ref: dde3628d54073e0569bf565e6ec861e42cfa35f6
dir: /sys/src/cmd/mothra/libpanel/draw.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> #include <panel.h> #include "pldefs.h" #define PWID 1 /* width of label border */ #define BWID 1 /* width of button relief */ #define FWID 1 /* width of frame relief */ #define SPACE 2 /* space inside relief of button or frame */ #define CKSIZE 3 /* size of check mark */ #define CKSPACE 2 /* space around check mark */ #define CKWID 1 /* width of frame around check mark */ #define CKINSET 1 /* space around check mark frame */ #define CKBORDER 2 /* space around X inside frame */ static Image *pl_light, *pl_dark, *pl_scrl, *pl_tick, *pl_hilit; Image *pl_blue, *pl_white, *pl_black; int pl_drawinit(void){ pl_white=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); pl_light=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); pl_dark=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, 0x777777FF); pl_scrl=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, 0x999999FF); pl_black=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, 0x000000FF); pl_hilit=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CHAN1(CAlpha,8), 1, 0x80); pl_blue=allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), RGB24, 1, 0x0000FFFF); if((pl_tick = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, TICKW, font->height), screen->chan, 0, DNofill)) != nil){ draw(pl_tick, pl_tick->r, pl_white, nil, ZP); draw(pl_tick, Rect(TICKW/2, 0, TICKW/2+1, font->height), pl_black, nil, ZP); draw(pl_tick, Rect(0, 0, TICKW, TICKW), pl_black, nil, ZP); draw(pl_tick, Rect(0, font->height-TICKW, TICKW, font->height), pl_black, nil, ZP); } if(pl_white==0 || pl_light==0 || pl_black==0 || pl_dark==0 || pl_scrl==0 || pl_blue==0 || pl_tick==0) sysfatal("allocimage: %r"); return 1; } Rectangle pl_boxoutline(Image *b, Rectangle r, int style, int fill){ int doborder; doborder = (style & BORDER) != 0; switch(style & ~BORDER){ case SUP: case TUP: if(fill) draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); else border(b, r, BWID+SPACE, pl_white, ZP); if(doborder) border(b, r, BWID, pl_black, ZP); r=insetrect(r, BWID); break; case UP: if(fill) draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); else border(b, r, BWID+SPACE, pl_white, ZP); if(doborder) border(b, r, BWID, pl_black, ZP); r=insetrect(r, BWID); break; case DOWN: case DOWN1: case DOWN2: case DOWN3: if(fill) draw(b, r, pl_dark, 0, ZP); else border(b, r, BWID+SPACE, pl_dark, ZP); if(doborder) border(b, r, BWID, pl_black, ZP); r=insetrect(r, BWID); break; case PASSIVE: if(fill) draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); else border(b, r, PWID+SPACE, pl_white, ZP); if(doborder) border(b, r, BWID, pl_black, ZP); r=insetrect(r, PWID); break; case FRAME: border(b, r, FWID, pl_black, ZP); r=insetrect(r, FWID); if(fill) draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); else border(b, r, SPACE, pl_white, ZP); break; } switch(style){ case SUP: return insetrect(r, SPACE-SPACE); default: return insetrect(r, SPACE); } } Rectangle pl_outline(Image *b, Rectangle r, int style){ return pl_boxoutline(b, r, style, 0); } Rectangle pl_box(Image *b, Rectangle r, int style){ return pl_boxoutline(b, r, style, 1); } Point pl_boxsize(Point interior, int state){ switch(state){ case UP: case DOWN: case DOWN1: case DOWN2: case DOWN3: return addpt(interior, Pt(2*(BWID+SPACE), 2*(BWID+SPACE))); case PASSIVE: return addpt(interior, Pt(2*(PWID+SPACE), 2*(PWID+SPACE))); case FRAME: return addpt(interior, Pt(2*FWID+2*SPACE, 2*FWID+2*SPACE)); } return Pt(0, 0); } void pl_interior(int state, Point *ul, Point *size){ switch(state){ case UP: case DOWN: case DOWN1: case DOWN2: case DOWN3: *ul=addpt(*ul, Pt(BWID+SPACE, BWID+SPACE)); *size=subpt(*size, Pt(2*(BWID+SPACE), 2*(BWID+SPACE))); break; case PASSIVE: *ul=addpt(*ul, Pt(PWID+SPACE, PWID+SPACE)); *size=subpt(*size, Pt(2*(PWID+SPACE), 2*(PWID+SPACE))); break; case FRAME: *ul=addpt(*ul, Pt(FWID+SPACE, FWID+SPACE)); *size=subpt(*size, Pt(2*FWID+2*SPACE, 2*FWID+2*SPACE)); } } void pl_drawicon(Image *b, Rectangle r, int stick, int flags, Icon *s){ Rectangle save; Point ul, offs; ul=r.min; offs=subpt(subpt(r.max, r.min), pl_iconsize(flags, s)); switch(stick){ case PLACENW: break; case PLACEN: ul.x+=offs.x/2; break; case PLACENE: ul.x+=offs.x; break; case PLACEW: ul.y+=offs.y/2; break; case PLACECEN: ul.x+=offs.x/2; ul.y+=offs.y/2; break; case PLACEE: ul.x+=offs.x; break; case PLACESW: ul.y+=offs.y; break; case PLACES: ul.x+=offs.x/2; ul.y+=offs.y; break; case PLACESE: ul.x+=offs.x; ul.y+=offs.y; break; } save=b->clipr; if(!rectclip(&r, save)) return; replclipr(b, b->repl, r); if(flags&BITMAP) draw(b, Rpt(ul, addpt(ul, pl_iconsize(flags, s))), s, 0, ZP); else string(b, ul, pl_black, ZP, font, s); replclipr(b, b->repl, save); } /* * Place a check mark at the left end of r. Return the unused space. * Caller must guarantee that r.max.x-r.min.x>=r.max.y-r.min.y! */ Rectangle pl_radio(Image *b, Rectangle r, int val){ Rectangle remainder; remainder=r; r.max.x=r.min.x+r.max.y-r.min.y; remainder.min.x=r.max.x; r=insetrect(r, CKINSET); border(b, r, CKWID, pl_white, ZP); r=insetrect(r, CKWID); draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); if(val) draw(b, insetrect(r, CKSPACE), pl_black, 0, ZP); return remainder; } Rectangle pl_check(Image *b, Rectangle r, int val){ Rectangle remainder; remainder=r; r.max.x=r.min.x+r.max.y-r.min.y; remainder.min.x=r.max.x; r=insetrect(r, CKINSET); border(b, r, CKWID, pl_white, ZP); r=insetrect(r, CKWID); draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); r=insetrect(r, CKBORDER); if(val){ line(b, Pt(r.min.x, r.min.y+1), Pt(r.max.x-1, r.max.y ), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_black, ZP); line(b, Pt(r.min.x, r.min.y ), Pt(r.max.x, r.max.y ), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_black, ZP); line(b, Pt(r.min.x+1, r.min.y ), Pt(r.max.x, r.max.y-1), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_black, ZP); line(b, Pt(r.min.x , r.max.y-2), Pt(r.max.x-1, r.min.y-1), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_black, ZP); line(b, Pt(r.min.x, r.max.y-1), Pt(r.max.x, r.min.y-1), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_black, ZP); line(b, Pt(r.min.x+1, r.max.y-1), Pt(r.max.x, r.min.y ), Endsquare, Endsquare, 0, pl_black, ZP); } return remainder; } int pl_ckwid(void){ return 2*(CKINSET+CKSPACE+CKWID)+CKSIZE; } void pl_sliderupd(Image *b, Rectangle r1, int dir, int lo, int hi){ Rectangle r2, r3; r2=r1; r3=r1; if(lo<0) lo=0; if(hi<=lo) hi=lo+1; switch(dir){ case HORIZ: r1.max.x=r1.min.x+lo; r2.min.x=r1.max.x; r2.max.x=r1.min.x+hi; if(r2.max.x>r3.max.x) r2.max.x=r3.max.x; r3.min.x=r2.max.x; break; case VERT: r1.max.y=r1.min.y+lo; r2.min.y=r1.max.y; r2.max.y=r1.min.y+hi; if(r2.max.y>r3.max.y) r2.max.y=r3.max.y; r3.min.y=r2.max.y; break; } draw(b, r1, pl_light, 0, ZP); draw(b, r2, pl_dark, 0, ZP); draw(b, r3, pl_light, 0, ZP); } void pl_scrollupd(Image *b, Rectangle r, int lo, int hi) { Rectangle sr; if(lo<0) lo=0; if(hi<=lo) hi=lo+1; sr=r; sr.min.y+=lo; sr.max.x-=1; sr.max.y=sr.min.y+hi; if(sr.max.y>r.max.y) sr.max.y=r.max.y; draw(b, r, pl_scrl, 0, ZP); draw(b, sr, pl_light, 0, ZP); } void pl_draw1(Panel *p, Image *b); void pl_drawall(Panel *p, Image *b){ if(p->flags&INVIS || p->flags&IGNORE) return; p->b=b; p->draw(p); for(p=p->child;p;p=p->next) pl_draw1(p, b); } void pl_draw1(Panel *p, Image *b){ if(b!=0) pl_drawall(p, b); } void pldraw(Panel *p, Image *b){ pl_draw1(p, b); } void pl_invis(Panel *p, int v){ for(;p;p=p->next){ if(v) p->flags|=INVIS; else p->flags&=~INVIS; pl_invis(p->child, v); } } Point pl_iconsize(int flags, Icon *p){ if(flags&BITMAP) return subpt(((Image *)p)->r.max, ((Image *)p)->r.min); return stringsize(font, (char *)p); } void pl_highlight(Image *b, Rectangle r){ draw(b, r, pl_dark, pl_hilit, ZP); } void pl_drawtick(Image *b, Rectangle r){ draw(b, r, pl_tick, nil, ZP); } void pl_clr(Image *b, Rectangle r){ draw(b, r, display->white, 0, ZP); } void pl_fill(Image *b, Rectangle r){ draw(b, r, pl_light, 0, ZP); } void pl_cpy(Image *b, Point dst, Rectangle src){ draw(b, Rpt(dst, addpt(dst, subpt(src.max, src.min))), b, 0, src.min); }