shithub: nix

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ref: 088d77861ee25ab2b404e00fdc2ca50df0efea49
parent: a81860928bfc8fc0bcfd60b20dcc50d41b630aad
author: glenda <glenda@cirno>
date: Thu May 2 21:45:33 EDT 2024

create a real root-like thing

--- a/pc64/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +1,0 @@
-CONFLIST=pc64 pccpu64
-# must match mem.h
-DEVS=`{rc ../port/mkdevlist $CONF}
-	alarm.$O\
-	alloc.$O\
-	allocb.$O\
-	auth.$O\
-	cache.$O\
-	chan.$O\
-	dev.$O\
-	edf.$O\
-	fault.$O\
-	iomap.$O\
-	memmap.$O\
-	page.$O\
-	parse.$O\
-	pgrp.$O\
-	portclock.$O\
-	print.$O\
-	proc.$O\
-	qio.$O\
-	qlock.$O\
-	random.$O\
-	rdb.$O\
-	rebootcmd.$O\
-	segment.$O\
-	syscallfmt.$O\
-	sysfile.$O\
-	sysproc.$O\
-	taslock.$O\
-	tod.$O\
-	xalloc.$O\
-	userinit.$O\
-	l.$O\
-	cga.$O\
-	fpu.$O\
-	i8253.$O\
-	i8259.$O\
-	main.$O\
-	memory.$O\
-	mmu.$O\
-	irq.$O\
-	trap.$O\
-	bootargs.$O\
-	$CONF.root.$O\
-	$CONF.rootc.$O\
-	$DEVS\
-	$PORT\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmemlayer.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmemdraw.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libdraw.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libip.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libsec.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmp.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libc.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libfis.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libaml.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libdtracy.a\
-ETHER=`{cd ../pc; echo devether.c ether*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-AUDIO=`{cd ../pc; echo devaudio.c audio*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-VGA=`{cd ../pc; echo devvga.c screen.c vga*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-SDEV=`{cd ../pc; echo sd*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-	$LD -o $target -T$KTZERO -R4096 -l $prereq
-	size $target
-install:V:	$p$CONF
-	cp $p$CONF /$objtype/
-	for(i in $EXTRACOPIES)
-		import $i / /n/$i && cp $p$CONF $p$CONF.gz /n/$i/$objtype/
-# copies generated by the rule below
-PCHEADERS=usbehci.h screen.h mp.h io.h ahci.h \
-	yukdump.h
-REPCH=`{echo $PCHEADERS | sed 's/\.h//g; s/ /|/g'}
-^($REPCH)\.h:R:	../pc/\1.h
-	cp $prereq .
-REPCC=`{../port/mkfilelist ../pc}
-^($REPCC)\.$O:R:	'../pc/\1.c'
-	$CC $CFLAGS -I. -. ../pc/$stem1.c
-<|../port/mkbootrules $CONF
-l.$O rebootcode.$O apbootstrap.$O:	mem.h
-$ETHER: 			../port/etherif.h ../port/netif.h
-$AUDIO:				../port/audioif.h
-ether8003.$O ether8390.$O:	ether8390.h
-etheryuk.$O:			yukdump.h
-$VGA mouse.$O:			screen.h /sys/include/memdraw.h
-vgavesa.$O:			/386/include/ureg.h
-mp.$O:				mp.h apbootstrap.i
-apic.$O squidboy.$O:		mp.h
-archmp.$O archacpi.$O:		mp.h
-sd53c8xx.$O:			../pc/sd53c8xx.i
-../pc/sd53c8xx.i:		../pc/sd53c8xx.n
-	cd ../pc && mk sd53c8xx.i
-$SDEV pmmc.$O:			../port/sd.h
-sdiahci.$O:			ahci.h
-devaoe.$O sdaoe.$O:		../port/aoe.h
-main.$O:			rebootcode.i
-devusb.$O usbuhci.$O usbohci.$O usbehci.$O usbehcipc.$O usbxhci.$O: ../port/usb.h
-usbehci.$O usbehcipc.$O:	usbehci.h
-trap.$O main.$O:		/sys/include/tos.h
-ether8169.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-etherdp83820.$O:		../port/ethermii.h
-etherigbe.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-ethervgbe.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-ethervt6102.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-ethervt6105m.$O:		../port/ethermii.h
-etherwpi.$O:			../port/wifi.h
-etherrt2860.$O: 		../port/wifi.h
-initcode.out:		init9.$O initcode.$O /$objtype/lib/libc.a
-	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target $prereq
-$O.rebootcode:		rebootcode.$O
-	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target -T$REBOOTADDR $prereq
-rebootcode.out:		$O.rebootcode
-	dd -if $prereq(1) -of $target -bs 1 -iseek 40
-$O.apbootstrap:		apbootstrap.$O
-	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target -T$APBOOTSTRAP $prereq
-apbootstrap.out:	$O.apbootstrap
-	dd -if $prereq(1) -of $target -bs 1 -iseek 40
-sd53c8xx.i:	sd53c8xx.n
-	aux/na $prereq > $target
-	$CC -a -w main.c>acid
-	rm -f $stem.c [9bz]$stem [9bz]$stem.gz boot$stem.* $O.rebootcode $O.apbootstrap $PCHEADERS
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/nix/mkfile
@@ -1,0 +1,164 @@
+CONFLIST=pc64 pccpu64
+# must match mem.h
+DEVS=`{rc ../port/mkdevlist $CONF}
+	alarm.$O\
+	alloc.$O\
+	allocb.$O\
+	auth.$O\
+	cache.$O\
+	chan.$O\
+	dev.$O\
+	edf.$O\
+	fault.$O\
+	iomap.$O\
+	memmap.$O\
+	page.$O\
+	parse.$O\
+	pgrp.$O\
+	portclock.$O\
+	print.$O\
+	proc.$O\
+	qio.$O\
+	qlock.$O\
+	random.$O\
+	rdb.$O\
+	rebootcmd.$O\
+	segment.$O\
+	syscallfmt.$O\
+	sysfile.$O\
+	sysproc.$O\
+	taslock.$O\
+	tod.$O\
+	xalloc.$O\
+	userinit.$O\
+	l.$O\
+	cga.$O\
+	fpu.$O\
+	i8253.$O\
+	i8259.$O\
+	main.$O\
+	memory.$O\
+	mmu.$O\
+	irq.$O\
+	trap.$O\
+	bootargs.$O\
+	$CONF.root.$O\
+	$CONF.rootc.$O\
+	$DEVS\
+	$PORT\
+	/$objtype/lib/libmemlayer.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libmemdraw.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libdraw.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libip.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libsec.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libmp.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libc.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libfis.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libaml.a\
+	/$objtype/lib/libdtracy.a\
+ETHER=`{cd ../pc; echo devether.c ether*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
+AUDIO=`{cd ../pc; echo devaudio.c audio*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
+VGA=`{cd ../pc; echo devvga.c screen.c vga*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
+SDEV=`{cd ../pc; echo sd*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
+	$LD -o $target -T$KTZERO -R4096 -l $prereq
+	size $target
+install:V:	$p$CONF
+	cp $p$CONF /$objtype/
+	for(i in $EXTRACOPIES)
+		import $i / /n/$i && cp $p$CONF $p$CONF.gz /n/$i/$objtype/
+# copies generated by the rule below
+PCHEADERS=usbehci.h screen.h mp.h io.h ahci.h \
+	yukdump.h
+REPCH=`{echo $PCHEADERS | sed 's/\.h//g; s/ /|/g'}
+^($REPCH)\.h:R:	../pc/\1.h
+	cp $prereq .
+REPCC=`{../port/mkfilelist ../pc}
+^($REPCC)\.$O:R:	'../pc/\1.c'
+	$CC $CFLAGS -I. -. ../pc/$stem1.c
+<|../port/mkbootrules $CONF
+l.$O rebootcode.$O apbootstrap.$O:	mem.h
+$ETHER: 			../port/etherif.h ../port/netif.h
+$AUDIO:				../port/audioif.h
+ether8003.$O ether8390.$O:	ether8390.h
+etheryuk.$O:			yukdump.h
+$VGA mouse.$O:			screen.h /sys/include/memdraw.h
+vgavesa.$O:			/386/include/ureg.h
+mp.$O:				mp.h apbootstrap.i
+apic.$O squidboy.$O:		mp.h
+archmp.$O archacpi.$O:		mp.h
+sd53c8xx.$O:			../pc/sd53c8xx.i
+../pc/sd53c8xx.i:		../pc/sd53c8xx.n
+	cd ../pc && mk sd53c8xx.i
+$SDEV pmmc.$O:			../port/sd.h
+sdiahci.$O:			ahci.h
+devaoe.$O sdaoe.$O:		../port/aoe.h
+main.$O:			rebootcode.i
+devusb.$O usbuhci.$O usbohci.$O usbehci.$O usbehcipc.$O usbxhci.$O: ../port/usb.h
+usbehci.$O usbehcipc.$O:	usbehci.h
+trap.$O main.$O:		/sys/include/tos.h
+ether8169.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
+etherdp83820.$O:		../port/ethermii.h
+etherigbe.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
+ethervgbe.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
+ethervt6102.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
+ethervt6105m.$O:		../port/ethermii.h
+etherwpi.$O:			../port/wifi.h
+etherrt2860.$O: 		../port/wifi.h
+initcode.out:		init9.$O initcode.$O /$objtype/lib/libc.a
+	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target $prereq
+$O.rebootcode:		rebootcode.$O
+	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target -T$REBOOTADDR $prereq
+rebootcode.out:		$O.rebootcode
+	dd -if $prereq(1) -of $target -bs 1 -iseek 40
+$O.apbootstrap:		apbootstrap.$O
+	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target -T$APBOOTSTRAP $prereq
+apbootstrap.out:	$O.apbootstrap
+	dd -if $prereq(1) -of $target -bs 1 -iseek 40
+sd53c8xx.i:	sd53c8xx.n
+	aux/na $prereq > $target
+	$CC -a -w main.c>acid
+	rm -f $stem.c [9bz]$stem [9bz]$stem.gz boot$stem.* $O.rebootcode $O.apbootstrap $PCHEADERS