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ref: d2a0828140c31514c514b8e4fb9a4d52c389d8fe
parent: e9f5f2ffcc62eee564d37d5776e701bab548a496
author: Peter Mikkelsen <>
date: Thu Jul 8 17:54:27 EDT 2021

Add current_predicate/1 builtin

--- a/builtins.c
+++ b/builtins.c
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 int compareterms(Term *, Term *);
@@ -133,6 +134,8 @@
 		return builtingeq;
 	if(Match(L"clause", 3))
 		return builtinclause;
+	if(Match(L"current_predicate", 2))
+		return builtincurrentpredicate;
 	return nil;
@@ -860,4 +863,43 @@
 	Term *realclauselist = mklist(realclauses);
 	return unify(clauselist, realclauselist, bindings);
+builtincurrentpredicate(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+	Term *pi = goal->children;
+	Term *list = pi->next;
+	if(pi->tag != VariableTerm && !ispredicateindicator(pi, 1))
+		Throw(typeerror(L"predicate_indicator", pi));
+	Rune *predname = nil;
+	int arity = -1;
+	if(ispredicateindicator(pi, 1)){
+		Term *functor = pi->children;
+		Term *arityterm = functor->next;
+		if(functor->tag == AtomTerm)
+			predname = functor->text;
+		if(arityterm->tag == IntegerTerm)
+			arity = arityterm->ival;
+	}
+	Term *pilist = nil;
+	Predicate *pred;
+	for(pred = module->predicates; pred != nil; pred = pred->next){
+		if(pred->builtin)
+			continue;
+		if(predname && runestrcmp(pred->name, predname) != 0)
+			continue;
+		if(arity != -1 && pred->arity != arity)
+			continue;
+		Term *functor = mkatom(pred->name);
+		functor->next = mkinteger(pred->arity);
+		Term *t = mkcompound(L"/", 2, functor);
+		pilist = appendterm(t, pilist);
+	}
+	Term *reallist = mklist(pilist);
+	return unify(list, reallist, bindings);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/dat.h
+++ b/dat.h
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 	Rune *name;
 	int arity;
 	int public;
+	int builtin; /* All the predicates from the system module are builtin */
 	Clause *clauses;
 	Predicate *next;
--- a/fns.h
+++ b/fns.h
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 int ispartiallist(Term *t);
 int isemptylist(Term *);
 int isnonemptylist(Term *);
+int ispredicateindicator(Term *, int);
 Term *listhead(Term *);
 Term *listtail(Term *);
--- a/module.c
+++ b/module.c
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
+	Predicate *p;
+	for(p = systemmodule->predicates; p != nil; p = p->next){
+		p->builtin = 1;
+	}
 	usermodule = addemptymodule(L"user");
@@ -83,6 +88,7 @@
 			currentpred->arity = arity;
 			currentpred->clauses = cl;
 			currentpred->public = 1; /* everything is public for now */
+			currentpred->builtin = 0;
 			currentpred->next = nil;
 			currentpred->clauses = appendclause(currentpred->clauses, cl);
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -156,6 +156,10 @@
 	clause(Head, Body, Clauses),
 	member(clause(Head, Body), Clauses).
+current_predicate(PI) :-
+	current_predicate(PI, Predicates),
+	member(PI, Predicates).
 % Basic list predicates
 member(X, [X|_]).
 member(X, [_|Tail]) :-
--- a/types.c
+++ b/types.c
@@ -38,6 +38,20 @@
 		return 0;	
+ispredicateindicator(Term *t, int allowvars)
+	if(t->tag == CompoundTerm && runestrcmp(t->text, L"/") == 0 && t->arity == 2){
+		Term *f = t->children;
+		Term *a = f->next;
+		if(allowvars)
+			return (f->tag == VariableTerm || f->tag == AtomTerm) && (a->tag == VariableTerm || a->tag == IntegerTerm);
+		else
+			return (f->tag == AtomTerm) && (a->tag == IntegerTerm);
+	}else
+		return 0;
 /* Other functions */
 Term *
 listhead(Term *t)