shithub: fuzz

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ref: bafb7ededb9b9de3f3e01614a2b22c059713f7ea
parent: 4cd7e0154ebe47590f9b33b1d6c4d7ac3d957afa
author: glenda <glenda@cpre431>
date: Sat Oct 27 16:14:58 EDT 2018

add list implementation to track input types (in order) of a given function (and as a utility). also refactor list of enums representing syscalls available from user space.

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
 ## Usage
+To perform up to round 5 of fuzzing for the read, write, open, and close calls:
+	fuzz -n 5 read write open close
 ## Recommended reading
--- a/fuzz.h
+++ b/fuzz.h
@@ -1,68 +1,85 @@
 #ifndef FUZZ_H
 #define FUZZ_H
+#include "list.h"
 For full list of syscalls:
+If systab doesn't exist, do: cd /sys/src/9/port && mk
- */
-// List of all system calls with sc_ prefix added
+// User space syscall definitions as per libc.h with sc_ prefix added
 typedef int call;
 enum call {
-	sc__errstr,
-	sc__exits,
-	sc__fsession,
-	sc__fstat,
-	sc__fwstat,
-	sc__mount,
-	sc__nsec,
-	sc__read,
-	sc__stat,
-	sc__wait,
-	sc__write,
-	sc__wstat,
-	sc_alarm,
-	sc_await,
-	sc_bind,
-	sc_brk_,
-	sc_chdir,
-	sc_close,
-	sc_create,
-	sc_dup,
-	sc_errstr,
-	sc_exec,
-	sc_fauth,
-	sc_fd2path,
-	sc_fstat,
-	sc_fversion,
-	sc_fwstat,
-	sc_mount,
-	sc_noted,
-	sc_notify,
-	sc_open,
-	sc_oseek,
-	sc_pipe,
-	sc_pread,
-	sc_pwrite,
-	sc_remove,
-	sc_rendezvous,
-	sc_rfork,
-	sc_seek,
-	sc_segattach,
-	sc_segbrk,
-	sc_segdetach,
-	sc_segflush,
-	sc_segfree,
-	sc_semacquire,
-	sc_semrelease,
-	sc_sleep,
-	sc_stat,
-	sc_sysr1,
-	sc_tsemacquire,
-	sc_unmount,
-	sc_wstat
+sc_exits	,		//	_exits(char*);
+sc_abort	,		//	abort(void);
+sc_access	,		//	access(char*, int);
+sc_alarm	,		//	alarm(ulong);
+sc_await	,		//	await(char*, int);
+sc_bind	,		//	bind(char*, char*, int);
+sc_brk	,		//	brk(void*);
+sc_chdir	,		//	chdir(char*);
+sc_close	,		//	close(int);
+sc_create	,		//	create(char*, int, ulong);
+sc_dup	,		//	dup(int, int);
+sc_errstr	,		//	errstr(char*, uint);
+sc_exec	,		//	exec(char*, char*[]);
+sc_execl	,		//	execl(char*, ...);
+sc_fork	,		//	fork(void);
+sc_rfork	,		//	rfork(int);
+sc_fauth	,		//	fauth(int, char*);
+sc_fstat	,		//	fstat(int, uchar*, int);
+sc_fwstat	,		//	fwstat(int, uchar*, int);
+sc_fversion,		//	fversion(int, int, char*, int);
+sc_mount	,		//	mount(int, int, char*, int, char*);
+sc_unmount,		//	unmount(char*, char*);
+sc_noted	,		//	noted(int);
+sc_notify	,		//	notify(void(*)(void*, char*));
+sc_open	,		//	open(char*, int);
+sc_fd2path,		//	fd2path(int, char*, int);
+sc_pipe	,		//	pipe(int*);
+sc_pread	,		//	pread(int, void*, long, vlong);
+sc_preadv,		//	preadv(int, IOchunk*, int, vlong);
+sc_pwrite	,		//	pwrite(int, void*, long, vlong);
+sc_pwritev,		//	pwritev(int, IOchunk*, int, vlong);
+sc_read	,		//	read(int, void*, long);
+sc_readn	,		//	readn(int, void*, long);
+sc_readv	,		//	readv(int, IOchunk*, int);
+sc_remove,		//	remove(char*);
+sc_sbrk	,		//	sbrk(ulong);
+sc_oseek	,		//	oseek(int, long, int);
+sc_seek,			//	seek(int, vlong, int);
+sc_segattach,		//	segattach(int, char*, void*, ulong);
+sc_segbrk	,		//	segbrk(void*, void*);
+sc_segdetach,		//	segdetach(void*);
+sc_segflush,		//	segflush(void*, ulong);
+sc_segfree,		//	segfree(void*, ulong);
+sc_semacquire,	//	semacquire(long*, int);
+sc_semrelease	,	//	semrelease(long*, long);
+sc_sleep,			//	sleep(long);
+sc_stat,			//	stat(char*, uchar*, int);
+sc_tsemacquire,	//	tsemacquire(long*, ulong);
+sc_wait,			//	wait(void);
+sc_waitpid,		//	waitpid(void);
+sc_write,			//	write(int, void*, long);
+sc_writev,			//	writev(int, IOchunk*, int);
+sc_wstat,			//	wstat(char*, uchar*, int);
+sc_rendezvous,	//	rendezvous(void*, void*);
+sc_dirstat,		//	dirstat(char*);
+sc_dirfstat,		//	dirfstat(int);
+sc_dirwstat,		//	dirwstat(char*, Dir*);
+sc_dirfwstat,		//	dirfwstat(int, Dir*);
+sc_dirread,		//	dirread(int, Dir**);
+sc_nulldir,		//	nulldir(Dir*);
+sc_dirreadall,		//	dirreadall(int, Dir**);
+sc_getpid	,		//	getpid(void);
+sc_getppid,		//	getppid(void);
+sc_rerrstr,		//	rerrstr(char*, uint);
+sc_sysname,		//	sysname(void);
+sc_werrstr		//	werrstr(char*, ...);
 // Structure to track state of system calling
@@ -69,9 +86,10 @@
 typedef struct caller caller;
 struct caller
-	call		c;			// System call in use
+	call			c;			// System call in use
 	char*		name;		// Real name of syscall
-	int			round;	// Last run executed
+	int			round;		// Last run executed
+	List			inputs;
 /* == Function prototypes == */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/list.c
@@ -1,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "list.h"
+// Create a new list
+	return (List){nil, 0};
+// Append to a list
+ladd(List* l, void* p)
+	int i;
+	Node* new = malloc(sizeof(Node));
+	new->dat = p;
+	new->next = nil;
+	Node* n = l->root;
+	//Node* prev = nil;
+	if(l->size == 0){
+		l->root = new;
+		new->next = nil;
+		l->size++;
+		return;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
+		if(i != l->size-1)
+			n = n->next;
+	}
+	n->next = new;
+	new->next = nil;
+	l->size++;
+	return;
+// Search → delete from a list
+ldel(List* l, void* tofind, int(*comp)(void *, void *))
+	int i;
+	void* dat = nil;
+	Node* n = l->root;
+	Node* prev = nil;
+	if(l->size == 0){
+		return dat;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
+		if((*comp)(n->dat, tofind)){
+			if(l->size == 1){
+				// 1 node
+				dat = n->dat;
+				free(n);
+				l->root = nil;
+			}else if(i == 0){
+				// 0 nodes
+				l->root = n->next;
+				dat = n->dat;
+				free(n);
+			}else if(i == l->size-1){
+				// We are the last node
+				prev->next = nil;
+				dat = n->dat;
+				free(n);
+			}else{
+				// this is probably unsafe
+				prev->next = n->next;
+				dat = n->dat;
+				free(n);
+			}
+			l->size--;
+			return dat;
+		}
+		prev = n;
+		if(i != l->size-1)
+			n = n->next;
+	}
+	return dat;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/list.h
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef LIST_H
+#define LIST_H
+#define true 1
+#define false 0
+#define BUFSIZE 256
+/* List (Queue) Architecture */
+typedef struct Node Node;
+typedef struct List List;
+struct Node {
+	Node*	next;
+	void*	dat;
+struct List {
+	Node*	root;
+	int		size;
+// Create a new list
+List mklist(void);
+// Append to a list
+void ladd(List*, void*);
+// Search → delete from a list
+void* ldel(List*, void*, int(*comp)(void *, void *));
--- a/mkfile
+++ b/mkfile
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
 BIN = /$objtype/bin
 OFILES = main.$O \
-					input.$O
+		input.$O \
+		list.$O
-HFILES = fuzz.h
+HFILES = fuzz.h list.h
 MAN =