f, 0.019744f, 0.019776f, 0.019808f, 0.019839f, 0.019871f, 0.019903f, 0.019935f, 0.019967f, 0.02f, 0.020032f, 0.020064f,
-0.020096f, 0.020129f, 0.020161f, 0.020193f, 0.020226f, 0.020258f, 0.020291f, 0.020324f, 0.020356f, 0.020389f, 0.020422f, 0.020455f, 0.020488f, 0.020521f, 0.020554f, 0.020587f, 0.02062f, 0.020653f, 0.020686f, 0.02072f,
-0.020753f, 0.020786f, 0.02082f, 0.020853f, 0.020887f, 0.020921f, 0.020954f, 0.020988f, 0.021022f, 0.021056f, 0.02109f, 0.021123f, 0.021157f, 0.021192f, 0.021226f, 0.02126f, 0.021294f, 0.021328f, 0.021363f, 0.021397f,
-0.021431f, 0.021466f, 0.0215f, 0.021535f, 0.02157f, 0.021604f, 0.021639f, 0.021674f, 0.021709f, 0.021744f, 0.021779f, 0.021814f, 0.021849f, 0.021884f, 0.021919f, 0.021955f, 0.02199f, 0.022025f, 0.022061f, 0.022096f,
-0.022132f, 0.022168f, 0.022203f, 0.022239f, 0.022275f, 0.022311f, 0.022347f, 0.022382f, 0.022418f, 0.022455f, 0.022491f, 0.022527f, 0.022563f, 0.022599f, 0.022636f, 0.022672f, 0.022709f, 0.022745f, 0.022782f, 0.022819f,
-0.022855f, 0.022892f, 0.022929f, 0.022966f, 0.023003f, 0.02304f, 0.023077f, 0.023114f, 0.023151f, 0.023189f, 0.023226f, 0.023263f, 0.023301f, 0.023338f, 0.023376f, 0.023413f, 0.023451f, 0.023489f, 0.023527f, 0.023564f,
-0.023602f, 0.02364f, 0.023678f, 0.023717f, 0.023755f, 0.023793f, 0.023831f, 0.02387f, 0.023908f, 0.023947f, 0.023985f, 0.024024f, 0.024062f, 0.024101f, 0.02414f, 0.024179f, 0.024218f, 0.024257f, 0.024296f, 0.024335f,
-0.024374f, 0.024413f, 0.024452f, 0.024492f, 0.024531f, 0.024571f, 0.02461f, 0.02465f, 0.02469f, 0.024729f, 0.024769f, 0.024809f, 0.024849f, 0.024889f, 0.024929f, 0.024969f, 0.025009f, 0.02505f, 0.02509f, 0.02513f,
-0.025171f, 0.025211f, 0.025252f, 0.025292f, 0.025333f, 0.025374f, 0.025415f, 0.025456f, 0.025497f, 0.025538f, 0.025579f, 0.02562f, 0.025661f, 0.025703f, 0.025744f, 0.025785f, 0.025827f, 0.025868f, 0.02591f, 0.025952f,
-0.025994f, 0.026035f, 0.026077f, 0.026119f, 0.026161f, 0.026203f, 0.026246f, 0.026288f, 0.02633f, 0.026373f, 0.026415f, 0.026457f, 0.0265f, 0.026543f, 0.026585f, 0.026628f, 0.026671f, 0.026714f, 0.026757f, 0.0268f,
-0.026843f, 0.026886f, 0.02693f, 0.026973f, 0.027017f, 0.02706f, 0.027104f, 0.027147f, 0.027191f, 0.027235f, 0.027279f, 0.027322f, 0.027366f, 0.02741f, 0.027455f, 0.027499f, 0.027543f, 0.027587f, 0.027632f, 0.027676f,
-0.027721f, 0.027765f, 0.02781f, 0.027855f, 0.0279f, 0.027945f, 0.02799f, 0.028035f, 0.02808f, 0.028125f, 0.02817f, 0.028216f, 0.028261f, 0.028307f, 0.028352f, 0.028398f, 0.028443f, 0.028489f, 0.028535f, 0.028581f,
-0.028627f, 0.028673f, 0.028719f, 0.028766f, 0.028812f, 0.028858f, 0.028905f, 0.028951f, 0.028998f, 0.029045f, 0.029091f, 0.029138f, 0.029185f, 0.029232f, 0.029279f, 0.029326f, 0.029373f, 0.029421f, 0.029468f, 0.029516f,
-0.029563f, 0.029611f, 0.029658f, 0.029706f, 0.029754f, 0.029802f, 0.02985f, 0.029898f, 0.029946f, 0.029994f, 0.030042f, 0.030091f, 0.030139f, 0.030188f, 0.030236f, 0.030285f, 0.030334f, 0.030383f, 0.030432f, 0.030481f,
-0.03053f, 0.030579f, 0.030628f, 0.030677f, 0.030727f, 0.030776f, 0.030826f, 0.030875f, 0.030925f, 0.030975f, 0.031025f, 0.031075f, 0.031125f, 0.031175f, 0.031225f, 0.031275f, 0.031326f, 0.031376f, 0.031427f, 0.031477f,
-0.031528f, 0.031579f, 0.031629f, 0.03168f, 0.031731f, 0.031782f, 0.031834f, 0.031885f, 0.031936f, 0.031988f, 0.032039f, 0.032091f, 0.032142f, 0.032194f, 0.032246f, 0.032298f, 0.03235f, 0.032402f, 0.032454f, 0.032506f,
-0.032559f, 0.032611f, 0.032664f, 0.032716f, 0.032769f, 0.032822f, 0.032875f, 0.032927f, 0.03298f, 0.033034f, 0.033087f, 0.03314f, 0.033193f, 0.033247f, 0.0333f, 0.033354f, 0.033408f, 0.033461f, 0.033515f, 0.033569f,
-0.033623f, 0.033677f, 0.033732f, 0.033786f, 0.03384f, 0.033895f, 0.03395f, 0.034004f, 0.034059f, 0.034114f, 0.034169f, 0.034224f, 0.034279f, 0.034334f, 0.034389f, 0.034445f, 0.0345f, 0.034556f, 0.034611f, 0.034667f,
-0.034723f, 0.034779f, 0.034835f, 0.034891f, 0.034947f, 0.035003f, 0.03506f, 0.035116f, 0.035173f, 0.035229f, 0.035286f, 0.035343f, 0.0354f, 0.035457f, 0.035514f, 0.035571f, 0.035628f, 0.035686f, 0.035743f, 0.035801f,
-0.035858f, 0.035916f, 0.035974f, 0.036032f, 0.03609f, 0.036148f, 0.036206f, 0.036265f, 0.036323f, 0.036381f, 0.03644f, 0.036499f, 0.036558f, 0.036616f, 0.036675f, 0.036734f, 0.036794f, 0.036853f, 0.036912f, 0.036972f,
-0.037031f, 0.037091f, 0.037151f, 0.03721f, 0.03727f, 0.03733f, 0.03739f, 0.037451f, 0.037511f, 0.037571f, 0.037632f, 0.037692f, 0.037753f, 0.037814f, 0.037875f, 0.037936f, 0.037997f, 0.038058f, 0.038119f, 0.038181f,
-0.038242f, 0.038304f, 0.038366f, 0.038427f, 0.038489f, 0.038551f, 0.038613f, 0.038676f, 0.038738f, 0.0388f, 0.038863f, 0.038925f, 0.038988f, 0.039051f, 0.039114f, 0.039177f, 0.03924f, 0.039303f, 0.039366f, 0.03943f,
-0.039493f, 0.039557f, 0.039621f, 0.039684f, 0.039748f, 0.039812f, 0.039876f, 0.039941f, 0.040005f, 0.040069f, 0.040134f, 0.040199f, 0.040263f, 0.040328f, 0.040393f, 0.040458f, 0.040523f, 0.040589f, 0.040654f, 0.040719f,
-0.040785f, 0.040851f, 0.040917f, 0.040982f, 0.041048f, 0.041115f, 0.041181f, 0.041247f, 0.041314f, 0.04138f, 0.041447f, 0.041514f, 0.04158f, 0.041647f, 0.041714f, 0.041782f, 0.041849f, 0.041916f, 0.041984f, 0.042052f,
-0.042119f, 0.042187f, 0.042255f, 0.042323f, 0.042391f, 0.04246f, 0.042528f, 0.042596f, 0.042665f, 0.042734f, 0.042803f, 0.042872f, 0.042941f, 0.04301f, 0.043079f, 0.043149f, 0.043218f, 0.043288f, 0.043357f, 0.043427f,
-0.043497f, 0.043567f, 0.043637f, 0.043708f, 0.043778f, 0.043849f, 0.043919f, 0.04399f, 0.044061f, 0.044132f, 0.044203f, 0.044274f, 0.044346f, 0.044417f, 0.044489f, 0.04456f, 0.044632f, 0.044704f, 0.044776f, 0.044848f,
-0.04492f, 0.044993f, 0.045065f, 0.045138f, 0.045211f, 0.045283f, 0.045356f, 0.045429f, 0.045503f, 0.045576f, 0.045649f, 0.045723f, 0.045797f, 0.04587f, 0.045944f, 0.046018f, 0.046092f, 0.046167f, 0.046241f, 0.046316f,
-0.04639f, 0.046465f, 0.04654f, 0.046615f, 0.04669f, 0.046765f, 0.046841f, 0.046916f, 0.046992f, 0.047067f, 0.047143f, 0.047219f, 0.047295f, 0.047371f, 0.047448f, 0.047524f, 0.047601f, 0.047677f, 0.047754f, 0.047831f,
-0.047908f, 0.047986f, 0.048063f, 0.04814f, 0.048218f, 0.048296f, 0.048373f, 0.048451f, 0.048529f, 0.048608f, 0.048686f, 0.048764f, 0.048843f, 0.048922f, 0.049001f, 0.04908f, 0.049159f, 0.049238f, 0.049317f, 0.049397f,
-0.049476f, 0.049556f, 0.049636f, 0.049716f, 0.049796f, 0.049876f, 0.049957f, 0.050037f, 0.050118f, 0.050199f, 0.050279f, 0.05036f, 0.050442f, 0.050523f, 0.050604f, 0.050686f, 0.050768f, 0.050849f, 0.050931f, 0.051013f,
-0.051096f, 0.051178f, 0.051261f, 0.051343f, 0.051426f, 0.051509f, 0.051592f, 0.051675f, 0.051758f, 0.051842f, 0.051925f, 0.052009f, 0.052093f, 0.052177f, 0.052261f, 0.052345f, 0.052429f, 0.052514f, 0.052599f, 0.052683f,
-0.052768f, 0.052853f, 0.052939f, 0.053024f, 0.053109f, 0.053195f, 0.053281f, 0.053367f, 0.053453f, 0.053539f, 0.053625f, 0.053712f, 0.053798f, 0.053885f, 0.053972f, 0.054059f, 0.054146f, 0.054233f, 0.054321f, 0.054408f,
-0.054496f, 0.054584f, 0.054672f, 0.05476f, 0.054848f, 0.054937f, 0.055025f, 0.055114f, 0.055203f, 0.055292f, 0.055381f, 0.05547f, 0.05556f, 0.055649f, 0.055739f, 0.055829f, 0.055919f, 0.056009f, 0.056099f, 0.05619f,
-0.05628f, 0.056371f, 0.056462f, 0.056553f, 0.056644f, 0.056735f, 0.056827f, 0.056919f, 0.05701f, 0.057102f, 0.057194f, 0.057287f, 0.057379f, 0.057471f, 0.057564f, 0.057657f, 0.05775f, 0.057843f, 0.057936f, 0.05803f,
-0.058123f, 0.058217f, 0.058311f, 0.058405f, 0.058499f, 0.058593f, 0.058688f, 0.058783f, 0.058877f, 0.058972f, 0.059067f, 0.059163f, 0.059258f, 0.059354f, 0.059449f, 0.059545f, 0.059641f, 0.059737f, 0.059834f, 0.05993f,
-0.060027f, 0.060124f, 0.060221f, 0.060318f, 0.060415f, 0.060513f, 0.06061f, 0.060708f, 0.060806f, 0.060904f, 0.061002f, 0.061101f, 0.061199f, 0.061298f, 0.061397f, 0.061496f, 0.061595f, 0.061694f, 0.061794f, 0.061894f,
-0.061993f, 0.062093f, 0.062193f, 0.062294f, 0.062394f, 0.062495f, 0.062596f, 0.062697f, 0.062798f, 0.062899f, 0.063001f, 0.063102f, 0.063204f, 0.063306f, 0.063408f, 0.06351f, 0.063613f, 0.063716f, 0.063818f, 0.063921f,
-0.064024f, 0.064128f, 0.064231f, 0.064335f, 0.064439f, 0.064543f, 0.064647f, 0.064751f, 0.064855f, 0.06496f, 0.065065f, 0.06517f, 0.065275f, 0.06538f, 0.065486f, 0.065592f, 0.065697f, 0.065803f, 0.06591f, 0.066016f,
-0.066122f, 0.066229f, 0.066336f, 0.066443f, 0.06655f, 0.066658f, 0.066765f, 0.066873f, 0.066981f, 0.067089f, 0.067197f, 0.067306f, 0.067414f, 0.067523f, 0.067632f, 0.067741f, 0.067851f, 0.06796f, 0.06807f, 0.06818f,
-0.06829f, 0.0684f, 0.06851f, 0.068621f, 0.068732f, 0.068842f, 0.068954f, 0.069065f, 0.069176f, 0.069288f, 0.0694f, 0.069512f, 0.069624f, 0.069736f, 0.069849f, 0.069962f, 0.070075f, 0.070188f, 0.070301f, 0.070415f,
-0.070528f, 0.070642f, 0.070756f, 0.07087f, 0.070985f, 0.071099f, 0.071214f, 0.071329f, 0.071444f, 0.07156f, 0.071675f, 0.071791f, 0.071907f, 0.072023f, 0.072139f, 0.072256f, 0.072372f, 0.072489f, 0.072606f, 0.072723f,
-0.072841f, 0.072958f, 0.073076f, 0.073194f, 0.073312f, 0.073431f, 0.073549f, 0.073668f, 0.073787f, 0.073906f, 0.074026f, 0.074145f, 0.074265f, 0.074385f, 0.074505f, 0.074625f, 0.074746f, 0.074866f, 0.074987f, 0.075108f,
-0.07523f, 0.075351f, 0.075473f, 0.075595f, 0.075717f, 0.075839f, 0.075962f, 0.076084f, 0.076207f, 0.07633f, 0.076454f, 0.076577f, 0.076701f, 0.076825f, 0.076949f, 0.077073f, 0.077198f, 0.077322f, 0.077447f, 0.077572f,
-0.077698f, 0.077823f, 0.077949f, 0.078075f, 0.078201f, 0.078327f, 0.078454f, 0.078581f, 0.078707f, 0.078835f, 0.078962f, 0.07909f, 0.079217f, 0.079345f, 0.079474f, 0.079602f, 0.079731f, 0.079859f, 0.079988f, 0.080118f,
-0.080247f, 0.080377f, 0.080507f, 0.080637f, 0.080767f, 0.080898f, 0.081028f, 0.081159f, 0.08129f, 0.081422f, 0.081553f, 0.081685f, 0.081817f, 0.081949f, 0.082082f, 0.082215f, 0.082347f, 0.08248f, 0.082614f, 0.082747f,
-0.082881f, 0.083015f, 0.083149f, 0.083284f, 0.083418f, 0.083553f, 0.083688f, 0.083823f, 0.083959f, 0.084095f, 0.084231f, 0.084367f, 0.084503f, 0.08464f, 0.084777f, 0.084914f, 0.085051f, 0.085188f, 0.085326f, 0.085464f,
-0.085602f, 0.085741f, 0.085879f, 0.086018f, 0.086157f, 0.086296f, 0.086436f, 0.086576f, 0.086716f, 0.086856f, 0.086996f, 0.087137f, 0.087278f, 0.087419f, 0.087561f, 0.087702f, 0.087844f, 0.087986f, 0.088128f, 0.088271f,
-0.088414f, 0.088557f, 0.0887f, 0.088843f, 0.088987f, 0.089131f, 0.089275f, 0.089419f, 0.089564f, 0.089709f, 0.089854f, 0.089999f, 0.090145f, 0.090291f, 0.090437f, 0.090583f, 0.09073f, 0.090877f, 0.091024f, 0.091171f,
-0.091318f, 0.091466f, 0.091614f, 0.091762f, 0.091911f, 0.092059f, 0.092208f, 0.092358f, 0.092507f, 0.092657f, 0.092807f, 0.092957f, 0.093107f, 0.093258f, 0.093409f, 0.09356f, 0.093711f, 0.093863f, 0.094015f, 0.094167f,
-0.09432f, 0.094472f, 0.094625f, 0.094778f, 0.094932f, 0.095085f, 0.095239f, 0.095393f, 0.095548f, 0.095703f, 0.095857f, 0.096013f, 0.096168f, 0.096324f, 0.09648f, 0.096636f, 0.096792f, 0.096949f, 0.097106f, 0.097263f,
-0.097421f, 0.097578f, 0.097736f, 0.097895f, 0.098053f, 0.098212f, 0.098371f, 0.09853f, 0.09869f, 0.09885f, 0.09901f, 0.09917f, 0.099331f, 0.099492f, 0.099653f, 0.099814f, 0.099976f, 0.100138f, 0.1003f, 0.100462f,
-0.100625f, 0.100788f, 0.100951f, 0.101115f, 0.101279f, 0.101443f, 0.101607f, 0.101772f, 0.101936f, 0.102102f, 0.102267f, 0.102433f, 0.102599f, 0.102765f, 0.102931f, 0.103098f, 0.103265f, 0.103433f, 0.1036f, 0.103768f,
-0.103936f, 0.104105f, 0.104273f, 0.104442f, 0.104612f, 0.104781f, 0.104951f, 0.105121f, 0.105291f, 0.105462f, 0.105633f, 0.105804f, 0.105976f, 0.106148f, 0.10632f, 0.106492f, 0.106665f, 0.106838f, 0.107011f, 0.107184f,
-0.107358f, 0.107532f, 0.107706f, 0.107881f, 0.108056f, 0.108231f, 0.108407f, 0.108582f, 0.108759f, 0.108935f, 0.109112f, 0.109288f, 0.109466f, 0.109643f, 0.109821f, 0.109999f, 0.110178f, 0.110356f, 0.110535f, 0.110715f,
-0.110894f, 0.111074f, 0.111254f, 0.111435f, 0.111615f, 0.111797f, 0.111978f, 0.11216f, 0.112342f, 0.112524f, 0.112706f, 0.112889f, 0.113072f, 0.113256f, 0.11344f, 0.113624f, 0.113808f, 0.113993f, 0.114178f, 0.114363f,
-0.114549f, 0.114735f, 0.114921f, 0.115107f, 0.115294f, 0.115481f, 0.115669f, 0.115857f, 0.116045f, 0.116233f, 0.116422f, 0.116611f, 0.1168f, 0.11699f, 0.11718f, 0.11737f, 0.117561f, 0.117751f, 0.117943f, 0.118134f,
-0.118326f, 0.118518f, 0.118711f, 0.118903f, 0.119097f, 0.11929f, 0.119484f, 0.119678f, 0.119872f, 0.120067f, 0.120262f, 0.120457f, 0.120653f, 0.120849f, 0.121045f, 0.121242f, 0.121439f, 0.121636f, 0.121834f, 0.122032f,
-0.12223f, 0.122429f, 0.122628f, 0.122827f, 0.123027f, 0.123226f, 0.123427f, 0.123627f, 0.123828f, 0.12403f, 0.124231f, 0.124433f, 0.124635f, 0.124838f, 0.125041f, 0.125244f, 0.125448f, 0.125652f, 0.125856f, 0.126061f,
-0.126266f, 0.126471f, 0.126677f, 0.126883f, 0.127089f, 0.127296f, 0.127503f, 0.12771f, 0.127918f, 0.128126f, 0.128334f, 0.128543f, 0.128752f, 0.128961f, 0.129171f, 0.129381f, 0.129592f, 0.129803f, 0.130014f, 0.130225f,
-0.130437f, 0.13065f, 0.130862f, 0.131075f, 0.131288f, 0.131502f, 0.131716f, 0.13193f, 0.132145f, 0.13236f, 0.132576f, 0.132792f, 0.133008f, 0.133224f, 0.133441f, 0.133658f, 0.133876f, 0.134094f, 0.134312f, 0.134531f,
-0.13475f, 0.134969f, 0.135189f, 0.135409f, 0.13563f, 0.135851f, 0.136072f, 0.136294f, 0.136516f, 0.136738f, 0.136961f, 0.137184f, 0.137407f, 0.137631f, 0.137855f, 0.13808f, 0.138305f, 0.13853f, 0.138756f, 0.138982f,
-0.139209f, 0.139436f, 0.139663f, 0.139891f, 0.140119f, 0.140347f, 0.140576f, 0.140805f, 0.141034f, 0.141264f, 0.141495f, 0.141725f, 0.141956f, 0.142188f, 0.14242f, 0.142652f, 0.142885f, 0.143118f, 0.143351f, 0.143585f,
-0.143819f, 0.144054f, 0.144288f, 0.144524f, 0.14476f, 0.144996f, 0.145232f, 0.145469f, 0.145707f, 0.145944f, 0.146182f, 0.146421f, 0.14666f, 0.146899f, 0.147139f, 0.147379f, 0.14762f, 0.147861f, 0.148102f, 0.148344f,
-0.148586f, 0.148829f, 0.149072f, 0.149315f, 0.149559f, 0.149803f, 0.150048f, 0.150293f, 0.150538f, 0.150784f, 0.15103f, 0.151277f, 0.151524f, 0.151772f, 0.152019f, 0.152268f, 0.152517f, 0.152766f, 0.153015f, 0.153265f,
-0.153516f, 0.153767f, 0.154018f, 0.15427f, 0.154522f, 0.154774f, 0.155027f, 0.155281f, 0.155535f, 0.155789f, 0.156044f, 0.156299f, 0.156554f, 0.15681f, 0.157067f, 0.157324f, 0.157581f, 0.157839f, 0.158097f, 0.158355f,
-0.158614f, 0.158874f, 0.159134f, 0.159394f, 0.159655f, 0.159916f, 0.160178f, 0.16044f, 0.160702f, 0.160965f, 0.161229f, 0.161493f, 0.161757f, 0.162022f, 0.162287f, 0.162553f, 0.162819f, 0.163086f, 0.163353f, 0.16362f,
-0.163888f, 0.164156f, 0.164425f, 0.164695f, 0.164964f, 0.165235f, 0.165505f, 0.165776f, 0.166048f, 0.16632f, 0.166593f, 0.166865f, 0.167139f, 0.167413f, 0.167687f, 0.167962f, 0.168237f, 0.168513f, 0.168789f, 0.169066f,
-0.169343f, 0.169621f, 0.169899f, 0.170178f, 0.170457f, 0.170736f, 0.171016f, 0.171297f, 0.171578f, 0.171859f, 0.172141f, 0.172424f, 0.172706f, 0.17299f, 0.173274f, 0.173558f, 0.173843f, 0.174128f, 0.174414f, 0.1747f,
-0.174987f, 0.175274f, 0.175562f, 0.17585f, 0.176139f, 0.176428f, 0.176718f, 0.177008f, 0.177299f, 0.17759f, 0.177882f, 0.178174f, 0.178467f, 0.17876f, 0.179054f, 0.179348f, 0.179643f, 0.179938f, 0.180234f, 0.18053f,
-0.180827f, 0.181124f, 0.181422f, 0.18172f, 0.182019f, 0.182318f, 0.182618f, 0.182918f, 0.183219f, 0.18352f, 0.183822f, 0.184125f, 0.184428f, 0.184731f, 0.185035f, 0.185339f, 0.185644f, 0.18595f, 0.186256f, 0.186563f,
-0.18687f, 0.187177f, 0.187486f, 0.187794f, 0.188103f, 0.188413f, 0.188723f, 0.189034f, 0.189346f, 0.189658f, 0.18997f, 0.190283f, 0.190596f, 0.19091f, 0.191225f, 0.19154f, 0.191856f, 0.192172f, 0.192489f, 0.192806f,
-0.193124f, 0.193442f, 0.193761f, 0.194081f, 0.194401f, 0.194722f, 0.195043f, 0.195365f, 0.195687f, 0.19601f, 0.196333f, 0.196657f, 0.196982f, 0.197307f, 0.197632f, 0.197958f, 0.198285f, 0.198613f, 0.198941f, 0.199269f,
-0.199598f, 0.199928f, 0.200258f, 0.200589f, 0.20092f, 0.201252f, 0.201584f, 0.201917f, 0.202251f, 0.202585f, 0.20292f, 0.203256f, 0.203592f, 0.203928f, 0.204265f, 0.204603f, 0.204941f, 0.20528f, 0.20562f, 0.20596f,
-0.206301f, 0.206642f, 0.206984f, 0.207326f, 0.207669f, 0.208013f, 0.208357f, 0.208702f, 0.209048f, 0.209394f, 0.20974f, 0.210088f, 0.210436f, 0.210784f, 0.211133f, 0.211483f, 0.211833f, 0.212184f, 0.212536f, 0.212888f,
-0.213241f, 0.213594f, 0.213948f, 0.214303f, 0.214658f, 0.215014f, 0.215371f, 0.215728f, 0.216086f, 0.216444f, 0.216803f, 0.217163f, 0.217523f, 0.217884f, 0.218246f, 0.218608f, 0.218971f, 0.219334f, 0.219698f, 0.220063f,
-0.220428f, 0.220795f, 0.221161f, 0.221529f, 0.221897f, 0.222265f, 0.222635f, 0.223004f, 0.223375f, 0.223746f, 0.224118f, 0.224491f, 0.224864f, 0.225238f, 0.225613f, 0.225988f, 0.226364f, 0.22674f, 0.227117f, 0.227495f,
-0.227874f, 0.228253f, 0.228633f, 0.229014f, 0.229395f, 0.229777f, 0.230159f, 0.230543f, 0.230927f, 0.231311f, 0.231697f, 0.232083f, 0.232469f, 0.232857f, 0.233245f, 0.233634f, 0.234023f, 0.234413f, 0.234804f, 0.235196f,
-0.235588f, 0.235981f, 0.236374f, 0.236769f, 0.237164f, 0.23756f, 0.237956f, 0.238353f, 0.238751f, 0.23915f, 0.239549f, 0.239949f, 0.24035f, 0.240751f, 0.241154f, 0.241556f, 0.24196f, 0.242364f, 0.24277f, 0.243175f,
-0.243582f, 0.243989f, 0.244397f, 0.244806f, 0.245215f, 0.245626f, 0.246037f, 0.246448f, 0.246861f, 0.247274f, 0.247688f, 0.248102f, 0.248518f, 0.248934f, 0.249351f, 0.249768f, 0.250187f, 0.250606f, 0.251026f, 0.251447f,
-0.251868f, 0.25229f, 0.252713f, 0.253137f, 0.253562f, 0.253987f, 0.254413f, 0.25484f, 0.255267f, 0.255696f, 0.256125f, 0.256555f, 0.256985f, 0.257417f, 0.257849f, 0.258282f, 0.258716f, 0.259151f, 0.259586f, 0.260022f,
-0.260459f, 0.260897f, 0.261336f, 0.261775f, 0.262215f, 0.262656f, 0.263098f, 0.263541f, 0.263984f, 0.264429f, 0.264874f, 0.265319f, 0.265766f, 0.266214f, 0.266662f, 0.267111f, 0.267561f, 0.268012f, 0.268464f, 0.268916f,
-0.269369f, 0.269823f, 0.270278f, 0.270734f, 0.271191f, 0.271648f, 0.272107f, 0.272566f, 0.273026f, 0.273487f, 0.273948f, 0.274411f, 0.274874f, 0.275339f, 0.275804f, 0.27627f, 0.276736f, 0.277204f, 0.277673f, 0.278142f,
-0.278612f, 0.279084f, 0.279556f, 0.280029f, 0.280502f, 0.280977f, 0.281453f, 0.281929f, 0.282406f, 0.282885f, 0.283364f, 0.283844f, 0.284325f, 0.284806f, 0.285289f, 0.285773f, 0.286257f, 0.286743f, 0.287229f, 0.287716f,
-0.288204f, 0.288693f, 0.289183f, 0.289674f, 0.290166f, 0.290659f, 0.291152f, 0.291647f, 0.292142f, 0.292639f, 0.293136f, 0.293634f, 0.294133f, 0.294634f, 0.295135f, 0.295637f, 0.29614f, 0.296644f, 0.297148f, 0.297654f,
-0.298161f, 0.298669f, 0.299178f, 0.299687f, 0.300198f, 0.300709f, 0.301222f, 0.301735f, 0.30225f, 0.302765f, 0.303282f, 0.303799f, 0.304318f, 0.304837f, 0.305357f, 0.305879f, 0.306401f, 0.306925f, 0.307449f, 0.307974f,
-0.308501f, 0.309028f, 0.309556f, 0.310086f, 0.310616f, 0.311147f, 0.31168f, 0.312213f, 0.312748f, 0.313283f, 0.31382f, 0.314357f, 0.314896f, 0.315435f, 0.315976f, 0.316518f, 0.31706f, 0.317604f, 0.318149f, 0.318695f,
-0.319242f, 0.31979f, 0.320339f, 0.320889f, 0.32144f, 0.321992f, 0.322545f, 0.323099f, 0.323655f, 0.324211f, 0.324769f, 0.325327f, 0.325887f, 0.326448f, 0.32701f, 0.327573f, 0.328137f, 0.328702f, 0.329268f, 0.329836f,
-0.330404f, 0.330974f, 0.331544f, 0.332116f, 0.332689f, 0.333263f, 0.333838f, 0.334415f, 0.334992f, 0.335571f, 0.33615f, 0.336731f, 0.337313f, 0.337896f, 0.33848f, 0.339066f, 0.339652f, 0.34024f, 0.340829f, 0.341419f,
-0.34201f, 0.342602f, 0.343196f, 0.34379f, 0.344386f, 0.344983f, 0.345581f, 0.346181f, 0.346781f, 0.347383f, 0.347986f, 0.34859f, 0.349196f, 0.349802f, 0.35041f, 0.351019f, 0.351629f, 0.352241f, 0.352853f, 0.353467f,
-0.354082f, 0.354698f, 0.355316f, 0.355935f, 0.356555f, 0.357176f, 0.357798f, 0.358422f, 0.359047f, 0.359673f, 0.360301f, 0.36093f, 0.36156f, 0.362191f, 0.362824f, 0.363457f, 0.364093f, 0.364729f, 0.365367f, 0.366006f,
-0.366646f, 0.367287f, 0.36793f, 0.368574f, 0.36922f, 0.369867f, 0.370515f, 0.371164f, 0.371815f, 0.372467f, 0.37312f, 0.373775f, 0.374431f, 0.375089f, 0.375747f, 0.376407f, 0.377069f, 0.377732f, 0.378396f, 0.379061f,
-0.379728f, 0.380396f, 0.381066f, 0.381737f, 0.382409f, 0.383083f, 0.383758f, 0.384435f, 0.385113f, 0.385792f, 0.386473f, 0.387155f, 0.387838f, 0.388523f, 0.38921f, 0.389898f, 0.390587f, 0.391278f, 0.39197f, 0.392663f,
-0.393358f, 0.394055f, 0.394753f, 0.395452f, 0.396153f, 0.396855f, 0.397559f, 0.398264f, 0.398971f, 0.399679f, 0.400388f, 0.4011f, 0.401812f, 0.402526f, 0.403242f, 0.403959f, 0.404678f, 0.405398f, 0.40612f, 0.406843f,
-0.407568f, 0.408294f, 0.409022f, 0.409751f, 0.410482f, 0.411215f, 0.411949f, 0.412684f, 0.413422f, 0.41416f, 0.414901f, 0.415642f, 0.416386f, 0.417131f, 0.417878f, 0.418626f, 0.419376f, 0.420127f, 0.42088f, 0.421635f,
-0.422391f, 0.423149f, 0.423909f, 0.42467f, 0.425433f, 0.426198f, 0.426964f, 0.427732f, 0.428501f, 0.429272f, 0.430045f, 0.43082f, 0.431596f, 0.432374f, 0.433153f, 0.433934f, 0.434717f, 0.435502f, 0.436289f, 0.437077f,
-0.437866f, 0.438658f, 0.439451f, 0.440246f, 0.441043f, 0.441842f, 0.442642f, 0.443444f, 0.444248f, 0.445054f, 0.445861f, 0.44667f, 0.447481f, 0.448294f, 0.449109f, 0.449925f, 0.450743f, 0.451563f, 0.452385f, 0.453209f,
-0.454034f, 0.454862f, 0.455691f, 0.456522f, 0.457355f, 0.45819f, 0.459026f, 0.459865f, 0.460705f, 0.461547f, 0.462392f, 0.463238f, 0.464086f, 0.464936f, 0.465788f, 0.466641f, 0.467497f, 0.468355f, 0.469214f, 0.470076f,
-0.470939f, 0.471805f, 0.472672f, 0.473542f, 0.474413f, 0.475287f, 0.476162f, 0.477039f, 0.477919f, 0.4788f, 0.479684f, 0.480569f, 0.481457f, 0.482346f, 0.483238f, 0.484132f, 0.485028f, 0.485925f, 0.486825f, 0.487727f,
-0.488631f, 0.489538f, 0.490446f, 0.491356f, 0.492269f, 0.493184f, 0.4941f, 0.495019f, 0.49594f, 0.496864f, 0.497789f, 0.498717f, 0.499647f, 0.500579f, 0.501513f, 0.502449f, 0.503388f, 0.504329f, 0.505272f, 0.506217f,
-0.507164f, 0.508114f, 0.509066f, 0.510021f, 0.510977f, 0.511936f, 0.512897f, 0.513861f, 0.514826f, 0.515794f, 0.516765f, 0.517738f, 0.518713f, 0.51969f, 0.52067f, 0.521652f, 0.522637f, 0.523623f, 0.524613f, 0.525604f,
-0.526599f, 0.527595f, 0.528594f, 0.529595f, 0.530599f, 0.531605f, 0.532614f, 0.533625f, 0.534639f, 0.535655f, 0.536674f, 0.537695f, 0.538719f, 0.539745f, 0.540774f, 0.541805f, 0.542839f, 0.543875f, 0.544914f, 0.545956f,
-0.547f, 0.548047f, 0.549096f, 0.550148f, 0.551203f, 0.55226f, 0.55332f, 0.554382f, 0.555448f, 0.556516f, 0.557586f, 0.558659f, 0.559736f, 0.560814f, 0.561896f, 0.56298f, 0.564067f, 0.565157f, 0.566249f, 0.567344f,
-0.568443f, 0.569543f, 0.570647f, 0.571754f, 0.572863f, 0.573975f, 0.57509f, 0.576208f, 0.577329f, 0.578453f, 0.57958f, 0.580709f, 0.581842f, 0.582977f, 0.584115f, 0.585257f, 0.586401f, 0.587548f, 0.588699f, 0.589852f,
-0.591008f, 0.592168f, 0.59333f, 0.594496f, 0.595664f, 0.596836f, 0.598011f, 0.599189f, 0.60037f, 0.601554f, 0.602741f, 0.603931f, 0.605125f, 0.606322f, 0.607522f, 0.608725f, 0.609931f, 0.611141f, 0.612354f, 0.61357f,
-0.61479f, 0.616012f, 0.617238f, 0.618468f, 0.619701f, 0.620937f, 0.622176f, 0.623419f, 0.624665f, 0.625915f, 0.627168f, 0.628424f, 0.629684f, 0.630947f, 0.632214f, 0.633485f, 0.634759f, 0.636036f, 0.637317f, 0.638601f,
-0.639889f, 0.641181f, 0.642476f, 0.643775f, 0.645078f, 0.646384f, 0.647693f, 0.649007f, 0.650324f, 0.651645f, 0.652969f, 0.654298f, 0.65563f, 0.656966f, 0.658305f, 0.659649f, 0.660996f, 0.662347f, 0.663702f, 0.665061f,
-0.666424f, 0.667791f, 0.669161f, 0.670536f, 0.671914f, 0.673297f, 0.674684f, 0.676074f, 0.677469f, 0.678867f, 0.68027f, 0.681677f, 0.683088f, 0.684503f, 0.685922f, 0.687345f, 0.688773f, 0.690205f, 0.691641f, 0.693081f,
-0.694525f, 0.695974f, 0.697427f, 0.698885f, 0.700347f, 0.701813f, 0.703283f, 0.704758f, 0.706238f, 0.707721f, 0.70921f, 0.710702f, 0.7122f, 0.713702f, 0.715208f, 0.716719f, 0.718235f, 0.719755f, 0.72128f, 0.722809f,
-0.724343f, 0.725882f, 0.727426f, 0.728974f, 0.730527f, 0.732085f, 0.733648f, 0.735216f, 0.736789f, 0.738366f, 0.739948f, 0.741536f, 0.743128f, 0.744725f, 0.746328f, 0.747935f, 0.749548f, 0.751165f, 0.752788f, 0.754416f,
-0.756049f, 0.757687f, 0.75933f, 0.760979f, 0.762633f, 0.764292f, 0.765957f, 0.767627f, 0.769302f, 0.770983f, 0.772669f, 0.774361f, 0.776058f, 0.777761f, 0.779469f, 0.781183f, 0.782903f, 0.784628f, 0.786359f, 0.788096f,
-0.789838f, 0.791586f, 0.79334f, 0.7951f, 0.796865f, 0.798637f, 0.800414f, 0.802197f, 0.803987f, 0.805782f, 0.807583f, 0.809391f, 0.811204f, 0.813024f, 0.81485f, 0.816682f, 0.818521f, 0.820365f, 0.822216f, 0.824074f,
-0.825938f, 0.827808f, 0.829684f, 0.831567f, 0.833457f, 0.835353f, 0.837256f, 0.839166f, 0.841082f, 0.843005f, 0.844934f, 0.846871f, 0.848814f, 0.850764f, 0.852721f, 0.854685f, 0.856656f, 0.858634f, 0.860619f, 0.862611f,
-0.86461f, 0.866617f, 0.868631f, 0.870652f, 0.87268f, 0.874716f, 0.876759f, 0.878809f, 0.880867f, 0.882933f, 0.885006f, 0.887087f, 0.889175f, 0.891271f, 0.893375f, 0.895487f, 0.897606f, 0.899734f, 0.901869f, 0.904012f,
-0.906164f, 0.908323f, 0.910491f, 0.912667f, 0.914851f, 0.917043f, 0.919244f, 0.921453f, 0.92367f, 0.925896f, 0.928131f, 0.930374f, 0.932625f, 0.934886f, 0.937155f, 0.939433f, 0.94172f, 0.944016f, 0.946321f, 0.948635f,
-0.950958f, 0.95329f, 0.955631f, 0.957982f, 0.960342f, 0.962711f, 0.96509f, 0.967478f, 0.969876f, 0.972283f, 0.9747f, 0.977127f, 0.979564f, 0.982011f, 0.984467f, 0.986934f, 0.989411f, 0.991897f, 0.994394f, 0.996902f,
-0.999419f, 1.001948f, 1.004486f, 1.007035f, 1.009595f, 1.012166f, 1.014747f, 1.017339f, 1.019942f, 1.022556f, 1.025181f, 1.027817f, 1.030465f, 1.033124f, 1.035794f, 1.038475f, 1.041169f, 1.043873f, 1.04659f, 1.049318f,
-1.052058f, 1.05481f, 1.057574f, 1.06035f, 1.063139f, 1.06594f, 1.068753f, 1.071578f, 1.074416f, 1.077267f, 1.08013f, 1.083007f, 1.085896f, 1.088798f, 1.091713f, 1.094642f, 1.097584f, 1.100539f, 1.103508f, 1.10649f,
-1.109486f, 1.112496f, 1.115519f, 1.118557f, 1.121609f, 1.124675f, 1.127755f, 1.13085f, 1.133959f, 1.137083f, 1.140222f, 1.143376f, 1.146544f, 1.149728f, 1.152927f, 1.156141f, 1.159371f, 1.162616f, 1.165877f, 1.169153f,
-1.172446f, 1.175755f, 1.17908f, 1.182421f, 1.185779f, 1.189153f, 1.192544f, 1.195952f, 1.199377f, 1.202819f, 1.206278f, 1.209754f, 1.213249f, 1.21676f, 1.22029f, 1.223838f, 1.227403f, 1.230987f, 1.23459f, 1.238211f,
-1.24185f, 1.245509f, 1.249186f, 1.252883f, 1.256599f, 1.260335f, 1.26409f, 1.267865f, 1.27166f, 1.275476f, 1.279312f, 1.283168f, 1.287045f, 1.290943f, 1.294862f, 1.298802f, 1.302763f, 1.306747f, 1.310752f, 1.314779f,
-1.318828f, 1.3229f, 1.326994f, 1.331111f, 1.335252f, 1.339415f, 1.343602f, 1.347812f, 1.352046f, 1.356305f, 1.360587f, 1.364894f, 1.369226f, 1.373583f, 1.377965f, 1.382373f, 1.386806f, 1.391265f, 1.39575f, 1.400261f,
-1.4048f, 1.409365f, 1.413957f, 1.418577f, 1.423224f, 1.427899f, 1.432603f, 1.437335f, 1.442095f, 1.446885f, 1.451704f, 1.456553f, 1.461431f, 1.46634f, 1.471279f, 1.476249f,
-// mtof lookup table based on input range [0.0,1.0) in 4096 increments - midi frequency values scaled between m25 and m134 (as done in previous code)
-const float mtof1[MTOF1_TABLE_SIZE] = {34.66965f, 34.722983f, 34.776398f, 34.829895f, 34.883474f, 34.937136f, 34.99088f, 35.044707f, 35.098617f, 35.152609f, 35.206685f, 35.260844f, 35.315086f, 35.369412f, 35.423821f, 35.478314f, 35.532891f, 35.587551f, 35.642296f, 35.697125f,
-35.752038f, 35.807036f, 35.862119f, 35.917286f, 35.972538f, 36.027875f, 36.083297f, 36.138804f, 36.194397f, 36.250075f, 36.305839f, 36.361689f, 36.417625f, 36.473646f, 36.529754f, 36.585948f, 36.642229f, 36.698596f, 36.75505f, 36.811591f,
-36.868219f, 36.924934f, 36.981736f, 37.038625f, 37.095602f, 37.152667f, 37.209819f, 37.267059f, 37.324388f, 37.381804f, 37.439309f, 37.496903f, 37.554585f, 37.612355f, 37.670215f, 37.728163f, 37.786201f, 37.844328f, 37.902545f, 37.96085f,
-38.019246f, 38.077732f, 38.136307f, 38.194973f, 38.253728f, 38.312575f, 38.371511f, 38.430539f, 38.489657f, 38.548866f, 38.608166f, 38.667558f, 38.72704f, 38.786615f, 38.846281f, 38.906038f, 38.965888f, 39.02583f, 39.085864f, 39.14599f,
-39.206209f, 39.26652f, 39.326924f, 39.387421f, 39.448012f, 39.508695f, 39.569472f, 39.630342f, 39.691306f, 39.752363f, 39.813515f, 39.874761f, 39.9361f, 39.997535f, 40.059063f, 40.120687f, 40.182405f, 40.244218f, 40.306126f, 40.36813f,
-40.430228f, 40.492423f, 40.554713f, 40.617099f, 40.67958f, 40.742158f, 40.804832f, 40.867603f, 40.93047f, 40.993434f, 41.056495f, 41.119652f, 41.182907f, 41.24626f, 41.309709f, 41.373256f, 41.436901f, 41.500644f, 41.564485f, 41.628424f,
-41.692462f, 41.756598f, 41.820833f, 41.885166f, 41.949599f, 42.01413f, 42.078761f, 42.143491f, 42.208321f, 42.273251f, 42.33828f, 42.40341f, 42.46864f, 42.53397f, 42.5994f, 42.664931f, 42.730563f, 42.796296f, 42.86213f, 42.928066f,
-42.994103f, 43.060241f, 43.126481f, 43.192823f, 43.259267f, 43.325813f, 43.392462f, 43.459213f, 43.526067f, 43.593024f, 43.660083f, 43.727246f, 43.794512f, 43.861882f, 43.929355f, 43.996932f, 44.064613f, 44.132399f, 44.200288f, 44.268282f,
-44.33638f, 44.404584f, 44.472892f, 44.541305f, 44.609823f, 44.678447f, 44.747177f, 44.816012f, 44.884953f, 44.954f, 45.023153f, 45.092413f, 45.161779f, 45.231252f, 45.300832f, 45.370519f, 45.440313f, 45.510214f, 45.580223f, 45.65034f,
-45.720564f, 45.790897f, 45.861337f, 45.931887f, 46.002544f, 46.07331f, 46.144186f, 46.21517f, 46.286263f, 46.357466f, 46.428778f, 46.5002f, 46.571732f, 46.643374f, 46.715126f, 46.786988f, 46.858961f, 46.931045f, 47.00324f, 47.075545f,
-47.147962f, 47.220491f, 47.293131f, 47.365882f, 47.438746f, 47.511721f, 47.584809f, 47.658009f, 47.731322f, 47.804748f, 47.878287f, 47.951938f, 48.025704f, 48.099582f, 48.173574f, 48.24768f, 48.3219f, 48.396235f, 48.470683f, 48.545246f,
-48.619924f, 48.694717f, 48.769624f, 48.844647f, 48.919785f, 48.995039f, 49.070409f, 49.145895f, 49.221496f, 49.297214f, 49.373049f, 49.449f, 49.525068f, 49.601253f, 49.677555f, 49.753975f, 49.830512f, 49.907167f, 49.98394f, 50.060831f,
-50.13784f, 50.214968f, 50.292214f, 50.369579f, 50.447063f, 50.524667f, 50.602389f, 50.680232f, 50.758194f, 50.836276f, 50.914478f, 50.9928f, 51.071243f, 51.149807f, 51.228491f, 51.307296f, 51.386223f, 51.465271f, 51.544441f, 51.623732f,
-51.703146f, 51.782681f, 51.862339f, 51.94212f, 52.022023f, 52.102049f, 52.182198f, 52.262471f, 52.342867f, 52.423387f, 52.50403f, 52.584798f, 52.66569f, 52.746706f, 52.827847f, 52.909113f, 52.990503f, 53.072019f, 53.153661f, 53.235428f,
-53.31732f, 53.399339f, 53.481484f, 53.563755f, 53.646153f, 53.728678f, 53.811329f, 53.894108f, 53.977014f, 54.060047f, 54.143208f, 54.226498f, 54.309915f, 54.393461f, 54.477135f, 54.560938f, 54.644869f, 54.72893f, 54.81312f, 54.89744f,
-54.98189f, 55.066469f, 55.151178f, 55.236018f, 55.320988f, 55.406089f, 55.491321f, 55.576684f, 55.662179f, 55.747804f, 55.833562f, 55.919451f, 56.005473f, 56.091627f, 56.177913f, 56.264333f, 56.350885f, 56.43757f, 56.524389f, 56.611341f,
-56.698427f, 56.785647f, 56.873001f, 56.960489f, 57.048112f, 57.13587f, 57.223763f, 57.311791f, 57.399954f, 57.488253f, 57.576688f, 57.665259f, 57.753966f, 57.84281f, 57.93179f, 58.020908f, 58.110162f, 58.199553f, 58.289083f, 58.378749f,
-58.468554f, 58.558497f, 58.648578f, 58.738798f, 58.829157f, 58.919654f, 59.010291f, 59.101068f, 59.191983f, 59.283039f, 59.374235f, 59.465571f, 59.557048f, 59.648665f, 59.740424f, 59.832323f, 59.924364f, 60.016546f, 60.10887f, 60.201337f,
-60.293945f, 60.386696f, 60.47959f, 60.572626f, 60.665806f, 60.759129f, 60.852595f, 60.946206f, 61.03996f, 61.133858f, 61.227901f, 61.322089f, 61.416422f, 61.510899f, 61.605522f, 61.700291f, 61.795205f, 61.890265f, 61.985472f, 62.080825f,
-62.176325f, 62.271971f, 62.367765f, 62.463706f, 62.559795f, 62.656032f, 62.752416f, 62.848949f, 62.94563f, 63.04246f, 63.139439f, 63.236568f, 63.333845f, 63.431272f, 63.528849f, 63.626577f, 63.724454f, 63.822482f, 63.920661f, 64.018991f,
-64.117473f, 64.216105f, 64.31489f, 64.413826f, 64.512915f, 64.612156f, 64.711549f, 64.811096f, 64.910796f, 65.010649f, 65.110656f, 65.210816f, 65.311131f, 65.4116f, 65.512223f, 65.613001f, 65.713935f, 65.815023f, 65.916267f, 66.017667f,
-66.119223f, 66.220935f, 66.322803f, 66.424829f, 66.527011f, 66.62935f, 66.731847f, 66.834501f, 66.937314f, 67.040284f, 67.143413f, 67.246701f, 67.350147f, 67.453753f, 67.557518f, 67.661442f, 67.765527f, 67.869771f, 67.974176f, 68.078742f,
-68.183468f, 68.288356f, 68.393404f, 68.498615f, 68.603987f, 68.709522f, 68.815218f, 68.921078f, 69.0271f, 69.133285f, 69.239634f, 69.346146f, 69.452822f, 69.559662f, 69.666666f, 69.773836f, 69.88117f, 69.988669f, 70.096333f, 70.204163f,
-70.312159f, 70.420321f, 70.52865f, 70.637145f, 70.745807f, 70.854636f, 70.963633f, 71.072797f, 71.182129f, 71.291629f, 71.401298f, 71.511136f, 71.621142f, 71.731318f, 71.841663f, 71.952178f, 72.062863f, 72.173718f, 72.284744f, 72.39594f,
-72.507308f, 72.618847f, 72.730557f, 72.84244f, 72.954494f, 73.066721f, 73.17912f, 73.291693f, 73.404438f, 73.517357f, 73.63045f, 73.743717f, 73.857157f, 73.970773f, 74.084563f, 74.198528f, 74.312669f, 74.426985f, 74.541477f, 74.656145f,
-74.770989f, 74.886011f, 75.001209f, 75.116584f, 75.232137f, 75.347867f, 75.463776f, 75.579863f, 75.696128f, 75.812573f, 75.929196f, 76.045999f, 76.162981f, 76.280144f, 76.397486f, 76.51501f, 76.632714f, 76.750599f, 76.868665f, 76.986913f,
-77.105343f, 77.223955f, 77.34275f, 77.461727f, 77.580888f, 77.700231f, 77.819758f, 77.93947f, 78.059365f, 78.179444f, 78.299709f, 78.420158f, 78.540793f, 78.661613f, 78.782619f, 78.903812f, 79.025191f, 79.146756f, 79.268508f, 79.390448f,
-79.512575f, 79.634891f, 79.757394f, 79.880086f, 80.002966f, 80.126036f, 80.249295f, 80.372743f, 80.496382f, 80.62021f, 80.744229f, 80.868439f, 80.99284f, 81.117433f, 81.242216f, 81.367192f, 81.492361f, 81.617721f, 81.743275f, 81.869022f,
-81.994962f, 82.121096f, 82.247424f, 82.373946f, 82.500663f, 82.627574f, 82.754681f, 82.881984f, 83.009482f, 83.137177f, 83.265068f, 83.393156f, 83.52144f, 83.649922f, 83.778602f, 83.90748f, 84.036556f, 84.16583f, 84.295304f, 84.424976f,
-84.554848f, 84.68492f, 84.815192f, 84.945664f, 85.076337f, 85.207211f, 85.338286f, 85.469563f, 85.601042f, 85.732723f, 85.864607f, 85.996694f, 86.128984f, 86.261477f, 86.394174f, 86.527075f, 86.660181f, 86.793491f, 86.927007f, 87.060728f,
-87.194654f, 87.328787f, 87.463126f, 87.597672f, 87.732424f, 87.867384f, 88.002552f, 88.137927f, 88.273511f, 88.409303f, 88.545304f, 88.681515f, 88.817934f, 88.954564f, 89.091404f, 89.228455f, 89.365716f, 89.503188f, 89.640872f, 89.778768f,
-89.916876f, 90.055196f, 90.193729f, 90.332475f, 90.471435f, 90.610608f, 90.749995f, 90.889597f, 91.029414f, 91.169446f, 91.309693f, 91.450155f, 91.590834f, 91.73173f, 91.872842f, 92.014171f, 92.155718f, 92.297482f, 92.439464f, 92.581665f,
-92.724085f, 92.866723f, 93.009581f, 93.152659f, 93.295957f, 93.439475f, 93.583214f, 93.727175f, 93.871356f, 94.01576f, 94.160385f, 94.305234f, 94.450304f, 94.595599f, 94.741116f, 94.886858f, 95.032823f, 95.179013f, 95.325428f, 95.472069f,
-95.618935f, 95.766026f, 95.913345f, 96.060889f, 96.208661f, 96.35666f, 96.504887f, 96.653341f, 96.802024f, 96.950936f, 97.100077f, 97.249447f, 97.399047f, 97.548877f, 97.698938f, 97.84923f, 97.999752f, 98.150507f, 98.301493f, 98.452711f,
-98.604162f, 98.755846f, 98.907764f, 99.059915f, 99.2123f, 99.364919f, 99.517774f, 99.670863f, 99.824188f, 99.977749f, 100.131546f, 100.285579f, 100.43985f, 100.594358f, 100.749103f, 100.904087f, 101.059309f, 101.21477f, 101.37047f, 101.526409f,
-101.682589f, 101.839008f, 101.995668f, 102.15257f, 102.309712f, 102.467097f, 102.624723f, 102.782592f, 102.940704f, 103.099059f, 103.257657f, 103.4165f, 103.575587f, 103.734918f, 103.894495f, 104.054317f, 104.214385f, 104.3747f, 104.535261f, 104.696068f,
-104.857124f, 105.018427f, 105.179978f, 105.341778f, 105.503826f, 105.666124f, 105.828672f, 105.991469f, 106.154517f, 106.317816f, 106.481366f, 106.645168f, 106.809221f, 106.973527f, 107.138086f, 107.302898f, 107.467963f, 107.633283f, 107.798856f, 107.964685f,
-108.130768f, 108.297107f, 108.463702f, 108.630553f, 108.79766f, 108.965025f, 109.132648f, 109.300528f, 109.468666f, 109.637063f, 109.805719f, 109.974635f, 110.14381f, 110.313246f, 110.482942f, 110.652899f, 110.823118f, 110.993599f, 111.164341f, 111.335347f,
-111.506615f, 111.678148f, 111.849943f, 112.022004f, 112.194328f, 112.366918f, 112.539774f, 112.712895f, 112.886283f, 113.059937f, 113.233859f, 113.408048f, 113.582505f, 113.75723f, 113.932224f, 114.107488f, 114.283021f, 114.458824f, 114.634897f, 114.811242f,
-114.987857f, 115.164744f, 115.341904f, 115.519336f, 115.697041f, 115.875019f, 116.053271f, 116.231797f, 116.410598f, 116.589674f, 116.769025f, 116.948652f, 117.128556f, 117.308736f, 117.489194f, 117.669929f, 117.850942f, 118.032234f, 118.213804f, 118.395654f,
-118.577783f, 118.760193f, 118.942883f, 119.125855f, 119.309107f, 119.492642f, 119.676459f, 119.860559f, 120.044942f, 120.229609f, 120.414559f, 120.599795f, 120.785315f, 120.97112f, 121.157212f, 121.343589f, 121.530254f, 121.717205f, 121.904444f, 122.091971f,
-122.279787f, 122.467892f, 122.656286f, 122.844969f, 123.033943f, 123.223208f, 123.412764f, 123.602611f, 123.792751f, 123.983182f, 124.173907f, 124.364926f, 124.556238f, 124.747844f, 124.939745f, 125.131942f, 125.324434f, 125.517222f, 125.710307f, 125.903688f,
-126.097368f, 126.291345f, 126.48562f, 126.680195f, 126.875069f, 127.070242f, 127.265716f, 127.46149f, 127.657566f, 127.853943f, 128.050622f, 128.247604f, 128.444889f, 128.642478f, 128.84037f, 129.038567f, 129.237068f, 129.435875f, 129.634988f, 129.834407f,
-130.034133f, 130.234166f, 130.434507f, 130.635156f, 130.836114f, 131.037381f, 131.238957f, 131.440844f, 131.643041f, 131.845549f, 132.048369f, 132.2515f, 132.454945f, 132.658702f, 132.862772f, 133.067157f, 133.271856f, 133.476869f, 133.682199f, 133.887844f,
-134.093805f, 134.300083f, 134.506679f, 134.713592f, 134.920823f, 135.128374f, 135.336244f, 135.544433f, 135.752943f, 135.961773f, 136.170925f, 136.380398f, 136.590194f, 136.800312f, 137.010754f, 137.221519f, 137.432609f, 137.644023f, 137.855763f, 138.067828f,
-138.28022f, 138.492938f, 138.705983f, 138.919356f, 139.133058f, 139.347088f, 139.561447f, 139.776136f, 139.991156f, 140.206506f, 140.422187f, 140.638201f, 140.854546f, 141.071224f, 141.288236f, 141.505582f, 141.723261f, 141.941276f, 142.159626f, 142.378312f,
-142.597334f, 142.816694f, 143.03639f, 143.256425f, 143.476798f, 143.69751f, 143.918562f, 144.139954f, 144.361686f, 144.58376f, 144.806175f, 145.028932f, 145.252032f, 145.475475f, 145.699261f, 145.923392f, 146.147868f, 146.372689f, 146.597856f, 146.823369f,
-147.04923f, 147.275437f, 147.501993f, 147.728897f, 147.95615f, 148.183753f, 148.411706f, 148.64001f, 148.868665f, 149.097671f, 149.32703f, 149.556742f, 149.786807f, 150.017226f, 150.247999f, 150.479127f, 150.710611f, 150.942451f, 151.174648f, 151.407202f,
-151.640113f, 151.873383f, 152.107012f, 152.341f, 152.575348f, 152.810057f, 153.045126f, 153.280558f, 153.516351f, 153.752507f, 153.989027f, 154.22591f, 154.463158f, 154.70077f, 154.938748f, 155.177093f, 155.415803f, 155.654881f, 155.894327f, 156.134142f,
-156.374325f, 156.614877f, 156.8558f, 157.097093f, 157.338758f, 157.580794f, 157.823202f, 158.065984f, 158.309139f, 158.552668f, 158.796571f, 159.04085f, 159.285504f, 159.530535f, 159.775943f, 160.021728f, 160.267892f, 160.514434f, 160.761355f, 161.008657f,
-161.256338f, 161.504401f, 161.752845f, 162.001672f, 162.250881f, 162.500473f, 162.75045f, 163.000811f, 163.251557f, 163.502689f, 163.754207f, 164.006112f, 164.258405f, 164.511086f, 164.764155f, 165.017614f, 165.271463f, 165.525702f, 165.780332f, 166.035354f,
-166.290769f, 166.546576f, 166.802776f, 167.059371f, 167.316361f, 167.573746f, 167.831526f, 168.089704f, 168.348278f, 168.607251f, 168.866621f, 169.126391f, 169.38656f, 169.64713f, 169.9081f, 170.169472f, 170.431245f, 170.693422f, 170.956002f, 171.218986f,
-171.482374f, 171.746167f, 172.010367f, 172.274972f, 172.539985f, 172.805406f, 173.071234f, 173.337472f, 173.604119f, 173.871177f, 174.138645f, 174.406525f, 174.674816f, 174.943521f, 175.212639f, 175.48217f, 175.752117f, 176.022478f, 176.293256f, 176.56445f,
-176.836062f, 177.108091f, 177.380538f, 177.653405f, 177.926691f, 178.200398f, 178.474526f, 178.749076f, 179.024048f, 179.299443f, 179.575261f, 179.851504f, 180.128172f, 180.405265f, 180.682785f, 180.960732f, 181.239106f, 181.517908f, 181.79714f, 182.0768f,
-182.356891f, 182.637413f, 182.918367f, 183.199752f, 183.481571f, 183.763823f, 184.046509f, 184.32963f, 184.613187f, 184.89718f, 185.181609f, 185.466476f, 185.751782f, 186.037526f, 186.32371f, 186.610334f, 186.897399f, 187.184906f, 187.472855f, 187.761246f,
-188.050082f, 188.339362f, 188.629087f, 188.919257f, 189.209874f, 189.500938f, 189.79245f, 190.08441f, 190.376819f, 190.669678f, 190.962988f, 191.256748f, 191.550961f, 191.845626f, 192.140745f, 192.436317f, 192.732344f, 193.028827f, 193.325766f, 193.623161f,
-193.921014f, 194.219325f, 194.518095f, 194.817325f, 195.117015f, 195.417166f, 195.717779f, 196.018854f, 196.320392f, 196.622394f, 196.924861f, 197.227793f, 197.531191f, 197.835055f, 198.139388f, 198.444188f, 198.749457f, 199.055196f, 199.361405f, 199.668085f,
-199.975237f, 200.282862f, 200.590959f, 200.899531f, 201.208577f, 201.518099f, 201.828097f, 202.138571f, 202.449524f, 202.760954f, 203.072864f, 203.385253f, 203.698124f, 204.011475f, 204.325308f, 204.639625f, 204.954424f, 205.269708f, 205.585477f, 205.901732f,
-206.218473f, 206.535702f, 206.853418f, 207.171623f, 207.490318f, 207.809503f, 208.129179f, 208.449347f, 208.770007f, 209.09116f, 209.412808f, 209.73495f, 210.057588f, 210.380723f, 210.704354f, 211.028483f, 211.353111f, 211.678238f, 212.003865f, 212.329993f,
-212.656623f, 212.983756f, 213.311391f, 213.639531f, 213.968175f, 214.297325f, 214.626981f, 214.957145f, 215.287816f, 215.618996f, 215.950685f, 216.282885f, 216.615596f, 216.948818f, 217.282553f, 217.616802f, 217.951565f, 218.286842f, 218.622636f, 218.958946f,
-219.295773f, 219.633118f, 219.970983f, 220.309367f, 220.648271f, 220.987698f, 221.327646f, 221.668117f, 222.009112f, 222.350631f, 222.692676f, 223.035247f, 223.378345f, 223.72197f, 224.066125f, 224.410808f, 224.756022f, 225.101767f, 225.448044f, 225.794854f,
-226.142197f, 226.490074f, 226.838487f, 227.187435f, 227.536921f, 227.886944f, 228.237505f, 228.588606f, 228.940246f, 229.292428f, 229.645151f, 229.998417f, 230.352227f, 230.706581f, 231.061479f, 231.416924f, 231.772916f, 232.129455f, 232.486543f, 232.84418f,
-233.202367f, 233.561105f, 233.920395f, 234.280237f, 234.640634f, 235.001584f, 235.36309f, 235.725152f, 236.087771f, 236.450948f, 236.814683f, 237.178978f, 237.543834f, 237.909251f, 238.275229f, 238.641771f, 239.008877f, 239.376547f, 239.744783f, 240.113586f,
-240.482955f, 240.852893f, 241.2234f, 241.594477f, 241.966125f, 242.338345f, 242.711137f, 243.084502f, 243.458442f, 243.832957f, 244.208049f, 244.583717f, 244.959963f, 245.336788f, 245.714193f, 246.092178f, 246.470745f, 246.849894f, 247.229626f, 247.609943f,
-247.990844f, 248.372332f, 248.754406f, 249.137068f, 249.520319f, 249.904159f, 250.28859f, 250.673612f, 251.059226f, 251.445434f, 251.832235f, 252.219632f, 252.607625f, 252.996214f, 253.385401f, 253.775187f, 254.165573f, 254.556559f, 254.948146f, 255.340336f,
-255.73313f, 256.126527f, 256.52053f, 256.915139f, 257.310354f, 257.706178f, 258.102611f, 258.499653f, 258.897307f, 259.295572f, 259.694449f, 260.09394f, 260.494046f, 260.894767f, 261.296105f, 261.69806f, 262.100634f, 262.503826f, 262.907639f, 263.312073f,
-263.71713f, 264.122809f, 264.529113f, 264.936041f, 265.343595f, 265.751777f, 266.160586f, 266.570024f, 266.980092f, 267.390791f, 267.802122f, 268.214085f, 268.626682f, 269.039914f, 269.453782f, 269.868286f, 270.283427f, 270.699208f, 271.115628f, 271.532688f,
-271.950391f, 272.368735f, 272.787724f, 273.207356f, 273.627635f, 274.048559f, 274.470132f, 274.892353f, 275.315223f, 275.738744f, 276.162916f, 276.587741f, 277.01322f, 277.439352f, 277.866141f, 278.293586f, 278.721688f, 279.15045f, 279.57987f, 280.009951f,
-280.440694f, 280.8721f, 281.304169f, 281.736902f, 282.170302f, 282.604368f, 283.039102f, 283.474504f, 283.910577f, 284.34732f, 284.784735f, 285.222823f, 285.661585f, 286.101022f, 286.541135f, 286.981924f, 287.423392f, 287.865539f, 288.308367f, 288.751875f,
-289.196066f, 289.640939f, 290.086498f, 290.532741f, 290.979672f, 291.427289f, 291.875596f, 292.324592f, 292.774278f, 293.224656f, 293.675728f, 294.127493f, 294.579953f, 295.033109f, 295.486962f, 295.941513f, 296.396764f, 296.852715f, 297.309367f, 297.766722f,
-298.22478f, 298.683543f, 299.143012f, 299.603187f, 300.06407f, 300.525663f, 300.987965f, 301.450979f, 301.914704f, 302.379144f, 302.844297f, 303.310167f, 303.776752f, 304.244056f, 304.712078f, 305.180821f, 305.650284f, 306.12047f, 306.591379f, 307.063012f,
-307.535371f, 308.008457f, 308.48227f, 308.956812f, 309.432084f, 309.908088f, 310.384823f, 310.862292f, 311.340495f, 311.819434f, 312.29911f, 312.779524f, 313.260676f, 313.742569f, 314.225203f, 314.70858f, 315.1927f, 315.677565f, 316.163176f, 316.649534f,
-317.13664f, 317.624495f, 318.113101f, 318.602458f, 319.092568f, 319.583432f, 320.075052f, 320.567427f, 321.06056f, 321.554451f, 322.049103f, 322.544515f, 323.040689f, 323.537627f, 324.035329f, 324.533796f, 325.033031f, 325.533033f, 326.033805f, 326.535347f,
-327.03766f, 327.540746f, 328.044606f, 328.549241f, 329.054653f, 329.560842f, 330.067809f, 330.575557f, 331.084085f, 331.593396f, 332.10349f, 332.614369f, 333.126034f, 333.638486f, 334.151727f, 334.665756f, 335.180577f, 335.696189f, 336.212595f, 336.729795f,
-337.247791f, 337.766583f, 338.286174f, 338.806564f, 339.327754f, 339.849746f, 340.372541f, 340.896141f, 341.420546f, 341.945757f, 342.471777f, 342.998605f, 343.526244f, 344.054695f, 344.583959f, 345.114037f, 345.64493f, 346.17664f, 346.709168f, 347.242515f,
-347.776682f, 348.311672f, 348.847484f, 349.38412f, 349.921582f, 350.459871f, 350.998988f, 351.538934f, 352.079711f, 352.621319f, 353.163761f, 353.707037f, 354.251149f, 354.796098f, 355.341886f, 355.888513f, 356.43598f, 356.98429f, 357.533444f, 358.083442f,
-358.634286f, 359.185978f, 359.738518f, 360.291908f, 360.84615f, 361.401244f, 361.957192f, 362.513996f, 363.071655f, 363.630173f, 364.18955f, 364.749787f, 365.310887f, 365.872849f, 366.435676f, 366.999368f, 367.563928f, 368.129356f, 368.695654f, 369.262823f,
-369.830865f, 370.399781f, 370.969571f, 371.540238f, 372.111783f, 372.684208f, 373.257512f, 373.831699f, 374.406769f, 374.982724f, 375.559564f, 376.137292f, 376.715909f, 377.295416f, 377.875814f, 378.457105f, 379.039291f, 379.622372f, 380.206349f, 380.791226f,
-381.377002f, 381.963679f, 382.551258f, 383.139742f, 383.72913f, 384.319426f, 384.910629f, 385.502742f, 386.095766f, 386.689702f, 387.284551f, 387.880316f, 388.476997f, 389.074596f, 389.673114f, 390.272554f, 390.872915f, 391.474199f, 392.076409f, 392.679545f,
-393.283609f, 393.888602f, 394.494526f, 395.101382f, 395.709171f, 396.317896f, 396.927557f, 397.538155f, 398.149693f, 398.762172f, 399.375593f, 399.989957f, 400.605267f, 401.221523f, 401.838727f, 402.456881f, 403.075985f, 403.696042f, 404.317053f, 404.939019f,
-405.561941f, 406.185822f, 406.810663f, 407.436465f, 408.06323f, 408.690959f, 409.319653f, 409.949315f, 410.579945f, 411.211545f, 411.844117f, 412.477662f, 413.112182f, 413.747677f, 414.38415f, 415.021603f, 415.660036f, 416.299451f, 416.939849f, 417.581233f,
-418.223604f, 418.866962f, 419.511311f, 420.15665f, 420.802983f, 421.450309f, 422.098631f, 422.747951f, 423.398269f, 424.049588f, 424.701909f, 425.355233f, 426.009563f, 426.664899f, 427.321243f, 427.978596f, 428.636961f, 429.296339f, 429.956731f, 430.618139f,
-431.280564f, 431.944008f, 432.608473f, 433.27396f, 433.940471f, 434.608007f, 435.27657f, 435.946161f, 436.616783f, 437.288436f, 437.961122f, 438.634843f, 439.309601f, 439.985396f, 440.662231f, 441.340108f, 442.019027f, 442.69899f, 443.38f, 444.062057f,
-444.745163f, 445.42932f, 446.114529f, 446.800793f, 447.488112f, 448.176489f, 448.865924f, 449.556421f, 450.247979f, 450.940601f, 451.634289f, 452.329043f, 453.024867f, 453.721761f, 454.419726f, 455.118766f, 455.818881f, 456.520073f, 457.222343f, 457.925694f,
-458.630127f, 459.335644f, 460.042245f, 460.749934f, 461.458712f, 462.168579f, 462.879539f, 463.591593f, 464.304741f, 465.018987f, 465.734332f, 466.450777f, 467.168324f, 467.886975f, 468.606731f, 469.327595f, 470.049567f, 470.77265f, 471.496846f, 472.222155f,
-472.948581f, 473.676124f, 474.404785f, 475.134568f, 475.865474f, 476.597504f, 477.33066f, 478.064943f, 478.800357f, 479.536901f, 480.274579f, 481.013391f, 481.75334f, 482.494427f, 483.236655f, 483.980024f, 484.724536f, 485.470194f, 486.216999f, 486.964953f,
-487.714057f, 488.464314f, 489.215725f, 489.968291f, 490.722016f, 491.4769f, 492.232945f, 492.990153f, 493.748526f, 494.508065f, 495.268773f, 496.030651f, 496.793702f, 497.557926f, 498.323325f, 499.089902f, 499.857659f, 500.626596f, 501.396716f, 502.168021f,
-502.940512f, 503.714192f, 504.489062f, 505.265124f, 506.042379f, 506.820831f, 507.60048f, 508.381328f, 509.163377f, 509.94663f, 510.731087f, 511.516751f, 512.303624f, 513.091707f, 513.881002f, 514.671512f, 515.463238f, 516.256181f, 517.050345f, 517.84573f,
-518.642338f, 519.440172f, 520.239234f, 521.039524f, 521.841046f, 522.6438f, 523.44779f, 524.253016f, 525.059481f, 525.867187f, 526.676135f, 527.486328f, 528.297766f, 529.110453f, 529.924391f, 530.73958f, 531.556023f, 532.373723f, 533.19268f, 534.012897f,
-534.834376f, 535.657118f, 536.481126f, 537.306402f, 538.132947f, 538.960764f, 539.789854f, 540.620219f, 541.451862f, 542.284785f, 543.118988f, 543.954475f, 544.791247f, 545.629306f, 546.468654f, 547.309294f, 548.151227f, 548.994455f, 549.83898f, 550.684804f,
-551.531929f, 552.380358f, 553.230092f, 554.081132f, 554.933482f, 555.787144f, 556.642118f, 557.498407f, 558.356014f, 559.21494f, 560.075188f, 560.936758f, 561.799655f, 562.663878f, 563.529431f, 564.396315f, 565.264533f, 566.134087f, 567.004978f, 567.877209f,
-568.750782f, 569.625698f, 570.50196f, 571.379571f, 572.258531f, 573.138844f, 574.02051f, 574.903533f, 575.787915f, 576.673656f, 577.560761f, 578.44923f, 579.339065f, 580.23027f, 581.122846f, 582.016794f, 582.912118f, 583.808819f, 584.706899f, 585.606361f,
-586.507207f, 587.409438f, 588.313058f, 589.218067f, 590.124469f, 591.032265f, 591.941457f, 592.852048f, 593.76404f, 594.677434f, 595.592234f, 596.508441f, 597.426058f, 598.345086f, 599.265527f, 600.187385f, 601.110661f, 602.035357f, 602.961476f, 603.889019f,
-604.817989f, 605.748388f, 606.680218f, 607.613482f, 608.548182f, 609.484319f, 610.421896f, 611.360916f, 612.30138f, 613.243291f, 614.186651f, 615.131462f, 616.077727f, 617.025447f, 617.974625f, 618.925263f, 619.877363f, 620.830928f, 621.78596f, 622.742462f,
-623.700434f, 624.65988f, 625.620803f, 626.583203f, 627.547084f, 628.512447f, 629.479296f, 630.447632f, 631.417457f, 632.388775f, 633.361586f, 634.335895f, 635.311701f, 636.289009f, 637.267821f, 638.248138f, 639.229963f, 640.213299f, 641.198147f, 642.18451f,
-643.17239f, 644.161791f, 645.152713f, 646.145159f, 647.139132f, 648.134635f, 649.131668f, 650.130236f, 651.130339f, 652.131981f, 653.135164f, 654.13989f, 655.146162f, 656.153981f, 657.163351f, 658.174274f, 659.186752f, 660.200787f, 661.216382f, 662.23354f,
-663.252262f, 664.272551f, 665.29441f, 666.317841f, 667.342846f, 668.369428f, 669.397589f, 670.427332f, 671.458658f, 672.491572f, 673.526074f, 674.562168f, 675.599855f, 676.639139f, 677.680021f, 678.722505f, 679.766592f, 680.812286f, 681.859588f, 682.908501f,
-683.959028f, 685.011171f, 686.064932f, 687.120314f, 688.17732f, 689.235952f, 690.296212f, 691.358104f, 692.421628f, 693.486789f, 694.553589f, 695.622029f, 696.692113f, 697.763844f, 698.837223f, 699.912253f, 700.988937f, 702.067277f, 703.147276f, 704.228936f,
-705.31226f, 706.397251f, 707.483911f, 708.572242f, 709.662248f, 710.75393f, 711.847292f, 712.942335f, 714.039063f, 715.137479f, 716.237584f, 717.339381f, 718.442873f, 719.548063f, 720.654953f, 721.763545f, 722.873843f, 723.985849f, 725.099566f, 726.214995f,
-727.332141f, 728.451005f, 729.571591f, 730.6939f, 731.817935f, 732.9437f, 734.071197f, 735.200428f, 736.331396f, 737.464104f, 738.598554f, 739.734749f, 740.872693f, 742.012386f, 743.153833f, 744.297036f, 745.441998f, 746.588721f, 747.737207f, 748.887461f,
-750.039484f, 751.193279f, 752.348849f, 753.506197f, 754.665325f, 755.826236f, 756.988933f, 758.153419f, 759.319696f, 760.487767f, 761.657635f, 762.829302f, 764.002772f, 765.178047f, 766.35513f, 767.534024f, 768.714731f, 769.897255f, 771.081597f, 772.267762f,
-773.455751f, 774.645568f, 775.837215f, 777.030695f, 778.226011f, 779.423166f, 780.622162f, 781.823003f, 783.025691f, 784.23023f, 785.436621f, 786.644868f, 787.854974f, 789.066941f, 790.280772f, 791.496471f, 792.71404f, 793.933482f, 795.1548f, 796.377997f,
-797.603075f, 798.830038f, 800.058888f, 801.289629f, 802.522263f, 803.756793f, 804.993222f, 806.231553f, 807.471789f, 808.713933f, 809.957988f, 811.203957f, 812.451842f, 813.701647f, 814.953374f, 816.207027f, 817.462609f, 818.720122f, 819.979569f, 821.240954f,
-822.504279f, 823.769548f, 825.036763f, 826.305928f, 827.577044f, 828.850117f, 830.125147f, 831.402139f, 832.681096f, 833.962019f, 835.244914f, 836.529781f, 837.816626f, 839.105449f, 840.396256f, 841.689048f, 842.983829f, 844.280602f, 845.579369f, 846.880134f,
-848.182901f, 849.487671f, 850.794449f, 852.103237f, 853.414038f, 854.726855f, 856.041692f, 857.358552f, 858.677437f, 859.998352f, 861.321298f, 862.646279f, 863.973299f, 865.30236f, 866.633466f, 867.966619f, 869.301823f, 870.639081f, 871.978396f, 873.319771f,
-874.66321f, 876.008715f, 877.35629f, 878.705939f, 880.057663f, 881.411467f, 882.767353f, 884.125325f, 885.485386f, 886.84754f, 888.211788f, 889.578136f, 890.946585f, 892.317139f, 893.689802f, 895.064576f, 896.441465f, 897.820473f, 899.201601f, 900.584854f,
-901.970235f, 903.357747f, 904.747394f, 906.139178f, 907.533104f, 908.929173f, 910.32739f, 911.727758f, 913.130281f, 914.534961f, 915.941801f, 917.350806f, 918.761978f, 920.175321f, 921.590839f, 923.008533f, 924.428409f, 925.850469f, 927.274716f, 928.701155f,
-930.129787f, 931.560618f, 932.993649f, 934.428885f, 935.866329f, 937.305984f, 938.747853f, 940.191941f, 941.63825f, 943.086784f, 944.537546f, 945.99054f, 947.445769f, 948.903237f, 950.362947f, 951.824902f, 953.289106f, 954.755563f, 956.224275f, 957.695247f,
-959.168482f, 960.643983f, 962.121754f, 963.601798f, 965.084118f, 966.568719f, 968.055604f, 969.544776f, 971.036239f, 972.529997f, 974.026052f, 975.524408f, 977.02507f, 978.52804f, 980.033322f, 981.540919f, 983.050836f, 984.563075f, 986.077641f, 987.594537f,
-989.113766f, 990.635332f, 992.159239f, 993.68549f, 995.214089f, 996.745039f, 998.278345f, 999.814009f, 1001.352035f, 1002.892428f, 1004.43519f, 1005.980325f, 1007.527837f, 1009.07773f, 1010.630007f, 1012.184672f, 1013.741728f, 1015.30118f, 1016.86303f, 1018.427284f,
-1019.993943f, 1021.563013f, 1023.134496f, 1024.708396f, 1026.284718f, 1027.863465f, 1029.44464f, 1031.028248f, 1032.614292f, 1034.202775f, 1035.793702f, 1037.387077f, 1038.982902f, 1040.581183f, 1042.181922f, 1043.785123f, 1045.390791f, 1046.998929f, 1048.609541f, 1050.22263f,
-1051.838201f, 1053.456257f, 1055.076802f, 1056.69984f, 1058.325374f, 1059.953409f, 1061.583949f, 1063.216997f, 1064.852557f, 1066.490633f, 1068.131229f, 1069.774349f, 1071.419996f, 1073.068175f, 1074.718889f, 1076.372143f, 1078.02794f, 1079.686284f, 1081.347179f, 1083.010629f,
-1084.676637f, 1086.345209f, 1088.016348f, 1089.690057f, 1091.366341f, 1093.045203f, 1094.726649f, 1096.41068f, 1098.097303f, 1099.78652f, 1101.478335f, 1103.172753f, 1104.869778f, 1106.569413f, 1108.271662f, 1109.976531f, 1111.684021f, 1113.394139f, 1115.106887f, 1116.82227f,
-1118.540292f, 1120.260956f, 1121.984268f, 1123.71023f, 1125.438848f, 1127.170125f, 1128.904065f, 1130.640672f, 1132.379951f, 1134.121905f, 1135.866539f, 1137.613857f, 1139.363863f, 1141.11656f, 1142.871954f, 1144.630049f, 1146.390847f, 1148.154355f, 1149.920575f, 1151.689512f,
-1153.461171f, 1155.235555f, 1157.012668f, 1158.792515f, 1160.5751f, 1162.360428f, 1164.148501f, 1165.939326f, 1167.732905f, 1169.529243f, 1171.328345f, 1173.130214f, 1174.934855f, 1176.742272f, 1178.552469f, 1180.365451f, 1182.181222f, 1183.999786f, 1185.821148f, 1187.645312f,
-1189.472282f, 1191.302062f, 1193.134657f, 1194.970071f, 1196.808308f, 1198.649373f, 1200.493271f, 1202.340005f, 1204.18958f, 1206.042f, 1207.897269f, 1209.755393f, 1211.616375f, 1213.480219f, 1215.346931f, 1217.216515f, 1219.088974f, 1220.964314f, 1222.842539f, 1224.723653f,
-1226.607661f, 1228.494567f, 1230.384375f, 1232.277091f, 1234.172718f, 1236.071262f, 1237.972726f, 1239.877115f, 1241.784433f, 1243.694686f, 1245.607877f, 1247.524011f, 1249.443093f, 1251.365127f, 1253.290118f, 1255.21807f, 1257.148988f, 1259.082876f, 1261.019739f, 1262.959581f,
-1264.902408f, 1266.848223f, 1268.797032f, 1270.748838f, 1272.703647f, 1274.661463f, 1276.622291f, 1278.586135f, 1280.553f, 1282.522891f, 1284.495812f, 1286.471768f, 1288.450764f, 1290.432804f, 1292.417893f, 1294.406036f, 1296.397237f, 1298.391501f, 1300.388833f, 1302.389237f,
-1304.392719f, 1306.399283f, 1308.408933f, 1310.421675f, 1312.437513f, 1314.456453f, 1316.478497f, 1318.503653f, 1320.531924f, 1322.563315f, 1324.59783f, 1326.635476f, 1328.676256f, 1330.720175f, 1332.767239f, 1334.817451f, 1336.870818f, 1338.927343f, 1340.987032f, 1343.049889f,
-1345.11592f, 1347.185128f, 1349.25752f, 1351.3331f, 1353.411873f, 1355.493843f, 1357.579016f, 1359.667397f, 1361.758991f, 1363.853802f, 1365.951835f, 1368.053096f, 1370.157589f, 1372.26532f, 1374.376293f, 1376.490513f, 1378.607986f, 1380.728716f, 1382.852708f, 1384.979968f,
-1387.1105f, 1389.24431f, 1391.381402f, 1393.521781f, 1395.665453f, 1397.812423f, 1399.962696f, 1402.116276f, 1404.273169f, 1406.43338f, 1408.596914f, 1410.763777f, 1412.933972f, 1415.107506f, 1417.284384f, 1419.46461f, 1421.648191f, 1423.83513f, 1426.025433f, 1428.219106f,
-1430.416154f, 1432.616581f, 1434.820393f, 1437.027595f, 1439.238193f, 1441.452191f, 1443.669595f, 1445.89041f, 1448.114642f, 1450.342295f, 1452.573374f, 1454.807886f, 1457.045836f, 1459.287227f, 1461.532067f, 1463.780361f, 1466.032112f, 1468.287328f, 1470.546013f, 1472.808172f,
-1475.073812f, 1477.342936f, 1479.615551f, 1481.891663f, 1484.171275f, 1486.454395f, 1488.741026f, 1491.031175f, 1493.324847f, 1495.622047f, 1497.922782f, 1500.227055f, 1502.534873f, 1504.846242f, 1507.161165f, 1509.47965f, 1511.801702f, 1514.127326f, 1516.456527f, 1518.789311f,
-1521.125684f, 1523.46565f, 1525.809217f, 1528.156388f, 1530.50717f, 1532.861569f, 1535.219589f, 1537.581237f, 1539.946517f, 1542.315436f, 1544.688f, 1547.064213f, 1549.444081f, 1551.82761f, 1554.214806f, 1556.605674f, 1559.00022f, 1561.39845f, 1563.800369f, 1566.205983f,
-1568.615297f, 1571.028318f, 1573.44505f, 1575.865501f, 1578.289674f, 1580.717577f, 1583.149215f, 1585.584593f, 1588.023718f, 1590.466595f, 1592.91323f, 1595.363628f, 1597.817796f, 1600.275739f, 1602.737464f, 1605.202975f, 1607.672279f, 1610.145381f, 1612.622288f, 1615.103005f,
-1617.587539f, 1620.075894f, 1622.568077f, 1625.064094f, 1627.56395f, 1630.067652f, 1632.575206f, 1635.086617f, 1637.601891f, 1640.121035f, 1642.644054f, 1645.170954f, 1647.701741f, 1650.236421f, 1652.775001f, 1655.317485f, 1657.863881f, 1660.414194f, 1662.96843f, 1665.526595f,
-1668.088696f, 1670.654737f, 1673.224727f, 1675.798669f, 1678.376571f, 1680.958439f, 1683.544279f, 1686.134096f, 1688.727897f, 1691.325689f, 1693.927476f, 1696.533266f, 1699.143065f, 1701.756878f, 1704.374712f, 1706.996573f, 1709.622467f, 1712.252401f, 1714.88638f, 1717.524412f,
-1720.166501f, 1722.812655f, 1725.462879f, 1728.11718f, 1730.775565f, 1733.438039f, 1736.104608f, 1738.77528f, 1741.45006f, 1744.128954f, 1746.81197f, 1749.499113f, 1752.190389f, 1754.885806f, 1757.585368f, 1760.289084f, 1762.996959f, 1765.708999f, 1768.425212f, 1771.145603f,
-1773.870178f, 1776.598945f, 1779.331909f, 1782.069078f, 1784.810457f, 1787.556054f, 1790.305874f, 1793.059924f, 1795.81821f, 1798.58074f, 1801.347519f, 1804.118555f, 1806.893853f, 1809.673421f, 1812.457264f, 1815.24539f, 1818.037805f, 1820.834515f, 1823.635528f, 1826.440849f,
-1829.250486f, 1832.064445f, 1834.882733f, 1837.705356f, 1840.532322f, 1843.363636f, 1846.199305f, 1849.039337f, 1851.883737f, 1854.732513f, 1857.585672f, 1860.443219f, 1863.305162f, 1866.171508f, 1869.042263f, 1871.917434f, 1874.797028f, 1877.681052f, 1880.569513f, 1883.462416f,
-1886.35977f, 1889.261581f, 1892.167856f, 1895.078602f, 1897.993825f, 1900.913533f, 1903.837732f, 1906.76643f, 1909.699632f, 1912.637347f, 1915.579581f, 1918.526342f, 1921.477635f, 1924.433468f, 1927.393848f, 1930.358782f, 1933.328278f, 1936.302341f, 1939.280979f, 1942.264199f,
-1945.252009f, 1948.244414f, 1951.241423f, 1954.243043f, 1957.249279f, 1960.26014f, 1963.275633f, 1966.295765f, 1969.320542f, 1972.349973f, 1975.384064f, 1978.422822f, 1981.466255f, 1984.514369f, 1987.567172f, 1990.624672f, 1993.686875f, 1996.753789f, 1999.82542f, 2002.901777f,
-2005.982866f, 2009.068694f, 2012.15927f, 2015.2546f, 2018.354691f, 2021.459552f, 2024.569188f, 2027.683609f, 2030.80282f, 2033.926829f, 2037.055645f, 2040.189273f, 2043.327722f, 2046.470999f, 2049.619111f, 2052.772065f, 2055.929871f, 2059.092533f, 2062.260061f, 2065.432462f,
-2068.609743f, 2071.791911f, 2074.978975f, 2078.170941f, 2081.367817f, 2084.569612f, 2087.776331f, 2090.987984f, 2094.204577f, 2097.426118f, 2100.652615f, 2103.884076f, 2107.120507f, 2110.361917f, 2113.608313f, 2116.859703f, 2120.116095f, 2123.377497f, 2126.643915f, 2129.915358f,
-2133.191834f, 2136.473349f, 2139.759913f, 2143.051533f, 2146.348216f, 2149.64997f, 2152.956804f, 2156.268725f, 2159.58574f, 2162.907858f, 2166.235086f, 2169.567433f, 2172.904906f, 2176.247513f, 2179.595262f, 2182.94816f, 2186.306217f, 2189.669439f, 2193.037835f, 2196.411413f,
-2199.79018f, 2203.174145f, 2206.563316f, 2209.9577f, 2213.357306f, 2216.762141f, 2220.172214f, 2223.587533f, 2227.008106f, 2230.43394f, 2233.865045f, 2237.301427f, 2240.743096f, 2244.19006f, 2247.642325f, 2251.099902f, 2254.562797f, 2258.03102f, 2261.504577f, 2264.983478f,
-2268.467731f, 2271.957343f, 2275.452324f, 2278.952681f, 2282.458422f, 2285.969557f, 2289.486092f, 2293.008038f, 2296.535401f, 2300.06819f, 2303.606414f, 2307.150081f, 2310.699199f, 2314.253776f, 2317.813822f, 2321.379344f, 2324.950351f, 2328.526851f, 2332.108854f, 2335.696366f,
-2339.289397f, 2342.887955f, 2346.492049f, 2350.101688f, 2353.716879f, 2357.337631f, 2360.963953f, 2364.595854f, 2368.233341f, 2371.876424f, 2375.525112f, 2379.179412f, 2382.839333f, 2386.504885f, 2390.176076f, 2393.852914f, 2397.535408f, 2401.223566f, 2404.917399f, 2408.616914f,
-2412.322119f, 2416.033025f, 2419.749639f, 2423.47197f, 2427.200027f, 2430.93382f, 2434.673356f, 2438.418644f, 2442.169695f, 2445.926515f, 2449.689114f, 2453.457502f, 2457.231687f, 2461.011677f, 2464.797482f, 2468.589111f, 2472.386573f, 2476.189876f, 2479.99903f, 2483.814044f,
-2487.634926f, 2491.461686f, 2495.294333f, 2499.132876f, 2502.977323f, 2506.827685f, 2510.68397f, 2514.546186f, 2518.414344f, 2522.288453f, 2526.168521f, 2530.054558f, 2533.946572f, 2537.844574f, 2541.748573f, 2545.658576f, 2549.574595f, 2553.496638f, 2557.424714f, 2561.358832f,
-2565.299003f, 2569.245234f, 2573.197537f, 2577.155919f, 2581.12039f, 2585.09096f, 2589.067638f, 2593.050433f, 2597.039356f, 2601.034414f, 2605.035618f, 2609.042977f, 2613.0565f, 2617.076198f, 2621.102079f, 2625.134154f, 2629.172431f, 2633.21692f, 2637.26763f, 2641.324572f,
-2645.387755f, 2649.457188f, 2653.532882f, 2657.614845f, 2661.703087f, 2665.797618f, 2669.898448f, 2674.005587f, 2678.119043f, 2682.238827f, 2686.364949f, 2690.497418f, 2694.636244f, 2698.781437f, 2702.933006f, 2707.090962f, 2711.255314f, 2715.426073f, 2719.603247f, 2723.786846f,
-2727.976882f, 2732.173363f, 2736.3763f, 2740.585702f, 2744.801579f, 2749.023942f, 2753.2528f, 2757.488164f, 2761.730042f, 2765.978447f, 2770.233386f, 2774.494871f, 2778.762911f, 2783.037517f, 2787.318699f, 2791.606466f, 2795.900829f, 2800.201799f, 2804.509385f, 2808.823597f,
-2813.144445f, 2817.471941f, 2821.806093f, 2826.146913f, 2830.49441f, 2834.848596f, 2839.209479f, 2843.577071f, 2847.951381f, 2852.33242f, 2856.720199f, 2861.114728f, 2865.516017f, 2869.924076f, 2874.338916f, 2878.760548f, 2883.188982f, 2887.624227f, 2892.066296f, 2896.515198f,
-2900.970944f, 2905.433544f, 2909.903009f, 2914.379349f, 2918.862576f, 2923.352699f, 2927.849729f, 2932.353677f, 2936.864554f, 2941.382369f, 2945.907135f, 2950.438861f, 2954.977558f, 2959.523237f, 2964.075909f, 2968.635584f, 2973.202274f, 2977.775988f, 2982.356738f, 2986.944535f,
-2991.53939f, 2996.141312f, 3000.750314f, 3005.366406f, 3009.989599f, 3014.619904f, 3019.257332f, 3023.901893f, 3028.553599f, 3033.212462f, 3037.87849f, 3042.551697f, 3047.232093f, 3051.919688f, 3056.614495f, 3061.316523f, 3066.025785f, 3070.742291f, 3075.466052f, 3080.19708f,
-3084.935386f, 3089.680981f, 3094.433876f, 3099.194083f, 3103.961612f, 3108.736475f, 3113.518684f, 3118.308249f, 3123.105182f, 3127.909494f, 3132.721196f, 3137.540301f, 3142.366818f, 3147.200761f, 3152.042139f, 3156.890965f, 3161.74725f, 3166.611006f, 3171.482243f, 3176.360974f,
-3181.247211f, 3186.140963f, 3191.042244f, 3195.951064f, 3200.867436f, 3205.791371f, 3210.72288f, 3215.661975f, 3220.608668f, 3225.562971f, 3230.524895f, 3235.494452f, 3240.471654f, 3245.456513f, 3250.449039f, 3255.449246f, 3260.457144f, 3265.472747f, 3270.496064f, 3275.52711f,
-3280.565894f, 3285.61243f, 3290.666729f, 3295.728803f, 3300.798664f, 3305.876324f, 3310.961795f, 3316.055089f, 3321.156219f, 3326.265195f, 3331.382031f, 3336.506738f, 3341.639328f, 3346.779814f, 3351.928207f, 3357.08452f, 3362.248766f, 3367.420955f, 3372.601101f, 3377.789216f,
-3382.985312f, 3388.189401f, 3393.401495f, 3398.621607f, 3403.84975f, 3409.085934f, 3414.330174f, 3419.582481f, 3424.842868f, 3430.111347f, 3435.38793f, 3440.672631f, 3445.965461f, 3451.266433f, 3456.575559f, 3461.892853f, 3467.218326f, 3472.551992f, 3477.893862f, 3483.24395f,
-3488.602268f, 3493.968829f, 3499.343645f, 3504.726729f, 3510.118095f, 3515.517753f, 3520.925719f, 3526.342003f, 3531.766619f, 3537.19958f, 3542.640899f, 3548.090588f, 3553.54866f, 3559.015129f, 3564.490007f, 3569.973306f, 3575.465041f, 3580.965224f, 3586.473868f, 3591.990986f,
-3597.516591f, 3603.050696f, 3608.593314f, 3614.144459f, 3619.704142f, 3625.272379f, 3630.849181f, 3636.434562f, 3642.028535f, 3647.631113f, 3653.24231f, 3658.862139f, 3664.490612f, 3670.127744f, 3675.773548f, 3681.428037f, 3687.091224f, 3692.763123f, 3698.443747f, 3704.133109f,
-3709.831224f, 3715.538104f, 3721.253763f, 3726.978214f, 3732.711472f, 3738.453549f, 3744.204459f, 3749.964216f, 3755.732833f, 3761.510324f, 3767.296702f, 3773.091982f, 3778.896177f, 3784.709301f, 3790.531367f, 3796.362389f, 3802.202381f, 3808.051356f, 3813.90933f, 3819.776314f,
-3825.652324f, 3831.537374f, 3837.431476f, 3843.334645f, 3849.246895f, 3855.16824f, 3861.098694f, 3867.03827f, 3872.986984f, 3878.944848f, 3884.911878f, 3890.888087f, 3896.873489f, 3902.868098f, 3908.87193f, 3914.884996f, 3920.907313f, 3926.938894f, 3932.979754f, 3939.029906f,
-3945.089365f, 3951.158146f, 3957.236262f, 3963.323728f, 3969.420559f, 3975.526769f, 3981.642372f, 3987.767382f, 3993.901815f, 4000.045684f, 4006.199005f, 4012.361791f, 4018.534058f, 4024.715819f, 4030.90709f, 4037.107885f, 4043.318219f, 4049.538107f, 4055.767562f, 4062.0066f,
-4068.255236f, 4074.513484f, 4080.78136f, 4087.058877f, 4093.346051f, 4099.642897f, 4105.949429f, 4112.265663f, 4118.591613f, 4124.927294f, 4131.272721f, 4137.62791f, 4143.992875f, 4150.367632f, 4156.752194f, 4163.146579f, 4169.550799f, 4175.964872f, 4182.388811f, 4188.822632f,
-4195.266351f, 4201.719982f, 4208.183541f, 4214.657042f, 4221.140502f, 4227.633936f, 4234.137358f, 4240.650785f, 4247.174231f, 4253.707713f, 4260.251245f, 4266.804843f, 4273.368523f, 4279.942299f, 4286.526188f, 4293.120206f, 4299.724366f, 4306.338686f, 4312.963181f, 4319.597867f,
-4326.242759f, 4332.897872f, 4339.563224f, 4346.238828f, 4352.924702f, 4359.620861f, 4366.327321f, 4373.044097f, 4379.771206f, 4386.508663f, 4393.256484f, 4400.014686f, 4406.783284f, 4413.562294f, 4420.351732f, 4427.151615f, 4433.961958f, 4440.782778f, 4447.61409f, 4454.45591f,
-4461.308256f, 4468.171142f, 4475.044586f, 4481.928604f, 4488.823211f, 4495.728424f, 4502.64426f, 4509.570734f, 4516.507863f, 4523.455664f, 4530.414153f, 4537.383346f, 4544.36326f, 4551.353911f, 4558.355316f, 4565.367491f, 4572.390454f, 4579.424219f, 4586.468805f, 4593.524228f,
-4600.590504f, 4607.66765f, 4614.755683f, 4621.85462f, 4628.964477f, 4636.085271f, 4643.21702f, 4650.359739f, 4657.513446f, 4664.678157f, 4671.85389f, 4679.040662f, 4686.238489f, 4693.447389f, 4700.667378f, 4707.898474f, 4715.140693f, 4722.394053f, 4729.658571f, 4736.934265f,
-4744.22115f, 4751.519245f, 4758.828567f, 4766.149133f, 4773.48096f, 4780.824066f, 4788.178468f, 4795.544183f, 4802.921229f, 4810.309623f, 4817.709383f, 4825.120526f, 4832.543069f, 4839.977031f, 4847.422429f, 4854.87928f, 4862.347602f, 4869.827412f, 4877.318729f, 4884.82157f,
-4892.335952f, 4899.861894f, 4907.399413f, 4914.948527f, 4922.509254f, 4930.081612f, 4937.665619f, 4945.261292f, 4952.86865f, 4960.48771f, 4968.118491f, 4975.76101f, 4983.415285f, 4991.081336f, 4998.759179f, 5006.448833f, 5014.150316f, 5021.863647f, 5029.588843f, 5037.325923f,
-5045.074905f, 5052.835807f, 5060.608648f, 5068.393446f, 5076.190219f, 5083.998986f, 5091.819766f, 5099.652576f, 5107.497436f, 5115.354363f, 5123.223377f, 5131.104496f, 5138.997739f, 5146.903124f, 5154.82067f, 5162.750395f, 5170.692319f, 5178.64646f, 5186.612837f, 5194.591469f,
-5202.582374f, 5210.585572f, 5218.601081f, 5226.628921f, 5234.66911f, 5242.721668f, 5250.786612f, 5258.863963f, 5266.95374f, 5275.055961f, 5283.170646f, 5291.297814f, 5299.437484f, 5307.589675f, 5315.754407f, 5323.931699f, 5332.12157f, 5340.32404f, 5348.539128f, 5356.766853f,
-5365.007234f, 5373.260292f, 5381.526046f, 5389.804516f, 5398.09572f, 5406.399678f, 5414.716411f, 5423.045937f, 5431.388277f, 5439.74345f, 5448.111476f, 5456.492374f, 5464.886165f, 5473.292868f, 5481.712503f, 5490.145091f, 5498.59065f, 5507.049201f, 5515.520764f, 5524.005359f,
-5532.503006f, 5541.013725f, 5549.537536f, 5558.07446f, 5566.624515f, 5575.187724f, 5583.764105f, 5592.35368f, 5600.956468f, 5609.57249f, 5618.201766f, 5626.844316f, 5635.500161f, 5644.169322f, 5652.851819f, 5661.547672f, 5670.256902f, 5678.979529f, 5687.715575f, 5696.46506f,
-5705.228003f, 5714.004427f, 5722.794352f, 5731.597799f, 5740.414788f, 5749.24534f, 5758.089477f, 5766.947218f, 5775.818585f, 5784.7036f, 5793.602282f, 5802.514653f, 5811.440735f, 5820.380547f, 5829.334112f, 5838.30145f, 5847.282582f, 5856.277531f, 5865.286316f, 5874.30896f,
-5883.345483f, 5892.395907f, 5901.460254f, 5910.538545f, 5919.630801f, 5928.737043f, 5937.857294f, 5946.991574f, 5956.139906f, 5965.302311f, 5974.478811f, 5983.669427f, 5992.874181f, 6002.093094f, 6011.32619f, 6020.573488f, 6029.835012f, 6039.110783f, 6048.400824f, 6057.705155f,
-6067.023799f, 6076.356778f, 6085.704114f, 6095.065829f, 6104.441945f, 6113.832485f, 6123.237471f, 6132.656924f, 6142.090867f, 6151.539323f, 6161.002313f, 6170.47986f, 6179.971987f, 6189.478716f, 6199.000069f, 6208.536069f, 6218.086738f, 6227.652099f, 6237.232174f, 6246.826987f,
-6256.43656f, 6266.060915f, 6275.700075f, 6285.354063f, 6295.022903f, 6304.706616f, 6314.405225f, 6324.118754f, 6333.847225f, 6343.590662f, 6353.349088f, 6363.122524f, 6372.910996f, 6382.714525f, 6392.533135f, 6402.366849f, 6412.215691f, 6422.079683f, 6431.958849f, 6441.853212f,
-6451.762796f, 6461.687624f, 6471.627719f, 6481.583105f, 6491.553806f, 6501.539845f, 6511.541245f, 6521.558031f, 6531.590226f, 6541.637853f, 6551.700937f, 6561.779501f, 6571.873569f, 6581.983165f, 6592.108312f, 6602.249036f, 6612.405358f, 6622.577305f, 6632.764899f, 6642.968164f,
-6653.187126f, 6663.421807f, 6673.672233f, 6683.938427f, 6694.220413f, 6704.518217f, 6714.831862f, 6725.161372f, 6735.506772f, 6745.868087f, 6756.245341f, 6766.638558f, 6777.047763f, 6787.472981f, 6797.914236f, 6808.371553f, 6818.844957f, 6829.334472f, 6839.840123f, 6850.361935f,
-6860.899933f, 6871.454141f, 6882.024586f, 6892.611291f, 6903.214281f, 6913.833583f, 6924.46922f, 6935.121218f, 6945.789602f, 6956.474398f, 6967.17563f, 6977.893324f, 6988.627505f, 6999.378198f, 7010.14543f, 7020.929225f, 7031.729609f, 7042.546607f, 7053.380245f, 7064.230548f,
-7075.097543f, 7085.981255f, 7096.881709f, 7107.798931f, 7118.732948f, 7129.683784f, 7140.651466f, 7151.63602f, 7162.637472f, 7173.655847f, 7184.691172f, 7195.743473f, 7206.812776f, 7217.899106f, 7229.002491f, 7240.122957f, 7251.260529f, 7262.415234f, 7273.587099f, 7284.77615f,
-7295.982412f, 7307.205914f, 7318.446681f, 7329.704739f, 7340.980116f, 7352.272838f, 7363.582932f, 7374.910424f, 7386.255342f, 7397.617711f, 7408.99756f, 7420.394914f, 7431.809801f, 7443.242247f, 7454.69228f, 7466.159927f, 7477.645215f, 7489.148171f, 7500.668822f, 7512.207195f,
-7523.763318f, 7535.337217f, 7546.928921f, 7558.538457f, 7570.165852f, 7581.811133f, 7593.474329f, 7605.155466f, 7616.854572f, 7628.571675f, 7640.306803f, 7652.059983f, 7663.831243f, 7675.620611f, 7687.428115f, 7699.253782f, 7711.097641f, 7722.95972f, 7734.840046f, 7746.738648f,
-7758.655553f, 7770.590791f, 7782.544388f, 7794.516374f, 7806.506777f, 7818.515624f, 7830.542945f, 7842.588768f, 7854.653121f, 7866.736033f, 7878.837532f, 7890.957646f, 7903.096406f, 7915.253839f, 7927.429973f, 7939.624838f, 7951.838463f, 7964.070876f, 7976.322107f, 7988.592183f,
-8000.881135f, 8013.188991f, 8025.515781f, 8037.861532f, 8050.226276f, 8062.61004f, 8075.012855f, 8087.434749f, 8099.875751f, 8112.335892f, 8124.8152f, 8137.313706f, 8149.831438f, 8162.368426f, 8174.9247f, 8187.50029f, 8200.095224f, 8212.709534f, 8225.343248f, 8237.996397f,
-8250.669011f, 8263.361119f, 8276.072751f, 8288.803938f, 8301.554709f, 8314.325095f, 8327.115126f, 8339.924832f, 8352.754243f, 8365.60339f, 8378.472303f, 8391.361013f, 8404.269549f, 8417.197942f, 8430.146224f, 8443.114424f, 8456.102573f, 8469.110702f, 8482.138841f, 8495.187022f,
-8508.255275f, 8521.343631f, 8534.452122f, 8547.580777f, 8560.729628f, 8573.898706f, 8587.088042f, 8600.297667f, 8613.527614f, 8626.777911f, 8640.048592f, 8653.339688f, 8666.651229f, 8679.983248f, 8693.335775f, 8706.708843f, 8720.102483f, 8733.516726f, 8746.951605f, 8760.40715f,
-8773.883395f, 8787.38037f, 8800.898108f, 8814.43664f, 8827.995999f, 8841.576216f, 8855.177324f, 8868.799355f, 8882.44234f, 8896.106313f, 8909.791305f, 8923.497349f, 8937.224478f, 8950.972722f, 8964.742116f, 8978.532692f, 8992.344482f, 9006.177518f, 9020.031835f, 9033.907463f,
-9047.804436f, 9061.722788f, 9075.66255f, 9089.623756f, 9103.606438f, 9117.610631f, 9131.636366f, 9145.683677f, 9159.752597f, 9173.84316f, 9187.955398f, 9202.089346f, 9216.245035f, 9230.422501f, 9244.621776f, 9258.842894f, 9273.085889f, 9287.350793f, 9301.637642f, 9315.946468f,
-9330.277306f, 9344.630188f, 9359.005151f, 9373.402226f, 9387.821449f, 9402.262852f, 9416.726472f, 9431.21234f, 9445.720493f, 9460.250964f, 9474.803787f, 9489.378997f, 9503.976628f, 9518.596714f, 9533.239291f, 9547.904393f, 9562.592055f, 9577.30231f, 9592.035195f, 9606.790744f,
-9621.568991f, 9636.369971f, 9651.19372f, 9666.040273f, 9680.909664f, 9695.801929f, 9710.717104f, 9725.655222f, 9740.61632f, 9755.600432f, 9770.607595f, 9785.637844f, 9800.691213f, 9815.76774f, 9830.867459f, 9845.990406f, 9861.136617f, 9876.306127f, 9891.498973f, 9906.715191f,
-9921.954815f, 9937.217883f, 9952.50443f, 9967.814493f, 9983.148108f, 9998.50531f, 10013.886136f, 10029.290623f, 10044.718807f, 10060.170725f, 10075.646412f, 10091.145905f, 10106.669242f, 10122.216459f, 10137.787592f, 10153.382678f, 10169.001754f, 10184.644857f, 10200.312025f, 10216.003293f,
-10231.718699f, 10247.458281f, 10263.222075f, 10279.010118f, 10294.822449f, 10310.659104f, 10326.52012f, 10342.405536f, 10358.315389f, 10374.249716f, 10390.208555f, 10406.191943f, 10422.199919f, 10438.23252f, 10454.289785f, 10470.37175f, 10486.478455f, 10502.609936f, 10518.766233f, 10534.947384f,
-10551.153426f, 10567.384398f, 10583.640338f, 10599.921285f, 10616.227278f, 10632.558354f, 10648.914552f, 10665.295911f, 10681.70247f, 10698.134267f, 10714.591342f, 10731.073732f, 10747.581478f, 10764.114618f, 10780.673191f, 10797.257236f, 10813.866793f, 10830.5019f, 10847.162597f, 10863.848924f,
-10880.560919f, 10897.298623f, 10914.062075f, 10930.851314f, 10947.66638f, 10964.507313f, 10981.374152f, 10998.266938f, 11015.18571f, 11032.130509f, 11049.101374f, 11066.098346f, 11083.121464f, 11100.170769f, 11117.246302f, 11134.348102f, 11151.476209f, 11168.630665f, 11185.81151f, 11203.018785f,
-11220.25253f, 11237.512785f, 11254.799593f, 11272.112992f, 11289.453026f, 11306.819733f, 11324.213156f, 11341.633336f, 11359.080313f, 11376.554129f, 11394.054826f, 11411.582443f, 11429.137024f, 11446.718609f, 11464.327241f, 11481.962959f, 11499.625808f, 11517.315827f, 11535.033058f, 11552.777545f,
-11570.549328f, 11588.348449f, 11606.174952f, 11624.028877f, 11641.910266f, 11659.819163f, 11677.75561f, 11695.719648f, 11713.711321f, 11731.73067f, 11749.777739f, 11767.85257f, 11785.955206f, 11804.085689f, 11822.244062f, 11840.430369f, 11858.644652f, 11876.886954f, 11895.157319f, 11913.455789f,
-11931.782408f, 11950.137219f, 11968.520265f, 11986.931591f, 12005.371238f, 12023.839252f, 12042.335675f, 12060.860552f, 12079.413925f, 12097.995839f, 12116.606339f, 12135.245467f, 12153.913267f, 12172.609785f, 12191.335064f, 12210.089148f, 12228.872082f, 12247.683909f, 12266.524676f, 12285.394425f,
-12304.293202f, 12323.221051f, 12342.178017f, 12361.164144f, 12380.179479f, 12399.224064f, 12418.297947f, 12437.401171f, 12456.533781f, 12475.695824f, 12494.887344f, 12514.108386f, 12533.358996f, 12552.63922f, 12571.949103f, 12591.288691f, 12610.658028f, 12630.057162f, 12649.486138f, 12668.945002f,
-12688.433799f, 12707.952576f, 12727.50138f, 12747.080255f, 12766.689249f, 12786.328408f, 12805.997778f, 12825.697405f, 12845.427337f, 12865.187619f, 12884.978299f, 12904.799423f, 12924.651039f, 12944.533192f, 12964.44593f, 12984.3893f, 13004.36335f, 13024.368125f, 13044.403675f, 13064.470045f,
-13084.567284f, 13104.695438f, 13124.854556f, 13145.044685f, 13165.265872f, 13185.518167f, 13205.801615f, 13226.116266f, 13246.462167f, 13266.839366f, 13287.247912f, 13307.687853f, 13328.159236f, 13348.662111f, 13369.196526f, 13389.762529f, 13410.360169f, 13430.989495f, 13451.650555f, 13472.343399f,
-13493.068074f, 13513.82463f, 13534.613117f, 13555.433582f, 13576.286076f, 13597.170648f, 13618.087347f, 13639.036222f, 13660.017323f, 13681.030699f, 13702.076401f, 13723.154477f, 13744.264978f, 13765.407954f, 13786.583454f, 13807.791529f, 13829.032228f, 13850.305603f, 13871.611702f, 13892.950577f,
-13914.322277f, 13935.726854f, 13957.164358f, 13978.63484f, 14000.13835f, 14021.674939f, 14043.244657f, 14064.847557f, 14086.483689f, 14108.153104f, 14129.855854f, 14151.591989f, 14173.361561f, 14195.164621f, 14217.001221f, 14238.871413f, 14260.775248f, 14282.712778f, 14304.684055f, 14326.68913f,
-14348.728056f, 14370.800885f, 14392.907669f, 14415.04846f, 14437.22331f, 14459.432273f, 14481.675399f, 14503.952743f, 14526.264356f, 14548.610291f, 14570.990601f, 14593.405339f, 14615.854558f, 14638.338311f, 14660.856651f, 14683.409631f, 14705.997305f, 14728.619726f, 14751.276947f, 14773.969021f,
-14796.696004f, 14819.457947f, 14842.254906f, 14865.086933f, 14887.954084f, 14910.856411f, 14933.793969f, 14956.766812f, 14979.774994f, 15002.818571f, 15025.897595f, 15049.012122f, 15072.162207f, 15095.347904f, 15118.569267f, 15141.826353f, 15165.119215f, 15188.447908f, 15211.812489f, 15235.213011f,
-15258.649531f, 15282.122104f, 15305.630784f, 15329.175629f, 15352.756692f, 15376.374031f, 15400.027701f, 15423.717757f, 15447.444256f, 15471.207254f, 15495.006807f, 15518.84297f, 15542.715802f, 15566.625357f, 15590.571693f, 15614.554865f, 15638.574931f, 15662.631948f, 15686.725972f, 15710.85706f,
-15735.025269f, 15759.230656f, 15783.473279f, 15807.753194f, 15832.07046f, 15856.425133f, 15880.817271f, 15905.246932f, 15929.714173f, 15954.219053f, 15978.761629f, 16003.341959f, 16027.960101f, 16052.616114f, 16077.310055f, 16102.041984f, 16126.811957f, 16151.620035f, 16176.466275f, 16201.350737f,
-16226.273478f, 16251.234559f, 16276.234038f, 16301.271973f, 16326.348425f, 16351.463452f, 16376.617114f, 16401.80947f, 16427.04058f, 16452.310503f, 16477.619299f, 16502.967028f, 16528.35375f, 16553.779525f, 16579.244412f, 16604.748472f, 16630.291766f, 16655.874353f, 16681.496294f, 16707.157649f,
-16732.85848f, 16758.598847f, 16784.37881f, 16810.198431f, 16836.057771f, 16861.95689f, 16887.895851f, 16913.874713f, 16939.89354f, 16965.952391f, 16992.051329f, 17018.190415f, 17044.369711f, 17070.58928f, 17096.849182f, 17123.14948f, 17149.490236f, 17175.871513f, 17202.293372f, 17228.755877f,
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--0.955703f, -0.955698f, -0.955693f, -0.955687f, -0.955682f, -0.955677f, -0.955672f, -0.955666f, -0.955661f, -0.955656f, -0.95565f, -0.955645f, -0.95564f, -0.955634f, -0.955629f, -0.955624f, -0.955619f, -0.955613f, -0.955608f, -0.955603f,
--0.955597f, -0.955592f, -0.955587f, -0.955581f, -0.955576f, -0.955571f, -0.955566f, -0.95556f, -0.955555f, -0.95555f, -0.955544f, -0.955539f, -0.955534f, -0.955528f, -0.955523f, -0.955518f, -0.955513f, -0.955507f, -0.955502f, -0.955497f,
--0.955491f, -0.955486f, -0.955481f, -0.955475f, -0.95547f, -0.955465f, -0.955459f, -0.955454f, -0.955449f, -0.955443f, -0.955438f, -0.955433f, -0.955427f, -0.955422f, -0.955417f, -0.955412f, -0.955406f, -0.955401f, -0.955396f, -0.95539f,
--0.955385f, -0.95538f, -0.955374f, -0.955369f, -0.955364f, -0.955358f, -0.955353f, -0.955348f, -0.955342f, -0.955337f, -0.955332f, -0.955326f, -0.955321f, -0.955316f, -0.95531f, -0.955305f, -0.9553f, -0.955294f, -0.955289f, -0.955284f,
--0.955278f, -0.955273f, -0.955268f, -0.955262f, -0.955257f, -0.955252f, -0.955246f, -0.955241f, -0.955236f, -0.95523f, -0.955225f, -0.95522f, -0.955214f, -0.955209f, -0.955204f, -0.955198f, -0.955193f, -0.955187f, -0.955182f, -0.955177f,
--0.955171f, -0.955166f, -0.955161f, -0.955155f, -0.95515f, -0.955145f, -0.955139f, -0.955134f, -0.955129f, -0.955123f, -0.955118f, -0.955113f, -0.955107f, -0.955102f, -0.955096f, -0.955091f, -0.955086f, -0.95508f, -0.955075f, -0.95507f,
--0.955064f, -0.955059f, -0.955054f, -0.955048f, -0.955043f, -0.955037f, -0.955032f, -0.955027f, -0.955021f, -0.955016f, -0.955011f, -0.955005f, -0.955f, -0.954995f, -0.954989f, -0.954984f, -0.954978f, -0.954973f, -0.954968f, -0.954962f,
--0.954957f, -0.954952f, -0.954946f, -0.954941f, -0.954935f, -0.95493f, -0.954925f, -0.954919f, -0.954914f, -0.954909f, -0.954903f, -0.954898f, -0.954892f, -0.954887f, -0.954882f, -0.954876f, -0.954871f, -0.954865f, -0.95486f, -0.954855f,
--0.954849f, -0.954844f, -0.954839f, -0.954833f, -0.954828f, -0.954822f, -0.954817f, -0.954812f, -0.954806f, -0.954801f, -0.954795f, -0.95479f, -0.954785f, -0.954779f, -0.954774f, -0.954768f, -0.954763f, -0.954758f, -0.954752f, -0.954747f,
--0.954741f, -0.954736f, -0.954731f, -0.954725f, -0.95472f, -0.954714f, -0.954709f, -0.954704f, -0.954698f, -0.954693f, -0.954687f, -0.954682f, -0.954677f, -0.954671f, -0.954666f, -0.95466f, -0.954655f, -0.95465f, -0.954644f, -0.954639f,
--0.954633f, -0.954628f, -0.954622f, -0.954617f, -0.954612f, -0.954606f, -0.954601f, -0.954595f, -0.95459f, -0.954585f, -0.954579f, -0.954574f, -0.954568f, -0.954563f, -0.954557f, -0.954552f, -0.954547f, -0.954541f, -0.954536f, -0.95453f,
--0.954525f, -0.95452f, -0.954514f, -0.954509f, -0.954503f, -0.954498f, -0.954492f, -0.954487f, -0.954482f, -0.954476f, -0.954471f, -0.954465f, -0.95446f, -0.954454f, -0.954449f, -0.954443f, -0.954438f, -0.954433f, -0.954427f, -0.954422f,
--0.954416f, -0.954411f, -0.954405f, -0.9544f, -0.954395f, -0.954389f, -0.954384f, -0.954378f, -0.954373f, -0.954367f, -0.954362f, -0.954356f, -0.954351f, -0.954346f, -0.95434f, -0.954335f, -0.954329f, -0.954324f, -0.954318f, -0.954313f,
--0.954307f, -0.954302f, -0.954297f, -0.954291f, -0.954286f, -0.95428f, -0.954275f, -0.954269f, -0.954264f, -0.954258f, -0.954253f, -0.954247f, -0.954242f, -0.954237f, -0.954231f, -0.954226f, -0.95422f, -0.954215f, -0.954209f, -0.954204f,
--0.954198f, -0.954193f, -0.954187f, -0.954182f, -0.954176f, -0.954171f, -0.954166f, -0.95416f, -0.954155f, -0.954149f, -0.954144f, -0.954138f, -0.954133f, -0.954127f, -0.954122f, -0.954116f, -0.954111f, -0.954105f, -0.9541f, -0.954094f,
--0.954089f, -0.954083f, -0.954078f, -0.954072f, -0.954067f, -0.954062f, -0.954056f, -0.954051f, -0.954045f, -0.95404f, -0.954034f, -0.954029f, -0.954023f, -0.954018f, -0.954012f, -0.954007f, -0.954001f, -0.953996f, -0.95399f, -0.953985f,
--0.953979f, -0.953974f, -0.953968f, -0.953963f, -0.953957f, -0.953952f, -0.953946f, -0.953941f, -0.953935f, -0.95393f, -0.953924f, -0.953919f, -0.953913f, -0.953908f, -0.953902f, -0.953897f, -0.953891f, -0.953886f, -0.95388f, -0.953875f,
--0.953869f, -0.953864f, -0.953858f, -0.953853f, -0.953847f, -0.953842f, -0.953836f, -0.953831f, -0.953825f, -0.95382f, -0.953814f, -0.953809f, -0.953803f, -0.953798f, -0.953792f, -0.953787f, -0.953781f, -0.953776f, -0.95377f, -0.953765f,
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--0.953538f, -0.953533f, -0.953527f, -0.953522f, -0.953516f, -0.95351f, -0.953505f, -0.953499f, -0.953494f, -0.953488f, -0.953483f, -0.953477f, -0.953472f, -0.953466f, -0.953461f, -0.953455f, -0.953449f, -0.953444f, -0.953438f, -0.953433f,
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--0.953316f, -0.95331f, -0.953305f, -0.953299f, -0.953294f, -0.953288f, -0.953283f, -0.953277f, -0.953271f, -0.953266f, -0.95326f, -0.953255f, -0.953249f, -0.953244f, -0.953238f, -0.953232f, -0.953227f, -0.953221f, -0.953216f, -0.95321f,
--0.953205f, -0.953199f, -0.953193f, -0.953188f, -0.953182f, -0.953177f, -0.953171f, -0.953166f, -0.95316f, -0.953154f, -0.953149f, -0.953143f, -0.953138f, -0.953132f, -0.953126f, -0.953121f, -0.953115f, -0.95311f, -0.953104f, -0.953098f,
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--0.952981f, -0.952975f, -0.95297f, -0.952964f, -0.952958f, -0.952953f, -0.952947f, -0.952942f, -0.952936f, -0.95293f, -0.952925f, -0.952919f, -0.952914f, -0.952908f, -0.952902f, -0.952897f, -0.952891f, -0.952886f, -0.95288f, -0.952874f,
--0.952869f, -0.952863f, -0.952857f, -0.952852f, -0.952846f, -0.952841f, -0.952835f, -0.952829f, -0.952824f, -0.952818f, -0.952812f, -0.952807f, -0.952801f, -0.952796f, -0.95279f, -0.952784f, -0.952779f, -0.952773f, -0.952767f, -0.952762f,
--0.952756f, -0.952751f, -0.952745f, -0.952739f, -0.952734f, -0.952728f, -0.952722f, -0.952717f, -0.952711f, -0.952705f, -0.9527f, -0.952694f, -0.952689f, -0.952683f, -0.952677f, -0.952672f, -0.952666f, -0.95266f, -0.952655f, -0.952649f,
--0.952643f, -0.952638f, -0.952632f, -0.952627f, -0.952621f, -0.952615f, -0.95261f, -0.952604f, -0.952598f, -0.952593f, -0.952587f, -0.952581f, -0.952576f, -0.95257f, -0.952564f, -0.952559f, -0.952553f, -0.952547f, -0.952542f, -0.952536f,
--0.95253f, -0.952525f, -0.952519f, -0.952513f, -0.952508f, -0.952502f, -0.952496f, -0.952491f, -0.952485f, -0.952479f, -0.952474f, -0.952468f, -0.952462f, -0.952457f, -0.952451f, -0.952445f, -0.95244f, -0.952434f, -0.952428f, -0.952423f,
--0.952417f, -0.952411f, -0.952406f, -0.9524f, -0.952394f, -0.952389f, -0.952383f, -0.952377f, -0.952372f, -0.952366f, -0.95236f, -0.952355f, -0.952349f, -0.952343f, -0.952338f, -0.952332f, -0.952326f, -0.952321f, -0.952315f, -0.952309f,
--0.952304f, -0.952298f, -0.952292f, -0.952287f, -0.952281f, -0.952275f, -0.95227f, -0.952264f, -0.952258f, -0.952252f, -0.952247f, -0.952241f, -0.952235f, -0.95223f, -0.952224f, -0.952218f, -0.952213f, -0.952207f, -0.952201f, -0.952196f,
--0.95219f, -0.952184f, -0.952178f, -0.952173f, -0.952167f, -0.952161f, -0.952156f, -0.95215f, -0.952144f, -0.952139f, -0.952133f, -0.952127f, -0.952121f, -0.952116f, -0.95211f, -0.952104f, -0.952099f, -0.952093f, -0.952087f, -0.952081f,
--0.952076f, -0.95207f, -0.952064f, -0.952059f, -0.952053f, -0.952047f, -0.952041f, -0.952036f, -0.95203f, -0.952024f, -0.952019f, -0.952013f, -0.952007f, -0.952001f, -0.951996f, -0.95199f, -0.951984f, -0.951979f, -0.951973f, -0.951967f,
--0.951961f, -0.951956f, -0.95195f, -0.951944f, -0.951939f, -0.951933f, -0.951927f, -0.951921f, -0.951916f, -0.95191f, -0.951904f, -0.951898f, -0.951893f, -0.951887f, -0.951881f, -0.951875f, -0.95187f, -0.951864f, -0.951858f, -0.951853f,
--0.951847f, -0.951841f, -0.951835f, -0.95183f, -0.951824f, -0.951818f, -0.951812f, -0.951807f, -0.951801f, -0.951795f, -0.951789f, -0.951784f, -0.951778f, -0.951772f, -0.951766f, -0.951761f, -0.951755f, -0.951749f, -0.951743f, -0.951738f,
--0.951732f, -0.951726f, -0.95172f, -0.951715f, -0.951709f, -0.951703f, -0.951697f, -0.951692f, -0.951686f, -0.95168f, -0.951674f, -0.951669f, -0.951663f, -0.951657f, -0.951651f, -0.951646f, -0.95164f, -0.951634f, -0.951628f, -0.951623f,
--0.951617f, -0.951611f, -0.951605f, -0.9516f, -0.951594f, -0.951588f, -0.951582f, -0.951576f, -0.951571f, -0.951565f, -0.951559f, -0.951553f, -0.951548f, -0.951542f, -0.951536f, -0.95153f, -0.951525f, -0.951519f, -0.951513f, -0.951507f,
--0.951501f, -0.951496f, -0.95149f, -0.951484f, -0.951478f, -0.951473f, -0.951467f, -0.951461f, -0.951455f, -0.951449f, -0.951444f, -0.951438f, -0.951432f, -0.951426f, -0.95142f, -0.951415f, -0.951409f, -0.951403f, -0.951397f, -0.951392f,
--0.951386f, -0.95138f, -0.951374f, -0.951368f, -0.951363f, -0.951357f, -0.951351f, -0.951345f, -0.951339f, -0.951334f, -0.951328f, -0.951322f, -0.951316f, -0.95131f, -0.951305f, -0.951299f, -0.951293f, -0.951287f, -0.951281f, -0.951276f,
--0.95127f, -0.951264f, -0.951258f, -0.951252f, -0.951247f, -0.951241f, -0.951235f, -0.951229f, -0.951223f, -0.951218f, -0.951212f, -0.951206f, -0.9512f, -0.951194f, -0.951188f, -0.951183f, -0.951177f, -0.951171f, -0.951165f, -0.951159f,
--0.951154f, -0.951148f, -0.951142f, -0.951136f, -0.95113f, -0.951124f, -0.951119f, -0.951113f, -0.951107f, -0.951101f, -0.951095f, -0.95109f, -0.951084f, -0.951078f, -0.951072f, -0.951066f, -0.95106f, -0.951055f, -0.951049f, -0.951043f,
--0.951037f, -0.951031f, -0.951025f, -0.95102f, -0.951014f, -0.951008f, -0.951002f, -0.950996f, -0.95099f, -0.950985f, -0.950979f, -0.950973f, -0.950967f, -0.950961f, -0.950955f, -0.95095f, -0.950944f, -0.950938f, -0.950932f, -0.950926f,
--0.95092f, -0.950915f, -0.950909f, -0.950903f, -0.950897f, -0.950891f, -0.950885f, -0.950879f, -0.950874f, -0.950868f, -0.950862f, -0.950856f, -0.95085f, -0.950844f, -0.950838f, -0.950833f, -0.950827f, -0.950821f, -0.950815f, -0.950809f,
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--0.950686f, -0.95068f, -0.950674f, -0.950668f, -0.950663f, -0.950657f, -0.950651f, -0.950645f, -0.950639f, -0.950633f, -0.950627f, -0.950621f, -0.950616f, -0.95061f, -0.950604f, -0.950598f, -0.950592f, -0.950586f, -0.95058f, -0.950574f,
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--0.950451f, -0.950445f, -0.950439f, -0.950433f, -0.950427f, -0.950421f, -0.950415f, -0.950409f, -0.950403f, -0.950398f, -0.950392f, -0.950386f, -0.95038f, -0.950374f, -0.950368f, -0.950362f, -0.950356f, -0.95035f, -0.950344f, -0.950338f,
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--0.950214f, -0.950208f, -0.950202f, -0.950196f, -0.95019f, -0.950185f, -0.950179f, -0.950173f, -0.950167f, -0.950161f, -0.950155f, -0.950149f, -0.950143f, -0.950137f, -0.950131f, -0.950125f, -0.950119f, -0.950113f, -0.950107f, -0.950101f,
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--0.922523f, -0.922514f, -0.922505f, -0.922496f, -0.922487f, -0.922478f, -0.922469f, -0.922459f, -0.92245f, -0.922441f, -0.922432f, -0.922423f, -0.922414f, -0.922405f, -0.922396f, -0.922387f, -0.922377f, -0.922368f, -0.922359f, -0.92235f,
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--0.908102f, -0.908092f, -0.908081f, -0.90807f, -0.908059f, -0.908049f, -0.908038f, -0.908027f, -0.908017f, -0.908006f, -0.907995f, -0.907984f, -0.907974f, -0.907963f, -0.907952f, -0.907942f, -0.907931f, -0.90792f, -0.907909f, -0.907899f,
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--0.900081f, -0.90007f, -0.900058f, -0.900047f, -0.900035f, -0.900023f, -0.900012f, -0.9f, -0.899989f, -0.899977f, -0.899965f, -0.899954f, -0.899942f, -0.899931f, -0.899919f, -0.899907f, -0.899896f, -0.899884f, -0.899873f, -0.899861f,
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--0.891651f, -0.891638f, -0.891626f, -0.891613f, -0.891601f, -0.891588f, -0.891576f, -0.891563f, -0.891551f, -0.891538f, -0.891526f, -0.891513f, -0.891501f, -0.891488f, -0.891476f, -0.891463f, -0.89145f, -0.891438f, -0.891425f, -0.891413f,
--0.8914f, -0.891388f, -0.891375f, -0.891363f, -0.89135f, -0.891338f, -0.891325f, -0.891313f, -0.8913f, -0.891287f, -0.891275f, -0.891262f, -0.89125f, -0.891237f, -0.891225f, -0.891212f, -0.8912f, -0.891187f, -0.891174f, -0.891162f,
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--0.876755f, -0.876741f, -0.876727f, -0.876713f, -0.876698f, -0.876684f, -0.87667f, -0.876656f, -0.876642f, -0.876628f, -0.876614f, -0.8766f, -0.876585f, -0.876571f, -0.876557f, -0.876543f, -0.876529f, -0.876515f, -0.876501f, -0.876486f,
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--0.858686f, -0.85867f, -0.858654f, -0.858638f, -0.858622f, -0.858606f, -0.858589f, -0.858573f, -0.858557f, -0.858541f, -0.858525f, -0.858509f, -0.858493f, -0.858477f, -0.858461f, -0.858445f, -0.858429f, -0.858413f, -0.858397f, -0.858381f,
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--0.818686f, -0.818666f, -0.818646f, -0.818625f, -0.818605f, -0.818585f, -0.818565f, -0.818545f, -0.818525f, -0.818505f, -0.818484f, -0.818464f, -0.818444f, -0.818424f, -0.818404f, -0.818384f, -0.818364f, -0.818343f, -0.818323f, -0.818303f,
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--0.767772f, -0.767747f, -0.767722f, -0.767697f, -0.767672f, -0.767647f, -0.767622f, -0.767596f, -0.767571f, -0.767546f, -0.767521f, -0.767496f, -0.767471f, -0.767446f, -0.767421f, -0.767396f, -0.767371f, -0.767346f, -0.76732f, -0.767295f,
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--0.729757f, -0.729728f, -0.729699f, -0.729671f, -0.729642f, -0.729614f, -0.729585f, -0.729557f, -0.729528f, -0.7295f, -0.729471f, -0.729443f, -0.729414f, -0.729385f, -0.729357f, -0.729328f, -0.7293f, -0.729271f, -0.729243f, -0.729214f,
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--0.726314f, -0.726286f, -0.726257f, -0.726228f, -0.726199f, -0.72617f, -0.726141f, -0.726112f, -0.726084f, -0.726055f, -0.726026f, -0.725997f, -0.725968f, -0.725939f, -0.72591f, -0.725882f, -0.725853f, -0.725824f, -0.725795f, -0.725766f,
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--0.71873f, -0.7187f, -0.718671f, -0.718641f, -0.718612f, -0.718582f, -0.718553f, -0.718523f, -0.718494f, -0.718464f, -0.718435f, -0.718405f, -0.718376f, -0.718346f, -0.718316f, -0.718287f, -0.718257f, -0.718228f, -0.718198f, -0.718169f,
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--0.712777f, -0.712747f, -0.712717f, -0.712687f, -0.712656f, -0.712626f, -0.712596f, -0.712566f, -0.712536f, -0.712506f, -0.712476f, -0.712446f, -0.712416f, -0.712386f, -0.712356f, -0.712326f, -0.712296f, -0.712266f, -0.712236f, -0.712206f,
--0.712176f, -0.712145f, -0.712115f, -0.712085f, -0.712055f, -0.712025f, -0.711995f, -0.711965f, -0.711935f, -0.711905f, -0.711875f, -0.711845f, -0.711814f, -0.711784f, -0.711754f, -0.711724f, -0.711694f, -0.711664f, -0.711634f, -0.711604f,
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--0.71097f, -0.71094f, -0.71091f, -0.71088f, -0.71085f, -0.710819f, -0.710789f, -0.710759f, -0.710729f, -0.710699f, -0.710668f, -0.710638f, -0.710608f, -0.710578f, -0.710547f, -0.710517f, -0.710487f, -0.710457f, -0.710427f, -0.710396f,
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--0.706107f, -0.706077f, -0.706046f, -0.706015f, -0.705985f, -0.705954f, -0.705924f, -0.705893f, -0.705862f, -0.705832f, -0.705801f, -0.70577f, -0.70574f, -0.705709f, -0.705679f, -0.705648f, -0.705617f, -0.705587f, -0.705556f, -0.705525f,
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--0.704881f, -0.70485f, -0.70482f, -0.704789f, -0.704758f, -0.704727f, -0.704697f, -0.704666f, -0.704635f, -0.704605f, -0.704574f, -0.704543f, -0.704512f, -0.704482f, -0.704451f, -0.70442f, -0.704389f, -0.704359f, -0.704328f, -0.704297f,
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--0.701797f, -0.701766f, -0.701735f, -0.701704f, -0.701673f, -0.701642f, -0.701611f, -0.70158f, -0.701549f, -0.701518f, -0.701487f, -0.701456f, -0.701425f, -0.701394f, -0.701363f, -0.701332f, -0.701301f, -0.70127f, -0.701239f, -0.701208f,
--0.701177f, -0.701146f, -0.701115f, -0.701084f, -0.701053f, -0.701022f, -0.700991f, -0.70096f, -0.700928f, -0.700897f, -0.700866f, -0.700835f, -0.700804f, -0.700773f, -0.700742f, -0.700711f, -0.70068f, -0.700649f, -0.700618f, -0.700587f,
--0.700556f, -0.700525f, -0.700494f, -0.700462f, -0.700431f, -0.7004f, -0.700369f, -0.700338f, -0.700307f, -0.700276f, -0.700245f, -0.700214f, -0.700183f, -0.700151f, -0.70012f, -0.700089f, -0.700058f, -0.700027f, -0.699996f, -0.699965f,
--0.699934f, -0.699902f, -0.699871f, -0.69984f, -0.699809f, -0.699778f, -0.699747f, -0.699716f, -0.699684f, -0.699653f, -0.699622f, -0.699591f, -0.69956f, -0.699529f, -0.699497f, -0.699466f, -0.699435f, -0.699404f, -0.699373f, -0.699342f,
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--0.696178f, -0.696147f, -0.696115f, -0.696084f, -0.696052f, -0.696021f, -0.695989f, -0.695958f, -0.695927f, -0.695895f, -0.695864f, -0.695832f, -0.695801f, -0.695769f, -0.695738f, -0.695706f, -0.695675f, -0.695643f, -0.695612f, -0.69558f,
--0.695549f, -0.695517f, -0.695486f, -0.695454f, -0.695423f, -0.695391f, -0.69536f, -0.695328f, -0.695296f, -0.695265f, -0.695233f, -0.695202f, -0.69517f, -0.695139f, -0.695107f, -0.695076f, -0.695044f, -0.695013f, -0.694981f, -0.69495f,
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--0.687266f, -0.687234f, -0.687202f, -0.687169f, -0.687137f, -0.687105f, -0.687073f, -0.68704f, -0.687008f, -0.686976f, -0.686944f, -0.686912f, -0.686879f, -0.686847f, -0.686815f, -0.686783f, -0.68675f, -0.686718f, -0.686686f, -0.686654f,
--0.686621f, -0.686589f, -0.686557f, -0.686524f, -0.686492f, -0.68646f, -0.686428f, -0.686395f, -0.686363f, -0.686331f, -0.686299f, -0.686266f, -0.686234f, -0.686202f, -0.686169f, -0.686137f, -0.686105f, -0.686072f, -0.68604f, -0.686008f,
--0.685976f, -0.685943f, -0.685911f, -0.685879f, -0.685846f, -0.685814f, -0.685782f, -0.685749f, -0.685717f, -0.685685f, -0.685652f, -0.68562f, -0.685588f, -0.685555f, -0.685523f, -0.68549f, -0.685458f, -0.685426f, -0.685393f, -0.685361f,
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--0.68077f, -0.680738f, -0.680705f, -0.680672f, -0.680639f, -0.680607f, -0.680574f, -0.680541f, -0.680508f, -0.680476f, -0.680443f, -0.68041f, -0.680377f, -0.680344f, -0.680312f, -0.680279f, -0.680246f, -0.680213f, -0.680181f, -0.680148f,
--0.680115f, -0.680082f, -0.680049f, -0.680017f, -0.679984f, -0.679951f, -0.679918f, -0.679885f, -0.679852f, -0.67982f, -0.679787f, -0.679754f, -0.679721f, -0.679688f, -0.679655f, -0.679623f, -0.67959f, -0.679557f, -0.679524f, -0.679491f,
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--0.678142f, -0.678109f, -0.678076f, -0.678043f, -0.67801f, -0.677977f, -0.677944f, -0.677911f, -0.677878f, -0.677845f, -0.677812f, -0.677779f, -0.677746f, -0.677713f, -0.67768f, -0.677647f, -0.677614f, -0.677581f, -0.677548f, -0.677515f,
--0.677482f, -0.677449f, -0.677416f, -0.677383f, -0.67735f, -0.677317f, -0.677284f, -0.677251f, -0.677218f, -0.677185f, -0.677152f, -0.677119f, -0.677085f, -0.677052f, -0.677019f, -0.676986f, -0.676953f, -0.67692f, -0.676887f, -0.676854f,
--0.676821f, -0.676788f, -0.676755f, -0.676722f, -0.676689f, -0.676656f, -0.676622f, -0.676589f, -0.676556f, -0.676523f, -0.67649f, -0.676457f, -0.676424f, -0.676391f, -0.676358f, -0.676324f, -0.676291f, -0.676258f, -0.676225f, -0.676192f,
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--0.674166f, -0.674133f, -0.674099f, -0.674066f, -0.674033f, -0.674f, -0.673966f, -0.673933f, -0.6739f, -0.673866f, -0.673833f, -0.6738f, -0.673766f, -0.673733f, -0.6737f, -0.673666f, -0.673633f, -0.6736f, -0.673566f, -0.673533f,
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--0.672163f, -0.67213f, -0.672097f, -0.672063f, -0.67203f, -0.671996f, -0.671963f, -0.671929f, -0.671896f, -0.671862f, -0.671829f, -0.671795f, -0.671762f, -0.671728f, -0.671695f, -0.671661f, -0.671628f, -0.671594f, -0.671561f, -0.671527f,
--0.671494f, -0.67146f, -0.671427f, -0.671393f, -0.67136f, -0.671326f, -0.671293f, -0.671259f, -0.671225f, -0.671192f, -0.671158f, -0.671125f, -0.671091f, -0.671058f, -0.671024f, -0.670991f, -0.670957f, -0.670924f, -0.67089f, -0.670856f,
--0.670823f, -0.670789f, -0.670756f, -0.670722f, -0.670689f, -0.670655f, -0.670621f, -0.670588f, -0.670554f, -0.670521f, -0.670487f, -0.670453f, -0.67042f, -0.670386f, -0.670353f, -0.670319f, -0.670285f, -0.670252f, -0.670218f, -0.670185f,
--0.670151f, -0.670117f, -0.670084f, -0.67005f, -0.670016f, -0.669983f, -0.669949f, -0.669915f, -0.669882f, -0.669848f, -0.669815f, -0.669781f, -0.669747f, -0.669714f, -0.66968f, -0.669646f, -0.669613f, -0.669579f, -0.669545f, -0.669512f,
--0.669478f, -0.669444f, -0.669411f, -0.669377f, -0.669343f, -0.669309f, -0.669276f, -0.669242f, -0.669208f, -0.669175f, -0.669141f, -0.669107f, -0.669074f, -0.66904f, -0.669006f, -0.668972f, -0.668939f, -0.668905f, -0.668871f, -0.668837f,
--0.668804f, -0.66877f, -0.668736f, -0.668703f, -0.668669f, -0.668635f, -0.668601f, -0.668568f, -0.668534f, -0.6685f, -0.668466f, -0.668432f, -0.668399f, -0.668365f, -0.668331f, -0.668297f, -0.668264f, -0.66823f, -0.668196f, -0.668162f,
--0.668128f, -0.668095f, -0.668061f, -0.668027f, -0.667993f, -0.667959f, -0.667926f, -0.667892f, -0.667858f, -0.667824f, -0.66779f, -0.667757f, -0.667723f, -0.667689f, -0.667655f, -0.667621f, -0.667587f, -0.667554f, -0.66752f, -0.667486f,
--0.667452f, -0.667418f, -0.667384f, -0.667351f, -0.667317f, -0.667283f, -0.667249f, -0.667215f, -0.667181f, -0.667147f, -0.667114f, -0.66708f, -0.667046f, -0.667012f, -0.666978f, -0.666944f, -0.66691f, -0.666876f, -0.666842f, -0.666809f,
--0.666775f, -0.666741f, -0.666707f, -0.666673f, -0.666639f, -0.666605f, -0.666571f, -0.666537f, -0.666503f, -0.666469f, -0.666436f, -0.666402f, -0.666368f, -0.666334f, -0.6663f, -0.666266f, -0.666232f, -0.666198f, -0.666164f, -0.66613f,
--0.666096f, -0.666062f, -0.666028f, -0.665994f, -0.66596f, -0.665926f, -0.665892f, -0.665858f, -0.665824f, -0.66579f, -0.665756f, -0.665722f, -0.665688f, -0.665654f, -0.66562f, -0.665586f, -0.665552f, -0.665518f, -0.665484f, -0.66545f,
--0.665416f, -0.665382f, -0.665348f, -0.665314f, -0.66528f, -0.665246f, -0.665212f, -0.665178f, -0.665144f, -0.66511f, -0.665076f, -0.665042f, -0.665008f, -0.664974f, -0.66494f, -0.664906f, -0.664872f, -0.664838f, -0.664804f, -0.66477f,
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--0.662002f, -0.661967f, -0.661933f, -0.661899f, -0.661864f, -0.66183f, -0.661796f, -0.661762f, -0.661727f, -0.661693f, -0.661659f, -0.661624f, -0.66159f, -0.661556f, -0.661521f, -0.661487f, -0.661453f, -0.661418f, -0.661384f, -0.66135f,
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--0.642364f, -0.642328f, -0.642292f, -0.642256f, -0.642221f, -0.642185f, -0.642149f, -0.642113f, -0.642077f, -0.642041f, -0.642005f, -0.641969f, -0.641934f, -0.641898f, -0.641862f, -0.641826f, -0.64179f, -0.641754f, -0.641718f, -0.641682f,
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--0.638042f, -0.638005f, -0.637969f, -0.637933f, -0.637897f, -0.637861f, -0.637824f, -0.637788f, -0.637752f, -0.637716f, -0.63768f, -0.637643f, -0.637607f, -0.637571f, -0.637535f, -0.637499f, -0.637462f, -0.637426f, -0.63739f, -0.637354f,
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--0.636592f, -0.636556f, -0.636519f, -0.636483f, -0.636447f, -0.63641f, -0.636374f, -0.636338f, -0.636301f, -0.636265f, -0.636229f, -0.636192f, -0.636156f, -0.63612f, -0.636083f, -0.636047f, -0.636011f, -0.635974f, -0.635938f, -0.635902f,
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--0.635138f, -0.635101f, -0.635065f, -0.635028f, -0.634992f, -0.634955f, -0.634919f, -0.634883f, -0.634846f, -0.63481f, -0.634773f, -0.634737f, -0.6347f, -0.634664f, -0.634627f, -0.634591f, -0.634555f, -0.634518f, -0.634482f, -0.634445f,
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--0.630012f, -0.629975f, -0.629938f, -0.629901f, -0.629865f, -0.629828f, -0.629791f, -0.629754f, -0.629717f, -0.62968f, -0.629644f, -0.629607f, -0.62957f, -0.629533f, -0.629496f, -0.629459f, -0.629423f, -0.629386f, -0.629349f, -0.629312f,
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--0.627798f, -0.627761f, -0.627724f, -0.627687f, -0.62765f, -0.627613f, -0.627576f, -0.627539f, -0.627502f, -0.627465f, -0.627428f, -0.627391f, -0.627354f, -0.627317f, -0.62728f, -0.627243f, -0.627206f, -0.627169f, -0.627132f, -0.627095f,
--0.627058f, -0.627021f, -0.626984f, -0.626947f, -0.62691f, -0.626873f, -0.626836f, -0.626799f, -0.626762f, -0.626725f, -0.626688f, -0.62665f, -0.626613f, -0.626576f, -0.626539f, -0.626502f, -0.626465f, -0.626428f, -0.626391f, -0.626354f,
--0.626317f, -0.62628f, -0.626243f, -0.626205f, -0.626168f, -0.626131f, -0.626094f, -0.626057f, -0.62602f, -0.625983f, -0.625946f, -0.625909f, -0.625871f, -0.625834f, -0.625797f, -0.62576f, -0.625723f, -0.625686f, -0.625649f, -0.625611f,
--0.625574f, -0.625537f, -0.6255f, -0.625463f, -0.625426f, -0.625389f, -0.625351f, -0.625314f, -0.625277f, -0.62524f, -0.625203f, -0.625165f, -0.625128f, -0.625091f, -0.625054f, -0.625017f, -0.62498f, -0.624942f, -0.624905f, -0.624868f,
--0.624831f, -0.624794f, -0.624756f, -0.624719f, -0.624682f, -0.624645f, -0.624607f, -0.62457f, -0.624533f, -0.624496f, -0.624459f, -0.624421f, -0.624384f, -0.624347f, -0.62431f, -0.624272f, -0.624235f, -0.624198f, -0.624161f, -0.624123f,
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--0.622593f, -0.622556f, -0.622518f, -0.622481f, -0.622444f, -0.622406f, -0.622369f, -0.622332f, -0.622294f, -0.622257f, -0.622219f, -0.622182f, -0.622144f, -0.622107f, -0.62207f, -0.622032f, -0.621995f, -0.621957f, -0.62192f, -0.621883f,
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--0.621096f, -0.621058f, -0.621021f, -0.620983f, -0.620946f, -0.620908f, -0.620871f, -0.620833f, -0.620796f, -0.620758f, -0.620721f, -0.620683f, -0.620646f, -0.620608f, -0.620571f, -0.620533f, -0.620496f, -0.620458f, -0.620421f, -0.620383f,
--0.620345f, -0.620308f, -0.62027f, -0.620233f, -0.620195f, -0.620158f, -0.62012f, -0.620083f, -0.620045f, -0.620007f, -0.61997f, -0.619932f, -0.619895f, -0.619857f, -0.61982f, -0.619782f, -0.619744f, -0.619707f, -0.619669f, -0.619632f,
--0.619594f, -0.619556f, -0.619519f, -0.619481f, -0.619444f, -0.619406f, -0.619368f, -0.619331f, -0.619293f, -0.619255f, -0.619218f, -0.61918f, -0.619142f, -0.619105f, -0.619067f, -0.61903f, -0.618992f, -0.618954f, -0.618917f, -0.618879f,
--0.618841f, -0.618804f, -0.618766f, -0.618728f, -0.618691f, -0.618653f, -0.618615f, -0.618578f, -0.61854f, -0.618502f, -0.618465f, -0.618427f, -0.618389f, -0.618351f, -0.618314f, -0.618276f, -0.618238f, -0.618201f, -0.618163f, -0.618125f,
--0.618088f, -0.61805f, -0.618012f, -0.617974f, -0.617937f, -0.617899f, -0.617861f, -0.617823f, -0.617786f, -0.617748f, -0.61771f, -0.617672f, -0.617635f, -0.617597f, -0.617559f, -0.617521f, -0.617484f, -0.617446f, -0.617408f, -0.61737f,
--0.617333f, -0.617295f, -0.617257f, -0.617219f, -0.617181f, -0.617144f, -0.617106f, -0.617068f, -0.61703f, -0.616992f, -0.616955f, -0.616917f, -0.616879f, -0.616841f, -0.616803f, -0.616766f, -0.616728f, -0.61669f, -0.616652f, -0.616614f,
--0.616576f, -0.616539f, -0.616501f, -0.616463f, -0.616425f, -0.616387f, -0.616349f, -0.616312f, -0.616274f, -0.616236f, -0.616198f, -0.61616f, -0.616122f, -0.616084f, -0.616047f, -0.616009f, -0.615971f, -0.615933f, -0.615895f, -0.615857f,
--0.615819f, -0.615781f, -0.615743f, -0.615706f, -0.615668f, -0.61563f, -0.615592f, -0.615554f, -0.615516f, -0.615478f, -0.61544f, -0.615402f, -0.615364f, -0.615326f, -0.615289f, -0.615251f, -0.615213f, -0.615175f, -0.615137f, -0.615099f,
--0.615061f, -0.615023f, -0.614985f, -0.614947f, -0.614909f, -0.614871f, -0.614833f, -0.614795f, -0.614757f, -0.614719f, -0.614681f, -0.614643f, -0.614605f, -0.614567f, -0.614529f, -0.614491f, -0.614453f, -0.614415f, -0.614377f, -0.614339f,
--0.614301f, -0.614263f, -0.614225f, -0.614187f, -0.614149f, -0.614111f, -0.614073f, -0.614035f, -0.613997f, -0.613959f, -0.613921f, -0.613883f, -0.613845f, -0.613807f, -0.613769f, -0.613731f, -0.613693f, -0.613655f, -0.613617f, -0.613579f,
--0.613541f, -0.613503f, -0.613465f, -0.613427f, -0.613389f, -0.61335f, -0.613312f, -0.613274f, -0.613236f, -0.613198f, -0.61316f, -0.613122f, -0.613084f, -0.613046f, -0.613008f, -0.61297f, -0.612931f, -0.612893f, -0.612855f, -0.612817f,
--0.612779f, -0.612741f, -0.612703f, -0.612665f, -0.612627f, -0.612588f, -0.61255f, -0.612512f, -0.612474f, -0.612436f, -0.612398f, -0.61236f, -0.612321f, -0.612283f, -0.612245f, -0.612207f, -0.612169f, -0.612131f, -0.612092f, -0.612054f,
--0.612016f, -0.611978f, -0.61194f, -0.611902f, -0.611863f, -0.611825f, -0.611787f, -0.611749f, -0.611711f, -0.611672f, -0.611634f, -0.611596f, -0.611558f, -0.61152f, -0.611481f, -0.611443f, -0.611405f, -0.611367f, -0.611329f, -0.61129f,
--0.611252f, -0.611214f, -0.611176f, -0.611137f, -0.611099f, -0.611061f, -0.611023f, -0.610984f, -0.610946f, -0.610908f, -0.61087f, -0.610831f, -0.610793f, -0.610755f, -0.610717f, -0.610678f, -0.61064f, -0.610602f, -0.610563f, -0.610525f,
--0.610487f, -0.610449f, -0.61041f, -0.610372f, -0.610334f, -0.610295f, -0.610257f, -0.610219f, -0.61018f, -0.610142f, -0.610104f, -0.610066f, -0.610027f, -0.609989f, -0.609951f, -0.609912f, -0.609874f, -0.609836f, -0.609797f, -0.609759f,
--0.609721f, -0.609682f, -0.609644f, -0.609605f, -0.609567f, -0.609529f, -0.60949f, -0.609452f, -0.609414f, -0.609375f, -0.609337f, -0.609299f, -0.60926f, -0.609222f, -0.609183f, -0.609145f, -0.609107f, -0.609068f, -0.60903f, -0.608991f,
--0.608953f, -0.608915f, -0.608876f, -0.608838f, -0.608799f, -0.608761f, -0.608723f, -0.608684f, -0.608646f, -0.608607f, -0.608569f, -0.60853f, -0.608492f, -0.608454f, -0.608415f, -0.608377f, -0.608338f, -0.6083f, -0.608261f, -0.608223f,
--0.608184f, -0.608146f, -0.608108f, -0.608069f, -0.608031f, -0.607992f, -0.607954f, -0.607915f, -0.607877f, -0.607838f, -0.6078f, -0.607761f, -0.607723f, -0.607684f, -0.607646f, -0.607607f, -0.607569f, -0.60753f, -0.607492f, -0.607453f,
--0.607415f, -0.607376f, -0.607338f, -0.607299f, -0.607261f, -0.607222f, -0.607184f, -0.607145f, -0.607106f, -0.607068f, -0.607029f, -0.606991f, -0.606952f, -0.606914f, -0.606875f, -0.606837f, -0.606798f, -0.606759f, -0.606721f, -0.606682f,
--0.606644f, -0.606605f, -0.606567f, -0.606528f, -0.606489f, -0.606451f, -0.606412f, -0.606374f, -0.606335f, -0.606296f, -0.606258f, -0.606219f, -0.606181f, -0.606142f, -0.606103f, -0.606065f, -0.606026f, -0.605988f, -0.605949f, -0.60591f,
--0.605872f, -0.605833f, -0.605794f, -0.605756f, -0.605717f, -0.605679f, -0.60564f, -0.605601f, -0.605563f, -0.605524f, -0.605485f, -0.605447f, -0.605408f, -0.605369f, -0.605331f, -0.605292f, -0.605253f, -0.605215f, -0.605176f, -0.605137f,
--0.605099f, -0.60506f, -0.605021f, -0.604982f, -0.604944f, -0.604905f, -0.604866f, -0.604828f, -0.604789f, -0.60475f, -0.604711f, -0.604673f, -0.604634f, -0.604595f, -0.604557f, -0.604518f, -0.604479f, -0.60444f, -0.604402f, -0.604363f,
--0.604324f, -0.604285f, -0.604247f, -0.604208f, -0.604169f, -0.60413f, -0.604092f, -0.604053f, -0.604014f, -0.603975f, -0.603937f, -0.603898f, -0.603859f, -0.60382f, -0.603781f, -0.603743f, -0.603704f, -0.603665f, -0.603626f, -0.603588f,
--0.603549f, -0.60351f, -0.603471f, -0.603432f, -0.603393f, -0.603355f, -0.603316f, -0.603277f, -0.603238f, -0.603199f, -0.603161f, -0.603122f, -0.603083f, -0.603044f, -0.603005f, -0.602966f, -0.602928f, -0.602889f, -0.60285f, -0.602811f,
--0.602772f, -0.602733f, -0.602694f, -0.602656f, -0.602617f, -0.602578f, -0.602539f, -0.6025f, -0.602461f, -0.602422f, -0.602383f, -0.602344f, -0.602306f, -0.602267f, -0.602228f, -0.602189f, -0.60215f, -0.602111f, -0.602072f, -0.602033f,
--0.601994f, -0.601955f, -0.601916f, -0.601878f, -0.601839f, -0.6018f, -0.601761f, -0.601722f, -0.601683f, -0.601644f, -0.601605f, -0.601566f, -0.601527f, -0.601488f, -0.601449f, -0.60141f, -0.601371f, -0.601332f, -0.601293f, -0.601254f,
--0.601215f, -0.601176f, -0.601137f, -0.601098f, -0.60106f, -0.601021f, -0.600982f, -0.600943f, -0.600904f, -0.600865f, -0.600826f, -0.600787f, -0.600748f, -0.600709f, -0.60067f, -0.60063f, -0.600591f, -0.600552f, -0.600513f, -0.600474f,
--0.600435f, -0.600396f, -0.600357f, -0.600318f, -0.600279f, -0.60024f, -0.600201f, -0.600162f, -0.600123f, -0.600084f, -0.600045f, -0.600006f, -0.599967f, -0.599928f, -0.599889f, -0.59985f, -0.599811f, -0.599771f, -0.599732f, -0.599693f,
--0.599654f, -0.599615f, -0.599576f, -0.599537f, -0.599498f, -0.599459f, -0.59942f, -0.59938f, -0.599341f, -0.599302f, -0.599263f, -0.599224f, -0.599185f, -0.599146f, -0.599107f, -0.599068f, -0.599028f, -0.598989f, -0.59895f, -0.598911f,
--0.598872f, -0.598833f, -0.598794f, -0.598754f, -0.598715f, -0.598676f, -0.598637f, -0.598598f, -0.598559f, -0.598519f, -0.59848f, -0.598441f, -0.598402f, -0.598363f, -0.598324f, -0.598284f, -0.598245f, -0.598206f, -0.598167f, -0.598128f,
--0.598088f, -0.598049f, -0.59801f, -0.597971f, -0.597932f, -0.597892f, -0.597853f, -0.597814f, -0.597775f, -0.597735f, -0.597696f, -0.597657f, -0.597618f, -0.597578f, -0.597539f, -0.5975f, -0.597461f, -0.597421f, -0.597382f, -0.597343f,
--0.597304f, -0.597264f, -0.597225f, -0.597186f, -0.597147f, -0.597107f, -0.597068f, -0.597029f, -0.59699f, -0.59695f, -0.596911f, -0.596872f, -0.596832f, -0.596793f, -0.596754f, -0.596714f, -0.596675f, -0.596636f, -0.596597f, -0.596557f,
--0.596518f, -0.596479f, -0.596439f, -0.5964f, -0.596361f, -0.596321f, -0.596282f, -0.596243f, -0.596203f, -0.596164f, -0.596125f, -0.596085f, -0.596046f, -0.596007f, -0.595967f, -0.595928f, -0.595888f, -0.595849f, -0.59581f, -0.59577f,
--0.595731f, -0.595692f, -0.595652f, -0.595613f, -0.595574f, -0.595534f, -0.595495f, -0.595455f, -0.595416f, -0.595377f, -0.595337f, -0.595298f, -0.595258f, -0.595219f, -0.595179f, -0.59514f, -0.595101f, -0.595061f, -0.595022f, -0.594982f,
--0.594943f, -0.594904f, -0.594864f, -0.594825f, -0.594785f, -0.594746f, -0.594706f, -0.594667f, -0.594627f, -0.594588f, -0.594548f, -0.594509f, -0.59447f, -0.59443f, -0.594391f, -0.594351f, -0.594312f, -0.594272f, -0.594233f, -0.594193f,
--0.594154f, -0.594114f, -0.594075f, -0.594035f, -0.593996f, -0.593956f, -0.593917f, -0.593877f, -0.593838f, -0.593798f, -0.593759f, -0.593719f, -0.59368f, -0.59364f, -0.593601f, -0.593561f, -0.593522f, -0.593482f, -0.593442f, -0.593403f,
--0.593363f, -0.593324f, -0.593284f, -0.593245f, -0.593205f, -0.593166f, -0.593126f, -0.593086f, -0.593047f, -0.593007f, -0.592968f, -0.592928f, -0.592889f, -0.592849f, -0.592809f, -0.59277f, -0.59273f, -0.592691f, -0.592651f, -0.592611f,
--0.592572f, -0.592532f, -0.592493f, -0.592453f, -0.592413f, -0.592374f, -0.592334f, -0.592295f, -0.592255f, -0.592215f, -0.592176f, -0.592136f, -0.592096f, -0.592057f, -0.592017f, -0.591978f, -0.591938f, -0.591898f, -0.591859f, -0.591819f,
--0.591779f, -0.59174f, -0.5917f, -0.59166f, -0.591621f, -0.591581f, -0.591541f, -0.591502f, -0.591462f, -0.591422f, -0.591382f, -0.591343f, -0.591303f, -0.591263f, -0.591224f, -0.591184f, -0.591144f, -0.591105f, -0.591065f, -0.591025f,
--0.590985f, -0.590946f, -0.590906f, -0.590866f, -0.590827f, -0.590787f, -0.590747f, -0.590707f, -0.590668f, -0.590628f, -0.590588f, -0.590548f, -0.590509f, -0.590469f, -0.590429f, -0.590389f, -0.59035f, -0.59031f, -0.59027f, -0.59023f,
--0.590191f, -0.590151f, -0.590111f, -0.590071f, -0.590031f, -0.589992f, -0.589952f, -0.589912f, -0.589872f, -0.589832f, -0.589793f, -0.589753f, -0.589713f, -0.589673f, -0.589633f, -0.589594f, -0.589554f, -0.589514f, -0.589474f, -0.589434f,
--0.589394f, -0.589355f, -0.589315f, -0.589275f, -0.589235f, -0.589195f, -0.589155f, -0.589116f, -0.589076f, -0.589036f, -0.588996f, -0.588956f, -0.588916f, -0.588876f, -0.588836f, -0.588797f, -0.588757f, -0.588717f, -0.588677f, -0.588637f,
--0.588597f, -0.588557f, -0.588517f, -0.588477f, -0.588438f, -0.588398f, -0.588358f, -0.588318f, -0.588278f, -0.588238f, -0.588198f, -0.588158f, -0.588118f, -0.588078f, -0.588038f, -0.587999f, -0.587959f, -0.587919f, -0.587879f, -0.587839f,
--0.587799f, -0.587759f, -0.587719f, -0.587679f, -0.587639f, -0.587599f, -0.587559f, -0.587519f, -0.587479f, -0.587439f, -0.587399f, -0.587359f, -0.587319f, -0.587279f, -0.587239f, -0.587199f, -0.587159f, -0.587119f, -0.587079f, -0.587039f,
--0.586999f, -0.586959f, -0.586919f, -0.586879f, -0.586839f, -0.586799f, -0.586759f, -0.586719f, -0.586679f, -0.586639f, -0.586599f, -0.586559f, -0.586519f, -0.586479f, -0.586439f, -0.586399f, -0.586359f, -0.586319f, -0.586279f, -0.586239f,
--0.586199f, -0.586159f, -0.586118f, -0.586078f, -0.586038f, -0.585998f, -0.585958f, -0.585918f, -0.585878f, -0.585838f, -0.585798f, -0.585758f, -0.585718f, -0.585678f, -0.585637f, -0.585597f, -0.585557f, -0.585517f, -0.585477f, -0.585437f,
--0.585397f, -0.585357f, -0.585317f, -0.585276f, -0.585236f, -0.585196f, -0.585156f, -0.585116f, -0.585076f, -0.585036f, -0.584995f, -0.584955f, -0.584915f, -0.584875f, -0.584835f, -0.584795f, -0.584754f, -0.584714f, -0.584674f, -0.584634f,
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--0.570768f, -0.570727f, -0.570686f, -0.570644f, -0.570603f, -0.570562f, -0.570521f, -0.57048f, -0.570439f, -0.570397f, -0.570356f, -0.570315f, -0.570274f, -0.570233f, -0.570191f, -0.57015f, -0.570109f, -0.570068f, -0.570027f, -0.569985f,
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--0.564147f, -0.564105f, -0.564064f, -0.564022f, -0.56398f, -0.563939f, -0.563897f, -0.563856f, -0.563814f, -0.563772f, -0.563731f, -0.563689f, -0.563647f, -0.563606f, -0.563564f, -0.563522f, -0.563481f, -0.563439f, -0.563397f, -0.563356f,
--0.563314f, -0.563272f, -0.563231f, -0.563189f, -0.563147f, -0.563106f, -0.563064f, -0.563022f, -0.562981f, -0.562939f, -0.562897f, -0.562856f, -0.562814f, -0.562772f, -0.56273f, -0.562689f, -0.562647f, -0.562605f, -0.562564f, -0.562522f,
--0.56248f, -0.562438f, -0.562397f, -0.562355f, -0.562313f, -0.562271f, -0.56223f, -0.562188f, -0.562146f, -0.562105f, -0.562063f, -0.562021f, -0.561979f, -0.561937f, -0.561896f, -0.561854f, -0.561812f, -0.56177f, -0.561729f, -0.561687f,
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--0.560809f, -0.560767f, -0.560725f, -0.560683f, -0.560641f, -0.5606f, -0.560558f, -0.560516f, -0.560474f, -0.560432f, -0.56039f, -0.560348f, -0.560307f, -0.560265f, -0.560223f, -0.560181f, -0.560139f, -0.560097f, -0.560055f, -0.560013f,
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--0.557452f, -0.55741f, -0.557368f, -0.557326f, -0.557284f, -0.557242f, -0.5572f, -0.557158f, -0.557116f, -0.557074f, -0.557032f, -0.55699f, -0.556947f, -0.556905f, -0.556863f, -0.556821f, -0.556779f, -0.556737f, -0.556695f, -0.556653f,
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--0.552384f, -0.552341f, -0.552299f, -0.552256f, -0.552214f, -0.552172f, -0.552129f, -0.552087f, -0.552044f, -0.552002f, -0.551959f, -0.551917f, -0.551874f, -0.551832f, -0.55179f, -0.551747f, -0.551705f, -0.551662f, -0.55162f, -0.551577f,
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--0.550685f, -0.550642f, -0.5506f, -0.550557f, -0.550515f, -0.550472f, -0.55043f, -0.550387f, -0.550345f, -0.550302f, -0.550259f, -0.550217f, -0.550174f, -0.550132f, -0.550089f, -0.550047f, -0.550004f, -0.549961f, -0.549919f, -0.549876f,
--0.549834f, -0.549791f, -0.549749f, -0.549706f, -0.549663f, -0.549621f, -0.549578f, -0.549536f, -0.549493f, -0.54945f, -0.549408f, -0.549365f, -0.549323f, -0.54928f, -0.549237f, -0.549195f, -0.549152f, -0.549109f, -0.549067f, -0.549024f,
--0.548981f, -0.548939f, -0.548896f, -0.548854f, -0.548811f, -0.548768f, -0.548726f, -0.548683f, -0.54864f, -0.548598f, -0.548555f, -0.548512f, -0.54847f, -0.548427f, -0.548384f, -0.548342f, -0.548299f, -0.548256f, -0.548213f, -0.548171f,
--0.548128f, -0.548085f, -0.548043f, -0.548f, -0.547957f, -0.547915f, -0.547872f, -0.547829f, -0.547786f, -0.547744f, -0.547701f, -0.547658f, -0.547616f, -0.547573f, -0.54753f, -0.547487f, -0.547445f, -0.547402f, -0.547359f, -0.547316f,
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--0.546418f, -0.546375f, -0.546332f, -0.546289f, -0.546247f, -0.546204f, -0.546161f, -0.546118f, -0.546075f, -0.546032f, -0.54599f, -0.545947f, -0.545904f, -0.545861f, -0.545818f, -0.545775f, -0.545733f, -0.54569f, -0.545647f, -0.545604f,
--0.545561f, -0.545518f, -0.545475f, -0.545432f, -0.54539f, -0.545347f, -0.545304f, -0.545261f, -0.545218f, -0.545175f, -0.545132f, -0.545089f, -0.545046f, -0.545004f, -0.544961f, -0.544918f, -0.544875f, -0.544832f, -0.544789f, -0.544746f,
--0.544703f, -0.54466f, -0.544617f, -0.544574f, -0.544531f, -0.544488f, -0.544445f, -0.544403f, -0.54436f, -0.544317f, -0.544274f, -0.544231f, -0.544188f, -0.544145f, -0.544102f, -0.544059f, -0.544016f, -0.543973f, -0.54393f, -0.543887f,
--0.543844f, -0.543801f, -0.543758f, -0.543715f, -0.543672f, -0.543629f, -0.543586f, -0.543543f, -0.5435f, -0.543457f, -0.543414f, -0.543371f, -0.543328f, -0.543285f, -0.543242f, -0.543199f, -0.543156f, -0.543113f, -0.54307f, -0.543027f,
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--0.542122f, -0.542079f, -0.542036f, -0.541993f, -0.54195f, -0.541907f, -0.541864f, -0.541821f, -0.541778f, -0.541734f, -0.541691f, -0.541648f, -0.541605f, -0.541562f, -0.541519f, -0.541476f, -0.541432f, -0.541389f, -0.541346f, -0.541303f,
--0.54126f, -0.541217f, -0.541174f, -0.54113f, -0.541087f, -0.541044f, -0.541001f, -0.540958f, -0.540915f, -0.540871f, -0.540828f, -0.540785f, -0.540742f, -0.540699f, -0.540655f, -0.540612f, -0.540569f, -0.540526f, -0.540483f, -0.540439f,
--0.540396f, -0.540353f, -0.54031f, -0.540267f, -0.540223f, -0.54018f, -0.540137f, -0.540094f, -0.54005f, -0.540007f, -0.539964f, -0.539921f, -0.539877f, -0.539834f, -0.539791f, -0.539748f, -0.539704f, -0.539661f, -0.539618f, -0.539575f,
--0.539531f, -0.539488f, -0.539445f, -0.539402f, -0.539358f, -0.539315f, -0.539272f, -0.539228f, -0.539185f, -0.539142f, -0.539099f, -0.539055f, -0.539012f, -0.538969f, -0.538925f, -0.538882f, -0.538839f, -0.538795f, -0.538752f, -0.538709f,
--0.538665f, -0.538622f, -0.538579f, -0.538535f, -0.538492f, -0.538449f, -0.538405f, -0.538362f, -0.538319f, -0.538275f, -0.538232f, -0.538189f, -0.538145f, -0.538102f, -0.538059f, -0.538015f, -0.537972f, -0.537928f, -0.537885f, -0.537842f,
--0.537798f, -0.537755f, -0.537712f, -0.537668f, -0.537625f, -0.537581f, -0.537538f, -0.537495f, -0.537451f, -0.537408f, -0.537364f, -0.537321f, -0.537278f, -0.537234f, -0.537191f, -0.537147f, -0.537104f, -0.53706f, -0.537017f, -0.536974f,
--0.53693f, -0.536887f, -0.536843f, -0.5368f, -0.536756f, -0.536713f, -0.536669f, -0.536626f, -0.536583f, -0.536539f, -0.536496f, -0.536452f, -0.536409f, -0.536365f, -0.536322f, -0.536278f, -0.536235f, -0.536191f, -0.536148f, -0.536104f,
--0.536061f, -0.536017f, -0.535974f, -0.53593f, -0.535887f, -0.535843f, -0.5358f, -0.535756f, -0.535713f, -0.535669f, -0.535626f, -0.535582f, -0.535539f, -0.535495f, -0.535452f, -0.535408f, -0.535364f, -0.535321f, -0.535277f, -0.535234f,
--0.53519f, -0.535147f, -0.535103f, -0.53506f, -0.535016f, -0.534972f, -0.534929f, -0.534885f, -0.534842f, -0.534798f, -0.534755f, -0.534711f, -0.534667f, -0.534624f, -0.53458f, -0.534537f, -0.534493f, -0.534449f, -0.534406f, -0.534362f,
--0.534319f, -0.534275f, -0.534231f, -0.534188f, -0.534144f, -0.534101f, -0.534057f, -0.534013f, -0.53397f, -0.533926f, -0.533882f, -0.533839f, -0.533795f, -0.533751f, -0.533708f, -0.533664f, -0.53362f, -0.533577f, -0.533533f, -0.533489f,
--0.533446f, -0.533402f, -0.533358f, -0.533315f, -0.533271f, -0.533227f, -0.533184f, -0.53314f, -0.533096f, -0.533053f, -0.533009f, -0.532965f, -0.532922f, -0.532878f, -0.532834f, -0.532791f, -0.532747f, -0.532703f, -0.532659f, -0.532616f,
--0.532572f, -0.532528f, -0.532484f, -0.532441f, -0.532397f, -0.532353f, -0.53231f, -0.532266f, -0.532222f, -0.532178f, -0.532135f, -0.532091f, -0.532047f, -0.532003f, -0.531959f, -0.531916f, -0.531872f, -0.531828f, -0.531784f, -0.531741f,
--0.531697f, -0.531653f, -0.531609f, -0.531566f, -0.531522f, -0.531478f, -0.531434f, -0.53139f, -0.531347f, -0.531303f, -0.531259f, -0.531215f, -0.531171f, -0.531127f, -0.531084f, -0.53104f, -0.530996f, -0.530952f, -0.530908f, -0.530865f,
--0.530821f, -0.530777f, -0.530733f, -0.530689f, -0.530645f, -0.530601f, -0.530558f, -0.530514f, -0.53047f, -0.530426f, -0.530382f, -0.530338f, -0.530294f, -0.530251f, -0.530207f, -0.530163f, -0.530119f, -0.530075f, -0.530031f, -0.529987f,
--0.529943f, -0.529899f, -0.529856f, -0.529812f, -0.529768f, -0.529724f, -0.52968f, -0.529636f, -0.529592f, -0.529548f, -0.529504f, -0.52946f, -0.529416f, -0.529372f, -0.529329f, -0.529285f, -0.529241f, -0.529197f, -0.529153f, -0.529109f,
--0.529065f, -0.529021f, -0.528977f, -0.528933f, -0.528889f, -0.528845f, -0.528801f, -0.528757f, -0.528713f, -0.528669f, -0.528625f, -0.528581f, -0.528537f, -0.528493f, -0.528449f, -0.528405f, -0.528361f, -0.528317f, -0.528273f, -0.528229f,
--0.528185f, -0.528141f, -0.528097f, -0.528053f, -0.528009f, -0.527965f, -0.527921f, -0.527877f, -0.527833f, -0.527789f, -0.527745f, -0.527701f, -0.527657f, -0.527613f, -0.527569f, -0.527525f, -0.527481f, -0.527437f, -0.527393f, -0.527349f,
--0.527305f, -0.52726f, -0.527216f, -0.527172f, -0.527128f, -0.527084f, -0.52704f, -0.526996f, -0.526952f, -0.526908f, -0.526864f, -0.52682f, -0.526776f, -0.526731f, -0.526687f, -0.526643f, -0.526599f, -0.526555f, -0.526511f, -0.526467f,
--0.526423f, -0.526379f, -0.526334f, -0.52629f, -0.526246f, -0.526202f, -0.526158f, -0.526114f, -0.52607f, -0.526025f, -0.525981f, -0.525937f, -0.525893f, -0.525849f, -0.525805f, -0.525761f, -0.525716f, -0.525672f, -0.525628f, -0.525584f,
--0.52554f, -0.525496f, -0.525451f, -0.525407f, -0.525363f, -0.525319f, -0.525275f, -0.52523f, -0.525186f, -0.525142f, -0.525098f, -0.525054f, -0.525009f, -0.524965f, -0.524921f, -0.524877f, -0.524832f, -0.524788f, -0.524744f, -0.5247f,
--0.524656f, -0.524611f, -0.524567f, -0.524523f, -0.524479f, -0.524434f, -0.52439f, -0.524346f, -0.524302f, -0.524257f, -0.524213f, -0.524169f, -0.524125f, -0.52408f, -0.524036f, -0.523992f, -0.523947f, -0.523903f, -0.523859f, -0.523815f,
--0.52377f, -0.523726f, -0.523682f, -0.523637f, -0.523593f, -0.523549f, -0.523504f, -0.52346f, -0.523416f, -0.523372f, -0.523327f, -0.523283f, -0.523239f, -0.523194f, -0.52315f, -0.523106f, -0.523061f, -0.523017f, -0.522973f, -0.522928f,
--0.522884f, -0.52284f, -0.522795f, -0.522751f, -0.522706f, -0.522662f, -0.522618f, -0.522573f, -0.522529f, -0.522485f, -0.52244f, -0.522396f, -0.522351f, -0.522307f, -0.522263f, -0.522218f, -0.522174f, -0.52213f, -0.522085f, -0.522041f,
--0.521996f, -0.521952f, -0.521908f, -0.521863f, -0.521819f, -0.521774f, -0.52173f, -0.521685f, -0.521641f, -0.521597f, -0.521552f, -0.521508f, -0.521463f, -0.521419f, -0.521374f, -0.52133f, -0.521286f, -0.521241f, -0.521197f, -0.521152f,
--0.521108f, -0.521063f, -0.521019f, -0.520974f, -0.52093f, -0.520885f, -0.520841f, -0.520796f, -0.520752f, -0.520707f, -0.520663f, -0.520618f, -0.520574f, -0.520529f, -0.520485f, -0.52044f, -0.520396f, -0.520351f, -0.520307f, -0.520262f,
--0.520218f, -0.520173f, -0.520129f, -0.520084f, -0.52004f, -0.519995f, -0.519951f, -0.519906f, -0.519862f, -0.519817f, -0.519773f, -0.519728f, -0.519683f, -0.519639f, -0.519594f, -0.51955f, -0.519505f, -0.519461f, -0.519416f, -0.519372f,
--0.519327f, -0.519282f, -0.519238f, -0.519193f, -0.519149f, -0.519104f, -0.519059f, -0.519015f, -0.51897f, -0.518926f, -0.518881f, -0.518836f, -0.518792f, -0.518747f, -0.518703f, -0.518658f, -0.518613f, -0.518569f, -0.518524f, -0.51848f,
--0.518435f, -0.51839f, -0.518346f, -0.518301f, -0.518256f, -0.518212f, -0.518167f, -0.518122f, -0.518078f, -0.518033f, -0.517988f, -0.517944f, -0.517899f, -0.517854f, -0.51781f, -0.517765f, -0.51772f, -0.517676f, -0.517631f, -0.517586f,
--0.517542f, -0.517497f, -0.517452f, -0.517408f, -0.517363f, -0.517318f, -0.517274f, -0.517229f, -0.517184f, -0.517139f, -0.517095f, -0.51705f, -0.517005f, -0.516961f, -0.516916f, -0.516871f, -0.516826f, -0.516782f, -0.516737f, -0.516692f,
--0.516647f, -0.516603f, -0.516558f, -0.516513f, -0.516468f, -0.516424f, -0.516379f, -0.516334f, -0.516289f, -0.516245f, -0.5162f, -0.516155f, -0.51611f, -0.516065f, -0.516021f, -0.515976f, -0.515931f, -0.515886f, -0.515842f, -0.515797f,
--0.515752f, -0.515707f, -0.515662f, -0.515618f, -0.515573f, -0.515528f, -0.515483f, -0.515438f, -0.515393f, -0.515349f, -0.515304f, -0.515259f, -0.515214f, -0.515169f, -0.515124f, -0.51508f, -0.515035f, -0.51499f, -0.514945f, -0.5149f,
--0.514855f, -0.514811f, -0.514766f, -0.514721f, -0.514676f, -0.514631f, -0.514586f, -0.514541f, -0.514496f, -0.514452f, -0.514407f, -0.514362f, -0.514317f, -0.514272f, -0.514227f, -0.514182f, -0.514137f, -0.514092f, -0.514047f, -0.514003f,
--0.513958f, -0.513913f, -0.513868f, -0.513823f, -0.513778f, -0.513733f, -0.513688f, -0.513643f, -0.513598f, -0.513553f, -0.513508f, -0.513463f, -0.513419f, -0.513374f, -0.513329f, -0.513284f, -0.513239f, -0.513194f, -0.513149f, -0.513104f,
--0.513059f, -0.513014f, -0.512969f, -0.512924f, -0.512879f, -0.512834f, -0.512789f, -0.512744f, -0.512699f, -0.512654f, -0.512609f, -0.512564f, -0.512519f, -0.512474f, -0.512429f, -0.512384f, -0.512339f, -0.512294f, -0.512249f, -0.512204f,
--0.512159f, -0.512114f, -0.512069f, -0.512024f, -0.511979f, -0.511934f, -0.511889f, -0.511844f, -0.511799f, -0.511754f, -0.511708f, -0.511663f, -0.511618f, -0.511573f, -0.511528f, -0.511483f, -0.511438f, -0.511393f, -0.511348f, -0.511303f,
--0.511258f, -0.511213f, -0.511168f, -0.511123f, -0.511077f, -0.511032f, -0.510987f, -0.510942f, -0.510897f, -0.510852f, -0.510807f, -0.510762f, -0.510717f, -0.510672f, -0.510626f, -0.510581f, -0.510536f, -0.510491f, -0.510446f, -0.510401f,
--0.510356f, -0.51031f, -0.510265f, -0.51022f, -0.510175f, -0.51013f, -0.510085f, -0.51004f, -0.509994f, -0.509949f, -0.509904f, -0.509859f, -0.509814f, -0.509769f, -0.509723f, -0.509678f, -0.509633f, -0.509588f, -0.509543f, -0.509497f,
--0.509452f, -0.509407f, -0.509362f, -0.509317f, -0.509271f, -0.509226f, -0.509181f, -0.509136f, -0.509091f, -0.509045f, -0.509f, -0.508955f, -0.50891f, -0.508865f, -0.508819f, -0.508774f, -0.508729f, -0.508684f, -0.508638f, -0.508593f,
--0.508548f, -0.508503f, -0.508457f, -0.508412f, -0.508367f, -0.508322f, -0.508276f, -0.508231f, -0.508186f, -0.50814f, -0.508095f, -0.50805f, -0.508005f, -0.507959f, -0.507914f, -0.507869f, -0.507823f, -0.507778f, -0.507733f, -0.507688f,
--0.507642f, -0.507597f, -0.507552f, -0.507506f, -0.507461f, -0.507416f, -0.50737f, -0.507325f, -0.50728f, -0.507234f, -0.507189f, -0.507144f, -0.507098f, -0.507053f, -0.507008f, -0.506962f, -0.506917f, -0.506872f, -0.506826f, -0.506781f,
--0.506736f, -0.50669f, -0.506645f, -0.506599f, -0.506554f, -0.506509f, -0.506463f, -0.506418f, -0.506373f, -0.506327f, -0.506282f, -0.506236f, -0.506191f, -0.506146f, -0.5061f, -0.506055f, -0.506009f, -0.505964f, -0.505919f, -0.505873f,
--0.505828f, -0.505782f, -0.505737f, -0.505691f, -0.505646f, -0.505601f, -0.505555f, -0.50551f, -0.505464f, -0.505419f, -0.505373f, -0.505328f, -0.505282f, -0.505237f, -0.505192f, -0.505146f, -0.505101f, -0.505055f, -0.50501f, -0.504964f,
--0.504919f, -0.504873f, -0.504828f, -0.504782f, -0.504737f, -0.504691f, -0.504646f, -0.5046f, -0.504555f, -0.504509f, -0.504464f, -0.504418f, -0.504373f, -0.504327f, -0.504282f, -0.504236f, -0.504191f, -0.504145f, -0.5041f, -0.504054f,
--0.504009f, -0.503963f, -0.503918f, -0.503872f, -0.503827f, -0.503781f, -0.503735f, -0.50369f, -0.503644f, -0.503599f, -0.503553f, -0.503508f, -0.503462f, -0.503417f, -0.503371f, -0.503325f, -0.50328f, -0.503234f, -0.503189f, -0.503143f,
--0.503098f, -0.503052f, -0.503006f, -0.502961f, -0.502915f, -0.50287f, -0.502824f, -0.502778f, -0.502733f, -0.502687f, -0.502641f, -0.502596f, -0.50255f, -0.502505f, -0.502459f, -0.502413f, -0.502368f, -0.502322f, -0.502276f, -0.502231f,
--0.502185f, -0.50214f, -0.502094f, -0.502048f, -0.502003f, -0.501957f, -0.501911f, -0.501866f, -0.50182f, -0.501774f, -0.501729f, -0.501683f, -0.501637f, -0.501592f, -0.501546f, -0.5015f, -0.501455f, -0.501409f, -0.501363f, -0.501317f,
--0.501272f, -0.501226f, -0.50118f, -0.501135f, -0.501089f, -0.501043f, -0.500998f, -0.500952f, -0.500906f, -0.50086f, -0.500815f, -0.500769f, -0.500723f, -0.500677f, -0.500632f, -0.500586f, -0.50054f, -0.500494f, -0.500449f, -0.500403f,
--0.500357f, -0.500311f, -0.500266f, -0.50022f, -0.500174f, -0.500128f, -0.500083f, -0.500037f, -0.499991f, -0.499945f, -0.4999f, -0.499854f, -0.499808f, -0.499762f, -0.499716f, -0.499671f, -0.499625f, -0.499579f, -0.499533f, -0.499487f,
--0.499442f, -0.499396f, -0.49935f, -0.499304f, -0.499258f, -0.499212f, -0.499167f, -0.499121f, -0.499075f, -0.499029f, -0.498983f, -0.498937f, -0.498892f, -0.498846f, -0.4988f, -0.498754f, -0.498708f, -0.498662f, -0.498617f, -0.498571f,
--0.498525f, -0.498479f, -0.498433f, -0.498387f, -0.498341f, -0.498295f, -0.49825f, -0.498204f, -0.498158f, -0.498112f, -0.498066f, -0.49802f, -0.497974f, -0.497928f, -0.497882f, -0.497836f, -0.497791f, -0.497745f, -0.497699f, -0.497653f,
--0.497607f, -0.497561f, -0.497515f, -0.497469f, -0.497423f, -0.497377f, -0.497331f, -0.497285f, -0.497239f, -0.497193f, -0.497148f, -0.497102f, -0.497056f, -0.49701f, -0.496964f, -0.496918f, -0.496872f, -0.496826f, -0.49678f, -0.496734f,
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--0.49115f, -0.491104f, -0.491058f, -0.491011f, -0.490965f, -0.490919f, -0.490872f, -0.490826f, -0.49078f, -0.490733f, -0.490687f, -0.490641f, -0.490594f, -0.490548f, -0.490502f, -0.490455f, -0.490409f, -0.490363f, -0.490316f, -0.49027f,
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--0.485573f, -0.485526f, -0.48548f, -0.485433f, -0.485386f, -0.48534f, -0.485293f, -0.485246f, -0.4852f, -0.485153f, -0.485106f, -0.48506f, -0.485013f, -0.484966f, -0.48492f, -0.484873f, -0.484826f, -0.48478f, -0.484733f, -0.484686f,
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--0.480895f, -0.480848f, -0.480801f, -0.480754f, -0.480707f, -0.48066f, -0.480613f, -0.480566f, -0.480519f, -0.480472f, -0.480425f, -0.480378f, -0.480331f, -0.480284f, -0.480237f, -0.480191f, -0.480144f, -0.480097f, -0.48005f, -0.480003f,
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--0.479016f, -0.478969f, -0.478922f, -0.478874f, -0.478827f, -0.47878f, -0.478733f, -0.478686f, -0.478639f, -0.478592f, -0.478545f, -0.478498f, -0.478451f, -0.478404f, -0.478357f, -0.47831f, -0.478263f, -0.478216f, -0.478169f, -0.478122f,
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--0.477132f, -0.477085f, -0.477038f, -0.476991f, -0.476944f, -0.476896f, -0.476849f, -0.476802f, -0.476755f, -0.476708f, -0.476661f, -0.476613f, -0.476566f, -0.476519f, -0.476472f, -0.476425f, -0.476378f, -0.47633f, -0.476283f, -0.476236f,
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--0.475244f, -0.475197f, -0.47515f, -0.475103f, -0.475055f, -0.475008f, -0.474961f, -0.474914f, -0.474866f, -0.474819f, -0.474772f, -0.474724f, -0.474677f, -0.47463f, -0.474583f, -0.474535f, -0.474488f, -0.474441f, -0.474393f, -0.474346f,
--0.474299f, -0.474251f, -0.474204f, -0.474157f, -0.47411f, -0.474062f, -0.474015f, -0.473968f, -0.47392f, -0.473873f, -0.473826f, -0.473778f, -0.473731f, -0.473684f, -0.473636f, -0.473589f, -0.473542f, -0.473494f, -0.473447f, -0.473399f,
--0.473352f, -0.473305f, -0.473257f, -0.47321f, -0.473163f, -0.473115f, -0.473068f, -0.473021f, -0.472973f, -0.472926f, -0.472878f, -0.472831f, -0.472784f, -0.472736f, -0.472689f, -0.472641f, -0.472594f, -0.472547f, -0.472499f, -0.472452f,
--0.472404f, -0.472357f, -0.47231f, -0.472262f, -0.472215f, -0.472167f, -0.47212f, -0.472072f, -0.472025f, -0.471978f, -0.47193f, -0.471883f, -0.471835f, -0.471788f, -0.47174f, -0.471693f, -0.471645f, -0.471598f, -0.47155f, -0.471503f,
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--0.470506f, -0.470458f, -0.470411f, -0.470363f, -0.470315f, -0.470268f, -0.47022f, -0.470173f, -0.470125f, -0.470078f, -0.47003f, -0.469983f, -0.469935f, -0.469888f, -0.46984f, -0.469792f, -0.469745f, -0.469697f, -0.46965f, -0.469602f,
--0.469555f, -0.469507f, -0.469459f, -0.469412f, -0.469364f, -0.469317f, -0.469269f, -0.469221f, -0.469174f, -0.469126f, -0.469079f, -0.469031f, -0.468983f, -0.468936f, -0.468888f, -0.468841f, -0.468793f, -0.468745f, -0.468698f, -0.46865f,
--0.468602f, -0.468555f, -0.468507f, -0.46846f, -0.468412f, -0.468364f, -0.468317f, -0.468269f, -0.468221f, -0.468174f, -0.468126f, -0.468078f, -0.468031f, -0.467983f, -0.467935f, -0.467888f, -0.46784f, -0.467792f, -0.467745f, -0.467697f,
--0.467649f, -0.467602f, -0.467554f, -0.467506f, -0.467458f, -0.467411f, -0.467363f, -0.467315f, -0.467268f, -0.46722f, -0.467172f, -0.467124f, -0.467077f, -0.467029f, -0.466981f, -0.466934f, -0.466886f, -0.466838f, -0.46679f, -0.466743f,
--0.466695f, -0.466647f, -0.466599f, -0.466552f, -0.466504f, -0.466456f, -0.466408f, -0.466361f, -0.466313f, -0.466265f, -0.466217f, -0.46617f, -0.466122f, -0.466074f, -0.466026f, -0.465978f, -0.465931f, -0.465883f, -0.465835f, -0.465787f,
--0.46574f, -0.465692f, -0.465644f, -0.465596f, -0.465548f, -0.465501f, -0.465453f, -0.465405f, -0.465357f, -0.465309f, -0.465261f, -0.465214f, -0.465166f, -0.465118f, -0.46507f, -0.465022f, -0.464974f, -0.464927f, -0.464879f, -0.464831f,
--0.464783f, -0.464735f, -0.464687f, -0.464639f, -0.464592f, -0.464544f, -0.464496f, -0.464448f, -0.4644f, -0.464352f, -0.464304f, -0.464257f, -0.464209f, -0.464161f, -0.464113f, -0.464065f, -0.464017f, -0.463969f, -0.463921f, -0.463873f,
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--0.461907f, -0.461859f, -0.461811f, -0.461763f, -0.461715f, -0.461667f, -0.461619f, -0.461571f, -0.461523f, -0.461475f, -0.461427f, -0.461379f, -0.461331f, -0.461283f, -0.461235f, -0.461187f, -0.461139f, -0.461091f, -0.461042f, -0.460994f,
--0.460946f, -0.460898f, -0.46085f, -0.460802f, -0.460754f, -0.460706f, -0.460658f, -0.46061f, -0.460562f, -0.460514f, -0.460466f, -0.460417f, -0.460369f, -0.460321f, -0.460273f, -0.460225f, -0.460177f, -0.460129f, -0.460081f, -0.460033f,
--0.459984f, -0.459936f, -0.459888f, -0.45984f, -0.459792f, -0.459744f, -0.459696f, -0.459647f, -0.459599f, -0.459551f, -0.459503f, -0.459455f, -0.459407f, -0.459359f, -0.45931f, -0.459262f, -0.459214f, -0.459166f, -0.459118f, -0.45907f,
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--0.457092f, -0.457044f, -0.456996f, -0.456947f, -0.456899f, -0.456851f, -0.456803f, -0.456754f, -0.456706f, -0.456658f, -0.456609f, -0.456561f, -0.456513f, -0.456464f, -0.456416f, -0.456368f, -0.456319f, -0.456271f, -0.456223f, -0.456174f,
--0.456126f, -0.456078f, -0.456029f, -0.455981f, -0.455933f, -0.455884f, -0.455836f, -0.455788f, -0.455739f, -0.455691f, -0.455643f, -0.455594f, -0.455546f, -0.455497f, -0.455449f, -0.455401f, -0.455352f, -0.455304f, -0.455256f, -0.455207f,
--0.455159f, -0.45511f, -0.455062f, -0.455014f, -0.454965f, -0.454917f, -0.454868f, -0.45482f, -0.454772f, -0.454723f, -0.454675f, -0.454626f, -0.454578f, -0.454529f, -0.454481f, -0.454433f, -0.454384f, -0.454336f, -0.454287f, -0.454239f,
--0.45419f, -0.454142f, -0.454093f, -0.454045f, -0.453997f, -0.453948f, -0.4539f, -0.453851f, -0.453803f, -0.453754f, -0.453706f, -0.453657f, -0.453609f, -0.45356f, -0.453512f, -0.453463f, -0.453415f, -0.453366f, -0.453318f, -0.453269f,
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--0.451279f, -0.45123f, -0.451182f, -0.451133f, -0.451084f, -0.451036f, -0.450987f, -0.450939f, -0.45089f, -0.450841f, -0.450793f, -0.450744f, -0.450695f, -0.450647f, -0.450598f, -0.450549f, -0.450501f, -0.450452f, -0.450404f, -0.450355f,
--0.450306f, -0.450258f, -0.450209f, -0.45016f, -0.450112f, -0.450063f, -0.450014f, -0.449966f, -0.449917f, -0.449868f, -0.449819f, -0.449771f, -0.449722f, -0.449673f, -0.449625f, -0.449576f, -0.449527f, -0.449479f, -0.44943f, -0.449381f,
--0.449332f, -0.449284f, -0.449235f, -0.449186f, -0.449138f, -0.449089f, -0.44904f, -0.448991f, -0.448943f, -0.448894f, -0.448845f, -0.448796f, -0.448748f, -0.448699f, -0.44865f, -0.448601f, -0.448553f, -0.448504f, -0.448455f, -0.448406f,
--0.448358f, -0.448309f, -0.44826f, -0.448211f, -0.448163f, -0.448114f, -0.448065f, -0.448016f, -0.447967f, -0.447919f, -0.44787f, -0.447821f, -0.447772f, -0.447724f, -0.447675f, -0.447626f, -0.447577f, -0.447528f, -0.447479f, -0.447431f,
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--0.343565f, -0.343511f, -0.343457f, -0.343404f, -0.34335f, -0.343296f, -0.343242f, -0.343188f, -0.343134f, -0.343081f, -0.343027f, -0.342973f, -0.342919f, -0.342865f, -0.342811f, -0.342757f, -0.342704f, -0.34265f, -0.342596f, -0.342542f,
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--0.314174f, -0.314119f, -0.314064f, -0.314009f, -0.313954f, -0.313899f, -0.313844f, -0.313789f, -0.313734f, -0.313679f, -0.313624f, -0.313569f, -0.313514f, -0.313459f, -0.313404f, -0.313349f, -0.313293f, -0.313238f, -0.313183f, -0.313128f,
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--0.311972f, -0.311917f, -0.311862f, -0.311806f, -0.311751f, -0.311696f, -0.311641f, -0.311586f, -0.311531f, -0.311476f, -0.311421f, -0.311366f, -0.31131f, -0.311255f, -0.3112f, -0.311145f, -0.31109f, -0.311035f, -0.31098f, -0.310925f,
--0.310869f, -0.310814f, -0.310759f, -0.310704f, -0.310649f, -0.310594f, -0.310539f, -0.310483f, -0.310428f, -0.310373f, -0.310318f, -0.310263f, -0.310208f, -0.310152f, -0.310097f, -0.310042f, -0.309987f, -0.309932f, -0.309877f, -0.309821f,
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--0.304238f, -0.304183f, -0.304127f, -0.304072f, -0.304016f, -0.303961f, -0.303906f, -0.30385f, -0.303795f, -0.303739f, -0.303684f, -0.303629f, -0.303573f, -0.303518f, -0.303462f, -0.303407f, -0.303352f, -0.303296f, -0.303241f, -0.303185f,
--0.30313f, -0.303074f, -0.303019f, -0.302964f, -0.302908f, -0.302853f, -0.302797f, -0.302742f, -0.302686f, -0.302631f, -0.302575f, -0.30252f, -0.302465f, -0.302409f, -0.302354f, -0.302298f, -0.302243f, -0.302187f, -0.302132f, -0.302076f,
--0.302021f, -0.301965f, -0.30191f, -0.301854f, -0.301799f, -0.301743f, -0.301688f, -0.301633f, -0.301577f, -0.301522f, -0.301466f, -0.301411f, -0.301355f, -0.3013f, -0.301244f, -0.301189f, -0.301133f, -0.301078f, -0.301022f, -0.300967f,
--0.300911f, -0.300856f, -0.3008f, -0.300745f, -0.300689f, -0.300634f, -0.300578f, -0.300522f, -0.300467f, -0.300411f, -0.300356f, -0.3003f, -0.300245f, -0.300189f, -0.300134f, -0.300078f, -0.300023f, -0.299967f, -0.299912f, -0.299856f,
--0.2998f, -0.299745f, -0.299689f, -0.299634f, -0.299578f, -0.299523f, -0.299467f, -0.299412f, -0.299356f, -0.2993f, -0.299245f, -0.299189f, -0.299134f, -0.299078f, -0.299023f, -0.298967f, -0.298911f, -0.298856f, -0.2988f, -0.298745f,
--0.298689f, -0.298633f, -0.298578f, -0.298522f, -0.298467f, -0.298411f, -0.298355f, -0.2983f, -0.298244f, -0.298189f, -0.298133f, -0.298077f, -0.298022f, -0.297966f, -0.297911f, -0.297855f, -0.297799f, -0.297744f, -0.297688f, -0.297632f,
--0.297577f, -0.297521f, -0.297466f, -0.29741f, -0.297354f, -0.297299f, -0.297243f, -0.297187f, -0.297132f, -0.297076f, -0.29702f, -0.296965f, -0.296909f, -0.296853f, -0.296798f, -0.296742f, -0.296687f, -0.296631f, -0.296575f, -0.29652f,
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--0.29535f, -0.295294f, -0.295239f, -0.295183f, -0.295127f, -0.295071f, -0.295016f, -0.29496f, -0.294904f, -0.294849f, -0.294793f, -0.294737f, -0.294681f, -0.294626f, -0.29457f, -0.294514f, -0.294458f, -0.294403f, -0.294347f, -0.294291f,
--0.294235f, -0.29418f, -0.294124f, -0.294068f, -0.294012f, -0.293957f, -0.293901f, -0.293845f, -0.293789f, -0.293734f, -0.293678f, -0.293622f, -0.293566f, -0.29351f, -0.293455f, -0.293399f, -0.293343f, -0.293287f, -0.293231f, -0.293176f,
--0.29312f, -0.293064f, -0.293008f, -0.292953f, -0.292897f, -0.292841f, -0.292785f, -0.292729f, -0.292674f, -0.292618f, -0.292562f, -0.292506f, -0.29245f, -0.292394f, -0.292339f, -0.292283f, -0.292227f, -0.292171f, -0.292115f, -0.29206f,
--0.292004f, -0.291948f, -0.291892f, -0.291836f, -0.29178f, -0.291724f, -0.291669f, -0.291613f, -0.291557f, -0.291501f, -0.291445f, -0.291389f, -0.291334f, -0.291278f, -0.291222f, -0.291166f, -0.29111f, -0.291054f, -0.290998f, -0.290943f,
--0.290887f, -0.290831f, -0.290775f, -0.290719f, -0.290663f, -0.290607f, -0.290551f, -0.290496f, -0.29044f, -0.290384f, -0.290328f, -0.290272f, -0.290216f, -0.29016f, -0.290104f, -0.290048f, -0.289992f, -0.289937f, -0.289881f, -0.289825f,
--0.289769f, -0.289713f, -0.289657f, -0.289601f, -0.289545f, -0.289489f, -0.289433f, -0.289377f, -0.289321f, -0.289266f, -0.28921f, -0.289154f, -0.289098f, -0.289042f, -0.288986f, -0.28893f, -0.288874f, -0.288818f, -0.288762f, -0.288706f,
--0.28865f, -0.288594f, -0.288538f, -0.288482f, -0.288426f, -0.28837f, -0.288314f, -0.288259f, -0.288203f, -0.288147f, -0.288091f, -0.288035f, -0.287979f, -0.287923f, -0.287867f, -0.287811f, -0.287755f, -0.287699f, -0.287643f, -0.287587f,
--0.287531f, -0.287475f, -0.287419f, -0.287363f, -0.287307f, -0.287251f, -0.287195f, -0.287139f, -0.287083f, -0.287027f, -0.286971f, -0.286915f, -0.286859f, -0.286803f, -0.286747f, -0.286691f, -0.286635f, -0.286579f, -0.286523f, -0.286467f,
--0.286411f, -0.286355f, -0.286299f, -0.286243f, -0.286186f, -0.28613f, -0.286074f, -0.286018f, -0.285962f, -0.285906f, -0.28585f, -0.285794f, -0.285738f, -0.285682f, -0.285626f, -0.28557f, -0.285514f, -0.285458f, -0.285402f, -0.285346f,
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--0.284168f, -0.284112f, -0.284056f, -0.284f, -0.283943f, -0.283887f, -0.283831f, -0.283775f, -0.283719f, -0.283663f, -0.283607f, -0.283551f, -0.283494f, -0.283438f, -0.283382f, -0.283326f, -0.28327f, -0.283214f, -0.283158f, -0.283101f,
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--0.281922f, -0.281866f, -0.28181f, -0.281753f, -0.281697f, -0.281641f, -0.281585f, -0.281529f, -0.281472f, -0.281416f, -0.28136f, -0.281304f, -0.281248f, -0.281191f, -0.281135f, -0.281079f, -0.281023f, -0.280967f, -0.28091f, -0.280854f,
--0.280798f, -0.280742f, -0.280685f, -0.280629f, -0.280573f, -0.280517f, -0.280461f, -0.280404f, -0.280348f, -0.280292f, -0.280236f, -0.280179f, -0.280123f, -0.280067f, -0.280011f, -0.279954f, -0.279898f, -0.279842f, -0.279786f, -0.279729f,
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--0.275166f, -0.27511f, -0.275053f, -0.274997f, -0.27494f, -0.274884f, -0.274827f, -0.274771f, -0.274715f, -0.274658f, -0.274602f, -0.274545f, -0.274489f, -0.274432f, -0.274376f, -0.27432f, -0.274263f, -0.274207f, -0.27415f, -0.274094f,
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--0.271778f, -0.271721f, -0.271665f, -0.271608f, -0.271552f, -0.271495f, -0.271439f, -0.271382f, -0.271325f, -0.271269f, -0.271212f, -0.271156f, -0.271099f, -0.271043f, -0.270986f, -0.27093f, -0.270873f, -0.270816f, -0.27076f, -0.270703f,
--0.270647f, -0.27059f, -0.270534f, -0.270477f, -0.270421f, -0.270364f, -0.270307f, -0.270251f, -0.270194f, -0.270138f, -0.270081f, -0.270024f, -0.269968f, -0.269911f, -0.269855f, -0.269798f, -0.269742f, -0.269685f, -0.269628f, -0.269572f,
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--0.26725f, -0.267193f, -0.267136f, -0.267079f, -0.267023f, -0.266966f, -0.266909f, -0.266853f, -0.266796f, -0.266739f, -0.266683f, -0.266626f, -0.266569f, -0.266513f, -0.266456f, -0.266399f, -0.266342f, -0.266286f, -0.266229f, -0.266172f,
--0.266116f, -0.266059f, -0.266002f, -0.265945f, -0.265889f, -0.265832f, -0.265775f, -0.265719f, -0.265662f, -0.265605f, -0.265548f, -0.265492f, -0.265435f, -0.265378f, -0.265321f, -0.265265f, -0.265208f, -0.265151f, -0.265094f, -0.265038f,
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--0.26271f, -0.262653f, -0.262596f, -0.262539f, -0.262482f, -0.262425f, -0.262369f, -0.262312f, -0.262255f, -0.262198f, -0.262141f, -0.262084f, -0.262027f, -0.261971f, -0.261914f, -0.261857f, -0.2618f, -0.261743f, -0.261686f, -0.26163f,
--0.261573f, -0.261516f, -0.261459f, -0.261402f, -0.261345f, -0.261288f, -0.261231f, -0.261175f, -0.261118f, -0.261061f, -0.261004f, -0.260947f, -0.26089f, -0.260833f, -0.260776f, -0.26072f, -0.260663f, -0.260606f, -0.260549f, -0.260492f,
--0.260435f, -0.260378f, -0.260321f, -0.260264f, -0.260208f, -0.260151f, -0.260094f, -0.260037f, -0.25998f, -0.259923f, -0.259866f, -0.259809f, -0.259752f, -0.259695f, -0.259638f, -0.259581f, -0.259525f, -0.259468f, -0.259411f, -0.259354f,
--0.259297f, -0.25924f, -0.259183f, -0.259126f, -0.259069f, -0.259012f, -0.258955f, -0.258898f, -0.258841f, -0.258784f, -0.258727f, -0.25867f, -0.258613f, -0.258557f, -0.2585f, -0.258443f, -0.258386f, -0.258329f, -0.258272f, -0.258215f,
--0.258158f, -0.258101f, -0.258044f, -0.257987f, -0.25793f, -0.257873f, -0.257816f, -0.257759f, -0.257702f, -0.257645f, -0.257588f, -0.257531f, -0.257474f, -0.257417f, -0.25736f, -0.257303f, -0.257246f, -0.257189f, -0.257132f, -0.257075f,
--0.257018f, -0.256961f, -0.256904f, -0.256847f, -0.25679f, -0.256733f, -0.256676f, -0.256619f, -0.256562f, -0.256505f, -0.256448f, -0.256391f, -0.256334f, -0.256277f, -0.25622f, -0.256163f, -0.256106f, -0.256049f, -0.255992f, -0.255935f,
--0.255878f, -0.255821f, -0.255764f, -0.255707f, -0.255649f, -0.255592f, -0.255535f, -0.255478f, -0.255421f, -0.255364f, -0.255307f, -0.25525f, -0.255193f, -0.255136f, -0.255079f, -0.255022f, -0.254965f, -0.254908f, -0.254851f, -0.254794f,
--0.254736f, -0.254679f, -0.254622f, -0.254565f, -0.254508f, -0.254451f, -0.254394f, -0.254337f, -0.25428f, -0.254223f, -0.254166f, -0.254109f, -0.254051f, -0.253994f, -0.253937f, -0.25388f, -0.253823f, -0.253766f, -0.253709f, -0.253652f,
--0.253595f, -0.253538f, -0.25348f, -0.253423f, -0.253366f, -0.253309f, -0.253252f, -0.253195f, -0.253138f, -0.253081f, -0.253023f, -0.252966f, -0.252909f, -0.252852f, -0.252795f, -0.252738f, -0.252681f, -0.252623f, -0.252566f, -0.252509f,
--0.252452f, -0.252395f, -0.252338f, -0.252281f, -0.252223f, -0.252166f, -0.252109f, -0.252052f, -0.251995f, -0.251938f, -0.251881f, -0.251823f, -0.251766f, -0.251709f, -0.251652f, -0.251595f, -0.251537f, -0.25148f, -0.251423f, -0.251366f,
--0.251309f, -0.251252f, -0.251194f, -0.251137f, -0.25108f, -0.251023f, -0.250966f, -0.250908f, -0.250851f, -0.250794f, -0.250737f, -0.25068f, -0.250622f, -0.250565f, -0.250508f, -0.250451f, -0.250394f, -0.250336f, -0.250279f, -0.250222f,
--0.250165f, -0.250108f, -0.25005f, -0.249993f, -0.249936f, -0.249879f, -0.249821f, -0.249764f, -0.249707f, -0.24965f, -0.249593f, -0.249535f, -0.249478f, -0.249421f, -0.249364f, -0.249306f, -0.249249f, -0.249192f, -0.249135f, -0.249077f,
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--0.247875f, -0.247817f, -0.24776f, -0.247703f, -0.247646f, -0.247588f, -0.247531f, -0.247474f, -0.247416f, -0.247359f, -0.247302f, -0.247245f, -0.247187f, -0.24713f, -0.247073f, -0.247015f, -0.246958f, -0.246901f, -0.246843f, -0.246786f,
--0.246729f, -0.246671f, -0.246614f, -0.246557f, -0.246499f, -0.246442f, -0.246385f, -0.246327f, -0.24627f, -0.246213f, -0.246155f, -0.246098f, -0.246041f, -0.245983f, -0.245926f, -0.245869f, -0.245811f, -0.245754f, -0.245697f, -0.245639f,
--0.245582f, -0.245525f, -0.245467f, -0.24541f, -0.245353f, -0.245295f, -0.245238f, -0.24518f, -0.245123f, -0.245066f, -0.245008f, -0.244951f, -0.244894f, -0.244836f, -0.244779f, -0.244721f, -0.244664f, -0.244607f, -0.244549f, -0.244492f,
--0.244435f, -0.244377f, -0.24432f, -0.244262f, -0.244205f, -0.244148f, -0.24409f, -0.244033f, -0.243975f, -0.243918f, -0.243861f, -0.243803f, -0.243746f, -0.243688f, -0.243631f, -0.243573f, -0.243516f, -0.243459f, -0.243401f, -0.243344f,
--0.243286f, -0.243229f, -0.243172f, -0.243114f, -0.243057f, -0.242999f, -0.242942f, -0.242884f, -0.242827f, -0.242769f, -0.242712f, -0.242655f, -0.242597f, -0.24254f, -0.242482f, -0.242425f, -0.242367f, -0.24231f, -0.242252f, -0.242195f,
--0.242138f, -0.24208f, -0.242023f, -0.241965f, -0.241908f, -0.24185f, -0.241793f, -0.241735f, -0.241678f, -0.24162f, -0.241563f, -0.241505f, -0.241448f, -0.24139f, -0.241333f, -0.241276f, -0.241218f, -0.241161f, -0.241103f, -0.241046f,
--0.240988f, -0.240931f, -0.240873f, -0.240816f, -0.240758f, -0.240701f, -0.240643f, -0.240586f, -0.240528f, -0.240471f, -0.240413f, -0.240356f, -0.240298f, -0.240241f, -0.240183f, -0.240126f, -0.240068f, -0.24001f, -0.239953f, -0.239895f,
--0.239838f, -0.23978f, -0.239723f, -0.239665f, -0.239608f, -0.23955f, -0.239493f, -0.239435f, -0.239378f, -0.23932f, -0.239263f, -0.239205f, -0.239147f, -0.23909f, -0.239032f, -0.238975f, -0.238917f, -0.23886f, -0.238802f, -0.238745f,
--0.238687f, -0.23863f, -0.238572f, -0.238514f, -0.238457f, -0.238399f, -0.238342f, -0.238284f, -0.238227f, -0.238169f, -0.238111f, -0.238054f, -0.237996f, -0.237939f, -0.237881f, -0.237823f, -0.237766f, -0.237708f, -0.237651f, -0.237593f,
--0.237536f, -0.237478f, -0.23742f, -0.237363f, -0.237305f, -0.237248f, -0.23719f, -0.237132f, -0.237075f, -0.237017f, -0.23696f, -0.236902f, -0.236844f, -0.236787f, -0.236729f, -0.236671f, -0.236614f, -0.236556f, -0.236499f, -0.236441f,
--0.236383f, -0.236326f, -0.236268f, -0.23621f, -0.236153f, -0.236095f, -0.236038f, -0.23598f, -0.235922f, -0.235865f, -0.235807f, -0.235749f, -0.235692f, -0.235634f, -0.235576f, -0.235519f, -0.235461f, -0.235404f, -0.235346f, -0.235288f,
--0.235231f, -0.235173f, -0.235115f, -0.235058f, -0.235f, -0.234942f, -0.234885f, -0.234827f, -0.234769f, -0.234712f, -0.234654f, -0.234596f, -0.234539f, -0.234481f, -0.234423f, -0.234365f, -0.234308f, -0.23425f, -0.234192f, -0.234135f,
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--0.232923f, -0.232865f, -0.232807f, -0.23275f, -0.232692f, -0.232634f, -0.232576f, -0.232519f, -0.232461f, -0.232403f, -0.232346f, -0.232288f, -0.23223f, -0.232172f, -0.232115f, -0.232057f, -0.231999f, -0.231941f, -0.231884f, -0.231826f,
--0.231768f, -0.23171f, -0.231653f, -0.231595f, -0.231537f, -0.231479f, -0.231421f, -0.231364f, -0.231306f, -0.231248f, -0.23119f, -0.231133f, -0.231075f, -0.231017f, -0.230959f, -0.230901f, -0.230844f, -0.230786f, -0.230728f, -0.23067f,
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--0.229456f, -0.229399f, -0.229341f, -0.229283f, -0.229225f, -0.229167f, -0.229109f, -0.229052f, -0.228994f, -0.228936f, -0.228878f, -0.22882f, -0.228762f, -0.228705f, -0.228647f, -0.228589f, -0.228531f, -0.228473f, -0.228415f, -0.228358f,
--0.2283f, -0.228242f, -0.228184f, -0.228126f, -0.228068f, -0.22801f, -0.227953f, -0.227895f, -0.227837f, -0.227779f, -0.227721f, -0.227663f, -0.227605f, -0.227547f, -0.22749f, -0.227432f, -0.227374f, -0.227316f, -0.227258f, -0.2272f,
--0.227142f, -0.227084f, -0.227026f, -0.226969f, -0.226911f, -0.226853f, -0.226795f, -0.226737f, -0.226679f, -0.226621f, -0.226563f, -0.226505f, -0.226447f, -0.22639f, -0.226332f, -0.226274f, -0.226216f, -0.226158f, -0.2261f, -0.226042f,
--0.225984f, -0.225926f, -0.225868f, -0.22581f, -0.225753f, -0.225695f, -0.225637f, -0.225579f, -0.225521f, -0.225463f, -0.225405f, -0.225347f, -0.225289f, -0.225231f, -0.225173f, -0.225115f, -0.225057f, -0.224999f, -0.224941f, -0.224883f,
--0.224825f, -0.224768f, -0.22471f, -0.224652f, -0.224594f, -0.224536f, -0.224478f, -0.22442f, -0.224362f, -0.224304f, -0.224246f, -0.224188f, -0.22413f, -0.224072f, -0.224014f, -0.223956f, -0.223898f, -0.22384f, -0.223782f, -0.223724f,
--0.223666f, -0.223608f, -0.22355f, -0.223492f, -0.223434f, -0.223376f, -0.223318f, -0.22326f, -0.223202f, -0.223144f, -0.223086f, -0.223028f, -0.22297f, -0.222912f, -0.222854f, -0.222796f, -0.222738f, -0.22268f, -0.222622f, -0.222564f,
--0.222506f, -0.222448f, -0.22239f, -0.222332f, -0.222274f, -0.222216f, -0.222158f, -0.2221f, -0.222042f, -0.221984f, -0.221926f, -0.221868f, -0.22181f, -0.221752f, -0.221694f, -0.221636f, -0.221578f, -0.22152f, -0.221462f, -0.221404f,
--0.221346f, -0.221288f, -0.221229f, -0.221171f, -0.221113f, -0.221055f, -0.220997f, -0.220939f, -0.220881f, -0.220823f, -0.220765f, -0.220707f, -0.220649f, -0.220591f, -0.220533f, -0.220475f, -0.220417f, -0.220359f, -0.220301f, -0.220242f,
--0.220184f, -0.220126f, -0.220068f, -0.22001f, -0.219952f, -0.219894f, -0.219836f, -0.219778f, -0.21972f, -0.219662f, -0.219604f, -0.219545f, -0.219487f, -0.219429f, -0.219371f, -0.219313f, -0.219255f, -0.219197f, -0.219139f, -0.219081f,
--0.219023f, -0.218964f, -0.218906f, -0.218848f, -0.21879f, -0.218732f, -0.218674f, -0.218616f, -0.218558f, -0.218499f, -0.218441f, -0.218383f, -0.218325f, -0.218267f, -0.218209f, -0.218151f, -0.218093f, -0.218034f, -0.217976f, -0.217918f,
--0.21786f, -0.217802f, -0.217744f, -0.217686f, -0.217627f, -0.217569f, -0.217511f, -0.217453f, -0.217395f, -0.217337f, -0.217279f, -0.21722f, -0.217162f, -0.217104f, -0.217046f, -0.216988f, -0.21693f, -0.216871f, -0.216813f, -0.216755f,
--0.216697f, -0.216639f, -0.216581f, -0.216522f, -0.216464f, -0.216406f, -0.216348f, -0.21629f, -0.216232f, -0.216173f, -0.216115f, -0.216057f, -0.215999f, -0.215941f, -0.215882f, -0.215824f, -0.215766f, -0.215708f, -0.21565f, -0.215591f,
--0.215533f, -0.215475f, -0.215417f, -0.215359f, -0.2153f, -0.215242f, -0.215184f, -0.215126f, -0.215068f, -0.215009f, -0.214951f, -0.214893f, -0.214835f, -0.214776f, -0.214718f, -0.21466f, -0.214602f, -0.214544f, -0.214485f, -0.214427f,
--0.214369f, -0.214311f, -0.214252f, -0.214194f, -0.214136f, -0.214078f, -0.21402f, -0.213961f, -0.213903f, -0.213845f, -0.213787f, -0.213728f, -0.21367f, -0.213612f, -0.213554f, -0.213495f, -0.213437f, -0.213379f, -0.213321f, -0.213262f,
--0.213204f, -0.213146f, -0.213087f, -0.213029f, -0.212971f, -0.212913f, -0.212854f, -0.212796f, -0.212738f, -0.21268f, -0.212621f, -0.212563f, -0.212505f, -0.212446f, -0.212388f, -0.21233f, -0.212272f, -0.212213f, -0.212155f, -0.212097f,
--0.212038f, -0.21198f, -0.211922f, -0.211864f, -0.211805f, -0.211747f, -0.211689f, -0.21163f, -0.211572f, -0.211514f, -0.211455f, -0.211397f, -0.211339f, -0.211281f, -0.211222f, -0.211164f, -0.211106f, -0.211047f, -0.210989f, -0.210931f,
--0.210872f, -0.210814f, -0.210756f, -0.210697f, -0.210639f, -0.210581f, -0.210522f, -0.210464f, -0.210406f, -0.210347f, -0.210289f, -0.210231f, -0.210172f, -0.210114f, -0.210056f, -0.209997f, -0.209939f, -0.209881f, -0.209822f, -0.209764f,
--0.209706f, -0.209647f, -0.209589f, -0.209531f, -0.209472f, -0.209414f, -0.209355f, -0.209297f, -0.209239f, -0.20918f, -0.209122f, -0.209064f, -0.209005f, -0.208947f, -0.208888f, -0.20883f, -0.208772f, -0.208713f, -0.208655f, -0.208597f,
--0.208538f, -0.20848f, -0.208421f, -0.208363f, -0.208305f, -0.208246f, -0.208188f, -0.20813f, -0.208071f, -0.208013f, -0.207954f, -0.207896f, -0.207838f, -0.207779f, -0.207721f, -0.207662f, -0.207604f, -0.207546f, -0.207487f, -0.207429f,
--0.20737f, -0.207312f, -0.207253f, -0.207195f, -0.207137f, -0.207078f, -0.20702f, -0.206961f, -0.206903f, -0.206845f, -0.206786f, -0.206728f, -0.206669f, -0.206611f, -0.206552f, -0.206494f, -0.206436f, -0.206377f, -0.206319f, -0.20626f,
--0.206202f, -0.206143f, -0.206085f, -0.206026f, -0.205968f, -0.20591f, -0.205851f, -0.205793f, -0.205734f, -0.205676f, -0.205617f, -0.205559f, -0.2055f, -0.205442f, -0.205383f, -0.205325f, -0.205267f, -0.205208f, -0.20515f, -0.205091f,
--0.205033f, -0.204974f, -0.204916f, -0.204857f, -0.204799f, -0.20474f, -0.204682f, -0.204623f, -0.204565f, -0.204506f, -0.204448f, -0.204389f, -0.204331f, -0.204272f, -0.204214f, -0.204155f, -0.204097f, -0.204038f, -0.20398f, -0.203921f,
--0.203863f, -0.203804f, -0.203746f, -0.203687f, -0.203629f, -0.20357f, -0.203512f, -0.203453f, -0.203395f, -0.203336f, -0.203278f, -0.203219f, -0.203161f, -0.203102f, -0.203044f, -0.202985f, -0.202927f, -0.202868f, -0.20281f, -0.202751f,
--0.202693f, -0.202634f, -0.202576f, -0.202517f, -0.202459f, -0.2024f, -0.202341f, -0.202283f, -0.202224f, -0.202166f, -0.202107f, -0.202049f, -0.20199f, -0.201932f, -0.201873f, -0.201815f, -0.201756f, -0.201698f, -0.201639f, -0.20158f,
--0.201522f, -0.201463f, -0.201405f, -0.201346f, -0.201288f, -0.201229f, -0.20117f, -0.201112f, -0.201053f, -0.200995f, -0.200936f, -0.200878f, -0.200819f, -0.20076f, -0.200702f, -0.200643f, -0.200585f, -0.200526f, -0.200468f, -0.200409f,
--0.20035f, -0.200292f, -0.200233f, -0.200175f, -0.200116f, -0.200057f, -0.199999f, -0.19994f, -0.199882f, -0.199823f, -0.199764f, -0.199706f, -0.199647f, -0.199589f, -0.19953f, -0.199471f, -0.199413f, -0.199354f, -0.199296f, -0.199237f,
--0.199178f, -0.19912f, -0.199061f, -0.199003f, -0.198944f, -0.198885f, -0.198827f, -0.198768f, -0.198709f, -0.198651f, -0.198592f, -0.198534f, -0.198475f, -0.198416f, -0.198358f, -0.198299f, -0.19824f, -0.198182f, -0.198123f, -0.198064f,
--0.198006f, -0.197947f, -0.197889f, -0.19783f, -0.197771f, -0.197713f, -0.197654f, -0.197595f, -0.197537f, -0.197478f, -0.197419f, -0.197361f, -0.197302f, -0.197243f, -0.197185f, -0.197126f, -0.197067f, -0.197009f, -0.19695f, -0.196891f,
--0.196833f, -0.196774f, -0.196715f, -0.196657f, -0.196598f, -0.196539f, -0.196481f, -0.196422f, -0.196363f, -0.196305f, -0.196246f, -0.196187f, -0.196129f, -0.19607f, -0.196011f, -0.195952f, -0.195894f, -0.195835f, -0.195776f, -0.195718f,
--0.195659f, -0.1956f, -0.195542f, -0.195483f, -0.195424f, -0.195365f, -0.195307f, -0.195248f, -0.195189f, -0.195131f, -0.195072f, -0.195013f, -0.194954f, -0.194896f, -0.194837f, -0.194778f, -0.19472f, -0.194661f, -0.194602f, -0.194543f,
--0.194485f, -0.194426f, -0.194367f, -0.194309f, -0.19425f, -0.194191f, -0.194132f, -0.194074f, -0.194015f, -0.193956f, -0.193897f, -0.193839f, -0.19378f, -0.193721f, -0.193662f, -0.193604f, -0.193545f, -0.193486f, -0.193427f, -0.193369f,
--0.19331f, -0.193251f, -0.193192f, -0.193134f, -0.193075f, -0.193016f, -0.192957f, -0.192899f, -0.19284f, -0.192781f, -0.192722f, -0.192663f, -0.192605f, -0.192546f, -0.192487f, -0.192428f, -0.19237f, -0.192311f, -0.192252f, -0.192193f,
--0.192134f, -0.192076f, -0.192017f, -0.191958f, -0.191899f, -0.191841f, -0.191782f, -0.191723f, -0.191664f, -0.191605f, -0.191547f, -0.191488f, -0.191429f, -0.19137f, -0.191311f, -0.191253f, -0.191194f, -0.191135f, -0.191076f, -0.191017f,
--0.190959f, -0.1909f, -0.190841f, -0.190782f, -0.190723f, -0.190664f, -0.190606f, -0.190547f, -0.190488f, -0.190429f, -0.19037f, -0.190312f, -0.190253f, -0.190194f, -0.190135f, -0.190076f, -0.190017f, -0.189959f, -0.1899f, -0.189841f,
--0.189782f, -0.189723f, -0.189664f, -0.189606f, -0.189547f, -0.189488f, -0.189429f, -0.18937f, -0.189311f, -0.189252f, -0.189194f, -0.189135f, -0.189076f, -0.189017f, -0.188958f, -0.188899f, -0.18884f, -0.188782f, -0.188723f, -0.188664f,
--0.188605f, -0.188546f, -0.188487f, -0.188428f, -0.18837f, -0.188311f, -0.188252f, -0.188193f, -0.188134f, -0.188075f, -0.188016f, -0.187957f, -0.187899f, -0.18784f, -0.187781f, -0.187722f, -0.187663f, -0.187604f, -0.187545f, -0.187486f,
--0.187427f, -0.187369f, -0.18731f, -0.187251f, -0.187192f, -0.187133f, -0.187074f, -0.187015f, -0.186956f, -0.186897f, -0.186838f, -0.18678f, -0.186721f, -0.186662f, -0.186603f, -0.186544f, -0.186485f, -0.186426f, -0.186367f, -0.186308f,
--0.186249f, -0.18619f, -0.186132f, -0.186073f, -0.186014f, -0.185955f, -0.185896f, -0.185837f, -0.185778f, -0.185719f, -0.18566f, -0.185601f, -0.185542f, -0.185483f, -0.185424f, -0.185365f, -0.185306f, -0.185248f, -0.185189f, -0.18513f,
--0.185071f, -0.185012f, -0.184953f, -0.184894f, -0.184835f, -0.184776f, -0.184717f, -0.184658f, -0.184599f, -0.18454f, -0.184481f, -0.184422f, -0.184363f, -0.184304f, -0.184245f, -0.184186f, -0.184127f, -0.184068f, -0.184009f, -0.183951f,
--0.183892f, -0.183833f, -0.183774f, -0.183715f, -0.183656f, -0.183597f, -0.183538f, -0.183479f, -0.18342f, -0.183361f, -0.183302f, -0.183243f, -0.183184f, -0.183125f, -0.183066f, -0.183007f, -0.182948f, -0.182889f, -0.18283f, -0.182771f,
--0.182712f, -0.182653f, -0.182594f, -0.182535f, -0.182476f, -0.182417f, -0.182358f, -0.182299f, -0.18224f, -0.182181f, -0.182122f, -0.182063f, -0.182004f, -0.181945f, -0.181886f, -0.181827f, -0.181768f, -0.181709f, -0.18165f, -0.181591f,
--0.181532f, -0.181473f, -0.181414f, -0.181355f, -0.181295f, -0.181236f, -0.181177f, -0.181118f, -0.181059f, -0.181f, -0.180941f, -0.180882f, -0.180823f, -0.180764f, -0.180705f, -0.180646f, -0.180587f, -0.180528f, -0.180469f, -0.18041f,
--0.180351f, -0.180292f, -0.180233f, -0.180174f, -0.180115f, -0.180056f, -0.179997f, -0.179937f, -0.179878f, -0.179819f, -0.17976f, -0.179701f, -0.179642f, -0.179583f, -0.179524f, -0.179465f, -0.179406f, -0.179347f, -0.179288f, -0.179229f,
--0.17917f, -0.17911f, -0.179051f, -0.178992f, -0.178933f, -0.178874f, -0.178815f, -0.178756f, -0.178697f, -0.178638f, -0.178579f, -0.17852f, -0.178461f, -0.178401f, -0.178342f, -0.178283f, -0.178224f, -0.178165f, -0.178106f, -0.178047f,
--0.177988f, -0.177929f, -0.17787f, -0.17781f, -0.177751f, -0.177692f, -0.177633f, -0.177574f, -0.177515f, -0.177456f, -0.177397f, -0.177338f, -0.177278f, -0.177219f, -0.17716f, -0.177101f, -0.177042f, -0.176983f, -0.176924f, -0.176865f,
--0.176805f, -0.176746f, -0.176687f, -0.176628f, -0.176569f, -0.17651f, -0.176451f, -0.176392f, -0.176332f, -0.176273f, -0.176214f, -0.176155f, -0.176096f, -0.176037f, -0.175978f, -0.175918f, -0.175859f, -0.1758f, -0.175741f, -0.175682f,
--0.175623f, -0.175564f, -0.175504f, -0.175445f, -0.175386f, -0.175327f, -0.175268f, -0.175209f, -0.175149f, -0.17509f, -0.175031f, -0.174972f, -0.174913f, -0.174854f, -0.174794f, -0.174735f, -0.174676f, -0.174617f, -0.174558f, -0.174499f,
--0.174439f, -0.17438f, -0.174321f, -0.174262f, -0.174203f, -0.174143f, -0.174084f, -0.174025f, -0.173966f, -0.173907f, -0.173847f, -0.173788f, -0.173729f, -0.17367f, -0.173611f, -0.173552f, -0.173492f, -0.173433f, -0.173374f, -0.173315f,
--0.173256f, -0.173196f, -0.173137f, -0.173078f, -0.173019f, -0.172959f, -0.1729f, -0.172841f, -0.172782f, -0.172723f, -0.172663f, -0.172604f, -0.172545f, -0.172486f, -0.172427f, -0.172367f, -0.172308f, -0.172249f, -0.17219f, -0.17213f,
--0.172071f, -0.172012f, -0.171953f, -0.171893f, -0.171834f, -0.171775f, -0.171716f, -0.171657f, -0.171597f, -0.171538f, -0.171479f, -0.17142f, -0.17136f, -0.171301f, -0.171242f, -0.171183f, -0.171123f, -0.171064f, -0.171005f, -0.170946f,
--0.170886f, -0.170827f, -0.170768f, -0.170709f, -0.170649f, -0.17059f, -0.170531f, -0.170472f, -0.170412f, -0.170353f, -0.170294f, -0.170234f, -0.170175f, -0.170116f, -0.170057f, -0.169997f, -0.169938f, -0.169879f, -0.16982f, -0.16976f,
--0.169701f, -0.169642f, -0.169582f, -0.169523f, -0.169464f, -0.169405f, -0.169345f, -0.169286f, -0.169227f, -0.169167f, -0.169108f, -0.169049f, -0.16899f, -0.16893f, -0.168871f, -0.168812f, -0.168752f, -0.168693f, -0.168634f, -0.168575f,
--0.168515f, -0.168456f, -0.168397f, -0.168337f, -0.168278f, -0.168219f, -0.168159f, -0.1681f, -0.168041f, -0.167981f, -0.167922f, -0.167863f, -0.167804f, -0.167744f, -0.167685f, -0.167626f, -0.167566f, -0.167507f, -0.167448f, -0.167388f,
--0.167329f, -0.16727f, -0.16721f, -0.167151f, -0.167092f, -0.167032f, -0.166973f, -0.166914f, -0.166854f, -0.166795f, -0.166736f, -0.166676f, -0.166617f, -0.166558f, -0.166498f, -0.166439f, -0.16638f, -0.16632f, -0.166261f, -0.166201f,
--0.166142f, -0.166083f, -0.166023f, -0.165964f, -0.165905f, -0.165845f, -0.165786f, -0.165727f, -0.165667f, -0.165608f, -0.165549f, -0.165489f, -0.16543f, -0.16537f, -0.165311f, -0.165252f, -0.165192f, -0.165133f, -0.165074f, -0.165014f,
--0.164955f, -0.164895f, -0.164836f, -0.164777f, -0.164717f, -0.164658f, -0.164599f, -0.164539f, -0.16448f, -0.16442f, -0.164361f, -0.164302f, -0.164242f, -0.164183f, -0.164123f, -0.164064f, -0.164005f, -0.163945f, -0.163886f, -0.163827f,
--0.163767f, -0.163708f, -0.163648f, -0.163589f, -0.16353f, -0.16347f, -0.163411f, -0.163351f, -0.163292f, -0.163232f, -0.163173f, -0.163114f, -0.163054f, -0.162995f, -0.162935f, -0.162876f, -0.162817f, -0.162757f, -0.162698f, -0.162638f,
--0.162579f, -0.162519f, -0.16246f, -0.162401f, -0.162341f, -0.162282f, -0.162222f, -0.162163f, -0.162103f, -0.162044f, -0.161985f, -0.161925f, -0.161866f, -0.161806f, -0.161747f, -0.161687f, -0.161628f, -0.161569f, -0.161509f, -0.16145f,
--0.16139f, -0.161331f, -0.161271f, -0.161212f, -0.161152f, -0.161093f, -0.161034f, -0.160974f, -0.160915f, -0.160855f, -0.160796f, -0.160736f, -0.160677f, -0.160617f, -0.160558f, -0.160498f, -0.160439f, -0.160379f, -0.16032f, -0.160261f,
--0.160201f, -0.160142f, -0.160082f, -0.160023f, -0.159963f, -0.159904f, -0.159844f, -0.159785f, -0.159725f, -0.159666f, -0.159606f, -0.159547f, -0.159487f, -0.159428f, -0.159368f, -0.159309f, -0.159249f, -0.15919f, -0.15913f, -0.159071f,
--0.159011f, -0.158952f, -0.158892f, -0.158833f, -0.158773f, -0.158714f, -0.158654f, -0.158595f, -0.158535f, -0.158476f, -0.158416f, -0.158357f, -0.158297f, -0.158238f, -0.158178f, -0.158119f, -0.158059f, -0.158f, -0.15794f, -0.157881f,
--0.157821f, -0.157762f, -0.157702f, -0.157643f, -0.157583f, -0.157524f, -0.157464f, -0.157405f, -0.157345f, -0.157286f, -0.157226f, -0.157167f, -0.157107f, -0.157048f, -0.156988f, -0.156928f, -0.156869f, -0.156809f, -0.15675f, -0.15669f,
--0.156631f, -0.156571f, -0.156512f, -0.156452f, -0.156393f, -0.156333f, -0.156274f, -0.156214f, -0.156154f, -0.156095f, -0.156035f, -0.155976f, -0.155916f, -0.155857f, -0.155797f, -0.155738f, -0.155678f, -0.155618f, -0.155559f, -0.155499f,
--0.15544f, -0.15538f, -0.155321f, -0.155261f, -0.155202f, -0.155142f, -0.155082f, -0.155023f, -0.154963f, -0.154904f, -0.154844f, -0.154785f, -0.154725f, -0.154665f, -0.154606f, -0.154546f, -0.154487f, -0.154427f, -0.154368f, -0.154308f,
--0.154248f, -0.154189f, -0.154129f, -0.15407f, -0.15401f, -0.15395f, -0.153891f, -0.153831f, -0.153772f, -0.153712f, -0.153652f, -0.153593f, -0.153533f, -0.153474f, -0.153414f, -0.153354f, -0.153295f, -0.153235f, -0.153176f, -0.153116f,
--0.153056f, -0.152997f, -0.152937f, -0.152878f, -0.152818f, -0.152758f, -0.152699f, -0.152639f, -0.15258f, -0.15252f, -0.15246f, -0.152401f, -0.152341f, -0.152281f, -0.152222f, -0.152162f, -0.152103f, -0.152043f, -0.151983f, -0.151924f,
--0.151864f, -0.151804f, -0.151745f, -0.151685f, -0.151626f, -0.151566f, -0.151506f, -0.151447f, -0.151387f, -0.151327f, -0.151268f, -0.151208f, -0.151148f, -0.151089f, -0.151029f, -0.15097f, -0.15091f, -0.15085f, -0.150791f, -0.150731f,
--0.150671f, -0.150612f, -0.150552f, -0.150492f, -0.150433f, -0.150373f, -0.150313f, -0.150254f, -0.150194f, -0.150134f, -0.150075f, -0.150015f, -0.149955f, -0.149896f, -0.149836f, -0.149776f, -0.149717f, -0.149657f, -0.149597f, -0.149538f,
--0.149478f, -0.149418f, -0.149359f, -0.149299f, -0.149239f, -0.14918f, -0.14912f, -0.14906f, -0.149001f, -0.148941f, -0.148881f, -0.148822f, -0.148762f, -0.148702f, -0.148643f, -0.148583f, -0.148523f, -0.148463f, -0.148404f, -0.148344f,
--0.148284f, -0.148225f, -0.148165f, -0.148105f, -0.148046f, -0.147986f, -0.147926f, -0.147867f, -0.147807f, -0.147747f, -0.147687f, -0.147628f, -0.147568f, -0.147508f, -0.147449f, -0.147389f, -0.147329f, -0.147269f, -0.14721f, -0.14715f,
--0.14709f, -0.147031f, -0.146971f, -0.146911f, -0.146851f, -0.146792f, -0.146732f, -0.146672f, -0.146613f, -0.146553f, -0.146493f, -0.146433f, -0.146374f, -0.146314f, -0.146254f, -0.146194f, -0.146135f, -0.146075f, -0.146015f, -0.145956f,
--0.145896f, -0.145836f, -0.145776f, -0.145717f, -0.145657f, -0.145597f, -0.145537f, -0.145478f, -0.145418f, -0.145358f, -0.145298f, -0.145239f, -0.145179f, -0.145119f, -0.145059f, -0.145f, -0.14494f, -0.14488f, -0.14482f, -0.144761f,
--0.144701f, -0.144641f, -0.144581f, -0.144522f, -0.144462f, -0.144402f, -0.144342f, -0.144283f, -0.144223f, -0.144163f, -0.144103f, -0.144043f, -0.143984f, -0.143924f, -0.143864f, -0.143804f, -0.143745f, -0.143685f, -0.143625f, -0.143565f,
--0.143505f, -0.143446f, -0.143386f, -0.143326f, -0.143266f, -0.143207f, -0.143147f, -0.143087f, -0.143027f, -0.142967f, -0.142908f, -0.142848f, -0.142788f, -0.142728f, -0.142668f, -0.142609f, -0.142549f, -0.142489f, -0.142429f, -0.142369f,
--0.14231f, -0.14225f, -0.14219f, -0.14213f, -0.14207f, -0.142011f, -0.141951f, -0.141891f, -0.141831f, -0.141771f, -0.141712f, -0.141652f, -0.141592f, -0.141532f, -0.141472f, -0.141413f, -0.141353f, -0.141293f, -0.141233f, -0.141173f,
--0.141113f, -0.141054f, -0.140994f, -0.140934f, -0.140874f, -0.140814f, -0.140755f, -0.140695f, -0.140635f, -0.140575f, -0.140515f, -0.140455f, -0.140396f, -0.140336f, -0.140276f, -0.140216f, -0.140156f, -0.140096f, -0.140037f, -0.139977f,
--0.139917f, -0.139857f, -0.139797f, -0.139737f, -0.139677f, -0.139618f, -0.139558f, -0.139498f, -0.139438f, -0.139378f, -0.139318f, -0.139259f, -0.139199f, -0.139139f, -0.139079f, -0.139019f, -0.138959f, -0.138899f, -0.13884f, -0.13878f,
--0.13872f, -0.13866f, -0.1386f, -0.13854f, -0.13848f, -0.138421f, -0.138361f, -0.138301f, -0.138241f, -0.138181f, -0.138121f, -0.138061f, -0.138001f, -0.137942f, -0.137882f, -0.137822f, -0.137762f, -0.137702f, -0.137642f, -0.137582f,
--0.137522f, -0.137463f, -0.137403f, -0.137343f, -0.137283f, -0.137223f, -0.137163f, -0.137103f, -0.137043f, -0.136983f, -0.136924f, -0.136864f, -0.136804f, -0.136744f, -0.136684f, -0.136624f, -0.136564f, -0.136504f, -0.136444f, -0.136384f,
--0.136325f, -0.136265f, -0.136205f, -0.136145f, -0.136085f, -0.136025f, -0.135965f, -0.135905f, -0.135845f, -0.135785f, -0.135725f, -0.135666f, -0.135606f, -0.135546f, -0.135486f, -0.135426f, -0.135366f, -0.135306f, -0.135246f, -0.135186f,
--0.135126f, -0.135066f, -0.135006f, -0.134947f, -0.134887f, -0.134827f, -0.134767f, -0.134707f, -0.134647f, -0.134587f, -0.134527f, -0.134467f, -0.134407f, -0.134347f, -0.134287f, -0.134227f, -0.134167f, -0.134108f, -0.134048f, -0.133988f,
--0.133928f, -0.133868f, -0.133808f, -0.133748f, -0.133688f, -0.133628f, -0.133568f, -0.133508f, -0.133448f, -0.133388f, -0.133328f, -0.133268f, -0.133208f, -0.133148f, -0.133088f, -0.133028f, -0.132969f, -0.132909f, -0.132849f, -0.132789f,
--0.132729f, -0.132669f, -0.132609f, -0.132549f, -0.132489f, -0.132429f, -0.132369f, -0.132309f, -0.132249f, -0.132189f, -0.132129f, -0.132069f, -0.132009f, -0.131949f, -0.131889f, -0.131829f, -0.131769f, -0.131709f, -0.131649f, -0.131589f,
--0.131529f, -0.131469f, -0.131409f, -0.131349f, -0.131289f, -0.131229f, -0.131169f, -0.131109f, -0.131049f, -0.130989f, -0.130929f, -0.130869f, -0.130809f, -0.130749f, -0.130689f, -0.130629f, -0.130569f, -0.130509f, -0.130449f, -0.130389f,
--0.130329f, -0.130269f, -0.130209f, -0.130149f, -0.130089f, -0.130029f, -0.129969f, -0.129909f, -0.129849f, -0.129789f, -0.129729f, -0.129669f, -0.129609f, -0.129549f, -0.129489f, -0.129429f, -0.129369f, -0.129309f, -0.129249f, -0.129189f,
--0.129129f, -0.129069f, -0.129009f, -0.128949f, -0.128889f, -0.128829f, -0.128769f, -0.128709f, -0.128649f, -0.128589f, -0.128529f, -0.128469f, -0.128409f, -0.128349f, -0.128289f, -0.128229f, -0.128169f, -0.128109f, -0.128049f, -0.127989f,
--0.127929f, -0.127869f, -0.127809f, -0.127749f, -0.127689f, -0.127629f, -0.127568f, -0.127508f, -0.127448f, -0.127388f, -0.127328f, -0.127268f, -0.127208f, -0.127148f, -0.127088f, -0.127028f, -0.126968f, -0.126908f, -0.126848f, -0.126788f,
--0.126728f, -0.126668f, -0.126608f, -0.126548f, -0.126488f, -0.126428f, -0.126367f, -0.126307f, -0.126247f, -0.126187f, -0.126127f, -0.126067f, -0.126007f, -0.125947f, -0.125887f, -0.125827f, -0.125767f, -0.125707f, -0.125647f, -0.125587f,
--0.125527f, -0.125466f, -0.125406f, -0.125346f, -0.125286f, -0.125226f, -0.125166f, -0.125106f, -0.125046f, -0.124986f, -0.124926f, -0.124866f, -0.124806f, -0.124745f, -0.124685f, -0.124625f, -0.124565f, -0.124505f, -0.124445f, -0.124385f,
--0.124325f, -0.124265f, -0.124205f, -0.124145f, -0.124084f, -0.124024f, -0.123964f, -0.123904f, -0.123844f, -0.123784f, -0.123724f, -0.123664f, -0.123604f, -0.123544f, -0.123483f, -0.123423f, -0.123363f, -0.123303f, -0.123243f, -0.123183f,
--0.123123f, -0.123063f, -0.123003f, -0.122942f, -0.122882f, -0.122822f, -0.122762f, -0.122702f, -0.122642f, -0.122582f, -0.122522f, -0.122462f, -0.122401f, -0.122341f, -0.122281f, -0.122221f, -0.122161f, -0.122101f, -0.122041f, -0.121981f,
--0.12192f, -0.12186f, -0.1218f, -0.12174f, -0.12168f, -0.12162f, -0.12156f, -0.121499f, -0.121439f, -0.121379f, -0.121319f, -0.121259f, -0.121199f, -0.121139f, -0.121079f, -0.121018f, -0.120958f, -0.120898f, -0.120838f, -0.120778f,
--0.120718f, -0.120657f, -0.120597f, -0.120537f, -0.120477f, -0.120417f, -0.120357f, -0.120297f, -0.120236f, -0.120176f, -0.120116f, -0.120056f, -0.119996f, -0.119936f, -0.119876f, -0.119815f, -0.119755f, -0.119695f, -0.119635f, -0.119575f,
--0.119515f, -0.119454f, -0.119394f, -0.119334f, -0.119274f, -0.119214f, -0.119154f, -0.119093f, -0.119033f, -0.118973f, -0.118913f, -0.118853f, -0.118793f, -0.118732f, -0.118672f, -0.118612f, -0.118552f, -0.118492f, -0.118431f, -0.118371f,
--0.118311f, -0.118251f, -0.118191f, -0.118131f, -0.11807f, -0.11801f, -0.11795f, -0.11789f, -0.11783f, -0.117769f, -0.117709f, -0.117649f, -0.117589f, -0.117529f, -0.117468f, -0.117408f, -0.117348f, -0.117288f, -0.117228f, -0.117167f,
--0.117107f, -0.117047f, -0.116987f, -0.116927f, -0.116866f, -0.116806f, -0.116746f, -0.116686f, -0.116626f, -0.116565f, -0.116505f, -0.116445f, -0.116385f, -0.116325f, -0.116264f, -0.116204f, -0.116144f, -0.116084f, -0.116024f, -0.115963f,
--0.115903f, -0.115843f, -0.115783f, -0.115722f, -0.115662f, -0.115602f, -0.115542f, -0.115482f, -0.115421f, -0.115361f, -0.115301f, -0.115241f, -0.11518f, -0.11512f, -0.11506f, -0.115f, -0.11494f, -0.114879f, -0.114819f, -0.114759f,
--0.114699f, -0.114638f, -0.114578f, -0.114518f, -0.114458f, -0.114397f, -0.114337f, -0.114277f, -0.114217f, -0.114156f, -0.114096f, -0.114036f, -0.113976f, -0.113916f, -0.113855f, -0.113795f, -0.113735f, -0.113675f, -0.113614f, -0.113554f,
--0.113494f, -0.113434f, -0.113373f, -0.113313f, -0.113253f, -0.113193f, -0.113132f, -0.113072f, -0.113012f, -0.112952f, -0.112891f, -0.112831f, -0.112771f, -0.11271f, -0.11265f, -0.11259f, -0.11253f, -0.112469f, -0.112409f, -0.112349f,
--0.112289f, -0.112228f, -0.112168f, -0.112108f, -0.112048f, -0.111987f, -0.111927f, -0.111867f, -0.111806f, -0.111746f, -0.111686f, -0.111626f, -0.111565f, -0.111505f, -0.111445f, -0.111385f, -0.111324f, -0.111264f, -0.111204f, -0.111143f,
--0.111083f, -0.111023f, -0.110963f, -0.110902f, -0.110842f, -0.110782f, -0.110721f, -0.110661f, -0.110601f, -0.110541f, -0.11048f, -0.11042f, -0.11036f, -0.110299f, -0.110239f, -0.110179f, -0.110119f, -0.110058f, -0.109998f, -0.109938f,
--0.109877f, -0.109817f, -0.109757f, -0.109696f, -0.109636f, -0.109576f, -0.109516f, -0.109455f, -0.109395f, -0.109335f, -0.109274f, -0.109214f, -0.109154f, -0.109093f, -0.109033f, -0.108973f, -0.108912f, -0.108852f, -0.108792f, -0.108731f,
--0.108671f, -0.108611f, -0.108551f, -0.10849f, -0.10843f, -0.10837f, -0.108309f, -0.108249f, -0.108189f, -0.108128f, -0.108068f, -0.108008f, -0.107947f, -0.107887f, -0.107827f, -0.107766f, -0.107706f, -0.107646f, -0.107585f, -0.107525f,
--0.107465f, -0.107404f, -0.107344f, -0.107284f, -0.107223f, -0.107163f, -0.107103f, -0.107042f, -0.106982f, -0.106922f, -0.106861f, -0.106801f, -0.106741f, -0.10668f, -0.10662f, -0.10656f, -0.106499f, -0.106439f, -0.106379f, -0.106318f,
--0.106258f, -0.106198f, -0.106137f, -0.106077f, -0.106017f, -0.105956f, -0.105896f, -0.105835f, -0.105775f, -0.105715f, -0.105654f, -0.105594f, -0.105534f, -0.105473f, -0.105413f, -0.105353f, -0.105292f, -0.105232f, -0.105172f, -0.105111f,
--0.105051f, -0.10499f, -0.10493f, -0.10487f, -0.104809f, -0.104749f, -0.104689f, -0.104628f, -0.104568f, -0.104508f, -0.104447f, -0.104387f, -0.104326f, -0.104266f, -0.104206f, -0.104145f, -0.104085f, -0.104025f, -0.103964f, -0.103904f,
--0.103843f, -0.103783f, -0.103723f, -0.103662f, -0.103602f, -0.103542f, -0.103481f, -0.103421f, -0.10336f, -0.1033f, -0.10324f, -0.103179f, -0.103119f, -0.103058f, -0.102998f, -0.102938f, -0.102877f, -0.102817f, -0.102756f, -0.102696f,
--0.102636f, -0.102575f, -0.102515f, -0.102455f, -0.102394f, -0.102334f, -0.102273f, -0.102213f, -0.102153f, -0.102092f, -0.102032f, -0.101971f, -0.101911f, -0.101851f, -0.10179f, -0.10173f, -0.101669f, -0.101609f, -0.101549f, -0.101488f,
--0.101428f, -0.101367f, -0.101307f, -0.101246f, -0.101186f, -0.101126f, -0.101065f, -0.101005f, -0.100944f, -0.100884f, -0.100824f, -0.100763f, -0.100703f, -0.100642f, -0.100582f, -0.100521f, -0.100461f, -0.100401f, -0.10034f, -0.10028f,
--0.100219f, -0.100159f, -0.100099f, -0.100038f, -0.099978f, -0.099917f, -0.099857f, -0.099796f, -0.099736f, -0.099676f, -0.099615f, -0.099555f, -0.099494f, -0.099434f, -0.099373f, -0.099313f, -0.099253f, -0.099192f, -0.099132f, -0.099071f,
--0.099011f, -0.09895f, -0.09889f, -0.098829f, -0.098769f, -0.098709f, -0.098648f, -0.098588f, -0.098527f, -0.098467f, -0.098406f, -0.098346f, -0.098285f, -0.098225f, -0.098165f, -0.098104f, -0.098044f, -0.097983f, -0.097923f, -0.097862f,
--0.097802f, -0.097741f, -0.097681f, -0.097621f, -0.09756f, -0.0975f, -0.097439f, -0.097379f, -0.097318f, -0.097258f, -0.097197f, -0.097137f, -0.097076f, -0.097016f, -0.096955f, -0.096895f, -0.096835f, -0.096774f, -0.096714f, -0.096653f,
--0.096593f, -0.096532f, -0.096472f, -0.096411f, -0.096351f, -0.09629f, -0.09623f, -0.096169f, -0.096109f, -0.096048f, -0.095988f, -0.095928f, -0.095867f, -0.095807f, -0.095746f, -0.095686f, -0.095625f, -0.095565f, -0.095504f, -0.095444f,
--0.095383f, -0.095323f, -0.095262f, -0.095202f, -0.095141f, -0.095081f, -0.09502f, -0.09496f, -0.094899f, -0.094839f, -0.094778f, -0.094718f, -0.094657f, -0.094597f, -0.094536f, -0.094476f, -0.094415f, -0.094355f, -0.094294f, -0.094234f,
--0.094173f, -0.094113f, -0.094052f, -0.093992f, -0.093931f, -0.093871f, -0.09381f, -0.09375f, -0.093689f, -0.093629f, -0.093568f, -0.093508f, -0.093447f, -0.093387f, -0.093326f, -0.093266f, -0.093205f, -0.093145f, -0.093084f, -0.093024f,
--0.092963f, -0.092903f, -0.092842f, -0.092782f, -0.092721f, -0.092661f, -0.0926f, -0.09254f, -0.092479f, -0.092419f, -0.092358f, -0.092298f, -0.092237f, -0.092177f, -0.092116f, -0.092056f, -0.091995f, -0.091935f, -0.091874f, -0.091814f,
--0.091753f, -0.091693f, -0.091632f, -0.091572f, -0.091511f, -0.09145f, -0.09139f, -0.091329f, -0.091269f, -0.091208f, -0.091148f, -0.091087f, -0.091027f, -0.090966f, -0.090906f, -0.090845f, -0.090785f, -0.090724f, -0.090664f, -0.090603f,
--0.090543f, -0.090482f, -0.090421f, -0.090361f, -0.0903f, -0.09024f, -0.090179f, -0.090119f, -0.090058f, -0.089998f, -0.089937f, -0.089877f, -0.089816f, -0.089756f, -0.089695f, -0.089634f, -0.089574f, -0.089513f, -0.089453f, -0.089392f,
--0.089332f, -0.089271f, -0.089211f, -0.08915f, -0.089089f, -0.089029f, -0.088968f, -0.088908f, -0.088847f, -0.088787f, -0.088726f, -0.088666f, -0.088605f, -0.088544f, -0.088484f, -0.088423f, -0.088363f, -0.088302f, -0.088242f, -0.088181f,
--0.088121f, -0.08806f, -0.087999f, -0.087939f, -0.087878f, -0.087818f, -0.087757f, -0.087697f, -0.087636f, -0.087575f, -0.087515f, -0.087454f, -0.087394f, -0.087333f, -0.087273f, -0.087212f, -0.087151f, -0.087091f, -0.08703f, -0.08697f,
--0.086909f, -0.086849f, -0.086788f, -0.086727f, -0.086667f, -0.086606f, -0.086546f, -0.086485f, -0.086425f, -0.086364f, -0.086303f, -0.086243f, -0.086182f, -0.086122f, -0.086061f, -0.086001f, -0.08594f, -0.085879f, -0.085819f, -0.085758f,
--0.085698f, -0.085637f, -0.085576f, -0.085516f, -0.085455f, -0.085395f, -0.085334f, -0.085273f, -0.085213f, -0.085152f, -0.085092f, -0.085031f, -0.08497f, -0.08491f, -0.084849f, -0.084789f, -0.084728f, -0.084667f, -0.084607f, -0.084546f,
--0.084486f, -0.084425f, -0.084364f, -0.084304f, -0.084243f, -0.084183f, -0.084122f, -0.084061f, -0.084001f, -0.08394f, -0.08388f, -0.083819f, -0.083758f, -0.083698f, -0.083637f, -0.083577f, -0.083516f, -0.083455f, -0.083395f, -0.083334f,
--0.083274f, -0.083213f, -0.083152f, -0.083092f, -0.083031f, -0.08297f, -0.08291f, -0.082849f, -0.082789f, -0.082728f, -0.082667f, -0.082607f, -0.082546f, -0.082486f, -0.082425f, -0.082364f, -0.082304f, -0.082243f, -0.082182f, -0.082122f,
--0.082061f, -0.082001f, -0.08194f, -0.081879f, -0.081819f, -0.081758f, -0.081697f, -0.081637f, -0.081576f, -0.081516f, -0.081455f, -0.081394f, -0.081334f, -0.081273f, -0.081212f, -0.081152f, -0.081091f, -0.08103f, -0.08097f, -0.080909f,
--0.080849f, -0.080788f, -0.080727f, -0.080667f, -0.080606f, -0.080545f, -0.080485f, -0.080424f, -0.080363f, -0.080303f, -0.080242f, -0.080182f, -0.080121f, -0.08006f, -0.08f, -0.079939f, -0.079878f, -0.079818f, -0.079757f, -0.079696f,
--0.079636f, -0.079575f, -0.079514f, -0.079454f, -0.079393f, -0.079332f, -0.079272f, -0.079211f, -0.07915f, -0.07909f, -0.079029f, -0.078969f, -0.078908f, -0.078847f, -0.078787f, -0.078726f, -0.078665f, -0.078605f, -0.078544f, -0.078483f,
--0.078423f, -0.078362f, -0.078301f, -0.078241f, -0.07818f, -0.078119f, -0.078059f, -0.077998f, -0.077937f, -0.077877f, -0.077816f, -0.077755f, -0.077695f, -0.077634f, -0.077573f, -0.077513f, -0.077452f, -0.077391f, -0.077331f, -0.07727f,
--0.077209f, -0.077149f, -0.077088f, -0.077027f, -0.076967f, -0.076906f, -0.076845f, -0.076785f, -0.076724f, -0.076663f, -0.076603f, -0.076542f, -0.076481f, -0.07642f, -0.07636f, -0.076299f, -0.076238f, -0.076178f, -0.076117f, -0.076056f,
--0.075996f, -0.075935f, -0.075874f, -0.075814f, -0.075753f, -0.075692f, -0.075632f, -0.075571f, -0.07551f, -0.07545f, -0.075389f, -0.075328f, -0.075267f, -0.075207f, -0.075146f, -0.075085f, -0.075025f, -0.074964f, -0.074903f, -0.074843f,
--0.074782f, -0.074721f, -0.074661f, -0.0746f, -0.074539f, -0.074478f, -0.074418f, -0.074357f, -0.074296f, -0.074236f, -0.074175f, -0.074114f, -0.074054f, -0.073993f, -0.073932f, -0.073871f, -0.073811f, -0.07375f, -0.073689f, -0.073629f,
--0.073568f, -0.073507f, -0.073447f, -0.073386f, -0.073325f, -0.073264f, -0.073204f, -0.073143f, -0.073082f, -0.073022f, -0.072961f, -0.0729f, -0.072839f, -0.072779f, -0.072718f, -0.072657f, -0.072597f, -0.072536f, -0.072475f, -0.072414f,
--0.072354f, -0.072293f, -0.072232f, -0.072172f, -0.072111f, -0.07205f, -0.071989f, -0.071929f, -0.071868f, -0.071807f, -0.071747f, -0.071686f, -0.071625f, -0.071564f, -0.071504f, -0.071443f, -0.071382f, -0.071321f, -0.071261f, -0.0712f,
--0.071139f, -0.071079f, -0.071018f, -0.070957f, -0.070896f, -0.070836f, -0.070775f, -0.070714f, -0.070653f, -0.070593f, -0.070532f, -0.070471f, -0.07041f, -0.07035f, -0.070289f, -0.070228f, -0.070168f, -0.070107f, -0.070046f, -0.069985f,
--0.069925f, -0.069864f, -0.069803f, -0.069742f, -0.069682f, -0.069621f, -0.06956f, -0.069499f, -0.069439f, -0.069378f, -0.069317f, -0.069256f, -0.069196f, -0.069135f, -0.069074f, -0.069013f, -0.068953f, -0.068892f, -0.068831f, -0.068771f,
--0.06871f, -0.068649f, -0.068588f, -0.068528f, -0.068467f, -0.068406f, -0.068345f, -0.068285f, -0.068224f, -0.068163f, -0.068102f, -0.068041f, -0.067981f, -0.06792f, -0.067859f, -0.067798f, -0.067738f, -0.067677f, -0.067616f, -0.067555f,
--0.067495f, -0.067434f, -0.067373f, -0.067312f, -0.067252f, -0.067191f, -0.06713f, -0.067069f, -0.067009f, -0.066948f, -0.066887f, -0.066826f, -0.066766f, -0.066705f, -0.066644f, -0.066583f, -0.066523f, -0.066462f, -0.066401f, -0.06634f,
--0.066279f, -0.066219f, -0.066158f, -0.066097f, -0.066036f, -0.065976f, -0.065915f, -0.065854f, -0.065793f, -0.065733f, -0.065672f, -0.065611f, -0.06555f, -0.065489f, -0.065429f, -0.065368f, -0.065307f, -0.065246f, -0.065186f, -0.065125f,
--0.065064f, -0.065003f, -0.064942f, -0.064882f, -0.064821f, -0.06476f, -0.064699f, -0.064639f, -0.064578f, -0.064517f, -0.064456f, -0.064395f, -0.064335f, -0.064274f, -0.064213f, -0.064152f, -0.064091f, -0.064031f, -0.06397f, -0.063909f,
--0.063848f, -0.063788f, -0.063727f, -0.063666f, -0.063605f, -0.063544f, -0.063484f, -0.063423f, -0.063362f, -0.063301f, -0.06324f, -0.06318f, -0.063119f, -0.063058f, -0.062997f, -0.062936f, -0.062876f, -0.062815f, -0.062754f, -0.062693f,
--0.062632f, -0.062572f, -0.062511f, -0.06245f, -0.062389f, -0.062328f, -0.062268f, -0.062207f, -0.062146f, -0.062085f, -0.062024f, -0.061964f, -0.061903f, -0.061842f, -0.061781f, -0.06172f, -0.06166f, -0.061599f, -0.061538f, -0.061477f,
--0.061416f, -0.061356f, -0.061295f, -0.061234f, -0.061173f, -0.061112f, -0.061052f, -0.060991f, -0.06093f, -0.060869f, -0.060808f, -0.060748f, -0.060687f, -0.060626f, -0.060565f, -0.060504f, -0.060444f, -0.060383f, -0.060322f, -0.060261f,
--0.0602f, -0.060139f, -0.060079f, -0.060018f, -0.059957f, -0.059896f, -0.059835f, -0.059775f, -0.059714f, -0.059653f, -0.059592f, -0.059531f, -0.05947f, -0.05941f, -0.059349f, -0.059288f, -0.059227f, -0.059166f, -0.059106f, -0.059045f,
--0.058984f, -0.058923f, -0.058862f, -0.058801f, -0.058741f, -0.05868f, -0.058619f, -0.058558f, -0.058497f, -0.058436f, -0.058376f, -0.058315f, -0.058254f, -0.058193f, -0.058132f, -0.058071f, -0.058011f, -0.05795f, -0.057889f, -0.057828f,
--0.057767f, -0.057706f, -0.057646f, -0.057585f, -0.057524f, -0.057463f, -0.057402f, -0.057341f, -0.057281f, -0.05722f, -0.057159f, -0.057098f, -0.057037f, -0.056976f, -0.056916f, -0.056855f, -0.056794f, -0.056733f, -0.056672f, -0.056611f,
--0.056551f, -0.05649f, -0.056429f, -0.056368f, -0.056307f, -0.056246f, -0.056186f, -0.056125f, -0.056064f, -0.056003f, -0.055942f, -0.055881f, -0.05582f, -0.05576f, -0.055699f, -0.055638f, -0.055577f, -0.055516f, -0.055455f, -0.055395f,
--0.055334f, -0.055273f, -0.055212f, -0.055151f, -0.05509f, -0.055029f, -0.054969f, -0.054908f, -0.054847f, -0.054786f, -0.054725f, -0.054664f, -0.054603f, -0.054543f, -0.054482f, -0.054421f, -0.05436f, -0.054299f, -0.054238f, -0.054177f,
--0.054117f, -0.054056f, -0.053995f, -0.053934f, -0.053873f, -0.053812f, -0.053751f, -0.053691f, -0.05363f, -0.053569f, -0.053508f, -0.053447f, -0.053386f, -0.053325f, -0.053265f, -0.053204f, -0.053143f, -0.053082f, -0.053021f, -0.05296f,
--0.052899f, -0.052839f, -0.052778f, -0.052717f, -0.052656f, -0.052595f, -0.052534f, -0.052473f, -0.052412f, -0.052352f, -0.052291f, -0.05223f, -0.052169f, -0.052108f, -0.052047f, -0.051986f, -0.051925f, -0.051865f, -0.051804f, -0.051743f,
--0.051682f, -0.051621f, -0.05156f, -0.051499f, -0.051439f, -0.051378f, -0.051317f, -0.051256f, -0.051195f, -0.051134f, -0.051073f, -0.051012f, -0.050951f, -0.050891f, -0.05083f, -0.050769f, -0.050708f, -0.050647f, -0.050586f, -0.050525f,
--0.050464f, -0.050404f, -0.050343f, -0.050282f, -0.050221f, -0.05016f, -0.050099f, -0.050038f, -0.049977f, -0.049917f, -0.049856f, -0.049795f, -0.049734f, -0.049673f, -0.049612f, -0.049551f, -0.04949f, -0.049429f, -0.049369f, -0.049308f,
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--0.048029f, -0.047968f, -0.047907f, -0.047846f, -0.047785f, -0.047724f, -0.047664f, -0.047603f, -0.047542f, -0.047481f, -0.04742f, -0.047359f, -0.047298f, -0.047237f, -0.047176f, -0.047115f, -0.047055f, -0.046994f, -0.046933f, -0.046872f,
--0.046811f, -0.04675f, -0.046689f, -0.046628f, -0.046567f, -0.046506f, -0.046446f, -0.046385f, -0.046324f, -0.046263f, -0.046202f, -0.046141f, -0.04608f, -0.046019f, -0.045958f, -0.045897f, -0.045836f, -0.045776f, -0.045715f, -0.045654f,
--0.045593f, -0.045532f, -0.045471f, -0.04541f, -0.045349f, -0.045288f, -0.045227f, -0.045166f, -0.045106f, -0.045045f, -0.044984f, -0.044923f, -0.044862f, -0.044801f, -0.04474f, -0.044679f, -0.044618f, -0.044557f, -0.044496f, -0.044436f,
--0.044375f, -0.044314f, -0.044253f, -0.044192f, -0.044131f, -0.04407f, -0.044009f, -0.043948f, -0.043887f, -0.043826f, -0.043765f, -0.043704f, -0.043644f, -0.043583f, -0.043522f, -0.043461f, -0.0434f, -0.043339f, -0.043278f, -0.043217f,
--0.043156f, -0.043095f, -0.043034f, -0.042973f, -0.042913f, -0.042852f, -0.042791f, -0.04273f, -0.042669f, -0.042608f, -0.042547f, -0.042486f, -0.042425f, -0.042364f, -0.042303f, -0.042242f, -0.042181f, -0.04212f, -0.04206f, -0.041999f,
--0.041938f, -0.041877f, -0.041816f, -0.041755f, -0.041694f, -0.041633f, -0.041572f, -0.041511f, -0.04145f, -0.041389f, -0.041328f, -0.041267f, -0.041207f, -0.041146f, -0.041085f, -0.041024f, -0.040963f, -0.040902f, -0.040841f, -0.04078f,
--0.040719f, -0.040658f, -0.040597f, -0.040536f, -0.040475f, -0.040414f, -0.040353f, -0.040293f, -0.040232f, -0.040171f, -0.04011f, -0.040049f, -0.039988f, -0.039927f, -0.039866f, -0.039805f, -0.039744f, -0.039683f, -0.039622f, -0.039561f,
--0.0395f, -0.039439f, -0.039378f, -0.039317f, -0.039257f, -0.039196f, -0.039135f, -0.039074f, -0.039013f, -0.038952f, -0.038891f, -0.03883f, -0.038769f, -0.038708f, -0.038647f, -0.038586f, -0.038525f, -0.038464f, -0.038403f, -0.038342f,
--0.038281f, -0.03822f, -0.03816f, -0.038099f, -0.038038f, -0.037977f, -0.037916f, -0.037855f, -0.037794f, -0.037733f, -0.037672f, -0.037611f, -0.03755f, -0.037489f, -0.037428f, -0.037367f, -0.037306f, -0.037245f, -0.037184f, -0.037123f,
--0.037062f, -0.037001f, -0.036941f, -0.03688f, -0.036819f, -0.036758f, -0.036697f, -0.036636f, -0.036575f, -0.036514f, -0.036453f, -0.036392f, -0.036331f, -0.03627f, -0.036209f, -0.036148f, -0.036087f, -0.036026f, -0.035965f, -0.035904f,
--0.035843f, -0.035782f, -0.035721f, -0.03566f, -0.0356f, -0.035539f, -0.035478f, -0.035417f, -0.035356f, -0.035295f, -0.035234f, -0.035173f, -0.035112f, -0.035051f, -0.03499f, -0.034929f, -0.034868f, -0.034807f, -0.034746f, -0.034685f,
--0.034624f, -0.034563f, -0.034502f, -0.034441f, -0.03438f, -0.034319f, -0.034258f, -0.034197f, -0.034136f, -0.034075f, -0.034014f, -0.033954f, -0.033893f, -0.033832f, -0.033771f, -0.03371f, -0.033649f, -0.033588f, -0.033527f, -0.033466f,
--0.033405f, -0.033344f, -0.033283f, -0.033222f, -0.033161f, -0.0331f, -0.033039f, -0.032978f, -0.032917f, -0.032856f, -0.032795f, -0.032734f, -0.032673f, -0.032612f, -0.032551f, -0.03249f, -0.032429f, -0.032368f, -0.032307f, -0.032246f,
--0.032185f, -0.032124f, -0.032063f, -0.032002f, -0.031942f, -0.031881f, -0.03182f, -0.031759f, -0.031698f, -0.031637f, -0.031576f, -0.031515f, -0.031454f, -0.031393f, -0.031332f, -0.031271f, -0.03121f, -0.031149f, -0.031088f, -0.031027f,
--0.030966f, -0.030905f, -0.030844f, -0.030783f, -0.030722f, -0.030661f, -0.0306f, -0.030539f, -0.030478f, -0.030417f, -0.030356f, -0.030295f, -0.030234f, -0.030173f, -0.030112f, -0.030051f, -0.02999f, -0.029929f, -0.029868f, -0.029807f,
--0.029746f, -0.029685f, -0.029624f, -0.029563f, -0.029502f, -0.029441f, -0.02938f, -0.029319f, -0.029258f, -0.029197f, -0.029136f, -0.029075f, -0.029015f, -0.028954f, -0.028893f, -0.028832f, -0.028771f, -0.02871f, -0.028649f, -0.028588f,
--0.028527f, -0.028466f, -0.028405f, -0.028344f, -0.028283f, -0.028222f, -0.028161f, -0.0281f, -0.028039f, -0.027978f, -0.027917f, -0.027856f, -0.027795f, -0.027734f, -0.027673f, -0.027612f, -0.027551f, -0.02749f, -0.027429f, -0.027368f,
--0.027307f, -0.027246f, -0.027185f, -0.027124f, -0.027063f, -0.027002f, -0.026941f, -0.02688f, -0.026819f, -0.026758f, -0.026697f, -0.026636f, -0.026575f, -0.026514f, -0.026453f, -0.026392f, -0.026331f, -0.02627f, -0.026209f, -0.026148f,
--0.026087f, -0.026026f, -0.025965f, -0.025904f, -0.025843f, -0.025782f, -0.025721f, -0.02566f, -0.025599f, -0.025538f, -0.025477f, -0.025416f, -0.025355f, -0.025294f, -0.025233f, -0.025172f, -0.025111f, -0.02505f, -0.024989f, -0.024928f,
--0.024867f, -0.024806f, -0.024745f, -0.024684f, -0.024623f, -0.024562f, -0.024501f, -0.02444f, -0.024379f, -0.024318f, -0.024257f, -0.024196f, -0.024135f, -0.024074f, -0.024013f, -0.023952f, -0.023891f, -0.02383f, -0.023769f, -0.023708f,
--0.023647f, -0.023586f, -0.023525f, -0.023464f, -0.023403f, -0.023342f, -0.023281f, -0.02322f, -0.023159f, -0.023098f, -0.023037f, -0.022976f, -0.022915f, -0.022854f, -0.022793f, -0.022732f, -0.022671f, -0.02261f, -0.022549f, -0.022488f,
--0.022427f, -0.022366f, -0.022305f, -0.022244f, -0.022183f, -0.022122f, -0.022061f, -0.022f, -0.021939f, -0.021878f, -0.021817f, -0.021756f, -0.021695f, -0.021634f, -0.021573f, -0.021512f, -0.021451f, -0.02139f, -0.021329f, -0.021268f,
--0.021207f, -0.021146f, -0.021085f, -0.021024f, -0.020963f, -0.020902f, -0.020841f, -0.02078f, -0.020719f, -0.020658f, -0.020597f, -0.020536f, -0.020475f, -0.020414f, -0.020353f, -0.020292f, -0.020231f, -0.02017f, -0.020109f, -0.020048f,
--0.019987f, -0.019926f, -0.019865f, -0.019804f, -0.019743f, -0.019682f, -0.019621f, -0.01956f, -0.019499f, -0.019438f, -0.019377f, -0.019316f, -0.019255f, -0.019193f, -0.019132f, -0.019071f, -0.01901f, -0.018949f, -0.018888f, -0.018827f,
--0.018766f, -0.018705f, -0.018644f, -0.018583f, -0.018522f, -0.018461f, -0.0184f, -0.018339f, -0.018278f, -0.018217f, -0.018156f, -0.018095f, -0.018034f, -0.017973f, -0.017912f, -0.017851f, -0.01779f, -0.017729f, -0.017668f, -0.017607f,
--0.017546f, -0.017485f, -0.017424f, -0.017363f, -0.017302f, -0.017241f, -0.01718f, -0.017119f, -0.017058f, -0.016997f, -0.016936f, -0.016875f, -0.016814f, -0.016753f, -0.016692f, -0.016631f, -0.01657f, -0.016509f, -0.016448f, -0.016387f,
--0.016326f, -0.016265f, -0.016204f, -0.016143f, -0.016082f, -0.016021f, -0.01596f, -0.015899f, -0.015838f, -0.015777f, -0.015715f, -0.015654f, -0.015593f, -0.015532f, -0.015471f, -0.01541f, -0.015349f, -0.015288f, -0.015227f, -0.015166f,
--0.015105f, -0.015044f, -0.014983f, -0.014922f, -0.014861f, -0.0148f, -0.014739f, -0.014678f, -0.014617f, -0.014556f, -0.014495f, -0.014434f, -0.014373f, -0.014312f, -0.014251f, -0.01419f, -0.014129f, -0.014068f, -0.014007f, -0.013946f,
--0.013885f, -0.013824f, -0.013763f, -0.013702f, -0.013641f, -0.01358f, -0.013519f, -0.013458f, -0.013397f, -0.013336f, -0.013275f, -0.013214f, -0.013153f, -0.013091f, -0.01303f, -0.012969f, -0.012908f, -0.012847f, -0.012786f, -0.012725f,
--0.012664f, -0.012603f, -0.012542f, -0.012481f, -0.01242f, -0.012359f, -0.012298f, -0.012237f, -0.012176f, -0.012115f, -0.012054f, -0.011993f, -0.011932f, -0.011871f, -0.01181f, -0.011749f, -0.011688f, -0.011627f, -0.011566f, -0.011505f,
--0.011444f, -0.011383f, -0.011322f, -0.011261f, -0.0112f, -0.011139f, -0.011078f, -0.011017f, -0.010956f, -0.010895f, -0.010833f, -0.010772f, -0.010711f, -0.01065f, -0.010589f, -0.010528f, -0.010467f, -0.010406f, -0.010345f, -0.010284f,
--0.010223f, -0.010162f, -0.010101f, -0.01004f, -0.009979f, -0.009918f, -0.009857f, -0.009796f, -0.009735f, -0.009674f, -0.009613f, -0.009552f, -0.009491f, -0.00943f, -0.009369f, -0.009308f, -0.009247f, -0.009186f, -0.009125f, -0.009064f,
--0.009003f, -0.008942f, -0.008881f, -0.008819f, -0.008758f, -0.008697f, -0.008636f, -0.008575f, -0.008514f, -0.008453f, -0.008392f, -0.008331f, -0.00827f, -0.008209f, -0.008148f, -0.008087f, -0.008026f, -0.007965f, -0.007904f, -0.007843f,
--0.007782f, -0.007721f, -0.00766f, -0.007599f, -0.007538f, -0.007477f, -0.007416f, -0.007355f, -0.007294f, -0.007233f, -0.007172f, -0.007111f, -0.00705f, -0.006989f, -0.006927f, -0.006866f, -0.006805f, -0.006744f, -0.006683f, -0.006622f,
--0.006561f, -0.0065f, -0.006439f, -0.006378f, -0.006317f, -0.006256f, -0.006195f, -0.006134f, -0.006073f, -0.006012f, -0.005951f, -0.00589f, -0.005829f, -0.005768f, -0.005707f, -0.005646f, -0.005585f, -0.005524f, -0.005463f, -0.005402f,
--0.005341f, -0.00528f, -0.005219f, -0.005158f, -0.005096f, -0.005035f, -0.004974f, -0.004913f, -0.004852f, -0.004791f, -0.00473f, -0.004669f, -0.004608f, -0.004547f, -0.004486f, -0.004425f, -0.004364f, -0.004303f, -0.004242f, -0.004181f,
--0.00412f, -0.004059f, -0.003998f, -0.003937f, -0.003876f, -0.003815f, -0.003754f, -0.003693f, -0.003632f, -0.003571f, -0.00351f, -0.003449f, -0.003387f, -0.003326f, -0.003265f, -0.003204f, -0.003143f, -0.003082f, -0.003021f, -0.00296f,
--0.002899f, -0.002838f, -0.002777f, -0.002716f, -0.002655f, -0.002594f, -0.002533f, -0.002472f, -0.002411f, -0.00235f, -0.002289f, -0.002228f, -0.002167f, -0.002106f, -0.002045f, -0.001984f, -0.001923f, -0.001862f, -0.001801f, -0.00174f,
--0.001678f, -0.001617f, -0.001556f, -0.001495f, -0.001434f, -0.001373f, -0.001312f, -0.001251f, -0.00119f, -0.001129f, -0.001068f, -0.001007f, -0.000946f, -0.000885f, -0.000824f, -0.000763f, -0.000702f, -0.000641f, -0.00058f, -0.000519f,
--0.000458f, -0.000397f, -0.000336f, -0.000275f, -0.000214f, -0.000153f, -9.2e-05f, -3.1e-05f, 3.1e-05f, 9.2e-05f, 0.000153f, 0.000214f, 0.000275f, 0.000336f, 0.000397f, 0.000458f, 0.000519f, 0.00058f, 0.000641f, 0.000702f,
-0.000763f, 0.000824f, 0.000885f, 0.000946f, 0.001007f, 0.001068f, 0.001129f, 0.00119f, 0.001251f, 0.001312f, 0.001373f, 0.001434f, 0.001495f, 0.001556f, 0.001617f, 0.001678f, 0.00174f, 0.001801f, 0.001862f, 0.001923f,
-0.001984f, 0.002045f, 0.002106f, 0.002167f, 0.002228f, 0.002289f, 0.00235f, 0.002411f, 0.002472f, 0.002533f, 0.002594f, 0.002655f, 0.002716f, 0.002777f, 0.002838f, 0.002899f, 0.00296f, 0.003021f, 0.003082f, 0.003143f,
-0.003204f, 0.003265f, 0.003326f, 0.003387f, 0.003449f, 0.00351f, 0.003571f, 0.003632f, 0.003693f, 0.003754f, 0.003815f, 0.003876f, 0.003937f, 0.003998f, 0.004059f, 0.00412f, 0.004181f, 0.004242f, 0.004303f, 0.004364f,
-0.004425f, 0.004486f, 0.004547f, 0.004608f, 0.004669f, 0.00473f, 0.004791f, 0.004852f, 0.004913f, 0.004974f, 0.005035f, 0.005096f, 0.005158f, 0.005219f, 0.00528f, 0.005341f, 0.005402f, 0.005463f, 0.005524f, 0.005585f,
-0.005646f, 0.005707f, 0.005768f, 0.005829f, 0.00589f, 0.005951f, 0.006012f, 0.006073f, 0.006134f, 0.006195f, 0.006256f, 0.006317f, 0.006378f, 0.006439f, 0.0065f, 0.006561f, 0.006622f, 0.006683f, 0.006744f, 0.006805f,
-0.006866f, 0.006927f, 0.006989f, 0.00705f, 0.007111f, 0.007172f, 0.007233f, 0.007294f, 0.007355f, 0.007416f, 0.007477f, 0.007538f, 0.007599f, 0.00766f, 0.007721f, 0.007782f, 0.007843f, 0.007904f, 0.007965f, 0.008026f,
-0.008087f, 0.008148f, 0.008209f, 0.00827f, 0.008331f, 0.008392f, 0.008453f, 0.008514f, 0.008575f, 0.008636f, 0.008697f, 0.008758f, 0.008819f, 0.008881f, 0.008942f, 0.009003f, 0.009064f, 0.009125f, 0.009186f, 0.009247f,
-0.009308f, 0.009369f, 0.00943f, 0.009491f, 0.009552f, 0.009613f, 0.009674f, 0.009735f, 0.009796f, 0.009857f, 0.009918f, 0.009979f, 0.01004f, 0.010101f, 0.010162f, 0.010223f, 0.010284f, 0.010345f, 0.010406f, 0.010467f,
-0.010528f, 0.010589f, 0.01065f, 0.010711f, 0.010772f, 0.010833f, 0.010895f, 0.010956f, 0.011017f, 0.011078f, 0.011139f, 0.0112f, 0.011261f, 0.011322f, 0.011383f, 0.011444f, 0.011505f, 0.011566f, 0.011627f, 0.011688f,
-0.011749f, 0.01181f, 0.011871f, 0.011932f, 0.011993f, 0.012054f, 0.012115f, 0.012176f, 0.012237f, 0.012298f, 0.012359f, 0.01242f, 0.012481f, 0.012542f, 0.012603f, 0.012664f, 0.012725f, 0.012786f, 0.012847f, 0.012908f,
-0.012969f, 0.01303f, 0.013091f, 0.013153f, 0.013214f, 0.013275f, 0.013336f, 0.013397f, 0.013458f, 0.013519f, 0.01358f, 0.013641f, 0.013702f, 0.013763f, 0.013824f, 0.013885f, 0.013946f, 0.014007f, 0.014068f, 0.014129f,
-0.01419f, 0.014251f, 0.014312f, 0.014373f, 0.014434f, 0.014495f, 0.014556f, 0.014617f, 0.014678f, 0.014739f, 0.0148f, 0.014861f, 0.014922f, 0.014983f, 0.015044f, 0.015105f, 0.015166f, 0.015227f, 0.015288f, 0.015349f,
-0.01541f, 0.015471f, 0.015532f, 0.015593f, 0.015654f, 0.015715f, 0.015777f, 0.015838f, 0.015899f, 0.01596f, 0.016021f, 0.016082f, 0.016143f, 0.016204f, 0.016265f, 0.016326f, 0.016387f, 0.016448f, 0.016509f, 0.01657f,
-0.016631f, 0.016692f, 0.016753f, 0.016814f, 0.016875f, 0.016936f, 0.016997f, 0.017058f, 0.017119f, 0.01718f, 0.017241f, 0.017302f, 0.017363f, 0.017424f, 0.017485f, 0.017546f, 0.017607f, 0.017668f, 0.017729f, 0.01779f,
-0.017851f, 0.017912f, 0.017973f, 0.018034f, 0.018095f, 0.018156f, 0.018217f, 0.018278f, 0.018339f, 0.0184f, 0.018461f, 0.018522f, 0.018583f, 0.018644f, 0.018705f, 0.018766f, 0.018827f, 0.018888f, 0.018949f, 0.01901f,
-0.019071f, 0.019132f, 0.019193f, 0.019255f, 0.019316f, 0.019377f, 0.019438f, 0.019499f, 0.01956f, 0.019621f, 0.019682f, 0.019743f, 0.019804f, 0.019865f, 0.019926f, 0.019987f, 0.020048f, 0.020109f, 0.02017f, 0.020231f,
-0.020292f, 0.020353f, 0.020414f, 0.020475f, 0.020536f, 0.020597f, 0.020658f, 0.020719f, 0.02078f, 0.020841f, 0.020902f, 0.020963f, 0.021024f, 0.021085f, 0.021146f, 0.021207f, 0.021268f, 0.021329f, 0.02139f, 0.021451f,
-0.021512f, 0.021573f, 0.021634f, 0.021695f, 0.021756f, 0.021817f, 0.021878f, 0.021939f, 0.022f, 0.022061f, 0.022122f, 0.022183f, 0.022244f, 0.022305f, 0.022366f, 0.022427f, 0.022488f, 0.022549f, 0.02261f, 0.022671f,
-0.022732f, 0.022793f, 0.022854f, 0.022915f, 0.022976f, 0.023037f, 0.023098f, 0.023159f, 0.02322f, 0.023281f, 0.023342f, 0.023403f, 0.023464f, 0.023525f, 0.023586f, 0.023647f, 0.023708f, 0.023769f, 0.02383f, 0.023891f,
-0.023952f, 0.024013f, 0.024074f, 0.024135f, 0.024196f, 0.024257f, 0.024318f, 0.024379f, 0.02444f, 0.024501f, 0.024562f, 0.024623f, 0.024684f, 0.024745f, 0.024806f, 0.024867f, 0.024928f, 0.024989f, 0.02505f, 0.025111f,
-0.025172f, 0.025233f, 0.025294f, 0.025355f, 0.025416f, 0.025477f, 0.025538f, 0.025599f, 0.02566f, 0.025721f, 0.025782f, 0.025843f, 0.025904f, 0.025965f, 0.026026f, 0.026087f, 0.026148f, 0.026209f, 0.02627f, 0.026331f,
-0.026392f, 0.026453f, 0.026514f, 0.026575f, 0.026636f, 0.026697f, 0.026758f, 0.026819f, 0.02688f, 0.026941f, 0.027002f, 0.027063f, 0.027124f, 0.027185f, 0.027246f, 0.027307f, 0.027368f, 0.027429f, 0.02749f, 0.027551f,
-0.027612f, 0.027673f, 0.027734f, 0.027795f, 0.027856f, 0.027917f, 0.027978f, 0.028039f, 0.0281f, 0.028161f, 0.028222f, 0.028283f, 0.028344f, 0.028405f, 0.028466f, 0.028527f, 0.028588f, 0.028649f, 0.02871f, 0.028771f,
-0.028832f, 0.028893f, 0.028954f, 0.029015f, 0.029075f, 0.029136f, 0.029197f, 0.029258f, 0.029319f, 0.02938f, 0.029441f, 0.029502f, 0.029563f, 0.029624f, 0.029685f, 0.029746f, 0.029807f, 0.029868f, 0.029929f, 0.02999f,
-0.030051f, 0.030112f, 0.030173f, 0.030234f, 0.030295f, 0.030356f, 0.030417f, 0.030478f, 0.030539f, 0.0306f, 0.030661f, 0.030722f, 0.030783f, 0.030844f, 0.030905f, 0.030966f, 0.031027f, 0.031088f, 0.031149f, 0.03121f,
-0.031271f, 0.031332f, 0.031393f, 0.031454f, 0.031515f, 0.031576f, 0.031637f, 0.031698f, 0.031759f, 0.03182f, 0.031881f, 0.031942f, 0.032002f, 0.032063f, 0.032124f, 0.032185f, 0.032246f, 0.032307f, 0.032368f, 0.032429f,
-0.03249f, 0.032551f, 0.032612f, 0.032673f, 0.032734f, 0.032795f, 0.032856f, 0.032917f, 0.032978f, 0.033039f, 0.0331f, 0.033161f, 0.033222f, 0.033283f, 0.033344f, 0.033405f, 0.033466f, 0.033527f, 0.033588f, 0.033649f,
-0.03371f, 0.033771f, 0.033832f, 0.033893f, 0.033954f, 0.034014f, 0.034075f, 0.034136f, 0.034197f, 0.034258f, 0.034319f, 0.03438f, 0.034441f, 0.034502f, 0.034563f, 0.034624f, 0.034685f, 0.034746f, 0.034807f, 0.034868f,
-0.034929f, 0.03499f, 0.035051f, 0.035112f, 0.035173f, 0.035234f, 0.035295f, 0.035356f, 0.035417f, 0.035478f, 0.035539f, 0.0356f, 0.03566f, 0.035721f, 0.035782f, 0.035843f, 0.035904f, 0.035965f, 0.036026f, 0.036087f,
-0.036148f, 0.036209f, 0.03627f, 0.036331f, 0.036392f, 0.036453f, 0.036514f, 0.036575f, 0.036636f, 0.036697f, 0.036758f, 0.036819f, 0.03688f, 0.036941f, 0.037001f, 0.037062f, 0.037123f, 0.037184f, 0.037245f, 0.037306f,
-0.037367f, 0.037428f, 0.037489f, 0.03755f, 0.037611f, 0.037672f, 0.037733f, 0.037794f, 0.037855f, 0.037916f, 0.037977f, 0.038038f, 0.038099f, 0.03816f, 0.03822f, 0.038281f, 0.038342f, 0.038403f, 0.038464f, 0.038525f,
-0.038586f, 0.038647f, 0.038708f, 0.038769f, 0.03883f, 0.038891f, 0.038952f, 0.039013f, 0.039074f, 0.039135f, 0.039196f, 0.039257f, 0.039317f, 0.039378f, 0.039439f, 0.0395f, 0.039561f, 0.039622f, 0.039683f, 0.039744f,
-0.039805f, 0.039866f, 0.039927f, 0.039988f, 0.040049f, 0.04011f, 0.040171f, 0.040232f, 0.040293f, 0.040353f, 0.040414f, 0.040475f, 0.040536f, 0.040597f, 0.040658f, 0.040719f, 0.04078f, 0.040841f, 0.040902f, 0.040963f,
-0.041024f, 0.041085f, 0.041146f, 0.041207f, 0.041267f, 0.041328f, 0.041389f, 0.04145f, 0.041511f, 0.041572f, 0.041633f, 0.041694f, 0.041755f, 0.041816f, 0.041877f, 0.041938f, 0.041999f, 0.04206f, 0.04212f, 0.042181f,
-0.042242f, 0.042303f, 0.042364f, 0.042425f, 0.042486f, 0.042547f, 0.042608f, 0.042669f, 0.04273f, 0.042791f, 0.042852f, 0.042913f, 0.042973f, 0.043034f, 0.043095f, 0.043156f, 0.043217f, 0.043278f, 0.043339f, 0.0434f,
-0.043461f, 0.043522f, 0.043583f, 0.043644f, 0.043704f, 0.043765f, 0.043826f, 0.043887f, 0.043948f, 0.044009f, 0.04407f, 0.044131f, 0.044192f, 0.044253f, 0.044314f, 0.044375f, 0.044436f, 0.044496f, 0.044557f, 0.044618f,
-0.044679f, 0.04474f, 0.044801f, 0.044862f, 0.044923f, 0.044984f, 0.045045f, 0.045106f, 0.045166f, 0.045227f, 0.045288f, 0.045349f, 0.04541f, 0.045471f, 0.045532f, 0.045593f, 0.045654f, 0.045715f, 0.045776f, 0.045836f,
-0.045897f, 0.045958f, 0.046019f, 0.04608f, 0.046141f, 0.046202f, 0.046263f, 0.046324f, 0.046385f, 0.046446f, 0.046506f, 0.046567f, 0.046628f, 0.046689f, 0.04675f, 0.046811f, 0.046872f, 0.046933f, 0.046994f, 0.047055f,
-0.047115f, 0.047176f, 0.047237f, 0.047298f, 0.047359f, 0.04742f, 0.047481f, 0.047542f, 0.047603f, 0.047664f, 0.047724f, 0.047785f, 0.047846f, 0.047907f, 0.047968f, 0.048029f, 0.04809f, 0.048151f, 0.048212f, 0.048273f,
-0.048333f, 0.048394f, 0.048455f, 0.048516f, 0.048577f, 0.048638f, 0.048699f, 0.04876f, 0.048821f, 0.048881f, 0.048942f, 0.049003f, 0.049064f, 0.049125f, 0.049186f, 0.049247f, 0.049308f, 0.049369f, 0.049429f, 0.04949f,
-0.049551f, 0.049612f, 0.049673f, 0.049734f, 0.049795f, 0.049856f, 0.049917f, 0.049977f, 0.050038f, 0.050099f, 0.05016f, 0.050221f, 0.050282f, 0.050343f, 0.050404f, 0.050464f, 0.050525f, 0.050586f, 0.050647f, 0.050708f,
-0.050769f, 0.05083f, 0.050891f, 0.050951f, 0.051012f, 0.051073f, 0.051134f, 0.051195f, 0.051256f, 0.051317f, 0.051378f, 0.051439f, 0.051499f, 0.05156f, 0.051621f, 0.051682f, 0.051743f, 0.051804f, 0.051865f, 0.051925f,
-0.051986f, 0.052047f, 0.052108f, 0.052169f, 0.05223f, 0.052291f, 0.052352f, 0.052412f, 0.052473f, 0.052534f, 0.052595f, 0.052656f, 0.052717f, 0.052778f, 0.052839f, 0.052899f, 0.05296f, 0.053021f, 0.053082f, 0.053143f,
-0.053204f, 0.053265f, 0.053325f, 0.053386f, 0.053447f, 0.053508f, 0.053569f, 0.05363f, 0.053691f, 0.053751f, 0.053812f, 0.053873f, 0.053934f, 0.053995f, 0.054056f, 0.054117f, 0.054177f, 0.054238f, 0.054299f, 0.05436f,
-0.054421f, 0.054482f, 0.054543f, 0.054603f, 0.054664f, 0.054725f, 0.054786f, 0.054847f, 0.054908f, 0.054969f, 0.055029f, 0.05509f, 0.055151f, 0.055212f, 0.055273f, 0.055334f, 0.055395f, 0.055455f, 0.055516f, 0.055577f,
-0.055638f, 0.055699f, 0.05576f, 0.05582f, 0.055881f, 0.055942f, 0.056003f, 0.056064f, 0.056125f, 0.056186f, 0.056246f, 0.056307f, 0.056368f, 0.056429f, 0.05649f, 0.056551f, 0.056611f, 0.056672f, 0.056733f, 0.056794f,
-0.056855f, 0.056916f, 0.056976f, 0.057037f, 0.057098f, 0.057159f, 0.05722f, 0.057281f, 0.057341f, 0.057402f, 0.057463f, 0.057524f, 0.057585f, 0.057646f, 0.057706f, 0.057767f, 0.057828f, 0.057889f, 0.05795f, 0.058011f,
-0.058071f, 0.058132f, 0.058193f, 0.058254f, 0.058315f, 0.058376f, 0.058436f, 0.058497f, 0.058558f, 0.058619f, 0.05868f, 0.058741f, 0.058801f, 0.058862f, 0.058923f, 0.058984f, 0.059045f, 0.059106f, 0.059166f, 0.059227f,
-0.059288f, 0.059349f, 0.05941f, 0.05947f, 0.059531f, 0.059592f, 0.059653f, 0.059714f, 0.059775f, 0.059835f, 0.059896f, 0.059957f, 0.060018f, 0.060079f, 0.060139f, 0.0602f, 0.060261f, 0.060322f, 0.060383f, 0.060444f,
-0.060504f, 0.060565f, 0.060626f, 0.060687f, 0.060748f, 0.060808f, 0.060869f, 0.06093f, 0.060991f, 0.061052f, 0.061112f, 0.061173f, 0.061234f, 0.061295f, 0.061356f, 0.061416f, 0.061477f, 0.061538f, 0.061599f, 0.06166f,
-0.06172f, 0.061781f, 0.061842f, 0.061903f, 0.061964f, 0.062024f, 0.062085f, 0.062146f, 0.062207f, 0.062268f, 0.062328f, 0.062389f, 0.06245f, 0.062511f, 0.062572f, 0.062632f, 0.062693f, 0.062754f, 0.062815f, 0.062876f,
-0.062936f, 0.062997f, 0.063058f, 0.063119f, 0.06318f, 0.06324f, 0.063301f, 0.063362f, 0.063423f, 0.063484f, 0.063544f, 0.063605f, 0.063666f, 0.063727f, 0.063788f, 0.063848f, 0.063909f, 0.06397f, 0.064031f, 0.064091f,
-0.064152f, 0.064213f, 0.064274f, 0.064335f, 0.064395f, 0.064456f, 0.064517f, 0.064578f, 0.064639f, 0.064699f, 0.06476f, 0.064821f, 0.064882f, 0.064942f, 0.065003f, 0.065064f, 0.065125f, 0.065186f, 0.065246f, 0.065307f,
-0.065368f, 0.065429f, 0.065489f, 0.06555f, 0.065611f, 0.065672f, 0.065733f, 0.065793f, 0.065854f, 0.065915f, 0.065976f, 0.066036f, 0.066097f, 0.066158f, 0.066219f, 0.066279f, 0.06634f, 0.066401f, 0.066462f, 0.066523f,
-0.066583f, 0.066644f, 0.066705f, 0.066766f, 0.066826f, 0.066887f, 0.066948f, 0.067009f, 0.067069f, 0.06713f, 0.067191f, 0.067252f, 0.067312f, 0.067373f, 0.067434f, 0.067495f, 0.067555f, 0.067616f, 0.067677f, 0.067738f,
-0.067798f, 0.067859f, 0.06792f, 0.067981f, 0.068041f, 0.068102f, 0.068163f, 0.068224f, 0.068285f, 0.068345f, 0.068406f, 0.068467f, 0.068528f, 0.068588f, 0.068649f, 0.06871f, 0.068771f, 0.068831f, 0.068892f, 0.068953f,
-0.069013f, 0.069074f, 0.069135f, 0.069196f, 0.069256f, 0.069317f, 0.069378f, 0.069439f, 0.069499f, 0.06956f, 0.069621f, 0.069682f, 0.069742f, 0.069803f, 0.069864f, 0.069925f, 0.069985f, 0.070046f, 0.070107f, 0.070168f,
-0.070228f, 0.070289f, 0.07035f, 0.07041f, 0.070471f, 0.070532f, 0.070593f, 0.070653f, 0.070714f, 0.070775f, 0.070836f, 0.070896f, 0.070957f, 0.071018f, 0.071079f, 0.071139f, 0.0712f, 0.071261f, 0.071321f, 0.071382f,
-0.071443f, 0.071504f, 0.071564f, 0.071625f, 0.071686f, 0.071747f, 0.071807f, 0.071868f, 0.071929f, 0.071989f, 0.07205f, 0.072111f, 0.072172f, 0.072232f, 0.072293f, 0.072354f, 0.072414f, 0.072475f, 0.072536f, 0.072597f,
-0.072657f, 0.072718f, 0.072779f, 0.072839f, 0.0729f, 0.072961f, 0.073022f, 0.073082f, 0.073143f, 0.073204f, 0.073264f, 0.073325f, 0.073386f, 0.073447f, 0.073507f, 0.073568f, 0.073629f, 0.073689f, 0.07375f, 0.073811f,
-0.073871f, 0.073932f, 0.073993f, 0.074054f, 0.074114f, 0.074175f, 0.074236f, 0.074296f, 0.074357f, 0.074418f, 0.074478f, 0.074539f, 0.0746f, 0.074661f, 0.074721f, 0.074782f, 0.074843f, 0.074903f, 0.074964f, 0.075025f,
-0.075085f, 0.075146f, 0.075207f, 0.075267f, 0.075328f, 0.075389f, 0.07545f, 0.07551f, 0.075571f, 0.075632f, 0.075692f, 0.075753f, 0.075814f, 0.075874f, 0.075935f, 0.075996f, 0.076056f, 0.076117f, 0.076178f, 0.076238f,
-0.076299f, 0.07636f, 0.07642f, 0.076481f, 0.076542f, 0.076603f, 0.076663f, 0.076724f, 0.076785f, 0.076845f, 0.076906f, 0.076967f, 0.077027f, 0.077088f, 0.077149f, 0.077209f, 0.07727f, 0.077331f, 0.077391f, 0.077452f,
-0.077513f, 0.077573f, 0.077634f, 0.077695f, 0.077755f, 0.077816f, 0.077877f, 0.077937f, 0.077998f, 0.078059f, 0.078119f, 0.07818f, 0.078241f, 0.078301f, 0.078362f, 0.078423f, 0.078483f, 0.078544f, 0.078605f, 0.078665f,
-0.078726f, 0.078787f, 0.078847f, 0.078908f, 0.078969f, 0.079029f, 0.07909f, 0.07915f, 0.079211f, 0.079272f, 0.079332f, 0.079393f, 0.079454f, 0.079514f, 0.079575f, 0.079636f, 0.079696f, 0.079757f, 0.079818f, 0.079878f,
-0.079939f, 0.08f, 0.08006f, 0.080121f, 0.080182f, 0.080242f, 0.080303f, 0.080363f, 0.080424f, 0.080485f, 0.080545f, 0.080606f, 0.080667f, 0.080727f, 0.080788f, 0.080849f, 0.080909f, 0.08097f, 0.08103f, 0.081091f,
-0.081152f, 0.081212f, 0.081273f, 0.081334f, 0.081394f, 0.081455f, 0.081516f, 0.081576f, 0.081637f, 0.081697f, 0.081758f, 0.081819f, 0.081879f, 0.08194f, 0.082001f, 0.082061f, 0.082122f, 0.082182f, 0.082243f, 0.082304f,
-0.082364f, 0.082425f, 0.082486f, 0.082546f, 0.082607f, 0.082667f, 0.082728f, 0.082789f, 0.082849f, 0.08291f, 0.08297f, 0.083031f, 0.083092f, 0.083152f, 0.083213f, 0.083274f, 0.083334f, 0.083395f, 0.083455f, 0.083516f,
-0.083577f, 0.083637f, 0.083698f, 0.083758f, 0.083819f, 0.08388f, 0.08394f, 0.084001f, 0.084061f, 0.084122f, 0.084183f, 0.084243f, 0.084304f, 0.084364f, 0.084425f, 0.084486f, 0.084546f, 0.084607f, 0.084667f, 0.084728f,
-0.084789f, 0.084849f, 0.08491f, 0.08497f, 0.085031f, 0.085092f, 0.085152f, 0.085213f, 0.085273f, 0.085334f, 0.085395f, 0.085455f, 0.085516f, 0.085576f, 0.085637f, 0.085698f, 0.085758f, 0.085819f, 0.085879f, 0.08594f,
-0.086001f, 0.086061f, 0.086122f, 0.086182f, 0.086243f, 0.086303f, 0.086364f, 0.086425f, 0.086485f, 0.086546f, 0.086606f, 0.086667f, 0.086727f, 0.086788f, 0.086849f, 0.086909f, 0.08697f, 0.08703f, 0.087091f, 0.087151f,
-0.087212f, 0.087273f, 0.087333f, 0.087394f, 0.087454f, 0.087515f, 0.087575f, 0.087636f, 0.087697f, 0.087757f, 0.087818f, 0.087878f, 0.087939f, 0.087999f, 0.08806f, 0.088121f, 0.088181f, 0.088242f, 0.088302f, 0.088363f,
-0.088423f, 0.088484f, 0.088544f, 0.088605f, 0.088666f, 0.088726f, 0.088787f, 0.088847f, 0.088908f, 0.088968f, 0.089029f, 0.089089f, 0.08915f, 0.089211f, 0.089271f, 0.089332f, 0.089392f, 0.089453f, 0.089513f, 0.089574f,
-0.089634f, 0.089695f, 0.089756f, 0.089816f, 0.089877f, 0.089937f, 0.089998f, 0.090058f, 0.090119f, 0.090179f, 0.09024f, 0.0903f, 0.090361f, 0.090421f, 0.090482f, 0.090543f, 0.090603f, 0.090664f, 0.090724f, 0.090785f,
-0.090845f, 0.090906f, 0.090966f, 0.091027f, 0.091087f, 0.091148f, 0.091208f, 0.091269f, 0.091329f, 0.09139f, 0.09145f, 0.091511f, 0.091572f, 0.091632f, 0.091693f, 0.091753f, 0.091814f, 0.091874f, 0.091935f, 0.091995f,
-0.092056f, 0.092116f, 0.092177f, 0.092237f, 0.092298f, 0.092358f, 0.092419f, 0.092479f, 0.09254f, 0.0926f, 0.092661f, 0.092721f, 0.092782f, 0.092842f, 0.092903f, 0.092963f, 0.093024f, 0.093084f, 0.093145f, 0.093205f,
-0.093266f, 0.093326f, 0.093387f, 0.093447f, 0.093508f, 0.093568f, 0.093629f, 0.093689f, 0.09375f, 0.09381f, 0.093871f, 0.093931f, 0.093992f, 0.094052f, 0.094113f, 0.094173f, 0.094234f, 0.094294f, 0.094355f, 0.094415f,
-0.094476f, 0.094536f, 0.094597f, 0.094657f, 0.094718f, 0.094778f, 0.094839f, 0.094899f, 0.09496f, 0.09502f, 0.095081f, 0.095141f, 0.095202f, 0.095262f, 0.095323f, 0.095383f, 0.095444f, 0.095504f, 0.095565f, 0.095625f,
-0.095686f, 0.095746f, 0.095807f, 0.095867f, 0.095928f, 0.095988f, 0.096048f, 0.096109f, 0.096169f, 0.09623f, 0.09629f, 0.096351f, 0.096411f, 0.096472f, 0.096532f, 0.096593f, 0.096653f, 0.096714f, 0.096774f, 0.096835f,
-0.096895f, 0.096955f, 0.097016f, 0.097076f, 0.097137f, 0.097197f, 0.097258f, 0.097318f, 0.097379f, 0.097439f, 0.0975f, 0.09756f, 0.097621f, 0.097681f, 0.097741f, 0.097802f, 0.097862f, 0.097923f, 0.097983f, 0.098044f,
-0.098104f, 0.098165f, 0.098225f, 0.098285f, 0.098346f, 0.098406f, 0.098467f, 0.098527f, 0.098588f, 0.098648f, 0.098709f, 0.098769f, 0.098829f, 0.09889f, 0.09895f, 0.099011f, 0.099071f, 0.099132f, 0.099192f, 0.099253f,
-0.099313f, 0.099373f, 0.099434f, 0.099494f, 0.099555f, 0.099615f, 0.099676f, 0.099736f, 0.099796f, 0.099857f, 0.099917f, 0.099978f, 0.100038f, 0.100099f, 0.100159f, 0.100219f, 0.10028f, 0.10034f, 0.100401f, 0.100461f,
-0.100521f, 0.100582f, 0.100642f, 0.100703f, 0.100763f, 0.100824f, 0.100884f, 0.100944f, 0.101005f, 0.101065f, 0.101126f, 0.101186f, 0.101246f, 0.101307f, 0.101367f, 0.101428f, 0.101488f, 0.101549f, 0.101609f, 0.101669f,
-0.10173f, 0.10179f, 0.101851f, 0.101911f, 0.101971f, 0.102032f, 0.102092f, 0.102153f, 0.102213f, 0.102273f, 0.102334f, 0.102394f, 0.102455f, 0.102515f, 0.102575f, 0.102636f, 0.102696f, 0.102756f, 0.102817f, 0.102877f,
-0.102938f, 0.102998f, 0.103058f, 0.103119f, 0.103179f, 0.10324f, 0.1033f, 0.10336f, 0.103421f, 0.103481f, 0.103542f, 0.103602f, 0.103662f, 0.103723f, 0.103783f, 0.103843f, 0.103904f, 0.103964f, 0.104025f, 0.104085f,
-0.104145f, 0.104206f, 0.104266f, 0.104326f, 0.104387f, 0.104447f, 0.104508f, 0.104568f, 0.104628f, 0.104689f, 0.104749f, 0.104809f, 0.10487f, 0.10493f, 0.10499f, 0.105051f, 0.105111f, 0.105172f, 0.105232f, 0.105292f,
-0.105353f, 0.105413f, 0.105473f, 0.105534f, 0.105594f, 0.105654f, 0.105715f, 0.105775f, 0.105835f, 0.105896f, 0.105956f, 0.106017f, 0.106077f, 0.106137f, 0.106198f, 0.106258f, 0.106318f, 0.106379f, 0.106439f, 0.106499f,
-0.10656f, 0.10662f, 0.10668f, 0.106741f, 0.106801f, 0.106861f, 0.106922f, 0.106982f, 0.107042f, 0.107103f, 0.107163f, 0.107223f, 0.107284f, 0.107344f, 0.107404f, 0.107465f, 0.107525f, 0.107585f, 0.107646f, 0.107706f,
-0.107766f, 0.107827f, 0.107887f, 0.107947f, 0.108008f, 0.108068f, 0.108128f, 0.108189f, 0.108249f, 0.108309f, 0.10837f, 0.10843f, 0.10849f, 0.108551f, 0.108611f, 0.108671f, 0.108731f, 0.108792f, 0.108852f, 0.108912f,
-0.108973f, 0.109033f, 0.109093f, 0.109154f, 0.109214f, 0.109274f, 0.109335f, 0.109395f, 0.109455f, 0.109516f, 0.109576f, 0.109636f, 0.109696f, 0.109757f, 0.109817f, 0.109877f, 0.109938f, 0.109998f, 0.110058f, 0.110119f,
-0.110179f, 0.110239f, 0.110299f, 0.11036f, 0.11042f, 0.11048f, 0.110541f, 0.110601f, 0.110661f, 0.110721f, 0.110782f, 0.110842f, 0.110902f, 0.110963f, 0.111023f, 0.111083f, 0.111143f, 0.111204f, 0.111264f, 0.111324f,
-0.111385f, 0.111445f, 0.111505f, 0.111565f, 0.111626f, 0.111686f, 0.111746f, 0.111806f, 0.111867f, 0.111927f, 0.111987f, 0.112048f, 0.112108f, 0.112168f, 0.112228f, 0.112289f, 0.112349f, 0.112409f, 0.112469f, 0.11253f,
-0.11259f, 0.11265f, 0.11271f, 0.112771f, 0.112831f, 0.112891f, 0.112952f, 0.113012f, 0.113072f, 0.113132f, 0.113193f, 0.113253f, 0.113313f, 0.113373f, 0.113434f, 0.113494f, 0.113554f, 0.113614f, 0.113675f, 0.113735f,
-0.113795f, 0.113855f, 0.113916f, 0.113976f, 0.114036f, 0.114096f, 0.114156f, 0.114217f, 0.114277f, 0.114337f, 0.114397f, 0.114458f, 0.114518f, 0.114578f, 0.114638f, 0.114699f, 0.114759f, 0.114819f, 0.114879f, 0.11494f,
-0.115f, 0.11506f, 0.11512f, 0.11518f, 0.115241f, 0.115301f, 0.115361f, 0.115421f, 0.115482f, 0.115542f, 0.115602f, 0.115662f, 0.115722f, 0.115783f, 0.115843f, 0.115903f, 0.115963f, 0.116024f, 0.116084f, 0.116144f,
-0.116204f, 0.116264f, 0.116325f, 0.116385f, 0.116445f, 0.116505f, 0.116565f, 0.116626f, 0.116686f, 0.116746f, 0.116806f, 0.116866f, 0.116927f, 0.116987f, 0.117047f, 0.117107f, 0.117167f, 0.117228f, 0.117288f, 0.117348f,
-0.117408f, 0.117468f, 0.117529f, 0.117589f, 0.117649f, 0.117709f, 0.117769f, 0.11783f, 0.11789f, 0.11795f, 0.11801f, 0.11807f, 0.118131f, 0.118191f, 0.118251f, 0.118311f, 0.118371f, 0.118431f, 0.118492f, 0.118552f,
-0.118612f, 0.118672f, 0.118732f, 0.118793f, 0.118853f, 0.118913f, 0.118973f, 0.119033f, 0.119093f, 0.119154f, 0.119214f, 0.119274f, 0.119334f, 0.119394f, 0.119454f, 0.119515f, 0.119575f, 0.119635f, 0.119695f, 0.119755f,
-0.119815f, 0.119876f, 0.119936f, 0.119996f, 0.120056f, 0.120116f, 0.120176f, 0.120236f, 0.120297f, 0.120357f, 0.120417f, 0.120477f, 0.120537f, 0.120597f, 0.120657f, 0.120718f, 0.120778f, 0.120838f, 0.120898f, 0.120958f,
-0.121018f, 0.121079f, 0.121139f, 0.121199f, 0.121259f, 0.121319f, 0.121379f, 0.121439f, 0.121499f, 0.12156f, 0.12162f, 0.12168f, 0.12174f, 0.1218f, 0.12186f, 0.12192f, 0.121981f, 0.122041f, 0.122101f, 0.122161f,
-0.122221f, 0.122281f, 0.122341f, 0.122401f, 0.122462f, 0.122522f, 0.122582f, 0.122642f, 0.122702f, 0.122762f, 0.122822f, 0.122882f, 0.122942f, 0.123003f, 0.123063f, 0.123123f, 0.123183f, 0.123243f, 0.123303f, 0.123363f,
-0.123423f, 0.123483f, 0.123544f, 0.123604f, 0.123664f, 0.123724f, 0.123784f, 0.123844f, 0.123904f, 0.123964f, 0.124024f, 0.124084f, 0.124145f, 0.124205f, 0.124265f, 0.124325f, 0.124385f, 0.124445f, 0.124505f, 0.124565f,
-0.124625f, 0.124685f, 0.124745f, 0.124806f, 0.124866f, 0.124926f, 0.124986f, 0.125046f, 0.125106f, 0.125166f, 0.125226f, 0.125286f, 0.125346f, 0.125406f, 0.125466f, 0.125527f, 0.125587f, 0.125647f, 0.125707f, 0.125767f,
-0.125827f, 0.125887f, 0.125947f, 0.126007f, 0.126067f, 0.126127f, 0.126187f, 0.126247f, 0.126307f, 0.126367f, 0.126428f, 0.126488f, 0.126548f, 0.126608f, 0.126668f, 0.126728f, 0.126788f, 0.126848f, 0.126908f, 0.126968f,
-0.127028f, 0.127088f, 0.127148f, 0.127208f, 0.127268f, 0.127328f, 0.127388f, 0.127448f, 0.127508f, 0.127568f, 0.127629f, 0.127689f, 0.127749f, 0.127809f, 0.127869f, 0.127929f, 0.127989f, 0.128049f, 0.128109f, 0.128169f,
-0.128229f, 0.128289f, 0.128349f, 0.128409f, 0.128469f, 0.128529f, 0.128589f, 0.128649f, 0.128709f, 0.128769f, 0.128829f, 0.128889f, 0.128949f, 0.129009f, 0.129069f, 0.129129f, 0.129189f, 0.129249f, 0.129309f, 0.129369f,
-0.129429f, 0.129489f, 0.129549f, 0.129609f, 0.129669f, 0.129729f, 0.129789f, 0.129849f, 0.129909f, 0.129969f, 0.130029f, 0.130089f, 0.130149f, 0.130209f, 0.130269f, 0.130329f, 0.130389f, 0.130449f, 0.130509f, 0.130569f,
-0.130629f, 0.130689f, 0.130749f, 0.130809f, 0.130869f, 0.130929f, 0.130989f, 0.131049f, 0.131109f, 0.131169f, 0.131229f, 0.131289f, 0.131349f, 0.131409f, 0.131469f, 0.131529f, 0.131589f, 0.131649f, 0.131709f, 0.131769f,
-0.131829f, 0.131889f, 0.131949f, 0.132009f, 0.132069f, 0.132129f, 0.132189f, 0.132249f, 0.132309f, 0.132369f, 0.132429f, 0.132489f, 0.132549f, 0.132609f, 0.132669f, 0.132729f, 0.132789f, 0.132849f, 0.132909f, 0.132969f,
-0.133028f, 0.133088f, 0.133148f, 0.133208f, 0.133268f, 0.133328f, 0.133388f, 0.133448f, 0.133508f, 0.133568f, 0.133628f, 0.133688f, 0.133748f, 0.133808f, 0.133868f, 0.133928f, 0.133988f, 0.134048f, 0.134108f, 0.134167f,
-0.134227f, 0.134287f, 0.134347f, 0.134407f, 0.134467f, 0.134527f, 0.134587f, 0.134647f, 0.134707f, 0.134767f, 0.134827f, 0.134887f, 0.134947f, 0.135006f, 0.135066f, 0.135126f, 0.135186f, 0.135246f, 0.135306f, 0.135366f,
-0.135426f, 0.135486f, 0.135546f, 0.135606f, 0.135666f, 0.135725f, 0.135785f, 0.135845f, 0.135905f, 0.135965f, 0.136025f, 0.136085f, 0.136145f, 0.136205f, 0.136265f, 0.136325f, 0.136384f, 0.136444f, 0.136504f, 0.136564f,
-0.136624f, 0.136684f, 0.136744f, 0.136804f, 0.136864f, 0.136924f, 0.136983f, 0.137043f, 0.137103f, 0.137163f, 0.137223f, 0.137283f, 0.137343f, 0.137403f, 0.137463f, 0.137522f, 0.137582f, 0.137642f, 0.137702f, 0.137762f,
-0.137822f, 0.137882f, 0.137942f, 0.138001f, 0.138061f, 0.138121f, 0.138181f, 0.138241f, 0.138301f, 0.138361f, 0.138421f, 0.13848f, 0.13854f, 0.1386f, 0.13866f, 0.13872f, 0.13878f, 0.13884f, 0.138899f, 0.138959f,
-0.139019f, 0.139079f, 0.139139f, 0.139199f, 0.139259f, 0.139318f, 0.139378f, 0.139438f, 0.139498f, 0.139558f, 0.139618f, 0.139677f, 0.139737f, 0.139797f, 0.139857f, 0.139917f, 0.139977f, 0.140037f, 0.140096f, 0.140156f,
-0.140216f, 0.140276f, 0.140336f, 0.140396f, 0.140455f, 0.140515f, 0.140575f, 0.140635f, 0.140695f, 0.140755f, 0.140814f, 0.140874f, 0.140934f, 0.140994f, 0.141054f, 0.141113f, 0.141173f, 0.141233f, 0.141293f, 0.141353f,
-0.141413f, 0.141472f, 0.141532f, 0.141592f, 0.141652f, 0.141712f, 0.141771f, 0.141831f, 0.141891f, 0.141951f, 0.142011f, 0.14207f, 0.14213f, 0.14219f, 0.14225f, 0.14231f, 0.142369f, 0.142429f, 0.142489f, 0.142549f,
-0.142609f, 0.142668f, 0.142728f, 0.142788f, 0.142848f, 0.142908f, 0.142967f, 0.143027f, 0.143087f, 0.143147f, 0.143207f, 0.143266f, 0.143326f, 0.143386f, 0.143446f, 0.143505f, 0.143565f, 0.143625f, 0.143685f, 0.143745f,
-0.143804f, 0.143864f, 0.143924f, 0.143984f, 0.144043f, 0.144103f, 0.144163f, 0.144223f, 0.144283f, 0.144342f, 0.144402f, 0.144462f, 0.144522f, 0.144581f, 0.144641f, 0.144701f, 0.144761f, 0.14482f, 0.14488f, 0.14494f,
-0.145f, 0.145059f, 0.145119f, 0.145179f, 0.145239f, 0.145298f, 0.145358f, 0.145418f, 0.145478f, 0.145537f, 0.145597f, 0.145657f, 0.145717f, 0.145776f, 0.145836f, 0.145896f, 0.145956f, 0.146015f, 0.146075f, 0.146135f,
-0.146194f, 0.146254f, 0.146314f, 0.146374f, 0.146433f, 0.146493f, 0.146553f, 0.146613f, 0.146672f, 0.146732f, 0.146792f, 0.146851f, 0.146911f, 0.146971f, 0.147031f, 0.14709f, 0.14715f, 0.14721f, 0.147269f, 0.147329f,
-0.147389f, 0.147449f, 0.147508f, 0.147568f, 0.147628f, 0.147687f, 0.147747f, 0.147807f, 0.147867f, 0.147926f, 0.147986f, 0.148046f, 0.148105f, 0.148165f, 0.148225f, 0.148284f, 0.148344f, 0.148404f, 0.148463f, 0.148523f,
-0.148583f, 0.148643f, 0.148702f, 0.148762f, 0.148822f, 0.148881f, 0.148941f, 0.149001f, 0.14906f, 0.14912f, 0.14918f, 0.149239f, 0.149299f, 0.149359f, 0.149418f, 0.149478f, 0.149538f, 0.149597f, 0.149657f, 0.149717f,
-0.149776f, 0.149836f, 0.149896f, 0.149955f, 0.150015f, 0.150075f, 0.150134f, 0.150194f, 0.150254f, 0.150313f, 0.150373f, 0.150433f, 0.150492f, 0.150552f, 0.150612f, 0.150671f, 0.150731f, 0.150791f, 0.15085f, 0.15091f,
-0.15097f, 0.151029f, 0.151089f, 0.151148f, 0.151208f, 0.151268f, 0.151327f, 0.151387f, 0.151447f, 0.151506f, 0.151566f, 0.151626f, 0.151685f, 0.151745f, 0.151804f, 0.151864f, 0.151924f, 0.151983f, 0.152043f, 0.152103f,
-0.152162f, 0.152222f, 0.152281f, 0.152341f, 0.152401f, 0.15246f, 0.15252f, 0.15258f, 0.152639f, 0.152699f, 0.152758f, 0.152818f, 0.152878f, 0.152937f, 0.152997f, 0.153056f, 0.153116f, 0.153176f, 0.153235f, 0.153295f,
-0.153354f, 0.153414f, 0.153474f, 0.153533f, 0.153593f, 0.153652f, 0.153712f, 0.153772f, 0.153831f, 0.153891f, 0.15395f, 0.15401f, 0.15407f, 0.154129f, 0.154189f, 0.154248f, 0.154308f, 0.154368f, 0.154427f, 0.154487f,
-0.154546f, 0.154606f, 0.154665f, 0.154725f, 0.154785f, 0.154844f, 0.154904f, 0.154963f, 0.155023f, 0.155082f, 0.155142f, 0.155202f, 0.155261f, 0.155321f, 0.15538f, 0.15544f, 0.155499f, 0.155559f, 0.155618f, 0.155678f,
-0.155738f, 0.155797f, 0.155857f, 0.155916f, 0.155976f, 0.156035f, 0.156095f, 0.156154f, 0.156214f, 0.156274f, 0.156333f, 0.156393f, 0.156452f, 0.156512f, 0.156571f, 0.156631f, 0.15669f, 0.15675f, 0.156809f, 0.156869f,
-0.156928f, 0.156988f, 0.157048f, 0.157107f, 0.157167f, 0.157226f, 0.157286f, 0.157345f, 0.157405f, 0.157464f, 0.157524f, 0.157583f, 0.157643f, 0.157702f, 0.157762f, 0.157821f, 0.157881f, 0.15794f, 0.158f, 0.158059f,
-0.158119f, 0.158178f, 0.158238f, 0.158297f, 0.158357f, 0.158416f, 0.158476f, 0.158535f, 0.158595f, 0.158654f, 0.158714f, 0.158773f, 0.158833f, 0.158892f, 0.158952f, 0.159011f, 0.159071f, 0.15913f, 0.15919f, 0.159249f,
-0.159309f, 0.159368f, 0.159428f, 0.159487f, 0.159547f, 0.159606f, 0.159666f, 0.159725f, 0.159785f, 0.159844f, 0.159904f, 0.159963f, 0.160023f, 0.160082f, 0.160142f, 0.160201f, 0.160261f, 0.16032f, 0.160379f, 0.160439f,
-0.160498f, 0.160558f, 0.160617f, 0.160677f, 0.160736f, 0.160796f, 0.160855f, 0.160915f, 0.160974f, 0.161034f, 0.161093f, 0.161152f, 0.161212f, 0.161271f, 0.161331f, 0.16139f, 0.16145f, 0.161509f, 0.161569f, 0.161628f,
-0.161687f, 0.161747f, 0.161806f, 0.161866f, 0.161925f, 0.161985f, 0.162044f, 0.162103f, 0.162163f, 0.162222f, 0.162282f, 0.162341f, 0.162401f, 0.16246f, 0.162519f, 0.162579f, 0.162638f, 0.162698f, 0.162757f, 0.162817f,
-0.162876f, 0.162935f, 0.162995f, 0.163054f, 0.163114f, 0.163173f, 0.163232f, 0.163292f, 0.163351f, 0.163411f, 0.16347f, 0.16353f, 0.163589f, 0.163648f, 0.163708f, 0.163767f, 0.163827f, 0.163886f, 0.163945f, 0.164005f,
-0.164064f, 0.164123f, 0.164183f, 0.164242f, 0.164302f, 0.164361f, 0.16442f, 0.16448f, 0.164539f, 0.164599f, 0.164658f, 0.164717f, 0.164777f, 0.164836f, 0.164895f, 0.164955f, 0.165014f, 0.165074f, 0.165133f, 0.165192f,
-0.165252f, 0.165311f, 0.16537f, 0.16543f, 0.165489f, 0.165549f, 0.165608f, 0.165667f, 0.165727f, 0.165786f, 0.165845f, 0.165905f, 0.165964f, 0.166023f, 0.166083f, 0.166142f, 0.166201f, 0.166261f, 0.16632f, 0.16638f,
-0.166439f, 0.166498f, 0.166558f, 0.166617f, 0.166676f, 0.166736f, 0.166795f, 0.166854f, 0.166914f, 0.166973f, 0.167032f, 0.167092f, 0.167151f, 0.16721f, 0.16727f, 0.167329f, 0.167388f, 0.167448f, 0.167507f, 0.167566f,
-0.167626f, 0.167685f, 0.167744f, 0.167804f, 0.167863f, 0.167922f, 0.167981f, 0.168041f, 0.1681f, 0.168159f, 0.168219f, 0.168278f, 0.168337f, 0.168397f, 0.168456f, 0.168515f, 0.168575f, 0.168634f, 0.168693f, 0.168752f,
-0.168812f, 0.168871f, 0.16893f, 0.16899f, 0.169049f, 0.169108f, 0.169167f, 0.169227f, 0.169286f, 0.169345f, 0.169405f, 0.169464f, 0.169523f, 0.169582f, 0.169642f, 0.169701f, 0.16976f, 0.16982f, 0.169879f, 0.169938f,
-0.169997f, 0.170057f, 0.170116f, 0.170175f, 0.170234f, 0.170294f, 0.170353f, 0.170412f, 0.170472f, 0.170531f, 0.17059f, 0.170649f, 0.170709f, 0.170768f, 0.170827f, 0.170886f, 0.170946f, 0.171005f, 0.171064f, 0.171123f,
-0.171183f, 0.171242f, 0.171301f, 0.17136f, 0.17142f, 0.171479f, 0.171538f, 0.171597f, 0.171657f, 0.171716f, 0.171775f, 0.171834f, 0.171893f, 0.171953f, 0.172012f, 0.172071f, 0.17213f, 0.17219f, 0.172249f, 0.172308f,
-0.172367f, 0.172427f, 0.172486f, 0.172545f, 0.172604f, 0.172663f, 0.172723f, 0.172782f, 0.172841f, 0.1729f, 0.172959f, 0.173019f, 0.173078f, 0.173137f, 0.173196f, 0.173256f, 0.173315f, 0.173374f, 0.173433f, 0.173492f,
-0.173552f, 0.173611f, 0.17367f, 0.173729f, 0.173788f, 0.173847f, 0.173907f, 0.173966f, 0.174025f, 0.174084f, 0.174143f, 0.174203f, 0.174262f, 0.174321f, 0.17438f, 0.174439f, 0.174499f, 0.174558f, 0.174617f, 0.174676f,
-0.174735f, 0.174794f, 0.174854f, 0.174913f, 0.174972f, 0.175031f, 0.17509f, 0.175149f, 0.175209f, 0.175268f, 0.175327f, 0.175386f, 0.175445f, 0.175504f, 0.175564f, 0.175623f, 0.175682f, 0.175741f, 0.1758f, 0.175859f,
-0.175918f, 0.175978f, 0.176037f, 0.176096f, 0.176155f, 0.176214f, 0.176273f, 0.176332f, 0.176392f, 0.176451f, 0.17651f, 0.176569f, 0.176628f, 0.176687f, 0.176746f, 0.176805f, 0.176865f, 0.176924f, 0.176983f, 0.177042f,
-0.177101f, 0.17716f, 0.177219f, 0.177278f, 0.177338f, 0.177397f, 0.177456f, 0.177515f, 0.177574f, 0.177633f, 0.177692f, 0.177751f, 0.17781f, 0.17787f, 0.177929f, 0.177988f, 0.178047f, 0.178106f, 0.178165f, 0.178224f,
-0.178283f, 0.178342f, 0.178401f, 0.178461f, 0.17852f, 0.178579f, 0.178638f, 0.178697f, 0.178756f, 0.178815f, 0.178874f, 0.178933f, 0.178992f, 0.179051f, 0.17911f, 0.17917f, 0.179229f, 0.179288f, 0.179347f, 0.179406f,
-0.179465f, 0.179524f, 0.179583f, 0.179642f, 0.179701f, 0.17976f, 0.179819f, 0.179878f, 0.179937f, 0.179997f, 0.180056f, 0.180115f, 0.180174f, 0.180233f, 0.180292f, 0.180351f, 0.18041f, 0.180469f, 0.180528f, 0.180587f,
-0.180646f, 0.180705f, 0.180764f, 0.180823f, 0.180882f, 0.180941f, 0.181f, 0.181059f, 0.181118f, 0.181177f, 0.181236f, 0.181295f, 0.181355f, 0.181414f, 0.181473f, 0.181532f, 0.181591f, 0.18165f, 0.181709f, 0.181768f,
-0.181827f, 0.181886f, 0.181945f, 0.182004f, 0.182063f, 0.182122f, 0.182181f, 0.18224f, 0.182299f, 0.182358f, 0.182417f, 0.182476f, 0.182535f, 0.182594f, 0.182653f, 0.182712f, 0.182771f, 0.18283f, 0.182889f, 0.182948f,
-0.183007f, 0.183066f, 0.183125f, 0.183184f, 0.183243f, 0.183302f, 0.183361f, 0.18342f, 0.183479f, 0.183538f, 0.183597f, 0.183656f, 0.183715f, 0.183774f, 0.183833f, 0.183892f, 0.183951f, 0.184009f, 0.184068f, 0.184127f,
-0.184186f, 0.184245f, 0.184304f, 0.184363f, 0.184422f, 0.184481f, 0.18454f, 0.184599f, 0.184658f, 0.184717f, 0.184776f, 0.184835f, 0.184894f, 0.184953f, 0.185012f, 0.185071f, 0.18513f, 0.185189f, 0.185248f, 0.185306f,
-0.185365f, 0.185424f, 0.185483f, 0.185542f, 0.185601f, 0.18566f, 0.185719f, 0.185778f, 0.185837f, 0.185896f, 0.185955f, 0.186014f, 0.186073f, 0.186132f, 0.18619f, 0.186249f, 0.186308f, 0.186367f, 0.186426f, 0.186485f,
-0.186544f, 0.186603f, 0.186662f, 0.186721f, 0.18678f, 0.186838f, 0.186897f, 0.186956f, 0.187015f, 0.187074f, 0.187133f, 0.187192f, 0.187251f, 0.18731f, 0.187369f, 0.187427f, 0.187486f, 0.187545f, 0.187604f, 0.187663f,
-0.187722f, 0.187781f, 0.18784f, 0.187899f, 0.187957f, 0.188016f, 0.188075f, 0.188134f, 0.188193f, 0.188252f, 0.188311f, 0.18837f, 0.188428f, 0.188487f, 0.188546f, 0.188605f, 0.188664f, 0.188723f, 0.188782f, 0.18884f,
-0.188899f, 0.188958f, 0.189017f, 0.189076f, 0.189135f, 0.189194f, 0.189252f, 0.189311f, 0.18937f, 0.189429f, 0.189488f, 0.189547f, 0.189606f, 0.189664f, 0.189723f, 0.189782f, 0.189841f, 0.1899f, 0.189959f, 0.190017f,
-0.190076f, 0.190135f, 0.190194f, 0.190253f, 0.190312f, 0.19037f, 0.190429f, 0.190488f, 0.190547f, 0.190606f, 0.190664f, 0.190723f, 0.190782f, 0.190841f, 0.1909f, 0.190959f, 0.191017f, 0.191076f, 0.191135f, 0.191194f,
-0.191253f, 0.191311f, 0.19137f, 0.191429f, 0.191488f, 0.191547f, 0.191605f, 0.191664f, 0.191723f, 0.191782f, 0.191841f, 0.191899f, 0.191958f, 0.192017f, 0.192076f, 0.192134f, 0.192193f, 0.192252f, 0.192311f, 0.19237f,
-0.192428f, 0.192487f, 0.192546f, 0.192605f, 0.192663f, 0.192722f, 0.192781f, 0.19284f, 0.192899f, 0.192957f, 0.193016f, 0.193075f, 0.193134f, 0.193192f, 0.193251f, 0.19331f, 0.193369f, 0.193427f, 0.193486f, 0.193545f,
-0.193604f, 0.193662f, 0.193721f, 0.19378f, 0.193839f, 0.193897f, 0.193956f, 0.194015f, 0.194074f, 0.194132f, 0.194191f, 0.19425f, 0.194309f, 0.194367f, 0.194426f, 0.194485f, 0.194543f, 0.194602f, 0.194661f, 0.19472f,
-0.194778f, 0.194837f, 0.194896f, 0.194954f, 0.195013f, 0.195072f, 0.195131f, 0.195189f, 0.195248f, 0.195307f, 0.195365f, 0.195424f, 0.195483f, 0.195542f, 0.1956f, 0.195659f, 0.195718f, 0.195776f, 0.195835f, 0.195894f,
-0.195952f, 0.196011f, 0.19607f, 0.196129f, 0.196187f, 0.196246f, 0.196305f, 0.196363f, 0.196422f, 0.196481f, 0.196539f, 0.196598f, 0.196657f, 0.196715f, 0.196774f, 0.196833f, 0.196891f, 0.19695f, 0.197009f, 0.197067f,
-0.197126f, 0.197185f, 0.197243f, 0.197302f, 0.197361f, 0.197419f, 0.197478f, 0.197537f, 0.197595f, 0.197654f, 0.197713f, 0.197771f, 0.19783f, 0.197889f, 0.197947f, 0.198006f, 0.198064f, 0.198123f, 0.198182f, 0.19824f,
-0.198299f, 0.198358f, 0.198416f, 0.198475f, 0.198534f, 0.198592f, 0.198651f, 0.198709f, 0.198768f, 0.198827f, 0.198885f, 0.198944f, 0.199003f, 0.199061f, 0.19912f, 0.199178f, 0.199237f, 0.199296f, 0.199354f, 0.199413f,
-0.199471f, 0.19953f, 0.199589f, 0.199647f, 0.199706f, 0.199764f, 0.199823f, 0.199882f, 0.19994f, 0.199999f, 0.200057f, 0.200116f, 0.200175f, 0.200233f, 0.200292f, 0.20035f, 0.200409f, 0.200468f, 0.200526f, 0.200585f,
-0.200643f, 0.200702f, 0.20076f, 0.200819f, 0.200878f, 0.200936f, 0.200995f, 0.201053f, 0.201112f, 0.20117f, 0.201229f, 0.201288f, 0.201346f, 0.201405f, 0.201463f, 0.201522f, 0.20158f, 0.201639f, 0.201698f, 0.201756f,
-0.201815f, 0.201873f, 0.201932f, 0.20199f, 0.202049f, 0.202107f, 0.202166f, 0.202224f, 0.202283f, 0.202341f, 0.2024f, 0.202459f, 0.202517f, 0.202576f, 0.202634f, 0.202693f, 0.202751f, 0.20281f, 0.202868f, 0.202927f,
-0.202985f, 0.203044f, 0.203102f, 0.203161f, 0.203219f, 0.203278f, 0.203336f, 0.203395f, 0.203453f, 0.203512f, 0.20357f, 0.203629f, 0.203687f, 0.203746f, 0.203804f, 0.203863f, 0.203921f, 0.20398f, 0.204038f, 0.204097f,
-0.204155f, 0.204214f, 0.204272f, 0.204331f, 0.204389f, 0.204448f, 0.204506f, 0.204565f, 0.204623f, 0.204682f, 0.20474f, 0.204799f, 0.204857f, 0.204916f, 0.204974f, 0.205033f, 0.205091f, 0.20515f, 0.205208f, 0.205267f,
-0.205325f, 0.205383f, 0.205442f, 0.2055f, 0.205559f, 0.205617f, 0.205676f, 0.205734f, 0.205793f, 0.205851f, 0.20591f, 0.205968f, 0.206026f, 0.206085f, 0.206143f, 0.206202f, 0.20626f, 0.206319f, 0.206377f, 0.206436f,
-0.206494f, 0.206552f, 0.206611f, 0.206669f, 0.206728f, 0.206786f, 0.206845f, 0.206903f, 0.206961f, 0.20702f, 0.207078f, 0.207137f, 0.207195f, 0.207253f, 0.207312f, 0.20737f, 0.207429f, 0.207487f, 0.207546f, 0.207604f,
-0.207662f, 0.207721f, 0.207779f, 0.207838f, 0.207896f, 0.207954f, 0.208013f, 0.208071f, 0.20813f, 0.208188f, 0.208246f, 0.208305f, 0.208363f, 0.208421f, 0.20848f, 0.208538f, 0.208597f, 0.208655f, 0.208713f, 0.208772f,
-0.20883f, 0.208888f, 0.208947f, 0.209005f, 0.209064f, 0.209122f, 0.20918f, 0.209239f, 0.209297f, 0.209355f, 0.209414f, 0.209472f, 0.209531f, 0.209589f, 0.209647f, 0.209706f, 0.209764f, 0.209822f, 0.209881f, 0.209939f,
-0.209997f, 0.210056f, 0.210114f, 0.210172f, 0.210231f, 0.210289f, 0.210347f, 0.210406f, 0.210464f, 0.210522f, 0.210581f, 0.210639f, 0.210697f, 0.210756f, 0.210814f, 0.210872f, 0.210931f, 0.210989f, 0.211047f, 0.211106f,
-0.211164f, 0.211222f, 0.211281f, 0.211339f, 0.211397f, 0.211455f, 0.211514f, 0.211572f, 0.21163f, 0.211689f, 0.211747f, 0.211805f, 0.211864f, 0.211922f, 0.21198f, 0.212038f, 0.212097f, 0.212155f, 0.212213f, 0.212272f,
-0.21233f, 0.212388f, 0.212446f, 0.212505f, 0.212563f, 0.212621f, 0.21268f, 0.212738f, 0.212796f, 0.212854f, 0.212913f, 0.212971f, 0.213029f, 0.213087f, 0.213146f, 0.213204f, 0.213262f, 0.213321f, 0.213379f, 0.213437f,
-0.213495f, 0.213554f, 0.213612f, 0.21367f, 0.213728f, 0.213787f, 0.213845f, 0.213903f, 0.213961f, 0.21402f, 0.214078f, 0.214136f, 0.214194f, 0.214252f, 0.214311f, 0.214369f, 0.214427f, 0.214485f, 0.214544f, 0.214602f,
-0.21466f, 0.214718f, 0.214776f, 0.214835f, 0.214893f, 0.214951f, 0.215009f, 0.215068f, 0.215126f, 0.215184f, 0.215242f, 0.2153f, 0.215359f, 0.215417f, 0.215475f, 0.215533f, 0.215591f, 0.21565f, 0.215708f, 0.215766f,
-0.215824f, 0.215882f, 0.215941f, 0.215999f, 0.216057f, 0.216115f, 0.216173f, 0.216232f, 0.21629f, 0.216348f, 0.216406f, 0.216464f, 0.216522f, 0.216581f, 0.216639f, 0.216697f, 0.216755f, 0.216813f, 0.216871f, 0.21693f,
-0.216988f, 0.217046f, 0.217104f, 0.217162f, 0.21722f, 0.217279f, 0.217337f, 0.217395f, 0.217453f, 0.217511f, 0.217569f, 0.217627f, 0.217686f, 0.217744f, 0.217802f, 0.21786f, 0.217918f, 0.217976f, 0.218034f, 0.218093f,
-0.218151f, 0.218209f, 0.218267f, 0.218325f, 0.218383f, 0.218441f, 0.218499f, 0.218558f, 0.218616f, 0.218674f, 0.218732f, 0.21879f, 0.218848f, 0.218906f, 0.218964f, 0.219023f, 0.219081f, 0.219139f, 0.219197f, 0.219255f,
-0.219313f, 0.219371f, 0.219429f, 0.219487f, 0.219545f, 0.219604f, 0.219662f, 0.21972f, 0.219778f, 0.219836f, 0.219894f, 0.219952f, 0.22001f, 0.220068f, 0.220126f, 0.220184f, 0.220242f, 0.220301f, 0.220359f, 0.220417f,
-0.220475f, 0.220533f, 0.220591f, 0.220649f, 0.220707f, 0.220765f, 0.220823f, 0.220881f, 0.220939f, 0.220997f, 0.221055f, 0.221113f, 0.221171f, 0.221229f, 0.221288f, 0.221346f, 0.221404f, 0.221462f, 0.22152f, 0.221578f,
-0.221636f, 0.221694f, 0.221752f, 0.22181f, 0.221868f, 0.221926f, 0.221984f, 0.222042f, 0.2221f, 0.222158f, 0.222216f, 0.222274f, 0.222332f, 0.22239f, 0.222448f, 0.222506f, 0.222564f, 0.222622f, 0.22268f, 0.222738f,
-0.222796f, 0.222854f, 0.222912f, 0.22297f, 0.223028f, 0.223086f, 0.223144f, 0.223202f, 0.22326f, 0.223318f, 0.223376f, 0.223434f, 0.223492f, 0.22355f, 0.223608f, 0.223666f, 0.223724f, 0.223782f, 0.22384f, 0.223898f,
-0.223956f, 0.224014f, 0.224072f, 0.22413f, 0.224188f, 0.224246f, 0.224304f, 0.224362f, 0.22442f, 0.224478f, 0.224536f, 0.224594f, 0.224652f, 0.22471f, 0.224768f, 0.224825f, 0.224883f, 0.224941f, 0.224999f, 0.225057f,
-0.225115f, 0.225173f, 0.225231f, 0.225289f, 0.225347f, 0.225405f, 0.225463f, 0.225521f, 0.225579f, 0.225637f, 0.225695f, 0.225753f, 0.22581f, 0.225868f, 0.225926f, 0.225984f, 0.226042f, 0.2261f, 0.226158f, 0.226216f,
-0.226274f, 0.226332f, 0.22639f, 0.226447f, 0.226505f, 0.226563f, 0.226621f, 0.226679f, 0.226737f, 0.226795f, 0.226853f, 0.226911f, 0.226969f, 0.227026f, 0.227084f, 0.227142f, 0.2272f, 0.227258f, 0.227316f, 0.227374f,
-0.227432f, 0.22749f, 0.227547f, 0.227605f, 0.227663f, 0.227721f, 0.227779f, 0.227837f, 0.227895f, 0.227953f, 0.22801f, 0.228068f, 0.228126f, 0.228184f, 0.228242f, 0.2283f, 0.228358f, 0.228415f, 0.228473f, 0.228531f,
-0.228589f, 0.228647f, 0.228705f, 0.228762f, 0.22882f, 0.228878f, 0.228936f, 0.228994f, 0.229052f, 0.229109f, 0.229167f, 0.229225f, 0.229283f, 0.229341f, 0.229399f, 0.229456f, 0.229514f, 0.229572f, 0.22963f, 0.229688f,
-0.229746f, 0.229803f, 0.229861f, 0.229919f, 0.229977f, 0.230035f, 0.230092f, 0.23015f, 0.230208f, 0.230266f, 0.230324f, 0.230381f, 0.230439f, 0.230497f, 0.230555f, 0.230613f, 0.23067f, 0.230728f, 0.230786f, 0.230844f,
-0.230901f, 0.230959f, 0.231017f, 0.231075f, 0.231133f, 0.23119f, 0.231248f, 0.231306f, 0.231364f, 0.231421f, 0.231479f, 0.231537f, 0.231595f, 0.231653f, 0.23171f, 0.231768f, 0.231826f, 0.231884f, 0.231941f, 0.231999f,
-0.232057f, 0.232115f, 0.232172f, 0.23223f, 0.232288f, 0.232346f, 0.232403f, 0.232461f, 0.232519f, 0.232576f, 0.232634f, 0.232692f, 0.23275f, 0.232807f, 0.232865f, 0.232923f, 0.232981f, 0.233038f, 0.233096f, 0.233154f,
-0.233211f, 0.233269f, 0.233327f, 0.233385f, 0.233442f, 0.2335f, 0.233558f, 0.233615f, 0.233673f, 0.233731f, 0.233789f, 0.233846f, 0.233904f, 0.233962f, 0.234019f, 0.234077f, 0.234135f, 0.234192f, 0.23425f, 0.234308f,
-0.234365f, 0.234423f, 0.234481f, 0.234539f, 0.234596f, 0.234654f, 0.234712f, 0.234769f, 0.234827f, 0.234885f, 0.234942f, 0.235f, 0.235058f, 0.235115f, 0.235173f, 0.235231f, 0.235288f, 0.235346f, 0.235404f, 0.235461f,
-0.235519f, 0.235576f, 0.235634f, 0.235692f, 0.235749f, 0.235807f, 0.235865f, 0.235922f, 0.23598f, 0.236038f, 0.236095f, 0.236153f, 0.23621f, 0.236268f, 0.236326f, 0.236383f, 0.236441f, 0.236499f, 0.236556f, 0.236614f,
-0.236671f, 0.236729f, 0.236787f, 0.236844f, 0.236902f, 0.23696f, 0.237017f, 0.237075f, 0.237132f, 0.23719f, 0.237248f, 0.237305f, 0.237363f, 0.23742f, 0.237478f, 0.237536f, 0.237593f, 0.237651f, 0.237708f, 0.237766f,
-0.237823f, 0.237881f, 0.237939f, 0.237996f, 0.238054f, 0.238111f, 0.238169f, 0.238227f, 0.238284f, 0.238342f, 0.238399f, 0.238457f, 0.238514f, 0.238572f, 0.23863f, 0.238687f, 0.238745f, 0.238802f, 0.23886f, 0.238917f,
-0.238975f, 0.239032f, 0.23909f, 0.239147f, 0.239205f, 0.239263f, 0.23932f, 0.239378f, 0.239435f, 0.239493f, 0.23955f, 0.239608f, 0.239665f, 0.239723f, 0.23978f, 0.239838f, 0.239895f, 0.239953f, 0.24001f, 0.240068f,
-0.240126f, 0.240183f, 0.240241f, 0.240298f, 0.240356f, 0.240413f, 0.240471f, 0.240528f, 0.240586f, 0.240643f, 0.240701f, 0.240758f, 0.240816f, 0.240873f, 0.240931f, 0.240988f, 0.241046f, 0.241103f, 0.241161f, 0.241218f,
-0.241276f, 0.241333f, 0.24139f, 0.241448f, 0.241505f, 0.241563f, 0.24162f, 0.241678f, 0.241735f, 0.241793f, 0.24185f, 0.241908f, 0.241965f, 0.242023f, 0.24208f, 0.242138f, 0.242195f, 0.242252f, 0.24231f, 0.242367f,
-0.242425f, 0.242482f, 0.24254f, 0.242597f, 0.242655f, 0.242712f, 0.242769f, 0.242827f, 0.242884f, 0.242942f, 0.242999f, 0.243057f, 0.243114f, 0.243172f, 0.243229f, 0.243286f, 0.243344f, 0.243401f, 0.243459f, 0.243516f,
-0.243573f, 0.243631f, 0.243688f, 0.243746f, 0.243803f, 0.243861f, 0.243918f, 0.243975f, 0.244033f, 0.24409f, 0.244148f, 0.244205f, 0.244262f, 0.24432f, 0.244377f, 0.244435f, 0.244492f, 0.244549f, 0.244607f, 0.244664f,
-0.244721f, 0.244779f, 0.244836f, 0.244894f, 0.244951f, 0.245008f, 0.245066f, 0.245123f, 0.24518f, 0.245238f, 0.245295f, 0.245353f, 0.24541f, 0.245467f, 0.245525f, 0.245582f, 0.245639f, 0.245697f, 0.245754f, 0.245811f,
-0.245869f, 0.245926f, 0.245983f, 0.246041f, 0.246098f, 0.246155f, 0.246213f, 0.24627f, 0.246327f, 0.246385f, 0.246442f, 0.246499f, 0.246557f, 0.246614f, 0.246671f, 0.246729f, 0.246786f, 0.246843f, 0.246901f, 0.246958f,
-0.247015f, 0.247073f, 0.24713f, 0.247187f, 0.247245f, 0.247302f, 0.247359f, 0.247416f, 0.247474f, 0.247531f, 0.247588f, 0.247646f, 0.247703f, 0.24776f, 0.247817f, 0.247875f, 0.247932f, 0.247989f, 0.248047f, 0.248104f,
-0.248161f, 0.248218f, 0.248276f, 0.248333f, 0.24839f, 0.248448f, 0.248505f, 0.248562f, 0.248619f, 0.248677f, 0.248734f, 0.248791f, 0.248848f, 0.248906f, 0.248963f, 0.24902f, 0.249077f, 0.249135f, 0.249192f, 0.249249f,
-0.249306f, 0.249364f, 0.249421f, 0.249478f, 0.249535f, 0.249593f, 0.24965f, 0.249707f, 0.249764f, 0.249821f, 0.249879f, 0.249936f, 0.249993f, 0.25005f, 0.250108f, 0.250165f, 0.250222f, 0.250279f, 0.250336f, 0.250394f,
-0.250451f, 0.250508f, 0.250565f, 0.250622f, 0.25068f, 0.250737f, 0.250794f, 0.250851f, 0.250908f, 0.250966f, 0.251023f, 0.25108f, 0.251137f, 0.251194f, 0.251252f, 0.251309f, 0.251366f, 0.251423f, 0.25148f, 0.251537f,
-0.251595f, 0.251652f, 0.251709f, 0.251766f, 0.251823f, 0.251881f, 0.251938f, 0.251995f, 0.252052f, 0.252109f, 0.252166f, 0.252223f, 0.252281f, 0.252338f, 0.252395f, 0.252452f, 0.252509f, 0.252566f, 0.252623f, 0.252681f,
-0.252738f, 0.252795f, 0.252852f, 0.252909f, 0.252966f, 0.253023f, 0.253081f, 0.253138f, 0.253195f, 0.253252f, 0.253309f, 0.253366f, 0.253423f, 0.25348f, 0.253538f, 0.253595f, 0.253652f, 0.253709f, 0.253766f, 0.253823f,
-0.25388f, 0.253937f, 0.253994f, 0.254051f, 0.254109f, 0.254166f, 0.254223f, 0.25428f, 0.254337f, 0.254394f, 0.254451f, 0.254508f, 0.254565f, 0.254622f, 0.254679f, 0.254736f, 0.254794f, 0.254851f, 0.254908f, 0.254965f,
-0.255022f, 0.255079f, 0.255136f, 0.255193f, 0.25525f, 0.255307f, 0.255364f, 0.255421f, 0.255478f, 0.255535f, 0.255592f, 0.255649f, 0.255707f, 0.255764f, 0.255821f, 0.255878f, 0.255935f, 0.255992f, 0.256049f, 0.256106f,
-0.256163f, 0.25622f, 0.256277f, 0.256334f, 0.256391f, 0.256448f, 0.256505f, 0.256562f, 0.256619f, 0.256676f, 0.256733f, 0.25679f, 0.256847f, 0.256904f, 0.256961f, 0.257018f, 0.257075f, 0.257132f, 0.257189f, 0.257246f,
-0.257303f, 0.25736f, 0.257417f, 0.257474f, 0.257531f, 0.257588f, 0.257645f, 0.257702f, 0.257759f, 0.257816f, 0.257873f, 0.25793f, 0.257987f, 0.258044f, 0.258101f, 0.258158f, 0.258215f, 0.258272f, 0.258329f, 0.258386f,
-0.258443f, 0.2585f, 0.258557f, 0.258613f, 0.25867f, 0.258727f, 0.258784f, 0.258841f, 0.258898f, 0.258955f, 0.259012f, 0.259069f, 0.259126f, 0.259183f, 0.25924f, 0.259297f, 0.259354f, 0.259411f, 0.259468f, 0.259525f,
-0.259581f, 0.259638f, 0.259695f, 0.259752f, 0.259809f, 0.259866f, 0.259923f, 0.25998f, 0.260037f, 0.260094f, 0.260151f, 0.260208f, 0.260264f, 0.260321f, 0.260378f, 0.260435f, 0.260492f, 0.260549f, 0.260606f, 0.260663f,
-0.26072f, 0.260776f, 0.260833f, 0.26089f, 0.260947f, 0.261004f, 0.261061f, 0.261118f, 0.261175f, 0.261231f, 0.261288f, 0.261345f, 0.261402f, 0.261459f, 0.261516f, 0.261573f, 0.26163f, 0.261686f, 0.261743f, 0.2618f,
-0.261857f, 0.261914f, 0.261971f, 0.262027f, 0.262084f, 0.262141f, 0.262198f, 0.262255f, 0.262312f, 0.262369f, 0.262425f, 0.262482f, 0.262539f, 0.262596f, 0.262653f, 0.26271f, 0.262766f, 0.262823f, 0.26288f, 0.262937f,
-0.262994f, 0.26305f, 0.263107f, 0.263164f, 0.263221f, 0.263278f, 0.263334f, 0.263391f, 0.263448f, 0.263505f, 0.263562f, 0.263618f, 0.263675f, 0.263732f, 0.263789f, 0.263846f, 0.263902f, 0.263959f, 0.264016f, 0.264073f,
-0.26413f, 0.264186f, 0.264243f, 0.2643f, 0.264357f, 0.264413f, 0.26447f, 0.264527f, 0.264584f, 0.26464f, 0.264697f, 0.264754f, 0.264811f, 0.264867f, 0.264924f, 0.264981f, 0.265038f, 0.265094f, 0.265151f, 0.265208f,
-0.265265f, 0.265321f, 0.265378f, 0.265435f, 0.265492f, 0.265548f, 0.265605f, 0.265662f, 0.265719f, 0.265775f, 0.265832f, 0.265889f, 0.265945f, 0.266002f, 0.266059f, 0.266116f, 0.266172f, 0.266229f, 0.266286f, 0.266342f,
-0.266399f, 0.266456f, 0.266513f, 0.266569f, 0.266626f, 0.266683f, 0.266739f, 0.266796f, 0.266853f, 0.266909f, 0.266966f, 0.267023f, 0.267079f, 0.267136f, 0.267193f, 0.26725f, 0.267306f, 0.267363f, 0.26742f, 0.267476f,
-0.267533f, 0.26759f, 0.267646f, 0.267703f, 0.26776f, 0.267816f, 0.267873f, 0.26793f, 0.267986f, 0.268043f, 0.268099f, 0.268156f, 0.268213f, 0.268269f, 0.268326f, 0.268383f, 0.268439f, 0.268496f, 0.268553f, 0.268609f,
-0.268666f, 0.268722f, 0.268779f, 0.268836f, 0.268892f, 0.268949f, 0.269006f, 0.269062f, 0.269119f, 0.269175f, 0.269232f, 0.269289f, 0.269345f, 0.269402f, 0.269459f, 0.269515f, 0.269572f, 0.269628f, 0.269685f, 0.269742f,
-0.269798f, 0.269855f, 0.269911f, 0.269968f, 0.270024f, 0.270081f, 0.270138f, 0.270194f, 0.270251f, 0.270307f, 0.270364f, 0.270421f, 0.270477f, 0.270534f, 0.27059f, 0.270647f, 0.270703f, 0.27076f, 0.270816f, 0.270873f,
-0.27093f, 0.270986f, 0.271043f, 0.271099f, 0.271156f, 0.271212f, 0.271269f, 0.271325f, 0.271382f, 0.271439f, 0.271495f, 0.271552f, 0.271608f, 0.271665f, 0.271721f, 0.271778f, 0.271834f, 0.271891f, 0.271947f, 0.272004f,
-0.27206f, 0.272117f, 0.272173f, 0.27223f, 0.272286f, 0.272343f, 0.272399f, 0.272456f, 0.272512f, 0.272569f, 0.272625f, 0.272682f, 0.272738f, 0.272795f, 0.272851f, 0.272908f, 0.272964f, 0.273021f, 0.273077f, 0.273134f,
-0.27319f, 0.273247f, 0.273303f, 0.27336f, 0.273416f, 0.273473f, 0.273529f, 0.273586f, 0.273642f, 0.273699f, 0.273755f, 0.273812f, 0.273868f, 0.273924f, 0.273981f, 0.274037f, 0.274094f, 0.27415f, 0.274207f, 0.274263f,
-0.27432f, 0.274376f, 0.274432f, 0.274489f, 0.274545f, 0.274602f, 0.274658f, 0.274715f, 0.274771f, 0.274827f, 0.274884f, 0.27494f, 0.274997f, 0.275053f, 0.27511f, 0.275166f, 0.275222f, 0.275279f, 0.275335f, 0.275392f,
-0.275448f, 0.275504f, 0.275561f, 0.275617f, 0.275674f, 0.27573f, 0.275786f, 0.275843f, 0.275899f, 0.275956f, 0.276012f, 0.276068f, 0.276125f, 0.276181f, 0.276238f, 0.276294f, 0.27635f, 0.276407f, 0.276463f, 0.276519f,
-0.276576f, 0.276632f, 0.276689f, 0.276745f, 0.276801f, 0.276858f, 0.276914f, 0.27697f, 0.277027f, 0.277083f, 0.277139f, 0.277196f, 0.277252f, 0.277308f, 0.277365f, 0.277421f, 0.277477f, 0.277534f, 0.27759f, 0.277646f,
-0.277703f, 0.277759f, 0.277815f, 0.277872f, 0.277928f, 0.277984f, 0.278041f, 0.278097f, 0.278153f, 0.27821f, 0.278266f, 0.278322f, 0.278379f, 0.278435f, 0.278491f, 0.278547f, 0.278604f, 0.27866f, 0.278716f, 0.278773f,
-0.278829f, 0.278885f, 0.278942f, 0.278998f, 0.279054f, 0.27911f, 0.279167f, 0.279223f, 0.279279f, 0.279335f, 0.279392f, 0.279448f, 0.279504f, 0.279561f, 0.279617f, 0.279673f, 0.279729f, 0.279786f, 0.279842f, 0.279898f,
-0.279954f, 0.280011f, 0.280067f, 0.280123f, 0.280179f, 0.280236f, 0.280292f, 0.280348f, 0.280404f, 0.280461f, 0.280517f, 0.280573f, 0.280629f, 0.280685f, 0.280742f, 0.280798f, 0.280854f, 0.28091f, 0.280967f, 0.281023f,
-0.281079f, 0.281135f, 0.281191f, 0.281248f, 0.281304f, 0.28136f, 0.281416f, 0.281472f, 0.281529f, 0.281585f, 0.281641f, 0.281697f, 0.281753f, 0.28181f, 0.281866f, 0.281922f, 0.281978f, 0.282034f, 0.282091f, 0.282147f,
-0.282203f, 0.282259f, 0.282315f, 0.282371f, 0.282428f, 0.282484f, 0.28254f, 0.282596f, 0.282652f, 0.282708f, 0.282765f, 0.282821f, 0.282877f, 0.282933f, 0.282989f, 0.283045f, 0.283101f, 0.283158f, 0.283214f, 0.28327f,
-0.283326f, 0.283382f, 0.283438f, 0.283494f, 0.283551f, 0.283607f, 0.283663f, 0.283719f, 0.283775f, 0.283831f, 0.283887f, 0.283943f, 0.284f, 0.284056f, 0.284112f, 0.284168f, 0.284224f, 0.28428f, 0.284336f, 0.284392f,
-0.284448f, 0.284504f, 0.284561f, 0.284617f, 0.284673f, 0.284729f, 0.284785f, 0.284841f, 0.284897f, 0.284953f, 0.285009f, 0.285065f, 0.285121f, 0.285177f, 0.285234f, 0.28529f, 0.285346f, 0.285402f, 0.285458f, 0.285514f,
-0.28557f, 0.285626f, 0.285682f, 0.285738f, 0.285794f, 0.28585f, 0.285906f, 0.285962f, 0.286018f, 0.286074f, 0.28613f, 0.286186f, 0.286243f, 0.286299f, 0.286355f, 0.286411f, 0.286467f, 0.286523f, 0.286579f, 0.286635f,
-0.286691f, 0.286747f, 0.286803f, 0.286859f, 0.286915f, 0.286971f, 0.287027f, 0.287083f, 0.287139f, 0.287195f, 0.287251f, 0.287307f, 0.287363f, 0.287419f, 0.287475f, 0.287531f, 0.287587f, 0.287643f, 0.287699f, 0.287755f,
-0.287811f, 0.287867f, 0.287923f, 0.287979f, 0.288035f, 0.288091f, 0.288147f, 0.288203f, 0.288259f, 0.288314f, 0.28837f, 0.288426f, 0.288482f, 0.288538f, 0.288594f, 0.28865f, 0.288706f, 0.288762f, 0.288818f, 0.288874f,
-0.28893f, 0.288986f, 0.289042f, 0.289098f, 0.289154f, 0.28921f, 0.289266f, 0.289321f, 0.289377f, 0.289433f, 0.289489f, 0.289545f, 0.289601f, 0.289657f, 0.289713f, 0.289769f, 0.289825f, 0.289881f, 0.289937f, 0.289992f,
-0.290048f, 0.290104f, 0.29016f, 0.290216f, 0.290272f, 0.290328f, 0.290384f, 0.29044f, 0.290496f, 0.290551f, 0.290607f, 0.290663f, 0.290719f, 0.290775f, 0.290831f, 0.290887f, 0.290943f, 0.290998f, 0.291054f, 0.29111f,
-0.291166f, 0.291222f, 0.291278f, 0.291334f, 0.291389f, 0.291445f, 0.291501f, 0.291557f, 0.291613f, 0.291669f, 0.291724f, 0.29178f, 0.291836f, 0.291892f, 0.291948f, 0.292004f, 0.29206f, 0.292115f, 0.292171f, 0.292227f,
-0.292283f, 0.292339f, 0.292394f, 0.29245f, 0.292506f, 0.292562f, 0.292618f, 0.292674f, 0.292729f, 0.292785f, 0.292841f, 0.292897f, 0.292953f, 0.293008f, 0.293064f, 0.29312f, 0.293176f, 0.293231f, 0.293287f, 0.293343f,
-0.293399f, 0.293455f, 0.29351f, 0.293566f, 0.293622f, 0.293678f, 0.293734f, 0.293789f, 0.293845f, 0.293901f, 0.293957f, 0.294012f, 0.294068f, 0.294124f, 0.29418f, 0.294235f, 0.294291f, 0.294347f, 0.294403f, 0.294458f,
-0.294514f, 0.29457f, 0.294626f, 0.294681f, 0.294737f, 0.294793f, 0.294849f, 0.294904f, 0.29496f, 0.295016f, 0.295071f, 0.295127f, 0.295183f, 0.295239f, 0.295294f, 0.29535f, 0.295406f, 0.295461f, 0.295517f, 0.295573f,
-0.295629f, 0.295684f, 0.29574f, 0.295796f, 0.295851f, 0.295907f, 0.295963f, 0.296018f, 0.296074f, 0.29613f, 0.296185f, 0.296241f, 0.296297f, 0.296352f, 0.296408f, 0.296464f, 0.29652f, 0.296575f, 0.296631f, 0.296687f,
-0.296742f, 0.296798f, 0.296853f, 0.296909f, 0.296965f, 0.29702f, 0.297076f, 0.297132f, 0.297187f, 0.297243f, 0.297299f, 0.297354f, 0.29741f, 0.297466f, 0.297521f, 0.297577f, 0.297632f, 0.297688f, 0.297744f, 0.297799f,
-0.297855f, 0.297911f, 0.297966f, 0.298022f, 0.298077f, 0.298133f, 0.298189f, 0.298244f, 0.2983f, 0.298355f, 0.298411f, 0.298467f, 0.298522f, 0.298578f, 0.298633f, 0.298689f, 0.298745f, 0.2988f, 0.298856f, 0.298911f,
-0.298967f, 0.299023f, 0.299078f, 0.299134f, 0.299189f, 0.299245f, 0.2993f, 0.299356f, 0.299412f, 0.299467f, 0.299523f, 0.299578f, 0.299634f, 0.299689f, 0.299745f, 0.2998f, 0.299856f, 0.299912f, 0.299967f, 0.300023f,
-0.300078f, 0.300134f, 0.300189f, 0.300245f, 0.3003f, 0.300356f, 0.300411f, 0.300467f, 0.300522f, 0.300578f, 0.300634f, 0.300689f, 0.300745f, 0.3008f, 0.300856f, 0.300911f, 0.300967f, 0.301022f, 0.301078f, 0.301133f,
-0.301189f, 0.301244f, 0.3013f, 0.301355f, 0.301411f, 0.301466f, 0.301522f, 0.301577f, 0.301633f, 0.301688f, 0.301743f, 0.301799f, 0.301854f, 0.30191f, 0.301965f, 0.302021f, 0.302076f, 0.302132f, 0.302187f, 0.302243f,
-0.302298f, 0.302354f, 0.302409f, 0.302465f, 0.30252f, 0.302575f, 0.302631f, 0.302686f, 0.302742f, 0.302797f, 0.302853f, 0.302908f, 0.302964f, 0.303019f, 0.303074f, 0.30313f, 0.303185f, 0.303241f, 0.303296f, 0.303352f,
-0.303407f, 0.303462f, 0.303518f, 0.303573f, 0.303629f, 0.303684f, 0.303739f, 0.303795f, 0.30385f, 0.303906f, 0.303961f, 0.304016f, 0.304072f, 0.304127f, 0.304183f, 0.304238f, 0.304293f, 0.304349f, 0.304404f, 0.304459f,
-0.304515f, 0.30457f, 0.304626f, 0.304681f, 0.304736f, 0.304792f, 0.304847f, 0.304902f, 0.304958f, 0.305013f, 0.305069f, 0.305124f, 0.305179f, 0.305235f, 0.30529f, 0.305345f, 0.305401f, 0.305456f, 0.305511f, 0.305567f,
-0.305622f, 0.305677f, 0.305733f, 0.305788f, 0.305843f, 0.305899f, 0.305954f, 0.306009f, 0.306065f, 0.30612f, 0.306175f, 0.306231f, 0.306286f, 0.306341f, 0.306396f, 0.306452f, 0.306507f, 0.306562f, 0.306618f, 0.306673f,
-0.306728f, 0.306784f, 0.306839f, 0.306894f, 0.306949f, 0.307005f, 0.30706f, 0.307115f, 0.307171f, 0.307226f, 0.307281f, 0.307336f, 0.307392f, 0.307447f, 0.307502f, 0.307557f, 0.307613f, 0.307668f, 0.307723f, 0.307778f,
-0.307834f, 0.307889f, 0.307944f, 0.307999f, 0.308055f, 0.30811f, 0.308165f, 0.30822f, 0.308276f, 0.308331f, 0.308386f, 0.308441f, 0.308497f, 0.308552f, 0.308607f, 0.308662f, 0.308718f, 0.308773f, 0.308828f, 0.308883f,
-0.308938f, 0.308994f, 0.309049f, 0.309104f, 0.309159f, 0.309214f, 0.30927f, 0.309325f, 0.30938f, 0.309435f, 0.30949f, 0.309546f, 0.309601f, 0.309656f, 0.309711f, 0.309766f, 0.309821f, 0.309877f, 0.309932f, 0.309987f,
-0.310042f, 0.310097f, 0.310152f, 0.310208f, 0.310263f, 0.310318f, 0.310373f, 0.310428f, 0.310483f, 0.310539f, 0.310594f, 0.310649f, 0.310704f, 0.310759f, 0.310814f, 0.310869f, 0.310925f, 0.31098f, 0.311035f, 0.31109f,
-0.311145f, 0.3112f, 0.311255f, 0.31131f, 0.311366f, 0.311421f, 0.311476f, 0.311531f, 0.311586f, 0.311641f, 0.311696f, 0.311751f, 0.311806f, 0.311862f, 0.311917f, 0.311972f, 0.312027f, 0.312082f, 0.312137f, 0.312192f,
-0.312247f, 0.312302f, 0.312357f, 0.312412f, 0.312468f, 0.312523f, 0.312578f, 0.312633f, 0.312688f, 0.312743f, 0.312798f, 0.312853f, 0.312908f, 0.312963f, 0.313018f, 0.313073f, 0.313128f, 0.313183f, 0.313238f, 0.313293f,
-0.313349f, 0.313404f, 0.313459f, 0.313514f, 0.313569f, 0.313624f, 0.313679f, 0.313734f, 0.313789f, 0.313844f, 0.313899f, 0.313954f, 0.314009f, 0.314064f, 0.314119f, 0.314174f, 0.314229f, 0.314284f, 0.314339f, 0.314394f,
-0.314449f, 0.314504f, 0.314559f, 0.314614f, 0.314669f, 0.314724f, 0.314779f, 0.314834f, 0.314889f, 0.314944f, 0.314999f, 0.315054f, 0.315109f, 0.315164f, 0.315219f, 0.315274f, 0.315329f, 0.315384f, 0.315439f, 0.315494f,
-0.315549f, 0.315604f, 0.315658f, 0.315713f, 0.315768f, 0.315823f, 0.315878f, 0.315933f, 0.315988f, 0.316043f, 0.316098f, 0.316153f, 0.316208f, 0.316263f, 0.316318f, 0.316373f, 0.316428f, 0.316483f, 0.316537f, 0.316592f,
-0.316647f, 0.316702f, 0.316757f, 0.316812f, 0.316867f, 0.316922f, 0.316977f, 0.317032f, 0.317087f, 0.317141f, 0.317196f, 0.317251f, 0.317306f, 0.317361f, 0.317416f, 0.317471f, 0.317526f, 0.317581f, 0.317635f, 0.31769f,
-0.317745f, 0.3178f, 0.317855f, 0.31791f, 0.317965f, 0.31802f, 0.318074f, 0.318129f, 0.318184f, 0.318239f, 0.318294f, 0.318349f, 0.318404f, 0.318458f, 0.318513f, 0.318568f, 0.318623f, 0.318678f, 0.318733f, 0.318787f,
-0.318842f, 0.318897f, 0.318952f, 0.319007f, 0.319062f, 0.319116f, 0.319171f, 0.319226f, 0.319281f, 0.319336f, 0.31939f, 0.319445f, 0.3195f, 0.319555f, 0.31961f, 0.319664f, 0.319719f, 0.319774f, 0.319829f, 0.319884f,
-0.319938f, 0.319993f, 0.320048f, 0.320103f, 0.320158f, 0.320212f, 0.320267f, 0.320322f, 0.320377f, 0.320431f, 0.320486f, 0.320541f, 0.320596f, 0.320651f, 0.320705f, 0.32076f, 0.320815f, 0.32087f, 0.320924f, 0.320979f,
-0.321034f, 0.321089f, 0.321143f, 0.321198f, 0.321253f, 0.321307f, 0.321362f, 0.321417f, 0.321472f, 0.321526f, 0.321581f, 0.321636f, 0.321691f, 0.321745f, 0.3218f, 0.321855f, 0.321909f, 0.321964f, 0.322019f, 0.322074f,
-0.322128f, 0.322183f, 0.322238f, 0.322292f, 0.322347f, 0.322402f, 0.322456f, 0.322511f, 0.322566f, 0.322621f, 0.322675f, 0.32273f, 0.322785f, 0.322839f, 0.322894f, 0.322949f, 0.323003f, 0.323058f, 0.323113f, 0.323167f,
-0.323222f, 0.323277f, 0.323331f, 0.323386f, 0.323441f, 0.323495f, 0.32355f, 0.323604f, 0.323659f, 0.323714f, 0.323768f, 0.323823f, 0.323878f, 0.323932f, 0.323987f, 0.324042f, 0.324096f, 0.324151f, 0.324205f, 0.32426f,
-0.324315f, 0.324369f, 0.324424f, 0.324478f, 0.324533f, 0.324588f, 0.324642f, 0.324697f, 0.324752f, 0.324806f, 0.324861f, 0.324915f, 0.32497f, 0.325024f, 0.325079f, 0.325134f, 0.325188f, 0.325243f, 0.325297f, 0.325352f,
-0.325407f, 0.325461f, 0.325516f, 0.32557f, 0.325625f, 0.325679f, 0.325734f, 0.325789f, 0.325843f, 0.325898f, 0.325952f, 0.326007f, 0.326061f, 0.326116f, 0.32617f, 0.326225f, 0.326279f, 0.326334f, 0.326389f, 0.326443f,
-0.326498f, 0.326552f, 0.326607f, 0.326661f, 0.326716f, 0.32677f, 0.326825f, 0.326879f, 0.326934f, 0.326988f, 0.327043f, 0.327097f, 0.327152f, 0.327206f, 0.327261f, 0.327315f, 0.32737f, 0.327424f, 0.327479f, 0.327533f,
-0.327588f, 0.327642f, 0.327697f, 0.327751f, 0.327806f, 0.32786f, 0.327915f, 0.327969f, 0.328024f, 0.328078f, 0.328132f, 0.328187f, 0.328241f, 0.328296f, 0.32835f, 0.328405f, 0.328459f, 0.328514f, 0.328568f, 0.328623f,
-0.328677f, 0.328731f, 0.328786f, 0.32884f, 0.328895f, 0.328949f, 0.329004f, 0.329058f, 0.329112f, 0.329167f, 0.329221f, 0.329276f, 0.32933f, 0.329385f, 0.329439f, 0.329493f, 0.329548f, 0.329602f, 0.329657f, 0.329711f,
-0.329765f, 0.32982f, 0.329874f, 0.329929f, 0.329983f, 0.330037f, 0.330092f, 0.330146f, 0.330201f, 0.330255f, 0.330309f, 0.330364f, 0.330418f, 0.330472f, 0.330527f, 0.330581f, 0.330636f, 0.33069f, 0.330744f, 0.330799f,
-0.330853f, 0.330907f, 0.330962f, 0.331016f, 0.33107f, 0.331125f, 0.331179f, 0.331233f, 0.331288f, 0.331342f, 0.331396f, 0.331451f, 0.331505f, 0.331559f, 0.331614f, 0.331668f, 0.331722f, 0.331777f, 0.331831f, 0.331885f,
-0.33194f, 0.331994f, 0.332048f, 0.332103f, 0.332157f, 0.332211f, 0.332265f, 0.33232f, 0.332374f, 0.332428f, 0.332483f, 0.332537f, 0.332591f, 0.332645f, 0.3327f, 0.332754f, 0.332808f, 0.332863f, 0.332917f, 0.332971f,
-0.333025f, 0.33308f, 0.333134f, 0.333188f, 0.333242f, 0.333297f, 0.333351f, 0.333405f, 0.333459f, 0.333514f, 0.333568f, 0.333622f, 0.333676f, 0.333731f, 0.333785f, 0.333839f, 0.333893f, 0.333948f, 0.334002f, 0.334056f,
-0.33411f, 0.334165f, 0.334219f, 0.334273f, 0.334327f, 0.334381f, 0.334436f, 0.33449f, 0.334544f, 0.334598f, 0.334652f, 0.334707f, 0.334761f, 0.334815f, 0.334869f, 0.334923f, 0.334978f, 0.335032f, 0.335086f, 0.33514f,
-0.335194f, 0.335248f, 0.335303f, 0.335357f, 0.335411f, 0.335465f, 0.335519f, 0.335574f, 0.335628f, 0.335682f, 0.335736f, 0.33579f, 0.335844f, 0.335898f, 0.335953f, 0.336007f, 0.336061f, 0.336115f, 0.336169f, 0.336223f,
-0.336277f, 0.336332f, 0.336386f, 0.33644f, 0.336494f, 0.336548f, 0.336602f, 0.336656f, 0.33671f, 0.336765f, 0.336819f, 0.336873f, 0.336927f, 0.336981f, 0.337035f, 0.337089f, 0.337143f, 0.337197f, 0.337251f, 0.337306f,
-0.33736f, 0.337414f, 0.337468f, 0.337522f, 0.337576f, 0.33763f, 0.337684f, 0.337738f, 0.337792f, 0.337846f, 0.3379f, 0.337955f, 0.338009f, 0.338063f, 0.338117f, 0.338171f, 0.338225f, 0.338279f, 0.338333f, 0.338387f,
-0.338441f, 0.338495f, 0.338549f, 0.338603f, 0.338657f, 0.338711f, 0.338765f, 0.338819f, 0.338873f, 0.338927f, 0.338981f, 0.339035f, 0.339089f, 0.339143f, 0.339197f, 0.339251f, 0.339305f, 0.339359f, 0.339413f, 0.339467f,
-0.339521f, 0.339575f, 0.339629f, 0.339683f, 0.339737f, 0.339791f, 0.339845f, 0.339899f, 0.339953f, 0.340007f, 0.340061f, 0.340115f, 0.340169f, 0.340223f, 0.340277f, 0.340331f, 0.340385f, 0.340439f, 0.340493f, 0.340547f,
-0.340601f, 0.340655f, 0.340709f, 0.340763f, 0.340817f, 0.340871f, 0.340925f, 0.340979f, 0.341033f, 0.341087f, 0.34114f, 0.341194f, 0.341248f, 0.341302f, 0.341356f, 0.34141f, 0.341464f, 0.341518f, 0.341572f, 0.341626f,
-0.34168f, 0.341734f, 0.341787f, 0.341841f, 0.341895f, 0.341949f, 0.342003f, 0.342057f, 0.342111f, 0.342165f, 0.342219f, 0.342273f, 0.342326f, 0.34238f, 0.342434f, 0.342488f, 0.342542f, 0.342596f, 0.34265f, 0.342704f,
-0.342757f, 0.342811f, 0.342865f, 0.342919f, 0.342973f, 0.343027f, 0.343081f, 0.343134f, 0.343188f, 0.343242f, 0.343296f, 0.34335f, 0.343404f, 0.343457f, 0.343511f, 0.343565f, 0.343619f, 0.343673f, 0.343727f, 0.34378f,
-0.343834f, 0.343888f, 0.343942f, 0.343996f, 0.34405f, 0.344103f, 0.344157f, 0.344211f, 0.344265f, 0.344319f, 0.344372f, 0.344426f, 0.34448f, 0.344534f, 0.344588f, 0.344641f, 0.344695f, 0.344749f, 0.344803f, 0.344856f,
-0.34491f, 0.344964f, 0.345018f, 0.345072f, 0.345125f, 0.345179f, 0.345233f, 0.345287f, 0.34534f, 0.345394f, 0.345448f, 0.345502f, 0.345555f, 0.345609f, 0.345663f, 0.345717f, 0.34577f, 0.345824f, 0.345878f, 0.345932f,
-0.345985f, 0.346039f, 0.346093f, 0.346146f, 0.3462f, 0.346254f, 0.346308f, 0.346361f, 0.346415f, 0.346469f, 0.346522f, 0.346576f, 0.34663f, 0.346684f, 0.346737f, 0.346791f, 0.346845f, 0.346898f, 0.346952f, 0.347006f,
-0.347059f, 0.347113f, 0.347167f, 0.34722f, 0.347274f, 0.347328f, 0.347381f, 0.347435f, 0.347489f, 0.347542f, 0.347596f, 0.34765f, 0.347703f, 0.347757f, 0.347811f, 0.347864f, 0.347918f, 0.347972f, 0.348025f, 0.348079f,
-0.348133f, 0.348186f, 0.34824f, 0.348294f, 0.348347f, 0.348401f, 0.348454f, 0.348508f, 0.348562f, 0.348615f, 0.348669f, 0.348723f, 0.348776f, 0.34883f, 0.348883f, 0.348937f, 0.348991f, 0.349044f, 0.349098f, 0.349151f,
-0.349205f, 0.349259f, 0.349312f, 0.349366f, 0.349419f, 0.349473f, 0.349526f, 0.34958f, 0.349634f, 0.349687f, 0.349741f, 0.349794f, 0.349848f, 0.349901f, 0.349955f, 0.350009f, 0.350062f, 0.350116f, 0.350169f, 0.350223f,
-0.350276f, 0.35033f, 0.350383f, 0.350437f, 0.350491f, 0.350544f, 0.350598f, 0.350651f, 0.350705f, 0.350758f, 0.350812f, 0.350865f, 0.350919f, 0.350972f, 0.351026f, 0.351079f, 0.351133f, 0.351186f, 0.35124f, 0.351293f,
-0.351347f, 0.3514f, 0.351454f, 0.351507f, 0.351561f, 0.351614f, 0.351668f, 0.351721f, 0.351775f, 0.351828f, 0.351882f, 0.351935f, 0.351989f, 0.352042f, 0.352096f, 0.352149f, 0.352203f, 0.352256f, 0.35231f, 0.352363f,
-0.352416f, 0.35247f, 0.352523f, 0.352577f, 0.35263f, 0.352684f, 0.352737f, 0.352791f, 0.352844f, 0.352897f, 0.352951f, 0.353004f, 0.353058f, 0.353111f, 0.353165f, 0.353218f, 0.353271f, 0.353325f, 0.353378f, 0.353432f,
-0.353485f, 0.353539f, 0.353592f, 0.353645f, 0.353699f, 0.353752f, 0.353806f, 0.353859f, 0.353912f, 0.353966f, 0.354019f, 0.354072f, 0.354126f, 0.354179f, 0.354233f, 0.354286f, 0.354339f, 0.354393f, 0.354446f, 0.354499f,
-0.354553f, 0.354606f, 0.35466f, 0.354713f, 0.354766f, 0.35482f, 0.354873f, 0.354926f, 0.35498f, 0.355033f, 0.355086f, 0.35514f, 0.355193f, 0.355246f, 0.3553f, 0.355353f, 0.355406f, 0.35546f, 0.355513f, 0.355566f,
-0.35562f, 0.355673f, 0.355726f, 0.35578f, 0.355833f, 0.355886f, 0.355939f, 0.355993f, 0.356046f, 0.356099f, 0.356153f, 0.356206f, 0.356259f, 0.356313f, 0.356366f, 0.356419f, 0.356472f, 0.356526f, 0.356579f, 0.356632f,
-0.356686f, 0.356739f, 0.356792f, 0.356845f, 0.356899f, 0.356952f, 0.357005f, 0.357058f, 0.357112f, 0.357165f, 0.357218f, 0.357271f, 0.357325f, 0.357378f, 0.357431f, 0.357484f, 0.357538f, 0.357591f, 0.357644f, 0.357697f,
-0.35775f, 0.357804f, 0.357857f, 0.35791f, 0.357963f, 0.358017f, 0.35807f, 0.358123f, 0.358176f, 0.358229f, 0.358283f, 0.358336f, 0.358389f, 0.358442f, 0.358495f, 0.358549f, 0.358602f, 0.358655f, 0.358708f, 0.358761f,
-0.358814f, 0.358868f, 0.358921f, 0.358974f, 0.359027f, 0.35908f, 0.359134f, 0.359187f, 0.35924f, 0.359293f, 0.359346f, 0.359399f, 0.359452f, 0.359506f, 0.359559f, 0.359612f, 0.359665f, 0.359718f, 0.359771f, 0.359824f,
-0.359878f, 0.359931f, 0.359984f, 0.360037f, 0.36009f, 0.360143f, 0.360196f, 0.360249f, 0.360303f, 0.360356f, 0.360409f, 0.360462f, 0.360515f, 0.360568f, 0.360621f, 0.360674f, 0.360727f, 0.36078f, 0.360834f, 0.360887f,
-0.36094f, 0.360993f, 0.361046f, 0.361099f, 0.361152f, 0.361205f, 0.361258f, 0.361311f, 0.361364f, 0.361417f, 0.36147f, 0.361524f, 0.361577f, 0.36163f, 0.361683f, 0.361736f, 0.361789f, 0.361842f, 0.361895f, 0.361948f,
-0.362001f, 0.362054f, 0.362107f, 0.36216f, 0.362213f, 0.362266f, 0.362319f, 0.362372f, 0.362425f, 0.362478f, 0.362531f, 0.362584f, 0.362637f, 0.36269f, 0.362743f, 0.362796f, 0.362849f, 0.362902f, 0.362955f, 0.363008f,
-0.363061f, 0.363114f, 0.363167f, 0.36322f, 0.363273f, 0.363326f, 0.363379f, 0.363432f, 0.363485f, 0.363538f, 0.363591f, 0.363644f, 0.363697f, 0.36375f, 0.363803f, 0.363856f, 0.363909f, 0.363962f, 0.364015f, 0.364068f,
-0.364121f, 0.364174f, 0.364226f, 0.364279f, 0.364332f, 0.364385f, 0.364438f, 0.364491f, 0.364544f, 0.364597f, 0.36465f, 0.364703f, 0.364756f, 0.364809f, 0.364862f, 0.364914f, 0.364967f, 0.36502f, 0.365073f, 0.365126f,
-0.365179f, 0.365232f, 0.365285f, 0.365338f, 0.365391f, 0.365443f, 0.365496f, 0.365549f, 0.365602f, 0.365655f, 0.365708f, 0.365761f, 0.365814f, 0.365866f, 0.365919f, 0.365972f, 0.366025f, 0.366078f, 0.366131f, 0.366184f,
-0.366236f, 0.366289f, 0.366342f, 0.366395f, 0.366448f, 0.366501f, 0.366553f, 0.366606f, 0.366659f, 0.366712f, 0.366765f, 0.366818f, 0.36687f, 0.366923f, 0.366976f, 0.367029f, 0.367082f, 0.367135f, 0.367187f, 0.36724f,
-0.367293f, 0.367346f, 0.367399f, 0.367451f, 0.367504f, 0.367557f, 0.36761f, 0.367663f, 0.367715f, 0.367768f, 0.367821f, 0.367874f, 0.367926f, 0.367979f, 0.368032f, 0.368085f, 0.368137f, 0.36819f, 0.368243f, 0.368296f,
-0.368349f, 0.368401f, 0.368454f, 0.368507f, 0.36856f, 0.368612f, 0.368665f, 0.368718f, 0.36877f, 0.368823f, 0.368876f, 0.368929f, 0.368981f, 0.369034f, 0.369087f, 0.36914f, 0.369192f, 0.369245f, 0.369298f, 0.36935f,
-0.369403f, 0.369456f, 0.369509f, 0.369561f, 0.369614f, 0.369667f, 0.369719f, 0.369772f, 0.369825f, 0.369877f, 0.36993f, 0.369983f, 0.370035f, 0.370088f, 0.370141f, 0.370193f, 0.370246f, 0.370299f, 0.370351f, 0.370404f,
-0.370457f, 0.370509f, 0.370562f, 0.370615f, 0.370667f, 0.37072f, 0.370773f, 0.370825f, 0.370878f, 0.370931f, 0.370983f, 0.371036f, 0.371089f, 0.371141f, 0.371194f, 0.371246f, 0.371299f, 0.371352f, 0.371404f, 0.371457f,
-0.37151f, 0.371562f, 0.371615f, 0.371667f, 0.37172f, 0.371773f, 0.371825f, 0.371878f, 0.37193f, 0.371983f, 0.372036f, 0.372088f, 0.372141f, 0.372193f, 0.372246f, 0.372298f, 0.372351f, 0.372404f, 0.372456f, 0.372509f,
-0.372561f, 0.372614f, 0.372666f, 0.372719f, 0.372772f, 0.372824f, 0.372877f, 0.372929f, 0.372982f, 0.373034f, 0.373087f, 0.373139f, 0.373192f, 0.373244f, 0.373297f, 0.373349f, 0.373402f, 0.373455f, 0.373507f, 0.37356f,
-0.373612f, 0.373665f, 0.373717f, 0.37377f, 0.373822f, 0.373875f, 0.373927f, 0.37398f, 0.374032f, 0.374085f, 0.374137f, 0.37419f, 0.374242f, 0.374295f, 0.374347f, 0.3744f, 0.374452f, 0.374505f, 0.374557f, 0.374609f,
-0.374662f, 0.374714f, 0.374767f, 0.374819f, 0.374872f, 0.374924f, 0.374977f, 0.375029f, 0.375082f, 0.375134f, 0.375186f, 0.375239f, 0.375291f, 0.375344f, 0.375396f, 0.375449f, 0.375501f, 0.375554f, 0.375606f, 0.375658f,
-0.375711f, 0.375763f, 0.375816f, 0.375868f, 0.37592f, 0.375973f, 0.376025f, 0.376078f, 0.37613f, 0.376183f, 0.376235f, 0.376287f, 0.37634f, 0.376392f, 0.376444f, 0.376497f, 0.376549f, 0.376602f, 0.376654f, 0.376706f,
-0.376759f, 0.376811f, 0.376863f, 0.376916f, 0.376968f, 0.377021f, 0.377073f, 0.377125f, 0.377178f, 0.37723f, 0.377282f, 0.377335f, 0.377387f, 0.377439f, 0.377492f, 0.377544f, 0.377596f, 0.377649f, 0.377701f, 0.377753f,
-0.377806f, 0.377858f, 0.37791f, 0.377963f, 0.378015f, 0.378067f, 0.37812f, 0.378172f, 0.378224f, 0.378277f, 0.378329f, 0.378381f, 0.378433f, 0.378486f, 0.378538f, 0.37859f, 0.378643f, 0.378695f, 0.378747f, 0.378799f,
-0.378852f, 0.378904f, 0.378956f, 0.379009f, 0.379061f, 0.379113f, 0.379165f, 0.379218f, 0.37927f, 0.379322f, 0.379374f, 0.379427f, 0.379479f, 0.379531f, 0.379583f, 0.379636f, 0.379688f, 0.37974f, 0.379792f, 0.379845f,
-0.379897f, 0.379949f, 0.380001f, 0.380053f, 0.380106f, 0.380158f, 0.38021f, 0.380262f, 0.380314f, 0.380367f, 0.380419f, 0.380471f, 0.380523f, 0.380575f, 0.380628f, 0.38068f, 0.380732f, 0.380784f, 0.380836f, 0.380889f,
-0.380941f, 0.380993f, 0.381045f, 0.381097f, 0.381149f, 0.381202f, 0.381254f, 0.381306f, 0.381358f, 0.38141f, 0.381462f, 0.381515f, 0.381567f, 0.381619f, 0.381671f, 0.381723f, 0.381775f, 0.381827f, 0.38188f, 0.381932f,
-0.381984f, 0.382036f, 0.382088f, 0.38214f, 0.382192f, 0.382245f, 0.382297f, 0.382349f, 0.382401f, 0.382453f, 0.382505f, 0.382557f, 0.382609f, 0.382661f, 0.382713f, 0.382766f, 0.382818f, 0.38287f, 0.382922f, 0.382974f,
-0.383026f, 0.383078f, 0.38313f, 0.383182f, 0.383234f, 0.383286f, 0.383338f, 0.383391f, 0.383443f, 0.383495f, 0.383547f, 0.383599f, 0.383651f, 0.383703f, 0.383755f, 0.383807f, 0.383859f, 0.383911f, 0.383963f, 0.384015f,
-0.384067f, 0.384119f, 0.384171f, 0.384223f, 0.384275f, 0.384327f, 0.384379f, 0.384431f, 0.384483f, 0.384535f, 0.384587f, 0.384639f, 0.384691f, 0.384743f, 0.384795f, 0.384847f, 0.384899f, 0.384951f, 0.385003f, 0.385055f,
-0.385107f, 0.385159f, 0.385211f, 0.385263f, 0.385315f, 0.385367f, 0.385419f, 0.385471f, 0.385523f, 0.385575f, 0.385627f, 0.385679f, 0.385731f, 0.385783f, 0.385835f, 0.385887f, 0.385939f, 0.385991f, 0.386043f, 0.386095f,
-0.386147f, 0.386198f, 0.38625f, 0.386302f, 0.386354f, 0.386406f, 0.386458f, 0.38651f, 0.386562f, 0.386614f, 0.386666f, 0.386718f, 0.38677f, 0.386821f, 0.386873f, 0.386925f, 0.386977f, 0.387029f, 0.387081f, 0.387133f,
-0.387185f, 0.387237f, 0.387288f, 0.38734f, 0.387392f, 0.387444f, 0.387496f, 0.387548f, 0.3876f, 0.387652f, 0.387703f, 0.387755f, 0.387807f, 0.387859f, 0.387911f, 0.387963f, 0.388015f, 0.388066f, 0.388118f, 0.38817f,
-0.388222f, 0.388274f, 0.388326f, 0.388377f, 0.388429f, 0.388481f, 0.388533f, 0.388585f, 0.388637f, 0.388688f, 0.38874f, 0.388792f, 0.388844f, 0.388896f, 0.388947f, 0.388999f, 0.389051f, 0.389103f, 0.389155f, 0.389206f,
-0.389258f, 0.38931f, 0.389362f, 0.389414f, 0.389465f, 0.389517f, 0.389569f, 0.389621f, 0.389672f, 0.389724f, 0.389776f, 0.389828f, 0.389879f, 0.389931f, 0.389983f, 0.390035f, 0.390086f, 0.390138f, 0.39019f, 0.390242f,
-0.390293f, 0.390345f, 0.390397f, 0.390449f, 0.3905f, 0.390552f, 0.390604f, 0.390656f, 0.390707f, 0.390759f, 0.390811f, 0.390862f, 0.390914f, 0.390966f, 0.391018f, 0.391069f, 0.391121f, 0.391173f, 0.391224f, 0.391276f,
-0.391328f, 0.391379f, 0.391431f, 0.391483f, 0.391534f, 0.391586f, 0.391638f, 0.391689f, 0.391741f, 0.391793f, 0.391845f, 0.391896f, 0.391948f, 0.391999f, 0.392051f, 0.392103f, 0.392154f, 0.392206f, 0.392258f, 0.392309f,
-0.392361f, 0.392413f, 0.392464f, 0.392516f, 0.392568f, 0.392619f, 0.392671f, 0.392722f, 0.392774f, 0.392826f, 0.392877f, 0.392929f, 0.392981f, 0.393032f, 0.393084f, 0.393135f, 0.393187f, 0.393239f, 0.39329f, 0.393342f,
-0.393393f, 0.393445f, 0.393497f, 0.393548f, 0.3936f, 0.393651f, 0.393703f, 0.393754f, 0.393806f, 0.393858f, 0.393909f, 0.393961f, 0.394012f, 0.394064f, 0.394115f, 0.394167f, 0.394218f, 0.39427f, 0.394322f, 0.394373f,
-0.394425f, 0.394476f, 0.394528f, 0.394579f, 0.394631f, 0.394682f, 0.394734f, 0.394785f, 0.394837f, 0.394888f, 0.39494f, 0.394991f, 0.395043f, 0.395094f, 0.395146f, 0.395197f, 0.395249f, 0.3953f, 0.395352f, 0.395403f,
-0.395455f, 0.395506f, 0.395558f, 0.395609f, 0.395661f, 0.395712f, 0.395764f, 0.395815f, 0.395867f, 0.395918f, 0.39597f, 0.396021f, 0.396073f, 0.396124f, 0.396176f, 0.396227f, 0.396278f, 0.39633f, 0.396381f, 0.396433f,
-0.396484f, 0.396536f, 0.396587f, 0.396639f, 0.39669f, 0.396741f, 0.396793f, 0.396844f, 0.396896f, 0.396947f, 0.396999f, 0.39705f, 0.397101f, 0.397153f, 0.397204f, 0.397256f, 0.397307f, 0.397358f, 0.39741f, 0.397461f,
-0.397513f, 0.397564f, 0.397615f, 0.397667f, 0.397718f, 0.39777f, 0.397821f, 0.397872f, 0.397924f, 0.397975f, 0.398026f, 0.398078f, 0.398129f, 0.39818f, 0.398232f, 0.398283f, 0.398335f, 0.398386f, 0.398437f, 0.398489f,
-0.39854f, 0.398591f, 0.398643f, 0.398694f, 0.398745f, 0.398797f, 0.398848f, 0.398899f, 0.398951f, 0.399002f, 0.399053f, 0.399105f, 0.399156f, 0.399207f, 0.399258f, 0.39931f, 0.399361f, 0.399412f, 0.399464f, 0.399515f,
-0.399566f, 0.399618f, 0.399669f, 0.39972f, 0.399771f, 0.399823f, 0.399874f, 0.399925f, 0.399977f, 0.400028f, 0.400079f, 0.40013f, 0.400182f, 0.400233f, 0.400284f, 0.400335f, 0.400387f, 0.400438f, 0.400489f, 0.40054f,
-0.400592f, 0.400643f, 0.400694f, 0.400745f, 0.400797f, 0.400848f, 0.400899f, 0.40095f, 0.401001f, 0.401053f, 0.401104f, 0.401155f, 0.401206f, 0.401258f, 0.401309f, 0.40136f, 0.401411f, 0.401462f, 0.401514f, 0.401565f,
-0.401616f, 0.401667f, 0.401718f, 0.401769f, 0.401821f, 0.401872f, 0.401923f, 0.401974f, 0.402025f, 0.402077f, 0.402128f, 0.402179f, 0.40223f, 0.402281f, 0.402332f, 0.402383f, 0.402435f, 0.402486f, 0.402537f, 0.402588f,
-0.402639f, 0.40269f, 0.402742f, 0.402793f, 0.402844f, 0.402895f, 0.402946f, 0.402997f, 0.403048f, 0.403099f, 0.403151f, 0.403202f, 0.403253f, 0.403304f, 0.403355f, 0.403406f, 0.403457f, 0.403508f, 0.403559f, 0.40361f,
-0.403662f, 0.403713f, 0.403764f, 0.403815f, 0.403866f, 0.403917f, 0.403968f, 0.404019f, 0.40407f, 0.404121f, 0.404172f, 0.404223f, 0.404274f, 0.404326f, 0.404377f, 0.404428f, 0.404479f, 0.40453f, 0.404581f, 0.404632f,
-0.404683f, 0.404734f, 0.404785f, 0.404836f, 0.404887f, 0.404938f, 0.404989f, 0.40504f, 0.405091f, 0.405142f, 0.405193f, 0.405244f, 0.405295f, 0.405346f, 0.405397f, 0.405448f, 0.405499f, 0.40555f, 0.405601f, 0.405652f,
-0.405703f, 0.405754f, 0.405805f, 0.405856f, 0.405907f, 0.405958f, 0.406009f, 0.40606f, 0.406111f, 0.406162f, 0.406213f, 0.406264f, 0.406315f, 0.406366f, 0.406417f, 0.406468f, 0.406519f, 0.40657f, 0.406621f, 0.406672f,
-0.406722f, 0.406773f, 0.406824f, 0.406875f, 0.406926f, 0.406977f, 0.407028f, 0.407079f, 0.40713f, 0.407181f, 0.407232f, 0.407283f, 0.407334f, 0.407384f, 0.407435f, 0.407486f, 0.407537f, 0.407588f, 0.407639f, 0.40769f,
-0.407741f, 0.407792f, 0.407843f, 0.407893f, 0.407944f, 0.407995f, 0.408046f, 0.408097f, 0.408148f, 0.408199f, 0.408249f, 0.4083f, 0.408351f, 0.408402f, 0.408453f, 0.408504f, 0.408555f, 0.408605f, 0.408656f, 0.408707f,
-0.408758f, 0.408809f, 0.40886f, 0.408911f, 0.408961f, 0.409012f, 0.409063f, 0.409114f, 0.409165f, 0.409215f, 0.409266f, 0.409317f, 0.409368f, 0.409419f, 0.409469f, 0.40952f, 0.409571f, 0.409622f, 0.409673f, 0.409723f,
-0.409774f, 0.409825f, 0.409876f, 0.409927f, 0.409977f, 0.410028f, 0.410079f, 0.41013f, 0.41018f, 0.410231f, 0.410282f, 0.410333f, 0.410384f, 0.410434f, 0.410485f, 0.410536f, 0.410587f, 0.410637f, 0.410688f, 0.410739f,
-0.410789f, 0.41084f, 0.410891f, 0.410942f, 0.410992f, 0.411043f, 0.411094f, 0.411145f, 0.411195f, 0.411246f, 0.411297f, 0.411347f, 0.411398f, 0.411449f, 0.4115f, 0.41155f, 0.411601f, 0.411652f, 0.411702f, 0.411753f,
-0.411804f, 0.411854f, 0.411905f, 0.411956f, 0.412006f, 0.412057f, 0.412108f, 0.412158f, 0.412209f, 0.41226f, 0.41231f, 0.412361f, 0.412412f, 0.412462f, 0.412513f, 0.412564f, 0.412614f, 0.412665f, 0.412716f, 0.412766f,
-0.412817f, 0.412868f, 0.412918f, 0.412969f, 0.413019f, 0.41307f, 0.413121f, 0.413171f, 0.413222f, 0.413273f, 0.413323f, 0.413374f, 0.413424f, 0.413475f, 0.413526f, 0.413576f, 0.413627f, 0.413677f, 0.413728f, 0.413779f,
-0.413829f, 0.41388f, 0.41393f, 0.413981f, 0.414031f, 0.414082f, 0.414133f, 0.414183f, 0.414234f, 0.414284f, 0.414335f, 0.414385f, 0.414436f, 0.414486f, 0.414537f, 0.414588f, 0.414638f, 0.414689f, 0.414739f, 0.41479f,
-0.41484f, 0.414891f, 0.414941f, 0.414992f, 0.415042f, 0.415093f, 0.415143f, 0.415194f, 0.415244f, 0.415295f, 0.415345f, 0.415396f, 0.415446f, 0.415497f, 0.415547f, 0.415598f, 0.415648f, 0.415699f, 0.415749f, 0.4158f,
-0.41585f, 0.415901f, 0.415951f, 0.416002f, 0.416052f, 0.416103f, 0.416153f, 0.416204f, 0.416254f, 0.416305f, 0.416355f, 0.416406f, 0.416456f, 0.416506f, 0.416557f, 0.416607f, 0.416658f, 0.416708f, 0.416759f, 0.416809f,
-0.416859f, 0.41691f, 0.41696f, 0.417011f, 0.417061f, 0.417112f, 0.417162f, 0.417212f, 0.417263f, 0.417313f, 0.417364f, 0.417414f, 0.417464f, 0.417515f, 0.417565f, 0.417616f, 0.417666f, 0.417716f, 0.417767f, 0.417817f,
-0.417868f, 0.417918f, 0.417968f, 0.418019f, 0.418069f, 0.418119f, 0.41817f, 0.41822f, 0.418271f, 0.418321f, 0.418371f, 0.418422f, 0.418472f, 0.418522f, 0.418573f, 0.418623f, 0.418673f, 0.418724f, 0.418774f, 0.418824f,
-0.418875f, 0.418925f, 0.418975f, 0.419026f, 0.419076f, 0.419126f, 0.419177f, 0.419227f, 0.419277f, 0.419327f, 0.419378f, 0.419428f, 0.419478f, 0.419529f, 0.419579f, 0.419629f, 0.41968f, 0.41973f, 0.41978f, 0.41983f,
-0.419881f, 0.419931f, 0.419981f, 0.420031f, 0.420082f, 0.420132f, 0.420182f, 0.420233f, 0.420283f, 0.420333f, 0.420383f, 0.420434f, 0.420484f, 0.420534f, 0.420584f, 0.420634f, 0.420685f, 0.420735f, 0.420785f, 0.420835f,
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-0.425895f, 0.425945f, 0.425995f, 0.426045f, 0.426095f, 0.426145f, 0.426195f, 0.426245f, 0.426295f, 0.426345f, 0.426395f, 0.426445f, 0.426494f, 0.426544f, 0.426594f, 0.426644f, 0.426694f, 0.426744f, 0.426794f, 0.426844f,
-0.426894f, 0.426944f, 0.426994f, 0.427044f, 0.427094f, 0.427143f, 0.427193f, 0.427243f, 0.427293f, 0.427343f, 0.427393f, 0.427443f, 0.427493f, 0.427543f, 0.427592f, 0.427642f, 0.427692f, 0.427742f, 0.427792f, 0.427842f,
-0.427892f, 0.427941f, 0.427991f, 0.428041f, 0.428091f, 0.428141f, 0.428191f, 0.428241f, 0.42829f, 0.42834f, 0.42839f, 0.42844f, 0.42849f, 0.42854f, 0.428589f, 0.428639f, 0.428689f, 0.428739f, 0.428789f, 0.428838f,
-0.428888f, 0.428938f, 0.428988f, 0.429038f, 0.429088f, 0.429137f, 0.429187f, 0.429237f, 0.429287f, 0.429336f, 0.429386f, 0.429436f, 0.429486f, 0.429536f, 0.429585f, 0.429635f, 0.429685f, 0.429735f, 0.429784f, 0.429834f,
-0.429884f, 0.429934f, 0.429983f, 0.430033f, 0.430083f, 0.430133f, 0.430182f, 0.430232f, 0.430282f, 0.430332f, 0.430381f, 0.430431f, 0.430481f, 0.430531f, 0.43058f, 0.43063f, 0.43068f, 0.430729f, 0.430779f, 0.430829f,
-0.430879f, 0.430928f, 0.430978f, 0.431028f, 0.431077f, 0.431127f, 0.431177f, 0.431226f, 0.431276f, 0.431326f, 0.431375f, 0.431425f, 0.431475f, 0.431525f, 0.431574f, 0.431624f, 0.431674f, 0.431723f, 0.431773f, 0.431822f,
-0.431872f, 0.431922f, 0.431971f, 0.432021f, 0.432071f, 0.43212f, 0.43217f, 0.43222f, 0.432269f, 0.432319f, 0.432369f, 0.432418f, 0.432468f, 0.432517f, 0.432567f, 0.432617f, 0.432666f, 0.432716f, 0.432765f, 0.432815f,
-0.432865f, 0.432914f, 0.432964f, 0.433013f, 0.433063f, 0.433113f, 0.433162f, 0.433212f, 0.433261f, 0.433311f, 0.433361f, 0.43341f, 0.43346f, 0.433509f, 0.433559f, 0.433608f, 0.433658f, 0.433707f, 0.433757f, 0.433807f,
-0.433856f, 0.433906f, 0.433955f, 0.434005f, 0.434054f, 0.434104f, 0.434153f, 0.434203f, 0.434252f, 0.434302f, 0.434351f, 0.434401f, 0.43445f, 0.4345f, 0.43455f, 0.434599f, 0.434649f, 0.434698f, 0.434748f, 0.434797f,
-0.434847f, 0.434896f, 0.434946f, 0.434995f, 0.435044f, 0.435094f, 0.435143f, 0.435193f, 0.435242f, 0.435292f, 0.435341f, 0.435391f, 0.43544f, 0.43549f, 0.435539f, 0.435589f, 0.435638f, 0.435688f, 0.435737f, 0.435786f,
-0.435836f, 0.435885f, 0.435935f, 0.435984f, 0.436034f, 0.436083f, 0.436133f, 0.436182f, 0.436231f, 0.436281f, 0.43633f, 0.43638f, 0.436429f, 0.436478f, 0.436528f, 0.436577f, 0.436627f, 0.436676f, 0.436725f, 0.436775f,
-0.436824f, 0.436874f, 0.436923f, 0.436972f, 0.437022f, 0.437071f, 0.437121f, 0.43717f, 0.437219f, 0.437269f, 0.437318f, 0.437367f, 0.437417f, 0.437466f, 0.437515f, 0.437565f, 0.437614f, 0.437663f, 0.437713f, 0.437762f,
-0.437811f, 0.437861f, 0.43791f, 0.437959f, 0.438009f, 0.438058f, 0.438107f, 0.438157f, 0.438206f, 0.438255f, 0.438305f, 0.438354f, 0.438403f, 0.438453f, 0.438502f, 0.438551f, 0.438601f, 0.43865f, 0.438699f, 0.438748f,
-0.438798f, 0.438847f, 0.438896f, 0.438946f, 0.438995f, 0.439044f, 0.439093f, 0.439143f, 0.439192f, 0.439241f, 0.43929f, 0.43934f, 0.439389f, 0.439438f, 0.439487f, 0.439537f, 0.439586f, 0.439635f, 0.439684f, 0.439734f,
-0.439783f, 0.439832f, 0.439881f, 0.439931f, 0.43998f, 0.440029f, 0.440078f, 0.440127f, 0.440177f, 0.440226f, 0.440275f, 0.440324f, 0.440373f, 0.440423f, 0.440472f, 0.440521f, 0.44057f, 0.440619f, 0.440669f, 0.440718f,
-0.440767f, 0.440816f, 0.440865f, 0.440914f, 0.440964f, 0.441013f, 0.441062f, 0.441111f, 0.44116f, 0.441209f, 0.441259f, 0.441308f, 0.441357f, 0.441406f, 0.441455f, 0.441504f, 0.441553f, 0.441603f, 0.441652f, 0.441701f,
-0.44175f, 0.441799f, 0.441848f, 0.441897f, 0.441946f, 0.441996f, 0.442045f, 0.442094f, 0.442143f, 0.442192f, 0.442241f, 0.44229f, 0.442339f, 0.442388f, 0.442437f, 0.442487f, 0.442536f, 0.442585f, 0.442634f, 0.442683f,
-0.442732f, 0.442781f, 0.44283f, 0.442879f, 0.442928f, 0.442977f, 0.443026f, 0.443075f, 0.443124f, 0.443173f, 0.443223f, 0.443272f, 0.443321f, 0.44337f, 0.443419f, 0.443468f, 0.443517f, 0.443566f, 0.443615f, 0.443664f,
-0.443713f, 0.443762f, 0.443811f, 0.44386f, 0.443909f, 0.443958f, 0.444007f, 0.444056f, 0.444105f, 0.444154f, 0.444203f, 0.444252f, 0.444301f, 0.44435f, 0.444399f, 0.444448f, 0.444497f, 0.444546f, 0.444595f, 0.444644f,
-0.444693f, 0.444742f, 0.444791f, 0.44484f, 0.444889f, 0.444938f, 0.444986f, 0.445035f, 0.445084f, 0.445133f, 0.445182f, 0.445231f, 0.44528f, 0.445329f, 0.445378f, 0.445427f, 0.445476f, 0.445525f, 0.445574f, 0.445623f,
-0.445672f, 0.44572f, 0.445769f, 0.445818f, 0.445867f, 0.445916f, 0.445965f, 0.446014f, 0.446063f, 0.446112f, 0.446161f, 0.446209f, 0.446258f, 0.446307f, 0.446356f, 0.446405f, 0.446454f, 0.446503f, 0.446552f, 0.4466f,
-0.446649f, 0.446698f, 0.446747f, 0.446796f, 0.446845f, 0.446894f, 0.446942f, 0.446991f, 0.44704f, 0.447089f, 0.447138f, 0.447187f, 0.447235f, 0.447284f, 0.447333f, 0.447382f, 0.447431f, 0.447479f, 0.447528f, 0.447577f,
-0.447626f, 0.447675f, 0.447724f, 0.447772f, 0.447821f, 0.44787f, 0.447919f, 0.447967f, 0.448016f, 0.448065f, 0.448114f, 0.448163f, 0.448211f, 0.44826f, 0.448309f, 0.448358f, 0.448406f, 0.448455f, 0.448504f, 0.448553f,
-0.448601f, 0.44865f, 0.448699f, 0.448748f, 0.448796f, 0.448845f, 0.448894f, 0.448943f, 0.448991f, 0.44904f, 0.449089f, 0.449138f, 0.449186f, 0.449235f, 0.449284f, 0.449332f, 0.449381f, 0.44943f, 0.449479f, 0.449527f,
-0.449576f, 0.449625f, 0.449673f, 0.449722f, 0.449771f, 0.449819f, 0.449868f, 0.449917f, 0.449966f, 0.450014f, 0.450063f, 0.450112f, 0.45016f, 0.450209f, 0.450258f, 0.450306f, 0.450355f, 0.450404f, 0.450452f, 0.450501f,
-0.450549f, 0.450598f, 0.450647f, 0.450695f, 0.450744f, 0.450793f, 0.450841f, 0.45089f, 0.450939f, 0.450987f, 0.451036f, 0.451084f, 0.451133f, 0.451182f, 0.45123f, 0.451279f, 0.451327f, 0.451376f, 0.451425f, 0.451473f,
-0.451522f, 0.45157f, 0.451619f, 0.451668f, 0.451716f, 0.451765f, 0.451813f, 0.451862f, 0.451911f, 0.451959f, 0.452008f, 0.452056f, 0.452105f, 0.452153f, 0.452202f, 0.45225f, 0.452299f, 0.452348f, 0.452396f, 0.452445f,
-0.452493f, 0.452542f, 0.45259f, 0.452639f, 0.452687f, 0.452736f, 0.452784f, 0.452833f, 0.452881f, 0.45293f, 0.452978f, 0.453027f, 0.453075f, 0.453124f, 0.453172f, 0.453221f, 0.453269f, 0.453318f, 0.453366f, 0.453415f,
-0.453463f, 0.453512f, 0.45356f, 0.453609f, 0.453657f, 0.453706f, 0.453754f, 0.453803f, 0.453851f, 0.4539f, 0.453948f, 0.453997f, 0.454045f, 0.454093f, 0.454142f, 0.45419f, 0.454239f, 0.454287f, 0.454336f, 0.454384f,
-0.454433f, 0.454481f, 0.454529f, 0.454578f, 0.454626f, 0.454675f, 0.454723f, 0.454772f, 0.45482f, 0.454868f, 0.454917f, 0.454965f, 0.455014f, 0.455062f, 0.45511f, 0.455159f, 0.455207f, 0.455256f, 0.455304f, 0.455352f,
-0.455401f, 0.455449f, 0.455497f, 0.455546f, 0.455594f, 0.455643f, 0.455691f, 0.455739f, 0.455788f, 0.455836f, 0.455884f, 0.455933f, 0.455981f, 0.456029f, 0.456078f, 0.456126f, 0.456174f, 0.456223f, 0.456271f, 0.456319f,
-0.456368f, 0.456416f, 0.456464f, 0.456513f, 0.456561f, 0.456609f, 0.456658f, 0.456706f, 0.456754f, 0.456803f, 0.456851f, 0.456899f, 0.456947f, 0.456996f, 0.457044f, 0.457092f, 0.457141f, 0.457189f, 0.457237f, 0.457285f,
-0.457334f, 0.457382f, 0.45743f, 0.457478f, 0.457527f, 0.457575f, 0.457623f, 0.457671f, 0.45772f, 0.457768f, 0.457816f, 0.457864f, 0.457913f, 0.457961f, 0.458009f, 0.458057f, 0.458106f, 0.458154f, 0.458202f, 0.45825f,
-0.458299f, 0.458347f, 0.458395f, 0.458443f, 0.458491f, 0.45854f, 0.458588f, 0.458636f, 0.458684f, 0.458732f, 0.458781f, 0.458829f, 0.458877f, 0.458925f, 0.458973f, 0.459021f, 0.45907f, 0.459118f, 0.459166f, 0.459214f,
-0.459262f, 0.45931f, 0.459359f, 0.459407f, 0.459455f, 0.459503f, 0.459551f, 0.459599f, 0.459647f, 0.459696f, 0.459744f, 0.459792f, 0.45984f, 0.459888f, 0.459936f, 0.459984f, 0.460033f, 0.460081f, 0.460129f, 0.460177f,
-0.460225f, 0.460273f, 0.460321f, 0.460369f, 0.460417f, 0.460466f, 0.460514f, 0.460562f, 0.46061f, 0.460658f, 0.460706f, 0.460754f, 0.460802f, 0.46085f, 0.460898f, 0.460946f, 0.460994f, 0.461042f, 0.461091f, 0.461139f,
-0.461187f, 0.461235f, 0.461283f, 0.461331f, 0.461379f, 0.461427f, 0.461475f, 0.461523f, 0.461571f, 0.461619f, 0.461667f, 0.461715f, 0.461763f, 0.461811f, 0.461859f, 0.461907f, 0.461955f, 0.462003f, 0.462051f, 0.462099f,
-0.462147f, 0.462195f, 0.462243f, 0.462291f, 0.462339f, 0.462387f, 0.462435f, 0.462483f, 0.462531f, 0.462579f, 0.462627f, 0.462675f, 0.462723f, 0.462771f, 0.462819f, 0.462867f, 0.462915f, 0.462963f, 0.463011f, 0.463059f,
-0.463107f, 0.463155f, 0.463203f, 0.46325f, 0.463298f, 0.463346f, 0.463394f, 0.463442f, 0.46349f, 0.463538f, 0.463586f, 0.463634f, 0.463682f, 0.46373f, 0.463778f, 0.463825f, 0.463873f, 0.463921f, 0.463969f, 0.464017f,
-0.464065f, 0.464113f, 0.464161f, 0.464209f, 0.464257f, 0.464304f, 0.464352f, 0.4644f, 0.464448f, 0.464496f, 0.464544f, 0.464592f, 0.464639f, 0.464687f, 0.464735f, 0.464783f, 0.464831f, 0.464879f, 0.464927f, 0.464974f,
-0.465022f, 0.46507f, 0.465118f, 0.465166f, 0.465214f, 0.465261f, 0.465309f, 0.465357f, 0.465405f, 0.465453f, 0.465501f, 0.465548f, 0.465596f, 0.465644f, 0.465692f, 0.46574f, 0.465787f, 0.465835f, 0.465883f, 0.465931f,
-0.465978f, 0.466026f, 0.466074f, 0.466122f, 0.46617f, 0.466217f, 0.466265f, 0.466313f, 0.466361f, 0.466408f, 0.466456f, 0.466504f, 0.466552f, 0.466599f, 0.466647f, 0.466695f, 0.466743f, 0.46679f, 0.466838f, 0.466886f,
-0.466934f, 0.466981f, 0.467029f, 0.467077f, 0.467124f, 0.467172f, 0.46722f, 0.467268f, 0.467315f, 0.467363f, 0.467411f, 0.467458f, 0.467506f, 0.467554f, 0.467602f, 0.467649f, 0.467697f, 0.467745f, 0.467792f, 0.46784f,
-0.467888f, 0.467935f, 0.467983f, 0.468031f, 0.468078f, 0.468126f, 0.468174f, 0.468221f, 0.468269f, 0.468317f, 0.468364f, 0.468412f, 0.46846f, 0.468507f, 0.468555f, 0.468602f, 0.46865f, 0.468698f, 0.468745f, 0.468793f,
-0.468841f, 0.468888f, 0.468936f, 0.468983f, 0.469031f, 0.469079f, 0.469126f, 0.469174f, 0.469221f, 0.469269f, 0.469317f, 0.469364f, 0.469412f, 0.469459f, 0.469507f, 0.469555f, 0.469602f, 0.46965f, 0.469697f, 0.469745f,
-0.469792f, 0.46984f, 0.469888f, 0.469935f, 0.469983f, 0.47003f, 0.470078f, 0.470125f, 0.470173f, 0.47022f, 0.470268f, 0.470315f, 0.470363f, 0.470411f, 0.470458f, 0.470506f, 0.470553f, 0.470601f, 0.470648f, 0.470696f,
-0.470743f, 0.470791f, 0.470838f, 0.470886f, 0.470933f, 0.470981f, 0.471028f, 0.471076f, 0.471123f, 0.471171f, 0.471218f, 0.471266f, 0.471313f, 0.471361f, 0.471408f, 0.471456f, 0.471503f, 0.47155f, 0.471598f, 0.471645f,
-0.471693f, 0.47174f, 0.471788f, 0.471835f, 0.471883f, 0.47193f, 0.471978f, 0.472025f, 0.472072f, 0.47212f, 0.472167f, 0.472215f, 0.472262f, 0.47231f, 0.472357f, 0.472404f, 0.472452f, 0.472499f, 0.472547f, 0.472594f,
-0.472641f, 0.472689f, 0.472736f, 0.472784f, 0.472831f, 0.472878f, 0.472926f, 0.472973f, 0.473021f, 0.473068f, 0.473115f, 0.473163f, 0.47321f, 0.473257f, 0.473305f, 0.473352f, 0.473399f, 0.473447f, 0.473494f, 0.473542f,
-0.473589f, 0.473636f, 0.473684f, 0.473731f, 0.473778f, 0.473826f, 0.473873f, 0.47392f, 0.473968f, 0.474015f, 0.474062f, 0.47411f, 0.474157f, 0.474204f, 0.474251f, 0.474299f, 0.474346f, 0.474393f, 0.474441f, 0.474488f,
-0.474535f, 0.474583f, 0.47463f, 0.474677f, 0.474724f, 0.474772f, 0.474819f, 0.474866f, 0.474914f, 0.474961f, 0.475008f, 0.475055f, 0.475103f, 0.47515f, 0.475197f, 0.475244f, 0.475292f, 0.475339f, 0.475386f, 0.475433f,
-0.475481f, 0.475528f, 0.475575f, 0.475622f, 0.475669f, 0.475717f, 0.475764f, 0.475811f, 0.475858f, 0.475906f, 0.475953f, 0.476f, 0.476047f, 0.476094f, 0.476142f, 0.476189f, 0.476236f, 0.476283f, 0.47633f, 0.476378f,
-0.476425f, 0.476472f, 0.476519f, 0.476566f, 0.476613f, 0.476661f, 0.476708f, 0.476755f, 0.476802f, 0.476849f, 0.476896f, 0.476944f, 0.476991f, 0.477038f, 0.477085f, 0.477132f, 0.477179f, 0.477226f, 0.477274f, 0.477321f,
-0.477368f, 0.477415f, 0.477462f, 0.477509f, 0.477556f, 0.477603f, 0.477651f, 0.477698f, 0.477745f, 0.477792f, 0.477839f, 0.477886f, 0.477933f, 0.47798f, 0.478027f, 0.478074f, 0.478122f, 0.478169f, 0.478216f, 0.478263f,
-0.47831f, 0.478357f, 0.478404f, 0.478451f, 0.478498f, 0.478545f, 0.478592f, 0.478639f, 0.478686f, 0.478733f, 0.47878f, 0.478827f, 0.478874f, 0.478922f, 0.478969f, 0.479016f, 0.479063f, 0.47911f, 0.479157f, 0.479204f,
-0.479251f, 0.479298f, 0.479345f, 0.479392f, 0.479439f, 0.479486f, 0.479533f, 0.47958f, 0.479627f, 0.479674f, 0.479721f, 0.479768f, 0.479815f, 0.479862f, 0.479909f, 0.479956f, 0.480003f, 0.48005f, 0.480097f, 0.480144f,
-0.480191f, 0.480237f, 0.480284f, 0.480331f, 0.480378f, 0.480425f, 0.480472f, 0.480519f, 0.480566f, 0.480613f, 0.48066f, 0.480707f, 0.480754f, 0.480801f, 0.480848f, 0.480895f, 0.480942f, 0.480988f, 0.481035f, 0.481082f,
-0.481129f, 0.481176f, 0.481223f, 0.48127f, 0.481317f, 0.481364f, 0.481411f, 0.481457f, 0.481504f, 0.481551f, 0.481598f, 0.481645f, 0.481692f, 0.481739f, 0.481786f, 0.481833f, 0.481879f, 0.481926f, 0.481973f, 0.48202f,
-0.482067f, 0.482114f, 0.482161f, 0.482207f, 0.482254f, 0.482301f, 0.482348f, 0.482395f, 0.482442f, 0.482488f, 0.482535f, 0.482582f, 0.482629f, 0.482676f, 0.482722f, 0.482769f, 0.482816f, 0.482863f, 0.48291f, 0.482956f,
-0.483003f, 0.48305f, 0.483097f, 0.483144f, 0.48319f, 0.483237f, 0.483284f, 0.483331f, 0.483378f, 0.483424f, 0.483471f, 0.483518f, 0.483565f, 0.483611f, 0.483658f, 0.483705f, 0.483752f, 0.483798f, 0.483845f, 0.483892f,
-0.483939f, 0.483985f, 0.484032f, 0.484079f, 0.484126f, 0.484172f, 0.484219f, 0.484266f, 0.484313f, 0.484359f, 0.484406f, 0.484453f, 0.484499f, 0.484546f, 0.484593f, 0.484639f, 0.484686f, 0.484733f, 0.48478f, 0.484826f,
-0.484873f, 0.48492f, 0.484966f, 0.485013f, 0.48506f, 0.485106f, 0.485153f, 0.4852f, 0.485246f, 0.485293f, 0.48534f, 0.485386f, 0.485433f, 0.48548f, 0.485526f, 0.485573f, 0.48562f, 0.485666f, 0.485713f, 0.485759f,
-0.485806f, 0.485853f, 0.485899f, 0.485946f, 0.485993f, 0.486039f, 0.486086f, 0.486132f, 0.486179f, 0.486226f, 0.486272f, 0.486319f, 0.486366f, 0.486412f, 0.486459f, 0.486505f, 0.486552f, 0.486598f, 0.486645f, 0.486692f,
-0.486738f, 0.486785f, 0.486831f, 0.486878f, 0.486924f, 0.486971f, 0.487018f, 0.487064f, 0.487111f, 0.487157f, 0.487204f, 0.48725f, 0.487297f, 0.487343f, 0.48739f, 0.487437f, 0.487483f, 0.48753f, 0.487576f, 0.487623f,
-0.487669f, 0.487716f, 0.487762f, 0.487809f, 0.487855f, 0.487902f, 0.487948f, 0.487995f, 0.488041f, 0.488088f, 0.488134f, 0.488181f, 0.488227f, 0.488274f, 0.48832f, 0.488367f, 0.488413f, 0.48846f, 0.488506f, 0.488553f,
-0.488599f, 0.488645f, 0.488692f, 0.488738f, 0.488785f, 0.488831f, 0.488878f, 0.488924f, 0.488971f, 0.489017f, 0.489064f, 0.48911f, 0.489156f, 0.489203f, 0.489249f, 0.489296f, 0.489342f, 0.489389f, 0.489435f, 0.489481f,
-0.489528f, 0.489574f, 0.489621f, 0.489667f, 0.489713f, 0.48976f, 0.489806f, 0.489853f, 0.489899f, 0.489945f, 0.489992f, 0.490038f, 0.490084f, 0.490131f, 0.490177f, 0.490224f, 0.49027f, 0.490316f, 0.490363f, 0.490409f,
-0.490455f, 0.490502f, 0.490548f, 0.490594f, 0.490641f, 0.490687f, 0.490733f, 0.49078f, 0.490826f, 0.490872f, 0.490919f, 0.490965f, 0.491011f, 0.491058f, 0.491104f, 0.49115f, 0.491197f, 0.491243f, 0.491289f, 0.491336f,
-0.491382f, 0.491428f, 0.491475f, 0.491521f, 0.491567f, 0.491613f, 0.49166f, 0.491706f, 0.491752f, 0.491798f, 0.491845f, 0.491891f, 0.491937f, 0.491984f, 0.49203f, 0.492076f, 0.492122f, 0.492169f, 0.492215f, 0.492261f,
-0.492307f, 0.492354f, 0.4924f, 0.492446f, 0.492492f, 0.492539f, 0.492585f, 0.492631f, 0.492677f, 0.492723f, 0.49277f, 0.492816f, 0.492862f, 0.492908f, 0.492954f, 0.493001f, 0.493047f, 0.493093f, 0.493139f, 0.493185f,
-0.493232f, 0.493278f, 0.493324f, 0.49337f, 0.493416f, 0.493463f, 0.493509f, 0.493555f, 0.493601f, 0.493647f, 0.493693f, 0.49374f, 0.493786f, 0.493832f, 0.493878f, 0.493924f, 0.49397f, 0.494016f, 0.494063f, 0.494109f,
-0.494155f, 0.494201f, 0.494247f, 0.494293f, 0.494339f, 0.494385f, 0.494432f, 0.494478f, 0.494524f, 0.49457f, 0.494616f, 0.494662f, 0.494708f, 0.494754f, 0.4948f, 0.494846f, 0.494893f, 0.494939f, 0.494985f, 0.495031f,
-0.495077f, 0.495123f, 0.495169f, 0.495215f, 0.495261f, 0.495307f, 0.495353f, 0.495399f, 0.495445f, 0.495491f, 0.495538f, 0.495584f, 0.49563f, 0.495676f, 0.495722f, 0.495768f, 0.495814f, 0.49586f, 0.495906f, 0.495952f,
-0.495998f, 0.496044f, 0.49609f, 0.496136f, 0.496182f, 0.496228f, 0.496274f, 0.49632f, 0.496366f, 0.496412f, 0.496458f, 0.496504f, 0.49655f, 0.496596f, 0.496642f, 0.496688f, 0.496734f, 0.49678f, 0.496826f, 0.496872f,
-0.496918f, 0.496964f, 0.49701f, 0.497056f, 0.497102f, 0.497148f, 0.497193f, 0.497239f, 0.497285f, 0.497331f, 0.497377f, 0.497423f, 0.497469f, 0.497515f, 0.497561f, 0.497607f, 0.497653f, 0.497699f, 0.497745f, 0.497791f,
-0.497836f, 0.497882f, 0.497928f, 0.497974f, 0.49802f, 0.498066f, 0.498112f, 0.498158f, 0.498204f, 0.49825f, 0.498295f, 0.498341f, 0.498387f, 0.498433f, 0.498479f, 0.498525f, 0.498571f, 0.498617f, 0.498662f, 0.498708f,
-0.498754f, 0.4988f, 0.498846f, 0.498892f, 0.498937f, 0.498983f, 0.499029f, 0.499075f, 0.499121f, 0.499167f, 0.499212f, 0.499258f, 0.499304f, 0.49935f, 0.499396f, 0.499442f, 0.499487f, 0.499533f, 0.499579f, 0.499625f,
-0.499671f, 0.499716f, 0.499762f, 0.499808f, 0.499854f, 0.4999f, 0.499945f, 0.499991f, 0.500037f, 0.500083f, 0.500128f, 0.500174f, 0.50022f, 0.500266f, 0.500311f, 0.500357f, 0.500403f, 0.500449f, 0.500494f, 0.50054f,
-0.500586f, 0.500632f, 0.500677f, 0.500723f, 0.500769f, 0.500815f, 0.50086f, 0.500906f, 0.500952f, 0.500998f, 0.501043f, 0.501089f, 0.501135f, 0.50118f, 0.501226f, 0.501272f, 0.501317f, 0.501363f, 0.501409f, 0.501455f,
-0.5015f, 0.501546f, 0.501592f, 0.501637f, 0.501683f, 0.501729f, 0.501774f, 0.50182f, 0.501866f, 0.501911f, 0.501957f, 0.502003f, 0.502048f, 0.502094f, 0.50214f, 0.502185f, 0.502231f, 0.502276f, 0.502322f, 0.502368f,
-0.502413f, 0.502459f, 0.502505f, 0.50255f, 0.502596f, 0.502641f, 0.502687f, 0.502733f, 0.502778f, 0.502824f, 0.50287f, 0.502915f, 0.502961f, 0.503006f, 0.503052f, 0.503098f, 0.503143f, 0.503189f, 0.503234f, 0.50328f,
-0.503325f, 0.503371f, 0.503417f, 0.503462f, 0.503508f, 0.503553f, 0.503599f, 0.503644f, 0.50369f, 0.503735f, 0.503781f, 0.503827f, 0.503872f, 0.503918f, 0.503963f, 0.504009f, 0.504054f, 0.5041f, 0.504145f, 0.504191f,
-0.504236f, 0.504282f, 0.504327f, 0.504373f, 0.504418f, 0.504464f, 0.504509f, 0.504555f, 0.5046f, 0.504646f, 0.504691f, 0.504737f, 0.504782f, 0.504828f, 0.504873f, 0.504919f, 0.504964f, 0.50501f, 0.505055f, 0.505101f,
-0.505146f, 0.505192f, 0.505237f, 0.505282f, 0.505328f, 0.505373f, 0.505419f, 0.505464f, 0.50551f, 0.505555f, 0.505601f, 0.505646f, 0.505691f, 0.505737f, 0.505782f, 0.505828f, 0.505873f, 0.505919f, 0.505964f, 0.506009f,
-0.506055f, 0.5061f, 0.506146f, 0.506191f, 0.506236f, 0.506282f, 0.506327f, 0.506373f, 0.506418f, 0.506463f, 0.506509f, 0.506554f, 0.506599f, 0.506645f, 0.50669f, 0.506736f, 0.506781f, 0.506826f, 0.506872f, 0.506917f,
-0.506962f, 0.507008f, 0.507053f, 0.507098f, 0.507144f, 0.507189f, 0.507234f, 0.50728f, 0.507325f, 0.50737f, 0.507416f, 0.507461f, 0.507506f, 0.507552f, 0.507597f, 0.507642f, 0.507688f, 0.507733f, 0.507778f, 0.507823f,
-0.507869f, 0.507914f, 0.507959f, 0.508005f, 0.50805f, 0.508095f, 0.50814f, 0.508186f, 0.508231f, 0.508276f, 0.508322f, 0.508367f, 0.508412f, 0.508457f, 0.508503f, 0.508548f, 0.508593f, 0.508638f, 0.508684f, 0.508729f,
-0.508774f, 0.508819f, 0.508865f, 0.50891f, 0.508955f, 0.509f, 0.509045f, 0.509091f, 0.509136f, 0.509181f, 0.509226f, 0.509271f, 0.509317f, 0.509362f, 0.509407f, 0.509452f, 0.509497f, 0.509543f, 0.509588f, 0.509633f,
-0.509678f, 0.509723f, 0.509769f, 0.509814f, 0.509859f, 0.509904f, 0.509949f, 0.509994f, 0.51004f, 0.510085f, 0.51013f, 0.510175f, 0.51022f, 0.510265f, 0.51031f, 0.510356f, 0.510401f, 0.510446f, 0.510491f, 0.510536f,
-0.510581f, 0.510626f, 0.510672f, 0.510717f, 0.510762f, 0.510807f, 0.510852f, 0.510897f, 0.510942f, 0.510987f, 0.511032f, 0.511077f, 0.511123f, 0.511168f, 0.511213f, 0.511258f, 0.511303f, 0.511348f, 0.511393f, 0.511438f,
-0.511483f, 0.511528f, 0.511573f, 0.511618f, 0.511663f, 0.511708f, 0.511754f, 0.511799f, 0.511844f, 0.511889f, 0.511934f, 0.511979f, 0.512024f, 0.512069f, 0.512114f, 0.512159f, 0.512204f, 0.512249f, 0.512294f, 0.512339f,
-0.512384f, 0.512429f, 0.512474f, 0.512519f, 0.512564f, 0.512609f, 0.512654f, 0.512699f, 0.512744f, 0.512789f, 0.512834f, 0.512879f, 0.512924f, 0.512969f, 0.513014f, 0.513059f, 0.513104f, 0.513149f, 0.513194f, 0.513239f,
-0.513284f, 0.513329f, 0.513374f, 0.513419f, 0.513463f, 0.513508f, 0.513553f, 0.513598f, 0.513643f, 0.513688f, 0.513733f, 0.513778f, 0.513823f, 0.513868f, 0.513913f, 0.513958f, 0.514003f, 0.514047f, 0.514092f, 0.514137f,
-0.514182f, 0.514227f, 0.514272f, 0.514317f, 0.514362f, 0.514407f, 0.514452f, 0.514496f, 0.514541f, 0.514586f, 0.514631f, 0.514676f, 0.514721f, 0.514766f, 0.514811f, 0.514855f, 0.5149f, 0.514945f, 0.51499f, 0.515035f,
-0.51508f, 0.515124f, 0.515169f, 0.515214f, 0.515259f, 0.515304f, 0.515349f, 0.515393f, 0.515438f, 0.515483f, 0.515528f, 0.515573f, 0.515618f, 0.515662f, 0.515707f, 0.515752f, 0.515797f, 0.515842f, 0.515886f, 0.515931f,
-0.515976f, 0.516021f, 0.516065f, 0.51611f, 0.516155f, 0.5162f, 0.516245f, 0.516289f, 0.516334f, 0.516379f, 0.516424f, 0.516468f, 0.516513f, 0.516558f, 0.516603f, 0.516647f, 0.516692f, 0.516737f, 0.516782f, 0.516826f,
-0.516871f, 0.516916f, 0.516961f, 0.517005f, 0.51705f, 0.517095f, 0.517139f, 0.517184f, 0.517229f, 0.517274f, 0.517318f, 0.517363f, 0.517408f, 0.517452f, 0.517497f, 0.517542f, 0.517586f, 0.517631f, 0.517676f, 0.51772f,
-0.517765f, 0.51781f, 0.517854f, 0.517899f, 0.517944f, 0.517988f, 0.518033f, 0.518078f, 0.518122f, 0.518167f, 0.518212f, 0.518256f, 0.518301f, 0.518346f, 0.51839f, 0.518435f, 0.51848f, 0.518524f, 0.518569f, 0.518613f,
-0.518658f, 0.518703f, 0.518747f, 0.518792f, 0.518836f, 0.518881f, 0.518926f, 0.51897f, 0.519015f, 0.519059f, 0.519104f, 0.519149f, 0.519193f, 0.519238f, 0.519282f, 0.519327f, 0.519372f, 0.519416f, 0.519461f, 0.519505f,
-0.51955f, 0.519594f, 0.519639f, 0.519683f, 0.519728f, 0.519773f, 0.519817f, 0.519862f, 0.519906f, 0.519951f, 0.519995f, 0.52004f, 0.520084f, 0.520129f, 0.520173f, 0.520218f, 0.520262f, 0.520307f, 0.520351f, 0.520396f,
-0.52044f, 0.520485f, 0.520529f, 0.520574f, 0.520618f, 0.520663f, 0.520707f, 0.520752f, 0.520796f, 0.520841f, 0.520885f, 0.52093f, 0.520974f, 0.521019f, 0.521063f, 0.521108f, 0.521152f, 0.521197f, 0.521241f, 0.521286f,
-0.52133f, 0.521374f, 0.521419f, 0.521463f, 0.521508f, 0.521552f, 0.521597f, 0.521641f, 0.521685f, 0.52173f, 0.521774f, 0.521819f, 0.521863f, 0.521908f, 0.521952f, 0.521996f, 0.522041f, 0.522085f, 0.52213f, 0.522174f,
-0.522218f, 0.522263f, 0.522307f, 0.522351f, 0.522396f, 0.52244f, 0.522485f, 0.522529f, 0.522573f, 0.522618f, 0.522662f, 0.522706f, 0.522751f, 0.522795f, 0.52284f, 0.522884f, 0.522928f, 0.522973f, 0.523017f, 0.523061f,
-0.523106f, 0.52315f, 0.523194f, 0.523239f, 0.523283f, 0.523327f, 0.523372f, 0.523416f, 0.52346f, 0.523504f, 0.523549f, 0.523593f, 0.523637f, 0.523682f, 0.523726f, 0.52377f, 0.523815f, 0.523859f, 0.523903f, 0.523947f,
-0.523992f, 0.524036f, 0.52408f, 0.524125f, 0.524169f, 0.524213f, 0.524257f, 0.524302f, 0.524346f, 0.52439f, 0.524434f, 0.524479f, 0.524523f, 0.524567f, 0.524611f, 0.524656f, 0.5247f, 0.524744f, 0.524788f, 0.524832f,
-0.524877f, 0.524921f, 0.524965f, 0.525009f, 0.525054f, 0.525098f, 0.525142f, 0.525186f, 0.52523f, 0.525275f, 0.525319f, 0.525363f, 0.525407f, 0.525451f, 0.525496f, 0.52554f, 0.525584f, 0.525628f, 0.525672f, 0.525716f,
-0.525761f, 0.525805f, 0.525849f, 0.525893f, 0.525937f, 0.525981f, 0.526025f, 0.52607f, 0.526114f, 0.526158f, 0.526202f, 0.526246f, 0.52629f, 0.526334f, 0.526379f, 0.526423f, 0.526467f, 0.526511f, 0.526555f, 0.526599f,
-0.526643f, 0.526687f, 0.526731f, 0.526776f, 0.52682f, 0.526864f, 0.526908f, 0.526952f, 0.526996f, 0.52704f, 0.527084f, 0.527128f, 0.527172f, 0.527216f, 0.52726f, 0.527305f, 0.527349f, 0.527393f, 0.527437f, 0.527481f,
-0.527525f, 0.527569f, 0.527613f, 0.527657f, 0.527701f, 0.527745f, 0.527789f, 0.527833f, 0.527877f, 0.527921f, 0.527965f, 0.528009f, 0.528053f, 0.528097f, 0.528141f, 0.528185f, 0.528229f, 0.528273f, 0.528317f, 0.528361f,
-0.528405f, 0.528449f, 0.528493f, 0.528537f, 0.528581f, 0.528625f, 0.528669f, 0.528713f, 0.528757f, 0.528801f, 0.528845f, 0.528889f, 0.528933f, 0.528977f, 0.529021f, 0.529065f, 0.529109f, 0.529153f, 0.529197f, 0.529241f,
-0.529285f, 0.529329f, 0.529372f, 0.529416f, 0.52946f, 0.529504f, 0.529548f, 0.529592f, 0.529636f, 0.52968f, 0.529724f, 0.529768f, 0.529812f, 0.529856f, 0.529899f, 0.529943f, 0.529987f, 0.530031f, 0.530075f, 0.530119f,
-0.530163f, 0.530207f, 0.530251f, 0.530294f, 0.530338f, 0.530382f, 0.530426f, 0.53047f, 0.530514f, 0.530558f, 0.530601f, 0.530645f, 0.530689f, 0.530733f, 0.530777f, 0.530821f, 0.530865f, 0.530908f, 0.530952f, 0.530996f,
-0.53104f, 0.531084f, 0.531127f, 0.531171f, 0.531215f, 0.531259f, 0.531303f, 0.531347f, 0.53139f, 0.531434f, 0.531478f, 0.531522f, 0.531566f, 0.531609f, 0.531653f, 0.531697f, 0.531741f, 0.531784f, 0.531828f, 0.531872f,
-0.531916f, 0.531959f, 0.532003f, 0.532047f, 0.532091f, 0.532135f, 0.532178f, 0.532222f, 0.532266f, 0.53231f, 0.532353f, 0.532397f, 0.532441f, 0.532484f, 0.532528f, 0.532572f, 0.532616f, 0.532659f, 0.532703f, 0.532747f,
-0.532791f, 0.532834f, 0.532878f, 0.532922f, 0.532965f, 0.533009f, 0.533053f, 0.533096f, 0.53314f, 0.533184f, 0.533227f, 0.533271f, 0.533315f, 0.533358f, 0.533402f, 0.533446f, 0.533489f, 0.533533f, 0.533577f, 0.53362f,
-0.533664f, 0.533708f, 0.533751f, 0.533795f, 0.533839f, 0.533882f, 0.533926f, 0.53397f, 0.534013f, 0.534057f, 0.534101f, 0.534144f, 0.534188f, 0.534231f, 0.534275f, 0.534319f, 0.534362f, 0.534406f, 0.534449f, 0.534493f,
-0.534537f, 0.53458f, 0.534624f, 0.534667f, 0.534711f, 0.534755f, 0.534798f, 0.534842f, 0.534885f, 0.534929f, 0.534972f, 0.535016f, 0.53506f, 0.535103f, 0.535147f, 0.53519f, 0.535234f, 0.535277f, 0.535321f, 0.535364f,
-0.535408f, 0.535452f, 0.535495f, 0.535539f, 0.535582f, 0.535626f, 0.535669f, 0.535713f, 0.535756f, 0.5358f, 0.535843f, 0.535887f, 0.53593f, 0.535974f, 0.536017f, 0.536061f, 0.536104f, 0.536148f, 0.536191f, 0.536235f,
-0.536278f, 0.536322f, 0.536365f, 0.536409f, 0.536452f, 0.536496f, 0.536539f, 0.536583f, 0.536626f, 0.536669f, 0.536713f, 0.536756f, 0.5368f, 0.536843f, 0.536887f, 0.53693f, 0.536974f, 0.537017f, 0.53706f, 0.537104f,
-0.537147f, 0.537191f, 0.537234f, 0.537278f, 0.537321f, 0.537364f, 0.537408f, 0.537451f, 0.537495f, 0.537538f, 0.537581f, 0.537625f, 0.537668f, 0.537712f, 0.537755f, 0.537798f, 0.537842f, 0.537885f, 0.537928f, 0.537972f,
-0.538015f, 0.538059f, 0.538102f, 0.538145f, 0.538189f, 0.538232f, 0.538275f, 0.538319f, 0.538362f, 0.538405f, 0.538449f, 0.538492f, 0.538535f, 0.538579f, 0.538622f, 0.538665f, 0.538709f, 0.538752f, 0.538795f, 0.538839f,
-0.538882f, 0.538925f, 0.538969f, 0.539012f, 0.539055f, 0.539099f, 0.539142f, 0.539185f, 0.539228f, 0.539272f, 0.539315f, 0.539358f, 0.539402f, 0.539445f, 0.539488f, 0.539531f, 0.539575f, 0.539618f, 0.539661f, 0.539704f,
-0.539748f, 0.539791f, 0.539834f, 0.539877f, 0.539921f, 0.539964f, 0.540007f, 0.54005f, 0.540094f, 0.540137f, 0.54018f, 0.540223f, 0.540267f, 0.54031f, 0.540353f, 0.540396f, 0.540439f, 0.540483f, 0.540526f, 0.540569f,
-0.540612f, 0.540655f, 0.540699f, 0.540742f, 0.540785f, 0.540828f, 0.540871f, 0.540915f, 0.540958f, 0.541001f, 0.541044f, 0.541087f, 0.54113f, 0.541174f, 0.541217f, 0.54126f, 0.541303f, 0.541346f, 0.541389f, 0.541432f,
-0.541476f, 0.541519f, 0.541562f, 0.541605f, 0.541648f, 0.541691f, 0.541734f, 0.541778f, 0.541821f, 0.541864f, 0.541907f, 0.54195f, 0.541993f, 0.542036f, 0.542079f, 0.542122f, 0.542165f, 0.542209f, 0.542252f, 0.542295f,
-0.542338f, 0.542381f, 0.542424f, 0.542467f, 0.54251f, 0.542553f, 0.542596f, 0.542639f, 0.542682f, 0.542725f, 0.542769f, 0.542812f, 0.542855f, 0.542898f, 0.542941f, 0.542984f, 0.543027f, 0.54307f, 0.543113f, 0.543156f,
-0.543199f, 0.543242f, 0.543285f, 0.543328f, 0.543371f, 0.543414f, 0.543457f, 0.5435f, 0.543543f, 0.543586f, 0.543629f, 0.543672f, 0.543715f, 0.543758f, 0.543801f, 0.543844f, 0.543887f, 0.54393f, 0.543973f, 0.544016f,
-0.544059f, 0.544102f, 0.544145f, 0.544188f, 0.544231f, 0.544274f, 0.544317f, 0.54436f, 0.544403f, 0.544445f, 0.544488f, 0.544531f, 0.544574f, 0.544617f, 0.54466f, 0.544703f, 0.544746f, 0.544789f, 0.544832f, 0.544875f,
-0.544918f, 0.544961f, 0.545004f, 0.545046f, 0.545089f, 0.545132f, 0.545175f, 0.545218f, 0.545261f, 0.545304f, 0.545347f, 0.54539f, 0.545432f, 0.545475f, 0.545518f, 0.545561f, 0.545604f, 0.545647f, 0.54569f, 0.545733f,
-0.545775f, 0.545818f, 0.545861f, 0.545904f, 0.545947f, 0.54599f, 0.546032f, 0.546075f, 0.546118f, 0.546161f, 0.546204f, 0.546247f, 0.546289f, 0.546332f, 0.546375f, 0.546418f, 0.546461f, 0.546504f, 0.546546f, 0.546589f,
-0.546632f, 0.546675f, 0.546718f, 0.54676f, 0.546803f, 0.546846f, 0.546889f, 0.546931f, 0.546974f, 0.547017f, 0.54706f, 0.547103f, 0.547145f, 0.547188f, 0.547231f, 0.547274f, 0.547316f, 0.547359f, 0.547402f, 0.547445f,
-0.547487f, 0.54753f, 0.547573f, 0.547616f, 0.547658f, 0.547701f, 0.547744f, 0.547786f, 0.547829f, 0.547872f, 0.547915f, 0.547957f, 0.548f, 0.548043f, 0.548085f, 0.548128f, 0.548171f, 0.548213f, 0.548256f, 0.548299f,
-0.548342f, 0.548384f, 0.548427f, 0.54847f, 0.548512f, 0.548555f, 0.548598f, 0.54864f, 0.548683f, 0.548726f, 0.548768f, 0.548811f, 0.548854f, 0.548896f, 0.548939f, 0.548981f, 0.549024f, 0.549067f, 0.549109f, 0.549152f,
-0.549195f, 0.549237f, 0.54928f, 0.549323f, 0.549365f, 0.549408f, 0.54945f, 0.549493f, 0.549536f, 0.549578f, 0.549621f, 0.549663f, 0.549706f, 0.549749f, 0.549791f, 0.549834f, 0.549876f, 0.549919f, 0.549961f, 0.550004f,
-0.550047f, 0.550089f, 0.550132f, 0.550174f, 0.550217f, 0.550259f, 0.550302f, 0.550345f, 0.550387f, 0.55043f, 0.550472f, 0.550515f, 0.550557f, 0.5506f, 0.550642f, 0.550685f, 0.550727f, 0.55077f, 0.550812f, 0.550855f,
-0.550897f, 0.55094f, 0.550982f, 0.551025f, 0.551067f, 0.55111f, 0.551152f, 0.551195f, 0.551237f, 0.55128f, 0.551322f, 0.551365f, 0.551407f, 0.55145f, 0.551492f, 0.551535f, 0.551577f, 0.55162f, 0.551662f, 0.551705f,
-0.551747f, 0.55179f, 0.551832f, 0.551874f, 0.551917f, 0.551959f, 0.552002f, 0.552044f, 0.552087f, 0.552129f, 0.552172f, 0.552214f, 0.552256f, 0.552299f, 0.552341f, 0.552384f, 0.552426f, 0.552468f, 0.552511f, 0.552553f,
-0.552596f, 0.552638f, 0.55268f, 0.552723f, 0.552765f, 0.552808f, 0.55285f, 0.552892f, 0.552935f, 0.552977f, 0.553019f, 0.553062f, 0.553104f, 0.553147f, 0.553189f, 0.553231f, 0.553274f, 0.553316f, 0.553358f, 0.553401f,
-0.553443f, 0.553485f, 0.553528f, 0.55357f, 0.553612f, 0.553655f, 0.553697f, 0.553739f, 0.553782f, 0.553824f, 0.553866f, 0.553909f, 0.553951f, 0.553993f, 0.554036f, 0.554078f, 0.55412f, 0.554162f, 0.554205f, 0.554247f,
-0.554289f, 0.554332f, 0.554374f, 0.554416f, 0.554458f, 0.554501f, 0.554543f, 0.554585f, 0.554627f, 0.55467f, 0.554712f, 0.554754f, 0.554796f, 0.554839f, 0.554881f, 0.554923f, 0.554965f, 0.555008f, 0.55505f, 0.555092f,
-0.555134f, 0.555177f, 0.555219f, 0.555261f, 0.555303f, 0.555345f, 0.555388f, 0.55543f, 0.555472f, 0.555514f, 0.555556f, 0.555599f, 0.555641f, 0.555683f, 0.555725f, 0.555767f, 0.55581f, 0.555852f, 0.555894f, 0.555936f,
-0.555978f, 0.556021f, 0.556063f, 0.556105f, 0.556147f, 0.556189f, 0.556231f, 0.556273f, 0.556316f, 0.556358f, 0.5564f, 0.556442f, 0.556484f, 0.556526f, 0.556568f, 0.556611f, 0.556653f, 0.556695f, 0.556737f, 0.556779f,
-0.556821f, 0.556863f, 0.556905f, 0.556947f, 0.55699f, 0.557032f, 0.557074f, 0.557116f, 0.557158f, 0.5572f, 0.557242f, 0.557284f, 0.557326f, 0.557368f, 0.55741f, 0.557452f, 0.557495f, 0.557537f, 0.557579f, 0.557621f,
-0.557663f, 0.557705f, 0.557747f, 0.557789f, 0.557831f, 0.557873f, 0.557915f, 0.557957f, 0.557999f, 0.558041f, 0.558083f, 0.558125f, 0.558167f, 0.558209f, 0.558251f, 0.558293f, 0.558335f, 0.558377f, 0.558419f, 0.558461f,
-0.558503f, 0.558545f, 0.558587f, 0.558629f, 0.558671f, 0.558713f, 0.558755f, 0.558797f, 0.558839f, 0.558881f, 0.558923f, 0.558965f, 0.559007f, 0.559049f, 0.559091f, 0.559133f, 0.559175f, 0.559217f, 0.559259f, 0.559301f,
-0.559343f, 0.559385f, 0.559427f, 0.559469f, 0.55951f, 0.559552f, 0.559594f, 0.559636f, 0.559678f, 0.55972f, 0.559762f, 0.559804f, 0.559846f, 0.559888f, 0.55993f, 0.559971f, 0.560013f, 0.560055f, 0.560097f, 0.560139f,
-0.560181f, 0.560223f, 0.560265f, 0.560307f, 0.560348f, 0.56039f, 0.560432f, 0.560474f, 0.560516f, 0.560558f, 0.5606f, 0.560641f, 0.560683f, 0.560725f, 0.560767f, 0.560809f, 0.560851f, 0.560893f, 0.560934f, 0.560976f,
-0.561018f, 0.56106f, 0.561102f, 0.561143f, 0.561185f, 0.561227f, 0.561269f, 0.561311f, 0.561353f, 0.561394f, 0.561436f, 0.561478f, 0.56152f, 0.561562f, 0.561603f, 0.561645f, 0.561687f, 0.561729f, 0.56177f, 0.561812f,
-0.561854f, 0.561896f, 0.561937f, 0.561979f, 0.562021f, 0.562063f, 0.562105f, 0.562146f, 0.562188f, 0.56223f, 0.562271f, 0.562313f, 0.562355f, 0.562397f, 0.562438f, 0.56248f, 0.562522f, 0.562564f, 0.562605f, 0.562647f,
-0.562689f, 0.56273f, 0.562772f, 0.562814f, 0.562856f, 0.562897f, 0.562939f, 0.562981f, 0.563022f, 0.563064f, 0.563106f, 0.563147f, 0.563189f, 0.563231f, 0.563272f, 0.563314f, 0.563356f, 0.563397f, 0.563439f, 0.563481f,
-0.563522f, 0.563564f, 0.563606f, 0.563647f, 0.563689f, 0.563731f, 0.563772f, 0.563814f, 0.563856f, 0.563897f, 0.563939f, 0.56398f, 0.564022f, 0.564064f, 0.564105f, 0.564147f, 0.564188f, 0.56423f, 0.564272f, 0.564313f,
-0.564355f, 0.564396f, 0.564438f, 0.56448f, 0.564521f, 0.564563f, 0.564604f, 0.564646f, 0.564688f, 0.564729f, 0.564771f, 0.564812f, 0.564854f, 0.564895f, 0.564937f, 0.564979f, 0.56502f, 0.565062f, 0.565103f, 0.565145f,
-0.565186f, 0.565228f, 0.565269f, 0.565311f, 0.565352f, 0.565394f, 0.565435f, 0.565477f, 0.565518f, 0.56556f, 0.565601f, 0.565643f, 0.565685f, 0.565726f, 0.565768f, 0.565809f, 0.56585f, 0.565892f, 0.565933f, 0.565975f,
-0.566016f, 0.566058f, 0.566099f, 0.566141f, 0.566182f, 0.566224f, 0.566265f, 0.566307f, 0.566348f, 0.56639f, 0.566431f, 0.566473f, 0.566514f, 0.566555f, 0.566597f, 0.566638f, 0.56668f, 0.566721f, 0.566763f, 0.566804f,
-0.566846f, 0.566887f, 0.566928f, 0.56697f, 0.567011f, 0.567053f, 0.567094f, 0.567135f, 0.567177f, 0.567218f, 0.56726f, 0.567301f, 0.567342f, 0.567384f, 0.567425f, 0.567467f, 0.567508f, 0.567549f, 0.567591f, 0.567632f,
-0.567673f, 0.567715f, 0.567756f, 0.567798f, 0.567839f, 0.56788f, 0.567922f, 0.567963f, 0.568004f, 0.568046f, 0.568087f, 0.568128f, 0.56817f, 0.568211f, 0.568252f, 0.568294f, 0.568335f, 0.568376f, 0.568418f, 0.568459f,
-0.5685f, 0.568541f, 0.568583f, 0.568624f, 0.568665f, 0.568707f, 0.568748f, 0.568789f, 0.568831f, 0.568872f, 0.568913f, 0.568954f, 0.568996f, 0.569037f, 0.569078f, 0.56912f, 0.569161f, 0.569202f, 0.569243f, 0.569285f,
-0.569326f, 0.569367f, 0.569408f, 0.56945f, 0.569491f, 0.569532f, 0.569573f, 0.569615f, 0.569656f, 0.569697f, 0.569738f, 0.569779f, 0.569821f, 0.569862f, 0.569903f, 0.569944f, 0.569985f, 0.570027f, 0.570068f, 0.570109f,
-0.57015f, 0.570191f, 0.570233f, 0.570274f, 0.570315f, 0.570356f, 0.570397f, 0.570439f, 0.57048f, 0.570521f, 0.570562f, 0.570603f, 0.570644f, 0.570686f, 0.570727f, 0.570768f, 0.570809f, 0.57085f, 0.570891f, 0.570932f,
-0.570974f, 0.571015f, 0.571056f, 0.571097f, 0.571138f, 0.571179f, 0.57122f, 0.571262f, 0.571303f, 0.571344f, 0.571385f, 0.571426f, 0.571467f, 0.571508f, 0.571549f, 0.57159f, 0.571631f, 0.571673f, 0.571714f, 0.571755f,
-0.571796f, 0.571837f, 0.571878f, 0.571919f, 0.57196f, 0.572001f, 0.572042f, 0.572083f, 0.572124f, 0.572165f, 0.572206f, 0.572247f, 0.572289f, 0.57233f, 0.572371f, 0.572412f, 0.572453f, 0.572494f, 0.572535f, 0.572576f,
-0.572617f, 0.572658f, 0.572699f, 0.57274f, 0.572781f, 0.572822f, 0.572863f, 0.572904f, 0.572945f, 0.572986f, 0.573027f, 0.573068f, 0.573109f, 0.57315f, 0.573191f, 0.573232f, 0.573273f, 0.573314f, 0.573355f, 0.573396f,
-0.573437f, 0.573478f, 0.573519f, 0.57356f, 0.573601f, 0.573641f, 0.573682f, 0.573723f, 0.573764f, 0.573805f, 0.573846f, 0.573887f, 0.573928f, 0.573969f, 0.57401f, 0.574051f, 0.574092f, 0.574133f, 0.574174f, 0.574215f,
-0.574255f, 0.574296f, 0.574337f, 0.574378f, 0.574419f, 0.57446f, 0.574501f, 0.574542f, 0.574583f, 0.574624f, 0.574664f, 0.574705f, 0.574746f, 0.574787f, 0.574828f, 0.574869f, 0.57491f, 0.57495f, 0.574991f, 0.575032f,
-0.575073f, 0.575114f, 0.575155f, 0.575196f, 0.575236f, 0.575277f, 0.575318f, 0.575359f, 0.5754f, 0.575441f, 0.575481f, 0.575522f, 0.575563f, 0.575604f, 0.575645f, 0.575685f, 0.575726f, 0.575767f, 0.575808f, 0.575849f,
-0.575889f, 0.57593f, 0.575971f, 0.576012f, 0.576053f, 0.576093f, 0.576134f, 0.576175f, 0.576216f, 0.576257f, 0.576297f, 0.576338f, 0.576379f, 0.57642f, 0.57646f, 0.576501f, 0.576542f, 0.576583f, 0.576623f, 0.576664f,
-0.576705f, 0.576746f, 0.576786f, 0.576827f, 0.576868f, 0.576908f, 0.576949f, 0.57699f, 0.577031f, 0.577071f, 0.577112f, 0.577153f, 0.577193f, 0.577234f, 0.577275f, 0.577315f, 0.577356f, 0.577397f, 0.577438f, 0.577478f,
-0.577519f, 0.57756f, 0.5776f, 0.577641f, 0.577682f, 0.577722f, 0.577763f, 0.577804f, 0.577844f, 0.577885f, 0.577926f, 0.577966f, 0.578007f, 0.578048f, 0.578088f, 0.578129f, 0.578169f, 0.57821f, 0.578251f, 0.578291f,
-0.578332f, 0.578373f, 0.578413f, 0.578454f, 0.578494f, 0.578535f, 0.578576f, 0.578616f, 0.578657f, 0.578697f, 0.578738f, 0.578779f, 0.578819f, 0.57886f, 0.5789f, 0.578941f, 0.578982f, 0.579022f, 0.579063f, 0.579103f,
-0.579144f, 0.579184f, 0.579225f, 0.579265f, 0.579306f, 0.579347f, 0.579387f, 0.579428f, 0.579468f, 0.579509f, 0.579549f, 0.57959f, 0.57963f, 0.579671f, 0.579711f, 0.579752f, 0.579792f, 0.579833f, 0.579873f, 0.579914f,
-0.579954f, 0.579995f, 0.580036f, 0.580076f, 0.580117f, 0.580157f, 0.580197f, 0.580238f, 0.580278f, 0.580319f, 0.580359f, 0.5804f, 0.58044f, 0.580481f, 0.580521f, 0.580562f, 0.580602f, 0.580643f, 0.580683f, 0.580724f,
-0.580764f, 0.580805f, 0.580845f, 0.580885f, 0.580926f, 0.580966f, 0.581007f, 0.581047f, 0.581088f, 0.581128f, 0.581168f, 0.581209f, 0.581249f, 0.58129f, 0.58133f, 0.58137f, 0.581411f, 0.581451f, 0.581492f, 0.581532f,
-0.581572f, 0.581613f, 0.581653f, 0.581694f, 0.581734f, 0.581774f, 0.581815f, 0.581855f, 0.581896f, 0.581936f, 0.581976f, 0.582017f, 0.582057f, 0.582097f, 0.582138f, 0.582178f, 0.582218f, 0.582259f, 0.582299f, 0.582339f,
-0.58238f, 0.58242f, 0.58246f, 0.582501f, 0.582541f, 0.582581f, 0.582622f, 0.582662f, 0.582702f, 0.582743f, 0.582783f, 0.582823f, 0.582864f, 0.582904f, 0.582944f, 0.582984f, 0.583025f, 0.583065f, 0.583105f, 0.583146f,
-0.583186f, 0.583226f, 0.583266f, 0.583307f, 0.583347f, 0.583387f, 0.583427f, 0.583468f, 0.583508f, 0.583548f, 0.583588f, 0.583629f, 0.583669f, 0.583709f, 0.583749f, 0.58379f, 0.58383f, 0.58387f, 0.58391f, 0.583951f,
-0.583991f, 0.584031f, 0.584071f, 0.584111f, 0.584152f, 0.584192f, 0.584232f, 0.584272f, 0.584313f, 0.584353f, 0.584393f, 0.584433f, 0.584473f, 0.584513f, 0.584554f, 0.584594f, 0.584634f, 0.584674f, 0.584714f, 0.584754f,
-0.584795f, 0.584835f, 0.584875f, 0.584915f, 0.584955f, 0.584995f, 0.585036f, 0.585076f, 0.585116f, 0.585156f, 0.585196f, 0.585236f, 0.585276f, 0.585317f, 0.585357f, 0.585397f, 0.585437f, 0.585477f, 0.585517f, 0.585557f,
-0.585597f, 0.585637f, 0.585678f, 0.585718f, 0.585758f, 0.585798f, 0.585838f, 0.585878f, 0.585918f, 0.585958f, 0.585998f, 0.586038f, 0.586078f, 0.586118f, 0.586159f, 0.586199f, 0.586239f, 0.586279f, 0.586319f, 0.586359f,
-0.586399f, 0.586439f, 0.586479f, 0.586519f, 0.586559f, 0.586599f, 0.586639f, 0.586679f, 0.586719f, 0.586759f, 0.586799f, 0.586839f, 0.586879f, 0.586919f, 0.586959f, 0.586999f, 0.587039f, 0.587079f, 0.587119f, 0.587159f,
-0.587199f, 0.587239f, 0.587279f, 0.587319f, 0.587359f, 0.587399f, 0.587439f, 0.587479f, 0.587519f, 0.587559f, 0.587599f, 0.587639f, 0.587679f, 0.587719f, 0.587759f, 0.587799f, 0.587839f, 0.587879f, 0.587919f, 0.587959f,
-0.587999f, 0.588038f, 0.588078f, 0.588118f, 0.588158f, 0.588198f, 0.588238f, 0.588278f, 0.588318f, 0.588358f, 0.588398f, 0.588438f, 0.588477f, 0.588517f, 0.588557f, 0.588597f, 0.588637f, 0.588677f, 0.588717f, 0.588757f,
-0.588797f, 0.588836f, 0.588876f, 0.588916f, 0.588956f, 0.588996f, 0.589036f, 0.589076f, 0.589116f, 0.589155f, 0.589195f, 0.589235f, 0.589275f, 0.589315f, 0.589355f, 0.589394f, 0.589434f, 0.589474f, 0.589514f, 0.589554f,
-0.589594f, 0.589633f, 0.589673f, 0.589713f, 0.589753f, 0.589793f, 0.589832f, 0.589872f, 0.589912f, 0.589952f, 0.589992f, 0.590031f, 0.590071f, 0.590111f, 0.590151f, 0.590191f, 0.59023f, 0.59027f, 0.59031f, 0.59035f,
-0.590389f, 0.590429f, 0.590469f, 0.590509f, 0.590548f, 0.590588f, 0.590628f, 0.590668f, 0.590707f, 0.590747f, 0.590787f, 0.590827f, 0.590866f, 0.590906f, 0.590946f, 0.590985f, 0.591025f, 0.591065f, 0.591105f, 0.591144f,
-0.591184f, 0.591224f, 0.591263f, 0.591303f, 0.591343f, 0.591382f, 0.591422f, 0.591462f, 0.591502f, 0.591541f, 0.591581f, 0.591621f, 0.59166f, 0.5917f, 0.59174f, 0.591779f, 0.591819f, 0.591859f, 0.591898f, 0.591938f,
-0.591978f, 0.592017f, 0.592057f, 0.592096f, 0.592136f, 0.592176f, 0.592215f, 0.592255f, 0.592295f, 0.592334f, 0.592374f, 0.592413f, 0.592453f, 0.592493f, 0.592532f, 0.592572f, 0.592611f, 0.592651f, 0.592691f, 0.59273f,
-0.59277f, 0.592809f, 0.592849f, 0.592889f, 0.592928f, 0.592968f, 0.593007f, 0.593047f, 0.593086f, 0.593126f, 0.593166f, 0.593205f, 0.593245f, 0.593284f, 0.593324f, 0.593363f, 0.593403f, 0.593442f, 0.593482f, 0.593522f,
-0.593561f, 0.593601f, 0.59364f, 0.59368f, 0.593719f, 0.593759f, 0.593798f, 0.593838f, 0.593877f, 0.593917f, 0.593956f, 0.593996f, 0.594035f, 0.594075f, 0.594114f, 0.594154f, 0.594193f, 0.594233f, 0.594272f, 0.594312f,
-0.594351f, 0.594391f, 0.59443f, 0.59447f, 0.594509f, 0.594548f, 0.594588f, 0.594627f, 0.594667f, 0.594706f, 0.594746f, 0.594785f, 0.594825f, 0.594864f, 0.594904f, 0.594943f, 0.594982f, 0.595022f, 0.595061f, 0.595101f,
-0.59514f, 0.595179f, 0.595219f, 0.595258f, 0.595298f, 0.595337f, 0.595377f, 0.595416f, 0.595455f, 0.595495f, 0.595534f, 0.595574f, 0.595613f, 0.595652f, 0.595692f, 0.595731f, 0.59577f, 0.59581f, 0.595849f, 0.595888f,
-0.595928f, 0.595967f, 0.596007f, 0.596046f, 0.596085f, 0.596125f, 0.596164f, 0.596203f, 0.596243f, 0.596282f, 0.596321f, 0.596361f, 0.5964f, 0.596439f, 0.596479f, 0.596518f, 0.596557f, 0.596597f, 0.596636f, 0.596675f,
-0.596714f, 0.596754f, 0.596793f, 0.596832f, 0.596872f, 0.596911f, 0.59695f, 0.59699f, 0.597029f, 0.597068f, 0.597107f, 0.597147f, 0.597186f, 0.597225f, 0.597264f, 0.597304f, 0.597343f, 0.597382f, 0.597421f, 0.597461f,
-0.5975f, 0.597539f, 0.597578f, 0.597618f, 0.597657f, 0.597696f, 0.597735f, 0.597775f, 0.597814f, 0.597853f, 0.597892f, 0.597932f, 0.597971f, 0.59801f, 0.598049f, 0.598088f, 0.598128f, 0.598167f, 0.598206f, 0.598245f,
-0.598284f, 0.598324f, 0.598363f, 0.598402f, 0.598441f, 0.59848f, 0.598519f, 0.598559f, 0.598598f, 0.598637f, 0.598676f, 0.598715f, 0.598754f, 0.598794f, 0.598833f, 0.598872f, 0.598911f, 0.59895f, 0.598989f, 0.599028f,
-0.599068f, 0.599107f, 0.599146f, 0.599185f, 0.599224f, 0.599263f, 0.599302f, 0.599341f, 0.59938f, 0.59942f, 0.599459f, 0.599498f, 0.599537f, 0.599576f, 0.599615f, 0.599654f, 0.599693f, 0.599732f, 0.599771f, 0.599811f,
-0.59985f, 0.599889f, 0.599928f, 0.599967f, 0.600006f, 0.600045f, 0.600084f, 0.600123f, 0.600162f, 0.600201f, 0.60024f, 0.600279f, 0.600318f, 0.600357f, 0.600396f, 0.600435f, 0.600474f, 0.600513f, 0.600552f, 0.600591f,
-0.60063f, 0.60067f, 0.600709f, 0.600748f, 0.600787f, 0.600826f, 0.600865f, 0.600904f, 0.600943f, 0.600982f, 0.601021f, 0.60106f, 0.601098f, 0.601137f, 0.601176f, 0.601215f, 0.601254f, 0.601293f, 0.601332f, 0.601371f,
-0.60141f, 0.601449f, 0.601488f, 0.601527f, 0.601566f, 0.601605f, 0.601644f, 0.601683f, 0.601722f, 0.601761f, 0.6018f, 0.601839f, 0.601878f, 0.601916f, 0.601955f, 0.601994f, 0.602033f, 0.602072f, 0.602111f, 0.60215f,
-0.602189f, 0.602228f, 0.602267f, 0.602306f, 0.602344f, 0.602383f, 0.602422f, 0.602461f, 0.6025f, 0.602539f, 0.602578f, 0.602617f, 0.602656f, 0.602694f, 0.602733f, 0.602772f, 0.602811f, 0.60285f, 0.602889f, 0.602928f,
-0.602966f, 0.603005f, 0.603044f, 0.603083f, 0.603122f, 0.603161f, 0.603199f, 0.603238f, 0.603277f, 0.603316f, 0.603355f, 0.603393f, 0.603432f, 0.603471f, 0.60351f, 0.603549f, 0.603588f, 0.603626f, 0.603665f, 0.603704f,
-0.603743f, 0.603781f, 0.60382f, 0.603859f, 0.603898f, 0.603937f, 0.603975f, 0.604014f, 0.604053f, 0.604092f, 0.60413f, 0.604169f, 0.604208f, 0.604247f, 0.604285f, 0.604324f, 0.604363f, 0.604402f, 0.60444f, 0.604479f,
-0.604518f, 0.604557f, 0.604595f, 0.604634f, 0.604673f, 0.604711f, 0.60475f, 0.604789f, 0.604828f, 0.604866f, 0.604905f, 0.604944f, 0.604982f, 0.605021f, 0.60506f, 0.605099f, 0.605137f, 0.605176f, 0.605215f, 0.605253f,
-0.605292f, 0.605331f, 0.605369f, 0.605408f, 0.605447f, 0.605485f, 0.605524f, 0.605563f, 0.605601f, 0.60564f, 0.605679f, 0.605717f, 0.605756f, 0.605794f, 0.605833f, 0.605872f, 0.60591f, 0.605949f, 0.605988f, 0.606026f,
-0.606065f, 0.606103f, 0.606142f, 0.606181f, 0.606219f, 0.606258f, 0.606296f, 0.606335f, 0.606374f, 0.606412f, 0.606451f, 0.606489f, 0.606528f, 0.606567f, 0.606605f, 0.606644f, 0.606682f, 0.606721f, 0.606759f, 0.606798f,
-0.606837f, 0.606875f, 0.606914f, 0.606952f, 0.606991f, 0.607029f, 0.607068f, 0.607106f, 0.607145f, 0.607184f, 0.607222f, 0.607261f, 0.607299f, 0.607338f, 0.607376f, 0.607415f, 0.607453f, 0.607492f, 0.60753f, 0.607569f,
-0.607607f, 0.607646f, 0.607684f, 0.607723f, 0.607761f, 0.6078f, 0.607838f, 0.607877f, 0.607915f, 0.607954f, 0.607992f, 0.608031f, 0.608069f, 0.608108f, 0.608146f, 0.608184f, 0.608223f, 0.608261f, 0.6083f, 0.608338f,
-0.608377f, 0.608415f, 0.608454f, 0.608492f, 0.60853f, 0.608569f, 0.608607f, 0.608646f, 0.608684f, 0.608723f, 0.608761f, 0.608799f, 0.608838f, 0.608876f, 0.608915f, 0.608953f, 0.608991f, 0.60903f, 0.609068f, 0.609107f,
-0.609145f, 0.609183f, 0.609222f, 0.60926f, 0.609299f, 0.609337f, 0.609375f, 0.609414f, 0.609452f, 0.60949f, 0.609529f, 0.609567f, 0.609605f, 0.609644f, 0.609682f, 0.609721f, 0.609759f, 0.609797f, 0.609836f, 0.609874f,
-0.609912f, 0.609951f, 0.609989f, 0.610027f, 0.610066f, 0.610104f, 0.610142f, 0.61018f, 0.610219f, 0.610257f, 0.610295f, 0.610334f, 0.610372f, 0.61041f, 0.610449f, 0.610487f, 0.610525f, 0.610563f, 0.610602f, 0.61064f,
-0.610678f, 0.610717f, 0.610755f, 0.610793f, 0.610831f, 0.61087f, 0.610908f, 0.610946f, 0.610984f, 0.611023f, 0.611061f, 0.611099f, 0.611137f, 0.611176f, 0.611214f, 0.611252f, 0.61129f, 0.611329f, 0.611367f, 0.611405f,
-0.611443f, 0.611481f, 0.61152f, 0.611558f, 0.611596f, 0.611634f, 0.611672f, 0.611711f, 0.611749f, 0.611787f, 0.611825f, 0.611863f, 0.611902f, 0.61194f, 0.611978f, 0.612016f, 0.612054f, 0.612092f, 0.612131f, 0.612169f,
-0.612207f, 0.612245f, 0.612283f, 0.612321f, 0.61236f, 0.612398f, 0.612436f, 0.612474f, 0.612512f, 0.61255f, 0.612588f, 0.612627f, 0.612665f, 0.612703f, 0.612741f, 0.612779f, 0.612817f, 0.612855f, 0.612893f, 0.612931f,
-0.61297f, 0.613008f, 0.613046f, 0.613084f, 0.613122f, 0.61316f, 0.613198f, 0.613236f, 0.613274f, 0.613312f, 0.61335f, 0.613389f, 0.613427f, 0.613465f, 0.613503f, 0.613541f, 0.613579f, 0.613617f, 0.613655f, 0.613693f,
-0.613731f, 0.613769f, 0.613807f, 0.613845f, 0.613883f, 0.613921f, 0.613959f, 0.613997f, 0.614035f, 0.614073f, 0.614111f, 0.614149f, 0.614187f, 0.614225f, 0.614263f, 0.614301f, 0.614339f, 0.614377f, 0.614415f, 0.614453f,
-0.614491f, 0.614529f, 0.614567f, 0.614605f, 0.614643f, 0.614681f, 0.614719f, 0.614757f, 0.614795f, 0.614833f, 0.614871f, 0.614909f, 0.614947f, 0.614985f, 0.615023f, 0.615061f, 0.615099f, 0.615137f, 0.615175f, 0.615213f,
-0.615251f, 0.615289f, 0.615326f, 0.615364f, 0.615402f, 0.61544f, 0.615478f, 0.615516f, 0.615554f, 0.615592f, 0.61563f, 0.615668f, 0.615706f, 0.615743f, 0.615781f, 0.615819f, 0.615857f, 0.615895f, 0.615933f, 0.615971f,
-0.616009f, 0.616047f, 0.616084f, 0.616122f, 0.61616f, 0.616198f, 0.616236f, 0.616274f, 0.616312f, 0.616349f, 0.616387f, 0.616425f, 0.616463f, 0.616501f, 0.616539f, 0.616576f, 0.616614f, 0.616652f, 0.61669f, 0.616728f,
-0.616766f, 0.616803f, 0.616841f, 0.616879f, 0.616917f, 0.616955f, 0.616992f, 0.61703f, 0.617068f, 0.617106f, 0.617144f, 0.617181f, 0.617219f, 0.617257f, 0.617295f, 0.617333f, 0.61737f, 0.617408f, 0.617446f, 0.617484f,
-0.617521f, 0.617559f, 0.617597f, 0.617635f, 0.617672f, 0.61771f, 0.617748f, 0.617786f, 0.617823f, 0.617861f, 0.617899f, 0.617937f, 0.617974f, 0.618012f, 0.61805f, 0.618088f, 0.618125f, 0.618163f, 0.618201f, 0.618238f,
-0.618276f, 0.618314f, 0.618351f, 0.618389f, 0.618427f, 0.618465f, 0.618502f, 0.61854f, 0.618578f, 0.618615f, 0.618653f, 0.618691f, 0.618728f, 0.618766f, 0.618804f, 0.618841f, 0.618879f, 0.618917f, 0.618954f, 0.618992f,
-0.61903f, 0.619067f, 0.619105f, 0.619142f, 0.61918f, 0.619218f, 0.619255f, 0.619293f, 0.619331f, 0.619368f, 0.619406f, 0.619444f, 0.619481f, 0.619519f, 0.619556f, 0.619594f, 0.619632f, 0.619669f, 0.619707f, 0.619744f,
-0.619782f, 0.61982f, 0.619857f, 0.619895f, 0.619932f, 0.61997f, 0.620007f, 0.620045f, 0.620083f, 0.62012f, 0.620158f, 0.620195f, 0.620233f, 0.62027f, 0.620308f, 0.620345f, 0.620383f, 0.620421f, 0.620458f, 0.620496f,
-0.620533f, 0.620571f, 0.620608f, 0.620646f, 0.620683f, 0.620721f, 0.620758f, 0.620796f, 0.620833f, 0.620871f, 0.620908f, 0.620946f, 0.620983f, 0.621021f, 0.621058f, 0.621096f, 0.621133f, 0.621171f, 0.621208f, 0.621246f,
-0.621283f, 0.621321f, 0.621358f, 0.621396f, 0.621433f, 0.621471f, 0.621508f, 0.621546f, 0.621583f, 0.62162f, 0.621658f, 0.621695f, 0.621733f, 0.62177f, 0.621808f, 0.621845f, 0.621883f, 0.62192f, 0.621957f, 0.621995f,
-0.622032f, 0.62207f, 0.622107f, 0.622144f, 0.622182f, 0.622219f, 0.622257f, 0.622294f, 0.622332f, 0.622369f, 0.622406f, 0.622444f, 0.622481f, 0.622518f, 0.622556f, 0.622593f, 0.622631f, 0.622668f, 0.622705f, 0.622743f,
-0.62278f, 0.622817f, 0.622855f, 0.622892f, 0.62293f, 0.622967f, 0.623004f, 0.623042f, 0.623079f, 0.623116f, 0.623154f, 0.623191f, 0.623228f, 0.623266f, 0.623303f, 0.62334f, 0.623378f, 0.623415f, 0.623452f, 0.623489f,
-0.623527f, 0.623564f, 0.623601f, 0.623639f, 0.623676f, 0.623713f, 0.623751f, 0.623788f, 0.623825f, 0.623862f, 0.6239f, 0.623937f, 0.623974f, 0.624012f, 0.624049f, 0.624086f, 0.624123f, 0.624161f, 0.624198f, 0.624235f,
-0.624272f, 0.62431f, 0.624347f, 0.624384f, 0.624421f, 0.624459f, 0.624496f, 0.624533f, 0.62457f, 0.624607f, 0.624645f, 0.624682f, 0.624719f, 0.624756f, 0.624794f, 0.624831f, 0.624868f, 0.624905f, 0.624942f, 0.62498f,
-0.625017f, 0.625054f, 0.625091f, 0.625128f, 0.625165f, 0.625203f, 0.62524f, 0.625277f, 0.625314f, 0.625351f, 0.625389f, 0.625426f, 0.625463f, 0.6255f, 0.625537f, 0.625574f, 0.625611f, 0.625649f, 0.625686f, 0.625723f,
-0.62576f, 0.625797f, 0.625834f, 0.625871f, 0.625909f, 0.625946f, 0.625983f, 0.62602f, 0.626057f, 0.626094f, 0.626131f, 0.626168f, 0.626205f, 0.626243f, 0.62628f, 0.626317f, 0.626354f, 0.626391f, 0.626428f, 0.626465f,
-0.626502f, 0.626539f, 0.626576f, 0.626613f, 0.62665f, 0.626688f, 0.626725f, 0.626762f, 0.626799f, 0.626836f, 0.626873f, 0.62691f, 0.626947f, 0.626984f, 0.627021f, 0.627058f, 0.627095f, 0.627132f, 0.627169f, 0.627206f,
-0.627243f, 0.62728f, 0.627317f, 0.627354f, 0.627391f, 0.627428f, 0.627465f, 0.627502f, 0.627539f, 0.627576f, 0.627613f, 0.62765f, 0.627687f, 0.627724f, 0.627761f, 0.627798f, 0.627835f, 0.627872f, 0.627909f, 0.627946f,
-0.627983f, 0.62802f, 0.628057f, 0.628094f, 0.628131f, 0.628168f, 0.628205f, 0.628242f, 0.628279f, 0.628316f, 0.628353f, 0.62839f, 0.628426f, 0.628463f, 0.6285f, 0.628537f, 0.628574f, 0.628611f, 0.628648f, 0.628685f,
-0.628722f, 0.628759f, 0.628796f, 0.628833f, 0.628869f, 0.628906f, 0.628943f, 0.62898f, 0.629017f, 0.629054f, 0.629091f, 0.629128f, 0.629165f, 0.629201f, 0.629238f, 0.629275f, 0.629312f, 0.629349f, 0.629386f, 0.629423f,
-0.629459f, 0.629496f, 0.629533f, 0.62957f, 0.629607f, 0.629644f, 0.62968f, 0.629717f, 0.629754f, 0.629791f, 0.629828f, 0.629865f, 0.629901f, 0.629938f, 0.629975f, 0.630012f, 0.630049f, 0.630086f, 0.630122f, 0.630159f,
-0.630196f, 0.630233f, 0.630269f, 0.630306f, 0.630343f, 0.63038f, 0.630417f, 0.630453f, 0.63049f, 0.630527f, 0.630564f, 0.6306f, 0.630637f, 0.630674f, 0.630711f, 0.630748f, 0.630784f, 0.630821f, 0.630858f, 0.630895f,
-0.630931f, 0.630968f, 0.631005f, 0.631041f, 0.631078f, 0.631115f, 0.631152f, 0.631188f, 0.631225f, 0.631262f, 0.631299f, 0.631335f, 0.631372f, 0.631409f, 0.631445f, 0.631482f, 0.631519f, 0.631555f, 0.631592f, 0.631629f,
-0.631665f, 0.631702f, 0.631739f, 0.631776f, 0.631812f, 0.631849f, 0.631886f, 0.631922f, 0.631959f, 0.631996f, 0.632032f, 0.632069f, 0.632105f, 0.632142f, 0.632179f, 0.632215f, 0.632252f, 0.632289f, 0.632325f, 0.632362f,
-0.632399f, 0.632435f, 0.632472f, 0.632508f, 0.632545f, 0.632582f, 0.632618f, 0.632655f, 0.632691f, 0.632728f, 0.632765f, 0.632801f, 0.632838f, 0.632874f, 0.632911f, 0.632948f, 0.632984f, 0.633021f, 0.633057f, 0.633094f,
-0.633131f, 0.633167f, 0.633204f, 0.63324f, 0.633277f, 0.633313f, 0.63335f, 0.633386f, 0.633423f, 0.63346f, 0.633496f, 0.633533f, 0.633569f, 0.633606f, 0.633642f, 0.633679f, 0.633715f, 0.633752f, 0.633788f, 0.633825f,
-0.633861f, 0.633898f, 0.633934f, 0.633971f, 0.634007f, 0.634044f, 0.63408f, 0.634117f, 0.634153f, 0.63419f, 0.634226f, 0.634263f, 0.634299f, 0.634336f, 0.634372f, 0.634409f, 0.634445f, 0.634482f, 0.634518f, 0.634555f,
-0.634591f, 0.634627f, 0.634664f, 0.6347f, 0.634737f, 0.634773f, 0.63481f, 0.634846f, 0.634883f, 0.634919f, 0.634955f, 0.634992f, 0.635028f, 0.635065f, 0.635101f, 0.635138f, 0.635174f, 0.63521f, 0.635247f, 0.635283f,
-0.63532f, 0.635356f, 0.635392f, 0.635429f, 0.635465f, 0.635502f, 0.635538f, 0.635574f, 0.635611f, 0.635647f, 0.635683f, 0.63572f, 0.635756f, 0.635793f, 0.635829f, 0.635865f, 0.635902f, 0.635938f, 0.635974f, 0.636011f,
-0.636047f, 0.636083f, 0.63612f, 0.636156f, 0.636192f, 0.636229f, 0.636265f, 0.636301f, 0.636338f, 0.636374f, 0.63641f, 0.636447f, 0.636483f, 0.636519f, 0.636556f, 0.636592f, 0.636628f, 0.636664f, 0.636701f, 0.636737f,
-0.636773f, 0.63681f, 0.636846f, 0.636882f, 0.636918f, 0.636955f, 0.636991f, 0.637027f, 0.637064f, 0.6371f, 0.637136f, 0.637172f, 0.637209f, 0.637245f, 0.637281f, 0.637317f, 0.637354f, 0.63739f, 0.637426f, 0.637462f,
-0.637499f, 0.637535f, 0.637571f, 0.637607f, 0.637643f, 0.63768f, 0.637716f, 0.637752f, 0.637788f, 0.637824f, 0.637861f, 0.637897f, 0.637933f, 0.637969f, 0.638005f, 0.638042f, 0.638078f, 0.638114f, 0.63815f, 0.638186f,
-0.638223f, 0.638259f, 0.638295f, 0.638331f, 0.638367f, 0.638403f, 0.63844f, 0.638476f, 0.638512f, 0.638548f, 0.638584f, 0.63862f, 0.638656f, 0.638693f, 0.638729f, 0.638765f, 0.638801f, 0.638837f, 0.638873f, 0.638909f,
-0.638946f, 0.638982f, 0.639018f, 0.639054f, 0.63909f, 0.639126f, 0.639162f, 0.639198f, 0.639234f, 0.63927f, 0.639307f, 0.639343f, 0.639379f, 0.639415f, 0.639451f, 0.639487f, 0.639523f, 0.639559f, 0.639595f, 0.639631f,
-0.639667f, 0.639703f, 0.639739f, 0.639775f, 0.639812f, 0.639848f, 0.639884f, 0.63992f, 0.639956f, 0.639992f, 0.640028f, 0.640064f, 0.6401f, 0.640136f, 0.640172f, 0.640208f, 0.640244f, 0.64028f, 0.640316f, 0.640352f,
-0.640388f, 0.640424f, 0.64046f, 0.640496f, 0.640532f, 0.640568f, 0.640604f, 0.64064f, 0.640676f, 0.640712f, 0.640748f, 0.640784f, 0.64082f, 0.640856f, 0.640892f, 0.640928f, 0.640964f, 0.641f, 0.641036f, 0.641072f,
-0.641108f, 0.641143f, 0.641179f, 0.641215f, 0.641251f, 0.641287f, 0.641323f, 0.641359f, 0.641395f, 0.641431f, 0.641467f, 0.641503f, 0.641539f, 0.641575f, 0.641611f, 0.641646f, 0.641682f, 0.641718f, 0.641754f, 0.64179f,
-0.641826f, 0.641862f, 0.641898f, 0.641934f, 0.641969f, 0.642005f, 0.642041f, 0.642077f, 0.642113f, 0.642149f, 0.642185f, 0.642221f, 0.642256f, 0.642292f, 0.642328f, 0.642364f, 0.6424f, 0.642436f, 0.642472f, 0.642507f,
-0.642543f, 0.642579f, 0.642615f, 0.642651f, 0.642687f, 0.642722f, 0.642758f, 0.642794f, 0.64283f, 0.642866f, 0.642901f, 0.642937f, 0.642973f, 0.643009f, 0.643045f, 0.64308f, 0.643116f, 0.643152f, 0.643188f, 0.643224f,
-0.643259f, 0.643295f, 0.643331f, 0.643367f, 0.643403f, 0.643438f, 0.643474f, 0.64351f, 0.643546f, 0.643581f, 0.643617f, 0.643653f, 0.643689f, 0.643724f, 0.64376f, 0.643796f, 0.643832f, 0.643867f, 0.643903f, 0.643939f,
-0.643974f, 0.64401f, 0.644046f, 0.644082f, 0.644117f, 0.644153f, 0.644189f, 0.644224f, 0.64426f, 0.644296f, 0.644332f, 0.644367f, 0.644403f, 0.644439f, 0.644474f, 0.64451f, 0.644546f, 0.644581f, 0.644617f, 0.644653f,
-0.644688f, 0.644724f, 0.64476f, 0.644795f, 0.644831f, 0.644867f, 0.644902f, 0.644938f, 0.644974f, 0.645009f, 0.645045f, 0.645081f, 0.645116f, 0.645152f, 0.645187f, 0.645223f, 0.645259f, 0.645294f, 0.64533f, 0.645366f,
-0.645401f, 0.645437f, 0.645472f, 0.645508f, 0.645544f, 0.645579f, 0.645615f, 0.64565f, 0.645686f, 0.645722f, 0.645757f, 0.645793f, 0.645828f, 0.645864f, 0.645899f, 0.645935f, 0.645971f, 0.646006f, 0.646042f, 0.646077f,
-0.646113f, 0.646148f, 0.646184f, 0.64622f, 0.646255f, 0.646291f, 0.646326f, 0.646362f, 0.646397f, 0.646433f, 0.646468f, 0.646504f, 0.646539f, 0.646575f, 0.64661f, 0.646646f, 0.646681f, 0.646717f, 0.646752f, 0.646788f,
-0.646823f, 0.646859f, 0.646894f, 0.64693f, 0.646965f, 0.647001f, 0.647036f, 0.647072f, 0.647107f, 0.647143f, 0.647178f, 0.647214f, 0.647249f, 0.647285f, 0.64732f, 0.647356f, 0.647391f, 0.647426f, 0.647462f, 0.647497f,
-0.647533f, 0.647568f, 0.647604f, 0.647639f, 0.647675f, 0.64771f, 0.647745f, 0.647781f, 0.647816f, 0.647852f, 0.647887f, 0.647923f, 0.647958f, 0.647993f, 0.648029f, 0.648064f, 0.6481f, 0.648135f, 0.64817f, 0.648206f,
-0.648241f, 0.648277f, 0.648312f, 0.648347f, 0.648383f, 0.648418f, 0.648453f, 0.648489f, 0.648524f, 0.64856f, 0.648595f, 0.64863f, 0.648666f, 0.648701f, 0.648736f, 0.648772f, 0.648807f, 0.648842f, 0.648878f, 0.648913f,
-0.648948f, 0.648984f, 0.649019f, 0.649054f, 0.64909f, 0.649125f, 0.64916f, 0.649196f, 0.649231f, 0.649266f, 0.649302f, 0.649337f, 0.649372f, 0.649407f, 0.649443f, 0.649478f, 0.649513f, 0.649549f, 0.649584f, 0.649619f,
-0.649654f, 0.64969f, 0.649725f, 0.64976f, 0.649796f, 0.649831f, 0.649866f, 0.649901f, 0.649937f, 0.649972f, 0.650007f, 0.650042f, 0.650078f, 0.650113f, 0.650148f, 0.650183f, 0.650218f, 0.650254f, 0.650289f, 0.650324f,
-0.650359f, 0.650395f, 0.65043f, 0.650465f, 0.6505f, 0.650535f, 0.650571f, 0.650606f, 0.650641f, 0.650676f, 0.650711f, 0.650747f, 0.650782f, 0.650817f, 0.650852f, 0.650887f, 0.650923f, 0.650958f, 0.650993f, 0.651028f,
-0.651063f, 0.651098f, 0.651134f, 0.651169f, 0.651204f, 0.651239f, 0.651274f, 0.651309f, 0.651344f, 0.65138f, 0.651415f, 0.65145f, 0.651485f, 0.65152f, 0.651555f, 0.65159f, 0.651625f, 0.651661f, 0.651696f, 0.651731f,
-0.651766f, 0.651801f, 0.651836f, 0.651871f, 0.651906f, 0.651941f, 0.651977f, 0.652012f, 0.652047f, 0.652082f, 0.652117f, 0.652152f, 0.652187f, 0.652222f, 0.652257f, 0.652292f, 0.652327f, 0.652362f, 0.652397f, 0.652432f,
-0.652468f, 0.652503f, 0.652538f, 0.652573f, 0.652608f, 0.652643f, 0.652678f, 0.652713f, 0.652748f, 0.652783f, 0.652818f, 0.652853f, 0.652888f, 0.652923f, 0.652958f, 0.652993f, 0.653028f, 0.653063f, 0.653098f, 0.653133f,
-0.653168f, 0.653203f, 0.653238f, 0.653273f, 0.653308f, 0.653343f, 0.653378f, 0.653413f, 0.653448f, 0.653483f, 0.653518f, 0.653553f, 0.653588f, 0.653623f, 0.653658f, 0.653693f, 0.653728f, 0.653763f, 0.653798f, 0.653832f,
-0.653867f, 0.653902f, 0.653937f, 0.653972f, 0.654007f, 0.654042f, 0.654077f, 0.654112f, 0.654147f, 0.654182f, 0.654217f, 0.654252f, 0.654286f, 0.654321f, 0.654356f, 0.654391f, 0.654426f, 0.654461f, 0.654496f, 0.654531f,
-0.654566f, 0.654601f, 0.654635f, 0.65467f, 0.654705f, 0.65474f, 0.654775f, 0.65481f, 0.654845f, 0.654879f, 0.654914f, 0.654949f, 0.654984f, 0.655019f, 0.655054f, 0.655089f, 0.655123f, 0.655158f, 0.655193f, 0.655228f,
-0.655263f, 0.655298f, 0.655332f, 0.655367f, 0.655402f, 0.655437f, 0.655472f, 0.655507f, 0.655541f, 0.655576f, 0.655611f, 0.655646f, 0.655681f, 0.655715f, 0.65575f, 0.655785f, 0.65582f, 0.655854f, 0.655889f, 0.655924f,
-0.655959f, 0.655994f, 0.656028f, 0.656063f, 0.656098f, 0.656133f, 0.656167f, 0.656202f, 0.656237f, 0.656272f, 0.656306f, 0.656341f, 0.656376f, 0.656411f, 0.656445f, 0.65648f, 0.656515f, 0.65655f, 0.656584f, 0.656619f,
-0.656654f, 0.656688f, 0.656723f, 0.656758f, 0.656793f, 0.656827f, 0.656862f, 0.656897f, 0.656931f, 0.656966f, 0.657001f, 0.657035f, 0.65707f, 0.657105f, 0.657139f, 0.657174f, 0.657209f, 0.657244f, 0.657278f, 0.657313f,
-0.657348f, 0.657382f, 0.657417f, 0.657451f, 0.657486f, 0.657521f, 0.657555f, 0.65759f, 0.657625f, 0.657659f, 0.657694f, 0.657729f, 0.657763f, 0.657798f, 0.657833f, 0.657867f, 0.657902f, 0.657936f, 0.657971f, 0.658006f,
-0.65804f, 0.658075f, 0.658109f, 0.658144f, 0.658179f, 0.658213f, 0.658248f, 0.658282f, 0.658317f, 0.658352f, 0.658386f, 0.658421f, 0.658455f, 0.65849f, 0.658524f, 0.658559f, 0.658594f, 0.658628f, 0.658663f, 0.658697f,
-0.658732f, 0.658766f, 0.658801f, 0.658835f, 0.65887f, 0.658904f, 0.658939f, 0.658974f, 0.659008f, 0.659043f, 0.659077f, 0.659112f, 0.659146f, 0.659181f, 0.659215f, 0.65925f, 0.659284f, 0.659319f, 0.659353f, 0.659388f,
-0.659422f, 0.659457f, 0.659491f, 0.659526f, 0.65956f, 0.659595f, 0.659629f, 0.659664f, 0.659698f, 0.659733f, 0.659767f, 0.659802f, 0.659836f, 0.65987f, 0.659905f, 0.659939f, 0.659974f, 0.660008f, 0.660043f, 0.660077f,
-0.660112f, 0.660146f, 0.66018f, 0.660215f, 0.660249f, 0.660284f, 0.660318f, 0.660353f, 0.660387f, 0.660421f, 0.660456f, 0.66049f, 0.660525f, 0.660559f, 0.660593f, 0.660628f, 0.660662f, 0.660697f, 0.660731f, 0.660765f,
-0.6608f, 0.660834f, 0.660869f, 0.660903f, 0.660937f, 0.660972f, 0.661006f, 0.66104f, 0.661075f, 0.661109f, 0.661144f, 0.661178f, 0.661212f, 0.661247f, 0.661281f, 0.661315f, 0.66135f, 0.661384f, 0.661418f, 0.661453f,
-0.661487f, 0.661521f, 0.661556f, 0.66159f, 0.661624f, 0.661659f, 0.661693f, 0.661727f, 0.661762f, 0.661796f, 0.66183f, 0.661864f, 0.661899f, 0.661933f, 0.661967f, 0.662002f, 0.662036f, 0.66207f, 0.662104f, 0.662139f,
-0.662173f, 0.662207f, 0.662242f, 0.662276f, 0.66231f, 0.662344f, 0.662379f, 0.662413f, 0.662447f, 0.662481f, 0.662516f, 0.66255f, 0.662584f, 0.662618f, 0.662653f, 0.662687f, 0.662721f, 0.662755f, 0.662789f, 0.662824f,
-0.662858f, 0.662892f, 0.662926f, 0.662961f, 0.662995f, 0.663029f, 0.663063f, 0.663097f, 0.663132f, 0.663166f, 0.6632f, 0.663234f, 0.663268f, 0.663302f, 0.663337f, 0.663371f, 0.663405f, 0.663439f, 0.663473f, 0.663508f,
-0.663542f, 0.663576f, 0.66361f, 0.663644f, 0.663678f, 0.663712f, 0.663747f, 0.663781f, 0.663815f, 0.663849f, 0.663883f, 0.663917f, 0.663951f, 0.663986f, 0.66402f, 0.664054f, 0.664088f, 0.664122f, 0.664156f, 0.66419f,
-0.664224f, 0.664259f, 0.664293f, 0.664327f, 0.664361f, 0.664395f, 0.664429f, 0.664463f, 0.664497f, 0.664531f, 0.664565f, 0.664599f, 0.664633f, 0.664668f, 0.664702f, 0.664736f, 0.66477f, 0.664804f, 0.664838f, 0.664872f,
-0.664906f, 0.66494f, 0.664974f, 0.665008f, 0.665042f, 0.665076f, 0.66511f, 0.665144f, 0.665178f, 0.665212f, 0.665246f, 0.66528f, 0.665314f, 0.665348f, 0.665382f, 0.665416f, 0.66545f, 0.665484f, 0.665518f, 0.665552f,
-0.665586f, 0.66562f, 0.665654f, 0.665688f, 0.665722f, 0.665756f, 0.66579f, 0.665824f, 0.665858f, 0.665892f, 0.665926f, 0.66596f, 0.665994f, 0.666028f, 0.666062f, 0.666096f, 0.66613f, 0.666164f, 0.666198f, 0.666232f,
-0.666266f, 0.6663f, 0.666334f, 0.666368f, 0.666402f, 0.666436f, 0.666469f, 0.666503f, 0.666537f, 0.666571f, 0.666605f, 0.666639f, 0.666673f, 0.666707f, 0.666741f, 0.666775f, 0.666809f, 0.666842f, 0.666876f, 0.66691f,
-0.666944f, 0.666978f, 0.667012f, 0.667046f, 0.66708f, 0.667114f, 0.667147f, 0.667181f, 0.667215f, 0.667249f, 0.667283f, 0.667317f, 0.667351f, 0.667384f, 0.667418f, 0.667452f, 0.667486f, 0.66752f, 0.667554f, 0.667587f,
-0.667621f, 0.667655f, 0.667689f, 0.667723f, 0.667757f, 0.66779f, 0.667824f, 0.667858f, 0.667892f, 0.667926f, 0.667959f, 0.667993f, 0.668027f, 0.668061f, 0.668095f, 0.668128f, 0.668162f, 0.668196f, 0.66823f, 0.668264f,
-0.668297f, 0.668331f, 0.668365f, 0.668399f, 0.668432f, 0.668466f, 0.6685f, 0.668534f, 0.668568f, 0.668601f, 0.668635f, 0.668669f, 0.668703f, 0.668736f, 0.66877f, 0.668804f, 0.668837f, 0.668871f, 0.668905f, 0.668939f,
-0.668972f, 0.669006f, 0.66904f, 0.669074f, 0.669107f, 0.669141f, 0.669175f, 0.669208f, 0.669242f, 0.669276f, 0.669309f, 0.669343f, 0.669377f, 0.669411f, 0.669444f, 0.669478f, 0.669512f, 0.669545f, 0.669579f, 0.669613f,
-0.669646f, 0.66968f, 0.669714f, 0.669747f, 0.669781f, 0.669815f, 0.669848f, 0.669882f, 0.669915f, 0.669949f, 0.669983f, 0.670016f, 0.67005f, 0.670084f, 0.670117f, 0.670151f, 0.670185f, 0.670218f, 0.670252f, 0.670285f,
-0.670319f, 0.670353f, 0.670386f, 0.67042f, 0.670453f, 0.670487f, 0.670521f, 0.670554f, 0.670588f, 0.670621f, 0.670655f, 0.670689f, 0.670722f, 0.670756f, 0.670789f, 0.670823f, 0.670856f, 0.67089f, 0.670924f, 0.670957f,
-0.670991f, 0.671024f, 0.671058f, 0.671091f, 0.671125f, 0.671158f, 0.671192f, 0.671225f, 0.671259f, 0.671293f, 0.671326f, 0.67136f, 0.671393f, 0.671427f, 0.67146f, 0.671494f, 0.671527f, 0.671561f, 0.671594f, 0.671628f,
-0.671661f, 0.671695f, 0.671728f, 0.671762f, 0.671795f, 0.671829f, 0.671862f, 0.671896f, 0.671929f, 0.671963f, 0.671996f, 0.67203f, 0.672063f, 0.672097f, 0.67213f, 0.672163f, 0.672197f, 0.67223f, 0.672264f, 0.672297f,
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-0.675662f, 0.675695f, 0.675728f, 0.675761f, 0.675794f, 0.675827f, 0.675861f, 0.675894f, 0.675927f, 0.67596f, 0.675993f, 0.676026f, 0.676059f, 0.676093f, 0.676126f, 0.676159f, 0.676192f, 0.676225f, 0.676258f, 0.676291f,
-0.676324f, 0.676358f, 0.676391f, 0.676424f, 0.676457f, 0.67649f, 0.676523f, 0.676556f, 0.676589f, 0.676622f, 0.676656f, 0.676689f, 0.676722f, 0.676755f, 0.676788f, 0.676821f, 0.676854f, 0.676887f, 0.67692f, 0.676953f,
-0.676986f, 0.677019f, 0.677052f, 0.677085f, 0.677119f, 0.677152f, 0.677185f, 0.677218f, 0.677251f, 0.677284f, 0.677317f, 0.67735f, 0.677383f, 0.677416f, 0.677449f, 0.677482f, 0.677515f, 0.677548f, 0.677581f, 0.677614f,
-0.677647f, 0.67768f, 0.677713f, 0.677746f, 0.677779f, 0.677812f, 0.677845f, 0.677878f, 0.677911f, 0.677944f, 0.677977f, 0.67801f, 0.678043f, 0.678076f, 0.678109f, 0.678142f, 0.678175f, 0.678208f, 0.678241f, 0.678274f,
-0.678307f, 0.67834f, 0.678373f, 0.678405f, 0.678438f, 0.678471f, 0.678504f, 0.678537f, 0.67857f, 0.678603f, 0.678636f, 0.678669f, 0.678702f, 0.678735f, 0.678768f, 0.678801f, 0.678834f, 0.678866f, 0.678899f, 0.678932f,
-0.678965f, 0.678998f, 0.679031f, 0.679064f, 0.679097f, 0.67913f, 0.679162f, 0.679195f, 0.679228f, 0.679261f, 0.679294f, 0.679327f, 0.67936f, 0.679393f, 0.679425f, 0.679458f, 0.679491f, 0.679524f, 0.679557f, 0.67959f,
-0.679623f, 0.679655f, 0.679688f, 0.679721f, 0.679754f, 0.679787f, 0.67982f, 0.679852f, 0.679885f, 0.679918f, 0.679951f, 0.679984f, 0.680017f, 0.680049f, 0.680082f, 0.680115f, 0.680148f, 0.680181f, 0.680213f, 0.680246f,
-0.680279f, 0.680312f, 0.680344f, 0.680377f, 0.68041f, 0.680443f, 0.680476f, 0.680508f, 0.680541f, 0.680574f, 0.680607f, 0.680639f, 0.680672f, 0.680705f, 0.680738f, 0.68077f, 0.680803f, 0.680836f, 0.680869f, 0.680901f,
-0.680934f, 0.680967f, 0.681f, 0.681032f, 0.681065f, 0.681098f, 0.681131f, 0.681163f, 0.681196f, 0.681229f, 0.681261f, 0.681294f, 0.681327f, 0.681359f, 0.681392f, 0.681425f, 0.681458f, 0.68149f, 0.681523f, 0.681556f,
-0.681588f, 0.681621f, 0.681654f, 0.681686f, 0.681719f, 0.681752f, 0.681784f, 0.681817f, 0.68185f, 0.681882f, 0.681915f, 0.681948f, 0.68198f, 0.682013f, 0.682046f, 0.682078f, 0.682111f, 0.682144f, 0.682176f, 0.682209f,
-0.682241f, 0.682274f, 0.682307f, 0.682339f, 0.682372f, 0.682404f, 0.682437f, 0.68247f, 0.682502f, 0.682535f, 0.682568f, 0.6826f, 0.682633f, 0.682665f, 0.682698f, 0.68273f, 0.682763f, 0.682796f, 0.682828f, 0.682861f,
-0.682893f, 0.682926f, 0.682959f, 0.682991f, 0.683024f, 0.683056f, 0.683089f, 0.683121f, 0.683154f, 0.683186f, 0.683219f, 0.683252f, 0.683284f, 0.683317f, 0.683349f, 0.683382f, 0.683414f, 0.683447f, 0.683479f, 0.683512f,
-0.683544f, 0.683577f, 0.683609f, 0.683642f, 0.683674f, 0.683707f, 0.683739f, 0.683772f, 0.683804f, 0.683837f, 0.683869f, 0.683902f, 0.683934f, 0.683967f, 0.683999f, 0.684032f, 0.684064f, 0.684097f, 0.684129f, 0.684162f,
-0.684194f, 0.684227f, 0.684259f, 0.684291f, 0.684324f, 0.684356f, 0.684389f, 0.684421f, 0.684454f, 0.684486f, 0.684519f, 0.684551f, 0.684583f, 0.684616f, 0.684648f, 0.684681f, 0.684713f, 0.684746f, 0.684778f, 0.68481f,
-0.684843f, 0.684875f, 0.684908f, 0.68494f, 0.684972f, 0.685005f, 0.685037f, 0.68507f, 0.685102f, 0.685134f, 0.685167f, 0.685199f, 0.685232f, 0.685264f, 0.685296f, 0.685329f, 0.685361f, 0.685393f, 0.685426f, 0.685458f,
-0.68549f, 0.685523f, 0.685555f, 0.685588f, 0.68562f, 0.685652f, 0.685685f, 0.685717f, 0.685749f, 0.685782f, 0.685814f, 0.685846f, 0.685879f, 0.685911f, 0.685943f, 0.685976f, 0.686008f, 0.68604f, 0.686072f, 0.686105f,
-0.686137f, 0.686169f, 0.686202f, 0.686234f, 0.686266f, 0.686299f, 0.686331f, 0.686363f, 0.686395f, 0.686428f, 0.68646f, 0.686492f, 0.686524f, 0.686557f, 0.686589f, 0.686621f, 0.686654f, 0.686686f, 0.686718f, 0.68675f,
-0.686783f, 0.686815f, 0.686847f, 0.686879f, 0.686912f, 0.686944f, 0.686976f, 0.687008f, 0.68704f, 0.687073f, 0.687105f, 0.687137f, 0.687169f, 0.687202f, 0.687234f, 0.687266f, 0.687298f, 0.68733f, 0.687363f, 0.687395f,
-0.687427f, 0.687459f, 0.687491f, 0.687524f, 0.687556f, 0.687588f, 0.68762f, 0.687652f, 0.687684f, 0.687717f, 0.687749f, 0.687781f, 0.687813f, 0.687845f, 0.687877f, 0.68791f, 0.687942f, 0.687974f, 0.688006f, 0.688038f,
-0.68807f, 0.688102f, 0.688135f, 0.688167f, 0.688199f, 0.688231f, 0.688263f, 0.688295f, 0.688327f, 0.688359f, 0.688392f, 0.688424f, 0.688456f, 0.688488f, 0.68852f, 0.688552f, 0.688584f, 0.688616f, 0.688648f, 0.68868f,
-0.688713f, 0.688745f, 0.688777f, 0.688809f, 0.688841f, 0.688873f, 0.688905f, 0.688937f, 0.688969f, 0.689001f, 0.689033f, 0.689065f, 0.689097f, 0.689129f, 0.689161f, 0.689193f, 0.689226f, 0.689258f, 0.68929f, 0.689322f,
-0.689354f, 0.689386f, 0.689418f, 0.68945f, 0.689482f, 0.689514f, 0.689546f, 0.689578f, 0.68961f, 0.689642f, 0.689674f, 0.689706f, 0.689738f, 0.68977f, 0.689802f, 0.689834f, 0.689866f, 0.689898f, 0.68993f, 0.689962f,
-0.689994f, 0.690026f, 0.690058f, 0.69009f, 0.690122f, 0.690154f, 0.690186f, 0.690218f, 0.690249f, 0.690281f, 0.690313f, 0.690345f, 0.690377f, 0.690409f, 0.690441f, 0.690473f, 0.690505f, 0.690537f, 0.690569f, 0.690601f,
-0.690633f, 0.690665f, 0.690697f, 0.690729f, 0.69076f, 0.690792f, 0.690824f, 0.690856f, 0.690888f, 0.69092f, 0.690952f, 0.690984f, 0.691016f, 0.691048f, 0.691079f, 0.691111f, 0.691143f, 0.691175f, 0.691207f, 0.691239f,
-0.691271f, 0.691303f, 0.691334f, 0.691366f, 0.691398f, 0.69143f, 0.691462f, 0.691494f, 0.691526f, 0.691557f, 0.691589f, 0.691621f, 0.691653f, 0.691685f, 0.691717f, 0.691748f, 0.69178f, 0.691812f, 0.691844f, 0.691876f,
-0.691908f, 0.691939f, 0.691971f, 0.692003f, 0.692035f, 0.692067f, 0.692098f, 0.69213f, 0.692162f, 0.692194f, 0.692226f, 0.692257f, 0.692289f, 0.692321f, 0.692353f, 0.692384f, 0.692416f, 0.692448f, 0.69248f, 0.692512f,
-0.692543f, 0.692575f, 0.692607f, 0.692639f, 0.69267f, 0.692702f, 0.692734f, 0.692766f, 0.692797f, 0.692829f, 0.692861f, 0.692893f, 0.692924f, 0.692956f, 0.692988f, 0.693019f, 0.693051f, 0.693083f, 0.693115f, 0.693146f,
-0.693178f, 0.69321f, 0.693241f, 0.693273f, 0.693305f, 0.693337f, 0.693368f, 0.6934f, 0.693432f, 0.693463f, 0.693495f, 0.693527f, 0.693558f, 0.69359f, 0.693622f, 0.693653f, 0.693685f, 0.693717f, 0.693748f, 0.69378f,
-0.693812f, 0.693843f, 0.693875f, 0.693907f, 0.693938f, 0.69397f, 0.694002f, 0.694033f, 0.694065f, 0.694096f, 0.694128f, 0.69416f, 0.694191f, 0.694223f, 0.694255f, 0.694286f, 0.694318f, 0.694349f, 0.694381f, 0.694413f,
-0.694444f, 0.694476f, 0.694507f, 0.694539f, 0.694571f, 0.694602f, 0.694634f, 0.694665f, 0.694697f, 0.694729f, 0.69476f, 0.694792f, 0.694823f, 0.694855f, 0.694886f, 0.694918f, 0.69495f, 0.694981f, 0.695013f, 0.695044f,
-0.695076f, 0.695107f, 0.695139f, 0.69517f, 0.695202f, 0.695233f, 0.695265f, 0.695296f, 0.695328f, 0.69536f, 0.695391f, 0.695423f, 0.695454f, 0.695486f, 0.695517f, 0.695549f, 0.69558f, 0.695612f, 0.695643f, 0.695675f,
-0.695706f, 0.695738f, 0.695769f, 0.695801f, 0.695832f, 0.695864f, 0.695895f, 0.695927f, 0.695958f, 0.695989f, 0.696021f, 0.696052f, 0.696084f, 0.696115f, 0.696147f, 0.696178f, 0.69621f, 0.696241f, 0.696273f, 0.696304f,
-0.696335f, 0.696367f, 0.696398f, 0.69643f, 0.696461f, 0.696493f, 0.696524f, 0.696556f, 0.696587f, 0.696618f, 0.69665f, 0.696681f, 0.696713f, 0.696744f, 0.696775f, 0.696807f, 0.696838f, 0.69687f, 0.696901f, 0.696932f,
-0.696964f, 0.696995f, 0.697027f, 0.697058f, 0.697089f, 0.697121f, 0.697152f, 0.697183f, 0.697215f, 0.697246f, 0.697278f, 0.697309f, 0.69734f, 0.697372f, 0.697403f, 0.697434f, 0.697466f, 0.697497f, 0.697528f, 0.69756f,
-0.697591f, 0.697622f, 0.697654f, 0.697685f, 0.697716f, 0.697748f, 0.697779f, 0.69781f, 0.697842f, 0.697873f, 0.697904f, 0.697936f, 0.697967f, 0.697998f, 0.698029f, 0.698061f, 0.698092f, 0.698123f, 0.698155f, 0.698186f,
-0.698217f, 0.698248f, 0.69828f, 0.698311f, 0.698342f, 0.698374f, 0.698405f, 0.698436f, 0.698467f, 0.698499f, 0.69853f, 0.698561f, 0.698592f, 0.698624f, 0.698655f, 0.698686f, 0.698717f, 0.698749f, 0.69878f, 0.698811f,
-0.698842f, 0.698873f, 0.698905f, 0.698936f, 0.698967f, 0.698998f, 0.69903f, 0.699061f, 0.699092f, 0.699123f, 0.699154f, 0.699186f, 0.699217f, 0.699248f, 0.699279f, 0.69931f, 0.699342f, 0.699373f, 0.699404f, 0.699435f,
-0.699466f, 0.699497f, 0.699529f, 0.69956f, 0.699591f, 0.699622f, 0.699653f, 0.699684f, 0.699716f, 0.699747f, 0.699778f, 0.699809f, 0.69984f, 0.699871f, 0.699902f, 0.699934f, 0.699965f, 0.699996f, 0.700027f, 0.700058f,
-0.700089f, 0.70012f, 0.700151f, 0.700183f, 0.700214f, 0.700245f, 0.700276f, 0.700307f, 0.700338f, 0.700369f, 0.7004f, 0.700431f, 0.700462f, 0.700494f, 0.700525f, 0.700556f, 0.700587f, 0.700618f, 0.700649f, 0.70068f,
-0.700711f, 0.700742f, 0.700773f, 0.700804f, 0.700835f, 0.700866f, 0.700897f, 0.700928f, 0.70096f, 0.700991f, 0.701022f, 0.701053f, 0.701084f, 0.701115f, 0.701146f, 0.701177f, 0.701208f, 0.701239f, 0.70127f, 0.701301f,
-0.701332f, 0.701363f, 0.701394f, 0.701425f, 0.701456f, 0.701487f, 0.701518f, 0.701549f, 0.70158f, 0.701611f, 0.701642f, 0.701673f, 0.701704f, 0.701735f, 0.701766f, 0.701797f, 0.701828f, 0.701859f, 0.70189f, 0.701921f,
-0.701952f, 0.701983f, 0.702014f, 0.702045f, 0.702075f, 0.702106f, 0.702137f, 0.702168f, 0.702199f, 0.70223f, 0.702261f, 0.702292f, 0.702323f, 0.702354f, 0.702385f, 0.702416f, 0.702447f, 0.702478f, 0.702509f, 0.702539f,
-0.70257f, 0.702601f, 0.702632f, 0.702663f, 0.702694f, 0.702725f, 0.702756f, 0.702787f, 0.702818f, 0.702848f, 0.702879f, 0.70291f, 0.702941f, 0.702972f, 0.703003f, 0.703034f, 0.703065f, 0.703095f, 0.703126f, 0.703157f,
-0.703188f, 0.703219f, 0.70325f, 0.703281f, 0.703311f, 0.703342f, 0.703373f, 0.703404f, 0.703435f, 0.703466f, 0.703496f, 0.703527f, 0.703558f, 0.703589f, 0.70362f, 0.703651f, 0.703681f, 0.703712f, 0.703743f, 0.703774f,
-0.703805f, 0.703835f, 0.703866f, 0.703897f, 0.703928f, 0.703959f, 0.703989f, 0.70402f, 0.704051f, 0.704082f, 0.704112f, 0.704143f, 0.704174f, 0.704205f, 0.704236f, 0.704266f, 0.704297f, 0.704328f, 0.704359f, 0.704389f,
-0.70442f, 0.704451f, 0.704482f, 0.704512f, 0.704543f, 0.704574f, 0.704605f, 0.704635f, 0.704666f, 0.704697f, 0.704727f, 0.704758f, 0.704789f, 0.70482f, 0.70485f, 0.704881f, 0.704912f, 0.704942f, 0.704973f, 0.705004f,
-0.705035f, 0.705065f, 0.705096f, 0.705127f, 0.705157f, 0.705188f, 0.705219f, 0.705249f, 0.70528f, 0.705311f, 0.705341f, 0.705372f, 0.705403f, 0.705433f, 0.705464f, 0.705495f, 0.705525f, 0.705556f, 0.705587f, 0.705617f,
-0.705648f, 0.705679f, 0.705709f, 0.70574f, 0.70577f, 0.705801f, 0.705832f, 0.705862f, 0.705893f, 0.705924f, 0.705954f, 0.705985f, 0.706015f, 0.706046f, 0.706077f, 0.706107f, 0.706138f, 0.706168f, 0.706199f, 0.70623f,
-0.70626f, 0.706291f, 0.706321f, 0.706352f, 0.706383f, 0.706413f, 0.706444f, 0.706474f, 0.706505f, 0.706535f, 0.706566f, 0.706597f, 0.706627f, 0.706658f, 0.706688f, 0.706719f, 0.706749f, 0.70678f, 0.70681f, 0.706841f,
-0.706872f, 0.706902f, 0.706933f, 0.706963f, 0.706994f, 0.707024f, 0.707055f, 0.707085f, 0.707116f, 0.707146f, 0.707177f, 0.707207f, 0.707238f, 0.707268f, 0.707299f, 0.707329f, 0.70736f, 0.70739f, 0.707421f, 0.707451f,
-0.707482f, 0.707512f, 0.707543f, 0.707573f, 0.707604f, 0.707634f, 0.707665f, 0.707695f, 0.707726f, 0.707756f, 0.707787f, 0.707817f, 0.707847f, 0.707878f, 0.707908f, 0.707939f, 0.707969f, 0.708f, 0.70803f, 0.708061f,
-0.708091f, 0.708121f, 0.708152f, 0.708182f, 0.708213f, 0.708243f, 0.708274f, 0.708304f, 0.708334f, 0.708365f, 0.708395f, 0.708426f, 0.708456f, 0.708486f, 0.708517f, 0.708547f, 0.708578f, 0.708608f, 0.708638f, 0.708669f,
-0.708699f, 0.70873f, 0.70876f, 0.70879f, 0.708821f, 0.708851f, 0.708881f, 0.708912f, 0.708942f, 0.708972f, 0.709003f, 0.709033f, 0.709064f, 0.709094f, 0.709124f, 0.709155f, 0.709185f, 0.709215f, 0.709246f, 0.709276f,
-0.709306f, 0.709337f, 0.709367f, 0.709397f, 0.709428f, 0.709458f, 0.709488f, 0.709518f, 0.709549f, 0.709579f, 0.709609f, 0.70964f, 0.70967f, 0.7097f, 0.709731f, 0.709761f, 0.709791f, 0.709821f, 0.709852f, 0.709882f,
-0.709912f, 0.709943f, 0.709973f, 0.710003f, 0.710033f, 0.710064f, 0.710094f, 0.710124f, 0.710154f, 0.710185f, 0.710215f, 0.710245f, 0.710275f, 0.710306f, 0.710336f, 0.710366f, 0.710396f, 0.710427f, 0.710457f, 0.710487f,
-0.710517f, 0.710547f, 0.710578f, 0.710608f, 0.710638f, 0.710668f, 0.710699f, 0.710729f, 0.710759f, 0.710789f, 0.710819f, 0.71085f, 0.71088f, 0.71091f, 0.71094f, 0.71097f, 0.711f, 0.711031f, 0.711061f, 0.711091f,
-0.711121f, 0.711151f, 0.711182f, 0.711212f, 0.711242f, 0.711272f, 0.711302f, 0.711332f, 0.711362f, 0.711393f, 0.711423f, 0.711453f, 0.711483f, 0.711513f, 0.711543f, 0.711573f, 0.711604f, 0.711634f, 0.711664f, 0.711694f,
-0.711724f, 0.711754f, 0.711784f, 0.711814f, 0.711845f, 0.711875f, 0.711905f, 0.711935f, 0.711965f, 0.711995f, 0.712025f, 0.712055f, 0.712085f, 0.712115f, 0.712145f, 0.712176f, 0.712206f, 0.712236f, 0.712266f, 0.712296f,
-0.712326f, 0.712356f, 0.712386f, 0.712416f, 0.712446f, 0.712476f, 0.712506f, 0.712536f, 0.712566f, 0.712596f, 0.712626f, 0.712656f, 0.712687f, 0.712717f, 0.712747f, 0.712777f, 0.712807f, 0.712837f, 0.712867f, 0.712897f,
-0.712927f, 0.712957f, 0.712987f, 0.713017f, 0.713047f, 0.713077f, 0.713107f, 0.713137f, 0.713167f, 0.713197f, 0.713227f, 0.713257f, 0.713287f, 0.713317f, 0.713347f, 0.713377f, 0.713407f, 0.713437f, 0.713467f, 0.713496f,
-0.713526f, 0.713556f, 0.713586f, 0.713616f, 0.713646f, 0.713676f, 0.713706f, 0.713736f, 0.713766f, 0.713796f, 0.713826f, 0.713856f, 0.713886f, 0.713916f, 0.713946f, 0.713976f, 0.714005f, 0.714035f, 0.714065f, 0.714095f,
-0.714125f, 0.714155f, 0.714185f, 0.714215f, 0.714245f, 0.714275f, 0.714305f, 0.714334f, 0.714364f, 0.714394f, 0.714424f, 0.714454f, 0.714484f, 0.714514f, 0.714544f, 0.714573f, 0.714603f, 0.714633f, 0.714663f, 0.714693f,
-0.714723f, 0.714753f, 0.714783f, 0.714812f, 0.714842f, 0.714872f, 0.714902f, 0.714932f, 0.714962f, 0.714991f, 0.715021f, 0.715051f, 0.715081f, 0.715111f, 0.715141f, 0.71517f, 0.7152f, 0.71523f, 0.71526f, 0.71529f,
-0.715319f, 0.715349f, 0.715379f, 0.715409f, 0.715439f, 0.715468f, 0.715498f, 0.715528f, 0.715558f, 0.715588f, 0.715617f, 0.715647f, 0.715677f, 0.715707f, 0.715736f, 0.715766f, 0.715796f, 0.715826f, 0.715856f, 0.715885f,
-0.715915f, 0.715945f, 0.715975f, 0.716004f, 0.716034f, 0.716064f, 0.716093f, 0.716123f, 0.716153f, 0.716183f, 0.716212f, 0.716242f, 0.716272f, 0.716302f, 0.716331f, 0.716361f, 0.716391f, 0.71642f, 0.71645f, 0.71648f,
-0.71651f, 0.716539f, 0.716569f, 0.716599f, 0.716628f, 0.716658f, 0.716688f, 0.716717f, 0.716747f, 0.716777f, 0.716806f, 0.716836f, 0.716866f, 0.716895f, 0.716925f, 0.716955f, 0.716984f, 0.717014f, 0.717044f, 0.717073f,
-0.717103f, 0.717133f, 0.717162f, 0.717192f, 0.717222f, 0.717251f, 0.717281f, 0.717311f, 0.71734f, 0.71737f, 0.717399f, 0.717429f, 0.717459f, 0.717488f, 0.717518f, 0.717548f, 0.717577f, 0.717607f, 0.717636f, 0.717666f,
-0.717696f, 0.717725f, 0.717755f, 0.717784f, 0.717814f, 0.717843f, 0.717873f, 0.717903f, 0.717932f, 0.717962f, 0.717991f, 0.718021f, 0.71805f, 0.71808f, 0.71811f, 0.718139f, 0.718169f, 0.718198f, 0.718228f, 0.718257f,
-0.718287f, 0.718316f, 0.718346f, 0.718376f, 0.718405f, 0.718435f, 0.718464f, 0.718494f, 0.718523f, 0.718553f, 0.718582f, 0.718612f, 0.718641f, 0.718671f, 0.7187f, 0.71873f, 0.718759f, 0.718789f, 0.718818f, 0.718848f,
-0.718877f, 0.718907f, 0.718936f, 0.718966f, 0.718995f, 0.719025f, 0.719054f, 0.719084f, 0.719113f, 0.719143f, 0.719172f, 0.719202f, 0.719231f, 0.719261f, 0.71929f, 0.719319f, 0.719349f, 0.719378f, 0.719408f, 0.719437f,
-0.719467f, 0.719496f, 0.719526f, 0.719555f, 0.719584f, 0.719614f, 0.719643f, 0.719673f, 0.719702f, 0.719732f, 0.719761f, 0.71979f, 0.71982f, 0.719849f, 0.719879f, 0.719908f, 0.719937f, 0.719967f, 0.719996f, 0.720026f,
-0.720055f, 0.720084f, 0.720114f, 0.720143f, 0.720173f, 0.720202f, 0.720231f, 0.720261f, 0.72029f, 0.720319f, 0.720349f, 0.720378f, 0.720408f, 0.720437f, 0.720466f, 0.720496f, 0.720525f, 0.720554f, 0.720584f, 0.720613f,
-0.720642f, 0.720672f, 0.720701f, 0.72073f, 0.72076f, 0.720789f, 0.720818f, 0.720848f, 0.720877f, 0.720906f, 0.720936f, 0.720965f, 0.720994f, 0.721023f, 0.721053f, 0.721082f, 0.721111f, 0.721141f, 0.72117f, 0.721199f,
-0.721229f, 0.721258f, 0.721287f, 0.721316f, 0.721346f, 0.721375f, 0.721404f, 0.721433f, 0.721463f, 0.721492f, 0.721521f, 0.721551f, 0.72158f, 0.721609f, 0.721638f, 0.721668f, 0.721697f, 0.721726f, 0.721755f, 0.721785f,
-0.721814f, 0.721843f, 0.721872f, 0.721901f, 0.721931f, 0.72196f, 0.721989f, 0.722018f, 0.722048f, 0.722077f, 0.722106f, 0.722135f, 0.722164f, 0.722194f, 0.722223f, 0.722252f, 0.722281f, 0.72231f, 0.72234f, 0.722369f,
-0.722398f, 0.722427f, 0.722456f, 0.722486f, 0.722515f, 0.722544f, 0.722573f, 0.722602f, 0.722631f, 0.722661f, 0.72269f, 0.722719f, 0.722748f, 0.722777f, 0.722806f, 0.722835f, 0.722865f, 0.722894f, 0.722923f, 0.722952f,
-0.722981f, 0.72301f, 0.723039f, 0.723069f, 0.723098f, 0.723127f, 0.723156f, 0.723185f, 0.723214f, 0.723243f, 0.723272f, 0.723301f, 0.723331f, 0.72336f, 0.723389f, 0.723418f, 0.723447f, 0.723476f, 0.723505f, 0.723534f,
-0.723563f, 0.723592f, 0.723621f, 0.72365f, 0.72368f, 0.723709f, 0.723738f, 0.723767f, 0.723796f, 0.723825f, 0.723854f, 0.723883f, 0.723912f, 0.723941f, 0.72397f, 0.723999f, 0.724028f, 0.724057f, 0.724086f, 0.724115f,
-0.724144f, 0.724173f, 0.724202f, 0.724231f, 0.72426f, 0.724289f, 0.724318f, 0.724348f, 0.724377f, 0.724406f, 0.724435f, 0.724464f, 0.724493f, 0.724522f, 0.724551f, 0.72458f, 0.724609f, 0.724638f, 0.724666f, 0.724695f,
-0.724724f, 0.724753f, 0.724782f, 0.724811f, 0.72484f, 0.724869f, 0.724898f, 0.724927f, 0.724956f, 0.724985f, 0.725014f, 0.725043f, 0.725072f, 0.725101f, 0.72513f, 0.725159f, 0.725188f, 0.725217f, 0.725246f, 0.725275f,
-0.725304f, 0.725332f, 0.725361f, 0.72539f, 0.725419f, 0.725448f, 0.725477f, 0.725506f, 0.725535f, 0.725564f, 0.725593f, 0.725622f, 0.72565f, 0.725679f, 0.725708f, 0.725737f, 0.725766f, 0.725795f, 0.725824f, 0.725853f,
-0.725882f, 0.72591f, 0.725939f, 0.725968f, 0.725997f, 0.726026f, 0.726055f, 0.726084f, 0.726112f, 0.726141f, 0.72617f, 0.726199f, 0.726228f, 0.726257f, 0.726286f, 0.726314f, 0.726343f, 0.726372f, 0.726401f, 0.72643f,
-0.726459f, 0.726487f, 0.726516f, 0.726545f, 0.726574f, 0.726603f, 0.726631f, 0.72666f, 0.726689f, 0.726718f, 0.726747f, 0.726775f, 0.726804f, 0.726833f, 0.726862f, 0.726891f, 0.726919f, 0.726948f, 0.726977f, 0.727006f,
-0.727035f, 0.727063f, 0.727092f, 0.727121f, 0.72715f, 0.727178f, 0.727207f, 0.727236f, 0.727265f, 0.727293f, 0.727322f, 0.727351f, 0.72738f, 0.727408f, 0.727437f, 0.727466f, 0.727495f, 0.727523f, 0.727552f, 0.727581f,
-0.727609f, 0.727638f, 0.727667f, 0.727696f, 0.727724f, 0.727753f, 0.727782f, 0.72781f, 0.727839f, 0.727868f, 0.727897f, 0.727925f, 0.727954f, 0.727983f, 0.728011f, 0.72804f, 0.728069f, 0.728097f, 0.728126f, 0.728155f,
-0.728183f, 0.728212f, 0.728241f, 0.728269f, 0.728298f, 0.728327f, 0.728355f, 0.728384f, 0.728413f, 0.728441f, 0.72847f, 0.728499f, 0.728527f, 0.728556f, 0.728585f, 0.728613f, 0.728642f, 0.72867f, 0.728699f, 0.728728f,
-0.728756f, 0.728785f, 0.728814f, 0.728842f, 0.728871f, 0.728899f, 0.728928f, 0.728957f, 0.728985f, 0.729014f, 0.729042f, 0.729071f, 0.7291f, 0.729128f, 0.729157f, 0.729185f, 0.729214f, 0.729243f, 0.729271f, 0.7293f,
-0.729328f, 0.729357f, 0.729385f, 0.729414f, 0.729443f, 0.729471f, 0.7295f, 0.729528f, 0.729557f, 0.729585f, 0.729614f, 0.729642f, 0.729671f, 0.729699f, 0.729728f, 0.729757f, 0.729785f, 0.729814f, 0.729842f, 0.729871f,
-0.729899f, 0.729928f, 0.729956f, 0.729985f, 0.730013f, 0.730042f, 0.73007f, 0.730099f, 0.730127f, 0.730156f, 0.730184f, 0.730213f, 0.730241f, 0.73027f, 0.730298f, 0.730327f, 0.730355f, 0.730384f, 0.730412f, 0.730441f,
-0.730469f, 0.730497f, 0.730526f, 0.730554f, 0.730583f, 0.730611f, 0.73064f, 0.730668f, 0.730697f, 0.730725f, 0.730754f, 0.730782f, 0.73081f, 0.730839f, 0.730867f, 0.730896f, 0.730924f, 0.730953f, 0.730981f, 0.731009f,
-0.731038f, 0.731066f, 0.731095f, 0.731123f, 0.731152f, 0.73118f, 0.731208f, 0.731237f, 0.731265f, 0.731294f, 0.731322f, 0.73135f, 0.731379f, 0.731407f, 0.731435f, 0.731464f, 0.731492f, 0.731521f, 0.731549f, 0.731577f,
-0.731606f, 0.731634f, 0.731662f, 0.731691f, 0.731719f, 0.731748f, 0.731776f, 0.731804f, 0.731833f, 0.731861f, 0.731889f, 0.731918f, 0.731946f, 0.731974f, 0.732003f, 0.732031f, 0.732059f, 0.732088f, 0.732116f, 0.732144f,
-0.732173f, 0.732201f, 0.732229f, 0.732257f, 0.732286f, 0.732314f, 0.732342f, 0.732371f, 0.732399f, 0.732427f, 0.732456f, 0.732484f, 0.732512f, 0.73254f, 0.732569f, 0.732597f, 0.732625f, 0.732654f, 0.732682f, 0.73271f,
-0.732738f, 0.732767f, 0.732795f, 0.732823f, 0.732851f, 0.73288f, 0.732908f, 0.732936f, 0.732964f, 0.732993f, 0.733021f, 0.733049f, 0.733077f, 0.733106f, 0.733134f, 0.733162f, 0.73319f, 0.733219f, 0.733247f, 0.733275f,
-0.733303f, 0.733331f, 0.73336f, 0.733388f, 0.733416f, 0.733444f, 0.733472f, 0.733501f, 0.733529f, 0.733557f, 0.733585f, 0.733613f, 0.733642f, 0.73367f, 0.733698f, 0.733726f, 0.733754f, 0.733782f, 0.733811f, 0.733839f,
-0.733867f, 0.733895f, 0.733923f, 0.733951f, 0.73398f, 0.734008f, 0.734036f, 0.734064f, 0.734092f, 0.73412f, 0.734148f, 0.734177f, 0.734205f, 0.734233f, 0.734261f, 0.734289f, 0.734317f, 0.734345f, 0.734374f, 0.734402f,
-0.73443f, 0.734458f, 0.734486f, 0.734514f, 0.734542f, 0.73457f, 0.734598f, 0.734626f, 0.734655f, 0.734683f, 0.734711f, 0.734739f, 0.734767f, 0.734795f, 0.734823f, 0.734851f, 0.734879f, 0.734907f, 0.734935f, 0.734963f,
-0.734992f, 0.73502f, 0.735048f, 0.735076f, 0.735104f, 0.735132f, 0.73516f, 0.735188f, 0.735216f, 0.735244f, 0.735272f, 0.7353f, 0.735328f, 0.735356f, 0.735384f, 0.735412f, 0.73544f, 0.735468f, 0.735496f, 0.735524f,
-0.735552f, 0.73558f, 0.735608f, 0.735636f, 0.735664f, 0.735692f, 0.73572f, 0.735748f, 0.735776f, 0.735804f, 0.735832f, 0.73586f, 0.735888f, 0.735916f, 0.735944f, 0.735972f, 0.736f, 0.736028f, 0.736056f, 0.736084f,
-0.736112f, 0.73614f, 0.736168f, 0.736196f, 0.736224f, 0.736252f, 0.73628f, 0.736308f, 0.736336f, 0.736364f, 0.736392f, 0.736419f, 0.736447f, 0.736475f, 0.736503f, 0.736531f, 0.736559f, 0.736587f, 0.736615f, 0.736643f,
-0.736671f, 0.736699f, 0.736727f, 0.736755f, 0.736782f, 0.73681f, 0.736838f, 0.736866f, 0.736894f, 0.736922f, 0.73695f, 0.736978f, 0.737006f, 0.737033f, 0.737061f, 0.737089f, 0.737117f, 0.737145f, 0.737173f, 0.737201f,
-0.737229f, 0.737256f, 0.737284f, 0.737312f, 0.73734f, 0.737368f, 0.737396f, 0.737424f, 0.737451f, 0.737479f, 0.737507f, 0.737535f, 0.737563f, 0.737591f, 0.737618f, 0.737646f, 0.737674f, 0.737702f, 0.73773f, 0.737757f,
-0.737785f, 0.737813f, 0.737841f, 0.737869f, 0.737897f, 0.737924f, 0.737952f, 0.73798f, 0.738008f, 0.738036f, 0.738063f, 0.738091f, 0.738119f, 0.738147f, 0.738174f, 0.738202f, 0.73823f, 0.738258f, 0.738286f, 0.738313f,
-0.738341f, 0.738369f, 0.738397f, 0.738424f, 0.738452f, 0.73848f, 0.738508f, 0.738535f, 0.738563f, 0.738591f, 0.738619f, 0.738646f, 0.738674f, 0.738702f, 0.738729f, 0.738757f, 0.738785f, 0.738813f, 0.73884f, 0.738868f,
-0.738896f, 0.738924f, 0.738951f, 0.738979f, 0.739007f, 0.739034f, 0.739062f, 0.73909f, 0.739117f, 0.739145f, 0.739173f, 0.7392f, 0.739228f, 0.739256f, 0.739284f, 0.739311f, 0.739339f, 0.739367f, 0.739394f, 0.739422f,
-0.73945f, 0.739477f, 0.739505f, 0.739533f, 0.73956f, 0.739588f, 0.739615f, 0.739643f, 0.739671f, 0.739698f, 0.739726f, 0.739754f, 0.739781f, 0.739809f, 0.739837f, 0.739864f, 0.739892f, 0.739919f, 0.739947f, 0.739975f,
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-0.740554f, 0.740582f, 0.740609f, 0.740637f, 0.740664f, 0.740692f, 0.740719f, 0.740747f, 0.740774f, 0.740802f, 0.74083f, 0.740857f, 0.740885f, 0.740912f, 0.74094f, 0.740967f, 0.740995f, 0.741022f, 0.74105f, 0.741077f,
-0.741105f, 0.741132f, 0.74116f, 0.741187f, 0.741215f, 0.741242f, 0.74127f, 0.741297f, 0.741325f, 0.741352f, 0.74138f, 0.741407f, 0.741435f, 0.741462f, 0.74149f, 0.741517f, 0.741545f, 0.741572f, 0.7416f, 0.741627f,
-0.741655f, 0.741682f, 0.741709f, 0.741737f, 0.741764f, 0.741792f, 0.741819f, 0.741847f, 0.741874f, 0.741902f, 0.741929f, 0.741957f, 0.741984f, 0.742011f, 0.742039f, 0.742066f, 0.742094f, 0.742121f, 0.742149f, 0.742176f,
-0.742203f, 0.742231f, 0.742258f, 0.742286f, 0.742313f, 0.74234f, 0.742368f, 0.742395f, 0.742423f, 0.74245f, 0.742477f, 0.742505f, 0.742532f, 0.742559f, 0.742587f, 0.742614f, 0.742642f, 0.742669f, 0.742696f, 0.742724f,
-0.742751f, 0.742778f, 0.742806f, 0.742833f, 0.742861f, 0.742888f, 0.742915f, 0.742943f, 0.74297f, 0.742997f, 0.743025f, 0.743052f, 0.743079f, 0.743107f, 0.743134f, 0.743161f, 0.743189f, 0.743216f, 0.743243f, 0.743271f,
-0.743298f, 0.743325f, 0.743353f, 0.74338f, 0.743407f, 0.743434f, 0.743462f, 0.743489f, 0.743516f, 0.743544f, 0.743571f, 0.743598f, 0.743625f, 0.743653f, 0.74368f, 0.743707f, 0.743735f, 0.743762f, 0.743789f, 0.743816f,
-0.743844f, 0.743871f, 0.743898f, 0.743925f, 0.743953f, 0.74398f, 0.744007f, 0.744034f, 0.744062f, 0.744089f, 0.744116f, 0.744143f, 0.744171f, 0.744198f, 0.744225f, 0.744252f, 0.74428f, 0.744307f, 0.744334f, 0.744361f,
-0.744388f, 0.744416f, 0.744443f, 0.74447f, 0.744497f, 0.744525f, 0.744552f, 0.744579f, 0.744606f, 0.744633f, 0.74466f, 0.744688f, 0.744715f, 0.744742f, 0.744769f, 0.744796f, 0.744824f, 0.744851f, 0.744878f, 0.744905f,
-0.744932f, 0.744959f, 0.744987f, 0.745014f, 0.745041f, 0.745068f, 0.745095f, 0.745122f, 0.74515f, 0.745177f, 0.745204f, 0.745231f, 0.745258f, 0.745285f, 0.745312f, 0.745339f, 0.745367f, 0.745394f, 0.745421f, 0.745448f,
-0.745475f, 0.745502f, 0.745529f, 0.745556f, 0.745584f, 0.745611f, 0.745638f, 0.745665f, 0.745692f, 0.745719f, 0.745746f, 0.745773f, 0.7458f, 0.745827f, 0.745854f, 0.745882f, 0.745909f, 0.745936f, 0.745963f, 0.74599f,
-0.746017f, 0.746044f, 0.746071f, 0.746098f, 0.746125f, 0.746152f, 0.746179f, 0.746206f, 0.746233f, 0.74626f, 0.746287f, 0.746315f, 0.746342f, 0.746369f, 0.746396f, 0.746423f, 0.74645f, 0.746477f, 0.746504f, 0.746531f,
-0.746558f, 0.746585f, 0.746612f, 0.746639f, 0.746666f, 0.746693f, 0.74672f, 0.746747f, 0.746774f, 0.746801f, 0.746828f, 0.746855f, 0.746882f, 0.746909f, 0.746936f, 0.746963f, 0.74699f, 0.747017f, 0.747044f, 0.747071f,
-0.747098f, 0.747125f, 0.747152f, 0.747179f, 0.747205f, 0.747232f, 0.747259f, 0.747286f, 0.747313f, 0.74734f, 0.747367f, 0.747394f, 0.747421f, 0.747448f, 0.747475f, 0.747502f, 0.747529f, 0.747556f, 0.747583f, 0.74761f,
-0.747637f, 0.747663f, 0.74769f, 0.747717f, 0.747744f, 0.747771f, 0.747798f, 0.747825f, 0.747852f, 0.747879f, 0.747906f, 0.747932f, 0.747959f, 0.747986f, 0.748013f, 0.74804f, 0.748067f, 0.748094f, 0.748121f, 0.748148f,
-0.748174f, 0.748201f, 0.748228f, 0.748255f, 0.748282f, 0.748309f, 0.748336f, 0.748362f, 0.748389f, 0.748416f, 0.748443f, 0.74847f, 0.748497f, 0.748524f, 0.74855f, 0.748577f, 0.748604f, 0.748631f, 0.748658f, 0.748685f,
-0.748711f, 0.748738f, 0.748765f, 0.748792f, 0.748819f, 0.748845f, 0.748872f, 0.748899f, 0.748926f, 0.748953f, 0.748979f, 0.749006f, 0.749033f, 0.74906f, 0.749087f, 0.749113f, 0.74914f, 0.749167f, 0.749194f, 0.74922f,
-0.749247f, 0.749274f, 0.749301f, 0.749328f, 0.749354f, 0.749381f, 0.749408f, 0.749435f, 0.749461f, 0.749488f, 0.749515f, 0.749542f, 0.749568f, 0.749595f, 0.749622f, 0.749649f, 0.749675f, 0.749702f, 0.749729f, 0.749755f,
-0.749782f, 0.749809f, 0.749836f, 0.749862f, 0.749889f, 0.749916f, 0.749943f, 0.749969f, 0.749996f, 0.750023f, 0.750049f, 0.750076f, 0.750103f, 0.750129f, 0.750156f, 0.750183f, 0.750209f, 0.750236f, 0.750263f, 0.75029f,
-0.750316f, 0.750343f, 0.75037f, 0.750396f, 0.750423f, 0.75045f, 0.750476f, 0.750503f, 0.75053f, 0.750556f, 0.750583f, 0.750609f, 0.750636f, 0.750663f, 0.750689f, 0.750716f, 0.750743f, 0.750769f, 0.750796f, 0.750823f,
-0.750849f, 0.750876f, 0.750902f, 0.750929f, 0.750956f, 0.750982f, 0.751009f, 0.751036f, 0.751062f, 0.751089f, 0.751115f, 0.751142f, 0.751169f, 0.751195f, 0.751222f, 0.751248f, 0.751275f, 0.751301f, 0.751328f, 0.751355f,
-0.751381f, 0.751408f, 0.751434f, 0.751461f, 0.751487f, 0.751514f, 0.751541f, 0.751567f, 0.751594f, 0.75162f, 0.751647f, 0.751673f, 0.7517f, 0.751727f, 0.751753f, 0.75178f, 0.751806f, 0.751833f, 0.751859f, 0.751886f,
-0.751912f, 0.751939f, 0.751965f, 0.751992f, 0.752018f, 0.752045f, 0.752071f, 0.752098f, 0.752124f, 0.752151f, 0.752177f, 0.752204f, 0.75223f, 0.752257f, 0.752283f, 0.75231f, 0.752336f, 0.752363f, 0.752389f, 0.752416f,
-0.752442f, 0.752469f, 0.752495f, 0.752522f, 0.752548f, 0.752575f, 0.752601f, 0.752628f, 0.752654f, 0.752681f, 0.752707f, 0.752733f, 0.75276f, 0.752786f, 0.752813f, 0.752839f, 0.752866f, 0.752892f, 0.752919f, 0.752945f,
-0.752971f, 0.752998f, 0.753024f, 0.753051f, 0.753077f, 0.753104f, 0.75313f, 0.753156f, 0.753183f, 0.753209f, 0.753236f, 0.753262f, 0.753288f, 0.753315f, 0.753341f, 0.753368f, 0.753394f, 0.75342f, 0.753447f, 0.753473f,
-0.7535f, 0.753526f, 0.753552f, 0.753579f, 0.753605f, 0.753631f, 0.753658f, 0.753684f, 0.753711f, 0.753737f, 0.753763f, 0.75379f, 0.753816f, 0.753842f, 0.753869f, 0.753895f, 0.753921f, 0.753948f, 0.753974f, 0.754f,
-0.754027f, 0.754053f, 0.754079f, 0.754106f, 0.754132f, 0.754158f, 0.754185f, 0.754211f, 0.754237f, 0.754264f, 0.75429f, 0.754316f, 0.754343f, 0.754369f, 0.754395f, 0.754421f, 0.754448f, 0.754474f, 0.7545f, 0.754527f,
-0.754553f, 0.754579f, 0.754605f, 0.754632f, 0.754658f, 0.754684f, 0.754711f, 0.754737f, 0.754763f, 0.754789f, 0.754816f, 0.754842f, 0.754868f, 0.754894f, 0.754921f, 0.754947f, 0.754973f, 0.754999f, 0.755026f, 0.755052f,
-0.755078f, 0.755104f, 0.755131f, 0.755157f, 0.755183f, 0.755209f, 0.755236f, 0.755262f, 0.755288f, 0.755314f, 0.75534f, 0.755367f, 0.755393f, 0.755419f, 0.755445f, 0.755471f, 0.755498f, 0.755524f, 0.75555f, 0.755576f,
-0.755602f, 0.755629f, 0.755655f, 0.755681f, 0.755707f, 0.755733f, 0.755759f, 0.755786f, 0.755812f, 0.755838f, 0.755864f, 0.75589f, 0.755916f, 0.755943f, 0.755969f, 0.755995f, 0.756021f, 0.756047f, 0.756073f, 0.7561f,
-0.756126f, 0.756152f, 0.756178f, 0.756204f, 0.75623f, 0.756256f, 0.756282f, 0.756309f, 0.756335f, 0.756361f, 0.756387f, 0.756413f, 0.756439f, 0.756465f, 0.756491f, 0.756517f, 0.756544f, 0.75657f, 0.756596f, 0.756622f,
-0.756648f, 0.756674f, 0.7567f, 0.756726f, 0.756752f, 0.756778f, 0.756804f, 0.756831f, 0.756857f, 0.756883f, 0.756909f, 0.756935f, 0.756961f, 0.756987f, 0.757013f, 0.757039f, 0.757065f, 0.757091f, 0.757117f, 0.757143f,
-0.757169f, 0.757195f, 0.757221f, 0.757247f, 0.757273f, 0.7573f, 0.757326f, 0.757352f, 0.757378f, 0.757404f, 0.75743f, 0.757456f, 0.757482f, 0.757508f, 0.757534f, 0.75756f, 0.757586f, 0.757612f, 0.757638f, 0.757664f,
-0.75769f, 0.757716f, 0.757742f, 0.757768f, 0.757794f, 0.75782f, 0.757846f, 0.757872f, 0.757898f, 0.757924f, 0.75795f, 0.757976f, 0.758002f, 0.758027f, 0.758053f, 0.758079f, 0.758105f, 0.758131f, 0.758157f, 0.758183f,
-0.758209f, 0.758235f, 0.758261f, 0.758287f, 0.758313f, 0.758339f, 0.758365f, 0.758391f, 0.758417f, 0.758443f, 0.758469f, 0.758494f, 0.75852f, 0.758546f, 0.758572f, 0.758598f, 0.758624f, 0.75865f, 0.758676f, 0.758702f,
-0.758728f, 0.758754f, 0.758779f, 0.758805f, 0.758831f, 0.758857f, 0.758883f, 0.758909f, 0.758935f, 0.758961f, 0.758987f, 0.759012f, 0.759038f, 0.759064f, 0.75909f, 0.759116f, 0.759142f, 0.759168f, 0.759193f, 0.759219f,
-0.759245f, 0.759271f, 0.759297f, 0.759323f, 0.759349f, 0.759374f, 0.7594f, 0.759426f, 0.759452f, 0.759478f, 0.759504f, 0.759529f, 0.759555f, 0.759581f, 0.759607f, 0.759633f, 0.759658f, 0.759684f, 0.75971f, 0.759736f,
-0.759762f, 0.759788f, 0.759813f, 0.759839f, 0.759865f, 0.759891f, 0.759916f, 0.759942f, 0.759968f, 0.759994f, 0.76002f, 0.760045f, 0.760071f, 0.760097f, 0.760123f, 0.760148f, 0.760174f, 0.7602f, 0.760226f, 0.760252f,
-0.760277f, 0.760303f, 0.760329f, 0.760355f, 0.76038f, 0.760406f, 0.760432f, 0.760458f, 0.760483f, 0.760509f, 0.760535f, 0.76056f, 0.760586f, 0.760612f, 0.760638f, 0.760663f, 0.760689f, 0.760715f, 0.760741f, 0.760766f,
-0.760792f, 0.760818f, 0.760843f, 0.760869f, 0.760895f, 0.76092f, 0.760946f, 0.760972f, 0.760998f, 0.761023f, 0.761049f, 0.761075f, 0.7611f, 0.761126f, 0.761152f, 0.761177f, 0.761203f, 0.761229f, 0.761254f, 0.76128f,
-0.761306f, 0.761331f, 0.761357f, 0.761383f, 0.761408f, 0.761434f, 0.76146f, 0.761485f, 0.761511f, 0.761536f, 0.761562f, 0.761588f, 0.761613f, 0.761639f, 0.761665f, 0.76169f, 0.761716f, 0.761742f, 0.761767f, 0.761793f,
-0.761818f, 0.761844f, 0.76187f, 0.761895f, 0.761921f, 0.761946f, 0.761972f, 0.761998f, 0.762023f, 0.762049f, 0.762074f, 0.7621f, 0.762126f, 0.762151f, 0.762177f, 0.762202f, 0.762228f, 0.762253f, 0.762279f, 0.762305f,
-0.76233f, 0.762356f, 0.762381f, 0.762407f, 0.762432f, 0.762458f, 0.762483f, 0.762509f, 0.762535f, 0.76256f, 0.762586f, 0.762611f, 0.762637f, 0.762662f, 0.762688f, 0.762713f, 0.762739f, 0.762764f, 0.76279f, 0.762815f,
-0.762841f, 0.762866f, 0.762892f, 0.762918f, 0.762943f, 0.762969f, 0.762994f, 0.76302f, 0.763045f, 0.763071f, 0.763096f, 0.763122f, 0.763147f, 0.763172f, 0.763198f, 0.763223f, 0.763249f, 0.763274f, 0.7633f, 0.763325f,
-0.763351f, 0.763376f, 0.763402f, 0.763427f, 0.763453f, 0.763478f, 0.763504f, 0.763529f, 0.763555f, 0.76358f, 0.763605f, 0.763631f, 0.763656f, 0.763682f, 0.763707f, 0.763733f, 0.763758f, 0.763783f, 0.763809f, 0.763834f,
-0.76386f, 0.763885f, 0.763911f, 0.763936f, 0.763961f, 0.763987f, 0.764012f, 0.764038f, 0.764063f, 0.764088f, 0.764114f, 0.764139f, 0.764165f, 0.76419f, 0.764215f, 0.764241f, 0.764266f, 0.764292f, 0.764317f, 0.764342f,
-0.764368f, 0.764393f, 0.764418f, 0.764444f, 0.764469f, 0.764495f, 0.76452f, 0.764545f, 0.764571f, 0.764596f, 0.764621f, 0.764647f, 0.764672f, 0.764697f, 0.764723f, 0.764748f, 0.764773f, 0.764799f, 0.764824f, 0.764849f,
-0.764875f, 0.7649f, 0.764925f, 0.764951f, 0.764976f, 0.765001f, 0.765027f, 0.765052f, 0.765077f, 0.765103f, 0.765128f, 0.765153f, 0.765179f, 0.765204f, 0.765229f, 0.765254f, 0.76528f, 0.765305f, 0.76533f, 0.765356f,
-0.765381f, 0.765406f, 0.765431f, 0.765457f, 0.765482f, 0.765507f, 0.765533f, 0.765558f, 0.765583f, 0.765608f, 0.765634f, 0.765659f, 0.765684f, 0.765709f, 0.765735f, 0.76576f, 0.765785f, 0.76581f, 0.765836f, 0.765861f,
-0.765886f, 0.765911f, 0.765936f, 0.765962f, 0.765987f, 0.766012f, 0.766037f, 0.766063f, 0.766088f, 0.766113f, 0.766138f, 0.766163f, 0.766189f, 0.766214f, 0.766239f, 0.766264f, 0.766289f, 0.766315f, 0.76634f, 0.766365f,
-0.76639f, 0.766415f, 0.766441f, 0.766466f, 0.766491f, 0.766516f, 0.766541f, 0.766566f, 0.766592f, 0.766617f, 0.766642f, 0.766667f, 0.766692f, 0.766717f, 0.766743f, 0.766768f, 0.766793f, 0.766818f, 0.766843f, 0.766868f,
-0.766893f, 0.766919f, 0.766944f, 0.766969f, 0.766994f, 0.767019f, 0.767044f, 0.767069f, 0.767094f, 0.76712f, 0.767145f, 0.76717f, 0.767195f, 0.76722f, 0.767245f, 0.76727f, 0.767295f, 0.76732f, 0.767346f, 0.767371f,
-0.767396f, 0.767421f, 0.767446f, 0.767471f, 0.767496f, 0.767521f, 0.767546f, 0.767571f, 0.767596f, 0.767622f, 0.767647f, 0.767672f, 0.767697f, 0.767722f, 0.767747f, 0.767772f, 0.767797f, 0.767822f, 0.767847f, 0.767872f,
-0.767897f, 0.767922f, 0.767947f, 0.767972f, 0.767997f, 0.768022f, 0.768047f, 0.768072f, 0.768097f, 0.768122f, 0.768147f, 0.768173f, 0.768198f, 0.768223f, 0.768248f, 0.768273f, 0.768298f, 0.768323f, 0.768348f, 0.768373f,
-0.768398f, 0.768423f, 0.768448f, 0.768473f, 0.768498f, 0.768523f, 0.768548f, 0.768573f, 0.768597f, 0.768622f, 0.768647f, 0.768672f, 0.768697f, 0.768722f, 0.768747f, 0.768772f, 0.768797f, 0.768822f, 0.768847f, 0.768872f,
-0.768897f, 0.768922f, 0.768947f, 0.768972f, 0.768997f, 0.769022f, 0.769047f, 0.769072f, 0.769097f, 0.769122f, 0.769146f, 0.769171f, 0.769196f, 0.769221f, 0.769246f, 0.769271f, 0.769296f, 0.769321f, 0.769346f, 0.769371f,
-0.769396f, 0.769421f, 0.769445f, 0.76947f, 0.769495f, 0.76952f, 0.769545f, 0.76957f, 0.769595f, 0.76962f, 0.769645f, 0.769669f, 0.769694f, 0.769719f, 0.769744f, 0.769769f, 0.769794f, 0.769819f, 0.769844f, 0.769868f,
-0.769893f, 0.769918f, 0.769943f, 0.769968f, 0.769993f, 0.770018f, 0.770042f, 0.770067f, 0.770092f, 0.770117f, 0.770142f, 0.770167f, 0.770191f, 0.770216f, 0.770241f, 0.770266f, 0.770291f, 0.770316f, 0.77034f, 0.770365f,
-0.77039f, 0.770415f, 0.77044f, 0.770464f, 0.770489f, 0.770514f, 0.770539f, 0.770564f, 0.770588f, 0.770613f, 0.770638f, 0.770663f, 0.770688f, 0.770712f, 0.770737f, 0.770762f, 0.770787f, 0.770811f, 0.770836f, 0.770861f,
-0.770886f, 0.77091f, 0.770935f, 0.77096f, 0.770985f, 0.771009f, 0.771034f, 0.771059f, 0.771084f, 0.771108f, 0.771133f, 0.771158f, 0.771183f, 0.771207f, 0.771232f, 0.771257f, 0.771282f, 0.771306f, 0.771331f, 0.771356f,
-0.771381f, 0.771405f, 0.77143f, 0.771455f, 0.771479f, 0.771504f, 0.771529f, 0.771553f, 0.771578f, 0.771603f, 0.771628f, 0.771652f, 0.771677f, 0.771702f, 0.771726f, 0.771751f, 0.771776f, 0.7718f, 0.771825f, 0.77185f,
-0.771874f, 0.771899f, 0.771924f, 0.771948f, 0.771973f, 0.771998f, 0.772022f, 0.772047f, 0.772072f, 0.772096f, 0.772121f, 0.772146f, 0.77217f, 0.772195f, 0.77222f, 0.772244f, 0.772269f, 0.772293f, 0.772318f, 0.772343f,
-0.772367f, 0.772392f, 0.772417f, 0.772441f, 0.772466f, 0.77249f, 0.772515f, 0.77254f, 0.772564f, 0.772589f, 0.772614f, 0.772638f, 0.772663f, 0.772687f, 0.772712f, 0.772736f, 0.772761f, 0.772786f, 0.77281f, 0.772835f,
-0.772859f, 0.772884f, 0.772909f, 0.772933f, 0.772958f, 0.772982f, 0.773007f, 0.773031f, 0.773056f, 0.773081f, 0.773105f, 0.77313f, 0.773154f, 0.773179f, 0.773203f, 0.773228f, 0.773252f, 0.773277f, 0.773301f, 0.773326f,
-0.773351f, 0.773375f, 0.7734f, 0.773424f, 0.773449f, 0.773473f, 0.773498f, 0.773522f, 0.773547f, 0.773571f, 0.773596f, 0.77362f, 0.773645f, 0.773669f, 0.773694f, 0.773718f, 0.773743f, 0.773767f, 0.773792f, 0.773816f,
-0.773841f, 0.773865f, 0.77389f, 0.773914f, 0.773939f, 0.773963f, 0.773988f, 0.774012f, 0.774037f, 0.774061f, 0.774085f, 0.77411f, 0.774134f, 0.774159f, 0.774183f, 0.774208f, 0.774232f, 0.774257f, 0.774281f, 0.774306f,
-0.77433f, 0.774354f, 0.774379f, 0.774403f, 0.774428f, 0.774452f, 0.774477f, 0.774501f, 0.774525f, 0.77455f, 0.774574f, 0.774599f, 0.774623f, 0.774647f, 0.774672f, 0.774696f, 0.774721f, 0.774745f, 0.77477f, 0.774794f,
-0.774818f, 0.774843f, 0.774867f, 0.774891f, 0.774916f, 0.77494f, 0.774965f, 0.774989f, 0.775013f, 0.775038f, 0.775062f, 0.775086f, 0.775111f, 0.775135f, 0.77516f, 0.775184f, 0.775208f, 0.775233f, 0.775257f, 0.775281f,
-0.775306f, 0.77533f, 0.775354f, 0.775379f, 0.775403f, 0.775427f, 0.775452f, 0.775476f, 0.7755f, 0.775525f, 0.775549f, 0.775573f, 0.775598f, 0.775622f, 0.775646f, 0.775671f, 0.775695f, 0.775719f, 0.775744f, 0.775768f,
-0.775792f, 0.775816f, 0.775841f, 0.775865f, 0.775889f, 0.775914f, 0.775938f, 0.775962f, 0.775987f, 0.776011f, 0.776035f, 0.776059f, 0.776084f, 0.776108f, 0.776132f, 0.776156f, 0.776181f, 0.776205f, 0.776229f, 0.776253f,
-0.776278f, 0.776302f, 0.776326f, 0.776351f, 0.776375f, 0.776399f, 0.776423f, 0.776447f, 0.776472f, 0.776496f, 0.77652f, 0.776544f, 0.776569f, 0.776593f, 0.776617f, 0.776641f, 0.776666f, 0.77669f, 0.776714f, 0.776738f,
-0.776762f, 0.776787f, 0.776811f, 0.776835f, 0.776859f, 0.776883f, 0.776908f, 0.776932f, 0.776956f, 0.77698f, 0.777004f, 0.777029f, 0.777053f, 0.777077f, 0.777101f, 0.777125f, 0.777149f, 0.777174f, 0.777198f, 0.777222f,
-0.777246f, 0.77727f, 0.777294f, 0.777319f, 0.777343f, 0.777367f, 0.777391f, 0.777415f, 0.777439f, 0.777464f, 0.777488f, 0.777512f, 0.777536f, 0.77756f, 0.777584f, 0.777608f, 0.777632f, 0.777657f, 0.777681f, 0.777705f,
-0.777729f, 0.777753f, 0.777777f, 0.777801f, 0.777825f, 0.777849f, 0.777874f, 0.777898f, 0.777922f, 0.777946f, 0.77797f, 0.777994f, 0.778018f, 0.778042f, 0.778066f, 0.77809f, 0.778115f, 0.778139f, 0.778163f, 0.778187f,
-0.778211f, 0.778235f, 0.778259f, 0.778283f, 0.778307f, 0.778331f, 0.778355f, 0.778379f, 0.778403f, 0.778427f, 0.778451f, 0.778475f, 0.7785f, 0.778524f, 0.778548f, 0.778572f, 0.778596f, 0.77862f, 0.778644f, 0.778668f,
-0.778692f, 0.778716f, 0.77874f, 0.778764f, 0.778788f, 0.778812f, 0.778836f, 0.77886f, 0.778884f, 0.778908f, 0.778932f, 0.778956f, 0.77898f, 0.779004f, 0.779028f, 0.779052f, 0.779076f, 0.7791f, 0.779124f, 0.779148f,
-0.779172f, 0.779196f, 0.77922f, 0.779244f, 0.779268f, 0.779292f, 0.779316f, 0.77934f, 0.779364f, 0.779388f, 0.779412f, 0.779436f, 0.779459f, 0.779483f, 0.779507f, 0.779531f, 0.779555f, 0.779579f, 0.779603f, 0.779627f,
-0.779651f, 0.779675f, 0.779699f, 0.779723f, 0.779747f, 0.779771f, 0.779795f, 0.779819f, 0.779842f, 0.779866f, 0.77989f, 0.779914f, 0.779938f, 0.779962f, 0.779986f, 0.78001f, 0.780034f, 0.780058f, 0.780081f, 0.780105f,
-0.780129f, 0.780153f, 0.780177f, 0.780201f, 0.780225f, 0.780249f, 0.780273f, 0.780296f, 0.78032f, 0.780344f, 0.780368f, 0.780392f, 0.780416f, 0.78044f, 0.780464f, 0.780487f, 0.780511f, 0.780535f, 0.780559f, 0.780583f,
-0.780607f, 0.78063f, 0.780654f, 0.780678f, 0.780702f, 0.780726f, 0.78075f, 0.780773f, 0.780797f, 0.780821f, 0.780845f, 0.780869f, 0.780893f, 0.780916f, 0.78094f, 0.780964f, 0.780988f, 0.781012f, 0.781035f, 0.781059f,
-0.781083f, 0.781107f, 0.781131f, 0.781154f, 0.781178f, 0.781202f, 0.781226f, 0.78125f, 0.781273f, 0.781297f, 0.781321f, 0.781345f, 0.781368f, 0.781392f, 0.781416f, 0.78144f, 0.781464f, 0.781487f, 0.781511f, 0.781535f,
-0.781559f, 0.781582f, 0.781606f, 0.78163f, 0.781654f, 0.781677f, 0.781701f, 0.781725f, 0.781749f, 0.781772f, 0.781796f, 0.78182f, 0.781843f, 0.781867f, 0.781891f, 0.781915f, 0.781938f, 0.781962f, 0.781986f, 0.782009f,
-0.782033f, 0.782057f, 0.782081f, 0.782104f, 0.782128f, 0.782152f, 0.782175f, 0.782199f, 0.782223f, 0.782246f, 0.78227f, 0.782294f, 0.782317f, 0.782341f, 0.782365f, 0.782389f, 0.782412f, 0.782436f, 0.78246f, 0.782483f,
-0.782507f, 0.782531f, 0.782554f, 0.782578f, 0.782602f, 0.782625f, 0.782649f, 0.782672f, 0.782696f, 0.78272f, 0.782743f, 0.782767f, 0.782791f, 0.782814f, 0.782838f, 0.782862f, 0.782885f, 0.782909f, 0.782932f, 0.782956f,
-0.78298f, 0.783003f, 0.783027f, 0.783051f, 0.783074f, 0.783098f, 0.783121f, 0.783145f, 0.783169f, 0.783192f, 0.783216f, 0.783239f, 0.783263f, 0.783287f, 0.78331f, 0.783334f, 0.783357f, 0.783381f, 0.783404f, 0.783428f,
-0.783452f, 0.783475f, 0.783499f, 0.783522f, 0.783546f, 0.783569f, 0.783593f, 0.783617f, 0.78364f, 0.783664f, 0.783687f, 0.783711f, 0.783734f, 0.783758f, 0.783781f, 0.783805f, 0.783828f, 0.783852f, 0.783876f, 0.783899f,
-0.783923f, 0.783946f, 0.78397f, 0.783993f, 0.784017f, 0.78404f, 0.784064f, 0.784087f, 0.784111f, 0.784134f, 0.784158f, 0.784181f, 0.784205f, 0.784228f, 0.784252f, 0.784275f, 0.784299f, 0.784322f, 0.784346f, 0.784369f,
-0.784393f, 0.784416f, 0.78444f, 0.784463f, 0.784487f, 0.78451f, 0.784534f, 0.784557f, 0.78458f, 0.784604f, 0.784627f, 0.784651f, 0.784674f, 0.784698f, 0.784721f, 0.784745f, 0.784768f, 0.784792f, 0.784815f, 0.784838f,
-0.784862f, 0.784885f, 0.784909f, 0.784932f, 0.784956f, 0.784979f, 0.785002f, 0.785026f, 0.785049f, 0.785073f, 0.785096f, 0.78512f, 0.785143f, 0.785166f, 0.78519f, 0.785213f, 0.785237f, 0.78526f, 0.785283f, 0.785307f,
-0.78533f, 0.785354f, 0.785377f, 0.7854f, 0.785424f, 0.785447f, 0.78547f, 0.785494f, 0.785517f, 0.785541f, 0.785564f, 0.785587f, 0.785611f, 0.785634f, 0.785657f, 0.785681f, 0.785704f, 0.785728f, 0.785751f, 0.785774f,
-0.785798f, 0.785821f, 0.785844f, 0.785868f, 0.785891f, 0.785914f, 0.785938f, 0.785961f, 0.785984f, 0.786008f, 0.786031f, 0.786054f, 0.786078f, 0.786101f, 0.786124f, 0.786148f, 0.786171f, 0.786194f, 0.786217f, 0.786241f,
-0.786264f, 0.786287f, 0.786311f, 0.786334f, 0.786357f, 0.786381f, 0.786404f, 0.786427f, 0.78645f, 0.786474f, 0.786497f, 0.78652f, 0.786544f, 0.786567f, 0.78659f, 0.786613f, 0.786637f, 0.78666f, 0.786683f, 0.786706f,
-0.78673f, 0.786753f, 0.786776f, 0.786799f, 0.786823f, 0.786846f, 0.786869f, 0.786892f, 0.786916f, 0.786939f, 0.786962f, 0.786985f, 0.787009f, 0.787032f, 0.787055f, 0.787078f, 0.787102f, 0.787125f, 0.787148f, 0.787171f,
-0.787194f, 0.787218f, 0.787241f, 0.787264f, 0.787287f, 0.78731f, 0.787334f, 0.787357f, 0.78738f, 0.787403f, 0.787426f, 0.78745f, 0.787473f, 0.787496f, 0.787519f, 0.787542f, 0.787566f, 0.787589f, 0.787612f, 0.787635f,
-0.787658f, 0.787681f, 0.787705f, 0.787728f, 0.787751f, 0.787774f, 0.787797f, 0.78782f, 0.787844f, 0.787867f, 0.78789f, 0.787913f, 0.787936f, 0.787959f, 0.787982f, 0.788006f, 0.788029f, 0.788052f, 0.788075f, 0.788098f,
-0.788121f, 0.788144f, 0.788167f, 0.788191f, 0.788214f, 0.788237f, 0.78826f, 0.788283f, 0.788306f, 0.788329f, 0.788352f, 0.788375f, 0.788398f, 0.788422f, 0.788445f, 0.788468f, 0.788491f, 0.788514f, 0.788537f, 0.78856f,
-0.788583f, 0.788606f, 0.788629f, 0.788652f, 0.788675f, 0.788699f, 0.788722f, 0.788745f, 0.788768f, 0.788791f, 0.788814f, 0.788837f, 0.78886f, 0.788883f, 0.788906f, 0.788929f, 0.788952f, 0.788975f, 0.788998f, 0.789021f,
-0.789044f, 0.789067f, 0.78909f, 0.789113f, 0.789136f, 0.78916f, 0.789183f, 0.789206f, 0.789229f, 0.789252f, 0.789275f, 0.789298f, 0.789321f, 0.789344f, 0.789367f, 0.78939f, 0.789413f, 0.789436f, 0.789459f, 0.789482f,
-0.789505f, 0.789528f, 0.789551f, 0.789574f, 0.789597f, 0.78962f, 0.789643f, 0.789666f, 0.789688f, 0.789711f, 0.789734f, 0.789757f, 0.78978f, 0.789803f, 0.789826f, 0.789849f, 0.789872f, 0.789895f, 0.789918f, 0.789941f,
-0.789964f, 0.789987f, 0.79001f, 0.790033f, 0.790056f, 0.790079f, 0.790102f, 0.790125f, 0.790148f, 0.79017f, 0.790193f, 0.790216f, 0.790239f, 0.790262f, 0.790285f, 0.790308f, 0.790331f, 0.790354f, 0.790377f, 0.7904f,
-0.790422f, 0.790445f, 0.790468f, 0.790491f, 0.790514f, 0.790537f, 0.79056f, 0.790583f, 0.790606f, 0.790629f, 0.790651f, 0.790674f, 0.790697f, 0.79072f, 0.790743f, 0.790766f, 0.790789f, 0.790812f, 0.790834f, 0.790857f,
-0.79088f, 0.790903f, 0.790926f, 0.790949f, 0.790972f, 0.790994f, 0.791017f, 0.79104f, 0.791063f, 0.791086f, 0.791109f, 0.791131f, 0.791154f, 0.791177f, 0.7912f, 0.791223f, 0.791246f, 0.791268f, 0.791291f, 0.791314f,
-0.791337f, 0.79136f, 0.791382f, 0.791405f, 0.791428f, 0.791451f, 0.791474f, 0.791496f, 0.791519f, 0.791542f, 0.791565f, 0.791588f, 0.79161f, 0.791633f, 0.791656f, 0.791679f, 0.791702f, 0.791724f, 0.791747f, 0.79177f,
-0.791793f, 0.791815f, 0.791838f, 0.791861f, 0.791884f, 0.791907f, 0.791929f, 0.791952f, 0.791975f, 0.791998f, 0.79202f, 0.792043f, 0.792066f, 0.792089f, 0.792111f, 0.792134f, 0.792157f, 0.792179f, 0.792202f, 0.792225f,
-0.792248f, 0.79227f, 0.792293f, 0.792316f, 0.792339f, 0.792361f, 0.792384f, 0.792407f, 0.792429f, 0.792452f, 0.792475f, 0.792498f, 0.79252f, 0.792543f, 0.792566f, 0.792588f, 0.792611f, 0.792634f, 0.792656f, 0.792679f,
-0.792702f, 0.792724f, 0.792747f, 0.79277f, 0.792792f, 0.792815f, 0.792838f, 0.79286f, 0.792883f, 0.792906f, 0.792928f, 0.792951f, 0.792974f, 0.792996f, 0.793019f, 0.793042f, 0.793064f, 0.793087f, 0.79311f, 0.793132f,
-0.793155f, 0.793178f, 0.7932f, 0.793223f, 0.793245f, 0.793268f, 0.793291f, 0.793313f, 0.793336f, 0.793359f, 0.793381f, 0.793404f, 0.793426f, 0.793449f, 0.793472f, 0.793494f, 0.793517f, 0.793539f, 0.793562f, 0.793585f,
-0.793607f, 0.79363f, 0.793652f, 0.793675f, 0.793698f, 0.79372f, 0.793743f, 0.793765f, 0.793788f, 0.793811f, 0.793833f, 0.793856f, 0.793878f, 0.793901f, 0.793923f, 0.793946f, 0.793969f, 0.793991f, 0.794014f, 0.794036f,
-0.794059f, 0.794081f, 0.794104f, 0.794126f, 0.794149f, 0.794171f, 0.794194f, 0.794217f, 0.794239f, 0.794262f, 0.794284f, 0.794307f, 0.794329f, 0.794352f, 0.794374f, 0.794397f, 0.794419f, 0.794442f, 0.794464f, 0.794487f,
-0.794509f, 0.794532f, 0.794554f, 0.794577f, 0.794599f, 0.794622f, 0.794644f, 0.794667f, 0.794689f, 0.794712f, 0.794734f, 0.794757f, 0.794779f, 0.794802f, 0.794824f, 0.794847f, 0.794869f, 0.794892f, 0.794914f, 0.794937f,
-0.794959f, 0.794982f, 0.795004f, 0.795026f, 0.795049f, 0.795071f, 0.795094f, 0.795116f, 0.795139f, 0.795161f, 0.795184f, 0.795206f, 0.795228f, 0.795251f, 0.795273f, 0.795296f, 0.795318f, 0.795341f, 0.795363f, 0.795385f,
-0.795408f, 0.79543f, 0.795453f, 0.795475f, 0.795498f, 0.79552f, 0.795542f, 0.795565f, 0.795587f, 0.79561f, 0.795632f, 0.795654f, 0.795677f, 0.795699f, 0.795722f, 0.795744f, 0.795766f, 0.795789f, 0.795811f, 0.795833f,
-0.795856f, 0.795878f, 0.795901f, 0.795923f, 0.795945f, 0.795968f, 0.79599f, 0.796012f, 0.796035f, 0.796057f, 0.79608f, 0.796102f, 0.796124f, 0.796147f, 0.796169f, 0.796191f, 0.796214f, 0.796236f, 0.796258f, 0.796281f,
-0.796303f, 0.796325f, 0.796348f, 0.79637f, 0.796392f, 0.796415f, 0.796437f, 0.796459f, 0.796482f, 0.796504f, 0.796526f, 0.796548f, 0.796571f, 0.796593f, 0.796615f, 0.796638f, 0.79666f, 0.796682f, 0.796705f, 0.796727f,
-0.796749f, 0.796771f, 0.796794f, 0.796816f, 0.796838f, 0.796861f, 0.796883f, 0.796905f, 0.796927f, 0.79695f, 0.796972f, 0.796994f, 0.797016f, 0.797039f, 0.797061f, 0.797083f, 0.797106f, 0.797128f, 0.79715f, 0.797172f,
-0.797195f, 0.797217f, 0.797239f, 0.797261f, 0.797284f, 0.797306f, 0.797328f, 0.79735f, 0.797372f, 0.797395f, 0.797417f, 0.797439f, 0.797461f, 0.797484f, 0.797506f, 0.797528f, 0.79755f, 0.797572f, 0.797595f, 0.797617f,
-0.797639f, 0.797661f, 0.797683f, 0.797706f, 0.797728f, 0.79775f, 0.797772f, 0.797794f, 0.797817f, 0.797839f, 0.797861f, 0.797883f, 0.797905f, 0.797927f, 0.79795f, 0.797972f, 0.797994f, 0.798016f, 0.798038f, 0.798061f,
-0.798083f, 0.798105f, 0.798127f, 0.798149f, 0.798171f, 0.798193f, 0.798216f, 0.798238f, 0.79826f, 0.798282f, 0.798304f, 0.798326f, 0.798348f, 0.798371f, 0.798393f, 0.798415f, 0.798437f, 0.798459f, 0.798481f, 0.798503f,
-0.798525f, 0.798548f, 0.79857f, 0.798592f, 0.798614f, 0.798636f, 0.798658f, 0.79868f, 0.798702f, 0.798724f, 0.798746f, 0.798769f, 0.798791f, 0.798813f, 0.798835f, 0.798857f, 0.798879f, 0.798901f, 0.798923f, 0.798945f,
-0.798967f, 0.798989f, 0.799011f, 0.799034f, 0.799056f, 0.799078f, 0.7991f, 0.799122f, 0.799144f, 0.799166f, 0.799188f, 0.79921f, 0.799232f, 0.799254f, 0.799276f, 0.799298f, 0.79932f, 0.799342f, 0.799364f, 0.799386f,
-0.799408f, 0.79943f, 0.799452f, 0.799474f, 0.799496f, 0.799519f, 0.799541f, 0.799563f, 0.799585f, 0.799607f, 0.799629f, 0.799651f, 0.799673f, 0.799695f, 0.799717f, 0.799739f, 0.799761f, 0.799783f, 0.799805f, 0.799827f,
-0.799849f, 0.799871f, 0.799893f, 0.799915f, 0.799937f, 0.799958f, 0.79998f, 0.800002f, 0.800024f, 0.800046f, 0.800068f, 0.80009f, 0.800112f, 0.800134f, 0.800156f, 0.800178f, 0.8002f, 0.800222f, 0.800244f, 0.800266f,
-0.800288f, 0.80031f, 0.800332f, 0.800354f, 0.800376f, 0.800398f, 0.80042f, 0.800441f, 0.800463f, 0.800485f, 0.800507f, 0.800529f, 0.800551f, 0.800573f, 0.800595f, 0.800617f, 0.800639f, 0.800661f, 0.800683f, 0.800704f,
-0.800726f, 0.800748f, 0.80077f, 0.800792f, 0.800814f, 0.800836f, 0.800858f, 0.80088f, 0.800902f, 0.800923f, 0.800945f, 0.800967f, 0.800989f, 0.801011f, 0.801033f, 0.801055f, 0.801077f, 0.801098f, 0.80112f, 0.801142f,
-0.801164f, 0.801186f, 0.801208f, 0.80123f, 0.801251f, 0.801273f, 0.801295f, 0.801317f, 0.801339f, 0.801361f, 0.801382f, 0.801404f, 0.801426f, 0.801448f, 0.80147f, 0.801492f, 0.801513f, 0.801535f, 0.801557f, 0.801579f,
-0.801601f, 0.801623f, 0.801644f, 0.801666f, 0.801688f, 0.80171f, 0.801732f, 0.801753f, 0.801775f, 0.801797f, 0.801819f, 0.801841f, 0.801862f, 0.801884f, 0.801906f, 0.801928f, 0.80195f, 0.801971f, 0.801993f, 0.802015f,
-0.802037f, 0.802058f, 0.80208f, 0.802102f, 0.802124f, 0.802145f, 0.802167f, 0.802189f, 0.802211f, 0.802233f, 0.802254f, 0.802276f, 0.802298f, 0.80232f, 0.802341f, 0.802363f, 0.802385f, 0.802406f, 0.802428f, 0.80245f,
-0.802472f, 0.802493f, 0.802515f, 0.802537f, 0.802559f, 0.80258f, 0.802602f, 0.802624f, 0.802645f, 0.802667f, 0.802689f, 0.802711f, 0.802732f, 0.802754f, 0.802776f, 0.802797f, 0.802819f, 0.802841f, 0.802863f, 0.802884f,
-0.802906f, 0.802928f, 0.802949f, 0.802971f, 0.802993f, 0.803014f, 0.803036f, 0.803058f, 0.803079f, 0.803101f, 0.803123f, 0.803144f, 0.803166f, 0.803188f, 0.803209f, 0.803231f, 0.803253f, 0.803274f, 0.803296f, 0.803318f,
-0.803339f, 0.803361f, 0.803383f, 0.803404f, 0.803426f, 0.803447f, 0.803469f, 0.803491f, 0.803512f, 0.803534f, 0.803556f, 0.803577f, 0.803599f, 0.80362f, 0.803642f, 0.803664f, 0.803685f, 0.803707f, 0.803729f, 0.80375f,
-0.803772f, 0.803793f, 0.803815f, 0.803837f, 0.803858f, 0.80388f, 0.803901f, 0.803923f, 0.803945f, 0.803966f, 0.803988f, 0.804009f, 0.804031f, 0.804052f, 0.804074f, 0.804096f, 0.804117f, 0.804139f, 0.80416f, 0.804182f,
-0.804203f, 0.804225f, 0.804247f, 0.804268f, 0.80429f, 0.804311f, 0.804333f, 0.804354f, 0.804376f, 0.804397f, 0.804419f, 0.80444f, 0.804462f, 0.804484f, 0.804505f, 0.804527f, 0.804548f, 0.80457f, 0.804591f, 0.804613f,
-0.804634f, 0.804656f, 0.804677f, 0.804699f, 0.80472f, 0.804742f, 0.804763f, 0.804785f, 0.804806f, 0.804828f, 0.804849f, 0.804871f, 0.804892f, 0.804914f, 0.804935f, 0.804957f, 0.804978f, 0.805f, 0.805021f, 0.805043f,
-0.805064f, 0.805086f, 0.805107f, 0.805129f, 0.80515f, 0.805172f, 0.805193f, 0.805214f, 0.805236f, 0.805257f, 0.805279f, 0.8053f, 0.805322f, 0.805343f, 0.805365f, 0.805386f, 0.805408f, 0.805429f, 0.80545f, 0.805472f,
-0.805493f, 0.805515f, 0.805536f, 0.805558f, 0.805579f, 0.8056f, 0.805622f, 0.805643f, 0.805665f, 0.805686f, 0.805708f, 0.805729f, 0.80575f, 0.805772f, 0.805793f, 0.805815f, 0.805836f, 0.805857f, 0.805879f, 0.8059f,
-0.805922f, 0.805943f, 0.805964f, 0.805986f, 0.806007f, 0.806028f, 0.80605f, 0.806071f, 0.806093f, 0.806114f, 0.806135f, 0.806157f, 0.806178f, 0.806199f, 0.806221f, 0.806242f, 0.806264f, 0.806285f, 0.806306f, 0.806328f,
-0.806349f, 0.80637f, 0.806392f, 0.806413f, 0.806434f, 0.806456f, 0.806477f, 0.806498f, 0.80652f, 0.806541f, 0.806562f, 0.806584f, 0.806605f, 0.806626f, 0.806648f, 0.806669f, 0.80669f, 0.806712f, 0.806733f, 0.806754f,
-0.806776f, 0.806797f, 0.806818f, 0.806839f, 0.806861f, 0.806882f, 0.806903f, 0.806925f, 0.806946f, 0.806967f, 0.806989f, 0.80701f, 0.807031f, 0.807052f, 0.807074f, 0.807095f, 0.807116f, 0.807138f, 0.807159f, 0.80718f,
-0.807201f, 0.807223f, 0.807244f, 0.807265f, 0.807286f, 0.807308f, 0.807329f, 0.80735f, 0.807371f, 0.807393f, 0.807414f, 0.807435f, 0.807456f, 0.807478f, 0.807499f, 0.80752f, 0.807541f, 0.807563f, 0.807584f, 0.807605f,
-0.807626f, 0.807647f, 0.807669f, 0.80769f, 0.807711f, 0.807732f, 0.807754f, 0.807775f, 0.807796f, 0.807817f, 0.807838f, 0.80786f, 0.807881f, 0.807902f, 0.807923f, 0.807944f, 0.807966f, 0.807987f, 0.808008f, 0.808029f,
-0.80805f, 0.808071f, 0.808093f, 0.808114f, 0.808135f, 0.808156f, 0.808177f, 0.808199f, 0.80822f, 0.808241f, 0.808262f, 0.808283f, 0.808304f, 0.808326f, 0.808347f, 0.808368f, 0.808389f, 0.80841f, 0.808431f, 0.808452f,
-0.808474f, 0.808495f, 0.808516f, 0.808537f, 0.808558f, 0.808579f, 0.8086f, 0.808621f, 0.808643f, 0.808664f, 0.808685f, 0.808706f, 0.808727f, 0.808748f, 0.808769f, 0.80879f, 0.808812f, 0.808833f, 0.808854f, 0.808875f,
-0.808896f, 0.808917f, 0.808938f, 0.808959f, 0.80898f, 0.809001f, 0.809023f, 0.809044f, 0.809065f, 0.809086f, 0.809107f, 0.809128f, 0.809149f, 0.80917f, 0.809191f, 0.809212f, 0.809233f, 0.809254f, 0.809275f, 0.809296f,
-0.809318f, 0.809339f, 0.80936f, 0.809381f, 0.809402f, 0.809423f, 0.809444f, 0.809465f, 0.809486f, 0.809507f, 0.809528f, 0.809549f, 0.80957f, 0.809591f, 0.809612f, 0.809633f, 0.809654f, 0.809675f, 0.809696f, 0.809717f,
-0.809738f, 0.809759f, 0.80978f, 0.809801f, 0.809822f, 0.809843f, 0.809864f, 0.809885f, 0.809906f, 0.809927f, 0.809948f, 0.809969f, 0.80999f, 0.810011f, 0.810032f, 0.810053f, 0.810074f, 0.810095f, 0.810116f, 0.810137f,
-0.810158f, 0.810179f, 0.8102f, 0.810221f, 0.810242f, 0.810263f, 0.810284f, 0.810305f, 0.810326f, 0.810347f, 0.810368f, 0.810389f, 0.81041f, 0.810431f, 0.810452f, 0.810473f, 0.810493f, 0.810514f, 0.810535f, 0.810556f,
-0.810577f, 0.810598f, 0.810619f, 0.81064f, 0.810661f, 0.810682f, 0.810703f, 0.810724f, 0.810745f, 0.810766f, 0.810786f, 0.810807f, 0.810828f, 0.810849f, 0.81087f, 0.810891f, 0.810912f, 0.810933f, 0.810954f, 0.810975f,
-0.810995f, 0.811016f, 0.811037f, 0.811058f, 0.811079f, 0.8111f, 0.811121f, 0.811142f, 0.811163f, 0.811183f, 0.811204f, 0.811225f, 0.811246f, 0.811267f, 0.811288f, 0.811309f, 0.81133f, 0.81135f, 0.811371f, 0.811392f,
-0.811413f, 0.811434f, 0.811455f, 0.811475f, 0.811496f, 0.811517f, 0.811538f, 0.811559f, 0.81158f, 0.8116f, 0.811621f, 0.811642f, 0.811663f, 0.811684f, 0.811705f, 0.811725f, 0.811746f, 0.811767f, 0.811788f, 0.811809f,
-0.81183f, 0.81185f, 0.811871f, 0.811892f, 0.811913f, 0.811934f, 0.811954f, 0.811975f, 0.811996f, 0.812017f, 0.812038f, 0.812058f, 0.812079f, 0.8121f, 0.812121f, 0.812141f, 0.812162f, 0.812183f, 0.812204f, 0.812225f,
-0.812245f, 0.812266f, 0.812287f, 0.812308f, 0.812328f, 0.812349f, 0.81237f, 0.812391f, 0.812411f, 0.812432f, 0.812453f, 0.812474f, 0.812494f, 0.812515f, 0.812536f, 0.812557f, 0.812577f, 0.812598f, 0.812619f, 0.81264f,
-0.81266f, 0.812681f, 0.812702f, 0.812722f, 0.812743f, 0.812764f, 0.812785f, 0.812805f, 0.812826f, 0.812847f, 0.812867f, 0.812888f, 0.812909f, 0.81293f, 0.81295f, 0.812971f, 0.812992f, 0.813012f, 0.813033f, 0.813054f,
-0.813074f, 0.813095f, 0.813116f, 0.813136f, 0.813157f, 0.813178f, 0.813198f, 0.813219f, 0.81324f, 0.81326f, 0.813281f, 0.813302f, 0.813322f, 0.813343f, 0.813364f, 0.813384f, 0.813405f, 0.813426f, 0.813446f, 0.813467f,
-0.813488f, 0.813508f, 0.813529f, 0.81355f, 0.81357f, 0.813591f, 0.813612f, 0.813632f, 0.813653f, 0.813673f, 0.813694f, 0.813715f, 0.813735f, 0.813756f, 0.813776f, 0.813797f, 0.813818f, 0.813838f, 0.813859f, 0.81388f,
-0.8139f, 0.813921f, 0.813941f, 0.813962f, 0.813983f, 0.814003f, 0.814024f, 0.814044f, 0.814065f, 0.814086f, 0.814106f, 0.814127f, 0.814147f, 0.814168f, 0.814188f, 0.814209f, 0.81423f, 0.81425f, 0.814271f, 0.814291f,
-0.814312f, 0.814332f, 0.814353f, 0.814373f, 0.814394f, 0.814415f, 0.814435f, 0.814456f, 0.814476f, 0.814497f, 0.814517f, 0.814538f, 0.814558f, 0.814579f, 0.814599f, 0.81462f, 0.814641f, 0.814661f, 0.814682f, 0.814702f,
-0.814723f, 0.814743f, 0.814764f, 0.814784f, 0.814805f, 0.814825f, 0.814846f, 0.814866f, 0.814887f, 0.814907f, 0.814928f, 0.814948f, 0.814969f, 0.814989f, 0.81501f, 0.81503f, 0.815051f, 0.815071f, 0.815092f, 0.815112f,
-0.815133f, 0.815153f, 0.815174f, 0.815194f, 0.815215f, 0.815235f, 0.815256f, 0.815276f, 0.815296f, 0.815317f, 0.815337f, 0.815358f, 0.815378f, 0.815399f, 0.815419f, 0.81544f, 0.81546f, 0.815481f, 0.815501f, 0.815521f,
-0.815542f, 0.815562f, 0.815583f, 0.815603f, 0.815624f, 0.815644f, 0.815665f, 0.815685f, 0.815705f, 0.815726f, 0.815746f, 0.815767f, 0.815787f, 0.815807f, 0.815828f, 0.815848f, 0.815869f, 0.815889f, 0.81591f, 0.81593f,
-0.81595f, 0.815971f, 0.815991f, 0.816012f, 0.816032f, 0.816052f, 0.816073f, 0.816093f, 0.816113f, 0.816134f, 0.816154f, 0.816175f, 0.816195f, 0.816215f, 0.816236f, 0.816256f, 0.816276f, 0.816297f, 0.816317f, 0.816338f,
-0.816358f, 0.816378f, 0.816399f, 0.816419f, 0.816439f, 0.81646f, 0.81648f, 0.8165f, 0.816521f, 0.816541f, 0.816561f, 0.816582f, 0.816602f, 0.816622f, 0.816643f, 0.816663f, 0.816683f, 0.816704f, 0.816724f, 0.816744f,
-0.816765f, 0.816785f, 0.816805f, 0.816826f, 0.816846f, 0.816866f, 0.816887f, 0.816907f, 0.816927f, 0.816947f, 0.816968f, 0.816988f, 0.817008f, 0.817029f, 0.817049f, 0.817069f, 0.81709f, 0.81711f, 0.81713f, 0.81715f,
-0.817171f, 0.817191f, 0.817211f, 0.817231f, 0.817252f, 0.817272f, 0.817292f, 0.817313f, 0.817333f, 0.817353f, 0.817373f, 0.817394f, 0.817414f, 0.817434f, 0.817454f, 0.817475f, 0.817495f, 0.817515f, 0.817535f, 0.817556f,
-0.817576f, 0.817596f, 0.817616f, 0.817637f, 0.817657f, 0.817677f, 0.817697f, 0.817717f, 0.817738f, 0.817758f, 0.817778f, 0.817798f, 0.817819f, 0.817839f, 0.817859f, 0.817879f, 0.817899f, 0.81792f, 0.81794f, 0.81796f,
-0.81798f, 0.818f, 0.818021f, 0.818041f, 0.818061f, 0.818081f, 0.818101f, 0.818121f, 0.818142f, 0.818162f, 0.818182f, 0.818202f, 0.818222f, 0.818243f, 0.818263f, 0.818283f, 0.818303f, 0.818323f, 0.818343f, 0.818364f,
-0.818384f, 0.818404f, 0.818424f, 0.818444f, 0.818464f, 0.818484f, 0.818505f, 0.818525f, 0.818545f, 0.818565f, 0.818585f, 0.818605f, 0.818625f, 0.818646f, 0.818666f, 0.818686f, 0.818706f, 0.818726f, 0.818746f, 0.818766f,
-0.818786f, 0.818807f, 0.818827f, 0.818847f, 0.818867f, 0.818887f, 0.818907f, 0.818927f, 0.818947f, 0.818967f, 0.818988f, 0.819008f, 0.819028f, 0.819048f, 0.819068f, 0.819088f, 0.819108f, 0.819128f, 0.819148f, 0.819168f,
-0.819188f, 0.819208f, 0.819229f, 0.819249f, 0.819269f, 0.819289f, 0.819309f, 0.819329f, 0.819349f, 0.819369f, 0.819389f, 0.819409f, 0.819429f, 0.819449f, 0.819469f, 0.819489f, 0.819509f, 0.819529f, 0.819549f, 0.819569f,
-0.81959f, 0.81961f, 0.81963f, 0.81965f, 0.81967f, 0.81969f, 0.81971f, 0.81973f, 0.81975f, 0.81977f, 0.81979f, 0.81981f, 0.81983f, 0.81985f, 0.81987f, 0.81989f, 0.81991f, 0.81993f, 0.81995f, 0.81997f,
-0.81999f, 0.82001f, 0.82003f, 0.82005f, 0.82007f, 0.82009f, 0.82011f, 0.82013f, 0.82015f, 0.82017f, 0.82019f, 0.82021f, 0.82023f, 0.82025f, 0.82027f, 0.82029f, 0.82031f, 0.820329f, 0.820349f, 0.820369f,
-0.820389f, 0.820409f, 0.820429f, 0.820449f, 0.820469f, 0.820489f, 0.820509f, 0.820529f, 0.820549f, 0.820569f, 0.820589f, 0.820609f, 0.820629f, 0.820649f, 0.820669f, 0.820688f, 0.820708f, 0.820728f, 0.820748f, 0.820768f,
-0.820788f, 0.820808f, 0.820828f, 0.820848f, 0.820868f, 0.820888f, 0.820908f, 0.820927f, 0.820947f, 0.820967f, 0.820987f, 0.821007f, 0.821027f, 0.821047f, 0.821067f, 0.821087f, 0.821107f, 0.821126f, 0.821146f, 0.821166f,
-0.821186f, 0.821206f, 0.821226f, 0.821246f, 0.821266f, 0.821285f, 0.821305f, 0.821325f, 0.821345f, 0.821365f, 0.821385f, 0.821405f, 0.821424f, 0.821444f, 0.821464f, 0.821484f, 0.821504f, 0.821524f, 0.821543f, 0.821563f,
-0.821583f, 0.821603f, 0.821623f, 0.821643f, 0.821662f, 0.821682f, 0.821702f, 0.821722f, 0.821742f, 0.821762f, 0.821781f, 0.821801f, 0.821821f, 0.821841f, 0.821861f, 0.82188f, 0.8219f, 0.82192f, 0.82194f, 0.82196f,
-0.82198f, 0.821999f, 0.822019f, 0.822039f, 0.822059f, 0.822078f, 0.822098f, 0.822118f, 0.822138f, 0.822158f, 0.822177f, 0.822197f, 0.822217f, 0.822237f, 0.822256f, 0.822276f, 0.822296f, 0.822316f, 0.822336f, 0.822355f,
-0.822375f, 0.822395f, 0.822415f, 0.822434f, 0.822454f, 0.822474f, 0.822494f, 0.822513f, 0.822533f, 0.822553f, 0.822573f, 0.822592f, 0.822612f, 0.822632f, 0.822651f, 0.822671f, 0.822691f, 0.822711f, 0.82273f, 0.82275f,
-0.82277f, 0.82279f, 0.822809f, 0.822829f, 0.822849f, 0.822868f, 0.822888f, 0.822908f, 0.822927f, 0.822947f, 0.822967f, 0.822987f, 0.823006f, 0.823026f, 0.823046f, 0.823065f, 0.823085f, 0.823105f, 0.823124f, 0.823144f,
-0.823164f, 0.823183f, 0.823203f, 0.823223f, 0.823242f, 0.823262f, 0.823282f, 0.823301f, 0.823321f, 0.823341f, 0.82336f, 0.82338f, 0.8234f, 0.823419f, 0.823439f, 0.823459f, 0.823478f, 0.823498f, 0.823518f, 0.823537f,
-0.823557f, 0.823577f, 0.823596f, 0.823616f, 0.823635f, 0.823655f, 0.823675f, 0.823694f, 0.823714f, 0.823734f, 0.823753f, 0.823773f, 0.823792f, 0.823812f, 0.823832f, 0.823851f, 0.823871f, 0.82389f, 0.82391f, 0.82393f,
-0.823949f, 0.823969f, 0.823988f, 0.824008f, 0.824028f, 0.824047f, 0.824067f, 0.824086f, 0.824106f, 0.824126f, 0.824145f, 0.824165f, 0.824184f, 0.824204f, 0.824223f, 0.824243f, 0.824263f, 0.824282f, 0.824302f, 0.824321f,
-0.824341f, 0.82436f, 0.82438f, 0.8244f, 0.824419f, 0.824439f, 0.824458f, 0.824478f, 0.824497f, 0.824517f, 0.824536f, 0.824556f, 0.824575f, 0.824595f, 0.824615f, 0.824634f, 0.824654f, 0.824673f, 0.824693f, 0.824712f,
-0.824732f, 0.824751f, 0.824771f, 0.82479f, 0.82481f, 0.824829f, 0.824849f, 0.824868f, 0.824888f, 0.824907f, 0.824927f, 0.824946f, 0.824966f, 0.824985f, 0.825005f, 0.825024f, 0.825044f, 0.825063f, 0.825083f, 0.825102f,
-0.825122f, 0.825141f, 0.825161f, 0.82518f, 0.8252f, 0.825219f, 0.825239f, 0.825258f, 0.825277f, 0.825297f, 0.825316f, 0.825336f, 0.825355f, 0.825375f, 0.825394f, 0.825414f, 0.825433f, 0.825453f, 0.825472f, 0.825491f,
-0.825511f, 0.82553f, 0.82555f, 0.825569f, 0.825589f, 0.825608f, 0.825628f, 0.825647f, 0.825666f, 0.825686f, 0.825705f, 0.825725f, 0.825744f, 0.825764f, 0.825783f, 0.825802f, 0.825822f, 0.825841f, 0.825861f, 0.82588f,
-0.825899f, 0.825919f, 0.825938f, 0.825958f, 0.825977f, 0.825996f, 0.826016f, 0.826035f, 0.826055f, 0.826074f, 0.826093f, 0.826113f, 0.826132f, 0.826151f, 0.826171f, 0.82619f, 0.82621f, 0.826229f, 0.826248f, 0.826268f,
-0.826287f, 0.826306f, 0.826326f, 0.826345f, 0.826364f, 0.826384f, 0.826403f, 0.826423f, 0.826442f, 0.826461f, 0.826481f, 0.8265f, 0.826519f, 0.826539f, 0.826558f, 0.826577f, 0.826597f, 0.826616f, 0.826635f, 0.826655f,
-0.826674f, 0.826693f, 0.826713f, 0.826732f, 0.826751f, 0.826771f, 0.82679f, 0.826809f, 0.826828f, 0.826848f, 0.826867f, 0.826886f, 0.826906f, 0.826925f, 0.826944f, 0.826964f, 0.826983f, 0.827002f, 0.827021f, 0.827041f,
-0.82706f, 0.827079f, 0.827099f, 0.827118f, 0.827137f, 0.827156f, 0.827176f, 0.827195f, 0.827214f, 0.827234f, 0.827253f, 0.827272f, 0.827291f, 0.827311f, 0.82733f, 0.827349f, 0.827368f, 0.827388f, 0.827407f, 0.827426f,
-0.827445f, 0.827465f, 0.827484f, 0.827503f, 0.827522f, 0.827542f, 0.827561f, 0.82758f, 0.827599f, 0.827618f, 0.827638f, 0.827657f, 0.827676f, 0.827695f, 0.827715f, 0.827734f, 0.827753f, 0.827772f, 0.827791f, 0.827811f,
-0.82783f, 0.827849f, 0.827868f, 0.827888f, 0.827907f, 0.827926f, 0.827945f, 0.827964f, 0.827984f, 0.828003f, 0.828022f, 0.828041f, 0.82806f, 0.828079f, 0.828099f, 0.828118f, 0.828137f, 0.828156f, 0.828175f, 0.828195f,
-0.828214f, 0.828233f, 0.828252f, 0.828271f, 0.82829f, 0.828309f, 0.828329f, 0.828348f, 0.828367f, 0.828386f, 0.828405f, 0.828424f, 0.828444f, 0.828463f, 0.828482f, 0.828501f, 0.82852f, 0.828539f, 0.828558f, 0.828578f,
-0.828597f, 0.828616f, 0.828635f, 0.828654f, 0.828673f, 0.828692f, 0.828711f, 0.828731f, 0.82875f, 0.828769f, 0.828788f, 0.828807f, 0.828826f, 0.828845f, 0.828864f, 0.828883f, 0.828903f, 0.828922f, 0.828941f, 0.82896f,
-0.828979f, 0.828998f, 0.829017f, 0.829036f, 0.829055f, 0.829074f, 0.829093f, 0.829112f, 0.829132f, 0.829151f, 0.82917f, 0.829189f, 0.829208f, 0.829227f, 0.829246f, 0.829265f, 0.829284f, 0.829303f, 0.829322f, 0.829341f,
-0.82936f, 0.829379f, 0.829398f, 0.829417f, 0.829437f, 0.829456f, 0.829475f, 0.829494f, 0.829513f, 0.829532f, 0.829551f, 0.82957f, 0.829589f, 0.829608f, 0.829627f, 0.829646f, 0.829665f, 0.829684f, 0.829703f, 0.829722f,
-0.829741f, 0.82976f, 0.829779f, 0.829798f, 0.829817f, 0.829836f, 0.829855f, 0.829874f, 0.829893f, 0.829912f, 0.829931f, 0.82995f, 0.829969f, 0.829988f, 0.830007f, 0.830026f, 0.830045f, 0.830064f, 0.830083f, 0.830102f,
-0.830121f, 0.83014f, 0.830159f, 0.830178f, 0.830197f, 0.830216f, 0.830235f, 0.830254f, 0.830273f, 0.830292f, 0.830311f, 0.83033f, 0.830348f, 0.830367f, 0.830386f, 0.830405f, 0.830424f, 0.830443f, 0.830462f, 0.830481f,
-0.8305f, 0.830519f, 0.830538f, 0.830557f, 0.830576f, 0.830595f, 0.830614f, 0.830633f, 0.830651f, 0.83067f, 0.830689f, 0.830708f, 0.830727f, 0.830746f, 0.830765f, 0.830784f, 0.830803f, 0.830822f, 0.830841f, 0.83086f,
-0.830878f, 0.830897f, 0.830916f, 0.830935f, 0.830954f, 0.830973f, 0.830992f, 0.831011f, 0.83103f, 0.831048f, 0.831067f, 0.831086f, 0.831105f, 0.831124f, 0.831143f, 0.831162f, 0.831181f, 0.831199f, 0.831218f, 0.831237f,
-0.831256f, 0.831275f, 0.831294f, 0.831313f, 0.831331f, 0.83135f, 0.831369f, 0.831388f, 0.831407f, 0.831426f, 0.831445f, 0.831463f, 0.831482f, 0.831501f, 0.83152f, 0.831539f, 0.831558f, 0.831576f, 0.831595f, 0.831614f,
-0.831633f, 0.831652f, 0.831671f, 0.831689f, 0.831708f, 0.831727f, 0.831746f, 0.831765f, 0.831783f, 0.831802f, 0.831821f, 0.83184f, 0.831859f, 0.831877f, 0.831896f, 0.831915f, 0.831934f, 0.831953f, 0.831971f, 0.83199f,
-0.832009f, 0.832028f, 0.832047f, 0.832065f, 0.832084f, 0.832103f, 0.832122f, 0.83214f, 0.832159f, 0.832178f, 0.832197f, 0.832215f, 0.832234f, 0.832253f, 0.832272f, 0.83229f, 0.832309f, 0.832328f, 0.832347f, 0.832365f,
-0.832384f, 0.832403f, 0.832422f, 0.83244f, 0.832459f, 0.832478f, 0.832497f, 0.832515f, 0.832534f, 0.832553f, 0.832572f, 0.83259f, 0.832609f, 0.832628f, 0.832647f, 0.832665f, 0.832684f, 0.832703f, 0.832721f, 0.83274f,
-0.832759f, 0.832778f, 0.832796f, 0.832815f, 0.832834f, 0.832852f, 0.832871f, 0.83289f, 0.832908f, 0.832927f, 0.832946f, 0.832964f, 0.832983f, 0.833002f, 0.833021f, 0.833039f, 0.833058f, 0.833077f, 0.833095f, 0.833114f,
-0.833133f, 0.833151f, 0.83317f, 0.833189f, 0.833207f, 0.833226f, 0.833245f, 0.833263f, 0.833282f, 0.833301f, 0.833319f, 0.833338f, 0.833356f, 0.833375f, 0.833394f, 0.833412f, 0.833431f, 0.83345f, 0.833468f, 0.833487f,
-0.833506f, 0.833524f, 0.833543f, 0.833561f, 0.83358f, 0.833599f, 0.833617f, 0.833636f, 0.833655f, 0.833673f, 0.833692f, 0.83371f, 0.833729f, 0.833748f, 0.833766f, 0.833785f, 0.833803f, 0.833822f, 0.833841f, 0.833859f,
-0.833878f, 0.833896f, 0.833915f, 0.833934f, 0.833952f, 0.833971f, 0.833989f, 0.834008f, 0.834027f, 0.834045f, 0.834064f, 0.834082f, 0.834101f, 0.834119f, 0.834138f, 0.834157f, 0.834175f, 0.834194f, 0.834212f, 0.834231f,
-0.834249f, 0.834268f, 0.834286f, 0.834305f, 0.834324f, 0.834342f, 0.834361f, 0.834379f, 0.834398f, 0.834416f, 0.834435f, 0.834453f, 0.834472f, 0.83449f, 0.834509f, 0.834528f, 0.834546f, 0.834565f, 0.834583f, 0.834602f,
-0.83462f, 0.834639f, 0.834657f, 0.834676f, 0.834694f, 0.834713f, 0.834731f, 0.83475f, 0.834768f, 0.834787f, 0.834805f, 0.834824f, 0.834842f, 0.834861f, 0.834879f, 0.834898f, 0.834916f, 0.834935f, 0.834953f, 0.834972f,
-0.83499f, 0.835009f, 0.835027f, 0.835046f, 0.835064f, 0.835083f, 0.835101f, 0.835119f, 0.835138f, 0.835156f, 0.835175f, 0.835193f, 0.835212f, 0.83523f, 0.835249f, 0.835267f, 0.835286f, 0.835304f, 0.835323f, 0.835341f,
-0.835359f, 0.835378f, 0.835396f, 0.835415f, 0.835433f, 0.835452f, 0.83547f, 0.835488f, 0.835507f, 0.835525f, 0.835544f, 0.835562f, 0.835581f, 0.835599f, 0.835617f, 0.835636f, 0.835654f, 0.835673f, 0.835691f, 0.835709f,
-0.835728f, 0.835746f, 0.835765f, 0.835783f, 0.835801f, 0.83582f, 0.835838f, 0.835857f, 0.835875f, 0.835893f, 0.835912f, 0.83593f, 0.835949f, 0.835967f, 0.835985f, 0.836004f, 0.836022f, 0.836041f, 0.836059f, 0.836077f,
-0.836096f, 0.836114f, 0.836132f, 0.836151f, 0.836169f, 0.836187f, 0.836206f, 0.836224f, 0.836243f, 0.836261f, 0.836279f, 0.836298f, 0.836316f, 0.836334f, 0.836353f, 0.836371f, 0.836389f, 0.836408f, 0.836426f, 0.836444f,
-0.836463f, 0.836481f, 0.836499f, 0.836518f, 0.836536f, 0.836554f, 0.836573f, 0.836591f, 0.836609f, 0.836628f, 0.836646f, 0.836664f, 0.836682f, 0.836701f, 0.836719f, 0.836737f, 0.836756f, 0.836774f, 0.836792f, 0.836811f,
-0.836829f, 0.836847f, 0.836865f, 0.836884f, 0.836902f, 0.83692f, 0.836939f, 0.836957f, 0.836975f, 0.836993f, 0.837012f, 0.83703f, 0.837048f, 0.837067f, 0.837085f, 0.837103f, 0.837121f, 0.83714f, 0.837158f, 0.837176f,
-0.837194f, 0.837213f, 0.837231f, 0.837249f, 0.837267f, 0.837286f, 0.837304f, 0.837322f, 0.83734f, 0.837359f, 0.837377f, 0.837395f, 0.837413f, 0.837432f, 0.83745f, 0.837468f, 0.837486f, 0.837504f, 0.837523f, 0.837541f,
-0.837559f, 0.837577f, 0.837596f, 0.837614f, 0.837632f, 0.83765f, 0.837668f, 0.837687f, 0.837705f, 0.837723f, 0.837741f, 0.837759f, 0.837778f, 0.837796f, 0.837814f, 0.837832f, 0.83785f, 0.837869f, 0.837887f, 0.837905f,
-0.837923f, 0.837941f, 0.837959f, 0.837978f, 0.837996f, 0.838014f, 0.838032f, 0.83805f, 0.838069f, 0.838087f, 0.838105f, 0.838123f, 0.838141f, 0.838159f, 0.838177f, 0.838196f, 0.838214f, 0.838232f, 0.83825f, 0.838268f,
-0.838286f, 0.838305f, 0.838323f, 0.838341f, 0.838359f, 0.838377f, 0.838395f, 0.838413f, 0.838431f, 0.83845f, 0.838468f, 0.838486f, 0.838504f, 0.838522f, 0.83854f, 0.838558f, 0.838576f, 0.838595f, 0.838613f, 0.838631f,
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-0.839011f, 0.839029f, 0.839047f, 0.839065f, 0.839083f, 0.839101f, 0.839119f, 0.839137f, 0.839155f, 0.839173f, 0.839191f, 0.839209f, 0.839227f, 0.839245f, 0.839263f, 0.839282f, 0.8393f, 0.839318f, 0.839336f, 0.839354f,
-0.839372f, 0.83939f, 0.839408f, 0.839426f, 0.839444f, 0.839462f, 0.83948f, 0.839498f, 0.839516f, 0.839534f, 0.839552f, 0.83957f, 0.839588f, 0.839606f, 0.839624f, 0.839642f, 0.83966f, 0.839678f, 0.839696f, 0.839714f,
-0.839732f, 0.83975f, 0.839768f, 0.839786f, 0.839804f, 0.839822f, 0.83984f, 0.839858f, 0.839876f, 0.839894f, 0.839912f, 0.83993f, 0.839948f, 0.839966f, 0.839984f, 0.840002f, 0.84002f, 0.840038f, 0.840056f, 0.840074f,
-0.840092f, 0.84011f, 0.840128f, 0.840145f, 0.840163f, 0.840181f, 0.840199f, 0.840217f, 0.840235f, 0.840253f, 0.840271f, 0.840289f, 0.840307f, 0.840325f, 0.840343f, 0.840361f, 0.840379f, 0.840397f, 0.840415f, 0.840432f,
-0.84045f, 0.840468f, 0.840486f, 0.840504f, 0.840522f, 0.84054f, 0.840558f, 0.840576f, 0.840594f, 0.840612f, 0.84063f, 0.840647f, 0.840665f, 0.840683f, 0.840701f, 0.840719f, 0.840737f, 0.840755f, 0.840773f, 0.840791f,
-0.840809f, 0.840826f, 0.840844f, 0.840862f, 0.84088f, 0.840898f, 0.840916f, 0.840934f, 0.840952f, 0.840969f, 0.840987f, 0.841005f, 0.841023f, 0.841041f, 0.841059f, 0.841077f, 0.841094f, 0.841112f, 0.84113f, 0.841148f,
-0.841166f, 0.841184f, 0.841202f, 0.841219f, 0.841237f, 0.841255f, 0.841273f, 0.841291f, 0.841309f, 0.841326f, 0.841344f, 0.841362f, 0.84138f, 0.841398f, 0.841416f, 0.841433f, 0.841451f, 0.841469f, 0.841487f, 0.841505f,
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-0.841878f, 0.841896f, 0.841914f, 0.841932f, 0.841949f, 0.841967f, 0.841985f, 0.842003f, 0.842021f, 0.842038f, 0.842056f, 0.842074f, 0.842092f, 0.842109f, 0.842127f, 0.842145f, 0.842163f, 0.84218f, 0.842198f, 0.842216f,
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-0.842588f, 0.842606f, 0.842623f, 0.842641f, 0.842659f, 0.842676f, 0.842694f, 0.842712f, 0.84273f, 0.842747f, 0.842765f, 0.842783f, 0.8428f, 0.842818f, 0.842836f, 0.842853f, 0.842871f, 0.842889f, 0.842906f, 0.842924f,
-0.842942f, 0.842959f, 0.842977f, 0.842995f, 0.843012f, 0.84303f, 0.843048f, 0.843065f, 0.843083f, 0.843101f, 0.843118f, 0.843136f, 0.843154f, 0.843171f, 0.843189f, 0.843206f, 0.843224f, 0.843242f, 0.843259f, 0.843277f,
-0.843295f, 0.843312f, 0.84333f, 0.843348f, 0.843365f, 0.843383f, 0.8434f, 0.843418f, 0.843436f, 0.843453f, 0.843471f, 0.843488f, 0.843506f, 0.843524f, 0.843541f, 0.843559f, 0.843576f, 0.843594f, 0.843612f, 0.843629f,
-0.843647f, 0.843664f, 0.843682f, 0.8437f, 0.843717f, 0.843735f, 0.843752f, 0.84377f, 0.843788f, 0.843805f, 0.843823f, 0.84384f, 0.843858f, 0.843875f, 0.843893f, 0.843911f, 0.843928f, 0.843946f, 0.843963f, 0.843981f,
-0.843998f, 0.844016f, 0.844034f, 0.844051f, 0.844069f, 0.844086f, 0.844104f, 0.844121f, 0.844139f, 0.844156f, 0.844174f, 0.844191f, 0.844209f, 0.844227f, 0.844244f, 0.844262f, 0.844279f, 0.844297f, 0.844314f, 0.844332f,
-0.844349f, 0.844367f, 0.844384f, 0.844402f, 0.844419f, 0.844437f, 0.844454f, 0.844472f, 0.844489f, 0.844507f, 0.844524f, 0.844542f, 0.844559f, 0.844577f, 0.844594f, 0.844612f, 0.844629f, 0.844647f, 0.844664f, 0.844682f,
-0.844699f, 0.844717f, 0.844734f, 0.844752f, 0.844769f, 0.844787f, 0.844804f, 0.844822f, 0.844839f, 0.844857f, 0.844874f, 0.844892f, 0.844909f, 0.844926f, 0.844944f, 0.844961f, 0.844979f, 0.844996f, 0.845014f, 0.845031f,
-0.845049f, 0.845066f, 0.845084f, 0.845101f, 0.845118f, 0.845136f, 0.845153f, 0.845171f, 0.845188f, 0.845206f, 0.845223f, 0.84524f, 0.845258f, 0.845275f, 0.845293f, 0.84531f, 0.845328f, 0.845345f, 0.845362f, 0.84538f,
-0.845397f, 0.845415f, 0.845432f, 0.84545f, 0.845467f, 0.845484f, 0.845502f, 0.845519f, 0.845537f, 0.845554f, 0.845571f, 0.845589f, 0.845606f, 0.845623f, 0.845641f, 0.845658f, 0.845676f, 0.845693f, 0.84571f, 0.845728f,
-0.845745f, 0.845763f, 0.84578f, 0.845797f, 0.845815f, 0.845832f, 0.845849f, 0.845867f, 0.845884f, 0.845902f, 0.845919f, 0.845936f, 0.845954f, 0.845971f, 0.845988f, 0.846006f, 0.846023f, 0.84604f, 0.846058f, 0.846075f,
-0.846092f, 0.84611f, 0.846127f, 0.846144f, 0.846162f, 0.846179f, 0.846196f, 0.846214f, 0.846231f, 0.846248f, 0.846266f, 0.846283f, 0.8463f, 0.846318f, 0.846335f, 0.846352f, 0.84637f, 0.846387f, 0.846404f, 0.846422f,
-0.846439f, 0.846456f, 0.846473f, 0.846491f, 0.846508f, 0.846525f, 0.846543f, 0.84656f, 0.846577f, 0.846595f, 0.846612f, 0.846629f, 0.846646f, 0.846664f, 0.846681f, 0.846698f, 0.846716f, 0.846733f, 0.84675f, 0.846767f,
-0.846785f, 0.846802f, 0.846819f, 0.846836f, 0.846854f, 0.846871f, 0.846888f, 0.846905f, 0.846923f, 0.84694f, 0.846957f, 0.846975f, 0.846992f, 0.847009f, 0.847026f, 0.847043f, 0.847061f, 0.847078f, 0.847095f, 0.847112f,
-0.84713f, 0.847147f, 0.847164f, 0.847181f, 0.847199f, 0.847216f, 0.847233f, 0.84725f, 0.847268f, 0.847285f, 0.847302f, 0.847319f, 0.847336f, 0.847354f, 0.847371f, 0.847388f, 0.847405f, 0.847422f, 0.84744f, 0.847457f,
-0.847474f, 0.847491f, 0.847508f, 0.847526f, 0.847543f, 0.84756f, 0.847577f, 0.847594f, 0.847612f, 0.847629f, 0.847646f, 0.847663f, 0.84768f, 0.847697f, 0.847715f, 0.847732f, 0.847749f, 0.847766f, 0.847783f, 0.8478f,
-0.847818f, 0.847835f, 0.847852f, 0.847869f, 0.847886f, 0.847903f, 0.847921f, 0.847938f, 0.847955f, 0.847972f, 0.847989f, 0.848006f, 0.848023f, 0.848041f, 0.848058f, 0.848075f, 0.848092f, 0.848109f, 0.848126f, 0.848143f,
-0.848161f, 0.848178f, 0.848195f, 0.848212f, 0.848229f, 0.848246f, 0.848263f, 0.84828f, 0.848298f, 0.848315f, 0.848332f, 0.848349f, 0.848366f, 0.848383f, 0.8484f, 0.848417f, 0.848434f, 0.848451f, 0.848469f, 0.848486f,
-0.848503f, 0.84852f, 0.848537f, 0.848554f, 0.848571f, 0.848588f, 0.848605f, 0.848622f, 0.848639f, 0.848657f, 0.848674f, 0.848691f, 0.848708f, 0.848725f, 0.848742f, 0.848759f, 0.848776f, 0.848793f, 0.84881f, 0.848827f,
-0.848844f, 0.848861f, 0.848878f, 0.848895f, 0.848913f, 0.84893f, 0.848947f, 0.848964f, 0.848981f, 0.848998f, 0.849015f, 0.849032f, 0.849049f, 0.849066f, 0.849083f, 0.8491f, 0.849117f, 0.849134f, 0.849151f, 0.849168f,
-0.849185f, 0.849202f, 0.849219f, 0.849236f, 0.849253f, 0.84927f, 0.849287f, 0.849304f, 0.849321f, 0.849338f, 0.849355f, 0.849372f, 0.849389f, 0.849406f, 0.849423f, 0.84944f, 0.849457f, 0.849474f, 0.849491f, 0.849508f,
-0.849525f, 0.849542f, 0.849559f, 0.849576f, 0.849593f, 0.84961f, 0.849627f, 0.849644f, 0.849661f, 0.849678f, 0.849695f, 0.849712f, 0.849729f, 0.849746f, 0.849763f, 0.84978f, 0.849797f, 0.849814f, 0.849831f, 0.849848f,
-0.849865f, 0.849882f, 0.849898f, 0.849915f, 0.849932f, 0.849949f, 0.849966f, 0.849983f, 0.85f, 0.850017f, 0.850034f, 0.850051f, 0.850068f, 0.850085f, 0.850102f, 0.850119f, 0.850136f, 0.850152f, 0.850169f, 0.850186f,
-0.850203f, 0.85022f, 0.850237f, 0.850254f, 0.850271f, 0.850288f, 0.850305f, 0.850322f, 0.850339f, 0.850355f, 0.850372f, 0.850389f, 0.850406f, 0.850423f, 0.85044f, 0.850457f, 0.850474f, 0.850491f, 0.850507f, 0.850524f,
-0.850541f, 0.850558f, 0.850575f, 0.850592f, 0.850609f, 0.850626f, 0.850642f, 0.850659f, 0.850676f, 0.850693f, 0.85071f, 0.850727f, 0.850744f, 0.850761f, 0.850777f, 0.850794f, 0.850811f, 0.850828f, 0.850845f, 0.850862f,
-0.850878f, 0.850895f, 0.850912f, 0.850929f, 0.850946f, 0.850963f, 0.85098f, 0.850996f, 0.851013f, 0.85103f, 0.851047f, 0.851064f, 0.851081f, 0.851097f, 0.851114f, 0.851131f, 0.851148f, 0.851165f, 0.851181f, 0.851198f,
-0.851215f, 0.851232f, 0.851249f, 0.851265f, 0.851282f, 0.851299f, 0.851316f, 0.851333f, 0.851349f, 0.851366f, 0.851383f, 0.8514f, 0.851417f, 0.851433f, 0.85145f, 0.851467f, 0.851484f, 0.851501f, 0.851517f, 0.851534f,
-0.851551f, 0.851568f, 0.851584f, 0.851601f, 0.851618f, 0.851635f, 0.851652f, 0.851668f, 0.851685f, 0.851702f, 0.851719f, 0.851735f, 0.851752f, 0.851769f, 0.851786f, 0.851802f, 0.851819f, 0.851836f, 0.851853f, 0.851869f,
-0.851886f, 0.851903f, 0.85192f, 0.851936f, 0.851953f, 0.85197f, 0.851987f, 0.852003f, 0.85202f, 0.852037f, 0.852053f, 0.85207f, 0.852087f, 0.852104f, 0.85212f, 0.852137f, 0.852154f, 0.85217f, 0.852187f, 0.852204f,
-0.852221f, 0.852237f, 0.852254f, 0.852271f, 0.852287f, 0.852304f, 0.852321f, 0.852338f, 0.852354f, 0.852371f, 0.852388f, 0.852404f, 0.852421f, 0.852438f, 0.852454f, 0.852471f, 0.852488f, 0.852504f, 0.852521f, 0.852538f,
-0.852554f, 0.852571f, 0.852588f, 0.852604f, 0.852621f, 0.852638f, 0.852654f, 0.852671f, 0.852688f, 0.852704f, 0.852721f, 0.852738f, 0.852754f, 0.852771f, 0.852788f, 0.852804f, 0.852821f, 0.852838f, 0.852854f, 0.852871f,
-0.852887f, 0.852904f, 0.852921f, 0.852937f, 0.852954f, 0.852971f, 0.852987f, 0.853004f, 0.853021f, 0.853037f, 0.853054f, 0.85307f, 0.853087f, 0.853104f, 0.85312f, 0.853137f, 0.853153f, 0.85317f, 0.853187f, 0.853203f,
-0.85322f, 0.853236f, 0.853253f, 0.85327f, 0.853286f, 0.853303f, 0.853319f, 0.853336f, 0.853353f, 0.853369f, 0.853386f, 0.853402f, 0.853419f, 0.853436f, 0.853452f, 0.853469f, 0.853485f, 0.853502f, 0.853518f, 0.853535f,
-0.853552f, 0.853568f, 0.853585f, 0.853601f, 0.853618f, 0.853634f, 0.853651f, 0.853668f, 0.853684f, 0.853701f, 0.853717f, 0.853734f, 0.85375f, 0.853767f, 0.853783f, 0.8538f, 0.853816f, 0.853833f, 0.85385f, 0.853866f,
-0.853883f, 0.853899f, 0.853916f, 0.853932f, 0.853949f, 0.853965f, 0.853982f, 0.853998f, 0.854015f, 0.854031f, 0.854048f, 0.854064f, 0.854081f, 0.854097f, 0.854114f, 0.85413f, 0.854147f, 0.854163f, 0.85418f, 0.854196f,
-0.854213f, 0.854229f, 0.854246f, 0.854262f, 0.854279f, 0.854295f, 0.854312f, 0.854328f, 0.854345f, 0.854361f, 0.854378f, 0.854394f, 0.854411f, 0.854427f, 0.854444f, 0.85446f, 0.854477f, 0.854493f, 0.85451f, 0.854526f,
-0.854543f, 0.854559f, 0.854576f, 0.854592f, 0.854608f, 0.854625f, 0.854641f, 0.854658f, 0.854674f, 0.854691f, 0.854707f, 0.854724f, 0.85474f, 0.854756f, 0.854773f, 0.854789f, 0.854806f, 0.854822f, 0.854839f, 0.854855f,
-0.854872f, 0.854888f, 0.854904f, 0.854921f, 0.854937f, 0.854954f, 0.85497f, 0.854987f, 0.855003f, 0.855019f, 0.855036f, 0.855052f, 0.855069f, 0.855085f, 0.855101f, 0.855118f, 0.855134f, 0.855151f, 0.855167f, 0.855183f,
-0.8552f, 0.855216f, 0.855233f, 0.855249f, 0.855265f, 0.855282f, 0.855298f, 0.855315f, 0.855331f, 0.855347f, 0.855364f, 0.85538f, 0.855396f, 0.855413f, 0.855429f, 0.855446f, 0.855462f, 0.855478f, 0.855495f, 0.855511f,
-0.855527f, 0.855544f, 0.85556f, 0.855576f, 0.855593f, 0.855609f, 0.855626f, 0.855642f, 0.855658f, 0.855675f, 0.855691f, 0.855707f, 0.855724f, 0.85574f, 0.855756f, 0.855773f, 0.855789f, 0.855805f, 0.855822f, 0.855838f,
-0.855854f, 0.855871f, 0.855887f, 0.855903f, 0.85592f, 0.855936f, 0.855952f, 0.855969f, 0.855985f, 0.856001f, 0.856017f, 0.856034f, 0.85605f, 0.856066f, 0.856083f, 0.856099f, 0.856115f, 0.856132f, 0.856148f, 0.856164f,
-0.856181f, 0.856197f, 0.856213f, 0.856229f, 0.856246f, 0.856262f, 0.856278f, 0.856295f, 0.856311f, 0.856327f, 0.856343f, 0.85636f, 0.856376f, 0.856392f, 0.856408f, 0.856425f, 0.856441f, 0.856457f, 0.856474f, 0.85649f,
-0.856506f, 0.856522f, 0.856539f, 0.856555f, 0.856571f, 0.856587f, 0.856604f, 0.85662f, 0.856636f, 0.856652f, 0.856669f, 0.856685f, 0.856701f, 0.856717f, 0.856734f, 0.85675f, 0.856766f, 0.856782f, 0.856798f, 0.856815f,
-0.856831f, 0.856847f, 0.856863f, 0.85688f, 0.856896f, 0.856912f, 0.856928f, 0.856944f, 0.856961f, 0.856977f, 0.856993f, 0.857009f, 0.857026f, 0.857042f, 0.857058f, 0.857074f, 0.85709f, 0.857107f, 0.857123f, 0.857139f,
-0.857155f, 0.857171f, 0.857187f, 0.857204f, 0.85722f, 0.857236f, 0.857252f, 0.857268f, 0.857285f, 0.857301f, 0.857317f, 0.857333f, 0.857349f, 0.857365f, 0.857382f, 0.857398f, 0.857414f, 0.85743f, 0.857446f, 0.857462f,
-0.857479f, 0.857495f, 0.857511f, 0.857527f, 0.857543f, 0.857559f, 0.857576f, 0.857592f, 0.857608f, 0.857624f, 0.85764f, 0.857656f, 0.857672f, 0.857689f, 0.857705f, 0.857721f, 0.857737f, 0.857753f, 0.857769f, 0.857785f,
-0.857801f, 0.857818f, 0.857834f, 0.85785f, 0.857866f, 0.857882f, 0.857898f, 0.857914f, 0.85793f, 0.857946f, 0.857963f, 0.857979f, 0.857995f, 0.858011f, 0.858027f, 0.858043f, 0.858059f, 0.858075f, 0.858091f, 0.858107f,
-0.858124f, 0.85814f, 0.858156f, 0.858172f, 0.858188f, 0.858204f, 0.85822f, 0.858236f, 0.858252f, 0.858268f, 0.858284f, 0.8583f, 0.858317f, 0.858333f, 0.858349f, 0.858365f, 0.858381f, 0.858397f, 0.858413f, 0.858429f,
-0.858445f, 0.858461f, 0.858477f, 0.858493f, 0.858509f, 0.858525f, 0.858541f, 0.858557f, 0.858573f, 0.858589f, 0.858606f, 0.858622f, 0.858638f, 0.858654f, 0.85867f, 0.858686f, 0.858702f, 0.858718f, 0.858734f, 0.85875f,
-0.858766f, 0.858782f, 0.858798f, 0.858814f, 0.85883f, 0.858846f, 0.858862f, 0.858878f, 0.858894f, 0.85891f, 0.858926f, 0.858942f, 0.858958f, 0.858974f, 0.85899f, 0.859006f, 0.859022f, 0.859038f, 0.859054f, 0.85907f,
-0.859086f, 0.859102f, 0.859118f, 0.859134f, 0.85915f, 0.859166f, 0.859182f, 0.859198f, 0.859214f, 0.85923f, 0.859246f, 0.859262f, 0.859278f, 0.859294f, 0.85931f, 0.859326f, 0.859342f, 0.859358f, 0.859374f, 0.859389f,
-0.859405f, 0.859421f, 0.859437f, 0.859453f, 0.859469f, 0.859485f, 0.859501f, 0.859517f, 0.859533f, 0.859549f, 0.859565f, 0.859581f, 0.859597f, 0.859613f, 0.859629f, 0.859645f, 0.859661f, 0.859676f, 0.859692f, 0.859708f,
-0.859724f, 0.85974f, 0.859756f, 0.859772f, 0.859788f, 0.859804f, 0.85982f, 0.859836f, 0.859852f, 0.859867f, 0.859883f, 0.859899f, 0.859915f, 0.859931f, 0.859947f, 0.859963f, 0.859979f, 0.859995f, 0.860011f, 0.860026f,
-0.860042f, 0.860058f, 0.860074f, 0.86009f, 0.860106f, 0.860122f, 0.860138f, 0.860154f, 0.860169f, 0.860185f, 0.860201f, 0.860217f, 0.860233f, 0.860249f, 0.860265f, 0.86028f, 0.860296f, 0.860312f, 0.860328f, 0.860344f,
-0.86036f, 0.860376f, 0.860392f, 0.860407f, 0.860423f, 0.860439f, 0.860455f, 0.860471f, 0.860487f, 0.860502f, 0.860518f, 0.860534f, 0.86055f, 0.860566f, 0.860582f, 0.860597f, 0.860613f, 0.860629f, 0.860645f, 0.860661f,
-0.860677f, 0.860692f, 0.860708f, 0.860724f, 0.86074f, 0.860756f, 0.860771f, 0.860787f, 0.860803f, 0.860819f, 0.860835f, 0.860851f, 0.860866f, 0.860882f, 0.860898f, 0.860914f, 0.86093f, 0.860945f, 0.860961f, 0.860977f,
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-0.861308f, 0.861324f, 0.86134f, 0.861355f, 0.861371f, 0.861387f, 0.861403f, 0.861418f, 0.861434f, 0.86145f, 0.861466f, 0.861481f, 0.861497f, 0.861513f, 0.861529f, 0.861544f, 0.86156f, 0.861576f, 0.861592f, 0.861607f,
-0.861623f, 0.861639f, 0.861654f, 0.86167f, 0.861686f, 0.861702f, 0.861717f, 0.861733f, 0.861749f, 0.861764f, 0.86178f, 0.861796f, 0.861812f, 0.861827f, 0.861843f, 0.861859f, 0.861874f, 0.86189f, 0.861906f, 0.861921f,
-0.861937f, 0.861953f, 0.861968f, 0.861984f, 0.862f, 0.862016f, 0.862031f, 0.862047f, 0.862063f, 0.862078f, 0.862094f, 0.86211f, 0.862125f, 0.862141f, 0.862157f, 0.862172f, 0.862188f, 0.862204f, 0.862219f, 0.862235f,
-0.862251f, 0.862266f, 0.862282f, 0.862298f, 0.862313f, 0.862329f, 0.862344f, 0.86236f, 0.862376f, 0.862391f, 0.862407f, 0.862423f, 0.862438f, 0.862454f, 0.86247f, 0.862485f, 0.862501f, 0.862517f, 0.862532f, 0.862548f,
-0.862563f, 0.862579f, 0.862595f, 0.86261f, 0.862626f, 0.862641f, 0.862657f, 0.862673f, 0.862688f, 0.862704f, 0.86272f, 0.862735f, 0.862751f, 0.862766f, 0.862782f, 0.862798f, 0.862813f, 0.862829f, 0.862844f, 0.86286f,
-0.862876f, 0.862891f, 0.862907f, 0.862922f, 0.862938f, 0.862953f, 0.862969f, 0.862985f, 0.863f, 0.863016f, 0.863031f, 0.863047f, 0.863063f, 0.863078f, 0.863094f, 0.863109f, 0.863125f, 0.86314f, 0.863156f, 0.863171f,
-0.863187f, 0.863203f, 0.863218f, 0.863234f, 0.863249f, 0.863265f, 0.86328f, 0.863296f, 0.863311f, 0.863327f, 0.863343f, 0.863358f, 0.863374f, 0.863389f, 0.863405f, 0.86342f, 0.863436f, 0.863451f, 0.863467f, 0.863482f,
-0.863498f, 0.863513f, 0.863529f, 0.863544f, 0.86356f, 0.863575f, 0.863591f, 0.863607f, 0.863622f, 0.863638f, 0.863653f, 0.863669f, 0.863684f, 0.8637f, 0.863715f, 0.863731f, 0.863746f, 0.863762f, 0.863777f, 0.863793f,
-0.863808f, 0.863824f, 0.863839f, 0.863855f, 0.86387f, 0.863886f, 0.863901f, 0.863916f, 0.863932f, 0.863947f, 0.863963f, 0.863978f, 0.863994f, 0.864009f, 0.864025f, 0.86404f, 0.864056f, 0.864071f, 0.864087f, 0.864102f,
-0.864118f, 0.864133f, 0.864149f, 0.864164f, 0.864179f, 0.864195f, 0.86421f, 0.864226f, 0.864241f, 0.864257f, 0.864272f, 0.864288f, 0.864303f, 0.864318f, 0.864334f, 0.864349f, 0.864365f, 0.86438f, 0.864396f, 0.864411f,
-0.864426f, 0.864442f, 0.864457f, 0.864473f, 0.864488f, 0.864504f, 0.864519f, 0.864534f, 0.86455f, 0.864565f, 0.864581f, 0.864596f, 0.864612f, 0.864627f, 0.864642f, 0.864658f, 0.864673f, 0.864689f, 0.864704f, 0.864719f,
-0.864735f, 0.86475f, 0.864766f, 0.864781f, 0.864796f, 0.864812f, 0.864827f, 0.864842f, 0.864858f, 0.864873f, 0.864889f, 0.864904f, 0.864919f, 0.864935f, 0.86495f, 0.864965f, 0.864981f, 0.864996f, 0.865012f, 0.865027f,
-0.865042f, 0.865058f, 0.865073f, 0.865088f, 0.865104f, 0.865119f, 0.865134f, 0.86515f, 0.865165f, 0.865181f, 0.865196f, 0.865211f, 0.865227f, 0.865242f, 0.865257f, 0.865273f, 0.865288f, 0.865303f, 0.865319f, 0.865334f,
-0.865349f, 0.865365f, 0.86538f, 0.865395f, 0.865411f, 0.865426f, 0.865441f, 0.865457f, 0.865472f, 0.865487f, 0.865502f, 0.865518f, 0.865533f, 0.865548f, 0.865564f, 0.865579f, 0.865594f, 0.86561f, 0.865625f, 0.86564f,
-0.865656f, 0.865671f, 0.865686f, 0.865701f, 0.865717f, 0.865732f, 0.865747f, 0.865763f, 0.865778f, 0.865793f, 0.865808f, 0.865824f, 0.865839f, 0.865854f, 0.86587f, 0.865885f, 0.8659f, 0.865915f, 0.865931f, 0.865946f,
-0.865961f, 0.865976f, 0.865992f, 0.866007f, 0.866022f, 0.866037f, 0.866053f, 0.866068f, 0.866083f, 0.866098f, 0.866114f, 0.866129f, 0.866144f, 0.866159f, 0.866175f, 0.86619f, 0.866205f, 0.86622f, 0.866236f, 0.866251f,
-0.866266f, 0.866281f, 0.866297f, 0.866312f, 0.866327f, 0.866342f, 0.866358f, 0.866373f, 0.866388f, 0.866403f, 0.866418f, 0.866434f, 0.866449f, 0.866464f, 0.866479f, 0.866494f, 0.86651f, 0.866525f, 0.86654f, 0.866555f,
-0.866571f, 0.866586f, 0.866601f, 0.866616f, 0.866631f, 0.866646f, 0.866662f, 0.866677f, 0.866692f, 0.866707f, 0.866722f, 0.866738f, 0.866753f, 0.866768f, 0.866783f, 0.866798f, 0.866814f, 0.866829f, 0.866844f, 0.866859f,
-0.866874f, 0.866889f, 0.866905f, 0.86692f, 0.866935f, 0.86695f, 0.866965f, 0.86698f, 0.866996f, 0.867011f, 0.867026f, 0.867041f, 0.867056f, 0.867071f, 0.867086f, 0.867102f, 0.867117f, 0.867132f, 0.867147f, 0.867162f,
-0.867177f, 0.867192f, 0.867208f, 0.867223f, 0.867238f, 0.867253f, 0.867268f, 0.867283f, 0.867298f, 0.867313f, 0.867329f, 0.867344f, 0.867359f, 0.867374f, 0.867389f, 0.867404f, 0.867419f, 0.867434f, 0.867449f, 0.867465f,
-0.86748f, 0.867495f, 0.86751f, 0.867525f, 0.86754f, 0.867555f, 0.86757f, 0.867585f, 0.8676f, 0.867616f, 0.867631f, 0.867646f, 0.867661f, 0.867676f, 0.867691f, 0.867706f, 0.867721f, 0.867736f, 0.867751f, 0.867766f,
-0.867781f, 0.867797f, 0.867812f, 0.867827f, 0.867842f, 0.867857f, 0.867872f, 0.867887f, 0.867902f, 0.867917f, 0.867932f, 0.867947f, 0.867962f, 0.867977f, 0.867992f, 0.868007f, 0.868022f, 0.868037f, 0.868053f, 0.868068f,
-0.868083f, 0.868098f, 0.868113f, 0.868128f, 0.868143f, 0.868158f, 0.868173f, 0.868188f, 0.868203f, 0.868218f, 0.868233f, 0.868248f, 0.868263f, 0.868278f, 0.868293f, 0.868308f, 0.868323f, 0.868338f, 0.868353f, 0.868368f,
-0.868383f, 0.868398f, 0.868413f, 0.868428f, 0.868443f, 0.868458f, 0.868473f, 0.868488f, 0.868503f, 0.868518f, 0.868533f, 0.868548f, 0.868563f, 0.868578f, 0.868593f, 0.868608f, 0.868623f, 0.868638f, 0.868653f, 0.868668f,
-0.868683f, 0.868698f, 0.868713f, 0.868728f, 0.868743f, 0.868758f, 0.868773f, 0.868788f, 0.868803f, 0.868818f, 0.868833f, 0.868848f, 0.868863f, 0.868878f, 0.868893f, 0.868907f, 0.868922f, 0.868937f, 0.868952f, 0.868967f,
-0.868982f, 0.868997f, 0.869012f, 0.869027f, 0.869042f, 0.869057f, 0.869072f, 0.869087f, 0.869102f, 0.869117f, 0.869132f, 0.869147f, 0.869161f, 0.869176f, 0.869191f, 0.869206f, 0.869221f, 0.869236f, 0.869251f, 0.869266f,
-0.869281f, 0.869296f, 0.869311f, 0.869326f, 0.86934f, 0.869355f, 0.86937f, 0.869385f, 0.8694f, 0.869415f, 0.86943f, 0.869445f, 0.86946f, 0.869475f, 0.869489f, 0.869504f, 0.869519f, 0.869534f, 0.869549f, 0.869564f,
-0.869579f, 0.869594f, 0.869609f, 0.869623f, 0.869638f, 0.869653f, 0.869668f, 0.869683f, 0.869698f, 0.869713f, 0.869728f, 0.869742f, 0.869757f, 0.869772f, 0.869787f, 0.869802f, 0.869817f, 0.869832f, 0.869846f, 0.869861f,
-0.869876f, 0.869891f, 0.869906f, 0.869921f, 0.869936f, 0.86995f, 0.869965f, 0.86998f, 0.869995f, 0.87001f, 0.870025f, 0.870039f, 0.870054f, 0.870069f, 0.870084f, 0.870099f, 0.870114f, 0.870128f, 0.870143f, 0.870158f,
-0.870173f, 0.870188f, 0.870202f, 0.870217f, 0.870232f, 0.870247f, 0.870262f, 0.870277f, 0.870291f, 0.870306f, 0.870321f, 0.870336f, 0.870351f, 0.870365f, 0.87038f, 0.870395f, 0.87041f, 0.870425f, 0.870439f, 0.870454f,
-0.870469f, 0.870484f, 0.870499f, 0.870513f, 0.870528f, 0.870543f, 0.870558f, 0.870572f, 0.870587f, 0.870602f, 0.870617f, 0.870632f, 0.870646f, 0.870661f, 0.870676f, 0.870691f, 0.870705f, 0.87072f, 0.870735f, 0.87075f,
-0.870764f, 0.870779f, 0.870794f, 0.870809f, 0.870823f, 0.870838f, 0.870853f, 0.870868f, 0.870882f, 0.870897f, 0.870912f, 0.870927f, 0.870941f, 0.870956f, 0.870971f, 0.870986f, 0.871f, 0.871015f, 0.87103f, 0.871044f,
-0.871059f, 0.871074f, 0.871089f, 0.871103f, 0.871118f, 0.871133f, 0.871148f, 0.871162f, 0.871177f, 0.871192f, 0.871206f, 0.871221f, 0.871236f, 0.87125f, 0.871265f, 0.87128f, 0.871295f, 0.871309f, 0.871324f, 0.871339f,
-0.871353f, 0.871368f, 0.871383f, 0.871397f, 0.871412f, 0.871427f, 0.871442f, 0.871456f, 0.871471f, 0.871486f, 0.8715f, 0.871515f, 0.87153f, 0.871544f, 0.871559f, 0.871574f, 0.871588f, 0.871603f, 0.871618f, 0.871632f,
-0.871647f, 0.871662f, 0.871676f, 0.871691f, 0.871706f, 0.87172f, 0.871735f, 0.87175f, 0.871764f, 0.871779f, 0.871794f, 0.871808f, 0.871823f, 0.871837f, 0.871852f, 0.871867f, 0.871881f, 0.871896f, 0.871911f, 0.871925f,
-0.87194f, 0.871955f, 0.871969f, 0.871984f, 0.871998f, 0.872013f, 0.872028f, 0.872042f, 0.872057f, 0.872072f, 0.872086f, 0.872101f, 0.872115f, 0.87213f, 0.872145f, 0.872159f, 0.872174f, 0.872188f, 0.872203f, 0.872218f,
-0.872232f, 0.872247f, 0.872261f, 0.872276f, 0.872291f, 0.872305f, 0.87232f, 0.872334f, 0.872349f, 0.872364f, 0.872378f, 0.872393f, 0.872407f, 0.872422f, 0.872436f, 0.872451f, 0.872466f, 0.87248f, 0.872495f, 0.872509f,
-0.872524f, 0.872538f, 0.872553f, 0.872568f, 0.872582f, 0.872597f, 0.872611f, 0.872626f, 0.87264f, 0.872655f, 0.87267f, 0.872684f, 0.872699f, 0.872713f, 0.872728f, 0.872742f, 0.872757f, 0.872771f, 0.872786f, 0.8728f,
-0.872815f, 0.87283f, 0.872844f, 0.872859f, 0.872873f, 0.872888f, 0.872902f, 0.872917f, 0.872931f, 0.872946f, 0.87296f, 0.872975f, 0.872989f, 0.873004f, 0.873018f, 0.873033f, 0.873047f, 0.873062f, 0.873076f, 0.873091f,
-0.873105f, 0.87312f, 0.873134f, 0.873149f, 0.873163f, 0.873178f, 0.873192f, 0.873207f, 0.873221f, 0.873236f, 0.87325f, 0.873265f, 0.873279f, 0.873294f, 0.873308f, 0.873323f, 0.873337f, 0.873352f, 0.873366f, 0.873381f,
-0.873395f, 0.87341f, 0.873424f, 0.873439f, 0.873453f, 0.873468f, 0.873482f, 0.873497f, 0.873511f, 0.873526f, 0.87354f, 0.873554f, 0.873569f, 0.873583f, 0.873598f, 0.873612f, 0.873627f, 0.873641f, 0.873656f, 0.87367f,
-0.873685f, 0.873699f, 0.873713f, 0.873728f, 0.873742f, 0.873757f, 0.873771f, 0.873786f, 0.8738f, 0.873814f, 0.873829f, 0.873843f, 0.873858f, 0.873872f, 0.873887f, 0.873901f, 0.873915f, 0.87393f, 0.873944f, 0.873959f,
-0.873973f, 0.873988f, 0.874002f, 0.874016f, 0.874031f, 0.874045f, 0.87406f, 0.874074f, 0.874088f, 0.874103f, 0.874117f, 0.874132f, 0.874146f, 0.87416f, 0.874175f, 0.874189f, 0.874204f, 0.874218f, 0.874232f, 0.874247f,
-0.874261f, 0.874276f, 0.87429f, 0.874304f, 0.874319f, 0.874333f, 0.874347f, 0.874362f, 0.874376f, 0.874391f, 0.874405f, 0.874419f, 0.874434f, 0.874448f, 0.874462f, 0.874477f, 0.874491f, 0.874505f, 0.87452f, 0.874534f,
-0.874548f, 0.874563f, 0.874577f, 0.874592f, 0.874606f, 0.87462f, 0.874635f, 0.874649f, 0.874663f, 0.874678f, 0.874692f, 0.874706f, 0.874721f, 0.874735f, 0.874749f, 0.874764f, 0.874778f, 0.874792f, 0.874807f, 0.874821f,
-0.874835f, 0.87485f, 0.874864f, 0.874878f, 0.874893f, 0.874907f, 0.874921f, 0.874935f, 0.87495f, 0.874964f, 0.874978f, 0.874993f, 0.875007f, 0.875021f, 0.875036f, 0.87505f, 0.875064f, 0.875079f, 0.875093f, 0.875107f,
-0.875121f, 0.875136f, 0.87515f, 0.875164f, 0.875179f, 0.875193f, 0.875207f, 0.875221f, 0.875236f, 0.87525f, 0.875264f, 0.875279f, 0.875293f, 0.875307f, 0.875321f, 0.875336f, 0.87535f, 0.875364f, 0.875378f, 0.875393f,
-0.875407f, 0.875421f, 0.875435f, 0.87545f, 0.875464f, 0.875478f, 0.875493f, 0.875507f, 0.875521f, 0.875535f, 0.875549f, 0.875564f, 0.875578f, 0.875592f, 0.875606f, 0.875621f, 0.875635f, 0.875649f, 0.875663f, 0.875678f,
-0.875692f, 0.875706f, 0.87572f, 0.875735f, 0.875749f, 0.875763f, 0.875777f, 0.875791f, 0.875806f, 0.87582f, 0.875834f, 0.875848f, 0.875863f, 0.875877f, 0.875891f, 0.875905f, 0.875919f, 0.875934f, 0.875948f, 0.875962f,
-0.875976f, 0.87599f, 0.876005f, 0.876019f, 0.876033f, 0.876047f, 0.876061f, 0.876076f, 0.87609f, 0.876104f, 0.876118f, 0.876132f, 0.876147f, 0.876161f, 0.876175f, 0.876189f, 0.876203f, 0.876217f, 0.876232f, 0.876246f,
-0.87626f, 0.876274f, 0.876288f, 0.876302f, 0.876317f, 0.876331f, 0.876345f, 0.876359f, 0.876373f, 0.876387f, 0.876402f, 0.876416f, 0.87643f, 0.876444f, 0.876458f, 0.876472f, 0.876486f, 0.876501f, 0.876515f, 0.876529f,
-0.876543f, 0.876557f, 0.876571f, 0.876585f, 0.8766f, 0.876614f, 0.876628f, 0.876642f, 0.876656f, 0.87667f, 0.876684f, 0.876698f, 0.876713f, 0.876727f, 0.876741f, 0.876755f, 0.876769f, 0.876783f, 0.876797f, 0.876811f,
-0.876826f, 0.87684f, 0.876854f, 0.876868f, 0.876882f, 0.876896f, 0.87691f, 0.876924f, 0.876938f, 0.876952f, 0.876967f, 0.876981f, 0.876995f, 0.877009f, 0.877023f, 0.877037f, 0.877051f, 0.877065f, 0.877079f, 0.877093f,
-0.877107f, 0.877122f, 0.877136f, 0.87715f, 0.877164f, 0.877178f, 0.877192f, 0.877206f, 0.87722f, 0.877234f, 0.877248f, 0.877262f, 0.877276f, 0.87729f, 0.877304f, 0.877318f, 0.877333f, 0.877347f, 0.877361f, 0.877375f,
-0.877389f, 0.877403f, 0.877417f, 0.877431f, 0.877445f, 0.877459f, 0.877473f, 0.877487f, 0.877501f, 0.877515f, 0.877529f, 0.877543f, 0.877557f, 0.877571f, 0.877585f, 0.877599f, 0.877613f, 0.877627f, 0.877641f, 0.877655f,
-0.877669f, 0.877683f, 0.877697f, 0.877711f, 0.877726f, 0.87774f, 0.877754f, 0.877768f, 0.877782f, 0.877796f, 0.87781f, 0.877824f, 0.877838f, 0.877852f, 0.877866f, 0.87788f, 0.877894f, 0.877908f, 0.877922f, 0.877936f,
-0.87795f, 0.877964f, 0.877978f, 0.877991f, 0.878005f, 0.878019f, 0.878033f, 0.878047f, 0.878061f, 0.878075f, 0.878089f, 0.878103f, 0.878117f, 0.878131f, 0.878145f, 0.878159f, 0.878173f, 0.878187f, 0.878201f, 0.878215f,
-0.878229f, 0.878243f, 0.878257f, 0.878271f, 0.878285f, 0.878299f, 0.878313f, 0.878327f, 0.878341f, 0.878355f, 0.878369f, 0.878382f, 0.878396f, 0.87841f, 0.878424f, 0.878438f, 0.878452f, 0.878466f, 0.87848f, 0.878494f,
-0.878508f, 0.878522f, 0.878536f, 0.87855f, 0.878564f, 0.878578f, 0.878591f, 0.878605f, 0.878619f, 0.878633f, 0.878647f, 0.878661f, 0.878675f, 0.878689f, 0.878703f, 0.878717f, 0.878731f, 0.878745f, 0.878758f, 0.878772f,
-0.878786f, 0.8788f, 0.878814f, 0.878828f, 0.878842f, 0.878856f, 0.87887f, 0.878883f, 0.878897f, 0.878911f, 0.878925f, 0.878939f, 0.878953f, 0.878967f, 0.878981f, 0.878995f, 0.879008f, 0.879022f, 0.879036f, 0.87905f,
-0.879064f, 0.879078f, 0.879092f, 0.879106f, 0.879119f, 0.879133f, 0.879147f, 0.879161f, 0.879175f, 0.879189f, 0.879203f, 0.879216f, 0.87923f, 0.879244f, 0.879258f, 0.879272f, 0.879286f, 0.8793f, 0.879313f, 0.879327f,
-0.879341f, 0.879355f, 0.879369f, 0.879383f, 0.879396f, 0.87941f, 0.879424f, 0.879438f, 0.879452f, 0.879466f, 0.879479f, 0.879493f, 0.879507f, 0.879521f, 0.879535f, 0.879548f, 0.879562f, 0.879576f, 0.87959f, 0.879604f,
-0.879618f, 0.879631f, 0.879645f, 0.879659f, 0.879673f, 0.879687f, 0.8797f, 0.879714f, 0.879728f, 0.879742f, 0.879756f, 0.879769f, 0.879783f, 0.879797f, 0.879811f, 0.879825f, 0.879838f, 0.879852f, 0.879866f, 0.87988f,
-0.879893f, 0.879907f, 0.879921f, 0.879935f, 0.879949f, 0.879962f, 0.879976f, 0.87999f, 0.880004f, 0.880017f, 0.880031f, 0.880045f, 0.880059f, 0.880072f, 0.880086f, 0.8801f, 0.880114f, 0.880128f, 0.880141f, 0.880155f,
-0.880169f, 0.880183f, 0.880196f, 0.88021f, 0.880224f, 0.880238f, 0.880251f, 0.880265f, 0.880279f, 0.880293f, 0.880306f, 0.88032f, 0.880334f, 0.880347f, 0.880361f, 0.880375f, 0.880389f, 0.880402f, 0.880416f, 0.88043f,
-0.880444f, 0.880457f, 0.880471f, 0.880485f, 0.880498f, 0.880512f, 0.880526f, 0.88054f, 0.880553f, 0.880567f, 0.880581f, 0.880594f, 0.880608f, 0.880622f, 0.880635f, 0.880649f, 0.880663f, 0.880677f, 0.88069f, 0.880704f,
-0.880718f, 0.880731f, 0.880745f, 0.880759f, 0.880772f, 0.880786f, 0.8808f, 0.880813f, 0.880827f, 0.880841f, 0.880855f, 0.880868f, 0.880882f, 0.880896f, 0.880909f, 0.880923f, 0.880937f, 0.88095f, 0.880964f, 0.880978f,
-0.880991f, 0.881005f, 0.881019f, 0.881032f, 0.881046f, 0.88106f, 0.881073f, 0.881087f, 0.8811f, 0.881114f, 0.881128f, 0.881141f, 0.881155f, 0.881169f, 0.881182f, 0.881196f, 0.88121f, 0.881223f, 0.881237f, 0.881251f,
-0.881264f, 0.881278f, 0.881291f, 0.881305f, 0.881319f, 0.881332f, 0.881346f, 0.88136f, 0.881373f, 0.881387f, 0.8814f, 0.881414f, 0.881428f, 0.881441f, 0.881455f, 0.881469f, 0.881482f, 0.881496f, 0.881509f, 0.881523f,
-0.881537f, 0.88155f, 0.881564f, 0.881577f, 0.881591f, 0.881605f, 0.881618f, 0.881632f, 0.881645f, 0.881659f, 0.881673f, 0.881686f, 0.8817f, 0.881713f, 0.881727f, 0.88174f, 0.881754f, 0.881768f, 0.881781f, 0.881795f,
-0.881808f, 0.881822f, 0.881836f, 0.881849f, 0.881863f, 0.881876f, 0.88189f, 0.881903f, 0.881917f, 0.881931f, 0.881944f, 0.881958f, 0.881971f, 0.881985f, 0.881998f, 0.882012f, 0.882025f, 0.882039f, 0.882053f, 0.882066f,
-0.88208f, 0.882093f, 0.882107f, 0.88212f, 0.882134f, 0.882147f, 0.882161f, 0.882174f, 0.882188f, 0.882201f, 0.882215f, 0.882229f, 0.882242f, 0.882256f, 0.882269f, 0.882283f, 0.882296f, 0.88231f, 0.882323f, 0.882337f,
-0.88235f, 0.882364f, 0.882377f, 0.882391f, 0.882404f, 0.882418f, 0.882431f, 0.882445f, 0.882458f, 0.882472f, 0.882485f, 0.882499f, 0.882512f, 0.882526f, 0.882539f, 0.882553f, 0.882566f, 0.88258f, 0.882593f, 0.882607f,
-0.88262f, 0.882634f, 0.882647f, 0.882661f, 0.882674f, 0.882688f, 0.882701f, 0.882715f, 0.882728f, 0.882742f, 0.882755f, 0.882769f, 0.882782f, 0.882796f, 0.882809f, 0.882822f, 0.882836f, 0.882849f, 0.882863f, 0.882876f,
-0.88289f, 0.882903f, 0.882917f, 0.88293f, 0.882944f, 0.882957f, 0.88297f, 0.882984f, 0.882997f, 0.883011f, 0.883024f, 0.883038f, 0.883051f, 0.883065f, 0.883078f, 0.883091f, 0.883105f, 0.883118f, 0.883132f, 0.883145f,
-0.883159f, 0.883172f, 0.883185f, 0.883199f, 0.883212f, 0.883226f, 0.883239f, 0.883253f, 0.883266f, 0.883279f, 0.883293f, 0.883306f, 0.88332f, 0.883333f, 0.883347f, 0.88336f, 0.883373f, 0.883387f, 0.8834f, 0.883414f,
-0.883427f, 0.88344f, 0.883454f, 0.883467f, 0.883481f, 0.883494f, 0.883507f, 0.883521f, 0.883534f, 0.883547f, 0.883561f, 0.883574f, 0.883588f, 0.883601f, 0.883614f, 0.883628f, 0.883641f, 0.883655f, 0.883668f, 0.883681f,
-0.883695f, 0.883708f, 0.883721f, 0.883735f, 0.883748f, 0.883762f, 0.883775f, 0.883788f, 0.883802f, 0.883815f, 0.883828f, 0.883842f, 0.883855f, 0.883868f, 0.883882f, 0.883895f, 0.883908f, 0.883922f, 0.883935f, 0.883948f,
-0.883962f, 0.883975f, 0.883989f, 0.884002f, 0.884015f, 0.884029f, 0.884042f, 0.884055f, 0.884069f, 0.884082f, 0.884095f, 0.884109f, 0.884122f, 0.884135f, 0.884148f, 0.884162f, 0.884175f, 0.884188f, 0.884202f, 0.884215f,
-0.884228f, 0.884242f, 0.884255f, 0.884268f, 0.884282f, 0.884295f, 0.884308f, 0.884322f, 0.884335f, 0.884348f, 0.884361f, 0.884375f, 0.884388f, 0.884401f, 0.884415f, 0.884428f, 0.884441f, 0.884455f, 0.884468f, 0.884481f,
-0.884494f, 0.884508f, 0.884521f, 0.884534f, 0.884548f, 0.884561f, 0.884574f, 0.884587f, 0.884601f, 0.884614f, 0.884627f, 0.88464f, 0.884654f, 0.884667f, 0.88468f, 0.884694f, 0.884707f, 0.88472f, 0.884733f, 0.884747f,
-0.88476f, 0.884773f, 0.884786f, 0.8848f, 0.884813f, 0.884826f, 0.884839f, 0.884853f, 0.884866f, 0.884879f, 0.884892f, 0.884906f, 0.884919f, 0.884932f, 0.884945f, 0.884959f, 0.884972f, 0.884985f, 0.884998f, 0.885011f,
-0.885025f, 0.885038f, 0.885051f, 0.885064f, 0.885078f, 0.885091f, 0.885104f, 0.885117f, 0.88513f, 0.885144f, 0.885157f, 0.88517f, 0.885183f, 0.885197f, 0.88521f, 0.885223f, 0.885236f, 0.885249f, 0.885263f, 0.885276f,
-0.885289f, 0.885302f, 0.885315f, 0.885329f, 0.885342f, 0.885355f, 0.885368f, 0.885381f, 0.885395f, 0.885408f, 0.885421f, 0.885434f, 0.885447f, 0.88546f, 0.885474f, 0.885487f, 0.8855f, 0.885513f, 0.885526f, 0.88554f,
-0.885553f, 0.885566f, 0.885579f, 0.885592f, 0.885605f, 0.885619f, 0.885632f, 0.885645f, 0.885658f, 0.885671f, 0.885684f, 0.885697f, 0.885711f, 0.885724f, 0.885737f, 0.88575f, 0.885763f, 0.885776f, 0.88579f, 0.885803f,
-0.885816f, 0.885829f, 0.885842f, 0.885855f, 0.885868f, 0.885882f, 0.885895f, 0.885908f, 0.885921f, 0.885934f, 0.885947f, 0.88596f, 0.885973f, 0.885987f, 0.886f, 0.886013f, 0.886026f, 0.886039f, 0.886052f, 0.886065f,
-0.886078f, 0.886092f, 0.886105f, 0.886118f, 0.886131f, 0.886144f, 0.886157f, 0.88617f, 0.886183f, 0.886196f, 0.886209f, 0.886223f, 0.886236f, 0.886249f, 0.886262f, 0.886275f, 0.886288f, 0.886301f, 0.886314f, 0.886327f,
-0.88634f, 0.886353f, 0.886367f, 0.88638f, 0.886393f, 0.886406f, 0.886419f, 0.886432f, 0.886445f, 0.886458f, 0.886471f, 0.886484f, 0.886497f, 0.88651f, 0.886523f, 0.886537f, 0.88655f, 0.886563f, 0.886576f, 0.886589f,
-0.886602f, 0.886615f, 0.886628f, 0.886641f, 0.886654f, 0.886667f, 0.88668f, 0.886693f, 0.886706f, 0.886719f, 0.886732f, 0.886745f, 0.886758f, 0.886771f, 0.886785f, 0.886798f, 0.886811f, 0.886824f, 0.886837f, 0.88685f,
-0.886863f, 0.886876f, 0.886889f, 0.886902f, 0.886915f, 0.886928f, 0.886941f, 0.886954f, 0.886967f, 0.88698f, 0.886993f, 0.887006f, 0.887019f, 0.887032f, 0.887045f, 0.887058f, 0.887071f, 0.887084f, 0.887097f, 0.88711f,
-0.887123f, 0.887136f, 0.887149f, 0.887162f, 0.887175f, 0.887188f, 0.887201f, 0.887214f, 0.887227f, 0.88724f, 0.887253f, 0.887266f, 0.887279f, 0.887292f, 0.887305f, 0.887318f, 0.887331f, 0.887344f, 0.887357f, 0.88737f,
-0.887383f, 0.887396f, 0.887409f, 0.887422f, 0.887435f, 0.887448f, 0.887461f, 0.887474f, 0.887487f, 0.887499f, 0.887512f, 0.887525f, 0.887538f, 0.887551f, 0.887564f, 0.887577f, 0.88759f, 0.887603f, 0.887616f, 0.887629f,
-0.887642f, 0.887655f, 0.887668f, 0.887681f, 0.887694f, 0.887707f, 0.88772f, 0.887733f, 0.887745f, 0.887758f, 0.887771f, 0.887784f, 0.887797f, 0.88781f, 0.887823f, 0.887836f, 0.887849f, 0.887862f, 0.887875f, 0.887888f,
-0.887901f, 0.887914f, 0.887926f, 0.887939f, 0.887952f, 0.887965f, 0.887978f, 0.887991f, 0.888004f, 0.888017f, 0.88803f, 0.888043f, 0.888055f, 0.888068f, 0.888081f, 0.888094f, 0.888107f, 0.88812f, 0.888133f, 0.888146f,
-0.888159f, 0.888172f, 0.888184f, 0.888197f, 0.88821f, 0.888223f, 0.888236f, 0.888249f, 0.888262f, 0.888275f, 0.888287f, 0.8883f, 0.888313f, 0.888326f, 0.888339f, 0.888352f, 0.888365f, 0.888378f, 0.88839f, 0.888403f,
-0.888416f, 0.888429f, 0.888442f, 0.888455f, 0.888468f, 0.88848f, 0.888493f, 0.888506f, 0.888519f, 0.888532f, 0.888545f, 0.888558f, 0.88857f, 0.888583f, 0.888596f, 0.888609f, 0.888622f, 0.888635f, 0.888647f, 0.88866f,
-0.888673f, 0.888686f, 0.888699f, 0.888712f, 0.888724f, 0.888737f, 0.88875f, 0.888763f, 0.888776f, 0.888789f, 0.888801f, 0.888814f, 0.888827f, 0.88884f, 0.888853f, 0.888865f, 0.888878f, 0.888891f, 0.888904f, 0.888917f,
-0.888929f, 0.888942f, 0.888955f, 0.888968f, 0.888981f, 0.888994f, 0.889006f, 0.889019f, 0.889032f, 0.889045f, 0.889057f, 0.88907f, 0.889083f, 0.889096f, 0.889109f, 0.889121f, 0.889134f, 0.889147f, 0.88916f, 0.889173f,
-0.889185f, 0.889198f, 0.889211f, 0.889224f, 0.889236f, 0.889249f, 0.889262f, 0.889275f, 0.889288f, 0.8893f, 0.889313f, 0.889326f, 0.889339f, 0.889351f, 0.889364f, 0.889377f, 0.88939f, 0.889402f, 0.889415f, 0.889428f,
-0.889441f, 0.889453f, 0.889466f, 0.889479f, 0.889492f, 0.889504f, 0.889517f, 0.88953f, 0.889543f, 0.889555f, 0.889568f, 0.889581f, 0.889594f, 0.889606f, 0.889619f, 0.889632f, 0.889644f, 0.889657f, 0.88967f, 0.889683f,
-0.889695f, 0.889708f, 0.889721f, 0.889733f, 0.889746f, 0.889759f, 0.889772f, 0.889784f, 0.889797f, 0.88981f, 0.889822f, 0.889835f, 0.889848f, 0.889861f, 0.889873f, 0.889886f, 0.889899f, 0.889911f, 0.889924f, 0.889937f,
-0.88995f, 0.889962f, 0.889975f, 0.889988f, 0.89f, 0.890013f, 0.890026f, 0.890038f, 0.890051f, 0.890064f, 0.890076f, 0.890089f, 0.890102f, 0.890114f, 0.890127f, 0.89014f, 0.890152f, 0.890165f, 0.890178f, 0.89019f,
-0.890203f, 0.890216f, 0.890228f, 0.890241f, 0.890254f, 0.890266f, 0.890279f, 0.890292f, 0.890304f, 0.890317f, 0.89033f, 0.890342f, 0.890355f, 0.890368f, 0.89038f, 0.890393f, 0.890406f, 0.890418f, 0.890431f, 0.890444f,
-0.890456f, 0.890469f, 0.890481f, 0.890494f, 0.890507f, 0.890519f, 0.890532f, 0.890545f, 0.890557f, 0.89057f, 0.890583f, 0.890595f, 0.890608f, 0.89062f, 0.890633f, 0.890646f, 0.890658f, 0.890671f, 0.890683f, 0.890696f,
-0.890709f, 0.890721f, 0.890734f, 0.890747f, 0.890759f, 0.890772f, 0.890784f, 0.890797f, 0.89081f, 0.890822f, 0.890835f, 0.890847f, 0.89086f, 0.890873f, 0.890885f, 0.890898f, 0.89091f, 0.890923f, 0.890936f, 0.890948f,
-0.890961f, 0.890973f, 0.890986f, 0.890998f, 0.891011f, 0.891024f, 0.891036f, 0.891049f, 0.891061f, 0.891074f, 0.891086f, 0.891099f, 0.891112f, 0.891124f, 0.891137f, 0.891149f, 0.891162f, 0.891174f, 0.891187f, 0.8912f,
-0.891212f, 0.891225f, 0.891237f, 0.89125f, 0.891262f, 0.891275f, 0.891287f, 0.8913f, 0.891313f, 0.891325f, 0.891338f, 0.89135f, 0.891363f, 0.891375f, 0.891388f, 0.8914f, 0.891413f, 0.891425f, 0.891438f, 0.89145f,
-0.891463f, 0.891476f, 0.891488f, 0.891501f, 0.891513f, 0.891526f, 0.891538f, 0.891551f, 0.891563f, 0.891576f, 0.891588f, 0.891601f, 0.891613f, 0.891626f, 0.891638f, 0.891651f, 0.891663f, 0.891676f, 0.891688f, 0.891701f,
-0.891713f, 0.891726f, 0.891738f, 0.891751f, 0.891763f, 0.891776f, 0.891788f, 0.891801f, 0.891813f, 0.891826f, 0.891838f, 0.891851f, 0.891863f, 0.891876f, 0.891888f, 0.891901f, 0.891913f, 0.891926f, 0.891938f, 0.891951f,
-0.891963f, 0.891976f, 0.891988f, 0.892001f, 0.892013f, 0.892025f, 0.892038f, 0.89205f, 0.892063f, 0.892075f, 0.892088f, 0.8921f, 0.892113f, 0.892125f, 0.892138f, 0.89215f, 0.892163f, 0.892175f, 0.892187f, 0.8922f,
-0.892212f, 0.892225f, 0.892237f, 0.89225f, 0.892262f, 0.892275f, 0.892287f, 0.892299f, 0.892312f, 0.892324f, 0.892337f, 0.892349f, 0.892362f, 0.892374f, 0.892387f, 0.892399f, 0.892411f, 0.892424f, 0.892436f, 0.892449f,
-0.892461f, 0.892473f, 0.892486f, 0.892498f, 0.892511f, 0.892523f, 0.892536f, 0.892548f, 0.89256f, 0.892573f, 0.892585f, 0.892598f, 0.89261f, 0.892622f, 0.892635f, 0.892647f, 0.89266f, 0.892672f, 0.892684f, 0.892697f,
-0.892709f, 0.892722f, 0.892734f, 0.892746f, 0.892759f, 0.892771f, 0.892784f, 0.892796f, 0.892808f, 0.892821f, 0.892833f, 0.892845f, 0.892858f, 0.89287f, 0.892883f, 0.892895f, 0.892907f, 0.89292f, 0.892932f, 0.892944f,
-0.892957f, 0.892969f, 0.892982f, 0.892994f, 0.893006f, 0.893019f, 0.893031f, 0.893043f, 0.893056f, 0.893068f, 0.89308f, 0.893093f, 0.893105f, 0.893118f, 0.89313f, 0.893142f, 0.893155f, 0.893167f, 0.893179f, 0.893192f,
-0.893204f, 0.893216f, 0.893229f, 0.893241f, 0.893253f, 0.893266f, 0.893278f, 0.89329f, 0.893303f, 0.893315f, 0.893327f, 0.89334f, 0.893352f, 0.893364f, 0.893377f, 0.893389f, 0.893401f, 0.893414f, 0.893426f, 0.893438f,
-0.89345f, 0.893463f, 0.893475f, 0.893487f, 0.8935f, 0.893512f, 0.893524f, 0.893537f, 0.893549f, 0.893561f, 0.893574f, 0.893586f, 0.893598f, 0.89361f, 0.893623f, 0.893635f, 0.893647f, 0.89366f, 0.893672f, 0.893684f,
-0.893696f, 0.893709f, 0.893721f, 0.893733f, 0.893746f, 0.893758f, 0.89377f, 0.893782f, 0.893795f, 0.893807f, 0.893819f, 0.893832f, 0.893844f, 0.893856f, 0.893868f, 0.893881f, 0.893893f, 0.893905f, 0.893917f, 0.89393f,
-0.893942f, 0.893954f, 0.893966f, 0.893979f, 0.893991f, 0.894003f, 0.894016f, 0.894028f, 0.89404f, 0.894052f, 0.894065f, 0.894077f, 0.894089f, 0.894101f, 0.894113f, 0.894126f, 0.894138f, 0.89415f, 0.894162f, 0.894175f,
-0.894187f, 0.894199f, 0.894211f, 0.894224f, 0.894236f, 0.894248f, 0.89426f, 0.894273f, 0.894285f, 0.894297f, 0.894309f, 0.894321f, 0.894334f, 0.894346f, 0.894358f, 0.89437f, 0.894382f, 0.894395f, 0.894407f, 0.894419f,
-0.894431f, 0.894444f, 0.894456f, 0.894468f, 0.89448f, 0.894492f, 0.894505f, 0.894517f, 0.894529f, 0.894541f, 0.894553f, 0.894566f, 0.894578f, 0.89459f, 0.894602f, 0.894614f, 0.894626f, 0.894639f, 0.894651f, 0.894663f,
-0.894675f, 0.894687f, 0.8947f, 0.894712f, 0.894724f, 0.894736f, 0.894748f, 0.89476f, 0.894773f, 0.894785f, 0.894797f, 0.894809f, 0.894821f, 0.894833f, 0.894846f, 0.894858f, 0.89487f, 0.894882f, 0.894894f, 0.894906f,
-0.894919f, 0.894931f, 0.894943f, 0.894955f, 0.894967f, 0.894979f, 0.894991f, 0.895004f, 0.895016f, 0.895028f, 0.89504f, 0.895052f, 0.895064f, 0.895076f, 0.895089f, 0.895101f, 0.895113f, 0.895125f, 0.895137f, 0.895149f,
-0.895161f, 0.895173f, 0.895186f, 0.895198f, 0.89521f, 0.895222f, 0.895234f, 0.895246f, 0.895258f, 0.89527f, 0.895283f, 0.895295f, 0.895307f, 0.895319f, 0.895331f, 0.895343f, 0.895355f, 0.895367f, 0.895379f, 0.895391f,
-0.895404f, 0.895416f, 0.895428f, 0.89544f, 0.895452f, 0.895464f, 0.895476f, 0.895488f, 0.8955f, 0.895512f, 0.895525f, 0.895537f, 0.895549f, 0.895561f, 0.895573f, 0.895585f, 0.895597f, 0.895609f, 0.895621f, 0.895633f,
-0.895645f, 0.895657f, 0.895669f, 0.895682f, 0.895694f, 0.895706f, 0.895718f, 0.89573f, 0.895742f, 0.895754f, 0.895766f, 0.895778f, 0.89579f, 0.895802f, 0.895814f, 0.895826f, 0.895838f, 0.89585f, 0.895862f, 0.895875f,
-0.895887f, 0.895899f, 0.895911f, 0.895923f, 0.895935f, 0.895947f, 0.895959f, 0.895971f, 0.895983f, 0.895995f, 0.896007f, 0.896019f, 0.896031f, 0.896043f, 0.896055f, 0.896067f, 0.896079f, 0.896091f, 0.896103f, 0.896115f,
-0.896127f, 0.896139f, 0.896151f, 0.896163f, 0.896175f, 0.896187f, 0.896199f, 0.896211f, 0.896223f, 0.896235f, 0.896247f, 0.896259f, 0.896271f, 0.896283f, 0.896295f, 0.896307f, 0.896319f, 0.896331f, 0.896343f, 0.896355f,
-0.896367f, 0.896379f, 0.896391f, 0.896403f, 0.896415f, 0.896427f, 0.896439f, 0.896451f, 0.896463f, 0.896475f, 0.896487f, 0.896499f, 0.896511f, 0.896523f, 0.896535f, 0.896547f, 0.896559f, 0.896571f, 0.896583f, 0.896595f,
-0.896607f, 0.896619f, 0.896631f, 0.896643f, 0.896655f, 0.896667f, 0.896679f, 0.896691f, 0.896703f, 0.896715f, 0.896727f, 0.896739f, 0.896751f, 0.896763f, 0.896774f, 0.896786f, 0.896798f, 0.89681f, 0.896822f, 0.896834f,
-0.896846f, 0.896858f, 0.89687f, 0.896882f, 0.896894f, 0.896906f, 0.896918f, 0.89693f, 0.896942f, 0.896954f, 0.896966f, 0.896977f, 0.896989f, 0.897001f, 0.897013f, 0.897025f, 0.897037f, 0.897049f, 0.897061f, 0.897073f,
-0.897085f, 0.897097f, 0.897109f, 0.897121f, 0.897132f, 0.897144f, 0.897156f, 0.897168f, 0.89718f, 0.897192f, 0.897204f, 0.897216f, 0.897228f, 0.89724f, 0.897251f, 0.897263f, 0.897275f, 0.897287f, 0.897299f, 0.897311f,
-0.897323f, 0.897335f, 0.897347f, 0.897359f, 0.89737f, 0.897382f, 0.897394f, 0.897406f, 0.897418f, 0.89743f, 0.897442f, 0.897454f, 0.897465f, 0.897477f, 0.897489f, 0.897501f, 0.897513f, 0.897525f, 0.897537f, 0.897549f,
-0.89756f, 0.897572f, 0.897584f, 0.897596f, 0.897608f, 0.89762f, 0.897632f, 0.897643f, 0.897655f, 0.897667f, 0.897679f, 0.897691f, 0.897703f, 0.897715f, 0.897726f, 0.897738f, 0.89775f, 0.897762f, 0.897774f, 0.897786f,
-0.897797f, 0.897809f, 0.897821f, 0.897833f, 0.897845f, 0.897857f, 0.897868f, 0.89788f, 0.897892f, 0.897904f, 0.897916f, 0.897928f, 0.897939f, 0.897951f, 0.897963f, 0.897975f, 0.897987f, 0.897998f, 0.89801f, 0.898022f,
-0.898034f, 0.898046f, 0.898058f, 0.898069f, 0.898081f, 0.898093f, 0.898105f, 0.898117f, 0.898128f, 0.89814f, 0.898152f, 0.898164f, 0.898176f, 0.898187f, 0.898199f, 0.898211f, 0.898223f, 0.898235f, 0.898246f, 0.898258f,
-0.89827f, 0.898282f, 0.898293f, 0.898305f, 0.898317f, 0.898329f, 0.898341f, 0.898352f, 0.898364f, 0.898376f, 0.898388f, 0.8984f, 0.898411f, 0.898423f, 0.898435f, 0.898447f, 0.898458f, 0.89847f, 0.898482f, 0.898494f,
-0.898505f, 0.898517f, 0.898529f, 0.898541f, 0.898552f, 0.898564f, 0.898576f, 0.898588f, 0.898599f, 0.898611f, 0.898623f, 0.898635f, 0.898646f, 0.898658f, 0.89867f, 0.898682f, 0.898693f, 0.898705f, 0.898717f, 0.898729f,
-0.89874f, 0.898752f, 0.898764f, 0.898776f, 0.898787f, 0.898799f, 0.898811f, 0.898822f, 0.898834f, 0.898846f, 0.898858f, 0.898869f, 0.898881f, 0.898893f, 0.898905f, 0.898916f, 0.898928f, 0.89894f, 0.898951f, 0.898963f,
-0.898975f, 0.898987f, 0.898998f, 0.89901f, 0.899022f, 0.899033f, 0.899045f, 0.899057f, 0.899068f, 0.89908f, 0.899092f, 0.899104f, 0.899115f, 0.899127f, 0.899139f, 0.89915f, 0.899162f, 0.899174f, 0.899185f, 0.899197f,
-0.899209f, 0.89922f, 0.899232f, 0.899244f, 0.899255f, 0.899267f, 0.899279f, 0.89929f, 0.899302f, 0.899314f, 0.899326f, 0.899337f, 0.899349f, 0.899361f, 0.899372f, 0.899384f, 0.899396f, 0.899407f, 0.899419f, 0.899431f,
-0.899442f, 0.899454f, 0.899465f, 0.899477f, 0.899489f, 0.8995f, 0.899512f, 0.899524f, 0.899535f, 0.899547f, 0.899559f, 0.89957f, 0.899582f, 0.899594f, 0.899605f, 0.899617f, 0.899629f, 0.89964f, 0.899652f, 0.899663f,
-0.899675f, 0.899687f, 0.899698f, 0.89971f, 0.899722f, 0.899733f, 0.899745f, 0.899756f, 0.899768f, 0.89978f, 0.899791f, 0.899803f, 0.899815f, 0.899826f, 0.899838f, 0.899849f, 0.899861f, 0.899873f, 0.899884f, 0.899896f,
-0.899907f, 0.899919f, 0.899931f, 0.899942f, 0.899954f, 0.899965f, 0.899977f, 0.899989f, 0.9f, 0.900012f, 0.900023f, 0.900035f, 0.900047f, 0.900058f, 0.90007f, 0.900081f, 0.900093f, 0.900105f, 0.900116f, 0.900128f,
-0.900139f, 0.900151f, 0.900163f, 0.900174f, 0.900186f, 0.900197f, 0.900209f, 0.90022f, 0.900232f, 0.900244f, 0.900255f, 0.900267f, 0.900278f, 0.90029f, 0.900301f, 0.900313f, 0.900324f, 0.900336f, 0.900348f, 0.900359f,
-0.900371f, 0.900382f, 0.900394f, 0.900405f, 0.900417f, 0.900428f, 0.90044f, 0.900452f, 0.900463f, 0.900475f, 0.900486f, 0.900498f, 0.900509f, 0.900521f, 0.900532f, 0.900544f, 0.900555f, 0.900567f, 0.900579f, 0.90059f,
-0.900602f, 0.900613f, 0.900625f, 0.900636f, 0.900648f, 0.900659f, 0.900671f, 0.900682f, 0.900694f, 0.900705f, 0.900717f, 0.900728f, 0.90074f, 0.900751f, 0.900763f, 0.900774f, 0.900786f, 0.900797f, 0.900809f, 0.90082f,
-0.900832f, 0.900843f, 0.900855f, 0.900866f, 0.900878f, 0.900889f, 0.900901f, 0.900912f, 0.900924f, 0.900935f, 0.900947f, 0.900958f, 0.90097f, 0.900981f, 0.900993f, 0.901004f, 0.901016f, 0.901027f, 0.901039f, 0.90105f,
-0.901062f, 0.901073f, 0.901085f, 0.901096f, 0.901108f, 0.901119f, 0.901131f, 0.901142f, 0.901154f, 0.901165f, 0.901177f, 0.901188f, 0.901199f, 0.901211f, 0.901222f, 0.901234f, 0.901245f, 0.901257f, 0.901268f, 0.90128f,
-0.901291f, 0.901303f, 0.901314f, 0.901326f, 0.901337f, 0.901348f, 0.90136f, 0.901371f, 0.901383f, 0.901394f, 0.901406f, 0.901417f, 0.901429f, 0.90144f, 0.901451f, 0.901463f, 0.901474f, 0.901486f, 0.901497f, 0.901509f,
-0.90152f, 0.901531f, 0.901543f, 0.901554f, 0.901566f, 0.901577f, 0.901589f, 0.9016f, 0.901611f, 0.901623f, 0.901634f, 0.901646f, 0.901657f, 0.901668f, 0.90168f, 0.901691f, 0.901703f, 0.901714f, 0.901726f, 0.901737f,
-0.901748f, 0.90176f, 0.901771f, 0.901783f, 0.901794f, 0.901805f, 0.901817f, 0.901828f, 0.90184f, 0.901851f, 0.901862f, 0.901874f, 0.901885f, 0.901897f, 0.901908f, 0.901919f, 0.901931f, 0.901942f, 0.901953f, 0.901965f,
-0.901976f, 0.901988f, 0.901999f, 0.90201f, 0.902022f, 0.902033f, 0.902044f, 0.902056f, 0.902067f, 0.902079f, 0.90209f, 0.902101f, 0.902113f, 0.902124f, 0.902135f, 0.902147f, 0.902158f, 0.902169f, 0.902181f, 0.902192f,
-0.902204f, 0.902215f, 0.902226f, 0.902238f, 0.902249f, 0.90226f, 0.902272f, 0.902283f, 0.902294f, 0.902306f, 0.902317f, 0.902328f, 0.90234f, 0.902351f, 0.902362f, 0.902374f, 0.902385f, 0.902396f, 0.902408f, 0.902419f,
-0.90243f, 0.902442f, 0.902453f, 0.902464f, 0.902476f, 0.902487f, 0.902498f, 0.90251f, 0.902521f, 0.902532f, 0.902544f, 0.902555f, 0.902566f, 0.902578f, 0.902589f, 0.9026f, 0.902611f, 0.902623f, 0.902634f, 0.902645f,
-0.902657f, 0.902668f, 0.902679f, 0.902691f, 0.902702f, 0.902713f, 0.902725f, 0.902736f, 0.902747f, 0.902758f, 0.90277f, 0.902781f, 0.902792f, 0.902804f, 0.902815f, 0.902826f, 0.902837f, 0.902849f, 0.90286f, 0.902871f,
-0.902883f, 0.902894f, 0.902905f, 0.902916f, 0.902928f, 0.902939f, 0.90295f, 0.902961f, 0.902973f, 0.902984f, 0.902995f, 0.903007f, 0.903018f, 0.903029f, 0.90304f, 0.903052f, 0.903063f, 0.903074f, 0.903085f, 0.903097f,
-0.903108f, 0.903119f, 0.90313f, 0.903142f, 0.903153f, 0.903164f, 0.903175f, 0.903187f, 0.903198f, 0.903209f, 0.90322f, 0.903232f, 0.903243f, 0.903254f, 0.903265f, 0.903277f, 0.903288f, 0.903299f, 0.90331f, 0.903322f,
-0.903333f, 0.903344f, 0.903355f, 0.903366f, 0.903378f, 0.903389f, 0.9034f, 0.903411f, 0.903423f, 0.903434f, 0.903445f, 0.903456f, 0.903467f, 0.903479f, 0.90349f, 0.903501f, 0.903512f, 0.903523f, 0.903535f, 0.903546f,
-0.903557f, 0.903568f, 0.90358f, 0.903591f, 0.903602f, 0.903613f, 0.903624f, 0.903636f, 0.903647f, 0.903658f, 0.903669f, 0.90368f, 0.903691f, 0.903703f, 0.903714f, 0.903725f, 0.903736f, 0.903747f, 0.903759f, 0.90377f,
-0.903781f, 0.903792f, 0.903803f, 0.903814f, 0.903826f, 0.903837f, 0.903848f, 0.903859f, 0.90387f, 0.903882f, 0.903893f, 0.903904f, 0.903915f, 0.903926f, 0.903937f, 0.903949f, 0.90396f, 0.903971f, 0.903982f, 0.903993f,
-0.904004f, 0.904015f, 0.904027f, 0.904038f, 0.904049f, 0.90406f, 0.904071f, 0.904082f, 0.904094f, 0.904105f, 0.904116f, 0.904127f, 0.904138f, 0.904149f, 0.90416f, 0.904172f, 0.904183f, 0.904194f, 0.904205f, 0.904216f,
-0.904227f, 0.904238f, 0.904249f, 0.904261f, 0.904272f, 0.904283f, 0.904294f, 0.904305f, 0.904316f, 0.904327f, 0.904338f, 0.90435f, 0.904361f, 0.904372f, 0.904383f, 0.904394f, 0.904405f, 0.904416f, 0.904427f, 0.904438f,
-0.90445f, 0.904461f, 0.904472f, 0.904483f, 0.904494f, 0.904505f, 0.904516f, 0.904527f, 0.904538f, 0.904549f, 0.904561f, 0.904572f, 0.904583f, 0.904594f, 0.904605f, 0.904616f, 0.904627f, 0.904638f, 0.904649f, 0.90466f,
-0.904671f, 0.904683f, 0.904694f, 0.904705f, 0.904716f, 0.904727f, 0.904738f, 0.904749f, 0.90476f, 0.904771f, 0.904782f, 0.904793f, 0.904804f, 0.904815f, 0.904826f, 0.904838f, 0.904849f, 0.90486f, 0.904871f, 0.904882f,
-0.904893f, 0.904904f, 0.904915f, 0.904926f, 0.904937f, 0.904948f, 0.904959f, 0.90497f, 0.904981f, 0.904992f, 0.905003f, 0.905014f, 0.905025f, 0.905037f, 0.905048f, 0.905059f, 0.90507f, 0.905081f, 0.905092f, 0.905103f,
-0.905114f, 0.905125f, 0.905136f, 0.905147f, 0.905158f, 0.905169f, 0.90518f, 0.905191f, 0.905202f, 0.905213f, 0.905224f, 0.905235f, 0.905246f, 0.905257f, 0.905268f, 0.905279f, 0.90529f, 0.905301f, 0.905312f, 0.905323f,
-0.905334f, 0.905345f, 0.905356f, 0.905367f, 0.905378f, 0.905389f, 0.9054f, 0.905411f, 0.905422f, 0.905433f, 0.905444f, 0.905455f, 0.905466f, 0.905477f, 0.905488f, 0.905499f, 0.90551f, 0.905521f, 0.905532f, 0.905543f,
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-0.905774f, 0.905785f, 0.905796f, 0.905806f, 0.905817f, 0.905828f, 0.905839f, 0.90585f, 0.905861f, 0.905872f, 0.905883f, 0.905894f, 0.905905f, 0.905916f, 0.905927f, 0.905938f, 0.905949f, 0.90596f, 0.905971f, 0.905982f,
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-0.906864f, 0.906874f, 0.906885f, 0.906896f, 0.906907f, 0.906918f, 0.906929f, 0.906939f, 0.90695f, 0.906961f, 0.906972f, 0.906983f, 0.906994f, 0.907004f, 0.907015f, 0.907026f, 0.907037f, 0.907048f, 0.907059f, 0.907069f,
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-0.907296f, 0.907307f, 0.907318f, 0.907329f, 0.907339f, 0.90735f, 0.907361f, 0.907372f, 0.907383f, 0.907393f, 0.907404f, 0.907415f, 0.907426f, 0.907436f, 0.907447f, 0.907458f, 0.907469f, 0.90748f, 0.90749f, 0.907501f,
-0.907512f, 0.907523f, 0.907533f, 0.907544f, 0.907555f, 0.907566f, 0.907576f, 0.907587f, 0.907598f, 0.907609f, 0.907619f, 0.90763f, 0.907641f, 0.907652f, 0.907662f, 0.907673f, 0.907684f, 0.907695f, 0.907705f, 0.907716f,
-0.907727f, 0.907738f, 0.907748f, 0.907759f, 0.90777f, 0.907781f, 0.907791f, 0.907802f, 0.907813f, 0.907824f, 0.907834f, 0.907845f, 0.907856f, 0.907867f, 0.907877f, 0.907888f, 0.907899f, 0.907909f, 0.90792f, 0.907931f,
-0.907942f, 0.907952f, 0.907963f, 0.907974f, 0.907984f, 0.907995f, 0.908006f, 0.908017f, 0.908027f, 0.908038f, 0.908049f, 0.908059f, 0.90807f, 0.908081f, 0.908092f, 0.908102f, 0.908113f, 0.908124f, 0.908134f, 0.908145f,
-0.908156f, 0.908166f, 0.908177f, 0.908188f, 0.908199f, 0.908209f, 0.90822f, 0.908231f, 0.908241f, 0.908252f, 0.908263f, 0.908273f, 0.908284f, 0.908295f, 0.908305f, 0.908316f, 0.908327f, 0.908337f, 0.908348f, 0.908359f,
-0.908369f, 0.90838f, 0.908391f, 0.908402f, 0.908412f, 0.908423f, 0.908434f, 0.908444f, 0.908455f, 0.908465f, 0.908476f, 0.908487f, 0.908497f, 0.908508f, 0.908519f, 0.908529f, 0.90854f, 0.908551f, 0.908561f, 0.908572f,
-0.908583f, 0.908593f, 0.908604f, 0.908615f, 0.908625f, 0.908636f, 0.908647f, 0.908657f, 0.908668f, 0.908679f, 0.908689f, 0.9087f, 0.90871f, 0.908721f, 0.908732f, 0.908742f, 0.908753f, 0.908764f, 0.908774f, 0.908785f,
-0.908795f, 0.908806f, 0.908817f, 0.908827f, 0.908838f, 0.908849f, 0.908859f, 0.90887f, 0.90888f, 0.908891f, 0.908902f, 0.908912f, 0.908923f, 0.908934f, 0.908944f, 0.908955f, 0.908965f, 0.908976f, 0.908987f, 0.908997f,
-0.909008f, 0.909018f, 0.909029f, 0.90904f, 0.90905f, 0.909061f, 0.909071f, 0.909082f, 0.909093f, 0.909103f, 0.909114f, 0.909124f, 0.909135f, 0.909145f, 0.909156f, 0.909167f, 0.909177f, 0.909188f, 0.909198f, 0.909209f,
-0.90922f, 0.90923f, 0.909241f, 0.909251f, 0.909262f, 0.909272f, 0.909283f, 0.909294f, 0.909304f, 0.909315f, 0.909325f, 0.909336f, 0.909346f, 0.909357f, 0.909368f, 0.909378f, 0.909389f, 0.909399f, 0.90941f, 0.90942f,
-0.909431f, 0.909441f, 0.909452f, 0.909463f, 0.909473f, 0.909484f, 0.909494f, 0.909505f, 0.909515f, 0.909526f, 0.909536f, 0.909547f, 0.909557f, 0.909568f, 0.909579f, 0.909589f, 0.9096f, 0.90961f, 0.909621f, 0.909631f,
-0.909642f, 0.909652f, 0.909663f, 0.909673f, 0.909684f, 0.909694f, 0.909705f, 0.909715f, 0.909726f, 0.909737f, 0.909747f, 0.909758f, 0.909768f, 0.909779f, 0.909789f, 0.9098f, 0.90981f, 0.909821f, 0.909831f, 0.909842f,
-0.909852f, 0.909863f, 0.909873f, 0.909884f, 0.909894f, 0.909905f, 0.909915f, 0.909926f, 0.909936f, 0.909947f, 0.909957f, 0.909968f, 0.909978f, 0.909989f, 0.909999f, 0.91001f, 0.91002f, 0.910031f, 0.910041f, 0.910052f,
-0.910062f, 0.910073f, 0.910083f, 0.910094f, 0.910104f, 0.910115f, 0.910125f, 0.910135f, 0.910146f, 0.910156f, 0.910167f, 0.910177f, 0.910188f, 0.910198f, 0.910209f, 0.910219f, 0.91023f, 0.91024f, 0.910251f, 0.910261f,
-0.910272f, 0.910282f, 0.910293f, 0.910303f, 0.910313f, 0.910324f, 0.910334f, 0.910345f, 0.910355f, 0.910366f, 0.910376f, 0.910387f, 0.910397f, 0.910407f, 0.910418f, 0.910428f, 0.910439f, 0.910449f, 0.91046f, 0.91047f,
-0.910481f, 0.910491f, 0.910501f, 0.910512f, 0.910522f, 0.910533f, 0.910543f, 0.910554f, 0.910564f, 0.910574f, 0.910585f, 0.910595f, 0.910606f, 0.910616f, 0.910627f, 0.910637f, 0.910647f, 0.910658f, 0.910668f, 0.910679f,
-0.910689f, 0.9107f, 0.91071f, 0.91072f, 0.910731f, 0.910741f, 0.910752f, 0.910762f, 0.910772f, 0.910783f, 0.910793f, 0.910804f, 0.910814f, 0.910824f, 0.910835f, 0.910845f, 0.910856f, 0.910866f, 0.910876f, 0.910887f,
-0.910897f, 0.910908f, 0.910918f, 0.910928f, 0.910939f, 0.910949f, 0.91096f, 0.91097f, 0.91098f, 0.910991f, 0.911001f, 0.911011f, 0.911022f, 0.911032f, 0.911043f, 0.911053f, 0.911063f, 0.911074f, 0.911084f, 0.911094f,
-0.911105f, 0.911115f, 0.911126f, 0.911136f, 0.911146f, 0.911157f, 0.911167f, 0.911177f, 0.911188f, 0.911198f, 0.911208f, 0.911219f, 0.911229f, 0.91124f, 0.91125f, 0.91126f, 0.911271f, 0.911281f, 0.911291f, 0.911302f,
-0.911312f, 0.911322f, 0.911333f, 0.911343f, 0.911353f, 0.911364f, 0.911374f, 0.911384f, 0.911395f, 0.911405f, 0.911415f, 0.911426f, 0.911436f, 0.911446f, 0.911457f, 0.911467f, 0.911477f, 0.911488f, 0.911498f, 0.911508f,
-0.911519f, 0.911529f, 0.911539f, 0.91155f, 0.91156f, 0.91157f, 0.911581f, 0.911591f, 0.911601f, 0.911612f, 0.911622f, 0.911632f, 0.911642f, 0.911653f, 0.911663f, 0.911673f, 0.911684f, 0.911694f, 0.911704f, 0.911715f,
-0.911725f, 0.911735f, 0.911746f, 0.911756f, 0.911766f, 0.911776f, 0.911787f, 0.911797f, 0.911807f, 0.911818f, 0.911828f, 0.911838f, 0.911848f, 0.911859f, 0.911869f, 0.911879f, 0.91189f, 0.9119f, 0.91191f, 0.91192f,
-0.911931f, 0.911941f, 0.911951f, 0.911962f, 0.911972f, 0.911982f, 0.911992f, 0.912003f, 0.912013f, 0.912023f, 0.912033f, 0.912044f, 0.912054f, 0.912064f, 0.912074f, 0.912085f, 0.912095f, 0.912105f, 0.912115f, 0.912126f,
-0.912136f, 0.912146f, 0.912157f, 0.912167f, 0.912177f, 0.912187f, 0.912198f, 0.912208f, 0.912218f, 0.912228f, 0.912238f, 0.912249f, 0.912259f, 0.912269f, 0.912279f, 0.91229f, 0.9123f, 0.91231f, 0.91232f, 0.912331f,
-0.912341f, 0.912351f, 0.912361f, 0.912372f, 0.912382f, 0.912392f, 0.912402f, 0.912412f, 0.912423f, 0.912433f, 0.912443f, 0.912453f, 0.912464f, 0.912474f, 0.912484f, 0.912494f, 0.912504f, 0.912515f, 0.912525f, 0.912535f,
-0.912545f, 0.912555f, 0.912566f, 0.912576f, 0.912586f, 0.912596f, 0.912607f, 0.912617f, 0.912627f, 0.912637f, 0.912647f, 0.912658f, 0.912668f, 0.912678f, 0.912688f, 0.912698f, 0.912708f, 0.912719f, 0.912729f, 0.912739f,
-0.912749f, 0.912759f, 0.91277f, 0.91278f, 0.91279f, 0.9128f, 0.91281f, 0.912821f, 0.912831f, 0.912841f, 0.912851f, 0.912861f, 0.912871f, 0.912882f, 0.912892f, 0.912902f, 0.912912f, 0.912922f, 0.912932f, 0.912943f,
-0.912953f, 0.912963f, 0.912973f, 0.912983f, 0.912993f, 0.913004f, 0.913014f, 0.913024f, 0.913034f, 0.913044f, 0.913054f, 0.913064f, 0.913075f, 0.913085f, 0.913095f, 0.913105f, 0.913115f, 0.913125f, 0.913135f, 0.913146f,
-0.913156f, 0.913166f, 0.913176f, 0.913186f, 0.913196f, 0.913206f, 0.913217f, 0.913227f, 0.913237f, 0.913247f, 0.913257f, 0.913267f, 0.913277f, 0.913288f, 0.913298f, 0.913308f, 0.913318f, 0.913328f, 0.913338f, 0.913348f,
-0.913358f, 0.913368f, 0.913379f, 0.913389f, 0.913399f, 0.913409f, 0.913419f, 0.913429f, 0.913439f, 0.913449f, 0.913459f, 0.91347f, 0.91348f, 0.91349f, 0.9135f, 0.91351f, 0.91352f, 0.91353f, 0.91354f, 0.91355f,
-0.913561f, 0.913571f, 0.913581f, 0.913591f, 0.913601f, 0.913611f, 0.913621f, 0.913631f, 0.913641f, 0.913651f, 0.913661f, 0.913671f, 0.913682f, 0.913692f, 0.913702f, 0.913712f, 0.913722f, 0.913732f, 0.913742f, 0.913752f,
-0.913762f, 0.913772f, 0.913782f, 0.913792f, 0.913802f, 0.913813f, 0.913823f, 0.913833f, 0.913843f, 0.913853f, 0.913863f, 0.913873f, 0.913883f, 0.913893f, 0.913903f, 0.913913f, 0.913923f, 0.913933f, 0.913943f, 0.913953f,
-0.913963f, 0.913973f, 0.913984f, 0.913994f, 0.914004f, 0.914014f, 0.914024f, 0.914034f, 0.914044f, 0.914054f, 0.914064f, 0.914074f, 0.914084f, 0.914094f, 0.914104f, 0.914114f, 0.914124f, 0.914134f, 0.914144f, 0.914154f,
-0.914164f, 0.914174f, 0.914184f, 0.914194f, 0.914204f, 0.914214f, 0.914224f, 0.914234f, 0.914244f, 0.914254f, 0.914264f, 0.914274f, 0.914284f, 0.914295f, 0.914305f, 0.914315f, 0.914325f, 0.914335f, 0.914345f, 0.914355f,
-0.914365f, 0.914375f, 0.914385f, 0.914395f, 0.914405f, 0.914415f, 0.914425f, 0.914435f, 0.914445f, 0.914455f, 0.914465f, 0.914475f, 0.914485f, 0.914495f, 0.914505f, 0.914515f, 0.914525f, 0.914535f, 0.914545f, 0.914554f,
-0.914564f, 0.914574f, 0.914584f, 0.914594f, 0.914604f, 0.914614f, 0.914624f, 0.914634f, 0.914644f, 0.914654f, 0.914664f, 0.914674f, 0.914684f, 0.914694f, 0.914704f, 0.914714f, 0.914724f, 0.914734f, 0.914744f, 0.914754f,
-0.914764f, 0.914774f, 0.914784f, 0.914794f, 0.914804f, 0.914814f, 0.914824f, 0.914834f, 0.914844f, 0.914854f, 0.914863f, 0.914873f, 0.914883f, 0.914893f, 0.914903f, 0.914913f, 0.914923f, 0.914933f, 0.914943f, 0.914953f,
-0.914963f, 0.914973f, 0.914983f, 0.914993f, 0.915003f, 0.915013f, 0.915023f, 0.915032f, 0.915042f, 0.915052f, 0.915062f, 0.915072f, 0.915082f, 0.915092f, 0.915102f, 0.915112f, 0.915122f, 0.915132f, 0.915142f, 0.915152f,
-0.915162f, 0.915171f, 0.915181f, 0.915191f, 0.915201f, 0.915211f, 0.915221f, 0.915231f, 0.915241f, 0.915251f, 0.915261f, 0.915271f, 0.91528f, 0.91529f, 0.9153f, 0.91531f, 0.91532f, 0.91533f, 0.91534f, 0.91535f,
-0.91536f, 0.91537f, 0.915379f, 0.915389f, 0.915399f, 0.915409f, 0.915419f, 0.915429f, 0.915439f, 0.915449f, 0.915459f, 0.915468f, 0.915478f, 0.915488f, 0.915498f, 0.915508f, 0.915518f, 0.915528f, 0.915538f, 0.915547f,
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-0.915755f, 0.915764f, 0.915774f, 0.915784f, 0.915794f, 0.915804f, 0.915814f, 0.915823f, 0.915833f, 0.915843f, 0.915853f, 0.915863f, 0.915873f, 0.915883f, 0.915892f, 0.915902f, 0.915912f, 0.915922f, 0.915932f, 0.915942f,
-0.915951f, 0.915961f, 0.915971f, 0.915981f, 0.915991f, 0.916f, 0.91601f, 0.91602f, 0.91603f, 0.91604f, 0.91605f, 0.916059f, 0.916069f, 0.916079f, 0.916089f, 0.916099f, 0.916108f, 0.916118f, 0.916128f, 0.916138f,
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-0.916344f, 0.916353f, 0.916363f, 0.916373f, 0.916383f, 0.916393f, 0.916402f, 0.916412f, 0.916422f, 0.916432f, 0.916441f, 0.916451f, 0.916461f, 0.916471f, 0.91648f, 0.91649f, 0.9165f, 0.91651f, 0.91652f, 0.916529f,
-0.916539f, 0.916549f, 0.916559f, 0.916568f, 0.916578f, 0.916588f, 0.916598f, 0.916607f, 0.916617f, 0.916627f, 0.916637f, 0.916646f, 0.916656f, 0.916666f, 0.916676f, 0.916685f, 0.916695f, 0.916705f, 0.916715f, 0.916724f,
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-0.916929f, 0.916938f, 0.916948f, 0.916958f, 0.916968f, 0.916977f, 0.916987f, 0.916997f, 0.917006f, 0.917016f, 0.917026f, 0.917036f, 0.917045f, 0.917055f, 0.917065f, 0.917074f, 0.917084f, 0.917094f, 0.917104f, 0.917113f,
-0.917123f, 0.917133f, 0.917142f, 0.917152f, 0.917162f, 0.917171f, 0.917181f, 0.917191f, 0.9172f, 0.91721f, 0.91722f, 0.91723f, 0.917239f, 0.917249f, 0.917259f, 0.917268f, 0.917278f, 0.917288f, 0.917297f, 0.917307f,
-0.917317f, 0.917326f, 0.917336f, 0.917346f, 0.917355f, 0.917365f, 0.917375f, 0.917384f, 0.917394f, 0.917404f, 0.917413f, 0.917423f, 0.917433f, 0.917442f, 0.917452f, 0.917462f, 0.917471f, 0.917481f, 0.917491f, 0.9175f,
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-0.920171f, 0.920181f, 0.92019f, 0.920199f, 0.920209f, 0.920218f, 0.920227f, 0.920237f, 0.920246f, 0.920255f, 0.920265f, 0.920274f, 0.920283f, 0.920293f, 0.920302f, 0.920311f, 0.920321f, 0.92033f, 0.920339f, 0.920349f,
-0.920358f, 0.920367f, 0.920377f, 0.920386f, 0.920395f, 0.920405f, 0.920414f, 0.920423f, 0.920433f, 0.920442f, 0.920451f, 0.920461f, 0.92047f, 0.920479f, 0.920489f, 0.920498f, 0.920507f, 0.920517f, 0.920526f, 0.920535f,
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-0.920916f, 0.920926f, 0.920935f, 0.920944f, 0.920953f, 0.920963f, 0.920972f, 0.920981f, 0.92099f, 0.921f, 0.921009f, 0.921018f, 0.921028f, 0.921037f, 0.921046f, 0.921055f, 0.921065f, 0.921074f, 0.921083f, 0.921092f,
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-0.921655f, 0.921664f, 0.921673f, 0.921682f, 0.921692f, 0.921701f, 0.92171f, 0.921719f, 0.921728f, 0.921737f, 0.921747f, 0.921756f, 0.921765f, 0.921774f, 0.921783f, 0.921792f, 0.921802f, 0.921811f, 0.92182f, 0.921829f,
-0.921838f, 0.921848f, 0.921857f, 0.921866f, 0.921875f, 0.921884f, 0.921893f, 0.921903f, 0.921912f, 0.921921f, 0.92193f, 0.921939f, 0.921948f, 0.921957f, 0.921967f, 0.921976f, 0.921985f, 0.921994f, 0.922003f, 0.922012f,
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-0.922204f, 0.922213f, 0.922223f, 0.922232f, 0.922241f, 0.92225f, 0.922259f, 0.922268f, 0.922277f, 0.922286f, 0.922295f, 0.922305f, 0.922314f, 0.922323f, 0.922332f, 0.922341f, 0.92235f, 0.922359f, 0.922368f, 0.922377f,
-0.922387f, 0.922396f, 0.922405f, 0.922414f, 0.922423f, 0.922432f, 0.922441f, 0.92245f, 0.922459f, 0.922469f, 0.922478f, 0.922487f, 0.922496f, 0.922505f, 0.922514f, 0.922523f, 0.922532f, 0.922541f, 0.92255f, 0.922559f,
-0.922569f, 0.922578f, 0.922587f, 0.922596f, 0.922605f, 0.922614f, 0.922623f, 0.922632f, 0.922641f, 0.92265f, 0.922659f, 0.922668f, 0.922677f, 0.922687f, 0.922696f, 0.922705f, 0.922714f, 0.922723f, 0.922732f, 0.922741f,
-0.92275f, 0.922759f, 0.922768f, 0.922777f, 0.922786f, 0.922795f, 0.922804f, 0.922813f, 0.922823f, 0.922832f, 0.922841f, 0.92285f, 0.922859f, 0.922868f, 0.922877f, 0.922886f, 0.922895f, 0.922904f, 0.922913f, 0.922922f,
-0.922931f, 0.92294f, 0.922949f, 0.922958f, 0.922967f, 0.922976f, 0.922985f, 0.922994f, 0.923003f, 0.923013f, 0.923022f, 0.923031f, 0.92304f, 0.923049f, 0.923058f, 0.923067f, 0.923076f, 0.923085f, 0.923094f, 0.923103f,
-0.923112f, 0.923121f, 0.92313f, 0.923139f, 0.923148f, 0.923157f, 0.923166f, 0.923175f, 0.923184f, 0.923193f, 0.923202f, 0.923211f, 0.92322f, 0.923229f, 0.923238f, 0.923247f, 0.923256f, 0.923265f, 0.923274f, 0.923283f,
-0.923292f, 0.923301f, 0.92331f, 0.923319f, 0.923328f, 0.923337f, 0.923346f, 0.923355f, 0.923364f, 0.923373f, 0.923382f, 0.923391f, 0.9234f, 0.923409f, 0.923418f, 0.923427f, 0.923436f, 0.923445f, 0.923454f, 0.923463f,
-0.923472f, 0.923481f, 0.92349f, 0.923499f, 0.923508f, 0.923517f, 0.923526f, 0.923535f, 0.923544f, 0.923553f, 0.923562f, 0.923571f, 0.92358f, 0.923589f, 0.923598f, 0.923607f, 0.923616f, 0.923625f, 0.923634f, 0.923643f,
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-0.923831f, 0.92384f, 0.923849f, 0.923857f, 0.923866f, 0.923875f, 0.923884f, 0.923893f, 0.923902f, 0.923911f, 0.92392f, 0.923929f, 0.923938f, 0.923947f, 0.923956f, 0.923965f, 0.923974f, 0.923983f, 0.923991f, 0.924f,
-0.924009f, 0.924018f, 0.924027f, 0.924036f, 0.924045f, 0.924054f, 0.924063f, 0.924072f, 0.924081f, 0.92409f, 0.924099f, 0.924107f, 0.924116f, 0.924125f, 0.924134f, 0.924143f, 0.924152f, 0.924161f, 0.92417f, 0.924179f,
-0.924188f, 0.924196f, 0.924205f, 0.924214f, 0.924223f, 0.924232f, 0.924241f, 0.92425f, 0.924259f, 0.924268f, 0.924277f, 0.924285f, 0.924294f, 0.924303f, 0.924312f, 0.924321f, 0.92433f, 0.924339f, 0.924348f, 0.924357f,
-0.924365f, 0.924374f, 0.924383f, 0.924392f, 0.924401f, 0.92441f, 0.924419f, 0.924428f, 0.924437f, 0.924445f, 0.924454f, 0.924463f, 0.924472f, 0.924481f, 0.92449f, 0.924499f, 0.924507f, 0.924516f, 0.924525f, 0.924534f,
-0.924543f, 0.924552f, 0.924561f, 0.92457f, 0.924578f, 0.924587f, 0.924596f, 0.924605f, 0.924614f, 0.924623f, 0.924632f, 0.92464f, 0.924649f, 0.924658f, 0.924667f, 0.924676f, 0.924685f, 0.924693f, 0.924702f, 0.924711f,
-0.92472f, 0.924729f, 0.924738f, 0.924747f, 0.924755f, 0.924764f, 0.924773f, 0.924782f, 0.924791f, 0.9248f, 0.924808f, 0.924817f, 0.924826f, 0.924835f, 0.924844f, 0.924853f, 0.924861f, 0.92487f, 0.924879f, 0.924888f,
-0.924897f, 0.924906f, 0.924914f, 0.924923f, 0.924932f, 0.924941f, 0.92495f, 0.924958f, 0.924967f, 0.924976f, 0.924985f, 0.924994f, 0.925002f, 0.925011f, 0.92502f, 0.925029f, 0.925038f, 0.925047f, 0.925055f, 0.925064f,
-0.925073f, 0.925082f, 0.925091f, 0.925099f, 0.925108f, 0.925117f, 0.925126f, 0.925135f, 0.925143f, 0.925152f, 0.925161f, 0.92517f, 0.925179f, 0.925187f, 0.925196f, 0.925205f, 0.925214f, 0.925222f, 0.925231f, 0.92524f,
-0.925249f, 0.925258f, 0.925266f, 0.925275f, 0.925284f, 0.925293f, 0.925302f, 0.92531f, 0.925319f, 0.925328f, 0.925337f, 0.925345f, 0.925354f, 0.925363f, 0.925372f, 0.92538f, 0.925389f, 0.925398f, 0.925407f, 0.925416f,
-0.925424f, 0.925433f, 0.925442f, 0.925451f, 0.925459f, 0.925468f, 0.925477f, 0.925486f, 0.925494f, 0.925503f, 0.925512f, 0.925521f, 0.925529f, 0.925538f, 0.925547f, 0.925556f, 0.925564f, 0.925573f, 0.925582f, 0.925591f,
-0.925599f, 0.925608f, 0.925617f, 0.925626f, 0.925634f, 0.925643f, 0.925652f, 0.925661f, 0.925669f, 0.925678f, 0.925687f, 0.925696f, 0.925704f, 0.925713f, 0.925722f, 0.92573f, 0.925739f, 0.925748f, 0.925757f, 0.925765f,
-0.925774f, 0.925783f, 0.925792f, 0.9258f, 0.925809f, 0.925818f, 0.925826f, 0.925835f, 0.925844f, 0.925853f, 0.925861f, 0.92587f, 0.925879f, 0.925887f, 0.925896f, 0.925905f, 0.925914f, 0.925922f, 0.925931f, 0.92594f,
-0.925948f, 0.925957f, 0.925966f, 0.925975f, 0.925983f, 0.925992f, 0.926001f, 0.926009f, 0.926018f, 0.926027f, 0.926035f, 0.926044f, 0.926053f, 0.926061f, 0.92607f, 0.926079f, 0.926088f, 0.926096f, 0.926105f, 0.926114f,
-0.926122f, 0.926131f, 0.92614f, 0.926148f, 0.926157f, 0.926166f, 0.926174f, 0.926183f, 0.926192f, 0.9262f, 0.926209f, 0.926218f, 0.926226f, 0.926235f, 0.926244f, 0.926252f, 0.926261f, 0.92627f, 0.926278f, 0.926287f,
-0.926296f, 0.926304f, 0.926313f, 0.926322f, 0.92633f, 0.926339f, 0.926348f, 0.926356f, 0.926365f, 0.926374f, 0.926382f, 0.926391f, 0.9264f, 0.926408f, 0.926417f, 0.926426f, 0.926434f, 0.926443f, 0.926452f, 0.92646f,
-0.926469f, 0.926478f, 0.926486f, 0.926495f, 0.926503f, 0.926512f, 0.926521f, 0.926529f, 0.926538f, 0.926547f, 0.926555f, 0.926564f, 0.926573f, 0.926581f, 0.92659f, 0.926599f, 0.926607f, 0.926616f, 0.926624f, 0.926633f,
-0.926642f, 0.92665f, 0.926659f, 0.926668f, 0.926676f, 0.926685f, 0.926693f, 0.926702f, 0.926711f, 0.926719f, 0.926728f, 0.926736f, 0.926745f, 0.926754f, 0.926762f, 0.926771f, 0.92678f, 0.926788f, 0.926797f, 0.926805f,
-0.926814f, 0.926823f, 0.926831f, 0.92684f, 0.926848f, 0.926857f, 0.926866f, 0.926874f, 0.926883f, 0.926891f, 0.9269f, 0.926909f, 0.926917f, 0.926926f, 0.926934f, 0.926943f, 0.926952f, 0.92696f, 0.926969f, 0.926977f,
-0.926986f, 0.926995f, 0.927003f, 0.927012f, 0.92702f, 0.927029f, 0.927037f, 0.927046f, 0.927055f, 0.927063f, 0.927072f, 0.92708f, 0.927089f, 0.927097f, 0.927106f, 0.927115f, 0.927123f, 0.927132f, 0.92714f, 0.927149f,
-0.927157f, 0.927166f, 0.927175f, 0.927183f, 0.927192f, 0.9272f, 0.927209f, 0.927217f, 0.927226f, 0.927235f, 0.927243f, 0.927252f, 0.92726f, 0.927269f, 0.927277f, 0.927286f, 0.927294f, 0.927303f, 0.927312f, 0.92732f,
-0.927329f, 0.927337f, 0.927346f, 0.927354f, 0.927363f, 0.927371f, 0.92738f, 0.927388f, 0.927397f, 0.927406f, 0.927414f, 0.927423f, 0.927431f, 0.92744f, 0.927448f, 0.927457f, 0.927465f, 0.927474f, 0.927482f, 0.927491f,
-0.927499f, 0.927508f, 0.927516f, 0.927525f, 0.927534f, 0.927542f, 0.927551f, 0.927559f, 0.927568f, 0.927576f, 0.927585f, 0.927593f, 0.927602f, 0.92761f, 0.927619f, 0.927627f, 0.927636f, 0.927644f, 0.927653f, 0.927661f,
-0.92767f, 0.927678f, 0.927687f, 0.927695f, 0.927704f, 0.927712f, 0.927721f, 0.927729f, 0.927738f, 0.927746f, 0.927755f, 0.927763f, 0.927772f, 0.92778f, 0.927789f, 0.927797f, 0.927806f, 0.927814f, 0.927823f, 0.927831f,
-0.92784f, 0.927848f, 0.927857f, 0.927865f, 0.927874f, 0.927882f, 0.927891f, 0.927899f, 0.927908f, 0.927916f, 0.927925f, 0.927933f, 0.927942f, 0.92795f, 0.927959f, 0.927967f, 0.927976f, 0.927984f, 0.927993f, 0.928001f,
-0.928009f, 0.928018f, 0.928026f, 0.928035f, 0.928043f, 0.928052f, 0.92806f, 0.928069f, 0.928077f, 0.928086f, 0.928094f, 0.928103f, 0.928111f, 0.92812f, 0.928128f, 0.928136f, 0.928145f, 0.928153f, 0.928162f, 0.92817f,
-0.928179f, 0.928187f, 0.928196f, 0.928204f, 0.928213f, 0.928221f, 0.928229f, 0.928238f, 0.928246f, 0.928255f, 0.928263f, 0.928272f, 0.92828f, 0.928289f, 0.928297f, 0.928305f, 0.928314f, 0.928322f, 0.928331f, 0.928339f,
-0.928348f, 0.928356f, 0.928364f, 0.928373f, 0.928381f, 0.92839f, 0.928398f, 0.928407f, 0.928415f, 0.928423f, 0.928432f, 0.92844f, 0.928449f, 0.928457f, 0.928466f, 0.928474f, 0.928482f, 0.928491f, 0.928499f, 0.928508f,
-0.928516f, 0.928524f, 0.928533f, 0.928541f, 0.92855f, 0.928558f, 0.928567f, 0.928575f, 0.928583f, 0.928592f, 0.9286f, 0.928609f, 0.928617f, 0.928625f, 0.928634f, 0.928642f, 0.928651f, 0.928659f, 0.928667f, 0.928676f,
-0.928684f, 0.928693f, 0.928701f, 0.928709f, 0.928718f, 0.928726f, 0.928735f, 0.928743f, 0.928751f, 0.92876f, 0.928768f, 0.928776f, 0.928785f, 0.928793f, 0.928802f, 0.92881f, 0.928818f, 0.928827f, 0.928835f, 0.928843f,
-0.928852f, 0.92886f, 0.928869f, 0.928877f, 0.928885f, 0.928894f, 0.928902f, 0.92891f, 0.928919f, 0.928927f, 0.928936f, 0.928944f, 0.928952f, 0.928961f, 0.928969f, 0.928977f, 0.928986f, 0.928994f, 0.929002f, 0.929011f,
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-0.929186f, 0.929194f, 0.929203f, 0.929211f, 0.929219f, 0.929228f, 0.929236f, 0.929244f, 0.929253f, 0.929261f, 0.929269f, 0.929278f, 0.929286f, 0.929294f, 0.929303f, 0.929311f, 0.929319f, 0.929328f, 0.929336f, 0.929344f,
-0.929353f, 0.929361f, 0.929369f, 0.929378f, 0.929386f, 0.929394f, 0.929403f, 0.929411f, 0.929419f, 0.929428f, 0.929436f, 0.929444f, 0.929452f, 0.929461f, 0.929469f, 0.929477f, 0.929486f, 0.929494f, 0.929502f, 0.929511f,
-0.929519f, 0.929527f, 0.929536f, 0.929544f, 0.929552f, 0.92956f, 0.929569f, 0.929577f, 0.929585f, 0.929594f, 0.929602f, 0.92961f, 0.929618f, 0.929627f, 0.929635f, 0.929643f, 0.929652f, 0.92966f, 0.929668f, 0.929676f,
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-0.92985f, 0.929858f, 0.929867f, 0.929875f, 0.929883f, 0.929892f, 0.9299f, 0.929908f, 0.929916f, 0.929925f, 0.929933f, 0.929941f, 0.929949f, 0.929958f, 0.929966f, 0.929974f, 0.929982f, 0.929991f, 0.929999f, 0.930007f,
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-0.93018f, 0.930188f, 0.930196f, 0.930205f, 0.930213f, 0.930221f, 0.930229f, 0.930238f, 0.930246f, 0.930254f, 0.930262f, 0.93027f, 0.930279f, 0.930287f, 0.930295f, 0.930303f, 0.930311f, 0.93032f, 0.930328f, 0.930336f,
-0.930344f, 0.930353f, 0.930361f, 0.930369f, 0.930377f, 0.930385f, 0.930394f, 0.930402f, 0.93041f, 0.930418f, 0.930426f, 0.930435f, 0.930443f, 0.930451f, 0.930459f, 0.930467f, 0.930475f, 0.930484f, 0.930492f, 0.9305f,
-0.930508f, 0.930516f, 0.930525f, 0.930533f, 0.930541f, 0.930549f, 0.930557f, 0.930566f, 0.930574f, 0.930582f, 0.93059f, 0.930598f, 0.930606f, 0.930615f, 0.930623f, 0.930631f, 0.930639f, 0.930647f, 0.930655f, 0.930664f,
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-0.930835f, 0.930843f, 0.930851f, 0.930859f, 0.930868f, 0.930876f, 0.930884f, 0.930892f, 0.9309f, 0.930908f, 0.930916f, 0.930925f, 0.930933f, 0.930941f, 0.930949f, 0.930957f, 0.930965f, 0.930973f, 0.930982f, 0.93099f,
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-0.93116f, 0.931168f, 0.931177f, 0.931185f, 0.931193f, 0.931201f, 0.931209f, 0.931217f, 0.931225f, 0.931233f, 0.931241f, 0.93125f, 0.931258f, 0.931266f, 0.931274f, 0.931282f, 0.93129f, 0.931298f, 0.931306f, 0.931314f,
-0.931322f, 0.931331f, 0.931339f, 0.931347f, 0.931355f, 0.931363f, 0.931371f, 0.931379f, 0.931387f, 0.931395f, 0.931403f, 0.931411f, 0.93142f, 0.931428f, 0.931436f, 0.931444f, 0.931452f, 0.93146f, 0.931468f, 0.931476f,
-0.931484f, 0.931492f, 0.9315f, 0.931508f, 0.931516f, 0.931525f, 0.931533f, 0.931541f, 0.931549f, 0.931557f, 0.931565f, 0.931573f, 0.931581f, 0.931589f, 0.931597f, 0.931605f, 0.931613f, 0.931621f, 0.931629f, 0.931637f,
-0.931646f, 0.931654f, 0.931662f, 0.93167f, 0.931678f, 0.931686f, 0.931694f, 0.931702f, 0.93171f, 0.931718f, 0.931726f, 0.931734f, 0.931742f, 0.93175f, 0.931758f, 0.931766f, 0.931774f, 0.931782f, 0.93179f, 0.931798f,
-0.931807f, 0.931815f, 0.931823f, 0.931831f, 0.931839f, 0.931847f, 0.931855f, 0.931863f, 0.931871f, 0.931879f, 0.931887f, 0.931895f, 0.931903f, 0.931911f, 0.931919f, 0.931927f, 0.931935f, 0.931943f, 0.931951f, 0.931959f,
-0.931967f, 0.931975f, 0.931983f, 0.931991f, 0.931999f, 0.932007f, 0.932015f, 0.932023f, 0.932031f, 0.932039f, 0.932047f, 0.932055f, 0.932063f, 0.932071f, 0.932079f, 0.932087f, 0.932095f, 0.932103f, 0.932111f, 0.932119f,
-0.932127f, 0.932135f, 0.932143f, 0.932151f, 0.932159f, 0.932167f, 0.932175f, 0.932183f, 0.932191f, 0.932199f, 0.932207f, 0.932215f, 0.932223f, 0.932231f, 0.932239f, 0.932247f, 0.932255f, 0.932263f, 0.932271f, 0.932279f,
-0.932287f, 0.932295f, 0.932303f, 0.932311f, 0.932319f, 0.932327f, 0.932335f, 0.932343f, 0.932351f, 0.932359f, 0.932367f, 0.932375f, 0.932383f, 0.932391f, 0.932399f, 0.932407f, 0.932415f, 0.932423f, 0.932431f, 0.932439f,
-0.932447f, 0.932455f, 0.932463f, 0.932471f, 0.932479f, 0.932487f, 0.932495f, 0.932503f, 0.932511f, 0.932519f, 0.932526f, 0.932534f, 0.932542f, 0.93255f, 0.932558f, 0.932566f, 0.932574f, 0.932582f, 0.93259f, 0.932598f,
-0.932606f, 0.932614f, 0.932622f, 0.93263f, 0.932638f, 0.932646f, 0.932654f, 0.932662f, 0.93267f, 0.932678f, 0.932685f, 0.932693f, 0.932701f, 0.932709f, 0.932717f, 0.932725f, 0.932733f, 0.932741f, 0.932749f, 0.932757f,
-0.932765f, 0.932773f, 0.932781f, 0.932789f, 0.932797f, 0.932805f, 0.932812f, 0.93282f, 0.932828f, 0.932836f, 0.932844f, 0.932852f, 0.93286f, 0.932868f, 0.932876f, 0.932884f, 0.932892f, 0.9329f, 0.932907f, 0.932915f,
-0.932923f, 0.932931f, 0.932939f, 0.932947f, 0.932955f, 0.932963f, 0.932971f, 0.932979f, 0.932987f, 0.932994f, 0.933002f, 0.93301f, 0.933018f, 0.933026f, 0.933034f, 0.933042f, 0.93305f, 0.933058f, 0.933066f, 0.933074f,
-0.933081f, 0.933089f, 0.933097f, 0.933105f, 0.933113f, 0.933121f, 0.933129f, 0.933137f, 0.933145f, 0.933152f, 0.93316f, 0.933168f, 0.933176f, 0.933184f, 0.933192f, 0.9332f, 0.933208f, 0.933215f, 0.933223f, 0.933231f,
-0.933239f, 0.933247f, 0.933255f, 0.933263f, 0.933271f, 0.933279f, 0.933286f, 0.933294f, 0.933302f, 0.93331f, 0.933318f, 0.933326f, 0.933334f, 0.933341f, 0.933349f, 0.933357f, 0.933365f, 0.933373f, 0.933381f, 0.933389f,
-0.933397f, 0.933404f, 0.933412f, 0.93342f, 0.933428f, 0.933436f, 0.933444f, 0.933451f, 0.933459f, 0.933467f, 0.933475f, 0.933483f, 0.933491f, 0.933499f, 0.933506f, 0.933514f, 0.933522f, 0.93353f, 0.933538f, 0.933546f,
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-0.93371f, 0.933718f, 0.933726f, 0.933734f, 0.933741f, 0.933749f, 0.933757f, 0.933765f, 0.933773f, 0.933781f, 0.933788f, 0.933796f, 0.933804f, 0.933812f, 0.93382f, 0.933827f, 0.933835f, 0.933843f, 0.933851f, 0.933859f,
-0.933866f, 0.933874f, 0.933882f, 0.93389f, 0.933898f, 0.933905f, 0.933913f, 0.933921f, 0.933929f, 0.933937f, 0.933944f, 0.933952f, 0.93396f, 0.933968f, 0.933976f, 0.933983f, 0.933991f, 0.933999f, 0.934007f, 0.934015f,
-0.934022f, 0.93403f, 0.934038f, 0.934046f, 0.934054f, 0.934061f, 0.934069f, 0.934077f, 0.934085f, 0.934092f, 0.9341f, 0.934108f, 0.934116f, 0.934124f, 0.934131f, 0.934139f, 0.934147f, 0.934155f, 0.934162f, 0.93417f,
-0.934178f, 0.934186f, 0.934194f, 0.934201f, 0.934209f, 0.934217f, 0.934225f, 0.934232f, 0.93424f, 0.934248f, 0.934256f, 0.934263f, 0.934271f, 0.934279f, 0.934287f, 0.934294f, 0.934302f, 0.93431f, 0.934318f, 0.934325f,
-0.934333f, 0.934341f, 0.934349f, 0.934356f, 0.934364f, 0.934372f, 0.93438f, 0.934387f, 0.934395f, 0.934403f, 0.934411f, 0.934418f, 0.934426f, 0.934434f, 0.934442f, 0.934449f, 0.934457f, 0.934465f, 0.934473f, 0.93448f,
-0.934488f, 0.934496f, 0.934504f, 0.934511f, 0.934519f, 0.934527f, 0.934535f, 0.934542f, 0.93455f, 0.934558f, 0.934565f, 0.934573f, 0.934581f, 0.934589f, 0.934596f, 0.934604f, 0.934612f, 0.934619f, 0.934627f, 0.934635f,
-0.934643f, 0.93465f, 0.934658f, 0.934666f, 0.934674f, 0.934681f, 0.934689f, 0.934697f, 0.934704f, 0.934712f, 0.93472f, 0.934727f, 0.934735f, 0.934743f, 0.934751f, 0.934758f, 0.934766f, 0.934774f, 0.934781f, 0.934789f,
-0.934797f, 0.934805f, 0.934812f, 0.93482f, 0.934828f, 0.934835f, 0.934843f, 0.934851f, 0.934858f, 0.934866f, 0.934874f, 0.934881f, 0.934889f, 0.934897f, 0.934905f, 0.934912f, 0.93492f, 0.934928f, 0.934935f, 0.934943f,
-0.934951f, 0.934958f, 0.934966f, 0.934974f, 0.934981f, 0.934989f, 0.934997f, 0.935004f, 0.935012f, 0.93502f, 0.935027f, 0.935035f, 0.935043f, 0.93505f, 0.935058f, 0.935066f, 0.935073f, 0.935081f, 0.935089f, 0.935096f,
-0.935104f, 0.935112f, 0.935119f, 0.935127f, 0.935135f, 0.935142f, 0.93515f, 0.935158f, 0.935165f, 0.935173f, 0.935181f, 0.935188f, 0.935196f, 0.935204f, 0.935211f, 0.935219f, 0.935227f, 0.935234f, 0.935242f, 0.93525f,
-0.935257f, 0.935265f, 0.935273f, 0.93528f, 0.935288f, 0.935295f, 0.935303f, 0.935311f, 0.935318f, 0.935326f, 0.935334f, 0.935341f, 0.935349f, 0.935357f, 0.935364f, 0.935372f, 0.935379f, 0.935387f, 0.935395f, 0.935402f,
-0.93541f, 0.935418f, 0.935425f, 0.935433f, 0.935441f, 0.935448f, 0.935456f, 0.935463f, 0.935471f, 0.935479f, 0.935486f, 0.935494f, 0.935502f, 0.935509f, 0.935517f, 0.935524f, 0.935532f, 0.93554f, 0.935547f, 0.935555f,
-0.935562f, 0.93557f, 0.935578f, 0.935585f, 0.935593f, 0.935601f, 0.935608f, 0.935616f, 0.935623f, 0.935631f, 0.935639f, 0.935646f, 0.935654f, 0.935661f, 0.935669f, 0.935677f, 0.935684f, 0.935692f, 0.935699f, 0.935707f,
-0.935715f, 0.935722f, 0.93573f, 0.935737f, 0.935745f, 0.935752f, 0.93576f, 0.935768f, 0.935775f, 0.935783f, 0.93579f, 0.935798f, 0.935806f, 0.935813f, 0.935821f, 0.935828f, 0.935836f, 0.935844f, 0.935851f, 0.935859f,
-0.935866f, 0.935874f, 0.935881f, 0.935889f, 0.935897f, 0.935904f, 0.935912f, 0.935919f, 0.935927f, 0.935934f, 0.935942f, 0.93595f, 0.935957f, 0.935965f, 0.935972f, 0.93598f, 0.935987f, 0.935995f, 0.936003f, 0.93601f,
-0.936018f, 0.936025f, 0.936033f, 0.93604f, 0.936048f, 0.936055f, 0.936063f, 0.936071f, 0.936078f, 0.936086f, 0.936093f, 0.936101f, 0.936108f, 0.936116f, 0.936123f, 0.936131f, 0.936139f, 0.936146f, 0.936154f, 0.936161f,
-0.936169f, 0.936176f, 0.936184f, 0.936191f, 0.936199f, 0.936206f, 0.936214f, 0.936221f, 0.936229f, 0.936237f, 0.936244f, 0.936252f, 0.936259f, 0.936267f, 0.936274f, 0.936282f, 0.936289f, 0.936297f, 0.936304f, 0.936312f,
-0.936319f, 0.936327f, 0.936334f, 0.936342f, 0.936349f, 0.936357f, 0.936365f, 0.936372f, 0.93638f, 0.936387f, 0.936395f, 0.936402f, 0.93641f, 0.936417f, 0.936425f, 0.936432f, 0.93644f, 0.936447f, 0.936455f, 0.936462f,
-0.93647f, 0.936477f, 0.936485f, 0.936492f, 0.9365f, 0.936507f, 0.936515f, 0.936522f, 0.93653f, 0.936537f, 0.936545f, 0.936552f, 0.93656f, 0.936567f, 0.936575f, 0.936582f, 0.93659f, 0.936597f, 0.936605f, 0.936612f,
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-0.939406f, 0.939413f, 0.93942f, 0.939427f, 0.939434f, 0.939441f, 0.939449f, 0.939456f, 0.939463f, 0.93947f, 0.939477f, 0.939484f, 0.939492f, 0.939499f, 0.939506f, 0.939513f, 0.93952f, 0.939527f, 0.939535f, 0.939542f,
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-0.939692f, 0.939699f, 0.939706f, 0.939713f, 0.93972f, 0.939728f, 0.939735f, 0.939742f, 0.939749f, 0.939756f, 0.939763f, 0.93977f, 0.939777f, 0.939785f, 0.939792f, 0.939799f, 0.939806f, 0.939813f, 0.93982f, 0.939827f,
-0.939834f, 0.939842f, 0.939849f, 0.939856f, 0.939863f, 0.93987f, 0.939877f, 0.939884f, 0.939891f, 0.939899f, 0.939906f, 0.939913f, 0.93992f, 0.939927f, 0.939934f, 0.939941f, 0.939948f, 0.939955f, 0.939963f, 0.93997f,
-0.939977f, 0.939984f, 0.939991f, 0.939998f, 0.940005f, 0.940012f, 0.940019f, 0.940027f, 0.940034f, 0.940041f, 0.940048f, 0.940055f, 0.940062f, 0.940069f, 0.940076f, 0.940083f, 0.94009f, 0.940097f, 0.940105f, 0.940112f,
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-0.94026f, 0.940268f, 0.940275f, 0.940282f, 0.940289f, 0.940296f, 0.940303f, 0.94031f, 0.940317f, 0.940324f, 0.940331f, 0.940338f, 0.940345f, 0.940352f, 0.940359f, 0.940366f, 0.940374f, 0.940381f, 0.940388f, 0.940395f,
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-0.940543f, 0.94055f, 0.940557f, 0.940564f, 0.940571f, 0.940578f, 0.940585f, 0.940592f, 0.940599f, 0.940606f, 0.940613f, 0.94062f, 0.940627f, 0.940634f, 0.940641f, 0.940648f, 0.940655f, 0.940662f, 0.940669f, 0.940676f,
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-0.941104f, 0.941111f, 0.941118f, 0.941125f, 0.941131f, 0.941138f, 0.941145f, 0.941152f, 0.941159f, 0.941166f, 0.941173f, 0.94118f, 0.941187f, 0.941194f, 0.941201f, 0.941208f, 0.941215f, 0.941222f, 0.941229f, 0.941236f,
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-0.941382f, 0.941389f, 0.941396f, 0.941403f, 0.94141f, 0.941417f, 0.941424f, 0.941431f, 0.941438f, 0.941445f, 0.941451f, 0.941458f, 0.941465f, 0.941472f, 0.941479f, 0.941486f, 0.941493f, 0.9415f, 0.941507f, 0.941514f,
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-0.941935f, 0.941942f, 0.941949f, 0.941956f, 0.941963f, 0.94197f, 0.941976f, 0.941983f, 0.94199f, 0.941997f, 0.942004f, 0.942011f, 0.942018f, 0.942025f, 0.942031f, 0.942038f, 0.942045f, 0.942052f, 0.942059f, 0.942066f,
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-0.942347f, 0.942354f, 0.94236f, 0.942367f, 0.942374f, 0.942381f, 0.942388f, 0.942395f, 0.942401f, 0.942408f, 0.942415f, 0.942422f, 0.942429f, 0.942435f, 0.942442f, 0.942449f, 0.942456f, 0.942463f, 0.94247f, 0.942476f,
-0.942483f, 0.94249f, 0.942497f, 0.942504f, 0.942511f, 0.942517f, 0.942524f, 0.942531f, 0.942538f, 0.942545f, 0.942551f, 0.942558f, 0.942565f, 0.942572f, 0.942579f, 0.942585f, 0.942592f, 0.942599f, 0.942606f, 0.942613f,
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-0.942891f, 0.942898f, 0.942905f, 0.942911f, 0.942918f, 0.942925f, 0.942932f, 0.942938f, 0.942945f, 0.942952f, 0.942959f, 0.942965f, 0.942972f, 0.942979f, 0.942986f, 0.942992f, 0.942999f, 0.943006f, 0.943013f, 0.94302f,
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-0.943564f, 0.943571f, 0.943578f, 0.943584f, 0.943591f, 0.943598f, 0.943604f, 0.943611f, 0.943618f, 0.943625f, 0.943631f, 0.943638f, 0.943645f, 0.943651f, 0.943658f, 0.943665f, 0.943671f, 0.943678f, 0.943685f, 0.943691f,
-0.943698f, 0.943705f, 0.943711f, 0.943718f, 0.943725f, 0.943731f, 0.943738f, 0.943745f, 0.943751f, 0.943758f, 0.943765f, 0.943772f, 0.943778f, 0.943785f, 0.943792f, 0.943798f, 0.943805f, 0.943812f, 0.943818f, 0.943825f,
-0.943832f, 0.943838f, 0.943845f, 0.943852f, 0.943858f, 0.943865f, 0.943871f, 0.943878f, 0.943885f, 0.943891f, 0.943898f, 0.943905f, 0.943911f, 0.943918f, 0.943925f, 0.943931f, 0.943938f, 0.943945f, 0.943951f, 0.943958f,
-0.943965f, 0.943971f, 0.943978f, 0.943985f, 0.943991f, 0.943998f, 0.944005f, 0.944011f, 0.944018f, 0.944024f, 0.944031f, 0.944038f, 0.944044f, 0.944051f, 0.944058f, 0.944064f, 0.944071f, 0.944078f, 0.944084f, 0.944091f,
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-0.94423f, 0.944237f, 0.944243f, 0.94425f, 0.944256f, 0.944263f, 0.94427f, 0.944276f, 0.944283f, 0.94429f, 0.944296f, 0.944303f, 0.944309f, 0.944316f, 0.944323f, 0.944329f, 0.944336f, 0.944342f, 0.944349f, 0.944356f,
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-0.946181f, 0.946188f, 0.946194f, 0.946201f, 0.946207f, 0.946213f, 0.94622f, 0.946226f, 0.946233f, 0.946239f, 0.946245f, 0.946252f, 0.946258f, 0.946265f, 0.946271f, 0.946277f, 0.946284f, 0.94629f, 0.946296f, 0.946303f,
-0.946309f, 0.946316f, 0.946322f, 0.946328f, 0.946335f, 0.946341f, 0.946347f, 0.946354f, 0.94636f, 0.946367f, 0.946373f, 0.946379f, 0.946386f, 0.946392f, 0.946398f, 0.946405f, 0.946411f, 0.946417f, 0.946424f, 0.94643f,
-0.946437f, 0.946443f, 0.946449f, 0.946456f, 0.946462f, 0.946468f, 0.946475f, 0.946481f, 0.946487f, 0.946494f, 0.9465f, 0.946507f, 0.946513f, 0.946519f, 0.946526f, 0.946532f, 0.946538f, 0.946545f, 0.946551f, 0.946557f,
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-0.946691f, 0.946697f, 0.946703f, 0.94671f, 0.946716f, 0.946722f, 0.946729f, 0.946735f, 0.946741f, 0.946748f, 0.946754f, 0.94676f, 0.946766f, 0.946773f, 0.946779f, 0.946785f, 0.946792f, 0.946798f, 0.946804f, 0.946811f,
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-0.946943f, 0.94695f, 0.946956f, 0.946962f, 0.946969f, 0.946975f, 0.946981f, 0.946987f, 0.946994f, 0.947f, 0.947006f, 0.947013f, 0.947019f, 0.947025f, 0.947032f, 0.947038f, 0.947044f, 0.94705f, 0.947057f, 0.947063f,
-0.947069f, 0.947076f, 0.947082f, 0.947088f, 0.947094f, 0.947101f, 0.947107f, 0.947113f, 0.94712f, 0.947126f, 0.947132f, 0.947138f, 0.947145f, 0.947151f, 0.947157f, 0.947164f, 0.94717f, 0.947176f, 0.947182f, 0.947189f,
-0.947195f, 0.947201f, 0.947207f, 0.947214f, 0.94722f, 0.947226f, 0.947233f, 0.947239f, 0.947245f, 0.947251f, 0.947258f, 0.947264f, 0.94727f, 0.947276f, 0.947283f, 0.947289f, 0.947295f, 0.947302f, 0.947308f, 0.947314f,
-0.94732f, 0.947327f, 0.947333f, 0.947339f, 0.947345f, 0.947352f, 0.947358f, 0.947364f, 0.94737f, 0.947377f, 0.947383f, 0.947389f, 0.947395f, 0.947402f, 0.947408f, 0.947414f, 0.94742f, 0.947427f, 0.947433f, 0.947439f,
-0.947445f, 0.947452f, 0.947458f, 0.947464f, 0.94747f, 0.947477f, 0.947483f, 0.947489f, 0.947495f, 0.947502f, 0.947508f, 0.947514f, 0.94752f, 0.947527f, 0.947533f, 0.947539f, 0.947545f, 0.947551f, 0.947558f, 0.947564f,
-0.94757f, 0.947576f, 0.947583f, 0.947589f, 0.947595f, 0.947601f, 0.947608f, 0.947614f, 0.94762f, 0.947626f, 0.947632f, 0.947639f, 0.947645f, 0.947651f, 0.947657f, 0.947664f, 0.94767f, 0.947676f, 0.947682f, 0.947688f,
-0.947695f, 0.947701f, 0.947707f, 0.947713f, 0.94772f, 0.947726f, 0.947732f, 0.947738f, 0.947744f, 0.947751f, 0.947757f, 0.947763f, 0.947769f, 0.947775f, 0.947782f, 0.947788f, 0.947794f, 0.9478f, 0.947806f, 0.947813f,
-0.947819f, 0.947825f, 0.947831f, 0.947838f, 0.947844f, 0.94785f, 0.947856f, 0.947862f, 0.947869f, 0.947875f, 0.947881f, 0.947887f, 0.947893f, 0.947899f, 0.947906f, 0.947912f, 0.947918f, 0.947924f, 0.94793f, 0.947937f,
-0.947943f, 0.947949f, 0.947955f, 0.947961f, 0.947968f, 0.947974f, 0.94798f, 0.947986f, 0.947992f, 0.947999f, 0.948005f, 0.948011f, 0.948017f, 0.948023f, 0.948029f, 0.948036f, 0.948042f, 0.948048f, 0.948054f, 0.94806f,
-0.948066f, 0.948073f, 0.948079f, 0.948085f, 0.948091f, 0.948097f, 0.948104f, 0.94811f, 0.948116f, 0.948122f, 0.948128f, 0.948134f, 0.948141f, 0.948147f, 0.948153f, 0.948159f, 0.948165f, 0.948171f, 0.948178f, 0.948184f,
-0.94819f, 0.948196f, 0.948202f, 0.948208f, 0.948214f, 0.948221f, 0.948227f, 0.948233f, 0.948239f, 0.948245f, 0.948251f, 0.948258f, 0.948264f, 0.94827f, 0.948276f, 0.948282f, 0.948288f, 0.948294f, 0.948301f, 0.948307f,
-0.948313f, 0.948319f, 0.948325f, 0.948331f, 0.948337f, 0.948344f, 0.94835f, 0.948356f, 0.948362f, 0.948368f, 0.948374f, 0.94838f, 0.948387f, 0.948393f, 0.948399f, 0.948405f, 0.948411f, 0.948417f, 0.948423f, 0.94843f,
-0.948436f, 0.948442f, 0.948448f, 0.948454f, 0.94846f, 0.948466f, 0.948472f, 0.948479f, 0.948485f, 0.948491f, 0.948497f, 0.948503f, 0.948509f, 0.948515f, 0.948521f, 0.948528f, 0.948534f, 0.94854f, 0.948546f, 0.948552f,
-0.948558f, 0.948564f, 0.94857f, 0.948577f, 0.948583f, 0.948589f, 0.948595f, 0.948601f, 0.948607f, 0.948613f, 0.948619f, 0.948625f, 0.948632f, 0.948638f, 0.948644f, 0.94865f, 0.948656f, 0.948662f, 0.948668f, 0.948674f,
-0.94868f, 0.948687f, 0.948693f, 0.948699f, 0.948705f, 0.948711f, 0.948717f, 0.948723f, 0.948729f, 0.948735f, 0.948741f, 0.948748f, 0.948754f, 0.94876f, 0.948766f, 0.948772f, 0.948778f, 0.948784f, 0.94879f, 0.948796f,
-0.948802f, 0.948808f, 0.948815f, 0.948821f, 0.948827f, 0.948833f, 0.948839f, 0.948845f, 0.948851f, 0.948857f, 0.948863f, 0.948869f, 0.948875f, 0.948881f, 0.948888f, 0.948894f, 0.9489f, 0.948906f, 0.948912f, 0.948918f,
-0.948924f, 0.94893f, 0.948936f, 0.948942f, 0.948948f, 0.948954f, 0.94896f, 0.948967f, 0.948973f, 0.948979f, 0.948985f, 0.948991f, 0.948997f, 0.949003f, 0.949009f, 0.949015f, 0.949021f, 0.949027f, 0.949033f, 0.949039f,
-0.949045f, 0.949051f, 0.949058f, 0.949064f, 0.94907f, 0.949076f, 0.949082f, 0.949088f, 0.949094f, 0.9491f, 0.949106f, 0.949112f, 0.949118f, 0.949124f, 0.94913f, 0.949136f, 0.949142f, 0.949148f, 0.949154f, 0.94916f,
-0.949166f, 0.949173f, 0.949179f, 0.949185f, 0.949191f, 0.949197f, 0.949203f, 0.949209f, 0.949215f, 0.949221f, 0.949227f, 0.949233f, 0.949239f, 0.949245f, 0.949251f, 0.949257f, 0.949263f, 0.949269f, 0.949275f, 0.949281f,
-0.949287f, 0.949293f, 0.949299f, 0.949305f, 0.949311f, 0.949317f, 0.949323f, 0.94933f, 0.949336f, 0.949342f, 0.949348f, 0.949354f, 0.94936f, 0.949366f, 0.949372f, 0.949378f, 0.949384f, 0.94939f, 0.949396f, 0.949402f,
-0.949408f, 0.949414f, 0.94942f, 0.949426f, 0.949432f, 0.949438f, 0.949444f, 0.94945f, 0.949456f, 0.949462f, 0.949468f, 0.949474f, 0.94948f, 0.949486f, 0.949492f, 0.949498f, 0.949504f, 0.94951f, 0.949516f, 0.949522f,
-0.949528f, 0.949534f, 0.94954f, 0.949546f, 0.949552f, 0.949558f, 0.949564f, 0.94957f, 0.949576f, 0.949582f, 0.949588f, 0.949594f, 0.9496f, 0.949606f, 0.949612f, 0.949618f, 0.949624f, 0.94963f, 0.949636f, 0.949642f,
-0.949648f, 0.949654f, 0.94966f, 0.949666f, 0.949672f, 0.949678f, 0.949684f, 0.94969f, 0.949696f, 0.949702f, 0.949708f, 0.949714f, 0.94972f, 0.949726f, 0.949732f, 0.949738f, 0.949744f, 0.94975f, 0.949756f, 0.949762f,
-0.949768f, 0.949774f, 0.94978f, 0.949786f, 0.949792f, 0.949798f, 0.949804f, 0.94981f, 0.949816f, 0.949822f, 0.949827f, 0.949833f, 0.949839f, 0.949845f, 0.949851f, 0.949857f, 0.949863f, 0.949869f, 0.949875f, 0.949881f,
-0.949887f, 0.949893f, 0.949899f, 0.949905f, 0.949911f, 0.949917f, 0.949923f, 0.949929f, 0.949935f, 0.949941f, 0.949947f, 0.949953f, 0.949959f, 0.949965f, 0.949971f, 0.949977f, 0.949983f, 0.949988f, 0.949994f, 0.95f,
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-0.950125f, 0.950131f, 0.950137f, 0.950143f, 0.950149f, 0.950155f, 0.950161f, 0.950167f, 0.950173f, 0.950179f, 0.950185f, 0.95019f, 0.950196f, 0.950202f, 0.950208f, 0.950214f, 0.95022f, 0.950226f, 0.950232f, 0.950238f,
-0.950244f, 0.95025f, 0.950256f, 0.950262f, 0.950267f, 0.950273f, 0.950279f, 0.950285f, 0.950291f, 0.950297f, 0.950303f, 0.950309f, 0.950315f, 0.950321f, 0.950327f, 0.950333f, 0.950338f, 0.950344f, 0.95035f, 0.950356f,
-0.950362f, 0.950368f, 0.950374f, 0.95038f, 0.950386f, 0.950392f, 0.950398f, 0.950403f, 0.950409f, 0.950415f, 0.950421f, 0.950427f, 0.950433f, 0.950439f, 0.950445f, 0.950451f, 0.950457f, 0.950462f, 0.950468f, 0.950474f,
-0.95048f, 0.950486f, 0.950492f, 0.950498f, 0.950504f, 0.95051f, 0.950515f, 0.950521f, 0.950527f, 0.950533f, 0.950539f, 0.950545f, 0.950551f, 0.950557f, 0.950563f, 0.950568f, 0.950574f, 0.95058f, 0.950586f, 0.950592f,
-0.950598f, 0.950604f, 0.95061f, 0.950616f, 0.950621f, 0.950627f, 0.950633f, 0.950639f, 0.950645f, 0.950651f, 0.950657f, 0.950663f, 0.950668f, 0.950674f, 0.95068f, 0.950686f, 0.950692f, 0.950698f, 0.950704f, 0.95071f,
-0.950715f, 0.950721f, 0.950727f, 0.950733f, 0.950739f, 0.950745f, 0.950751f, 0.950756f, 0.950762f, 0.950768f, 0.950774f, 0.95078f, 0.950786f, 0.950792f, 0.950797f, 0.950803f, 0.950809f, 0.950815f, 0.950821f, 0.950827f,
-0.950833f, 0.950838f, 0.950844f, 0.95085f, 0.950856f, 0.950862f, 0.950868f, 0.950874f, 0.950879f, 0.950885f, 0.950891f, 0.950897f, 0.950903f, 0.950909f, 0.950915f, 0.95092f, 0.950926f, 0.950932f, 0.950938f, 0.950944f,
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-0.951066f, 0.951072f, 0.951078f, 0.951084f, 0.95109f, 0.951095f, 0.951101f, 0.951107f, 0.951113f, 0.951119f, 0.951124f, 0.95113f, 0.951136f, 0.951142f, 0.951148f, 0.951154f, 0.951159f, 0.951165f, 0.951171f, 0.951177f,
-0.951183f, 0.951188f, 0.951194f, 0.9512f, 0.951206f, 0.951212f, 0.951218f, 0.951223f, 0.951229f, 0.951235f, 0.951241f, 0.951247f, 0.951252f, 0.951258f, 0.951264f, 0.95127f, 0.951276f, 0.951281f, 0.951287f, 0.951293f,
-0.951299f, 0.951305f, 0.95131f, 0.951316f, 0.951322f, 0.951328f, 0.951334f, 0.951339f, 0.951345f, 0.951351f, 0.951357f, 0.951363f, 0.951368f, 0.951374f, 0.95138f, 0.951386f, 0.951392f, 0.951397f, 0.951403f, 0.951409f,
-0.951415f, 0.95142f, 0.951426f, 0.951432f, 0.951438f, 0.951444f, 0.951449f, 0.951455f, 0.951461f, 0.951467f, 0.951473f, 0.951478f, 0.951484f, 0.95149f, 0.951496f, 0.951501f, 0.951507f, 0.951513f, 0.951519f, 0.951525f,
-0.95153f, 0.951536f, 0.951542f, 0.951548f, 0.951553f, 0.951559f, 0.951565f, 0.951571f, 0.951576f, 0.951582f, 0.951588f, 0.951594f, 0.9516f, 0.951605f, 0.951611f, 0.951617f, 0.951623f, 0.951628f, 0.951634f, 0.95164f,
-0.951646f, 0.951651f, 0.951657f, 0.951663f, 0.951669f, 0.951674f, 0.95168f, 0.951686f, 0.951692f, 0.951697f, 0.951703f, 0.951709f, 0.951715f, 0.95172f, 0.951726f, 0.951732f, 0.951738f, 0.951743f, 0.951749f, 0.951755f,
-0.951761f, 0.951766f, 0.951772f, 0.951778f, 0.951784f, 0.951789f, 0.951795f, 0.951801f, 0.951807f, 0.951812f, 0.951818f, 0.951824f, 0.95183f, 0.951835f, 0.951841f, 0.951847f, 0.951853f, 0.951858f, 0.951864f, 0.95187f,
-0.951875f, 0.951881f, 0.951887f, 0.951893f, 0.951898f, 0.951904f, 0.95191f, 0.951916f, 0.951921f, 0.951927f, 0.951933f, 0.951939f, 0.951944f, 0.95195f, 0.951956f, 0.951961f, 0.951967f, 0.951973f, 0.951979f, 0.951984f,
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-0.952218f, 0.952224f, 0.95223f, 0.952235f, 0.952241f, 0.952247f, 0.952252f, 0.952258f, 0.952264f, 0.95227f, 0.952275f, 0.952281f, 0.952287f, 0.952292f, 0.952298f, 0.952304f, 0.952309f, 0.952315f, 0.952321f, 0.952326f,
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-0.952559f, 0.952564f, 0.95257f, 0.952576f, 0.952581f, 0.952587f, 0.952593f, 0.952598f, 0.952604f, 0.95261f, 0.952615f, 0.952621f, 0.952627f, 0.952632f, 0.952638f, 0.952643f, 0.952649f, 0.952655f, 0.95266f, 0.952666f,
-0.952672f, 0.952677f, 0.952683f, 0.952689f, 0.952694f, 0.9527f, 0.952705f, 0.952711f, 0.952717f, 0.952722f, 0.952728f, 0.952734f, 0.952739f, 0.952745f, 0.952751f, 0.952756f, 0.952762f, 0.952767f, 0.952773f, 0.952779f,
-0.952784f, 0.95279f, 0.952796f, 0.952801f, 0.952807f, 0.952812f, 0.952818f, 0.952824f, 0.952829f, 0.952835f, 0.952841f, 0.952846f, 0.952852f, 0.952857f, 0.952863f, 0.952869f, 0.952874f, 0.95288f, 0.952886f, 0.952891f,
-0.952897f, 0.952902f, 0.952908f, 0.952914f, 0.952919f, 0.952925f, 0.95293f, 0.952936f, 0.952942f, 0.952947f, 0.952953f, 0.952958f, 0.952964f, 0.95297f, 0.952975f, 0.952981f, 0.952987f, 0.952992f, 0.952998f, 0.953003f,
-0.953009f, 0.953015f, 0.95302f, 0.953026f, 0.953031f, 0.953037f, 0.953043f, 0.953048f, 0.953054f, 0.953059f, 0.953065f, 0.95307f, 0.953076f, 0.953082f, 0.953087f, 0.953093f, 0.953098f, 0.953104f, 0.95311f, 0.953115f,
-0.953121f, 0.953126f, 0.953132f, 0.953138f, 0.953143f, 0.953149f, 0.953154f, 0.95316f, 0.953166f, 0.953171f, 0.953177f, 0.953182f, 0.953188f, 0.953193f, 0.953199f, 0.953205f, 0.95321f, 0.953216f, 0.953221f, 0.953227f,
-0.953232f, 0.953238f, 0.953244f, 0.953249f, 0.953255f, 0.95326f, 0.953266f, 0.953271f, 0.953277f, 0.953283f, 0.953288f, 0.953294f, 0.953299f, 0.953305f, 0.95331f, 0.953316f, 0.953322f, 0.953327f, 0.953333f, 0.953338f,
-0.953344f, 0.953349f, 0.953355f, 0.953361f, 0.953366f, 0.953372f, 0.953377f, 0.953383f, 0.953388f, 0.953394f, 0.953399f, 0.953405f, 0.953411f, 0.953416f, 0.953422f, 0.953427f, 0.953433f, 0.953438f, 0.953444f, 0.953449f,
-0.953455f, 0.953461f, 0.953466f, 0.953472f, 0.953477f, 0.953483f, 0.953488f, 0.953494f, 0.953499f, 0.953505f, 0.95351f, 0.953516f, 0.953522f, 0.953527f, 0.953533f, 0.953538f, 0.953544f, 0.953549f, 0.953555f, 0.95356f,
-0.953566f, 0.953571f, 0.953577f, 0.953582f, 0.953588f, 0.953594f, 0.953599f, 0.953605f, 0.95361f, 0.953616f, 0.953621f, 0.953627f, 0.953632f, 0.953638f, 0.953643f, 0.953649f, 0.953654f, 0.95366f, 0.953665f, 0.953671f,
-0.953676f, 0.953682f, 0.953687f, 0.953693f, 0.953699f, 0.953704f, 0.95371f, 0.953715f, 0.953721f, 0.953726f, 0.953732f, 0.953737f, 0.953743f, 0.953748f, 0.953754f, 0.953759f, 0.953765f, 0.95377f, 0.953776f, 0.953781f,
-0.953787f, 0.953792f, 0.953798f, 0.953803f, 0.953809f, 0.953814f, 0.95382f, 0.953825f, 0.953831f, 0.953836f, 0.953842f, 0.953847f, 0.953853f, 0.953858f, 0.953864f, 0.953869f, 0.953875f, 0.95388f, 0.953886f, 0.953891f,
-0.953897f, 0.953902f, 0.953908f, 0.953913f, 0.953919f, 0.953924f, 0.95393f, 0.953935f, 0.953941f, 0.953946f, 0.953952f, 0.953957f, 0.953963f, 0.953968f, 0.953974f, 0.953979f, 0.953985f, 0.95399f, 0.953996f, 0.954001f,
-0.954007f, 0.954012f, 0.954018f, 0.954023f, 0.954029f, 0.954034f, 0.95404f, 0.954045f, 0.954051f, 0.954056f, 0.954062f, 0.954067f, 0.954072f, 0.954078f, 0.954083f, 0.954089f, 0.954094f, 0.9541f, 0.954105f, 0.954111f,
-0.954116f, 0.954122f, 0.954127f, 0.954133f, 0.954138f, 0.954144f, 0.954149f, 0.954155f, 0.95416f, 0.954166f, 0.954171f, 0.954176f, 0.954182f, 0.954187f, 0.954193f, 0.954198f, 0.954204f, 0.954209f, 0.954215f, 0.95422f,
-0.954226f, 0.954231f, 0.954237f, 0.954242f, 0.954247f, 0.954253f, 0.954258f, 0.954264f, 0.954269f, 0.954275f, 0.95428f, 0.954286f, 0.954291f, 0.954297f, 0.954302f, 0.954307f, 0.954313f, 0.954318f, 0.954324f, 0.954329f,
-0.954335f, 0.95434f, 0.954346f, 0.954351f, 0.954356f, 0.954362f, 0.954367f, 0.954373f, 0.954378f, 0.954384f, 0.954389f, 0.954395f, 0.9544f, 0.954405f, 0.954411f, 0.954416f, 0.954422f, 0.954427f, 0.954433f, 0.954438f,
-0.954443f, 0.954449f, 0.954454f, 0.95446f, 0.954465f, 0.954471f, 0.954476f, 0.954482f, 0.954487f, 0.954492f, 0.954498f, 0.954503f, 0.954509f, 0.954514f, 0.95452f, 0.954525f, 0.95453f, 0.954536f, 0.954541f, 0.954547f,
-0.954552f, 0.954557f, 0.954563f, 0.954568f, 0.954574f, 0.954579f, 0.954585f, 0.95459f, 0.954595f, 0.954601f, 0.954606f, 0.954612f, 0.954617f, 0.954622f, 0.954628f, 0.954633f, 0.954639f, 0.954644f, 0.95465f, 0.954655f,
-0.95466f, 0.954666f, 0.954671f, 0.954677f, 0.954682f, 0.954687f, 0.954693f, 0.954698f, 0.954704f, 0.954709f, 0.954714f, 0.95472f, 0.954725f, 0.954731f, 0.954736f, 0.954741f, 0.954747f, 0.954752f, 0.954758f, 0.954763f,
-0.954768f, 0.954774f, 0.954779f, 0.954785f, 0.95479f, 0.954795f, 0.954801f, 0.954806f, 0.954812f, 0.954817f, 0.954822f, 0.954828f, 0.954833f, 0.954839f, 0.954844f, 0.954849f, 0.954855f, 0.95486f, 0.954865f, 0.954871f,
-0.954876f, 0.954882f, 0.954887f, 0.954892f, 0.954898f, 0.954903f, 0.954909f, 0.954914f, 0.954919f, 0.954925f, 0.95493f, 0.954935f, 0.954941f, 0.954946f, 0.954952f, 0.954957f, 0.954962f, 0.954968f, 0.954973f, 0.954978f,
-0.954984f, 0.954989f, 0.954995f, 0.955f, 0.955005f, 0.955011f, 0.955016f, 0.955021f, 0.955027f, 0.955032f, 0.955037f, 0.955043f, 0.955048f, 0.955054f, 0.955059f, 0.955064f, 0.95507f, 0.955075f, 0.95508f, 0.955086f,
-0.955091f, 0.955096f, 0.955102f, 0.955107f, 0.955113f, 0.955118f, 0.955123f, 0.955129f, 0.955134f, 0.955139f, 0.955145f, 0.95515f, 0.955155f, 0.955161f, 0.955166f, 0.955171f, 0.955177f, 0.955182f, 0.955187f, 0.955193f,
-0.955198f, 0.955204f, 0.955209f, 0.955214f, 0.95522f, 0.955225f, 0.95523f, 0.955236f, 0.955241f, 0.955246f, 0.955252f, 0.955257f, 0.955262f, 0.955268f, 0.955273f, 0.955278f, 0.955284f, 0.955289f, 0.955294f, 0.9553f,
-0.955305f, 0.95531f, 0.955316f, 0.955321f, 0.955326f, 0.955332f, 0.955337f, 0.955342f, 0.955348f, 0.955353f, 0.955358f, 0.955364f, 0.955369f, 0.955374f, 0.95538f, 0.955385f, 0.95539f, 0.955396f, 0.955401f, 0.955406f,
-0.955412f, 0.955417f, 0.955422f, 0.955427f, 0.955433f, 0.955438f, 0.955443f, 0.955449f, 0.955454f, 0.955459f, 0.955465f, 0.95547f, 0.955475f, 0.955481f, 0.955486f, 0.955491f, 0.955497f, 0.955502f, 0.955507f, 0.955513f,
-0.955518f, 0.955523f, 0.955528f, 0.955534f, 0.955539f, 0.955544f, 0.95555f, 0.955555f, 0.95556f, 0.955566f, 0.955571f, 0.955576f, 0.955581f, 0.955587f, 0.955592f, 0.955597f, 0.955603f, 0.955608f, 0.955613f, 0.955619f,
-0.955624f, 0.955629f, 0.955634f, 0.95564f, 0.955645f, 0.95565f, 0.955656f, 0.955661f, 0.955666f, 0.955672f, 0.955677f, 0.955682f, 0.955687f, 0.955693f, 0.955698f, 0.955703f, 0.955709f, 0.955714f, 0.955719f, 0.955724f,
-0.95573f, 0.955735f, 0.95574f, 0.955746f, 0.955751f, 0.955756f, 0.955761f, 0.955767f, 0.955772f, 0.955777f, 0.955783f, 0.955788f, 0.955793f, 0.955798f, 0.955804f, 0.955809f, 0.955814f, 0.955819f, 0.955825f, 0.95583f,
-0.955835f, 0.955841f, 0.955846f, 0.955851f, 0.955856f, 0.955862f, 0.955867f, 0.955872f, 0.955877f, 0.955883f, 0.955888f, 0.955893f, 0.955898f, 0.955904f, 0.955909f, 0.955914f, 0.95592f, 0.955925f, 0.95593f, 0.955935f,
-0.955941f, 0.955946f, 0.955951f, 0.955956f, 0.955962f, 0.955967f, 0.955972f, 0.955977f, 0.955983f, 0.955988f, 0.955993f, 0.955998f, 0.956004f, 0.956009f, 0.956014f, 0.956019f, 0.956025f, 0.95603f, 0.956035f, 0.95604f,
-0.956046f, 0.956051f, 0.956056f, 0.956061f, 0.956067f, 0.956072f, 0.956077f, 0.956082f, 0.956088f, 0.956093f, 0.956098f, 0.956103f, 0.956109f, 0.956114f, 0.956119f, 0.956124f, 0.95613f, 0.956135f, 0.95614f, 0.956145f,
-0.956151f, 0.956156f, 0.956161f, 0.956166f, 0.956171f, 0.956177f, 0.956182f, 0.956187f, 0.956192f, 0.956198f, 0.956203f, 0.956208f, 0.956213f, 0.956219f, 0.956224f, 0.956229f, 0.956234f, 0.956239f, 0.956245f, 0.95625f,
-0.956255f, 0.95626f, 0.956266f, 0.956271f, 0.956276f, 0.956281f, 0.956286f, 0.956292f, 0.956297f, 0.956302f, 0.956307f, 0.956313f, 0.956318f, 0.956323f, 0.956328f, 0.956333f, 0.956339f, 0.956344f, 0.956349f, 0.956354f,
-0.956359f, 0.956365f, 0.95637f, 0.956375f, 0.95638f, 0.956385f, 0.956391f, 0.956396f, 0.956401f, 0.956406f, 0.956412f, 0.956417f, 0.956422f, 0.956427f, 0.956432f, 0.956438f, 0.956443f, 0.956448f, 0.956453f, 0.956458f,
-0.956464f, 0.956469f, 0.956474f, 0.956479f, 0.956484f, 0.95649f, 0.956495f, 0.9565f, 0.956505f, 0.95651f, 0.956515f, 0.956521f, 0.956526f, 0.956531f, 0.956536f, 0.956541f, 0.956547f, 0.956552f, 0.956557f, 0.956562f,
-0.956567f, 0.956573f, 0.956578f, 0.956583f, 0.956588f, 0.956593f, 0.956598f, 0.956604f, 0.956609f, 0.956614f, 0.956619f, 0.956624f, 0.95663f, 0.956635f, 0.95664f, 0.956645f, 0.95665f, 0.956655f, 0.956661f, 0.956666f,
-0.956671f, 0.956676f, 0.956681f, 0.956687f, 0.956692f, 0.956697f, 0.956702f, 0.956707f, 0.956712f, 0.956718f, 0.956723f, 0.956728f, 0.956733f, 0.956738f, 0.956743f, 0.956749f, 0.956754f, 0.956759f, 0.956764f, 0.956769f,
-0.956774f, 0.95678f, 0.956785f, 0.95679f, 0.956795f, 0.9568f, 0.956805f, 0.95681f, 0.956816f, 0.956821f, 0.956826f, 0.956831f, 0.956836f, 0.956841f, 0.956847f, 0.956852f, 0.956857f, 0.956862f, 0.956867f, 0.956872f,
-0.956878f, 0.956883f, 0.956888f, 0.956893f, 0.956898f, 0.956903f, 0.956908f, 0.956914f, 0.956919f, 0.956924f, 0.956929f, 0.956934f, 0.956939f, 0.956944f, 0.95695f, 0.956955f, 0.95696f, 0.956965f, 0.95697f, 0.956975f,
-0.95698f, 0.956986f, 0.956991f, 0.956996f, 0.957001f, 0.957006f, 0.957011f, 0.957016f, 0.957021f, 0.957027f, 0.957032f, 0.957037f, 0.957042f, 0.957047f, 0.957052f, 0.957057f, 0.957063f, 0.957068f, 0.957073f, 0.957078f,
-0.957083f, 0.957088f, 0.957093f, 0.957098f, 0.957104f, 0.957109f, 0.957114f, 0.957119f, 0.957124f, 0.957129f, 0.957134f, 0.957139f, 0.957145f, 0.95715f, 0.957155f, 0.95716f, 0.957165f, 0.95717f, 0.957175f, 0.95718f,
-0.957185f, 0.957191f, 0.957196f, 0.957201f, 0.957206f, 0.957211f, 0.957216f, 0.957221f, 0.957226f, 0.957231f, 0.957237f, 0.957242f, 0.957247f, 0.957252f, 0.957257f, 0.957262f, 0.957267f, 0.957272f, 0.957277f, 0.957283f,
-0.957288f, 0.957293f, 0.957298f, 0.957303f, 0.957308f, 0.957313f, 0.957318f, 0.957323f, 0.957328f, 0.957334f, 0.957339f, 0.957344f, 0.957349f, 0.957354f, 0.957359f, 0.957364f, 0.957369f, 0.957374f, 0.957379f, 0.957384f,
-0.95739f, 0.957395f, 0.9574f, 0.957405f, 0.95741f, 0.957415f, 0.95742f, 0.957425f, 0.95743f, 0.957435f, 0.95744f, 0.957446f, 0.957451f, 0.957456f, 0.957461f, 0.957466f, 0.957471f, 0.957476f, 0.957481f, 0.957486f,
-0.957491f, 0.957496f, 0.957501f, 0.957506f, 0.957512f, 0.957517f, 0.957522f, 0.957527f, 0.957532f, 0.957537f, 0.957542f, 0.957547f, 0.957552f, 0.957557f, 0.957562f, 0.957567f, 0.957572f, 0.957578f, 0.957583f, 0.957588f,
-0.957593f, 0.957598f, 0.957603f, 0.957608f, 0.957613f, 0.957618f, 0.957623f, 0.957628f, 0.957633f, 0.957638f, 0.957643f, 0.957648f, 0.957653f, 0.957659f, 0.957664f, 0.957669f, 0.957674f, 0.957679f, 0.957684f, 0.957689f,
-0.957694f, 0.957699f, 0.957704f, 0.957709f, 0.957714f, 0.957719f, 0.957724f, 0.957729f, 0.957734f, 0.957739f, 0.957744f, 0.95775f, 0.957755f, 0.95776f, 0.957765f, 0.95777f, 0.957775f, 0.95778f, 0.957785f, 0.95779f,
-0.957795f, 0.9578f, 0.957805f, 0.95781f, 0.957815f, 0.95782f, 0.957825f, 0.95783f, 0.957835f, 0.95784f, 0.957845f, 0.95785f, 0.957855f, 0.95786f, 0.957865f, 0.957871f, 0.957876f, 0.957881f, 0.957886f, 0.957891f,
-0.957896f, 0.957901f, 0.957906f, 0.957911f, 0.957916f, 0.957921f, 0.957926f, 0.957931f, 0.957936f, 0.957941f, 0.957946f, 0.957951f, 0.957956f, 0.957961f, 0.957966f, 0.957971f, 0.957976f, 0.957981f, 0.957986f, 0.957991f,
-0.957996f, 0.958001f, 0.958006f, 0.958011f, 0.958016f, 0.958021f, 0.958026f, 0.958031f, 0.958036f, 0.958041f, 0.958046f, 0.958051f, 0.958056f, 0.958061f, 0.958066f, 0.958071f, 0.958076f, 0.958081f, 0.958086f, 0.958091f,
-0.958096f, 0.958101f, 0.958106f, 0.958111f, 0.958116f, 0.958122f, 0.958127f, 0.958132f, 0.958137f, 0.958142f, 0.958147f, 0.958152f, 0.958157f, 0.958162f, 0.958167f, 0.958172f, 0.958177f, 0.958182f, 0.958187f, 0.958192f,
-0.958197f, 0.958202f, 0.958207f, 0.958211f, 0.958216f, 0.958221f, 0.958226f, 0.958231f, 0.958236f, 0.958241f, 0.958246f, 0.958251f, 0.958256f, 0.958261f, 0.958266f, 0.958271f, 0.958276f, 0.958281f, 0.958286f, 0.958291f,
-0.958296f, 0.958301f, 0.958306f, 0.958311f, 0.958316f, 0.958321f, 0.958326f, 0.958331f, 0.958336f, 0.958341f, 0.958346f, 0.958351f, 0.958356f, 0.958361f, 0.958366f, 0.958371f, 0.958376f, 0.958381f, 0.958386f, 0.958391f,
-0.958396f, 0.958401f, 0.958406f, 0.958411f, 0.958416f, 0.958421f, 0.958426f, 0.958431f, 0.958436f, 0.958441f, 0.958446f, 0.958451f, 0.958456f, 0.958461f, 0.958465f, 0.95847f, 0.958475f, 0.95848f, 0.958485f, 0.95849f,
-0.958495f, 0.9585f, 0.958505f, 0.95851f, 0.958515f, 0.95852f, 0.958525f, 0.95853f, 0.958535f, 0.95854f, 0.958545f, 0.95855f, 0.958555f, 0.95856f, 0.958565f, 0.95857f, 0.958575f, 0.95858f, 0.958584f, 0.958589f,
-0.958594f, 0.958599f, 0.958604f, 0.958609f, 0.958614f, 0.958619f, 0.958624f, 0.958629f, 0.958634f, 0.958639f, 0.958644f, 0.958649f, 0.958654f, 0.958659f, 0.958664f, 0.958669f, 0.958673f, 0.958678f, 0.958683f, 0.958688f,
-0.958693f, 0.958698f, 0.958703f, 0.958708f, 0.958713f, 0.958718f, 0.958723f, 0.958728f, 0.958733f, 0.958738f, 0.958743f, 0.958748f, 0.958752f, 0.958757f, 0.958762f, 0.958767f, 0.958772f, 0.958777f, 0.958782f, 0.958787f,
-0.958792f, 0.958797f, 0.958802f, 0.958807f, 0.958812f, 0.958817f, 0.958821f, 0.958826f, 0.958831f, 0.958836f, 0.958841f, 0.958846f, 0.958851f, 0.958856f, 0.958861f, 0.958866f, 0.958871f, 0.958876f, 0.95888f, 0.958885f,
-0.95889f, 0.958895f, 0.9589f, 0.958905f, 0.95891f, 0.958915f, 0.95892f, 0.958925f, 0.95893f, 0.958935f, 0.958939f, 0.958944f, 0.958949f, 0.958954f, 0.958959f, 0.958964f, 0.958969f, 0.958974f, 0.958979f, 0.958984f,
-0.958988f, 0.958993f, 0.958998f, 0.959003f, 0.959008f, 0.959013f, 0.959018f, 0.959023f, 0.959028f, 0.959033f, 0.959038f, 0.959042f, 0.959047f, 0.959052f, 0.959057f, 0.959062f, 0.959067f, 0.959072f, 0.959077f, 0.959082f,
-0.959086f, 0.959091f, 0.959096f, 0.959101f, 0.959106f, 0.959111f, 0.959116f, 0.959121f, 0.959126f, 0.95913f, 0.959135f, 0.95914f, 0.959145f, 0.95915f, 0.959155f, 0.95916f, 0.959165f, 0.95917f, 0.959174f, 0.959179f,
-0.959184f, 0.959189f, 0.959194f, 0.959199f, 0.959204f, 0.959209f, 0.959213f, 0.959218f, 0.959223f, 0.959228f, 0.959233f, 0.959238f, 0.959243f, 0.959248f, 0.959252f, 0.959257f, 0.959262f, 0.959267f, 0.959272f, 0.959277f,
-0.959282f, 0.959287f, 0.959291f, 0.959296f, 0.959301f, 0.959306f, 0.959311f, 0.959316f, 0.959321f, 0.959325f, 0.95933f, 0.959335f, 0.95934f, 0.959345f, 0.95935f, 0.959355f, 0.95936f, 0.959364f, 0.959369f, 0.959374f,
-0.959379f, 0.959384f, 0.959389f, 0.959394f, 0.959398f, 0.959403f, 0.959408f, 0.959413f, 0.959418f, 0.959423f, 0.959428f, 0.959432f, 0.959437f, 0.959442f, 0.959447f, 0.959452f, 0.959457f, 0.959461f, 0.959466f, 0.959471f,
-0.959476f, 0.959481f, 0.959486f, 0.959491f, 0.959495f, 0.9595f, 0.959505f, 0.95951f, 0.959515f, 0.95952f, 0.959524f, 0.959529f, 0.959534f, 0.959539f, 0.959544f, 0.959549f, 0.959553f, 0.959558f, 0.959563f, 0.959568f,
-0.959573f, 0.959578f, 0.959582f, 0.959587f, 0.959592f, 0.959597f, 0.959602f, 0.959607f, 0.959611f, 0.959616f, 0.959621f, 0.959626f, 0.959631f, 0.959636f, 0.95964f, 0.959645f, 0.95965f, 0.959655f, 0.95966f, 0.959665f,
-0.959669f, 0.959674f, 0.959679f, 0.959684f, 0.959689f, 0.959694f, 0.959698f, 0.959703f, 0.959708f, 0.959713f, 0.959718f, 0.959722f, 0.959727f, 0.959732f, 0.959737f, 0.959742f, 0.959747f, 0.959751f, 0.959756f, 0.959761f,
-0.959766f, 0.959771f, 0.959775f, 0.95978f, 0.959785f, 0.95979f, 0.959795f, 0.959799f, 0.959804f, 0.959809f, 0.959814f, 0.959819f, 0.959823f, 0.959828f, 0.959833f, 0.959838f, 0.959843f, 0.959848f, 0.959852f, 0.959857f,
-0.959862f, 0.959867f, 0.959872f, 0.959876f, 0.959881f, 0.959886f, 0.959891f, 0.959896f, 0.9599f, 0.959905f, 0.95991f, 0.959915f, 0.95992f, 0.959924f, 0.959929f, 0.959934f, 0.959939f, 0.959943f, 0.959948f, 0.959953f,
-0.959958f, 0.959963f, 0.959967f, 0.959972f, 0.959977f, 0.959982f, 0.959987f, 0.959991f, 0.959996f, 0.960001f, 0.960006f, 0.960011f, 0.960015f, 0.96002f, 0.960025f, 0.96003f, 0.960034f, 0.960039f, 0.960044f, 0.960049f,
-0.960054f, 0.960058f, 0.960063f, 0.960068f, 0.960073f, 0.960077f, 0.960082f, 0.960087f, 0.960092f, 0.960097f, 0.960101f, 0.960106f, 0.960111f, 0.960116f, 0.96012f, 0.960125f, 0.96013f, 0.960135f, 0.960139f, 0.960144f,
-0.960149f, 0.960154f, 0.960159f, 0.960163f, 0.960168f, 0.960173f, 0.960178f, 0.960182f, 0.960187f, 0.960192f, 0.960197f, 0.960201f, 0.960206f, 0.960211f, 0.960216f, 0.96022f, 0.960225f, 0.96023f, 0.960235f, 0.960239f,
-0.960244f, 0.960249f, 0.960254f, 0.960259f, 0.960263f, 0.960268f, 0.960273f, 0.960278f, 0.960282f, 0.960287f, 0.960292f, 0.960297f, 0.960301f, 0.960306f, 0.960311f, 0.960316f, 0.96032f, 0.960325f, 0.96033f, 0.960335f,
-0.960339f, 0.960344f, 0.960349f, 0.960353f, 0.960358f, 0.960363f, 0.960368f, 0.960372f, 0.960377f, 0.960382f, 0.960387f, 0.960391f, 0.960396f, 0.960401f, 0.960406f, 0.96041f, 0.960415f, 0.96042f, 0.960425f, 0.960429f,
-0.960434f, 0.960439f, 0.960444f, 0.960448f, 0.960453f, 0.960458f, 0.960462f, 0.960467f, 0.960472f, 0.960477f, 0.960481f, 0.960486f, 0.960491f, 0.960496f, 0.9605f, 0.960505f, 0.96051f, 0.960514f, 0.960519f, 0.960524f,
-0.960529f, 0.960533f, 0.960538f, 0.960543f, 0.960548f, 0.960552f, 0.960557f, 0.960562f, 0.960566f, 0.960571f, 0.960576f, 0.960581f, 0.960585f, 0.96059f, 0.960595f, 0.960599f, 0.960604f, 0.960609f, 0.960614f, 0.960618f,
-0.960623f, 0.960628f, 0.960632f, 0.960637f, 0.960642f, 0.960647f, 0.960651f, 0.960656f, 0.960661f, 0.960665f, 0.96067f, 0.960675f, 0.96068f, 0.960684f, 0.960689f, 0.960694f, 0.960698f, 0.960703f, 0.960708f, 0.960712f,
-0.960717f, 0.960722f, 0.960727f, 0.960731f, 0.960736f, 0.960741f, 0.960745f, 0.96075f, 0.960755f, 0.960759f, 0.960764f, 0.960769f, 0.960774f, 0.960778f, 0.960783f, 0.960788f, 0.960792f, 0.960797f, 0.960802f, 0.960806f,
-0.960811f, 0.960816f, 0.96082f, 0.960825f, 0.96083f, 0.960834f, 0.960839f, 0.960844f, 0.960849f, 0.960853f, 0.960858f, 0.960863f, 0.960867f, 0.960872f, 0.960877f, 0.960881f, 0.960886f, 0.960891f, 0.960895f, 0.9609f,
-0.960905f, 0.960909f, 0.960914f, 0.960919f, 0.960923f, 0.960928f, 0.960933f, 0.960937f, 0.960942f, 0.960947f, 0.960951f, 0.960956f, 0.960961f, 0.960966f, 0.96097f, 0.960975f, 0.96098f, 0.960984f, 0.960989f, 0.960994f,
-0.960998f, 0.961003f, 0.961008f, 0.961012f, 0.961017f, 0.961022f, 0.961026f, 0.961031f, 0.961036f, 0.96104f, 0.961045f, 0.96105f, 0.961054f, 0.961059f, 0.961064f, 0.961068f, 0.961073f, 0.961077f, 0.961082f, 0.961087f,
-0.961091f, 0.961096f, 0.961101f, 0.961105f, 0.96111f, 0.961115f, 0.961119f, 0.961124f, 0.961129f, 0.961133f, 0.961138f, 0.961143f, 0.961147f, 0.961152f, 0.961157f, 0.961161f, 0.961166f, 0.961171f, 0.961175f, 0.96118f,
-0.961184f, 0.961189f, 0.961194f, 0.961198f, 0.961203f, 0.961208f, 0.961212f, 0.961217f, 0.961222f, 0.961226f, 0.961231f, 0.961236f, 0.96124f, 0.961245f, 0.961249f, 0.961254f, 0.961259f, 0.961263f, 0.961268f, 0.961273f,
-0.961277f, 0.961282f, 0.961287f, 0.961291f, 0.961296f, 0.9613f, 0.961305f, 0.96131f, 0.961314f, 0.961319f, 0.961324f, 0.961328f, 0.961333f, 0.961338f, 0.961342f, 0.961347f, 0.961351f, 0.961356f, 0.961361f, 0.961365f,
-0.96137f, 0.961375f, 0.961379f, 0.961384f, 0.961388f, 0.961393f, 0.961398f, 0.961402f, 0.961407f, 0.961412f, 0.961416f, 0.961421f, 0.961425f, 0.96143f, 0.961435f, 0.961439f, 0.961444f, 0.961448f, 0.961453f, 0.961458f,
-0.961462f, 0.961467f, 0.961472f, 0.961476f, 0.961481f, 0.961485f, 0.96149f, 0.961495f, 0.961499f, 0.961504f, 0.961508f, 0.961513f, 0.961518f, 0.961522f, 0.961527f, 0.961531f, 0.961536f, 0.961541f, 0.961545f, 0.96155f,
-0.961554f, 0.961559f, 0.961564f, 0.961568f, 0.961573f, 0.961577f, 0.961582f, 0.961587f, 0.961591f, 0.961596f, 0.9616f, 0.961605f, 0.96161f, 0.961614f, 0.961619f, 0.961623f, 0.961628f, 0.961633f, 0.961637f, 0.961642f,
-0.961646f, 0.961651f, 0.961656f, 0.96166f, 0.961665f, 0.961669f, 0.961674f, 0.961679f, 0.961683f, 0.961688f, 0.961692f, 0.961697f, 0.961701f, 0.961706f, 0.961711f, 0.961715f, 0.96172f, 0.961724f, 0.961729f, 0.961734f,
-0.961738f, 0.961743f, 0.961747f, 0.961752f, 0.961756f, 0.961761f, 0.961766f, 0.96177f, 0.961775f, 0.961779f, 0.961784f, 0.961789f, 0.961793f, 0.961798f, 0.961802f, 0.961807f, 0.961811f, 0.961816f, 0.961821f, 0.961825f,
-0.96183f, 0.961834f, 0.961839f, 0.961843f, 0.961848f, 0.961853f, 0.961857f, 0.961862f, 0.961866f, 0.961871f, 0.961875f, 0.96188f, 0.961884f, 0.961889f, 0.961894f, 0.961898f, 0.961903f, 0.961907f, 0.961912f, 0.961916f,
-0.961921f, 0.961926f, 0.96193f, 0.961935f, 0.961939f, 0.961944f, 0.961948f, 0.961953f, 0.961957f, 0.961962f, 0.961967f, 0.961971f, 0.961976f, 0.96198f, 0.961985f, 0.961989f, 0.961994f, 0.961998f, 0.962003f, 0.962008f,
-0.962012f, 0.962017f, 0.962021f, 0.962026f, 0.96203f, 0.962035f, 0.962039f, 0.962044f, 0.962048f, 0.962053f, 0.962058f, 0.962062f, 0.962067f, 0.962071f, 0.962076f, 0.96208f, 0.962085f, 0.962089f, 0.962094f, 0.962098f,
-0.962103f, 0.962107f, 0.962112f, 0.962117f, 0.962121f, 0.962126f, 0.96213f, 0.962135f, 0.962139f, 0.962144f, 0.962148f, 0.962153f, 0.962157f, 0.962162f, 0.962166f, 0.962171f, 0.962175f, 0.96218f, 0.962185f, 0.962189f,
-0.962194f, 0.962198f, 0.962203f, 0.962207f, 0.962212f, 0.962216f, 0.962221f, 0.962225f, 0.96223f, 0.962234f, 0.962239f, 0.962243f, 0.962248f, 0.962252f, 0.962257f, 0.962261f, 0.962266f, 0.962271f, 0.962275f, 0.96228f,
-0.962284f, 0.962289f, 0.962293f, 0.962298f, 0.962302f, 0.962307f, 0.962311f, 0.962316f, 0.96232f, 0.962325f, 0.962329f, 0.962334f, 0.962338f, 0.962343f, 0.962347f, 0.962352f, 0.962356f, 0.962361f, 0.962365f, 0.96237f,
-0.962374f, 0.962379f, 0.962383f, 0.962388f, 0.962392f, 0.962397f, 0.962401f, 0.962406f, 0.96241f, 0.962415f, 0.962419f, 0.962424f, 0.962428f, 0.962433f, 0.962437f, 0.962442f, 0.962446f, 0.962451f, 0.962455f, 0.96246f,
-0.962464f, 0.962469f, 0.962473f, 0.962478f, 0.962482f, 0.962487f, 0.962491f, 0.962496f, 0.9625f, 0.962505f, 0.962509f, 0.962514f, 0.962518f, 0.962523f, 0.962527f, 0.962532f, 0.962536f, 0.962541f, 0.962545f, 0.96255f,
-0.962554f, 0.962559f, 0.962563f, 0.962568f, 0.962572f, 0.962577f, 0.962581f, 0.962586f, 0.96259f, 0.962594f, 0.962599f, 0.962603f, 0.962608f, 0.962612f, 0.962617f, 0.962621f, 0.962626f, 0.96263f, 0.962635f, 0.962639f,
-0.962644f, 0.962648f, 0.962653f, 0.962657f, 0.962662f, 0.962666f, 0.962671f, 0.962675f, 0.96268f, 0.962684f, 0.962688f, 0.962693f, 0.962697f, 0.962702f, 0.962706f, 0.962711f, 0.962715f, 0.96272f, 0.962724f, 0.962729f,
-0.962733f, 0.962738f, 0.962742f, 0.962747f, 0.962751f, 0.962755f, 0.96276f, 0.962764f, 0.962769f, 0.962773f, 0.962778f, 0.962782f, 0.962787f, 0.962791f, 0.962796f, 0.9628f, 0.962805f, 0.962809f, 0.962813f, 0.962818f,
-0.962822f, 0.962827f, 0.962831f, 0.962836f, 0.96284f, 0.962845f, 0.962849f, 0.962853f, 0.962858f, 0.962862f, 0.962867f, 0.962871f, 0.962876f, 0.96288f, 0.962885f, 0.962889f, 0.962894f, 0.962898f, 0.962902f, 0.962907f,
-0.962911f, 0.962916f, 0.96292f, 0.962925f, 0.962929f, 0.962934f, 0.962938f, 0.962942f, 0.962947f, 0.962951f, 0.962956f, 0.96296f, 0.962965f, 0.962969f, 0.962973f, 0.962978f, 0.962982f, 0.962987f, 0.962991f, 0.962996f,
-0.963f, 0.963004f, 0.963009f, 0.963013f, 0.963018f, 0.963022f, 0.963027f, 0.963031f, 0.963036f, 0.96304f, 0.963044f, 0.963049f, 0.963053f, 0.963058f, 0.963062f, 0.963067f, 0.963071f, 0.963075f, 0.96308f, 0.963084f,
-0.963089f, 0.963093f, 0.963097f, 0.963102f, 0.963106f, 0.963111f, 0.963115f, 0.96312f, 0.963124f, 0.963128f, 0.963133f, 0.963137f, 0.963142f, 0.963146f, 0.96315f, 0.963155f, 0.963159f, 0.963164f, 0.963168f, 0.963173f,
-0.963177f, 0.963181f, 0.963186f, 0.96319f, 0.963195f, 0.963199f, 0.963203f, 0.963208f, 0.963212f, 0.963217f, 0.963221f, 0.963225f, 0.96323f, 0.963234f, 0.963239f, 0.963243f, 0.963248f, 0.963252f, 0.963256f, 0.963261f,
-0.963265f, 0.96327f, 0.963274f, 0.963278f, 0.963283f, 0.963287f, 0.963292f, 0.963296f, 0.9633f, 0.963305f, 0.963309f, 0.963314f, 0.963318f, 0.963322f, 0.963327f, 0.963331f, 0.963335f, 0.96334f, 0.963344f, 0.963349f,
-0.963353f, 0.963357f, 0.963362f, 0.963366f, 0.963371f, 0.963375f, 0.963379f, 0.963384f, 0.963388f, 0.963393f, 0.963397f, 0.963401f, 0.963406f, 0.96341f, 0.963414f, 0.963419f, 0.963423f, 0.963428f, 0.963432f, 0.963436f,
-0.963441f, 0.963445f, 0.96345f, 0.963454f, 0.963458f, 0.963463f, 0.963467f, 0.963471f, 0.963476f, 0.96348f, 0.963485f, 0.963489f, 0.963493f, 0.963498f, 0.963502f, 0.963506f, 0.963511f, 0.963515f, 0.96352f, 0.963524f,
-0.963528f, 0.963533f, 0.963537f, 0.963541f, 0.963546f, 0.96355f, 0.963555f, 0.963559f, 0.963563f, 0.963568f, 0.963572f, 0.963576f, 0.963581f, 0.963585f, 0.963589f, 0.963594f, 0.963598f, 0.963603f, 0.963607f, 0.963611f,
-0.963616f, 0.96362f, 0.963624f, 0.963629f, 0.963633f, 0.963637f, 0.963642f, 0.963646f, 0.96365f, 0.963655f, 0.963659f, 0.963664f, 0.963668f, 0.963672f, 0.963677f, 0.963681f, 0.963685f, 0.96369f, 0.963694f, 0.963698f,
-0.963703f, 0.963707f, 0.963711f, 0.963716f, 0.96372f, 0.963724f, 0.963729f, 0.963733f, 0.963738f, 0.963742f, 0.963746f, 0.963751f, 0.963755f, 0.963759f, 0.963764f, 0.963768f, 0.963772f, 0.963777f, 0.963781f, 0.963785f,
-0.96379f, 0.963794f, 0.963798f, 0.963803f, 0.963807f, 0.963811f, 0.963816f, 0.96382f, 0.963824f, 0.963829f, 0.963833f, 0.963837f, 0.963842f, 0.963846f, 0.96385f, 0.963855f, 0.963859f, 0.963863f, 0.963868f, 0.963872f,
-0.963876f, 0.963881f, 0.963885f, 0.963889f, 0.963894f, 0.963898f, 0.963902f, 0.963907f, 0.963911f, 0.963915f, 0.96392f, 0.963924f, 0.963928f, 0.963933f, 0.963937f, 0.963941f, 0.963946f, 0.96395f, 0.963954f, 0.963959f,
-0.963963f, 0.963967f, 0.963971f, 0.963976f, 0.96398f, 0.963984f, 0.963989f, 0.963993f, 0.963997f, 0.964002f, 0.964006f, 0.96401f, 0.964015f, 0.964019f, 0.964023f, 0.964028f, };
-const float sinewave[SINE_TABLE_SIZE] = {0.0f, 0.00305f, 0.00613f, 0.00919f, 0.01227f, 0.01532f, 0.0184f, 0.02145f, 0.02454f, 0.02759f, 0.03067f, 0.03372f, 0.0368f, 0.03986f, 0.04291f, 0.04599f, 0.04904f, 0.05212f, 0.05518f, 0.05823f,
-0.06131f, 0.06436f, 0.06741f, 0.0705f, 0.07355f, 0.0766f, 0.07965f, 0.08273f, 0.08578f, 0.08884f, 0.09189f, 0.09494f, 0.09799f, 0.10104f, 0.1041f, 0.10715f, 0.1102f, 0.11325f, 0.1163f, 0.11935f,
-0.12241f, 0.12543f, 0.12848f, 0.13153f, 0.13455f, 0.1376f, 0.14066f, 0.14368f, 0.1467f, 0.14975f, 0.15277f, 0.15582f, 0.15884f, 0.16187f, 0.16489f, 0.16791f, 0.17093f, 0.17398f, 0.17697f, 0.17999f,
-0.18301f, 0.18604f, 0.18906f, 0.19205f, 0.19507f, 0.19809f, 0.20108f, 0.2041f, 0.20709f, 0.21008f, 0.2131f, 0.21609f, 0.21909f, 0.22208f, 0.22507f, 0.22806f, 0.23105f, 0.23401f, 0.237f, 0.23999f,
-0.24295f, 0.24594f, 0.2489f, 0.25189f, 0.25485f, 0.25781f, 0.26077f, 0.26373f, 0.26669f, 0.26965f, 0.27261f, 0.27554f, 0.2785f, 0.28143f, 0.28439f, 0.28732f, 0.29025f, 0.29321f, 0.29614f, 0.29907f,
-0.30197f, 0.3049f, 0.30783f, 0.31076f, 0.31366f, 0.31656f, 0.31949f, 0.32239f, 0.32529f, 0.32819f, 0.33109f, 0.33398f, 0.33688f, 0.33975f, 0.34265f, 0.34552f, 0.34839f, 0.35126f, 0.35416f, 0.35703f,
-0.35986f, 0.36273f, 0.3656f, 0.36844f, 0.37131f, 0.37415f, 0.37698f, 0.37982f, 0.38266f, 0.3855f, 0.38834f, 0.39114f, 0.39398f, 0.39679f, 0.3996f, 0.4024f, 0.40521f, 0.40802f, 0.41083f, 0.4136f,
-0.41641f, 0.41919f, 0.42197f, 0.42474f, 0.42752f, 0.4303f, 0.43307f, 0.43582f, 0.4386f, 0.44135f, 0.44409f, 0.44684f, 0.44958f, 0.45233f, 0.45505f, 0.45779f, 0.46051f, 0.46323f, 0.46594f, 0.46866f,
-0.47137f, 0.47409f, 0.47678f, 0.47946f, 0.48215f, 0.48483f, 0.48752f, 0.4902f, 0.49289f, 0.49554f, 0.4982f, 0.50085f, 0.50351f, 0.50616f, 0.50882f, 0.51144f, 0.51407f, 0.51672f, 0.51932f, 0.52194f,
-0.52457f, 0.52716f, 0.52979f, 0.53238f, 0.53497f, 0.53757f, 0.54016f, 0.54272f, 0.54529f, 0.54788f, 0.55045f, 0.55298f, 0.55554f, 0.55811f, 0.56064f, 0.56317f, 0.5657f, 0.56824f, 0.57077f, 0.57327f,
-0.57578f, 0.57828f, 0.58078f, 0.58328f, 0.58578f, 0.58826f, 0.59073f, 0.5932f, 0.59567f, 0.59814f, 0.60059f, 0.60303f, 0.6055f, 0.60791f, 0.61035f, 0.61279f, 0.6152f, 0.61761f, 0.62003f, 0.62244f,
-0.62485f, 0.62723f, 0.62961f, 0.63199f, 0.63437f, 0.63675f, 0.6391f, 0.64145f, 0.6438f, 0.64615f, 0.6485f, 0.65082f, 0.65314f, 0.65546f, 0.65778f, 0.6601f, 0.66238f, 0.66467f, 0.66696f, 0.66925f,
-0.67154f, 0.6738f, 0.67606f, 0.67831f, 0.68057f, 0.68283f, 0.68506f, 0.68729f, 0.68951f, 0.69174f, 0.69394f, 0.69614f, 0.69836f, 0.70053f, 0.70273f, 0.7049f, 0.70709f, 0.70926f, 0.7114f, 0.71356f,
-0.7157f, 0.71783f, 0.71997f, 0.72211f, 0.72421f, 0.72632f, 0.72842f, 0.73053f, 0.73264f, 0.73471f, 0.73679f, 0.73886f, 0.74094f, 0.74298f, 0.74503f, 0.74707f, 0.74911f, 0.75113f, 0.75317f, 0.75519f,
-0.75717f, 0.75919f, 0.76117f, 0.76315f, 0.76514f, 0.76712f, 0.76907f, 0.77103f, 0.77298f, 0.77493f, 0.77686f, 0.77878f, 0.7807f, 0.78262f, 0.78452f, 0.78644f, 0.78833f, 0.79019f, 0.79208f, 0.79395f,
-0.79581f, 0.79767f, 0.7995f, 0.80136f, 0.80319f, 0.80499f, 0.80682f, 0.80862f, 0.81042f, 0.81223f, 0.814f, 0.8158f, 0.81757f, 0.81931f, 0.82108f, 0.82281f, 0.82455f, 0.82629f, 0.828f, 0.82974f,
-0.83145f, 0.83313f, 0.83484f, 0.83652f, 0.8382f, 0.83987f, 0.84152f, 0.84317f, 0.84482f, 0.84647f, 0.84808f, 0.8497f, 0.85132f, 0.85294f, 0.85452f, 0.85611f, 0.8577f, 0.85928f, 0.86084f, 0.8624f,
-0.86395f, 0.86548f, 0.867f, 0.86853f, 0.87006f, 0.87155f, 0.87308f, 0.87457f, 0.87604f, 0.8775f, 0.879f, 0.88043f, 0.8819f, 0.88333f, 0.88477f, 0.8862f, 0.8876f, 0.88901f, 0.89041f, 0.89182f,
-0.89319f, 0.89456f, 0.89594f, 0.89731f, 0.89865f, 0.89999f, 0.90131f, 0.90265f, 0.90396f, 0.90527f, 0.90656f, 0.90787f, 0.90915f, 0.9104f, 0.91168f, 0.91293f, 0.91418f, 0.91541f, 0.91666f, 0.91788f,
-0.9191f, 0.92029f, 0.92148f, 0.92267f, 0.92386f, 0.92502f, 0.92618f, 0.92734f, 0.92847f, 0.92963f, 0.93073f, 0.93185f, 0.93295f, 0.93405f, 0.93515f, 0.93625f, 0.93732f, 0.93839f, 0.93942f, 0.94049f,
-0.94153f, 0.94254f, 0.94357f, 0.94458f, 0.94559f, 0.94656f, 0.94757f, 0.94852f, 0.94949f, 0.95047f, 0.95142f, 0.95233f, 0.95328f, 0.95419f, 0.95511f, 0.95602f, 0.95691f, 0.95779f, 0.95868f, 0.95953f,
-0.96039f, 0.96124f, 0.9621f, 0.96292f, 0.96375f, 0.96457f, 0.96536f, 0.96616f, 0.96695f, 0.96771f, 0.96851f, 0.96924f, 0.97f, 0.97073f, 0.97147f, 0.9722f, 0.9729f, 0.9736f, 0.9743f, 0.97501f,
-0.97568f, 0.97635f, 0.97699f, 0.97766f, 0.9783f, 0.97891f, 0.97955f, 0.98016f, 0.98074f, 0.98135f, 0.98193f, 0.98251f, 0.98306f, 0.98364f, 0.98419f, 0.98471f, 0.98526f, 0.98578f, 0.98627f, 0.98679f,
-0.98727f, 0.98776f, 0.98822f, 0.98868f, 0.98914f, 0.98959f, 0.99002f, 0.99045f, 0.99088f, 0.99127f, 0.99167f, 0.99207f, 0.99246f, 0.99283f, 0.99319f, 0.99353f, 0.99387f, 0.9942f, 0.99454f, 0.99484f,
-0.99515f, 0.99545f, 0.99573f, 0.996f, 0.99628f, 0.99655f, 0.9968f, 0.99704f, 0.99725f, 0.99747f, 0.99768f, 0.99789f, 0.99808f, 0.99826f, 0.99844f, 0.9986f, 0.99878f, 0.9989f, 0.99905f, 0.99918f,
-0.9993f, 0.99939f, 0.99951f, 0.9996f, 0.99966f, 0.99973f, 0.99979f, 0.99985f, 0.99991f, 0.99994f, 0.99994f, 0.99997f, 0.99997f, 0.99997f, 0.99994f, 0.99994f, 0.99991f, 0.99985f, 0.99979f, 0.99973f,
-0.99966f, 0.9996f, 0.99951f, 0.99939f, 0.9993f, 0.99918f, 0.99905f, 0.9989f, 0.99878f, 0.9986f, 0.99844f, 0.99826f, 0.99808f, 0.99789f, 0.99768f, 0.99747f, 0.99725f, 0.99704f, 0.9968f, 0.99655f,
-0.99628f, 0.996f, 0.99573f, 0.99545f, 0.99515f, 0.99484f, 0.99454f, 0.9942f, 0.99387f, 0.99353f, 0.99319f, 0.99283f, 0.99246f, 0.99207f, 0.99167f, 0.99127f, 0.99088f, 0.99045f, 0.99002f, 0.98959f,
-0.98914f, 0.98868f, 0.98822f, 0.98776f, 0.98727f, 0.98679f, 0.98627f, 0.98578f, 0.98526f, 0.98471f, 0.98419f, 0.98364f, 0.98306f, 0.98251f, 0.98193f, 0.98135f, 0.98074f, 0.98016f, 0.97955f, 0.97891f,
-0.9783f, 0.97766f, 0.97699f, 0.97635f, 0.97568f, 0.97501f, 0.9743f, 0.9736f, 0.9729f, 0.9722f, 0.97147f, 0.97073f, 0.97f, 0.96924f, 0.96851f, 0.96771f, 0.96695f, 0.96616f, 0.96536f, 0.96457f,
-0.96375f, 0.96292f, 0.9621f, 0.96124f, 0.96039f, 0.95953f, 0.95868f, 0.95779f, 0.95691f, 0.95602f, 0.95511f, 0.95419f, 0.95328f, 0.95233f, 0.95142f, 0.95047f, 0.94949f, 0.94852f, 0.94757f, 0.94656f,
-0.94559f, 0.94458f, 0.94357f, 0.94254f, 0.94153f, 0.94049f, 0.93942f, 0.93839f, 0.93732f, 0.93625f, 0.93515f, 0.93405f, 0.93295f, 0.93185f, 0.93073f, 0.92963f, 0.92847f, 0.92734f, 0.92618f, 0.92502f,
-0.92386f, 0.92267f, 0.92148f, 0.92029f, 0.9191f, 0.91788f, 0.91666f, 0.91541f, 0.91418f, 0.91293f, 0.91168f, 0.9104f, 0.90915f, 0.90787f, 0.90656f, 0.90527f, 0.90396f, 0.90265f, 0.90131f, 0.89999f,
-0.89865f, 0.89731f, 0.89594f, 0.89456f, 0.89319f, 0.89182f, 0.89041f, 0.88901f, 0.8876f, 0.8862f, 0.88477f, 0.88333f, 0.8819f, 0.88043f, 0.879f, 0.8775f, 0.87604f, 0.87457f, 0.87308f, 0.87155f,
-0.87006f, 0.86853f, 0.867f, 0.86548f, 0.86395f, 0.8624f, 0.86084f, 0.85928f, 0.8577f, 0.85611f, 0.85452f, 0.85294f, 0.85132f, 0.8497f, 0.84808f, 0.84647f, 0.84482f, 0.84317f, 0.84152f, 0.83987f,
-0.8382f, 0.83652f, 0.83484f, 0.83313f, 0.83145f, 0.82974f, 0.828f, 0.82629f, 0.82455f, 0.82281f, 0.82108f, 0.81931f, 0.81757f, 0.8158f, 0.814f, 0.81223f, 0.81042f, 0.80862f, 0.80682f, 0.80499f,
-0.80319f, 0.80136f, 0.7995f, 0.79767f, 0.79581f, 0.79395f, 0.79208f, 0.79019f, 0.78833f, 0.78644f, 0.78452f, 0.78262f, 0.7807f, 0.77878f, 0.77686f, 0.77493f, 0.77298f, 0.77103f, 0.76907f, 0.76712f,
-0.76514f, 0.76315f, 0.76117f, 0.75919f, 0.75717f, 0.75519f, 0.75317f, 0.75113f, 0.74911f, 0.74707f, 0.74503f, 0.74298f, 0.74094f, 0.73886f, 0.73679f, 0.73471f, 0.73264f, 0.73053f, 0.72842f, 0.72632f,
-0.72421f, 0.72211f, 0.71997f, 0.71783f, 0.7157f, 0.71356f, 0.7114f, 0.70926f, 0.70709f, 0.7049f, 0.70273f, 0.70053f, 0.69836f, 0.69614f, 0.69394f, 0.69174f, 0.68951f, 0.68729f, 0.68506f, 0.68283f,
-0.68057f, 0.67831f, 0.67606f, 0.6738f, 0.67154f, 0.66925f, 0.66696f, 0.66467f, 0.66238f, 0.6601f, 0.65778f, 0.65546f, 0.65314f, 0.65082f, 0.6485f, 0.64615f, 0.6438f, 0.64145f, 0.6391f, 0.63675f,
-0.63437f, 0.63199f, 0.62961f, 0.62723f, 0.62485f, 0.62244f, 0.62003f, 0.61761f, 0.6152f, 0.61279f, 0.61035f, 0.60791f, 0.6055f, 0.60303f, 0.60059f, 0.59814f, 0.59567f, 0.5932f, 0.59073f, 0.58826f,
-0.58578f, 0.58328f, 0.58078f, 0.57828f, 0.57578f, 0.57327f, 0.57077f, 0.56824f, 0.5657f, 0.56317f, 0.56064f, 0.55811f, 0.55554f, 0.55298f, 0.55045f, 0.54788f, 0.54529f, 0.54272f, 0.54016f, 0.53757f,
-0.53497f, 0.53238f, 0.52979f, 0.52716f, 0.52457f, 0.52194f, 0.51932f, 0.51672f, 0.51407f, 0.51144f, 0.50882f, 0.50616f, 0.50351f, 0.50085f, 0.4982f, 0.49554f, 0.49289f, 0.4902f, 0.48752f, 0.48483f,
-0.48215f, 0.47946f, 0.47678f, 0.47409f, 0.47137f, 0.46866f, 0.46594f, 0.46323f, 0.46051f, 0.45779f, 0.45505f, 0.45233f, 0.44958f, 0.44684f, 0.44409f, 0.44135f, 0.4386f, 0.43582f, 0.43307f, 0.4303f,
-0.42752f, 0.42474f, 0.42197f, 0.41919f, 0.41641f, 0.4136f, 0.41083f, 0.40802f, 0.40521f, 0.4024f, 0.3996f, 0.39679f, 0.39398f, 0.39114f, 0.38834f, 0.3855f, 0.38266f, 0.37982f, 0.37698f, 0.37415f,
-0.37131f, 0.36844f, 0.3656f, 0.36273f, 0.35986f, 0.35703f, 0.35416f, 0.35126f, 0.34839f, 0.34552f, 0.34265f, 0.33975f, 0.33688f, 0.33398f, 0.33109f, 0.32819f, 0.32529f, 0.32239f, 0.31949f, 0.31656f,
-0.31366f, 0.31076f, 0.30783f, 0.3049f, 0.30197f, 0.29907f, 0.29614f, 0.29321f, 0.29025f, 0.28732f, 0.28439f, 0.28143f, 0.2785f, 0.27554f, 0.27261f, 0.26965f, 0.26669f, 0.26373f, 0.26077f, 0.25781f,
-0.25485f, 0.25189f, 0.2489f, 0.24594f, 0.24295f, 0.23999f, 0.237f, 0.23401f, 0.23105f, 0.22806f, 0.22507f, 0.22208f, 0.21909f, 0.21609f, 0.2131f, 0.21008f, 0.20709f, 0.2041f, 0.20108f, 0.19809f,
-0.19507f, 0.19205f, 0.18906f, 0.18604f, 0.18301f, 0.17999f, 0.17697f, 0.17398f, 0.17093f, 0.16791f, 0.16489f, 0.16187f, 0.15884f, 0.15582f, 0.15277f, 0.14975f, 0.1467f, 0.14368f, 0.14066f, 0.1376f,
-0.13455f, 0.13153f, 0.12848f, 0.12543f, 0.12241f, 0.11935f, 0.1163f, 0.11325f, 0.1102f, 0.10715f, 0.1041f, 0.10104f, 0.09799f, 0.09494f, 0.09189f, 0.08884f, 0.08578f, 0.08273f, 0.07965f, 0.0766f,
-0.07355f, 0.0705f, 0.06741f, 0.06436f, 0.06131f, 0.05823f, 0.05518f, 0.05212f, 0.04904f, 0.04599f, 0.04291f, 0.03986f, 0.0368f, 0.03372f, 0.03067f, 0.02759f, 0.02454f, 0.02145f, 0.0184f, 0.01532f,
-0.01227f, 0.00919f, 0.00613f, 0.00305f, 0.0f, -0.00308f, -0.00616f, -0.00922f, -0.0123f, -0.01535f, -0.01843f, -0.02148f, -0.02457f, -0.02762f, -0.0307f, -0.03375f, -0.03683f, -0.03989f, -0.04294f, -0.04602f,
--0.04907f, -0.05215f, -0.05521f, -0.05826f, -0.06134f, -0.06439f, -0.06744f, -0.07053f, -0.07358f, -0.07663f, -0.07968f, -0.08276f, -0.08582f, -0.08887f, -0.09192f, -0.09497f, -0.09802f, -0.10107f, -0.10413f, -0.10718f,
--0.11023f, -0.11328f, -0.11633f, -0.11938f, -0.12244f, -0.12546f, -0.12851f, -0.13156f, -0.13458f, -0.13763f, -0.14069f, -0.14371f, -0.14673f, -0.14978f, -0.1528f, -0.15585f, -0.15887f, -0.1619f, -0.16492f, -0.16794f,
--0.17096f, -0.17401f, -0.177f, -0.18002f, -0.18304f, -0.18607f, -0.18909f, -0.19208f, -0.1951f, -0.19812f, -0.20111f, -0.20413f, -0.20712f, -0.21011f, -0.21313f, -0.21613f, -0.21912f, -0.22211f, -0.2251f, -0.22809f,
--0.23108f, -0.23404f, -0.23703f, -0.24002f, -0.24298f, -0.24597f, -0.24893f, -0.25192f, -0.25488f, -0.25784f, -0.2608f, -0.26376f, -0.26672f, -0.26968f, -0.27264f, -0.27557f, -0.27853f, -0.28146f, -0.28442f, -0.28735f,
--0.29028f, -0.29324f, -0.29617f, -0.2991f, -0.302f, -0.30493f, -0.30786f, -0.31079f, -0.31369f, -0.31659f, -0.31952f, -0.32242f, -0.32532f, -0.32822f, -0.33112f, -0.33401f, -0.33691f, -0.33978f, -0.34268f, -0.34555f,
--0.34842f, -0.35129f, -0.35419f, -0.35706f, -0.35989f, -0.36276f, -0.36563f, -0.36847f, -0.37134f, -0.37418f, -0.37701f, -0.37985f, -0.38269f, -0.38553f, -0.38837f, -0.39117f, -0.39401f, -0.39682f, -0.39963f, -0.40244f,
--0.40524f, -0.40805f, -0.41086f, -0.41364f, -0.41644f, -0.41922f, -0.422f, -0.42477f, -0.42755f, -0.43033f, -0.43311f, -0.43585f, -0.43863f, -0.44138f, -0.44412f, -0.44687f, -0.44962f, -0.45236f, -0.45508f, -0.45782f,
--0.46054f, -0.46326f, -0.46597f, -0.46869f, -0.47141f, -0.47412f, -0.47681f, -0.47949f, -0.48218f, -0.48486f, -0.48755f, -0.49023f, -0.49292f, -0.49557f, -0.49823f, -0.50089f, -0.50354f, -0.5062f, -0.50885f, -0.51147f,
--0.5141f, -0.51675f, -0.51935f, -0.52197f, -0.5246f, -0.52719f, -0.52982f, -0.53241f, -0.535f, -0.5376f, -0.54019f, -0.54276f, -0.54532f, -0.54791f, -0.55048f, -0.55301f, -0.55557f, -0.55814f, -0.56067f, -0.5632f,
--0.56573f, -0.56827f, -0.5708f, -0.5733f, -0.57581f, -0.57831f, -0.58081f, -0.58331f, -0.58582f, -0.58829f, -0.59076f, -0.59323f, -0.5957f, -0.59818f, -0.60062f, -0.60306f, -0.60553f, -0.60794f, -0.61038f, -0.61282f,
--0.61523f, -0.61765f, -0.62006f, -0.62247f, -0.62488f, -0.62726f, -0.62964f, -0.63202f, -0.6344f, -0.63678f, -0.63913f, -0.64148f, -0.64383f, -0.64618f, -0.64853f, -0.65085f, -0.65317f, -0.65549f, -0.65781f, -0.66013f,
--0.66241f, -0.6647f, -0.66699f, -0.66928f, -0.67157f, -0.67383f, -0.67609f, -0.67834f, -0.6806f, -0.68286f, -0.68509f, -0.68732f, -0.68954f, -0.69177f, -0.69397f, -0.69617f, -0.69839f, -0.70056f, -0.70276f, -0.70493f,
--0.70712f, -0.70929f, -0.71143f, -0.71359f, -0.71573f, -0.71786f, -0.72f, -0.72214f, -0.72424f, -0.72635f, -0.72845f, -0.73056f, -0.73267f, -0.73474f, -0.73682f, -0.73889f, -0.74097f, -0.74301f, -0.74506f, -0.7471f,
--0.74915f, -0.75116f, -0.7532f, -0.75522f, -0.7572f, -0.75922f, -0.7612f, -0.76318f, -0.76517f, -0.76715f, -0.7691f, -0.77106f, -0.77301f, -0.77496f, -0.77689f, -0.77881f, -0.78073f, -0.78265f, -0.78455f, -0.78647f,
--0.78836f, -0.79022f, -0.79211f, -0.79398f, -0.79584f, -0.7977f, -0.79953f, -0.80139f, -0.80322f, -0.80502f, -0.80685f, -0.80865f, -0.81046f, -0.81226f, -0.81403f, -0.81583f, -0.8176f, -0.81934f, -0.82111f, -0.82285f,
--0.82458f, -0.82632f, -0.82803f, -0.82977f, -0.83148f, -0.83316f, -0.83487f, -0.83655f, -0.83823f, -0.8399f, -0.84155f, -0.8432f, -0.84485f, -0.8465f, -0.84811f, -0.84973f, -0.85135f, -0.85297f, -0.85455f, -0.85614f,
--0.85773f, -0.85931f, -0.86087f, -0.86243f, -0.86398f, -0.86551f, -0.86703f, -0.86856f, -0.87009f, -0.87158f, -0.87311f, -0.8746f, -0.87607f, -0.87753f, -0.87903f, -0.88046f, -0.88193f, -0.88336f, -0.8848f, -0.88623f,
--0.88763f, -0.88904f, -0.89044f, -0.89185f, -0.89322f, -0.89459f, -0.89597f, -0.89734f, -0.89868f, -0.90002f, -0.90134f, -0.90268f, -0.90399f, -0.9053f, -0.90659f, -0.9079f, -0.90918f, -0.91043f, -0.91171f, -0.91296f,
--0.91422f, -0.91544f, -0.91669f, -0.91791f, -0.91913f, -0.92032f, -0.92151f, -0.9227f, -0.92389f, -0.92505f, -0.92621f, -0.92737f, -0.9285f, -0.92966f, -0.93076f, -0.93188f, -0.93298f, -0.93408f, -0.93518f, -0.93628f,
--0.93735f, -0.93842f, -0.93945f, -0.94052f, -0.94156f, -0.94257f, -0.9436f, -0.94461f, -0.94562f, -0.94659f, -0.9476f, -0.94855f, -0.94952f, -0.9505f, -0.95145f, -0.95236f, -0.95331f, -0.95422f, -0.95514f, -0.95605f,
--0.95694f, -0.95782f, -0.95871f, -0.95956f, -0.96042f, -0.96127f, -0.96213f, -0.96295f, -0.96378f, -0.9646f, -0.96539f, -0.96619f, -0.96698f, -0.96774f, -0.96854f, -0.96927f, -0.97003f, -0.97076f, -0.9715f, -0.97223f,
--0.97293f, -0.97363f, -0.97433f, -0.97504f, -0.97571f, -0.97638f, -0.97702f, -0.97769f, -0.97833f, -0.97894f, -0.97958f, -0.98019f, -0.98077f, -0.98138f, -0.98196f, -0.98254f, -0.98309f, -0.98367f, -0.98422f, -0.98474f,
--0.98529f, -0.98581f, -0.9863f, -0.98682f, -0.9873f, -0.98779f, -0.98825f, -0.98871f, -0.98917f, -0.98962f, -0.99005f, -0.99048f, -0.99091f, -0.9913f, -0.9917f, -0.9921f, -0.99249f, -0.99286f, -0.99323f, -0.99356f,
--0.9939f, -0.99423f, -0.99457f, -0.99487f, -0.99518f, -0.99548f, -0.99576f, -0.99603f, -0.99631f, -0.99658f, -0.99683f, -0.99707f, -0.99728f, -0.9975f, -0.99771f, -0.99792f, -0.99811f, -0.99829f, -0.99847f, -0.99863f,
--0.99881f, -0.99893f, -0.99908f, -0.99921f, -0.99933f, -0.99942f, -0.99954f, -0.99963f, -0.99969f, -0.99976f, -0.99982f, -0.99988f, -0.99994f, -0.99997f, -0.99997f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -0.99997f, -0.99997f,
--0.99994f, -0.99988f, -0.99982f, -0.99976f, -0.99969f, -0.99963f, -0.99954f, -0.99942f, -0.99933f, -0.99921f, -0.99908f, -0.99893f, -0.99881f, -0.99863f, -0.99847f, -0.99829f, -0.99811f, -0.99792f, -0.99771f, -0.9975f,
--0.99728f, -0.99707f, -0.99683f, -0.99658f, -0.99631f, -0.99603f, -0.99576f, -0.99548f, -0.99518f, -0.99487f, -0.99457f, -0.99423f, -0.9939f, -0.99356f, -0.99323f, -0.99286f, -0.99249f, -0.9921f, -0.9917f, -0.9913f,
--0.99091f, -0.99048f, -0.99005f, -0.98962f, -0.98917f, -0.98871f, -0.98825f, -0.98779f, -0.9873f, -0.98682f, -0.9863f, -0.98581f, -0.98529f, -0.98474f, -0.98422f, -0.98367f, -0.98309f, -0.98254f, -0.98196f, -0.98138f,
--0.98077f, -0.98019f, -0.97958f, -0.97894f, -0.97833f, -0.97769f, -0.97702f, -0.97638f, -0.97571f, -0.97504f, -0.97433f, -0.97363f, -0.97293f, -0.97223f, -0.9715f, -0.97076f, -0.97003f, -0.96927f, -0.96854f, -0.96774f,
--0.96698f, -0.96619f, -0.96539f, -0.9646f, -0.96378f, -0.96295f, -0.96213f, -0.96127f, -0.96042f, -0.95956f, -0.95871f, -0.95782f, -0.95694f, -0.95605f, -0.95514f, -0.95422f, -0.95331f, -0.95236f, -0.95145f, -0.9505f,
--0.94952f, -0.94855f, -0.9476f, -0.94659f, -0.94562f, -0.94461f, -0.9436f, -0.94257f, -0.94156f, -0.94052f, -0.93945f, -0.93842f, -0.93735f, -0.93628f, -0.93518f, -0.93408f, -0.93298f, -0.93188f, -0.93076f, -0.92966f,
--0.9285f, -0.92737f, -0.92621f, -0.92505f, -0.92389f, -0.9227f, -0.92151f, -0.92032f, -0.91913f, -0.91791f, -0.91669f, -0.91544f, -0.91422f, -0.91296f, -0.91171f, -0.91043f, -0.90918f, -0.9079f, -0.90659f, -0.9053f,
--0.90399f, -0.90268f, -0.90134f, -0.90002f, -0.89868f, -0.89734f, -0.89597f, -0.89459f, -0.89322f, -0.89185f, -0.89044f, -0.88904f, -0.88763f, -0.88623f, -0.8848f, -0.88336f, -0.88193f, -0.88046f, -0.87903f, -0.87753f,
--0.87607f, -0.8746f, -0.87311f, -0.87158f, -0.87009f, -0.86856f, -0.86703f, -0.86551f, -0.86398f, -0.86243f, -0.86087f, -0.85931f, -0.85773f, -0.85614f, -0.85455f, -0.85297f, -0.85135f, -0.84973f, -0.84811f, -0.8465f,
--0.84485f, -0.8432f, -0.84155f, -0.8399f, -0.83823f, -0.83655f, -0.83487f, -0.83316f, -0.83148f, -0.82977f, -0.82803f, -0.82632f, -0.82458f, -0.82285f, -0.82111f, -0.81934f, -0.8176f, -0.81583f, -0.81403f, -0.81226f,
--0.81046f, -0.80865f, -0.80685f, -0.80502f, -0.80322f, -0.80139f, -0.79953f, -0.7977f, -0.79584f, -0.79398f, -0.79211f, -0.79022f, -0.78836f, -0.78647f, -0.78455f, -0.78265f, -0.78073f, -0.77881f, -0.77689f, -0.77496f,
--0.77301f, -0.77106f, -0.7691f, -0.76715f, -0.76517f, -0.76318f, -0.7612f, -0.75922f, -0.7572f, -0.75522f, -0.7532f, -0.75116f, -0.74915f, -0.7471f, -0.74506f, -0.74301f, -0.74097f, -0.73889f, -0.73682f, -0.73474f,
--0.73267f, -0.73056f, -0.72845f, -0.72635f, -0.72424f, -0.72214f, -0.72f, -0.71786f, -0.71573f, -0.71359f, -0.71143f, -0.70929f, -0.70712f, -0.70493f, -0.70276f, -0.70056f, -0.69839f, -0.69617f, -0.69397f, -0.69177f,
--0.68954f, -0.68732f, -0.68509f, -0.68286f, -0.6806f, -0.67834f, -0.67609f, -0.67383f, -0.67157f, -0.66928f, -0.66699f, -0.6647f, -0.66241f, -0.66013f, -0.65781f, -0.65549f, -0.65317f, -0.65085f, -0.64853f, -0.64618f,
--0.64383f, -0.64148f, -0.63913f, -0.63678f, -0.6344f, -0.63202f, -0.62964f, -0.62726f, -0.62488f, -0.62247f, -0.62006f, -0.61765f, -0.61523f, -0.61282f, -0.61038f, -0.60794f, -0.60553f, -0.60306f, -0.60062f, -0.59818f,
--0.5957f, -0.59323f, -0.59076f, -0.58829f, -0.58582f, -0.58331f, -0.58081f, -0.57831f, -0.57581f, -0.5733f, -0.5708f, -0.56827f, -0.56573f, -0.5632f, -0.56067f, -0.55814f, -0.55557f, -0.55301f, -0.55048f, -0.54791f,
--0.54532f, -0.54276f, -0.54019f, -0.5376f, -0.535f, -0.53241f, -0.52982f, -0.52719f, -0.5246f, -0.52197f, -0.51935f, -0.51675f, -0.5141f, -0.51147f, -0.50885f, -0.5062f, -0.50354f, -0.50089f, -0.49823f, -0.49557f,
--0.49292f, -0.49023f, -0.48755f, -0.48486f, -0.48218f, -0.47949f, -0.47681f, -0.47412f, -0.47141f, -0.46869f, -0.46597f, -0.46326f, -0.46054f, -0.45782f, -0.45508f, -0.45236f, -0.44962f, -0.44687f, -0.44412f, -0.44138f,
--0.43863f, -0.43585f, -0.43311f, -0.43033f, -0.42755f, -0.42477f, -0.422f, -0.41922f, -0.41644f, -0.41364f, -0.41086f, -0.40805f, -0.40524f, -0.40244f, -0.39963f, -0.39682f, -0.39401f, -0.39117f, -0.38837f, -0.38553f,
--0.38269f, -0.37985f, -0.37701f, -0.37418f, -0.37134f, -0.36847f, -0.36563f, -0.36276f, -0.35989f, -0.35706f, -0.35419f, -0.35129f, -0.34842f, -0.34555f, -0.34268f, -0.33978f, -0.33691f, -0.33401f, -0.33112f, -0.32822f,
--0.32532f, -0.32242f, -0.31952f, -0.31659f, -0.31369f, -0.31079f, -0.30786f, -0.30493f, -0.302f, -0.2991f, -0.29617f, -0.29324f, -0.29028f, -0.28735f, -0.28442f, -0.28146f, -0.27853f, -0.27557f, -0.27264f, -0.26968f,
--0.26672f, -0.26376f, -0.2608f, -0.25784f, -0.25488f, -0.25192f, -0.24893f, -0.24597f, -0.24298f, -0.24002f, -0.23703f, -0.23404f, -0.23108f, -0.22809f, -0.2251f, -0.22211f, -0.21912f, -0.21613f, -0.21313f, -0.21011f,
--0.20712f, -0.20413f, -0.20111f, -0.19812f, -0.1951f, -0.19208f, -0.18909f, -0.18607f, -0.18304f, -0.18002f, -0.177f, -0.17401f, -0.17096f, -0.16794f, -0.16492f, -0.1619f, -0.15887f, -0.15585f, -0.1528f, -0.14978f,
--0.14673f, -0.14371f, -0.14069f, -0.13763f, -0.13458f, -0.13156f, -0.12851f, -0.12546f, -0.12244f, -0.11938f, -0.11633f, -0.11328f, -0.11023f, -0.10718f, -0.10413f, -0.10107f, -0.09802f, -0.09497f, -0.09192f, -0.08887f,
--0.08582f, -0.08276f, -0.07968f, -0.07663f, -0.07358f, -0.07053f, -0.06744f, -0.06439f, -0.06134f, -0.05826f, -0.05521f, -0.05215f, -0.04907f, -0.04602f, -0.04294f, -0.03989f, -0.03683f, -0.03375f, -0.0307f, -0.02762f,
--0.02457f, -0.02148f, -0.01843f, -0.01535f, -0.0123f, -0.00922f, -0.00616f, -0.00308f
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +1,0 @@
- ==============================================================================
- LEAFCore.c
- Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:08:14pm
- Author: Michael R Mulshine
- ==============================================================================
-#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
-#include "..\leaf.h"
-#include "../leaf.h"
-LEAF leaf;
-void LEAF_init(float sr, int blocksize, char* memory, size_t memorysize, float(*random)(void))
- leaf_pool_init(memory, memorysize);
- leaf.sampleRate = sr;
- leaf.blockSize = blocksize;
- leaf.invSampleRate = 1.0f/sr;
- leaf.twoPiTimesInvSampleRate = leaf.invSampleRate * TWO_PI;
- leaf.random = random;
- leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
-#define LEAFSampleRateChanged(THIS) leaf.THIS.sampleRateChanged(&leaf.THIS)
-void LEAF_setSampleRate(float sampleRate)
- leaf.sampleRate = sampleRate;
- leaf.invSampleRate = 1.0f/sampleRate;
-float LEAF_getSampleRate()
- return leaf.sampleRate;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/main.c
@@ -1,0 +1,603 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : main.c
+ * @brief : Main program body
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+#include "adc.h"
+#include "bdma.h"
+#include "dma.h"
+#include "fatfs.h"
+#include "i2c.h"
+#include "rng.h"
+#include "sai.h"
+#include "sdmmc.h"
+#include "tim.h"
+#include "usb_host.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "fmc.h"
+/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+#include "ui.h"
+#include "leaf.h"
+#include "audiostream.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+uint16_t count;
+//FLASH storage EEPROM emulation variables
+FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef OBInit;
+uint16_t VarDataTab = 0;
+uint16_t VarValue = 0;
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+void SystemClock_Config(void);
+void MX_USB_HOST_Process(void);
+void MPU_Conf(void);
+void SDRAM_Initialization_sequence(void);
+/* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+ * @brief The application entry point.
+ * @retval int
+ */
+int main(void)
+ MPU_Conf();
+ /* USER CODE END 1 */
+ /* Enable I-Cache---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ SCB_EnableICache();
+ /* Enable D-Cache---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ SCB_EnableDCache();
+ /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */
+ HAL_Init();
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */
+ //disabling I and D cache because they cause issues with the USB initialization when -o3 optimization is on
+ /* Enable I-Cache---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ SCB_DisableICache();
+ /* Enable D-Cache---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ SCB_DisableDCache();
+ /* USER CODE END Init */
+ /* Configure the system clock */
+ SystemClock_Config();
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */
+ /* USER CODE END SysInit */
+ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */
+ MX_GPIO_Init();
+ MX_BDMA_Init();
+ MX_DMA_Init();
+ MX_FMC_Init();
+ MX_ADC1_Init();
+ MX_I2C2_Init();
+ MX_SDMMC1_SD_Init();
+ MX_FATFS_Init();
+ MX_SAI1_Init();
+ MX_RNG_Init();
+ MX_I2C4_Init();
+ MX_USB_HOST_Init();
+ MX_TIM3_Init();
+ MX_TIM4_Init();
+ /// it seems we need to enable caching after setting up the USB Host Controller -
+ // otherwise turning on -o3 optimization causes unreliable behavior where it's not set up correctly and never reaches the USB interrupt for connection
+ /* Enable I-Cache---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ SCB_EnableICache();
+ /* Enable D-Cache---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ SCB_EnableDCache();
+ //HAL_Delay(1);
+ // Emulated EEPROM Init
+ HAL_FLASH_Unlock();
+ if( EE_Init() != EE_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ if((EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], &VarDataTab)) != HAL_OK) // read what the preset was before last power-off
+ {
+ //if it can't read something, it's probably because this brain has never been programmed, so write a value in there to start with
+ if((EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], 0)) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ }
+ if (VarDataTab < PresetNil) //make sure the stored data is a number not past the number of available presets
+ {
+ currentPreset = VarDataTab; //if it's good, start at that remembered preset number
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentPreset = 0; //if the data is messed up for some reason, just initialize at the first preset (preset 0)
+ }
+ //pull reset pin on audio codec low to make sure it's stable
+ uint32_t tempFPURegisterVal = __get_FPSCR();
+ tempFPURegisterVal |= (1<<24); // set the FTZ (flush-to-zero) bit in the FPU control register
+ __set_FPSCR(tempFPURegisterVal);
+ HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc1, ADC_CALIB_OFFSET, ADC_SINGLE_ENDED);
+ if (HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1,(uint32_t*)&ADC_values, NUM_ADC_CHANNELS) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ HAL_Delay(10);
+ OLED_init(&hi2c4);
+ //HAL_Delay(10);
+ SDRAM_Initialization_sequence();
+ audioInit(&hi2c2, &hsai_BlockA1, &hsai_BlockB1);
+ OLED_writePreset();
+ /* USER CODE END 2 */
+ /* Infinite loop */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ MX_USB_HOST_Process();
+ if (hi2c4.State == HAL_I2C_STATE_READY)
+ {
+ OLED_draw();
+ }
+ }
+ /* USER CODE END 3 */
+ * @brief System Clock Configuration
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SystemClock_Config(void)
+ RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0};
+ RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0};
+ RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0};
+ /** Supply configuration update enable
+ */
+ /** Configure the main internal regulator output voltage
+ */
+ /** Macro to configure the PLL clock source
+ */
+ /** Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB busses clocks
+ */
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.HSEState = RCC_HSE_ON;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.HSI48State = RCC_HSI48_ON;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_ON;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 10;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 384;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLP = 2;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLQ = 3;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLR = 2;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLFRACN = 0;
+ if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB busses clocks
+ */
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.SYSCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1;
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV2;
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB3CLKDivider = RCC_APB3_DIV2;
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_APB1_DIV2;
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_APB2_DIV2;
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB4CLKDivider = RCC_APB4_DIV2;
+ if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_4) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RNG|RCC_PERIPHCLK_SAI1
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2M = 25;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2N = 344;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2P = 7;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2Q = 2;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2R = 1;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2RGE = RCC_PLL2VCIRANGE_0;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL2.PLL2FRACN = 0;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3M = 25;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3N = 384;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3P = 2;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3Q = 8;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3R = 2;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3RGE = RCC_PLL3VCIRANGE_0;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PLL3.PLL3FRACN = 0;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.FmcClockSelection = RCC_FMCCLKSOURCE_D1HCLK;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.SdmmcClockSelection = RCC_SDMMCCLKSOURCE_PLL;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.Sai1ClockSelection = RCC_SAI1CLKSOURCE_PLL2;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.RngClockSelection = RCC_RNGCLKSOURCE_HSI48;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.I2c123ClockSelection = RCC_I2C123CLKSOURCE_D2PCLK1;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.UsbClockSelection = RCC_USBCLKSOURCE_PLL3;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.I2c4ClockSelection = RCC_I2C4CLKSOURCE_D3PCLK1;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.AdcClockSelection = RCC_ADCCLKSOURCE_PLL2;
+ if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /** Enable USB Voltage detector
+ */
+ HAL_PWREx_EnableUSBVoltageDetector();
+void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
+ //HAL_MDMA_Start_IT(&hmdma_mdma_channel40_dma1_stream0_tc_0, (uint32_t)&ADC_valuesDMA, (uint32_t)&ADC_values, 10, 1);
+void HAL_ADC_ConvHalfCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
+ ;
+#define SDRAM_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0xFFFF)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_1 ((uint16_t)0x0000)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_2 ((uint16_t)0x0001)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_4 ((uint16_t)0x0002)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_8 ((uint16_t)0x0003)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_SEQUENTIAL ((uint16_t)0x0000)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_INTERLEAVED ((uint16_t)0x0008)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_2 ((uint16_t)0x0020)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_3 ((uint16_t)0x0030)
+#define SDRAM_MODEREG_WRITEBURST_MODE_SINGLE ((uint16_t)0x0200)
+//#define SDRAM_REFRESH_COUNT ((uint32_t)956)// 7.9us in cycles of 8.333333ns + 20 cycles as recommended by datasheet page 866/3289 for STM32H743
+#define SDRAM_REFRESH_COUNT ((uint32_t)0x0569)// 7.9us in cycles of 8.333333ns + 20 cycles as recommended by datasheet page 866/3289 for STM32H743
+void SDRAM_Initialization_sequence(void)
+ __IO uint32_t tmpmrd = 0;
+ FMC_SDRAM_CommandTypeDef Command;
+ /* Step 1: Configure a clock configuration enable command */
+ Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_CLK_ENABLE;
+ Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1;
+ Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 1;
+ Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;
+ /* Send the command */
+ HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);
+ /* Step 2: Insert 100 us minimum delay */
+ /* Inserted delay is equal to 1 ms due to systick time base unit (ms) */
+ HAL_Delay(1);
+ /* Step 3: Configure a PALL (precharge all) command */
+ Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_PALL;
+ Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1;
+ Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 1;
+ Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;
+ /* Send the command */
+ HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);
+ /* Step 5: Program the external memory mode register */
+ Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_LOAD_MODE;
+ Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1;
+ Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 1;
+ Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = tmpmrd;
+ /* Send the command */
+ HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);
+ /* Step 4: Configure the 1st Auto Refresh command */
+ Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1;
+ Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 8;
+ Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;
+ /* Send the command */
+ HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);
+ /* Step 2: Insert 100 us minimum delay */
+ /* Inserted delay is equal to 1 ms due to systick time base unit (ms) */
+ HAL_Delay(1);
+ /* Step 5: Configure the 2nd Auto Refresh command */
+ Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1;
+ Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 8;
+ Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0;
+ /* Send the command */
+ HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT);
+ /* Step 6: Set the refresh rate counter */
+ /* Set the device refresh rate */
+ HAL_SDRAM_ProgramRefreshRate(&hsdram1, SDRAM_REFRESH_COUNT);
+float randomNumber(void) {
+ uint32_t rand;
+ HAL_RNG_GenerateRandomNumber(&hrng, &rand);
+ float num = (float)rand * INV_TWO_TO_32;
+ return num;
+void MPU_Conf(void)
+ //code from Keshikan
+ //Thanks, Keshikan! This solves the issues with accessing the SRAM in the D2 area properly. -JS
+ //should test the different possible settings to see what works best while avoiding needing to manually clear the cache -JS
+ MPU_Region_InitTypeDef MPU_InitStruct;
+ HAL_MPU_Disable();
+ //currently leaving D1 SRAM not configured by the MPU - just set as normal default memory.
+ //the following code configures D2 and D3 SRAM
+ MPU_InitStruct.Enable = MPU_REGION_ENABLE;
+ //D2 Domain�SRAM1
+ MPU_InitStruct.BaseAddress = 0x30000000;
+ // Increased region size to 256k. In Keshikan's code, this was 512 bytes (that's all that application needed).
+ // Each audio buffer takes up the frame size * 8 (16 bits makes it *2 and stereo makes it *2 and double buffering makes it *2)
+ // So a buffer size for read/write of 4096 would take up 64k = 4096*8 * 2 (read and write).
+ // I increased that to 256k so that there would be room for the ADC knob inputs and other peripherals that might require DMA access.
+ // we have a total of 256k in SRAM1 (128k, 0x30000000-0x30020000) and SRAM2 (128k, 0x30020000-0x3004000) of D2 domain.
+ // There is an SRAM3 in D2 domain as well (32k, 0x30040000-0x3004800) that is currently not mapped by the MPU (memory protection unit) controller.
+ MPU_InitStruct.Size = MPU_REGION_SIZE_256KB;
+ MPU_InitStruct.AccessPermission = MPU_REGION_FULL_ACCESS;
+ //AN4838
+ MPU_InitStruct.TypeExtField = MPU_TEX_LEVEL1;
+ MPU_InitStruct.IsCacheable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_CACHEABLE;
+ MPU_InitStruct.IsBufferable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_BUFFERABLE;
+ MPU_InitStruct.IsShareable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_SHAREABLE;
+ //Shared Device
+ //MPU_InitStruct.TypeExtField = MPU_TEX_LEVEL0;
+ //MPU_InitStruct.IsCacheable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_CACHEABLE;
+ //MPU_InitStruct.IsBufferable = MPU_ACCESS_BUFFERABLE;
+ //MPU_InitStruct.IsShareable = MPU_ACCESS_SHAREABLE;
+ MPU_InitStruct.Number = MPU_REGION_NUMBER1;
+ MPU_InitStruct.SubRegionDisable = 0x00;
+ HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(&MPU_InitStruct);
+ //now set up D3 domain RAM
+ MPU_InitStruct.Enable = MPU_REGION_ENABLE;
+ //D3 Domain�SRAM1
+ MPU_InitStruct.BaseAddress = 0x38000000;
+ MPU_InitStruct.Size = MPU_REGION_SIZE_64KB;
+ MPU_InitStruct.AccessPermission = MPU_REGION_FULL_ACCESS;
+ //AN4838
+ MPU_InitStruct.TypeExtField = MPU_TEX_LEVEL1;
+ MPU_InitStruct.IsCacheable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_CACHEABLE;
+ MPU_InitStruct.IsBufferable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_BUFFERABLE;
+ MPU_InitStruct.IsShareable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_SHAREABLE;
+ //Shared Device
+// MPU_InitStruct.TypeExtField = MPU_TEX_LEVEL0;
+// MPU_InitStruct.IsCacheable = MPU_ACCESS_NOT_CACHEABLE;
+// MPU_InitStruct.IsBufferable = MPU_ACCESS_BUFFERABLE;
+// MPU_InitStruct.IsShareable = MPU_ACCESS_SHAREABLE;
+ MPU_InitStruct.Number = MPU_REGION_NUMBER2;
+ MPU_InitStruct.SubRegionDisable = 0x00;
+ HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion(&MPU_InitStruct);
+volatile uint32_t r0;
+volatile uint32_t r1;
+volatile uint32_t r2;
+volatile uint32_t r3;
+volatile uint32_t r12;
+volatile uint32_t lr; // Link register.
+volatile uint32_t pc; // Program counter.
+volatile uint32_t psr;// Program status register.
+ static void HardFault_Handler(void)
+ {
+ __asm volatile
+ (
+ " tst lr, #4 n"
+ " ite eq n"
+ " mrseq r0, msp n"
+ " mrsne r0, psp n"
+ " ldr r1, [r0, #24] n"
+ " ldr r2, handler2_address_const n"
+ " bx r2 n"
+ " handler2_address_const: .word prvGetRegistersFromStack n"
+ );
+ }
+void prvGetRegistersFromStack( uint32_t *pulFaultStackAddress )
+//These are volatile to try and prevent the compiler/linker optimising them
+//away as the variables never actually get used. If the debugger won't show the
+//values of the variables, make them global by moving their declaration outside
+//of this function.
+ r0 = pulFaultStackAddress[ 0 ];
+ r1 = pulFaultStackAddress[ 1 ];
+ r2 = pulFaultStackAddress[ 2 ];
+ r3 = pulFaultStackAddress[ 3 ];
+ r12 = pulFaultStackAddress[ 4 ];
+ lr = pulFaultStackAddress[ 5 ];
+ pc = pulFaultStackAddress[ 6 ];
+ psr = pulFaultStackAddress[ 7 ];
+ // When the following line is hit, the variables contain the register values.
+ for( ;; );
+/* USER CODE END 4 */
+ * @brief This function is executed in case of error occurrence.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void Error_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */
+ /* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */
+/* The prototype shows it is a naked function - in effect this is just an
+assembly function. */
+ /* USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */
+ * @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
+ * where the assert_param error has occurred.
+ * @param file: pointer to the source file name
+ * @param line: assert_param error line source number
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line)
+ /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
+ tex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
+ /* USER CODE END 6 */
+#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/oled.c
@@ -1,0 +1,505 @@
+ * oled.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Feb 05, 2020
+ * Author: Matthew Wang
+ */
+#include "main.h"
+#include "oled.h"
+#include "ui.h"
+#include "ssd1306.h"
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include "custom_fonts.h"
+#include "audiostream.h"
+#include "tunings.h"
+GFX theGFX;
+char oled_buffer[32];
+void OLED_init(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c)
+ //start up that OLED display
+ ssd1306_begin(hi2c, SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS);
+ HAL_Delay(5);
+ //clear the OLED display buffer
+ for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
+ {
+ buffer[i] = 0;
+ }
+ initUIFunctionPointers();
+ initModeNames();
+ //display the blank buffer on the OLED
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+ //initialize the graphics library that lets us write things in that display buffer
+ GFXinit(&theGFX, 128, 32);
+ //set up the monospaced font
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &C649pt7b); //funny c64 text monospaced but very large
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &DINAlternateBold9pt7b); //very serious and looks good - definitely not monospaced can fit 9 Ms
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &DINCondensedBold9pt7b); // very condensed and looks good - definitely not monospaced can fit 9 Ms
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS9pt7b); //this one is elegant but definitely not monospaced can fit 9 Ms
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &GillSans9pt7b); //not monospaced can fit 9 Ms
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &Futura9pt7b); //not monospaced can fit only 7 Ms
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &FUTRFW8pt7b); // monospaced, pretty, (my old score font) fits 8 Ms
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &nk57_monospace_cd_rg9pt7b); //fits 12 characters, a little crammed
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &nk57_monospace_no_rg9pt7b); // fits 10 characters
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &nk57_monospace_no_rg7pt7b); // fits 12 characters
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &nk57_monospace_no_bd7pt7b); //fits 12 characters
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &nk57_monospace_cd_rg7pt7b); //fits 18 characters
+ GFXsetTextColor(&theGFX, 1, 0);
+ GFXsetTextSize(&theGFX, 1);
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+ OLEDclear();
+ OLED_writePreset();
+ OLED_draw();
+ //sdd1306_invertDisplay(1);
+void initUIFunctionPointers(void)
+ buttonActionFunctions[Vocoder] = UIVocoderButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Pitchshift] = UIPitchShiftButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[AutotuneMono] = UINeartuneButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[AutotunePoly] = UIAutotuneButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[SamplerButtonPress] = UISamplerBPButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[SamplerAutoGrab] = UISamplerAutoButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Distortion] = UIDistortionButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Wavefolder] = UIWaveFolderButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[BitCrusher] = UIBitcrusherButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Delay] = UIDelayButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Reverb] = UIReverbButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Reverb2] = UIReverb2Buttons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[LivingString] = UILivingStringButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[LivingStringSynth] = UILivingStringSynthButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[ClassicSynth] = UIClassicSynthButtons;
+ buttonActionFunctions[Rhodes] = UIRhodesButtons;
+void setLED_Edit(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_USB(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_1(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_2(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_A(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_B(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_C(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_leftout_clip(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_rightout_clip(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_leftin_clip(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void setLED_rightin_clip(uint8_t onOff)
+ if (onOff)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+int getCursorX()
+ return GFXgetCursorX(&theGFX);
+void OLED_process(void)
+ if (writeKnobFlag >= 0)
+ {
+ OLED_writeKnobParameter(writeKnobFlag);
+ writeKnobFlag = -1;
+ }
+ if (writeButtonFlag >= 0 && writeActionFlag >= 0) //These should always be set together
+ {
+ OLED_writeButtonAction(writeButtonFlag, writeActionFlag);
+ writeButtonFlag = -1;
+ writeActionFlag = -1;
+ }
+// OLED_draw();
+void OLED_writePreset()
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS9pt7b);
+ OLEDclear();
+ char tempString[24];
+ itoa((currentPreset+1), tempString, 10);
+ strcat(tempString, ":");
+ strcat(tempString, modeNames[currentPreset]);
+ int myLength = strlen(tempString);
+ //OLEDwriteInt(currentPreset+1, 2, 0, FirstLine);
+ //OLEDwriteString(":", 1, 20, FirstLine);
+ //OLEDwriteString(modeNames[currentPreset], 12, 24, FirstLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(tempString, myLength, 0, FirstLine);
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS7pt7b);
+ OLEDwriteString(modeNamesDetails[currentPreset], strlen(modeNamesDetails[currentPreset]), 0, SecondLine);
+ //save new preset to flash memory
+void OLED_writeEditScreen()
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS7pt7b);
+ OLEDclear();
+ char* first = "KNOB:SET CV PED";
+ if (cvAddParam >= 0) first = "DOWN:CLR CV PED";
+ OLEDwriteString(first, strlen(first), 0, FirstLine);
+ OLEDwriteString("C:SET KEY CENTER", 16, 0, SecondLine);
+void OLED_writeKnobParameter(uint8_t whichParam)
+ // Knob params
+ if (whichParam < NUM_ADC_CHANNELS)
+ {
+ floatADCUI[whichParam] = smoothedADC[whichParam];
+ int len = strlen(paramNames[currentPreset][whichParam]);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS7pt7b);
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(paramNames[currentPreset][whichParam], len, 0, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(" ", 1, getCursorX(), SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteFloat(knobParams[whichParam], getCursorX(), SecondLine);
+ //OLEDwriteString(paramNames[currentPreset][whichParam], strlen(paramNames[currentPreset][whichParam]), 0, SecondLine);
+ }
+ }
+void OLED_writeButtonAction(uint8_t whichButton, uint8_t whichAction)
+ // Could change this so that buttonActionFunctions does the actual OLEDwrite
+ // if we want more flexibility on what buttons display
+ char* str = buttonActionFunctions[currentPreset](whichButton, whichAction);
+ int len = strlen(str);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS7pt7b);
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(str, len, 0, SecondLine);
+ }
+void OLED_writeTuning()
+ GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &EuphemiaCAS7pt7b);
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString("T ", 2, 0, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteInt(currentTuning, 2, 12, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(tuningNames[currentTuning], 6, 40, SecondLine);
+void OLED_draw()
+ ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+/// OLED Stuff
+void OLEDdrawPoint(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color)
+ GFXwritePixel(&theGFX, x, y, color);
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+void OLEDdrawLine(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t color)
+ GFXwriteLine(&theGFX, x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+void OLEDdrawCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color)
+ GFXfillCircle(&theGFX, x0, y0, r, color);
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+void OLEDclear()
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, 0, 0, 128, 32, 0);
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+void OLEDclearLine(OLEDLine line)
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, 0, (line%2)*16, 128, 16*((line/2)+1), 0);
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+void OLEDwriteString(char* myCharArray, uint8_t arrayLength, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ uint8_t cursorX = startCursor;
+ uint8_t cursorY = 15 + (16 * (line%2));
+ GFXsetCursor(&theGFX, cursorX, cursorY);
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, startCursor, line*16, arrayLength*12, (line*16)+16, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i)
+ {
+ GFXwrite(&theGFX, myCharArray[i]);
+ }
+ //ssd1306_display_full_buffer();
+void OLEDwriteLine(char* myCharArray, uint8_t arrayLength, OLEDLine line)
+ if (line == FirstLine)
+ {
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, 0, 0, 128, 16, 0);
+ GFXsetCursor(&theGFX, 4, 15);
+ }
+ else if (line == SecondLine)
+ {
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, 0, 16, 128, 16, 0);
+ GFXsetCursor(&theGFX, 4, 31);
+ }
+ else if (line == BothLines)
+ {
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, 0, 0, 128, 32, 0);
+ GFXsetCursor(&theGFX, 4, 15);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i)
+ {
+ GFXwrite(&theGFX, myCharArray[i]);
+ }
+void OLEDwriteInt(uint32_t myNumber, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparseInt(oled_buffer, myNumber, numDigits);
+ OLEDwriteString(oled_buffer, len, startCursor, line);
+void OLEDwriteIntLine(uint32_t myNumber, uint8_t numDigits, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparseInt(oled_buffer, myNumber, numDigits);
+ OLEDwriteLine(oled_buffer, len, line);
+void OLEDwritePitch(float midi, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparsePitch(oled_buffer, midi);
+ OLEDwriteString(oled_buffer, len, startCursor, line);
+void OLEDwritePitchClass(float midi, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparsePitchClass(oled_buffer, midi);
+ OLEDwriteString(oled_buffer, len, startCursor, line);
+void OLEDwritePitchLine(float midi, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparsePitch(oled_buffer, midi);
+ OLEDwriteLine(oled_buffer, len, line);
+void OLEDwriteFixedFloat(float input, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t numDecimal, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparseFixedFloat(oled_buffer, input, numDigits, numDecimal);
+ OLEDwriteString(oled_buffer, len, startCursor, line);
+void OLEDwriteFixedFloatLine(float input, uint8_t numDigits, uint8_t numDecimal, OLEDLine line)
+ int len = OLEDparseFixedFloat(oled_buffer, input, numDigits, numDecimal);
+ OLEDwriteLine(oled_buffer, len, line);
+void OLEDwriteFloat(float input, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ int numDigits = 5;
+ int numDecimal = 1;
+ if (fastabsf(input)<1.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 3;
+ numDecimal = 2;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<10.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 4;
+ numDecimal = 2;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<100.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 5;
+ numDecimal = 2;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<1000.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 5;
+ numDecimal = 1;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<10000.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 5;
+ numDecimal = 0;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<100000.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 6;
+ numDecimal = 0;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<1000000.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 7;
+ numDecimal = 0;
+ }
+ else if (fastabsf(input)<10000000.0f)
+ {
+ numDigits = 8;
+ numDecimal = 0;
+ }
+ int len = OLEDparseFixedFloat(oled_buffer, input, numDigits, numDecimal);
+ OLEDwriteString(oled_buffer, len, startCursor, line);
+void OLEDdrawFloatArray(float* input, float min, float max, uint8_t size, uint8_t offset, uint8_t startCursor, OLEDLine line)
+ uint8_t baseline = 0;
+ if (line == SecondLine) baseline = 16;
+ uint8_t height = 16;
+ if (line == BothLines) height = 32;
+ GFXfillRect(&theGFX, startCursor, (line%2)*16, size, 16*((line/2)+1), 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ int h = ((float)(height) / (max - min)) * (input[i] - min);
+ GFXwritePixel(&theGFX, startCursor + size - 1 - ((i + offset) % size), baseline + h, 1);
+// GFXwriteFastVLine(&theGFX, startCursor + size - ((i + offset) % size), center - (h/2), 1, 1);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/rng.c
@@ -1,0 +1,78 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : RNG.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the RNG instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "rng.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+RNG_HandleTypeDef hrng;
+/* RNG init function */
+void MX_RNG_Init(void)
+ hrng.Instance = RNG;
+ hrng.Init.ClockErrorDetection = RNG_CED_ENABLE;
+ if (HAL_RNG_Init(&hrng) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+void HAL_RNG_MspInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef* rngHandle)
+ if(rngHandle->Instance==RNG)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN RNG_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END RNG_MspInit 0 */
+ /* RNG clock enable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN RNG_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END RNG_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_RNG_MspDeInit(RNG_HandleTypeDef* rngHandle)
+ if(rngHandle->Instance==RNG)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN RNG_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END RNG_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN RNG_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END RNG_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/sai.c
@@ -1,0 +1,227 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : SAI.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the SAI instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "sai.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "dma.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+SAI_HandleTypeDef hsai_BlockA1;
+SAI_HandleTypeDef hsai_BlockB1;
+DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_sai1_a;
+DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_sai1_b;
+/* SAI1 init function */
+void MX_SAI1_Init(void)
+ hsai_BlockA1.Instance = SAI1_Block_A;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.AudioMode = SAI_MODEMASTER_TX;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.Synchro = SAI_ASYNCHRONOUS;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.OutputDrive = SAI_OUTPUTDRIVE_DISABLE;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.NoDivider = SAI_MASTERDIVIDER_ENABLE;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.FIFOThreshold = SAI_FIFOTHRESHOLD_1QF;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.AudioFrequency = SAI_AUDIO_FREQUENCY_48K;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.SynchroExt = SAI_SYNCEXT_DISABLE;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.MonoStereoMode = SAI_STEREOMODE;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.CompandingMode = SAI_NOCOMPANDING;
+ hsai_BlockA1.Init.TriState = SAI_OUTPUT_NOTRELEASED;
+ if (HAL_SAI_InitProtocol(&hsai_BlockA1, SAI_I2S_STANDARD, SAI_PROTOCOL_DATASIZE_24BIT, 2) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ hsai_BlockB1.Instance = SAI1_Block_B;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.AudioMode = SAI_MODESLAVE_RX;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.Synchro = SAI_SYNCHRONOUS;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.OutputDrive = SAI_OUTPUTDRIVE_DISABLE;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.FIFOThreshold = SAI_FIFOTHRESHOLD_1QF;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.SynchroExt = SAI_SYNCEXT_DISABLE;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.MonoStereoMode = SAI_STEREOMODE;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.CompandingMode = SAI_NOCOMPANDING;
+ hsai_BlockB1.Init.TriState = SAI_OUTPUT_NOTRELEASED;
+ if (HAL_SAI_InitProtocol(&hsai_BlockB1, SAI_I2S_STANDARD, SAI_PROTOCOL_DATASIZE_24BIT, 2) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+static uint32_t SAI1_client =0;
+void HAL_SAI_MspInit(SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
+/* SAI1 */
+ if(hsai->Instance==SAI1_Block_A)
+ {
+ /* SAI1 clock enable */
+ if (SAI1_client == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ SAI1_client ++;
+ /**SAI1_A_Block_A GPIO Configuration
+ PE2 ------> SAI1_MCLK_A
+ PE4 ------> SAI1_FS_A
+ PE5 ------> SAI1_SCK_A
+ PE6 ------> SAI1_SD_A
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_2|GPIO_PIN_5;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF6_SAI1;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_4|GPIO_PIN_6;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF6_SAI1;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* Peripheral DMA init*/
+ hdma_sai1_a.Instance = DMA1_Stream1;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.Request = DMA_REQUEST_SAI1_A;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.Direction = DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_WORD;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_WORD;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.Mode = DMA_CIRCULAR;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.FIFOMode = DMA_FIFOMODE_ENABLE;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.FIFOThreshold = DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_1QUARTERFULL;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.MemBurst = DMA_MBURST_SINGLE;
+ hdma_sai1_a.Init.PeriphBurst = DMA_PBURST_SINGLE;
+ if (HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_sai1_a) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /* Several peripheral DMA handle pointers point to the same DMA handle.
+ Be aware that there is only one channel to perform all the requested DMAs. */
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(hsai,hdmarx,hdma_sai1_a);
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(hsai,hdmatx,hdma_sai1_a);
+ }
+ if(hsai->Instance==SAI1_Block_B)
+ {
+ /* SAI1 clock enable */
+ if (SAI1_client == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ SAI1_client ++;
+ /**SAI1_B_Block_B GPIO Configuration
+ PE3 ------> SAI1_SD_B
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_3;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF6_SAI1;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* Peripheral DMA init*/
+ hdma_sai1_b.Instance = DMA1_Stream2;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.Request = DMA_REQUEST_SAI1_B;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.Direction = DMA_PERIPH_TO_MEMORY;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.PeriphInc = DMA_PINC_DISABLE;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.MemInc = DMA_MINC_ENABLE;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.PeriphDataAlignment = DMA_PDATAALIGN_WORD;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.MemDataAlignment = DMA_MDATAALIGN_WORD;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.Mode = DMA_CIRCULAR;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.Priority = DMA_PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.FIFOMode = DMA_FIFOMODE_ENABLE;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.FIFOThreshold = DMA_FIFO_THRESHOLD_1QUARTERFULL;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.MemBurst = DMA_MBURST_SINGLE;
+ hdma_sai1_b.Init.PeriphBurst = DMA_PBURST_SINGLE;
+ if (HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_sai1_b) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ /* Several peripheral DMA handle pointers point to the same DMA handle.
+ Be aware that there is only one channel to perform all the requested DMAs. */
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(hsai,hdmarx,hdma_sai1_b);
+ __HAL_LINKDMA(hsai,hdmatx,hdma_sai1_b);
+ }
+void HAL_SAI_MspDeInit(SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai)
+/* SAI1 */
+ if(hsai->Instance==SAI1_Block_A)
+ {
+ SAI1_client --;
+ if (SAI1_client == 0)
+ {
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ }
+ /**SAI1_A_Block_A GPIO Configuration
+ PE2 ------> SAI1_MCLK_A
+ PE4 ------> SAI1_FS_A
+ PE5 ------> SAI1_SCK_A
+ PE6 ------> SAI1_SD_A
+ */
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(hsai->hdmarx);
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(hsai->hdmatx);
+ }
+ if(hsai->Instance==SAI1_Block_B)
+ {
+ SAI1_client --;
+ if (SAI1_client == 0)
+ {
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ }
+ /**SAI1_B_Block_B GPIO Configuration
+ PE3 ------> SAI1_SD_B
+ */
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(hsai->hdmarx);
+ HAL_DMA_DeInit(hsai->hdmatx);
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/sd_diskio.c
@@ -1,0 +1,261 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file sd_diskio.c
+ * @brief SD Disk I/O driver
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Note: code generation based on sd_diskio_template_bspv1.c v2.1.4
+ as "Use dma template" is disabled. */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN firstSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine following code or add new definitions */
+/* USER CODE END firstSection*/
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "ff_gen_drv.h"
+#include "sd_diskio.h"
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* use the default SD timout as defined in the platform BSP driver*/
+#elif defined(SD_DATATIMEOUT)
+#define SD_TIMEOUT 30 * 1000
+ * Depending on the use case, the SD card initialization could be done at the
+ * application level: if it is the case define the flag below to disable
+ * the BSP_SD_Init() call in the SD_Initialize() and add a call to
+ * BSP_SD_Init() elsewhere in the application.
+ */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN disableSDInit */
+/* #define DISABLE_SD_INIT */
+/* USER CODE END disableSDInit */
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Disk status */
+static volatile DSTATUS Stat = STA_NOINIT;
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+static DSTATUS SD_CheckStatus(BYTE lun);
+DSTATUS SD_initialize (BYTE);
+DSTATUS SD_status (BYTE);
+#if _USE_WRITE == 1
+#endif /* _USE_WRITE == 1 */
+#if _USE_IOCTL == 1
+DRESULT SD_ioctl (BYTE, BYTE, void*);
+#endif /* _USE_IOCTL == 1 */
+const Diskio_drvTypeDef SD_Driver =
+ SD_initialize,
+ SD_status,
+ SD_read,
+#if _USE_WRITE == 1
+ SD_write,
+#endif /* _USE_WRITE == 1 */
+#if _USE_IOCTL == 1
+ SD_ioctl,
+#endif /* _USE_IOCTL == 1 */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN beforeFunctionSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine following code or add new code */
+/* USER CODE END beforeFunctionSection */
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+static DSTATUS SD_CheckStatus(BYTE lun)
+ Stat = STA_NOINIT;
+ if(BSP_SD_GetCardState() == MSD_OK)
+ {
+ Stat &= ~STA_NOINIT;
+ }
+ return Stat;
+ * @brief Initializes a Drive
+ * @param lun : not used
+ * @retval DSTATUS: Operation status
+ */
+DSTATUS SD_initialize(BYTE lun)
+#if !defined(DISABLE_SD_INIT)
+ if(BSP_SD_Init() == MSD_OK)
+ {
+ Stat = SD_CheckStatus(lun);
+ }
+ Stat = SD_CheckStatus(lun);
+ return Stat;
+ * @brief Gets Disk Status
+ * @param lun : not used
+ * @retval DSTATUS: Operation status
+ */
+DSTATUS SD_status(BYTE lun)
+ return SD_CheckStatus(lun);
+/* USER CODE BEGIN beforeReadSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add new code */
+/* USER CODE END beforeReadSection */
+ * @brief Reads Sector(s)
+ * @param lun : not used
+ * @param *buff: Data buffer to store read data
+ * @param sector: Sector address (LBA)
+ * @param count: Number of sectors to read (1..128)
+ * @retval DRESULT: Operation result
+ */
+DRESULT SD_read(BYTE lun, BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count)
+ if(BSP_SD_ReadBlocks((uint32_t*)buff,
+ (uint32_t) (sector),
+ count, SD_TIMEOUT) == MSD_OK)
+ {
+ /* wait until the read operation is finished */
+ while(BSP_SD_GetCardState()!= MSD_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ res = RES_OK;
+ }
+ return res;
+/* USER CODE BEGIN beforeWriteSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add new code */
+/* USER CODE END beforeWriteSection */
+ * @brief Writes Sector(s)
+ * @param lun : not used
+ * @param *buff: Data to be written
+ * @param sector: Sector address (LBA)
+ * @param count: Number of sectors to write (1..128)
+ * @retval DRESULT: Operation result
+ */
+#if _USE_WRITE == 1
+DRESULT SD_write(BYTE lun, const BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count)
+ if(BSP_SD_WriteBlocks((uint32_t*)buff,
+ (uint32_t)(sector),
+ count, SD_TIMEOUT) == MSD_OK)
+ {
+ /* wait until the Write operation is finished */
+ while(BSP_SD_GetCardState() != MSD_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ res = RES_OK;
+ }
+ return res;
+#endif /* _USE_WRITE == 1 */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN beforeIoctlSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add new code */
+/* USER CODE END beforeIoctlSection */
+ * @brief I/O control operation
+ * @param lun : not used
+ * @param cmd: Control code
+ * @param *buff: Buffer to send/receive control data
+ * @retval DRESULT: Operation result
+ */
+#if _USE_IOCTL == 1
+DRESULT SD_ioctl(BYTE lun, BYTE cmd, void *buff)
+ BSP_SD_CardInfo CardInfo;
+ if (Stat & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY;
+ switch (cmd)
+ {
+ /* Make sure that no pending write process */
+ case CTRL_SYNC :
+ res = RES_OK;
+ break;
+ /* Get number of sectors on the disk (DWORD) */
+ BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(&CardInfo);
+ *(DWORD*)buff = CardInfo.LogBlockNbr;
+ res = RES_OK;
+ break;
+ /* Get R/W sector size (WORD) */
+ BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(&CardInfo);
+ *(WORD*)buff = CardInfo.LogBlockSize;
+ res = RES_OK;
+ break;
+ /* Get erase block size in unit of sector (DWORD) */
+ BSP_SD_GetCardInfo(&CardInfo);
+ *(DWORD*)buff = CardInfo.LogBlockSize / SD_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ res = RES_OK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ res = RES_PARERR;
+ }
+ return res;
+#endif /* _USE_IOCTL == 1 */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN afterIoctlSection */
+/* can be used to modify previous code / undefine following code / add new code */
+/* USER CODE END afterIoctlSection */
+/* USER CODE BEGIN lastSection */
+/* can be used to modify / undefine previous code or add new code */
+/* USER CODE END lastSection */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/sdmmc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,127 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : SDMMC.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the SDMMC instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "sdmmc.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+SD_HandleTypeDef hsd1;
+/* SDMMC1 init function */
+void MX_SDMMC1_SD_Init(void)
+ hsd1.Instance = SDMMC1;
+ hsd1.Init.ClockEdge = SDMMC_CLOCK_EDGE_RISING;
+ hsd1.Init.ClockPowerSave = SDMMC_CLOCK_POWER_SAVE_DISABLE;
+ hsd1.Init.BusWide = SDMMC_BUS_WIDE_4B;
+ hsd1.Init.HardwareFlowControl = SDMMC_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLE;
+ hsd1.Init.ClockDiv = 0;
+ hsd1.Init.TranceiverPresent = SDMMC_TRANSCEIVER_NOT_PRESENT;
+void HAL_SD_MspInit(SD_HandleTypeDef* sdHandle)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ if(sdHandle->Instance==SDMMC1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SDMMC1_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END SDMMC1_MspInit 0 */
+ /* SDMMC1 clock enable */
+ /**SDMMC1 GPIO Configuration
+ PC8 ------> SDMMC1_D0
+ PC9 ------> SDMMC1_D1
+ PC10 ------> SDMMC1_D2
+ PC11 ------> SDMMC1_D3
+ PC12 ------> SDMMC1_CK
+ PD2 ------> SDMMC1_CMD
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_8|GPIO_PIN_9|GPIO_PIN_10|GPIO_PIN_11;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_SDIO1;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_12;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_SDIO1;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_2;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF12_SDIO1;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SDMMC1_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END SDMMC1_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_SD_MspDeInit(SD_HandleTypeDef* sdHandle)
+ if(sdHandle->Instance==SDMMC1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SDMMC1_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END SDMMC1_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /**SDMMC1 GPIO Configuration
+ PC8 ------> SDMMC1_D0
+ PC9 ------> SDMMC1_D1
+ PC10 ------> SDMMC1_D2
+ PC11 ------> SDMMC1_D3
+ PC12 ------> SDMMC1_CK
+ PD2 ------> SDMMC1_CMD
+ */
+ |GPIO_PIN_12);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SDMMC1_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END SDMMC1_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/sfx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1629 @@
+ * sfx.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Dec 23, 2019
+ * Author: josnyder
+ */
+#include "main.h"
+#include "sfx.h"
+#include "oled.h"
+#include "tunings.h"
+#include "MIDI_application.h"
+float presetKnobValues[PresetNil][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+uint8_t knobActive[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+//audio objects
+tFormantShifter fs;
+tAutotune autotuneMono;
+tAutotune autotunePoly;
+tRetune retune;
+tRetune retune2;
+tRamp pitchshiftRamp;
+tRamp nearWetRamp;
+tRamp nearDryRamp;
+tPoly poly;
+tRamp polyRamp[NUM_VOC_VOICES];
+tRamp comp;
+tBuffer buff;
+tBuffer buff2;
+tSampler sampler;
+tEnvelopeFollower envfollow;
+tOversampler oversampler;
+tLockhartWavefolder wavefolder1;
+tLockhartWavefolder wavefolder2;
+tLockhartWavefolder wavefolder3;
+tLockhartWavefolder wavefolder4;
+tHighpass wfHP;
+tCrusher crush;
+tCrusher crush2;
+tTapeDelay delay;
+tSVF delayLP;
+tSVF delayHP;
+tTapeDelay delay2;
+tSVF delayLP2;
+tSVF delayHP2;
+tHighpass delayShaperHp;
+tFeedbackLeveler feedbackControl;
+tCycle testSine;
+tExpSmooth smoother1;
+tExpSmooth smoother2;
+tExpSmooth smoother3;
+tExpSmooth neartune_smoother;
+#define NUM_STRINGS 6
+tLivingString theString[NUM_STRINGS];
+float myFreq;
+float myDetune[NUM_STRINGS];
+float synthDetune[NUM_VOC_VOICES][NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE];
+//control objects
+float notes[128];
+float notePeriods[128];
+float noteFreqs[128];
+int chordArray[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+int chromaticArray[12] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+int lockArray[12];
+float freq[NUM_VOC_VOICES];
+float oversamplerArray[OVERSAMPLER_RATIO];
+void initGlobalSFXObjects()
+ calculateNoteArray();
+ tPoly_init(&poly, NUM_VOC_VOICES);
+ tPoly_setPitchGlideActive(&poly, FALSE);
+ tPoly_setBendSamplesPerTick(&poly, 128);
+ tPoly_setBendGlideTime(&poly, 1.0f);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ tRamp_init(&polyRamp[i], 10.0f, 1);
+ }
+ tRamp_init(&nearWetRamp, 10.0f, 1);
+ tRamp_init(&nearDryRamp, 10.0f, 1);
+ tRamp_init(&comp, 10.0f, 1);
+ // Note that these are the actual knob values
+ // not the parameter value
+ // (i.e. 0.5 for fine pitch is actually 0.0 fine pitch)
+ presetKnobValues[Vocoder][0] = 0.4f; // volume
+ presetKnobValues[Vocoder][1] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Vocoder][2] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Vocoder][3] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Vocoder][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Vocoder][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Pitchshift][0] = 1.0f; // pitch
+ presetKnobValues[Pitchshift][1] = 0.5f; // fine pitch
+ presetKnobValues[Pitchshift][2] = 0.0f; // f amount
+ presetKnobValues[Pitchshift][3] = 0.5f; // formant
+ presetKnobValues[Pitchshift][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Pitchshift][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotuneMono][0] = 1.0f; // fidelity thresh
+ presetKnobValues[AutotuneMono][1] = 1.0f; // amount
+ presetKnobValues[AutotuneMono][2] = 1.0f; // speed
+ presetKnobValues[AutotuneMono][3] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotuneMono][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotuneMono][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotunePoly][0] = 1.0f; // fidelity thresh
+ presetKnobValues[AutotunePoly][1] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotunePoly][2] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotunePoly][3] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotunePoly][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[AutotunePoly][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerButtonPress][0] = 0.0f; // start
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerButtonPress][1] = 1.0f; // end
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerButtonPress][2] = 0.75f; // speed
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerButtonPress][3] = 0.25f; // crossfade
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerButtonPress][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerButtonPress][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerAutoGrab][0] = 0.95f; // thresh
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerAutoGrab][1] = 0.5f; // window
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerAutoGrab][2] = 0.0f; // rel thresh
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerAutoGrab][3] = 0.25f; // crossfade
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerAutoGrab][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[SamplerAutoGrab][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Distortion][0] = 0.25f; // gain
+ presetKnobValues[Distortion][1] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Distortion][2] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Distortion][3] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Distortion][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Distortion][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Wavefolder][0] = 0.25f; // gain
+ presetKnobValues[Wavefolder][1] = 0.5f; // offset1
+ presetKnobValues[Wavefolder][2] = 0.5f; // offset2
+ presetKnobValues[Wavefolder][3] = 0.5f; // offset3
+ presetKnobValues[Wavefolder][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Wavefolder][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[BitCrusher][0] = 0.1f; // quality
+ presetKnobValues[BitCrusher][1] = 0.5f; // samp ratio
+ presetKnobValues[BitCrusher][2] = 0.0f; // rounding
+ presetKnobValues[BitCrusher][3] = 0.0f; // operation
+ presetKnobValues[BitCrusher][4] = 0.5f; // gain
+ presetKnobValues[BitCrusher][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Delay][0] = 0.25f; // delayL
+ presetKnobValues[Delay][1] = 0.25f; // delayR
+ presetKnobValues[Delay][2] = 0.5f; // feedback
+ presetKnobValues[Delay][3] = 1.0f; // lowpass
+ presetKnobValues[Delay][4] = 0.0f; // highpass
+ presetKnobValues[Delay][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb][0] = 0.5f; // size
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb][1] = 0.5f; // in lowpass
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb][2] = 0.5f; // in highpass
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb][3] = 0.5f; // fb lowpass
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb][4] = 0.5f; // fb gain
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb2][0] = 0.2f; // size
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb2][1] = 0.5f; // lowpass
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb2][2] = 0.5f; // highpass
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb2][3] = 0.5f; // peak freq
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb2][4] = 0.5f; // peak gain
+ presetKnobValues[Reverb2][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[LivingString][0] = 0.5f; // freq
+ presetKnobValues[LivingString][1] = 0.5f; // detune
+ presetKnobValues[LivingString][2] = 0.5f; // decay
+ presetKnobValues[LivingString][3] = 0.8f; // damping
+ presetKnobValues[LivingString][4] = 0.5f; // pick pos
+ presetKnobValues[LivingString][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[LivingStringSynth][0] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[LivingStringSynth][1] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[LivingStringSynth][2] = 0.5f; // decay
+ presetKnobValues[LivingStringSynth][3] = 0.8f; // damping
+ presetKnobValues[LivingStringSynth][4] = 0.5f; // pick pos
+ presetKnobValues[LivingStringSynth][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[ClassicSynth][0] = 1.0f; // volume
+ presetKnobValues[ClassicSynth][1] = 1.0f; // lowpass
+ presetKnobValues[ClassicSynth][2] = 0.2f; // detune
+ presetKnobValues[ClassicSynth][3] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[ClassicSynth][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[ClassicSynth][5] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Rhodes][0] = 0.5f;
+ presetKnobValues[Rhodes][1] = 0.25f;
+ presetKnobValues[Rhodes][2] = 0.25f;
+ presetKnobValues[Rhodes][3] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Rhodes][4] = 0.0f;
+ presetKnobValues[Rhodes][5] = 0.0f;
+///1 vocoder internal poly
+tTalkbox vocoder;
+uint8_t numVoices = NUM_VOC_VOICES;
+uint8_t internalExternal = 0;
+void SFXVocoderAlloc()
+ tTalkbox_init(&vocoder, 1024);
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, numVoices);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ tSawtooth_initToPool(&osc[i], &smallPool);
+ }
+ setLED_A(numVoices == 1);
+ setLED_B(internalExternal);
+void SFXVocoderFrame()
+ //glideTimeVoc = 5.0f;
+ //tPoly_setPitchGlideTime(&poly, glideTimeVoc);
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ numVoices = (numVoices > 1) ? 1 : NUM_VOC_VOICES;
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, numVoices);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(numVoices == 1);
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonB][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ internalExternal = !internalExternal;
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonB][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_B(internalExternal);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], (tPoly_getVelocity(&poly, i) > 0));
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ tSawtooth_setFreq(&osc[i], freq[i]);
+ }
+ if (tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly) != 0) tRamp_setDest(&comp, 1.0f / tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly));
+void SFXVocoderTick(float audioIn)
+ if (internalExternal == 1) sample = rightIn;
+ else
+ {
+ tPoly_tickPitch(&poly);
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0]; //vocoder volume
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ sample += tSawtooth_tick(&osc[i]) * tRamp_tick(&polyRamp[i]);
+ }
+ sample *= tRamp_tick(&comp);
+ }
+ sample *= knobParams[0];
+ sample = tTalkbox_tick(&vocoder, sample, audioIn);
+ sample = tanhf(sample);
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXVocoderFree(void)
+ tTalkbox_free(&vocoder);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ tSawtooth_freeFromPool(&osc[i], &smallPool);
+ }
+//4 pitch shift
+void SFXPitchShiftAlloc()
+ //tRetune_init(&retune, NUM_RETUNE, 2048, 1024);
+ tFormantShifter_initToPool(&fs, 7, &smallPool);
+ tRetune_init(&retune, NUM_RETUNE, 1024, 512);
+ tRetune_init(&retune2, NUM_RETUNE, 1024, 512);
+ tRamp_init(&pitchshiftRamp, 100.0f, 1);
+ tRamp_setVal(&pitchshiftRamp, 1.0f);
+ tExpSmooth_init(&smoother1, 0.0f, 0.01f);
+ tExpSmooth_init(&smoother2, 0.0f, 0.01f);
+ tExpSmooth_init(&smoother3, 0.0f, 0.01f);
+void SFXPitchShiftFrame()
+void SFXPitchShiftTick(float audioIn)
+ //pitchFactor = (smoothedADC[0]*3.75f)+0.25f;
+ float myPitchFactorCoarse = (smoothedADC[0]*2.0f) - 1.0f;
+ float myPitchFactorFine = ((smoothedADC[1]*2.0f) - 1.0f) * 0.1f;
+ float myPitchFactorCombined = myPitchFactorFine + myPitchFactorCoarse;
+ knobParams[0] = myPitchFactorCombined;
+ knobParams[1] = myPitchFactorCombined;
+ float myPitchFactor = fastexp2f(myPitchFactorCombined);
+ tRetune_setPitchFactor(&retune, myPitchFactor, 0);
+ tRetune_setPitchFactor(&retune2, myPitchFactor, 0);
+ knobParams[2] = LEAF_clip( 0.0f,((smoothedADC[2]) * 3.0f) - 0.2f,3.0f);
+ knobParams[3] = fastexp2f((smoothedADC[3]*2.0f) - 1.0f);
+ tExpSmooth_setDest(&smoother3, knobParams[2]);
+ tFormantShifter_setIntensity(&fs, tExpSmooth_tick(&smoother3)+.1f);
+ tFormantShifter_setShiftFactor(&fs, knobParams[3]);
+ if (knobParams[2] > 0.01f)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&pitchshiftRamp, -1.0f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&pitchshiftRamp, 1.0f);
+ }
+ float crossfadeVal = tRamp_tick(&pitchshiftRamp);
+ float myGains[2];
+ LEAF_crossfade(crossfadeVal, myGains);
+ tExpSmooth_setDest(&smoother1, myGains[0]);
+ tExpSmooth_setDest(&smoother2, myGains[1]);
+ float formantsample = tanhf(tFormantShifter_remove(&fs, audioIn));
+ float* samples = tRetune_tick(&retune2, formantsample);
+ formantsample = samples[0];
+ sample = audioIn;
+ samples = tRetune_tick(&retune, sample);
+ sample = samples[0];
+ formantsample = tanhf(tFormantShifter_add(&fs, formantsample)) * tExpSmooth_tick(&smoother2) ;
+ sample = (sample * (tExpSmooth_tick(&smoother1))) + formantsample;
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXPitchShiftFree(void)
+ tFormantShifter_freeFromPool(&fs, &smallPool);
+ tRetune_free(&retune);
+ tRetune_free(&retune2);
+ tRamp_free(&pitchshiftRamp);
+ tExpSmooth_free(&smoother1);
+ tExpSmooth_free(&smoother2);
+ tExpSmooth_free(&smoother3);
+//5 neartune
+uint8_t autotuneChromatic = 0;
+void SFXNeartuneAlloc()
+ tAutotune_init(&autotuneMono, 1, 512, 256);
+ calculateNoteArray();
+ tExpSmooth_init(&neartune_smoother, 100.0f, .007f);
+ setLED_A(autotuneChromatic);
+void SFXNeartuneFrame()
+ if ((tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly) != 0) || (autotuneChromatic == 1))
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&nearWetRamp, 1.0f);
+ tRamp_setDest(&nearDryRamp, 0.0f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&nearWetRamp, 0.0f);
+ tRamp_setDest(&nearDryRamp, 1.0f);
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ autotuneChromatic = !autotuneChromatic;
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(autotuneChromatic);
+ }
+void SFXNeartuneTick(float audioIn)
+ knobParams[0] = 0.75f + (smoothedADC[0] * 0.22f);
+ tAutotune_setFidelityThreshold(&autotuneMono, knobParams[0]);
+ knobParams[1] = LEAF_clip(0.0f, smoothedADC[1] * 1.1f, 1.0f); // amount of forcing to new pitch
+ knobParams[2] = smoothedADC[2]; //speed to get to desired pitch shift
+ tExpSmooth_setFactor(&neartune_smoother, (knobParams[2] * .01f));
+ float detectedPeriod = tAutotune_getInputPeriod(&autotuneMono);
+ if (detectedPeriod > 0.0f)
+ {
+ float detectedNote = LEAF_frequencyToMidi(leaf.sampleRate / detectedPeriod);
+ float desiredSnap = nearestNote(detectedPeriod);
+ float destinationNote = (desiredSnap * knobParams[1]) + (detectedNote * (1.0f - knobParams[0]));
+ float destinationFreq = LEAF_midiToFrequency(destinationNote);
+ tExpSmooth_setDest(&neartune_smoother, destinationFreq);
+ }
+ tAutotune_setFreq(&autotuneMono, tExpSmooth_tick(&neartune_smoother), 0);
+ float* samples = tAutotune_tick(&autotuneMono, audioIn);
+ //tAutotune_setFreq(&autotuneMono, leaf.sampleRate / nearestPeriod(tAutotune_getInputPeriod(&autotuneMono)), 0);
+ sample = samples[0] * tRamp_tick(&nearWetRamp);
+ sample += audioIn * tRamp_tick(&nearDryRamp); // crossfade to dry signal if no notes held down.
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXNeartuneFree(void)
+ tAutotune_free(&autotuneMono);
+ tExpSmooth_free(&neartune_smoother);
+//6 autotune
+void SFXAutotuneAlloc()
+ tAutotune_init(&autotunePoly, NUM_AUTOTUNE, 1024, 512);
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, NUM_AUTOTUNE);
+ //tAutotune_init(&autotunePoly, NUM_AUTOTUNE, 2048, 1024); //old settings
+void SFXAutotuneFrame()
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); ++i)
+ {
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ }
+ if (tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly) != 0) tRamp_setDest(&comp, 1.0f / tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly));
+void SFXAutotuneTick(float audioIn)
+ knobParams[0] = 0.75f + (smoothedADC[0] * 0.22f);
+ tAutotune_setFidelityThreshold(&autotunePoly, knobParams[0]);
+ tPoly_tickPitch(&poly);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); ++i)
+ {
+ tAutotune_setFreq(&autotunePoly, freq[i], i);
+ }
+ float* samples = tAutotune_tick(&autotunePoly, audioIn);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); ++i)
+ {
+ sample += samples[i] * tRamp_tick(&polyRamp[i]);
+ }
+ sample *= tRamp_tick(&comp);
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXAutotuneFree(void)
+ tAutotune_free(&autotunePoly);
+//7 sampler - button press
+int samplePlayStart = 0;
+int samplePlayEnd = 0;
+float sampleLength = 0.0f;
+int crossfadeLength = 0;
+float samplerRate = 1.0f;
+float maxSampleSizeSeconds = 1.0f;
+uint8_t samplePlaying = 1;
+void SFXSamplerBPAlloc()
+ tBuffer_initToPool(&buff, leaf.sampleRate * 172.0f, &largePool);
+ tBuffer_setRecordMode(&buff, RecordOneShot);
+ tSampler_init(&sampler, &buff);
+ tSampler_setMode(&sampler, PlayLoop);
+void SFXSamplerBPFrame()
+void SFXSamplerBPTick(float audioIn)
+ int recordPosition = tBuffer_getRecordPosition(&buff);
+ sampleLength = recordPosition * leaf.invSampleRate;
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0] * sampleLength;
+ knobParams[1] = smoothedADC[1] * sampleLength;
+ knobParams[2] = (smoothedADC[2] - 0.5f) * 4.0f;
+ knobParams[3] = smoothedADC[3] * 4000.0f;
+ samplePlayStart = smoothedADC[0] * recordPosition;
+ samplePlayEnd = smoothedADC[1] * recordPosition;
+ samplerRate = knobParams[2];
+ crossfadeLength = knobParams[3];
+ tSampler_setStart(&sampler, samplePlayStart);
+ tSampler_setEnd(&sampler, samplePlayEnd);
+ tSampler_setRate(&sampler, samplerRate);
+ tSampler_setCrossfadeLength(&sampler, crossfadeLength);
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonDown][ActionPress])
+ {
+ if (samplePlaying)
+ {
+ samplePlaying = 0;
+ tSampler_stop(&sampler);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ samplePlaying = 1;
+ tSampler_play(&sampler);
+ }
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonDown][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ tSampler_stop(&sampler);
+ tBuffer_record(&buff);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(1);
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionRelease])
+ {
+ tBuffer_stop(&buff);
+ if (samplePlaying) tSampler_play(&sampler);
+ tSampler_setStart(&sampler, samplePlayStart);
+ tSampler_setEnd(&sampler, samplePlayEnd);
+ tSampler_setRate(&sampler, samplerRate);
+ tSampler_setCrossfadeLength(&sampler, crossfadeLength);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionRelease] = 0;
+ setLED_A(0);
+ }
+ tBuffer_tick(&buff, audioIn);
+ sample = tanhf(tSampler_tick(&sampler));
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXSamplerBPFree(void)
+ tBuffer_freeFromPool(&buff, &largePool);
+ tSampler_free(&sampler);
+//8 sampler - auto
+volatile float currentPower = 0.0f;
+volatile float previousPower = 0.0f;
+float samp_thresh = 0.0f;
+volatile int samp_triggered = 0;
+uint32_t sample_countdown = 0;
+PlayMode samplerMode = PlayLoop;
+uint32_t powerCounter = 0;
+uint8_t triggerChannel = 0;
+uint8_t firstTrigger = 0;
+void SFXSamplerAutoAlloc()
+ tBuffer_initToPool(&buff2, leaf.sampleRate * 2.0f, &largePool);
+ tBuffer_setRecordMode(&buff2, RecordOneShot);
+ tSampler_init(&sampler, &buff2);
+ tSampler_setMode(&sampler, PlayLoop);
+ tEnvelopeFollower_init(&envfollow, 0.05f, 0.9999f);
+ setLED_A(samplerMode == PlayBackAndForth);
+ setLED_B(triggerChannel);
+ firstTrigger = 1;
+void SFXSamplerAutoFrame()
+void SFXSamplerAutoTick(float audioIn)
+ if (triggerChannel > 0) currentPower = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&envfollow, rightIn);
+ else currentPower = tEnvelopeFollower_tick(&envfollow, audioIn);
+ samp_thresh = 1.0f - smoothedADC[0];
+ knobParams[0] = samp_thresh;
+ int window_size = smoothedADC[1] * 10000.0f;
+ knobParams[1] = window_size;
+ knobParams[3] = smoothedADC[3] * 1000.0f;
+ crossfadeLength = knobParams[3];
+ tSampler_setCrossfadeLength(&sampler, crossfadeLength);
+ if ((currentPower > (samp_thresh)) && (currentPower > previousPower + 0.001f) && (samp_triggered == 0) && (sample_countdown == 0))
+ {
+ samp_triggered = 1;
+ setLED_1(1);
+ tBuffer_record(&buff2);
+ if (firstTrigger)
+ {
+ tSampler_play(&sampler);
+ firstTrigger = 0;
+ }
+ buff2->recordedLength = buff2->bufferLength;
+ sample_countdown = window_size + 24;//arbitrary extra time to avoid resampling while playing previous sample - better solution would be alternating buffers and crossfading
+ powerCounter = 1000;
+ }
+ if (sample_countdown > 0)
+ {
+ sample_countdown--;
+ }
+ tSampler_setEnd(&sampler,window_size);
+ tBuffer_tick(&buff2, audioIn);
+ //on it's way down
+ if (currentPower <= previousPower)
+ {
+ if (powerCounter > 0)
+ {
+ powerCounter--;
+ }
+ else if (samp_triggered == 1)
+ {
+ setLED_1(0);
+ samp_triggered = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ if (samplerMode == PlayLoop)
+ {
+ tSampler_setMode(&sampler, PlayBackAndForth);
+ samplerMode = PlayBackAndForth;
+ setLED_A(1);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ else if (samplerMode == PlayBackAndForth)
+ {
+ tSampler_setMode(&sampler, PlayLoop);
+ samplerMode = PlayLoop;
+ setLED_A(0);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonB][ActionPress])
+ {
+ triggerChannel = (triggerChannel > 0) ? 0 : 1;
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonB][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_B(triggerChannel);
+ }
+ sample = tSampler_tick(&sampler);
+ rightOut = sample;
+ previousPower = currentPower;
+void SFXSamplerAutoFree(void)
+ tBuffer_freeFromPool(&buff2, &largePool);
+ tSampler_free(&sampler);
+ tEnvelopeFollower_free(&envfollow);
+//10 distortion tanh
+uint8_t distortionMode = 0;
+void SFXDistortionAlloc()
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 1;
+ tOversampler_init(&oversampler, OVERSAMPLER_RATIO, OVERSAMPLER_HQ);
+ setLED_A(distortionMode);
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
+void SFXDistortionFrame()
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ distortionMode = !distortionMode;
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(distortionMode);
+ }
+void SFXDistortionTick(float audioIn)
+ //knob 0 = gain
+ sample = audioIn;
+ knobParams[0] = ((smoothedADC[0] * 20.0f) + 1.0f); // 15.0f
+ sample = sample * knobParams[0];
+ tOversampler_upsample(&oversampler, sample, oversamplerArray);
+ for (int i = 0; i < OVERSAMPLER_RATIO; i++)
+ {
+ if (distortionMode > 0) oversamplerArray[i] = LEAF_shaper(oversamplerArray[i], 1.0f);
+ else oversamplerArray[i] = tanhf(oversamplerArray[i]);
+ }
+ sample = tOversampler_downsample(&oversampler, oversamplerArray);
+ sample *= .65f; // .75f
+ rightOut = sample;
+ //sample = tOversampler_tick(&oversampler, sample, &tanhf);
+void SFXDistortionFree(void)
+ tOversampler_free(&oversampler);
+//12 distortion wave folder
+void SFXWaveFolderAlloc()
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 1;
+ tLockhartWavefolder_init(&wavefolder1);
+ tLockhartWavefolder_init(&wavefolder2);
+ tLockhartWavefolder_init(&wavefolder3);
+ tLockhartWavefolder_init(&wavefolder4);
+ tHighpass_init(&wfHP, 20.0f);
+ tOversampler_init(&oversampler, 2, FALSE);
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
+void SFXWaveFolderFrame()
+void SFXWaveFolderTick(float audioIn)
+ //knob 0 = gain
+ sample = audioIn;
+ knobParams[0] = (smoothedADC[0] * 20.0f) + 1.0f;
+ knobParams[1] = (smoothedADC[1] * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
+ knobParams[2] = (smoothedADC[2] * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
+ //knobParams[3] = (smoothedADC[3] * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
+ float gain = knobParams[0];
+ sample = sample * gain * 0.33f;
+ sample = sample + knobParams[1];
+ tOversampler_upsample(&oversampler, sample, oversamplerArray);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ oversamplerArray[i] = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder1, oversamplerArray[i]);
+ //sample = sample * gain;
+ oversamplerArray[i] = sample + knobParams[2];
+ oversamplerArray[i] = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder2, oversamplerArray[i]);
+ //oversamplerArray[i] = sample + knobParams[3];
+ //sample *= .6f;
+ //oversamplerArray[i] = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder3, oversamplerArray[i]);
+ //sample = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder4, sample);
+ oversamplerArray[i] *= .8f;
+ oversamplerArray[i] = tanhf(oversamplerArray[i]);
+ }
+ sample = tHighpass_tick(&wfHP, tOversampler_downsample(&oversampler, oversamplerArray));
+ rightOut = sample;
+ /*
+ sample = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder1, sample);
+ //sample = sample * gain;
+ sample = sample + knobParams[2];
+ sample = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder2, sample);
+ sample = sample + knobParams[3];
+ //sample *= .6f;
+ sample = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder3, sample);
+ //sample = tLockhartWavefolder_tick(&wavefolder4, sample);
+ sample *= .8f;
+ sample = tanhf(sample);
+ rightOut = sample;
+ */
+void SFXWaveFolderFree(void)
+ tLockhartWavefolder_free(&wavefolder1);
+ tLockhartWavefolder_free(&wavefolder2);
+ tLockhartWavefolder_free(&wavefolder3);
+ tLockhartWavefolder_free(&wavefolder4);
+ tHighpass_free(&wfHP);
+ tOversampler_free(&oversampler);
+//13 bitcrusher
+void SFXBitcrusherAlloc()
+ tCrusher_init(&crush);
+ tCrusher_init(&crush2);
+void SFXBitcrusherFrame()
+void SFXBitcrusherTick(float audioIn)
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0];
+ tCrusher_setQuality (&crush, smoothedADC[0]);
+ tCrusher_setQuality (&crush2, smoothedADC[0]);
+ knobParams[1] = smoothedADC[1];
+ tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (&crush, smoothedADC[1]);
+ tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (&crush2, smoothedADC[1]);
+ knobParams[2] = smoothedADC[2];
+ tCrusher_setRound (&crush, smoothedADC[2]);
+ tCrusher_setRound (&crush2, smoothedADC[2]);
+ knobParams[3] = smoothedADC[3];
+ tCrusher_setOperation (&crush, smoothedADC[3]);
+ tCrusher_setOperation (&crush2, smoothedADC[3]);
+ knobParams[4] = smoothedADC[4] + 1.0f;
+ sample = tCrusher_tick(&crush, tanhf(audioIn * (smoothedADC[4] + 1.0f))) * .9f;
+ rightOut = tCrusher_tick(&crush2, tanhf(rightIn * (smoothedADC[4] + 1.0f))) * .9f;
+void SFXBitcrusherFree(void)
+ tCrusher_free(&crush);
+ tCrusher_free(&crush2);
+int delayShaper = 0;
+void SFXDelayAlloc()
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 1;
+ tTapeDelay_init(&delay, 2000, 30000);
+ tTapeDelay_init(&delay2, 2000, 30000);
+ tSVF_init(&delayLP, SVFTypeLowpass, 16000.f, .7f);
+ tSVF_init(&delayHP, SVFTypeHighpass, 20.f, .7f);
+ tSVF_init(&delayLP2, SVFTypeLowpass, 16000.f, .7f);
+ tSVF_init(&delayHP2, SVFTypeHighpass, 20.f, .7f);
+ tHighpass_init(&delayShaperHp, 20.0f);
+ tFeedbackLeveler_init(&feedbackControl, .99f, 0.01, 0.125f, 0);
+ delayShaper = 0;
+ setLED_A(delayShaper);
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
+void SFXDelayFrame()
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ delayShaper = !delayShaper;
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(delayShaper);
+ }
+float delayFB1;
+float delayFB2;
+void SFXDelayTick(float audioIn)
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0] * 30000.0f;
+ knobParams[1] = smoothedADC[1] * 30000.0f;
+ knobParams[2] = smoothedADC[2] * 1.1f;
+ knobParams[3] = faster_mtof((smoothedADC[3] * 128) + 10.0f);
+ knobParams[4] = faster_mtof((smoothedADC[4] * 128) + 10.0f);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&delayLP, knobParams[3]);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&delayLP2, knobParams[3]);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&delayHP, knobParams[4]);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&delayHP2, knobParams[4]);
+ //swap tanh for shaper and add cheap fixed highpass after both shapers
+ float input1, input2;
+ if (delayShaper == 0)
+ {
+ input1 = tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&feedbackControl, tanhf(audioIn + (delayFB1 * knobParams[2])));
+ input2 = tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&feedbackControl, tanhf(audioIn + (delayFB2 * knobParams[2])));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ input1 = tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&feedbackControl, tHighpass_tick(&delayShaperHp, LEAF_shaper(audioIn + (delayFB1 * knobParams[2] * 0.5f), 0.5f)));
+ input2 = tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&feedbackControl, tHighpass_tick(&delayShaperHp, LEAF_shaper(audioIn + (delayFB2 * knobParams[2] * 0.5f), 0.5f)));
+ }
+ tTapeDelay_setDelay(&delay, knobParams[0]);
+ delayFB1 = tTapeDelay_tick(&delay, input1);
+ tTapeDelay_setDelay(&delay2, knobParams[1]);
+ delayFB2 = tTapeDelay_tick(&delay2, input2);
+ delayFB1 = tSVF_tick(&delayLP, delayFB1) * 0.95f;
+ delayFB2 = tSVF_tick(&delayLP2, delayFB2)* 0.95f;
+ delayFB1 = tanhf(tSVF_tick(&delayHP, delayFB1)* 0.95f);
+ delayFB2 = tanhf(tSVF_tick(&delayHP2, delayFB2)* 0.95f);
+ sample = delayFB1;
+ rightOut = delayFB2;
+void SFXDelayFree(void)
+ tTapeDelay_free(&delay);
+ tTapeDelay_free(&delay2);
+ tSVF_free(&delayLP);
+ tSVF_free(&delayHP);
+ tSVF_free(&delayLP2);
+ tSVF_free(&delayHP2);
+ tHighpass_free(&delayShaperHp);
+ tFeedbackLeveler_free(&feedbackControl);
+uint32_t freeze = 0;
+tDattorroReverb reverb;
+void SFXReverbAlloc()
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 1;
+ tDattorroReverb_init(&reverb);
+ tDattorroReverb_setMix(&reverb, 1.0f);
+ freeze = 0;
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
+void SFXReverbFrame()
+ knobParams[1] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[1]*135.0f);
+ tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter(&reverb, knobParams[1]);
+ knobParams[2] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[2]*128.0f);
+ tDattorroReverb_setHP(&reverb, knobParams[2]);
+ knobParams[3] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[3]*135.0f);
+ tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter(&reverb, knobParams[3]);
+void SFXReverbTick(float audioIn)
+ float stereo[2];
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ if (freeze == 0)
+ {
+ freeze = 1;
+ tDattorroReverb_setFreeze(&reverb, 1);
+ setLED_1(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ freeze = 0;
+ tDattorroReverb_setFreeze(&reverb, 0);
+ setLED_1(0);
+ }
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ //tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay(&reverb, smoothedADC[1] * 200.f);
+ audioIn *= 4.0f;
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0];
+ tDattorroReverb_setSize(&reverb, knobParams[0]);
+ knobParams[4] = smoothedADC[4];
+ tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain(&reverb, knobParams[4]);
+ tDattorroReverb_tickStereo(&reverb, audioIn, stereo);
+ sample = tanhf(stereo[0]) * 0.99f;
+ rightOut = tanhf(stereo[1]) * 0.99f;
+void SFXReverbFree(void)
+ tDattorroReverb_free(&reverb);
+tNReverb reverb2;
+tSVF lowpass;
+tSVF highpass;
+tSVF bandpass;
+tSVF lowpass2;
+tSVF highpass2;
+tSVF bandpass2;
+void SFXReverb2Alloc()
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 1;
+ tNReverb_init(&reverb2, 1.0f);
+ tNReverb_setMix(&reverb2, 1.0f);
+ tSVF_init(&lowpass, SVFTypeLowpass, 18000.0f, 0.75f);
+ tSVF_init(&highpass, SVFTypeHighpass, 40.0f, 0.75f);
+ tSVF_init(&bandpass, SVFTypeBandpass, 2000.0f, 1.0f);
+ tSVF_init(&lowpass2, SVFTypeLowpass, 18000.0f, 0.75f);
+ tSVF_init(&highpass2, SVFTypeHighpass, 40.0f, 0.75f);
+ tSVF_init(&bandpass2, SVFTypeBandpass, 2000.0f, 1.0f);
+ freeze = 0;
+ leaf.clearOnAllocation = 0;
+void SFXReverb2Frame()
+void SFXReverb2Tick(float audioIn)
+ float stereoOuts[2];
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0] * 4.0f;
+ if (!freeze)
+ {
+ tNReverb_setT60(&reverb2, knobParams[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tNReverb_setT60(&reverb2, 1000.0f);
+ audioIn = 0.0f;
+ }
+ knobParams[1] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[1]*135.0f);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&lowpass, knobParams[1]);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&lowpass2, knobParams[1]);
+ knobParams[2] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[2]*128.0f);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&highpass, knobParams[2]);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&highpass2, knobParams[2]);
+ knobParams[3] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[3]*128.0f);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&bandpass, knobParams[3]);
+ tSVF_setFreq(&bandpass2, knobParams[3]);
+ knobParams[4] = (smoothedADC[4] * 4.0f) - 2.0f;
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ if (freeze == 0)
+ {
+ freeze = 1;
+ setLED_1(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ freeze = 0;
+ setLED_1(0);
+ }
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ tNReverb_tickStereo(&reverb2, audioIn, stereoOuts);
+ float leftOut = tSVF_tick(&lowpass, stereoOuts[0]);
+ leftOut = tSVF_tick(&highpass, leftOut);
+ leftOut += tSVF_tick(&bandpass, leftOut) * knobParams[4];
+ float rightOutTemp = tSVF_tick(&lowpass2, stereoOuts[1]);
+ rightOutTemp = tSVF_tick(&highpass2, rightOutTemp);
+ rightOutTemp += tSVF_tick(&bandpass, rightOutTemp) * knobParams[4];
+ sample = tanhf(leftOut);
+ rightOut = tanhf(rightOutTemp);
+void SFXReverb2Free(void)
+ tNReverb_free(&reverb2);
+ tSVF_free(&lowpass);
+ tSVF_free(&highpass);
+ tSVF_free(&bandpass);
+ tSVF_free(&lowpass2);
+ tSVF_free(&highpass2);
+ tSVF_free(&bandpass2);
+//Living String
+void SFXLivingStringAlloc()
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ myFreq = (randomNumber() * 300.0f) + 60.0f;
+ myDetune[i] = (randomNumber() * 0.3f) - 0.15f;
+ //tLivingString_init(&theString[i], myFreq, 0.4f, 0.0f, 16000.0f, .999f, .5f, .5f, 0.1f, 0);
+ tLivingString_init(&theString[i], 440.f, 0.2f, 0.f, 9000.f, 1.0f, 0.3f, 0.01f, 0.125f, 0);
+ }
+void SFXLivingStringFrame()
+ knobParams[0] = mtof((smoothedADC[0] * 135.0f)); //freq
+ knobParams[1] = smoothedADC[1]; //detune
+ knobParams[2] = ((smoothedADC[2] * 0.09999999f) + 0.9f);
+ knobParams[3] = mtof((smoothedADC[3] * 130.0f)+12.0f); //lowpass
+ knobParams[4] = (smoothedADC[4] * 0.5) + 0.02f;//pickPos
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ tLivingString_setFreq(&theString[i], (i + (1.0f+(myDetune[i] * knobParams[1]))) * knobParams[0]);
+ tLivingString_setDecay(&theString[i], knobParams[2]);
+ tLivingString_setDampFreq(&theString[i], knobParams[3]);
+ tLivingString_setPickPos(&theString[i], knobParams[4]);
+ }
+void SFXLivingStringTick(float audioIn)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ sample += tLivingString_tick(&theString[i], audioIn);
+ }
+ sample *= 0.0625f;
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXLivingStringFree(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ tLivingString_free(&theString[i]);
+ }
+//Living String
+void SFXLivingStringSynthAlloc()
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, NUM_STRINGS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ tLivingString_init(&theString[i], 440.f, 0.2f, 0.f, 9000.f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f, 0.125f, 1);
+ }
+void SFXLivingStringSynthFrame()
+ //knobParams[0] = mtof((smoothedADC[0] * 135.0f)); //freq
+ //knobParams[1] = smoothedADC[1]; //detune
+ knobParams[2] = ((smoothedADC[2] * 0.09999999f) + 0.9f);
+ knobParams[3] = mtof((smoothedADC[3] * 130.0f)+12.0f); //lowpass
+ knobParams[4] = (smoothedADC[4] * 0.5) + 0.02f;//pickPos
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ //tLivingString_setFreq(&theString[i], (i + (1.0f+(myDetune[i] * knobParams[1]))) * knobParams[0]);
+ tLivingString_setDecay(&theString[i], knobParams[2]);
+ tLivingString_setDampFreq(&theString[i], knobParams[3]);
+ tLivingString_setPickPos(&theString[i], knobParams[4]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ //tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], (tPoly_getVelocity(&poly, i) > 0));
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ tLivingString_setFreq(&theString[i], freq[i]);
+ tLivingString_setTargetLev(&theString[i],(tPoly_getVelocity(&poly, i) > 0));
+ }
+void SFXLivingStringSynthTick(float audioIn)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ sample += tLivingString_tick(&theString[i], audioIn);
+ }
+ sample *= 0.0625f;
+ rightOut = sample;
+void SFXLivingStringSynthFree(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++)
+ {
+ tLivingString_free(&theString[i]);
+ }
+//17 living string
+void SFXClassicSynthAlloc()
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, numVoices);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE; j++)
+ {
+ tSawtooth_initToPool(&osc[(i * NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE) + j], &smallPool);
+ synthDetune[i][j] = (leaf.random() * 0.2f) - 0.1f;
+ }
+ }
+ tSVF_init(&delayLP, SVFTypeLowpass, 6000.0f, 1.0f);
+ setLED_A(numVoices == 1);
+void SFXClassicSynthFrame()
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ numVoices = (numVoices > 1) ? 1 : NUM_VOC_VOICES;
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, numVoices);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(numVoices == 1);
+ }
+//make detuning more independant - maybe based on midi instead of frequency
+//add filters
+void SFXClassicSynthTick(float audioIn)
+ tPoly_tickPitch(&poly);
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0]; //synth volume
+ knobParams[1] = faster_mtof(smoothedADC[1] * 128.0f); //lowpass cutoff
+ knobParams[2] = smoothedADC[2]; //detune
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], (tPoly_getVelocity(&poly, i) > 0));
+ float myMidiNote = calculateTunedMidiNote(tPoly_getPitch(&poly, i));
+ float myFrequency = LEAF_midiToFrequency(myMidiNote);
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE; j++)
+ {
+ //tSawtooth_setFreq(&osc[i + (j*NUM_VOC_VOICES)], LEAF_midiToFrequency(myMidiNote + synthDetune[i][j]));
+ tSawtooth_setFreq(&osc[i + (j*NUM_VOC_VOICES)], myFrequency * (1.0f + (synthDetune[i][j] * knobParams[2] * 0.1f)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly) != 0) tRamp_setDest(&comp, 1.0f / tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ float amplitudeTemp = tRamp_tick(&polyRamp[i]);
+ sample += tSawtooth_tick(&osc[i]) * amplitudeTemp;
+ sample += tSawtooth_tick(&osc[i + NUM_VOC_VOICES]) * amplitudeTemp;
+ sample += tSawtooth_tick(&osc[i] + (NUM_VOC_VOICES * 2)) * amplitudeTemp;
+ }
+ sample *= 0.125f * knobParams[0];
+ tSVF_setFreq(&delayLP, knobParams[1]);
+ sample = tSVF_tick(&delayLP, sample);
+ sample = tanhf(sample);
+void SFXClassicSynthFree(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE; j++)
+ {
+ tSawtooth_freeFromPool(&osc[(i * NUM_OSC_PER_VOICE) + j], &smallPool);
+ }
+ }
+ tSVF_free(&delayLP);
+tCycle FM_sines[NUM_VOC_VOICES][6];
+float FM_freqRatios[6] = {1.0f, 3.0001f, 0.4999f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f};
+float FM_indices[6] = {1000.0f, 100.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f, 800.0f, 900.0f};
+float FM_decays[6] = {2000.0f, 300.0f, 800.0f, 3000.0f, 340.0f, 50.0f};
+tEnvelope leakers[NUM_VOC_VOICES][2];
+float feedback_output = 0.0f;
+tCycle tremolo;
+//FM Rhodes
+void SFXRhodesAlloc()
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+ {
+ tCycle_init(&FM_sines[i][j]);
+ tADSR_init(&FM_envs[i][j], 7.0f, FM_decays[j], 0.3f, 100.0f);
+ }
+ tEnvelope_init(&leakers[i][0], 7.0f, 4000.0f, 0);
+ tEnvelope_init(&leakers[i][1], 7.0f, 4000.0f, 0);
+ }
+ tCycle_init(&tremolo);
+ tCycle_setFreq(&tremolo, 3.0f);
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, NUM_VOC_VOICES);
+ setLED_A(numVoices == 1);
+void SFXRhodesFrame()
+ if (buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ numVoices = (numVoices > 1) ? 1 : NUM_VOC_VOICES;
+ tPoly_setNumVoices(&poly, numVoices);
+ buttonActionsSFX[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ setLED_A(numVoices == 1);
+ }
+ tPoly_tickPitch(&poly);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ }
+float lastsamp = 0.0f;
+volatile uint8_t checkMe = 0;
+void SFXRhodesTick(float audioIn)
+ knobParams[0] = smoothedADC[0] * 2.0f; //brightness
+ knobParams[1] = smoothedADC[1]; //tremolo amount
+ knobParams[2] = smoothedADC[2] * 12.0f; //tremolo speed
+ tCycle_setFreq(&tremolo, knobParams[2]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ //tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], (tPoly_getVelocity(&poly, i) > 0));
+ //float myMidiNote = calculateTunedMidiNote(tPoly_getPitch(&poly, i));
+ float myFrequency = freq[i];
+ tCycle_setFreq(&FM_sines[i][5], (myFrequency * FM_freqRatios[5]) + (FM_indices[5] * feedback_output * knobParams[0]));
+ feedback_output = tCycle_tick(&FM_sines[i][5]);
+ tCycle_setFreq(&FM_sines[i][4], (myFrequency * FM_freqRatios[4]) + (FM_indices[4] * feedback_output * knobParams[0] * tADSR_tick(&FM_envs[i][5])));
+ tCycle_setFreq(&FM_sines[i][3], (myFrequency * FM_freqRatios[3]) + (FM_indices[3] * knobParams[0] * tCycle_tick(&FM_sines[i][4]) * tADSR_tick(&FM_envs[i][4])));
+ tCycle_setFreq(&FM_sines[i][2], (myFrequency * FM_freqRatios[2]) + (FM_indices[2] * knobParams[0] * tCycle_tick(&FM_sines[i][3]) * tADSR_tick(&FM_envs[i][3])));
+ tCycle_setFreq(&FM_sines[i][1], myFrequency * FM_freqRatios[1]);
+ tCycle_setFreq(&FM_sines[i][0],( myFrequency * FM_freqRatios[0]) + (FM_indices[0] * knobParams[0] * tCycle_tick(&FM_sines[i][1]) * tADSR_tick(&FM_envs[i][1])));
+ }
+ //if (tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly) != 0) tRamp_setDest(&comp, 1.0f / tPoly_getNumActiveVoices(&poly));
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ //float amplitudeTemp = tRamp_tick(&polyRamp[i]);
+ //amplitudeTemp = 1.0f;
+ sample += tCycle_tick(&FM_sines[i][2]) * tADSR_tick(&FM_envs[i][2]) * tEnvelope_tick(&leakers[i][0]);
+ sample += tCycle_tick(&FM_sines[i][0]) * tADSR_tick(&FM_envs[i][0]) * tEnvelope_tick(&leakers[i][1]);
+ }
+ float tremoloSignal = ((tCycle_tick(&tremolo) * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * knobParams[1];
+ sample = sample * (tremoloSignal + (1.0f - knobParams[1]));
+ sample *= 0.125f;
+ //sample = LEAF_shaper(sample, 1.0f);
+ //sample *= 0.8f;
+void SFXRhodesFree(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VOC_VOICES; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+ {
+ tCycle_free(&FM_sines[i][j]);
+ tADSR_free(&FM_envs[i][j]);
+ }
+ tEnvelope_free(&leakers[i][0]);
+ tEnvelope_free(&leakers[i][1]);
+ }
+ tCycle_free(&tremolo);
+// midi functions
+void calculateFreq(int voice)
+ float tempNote = tPoly_getPitch(&poly, voice);
+ float tempPitchClass = ((((int)tempNote) - keyCenter) % 12 );
+ float tunedNote = tempNote + centsDeviation[(int)tempPitchClass];
+ freq[voice] = LEAF_midiToFrequency(tunedNote);
+float calculateTunedMidiNote(float tempNote)
+ float tempPitchClass = ((((int)tempNote) - keyCenter) % 12 );
+ return (tempNote + centsDeviation[(int)tempPitchClass]);
+void calculateNoteArray()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
+ {
+ float tempNote = i;
+ float tempPitchClass = ((((int)tempNote) - keyCenter) % 12 );
+ float tunedNote = tempNote + centsDeviation[(int)tempPitchClass];
+ notes[i] = tunedNote;
+ }
+float nearestNote(float period)
+ float note = LEAF_frequencyToMidi(leaf.sampleRate / period);
+ float leastDifference = fabsf(note - notes[0]);
+ float difference;
+ int index = 0;
+ int* chord;
+ if (autotuneChromatic > 0)
+ {
+ chord = chromaticArray;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chord = chordArray;
+ }
+ //if (autotuneLock > 0) chord = lockArray;
+ for(int i = 1; i < 128; i++)
+ {
+ if (chord[i%12] > 0)
+ {
+ difference = fabsf(note - notes[i]);
+ if(difference < leastDifference)
+ {
+ leastDifference = difference;
+ index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return notes[index];
+void noteOn(int key, int velocity)
+ if (!velocity)
+ {
+ if (chordArray[key%12] > 0) chordArray[key%12]--;
+ int voice = tPoly_noteOff(&poly, key);
+ if (voice >= 0)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[voice], 0.0f);
+ if (currentPreset == Rhodes)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+ {
+ tADSR_off(&FM_envs[voice][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ if (tPoly_isOn(&poly, i) == 1)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], 1.0f);
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ }
+ }
+ setLED_USB(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chordArray[key%12]++;
+ int whichVoice = tPoly_noteOn(&poly, key, velocity);
+ if (whichVoice >= 0)
+ {
+ if (currentPreset == Rhodes)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+ {
+ tADSR_on(&FM_envs[whichVoice][j], velocity * 0.0078125f);
+ }
+ tEnvelope_on(&leakers[whichVoice][0], 1.0f);
+ tEnvelope_on(&leakers[whichVoice][1], 1.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ if (tPoly_isOn(&poly, i) == 1)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], 1.0f);
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ }
+ }
+ setLED_2(1);
+ }
+void noteOff(int key, int velocity)
+ if (chordArray[key%12] > 0) chordArray[key%12]--;
+ int voice = tPoly_noteOff(&poly, key);
+ if (voice >= 0)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[voice], 0.0f);
+ if (currentPreset == Rhodes)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+ {
+ tADSR_off(&FM_envs[voice][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tPoly_getNumVoices(&poly); i++)
+ {
+ if (tPoly_isOn(&poly, i) == 1)
+ {
+ tRamp_setDest(&polyRamp[i], 1.0f);
+ calculateFreq(i);
+ }
+ }
+ setLED_2(0);
+void pitchBend(int data)
+ tPoly_setPitchBend(&poly, (data - 8192) * 0.000244140625f);
+void sustainOff()
+void sustainOn()
+void toggleBypass()
+void toggleSustain()
+void ctrlInput(int ctrl, int value)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/ssd1306.c
@@ -1,0 +1,299 @@
+ * ssd1306.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Oct 8, 2019
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+ * ssd1306.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Jul 6, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+#include "main.h"
+#include "ssd1306.h"
+unsigned char buffer[512];
+//unsigned char buffer [] = {
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+// 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0,
+// 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80,
+// 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+// 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x1F, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
+// 0xF0, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x03, 0x0F, 0xFE, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0,
+// 0xFE, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xFC, 0x1F,
+// 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x3F, 0x78, 0x60, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,
+// 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x78, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x3F, 0x78, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+// 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x3F, 0x78, 0x60, 0xC0, 0xC0,
+// 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x60, 0x78, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF,
+// 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x78, 0x3F, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07,
+// 0x3F, 0x78, 0xE0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0x70, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
+// 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01,
+// 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+// };
+#define ssd1306_swap(a, b) { int16_t t = a; a = b; b = t; }
+uint8_t displayBufferChunk[513] __ATTR_RAM_D3;
+uint8_t OLED_xpos = 0;
+uint8_t OLED_ypos = 0;
+uint8_t OLED_i2c_address;
+uint8_t OLED_externalVCC;
+I2C_HandleTypeDef* OLED_i2c_handle;
+void ssd1306_begin(I2C_HandleTypeDef* hi2c, uint8_t vccstate, uint8_t i2caddr)
+ OLED_i2c_address = i2caddr;
+ OLED_externalVCC = vccstate;
+ OLED_i2c_handle = hi2c;
+ // VDD (3.3V) goes high at start, lets just chill for a ms
+ HAL_Delay(1);
+ // bring reset low
+ // wait 10ms
+ HAL_Delay(10);
+ // bring out of reset
+ // turn on VCC (9V?)
+ // Init sequence
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF); // 0xAE
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV); // 0xD5
+ ssd1306_command(0x80); // the suggested ratio 0x80
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETMULTIPLEX); // 0xA8
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT - 1);
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETDISPLAYOFFSET); // 0xD3
+ ssd1306_command(0x0); // no offset
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETSTARTLINE | 0x0); // line #0
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_CHARGEPUMP); // 0x8D
+ if (vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)
+ { ssd1306_command(0x10); }
+ else
+ { ssd1306_command(0x14); }
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_MEMORYMODE); // 0x20
+ ssd1306_command(0x00); // 0x0 act like ks0108
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SEGREMAP | 0x1);
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_COMSCANDEC);
+ #if defined SSD1306_128_32
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCOMPINS); // 0xDA
+ ssd1306_command(0x02);
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCONTRAST); // 0x81
+ ssd1306_command(0x8F);
+ #elif defined SSD1306_128_64
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCOMPINS); // 0xDA
+ ssd1306_command(0x12);
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCONTRAST); // 0x81
+ if (vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)
+ { ssd1306_command(0x9F); }
+ else
+ { ssd1306_command(0xCF); }
+ #elif defined SSD1306_96_16
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCOMPINS); // 0xDA
+ ssd1306_command(0x2); //ada x12
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCONTRAST); // 0x81
+ if (vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)
+ { ssd1306_command(0x10); }
+ else
+ { ssd1306_command(0xAF); }
+ #endif
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETPRECHARGE); // 0xd9
+ if (vccstate == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC)
+ { ssd1306_command(0x22); }
+ else
+ { ssd1306_command(0xF1); }
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETVCOMDETECT); // 0xDB
+ ssd1306_command(0x40);
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DISPLAYALLON_RESUME); // 0xA4
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY); // 0xA6
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DEACTIVATE_SCROLL);
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_DISPLAYON);//--turn on oled panel
+void sdd1306_invertDisplay(uint8_t i) {
+ if (i) {
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_INVERTDISPLAY);
+ } else {
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY);
+ }
+void ssd1306_command(uint8_t c) {
+ // I2C
+ // uint8_t control = 0x00; // Co = 0, D/C = 0
+ uint8_t i2c_message[2] = {0,0};
+ i2c_message[1] = c;
+ HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, i2c_message, 2, 2000);
+// Dim the display
+// dim = true: display is dimmed
+// dim = false: display is normal
+void ssd1306_dim(uint8_t dim) {
+ uint8_t contrast;
+ if (dim) {
+ contrast = 0; // Dimmed display
+ } else {
+ if (OLED_externalVCC == SSD1306_EXTERNALVCC) {
+ contrast = 0x9F;
+ } else {
+ contrast = 0xCF;
+ }
+ }
+ // the range of contrast to too small to be really useful
+ // it is useful to dim the display
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_SETCONTRAST);
+ ssd1306_command(contrast);
+void ssd1306_display_full_buffer(void) {
+ ssd1306_home();
+// for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
+// {
+// displayBufferChunk[0] = 0x40;
+// for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
+// {
+// displayBufferChunk[x+1] = buffer[i];
+// i++;
+// }
+// HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_DMA(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, displayBufferChunk, 17);
+//// HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, displayBufferChunk, 17, 2000);
+//// HAL_Delay(1);
+// i--;
+// }
+ displayBufferChunk[0] = 0x40;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
+ {
+ displayBufferChunk[i+1] = buffer[i];
+ }
+ HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_DMA(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, displayBufferChunk, 513);
+void ssd1306_home(void) {
+ ssd1306_move_raw(0,0);
+void ssd1306_move_raw(uint8_t row, uint8_t column){
+ if(column > 127) { column = 127; }
+ if(row > 7) { row = 7; }
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_COLUMNADDR);
+ ssd1306_command(column); // Column start address (0 = reset)
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_LCDWIDTH-1); // Column end address (127 = reset)
+ ssd1306_command(SSD1306_PAGEADDR);
+ ssd1306_command(row); // Page start address (0 = reset)
+ ssd1306_command(3); // Page end address
+void ssd1306_move(uint8_t row, uint8_t column) {
+ if(column > 15) { column = 15; }
+ if(row > 7) { row = 7; }
+ ssd1306_move_raw(row,(uint8_t)(column << 3));
+void ssd1306_write_internal(uint8_t* data, uint16_t numBytes) {
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
+ {
+ buffer[i+(OLED_xpos + (OLED_ypos * 128))] = data[i];
+ }
+void ssd1306_write(uint8_t* data, uint16_t numBytes) {
+ uint8_t localBuffer[numBytes+1];
+ localBuffer[0] = 0x40;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
+ {
+ localBuffer[i+1] = data[i];
+ }
+ HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, localBuffer, numBytes+1, 2000);
+void ssd1306_write_2X(uint8_t* data, uint16_t numBytes) {
+ uint8_t localBuffer[(numBytes*2)+1];
+ localBuffer[0] = 0x40;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
+ {
+ localBuffer[i+1] = data[i] >> 4;
+ }
+ HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, localBuffer, (numBytes*2)+1, 2000);
+ ssd1306_move(1,0);
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
+ {
+ localBuffer[i+1] = data[i] & 0x0f;
+ }
+ HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(OLED_i2c_handle, OLED_i2c_address, localBuffer, (numBytes*2)+1, 2000);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/stm32h7xx_hal_msp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : stm32h7xx_hal_msp.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the MSP Initialization
+ * and de-Initialization codes.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Define */
+/* USER CODE END Define */
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Macro */
+/* USER CODE END Macro */
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* External functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN ExternalFunctions */
+/* USER CODE END ExternalFunctions */
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+ * Initializes the Global MSP.
+ */
+void HAL_MspInit(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END MspInit 0 */
+ /* System interrupt init*/
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END MspInit 1 */
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/stm32h7xx_it.c
@@ -1,0 +1,378 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32h7xx_it.c
+ * @brief Interrupt Service Routines.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "main.h"
+#include "stm32h7xx_it.h"
+/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern HCD_HandleTypeDef hhcd_USB_OTG_FS;
+extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc1;
+extern ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc1;
+extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_i2c4_rx;
+extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_i2c4_tx;
+extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c4;
+extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_sai1_a;
+extern DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_sai1_b;
+/* Cortex Processor Interruption and Exception Handlers */
+ * @brief This function handles Non maskable interrupt.
+ */
+void NMI_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN NonMaskableInt_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END NonMaskableInt_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN NonMaskableInt_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END NonMaskableInt_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles Hard fault interrupt.
+ */
+void HardFault_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN HardFault_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END HardFault_IRQn 0 */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
+ }
+ * @brief This function handles Memory management fault.
+ */
+void MemManage_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END W1_MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
+ }
+ * @brief This function handles Pre-fetch fault, memory access fault.
+ */
+void BusFault_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN BusFault_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END BusFault_IRQn 0 */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_BusFault_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END W1_BusFault_IRQn 0 */
+ }
+ * @brief This function handles Undefined instruction or illegal state.
+ */
+void UsageFault_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END W1_UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
+ }
+ * @brief This function handles System service call via SWI instruction.
+ */
+void SVC_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE END SVCall_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END SVCall_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles Debug monitor.
+ */
+void DebugMon_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DebugMonitor_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END DebugMonitor_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DebugMonitor_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END DebugMonitor_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles Pendable request for system service.
+ */
+void PendSV_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE END PendSV_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END PendSV_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles System tick timer.
+ */
+void SysTick_Handler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_IncTick();
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 1 */
+/* STM32H7xx Peripheral Interrupt Handlers */
+/* Add here the Interrupt Handlers for the used peripherals. */
+/* For the available peripheral interrupt handler names, */
+/* please refer to the startup file (startup_stm32h7xx.s). */
+ * @brief This function handles DMA1 stream0 global interrupt.
+ */
+void DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Stream0_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END DMA1_Stream0_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_adc1);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Stream0_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END DMA1_Stream0_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles DMA1 stream1 global interrupt.
+ */
+void DMA1_Stream1_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Stream1_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END DMA1_Stream1_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_sai1_a);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Stream1_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END DMA1_Stream1_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles DMA1 stream2 global interrupt.
+ */
+void DMA1_Stream2_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Stream2_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END DMA1_Stream2_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_sai1_b);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA1_Stream2_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END DMA1_Stream2_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupts.
+ */
+void ADC_IRQHandler(void)
+ HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(&hadc1);
+ * @brief This function handles I2C4 event interrupt.
+ */
+void I2C4_EV_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_EV_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_I2C_EV_IRQHandler(&hi2c4);
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_EV_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles I2C4 error interrupt.
+ */
+void I2C4_ER_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_ER_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_I2C_ER_IRQHandler(&hi2c4);
+ /* USER CODE END I2C4_ER_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles USB On The Go FS End Point 1 Out global interrupt.
+ */
+void OTG_FS_EP1_OUT_IRQHandler(void)
+ HAL_HCD_IRQHandler(&hhcd_USB_OTG_FS);
+ * @brief This function handles USB On The Go FS End Point 1 In global interrupt.
+ */
+void OTG_FS_EP1_IN_IRQHandler(void)
+ HAL_HCD_IRQHandler(&hhcd_USB_OTG_FS);
+ * @brief This function handles USB On The Go FS global interrupt.
+ */
+void OTG_FS_IRQHandler(void)
+ HAL_HCD_IRQHandler(&hhcd_USB_OTG_FS);
+ * @brief This function handles DMAMUX1 overrun interrupt.
+ */
+void DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQHandler(void)
+ // Handle DMA1_Stream0
+ HAL_DMAEx_MUX_IRQHandler(&hdma_adc1);
+ * @brief This function handles BDMA channel0 global interrupt.
+ */
+void BDMA_Channel0_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN BDMA_Channel0_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END BDMA_Channel0_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_i2c4_rx);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN BDMA_Channel0_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END BDMA_Channel0_IRQn 1 */
+ * @brief This function handles BDMA channel1 global interrupt.
+ */
+void BDMA_Channel1_IRQHandler(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN BDMA_Channel1_IRQn 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END BDMA_Channel1_IRQn 0 */
+ HAL_DMA_IRQHandler(&hdma_i2c4_tx);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN BDMA_Channel1_IRQn 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END BDMA_Channel1_IRQn 1 */
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/sys.c
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : SYS.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the SYS instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "sys.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* SYS init function */
+void MX_SYS_Init(void)
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/syscalls.c
@@ -1,0 +1,204 @@
+** File : syscalls.c
+** Abstract : System Workbench Minimal System calls file
+** For more information about which c-functions
+** need which of these lowlevel functions
+** please consult the Newlib libc-manual
+** Environment : System Workbench for MCU
+** Distribution: The file is distributed “as is,” without any warranty
+** of any kind.
+** <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 Ac6</center></h2>
+** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+** are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+** this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+** this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+** and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+** 3. Neither the name of Ac6 nor the names of its contributors
+** may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+** without specific prior written permission.
+/* Includes */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+/* Variables */
+//#undef errno
+extern int errno;
+extern int __io_putchar(int ch) __attribute__((weak));
+extern int __io_getchar(void) __attribute__((weak));
+register char * stack_ptr asm("sp");
+char *__env[1] = { 0 };
+char **environ = __env;
+/* Functions */
+void initialise_monitor_handles()
+int _getpid(void)
+ return 1;
+int _kill(int pid, int sig)
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+void _exit (int status)
+ _kill(status, -1);
+ while (1) {} /* Make sure we hang here */
+__attribute__((weak)) int _read(int file, char *ptr, int len)
+ int DataIdx;
+ for (DataIdx = 0; DataIdx < len; DataIdx++)
+ {
+ *ptr++ = __io_getchar();
+ }
+return len;
+__attribute__((weak)) int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len)
+ int DataIdx;
+ for (DataIdx = 0; DataIdx < len; DataIdx++)
+ {
+ __io_putchar(*ptr++);
+ }
+ return len;
+caddr_t _sbrk(int incr)
+ extern char end asm("end");
+ static char *heap_end;
+ char *prev_heap_end;
+ if (heap_end == 0)
+ heap_end = &end;
+ prev_heap_end = heap_end;
+ if (heap_end + incr > stack_ptr)
+ {
+// write(1, "Heap and stack collision\n", 25);
+// abort();
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return (caddr_t) -1;
+ }
+ heap_end += incr;
+ return (caddr_t) prev_heap_end;
+int _close(int file)
+ return -1;
+int _fstat(int file, struct stat *st)
+ st->st_mode = S_IFCHR;
+ return 0;
+int _isatty(int file)
+ return 1;
+int _lseek(int file, int ptr, int dir)
+ return 0;
+int _open(char *path, int flags, ...)
+ /* Pretend like we always fail */
+ return -1;
+int _wait(int *status)
+ errno = ECHILD;
+ return -1;
+int _unlink(char *name)
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return -1;
+int _times(struct tms *buf)
+ return -1;
+int _stat(char *file, struct stat *st)
+ st->st_mode = S_IFCHR;
+ return 0;
+int _link(char *old, char *new)
+ errno = EMLINK;
+ return -1;
+int _fork(void)
+ errno = EAGAIN;
+ return -1;
+int _execve(char *name, char **argv, char **env)
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return -1;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/system_stm32h7xx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,365 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file system_stm32h7xx.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @brief CMSIS Cortex-Mx Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File.
+ *
+ * This file provides two functions and one global variable to be called from
+ * user application:
+ * - SystemInit(): This function is called at startup just after reset and
+ * before branch to main program. This call is made inside
+ * the "startup_stm32h7xx.s" file.
+ *
+ * - SystemCoreClock variable: Contains the core clock (HCLK), it can be used
+ * by the user application to setup the SysTick
+ * timer or configure other parameters.
+ *
+ * - SystemCoreClockUpdate(): Updates the variable SystemCoreClock and must
+ * be called whenever the core clock is changed
+ * during program execution.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
+ * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/** @addtogroup CMSIS
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup stm32h7xx_system
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_Includes
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "stm32h7xx.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
+#define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)25000000) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
+#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
+#if !defined (CSI_VALUE)
+ #define CSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)4000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* CSI_VALUE */
+#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
+ #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)64000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
+#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+/************************* Miscellaneous Configuration ************************/
+/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to use initialized data in D2 domain SRAM (AHB SRAM) */
+/* #define DATA_IN_D2_SRAM */
+/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
+ Internal SRAM. */
+/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
+#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00000000UL /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
+ This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+ /* This variable is updated in three ways:
+ 1) by calling CMSIS function SystemCoreClockUpdate()
+ 2) by calling HAL API function HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()
+ 3) each time HAL_RCC_ClockConfig() is called to configure the system clock frequency
+ Note: If you use this function to configure the system clock; then there
+ is no need to call the 2 first functions listed above, since SystemCoreClock
+ variable is updated automatically.
+ */
+ uint32_t SystemCoreClock = 64000000;
+ uint32_t SystemD2Clock = 64000000;
+ const uint8_t D1CorePrescTable[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32H7xx_System_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Setup the microcontroller system
+ * Initialize the FPU setting and vector table location
+ * configuration.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SystemInit (void)
+#if defined (DATA_IN_D2_SRAM)
+ __IO uint32_t tmpreg;
+#endif /* DATA_IN_D2_SRAM */
+ /* FPU settings ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)
+ SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << (10*2))|(3UL << (11*2))); /* set CP10 and CP11 Full Access */
+ #endif
+ /* Reset the RCC clock configuration to the default reset state ------------*/
+ /* Set HSION bit */
+ /* Reset CFGR register */
+ RCC->CFGR = 0x00000000;
+ RCC->CR &= 0xEAF6ED7FU;
+ /* Reset D1CFGR register */
+ RCC->D1CFGR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset D2CFGR register */
+ RCC->D2CFGR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset D3CFGR register */
+ RCC->D3CFGR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLLCKSELR register */
+ RCC->PLLCKSELR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLLCFGR register */
+ RCC->PLLCFGR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLL1DIVR register */
+ RCC->PLL1DIVR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLL1FRACR register */
+ RCC->PLL1FRACR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLL2DIVR register */
+ RCC->PLL2DIVR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLL2FRACR register */
+ RCC->PLL2FRACR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLL3DIVR register */
+ RCC->PLL3DIVR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset PLL3FRACR register */
+ RCC->PLL3FRACR = 0x00000000;
+ /* Reset HSEBYP bit */
+ /* Disable all interrupts */
+ RCC->CIER = 0x00000000;
+#if defined (DATA_IN_D2_SRAM)
+ /* in case of initialized data in D2 SRAM (AHB SRAM) , enable the D2 SRAM clock ((AHB SRAM clock) */
+#if defined(RCC_AHB2ENR_D2SRAM1EN)
+#endif /* RCC_AHB2ENR_D2SRAM1EN */
+ tmpreg = RCC->AHB2ENR;
+ (void) tmpreg;
+#endif /* DATA_IN_D2_SRAM */
+#if defined(DUAL_CORE) && defined(CORE_CM4)
+ /* Configure the Vector Table location add offset address for cortex-M4 ------------------*/
+ SCB->VTOR = D2_AHBSRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM */
+ SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BANK2_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH */
+#endif /* VECT_TAB_SRAM */
+ /* dual core CM7 or single core line */
+ if((DBGMCU->IDCODE & 0xFFFF0000U) < 0x20000000U)
+ {
+ /* if stm32h7 revY*/
+ /* Change the switch matrix read issuing capability to 1 for the AXI SRAM target (Target 7) */
+ *((__IO uint32_t*)0x51008108) = 0x000000001U;
+ }
+ /* Configure the Vector Table location add offset address for cortex-M7 ------------------*/
+ SCB->VTOR = D1_AXISRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal D1 AXI-RAM */
+ SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BANK1_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH */
+#endif /*DUAL_CORE && CORE_CM4*/
+ * @brief Update SystemCoreClock variable according to Clock Register Values.
+ * The SystemCoreClock variable contains the core clock , it can
+ * be used by the user application to setup the SysTick timer or configure
+ * other parameters.
+ *
+ * @note Each time the core clock changes, this function must be called
+ * to update SystemCoreClock variable value. Otherwise, any configuration
+ * based on this variable will be incorrect.
+ *
+ * @note - The system frequency computed by this function is not the real
+ * frequency in the chip. It is calculated based on the predefined
+ * constant and the selected clock source:
+ *
+ * - If SYSCLK source is CSI, SystemCoreClock will contain the CSI_VALUE(*)
+ * - If SYSCLK source is HSI, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSI_VALUE(**)
+ * - If SYSCLK source is HSE, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSE_VALUE(***)
+ * - If SYSCLK source is PLL, SystemCoreClock will contain the CSI_VALUE(*),
+ * HSI_VALUE(**) or HSE_VALUE(***) multiplied/divided by the PLL factors.
+ *
+ * (*) CSI_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32h7xx_hal.h file (default value
+ * 4 MHz) but the real value may vary depending on the variations
+ * in voltage and temperature.
+ * (**) HSI_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32h7xx_hal.h file (default value
+ * 64 MHz) but the real value may vary depending on the variations
+ * in voltage and temperature.
+ *
+ * (***)HSE_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32h7xx_hal.h file (default value
+ * 25 MHz), user has to ensure that HSE_VALUE is same as the real
+ * frequency of the crystal used. Otherwise, this function may
+ * have wrong result.
+ *
+ * - The result of this function could be not correct when using fractional
+ * value for HSE crystal.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
+ uint32_t pllp, pllsource, pllm, pllfracen, hsivalue, tmp;
+ float_t fracn1, pllvco;
+ /* Get SYSCLK source -------------------------------------------------------*/
+ switch (RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_SWS)
+ {
+ case RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI: /* HSI used as system clock source */
+ SystemCoreClock = (uint32_t) (HSI_VALUE >> ((RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSIDIV)>> 3));
+ break;
+ case RCC_CFGR_SWS_CSI: /* CSI used as system clock source */
+ SystemCoreClock = CSI_VALUE;
+ break;
+ case RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSE: /* HSE used as system clock source */
+ SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE;
+ break;
+ case RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL1: /* PLL1 used as system clock source */
+ */
+ fracn1 = (float_t)(uint32_t)(pllfracen* ((RCC->PLL1FRACR & RCC_PLL1FRACR_FRACN1)>> 3));
+ if (pllm != 0U)
+ {
+ switch (pllsource)
+ {
+ case RCC_PLLCKSELR_PLLSRC_HSI: /* HSI used as PLL clock source */
+ hsivalue = (HSI_VALUE >> ((RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSIDIV)>> 3)) ;
+ pllvco = ( (float_t)hsivalue / (float_t)pllm) * ((float_t)(uint32_t)(RCC->PLL1DIVR & RCC_PLL1DIVR_N1) + (fracn1/(float_t)0x2000) +(float_t)1 );
+ break;
+ case RCC_PLLCKSELR_PLLSRC_CSI: /* CSI used as PLL clock source */
+ pllvco = ((float_t)CSI_VALUE / (float_t)pllm) * ((float_t)(uint32_t)(RCC->PLL1DIVR & RCC_PLL1DIVR_N1) + (fracn1/(float_t)0x2000) +(float_t)1 );
+ break;
+ case RCC_PLLCKSELR_PLLSRC_HSE: /* HSE used as PLL clock source */
+ pllvco = ((float_t)HSE_VALUE / (float_t)pllm) * ((float_t)(uint32_t)(RCC->PLL1DIVR & RCC_PLL1DIVR_N1) + (fracn1/(float_t)0x2000) +(float_t)1 );
+ break;
+ default:
+ pllvco = ((float_t)CSI_VALUE / (float_t)pllm) * ((float_t)(uint32_t)(RCC->PLL1DIVR & RCC_PLL1DIVR_N1) + (fracn1/(float_t)0x2000) +(float_t)1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ pllp = (((RCC->PLL1DIVR & RCC_PLL1DIVR_P1) >>9) + 1U ) ;
+ SystemCoreClock = (uint32_t)(float_t)(pllvco/(float_t)pllp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SystemCoreClock = 0U;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ SystemCoreClock = CSI_VALUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Compute SystemClock frequency --------------------------------------------------*/
+ tmp = D1CorePrescTable[(RCC->D1CFGR & RCC_D1CFGR_D1CPRE)>> RCC_D1CFGR_D1CPRE_Pos];
+ /* SystemCoreClock frequency : CM7 CPU frequency */
+ SystemCoreClock >>= tmp;
+ /* SystemD2Clock frequency : CM4 CPU, AXI and AHBs Clock frequency */
+ SystemD2Clock = (SystemCoreClock >> ((D1CorePrescTable[(RCC->D1CFGR & RCC_D1CFGR_HPRE)>> RCC_D1CFGR_HPRE_Pos]) & 0x1FU));
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/tim.c
@@ -1,0 +1,232 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * File Name : TIM.c
+ * Description : This file provides code for the configuration
+ * of the TIM instances.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "tim.h"
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+TIM_HandleTypeDef htim3;
+TIM_HandleTypeDef htim4;
+/* TIM3 init function */
+void MX_TIM3_Init(void)
+ TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0};
+ TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0};
+ htim3.Instance = TIM3;
+ htim3.Init.Prescaler = 0;
+ htim3.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;
+ htim3.Init.Period = 128;
+ htim3.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;
+ htim3.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&htim3) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ sMasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;
+ sMasterConfig.MasterSlaveMode = TIM_MASTERSLAVEMODE_DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(&htim3, &sMasterConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ sConfigOC.OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1;
+ sConfigOC.Pulse = 0;
+ if (HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&htim3, &sConfigOC, TIM_CHANNEL_2) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ HAL_TIM_MspPostInit(&htim3);
+/* TIM4 init function */
+void MX_TIM4_Init(void)
+ TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0};
+ TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0};
+ TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0};
+ htim4.Instance = TIM4;
+ htim4.Init.Prescaler = 0;
+ htim4.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;
+ htim4.Init.Period = 128;
+ htim4.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;
+ htim4.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&htim4) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ sClockSourceConfig.ClockSource = TIM_CLOCKSOURCE_INTERNAL;
+ if (HAL_TIM_ConfigClockSource(&htim4, &sClockSourceConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&htim4) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ sMasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;
+ sMasterConfig.MasterSlaveMode = TIM_MASTERSLAVEMODE_DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(&htim4, &sMasterConfig) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ sConfigOC.OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1;
+ sConfigOC.Pulse = 0;
+ if (HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&htim4, &sConfigOC, TIM_CHANNEL_1) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ if (HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&htim4, &sConfigOC, TIM_CHANNEL_2) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ if (HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&htim4, &sConfigOC, TIM_CHANNEL_3) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+ HAL_TIM_MspPostInit(&htim4);
+void HAL_TIM_PWM_MspInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* tim_pwmHandle)
+ if(tim_pwmHandle->Instance==TIM3)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM3_MspInit 0 */
+ /* TIM3 clock enable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM3_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_TIM_Base_MspInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* tim_baseHandle)
+ if(tim_baseHandle->Instance==TIM4)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM4_MspInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM4_MspInit 0 */
+ /* TIM4 clock enable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM4_MspInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM4_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_TIM_MspPostInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* timHandle)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ if(timHandle->Instance==TIM3)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspPostInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM3_MspPostInit 0 */
+ /**TIM3 GPIO Configuration
+ PB5 ------> TIM3_CH2
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_5;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM3;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspPostInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM3_MspPostInit 1 */
+ }
+ else if(timHandle->Instance==TIM4)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM4_MspPostInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM4_MspPostInit 0 */
+ /**TIM4 GPIO Configuration
+ PB6 ------> TIM4_CH1
+ PB7 ------> TIM4_CH2
+ PB8 ------> TIM4_CH3
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6|GPIO_PIN_7|GPIO_PIN_8;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM4;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM4_MspPostInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM4_MspPostInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_TIM_PWM_MspDeInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* tim_pwmHandle)
+ if(tim_pwmHandle->Instance==TIM3)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM3_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM3_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_TIM_Base_MspDeInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* tim_baseHandle)
+ if(tim_baseHandle->Instance==TIM4)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM4_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM4_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM4_MspDeInit 1 */
+ /* USER CODE END TIM4_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/tunings.c
@@ -1,0 +1,229 @@
+ * tunings.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Dec 18, 2019
+ * Author: josnyder
+ */
+#include "main.h"
+#include "tunings.h"
+float centsDeviation[12] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+uint32_t currentTuning = 0;
+uint8_t keyCenter = 0;
+char tuningNames[NUM_TUNINGS][6]= {
+ {"12-TET"},
+ {"JUST"},
+ {"LMY_P"},
+ {"XYL2"},
+ {"XYL4"},
+ {"LMY_GT"},
+ {"ABELL"},
+ {"AEOLIC"},
+ {"AGRI_P"},
+ {"ALVESP"},
+ {"ALVESS"},
+ {"ANGKLG"},
+ {"HUZAM"},
+ {"ARCHCH"},
+ {"ARCHSY"},
+ {"ARCHPT"},
+ {"ARCH_7"},
+ {"ARIEL3"},
+ {"AUGTET"},
+ {"AWRAAM"},
+ {"BAGPI1"},
+ {"BAGPI2"},
+ {"BAGPI3"},
+ {"BALAF1"},
+ {"BALAF2"},
+ {"BALAF3"},
+ {"BALAF4"},
+ {"BELLIN"},
+ {"JI_12"},
+ {"JOHNST"},
+ {"JOHNS6"},
+ {"KEENAN"},
+ {"KRNBRG"},
+ {"KORA1"},
+ {"KORA2"},
+ {"KORA3"},
+ {"KORA4"},
+ {"LARA"},
+ {"LIGON"},
+ {"LYD_D"},
+ {"LYD_DI"},
+ {"LYD_E"},
+ {"LYD_EI"},
+ {"MALCOL"},
+ {"MABUTI"},
+ {"MARIMB"},
+ {"MBIRA1"},
+ {"MBIRA2"},
+ {"MBIRA3"},
+ {"MBIRA4"},
+ {"MBIRA5"},
+ {"MEANQU"},
+ {"MET24"},
+ {"METALS"},
+ {"PARTC1"},
+ {"PARTC2"},
+ {"PTOLEM"},
+ {"RILEYA"},
+ {"RILEYR"},
+ {"BLUEJ1"},
+ {"BLUEJ2"},
+ {"DUDON1"},
+ {"DUDON2"},
+ {"COUNTB"},
+ {"COUNTR"},
+ {"DUDON3"},
+ //0 12_TET
+ //1 jeff Just 12 custom simple overtone just scale
+ //2 young-lm_piano.scl 12 LaMonte Young's Well-Tuned Piano
+ //3 xylophone2.scl 10 African Yaswa xylophones (idiophone; calbash resonators with membrane)
+ //4 xylophone4.scl 10 African Bapare xylophone (idiophone; loose log)
+ //5 young-lm_guitar.scl 12 LaMonte Young, tuning of For Guitar '58. 1/1 March '92, inv.of Mersenne lute 1
+ //6 abell1.scl 12 Ross Abell's French Baroque Meantone 1, a'=520 Hz
+ //7 aeolic.scl 7 Ancient Greek Aeolic, also tritriadic scale of the 54:64:81 triad
+ //8 agricola_p.scl 12 Agricola's Pythagorean-type Monochord, Musica instrumentalis deudsch (1545)
+ //9 alves_pelog.scl 7 Bill Alves JI Pelog, 1/1 vol.9 no.4, 1997. 1/1=293.33 Hz
+ //10 alves_slendro.scl 5 Bill Alves, slendro for Gender Barung, 1/1 vol.9 no.4, 1997. 1/1=282.86 Hz
+ //11 angklung.scl 8 Scale of an anklung set from Tasikmalaya. 1/1=174 Hz
+ //12 arabic_huzam_on_e.scl 12 Arabic Huzam with perde segah on E by Dr. Ozan Yarman.
+ //13 arch_chrom.scl 7 Archytas' Chromatic
+ //14 archytas12sync.scl 12 Archytas[12] (64/63) hobbit, sync beating
+ //15 arch_ptol.scl 12 Archytas/Ptolemy Hybrid 1
+ //16 arch_sept.scl 12 Archytas Septimal
+ //17 ariel3.scl 12 Ariel's 12-tone JI scale
+ //18 augtetj.scl 6 9/8 C.I. comprised of 11:10:9:8 subharmonic series on 1 and 8:9:10:11 on 16/11
+ //19 awraamoff.scl 12 Awraamoff Septimal Just (1920)
+ //21 bagpipe1.scl 12 Bulgarian bagpipe tuning
+ //22 bagpipe2.scl 9 Highland Bagpipe, from Acustica4: 231 (1954) J.M.A Lenihan and S. McNeill
+ //23 bagpipe3.scl 9 Highland Bagpipe, Allan Chatto, 1991. From Australian Pipe Band College
+ //24 balafon.scl 7 Observed balafon tuning from Patna, Helmholtz/Ellis p. 518, nr.81
+ //25 balafon2.scl 7 Observed balafon tuning from West-Africa, Helmholtz/Ellis p. 518, nr.86
+ //26 balafon3.scl 7 Pitt-River's balafon tuning from West-Africa, Helmholtz/Ellis p. 518, nr.87
+ //27 balafon4.scl 7 Mandinka balafon scale from Gambia
+ //28 bellingwolde.scl 12 Current 1/6-P. comma mod.mean of Freytag organ in Bellingwolde. Ortgies,2002
+ //29 ji_12.scl 12 Basic JI with 7-limit tritone. Robert Rich: Geometry
+ //30 johnston.scl 12 Ben Johnston's combined otonal-utonal scale
+ //31 johnston_6-qt_row.scl 12 11-limit 'prime row' from Ben Johnston's "6th Quartet"
+ //32 keenan_t9.scl 12 Dave Keenan strange 9-limit temperament TL 19-11-98
+ //33 kirnberger.scl 12 Kirnberger's well-temperament, also called Kirnberger III, letter to Forkel 1779
+ //34 kora1.scl 7 Kora tuning Tomora Ba, also called Silaba, 1/1=F, R. King
+ //35 kora2.scl 7 Kora tuning Tomora Mesengo, also called Tomora, 1/1=F, R. King
+ //36 kora3.scl 7 Kora tuning Hardino, 1/1=F, R.King
+ //37 kora4.scl 7 Kora tuning Sauta (Sawta), 1/1=F, R. King
+ //38 lara.scl 12 Sundanese 'multi-laras' gamelan Ki Barong tuning, Weintraub, TL 15-2-99 1/1=497
+ //39 ligon.scl 12 Jacky Ligon, strictly proper all prime scale, TL 08-09-2000
+ //40 lydian_diat2.scl 8 Schlesinger's Lydian Harmonia, a subharmonic series through 13 from 26
+ //41 lydian_diat2inv.scl 8 Inverted Schlesinger's Lydian Harmonia, a harmonic series from 13 from 26
+ //42 lydian_enh2.scl 7 Schlesinger's Lydian Harmonia in the enharmonic genus
+ //43 lydian_enhinv.scl 7 A harmonic form of Schlesinger's Enharmonic Lydian inverted
+ //44 malcolms.scl 12 Symmetrical version of Malcolm's Monochord and Riley's Albion scale. Also proposed by Hindemith in Unterweisung im Tonsatz
+ //45 mambuti.scl 8 African Mambuti Flutes (aerophone; vertical wooden; one note each)
+ //46 marimba3.scl 10 Marimba from the Yakoma tribe, Zaire. 1/1=185.5 Hz
+ //47 mbira_banda.scl 7 Mubayiwa Bandambira's tuning of keys R2-R9 from Berliner: The soul of mbira.
+ //48 mbira_chilimba.scl 7 Mbira chilimba from Bemba. 1/1=228 Hz, Tracey TR-182 B-7
+ //49 mbira_chisanzhi2.scl 7 Mbira chisanzhi from Lunda. 1/1=212 Hz, Tracey TR-179 B-5,6
+ //50 mbira_kunaka.scl 7 John Kunaka's mbira tuning of keys R2-R9
+ //51 mbira_neikembe.scl 7 Mbira neikembe from Medje. 1/1=320 Hz, Tracey TR-120 B-1,2
+ //52 meanquar.scl 12 1/4-comma meantone scale. Pietro Aaron's temp. (1523). 6/5 beats twice 3/2
+ //53 met24-chrys_diat-4th_pl.scl 7 Near Chrysanthos 4th Byzantine Liturgical mode, JI
+ //54 metals.scl 9 Gold, silver, titanium - strong metastable intervals between 1 and 2.
+ //55 partch-grm.scl 9 Partch Greek scales from "Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales" mixed
+ //56 partch-greek.scl 12 Partch Greek scales from "Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales" on black/white
+ //57 ptolemy_imix.scl 11 Ptolemy Intense Diatonic mixed with its inverse
+ //58 riley_albion.scl 12 Terry Riley's Harp of New Albion scale, inverse Malcolm's Monochord, 1/1 on C#
+ //59 riley_rosary.scl 12 Terry Riley, tuning for Cactus Rosary (1993)
+ //60 breed-bluesji.scl 12 7-limit JI version of Graham Breed's Blues scale
+ //61 blueji-cataclysmic.scl 12 John O'Sullivan's Blueji tempered in 13-limit POTE-tuned cataclysmic
+ //62 dudon_bambara.scl 12 Typical pentatonic balafon ceremonial tuning from Mali or Burkina Faso
+ //63 dudon_bhairav.scl 12 Bhairav thaat raga, based on 17th harmonic
+ //64 dudon_country_blues.scl 12 Differentially-coherent 12 tones country blues scale
+ //65 dudon_countrysongs.scl 12 CDEG chords and all transpositions equal-beating meantone sequence
+ //66 dudon_didymus.scl 12 Greek-genre scale rich in commas
+//encoded as deviations in semitones from scale position - always a full 12 note scale, repeating notes if there are fewer than 12 in scale.
+float tuningPresets[NUM_TUNINGS][12] = {
+ {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.110000f, 0.030000f, 0.150000f, -0.140000f, -0.020000f, -0.490000f, 0.010000f, 0.130000f, -0.160000f, -0.320000f, -0.120000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.760000f, 0.030000f, -0.610000f, 0.700000f, -0.570000f, 0.740000f, 0.010000f, -0.630000f, 0.680000f, -0.590000f, 0.720000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.090000f, 1.160000f, 2.860000f, 4.260000f, 5.440000f, 5.130000f, 5.770000f, 6.300000f, 8.260000f, 7.260000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.720000f, 0.170000f, 1.020000f, 1.990000f, 2.880000f, 4.410000f, 5.450000f, 5.310000f, 6.040000f, 5.040000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.110000f, -0.180000f, 0.150000f, -0.140000f, -0.020000f, -0.100000f, 0.010000f, 0.130000f, -0.160000f, 0.170000f, -0.120000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.220000f, -0.060000f, -0.290000f, -0.130000f, -0.360000f, -0.190000f, -0.030000f, -0.250000f, -0.090000f, -0.320000f, -0.160000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.030000f, -0.970000f, -1.060000f, -0.020000f, 1.010000f, 0.010000f, -0.080000f, -1.080000f, -0.040000f, -1.040000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.080000f, 0.030000f, -0.040000f, 0.070000f, -0.020000f, -0.100000f, 0.010000f, -0.060000f, 0.050000f, -0.040000f, 0.090000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.310000f, -0.690000f, -0.850000f, -0.300000f, 1.010000f, 0.010000f, 0.130000f, -0.870000f, -0.320000f, -1.320000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.310000f, -0.690000f, -1.690000f, -0.020000f, -1.020000f, 0.640000f, -0.360000f, 0.960000f, -0.040000f, -1.040000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.060000f, -0.940000f, -0.180000f, 1.100000f, 2.230000f, 1.230000f, 4.340000f, 5.060000f, 4.060000f, 5.330000f},
+ {0.000000f, 1.350000f, -0.010000f, 0.010000f, -0.490000f, 0.010000f, -0.320000f, 0.010000f, 0.490000f, 0.010000f, 0.000000f, 0.020000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.380000f, -2.380000f, -1.970000f, -0.020000f, 1.010000f, 0.010000f, -0.360000f, -1.360000f, -0.950000f, -1.950000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.040000f, 0.220000f, 0.190000f, -0.080000f, -0.120000f, 0.150000f, 0.110000f, 0.070000f, 0.340000f, -0.230000f, 0.030000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.380000f, -0.890000f, -1.180000f, -1.060000f, -0.020000f, -0.390000f, 0.010000f, -0.360000f, -0.870000f, -1.160000f, -1.040000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.380000f, -0.890000f, -0.970000f, -1.060000f, -0.020000f, -0.390000f, 0.010000f, -0.360000f, -0.870000f, -0.950000f, -1.040000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.110000f, -0.180000f, -0.060000f, -0.360000f, -0.020000f, -0.320000f, 0.010000f, 0.130000f, -0.160000f, -0.040000f, -0.340000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.350000f, -1.350000f, -0.530000f, -1.530000f, -0.490000f, -1.490000f, -1.520000f, -2.520000f, -1.480000f, -2.480000f},
+ {0.000000f, 1.030000f, 0.310000f, 0.150000f, -0.140000f, -0.300000f, -1.020000f, 0.010000f, 0.130000f, 0.330000f, -0.320000f, -0.120000f},
+ {0.000000f, -3.030000f, -2.000000f, -3.000000f, -1.970000f, -1.140000f, -2.140000f, -1.810000f, -0.990000f, -1.990000f, -1.160000f, -0.830000f},
+ {0.000000f, -2.820000f, -2.000000f, -3.000000f, -1.970000f, -1.140000f, -2.140000f, -2.020000f, -0.990000f, -1.990000f, -1.160000f, -0.830000f},
+ {0.000000f, -3.310000f, -2.000000f, -3.000000f, -1.970000f, -1.140000f, -2.140000f, -2.020000f, -0.990000f, -1.990000f, -1.160000f, -1.320000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.130000f, -1.130000f, -0.440000f, 0.260000f, 0.720000f, -0.280000f, 0.560000f, -0.440000f, -0.150000f, -1.150000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.480000f, -1.480000f, -1.130000f, 0.330000f, 1.240000f, 0.240000f, 0.900000f, -0.100000f, 0.390000f, -0.610000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.050000f, -1.050000f, -1.110000f, 0.130000f, 0.860000f, -0.140000f, -0.040000f, -1.040000f, 0.080000f, -0.920000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.490000f, -1.490000f, -0.550000f, 0.260000f, 0.600000f, -0.400000f, 0.610000f, -0.390000f, 0.250000f, -0.750000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.100000f, -0.040000f, 0.010000f, -0.080000f, 0.010000f, -0.120000f, -0.020000f, -0.040000f, -0.060000f, 0.000000f, -0.100000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.117313f, 0.039100f, 0.156413f, -0.136863f, -0.019550f, -0.174878f, 0.019550f, 0.136863f, -0.156413f, 0.175963f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.078213f, 0.039100f, 0.233528f, -0.136863f, 0.513179f, -0.097763f, 0.019550f, -0.591392f, 0.058650f, -0.311741f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.293276f, -0.175963f, -0.254176f, -0.136863f, 0.057565f, -0.312826f, 0.337217f, -0.273726f, -0.156413f, -0.767355f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.060000f, 0.120000f, -0.240000f, -0.180000f, -0.120000f, 0.000000f, 0.060000f, 0.120000f, -0.240000f, -0.180000f, -0.120000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.097750f, -0.068431f, -0.058650f, -0.136863f, -0.019550f, -0.097763f, -0.034216f, -0.078200f, -0.102647f, -0.039100f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.150000f, 0.000000f, 1.000000f, 0.000000f, 1.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.850000f, -0.150000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.300000f, -0.700000f, -0.750000f, 0.000000f, 1.000000f, 0.000000f, 1.300000f, 0.300000f, 0.250000f, -0.750000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.150000f, -1.150000f, 0.050000f, 0.000000f, 1.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.850000f, -0.150000f, 1.050000f, 0.050000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.150000f, -1.150000f, 0.050000f, 1.050000f, 1.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.850000f, -0.150000f, 1.050000f, 0.050000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.570000f, 0.270000f, 0.110000f, 0.590000f, 1.330000f, 1.150000f, 1.200000f, 1.390000f, 1.960000f, 2.000000f, 2.700000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.154584f, -0.074424f, -0.107903f, 0.013028f, -0.355723f, -0.174878f, 0.019550f, -0.175080f, -0.156413f, -0.122533f, -0.282982f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.614273f, -1.614273f, -1.107903f, -0.457861f, -0.569854f, -1.569854f, -1.633823f, -0.594723f, -1.594723f, -0.282982f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.717018f, -1.717018f, -0.405277f, 0.633823f, 0.569854f, -0.430146f, -0.542139f, 0.107903f, -0.892097f, -0.385727f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.663827f, -2.663827f, -3.320998f, -0.457861f, 0.366177f, -0.633823f, -1.146120f, -2.146120f, -2.644277f, -3.644277f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.670231f, -2.670231f, -3.346627f, 0.633823f, 1.457861f, 0.457861f, -0.114653f, -1.114653f, -1.697468f, -2.697468f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.117313f, 0.039100f, 0.156413f, -0.136863f, -0.019550f, 0.000000f, 0.019550f, 0.136863f, -0.156413f, -0.039100f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.040000f, -0.960000f, 0.110000f, 2.100000f, 4.000000f, 3.000000f, 4.060000f, 5.090000f, 4.090000f, 8.180000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.180000f, 1.950000f, 4.200000f, 5.380000f, 5.850000f, 7.470000f, 8.950000f, 11.200000f, 12.380000f, 11.380000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.150000f, -1.150000f, -0.110000f, 0.930000f, 1.560000f, 0.560000f, 1.140000f, 0.140000f, 0.510000f, -0.490000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.270000f, -1.270000f, -0.450000f, 0.200000f, 0.920000f, -0.080000f, 0.660000f, -0.340000f, 0.740000f, -0.260000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.439274f, -1.439274f, -0.071656f, -0.183649f, 0.240085f, -0.759915f, 0.380132f, -0.619868f, 0.103222f, -0.896778f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.040000f, -1.040000f, -0.230000f, 0.060000f, 0.760000f, -0.240000f, 0.770000f, -0.230000f, 0.500000f, -0.500000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.040000f, -0.960000f, -0.310000f, 0.200000f, 1.020000f, 0.020000f, 0.670000f, -0.330000f, 0.660000f, -0.340000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.239510f, -0.068431f, 0.102647f, -0.136863f, 0.034216f, -0.205294f, -0.034216f, -0.273726f, -0.102647f, 0.068431f, -0.171079f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.074219f, -0.925781f, -0.425781f, -0.031250f, 1.042969f, 0.042969f, 1.117188f, 0.117188f, 0.617188f, -0.382812f},
+ {0.000000f, 2.390000f, 2.220000f, 1.220000f, 1.600000f, 1.070000f, 0.070000f, 0.920000f, 0.330000f, -0.670000f, -0.570000f, -0.980000f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.370391f, -0.882687f, -1.882687f, -1.960900f, -1.843587f, -2.843587f, -2.019550f, -0.980450f, -1.980450f, -2.350841f, -2.863137f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.370391f, 0.039100f, -1.882687f, 0.980450f, -1.843587f, 1.019550f, 0.019550f, -0.350841f, -0.863137f, -1.863137f, 1.000000f},
+ {0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.882687f, -0.960900f, -0.843587f, -1.136863f, -1.019550f, 0.019550f, 0.136863f, -0.156413f, -0.039100f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.117313f, 0.039100f, 0.156413f, -0.136863f, -0.019550f, 0.097763f, 0.019550f, 0.136863f, -0.156413f, -0.039100f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.643032f, 0.039100f, -0.331291f, -0.136863f, -0.292191f, -0.486821f, 0.019550f, -0.623482f, -0.594723f, -0.311741f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.332376f, -0.175963f, 0.863137f, 0.492746f, -0.019550f, 0.531846f, -0.195513f, 0.351926f, -0.156413f, -0.526804f, 0.512296f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.126035f, 0.044326f, 0.170361f, -0.148198f, -0.022163f, -0.103872f, 0.022163f, 0.148198f, -0.170361f, 0.192523f, -0.126035f},
+ {0.000000f, 1.229950f, 0.229950f, 1.884990f, 0.884990f, -0.115010f, 1.114487f, 0.114487f, 1.344885f, 0.344885f, 2.000000f, 1.000000f},
+ {0.000000f, 0.049554f, -0.882687f, 0.863137f, -0.079251f, -0.019550f, -6.000000f, 0.019550f, 0.069104f, -0.874412f, 0.786239f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.121012f, 0.039100f, 0.276222f, -0.136863f, -0.019550f, -0.226480f, 0.019550f, -0.044420f, -0.156413f, 0.095627f, -0.117313f},
+ {0.000000f, -0.184729f, -0.039414f, 0.077899f, -0.101647f, 0.029341f, -0.132614f, -0.019663f, -0.200246f, -0.072405f, 0.053675f, -0.109481f}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/ui.c
@@ -1,0 +1,679 @@
+ * ui.c
+ *
+ * Created on: Feb 05, 2018
+ * Author: jeffsnyder
+ */
+#include "main.h"
+#include "audiostream.h"
+#include "sfx.h"
+#include "oled.h"
+#include "ui.h"
+#include "tunings.h"
+#include "eeprom.h"
+#include "leaf.h"
+uint16_t ADC_values[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS] __ATTR_RAM_D2;
+float floatADC[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+float lastFloatADC[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+float adcHysteresisThreshold = 0.001f;
+uint8_t buttonValues[NUM_BUTTONS]; // Actual state of the buttons
+uint8_t buttonValuesPrev[NUM_BUTTONS];
+uint8_t cleanButtonValues[NUM_BUTTONS]; // Button values after hysteresis
+uint32_t buttonHysteresis[NUM_BUTTONS];
+uint32_t buttonHysteresisThreshold = 5;
+uint32_t buttonCounters[NUM_BUTTONS]; // How long a button has been in its current state
+uint32_t buttonHoldThreshold = 200;
+uint32_t buttonHoldMax = 200;
+//uint8_t buttonPressed[NUM_BUTTONS];
+//uint8_t buttonReleased[NUM_BUTTONS];
+int8_t writeKnobFlag = -1;
+int8_t writeButtonFlag = -1;
+int8_t writeActionFlag = -1;
+char* modeNames[PresetNil];
+char* modeNamesDetails[PresetNil];
+char* shortModeNames[PresetNil];
+char* controlNames[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + NUM_BUTTONS];
+char* paramNames[PresetNil][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + NUM_BUTTONS];
+int8_t currentParamIndex = -1;
+uint8_t orderedParams[8];
+uint8_t buttonActionsSFX[NUM_BUTTONS][ActionNil];
+uint8_t buttonActionsUI[NUM_BUTTONS][ActionNil];
+float knobParams[NUM_ADC_CHANNELS];
+int8_t cvAddParam = -1;
+char* (*buttonActionFunctions[PresetNil])(VocodecButton, ButtonAction);
+VocodecPresetType currentPreset = 0;
+VocodecPresetType previousPreset = PresetNil;
+uint8_t loadingPreset = 0;
+void initModeNames(void)
+ controlNames[0] = "1";
+ controlNames[1] = "2";
+ controlNames[2] = "3";
+ controlNames[3] = "4";
+ controlNames[4] = "5";
+ controlNames[5] = "6";
+ controlNames[ButtonA] = "A";
+ controlNames[ButtonB] = "B";
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ADC_CHANNELS; i++)
+ {
+ floatADCUI[i] = -1.0f;
+ orderedParams[i] = i;
+ }
+ orderedParams[6] = ButtonA;
+ orderedParams[7] = ButtonB;
+ modeNames[Vocoder] = "VOCODER";
+ shortModeNames[Vocoder] = "VC";
+ modeNamesDetails[Vocoder] = "";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][0] = "VOLUME";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][1] = "";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][2] = "";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][3] = "";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][4] = "";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "POLY MONO";
+ paramNames[Vocoder][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "SOURCE";
+ modeNames[Pitchshift] = "PITCHSHIFT";
+ shortModeNames[Pitchshift] = "PS";
+ modeNamesDetails[Pitchshift] = "";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][0] = "PITCH";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][1] = "FINE PITCH";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][2] = "F AMT";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][3] = "FORMANT";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][4] = "";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[Pitchshift][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[AutotuneMono] = "NEARTUNE";
+ shortModeNames[AutotuneMono] = "NT";
+ modeNamesDetails[AutotuneMono] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][0] = "FID THRESH";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][1] = "AMOUNT";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][2] = "SPEED";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][3] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][4] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][5] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "AUTOCHRM ON";
+ paramNames[AutotuneMono][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "AUTOCHRM OFF";
+ modeNames[AutotunePoly] = "AUTOTUNE";
+ shortModeNames[AutotunePoly] = "AT";
+ modeNamesDetails[AutotunePoly] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][0] = "FID THRESH";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][1] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][2] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][3] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][4] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][5] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[AutotunePoly][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[SamplerButtonPress] = "SAMPLER BP";
+ shortModeNames[SamplerButtonPress] = "SB";
+ modeNamesDetails[SamplerButtonPress] = "PRESS BUTTON A";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][0] = "START";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][1] = "END";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][2] = "SPEED";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][3] = "CROSSFADE";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][4] = "";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][5] = "";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[SamplerButtonPress][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[SamplerAutoGrab] = "AUTOSAMPLE";
+ shortModeNames[SamplerAutoGrab] = "AS";
+ modeNamesDetails[SamplerAutoGrab] = "";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][0] = "THRESHOLD";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][1] = "WINDOW";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][2] = "REL THRESH";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][3] = "CROSSFADE";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][4] = "";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][5] = "";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "PLAY MODE";
+ paramNames[SamplerAutoGrab][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "TRIGGER CH";
+ modeNames[Distortion] = "DISTORTION";
+ shortModeNames[Distortion] = "DT";
+ modeNamesDetails[Distortion] = "";
+ paramNames[Distortion][0] = "GAIN";
+ paramNames[Distortion][1] = "";
+ paramNames[Distortion][2] = "";
+ paramNames[Distortion][3] = "";
+ paramNames[Distortion][4] = "";
+ paramNames[Distortion][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Distortion][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "MODE";
+ paramNames[Distortion][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[Wavefolder] = "WAVEFOLD";
+ shortModeNames[Wavefolder] = "WF";
+ modeNamesDetails[Wavefolder] = "SERGE STYLE";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][0] = "GAIN";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][1] = "OFFSET1";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][2] = "OFFSET2";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][3] = "";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][4] = "";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[Wavefolder][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[BitCrusher] = "BITCRUSH";
+ shortModeNames[BitCrusher] = "BC";
+ modeNamesDetails[BitCrusher] = "AHH HALP ME";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][0] = "QUALITY";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][1] = "SAMP RATIO";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][2] = "ROUNDING";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][3] = "OPERATION";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][4] = "GAIN";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][5] = "";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[BitCrusher][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[Delay] = "DELAY";
+ shortModeNames[Delay] = "DL";
+ modeNamesDetails[Delay] = "";
+ paramNames[Delay][0] = "DELAY_L";
+ paramNames[Delay][1] = "DELAY_R";
+ paramNames[Delay][2] = "FEEDBACK";
+ paramNames[Delay][3] = "LOWPASS";
+ paramNames[Delay][4] = "HIGHPASS";
+ paramNames[Delay][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Delay][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[Delay][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[Reverb] = "REVERB";
+ shortModeNames[Reverb] = "RV";
+ modeNamesDetails[Reverb] = "DATTORRO ALG";
+ paramNames[Reverb][0] = "SIZE";
+ paramNames[Reverb][1] = "IN LOPASS";
+ paramNames[Reverb][2] = "IN HIPASS";
+ paramNames[Reverb][3] = "FB LOPASS";
+ paramNames[Reverb][4] = "FB GAIN";
+ paramNames[Reverb][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Reverb][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[Reverb][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[Reverb2] = "REVERB2";
+ shortModeNames[Reverb2] = "RV";
+ modeNamesDetails[Reverb2] = "NREVERB ALG";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][0] = "SIZE";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][1] = "LOWPASS";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][2] = "HIGHPASS";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][3] = "PEAK_FREQ";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][4] = "PEAK_GAIN";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[Reverb2][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[LivingString] = "STRING";
+ shortModeNames[LivingString] = "LS";
+ modeNamesDetails[LivingString] = "LIVING STRING";
+ paramNames[LivingString][0] = "FREQ";
+ paramNames[LivingString][1] = "DETUNE";
+ paramNames[LivingString][2] = "DECAY";
+ paramNames[LivingString][3] = "DAMPING";
+ paramNames[LivingString][4] = "PICK_POS";
+ paramNames[LivingString][5] = "";
+ paramNames[LivingString][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[LivingString][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[LivingStringSynth] = "STRING SYNTH";
+ shortModeNames[LivingStringSynth] = "SS";
+ modeNamesDetails[LivingStringSynth] = "LIVING STRING";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][0] = "";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][1] = "";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][2] = "DECAY";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][3] = "DAMPING";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][4] = "PICK_POS";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][5] = "";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[LivingStringSynth][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[ClassicSynth] = "CLASSIC SYNTH";
+ shortModeNames[ClassicSynth] = "CS";
+ modeNamesDetails[ClassicSynth] = "VCO+VCF";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][0] = "VOLUME";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][1] = "LOWPASS";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][2] = "";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][3] = "";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][4] = "";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][5] = "";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "POLY MONO";
+ paramNames[ClassicSynth][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+ modeNames[Rhodes] = "RHODES";
+ shortModeNames[Rhodes] = "RD";
+ modeNamesDetails[Rhodes] = "PRETTY";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][0] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][1] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][2] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][3] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][4] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][5] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonA] = "";
+ paramNames[Rhodes][NUM_ADC_CHANNELS + ButtonB] = "";
+void buttonCheck(void)
+ if (codecReady)
+ {
+ buttonValues[0] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_13); //edit
+ buttonValues[1] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_12); //left
+ buttonValues[2] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14); //right
+ buttonValues[3] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_11); //down
+ buttonValues[4] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_15); //up
+ buttonValues[5] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_1); // A
+ buttonValues[6] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_7); // B
+ buttonValues[7] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_11); // C
+ buttonValues[8] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_11); // D
+ buttonValues[9] = !HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_10); // E
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUTTONS; i++)
+ {
+ if (buttonValues[i] != buttonValuesPrev[i])
+ {
+ buttonHysteresis[i]++;
+ }
+ if (cleanButtonValues[i] == 1)
+ {
+ buttonActionsSFX[i][ActionHoldContinuous] = TRUE;
+ buttonActionsUI[i][ActionHoldContinuous] = TRUE;
+ writeButtonFlag = i;
+ writeActionFlag = ActionHoldContinuous;
+ }
+ if (buttonHysteresis[i] < buttonHysteresisThreshold)
+ {
+ if (buttonCounters[i] < buttonHoldMax) buttonCounters[i]++;
+ if ((buttonCounters[i] >= buttonHoldThreshold) && (cleanButtonValues[i] == 1))
+ {
+ buttonActionsSFX[i][ActionHoldInstant] = TRUE;
+ buttonActionsUI[i][ActionHoldInstant] = TRUE;
+ writeButtonFlag = i;
+ writeActionFlag = ActionHoldInstant;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cleanButtonValues[i] = buttonValues[i];
+ buttonHysteresis[i] = 0;
+ buttonCounters[i] = 0;
+ if (cleanButtonValues[i] == 1)
+ {
+ buttonActionsSFX[i][ActionPress] = TRUE;
+ buttonActionsUI[i][ActionPress] = TRUE;
+ writeButtonFlag = i;
+ writeActionFlag = ActionPress;
+ }
+ else if (cleanButtonValues[i] == 0)
+ {
+ buttonActionsSFX[i][ActionRelease] = TRUE;
+ buttonActionsUI[i][ActionRelease] = TRUE;
+ writeButtonFlag = i;
+ writeActionFlag = ActionRelease;
+ }
+ buttonValuesPrev[i] = buttonValues[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // make some if statements if you want to find the "attack" of the buttons (getting the "press" action)
+ // we'll need if statements for each button - maybe should go to functions that are dedicated to each button?
+ // TODO: buttons C and E are connected to pins that are used to set up the codec over I2C - we need to reconfigure those pins in some kind of button init after the codec is set up. not done yet.
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonLeft][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ previousPreset = currentPreset;
+ if (currentPreset <= 0) currentPreset = PresetNil - 1;
+ else currentPreset--;
+ loadingPreset = 1;
+ OLED_writePreset();
+ writeCurrentPresetToFlash();
+ clearButtonActions();
+ }
+ // right press
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonRight][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ previousPreset = currentPreset;
+ if (currentPreset >= PresetNil - 1) currentPreset = 0;
+ else currentPreset++;
+ loadingPreset = 1;
+ OLED_writePreset();
+ writeCurrentPresetToFlash();
+ clearButtonActions();
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonC][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ //GFXsetFont(&theGFX, &DINCondensedBold9pt7b);
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionHoldContinuous] == 0) buttonActionsUI[ButtonC][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonD][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ if (currentTuning == 0)
+ {
+ currentTuning = NUM_TUNINGS - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentTuning = (currentTuning - 1);
+ }
+ changeTuning();
+ OLED_writeTuning();
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonD][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonE][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ currentTuning = (currentTuning + 1) % NUM_TUNINGS;
+ changeTuning();
+ OLED_writeTuning();
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonE][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionPress])
+ {
+ OLED_writeEditScreen();
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionHoldContinuous] == 1)
+ {
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonC][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ keyCenter = (keyCenter + 1) % 12;
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString("KEY: ", 5, 0, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwritePitchClass(keyCenter+60, 64, SecondLine);
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonC][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonDown][ActionPress])
+ {
+ cvAddParam = -1;
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonDown][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+// OLEDdrawFloatArray(audioDisplayBuffer, -1.0f, 1.0f, 128, displayBufferIndex, 0, BothLines);
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionRelease] == 1)
+ {
+ OLED_writePreset();
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionRelease] = 0;
+ }
+ // Trying out an audio display
+// if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionPress] == 1)
+// {
+// currentParamIndex++;
+// if (currentParamIndex > 7) currentParamIndex = 0;
+// int controlLen = strlen(controlNames[currentParamIndex]);
+// OLEDwriteString(controlNames[currentParamIndex], controlLen, 0, SecondLine);
+// OLEDwriteString(" ", 1, getCursorX(), SecondLine);
+// OLEDwriteString(paramNames[orderedParams[currentParamIndex]], getCursorX(), SecondLine);
+// buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionPress] = 0;
+// }
+ }
+void adcCheck()
+ //read the analog inputs and smooth them with ramps
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ //floatADC[i] = (float) (ADC_values[i]>>8) * INV_TWO_TO_8;
+ floatADC[i] = (float) (ADC_values[i]>>6) * INV_TWO_TO_10;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ if (cvAddParam >= 0 && i == 5) continue;
+ if (cvAddParam == i) floatADC[i] += floatADC[5];
+ if (fastabsf(floatADC[i] - lastFloatADC[i]) > adcHysteresisThreshold)
+ {
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionHoldContinuous])
+ {
+ if (i != 5) cvAddParam = i;
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonEdit][ActionHoldContinuous] = 0;
+ }
+ lastFloatADC[i] = floatADC[i];
+ writeKnobFlag = i;
+ knobActive[i] = 1;
+ }
+ // only do the following check after the knob has already passed the above
+ // check once and floatADCUI has been set in OLED_writeKnobParameter
+ if (floatADCUI[i] >= 0.0f)
+ {
+ if (fastabsf(smoothedADC[i] - floatADCUI[i]) > adcHysteresisThreshold)
+ {
+ writeKnobFlag = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (knobActive[i]) tRamp_setDest(&adc[i], floatADC[i]);
+ }
+void clearButtonActions()
+ for (int b = 0; b < ButtonNil; b++)
+ {
+ for (int a = 0; a < ActionNil; a++)
+ {
+ buttonActionsUI[b][a] = 0;
+ buttonActionsSFX[b][a] = 0;
+ writeButtonFlag = -1;
+ writeActionFlag = -1;
+ }
+ }
+void changeTuning()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ centsDeviation[i] = tuningPresets[currentTuning][i];
+ }
+ if (currentTuning == 0)
+ {
+ //setLED_C(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ///setLED_C(1);
+ }
+ if (currentPreset == AutotuneMono)
+ {
+ calculateNoteArray();
+ }
+void writeCurrentPresetToFlash(void)
+ if((EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], currentPreset)) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+char* UIVocoderButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ writeString = (numVoices > 1) ? "POLY" : "MONO";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonB][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ writeString = internalExternal ? "EXTERNAL" : "INTERNAL";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonB][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UIPitchShiftButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UINeartuneButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ writeString = autotuneChromatic ? "AUTOCHROM ON" : "AUTOCHROM OFF";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UIAutotuneButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UISamplerBPButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonDown][ActionPress])
+ {
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteFloat(sampleLength, 0, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(samplePlaying ? "PLAYING" : "STOPPED", 7, 48, SecondLine);
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonDown][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionHoldContinuous])
+ {
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteFloat(sampleLength, 0, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString("RECORDING", 9, 48, SecondLine);
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionHoldContinuous] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionRelease])
+ {
+ OLEDclearLine(SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteFloat(sampleLength, 0, SecondLine);
+ OLEDwriteString(samplePlaying ? "PLAYING" : "STOPPED", 7, 48, SecondLine);
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionRelease] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UISamplerAutoButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ if (samplerMode == PlayLoop)
+ {
+ writeString = "LOOP";
+ }
+ else if (samplerMode == PlayBackAndForth)
+ {
+ writeString = "BACK'N'FORTH";
+ }
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonB][ActionPress])
+ {
+ writeString = triggerChannel ? "CH2 TRIG" : "CH1 TRIG";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonB][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UIDistortionButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ writeString = distortionMode ? "SHAPER" : "TANH";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UIWaveFolderButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UIBitcrusherButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UIDelayButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ writeString = delayShaper ? "SHAPER ON" : "SHAPER OFF";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UIReverbButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UIReverb2Buttons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress])
+ {
+ writeString = freeze ? "FREEZE" : "UNFREEZE";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UILivingStringButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UILivingStringSynthButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
+char* UIClassicSynthButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ if (buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] == 1)
+ {
+ writeString = (numVoices > 1) ? "POLY" : "MONO";
+ buttonActionsUI[ButtonA][ActionPress] = 0;
+ }
+ return writeString;
+char* UIRhodesButtons(VocodecButton button, ButtonAction action)
+ char* writeString = "";
+ return writeString;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/usb_host.c
@@ -1,0 +1,178 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : usb_host.c
+ * @version : v1.0_Cube
+ * @brief : This file implements the USB Host
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * This notice applies to any and all portions of this file
+ * that are not between comment pairs USER CODE BEGIN and
+ * USER CODE END. Other portions of this file, whether
+ * inserted by the user or by software development tools
+ * are owned by their respective copyright owners.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 STMicroelectronics International N.V.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted, provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of other
+ * contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products
+ * derived from this software without specific written permission.
+ * 4. This software, including modifications and/or derivative works of this
+ * software, must execute solely and exclusively on microcontroller or
+ * microprocessor devices manufactured by or for STMicroelectronics.
+ * 5. Redistribution and use of this software other than as permitted under
+ * this license is void and will automatically terminate your rights under
+ * this license.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usb_host.h"
+#include "usbh_core.h"
+//#include "usbh_audio.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+#include "usbh_MIDI.h"
+#include "MIDI_application.h"
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+USBH_HandleTypeDef hUsbHostFS __ATTR_RAM_D2;
+ApplicationTypeDef Appli_state = APPLICATION_IDLE;
+extern MIDI_ApplicationTypeDef MIDI_Appli_state;
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* USB Host core handle declaration */
+ * -- Insert your variables declaration here --
+ */
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+ * user callback declaration
+ */
+static void USBH_UserProcess(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t id);
+ * -- Insert your external function declaration here --
+ */
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+ * Init USB host library, add supported class and start the library
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void MX_USB_HOST_Init(void)
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN USB_HOST_Init_PreTreatment */
+ /* USER CODE END USB_HOST_Init_PreTreatment */
+ /* Init host Library, add supported class and start the library. */
+ USBH_Init(&hUsbHostFS, USBH_UserProcess, HOST_FS);
+ USBH_RegisterClass(&hUsbHostFS, USBH_MIDI_CLASS);
+ USBH_Start(&hUsbHostFS);
+ /* USER CODE BEGIN USB_HOST_Init_PostTreatment */
+ HAL_PWREx_EnableUSBVoltageDetector();
+ /* USER CODE END USB_HOST_Init_PostTreatment */
+ * Background task
+ */
+void MX_USB_HOST_Process(void)
+ USBH_Process(&hUsbHostFS);
+ MIDI_Application();
+ * user callback definition
+ */
+static void USBH_UserProcess (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t id)
+ switch(id)
+ {
+ break;
+ //reset the USB stuff - to handle cases where disconnection put USB into an unrecoverable state for some reason
+ USBH_Stop(&hUsbHostFS);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < RX_BUFF_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ MIDI_RX_Buffer[i] = 0;
+ }
+ //HAL_Delay(1);
+ USBH_Init(&hUsbHostFS, USBH_UserProcess, HOST_FS);
+ USBH_RegisterClass(&hUsbHostFS, USBH_MIDI_CLASS);
+ USBH_Start(&hUsbHostFS);
+ break;
+ Appli_state = APPLICATION_READY;
+ break;
+ Appli_state = APPLICATION_START;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/usbh_MIDI.c
@@ -1,0 +1,542 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file usbh_MIDI.c
+ * @author Xavier Halgand
+ * @version
+ * @date
+ * @brief This file is the MIDI Layer Handlers for USB Host MIDI streaming class.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbh_MIDI.h"
+#include "MIDI_Application.h"
+/** @defgroup USBH_MIDI_CORE_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_InterfaceInit (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_InterfaceDeInit (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Process(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_SOFProcess(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_ClassRequest (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+static void MIDI_ProcessTransmission(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+static void MIDI_ProcessReception(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
+USBH_ClassTypeDef MIDI_Class =
+ "MIDI",
+ USBH_MIDI_InterfaceInit,
+ USBH_MIDI_InterfaceDeInit,
+ USBH_MIDI_ClassRequest,
+ USBH_MIDI_Process, // background process called in HOST_CLASS state (core state machine)
+ NULL // MIDI handle structure
+ * @brief USBH_MIDI_InterfaceInit
+ * The function init the MIDI class.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH Status
+ */
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_InterfaceInit (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef status = USBH_FAIL ;
+ uint8_t interface = 0;
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle;
+ //USB_MIDI_ChangeConnectionState(0);
+ interface = USBH_FindInterface(phost, USB_AUDIO_CLASS, USB_MIDISTREAMING_SubCLASS, 0xFF);
+ if(interface == 0xFF) /* No Valid Interface */
+ {
+ USBH_DbgLog ("Cannot Find the interface for MIDI Interface Class.", phost->pActiveClass->Name);
+ status = USBH_FAIL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ USBH_SelectInterface (phost, interface);
+ phost->pActiveClass->pData = (MIDI_HandleTypeDef *)USBH_malloc (sizeof(MIDI_HandleTypeDef));
+ MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ if(phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[0].bEndpointAddress & 0x80)
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->InEp = (phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[0].bEndpointAddress);
+ MIDI_Handle->InEpSize = phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[0].wMaxPacketSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEp = (phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[0].bEndpointAddress);
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize = phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[0].wMaxPacketSize;
+ }
+ if(phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[1].bEndpointAddress & 0x80)
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->InEp = (phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[1].bEndpointAddress);
+ MIDI_Handle->InEpSize = phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[1].wMaxPacketSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEp = (phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[1].bEndpointAddress);
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize = phost->device.CfgDesc.Itf_Desc[phost->device.current_interface].Ep_Desc[1].wMaxPacketSize;
+ }
+ MIDI_Handle->OutPipe = USBH_AllocPipe(phost, MIDI_Handle->OutEp);
+ MIDI_Handle->InPipe = USBH_AllocPipe(phost, MIDI_Handle->InEp);
+ /* Open the new channels */
+ USBH_OpenPipe (phost,
+ MIDI_Handle->OutPipe,
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEp,
+ phost->device.address,
+ phost->device.speed,
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize);
+ USBH_OpenPipe (phost,
+ MIDI_Handle->InPipe,
+ MIDI_Handle->InEp,
+ phost->device.address,
+ phost->device.speed,
+ MIDI_Handle->InEpSize);
+ //USB_MIDI_ChangeConnectionState(1);
+ MIDI_Handle->state = MIDI_IDLE_STATE;
+ USBH_LL_SetToggle (phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe,0);
+ USBH_LL_SetToggle (phost, MIDI_Handle->OutPipe,0);
+ status = USBH_OK;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief USBH_MIDI_InterfaceDeInit
+ * The function DeInit the Pipes used for the MIDI class.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH Status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_InterfaceDeInit (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ if ( MIDI_Handle->OutPipe)
+ {
+ USBH_ClosePipe(phost, MIDI_Handle->OutPipe);
+ USBH_FreePipe (phost, MIDI_Handle->OutPipe);
+ MIDI_Handle->OutPipe = 0; /* Reset the Channel as Free */
+ }
+ if ( MIDI_Handle->InPipe)
+ {
+ USBH_ClosePipe(phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ USBH_FreePipe (phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ MIDI_Handle->InPipe = 0; /* Reset the Channel as Free */
+ }
+ if(phost->pActiveClass->pData)
+ {
+ USBH_free (phost->pActiveClass->pData);
+ phost->pActiveClass->pData = 0;
+ }
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief USBH_MIDI_ClassRequest
+ * The function is responsible for handling Standard requests
+ * for MIDI class.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH Status
+ */
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_ClassRequest (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ phost->pUser(phost, HOST_USER_CLASS_ACTIVE);
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief USBH_MIDI_Stop
+ * Stop current MIDI Transmission
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH Status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Stop(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ if(phost->gState == HOST_CLASS)
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->state = MIDI_IDLE_STATE;
+ USBH_ClosePipe(phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ USBH_ClosePipe(phost, MIDI_Handle->OutPipe);
+ }
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief USBH_MIDI_Process
+ * The function is for managing state machine for MIDI data transfers
+ * (background process)
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH Status
+ */
+uint32_t transferCounter = 0;
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Process (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef status = USBH_BUSY;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef req_status = USBH_OK;
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ switch(MIDI_Handle->state)
+ {
+ status = USBH_OK;
+ break;
+ MIDI_ProcessTransmission(phost);
+ MIDI_ProcessReception(phost);
+ status = USBH_OK;
+ break;
+ req_status = USBH_ClrFeature(phost, 0x00);
+ if(req_status == USBH_OK )
+ {
+ /*Change the state to waiting*/
+ MIDI_Handle->state = MIDI_IDLE_STATE ;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return status;
+ * @brief USBH_MIDI_SOFProcess
+ * The function is for managing SOF callback
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH Status
+ */
+static USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_SOFProcess (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief This function return last recieved data size
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+uint32_t USBH_MIDI_GetLastReceivedDataSize(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ if(phost->gState == HOST_CLASS)
+ {
+ return USBH_LL_GetLastXferSize(phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * @brief This function prepares the state before issuing the class specific commands
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Transmit(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t *pbuff, uint16_t length)
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef Status = USBH_BUSY;
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ if((MIDI_Handle->state == MIDI_IDLE_STATE) || (MIDI_Handle->state == MIDI_TRANSFER_DATA))
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->pTxData = pbuff;
+ MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength = length;
+ MIDI_Handle->state = MIDI_TRANSFER_DATA;
+ MIDI_Handle->data_tx_state = MIDI_SEND_DATA;
+ Status = USBH_OK;
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ osMessagePut ( phost->os_event, USBH_CLASS_EVENT, 0);
+ }
+ return Status;
+ * @brief This function prepares the state before issuing the class specific commands
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+uint8_t tempArray[32];
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_MIDI_Receive(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t *pbuff, uint16_t length)
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef Status = USBH_BUSY;
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ if((MIDI_Handle->state == MIDI_IDLE_STATE) || (MIDI_Handle->state == MIDI_TRANSFER_DATA))
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->pRxData = pbuff;
+ MIDI_Handle->RxDataLength = length;
+ MIDI_Handle->state = MIDI_TRANSFER_DATA;
+ MIDI_Handle->data_rx_state = MIDI_RECEIVE_DATA;
+ Status = USBH_OK;
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ osMessagePut ( phost->os_event, USBH_CLASS_EVENT, 0);
+ }
+ return Status;
+ * @brief The function is responsible for sending data to the device
+ * @param pdev: Selected device
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void MIDI_ProcessTransmission(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ USBH_URBStateTypeDef URB_Status = USBH_URB_IDLE;
+ switch(MIDI_Handle->data_tx_state)
+ {
+ if(MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength > MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize)
+ {
+ USBH_BulkSendData (phost,
+ MIDI_Handle->pTxData,
+ MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize,
+ MIDI_Handle->OutPipe,
+ 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ USBH_BulkSendData (phost,
+ MIDI_Handle->pTxData,
+ MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength,
+ MIDI_Handle->OutPipe,
+ 1);
+ }
+ MIDI_Handle->data_tx_state = MIDI_SEND_DATA_WAIT;
+ break;
+ URB_Status = USBH_LL_GetURBState(phost, MIDI_Handle->OutPipe);
+ /*Check the status done for transmission*/
+ if(URB_Status == USBH_URB_DONE )
+ {
+ if(MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength > MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize)
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength -= MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize ;
+ MIDI_Handle->pTxData += MIDI_Handle->OutEpSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength = 0;
+ }
+ if( MIDI_Handle->TxDataLength > 0)
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->data_tx_state = MIDI_SEND_DATA;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->data_tx_state = MIDI_IDLE;
+ USBH_MIDI_TransmitCallback(phost);
+ }
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ osMessagePut ( phost->os_event, USBH_CLASS_EVENT, 0);
+ }
+ else if( URB_Status == USBH_URB_NOTREADY )
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->data_tx_state = MIDI_SEND_DATA;
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ osMessagePut ( phost->os_event, USBH_CLASS_EVENT, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief This function responsible for reception of data from the device
+ * @param pdev: Selected device
+ * @retval None
+ */
+uint32_t usbFailCounter = 0;
+uint8_t fakeThing1 = 0;
+uint32_t callbackCounter = 0;
+uint32_t callbackFailCounter = 0;
+uint8_t prevTestData[8] = {0};
+uint8_t doTheThing = 0;
+static void MIDI_ProcessReception(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ MIDI_HandleTypeDef *MIDI_Handle = phost->pActiveClass->pData;
+ USBH_URBStateTypeDef URB_Status = USBH_URB_IDLE;
+ uint32_t length;
+ switch(MIDI_Handle->data_rx_state)
+ {
+ //should this happen first? use to be after the receive data command was issued
+ MIDI_Handle->data_rx_state = MIDI_RECEIVE_DATA_WAIT;
+ //
+ USBH_BulkReceiveData (phost,
+ MIDI_Handle->pRxData,
+ MIDI_Handle->InEpSize,
+ MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ //BSP_LED_On(LED_Red); //ok only here
+ break;
+ URB_Status = USBH_LL_GetURBState(phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ /*Check the status done for reception*/
+ if((URB_Status == USBH_URB_DONE ) )
+ {
+ usbFailCounter = 0;
+ length = USBH_LL_GetLastXferSize(phost, MIDI_Handle->InPipe);
+ if(((MIDI_Handle->RxDataLength - length) > 0) && (length > MIDI_Handle->InEpSize))
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->RxDataLength -= length ;
+ MIDI_Handle->pRxData += length;
+ MIDI_Handle->data_rx_state = MIDI_RECEIVE_DATA;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MIDI_Handle->data_rx_state = MIDI_IDLE;
+ USBH_MIDI_ReceiveCallback(phost, length);
+ }
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ osMessagePut ( phost->os_event, USBH_CLASS_EVENT, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief The function informs user that data have been transmitted.
+ * @param pdev: Selected device
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void USBH_MIDI_TransmitCallback(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ * @brief The function informs user that data have been received.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+__weak void USBH_MIDI_ReceiveCallback(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint32_t myLength)
+/**************************END OF FILE*********************************************************/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/usbh_conf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,548 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : usbh_conf.c
+ * @version : v1.0_Cube
+ * @brief : This file implements the board support package for the USB host library
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbh_core.h"
+#include "usbh_platform.h"
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
+/* USER CODE END Includes */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+HCD_HandleTypeDef hhcd_USB_OTG_FS;
+void Error_Handler(void);
+/* USER CODE END 0 */
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_Get_USB_Status(HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status);
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* USER CODE END 1 */
+ LL Driver Callbacks (HCD -> USB Host Library)
+/* MSP Init */
+void HAL_HCD_MspInit(HCD_HandleTypeDef* hcdHandle)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
+ if(hcdHandle->Instance==USB_OTG_FS)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE END USB_OTG_FS_MspInit 0 */
+ /**USB_OTG_FS GPIO Configuration
+ PA11 ------> USB_OTG_FS_DM
+ PA12 ------> USB_OTG_FS_DP
+ */
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_11|GPIO_PIN_12;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
+ GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF10_OTG1_FS;
+ HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
+ /* Peripheral clock enable */
+ /* Peripheral interrupt init */
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(OTG_FS_EP1_OUT_IRQn, 6, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(OTG_FS_EP1_IN_IRQn, 6, 0);
+ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(OTG_FS_IRQn, 6, 0);
+ /* USER CODE END USB_OTG_FS_MspInit 1 */
+ }
+void HAL_HCD_MspDeInit(HCD_HandleTypeDef* hcdHandle)
+ if(hcdHandle->Instance==USB_OTG_FS)
+ {
+ /* USER CODE END USB_OTG_FS_MspDeInit 0 */
+ /* Peripheral clock disable */
+ /**USB_OTG_FS GPIO Configuration
+ PA11 ------> USB_OTG_FS_DM
+ PA12 ------> USB_OTG_FS_DP
+ */
+ /* Peripheral interrupt Deinit*/
+ /* USER CODE END USB_OTG_FS_MspDeInit 1 */
+ }
+ * @brief SOF callback.
+ * @param hhcd: HCD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_HCD_SOF_Callback(HCD_HandleTypeDef *hhcd)
+ USBH_LL_IncTimer(hhcd->pData);
+ * @brief SOF callback.
+ * @param hhcd: HCD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_HCD_Connect_Callback(HCD_HandleTypeDef *hhcd)
+ USBH_LL_Connect(hhcd->pData);
+ * @brief SOF callback.
+ * @param hhcd: HCD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_HCD_Disconnect_Callback(HCD_HandleTypeDef *hhcd)
+ USBH_LL_Disconnect(hhcd->pData);
+ * @brief Notify URB state change callback.
+ * @param hhcd: HCD handle
+ * @param chnum: channel number
+ * @param urb_state: state
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_HCD_HC_NotifyURBChange_Callback(HCD_HandleTypeDef *hhcd, uint8_t chnum, HCD_URBStateTypeDef urb_state)
+ /* To be used with OS to sync URB state with the global state machine */
+#if (USBH_USE_OS == 1)
+ USBH_LL_NotifyURBChange(hhcd->pData);
+* @brief Port Port Enabled callback.
+ * @param hhcd: HCD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_HCD_PortEnabled_Callback(HCD_HandleTypeDef *hhcd)
+ USBH_LL_PortEnabled(hhcd->pData);
+ * @brief Port Port Disabled callback.
+ * @param hhcd: HCD handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_HCD_PortDisabled_Callback(HCD_HandleTypeDef *hhcd)
+ USBH_LL_PortDisabled(hhcd->pData);
+ LL Driver Interface (USB Host Library --> HCD)
+ * @brief Initialize the low level portion of the host driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Init(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ /* Init USB_IP */
+ if (phost->id == HOST_FS) {
+ /* Link the driver to the stack. */
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.pData = phost;
+ phost->pData = &hhcd_USB_OTG_FS;
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.Instance = USB_OTG_FS;
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.Init.Host_channels = 16;
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.Init.speed = HCD_SPEED_FULL;
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.Init.dma_enable = ENABLE;
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.Init.phy_itface = HCD_PHY_EMBEDDED;
+ hhcd_USB_OTG_FS.Init.Sof_enable = DISABLE;
+ if (HAL_HCD_Init(&hhcd_USB_OTG_FS) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler( );
+ }
+ USBH_LL_SetTimer(phost, HAL_HCD_GetCurrentFrame(&hhcd_USB_OTG_FS));
+ }
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief De-Initialize the low level portion of the host driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_DeInit(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_DeInit(phost->pData);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Start the low level portion of the host driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Start(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_Start(phost->pData);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Stop the low level portion of the host driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Stop(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_Stop(phost->pData);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Return the USB host speed from the low level driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH speeds
+ */
+USBH_SpeedTypeDef USBH_LL_GetSpeed(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ USBH_SpeedTypeDef speed = USBH_SPEED_FULL;
+ switch (HAL_HCD_GetCurrentSpeed(phost->pData))
+ {
+ case 0 :
+ speed = USBH_SPEED_HIGH;
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ speed = USBH_SPEED_FULL;
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ speed = USBH_SPEED_LOW;
+ break;
+ default:
+ speed = USBH_SPEED_FULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return speed;
+ * @brief Reset the Host port of the low level driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_ResetPort(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_ResetPort(phost->pData);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Return the last transfered packet size.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe: Pipe index
+ * @retval Packet size
+ */
+uint32_t USBH_LL_GetLastXferSize(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe)
+ return HAL_HCD_HC_GetXferCount(phost->pData, pipe);
+ * @brief Open a pipe of the low level driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe_num: Pipe index
+ * @param epnum: Endpoint number
+ * @param dev_address: Device USB address
+ * @param speed: Device Speed
+ * @param ep_type: Endpoint type
+ * @param mps: Endpoint max packet size
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_OpenPipe(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe_num, uint8_t epnum,
+ uint8_t dev_address, uint8_t speed, uint8_t ep_type, uint16_t mps)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_HC_Init(phost->pData, pipe_num, epnum,
+ dev_address, speed, ep_type, mps);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Close a pipe of the low level driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe: Pipe index
+ * @retval USBH status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_ClosePipe(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_HC_Halt(phost->pData, pipe);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Submit a new URB to the low level driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe: Pipe index
+ * This parameter can be a value from 1 to 15
+ * @param direction : Channel number
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * 0 : Output
+ * 1 : Input
+ * @param ep_type : Endpoint Type
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * @arg EP_TYPE_CTRL: Control type
+ * @arg EP_TYPE_ISOC: Isochrounous type
+ * @arg EP_TYPE_BULK: Bulk type
+ * @arg EP_TYPE_INTR: Interrupt type
+ * @param token : Endpoint Type
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * @arg 0: PID_SETUP
+ * @arg 1: PID_DATA
+ * @param pbuff : pointer to URB data
+ * @param length : Length of URB data
+ * @param do_ping : activate do ping protocol (for high speed only)
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * 0 : do ping inactive
+ * 1 : do ping active
+ * @retval Status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_SubmitURB(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe, uint8_t direction,
+ uint8_t ep_type, uint8_t token, uint8_t *pbuff, uint16_t length,
+ uint8_t do_ping)
+ HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status = HAL_OK;
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ hal_status = HAL_HCD_HC_SubmitRequest(phost->pData, pipe, direction ,
+ ep_type, token, pbuff, length,
+ do_ping);
+ usb_status = USBH_Get_USB_Status(hal_status);
+ return usb_status;
+ * @brief Get a URB state from the low level driver.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe: Pipe index
+ * This parameter can be a value from 1 to 15
+ * @retval URB state
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * @arg URB_IDLE
+ * @arg URB_DONE
+ * @arg URB_NYET
+ * @arg URB_ERROR
+ * @arg URB_STALL
+ */
+USBH_URBStateTypeDef USBH_LL_GetURBState(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe)
+ return (USBH_URBStateTypeDef)HAL_HCD_HC_GetURBState (phost->pData, pipe);
+ * @brief Drive VBUS.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param state : VBUS state
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * 0 : VBUS Active
+ * 1 : VBUS Inactive
+ * @retval Status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_DriverVBUS(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t state)
+ if (phost->id == HOST_FS) {
+ MX_DriverVbusFS(state);
+ }
+ /* USER CODE END 0*/
+ HAL_Delay(200);
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief Set toggle for a pipe.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe: Pipe index
+ * @param toggle: toggle (0/1)
+ * @retval Status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_SetToggle(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe, uint8_t toggle)
+ HCD_HandleTypeDef *pHandle;
+ pHandle = phost->pData;
+ if(pHandle->hc[pipe].ep_is_in)
+ {
+ pHandle->hc[pipe].toggle_in = toggle;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pHandle->hc[pipe].toggle_out = toggle;
+ }
+ return USBH_OK;
+ * @brief Return the current toggle of a pipe.
+ * @param phost: Host handle
+ * @param pipe: Pipe index
+ * @retval toggle (0/1)
+ */
+uint8_t USBH_LL_GetToggle(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t pipe)
+ uint8_t toggle = 0;
+ HCD_HandleTypeDef *pHandle;
+ pHandle = phost->pData;
+ if(pHandle->hc[pipe].ep_is_in)
+ {
+ toggle = pHandle->hc[pipe].toggle_in;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ toggle = pHandle->hc[pipe].toggle_out;
+ }
+ return toggle;
+ * @brief Delay routine for the USB Host Library
+ * @param Delay: Delay in ms
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void USBH_Delay(uint32_t Delay)
+ HAL_Delay(Delay);
+ * @brief Retuns the USB status depending on the HAL status:
+ * @param hal_status: HAL status
+ * @retval USB status
+ */
+USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_Get_USB_Status(HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status)
+ USBH_StatusTypeDef usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ switch (hal_status)
+ {
+ case HAL_OK :
+ usb_status = USBH_OK;
+ break;
+ case HAL_ERROR :
+ usb_status = USBH_FAIL;
+ break;
+ case HAL_BUSY :
+ usb_status = USBH_BUSY;
+ break;
+ case HAL_TIMEOUT :
+ usb_status = USBH_FAIL;
+ break;
+ default :
+ usb_status = USBH_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return usb_status;
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LEAF/Src/usbh_platform.c
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file : usbh_platform.c
+ * @brief : This file implements the USB platform
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
+ * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
+ *
+ * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
+ * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* USER CODE END Header */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "usbh_platform.h"
+ * @brief Drive VBUS.
+ * @param state : VBUS state
+ * This parameter can be one of the these values:
+ * - 0 : VBUS Active
+ * - 1 : VBUS Inactive
+ */
+void MX_DriverVbusFS(uint8_t state)
+ uint8_t data = state;
+ if(state == 0)
+ {
+ /* Drive high Charge pump */
+ data = GPIO_PIN_SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Drive low Charge pump */
+ data = GPIO_PIN_RESET;
+ }
+ HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOF,GPIO_PIN_6,(GPIO_PinState)data);
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/