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ref: 8f5c9a747fcebb02bb99f5de272046411eb15370
parent: e4fcb672ed8bae21fd9780292b54fea3040dd877
author: David Jones <>
date: Sun Nov 22 08:09:59 EST 2020

Add menu params

Fixes #7951

--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/
+++ b/docs/content/en/content-management/
@@ -113,6 +113,24 @@
 In this example, the top level of the menu is defined in your [site `config` file][config]. All content entries are attached to one of these entries via the `.Parent` field.
+## Params
+You can also add user-defined content to menu items via the `params` field. 
+A common use case is to define a custom param to add a css class to a specific menu item.
+{{< code-toggle file="config" >}}
+    name = "about hugo"
+    pre = "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i>"
+    weight = -110
+    identifier = "about"
+    url = "/about/"
+    [menu.main.params]
+      class = "highlight-menu-item"
+{{</ code-toggle >}}
 ## Render Menus
 See [Menu Templates](/templates/menu-templates/) for information on how to render your site menus within your templates.
--- a/docs/content/en/templates/
+++ b/docs/content/en/templates/
@@ -160,3 +160,23 @@
   {{ end }}
+## Using .Params in Menus
+User-defined content on menu items are accessible via `.Params`.
+Here's an example:
+<nav class="sidebar-nav">
+  {{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
+    <a href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .Title }}" class="{{ with .Params.class }}{{ . }}{{ end }}">
+      {{- .Name -}}
+    </a>
+  {{ end }}
+{{% note %}}
+With Menu-level .Params they can easily exist on one menu item but not another. It's recommended to access them gracefully using the [with function](/functions/with).
+{{% /note %}}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/hugolib/menu_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/menu_test.go
@@ -267,3 +267,53 @@
 	b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "A|Children:C|B|")
+func TestMenuParams(t *testing.T) {
+	b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile()
+	b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", `
+Main: {{ len .Site.Menus.main }}
+{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
+* Main|{{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }}|{{ .Params }}
+{{ end }}
+	b.WithContent("blog/", `
+title: "P1"
+menu: main
+	b.WithContent("blog/", `
+title: "P2"
+menu: main
+	b.WithContent("blog/", `
+title: "P3"
+  main:
+    weight: 30
+    params:
+      foo: "bar"
+      key2: "value2"
+	b.Build(BuildCfg{})
+	b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html",
+		"Main: 3",
+		"Main|P3: /blog/page3/|map[foo:bar key2:value2]",
+		"Main|P1: /blog/page1/|map[]",
+		"Main|P2: /blog/page2/|map[]",
+	)
--- a/navigation/menu.go
+++ b/navigation/menu.go
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 	Weight        int
 	Parent        string
 	Children      Menu
+	Params        maps.Params
 func (m *MenuEntry) URL() string {
@@ -127,6 +128,8 @@
 			m.Identifier = cast.ToString(v)
 		case "parent":
 			m.Parent = cast.ToString(v)
+		case "params":
+			m.Params = maps.ToStringMap(v)