ref: 2651f905367001db63c84b764f8ba9b6c2b1dc38
parent: 84038b0cecce55a98aa4e20e3b1ffe7ce6a31681
author: rjpals <rjpals@localhost>
date: Sun Nov 18 03:35:25 EST 2018
implement syscalling boilerplate
--- a/input.c
+++ b/input.c
@@ -7,22 +7,137 @@
switch(sc->c) {
case sc_exits : // _exits(char*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ exits( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_abort : // abort(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ abort();
+ break;
case sc_access : // access(char* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ access( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_alarm : // alarm(ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_ulong((ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ alarm( *(ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_await : // await(char* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ await( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_bind : // bind(char* : char* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ bind( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_brk : // brk(void*);
case sc_chdir : // chdir(char*);
- case sc_close : // close(int);
// increment the round counter
// mutate the input
- int fd;
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
- //int_mut(lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ chdir( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
+ case sc_close : // close(int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
// log the variables
@@ -30,66 +145,1025 @@
// execute the call
- close(fd);
+ close(*(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
case sc_create : // create(char* : int : ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_ulong((ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ create( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_dup : // dup(int : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dup( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ break;
case sc_errstr : // errstr(char* : uint);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_uint((uint*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ errstr( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(uint*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_exec : // exec(char* : char*[]);
+ //TODO - mut_char_star_arr not implemented
+ break;
case sc_execl : // execl(char* : ...);
+ //TODO - not sure what to do with variable # of parameters
+ break;
case sc_fork : // fork(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ fork();
+ break;
case sc_rfork : // rfork(int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ rfork(*(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ break;
case sc_fauth : // fauth(int : char*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ fauth( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_fstat : // fstat(int : uchar* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ucharstar((unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ fstat( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_fwstat : // fwstat(int : uchar* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ucharstar((unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ fwstat( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_fversion : // fversion(int : int : char* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ fversion( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3) );
+ break;
case sc_mount : // mount(int : int : char* : int : char*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 4));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ mount( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 4) );
+ break;
case sc_unmount : // unmount(char* : char*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ unmount(*(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_noted : // noted(int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ noted(*(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ break;
case sc_notify : // notify(void(*)(void* : char*));
+ //TODO - this sc takes a function pointer, we don't have infrastructure for that
+ break;
case sc_open : // open(char* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ open( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_fd2path : // fd2path(int : char* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ fd2path(*(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_pipe : // pipe(int*);
+ //TODO - this sc takes an int pointer, we don't have infrastructure for that
+ break;
case sc_pread : // pread(int : void* : long : vlong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_vlong((long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ pread( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3) );
+ break;
case sc_preadv : // preadv(int : IOchunk* : int : vlong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_IOchunkstar((IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_vlong((long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ preadv( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3) );
+ break;
case sc_pwrite : // pwrite(int : void* : long : vlong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_vlong((long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ pwrite( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3) );
+ break;
case sc_pwritev : // pwritev(int : IOchunk* : int : vlong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_IOchunkstar((IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_vlong((long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ pwritev(*(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3) );
+ break;
case sc_read : // read(int : void* : long);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ read( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_readn : // readn(int : void* : long);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ readn( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_readv : // readv(int : IOchunk* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_IOchunkstar((IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ readv( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_remove : // remove(char*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ remove( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_sbrk : // sbrk(ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_ulong((ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ sbrk( *(ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_oseek : // oseek(int : long : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ oseek( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_seek : // seek(int : vlong : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_vlong((long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ seek( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(long long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_segattach : // segattach(int : char* : void* : ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ mut_ulong((unsigned long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ segattach( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2),
+ *(unsigned long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 3) );
+ break;
case sc_segbrk : // segbrk(void* : void*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ segbrk( *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_segdetach : // segdetach(void*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ segdetach( *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_segflush : // segflush(void* : ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ulong((unsigned long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ segflush( *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(unsigned long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_segfree : // segfree(void* : ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ulong((unsigned long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ segfree(*(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(unsigned long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_semacquire : // semacquire(long* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_longstar((long**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ semacquire( *(long**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_semrelease : // semrelease(long* : long);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_longstar((long**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ semrelease( *(long**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_sleep : // sleep(long);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ sleep( *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_stat : // stat(char* : uchar* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ucharstar((unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ stat( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_tsemacquire : // tsemacquire(long* : ulong);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_longstar((long**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ulong((ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ tsemacquire( *(long**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(ulong*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_wait : // wait(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ wait();
+ break;
case sc_waitpid : // waitpid(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ waitpid();
+ break;
case sc_write : // write(int : void* : long);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_long((long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ write( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(long*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_writev : // writev(int : IOchunk* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_IOchunkstar((IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ writev( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(IOchunk**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_wstat : // wstat(char* : uchar* : int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_ucharstar((unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ wstat( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(unsigned char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1),
+ *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 2) );
+ break;
case sc_rendezvous : // rendezvous(void* : void*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_voidstar((void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ rendezvous( *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(void**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_dirstat : // dirstat(char*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dirstat( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_dirfstat : // dirfstat(int);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dirfstat(*(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ break;
case sc_dirwstat : // dirwstat(char* : Dir*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_dirstar((Dir**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dirwstat( *(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(Dir**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_dirfwstat : // dirfwstat(int : Dir*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_dirstar((Dir**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dirfwstat( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(Dir**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_dirread : // dirread(int : Dir**);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_dirstar_star((Dir***)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dirread( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(Dir***)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_nulldir : // nulldir(Dir*);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_dirstar((Dir**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ nulldir( *(Dir**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0) );
+ break;
case sc_dirreadall : // dirreadall(int : Dir**);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_int((int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_dirstar_star((Dir***)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ dirreadall( *(int*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(Dir***)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_getpid : // getpid(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ getpid();
+ break;
case sc_getppid : // getppid(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ getppid();
+ break;
case sc_rerrstr : // rerrstr(char* : uint);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // mutate the input
+ mut_charstar((char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0));
+ mut_uint((uint*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1));
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ rerrstr(*(char**)lget(&(sc->inputs), 0),
+ *(uint*)lget(&(sc->inputs), 1) );
+ break;
case sc_sysname : // sysname(void);
+ // increment the round counter
+ (sc->round)++;
+ // log the variables
+ log_call(sc);
+ // sync the disk
+ hjsync();
+ // execute the call
+ sysname();
+ break;
case sc_werrstr : // werrstr(char* : ...);
+ //TODO - not sure what to do with variable # of parameters
+ break;
default :
exits("Unknown system call!");