shithub: vdiff

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ref: 641589f25d1a5d86caa8c006fd659a145a561b72
parent: f0d685d902830be93d1246c09cb6a2d3063dad86
author: phil9 <>
date: Mon Aug 2 05:26:18 EDT 2021

add scrolling via mouse 1 and 3 on scrollbar (thanks nicolagi)

	implement standard scrollbar behaviour with mouse 1 scrolling up and
	mouse 3 scrolling down. Scrolling "speed" is dependent on the mouse
	click location

--- a/vdiff.c
+++ b/vdiff.c
@@ -274,6 +274,25 @@
 		e = event(&ev);
 		case Emouse:
+			if(ev.mouse.buttons&4 && ptinrect(ev.mouse.xy, scrollr)){
+				n = (ev.mouse.xy.y - scrollr.min.y) / lineh;
+				if(n<lcount-offset){
+					scroll(n);
+				} else {
+					scroll(lcount-offset);
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+			if(ev.mouse.buttons&1 && ptinrect(ev.mouse.xy, scrollr)){
+				n = (ev.mouse.xy.y - scrollr.min.y) / lineh;
+				if(-n<lcount-offset){
+					scroll(-n);
+				} else {
+					scroll(-lcount+offset);
+				}
+				break;
+			}
 				n = indexat(ev.mouse.xy);
 				if(n>=0 && lines[n+offset]->f != nil)