ref: 239a04ebb6f2378f56481ab761352be88c4318fb
parent: 822eb0ee2f7e54d668f0eb188a7c942efbaa0929
author: qwx <>
date: Thu Jul 15 18:26:53 EDT 2021
move scripts to a bin/ subdir
--- a/2600
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/320;
- b=$2/222;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*320 == $1 || c*222 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*222+8
- }'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
- nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/2600 -a $*(3-) || games/2600 $*(3-)}
-if not
- games/2600 -a $* || games/2600 $*
--- a/2mp3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-play -o /fd/1 >[2]/dev/null |\
- audio/pcmconv -i s16r1c1 -o S16r1c1 |\
- audio/mp3enc -r -v -q 0
--- a/2opus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-l=(--bitrate 128)
-if(~ $1 -l){
- l=()
- shift
-play -o /fd/1 >[2]/dev/null |\
- audio/opusenc --music --downmix-stereo $l
--- a/9grid
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-9fs tcp!!9990 /n/chat
-rm /srv/tcp!!9990
-# fukken quoting
-cat <<'!' >/tmp/grid.$pid
-window -r 0 0 656 516 -scroll chat -n qwx
-window -r 0 524 656 596 -scroll girc -g /n/chat/chat
-window -scroll 'echo cat /dev/wsys/1/text ''>>/tmp/chat''; echo ''{}>/dev/wsys/1/text''; rc'
-chmod +x /tmp/grid.$pid
-rio -i /tmp/grid.$pid
-rm /tmp/grid.$pid
-unmount /n/chat
--- a/9grid.old
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-rfork n
-auth/factotum -n
-echo 'key proto=dp9ik user=glenda dom=grid !password=9gridchan' >/mnt/factotum/ctl
-srvtls tcp!!16675 gridreg /n/gridreg
-sed -n '/gridregistry/d;/tlssrv/{s/^/srvtls -c /;s/(is |mountpoint|service.*$)//g;s/pubregistry/gridpubreg/g;p;}' /n/gridreg/index | grep -v gridplumb | rc
-rm /srv/grid*
-#echo 'none
-#none' | `{sed -n 's/^([^ ]+).* is gridftp.*/ftpfs -\/ \1/p' /n/gridreg/index}
-#bind -c /n/ftp/incoming /n/gridftp
-unmount /mnt/plumb
-rio -k '
-window -scroll chat -n qwx
-window -scroll girc -g /n/chat/chat
-' || status=''
-for(i in /mnt/plumb /n/grid* /mnt/wiki /n/chat)
- unmount $i
-#unmount /n/gridftp
-#unmount /n/ftp
--- a/aconv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-if(~ $1 -l){
- parm=(-l)
- shift
-for(i in $*(2-)){
- echo $i
- 2opus $parm <$i >`{echo $i | mfmt $pref opus}
--- a/aconv2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-if(~ $1 -l){
- parm=(-l)
- shift
-for(i in $*(2-)){
- echo $i
- audio/flacdec <$i | pcm2opus >`{echo $i | mfmt $pref opus}
--- a/avgn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
-phrases=", goddamn it,\
-, what the hell,\
-, goddamn fuckshit,\
-, son of a fuck,\
-, Christ almighty,\
-, oh God,\
-, or whatever the fuck,\
-, fucking assballs, \
-! What the shit is this unholy fuckness?! Oh,\
-, what a great thing, huh,\
-, Jesus fucking Christ on a fucking pogo stick,\
-, you stupid fuck,\
-, fucking Christ,"
-len=split (phrases, phrase, /\n/)
- split ( $0, parts, /,/)
- for (i=1; i<length(parts); i++) {
- printf "%s", parts[i]
- ind = 1+int(rand * 1000)%len;
- printf "%s", phrase[ind]
- }
-print parts[i]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/2600
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/320;
+ b=$2/222;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*320 == $1 || c*222 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*222+8
+ }'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+ nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/2600 -a $*(3-) || games/2600 $*(3-)}
+if not
+ games/2600 -a $* || games/2600 $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/2mp3
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+play -o /fd/1 >[2]/dev/null |\
+ audio/pcmconv -i s16r1c1 -o S16r1c1 |\
+ audio/mp3enc -r -v -q 0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/2opus
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+l=(--bitrate 128)
+if(~ $1 -l){
+ l=()
+ shift
+play -o /fd/1 >[2]/dev/null |\
+ audio/opusenc --music --downmix-stereo $l
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/9grid
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+9fs tcp!!9990 /n/chat
+rm /srv/tcp!!9990
+# fukken quoting
+cat <<'!' >/tmp/grid.$pid
+window -r 0 0 656 516 -scroll chat -n qwx
+window -r 0 524 656 596 -scroll girc -g /n/chat/chat
+window -scroll 'echo cat /dev/wsys/1/text ''>>/tmp/chat''; echo ''{}>/dev/wsys/1/text''; rc'
+chmod +x /tmp/grid.$pid
+rio -i /tmp/grid.$pid
+rm /tmp/grid.$pid
+unmount /n/chat
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/9grid.old
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+rfork n
+auth/factotum -n
+echo 'key proto=dp9ik user=glenda dom=grid !password=9gridchan' >/mnt/factotum/ctl
+srvtls tcp!!16675 gridreg /n/gridreg
+sed -n '/gridregistry/d;/tlssrv/{s/^/srvtls -c /;s/(is |mountpoint|service.*$)//g;s/pubregistry/gridpubreg/g;p;}' /n/gridreg/index | grep -v gridplumb | rc
+rm /srv/grid*
+#echo 'none
+#none' | `{sed -n 's/^([^ ]+).* is gridftp.*/ftpfs -\/ \1/p' /n/gridreg/index}
+#bind -c /n/ftp/incoming /n/gridftp
+unmount /mnt/plumb
+rio -k '
+window -scroll chat -n qwx
+window -scroll girc -g /n/chat/chat
+' || status=''
+for(i in /mnt/plumb /n/grid* /mnt/wiki /n/chat)
+ unmount $i
+#unmount /n/gridftp
+#unmount /n/ftp
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/aconv
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+if(~ $1 -l){
+ parm=(-l)
+ shift
+for(i in $*(2-)){
+ echo $i
+ 2opus $parm <$i >`{echo $i | mfmt $pref opus}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/aconv2
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+if(~ $1 -l){
+ parm=(-l)
+ shift
+for(i in $*(2-)){
+ echo $i
+ audio/flacdec <$i | pcm2opus >`{echo $i | mfmt $pref opus}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/avgn
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+phrases=", goddamn it,\
+, what the hell,\
+, goddamn fuckshit,\
+, son of a fuck,\
+, Christ almighty,\
+, oh God,\
+, or whatever the fuck,\
+, fucking assballs, \
+! What the shit is this unholy fuckness?! Oh,\
+, what a great thing, huh,\
+, Jesus fucking Christ on a fucking pogo stick,\
+, you stupid fuck,\
+, fucking Christ,"
+len=split (phrases, phrase, /\n/)
+ split ( $0, parts, /,/)
+ for (i=1; i<length(parts); i++) {
+ printf "%s", parts[i]
+ ind = 1+int(rand * 1000)%len;
+ printf "%s", phrase[ind]
+ }
+print parts[i]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/bindbins
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+if(test -d $home/p/rc)
+ bind -a $home/p/rc/bin /bin
+if(test -d $home/p/rc2)
+ bind -a $home/p/rc2/bin /bin
+if(test -d $home/p/pico)
+ touch $home/bin/rc/pico && bind $home/p/pico/pico $home/bin/rc/pico
+if(test -d $home/p/sm2/bin)
+ bind -a $home/p/sm2/bin /bin
+if(test -d $home/p/notes/bin)
+ bind -a $home/p/notes/bin /bin
+if(test -d /sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.2/bin)
+ bind -a /sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.2/bin /bin
+if(test -f $home/p/rc/fn)
+ . $home/p/rc/fn
+#if(test -d $home/p/sm2/lib)
+# bind -ac $home/p/sm2/lib /lib
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/br
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+# SBLC_PWM_CTL2: bytes 15:0, range 0 (off) to v>>16 (full)
+if(! ~ $#* 1){
+ echo usage: $0 factor
+ exit 'usage'
+v=`{seg -Lr igfxmmio 0x400000 0xc8254}
+if(~ $#v 0)
+ exit 'no such named segment'
+v=`{echo 'v='$v'; v & ~0xffff | ((v>>16) / '$1')' | pc -n}
+if(! ~ $#v 1)
+ exit 'invalid factor'
+seg -Lw igfxmmio 0x400000 0xc8254 $v
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cex
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+function q(){
+ o = 1 + int(rand() * 10 % 4)
+ a = 1 + int(rand() * (o==4 ? 1000 : 100))
+ b = 1 + int(rand() * 100)
+ r = o==1 ? a + b\
+ : o==2 ? a - b\
+ : o==3 ? a * b\
+ : a / b # equality works... sometimes? rounding errors?
+ print a, op[o], b
+ op[1] = "+"
+ op[2] = "-"
+ op[3] = "*"
+ op[4] = "/"
+ srand()
+ q()
+ if($1 != r){
+ print "NEIN NEIN NEIN! " r
+ system("theo")
+ }
+ q()
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/chat
@@ -1,0 +1,108 @@
+# minimal chat client for hubfs: chat [-n NICK] [-j CHANNEL] [chatsrv]
+# dd -bs `{du -n /n/chat/chat | sed 's/ .*//'} -skip 1 -if /n/chat/chat
+rfork enf
+fn helpmessage{
+ echo -------------------------
+ echo '/q to quit | /c to list channels | /h for help message'
+ echo '/n NICK to change nick | /j CHANNEL to change channels'
+ echo -------------------------
+fn close{
+ #echo PART $name from $channel >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
+ @{echo kill>/proc/$catkill/ctl}
+fn shutdown{
+ close
+ exit
+fn sighup{
+ shutdown
+fn sigint{
+ shutdown
+while (~ $1 -*){
+ switch($1){
+ case -n
+ name = $2
+ shift 2
+ case -j
+ channel = $2
+ shift 2
+ case *
+ echo bad flag $1 '-n NICK -j CHANNEL'
+ shift
+ }
+if(! ~ $1 '')
+ chatsrv=$1
+if(! test -e /n/$chatsrv/chat)
+ mount /srv/$chatsrv /n/$chatsrv
+if(! test -e /n/$chatsrv/chat){
+ echo 'no chat service named $chatsrv found' >[1=2]
+ exit
+echo ' -- hubchat 0.2 --'
+sleep 2
+while(~ $#name 0){
+ echo 'please enter a chat name:'
+ name=`{read}
+#echo JOIN $name to $channel >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
+#grep -bv '^BurnZeZ : ' /n/$chatsrv/$channel &
+cat /n/$chatsrv/$channel &
+ switch($talk(1)){
+ case /q
+ shutdown
+ case /n
+ if(! ~ $talk(2) ''){
+ echo nick $name ' -> ' $talk(2) >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
+ name=$talk(2)
+ }
+ if not
+ echo 'you need to provide a nick for /n NICK'
+ case /j
+ if (~ $talk(2) '')
+ echo must specify a channel to join
+ if not if(test -e /n/chat/$talk(2)){
+ close
+ channel=$talk(2)
+ cat /n/chat/$channel &
+ catkill=$apid
+ echo JOIN $name to $channel >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
+ }
+ if not
+ echo channel does not exist
+ case /h
+ helpmessage
+ echo currently in $channel
+ echo
+ case /c
+ echo Available channels:
+ lc /n/$chatsrv
+ echo -------------------
+ echo currently in $channel
+ echo
+ case *
+# ts=`{date -u}
+# ts=`{echo '('^$ts(4)^')'}
+ if(! ~ $talk ''){
+ line=`{echo $name '→ ' $talk}
+ echo $line >>/n/chat/$channel
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/chord
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+rfork n
+games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/doom2.wad >[2]/dev/null || exit
+cat <<! | mst | games/dmid | games/opl3 | norm 5 | pplay
+t $1
+4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
+4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
+4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
+4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cinrio
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+unmount /mnt/plumb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/cpurio
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+if(! ~ $sysname aib && ~ `{ns | grep '#v'} ''){
+ screenrc
+ echo softscreen off >'#v/vgactl'
+ echo hwaccel on >'#v/vgactl'
+rfork efns # weeeee
+bind -a '#A' /dev
+bind -c $home/tmp /tmp
+bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin
+bind -a $home/bin/$cputype /bin
+test -f $home/p/rc/bindbins && . $home/p/rc/bindbins
+test -f $home/lib/ass){
+ auth/factotum
+ setec
+case w500
+ echo pin 22 >'#A'/audioctl
+ echo inpin 23 >'#A'/audioctl
+case hsw
+ echo pin 27 >'#A/audioctl'
+ echo inpin 25 >'#A'/audioctl
+if(! ~ $sysname aib)
+ echo master 40 >'#A/volume'
+echo accelerated 3 >'#m'/mousectl
+prompt=('; ' ' ')
+rio -i riostart
+# might be nice to do dontkill '^(rio|rc)$'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dmlotr
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/bin/rc -xe
+ hget $f | sed 's/[<>]/\n/g' >$t
+ for(i in `{sed -n 's/.*img src=''(http.*\/images\/[^'']+)''.*/\1/p' $t})
+ dw $i
+ f=`{sed -n 's/.*a href="(http[^\?]+\?p=[^"]+)".*/\1/p' $t | sed -n '5{p;q;}'}
+ if(~ $#f 0){
+ rm $t
+ exit
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dmus.mp3
@@ -1,0 +1,94 @@
+# this overrides music in final doom and any custom music in pwads, since the
+# labels are hardcoded in the source.
+ case adrian
+ f=$home/m/doom2.adrians.asleep.mp3
+ case ampie
+ f=$home/m/doom2.bye.bye.american.pie.mp3
+ case betwee
+ f=$home/m/doom2.between.levels.mp3
+ case bunny
+ f=$home/m/doom.bunny.mp3
+ case countd count2
+ f=$home/m/
+ case dead dead2
+ f=$home/m/doom2.the.demons.dead.mp3
+ case dm2ttl
+ f=$home/m/doom2.intro.mp3
+ case dm2int
+ f=$home/m/doom2.intermission.mp3
+ case doom doom2
+ f=$home/m/doom2.doom.mp3
+ case ddtblu ddtbl2 ddtbl3
+ f=$home/m/doom2.the.dave.d.taylor.blues.mp3
+ case e1m1
+ f=$home/m/
+ case e1m2
+ f=$home/m/
+ case e1m3
+ f=$home/m/doom.dark.halls.mp3
+ case e1m4
+ f=$home/m/
+ case e1m5
+ f=$home/m/doom.suspense.mp3
+ case e1m6 e3m6
+ f=$home/m/doom.on.the.hunt.mp3
+ case e1m7 e2m5 e3m5
+ f=$home/m/doom.demons.on.the.prey.mp3
+ case e1m8 e3m4
+ f=$home/m/doom.sign.of.evil.mp3
+ case e1m9 e3m9
+ f=$home/m/doom.hiding.the.secrets.mp3
+ case e2m1
+ f=$home/m/doom.i.sawed.the.demons.mp3
+ case e2m2
+ f=$home/m/doom.the.demons.from.adrians.pen.mp3
+ case e2m3 inter
+ f=$home/m/doom.intermission.from.doom.mp3
+ case e2m4
+ f=$home/m/
+ case e2m6
+ f=$home/m/doom.sinister.mp3
+ case e2m7 e3m7
+ f=$home/m/doom.waltz.of.the.demons.mp3
+ case e2m8
+ f=$home/m/
+ case e2m9 e3m1
+ f=$home/m/doom.untitled.mp3
+ case e3m2
+ f=$home/m/
+ case e3m3
+ f=$home/m/doom.deep.into.the.code.mp3
+ case e3m8
+ f=$home/m/doom.facing.the.spider.mp3
+ case evil
+ f=$home/m/doom2.evil.incarnate.mp3
+ case in_cit
+ f=$home/m/
+ case intro
+ f=$home/m/doom.title.mp3
+ case messag messg2
+ f=$home/m/doom2.message.from.the.archvile.mp3
+ case openin
+ f=$home/m/
+ case read_m
+ f=$home/m/doom2.end.mp3
+ case romero romer2
+ f=$home/m/
+ case runnin runni2
+ f=$home/m/doom2.running.from.evil.mp3
+ case shawn shawn2 shawn3
+ f=$home/m/
+ case stalks stlks2 stlks3
+ f=$home/m/doom2.the.healer.stalks.mp3
+ case tense
+ f=$home/m/doom2.getting.too.tense.mp3
+ case the_da theda2 theda3
+ f=$home/m/
+ case ultima
+ f=$home/m/doom2.the.ultimate.challenge.mp3
+ case victor
+ f=$home/m/doom.victor.mp3
+ }
+audio/mp3dec <$f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/doom
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+# set up namespace for a particular version of doom and launch it
+# default setup:
+# - $home/lib/doom: mntpt and location of config file
+# - $home/lib/doom/$game: user game directories: savegames and screenshots
+# - /sys/games/lib/doom/$game: system iwad and pwad directories
+# cwd is bound over $mntpt to allow loading stuff from there
+# example: launch doom2 with scythe.wad (both in /sys/games/lib/doom/d2)
+# ; doom d2 -file scythe.wad
+# example game version names:
+# doom.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d1/
+# doom2.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/
+# doom2f.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2f/
+# doom1.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/dsh/
+# plutonia.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/plt/
+# tnt.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/tnt/
+# doomu.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/ud/
+rfork ne
+flagfmt='b,l,z,m mntpt'
+args='game [params]'
+if(! ifs=() eval `{aux/getflags $*} || ~ $#* 0){
+ aux/usage
+ exit usage
+if(~ $#flagm 1)
+ mntpt=$flagm
+if(! test -d $mntpt/$1)
+ mkdir -p $mntpt/$1
+bind -ac $mntpt/$1 $mntpt
+if(test -d /sys/games/lib/doom/$1)
+ bind -a /sys/games/lib/doom/$1 $mntpt
+if(! ~ $flagb 1)
+ bind -b `{pwd} $mntpt
+cd $mntpt
+# max scaling factor is 4 unless doom itself is patched
+if(~ $#vgasize 0 || ~ $flagz 1)
+ r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
+if not
+ r=`{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/320;
+ b=$2/200;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
+ }'
+ }
+if(! ~ $flagz 1)
+ echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
+if(! ~ $flagl 1)
+ games/doom $* >/dev/null
+if not
+ games/doom $* >/tmp/doomlog.$pid >[2=1]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dp
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+audio/pcmconv -i u32r1c1 -o U32r1c1 <$home/dport*.bin >/dev/pl
+mkdir '#g'/fb
+echo 'va 0x40000000 0x10000000 fixed' > '#g'/fb/ctl
+@{ rfork n; run >/dev/null; bind -b '#i' /dev } # ?
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dpal
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+# convert selected playpal palette to spred(1) format
+# FIXME: includes garbage past the end
+while(~ $1 -n){
+ pn=$2
+ shift 2
+echo pal 256
+dd -bs 768 -skip $pn -count 1 <$1 >[2]/dev/null \
+ | xd -1x \
+ | ssam '
+,s/^....... +//g
+s/\n/ /g
+s/(..) (..) (..) /0x\1\2\3\n/g
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/duck
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#plumb -d web ''
+mothra ''
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dw
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+if(~ $1 -o){
+ of=1
+ shift
+for(i in $*){
+ f=`{echo $i | sed -n 's,.*/([^/]+)$,\1,p'}
+ if(! ~ $#of 0 || ! test -e $f)
+ echo $f'
+} | xargs -n 2 -p 10 hget -o
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/edit
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+B /dev/wsys/`{sed 's/[ ]+//g' /dev/winid}^/text
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/eth0
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether1 unbind
+Kill wpa | rc
+ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/fpl
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+ps -n | awk '
+/ play$/ { g[++i] = $3 }
+{ for(n=1; n<=i; n++) if(g[n] == $3) p[n] = $2 }
+END { for(n=1; n<=i; n++) print p[n] }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/frequenzbohrer
@@ -1,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+# ; mkdir $home/mid
+# ; for(i in $notestringsbelow) echo 2 0^$i | mst | games/midi -c > $home/mid/^$i^.pcm
+function extant(v, a){
+ for(e in a)
+ if(a[e] == v)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+function addrange(n){
+ i = length(roster) + 1
+ for(o in range){
+ m = n + range[o]
+ if(m > 0 && m <= length(note) && !extant(m, roster))
+ roster[i++] = m
+ }
+function new(){
+ print "Find die noten, allied schweinhund!"
+ for(i in qs){
+ do
+ n = int(rand() * 10000000 % length(roster) + 1)
+ while(extant(roster[n], qs))
+ qs[i] = roster[n]
+ }
+ for(i in keys)
+ qs[int(rand() * 10000000 % length(qs) + 1)] = keys[i]
+ cmd = "cat $home/mid/^("
+ for(i=1; i<=length(qs); i++)
+ cmd = cmd note[qs[i]] ".pcm "
+ cmd = cmd ") >/dev/audio"
+ system(cmd)
+ split("\
+c0 c♯0 d0 d♯0 e0 f0 f♯0 g0 g♯0 a0 a♯0 b0 \
+c1 c♯1 d1 d♯1 e1 f1 f♯1 g1 g♯1 a1 a♯1 b1 \
+c2 c♯2 d2 d♯2 e2 f2 f♯2 g2 g♯2 a2 a♯2 b2 \
+c3 c♯3 d3 d♯3 e3 f3 f♯3 g3 g♯3 a3 a♯3 b3 \
+c4 c♯4 d4 d♯4 e4 f4 f♯4 g4 g♯4 a4 a♯4 b4 \
+c5 c♯5 d5 d♯5 e5 f5 f♯5 g5 g♯5 a5 a♯5 b5 \
+c6 c♯6 d6 d♯6 e6 f6 f♯6 g6 g♯6 a6 a♯6 b6 \
+c7 c♯7 d7 d♯7 e7 f7 f♯7 g7 g♯7 a7 a♯7 b7 \
+c8 c♯8 d8 d♯8 e8 f8 f♯8 g8 g♯8 a8 a♯8 b8 \
+c9 c♯9 d9 d♯9 e9 f9 f♯9 g9 g♯9 a9 a♯9 b9 \
+c10 c♯10 d10 d♯10 e10 f10 f♯10 g10", note)
+ # FIXME: just have all notes from octaves -1,0,+1
+ split("-12 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11", range)
+ srand()
+ print "Vich noten shall wir testen diese day, bastard?"
+NR == 1{
+ n = split($0, keys)
+ if(n < 1)
+ exit("no notes to hand")
+ for(k in keys){
+ m = 0
+ for(n in note){
+ if(keys[k] == note[n]){
+ m = n
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if(m == 0){
+ print "unknown note " keys[k]
+ exit("unknown note " keys[k])
+ }
+ keys[k] = m
+ addrange(m)
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=6*length(keys); i++)
+ qs[i] = 0
+ new()
+NR > 1{
+ # FIXME: just choose one of the notes at random; only test one note;
+ # say which one it's testing
+ for(i=1; i<=NF; i++)
+ if(!($i in qs) || !extant(qs[$i], keys))
+ print "NEIN! Es ist " note[qs[$i]] "!"
+ new()
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gba
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/240;
+ b=$2/160;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*240 == $1 || c*160 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*240+8, "-dy", c*160+8
+ }'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+ nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gba -a $*(3-) || games/gba $*(3-)}
+if not
+ games/gba -a $* || games/gba $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gbc
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/160;
+ b=$2/144;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*160 == $1 || c*144 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*160+8, "-dy", c*144+8
+ }'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+ nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gb -a $*(3-) || games/gb $*(3-)}
+if not
+ games/gb -a $* || games/gb $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/genpw
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+if(~ $1 -n){
+ n=$2
+ shift 2
+tr -cd ' '-~ </dev/random | read -c $n
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gridreg
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+rfork n
+srv tcp!!registry registry /mnt/registry
+rm /srv/registry
+cd /mnt/registry
+ echo tcp!9dump!9fs description '''read-only file dump''' contact type fileserver
+ tail -f event
+} &
+ echo tcp!9dump!t9fs description '''tls 9dump, ask for credentials''' contact type fileserver
+ tail -f event
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/imfdec
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+while(~ $1 -?){
+ switch($1){
+ case -r
+ rate=$2
+ shift
+ case -f
+ norm=$2
+ shift
+ case -n
+ bareimf=1
+ case *
+ echo usage: $0 '[-n] [-r rate] [-f norm]'
+ exit usage
+ }
+ shift
+cmd=(opl2 -r $rate)
+if(~ $#bareimf 0)
+ cmd=(imf '|' $cmd)
+if(! ~ $#norm 0)
+ cmd=($cmd '|' norm $norm)
+echo $cmd
+eval $cmd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/joygba
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joygba"
+awk -safe '
+ BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
+ /^axis 0 0/ { k[0] = "left " }
+ /^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
+ /^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
+ /^axis 1 0/ { k[1] = "up " }
+ /^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
+ /^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
+ /^down 1$/ { k[3] = "b " }
+ /^down 5$/ { k[2] = "a " }
+ /^down 6$/ { k[8] = "x " }
+ /^down 2$/ { k[9] = "y " }
+ /^down 3$/ { k[4] = "control " }
+ /^down 4$/ { k[5] = "start " }
+ /^down 7$/ { k[6] = "l1 " }
+ /^down 8$/ { k[7] = "r1 " }
+ /^up 1$/ { k[3] = "" }
+ /^up 5$/ { k[2] = "" }
+ /^up 6$/ { k[8] = "" }
+ /^up 2$/ { k[9] = "" }
+ /^up 3$/ { k[4] = "" }
+ /^up 4$/ { k[5] = "" }
+ /^up 7$/ { k[6] = "" }
+ /^up 8$/ { k[7] = "" }
+ {
+ print k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5] k[6] k[7] k[8] k[9]
+ fflush
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/joygba2
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joygba"
+awk -safe '
+ BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
+ /^axis 0 0/ { k[0] = "left " }
+ /^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
+ /^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
+ /^axis 1 0/ { k[1] = "up " }
+ /^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
+ /^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
+ /^down 2$/ { k[3] = "b " }
+ /^down 1$/ { k[2] = "a " }
+ /^down 3$/ { k[8] = "x " }
+ /^down 4$/ { k[9] = "y " }
+ /^down 7$/ { k[4] = "control " }
+ /^down 8$/ { k[5] = "start " }
+ /^down 5$/ { k[6] = "l1 " }
+ /^down 6$/ { k[7] = "r1 " }
+ /^up 2$/ { k[3] = "" }
+ /^up 1$/ { k[2] = "" }
+ /^up 3$/ { k[8] = "" }
+ /^up 4$/ { k[9] = "" }
+ /^up 7$/ { k[4] = "" }
+ /^up 8$/ { k[5] = "" }
+ /^up 5$/ { k[6] = "" }
+ /^up 6$/ { k[7] = "" }
+ {
+ print k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5] k[6] k[7] k[8] k[9]
+ fflush
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/joynes
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joynes N", where N=[1,2]
+awk -safe -v 'joy='joy$1 '
+ BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
+ /^axis 0 0/ { k[0] = "left " }
+ /^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
+ /^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
+ /^axis 1 0/ { k[1] = "up " }
+ /^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
+ /^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
+ /^down 2$/ { k[3] = "b " }
+ /^down 1$/ { k[2] = "a " }
+ #/^down 3$/ { k[4] = "control " }
+ #/^down 4$/ { k[5] = "start " }
+ /^down 7$/ { k[4] = "control " }
+ /^down 8$/ { k[5] = "start " }
+ /^up 2$/ { k[3] = "" }
+ /^up 1$/ { k[2] = "" }
+ #/^up 3$/ { k[4] = "" }
+ #/^up 4$/ { k[5] = "" }
+ /^up 7$/ { k[4] = "" }
+ /^up 8$/ { k[5] = "" }
+ {
+ print joy " " k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5]
+ fflush
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/khinmidi
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+flag e +
+for(i in $*){
+ x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
+ mkdir -p $x && cd $x
+ hget $i |\
+ sed -n '/\.mid/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
+ uniq |\
+ xargs dw
+ cd ..
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/khinsider
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+flag e +
+for(i in $*){
+ x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
+ mkdir -p $x && cd $x
+ hget $i |\
+ sed -n '/\.mp3/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
+ uniq |\
+ xargs -n 1 hget |\
+ sed -n '/^<audio/s/<audio id=".*" src="(.*\.mp3)".*/\1/p' |\
+ xargs dw
+ cd ..
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/lofi
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+play -o /fd/1 >[2]/dev/null |\
+ audio/opusenc --music --downmix-stereo --bitrate 64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/md
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/320;
+ b=$2/224;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*320 == $1 || c*224 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*224+8
+ }'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+ nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/md -a $*(3-) || games/md $*(3-)}
+if not
+ games/md -a $* || games/md $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/metro
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+rfork n
+games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/doom2.wad >[2]/dev/null || exit
+cat <<! | mst | games/dmid | games/opl3 | pplay
+t $1
+i 0 127
+4 0c5
+4 0c5
+4 0c5
+4 0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mfmt
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+sed \
+ $pref^'
+ s/^''//
+ s/''$//
+ s/[\[\]\!,\(\)''\$\*\?:\;=\}\{`]//g
+ s/#/♯/g
+ s/\&/and/g
+ s/( - | |_)/./g
+ s/\.[^\.]+$/.'^$fmt^'/
+ s/ /./g
+ s/\.\.+/./g
+' |\
+ tr A-ZА-Я a-zа-я
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mk9
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/bin/rc -ex
+9fs 9fat
+if(test -f /n/9fat/9pc64 || test -f /n/9fat/9pc){
+ rm /n/9fat/9bootfat
+ cp /386/9bootfat /n/9fat/
+ chmod +al /n/9fat/9bootfat
+if(test -f /n/9fat/9pc64)
+ cp /amd64/9pc64 /n/9fat/
+if(test -f /n/9fat/9pc)
+ cp /386/9pc /n/9fat/
+if(test -f /n/9fat/9zynq)
+ cp /arm/9zynq /n/9fat/
+rm /srv/dos
+unmount /n/9fat
+unmount /n/9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mkall
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+for(i in amd64 386 arm){
+ if(! ~ $#* 0)
+ objtype=$i mk $*^.install
+ if not
+ objtype=$i mk install
+if(! ~ $#* 0)
+ mk $*^.clean
+if not
+ mk clean
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mkcp
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+disk/mkfs -z 4096 -s $1 -d $*(2-) /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/allproto
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mkradio
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+rfork n
+rimport -C -c -u share aib /usr/share /n/share || exit rimport
+if(! ~ $#* 0)
+ t=$1
+if not
+ t=`{walk -demn /n/share/radio}
+cd $home/m
+for(i in `{walk -emn | awk '{if($1 > '^$t(1)^') print $2}'}){
+ echo $i
+ lofi <$i >/n/share/radio/$i
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mku
@@ -1,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/bin/rc -xe
+# gottagofast update script
+# FIXME: this script is FUCKING RETARDED
+# FIXME: idea: don't rfork n, allow fixing whatever and continuing build; better
+# error detection and recovery
+rfork en
+fn mkp{
+ cd $h/p
+ mk nuke
+ mk install && mk nuke || exit NOPE
+ cp -x opl2/man/1/opl2 pplay/man/1/pplay u6/man/1/u6mopl wl3d/man/1/wl3d /sys/man/1/
+ cp -x wl3d/man/6/wl3d /sys/man/6/
+ cd $h/p/qk2
+ for(i in mkfile.*){
+ bind $i mkfile
+ mk install && mk nuke || exit NOPE
+ unmount mkfile
+ }
+ for(i in spew/aplay ftrvxmtrx/imgtools ftrvxmtrx/mp3dec){
+ if(test -d $h/lib/extra/$i){
+ cd $h/lib/extra/$i
+ mk install && mk clean
+ }
+ }
+if(! test -e $h/p){
+ h=/usr/qwx
+ if(! test -e $h/p)
+ exit 'no p to hand'
+cd /
+bind -ac /dist/plan9front /
+hg revert --no-backup \
+ /lib/vgadb\
+ /rc/bin/^(9fs ircrc play)\
+ /sys/lib/plumb/basic\
+ /sys/lib/kbmap\
+ /sys/man/1/audio\
+ /sys/man/4/nusb\
+ /sys/src/9/pc64/mkfile\
+. /sys/lib/rootstub
+ramfs -um /n/mk
+@{cd /sys/src; tar c *} | @{cd /n/mk; tar x}
+bind /n/mk /sys/src
+#life-col.patch\ FIXME: goddamnit burnzez
+ko=(amd64 386)
+k=(pc64 pc)
+case hsw aib x220 t61p w520 u32
+ f=($f $colf)
+ ko=(amd64 386 arm)
+ k=(zynq pc pc64)
+case t61 t61p2 t60p w500
+ f=($f $colf)
+case ibm3000 t43
+ f=($f $colf)
+ ko=386
+ k=(pc)
+case *
+ ko=386
+ k=(pc)
+for(i in $h/lib/extra/ftrvxmtrx/riow/9front.diff $h/lib/extra/ftrvxmtrx/patches/rio-select.patch $h/p/patch/$f)
+ ape/patch -s --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $i
+cp -x $h/p/dot/vgadb /lib/vgadb
+rm -f (/lib/vgadb /rc/bin/ircrc /sys/man/4/nusb)^.orig
+cd /sys/src
+ mk clean
+ for(i in $ko)
+ objtype=$i mk nuke
+ mk install || exit 'NOPE'
+ for(i in $ko)
+ if(! ~ $i $objtype)
+ objtype=$i mk install || exit 'NOPE'
+ mk clean
+ for(i in $ko)
+ objtype=$i mkp
+} | pump || exit 'NOPE'
+cd /sys/man
+for(i in $k){
+ cd /sys/src/9/^$i
+ mk clean && mk install && mk clean
+9fs 9fat
+if(~ $objtype amd64 386){
+ rm /n/9fat/9bootfat
+ cp /386/9bootfat /n/9fat/
+ chmod +al /n/9fat/9bootfat
+for(i in $k)
+ switch($i){
+ case pc
+ if(! ~ $sysname aib)
+ cp /386/9pc /n/9fat/
+ case pc64
+ if(! ~ $sysname aib)
+ cp /amd64/9pc64 /n/9fat/
+ case zynq
+ cp /arm/9zynq /n/9fat/
+ }
+unmount /n/9fat
+unmount /n/9
+rm /srv/dos
+} >>/tmp/mku.$pid
+#echo sync >>/srv/hjfs.cmd
+rm /tmp/mku.$pid
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mlu
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+if(! ~ $#* 2){
+ echo usage: $0 listname destdir
+ exit usage
+cd /n/$1
+syncab /n/$1 $2 | tee | rc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mpi
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+rfork n
+! ~ $#* 0 && ep=$1
+games/dmid -s /dev/usb/$ep/data | games/opl3 | norm 5 >/dev/audio
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nes
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/256;
+ b=$2/240;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*256 == $1 || c*240 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*240+8
+ }'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+ nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba 1 | {games/nes -a $*(3-) || games/nes $*(3-)}
+if not
+ games/nes -a $* || games/nes $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nesj
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+n=`{sed -n '/ep.\.0/h;${g;s/^(ep.\.0).*/\1/p;}' /dev/usb/ctl}
+while(~ $1 -?){
+ switch($1){
+ case -k # just make /sys/src/9/boot/nusbrc do nothing if it sees your
+ # device instead
+ p=`{ps | sed -n '/ kb$/h;${g;s/^[^ ]+ +([0-9]+) .*/\1/p;}'}
+ echo kill >/proc/$p/note
+ wait $p
+ case -n
+ n=ep$2.0
+ shift
+ }
+ shift
+echo resize -dx 776 -dy 728 >/dev/wctl
+nusb/joy /dev/usb/$n | joynes 1 | games/nes -a3 $*
+# press Kdel again to kill nusb/joy...
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/oots
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+# finds out which is the last comic, then downloads missing ones from cwd, exiting
+# upon the first collision
+# it's filthy.
+flag e +
+x=(`{hget \
+| sed -n 's/<B>Order of the Stick <\/B><A href="([^"]+)".*/\1/p'})
+n=`{echo $x | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
+while(! ~ $n '#' && ! test -e $n^*){
+ x=(`{hget$x(1) \
+ | sed -n '
+ /IMG src="\/comics/{
+ s/.*src="([^"]+)".*/\1/p
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*<A href="([^"]+)"><IMG src="\/Images\/redesign\/ComicNav_Back.gif".*/\1/p'
+ })
+ n=$n^`{echo $x(2) | sed 's/.*\.([^\/\.]+)$/\1/'}
+ hget$x(2) >$n
+ n=`{echo $x(1) | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/pcm2opus
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+audio/opusenc --bitrate 128 --music --downmix-stereo
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/pcmf
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+rfork n
+fn clean{ rm -f $t }
+fn sigexit{ clean }
+fn sigint{ clean }
+play -o /tmp/pplay.$pid $* >[2]/dev/null
+pplay -f /tmp/pplay.$pid
+rm -f /tmp/pplay.$pid
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/psam
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+case 3840x2160x*
+ r=(0 564 3840 1882)
+case 1920x1200x*
+ r=(0 0 1920 1018)
+case 1920x1080x*
+ r=(0 0 1920 898)
+case 1600x1200x*
+ r=(0 0 1920 928)
+case 1400x1050x*
+ r=(0 0 1400 906)
+case 1366x768x*
+ r=(0 0 1366 625)
+if(! ~ $#r 0)
+ window -m -r $r sam -a $* $home/p/not/todo.proj
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qdemo
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+window -r 952 0 1920 608 'cd lib/dm/plt; doom -z plt -noztele -playdemo dime >/dev/null >[2=1]'
+window -r 156 -1 964 607 'quake2 +set game q2dq2 >/dev/null >[2=1]'
+window -r 2 474 810 1082 'qk1 -m 24 >/dev/null >[2=1]'
+window -r 806 597 1454 1005 'wl3d -s'
+window -r 1450 596 1921 1081 'p $home/p/rc/qdemo; read -c 1'
+window -r 0 0 160 478 'stats -lmsc'
+window -scroll -r 806 1026 1194 1080 'play mv/gojira.torii.mp3 m/gojira.*'
+# todo: do these automatically:
+# q2dq2: map run/base1.dm2
+# qk1: playdemo start
+# wl3d: either find good demos, or just play a game while the rest is going
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qk1
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+rfork ne
+case x220 w520 t61p2 t61p
+ res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
+case hsw
+ res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
+ a=(-m 32)
+case *
+ res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
+echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
+bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd # cdfs(4)
+quake $a $* >/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qk2
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+rfork ne
+res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
+# launch ctf with: qk2 -g ctf $* +set ctf 1
+# launch crbot with: qk2 -g crbot $* +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf 0
+while(~ $1 -?){
+ switch($1){
+ case -g
+ # mods' executables are named q2$x
+ c=(q2$2 +set game $2)
+ shift
+ case -m
+ cdmnt=$2
+ shift
+ case -r
+ res=(-dx `{echo $2 + 8 | pc -n} -dy `{echo $3 + 8 | pc -n})
+ shift 2
+ case -z
+ noresz=1
+ }
+ shift
+if(~ $#noresz 0)
+ echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
+bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake2/cd /mnt/cd # cdfs(4)
+$c $* >/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qk3
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+#cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +set fs_game cpma +map cpm22
+cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +map q3dm17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/qw
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+rfork ne
+case x220 w520 t61p2 t61p
+ res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
+case hsw
+ res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
+case *
+ res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
+echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
+bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd # cdfs(4)
+qwcl -mem 32 $* >/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/repou
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+# giturl\tname\tdir\tdesc
+awk '
+ FS="\t"
+}$1 !~ /^(#|$)/{
+ print $2
+ basedir = $3
+ sub("/[^/]+$", "", basedir)
+ # yikes
+ if(system("test -d " $3) != 0){
+ system("mkdir -p " basedir)
+ system("git/clone " $1 " " $3)
+ }else{
+ system("rc -c \''cd " $3 "; git/pull\''")
+ }
+' $home/p/lib/^(plan9 unix)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/riostart
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+. /tmp/sizes
+window -scroll -r $kprintrect cat /dev/kprint
+window -r $catrect games/catclock
+window -r $volrect volume
+window -r $statrect stats -lmsedz
+window -scroll -r $cmdrect 'label cmd; rc'
+window -r $duckrect duck
+window -r $riowrect 'label riow; riow </srv/riogkbd*'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rsam
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+rfork ne
+case 3840x2160x*
+ r=(0 564 3840 2152)
+ rs=(0 564 3840 1882)
+ rw=(0 1616 714 2160)
+case 1920x1200x*
+ r=(0 0 1920 1192)
+ rs=(0 0 1920 1018)
+ rw=(0 656 714 1200)
+case 1920x1080x*
+ r=(0 0 1920 1072)
+ rs=(0 0 1920 898)
+ rw=(0 536 714 1080)
+case 1600x1200x*
+ r=(0 0 1920 1192)
+ rs=(0 0 1920 928)
+ rw=(0 656 714 1200)
+case 1400x1050x*
+ r=(0 0 1400 1042)
+ rs=(0 0 1400 906)
+ rw=(0 506 714 1050)
+case 1366x768x*
+ r=(0 0 1366 760)
+ rs=(0 0 1366 625)
+ rw=(0 224 714 768)
+if(~ $#r 0)
+ exit 'nope, unknown resolution'
+if(test -f $home/lib/rsam){
+ f=`{cat $home/lib/rsam}
+ eval 'f=('^$"f^')'
+cat <<! >/env/fuckrc
+unmount /mnt/plumb
+rio -k '
+ window -r $rw -scroll
+ window -r $rs sam -a $* $f
+window -m -hide -r $r rc /env/fuckrc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/shl
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+awk '
+ srand()
+ printf "%06d %s\n", rand() * 1000000, $0
+' |\
+ sort -n |\
+ sed 's/^[0-9]+ //'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/sizes
@@ -1,0 +1,76 @@
+screensize=`{echo $vgasize | sed 's/x/ /g'}
+#screensize=`{file /dev/screen | sed 's/.*size ([^x]+)x([^x]+)/\1 \2/'}
+# general placements
+briorect=(0 0 $screensize(1) `{echo $screensize(2) - 16 | pc -n})
+bsamrect=(0 0 $briorect(3) `{echo $briorect(4) - 64 | pc -n})
+bcmdrect=( \
+ 0 \
+ `{echo $bsamrect(4) - $bsamrect(4) / 3 | pc -n} \
+ `{echo $bsamrect(3) / 3 | pc -n} \
+ $briorect(4) \
+# default windows
+catrect=( \
+ 0 \
+ 0 \
+ 130 \
+ 296 \
+volrect=( \
+ `{echo $catrect(3) + 4 | pc -n} \
+ 0 \
+ 768 \
+ 28 \
+kprintrect=( \
+ $volrect(1) \
+ `{echo $volrect(4) + 4 | pc -n} \
+ $volrect(3) \
+ `{echo $catrect(4) / 2 | pc -n} \
+statrect=( \
+ $volrect(1) \
+ `{echo $kprintrect(4) + 4 | pc -n} \
+ $volrect(3) \
+ $catrect(4) \
+cmdrect=( \
+ 0 \
+ `{echo $catrect(4) + 4 | pc -n} \
+ $volrect(3) \
+ $screensize(2) \
+riowrect=( \
+ `{echo $screensize(1) - 100 | pc -n} \
+ `{echo $screensize(2) - 28 | pc -n} \
+ $screensize(1) \
+ $screensize(2) \
+zukerect=( \
+ `{echo $screensize(1) - 768 | pc -n} \
+ 0 \
+ $screensize(1) \
+ $screensize(2) \
+duckrect=( \
+ `{echo $screensize(1) / 2 | pc -n} \
+ 0 \
+ $screensize(1) \
+ `{echo $screensize(2) - 256 | pc -n} \
+cat <<! >/tmp/sizes
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/skey
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+rfork n
+games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/doom2.wad >[2]/dev/null
+mkey | games/dmid -s | games/opl3 | norm 5 >/dev/audio
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/snes
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/256;
+ b=$2/239;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*256 == $1 || c*239 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*239+8
+ }'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+ nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/snes -a $*(3-) || games/snes $*(3-)}
+if not
+ games/snes -a $* || games/snes $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/stealrc
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+cp -x \
+ $repo/kvik/bin.rc/bin/^(last pfx) \
+ $repo/jpm/rc/^(fcalls fman h top ircx netproc irctime) \
+ $repo/ftrvxmtrx/rc/youtube \
+ $repo/aiju/rc/fun \
+ $repo/qrstuv/9paste \
+ $repo/sources.extra/ps2txt \
+ $repo/henesy/gelinks.rc \
+ $dest
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/syncab
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+rfork n
+if(~ $1 -m){
+ nomtime=1
+ shift
+if(! ~ $#* 2){
+ echo usage: $0 [-m] left right
+ exit usage
+derp -t $ref $ref $old |\
+ awk \
+ -F' ' \
+ -v 'ref='^$ref \
+ -v 'old='^$old \
+ -v 'nomtime='^$nomtime \
+ rm["na"] = rm["dn"] = rm["dm!"] = 1
+ if(nomtime)
+ nocp["nm"] = 1
+ gsub("\''", "\''\''", $2)
+ if($1 in rm)
+ ls["rm"] = "''" old "/" $2 "'' " ls["rm"]
+ else if(! ($1 in nocp))
+ ls["cp"] = ls["cp"] " " "''" $2 "''"
+ cnt[$1]++
+ for(i in cnt)
+ print "#" i, cnt[i]
+ if("rm" in ls)
+ print "rm", ls["rm"]
+ if("cp" in ls)
+ print "@{cd", ref, "; tar c", ls["cp"], "} | @{cd", old, "; tar xT}"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/syncbv91
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+rfork n
+if(! ~ $#* 1){
+ echo usage: $0 sys
+ exit usage
+if(! sshfs tcp!$1!8022){
+ echo ssh failed: $status
+ exit ssh
+# sd card mtimes are full of lies
+if(~ $1 ule){
+ for(i in m*){
+ if(! test -d /n/ssh/m)
+ ssh tcp!bv91!8022 ln -s storage/external-1/m m || exit
+ if(! test -d /n/ssh/m/$i)
+ clone -T $i /n/ssh/m/
+ if not
+ syncab -m $i /n/ssh/m/$i | tee -a /tmp/sync.$pid
+ }
+syncab $home/lib/i /n/ssh/Pictures | tee -a /tmp/sync.$pid
+echo proceed?
+if(! ~ `{read} yes){
+ echo exiting
+ exit nope
+. /tmp/sync.$pid && rm /tmp/sync.$pid
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/sysup
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+bind -ac /dist/plan9front /
+old=`{git/query HEAD}
+git/query -c $old HEAD
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/t
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+if(~ $#* 1)
+ *=(ssh tcp!$1!x)
+vt -2bf /lib/font/bit/fixed/unicode.6x10.font $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/tac
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+ l[NR] = $0
+ while(NR > 0)
+ print l[NR--]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/tcp19000
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+cd /usr/share/radio
+while(~ $status '')
+ dd -bs 512x1024 -if `{fortune <{ls}} >[2]/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/tcp19564
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+exec tlssrv -A -l 9dump -r `{cat $3/remote} /bin/exportfs -R -r /usr/share
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/theme
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+picker </dev/theme >/dev/theme
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/themeset
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+cat $home/lib/theme/rio >/mnt/wsys/theme
+sleep 0.5
+grep softscreen /dev/vgactl >>/dev/vgactl
+echo hwblank off >>/dev/vgactl
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/tospr
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+# FIXME: includes garbage past the end
+fn cleanup{
+ if(! ~ $#tf 0)
+ rm -f $tf
+ tf=()
+fn sigint{
+ cleanup
+ exit
+fn sigexit{
+ cleanup
+if(! ~ $#* 2){
+ echo usage: $0 pal image
+ exit usage
+iconv -uc r8g8b8 $2 > $tf
+r=`{awk '{ print $4-$2, $5-$3; exit }' $tf}
+awk '
+NR == 1{
+ npal = $2
+FNR == NR && NR != 1{
+ pal[$1] = NR-2
+FNR == 1 && NR != 1{
+ print "sprite", '^$r(1)^,^$r(2)^',"'^$1^'"
+FNR != NR{
+ if($1 in pal)
+ printf "%d ", pal[$1]
+ else{
+ print "value " $1 " not in palette!"
+ exit
+ }
+ if(++px == '^$r(1)^'){
+ printf "\n"
+ px = 0
+ }
+' $1 <{dd -bs 5x12 -skip 1 <$tf >[2]/dev/null \
+ | xd -1x \
+ | ssam '
+,s/^....... +//g
+s/\n/ /g
+s/(..) (..) (..) /0x\3\2\1\n/g
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/tx
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+if(~ $#* 1)
+ *=(ssh tcp!$1!x)
+vt -xbf /lib/font/bit/fixed/unicode.6x10.font $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ufo
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+rfork n
+srv tcp!!4458 ufo /n/ufo
+rm /srv/ufo
+rio -k 'window ''echo ''''pump -k 51200 -b 131072 </n/ufo/radio | audio/mp3dec >/dev/audio''''; rc'''
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/unhex
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+# dd ... | xd -1x | ssam '...' | unhex | dd ...
+function hex(s, v){
+ if(s ~ /^0x/)
+ s = substr(s, 3)
+ for(n=1; n<=length(s); n++)
+ v = v * 16 + h[substr(s, n, 1)]
+ return v
+ for(n=0; n<16; n++)
+ h[sprintf("%x", n)] = n
+ for(i=2; i<=NF; i++)
+ printf "%c", hex("0x" $i)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/unspr
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+if(! ~ $#* 2){
+ echo usage: $0 pal spr
+ exit usage
+awk '
+function hex(s, v){
+ if(s ~ /^0x/)
+ s = substr(s, 3)
+ for(n=1; n<=length(s); n++)
+ v = v * 16 + h[substr(s, n, 1)]
+ return v
+ for(n=0; n<16; n++){
+ h[sprintf("%x", n)] = n
+ h[sprintf("%X", n)] = n
+ }
+FNR == 1{
+ x = $2
+ y = $3
+FNR == NR{
+ sub(/0x/, "")
+ gsub(/../, "0x& ")
+ split($0, a)
+ c[i,3] = hex(a[1])
+ c[i,2] = hex(a[2])
+ c[i,1] = hex(a[3])
+ i++
+ next
+ if(FNR == 1){
+ printf " r8g8b8 0 0%12d%12d ", x, y
+ next
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=NF; i++){
+ n = $i + 1
+ printf "%c%c%c", c[n,1], c[n,2], c[n,3]
+ }
+' $1 $2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/v
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+rfork n
+if(~ $#* 0){
+ echo usage: $0 sys [vncvopts..]
+ exit usage
+case aib
+case t16
+case t30
+ sshnet tcp!$1!x || exit
+ *=u30
+case *
+ sshnet tcp!$1!x || exit
+vncv -l utf8 -e corre $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/v+
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+awk '/^master/{print $1, $2+5}' /dev/volume >/dev/volume
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/v-
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+awk '/^master/{print $1, $2-5}' /dev/volume >/dev/volume
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/vmx9
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+rfork n
+case w520
+ if(test -d /net/ether1)
+ n=ether1
+ if not
+ n=ether0
+ m=3G
+ echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+ vmx \
+ -M $m \
+ -n $n \
+ -d /tmp/iso/9front-6977.c7e7268b0786.iso \
+ -d /dev/sdE3/data \
+ -v 1024x768 \
+ $bootfile \
+ 'user=glenda mouseport=ps2'
+ echo quit >'#X'/0/ctl
+case *
+ echo nope.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/vmxants
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+rfork n
+case w520
+ if(test -d /net/ether1)
+ n=ether1
+ if not
+ n=ether0
+ m=3G
+ echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+ vmx \
+ -M $m \
+ -n $n \
+ -d /dev/sdE3/data \
+ -d /dev/sdUbff05/data \
+ -v 1024x768 \
+ $home/vmx/9ants64 \
+ 'user=glenda mouseport=ps2 bootcmd=plan9rc tgzfs=no cdboot=yes'
+ echo quit >'#X'/0/ctl
+case *
+ echo nope.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/vmxbsd
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+rfork n
+if(test -d /net/ether1)
+ n=ether1
+if not
+ n=ether0
+case u32
+ n=ether0
+ m=2G
+ d=/dev/sdU7af84/data
+ echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+ vmx \
+ -M $m \
+ -n $n \
+ -d $d \
+ -v vesa:1280x1024 \
+ /tmp/vmx/bsd65.rd \
+ 'device=sd0a'
+case w520
+ if(~ $cputype amd64)
+ m=3G
+ if not
+ m=1G
+ if(test -f /tmp/vmx/bsd.img)
+ d=/tmp/vmx/bsd.img
+ if not
+ d=/dev/sdE1/data
+ if(test -f /dev/sdU999b0.0/data)
+ d=($d -d /dev/sdU999b0.0/data)
+ if(test -f /dev/sdU999b0.1/data)
+ d=($d -d /dev/sdU999b0.1/data)
+ echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+ vmx \
+ -M $m \
+ -n $n \
+ -d $d \
+ -v vesa:1200x800 \
+ /tmp/vmx/bsd65.sp \
+ 'device=sd0a'
+case x220
+ if(~ $cputype amd64)
+ m=4G
+ if not
+ m=1G
+ echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+ vmx \
+ -M $m \
+ -n $n \
+ -d /dev/sdE0/data \
+ -v vesa:1366x768 \
+ $home/vmx/bsd64.sp \
+ 'device=sd0a'
+case *
+ echo nope.
+ exit nope.
+echo quit >'#X'/0/ctl
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/vmxlinux
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+rfork n
+vmid=`{awk '
+ i = 0
+ while(system("test -e \''#X\''/" i) == 0)
+ i++
+ print i
+fn clean{
+ for(i in '#X'/$vmid/ctl)
+ echo quit > $i
+fn sigexit{
+ clean
+fn sigint{
+ clean
+if(test -d '#l1'){
+ bind -aq '#l1' /net
+ n=ether1
+while(~ $1 -?){
+ switch($1){
+ case -d; d=$2; shift;
+ case -e; d=($d -d $2); shift;
+ case -k; k=$2; shift;
+ case -l; psd listen || aux/listen;
+ case -M; M=$2; shift;
+ case -m; m=$2; shift;
+ case -n; n=$2; shift;
+ case -v; v=$2; shift;
+ case --; break;
+ case *
+ echo usage: $0 [opts] [--] [more opts]
+ exit usage
+ }
+ shift
+echo $v | awk -Fx '{ print "resize -dx", $1+8, "-dy", $2+8 }' >/dev/wctl
+echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+vmx \
+ -d $d \
+ -M $M \
+ -m $m \
+ -n ea:$mac!$n \
+ -v vesa:$v \
+ $k \
+ $c $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/vncrio
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+rfork nefs
+bind -c $home/tmp /tmp
+bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin
+bind -a $home/bin/$cputype /bin
+test -f $home/p/rc/bindbins && . $home/p/rc/bindbins
+test -f $home/lib/ass){
+ auth/factotum
+ setec
+echo accelerated 5 >'#m'/mousectl
+prompt=('; ' ' ')
+rio -k '
+ window -r 586 0 1280 584 9grid
+ window -r 0 0 732 602 mw
+ window -scroll -r 0 324 612 806 ii
+ window -scroll -r 607 749 1280 800 girc /tmp/ircs/''#cat-v''
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/w
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+if(! ~ $#* 1){
+ echo $0 site
+ exit usage
+hget^$1^.png \
+ | page -w
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wircrc
@@ -1,0 +1,315 @@
+while (~ $1 -*) {
+ switch ($1) {
+ case -c
+ chans=`{echo $2 | sed 's/,/ /'}
+ shift
+ case -n
+ nick=$2
+ shift
+ case -p
+ port=$2
+ shift
+ case -r
+ realname=$2
+ shift
+ case -T
+ tls=1
+ case -*
+ echo 'usage: wircrc [-c chans] [-n nick] [-p port] [-r realname] [-T] [server]' >[1=2]
+ exit 'usage'
+ }
+ shift
+if(~ $#* 1)
+ server=$1
+bind '#|' /n/wircrc
+rfork en
+fn wmk {
+ id=$1
+ >/n/wircrc/data1 {
+ @{
+ rfork s
+ d=/n/wircrc.$id
+ p=`{cat /dev/ppid}
+ mount $wsys $d 'new -scroll -pid '^$p || exit
+ echo -n $id | tr -d \x0a >$d/label
+ echo wnew $id $d $p
+ if(! ~ $#* 1)
+ echo cmsg $id $*(2-)
+ <$d/cons {
+ while(line=`{read}){
+ ~ $line '' || echo wtype $id $line
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo wclose $id
+ }
+ exit
+fn etime {
+ date -t | sed 's/-//g;s/^..(.*)T(..):(..).*/\1:\2\3/'
+fn wio {
+ if(~ $1 $wins){
+ d=wd$1
+ d=$$d
+ @{echo `{etime} $*(2-) | tee -a /tmp/irc.^$1 >$d/cons}
+ }
+fn sio {
+ d=$1
+ if(~ $d *!*)
+ d=`{echo $d | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
+ if(~ $d $cons){
+ d=cd$d
+ d=$$d
+ @{echo $*(2-) >$d/data}
+ @{echo $*(2-) | sed -n 's/^PRIVMSG [^ ]+ :/'^`{etime}^' '^$nick^' ⇒ /p' >>/tmp/irc^.$1}
+ }
+fn wctl {
+ if(~ $1 $wins){
+ d=wd$1
+ d=$$d
+ shift
+ @{echo $* >$d/wctl}
+ }
+fn hangup {
+ if(~ $1 $cons){
+ d=cpid$1
+ d=$$d
+ @{echo kill >/proc/$d/notepg}
+ }
+fn getkey {
+ a=`{auth/userpasswd 'server='^$1^' service=irc user='^$nick >[2]/dev/null}
+ if(~ $#a 2)
+ pass=$a(2)
+ a=`{auth/userpasswd 'server='^$1^' service=ircsrv user='^$nick >[2]/dev/null}
+ if(~ $#a 2)
+ srvpass=$a(2)
+ a=()
+fn dial {
+ c=/n/wircrc.$1
+ bind '#|' $c
+ if(~ $2 1){
+ tlsclient $1 <>$c/data1 >[1=0] &
+ }
+ if not{
+ aux/trampoline $1 <>$c/data1 >[1=0] &
+ }
+ <>/$c/data >[1=0]{
+ $*(3-) $c $apid
+ exit
+ }
+fn irc {
+ >[3]/n/wircrc/data1 {
+ echo cnew $* >[1=3]
+ tr -d '\x2\x8\xd\x1f' | @{
+ while(line=`{read}){
+ if(~ $line(1) PING)
+ echo PONG $line(2-)
+ if not {
+ line=`{echo $line | sed '
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ PRIVMSG (#[^ ]+)[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\2 \1 \3/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ PRIVMSG :?([^ ]+)[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\1 \1 \3/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ NOTICE \*[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1' \1 \2/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ NOTICE ([^ ]+)[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\1 \1 \3/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (KICK) (#[^ ]+) ([^ ]+:?)(.*)/xmsg '$1'!\3 \2 \1 \4 \5/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ ([0-9]+)[^:]+:?(.*)/xmsg '$1' \2 \3/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (MODE|TOPIC) (#[^ ]+) :?(.*)/xmsg '$1'!\3 \2 \4/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (QUIT|NICK) :(.*)/xmsg '$1' \2 \1 \3/g;
+s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (JOIN|PART) (#[^\ ]+).*/xmsg '$1'!\3 \2 \1/g;
+s/^:(.*) (PONG) [^ ]+[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\1 \1 \2/g;
+ ~ $line '' || echo $line >[1=3]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo cclose $1 >[1=3]
+ }
+fn shutdown {
+ for(i in $cons)
+ hangup $i
+ for(i in $wins){
+ d=wp$i
+ d=$$d
+ @{echo hangup >/proc/$d/notepg} &
+ }
+ {}>/n/wircrc/data
+fn sighup {
+ shutdown
+fn sigint {
+ shutdown
+wmk $server &
+dial tcp!$server!$port $tls irc $server &
+</n/wircrc/data {
+ while(a=`{read}){
+ id=$a(2)
+ switch($a(1)){
+ case cnew
+ cd$id=$a(3)
+ cpid$id=$a(4)
+ cons=($id $cons)
+ getkey $id
+ if(! ~ $#srvpass 0)
+ sio $id PASS $srvpass
+ sio $id USER $user foo bar :$realname
+ sio $id NICK $nick
+ if(! ~ $#pass 0)
+ sio $id nickserv identify $pass
+ pass=()
+ srvpass=()
+ for(i in $chans){
+ if(~ $i $id!'#'*){
+ wmk $i &
+ sio $id JOIN `{echo $i | awk -F'!' '{print $2}'}
+ }
+ }
+ case cclose
+ d=cd$id
+ $d=()
+ oids=$cons
+ cons=()
+ for(i in $oids){
+ if(! ~ $i $id)
+ cons=($i $cons)
+ }
+ for(i in $wins){
+ if(~ $i $id || ~ $i $id!*)
+ wio $i HUNGUP $id
+ }
+ case wnew
+ wd$id=$a(3)
+ wp$id=$a(4)
+ wins=($id $wins)
+ #wio $id '---' $id '---'
+ case wclose
+ d=wd$id
+ p=wp$id
+ unmount $$d
+ $d=()
+ $p=()
+ oids=$wins
+ wins=()
+ for(i in $oids){
+ if(! ~ $i $id)
+ wins=($i $wins)
+ }
+ if(~ $id $chans){
+ oids=$chans
+ chans=()
+ for(i in $oids){
+ if(! ~ $i $id)
+ chans=($i $chans)
+ }
+ sio $id PART `{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $2}'}
+ }
+ case xmsg
+ if(~ $id $wins)
+ wio $id $a(3-)
+ if not {
+ for(i in $wins){
+ if(~ $i $id!*)
+ wio $i $a(3-)
+ }
+ }
+ case cmsg
+ if(~ $id $wins)
+ wio $id $a(3) '⇒' $a(4-)
+ if not if(~ $id $wins2)
+ echo $a >/n/wircrc/data1
+ if not if(! ~ $id *!'#'*){
+ wmk $id $a(3-) &
+ wins2=($id $wins2)
+ }
+ case wtype
+ switch($a(3)){
+ case /x
+ shutdown
+ case /s
+ server=$a(4)
+ if(! ~ $server '' && ! ~ $server $cons){
+ if(! ~ $server $wins)
+ wmk $server &
+ if(~ $a(5) port)
+ port=$a(6)
+ dial tcp!$server!$port $tls irc $server &
+ }
+ case /j /t
+ target=$a(4)
+ server=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
+ if(! ~ $target '' && ~ $server $cons){
+ id=$server!$target
+ if(~ $id $wins){
+ wctl $id unhide
+ wctl $id current
+ }
+ if not {
+ wmk $id &
+ }
+ if(~ $a(3) /j && ~ $target '#'*){
+ if(! ~ $id $chans){
+ chans=($id $chans)
+ sio $server JOIN $target
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case /h
+ if(~ $a(4) $cons)
+ id=$a(4)
+ hangup `{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
+ case /n
+ nick = $a(4)
+ server=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
+ sio $server NICK $a(4)
+ case /p
+ server=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
+ sio $server PING $server
+ case *
+ target=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $2}'}
+ if(~ $target '')
+ sio $id $a(3-)
+ if not {
+ a=$a(3-)
+ sio $id PRIVMSG $target ':'^$"a
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wl
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+rfork n
+bind -b . /sys/games/lib/wl3d
+cd $home/lib/wl3d
+if(~ $1 -R){
+ r=(-dx $2 -dy $3)
+ shift 2
+if not if(~ $#vgasize 0)
+ r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
+if not
+ r=`{echo $vgasize |\
+ awk -Fx '{
+ a=$1/320;
+ b=$2/200;
+ c=int(b<a?b:a);
+ if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
+ c--;
+ print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
+ }'
+ }
+echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
+wl3d $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/workspace
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+if(! test -d $home/lib/work){
+ echo no work files
+ exit 'no work nor worry'
+. /tmp/sizes
+for(i in $home/lib/work/*){
+ window -hide -r $briorect $i
+ sleep 2
+ last=`{cd /dev/wsys; ls | sort -n | tail -1}
+ echo -n `{basename $i} >/dev/wsys/$last/label
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wpa
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+ip/ipconfig unbind || status=''
+if(! test -d /net/ether1)
+ bind -a '#l1' /net
+aux/wpa -s $1 /net/ether1
+ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ya
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+# easiest way, low quality
+if(! ~ $#* 1){
+ echo usage $0 videoid
+ exit usage
+nvi -A 251 -a /fd/1 $"1 |\
+ mcfs -t audio |\
+ audio/opusdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/yv
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+# easiest way, low quality
+if(! ~ $#* 1){
+ echo usage $0 videoid
+ exit usage
+nvi -V 18 -v /tmp/vid.mp4 $"1 \
+ && treason /tmp/vid.mp4 \
+ && rm /tmp/vid.mp4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/z
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+rfork n
+audio/mkplist $* >[2]/dev/null | audio/zuke -cpD
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/z2
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+theme=$home/lib/theme/dicks audio/zuke -cpD $* <$list
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/übung
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+# FIXME: alternatives/synonyms: don't fail because of those
+# FIXME: examples, phrases
+# FIXME: verb conjugation
+# FIXME: meaning alternatives
+# FIXME: noun genders, plural, derivatives/compounds
+# FIXME: shuffle list every time it's parsed completely
+# FIXME: randomly ask english or german
+files=$home/p/not/ger/^(adj adv cnj exp itj nou prn prp vrb)
+fn sigint{
+ echo; echo deine Endsumme: $score/$total Punkte, pfff.
+ e
+ exit ''
+fn chk{
+ a=$2
+ b=$1
+ if(~ $en 1){
+ a=$1
+ b=$2
+ }
+ echo -n was ist $a?' '
+ if(! ~ `{read -n 1} $b)
+ echo NEIN! es ist $b!
+ if not
+ score=`{echo $score | awk '{print $1+1}'}
+ total=`{echo $total | awk '{print $1+1}'}
+while(~ $1 -*){
+ switch($1){
+ case -e
+ en=1
+ }
+ shift
+' l=(`{cat $files \
+ | sed '/^ /d;/^$/d;s/ */ /g' \
+ | awk -F ' ' 'BEGIN{srand()}{printf "%06d %s\n", rand()*1000000, $0;}' \
+ | sort -n \
+ | sed 's/^[0-9]* //'})
+ for(i in $l)
+ chk `{echo $i | awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s\n%s", $1, $2}'}
--- a/bindbins
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-if(test -d $home/p/rc)
- bind -a $home/p/rc/bin /bin
-if(test -d $home/p/rc2)
- bind -a $home/p/rc2/bin /bin
-if(test -d $home/p/pico)
- touch $home/bin/rc/pico && bind $home/p/pico/pico $home/bin/rc/pico
-if(test -d $home/p/sm2/bin)
- bind -a $home/p/sm2/bin /bin
-if(test -d $home/p/notes/bin)
- bind -a $home/p/notes/bin /bin
-if(test -d /sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.2/bin)
- bind -a /sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.2/bin /bin
-if(test -f $home/p/rc/fn)
- . $home/p/rc/fn
-#if(test -d $home/p/sm2/lib)
-# bind -ac $home/p/sm2/lib /lib
--- a/br
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-# SBLC_PWM_CTL2: bytes 15:0, range 0 (off) to v>>16 (full)
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
- echo usage: $0 factor
- exit 'usage'
-v=`{seg -Lr igfxmmio 0x400000 0xc8254}
-if(~ $#v 0)
- exit 'no such named segment'
-v=`{echo 'v='$v'; v & ~0xffff | ((v>>16) / '$1')' | pc -n}
-if(! ~ $#v 1)
- exit 'invalid factor'
-seg -Lw igfxmmio 0x400000 0xc8254 $v
--- a/cex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
-function q(){
- o = 1 + int(rand() * 10 % 4)
- a = 1 + int(rand() * (o==4 ? 1000 : 100))
- b = 1 + int(rand() * 100)
- r = o==1 ? a + b\
- : o==2 ? a - b\
- : o==3 ? a * b\
- : a / b # equality works... sometimes? rounding errors?
- print a, op[o], b
- op[1] = "+"
- op[2] = "-"
- op[3] = "*"
- op[4] = "/"
- srand()
- q()
- if($1 != r){
- print "NEIN NEIN NEIN! " r
- system("theo")
- }
- q()
--- a/chat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +1,0 @@
-# minimal chat client for hubfs: chat [-n NICK] [-j CHANNEL] [chatsrv]
-# dd -bs `{du -n /n/chat/chat | sed 's/ .*//'} -skip 1 -if /n/chat/chat
-rfork enf
-fn helpmessage{
- echo -------------------------
- echo '/q to quit | /c to list channels | /h for help message'
- echo '/n NICK to change nick | /j CHANNEL to change channels'
- echo -------------------------
-fn close{
- #echo PART $name from $channel >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
- @{echo kill>/proc/$catkill/ctl}
-fn shutdown{
- close
- exit
-fn sighup{
- shutdown
-fn sigint{
- shutdown
-while (~ $1 -*){
- switch($1){
- case -n
- name = $2
- shift 2
- case -j
- channel = $2
- shift 2
- case *
- echo bad flag $1 '-n NICK -j CHANNEL'
- shift
- }
-if(! ~ $1 '')
- chatsrv=$1
-if(! test -e /n/$chatsrv/chat)
- mount /srv/$chatsrv /n/$chatsrv
-if(! test -e /n/$chatsrv/chat){
- echo 'no chat service named $chatsrv found' >[1=2]
- exit
-echo ' -- hubchat 0.2 --'
-sleep 2
-while(~ $#name 0){
- echo 'please enter a chat name:'
- name=`{read}
-#echo JOIN $name to $channel >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
-#grep -bv '^BurnZeZ : ' /n/$chatsrv/$channel &
-cat /n/$chatsrv/$channel &
- switch($talk(1)){
- case /q
- shutdown
- case /n
- if(! ~ $talk(2) ''){
- echo nick $name ' -> ' $talk(2) >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
- name=$talk(2)
- }
- if not
- echo 'you need to provide a nick for /n NICK'
- case /j
- if (~ $talk(2) '')
- echo must specify a channel to join
- if not if(test -e /n/chat/$talk(2)){
- close
- channel=$talk(2)
- cat /n/chat/$channel &
- catkill=$apid
- echo JOIN $name to $channel >>/n/$chatsrv/$channel
- }
- if not
- echo channel does not exist
- case /h
- helpmessage
- echo currently in $channel
- echo
- case /c
- echo Available channels:
- lc /n/$chatsrv
- echo -------------------
- echo currently in $channel
- echo
- case *
-# ts=`{date -u}
-# ts=`{echo '('^$ts(4)^')'}
- if(! ~ $talk ''){
- line=`{echo $name '→ ' $talk}
- echo $line >>/n/chat/$channel
- }
- }
--- a/chord
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/doom2.wad >[2]/dev/null || exit
-cat <<! | mst | games/dmid | games/opl3 | norm 5 | pplay
-t $1
-4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
-4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
-4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
-4 0c♭3 0e♭3 0g♭3
--- a/cinrio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-unmount /mnt/plumb
--- a/cpurio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $sysname aib && ~ `{ns | grep '#v'} ''){
- screenrc
- echo softscreen off >'#v/vgactl'
- echo hwaccel on >'#v/vgactl'
-rfork efns # weeeee
-bind -a '#A' /dev
-bind -c $home/tmp /tmp
-bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin
-bind -a $home/bin/$cputype /bin
-test -f $home/p/rc/bindbins && . $home/p/rc/bindbins
-test -f $home/lib/ass){
- auth/factotum
- setec
-case w500
- echo pin 22 >'#A'/audioctl
- echo inpin 23 >'#A'/audioctl
-case hsw
- echo pin 27 >'#A/audioctl'
- echo inpin 25 >'#A'/audioctl
-if(! ~ $sysname aib)
- echo master 40 >'#A/volume'
-echo accelerated 3 >'#m'/mousectl
-prompt=('; ' ' ')
-rio -i riostart
-# might be nice to do dontkill '^(rio|rc)$'
--- a/dmlotr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -xe
- hget $f | sed 's/[<>]/\n/g' >$t
- for(i in `{sed -n 's/.*img src=''(http.*\/images\/[^'']+)''.*/\1/p' $t})
- dw $i
- f=`{sed -n 's/.*a href="(http[^\?]+\?p=[^"]+)".*/\1/p' $t | sed -n '5{p;q;}'}
- if(~ $#f 0){
- rm $t
- exit
- }
--- a/dmus.mp3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +1,0 @@
-# this overrides music in final doom and any custom music in pwads, since the
-# labels are hardcoded in the source.
- case adrian
- f=$home/m/doom2.adrians.asleep.mp3
- case ampie
- f=$home/m/doom2.bye.bye.american.pie.mp3
- case betwee
- f=$home/m/doom2.between.levels.mp3
- case bunny
- f=$home/m/doom.bunny.mp3
- case countd count2
- f=$home/m/
- case dead dead2
- f=$home/m/doom2.the.demons.dead.mp3
- case dm2ttl
- f=$home/m/doom2.intro.mp3
- case dm2int
- f=$home/m/doom2.intermission.mp3
- case doom doom2
- f=$home/m/doom2.doom.mp3
- case ddtblu ddtbl2 ddtbl3
- f=$home/m/doom2.the.dave.d.taylor.blues.mp3
- case e1m1
- f=$home/m/
- case e1m2
- f=$home/m/
- case e1m3
- f=$home/m/doom.dark.halls.mp3
- case e1m4
- f=$home/m/
- case e1m5
- f=$home/m/doom.suspense.mp3
- case e1m6 e3m6
- f=$home/m/doom.on.the.hunt.mp3
- case e1m7 e2m5 e3m5
- f=$home/m/doom.demons.on.the.prey.mp3
- case e1m8 e3m4
- f=$home/m/doom.sign.of.evil.mp3
- case e1m9 e3m9
- f=$home/m/doom.hiding.the.secrets.mp3
- case e2m1
- f=$home/m/doom.i.sawed.the.demons.mp3
- case e2m2
- f=$home/m/doom.the.demons.from.adrians.pen.mp3
- case e2m3 inter
- f=$home/m/doom.intermission.from.doom.mp3
- case e2m4
- f=$home/m/
- case e2m6
- f=$home/m/doom.sinister.mp3
- case e2m7 e3m7
- f=$home/m/doom.waltz.of.the.demons.mp3
- case e2m8
- f=$home/m/
- case e2m9 e3m1
- f=$home/m/doom.untitled.mp3
- case e3m2
- f=$home/m/
- case e3m3
- f=$home/m/doom.deep.into.the.code.mp3
- case e3m8
- f=$home/m/doom.facing.the.spider.mp3
- case evil
- f=$home/m/doom2.evil.incarnate.mp3
- case in_cit
- f=$home/m/
- case intro
- f=$home/m/doom.title.mp3
- case messag messg2
- f=$home/m/doom2.message.from.the.archvile.mp3
- case openin
- f=$home/m/
- case read_m
- f=$home/m/doom2.end.mp3
- case romero romer2
- f=$home/m/
- case runnin runni2
- f=$home/m/doom2.running.from.evil.mp3
- case shawn shawn2 shawn3
- f=$home/m/
- case stalks stlks2 stlks3
- f=$home/m/doom2.the.healer.stalks.mp3
- case tense
- f=$home/m/doom2.getting.too.tense.mp3
- case the_da theda2 theda3
- f=$home/m/
- case ultima
- f=$home/m/doom2.the.ultimate.challenge.mp3
- case victor
- f=$home/m/doom.victor.mp3
- }
-audio/mp3dec <$f
--- a/doom
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-# set up namespace for a particular version of doom and launch it
-# default setup:
-# - $home/lib/doom: mntpt and location of config file
-# - $home/lib/doom/$game: user game directories: savegames and screenshots
-# - /sys/games/lib/doom/$game: system iwad and pwad directories
-# cwd is bound over $mntpt to allow loading stuff from there
-# example: launch doom2 with scythe.wad (both in /sys/games/lib/doom/d2)
-# ; doom d2 -file scythe.wad
-# example game version names:
-# doom.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d1/
-# doom2.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/
-# doom2f.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2f/
-# doom1.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/dsh/
-# plutonia.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/plt/
-# tnt.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/tnt/
-# doomu.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/ud/
-rfork ne
-flagfmt='b,l,z,m mntpt'
-args='game [params]'
-if(! ifs=() eval `{aux/getflags $*} || ~ $#* 0){
- aux/usage
- exit usage
-if(~ $#flagm 1)
- mntpt=$flagm
-if(! test -d $mntpt/$1)
- mkdir -p $mntpt/$1
-bind -ac $mntpt/$1 $mntpt
-if(test -d /sys/games/lib/doom/$1)
- bind -a /sys/games/lib/doom/$1 $mntpt
-if(! ~ $flagb 1)
- bind -b `{pwd} $mntpt
-cd $mntpt
-# max scaling factor is 4 unless doom itself is patched
-if(~ $#vgasize 0 || ~ $flagz 1)
- r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
-if not
- r=`{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/320;
- b=$2/200;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
- }'
- }
-if(! ~ $flagz 1)
- echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
-if(! ~ $flagl 1)
- games/doom $* >/dev/null
-if not
- games/doom $* >/tmp/doomlog.$pid >[2=1]
--- a/dp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,0 @@
-audio/pcmconv -i u32r1c1 -o U32r1c1 <$home/dport*.bin >/dev/pl
-mkdir '#g'/fb
-echo 'va 0x40000000 0x10000000 fixed' > '#g'/fb/ctl
-@{ rfork n; run >/dev/null; bind -b '#i' /dev } # ?
--- a/dpal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-# convert selected playpal palette to spred(1) format
-# FIXME: includes garbage past the end
-while(~ $1 -n){
- pn=$2
- shift 2
-echo pal 256
-dd -bs 768 -skip $pn -count 1 <$1 >[2]/dev/null \
- | xd -1x \
- | ssam '
-,s/^....... +//g
-s/\n/ /g
-s/(..) (..) (..) /0x\1\2\3\n/g
--- a/duck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-#plumb -d web ''
-mothra ''
--- a/dw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-if(~ $1 -o){
- of=1
- shift
-for(i in $*){
- f=`{echo $i | sed -n 's,.*/([^/]+)$,\1,p'}
- if(! ~ $#of 0 || ! test -e $f)
- echo $f'
-} | xargs -n 2 -p 10 hget -o
--- a/edit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-B /dev/wsys/`{sed 's/[ ]+//g' /dev/winid}^/text
--- a/eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether1 unbind
-Kill wpa | rc
-ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether0
--- a/fpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,0 @@
-ps -n | awk '
-/ play$/ { g[++i] = $3 }
-{ for(n=1; n<=i; n++) if(g[n] == $3) p[n] = $2 }
-END { for(n=1; n<=i; n++) print p[n] }
--- a/frequenzbohrer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
-# ; mkdir $home/mid
-# ; for(i in $notestringsbelow) echo 2 0^$i | mst | games/midi -c > $home/mid/^$i^.pcm
-function extant(v, a){
- for(e in a)
- if(a[e] == v)
- return 1
- return 0
-function addrange(n){
- i = length(roster) + 1
- for(o in range){
- m = n + range[o]
- if(m > 0 && m <= length(note) && !extant(m, roster))
- roster[i++] = m
- }
-function new(){
- print "Find die noten, allied schweinhund!"
- for(i in qs){
- do
- n = int(rand() * 10000000 % length(roster) + 1)
- while(extant(roster[n], qs))
- qs[i] = roster[n]
- }
- for(i in keys)
- qs[int(rand() * 10000000 % length(qs) + 1)] = keys[i]
- cmd = "cat $home/mid/^("
- for(i=1; i<=length(qs); i++)
- cmd = cmd note[qs[i]] ".pcm "
- cmd = cmd ") >/dev/audio"
- system(cmd)
- split("\
-c0 c♯0 d0 d♯0 e0 f0 f♯0 g0 g♯0 a0 a♯0 b0 \
-c1 c♯1 d1 d♯1 e1 f1 f♯1 g1 g♯1 a1 a♯1 b1 \
-c2 c♯2 d2 d♯2 e2 f2 f♯2 g2 g♯2 a2 a♯2 b2 \
-c3 c♯3 d3 d♯3 e3 f3 f♯3 g3 g♯3 a3 a♯3 b3 \
-c4 c♯4 d4 d♯4 e4 f4 f♯4 g4 g♯4 a4 a♯4 b4 \
-c5 c♯5 d5 d♯5 e5 f5 f♯5 g5 g♯5 a5 a♯5 b5 \
-c6 c♯6 d6 d♯6 e6 f6 f♯6 g6 g♯6 a6 a♯6 b6 \
-c7 c♯7 d7 d♯7 e7 f7 f♯7 g7 g♯7 a7 a♯7 b7 \
-c8 c♯8 d8 d♯8 e8 f8 f♯8 g8 g♯8 a8 a♯8 b8 \
-c9 c♯9 d9 d♯9 e9 f9 f♯9 g9 g♯9 a9 a♯9 b9 \
-c10 c♯10 d10 d♯10 e10 f10 f♯10 g10", note)
- # FIXME: just have all notes from octaves -1,0,+1
- split("-12 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11", range)
- srand()
- print "Vich noten shall wir testen diese day, bastard?"
-NR == 1{
- n = split($0, keys)
- if(n < 1)
- exit("no notes to hand")
- for(k in keys){
- m = 0
- for(n in note){
- if(keys[k] == note[n]){
- m = n
- break
- }
- }
- if(m == 0){
- print "unknown note " keys[k]
- exit("unknown note " keys[k])
- }
- keys[k] = m
- addrange(m)
- }
- for(i=1; i<=6*length(keys); i++)
- qs[i] = 0
- new()
-NR > 1{
- # FIXME: just choose one of the notes at random; only test one note;
- # say which one it's testing
- for(i=1; i<=NF; i++)
- if(!($i in qs) || !extant(qs[$i], keys))
- print "NEIN! Es ist " note[qs[$i]] "!"
- new()
--- a/gba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/240;
- b=$2/160;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*240 == $1 || c*160 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*240+8, "-dy", c*160+8
- }'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
- nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gba -a $*(3-) || games/gba $*(3-)}
-if not
- games/gba -a $* || games/gba $*
--- a/gbc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/160;
- b=$2/144;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*160 == $1 || c*144 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*160+8, "-dy", c*144+8
- }'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
- nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gb -a $*(3-) || games/gb $*(3-)}
-if not
- games/gb -a $* || games/gb $*
--- a/genpw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-if(~ $1 -n){
- n=$2
- shift 2
-tr -cd ' '-~ </dev/random | read -c $n
--- a/gridreg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-srv tcp!!registry registry /mnt/registry
-rm /srv/registry
-cd /mnt/registry
- echo tcp!9dump!9fs description '''read-only file dump''' contact type fileserver
- tail -f event
-} &
- echo tcp!9dump!t9fs description '''tls 9dump, ask for credentials''' contact type fileserver
- tail -f event
--- a/imfdec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +1,0 @@
-while(~ $1 -?){
- switch($1){
- case -r
- rate=$2
- shift
- case -f
- norm=$2
- shift
- case -n
- bareimf=1
- case *
- echo usage: $0 '[-n] [-r rate] [-f norm]'
- exit usage
- }
- shift
-cmd=(opl2 -r $rate)
-if(~ $#bareimf 0)
- cmd=(imf '|' $cmd)
-if(! ~ $#norm 0)
- cmd=($cmd '|' norm $norm)
-echo $cmd
-eval $cmd
--- a/joygba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +1,0 @@
-# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joygba"
-awk -safe '
- BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
- /^axis 0 0/ { k[0] = "left " }
- /^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
- /^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
- /^axis 1 0/ { k[1] = "up " }
- /^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
- /^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
- /^down 1$/ { k[3] = "b " }
- /^down 5$/ { k[2] = "a " }
- /^down 6$/ { k[8] = "x " }
- /^down 2$/ { k[9] = "y " }
- /^down 3$/ { k[4] = "control " }
- /^down 4$/ { k[5] = "start " }
- /^down 7$/ { k[6] = "l1 " }
- /^down 8$/ { k[7] = "r1 " }
- /^up 1$/ { k[3] = "" }
- /^up 5$/ { k[2] = "" }
- /^up 6$/ { k[8] = "" }
- /^up 2$/ { k[9] = "" }
- /^up 3$/ { k[4] = "" }
- /^up 4$/ { k[5] = "" }
- /^up 7$/ { k[6] = "" }
- /^up 8$/ { k[7] = "" }
- {
- print k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5] k[6] k[7] k[8] k[9]
- fflush
- }
--- a/joygba2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +1,0 @@
-# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joygba"
-awk -safe '
- BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
- /^axis 0 0/ { k[0] = "left " }
- /^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
- /^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
- /^axis 1 0/ { k[1] = "up " }
- /^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
- /^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
- /^down 2$/ { k[3] = "b " }
- /^down 1$/ { k[2] = "a " }
- /^down 3$/ { k[8] = "x " }
- /^down 4$/ { k[9] = "y " }
- /^down 7$/ { k[4] = "control " }
- /^down 8$/ { k[5] = "start " }
- /^down 5$/ { k[6] = "l1 " }
- /^down 6$/ { k[7] = "r1 " }
- /^up 2$/ { k[3] = "" }
- /^up 1$/ { k[2] = "" }
- /^up 3$/ { k[8] = "" }
- /^up 4$/ { k[9] = "" }
- /^up 7$/ { k[4] = "" }
- /^up 8$/ { k[5] = "" }
- /^up 5$/ { k[6] = "" }
- /^up 6$/ { k[7] = "" }
- {
- print k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5] k[6] k[7] k[8] k[9]
- fflush
- }
--- a/joynes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +1,0 @@
-# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joynes N", where N=[1,2]
-awk -safe -v 'joy='joy$1 '
- BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
- /^axis 0 0/ { k[0] = "left " }
- /^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
- /^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
- /^axis 1 0/ { k[1] = "up " }
- /^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
- /^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
- /^down 2$/ { k[3] = "b " }
- /^down 1$/ { k[2] = "a " }
- #/^down 3$/ { k[4] = "control " }
- #/^down 4$/ { k[5] = "start " }
- /^down 7$/ { k[4] = "control " }
- /^down 8$/ { k[5] = "start " }
- /^up 2$/ { k[3] = "" }
- /^up 1$/ { k[2] = "" }
- #/^up 3$/ { k[4] = "" }
- #/^up 4$/ { k[5] = "" }
- /^up 7$/ { k[4] = "" }
- /^up 8$/ { k[5] = "" }
- {
- print joy " " k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5]
- fflush
- }
--- a/khinmidi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-flag e +
-for(i in $*){
- x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
- mkdir -p $x && cd $x
- hget $i |\
- sed -n '/\.mid/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
- uniq |\
- xargs dw
- cd ..
--- a/khinsider
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-flag e +
-for(i in $*){
- x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
- mkdir -p $x && cd $x
- hget $i |\
- sed -n '/\.mp3/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
- uniq |\
- xargs -n 1 hget |\
- sed -n '/^<audio/s/<audio id=".*" src="(.*\.mp3)".*/\1/p' |\
- xargs dw
- cd ..
--- a/lofi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-play -o /fd/1 >[2]/dev/null |\
- audio/opusenc --music --downmix-stereo --bitrate 64
--- a/md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/320;
- b=$2/224;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*320 == $1 || c*224 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*224+8
- }'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
- nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/md -a $*(3-) || games/md $*(3-)}
-if not
- games/md -a $* || games/md $*
--- a/metro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/doom2.wad >[2]/dev/null || exit
-cat <<! | mst | games/dmid | games/opl3 | pplay
-t $1
-i 0 127
-4 0c5
-4 0c5
-4 0c5
-4 0c5
--- a/mfmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-sed \
- $pref^'
- s/^''//
- s/''$//
- s/[\[\]\!,\(\)''\$\*\?:\;=\}\{`]//g
- s/#/♯/g
- s/\&/and/g
- s/( - | |_)/./g
- s/\.[^\.]+$/.'^$fmt^'/
- s/ /./g
- s/\.\.+/./g
-' |\
- tr A-ZА-Я a-zа-я
--- a/mk9
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -ex
-9fs 9fat
-if(test -f /n/9fat/9pc64 || test -f /n/9fat/9pc){
- rm /n/9fat/9bootfat
- cp /386/9bootfat /n/9fat/
- chmod +al /n/9fat/9bootfat
-if(test -f /n/9fat/9pc64)
- cp /amd64/9pc64 /n/9fat/
-if(test -f /n/9fat/9pc)
- cp /386/9pc /n/9fat/
-if(test -f /n/9fat/9zynq)
- cp /arm/9zynq /n/9fat/
-rm /srv/dos
-unmount /n/9fat
-unmount /n/9
--- a/mkall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-for(i in amd64 386 arm){
- if(! ~ $#* 0)
- objtype=$i mk $*^.install
- if not
- objtype=$i mk install
-if(! ~ $#* 0)
- mk $*^.clean
-if not
- mk clean
--- a/mkcp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-disk/mkfs -z 4096 -s $1 -d $*(2-) /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/allproto
--- a/mkradio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-rimport -C -c -u share aib /usr/share /n/share || exit rimport
-if(! ~ $#* 0)
- t=$1
-if not
- t=`{walk -demn /n/share/radio}
-cd $home/m
-for(i in `{walk -emn | awk '{if($1 > '^$t(1)^') print $2}'}){
- echo $i
- lofi <$i >/n/share/radio/$i
--- a/mku
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -xe
-# gottagofast update script
-# FIXME: this script is FUCKING RETARDED
-# FIXME: idea: don't rfork n, allow fixing whatever and continuing build; better
-# error detection and recovery
-rfork en
-fn mkp{
- cd $h/p
- mk nuke
- mk install && mk nuke || exit NOPE
- cp -x opl2/man/1/opl2 pplay/man/1/pplay u6/man/1/u6mopl wl3d/man/1/wl3d /sys/man/1/
- cp -x wl3d/man/6/wl3d /sys/man/6/
- cd $h/p/qk2
- for(i in mkfile.*){
- bind $i mkfile
- mk install && mk nuke || exit NOPE
- unmount mkfile
- }
- for(i in spew/aplay ftrvxmtrx/imgtools ftrvxmtrx/mp3dec){
- if(test -d $h/lib/extra/$i){
- cd $h/lib/extra/$i
- mk install && mk clean
- }
- }
-if(! test -e $h/p){
- h=/usr/qwx
- if(! test -e $h/p)
- exit 'no p to hand'
-cd /
-bind -ac /dist/plan9front /
-hg revert --no-backup \
- /lib/vgadb\
- /rc/bin/^(9fs ircrc play)\
- /sys/lib/plumb/basic\
- /sys/lib/kbmap\
- /sys/man/1/audio\
- /sys/man/4/nusb\
- /sys/src/9/pc64/mkfile\
-. /sys/lib/rootstub
-ramfs -um /n/mk
-@{cd /sys/src; tar c *} | @{cd /n/mk; tar x}
-bind /n/mk /sys/src
-#life-col.patch\ FIXME: goddamnit burnzez
-ko=(amd64 386)
-k=(pc64 pc)
-case hsw aib x220 t61p w520 u32
- f=($f $colf)
- ko=(amd64 386 arm)
- k=(zynq pc pc64)
-case t61 t61p2 t60p w500
- f=($f $colf)
-case ibm3000 t43
- f=($f $colf)
- ko=386
- k=(pc)
-case *
- ko=386
- k=(pc)
-for(i in $h/lib/extra/ftrvxmtrx/riow/9front.diff $h/lib/extra/ftrvxmtrx/patches/rio-select.patch $h/p/patch/$f)
- ape/patch -s --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $i
-cp -x $h/p/dot/vgadb /lib/vgadb
-rm -f (/lib/vgadb /rc/bin/ircrc /sys/man/4/nusb)^.orig
-cd /sys/src
- mk clean
- for(i in $ko)
- objtype=$i mk nuke
- mk install || exit 'NOPE'
- for(i in $ko)
- if(! ~ $i $objtype)
- objtype=$i mk install || exit 'NOPE'
- mk clean
- for(i in $ko)
- objtype=$i mkp
-} | pump || exit 'NOPE'
-cd /sys/man
-for(i in $k){
- cd /sys/src/9/^$i
- mk clean && mk install && mk clean
-9fs 9fat
-if(~ $objtype amd64 386){
- rm /n/9fat/9bootfat
- cp /386/9bootfat /n/9fat/
- chmod +al /n/9fat/9bootfat
-for(i in $k)
- switch($i){
- case pc
- if(! ~ $sysname aib)
- cp /386/9pc /n/9fat/
- case pc64
- if(! ~ $sysname aib)
- cp /amd64/9pc64 /n/9fat/
- case zynq
- cp /arm/9zynq /n/9fat/
- }
-unmount /n/9fat
-unmount /n/9
-rm /srv/dos
-} >>/tmp/mku.$pid
-#echo sync >>/srv/hjfs.cmd
-rm /tmp/mku.$pid
--- a/mlu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 2){
- echo usage: $0 listname destdir
- exit usage
-cd /n/$1
-syncab /n/$1 $2 | tee | rc
--- a/mpi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-! ~ $#* 0 && ep=$1
-games/dmid -s /dev/usb/$ep/data | games/opl3 | norm 5 >/dev/audio
--- a/nes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/256;
- b=$2/240;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*256 == $1 || c*240 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*240+8
- }'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
- nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba 1 | {games/nes -a $*(3-) || games/nes $*(3-)}
-if not
- games/nes -a $* || games/nes $*
--- a/nesj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +1,0 @@
-n=`{sed -n '/ep.\.0/h;${g;s/^(ep.\.0).*/\1/p;}' /dev/usb/ctl}
-while(~ $1 -?){
- switch($1){
- case -k # just make /sys/src/9/boot/nusbrc do nothing if it sees your
- # device instead
- p=`{ps | sed -n '/ kb$/h;${g;s/^[^ ]+ +([0-9]+) .*/\1/p;}'}
- echo kill >/proc/$p/note
- wait $p
- case -n
- n=ep$2.0
- shift
- }
- shift
-echo resize -dx 776 -dy 728 >/dev/wctl
-nusb/joy /dev/usb/$n | joynes 1 | games/nes -a3 $*
-# press Kdel again to kill nusb/joy...
--- a/oots
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,0 @@
-# finds out which is the last comic, then downloads missing ones from cwd, exiting
-# upon the first collision
-# it's filthy.
-flag e +
-x=(`{hget \
-| sed -n 's/<B>Order of the Stick <\/B><A href="([^"]+)".*/\1/p'})
-n=`{echo $x | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
-while(! ~ $n '#' && ! test -e $n^*){
- x=(`{hget$x(1) \
- | sed -n '
- /IMG src="\/comics/{
- s/.*src="([^"]+)".*/\1/p
- q
- }
- s/.*<A href="([^"]+)"><IMG src="\/Images\/redesign\/ComicNav_Back.gif".*/\1/p'
- })
- n=$n^`{echo $x(2) | sed 's/.*\.([^\/\.]+)$/\1/'}
- hget$x(2) >$n
- n=`{echo $x(1) | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
--- a/pcm2opus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-audio/opusenc --bitrate 128 --music --downmix-stereo
--- a/pcmf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-fn clean{ rm -f $t }
-fn sigexit{ clean }
-fn sigint{ clean }
-play -o /tmp/pplay.$pid $* >[2]/dev/null
-pplay -f /tmp/pplay.$pid
-rm -f /tmp/pplay.$pid
--- a/psam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-case 3840x2160x*
- r=(0 564 3840 1882)
-case 1920x1200x*
- r=(0 0 1920 1018)
-case 1920x1080x*
- r=(0 0 1920 898)
-case 1600x1200x*
- r=(0 0 1920 928)
-case 1400x1050x*
- r=(0 0 1400 906)
-case 1366x768x*
- r=(0 0 1366 625)
-if(! ~ $#r 0)
- window -m -r $r sam -a $* $home/p/not/todo.proj
--- a/qdemo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-window -r 952 0 1920 608 'cd lib/dm/plt; doom -z plt -noztele -playdemo dime >/dev/null >[2=1]'
-window -r 156 -1 964 607 'quake2 +set game q2dq2 >/dev/null >[2=1]'
-window -r 2 474 810 1082 'qk1 -m 24 >/dev/null >[2=1]'
-window -r 806 597 1454 1005 'wl3d -s'
-window -r 1450 596 1921 1081 'p $home/p/rc/qdemo; read -c 1'
-window -r 0 0 160 478 'stats -lmsc'
-window -scroll -r 806 1026 1194 1080 'play mv/gojira.torii.mp3 m/gojira.*'
-# todo: do these automatically:
-# q2dq2: map run/base1.dm2
-# qk1: playdemo start
-# wl3d: either find good demos, or just play a game while the rest is going
--- a/qk1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-case x220 w520 t61p2 t61p
- res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
-case hsw
- res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
- a=(-m 32)
-case *
- res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
-echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
-bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd # cdfs(4)
-quake $a $* >/dev/null
--- a/qk2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
-# launch ctf with: qk2 -g ctf $* +set ctf 1
-# launch crbot with: qk2 -g crbot $* +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf 0
-while(~ $1 -?){
- switch($1){
- case -g
- # mods' executables are named q2$x
- c=(q2$2 +set game $2)
- shift
- case -m
- cdmnt=$2
- shift
- case -r
- res=(-dx `{echo $2 + 8 | pc -n} -dy `{echo $3 + 8 | pc -n})
- shift 2
- case -z
- noresz=1
- }
- shift
-if(~ $#noresz 0)
- echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
-bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake2/cd /mnt/cd # cdfs(4)
-$c $* >/dev/null
--- a/qk3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-echo scroll >/dev/wctl
-#cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +set fs_game cpma +map cpm22
-cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +map q3dm17
--- a/qw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-case x220 w520 t61p2 t61p
- res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
-case hsw
- res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
-case *
- res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
-echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
-bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd # cdfs(4)
-qwcl -mem 32 $* >/dev/null
--- a/repou
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-# giturl\tname\tdir\tdesc
-awk '
- FS="\t"
-}$1 !~ /^(#|$)/{
- print $2
- basedir = $3
- sub("/[^/]+$", "", basedir)
- # yikes
- if(system("test -d " $3) != 0){
- system("mkdir -p " basedir)
- system("git/clone " $1 " " $3)
- }else{
- system("rc -c \''cd " $3 "; git/pull\''")
- }
-' $home/p/lib/^(plan9 unix)
--- a/riostart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-. /tmp/sizes
-window -scroll -r $kprintrect cat /dev/kprint
-window -r $catrect games/catclock
-window -r $volrect volume
-window -r $statrect stats -lmsedz
-window -scroll -r $cmdrect 'label cmd; rc'
-window -r $duckrect duck
-window -r $riowrect 'label riow; riow </srv/riogkbd*'
--- a/rsam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-case 3840x2160x*
- r=(0 564 3840 2152)
- rs=(0 564 3840 1882)
- rw=(0 1616 714 2160)
-case 1920x1200x*
- r=(0 0 1920 1192)
- rs=(0 0 1920 1018)
- rw=(0 656 714 1200)
-case 1920x1080x*
- r=(0 0 1920 1072)
- rs=(0 0 1920 898)
- rw=(0 536 714 1080)
-case 1600x1200x*
- r=(0 0 1920 1192)
- rs=(0 0 1920 928)
- rw=(0 656 714 1200)
-case 1400x1050x*
- r=(0 0 1400 1042)
- rs=(0 0 1400 906)
- rw=(0 506 714 1050)
-case 1366x768x*
- r=(0 0 1366 760)
- rs=(0 0 1366 625)
- rw=(0 224 714 768)
-if(~ $#r 0)
- exit 'nope, unknown resolution'
-if(test -f $home/lib/rsam){
- f=`{cat $home/lib/rsam}
- eval 'f=('^$"f^')'
-cat <<! >/env/fuckrc
-unmount /mnt/plumb
-rio -k '
- window -r $rw -scroll
- window -r $rs sam -a $* $f
-window -m -hide -r $r rc /env/fuckrc
--- a/shl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-awk '
- srand()
- printf "%06d %s\n", rand() * 1000000, $0
-' |\
- sort -n |\
- sed 's/^[0-9]+ //'
--- a/sizes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +1,0 @@
-screensize=`{echo $vgasize | sed 's/x/ /g'}
-#screensize=`{file /dev/screen | sed 's/.*size ([^x]+)x([^x]+)/\1 \2/'}
-# general placements
-briorect=(0 0 $screensize(1) `{echo $screensize(2) - 16 | pc -n})
-bsamrect=(0 0 $briorect(3) `{echo $briorect(4) - 64 | pc -n})
-bcmdrect=( \
- 0 \
- `{echo $bsamrect(4) - $bsamrect(4) / 3 | pc -n} \
- `{echo $bsamrect(3) / 3 | pc -n} \
- $briorect(4) \
-# default windows
-catrect=( \
- 0 \
- 0 \
- 130 \
- 296 \
-volrect=( \
- `{echo $catrect(3) + 4 | pc -n} \
- 0 \
- 768 \
- 28 \
-kprintrect=( \
- $volrect(1) \
- `{echo $volrect(4) + 4 | pc -n} \
- $volrect(3) \
- `{echo $catrect(4) / 2 | pc -n} \
-statrect=( \
- $volrect(1) \
- `{echo $kprintrect(4) + 4 | pc -n} \
- $volrect(3) \
- $catrect(4) \
-cmdrect=( \
- 0 \
- `{echo $catrect(4) + 4 | pc -n} \
- $volrect(3) \
- $screensize(2) \
-riowrect=( \
- `{echo $screensize(1) - 100 | pc -n} \
- `{echo $screensize(2) - 28 | pc -n} \
- $screensize(1) \
- $screensize(2) \
-zukerect=( \
- `{echo $screensize(1) - 768 | pc -n} \
- 0 \
- $screensize(1) \
- $screensize(2) \
-duckrect=( \
- `{echo $screensize(1) / 2 | pc -n} \
- 0 \
- $screensize(1) \
- `{echo $screensize(2) - 256 | pc -n} \
-cat <<! >/tmp/sizes
--- a/skey
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-games/wadfs /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/doom2.wad >[2]/dev/null
-mkey | games/dmid -s | games/opl3 | norm 5 >/dev/audio
--- a/snes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/256;
- b=$2/239;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*256 == $1 || c*239 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*239+8
- }'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
- nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/snes -a $*(3-) || games/snes $*(3-)}
-if not
- games/snes -a $* || games/snes $*
--- a/stealrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-cp -x \
- $repo/kvik/bin.rc/bin/^(last pfx) \
- $repo/jpm/rc/^(fcalls fman h top ircx netproc irctime) \
- $repo/ftrvxmtrx/rc/youtube \
- $repo/aiju/rc/fun \
- $repo/qrstuv/9paste \
- $repo/sources.extra/ps2txt \
- $repo/henesy/gelinks.rc \
- $dest
--- a/syncab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-if(~ $1 -m){
- nomtime=1
- shift
-if(! ~ $#* 2){
- echo usage: $0 [-m] left right
- exit usage
-derp -t $ref $ref $old |\
- awk \
- -F' ' \
- -v 'ref='^$ref \
- -v 'old='^$old \
- -v 'nomtime='^$nomtime \
- rm["na"] = rm["dn"] = rm["dm!"] = 1
- if(nomtime)
- nocp["nm"] = 1
- gsub("\''", "\''\''", $2)
- if($1 in rm)
- ls["rm"] = "''" old "/" $2 "'' " ls["rm"]
- else if(! ($1 in nocp))
- ls["cp"] = ls["cp"] " " "''" $2 "''"
- cnt[$1]++
- for(i in cnt)
- print "#" i, cnt[i]
- if("rm" in ls)
- print "rm", ls["rm"]
- if("cp" in ls)
- print "@{cd", ref, "; tar c", ls["cp"], "} | @{cd", old, "; tar xT}"
--- a/syncbv91
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-rfork n
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
- echo usage: $0 sys
- exit usage
-if(! sshfs tcp!$1!8022){
- echo ssh failed: $status
- exit ssh
-# sd card mtimes are full of lies
-if(~ $1 ule){
- for(i in m*){
- if(! test -d /n/ssh/m)
- ssh tcp!bv91!8022 ln -s storage/external-1/m m || exit
- if(! test -d /n/ssh/m/$i)
- clone -T $i /n/ssh/m/
- if not
- syncab -m $i /n/ssh/m/$i | tee -a /tmp/sync.$pid
- }
-syncab $home/lib/i /n/ssh/Pictures | tee -a /tmp/sync.$pid
-echo proceed?
-if(! ~ `{read} yes){
- echo exiting
- exit nope
-. /tmp/sync.$pid && rm /tmp/sync.$pid
--- a/sysup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-bind -ac /dist/plan9front /
-old=`{git/query HEAD}
-git/query -c $old HEAD
--- a/t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-if(~ $#* 1)
- *=(ssh tcp!$1!x)
-vt -2bf /lib/font/bit/fixed/unicode.6x10.font $*
--- a/tac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
- l[NR] = $0
- while(NR > 0)
- print l[NR--]
--- a/tcp19000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-cd /usr/share/radio
-while(~ $status '')
- dd -bs 512x1024 -if `{fortune <{ls}} >[2]/dev/null
--- a/tcp19564
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-exec tlssrv -A -l 9dump -r `{cat $3/remote} /bin/exportfs -R -r /usr/share
--- a/theme
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-picker </dev/theme >/dev/theme
--- a/themeset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-cat $home/lib/theme/rio >/mnt/wsys/theme
-sleep 0.5
-grep softscreen /dev/vgactl >>/dev/vgactl
-echo hwblank off >>/dev/vgactl
--- a/tospr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-# FIXME: includes garbage past the end
-fn cleanup{
- if(! ~ $#tf 0)
- rm -f $tf
- tf=()
-fn sigint{
- cleanup
- exit
-fn sigexit{
- cleanup
-if(! ~ $#* 2){
- echo usage: $0 pal image
- exit usage
-iconv -uc r8g8b8 $2 > $tf
-r=`{awk '{ print $4-$2, $5-$3; exit }' $tf}
-awk '
-NR == 1{
- npal = $2
-FNR == NR && NR != 1{
- pal[$1] = NR-2
-FNR == 1 && NR != 1{
- print "sprite", '^$r(1)^,^$r(2)^',"'^$1^'"
-FNR != NR{
- if($1 in pal)
- printf "%d ", pal[$1]
- else{
- print "value " $1 " not in palette!"
- exit
- }
- if(++px == '^$r(1)^'){
- printf "\n"
- px = 0
- }
-' $1 <{dd -bs 5x12 -skip 1 <$tf >[2]/dev/null \
- | xd -1x \
- | ssam '
-,s/^....... +//g
-s/\n/ /g
-s/(..) (..) (..) /0x\3\2\1\n/g
--- a/tx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-if(~ $#* 1)
- *=(ssh tcp!$1!x)
-vt -xbf /lib/font/bit/fixed/unicode.6x10.font $*
--- a/ufo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-rfork n
-srv tcp!!4458 ufo /n/ufo
-rm /srv/ufo
-rio -k 'window ''echo ''''pump -k 51200 -b 131072 </n/ufo/radio | audio/mp3dec >/dev/audio''''; rc'''
--- a/unhex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
-# dd ... | xd -1x | ssam '...' | unhex | dd ...
-function hex(s, v){
- if(s ~ /^0x/)
- s = substr(s, 3)
- for(n=1; n<=length(s); n++)
- v = v * 16 + h[substr(s, n, 1)]
- return v
- for(n=0; n<16; n++)
- h[sprintf("%x", n)] = n
- for(i=2; i<=NF; i++)
- printf "%c", hex("0x" $i)
--- a/unspr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 2){
- echo usage: $0 pal spr
- exit usage
-awk '
-function hex(s, v){
- if(s ~ /^0x/)
- s = substr(s, 3)
- for(n=1; n<=length(s); n++)
- v = v * 16 + h[substr(s, n, 1)]
- return v
- for(n=0; n<16; n++){
- h[sprintf("%x", n)] = n
- h[sprintf("%X", n)] = n
- }
-FNR == 1{
- x = $2
- y = $3
-FNR == NR{
- sub(/0x/, "")
- gsub(/../, "0x& ")
- split($0, a)
- c[i,3] = hex(a[1])
- c[i,2] = hex(a[2])
- c[i,1] = hex(a[3])
- i++
- next
- if(FNR == 1){
- printf " r8g8b8 0 0%12d%12d ", x, y
- next
- }
- for(i=1; i<=NF; i++){
- n = $i + 1
- printf "%c%c%c", c[n,1], c[n,2], c[n,3]
- }
-' $1 $2
--- a/v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-if(~ $#* 0){
- echo usage: $0 sys [vncvopts..]
- exit usage
-case aib
-case t16
-case t30
- sshnet tcp!$1!x || exit
- *=u30
-case *
- sshnet tcp!$1!x || exit
-vncv -l utf8 -e corre $*
--- a/v+
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-awk '/^master/{print $1, $2+5}' /dev/volume >/dev/volume
--- a/v-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,0 @@
-awk '/^master/{print $1, $2-5}' /dev/volume >/dev/volume
--- a/vmx9
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-case w520
- if(test -d /net/ether1)
- n=ether1
- if not
- n=ether0
- m=3G
- echo scroll >/dev/wctl
- vmx \
- -M $m \
- -n $n \
- -d /tmp/iso/9front-6977.c7e7268b0786.iso \
- -d /dev/sdE3/data \
- -v 1024x768 \
- $bootfile \
- 'user=glenda mouseport=ps2'
- echo quit >'#X'/0/ctl
-case *
- echo nope.
--- a/vmxants
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-case w520
- if(test -d /net/ether1)
- n=ether1
- if not
- n=ether0
- m=3G
- echo scroll >/dev/wctl
- vmx \
- -M $m \
- -n $n \
- -d /dev/sdE3/data \
- -d /dev/sdUbff05/data \
- -v 1024x768 \
- $home/vmx/9ants64 \
- 'user=glenda mouseport=ps2 bootcmd=plan9rc tgzfs=no cdboot=yes'
- echo quit >'#X'/0/ctl
-case *
- echo nope.
--- a/vmxbsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-if(test -d /net/ether1)
- n=ether1
-if not
- n=ether0
-case u32
- n=ether0
- m=2G
- d=/dev/sdU7af84/data
- echo scroll >/dev/wctl
- vmx \
- -M $m \
- -n $n \
- -d $d \
- -v vesa:1280x1024 \
- /tmp/vmx/bsd65.rd \
- 'device=sd0a'
-case w520
- if(~ $cputype amd64)
- m=3G
- if not
- m=1G
- if(test -f /tmp/vmx/bsd.img)
- d=/tmp/vmx/bsd.img
- if not
- d=/dev/sdE1/data
- if(test -f /dev/sdU999b0.0/data)
- d=($d -d /dev/sdU999b0.0/data)
- if(test -f /dev/sdU999b0.1/data)
- d=($d -d /dev/sdU999b0.1/data)
- echo scroll >/dev/wctl
- vmx \
- -M $m \
- -n $n \
- -d $d \
- -v vesa:1200x800 \
- /tmp/vmx/bsd65.sp \
- 'device=sd0a'
-case x220
- if(~ $cputype amd64)
- m=4G
- if not
- m=1G
- echo scroll >/dev/wctl
- vmx \
- -M $m \
- -n $n \
- -d /dev/sdE0/data \
- -v vesa:1366x768 \
- $home/vmx/bsd64.sp \
- 'device=sd0a'
-case *
- echo nope.
- exit nope.
-echo quit >'#X'/0/ctl
--- a/vmxlinux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-vmid=`{awk '
- i = 0
- while(system("test -e \''#X\''/" i) == 0)
- i++
- print i
-fn clean{
- for(i in '#X'/$vmid/ctl)
- echo quit > $i
-fn sigexit{
- clean
-fn sigint{
- clean
-if(test -d '#l1'){
- bind -aq '#l1' /net
- n=ether1
-while(~ $1 -?){
- switch($1){
- case -d; d=$2; shift;
- case -e; d=($d -d $2); shift;
- case -k; k=$2; shift;
- case -l; psd listen || aux/listen;
- case -M; M=$2; shift;
- case -m; m=$2; shift;
- case -n; n=$2; shift;
- case -v; v=$2; shift;
- case --; break;
- case *
- echo usage: $0 [opts] [--] [more opts]
- exit usage
- }
- shift
-echo $v | awk -Fx '{ print "resize -dx", $1+8, "-dy", $2+8 }' >/dev/wctl
-echo scroll >/dev/wctl
-vmx \
- -d $d \
- -M $M \
- -m $m \
- -n ea:$mac!$n \
- -v vesa:$v \
- $k \
- $c $*
--- a/vncrio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-rfork nefs
-bind -c $home/tmp /tmp
-bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin
-bind -a $home/bin/$cputype /bin
-test -f $home/p/rc/bindbins && . $home/p/rc/bindbins
-test -f $home/lib/ass){
- auth/factotum
- setec
-echo accelerated 5 >'#m'/mousectl
-prompt=('; ' ' ')
-rio -k '
- window -r 586 0 1280 584 9grid
- window -r 0 0 732 602 mw
- window -scroll -r 0 324 612 806 ii
- window -scroll -r 607 749 1280 800 girc /tmp/ircs/''#cat-v''
--- a/w
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,0 @@
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
- echo $0 site
- exit usage
-hget^$1^.png \
- | page -w
--- a/wircrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +1,0 @@
-while (~ $1 -*) {
- switch ($1) {
- case -c
- chans=`{echo $2 | sed 's/,/ /'}
- shift
- case -n
- nick=$2
- shift
- case -p
- port=$2
- shift
- case -r
- realname=$2
- shift
- case -T
- tls=1
- case -*
- echo 'usage: wircrc [-c chans] [-n nick] [-p port] [-r realname] [-T] [server]' >[1=2]
- exit 'usage'
- }
- shift
-if(~ $#* 1)
- server=$1
-bind '#|' /n/wircrc
-rfork en
-fn wmk {
- id=$1
- >/n/wircrc/data1 {
- @{
- rfork s
- d=/n/wircrc.$id
- p=`{cat /dev/ppid}
- mount $wsys $d 'new -scroll -pid '^$p || exit
- echo -n $id | tr -d \x0a >$d/label
- echo wnew $id $d $p
- if(! ~ $#* 1)
- echo cmsg $id $*(2-)
- <$d/cons {
- while(line=`{read}){
- ~ $line '' || echo wtype $id $line
- }
- }
- }
- echo wclose $id
- }
- exit
-fn etime {
- date -t | sed 's/-//g;s/^..(.*)T(..):(..).*/\1:\2\3/'
-fn wio {
- if(~ $1 $wins){
- d=wd$1
- d=$$d
- @{echo `{etime} $*(2-) | tee -a /tmp/irc.^$1 >$d/cons}
- }
-fn sio {
- d=$1
- if(~ $d *!*)
- d=`{echo $d | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
- if(~ $d $cons){
- d=cd$d
- d=$$d
- @{echo $*(2-) >$d/data}
- @{echo $*(2-) | sed -n 's/^PRIVMSG [^ ]+ :/'^`{etime}^' '^$nick^' ⇒ /p' >>/tmp/irc^.$1}
- }
-fn wctl {
- if(~ $1 $wins){
- d=wd$1
- d=$$d
- shift
- @{echo $* >$d/wctl}
- }
-fn hangup {
- if(~ $1 $cons){
- d=cpid$1
- d=$$d
- @{echo kill >/proc/$d/notepg}
- }
-fn getkey {
- a=`{auth/userpasswd 'server='^$1^' service=irc user='^$nick >[2]/dev/null}
- if(~ $#a 2)
- pass=$a(2)
- a=`{auth/userpasswd 'server='^$1^' service=ircsrv user='^$nick >[2]/dev/null}
- if(~ $#a 2)
- srvpass=$a(2)
- a=()
-fn dial {
- c=/n/wircrc.$1
- bind '#|' $c
- if(~ $2 1){
- tlsclient $1 <>$c/data1 >[1=0] &
- }
- if not{
- aux/trampoline $1 <>$c/data1 >[1=0] &
- }
- <>/$c/data >[1=0]{
- $*(3-) $c $apid
- exit
- }
-fn irc {
- >[3]/n/wircrc/data1 {
- echo cnew $* >[1=3]
- tr -d '\x2\x8\xd\x1f' | @{
- while(line=`{read}){
- if(~ $line(1) PING)
- echo PONG $line(2-)
- if not {
- line=`{echo $line | sed '
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ PRIVMSG (#[^ ]+)[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\2 \1 \3/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ PRIVMSG :?([^ ]+)[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\1 \1 \3/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ NOTICE \*[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1' \1 \2/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ NOTICE ([^ ]+)[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\1 \1 \3/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (KICK) (#[^ ]+) ([^ ]+:?)(.*)/xmsg '$1'!\3 \2 \1 \4 \5/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ ([0-9]+)[^:]+:?(.*)/xmsg '$1' \2 \3/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (MODE|TOPIC) (#[^ ]+) :?(.*)/xmsg '$1'!\3 \2 \4/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (QUIT|NICK) :(.*)/xmsg '$1' \2 \1 \3/g;
-s/^:([^!]+)[^ ]+ (JOIN|PART) (#[^\ ]+).*/xmsg '$1'!\3 \2 \1/g;
-s/^:(.*) (PONG) [^ ]+[^:]+:(.*)/cmsg '$1'!\1 \1 \2/g;
- ~ $line '' || echo $line >[1=3]
- }
- }
- }
- echo cclose $1 >[1=3]
- }
-fn shutdown {
- for(i in $cons)
- hangup $i
- for(i in $wins){
- d=wp$i
- d=$$d
- @{echo hangup >/proc/$d/notepg} &
- }
- {}>/n/wircrc/data
-fn sighup {
- shutdown
-fn sigint {
- shutdown
-wmk $server &
-dial tcp!$server!$port $tls irc $server &
-</n/wircrc/data {
- while(a=`{read}){
- id=$a(2)
- switch($a(1)){
- case cnew
- cd$id=$a(3)
- cpid$id=$a(4)
- cons=($id $cons)
- getkey $id
- if(! ~ $#srvpass 0)
- sio $id PASS $srvpass
- sio $id USER $user foo bar :$realname
- sio $id NICK $nick
- if(! ~ $#pass 0)
- sio $id nickserv identify $pass
- pass=()
- srvpass=()
- for(i in $chans){
- if(~ $i $id!'#'*){
- wmk $i &
- sio $id JOIN `{echo $i | awk -F'!' '{print $2}'}
- }
- }
- case cclose
- d=cd$id
- $d=()
- oids=$cons
- cons=()
- for(i in $oids){
- if(! ~ $i $id)
- cons=($i $cons)
- }
- for(i in $wins){
- if(~ $i $id || ~ $i $id!*)
- wio $i HUNGUP $id
- }
- case wnew
- wd$id=$a(3)
- wp$id=$a(4)
- wins=($id $wins)
- #wio $id '---' $id '---'
- case wclose
- d=wd$id
- p=wp$id
- unmount $$d
- $d=()
- $p=()
- oids=$wins
- wins=()
- for(i in $oids){
- if(! ~ $i $id)
- wins=($i $wins)
- }
- if(~ $id $chans){
- oids=$chans
- chans=()
- for(i in $oids){
- if(! ~ $i $id)
- chans=($i $chans)
- }
- sio $id PART `{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $2}'}
- }
- case xmsg
- if(~ $id $wins)
- wio $id $a(3-)
- if not {
- for(i in $wins){
- if(~ $i $id!*)
- wio $i $a(3-)
- }
- }
- case cmsg
- if(~ $id $wins)
- wio $id $a(3) '⇒' $a(4-)
- if not if(~ $id $wins2)
- echo $a >/n/wircrc/data1
- if not if(! ~ $id *!'#'*){
- wmk $id $a(3-) &
- wins2=($id $wins2)
- }
- case wtype
- switch($a(3)){
- case /x
- shutdown
- case /s
- server=$a(4)
- if(! ~ $server '' && ! ~ $server $cons){
- if(! ~ $server $wins)
- wmk $server &
- if(~ $a(5) port)
- port=$a(6)
- dial tcp!$server!$port $tls irc $server &
- }
- case /j /t
- target=$a(4)
- server=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
- if(! ~ $target '' && ~ $server $cons){
- id=$server!$target
- if(~ $id $wins){
- wctl $id unhide
- wctl $id current
- }
- if not {
- wmk $id &
- }
- if(~ $a(3) /j && ~ $target '#'*){
- if(! ~ $id $chans){
- chans=($id $chans)
- sio $server JOIN $target
- }
- }
- }
- case /h
- if(~ $a(4) $cons)
- id=$a(4)
- hangup `{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
- case /n
- nick = $a(4)
- server=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
- sio $server NICK $a(4)
- case /p
- server=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $1}'}
- sio $server PING $server
- case *
- target=`{echo $id | awk -F'!' '{print $2}'}
- if(~ $target '')
- sio $id $a(3-)
- if not {
- a=$a(3-)
- sio $id PRIVMSG $target ':'^$"a
- }
- }
- }
- }
--- a/wl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-bind -b . /sys/games/lib/wl3d
-cd $home/lib/wl3d
-if(~ $1 -R){
- r=(-dx $2 -dy $3)
- shift 2
-if not if(~ $#vgasize 0)
- r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
-if not
- r=`{echo $vgasize |\
- awk -Fx '{
- a=$1/320;
- b=$2/200;
- c=int(b<a?b:a);
- if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
- c--;
- print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
- }'
- }
-echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
-wl3d $*
--- a/workspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-if(! test -d $home/lib/work){
- echo no work files
- exit 'no work nor worry'
-. /tmp/sizes
-for(i in $home/lib/work/*){
- window -hide -r $briorect $i
- sleep 2
- last=`{cd /dev/wsys; ls | sort -n | tail -1}
- echo -n `{basename $i} >/dev/wsys/$last/label
--- a/wpa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-ip/ipconfig unbind || status=''
-if(! test -d /net/ether1)
- bind -a '#l1' /net
-aux/wpa -s $1 /net/ether1
-ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether1
--- a/ya
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-# easiest way, low quality
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
- echo usage $0 videoid
- exit usage
-nvi -A 251 -a /fd/1 $"1 |\
- mcfs -t audio |\
- audio/opusdec
--- a/yv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-# easiest way, low quality
-if(! ~ $#* 1){
- echo usage $0 videoid
- exit usage
-nvi -V 18 -v /tmp/vid.mp4 $"1 \
- && treason /tmp/vid.mp4 \
- && rm /tmp/vid.mp4
--- a/z
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-audio/mkplist $* >[2]/dev/null | audio/zuke -cpD
--- a/z2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-theme=$home/lib/theme/dicks audio/zuke -cpD $* <$list
--- a/übung
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +1,0 @@
-# FIXME: alternatives/synonyms: don't fail because of those
-# FIXME: examples, phrases
-# FIXME: verb conjugation
-# FIXME: meaning alternatives
-# FIXME: noun genders, plural, derivatives/compounds
-# FIXME: shuffle list every time it's parsed completely
-# FIXME: randomly ask english or german
-files=$home/p/not/ger/^(adj adv cnj exp itj nou prn prp vrb)
-fn sigint{
- echo; echo deine Endsumme: $score/$total Punkte, pfff.
- e
- exit ''
-fn chk{
- a=$2
- b=$1
- if(~ $en 1){
- a=$1
- b=$2
- }
- echo -n was ist $a?' '
- if(! ~ `{read -n 1} $b)
- echo NEIN! es ist $b!
- if not
- score=`{echo $score | awk '{print $1+1}'}
- total=`{echo $total | awk '{print $1+1}'}
-while(~ $1 -*){
- switch($1){
- case -e
- en=1
- }
- shift
-' l=(`{cat $files \
- | sed '/^ /d;/^$/d;s/ */ /g' \
- | awk -F ' ' 'BEGIN{srand()}{printf "%06d %s\n", rand()*1000000, $0;}' \
- | sort -n \
- | sed 's/^[0-9]* //'})
- for(i in $l)
- chk `{echo $i | awk -F ' ' '{printf "%s\n%s", $1, $2}'}