shithub: libgraphics

ref: 19c85d5ea0a31fd311a4ca0cbe75e0d1a0c2cc0d
dir: /graphics.h/

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#define HZ2MS(hz)	(1000/(hz))

typedef enum {
} Projection;

typedef struct Color Color;
typedef struct Vertex Vertex;
typedef struct VSparams VSparams;
typedef struct FSparams FSparams;
typedef struct SUparams SUparams;
typedef struct Shader Shader;
typedef struct Framebuf Framebuf;
typedef struct Framebufctl Framebufctl;
typedef struct Viewport Viewport;
typedef struct Camera Camera;

struct Color
	double r, g, b, a;

struct Vertex
	Point3 p;	/* position */
	Point3 n;	/* surface normal */
	Color c;	/* shading color */
	Point2 uv;	/* texture coordinate */

typedef Vertex Triangle[3];

/* shader params */
struct VSparams
	SUparams *su;
	Point3 *p;
	Point3 *n;
	uint idx;

struct FSparams
	SUparams *su;
	Memimage *frag;
	Point p;
	Point3 bc;
	uchar *cbuf;

/* shader unit params */
struct SUparams
	Framebuf *fb;
	OBJElem **b, **e;
	int id;
	Channel *donec;

	/* TODO replace with a Scene */
	OBJ *model;
	Memimage *modeltex;

	double var_intensity[3];

	uvlong uni_time;

	Point3 (*vshader)(VSparams*);
	Memimage *(*fshader)(FSparams*);

struct Shader
	char *name;
	Point3 (*vshader)(VSparams*);		/* vertex shader */
	Memimage *(*fshader)(FSparams*);	/* fragment shader */

struct Framebuf
	Memimage *cb;	/* color buffer */
	double *zbuf;	/* z/depth buffer */
	Lock zbuflk;
	Rectangle r;

struct Framebufctl
	Framebuf *fb[2];	/* double buffering */
	uint idx;		/* front buffer index */
	Lock swplk;

	void (*draw)(Framebufctl*, Memimage*);
	void (*swap)(Framebufctl*);
	void (*reset)(Framebufctl*);

struct Viewport
	Framebufctl *fbctl;

struct Camera
	RFrame3;		/* VCS */
	Viewport *vp;
	double fov;		/* vertical FOV */
	struct {
		double n, f;	/* near and far clipping planes */
	} clip;
	Matrix3 proj;		/* VCS to NDC xform */
	Projection projtype;

	struct {
		uvlong min, avg, max, acc, n, v;
	} stats;

/* camera */
void configcamera(Camera*, Viewport*, double, double, double, Projection);
void placecamera(Camera*, Point3, Point3, Point3);
void aimcamera(Camera*, Point3);
void reloadcamera(Camera*);
void shootcamera(Camera*, OBJ*, Memimage*, Shader*);

/* viewport */
Viewport *mkviewport(Rectangle);
void rmviewport(Viewport*);

/* render */
Point3 world2vcs(Camera*, Point3);
Point3 vcs2ndc(Camera*, Point3);
Point3 world2ndc(Camera*, Point3);
Point3 ndc2viewport(Camera*, Point3);
void perspective(Matrix3, double, double, double, double);
void orthographic(Matrix3, double, double, double, double, double, double);

/* util */
double fmin(double, double);
double fmax(double, double);
Memimage *rgb(ulong);
Memimage *readtga(char*);
Memimage *readpng(char*);

/* shadeop */
double step(double, double);
double smoothstep(double, double, double);

extern Rectangle UR;	/* unit rectangle */