shithub: dav1d

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ref: 8cef1efc670922421ae9027d7ec26bb4d8d30ee2
parent: 4a535b9fbb3fc2d936878770f089a24c47e608af
author: Marvin Scholz <>
date: Mon Oct 29 19:40:43 EDT 2018

Readme: Add info how to run tests

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -65,6 +65,22 @@
 2. Run `meson build --buildtype release`
 3. Build with `ninja -C build`
+# Run tests
+1. During initial build dir setup or `meson configure` specify `-Dbuild_tests=true`
+2. In the build directory run `meson test` optionally with `-v` for more verbose output, especially useful
+   for checkasm
+# Run testdata based tests
+1. Checkout the test data repository
+   ```
+   git clone tests/dav1d-test-data
+   ```
+2. During initial build dir setup or `meson configure` specify `-Dbuild_tests=true` and `-Dtestdata_tests=true`
+3. In the build directory run `meson test` optionally with `-v` for more verbose output
 # Support
 This project is partially funded by the *Alliance for Open Media*/**AOM** and is supported by TwoOrioles and VideoLabs.