shithub: shithub

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ref: 8fff3bb075833db2da787166eb861075f7544473
author: glenda <glenda@9front.local>
date: Sat Nov 28 16:47:51 EST 2020

shithub: initial commit

Based off the files in git9/extra, but customized
to handle multiple users.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitrules
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+/repos.html					/bin/shithub /usr/git list
+/([^'/]+)/info.html				/bin/shithub /usr/git info '\1' '\2' HEAD
+/([^'/]+)/([^'/]+)/([^'/]+)/info.html		/bin/shithub /usr/git info '\1' '\2' '\3'
+/([^'/]+)/([^'/]+)/([^'/]+)/snap.tar.gz		/bin/shithub /usr/git tar '\1' '\2' '\3'
+/([^'/]+)/([^'/]+)/([^'/]+)/(([^']+)/)?f.html	/bin/shithub /usr/git view '\1' '\2' '\3' '\5'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkfile
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	cp shithub newrepo /rc/bin
+	cp gitrules /sys/lib/tcp80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newrepo
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+flagfmt='p:priv, d:desc desc, c:contact contact'
+args='[repo ...]'
+eval `''{aux/getflags $*} || exec aux/usage
+fn whoami{
+	if(test -f /adm/keys.who){
+		if(~ $email '')
+			email=`{awk -F'|' '$1=="'$user'" {x=$5} END{print x}' </adm/keys.who}
+	}
+	if(~ $email '')
+		email=glenda@9front.local
+cd /usr/git/$user
+for(repo in $*){
+	git/init $1
+	if(~ $#priv 0)
+		touch $1/.git/webpublish
+	if(! ~ $#desc 0)
+		echo $desc >$1/.git/desc
+	if(! ~ $#contact 0)
+		echo $contact >$1/.git/contact
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shithub
@@ -1,0 +1,203 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+cd $1
+rfork ne
+fn htcat {
+	sed '
+		s/&/\&amp;/g;
+		s/</\&lt;/g;
+		s/>/\&gt;/g;
+		s/"/\&quot;/g;
+		s/''/\&#39;/g
+	' $*
+fn resolveref {
+	if(~ $refname HEAD)
+		echo $refname
+	if not if(test -d /mnt/git/branch/$refname/tree)
+		echo branch/$refname
+	if not if(test -d /mnt/git/object/$refname/tree)
+		echo object/$refname
+	if not
+		status='bad ref'
+fn repons {
+	mntgen
+	mntgen /mnt/mnt
+	bind /bin /mnt/bin
+	bind /tmp /mnt/tmp
+	bind -c /env /mnt/env
+	bind $1/$2 /mnt/$repo
+	bind /mnt /
+	cd /mnt/$repo
+	git/fs
+	rfork m
+fn prelude {
+	echo '
+	<!DOCTYPE html>
+	<html>
+	<head>
+		<style type="text/css">
+			body{
+				margin: 3em auto;
+				max-width: 50em;
+				font-family: sans-serif;
+			}
+			h1,h2{
+				font-size: 1.3em;
+				color: #4c4c99;
+			}
+			h3{
+				font-size: 1em;
+				color: #4c4c99;
+			}
+			#code{
+				background: #ffffea;
+				border: #99994cff
+			}
+		</style>
+	 	<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="feed.rss" title="rss">
+		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+		<title>Shithub</title>
+	</head>
+	<body>
+	'
+case 'list'
+	rfork m
+	prelude
+	echo '	<h1>Repos</h1>
+		<dl>'
+	for(repo in `$nl{ls */}){
+		if(test -e $repo/.git/webpublish){
+			echo '<dt><a href="/git/'$repo'/HEAD/info.html">'$repo'</a></dt>'
+			echo '<dd>'
+			if(test -f $repo/.git/desc)
+				htcat $repo/.git/desc
+			if not
+				echo 'code some guy wrote'
+			echo '</dd>'
+		}
+	}
+	echo '</dl>'
+case 'tar'
+	gituser=$2
+	repo=$3
+	refname=$4
+	repons $gituser $repo
+	if(! ref=`{resolveref $refname}){
+		echo '<b>invalid ref '$refname'</b>'
+		exit
+	}
+	bind /mnt/git/$ref/tree /mnt/$repo
+	cd /mnt
+	tar cz $repo
+case 'info'
+	gituser=$2
+	repo=$3
+	refname=$4
+	repons $gituser $repo
+	repodir=/mnt/$repo/.git
+	if(! ref=`{resolveref $refname}){
+		echo '<b>invalid ref '$refname'</b>'
+		exit
+	}
+	cd /mnt/git/$ref/tree
+	hash=`{cat /mnt/git/$ref/hash}
+	prelude $repo $ref $repo
+	echo '	<h1><a href="/git/repos.html">Git</a>: <a
+		href=/git/'$gituser/$repo'/'$ref'/info.html>'$repo'</a></h1>
+		<p>'$repo' @ <a href='/git/$gituser/$repo/$hash/f.html'>'$hash'</a>
+		<pre id="desc">'
+	htcat /mnt/git/object/$hash/msg
+	echo '	</pre>
+		<h2>Code</h2>
+		<p>
+		<b>clone:</b> git://'$gituser/$repo', gits://'$gituser/$repo'<br>
+		<b>push:</b> hjgit://'$gituser/$repo'<br>
+		<b>tar:</b> <a href="'/git/$gituser/$repo/$hash/snap.tar.gz'">snap.tar.gz</a><br>'
+	if(test -f $repodir/contact)
+		echo '<b>patches to: </b>'^`$nl{cat $repodir/contact}^'<br>
+			</p>'
+	echo '<pre id="code">'
+	for(f in `$nl{ls}){
+		url=`$nl{echo -n $f/f.html | urlencode}
+		fname=`$nl{echo -n $f | htcat}
+		echo '<a href="'$url'">'$fname'</a>'
+	}		
+	echo '</pre>
+		<h2>About This Repo</h2>
+		<pre id="desc">'
+	if(test -f $repodir/README)
+		htcat $repodir/README
+	if not if(test -f README)
+		htcat README
+	if not if (test -f
+		htcat
+	if not if(test -f $repodir/desc)
+		htcat $repodir/desc
+	if not
+		echo 'this repo has no description'
+	echo '
+		</pre>
+		</body>
+		</html>
+	'
+case 'view'
+	gituser=$2
+	repo=$3
+	refname=$4
+	file=$5
+	repons $gituser $repo
+	if(! ref=`{resolveref $refname}){
+		echo '<b>invalid ref '$refname'</b>'
+		exit
+	}
+	cd /mnt/git/$ref/tree
+	if(~ $file '')
+		file='.'
+	hash=`{cat /mnt/git/$ref/hash}
+	prelude
+	echo '	<h1><a href="/git/repos.html">Git</a>: <a
+		href='/git/$gituser/$repo/$ref/info.html'>'$repo'</a></h1>
+		<p>'$repo' @ <a href="'/git/$gituser/$repo/$hash/f.html'">'$hash'</a>
+		<pre id="code">'
+	if(test -f $file){
+		htcat $file
+	}
+	if not if(test -d $file){
+		cd $file
+		for(f in `$nl{ls}){
+			url=`$nl{echo -n $f/f.html | urlencode}
+			fname=`$nl{echo -n $f | htcat}
+			echo '<a href="'$url'">'$fname'</a>'
+		}
+	}
+	echo '	</pre>
+		</body>
+		</html>'