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ref: 33f5d0fe3fd40b57f0a36e3832637446446768f4
parent: 67a16248b4538a78e1afcbc7588e16a81f9ea363
author: phil9 <>
date: Wed Dec 22 16:54:46 EST 2021

change cursor to a plain rectangle

	I really don't like cursor with only an outline

--- a/os_plan9.c
+++ b/os_plan9.c
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@
         draw(cursorsave, Rect(0, 0, fontsize.x, fontsize.y),
                 screen, nil, Pt(screen->clipr.min.x + curcol * fontsize.x,
                     screen->clipr.min.y + currow * fontsize.y));
-        border(screen, Rect(screen->clipr.min.x + curcol * fontsize.x,
+        drawop(screen, Rect(screen->clipr.min.x + curcol * fontsize.x,
                     screen->clipr.min.y + currow * fontsize.y,
                     screen->clipr.min.x + (curcol + 1) * fontsize.x,
                     screen->clipr.min.y + (currow + 1) * fontsize.y),
-                2, colortab[cterm_normal_fg_color - 1], ZP);
+                colortab[cterm_normal_fg_color - 1], cursorsave, ZP, SoverD);