shithub: vim

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ref: 4d4fcc4d64f9d3266aa355bb89d484c95c014724
parent: 6f9e6b4fb93124a25060f4514fed6fbdee0192ec
author: phil9 <>
date: Wed Dec 22 13:36:16 EST 2021

remove old README

--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +1,0 @@
-# vim
-This is a plan9 port of the vim editor.
-The port was initially done by stefanha (see
-This fork builds on the initial port and brings a couple extra features (plumber, mouse support) but also bug fixes (mainly shell command execution).
-## plan9 integration:
-Here are a couple of things I use to help with integration within plan9.  
-VIM loads its configuration from `$home/lib/vimrc`.
-### mk
-To make `mk` output recognized by `quickfix`, use the following:
-set errorformat+=%tarning:\ %f:%l\ %m
-set errorformat+=%tarning:\ %f:%l[%.%#]\ %m
-set errorformat+=%f:%l\ %m
-set errorformat+=%f:%l[%.%#]\ %m
-autocmd BufReadPost quickfix nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <CR>
-### grep
-I use `g` for grepping through code. You can modify the `grepprg` variable to do this:
-set grepprg=g\ $*
-### man pages
-The included `man.vim` plugin is modified to work on plan9.
-First you need to load the plugin:
-runtime ftplugin/man.vim
-You can now look at man pages using
-:Man <keyword>
-In addition, you can change the `keywordprg` variable to display man pages when pressing the `K` key over a keyword:
-set keywordprg=:Man
-### function signatures
-I use the following function to display the signature of the function under the cursor:
-function! s:Sig()
-	echo system("sig ".expand("<cword>"))
-command! Sig call s:Sig()
-### git diff
-I use the following function to display the result of `git/diff` in the current directory as a diff file:
-function! s:GitDiff()
-	32 new
-	setlocal buftype=nofile
-	:.!git/diff
-	setlocal ft=diff
-command! Gd call s:GitDiff()
-## Issues
-- Input is borked (nothing beyong ascii, leader key, etc.)
-- Other things I'm sure