shithub: alienpatch

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ref: 1b42fbe6763010ce59047348f67ba9b6f64f24ac
parent: c60e0203169777f518c0cd4a9134626bd5ca400b
author: qwx <>
date: Mon Mar 6 17:16:22 EST 2023

remove opus patches: forked

--- a/libopusenc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +1,0 @@
-diff 43779464dc7717b9211057df70d3caf5c904592c uncommitted
---- /tmp/diff100000206984
-+++ b/mkfile
-@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-+	ogg_packer.$O \
-+	opus_header.$O \
-+	opusenc.$O \
-+	picture.$O \
-+	resample.$O \
-+	unicode_support.$O \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opusenc.h \
-+	mkfile\
-+	${OFILES:%.$O=%.c}\
-+	-Iinclude \
-+	-I/sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg \
-+	-I/sys/include/ape/opus \
-+	-DPACKAGE_VERSION="fuckoff" \
-+	-DPACKAGE_NAME="libopusenc" \
-+	-DRANDOM_PREFIX=opusenc \
-+%.$O:	src/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS src/$stem.c
-+	mkdir -p /sys/include/ape/opus
-+	dircp include /sys/include/ape/opus
--- a/opus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +1,0 @@
-diff a8e6a77c5fe0c37aa6788f939f24f8cd22ae2652 uncommitted
---- a/celt/stack_alloc.h
-+++ b/celt/stack_alloc.h
-@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
- #else
--#define ALIGN(stack, size) ((stack) += ((size) - (long)(stack)) & ((size) - 1))
-+#define ALIGN(stack, size) ((stack) += ((size) - (_intptr_t)(stack)) & ((size) - 1))
- #define PUSH(stack, size, type) (ALIGN((stack),sizeof(type)/sizeof(char)),(stack)+=(size)*(sizeof(type)/sizeof(char)),(type*)((stack)-(size)*(sizeof(type)/sizeof(char))))
- #if 0 /* Set this to 1 to instrument pseudostack usage */
- #define RESTORE_STACK (printf("%ld %s:%d\n", global_stack-scratch_ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__),global_stack = _saved_stack)
---- /tmp/fuckyoutoo
-+++ mkfile
-@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
-+# silk \
-+	CNG.$O \
-+	code_signs.$O \
-+	init_decoder.$O \
-+	decode_core.$O \
-+	decode_frame.$O \
-+	decode_parameters.$O \
-+	decode_indices.$O \
-+	decode_pulses.$O \
-+	decoder_set_fs.$O \
-+	dec_API.$O \
-+	enc_API.$O \
-+	encode_indices.$O \
-+	encode_pulses.$O \
-+	gain_quant.$O \
-+	interpolate.$O \
-+	LP_variable_cutoff.$O \
-+	NLSF_decode.$O \
-+	NSQ.$O \
-+	NSQ_del_dec.$O \
-+	PLC.$O \
-+	shell_coder.$O \
-+	tables_gain.$O \
-+	tables_LTP.$O \
-+	tables_NLSF_CB_NB_MB.$O \
-+	tables_NLSF_CB_WB.$O \
-+	tables_other.$O \
-+	tables_pitch_lag.$O \
-+	tables_pulses_per_block.$O \
-+	VAD.$O \
-+	control_audio_bandwidth.$O \
-+	quant_LTP_gains.$O \
-+	VQ_WMat_EC.$O \
-+	HP_variable_cutoff.$O \
-+	NLSF_encode.$O \
-+	NLSF_VQ.$O \
-+	NLSF_unpack.$O \
-+	NLSF_del_dec_quant.$O \
-+	process_NLSFs.$O \
-+	stereo_LR_to_MS.$O \
-+	stereo_MS_to_LR.$O \
-+	check_control_input.$O \
-+	control_SNR.$O \
-+	init_encoder.$O \
-+	control_codec.$O \
-+	A2NLSF.$O \
-+	ana_filt_bank_1.$O \
-+	biquad_alt.$O \
-+	bwexpander_32.$O \
-+	bwexpander.$O \
-+	debug.$O \
-+	decode_pitch.$O \
-+	inner_prod_aligned.$O \
-+	lin2log.$O \
-+	log2lin.$O \
-+	LPC_analysis_filter.$O \
-+	LPC_inv_pred_gain.$O \
-+	table_LSF_cos.$O \
-+	NLSF2A.$O \
-+	NLSF_stabilize.$O \
-+	NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia.$O \
-+	pitch_est_tables.$O \
-+	resampler.$O \
-+	resampler_down2_3.$O \
-+	resampler_down2.$O \
-+	resampler_private_AR2.$O \
-+	resampler_private_down_FIR.$O \
-+	resampler_private_IIR_FIR.$O \
-+	resampler_private_up2_HQ.$O \
-+	resampler_rom.$O \
-+	sigm_Q15.$O \
-+	sort.$O \
-+	sum_sqr_shift.$O \
-+	stereo_decode_pred.$O \
-+	stereo_encode_pred.$O \
-+	stereo_find_predictor.$O \
-+	stereo_quant_pred.$O \
-+	LPC_fit.$O \
-+# silk/float \
-+	apply_sine_window_FLP.$O \
-+	corrMatrix_FLP.$O \
-+	encode_frame_FLP.$O \
-+	find_LPC_FLP.$O \
-+	find_LTP_FLP.$O \
-+	find_pitch_lags_FLP.$O \
-+	find_pred_coefs_FLP.$O \
-+	LPC_analysis_filter_FLP.$O \
-+	LTP_analysis_filter_FLP.$O \
-+	LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP.$O \
-+	noise_shape_analysis_FLP.$O \
-+	process_gains_FLP.$O \
-+	regularize_correlations_FLP.$O \
-+	residual_energy_FLP.$O \
-+	warped_autocorrelation_FLP.$O \
-+	wrappers_FLP.$O \
-+	autocorrelation_FLP.$O \
-+	burg_modified_FLP.$O \
-+	bwexpander_FLP.$O \
-+	energy_FLP.$O \
-+	inner_product_FLP.$O \
-+	k2a_FLP.$O \
-+	LPC_inv_pred_gain_FLP.$O \
-+	pitch_analysis_core_FLP.$O \
-+	scale_copy_vector_FLP.$O \
-+	scale_vector_FLP.$O \
-+	schur_FLP.$O \
-+	sort_FLP.$O \
-+# celt \
-+	bands.$O \
-+	celt.$O \
-+	celt_encoder.$O \
-+	celt_decoder.$O \
-+	cwrs.$O \
-+	entcode.$O \
-+	entdec.$O \
-+	entenc.$O \
-+	kiss_fft.$O \
-+	laplace.$O \
-+	mathops.$O \
-+	mdct.$O \
-+	modes.$O \
-+	pitch.$O \
-+	celt_lpc.$O \
-+	quant_bands.$O \
-+	rate.$O \
-+	vq.$O \
-+# src \
-+	analysis.$O \
-+	mlp.$O \
-+	mlp_data.$O \
-+	opus.$O \
-+	opus_decoder.$O \
-+	opus_encoder.$O \
-+	opus_multistream.$O \
-+	opus_multistream_encoder.$O \
-+	opus_multistream_decoder.$O \
-+	repacketizer.$O \
-+	opus_projection_encoder.$O \
-+	opus_projection_decoder.$O \
-+	mapping_matrix.$O
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opus.h \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opus_custom.h \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opus_defines.h \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opus_multistream.h \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opus_projection.h \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opus_types.h \
-+	mkfile\
-+	${OFILES:%.$O=%.c}\
-+CFLAGS=$CFLAGS -c -Iinclude -Isilk -Isilk/fixed -Isilk/float -Icelt \
-+%.$O:	silk/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS silk/$stem.c
-+%.$O:	silk/fixed/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS silk/fixed/$stem.c
-+%.$O:	silk/float/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS silk/float/$stem.c
-+%.$O:	celt/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS celt/$stem.c
-+%.$O:	src/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS src/$stem.c
-+	mkdir -p /sys/include/ape/opus
-+	dircp include /sys/include/ape/opus
---- a/silk/LPC_inv_pred_gain.c
-+++ b/silk/LPC_inv_pred_gain.c
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- )
- {
-     opus_int   k, n, mult2Q;
--    opus_int32 invGain_Q30, rc_Q31, rc_mult1_Q30, rc_mult2, tmp1, tmp2;
-+    opus_int32 invGain_Q30, rc_Q31, rc_mult1_Q30, rc_mult2, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
-     invGain_Q30 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 30 );
-     for( k = order - 1; k > 0; k-- ) {
-@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@
-             opus_int64 tmp64;
-             tmp1 = A_QA[ n ];
-             tmp2 = A_QA[ k - n - 1 ];
--            tmp64 = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND64( silk_SMULL( silk_SUB_SAT32(tmp1,
--                  MUL32_FRAC_Q( tmp2, rc_Q31, 31 ) ), rc_mult2 ), mult2Q);
-+            tmp3 = silk_SUB_SAT32(tmp1, MUL32_FRAC_Q( tmp2, rc_Q31, 31 ) );
-+            tmp64 = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND64( silk_SMULL(tmp3, rc_mult2 ), mult2Q);
-             if( tmp64 > silk_int32_MAX || tmp64 < silk_int32_MIN ) {
-                return 0;
-             }
-             A_QA[ n ] = ( opus_int32 )tmp64;
--            tmp64 = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND64( silk_SMULL( silk_SUB_SAT32(tmp2,
--                  MUL32_FRAC_Q( tmp1, rc_Q31, 31 ) ), rc_mult2), mult2Q);
-+            tmp3 = silk_SUB_SAT32(tmp2, MUL32_FRAC_Q( tmp1, rc_Q31, 31 ) );
-+            tmp64 = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND64( silk_SMULL(tmp3, rc_mult2), mult2Q);
-             if( tmp64 > silk_int32_MAX || tmp64 < silk_int32_MIN ) {
-                return 0;
-             }
--- a/opus-tools
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +1,0 @@
-diff b982c4c784095dccb77f57169416e02a0cd9c81d uncommitted
---- /tmp/diff100000244624
-+++ b/mkfile
-@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
-+TARG=opusdec opusenc opusinfo
-+	-Iinclude \
-+	-I/sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg \
-+	-I/sys/include/ape/opus \
-+	-D__GNU_LIBRARY__ \
-+	-DRANDOM_PREFIX=opustools \
-+	-DPACKAGE_NAME="opus-tools" \
-+	-DPACKAGE_VERSION="fuckoff"
-+	/$objtype/lib/ape/libopusfile.a \
-+	/$objtype/lib/ape/libopusenc.a \
-+	/$objtype/lib/ape/libopus.a \
-+	/sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg/libogg.a$O \
-+%.$O:	src/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS $prereq
-+%.$O:	share/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS $prereq
-+%.$O:	/sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS $prereq
-+OGG=`{cd /sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg; echo *.c}
-+/sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg/libogg.a$O:	$OGG
-+	ar vu $target $OGG
-+COMMON=opus_header.$O resample.$O getopt.$O getopt1.$O
-+$O.opusdec:	opusdec.$O wav_io.$O wave_out.$O diag_range.$O $COMMON
-+$O.opusenc:	opusenc.$O audio-in.$O diag_range.$O flac.$O picture.$O $COMMON
-+$O.opusinfo:	opusinfo.$O info_opus.$O picture.$O tagcompare.$O $COMMON
-+CLEANFILES=`{$CLEANFILES echo /sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg/libogg.a[$OS]}
---- a/src/audio-in.c
-+++ b/src/audio-in.c
-@@ -721,7 +721,11 @@
-     int sampbyte = f->samplesize / 8;
-     int realsamples = f->totalsamples > 0 && samples > (f->totalsamples - f->samplesread)
-         ? (int)(f->totalsamples - f->samplesread) : samples;
--    signed char *buf = alloca(realsamples*sampbyte*f->channels);
-+    signed char *buf = malloc(realsamples*sampbyte*f->channels);
-+    if(buf == NULL){
-+        fprintf(stderr, "allocation failure\n");
-+        return 0;
-+    }
-     int i,j;
-     int *ch_permute = f->channel_permute;
-@@ -809,9 +813,11 @@
-     else {
-         fprintf(stderr, _("Internal error: attempt to read unsupported "
-                           "bitdepth %d\n"), f->samplesize);
-+        free(buf);
-         return 0;
-     }
-+    free(buf);
-     return realsamples;
- }
-@@ -820,9 +826,14 @@
-     wavfile *f = (wavfile *)in;
-     int realsamples = f->totalsamples > 0 && samples > (f->totalsamples - f->samplesread)
-         ? (int)(f->totalsamples - f->samplesread) : samples;
--    float *buf = alloca(realsamples*4*f->channels); /* de-interleave buffer */
-+    float *buf = malloc(realsamples*4*f->channels); /* de-interleave buffer */
-     int i,j;
-+    if(buf == NULL){
-+        fprintf(stderr, "allocation failure\n");
-+        return 0;
-+    }
-     realsamples = (int)fread(buf, 4*f->channels, realsamples, f->f);
-     f->samplesread += realsamples;
-@@ -839,6 +850,7 @@
-                     get_be_float(buf + i*f->channels + f->channel_permute[j]);
-     }
-+    free(buf);
-     return realsamples;
- }
---- a/src/opusdec.c
-+++ b/src/opusdec.c
-@@ -503,8 +503,12 @@
-    short *out;
-    float *buf;
-    float *output;
--   out=alloca(sizeof(short)*MAX_FRAME_SIZE*channels);
--   buf=alloca(sizeof(float)*MAX_FRAME_SIZE*channels);
-+   out=malloc(sizeof(short)*MAX_FRAME_SIZE*channels);
-+   buf=malloc(sizeof(float)*MAX_FRAME_SIZE*channels);
-+   if(out == NULL || buf == NULL){
-+      fprintf(stderr, "allocation failure\n");
-+      return 0;
-+   }
-    maxout=((link_read/48000)*rate + (link_read%48000)*rate/48000) - link_out;
-    maxout=maxout<0?0:maxout;
-    do {
-@@ -570,6 +574,8 @@
-        maxout-=ret;
-      }
-    } while (frame_size>0 && maxout>0);
-+   free(buf);
-+   free(out);
-    return sampout;
- }
-@@ -857,8 +863,8 @@
-    }
-    else
-    {
--      st=op_open_url(inFile,NULL,NULL);
--      if (st==NULL)
-+      //st=op_open_url(inFile,NULL,NULL);
-+      //if (st==NULL)
-       {
-          st=op_open_file(inFile,NULL);
-       }
-@@ -1066,7 +1072,8 @@
-             resampler=NULL;
-          }
-          /*We've encountered a new link.*/
--         link_read=link_out=0;
-+         link_read=0;
-+         link_out=0;
-          head=op_head(st, li);
-          if (!force_stereo && channels!=head->channel_count)
-          {
--- a/opus-tools-defaults
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +1,0 @@
-diff 1d5e00558c79cf9a4266124d393cfbc879df7475 uncommitted
---- a/src/audio-in.c
-+++ b/src/audio-in.c
-@@ -671,8 +671,8 @@
-                this length so that we do not misinterpret any additional
-                chunks after this as audio.  Also use this length to report
-                percent progress. */
--            wav->totalsamples = opt->total_samples_per_channel =
--                len/(format.channels*samplesize);
-+            wav->totalsamples = len/(format.channels*samplesize);
-+            opt->total_samples_per_channel = wav->totalsamples;
-         }
-         else
-         {
---- a/src/opusdec.c
-+++ b/src/opusdec.c
-@@ -445,27 +445,13 @@
-     defined HAVE_SYS_AUDIOIO_H || defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
-    printf("Usage: opusdec [options] input [output]\n");
- #else
--   printf("Usage: opusdec [options] input output\n");
-+   printf("Usage: opusdec [options]\n");
- #endif
--   printf("\n");
--   printf("Decode audio in Opus format to Wave or raw PCM\n");
--   printf("\n");
--   printf("input can be:\n");
--   printf("  file:filename.opus   Opus URL\n");
--   printf("  filename.opus        Opus file\n");
--   printf("  -                    stdin\n");
--   printf("\n");
--   printf("output can be:\n");
--   printf("  filename.wav         Wave file\n");
--   printf("  filename.*           Raw PCM file (any extension other than .wav)\n");
--   printf("  -                    stdout (raw; unless --force-wav)\n");
- #if defined HAVE_LIBSNDIO || defined HAVE_SYS_SOUNDCARD_H || \
-     defined HAVE_MACHINE_SOUNDCARD_H || defined HAVE_SOUNDCARD_H || \
-     defined HAVE_SYS_AUDIOIO_H || defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
-    printf("  (default)            Play audio\n");
- #endif
--   printf("\n");
--   printf("Options:\n");
-    printf(" -h, --help            Show this help\n");
-    printf(" -V, --version         Show version information\n");
-    printf(" --quiet               Suppress program output\n");
-@@ -477,7 +463,6 @@
-    printf(" --force-wav           Force Wave header on output\n");
-    printf(" --packet-loss n       Simulate n %% random packet loss\n");
-    printf(" --save-range file     Save check values for every frame to a file\n");
--   printf("\n");
- }
- void version(void)
-@@ -692,7 +677,7 @@
-    int file_output;
-    int old_li=-1;
-    int li;
--   int quiet = 0;
-+   int quiet = 1;
-    int forcewav = 0;
-    ogg_int64_t nb_read_total=0;
-    ogg_int64_t link_read=0;
-@@ -718,10 +703,10 @@
-    float loss_percent=-1;
-    float manual_gain=0;
-    int force_rate=0;
--   int force_stereo=0;
-+   int force_stereo=1;
-    int requested_channels=-1;
-    int channels=-1;
--   int rate=0;
-+   int rate=44100;
-    int wav_format=0;
-    int dither=1;
-    int fp=0;
-@@ -810,13 +795,7 @@
-          goto done;
-       }
-    }
--   if (argc_utf8-optind!=2 && argc_utf8-optind!=1)
--   {
--      usage();
--      exit_code=1;
--      goto done;
--   }
--   inFile=argv_utf8[optind];
-+   inFile="-";
-    /*Output to a file or playback?*/
-    file_output=argc_utf8-optind==2;
-@@ -833,7 +812,7 @@
-      }
-      wav_format|=forcewav;
-    } else {
--     outFile=NULL;
-+     outFile="-";
-      wav_format=0;
-      /*If playing to audio out, default the rate to 48000
-        instead of the original rate. The original rate is
---- a/src/opusenc.c
-+++ b/src/opusenc.c
-@@ -117,20 +117,12 @@
- static void usage(void)
- {
--  printf("Usage: opusenc [options] input_file output_file.opus\n");
--  printf("\n");
--  printf("Encode audio using Opus.\n");
-+  printf("Usage: opusenc [options]\n");
- #if defined(HAVE_LIBFLAC)
-   printf("The input format can be Wave, AIFF, FLAC, Ogg/FLAC, or raw PCM.\n");
- #else
-   printf("The input format can be Wave, AIFF, or raw PCM.\n");
- #endif
--  printf("\ninput_file can be:\n");
--  printf("  filename.wav      file\n");
--  printf("  -                 stdin\n");
--  printf("\noutput_file can be:\n");
--  printf("  filename.opus     compressed file\n");
--  printf("  -                 stdout\n");
-   printf("\nGeneral options:\n");
-   printf(" -h, --help         Show this help\n");
-   printf(" -V, --version      Show version information\n");
-@@ -431,7 +423,7 @@
-   time_t             last_spin=0;
-   int                last_spin_len=0;
-   /*Settings*/
--  int                quiet=0;
-+  int                quiet=1;
-   opus_int32         bitrate=-1;
-   opus_int32         rate=48000;
-   opus_int32         frame_size=960;
-@@ -474,12 +466,12 @@
-   in_format=NULL;
-   inopt.channels=chan;
-   inopt.channels_format=CHANNELS_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
--  inopt.rate=rate;
-+  inopt.rate=44100;
-   /* 0 dB gain is recommended unless you know what you're doing */
-   inopt.gain=0;
-   inopt.samplesize=16;
-   inopt.endianness=0;
--  inopt.rawmode=0;
-+  inopt.rawmode=1;
-   inopt.rawmode_f=0;
-   inopt.ignorelength=0;
-   inopt.copy_comments=1;
-@@ -827,12 +819,8 @@
-     fatal("Invalid bit-depth:\n"
-       "--raw-bits must be 32 for float sample format\n");
-   }
--  if (argc_utf8-optind!=2) {
--    usage();
--    exit(1);
--  }
--  inFile=argv_utf8[optind];
--  outFile=argv_utf8[optind+1];
-+  inFile="-";
-+  outFile="-";
-   if (cline_size > 0) {
-     ret = ope_comments_add(inopt.comments, "ENCODER_OPTIONS", ENCODER_string);
--- a/opus-tools-seek
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +1,0 @@
---- opus-tools/src/opusdec.c	2022-10-11 16:35:05.577273603 +0200
-+++ opus-tools/src/opusdec.c	2022-10-18 01:42:38.276862173 +0200
-@@ -463,6 +463,7 @@
-    printf(" --force-wav           Force Wave header on output\n");
-    printf(" --packet-loss n       Simulate n %% random packet loss\n");
-    printf(" --save-range file     Save check values for every frame to a file\n");
-+   printf(" -s, --seek seconds    Seek within the stream before decoding\n");
- }
- void version(void)
-@@ -682,6 +683,7 @@
-    ogg_int64_t nb_read_total=0;
-    ogg_int64_t link_read=0;
-    ogg_int64_t link_out=0;
-+   double seek=0.0;
-    struct option long_options[] =
-    {
-       {"help", no_argument, NULL, 0},
-@@ -696,6 +698,7 @@
-       {"force-wav", no_argument, NULL, 0},
-       {"packet-loss", required_argument, NULL, 0},
-       {"save-range", required_argument, NULL, 0},
-+      {"seek", required_argument, NULL, 0},
-       {0, 0, 0, 0}
-    };
-    opus_int64 audio_size=0;
-@@ -734,7 +737,7 @@
-    /*Process options*/
-    while (1)
-    {
--      c = getopt_long(argc_utf8, argv_utf8, "hV",
-+      c = getopt_long(argc_utf8, argv_utf8, "hVs:",
-                        long_options, &option_index);
-       if (c==-1)
-          break;
-@@ -781,6 +784,9 @@
-          } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"packet-loss")==0)
-          {
-             loss_percent = atof(optarg);
-+         } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"seek")==0)
-+         {
-+            seek = atof(optarg);
-          }
-          break;
-       case 'h':
-@@ -789,6 +795,9 @@
-       case 'V':
-          version();
-          goto done;
-+      case 's':
-+         seek = atof(optarg);
-+         break;
-       case '?':
-          usage();
-          exit_code=1;
-@@ -999,6 +1008,14 @@
-       op_set_decode_callback(st, (op_decode_cb_func)decode_cb, &cb_ctx);
-    }
-+   if (seek > 0.0) {
-+      if (op_pcm_seek(st, seek*48000) != 0)
-+      {
-+         seek = 0.0;
-+      }
-+      fprintf(stderr, "time: %g\n", seek);
-+   }
-    /*Main decoding loop*/
-    while (1)
-    {
--- a/opusfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +1,0 @@
-diff 705fefe3be63402de65d74d8a3ff499a2e8b8cc5 uncommitted
---- /tmp/diff100000210759
-+++ b/mkfile
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+	info.$O \
-+	internal.$O \
-+	opusfile.$O \
-+	stream.$O \
-+	/sys/include/ape/opus/opusfile.h \
-+	mkfile\
-+	${OFILES:%.$O=%.c}\
-+	-Iinclude \
-+	-I/sys/src/cmd/audio/libogg \
-+	-I/sys/include/ape/opus \
-+	-DPACKAGE_VERSION="fuckoff" \
-+%.$O:	src/%.c
-+	$CC $CFLAGS src/$stem.c
-+	mkdir -p /sys/include/ape/opus
-+	dircp include /sys/include/ape/opus
---- a/src/opusfile.c
-+++ b/src/opusfile.c
-@@ -327,7 +327,9 @@
-   opus_int64     original_end;
-   opus_int32     chunk_size;
-   int            preferred_found;
--  original_end=end=begin=_offset;
-+  original_end=_offset;
-+  end=_offset;
-+  begin=_offset;
-   preferred_found=0;
-   _offset=-1;
-   chunk_size=OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
-@@ -350,7 +352,8 @@
-         We're not interested in the page itself... just the serial number, byte
-          offset, page size, and granule position.*/
-       _sr->search_start=search_start;
--      _sr->offset=_offset=llret;
-+      _sr->offset=llret;
-+      _offset=llret;
-       _sr->serialno=serialno;
-       OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-_offset>=0);
-       OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-_offset<=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX);
-@@ -416,7 +419,9 @@
-   opus_int32  chunk_size;
-   /*The target serial number must belong to the current link.*/
-   OP_ASSERT(op_lookup_serialno(_serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos));
--  original_end=end=begin=_offset;
-+  begin=_offset;
-+  end=_offset;
-+  original_end=_offset;
-   _offset=-1;
-   /*We shouldn't have to initialize gp, but gcc is too dumb to figure out that
-      ret>=0 implies we entered the if(page_gp!=-1) block at least once.*/
-@@ -859,7 +864,8 @@
-       _link->pcm_file_offset=0;
-       /*Set pcm_end and end_offset so we can skip the call to
-          op_find_final_pcm_offset().*/
--      _link->pcm_start=_link->pcm_end=0;
-+      _link->pcm_start=0;
-+      _link->pcm_end=0;
-       _link->end_offset=_link->data_offset;
-       return 0;
-     }
-@@ -869,7 +875,8 @@
-       /*Set pcm_end and end_offset so we can skip the call to
-          op_find_final_pcm_offset().*/
-       _link->pcm_file_offset=0;
--      _link->pcm_start=_link->pcm_end=0;
-+      _link->pcm_start=0;
-+      _link->pcm_end=0;
-       _link->end_offset=_link->data_offset;
-       /*Tell the caller we've got a buffered page for them.*/
-       return 1;
-@@ -939,7 +946,8 @@
-         /*If we trimmed the entire packet, stop (the spec says encoders
-            shouldn't do this, but we support it anyway).*/
-         if(OP_UNLIKELY(diff>durations[pi]))break;
--        _of->op[pi].granulepos=prev_packet_gp=cur_page_gp;
-+        _of->op[pi].granulepos=cur_page_gp;
-+        prev_packet_gp=cur_page_gp;
-         /*Move the EOS flag to this packet, if necessary, so we'll trim the
-            samples.*/
-         _of->op[pi].e_o_s=1;
-@@ -955,7 +963,8 @@
-   _of->op_count=pi;
-   _of->cur_discard_count=_link->head.pre_skip;
-   _link->pcm_file_offset=0;
--  _of->prev_packet_gp=_link->pcm_start=pcm_start;
-+  _of->prev_packet_gp=pcm_start;
-+  _link->pcm_start=pcm_start;
-   _of->prev_page_offset=page_offset;
-   return 0;
- }
-@@ -1396,7 +1405,8 @@
-   int            ret;
-   /*We can seek, so set out learning all about this file.*/
-   (*_of->>stream,0,SEEK_END);
--  _of->offset=_of->end=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->stream);
-+  _of->offset=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->stream);
-+  _of->end=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->stream);
-   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->end<0))return OP_EREAD;
-   data_offset=_of->links[0].data_offset;
-   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->end<data_offset))return OP_EBADLINK;
-@@ -2285,10 +2295,13 @@
-   _of->bytes_tracked=0;
-   _of->samples_tracked=0;
-   link=_of->links+_li;
--  best_gp=pcm_start=link->pcm_start;
-+  best_gp=link->pcm_start;
-+  pcm_start=link->pcm_start;
-   pcm_end=link->pcm_end;
-   serialno=link->serialno;
--  best=best_start=begin=link->data_offset;
-+  best=link->data_offset;
-+  best_start=link->data_offset;
-+  begin=link->data_offset;
-   page_offset=-1;
-   buffering=0;
-   /*We discard the first 80 ms of data after a seek, so seek back that much
-@@ -2301,9 +2314,12 @@
-   /*Special case seeking to the start of the link.*/
-   pre_skip=link->head.pre_skip;
-   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&pcm_pre_skip,pcm_start,pre_skip));
--  if(op_granpos_cmp(_target_gp,pcm_pre_skip)<0)end=boundary=begin;
--  else{
--    end=boundary=link->end_offset;
-+  if(op_granpos_cmp(_target_gp,pcm_pre_skip)<0){
-+    end=begin;
-+    boundary=begin;
-+  }else{
-+    end=link->end_offset;
-+    boundary=link->end_offset;
- #if !defined(OP_SMALL_FOOTPRINT)
-     /*If we were decoding from this link, we can narrow the range a bit.*/
-     if(_li==_of->cur_link&&_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET){
-@@ -2338,8 +2354,10 @@
-              first seek location gives better results, on average.*/
-           if(diff<0){
-             if(offset-begin>=end-begin>>1||diff>-OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH){
--              best=begin=offset;
--              best_gp=pcm_start=gp;
-+              best=offset;
-+              begin=offset;
-+              best_gp=gp;
-+              pcm_start=gp;
-               /*If we have buffered data from a continued packet, remember the
-                  offset of the previous page's start, so that if we do wind up
-                  having to seek back here later, we can prime the stream with
-@@ -2389,7 +2407,8 @@
-               Check if we can cut off at least half the range, though.*/
-             if(offset-begin<=end-begin>>1||diff<OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH){
-               /*We really want the page start here, but this will do.*/
--              end=boundary=offset;
-+              end=offset;
-+              boundary=offset;
-               pcm_end=gp;
-             }
-           }
-@@ -2406,7 +2425,9 @@
-   _of->cur_link=_li;
-   _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET;
-   /*Initialize the interval size history.*/
--  d2=d1=d0=end-begin;
-+  d0=end-begin;
-+  d1=d0;
-+  d2=d0;
-   force_bisect=0;
-   while(begin<end){
-     opus_int64 bisect;
-@@ -2510,7 +2531,8 @@
-           }
-           /*Save the byte offset of the end of the page with this granule
-              position.*/
--          best=best_start=begin;
-+          best=begin;
-+          best_start=begin;
-           /*Buffer any data from a continued packet, if necessary.
-             This avoids the need to seek back here if the next timestamp we
-              encounter while scanning forward lies after our target.*/
-@@ -2526,7 +2548,8 @@
-           /*Then force buffering on, so that if a packet starts (but does not
-              end) on the next page, we still avoid the extra seek back.*/
-           buffering=1;
--          best_gp=pcm_start=gp;
-+          best_gp=gp;
-+          pcm_start=gp;
-           OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,_target_gp,pcm_start));
-           /*If we're more than a second away from our target, break out and
-              do another bisection.*/