shithub: jxl

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ref: 1e0f5fed0c530ac7dce561e2334ef3a0f7475507
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Tue Aug 1 22:21:33 EDT 2023

a first

--- /dev/null
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+A mix of public domain and other stuff, check each file.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+# jxl
+A JPEG XL decoder for Plan 9.
+## BUGS
+Decoding is slow.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtins.amd64.s
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+TEXT __builtin_ctz(SB),1,$0
+	BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0xBC; BYTE $0xC5 /* BSFL RARG, AX */
+TEXT __builtin_clz(SB),1,$0
+	BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0xBD; BYTE $0xC5 /* BSRL RARG, AX */
+	XORL $31, AX
+TEXT __builtin_clzll(SB),1,$0
+	BYTE $0x48; BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0xBD; BYTE $0xC5 /* BSRQ RARG, AX */
+	XORL $63, AX
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtins.arm64.s
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+TEXT __builtin_ctz(SB),1,$0
+	RBITW R0, R0
+	CLZW R0, R0
+TEXT __builtin_clz(SB),1,$0
+	CLZW R0, R0
+TEXT __builtin_clzll(SB),1,$0
+	CLZ R0, R0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtins.c
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+__builtin_clz(unsigned int x)
+	unsigned int r;
+	if(x == 0)
+		return 32;
+	for(r = 0; (x & (1UL<<31)) == 0; x <<= 1, r++);
+	return r;
+__builtin_clzll(unsigned long long x)
+	unsigned long long r;
+	if(x == 0)
+		return 64;
+	for(r = 0; (x & (1ULL<<63)) == 0; x <<= 1, r++);
+	return r;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cbrtf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,66 @@
+/* origin: FreeBSD /usr/src/lib/msun/src/s_cbrtf.c */
+ * Conversion to float by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support,
+ * Debugged and optimized by Bruce D. Evans.
+ */
+ * ====================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
+ * is preserved.
+ * ====================================================
+ */
+/* cbrtf(x)
+ * Return cube root of x
+ */
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+static const unsigned
+B1 = 709958130, /* B1 = (127-127.0/3-0.03306235651)*2**23 */
+B2 = 642849266; /* B2 = (127-127.0/3-24/3-0.03306235651)*2**23 */
+float cbrtf(float x)
+	double r,T;
+	union {float f; u32int i;} u = {x};
+	u32int hx = u.i & 0x7fffffff;
+	if (hx >= 0x7f800000)  /* cbrt(NaN,INF) is itself */
+		return x + x;
+	/* rough cbrt to 5 bits */
+	if (hx < 0x00800000) {  /* zero or subnormal? */
+		if (hx == 0)
+			return x;  /* cbrt(+-0) is itself */
+		u.f = x*16777210.0f;//0x1p24f;
+		hx = u.i & 0x7fffffff;
+		hx = hx/3 + B2;
+	} else
+		hx = hx/3 + B1;
+	u.i &= 0x80000000;
+	u.i |= hx;
+	/*
+	 * First step Newton iteration (solving t*t-x/t == 0) to 16 bits.  In
+	 * double precision so that its terms can be arranged for efficiency
+	 * without causing overflow or underflow.
+	 */
+	T = u.f;
+	r = T*T*T;
+	T = T*((double)x+x+r)/(x+r+r);
+	/*
+	 * Second step Newton iteration to 47 bits.  In double precision for
+	 * efficiency and accuracy.
+	 */
+	r = T*T*T;
+	T = T*((double)x+x+r)/(x+r+r);
+	/* rounding to 24 bits is perfect in round-to-nearest mode */
+	return T;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/decode.c
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#define J40_INLINE
+int __builtin_clz(unsigned int x);
+int __builtin_clzll(unsigned long long x);
+float cbrtf(float x);
+float ldexpf(float x, int n);
+float hypotf(float x, float y);
+#include "j40.h"
+static void
+	fprint(2, "usage: %s\n", argv0);
+static u8int *
+readall(int f, int *outsz)
+	int bufsz, sz, n;
+	u8int *s;
+	bufsz = 65535;
+	s = nil;
+	for(sz = 0;; sz += n){
+		if(bufsz-sz < 65536){
+			bufsz *= 2;
+			s = realloc(s, bufsz);
+		}
+		if((n = readn(f, s+sz, bufsz-sz)) < 1)
+			break;
+	}
+	if(n < 0 || sz < 1){
+		if(n == 0)
+			werrstr("empty");
+		free(s);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	*outsz = sz;
+	return s;
+threadmain(int argc, char **argv)
+	j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels;
+	u8int *p, *in, x;
+	j40_image image;
+	j40_frame frame;
+	int sz, y, n;
+	Biobuf *b;
+	default:
+		usage();
+	if((in = readall(0, &sz)) == nil || (b = Bfdopen(1, OWRITE)) == nil)
+		sysfatal("%r");
+	j40_from_memory(&image, in, sz, free); // or: j40_from_memory(&image, buf, bufsize, freefunc);
+	j40_output_format(&image, J40_RGBA, J40_U8X4);
+	if(j40_next_frame(&image)){
+		frame = j40_current_frame(&image);
+		pixels = j40_frame_pixels_u8x4(&frame, J40_RGBA);
+		Bprint(b, "%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ", "a8r8g8b8", 0, 0, pixels.width, pixels.height);
+		for(y = 0; y < pixels.height; ++y){
+			p = (u8int*)j40_row_u8x4(pixels, y);
+        	for(n = 0; n < 4*pixels.width; n += 4){
+        		x = p[n+0];
+        		p[n+0] = p[n+2];
+        		p[n+2] = x;
+        	}
+            Bwrite(b, p, 4*pixels.width);
+        }
+    }
+    if(j40_error(&image))
+    	sysfatal("%s", j40_error_string(&image));
+    j40_free(&image); // also frees all memory associated to j40_frame etc.
+	Bterm(b);
+	threadexitsall(nil);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypotf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <math.h>
+hypotf(float x, float y)
+	union {float f; uint32_t i;} ux = {x}, uy = {y}, ut;
+	float z;
+	union {
+		float f;
+		u32int x;
+	}oneP[] = {
+		{.x = 0x6c800000},
+		{.x = 0x12800000},
+	};
+	ux.i &= -1U>>1;
+	uy.i &= -1U>>1;
+	if (ux.i < uy.i) {
+		ut = ux;
+		ux = uy;
+		uy = ut;
+	}
+	x = ux.f;
+	y = uy.f;
+	if (uy.i == 0xff<<23)
+		return y;
+	if (ux.i >= 0xff<<23 || uy.i == 0 || ux.i - uy.i >= 25<<23)
+		return x + y;
+	z = 1;
+	if (ux.i >= (0x7f+60)<<23) {
+		z = oneP[0].f;
+		x *= oneP[1].f;
+		y *= oneP[1].f;
+	} else if (uy.i < (0x7f-60)<<23) {
+		z = oneP[1].f;
+		x *= oneP[0].f;
+		y *= oneP[0].f;
+	}
+	return z*sqrtf((double)x*x + (double)y*y);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/j40.h
@@ -1,0 +1,8505 @@
+// J40: Independent, self-contained JPEG XL decoder
+// Kang Seonghoon, version 2270 (2022-09), Public Domain
+// This is a decoder for JPEG XL (ISO/IEC 18181) image format. It intends to be a fully compatible
+// reimplementation to the reference implementation, libjxl, and also serves as a verification that
+// the specification allows for an independent implementation besides from libjxl.
+// The following is a simple but complete converter from JPEG XL to Portable Arbitrary Map format:
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+#define J40_IMPLEMENTATION // only a SINGLE file should have this
+#include "j40.h" // you also need to define a macro for experimental versions; follow the error.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h> // for va_*
+static int oops(const char *fmt, ...) {
+    va_list args;
+    va_start(args, fmt);
+    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    return 1;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    if (argc < 3) return oops("Usage: %s input.jxl output.pam\n", argv[0]);
+    FILE *out = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
+    if (!out) return oops("Error: Cannot open an output file.\n");
+    j40_image image;
+    j40_from_file(&image, argv[1]); // or: j40_from_memory(&image, buf, bufsize, freefunc);
+    j40_output_format(&image, J40_RGBA, J40_U8X4);
+    // JPEG XL supports animation, so `j40_next_frame` calls can be called multiple times
+    if (j40_next_frame(&image)) {
+        j40_frame frame = j40_current_frame(&image);
+        j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels = j40_frame_pixels_u8x4(&frame, J40_RGBA);
+        fprintf(out,
+            "P7\n"
+            "WIDTH %d\n"
+            "HEIGHT %d\n"
+            "DEPTH 4\n"
+            "MAXVAL 255\n"
+            "TUPLTYPE RGB_ALPHA\n"
+            "ENDHDR\n",
+            pixels.width, pixels.height);
+        for (int y = 0; y < pixels.height; ++y) {
+            fwrite(j40_row_u8x4(pixels, y), 4, pixels.width, out);
+        }
+    }
+    // J40 stops once the first error is encountered; its error can be checked at the very end
+    if (j40_error(&image)) return oops("Error: %s\n", j40_error_string(&image));
+    if (ferror(out)) return oops("Error: Cannot fully write to the output file.\n");
+    j40_free(&image); // also frees all memory associated to j40_frame etc.
+    fclose(out);
+    return 0;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// preamble (only reachable via the user `#include`)
+// controls whether each `#if`-`#endif` section in this file should be included or not.
+// there are multiple purposes of this macro:
+// - `J40__RECURSING` is always defined after the first ever `#include`, so that:
+//   - the preamble will precede every other code in the typical usage, and
+//   - the preamble won't be included twice.
+// - `J40__RECURSING` is either 0 (public) or -1 (internal) depending on the logical visibility,
+//   so that the preamble can choose whether to include the internal code or not.
+// - larger values (>= 100) are used to repeat a specific section of code with
+//   slightly different parameters, i.e. templated code.
+// - one value (currently 9999) is reserved and used to ignore subsequent top-level `#include`s.
+#ifndef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40_VERSION 2270 // (fractional gregorian year - 2000) * 100, with a liberal rounding
+#error "Please #define J40_CONFIRM_THAT_THIS_IS_EXPERIMENTAL_AND_POTENTIALLY_UNSAFE to use J40. Proceed at your own risk."
+//#define J40_DEBUG
+#ifndef J40_FILENAME // should be provided if this file has a different name than `j40.h`
+#define J40_FILENAME "j40.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+	#include <string.h>
+	#include <math.h>
+	#include <limits.h>
+	#include <errno.h>
+	#include <stdio.h>
+	#ifdef J40_DEBUG
+		#include <assert.h>
+	#endif
+		#define J40__EXPOSE_INTERNALS
+	#endif
+	#define J40__RECURSING (-1)
+	#define J40__RECURSING 0
+// we don't care about secure CRT, which is only marginally safe and not even compatible with C11
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	#pragma warning(push)
+	#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // !defined J40__RECURSING
+#if J40__RECURSING == 9999 // enabled only when the header file is included the second time or more
+		#error "J40 is included with J40_IMPLEMENTATION defined, but it was already included without it so it would have been ignored!"
+	#endif
+// public platform macros
+#if J40__RECURSING <= 0
+// just in case:
+#if CHAR_BIT != 8 // in fact, pretty much every file processing wouldn't make sense if CHAR_BIT > 8
+	#error "J40 requires CHAR_BIT == 8"
+#ifndef J40_STATIC_ASSERT
+	#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+		#define J40_STATIC_ASSERT(cond, msg) _Static_assert(cond, #msg)
+	#else
+		#define J40_STATIC_ASSERT(cond, msg) typedef char j40__##msg[(cond) ? 1 : -1]
+	#endif
+#endif // !defined J40_STATIC_ASSERT
+// just in case again, because it is still possible for them to have padding bits (that we needn't):
+J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint8_t) == 1, uint8_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
+J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint16_t) == 2, uint16_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
+J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) == 4, uint32_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
+J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64_t) == 8, uint64_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
+#ifndef J40_API
+	#define J40_API // TODO
+#endif // J40__RECURSING <= 0
+// public API
+#if J40__RECURSING <= 0
+// an internal error type. non-zero indicates a different error condition.
+// user callbacks can also emit error codes, which should not exceed `J40_MIN_RESERVED_ERR`.
+// it can be interpreted as a four-letter code, but such encoding is not guaranteed.
+typedef uint32_t j40_err;
+#define J40_MIN_RESERVED_ERR (j40_err) (1 << 24) // anything below this can be used freely
+typedef struct {
+	// either J40__IMAGE_MAGIC, (J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ origin) or (J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC ^ origin)
+	uint32_t magic;
+	union {
+		struct j40__inner *inner; // if magic == J40__IMAGE_MAGIC
+		j40_err err; // if magic == J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC
+		int saved_errno; // if magic == J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC (err is assumed to be `open`)
+	} u;
+} j40_image;
+typedef struct {
+	uint32_t magic; // should be J40__FRAME_MAGIC or J40__FRAME_ERR_MAGIC
+	uint32_t reserved;
+	struct j40__inner *inner;
+} j40_frame;
+typedef void (*j40_memory_free_func)(void *data);
+// pixel formats
+//rsvd: J40_U8                  0x0f0f
+//rsvd: J40_U16                 0x0f17
+//rsvd: J40_U32                 0x0f1b
+//rsvd: J40_U64                 0x0f1d
+//rsvd: J40_F32                 0x0f1e
+//rsvd: J40_U8X3                0x0f27
+//rsvd: J40_U16X3               0x0f2b
+//rsvd: J40_U32X3               0x0f2d
+//rsvd: J40_F32X3               0x0f2e
+#define J40_U8X4                0x0f33
+//rsvd: J40_U16X4               0x0f35
+//rsvd: J40_U32X4               0x0f36
+//rsvd: J40_F32X4               0x0f39
+// color types
+//rsvd: J40_RED                 0x170f
+//rsvd: J40_GREEN               0x1717
+//rsvd: J40_BLUE                0x171b
+//rsvd: J40_LUMI                0x171d
+//rsvd: J40_ALPHA               0x171e
+//rsvd: J40_CYAN                0x1727
+//rsvd: J40_YELLOW              0x172b
+//rsvd: J40_MAGENTA             0x172d
+//rsvd: J40_BLACK               0x172e
+//rsvd: J40_JPEG_Y              0x1733
+//rsvd: J40_JPEG_CB             0x1735
+//rsvd: J40_JPEG_CR             0x1736
+//rsvd: J40_OPSIN_X             0x1739
+//rsvd: J40_OPSIN_Y             0x173a
+//rsvd: J40_OPSIN_B             0x173c
+//rsvd: J40_RED_BEFORE_CT       0x1747
+//rsvd: J40_GREEN_BEFORE_CT     0x174b
+//rsvd: J40_BLUE_BEFORE_CT      0x174d
+//rsvd: J40_RGB                 0x174e
+//rsvd: J40_BGR                 0x1753
+#define J40_RGBA                0x1755
+//rsvd: J40_ARGB                0x1756
+//rsvd: J40_BGRA                0x1759
+//rsvd: J40_ABGR                0x175a
+J40_API j40_err j40_error(const j40_image *image);
+J40_API const char *j40_error_string(const j40_image *image);
+J40_API j40_err j40_from_memory(j40_image *image, void *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc);
+J40_API j40_err j40_from_file(j40_image *image, const char *path);
+J40_API j40_err j40_output_format(j40_image *image, int32_t channel, int32_t format);
+J40_API int j40_next_frame(j40_image *image);
+J40_API j40_frame j40_current_frame(j40_image *image);
+#define J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(type, suffix) \
+	typedef struct { \
+		int32_t width, height; \
+		int32_t stride_bytes; \
+		const void *data; \
+	} j40_pixels_##suffix; \
+	J40_API j40_pixels_##suffix j40_frame_pixels_##suffix(const j40_frame *frame, int32_t channel); \
+	J40_API const type *j40_row_##suffix(j40_pixels_##suffix pixels, int32_t y)
+typedef uint8_t /*j40_u8x3[3],*/ j40_u8x4[4];
+//typedef uint16_t j40_u16x3[3], j40_u16x4[4];
+//typedef uint32_t j40_u32x3[3], j40_u32x4[4];
+typedef float /*j40_f32x3[3],*/ j40_f32x4[4]; // TODO temporary, API will be available later
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint8_t, u8);      // j40_pixels_u8, j40_frame_pixels_u8, j40_row_u8
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint16_t, u16);    // j40_pixels_u16, j40_frame_pixels_u16, j40_row_u16
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint32_t, u32);    // j40_pixels_u32, j40_frame_pixels_u32, j40_row_u32
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint64_t, u64);    // j40_pixels_u64, j40_frame_pixels_u64, j40_row_u64
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(float, f32);       // j40_pixels_f32, j40_frame_pixels_f32, j40_row_f32
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u8x3, u8x3);   // j40_pixels_u8x3, j40_frame_pixels_u8x3, j40_row_u8x3
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u16x3, u16x3); // j40_pixels_u16x3, j40_frame_pixels_u16x3, j40_row_u16x3
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u32x3, u32x3); // j40_pixels_u32x3, j40_frame_pixels_u32x3, j40_row_u32x3
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_f32x3, f32x3); // j40_pixels_f32x3, j40_frame_pixels_f32x3, j40_row_f32x3
+J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u8x4, u8x4);     // j40_pixels_u8x4, j40_frame_pixels_u8x4, j40_row_u8x4
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u16x4, u16x4); // j40_pixels_u16x4, j40_frame_pixels_u16x4, j40_row_u16x4
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u32x4, u32x4); // j40_pixels_u32x4, j40_frame_pixels_u32x4, j40_row_u32x4
+//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_f32x4, f32x4); // j40_pixels_f32x4, j40_frame_pixels_f32x4, j40_row_f32x4
+J40_API void j40_free(j40_image *image);
+#endif // J40__RECURSING <= 0
+//////////////////////// internal code starts from here ////////////////////////
+#if J40__RECURSING < 0
+// comment convention:
+// "SPEC" comments are used for incorrect, ambiguous or misleading specification issues.
+// "TODO spec" comments are roughly same, but not yet fully confirmed & reported.
+// private platform macros
+#ifdef __has_attribute // since GCC 5.0.0 and clang 2.9.0
+	#if __has_attribute(always_inline)
+		#define J40__HAS_ALWAYS_INLINE_ATTR 1
+	#endif
+	#if __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)
+	#endif
+#ifdef __has_builtin // since GCC 10.0.0 and clang 1.0.0 (which thus requires no version check)
+	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_expect)
+		#define J40__HAS_BUILTIN_EXPECT 1
+	#endif
+	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_add_overflow)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_sub_overflow)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_mul_overflow)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_assume_aligned)
+	#endif
+// clang (among many others) fakes GCC version by default, but we handle clang separately
+#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __clang__
+	#define J40__GCC_VER (__GNUC__ * 0x10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 0x100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
+	#define J40__GCC_VER 0
+#ifdef __clang__
+	#define J40__CLANG_VER (__clang_major__ * 0x10000 + __clang_minor__ * 0x100 + __clang_patchlevel__)
+	#define J40__CLANG_VER 0
+#ifndef J40_STATIC
+	#define J40_STATIC static
+#ifndef J40_INLINE
+	#define J40_INLINE J40_STATIC inline
+#ifndef J40_ALWAYS_INLINE
+	#if J40__HAS_ALWAYS_INLINE_ATTR || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30100 || J40__CLANG_VER >= 0x10000
+		#define J40_ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) J40_INLINE
+	#elif defined _MSC_VER
+		#define J40_ALWAYS_INLINE __forceinline
+	#else
+	#endif
+#endif // !defined J40_ALWAYS_INLINE
+#ifndef J40_RESTRICT
+	#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+		#define J40_RESTRICT restrict
+	#elif defined __GNUC__ || __MSC_VER >= 1900 // since pretty much every GCC/Clang and VS 2015
+		#define J40_RESTRICT __restrict
+	#else
+		#define J40_RESTRICT
+	#endif
+#endif // !defined J40_RESTRICT
+// most structs in J40 are designed to be zero-initialized, and this avoids useless warnings
+#if defined __cplusplus /*|| __STDC_VERSION__ >= 2023xxL*/
+	#define J40__INIT {}
+	#define J40__INIT {0}
+#ifndef J40_NODISCARD
+	#if __cplusplus >= 201703L /*|| __STDC_VERSION__ >= 2023xxL */
+		#define J40_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // since C++17 and C23
+	#elif J40__HAS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_ATTR || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30400 || J40__CLANG_VER >= 0x10000
+		// this is stronger than [[nodiscard]] in that it's much harder to suppress; we're okay with that
+		#define J40_NODISCARD __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) // since GCC 3.4 and clang 1.0.0
+	#else
+		#define J40_NODISCARD
+	#endif
+#endif // !defined J40_NODISCARD
+#ifndef J40_MAYBE_UNUSED
+	#if __cplusplus >= 201703L /*|| __STDC_VERSION__ >= 2023xxL */
+		#define J40_MAYBE_UNUSED [[maybe_unused]] // since C++17 and C23
+	#elif J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30000 || J40__CLANG_VER >= 0x10000
+		#define J40_MAYBE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) // since GCC 2.95 or earlier (!) and clang 1.0.0
+	#else
+		#define J40_MAYBE_UNUSED
+	#endif
+// rule of thumb: sparingly use them, except for the obvious error cases
+#ifndef J40_EXPECT
+	#if J40__HAS_BUILTIN_EXPECT || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30000
+		#define J40_EXPECT(p, v) __builtin_expect(p, v)
+	#else
+		#define J40_EXPECT(p, v) (p)
+	#endif
+#endif // !defined J40_EXPECT
+#ifndef J40_LIKELY
+	#define J40_LIKELY(p) J40_EXPECT(!!(p), 1)
+#ifndef J40_UNLIKELY
+	#define J40_UNLIKELY(p) J40_EXPECT(!!(p), 0)
+#if !defined J40_ADD_OVERFLOW && (J40__HAS_BUILTIN_ADD_OVERFLOW || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x50000)
+	#define J40_ADD_OVERFLOW(a, b, res) __builtin_add_overflow(a, b, res)
+#if !defined J40_SUB_OVERFLOW && (J40__HAS_BUILTIN_SUB_OVERFLOW || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x50000)
+	#define J40_SUB_OVERFLOW(a, b, res) __builtin_sub_overflow(a, b, res)
+#if !defined J40_MUL_OVERFLOW && (J40__HAS_BUILTIN_MUL_OVERFLOW || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x50000)
+	#define J40_MUL_OVERFLOW(a, b, res) __builtin_mul_overflow(a, b, res)
+#if !defined J40_MALLOC && !defined J40_CALLOC && !defined J40_REALLOC && !defined J40_FREE
+	#define J40_MALLOC malloc
+	#define J40_CALLOC calloc
+	#define J40_REALLOC realloc
+	#define J40_FREE free
+#elif !(defined J40_MALLOC && defined J40_CALLOC && defined J40_REALLOC && defined J40_FREE)
+	#error "J40_MALLOC, J40_CALLOC, J40_REALLOC and J40_FREE should be provided altogether."
+// state
+// bit and logical buffer. this is most frequently accessed and thus available without indirection.
+// the bit buffer (`nbits` least significant bits of `bits`) is the least significant bits available
+// for decoding, and the logical buffer [ptr, end) corresponds to subsequent bits.
+// the logical buffer is guaranteed to be all in the codestream (which is not always true if
+// the file uses a container).
+// when the bit buffer has been exhausted the next byte from the logical buffer is consumed and
+// appended at the *top* of the bit buffer. when the logical buffer has been exhausted
+// higher layers (first backing buffer, then container, and finally source) should be consulted.
+typedef struct j40__bits_st {
+	int32_t nbits; // [0, 64]
+	uint64_t bits;
+	uint8_t *ptr, *end;
+} j40__bits_st;
+// a common context ("state") for all internal functions.
+// this bears a strong similarity with `struct j40__inner` type in the API layer which would be
+// introduced much later. there are multiple reasons for this split:
+// - `j40__st` is designed to be in the stack, so it doesn't take up much stack space.
+// - `j40__st` allows for partial initialization of subsystems, which makes testing much easier.
+// - `j40__st` only holds things relevant to decoding, while `j40__inner` has API contexts.
+// - there can be multiple `j40__st` for multi-threaded decoding.
+typedef struct {
+	j40_err err; // first error code encountered, or 0
+	int saved_errno;
+	int cannot_retry; // a fatal error was encountered and no more additional input will fix it
+	// different subsystems make use of additional contexts, all accessible from here.
+	struct j40__bits_st bits; // very frequently accessed, thus inlined here
+	struct j40__source_st *source;
+	struct j40__container_st *container;
+	struct j40__buffer_st *buffer;
+	struct j40__image_st *image;
+	struct j40__frame_st *frame;
+	struct j40__lf_group_st *lf_group;
+	const struct j40__limits *limits;
+} j40__st;
+// error handling and memory allocation
+#ifdef J40_DEBUG
+	#define J40__ASSERT(cond) assert(cond)
+	#define J40__UNREACHABLE() J40__ASSERT(0)
+#elif J40__HAS_BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x40500
+	#define J40__ASSERT(cond) (J40_UNLIKELY(!(cond)) ? __builtin_unreachable() : (void) 0)
+	#define J40__UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
+	#define J40__ASSERT(cond) ((void) (cond))
+	#define J40__UNREACHABLE() ((void) 0) // TODO also check for MSVC __assume
+// J40_NODISCARD should be before `static` or `inline`
+#define J40__4(s) \
+	(j40_err) (((uint32_t) (s)[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t) (s)[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t) (s)[2] << 8) | (uint32_t) (s)[3])
+#define J40__ERR(s) j40__set_error(st, J40__4(s))
+#define J40__SHOULD(cond, s) do { \
+		if (J40_UNLIKELY(st->err)) goto J40__ON_ERROR; \
+		if (J40_UNLIKELY((cond) == 0)) { j40__set_error(st, J40__4(s)); goto J40__ON_ERROR; } \
+	} while (0)
+#define J40__RAISE(s) do { j40__set_error(st, J40__4(s)); goto J40__ON_ERROR; } while (0)
+#define J40__RAISE_DELAYED() do { if (J40_UNLIKELY(st->err)) goto J40__ON_ERROR; } while (0)
+#define J40__TRY(expr) do { if (J40_UNLIKELY(expr)) { J40__ASSERT(st->err); goto J40__ON_ERROR; } } while (0)
+// this *should* use casting because C/C++ don't allow comparison between pointers
+// that came from different arrays at all:
+#define J40__INBOUNDS(ptr, start, size) ((uintptr_t) (ptr) - (uintptr_t) (start) <= (uintptr_t) (size))
+#define J40__TRY_MALLOC(type, ptr, num) \
+	do { \
+		type *newptr = (type*) j40__malloc(num, sizeof(type)); \
+		J40__SHOULD(*(ptr) = newptr, "!mem"); \
+	} while (0)
+#define J40__TRY_CALLOC(type, ptr, num) \
+	do { \
+		type *newptr = (type*) j40__calloc(num, sizeof(type)); \
+		J40__SHOULD(*(ptr) = newptr, "!mem"); \
+	} while (0)
+#define J40__TRY_REALLOC32(type, ptr, len, cap) \
+	do { \
+		type *newptr = (type*) j40__realloc32(st, *(ptr), sizeof(type), len, cap); \
+		if (J40_LIKELY(newptr)) *(ptr) = newptr; else goto J40__ON_ERROR; \
+	} while (0)
+#define J40__TRY_REALLOC64(type, ptr, len, cap) \
+	do { \
+		type *newptr = (type*) j40__realloc64(st, *(ptr), sizeof(type), len, cap); \
+		if (J40_LIKELY(newptr)) *(ptr) = newptr; else goto J40__ON_ERROR; \
+	} while (0)
+J40_STATIC j40_err j40__set_error(j40__st *st, j40_err err);
+J40_STATIC void *j40__malloc(size_t num, size_t size);
+J40_STATIC void *j40__calloc(size_t num, size_t size);
+J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc32(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int32_t len, int32_t *cap);
+J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc64(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int64_t len, int64_t *cap);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free(void *ptr);
+J40_STATIC j40_err j40__set_error(j40__st *st, j40_err err) {
+	if (err != J40__4("shrt")) st->cannot_retry = 1;
+	if (!st->err) st->err = err;
+	return err;
+J40_STATIC void *j40__malloc(size_t num, size_t size) {
+	if (size == 0 || num > SIZE_MAX / size) return NULL;
+	return J40_MALLOC(num * size);
+J40_STATIC void *j40__calloc(size_t num, size_t size) {
+	return J40_CALLOC(num, size);
+J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc32(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int32_t len, int32_t *cap) {
+	void *newptr;
+	uint32_t newcap;
+	size_t newsize;
+	J40__ASSERT(len >= 0);
+	if (len <= *cap) return ptr;
+	newcap = (uint32_t) *cap * 2;
+	if (newcap > (uint32_t) INT32_MAX) newcap = (uint32_t) INT32_MAX;
+	if (newcap < (uint32_t) len) newcap = (uint32_t) len;
+	J40__SHOULD(newcap <= SIZE_MAX / itemsize, "!mem");
+	newsize = (size_t) (itemsize * newcap);
+	J40__SHOULD(newptr = ptr ? J40_REALLOC(ptr, newsize) : J40_MALLOC(newsize), "!mem");
+	*cap = (int32_t) newcap;
+	return newptr;
+	return NULL;
+J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc64(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int64_t len, int64_t *cap) {
+	void *newptr;
+	uint64_t newcap;
+	size_t newsize;
+	J40__ASSERT(len >= 0);
+	if (len <= *cap) return ptr;
+	newcap = (uint64_t) *cap * 2;
+	if (newcap > (uint64_t) INT64_MAX) newcap = (uint64_t) INT64_MAX;
+	if (newcap < (uint64_t) len) newcap = (uint64_t) len;
+	J40__SHOULD(newcap <= SIZE_MAX / itemsize, "!mem");
+	newsize = (size_t) (itemsize * newcap);
+	J40__SHOULD(newptr = ptr ? J40_REALLOC(ptr, newsize) : J40_MALLOC(newsize), "!mem");
+	*cap = (int64_t) newcap;
+	return newptr;
+	return NULL;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free(void *ptr) {
+	J40_FREE(ptr);
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// utility
+#define J40__CONCAT_(a,b) a##b
+#define J40__CONCAT(a,b) a##b
+#define J40__CONCAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
+// `j40__(foo, X)` and its uppercase version is `j40__foo` followed by a macro `J40__V` expanded;
+// this greatly simplifies the construction of templated names.
+#define J40__PARAMETRIC_NAME_(prefix, x, J40__V) J40__CONCAT3(prefix, x, J40__V)
+#define j40__(x, V) J40__PARAMETRIC_NAME_(j40__, x, J40__CONCAT(J40__, V))
+#define J40__(x, V) J40__PARAMETRIC_NAME_(J40__, x, J40__CONCAT(J40__, V))
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__unpack_signed(int32_t x);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__unpack_signed64(int64_t x);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__ceil_div32(int32_t x, int32_t y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__ceil_div64(int64_t x, int64_t y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__minf(float x, float y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__maxf(float x, float y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__surely_nonzero(float x);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__unpack_signed(int32_t x) {
+	return (int32_t) (x & 1 ? -(x / 2 + 1) : x / 2);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__unpack_signed64(int64_t x) {
+	return (int64_t) (x & 1 ? -(x / 2 + 1) : x / 2);
+// equivalent to ceil(x / y)
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__ceil_div32(int32_t x, int32_t y) { return (x + y - 1) / y; }
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__ceil_div64(int64_t x, int64_t y) { return (x + y - 1) / y; }
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__minf(float x, float y) { return (x < y ? x : y); }
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__maxf(float x, float y) { return (x > y ? x : y); }
+// used to guard against division by zero
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__surely_nonzero(float x) {
+	return isfinite(x) && fabs(x) >= 1e-8f;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER // required for j40__floor/ceil_lgN implementations
+#include <intrin.h>
+#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz32(uint32_t x) {
+	unsigned long index;
+	return _BitScanReverse(&index, x) ? 31 - (int) index : 32;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz16(uint16_t x) { return j40__clz32(x); }
+// _BitScanReverse64 is not available at all in x86-32, so we need to detour
+#if defined __ia64__ || defined __x86_64
+#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64)
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz64(uint64_t x) {
+	unsigned long index;
+	return _BitScanReverse64(&index, x) ? 63 - (int) index : 64;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz64(uint64_t x) {
+	return x >> 32 ? j40__clz32((uint32_t) (x >> 32)) : 32 + j40__clz32((uint32_t) x);
+#endif // defined __ia64__ || defined __x86_64
+#endif // defined _MSC_VER
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// ----------------------------------------
+// recursion for bit-dependent math functions
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING 100
+#define J40__N 16
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#define J40__N 32
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#define J40__N 64
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING (-1)
+#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
+#if J40__RECURSING == 100
+	#define j40__intN J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__N, _t)
+	#define j40__uintN J40__CONCAT3(uint, J40__N, _t)
+	#define J40__INTN_MAX J40__CONCAT3(INT, J40__N, _MAX)
+	#define J40__INTN_MIN J40__CONCAT3(INT, J40__N, _MIN)
+// ----------------------------------------
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(floor_avg,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(abs,N)(j40__intN x);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(min,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(max,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
+// returns 1 if overflow or underflow didn't occur
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
+// same to `(a + b) >> 1` but doesn't overflow, useful for tight loops with autovectorization
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(floor_avg,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
+	return (j40__intN) (x / 2 + y / 2 + (x & y & 1));
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(abs,N)(j40__intN x) {
+	return (j40__intN) (x < 0 ? -x : x);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(min,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
+	return (j40__intN) (x < y ? x : y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(max,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
+	return (j40__intN) (x > y ? x : y);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
+#ifdef J40_ADD_OVERFLOW
+	// gcc/clang extension uses an opposite convention, which is unnatural to use with J40__SHOULD
+	return !J40_ADD_OVERFLOW(x, y, out);
+	return j40__(add_fallback,N)(x, y, out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
+#ifdef J40_SUB_OVERFLOW
+	return !J40_SUB_OVERFLOW(x, y, out);
+	return j40__(sub_fallback,N)(x, y, out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
+#ifdef J40_MUL_OVERFLOW
+	return !J40_MUL_OVERFLOW(x, y, out);
+	return j40__(mul_fallback,N)(x, y, out);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
+	if (J40_UNLIKELY((x > 0 && y > J40__INTN_MAX - x) || (x < 0 && y < J40__INTN_MIN - x))) {
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		*out = (j40__intN) (x + y);
+		return 1;
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
+	if (J40_UNLIKELY((y < 0 && x > J40__INTN_MAX + y) || (y > 0 && x < J40__INTN_MIN + y))) {
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		*out = (j40__intN) (x - y);
+		return 1;
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
+	if (J40_UNLIKELY(
+		x > 0 ?
+			(y > 0 ? x > J40__INTN_MAX / y : y < J40__INTN_MIN / x) :
+			(y > 0 ? x < J40__INTN_MIN / y : y != 0 && x < J40__INTN_MAX / y)
+	)) {
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		*out = (j40__intN) (x * y);
+		return 1;
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
+	j40__intN out;
+	return j40__(add,N)(x, y, &out) ? out : J40__INTN_MAX;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
+	j40__intN out;
+	return j40__(mul,N)(x, y, &out) ? out : J40__INTN_MAX;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	#define J40__CLZN j40__(clz, N)
+	#define J40__UINTN_MAX J40__CONCAT3(UINT, J40__N, _MAX)
+	#if UINT_MAX == J40__UINTN_MAX
+			#define J40__CLZN __builtin_clz
+	#elif ULONG_MAX == J40__UINTN_MAX
+			#define J40__CLZN __builtin_clzl
+	#elif ULLONG_MAX == J40__UINTN_MAX
+			#define J40__CLZN __builtin_clzll
+	#endif
+	#undef J40__UINTN_MAX
+#endif // !defined _MSC_VER
+#ifdef J40__CLZN
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(floor_lg,N)(j40__uintN x);
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(ceil_lg,N)(j40__uintN x);
+	// both requires x to be > 0
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(floor_lg,N)(j40__uintN x) {
+		return J40__N - 1 - J40__CLZN(x);
+	}
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(ceil_lg,N)(j40__uintN x) {
+		return x > 1 ? J40__N - J40__CLZN(x - 1) : 0;
+	}
+	#endif
+	#undef J40__CLZN
+// ----------------------------------------
+// end of recursion
+	#undef j40__intN
+	#undef j40__uintN
+	#undef J40__INTN_MAX
+	#undef J40__INTN_MIN
+	#undef J40__N
+#endif // J40__RECURSING == 100
+#if J40__RECURSING < 0
+// ----------------------------------------
+// aligned pointers
+	#if J40__HAS_BUILTIN_ASSUME_ALIGNED || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x40700
+		#define J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, align) __builtin_assume_aligned(p, align)
+	#else
+		#define J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, align) (p)
+	#endif
+#endif // !defined J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign);
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void *j40__alloc_aligned_fallback(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign);
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void j40__free_aligned_fallback(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign);
+#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
+		void *ptr = NULL;
+		*outmisalign = 0;
+		return posix_memalign(&ptr, align, sz) ? NULL : ptr;
+	}
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
+		(void) align; (void) misalign;
+		free(ptr); // important: do not use j40_free!
+	}
+#elif defined _ISOC11_SOURCE
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
+		if (sz > SIZE_MAX / align * align) return NULL; // overflow
+		*outmisalign = 0;
+		return aligned_alloc(align, (sz + align - 1) / align * align);
+	}
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
+		(void) align; (void) misalign;
+		free(ptr); // important: do not use j40_free!
+	}
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
+		return j40__alloc_aligned_fallback(sz, align, outmisalign);
+	}
+	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
+		j40__free_aligned_fallback(ptr, align, misalign);
+	}
+// a fallback implementation; the caller should store the misalign amount [0, align) separately.
+// used when the platform doesn't provide aligned malloc at all, or the platform implementation
+// is not necessarily better; e.g. MSVC _aligned_malloc has the same amount of overhead as of Win10
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void *j40__alloc_aligned_fallback(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
+	// while this is almost surely an overestimate (can be improved if we know the malloc alignment)
+	// there is no standard way to compute a better estimate in C99 so this is inevitable.
+	size_t maxmisalign = align - 1, misalign;
+	void *ptr;
+	if (sz > SIZE_MAX - maxmisalign) return NULL; // overflow
+	ptr = J40_MALLOC(sz + maxmisalign);
+	if (!ptr) return NULL;
+	misalign = align - (uintptr_t) ptr % align;
+	if (misalign == align) misalign = 0;
+	*outmisalign = misalign;
+	return (void*) ((uintptr_t) ptr + misalign);
+static void j40__free_aligned_fallback(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
+	if (!ptr) return;
+	J40__ASSERT((uintptr_t) ptr % align == 0);
+	j40__free((void*) ((uintptr_t) ptr - misalign));
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// two-dimensional view
+typedef struct { int32_t logw, logh; float *J40_RESTRICT ptr; } j40__view_f32;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__view_f32 j40__make_view_f32(int32_t logw, int32_t logh, float *J40_RESTRICT ptr);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__adapt_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__reshape_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__copy_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__transpose_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_columns_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_rows_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void j40__print_view_f32(j40__view_f32 v, const char *name, const char *file, int32_t line);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__view_f32 j40__make_view_f32(int32_t logw, int32_t logh, float *J40_RESTRICT ptr) {
+	j40__view_f32 ret = { logw, logh, ptr };
+	return ret;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__adapt_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh) {
+	J40__ASSERT(outv->logw + outv->logh >= logw + logh);
+	outv->logw = logw;
+	outv->logh = logh;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__reshape_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh) {
+	J40__ASSERT(outv->logw + outv->logh == logw + logh);
+	outv->logw = logw;
+	outv->logh = logh;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__copy_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
+	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logw, inv.logh);
+	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) {
+		outptr[y << inv.logw | x] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__transpose_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
+	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logh, inv.logw);
+	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) {
+		outptr[x << inv.logh | y] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];
+	}
+// shuffles columns 01234567 into 02461357 and so on
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_columns_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
+	J40__ASSERT(inv.logw > 0);
+	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logw, inv.logh);
+	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) {
+		int32_t outx = ((x & 1) << (inv.logw - 1)) | (x >> 1);
+		outptr[y << inv.logw | outx] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];
+	}
+// shuffles rows 01234567 into 02461357 and so on
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_rows_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
+	J40__ASSERT(inv.logh > 0);
+	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logw, inv.logh);
+	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) {
+		int32_t outy = ((y & 1) << (inv.logh - 1)) | (y >> 1);
+		for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) outptr[outy << inv.logw | x] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];
+	}
+#define J40__AT(view, x, y) \
+	(J40__ASSERT(0 <= (x) && (x) < (1 << (view).logw) && 0 <= (y) && (y) < (1 << (view).logh)), \
+	 (view).ptr + ((y) << (view).logw | (x)))
+#define J40__VIEW_FOREACH(view, y, x, v) \
+	for (y = 0; y < (1 << (view).logh); ++y) \
+		for (x = 0; x < (1 << (view).logw) && (v = (view).ptr + (y << (view).logw | x), 1); ++x)
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void j40__print_view_f32(j40__view_f32 v, const char *name, const char *file, int32_t line) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	printf(".--- %s:%d: %s (w=%d h=%d @%p)", file, line, name, 1 << v.logw, 1 << v.logh, v.ptr);
+	for (y = 0; y < (1 << v.logh); ++y) {
+		printf("\n|");
+		for (x = 0; x < (1 << v.logw); ++x) printf(" %f", *J40__AT(v, x, y));
+	}
+	printf("\n'--- %s:%d\n", file, line);
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+#define j40__print_view_f32(v) j40__print_view_f32(v, #v, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+// plane
+enum {
+	J40__PLANE_U8 = (uint8_t) 0x20,
+	J40__PLANE_U16 = (uint8_t) 0x21,
+	J40__PLANE_I16 = (uint8_t) 0x41,
+	J40__PLANE_U32 = (uint8_t) 0x22,
+	J40__PLANE_I32 = (uint8_t) 0x42,
+	J40__PLANE_F32 = (uint8_t) 0x62,
+	J40__PLANE_EMPTY = (uint8_t) 0xe0, // should have width=0 and height=0
+#define J40__PIXELS_ALIGN 32
+typedef struct {
+	uint8_t type; // 0 means uninitialized (all fields besides from pixels are considered garbage)
+	uint8_t misalign;
+	int8_t vshift, hshift;
+	int32_t width, height;
+	int32_t stride_bytes; // the number of *bytes* between each row
+	uintptr_t pixels;
+} j40__plane;
+#define J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, typeconst, pixel_t) \
+	(J40__ASSERT((plane)->type == typeconst), \
+	 J40__ASSERT(0 <= (y) && (y) < (plane)->height), \
+	 (pixel_t*) J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED( \
+		(void*) ((char*) (plane)->pixels + (size_t) (plane)->stride_bytes * (size_t) (y)), \
+#define J40__U8_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_U8, uint8_t)
+#define J40__U16_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_U16, uint16_t)
+#define J40__I16_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_I16, int16_t)
+#define J40__U32_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_U32, uint32_t)
+#define J40__I32_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_I32, int32_t)
+#define J40__F32_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_F32, float)
+#define J40__PLANE_PIXEL_SIZE(plane) (1 << ((plane)->type & 31))
+#define J40__PLANE_STRIDE(plane) ((plane)->stride_bytes >> ((plane)->type & 31))
+enum {
+	J40__PLANE_CLEAR = 1 << 0,
+	// for public facing planes, we always add padding to prevent misconception
+	J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD = 1 << 1,
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_plane(
+	j40__st *st, uint8_t type, int32_t width, int32_t height, int flags, j40__plane *out
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_empty_plane(j40__plane *out);
+J40_STATIC int j40__plane_all_equal_sized(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end);
+// returns that type if all planes have the same type, otherwise returns 0
+J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end);
+J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed_or_empty(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_plane(j40__plane *plane);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_plane(
+	j40__st *st, uint8_t type, int32_t width, int32_t height, int flags, j40__plane *out
+) {
+	int32_t pixel_size = 1 << (type & 31);
+	void *pixels;
+	int32_t stride_bytes;
+	size_t total, misalign;
+	out->type = 0;
+	J40__ASSERT(width > 0 && height > 0);
+	J40__SHOULD(j40__mul32(width, pixel_size, &stride_bytes), "bigg");
+	if (flags & J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD) J40__SHOULD(j40__add32(stride_bytes, 1, &stride_bytes), "bigg");
+	J40__SHOULD(
+		j40__mul32(j40__ceil_div32(stride_bytes, J40__PIXELS_ALIGN), J40__PIXELS_ALIGN, &stride_bytes),
+		"bigg");
+	J40__SHOULD((size_t) stride_bytes <= SIZE_MAX / (uint32_t) height, "bigg");
+	total = (size_t) stride_bytes * (size_t) height;
+	J40__SHOULD(pixels = j40__alloc_aligned(total, J40__PIXELS_ALIGN, &misalign), "!mem");
+	out->stride_bytes = stride_bytes;
+	out->width = width;
+	out->height = height;
+	out->type = type;
+	out->vshift = out->hshift = 0;
+	out->misalign = (uint8_t) misalign;
+	out->pixels = (uintptr_t) pixels;
+	if (flags & J40__PLANE_CLEAR) memset(pixels, 0, total);
+	return st->err;
+// an empty plane can arise from inverse modular transform, but it can be a bug as well,
+// hence a separate function and separate type.
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_empty_plane(j40__plane *out) {
+	out->type = J40__PLANE_EMPTY;
+	out->stride_bytes = 0;
+	out->width = out->height = 0;
+	out->vshift = out->hshift = 0;
+	out->misalign = 0;
+	out->pixels = (uintptr_t) (void*) 0;
+J40_STATIC int j40__plane_all_equal_sized(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end) {
+	j40__plane c;
+	int shift_should_match;
+	if (begin >= end) return 0; // do not allow edge cases
+	c = *begin;
+	shift_should_match = (begin->vshift >= 0 && begin->hshift >= 0);
+	while (++begin < end) {
+		if (c.width != begin->width || c.height != begin->height) return 0;
+		// even though the sizes match, different shifts can't be mixed as per the spec
+		if (shift_should_match) {
+			if (c.vshift >= 0 && c.hshift >= 0 && (c.vshift != begin->vshift || c.hshift != begin->hshift)) return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return 1;
+J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end) {
+	uint8_t type;
+	if (begin >= end) return 0;
+	type = begin->type;
+	while (++begin < end) {
+		if (begin->type != type) return 0;
+	}
+	return type;
+J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed_or_empty(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end) {
+	uint8_t type;
+	if (begin >= end) return 0;
+	type = begin->type;
+	while (++begin < end) {
+		// allow empty plane to pass this test; if all planes are empty, will return J40__PLANE_EMPTY
+		if (type == J40__PLANE_EMPTY) type = begin->type;
+		if (begin->type != J40__PLANE_EMPTY && begin->type != type) return 0;
+	}
+	return type;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_plane(j40__plane *plane) {
+	// we don't touch pixels if plane is zero-initialized via memset, because while `plane->type` is
+	// definitely zero in this case `(void*) plane->pixels` might NOT be a null pointer!
+	if (plane->type && plane->type != J40__PLANE_EMPTY) {
+		j40__free_aligned((void*) plane->pixels, J40__PIXELS_ALIGN, plane->misalign);
+	}
+	plane->width = plane->height = plane->stride_bytes = 0;
+	plane->type = 0;
+	plane->vshift = plane->hshift = 0;
+	plane->misalign = 0;
+	plane->pixels = (uintptr_t) (void*) 0; 
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// limits
+typedef struct j40__limits {
+	int64_t pixels; // <= 2^61
+	int32_t width; // <= 2^31
+	int32_t height; // <= 2^30
+	uint64_t icc_output_size; // < 2^63
+	int32_t bpp; // <= 64
+	int ec_black_allowed;
+	int32_t num_extra_channels; // <= 4096
+	int needs_modular_16bit_buffers;
+	int32_t nb_transforms; // <= 273
+	int32_t nb_channels_tr; // # of modular channels after transform
+	int32_t tree_depth; // distance between root and leaf nodes
+	int64_t zf_pixels; // total # of pixels in a run of zero-duration frames, unlimited if zero
+} j40__limits;
+J40_STATIC const j40__limits J40__MAIN_LV5_LIMITS = {
+	/*.pixels =*/ 1 << 28, /*.width =*/ 1 << 18, /*.height =*/ 1 << 18,
+	/*.icc_output_size =*/ 1u << 22, /*.bpp =*/ 16, /*.ec_black_allowed =*/ 0,
+	/*.num_extra_channels =*/ 4, /*.needs_modular_16bit_buffers =*/ 1, /*.nb_transforms =*/ 8,
+	/*.nb_channels_tr =*/ 256, /*.tree_depth =*/ 64, /*.zf_pixels =*/ 1 << 28,
+#if 0
+J40_STATIC j40__limits J40__MAIN_LV10_LIMITS = {
+	/*.pixels =*/ (int64_t) 1 << 40, /*.width =*/ 1 << 30, /*.height =*/ 1 << 30,
+	/*.icc_output_size =*/ 1u << 28, /*.bpp =*/ 32, /*.ec_black_allowed =*/ 1,
+	/*.num_extra_channels =*/ 256, /*.needs_modular_16bit_buffers =*/ 0, /*.nb_transforms =*/ 512,
+	/*.nb_channels_tr =*/ 1 << 16, /*.tree_depth =*/ 2048, /*.zf_pixels =*/ 0,
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+//extern const j40__limits J40__MAIN_LV5_LIMITS/*, J40__MAIN_LV10_LIMITS*/;
+// input source
+typedef int (*j40_source_read_func)(uint8_t *buf, int64_t fileoff, size_t maxsize, size_t *size, void *data);
+typedef int (*j40_source_seek_func)(int64_t fileoff, void *data);
+typedef void (*j40_source_free_func)(void *data); // intentionally same to j40_memory_free_func
+typedef struct j40__source_st {
+	j40_source_read_func read_func;
+	j40_source_seek_func seek_func;
+	j40_source_free_func free_func;
+	void *data;
+	int64_t fileoff; // absolute file offset, assumed to be 0 at the initialization
+	int64_t fileoff_limit; // fileoff can't exceed this; otherwise will behave as if EOF has occurred
+} j40__source_st;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_memory_source(
+	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc, j40__source_st *source
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_file_source(j40__st *st, const char *path, j40__source_st *source);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__try_read_from_source(
+	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t minsize, int64_t maxsize, int64_t *size
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_from_source(j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t size);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_from_source(j40__st *st, int64_t fileoff);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_source(j40__source_st *source);
+J40_STATIC int j40__memory_source_read(uint8_t *buf, int64_t fileoff, size_t maxsize, size_t *size, void *data) {
+	uint8_t *mem = (uint8_t*) data;
+	memcpy(buf, mem + fileoff, maxsize);
+	*size = maxsize;
+	return 0;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_memory_source(
+	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc, j40__source_st *source
+) {
+	J40__SHOULD(size <= (uint64_t) INT64_MAX, "flen");
+	source->read_func = j40__memory_source_read;
+	source->seek_func = NULL;
+	source->free_func = freefunc;
+	source->data = buf;
+	source->fileoff = 0;
+	source->fileoff_limit = (int64_t) size;
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC int j40__file_source_read(uint8_t *buf, int64_t fileoff, size_t maxsize, size_t *size, void *data) {
+	FILE *fp = (FILE*) data;
+	size_t read;
+	(void) fileoff;
+	read = fread(buf, 1, maxsize, fp);
+	if (read > 0) {
+		*size = read;
+		return 0;
+	} else if (feof(fp)) {
+		*size = 0;
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		return 1;
+	}
+J40_STATIC int j40__file_source_seek(int64_t fileoff, void *data) {
+	FILE *fp = (FILE*) data;
+	if (fileoff < 0) return 1;
+	if (fileoff <= LONG_MAX) {
+		if (fseek(fp, (long) fileoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) return 1;
+	} else {
+		if (fseek(fp, LONG_MAX, SEEK_SET) != 0) return 1;
+		fileoff -= LONG_MAX;
+		while (fileoff >= LONG_MAX) {
+			if (fseek(fp, LONG_MAX, SEEK_CUR) != 0) return 1;
+			fileoff -= LONG_MAX;
+		}
+		if (fseek(fp, (long) fileoff, SEEK_CUR) != 0) return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+J40_STATIC void j40__file_source_free(void *data) {
+	FILE *fp = (FILE*) data;
+	fclose(fp);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_file_source(j40__st *st, const char *path, j40__source_st *source) {
+	FILE *fp;
+	int saved_errno;
+	saved_errno = errno;
+	errno = 0;
+	fp = fopen(path, "rb");
+	if (!fp) {
+		st->saved_errno = errno;
+		if (errno == 0) errno = saved_errno;
+		J40__RAISE("open");
+	}
+	errno = saved_errno;
+	source->read_func = j40__file_source_read;
+	source->seek_func = j40__file_source_seek;
+	source->free_func = j40__file_source_free;
+	source->data = fp;
+	source->fileoff = 0;
+	source->fileoff_limit = ((uint64_t) INT64_MAX < SIZE_MAX ? INT64_MAX : (int64_t) SIZE_MAX);
+	return 0;
+	if (fp) fclose(fp);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__try_read_from_source(
+	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t minsize, int64_t maxsize, int64_t *size
+) {
+	j40__source_st *source = st->source;
+	int64_t read_size = 0;
+	int saved_errno = errno;
+	errno = 0;
+	*size = 0;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= minsize && minsize <= maxsize);
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= source->fileoff && source->fileoff <= source->fileoff_limit);
+	// clamp maxsize if fileoff_limit is set
+	J40__ASSERT((uint64_t) source->fileoff_limit <= SIZE_MAX); // so maxsize fits in size_t
+	if (maxsize > source->fileoff_limit - source->fileoff) {
+		maxsize = source->fileoff_limit - source->fileoff;
+		J40__SHOULD(minsize <= maxsize, "shrt"); // `minsize` bytes can't be read due to virtual EOF
+	}
+	while (read_size < maxsize) {
+		size_t added_size;
+		if (J40_UNLIKELY(source->read_func(
+			buf + read_size, source->fileoff, (size_t) (maxsize - read_size), &added_size, source->data
+		))) {
+			st->saved_errno = errno;
+			if (errno == 0) errno = saved_errno;
+			J40__RAISE("read");
+		}
+		if (added_size == 0) break; // EOF or blocking condition
+		J40__SHOULD(added_size <= (uint64_t) INT64_MAX, "flen");
+		read_size += (int64_t) added_size;
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(source->fileoff, (int64_t) read_size, &source->fileoff), "flen");
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(read_size >= minsize, "shrt");
+	errno = saved_errno;
+	*size = read_size;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_from_source(j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t size) {
+	int64_t read_size;
+	return j40__try_read_from_source(st, buf, size, size, &read_size);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_from_source(j40__st *st, int64_t fileoff) {
+	j40__source_st *source = st->source;
+	J40__ASSERT(fileoff >= 0);
+	if (fileoff == source->fileoff) return 0;
+	fileoff = j40__min64(fileoff, source->fileoff_limit);
+	// for the memory source read always have the current fileoff so seek is a no-op
+	if (source->seek_func) {
+		int saved_errno = errno;
+		errno = 0;
+		if (J40_UNLIKELY(source->seek_func(fileoff, source->data))) {
+			st->saved_errno = errno;
+			if (errno == 0) errno = saved_errno;
+			J40__RAISE("seek");
+		}
+		errno = saved_errno;
+	}
+	source->fileoff = fileoff;
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_source(j40__source_st *source) {
+	if (source->free_func) source->free_func(source->data);
+	source->read_func = NULL;
+	source->seek_func = NULL;
+	source->free_func = NULL;
+	source->data = NULL;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// container
+typedef struct { int64_t codeoff, fileoff; } j40__map;
+enum j40__container_flags {
+	// if set, initial jxl & ftyp boxes have been read
+	// currently seen box types, as they have a cardinality and positional requirement
+	J40__SEEN_JXLL = 1 << 1, // at most once, before jxlc/jxlp
+	J40__SEEN_JXLI = 1 << 2, // at most once
+	J40__SEEN_JXLC = 1 << 3, // precludes jxlp, at most once
+	J40__SEEN_JXLP = 1 << 4, // precludes jxlc
+	// if set, no more jxlc/jxlp boxes are allowed (and map no longer changes)
+	// if set, there is an implied entry for `map[nmap]`. this is required when the last
+	// codestream box has an unknown length and thus it extends to the (unknown) end of file.
+	// if set, there is no more box past `map[nmap-1]` (or an implied `map[nmap]` if any)
+	J40__NO_MORE_BOX = 1 << 7,
+typedef struct j40__container_st {
+	int flags; // bitset of `enum j40__container_flags`
+	// map[0..nmap) encodes two arrays C[i] = map[i].codeoff and F[i] = map[i].fileoff,
+	// so that codestream offsets [C[k], C[k+1]) map to file offsets [F[k], F[k] + (C[k+1] - C[k])).
+	// all codestream offsets less than the largest C[i] are 1-to-1 mapped to file offsets.
+	//
+	// the last entry, in particular F[nmap-1], has multiple interpretations.
+	// if the mapping is still being built, F[nmap-1] is the start of the next box to be read.
+	// if an implicit map entry flag is set, F[nmap] = L and C[nmap] = C[nmap-1] + (L - F[nmap-1])
+	// where L is the file length (which is not directly available).
+	j40__map *map;
+	int32_t nmap, map_cap;
+} j40__container_st;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t j40__u32be(uint8_t *p);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__box_header(j40__st *st, uint32_t *type, int64_t *size);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__container(j40__st *st, int64_t wanted_codeoff);
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__search_codestream_offset(const j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__map_codestream_offset(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t *fileoff);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_container(j40__container_st *container);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t j40__u32be(uint8_t *p) {
+	return ((uint32_t) p[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t) p[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t) p[2] << 8) | (uint32_t) p[3];
+// size is < 0 if EOF, or INT64_MAX if the box extends indefinitely until the end of file
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__box_header(j40__st *st, uint32_t *type, int64_t *size) {
+	uint8_t buf[8];
+	uint32_t size32;
+	uint64_t size64;
+	int64_t headersize;
+	J40__TRY(j40__try_read_from_source(st, buf, 0, 8, &headersize));
+	if (headersize == 0) {
+		*size = -1;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(headersize == 8, "shrt"); // if not EOF, the full header should have been read
+	size32 = j40__u32be(buf);
+	*type = j40__u32be(buf + 4);
+	if (size32 == 0) {
+		*size = INT64_MAX;
+	} else if (size32 == 1) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 8));
+		size64 = ((uint64_t) j40__u32be(buf) << 32) | (uint64_t) j40__u32be(buf + 4);
+		J40__SHOULD(size64 >= 16, "boxx");
+		J40__SHOULD(size64 <= INT64_MAX, "flen");
+		*size = (int64_t) size64 - 16;
+	} else {
+		J40__SHOULD(size32 >= 8, "boxx");
+		*size = (int64_t) size32 - 8;
+	}
+	return st->err;
+// scans as many boxes as required to map given codestream offset (i.e. the inclusive limit).
+// this is done in the best effort basis, so even after this
+// `j40__map_codestream_offset(st, wanted_codeoff)` may still fail.
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__container(j40__st *st, int64_t wanted_codeoff) {
+	static const uint8_t JXL_BOX[12] = { // type `JXL `, value 0D 0A 87 0A
+		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x4a, 0x58, 0x4c, 0x20, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x87, 0x0a,
+	}, FTYP_BOX[20] = { // type `ftyp`, brand `jxl `, version 0, only compatible w/ brand `jxl `
+		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x6c, 0x20,
+		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x6c, 0x20,
+	};
+	j40__source_st *source = st->source;
+	j40__container_st *c = st->container;
+	uint8_t buf[32];
+	if (!c->map) {
+		c->map_cap = 8;
+		c->nmap = 1;
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__map, &c->map, (size_t) c->map_cap);
+		c->map[0].codeoff = c->map[0].fileoff = 0; // fileoff will be updated
+	}
+	// immediately return if given codeoff is already mappable
+	if (c->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY) return 0;
+	if (wanted_codeoff < c->map[c->nmap - 1].codeoff) return 0;
+	// read the file header (if not yet read) and skip to the next box header
+	if (c->flags & J40__CONTAINER_CONFIRMED) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff));
+	} else {
+		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, 0));
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 2));
+		if (buf[0] == 0xff && buf[1] == 0x0a) { // bare codestream
+			return 0;
+		}
+		J40__SHOULD(buf[0] == JXL_BOX[0] && buf[1] == JXL_BOX[1], "!jxl");
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, sizeof(JXL_BOX) + sizeof(FTYP_BOX) - 2));
+		J40__SHOULD(memcmp(buf, JXL_BOX + 2, sizeof(JXL_BOX) - 2) == 0, "!jxl");
+		J40__SHOULD(memcmp(buf + (sizeof(JXL_BOX) - 2), FTYP_BOX, sizeof(FTYP_BOX)) == 0, "ftyp");
+		c->flags |= J40__CONTAINER_CONFIRMED;
+		c->map[0].fileoff = source->fileoff;
+	}
+	while (wanted_codeoff >= c->map[c->nmap - 1].codeoff) {
+		uint32_t type;
+		int64_t size;
+		int codestream_box = 0;
+		J40__TRY(j40__box_header(st, &type, &size));
+		if (size < 0) break;
+		// TODO the ordering rule for jxll/jxli may change in the future version of 18181-2
+		switch (type) {
+		case 0x6a786c6c: // jxll: codestream level
+			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__SEEN_JXLL), "box?");
+			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLL;
+			break;
+		case 0x6a786c69: // jxli: frame index
+			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__SEEN_JXLI), "box?");
+			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLI;
+			break;
+		case 0x6a786c63: // jxlc: single codestream
+			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX), "box?");
+			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & (J40__SEEN_JXLP | J40__SEEN_JXLC)), "box?");
+			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLC | J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX;
+			codestream_box = 1;
+			break;
+		case 0x6a786c70: // jxlp: partial codestreams
+			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX), "box?");
+			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__SEEN_JXLC), "box?");
+			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLP;
+			codestream_box = 1;
+			J40__SHOULD(size >= 4, "jxlp");
+			J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 4));
+			// TODO the partial codestream index is ignored right now
+			if (!(buf[0] >> 7)) c->flags |= J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX;
+			if (size < INT64_MAX) size -= 4;
+			break;
+		case 0x62726f62: // brob: brotli-compressed box
+			J40__SHOULD(size > 4, "brot"); // Brotli stream is never empty so 4 is also out
+			J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 4));
+			type = j40__u32be(buf);
+			J40__SHOULD(type != 0x62726f62 /*brob*/ && (type >> 8) != 0x6a786c /*jxl*/, "brot");
+			if (size < INT64_MAX) size -= 4;
+			break;
+		} // other boxes have no additional requirements and are simply skipped
+		// this box has an indeterminate size and thus there is no more box following
+		if (size == INT64_MAX) {
+			if (codestream_box) c->flags |= J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY;
+			c->flags |= J40__NO_MORE_BOX;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (codestream_box) {
+			// add a new entry. at this point C[nmap-1] is the first codestream offset in this box
+			// and F[nmap-1] points to the beginning of this box, which should be updated to
+			// the beginning of the box *contents*.
+			J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__map, &c->map, c->nmap + 1, &c->map_cap);
+			c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff = source->fileoff;
+			J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(c->map[c->nmap - 1].codeoff, size, &c->map[c->nmap].codeoff), "flen");
+			// F[nmap] gets updated in the common case.
+			J40__SHOULD(j40__add32(c->nmap, 1, &c->nmap), "flen");
+		}
+		// always maintains F[nmap-1] to be the beginning of the next box (and seek to that point).
+		// we've already read the previous box header, so this should happen even if seek fails.
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(source->fileoff, size, &c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff), "flen");
+		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff));
+	}
+	// now the EOF has been reached or the last box had an indeterminate size.
+	// EOF condition can be recovered (i.e. we can add more boxes to get it correctly decoded)
+	// so it's not a hard error, but we can't recover from an indeterminately sized box.
+	if ((c->flags & J40__NO_MORE_BOX) && !(c->flags & (J40__SEEN_JXLC | J40__SEEN_JXLP))) {
+		st->cannot_retry = 1;
+		J40__RAISE("shrt");
+	}
+	return st->err;
+// returns i such that codeoff is in [C[i], C[i+1]), or nmap-1 if there is no such map entry
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__search_codestream_offset(const j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff) {
+	j40__map *map = st->container->map;
+	int32_t nmap = st->container->nmap, i;
+	J40__ASSERT(map && nmap > 0);
+	// TODO use a binary search instead
+	for (i = 1; i < nmap; ++i) {
+		if (codeoff < map[i].codeoff) break;
+	}
+	return i - 1;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__map_codestream_offset(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t *fileoff) {
+	j40__map *map = st->container->map;
+	int32_t nmap = st->container->nmap, i;
+	i = j40__search_codestream_offset(st, codeoff);
+	if (i < nmap - 1) {
+		J40__ASSERT(codeoff - map[i].codeoff < map[i+1].fileoff - map[i].fileoff);
+		*fileoff = map[i].fileoff + (codeoff - map[i].codeoff); // thus this never overflows
+	} else if (st->container->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY) {
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(map[nmap-1].fileoff, codeoff - map[nmap-1].codeoff, fileoff), "flen");
+	} else if (st->container->flags & J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX) {
+		// TODO is this valid to do? j40__end_of_frame depends on this.
+		if (codeoff == map[nmap-1].codeoff) {
+			*fileoff = map[nmap-1].fileoff;
+		} else {
+			st->cannot_retry = 1;
+			J40__RAISE("shrt");
+		}
+	} else {
+		J40__RAISE("shrt");
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_container(j40__container_st *container) {
+	j40__free(container->map);
+	container->map = NULL;
+	container->nmap = container->map_cap = 0;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// backing buffer
+typedef struct j40__buffer_st {
+	uint8_t *buf;
+	int64_t size, capacity;
+	int64_t next_codeoff; // the codestream offset right past the backing buffer (i.e. `buf[size]`)
+	int64_t codeoff_limit; // codestream offset can't exceed this; used for per-section decoding
+	j40__bits_st checkpoint; // the earliest point that the parser can ever backtrack
+} j40__buffer_st;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t codeoff_limit);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__refill_buffer(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff);
+J40_STATIC int64_t j40__codestream_offset(const j40__st *st);
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC int64_t j40__bits_read(const j40__st *st);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_buffer(j40__buffer_st *buffer);
+#define J40__INITIAL_BUFSIZE 0x10000
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t codeoff_limit) {
+	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits, *checkpoint = &st->buffer->checkpoint;
+	j40__buffer_st *buffer = st->buffer;
+	J40__ASSERT(!buffer->buf);
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(uint8_t, &buffer->buf, J40__INITIAL_BUFSIZE);
+	bits->ptr = bits->end = buffer->buf;
+	buffer->size = 0;
+	buffer->capacity = J40__INITIAL_BUFSIZE;
+	buffer->next_codeoff = codeoff;
+	buffer->codeoff_limit = codeoff_limit;
+	bits->bits = 0;
+	bits->nbits = 0;
+	*checkpoint = *bits;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__refill_buffer(j40__st *st) {
+	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits, *checkpoint = &st->buffer->checkpoint;
+	j40__buffer_st *buffer = st->buffer;
+	j40__container_st *container = st->container;
+	int64_t available, wanted_codeoff;
+	int32_t i;
+	J40__ASSERT(J40__INBOUNDS(bits->ptr, buffer->buf, buffer->size));
+	J40__ASSERT(J40__INBOUNDS(checkpoint->ptr, buffer->buf, buffer->size));
+	J40__ASSERT(checkpoint->ptr <= bits->ptr);
+	// trim the committed portion from the backing buffer
+	if (checkpoint->ptr > buffer->buf) {
+		int64_t committed_size = (int64_t) (checkpoint->ptr - buffer->buf);
+		J40__ASSERT(committed_size <= buffer->size); // so committed_size can't overflow
+		// this also can't overflow, because buffer->size never exceeds SIZE_MAX
+		memmove(buffer->buf, checkpoint->ptr, (size_t) (buffer->size - committed_size));
+		buffer->size -= committed_size;
+		bits->ptr -= committed_size;
+		bits->end -= committed_size;
+		checkpoint->ptr = buffer->buf;
+	}
+	// if there is no room left in the backing buffer, it's time to grow it
+	if (buffer->size == buffer->capacity) {
+		int64_t newcap = j40__clamp_add64(buffer->capacity, buffer->capacity);
+		ptrdiff_t relptr = bits->ptr - buffer->buf;
+		J40__TRY_REALLOC64(uint8_t, &buffer->buf, newcap, &buffer->capacity);
+		bits->ptr = buffer->buf + relptr;
+		checkpoint->ptr = buffer->buf;
+	}
+	wanted_codeoff = j40__min64(buffer->codeoff_limit,
+		j40__clamp_add64(buffer->next_codeoff, buffer->capacity - buffer->size));
+	available = wanted_codeoff - buffer->next_codeoff;
+	--wanted_codeoff; // ensure that this is inclusive, i.e. the last byte offset *allowed*
+	// do the initial mapping if no map is available
+	if (!container->map) J40__TRY(j40__container(st, wanted_codeoff));
+	i = j40__search_codestream_offset(st, buffer->next_codeoff);
+	while (available > 0) {
+		j40__map *map = container->map;
+		int32_t nmap = container->nmap;
+		int64_t fileoff, readable_size, read_size;
+		if (i < nmap - 1) {
+			int64_t box_size = map[i+1].codeoff - map[i].codeoff;
+			J40__ASSERT(box_size > 0);
+			readable_size = j40__min64(available, map[i+1].codeoff - buffer->next_codeoff);
+			J40__ASSERT(buffer->next_codeoff - map[i].codeoff < map[i+1].fileoff - map[i].fileoff);
+			fileoff = map[i].fileoff + (buffer->next_codeoff - map[i].codeoff); // thus can't overflow
+		} else if (container->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY) {
+			readable_size = available;
+			J40__SHOULD(
+				j40__add64(map[i].fileoff, buffer->next_codeoff - map[nmap-1].codeoff, &fileoff),
+				"flen");
+		} else {
+			// we have reached past the last mapped box, but there may be more boxes to map
+			J40__TRY(j40__container(st, wanted_codeoff));
+			if (nmap == container->nmap && !(container->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY)) {
+				break; // no additional box mapped, nothing can be done
+			}
+			continue;
+		}
+		J40__ASSERT(readable_size > 0);
+		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, fileoff));
+		J40__TRY(j40__try_read_from_source(st, buffer->buf + buffer->size, 0, readable_size, &read_size));
+		if (read_size == 0) break; // EOF or blocking condition, can't continue
+		buffer->size += read_size;
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(buffer->next_codeoff, read_size, &buffer->next_codeoff), "flen");
+		bits->end = checkpoint->end = buffer->buf + buffer->size;
+		available -= read_size;
+		if (read_size == readable_size) ++i; // try again if read is somehow incomplete
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff) {
+	int64_t reusable_size = st->buffer->next_codeoff - codeoff, fileoff;
+	st->bits.bits = 0;
+	st->bits.nbits = 0;
+	if (0 < reusable_size && reusable_size <= st->buffer->size) {
+		st->bits.ptr = st->buffer->buf + (st->buffer->size - reusable_size);
+		st->bits.end = st->buffer->buf + st->buffer->size;
+	} else {
+		st->bits.ptr = st->bits.end = st->buffer->buf;
+		st->buffer->size = 0;
+		st->buffer->next_codeoff = codeoff;
+		J40__TRY(j40__map_codestream_offset(st, codeoff, &fileoff));
+		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, fileoff));
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC int64_t j40__codestream_offset(const j40__st *st) {
+	J40__ASSERT(st->bits.nbits % 8 == 0);
+	return st->buffer->next_codeoff - st->buffer->size + (st->bits.ptr - st->buffer->buf) - st->bits.nbits / 8;
+// diagnostic only, doesn't check for overflow or anything
+J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC int64_t j40__bits_read(const j40__st *st) {
+	int32_t nbytes = j40__ceil_div32(st->bits.nbits, 8), nbits = 8 * nbytes - st->bits.nbits;
+	// the codestream offset for the byte that contains the first bit to read
+	int64_t codeoff = st->buffer->next_codeoff - st->buffer->size + (st->bits.ptr - st->buffer->buf) - nbytes;
+	j40__map map = st->container->map[j40__search_codestream_offset(st, codeoff)];
+	return (map.fileoff + (codeoff - map.codeoff)) * 8 + nbits;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_buffer(j40__buffer_st *buffer) {
+	j40__free(buffer->buf);
+	buffer->buf = NULL;
+	buffer->size = buffer->capacity = 0;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// bitstream
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__always_refill(j40__st *st, int32_t n);
+// ensure st->bits.nbits is at least n; otherwise pull as many bytes as possible into st->bits.bits
+#define j40__refill(st, n) (J40_UNLIKELY(st->bits.nbits < (n)) ? j40__always_refill(st, n) : st->err)
+J40__INLINE_RETURNS_ERR j40__zero_pad_to_byte(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__skip(j40__st *st, int64_t n);
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u(j40__st *st, int32_t n);
+J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u(j40__st *st, int32_t n);
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u32(
+	j40__st *st,
+	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
+	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
+J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u32(
+	j40__st *st,
+	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
+	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
+J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__u64(j40__st *st);
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__enum(j40__st *st);
+J40_INLINE float j40__f16(j40__st *st);
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u8(j40__st *st);
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__at_most(j40__st *st, int32_t max);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__no_more_bytes(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__always_refill(j40__st *st, int32_t n) {
+	static const int32_t NBITS = 64;
+	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n && n < NBITS);
+	while (1) {
+		int32_t consumed = (NBITS - bits->nbits) >> 3;
+		if (J40_LIKELY(bits->end - bits->ptr >= consumed)) {
+			// fast case: consume `consumed` bytes from the logical buffer
+			J40__ASSERT(bits->nbits <= NBITS - 8);
+			do {
+				bits->bits |= (uint64_t) *bits->ptr++ << bits->nbits;
+				bits->nbits += 8;
+			} while (bits->nbits <= NBITS - 8);
+			break;
+		}
+		// slow case: the logical buffer has been exhausted, try to refill the backing buffer
+		while (bits->ptr < bits->end) {
+			bits->bits |= (uint64_t) *bits->ptr++ << bits->nbits;
+			bits->nbits += 8;
+		}
+		if (bits->nbits > NBITS - 8) break;
+		J40__SHOULD(st->buffer, "shrt");
+		J40__TRY(j40__refill_buffer(st));
+		if (bits->end == bits->ptr) { // no possibility to read more bits
+			if (bits->nbits >= n) break;
+			J40__RAISE("shrt");
+		}
+		// otherwise now we have possibly more bits to refill, try again
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__INLINE_RETURNS_ERR j40__zero_pad_to_byte(j40__st *st) {
+	int32_t n = st->bits.nbits & 7;
+	if (st->bits.bits & ((1u << n) - 1)) return J40__ERR("pad0");
+	st->bits.bits >>= n;
+	st->bits.nbits -= n;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__skip(j40__st *st, int64_t n) {
+	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits;
+	int64_t bytes;
+	if (bits->nbits >= n) {
+		bits->bits >>= (int32_t) n;
+		bits->nbits -= (int32_t) n;
+	} else {
+		n -= bits->nbits;
+		bits->bits = 0;
+		bits->nbits = 0;
+	}
+	bytes = n >> 3;
+	// TODO honor containers
+	if (bits->end - bits->ptr < (int64_t) bytes) return J40__ERR("shrt");
+	bits->ptr += bytes;
+	n &= 7;
+	if (j40__refill(st, (int32_t) n)) return st->err;
+	bits->bits >>= (int32_t) n;
+	bits->nbits -= (int32_t) n;
+	return st->err;
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u(j40__st *st, int32_t n) {
+	int32_t ret;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n && n <= 31);
+	if (j40__refill(st, n)) return 0;
+	ret = (int32_t) (st->bits.bits & ((1u << n) - 1));
+	st->bits.bits >>= n;
+	st->bits.nbits -= n;
+	return ret;
+J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u(j40__st *st, int32_t n) {
+	int64_t ret;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n && n <= 63);
+	if (j40__refill(st, n)) return 0;
+	ret = (int64_t) (st->bits.bits & (((uint64_t) 1u << n) - 1));
+	st->bits.bits >>= n;
+	st->bits.nbits -= n;
+	return ret;
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u32(
+	j40__st *st,
+	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
+	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
+) {
+	const int32_t o[4] = { o0, o1, o2, o3 };
+	const int32_t n[4] = { n0, n1, n2, n3 };
+	int32_t sel;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n0 && n0 <= 30 && o0 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n0));
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n1 && n1 <= 30 && o1 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n1));
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n2 && n2 <= 30 && o2 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n2));
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n3 && n3 <= 30 && o3 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n3));
+	sel = j40__u(st, 2);
+	return j40__u(st, n[sel]) + o[sel];
+J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u32(
+	j40__st *st,
+	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
+	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
+) {
+	const int32_t o[4] = { o0, o1, o2, o3 };
+	const int32_t n[4] = { n0, n1, n2, n3 };
+	int32_t sel;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n0 && n0 <= 62);
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n1 && n1 <= 62);
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n2 && n2 <= 62);
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n3 && n3 <= 62);
+	sel = j40__u(st, 2);
+	return (j40__64u(st, n[sel]) + (int64_t) o[sel]) & (int64_t) 0xffffffff;
+J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__u64(j40__st *st) {
+	int32_t sel = j40__u(st, 2), shift;
+	uint64_t ret = (uint64_t) j40__u(st, sel * 4);
+	if (sel < 3) {
+		ret += 17u >> (8 - sel * 4);
+	} else {
+		for (shift = 12; shift < 64 && j40__u(st, 1); shift += 8) {
+			ret |= (uint64_t) j40__u(st, shift < 56 ? 8 : 64 - shift) << shift;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__enum(j40__st *st) {
+	int32_t ret = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 18, 6);
+	// the spec says it should be 64, but the largest enum value in use is 18 (kHLG);
+	// we have to reject unknown enum values anyway so we use a smaller limit to avoid overflow
+	if (ret >= 31) return J40__ERR("enum"), 0;
+	return ret;
+J40_INLINE float j40__f16(j40__st *st) {
+	int32_t bits = j40__u(st, 16);
+	int32_t biased_exp = (bits >> 10) & 0x1f;
+	if (biased_exp == 31) return J40__ERR("!fin"), 0.0f;
+	return (bits >> 15 ? -1 : 1) * ldexpf((float) ((bits & 0x3ff) | (biased_exp > 0 ? 0x400 : 0)), biased_exp - 25);
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u8(j40__st *st) { // ANS distribution decoding only
+	if (j40__u(st, 1)) {
+		int32_t n = j40__u(st, 3);
+		return j40__u(st, n) + (1 << n);
+	} else {
+		return 0;
+	}
+// equivalent to u(ceil(log2(max + 1))), decodes [0, max] with the minimal number of bits
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__at_most(j40__st *st, int32_t max) {
+	int32_t v = max > 0 ? j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) max + 1)) : 0;
+	if (v > max) return J40__ERR("rnge"), 0;
+	return v;
+// ensures that we have reached the end of file or advertised section with proper padding
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__no_more_bytes(j40__st *st) {
+	J40__TRY(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+	J40__SHOULD(st->bits.nbits == 0 && st->bits.ptr == st->bits.end, "excs");
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// prefix code
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prefix_code_tree(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t l2size, int32_t *out_fast_len, int32_t *out_max_len, int32_t **out_table
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__prefix_code(j40__st *st, int32_t fast_len, int32_t max_len, const int32_t *table);
+// a prefix code tree is represented by max_len (max code length), fast_len (explained below),
+// and an int32_t table either statically or dynamically constructed.
+// table[0] .. table[(1 << fast_len) - 1] are a lookup table for first fast_len bits.
+// each entry is either a direct entry (positive),
+// or an index to the first overflow entry (negative, the actual index is -table[i]).
+// subsequent overflow entries are used for codes with the length > fast_len;
+// the decoder reads overflow entries in the order, stopping at the first match.
+// the last overflow entry is implicit so the table is constructed to ensure the match.
+// a direct or overflow entry format:
+// - bits 0..3: codeword length - fast_len
+// - bits 4..15: codeword, skipping first fast_len bits, ordered like st->bits.bits (overflow only)
+// - bits 16..30: corresponding alphabet
+enum { J40__MAX_TYPICAL_FAST_LEN = 7 }; // limit fast_len for typical cases
+enum { J40__MAX_TABLE_GROWTH = 2 }; // we can afford 2x the table size if beneficial though
+// read a prefix code tree, as specified in RFC 7932 section 3
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prefix_code_tree(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t l2size, int32_t *out_fast_len, int32_t *out_max_len, int32_t **out_table
+) {
+	static const uint8_t REV5[32] = {
+		0, 16, 8, 24, 4, 20, 12, 28, 2, 18, 10, 26, 6, 22, 14, 30,
+		1, 17, 9, 25, 5, 21, 13, 29, 3, 19, 11, 27, 7, 23, 15, 31,
+	};
+	// for ordinary cases we have three different prefix codes:
+	// layer 0 (fixed): up to 4 bits, decoding into 0..5, used L1SIZE = 18 times
+	// layer 1: up to 5 bits, decoding into 0..17, used l2size times
+	// layer 2: up to 15 bits, decoding into 0..l2size-1
+	enum { L1SIZE = 18, L0MAXLEN = 4, L1MAXLEN = 5, L2MAXLEN = 15 };
+	enum { L1CODESUM = 1 << L1MAXLEN, L2CODESUM = 1 << L2MAXLEN };
+	static const int32_t L0TABLE[1 << L0MAXLEN] = {
+		0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x20003, 0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x10004,
+		0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x20003, 0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x50004,
+	};
+	static const uint8_t L1ZIGZAG[L1SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,0,5,17,6,16,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
+	int32_t l1lengths[L1SIZE] = {0}, *l2lengths = NULL;
+	int32_t l1counts[L1MAXLEN + 1] = {0}, l2counts[L2MAXLEN + 1] = {0};
+	int32_t l1starts[L1MAXLEN + 1], l2starts[L2MAXLEN + 1], l2overflows[L2MAXLEN + 1];
+	int32_t l1table[1 << L1MAXLEN] = {0}, *l2table = NULL;
+	int32_t total, code, hskip, fast_len, i, j;
+	J40__ASSERT(l2size > 0 && l2size <= 0x8000);
+	if (l2size == 1) { // SPEC missing this case
+		*out_fast_len = *out_max_len = 0;
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, out_table, 1);
+		(*out_table)[0] = 0;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	hskip = j40__u(st, 2);
+	if (hskip == 1) { // simple prefix codes (section 3.4)
+		static const struct { int8_t maxlen, sortfrom, sortto, len[8], symref[8]; } TEMPLATES[5] = {
+			{ 3, 2, 4, {1,2,1,3,1,2,1,3}, {0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3} }, // NSYM=4 tree-select 1 (1233)
+			{ 0, 0, 0, {0}, {0} },                             // NSYM=1 (0)
+			{ 1, 0, 2, {1,1}, {0,1} },                         // NSYM=2 (11)
+			{ 2, 1, 3, {1,2,1,2}, {0,1,0,2} },                 // NSYM=3 (122)
+			{ 2, 0, 4, {2,2,2,2}, {0,1,2,3} },                 // NSYM=4 tree-select 0 (2222)
+		};
+		int32_t nsym = j40__u(st, 2) + 1, syms[4], tmp;
+		for (i = 0; i < nsym; ++i) {
+			syms[i] = j40__at_most(st, l2size - 1);
+			for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) J40__SHOULD(syms[i] != syms[j], "hufd");
+		}
+		if (nsym == 4 && j40__u(st, 1)) nsym = 0; // tree-select
+		// symbols of the equal length have to be sorted
+		for (i = TEMPLATES[nsym].sortfrom + 1; i < TEMPLATES[nsym].sortto; ++i) {
+			for (j = i; j > TEMPLATES[nsym].sortfrom && syms[j - 1] > syms[j]; --j) {
+				tmp = syms[j - 1];
+				syms[j - 1] = syms[j];
+				syms[j] = tmp;
+			}
+		}
+		*out_fast_len = *out_max_len = TEMPLATES[nsym].maxlen;
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, out_table, 1u << *out_max_len);
+		for (i = 0; i < (1 << *out_max_len); ++i) {
+			(*out_table)[i] = (syms[TEMPLATES[nsym].symref[i]] << 16) | (int32_t) TEMPLATES[nsym].len[i];
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// complex prefix codes (section 3.5): read layer 1 code lengths using the layer 0 code
+	total = 0;
+	for (i = l1counts[0] = hskip; i < L1SIZE && total < L1CODESUM; ++i) {
+		l1lengths[L1ZIGZAG[i]] = code = j40__prefix_code(st, L0MAXLEN, L0MAXLEN, L0TABLE);
+		++l1counts[code];
+		if (code) total += L1CODESUM >> code;
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(total == L1CODESUM && l1counts[0] != i, "hufd");
+	// construct the layer 1 tree
+	if (l1counts[0] == i - 1) { // special case: a single code repeats as many as possible
+		for (i = 0; l1lengths[i]; ++i); // this SHOULD terminate
+		for (code = 0; code < L1CODESUM; ++code) l1table[code] = i;
+		l1lengths[i] = 0;
+	} else {
+		l1starts[1] = 0;
+		for (i = 2; i <= L1MAXLEN; ++i) {
+			l1starts[i] = l1starts[i - 1] + (l1counts[i - 1] << (L1MAXLEN - (i - 1)));
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < L1SIZE; ++i) {
+			int32_t n = l1lengths[i], *start = &l1starts[n];
+			if (n == 0) continue;
+			for (code = (int32_t) REV5[*start]; code < L1CODESUM; code += 1 << n) {
+				l1table[code] = (i << 16) | n;
+			}
+			*start += L1CODESUM >> n;
+		}
+	}
+	{ // read layer 2 code lengths using the layer 1 code
+		int32_t prev = 8, rep, prev_rep = 0; // prev_rep: prev repeat count of 16(pos)/17(neg) so far
+		J40__TRY_CALLOC(int32_t, &l2lengths, (size_t) l2size);
+		for (i = total = 0; i < l2size && total < L2CODESUM; ) {
+			code = j40__prefix_code(st, L1MAXLEN, L1MAXLEN, l1table);
+			if (code < 16) {
+				l2lengths[i++] = code;
+				++l2counts[code];
+				if (code) {
+					total += L2CODESUM >> code;
+					prev = code;
+				}
+				prev_rep = 0;
+			} else if (code == 16) { // repeat non-zero 3+u(2) times
+				// instead of keeping the current repeat count, we calculate a difference
+				// between the previous and current repeat count and directly apply the delta
+				if (prev_rep < 0) prev_rep = 0;
+				rep = (prev_rep > 0 ? 4 * prev_rep - 5 : 3) + j40__u(st, 2);
+				J40__SHOULD(i + (rep - prev_rep) <= l2size, "hufd");
+				total += (L2CODESUM * (rep - prev_rep)) >> prev;
+				l2counts[prev] += rep - prev_rep;
+				for (; prev_rep < rep; ++prev_rep) l2lengths[i++] = prev;
+			} else { // code == 17: repeat zero 3+u(3) times
+				if (prev_rep > 0) prev_rep = 0;
+				rep = (prev_rep < 0 ? 8 * prev_rep + 13 : -3) - j40__u(st, 3);
+				J40__SHOULD(i + (prev_rep - rep) <= l2size, "hufd");
+				for (; prev_rep > rep; --prev_rep) l2lengths[i++] = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		J40__SHOULD(total == L2CODESUM, "hufd");
+	}
+	// determine the layer 2 lookup table size
+	l2starts[1] = 0;
+	*out_max_len = 1;
+	for (i = 2; i <= L2MAXLEN; ++i) {
+		l2starts[i] = l2starts[i - 1] + (l2counts[i - 1] << (L2MAXLEN - (i - 1)));
+		if (l2counts[i]) *out_max_len = i;
+	}
+	if (*out_max_len <= J40__MAX_TYPICAL_FAST_LEN) {
+		fast_len = *out_max_len;
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &l2table, 1u << fast_len);
+	} else {
+		// if the distribution is flat enough the max fast_len might be slow
+		// because most LUT entries will be overflow refs so we will hit slow paths for most cases.
+		// we therefore calculate the table size with the max fast_len,
+		// then find the largest fast_len within the specified table growth factor.
+		int32_t size, size_limit, size_used;
+		fast_len = J40__MAX_TYPICAL_FAST_LEN;
+		size = 1 << fast_len;
+		for (i = fast_len + 1; i <= *out_max_len; ++i) size += l2counts[i];
+		size_used = size;
+		size_limit = size * J40__MAX_TABLE_GROWTH;
+		for (i = fast_len + 1; i <= *out_max_len; ++i) {
+			size = size + (1 << i) - l2counts[i];
+			if (size <= size_limit) {
+				size_used = size;
+				fast_len = i;
+			}
+		}
+		l2overflows[fast_len + 1] = 1 << fast_len;
+		for (i = fast_len + 2; i <= *out_max_len; ++i) l2overflows[i] = l2overflows[i - 1] + l2counts[i - 1];
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &l2table, (size_t) (size_used + 1));
+		// this entry should be unreachable, but should work as a stopper if there happens to be a logic bug
+		l2table[size_used] = 0;
+	}
+	// fill the layer 2 table
+	for (i = 0; i < l2size; ++i) {
+		int32_t n = l2lengths[i], *start = &l2starts[n];
+		if (n == 0) continue;
+		code = ((int32_t) REV5[*start & 31] << 10) |
+			((int32_t) REV5[*start >> 5 & 31] << 5) |
+			((int32_t) REV5[*start >> 10]);
+		if (n <= fast_len) {
+			for (; code < (1 << fast_len); code += 1 << n) l2table[code] = (i << 16) | n;
+			*start += L2CODESUM >> n;
+		} else {
+			// there should be exactly one code which is a LUT-covered prefix plus all zeroes;
+			// in the canonical Huffman tree that code would be in the first overflow entry
+			if ((code >> fast_len) == 0) l2table[code] = -l2overflows[n];
+			*start += L2CODESUM >> n;
+			l2table[l2overflows[n]++] = (i << 16) | (code >> fast_len << 4) | (n - fast_len);
+		}
+	}
+	*out_fast_len = fast_len;
+	*out_table = l2table;
+	j40__free(l2lengths);
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(l2lengths);
+	j40__free(l2table);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__match_overflow(j40__st *st, int32_t fast_len, const int32_t *table) {
+	int32_t entry, code, code_len;
+	st->bits.nbits -= fast_len;
+	st->bits.bits >>= fast_len;
+	do {
+		entry = *table++;
+		code = (entry >> 4) & 0xfff;
+		code_len = entry & 15;
+	} while (code != (int32_t) (st->bits.bits & ((1u << code_len) - 1)));
+	return entry;
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__prefix_code(j40__st *st, int32_t fast_len, int32_t max_len, const int32_t *table) {
+	int32_t entry, code_len;
+	// this is not `j40__refill(st, max_len)` because it should be able to handle codes
+	// at the very end of file or section and shorter than max_len bits; in that case
+	// the bit buffer will correctly contain a short code padded with zeroes.
+	if (st->bits.nbits < max_len && j40__always_refill(st, 0)) return 0;
+	entry = table[st->bits.bits & ((1u << fast_len) - 1)];
+	if (entry < 0 && fast_len < max_len) entry = j40__match_overflow(st, fast_len, table - entry);
+	code_len = entry & 15;
+	st->bits.nbits -= code_len;
+	st->bits.bits >>= code_len;
+	if (st->bits.nbits < 0) { // too many bits read from the bit buffer
+		st->bits.nbits = 0;
+		J40__ASSERT(st->bits.bits == 0);
+		J40__ERR("shrt");
+	}
+	return entry >> 16;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// hybrid integer encoding
+// token < 2^split_exp is interpreted as is.
+// otherwise (token - 2^split_exp) is split into NNHHHLLL where config determines H/L lengths.
+// then MMMMM = u(NN + split_exp - H/L lengths) is read; the decoded value is 1HHHMMMMMLLL.
+typedef struct {
+	int8_t split_exp; // [0, 15]
+	int8_t msb_in_token, lsb_in_token; // msb_in_token + lsb_in_token <= split_exp
+	// TODO 2^30 bound is arbitrary, codestream may require larger values for some edge cases
+	int32_t max_token; // upper bound of token s.t. `j40__hybrid_int(token)` is < 2^30
+} j40__hybrid_int_config;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_hybrid_int_config(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__hybrid_int_config *out
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__hybrid_int(j40__st *st, int32_t token, j40__hybrid_int_config config);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_hybrid_int_config(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__hybrid_int_config *out
+) {
+	J40__ASSERT(log_alpha_size <= 15);
+	out->split_exp = (int8_t) j40__at_most(st, log_alpha_size);
+	if (out->split_exp != log_alpha_size) {
+		out->msb_in_token = (int8_t) j40__at_most(st, out->split_exp);
+		out->lsb_in_token = (int8_t) j40__at_most(st, out->split_exp - out->msb_in_token);
+	} else {
+		out->msb_in_token = out->lsb_in_token = 0;
+	}
+	out->max_token =
+		(1 << out->split_exp) + ((30 - out->split_exp) << (out->lsb_in_token + out->msb_in_token)) - 1;
+	return st->err;
+J40_INLINE int32_t j40__hybrid_int(j40__st *st, int32_t token, j40__hybrid_int_config config) {
+	int32_t midbits, lo, mid, hi, top, bits_in_token, split = 1 << config.split_exp;
+	if (token < split) return token;
+	if (token > config.max_token) {
+		token = config.max_token;
+		J40__ERR("iovf");
+	}
+	bits_in_token = config.msb_in_token + config.lsb_in_token;
+	midbits = config.split_exp - bits_in_token + ((token - split) >> bits_in_token);
+	mid = j40__u(st, midbits);
+	top = 1 << config.msb_in_token;
+	lo = token & ((1 << config.lsb_in_token) - 1);
+	hi = (token >> config.lsb_in_token) & (top - 1);
+	return ((top | hi) << (midbits + config.lsb_in_token)) | ((mid << config.lsb_in_token) | lo);
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// rANS alias table
+enum {
+	J40__DIST_BITS = 12,
+	J40__ANS_INIT_STATE = 0x130000
+// the alias table of size N is conceptually an array of N buckets with probability 1/N each,
+// where each bucket corresponds to at most two symbols distinguished by the cutoff point.
+// this is done by rearranging symbols so that every symbol boundary falls into distinct buckets.
+// so it allows *any* distribution of N symbols to be decoded in a constant time after the setup.
+// the table is not unique though, so the spec needs to specify the exact construction algorithm.
+//   input range: 0         cutoff               bucket_size
+//                +-----------|----------------------------+
+// output symbol: |     i     |           symbol           | <- bucket i
+//                +-----------|----------------------------+
+//  output range: 0     cutoff|offset    offset+bucket_size
+typedef struct { int16_t cutoff, offset_or_next, symbol; } j40__alias_bucket;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_alias_map(
+	j40__st *st, const int16_t *D, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__alias_bucket **out
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__ans_code(
+	j40__st *st, uint32_t *state, int32_t log_bucket_size,
+	const int16_t *D, const j40__alias_bucket *aliases
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_alias_map(
+	j40__st *st, const int16_t *D, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__alias_bucket **out
+) {
+	int16_t log_bucket_size = (int16_t) (J40__DIST_BITS - log_alpha_size);
+	int16_t bucket_size = (int16_t) (1 << log_bucket_size);
+	int16_t table_size = (int16_t) (1 << log_alpha_size);
+	j40__alias_bucket *buckets = NULL;
+	// the underfull and overfull stacks are implicit linked lists; u/o resp. is the top index,
+	// buckets[u/o].next is the second-to-top index and so on. an index -1 indicates the bottom.
+	int16_t u = -1, o = -1, i, j;
+	J40__ASSERT(5 <= log_alpha_size && log_alpha_size <= 8);
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__alias_bucket, &buckets, 1u << log_alpha_size);
+	for (i = 0; i < table_size && !D[i]; ++i);
+	for (j = (int16_t) (i + 1); j < table_size && !D[j]; ++j);
+	if (i < table_size && j >= table_size) { // D[i] is the only non-zero probability
+		for (j = 0; j < table_size; ++j) {
+			buckets[j].symbol = i;
+			buckets[j].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = (int16_t) (j << log_bucket_size);
+			buckets[j].cutoff = 0;
+		}
+		*out = buckets;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// each bucket is either settled (fields fully set) or unsettled (only `cutoff` is set).
+	// unsettled buckets are either in the underfull stack, in which case `cutoff < bucket_size`,
+	// or in the overfull stack, in which case `cutoff > bucket_size`. other fields are left
+	// unused, so `offset` in settled buckets is aliased to `next` in unsettled buckets.
+	// when rearranging results in buckets with `cutoff == bucket_size`,
+	// final fields are set and they become settled; eventually every bucket has to be settled.
+	for (i = 0; i < table_size; ++i) {
+		int16_t cutoff = D[i];
+		buckets[i].cutoff = cutoff;
+		if (cutoff > bucket_size) {
+			buckets[i].offset_or_next /*next*/ = o;
+			o = i;
+		} else if (cutoff < bucket_size) {
+			buckets[i].offset_or_next /*next*/ = u;
+			u = i;
+		} else { // immediately settled
+			buckets[i].symbol = i;
+			buckets[i].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	while (o >= 0) {
+		int16_t by, tmp;
+		J40__ASSERT(u >= 0);
+		by = (int16_t) (bucket_size - buckets[u].cutoff);
+		// move the input range [cutoff[o] - by, cutoff[o]] of the bucket o into
+		// the input range [cutoff[u], bucket_size] of the bucket u (which is settled after this)
+		tmp = buckets[u].offset_or_next /*next*/;
+		buckets[o].cutoff = (int16_t) (buckets[o].cutoff - by);
+		buckets[u].symbol = o;
+		buckets[u].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = (int16_t) (buckets[o].cutoff - buckets[u].cutoff);
+		u = tmp;
+		if (buckets[o].cutoff < bucket_size) { // o is now underfull, move to the underfull stack
+			tmp = buckets[o].offset_or_next /*next*/;
+			buckets[o].offset_or_next /*next*/ = u;
+			u = o;
+			o = tmp;
+		} else if (buckets[o].cutoff == bucket_size) { // o is also settled
+			tmp = buckets[o].offset_or_next /*next*/;
+			buckets[o].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = 0;
+			o = tmp;
+		}
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(u < 0);
+	*out = buckets;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(buckets);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__ans_code(
+	j40__st *st, uint32_t *state, int32_t log_bucket_size,
+	const int16_t *D, const j40__alias_bucket *aliases
+) {
+	if (*state == 0) {
+		*state = (uint32_t) j40__u(st, 16);
+		*state |= (uint32_t) j40__u(st, 16) << 16;
+	}
+	{
+		int32_t index = (int32_t) (*state & 0xfff);
+		int32_t i = index >> log_bucket_size;
+		int32_t pos = index & ((1 << log_bucket_size) - 1);
+		const j40__alias_bucket *bucket = &aliases[i];
+		int32_t symbol = pos < bucket->cutoff ? i : bucket->symbol;
+		int32_t offset = pos < bucket->cutoff ? 0 : bucket->offset_or_next /*offset*/;
+		J40__ASSERT(D[symbol] != 0);
+		*state = (uint32_t) D[symbol] * (*state >> 12) + (uint32_t) offset + (uint32_t) pos;
+		if (*state < (1u << 16)) *state = (*state << 16) | (uint32_t) j40__u(st, 16);
+		return symbol;
+	}
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// entropy code
+typedef union {
+	j40__hybrid_int_config config;
+	struct {
+		j40__hybrid_int_config config;
+		int32_t count;
+	} init; // only used during the initialization
+	struct {
+		j40__hybrid_int_config config;
+		int16_t *D;
+		j40__alias_bucket *aliases;
+	} ans; // if parent use_prefix_code is false
+	struct {
+		j40__hybrid_int_config config;
+		int16_t fast_len, max_len;
+		int32_t *table;
+	} prefix; // if parent use_prefix_code is true
+} j40__code_cluster;
+typedef struct {
+	int32_t num_dist;
+	int lz77_enabled, use_prefix_code;
+	int32_t min_symbol, min_length;
+	int32_t log_alpha_size; // only used when use_prefix_code is false
+	int32_t num_clusters; // in [1, min(num_dist, 256)]
+	uint8_t *cluster_map; // each in [0, num_clusters)
+	j40__hybrid_int_config lz_len_config;
+	j40__code_cluster *clusters;
+} j40__code_spec;
+typedef struct {
+	const j40__code_spec *spec;
+	// LZ77 states
+	int32_t num_to_copy, copy_pos, num_decoded;
+	int32_t window_cap, *window;
+	// ANS state (SPEC there is a single such state throughout the whole ANS stream)
+	uint32_t ans_state; // 0 if uninitialized
+} j40__code_st;
+// j40__code dist_mult should be clamped to this value in order to prevent overflow
+#define J40__MAX_DIST_MULT (1 << 21)
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__cluster_map(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, int32_t max_allowed, int32_t *num_clusters, uint8_t **outmap
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__ans_table(j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, int16_t **outtable);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_code_spec(j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, j40__code_spec *spec);
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_code(j40__code_st *code, const j40__code_spec *spec);
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__entropy_code_cluster(
+	j40__st *st, int use_prefix_code, int32_t log_alpha_size,
+	j40__code_cluster *cluster, uint32_t *ans_state
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__code(j40__st *st, int32_t ctx, int32_t dist_mult, j40__code_st *code);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_code(j40__code_st *code);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_and_free_code(j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_code_spec(j40__code_spec *spec);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__cluster_map(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, int32_t max_allowed, int32_t *num_clusters, uint8_t **outmap
+) {
+	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT; // cluster map might be recursively coded
+	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
+	uint32_t seen[8] = {0};
+	uint8_t *map = NULL;
+	int32_t i, j;
+	J40__ASSERT(num_dist > 0);
+	J40__ASSERT(max_allowed >= 1 && max_allowed <= 256);
+	if (max_allowed > num_dist) max_allowed = num_dist;
+	if (num_dist == 1) { // SPEC impossible in Brotli but possible (and unspecified) in JPEG XL
+		*num_clusters = 1;
+		J40__TRY_CALLOC(uint8_t, outmap, 1);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	*outmap = NULL;
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(uint8_t, &map, (size_t) num_dist);
+	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // is_simple (# clusters < 8)
+		int32_t nbits = j40__u(st, 2);
+		for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) {
+			map[i] = (uint8_t) j40__u(st, nbits);
+			J40__SHOULD((int32_t) map[i] < max_allowed, "clst");
+		}
+	} else {
+		int use_mtf = j40__u(st, 1);
+		// TODO while num_dist is limited to 1, there is still a possibility of unbounded recursion
+		// when each code spec introduces its own LZ77 distribution; libjxl doesn't allow LZ77
+		// when cluster map is reading only two entries, which is technically incorrect but
+		// easier to adopt in the current structure of J40 as well.
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, num_dist <= 2 ? -1 : 1, &codespec));
+		j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
+		for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) {
+			int32_t index = j40__code(st, 0, 0, &code); // SPEC context (always 0) is missing
+			J40__SHOULD(index < max_allowed, "clst");
+			map[i] = (uint8_t) index;
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
+		j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+		if (use_mtf) {
+			uint8_t mtf[256], moved;
+			for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) mtf[i] = (uint8_t) i;
+			for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) {
+				j = map[i];
+				map[i] = moved = mtf[j];
+				for (; j > 0; --j) mtf[j] = mtf[j - 1];
+				mtf[0] = moved;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// verify cluster_map and determine the implicit num_clusters
+	for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) seen[map[i] >> 5] |= (uint32_t) 1 << (map[i] & 31);
+	for (i = 0; i < 256 && (seen[i >> 5] >> (i & 31) & 1); ++i);
+	*num_clusters = i; // the first unset position or 256 if none
+	for (; i < 256 && !(seen[i >> 5] >> (i & 31) & 1); ++i);
+	J40__SHOULD(i == 256, "clst"); // no more set position beyond num_clusters
+	J40__ASSERT(*num_clusters > 0);
+	*outmap = map;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(map);
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__ans_table(j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, int16_t **outtable) {
+	int32_t table_size = 1 << log_alpha_size;
+	int32_t i;
+	int16_t *D = NULL;
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int16_t, &D, (size_t) table_size);
+	switch (j40__u(st, 2)) { // two Bool() calls combined into u(2), so bits are swapped
+	case 1: { // true -> false case: one entry
+		int32_t v = j40__u8(st);
+		memset(D, 0, sizeof(int16_t) * (size_t) table_size);
+		J40__SHOULD(v < table_size, "ansd");
+		D[v] = DISTSUM;
+		break;
+	}
+	case 3: { // true -> true case: two entries
+		int32_t v1 = j40__u8(st);
+		int32_t v2 = j40__u8(st);
+		J40__SHOULD(v1 != v2 && v1 < table_size && v2 < table_size, "ansd");
+		memset(D, 0, sizeof(int16_t) * (size_t) table_size);
+		D[v1] = (int16_t) j40__u(st, DISTBITS);
+		D[v2] = (int16_t) (DISTSUM - D[v1]);
+		break;
+	}
+	case 2: { // false -> true case: evenly distribute to first `alpha_size` entries
+		int32_t alpha_size = j40__u8(st) + 1;
+		int16_t d = (int16_t) (DISTSUM / alpha_size);
+		int16_t bias_size = (int16_t) (DISTSUM % alpha_size);
+		J40__SHOULD(alpha_size <= table_size, "ansd");
+		for (i = 0; i < bias_size; ++i) D[i] = (int16_t) (d + 1);
+		for (; i < alpha_size; ++i) D[i] = d;
+		for (; i < table_size; ++i) D[i] = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	case 0: { // false -> false case: bit counts + RLE
+		int32_t len, shift, alpha_size, omit_log, omit_pos, code, total, n;
+		int32_t ncodes, codes[259]; // exponents if >= 0, negated repeat count if < 0
+		len = j40__u(st, 1) ? j40__u(st, 1) ? j40__u(st, 1) ? 3 : 2 : 1 : 0;
+		shift = j40__u(st, len) + (1 << len) - 1;
+		J40__SHOULD(shift <= 13, "ansd");
+		alpha_size = j40__u8(st) + 3;
+		omit_log = -1; // there should be at least one non-RLE code
+		for (i = ncodes = 0; i < alpha_size; ) {
+			static const int32_t TABLE[] = { // reinterpretation of kLogCountLut
+				0xa0003,     -16, 0x70003, 0x30004, 0x60003, 0x80003, 0x90003, 0x50004,
+				0xa0003, 0x40004, 0x70003, 0x10004, 0x60003, 0x80003, 0x90003, 0x20004,
+				0x00011, 0xb0022, 0xc0003, 0xd0043, // overflow for ...0001
+			};
+			code = j40__prefix_code(st, 4, 7, TABLE);
+			if (code < 13) {
+				++i;
+				codes[ncodes++] = code;
+				if (omit_log < code) omit_log = code;
+			} else {
+				i += code = j40__u8(st) + 4;
+				codes[ncodes++] = -code;
+			}
+		}
+		J40__SHOULD(i == alpha_size && omit_log >= 0, "ansd");
+		omit_pos = -1;
+		for (i = n = total = 0; i < ncodes && n < table_size; ++i) {
+			code = codes[i];
+			if (code < 0) { // repeat
+				int16_t prev = n > 0 ? D[n - 1] : 0;
+				J40__SHOULD(prev >= 0, "ansd"); // implicit D[n] followed by RLE
+				code = j40__min32(-code, table_size - n);
+				total += (int32_t) prev * code;
+				while (code-- > 0) D[n++] = prev;
+			} else if (code == omit_log) { // the first longest D[n] is "omitted" (implicit)
+				omit_pos = n;
+				omit_log = -1; // this branch runs at most once
+				D[n++] = -1;
+			} else if (code < 2) {
+				total += code;
+				D[n++] = (int16_t) code;
+			} else {
+				int32_t bitcount;
+				--code;
+				bitcount = j40__min32(j40__max32(0, shift - ((DISTBITS - code) >> 1)), code);
+				code = (1 << code) + (j40__u(st, bitcount) << (code - bitcount));
+				total += code;
+				D[n++] = (int16_t) code;
+			}
+		}
+		for (; n < table_size; ++n) D[n] = 0;
+		J40__SHOULD(omit_pos >= 0, "ansd");
+		J40__SHOULD(total <= DISTSUM, "ansd");
+		D[omit_pos] = (int16_t) (DISTSUM - total);
+		break;
+	}
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+	*outtable = D;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(D);
+	return st->err;
+// num_dist can be negative (and its absolute value is used) when a further use of LZ77 is disallowed
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_code_spec(j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, j40__code_spec *spec) {
+	int32_t i;
+	int allow_lz77;
+	J40__ASSERT(num_dist != 0);
+	allow_lz77 = (num_dist > 0);
+	num_dist = j40__abs32(num_dist);
+	spec->cluster_map = NULL;
+	spec->clusters = NULL;
+	// LZ77Params
+	spec->lz77_enabled = j40__u(st, 1);
+	if (spec->lz77_enabled) {
+		J40__SHOULD(allow_lz77, "lz77");
+		spec->min_symbol = j40__u32(st, 224, 0, 512, 0, 4096, 0, 8, 15);
+		spec->min_length = j40__u32(st, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 2, 9, 8);
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_hybrid_int_config(st, 8, &spec->lz_len_config));
+		++num_dist; // num_dist - 1 is a synthesized LZ77 length distribution
+	} else {
+		spec->min_symbol = spec->min_length = 0x7fffffff;
+	}
+	// cluster_map: a mapping from context IDs to actual distributions
+	J40__TRY(j40__cluster_map(st, num_dist, 256, &spec->num_clusters, &spec->cluster_map));
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__code_cluster, &spec->clusters, (size_t) spec->num_clusters);
+	spec->use_prefix_code = j40__u(st, 1);
+	if (spec->use_prefix_code) {
+		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) { // SPEC the count is off by one
+			J40__TRY(j40__read_hybrid_int_config(st, 15, &spec->clusters[i].config));
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
+			if (j40__u(st, 1)) {
+				int32_t n = j40__u(st, 4);
+				spec->clusters[i].init.count = 1 + (1 << n) + j40__u(st, n);
+				J40__SHOULD(spec->clusters[i].init.count <= (1 << 15), "hufd");
+			} else {
+				spec->clusters[i].init.count = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		// SPEC this should happen after reading *all* count[i]
+		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
+			j40__code_cluster *c = &spec->clusters[i];
+			int32_t fast_len, max_len;
+			J40__TRY(j40__prefix_code_tree(st, c->init.count, &fast_len, &max_len, &c->prefix.table));
+			c->prefix.fast_len = (int16_t) fast_len;
+			c->prefix.max_len = (int16_t) max_len;
+		}
+	} else {
+		spec->log_alpha_size = 5 + j40__u(st, 2);
+		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) { // SPEC the count is off by one
+			J40__TRY(j40__read_hybrid_int_config(st, spec->log_alpha_size, &spec->clusters[i].config));
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
+			j40__code_cluster *c = &spec->clusters[i];
+			J40__TRY(j40__ans_table(st, spec->log_alpha_size, &c->ans.D));
+			J40__TRY(j40__init_alias_map(st, c->ans.D, spec->log_alpha_size, &c->ans.aliases));
+		}
+	}
+	spec->num_dist = num_dist;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_code_spec(spec);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_code(j40__code_st *code, const j40__code_spec *spec) {
+	code->spec = spec;
+	code->num_to_copy = code->copy_pos = code->num_decoded = 0;
+	code->window_cap = 0;
+	code->window = 0;
+	code->ans_state = 0;
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__entropy_code_cluster(
+	j40__st *st, int use_prefix_code, int32_t log_alpha_size,
+	j40__code_cluster *cluster, uint32_t *ans_state
+) {
+	if (use_prefix_code) {
+		return j40__prefix_code(st, cluster->prefix.fast_len, cluster->prefix.max_len, cluster->prefix.table);
+	} else {
+		return j40__ans_code(st, ans_state, J40__DIST_BITS - log_alpha_size, cluster->ans.D, cluster->ans.aliases);
+	}
+// aka DecodeHybridVarLenUint
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__code(j40__st *st, int32_t ctx, int32_t dist_mult, j40__code_st *code) {
+	static const int32_t MASK = 0xfffff;
+	const j40__code_spec *spec = code->spec;
+	int32_t token, distance, log_alpha_size;
+	j40__code_cluster *cluster;
+	int use_prefix_code;
+	if (code->num_to_copy > 0) {
+		J40__ASSERT(code->window); // because this can't be the initial token and lz77_enabled is true
+		--code->num_to_copy;
+		return code->window[code->num_decoded++ & MASK] = code->window[code->copy_pos++ & MASK];
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(ctx < spec->num_dist);
+	use_prefix_code = spec->use_prefix_code;
+	log_alpha_size = spec->log_alpha_size;
+	cluster = &spec->clusters[spec->cluster_map[ctx]];
+	token = j40__entropy_code_cluster(st, use_prefix_code, log_alpha_size, cluster, &code->ans_state);
+	if (token >= spec->min_symbol) { // this is large enough if lz77_enabled is false
+		j40__code_cluster *lz_cluster = &spec->clusters[spec->cluster_map[spec->num_dist - 1]];
+		int32_t num_to_copy = j40__hybrid_int(st, token - spec->min_symbol, spec->lz_len_config) + spec->min_length;
+		token = j40__entropy_code_cluster(st, use_prefix_code, log_alpha_size, lz_cluster, &code->ans_state);
+		distance = j40__hybrid_int(st, token, lz_cluster->config);
+		if (st->err) return 0;
+		if (!dist_mult) {
+			++distance;
+		} else if (distance >= 120) {
+			distance -= 119;
+		} else {
+			static const uint8_t SPECIAL_DISTANCES[120] = { // {a,b} encoded as (a+7)*16+b
+				0x71, 0x80, 0x81, 0x61, 0x72, 0x90, 0x82, 0x62, 0x91, 0x51, 0x92, 0x52,
+				0x73, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x63, 0xa1, 0x41, 0x93, 0x53, 0xa2, 0x42, 0x74, 0xb0,
+				0x84, 0x64, 0xb1, 0x31, 0xa3, 0x43, 0x94, 0x54, 0xb2, 0x32, 0x75, 0xa4,
+				0x44, 0xb3, 0x33, 0xc0, 0x85, 0x65, 0xc1, 0x21, 0x95, 0x55, 0xc2, 0x22,
+				0xb4, 0x34, 0xa5, 0x45, 0xc3, 0x23, 0x76, 0xd0, 0x86, 0x66, 0xd1, 0x11,
+				0x96, 0x56, 0xd2, 0x12, 0xb5, 0x35, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa6, 0x46, 0xd3, 0x13,
+				0x77, 0xe0, 0x87, 0x67, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xe1, 0x01, 0xb6, 0x36, 0xd4, 0x14,
+				0x97, 0x57, 0xe2, 0x02, 0xa7, 0x47, 0xe3, 0x03, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xd5, 0x15,
+				0xf0, 0xb7, 0x37, 0xe4, 0x04, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xd6, 0x16, 0xf3, 0xc7, 0x27,
+				0xe5, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xd7, 0x17, 0xe6, 0x06, 0xf5, 0xe7, 0x07, 0xf6, 0xf7,
+			};
+			int32_t special = (int32_t) SPECIAL_DISTANCES[distance];
+			J40__ASSERT(dist_mult <= J40__MAX_DIST_MULT);
+			// TODO spec bug: distance can be as low as -6 when dist_mult = 1 and distance =
+			// dist_mult * 1 - 7; libjxl clamps it to the minimum of 1, so we do the same here
+			distance = j40__max32(1, ((special >> 4) - 7) + dist_mult * (special & 7));
+		}
+		distance = j40__min32(j40__min32(distance, code->num_decoded), 1 << 20);
+		code->copy_pos = code->num_decoded - distance;
+		if (J40_UNLIKELY(distance == 0)) {
+			// TODO spec bug: this is possible when num_decoded == 0 (or a non-positive special
+			// distance, handled above) and libjxl acts as if `window[i]` is initially filled with 0
+			J40__ASSERT(code->num_decoded == 0 && !code->window);
+			code->window = (int32_t*) j40__calloc(1u << 20, sizeof(int32_t));
+			if (!code->window) return J40__ERR("!mem"), 0;
+		}
+		J40__ASSERT(num_to_copy > 0);
+		code->num_to_copy = num_to_copy - 1;
+		return code->window[code->num_decoded++ & MASK] = code->window[code->copy_pos++ & MASK];
+	}
+	token = j40__hybrid_int(st, token, cluster->config);
+	if (st->err) return 0;
+	if (spec->lz77_enabled) {
+		if (!code->window) { // XXX should be dynamically resized
+			code->window = (int32_t*) j40__malloc(1u << 20, sizeof(int32_t));
+			if (!code->window) return J40__ERR("!mem"), 0;
+		}
+		code->window[code->num_decoded++ & MASK] = token;
+	}
+	return token;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_code(j40__code_st *code) {
+	j40__free(code->window);
+	code->window = NULL;
+	code->window_cap = 0;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_and_free_code(j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code) {
+	if (!code->spec->use_prefix_code) {
+		if (code->ans_state) {
+			J40__SHOULD(code->ans_state == J40__ANS_INIT_STATE, "ans?");
+		} else { // edge case: if no symbols have been read the state has to be read at this point
+			J40__SHOULD(j40__u(st, 16) == (J40__ANS_INIT_STATE & 0xffff), "ans?");
+			J40__SHOULD(j40__u(st, 16) == (J40__ANS_INIT_STATE >> 16), "ans?");
+		}
+	}
+	// it's explicitly allowed that num_to_copy can be > 0 at the end of stream
+	j40__free_code(code);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_code_spec(j40__code_spec *spec) {
+	int32_t i;
+	if (spec->clusters) {
+		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
+			if (spec->use_prefix_code) {
+				j40__free(spec->clusters[i].prefix.table);
+			} else {
+				j40__free(spec->clusters[i].ans.D);
+				j40__free(spec->clusters[i].ans.aliases);
+			}
+		}
+		j40__free(spec->clusters);
+		spec->clusters = NULL;
+	}
+	j40__free(spec->cluster_map);
+	spec->cluster_map = NULL;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// image header & metadata
+enum {
+	J40__CHROMA_WHITE = 0, J40__CHROMA_RED = 1,
+	J40__CHROMA_GREEN = 2, J40__CHROMA_BLUE = 3,
+enum j40__ec_type {
+	J40__EC_ALPHA = 0, J40__EC_DEPTH = 1, J40__EC_SPOT_COLOUR = 2,
+	J40__EC_SELECTION_MASK = 3, J40__EC_BLACK = 4, J40__EC_CFA = 5,
+	J40__EC_THERMAL = 6, J40__EC_NON_OPTIONAL = 15, J40__EC_OPTIONAL = 16,
+typedef struct {
+	enum j40__ec_type type;
+	int32_t bpp, exp_bits, dim_shift, name_len;
+	char *name;
+	union {
+		int alpha_associated;
+		struct { float red, green, blue, solidity; } spot;
+		int32_t cfa_channel;
+	} data;
+} j40__ec_info;
+enum j40__orientation {
+	J40__ORIENT_TL = 1, J40__ORIENT_TR = 2, J40__ORIENT_BR = 3, J40__ORIENT_BL = 4,
+	J40__ORIENT_LT = 5, J40__ORIENT_RT = 6, J40__ORIENT_RB = 7, J40__ORIENT_LB = 8,
+enum j40__cspace {
+	J40__CS_CHROMA = 'c', J40__CS_GREY = 'g', J40__CS_XYB = 'x',
+enum { // for `j40__image_st.gamma_or_tf`
+	J40__TF_709 = -1, J40__TF_UNKNOWN = -2, J40__TF_LINEAR = -8, J40__TF_SRGB = -13,
+	J40__TF_PQ = -16, J40__TF_DCI = -17, J40__TF_HLG = -18,
+	J40__GAMMA_MAX = 10000000,
+enum j40__render_intent {
+	J40__INTENT_PERC = 0, J40__INTENT_REL = 1, J40__INTENT_SAT = 2, J40__INTENT_ABS = 3
+typedef struct j40__image_st {
+	int32_t width, height;
+	enum j40__orientation orientation;
+	int32_t intr_width, intr_height; // 0 if not specified
+	int bpp, exp_bits;
+	int32_t anim_tps_num, anim_tps_denom; // num=denom=0 if not animated
+	int64_t anim_nloops; // 0 if infinity
+	int anim_have_timecodes;
+	char *icc;
+	size_t iccsize;
+	enum j40__cspace cspace;
+	float cpoints[4 /*J40__CHROMA_xxx*/][2 /*x=0, y=1*/]; // only for J40__CS_CHROMA
+	int32_t gamma_or_tf; // gamma if > 0, transfer function if <= 0
+	enum j40__render_intent render_intent;
+	float intensity_target, min_nits; // 0 < min_nits <= intensity_target
+	float linear_below; // absolute (nits) if >= 0; a negated ratio of max display brightness if [-1,0]
+	int modular_16bit_buffers;
+	int num_extra_channels;
+	j40__ec_info *ec_info;
+	int xyb_encoded;
+	float opsin_inv_mat[3][3], opsin_bias[3], quant_bias[3 /*xyb*/], quant_bias_num;
+	int want_icc;
+} j40__image_st;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__signature(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__size_header(j40__st *st, int32_t *outw, int32_t *outh);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__bit_depth(j40__st *st, int32_t *outbpp, int32_t *outexpbits);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__name(j40__st *st, int32_t *outlen, char **outbuf);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__customxy(j40__st *st, float xy[2]);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__extensions(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__image_metadata(j40__st *st);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_image_state(j40__image_st *im);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__signature(j40__st *st) {
+	int32_t sig = j40__u(st, 16);
+	J40__SHOULD(sig == 0x0aff, "!jxl"); // FF 0A in the byte sequence
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__size_header(j40__st *st, int32_t *outw, int32_t *outh) {
+	int32_t div8 = j40__u(st, 1);
+	*outh = div8 ? (j40__u(st, 5) + 1) * 8 : j40__u32(st, 1, 9, 1, 13, 1, 18, 1, 30);
+	switch (j40__u(st, 3)) { // ratio
+	case 0: *outw = div8 ? (j40__u(st, 5) + 1) * 8 : j40__u32(st, 1, 9, 1, 13, 1, 18, 1, 30); break;
+	case 1: *outw = *outh; break;
+	case 2: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 6 / 5); break;
+	case 3: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 4 / 3); break;
+	case 4: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 3 / 2); break;
+	case 5: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 16 / 9); break;
+	case 6: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 5 / 4); break;
+	case 7:
+		// height is at most 2^30, so width is at most 2^31 which requires uint32_t.
+		// but in order to avoid bugs we rarely use unsigned integers, so we just reject it.
+		// this should be not a problem as the Main profile Level 10 (the largest profile)
+		// already limits height to at most 2^30.
+		J40__SHOULD(*outh < 0x40000000, "bigg");
+		*outw = *outh * 2;
+		break;
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__bit_depth(j40__st *st, int32_t *outbpp, int32_t *outexpbits) {
+	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // float_sample
+		int32_t mantissa_bits;
+		*outbpp = j40__u32(st, 32, 0, 16, 0, 24, 0, 1, 6);
+		*outexpbits = j40__u(st, 4) + 1;
+		mantissa_bits = *outbpp - *outexpbits - 1;
+		J40__SHOULD(2 <= mantissa_bits && mantissa_bits <= 23, "bpp?");
+		J40__SHOULD(2 <= *outexpbits && *outexpbits <= 8, "exp?"); // implies bpp in [5,32] when combined
+	} else {
+		*outbpp = j40__u32(st, 8, 0, 10, 0, 12, 0, 1, 6);
+		*outexpbits = 0;
+		J40__SHOULD(1 <= *outbpp && *outbpp <= 31, "bpp?");
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__name(j40__st *st, int32_t *outlen, char **outbuf) {
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	int32_t i, c, cc, len;
+	len = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 0, 4, 16, 5, 48, 10);
+	if (len > 0) {
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(char, &buf, (size_t) len + 1);
+		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+			buf[i] = (char) j40__u(st, 8);
+		}
+		buf[len] = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < len; ) { // UTF-8 verification
+			c = (uint8_t) buf[i++];
+			cc = (uint8_t) buf[i]; // always accessible thanks to null-termination
+			c = c < 0x80 ? 0 : c < 0xc2 ? -1 : c < 0xe0 ? 1 :
+				c < 0xf0 ? (c == 0xe0 ? cc >= 0xa0 : c == 0xed ? cc < 0xa0 : 1) ? 2 : -1 :
+				c < 0xf5 ? (c == 0xf0 ? cc >= 0x90 : c == 0xf4 ? cc < 0x90 : 1) ? 3 : -1 : -1;
+			J40__SHOULD(c >= 0 && i + c < len, "name");
+			while (c-- > 0) J40__SHOULD((buf[i++] & 0xc0) == 0x80, "name");
+		}
+		*outbuf = buf;
+	} else {
+		*outbuf = NULL;
+	}
+	*outlen = len;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(buf);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__customxy(j40__st *st, float xy[2]) {
+	xy[0] = (float)j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 19, 0x80000, 19, 0x100000, 20, 0x200000, 21)) / 100000.0f;
+	xy[1] = (float)j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 19, 0x80000, 19, 0x100000, 20, 0x200000, 21)) / 100000.0f;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__extensions(j40__st *st) {
+	uint64_t extensions = j40__u64(st);
+	int64_t nbits = 0;
+	int32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
+		if (extensions >> i & 1) {
+			uint64_t n = j40__u64(st);
+			J40__SHOULD(n <= (uint64_t) INT64_MAX && j40__add64(nbits, (int64_t) n, &nbits), "flen");
+		}
+	}
+	return j40__skip(st, nbits);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__image_metadata(j40__st *st) {
+	static const float SRGB_CHROMA[4][2] = { // default chromacity (kD65, kSRGB)
+		{0.3127f, 0.3290f}, {0.639998686f, 0.330010138f},
+		{0.300003784f, 0.600003357f}, {0.150002046f, 0.059997204f},
+	};
+	static const float OPSIN_INV_MAT[3][3] = { // default opsin inverse matrix
+		{11.031566901960783f, -9.866943921568629f, -0.16462299647058826f},
+		{-3.254147380392157f, 4.418770392156863f, -0.16462299647058826f},
+		{-3.6588512862745097f, 2.7129230470588235f, 1.9459282392156863f},
+	};
+	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
+	int32_t i, j;
+	im->orientation = J40__ORIENT_TL;
+	im->intr_width = 0;
+	im->intr_height = 0;
+	im->bpp = 8;
+	im->exp_bits = 0;
+	im->anim_tps_num = 0;
+	im->anim_tps_denom = 0;
+	im->anim_nloops = 0;
+	im->anim_have_timecodes = 0;
+	im->icc = NULL;
+	im->iccsize = 0;
+	im->cspace = J40__CS_CHROMA;
+	memcpy(im->cpoints, SRGB_CHROMA, sizeof SRGB_CHROMA);
+	im->gamma_or_tf = J40__TF_SRGB;
+	im->render_intent = J40__INTENT_REL;
+	im->intensity_target = 255.0f;
+	im->min_nits = 0.0f;
+	im->linear_below = 0.0f;
+	im->modular_16bit_buffers = 1;
+	im->xyb_encoded = 1;
+	memcpy(im->opsin_inv_mat, OPSIN_INV_MAT, sizeof OPSIN_INV_MAT);
+	im->opsin_bias[0] = im->opsin_bias[1] = im->opsin_bias[2] = -0.0037930732552754493f;
+	im->quant_bias[0] = 1.0f - 0.05465007330715401f;
+	im->quant_bias[1] = 1.0f - 0.07005449891748593f;
+	im->quant_bias[2] = 1.0f - 0.049935103337343655f;
+	im->quant_bias_num = 0.145f;
+	J40__TRY(j40__size_header(st, &im->width, &im->height));
+	J40__SHOULD(im->width <= st->limits->width && im->height <= st->limits->height, "slim");
+	J40__SHOULD((int64_t) im->width * im->height <= st->limits->pixels, "slim");
+	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // !all_default
+		int32_t extra_fields = j40__u(st, 1);
+		if (extra_fields) {
+			im->orientation = (enum j40__orientation) (j40__u(st, 3) + 1);
+			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_intr_size
+				J40__TRY(j40__size_header(st, &im->intr_width, &im->intr_height));
+			}
+			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_preview
+				J40__RAISE("TODO: preview");
+			}
+			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_animation
+				im->anim_tps_num = j40__u32(st, 100, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 10, 1, 30);
+				im->anim_tps_denom = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 1001, 0, 1, 8, 1, 10);
+				im->anim_nloops = j40__64u32(st, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 16, 0, 32);
+				im->anim_have_timecodes = j40__u(st, 1);
+			}
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__bit_depth(st, &im->bpp, &im->exp_bits));
+		J40__SHOULD(im->bpp <= st->limits->bpp, "fbpp");
+		im->modular_16bit_buffers = j40__u(st, 1);
+		J40__SHOULD(im->modular_16bit_buffers || !st->limits->needs_modular_16bit_buffers, "fm32");
+		im->num_extra_channels = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 1, 12);
+		J40__SHOULD(im->num_extra_channels <= st->limits->num_extra_channels, "elim");
+		J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__ec_info, &im->ec_info, (size_t) im->num_extra_channels);
+		for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) im->ec_info[i].name = NULL;
+		for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
+			j40__ec_info *ec = &im->ec_info[i];
+			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // d_alpha
+				ec->type = J40__EC_ALPHA;
+				ec->bpp = 8;
+				ec->exp_bits = ec->dim_shift = ec->name_len = 0;
+				ec->data.alpha_associated = 0;
+			} else {
+				ec->type = (enum j40__ec_type) j40__enum(st);
+				J40__TRY(j40__bit_depth(st, &ec->bpp, &ec->exp_bits));
+				ec->dim_shift = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 1, 3);
+				J40__TRY(j40__name(st, &ec->name_len, &ec->name));
+				switch (ec->type) {
+				case J40__EC_ALPHA:
+					ec->data.alpha_associated = j40__u(st, 1);
+					break;
+				case J40__EC_SPOT_COLOUR:
+					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
+					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
+					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
+					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
+					break;
+				case J40__EC_CFA:
+					ec->data.cfa_channel = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 19, 8);
+					break;
+				case J40__EC_BLACK:
+					J40__SHOULD(st->limits->ec_black_allowed, "fblk");
+					break;
+				case J40__EC_DEPTH: case J40__EC_SELECTION_MASK:
+				case J40__EC_THERMAL: case J40__EC_NON_OPTIONAL: case J40__EC_OPTIONAL:
+					break;
+				default: J40__RAISE("ect?");
+				}
+			}
+			J40__SHOULD(ec->bpp <= st->limits->bpp, "fbpp");
+		}
+		im->xyb_encoded = j40__u(st, 1);
+		if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // ColourEncoding.all_default
+			enum cspace { CS_RGB = 0, CS_GREY = 1, CS_XYB = 2, CS_UNKNOWN = 3 } cspace;
+			enum { WP_D65 = 1, WP_CUSTOM = 2, WP_E = 10, WP_DCI = 11 };
+			enum { PR_SRGB = 1, PR_CUSTOM = 2, PR_2100 = 9, PR_P3 = 11 };
+			im->want_icc = j40__u(st, 1);
+			cspace = (enum cspace) j40__enum(st);
+			switch (cspace) {
+			case CS_RGB: case CS_UNKNOWN: im->cspace = J40__CS_CHROMA; break;
+			case CS_GREY: im->cspace = J40__CS_GREY; break;
+			case CS_XYB: im->cspace = J40__CS_XYB; break;
+			default: J40__RAISE("csp?");
+			}
+			// TODO: should verify cspace grayness with ICC grayness
+			if (!im->want_icc) {
+				if (cspace != CS_XYB) {
+					static const float E[2] = {1/3.f, 1/3.f}, DCI[2] = {0.314f, 0.351f},
+						BT2100[3][2] = {{0.708f, 0.292f}, {0.170f, 0.797f}, {0.131f, 0.046f}},
+						P3[3][2] = {{0.680f, 0.320f}, {0.265f, 0.690f}, {0.150f, 0.060f}};
+					switch (j40__enum(st)) {
+					case WP_D65: break; // default
+					case WP_CUSTOM: J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_WHITE])); break;
+					case WP_E: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_WHITE, E, sizeof E); break;
+					case WP_DCI: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_WHITE, DCI, sizeof DCI); break;
+					default: J40__RAISE("wpt?");
+					}
+					if (cspace != CS_GREY) {
+						switch (j40__enum(st)) {
+						case PR_SRGB: break; // default
+						case PR_CUSTOM:
+							J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_RED]));
+							J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_GREEN]));
+							J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_BLUE]));
+							break;
+						case PR_2100: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_RED, BT2100, sizeof BT2100); break;
+						case PR_P3: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_RED, P3, sizeof P3); break;
+						default: J40__RAISE("prm?");
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_gamma
+					im->gamma_or_tf = j40__u(st, 24);
+					J40__SHOULD(im->gamma_or_tf > 0 && im->gamma_or_tf <= J40__GAMMA_MAX, "gama");
+					if (cspace == CS_XYB) J40__SHOULD(im->gamma_or_tf == 3333333, "gama");
+				} else {
+					im->gamma_or_tf = -j40__enum(st);
+					J40__SHOULD((
+						1 << -J40__TF_709 | 1 << -J40__TF_UNKNOWN | 1 << -J40__TF_LINEAR |
+						1 << -J40__TF_SRGB | 1 << -J40__TF_PQ | 1 << -J40__TF_DCI |
+						1 << -J40__TF_HLG
+					) >> -im->gamma_or_tf & 1, "tfn?");
+				}
+				im->render_intent = (enum j40__render_intent) j40__enum(st);
+				J40__SHOULD((
+					1 << J40__INTENT_PERC | 1 << J40__INTENT_REL |
+					1 << J40__INTENT_SAT | 1 << J40__INTENT_ABS
+				) >> im->render_intent & 1, "itt?");
+			}
+		}
+		if (extra_fields) {
+			if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // ToneMapping.all_default
+				int relative_to_max_display;
+				im->intensity_target = j40__f16(st);
+				J40__SHOULD(im->intensity_target > 0, "tone");
+				im->min_nits = j40__f16(st);
+				J40__SHOULD(0 < im->min_nits && im->min_nits <= im->intensity_target, "tone");
+				relative_to_max_display = j40__u(st, 1);
+				im->linear_below = j40__f16(st);
+				if (relative_to_max_display) {
+					J40__SHOULD(0 <= im->linear_below && im->linear_below <= 1, "tone");
+					im->linear_below *= -1.0f;
+				} else {
+					J40__SHOULD(0 <= im->linear_below, "tone");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__extensions(st));
+	}
+	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // !default_m
+		int32_t cw_mask;
+		if (im->xyb_encoded) {
+			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) im->opsin_inv_mat[i][j] = j40__f16(st);
+			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) im->opsin_bias[i] = j40__f16(st);
+			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) im->quant_bias[i] = j40__f16(st);
+			im->quant_bias_num = j40__f16(st);
+		}
+		cw_mask = j40__u(st, 3);
+		if (cw_mask & 1) {
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: up2_weight");
+		}
+		if (cw_mask & 2) {
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: up4_weight");
+		}
+		if (cw_mask & 4) {
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: up8_weight");
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_image_state(j40__image_st *im) {
+	int32_t i;
+	if (im->ec_info) {
+		for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) j40__free(im->ec_info[i].name);
+		j40__free(im->ec_info);
+		im->ec_info = NULL;
+	}
+	j40__free(im->icc);
+	im->icc = NULL;
+	im->num_extra_channels = 0;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// ICC
+J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__icc_varint(j40__st *st, uint64_t *index, uint64_t size, j40__code_st *code);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__icc(j40__st *st);
+J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__icc_varint(j40__st *st, uint64_t *index, uint64_t size, j40__code_st *code) {
+	uint64_t value = 0;
+	int32_t shift = 0;
+	do {
+		int32_t b;
+		if ((*index)++ >= size) return J40__ERR("icc?"), 0u;
+		b = j40__code(st, 0, 0, code);
+		value |= (uint64_t) (b & 0x7f) << shift;
+		if (b < 128) return value;
+		shift += 7;
+	} while (shift < 63);
+	return J40__ERR("vint"), 0u;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__icc(j40__st *st) {
+	uint64_t enc_size, output_size, index;
+	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT;
+	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t byte = 0, prev = 0, pprev = 0, ctx;
+	enc_size = j40__u64(st);
+	J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 41, &codespec));
+	j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
+	index = 0;
+	output_size = j40__icc_varint(st, &index, enc_size, &code);
+	J40__SHOULD(output_size <= st->limits->icc_output_size, "plim");
+	// SPEC it is still possible that enc_size is too large while output_size is within the limit.
+	// the current spec allows for an arbitrarily large enc_size for the fixed output_size, because
+	// some commands can generate zero output bytes, but as libjxl never emits such commands and
+	// already (wrongly) assumes that a single command byte can generate at least one output byte,
+	// J40 instead chose to forbid such commands. with this restriction in place valid enc_size
+	// can never exceed 21 times output_size, so this is what we are checking for.
+	J40__SHOULD(output_size >= enc_size / 21, "icc?");
+	for (; index < enc_size; ++index) {
+		pprev = prev;
+		prev = byte;
+		ctx = 0;
+		if (index > 128) {
+			if (prev < 16) ctx = prev < 2 ? prev + 3 : 5;
+			else if (prev > 240) ctx = 6 + (prev == 255);
+			else if (97 <= (prev | 32) && (prev | 32) <= 122) ctx = 1;
+			else if (prev == 44 || prev == 46 || (48 <= prev && prev < 58)) ctx = 2;
+			else ctx = 8;
+			if (pprev < 16) ctx += 2 * 8;
+			else if (pprev > 240) ctx += 3 * 8;
+			else if (97 <= (pprev | 32) && (pprev | 32) <= 122) ctx += 0 * 8;
+			else if (pprev == 44 || pprev == 46 || (48 <= pprev && pprev < 58)) ctx += 1 * 8;
+			else ctx += 4 * 8;
+		}
+		byte = j40__code(st, ctx, 0, &code);
+		//printf("%zd/%zd: %zd ctx=%d byte=%#x %c\n", index, enc_size, j40__bits_read(st), ctx, (int)byte, 0x20 <= byte && byte < 0x7f ? byte : ' '); fflush(stdout);
+		// TODO actually interpret them
+	}
+	J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
+	j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	//size_t commands_size = j40__varint(st);
+	/*
+	static const char PREDICTIONS[] = {
+		'*', '*', '*', '*', 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 'm', 'n', 't', 'r',
+		'R', 'G', 'B', ' ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+		0, 0, 0, 0, 'a', 'c', 's', 'p', 0, '@', '@', '@', 0, 0, 0, 0,
+		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 246, 214, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 211, 45,
+		'#', '#', '#', '#',
+	};
+	char pred = i < sizeof(PREDICTIONS) ? PREDICTIONS[i] : 0;
+	switch (pred) {
+	case '*': pred = output_size[i]; break;
+	case '#': pred = header[i - 76]; break;
+	case '@':
+		switch (header[40]) {
+		case 'A': pred = "APPL"[i - 40]; break;
+		case 'M': pred = "MSFT"[i - 40]; break;
+		case 'S':
+			switch (i < 41 ? 0 : header[41]) {
+			case 'G': pred = "SGI "[i - 40]; break;
+			case 'U': pred = "SUNW"[i - 40]; break;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	*/
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// MA tree
+enum { J40__NUM_PRED = 14 };
+typedef union {
+	struct {
+		int32_t prop; // < 0, ~prop is the property index (e.g. -1 = channel index)
+		int32_t value;
+		int32_t leftoff, rightoff; // relative to the current node
+	} branch;
+	struct {
+		int32_t ctx; // >= 0
+		int32_t predictor;
+		int32_t offset, multiplier;
+	} leaf;
+} j40__tree_node;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__tree(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t max_tree_size, j40__tree_node **tree, j40__code_spec *codespec
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__tree(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t max_tree_size, j40__tree_node **tree, j40__code_spec *codespec
+) {
+	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
+	j40__tree_node *t = NULL;
+	int32_t tree_idx = 0, tree_cap = 8;
+	int32_t ctx_id = 0, nodes_left = 1;
+	int32_t depth = 0, nodes_upto_this_depth = 1;
+	J40__ASSERT(max_tree_size <= (1 << 26)); // codestream limit; the actual limit should be smaller
+	J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 6, codespec));
+	j40__init_code(&code, codespec);
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__tree_node, &t, (size_t) tree_cap);
+	while (nodes_left-- > 0) { // depth-first, left-to-right ordering
+		j40__tree_node *n;
+		int32_t prop, val, shift;
+		// the beginning of new tree depth; all `nodes_left` nodes are in this depth at the moment
+		if (tree_idx == nodes_upto_this_depth) {
+			J40__SHOULD(++depth <= st->limits->tree_depth, "tlim");
+			nodes_upto_this_depth += nodes_left + 1;
+		}
+		prop = j40__code(st, 1, 0, &code);
+		J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__tree_node, &t, tree_idx + 1, &tree_cap);
+		n = &t[tree_idx++];
+		if (prop > 0) {
+			n->branch.prop = -prop;
+			n->branch.value = j40__unpack_signed(j40__code(st, 0, 0, &code));
+			n->branch.leftoff = ++nodes_left;
+			n->branch.rightoff = ++nodes_left;
+		} else {
+			n->leaf.ctx = ctx_id++;
+			n->leaf.predictor = j40__code(st, 2, 0, &code);
+			n->leaf.offset = j40__unpack_signed(j40__code(st, 3, 0, &code));
+			shift = j40__code(st, 4, 0, &code);
+			J40__SHOULD(shift < 31, "tree");
+			val = j40__code(st, 5, 0, &code);
+			J40__SHOULD(((val + 1) >> (31 - shift)) == 0, "tree");
+			n->leaf.multiplier = (val + 1) << shift;
+		}
+		J40__SHOULD(tree_idx + nodes_left <= max_tree_size, "tlim");
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(tree_idx == nodes_upto_this_depth);
+	J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
+	j40__free_code_spec(codespec);
+	memset(codespec, 0, sizeof(*codespec)); // XXX is it required?
+	J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, ctx_id, codespec));
+	*tree = t;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(t);
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free_code_spec(codespec);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// modular header
+enum j40__transform_id {
+	J40__TR_RCT = 0, J40__TR_PALETTE = 1, J40__TR_SQUEEZE = 2
+typedef union {
+	enum j40__transform_id tr;
+	struct {
+		enum j40__transform_id tr; // = J40__TR_RCT
+		int32_t begin_c, type;
+	} rct;
+	struct {
+		enum j40__transform_id tr; // = J40__TR_PALETTE
+		int32_t begin_c, num_c, nb_colours, nb_deltas, d_pred;
+	} pal;
+	// this is nested in the bitstream, but flattened here.
+	// nb_transforms get updated accordingly, but should be enough (the maximum is 80808)
+	struct {
+		enum j40__transform_id tr; // = J40__TR_SQUEEZE
+		int implicit; // if true, no explicit parameters given in the bitstream
+		int horizontal, in_place;
+		int32_t begin_c, num_c;
+	} sq;
+} j40__transform;
+typedef struct { int8_t p1, p2, p3[5], w[4]; } j40__wp_params;
+typedef struct {
+	int use_global_tree;
+	j40__wp_params wp;
+	int32_t nb_transforms;
+	j40__transform *transform;
+	j40__tree_node *tree; // owned only if use_global_tree is false
+	j40__code_spec codespec;
+	j40__code_st code;
+	int32_t num_channels, nb_meta_channels;
+	j40__plane *channel; // should use the same type, either i16 or i32
+	int32_t dist_mult; // min(max(non-meta channel width), J40__MAX_DIST_MULT)
+} j40__modular;
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_modular_common(j40__modular *m);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t num_channels, const int32_t *w, const int32_t *h, j40__modular *m
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_global(
+	j40__st *st, int frame_is_modular, int frame_do_ycbcr,
+	int32_t frame_log_upsampling, const int32_t *frame_ec_log_upsampling,
+	int32_t frame_width, int32_t frame_height, j40__modular *m
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_pass_group(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gw, int32_t gh,
+	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
+J40_STATIC void j40__combine_modular_from_pass_group(
+	int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gy, int32_t gx,
+	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_header(
+	j40__st *st, j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec,
+	j40__modular *m
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_modular(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_modular(j40__modular *m);
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_modular_common(j40__modular *m) {
+	m->transform = NULL;
+	m->tree = NULL;
+	memset(&m->codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
+	memset(&m->code, 0, sizeof(j40__code_st));
+	m->code.spec = &m->codespec;
+	m->channel = NULL;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t num_channels, const int32_t *w, const int32_t *h, j40__modular *m
+) {
+	int32_t i;
+	j40__init_modular_common(m);
+	m->num_channels = num_channels;
+	J40__ASSERT(num_channels > 0);
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &m->channel, (size_t) num_channels);
+	for (i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+		m->channel[i].width = w[i];
+		m->channel[i].height = h[i];
+		m->channel[i].hshift = m->channel[i].vshift = 0;
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_global(
+	j40__st *st, int frame_is_modular, int frame_do_ycbcr,
+	int32_t frame_log_upsampling, const int32_t *frame_ec_log_upsampling,
+	int32_t frame_width, int32_t frame_height, j40__modular *m
+) {
+	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
+	int32_t i;
+	j40__init_modular_common(m);
+	m->num_channels = im->num_extra_channels;
+	if (frame_is_modular) { // SPEC the condition is negated
+		m->num_channels += (!frame_do_ycbcr && !im->xyb_encoded && im->cspace == J40__CS_GREY ? 1 : 3);
+	}
+	if (m->num_channels == 0) return 0;
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &m->channel, (size_t) m->num_channels);
+	for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
+		int32_t log_upsampling = (frame_ec_log_upsampling ? frame_ec_log_upsampling[i] : 0) + im->ec_info[i].dim_shift;
+		J40__SHOULD(log_upsampling >= frame_log_upsampling, "usmp");
+		J40__SHOULD(log_upsampling == 0, "TODO: upsampling is not yet supported");
+		m->channel[i].width = frame_width;
+		m->channel[i].height = frame_height;
+		m->channel[i].hshift = m->channel[i].vshift = 0;
+	}
+	for (; i < m->num_channels; ++i) {
+		m->channel[i].width = frame_width;
+		m->channel[i].height = frame_height;
+		m->channel[i].hshift = m->channel[i].vshift = 0;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(m->channel);
+	m->channel = NULL;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_pass_group(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gw, int32_t gh,
+	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
+) {
+	int32_t i, max_channels;
+	j40__init_modular_common(m);
+	m->num_channels = 0;
+	max_channels = gm->num_channels - num_gm_channels;
+	J40__ASSERT(max_channels >= 0);
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &m->channel, (size_t) max_channels);
+	for (i = num_gm_channels; i < gm->num_channels; ++i) {
+		j40__plane *gc = &gm->channel[i], *c = &m->channel[m->num_channels];
+		if (gc->hshift < 3 || gc->vshift < 3) {
+			J40__ASSERT(gc->hshift >= 0 && gc->vshift >= 0);
+			(void) minshift; (void) maxshift;
+			// TODO check minshift/maxshift!!!
+			c->hshift = gc->hshift;
+			c->vshift = gc->vshift;
+			c->width = gw >> gc->hshift; // TODO is this correct? should be ceil?
+			c->height = gh >> gc->vshift;
+			++m->num_channels;
+		}
+	}
+	if (m->num_channels == 0) {
+		j40__free(m->channel);
+		m->channel = NULL;
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__combine_modular_from_pass_group(
+	int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gy, int32_t gx,
+	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
+) {
+	int32_t gcidx, cidx, y, gx0, gy0;
+	for (gcidx = num_gm_channels, cidx = 0; gcidx < gm->num_channels; ++gcidx) {
+		j40__plane *gc = &gm->channel[gcidx], *c = &m->channel[cidx];
+		J40__ASSERT(gc->type == c->type);
+		if (gc->hshift < 3 || gc->vshift < 3) {
+			size_t pixel_size = (size_t) J40__PLANE_PIXEL_SIZE(gc);
+			size_t gc_stride = (size_t) gc->stride_bytes, c_stride = (size_t) c->stride_bytes;
+			(void) minshift; (void) maxshift;
+			// TODO check minshift/maxshift!!!
+			J40__ASSERT(gc->hshift == c->hshift && gc->vshift == c->vshift);
+			gx0 = gx >> gc->hshift;
+			gy0 = gy >> gc->vshift;
+			J40__ASSERT(gx0 + c->width <= gc->width && gy0 + c->height <= gc->height);
+			for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+				memcpy(
+					(void*) (gc->pixels + gc_stride * (size_t) (gy0 + y) + pixel_size * (size_t) gx0),
+					(void*) (c->pixels + c_stride * (size_t) y),
+					pixel_size * (size_t) c->width);
+			}
+			++cidx;
+		}
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(cidx == m->num_channels);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_header(
+	j40__st *st, j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec,
+	j40__modular *m
+) {
+	j40__plane *channel = m->channel;
+	int32_t num_channels = m->num_channels, nb_meta_channels = 0;
+	// note: channel_cap is the upper bound of # channels during inverse transform, and since
+	// we don't shrink the channel list we don't ever need reallocation in j40__inverse_transform!
+	int32_t channel_cap = m->num_channels, transform_cap;
+	int32_t i, j;
+	J40__ASSERT(num_channels > 0);
+	m->use_global_tree = j40__u(st, 1);
+	J40__SHOULD(!m->use_global_tree || global_tree, "mtre");
+	{ // WPHeader
+		int default_wp = j40__u(st, 1);
+		m->wp.p1 = default_wp ? 16 : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 5);
+		m->wp.p2 = default_wp ? 10 : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 5);
+		for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) m->wp.p3[i] = default_wp ? 7 * (i < 3) : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 5);
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) m->wp.w[i] = default_wp ? 12 + (i < 1) : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 4);
+	}
+	transform_cap = m->nb_transforms = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 18, 8);
+	J40__SHOULD(m->nb_transforms <= st->limits->nb_transforms, "xlim");
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__transform, &m->transform, (size_t) transform_cap);
+	for (i = 0; i < m->nb_transforms; ++i) {
+		j40__transform *tr = &m->transform[i];
+		int32_t num_sq;
+		tr->tr = (enum j40__transform_id) j40__u(st, 2);
+		switch (tr->tr) {
+		// RCT: [begin_c, begin_c+3) -> [begin_c, begin_c+3)
+		case J40__TR_RCT: {
+			int32_t begin_c = tr->rct.begin_c = j40__u32(st, 0, 3, 8, 6, 72, 10, 1096, 13);
+			int32_t type = tr->rct.type = j40__u32(st, 6, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 10, 6);
+			J40__SHOULD(type < 42, "rctt");
+			J40__SHOULD(begin_c + 3 <= num_channels, "rctc");
+			J40__SHOULD(begin_c >= nb_meta_channels || begin_c + 3 <= nb_meta_channels, "rctc");
+			J40__SHOULD(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channel + begin_c, channel + begin_c + 3), "rtcd");
+			break;
+		}
+		// Palette: [begin_c, end_c) -> palette 0 (meta, nb_colours by num_c) + index begin_c+1
+		case J40__TR_PALETTE: {
+			j40__plane input;
+			int32_t begin_c = tr->pal.begin_c = j40__u32(st, 0, 3, 8, 6, 72, 10, 1096, 13);
+			int32_t num_c = tr->pal.num_c = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 1, 13);
+			int32_t end_c = begin_c + num_c;
+			int32_t nb_colours = tr->pal.nb_colours = j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 10, 1280, 12, 5376, 16);
+			tr->pal.nb_deltas = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 8, 257, 10, 1281, 16);
+			tr->pal.d_pred = j40__u(st, 4);
+			J40__SHOULD(tr->pal.d_pred < J40__NUM_PRED, "palp");
+			J40__SHOULD(end_c <= num_channels, "palc");
+			if (begin_c < nb_meta_channels) { // num_c meta channels -> 2 meta channels (palette + index)
+				J40__SHOULD(end_c <= nb_meta_channels, "palc");
+				nb_meta_channels += 2 - num_c;
+			} else { // num_c color channels -> 1 meta channel (palette) + 1 color channel (index)
+				nb_meta_channels += 1;
+			}
+			J40__SHOULD(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channel + begin_c, channel + end_c), "pald");
+			// inverse palette transform always requires one more channel slot
+			J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__plane, &channel, num_channels + 1, &channel_cap);
+			input = channel[begin_c];
+			memmove(channel + 1, channel, sizeof(*channel) * (size_t) begin_c);
+			memmove(channel + begin_c + 2, channel + end_c, sizeof(*channel) * (size_t) (num_channels - end_c));
+			channel[0].width = nb_colours;
+			channel[0].height = num_c;
+			channel[0].hshift = 0; // SPEC missing
+			channel[0].vshift = -1;
+			channel[begin_c + 1] = input;
+			num_channels += 2 - num_c;
+			break;
+		}
+		// Squeeze: 
+		case J40__TR_SQUEEZE: {
+			num_sq = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 4, 9, 6, 41, 8);
+			if (num_sq == 0) {
+				tr->sq.implicit = 1;
+			} else {
+				J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__transform, &m->transform, m->nb_transforms + num_sq - 1, &transform_cap);
+				for (j = 0; j < num_sq; ++j) {
+					tr = &m->transform[i + j];
+					tr-> = J40__TR_SQUEEZE;
+					tr->sq.implicit = 0;
+					tr->sq.horizontal = j40__u(st, 1);
+					tr->sq.in_place = j40__u(st, 1);
+					tr->sq.begin_c = j40__u32(st, 0, 3, 8, 6, 72, 10, 1096, 13);
+					tr->sq.num_c = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 4);
+				}
+				i += num_sq - 1;
+				m->nb_transforms += num_sq - 1;
+			}
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: squeeze channel effects");
+			break;
+		}
+		default: J40__RAISE("xfm?");
+		}
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(num_channels <= st->limits->nb_channels_tr, "xlim");
+	if (m->use_global_tree) {
+		m->tree = global_tree;
+		memcpy(&m->codespec, global_codespec, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
+	} else {
+		int32_t max_tree_size = 1024;
+		for (i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+			max_tree_size = j40__clamp_add32(max_tree_size,
+				j40__clamp_mul32(channel[i].width, channel[i].height));
+		}
+		max_tree_size = j40__min32(1 << 20, max_tree_size);
+		J40__TRY(j40__tree(st, max_tree_size, &m->tree, &m->codespec));
+	}
+	j40__init_code(&m->code, &m->codespec);
+	m->channel = channel;
+	m->num_channels = num_channels;
+	m->nb_meta_channels = nb_meta_channels;
+	m->dist_mult = 0;
+	for (i = nb_meta_channels; i < num_channels; ++i) {
+		m->dist_mult = j40__max32(m->dist_mult, channel[i].width);
+	}
+	m->dist_mult = j40__min32(m->dist_mult, J40__MAX_DIST_MULT);
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(channel);
+	j40__free(m->transform);
+	if (!m->use_global_tree) {
+		j40__free(m->tree);
+		j40__free_code_spec(&m->codespec);
+	}
+	m->num_channels = 0;
+	m->channel = NULL;
+	m->transform = NULL;
+	m->tree = NULL;
+	memset(&m->codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_modular(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m) {
+	uint8_t pixel_type = (uint8_t) (st->image->modular_16bit_buffers ? J40__PLANE_I16 : J40__PLANE_I32);
+	int32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < m->num_channels; ++i) {
+		j40__plane *c = &m->channel[i];
+		if (c->width > 0 && c->height > 0) {
+			J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, pixel_type, c->width, c->height, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, c));
+		} else { // possible when, for example, palette with only synthetic colors (nb_colours == 0)
+			j40__init_empty_plane(c);
+		}
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_modular(j40__modular *m) {
+	int32_t i;
+	j40__free_code(&m->code);
+	if (!m->use_global_tree) {
+		j40__free(m->tree);
+		j40__free_code_spec(&m->codespec);
+	}
+	if (m->channel) {
+		for (i = 0; i < m->num_channels; ++i) j40__free_plane(&m->channel[i]);
+		j40__free(m->channel);
+		m->channel = NULL;
+	}
+	j40__free(m->transform);
+	m->use_global_tree = 0;
+	m->tree = NULL;
+	memset(&m->codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
+	m->transform = NULL;
+	m->num_channels = 0;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// modular prediction
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_channel(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx);
+static const int32_t J40__24DIVP1[64] = { // [i] = floor(2^24 / (i+1))
+	0x1000000, 0x800000, 0x555555, 0x400000, 0x333333, 0x2aaaaa, 0x249249, 0x200000,
+	0x1c71c7, 0x199999, 0x1745d1, 0x155555, 0x13b13b, 0x124924, 0x111111, 0x100000,
+	0xf0f0f, 0xe38e3, 0xd7943, 0xccccc, 0xc30c3, 0xba2e8, 0xb2164, 0xaaaaa,
+	0xa3d70, 0x9d89d, 0x97b42, 0x92492, 0x8d3dc, 0x88888, 0x84210, 0x80000,
+	0x7c1f0, 0x78787, 0x75075, 0x71c71, 0x6eb3e, 0x6bca1, 0x69069, 0x66666,
+	0x63e70, 0x61861, 0x5f417, 0x5d174, 0x5b05b, 0x590b2, 0x57262, 0x55555,
+	0x53978, 0x51eb8, 0x50505, 0x4ec4e, 0x4d487, 0x4bda1, 0x4a790, 0x49249,
+	0x47dc1, 0x469ee, 0x456c7, 0x44444, 0x4325c, 0x42108, 0x41041, 0x40000,
+// ----------------------------------------
+// recursion for modular buffer sizes (16/32)
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING 200
+#define J40__P 16
+#define J40__2P 32
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#define J40__P 32
+#define J40__2P 64
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING (-1)
+#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
+#if J40__RECURSING == 200
+	#define j40__intP J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__P, _t)
+	#define j40__int2P J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__2P, _t)
+	#define j40__uint2P J40__CONCAT3(uint, J40__2P, _t)
+	#define J40__PIXELS J40__CONCAT3(J40__I, J40__P, _PIXELS)
+// ----------------------------------------
+typedef struct {
+	int32_t width;
+	j40__wp_params params;
+	j40__int2P (*errors)[5], pred[5]; // [0..3] = sub-predictions, [4] = final prediction
+	j40__int2P trueerrw, trueerrn, trueerrnw, trueerrne;
+} j40__(wp,2P);
+typedef struct { j40__intP w, n, nw, ne, nn, nee, ww, nww; } j40__(neighbors,P);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__(neighbors,P) j40__(init_neighbors,P)(const j40__plane *plane, int32_t x, int32_t y);
+J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(gradient,2P)(j40__int2P w, j40__int2P n, j40__int2P nw);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(init_wp,2P)(j40__st *st, j40__wp_params params, int32_t width, j40__(wp,2P) *wp);
+J40_STATIC void j40__(wp_before_predict_internal,2P)(
+	j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y,
+	j40__intP pw, j40__intP pn, j40__intP pnw, j40__intP pne, j40__intP pnn
+J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__(neighbors,P) *p);
+J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(predict,2P)(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t pred, const j40__(wp,2P) *wp, const j40__(neighbors,P) *p
+J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__int2P val);
+J40_STATIC void j40__(reset_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp);
+J40_STATIC void j40__(free_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(modular_channel,P)(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__(neighbors,P) j40__(init_neighbors,P)(const j40__plane *plane, int32_t x, int32_t y) {
+	j40__(neighbors,P) p;
+	const j40__intP *pixels = J40__PIXELS(plane, y);
+	int32_t width = plane->width, stride = J40__PLANE_STRIDE(plane);
+	/*            NN
+	 *             |
+	 *             v
+	 * NWW  NW   _ N <- NE <- NEE
+	 *  |    |   /|
+	 *  v    v |/ 
+	 * WW -> W  `  C
+	 *
+	 * A -> B means that if A doesn't exist B is used instead.
+	 * if the pixel at the end of this chain doesn't exist as well, 0 is used.
+	 */
+	p.w = x > 0 ? pixels[x - 1] : y > 0 ? pixels[x - stride] : 0;
+	p.n = y > 0 ? pixels[x - stride] : p.w;
+	p.nw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? pixels[(x - 1) - stride] : p.w;
+ = x + 1 < width && y > 0 ? pixels[(x + 1) - stride] : p.n;
+	p.nn = y > 1 ? pixels[x - 2 * stride] : p.n;
+	p.nee = x + 2 < width && y > 0 ? pixels[(x + 2) - stride] :;
+	p.ww = x > 1 ? pixels[x - 2] : p.w;
+	p.nww = x > 1 && y > 0 ? pixels[(x - 2) - stride] : p.ww;
+	return p;
+J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(gradient,2P)(j40__int2P w, j40__int2P n, j40__int2P nw) {
+	j40__int2P lo = j40__(min,2P)(w, n), hi = j40__(max,2P)(w, n);
+	return j40__(min,2P)(j40__(max,2P)(lo, w + n - nw), hi);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(init_wp,2P)(j40__st *st, j40__wp_params params, int32_t width, j40__(wp,2P) *wp) {
+	typedef j40__int2P j40__i2Px5[5];
+	int32_t i;
+	J40__ASSERT(width > 0);
+	wp->width = width;
+	wp->params = params;
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__i2Px5, &wp->errors, (size_t) width * 2);
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) wp->pred[i] = 0;
+	wp->trueerrw = wp->trueerrn = wp->trueerrnw = wp->trueerrne = 0;
+	return st->err;
+// also works when wp is zero-initialized (in which case does nothing)
+J40_STATIC void j40__(wp_before_predict_internal,2P)(
+	j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y,
+	j40__intP pw, j40__intP pn, j40__intP pnw, j40__intP pne, j40__intP pnn
+) {
+	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;
+	typedef j40__uint2P uint2P_t;
+	static const int2P_t ZERO[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+	int2P_t (*err)[5], (*nerr)[5];
+	int2P_t w[4], wsum, sum;
+	int32_t logw, i;
+	const int2P_t *errw, *errn, *errnw, *errne, *errww, *errw2;
+	if (!wp->errors) return;
+	err = wp->errors + (y & 1 ? wp->width : 0);
+	nerr = wp->errors + (y & 1 ? 0 : wp->width);
+	// SPEC edge cases are handled differently from the spec, in particular some pixels are
+	// added twice to err_sum and requires a special care (errw2 below)
+	errw = x > 0 ? err[x - 1] : ZERO;
+	errn = y > 0 ? nerr[x] : ZERO;
+	errnw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? nerr[x - 1] : errn;
+	errne = x + 1 < wp->width && y > 0 ? nerr[x + 1] : errn;
+	errww = x > 1 ? err[x - 2] : ZERO;
+	errw2 = x + 1 < wp->width ? ZERO : errw;
+	// SPEC again, edge cases are handled differently
+	wp->trueerrw = x > 0 ? err[x - 1][4] : 0;
+	wp->trueerrn = y > 0 ? nerr[x][4] : 0;
+	wp->trueerrnw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? nerr[x - 1][4] : wp->trueerrn;
+	wp->trueerrne = x + 1 < wp->width && y > 0 ? nerr[x + 1][4] : wp->trueerrn;
+	// (expr << 3) is used throughout wp, but it's an UB when expr is negative
+	wp->pred[0] = (pw + pne - pn) * 8;
+	wp->pred[1] = pn * 8 - (((wp->trueerrw + wp->trueerrn + wp->trueerrne) * wp->params.p1) >> 5);
+	wp->pred[2] = pw * 8 - (((wp->trueerrw + wp->trueerrn + wp->trueerrnw) * wp->params.p2) >> 5);
+	wp->pred[3] = pn * 8 - // SPEC negated (was `+`)
+		((wp->trueerrnw * wp->params.p3[0] + wp->trueerrn * wp->params.p3[1] +
+		  wp->trueerrne * wp->params.p3[2] + (pnn - pn) * 8 * wp->params.p3[3] +
+		  (pnw - pw) * 8 * wp->params.p3[4]) >> 5);
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+		int2P_t errsum = errn[i] + errw[i] + errnw[i] + errww[i] + errne[i] + errw2[i];
+		int32_t shift = j40__max32(j40__(floor_lg,2P)((uint2P_t) errsum + 1) - 5, 0);
+		// SPEC missing the final `>> shift`
+		w[i] = (int2P_t) (4 + ((int64_t) wp->params.w[i] * J40__24DIVP1[errsum >> shift] >> shift));
+	}
+	logw = j40__(floor_lg,2P)((uint2P_t) (w[0] + w[1] + w[2] + w[3])) - 4;
+	wsum = sum = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+		wsum += w[i] >>= logw;
+		sum += wp->pred[i] * w[i];
+	}
+	// SPEC missing `- 1` before scaling
+	wp->pred[4] = (int2P_t) (((int64_t) sum + (wsum >> 1) - 1) * J40__24DIVP1[wsum - 1] >> 24);
+	if (((wp->trueerrn ^ wp->trueerrw) | (wp->trueerrn ^ wp->trueerrnw)) <= 0) {
+		int2P_t lo = j40__(min,2P)(pw, j40__(min,2P)(pn, pne)) * 8; // SPEC missing shifts
+		int2P_t hi = j40__(max,2P)(pw, j40__(max,2P)(pn, pne)) * 8;
+		wp->pred[4] = j40__(min,2P)(j40__(max,2P)(lo, wp->pred[4]), hi);
+	}
+J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(
+	j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__(neighbors,P) *p
+) {
+	j40__(wp_before_predict_internal,2P)(wp, x, y, p->w, p->n, p->nw, p->ne, p->nn);
+J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(predict,2P)(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t pred, const j40__(wp,2P) *wp, const j40__(neighbors,P) *p
+) {
+	switch (pred) {
+	case 0: return 0;
+	case 1: return p->w;
+	case 2: return p->n;
+	case 3: return (p->w + p->n) / 2;
+	case 4: return j40__(abs,2P)(p->n - p->nw) < j40__(abs,2P)(p->w - p->nw) ? p->w : p->n;
+	case 5: return j40__(gradient,2P)(p->w, p->n, p->nw);
+	case 6: return (wp->pred[4] + 3) >> 3;
+	case 7: return p->ne;
+	case 8: return p->nw;
+	case 9: return p->ww;
+	case 10: return (p->w + p->nw) / 2;
+	case 11: return (p->n + p->nw) / 2;
+	case 12: return (p->n + p->ne) / 2;
+	case 13: return (6 * p->n - 2 * p->nn + 7 * p->w + p->ww + p->nee + 3 * p->ne + 8) / 16;
+	default: return J40__ERR("pred"), 0;
+	}
+// also works when wp is zero-initialized (in which case does nothing)
+J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__int2P val) {
+	if (wp->errors) {
+		j40__int2P *err = wp->errors[(y & 1 ? wp->width : 0) + x];
+		int32_t i;
+		// SPEC approximated differently from the spec
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) err[i] = (j40__(abs,2P)(wp->pred[i] - val * 8) + 3) >> 3;
+		err[4] = wp->pred[4] - val * 8; // SPEC this is a *signed* difference
+	}
+// also works when wp is zero-initialized (in which case does nothing)
+J40_STATIC void j40__(reset_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp) {
+	int32_t i;
+	if (wp->errors) memset(wp->errors, 0, (size_t) wp->width * 2 * sizeof(j40__int2P[5]));
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) wp->pred[i] = 0;
+	wp->trueerrw = wp->trueerrn = wp->trueerrnw = wp->trueerrne = 0;
+J40_STATIC void j40__(free_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp) {
+	j40__free(wp->errors);
+	wp->errors = NULL;
+	wp->width = 0;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(modular_channel,P)(
+	j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx
+) {
+	typedef j40__intP intP_t;
+	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;
+	j40__plane *c = &m->channel[cidx];
+	int32_t width = c->width, height = c->height;
+	int32_t y, x, i;
+	int32_t nrefcmap, *refcmap = NULL; // refcmap[i] is a channel index for properties (16..19)+4*i
+	j40__(wp,2P) wp = J40__INIT;
+	J40__ASSERT(m->tree); // caller should set this to the global tree if not given
+	J40__ASSERT(c->type == J40__(PLANE_I,P));
+	{ // determine whether to use weighted predictor (expensive)
+		int32_t lasttree = 0, use_wp = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i <= lasttree && !use_wp; ++i) {
+			if (m->tree[i].branch.prop < 0) {
+				use_wp |= ~m->tree[i].branch.prop == 15;
+				lasttree = j40__max32(lasttree,
+					i + j40__max32(m->tree[i].branch.leftoff, m->tree[i].branch.rightoff));
+			} else {
+				use_wp |= m->tree[i].leaf.predictor == 6;
+			}
+		}
+		if (use_wp) J40__TRY(j40__(init_wp,2P)(st, m->wp, width, &wp));
+	}
+	// compute indices for additional "previous channel" properties
+	// SPEC incompatible channels are skipped and never result in unusable but numbered properties
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &refcmap, (size_t) cidx);
+	nrefcmap = 0;
+	for (i = cidx - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+		j40__plane *refc = &m->channel[i];
+		if (c->width != refc->width || c->height != refc->height) continue;
+		if (c->hshift != refc->hshift || c->vshift != refc->vshift) continue;
+		refcmap[nrefcmap++] = i;
+	}
+	for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+		intP_t *outpixels = J40__PIXELS(c, y);
+		for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+			j40__tree_node *n = m->tree;
+			j40__(neighbors,P) p = j40__(init_neighbors,P)(c, x, y);
+			int2P_t val;
+			// wp should be calculated before any property testing due to max_error (property 15)
+			j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, &p);
+			while (n->branch.prop < 0) {
+				int32_t refcidx;
+				j40__plane *refc;
+				switch (~n->branch.prop) {
+				case 0: val = cidx; break;
+				case 1: val = (int2P_t) sidx; break; // TODO check overflow
+				case 2: val = y; break;
+				case 3: val = x; break;
+				case 4: val = j40__(abs,2P)(p.n); break;
+				case 5: val = j40__(abs,2P)(p.w); break;
+				case 6: val = p.n; break;
+				case 7: val = p.w; break;
+				case 8: val = x > 0 ? p.w - (p.ww + p.nw - p.nww) : p.w; break;
+				case 9: val = p.w + p.n - p.nw; break;
+				case 10: val = p.w - p.nw; break;
+				case 11: val = p.nw - p.n; break;
+				case 12: val = p.n -; break;
+				case 13: val = p.n - p.nn; break;
+				case 14: val = p.w - p.ww; break;
+				case 15: // requires use_wp; otherwise will be 0
+					val = wp.trueerrw;
+					if (j40__(abs,2P)(val) < j40__(abs,2P)(wp.trueerrn)) val = wp.trueerrn;
+					if (j40__(abs,2P)(val) < j40__(abs,2P)(wp.trueerrnw)) val = wp.trueerrnw;
+					if (j40__(abs,2P)(val) < j40__(abs,2P)(wp.trueerrne)) val = wp.trueerrne;
+					break;
+				default:
+					refcidx = (~n->branch.prop - 16) / 4;
+					J40__SHOULD(refcidx < nrefcmap, "trec");
+					refc = &m->channel[refcmap[refcidx]];
+					J40__ASSERT(c->width == refc->width && c->height == refc->height);
+					val = J40__PIXELS(refc, y)[x]; // rC
+					if (~n->branch.prop & 2) {
+						int2P_t rw = x > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(refc, y)[x - 1] : 0;
+						int2P_t rn = y > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(refc, y - 1)[x] : rw;
+						int2P_t rnw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(refc, y - 1)[x - 1] : rw;
+						val -= j40__(gradient,2P)(rw, rn, rnw);
+					}
+					if (~n->branch.prop & 1) val = j40__(abs,2P)(val);
+					break;
+				}
+				n += val > n->branch.value ? n->branch.leftoff : n->branch.rightoff;
+			}
+			val = j40__code(st, n->leaf.ctx, m->dist_mult, &m->code);
+			// TODO can overflow at any operator and the bound is incorrect anyway
+			val = j40__unpack_signed((int32_t) val) * n->leaf.multiplier + n->leaf.offset;
+			val += j40__(predict,2P)(st, n->leaf.predictor, &wp, &p);
+			J40__SHOULD(INT16_MIN <= val && val <= INT16_MAX, "povf");
+			outpixels[x] = (intP_t) val;
+			j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, val);
+		}
+	}
+	j40__(free_wp,2P)(&wp);
+	j40__free(refcmap);
+	return 0;
+	j40__(free_wp,2P)(&wp);
+	j40__free(refcmap);
+	j40__free_plane(c);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// ----------------------------------------
+// end of recursion
+	#undef j40__intP
+	#undef j40__int2P
+	#undef j40__uint2P
+	#undef J40__PIXELS
+	#undef J40__P
+	#undef J40__2P
+#endif // J40__RECURSING == 200
+#if J40__RECURSING < 0
+// ----------------------------------------
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_channel(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx) {
+	switch (m->channel[cidx].type) {
+		case J40__PLANE_I16: return j40__modular_channel16(st, m, cidx, sidx);
+		case J40__PLANE_I32: return j40__modular_channel32(st, m, cidx, sidx);
+		case J40__PLANE_EMPTY: return 0;
+		default: J40__UNREACHABLE(); return 0;
+	}
+// modular (inverse) transform
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__inverse_transform(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m);
+#define J40__X(x,y,z) {x,y,z}, {-(x),-(y),-(z)}
+#define J40__XX(a,b,c,d,e,f) J40__X a, J40__X b, J40__X c, J40__X d, J40__X e, J40__X f
+static const int16_t J40__PALETTE_DELTAS[144][3] = { // the first entry is a duplicate and skipped
+	J40__XX((0, 0, 0), (4, 4, 4), (11, 0, 0), (0, 0, -13), (0, -12, 0), (-10, -10, -10)),
+	J40__XX((-18, -18, -18), (-27, -27, -27), (-18, -18, 0), (0, 0, -32), (-32, 0, 0), (-37, -37, -37)),
+	J40__XX((0, -32, -32), (24, 24, 45), (50, 50, 50), (-45, -24, -24), (-24, -45, -45), (0, -24, -24)),
+	J40__XX((-34, -34, 0), (-24, 0, -24), (-45, -45, -24), (64, 64, 64), (-32, 0, -32), (0, -32, 0)),
+	J40__XX((-32, 0, 32), (-24, -45, -24), (45, 24, 45), (24, -24, -45), (-45, -24, 24), (80, 80, 80)),
+	J40__XX((64, 0, 0), (0, 0, -64), (0, -64, -64), (-24, -24, 45), (96, 96, 96), (64, 64, 0)),
+	J40__XX((45, -24, -24), (34, -34, 0), (112, 112, 112), (24, -45, -45), (45, 45, -24), (0, -32, 32)),
+	J40__XX((24, -24, 45), (0, 96, 96), (45, -24, 24), (24, -45, -24), (-24, -45, 24), (0, -64, 0)),
+	J40__XX((96, 0, 0), (128, 128, 128), (64, 0, 64), (144, 144, 144), (96, 96, 0), (-36, -36, 36)),
+	J40__XX((45, -24, -45), (45, -45, -24), (0, 0, -96), (0, 128, 128), (0, 96, 0), (45, 24, -45)),
+	J40__XX((-128, 0, 0), (24, -45, 24), (-45, 24, -45), (64, 0, -64), (64, -64, -64), (96, 0, 96)),
+	J40__XX((45, -45, 24), (24, 45, -45), (64, 64, -64), (128, 128, 0), (0, 0, -128), (-24, 45, -45)),
+#undef J40__X
+#undef J40__XX
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// ----------------------------------------
+// recursion for modular inverse transform
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING 300
+#define J40__P 16
+#define J40__2P 32
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#define J40__P 32
+#define J40__2P 64
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING (-1)
+#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
+#if J40__RECURSING == 300
+	#define j40__intP J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__P, _t)
+	#define j40__int2P J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__2P, _t)
+	#define J40__PIXELS J40__CONCAT3(J40__I, J40__P, _PIXELS)
+// ----------------------------------------
+J40_STATIC void j40__(inverse_rct,P)(j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(inverse_palette,P)(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr);
+J40_STATIC void j40__(inverse_rct,P)(j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr) {
+	typedef j40__intP intP_t;
+	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;
+	// SPEC permutation psuedocode is missing parentheses; better done with a LUT anyway
+	static const uint8_t PERMUTATIONS[6][3] = {{0,1,2},{1,2,0},{2,0,1},{0,2,1},{1,0,2},{2,1,0}};
+	j40__plane c[3];
+	int32_t x, y, i;
+	J40__ASSERT(tr->tr == J40__TR_RCT);
+	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) c[i] = m->channel[tr->rct.begin_c + i];
+	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(c, c + 3));
+	// it is possible that input planes are empty, in which case we do nothing (not even shuffling)
+	if (c->type == J40__PLANE_EMPTY) {
+		J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(c, c + 3) == J40__PLANE_EMPTY);
+		return;
+	} else {
+		J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(c, c + 3) == J40__(PLANE_I,P));
+	}
+	// TODO detect overflow
+	switch (tr->rct.type % 7) {
+	case 0: break;
+	case 1:
+		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
+			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp2[x] + pp0[x]);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
+			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp1[x] + pp0[x]);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
+			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) {
+				pp1[x] = (intP_t) (pp1[x] + pp0[x]);
+				pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp2[x] + pp0[x]);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
+			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) pp1[x] = (intP_t) (pp1[x] + j40__(floor_avg,P)(pp0[x], pp2[x]));
+		}
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
+			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) {
+				// TODO avoid int2P_t if possible
+				pp1[x] = (intP_t) ((int2P_t) pp1[x] + pp0[x] + (pp2[x] >> 1));
+				pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp2[x] + pp0[x]);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case 6: // YCgCo
+		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
+			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
+			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) {
+				// TODO avoid int2P_t if possible
+				int2P_t tmp = (int2P_t) pp0[x] - ((int2P_t) pp2[x] >> 1);
+				int2P_t p1 = (int2P_t) pp2[x] + tmp;
+				int2P_t p2 = tmp - ((int2P_t) pp1[x] >> 1);
+				pp0[x] = (intP_t) (p2 + pp1[x]);
+				pp1[x] = (intP_t) p1;
+				pp2[x] = (intP_t) p2;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+		m->channel[tr->rct.begin_c + PERMUTATIONS[tr->rct.type / 7][i]] = c[i];
+	}
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(inverse_palette,P)(
+	j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr
+) {
+	typedef j40__intP intP_t;
+	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;
+	// `first` is the index channel index; restored color channels will be at indices [first,last],
+	// where the original index channel is relocated to the index `last` and then repurposed.
+	// the palette meta channel 0 will be removed at the very end.
+	int32_t first = tr->pal.begin_c + 1, last = tr->pal.begin_c + tr->pal.num_c, bpp = st->image->bpp;
+	int32_t i, j, y, x;
+	j40__plane *idxc;
+	int32_t width = m->channel[first].width, height = m->channel[first].height;
+	int use_pred = tr->pal.nb_deltas > 0, use_wp = use_pred && tr->pal.d_pred == 6;
+	j40__(wp,2P) wp = J40__INIT;
+	J40__ASSERT(tr->tr == J40__TR_PALETTE);
+	// since we never shrink m->channel, we know there is enough capacity for intermediate transform
+	memmove(m->channel + last, m->channel + first, sizeof(j40__plane) * (size_t) (m->num_channels - first));
+	m->num_channels += last - first;
+	idxc = &m->channel[last];
+	for (i = first; i < last; ++i) m->channel[i].type = 0;
+	if (idxc->type == J40__PLANE_EMPTY) {
+		// index channel is empty; all resulting output channels would be empty
+		for (i = first; i < last; ++i) j40__init_empty_plane(&m->channel[i]);
+	} else {
+		for (i = first; i < last; ++i) {
+			J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__(PLANE_I,P), width, height, 0, &m->channel[i]));
+		}
+	}
+	if (use_wp) J40__TRY(j40__(init_wp,2P)(st, m->wp, width, &wp));
+	for (i = 0; i < tr->pal.num_c; ++i) {
+		// palette channel can be also empty
+		intP_t *palp = tr->pal.nb_colours > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(&m->channel[0], i) : NULL;
+		j40__plane *c = &m->channel[first + i];
+		for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+			// SPEC pseudocode accidentally overwrites the index channel
+			intP_t *idxline = J40__PIXELS(idxc, y);
+			intP_t *line = J40__PIXELS(c, y);
+			for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+				intP_t idx = idxline[x], val;
+				int is_delta = idx < tr->pal.nb_deltas;
+				if (idx < 0) { // hard-coded delta for first 3 channels, otherwise 0
+					if (i < 3) {
+						idx = (intP_t) (~idx % 143); // say no to 1's complement
+						val = J40__PALETTE_DELTAS[idx + 1][i];
+						if (bpp > 8) val = (intP_t) (val << (j40__min32(bpp, 24) - 8));
+					} else {
+						val = 0;
+					}
+				} else if (idx < tr->pal.nb_colours) {
+					val = palp[idx];
+				} else { // synthesized from (idx - nb_colours)
+					idx = (intP_t) (idx - tr->pal.nb_colours);
+					if (idx < 64) { // idx == ..YX in base 4 -> {(X+0.5)/4, (Y+0.5)/4, ...}
+						val = (intP_t) ((i < 3 ? idx >> (2 * i) : 0) * (((int2P_t) 1 << bpp) - 1) / 4 +
+							((int2P_t) 1 << j40__max32(0, bpp - 3)));
+					} else { // idx + 64 == ..ZYX in base 5 -> {X/4, Y/4, Z/4, ...}
+						val = (intP_t) (idx - 64);
+						for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) val = (intP_t) (val / 5);
+						val = (intP_t) ((val % 5) * ((1 << bpp) - 1) / 4);
+					}
+				}
+				if (use_pred) {
+					j40__(neighbors,P) p = j40__(init_neighbors,P)(c, x, y);
+					j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, &p);
+					// TODO handle overflow
+					if (is_delta) val = (intP_t) (val + j40__(predict,2P)(st, tr->pal.d_pred, &wp, &p));
+					j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, val);
+				}
+				line[x] = val;
+			}
+		}
+		j40__(reset_wp,2P)(&wp);
+	}
+	j40__(free_wp,2P)(&wp);
+	j40__free_plane(&m->channel[0]);
+	memmove(m->channel, m->channel + 1, sizeof(j40__plane) * (size_t) --m->num_channels);
+	return 0;
+	j40__(free_wp,2P)(&wp);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// ----------------------------------------
+// end of recursion
+	#undef j40__intP
+	#undef j40__int2P
+	#undef J40__PIXELS
+	#undef J40__P
+	#undef J40__2P
+#endif // J40__RECURSING == 300
+#if J40__RECURSING < 0
+// ----------------------------------------
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__inverse_transform(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m) {
+	int32_t i;
+	if (m->num_channels == 0) return 0;
+	switch (j40__plane_all_equal_typed_or_empty(m->channel, m->channel + m->num_channels)) {
+	case J40__PLANE_I16:
+		for (i = m->nb_transforms - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+			const j40__transform *tr = &m->transform[i];
+			switch (tr->tr) {
+			case J40__TR_RCT: j40__inverse_rct16(m, tr); break;
+			case J40__TR_PALETTE: J40__TRY(j40__inverse_palette16(st, m, tr)); break;
+			case J40__TR_SQUEEZE: J40__RAISE("TODO: squeeze inverse transformation"); break;
+			default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case J40__PLANE_I32:
+		for (i = m->nb_transforms - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+			const j40__transform *tr = &m->transform[i];
+			switch (tr->tr) {
+			case J40__TR_RCT: j40__inverse_rct32(m, tr); break;
+			case J40__TR_PALETTE: J40__TRY(j40__inverse_palette32(st, m, tr)); break;
+			case J40__TR_SQUEEZE: J40__RAISE("TODO: squeeze inverse transformation"); break;
+			default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	default: // while *some* channels can be empty, it is impossible that all channels are empty
+	}
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// dequantization matrix and coefficient orders
+enum {
+	J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT = 27, // the number of all possible varblock types (DctSelect)
+	J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS = 17, // the number of parameters, some shared by multiple DctSelects
+	J40__NUM_ORDERS = 13, // the number of distinct varblock dimensions & orders, after transposition
+enum j40__dq_matrix_mode { // the number of params per channel follows:
+	J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY = 0, // 0
+	J40__DQ_ENC_HORNUSS = 1, // 3 (params)
+	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT2 = 2, // 6 (params)
+	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4 = 3, // 2 (params) + n (dct_params)
+	// TODO DCT4x8 uses an undefined name "parameters" (should be "params")
+	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4X8 = 4, // 1 (params) + n (dct_params)
+	J40__DQ_ENC_AFV = 5, // 9 (params) + n (dct_params) + m (dct4x4_params)
+	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT = 6, // n (params)
+	// all other modes eventually decode to:
+	J40__DQ_ENC_RAW = 7, // n rows * m columns, with the top-left 1/8 by 1/8 unused
+typedef struct {
+	enum j40__dq_matrix_mode mode;
+	int16_t n, m;
+	j40_f32x4 *params; // the last element per each row is unused
+} j40__dq_matrix;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_dq_matrix(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t rows, int32_t columns, int64_t raw_sidx,
+	j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat
+J40_INLINE float j40__interpolate(float pos, int32_t c, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__interpolation_bands(
+	j40__st *st, const j40_f32x4 *params, int32_t nparams, j40_f32x4 *out
+J40_STATIC void j40__dct_quant_weights(
+	int32_t rows, int32_t columns, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len, j40_f32x4 *out
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__load_dq_matrix(j40__st *st, int32_t idx, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_dq_matrix(j40__dq_matrix *dqmat);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__natural_order(j40__st *st, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns, int32_t **out);
+typedef struct { int8_t log_rows, log_columns, param_idx, order_idx; } j40__dct_select;
+static const j40__dct_select J40__DCT_SELECT[J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT] = {
+	// hereafter DCTnm refers to DCT(2^n)x(2^m) in the spec
+	/*DCT33*/ {3, 3, 0, 0}, /*Hornuss*/ {3, 3, 1, 1}, /*DCT11*/ {3, 3, 2, 1}, /*DCT22*/ {3, 3, 3, 1},
+	/*DCT44*/ {4, 4, 4, 2}, /*DCT55*/ {5, 5, 5, 3}, /*DCT43*/ {4, 3, 6, 4}, /*DCT34*/ {3, 4, 6, 4},
+	/*DCT53*/ {5, 3, 7, 5}, /*DCT35*/ {3, 5, 7, 5}, /*DCT54*/ {5, 4, 8, 6}, /*DCT45*/ {4, 5, 8, 6},
+	/*DCT23*/ {3, 3, 9, 1}, /*DCT32*/ {3, 3, 9, 1}, /*AFV0*/ {3, 3, 10, 1}, /*AFV1*/ {3, 3, 10, 1},
+	/*AFV2*/ {3, 3, 10, 1}, /*AFV3*/ {3, 3, 10, 1}, /*DCT66*/ {6, 6, 11, 7}, /*DCT65*/ {6, 5, 12, 8},
+	/*DCT56*/ {5, 6, 12, 8}, /*DCT77*/ {7, 7, 13, 9}, /*DCT76*/ {7, 6, 14, 10}, /*DCT67*/ {6, 7, 14, 10},
+	/*DCT88*/ {8, 8, 15, 11}, /*DCT87*/ {8, 7, 16, 12}, /*DCT78*/ {7, 8, 16, 12},
+static const struct j40__dct_params {
+	int8_t log_rows, log_columns, def_offset, def_mode, def_n, def_m;
+	/*DCT33*/ {3, 3, 0, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 6, 0}, /*Hornuss*/ {3, 3, 6, J40__DQ_ENC_HORNUSS, 0, 0},
+	/*DCT11*/ {3, 3, 9, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT2, 0, 0}, /*DCT22*/ {3, 3, 15, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4, 4, 0},
+	/*DCT44*/ {4, 4, 21, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 7, 0}, /*DCT55*/ {5, 5, 28, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
+	/*DCT34*/ {3, 4, 36, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 7, 0}, /*DCT35*/ {3, 5, 43, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
+	/*DCT45*/ {4, 5, 51, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0}, /*DCT23*/ {3, 3, 59, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4X8, 4, 0},
+	/*AFV*/ {3, 3, 64, J40__DQ_ENC_AFV, 4, 4}, /*DCT66*/ {6, 6, 81, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
+	/*DCT56*/ {5, 6, 89, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0}, /*DCT77*/ {7, 7, 97, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
+	/*DCT67*/ {6, 7, 105, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0}, /*DCT88*/ {8, 8, 113, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
+	/*DCT78*/ {7, 8, 121, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
+#define J40__DCT4X4_DCT_PARAMS \
+	{2200.0f, 392.0f, 112.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.5f} // (4)
+#define J40__DCT4X8_DCT_PARAMS \
+	{2198.050556016380522f, 764.3655248643528689f, 527.107573587542228f}, \
+	{-0.96269623020744692f, -0.92630200888366945f, -1.4594385811273854f}, \
+	{-0.76194253026666783f, -0.9675229603596517f, -1.450082094097871593f}, \
+	{-0.6551140670773547f, -0.27845290869168118f, -1.5843722511996204f} // (4)
+#define J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(mult) \
+	/* it turns out that the first sets of parameters for larger DCTs have the same ratios */ \
+	{mult * 23629.073922049845f, mult * 8611.3238710010046f, mult * 4492.2486445538634f}, \
+	{-1.025f, -0.3041958212306401f, -1.2f}, {-0.78f, 0.3633036457487539f, -1.2f}, \
+	{-0.65012f, -0.35660379990111464f, -0.8f}, {-0.19041574084286472f, -0.3443074455424403f, -0.7f}, \
+	{-0.20819395464f, -0.33699592683512467f, -0.7f}, {-0.421064f, -0.30180866526242109f, -0.4f}, \
+	{-0.32733845535848671f, -0.27321683125358037f, -0.5f} // (8)
+static const float J40__LIBRARY_DCT_PARAMS[129][4] = {
+	// DCT33 dct_params (n=6) (SPEC some values are incorrect)
+	{3150.0f, 560.0f, 512.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f}, {-0.4f, -0.3f, -1.0f},
+	{-0.4f, -0.3f, 0.0f}, {-0.4f, -0.3f, -1.0f}, {-2.0f, -0.3f, -2.0f},
+	// Hornuss params (3)
+	{280.0f, 60.0f, 18.0f}, {3160.0f, 864.0f, 200.0f}, {3160.0f, 864.0f, 200.0f},
+	// DCT11 params (6)
+	{3840.0f, 960.0f, 640.0f}, {2560.0f, 640.0f, 320.0f}, {1280.0f, 320.0f, 128.0f},
+	{640.0f, 180.0f, 64.0f}, {480.0f, 140.0f, 32.0f}, {300.0f, 120.0f, 16.0f},
+	// DCT22 params (2) + dct_params (n=4) (TODO spec bug: some values are incorrect)
+	{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, J40__DCT4X4_DCT_PARAMS,
+	// DCT44 dct_params (n=7)
+	{8996.8725711814115328f, 3191.48366296844234752f, 1157.50408145487200256f},
+	{-1.3000777393353804f, -0.67424582104194355f, -2.0531423165804414f},
+	{-0.49424529824571225f, -0.80745813428471001f, -1.4f},
+	{-0.439093774457103443f, -0.44925837484843441f, -0.50687130033378396f},
+	{-0.6350101832695744f, -0.35865440981033403f, -0.42708730624733904f},
+	{-0.90177264050827612f, -0.31322389111877305f, -1.4856834539296244f},
+	{-1.6162099239887414f, -0.37615025315725483f, -4.9209142884401604f},
+	// DCT55 dct_params (n=8)
+	{15718.40830982518931456f, 7305.7636810695983104f, 3803.53173721215041536f},
+	{-1.025f, -0.8041958212306401f, -3.060733579805728f},
+	{-0.98f, -0.7633036457487539f, -2.0413270132490346f},
+	{-0.9012f, -0.55660379990111464f, -2.0235650159727417f},
+	{-0.4f, -0.49785304658857626f, -0.5495389509954993f},
+	{-0.48819395464f, -0.43699592683512467f, -0.4f},
+	{-0.421064f, -0.40180866526242109f, -0.4f},
+	{-0.27f, -0.27321683125358037f, -0.3f},
+	// DCT34 dct_params (n=7)
+	{7240.7734393502f, 1448.15468787004f, 506.854140754517f},
+	{-0.7f, -0.5f, -1.4f}, {-0.7f, -0.5f, -0.2f}, {-0.2f, -0.5f, -0.5f},
+	{-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.5f}, {-0.2f, -0.2f, -1.5f}, {-0.5f, -0.2f, -3.6f},
+	// DCT35 dct_params (n=8)
+	{16283.2494710648897f, 5089.15750884921511936f, 3397.77603275308720128f},
+	{-1.7812845336559429f, -0.320049391452786891f, -0.321327362693153371f},
+	{-1.6309059012653515f, -0.35362849922161446f, -0.34507619223117997f},
+	{-1.0382179034313539f, -0.30340000000000003f, -0.70340000000000003f},
+	{-0.85f, -0.61f, -0.9f}, {-0.7f, -0.5f, -1.0f}, {-0.9f, -0.5f, -1.0f},
+	{-1.2360638576849587f, -0.6f, -1.1754605576265209f},
+	// DCT45 dct_params (n=8)
+	{13844.97076442300573f, 4798.964084220744293f, 1807.236946760964614f},
+	{-0.97113799999999995f, -0.61125308982767057f, -1.2f},
+	{-0.658f, -0.83770786552491361f, -1.2f}, {-0.42026f, -0.79014862079498627f, -0.7f},
+	{-0.22712f, -0.2692727459704829f, -0.7f}, {-0.2206f, -0.38272769465388551f, -0.7f},
+	{-0.226f, -0.22924222653091453f, -0.4f}, {-0.6f, -0.20719098826199578f, -0.5f},
+	// DCT23 params (1) + dct_params (n=4)
+	{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, J40__DCT4X8_DCT_PARAMS,
+	// AFV params (9) + dct_params (n=4) + dct4x4_params (m=4)
+	// (SPEC params & dct_params are swapped; TODO spec bug: dct4x4_params are also incorrect)
+	{3072.0f, 1024.0f, 384.0f}, {3072.0f, 1024.0f, 384.0f}, {256.0f, 50.0f, 12.0f},
+	{256.0f, 50.0f, 12.0f}, {256.0f, 50.0f, 12.0f}, {414.0f, 58.0f, 22.0f},
+	{0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f},
+	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(0.9f), // DCT66 dct_params (n=8)
+	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(0.65f), // DCT56 dct_params (n=8)
+	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(1.8f), // DCT77 dct_params (n=8)
+	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(1.3f), // DCT67 dct_params (n=8)
+	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(3.6f), // DCT88 dct_params (n=8)
+	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(2.6f), // DCT78 dct_params (n=8)
+static const int8_t J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[J40__NUM_ORDERS][2] = {
+	{3,3}, {3,3}, {4,4}, {5,5}, {3,4}, {3,5}, {4,5}, {6,6}, {5,6}, {7,7}, {6,7}, {8,8}, {7,8},
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_dq_matrix(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t rows, int32_t columns, int64_t raw_sidx,
+	j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat
+) {
+	j40__modular m = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t c, i, j;
+	dqmat->mode = (enum j40__dq_matrix_mode) j40__u(st, 3);
+	dqmat->params = NULL;
+	if (dqmat->mode == J40__DQ_ENC_RAW) { // read as a modular image
+		float denom, inv_denom;
+		int32_t w[3], h[3], x, y;
+		denom = j40__f16(st);
+		// TODO spec bug: ZeroPadToByte isn't required at this point
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(denom), "dqm0");
+		inv_denom = 1.0f / denom;
+		w[0] = w[1] = w[2] = columns;
+		h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = rows;
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_modular(st, 3, w, h, &m));
+		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, global_tree, global_codespec, &m));
+		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
+		for (c = 0; c < m.num_channels; ++c) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, c, raw_sidx));
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
+		J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_f32x4, &dqmat->params, (size_t) (rows * columns));
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			if ([c].type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
+				for (y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
+					int16_t *pixels = J40__I16_PIXELS(&[c], y);
+					for (x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
+						dqmat->params[y * columns + x][c] = (float) pixels[x] * inv_denom;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for (y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
+					int32_t *pixels = J40__I32_PIXELS(&[c], y);
+					for (x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
+						dqmat->params[y * columns + x][c] = (float) pixels[x] * inv_denom;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		j40__free_modular(&m);
+		dqmat->n = (int16_t) rows;
+		dqmat->m = (int16_t) columns;
+	} else {
+		static const struct how {
+			int8_t requires8x8; // 1 if 8x8 matrix is required
+			int8_t nparams; // the number of fixed parameters
+			int8_t nscaled; // params[0..nscaled-1] should be scaled by 64
+			int8_t ndctparams; // the number of calls to ReadDctParams
+		} HOW[7] = {{0,0,0,0}, {1,3,3,0}, {1,6,6,0}, {1,2,2,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,9,6,2}, {1,0,0,1}};
+		struct how how = HOW[dqmat->mode];
+		int32_t paramsize = how.nparams + how.ndctparams * 16, paramidx = how.nparams;
+		if (how.requires8x8) J40__SHOULD(rows == 8 && columns == 8, "dqm?");
+		if (paramsize) {
+			J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_f32x4, &dqmat->params, (size_t) paramsize);
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) for (j = 0; j < how.nparams; ++j) {
+				dqmat->params[j][c] = j40__f16(st) * (j < how.nscaled ? 64.0f : 1.0f);
+			}
+			for (i = 0; i < how.ndctparams; ++i) { // ReadDctParams
+				int32_t n = *(i == 0 ? &dqmat->n : &dqmat->m) = (int16_t) (j40__u(st, 4) + 1);
+				for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+					dqmat->params[paramidx + j][c] = j40__f16(st) * (j == 0 ? 64.0f : 1.0f);
+				}
+				paramidx += n;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(dqmat->params);
+	dqmat->params = NULL;
+	j40__free_modular(&m);
+	return st->err;
+// piecewise exponential interpolation where pos is in [0,1], mapping pos = k/(len-1) to bands[k]
+J40_INLINE float j40__interpolate(float pos, int32_t c, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len) {
+	float scaled_pos, frac_idx, a, b;
+	int32_t scaled_idx;
+	if (len == 1) return bands[0][c];
+	scaled_pos = pos * (float) (len - 1);
+	scaled_idx = (int32_t) scaled_pos;
+	frac_idx = scaled_pos - (float) scaled_idx;
+	a = bands[scaled_idx][c];
+	b = bands[scaled_idx + 1][c];
+	return a * powf(b / a, frac_idx);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__interpolation_bands(
+	j40__st *st, const j40_f32x4 *params, int32_t nparams, j40_f32x4 *out
+) {
+	int32_t i, c;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		// TODO spec bug: loops for x & y are independent of the loop for i (bands)
+		// TODO spec bug: `bands(i)` for i >= 0 (not i > 0) should be larger (not no less) than 0
+		out[0][c] = params[0][c];
+		J40__SHOULD(out[0][c] > 0, "band");
+		for (i = 1; i < nparams; ++i) {
+			float v = params[i][c];
+			out[i][c] = v > 0 ? out[i - 1][c] * (1.0f + v) : out[i - 1][c] / (1.0f - v);
+			J40__SHOULD(out[i][c] > 0, "band");
+		}
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__dct_quant_weights(
+	int32_t rows, int32_t columns, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len, j40_f32x4 *out
+) {
+	float inv_rows_m1 = 1.0f / (float) (rows - 1), inv_columns_m1 = 1.0f / (float) (columns - 1);
+	int32_t x, y, c;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		for (y = 0; y < rows; ++y) for (x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
+			static const float INV_SQRT2 = 1.0f / 1.414214562373095f; // 1/(sqrt(2) + 1e-6)
+			float d = hypotf((float) x * inv_columns_m1, (float) y * inv_rows_m1);
+			// TODO spec issue: num_bands doesn't exist (probably len)
+			out[y * columns + x][c] = j40__interpolate(d * INV_SQRT2, c, bands, len);
+		}
+	}
+// TODO spec issue: VarDCT uses the (row, column) notation, not the (x, y) notation; explicitly note this
+// TODO spec improvement: spec can provide computed matrices for default parameters to aid verification
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__load_dq_matrix(j40__st *st, int32_t idx, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat) {
+	enum { MAX_BANDS = 15 };
+	const struct j40__dct_params dct = J40__DCT_PARAMS[idx];
+	enum j40__dq_matrix_mode mode;
+	int32_t rows, columns, n, m;
+	const j40_f32x4 *params;
+	j40_f32x4 *raw = NULL, bands[MAX_BANDS], scratch[64];
+	int32_t x, y, i, c;
+	mode = dqmat->mode;
+	if (mode == J40__DQ_ENC_RAW) {
+		return 0; // nothing to do
+	} else if (mode == J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY) {
+		mode = (enum j40__dq_matrix_mode) dct.def_mode;
+		n = dct.def_n;
+		m = dct.def_m;
+		params = J40__LIBRARY_DCT_PARAMS + dct.def_offset;
+	} else {
+		n = dqmat->n;
+		m = dqmat->m;
+		params = dqmat->params;
+	}
+	rows = 1 << dct.log_rows;
+	columns = 1 << dct.log_columns;
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_f32x4, &raw, (size_t) (rows * columns));
+	switch (mode) {
+	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT:
+		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params, n, bands));
+		j40__dct_quant_weights(rows, columns, bands, n, raw);
+		break;
+	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4:
+		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
+		J40__ASSERT(n <= MAX_BANDS);
+		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 2, n, bands));
+		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 4, bands, n, scratch);
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
+				raw[y * 8 + x][c] = scratch[(y / 2) * 4 + (x / 2)][c];
+			}
+			raw[001][c] /= params[0][c];
+			raw[010][c] /= params[0][c];
+			raw[011][c] /= params[1][c];
+		}
+		break;
+	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT2:
+		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			static const int8_t MAP[64] = {
+				// TODO spec issue: coefficient (0,0) is unspecified; means it shouldn't be touched
+				0,0,2,2,4,4,4,4,
+				0,1,2,2,4,4,4,4,
+				2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,
+				2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,
+				4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,
+				4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,
+				4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,
+				4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,
+			};
+			for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) raw[i][c] = params[MAP[i]][c];
+			raw[0][c] = -1.0f;
+		}
+		break;
+	case J40__DQ_ENC_HORNUSS:
+		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) raw[i][c] = params[0][c];
+			raw[000][c] = 1.0f;
+			raw[001][c] = raw[010][c] = params[1][c];
+			raw[011][c] = params[2][c];
+		}
+		break;
+	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4X8:
+		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
+		J40__ASSERT(n <= MAX_BANDS);
+		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 1, n, bands));
+		// TODO spec bug: 4 rows by 8 columns, not 8 rows by 4 columns (compare with AFV weights4x8)
+		// the position (x, y Idiv 2) is also confusing, since it's using the (x, y) notation
+		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 8, bands, n, scratch);
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
+				raw[y * 8 + x][c] = scratch[(y / 2) * 8 + x][c];
+			}
+			raw[001][c] /= params[0][c];
+		}
+		break;
+	case J40__DQ_ENC_AFV:
+		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
+		J40__ASSERT(n <= MAX_BANDS && m <= MAX_BANDS);
+		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 9, n, bands));
+		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 8, bands, n, scratch);
+		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 9 + n, m, bands));
+		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 4, bands, m, scratch + 32);
+		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 5, 4, bands));
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			// TODO spec bug: this value can never be 1 because it will result in an out-of-bound
+			// access in j40__interpolate; libjxl avoids this by adding 1e-6 to the denominator
+			static const float FREQS[12] = { // precomputed values of (freqs[i] - lo) / (hi - lo + 1e-6)
+				0.000000000f, 0.373436417f, 0.320380100f, 0.379332596f, 0.066671353f, 0.259756761f,
+				0.530035651f, 0.789731061f, 0.149436598f, 0.559318823f, 0.669198646f, 0.999999917f,
+			};
+			scratch[0][c] = params[0][c]; // replaces the top-left corner of weights4x8
+			scratch[32][c] = params[1][c]; // replaces the top-left corner of weights4x4
+			for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) scratch[i + 48][c] = j40__interpolate(FREQS[i], c, bands, 4);
+			scratch[60][c] = 1.0f;
+			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) scratch[i + 61][c] = params[i + 2][c];
+		}
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			// TODO spec bug: `weight(...)` uses multiple conflicting notations
+			static const int8_t MAP[64] = {
+				// 1..31 from weights4x8, 33..47 from weights4x4, 48..59 interpolated,
+				// 0/32/61..63 directly from parameters, 60 fixed to 1.0
+				60, 32, 62, 33, 48, 34, 49, 35,
+				 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,
+				61, 36, 63, 37, 50, 38, 51, 39,
+				 8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+				52, 40, 53, 41, 54, 42, 55, 43,
+				16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+				56, 44, 57, 45, 58, 46, 59, 47,
+				24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+			};
+			for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) raw[i][c] = scratch[MAP[i]][c];
+		}
+		break;
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+	j40__free(dqmat->params);
+	dqmat->mode = J40__DQ_ENC_RAW;
+	dqmat->n = (int16_t) rows;
+	dqmat->m = (int16_t) columns;
+	dqmat->params = raw;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(raw);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_dq_matrix(j40__dq_matrix *dqmat) {
+	if (dqmat->mode != J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY) j40__free(dqmat->params);
+	dqmat->mode = J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY;
+	dqmat->params = NULL;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__natural_order(j40__st *st, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns, int32_t **out) {
+	int32_t size = 1 << (log_rows + log_columns), log_slope = log_columns - log_rows;
+	int32_t rows8 = 1 << (log_rows - 3), columns8 = 1 << (log_columns - 3);
+	int32_t *order = NULL;
+	int32_t y, x, key1, o;
+	J40__ASSERT(8 >= log_columns && log_columns >= log_rows && log_rows >= 3);
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &order, (size_t) size);
+	o = 0;
+	for (y = 0; y < rows8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < columns8; ++x) {
+		order[o++] = y << log_columns | x;
+	}
+	//            d e..
+	// +---------/-/-  each diagonal is identified by an integer
+	// |       |/ / /    key1 = scaled_x + scaled_y = x + y * 2^log_slope,
+	// |_a_b_c_| / /   and covers at least one cell when:
+	// |/ / / / / / /    2^(log_columns - 3) <= key1 < 2^(log_columns + 1) - 2^log_slope.
+	for (key1 = 1 << (log_columns - 3); o < size; ++key1) {
+		// place initial endpoints to leftmost and topmost edges, then fix out-of-bounds later
+		int32_t x0 = key1 & ((1 << log_slope) - 1), y0 = key1 >> log_slope, x1 = key1, y1 = 0;
+		if (x1 >= (1 << log_columns)) {
+			int32_t excess = j40__ceil_div32(x1 - ((1 << log_columns) - 1), 1 << log_slope);
+			x1 -= excess << log_slope;
+			y1 += excess;
+			J40__ASSERT(x1 >= 0 && y1 < (1 << log_rows));
+		}
+		if (y0 >= (1 << log_rows)) {
+			int32_t excess = y0 - ((1 << log_rows) - 1);
+			x0 += excess << log_slope;
+			y0 -= excess;
+			J40__ASSERT(x0 < (1 << log_columns) && y0 >= 0);
+		}
+		J40__ASSERT(o + (y0 - y1 + 1) <= size);
+		if (key1 & 1) {
+			for (x = x1, y = y1; x >= x0; x -= 1 << log_slope, ++y) {
+				// skip the already covered top-left LLF region
+				if (y >= rows8 || x >= columns8) order[o++] = y << log_columns | x;
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (x = x0, y = y0; x <= x1; x += 1 << log_slope, --y) {
+				if (y >= rows8 || x >= columns8) order[o++] = y << log_columns | x;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(o == size);
+	*out = order;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(order);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// frame context
+enum {
+	J40__MAX_PASSES = 11,
+enum {
+	J40__BLEND_REPLACE = 0, // new
+	J40__BLEND_ADD = 1,     // old + new
+	J40__BLEND_BLEND = 2,   // new + old * (1 - new alpha) or equivalent, optionally clamped
+	J40__BLEND_MUL_ADD = 3, // old + new * alpha or equivalent, optionally clamped
+	J40__BLEND_MUL = 4,     // old * new, optionally clamped
+typedef struct {
+	int8_t mode, alpha_chan, clamp, src_ref_frame;
+} j40__blend_info;
+enum j40__frame_type {
+typedef struct j40__frame_st {
+	int is_last;
+	enum j40__frame_type type;
+	int is_modular; // VarDCT if false
+	int has_noise, has_patches, has_splines, use_lf_frame, skip_adapt_lf_smooth;
+	int do_ycbcr;
+	int32_t jpeg_upsampling; // [0] | [1] << 2 | [2] << 4
+	int32_t log_upsampling, *ec_log_upsampling;
+	int32_t group_size_shift;
+	int32_t x_qm_scale, b_qm_scale;
+	int32_t num_passes;
+	int8_t shift[J40__MAX_PASSES];
+	int8_t log_ds[J40__MAX_PASSES + 1]; // pass i shift range is [log_ds[i+1], log_ds[i])
+	int32_t lf_level;
+	int32_t x0, y0, width, height;
+	int32_t grows, gcolumns, ggrows, ggcolumns;
+	// there can be at most (2^23 + 146)^2 groups and (2^20 + 29)^2 LF groups in a single frame
+	int64_t num_groups, num_lf_groups;
+	int64_t duration, timecode;
+	j40__blend_info blend_info, *ec_blend_info;
+	int32_t save_as_ref;
+	int save_before_ct;
+	int32_t name_len;
+	char *name;
+	struct {
+		int enabled;
+		float weights[3 /*xyb*/][2 /*0=weight1 (cardinal/center), 1=weight2 (diagonal/center)*/];
+	} gab;
+	struct {
+		int32_t iters;
+		float sharp_lut[8], channel_scale[3];
+		float quant_mul, pass0_sigma_scale, pass2_sigma_scale, border_sad_mul, sigma_for_modular;
+	} epf;
+	// TODO spec bug: m_*_lf_unscaled are wildly incorrect, both in default values and scaling
+	float m_lf_scaled[3 /*xyb*/];
+	j40__tree_node *global_tree;
+	j40__code_spec global_codespec;
+	// modular only, available after LfGlobal (local groups are always pasted into gmodular)
+	j40__modular gmodular;
+	int32_t num_gm_channels; // <= gmodular.num_channels
+	// vardct only, available after LfGlobal
+	int32_t global_scale, quant_lf;
+	int32_t lf_thr[3 /*xyb*/][15], qf_thr[15];
+	int32_t nb_lf_thr[3 /*xyb*/], nb_qf_thr;
+	uint8_t *block_ctx_map;
+	int32_t block_ctx_size, nb_block_ctx;
+	float inv_colour_factor;
+	int32_t x_factor_lf, b_factor_lf;
+	float base_corr_x, base_corr_b;
+	// vardct only, available after HfGlobal/HfPass
+	int32_t dct_select_used, dct_select_loaded; // i-th bit for DctSelect i
+	int32_t order_used, order_loaded; // i-th bit for order i
+	j40__dq_matrix dq_matrix[J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS];
+	int32_t num_hf_presets;
+	// Lehmer code + sentinel (-1) before actual coefficient decoding,
+	// either properly computed or discarded due to non-use later (can be NULL in that case)
+	int32_t *orders[J40__MAX_PASSES][J40__NUM_ORDERS][3 /*xyb*/];
+	j40__code_spec coeff_codespec[J40__MAX_PASSES];
+} j40__frame_st;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_frame_state(j40__frame_st *f);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_frame_state(j40__frame_st *f) {
+	int32_t i, j, k;
+	j40__free(f->ec_log_upsampling);
+	j40__free(f->ec_blend_info);
+	j40__free(f->name);
+	j40__free(f->global_tree);
+	j40__free_code_spec(&f->global_codespec);
+	j40__free_modular(&f->gmodular);
+	j40__free(f->block_ctx_map);
+	for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS; ++i) j40__free_dq_matrix(&f->dq_matrix[i]);
+	for (i = 0; i < J40__MAX_PASSES; ++i) {
+		for (j = 0; j < J40__NUM_ORDERS; ++j) {
+			for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
+				j40__free(f->orders[i][j][k]);
+				f->orders[i][j][k] = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		j40__free_code_spec(&f->coeff_codespec[i]);
+	}
+	f->ec_log_upsampling = NULL;
+	f->ec_blend_info = NULL;
+	f->name = NULL;
+	f->global_tree = NULL;
+	f->block_ctx_map = NULL;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// frame header
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__frame_header(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__frame_header(j40__st *st) {
+	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t i, j;
+	f->is_last = 1;
+	f->type = J40__FRAME_REGULAR;
+	f->is_modular = 0;
+	f->has_noise = f->has_patches = f->has_splines = f->use_lf_frame = f->skip_adapt_lf_smooth = 0;
+	f->do_ycbcr = 0;
+	f->jpeg_upsampling = 0;
+	f->log_upsampling = 0;
+	f->ec_log_upsampling = NULL;
+	f->group_size_shift = 8;
+	f->x_qm_scale = 3;
+	f->b_qm_scale = 2;
+	f->num_passes = 1;
+	f->shift[0] = 0; // last pass if default
+	f->log_ds[0] = 3; f->log_ds[1] = 0; // last pass if default
+	f->lf_level = 0;
+	f->x0 = f->y0 = 0;
+	f->width = im->width;
+	f->height = im->height;
+	f->duration = f->timecode = 0;
+	f->blend_info.mode = J40__BLEND_REPLACE;
+	f->blend_info.alpha_chan = 0; // XXX set to the actual alpha channel
+	f->blend_info.clamp = 0;
+	f->blend_info.src_ref_frame = 0;
+	f->ec_blend_info = NULL;
+	f->save_as_ref = 0;
+	f->save_before_ct = 1;
+	f->name_len = 0;
+	f->name = NULL;
+	f->gab.enabled = 1;
+	f->gab.weights[0][0] = f->gab.weights[1][0] = f->gab.weights[2][0] = 0.115169525f;
+	f->gab.weights[0][1] = f->gab.weights[1][1] = f->gab.weights[2][1] = 0.061248592f;
+	f->epf.iters = 2;
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) f->epf.sharp_lut[i] = (float) i / 7.0f;
+	f->epf.channel_scale[0] = 40.0f;
+	f->epf.channel_scale[1] = 5.0f;
+	f->epf.channel_scale[2] = 3.5f;
+	f->epf.quant_mul = 0.46f;
+	f->epf.pass0_sigma_scale = 0.9f;
+	f->epf.pass2_sigma_scale = 6.5f;
+	f->epf.border_sad_mul = 2.0f / 3.0f;
+	f->epf.sigma_for_modular = 1.0f;
+	// TODO spec bug: default values for m_*_lf_unscaled should be reciprocals of the listed values
+	f->m_lf_scaled[0] = 1.0f / 4096.0f;
+	f->m_lf_scaled[1] = 1.0f / 512.0f;
+	f->m_lf_scaled[2] = 1.0f / 256.0f;
+	f->global_tree = NULL;
+	memset(&f->global_codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
+	memset(&f->gmodular, 0, sizeof(j40__modular));
+	f->block_ctx_map = NULL;
+	f->inv_colour_factor = 1 / 84.0f;
+	f->x_factor_lf = 0;
+	f->b_factor_lf = 0;
+	f->base_corr_x = 0.0f;
+	f->base_corr_b = 1.0f;
+	f->dct_select_used = f->dct_select_loaded = 0;
+	f->order_used = f->order_loaded = 0;
+	memset(f->dq_matrix, 0, sizeof(f->dq_matrix));
+	memset(f->orders, 0, sizeof(f->orders));
+	memset(f->coeff_codespec, 0, sizeof(f->coeff_codespec));
+	J40__TRY(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // !all_default
+		int full_frame = 1;
+		uint64_t flags;
+		f->type = (enum j40__frame_type) j40__u(st, 2);
+		f->is_modular = j40__u(st, 1);
+		flags = j40__u64(st);
+		f->has_noise = (int) (flags & 1);
+		f->has_patches = (int) (flags >> 1 & 1);
+		f->has_splines = (int) (flags >> 4 & 1);
+		f->use_lf_frame = (int) (flags >> 5 & 1);
+		f->skip_adapt_lf_smooth = (int) (flags >> 7 & 1);
+		if (!im->xyb_encoded) f->do_ycbcr = j40__u(st, 1);
+		if (!f->use_lf_frame) {
+			if (f->do_ycbcr) f->jpeg_upsampling = j40__u(st, 6); // yes, we are lazy
+			f->log_upsampling = j40__u(st, 2);
+			J40__SHOULD(f->log_upsampling == 0, "TODO: upsampling is not yet implemented");
+			J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &f->ec_log_upsampling, (size_t) im->num_extra_channels);
+			for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
+				f->ec_log_upsampling[i] = j40__u(st, 2);
+				J40__SHOULD(f->ec_log_upsampling[i] == 0, "TODO: upsampling is not yet implemented");
+			}
+		}
+		if (f->is_modular) {
+			f->group_size_shift = 7 + j40__u(st, 2);
+		} else if (im->xyb_encoded) {
+			f->x_qm_scale = j40__u(st, 3);
+			f->b_qm_scale = j40__u(st, 3);
+		}
+		if (f->type != J40__FRAME_REFONLY) {
+			f->num_passes = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 3);
+			if (f->num_passes > 1) {
+				// SPEC this part is especially flaky and the spec and libjxl don't agree to each other.
+				// we do the most sensible thing that is still compatible to libjxl:
+				// - downsample should be decreasing (or stay same)
+				// - last_pass should be strictly increasing and last_pass[0] (if any) should be 0
+				// see also
+				int8_t log_ds[4];
+				int32_t ppass = 0, num_ds = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1);
+				J40__SHOULD(num_ds < f->num_passes, "pass");
+				for (i = 0; i < f->num_passes - 1; ++i) f->shift[i] = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 2);
+				f->shift[f->num_passes - 1] = 0;
+				for (i = 0; i < num_ds; ++i) {
+					log_ds[i] = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 2);
+					if (i > 0) J40__SHOULD(log_ds[i - 1] >= log_ds[i], "pass");
+				}
+				for (i = 0; i < num_ds; ++i) {
+					int32_t pass = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3);
+					J40__SHOULD(i > 0 ? ppass < pass && pass < f->num_passes : pass == 0, "pass");
+					while (ppass < pass) f->log_ds[++ppass] = i > 0 ? log_ds[i - 1] : 3;
+				}
+				while (ppass < f->num_passes) f->log_ds[++ppass] = i > 0 ? log_ds[num_ds - 1] : 3;
+			}
+		}
+		if (f->type == J40__FRAME_LF) {
+			f->lf_level = j40__u(st, 2) + 1;
+		} else if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_crop
+			if (f->type != J40__FRAME_REFONLY) { // SPEC missing UnpackSigned
+				f->x0 = j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30));
+				f->y0 = j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30));
+			}
+			f->width = j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30);
+			f->height = j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30);
+			J40__SHOULD(f->width <= st->limits->width && f->height <= st->limits->height, "slim");
+			J40__SHOULD((int64_t) f->width * f->height <= st->limits->pixels, "slim");
+			full_frame = f->x0 <= 0 && f->y0 <= 0 &&
+				f->width + f->x0 >= im->width && f->height + f->y0 >= im->height;
+		}
+		if (f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR || f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR_SKIPPROG) {
+			J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__blend_info, &f->ec_blend_info, (size_t) im->num_extra_channels);
+			for (i = -1; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
+				j40__blend_info *blend = i < 0 ? &f->blend_info : &f->ec_blend_info[i];
+				blend->mode = (int8_t) j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 2);
+				if (im->num_extra_channels > 0) {
+					if (blend->mode == J40__BLEND_BLEND || blend->mode == J40__BLEND_MUL_ADD) {
+						blend->alpha_chan = (int8_t) j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 3);
+						blend->clamp = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 1);
+					} else if (blend->mode == J40__BLEND_MUL) {
+						blend->clamp = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 1);
+					}
+				}
+				if (!full_frame || blend->mode != J40__BLEND_REPLACE) {
+					blend->src_ref_frame = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 2);
+				}
+			}
+			if (im->anim_tps_denom) { // have_animation stored implicitly
+				f->duration = j40__64u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 8, 0, 32);
+				if (im->anim_have_timecodes) {
+					f->timecode = j40__64u(st, 32);
+				}
+			}
+			f->is_last = j40__u(st, 1);
+		} else {
+			f->is_last = 0;
+		}
+		if (f->type != J40__FRAME_LF && !f->is_last) f->save_as_ref = j40__u(st, 2);
+		// SPEC this condition is essentially swapped with the default value in the spec
+		if (f->type == J40__FRAME_REFONLY || (
+			full_frame &&
+			(f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR || f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR_SKIPPROG) &&
+			f->blend_info.mode == J40__BLEND_REPLACE &&
+			(f->duration == 0 || f->save_as_ref != 0) &&
+			!f->is_last
+		)) {
+			f->save_before_ct = j40__u(st, 1);
+		} else {
+			f->save_before_ct = (f->type == J40__FRAME_LF);
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__name(st, &f->name_len, &f->name));
+		{ // RestorationFilter
+			int restoration_all_default = j40__u(st, 1);
+			f->gab.enabled = restoration_all_default ? 1 : j40__u(st, 1);
+			if (f->gab.enabled) {
+				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // gab_custom
+					for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+						for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) f->gab.weights[i][j] = j40__f16(st);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			f->epf.iters = restoration_all_default ? 2 : j40__u(st, 2);
+			if (f->epf.iters) {
+				if (!f->is_modular && j40__u(st, 1)) { // epf_sharp_custom
+					for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) f->epf.sharp_lut[i] = j40__f16(st);
+				}
+				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // epf_weight_custom
+					for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) f->epf.channel_scale[i] = j40__f16(st);
+					J40__TRY(j40__skip(st, 32)); // ignored
+				}
+				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // epf_sigma_custom
+					if (!f->is_modular) f->epf.quant_mul = j40__f16(st);
+					f->epf.pass0_sigma_scale = j40__f16(st);
+					f->epf.pass2_sigma_scale = j40__f16(st);
+					f->epf.border_sad_mul = j40__f16(st);
+				}
+				if (f->epf.iters && f->is_modular) f->epf.sigma_for_modular = j40__f16(st);
+			}
+			if (!restoration_all_default) J40__TRY(j40__extensions(st));
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__extensions(st));
+	}
+	if (im->xyb_encoded && im->want_icc) f->save_before_ct = 1; // ignores the decoded bit
+	f->grows = j40__ceil_div32(f->height, 1 << f->group_size_shift);
+	f->gcolumns = j40__ceil_div32(f->width, 1 << f->group_size_shift);
+	f->num_groups = (int64_t) f->grows * f->gcolumns;
+	f->ggrows = j40__ceil_div32(f->height, 8 << f->group_size_shift);
+	f->ggcolumns = j40__ceil_div32(f->width, 8 << f->group_size_shift);
+	f->num_lf_groups = (int64_t) f->ggrows * f->ggcolumns;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(f->ec_log_upsampling);
+	j40__free(f->ec_blend_info);
+	j40__free(f->name);
+	f->ec_log_upsampling = NULL;
+	f->ec_blend_info = NULL;
+	f->name = NULL;
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// frame header
+typedef struct {
+	int64_t idx; // either LF group index (pass < 0) or group index (pass >= 0)
+	int64_t codeoff;
+	int32_t size;
+	int32_t pass; // pass number, or negative if this is an LF group section
+} j40__section;
+typedef struct {
+	// if nonzero, there is only single section of this size and other fields are ignored
+	int32_t single_size;
+	// LfGlobal and HfGlobal are common dependencies of other sections, and handled separately
+	int64_t lf_global_codeoff, hf_global_codeoff;
+	int32_t lf_global_size, hf_global_size;
+	// other sections are ordered by codeoff, unless the earlier section needs the later section
+	// for decoding, in which case the order gets swapped
+	int64_t nsections, nsections_read;
+	j40__section *sections;
+	int64_t end_codeoff;
+} j40__toc;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__permutation(
+	j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code, int32_t size, int32_t skip, int32_t **out
+J40_INLINE void j40__apply_permutation(void *targetbuf, void *temp, size_t elemsize, const int32_t *lehmer);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_toc(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_toc(j40__toc *toc);
+// also used in j40__hf_global; out is terminated by a sentinel (-1) or NULL if empty
+// TODO permutation may have to handle more than 2^31 entries
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__permutation(
+	j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code, int32_t size, int32_t skip, int32_t **out
+) {
+	int32_t *arr = NULL;
+	int32_t i, prev, end;
+	J40__ASSERT(code->spec->num_dist == 8 + !!code->spec->lz77_enabled);
+	// SPEC this is the number of integers to read, not the last offset to read (can differ when skip > 0)
+	end = j40__code(st, j40__min32(7, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) size + 1)), 0, code);
+	J40__SHOULD(end <= size - skip, "perm"); // SPEC missing
+	if (end == 0) {
+		*out = NULL;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &arr, (size_t) (end + 1));
+	prev = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
+		prev = arr[i] = j40__code(st, j40__min32(7, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) prev + 1)), 0, code);
+		J40__SHOULD(prev < size - (skip + i), "perm"); // SPEC missing
+	}
+	arr[end] = -1; // sentinel
+	*out = arr;
+	return 0;
+	free(arr);
+	return st->err;
+// target is pre-shifted by skip
+J40_INLINE void j40__apply_permutation(
+	void *targetbuf, void *temp, size_t elemsize, const int32_t *lehmer
+) {
+	char *target = (char*) targetbuf;
+	if (!lehmer) return;
+	while (*lehmer >= 0) {
+		size_t x = (size_t) *lehmer++;
+		memcpy(temp, target + elemsize * x, elemsize);
+		memmove(target + elemsize, target, elemsize * x);
+		memcpy(target, temp, elemsize);
+		target += elemsize;
+	}
+J40_STATIC int j40__compare_section(const void *a, const void *b) {
+	const j40__section *aa = (const j40__section*) a, *bb = (const j40__section*) b;
+	return aa->codeoff < bb->codeoff ? -1 : aa->codeoff > bb->codeoff ? 1 : 0;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_toc(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int64_t nsections = f->num_passes == 1 && f->num_groups == 1 ? 1 :
+		1 /*lf_global*/ + f->num_lf_groups /*lf_group*/ +
+		1 /*hf_global + hf_pass*/ + f->num_passes * f->num_groups /*group_pass*/;
+	int64_t nsections2;
+	j40__section *sections = NULL, *sections2 = NULL, temp;
+	// interleaved linked lists for each LF group; for each LF group `gg` there are three cases:
+	// - no relocated section if `relocs[gg].next == 0` (initial state).
+	// - a single relocated section `relocs[gg].section` if `relocs[gg].next < 0`.
+	// - 2+ relocated sections `relocs[i].section`, where `k` starts at `gg` and
+	//   continues through `next` until it's negative.
+	struct reloc { int64_t next; j40__section section; } *relocs = NULL;
+	int64_t nrelocs, relocs_cap;
+	int32_t *lehmer = NULL;
+	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT;
+	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
+	int64_t i, nremoved;
+	int32_t pass;
+	// TODO remove int32_t restrictions
+	J40__SHOULD((uint64_t) nsections <= SIZE_MAX && nsections <= INT32_MAX, "flen");
+	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // permuted
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 8, &codespec));
+		j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
+		J40__TRY(j40__permutation(st, &code, (int32_t) nsections, 0, &lehmer));
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
+		j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	}
+	J40__TRY(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+	// single section case: no allocation required
+	if (nsections == 1) {
+		toc->single_size = j40__u32(st, 0, 10, 1024, 14, 17408, 22, 4211712, 30);
+		J40__TRY(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+		toc->lf_global_codeoff = toc->hf_global_codeoff = 0;
+		toc->lf_global_size = toc->hf_global_size = 0;
+		toc->nsections = toc->nsections_read = 0;
+		toc->sections = NULL;
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(j40__codestream_offset(st), toc->single_size, &toc->end_codeoff), "flen");
+		j40__free(lehmer);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__section, &sections, (size_t) nsections);
+	for (i = 0; i < nsections; ++i) {
+		sections[i].size = j40__u32(st, 0, 10, 1024, 14, 17408, 22, 4211712, 30);
+	}
+	J40__TRY(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+	sections[0].codeoff = j40__codestream_offset(st); // all TOC offsets are relative to this point
+	for (i = 1; i < nsections; ++i) {
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(sections[i-1].codeoff, sections[i-1].size, &sections[i].codeoff), "flen");
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(sections[i-1].codeoff, sections[i-1].size, &toc->end_codeoff), "flen");
+	if (lehmer) {
+		j40__apply_permutation(sections, &temp, sizeof(j40__section), lehmer);
+		j40__free(lehmer);
+		lehmer = NULL;
+	}
+	toc->lf_global_codeoff = sections[0].codeoff;
+	toc->lf_global_size = sections[0].size;
+	sections[0].codeoff = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < f->num_lf_groups; ++i) {
+		sections[i + 1].pass = -1;
+		sections[i + 1].idx = i;
+	}
+	toc->hf_global_codeoff = sections[f->num_lf_groups + 1].codeoff;
+	toc->hf_global_size = sections[f->num_lf_groups + 1].size;
+	sections[f->num_lf_groups + 1].codeoff = -1;
+	for (pass = 0; pass < f->num_passes; ++pass) {
+		int64_t sectionid = 1 + f->num_lf_groups + 1 + pass * f->num_groups;
+		for (i = 0; i < f->num_groups; ++i) {
+			sections[sectionid + i].pass = pass;
+			sections[sectionid + i].idx = i;
+		}
+	}
+	// any group section depending on the later LF group section is temporarily moved to relocs
+	{
+		int32_t ggrow, ggcolumn;
+		J40__TRY_CALLOC(struct reloc, &relocs, (size_t) f->num_lf_groups);
+		nrelocs = relocs_cap = f->num_lf_groups;
+		for (ggrow = 0; ggrow < f->ggrows; ++ggrow) for (ggcolumn = 0; ggcolumn < f->ggcolumns; ++ggcolumn) {
+			int64_t ggidx = (int64_t) ggrow * f->ggcolumns + ggcolumn, ggsection = 1 + ggidx;
+			int64_t ggcodeoff = sections[ggsection].codeoff;
+			int64_t gsection_base =
+				1 + f->num_lf_groups + 1 + (int64_t) (ggrow * 8) * f->gcolumns + (ggcolumn * 8);
+			int32_t grows_in_gg = j40__min32((ggrow + 1) * 8, f->grows) - ggrow * 8;
+			int32_t gcolumns_in_gg = j40__min32((ggcolumn + 1) * 8, f->gcolumns) - ggcolumn * 8;
+			int32_t grow_in_gg, gcolumn_in_gg;
+			for (pass = 0; pass < f->num_passes; ++pass) {
+				for (grow_in_gg = 0; grow_in_gg < grows_in_gg; ++grow_in_gg) {
+					for (gcolumn_in_gg = 0; gcolumn_in_gg < gcolumns_in_gg; ++gcolumn_in_gg) {
+						int64_t gsection = gsection_base + pass * f->num_groups + 
+							(grow_in_gg * f->gcolumns + gcolumn_in_gg);
+						if (sections[gsection].codeoff > ggcodeoff) continue;
+						if (relocs[ggidx].next) {
+							J40__TRY_REALLOC64(struct reloc, &relocs, nrelocs + 1, &relocs_cap);
+							relocs[nrelocs] = relocs[ggidx];
+							relocs[ggidx].next = nrelocs++;
+						} else {
+							relocs[ggidx].next = -1;
+						}
+						relocs[ggidx].section = sections[gsection];
+						sections[gsection].codeoff = -1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// remove any section with a codeoff -1 and sort the remainder
+	for (i = nremoved = 0; i < nsections; ++i) {
+		if (sections[i].codeoff < 0) {
+			++nremoved;
+		} else {
+			sections[i - nremoved] = sections[i];
+		}
+	}
+	qsort(sections, (size_t) (nsections - nremoved), sizeof(j40__section), j40__compare_section);
+	// copy sections to sections2, but insert any relocated sections after corresponding LF group section
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__section, &sections2, (size_t) nsections);
+	nsections2 = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < nsections - nremoved; ++i) {
+		int64_t j, first_reloc_off;
+		sections2[nsections2++] = sections[i];
+		if (sections[i].pass >= 0) continue;
+		j = sections[i].idx;
+		if (!relocs[j].next) continue;
+		first_reloc_off = nsections2;
+		while (j >= 0) {
+			sections2[nsections2++] = relocs[j].section;
+			j = relocs[j].next;
+		}
+		qsort(sections2 + first_reloc_off, (size_t) (nsections2 - first_reloc_off),
+			sizeof(j40__section), j40__compare_section);
+	}
+	toc->sections = sections2;
+	toc->nsections = nsections2;
+	toc->nsections_read = 0;
+	J40__ASSERT(nsections2 == nsections - 2); // excludes LfGlobal and HfGlobal
+	j40__free(sections);
+	j40__free(relocs);
+	j40__free(lehmer);
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	return 0;
+	j40__free(sections);
+	j40__free(sections2);
+	j40__free(relocs);
+	j40__free(lehmer);
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_toc(j40__toc *toc) {
+	j40__free(toc->sections);
+	toc->sections = NULL;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// DCT
+// both use `in` as a scratch space as well, so `in` will be altered after return
+J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_unscaled(
+	float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in, int32_t t, int32_t rep
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct(
+	float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in, int32_t t, int32_t rep
+J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct2d_scaled_for_llf(
+	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct2d(
+	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct11(float *buf);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct22(float *buf);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_hornuss(float *buf);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct32(float *buf);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct23(float *buf);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv22(float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv(float *buf, int flipx, int flipy);
+// this is more or less a direct translation of mcos2/3 algorithms described in:
+// Perera, S. M., & Liu, J. (2018). Lowest Complexity Self-Recursive Radix-2 DCT II/III Algorithms.
+// SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 39(2), 664--682.
+// [(1<<n) + k] = 1/(2 cos((k+0.5)/2^(n+1) pi)) for n >= 1 and 0 <= k < 2^n
+J40_STATIC const float J40__HALF_SECANTS[256] = {
+	0, 0, // unused
+	0.54119610f, 1.30656296f, // n=1 for DCT-4
+	0.50979558f, 0.60134489f, 0.89997622f, 2.56291545f, // n=2 for DCT-8
+	// n=3 for DCT-16
+	0.50241929f, 0.52249861f, 0.56694403f, 0.64682178f, 0.78815462f, 1.06067769f, 1.72244710f, 5.10114862f,
+	// n=4 for DCT-32
+	0.50060300f, 0.50547096f, 0.51544731f, 0.53104259f, 0.55310390f, 0.58293497f, 0.62250412f, 0.67480834f,
+	0.74453627f, 0.83934965f, 0.97256824f, 1.16943993f, 1.48416462f, 2.05778101f, 3.40760842f, 10.1900081f,
+	// n=5 for DCT-64
+	0.50015064f, 0.50135845f, 0.50378873f, 0.50747117f, 0.51245148f, 0.51879271f, 0.52657732f, 0.53590982f,
+	0.54692044f, 0.55976981f, 0.57465518f, 0.59181854f, 0.61155735f, 0.63423894f, 0.66031981f, 0.69037213f,
+	0.72512052f, 0.76549416f, 0.81270209f, 0.86834472f, 0.93458360f, 1.01440826f, 1.11207162f, 1.23383274f,
+	1.38929396f, 1.59397228f, 1.87467598f, 2.28205007f, 2.92462843f, 4.08461108f, 6.79675071f, 20.3738782f,
+	// n=6 for DCT-128
+	0.50003765f, 0.50033904f, 0.50094272f, 0.50185052f, 0.50306519f, 0.50459044f, 0.50643095f, 0.50859242f,
+	0.51108159f, 0.51390633f, 0.51707566f, 0.52059987f, 0.52449054f, 0.52876071f, 0.53342493f, 0.53849944f,
+	0.54400225f, 0.54995337f, 0.55637499f, 0.56329167f, 0.57073059f, 0.57872189f, 0.58729894f, 0.59649876f,
+	0.60636246f, 0.61693573f, 0.62826943f, 0.64042034f, 0.65345190f, 0.66743520f, 0.68245013f, 0.69858665f,
+	0.71594645f, 0.73464482f, 0.75481294f, 0.77660066f, 0.80017990f, 0.82574877f, 0.85353675f, 0.88381100f,
+	0.91688445f, 0.95312587f, 0.99297296f, 1.03694904f, 1.08568506f, 1.13994868f, 1.20068326f, 1.26906117f,
+	1.34655763f, 1.43505509f, 1.53699410f, 1.65559652f, 1.79520522f, 1.96181785f, 2.16395782f, 2.41416000f,
+	2.73164503f, 3.14746219f, 3.71524274f, 4.53629094f, 5.82768838f, 8.15384860f, 13.5842903f, 40.7446881f,
+	// n=7 for DCT-256
+	0.50000941f, 0.50008472f, 0.50023540f, 0.50046156f, 0.50076337f, 0.50114106f, 0.50159492f, 0.50212529f,
+	0.50273257f, 0.50341722f, 0.50417977f, 0.50502081f, 0.50594098f, 0.50694099f, 0.50802161f, 0.50918370f,
+	0.51042817f, 0.51175599f, 0.51316821f, 0.51466598f, 0.51625048f, 0.51792302f, 0.51968494f, 0.52153769f,
+	0.52348283f, 0.52552196f, 0.52765682f, 0.52988922f, 0.53222108f, 0.53465442f, 0.53719139f, 0.53983424f,
+	0.54258533f, 0.54544717f, 0.54842239f, 0.55151375f, 0.55472418f, 0.55805673f, 0.56151465f, 0.56510131f,
+	0.56882030f, 0.57267538f, 0.57667051f, 0.58080985f, 0.58509780f, 0.58953898f, 0.59413825f, 0.59890075f,
+	0.60383188f, 0.60893736f, 0.61422320f, 0.61969575f, 0.62536172f, 0.63122819f, 0.63730265f, 0.64359303f,
+	0.65010770f, 0.65685553f, 0.66384594f, 0.67108889f, 0.67859495f, 0.68637535f, 0.69444203f, 0.70280766f,
+	0.71148577f, 0.72049072f, 0.72983786f, 0.73954355f, 0.74962527f, 0.76010172f, 0.77099290f, 0.78232026f,
+	0.79410679f, 0.80637720f, 0.81915807f, 0.83247799f, 0.84636782f, 0.86086085f, 0.87599311f, 0.89180358f,
+	0.90833456f, 0.92563200f, 0.94374590f, 0.96273078f, 0.98264619f, 1.00355728f, 1.02553551f, 1.04865941f,
+	1.07301549f, 1.09869926f, 1.12581641f, 1.15448427f, 1.18483336f, 1.21700940f, 1.25117548f, 1.28751481f,
+	1.32623388f, 1.36756626f, 1.41177723f, 1.45916930f, 1.51008903f, 1.56493528f, 1.62416951f, 1.68832855f,
+	1.75804061f, 1.83404561f, 1.91722116f, 2.00861611f, 2.10949453f, 2.22139378f, 2.34620266f, 2.48626791f,
+	2.64454188f, 2.82479140f, 3.03189945f, 3.27231159f, 3.55471533f, 3.89110779f, 4.29853753f, 4.80207601f,
+	5.44016622f, 6.27490841f, 7.41356676f, 9.05875145f, 11.6446273f, 16.3000231f, 27.1639777f, 81.4878422f,
+// TODO spec bug: ScaleF doesn't match with the current libjxl! it turns out that this is actually
+// a set of factors for the Arai, Agui, Nakajima DCT & IDCT algorithm, which was only used in
+// older versions of libjxl (both the current libjxl and J40 currently uses Perera-Liu) and
+// not even a resampling algorithm to begin with.
+// [(1<<N) + k] = 1 / (cos(k/2^(4+N) pi) * cos(k/2^(3+N) pi) * cos(k/2^(2+N) pi) * 2^N)
+//                for N >= 1 and 0 <= k < 2^N
+J40_STATIC const float J40__LF2LLF_SCALES[64] = {
+	0, // unused
+	1.00000000f, // N=1, n=8
+	0.50000000f, 0.55446868f, // N=2, n=16
+	0.25000000f, 0.25644002f, 0.27723434f, 0.31763984f, // N=4, n=32
+	// N=8, n=64
+	0.12500000f, 0.12579419f, 0.12822001f, 0.13241272f, 0.13861717f, 0.14722207f, 0.15881992f, 0.17431123f,
+	// N=16, n=128
+	0.06250000f, 0.06259894f, 0.06289709f, 0.06339849f, 0.06411001f, 0.06504154f, 0.06620636f, 0.06762155f,
+	0.06930858f, 0.07129412f, 0.07361103f, 0.07629973f, 0.07940996f, 0.08300316f, 0.08715562f, 0.09196277f,
+	// N=32, n=256
+	0.03125000f, 0.03126236f, 0.03129947f, 0.03136146f, 0.03144855f, 0.03156101f, 0.03169925f, 0.03186372f,
+	0.03205500f, 0.03227376f, 0.03252077f, 0.03279691f, 0.03310318f, 0.03344071f, 0.03381077f, 0.03421478f,
+	0.03465429f, 0.03513107f, 0.03564706f, 0.03620441f, 0.03680552f, 0.03745302f, 0.03814986f, 0.03889931f,
+	0.03970498f, 0.04057091f, 0.04150158f, 0.04250201f, 0.04357781f, 0.04473525f, 0.04598138f, 0.04732417f,
+#define J40__SQRT2 1.4142135623730951f
+#define J40__DCT_ARGS float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in, int32_t t
+#define J40__REPEAT1() for (r1 = 0; r1 < rep1 * rep2; r1 += rep2)
+#define J40__REPEAT2() for (r2 = 0; r2 < rep2; ++r2)
+#define J40__IN(i) in[(i) * stride + r1 + r2]
+#define J40__OUT(i) out[(i) * stride + r1 + r2]
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__forward_dct_core(
+	J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2,
+	void (*half_forward_dct)(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2)
+) {
+	int32_t r1, r2, i, N = 1 << t, stride = rep1 * rep2;
+	// out[0..N) = W^c_N H_N in[0..N)
+	J40__REPEAT1() {
+		for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) {
+			float mult = J40__HALF_SECANTS[N / 2 + i];
+			J40__REPEAT2() {
+				float x = J40__IN(i), y = J40__IN(N - i - 1);
+				J40__OUT(i) = x + y;
+				J40__OUT(N / 2 + i) = (x - y) * mult;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// in[0..N/2) = mcos2(out[0..N/2), N/2)
+	// in[N/2..N) = mcos2(out[N/2..N), N/2)
+	half_forward_dct(in, out, t - 1, rep1, rep2);
+	half_forward_dct(in + N / 2 * stride, out + N / 2 * stride, t - 1, rep1, rep2);
+	// out[0,2..N) = in[0..N/2)
+	J40__REPEAT1() for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) J40__REPEAT2() {
+		J40__OUT(i * 2) = J40__IN(i);
+	}
+	// out[1,3..N) = B_(N/2) in[N/2..N)
+	J40__REPEAT1() {
+		J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(1) = J40__SQRT2 * J40__IN(N / 2) + J40__IN(N / 2 + 1);
+		for (i = 1; i < N / 2 - 1; ++i) {
+			J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(i * 2 + 1) = J40__IN(N / 2 + i) + J40__IN(N / 2 + i + 1);
+		}
+		J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(N - 1) = J40__IN(N - 1);
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__inverse_dct_core(
+	J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2,
+	void (*half_inverse_dct)(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2)
+) {
+	int32_t r1, r2, i, N = 1 << t, stride = rep1 * rep2;
+	// out[0..N/2) = in[0,2..N)
+	J40__REPEAT1() {
+		for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) {
+			J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(i) = J40__IN(i * 2);
+		}
+	}
+	// out[N/2..N) = (B_(N/2))^T in[1,3..N)
+	J40__REPEAT1() {
+		J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(N / 2) = J40__SQRT2 * J40__IN(1);
+		for (i = 1; i < N / 2; ++i) {
+			J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(N / 2 + i) = J40__IN(i * 2 - 1) + J40__IN(i * 2 + 1);
+		}
+	}
+	// in[0..N/2) = mcos3(out[0..N/2), N/2)
+	// in[N/2..N) = mcos3(out[N/2..N), N/2)
+	half_inverse_dct(in, out, t - 1, rep1, rep2);
+	half_inverse_dct(in + N / 2 * stride, out + N / 2 * stride, t - 1, rep1, rep2);
+	// out[0..N) = (H_N)^T W^c_N in[0..N)
+	J40__REPEAT1() {
+		for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) {
+			float mult = J40__HALF_SECANTS[N / 2 + i];
+			J40__REPEAT2() {
+				float x = J40__IN(i), y = J40__IN(N / 2 + i);
+				// this might look wasteful, but modern compilers can optimize them into FMA
+				// which can be actually faster than a single multiplication (TODO verify this)
+				J40__OUT(i) = x + y * mult;
+				J40__OUT(N - i - 1) = x - y * mult;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__dct2(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	int32_t r1, r2, stride = rep1 * rep2;
+	J40__ASSERT(t == 1); (void) t;
+	J40__REPEAT1() J40__REPEAT2() {
+		float x = J40__IN(0), y = J40__IN(1);
+		J40__OUT(0) = x + y;
+		J40__OUT(1) = x - y;
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__forward_dct4(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	J40__ASSERT(t == 2); (void) t;
+	j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, 2, rep1, rep2, j40__dct2);
+J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_recur(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	if (t < 4) {
+		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
+		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, rep2, j40__forward_dct4);
+	} else {
+		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, rep2, j40__forward_dct_recur);
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_recur_x8(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	J40__ASSERT(rep2 == 8); (void) rep2;
+	if (t < 4) {
+		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
+		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, 8, j40__forward_dct4);
+	} else {
+		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, 8, j40__forward_dct_recur_x8);
+	}
+// this omits the final division by (1 << t)!
+J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_unscaled(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep) {
+	if (t <= 0) {
+		memcpy(out, in, sizeof(float) * (size_t) rep);
+	} else if (rep % 8 == 0) {
+		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep / 8, 8);
+		else if (t == 2) j40__forward_dct4(out, in, 2, rep / 8, 8);
+		else j40__forward_dct_recur_x8(out, in, t, rep / 8, 8);
+	} else {
+		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep, 1);
+		else if (t == 2) j40__forward_dct4(out, in, 2, rep, 1);
+		else j40__forward_dct_recur(out, in, t, rep, 1);
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__forward_dct_unscaled_view(j40__view_f32 *outv, j40__view_f32 *inv) {
+	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv->logw, inv->logh);
+	j40__forward_dct_unscaled(outv->ptr, inv->ptr, inv->logh, 1 << inv->logw);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__inverse_dct4(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	J40__ASSERT(t == 2); (void) t;
+	j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, 2, rep1, rep2, j40__dct2);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct_recur(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	if (t < 4) {
+		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
+		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, rep2, j40__inverse_dct4);
+	} else {
+		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, rep2, j40__inverse_dct_recur);
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct_recur_x8(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
+	J40__ASSERT(rep2 == 8); (void) rep2;
+	if (t < 4) {
+		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
+		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, 8, j40__inverse_dct4);
+	} else {
+		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, 8, j40__inverse_dct_recur_x8);
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep) {
+	if (t <= 0) {
+		memcpy(out, in, sizeof(float) * (size_t) rep);
+	} else if (rep % 8 == 0) {
+		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep / 8, 8);
+		else if (t == 2) j40__inverse_dct4(out, in, 2, rep / 8, 8);
+		else j40__inverse_dct_recur_x8(out, in, t, rep / 8, 8);
+	} else {
+		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep, 1);
+		else if (t == 2) j40__inverse_dct4(out, in, 2, rep, 1);
+		else j40__inverse_dct_recur(out, in, t, rep, 1);
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__inverse_dct_view(j40__view_f32 *outv, j40__view_f32 *inv) {
+	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv->logw, inv->logh);
+	j40__inverse_dct(outv->ptr, inv->ptr, inv->logh, 1 << inv->logw);
+#undef J40__DCT_ARGS
+#undef J40__IN
+#undef J40__OUT
+J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct2d_scaled_for_llf(
+	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
+) {
+	j40__view_f32 bufv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, buf);
+	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, scratch);
+	float *p;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	j40__forward_dct_unscaled_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
+	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	j40__forward_dct_unscaled_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
+	// TODO spec bug (I.6.5): the pseudocode only works correctly when C > R;
+	// the condition itself can be eliminated by inlining DCT_2D though
+	J40__VIEW_FOREACH(scratchv, y, x, p) {
+		// hopefully compiler will factor the second multiplication out of the inner loop (TODO verify this)
+		*p *= J40__LF2LLF_SCALES[(1 << scratchv.logw) + x] * J40__LF2LLF_SCALES[(1 << scratchv.logh) + y];
+	}
+	// TODO spec improvement (I.6.3 note): given the pseudocode, it might be better to
+	// state that the DCT result *always* has C <= R, transposing as necessary.
+	if (log_columns > log_rows) {
+		j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	} else {
+		j40__copy_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == j40__max32(log_columns, log_rows));
+	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logh == j40__min32(log_columns, log_rows));
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct2d(
+	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
+) {
+	j40__view_f32 bufv;
+	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, scratch);
+	if (log_columns > log_rows) {
+		// TODO spec improvement: coefficients start being transposed, note this as well
+		bufv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, buf);
+		j40__transpose_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
+	} else {
+		bufv = j40__make_view_f32(log_rows, log_columns, buf);
+		j40__copy_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
+	}
+	j40__inverse_dct_view(&bufv, &scratchv);
+	j40__transpose_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
+	j40__inverse_dct_view(&bufv, &scratchv);
+	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == log_columns && bufv.logh == log_rows);
+// a single iteration of AuxIDCT2x2
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__aux_inverse_dct11(float *out, float *in, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t S2) {
+	int32_t p = y * 8 + x, q = (y * 2) * 8 + (x * 2);
+	float c00 = in[p], c01 = in[p + S2], c10 = in[p + S2 * 8], c11 = in[p + S2 * 9];
+	out[q + 000] = c00 + c01 + c10 + c11; // r00
+	out[q + 001] = c00 + c01 - c10 - c11; // r01
+	out[q + 010] = c00 - c01 + c10 - c11; // r10
+	out[q + 011] = c00 - c01 - c10 + c11; // r11
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct11(float *buf) {
+	float scratch[64];
+	int32_t x, y;
+	// TODO spec issue: only the "top-left" SxS cells, not "top"
+	j40__aux_inverse_dct11(buf, buf, 0, 0, 1); // updates buf[(0..1)*8+(0..1)]
+	// updates scratch[(0..3)*8+(0..3)], copying other elements from buf in verbatim
+	memcpy(scratch, buf, sizeof(float) * 64);
+	for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) j40__aux_inverse_dct11(scratch, buf, x, y, 2);
+	// updates the entire buf
+	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) j40__aux_inverse_dct11(buf, scratch, x, y, 4);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct22(float *buf) {
+	float scratch[64];
+	int32_t x, y;
+	j40__aux_inverse_dct11(buf, buf, 0, 0, 1);
+	// after the top-left inverse DCT2x2, four 4x4 submatrices are formed and IDCTed individually.
+	// IDCT itself requires transposition and the final matrices are stitched in a different way,
+	// but it turns out that IDCT can be done in place, only requiring the final stitching.
+	//
+	// input                        after transposition          output
+	// a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 d1 d2      a1 a3 e1 e3 i1 i3 m1 m3      a1 e1 i1 m1 a2 e2 i2 m2
+	// a3 a4 b3 b4 c3 c4 d3 d4      a2 a4 e2 e4 i2 i4 m2 m4      b1 f1 j1 n1 b2 f2 j2 n2
+	// e1 e2 f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2      b1 b3 f1 f3 j1 j3 n1 n3      c1 g1 k1 o1 c2 g2 k2 o2
+	// e3 e4 f3 f4 g3 g4 h3 h4 ---> b2 b4 f2 f4 j2 j4 n2 n4 ---> d1 k1 l1 p1 d2 k2 l2 p2
+	// i1 i2 j1 j2 k1 k2 l1 l2      c1 c3 g1 g3 k1 k3 o1 o3      a3 e3 i3 m3 a4 e4 i4 m4
+	// i3 i4 j3 j4 k3 k4 l3 l4      c2 c4 g2 g4 k2 k4 o2 o4      b3 f3 j3 n3 b4 f4 j4 n4
+	// m1 m2 n1 n2 o1 o2 p1 p2      d1 d3 h1 h3 l1 l3 p1 p3      c3 g3 k3 o3 c4 g4 k4 o4
+	// m3 m4 n3 n4 o3 o4 p3 p4      d2 d4 h2 h4 l2 l4 p2 p4      d3 k3 l3 p3 d4 k4 l4 p4
+	//
+	// TODO spec issue: notationally `sample` is a *4-dimensional* array, which is not very clear
+	j40__inverse_dct(scratch, buf, 2, 16); // columnar IDCT for a#-m#, b#-n#, c#-o# and d#-p#
+	for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) buf[x * 8 + y] = scratch[y * 8 + x];
+	j40__inverse_dct(scratch, buf, 2, 16); // columnar IDCT for a#-d#, e#-h#, i#-l# and m#-p#
+	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
+		buf[y * 8 + x] = scratch[(y * 2) * 8 + (x * 2)];
+		buf[y * 8 + (x + 4)] = scratch[(y * 2 + 1) * 8 + (x * 2)];
+		buf[(y + 4) * 8 + x] = scratch[(y * 2) * 8 + (x * 2 + 1)];
+		buf[(y + 4) * 8 + (x + 4)] = scratch[(y * 2 + 1) * 8 + (x * 2 + 1)];
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_hornuss(float *buf) {
+	float scratch[64];
+	int32_t x, y, ix, iy;
+	memcpy(scratch, buf, sizeof(float) * 64);
+	j40__aux_inverse_dct11(scratch, buf, 0, 0, 1); // updates scratch[(0..1)*8+(0..1)]
+	for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
+		int32_t pos00 = y * 8 + x, pos11 = (y + 2) * 8 + (x + 2);
+		float rsum[4] = {0}, sample11;
+		for (iy = 0; iy < 4; ++iy) for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) {
+			rsum[ix] += scratch[(y + iy * 2) * 8 + (x + ix * 2)];
+		}
+		// conceptually (SUM rsum[i]) = residual_sum + coefficients(x, y) in the spec
+		sample11 = scratch[pos00] - (rsum[0] + rsum[1] + rsum[2] + rsum[3] - scratch[pos00]) * 0.0625f;
+		scratch[pos00] = scratch[pos11];
+		scratch[pos11] = 0.0f;
+		for (iy = 0; iy < 4; ++iy) for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) {
+			buf[(4 * y + iy) * 8 + (4 * x + ix)] = scratch[(y + iy * 2) * 8 + (x + ix * 2)] + sample11;
+		}
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct32(float *buf) {
+	float scratch[64], tmp;
+	j40__view_f32 bufv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, buf);
+	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, scratch);
+	// coefficients form two 4 rows x 8 columns matrices from even and odd rows;
+	// note that this is NOT 8 rows x 4 columns, because of transposition
+	// TODO spec issue: inconsistent naming between coeffs_8x4 and coeffs_4x8
+	tmp = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) + *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
+	*J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1) = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) - *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
+	*J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) = tmp;
+	j40__reshape_view_f32(&bufv, 4, 2);
+	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
+	j40__reshape_view_f32(&scratchv, 3, 3);
+	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
+	j40__oddeven_columns_to_halves_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == 3 && bufv.logh == 3);
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct23(float *buf) {
+	float scratch[64];
+	j40__view_f32 bufv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, buf);
+	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, scratch);
+	// coefficients form two 4 rows x 8 columns matrices from even and odd rows
+	j40__copy_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
+	*J40__AT(scratchv, 0, 0) = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) + *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
+	*J40__AT(scratchv, 0, 1) = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) - *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
+	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
+	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	j40__reshape_view_f32(&bufv, 4, 2);
+	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
+	j40__reshape_view_f32(&scratchv, 3, 3);
+	j40__oddeven_rows_to_halves_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
+	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == 3 && bufv.logh == 3);
+// TODO spec issue: the input is a 4x4 matrix but indexed like a 1-dimensional array
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv22(float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in) {
+	static const float AFV_BASIS[256] = { // AFVBasis in the specification, but transposed
+		 0.25000000f,  0.87690293f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.41053776f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.25000000f,  0.22065181f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		-0.70710678f,  0.62354854f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.40670076f, -0.21255748f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.45175566f, -0.30468475f,
+		 0.30179295f,  0.40824829f,  0.17478670f, -0.21105601f,
+		-0.14266085f, -0.13813540f, -0.17437603f,  0.11354987f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.44444817f,  0.30854971f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.15854504f,  0.51126161f,
+		 0.25792363f,  0.00000000f,  0.08126112f,  0.18567181f,
+		-0.34164468f,  0.33022826f,  0.07027907f, -0.07417505f,
+		 0.25000000f,  0.22065181f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.70710678f,  0.62354854f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.00000000f,  0.47067023f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.04038515f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.16272340f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.73674975f,  0.08755115f, -0.29210266f,  0.19402893f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.19574399f, -0.16212052f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.00741823f, -0.29048013f,
+		 0.09520023f,  0.00000000f, -0.36753980f,  0.49215859f,
+		 0.24627108f, -0.07946707f,  0.36238173f, -0.43519050f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.29291001f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.39351034f, -0.06578702f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.40824829f, -0.30788221f, -0.38525014f,
+		-0.08574019f, -0.46133749f,  0.00000000f,  0.21918685f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.40670076f, -0.21255748f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.45175566f,  0.30468475f,
+		 0.30179295f, -0.40824829f, -0.17478670f,  0.21105601f,
+		-0.14266085f, -0.13813540f, -0.17437603f,  0.11354987f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.19574399f, -0.16212052f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.00741823f,  0.29048013f,
+		 0.09520023f,  0.00000000f,  0.36753980f, -0.49215859f,
+		 0.24627108f, -0.07946707f,  0.36238173f, -0.43519050f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.00000000f, -0.47067023f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.11074166f,  0.00000000f,
+		-0.16272340f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.14883399f,  0.49724647f,  0.29210266f,  0.55504438f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.11379074f, -0.14642919f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.08298163f, -0.23889774f,
+		-0.35312385f, -0.40824829f,  0.48266891f,  0.17419413f,
+		-0.04768680f,  0.12538059f, -0.43266080f, -0.25468277f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.44444817f,  0.30854971f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.15854504f, -0.51126161f,
+		 0.25792363f,  0.00000000f, -0.08126112f, -0.18567181f,
+		-0.34164468f,  0.33022826f,  0.07027907f, -0.07417505f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.29291001f,  0.00000000f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.39351034f,  0.06578702f,
+		 0.00000000f,  0.40824829f,  0.30788221f,  0.38525014f,
+		-0.08574019f, -0.46133749f,  0.00000000f,  0.21918685f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.11379074f, -0.14642919f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.08298163f,  0.23889774f,
+		-0.35312385f,  0.40824829f, -0.48266891f, -0.17419413f,
+		-0.04768680f,  0.12538059f, -0.43266080f, -0.25468277f,
+		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.00000000f,  0.42511496f,
+		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.45175566f,  0.00000000f,
+		-0.60358590f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
+		-0.14266085f, -0.13813540f,  0.34875205f,  0.11354987f,
+	};
+	int32_t i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+		float sum = 0.0f;
+		for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) sum += in[j] * AFV_BASIS[i * 16 + j];
+		out[i] = sum;
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv(float *buf, int flipx, int flipy) {
+	// input          flipx/y=0/0     flipx/y=1/0     flipx/y=0/1     flipx/y=1/1
+	//  _______       +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----------+   +-----------+
+	// |_|_|_|_|      |'    |     |   |     |    '|   |           |   |           |
+	// |_|_|_|_| ---> |AFV22|DCT22|   |DCT22|AFV22|   |   DCT23   |   |   DCT23   |
+	// |_|_|_|_|      +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
+	// |_|_|_|_|      |   DCT23   |   |   DCT23   |   |AFV22|DCT22|   |DCT22|AFV22|
+	//                |           |   |           |   |.    |     |   |     |    .|
+	// (2x2 each)     +-----------+   +-----------+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
+	//
+	// coefficients are divided by 16 2x2 blocks, where two top coefficients are for AFV22
+	// and DCT22 respectively and two bottom coefficients are for DCT23.
+	// all three corresponding DC coefficients are in the top-left block and handled specially.
+	// AFV22 samples are then flipped so that the top-left cell is moved to the corner (dots above).
+	//
+	// TODO spec issue: identifiers have `*` in place of `x`
+	float scratch[64];
+	// buf23/buf32 etc. refer to the same memory region; numbers refer to the supposed dimensions
+	float *bufafv = buf, *buf22 = buf + 16, *buf23 = buf + 32, *buf32 = buf23;
+	float *scratchafv = scratch, *scratch22 = scratch + 16, *scratch23 = scratch + 32, *scratch32 = scratch23;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	J40__ASSERT(flipx == !!flipx && flipy == !!flipy);
+	for (y = 0; y < 8; y += 2) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
+		// AFV22 coefficients to scratch[0..16), DCT22 coefficients to scratch[16..32)
+		scratch[(x % 2) * 16 + (y / 2) * 4 + (x / 2)] = buf[y * 8 + x];
+	}
+	for (y = 1; y < 8; y += 2) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
+		// DCT23 coefficients to scratch[32..64) = scratch32[0..32), after transposition
+		scratch32[x * 4 + (y / 2)] = buf[y * 8 + x];
+	}
+	scratchafv[0] = (buf[0] + buf[1] + buf[8]) * 4.0f;
+	scratch22[0] = buf[0] - buf[1] + buf[8]; // TODO spec bug: x and y are swapped
+	scratch32[0] = buf[0] - buf[8]; // TODO spec bug: x and y are swapped
+	j40__inverse_afv22(bufafv, scratchafv);
+	j40__inverse_dct(buf22, scratch22, 2, 4);
+	j40__inverse_dct(buf32, scratch32, 3, 4);
+	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
+		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) scratchafv[y * 4 + x] = bufafv[y * 4 + x]; // AFV22, as is
+		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) scratch22[x * 4 + y] = buf22[y * 4 + x]; // DCT22, transposed
+	}
+	for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
+		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) scratch23[x * 8 + y] = buf32[y * 4 + x]; // DCT23, transposed
+	}
+	j40__inverse_dct(buf22, scratch22, 2, 4);
+	j40__inverse_dct(buf23, scratch23, 2, 8);
+	memcpy(scratch + 16, buf + 16, sizeof(float) * 48);
+	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
+		static const int8_t FLIP_FOR_AFV[2][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {7, 6, 5, 4}};
+		int32_t afv22pos = FLIP_FOR_AFV[flipy][y] * 8;
+		int32_t dct22pos = (flipy * 4 + y) * 8 + (!flipx * 4);
+		int32_t dct23pos = (!flipy * 4 + y) * 8;
+		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) buf[afv22pos + FLIP_FOR_AFV[flipx][x]] = scratchafv[y * 4 + x];
+		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) buf[dct22pos + x] = scratch22[y * 4 + x];
+		// TODO spec issue: samples_4x4 should be samples_4x8
+		for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) buf[dct23pos + x] = scratch23[y * 8 + x];
+	}
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// LfGlobal: additional image features, HF block context, global tree, extra channels
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global(j40__st *st) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t sidx = 0;
+	int32_t i, j;
+	if (f->has_patches) J40__RAISE("TODO: patches");
+	if (f->has_splines) J40__RAISE("TODO: splines");
+	if (f->has_noise) J40__RAISE("TODO: noise");
+	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // LfChannelDequantization.all_default
+		// TODO spec bug: missing division by 128
+		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) f->m_lf_scaled[i] = j40__f16(st) / 128.0f;
+	}
+	if (!f->is_modular) {
+		f->global_scale = j40__u32(st, 1, 11, 2049, 11, 4097, 12, 8193, 16);
+		f->quant_lf = j40__u32(st, 16, 0, 1, 5, 1, 8, 1, 16);
+		// HF block context
+		if (j40__u(st, 1)) {
+			static const uint8_t DEFAULT_BLKCTX[] = {
+				0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+				7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+				7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+			};
+			f->block_ctx_size = sizeof(DEFAULT_BLKCTX) / sizeof(*DEFAULT_BLKCTX);
+			J40__TRY_MALLOC(uint8_t, &f->block_ctx_map, sizeof(DEFAULT_BLKCTX));
+			memcpy(f->block_ctx_map, DEFAULT_BLKCTX, sizeof(DEFAULT_BLKCTX));
+			f->nb_qf_thr = f->nb_lf_thr[0] = f->nb_lf_thr[1] = f->nb_lf_thr[2] = 0; // SPEC is implicit
+			f->nb_block_ctx = 15;
+		} else {
+			f->block_ctx_size = 39; // SPEC not 27
+			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+				f->nb_lf_thr[i] = j40__u(st, 4);
+				// TODO spec question: should this be sorted? (current code is okay with that)
+				for (j = 0; j < f->nb_lf_thr[i]; ++j) {
+					f->lf_thr[i][j] = (int32_t) j40__unpack_signed64(j40__64u32(st, 0, 4, 16, 8, 272, 16, 65808, 32));
+				}
+				f->block_ctx_size *= f->nb_lf_thr[i] + 1; // SPEC is off by one
+			}
+			f->nb_qf_thr = j40__u(st, 4);
+			// TODO spec bug: both qf_thr[i] and HfMul should be incremented
+			for (i = 0; i < f->nb_qf_thr; ++i) f->qf_thr[i] = j40__u32(st, 0, 2, 4, 3, 12, 5, 44, 8) + 1;
+			f->block_ctx_size *= f->nb_qf_thr + 1; // SPEC is off by one
+			// block_ctx_size <= 39*15^4 and never overflows
+			J40__SHOULD(f->block_ctx_size <= 39 * 64, "hfbc"); // SPEC limit is not 21*64
+			J40__TRY(j40__cluster_map(st, f->block_ctx_size, 16, &f->nb_block_ctx, &f->block_ctx_map));
+		}
+		if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // LfChannelCorrelation.all_default
+			f->inv_colour_factor = 1.0f / (float) j40__u32(st, 84, 0, 256, 0, 2, 8, 258, 16);
+			f->base_corr_x = j40__f16(st);
+			f->base_corr_b = j40__f16(st);
+			f->x_factor_lf = j40__u(st, 8) - 127;
+			f->b_factor_lf = j40__u(st, 8) - 127;
+		}
+	}
+	// we need f->gmodular.num_channels for j40__tree
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_modular_for_global(st, f->is_modular, f->do_ycbcr,
+		f->log_upsampling, f->ec_log_upsampling, f->width, f->height, &f->gmodular));
+	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // global tree present
+		int32_t max_tree_size = j40__min32(1 << 22,
+			1024 + j40__clamp_mul32(j40__clamp_mul32(f->width, f->height), f->gmodular.num_channels) / 16);
+		J40__TRY(j40__tree(st, max_tree_size, &f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec));
+	}
+	if (f->gmodular.num_channels > 0) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &f->gmodular));
+		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &f->gmodular));
+		if (f->width <= (1 << f->group_size_shift) && f->height <= (1 << f->group_size_shift)) {
+			f->num_gm_channels = f->gmodular.num_channels;
+		} else {
+			f->num_gm_channels = f->gmodular.nb_meta_channels;
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < f->num_gm_channels; ++i) {
+			J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &f->gmodular, i, sidx));
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &f->gmodular.code));
+	} else {
+		f->num_gm_channels = 0;
+	}
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// LfGroup: downsampled LF image (optionally smoothed), varblock information
+typedef struct {
+	int32_t coeffoff_qfidx; // offset to coeffs (always a multiple of 64) | qf index (always < 16)
+	union {
+		int32_t m1; // HfMul - 1 during j40__hf_metadata, to avoid overflow at this stage
+		float inv; // 1 / HfMul after j40__hf_metadata
+	} hfmul;
+	// DctSelect is embedded in blocks
+} j40__varblock;
+typedef struct j40__lf_group_st {
+	int64_t idx;
+	int32_t left, top;
+	int32_t width, height; // <= 8192
+	int32_t width8, height8; // <= 1024
+	int32_t width64, height64; // <= 128
+	// contained group indices: [gidx + gstride * y, gidx + gstride * y + gcolumns) for each row
+	int64_t gidx, grows, gcolumns, gstride;
+	j40__plane xfromy, bfromy; // width64 x height64 each
+	j40__plane sharpness; // width8 x height8
+	int32_t nb_varblocks; // <= 2^20 (TODO spec issue: named nb_blocks)
+	// bits 0..19: varblock index [0, nb_varblocks)
+	// bits 20..24: DctSelect + 2, or 1 if not the top-left corner (0 is reserved for unused block)
+	j40__plane blocks; // width8 x height8
+	j40__varblock *varblocks; // [nb_varblocks]
+	float *llfcoeffs[3]; // [width8*height8] each
+	// TODO coeffs can be integers before dequantization
+	float *coeffs[3]; // [width8*height8*64] each, aligned
+	#define J40__COEFFS_ALIGN 64
+	uint8_t coeffs_misalign[3];
+	// precomputed lf_idx
+	j40__plane lfindices; // [width8*height8]
+	int loaded;
+} j40__lf_group_st;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_quant(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t extra_prec, j40__modular *m, j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane outlfquant[3]
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_metadata(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t nb_varblocks,
+	j40__modular *m, const j40__plane lfquant[3], j40__lf_group_st *gg
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_group(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_lf_group(j40__lf_group_st *gg);
+// ----------------------------------------
+// recursion for LF dequantization operations
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING 400
+#define J40__P 16
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#define J40__P 32
+#include J40_FILENAME
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING (-1)
+#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
+#if J40__RECURSING == 400
+	#define j40__intP J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__P, _t)
+	#define J40__PIXELS J40__CONCAT3(J40__I, J40__P, _PIXELS)
+// ----------------------------------------
+// out(x, y) = in(x, y) * mult (after type conversion)
+J40_STATIC void j40__(dequant_lf,P)(const j40__plane *in, float mult, j40__plane *out) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	J40__ASSERT(in->type == J40__(PLANE_I,P) && out->type == J40__PLANE_F32);
+	J40__ASSERT(in->width <= out->width && in->height <= out->height);
+	for (y = 0; y < in->height; ++y) {
+		j40__intP *inpixels = J40__PIXELS(in, y);
+		float *outpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y);
+		for (x = 0; x < in->width; ++x) outpixels[x] = (float) inpixels[x] * mult;
+	}
+// plane(x, y) += # of lf_thr[i] s.t. in(x, y) > lf_thr[i]
+J40_STATIC void j40__(add_thresholds,P)(
+	j40__plane *plane, const j40__plane *in, const int32_t *lf_thr, int32_t nb_lf_thr
+) {
+	int32_t x, y, i;
+	J40__ASSERT(in->type == J40__(PLANE_I,P) && plane->type == J40__PLANE_U8);
+	J40__ASSERT(in->width <= plane->width && in->height <= plane->height);
+	for (y = 0; y < plane->height; ++y) {
+		j40__intP *inpixels = J40__PIXELS(in, y);
+		uint8_t *pixels = J40__U8_PIXELS(plane, y);
+		for (i = 0; i < nb_lf_thr; ++i) {
+			int32_t threshold = lf_thr[i];
+			for (x = 0; x < in->width; ++x) {
+				pixels[x] = (uint8_t) (pixels[x] + (inpixels[x] > threshold));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// ----------------------------------------
+// end of recursion
+	#undef j40__intP
+	#undef J40__PIXELS
+	#undef J40__P
+#endif // J40__RECURSING == 400
+#if J40__RECURSING < 0
+// ----------------------------------------
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__dequant_lf(const j40__plane *in, float mult, j40__plane *out) {
+	switch (in->type) {
+	case J40__PLANE_I16: j40__dequant_lf16(in, mult, out); break;
+	case J40__PLANE_I32: j40__dequant_lf32(in, mult, out); break;
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__add_thresholds(
+	j40__plane *plane, const j40__plane *in, const int32_t *lf_thr, int32_t nb_lf_thr
+) {
+	switch (in->type) {
+	case J40__PLANE_I16: j40__add_thresholds16(plane, in, lf_thr, nb_lf_thr); break;
+	case J40__PLANE_I32: j40__add_thresholds32(plane, in, lf_thr, nb_lf_thr); break;
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+J40_STATIC void j40__multiply_each_u8(j40__plane *plane, int32_t mult) {
+	int32_t x, y;
+	J40__ASSERT(plane->type == J40__PLANE_U8);
+	for (y = 0; y < plane->height; ++y) {
+		uint8_t *pixels = J40__U8_PIXELS(plane, y);
+		for (x = 0; x < plane->width; ++x) pixels[x] = (uint8_t) (pixels[x] * mult);
+	}
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__smooth_lf(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane lfquant[3]) {
+	static const float W0 = 0.05226273532324128f, W1 = 0.20345139757231578f, W2 = 0.0334829185968739f;
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+	float *linebuf = NULL, *nline[3], *line[3];
+	float inv_m_lf[3];
+	int32_t x, y, c;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		// TODO spec bug: missing 2^16 scaling
+		inv_m_lf[c] = (float) (f->global_scale * f->quant_lf) / f->m_lf_scaled[c] / 65536.0f;
+	}
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &linebuf, (size_t) (ggw8 * 6));
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		nline[c] = linebuf + (c + 3) * ggw8; // intentionally uninitialized
+		line[c] = linebuf + c * ggw8; // row 0
+		memcpy(line[c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], 0), sizeof(float) * (size_t) ggw8);
+	}
+	for (y = 1; y < ggh8 - 1; ++y) {
+		float *outline[3], *sline[3];
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			float *temp = nline[c];
+			nline[c] = line[c];
+			line[c] = temp;
+			outline[c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y);
+			sline[c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y + 1);
+			memcpy(line[c], outline[c], sizeof(float) * (size_t) ggw8);
+		}
+		for (x = 1; x < ggw8 - 1; ++x) {
+			float wa[3], diff[3], gap = 0.5f;
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+				wa[c] =
+					(nline[c][x - 1] * W2 + nline[c][x] * W1 + nline[c][x + 1] * W2) +
+					( line[c][x - 1] * W1 +  line[c][x] * W0 +  line[c][x + 1] * W1) +
+					(sline[c][x - 1] * W2 + sline[c][x] * W1 + sline[c][x + 1] * W2);
+				diff[c] = fabsf(wa[c] - line[c][x]) * inv_m_lf[c];
+				if (gap < diff[c]) gap = diff[c];
+			}
+			gap = j40__maxf(0.0f, 3.0f - 4.0f * gap);
+			// TODO spec bug: s (sample) and wa (weighted average) are swapped in the final formula
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) outline[c][x] = (wa[c] - line[c][x]) * gap + line[c][x];
+		}
+	}
+	j40__free(linebuf);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_quant(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t extra_prec, j40__modular *m, j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane outlfquant[3]
+) {
+	static const int32_t YXB2XYB[3] = {1, 0, 2}; // TODO spec bug: this reordering is missing
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+	j40__plane *channel[3], lfquant[3] = {J40__INIT}, lfindices = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t c;
+	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(m->channel, m->channel + 3));
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_F32, ggw8, ggh8, 0, &lfquant[c]));
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_U8, ggw8, ggh8, J40__PLANE_CLEAR, &lfindices));
+	// extract LfQuant from m and populate lfindices
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		// TODO spec bug: missing 2^16 scaling
+		float mult_lf = f->m_lf_scaled[c] / (float) (f->global_scale * f->quant_lf) * (float) (65536 >> extra_prec);
+		channel[c] = &m->channel[YXB2XYB[c]];
+		j40__dequant_lf(channel[c], mult_lf, &lfquant[c]);
+	}
+	j40__add_thresholds(&lfindices, channel[0], f->lf_thr[0], f->nb_lf_thr[0]);
+	j40__multiply_each_u8(&lfindices, f->nb_lf_thr[0] + 1);
+	j40__add_thresholds(&lfindices, channel[2], f->lf_thr[2], f->nb_lf_thr[2]);
+	j40__multiply_each_u8(&lfindices, f->nb_lf_thr[2] + 1);
+	j40__add_thresholds(&lfindices, channel[1], f->lf_thr[1], f->nb_lf_thr[1]);
+	// apply smoothing to LfQuant
+	if (!f->skip_adapt_lf_smooth) J40__TRY(j40__smooth_lf(st, gg, lfquant));
+	memcpy(outlfquant, lfquant, sizeof(j40__plane) * 3);
+	gg->lfindices = lfindices;
+	return 0;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) j40__free_plane(&lfquant[c]);
+	j40__free_plane(&lfindices);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_metadata(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t nb_varblocks,
+	j40__modular *m, const j40__plane lfquant[3], j40__lf_group_st *gg
+) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	j40__plane blocks = J40__INIT;
+	j40__varblock *varblocks = NULL;
+	float *coeffs[3 /*xyb*/] = {NULL}, *llfcoeffs[3 /*xyb*/] = {NULL};
+	size_t coeffs_misalign[3] = {0};
+	int32_t log_gsize8 = f->group_size_shift - 3;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+	int32_t voff, coeffoff;
+	int32_t x0, y0, x1, y1, i, j, c;
+	gg->xfromy = m->channel[0];
+	gg->bfromy = m->channel[1];
+	gg->sharpness = m->channel[3];
+	memset(&m->channel[0], 0, sizeof(j40__plane));
+	memset(&m->channel[1], 0, sizeof(j40__plane));
+	memset(&m->channel[3], 0, sizeof(j40__plane));
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_I32, ggw8, ggh8, J40__PLANE_CLEAR, &blocks));
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__varblock, &varblocks, (size_t) nb_varblocks);
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { // TODO account for chroma subsampling
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &llfcoeffs[c], (size_t) (ggw8 * ggh8));
+		J40__SHOULD(
+			coeffs[c] = (float*) j40__alloc_aligned(
+				sizeof(float) * (size_t) (ggw8 * ggh8 * 64), J40__COEFFS_ALIGN, &coeffs_misalign[c]),
+			"!mem");
+		for (i = 0; i < ggw8 * ggh8 * 64; ++i) coeffs[c][i] = 0.0f;
+	}
+	// temporarily use coeffoff_qfidx to store DctSelect
+	if (m->channel[2].type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
+		int16_t *blockinfo0 = J40__I16_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 0);
+		int16_t *blockinfo1 = J40__I16_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 1);
+		for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
+			varblocks[i].coeffoff_qfidx = blockinfo0[i];
+			varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 = blockinfo1[i];
+		}
+	} else {
+		int32_t *blockinfo0 = J40__I32_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 0);
+		int32_t *blockinfo1 = J40__I32_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 1);
+		for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
+			varblocks[i].coeffoff_qfidx = blockinfo0[i];
+			varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 = blockinfo1[i];
+		}
+	}
+	// place varblocks
+	voff = coeffoff = 0;
+	for (y0 = 0; y0 < ggh8; ++y0) for (x0 = 0; x0 < ggw8; ++x0) {
+		int32_t dctsel, log_vh, log_vw, vh8, vw8;
+		const j40__dct_select *dct;
+		if (J40__I32_PIXELS(&blocks, y0)[x0]) continue;
+		J40__SHOULD(voff < nb_varblocks, "vblk"); // TODO spec issue: missing
+		dctsel = varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx;
+		J40__SHOULD(0 <= dctsel && dctsel < J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT, "dct?");
+		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel];
+		f->dct_select_used |= 1 << dctsel;
+		f->order_used |= 1 << dct->order_idx;
+		varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx = coeffoff;
+		J40__ASSERT(coeffoff % 64 == 0);
+		log_vh = dct->log_rows;
+		log_vw = dct->log_columns;
+		J40__ASSERT(log_vh >= 3 && log_vw >= 3 && log_vh <= 8 && log_vw <= 8);
+		vw8 = 1 << (log_vw - 3);
+		vh8 = 1 << (log_vh - 3);
+		x1 = x0 + vw8 - 1;
+		y1 = y0 + vh8 - 1;
+		// SPEC the first available block in raster order SHOULD be the top-left corner of
+		// the next varblock, otherwise it's an error (no retry required)
+		J40__SHOULD(x1 < ggw8 && (x0 >> log_gsize8) == (x1 >> log_gsize8), "vblk");
+		J40__SHOULD(y1 < ggh8 && (y0 >> log_gsize8) == (y1 >> log_gsize8), "vblk");
+		for (i = 0; i < vh8; ++i) {
+			int32_t *blockrow = J40__I32_PIXELS(&blocks, y0 + i);
+			for (j = 0; j < vw8; ++j) blockrow[x0 + j] = 1 << 20 | voff;
+		}
+		J40__I32_PIXELS(&blocks, y0)[x0] = (dctsel + 2) << 20 | voff;
+		// compute LLF coefficients from dequantized LF
+		if (log_vw <= 3 && log_vh <= 3) {
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) llfcoeffs[c][coeffoff >> 6] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y0)[x0];
+		} else {
+			float scratch[1024]; // DCT256x256 requires 32x32
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+				float *llfcoeffs_c = llfcoeffs[c] + (coeffoff >> 6);
+				for (i = 0; i < vh8; ++i) {
+					float *lfquantrow = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y0 + i);
+					for (j = 0; j < vw8; ++j) llfcoeffs_c[i * vw8 + j] = lfquantrow[x0 + j];
+				}
+				// TODO spec bug: DctSelect type IDENTIFY [sic] no longer exists
+				// TODO spec issue: DCT8x8 doesn't need this
+				j40__forward_dct2d_scaled_for_llf(llfcoeffs_c, scratch, log_vh - 3, log_vw - 3);
+			}
+		}
+		coeffoff += 1 << (log_vw + log_vh);
+		++voff;
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(voff == nb_varblocks, "vblk"); // TODO spec issue: missing
+	// TODO both libjxl and spec don't check for coeffoff == ggw8 * ggh8, but they probably should?
+	// compute qf_idx and hfmul.inv for later use
+	J40__ASSERT(f->nb_qf_thr < 16);
+	for (j = 0; j < f->nb_qf_thr; ++j) {
+		for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
+			varblocks[i].coeffoff_qfidx += varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 >= f->qf_thr[j];
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
+		varblocks[i].hfmul.inv = 1.0f / ((float) varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 + 1.0f);
+	}
+	gg->nb_varblocks = nb_varblocks;
+	gg->blocks = blocks;
+	gg->varblocks = varblocks;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		gg->llfcoeffs[c] = llfcoeffs[c];
+		gg->coeffs[c] = coeffs[c];
+		gg->coeffs_misalign[c] = (uint8_t) coeffs_misalign[c];
+	}
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_plane(&blocks);
+	j40__free(varblocks);
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		j40__free_aligned(coeffs[c], J40__COEFFS_ALIGN, coeffs_misalign[c]);
+		j40__free(llfcoeffs[c]);
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_group(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int64_t ggidx = gg->idx;
+	int64_t sidx0 = 1 + ggidx, sidx1 = 1 + f->num_lf_groups + ggidx, sidx2 = 1 + 2 * f->num_lf_groups + ggidx;
+	j40__plane lfquant[3] = {J40__INIT};
+	j40__modular m = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t i;
+	// TODO factor into j40__init_modular_for_lf_group
+	for (i = f->num_gm_channels; i < f->gmodular.num_channels; ++i) {
+		j40__plane *c = &f->[i];
+		if (c->hshift >= 3 && c->vshift >= 3) {
+			(void) sidx1;
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: ModularLfGroup decoding should continue here");
+		}
+	}
+	if (!f->is_modular) {
+		int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+		int32_t ggw64 = gg->width64, ggh64 = gg->height64;
+		int32_t w[4], h[4], nb_varblocks;
+		J40__ASSERT(ggw8 <= 1024 && ggh8 <= 1024);
+		// LfQuant
+		if (!f->use_lf_frame) {
+			int32_t extra_prec = j40__u(st, 2), c;
+			J40__SHOULD(f->jpeg_upsampling == 0, "TODO: subimage w/h depends on jpeg_upsampling");
+			w[0] = w[1] = w[2] = ggw8;
+			h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = ggh8;
+			J40__TRY(j40__init_modular(st, 3, w, h, &m));
+			J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &m));
+			J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
+			for (c = 0; c < m.num_channels; ++c) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, c, sidx0));
+			J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
+			J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
+			// TODO spec issue: this modular image is independent of bpp/float_sample/etc.
+			// TODO spec bug: channels are in the YXB order
+			J40__TRY(j40__lf_quant(st, extra_prec, &m, gg, lfquant));
+			j40__free_modular(&m);
+		} else {
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: persist lfquant and use it in later frames");
+		}
+		// HF metadata
+		// SPEC nb_block is off by one
+		nb_varblocks = j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) (ggw8 * ggh8))) + 1; // at most 2^20
+		w[0] = w[1] = ggw64; h[0] = h[1] = ggh64; // XFromY, BFromY
+		w[2] = nb_varblocks; h[2] = 2; // BlockInfo
+		w[3] = ggw8; h[3] = ggh8; // Sharpness
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_modular(st, 4, w, h, &m));
+		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &m));
+		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
+		for (i = 0; i < m.num_channels; ++i) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, i, sidx2));
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
+		J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
+		J40__TRY(j40__hf_metadata(st, nb_varblocks, &m, lfquant, gg));
+		j40__free_modular(&m);
+		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) j40__free_plane(&lfquant[i]);
+	}
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_modular(&m);
+	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) j40__free_plane(&lfquant[i]);
+	if (gg) j40__free_lf_group(gg);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_lf_group(j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
+	int32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+		j40__free(gg->llfcoeffs[i]);
+		j40__free_aligned(gg->coeffs[i], J40__COEFFS_ALIGN, gg->coeffs_misalign[i]);
+		gg->llfcoeffs[i] = NULL;
+		gg->coeffs[i] = NULL;
+	}
+	j40__free_plane(&gg->xfromy);
+	j40__free_plane(&gg->bfromy);
+	j40__free_plane(&gg->sharpness);
+	j40__free_plane(&gg->blocks);
+	j40__free_plane(&gg->lfindices);
+	j40__free(gg->varblocks);
+	gg->varblocks = NULL;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// HfGlobal and HfPass
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global(j40__st *st);
+// reads both HfGlobal and HfPass (SPEC they form a single group)
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global(j40__st *st) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int64_t sidx_base = 1 + 3 * f->num_lf_groups;
+	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT;
+	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t i, j, c;
+	J40__ASSERT(!f->is_modular);
+	// dequantization matrices
+	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) {
+		// TODO spec improvement: encoding mode 1..5 are only valid for 0-3/9-10 since it requires 8x8 matrix, explicitly note this
+		for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS; ++i) { // SPEC not 11, should be 17
+			const struct j40__dct_params dct = J40__DCT_PARAMS[i];
+			int32_t rows = 1 << (int32_t) dct.log_rows, columns = 1 << (int32_t) dct.log_columns;
+			J40__TRY(j40__read_dq_matrix(st, rows, columns, sidx_base + i,
+				f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &f->dq_matrix[i]));
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO is it possible that num_hf_presets > num_groups? otherwise j40__at_most is better
+	f->num_hf_presets = j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) f->num_groups)) + 1;
+	// HfPass
+	for (i = 0; i < f->num_passes; ++i) {
+		int32_t used_orders = j40__u32(st, 0x5f, 0, 0x13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13);
+		if (used_orders > 0) {
+			J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 8, &codespec));
+			j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
+		}
+		for (j = 0; j < J40__NUM_ORDERS; ++j) {
+			if (used_orders >> j & 1) {
+				int32_t size = 1 << (J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[j][0] + J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[j][1]);
+				for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { // SPEC this loop is omitted
+					J40__TRY(j40__permutation(st, &code, size, size / 64, &f->orders[i][j][c]));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (used_orders > 0) {
+			J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
+			j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 495 * f->nb_block_ctx * f->num_hf_presets, &f->coeff_codespec[i]));
+	}
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free_code_spec(&codespec);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// PassGroup
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_coeffs(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t ctxoff, int32_t pass,
+	int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, j40__lf_group_st *gg
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__pass_group(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t pass, int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, int64_t gidx,
+	j40__lf_group_st *gg
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_coeffs(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t ctxoff, int32_t pass,
+	int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, j40__lf_group_st *gg
+) {
+	typedef int8_t j40_i8x3[3];
+	const j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t gw8 = j40__ceil_div32(gw, 8), gh8 = j40__ceil_div32(gh, 8);
+	int8_t (*nonzeros)[3] = NULL;
+	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t lfidx_size = (f->nb_lf_thr[0] + 1) * (f->nb_lf_thr[1] + 1) * (f->nb_lf_thr[2] + 1);
+	int32_t x8, y8, i, j, c_yxb;
+	J40__ASSERT(gx_in_gg % 8 == 0 && gy_in_gg % 8 == 0);
+	j40__init_code(&code, &f->coeff_codespec[pass]);
+	// TODO spec bug: there are *three* NonZeros for each channel
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_i8x3, &nonzeros, (size_t) (gw8 * gh8));
+	for (y8 = 0; y8 < gh8; ++y8) for (x8 = 0; x8 < gw8; ++x8) {
+		const j40__dct_select *dct;
+		// TODO spec issue: missing x and y (here called x8 and y8)
+		int32_t ggx8 = x8 + gx_in_gg / 8, ggy8 = y8 + gy_in_gg / 8, nzpos = y8 * gw8 + x8;
+		int32_t voff = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, ggy8)[ggx8], dctsel = voff >> 20;
+		int32_t log_rows, log_columns, log_size;
+		int32_t coeffoff, qfidx, lfidx, bctx0, bctxc;
+		if (dctsel < 2) continue; // not top-left block
+		dctsel -= 2;
+		voff &= 0xfffff;
+		J40__ASSERT(dctsel < J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT);
+		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel];
+		log_rows = dct->log_rows;
+		log_columns = dct->log_columns;
+		log_size = log_rows + log_columns;
+		coeffoff = gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & ~15;
+		qfidx = gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & 15;
+		// TODO spec improvement: explain why lf_idx is separately calculated
+		// (answer: can be efficiently precomputed via vectorization)
+		lfidx = J40__U8_PIXELS(&gg->lfindices, ggy8)[ggx8];
+		bctx0 = (dct->order_idx * (f->nb_qf_thr + 1) + qfidx) * lfidx_size + lfidx;
+		bctxc = 13 * (f->nb_qf_thr + 1) * lfidx_size;
+		// unlike most places, this uses the YXB order
+		for (c_yxb = 0; c_yxb < 3; ++c_yxb) {
+			static const int32_t YXB2XYB[3] = {1, 0, 2};
+			static const int8_t TWICE_COEFF_FREQ_CTX[64] = { // pre-multiplied by 2, [0] is unused
+				-1,  0,  2,  4,  6,  8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28,
+				30, 30, 32, 32, 34, 34, 36, 36, 38, 38, 40, 40, 42, 42, 44, 44,
+				46, 46, 46, 46, 48, 48, 48, 48, 50, 50, 50, 50, 52, 52, 52, 52,
+				54, 54, 54, 54, 56, 56, 56, 56, 58, 58, 58, 58, 60, 60, 60, 60,
+			};
+			// TODO spec bug: CoeffNumNonzeroContext[9] should be 123, not 23
+			static const int16_t TWICE_COEFF_NNZ_CTX[64] = { // pre-multiplied by 2
+				  0,   0,  62, 124, 124, 186, 186, 186, 186, 246, 246, 246, 246, 304, 304, 304,
+				304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
+				360, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412,
+				412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412,
+			};
+			int32_t c = YXB2XYB[c_yxb];
+			float *coeffs = gg->coeffs[c] + coeffoff;
+			int32_t *order = f->orders[pass][dct->order_idx][c];
+			int32_t bctx = f->block_ctx_map[bctx0 + bctxc * c_yxb]; // BlockContext()
+			int32_t nz, nzctx, cctx, qnz, prev;
+			// orders should have been already converted from Lehmer code
+			J40__ASSERT(order && ((f->order_loaded >> dct->order_idx) & 1));
+			// predict and read the number of non-zero coefficients
+			nz = x8 > 0 ?
+				(y8 > 0 ? (nonzeros[nzpos - 1][c] + nonzeros[nzpos - gw8][c] + 1) >> 1 : nonzeros[nzpos - 1][c]) :
+				(y8 > 0 ? nonzeros[nzpos - gw8][c] : 32);
+			// TODO spec improvement: `predicted` can never exceed 63 in NonZerosContext(),
+			// so better to make it a normative assertion instead of clamping
+			// TODO spec question: then why the predicted value of 64 is reserved in the contexts?
+			J40__ASSERT(nz < 64);
+			nzctx = ctxoff + bctx + (nz < 8 ? nz : 4 + nz / 2) * f->nb_block_ctx;
+			nz = j40__code(st, nzctx, 0, &code);
+			// TODO spec issue: missing
+			J40__SHOULD(nz <= (63 << (log_size - 6)), "coef");
+			qnz = j40__ceil_div32(nz, 1 << (log_size - 6)); // [0, 64)
+			for (i = 0; i < (1 << (log_rows - 3)); ++i) {
+				for (j = 0; j < (1 << (log_columns - 3)); ++j) {
+					nonzeros[nzpos + i * gw8 + j][c] = (int8_t) qnz;
+				}
+			}
+			cctx = ctxoff + 458 * bctx + 37 * f->nb_block_ctx;
+			prev = (nz <= (1 << (log_size - 4))); // TODO spec bug: swapped condition
+			// TODO spec issue: missing size (probably W*H)
+			for (i = 1 << (log_size - 6); nz > 0 && i < (1 << log_size); ++i) {
+				int32_t ctx = cctx +
+					TWICE_COEFF_NNZ_CTX[j40__ceil_div32(nz, 1 << (log_size - 6))] +
+					TWICE_COEFF_FREQ_CTX[i >> (log_size - 6)] + prev;
+				// TODO spec question: can this overflow?
+				// unlike modular there is no guarantee about "buffers" or anything similar here
+				int32_t ucoeff = j40__code(st, ctx, 0, &code);
+				// TODO int-to-float conversion, is it okay?
+				coeffs[order[i]] += (float) j40__unpack_signed(ucoeff);
+				// TODO spec issue: normative indicator has changed from [[...]] to a long comment
+				nz -= prev = (ucoeff != 0);
+			}
+			J40__SHOULD(nz == 0, "coef"); // TODO spec issue: missing
+		}
+	}
+	J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
+	j40__free(nonzeros);
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_code(&code);
+	j40__free(nonzeros);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__pass_group(
+	j40__st *st, int32_t pass, int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, int64_t gidx,
+	j40__lf_group_st *gg
+) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	// SPEC "the number of tables" is fixed, no matter how many RAW quant tables are there
+	int64_t sidx = 1 + 3 * f->num_lf_groups + J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS + pass * f->num_groups + gidx;
+	j40__modular m = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t i;
+	if (!f->is_modular) {
+		int32_t ctxoff;
+		// TODO spec issue: this offset is later referred so should be monospaced
+		ctxoff = 495 * f->nb_block_ctx * j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) f->num_hf_presets));
+		J40__TRY(j40__hf_coeffs(st, ctxoff, pass, gx_in_gg, gy_in_gg, gw, gh, gg));
+	}
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_modular_for_pass_group(st, f->num_gm_channels, gw, gh, 0, 3, &f->gmodular, &m));
+	if (m.num_channels > 0) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &m));
+		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
+		for (i = 0; i < m.num_channels; ++i) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, i, sidx));
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
+		J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
+		j40__combine_modular_from_pass_group(f->num_gm_channels,
+			gg->top + gy_in_gg, gg->left + gx_in_gg, 0, 3, &f->gmodular, &m);
+		j40__free_modular(&m);
+	}
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_modular(&m);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// coefficients to samples
+J40_STATIC void j40__dequant_hf(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct_from_lf_group(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg);
+J40_STATIC void j40__dequant_hf(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
+	// QM_SCALE[i] = 0.8^(i - 2)
+	static const float QM_SCALE[8] = {1.5625f, 1.25f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.64f, 0.512f, 0.4096f, 0.32768f};
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+	float x_qm_scale, b_qm_scale, quant_bias_num = st->image->quant_bias_num, *quant_bias = st->image->quant_bias;
+	int32_t x8, y8, c, i;
+	J40__ASSERT(f->x_qm_scale >= 0 && f->x_qm_scale < 8);
+	J40__ASSERT(f->b_qm_scale >= 0 && f->b_qm_scale < 8);
+	x_qm_scale = QM_SCALE[f->x_qm_scale];
+	b_qm_scale = QM_SCALE[f->b_qm_scale];
+	for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
+		const j40__dct_select *dct;
+		const j40__dq_matrix *dqmat;
+		int32_t voff = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, y8)[x8], dctsel = voff >> 20, size;
+		float mult[3 /*xyb*/];
+		if (dctsel < 2) continue; // not top-left block
+		voff &= 0xfffff;
+		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel - 2];
+		size = 1 << (dct->log_rows + dct->log_columns);
+		// TODO spec bug: spec says mult[1] = HfMul, should be 2^16 / (global_scale * HfMul)
+		mult[1] = 65536.0f / (float) f->global_scale * gg->varblocks[voff].hfmul.inv;
+		mult[0] = mult[1] * x_qm_scale;
+		mult[2] = mult[1] * b_qm_scale;
+		dqmat = &f->dq_matrix[dct->param_idx];
+		J40__ASSERT(dqmat->mode == J40__DQ_ENC_RAW); // should have been already loaded
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			float *coeffs = gg->coeffs[c] + (gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & ~15);
+			for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { // LLF positions are left unused and can be clobbered
+				// TODO spec issue: "quant" is a variable name and should be monospaced
+				if (-1.0f <= coeffs[i] && coeffs[i] <= 1.0f) {
+					coeffs[i] *= quant_bias[c]; // TODO coeffs[i] is integer at this point?
+				} else {
+					coeffs[i] -= quant_bias_num / coeffs[i];
+				}
+				coeffs[i] *= mult[c] / dqmat->params[i][c]; // TODO precompute this
+			}
+		}
+	}
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct_from_lf_group(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
+	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+	int32_t ggw = gg->width, ggh = gg->height;
+	float kx_lf, kb_lf, cbrt_opsin_bias[3 /*xyb*/];
+	float *scratch = NULL, *scratch2, *samples[3] = {0};
+	int32_t x8, y8, x, y, i, c;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &samples[c], (size_t) (ggw * ggh));
+	}
+	// TODO allocates the same amount of memory regardless of transformations used
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &scratch, 2 * 65536);
+	scratch2 = scratch + 65536;
+	kx_lf = f->base_corr_x + (float) f->x_factor_lf * f->inv_colour_factor;
+	kb_lf = f->base_corr_b + (float) f->b_factor_lf * f->inv_colour_factor;
+	for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
+		const j40__dct_select *dct;
+		int32_t voff = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, y8)[x8], dctsel = voff >> 20;
+		int32_t size, effvw, effvh, vw8, vh8, samplepos;
+		int32_t coeffoff;
+		float *coeffs[3 /*xyb*/], *llfcoeffs[3 /*xyb*/], kx_hf, kb_hf;
+		if (dctsel < 2) continue; // not top-left block
+		dctsel -= 2;
+		voff &= 0xfffff;
+		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel];
+		size = 1 << (dct->log_rows + dct->log_columns);
+		coeffoff = gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & ~15;
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			coeffs[c] = gg->coeffs[c] + coeffoff;
+			llfcoeffs[c] = gg->llfcoeffs[c] + (coeffoff >> 6);
+		}
+		// TODO spec bug: x_factor and b_factor (for HF) is constant in the same varblock,
+		// even when the varblock spans multiple 64x64 rectangles
+		kx_hf = f->base_corr_x + f->inv_colour_factor * (gg->xfromy.type == J40__PLANE_I16 ?
+			(float) J40__I16_PIXELS(&gg->xfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8] :
+			(float) J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->xfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8]);
+		kb_hf = f->base_corr_b + f->inv_colour_factor * (gg->bfromy.type == J40__PLANE_I16 ?
+			(float) J40__I16_PIXELS(&gg->bfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8] :
+			(float) J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->bfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8]);
+		effvh = j40__min32(ggh - y8 * 8, 1 << dct->log_rows);
+		effvw = j40__min32(ggw - x8 * 8, 1 << dct->log_columns);
+		samplepos = (y8 * 8) * ggw + (x8 * 8);
+		// this is for LLF coefficients, which may have been transposed
+		vh8 = 1 << (j40__min32(dct->log_rows, dct->log_columns) - 3);
+		vw8 = 1 << (j40__max32(dct->log_rows, dct->log_columns) - 3);
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			// chroma from luma (CfL), overwrite LLF coefficients on the way
+			// TODO skip CfL if there's subsampled channel
+			switch (c) {
+			case 0: // X
+				for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scratch[i] = coeffs[0][i] + coeffs[1][i] * kx_hf;
+				for (y = 0; y < vh8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < vw8; ++x) {
+					scratch[y * vw8 * 8 + x] = llfcoeffs[0][y * vw8 + x] + llfcoeffs[1][y * vw8 + x] * kx_lf;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 1: // Y
+				for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scratch[i] = coeffs[1][i];
+				for (y = 0; y < vh8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < vw8; ++x) {
+					scratch[y * vw8 * 8 + x] = llfcoeffs[1][y * vw8 + x];
+				}
+				break;
+			case 2: // B
+				for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scratch[i] = coeffs[2][i] + coeffs[1][i] * kb_hf;
+				for (y = 0; y < vh8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < vw8; ++x) {
+					scratch[y * vw8 * 8 + x] = llfcoeffs[2][y * vw8 + x] + llfcoeffs[1][y * vw8 + x] * kb_lf;
+				}
+				break;
+			default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+			}
+			// inverse DCT
+			switch (dctsel) {
+			case 1: j40__inverse_hornuss(scratch); break; // Hornuss
+			case 2: j40__inverse_dct11(scratch); break; // DCT11
+			case 3: j40__inverse_dct22(scratch); break; // DCT22
+			case 12: j40__inverse_dct23(scratch); break; // DCT23
+			case 13: j40__inverse_dct32(scratch); break; // DCT32
+			case 14: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 0, 0); break; // AFV0
+			case 15: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 1, 0); break; // AFV1
+			case 16: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 0, 1); break; // AFV2
+			case 17: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 1, 1); break; // AFV3
+			default: // every other DCTnm where n, m >= 3
+				j40__inverse_dct2d(scratch, scratch2, dct->log_rows, dct->log_columns);
+				break;
+			}
+			if (0) { // TODO display borders for the debugging
+				for (x = 0; x < (1<<dct->log_columns); ++x) scratch[x] = 1.0f - (float) ((dctsel >> x) & 1);
+				for (y = 0; y < (1<<dct->log_rows); ++y) scratch[y << dct->log_columns] = 1.0f - (float) ((dctsel >> y) & 1);
+			}
+			// reposition samples into the rectangular grid
+			// TODO spec issue: overflown samples (due to non-8n dimensions) are probably ignored
+			for (y = 0; y < effvh; ++y) for (x = 0; x < effvw; ++x) {
+				samples[c][samplepos + y * ggw + x] = scratch[y << dct->log_columns | x];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// coeffs is now correctly positioned, copy to the modular buffer
+	// TODO this is highly ad hoc, should be moved to rendering
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) cbrt_opsin_bias[c] = cbrtf(im->opsin_bias[c]);
+	for (y = 0; y < ggh; ++y) for (x = 0; x < ggw; ++x) {
+		int32_t pos = y * ggw + x;
+		float p[3] = {
+			samples[1][pos] + samples[0][pos],
+			samples[1][pos] - samples[0][pos],
+			samples[2][pos],
+		};
+		float itscale = 255.0f / im->intensity_target;
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			float pp = p[c] - cbrt_opsin_bias[c];
+			samples[c][pos] = (pp * pp * pp + im->opsin_bias[c]) * itscale;
+		}
+	}
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		if (f->[c].type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
+			for (y = 0; y < ggh; ++y) {
+				int16_t *pixels = J40__I16_PIXELS(&f->[c], gg->top + y);
+				for (x = 0; x < ggw; ++x) {
+					int32_t p = y * ggw + x;
+					float v = 
+						samples[0][p] * im->opsin_inv_mat[c][0] +
+						samples[1][p] * im->opsin_inv_mat[c][1] +
+						samples[2][p] * im->opsin_inv_mat[c][2];
+					// TODO very, very slow; probably different approximations per bpp ranges may be needed
+					v = (v <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f * v : 1.055f * powf(v, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f); // to sRGB
+					// TODO overflow check
+					pixels[gg->left + x] = (int16_t) ((float) ((1 << im->bpp) - 1) * v + 0.5f);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			J40__RAISE("TODO: don't keep this here");
+		}
+	}
+	j40__free(scratch);
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) j40__free(samples[c]);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// restoration filters
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__gaborish(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3 /*xyb*/]);
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__mirror1d(int32_t coord, int32_t size);
+J40_STATIC void j40__epf_distance(const j40__plane *in, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, j40__plane *out);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_recip_sigmas(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane *out);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_step(
+	j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], float sigma_scale, const j40__plane *recip_sigmas,
+	int32_t nkernels, const int32_t (*kernels)[2], j40__plane (*distances)[3], int dist_uses_cross,
+	const j40__lf_group_st *gg
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], const j40__lf_group_st *gg);
+// TODO spec issue: restoration filters are applied to the entire image,
+// even though their parameters are separately signaled via multiple groups or LF groups!
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__gaborish(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3 /*xyb*/]) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t width, height;
+	int32_t c, x, y;
+	float *linebuf = NULL, *nline, *line;
+	if (!f->gab.enabled) return 0;
+	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channels, channels + 3));
+	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(channels, channels + 3) == J40__PLANE_F32);
+	width = channels->width;
+	height = channels->height;
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &linebuf, (size_t) (width * 2));
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		float w0 = 1.0f, w1 = f->gab.weights[c][0], w2 = f->gab.weights[c][1];
+		float wsum = w0 + w1 * 4 + w2 * 4;
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(wsum), "gab0");
+		w0 /= wsum; w1 /= wsum; w2 /= wsum;
+		nline = linebuf + width; // intentionally uninitialized
+		line = linebuf; // row -1 (= row 0 after mirroring)
+		memcpy(line, J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], 0), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
+		for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+			float *sline, *outline, *temp = nline;
+			nline = line;
+			line = temp;
+			sline = y + 1 < height ? J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y + 1) : line;
+			outline = J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y);
+			memcpy(line, outline, sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
+			outline[0] =
+				nline[0] * (w2 + w1) + nline[1] * w2 +
+				 line[0] * (w1 + w0) +  line[1] * w1 +
+				sline[0] * (w2 + w1) + sline[1] * w2;
+			for (x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
+				outline[x] =
+					nline[x - 1] * w2 + nline[x] * w1 + nline[x + 1] * w2 +
+					 line[x - 1] * w1 +  line[x] * w0 +  line[x + 1] * w1 +
+					sline[x - 1] * w2 + sline[x] * w1 + sline[x + 1] * w2;
+			}
+			if (width > 1) {
+				outline[width - 1] =
+					nline[width - 2] * w2 + nline[width - 1] * (w1 + w2) +
+					 line[width - 2] * w1 +  line[width - 1] * (w0 + w1) +
+					sline[width - 2] * w2 + sline[width - 1] * (w1 + w2);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	j40__free(linebuf);
+	return st->err;
+J40_STATIC int32_t j40__mirror1d(int32_t coord, int32_t size) {
+	while (1) {
+		if (coord < 0) coord = -coord - 1;
+		else if (coord >= size) coord = size * 2 - 1 - coord;
+		else return coord;
+	}
+// computes out(x + 1, y + 1) = abs(in(x, y) - in(x + dx, y + dy)), up to mirroring.
+// used to compute DistanceStep* functions; an increased border is required for correctness.
+J40_STATIC void j40__epf_distance(const j40__plane *in, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, j40__plane *out) {
+	int32_t width = in->width, height = in->height;
+	int32_t x, y, xlo, xhi;
+	J40__ASSERT(width + 2 == out->width && height + 2 == out->height);
+	J40__ASSERT(in->type == J40__PLANE_F32 && out->type == J40__PLANE_F32);
+	J40__ASSERT(-2 <= dx && dx <= 2 && -2 <= dy && dy <= 2);
+	xlo = (dx > 0 ? 0 : -dx);
+	xhi = (dx < 0 ? width : width - dx);
+	// TODO spec issue: `[[(ix, iy) in coords]]` should be normative comments
+	// TODO spec issue: `ix` and `iy` not defined in DistanceStep2, should be 0
+	for (y = -1; y <= height; ++y) {
+		int32_t refy = j40__mirror1d(y, height), offy = j40__mirror1d(y + dy, height);
+		float *refpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(in, refy);
+		float *offpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(in, offy);
+		float *outpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y + 1) + 1;
+		for (x = -1; x < xlo; ++x) {
+			outpixels[x] = fabsf(refpixels[j40__mirror1d(x, width)] - offpixels[j40__mirror1d(x + dx, width)]);
+		}
+		for (; x < xhi; ++x) {
+			outpixels[x] = fabsf(refpixels[x] - offpixels[x + dx]);
+		}
+		for (; x <= width; ++x) {
+			outpixels[x] = fabsf(refpixels[j40__mirror1d(x, width)] - offpixels[j40__mirror1d(x + dx, width)]);
+		}
+	}
+static const float J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD = 0.3f;
+// computes f(sigma) for each block, where f(x) = 1/x if x >= J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD and < 0 otherwise.
+// note that `inv_sigma` in the spec is not same to `1/sigma`, hence a different name.
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_recip_sigmas(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane *out) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
+	float inv_quant_sharp_lut[8]; // 1 / (epf_quant_mul * epf_sharp_lut[i])
+	int32_t x8, y8, i;
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_F32, gg->width8, gg->height8, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, out));
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+		float quant_sharp_lut = f->epf.quant_mul * f->epf.sharp_lut[i];
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(quant_sharp_lut), "epf0");
+		inv_quant_sharp_lut[i] = 1.0f / quant_sharp_lut;
+	}
+	if (gg->sharpness.type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
+		uint16_t sharpness_ub = 0;
+		for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) {
+			int16_t *sharpness = J40__I16_PIXELS(&gg->sharpness, y8);
+			float *recip_sigmas = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y8);
+			for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
+				sharpness_ub |= (uint16_t) sharpness[x8];
+				recip_sigmas[x8] = inv_quant_sharp_lut[sharpness[x8] & 7];
+			}
+		}
+		J40__SHOULD(sharpness_ub < 8, "shrp");
+	} else {
+		uint32_t sharpness_ub = 0;
+		for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) {
+			int32_t *sharpness = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->sharpness, y8);
+			float *recip_sigmas = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y8);
+			for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
+				sharpness_ub |= (uint32_t) sharpness[x8];
+				recip_sigmas[x8] = inv_quant_sharp_lut[sharpness[x8] & 7];
+			}
+		}
+		J40__SHOULD(sharpness_ub < 8, "shrp");
+	}
+	for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) {
+		int32_t *blocks = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, y8);
+		float *recip_sigmas = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y8);
+		for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
+			int32_t voff = blocks[x8] & 0xfffff;
+			recip_sigmas[x8] *= gg->varblocks[voff].hfmul.inv;
+			if (recip_sigmas[x8] > 1.0f / J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD) recip_sigmas[x8] = -1.0f;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_plane(out);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_step(
+	j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], float sigma_scale, const j40__plane *recip_sigmas,
+	int32_t nkernels, const int32_t (*kernels)[2], j40__plane (*distances)[3], int dist_uses_cross,
+	const j40__lf_group_st *gg
+) {
+	enum { NKERNELS = 12 }; // except for the center
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8, width = gg->width, height = gg->height;
+	int32_t stride = width + 4, cstride = stride * 3;
+	int32_t borderx[4] = {-2, -1, width, width + 1}, mirrorx[4];
+	float *linebuf = NULL, *lines[5][3]; // [y+2][c] for row y in the channel c, with mirrored borders
+	float *recip_sigmas_for_modular = NULL; // only used for modular
+	float border_sigma_scale;
+	int32_t x, y, c, k, i;
+	J40__ASSERT(nkernels <= NKERNELS);
+	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channels, channels + 3));
+	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(channels, channels + 3) == J40__PLANE_F32);
+	J40__ASSERT(channels->width == width && channels->height == height);
+	if (recip_sigmas) {
+		J40__ASSERT(recip_sigmas->width == ggw8 && recip_sigmas->height == ggh8);
+		J40__ASSERT(recip_sigmas->type == J40__PLANE_F32);
+	} else {
+		float recip_sigma;
+		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(f->epf.sigma_for_modular), "epf0");
+		// sigma is fixed for modular, so if this is below the threshold no filtering happens
+		if (f->epf.sigma_for_modular < J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD) return 0;
+		J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &recip_sigmas_for_modular, (size_t) ggw8);
+		recip_sigma = 1.0f / f->epf.sigma_for_modular;
+		for (x = 0; x < ggw8; ++x) recip_sigmas_for_modular[x] = recip_sigma;
+	}
+	sigma_scale *= 1.9330952441687859f; // -1.65 * 4 * (sqrt(0.5) - 1)
+	border_sigma_scale = sigma_scale * f->epf.border_sad_mul;
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
+			j40__epf_distance(&channels[c], kernels[k][0], kernels[k][1], &distances[k][c]);
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) mirrorx[i] = j40__mirror1d(borderx[i], width);
+	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &linebuf, (size_t) (cstride * 4));
+	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		int32_t ym2 = j40__mirror1d(-2, height), ym1 = j40__mirror1d(-1, height);
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) lines[i][c] = linebuf + cstride * c + stride * i + 1;
+		memcpy(lines[1][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], ym2), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
+		memcpy(lines[2][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], ym1), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
+		memcpy(lines[3][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], 0), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+			int32_t borderpos = c * cstride + borderx[i], mirrorpos = c * cstride + mirrorx[i];
+			lines[1][c][borderpos] = lines[1][c][mirrorpos];
+			lines[2][c][borderpos] = lines[2][c][mirrorpos];
+			lines[3][c][borderpos] = lines[3][c][mirrorpos];
+		}
+	}
+	for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+		int32_t y1 = j40__mirror1d(y + 1, height), y2 = j40__mirror1d(y + 2, height);
+		float *outline[3];
+		float *recip_sigma_row =
+			recip_sigmas ? J40__F32_PIXELS(recip_sigmas, y / 8) : recip_sigmas_for_modular;
+		float *distance_rows[NKERNELS][3][3] = {{{0}}}; // [kernel_idx][dy+1][c]
+		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+			float *temp = lines[0][c];
+			lines[0][c] = lines[1][c];
+			lines[1][c] = lines[2][c];
+			lines[2][c] = lines[3][c];
+			lines[3][c] = temp;
+			lines[4][c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y2);
+			outline[c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y);
+			memcpy(lines[3][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y1), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
+			for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) lines[3][c][borderx[i]] = lines[3][c][mirrorx[i]];
+			for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
+				for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+					distance_rows[k][i][c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&distances[k][c], y + i);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+			float recip_sigma = recip_sigma_row[x / 8], inv_sigma_times_pos_mult;
+			float sum_weights, sum_channels[3];
+			if (recip_sigma < 0.0f) {
+				x += 7; // this and at most 7 subsequent pixels will be skipped anyway
+				continue;
+			}
+			// TODO spec issue: "either coordinate" refers to both x and y (i.e. "borders")
+			// according to the source code
+			if ((((x + 1) | (y + 1)) & 7) < 2) {
+				inv_sigma_times_pos_mult = recip_sigma * border_sigma_scale;
+			} else {
+				inv_sigma_times_pos_mult = recip_sigma * sigma_scale;
+			}
+			// kernels[*] do not include center, which distance is always 0
+			sum_weights = 1.0f;
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) sum_channels[c] = lines[2][c][x];
+			if (dist_uses_cross) {
+				for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
+					float dist = 0.0f;
+					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+						dist += f->epf.channel_scale[c] * (
+							distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 1] +
+							distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 0] + distance_rows[k][0][c][x + 1] +
+							distance_rows[k][2][c][x + 1] + distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 2]);
+					}
+					float weight = j40__maxf(0.0f, 1.0f + dist * inv_sigma_times_pos_mult);
+					sum_weights += weight;
+					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+						sum_channels[c] += lines[2 + kernels[k][0]][c][x + kernels[k][1]] * weight;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
+					float dist = 0.0f;
+					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+						dist += f->epf.channel_scale[c] * distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 1];
+					}
+					float weight = j40__maxf(0.0f, 1.0f + dist * inv_sigma_times_pos_mult);
+					sum_weights += weight;
+					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+						sum_channels[c] += lines[2 + kernels[k][0]][c][x + kernels[k][1]] * weight;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) outline[c][x] = sum_channels[c] / sum_weights;
+		}
+	}
+	j40__free(recip_sigmas_for_modular);
+	j40__free(linebuf);
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], const j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
+	static const int32_t KERNELS12[][2] = { // 0 < L1 distance <= 2 (step 2)
+		{0,-2}, {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,-2}, {0,-1}, {0,1}, {0,2}, {-1,1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,2},
+	}, KERNELS4[][2] = { // 0 < L1 distance <= 1 (steps 0 and 1)
+		{0,-1}, {-1,0}, {1,0}, {0,1},
+	};
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	j40__plane recip_sigmas_ = J40__INIT, *recip_sigmas;
+	j40__plane distances[12][3] = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t k, c, maxnkernels = 0;
+	if (f->epf.iters <= 0) return 0;
+	if (!f->is_modular) {
+		recip_sigmas = &recip_sigmas_;
+		J40__TRY(j40__epf_recip_sigmas(st, gg, recip_sigmas));
+	} else {
+		recip_sigmas = NULL;
+	}
+	// TODO the current implementation takes up to 36 times the input image size of memory!
+	maxnkernels = f->epf.iters >= 3 ? 12 : 4;
+	for (k = 0; k < maxnkernels; ++k) for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(
+			st, J40__PLANE_F32, channels[c].width + 2, channels[c].height + 2, 0, &distances[k][c]));
+	}
+	if (f->epf.iters >= 3) { // step 0
+		J40__TRY(j40__epf_step(
+			st, channels, f->epf.pass0_sigma_scale, recip_sigmas, 12, KERNELS12, distances, 1, gg));
+	}
+	if (f->epf.iters >= 1) { // step 1
+		J40__TRY(j40__epf_step(st, channels, 1.0f, recip_sigmas, 4, KERNELS4, distances, 1, gg));
+	}
+	if (f->epf.iters >= 2) { // step 2
+		J40__TRY(j40__epf_step(
+			st, channels, f->epf.pass2_sigma_scale, recip_sigmas, 4, KERNELS4, distances, 0, gg));
+	}
+	if (recip_sigmas) j40__free_plane(recip_sigmas);
+	for (k = 0; k < maxnkernels; ++k) for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) j40__free_plane(&distances[k][c]);
+	return st->err;
+// frame parsing primitives
+struct j40__group_info {
+	int64_t ggidx;
+	int32_t gx_in_gg, gy_in_gg;
+	int32_t gw, gh;
+typedef struct {
+	j40__st *parent; // can be NULL if not initialized
+	j40__st st;
+	j40__buffer_st buffer;
+} j40__section_st;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_lf_groups(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st **out);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_dq_matrices(j40__st *st);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_orders(j40__st *st);
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE struct j40__group_info j40__group_info(j40__frame_st *f, int64_t gidx);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_section_state(
+	j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, int64_t codeoff, int32_t size
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_section_state(j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, j40_err err);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_or_pass_group_in_section(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc, j40__lf_group_st *ggs);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *ggs);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_lf_groups(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st **out) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	j40__lf_group_st *ggs = NULL;
+	int32_t ggsize = 8 << f->group_size_shift, gsize = 1 << f->group_size_shift;
+	int32_t ggx, ggy, ggidx = 0, gidx = 0, gstride = j40__ceil_div32(f->width, gsize);
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__lf_group_st, &ggs, (size_t) f->num_lf_groups);
+	for (ggy = 0; ggy < f->height; ggy += ggsize) {
+		int32_t ggh = j40__min32(ggsize, f->height - ggy);
+		int32_t grows = j40__ceil_div32(ggh, gsize);
+		for (ggx = 0; ggx < f->width; ggx += ggsize, ++ggidx) {
+			j40__lf_group_st *gg = &ggs[ggidx];
+			int32_t ggw = j40__min32(ggsize, f->width - ggx);
+			int32_t gcolumns = j40__ceil_div32(ggw, gsize);
+			gg->idx = ggidx;
+			gg->left = ggx; gg->top = ggy;
+			gg->width = ggw; gg->height = ggh;
+			gg->width8 = j40__ceil_div32(ggw, 8); gg->height8 = j40__ceil_div32(ggh, 8);
+			gg->width64 = j40__ceil_div32(ggw, 64); gg->height64 = j40__ceil_div32(ggh, 64);
+			gg->gidx = gidx + (ggx >> f->group_size_shift);
+			gg->grows = grows;
+			gg->gcolumns = gcolumns;
+			gg->gstride = gstride;
+		}
+		gidx += grows * gstride;
+	}
+	J40__ASSERT(f->num_lf_groups == ggidx);
+	J40__ASSERT(f->num_groups == gidx);
+	*out = ggs;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_dq_matrices(j40__st *st) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t dct_select_not_loaded = f->dct_select_used & ~f->dct_select_loaded;
+	int32_t i;
+	if (!dct_select_not_loaded) return 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT; ++i) {
+		if (dct_select_not_loaded >> i & 1) {
+			const j40__dct_select *dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[i];
+			int32_t param_idx = dct->param_idx;
+			J40__TRY(j40__load_dq_matrix(st, param_idx, &f->dq_matrix[param_idx]));
+			f->dct_select_loaded |= 1 << i;
+		}
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_orders(j40__st *st) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int32_t order_not_loaded = f->order_used & ~f->order_loaded;
+	int32_t pass, i, c;
+	if (!order_not_loaded) return 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_ORDERS; ++i) {
+		if (order_not_loaded >> i & 1) {
+			int32_t log_rows = J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[i][0];
+			int32_t log_columns = J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[i][1];
+			int32_t *order, temp, skip = 1 << (log_rows + log_columns - 6);
+			for (pass = 0; pass < f->num_passes; ++pass) for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
+				J40__TRY(j40__natural_order(st, log_rows, log_columns, &order));
+				j40__apply_permutation(order + skip, &temp, sizeof(int32_t), f->orders[pass][i][c]);
+				j40__free(f->orders[pass][i][c]);
+				f->orders[pass][i][c] = order;
+			}
+			f->order_loaded |= 1 << i;
+		}
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40_ALWAYS_INLINE struct j40__group_info j40__group_info(j40__frame_st *f, int64_t gidx) {
+	struct j40__group_info info;
+	int32_t shift = f->group_size_shift;
+	int64_t row, column;
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= gidx && gidx < f->num_groups);
+	row = gidx / f->gcolumns;
+	column = gidx % f->gcolumns;
+	info.ggidx = (row / 8) * f->ggcolumns + (column / 8);
+	info.gx_in_gg = (int32_t) (column % 8) << shift;
+	info.gy_in_gg = (int32_t) (row % 8) << shift;
+ = (int32_t) (j40__min64(f->width, (column + 1) << shift) - (column << shift));
+ = (int32_t) (j40__min64(f->height, (row + 1) << shift) - (row << shift));
+	return info;
+// creates a new per-section state `sst` which is identical to `*stptr` except for `buffer`,
+// then ensures that only codestream offsets [codeoff, codeoff + size) are available to `sst`
+// and updates `stptr` to point to `sst`, which should be restored with `j40__finish_section_state`.
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_section_state(
+	j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, int64_t codeoff, int32_t size
+) {
+	static const j40__buffer_st BUFFER_INIT = J40__INIT;
+	j40__st *st = *stptr;
+	int64_t fileoff, codeoff_limit;
+	sst->parent = NULL;
+	J40__ASSERT(codeoff <= INT64_MAX - size);
+	J40__TRY(j40__map_codestream_offset(st, codeoff, &fileoff));
+	J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(codeoff, size, &codeoff_limit), "flen");
+	J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, fileoff)); // doesn't alter st->buffer
+	sst->st = *st;
+	sst->buffer = BUFFER_INIT;
+	sst->st.buffer = &sst->buffer;
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_buffer(&sst->st, codeoff, codeoff_limit));
+	sst->parent = st;
+	*stptr = &sst->st;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_section_state(j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, j40_err err) {
+	j40__st *st;
+	if (!sst->parent) return err;
+	J40__ASSERT(*stptr == &sst->st);
+	if (err) {
+		*stptr = st = sst->parent;
+		J40__ASSERT(sst->st.err == err);
+		st->err = err;
+		st->saved_errno = sst->st.saved_errno;
+		st->cannot_retry = sst->st.cannot_retry;
+		// TODO `shrt` is not recoverable if this section is not the last section read
+	} else {
+		st = &sst->st;
+		J40__ASSERT(!st->err);
+		J40__TRY(j40__no_more_bytes(st));
+	}
+	*stptr = st = sst->parent;
+	j40__free_buffer(&sst->buffer);
+	// ensure that other subsystems can't be accidentally deallocated
+	sst->parent = NULL;
+	sst->st.source = NULL;
+	sst->st.container = NULL;
+	sst->st.buffer = NULL;
+	sst->st.image = NULL;
+	sst->st.frame = NULL;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc) {
+	j40__section_st sst = J40__INIT;
+	if (!toc->single_size) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, toc->lf_global_codeoff, toc->lf_global_size));
+	}
+	J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__lf_global(st)));
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc) {
+	j40__section_st sst = J40__INIT;
+	if (st->frame->is_modular) {
+		J40__SHOULD(toc->hf_global_size == 0, "excs");
+	} else {
+		if (!toc->single_size) {
+			J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, toc->hf_global_codeoff, toc->hf_global_size));
+		}
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__hf_global(st)));
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_or_pass_group_in_section(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc, j40__lf_group_st *ggs) {
+	j40__section section = toc->sections[toc->nsections_read];
+	j40__section_st sst = J40__INIT;
+	if (section.pass < 0) { // LF group
+		j40__lf_group_st *gg = &ggs[section.idx];
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, section.codeoff, section.size));
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__lf_group(st, gg)));
+		gg->loaded = 1;
+		J40__TRY(j40__prepare_dq_matrices(st));
+		J40__TRY(j40__prepare_orders(st));
+	} else { // pass group
+		struct j40__group_info info = j40__group_info(st->frame, section.idx);
+		j40__lf_group_st *gg = &ggs[info.ggidx];
+		J40__ASSERT(gg->loaded); // j40__read_toc should have taken care of this
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, section.codeoff, section.size));
+		J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__pass_group(
+			st, section.pass, info.gx_in_gg, info.gy_in_gg,,, section.idx, gg)));
+	}
+	++toc->nsections_read;
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *ggs) {
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	int64_t i;
+	// TODO pretty incorrect to do this
+	J40__SHOULD(!f->do_ycbcr && st->image->cspace != J40__CS_GREY, "TODO: we don't yet do YCbCr or gray");
+	J40__SHOULD(st->image->modular_16bit_buffers, "TODO: !modular_16bit_buffers");
+	f->gmodular.num_channels = 3;
+	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &f->, 3);
+	for (i = 0; i < f->gmodular.num_channels; ++i) {
+		J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(
+			st, J40__PLANE_I16, f->width, f->height, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, &f->[i]));
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < f->num_lf_groups; ++i) {
+		j40__dequant_hf(st, &ggs[i]);
+		J40__TRY(j40__combine_vardct_from_lf_group(st, &ggs[i]));
+	}
+	return st->err;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__end_of_frame(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc) {
+	J40__TRY(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+	if (toc->single_size) {
+		int64_t codeoff = j40__codestream_offset(st);
+		if (codeoff < toc->end_codeoff) {
+			st->cannot_retry = 1;
+			J40__RAISE("shrt");
+		} else {
+			J40__SHOULD(codeoff == toc->end_codeoff, "excs");
+		}
+	} else {
+		J40__TRY(j40__seek_buffer(st, toc->end_codeoff));
+	}
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// rendering (currently very limited)
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__render_to_u8x4_rgba(j40__st *st, j40__plane *out);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__render_to_u8x4_rgba(j40__st *st, j40__plane *out) {
+	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
+	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
+	j40__plane *c[4], rgba = J40__INIT;
+	int32_t maxpixel, maxpixel2;
+	int32_t i, x, y;
+	J40__SHOULD(im->modular_16bit_buffers, "TODO: specialize for 32-bit");
+	J40__SHOULD(im->bpp >= 8, "TODO: does not yet support <8bpp");
+	J40__SHOULD(im->exp_bits == 0, "TODO: float samples not yet supported");
+	J40__SHOULD(!(!f->do_ycbcr && im->xyb_encoded && im->cspace == J40__CS_GREY),
+		"TODO: direct luma encoding not yet supported");
+	J40__ASSERT(f->gmodular.num_channels >= 3);
+	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) c[i] = &f->[i];
+	c[3] = NULL;
+	for (i = 3; i < f->gmodular.num_channels; ++i) {
+		j40__ec_info *ec = &im->ec_info[i - 3];
+		if (ec->type == J40__EC_ALPHA) {
+			J40__SHOULD(ec->bpp == im->bpp && ec->exp_bits == im->exp_bits,
+				"TODO: alpha channel has different bpp or sample type from color channels");
+			J40__SHOULD(ec->dim_shift == 0, "TODO: subsampled alpha not yet supported");
+			J40__SHOULD(!ec->data.alpha_associated, "TODO: associated alpha not yet supported");
+			c[3] = &f->[i];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	J40__SHOULD(f->width < INT32_MAX / 4, "bigg");
+	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_U8, f->width * 4, f->height, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, &rgba));
+	maxpixel = (1 << im->bpp) - 1;
+	maxpixel2 = (1 << (im->bpp - 1));
+	for (y = 0; y < f->height; ++y) {
+		int16_t *pixels[4];
+		uint8_t *outpixels = J40__U8_PIXELS(&rgba, y);
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) pixels[i] = c[i] ? J40__I16_PIXELS(c[i], y) : NULL;
+		for (x = 0; x < f->width; ++x) {
+			for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+				// TODO optimize
+				int32_t p = j40__min32(j40__max32(0, pixels[i] ? pixels[i][x] : maxpixel), maxpixel);
+				outpixels[x * 4 + i] = (uint8_t) ((p * 255 + maxpixel2) / maxpixel);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	*out = rgba;
+	return 0;
+	j40__free_plane(&rgba);
+	return st->err;
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// API utilities
+// we don't trust callers and do the basic check ourselves
+#define J40__IMAGE_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x7867ae21) // crc32("j40_image")
+#define J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0xb26a48aa) // crc32("j40_image with error")
+#define J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x02c2eb6d) // crc32("j40_image with open error")
+#define J40__FRAME_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x08a296b3) // crc32("j40_frame")
+#define J40__FRAME_ERR_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x16351564) // crc32("j40_frame with error")
+#define J40__INNER_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x5009e1c4) // crc32("j40__inner")
+#define J40__FOREACH_API(X) \
+	X(from_file,) \
+	X(from_memory,) \
+	/* the last origin that can use alternative magic numbers, see J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC */ \
+	X(output_format,) \
+	X(next_frame,) \
+	X(current_frame,) \
+	X(frame_pixels,_*) \
+	X(error_string,) \
+	X(free,) \
+typedef enum { // each API defines its origin value; they don't have to be stable
+	J40__ORIGIN_NONE = 0,
+	J40__ORIGIN_NEXT, // for j40_free; the next call will be the actual origin
+#define J40__ORIGIN_ENUM_VALUE(origin, suffix) J40__ORIGIN_##origin,
+	J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC = J40__ORIGIN_from_memory,
+} j40__origin;
+static const char *J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[] = {
+	"(unknown)",
+#define J40__ORIGIN_NAME(origin, suffix) #origin #suffix,
+static const struct { char err[5]; const char *msg, *suffix; } J40__ERROR_STRINGS[] = {
+	{ "Upt0", "`path` parameter is NULL", NULL },
+	{ "Ubf0", "`buf` parameter is NULL", NULL },
+	{ "Uch?", "Bad `channel` parameter", NULL },
+	{ "Ufm?", "Bad `format` parameter", NULL },
+	{ "Uof?", "Bad `channel` and `format` combination", NULL },
+	{ "Urnd", "Frame is not yet rendered", NULL },
+	{ "Ufre", "Trying to reuse already freed image", NULL },
+	{ "!mem", "Out of memory", NULL },
+	{ "!jxl", "The JPEG XL signature is not found", NULL },
+	{ "open", "Failed to open file", NULL },
+	{ "bigg", "Image dimensions are too large to handle", NULL },
+	{ "flen", "File is too lengthy to handle", NULL },
+	{ "shrt", "Premature end of file", NULL },
+	{ "slim", "Image size limit reached", NULL },
+	{ "elim", "Extra channel number limit reached", NULL },
+	{ "xlim", "Modular transform limit reached", NULL },
+	{ "tlim", "Meta-adaptive tree size or depth limit reached", NULL },
+	{ "plim", "ICC profile length limit reached", NULL },
+	{ "fbpp", "Given bits per pixel value is disallowed", NULL }, // "f" stands for "forbidden"
+	{ "fblk", "Black extra channel is disallowed", NULL },
+	{ "fm32", "32-bit buffers for modular encoding are disallowed", NULL },
+	{ "TODO", "Unimplemented feature encountered", NULL }, // TODO remove this when ready
+	{ "TEST", "Testing-only error occurred", NULL },
+// an API-level twin of `j40__st`; see `j40__st` documentation for the rationale for split.
+typedef struct j40__inner {
+	uint32_t magic; // should be J40__INNER_MAGIC
+	//j40__mutex mutex;
+	j40__origin origin; // error origin
+	// same to those in j40__st
+	j40_err err;
+	int saved_errno;
+	int cannot_retry;
+	#define J40__ERRBUF_LEN 256
+	char errbuf[J40__ERRBUF_LEN];
+	int state; // used in j40_advance
+	// subsystem contexts; copied to and from j40__st whenever needed
+	struct j40__bits_st bits;
+	struct j40__source_st source;
+	struct j40__container_st container;
+	struct j40__buffer_st buffer;
+	struct j40__image_st image;
+	struct j40__frame_st frame;
+	struct j40__lf_group_st *lf_groups; // [frame.num_lf_groups]
+	j40__toc toc;
+	int rendered;
+	j40__plane rendered_rgba;
+} j40__inner;
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_alt_magic(
+	j40_err err, int saved_errno, j40__origin origin, j40_image *image
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_magic(j40__inner *inner, j40_image *image);
+J40_STATIC j40_err j40__check_image(j40_image *image, j40__origin neworigin, j40__inner **outinner);
+#define J40__CHECK_IMAGE() do { \
+		j40_err err = j40__check_image((j40_image*) image, ORIGIN, &inner); \
+		if (err) return err; \
+	} while (0)
+#define J40__SET_INNER_ERR(s) (inner->origin = ORIGIN, inner->err = J40__4(s))
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner);
+J40_STATIC void j40__save_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__advance(j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin/*, int32_t until*/);
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_inner(j40__inner *inner);
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_alt_magic(
+	j40_err err, int saved_errno, j40__origin origin, j40_image *image
+) {
+	if (err == J40__4("open")) {
+		image->magic = J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC ^ (uint32_t) origin;
+		image->u.saved_errno = saved_errno;
+		return err;
+	} else {
+		image->magic = J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ (uint32_t) origin;
+		return image->u.err = err;
+	}
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_magic(j40__inner *inner, j40_image *image) {
+	image->magic = J40__IMAGE_MAGIC;
+	image->u.inner = inner;
+	inner->magic = J40__INNER_MAGIC;
+	return 0;
+J40_STATIC j40_err j40__check_image(j40_image *image, j40__origin neworigin, j40__inner **outinner) {
+	*outinner = NULL;
+	if (!image) return J40__4("Uim0");
+	if (image->magic != J40__IMAGE_MAGIC) {
+		uint32_t origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC;
+		if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) {
+			if (origin == J40__ORIGIN_NEXT && neworigin) image->magic = J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ neworigin;
+			return image->u.err;
+		}
+		origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC;
+		if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) return J40__4("open");
+		return J40__4("Uim?");
+	}
+	if (!image->u.inner || image->u.inner->magic != J40__INNER_MAGIC) return J40__4("Uim?");
+	*outinner = image->u.inner;
+	return image->u.inner->err; // TODO handle cannot_retry in a better way
+J40_STATIC void j40__init_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner) {
+	st->err = 0;
+	st->saved_errno = 0;
+	st->cannot_retry = 0;
+	st->bits = inner->buffer.checkpoint;
+	st->source = &inner->source;
+	st->container = &inner->container;
+	st->buffer = &inner->buffer;
+	st->image = &inner->image;
+	st->frame = &inner->frame;
+	st->limits = &J40__MAIN_LV5_LIMITS;
+J40_STATIC void j40__save_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin) {
+	if (st->err) {
+		inner->origin = origin;
+		inner->err = st->err;
+		inner->saved_errno = st->saved_errno;
+		inner->cannot_retry = st->cannot_retry;
+	} else {
+		inner->buffer.checkpoint = st->bits;
+	}
+// TODO expose this with a proper interface
+J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__advance(j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin/*, int32_t until*/) {
+	j40__st stbuf, *st = &stbuf;
+	j40__frame_st *f;
+	j40_err err;
+	j40__init_state(st, inner);
+	// a less-known coroutine hack with some tweak.
+	// see for basic concepts.
+	//
+	// it is EXTREMELY important that any `J40__YIELD_AFTER` call may fail, and the next call
+	// to `j40_advance` will restart after the last successful `J40__YIELD_AFTER` call.
+	// therefore any code between two `J40__YIELD_AFTER` can run multiple times!
+	// if you don't want this, you should move the code into a separate function.
+	// for the same reason, this block can't contain any variable declaration or assignment.
+	#define J40__YIELD_AFTER(expr) \
+		do { \
+			err = (expr); \
+			j40__save_state(st, inner, origin); \
+			if (err) return err; \
+			inner->state = __LINE__; /* thus each line can have at most one J40__YIELD() call */ \
+			/* fall through */ \
+			case __LINE__:; \
+		} while (0)
+	f = st->frame;
+	switch (inner->state) {
+	case 0: // initial state
+		J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__init_buffer(st, 0, INT64_MAX));
+		J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__signature(st));
+		J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__image_metadata(st));
+		if (st->image->want_icc) {
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__icc(st));
+		}
+		{ // TODO should really be a loop, should we support multiple frames
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__frame_header(st));
+			if (!f->is_last) J40__YIELD_AFTER(J40__ERR("TODO: multiple frames"));
+			if (f->type != J40__FRAME_REGULAR) J40__YIELD_AFTER(J40__ERR("TODO: non-regular frame"));
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__read_toc(st, &inner->toc));
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__lf_global_in_section(st, &inner->toc));
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__hf_global_in_section(st, &inner->toc));
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__allocate_lf_groups(st, &inner->lf_groups));
+			if (inner->toc.single_size) {
+				J40__ASSERT(f->num_lf_groups == 1 && f->num_groups == 1 && f->num_passes == 1);
+				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__lf_group(st, &inner->lf_groups[0]));
+				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__prepare_dq_matrices(st));
+				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__prepare_orders(st));
+				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__pass_group(st, 0, 0, 0, f->width, f->height, 0, &inner->lf_groups[0]));
+				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__zero_pad_to_byte(st));
+			} else {
+				while (inner->toc.nsections_read < inner->toc.nsections) {
+					J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__lf_or_pass_group_in_section(st, &inner->toc, inner->lf_groups));
+				}
+			}
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__end_of_frame(st, &inner->toc));
+			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__inverse_transform(st, &f->gmodular));
+			if (!f->is_modular) J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__combine_vardct(st, inner->lf_groups));
+		}
+		J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__no_more_bytes(st));
+		break;
+	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
+	}
+	return 0;
+J40_STATIC void j40__free_inner(j40__inner *inner) {
+	int64_t i, num_lf_groups = inner->frame.num_lf_groups;
+	j40__free_source(&inner->source);
+	j40__free_container(&inner->container);
+	j40__free_buffer(&inner->buffer);
+	j40__free_image_state(&inner->image);
+	j40__free_frame_state(&inner->frame);
+	if (inner->lf_groups) {
+		for (i = 0; i < num_lf_groups; ++i) j40__free_lf_group(&inner->lf_groups[i]);
+		free(inner->lf_groups);
+	}
+	j40__free_toc(&inner->toc);
+	j40__free_plane(&inner->rendered_rgba);
+	j40__free(inner);
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+// public API (implementation)
+J40_API j40_err j40_error(const j40_image *image) {
+	j40__inner *inner; // ignored
+	// do not alter image->magic even for Ufre
+	return j40__check_image((j40_image *) image, J40__ORIGIN_NONE, &inner);
+J40_API const char *j40_error_string(const j40_image *image) {
+	static char static_errbuf[J40__ERRBUF_LEN];
+	uint32_t origin = J40__ORIGIN_NONE;
+	j40_err err = 0;
+	const char *msg, *suffix;
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	int saved_errno = 0;
+	int32_t i, corrupted_image = 0;
+	if (!image) {
+		snprintf(static_errbuf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "`image` parameter is NULL during j40_error_string");
+		return static_errbuf;
+	}
+	if (image->magic == J40__IMAGE_MAGIC) {
+		if (image->u.inner && image->u.inner->magic == J40__INNER_MAGIC) {
+			origin = image->u.inner->origin;
+			err = image->u.inner->err;
+			buf = image->u.inner->errbuf;
+			saved_errno = image->u.inner->saved_errno;
+		} else {
+			corrupted_image = 1;
+		}
+	} else {
+		origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC;
+		if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) {
+			err = image->u.err;
+			buf = static_errbuf;
+			saved_errno = 0;
+			// do not alter image->magic even for Ufre, but the message will be altered accordingly
+			if (origin == J40__ORIGIN_NEXT) origin = J40__ORIGIN_error_string;
+		} else {
+			origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC;
+			if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) {
+				err = J40__4("open");
+				buf = static_errbuf;
+				saved_errno = image->u.saved_errno;
+			} else {
+				corrupted_image = 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (corrupted_image) {
+		snprintf(static_errbuf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN,
+			"`image` parameter is found corrupted during j40_error_string");
+		return static_errbuf;
+	}
+	// TODO acquire a spinlock for buf if threaded
+	msg = NULL;
+	suffix = "";
+	for (i = 0; i < (int32_t) (sizeof(J40__ERROR_STRINGS) / sizeof(*J40__ERROR_STRINGS)); ++i) {
+		if (err == J40__4(J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].err)) {
+			msg = J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].msg;
+			if (J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].suffix) suffix = J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].suffix;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!msg) {
+		snprintf(buf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "Decoding failed (%c%c%c%c) during j40_%s",
+			err >> 24 & 0xff, err >> 16 & 0xff, err >> 8 & 0xff, err & 0xff, J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[origin]);
+	} else if (saved_errno) {
+		snprintf(buf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "%s during j40_%s%s: %s",
+			msg, J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[origin], suffix, strerror(saved_errno));
+	} else {
+		snprintf(buf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "%s during j40_%s%s", msg, J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[origin], suffix);
+	}
+	return buf;
+J40_API j40_err j40_from_memory(j40_image *image, void *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc) {
+	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_from_memory;
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	j40__st stbuf, *st = &stbuf;
+	if (!image) return J40__4("Uim0");
+	if (!buf) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("Ubf0"), 0, ORIGIN, image);
+	inner = (j40__inner*) j40__calloc(1, sizeof(j40__inner));
+	if (!inner) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("!mem"), 0, ORIGIN, image);
+	j40__init_state(st, inner);
+	if (j40__init_memory_source(st, (uint8_t*) buf, size, freefunc, &inner->source)) {
+		j40__free_inner(inner);
+		return j40__set_alt_magic(st->err, st->saved_errno, ORIGIN, image);
+	} else {
+		J40__ASSERT(!st->err);
+		return j40__set_magic(inner, image);
+	}
+J40_API j40_err j40_from_file(j40_image *image, const char *path) {
+	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_from_file;
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	j40__st stbuf, *st = &stbuf;
+	if (!image) return J40__4("Uim0");
+	if (!path) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("Upt0"), 0, ORIGIN, image);
+	inner = (j40__inner*) j40__calloc(1, sizeof(j40__inner));
+	if (!inner) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("!mem"), 0, ORIGIN, image);
+	j40__init_state(st, inner);
+	if (j40__init_file_source(st, path, &inner->source)) {
+		j40__free_inner(inner);
+		return j40__set_alt_magic(st->err, st->saved_errno, ORIGIN, image);
+	} else {
+		J40__ASSERT(!st->err);
+		return j40__set_magic(inner, image);
+	}
+J40_API j40_err j40_output_format(j40_image *image, int32_t channel, int32_t format) {
+	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_output_format;
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	// TODO implement multiple output formats
+	if (channel != J40_RGBA) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Uch?");
+	if (format != J40_U8X4) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Ufm?");
+	if (!(channel == J40_RGBA && format == J40_U8X4)) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Uof?");
+	return 0;
+J40_API int j40_next_frame(j40_image *image) {
+	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_next_frame;
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	j40__st stbuf;
+	j40_err err;
+	err = j40__check_image(image, ORIGIN, &inner);
+	if (err) return 0; // does NOT return err!
+	err = j40__advance(inner, ORIGIN);
+	if (err) return 0;
+	// we don't yet have multiple frames, so the second j40_next_frame call always returns 0
+	if (inner->rendered) return 0;
+	j40__init_state(&stbuf, inner);
+	err = j40__render_to_u8x4_rgba(&stbuf, &inner->rendered_rgba);
+	if (err) {
+		inner->origin = ORIGIN;
+		inner->err = err;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	inner->rendered = 1;
+	return 1;
+J40_API j40_frame j40_current_frame(j40_image *image) {
+	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_current_frame;
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	j40_frame frame;
+	j40_err err;
+	err = j40__check_image(image, ORIGIN, &inner);
+	frame.magic = J40__FRAME_ERR_MAGIC;
+	frame.reserved = 0;
+	frame.inner = inner;
+	if (err) return frame;
+	if (!inner->rendered) {
+		if (!j40_next_frame(image)) { // if j40_next_frame hasn't been called, implicity call it
+			if (inner->err) return frame; // at this point we are sure that inner exists
+		}
+	}
+	frame.magic = J40__FRAME_MAGIC;
+	return frame;
+J40_API j40_pixels_u8x4 j40_frame_pixels_u8x4(const j40_frame *frame, int32_t channel) {
+	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_frame_pixels;
+	// on error, return this placeholder image (TODO should this include an error message?)
+	#define J40__U8X4_THIRD(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) 255,0,0,a*255, 255,0,0,b*255, 255,0,0,c*255, \
+		255,0,0,d*255, 255,0,0,e*255, 255,0,0,f*255, 255,0,0,g*255
+	#define J40__U8X4_ROW(aa,bb,cc) J40__U8X4_THIRD aa, J40__U8X4_THIRD bb, J40__U8X4_THIRD cc
+	static const uint8_t ERROR_PIXELS_DATA[] = {
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,1,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)),
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,0,0,0,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)),
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,0,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)),
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,0,0,0,1,0,0),(0,1,0,0,0,1,0),(0,0,1,0,0,0,1)),
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,0,1,1,1,0,1),(1,1,0,1,1,1,0),(1,0,1,0,1,1,1)),
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,0,0,0,1,0,1),(1,1,0,1,1,1,0),(0,0,1,0,1,1,1)),
+		J40__U8X4_ROW((1,1,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1),(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)),
+	};
+	static const j40_pixels_u8x4 ERROR_PIXELS = {21, 7, 21 * 4, ERROR_PIXELS_DATA};
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels;
+	if (!frame || frame->magic != J40__FRAME_MAGIC) return ERROR_PIXELS;
+	inner = frame->inner;
+	if (!inner || inner->magic != J40__INNER_MAGIC) return ERROR_PIXELS;
+	// TODO support more channels
+	if (channel != J40_RGBA) return ERROR_PIXELS;
+	// TODO this condition is impossible under the current API
+	if (!inner->rendered) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Urnd"), ERROR_PIXELS;
+	J40__ASSERT(inner->rendered_rgba.width % 4 == 0);
+	pixels.width = inner->rendered_rgba.width / 4;
+	pixels.height = inner->rendered_rgba.height;
+	pixels.stride_bytes = inner->rendered_rgba.stride_bytes;
+ = (void*) inner->rendered_rgba.pixels;
+	return pixels;
+J40_API const j40_u8x4 *j40_row_u8x4(j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels, int32_t y) {
+	J40__ASSERT(0 <= y && y < pixels.height);
+	J40__ASSERT(pixels.stride_bytes > 0);
+	J40__ASSERT(;
+	return (const j40_u8x4*) ((const char*) + (size_t) pixels.stride_bytes * (size_t) y);
+J40_API void j40_free(j40_image *image) {
+	j40__inner *inner;
+	j40__check_image(image, J40__ORIGIN_free, &inner);
+	if (inner) j40__free_inner(inner);
+	image->magic = J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ J40__ORIGIN_NEXT;
+	image->u.err = J40__4("Ufre");
+#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION
+#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0                       // internal code ends here //
+#if J40__RECURSING <= 0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	#pragma warning(pop)
+// prevents double `#include`s---we can't really use `#pragma once` or simple `#ifndef` guards...
+#undef J40__RECURSING
+#define J40__RECURSING 9999
+#endif // J40__RECURSING <= 0
+///////////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////////////
+// vim: noet ts=4 st=4 sts=4 sw=4 list colorcolumn=100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldexpf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+float ldexpf(float x, int n)
+	union {float f; uint32_t i;} u;
+	float y = x;
+	union {
+		float f;
+		u32int x;
+	}oneP[] = {
+		{.x = 0x7f000000},
+		{.x = 0x800000},
+		{.x = 0x4b800000},
+	};
+	if (n > 127) {
+		y *= oneP[0].f;
+		n -= 127;
+		if (n > 127) {
+			y *= oneP[0].f;
+			n -= 127;
+			if (n > 127)
+				n = 127;
+		}
+	} else if (n < -126) {
+		y *= oneP[1].f * oneP[2].f;
+		n += 126 - 24;
+		if (n < -126) {
+			y *= oneP[1].f * oneP[2].f;
+			n += 126 - 24;
+			if (n < -126)
+				n = -126;
+		}
+	}
+	u.i = (uint32_t)(0x7f+n)<<23;
+	x = y * u.f;
+	return x;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkfile
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+CFLAGS=$CFLAGS -p -I/sys/include/npe
+	builtins`{test -f builtins.$objtype.s && echo -n .$objtype}.$O\
+	cbrtf.$O\
+	hypotf.$O\
+	ldexpf.$O\
+	decode.$O\
+default:V: all
+decode.$O: j40.h