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ref: da15cf29739f5dc7f1699d561a8e388c391dffc0
parent: 362ffe51df8f1f4f8b3b9bff10c0def2d7aec9a0
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Tue Dec 24 13:14:20 EST 2024

repl: make prompt printing a func (*prompt*); better ~/.flisprc logic

--- a/flisp.boot
+++ b/flisp.boot
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 	      #fn("6000n201l:" #()) #fn("6000n201m:" #()) 0 #fn("8000z0700}2:" #(vector))
 	      #fn("8000z0700}2:" #(aset!)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #fn("9000n3012082>1|:" #(#fn("6000n1A061:" #())))
 	      0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #fn("8000z0700}2:" #(aref)) 0 0)
-	    *properties* #table(*funvars* #table(void? (x)  length= (lst n)  help (term)  void rest  vm-stats nil)  *doc* #table(void? "Return #t if x is #<void> and #f otherwise."  length= "Bounded length test.\nUse this instead of (= (length lst) n), since it avoids unnecessary\nwork and always terminates."  help "Display documentation for the specified term, if available."  void "Return the constant #<void> while ignoring any arguments.\n#<void> is mainly used when a function has side effects but does not\nproduce any meaningful value to return, so even though #t or nil could\nbe returned instead, in case of #<void> alone, REPL will not print\nit."  vm-stats "Print various VM-related information, such as the number of GC calls\nso far, heap and stack size, etc."  *properties* "All properties of symbols recorded with putprop are recorded in this table."))
+	    *prompt* #fn("6000n0702161:" #(princ "#;> ")) *properties*
+	    #table(*funvars* #table(void? (x)  length= (lst n)  help (term)  void rest  *prompt* nil  vm-stats nil)  *doc* #table(void? "Return #t if x is #<void> and #f otherwise."  length= "Bounded length test.\nUse this instead of (= (length lst) n), since it avoids unnecessary\nwork and always terminates."  help "Display documentation for the specified term, if available."  void "Return the constant #<void> while ignoring any arguments.\n#<void> is mainly used when a function has side effects but does not\nproduce any meaningful value to return, so even though #t or nil could\nbe returned instead, in case of #<void> alone, REPL will not print\nit."  *prompt* "Function called by REPL to signal the user input is required.\nDefault function prints \"#;> \"."  vm-stats "Print various VM-related information, such as the number of GC calls\nso far, heap and stack size, etc."  *properties* "All properties of symbols recorded with putprop are recorded in this table."))
 	    *runestring-type* (array rune) *string-type* (array byte)
 	    *syntax-environment* #table(unwind-protect #fn("A000n220502050218722q1e3e2e1232402286e12587e12686e2e3e3e387e1e3e3:" #(#fn(gensym)
   let λ prog1 trycatch begin raise))  help #fn("<000n170021527002252853\\0738551474504863B07450475086P51@30O47450@B0732627051524745047860:" #(getprop
@@ -47,14 +48,13 @@
 	    <= #fn("6000n210L;IB0470051;380470151S:" #(nan?) <=) >
 	    #fn("6000n210L:" #() >) >= #fn("6000n201L;IB0470051;380470151S:" #(nan?) >=)
 	    Instructions #table(call.l 81  trycatch 75  largc 79  loadg.l 68  aref2 23  box 90  cadr 36  argc 62  setg 71  load0 21  vector? 45  fixnum? 41  loadc0 17  loada0 0  div0 59  keyargs 89  call 5  loada.l 69  brt.l 50  sub2 78  add2 29  loadc.l 70  loadc 9  builtin? 43  set-car! 47  brt 25  ret 10  loadi8 66  tapply 77  loadvoid 93  loada1 1  shift 46  boolean? 39  atom? 24  cdr 13  brne.l 83  / 58  loadf 31  equal? 52  apply 54  dup 11  loadt 20  jmp.l 48  null? 38  not 35  = 60  set-cdr! 30  eq? 33  * 57  load1 27  bound? 42  brf 3  function? 44  box.l 91  < 28  brnn.l 84  jmp 16  loadv 2  for 76  lvargc 80  dummy_eof 94  + 55  brne 19  compare 61  neg 37  loadv.l 67  number? 40  vargc 74  brn 85  brbound 88  vector 63  loadc1 22  setg.l 72  cons? 18  brf.l 49  aref 92  symbol? 34  aset! 64  car 12  cons 32  tcall.l 82  - 56  brn.l 86  optargs 87  closure 14  pop 4  eqv? 51  list 53  seta 15  seta.l 73  brnn 26  loadnil 65  loadg 7  loada 8  tcall 6)
-	    __init_globals #fn("5000n020w1422w3474w5476w7478w9:" #("/" *directory-separator* "\n"
-								   *linefeed* *stdout*
-								   *output-stream* *stdin*
-								   *input-stream* *stderr*
-								   *error-stream*) __init_globals)
-	    __rcscript #fn(":000n0708421c37022@U08423c3A0242526512752@>0242528512952^12:84513907;8461:\x8d:" #(*os-name*
-  "unknown" "" "plan9" #fn(string) #fn(os-getenv) "home" "/lib/flisprc" "HOME" "/.flisprc" #fn(path-exists?)
-  load) __rcscript)
+	    __init_globals #fn("5000n020w1422w3424w5476w7478w947:w;:" #(#fn("6000n0702161:" #(princ
+  "#;> ")) *prompt* "/" *directory-separator* "\n" *linefeed* *stdout* *output-stream* *stdin*
+									*input-stream* *stderr*
+									*error-stream*) __init_globals)
+	    __rcscript #fn("<000n0708421c360O@A08422c37023@4024^125845185;3=042685772853863B02986513907:8661:O:" #(*os-name*
+  "unknown" "plan9" "home" "HOME" #fn(os-getenv) #fn(string)
+  *directory-separator* ".flisprc" #fn(path-exists?) load) __rcscript)
 	    __script #fn("6000n1200>121{:" #(#fn("6000n070A61:" #(load))
 					     #fn("6000n170051421K61:" #(top-level-exception-handler
 									#fn(exit)))) __script)
@@ -363,8 +363,8 @@
 	    remprop #fn("8000n220711O5386;3F042286052;3:042386062:" #(#fn(get) *properties* #fn(has?)
 								      #fn(del!)) remprop)
 	    repl #fn(";000n0\x8d\x8d\x8a4\x8a5208421_5142085228485>2_51485<5047360:" #(#0#
-										       #fn("9000n0702151422735142425{267751S;3[04788451798551360O@=07:855147;50485w<47=60:" #(princ
-  "> " #fn(io-flush) *output-stream* #fn("5000n02060:" #(#fn(read)))
+										       #fn("9000n07050421725142324{257651S;3[04778451788551360O@=079855147:50485w;47<60:" #(*prompt*
+  #fn(io-flush) *output-stream* #fn("5000n02060:" #(#fn(read)))
   #fn("6000n1207151422061:" #(#fn(io-discardbuffer) *input-stream* #fn(raise)))
   #fn(io-eof?) *input-stream* load-process void? print newline that void) prompt)
 										       #fn("6000n020A>121{370F<60:O:" #(#fn("5000n0A<60:" #())
--- a/system.lsp
+++ b/system.lsp
@@ -937,7 +937,8 @@
 (define (repl)
   (define (prompt)
-    (princ "> ") (io-flush *output-stream*)
+    (*prompt*)
+    (io-flush *output-stream*)
     (let ((v (trycatch (read)
                        (λ (e) (io-discardbuffer *input-stream*)
                               (raise e)))))
@@ -1069,6 +1070,9 @@
 ; initialize globals that need to be set at load time
 (define (__init_globals)
+  (set! *prompt*
+    "Function called by REPL to signal the user input is required.
+Default function prints \"#;> \"." (λ () (princ "#;> ")))
   (set! *directory-separator* "/")
   (set! *linefeed* "\n")
   (set! *output-stream* *stdout*)
@@ -1081,11 +1085,13 @@
                                (exit 1)))))
 (define (__rcscript)
-  (let ((fname (case *os-name*
-               (("unknown") "")
-               (("plan9") (string (os-getenv "home") "/lib/flisprc"))
-               (else (string (os-getenv "HOME") "/.flisprc")))))
-    (if (path-exists? fname) (load fname))))
+  (let* ((homevar (case *os-name*
+                    (("unknown") #f)
+                    (("plan9") "home")
+                    (else "HOME")))
+         (home (os-getenv homevar))
+         (fname (and home (string home *directory-separator* ".flisprc"))))
+    (when (and fname (path-exists? fname)) (load fname))))
 (define (__start argv)