shithub: git9

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ref: dbb282645f990d8b05ce050bf09ed79d7dcd5f8c
parent: ad533617e0f5838d09704140bb0e6d159bf56511
author: Ori Bernstein <>
date: Mon Mar 9 18:36:19 EDT 2020

update readme to document how to get it.

--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -17,6 +17,35 @@
 Git/fs is usable, but not battle tested. It works for me, and covers
 the features I need on a daily basis.
+Getting Started
+Get a bootstrap copy:
+	% cd /tmp
+	% hget | tar xvzf
+	% cd git9-master
+	% mk all
+	% mk install
+Get an updatable version from git:
+	% cd $home/src
+	% git/clone
+	% cd git9
+	% mk all
+	% mk install
+Configure your user name and email:
+	% echo '
+	[user]
+		name=Ori Bernstein
+	' > $home/lib/git/config
+And start committing!