ref: 8f4a6a0aafc7e4fc354183b73568e6d2e1a556a1
parent: 86c69551a61c44bcc13882fc8f7d4d5988320e90
author: MHS <gek@katherine>
date: Mon Mar 22 13:03:19 EDT 2021
Automatic commit.
--- a/include-demo/chadphys.h
+++ b/include-demo/chadphys.h
@@ -1,28 +1,127 @@
#ifndef CHAD_PHYS_H
#define CHAD_PHYS_H
#include "3dMath.h"
typedef struct {
aabb shape; //c.d[3] is sphere radius.
- //if it's zero or less, it's not a sphere, it's a box
- f_ mass; //0 means kinematic, or static. Defaults to zero.
- f_ bounciness; //default 0, put portion of displacement into velocity.
- f_ airfriction; //default 1, multiplied by velocity every time timestep.
- f_ friction; //default 0.1
+ //if it's zero or less, it's not a sphere, it's a box
mat4 localt; //Local Transform.
vec3 v; //velocity
vec3 a; //Body specific acceleration, combined with gravity
void* d; //User defined pointer.
+ f_ mass; //0 means kinematic, or static. Defaults to zero.
+ f_ bounciness; //default 0, put portion of displacement into velocity.
+ f_ airfriction; //default 1, multiplied by velocity every time timestep.
+ f_ friction; //default 0.1
} phys_body;
typedef struct{
- phys_body* abodies; //mass non-zero
- phys_body* sbodies; //mass zero
- uint nabodies; //number of abodies
- uint nsbodies; //number of sbodies
vec3 g; //gravity
+ phys_body* bodies;
f_ ms; //max speed
+ uint nbodies; //number of bodies
} phys_world;
-//TODO: implement functions
+typedef struct{
+ phys_body** data;
+ uint capacity;
+} phys_cell;
+typedef struct{
+ phys_cell* data;
+ f_ celldim;
+ uint xcells;
+ uint ycells;
+ uint zcells;
+ vec3 offset;
+} phys_spatialhash;
+static inline phys_spatialhash spatialhash_init(uint x, uint y, uint z, f_ celldim, vec3 offset){
+ phys_spatialhash ret = {0};
+ ret.xcells = x;
+ ret.ycells = y;
+ ret.zcells = z;
+ ret.celldim = celldim;
+ ret.offset = offset;
+ = calloc(1,sizeof(phys_cell) * x * y * z);
+ return ret;
+static inline void destroy_spatialhash(phys_spatialhash* p){
+ if(p->data) free(p->data);
+ p->data = NULL;
+static inline uint phys_cell_insert(phys_cell* c, phys_body* b){ //1 = error.
+ uint inserted = 0;
+ while(!inserted){
+ for(uint b_ = 0; b_ < c->capacity; b_++)
+ if(c->data[b_]==NULL)
+ {
+ c->data[b_] = b;
+ inserted = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ phys_body** old = c->data;
+ c->data = calloc(1,((c->capacity)<<1) * sizeof(phys_body*));
+ if(c->data == NULL) { //The malloc failed! Wowza!
+ if(old)//In case we had something there...
+ free(old);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ memcpy(c->data, old, c->capacity);
+ c->capacity <<= 1;
+ free(old);
+ }
+ return 1; //Unreachable.
+//update the placement of this body b in the spatial hash.
+static inline void spatialhash_clear(phys_spatialhash* h){
+#pragma omp parallel for collapse(4)
+ for(uint i = 0; i < h->xcells; i++)
+ for(uint j = 0; j < h->ycells; j++)
+ for(uint k = 0; k < h->zcells; k++)
+ for(uint b_cell = 0; b_cell < h->data[i+ j*h->xcells + k*h->xcells*h->ycells].capacity; b_cell++)
+ h->data[i+ j*h->xcells + k*h->xcells*h->ycells].data[b_cell] = NULL;
+static inline uint spatialhash_update(phys_spatialhash* h, phys_body* b){
+ //Assumes that the spatial hash was cleared this frame- no duplicates.
+ vec3 b1c = downv4(b->shape.c);
+ f_ rad = 0;
+ if(b->shape.c.d[3] == 0){
+ vec3 b1max = addv3(b1c,b->shape.e);
+ rad = MAX(MAX(b1max.d[0],b1max.d[1]),b1max.d[2]);
+ } else {
+ rad = b->shape.c.d[3];
+ }
+ rad /= h->celldim;
+ b1c = addv3(h->offset, b1c);
+ b1c = scalev3(1.0/h->celldim, b1c);
+ ivec3 beg, end;
+#pragma omp simd
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ beg.d[i] = b1c.d[i] - rad;
+ end.d[i] = b1c.d[i] + rad;
+ }
+//error checking.
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if(beg.d[i] < 0 || end.d[i] < 0) return 1;
+ if( end.d[0] > h->xcells ||
+ end.d[1] > h->ycells ||
+ end.d[2] > h->zcells)
+ return 1;
+ if( beg.d[0] > h->xcells ||
+ beg.d[1] > h->ycells ||
+ beg.d[2] > h->zcells)
+ return 1;
+#pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)
+ for(uint i = beg.d[0]; i < h->xcells && i<=end.d[0]; i++)
+ for(uint j = beg.d[1]; j < h->ycells && j<=end.d[1]; j++)
+ for(uint k = beg.d[2]; k < h->zcells && k<=end.d[2]; k++){
+ phys_cell_insert(h->data+i+ j*h->xcells + k*h->xcells*h->ycells, b);
+ }
+ return 0;
static inline void initPhysBody(phys_body* body){
body->shape = (aabb){
.c=(vec4){.d[0] = 0,.d[1] = 0,.d[2] = 0,.d[3] = 0},