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ref: 16515f9ca461ed66b3b5f706f38f8c95c65d7ba6
parent: f944d6f355cce5ebc947a440ce3f811f2db76282
author: glenda <glenda@narshaddaa>
date: Mon Apr 24 03:07:30 EDT 2023

code all commented and cleaned up

--- a/mkfile
+++ b/mkfile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--- a/textimg.c
+++ b/textimg.c
@@ -7,56 +7,29 @@
-	sysfatal("usage: %s [ -f subfont ] text", argv0);
+	sysfatal("usage: %s [-f subfont] [-p reformfs/] [-m ms] [-h y] [-w x] < text", argv0);
-writeuncompressed(int fd, Memimage *m)
-	char chanstr[32];
-	int bpl, y, j;
-	uchar *buf;
+// Stolen from `iconv -u`. 
+void	writeuncompressed(int fd, Memimage *m);
-	if(chantostr(chanstr, m->chan) == nil)
-		sysfatal("can't convert channel descriptor: %r");
-	fprint(fd, "%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ",
-		chanstr, m->r.min.x, m->r.min.y, m->r.max.x, m->r.max.y);
-	bpl = bytesperline(m->r, m->depth);
-	buf = malloc(bpl+1);
-	if(buf == nil)
-		sysfatal("malloc failed: %r");
-	for(y=m->r.min.y; y<m->r.max.y; y++){
-		j = unloadmemimage(m, Rect(m->r.min.x, y, m->r.max.x, y+1), buf, bpl);
-		if(j != bpl)
-			sysfatal("image unload failed: %r");
-		if(write(fd, buf, bpl) != bpl)
-			sysfatal("write failed: %r");
-	}
-	free(buf);
+// Scroll text in two lines across the MNT Reform (v2) keyboard OLED display. 
 main(int argc, char **argv)
-	char *s;
+	char *s, *path, *bufbot, *buftop;
 	Memsubfont *f;
 	Point p;
-	char *path;
-	int fd;
+	int fd, i, w, h, ms, lineh;
 	Biobufhdr *in;	
-	int ncharspline;//, nlines;
-	int h = 32;
-	int w = 126;
-	int y = 0;
-	int i;
-	int ms = 100;
+	int ncharspline;
 	long n;
-	//nlines = 2;	// i guess?
-	char *buf, *buftop;
-	int lineh;
+	w = 126;
+	h = 32;
+	ms = 100;
 	s = "/lib/font/bit/vga/vga.0000-007F";
 	f = nil;
 	path = "/mnt/reform/kbdoled";
@@ -71,48 +44,61 @@
-	if (memimageinit())
+	// I'm not convinced this is mandatory. 
+	if(memimageinit())
 		sysfatal("memimageinit failed: %r");
-	if (s)
+	if(s)
 		f = openmemsubfont(s);
-	if (!f){
-		fprint(2, "cannot load subfont. Falling back to default.\n");
+	if(!f){
+		fprint(2, "cannot load subfont. Falling back to memdraw default.\n");
 		f = getmemdefont();
-	// Read text in - one OLED line width at a time
-	//	2 lines on the OLED display
-	// p.x = width of one char in pixels
-	// 126 x 32 oled
+	/* 
+		Read text in - one OLED line width at a time. 
+		2 lines on the OLED display @ height 8 font, like vga. 
+		p.x = max(?) width of one character in pixels. 
+		126 x 32 oled. 
+		Q is arbitrary. 
+	*/
 	p = memsubfontwidth(f, "Q");
 	if (p.x == 0)
-		sysfatal("no length");
+		sysfatal("font has no width, not wide enough to ride");
+	// The height of the text line ≡ the font's height
 	lineh = f->height;
+	// Number of characters that can be on a line. 
 	ncharspline = w / p.x;
-	buf = calloc(ncharspline, sizeof (char));
-	n = Bread(in, buf, ncharspline-1);
+	// Initialize our buffers. 
+	bufbot = calloc(ncharspline, sizeof (char));
+	n = Bread(in, bufbot, ncharspline-1);
 	if(n <= 0)
 		sysfatal("no bread in the bread box");
-	buf[n] = '\0';
+	bufbot[n] = '\0';
 	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		if(buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\r')
-			buf[i] = ' ';
+		if(bufbot[i] == '\n' || bufbot[i] == '\r')
+			bufbot[i] = ' ';
 	buftop = calloc(ncharspline, sizeof (char));
 	memset(buftop, ' ', ncharspline*sizeof (char));
 	buftop[n] = '\0';
+	// Primary loop routine. 
 		Memimage *img;
+		char c;
+		// Not entirely sure if open/close every time is necessary. 
 		fd = open(path, OWRITE);
 		if(fd < 0){
 			sysfatal("could not open kbdoled file → %r");
+		// White background for the whole OLED. 
+		// This might be incorrect, but it works cosmetically. 
 		img = allocmemimage(Rect(0, 0, p.x*ncharspline, f->height+lineh), GREY1);
 		if (!img)
 			sysfatal("cannot allocate memimage: %r");
@@ -122,36 +108,67 @@
 		memimagestring(img, Pt(0, 0), memblack, ZP, f, buftop);
 		// Bottom line
-		memimagestring(img, Pt(0, 16), memblack, ZP, f, buf);
+		memimagestring(img, Pt(0, h/2), memblack, ZP, f, bufbot);
+		// Reform/pm requires an uncompressed plan9 bitmap image
 		writeuncompressed(fd, img);
-		if(y == 0)
-			y = 16;
-		else
-			y = 0;
-		char c;
+		// Read one character at a time in for 'text scroll' effect. 
 		c = Bgetc(in);
+		// EOF
 		if(c <= 0)
+		// Don't print whitespace symbols other than spaces. 
 		if(c == '\n' || c == '\r')
 			c = ' ';
-		// Shift the top in
-		for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
+		// Shift the top values in from the bottom row. 
+		for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
 			buftop[i] = buftop[i+1];
-		}
-		buftop[n-1] = buf[0];
+		buftop[n-1] = bufbot[0];
-		// Shift the bottom in
-		for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
-			buf[i] = buf[i+1];
-		}
-		buf[n-1] = c;
+		// Shift the bottom values over and the new char in. 
+		for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
+			bufbot[i] = bufbot[i+1];
+		bufbot[n-1] = c;
+	}
+	free(bufbot);
+	free(buftop);
+writeuncompressed(int fd, Memimage *m)
+	char chanstr[32];
+	int bpl, y, j;
+	uchar *buf;
+	if(chantostr(chanstr, m->chan) == nil)
+		sysfatal("can't convert channel descriptor: %r");
+	fprint(fd, "%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ",
+		chanstr, m->r.min.x, m->r.min.y, m->r.max.x, m->r.max.y);
+	bpl = bytesperline(m->r, m->depth);
+	buf = malloc(bpl+1);
+	if(buf == nil)
+		sysfatal("malloc failed: %r");
+	for(y=m->r.min.y; y<m->r.max.y; y++){
+		j = unloadmemimage(m, Rect(m->r.min.x, y, m->r.max.x, y+1), buf, bpl);
+		if(j != bpl)
+			sysfatal("image unload failed: %r");
+		if(write(fd, buf, bpl) != bpl)
+			sysfatal("write failed: %r");