shithub: femtolisp

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ref: a49e77278cc791b65e0d922d2625971900287af1
parent: 449141670bde8dc87ae561306eee252e90a3bae2
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Fri Nov 29 13:36:01 EST 2024

system: don't include *interactive* in boot image; *os-name* is a string

--- a/flisp.boot
+++ b/flisp.boot
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 	      #fn("6000n201l:" #()) #fn("6000n201m:" #()) 0 #fn("8000z0700}2:" #(vector))
 	      #fn("7000n30182p:" #()) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 	      0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-	    *empty-string* "" *interactive* #f *runestring-type* (array rune)
-	    *string-type* (array byte) *syntax-environment*
-	    #table(when #fn(";000z1200211POe4:" #(if begin))  with-output-to #fn("<000z12021e1220e2e1e12315163:" #(#fn(nconc)
+	    *empty-string* "" *runestring-type* (array rune) *string-type* (array
+  byte)
+	    *syntax-environment* #table(when #fn(";000z1200211POe4:" #(if begin))  with-output-to #fn("<000z12021e1220e2e1e12315163:" #(#fn(nconc)
   with-bindings *output-stream* #fn(copy-list)))  catch #fn("@000n220502112286e123242586e2262786e22829e2e3262:86e20e3e42;86e22<86e2e4e3e3:" #(#fn(gensym)
   trycatch λ if and pair? eq? car quote thrown-value cadr caddr raise))  let* #fn("@000z10H3E02021e1qe12215153e1:2021e173051e1e1220=B3H02024e10=e12215153e1@301515375051e2:" #(#fn(nconc)
   λ #fn(copy-list) caar let* cadar))  with-input-from #fn("<000z12021e1220e2e1e12315163:" #(#fn(nconc)
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 								   *error-stream*) __init_globals)
 	    __rcscript #fn(":000n0708421c37022@U08423c3A0242526512752@>0242528512952^12:84513907;8461:D:" #(*os-name*
-  unknown "" plan9 #fn(string) #fn(os-getenv) "home" "/lib/flisprc" "HOME" "/.flisprc"
-  #fn(path-exists?) load) __rcscript)
+  "unknown" "" "plan9" #fn(string) #fn(os-getenv) "home" "/lib/flisprc" "HOME"
+  "/.flisprc" #fn(path-exists?) load) __rcscript)
 	    __script #fn("6000n1200>121{:" #(#fn("6000n070A61:" #(load))
 					     #fn("6000n170051421K61:" #(top-level-exception-handler
   #fn(exit)))) __script)
@@ -308,8 +308,9 @@
   :write :create :truncate (*linefeed* *directory-separator* *argv* that
 				       *print-pretty* *print-width*
 				       *print-readably* *print-level*
-				       *print-length* *os-name*) *print-pretty*
-  *print-readably* #fn("5000n0Aw04Fw1:" #(*print-pretty* *print-readably*))
+				       *print-length* *os-name* *interactive*)
+  *print-pretty* *print-readably* #fn("5000n0Aw04Fw1:" #(*print-pretty*
+							 *print-readably*))
   #fn("=000n07021A>1722350515224752677842678845253f2F52429F7:52^142;F61:" #(filter
   #fn("8000n10Z;3u0420051S;3j0421051[S;IC0422051222105151dS;3I04230A52S;3=04242105151S:" #(#fn(constant?)
   #fn(top-level-value) #fn(string) #fn(memq)
--- a/system.lsp
+++ b/system.lsp
@@ -1002,8 +1002,8 @@
 (define (make-system-image fname)
   (let ((f (file fname :write :create :truncate))
         (excludes '(*linefeed* *directory-separator* *argv* that
-                               *print-pretty* *print-width* *print-readably*
-                               *print-level* *print-length* *os-name*)))
+                    *print-pretty* *print-width* *print-readably*
+                    *print-level* *print-length* *os-name* *interactive*)))
     (with-bindings ((*print-pretty* #t)
                     (*print-readably* #t))
       (let ((syms
@@ -1035,8 +1035,8 @@
 (define (__rcscript)
   (let ((fname (case *os-name*
-               ((unknown) "")
-               ((plan9) (string (os-getenv "home") "/lib/flisprc"))
+               (("unknown") "")
+               (("plan9") (string (os-getenv "home") "/lib/flisprc"))
                (else (string (os-getenv "HOME") "/.flisprc")))))
     (if (path-exists? fname) (load fname))))