shithub: femtolisp

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ref: 008d2886ab8f7bd5138019ec48b75bbaf88fc769
parent: 886ae13525ade62f45bffd74a207145f0410971e
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Mon Nov 25 13:28:51 EST 2024

compiler: refactor flisp compiler to handle internal define much more cleanly

This is from Julia, 0c4abb27f3d1495e83656c550799e271ba9fd318, by Jeff Bezanson.

--- a/compiler.lsp
+++ b/compiler.lsp
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 ; -*- scheme -*-
+;; code generation state, constant tables, bytecode encoding
 (define (make-code-emitter) (vector () (table) 0 +inf.0))
 (define (bcode:code   b) (aref b 0))
 (define (bcode:ctable b) (aref b 1))
 (define (bcode:nconst b) (aref b 2))
 (define (bcode:cdepth b d) (aset! b 3 (min (aref b 3) d)))
-; get an index for a referenced value in a bytecode object
+;; get an index for a referenced value in a bytecode object
 (define (bcode:indexfor b v)
   (let ((const-to-idx (bcode:ctable b))
         (nconst       (bcode:nconst b)))
@@ -14,6 +17,7 @@
         (begin (put! const-to-idx v nconst)
                (prog1 nconst
                       (aset! b 2 (+ nconst 1)))))))
 (define (emit e inst . args)
   (if (null? args)
       (if (and (eq? inst 'car) (pair? (aref e 0))
@@ -74,14 +78,14 @@
 (define (make-label e)   (gensym))
 (define (mark-label e l) (emit e 'label l))
-; convert symbolic bytecode representation to a byte array.
-; labels are fixed-up.
+;; convert symbolic bytecode representation to a byte array.
+;; labels are fixed-up.
 (define (encode-byte-code e)
   (let* ((cl (reverse! e))
          (v  (list->vector cl))
-         (long? (>= (+ (length v)  ; 1 byte for each entry, plus...
-                       ; at most half the entries in this vector can be
-                       ; instructions accepting 32-bit arguments
+         (long? (>= (+ (length v)  ;; 1 byte for each entry, plus...
+                       ;; at most half the entries in this vector can be
+                       ;; instructions accepting 32-bit arguments
                        (* 3 (div0 (length v) 2)))
     (let ((n              (length v))
@@ -164,6 +168,10 @@
                    (bcode:ctable e))
+;; variables
+(define (quoted? e) (eq? (car e) 'quote))
 (define (index-of item lst start)
   (cond ((null? lst) #f)
         ((eq? item (car lst)) start)
@@ -206,6 +214,8 @@
                (emit g 'loadv (top-level-value s))
                (emit g (aref Is 2) s))))))
+;; control flow
 (define (compile-if g env tail? x)
   (let ((elsel (make-label g))
         (endl  (make-label g))
@@ -292,6 +302,8 @@
 (define (compile-or g env tail? forms)
   (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #f 'brt))
+;; calls
 (define (compile-arglist g env lst)
   (for-each (λ (a)
               (compile-in g env #f a))
@@ -379,18 +391,7 @@
                         (compile-builtin-call g env tail? x head b nargs)
                         (emit g (if tail? 'tcall 'call) nargs))))))))))
-(define (expand-define x)
-  (let ((form (cadr x))
-        (body (if (pair? (cddr x))
-                  (cddr x)
-                  (if (symbol? (cadr x))
-                      `(,(void))
-                      (error "compile error: invalid syntax "
-                             (print-to-string x))))))
-    (if (symbol? form)
-        `(set! ,form ,(car body))
-        `(set! ,(car form)
-               (λ ,(cdr form) ,@body . ,(car form))))))
+;; lambda, main compilation loop
 (define (fits-i8 x) (and (fixnum? x) (>= x -128) (<= x 127)))
@@ -427,12 +428,10 @@
            (for      (compile-for   g env (cadr x) (caddr x) (cadddr x)))
            (return   (compile-in g env #t (cadr x))
                      (emit g 'ret))
-           (set!     (compile-in g env #f (caddr x))
-                     (or (symbol? (cadr x))
-                         (error "set!: second argument must be a symbol"))
+           (set!     (unless (symbol? (cadr x))
+                             (error "set!: second argument must be a symbol"))
+                     (compile-in g env #f (caddr x))
                      (compile-sym g env (cadr x) #(seta setc setg)))
-           (define   (compile-in g env tail?
-                                 (expand-define x)))
            (trycatch (compile-in g env #f `(λ () ,(cadr x)))
                      (unless (1arg-lambda? (caddr x))
                              (error "trycatch: second form must be a 1-argument lambda"))
@@ -440,28 +439,8 @@
                      (emit g 'trycatch))
            (else   (compile-app g env tail? x))))))
-(define (compile-f env f)
-  (receive (ff ignore)
-           (compile-f- env f)
-           ff))
+;; optional and keyword args
-(define get-defined-vars
-  (letrec ((get-defined-vars-
-            (λ (expr)
-              (cond ((atom? expr) ())
-                    ((and (eq? (car expr) 'define)
-                          (pair? (cdr expr)))
-                     (or (and (symbol? (cadr expr))
-                              (list (cadr expr)))
-                         (and (pair? (cadr expr))
-                              (symbol? (caadr expr))
-                              (list (caadr expr)))
-                         ()))
-                    ((eq? (car expr) 'begin)
-                     (apply nconc (map get-defined-vars- (cdr expr))))
-                    (else ())))))
-    (λ (expr) (delete-duplicates (get-defined-vars- expr)))))
 (define (keyword-arg? x) (and (pair? x) (keyword? (car x))))
 (define (keyword->symbol k)
   (if (keyword? k)
@@ -512,82 +491,117 @@
         (mark-label g nxt)
         (emit-optional-arg-inits g env (cdr opta) vars (+ i 1)))))
-#;(define (free-vars e)
-  (cond ((symbol? e) (list e))
-        ((or (atom? e) (eq? (car e) 'quote)) ())
-        ((or (eq? (car e) 'λ) (eq? (car e) 'lambda))
-         (diff (free-vars (cddr e))
-               (nconc (get-defined-vars (cons 'begin (cddr e)))
-                      (lambda-arg-names (cadr e)))))
-        (else (delete-duplicates (apply nconc (map free-vars (cdr e)))))))
+;; define
-(define compile-f-
-  (let ((*defines-processed-token* (gensym)))
-    ; to eval a top-level expression we need to avoid internal define
-    (set-top-level-value!
-     'compile-thunk
-     (λ (expr)
-       (compile `(λ () ,expr . ,*defines-processed-token*))))
+(define (expand-define x)
+  ;; expand a single `define` expression to `set!`
+  (let ((form (cadr x))
+    (body (if (pair? (cddr x))
+              (cddr x)
+              (if (symbol? (cadr x))
+                  `(,(void))
+                  (error "compile error: invalid syntax "
+                         (print-to-string x))))))
+    (if (symbol? form)
+        `(set! ,form ,(car body))
+        `(set! ,(car form)
+               (λ ,(cdr form) ,@body . ,(car form))))))
-    (λ (env f)
-      ; convert lambda to one body expression and process internal defines
-      (define (lambda-body e)
-        (let ((B (if (pair? (cddr e))
-                     (if (pair? (cdddr e))
-                         (cons 'begin (cddr e))
-                         (caddr e))
-                     (void))))
-          (let ((V (get-defined-vars B)))
-            (if (null? V)
-                B
-                (cons (list* 'λ V B *defines-processed-token*)
-                      (map (λ (x) (void)) V))))))
-      (define (lam:body f)
-        (if (eq? (lastcdr f) *defines-processed-token*)
-            (caddr f)
-            (lambda-body f)))
+(define get-defined-vars
+  (letrec ((get-defined-vars-
+            (λ (expr)
+              (cond ((atom? expr) ())
+                    ((and (eq? (car expr) 'define)
+                          (pair? (cdr expr)))
+                     (or (and (symbol? (cadr expr))
+                              (list (cadr expr)))
+                         (and (pair? (cadr expr))
+                              (symbol? (caadr expr))
+                              (list (caadr expr)))
+                         ()))
+                    ((eq? (car expr) 'begin)
+                     (apply nconc (map get-defined-vars- (cdr expr))))
+                    (else ())))))
+    (λ (expr) (delete-duplicates (get-defined-vars- expr)))))
-      (let ((g    (make-code-emitter))
-            (args (cadr f))
-            (atail (lastcdr (cadr f)))
-            (vars (lambda-vars (cadr f)))
-            (opta (filter pair? (cadr f)))
-            (name (if (eq? (lastcdr f) *defines-processed-token*)
-                      'λ
-                      (lastcdr f))))
-        (let* ((nargs (if (atom? args) 0 (length args)))
-               (nreq  (- nargs (length opta)))
-               (kwa   (filter keyword-arg? opta)))
+(define (lower-define e)
+  ;; convert lambda to one body expression and process internal defines
+  (define (λ-body e)
+    (let ((B (if (pair? (cddr e))
+                 (if (pair? (cdddr e))
+                     (cons 'begin (cddr e))
+                     (caddr e))
+                 (void))))
+      (let ((V     (get-defined-vars B))
+            (new-B (lower-define B)))
+        (if (null? V)
+            new-B
+            (cons `(λ ,V ,new-B)
+                  (map (λ (x) (void)) V))))))
+  (cond ((or (atom? e) (quoted? e))
+         e)
+        ((eq? (car e) 'define)
+         (lower-define (expand-define e)))
+        ((is-lambda? (car e))
+         `(λ ,(cadr e) ,(λ-body e) . ,(lastcdr e)))
+        (else
+         (map lower-define e))))
-          ; emit argument checking prologue
-          (if (not (null? opta))
-              (begin
-                (if (null? kwa)
-                    (emit g 'optargs nreq
-                          (if (null? atail) nargs (- nargs)))
-                    (begin
-                      (bcode:indexfor g (make-perfect-hash-table
-                                         (map cons
-                                              (map car kwa)
-                                              (iota (length kwa)))))
-                      (emit g 'keyargs nreq (length kwa)
-                            (if (null? atail) nargs (- nargs)))))
-                (emit-optional-arg-inits g env opta vars nreq)))
+;; main entry points
-          (cond ((> nargs 255)           (emit g (if (null? atail)
-                                                     'largc 'lvargc)
-                                               nargs))
-                ((not (null? atail))     (emit g 'vargc nargs))
-                ((null? opta)            (emit g 'argc  nargs)))
+(define (compile f) (compile-f () (lower-define f)))
-          ; compile body and return
-          (compile-in g (cons vars env) #t (lam:body f))
-          (emit g 'ret)
-          (values (function (encode-byte-code (bcode:code g))
-                            (const-to-idx-vec g) name)
-                  (aref g 3)))))))
+(define (compile-thunk expr)
+  ;; to eval a top-level expression we need to avoid internal define
+  (compile-f () `(λ () ,(lower-define expr))))
-(define (compile f) (compile-f () f))
+(define (compile-f env f)
+  (receive (ff ignore)
+           (compile-f- env f)
+           ff))
+(define (compile-f- env f)
+  ;; compile lambda expression, assuming defines already lowered
+  (let ((g     (make-code-emitter))
+        (args  (cadr f))
+        (atail (lastcdr (cadr f)))
+        (vars  (lambda-vars (cadr f)))
+        (opta  (filter pair? (cadr f)))
+        (last  (lastcdr f)))
+    (let* ((name  (if (null? last) 'λ last))
+           (nargs (if (atom? args) 0 (length args)))
+           (nreq  (- nargs (length opta)))
+           (kwa   (filter keyword-arg? opta)))
+      ;; emit argument checking prologue
+      (if (not (null? opta))
+          (begin
+            (if (null? kwa)
+                (emit g 'optargs nreq
+                      (if (null? atail) nargs (- nargs)))
+                (begin
+                  (bcode:indexfor g (make-perfect-hash-table
+                                     (map cons
+                                          (map car kwa)
+                                          (iota (length kwa)))))
+                  (emit g 'keyargs nreq (length kwa)
+                        (if (null? atail) nargs (- nargs)))))
+            (emit-optional-arg-inits g env opta vars nreq)))
+      (cond ((> nargs 255)           (emit g (if (null? atail)
+                                                 'largc 'lvargc)
+                                           nargs))
+            ((not (null? atail))     (emit g 'vargc nargs))
+            ((null? opta)            (emit g 'argc  nargs)))
+      ;; compile body and return
+      (compile-in g (cons vars env) #t (caddr f))
+      (emit g 'ret)
+      (values (function (encode-byte-code (bcode:code g))
+                        (const-to-idx-vec g) name)
+              (aref g 3)))))
+;; disassembler
 (define (ref-int32-LE a i)
   (int32 (+ (ash (aref a (+ i 0)) 0)
--- a/flisp.boot
+++ b/flisp.boot
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
   #fn("<000n1200910e2e12122e12324>9115252e3:" #(let #fn(nconc) cond #fn(map)
 						#fn("8000n1910A0<520=P:" #())))
   #fn(gensym)))))  receive #fn("@000|22021q1e32221e10e123825153e3:" #(call-with-values
-  λ #fn(nconc) #fn(copy-list)))  unwind-protect #fn("8000n220>2150215062:" #(#fn("@000n220121qFe3e2e12223A210e1241e1250e2e3e3e31e1e3e3:" #(let
-  λ prog1 trycatch begin raise)) #fn(gensym)))  dotimes #fn(";000|120>0<0T62:" #(#fn("=000n220E211Ke32223e10e1e124F5153e4:" #(for
-  - #fn(nconc) λ #fn(copy-list)))))  throw #fn(":000n220212223e201e4e2:" #(raise
+  λ #fn(nconc) #fn(copy-list)))  dotimes #fn(";000|120>0<0T62:" #(#fn("=000n220E211Ke32223e10e1e124F5153e4:" #(for
+  - #fn(nconc) λ #fn(copy-list)))))  unwind-protect #fn("8000n220>2150215062:" #(#fn("@000n220121qFe3e2e12223A210e1241e1250e2e3e3e31e1e3e3:" #(let
+  λ prog1 trycatch begin raise)) #fn(gensym)))  throw #fn(":000n220212223e201e4e2:" #(raise
   list quote thrown-value)))
 	    1+ #fn("7000n10KM:" #() 1+) 1-
 	    #fn("7000n10K\x80:" #() 1-) 1arg-lambda? #fn("8000n10B;3U04700<51;3J040=B;3B040TB;3:04710TK62:" #(is-lambda?
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   length=) 1arg-lambda?)
 	    <= #fn("7000n210L;IB0470051;380470151S:" #(nan?) <=) >
 	    #fn("7000n210L:" #() >) >= #fn("7000n201L;IB0470051;380470151S:" #(nan?) >=)
-	    Instructions #table(call.l 83  largc 81  trycatch 77  loadg.l 68  cadr 36  setg 71  argc 62  load0 21  vector? 45  fixnum? 41  loada0 0  div0 59  keyargs 91  call 5  loada.l 69  brt.l 50  pair? 18  sub2 80  add2 29  loadc.l 70  loadc 9  builtin? 43  set-car! 47  brt 25  loadi8 66  tapply 79  ret 10  loada1 1  boolean? 39  cdr 13  atom? 24  brne.l 85  / 58  loadf 31  equal? 52  apply 54  jmp.l 48  loadt 20  dup 11  = 60  not 35  null? 38  set-cdr! 30  loadc01 22  eq? 33  * 57  load1 27  dummy_t 93  bound? 42  brf 3  function? 44  setc.l 75  < 28  brnn.l 86  for 78  loadv 2  jmp 16  lvargc 82  dummy_eof 95  + 55  dummy_f 92  setc 74  brne 19  compare 61  neg 37  loadv.l 67  brn 87  vargc 76  number? 40  brbound 90  vector 63  setg.l 72  aref 23  brf.l 49  symbol? 34  aset! 64  car 12  cons 32  tcall.l 84  - 56  brn.l 88  optargs 89  nop 46  closure 14  pop 4  eqv? 51  list 53  seta 15  seta.l 73  brnn 26  loadnil 65  loadc00 17  loadg 7  loada 8  dummy_nil 94  tcall 6)
+	    Instructions #table(call.l 83  trycatch 77  largc 81  loadg.l 68  cadr 36  argc 62  setg 71  load0 21  vector? 45  fixnum? 41  loada0 0  div0 59  keyargs 91  call 5  loada.l 69  brt.l 50  pair? 18  sub2 80  add2 29  loadc.l 70  loadc 9  builtin? 43  set-car! 47  brt 25  ret 10  loadi8 66  tapply 79  loada1 1  boolean? 39  atom? 24  cdr 13  brne.l 85  / 58  loadf 31  equal? 52  apply 54  dup 11  loadt 20  jmp.l 48  null? 38  not 35  = 60  set-cdr! 30  loadc01 22  eq? 33  * 57  load1 27  dummy_t 93  bound? 42  brf 3  function? 44  setc.l 75  < 28  brnn.l 86  jmp 16  loadv 2  for 78  lvargc 82  dummy_eof 95  + 55  dummy_f 92  setc 74  brne 19  compare 61  neg 37  loadv.l 67  number? 40  vargc 76  brn 87  brbound 90  vector 63  setg.l 72  brf.l 49  aref 23  symbol? 34  aset! 64  car 12  cons 32  tcall.l 84  - 56  brn.l 88  optargs 89  nop 46  closure 14  pop 4  eqv? 51  list 53  seta 15  seta.l 73  brnn 26  loadnil 65  loadg 7  loadc00 17  loada 8  dummy_nil 94  tcall 6)
 	    __init_globals #fn("6000n020w1422w3474w5476w7478w9:" #("/"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 	    __start #fn("8000n1705040=B3D00=w14Ow24730T51@C00w14Dw24745047550426E61:" #(__init_globals
   *argv* *interactive* __script __rcscript repl #fn(exit)) __start)
 	    abs #fn("7000n10EL3500U:0:" #() abs) any
-	    #fn("8000n21B;3D0401<51;I:047001=62:" #(any) any) arg-counts #table(bound? 1  function? 1  symbol? 1  aset! 3  car 1  cons 2  cadr 1  < 2  vector? 1  boolean? 1  fixnum? 1  atom? 1  cdr 1  div0 2  equal? 2  eqv? 2  pair? 1  compare 2  null? 1  = 2  number? 1  not 1  set-cdr! 2  eq? 2  builtin? 1  set-car! 2  aref 2)
+	    #fn("8000n21B;3D0401<51;I:047001=62:" #(any) any) arg-counts #table(bound? 1  function? 1  symbol? 1  aset! 3  car 1  cons 2  < 2  cadr 1  vector? 1  fixnum? 1  boolean? 1  atom? 1  cdr 1  div0 2  equal? 2  eqv? 2  pair? 1  compare 2  null? 1  not 1  number? 1  = 2  set-cdr! 2  eq? 2  builtin? 1  set-car! 2  aref 2)
 	    argc-error #fn("<000n2702102211Kl37023@402465:" #(error "compile error: "
 							      " expects " " argument."
 							      " arguments.") argc-error)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 	    cadar #fn("6000n10<T:" #() cadar) caddar
 	    #fn("6000n10<=T:" #() caddar) cadddr #fn("6000n10==T:" #() cadddr)
 	    caddr #fn("6000n10=T:" #() caddr) call-with-values
-	    #fn("7000n220>05061:" #(#fn("7000n10B;39049100<Q380F0=\x7f2:F061:" #())) #2=#((*values*)
+	    #fn("7000n220>05061:" #(#fn("7000n10B;39049100<Q380F0=\x7f2:F061:" #())) #1=#((*values*)
 	    cdaaar #fn("6000n10<<<=:" #() cdaaar) cdaadr
 	    #fn("6000n10T<=:" #() cdaadr) cdaar #fn("6000n10<<=:" #() cdaar)
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
 	    #fn("6000n10==:" #() cddr) char? #fn("7000n12005121Q:" #(#fn(typeof)
   rune) char?)
 	    closure? #fn("7000n10\\;36040[S:" #() closure?) compile
-	    #fn("8000n170q062:" #(compile-f) compile) compile-and #fn("<000n470018283D2166:" #(compile-short-circuit
-  brf) compile-and)
+	    #fn("9000n170q7105162:" #(compile-f lower-define) compile)
+	    compile-and #fn("<000n470018283D2166:" #(compile-short-circuit brf) compile-and)
 	    compile-app #fn("7000n420>83<61:" #(#fn("9000n120>0R;3V04710F52S;3J040Z;3C0422051;390423051[3:023051@30061:" #(#fn(":000n170913=21523S072910911O054423>74910911913=5361:25>0[;38047605161:" #(length>
   255 compile-in #fn(":000n17092092237021@4022063:" #(emit tcall.l call.l))
   compile-arglist #fn(";000n1A20Q;3X0471A92152S;3J0422205123d;3<0474923r2523L075920921O923T544769202062:0IA075920921OA54@30D427>78920921923=5361:" #(cadr
@@ -150,16 +150,13 @@
   apply tapply)))) #fn(get) arg-counts) compile-builtin-call)
 	    compile-f #fn("8000n27021>2262:" #(call-with-values #fn("8000n070AF62:" #(compile-f-))
 					       #fn("6000n20:" #())) compile-f)
-	    compile-f- #fn("8000n220>DD62:" #(#fn(">000n220>?0421>?1422>7350FT74FT5175FT517627FT5274F51910C7028@7074F5166:" #(#fn("9000n120>71051B3N072051B3=02371051P@7074051@60755061:" #(#fn("8000n120>7105161:" #(#fn(":000n10J40A:20210A940542223052P:" #(#fn(list*)
-  λ #fn(map) #fn("6000n17060:" #(void)))) get-defined-vars)) cddr cdddr begin
-  caddr void) lambda-body) #fn("7000n170051920C8071061:A061:" #(lastcdr caddr) lam:body)
-  #fn("9000n620>1H360E@702115161:" #(#fn("9000n120>02190451\x8061:" #(#fn("9000n120>71729145261:" #(#fn("C000n1924\x87\xa900JO07092021A922J80910@60910U54@s072920732425242605277280515153515247092029A28051922J80910@60910U5547:920940924923A55@30D47;9102<523L070920922J702=@402>91053@]0922\x87A0709202?91053@H0924JA0709202@91053@30O47A920923940PD93194151544709202B5247C2D7E7F92051517G9205192553920r3G62:" #(emit
+	    compile-f- #fn("=000n220>71501T721T51731T5174251T527215166:" #(#fn("8000n620>85J7021@408561:" #(#fn("9000n120>FH360E@7021F5161:" #(#fn("9000n120>02191451\x8061:" #(#fn("9000n120>71729245261:" #(#fn("C000n1934\x87\xa900JO07093021A932J80910@60910U54@s072930732425242605277280515153515247093029A28051932J80910@60910U5547:930940934933A55@30D47;9102<523L070930932J702=@402>91053@]0932\x87A0709302?91053@H0934JA0709302@91053@30O47A930933940PD7B94151544709302C5247D2E7F7G93051517H9305192053930r3G62:" #(emit
   optargs bcode:indexfor make-perfect-hash-table
   #fn(map) #.cons iota #fn(length) keyargs emit-optional-arg-inits > 255
-  largc lvargc vargc argc compile-in ret values #fn(function) encode-byte-code
-  bcode:code const-to-idx-vec)) filter keyword-arg?))
-  #fn(length))) #fn(length))) make-code-emitter lastcdr lambda-vars filter #.pair?
-  λ))) #0=#(#:g728 ()))
+  largc lvargc vargc argc compile-in caddr ret values #fn(function)
+  encode-byte-code bcode:code const-to-idx-vec)) filter keyword-arg?))
+  #fn(length))) #fn(length))) λ)) make-code-emitter lastcdr lambda-vars filter
+  #.pair?) compile-f-)
 	    compile-for #fn(":000n57084513X07101O825447101O835447101O845447202362:742561:" #(1arg-lambda?
   compile-in emit for error "for: third form must be a 1-argument lambda") compile-for)
 	    compile-if #fn("<000n420>710517105183T728351738351B3;0748351@60755065:" #(#fn(";000n582DC>070AF9028364:82OC>070AF9028464:70AFO8254471A22053470AF902835449023<071A2352@:071A24153475A052470AF9028454475A162:" #(compile-in
@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@
   emit brf ret jmp mark-label)) make-label caddr cdddr cadddr void) compile-if)
 	    compile-in #fn(";000n483R3=07001832164:83H3\xaf083EC:07202362:83KC:07202462:83DC:07202562:83OC:07202662:83qC:07202762:7883513<0720298363:2:83513C07;01822<2=51e164:7202>8363:83<RS;ID0483<Z;I;047?83<1523=07@01828364:2A>83<61:" #(compile-sym
   #(loada loadc loadg) emit load0 load1 loadt loadf loadnil fits-i8 loadi8 #fn(eof-object?)
-  compile-in #fn(top-level-value) eof-object loadv in-env? compile-app #fn("<000n1020CW071903T513@072AF902903T64:73A24903T63:025C?076AF90290364:027C@078AF902903=64:029C<07:AF90363:02;C=07<2=>2>>62:02?C@07@AF902903=64:02AC@07BAF902903=64:02CCG07DAF903T277E90351P64:02FCK07GAF903T7H903517I9035165:02JCF072AFD903T54473A2K62:02LC_072AFO7H90351544903TR;I9047M2N5147OAF903T2P64:02QCC072AF9027R9035164:02SCs072AFO2;q903Te35447T7H9035151360O@807M2U51472AFO7H9035154473A2S62:7VAF90290364:" #(quote
+  compile-in #fn(top-level-value) eof-object loadv in-env? compile-app #fn("=000n1020CW071903T513@072AF902903T64:73A24903T63:025C?076AF90290364:027C@078AF902903=64:029C<07:AF90363:02;C=07<2=>2>>62:02?C@07@AF902903=64:02AC@07BAF902903=64:02CCG07DAF903T277E90351P64:02FCK07GAF903T7H903517I9035165:02JCF072AFD903T54473A2K62:02LCa0903TR360O@807M2N51472AFO7H903515447OAF903T2P64:02QCs072AFO2;q903Te35447R7H9035151360O@807M2S51472AFO7H9035154473A2Q62:7TAF90290364:" #(quote
   self-evaluating? compile-in emit loadv if compile-if begin compile-begin
   prog1 compile-prog1 λ call-with-values #fn("8000n07091191362:" #(compile-f-))
   #fn("9000n27091021053472910152417391151L3<0709102462:D:" #(emit loadv
@@ -174,7 +171,7 @@
 							     closure)) and
   compile-and or compile-or while compile-while cddr for compile-for caddr
   cadddr return ret set! error "set!: second argument must be a symbol"
-  compile-sym #(seta setc setg) define expand-define trycatch 1arg-lambda? "trycatch: second form must be a 1-argument lambda"
+  compile-sym #(seta setc setg) trycatch 1arg-lambda? "trycatch: second form must be a 1-argument lambda"
   compile-app))) compile-in)
 	    compile-or #fn("<000n470018283O2166:" #(compile-short-circuit brt) compile-or)
 	    compile-prog1 #fn(";000n37001O82T544718251B3H07201O7182515447302462:D:" #(compile-in
@@ -185,8 +182,8 @@
 	    compile-sym #fn(";000n420>71821ED5461:" #(#fn(":000n10X3>070A903EG063:0<X3R070A903KG0<0=54471A72F=51K0<h362:2390251;3>04742590251513A070A26259025163:70A903r2G90263:" #(emit
   bcode:cdepth nnn #fn(constant?) printable? #fn(top-level-value) loadv))
 						      lookup-sym) compile-sym)
-	    compile-thunk #fn(";000n1702122e1qe10e1A5461:" #(compile #fn(nconc)
-							     λ) #0#)
+	    compile-thunk #fn(";000n170q21q72051e362:" #(compile-f λ
+							 lower-define) compile-thunk)
 	    compile-while #fn("9000n420>710517105162:" #(#fn(":000n270AFO715054472A052470AFO90254473A24153473A2552470AFO90354473A26053472A162:" #(compile-in
   void mark-label emit brf pop jmp)) make-label) compile-while)
 	    const-to-idx-vec #fn("9000n120>21720515161:" #(#fn("9000n17021>72A515240:" #(table-foreach
@@ -272,8 +269,8 @@
 	    foldl #fn(":000n382J401:700082<15282=63:" #(foldl) foldl) foldr
 	    #fn(";000n382J401:082<700182=5362:" #(foldr) foldr) for-each #fn(";000|220>D61:" #(#fn(":000n120>?04902JJ0DFB3A04AF<514F=z01@\x1e/@;00AF902P524D:" #(#fn(":000n21<B3I002021152f24A0202215262:D:" #(#fn(map) #.cdr) for-each-n)))) for-each)
-	    get-defined-vars #fn("8000n170A05161:" #(delete-duplicates) #1=#(#fn("9000n10H340q:0<20Q;36040=B3d00TR;37040Te1;IS040TB;3E0471051R;3:0471051e1;I404q:0<22C>02324A0=52\x7f2:q:" #(define
-  caadr begin #fn(nconc) #fn(map)) #1#) ()))
+	    get-defined-vars #fn("8000n170A05161:" #(delete-duplicates) #0=#(#fn("9000n10H340q:0<20Q;36040=B3d00TR;37040Te1;IS040TB;3E0471051R;3:0471051e1;I404q:0<22C>02324A0=52\x7f2:q:" #(define
+  caadr begin #fn(nconc) #fn(map)) #0#) ()))
 	    hex5 #fn("9000n170210r@52r52263:" #(string-lpad #fn(number->string)
 						#\0) hex5)
 	    identity #fn("6000n10:" #() identity) in-env?
@@ -290,8 +287,6 @@
   #fn(symbol) #fn(";000n1200E71220515163:" #(#fn(string-sub) 1- #fn(string-length)))
   #fn(string)) keyword->symbol)
 	    keyword-arg? #fn("7000n10B;3904200<61:" #(#fn(keyword?)) keyword-arg?)
-	    lambda-arg-names #fn("9000n170217205162:" #(map! #fn("7000n10B390700<61:0:" #(keyword->symbol))
-							to-proper) lambda-arg-names)
 	    lambda-vars #fn("7000n120>D61:" #(#fn(":000n120>?040AAOO544212273A5162:" #(#fn(";000n40V;I5040R340D:0B;36040<R3S082;I504833<0702112263:A0=1828364:0B;36040<B3\x870730<r252;390474051R360O@=070250<2615442774051513<0A0=182D64:833<0702112863:A0=1D8364:0B3>070290<26164:01C:07021162:7029026164:" #(error
   "compile error: invalid argument list "
   ". optional arguments must come after required." length= caar "compile error: invalid optional argument "
@@ -315,6 +310,10 @@
 	    #fn("7000n41J5020:21>1<61:" #((global)
 					  #fn(":000n120>71A0E5361:" #(#fn(";000n103@09133400:9120P:70910911=913;I504AV380912@70912KMO64:" #(lookup-sym))
   index-of))) lookup-sym)
+	    lower-define #fn("7000n120>D61:" #(#fn(";000n120?04AH;I80471A51340A:A<22C<07374A5161:75A<513J02627e1ATe10A51e178A5164:2973A62:" #(#fn("9000n12071051B3N072051B3=02371051P@7074051@60755061:" #(#fn("9000n120710517205162:" #(#fn("9000n20J401:2001e32122052P:" #(λ
+  #fn(map) #fn("6000n17060:" #(void)))) get-defined-vars lower-define)) cddr
+  cdddr begin caddr void) λ-body) quoted? define lower-define expand-define
+  is-lambda? #fn(nconc) λ lastcdr #fn(map)))) lower-define)
 	    macrocall? #fn("7000n10<R;3904700<61:" #(symbol-syntax) macrocall?)
 	    macroexpand-1 #fn("8000n10H3400:20>7105161:" #(#fn("7000n103800A=\x7f2:A:" #())
 							   macrocall?) macroexpand-1)
@@ -384,9 +383,9 @@
 	    printable? #fn("7000n120051;I80421051S:" #(#fn(iostream?)
 						       #fn(eof-object?)) printable?)
 	    quote-value #fn("7000n1700513400:210e2:" #(self-evaluating? quote) quote-value)
-	    random #fn("8000n1200513<0712250062:23500i2:" #(#fn(integer?) mod
-							    #fn(rand)
-							    #fn(rand-double)) random)
+	    quoted? #fn("7000n10<20Q:" #(quote) quoted?) random
+	    #fn("8000n1200513<0712250062:23500i2:" #(#fn(integer?) mod #fn(rand)
+						     #fn(rand-double)) random)
 	    read-all #fn("8000n17021062:" #(read-all-of #fn(read)) read-all)
 	    read-all-of #fn("9000n220>D51q015162:" #(#fn("6000n120>?040:" #(#fn("9000n2209115138071061:A10P9109115162:" #(#fn(io-eof?)
   reverse!))))) read-all-of)
@@ -461,7 +460,7 @@
 	    untrace #fn("8000n120>2105161:" #(#fn("9000n1700513@021A22051r2G62:D:" #(traced?
   #fn(set-top-level-value!) #fn(function:vals)))
 					      #fn(top-level-value)) untrace)
-	    values #fn("9000|00B;36040=V3500<:A0P:" #() #2#) vector->list
+	    values #fn("9000|00B;36040=V3500<:A0P:" #() #1#) vector->list
 	    #fn("8000n120>21051q62:" #(#fn(":000n2K020>~41:" #(#fn("8000n1910A0\x80GFPz01:" #())))
 				       #fn(length)) vector->list)
 	    vector-map #fn("8000n220>2115161:" #(#fn("8000n120>2105161:" #(#fn(":000n1EAK\x8020>~40:" #(#fn(":000n1A09209210G51p:" #())))
--- a/mkboot0.lsp
+++ b/mkboot0.lsp
@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@
              (set! update-compiler (λ () ()))))))
 (define (compile-file inf)
-  (update-compiler)
   (let ((in  (file inf :read)))
     (let next ((E (read in)))
       (if (not (io-eof? in))
-	  (begin
-	     (print (compile-thunk (expand E)))
-		 (princ "\n")
-		 (next (read in)))))
+          (begin
+             (print (compile-thunk (expand E)))
+                 (princ "\n")
+                 (next (read in)))))
     (io-close in)))
-(for-each (λ (file)
-	  (compile-file file))
-	  (cdr *argv*))
+(define (do-boot0)
+  (for-each (λ (file)
+              (compile-file file))
+              (cdr *argv*)))